#had to squeeze those tags in before the 5 tag mark
jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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im learning how to sketch digitally! also um animation practice!! i dont know what im doing, but im doing!!
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 5. Clothed Sex - Loki
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Kinktober Day 5. Clothed Sex - Loki x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, maid/master sex, size difference, wall sex, public sex, magic, clothed sex, creampie no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link
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Your arms struggled to hold the large pile of freshly washed linen as you hurried down the dimly lit corridor, trying your best not to crease having just spent the last hour removing any that were there before.
Turning a corner down an even longer corridor, an impossibly cold hand covered your mouth, gently shoving your face first into the adjacent wall.
“Careful Darling, someone might catch us” it was an immediate response to hearing his voice as your body and mind relaxed as Prince Loki stood before you.
“Prince?” you tried to turn towards him, wishing to look at him and wondering why you were being pushed against the wall where anyone could see you but his taller frame trapped you against the stone.
“Shh, please at least try to keep your voice down” he muttered hardly audible as his lips began trailing tender kisses up the column of your neck causing a shiver to ripple through your body.
Closing your eyes, you basked in the sensations he was causing. You and Loki had been secretly fucking for months now, having been assigned to be the maid in his section of the palace, the Prince had been quick to use his silver tongue and now you seemed to spend more time bent over a desk than cleaning.
However, these encounters usually were reserved to his private rooms, not in the middle of a random corridor. Trying again to turn your head slightly, you managed to keep your voice low, “Prince, we can’t do this here”.
“Hmm.. why not? No one will see either of us, I will make sure of that”. You knew he was referring to his magic and you’d seen him training more than ever with his mother but you were still unsure. Your throat felt tight as you swallowed down your fears and concentrated on the way your body was reacting, it was almost automatic for your body to prepare itself for him, in between your legs becoming wet.
Loki chuckled darkly at your actions moving his hand to your throat showing his dominance. You tried to grab his hand but in doing so, nearly dropped the linens in your hand, causing the two of you to jolt to catch them before they landed on the floor.
“Why don’t you concentrate on holding those, and I’ll do the rest” Loki suggested leaving you to babble wanting to say something back but instead giving up and clutching onto the material like your life depended on it.
Loki’s hands moved lower, easing up the material of your dress until it was bunch around your waist, leaving your underwear to be exposed. You noted the way that the Prince sucked in a breath, he did always love these particular dark green laced panties, and you also did secretly pick them out because they were his favourite.
Turning your face so that you could look over your shoulder, you watched as his fingers undid his belt with a simple flick of the wrist, hastily pulling aside the fabric to release his thickened cock.
Your cunt began squeezing in anticipation, even as you tried to ignore the fear that creeps up your spine at the possibility of being caught, if anyone found Prink Loki fucking a maid, it would be a scandal.
Your mouth gaped open in a silent moan as Loki moved your underwear to the side, and began pressing his cock to your entrance, your arousal coating his length as he eased himself in. Biting your lip to keep you quiet, you savoured the drag of his cock against your inner walls as he thrust in, his cold hands gripping onto your hips with fierceness.
Loki’s mouth returned to the side of your neck, nipping the skin, making sure as to not mark it, that would be for later on when he had you utterly bare before him, always marking your skin with his teeth where no one else could see but he knew they would be there.
As he pulled out until only his tip remained in your cunt, both of you paused, hearing the obvious footsteps of someone heading in your direction. Loki’s hand cupped around your mouth again, making sure you did not speak a word, his hips stilling but your heart pounded in your chest, fear prickling the back of your neck as you saw a guard walking down the corridor.
It felt like an eternity of waiting to see if he would react but the guard continued walking past, not so much as glancing in either of your directions. You guessed Loki had been practising his magic more than you’d realised as he had managed to hide you both perfectly.
As the guard disappeared around the corner and a door opened and closed, taking away the sounds of his footsteps, the Prince snap his hips into you, causing you to groan unexpectedly.
Loki removed his hand from your mouth, placing it back onto your hips to help him thrust harder into you and not being able to trust yourself, you brought the linen up to hide your face and cover your mouth.
Each thrust of his hips had your body jerking forward into the wall, meaning that his cock brushed against the beautiful spot deep within your pussy walls that had your knees shaking with each stroke.
Your breaths were heavy as he fucked you hard, feeling constricted by your clothes, the material feeling itchy and tight so much so that you wished to remove them all, wanting to feel his cool skin against your burning skin. However, you did love the thrill of doing it in the corridor so spontaneously, knowing you had a job you were supposed to be doing.
The sensation rushed over you quickly, the inevitable tightening in your abdomen that spread over your cunt and into the top of your thighs. You’d forgotten that you were in a public place as your orgasm rushed over you, only just being able to keep your voice at a whisper volume as you huffed, “Prince”, glad that he was also holding you up as your legs wobbled.
It didn’t take much longer for your convulsing cunt to cause Loki to cum, his thrusting uncoordinated before stilling, releasing a long breath as you could feel both of our juices smearing in between your legs.
Pulling out his half-limp cock, Loki quickly pulled your underwear back, making sure to not let any of his cum spills out, keeping it all locked in. As he swiftly tucked his cock into his trousers, you were able to pull your dress back down, turning to him and looking up with a glazed expression, seeing that he was smirking cockily down at you.
“Be in my quarters at the usual time” he didn’t give you time to respond before rushing off down the corridor.
Taking a deep breath, you began to carry on with your original journey, trying to ignore the cum patch in your underwear. Still, as you glanced down at the linen in your arms, you sighed heavily seeing that it was all scrunched up and creased so turning on the spot, you headed back towards laundry for fresh sheets.
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sluttyten · 1 year
You In My Arms
Chapter 5: Risk and Reward
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full masterlist || haechan masterlist || YIMA chapter index
summary: haechan sees lots of things he's not meant to see, but finally he sees something that has been right in front of him all this time
length: 13,971 words
tags: voyeurism, exhibitionism, slowburn, friends to lovers, masturbation, general perversion, smut
previous chapter || next chapter 
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There were moments Haechan felt like he was drowning. 
With finals, working at the restaurant, searching for a job to jumpstart his career, and graduation preparations as the semester dwindles down, Haechan doesn’t have much time to do anything else. Not even his creepy perversions. 
He isn’t given the chance for a repeat performance with Jeno and Jaemin, though he thinks about the night he watched them from across the room fairly often. Luckily, things continue as normal with his friends. They don’t treat him any differently except for the morning after all that. 
Jeno had cornered Haechan on the front porch of the house before he left. “Don’t tell anyone about this. I know how you get, Haechan. How you were with Shotaro and his girlfriend. Now that you know about Jaemin and I, now that you’ve watched us, just keep it to yourself. Please. We’ll tell everyone when we’re ready.”
Now, that situation back in October was a bit different. Haechan had liked Shotaro’s girlfriend; his actions had been rooted in jealousy. There’s nothing like that involving either Jaemin or Jeno, so Haechan vows to keep his silence. 
Sure, some nights when he just needs to relieve a bit of stress he’ll queue up the video from that night of his two friends, have a quick wank before passing out for the night, but he doesn’t get the chance to watch anyone again or even so much as eavesdrop since YangYang and his pretty girl had stopped seeing each other. 
Haechan focuses on staying afloat in his life during the last few weeks of the semester. He keeps his eyes on his future, a rapidly approaching moment sitting on the horizon. 
Perhaps he clings on to a few particularly happy moments — the lifesavers keeping him adrift in the chaotic sea that is those last few weeks of the semester. 
He holds close to his heart the memories from the night he hangs out at the rental house playing video games and drinking (and reminiscing until they’re all crying, but they don’t talk about the tears afterwards); only him, Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung were there that night, just as they had been from the start when twists of fate threw them all together here at the university. 
Haechan fondly remembers snippets of moments with friends between classes: dancing and joking around with Shotaro, playing basketball with Chenle and Mark, grabbing coffees between classes with the girl he shares almost all of his classes with — the day that she almost laughed so hard her drink almost came out her nose, all because he’d accidentally smeared the whipped cream from his drink all across his upper lip. 
He remembers one of those nights when the season was still fluctuating between hot days and cool, dewy nights. Several of them had gone bowling and then gone for ice cream; it was silly and felt a bit childish as they piled candy on top of scoops of ice cream, all of them talking loudly over each other and laughing until the workers at the ice cream place were glaring at them. 
They’d taken their ice creams to go, sat in the park across the street even though the night had grown misty and cold. There were a few small, round tables squeezed together on a square patch of concrete, and that’s where they all sat. 
Haechan found himself seated with Jeno and her. She’d spent the last fifteen minutes telling them all she really needed to be getting home, trying to convince Haechan that they should’ve both stayed at their dorms to study for the exam they had the following day. He wouldn’t be convinced of that, and had actually convinced her instead that she needed ice cream. So here they sat, laughing and eating ice cream with their friends even though the night couldn’t be more than a handful of degrees above freezing. 
Xiaojun was sitting at the other table, telling everyone who would listen that his mint chocolate monstrosity of ice cream was delicious — covered in hot fudge and Oreo bits and small chunks of chocolatey mints. 
Beside Haechan, she wrinkled her nose. 
“Not a fan of mint chocolate?” Haechan asked. 
She shook her head. “Nope. Tastes like toothpaste.”
Haechan laughed, fully in agreement. “So what did you get?” He looked at the cup of pink ice cream in front of her, the ice cream almost hidden beneath flecks of rainbow and bits of chocolate and something else. “Unicorn Shit?”
She’d glared, Jeno laughed, and Haechan reached over with his spoon to steal a bite of her ice cream before she could protest. It had been fruity — probably strawberry — with brownie and cheesecake, rainbow sprinkles and chocolate shavings. She’d stared in open-mouthed shock as he shoved a heaping spoonful of her ice cream into his mouth. 
He’d gotten brain freeze from it, but it had been worth it. She was the picture of irritation with her lips pressed together and her fingers tapping on the table, and Haechan made it up to her by surrendering to her the rest of his own ice cream as he went around to sample the rest of their friends’ ice creams (except for Xiaojun’s MinCho Monstrosity.)
Perhaps it had been the mingling of all of his friends’ germs in his mouth that resulted a few days later in a brutal cold that stole his voice. It was miserable with a headache and congestion and a sore throat for days, and even after most of his symptoms were alleviated, his voice only slowly returned to him. 
“Gonna kiss a prince to make your voice return, Little Mermaid?” YangYang teased him one day while Haechan’s voice was still barely more than a raspy whisper. Haechan threw himself at YangYang, trying to wrestle him and steal a kiss, which just ended up with Haechan pinned to the floor while YangYang blushed and shouted that that’s not what he meant. 
It takes a few more days, but soon Haechan’s voice is almost completely returned. His voice is still fragile enough as to embarrass him by cracking like a boy freshly thrown into puberty, but that doesn’t hold Haechan back from attending a job interview for a job he desperately wanted. A position at the Moon Corporation, headed by Moon Taeil who had graduated at the end of Haechan’s first semester of university. 
He shouldn’t be at all surprised when he walks in and sees her there waiting for an interview. They’ve been studying towards the same degree since the start; she also knew Taeil in that first semester. But she sits there fidgeting while waiting to be called back for her interview, and Haechan knows he should be running over the interview questions he’d been preparing, but he studies her from the corner of his eye instead. 
She won’t stop fidgeting nervously, tucking a loose curl of hair behind her ear only for it to fall back in front of her eyes as soon as she bows her head forward. She crosses and uncrosses her ankles, bounces a foot, shifts her weight a little too far when she goes to cross one leg over the other and nearly loses her balance.  
Haechan laughs a bit to himself when he remembers that just the night before they’d been hanging out with all their friends. They’d taken a group picture to commemorate the friendship, with everyone all together, and she’d stood right there by Haechan. He’d just simply tried to pose with her, but she’d nearly fallen over as soon as he touched her. He’d steadied her, his hand on her waist just long enough for the picture. 
But that was enough. 
The rest of the night he could smell her shampoo or her perfume or whatever it was. Like those three seconds of contact had been enough to get her scent all over him. It hadn’t helped when she sat down beside him to sing more karaoke songs. His voice was still a little too hoarse for him to want to damage it more by singing his heart out all night like he really wanted to do, so he’d sat there quietly all night in control of the song selections. But Haechan had wanted to sing along with her when she chose some of his favorite ballad songs. 
Earlier in the night she’d made a request to sing “You In My Arms” by Yoo Jaeha, and Haechan had been stunned. He had a little bit of a history with that song, he liked it, and hearing someone sing it (and sing it fairly well) had just been really nice. 
He’s still thinking of that, replaying the fond memories of the night before, when she’s called back for her interview. Not even a minute later, someone named Johnny Suh calls Haechan back for his interview. 
Turns out Mr. Suh was basically Mr. Moon’s right hand man. He seemed like a cool guy, he took a quick liking to Haechan, and the interview was done pretty quickly with a job offer at the end. 
Haechan floated out of the Moon Corporation’s building on Cloud Nine, and it only got better when he saw his friend exiting just ahead of him. She was smiling and glowing, her eyes alight as she tipped her head back to the sunlight. 
He probably didn’t even need to ask, but he wanted her to realize he was standing behind her, so he asked, “Well, how did it go?” 
She spun around, looking a little startled, but she relaxed as soon as she laid eyes on him, though she still seemed surprised to see him. He watched as her emotions painted a clear picture on her face, the way that her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her lips. 
She was radiating happiness and a golden glow, like she was full of sunlight. Her hands came up to her cheeks, hiding her brilliant smile a bit as she said, “I got the job!” And wrapped in her happiness, it took a moment before her eyes went a little wide and she asked, “And what about you?”
A little smugly perhaps, Haechan responded, “I got it too, of course.”
Her little warm bubble of happiness looked inviting, and Haechan wanted to be a part of it. So he walked up to her, put his arm around her shoulders, and said, “You already know I could charm my way into anything.” 
She screwed her face up, pushed a hand weakly at him as if to push him away. There’s no real force behind it, and the way that the corner of her mouth quirked up a little and she relaxed into him, Haechan knew that she didn’t really want him to move away. Even when she started walking, Haechan stuck with her, and he laughed when she light-heartedly complained, “So I’m stuck with you even after graduation?”
She didn’t sound even remotely serious. As a matter of fact, Haechan thought she might have even sounded a little bit hopeful, but that could just be him putting his own inflection on her words as they repeated in his ears. 
It’s a nice feeling knowing that even when most of their friends were going to be moving away, they would at least still have each other. And that’s a certainty as they made a promise to each other standing there on the sidewalk, pinky fingers wrapped together, a light breeze blowing that loose curl of hair in front of her eyes again. 
Haechan was tempted to tuck that curl behind her ear, in the same way he’d noticed her doing so many times earlier. 
But he kept his hands where they were: one still tucked in the pocket of his nicest pair of pants, and the other hand busy with his pinky sealing a promise with hers. 
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Graduation arrives so quickly, those last couple of weeks passing by faster than he’d thought possible. And suddenly Haechan finds himself facing the rest of his life. 
Before reality has to really start, Haechan and the rest of his merry band of friends galavant off to Thailand for a week. There’s a nice private rental house beside the beach, located a short walk from town, and they have nothing to do all week but themselves while they ignore their responsibilities.
Haechan finds his voyeuristic kink reawakening now presented with ample opportunities in Thailand. 
First is waking up to his roommate, YangYang, humping his fist and trying to be quiet in the dark hours of predawn. Haechan watches and grows unbearably hard, but doesn’t touch himself until after he hears YangYang start snoring again, having fallen asleep in the aftermath of his orgasm. 
Second, he finds someone’s phone just sitting out on a chair by the pool, and inside of whose it is, Haechan taps the screen, and he discovers whoever it is doesn’t have Face ID or a passcode, so their entire little world sits available at Haechan’s fingertips. He goes looking into their camera roll, initially with the purpose of finding out who it belongs to via selfies, but then…. A more voyeuristic curiosity takes over. 
In the photo albums on the phone, he finds videos and pictures of the sort that should definitely be password protected. Faceless videos of a man jerking off, videos of twink boys riding obscene dildos, a couple videos of a petite man fucking a larger man and a few more of the petite man getting fucked from the back with big hands on his tiny waist. And then finally Haechan spots a selfie tucked there in between the sex videos and the innocent other material in the camera roll. 
And a moment later, a selfie with Renjun kissing a man on the cheek, a pretty older man that Haechan feels like he vaguely recognizes, though he’s not sure where he might recognize him from. 
He watches a few more videos — Renjun showing off a plug, pulling it out of his pretty bare hole; Renjun sitting on a guy’s lap while a big hand jerks them both off; Renjun and a girl fucking in a car; Renjun eating a girl out; the man groaning as he works out at the gym, then Renjun turning the camera down to show off the pulse in the front of his shorts as he walks over to the guy. Again, Haechan can’t help thinking that the other man looks familiar. 
Either way, watching the videos makes Haechan’s dick fill out in his shorts. 
He didn’t know Renjun was into guys. Sure, he’s not been with a lot of girls in the past four and a half years that Haechan has known him, but there have been a handful of girls that Haechan has heard about. There haven’t been any guys. 
How many of his friends are secretly into guys?
Well, he supposes, to some of his friends, he could be counted in that number too.
Haechan returns to a video of Renjun riding a dildo, a long tentacular one with a very thin tip and a thick base. He sits out there by the poolside, watching the way Renjun sinks down on it, his hole stretching to take it all in. 
He watches it probably three times (it’s a short video) before he decides he needs this video for himself. So he quickly sends it and a couple more videos — the girl riding Renjun in the car, one close-up video of a sloppy blowjob — to himself in a message, feels his phone buzz in his pocket with the notifications. He opens the videos on his phone, saves them, and then on Renjun’s phone deletes any proof of that having happened. 
The third voyeuristic opportunity arrives when he catches Renjun also fucking a girl in the outdoor shower. So he’s definitely not just into guys if he’s still messing around with girls after those latest pictures and videos of him with a guy, Haechan realizes. The girl Renjun is with in the shower has her face hidden from view, her chest against the wall of the semi-enclosed shower, and Renjun fucks her from behind. 
Haechan stands just outside the flimsy gate of this outdoor shower, peering through the gap where the gate came unlatched. He sees when Renjun pulls out, when the girl drops to her knees, and Haechan hears the sound of her gagging obscenely around Renjun’s cock. He still can’t see her face — can’t determine if this is a tourist or local girl or which of their friends this is on her knees for Renjun — but Haechan can see the way her hand dips down between her thighs to finger herself while she blows him, a colorful braided bracelet on her wrist flashing to catch his attention. He sees the way she squirts around her fingers, liquid dripping to the ground. Haechan hangs around only long enough to listen to Renjun groan with pleasure as he cums in her mouth, and then Haechan leaves, needing somewhere private for his own relief. 
The fourth opportunity is found when he walks into the kitchen one morning to see Mark on his knees, eating his girlfriend out in front of the refrigerator, wasting all that cool air. This time Haechan doesn’t even try to hide himself, he’s too hungover to care about hiding how he wants to watch. And besides, they’re the horny couple getting it on in the kitchen; if they don’t want anyone watching, they should be more careful. 
Mark pauses when Haechan pulls a chair back at the table, but his girlfriend just moans and reaches down to lace her fingers through Mark’s hair and pull him back in. Haechan fists his cock beneath the table, cumming in his pants at the same time as she cums on Mark’s tongue. 
Afterwards, Mark threatens him and asks him not to mention it to anyone, and Haechan just grins and promises. 
Over the week, when he’s not spying on his friends to watch them fucking, Haechan locks himself in the bathroom and watches the videos he sent himself from Renjun’s phone. Not that he wants to fuck Renjun because he doesn’t, but he just really likes watching these videos knowing that Renjun doesn’t know he has them. Plus he likes the sound of the moans, likes the way the girl’s ass bounces in that video in the car. He likes watching the end of the blowjob video to see cum overflowing Renjun’s lips. 
He keeps them to himself, and just thinks about how glad he is that he came on this trip purely for his own voyeuristic pleasure. 
And then, on their final day, he hits the jackpot. It’s like everyone took a horny pill that morning. 
He spots Shotaro and his girlfriend cuddle-fucking in the pool. He notices Xiaojun sitting on the beach with a local girl that took an interest in him, and when he looks closer he sees her hand tucked inside Xiaojun’s shorts while her top is pulled down to expose her tits. Haechan happens upon Jaemin and Jeno jerking each other off while making out in that outdoor shower. And then they’re all drinking that night, toasting to four years of friendship, toasting to their futures, to Thailand, to the happy couples in their midst, toasting to Jeno’s cat, to Mark’s easy ability to laugh, to YangYang’s drinks, to Chenle’s cooking, toasting to everything they can think of. 
The night starts to draw to a close when one of Haechan’s comments pisses off Renjun, and he leaves to head back inside. After that, the drinking continues for a little while, but everyone starts to drift away, disappearing into the house to get some sleep before they all head to the airport for their flight in the morning. 
Haechan is one of the last to go to sleep that night, and he’s only slightly surprised when he goes to walk into the room he’s sharing with YangYang, but he finds the door locked. A soft moan pours out from behind the closed door. 
Kicked out of his own room, Haechan tiptoes instead to the big room down the hallway where the floor has been covered in blankets all week. It’s the overflow room for the friends that there weren’t enough individual beds for and those that jumped onto this trip rather last-minute, so they didn’t get their own rooms and all had to share this one. 
Only the faint glow of a small light in the corner provides Haechan enough light to avoid stepping on anyone as he searches for an empty spot. 
He finds one at the far end of the room beside one of the girls. 
She rolls over onto her back when Haechan lies down beside her. Her face catches the light, and at last Haechan can see who she is. 
His friend and future coworker. 
They’ve been here before, sleeping beside each other on a trip. Last time it was a bigger, more comfortable bed, but similar to that night, all Haechan can smell is her and something about it speaks to that coil of lust that’s always lurking in his belly. 
She turns her head on the pillow, kicks her legs a little, and the blanket covering her shifts, revealing bare legs. She’s only wearing a pair of panties, just a thin tshirt that’s riding up her ribs to reveal her belly. 
Haechan stares for a moment at her panties, at the tiny bow adorning the center of the waistband. He grips his pillow, his fingers itching to instead reach out and touch her. But he doesn’t because, although he might be a pervert that enjoys watching, Haechan won’t touch her without permission. 
But he will look at her. At the curve of her thighs, her hips, her belly. He’ll admire the light way her lips part, the way that her hair twists around her face. 
She lifts an arm over her head, sighing slightly. And then Haechan notices a braided bracelet on her wrist, one that sends his mind reeling back to a few days ago when he caught Renjun with the girl in the outdoor shower. 
The bracelet is the same. 
It was her?
But she’s… she’s not like that, is she?
Haechan had forgotten, but now a memory comes rushing back, months ago on that Halloween night, he’d bumped into her. She’d been dressed as an angel, and he’d called her innocent because truly he’s never heard much of anything about her sexual escapades. He knows she’s not a virgin. She’d hooked up with Mark and Xiaojun in the past. He’d never imagined she was anything other than perfectly vanilla. Just missionary in bed with the lights off. That type of vanilla. 
Not the type to blow Renjun in the outdoor shower of their vacation home where anyone could see. 
She’d always seemed so proper and innocent. 
But maybe he’s been thinking about her all wrong, and now he’s seeing her in a whole new light. 
In the present moment, she moves again. She flips over onto her belly, bringing her knee up so her leg is bent. She’s so close now that only centimeters keep her knee from touching Haechan’s side. He holds his breath to keep from breathing in more of her intoxicating perfume. Already his cock is half-hard just from the smell of her. Like he’s a fucking animal breathing in her pheromones. Not to mention his shocking realization that she’s not the innocent angel he’d believed her to be. It burns in his blood, turning him on even more to think of her now in this new light. 
Damn, what is wrong with him?
He stares at her ass for a moment. 
And then she makes a sound. 
Well, not just a sound. 
She says his name. 
“Haechan,” is just a sigh from her lips. Her eyebrows furrow together a little. 
Fuck, she’s awake. 
Her eyelashes flutter as she takes a peek at him. 
“Sorry,” he whispers, “There was nowhere else to sleep tonight. YangYang kicked me out of the room we were sharing.”
“Don’t care. Just stop staring at my ass.” She mumbles, hiding her face again in her pillow. “I’m trying to sleep.”
Haechan lies flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling. A ceiling fan slowly turns circles overhead, barely circulating the humid air of the room. He kicks his blanket off a moment later, too warm to keep it on. She shifts beside him, grumbling when his blanket lands over her feet, and she moves a little farther away. 
The heat in this room is truly unbearable. Maybe it’s the number of bodies packed in here, or just the low speed of the ceiling fan, but either way, Haechan feels like he’s sweating his skin off. He yanks his shirt over his head, kicks his shorts off, and he lies there on the blankets in just his underwear. The faint air movement passes over his bare skin now, offering a tiny bit of relief, enough that he relaxes and feels himself finally being lulled to sleep. 
Until several minutes later he hears a soft sound, so quiet that it could almost have been his imagination. He holds very still, listening more intently to the sound of rustling fabric, to a tiny tiny whimper. 
He doesn’t dare open his eyes to take a peek, but he knows that sound. It’s the sound of someone trying to be sneaky about getting off in the room where at least one other person is. 
He remembers that Mark and his girlfriend are sleeping in this room. Could be them. It’s definitely a girl. 
Someone somewhere in the room coughs and moves around to get comfortable. The other sounds pause for a moment. Haechan holds his breath, waiting. 
A sigh. 
The sound of a hand moving over fabric, slowly to avoid making too much sound, and then a soft repetitive sound of rubbing fabric. It takes a great deal of his willpower to keep from opening his eyes to take a look around the room. He just lies there and listens, trying to figure out who it is in the room that’s getting up to something. 
And then a knee bumps against his leg, matching up with the hitch in the other person’s breathing. 
Her? The girl sleeping beside him?
She doesn’t withdraw her leg. 
Again, someone coughs. Her knee presses a little more against Haechan’s leg. There’s that quiet rustling of fabric as she fucking touches herself right beside him, and he wants to look. Haechan wants to look right then more than he’s ever wanted to look before. But he holds himself back. 
