#what contracts?? what superbowl window???
cementcornfield · 1 year
I can't tell if jamarr exaggerates his stories to an extreme amount or if joe justhas to constantly tell him to chill haha. but based on tee confirming that jamarr does buy joe clothes ocassionally and he did buy him a chain - im going to say joe just likes privacy lol
more under the cut because literally i could talk about this all day and i don’t need to subject anyone to that. 
Honestly I think it’s a combination of both? Ja’Marr exaggerates, says one thing then immediately another contradicting thing, doesn’t seem to have much of a filter, however you want to categorize it. Which I think is such a funny contrast to Joe - who is (almost) always very careful about how he expresses himself and how he wants to be portrayed. 
The “Ja’Marr Buys Joe Clothes Except No He Doesn’t Except Wait He Definitely Does” saga is probably my favorite thing in the world because what on earth is ANYONE talking about in this situation. Like, first Ja’Marr claims in the GQ interview:
"Joe literally won’t buy his own clothes. He always asks me to shop for him and drop it off at the house.” 
Which is almost definitely an exaggeration. I am sure Joe buys plenty of his own clothes (although loving the idea of Ja’Marr literally filling Joe’s closet with things he thinks he’ll like). 
And then, bringing it up completely unprompted in an interview a week later he says that actually that was “kinda” a lie, and that he hasn’t bought Joe anything but dinner - although now he’ll “have to [buy joe clothes] since that’s out now”. like ?????? First of all just because you “kinda lied” about buying Joe clothes does not mean that you now have to actually buy him clothes? And why did you lie about it in the first place? How badly do you want to buy this man clothes??? 🤨🤨🤨
So we spent the rest of the season completely confused about this story but just kind of accepting that Ja’Marr just says shit sometimes, who knows… and THEN in a groundbreaking (to me) interview with Tee, we learn that actually Ja’Marr has in fact bought Joe clothes: 
“Chase definitely gets Joe right. I’ve seen him buy clothes for Joe multiple times.” 
MULTIPLE TIMES??? and Tee has seen it for himself?? Which at this point means that Ja’Marr has now potentially lied about lying about buying Joe clothes?? For what purpose??? 
I have imagined and talked with beloved mutuals about what could be going on in this situation, presented here with varying levels of realism and hilarity: 
Ja’Marr has never bought Joe clothes and all the receivers are in on a big joke where they’re claiming that Ja’Marr buys Joe clothes just to fuck with him. Because it’s funny and why not.
Ja’Marr hadn’t bought Joe clothes before the interview, but had been planning on doing it and was so excited by the idea that he got ahead of himself and told GQ he was already doing it. And then “since it was out there” he had an excuse to start buying Joe clothes, with Tee as a witness. 
Finally back to the point of your ask (so sorry for all my rambling) and probably the most likely scenario - Ja’Marr tends to exaggerate and Joe tends to value his privacy. 
What I imagine is this, Ja’Marr has probably bought Joe clothes a few times. We already know that he’s bought him grills and he mentioned in a few interviews last season that he had bought Joe some pants. And probably a few more instances we don’t have details on. The man likes fashion and he likes Joe and it seems like he has a gift giving love language! He probably got excited and exaggerated a bit in the GQ interview because again, I’m sure Joe does not “always” ask Ja’Marr to shop for him lmao. And I wonder if the exaggeration is the part that Joe took exception to (if he even did! Joe’s never said anything about any of this! all we have is Ja’Marr’s word which we can NOT trust) - Joe likely doesn’t want the whole world thinking Ja’Marr buys ALL his clothes, he likes fashion too and I’m sure puts a lot of work into those game day outfits, even if Ja’Marr does help out sometimes. Plus he really doesn’t like sharing details about his relationships, even one as public as his friendship with Ja’Marr. (All he says is that he’s one of his best friends and they hang out all the time, Ja’Marr is the one giving details about UFC moves and going to Vegas together and keeping his stuff at his place etc etc). 
Joe likely gave Ja’Marr shit for how he phrased it and honestly sharing it with the world at all. Plus!!! I am always thinking about the timing of the article, coming out right when Joe’s appendix burst. I bet Ja’Marr was worried about his friend, felt bad about sharing some exaggerated details of their relationship, and simply decided to take ALL of it back. Because again, he really seems to only operate in extremes. So to make Joe feel better, instead of just clarifying his quote, he just decided to say ‘nope, sorry, that was a lie, never bought that man clothes in my life 😊' while Tee was probably at his locker listening to the interview like 🤨???
Anyway. that’s WAY TOO MANY words to answer your ask but please know I so appreciated getting it. Any excuse to ramble about these two as you can see!! 
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beca-mitchell · 5 years
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Swiped Right (Hey, We Got a Good Thing) (1/1)
Summary: There has to be a rule about mixing Tinder with business. Rated M/E for sex.
A/N: For a donor to my birthday fundraiser. You didn’t send a prompt, but there wasn’t any way I was going to let you off the hook for this. There were rules! I know how much you love your AUs! Sooo, here’s a 3.1k smutty mess of coworkers and Tinder.
Thank you to my beta @cptkrieger.
The title (and maybe a bit of the premise) is inspired by "Digital Love" by Digital Farm Animals, feat. Hailee Steinfeld.
Word count: 3,159
Read on AO3 or below.
– – – – –
Beca wakes up in her bed, cold and alone. It was extremely tempting to take Chloe up on her offer – a very generous offer – to stay over again. She had promised that Beca wouldn’t be late for her first day of work, but Beca had thought of how beautiful Chloe’s apartment had been, compared to the clanging pipes and shoddy handiwork of her own charming little apartment. Nothing like the clean white walls and glass windows of Chloe’s high-rise in midtown.
She never did figure out what Chloe did for a job. There was not really a lot of room for talking. Thank you, Tinder, Beca thinks.
In any case, if she took Chloe up on her offer, it was likely that Beca would have been very late to work, to say the least. So she settled on declining, but promising to call Chloe again – probably over the weekend – so they could schedule another date. Hopefully with more eating food and getting to know each other and less–
Well. It wasn’t like she didn’t get to know Chloe. She vividly recalls the way Chloe’s skin felt beneath her hands, as inch-by-inch, Chloe slowly revealed more and more skin, right down to the gorgeous and likely expensive black lace lingerie set. Beca had fun peeling that off Chloe’s body. She had even more fun figuring out what sounds Chloe could make with Beca’s tongue buried as far as it could go in Chloe’s wet cunt.
Beca jolts, not realizing she had nodded off. She attempts to rid herself of the last vestiges of Chloe’s moans from her brain and fumbles for her phone on the bedside table. Peering at the time, she is relieved to see that she is still “early” by her standards and there is more than enough time to make herself presentable.
Upon catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she is horrified to see the fading hickey on her neck like a reminder of two nights ago. She had hoped it would fade in time, but as persistently as Chloe had been in bringing Beca to orgasm not once, not twice, but three times in one go, her hickeys appear to be equally persistent.
“Damn it,” Beca mutters. She prods at the bruised skin, relieved to note it isn’t particularly tender. She would prefer not to have to waste time on extra make-up, but she figures it wouldn’t be professional if her new boss had to stare at the evidence of Beca’s fun weekend all day. Beca doesn’t really know who her boss is as of yet, just that she is a woman who apparently would prefer if Beca referred to her as “Miss Beale” on the job. The other assistant and HR manager who interviewed Beca all those weeks ago had seemed fairly terrified yet completely in awe of their tyrant boss. Beca enjoys imagining what this woman will be like. On some days, she has slicked back hair and black suits for days. On others, she’s elderly and stern, with glasses persistently perched on the bridge of her nose. Most other days, she’s faceless and Beca resigns herself to her own curiosity. 
This is a job, like any other. Enough to placate her father while she works on her music. The extra money will help even if Beca thinks her YouTube money is more than enough for the moment. Alas, New York is expensive.
Holding up her concealer, she sighs and begins to get ready for her first day of work.
 – – – – – – – – – –
 Chloe Beale is having a Bad Monday Morning. Typically her New York mornings are far from pleasant, especially considering she works in midtown. The short walk from her apartment to the office means that she has to interact with at least ten people. ‘Interact’ is a little loose. Depending on the day, she passes at least four catcallers, at least two people trying to sell her on some cause or another, and at least twenty tourists. For whatever reason, today is even worse.
It likely might be that she had to get herself off the previous night because she had sorely missed her last bedmate. She is not typically one to resign herself to lusting over bed-warmers and Tinder dates, but Beca had been something different. Somebody special, she’s sure of it. Even while she had been steadily fucking Beca from behind, firmly rocking her fingers deeper through Beca’s folds and Beca had been an incoherent sobbing mess, Chloe had somehow wanted nothing more than to curl up with this woman and learn more about her life. Beca had been remarkably interesting over drinks – bright eyed and passionate in a way that sparked something new and something old in Chloe.