Why is she doing this right now? Right here? She knew he’d been awake just like ten minutes ago, so if she was going to get herself off why wouldn’t she wait a little longer or at least take it to the bathroom?
Not that he’s complaining since he definitely is enjoying it. His cock is certainly paying very close attention, and his imagination is painting a vivid image on the backs of his eyelids. 
He can just picture her lying there inches away from him with her panties pulled aside to expose a wet pussy, and that little tight shirt she was wearing dragged up above her tits. His fantasy is certainly influenced by that night back in early October when she sat right beside him in the hot tub, when she sat in the clear light of the kitchen, when she was wrapped in his bedsheets with her head on his pillow. The way her little bralette and panties had been semi-transparent from the hot tub, the way her tits had looked when she was snuggled up in that bed. He’d fantasized about her then, just briefly. But now in the present he can vividly imagine, as he hears a small whimper break through her lips, that she’s lifted one hand up to play with a nipple while the other keeps plunging fingers inside her cunt. 
God, is she doing this on purpose? 
Did she somehow know that he’d been spying on them all this week? That he’d been thinking about all of them, that he’d spent all day closely watching his friends, that he’d been playing back the sight of her on her knees for Renjun, even if he hadn’t known it was her until ten minutes ago? 
Or even more than that… she knew he’d been awake, and Haechan knows that she used to have a crush on him when they first met as freshmen. Maybe the crush isn’t as far gone as he’d thought. Maybe she is doing this now, right beside him, with the intention of him catching her in the act. 
Maybe if he opens his eyes now, if he catches her, maybe that’ll go along with some secret plan she’s got. She whimpers again, and it almost sounds like a muffled name, the syllables sounding a lot like his name. 
Fuck it.
He’s going to do it. He’s going to let her know that she’s been caught, see what the consequences are. 
“Quiet, beautiful.”
It’s not Haechan that speaks. 
Renjun’s voice is quiet, gentle yet commanding. A shock to Haechan’s system. 
At last he dares to take a brief look. He shouldn’t be surprised really when he opens his eyes and sees Renjun holding himself up to look down at the woman sleeping between them. His hand is curled over her mouth, her hand is curled around Renjun’s wrist where his hand is tucked inside her panties. 
Haechan’s ego deflates a bit. He’d really been hoping she was somehow putting on a show for him, but instead, it was Renjun just trying to play with her. 
“Renjun, please,” her voice is so small, pleading. Her knee nudges Haechan’s thigh again. He watches through his eyelashes as she rolls her hips off the floor, into Renjun’s touch. “Someone is going to hear.”
“Then be quiet.” Renjun whispers back. “You said you wanted this, do you still? Or do you actually want me to stop?”
Haechan can tell by the way that her thighs snap together, her hips twisting as she rolls towards Renjun, her hips rocking into Renjun’s touch that she still wants this. What part of this is it that she told Renjun she wanted, though? Haechan is curious about that. 
She whines, a hand reaching out to clutch at Renjun’s shirt. “Keep going.”
Haechan wishes he wasn’t lying on his back right now. If they look over at him they’ll know that he’s awake and listening as soon as they see the way his cock is tenting his underwear. But if he moves now he won’t be able to see, or even worse they might stop. 
So he stays right where he is. He watches through his eyelashes as Renjun tips her chin to slot his mouth against hers, kissing her quiet as his arm starts moving between them. Her legs draw apart, making room to accommodate for Renjun’s fingers, for him to have more room to make her feel good. Haechan watches the way her body moves against Renjun; he listens to how she moans for him. He stares at her ass again, and he feels completely like a fucking pervert as his cock twitches with every moan she makes. 
Even though he’s been watching his friends all week, he hasn’t jerked off to any of them really. But right now he wants to more than anything else. Fuck, he might even just cum in his shorts, untouched. 
He can’t risk touching himself at the moment, not when he’s exposed like this. Or at least he can’t touch himself properly. But if he moves slow enough, he might just be able to get a hand to where he can lightly apply a gentle massaging pressure to his cock, and if he can just subtly touch himself, that could be enough for him. He’d once had a partner who got him to cum untouched through nipple stimulation alone, though he had been incredibly worked up at the time. But having this happen right here in front of him, so close he’s basically involved, it might just be enough for him to get off to even without properly touching him.
His challenge, if he attempts this, is just going to be cumming quietly without alerting his two friends beside him. 
In the quiet of the room, every noise she makes is obvious. When her body moves, the blanket rustles softly. When she whines, even muffled by Renjun’s lips, it’s like she’s right at Haechan’s ear. And as Renjun picks up the pace in finger-banging her, Haechan can hear how wet she is, the quiet wet sounds that plunge Haechan’s imagination into a fantasy. What it would feel like to feel her around him, to taste her, to have her moaning his name while he has her dripping on his cock. 
He presses the heel of his palm down against his cock, and pleasure courses through him along his spine straight around to his cock. He can’t move though, can’t roll his hips like he wants to, can’t really jerk off. He can only fantasize, listen, and watch Renjun touch her instead. But that’s okay because it’s surprisingly doing it for him, this looking and barely even being allowed to touch himself. 
When she cums, Haechan watches it move through her. The way her body tightens up and loosens, the way she clings to Renjun and pushes him away. She whimpers and then he can hear her breathing, sucking in breaths as she moves onto her back. 
Renjun flops over on top of her, smiling brightly as he laughs softly. “Good girl,” he teases, draping his arm across her chest. His hand — the fingers that were just inside her pussy — sits right in front of Haechan’s face. 
“Fuck off,” she laughs, but Renjun doesn’t budge. She doesn’t even actually push him away, and his hand just rests there in front of Haechan’s face. He can smell her. He can faintly see her wetness glistening on Renjun’s fingers. Haechan’s fingers twitch, unable to keep from curling around his cock, unable to keep his hand from moving slightly, just brushing it back and forth over the shape of his erection as he breathes in her scent fresh from Renjun’s fingers.
His pleasure crests, and Haechan rolls over onto his side, his thumb stroking against the sensitive spot beneath the cockhead.
With his back to the couple beside him, as he bites down on the corner of the pillow to keep from making a sound, Haechan fills his shorts with cum.
They’re blissfully unaware. 
Soon after, their breathing evens out, back to sleep. She even begins snoring quietly, and that’s the music that Haechan falls asleep to as well, forgetting entirely about getting up to clean himself up until the moment he’s abruptly woken in the morning by Mark because they’re running behind schedule for their flight home. 
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Haechan gets worse in his perversion. 
For the first full week after their return from Thailand, Haechan can only think of her. Of that final night and the way that she sounded while Renjun touched her, the way she’d looked in that half light. It would come back to him at the strangest times, and each time he felt like a freak for getting hard over nothing but the memory of her. 
It shouldn’t even be his memory. 
He shouldn’t have had any part of it, but he did. And he feels like a creep, but he likes it too. He likes the knowledge of that stolen moment, the stolen memories he has from Thailand — that night, the other stolen moments of his friends, the pictures and videos he sent himself from Renjun’s phone before deleting the evidence. 
He cherishes those times, and during that brief gap before his career begins at the Moon Corporation, Haechan takes any opportunity to eavesdrop or catch anyone in the act he leaps at. He doesn’t find it as easy as it has been when he was constantly around his friends all the time. He has to take it a bit public, including when he found a slightly older couple on one of the dating apps he’d downloaded ages ago, and they were interested in someone watching. 
He’d watched that couple a few times until the wife wanted him to get more involved, wanted to see him one-on-one without her husband, wanted to take him out to dinner. Haechan wasn’t sure if she was trying to turn him into their sugar baby, or if she was just trying to step outside the bounds of the agreement with her husband. Either way, he broke it off with them after that. 
There was a time he’d gone to see a movie in theaters alone, and an adult couple had been busy making out and getting very, very handsy down the row from him. Haechan may have touched himself to the sight, reaching his climax at the climax of the movie. There’d been a swept night riding the bus home, Haechan spotted a guy a few rows up from him jerking off. 
There’d been a time Haechan, YangYang, and Xiaojun were out at a bar together, and Haechan had found a cute drunk girl fingering herself in the back alley when he stepped out to take a couple drags off a cigarette (which he wasn’t a smoker, not really, unless he was stressed and in a social situation, such as when he’s been dragged out with his friends when all he wants is to be at home jerking off). He’d gotten the cigarette from an acquaintance of Xiaojun’s, but Haechan had gone outside alone, and he stood there to watch the girl while he smoked, coughing when the smoke hit his lungs. He wasn’t used to that feeling, but it turned out he’s more than used to the warm feeling that spreads through him as he gets a hit of voyeuristic pleasure. The girl was masturbating in the alley, either unaware or uncaring that he was watching, and Haechan didn’t look away until she was finished, moaning and panting. 
Haechan enjoyed watching them all.
He enjoyed when he watched back the videos he’d taken from Renjun, particularly the one in the car because although Haechan didn’t particularly care about gender, he definitely had a preference for women, and there was just something about that video in particular that piqued his interest out of all those he’d stolen. Though, admittedly, the one of Renjun sinking down on a giant, tentacular dildo had awakened a fascination in Haechan he’d previously not been aware of, sending him down a rabbit hole of tentacle hentai as well as just videos of people taking giant dildos. 
And then there was the way that Haechan’s thoughts always came back to his friend, the girl he’d been friends with since they were university freshmen. The one that he’d always imagined to be innocent until he watched her cum on Renjun’s fingers right before his eyes. And he couldn’t get her out of his mind. 
That truly became a problem when he finally started at the Moon Corporation, because she was there with him. Her desk was just a very short distance from his in their office. 
Every time that he saw her, there he was again, right back in Thailand. Her scent tickling his senses. The soft sounds of her moans and sighs and muffled words pressed to Renjun’s palm. The way that her leg had brushed Haechan’s for a moment in the thick of it. He always thought of how badly he’d wanted to reach over and touch her too, to taste the damp glimmer of humidity gathering on her belly or at her throat. 
These weren’t things he ever had thought about her before, but suddenly, he can’t seem to think of anything else when he sees her. 
Unsurprisingly and somewhat unfortunately, Haechan sees quite a bit of her. They see each other at work, but also they are friends, so he sees her often outside of the Moon Corporation. 
He sees her when YangYang invites their friends remaining in the city to come over to their apartment. When she curls up on their sofa and laughs around a mouthful of Chenle’s special “gourmet” ramyeon. She stretches her feet out across Renjun’s lap while she chats with Karina. Maybe Haechan should’ve been distracted by Karina since she was dressed in a favorite top of his and had been giving him fuck-me eyes since she walked in the door, but he barely spares her a second glance all night. 
Instead, Haechan can only notice the way that Renjun was purposely not touching the girl touching him. Haechan can only notice how the cuffs of her jeans have risen enough that he can see frilly-edged socks against her ankle bone, and he feels fucking nuts because in a day and age when he can look at any type of porn he can imagine, he’s going wild over a glimpse of her ankles in frilly socks, like a goddamn Victorian gentleman. 
He does, in fact, end up hooking up with Karina that night after all their friends have cleared out. She lingers and does all of her usual tactics of seduction, but they don’t even go all the way, both of them giving up and admitting to themselves and each other that neither one of them is who the other wishes they were. 
Haechan sees his friend for the housewarming party Xiaojun hosts when he moves into the apartment right next door to Haechan and YangYang’s. 
He watches as she flirts with Xiaojun up until the moment that Xiaojun tells all of them that he’s been seeing a girl he recently met. Haechan watches her shoulders slump in mild disappointment. One of Xiaojun’s culinary school friends flirts with Haechan throughout the night, but he’s just not interested in the pretty individual. Mostly because Haechan has been so close by her all night, and every time Haechan caught a whiff of her perfume he could only think of her spread thighs and those cute panties with the little bow at the waistband, of Renjun’s fingers still wet with her cum. 
And again, Haechan struggled to cope with his newfound physical attraction to her. It shouldn’t be like this. They’re just friends, and after all these years — all five-ish years — it would be weird to cross that line now. Right?
Besides, she’s a perfect angel, and he’s a disgusting perv. Even if he did decide to make it clear to her that he now finds her sexually attractive, why would she want anything to do with him? If she knew the truth of the way he’s been behaving since his voyeuristic awakening, she’d never speak to him again. 
At work she draws a tentative line between them. For those first couple of weeks, she pretends like she doesn’t know him as more than just a coworker. Haechan lets her play her game, until one day she finally lets slip a story to Yuta, just a funny little story about something her and Haechan had gotten into once upon a time. 
Haechan had grinned at the acknowledgement, at the way her eyes went wide. The look she shot his way as he began laughing. She’d pouted and folded her arms across her chest as she leaned back in her chair to look up at Yuta and calmly say, “Ignore him. He’s a dick.” That had only made Haechan laugh harder. 
Haechan does his best to ignore the way she draws his gaze inside work and outside. He decides to tuck himself safely behind the walls of his perverted interests. Getting himself off alone to videos on his phone, hoping to come across strangers in public that he can watch. 
Eventually, just a few short weeks into his time at the Moon Corporation, Haechan takes his most recent paycheck, and creeps at last over the line into being an actual creep of a voyeur. In some ways, it’s just an extension of the walls he’s been hiding behind, but it’s also an attempt at chasing the high he’d felt that night in Thailand, surreptitiously getting off beside the couple who hadn’t even known he was awake to watch them. 
Haechan purchases a few spy cams, and he places them around in a few different locations. Haechan knows it’s wrong, but he is truly past the point of caring anymore. The store sells the cameras in a pack of four, and Haechan knows where he wants them. 
He places the first spy cam in Renjun’s bedroom when he visits Renjun’s new place. He hides one in YangYang’s room. And he even goes so far as to leave two hidden cameras in his boss’s office at the Moon Corporation. 
Mr. Moon Taeil gets that special treat of having two spy cameras in his vicinity because he has a hot secretary that Haechan likes to look at, so one camera is tucked in the potted plant that sits directly across from her desk, which is technically outside of Taeil’s office, but another camera is positioned actually inside Taeil’s office, angled just right to get a perfect shot of her ass when she leans over Taeil’s desk to give him files and things. 
Plus Haechan is maybe hoping to catch them in the act. Several of Haechan’s seniors at the company gossip all the time about how they’re fairly certain that Taeil and his secretary are fucking. 
Haechan, disappointingly, finds no evidence of that. 
But his other cameras keep him satisfyingly occupied. YangYang, instead of pursuing the professional world of business meetings and the suit-and-tie uniform, has become a full-time bartender at a popular club, so he frequently comes home with company, which provides Haechan plenty of material to watch back, as well as giving him a visual to the sounds he often hears through his bedroom wall. 
The camera in Renjun’s apartment doesn’t offer as much action, and he doesn’t witness anything more between Renjun and their friend, to his surprise. Perhaps that had really been what he was hoping to catch a glimpse of. Maybe they’d just been having fun while in Thailand, calling it quits after the trip ended. However, the Renjun cam captures many more encounters between Renjun and the handsome man Haechan had first seen in Renjun’s phone. Actually, if Haechan had to guess, judging by the number of sleepovers they have, he would say that Renjun is in a relationship with the man. He wonders when Renjun is going to introduce them all to his guy because he’s sure they would all like to meet his boyfriend, and Haechan thinks all of this even as he sits comfortably in his room, watching the footage of Renjun getting his face fucked. 
He’s not yet reached the level of perversion to be peeking under skirts or peeping through windows. He just sticks to his little cameras for a while until he realizes that there’s really nothing he likes more than actually getting to witness it there in front of his own eyes. That’s the true thrill, he’s discovered. The open inappropriateness of it, that whoever he’s watching is doing whatever they’re doing in a place where he is able to watch. In a public hot tub, in a restaurant, on a college campus, in the bed across the room from him, or literally just inches away from where he’s trying to sleep. 
And if the people or a person involved is someone that Haechan knows or already finds attractive? Well, that is what he likes most of all. 
An unexpected opportunity presents itself to Haechan when summer turns to autumn. 
The Moon Corporation company retreat means a weekend away from the city out in the wilderness at a team-building site. It’s not much to look at really. Just a main building with indoor plumbing for toilets and showers, fully equipped with electricity and wifi for team-building presentations and the like. There’s a small kitchen in there as well. 
Part of the first team-building exercise is to pair a junior employee with a senior employee, to build a tent together. 
Haechan is paired with Johnny Suh. Johnny is ranked just below Mr. Moon in the hierarchy. He’s tall, handsome, funny, and most importantly, he’s tolerant of Haechan. He puts up with — and has even joined in on — some of the hijinks Haechan has pulled at the office. And while, for the most part, his coworkers have welcomed Haechan since he joined the company in the early summer, Johnny treats Haechan like a little brother. 
After everyone succeeds in setting their tents up, the objective becomes everyone relaxing and getting drunk together for the first night of bonding. 
“Gather around the bond-fire!” Taeil calls, waving his employees in around where he’s already seated. His secretary sits beside him already, smiling against her beer bottle. 
Taeil leads the bonding experience, throwing out icebreakers and encouraging storytelling and drinking and eating. Haechan watches from his seat beside Johnny as their CEO grows progressively more intoxicated. Haechan also notices the way that Yuta and Ten, the two most notorious gossips, are trying to get everyone around them drunk enough that the stories being told are more based on gossip-worthy secrets than anything else. Bonding exercises turn into drinking games as Taeil just sinks into his chair, shining happily but quietly as he drinks a little more. 
One of the women had tried to get Haechan to partner up with her for the drinking games, and even after he partnered up with Johnny, she kept offering him to share drinks with her. Unlike most people tonight, he’s not trying to get off his face drunk. Even though they’re all drinking, Haechan knows they’ll have an early morning, and besides, he just doesn’t feel like getting drunk tonight. 
Especially when he looks over and spots his old friend. 
She’s throwing drinks back like they’re water. Shots of whatever it is that Yuta is passing around, mixing it with beer. Haechan is in the middle of playing a game where they’ve all got a card stuck to their forehead with a famous person they have to try to guess, and he’s three rounds in, which means he’s already taken two shots and is contemplating his answer which will determine if he has to take a third, when he notices Jungwoo hovering in the seat beside her. 
Jungwoo’s cheeks are rosy, eyes bright, and he won’t look away from her. Her face is flushed too, her eyes heavy, and she’s slumped in her seat, drunkenly giggling every now and then when anyone speaks. 
“So, Donghyuck?” The girl who’d tried to be his partner giggles, leaning forward so her top gapes open a bit, flashing a good look down her shirt. “Who do you think you are?”
The card she has stuck on her forehead has Billie Eilish’s name scribbled on it. A few others also have pop singers. Maybe he should guess a singer too. 
“Justin Bieber,” he blurts out the first name that comes to mind because at that moment he’s distracted, watching Jungwoo lean over to whisper into Haechan’s friend’s ear. A funny little feeling stirs in Haechan’s belly – a greasy feeling, like he could be sick watching the way that Jungwoo draws a laugh from her.
“Wrong!” The other woman laughs, filling a shot glass a little too full with liquor, and she walks over to hand it to Haechan, her fingers brushing his with intent as she passes it over. Haechan can see the hungry gleam in her eyes, but he disregards it. 
The shot is disgusting, burning all the way down, but he doesn’t care. There’s a different heat that sits in his chest as he watches Jungwoo batted away by her with a laugh and an attempt to scoot her seat an inch away. 
Haechan keeps an eye on her as the game continues. 
It takes him another two rounds before he correctly guesses Bruno Mars as the celebrity on his forehead, but he doesn’t even care to celebrate. He’s watching Jungwoo brush his fingers along her arm, the way that her eyelids have sunken most of the way closed, Jungwoo leaning in to say something in her ear as her head dips. 
She’s Haechan’s friend, and he can’t look away because he’s not fucking likely to let Jungwoo try anything funny with her when she’s clearly so drunk. Not that he necessarily thinks that Jungwoo has bad intentions, he also appears to be pretty drunk, but if anyone is going to make sure she gets back to her tent safely tonight, it’s going to be Haechan. 
He’s the only one he trusts with her. 
When she reaches for a new beer in the cooler positioned too close to her chair, Haechan stands up and walks over to her. He puts a hand on her wrist, and she blinks up at him. 
“You’ve had enough, don’t you think?” He says, crouching down beside her seat. “Unless you’re trying to actually poison yourself tonight, which might be a bad idea in front of the boss.”
Her eyes move sluggishly, sticking to Haechan’s face before slowly roving around the area until she sees Taeil. He’s taking a shot while his secretary watches before she smoothly knocks her shot back too. 
“Hey, you don’t have to try to keep up with everyone, if that’s what you’re doing.” Haechan taps her wrist, and she looks back around at him. She sways a little in her seat from the movement. “Lay off the drinks maybe. Try some water instead.”
She stares at Haechan. A long, deep look into his eyes that makes him want to squirm and look away. But he doesn’t. He holds her gaze until she breaks away, staring down at her hands. 
She looks small and helpless, and Haechan is reminded of that time months and months and months ago on a night somewhat similar to this. Halloween. He’d been searching for a woman in a schoolgirl costume, and instead he’d found her. She had looked small that night too, and Haechan had been in a teasing mood when he found her sitting on the ground beside the building. She’d been alone, her gaze a little distant. 
That had worried him a bit, had caused his teasing and cockiness to falter. He’d been concerned for her, but she’d brushed his concerns off, and he’d gone along with it. He’d made jokes and told her about the naughty schoolgirl he was looking for, and he’d left her to enjoy the rest of the party while he continued his search. 
But tonight he doesn’t want to leave. 
Jungwoo glances over at them, but the biting glare Haechan flicks in his direction finally pushes the older man to vacate his seat and go bother someone else. 
“Can I take you back to your tent?” Haechan asks quietly. 
A quiet look of astonishment passes over her features. “Excuse me?”
Haechan rolls his eyes. “You’re drunk, I just want to make sure you don’t trip over a rock and crack that pretty head of yours open, angel.” 
She’d been an angel at the Halloween party. He remembers that in detail now. She’d worn a short white dress and a crooked halo, the firelight from the bonfires had glimmered off the glitter brushed over her cheeks and her collarbones and speckled across her breasts. She’d been beautiful. That night he’d been distracted, preoccupied. But he realizes now what he missed that night. 
He’s since been awakened. 
Even tonight as she sits bundled up in a sweatshirt and jeans beside the fire, Haechan realizes that she’s beautiful. Her eyes are shining, her cheeks glowing in the light of the fire, and that damn loose section of hair falls in front of her eyes again. 
Before she can lift a hand to move the hair away, Haechan is already there. 
He can feel her breath on the inside of his wrist. His fingertips brush her cheek on accident. And her hair… it’s so soft as he twirls it around his finger before tucking it back behind her ear. Her eyes flutter momentarily, and Haechan watches the shadows of her eyelashes on his cheeks. There’s a weird feeling in his chest, one that makes him sit down on his ass a little unsteadily right in front of her. 
She opens her eyes.
“Fine,” she agrees. “Help me.”
Haechan does help her. He loops her arm around his shoulders, he secures his arm around her waist, and he helps her walk away — although it’s more like he’s carrying her away — from the fire back to the tent he saw her cramming her stuff inside along with one of the other women and Taeil’s secretary. 
She crawls inside, toeing her shoes off and then kicking them out the tent flap. She collapses on one of the sleeping bags, and then she blinks at Haechan where he remains silhouetted in the tent’s entrance. “Donghyuck?” 
His brain buzzes a little with her words. His heart skips at the sound of his name. Her lips curl into an inviting smile around the carefully formed syllables of his name. 
“Are you gonna watch me while I sleep, Donghyuck?”
Is that an invitation?
He can imagine it now, crawling into this tent right beside her. Snuggling up with her in this sleeping bag, bodies pressed tight together. He already knows that he would wake up hard, grinding against her ass like a horny teenage boy. Haechan stays exactly where he is, kneeling outside the tent with his head poked inside. 
“Aren’t you gonna make sure I don’t choke on my puke or whatever?” She mumbles, turning onto her side. 
“Do you feel like you’re gonna puke?” Haechan asks. 
She squints at him in the dark for a moment that stretches out between them before she finally sighs, and says, “I’m fine. Go back to everyone else.” She waves her hand, and Haechan feels the bizarre urge to take her hand and hold onto it. 
He doesn’t do that. 
Instead he watches a moment longer until it’s clear that she’s fallen asleep. She starts snoring, and he takes that as his cue to leave. 
He rejoins the bond-fire, sitting there staring at the flames and the sizzling and crackling of the sticks that Yuta keeps tossing in there. Haechan keeps thinking of the woman in the tent, wondering if maybe he should’ve kept her awake a little longer, if he should’ve made sure she drank water. Was she going to be massively hungover in the morning? Maybe he should’ve stayed, like she said, to make sure she didn’t choke if she threw up while passed out.
Of course, his deep thoughts are interrupted by the woman from earlier who’d wanted to partner up with him. She giggles and drapes herself onto the ground in front of him, resting her arms across his knees as she looks up at him.
“Donghyuck,” she says with a smile.
His lip curls at the sound of his proper name. “Don’t call me that.”
They’re not really friends, him and this coworker. He really only lets his friends call him Haechan. But tonight he can’t handle the sound of his name. Not when it sounds the way she just said it – the syllables slurred and blended together and not in the right voice, not from the right mouth.
She pouts at him, and when he turns his head away to strike up a conversation with Johnny and Ten, she withdraws from the ground in front of him.
It’s not too much later that everyone starts crawling back to their tents. 
Mr. Moon is camping in the same tent as Haechan and Johnny although he had not helped them set the tent up earlier. But tonight Taeil is possibly more drunk than Haechan’s friend, so Taeil requires some mild supervision. Before the three of them call an end to the night in their tent, Johnny and Haechan both force Taeil to drink a lot of water and take some medicine for the hangover he’s going to have in the morning. 
“What were you thinking, old man?” Johnny teases as he takes the last empty water bottle from Taeil. “You’re too old and too much of a lightweight to be drinking like this.”
Taeil just mumbles something unintelligible in response, and passes out. Haechan and Johnny soon follow suit. 
It doesn’t feel like it’s all that long later when Haechan wakes up with the sense that someone has just left the tent. He sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looks around. 
In the dim light, he can see that Johnny is still asleep, but Taeil’s spot is empty, and just then, Haechan also becomes aware of his urge to piss. Taeil had almost definitely woken with the same urge since he’d been force fed so much water before falling asleep, not to mention all of the other drinks he’d consumed. 
Unable to deny that his bladder is full, Haechan can’t just fall back asleep, so he follows Taeil back to the guest house or team-building center of their site. It’s got the bathrooms, a kitchen, and even a wifi center. 
Haechan enters the building, and he does indeed find Taeil also relieving himself, but he also finds him surprisingly sober and claiming that he’s gonna do some work now that he’s up. 
“That’s crazy, sir. It’s still dark. We should both just go back to sleep.” Haechan looks at the time and it’s still really early. The sun won’t be up for another two hours at least. There’s still plenty of time to sleep before they all need to be up. 
Taeil just sits down at one of the tables, producing his laptop from somewhere. “Go back to sleep. I can’t sleep anyway.” 
So Haechan bids him goodnight, and he starts to head back to the tent. 
He hasn’t yet made it all the way back to his tent when he glances backwards and sees someone else walking towards the guest house. They don’t seem to notice Haechan at all, and it’s only when the figure approaches the guest house with the light pouring through the uncovered windows, that Haechan realizes that the person is Taeil’s secretary. 
What’s she doing sneaking into the guest house? All the rumors and gossip among his coworkers flood into Haechan’s mind right then. Is she why Taeil was really staying up? Why he’d been so quick to send Haechan away?
Naturally, Haechan can’t deny his curiosity, and he sneaks back towards the building. He crouches down outside the window, and he peeks inside. 
The secretary emerges from the bathrooms and takes a seat beside Taeil. Maybe this isn’t worth it. Watching them. Maybe there’s genuinely nothing going on between them, and Yuta and Ten are just gossips for no reason. But still Haechan lingers, he waits patiently, and it pays off in the end. 
Haechan watches the tension build between them, watches as the walls and rules begin to crumble, and then with absolute delight, he witnesses the moment when Taeil gives in and kisses his secretary. Maybe things weren’t happening between them before, but Haechan is glad to sit here and watch the rumors finally spark with truth. He sits there outside the window, his hand creeping into his lap as the secretary moves to sit in Taeil’s lap. 
Haechan watches Taeil get handsy with her. He watches the way she arches and grinds on their boss. Haechan jerks off, hiding there between the window and a row of bushes, watching when Taeil slides a hand up beneath her shirt, getting a handful of her tits. 
Unfortunately, they move things to the showers, which cuts off Haechan’s access to the show unless he wants to go back inside the building and risk them noticing that he’s trying to watch. So instead he stays crouched outside the window and finishes jerking off into the bushes, and he cums and it feels so damn good to let out that release. 
He’s gone before they emerge from the showers. He sneaks back to his tent, and slides into his sleeping bag without Johnny even waking. 
But now he knows with certainty that something is happening between the hot secretary and Mr. Moon. 
His cameras in the office might be of some use. 
Within days of their return, Haechan is delighted to find that the hook-up between their boss and his secretary was not just a one night mistake on their company retreat. He captures it on the camera when Taeil invites her into his office for sex. And then he captures a lot more than that too over the following days and weeks. 
He doesn’t share it with anyone. Keeps all knowledge of the secret relationship to himself, enjoying playing the voyeur. He’s always got his eyes peeled while at the office or while watching the recorded footage from the safety and comfort of his bedroom. The cameras are getting their usage now since Haechan watches them every chance he gets, searching for anything, watching the cameras back once he’s home to see if he missed anything in the day. 
One evening when he’s watching the cameras back, he catches Yuta dropping by the desk of Haechan’s friend just to smile at her and touch her arm, and for a moment his chest burns with this strange sense of jealousy. He’s pleased when a few days later, Yuta keeps on his side of the office, staying far away from her and Haechan’s desks. He’s even more pleased to notice that Jungwoo keeps his distance now as well since after their company retreat. 
Still, Haechan watches the cameras, searching for and catching those little glimpses through footage of Taeil and the secretary, keeping it all to himself. But he does drop little hints through teasing comments every now and then. He doesn’t have the good fortune to walk in on them anywhere, though a giddy Ten drops by Haechan’s desk one afternoon to tell him how he walked into the break room and found Taeil and his secretary standing oddly close and moving away from each other quickly when they noticed him. 
“Okay, and?” Haechan had asked as he clicked through his emails. “Is that supposed to be proof of something?”
Haechan wants tangible proof right before his eyes. Not grainy camera footage of Taeil fondling her tits. Not a whispered rumor of them standing a little closer than maybe is normal in the break room. He wants something that truly speaks to his voyeuristic desires. 
And finally, just days after that, Haechan gets his chance. 
He’s had an unofficial meeting scheduled with Taeil since two days ago. Haechan checks his spy cameras through an app on his phone, perusing quickly while he uses the restroom before the meeting, and he quickly discovers something fascinating: Taeil’s secretary isn’t sitting at her desk, but when he checks the camera in Taeil’s office, she’s nowhere to be seen either. 
She still isn’t sitting at her desk several minutes later when Haechan arrives for the meeting. 
He knocks on the closed office door, and after a moment Taeil calls out, “Come in!”
Haechan enters the office to see Taeil just sitting behind his desk. He closes the door behind him, and as he approaches the desk, Haechan says, “Your secretary isn’t at her desk.” Honestly, he’s full of curiosity as to where she could be. He glances quickly around the room, but sees no sign of her. “I would’ve had her let you know I was coming in, if I’d seen her. She seems to be sneaking away from her desk a lot lately.” Sneaking around with Taeil, of course, but he doesn’t want Taeil to know that he knows that. Haechan chuckles a little before saying, “I swear every time I’m in the break room, she’s in there too. Maybe you should punish her, sir.”
A look of… something crosses Taeil’s face. Not quite surprise, but something akin to it. Just as quickly, the look vanishes, and Taeil laughs. “Is she away from her desk too often or are you, Haechan?”
Damn. Got him there. “Maybe we both are. Forget what I said about punishment.” 
After that, conversation turns quickly to the reason for Haechan actually being here. Business and work and boring shit; Haechan is giving Taeil a report. Taeil is pretty quiet while Haechan talks, so when Haechan notices his boss’s face becoming red very quickly, he has to inquire about if Taeil is feeling well. And a few moments after that, a loud thump sounds beneath the desk at the same moment as Taeil jumps. 
“Ah, shit!” Taeil curses, and he spins his chair around, rubbing at his leg. “My damn knee. You’re lucky you’re too young for joint pains.”
Haechan doesn’t buy it for a second, so he knows it doesn’t sound authentic when he laughs. “You’re not that old, sir. And I’ve got my own aches and pains, I understand.” Of course, Haechan’s aches and pains tend more towards the ache in his dick while he’s being a voyeur. 
He watches Taeil closely before looking back down at Taeil’s desk. Is she under there? Is that why he’d not seen her on either of the cameras? Why Taeil got red-faced and made that thump beneath the desk?
As Taeil turns his chair around and slides his legs quickly back beneath his desk until the edge of the desk is creasing his tie, Haechan stares down at the floor. There’s another small thump, quiet enough that Taeil doesn’t even seem to notice this time. But Haechan notices. 
He also notices the glimpse of a few fingers peeking out from the gap between the bottom of the desk’s backing and the floor. A pinky finger and parts of two more splayed on the floor before disappearing once more beneath the desk. Haechan lifts his gaze to Taeil’s face, but Taeil is staring down at the surface of his desk, and in that moment Haechan watches his boss’s gaze transform into one of lustful hunger. 
“You can go now, Haechan.” And just like that he’s dismissed with the promise of this conversation continuing at a team meeting tomorrow. Which, if he’s being given the opportunity to make his report in front of the whole team, that’s actually pretty exciting, so Haechan thanks Mr. Moon, but he can’t resist leaving one last teasing comment as he stands up, “I would ask if you want me to leave a copy of my report with your secretary, but she’s probably still in the break room, right?”
Taeil’s laugh and voice are both strained when he says, “You can just leave a copy on her desk. I’m sure she’ll know what it is.”
Yeah, of course she will since she’s listening in on this conversation, probably with her mouth full of Taeil’s cock. 
He should get back to work, but instead Haechan ducks into the restroom, into a stall, and he pulls his phone out. 
Ah, there it is. 
Taeil has his secretary bent over his desk, her skirt pushed up around her hips. Haechan fists his own cock, jerking off hard and fast while he watches them go at it. He watches as Taeil pulls out and shoots stripes of cum across her ass, as he smacks his cock against her ass and smears the cum around. Haechan closes his eyes and plays it all back in his mind, and he jerks off over the toilet until his belly tightens, cock twitching as he cums into the toilet bowl. 
He gives it a few minutes for his erection to fully subside and for his heartbeat to return to normal. He flushes the toilet, washes his hands, and heads back out into the office. The secretary is sitting at her desk, tucking her hair behind her ears, her cheeks slightly pink. 
How long can they possibly hide this secret relationship from everyone?
“Don’t you think something is going on?” Ten asks later that evening over drinks. A few of them have gone out tonight, for dinner and drinks and gossip. “I know we don’t have proof, but I really think….”
Ten trails off, sipping at his drink. 
Haechan’s old friend from school glances over at him with a smirk, and he wonders if she’s thinking of Shotaro and his girlfriend; their friends that were friends until they were something more, and they kept it hidden from all of them for quite some time. Haechan was the only one who knew about it then, just like right now, he’s the only one that knows that Mr. Moon is indeed fucking his secretary. 
Ten never gets a satisfactory response from any of them that night, and he’s still grumbling about it as everyone parts ways. Yuta and Johnny sling their arms around Ten’s shoulders, dragging him along with them towards the parking garage they’d parked in. Haechan is about to go that way as well, not because he’s parked there — he doesn’t have a car actually — but because YangYang’s bar is located in that direction, and his roommate could just give him a ride home. 
But then he sees his friend turning off to head in the opposite direction from where they’re all heading. 
Her shoulders are hunched against the chill, her bag held against her chest as she starts walking off down the dim street. 
Haechan’s heart inexplicably lurches in his chest. She’s not really going to walk alone through the city, is she? She’s been drinking, it’s dark and late, and she’s alone. A dozen dark scenarios pop into Haechan’s mind, and before he knows it, he’s jogging to catch up with her, calling out her name. 
She twists to look over her shoulder at him, and Haechan’s heart gives another inexplicable lurch. A buzz that shoots from his chest down to his fingertips and toes. He fights the urge to reach out to her as soon as he comes up beside her, struggles to contain the urge to tuck that stray curl of hair behind her ear that always seems to fall into her face. The wind blows just right, and several strands of her hair flutter against her cheeks. 
Haechan clenches his hand into a fist, tucking it into his pocket. “Can I walk with you?”
She looks surprised at his offer, but to his delight and relief, she agrees. 
She’s only walking to her bus stop at the end of the block, as it turns out. A short walk, but he’d still feel better about it if he accompanied her. He'll walk her there, wait with her, and Haechan knows that even if he has to wait for a bit, he’ll still have plenty of time to then walk back the opposite direction to YangYang’s bartending job before his roommate clocks out for the night. And even if Haechan misses out on the chance for YangYang to give him a ride home, Haechan would much rather make sure that she gets safely to her bus that’ll take her home. 
“Well what do you think?” She asks out of nowhere as they start walking. For a moment the city sounds filter into the silence between them, and then she elaborates, “Think they’re fucking?”
Oh. Taeil and the secretary. Haechan laughs, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “Yeah, they absolutely are.”
“You sound so certain.” She bumps her shoulder against his, and Haechan wonders if she’s just doing it as a friendly little nudge or if she’d drank so much that she’s just a little bit off-balance. “Why?”
Again, Haechan laughs, shrugging. “I have my reasons.”
Now she laughs too, grabbing onto Haechan’s arm as they reach the bus stop, and he swears his fingers go a little numb. Not because she’s holding on so tightly, but because his brain short-circuits when she touches him.
Haechan looks around at the people waiting at the bus stop. There’s an old lady, a weary looking man in a worn suit, and a young mother with a sleeping baby already waiting at the covered bench. Haechan stands there a few feet away from all of them, letting his friend hold onto his arm, trying his best to keep from sinking into her warmth. 
It’s a little chilly tonight, so she shivers a bit, snuggling against his side. 
He looks down at her. He really looks at her. He admires for a moment the way that the lights of the city at night shine on her. Her eyes are so reflective tonight, shining like stars. The colors of the nearby traffic lights color her cheeks in a myriad of blended colors. 
She looks so pretty, and his heart stumbles a little bit in his chest again for the third time in the past ten minutes. 
Either he’s experiencing heart troubles or…. 
He looks quickly away from her, staring out across the street, trying to erase the image of her from his mind. Trying to calm the fluttering of his heart. 
What is going on with him? Is he actually sick or something?
He hasn’t had any feelings like this in a long time. Not since before he’d given up on crushing on or intensely lusting after Shotaro’s girlfriend. Not that this is a crush, because that would be ridiculous. 
They’ve been friends for years and it’s never progressed anywhere beyond just friends. Yeah, they’ve shared beds platonically, and there was his voyeuristic habits providing him with some good material of her. Maybe it was just that; that’s the source of these strange feelings that absolutely are not a crush. Seeing her in a sexual way has just confused him; he’s thinking with his dick, not his heart. And tonight he’s just… he’s just horny or something, and that mixed with the drinks mean that he’s just thinking extra hard with his dick, not that his heart is fluttering because she’s standing so close and holding him while she smells so nice. 
She squeezes his arm again, and his heartbeat leaps in response. Again.
Damn it. 
Does he like her? Actually?
“I feel like you see a lot of things that other people don’t, Haechan.” She speaks suddenly, her voice quiet as the words are meant just for him. “I think you keep a lot of secrets. You can share secrets sometimes. I have secrets too. We could trade.”
Haechan looks down again, meeting her eyes as she rests her head on his shoulder. It shouldn’t make his heart beat as fast as it does. They’re just friends. Just friends and coworkers. Even as he tries to convince himself of that fact, he can hear and feel the lie. Does she know? Is she trying to get him to confess these feelings that he’s only realized he has about a minute or two ago? 
“Can’t you just share the secret of how you know with absolute certainty that Taeil and his secretary are fucking?” She wheedles. 
Ah. Of course. He’d forgotten they were talking about that. Of course that’s what she meant. 
That secret. 
Even with their history which stretches back nearly five years now, Haechan doesn’t think he can share with her the secret of why he knows their boss is fucking his secretary. How do you tell someone that you’re a fucking voyeur?
“I don’t think you want to know my secrets.” Haechan turns his head away, choosing to stare at the graffiti on the clear walls sheltering the bus stop’s bench. “You wouldn’t look at me the same.”
She snorts. “I don’t know about that, Lee Donghyuck.”
God, he likes the way she says his name. He watches her lips, wondering when she’ll say his name again. 
“Maybe I have secrets that would make you look at me differently,” she says. Haechan doubts that anything she could tell him would make him think differently of her, and the look he sends her way surely says that, but she smiles and tilts her face up. “Maybe I could tell you a thing or two that would make you finally see me as less than a perfect angel.”
Like what? Like her and Renjun fucking in the shower in Thailand? Her and Renjun messing around in the dark two inches away from him? If she wants to share those secrets with him, Haechan would be glad to hear them. 
“Alright.” Haechan doubts she has any truly dark, dirty secrets that he doesn’t already secretly know, but if she wants to play this game, he’s eager to hear what perspective-altering secrets she might have to share with him. But learning her secrets means sharing some of his own, and the thought of that kind of scares him. He shrugs her off his arm right as her bus pulls up. “Not tonight. though. Let’s keep our secrets just a little while longer.”
“Promise?” She asks, lifting a hand up between them, her pinky finger extended to him.
Haechan pauses. 
He doesn’t really want to tell her that he’s a disgusting perv. She’s really going to think he’s so gross. She’ll want nothing to do with him anymore, and given the way that his heart keeps jumping, he’s not so sure he could survive her cutting contact with him. He can’t tell her the truth. He can’t promise her this, can he?
But he looks into her eyes, and she’s just fully alight with excitement. There’s a separate promise in her eyes, a vow that she won’t hate him for what he’s going to tell her someday.
And then, lastly, she says, “Donghyuck?”
Haechan nods jerkily. He joins his pinky finger with her. This is the second promise he’s made to her like this. This, and the promise that they’re in this together. Friends and coworkers and teammates that have each other's backs. So he makes this promise. 
“I promise, angel. We’ll trade secrets and truths someday soon.” 
She drags their bound hands towards her face, and she smacks a kiss against the back of Haechan’s hand. 
Before he even has the time to register or react to that, she’s already dropping his hand and walking away.
He’s simply stunned. Reeling a bit with the ghost imprint of her lips tingling on the back of his hand.
She smiles over her shoulder at him as she walks towards the idling bus, and his heart does these dumb little leaps and swirls in his chest. 
Yeah, that’s a familiar feeling. One he hasn’t felt in a while. 
She walks away, straight towards the bus without looking back at him, and for some reason he can’t stand the thought of her leaving tonight without him catching one more look at her face. 
“Text me when you make it home!” Haechan calls out right as she places her foot on the first step up into the bus. 
She looks. 
Just a quick turn of her head. 
She just waves and then hops on board. 
Haechan waits right there, shivering alone in the cool, damp night air, watching her until she’s sitting down. 
Fuck. He really…
She peeks out the window and catches him still looking. Her eyes and nose crinkle from her smile. 
Another wave, a little smile. 
He’s fucked. 
That’s what the feeling in his heart and his belly are telling him. Totally and completely fucked because somehow, someway, after years of being friends with her, he’s developed feelings that are quickly racing towards the ridiculous notion of being in love with her.
In love? Did he really just think that? 
God dammit. Is he in love? 
Haechan walks away. 
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a/n: Haechan finally realizing and acknowledging that he has feelings for her?! A monumental step for this guy, honestly.
Of course, the bits with Taeil and the secretary are inspired by the events in workplace (mis)conduct if you'd like to check that out
Comments, likes, reblogs, and all that good stuff are forever and always appreciated! Thank you for reading! Next chapter will of course be posted next Tuesday!
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Debt Pain in Soul Epilogue 2
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For the second day of Christmas, this author gave to thee: Epiiiiilooogguuueee two ~
Summary: Tony fully intends to go to the Parker residence simply to claim his latest acquisition, one Peter Parker. When he finds out Peter is in fact his soul mate, things change in ways Tony couldn't have planned or expected. Not that he's complaining. Instead of just another worker for his clubs, he found a smart sexy omega that he's going to keep for the rest of their lives. This is an omegaverse hybrid mob au with a different bingo prompt per chapter.
Tags: Mafia AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Soul Bond, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Hybrid AU, Serval Peter, Black Tiger Tony, Dub-con first time, Soulbonds made them do it, Lots of spice and smut, Some fluff too, Dark Tony Stark, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Tony is not a nice person, except to Peter, mention of sex work, Human Trafficking, In that tony makes people pay off debt while working for him, and some of those people work in sex clubs, Size Difference, Tiny Peter, Large Tony, Mild milk kink, Breeding Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, stuffing kink, Size Kink, Tony loves how huge his cock is and making Peter take it, Nipple Play, I don't know, theres lots of omegaverse typical sex tropes, eventual kidnapping and rescue,mild angst but always with a happy ending
Read on AO3 Here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
View Art Here And here And here
Ever since Peter had admitted to wanting more kits, Tony had been making plans. He had Bucky and Nat on the hunt for nannies to help with the older three, as well as more security for the penthouse. Pepper and Rhodey helped him schedule his meetings and business so that he’d have Peter’s heat free but also so that he could step away a bit during the pregnancy if he needed to. Tony hoped Peter would be spared any complications, but, just in case, he called the specialists and made sure they would be ready too.
When Peter’s heat hit, Tony had made arrangements with everyone. Well, everyone except Peter. The serval hadn’t mentioned it again, but Tony saw the longing glances now that he knew to look for them. Clearly his mate wanted more and was letting social pressure or something equally ridiculous hold him back. So Tony would remove every barrier for him instead.
Tony found Peter curled in their bed, not quite in full heat but close enough that he was shaking and whimpering. Tony climbed in the bed behind him, sliding his hand up Peter’s body until soul mark met soul mark. Then he reached down with his other and started loosening his mate up. While his little omega had gotten better at taking his cock and knot, he still had to be stretched before they could play.
Not that Tony minded at all as slick drenched his hand and Peter whined as he tried to ride Tony’s fingers. It was so fucking hot watching his lithe kitten so lost in want, taking whatever Tony deemed to give him.
“Why don’t you play with those cute tits for me, baby, since my hand’s a little busy?” Tony asked as he briefly tightened the hand on the omega’s neck.
Peter whined but his hands came up, cupping his small breasts and squeezing them. Then he used his thumbs to rub at the nipples, squirming and clenching around Tony’s fingers as he did.
“Such a good omega for me,” Tony growled. “Knew you would be the minute that collar formed on your skin though.”
Peter whimpered but didn’t argue as he rocked harder onto the alpha’s hand. Tony slid another finger in, drawing a choked moan from the younger man.
“So wet and loose,” Tony murmured. “Perfect for taking my cock until your cute little belly bulges out like you’re stuffed with my kits.”
His omega flushed and writhed more as Tony got yet another finger in. He was just about ready for Tony to impale and the alpha grinned.
“Almost, ‘mega mine, and then I’m gonna shove my cock in you. Gonna knot you again and again,” Tony whispered darkly, twisting his fingers to put pressure on the spots Peter liked. “I’m going to pump you so full, make sure the seed takes and put another litter in this little hole of yours, omega. And you’ll beg me for more the whole time like the good omega you are, won’t you? You want to give me what I want, don’t you?”
His omega was panting, eyes glassy with heat and want when Tony pulled his hand out and arranged Peter into the proper position for breeding. He took a moment to admire the view, Peter’s ass in the air with his hole on display. Tony reached down to play with Peter’s cocklette one last time, trailing his hand up to grab his omega’s ass before shoving his cock in. He sheathed himself in single thrust, pulling a broken gasp from his mate.
“Alpha, alpha, please, alpha,” Peter begged as Tony thrust, first slowly and then faster into the omega’s body. He kept their soul marks touching as he caged the omega with his body. His hips drove his cock deep into Peter while he pinned the omega’s upper body with his own, ensuring he got as deep as possible.
Peter was incoherent beneath him, gasping and moaning in pleasure even as his hands scrabbled for purchase on the sheets.
It didn’t take long for his knot to form, not that Tony was surprised. The first one during a heat never did, spurred on by needy omega hormones and his own need to breed his mate. With one last thrust, he buried himself in Peter and felt his knot inflate fully, locking the omega’s body on his. Peter gasped and trembled, tightening around him as he came just from the knot.
“You should see yourself,” Tony groaned as Peter milked another mini orgasm out of him. “You’re just hanging off my knot, stuffed so full.”
Peter whined and then groaned as Tony ground his hips against Peter’s ass. All of a sudden, he felt the need to mark his mate again, so he pulled Peter as straight as he could while arching his own back to reach the omega’s neck.
The bite had Peter coming again beneath him, trembling from over stimulation but unable to resist the alpha while the heat sang through his body. As Tony was about to lay them down, he caught sight of the dressing mirror they kept in the room and changed his mind.
It took some careful maneuvering, but he managed to get them in front of the mirror, Peter supported by an arm across his chest and the knot that kept them together.
“Look, ‘mega mine, look at how debauched you look on my knot,” Tony commanded and Peter’s eyes rose to the mirrors.
Peter gasped at what he saw. He knew he was tiny but seeing his body pressed against Tony’s, held only by a single arm and the cock buried in him, had him flushing brilliant red across his whole body. His body clenched around his mate’s cock, and he panted at the combined feeling of fullness and helplessness. 
“That’s right, baby, so tiny, just like this little cocklette of yours,” Tony said, sliding his free hand down to fondle Peter’s cocklette for a minute before grabbing Peter’s hand. “Come on, baby, give us a show.”
His alpha kept his hand over Peter’s and guided him as he fondled his cocklette.  Peter whimpered at the overstimulation but didn’t-couldn’t disobey the alpha. His head fell back against Tony’s chest as his hand was pushed faster and faster. Pain turned to pleasure and the heat built higher and higher until he came around the alpha again.
“That’s a good omega,” Tony murmured in his ear. “You made a mess though. Clean it up for alpha.”
Tony lifted Peter’s hand to his lips, and Peter shuddered as he obeyed his mate. He started with little kitten licks but soon was taking bigger swipes with his tongue until his and Tony’s hands were clean again.
“Good boy,” Tony growled. The alpha still didn’t release his hand though, instead drawing it down to his belly. “How about you help your alpha out now too.”
Peter was confused at first, too wrung out from his heat to understand what his alpha wanted until Tony pressed their hands down and Peter felt something hard inside. He looked down and moaned as he saw the outline of Tony’s cock pressing against his stomach.
“That’s right, kitten. Still so tiny that my cock has to stretch you everywhere to fit,” Tony said darkly. “So go ahead, give it a good massage for me, baby.”
Peter whimpered but obeyed, rubbing his hand firmly against his stomach even as Tony lifted him in micro movements, stopping when the knot pulled too much before dropping him back onto his cock. The pressure was odd, and Peter wasn’t sure how he felt about it but Tony’s pleased rumble drove him to continue despite that. It didn’t take long before Peter felt the cock inside him spasm with bursts of warmth. His body clenched around it, instinctually milking it even when the stimulation was too much,
“Don’t you dare look away,” Tony commanded suddenly, startling Peter. “I want you to watch, watch as I breed you again while you wear my mark on your neck. Watch as this tiny body of yours grows rounder with my cum until you look ready to burst. And then, I’ll fill you even more until I know there’s kits inside your womb again.”
Peter panted, body exhausted and stretched so full, but his eyes stayed glued to the mirror as Tony used him to come twice more before finally letting them lay down and rest. Peter only stayed coherent long enough for Tony to get him a few drinks of water before he passed out.
Tony let his mate rest even after his knot went down. He used the break to move the mirror closer to the bed. The alpha had meant every word when he said he was going to make sure Peter watched as he was bred over and over like the good omega he was. And after, when his kitten realized he was pregnant again, he’d be reminded of this heat every time he looked in the mirror.
Peter woke up exhausted, as he normally was after a heat. Yet something kept niggling the back of his mind, something important that he had forgotten. His thoughts were interrupted when Tony slipped his cock into Peter’s body, no stretching needed with how wet and loose he was.
“Good morning, omega,” Tony murmured, and Peter curled back against him, loving the warm feel of Tony’s cock inside him. He loved doing this, just cockwarming while they cuddled and his body flushed the rest of the hormones out.
A jolt went through him as he realized how warm Tony was.
“Shit,” he tried to jerk away but Tony held him tight.
“What’s wrong, omega?”
“Condoms, we didn’t use condoms and I couldn’t find my heat meds, and-”
“Shhhhh, it’s ok, omega,” Tony said with a chuckle. “I didn’t refill your heat meds or the condoms.”
“But-we, I’ll-”
“End up pregnant?” Tony asked, his voice amused. “That’s the point, kitten. You wanted more kits and I promised you at our wedding that I would always give you what you wanted.”
“But, work and the kits-” Peter spluttered, only for Tony to nip at his soul mark and thrust into him, silencing him with a moan.
“I’ve already taken care of that,” Tony said smugly. “Bucky and Nat have vetted a few nannies for you to meet, Pep and I have already started shifting responsibilities so I can be here the whole pregnancy, and the whole team has been briefed.”
“You told everyone?!” Peter squeaked, and Tony chuckled darkly.
“All I did was say my mate wanted more kits, and they all got to work to make it happen,” Tony said, kissing the top of Peter’s head. “They adore you almost as much as I do, you know. And as much as the kits drive them nuts, they love them too. So of course they’re going to support you. They’re your family too.”
Peter let it wash over him as he realized his mate had arranged everything. A part of him was uneasy because Tony had done it all without him, and yet, it was what he wanted most if he was being honest. Like a surprise present, it had been arranged without his knowledge but with the intent to bring him joy. 
Peter decided to just accept it for the gift it was as he relaxed against Tony again. The alpha continued cuddling him, pleased that everything had gone to plan. Including that hint of sweet honey in his omega’s scent.
When they welcomed two beta black tiger kits into the world 8 months later, Tony stood proudly beside his mate. They introduced them to their siblings, and Tony watched as all three of his eldest children promised their mother to look after the new babies with him. He bit back a smirk as James looked over their heads and nodded, his own promise, alpha to alpha, that he’d look after them. Rhodey and the others came by as well, cooing over Morgan and Penny.
Eventually, everyone said goodbye and Peter curled up in their bed. Tony climbed in behind him, his warm presence soothing to the tired omega.
“They’re just as perfect as you,” Tony whispered as he held Peter tight. “And when you’re ready for more, I’ll be sure to give them to you again. As many as you want, Omega mine.”
“Alpha,” Peter groaned, not at all interested in the thought of anything but sleep.
“Just when you’re ready,” Tony promised, and Peter huffed but didn’t argue. As he drifted off, one of Tony’s hands slid down to cup his belly, and Peter couldn’t help but imagine it being full again. Not right away, because the girls would need him. But someday.
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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I posted 638 times in 2022
140 posts created (22%)
498 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 630 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#bughead - 227 posts
#fic rec - 61 posts
#anon - 43 posts
#riverdale spoilers - 38 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#fic - 32 posts
#euphoria - 30 posts
#anti b*rchie - 20 posts
#rd negativity - 20 posts
#betty cooper - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#anti-mask people in dc were like 'it's a competitive disadvantage because dc people who want to dine out will drive to va for dinner instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can understand that they wanted to "explore" ba this season, and I can even understand that they wrote themselves into a corner and went "fuck it, 50s high school reset it is." (It's inexcusable for a bunch of people who are doing this professionally, but it's not like this hasn't happened before.)
What I CANNOT for the life of me comprehend is why they wrote ba as a series of red flags? Like, the most consistent thread in that relationship all season was them repeatedly bumping up against the fact that they explicitly didn't want the same things in life, and then ignoring those signs that the relationship isn't going to work, instead of making any attempt to resolve the differences. Then Archie proposes after the anvil that is his mother saying "yeah we got divorced bc we didn't want the same things"? And Betty (rightly) tells him he's not in the right head space, and then turns around and changes her mind 5 minutes later because...she didn't want a promotion?
Like they could have easily just written a ba relationship that...worked. instead they chose to lobotomize Betty and repeatedly emphasize the fact that they're incompatible. To what fucking end!?
ETA: i just want to clarify a little bit that i’m not questioning why they flattened out Betty’s character to make the ship happen. i’m questioning why they made explicit - as in, made the characters themselves state out loud! - the very fundamental cracks in the relationship only to continue forcing it to progress without ever addressing how the two of them might bridge those gaps.
95 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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come into the water, chapter 2
Betty Cooper – Betty Cooper, with blonde hair and green eyes and straight As and gold earrings and lacy collars and vanilla milkshakes and straight white teeth and lips that he now knows are warm, smooth, unbearably soft –
Betty Cooper is his soulmate.
His heart jumps at the thought, one single, uncontrolled pulse of joy. Just as quickly, it sinks into the pit of his stomach. No, he corrects himself, shivering as the water flows down his back. Betty Cooper shares his mark. Which is not the same thing.
read it on ao3. (or start from the beginning.)
102 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it makes me sad that this version of betty doesn't get to be with someone who *likes* her as a person
107 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
17 yr old Jughead nervously squeezing Betty’s hand, stumbling over his words - “isn’t this what...people like us, who have gone through what we’ve gone through...do?” - walking backwards with a goofy grin on his face because he can’t stop looking at her = cute
25 yr old Archie telling Betty with the deadest eyes you’ve ever seen - “...I’m not seeing anyone else...” - after weeks of casual fucking and occasionally touching one another’s knee in public = the opposite of cute
133 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i just got sad knowing i will never be a fan of anything that's as fun to viciously mock as riverdale is ever again
136 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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If you’re comfortable judd fic where it’s the reader’s first time
This was actually the first smut I’ve ever written.. I hope it’s readable lmao
(I apologize in advance for the filth you’re about to read)
Tags: fem! Reader, it’s literally just porn with no plot, they just fuck lmfao, Judd has a big dick, 👀, reader is a virgin, like her and Judd has never done anything but make out, please don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with that kinda stuff (:
Authors note: ngl, I’m a bit proud of myself for writing my first smut^^ hopefully I’ll get to write more in the future, it’s kinda fun,, I hope you also enjoy it! As I’ve done with the other Judd fics, I’ll recommend you read THIS first. It’s not totally necessary for this one, but if you want more of a backstory you can read it
3,7k words
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Smut under the cut!
You were watching one of those early 2000s gory horror movies, where half the plot is just sex scenes 
And when the third pair of lovers decided to get it on, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Judd 
He was looking at the screen with a blank face, eyebrows furrowed slightly in annoyance at the couple on the screen 
As if on cue, your hormone monstress, Connie, appeared, curling around you and urging you to reach out to Judd
He was quick to notice you staring, cocking an eyebrow at you 
“What. Too much for you?” He grunted, his deep voice a nice contrast to the shrill voice of the woman on screen 
You crossed your arms, sitting up on your knees and facing him directly. “Shut up.” 
He grinned, eyes darting to were your arms were crossed, unintentionally pushing your chest up and letting Judd get a generous view of your cleavage 
“C’mere,” he muttered, beckoning you to sit between his legs on the bed 
You reluctantly agreed, throwing yourself down on his lap making him let out an ‘oomph’ sound, scowling at you 
“Fucking asshole.” He growled, as you giggled, situating yourself in his lap 
“You love it, fuckface.” 
He grunted in response, placing his hands on your hips and shifting you until you were pressed right up against his back, legs tangled with his 
You curled into him, leaning your head on his shoulder as you continued to watch the movie
Connie had backed off a little, entertaining herself somewhere behind you 
It had barely been 5 minutes, when Judd began moving his hands, gently lifting up your shirt and letting his hands run over the soft skin of your waist and stomach (Unbeknownst to you, Maury was urging him on the same way Connie was with you) 
You shivered from the touch, leaning further into him 
His cold hands grew bolder, tracing the waistline of your pants and running up over your bra 
Your heartbeat quickened and your breath became slightly heavier 
The two of you had made out before and he had groped your tits on multiple occasions, but something about this felt different 
More intimate 
You subconsciously arched into his touch and his fingers got rougher, pulling at your bra to get it off and you happily obeyed, much to Judd’s and both hormone monster’s delight
You sat up, pulling away from him for a moment to pull off your shirt 
Judd groaned in excitement, immediately unhooking your bra and pulling it off, before moving you around so you were face to face and straddling him 
“Such a pretty girl,” he mused, reaching for your boobs 
You breathed out heavily when he squeezed the mounds, thumbs gently rubbing over your nipples until they were perky and aching 
He bend forward, nosing up and down your neck before finding a place to bite down 
Your breath hitched and you whined quietly, leaning into him 
He grinned lowly, almost sinisterly as he licked up and down your neck, lathering it with bites and hickeys 
He lives in a  v e r y  sex positive household, and honestly doesn’t give two shits if anyone were to see the marks he leaves on you
In fact, he makes sure to mark you up as much as possible in hopes that someone will see and get fucking jealous 
You shift your hips, accidentally pressing down on his dick just right 
He growls and grabs your hips, repeating the motion harder each time, until his dick is fully hard and proudly tenting in his pants 
At this point, Connie and Maury had backed off, just enjoying the show with smug faces
You let out a series of breathless ‘oh’s every time he drags your clothed pussy over his bulge, the fabric of your panties dragging so, so nicely over your clit 
He parted from your neck, capturing your mouth with his 
You couldn’t help but moan sultrily into his mouth, as you tasted the Jack Daniels lingering on his tongue 
He squeezed your hips and licked into your mouth in slow, long strokes 
He pushed you backwards as he kissed you, laying you down on the bed hovering over you, slotting himself between your legs 
He parted from you, taking a moment to look down at you and admire the sight in front of him 
Lips swollen, eyes glazed over and chest heaving, he grinned at you smugly 
“J-Judd you prick, do something,” you breathed and his grin widened in a slightly sinister way 
“Maybe I will. If you ask nicely, bitch” 
You whined his name as he began to play with your tits again, this time switching between licking and sucking on each of them, fingers gently trailing the waistband of your pants. 
“Pl-please!” You choked out, pathetically clutching the sheets 
“Please what?” He teased, releasing your breasts 
Your face burned hot in embarrassment, but the throbbing of your clit and the feeling of your soaked panties clinging to your cunt shattered what little pride you had left 
C’mon baby, tell him! Tell him you want his dick! Connie urged you on from somewhere behind you
 “Judd, I-I need you.. please- I- just- please do something!” You wailed, wiggling your hips in emphasis 
“Good.” He grunted, popping the button on your pants. “Drop the fucking attitude and beg like a good girl,” 
You clenched around nothing at his words, and you felt an embarrassing amount of wetness spread in your underwear 
Judd could honestly say he was the happiest he’s ever been, as he peeled off your pants and wet underwear 
Breathing rigged when he saw your pretty little pussy, all swollen and twitchy from his teasing  
His jaw clenched and he let out a heavy breath through his teeth, teetering on the edge of self control as he fought the urge to bury himself in you right away, finally relieving his now aching cock 
Maury was barking orders at him, he sent his hormone monster a glare, before continuing with the task at hand
As much as he wanted to, the tiny part of his brain that was still functional screamed at him to make your first experience a pleasurable one 
Judd has a big dick and he knows it (cmon his fucking dad even talked about it in that one episode)
So the least he could do was prep you a little beforehand 
He scooted back, laying down between your legs, his head only a few centimetres from your pretty little pussy 
“J-Judd..” you stammered, gently grabbing his hair and turning his attention to your flushed face 
He grunted in response, finding it hard to focus on anything but your cunt 
“I-I’m a little nervous, I think..” you mumbled, twisting a strand of his half-blue-half-black hair around your pointer finger 
Judd’s expression softened, and his cocky grin turned more genuine 
He pressed a kiss to your inner thigh, raising himself up and leaning over your body till his lips met your jaw
He gently nibbled at it before moving up to brush his lips over your ear 
“You’ll do so well, pretty girl. Don’t worry. It will feel so, so good. I promise.” He whispered gravely into your ear, biting and blowing on your earlobe before retreating and laying down to face your pussy again 
A strong shiver went up your spine and you grabbed his hair again for leverage 
Slowly, he nosed at your cunt, spreading your folds slightly 
You let out an embarrassingly loud whine when his nose bumped against your neglected clit 
Your walls fluttered around nothing again, making you wish he would just do something about the emptiness inside you 
Suddenly, he dived in 
Spreading your folds with his fingers before licking into you like a man starved 
You bucked into his mouth, gasping and writhing 
“Judd..!” You stuttered. “Feels so.. ah! Feels so.. good!” 
He growled into your cunt, the vibrations sending toe-curling pleasure through your body 
The loud squelching sounds almost drowned out the screams of whoever got murdered in the movie, Judd looked over at the screen for a second and smiled when some chick was pierced with a meat hook
He licked deeper into you, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a never ending mantra of ‘Judd’s and ‘please’ 
He couldn’t get enough of the way you tasted, groaning and humping the mattress like a madman as he felt your pussy get tighter and tighter 
He parted from you with a sultry moan, a disappointed sob died out in your throat as he suddenly nudged two fingers into you 
They were long and reached so deep they hit a spongy spot inside of you that made you wail and cry out “Judd! Right there! Please, p-please! Right there..!” 
When he made a come hither motion and pressed his thumb to your clit, you were completely gone 
All you could remember was his name as you continued to cry out to him over and over again
He grinned wickedly. “Damn. So fucking wet, and I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he muttered as a pool of slick began to wet the bed underneath you 
You gasped as he spread his fingers in a scissoring motion, clenching down hard on them
He let out the loudest groan yet, replacing the the finger on your clit with his mouth and spreading your legs further 
Your tummy tightened, warmth spreading throughout your entire body 
You were a sobbing mess, grabbing onto his hair more forcefully and pressing him harder into your cunt as you continued to climb towards your orgasm 
Judd moaned again, lower face now completely coated in your juices 
If you weren’t so far gone, you would have been beyond embarrassed to make such a mess 
“I-I’m- Judd!- I’m!- I..!” You wailed loudly  as you came, feverishly pulling Judd’s hair as he finger-fucked you through your orgasm
He lapped up everything you gave him, growling at the way you clenched around his fingers, his fat cock so hard to the point it almost hurt 
Fucking shit, he couldn’t wait to be buried in your tight little cunt 
You mewled and wiggled your hips as the aftershocks of your orgasm turned to overstimulation 
“Judd..” you whined, pulling at his hair to move his mouth away from your abused clit 
It took him a while to register what you wanted, being too mesmerised with the way your cunt sucked in his fingers so tightly 
For a moment he pondered if he should stretch you out more, before the throbbing of his cock won him over and he decided that you were wet enough to take him 
“That wasn’t so bad, was it? You think you’re ready for my cock now?” He asked as he parted from your pussy, licking his fingers clean before unbuttoning his jeans
He leaned over you again, letting out a relieved groan in your ear when his dick was freed from his pants, leaving his thin boxers as the only barrier between you 
“Y-yes. Please, Judd..” you muttered quietly, pussy continuing to clench around nothing, seemingly not satisfied enough with the orgasm you just had
He laughed, voice raspy and low. “So now you’re all desperate, huh? Such a desperate little slut,” he huffed, caressing your cheek 
You leaned into his touch, rubbing your cheek against his palm and wiggling your hips against his 
He grunted as your wet pussy dragged across his clothed dick, coating the fabric of his boxers in your slick 
He huffed at you, pulling your hair and turning your face to the side to expose your neck 
“Behave, bitch.” He muttered as he nosed along your neckt, sucking on the few spots he missed before 
You honestly didn’t give a shit what he said to you, as long as he filled you up as soon as possible 
You moaned his name, begging him to just fill you already and he finally gave in
He sat up on his knees, pulling his shirt off and pushing his boxers down just enough to let his cock spring free 
Your eyes almost bulged out of your eyes, if he hadn’t been so incredibly horny he would have found your expression hilarious 
He grinned wolfishly, looking down at you with a dark glint in his eye as the sound of a chainsaw roaring from the horror movie behind you cut through the room 
“You think you can take it, baby?” 
You nodded dumbly, not sure what else to say you stared at his thick cock 
Honestly you weren’t sure if even the flushed tip would fit, but you would be damned if you didn’t give it a try 
Connie was cheering you on, gently petting your hair as she encouraged you 
His dick was so long, and so thick and all you really wanted was to reach out and touch it 
It was pale, like the rest of him, with pretty veins running up the sides and the only thing you thought about was leaning forward and licking up the precum that coated his flushed head
Your cunt clenched at just the thought alone and you mewled again, reaching for him with grabby hands 
“Yeah? Use your words, dumbass.” He said, leaning over you again
“You’re so mean..” you whined, refusing to meet his eyes as your cheeks burned with embarrassment 
He grabbed your hair again, roughly turning your head and forcing you to look at him 
“Do you want me to fuck you then, huh? Like a good little slut? Or should I leave your pussy empty, I can go finish myself off if you don’t need it-“ 
“N-No!” You sobbed out, tears of embarrassment and pleasure streaming down your face as you reached for him 
“Please! Fuck me already Judd!” You wailed, shifting your hips up again and brushing your cunt over his hard dick 
He grinned in delight, letting go of his tight hold on your hair to lift your leg over his shoulder 
He brought his hand to your face and gently wiped your tears away with his thumb, biting your jaw gently 
“Shh, pretty girl. I got you.” He whispered huskily, rubbing his cock up and down your folds to gather as much slick as possible 
You sighed in relief, grabbing onto his shoulders and readying yourself 
You cried out as the fat head of his cock finally nudged it’s way inside your hole, stretching you out in a way you had ever felt before 
“Oh-oh my god!” You whined, nails scraping over Judd’s shoulders, threatening to break the skin 
He continued a bit further, finding it easier than expected to breach your walls with how goddam wet you were 
He was only about halfway in when you started to feel overly stuffed, whining and clenching around his cock as you felt like you were being ripped in half 
“C’mon, pretty girl. Just a bit more,” Judd grunted out, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on your hips
You nodded, not really comprehending what he was saying as he continued to push in 
It hurt, a couple more tears slid down your face as you slowly got used to the burning stretch 
It felt like an eternity before he bottomed out, balls sitting flush against your ass 
Both hormone monsters cheered like crazy, Connie gushing about how you finally got your cherry popped but the two of you were far too gone to care
Judd groaned loudly, enjoying how warm and soft you were 
Fitting him so snugly, as if you were made to be fucked by him 
You looked down and almost choked when you saw how your lower belly bulged, the outline of his cock visible
You gasped as Judd cursed. “Fucking damnit!” He growled, removing a hand from your hip to press down on your belly
You both moaned in unison at the feeling, Judd resting his forehead on your shoulder as you clawed at his back 
He waited a while to move, momentarily scared he would actually break your little cunt if he did anything too fast 
Your slick dripped from his cock to his balls, creating a pool underneath you 
“You’re so warm..” he grunted, gently starting to move out 
The first few thrusts were slow and experimental, until he was mentally hanging on by a threat and he couldn’t stop himself from slamming into you. Hard.
All air left your lungs, and you let out a hybrid between a wheeze and a moan as you felt his cock trying to square up with your cervix 
You couldn’t stop your loud wails as he rammed into you, fucking you with absolutely all his might and the only thing you could do was cling to him for dear life 
His pelvis rubbed your clit with each thrust, his hands holding your hips so tight you were sure there would be bruises later 
You clenched around him uncontrollably, digging your heels into his back and thighs spasming as you suddenly came for a second time 
Wailing his name loudly as he groaned into your shoulder, biting down to keep himself from cumming just yet 
“B-Bitch!” He cursed as you lifted his head up to suck on his neck feverishly, leaving marks to match your own 
He fucked you through your orgasm, continuing to ram into your spongy spot over and over as the bed creaked and moaned beneath you 
You only got wetter, the room filling with squelching noises to drown out the movie as he fucked you more viciously 
“Who’s pretty cunt is this?” He groaned, pulling your hair for a third time to get you focused on him 
Sweat dripped from his brow, his eyes were blown out and his sharp jaw was clenched in a pained scowl, you moaned loudly at the sight 
Heart beating faster at the sight of your handsome boyfriend 
“I asked you a question, bitch,” 
Your mouth opened again when you finally registered what he was saying, wailing out his name over and over again 
He rewarded you with a few hard thrusts before his cock stilled again 
You whined his name in disapproval 
“Good girl. I’ll let you come one more time, fuck, come for me again,” 
You shook your head, nails digging into his skin 
“I-I can’t!” You cried out as he pressed a thumb to your swollen clit 
He didn’t let up, thrusting his cock into you and rubbing at your clit relentlessly until you were crying and begging for release again 
“Please, please, please, please! Hmng!” You sobbed, cunt getting impossibly tighter around him 
“Feels so good- I’m gonna- im gonna-“ 
He pressed down on you belly again, thrusts getting erratic as he neared his own end 
“Come, bitch.” 
And like that you were gone, sobbing and and clutching him tightly as you came for a third time, scratching at his back until you felt caked blood under your nails 
A small part of you felt bad, but as you dived straight into your third orgsam of the evening you were way too far gone to care 
He let out a string of curses and grunts, quickly pulling out and coming all over your belly 
You watched him with a dazed expression, dick in hand and head hung low in pleasure as he let out the most endearing sounds 
Your breath hitched, and if you weren’t about to pass out you honestly could have jumped him again 
“Fuuuuuck..!” He groaned, flopping down on the bed besides you 
You quickly cuddled up to him, rubbing your face against his naked, sweaty chest 
You couldn’t stop yourself from deeply inhaling, finding comfort in his sweaty scent 
Both your hormone monsters had disappeared, giving you some privacy in the afterglow
“Judd,” you whimpered after a few minutes of silence
He groaned in response, squeezing your hip 
“I’m all sticky..” you said. He grunted, not saying anything as he got up, pulled his pants up and exited the room, coming back in a few moments later with a damp cloth and a clean shirt 
He was quiet again as he got to work, wiping his cum off your tummy and thighs, before carefully cleaning your sensitive pussy 
You laid back and just stared up at him, too spent to move 
He met your eyes for a moment, eyes scanning over your flushed and tear-stained face, ruined makeup running down and gathering under your chin
“You’re so damn cute.” He muttered, before going back to cleaning 
Maybe it was the post-nut clarity, but he really did mean that 
Your face flushed again, somehow way more embarrassed by getting a compliment than literally being dicked down 
He finished cleaning you up, lifting your limp body up and gently positioning you propped up against the pillows 
He sat down besides you, helping you into the nice, clean shirt he brought and you couldn’t help but smile as you realised you were wearing one of his shirts 
“Thank you, Judd.” You sighed happily, burying your face in the pillows 
“Whatever. Get some rest, shithead.” 
You only hummed in response, scooting closer to him as he laid down besides you 
“Ooh, lovebirds! Dinner’s ready!” Your eyes widened and you immediately sat up upon hearing Mrs. Birch’s voice from downstairs
Oh my god. You buried your face in your hands.. you had completely forgot all about Judd’s family being home 
Judd’s room was pretty isolated.. they couldn’t have heard that much, right? 
“Fucking bitch..” Judd scowled, finding the nearest shirt on the floor and throwing it on 
“Oh my god. Shit! What the fuck!” You exclaimed, rummaging the bed for your long forgotten pants and panties 
“Where the hell..” Judd held up your panties with a triumphant grin, pocketing them just as you reached out to grab them 
“Asshole! Give me those.” You demanded, holding out your hand to him
“No. Get your pants on, c’mon we’re leaving.” He said in his usual dark tone as he threw you your pants 
You groaned. “Fuck you.” 
“You just did that. Put your pants on.” You rolled your eyes at him, pulling on your pants before standing up on shaking legs 
You grabbed his shoulder for support and he sneered 
“What. You can’t walk now?” He snickered 
You glowered at him “Shut your goddamn mouth, Judd Birch.” 
He sighed, wrapping his arm around your waist for support as the two of you excited the room 
Thank you for making it this far! I hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing smut~
Anyways, if you’d like to request more Judd Birch or something else, you can do it HERE
Love, author
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madameminor · 3 years
In More Ways Than One, Part 3 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Echo
Summary: Checkups were already hard enough, but this whole arrangement has got Echo more nervous then ever. Luckily, he's used to handling the hard stuff- and apparently so are you.
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Tags: Smutty mcsmutterson. 18+. NSFW. "Basically, all the good stuff." Warnings: Oral (m receiving), kinda cock worship?, unprotected, PiV, nicknames, mentions of polyamory, pinning
Notes: Yay Echo! I believe Crosshair is next. Note to anyone who sees the edit- I wasn't satisfied with my first draft posted here- something was missing. So, I revamped it. SPECIAL THANKS to @fandumbug and @kaminocasey for being my Beta readers!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10 Part 10.5
"Alright, perfect, you can sit down now."
Echo watches you enter the latest results into your holopad in absolute agony. He really wishes Hunter brought up this whole “sharing” idea AFTER medical examinations. At least then he wouldn't be struggling so hard right now to keep his dick soft.
It’s been the hardest part about having you as the squad’s medic- whenever it’s time for a full check-up, he doesn’t get a lab visit like the others; he hates being hooked up to their machines, it induces something close to a panic attack. Instead, he has to sit through an excruciating work up with you.
It isn’t that he doesn’t like it, it was the exact opposite- he LOVES it. Every karking SECOND of it. You’re near him, you’re looking at him, you touch him and listen to his heartbeat- all while you’re completely alone with each other. He loves it so much that he’s been perpetually terrified that he might… show how much he loves it. He usually has to use the refresher directly afterwards to relieve the throbbing ache building up in his cock.
And of course, today, right now, was the same routine- except this time, Hunter had opened his kriffing mouth and put this whole idea in everyone’s head. Jerk. Echo’s head keeps filling with images of what you could be doing with this time, especially if you said yes to Tech yesterday. Tech hadn’t gone into specifics, but the markings peeking out from the top of your blacks were proof enough. He glances up at them and squeezes the sides of the exam table. How he wanted to add to those markings, longed to feel your skin under his tongue- he stops himself, feeling the blood rushing to his cock. ‘C’mon, trooper, not now, we’re almost through,’ he practically pleads to himself. He still has something to do before he can retreat to the safety of the fresher.
He has to talk to you about whether you want him or not.
Tech had examined him first, looking over the mechanical parts of his body to make sure everything was operating as it should. Echo asked if Tech thought he should stay for the medical portion, but Tech shook his head.
“I believe this would be an ideal time for you to speak with our medic alone.”
Echo’s eyebrows shot up. “About what?” he asked cautiously, dreading the answer.
“About your trepidation at this arrangement.”
Kriff. Echo rubbed his head with a sigh. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes,” Tech said with his usual nonchalance, “though hopefully that will make it easier for you to broach the subject.”
“I'm... I'm not sure I know how,” Echo winced. "How did you do it?"
"I didn't. She brought it up herself. However, she was very candid and did not tiptoe around the subject. I'm sure she would appreciate the same treatment." Tech closed his tool kit, looking at his brother. "Perhaps think of it like a mission."
Like a mission? That made it sound easier.
Tech had left for his own medical review, and you had come in with your usual quip about how much FUN this was going to be (hah). You had taken his vitals, weighed him, checked all his functioning organs (well, most of them), run him through some standard tests. Just now you were entering your latest results into your holopad, leaving him to wait- to just stare at you, feeling the impending doom of 'the talk'.
Even in full armor, all business as you go through your routine, he can’t stop thinking about how you’re everything he could ever want. The way your lips curve when you smile, the light in your eyes when you discuss your passion for medicine, your laugh, your humor…
What are you thinking of? Are you thinking about yesterday with Tech? Are you wondering about the others? Do you ever think... about him?
That’s what it ultimately comes down to; he can’t believe that you would actually desire him next to his brothers, not yet. He can’t stand the idea of just tagging onto this, of just being another lay on the team, the pity fuck- not when he feels the way he does about you. If you don’t want him the way he wants you then he wants no part in this. He wouldn't do that to himself or to you.
But somewhere in that hybrid brain of his a voice refuses to give up hope-
What if you DO?
He strengthens his resolve. Just think of it as a mission. That's all it has to be.
The way he says your real name makes you look up from your holopad mid-entry. His eyes are determined, his jaw set, and your heart flutters at the same time as your stomach tightens. You can guess what he wants to talk about, but you dread what exactly he's going to say. He’s been so distant this morning, removed; you brace yourself for what you think is coming.
“About this…this whole thing. That Hunter brought up. This whole thing…” he pauses to make sure you get it. You nod. “I… I just want you to know that if you’re not… attracted to me like that, if you’re not interested in me the same way as the others… I understand.” He feels the relief of finally letting his fears see daylight. The rest would be easy. “I'd never want to come between you and happiness; I can do whatever you need me to so the others don’t worry about me.” There. It's all out. Now you can reject him without fear... or...
He did not expect you to laugh. A relieved laugh at that. You're almost doubled over you're laughing so hard.
He shifts uncomfortably, a little stung. "I wasn't trying to be funny."
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just- Maker, Echo, you scared the SHIT out of me!" You place one hand to your forehead and take a deep breath, letting the knot in your stomach relax. "I thought you were going to say you weren't attracted to me."
Echo’s eyebrows shoot up. “You...you thought I was saying no?”
“Well, you didn’t seem particularly excited to be around me today,” you said, putting down your holopad and turning to face him, "and this whole checkup it's like you've been leaning away from me. So, yes, I thought you didn't want me."
He looks into your beautiful eyes, flummoxed, feeling a bit sheepish. "Well, no... no that's not the case at all." Honest, candid, just say it. "It's hard to stay... uh... focused when it's just the two of us together, alone. Especially knowing what you and Tech were up to yesterday." His thoughts start racing again. He looks down to take a deep breathe and keep himself calm.
"Does it bother you to think about what Tech and I were 'up to'?" you ask quietly, mistaking his reaction.
"No!" He reassures you quickly, eyes shooting up to your startled expression. "No, that's not it at all. It's..." he glances at the marks left on your neck, before looking off to the side, wrestling with his words. "I know this is strange, but somehow it's made me want you even more, made you even more beautiful."
You can't help yourself. "So you think I'm beautiful, huh?"
He looks back at you and smirks, showing a bit more of the Echo you know. "Yes. Mesh'la."
Your heart skips a beat as your cheeks burn. You bite your lip as a shy smile spreads across your face. His sincerity has always been so attractive, and now you don't have to hide how much you love it. You carefully step up to him, positioning yourself between his legs, against the exam table. “So all that's holding you back is the thought that I don’t want you?”
He nods, taking in how close you are to him.
Your hand comes up to cup his face, your thumb brushing gently over his pale lips. "Is there something I can do to prove I do want you?"
His hand traces up the underside of your arm to gently grip your elbow. “…yes. Maker, yes.”
You put your forehead to his, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of him, here, with you. "What can I do, Echo?"
His voice is so soft you can barely hear it. "Kiss me."
Your lips are so soft on his, it’s everything he can do to keep his mind from short-circuiting. This was not at all what he expected. He opens his mouth a bit more, unsure of what to expect, relieved when your tongue eagerly darts forward to meet his. Your hands slither up his neck, the back of his head, past his cybernetic implant, before running your nails gently over his scalp, moving deftly around the metal remnants of Skako. He moans softly in his throat, hand snaking around your waist to pull you closer to him so he can kiss you properly.
Your tongues dance as your bodies melt together, hands gripping each other tightly as if afraid to let go and find out this is all a dream. You can feel his bulge pressing up against you. How many times have you imagined this exact scenario? How many times have you watched him enter the refresher after one of these checkups, desperately keeping yourself from running in to join him? Now, here you were, with him underneath your finger tips, no longer just in a fantasy. And you would be a fool to not take full advantage of this alone time.
Your nails trace down his neck, past his shoulders, down his sides- before tracing the seam where his hips meet his machinery. His sharp intake of breath is nervous, but hopeful. You trace back and forth along the line, getting closer to his groin with every pass, feeling the heat from his cock as you near it.
By the time you brush your hands over his erection, he’s about ready to burst out of his blacks. You’re a little intimidated as you gently palm his cock- he is VERY well endowed. Whether due to the Techno Union or Kaminoan engineering, you send up a silent thank you to whomever is responsible.
You pull away from him, his heavy breathing filling the space between you. He watches you sink down to your knees in front of him, eyes bright as they gaze up at him.
“Let me see.”
He’s so mesmerized by the sight of you that he can only nod again. He gently pulls his blacks down to free himself, watching you intently as his cock stands at full attention.
You sigh reverently, sending a shiver of relief and arousal up his spine. “It’s perfect.” Your fingers gently reach out to slide over his length, giving his cock an experimental pump or two, he leans back against the wall with a sigh, eyes closing for a brief moment. You take the opportunity to trace your tongue from his base, up the underside of his cock all the way to the tip, watching his face contort in the best way.
“It has such a beautiful curve to it; I know exactly where it’s going to hit inside of me.” You say with a coy smile. You feel his cock quiver in your hand as his eyes shoot open to look at you, filled with excited longing at the thought. You could get used to this. He promises to be the most expressive out of all of them. Something you are definitely going to take advantage of.
You ring your tongue around the spongy dome, taking it into your mouth and slowly sliding down, one bob at a time, taking as much as you can. Even relaxing your throat, it’s still hard to take all of him. But his groan when he hits the back of your throat is so worth it.
You can feel how hard he’s trying not to thrust into you, his legs shaking from the effort of enduring the pleasure without escalating it. Smiling to yourself at how you can reduce this seasoned soldier into a quivering wreck, you start to bob up and down on his cock, your tongue tracing where it can. His flesh hand comes up and entangles in your hair, resting there to keep contact with you as you slowly suck him into a frenzy.
He can hardly believe his luck- he’s imagined your lips on him every time he’s taken himself in hand. Looking down at you again, he can see the light in your eyes every time he moans, sending another shiver down his spine. You loved this. You were sucking his cock like it was a treat you’d gone without for too long. Your arousal at his arousal was the hottest thing he never knew he wanted. He could feel his high building up, could feel his cock swelling in your mouth, pulling even more subtle nuances into his reverie- he was almost there. Maker if he started thrusting now he would be coming down your throat-
But you had different plans. Pulling up one final time, you squeezed him at his base, holding off his orgasm, locking your eyes with his as you tenderly lick the sides of his shaft, grinning at his tortured cry and his pleading eyes.
“I’m not done yet,” you purr, eyes glancing down to his shirt then back up to his eyes. “I want to see all of you first.”
He hesitates for a moment, the shame still stalling him, but the sight of you between his thighs emboldens him. He lifts off his shirt with his one hand, carefully, but less afraid now. You slowly tug at his lower blacks and he lets you slide them down, keeping his eyes on how reverently you keep loving his cock.
You smile as your eyes take in all of him, feeling your quiver of arousal at his bare body before you. You LOVE looking at his body. Enough to be hard against you while he was tender, plenty to be gentle with you while he was rough. It was a beautiful balance that excited you more than you realized.
You quickly pull him entirely into your mouth, all the way to the bottom of his shaft, his strangled moan confirming you caught him off guard. You smile up at him as you pull your lips up his length before sitting back on your feet.
“Hold this for me, will you?” You say, placing his cock in his hand. You use one hand to pull his chin to your smile. “Don’t let go. And don't come yet. If you can help it.” You kiss him gently, once, before standing up, eyes connected as you slowly start taking off your armor.
It’s not a particular fancy show- but it’s more than enough for him. Piece by piece, the plastoid falls to the ground, slowly revealing the form fitting blacks underneath. He finds his fist struggling not to pump his cock, the almost agonizing titillation sending shots into every inch of his groin. He has to force himself to keep breathing, eyes roving over you hungrily.
You’re finally down to your blacks, and you let your hands trace down over your breasts, your stomach, until you reach the bottom of your shirt, slowly pulling it up over your head. The sight of your breasts is almost enough to send him over, but he grips himself at his base before he can come. Good thing, too, because as you slip off your bottoms, stepping out to leave them behind on the floor, he has to squeeze a little bit harder to keep from exploding in his hand.
You smile almost shyly at his appreciative look. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yes.” His voice is hoarse, barely above a whisper, almost a growl.
“Good. I do too.” You walk to him, pushing him back against the wall so you can straddle him. You can feel his cock straining against your back, begging for more attention, but you leave it to savor what’s in front of you.
His eyes take you in as you perch on his lap. “Maker, cyar'ika, you are so beautiful.”
“Thank you, it’s true,” you tease. He sighs as your hands run up his chest, taking in everything, EVEYTHING, in front of you. Your hand caresses his right arm down to his scomp link, gently bringing it up to the side of your face and kissing it like you would his wrist. You can feel him press against your cheek and finally, finally, his body relaxes completely. You’ve seen him, you’ve felt him. You want everything about him, not just the man parts, but the machine parts as well.
“Come and get me.”
He didn’t realize he had been waiting for permission. Something snaps, the captivated daze is lifted, you feel his appetite roar as he kisses you like a man starved. You match his need, feeling whisked away in the result of his passion. Maker, he ran deep, you could feel every moment he longed for you in that kiss. He pulls you in closer, ravenously kissing down your jaw, down your throat, right to the point where your neck meets your shoulder.
“Oh fuck yes.” He murmurs, his tongue and teeth leaving the marks he’s been craving. You can feel them imprinting next to the marks from Tech the day before. Your moan is primal as his cock begs at your back, refusing to be ignored for much longer. Echo’s flesh arm traces along the back of your thigh to trace along your slit, only to moan at how wet you already are.
You raise yourself until his cock nestles under your opening, rutting away in your slick.
“Echo... do you really want me?”
He looks directly up into your eyes, filled with the warmth and care that draws you to him. “Oh cyar'ika, I want you. More than anything, anyone in the galaxy right now, I want you.”
Your heart swells as you kiss him, slowly lowering yourself onto his cock, throwing your head back with a groan as he fills you as far as he can. For a moment you can do nothing but pant, senses lost in the satisfaction of finally having him inside you. He’s not much better- his face buried in your neck as he focuses on keeping his grip.
“Oh maker you’re so tight. I… you have to tell me when I can move, I have to keep a hold of myself or I’ll lose control.”
You kiss him to bring him back. His tongue pushes in to meet yours, determined to fill you in more ways than one. You feel your grip starting to fail as well, your need taking over, pulling you into dangerous territory.
“Let me ride you. You’ll know when you can take me as hard as you want.”
He groans again, sinking back against the wall to watch. Karking hell his groans were enough to make you clench on their own. You slowly start to move up and down his shaft, hands splayed on his chest, his cock never fully going in as you continue to adjust.
“Kriff you feel so good,” you pant, slowly picking up the pace, feeling his cock drag against your swollen clit as you slide him in and out. “Oh god yes, this is what I wanted, all those nights I knew you were sleeping above me, I wanted to sneak up there and ride you into awakeness.” Your dazed eyes look right into his, watching him watch you, his lips parted, face hungry. He gently starts thrusting up into you, meeting your hips each time they fall. His breath is ragged as he starts to pick up the pace, feeling your wetness coat his cock as you stretch more and more.
“Fuck, I wanted to ride you just like this. Echo, oh god you’re so big, I don’t know if I can fit you completely…”
Without warning he picks you up, still inside you, whirling to push you onto your back against the table. The jolt sends his cock fully into you and you cry out from the pleasure, eyes crossing briefly as he pushes against your cervix. His scomping arm pushes your left leg up towards your chest, his other arm gripping both hands over your head, holding you in place as he slowly, deliciously fucks into you.
“Please, keep talking to me. Tell me what you thought of me doing to you.”
You’re so lost in this that the truth spills from your mouth. “I wanted to feel your metal legs digging into me as you bend me in half, leaving bruises that no one else can see. I, oh MAKER Echo, I wanted to feel your implant in my hands while you made me come over and over again on your scomp link. Fuck, I wanted you to fuck me from behind, your hand on my throat as you whisper your plans in my ear and- oh fuck Echo just like that please don’t stop-“
He’s lost it, all inhibitions are gone as he plunges into your pussy as hard as he can, watching you take all of him. You feel yourself melting around his cock, unable to do anything but submit to the pleasure of him taking you so fiercely. You’re so close, so close…
“Kriff, cyar'ika, I can’t take it… you feel so so good… I’m… where should I…”
“Inside- I want to come while you empty yourself inside of me. Give me every last drop of you- FUCK!”
You can’t keep yourself from screaming his name over and over as your orgasm crashes through you, sending him over the edge. His strangled moan adds even more shivers down your spine as you feel each thrust coat your walls with more and more of his spend, built up from all the edging. You push against his hips, taking every last inch that you can to ride your high to its fullest until he softens.
He gently pulls out of you, releasing your hands and letting your leg down, leaning on his flesh arm while he catches his breath. You take in the sight of him over you, your hand reaching out to trace his chest, marveling at the pale skin under your fingertips.
“My Echo.”
He lets out a breathy laugh as he looks at you, any fear or reservation gone from his eyes.
“Your Echo.” He kisses in between your breasts. “My cyar'ika.”
You smile down at him, kissing his forehead. “Your cyar'ika.”
The others return much later than you thought. You and Echo have long since showered, tested the strength of the shower walls, showered again, dressed in your blacks, and retired to your bunk to talk, cuddle and laugh. His hand never stops running over you, and only the knowledge that the others should be back any minute keeps your hands above your hem lines.
A thought crosses your mind in one of the lulls in conversation.
“Yes, mesh’la?”
“Do you trust me?”
His hand slows in its tracing, but doesn’t quite stop. “Why... would you ask that?”
Your eyes wander around his face, looking for the words to describe what you’re feeling. “I don’t ever want you to feel like you did today. I don’t want you to doubt how much I want you. It breaks my heart that you might think I see you with an ounce less attraction then I do your brothers.” You place one hand on his chest, feeling where his heart, his HUMAN heart, still beats. You take a deep breath. “As much as I want that, I know I can’t control how you feel. But I’m hoping…” You look in his eyes, so full and warm and honest and kind. He deserves so much good in his life. “I just hope you trust me.”
His smile is one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen, lit up with admiration and understanding, and…something very close to love. “I trust you, mesh’la,” he says sincerely, the words sounding natural, genuine on his tongue. “With my life, with my health, and now with my heart.”
You feel your heart smile radiantly as you lean in to kiss him, careful to keep it chaste. But you just can’t help yourself as you smile against his lips. “Just your heart?”
He chuckles lightly, his hand massaging where it rests on your back. “Well, in public anyway.”
“Mmm,” you look up at him smugly. “We’ll see about that.”
His eyes darken with desire as he reaches to pull you in, his cock starting to firm up against you-
-just as you both hear the hatch open.
He freezes for a moment, looking to where he can hear the others. “Kriff.” He mutters, struggling to calm himself.
You can’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll go meet them. Just try not to think about everything we just did. And everything we’re going to do. And-”
“Maker, just GO, cyar’ika,” he groans quietly. You chuckle and kiss him lightly before rolling out of your bunk to meet the others.
“THERE you are, your Majesty.” Wrecker booms out as you head towards the cockpit, bowing as he hands you a bag. “We brought you food since your testing went late.”
“Testing?” you say, eyebrows raised as you take the food. “What do you mean?”
Wrecker throws himself into one of the chairs to reveal Hunter leaning against the door, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Tech told us you had some additional endurance exercises to run with Echo- that’s why you couldn’t come with him when he came to get you two for dinner.”
“Tech said…” you look over to where your Genius sits in the cockpit on his perpetually present holopad. He glances up at you and smiles briefly, satisfied at his handy work, before going back to whatever research. Your heart leaps at his thoughtfulness.
You pull out the hot noodles that were your usual. “Yeah, sorry about that. You know endurance tests, they’re less effective if you know about them beforehand.” Your eyes twinkle up at the Sergeant's smirking face. “But Echo passed with flying colors.”
“Where IS Echo?” Wrecker asks, stealing one of the garnishes from on top of your food and popping it in his mouth before you can swat him away.
“Right here,” he says, coming out from the bunks. “I hear there’s food?”
You hand him the bag, glancing to make sure he's...decent.
“Good,” he says, looking at you while he takes it. “I’m pretty hungry after that endurance test.”
You stuff noodles in your mouth, trying to hide the smile threatening to play across your face.
Hunter chuckles. “Good, would hate to hear that you couldn't make the Queen happy.”
“Was there ever any doubt?”
Hunter looked back at you, back to business. “Clean bill of health then, all around?”
You turn in the chair, checking the computer for the incoming files on their updated medical records. “Mmhmm.”
“Alright, then we’re done here. New mission, Tech’s gathering our intel right now. All we’re waiting on is Crosshair.”
“Where is Crosshair?” You ask around a mouth full of noodles.
“Right here,” says a hissy voice from the gangway. Crosshair enters, toothpick in place, a small bag in his hand. He closes the hatch as Tech heads to the front of the Marauder, beginning the launch sequence. “Did you miss me?”
“Where the heck have YOU been?” asks Wrecker.
“I needed to get something,” Crosshair says in his usual tone, making his way towards the bunks.
“Yeah? What did you need?” Wrecker calls after him.
Crosshair emerges again sans bag, glancing at you with a smirk before heading back up to the cockpit. “Personal supplies.”
You stop mid-noodle and watch him as he leaves. You glance at Wrecker, who shrugs, then Echo, who can’t keep a smile off his face. Then Hunter, whose eyes promise that whatever it was, you were probably going to like it, and really hate that you liked it. You swallow the rest of your noodles.
“Alright, squad.” Hunter says, heading into the cockpit. “Let’s get moving.”
@nunanuggets @nightsister-babez @nonsenseandm3mes @in-the-crosshairs @mywheezingisalertingtheguards @allhailkingboba @valiantlyminiaturecreature @kaorikoizumi @ladykatakuri @ben-is-a-hoe @klay97 @kaitou2417 @dumfanting @kuromisheart @koifish08 @nivcole445 @ladykatakuri @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @badbatch-simp24 @pointy-sharp
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky wants to try something new with you
Word Count: 1,355
Warnings: Pure filth, groping, tiddy sucking, tiddy fucking, nipple play, bodily fluids everywhere, Bucky cleaning up his own mess bow chika wow wow MINORS STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED
A/N: Sloppy writing ahead but ugh whatever. Anyway this is really filthy but we love that, don’t we @sarge-barnes-sir @lookiamtrying ? 😌 Hope y’all enjoy this, ya nasties 😘😘😘
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The comedy movie playing on the television used to be the center of your attention since thirty minutes ago. You still tried to concentrate on it, but with Bucky’s hand cupping your breast every once in a while, it was hard to focus.
“Bucky.” You called out, a warning.
You adjusted yourself on the couch as you laid your back against Bucky’s chest. His arm was still wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you closer before his hand gave your breast another squeeze.
“Stop groping my boob. I’m watching.” You reprimand but Bucky just whined and brushed his fingers against your hardening nipple.
He pressed a kiss on your cheek, feeling his lips smirk against your skin before he straightened up and to grab at your waist.
“Come here, baby.” His voice soft and tone needy.
Bucky’s been on one of those moods again, the kind that made him so clingy and touch-starved. Unstoppable. Insatiable. You groaned and complained about watching the movie, truth was, you could no longer follow the plot. All thanks to Bucky and his wandering hands.
“We can watch it again later, I promise.” He whispered before moving you on top of him, straddling his thighs.
“What do you want, Bucky?” You asked, feigning irritation as you playfully rolled your eyes at himz
Bucky bent down to kiss the top of your breasts, nuzzling his face into your cleavage as his hands move behind you to cup your ass. “You know what I want.”
His voice came out as a rough growl, his face still pressed onto your chest. He looked up at you, pupils blown wide and lips parted. Sticking his tongue out, he leaned forward to flick a nipple through your cami top.
Your hands found Bucky’s hair as he continued his assault on your clothed breast, small whines slipping out of your mouth.
“Fuckin’ love these tits. They make me so hard every time.” Bucky grunted before hastily pulling down the neckline of your top, revealing your breasts to him.
You whimpered when he wasted no time to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly while his hand reached up to fondle your other breast. Wetness seeped out of your pussy, soaking your underwear as your hips began to move against Bucky’s hardened erection.
“Look at those pretty nipples, so hard already and begging for attention. Thought you wanted to watch the movie?” Bucky teased before flicking his tongue against your nipple again, this time in fast and hard strokes.
“Bucky...” you moaned, tugging at his hair as he moved to your other breast, giving it the same attention.
The combination of sucking and licking was making your entire body tremble. You gently pushed Bucky away to completely remove your top, throwing it aside before pushing your chest forward, wanting to feel more.
Bucky continued his ministrations, alternating from sucking and nibbling your already sensitive nipples. Your hips rocked against his, seeking relief from the throb you were feeling in your cunt.
“D’you like it when I suck on these tits, babe? This feel good?” Bucky moaned, cupping a breast before circling your areola with his tongue.
You hummed in affirmation, nodding your head as you watched Bucky lap at your breasts, switching from one to the other. His hands wandered to your waist, keeping you in place as he sucked at your nipple so hard it had you seeing stars.
“Fuck, Bucky!” You moaned, your pussy clenching at nothing before gushing out with wetness.
“Shit, did you just get off?” Bucky chuckled.
Your face was red, unable to believe that indeed, Bucky made you cum just by playing with your tits. Embarrassed at what had just happened, you hide your face into Bucky’s neck and whine.
“It’s okay, baby. I think it’s pretty fuckin’ hot.” Bucky grunted into your ear before helping you off of his lap.
He sat you back down on the couch and stood up, bending down to kiss you before he positioned himself in front of you.
“Want to try something with you, baby. Wanna fuck those tits. You gonna let me do that, princess?” Bucky asked as he shoved his shorts down, just enough to set his hardened member free and god yes, you’d let him do that.
With the way Bucky was looking down at you, you’d let him do anything to you. His cock was red, tip seeping with pre-cum already and although you wanted to take it into your mouth and suck the life out of him, you’d save that for later.
For now, you’ll let Bucky have his way with you.
“See how hard you make me just by having those pretty tits out?” Bucky crooned, holding his cock and slapping it on top of your breasts.
You almost salivate at what Bucky was doing to you— pressing the head of his cock against your nipple, teasing it until you were squirming in your seat. He hasn’t even touched you yet but you could already feel another orgasm building up.
“Squeeze your tits together for me, baby...yeah, fuck. Just like that, god you make so fucking crazy.”
More obscenities fly out of Bucky’s mouth as he circled your nipples with his cock, slapping it against the swell of your breasts, smearing his pre-cum all over your skin.
“Keep your tits pushed together for me, yeah?” Bucky instructed and you immediately comply.
He lets out a primal grunt when he slowly slid his cock in between your breasts, his eyes fluttering close at the feeling of his cock being squeezed. Bucky pulled out again and this time, he took his damn time pushing his cock in between your tits.
“Fuck, baby. Your tits look so perfect with my cock in between them.” He breathed out.
“Hold onto the couch, baby.” Bucky quickly added, his hands replacing yours on the sides of your breasts.
Bucky pushed your tits together, holding onto them as leverage before he started fucking your breasts. You were used to Bucky making noise during sex but this was the only time he had gotten so loud, grunting and growling as he slid in and out of your tits.
“Stick your tongue out baby, wanna feel your tongue on the tip of my cock whenever I slide in.”
You moaned at the salty taste of Bucky’s pre-cum when the head of his cock touched your tongue. Drool began to slip past your lips and chin, trickling down to your breasts giving Bucky more lubrication.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby. Jesus...” Bucky panted, his face scrunching up in pleasure as he felt his orgasm approach.
After a few more thrusts, Bucky quickly took a step back as he jerked his cock until he came on your chest. Veins on his neck popped out as he cursed, watching ropes of his cum land on your breasts.
“You look so beautiful like that, princess.” Bucky praised you and proceeds to spread the mess he made on your tits using his cock.
He bit his lip as he swirled it around your nipple, sliding across the valley of your breast towards the other. Bucky cupped your jaw and tilted your face up as he bends down to kiss you. It’s a messy kiss, all teeth and tongue and spit.
Bucky pulled away and smirked, “Gotta clean up my mess on you.”
The question was lost to a wanton moan when Bucky knelt down to lick your neck, sucking marks onto your skin before moving lower to your tits.
His name came out as a breathy whimper when Bucky started licking his release from your breasts, cleaning you up. He groaned at his own taste when he suckled your nipple again, his hands cupping your breasts to lift them up further into his face.
When he twisted your other nipple, your hands flew to his hair as your back arched.
And with the way Bucky stared up at you hungrily, you already knew that this wasn’t the end yet. It was just the beginning.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @whoth3hellisbucky​​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @twinerd14 @bluehour-553​ @old-enough-to-know-better73​​ @aikeia​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​​ @stucky-my-ship​ @borikenlove​ ​
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sukunas-angel · 3 years
When The Clock Strikes Midnight Collab.
Sukuna x Female Reader
Little Red Riding Hood Theme.
Word Count: 2.4k
Trigger warnings: Non-Con. Please do NOT read if this bothers/triggers you. View at your own discretion.
Tags: NSFW, Non-Con, Little Red Riding Hood Theme, JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen AU, Sukuna x DFAB Reader, Predator x Prey Trope.
It hadn’t always been like this.
She couldn’t pinpoint exactly when the rumours had started, or when fear had spread like a vicious wildfire around the village. She remembered a time before the whispers and the unofficial curfew. She remembered a time when the sun used to shine, and life as she knew it was just plain ordinary.
There was a cursed spirit that supposedly lurked in the woods that separated the small village from her grandmothers cottage. She wasn’t sure when or how it had arrived, just that people who dared go near the forest were never seen again.
She had lost classmates, friends. Too many she knew went venturing into the forest, to never return again. Some of them were brave; searching for missing family and friends. And some were stupid, sneaking into the dense wood on dares in the dead of night. It didn’t matter their intention. Whoever entered the forest, never came back.
Y/N was neither brave nor stupid.
No, certainly not brave. Even now, her heart raced fiercely in her chest as she slowly trudged through the sea of amber leaves on the forest floor. Her hands were clammy and balled into tight fists inside the oversized sleeves of her red hoodie. Her breaths came fast and laboured, creating a white smoke in the cold autumn air. No, she certainly wasn’t brave at all.
She just felt guilty.
The fear and hysteria had gotten so severe in the village that no one dared deliver groceries to her grandmother anymore. It had been almost 5 days since all ventures into the forest had stopped completely, and Y/N was certain her grandmother had to be slowly starving by now. She was far too old and frail to be foraging for food in the forest, and far too sickly to be going without proper nutrition.
Y/N wasn’t stupid.
She knew a journey into the forest meant certain death. She knew this, she really did.
But she couldn’t just let her grandmother starve to death.
She was the last bit of family she had. And starvation was such a slow and cruel death. She couldn’t handle the guilt, the overwhelming feeling of responsibility that weighed heavily in her chest.
So here she was, on a gloomy October morning, walking into certain death, with a basket full of groceries clutched to her chest.
It was almost funny.
No, it was funny. She giggled to herself. Actually, it was hilarious. She had ventured into certain death with nothing to arm herself with, but cans of soup. She giggled some more; perhaps she was dumb.
“How odd. They’re not normally crazy until after I’ve finished with them.”
Her body froze in place, and her eyes darted around wildly, trying to find the source of the voice. From what the village elders had told everyone, cursed spirits weren’t supposed to talk.
“No matter. You humans are always the same when you die. Snivelling, pathetic little shrimps right until the last breath.”
The voice was closer now, causing the hairs on her arms to stand on end. She turned her whole body suddenly, whipping her head round to face the incredible evil that stood behind her.
What stood before her wasn’t what she expected at all.
She hasn’t expected a cursed spirit to look so human. The elders had painted them as such ghastly creatures, a terrible sight for anyone who could actually see them. But the entity that stood before her was almost attractive. Something so pleasing to the eye that, if she weren’t scared out of her mind, she might’ve found him incredibly handsome.
His pink hair complimented his red eyes perfectly, and his frighteningly tall figure was sculpted and muscled beneath the white robe he wore.
“Y-you’re human?” She questioned uncertainly.
He looked human enough. Sure, he had odd black markings on his skin but that could just be paint, right? The elders had insisted cursed spirits were monsters, incapable of speech and very unlikely to be seen by the eyes of ordinary humans.
“You can see me?” He seemed genuinely delighted at the prospect, a large grin splitting his face, revealing sharp, pointed teeth.
Teeth that certainly weren’t human.
She shook her head dumbly, averting her eyes in a futile attempt to pretend she was blind to the presence in front of her.
“You shook your head to my question, which means you can hear me too. What an interesting little human you are,” he almost cooed to her, stepping forward in curiosity.
She stepped back instinctively, with every fibre of her being screaming for her to run. She was in the vicinity of an apex predator. She was the prey, she was helpless. She knew this in her very soul.
Her brain was screaming at her to sprint, adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her muscles were poised, ready to contract, to move her faster than she’d likely ever moved before.
But she couldn’t move.
“Humans haven’t been able to see me in millennia. Not since those jujutsu sorcerers were still around.”
He was speaking to her again, smiling at her in malice. His cold red eyes appraised her form, smiling wider when he noticed how ready she was to bolt.
“What’s the matter little human? Cat got your tongue?” He chuckled darkly, stepping even closer.
“You know, most people would have ran by now. What’s the matter? Too frightened to move?” He taunted her, making her blood boil at his mocking tone.
“What’s the point in running? I’d be dead within seconds. I’d rather face my death head on. I’m not a coward.” She spat at him, her eyes a raging fire.
She could tell he enjoyed this. He enjoyed the fear he brought to people, the chase when they ran. And she was sure he enjoyed killing them after.
Though she was terrified, and her body screamed at her to run as fast as she could, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
His resounding laugh startled her.
“What an interesting little creature you are!” He laughed in delight, clapping his hands together with a large grin.
“But your little front doesn’t fool me. I can hear your racing heart, little girl. I can smell the adrenaline coursing through your veins. I can taste your fear.” His voice lowered and he stepped toward her again.
She backed up now, cursing herself when her back hit the cold bark of a tree. She should’ve been more aware of her surroundings. He was too close to try moving away from the tree behind her now.
She was too frightened to try move anyway, her legs shook and she slumped slightly into the tree trunk, her knees weak from fear. She wanted to be strong, to face her imminent death head on.
But she was afraid.
His large figure caged her to the tree, his arm coming to rest just above her head. He looked down at her cruelly.
“You. Are. Terrified.” He whispered in her ear. She whimpered in response, her head sinking into her shoulders in fear.
“You know,” he started, a hunger settling in his crimson eyes once again.
“There was a story that went around this village back when I was human,” Sukuna purred, drawing his face closer to hers so that their noses almost touched.
“About a poor little girl…” he grabbed her fragile wrists in his hands, pinning them above her head. She watched him through fearful, wide eyes.
He could feel her heart hammering in her chest. He had forgotten how pleasant and warm a woman’s body could be. She was ever so pretty too, her large doe eyes had drawn him in from the beginning.
“And a big…” he put his lips to her ear, grinning at how she shivered in fear.
“….Bad…” he licked the shell of her ear, revelling in her cry of fear.
“….Wolf.” Sukuna growled, pushing his body into hers, trapping her impossibly tight against the tree. He licked up her neck, moaning at just how good she tasted.
So sweet.
She tried squirming away from him; being pinned so tightly between him and the tree was almost painful. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, she couldn’t bear to look at the beautiful monster in front of her anymore.
“You’re delicious.” Sukuna whispered in her ear, nibbling on the lobe.
“Did you eat the other people that came into the woods?” She’d tried to sound strong, but the wobble in her voice betrayed her.
He pulled back to look down upon her coldly. His cruel smirk told her the answer to her question.
“Yes.” He affirmed, stroking her cheek with one sharp nail while his other hand kept her wrists pinned above her head.
Her knees almost gave way at his answer, as her breaths came out in frantic gasps.
So many people…
So many people had been eaten. By this human-like monster in front of her.
Oh, god. Y/N thought.
I’ll be eaten too.
“A-are you gonna eat me?” She breathed, looking up into his cold red eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek.
Y/N didn’t want to die. She was too young. She had so much to live for, so much she wanted to do. She never even got to leave this damned village. She was born here, set to die here, without ever seeing anywhere else.
A wasted life. She thought miserably.
Her eyes met Sukuna’s again in shock.
“Though you are delicious,” he grinned, his pointed teeth making her shudder.
“A human hasn’t been able to see or hear me in millennia. And here you are,”
“A pretty little girl, who stumbled so innocently into my territory,” he was whispering into her ear again, making her shiver.
“Who can see and hear me. Killing you would be a waste.” He nuzzled his face into her neck, groaning at how good she smelt.
“It’s been years since I felt the touch of a woman.” He told her, sucking lightly on her neck.
Her eyes widened as the meaning of his words dawned on her.
“No, no, no, no! No way…no way in hell will I…I’m not…I won’t be your whore.” She sputtered angrily, squirming wildly, trying to pull her wrists from his grip.
He dropped her wrists, stepping backwards. The grin on his face was feral.
“Such spunk for helpless little prey like you” he delighted.
“Let’s play a game.” He decided, a gleeful grin still playing on his lips.
“You’ll be little red riding hood,”
“And I’ll be the big, bad wolf.” He bared his sharp teeth at her, portraying just how wolflike he really looked.
“If you make it out of these woods before I catch you, you’re free.”
“But if I catch you, you’re mine.” He growled possessively.
“I’ll give you a little head start, it’s only fair. You’re such weak prey after all.” He ran his fingers through his hair, his posture undoubtedly relaxed.
Y/N knew he was certain of his inevitable victory.
She was sure he would win too, even with whatever ‘head-start’ he was so graciously going to give her. He’d single handedly pinned her against the tree like it was nothing, despite her using all her strength to squirm away. This ‘game’ of his was futile.
But, damn, she had to try.
She couldn’t just roll over and become someone’s whore.
She took off running, unwilling to hear him speak anymore. She thought perhaps if she ran and caught him off guard, she’d be able to put even more distance between them.
She could hear his loud laughter booming behind her, she’d never heard something so cold.
“Ten.” She heard him call, and she almost cried in response.
Ten seconds??
That’s what he called a head start?
She pushed herself harder, the muscles in her legs burning from the exertion. She wasn’t even sure the direction she was running in was the right one, she’d had no time to think. All she could do was run and hope that she reached the village in time.
“Nine.” He still sounded somewhat close.
“Eight.” His voice sounded somewhat distant now.
“Seven.” The end of the forest was nowhere in sight, but his voice was definitely fading.
“Six” she barely heard him, perhaps she’d put a decent distance between them now, she hoped.
She weaved in and out of the trees with an agility she never knew she possessed. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made everything clearer, focussed her enough to easily dodge stray roots and branches that would trip her or hinder her escape.
She wasn’t sure how long it had been, but she guessed he was probably chasing her by now. She just hoped she’d covered enough distance to escape him.
She didn’t hear him.
He was silent as he tackled her roughly to the ground.
Air was forced out her lungs in a gasp at the force of it, her dazed eyes meeting his as he pinned her roughly to the ground.
“No…no…” she breathed, tears pouring out her eyes.
He sat on her, his weight heavy on her waist, as he leaned toward her, her wrists being pushed painfully into the cold ground.
“I win.” He whispered into her ear, before licking it.
“No…” she whimpered as more tears fell.
“Yes.” He purred, nuzzling her neck again.
“You smell delightful.” He groaned again.
“P-please…” she whimpered, her chest heaving still as she gasped for air.
“And now the wolf devours it’s prey.” He growled, licking up her neck.
“You said you didn’t want to eat me!” She cried.
He chuckled, licking away a stray tear from her cheek.
“Oh, sweetheart,” He growled.
“I lied.” He grinned, as she cried out again, shaking in fear.
“However, killing you really would be a waste.” He continued.
He sat up again, keeping her arms pinned by her head still. He appraised her form again, smirking. Sukuna truly hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing something so beautiful in a long time.
“Good thing there’s more than one way to eat someone.” He chuckled.
Y/N gasped shakily as the meaning of his words dawned on her.
Sukuna pressed his lips against hers roughly, forcing his tongue between her lips. He groaned as he did, relishing how good it felt. How good she tasted.
Yes, there was more than one way to eat someone. She thought helplessly.
She wasn’t sure which way was worse.
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nocturne-overtures · 3 years
Kinktober Day 5-Bad Influences
Pairing: Lee Minhyuk (BTOB)/Lee Felix
Prompt: Daddy Kink, Spanking, Cumming From Punishment
WC: 2k+
Genre(s)/AU(s): Smut, Idolverse, Fluff
TWs: Swearing
SWs: Daddy Kink, Pet Names, Spanking (Hand and Paddle), Marking (Imprints), Bratty Sub, Teasing, Semi-Public, Sexual Punishment, Stoplight System, Dominant Idol, Submissive Idol, BDSM Overtones, Praise Kink, Pain Kink, Crying, Aftercare
Everything here is Safe, Sane, and Consensual as always, folks
A/N: I also have the tagged folks according to your preferences so if you’re someone who asked to be tagged in btob works, skz works, or both and included member x member works, then beep boop you’re gettin tagged. Also this is set during Kingdom filming
New! taglist moved to the bottom of the work. if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this or my other works, feel free to fill out the form here after reading the full post. ©Nocturne-Overtures. do not repost, translate, or use my works.
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
Day 4                  Day 6
Network Pings: @kdiarynet @kwritersworld @kpopscape
Minhyuk was many things. 
Easily riled up, was not one of them. 
No, he was a very meticulous man. Took his time analyzing situations with a deceptive smile on his face, feigning aloofness while he sorted his thoughts. 
Think, before you act. Always. 
It was a lesson Felix hadn’t quite grasped yet, deciding he was going to follow after his friends’ footsteps and try provoking Minhyuk into action. 
Had he been learning bad behaviours from Wooyoung, Sanghyuk, and Sunwoo? Definitely. 
Unfortunately for Felix, Minhyuk had the benefit of age and experience on his side. He loved his boyfriend, no doubt, but he wasn’t so swooned and whipped that he’d crack like San. He wasn’t a switch in any capacity, so the tables didn’t get turned on him like with Youngbin. And he surely didn’t get flustered or caught out by misbehaviour like Sangyeon. 
So when Felix took to subtly brushing against him as they passed backstage for filming, when he sent him suggestive photos while changing costumes, the times he’d appear at Cube, an innocent smile on his freckled face as he sat directly in Minhyuk’s lap, pouting and chattering about how much he wished he could have fun with Minhyuk whenever he wanted like the others-
Minhyuk only hummed, kissing the top of Felix’s head. Today they were in the older man’s home, resting before the upcoming field day event.
“We only have a few more weeks of filming. I’ll be sure to stop by more often.”
“I mean...we have time now so-”
Felix pouted and looked up, shifting beside him on the couch, his freckled cheeks slightly puffed out. 
“Are you going to keep doing that?”
Minhyuk cocked a brow. 
“Doing what?” 
“Not…” Felix trailed off, making a small frustrated noise. Minhyuk cocked a brow, an amused noise leaving his lips. 
“Not what, baby? Fucking you?” 
Felix nodded and Minhyuk set the pen he had in his hand down, closing the notebook to the raps he was writing and humming. 
“Why do you think I haven’t fucked you, Felix?”
“I don’t know! I’ve been trying and-” he cut himself off, lips pursing.
Minhyuk couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips, a deep rumble resonating from his chest as he looked at Felix in amusement. 
“C’mon to my room. I’ll tell you why it didn’t work.” 
Felix perked and nodded eagerly, hustling after him, practically on Minhyuk’s heels. 
How he ended up here, sprawled out across Minhyuk’s lap with the older man humming and rubbing his ass was another story. Felix blushed, looking up, expecting Minhyuk to finger him and prep him. Instead, he had his head lightly tilted up, looking into Felix’s eyes. 
Instantly, the younger man realized-finally-that he may have been in trouble, eyes widening. 
“Would you like to explain now? Or would you prefer to take your punishment as I explain to you what you did wrong?"
Felix shrunk a bit, cheeks flared. 
“I can let you go and let you explain yourself. Or I can spank you and I tell you why you’re in trouble.”
Felix looked into his eyes. Minhyuk never moved his gaze from his. He was giving him a choice. He always did. Felix looked back, finding a small leather paddle sitting beside Minhyuk’s thigh while his large hand lie rested on Felix’s ass, unmoving for now. 
He shied and nodded. 
“I’m staying here.” 
“Do you remember our system?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Minhyuk nodded, a pleased sound leaving his lips. 
He grabbed the paddle, rubbing Felix’s ass in circles before he brought the paddle down hard on his ass. Felix jolted and yelped, though Minhyuk kept him in his lap with his free hand wrapped securely around Felix’s waist. 
“You don’t have to count this time. But Daddy wants you to know that following after the other Brats is why that pretty ass is in trouble.”
Felix yipped at the second, then third hit, cheeks flushing as he felt the leather rub over his sore cheek between Minhyuk’s talking. 
“I j-just wanted you t-to….to…” He flushed and lowered his head. Minhyuk tapped his ass with the paddle. 
“Lift your head. You wanted me to what?”
“F-fuck me. They...they said being bratty and teasing works all the time for them and-fuck!” He cursed and jolted when his untouched cheek was struck, Minhyuk’s grip still strong around his waist. 
“There’s a difference between their Doms and Daddy, kitten.” he lightly scolded, his voice never going above the volume of his normal speaking tone. Felix bowed his head down. 
“S-sorry, Daddy.” Minhyuk hummed and rubbed his ass. 
“Are you?”
Felix nodded before whimpering and dropping his head once more when another hard spank fell to his ass. He could feel something on the paddle, like...an outline? Though the paddle was never pressed to his sore ass long enough for him to distinguish what it is. Minhyuk took care to rub him between spanks with the smooth end of the paddle. 
“Pick your head up, baby.” Minhyuk reminded him. Felix shuddered and muttered a quick apology before Minhyuk paused. 
“Are you alright?”
Felix nodded. 
“What’s your color, baby?”
Minhyuk kissed his head before he continued. 
“I’m not San, or Youngbin, I’m not Sangyeon either. Who am I?”
A light tap to his ass from the paddle had Felix’s hips jolt, anticipating a full hit before he blushed. He realized he was hard, his cock pressed fully against Minhyuk’s leg. 
When had he gotten hard?
“Who am I, Felix?” He asked again. 
“M-My Daddy.” 
“Good. So Daddy is going to tell you, the best way to get him to fuck you, is to ask.” the paddle was discarded without a word, Minhyuk’s calloused hand squeezing and kneading both of Felix’s cheeks. 
“I won’t reward you with my cock for being a brat, Felix.” he scolded him, his hand coming down on Felix’s left cheek. A scream of surprise left his mouth and he nearly scrambled out of Minhyuk’s lap, his cock jumping against the fabric of the older man’s gym shorts. Minhyuk loosened his grip, giving him the chance to get out of it if he wanted to. 
Felix shook his head and settled back down, slightly panting as tears gathered in the corner of his eyes. 
Minhyuk hummed, sitting in silence for a few minutes, just groping and kneading the heated skin under his hand. Felix kept his head up like asked, though his thighs shook from his position across Minhyuk’s lap. The older man took notice, pulling him forward a bit more, spreading his long legs so he could support Felix a bit better. 
Once Felix had stopped shaking as much, Minhyuk continued. 
“Do you want to be a brat, Felix?”
Felix shook his head, groaning at the next spank, the tears rolling down his cheek as he clenched and unclenched his fists. 
“N-No, Daddy!”
“No? Not gonna try and be like Sunwoo and grind on me backstage like he does with Sangyeon?” 
Felix shook his head quickly, his hair stuck to his face and neck from the sweat that began to build up on his body. 
“What about sitting in my lap during meetings with the others? Mmm? Is it fair to tease Daddy like the others do? Do you think you should have my cock after being such a tease like that?” he inquired. Felix shook his head once more, biting his lip and all but thrusting against Minhyuk’s leg with the next jolt from his spank, his entire body flushed. 
He’d gotten hard, painfully so. Part of him feared he’d cum just from this. 
Minhyuk’s hand froze midair, attentive brown eyes looking down immediately. 
“What is it, baby? Do you want to stop?”
“N-No I…M...maybe? I feel like I’m going to cum and I don’t wanna be bad.”
Minhyuk’s eyes twinkled with mirth. 
“You’re gonna cum from your punishment?”
Felix shook his head quickly, embarrassed. 
“Felix. Be honest baby.” 
He flushed before nodding a moment later. 
“Do you want to cum?” 
He lifted his head, looking back at him with big eyes still teary from the pleasured pain thrumming through his cheeks. 
“I was bad.”
“I think you learned your lesson, personally. So I’ll ask you again. Do you want to cum?”
Felix nodded. 
“Yes, Daddy, please?”
“See? Those are the manners Daddy is looking for.” Minhyuk grabbed a few pillows, letting Felix rest his head on them before he resumed his spanking, growling between each strike. 
“Your ass looks pretty like this, baby. The red makes your freckles stand out. Go ahead, you can cum for me.” 
Felix could barely decipher his words between the sound of skin hitting skin and his own moaning and pleasured cries, his cock painfully hard between his legs. Minhyuk had growled something in particular, along the lines of Felix being his ‘cute pain slut’ before the younger man saw stars, cumming messily all over Minhyuk’s lap, his legs and thighs shaking as he nearly slipped to the floor from the force of it. 
Minhyuk held him tighter, keeping him steady as he picked him up, laying with Felix settled in his arms. 
He was careful, brushing Felix’s hair back and cooing sweet nothings to him as he sobbed against his chest. 
“You’re alright, baby boy. You did well for me.”
“B-But I was a brat-”
“Mmm. You were. And you took your punishment well. So, you’re a good boy. Hey, look at me,” Minhyuk waited until Felix’s sniffles subsided into little hiccups, the pained pleasure an overwhelming first time feeling for him. Minhyuk wiped his cheeks and kissed him gently. 
“You did so well. Let Daddy take care of you, okay?”
Felix nodded and held onto his arms as he stood, carrying him off to shower off. Minhyuk laughed and waved off the hasty apologies as Felix noticed him putting his shorts in the wash. 
“Don’t apologize to me, baby boy.” 
One magnolia scented, aloe-infused bath later, and Felix was on his stomach, eyes closed as Minhyuk gently massaged lotion over his cheeks. 
He was careful of his strength and there was no skin broken, but Felix had noted-in sheer delight-that Minhyuk’s paddle actually did have indentations, and they actually were hearts. Now his freckled bottom sported not only Minhyuk’s handprint to the left and a row of hearts to the right. 
“So...I think I have a spanking kink.” Felix mused tiredly as Minhyuk got him settled on his chest, putting on Deadpool for them to enjoy, since it had been one of Felix’s favorites. Minhyuk laughed and kissed him, holding his waist once he was sure Felix was warm and covered by the blanket. 
“I noticed.”
So the field day was a completely different experience. 
Minhyuk felt a sense of pride as Felix waddled forward amongst the cheers that he had been voted as one of their top three visuals. The man looked around, pointing at himself through his slightly overgrown sweater and the older couldn’t hold back the happy exclamation of Felix’s name as he shuffled forward. 
He genuinely was surprised when they announced him for the number one of their visual kings, but he took it nonetheless, catching Felix mimicking his showboating from the corner of his eye.
How cute.
“They ended up voting for each other!”
Minhyuk turned, pointing at Felix as the younger man bowed deeply, flustered at having been chosen. 
He should have known Minhyuk would’ve chosen his baby boy above all else, but that’s beside the point. 
“Hey Felix, good boy.” 
Felix flushed and bowed again, and Minhyuk was approached later as they began to help staff clean up, the sun having gone down and the festivities over. 
Minhyuk looked up at him, tilting his head. 
“Yes, Felix-ah?” he inquired, glancing around. The others were busy hustling to help staff so they could all rest up, leaving the two relatively alone. Felix adjusted his pink sleeves and looked up at him. 
“Uh...can I come over this weekend? For...um…’practice?’”
Minhyuk took it for what it was, a proud and knowing smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Yeah, of course.”
@not-majestic-bluenicorn @kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @queenofhimbos @daisyhwa @gettin-a-lil-hanse @yunhofingers @stormiestories @billboard-singer @sweetutopia @lovely-devil6 @babiebumm @jacksons-goddess-gaia @storytimedragon @netcookie @seomisaho 
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shotorozu · 4 years
Tumblr media
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬’ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝟰𝟬𝟬 & 𝟱𝟬𝟬 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹
character(s) : haikyuu!! - multiple characters
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader with they/them pronouns. fluff to the mildest of spice, not nsfw. timeskip 
note(s) : so like.. the bnha one did very well, so i wanted to do a haikyuu version of it. im obviously not doing all the boys sadly. (will probably do 3-5 boys per team idk), but i’ll just do as many as i can until my idea train dies. i would add more tags but 30 is the limit so.. sorry. very long overdue because this was in my drafts for the longest time
read more will be added later along with the link to part one.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
hinata shoyo
↮ a legs lover. there’s something about them he’s really enamored by. a bonus if you’re shorter than him, and an even bigger bonus if you’re taller than him (if you’re much taller than him since he’s 5′7 in the timeskip, I think) then he’ll pass tf out) he LOVES it when you wear stockings or fishnets, and he loves the way the material contours the shape of your legs. he’ll stare at them a lot, and he will be embarrassed if you catch him, and even more so when the team catches him. please reassure him that it’s fine.
kageyama tobio
↮ loves your chest, regardless of size (but if you must insist, he leans towards bigger sets) is it a thing connecting to milk? he doesn’t really know to be honest. kageyama really loves taking naps on your chest, because he falls asleep pretty fast when he takes naps on your chest. he won’t touch them because he’s a lil hesitant, but he’ll just.. rest his hand on there, and admire the softness. (will suckle on them if you’ll let him. is it a milk thing? again, we don’t know)
kōshi sugawara
↮ your lower back is his favorite. it’s not so common as “breasts” or “ass” but, he has good reasoning behind his favorite! in general, he loves his face, but he loves just laying his hand on your lower back. there’s just something about looking at you from behind that makes his heart pound 10x faster. oh and, he really loves putting kisses on there, because every time your back will be towards him in your shared room, he’ll catch a glimpse of those little bite marks. he’s smug, and he’s very proud of them, especially because you can only see them.
tsukishima kei
↮ he’s stuck between hands, tiddies and neck, but for the sake of this post- we’ll settle for hands. they’re so much smaller than his?? like.. he wonders how that’s possible, and he’ll probably tease you about it. (uh.. how can someone’s hands be that long? tf tsuki) it’s canon that he fiddles with his fingers when nervous, so when he’s with you- he’ll fiddle with your fingers instead. he also finds himself playing with your fingers, memorizing all of the details of your fingers. if you offer to put on bandages on his fingers whenever he gets hurt or something similar, he’ll get very bashful. but please do that!! he loves that a lot. with tiddies, his preference is definitely on the smaller side ngl
kozume kenma
↮ collarbones to him are  ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ “mwah.” so elegant, so beautiful. how did this happen? well- he was doing work one day (like the rich man he is) and you sit on his lap per usual- but !! your collarbones were all up in his face. he’ll get very red, and lose focus, so give him a heads up. wear shirts that show off your collarbones, and he’ll stare hard. so yeah. he loves resting his face on them, and he’ll occasionally give you kisses, ranging from cute lil ones, to the wet open mouth kisses. 
yaku morisuke
↮ yaku likes short hair, i repeat- he likes short hair. therefore!! his favorite part would be your upperback/neck. it really depends if you’re taller than him or shorter than him. tbh idk how tall that man is in the timeskip (but he sexy af) but he always loves resting his hand on your upperback, regardless if you have long hair or short hair. if you’re shorter than him, he’ll pull you in for a hug with a hand on your upperback, and if you’re taller— he’ll rest his head on your shoulder, hand loosely hung around your back.
lev haiba
↮ this man screams legs man. like.. i also don’t really have much evidence to back this up, but this man has this weird attraction to your legs. he’ll probably make you walks in front of him so he can take a good stare at your legs. doesn’t matter if they’re long, skinny legs— or short ones! he just adores legs. lev is really tall so.. please put your legs on him, he’ll be in heaven. his preference definitely leans on long legs though.. he just really likes them :)
oikawa tōru
↮ uh ok.. i had a difficult time with deciding with this one tbh, but this man loves your waist. at first, i thought he was a tiddies man, which.. i feel like he is? but not that much of a tiddies man compared to being a waist man. his favorite way to greet you is to hug you from behind, hands resting on your waist as he inhales your scent. he’ll probably bite the soft skin on your waist as a way to tease you, that is.. if you allow him lol
iwaizumi hajime
↮ man is a collarbone man, change my mind. again, i partially feel like he also loves thighs and ass but look!! collarbones. he loves seeing them when you wear baggy clothes, unintentionally showing off your collarbones to him. his mind goes haywire at the sight. loves putting kisses on your collarbones, occasionally putting hickies there— but he also doesn’t wanna inflict pain on your collarbones so.. hickies are not a common thing. but don’t worry! he has a lot of ways to show you his love for collarbones.
akaashi keiji
↮ definitely a collarbone/hands type of guy. he has a strong affixiation towards them, it came to the point that even bokuto noticed that he had some sort of attachment to them. he just loves admiring collarbones, especially if they’re adorn with shiny necklaces, or just anything that’ll make them look amazing. as for hands, he loves playing with the tip of your fingers— tracing from your wrists, to the back of your hands, to your fingertips.
bokuto koutarou
↮ thighs :)) his preference is “the bigger, the better” and it’s literally canon too. he doesn’t mind smaller thighs, but he’s such a sucker of huge thighs. i guess it’s because he has thick thighs himself so that’s why bigger girls gravitate towards him. there’s always a hand on your thigh if you sit on his lap, and before games, he finds himself patting your thighs for good luck (he’ll never smack them because man’s highkey gonna leave marks on you)
ushijima wakatoshi
↮ thighs. thighs. thighs. man absolutely loves them, more so if they’re a little bit on the thicker side, but obviously— if this man loves you, he’ll love all of you. head really empty, and it’s just him gripping on your thighs while he drives the car, practically having a vice grip on your poor thighs— but it’s okay, because he’ll rub the irritated spot with a gentle touch, his baritone voice apologizing to you. not really big on words, but.. he’ll stare at your thighs a lot.
tendou satori
↮ has a thing for your hips. hm tbh, i was stuck between him having a thing for your neck and thighs— but he absolutely loves hips, just as any other intellectual. he loves squishing the plump flesh between his skinny fingers, and he also loves tapping on them while you stand infront of him doing.. with small hips, he still likes holding on then. okay but,, he also really loves hip dips. even he can’t explain it, he’ll just repeat him— telling you he loves hip dips. he really loves the silhoutte of them. so yeah, if you’re insecure, he’ll punt your insecurities until they rot :)
semi eita
↮ he admires your hands, it’s just that.. they feel so much softer than his, and the size difference between your hand and his hand makes his mind go haywire, his heart pounding against his chest. his hands are still in top shape, but over the years— they definitely roughened a bit due to practicing guitar and other instruments for his band, so his heart will definitely swoon if you put lotion on them. he’s also the type that would kiss the back of your hand before gigs for good luck, only to kiss them after his shows, saying he did well because of you :)
rintarou suna
↮ a thighs man for sure. the bigger thighs the better, it’s just his preference. not saying he hates small thighs though— thighs will be thighs. however!! his preference just loves squishy thighs. if you were to squeeze them around his head— he’d surely die a happy man. doesn’t care where y’all are and who you guys are with, he’s 100% going to put his hand on your thigh. if you decide to wear clothes revealing your thighs, or just.. tight fitted jeans or leggings, expect him to squeeze the soft flesh that’s there. he’ll definitely make a remark about how your thighs expand like crazy when you sit down, but he doesn’t mean it in a insulting way. he actually really loves it.
kita shinsuke
↮ he loves everything about you, so it really takes him a while to actually settle on something. one day— he’ll be touching your thighs, another day he’ll be holding your waist, then another day, he has his hand gliding over your collarbones. eventually, he settles on favoriting your hands, because he can hold them regardless of the setting. he can kiss them, hold them, and intertwin his fingers all he likes.
the miya twins
↮ OSAMU LOVES TIDDIES, AND ATSUMU LOVES ASS :) i don’t make the rules.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading! (can y’all tell i got a little exhausted with writing the miya twins lol)
i do not own haikyuu!!/hq!! and it’s characters. haikyuu belongs to haruichi furudate, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
edit : just realized y’all like haikyuu so.. please submit haikyuu headcanon ideas
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
Part One :Home
Atsumu x Reader(fem)
Summary: Atsumu Miya had always been your home. But what if things changed
Tags: Fluff, Angst, cheating
2k words
Part Two: Silence
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Atsumu Miya showed you the most love and care. Being with him felt like you were home. And it’s funny because in the beginning you wanted absolutely nothing to do with the setter.
Seeing his hords of fan girls crowding his desk every morning made you want to gag mainly because it interfered with you claiming your own seat. Everyday it was the same when you were in high school. You’d make your way to class only to find you seat inaccessible. After finally being able to shoo away the path to your desk just in time for class to start you’d deal with Atsumu incessant chattering or what he’d refer to as flirting. You honestly didn’t understand how he thought those lame lines would work on anyone. But every class with out fail he’d always have some lame line to spew at you. It made no sense in your eyes why you out of the sea of girls and some boys he could pick from why did he have his sights set on you.
You paid no mind in the beginning rolling you eyes at all his advances. You figured it was just some game to him it’s not like any of what he said genuine at least not to you. Apparently the volleyball player thought these attempts were the most romantic things ever when he finally cornered you after class one.
“ Aye I have been trying my best to get your attention for the last month,” he said as he laid his hand on your desk trapping you in your place, “What’s y’er deal?” You cocked you head to the side in disbelief. Moving his arm to the side you stood straightening you paper to put in you bag. Turning back to face him.
“Miya-San you can’t actually expect me to believe that was your “best effort” in trying to win my affection” you chuckled. Atsumu there with a look of confusion dawning his (what you couldn’t deny) extremely handsome face. Decided to cut your fellow second year some slack you continued. “None of your lines were meaningful, you showed no authentic interest in me,” you gave him a soft smile starting to make your way out of the class room. You stopped at the door turning and presenting him with a wicked smile “ it won’t be that easy, make sure to give it y’er all next.” And with that you we’re gone leaving him in disbelief he’d never been turned down before. He gave a small laugh to no one but himself as he decided in that moment he’d do everything to make you his.
Sure enough he put his all into trying to win your heart. While he wasn’t rude to his fan girls he definitely didn’t indulge them as much which eased your morning commute to your desk. Next were the notes he would leave. The first few were longer and almost made you want to laugh your ass off they were his love letter to you that you could tell he tried to make sound poetic. ( failing epically) but still you send him a small smile and a nod in acceptance. The other were little notes, some stating small facts about what he liked about you or little jokes about the day. Next was the gifts he would leave you. Once it was a small flower, another time a candy bar, most recently a delicious piece of milk bread. All of these little tokens definitely grabbed your heart but the moment you knew you had fallen for him was the day after you came back to school after having a cold. After sitting in your seat next to him you saw him rummage through his bag he turned to you and present you with all the notes he had taken for you through your absence. Seeing this boy who’s mind only ever focus on volleyball and cared little for his own grade do this broke down all your wall. You stared at the notes for a moment before leaning over and place a small kiss to his cheek. A blush crept up both of you faces. And from that moment forward you were his.
But that was then. It was now six years later and not only was Atsumu Miya your home he was also your fiancé. You had each been there for each other through everything. You were there through nationals and comforted him through his loss. You were there with him to celebrate every win. He stood by you side as you stared college and you stayed by his side as he joined the professional league. Through the years you had your highs and lows but your love for him never wavered. Not through the distance his job would bring and the scheduling conflict with your schooling and his training. In the end none of that mattered to you because you were his and he was yours. The nights you spent in each other’s arm were the best thing you could have ever wished for.
As of recently though even if he was your home. You were beginning to feel less like his. It started with small things like extra practice which wasn’t anything you werent used to Atsumu had the habit of over working himself. You don’t say anything yet because you knows he gotten better and knows his limits. It progresses to though he’s becoming more distant always heading straight to bed after meals.
“Hey Tsumu wanna watch a movie tonight?” You smile weakly from the couch.
“Not tonight YN I’m really tired,” he reply’s placing a small kiss on your forehead as he head to bed.
It doesn’t stop there although you wish it would. He starts being out later claiming to have extra practice. But you notice the smell of alcohol on his breath when he climbs into bed believing you are asleep. And honestly you wish you would be alseep so maybe some nights you wouldn’t see the signs. The next clue was when he now put a lock on his phone. Something he had never done before. But still you don’t question him. The “late practices” become more frequent and it more often he gone than when he’s around.
Part of you wants to complain to you friends but for one your friends were his friends after spending so long together it’s hard for your lives not to be connected in such ways and two if you do it will make it all to real. You aren’t stupid. You know the truth you know the one reasons you both haven’t been intimate lately is because his body has marks on it from another. You realized that when you had gone into the bathroom real quick while he was showering. It was the tiniest glance but you still saw the scratches on his back that weren’t left by you. Yet you still say nothing and you doubt he realizes you saw them.
You aren’t ready for this to be real. You aren’t ready for your home to be gone. Tomorrow is your birthday and your hoping that this will be it . Tomorrow you will both spend the day together like you used to you’ll laugh and smile everything will be right. Everything will go back to the way it was. Even though deep down you know the truth. And the truth is that you’ve cried yourself to sleep every night the past month wondering where you went wrong. Wondering how you weren’t good enough. Wondering what you should have done to make him stay. But he’s never home to see those tear you cry.
The next morning you wake and go to start some breakfast leaving Atsumu in bed. You wonder when he got home but you know it doesn’t matter. You hear the shower start as you made your coffee. Shortly after the setter appears wearing his training clothes and his duffel bag packed. “ I’m heading to the gym,” he states giving you a quick peck to the temple before heading to the door. Those little kisses always cause your heart to squeeze in hope. He doesn’t wait for a response as he leaves. A sigh leaves you lips as you realize he hadn’t said anything to you about your birthday. You shake your head and fool yourself into thinking he’ll surprise you later.
You continued you day getting little birthday messages from friends and family. Osamu had a box of Onigiri sent to you for lunch with a note saying Happy Birthday. You have a nice call with your best friend Suna and he tells you he’ll come see you soon to celebrate. You were on the phone with Suna longer than you expected seeing the time now said 5:37. After ending the call you see one missed messaged from Tsmu 💕 : practicing late tonight don’t wait up.
You heart stops. He really forgot. You really mean that little that he forgot your birthday. It was the final straw. Although part of your body wanted to break down into sobs you remained calm as though working on auto pilot. Slowly you make your way to your room grabbing your luggage and started packing all of your essentials and anything you couldn't bare to leave behind not knowing if you’d have the courage to return. After finally loading your car it was now 7:20. You knew you shouldn’t that you’d only get hurt more but you pulled out your phone and did something you never could bring yourself to do before. You checked his location. A chuckle leaves your lips as you see he’s at your favorite restaurant. The one you both loved so much and had spent countless anniversaries dinners at. Not thinking you run back into your condo that you shared with the twin. You dug to the back of you closest and quickly change into one of your favorite dresses. Your hair was already nice and you didn’t need much make up so as you finished getting ready you left. Heading straight to the restaurant.
You can’t say for sure what cause you to want to go there. Maybe a small part of yourself needed to see it. But sure enough you can’t mistake that yellow hair sitting toward the back of the restaurant is your fiancé with another woman. His back is to you and her attention is all on him enraptured in whatever garbage he’s spewing. In that moment a calm rage settles over you. You look at the hostess and requested a table a little ways away from them one where your still out of his view. As you sit you place an order for a glass of wine still setting up how you want to approach this. Then an daring thought crosses your mind. You called for your waitress.
“Excuse me but you see that couple over there,” you said motioning towards them. “Yes ma’am” she nods. “Well that’s my best friend over there and I really love to do something nice for them it’s their birthday!” The waitress smiles as you explain your plan. You sit and wait as you sip your wine when finally the waitress walks over to their table.
“Hi” the waitress greets them before setting down the dessert. A look of confusion crosses their faces and you can’t help but grin. Atsumu smiles politely before looking down at the cake. His smile drops immediately as he read the cake “Happy Birthday YN”. You giggle as you see the panic in his eyes. “I’m sorry we didn’t order this,” the unknown woman states to the waitress. You can see the waitress smile as she points to your table an explains your friend ordered it for you. You not quite sure how to explain the emotions written on Atsumu’s face as he watches you walk up the table.
“Y-YN,” he stutters. You can see the look of confusion on the girls face and for moment you feel sorry for her maybe she was just as clueless as you. “Hi Tsmu,” you smile leaning over to take a bite of your birthday cake. “Mmm Chocolate, delicious,” you smiled before looking him dead in the eyes as you removed your engagement ring and dropped it in his glass of champagne. “You can have this back,” you state bitterly before turning around and handing your waitress a big bill to cover your drink the cake and a nice tip. You start to walk of as you hear him call for you. But you refuse to turn back. You know your moment of strength is fading and you won’t let him see you tears. So you keep walking straight to you car and drive away. Not sure where to go. You just left your home.
This my first time writing angst and also my fist time writing in a while.
Also unedited
Home Masterlist
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Reasons Wretched And Divine (Pt.9) (Sneak Peak)
(Yoon Min Joon x Reader) (Hybrid au) (Mafia au)
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Summary: After years of abuse, you’ve all finally found each other. But why would yoongi run away? with your due date fast approaching- you don't have much time to search.
Tags: Dead bodies, violence, serious gore warning, psychotic characters, hybrid abuse, physical abuse, hopeless mindsets, birth (non-graphic), baby fluff,
W/c: 10.4k
A/n: ah it's been a while hasn't it? honestly, i still have to re-read and work my way through reading the whole series to make sure I haven't missed anything- but kudos to anyone who starts reading this after this chapter is released BECAUSE HOLY FUCK those first few chapters are so bad. wow, I didn't know how to use commas back then huh. anyways! here is the long-awaited return!
Series Masterlist
Part 9: Sneak Peak
- You honestly should have known this was going to happen today. Both Jimin and Namjoon had been tripping over themselves to be close to you all morning. Scent marking you copiously, nipping at your neck and your ears and not let you get more than a few feet away before their protective instincts had them pulling you back with growls turned whines.
- It’d been cute the first 5 times, but after that you’d needed some space from them. In fact, All of the hybrids had seemed agitated this morning more than one of them snapping at one point over breakfast, all hackles raised, something in the air that had them all twitching. 
- It all makes sense now though. Starting down at the wet grass, your water just broken. 
- When the first rush of wind carries your scent in the direction of the barns, Seokjin comes running. He can smell your fear from a mile away- cloying and sensitive. He shouts and a nimble tiger hybrid runs to get Namjoon and Jimin. They’d given you your privacy after the morning when everyone had been at each other’s throats, now you wish you hadn’t asked to walk to the garden on your own.
- But Seokjin is there, a comforting presence at your side. "it's gonna be okay, come on, you're gonna be fine," his hands steady as he helps you over potholes and unseen rocks in the tall grass, navigating you back to the path trampling over the flowers with little thought to them.
- Namjoon is so shocked when the shout comes over the hills, dashing as fast as she can and yelling for Namjoon at the top of her lungs, a small army of pups following her too. Appearing from the underbrush, Little kits with floppy ears and pups running in a gaggle. 
- Several other groups get drawn to the house by the shouting, rushing to see the comotion. Flanking you and Seokjin, with an arm wrapped under your shoulders, half carrying you half guiding you through your breaths. Hoseok's not too far behind looking so pale he might be about to pass out. Rounded ears pressed tight to his skull. Everyone is a mixture of agitated and excited and-
- And Namjoon looks at you, and knows he's about to be a dad. You're about to become parents.
- Jimin knows what’s happening the second he sees your panicked face, running to snatch up your maternity bag that you’d put together and left by the door incase this very thing happened. 
- he makes it back to the car before you’re both even upon each other, bouncing on his heels. Namjoon takes Seokjin's spot and instantly starts ranting. His panicked voice filling the driveway with the muttering of the gathered hybrids “Are you sure!? The obgyn said it wouldn’t be that abnormal for you to go past your due date and- and-”
- “Yes I’m sure!!” you yell as you squeeze Seokjin’s hand incredibly tight, enough that he winces. Your knees giving out as another contraction strikes you- the worst pain you think you’ll ever feel racks your abdomen again, Several hybrids reach out to make sure you don’t actually fall but Namjoon’s the one that scoops you up into his arms, heaving you up like you weigh nothing. A growl ringing out at the others who reach for you.
- “Namjoon” Seokjin voice cuts through his panic. mate- mate hurt- mate needs help- Pup’s here, cacophony in his mind “You need to take her to the hospital.” You look at the alpaca hybrid- thankful.
- The other hybrids hover, unsure of how they should help as Jimin opens the car door and Namjoon sets you in the passenger seat. (No way he was going to have you drive yourself to the hospital while you were in active labor)
-“Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” Jimin asks as Namjoon buckles you in, you’re breathing out through your nose, jaw clenched. “Yes I’m Sure,” Namjoon says, but Jimin can see his nervousness in his eyes, the horrible quivering worry that fixes on his face when it comes to you- to this.
-Taehyung runs up the hill, his red hat tossed onto the gravel as he almost bowls over a wolf hybrid, skidding to a stop as he takes in the scene. “I’ve got this- just go- just get her to the hospital already- what the fuck are you still doing here. Namjoon- go-"
Coming Friday, June 25th @ 5pm EST
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terrifictomholland · 4 years
could you do some smut where the reader has her vibrator/dildo in her pleasuring her as she sucks of Tom’s dick or some version of 69??? If you’re comfortable writing that
changed this slightly! <3
“Are you up for a challenge?” Tom pulled away from kissing you. “What kind of a challenge?” You looked up at him from where he hovered above you, lips swollen and hair all mussed up. He licked his lips before pulling off of you for a moment. You heard him fumble in the bedside drawer. Eventually pulling out your lush vibrator. Warmth spread from your cheeks straight to your throbbing cunt. 
“What are you gonna do with that?” You asked once you found your voice, staring at the toy in his fingers as he played with it, turning it around with a devilish smirk on his face. “We’re gonna see which one of us can make the other cum the fastest,” as soon as those words left his mouth, a grin pulled at your lips. Both of you were already naked, so it wouldn’t take much. 
“Challenge accepted,” you grinned. Plucking the toy from his fingers you slid it inside of your already wet cunt, moaning once the toy was firmly inside. Tom wasted no time turning the toy on, starting off slowly but progressively getting stronger and stronger. “Fuck,” you trembled.
Your defenses were getting weak but you snapped out of it, knowing that your pride was at stake so you couldn’t let him win. Not without a fight anyway so you slowly made your way down his body. 
“Ohh,” he let out a moan as you sucked a mark onto his skin. Pulling back slightly to admire your work before pressing a few more hickeys on his hip bones. Moving lower and lower each time until you were mouthing at his shaft, hearing soft moans and whimpers fall past his lips. You snuck a glance at him, seeing how he was biting his lip raw. Hands at his sides balling them into tight fists as you teased him. He was holding the remote tight in his grasp and you let out an unsteady breath when he started the toy. A shiver rolled through you and you squeezed your legs together to get some relief.
You closed your eyes sucking on the tip of his cock, licking up the beads of precum before swirling your tongue around the head.
“Fuck,” he cursed letting a hand tangle in your hair, tugging on it as you relaxed your jaw and let your mouth sink down on him. You moaned loudly around him as he upped the intensity of the toy. It was nestled so perfectly against your g-spot so that each vibration had you going cross-eyed. 
“Oh my god,” you whimpered humping the air, desperate for some relief. You moved your hand to your cunt, using some of your own wetness as lube so you could rub your clit.
“Did I say you could touch?” Tom’s rough voice asked and you met his intense and dark gaze, shaking your head. 
“No, but please - I need to touch!” Your words cut off when he upped the intensity again, rendering you speechless. Your head rolled back and your body spasmed a couple of times all while you tried to keep your orgasm at bay. 
“Aww is that all it takes for you to cum? Baby we haven’t even been doing this for 5 minutes and you’re already breaking?” 
“Fuck no,” your eyes blazed at that, he was not going to win this. Not on your watch. You used your hand now too, pumping him a few times as you went back down on him. Sucking him off as though your life depended on it. 
“S-shit!” He groaned, hips bucking forward as you took all of him in your mouth and you moaned around him. Tears welling up in your eyes as you tried not to gag around him. You didn’t take him all the way very often, but you had a challenge to win so you were going to use every trick you knew. You knew his resolve was cracking and you sealed his fate when you hummed around his cock. Gently playing and fondling his balls too.
“That’s not fair!” He moaned and you smirked when Tom started to twitch and moments later you felt his hot cum spurt in the back of your throat. You swallowed every drop not stopping until he had to ease you off of him. He pulled you into his lap making you straddle him and you shivered as you stared into his eyes seeing the unfiltered lust swirl in them. 
Your jaw dropped when you felt Tom pull the toy out and replace it with his fingers. They sank inside of you so easily and you cried his name when he fucked them in and out of you so expertly. You dug your fingers into his back, rolling your hips and fucking yourself on his fingers feeling him reach your spot that had your vision blur. 
“H-hngh, fuck baby please,” you tried to keep your eyes open but couldn’t from the pleasure of it. 
“You gonna cum for me babe?” Tom picked up on the way your breathing changed and how your body started convulsing. “That’s it, be a good girl and cum,” your cunt squeezed around his fingers, chanting his name over and over again as you came.
“Who’s cunt is this?” Tom growled in your ear, making you whimper again. He used his thumb on your clit, prolonging your earth-shattering orgasm. “Y-yours baby, it’s yours, T-tommy,” you gasped feeling him pull you over the edge again by simply rubbing your clit this time in fast and hard circles. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cried as your body lurched forward. “Fuck baby, taking my fingers so well, getting them all soaked for me,” he praised and that went straight to your cunt making you drip down your thighs. 
“Hrngh,” you buried your face in his neck as tears spilled down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous all fucked out on my fingers,” Tom murmured pulling your face from his neck to kiss you hungrily and you moaned against his lips, feeling so boneless from your orgasms. 
“That was so good,” you murmured pulling away to breathe and you let out a small whine when he removed his fingers from your cunt, squeezing around nothing and feeling cold from the loss. It was soon replaced with heat when he put his fingers by your lips motioning for you to open up which you did. Closing your eyes as he fucked his fingers in and out of your mouth as you tasted yourself.
“Look like a fucking angel stuffed like this,” he murmured and you moaned at the words.
“Just fuck me already,” you begged. 
just gonna tag some friends for this @nowayhomeparker @farfromparker @hotforharrison @howdyho-harrystyles @worldoftom @stuckonspidey @sinisterspidey @screamholland @clara-licht @spidey-sophie @duskholland @greenorangevioletgrass @insidiousslut @tetralea @lovelytholland @wazzupmrstark @marvelouspeterparker ​​​
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
paradox burning ; 1/5 || ernst schmidt x fem!reader
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summary: after the fight between volkov and schmidt, you comfort schmidt in his quarters
pairing: ernst schmidt x fem!reader
warnings: over the clothes touching
word count: 4,666
taglist: @itsametaphorbriansblog
a/n: if you haven't read the preview i would suggest reading that first to understand the vibe of their relationship better!! chapter two will be up tonight!! just wanted to get this out as i've been lacking content these past few days since i've been celebrating my birthday. hope you enjoy and as always if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!
“TAD throttle control, 8636. Line secure.”
Mother Mary be with us...be with Mama and Papa and sissy and Joe.
“Accelerator system status?”
Father give us the strength today, for we have dove into the depths of space to restore humanity as we know it.
“It’s holding for pre-ignition.”
Look after everyone down below on Earth - for times are dark and the sun does not appear to be rising anymore.
“Shepard team, you are go for countdown.”
I pray that you forgive all of our sins, Father, as we have learned our lessons and strive to move forward in honoring thy.
“We’ve all got our fingers crossed here at Mission Control. Let’s make this first one count.”
And help guide us through these troubling times and help everyone remember why we are up here.
“Status boosters?”
Is this Hell, Father?
Have you damned us all to Hell?
“The GNC?”
To pay for our sins?
Tell me, Father...
“Power up.”
Are we damned?
“Commander, Shepard team standing by for your go.”
Perhaps we are and this is where are days will end.
“On my count…”
Among strangers and empty.
Away from family...
Away from friends…
Alone in our own thoughts.
God, help us all.
You awoke with a start. Gasping for air as you tugged at your tank top, as if the thin material was suffocating you. Not giving yourself time to process what had happened, you threw your legs out from under the warm covers and let the cool air hit your bare legs, your elbows resting on your knees with your head in your hands, catching your breath.
This was the second week in a row now that you’ve woken up from a nightmare. Drenched in sweat and tears spilling from your eyes. It was always a reimagine of the previous one. If you dreamt of your father dying one night, the next it would be your mother. This night, it was your own life that you dreamt slipping away. Your finger pads swiped away the tears that fell down your cheeks before sliding onto the cool flooring, clasping your hands together to begin and pray.
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” You began, crossing yourself as you settled on your knees, eyes closed and hands squeezed together tight. “Heavenly Father I ask that you watch over Mama and Papa...sissy and Joesph, and all those back home,” You cleared your throat, choking down the tears as you continued on once more. “We have been onboard for over two years and I miss everyone dearly. I hope to speak with them soon as Joesph is teaching Mama and Papa how to use video call.”
Even with all the photos that you had around your room, all the videos that you had programmed in to watch whenever you pleased, you were beginning to forget simple things - like how they smelled, the warmth of their hugs, and how they always tried to pawn your younger siblings onto you. You were always so mad babysitting them, losing out on time with your friends, but now...now you wished that you had the chance to babysit them, to be with them once again.
“Father, I ask that you forgive me for my sins, guide us through this mission, and take us home. All of us. Let this mission go well, and we can save Earth. Amen.”
You crossed yourself a final time, bringing your cross necklace from your chest where it sat and to your lips, kissing the gold piece of jewelry before standing up from the floor.
This was an everyday routine for you. Waking up, saying your morning prayer, taking a shower, and being down for breakfast by 08:00. It was early, you knew that, but you enjoyed having the calmer moments before everyone else woke up.
When you entered the bathroom, you went straight to the shower, turning the handle to let the warm water spute out. You were tired, swaying gently in your stance as your eyes grew heavy. The sudden spitting of water struggling to get out woke up, making you jump as you watched the water pressure went from weak to strong.
You pushed down your shorts from that night, pulling your tank top above you, and stepped out of your shorts, dropping the tank top on the floor before stepping into the shower. You were pleasantly greeted by the hot water, sighing as it hit your back and began easing the tension in your muscles.
Morning showers for you were always dangerous - either it could go very well and you’d be out in minutes, or it could go bad and you’d end up falling asleep leaning against the wall. On this particular morning, after dreaming of your own death, you did not wish to fall asleep again, scared of what could come from your slumber. You quickly washed yourself off, massaging your scalp as you washed your hair before taking the toothbrush you kept in the shower, opening up the tube of toothpaste, and began brushing your teeth.
It was such a mundane routine - almost finding it boring the longer you were onboard. Perhaps it was your schedule that was down to the second of when you did things. You never were one to be so particular about your schedule, having one so precise, but after a year of pure chaos on board, a mundane routine is what kept your little sanity still hanging.
When you were finally ready for the day and changed into your suit, you slid on your shoes and pulled your hair back into a low bun, tucking some of the loose pieces of hair behind your ear before heading out of your room and down the hall, going towards the common room to join the others for breakfast.
By the time you made it down to the common room, you were only the third to arrive - Mundy and Acosta beating you to it.
“Well look who finally decided to wake up!”
From your spot at the bagel machine, you looked over into the game room where Mundy and Acosta stood playing foosball, Mundy looking all too proud - indicating that he perhaps was winning. On the other hand, Acosta looked tired, almost too tired to be playing a game of foosball so early with Mundy.
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head and turned your attention back to the bagel, sighing once it finished before pulling it out from the machine and placing it on your plate. You truly didn’t understand how half the stuff you consumed was edible, but you supposed it beat other things you’ve seen those in space eat.
Taking a seat in your spot at the table, your back facing Mundy and Acosta, you brought the bagel to your mouth and took a bite, maybe a little bigger than what was more polite, but you didn’t care, you were starving.
It was the Commander who came in next, greeting everyone with a morning as he got his own breakfast before sitting across from you at the other end of the table. When the two of you locked eyes, you nodded, continuing to chew your bagel before looking down, not wanting to draw too much attention to the fact that you had a shit night.
You were pleased when Commander didn’t seem to notice, glancing occasionally into the lounge room where Mundy and Acosta continued to play foosball, Acosta finally gaining the upper hand on Mundy for once.
One by one the rest of the crew began to show: Volkov, Tam, Schmidt, before eventually Hamilton joined as well. When Schmidt came in, walking beside Tam speaking in Mandarian about what you assumed to be something related to the Shepard power accelerator. As the two sat down with their breakfast, Schmidt looked over your way, his mouth twitching into a smile before his attention fell back to the screen pad in front of him that Tam was holding.
You listened in on their conversation, picking out what you could understand through the technical language the two spoke on. As a medical crewman, you weren’t familiar with all of the technology onboard, only the ones related to the medbay that you primarily worked in. You went to school for medicine, exceeding expectations in your classes, and found yourself working for military hospitals since. It came as a surprise to you when they asked if you’d like to be a part of the Cloverfield station. What business did you have going up in space?
When you told your family about the news, they were proud, no doubt, that their eldest child would be going into space to directly help with the ongoing energy crisis. It was evident how proud they were of you, but also how worried with you going into space. You lived with your parents and younger siblings your entire life, leading up until your departure for the Cloverfield station. Separating from your family was hard, and having them not understand how to work even something as simple as a video call hurt more.
Your sister, Mila, would be sixteen now - learning how to drive and preparing for her final days in school before going into higher education, if that’s what she wanted. Your brother, Joseph, would be twenty-three now, doing who knows what with his young man mind. You hoped he wasn’t getting into trouble, or knocking some girl up...although the idea of having a little niece or nephew to come home to didn’t sound all that bad.
But your parents, how were they doing? They were older, growing slower as the days went on. Were they still making it through all of this? You assumed Papa was still running the family shop downstairs, selling candies to the little children of Lapovo - whatever children were left in Lapovo that is.
Mama though, how was she doing? You couldn’t imagine how worried she was, probably baking her troubles away in the kitchen. You missed waking up to her cooking, smelling the sweetness of baklava and sarma. She always wrote you letters while you were away either at school or on the military base that was outside of Lapovo where you worked. Now that you were in space though, sending letters just didn’t happen.
Perhaps tonight you’d try and see if Joseph was online and able to chat.
Everything had been going peaceful that morning, which you enjoyed after the sleep you poorly had. That is until Volkov finally spoke up.
“Six hundred and ninety-four.”
Looking up from your bagel and to your left where he was at, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as Volkov screwed the water bottle back closed, making his way over to the table to join the rest of you.
“Six hundred and ninety-four days I’ve kept our O2, CO2, N2, hydrogen, water vapor and methane at optimal levels.”
Congrats, what did he want, a fucking cookie?
You watched as Volkov stood on the other side of the table in front of Schmidt, almost directly talking to him. There was always something going on between the two of them, and quite frankly it annoyed the living shit out of you. You felt like a mother some days, scolding Schmidt for clearly egging Volkov on - him and his damn anger issues.
It was no different today, as Volkov began his tangent on whatever it was he was about to lay into you all, Schmidt was sitting across from him, a smirk on his face.
“You know how many pressure leaks we’ve had? Not one. No microbe overgrowth, nothing. You know why?”
“This is a long speech, Volkov.” Schmidt quipped, reacting in you rolling your eyes and pushing your plate forward, leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed over your chest, wondering where this would be leading to next.
“Because I disinfect the decks every seventy-two hours.” It was Acosta to interrupt Volkov this time, stating that he was actually the ones to disinfect the decks. He was right, you couldn’t remember how many days you spent helping him, on your knees scrubbing at the decks.
It seemed finally everyone was growing annoyed with whatever Volkov was getting at, Commander Kiel finally stepping in and stating that if he had a point he wanted to make, he should make it now.
“There’s one part of this station. One part that is not working. This is interesting, do you know what part that is? The Sheppard Accelerator.” Volkov continued, not seeming to be in any rush to get out what he wanted to say.
In Mandarian, Tam finally intervened, claiming that eight billion were counting on us and asked what his point was. You could agree, what was this all about?
It was then that Volkov stated that he didn’t have a problem with Tam, but with Schmidt - ‘her German boyfriend’. You couldn’t help but snicker at the comment, clearing your throat just as quick, hoping nobody heard. But someone did, and it was Schmidt, giving you a look that screamed ‘you’re not gonna find that as funny later’.
Everything began to really go downhill from there, nobody seemed to be able to get to Volkov and stop him before he said even more that he would regret. Hamilton directed him to go back to his quarters only for him to snap back that she wasn’t his mother. Commander and Mundy even jumped in, trying to calm him down, but nothing worked.
“Two years on this ship, and this man has delivered nothing,” Volkov pushed on. You hadn’t noticed it until then, but Schmidt had moved from the table and was now standing only feet away from Volkov. You felt your heart begin to pound as you watched the two men. Two men with strong anger issues at only breakfast time, something more than just a disagreement on the way to erupt.
“Volkov, enough!” Schmidt snapped, glaring forward at him. “You need to think very carefully about what you’re saying.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you thought maybe, just maybe Volkov actually shut up for once. But that brief moment of silence was just that, and he was back to speaking, this time more quiet than before.
“We’ve both heard the reports,” Making his way closer to Schmidt, “Germany is preparing for war, Serbia taking alliances with Germany, and everyday that goes by more and more Russians are starving.” The comment made your heart stop for a moment. That was just a rumor, in all of your messages with Joseph, not once had he mentioned going to war alongside Germany to be true.
You didn’t know why you felt the sudden urge to cry, but you did. Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you began to bite down at the skin around your nails, chewing away at the flesh until you tasted the iron of your blood. Nobody outwardly spoke badly to you, besides the occasional poorly landed joke from Volkov, but you couldn’t help but feel like an outcast, wondering if people really thought you were what Volkov said you to be.
By now Volkov was in Schmidt’s face, the two men radiating their own heated anger off one another, tension filling the room, making you feel like you did in your nightmare, suffocating. You pulled at the collar of your suit, taking the zipper and unzipping the front enough to get yourself feeling less trapped.
“Maybe you’re not in a hurry to get the Shepard working. Is that it? Are you stalling us to help Germany get the upper hand? What about you? What are you doing in the med bay alone, mixing something up for us to take? To slowly kill us?”
He laughed, he actually laughed when he looked at you, a shit-eating grin on his face.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. When Volkov turned back towards Schmidt, it was only half a second before Schmidt’s hand wrapped around Volkov’s throat, pushing him back before sending a punch across his face. Volkov was quick to regain his posture, grabbing at Schmidt’s own throat and shoved him back towards the corner, both men trying to pin one another against the wall.
When the scene unfolded, you stood up in shock, mouth gaped and you took a step to the side to try and do whatever you could to help, but felt someone grab your wrist. Turning, you looked down to see Tam’s hand before looking up at her, watching her shake her head ‘no’ and to just wait. And you did, it took everything in you to stick by her side, but you did wait.
Commander was the one to grab Schmidt, pinning him onto the table with his face squished onto the glass. Mundy, on the other hand, held Volkov in a choke hold, keeping him restrained while the Commander lectured the two men - one of which was still trying to get the last word in.
“Keep your mouth shut, Volkov!” The Commander finally boomed, causing the room to come to a standstill. “We have a job to do.”
The room finally fell silent, both men seeming to be relaxed enough for the Commander to think they were free to be broken from their restraints.
“Now, can you two get along for just one day without us having to pull you off of one another?” Moving back, you watched as Schmidt laid on the table for a moment, almost debating on if he wanted to go at it with Volkov again. He decided against it and finally stood up, fixing his shirt before shooting a glare towards Volkov, knocking past him and out of the common room.
You gave it a moment, smiling over at Tam when you felt her squeeze your hand. You nodded her way, squeezing her hand back before you quietly slipped away, moving down the hall quick to go and find Schmidt.
It took a while for Schmidt to really calm down, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Commander didn’t rush the test that you were all supposed to conduct that day. It was bad enough everyone was stressed, but having someone be stressed and pissed off just wouldn’t work. You could almost bet that the reason the outburst that morning even happened in the first place was because of the high tensions on board, especially leading up to the next test.
If this test failed, they only would have enough for three more tests. After that... well, they could kiss humanity goodbye.
It didn’t take long for you to find Schmidt, in his quarters struggling to get his suit on as the zipper seemed to be stuck. He was mumbling something in German and you couldn’t piece together what he was saying other than the occasional ‘fuck him’.
When you stepped inside his quarters, the door shutting behind you, he paused his moments, his hands on his zipper, not wanting to look at you. You took a hesitant step forward, not wanting to be on the other hand of his outburst, before stopping once you were only a foot away from him.
“If you’re here to tell me that I was an idiot, don’t bo-”
“I’m not here to call you anything, Ernst,” His cheeks grew red at the sound of his first name, his gaze glancing up at you, watching as you stared back - only instead of something angry, like he expected, your gaze was more somber, worried even, “I just came to make sure you were okay. Here, let me.”
You gently moved his hands away from the zipper of his suit, taking another step forward to pinch at his suit, tugging the fabric down to help the zipper not get bunched in the fabric. You could feel his ragged breath hit your forehead, his chest heaving as the zipper moved higher until your hand stopped above his heart.
His mouth twitched into a smile, feeling your head fall forward to rest against his chest. You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you in tighter for a hug, as if you could get any closer to him. His lips sat on your hairline above your temple, kissing you sweetly.
“You trust me, right?” Schmidt suddenly asked. He could feel you tense up in his arms and he pulled back, his hands resting on your arms, squeezing them, “I just, don’t want you to be wrapped up in the middle of whatever feud Volkov has with me. Tam already gets it enough and I just don’t want you to have that on yo-”
You stopped him with a kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, seeing his own smile on his face.
“I can handle myself, Schmidt...I’m not worried with what Volkov has to say,” You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, “Volkov likes to get a rise out of anyone who gives him the time of day. It’s how he keeps himself busy on board.”
The joke seemed to land well with Schmidt, earning a laugh before you felt him begin to rock you both side to side. “But what’s this about Tam being your girlfriend?” You teased.
You grinned at the sight of him rolling his eyes at you, “You don’t have to be jealous about Tam, you know that she’s-”
“Who said I was jealous?” You asked, a smirk toying on your mouth. The two of you often were fond of teasing one another, poking at one another until the other grew red - then you’d smother the other in kisses to make up for the relentless teasing. “Do I need to be jealous of her? Is that why it takes you so long to come to my room at night, are you seeing her before you see me?”
You had pulled away from him midway, now seated on his cot. He was red in the face and gaping as he tried to intervene, but you kept talking.
“I mean, wow, Tam? I didn’t realize you were the type that liked to be dominated-”
It was your turn to be cut off, giggling when he moved across the room, pinning you down against his bed. You felt your heart begin to race, your own cheeks turning red as his face sat merely inches away from you, his large hand squeezing your wrist down beside your head onto his bed.
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you?” He asked, squeezing your waist. Behind his glasses, you noticed his pupils were blown, his eyes dark. “Do you like seeing me mad, liebling? Does it get you hot and bothered when you see me wrapping my hand around Volkov’s throat? Do you wish that was you?” You felt his hand moving up your side, groping at you until his hand wrapped lightly around your throat.
His thick German accent, mixed with the sultry tone that was dripping from his tongue, made your stomach flip, the heat between your thighs pulsating. Biting down on your lip, your free hand moved up to grip at the collar of his suit, panting slightly.
“Maybe it does.”
Your simple quip seemed to do it for him. Feeling his body shift slightly, Schmidt hummed in though, his hand moving from your neck and down, pressing into your lower stomach, pawing almost at your body before squeezing his way down to your thighs, pulling one up so he laid in between your legs.
By now you were hot and bothered. Feeling him grab at you, call you the sweet German pet name adored to call you. You felt his breath against your neck, shivering slightly before letting out a sweet moan when his lips pressed against the side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at the sensitive spot he knew of.
But you knew now wasn’t the time. Right now you two needed to be with the other crew members to initiate the next jump. The last thing you needed was for someone to walk in and catch you and Schmidt doing, well - that.
“Schmidt...моја љубав...my love, we need to get back.” You withered your hand from his wrist and to his chest, pushing him back until he was staring down at you, a disappointed frown on his face. You couldn’t help but smile, shaking your head at how childish he was acting.
“Oh, Ernst - come now, I’ll make it up to you later.” You leaned forward and pecked the corner of his mouth, rolling out from under him before standing up, smoothing down your suit as you walked to the mirror by his closet, looking at yourself in the mirror as you began fixing your appearance.
It wasn’t that you two were embarrassed of each other, no you two were smitten for one another and it was truly sick. You just knew that given the dire of your work, what everyone expected out of the two of you, flaunting your attraction could be seen as distracting.
But that was just it, you two weren’t even dating. You weren’t sure how it all started, but one day the constant pinning became more - and now a year later you were where you were now. Sneaking off at night to see each other, to lay in bed and hold one another. Once this was all over, you knew that you’d return home, would Schmidt go with you?
By now Schmidt was standing behind you, obviously aware of your state of mind, deep in whatever thoughts you were having. When you caught glances with him through the mirror, you blushed and looked away. At that point, you heard him laugh and move forward to help you fix your hair, smoothing the parts that stuck up and tucking the longer pieces behind your ear.
“You look beautiful as always,” He pecked your cheek and wrapped his arms around you, holding you in an embrace, “Do you want to go out first, or me?” He asked against your ear, letting the silence sink in between you two.
You wanted to suggest why not the both of you just leave together, but you knew now wasn’t the time to let a potential argument break out, especially given how sour his mood already was - and it wasn’t even noon yet.
“Why not you?” You finally said, reaching your hands up to squeeze his, “After all, you need to be down there more than me. Acosta and I are just there for moral support.”
Turning in his embrace, you looked up at him and smiled, leaning into his touch when he held your face, “Yes, well, I’d like to think of you as my good luck charm.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at his comment, “If that were true, we’d be off this ship by now.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Schmidt leaned forward and kissed your temple, “Maybe,” He mumbled against you, kissing you once more before pulling back, beginning to make his way towards the door, “Maybe you’re my good luck charm in the sense of keeping me from really doing something stupid.”
Your mouth twitched at the comment, not into a smile, nor a frown, almost like you winced. Besides Tam, you were probably one of the only people on board that completely trusted Schmidt. His temper left him to be rather difficult to be around at times, but perhaps he was right - maybe you were his soft spot, his good luck charm as he liked to say, because never has his temper ever gotten to you.
But there was still that sinking feeling in your stomach, as he headed out of his room and down the hall to meet with the others, leaving you standing alone in his quarters.
If this test were to fail - would Schmidt truly snap? Would you finally feel his wrath?
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Word Count: 1,610
Genre: fluff & smut 
Warning(s): swearing, 18+ scene
A/N: Had this idea for a 4+1 fic (i know it’s usuylly 5+1, don’t @ me!) with Bakugou for a long time now, so here you go! 
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The first time you said thank you to Bakugou was when you walked out after class one day. Finding new friends was hard, given that you just transferred from another school in the middle of the year. Apart from Kirishima and Mina, you hardly talked to anyone, except for that one blond boy who casually started to hang out with you more often. First at lunch break, sitting quietly beside you, then demanding you’ll be in a team together after he saw you fight during training, and later when you had moved into the dorms. He eventually sat next to you on the couch or hung out with you and Kirishima in the evenings. 
Bakugou was usually only just tagging along, but there was something about his body language that said “You’re not as shittty as all those other nerds”. How your occasional sessions on the couch turned into a full blown friendship was never clear to you, but you were thankful that it happened. Over time, he spent more time with you, occasionally crashing at your room to help you study. 
One day at the end of class, when you two were walking back to the dorms, you just dropped it. “Thank you, Bakugou.”
His eyes shot up at you for a moment out of shock and confusion. He wasn’t used to people treating him like this, with so much acceptance like you did. He was a harsh person, but he couldn’t deny that he seemed to have found a soft spot for you.  
“For what?” He questioned, eyes focusing back on the concrete.
“For being… my friend I guess,” you responded, your eyes darting off to look onto the ground as well.
What you missed when you did that was a ghostly smile that spread on his lips for a quick moment before falling into his usual gruff. “Whatever, dumbass”. 
His cheeks felt warm that day, and it wasn’t because of the weather.
The second time you said thank you to Bakugou was after he helped you out when Denki and Mineta played a “prank” on you. They decided to sneak into the locker rooms and steal your clothes without you noticing. They snuck in during training session and took them, thinking they can get away and have you going home in your undies. However, they seem to have miscalculated the timing and were surprised when you suddenly entered the changing rooms, and found them digging through your locker.
“Denki? Mineta? What the hell are you doing?!”
“She caught us! Mission abort, I repeat mission abort!” Mineta screamed and sprinted past you.The other boy followed suit with an embarrassed shriek. 
You tried to pursue the thieves but judging by the scream and an explosive sound nearby, it seemed that their escape was short lived. You ran down the corridor and around the corner only to see the two students faced by Bakugou and he was livid. 
Bakugou got Mineta by the collar, yelling “What the hell you dipshits think you’re doing?!”
Denki tried to crawl away, but not without the other blocking his way with another threatening blast.
They returned your clothes and were let off my Bakugou and you smiled. “Thank you, Bakugou”
“It was nothing,” he brushed off and slung his bag over his shoulder casually, walking away.
The third time you thanked Bakugou was after a fight with a villain. That time you were happy to join him at the internship, Best Jeanist chose both of you to do yours at his agency. It took a while to get used to his customs and rules, especially the hair, but Bakugou’s bickering was quite amusing and it definitely made the time more fun than exhausting. 
It was the first time you fought side by side too, when you went to stop a villain that robbed a jewelry store. You pursed her right away but ended up cornered when she  managed to get a grip on you. 
Bakugou followed you as fast as he could but he was too late and instead met by seeing you in the villain's hands, a blade held against your throat. 
“Let her go!” Were his first words. “You have the diamonds you wanted, you don’t fucking need to take a hostage too.”
The villain grinned and moved the knife closer to your skin, making tears stream down your eyes. “But this beautiful heroine isn’t any hostage, right?” She eyed  Bakugou, deviously knowing exactly how he struggled to launch in for an attack because he knew he could hurt you in the process.
If you weren’t there he would have blasted her a long time ago, but instead he gritted his teeth and went for a defensive approach. He managed to free you, the villain getting arrested by Best Jeanist. 
While the pro hero handed her over to the police, Bakugou stayed by your side. He couldn’t exactly go anywhere else since you were clinging to him, quietly sobbing a weak “thank you” into his neck.
And maybe it was the situation that you were put into danger, or maybe something else, but after this night his view on you fundamentally changed. 
The fourth time you said thank you to Bakugou was after you had sex for the first time. After he had been hiding and denying  his feelings for you so long, he finally gave in and confessed. 
Soon one thing led to the other and before you knew it, you laid on his bed on your back, his cock deep inside you and marks decorating your neck down to your shoulders. Bakugou grabbed your thighs harshly, hooking them over his shoulders to get a better angle. His hands roamed your body, moving them to squeeze your hard nipples from time to time. His head was buried in your neck, teeth grazing along your skin as he left another trail of marks. He didn’t care if someone saw them through your shirt. You were his and his alone.
Bakugou continued his rough pace, hitting your g-spot while his leaking tip nudged against your cervix with every thrust. You were sprawled out so submissive and obedient beneath him after just a few teasing touches, your skin beaming with his love bites and filled by his cock.
You were a moaning mess when you neard your oragsm, but Bakugou held your hips down, his teeth ghosting along your collarbone, only for him to bite down on it, leaving another bite mark there. 
His lewd sounds combined with his movements were finally enough to push you over the edge. You saw stars as your orgasm washed over you and Bakugou growled. He followed soon after, being drawn into your tight wet cunt and spurred on by your ecstatic expression. 
“Thank you,” you breathed while he slowly released his grip on you, holding himself up as he tried to catch his breath.
“For… doing this with me. For exploring these new things with me” You looked away, a blush on your cheeks. “You were my first.”
Bakugou took your chin in between his fingers, making you look up at him. He held this position for a while before, wanting to say words that wouldn’t come out. He turned red and kissed the top of your head quickly. “You were my first too.” He quietly mumbled into your hair.
The one time Bakugou thanked you happened long after that. You were further along in your relationship, had graduated and were now working as a successful hero duo.  You knew by now that thanking him so often is a nuisance, he knew you appreciated him and the things he did for you, even if it wasn’t many.
Bakugou was never one to say thank you, being with him for so many years, you knew, but the one time he said thank you, it took you by surprise. 
It happened when he proposed to you.
It was amidst the sparkling lights and the flowers and the waves as they danced on the ocean in the background. His friends helped him to set up the picnic, it was the perfect summer night and Bakugou finally felt ready after months of debating with himself to take this next step.
When you looked at him and your eyes sparkled the same way they did when you first thanked him, he felt his mouth going dry, his hands were trembling slightly when he took yours and got down on one knee. After all this time, your eyes never lost their spark when he looked into them. He lost himself  as he tried to convey the words he meant to say but ended up tripping over them. 
You giggled but knew what he wanted to say and you nodded, happy tears glistening in the corner of your eyes. The grin he gave you was not menacing like you were used to when you were back in school. It was genuine, relieved, happy. And after he slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you softly, the words left his mouth for the first time.  
“Thank you.” 
You stared at him with your eyes wide open, not being to believe what you just heard.
 “For accepting, I mean and… for loving me for who I am,” he mumbled as he grabbed your waist, pulling you close once again.
You knew Bakugou didn’t show gratitude often, you asked yourself if you would ever hear these two words from him in the first place, but now you just did. You guessed that there were still sides to him you didn't know of. Thankfully you would now have time to explore them with him together.
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