She missed passion.
It also didn’t help that Beca had been amenable to sleepy morning sex the next day. As the sunlight peeked through Chloe’s automatic curtains and she had tangled her fingers into Beca’s hair, it had felt like the most stability in a long time. Like warmth that had nothing to do with the way the sunlight began to stream in.
“I’ll see you again, right?” Chloe had asked, trying not to sound desperate. “I...had fun, honestly.”
Beca had softened and pulled her scarf around herself – a beautiful vintage scarf, passed down from her mother – before nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Tonight?” Chloe had tried hopefully. “We can...we can get dinner this time,” she said. She had blushed a little at the way Beca’s eyes track down her barely clothed body. She had tossed on an old t-shirt and tiny shorts to whip up a quick mug of coffee for Beca before she left. “You can uh,” she cleared her throat. “Totally stay over again, if that’s what you want.”
Beca’s face had fallen. “Maybe not tonight. I have work tomorrow.” She wrinkled her nose. “I heard you should be...early for your first day of work at a new job. Something like that anyway.”
Chloe sighs at the memory and tries not to think about the slow heat building in her chest and between her legs. Beca had kissed her goodbye – one of the sweetest and most tender kisses Chloe had ever experienced in her life.
“Good morning to you too,” Aubrey greets when Chloe brushes past her on the way out of the elevator. “We have that big quarterly report due at the end of this week. Don’t forget, Chloe.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Chloe calls back. She makes a beeline for her office, hoping against hope that Gabrielle has remembered to at least get her coffee early today. 
“Here you go, Ms. Beale,” Gabrielle chimes in from her left suddenly, nearly making Chloe drop her handbag. “Soy latte?”
“Thank you,” Chloe murmurs gratefully. She accepts the cup, pleased by the warmth in her hand. “Agenda?”
“Nothing too heavy until around eleven. Harris wants to see you about the campaign we’re going to start up soon for the Superbowl. Oh, and your new assistant starts today.”
Chloe blinks. “Aren’t you my new assistant?”
“Well...another new assistant?” Gabrielle tries. “We need more talented hands on board, I guess.”
Talented hands.
Chloe is thrown into another memory, unbidden. She sighs heavily and settles into her chair. “Okay, just...give me a moment. Can you print out copies of the contract?”
“Sure thing.”
On that ridiculously-chipper-for-a-Monday note, Chloe rests her chin on her palm and slips into her memory more fully, wondering if this is bordering on desperation. Or if she is so past the desperate line that it doesn’t really even matter.
 – – – – – – – – – –
  Beca's hands are everywhere. “Talented hands,” Chloe had joked earlier in the evening over drinks, when Beca had explained that she was a musician and struggling producer.
She is decidedly not laughing now as Beca’s hands slide down her shoulder blades, like determined little caresses. Hands on her hips, her ass, grabbing her thighs. Everywhere all at once, like Beca can’t quite decide which part of Chloe she wants to hold on to, so she pays every inch of skin equal attention.
The sensation makes Chloe’s head spin. She has to gasp for air and pull away from their kiss so she can just take a moment to take in Beca. Beca, lying beneath her, chest heaving. Chloe bites her lip, sitting up more fully astride Beca’s narrow hips. Boldly, she rests her palms on Beca’s nipples, shivering a little when they press back insistently against her hand. Beca whimpers, the sound escaping past kiss-swollen lips.
“Touch me,” Beca rasps. “Please.”
Chloe pouts. “I want you to touch me.”
There is something in the way Beca succumbs to obedience. The way she draws her lower lip between her teeth and runs her hands up Chloe’s thighs in a faux-soothing manner. Her thumbs begin to dip further down, nearing the place where Chloe aches for her. Where she is wet and smearing traces of her own arousal across Beca’s lower belly.
And all because Beca touched her when asked.
Talented hands, indeed. 
– – – – – – – – – –
“Your new assistant is here.”
“Send them in,” Chloe says distractedly. She sighs when the door creaks open again and stands from her desk. Gabrielle moves to sit in the corner of her office while–
Beca ?
Chloe barely stops herself from saying Beca’s name aloud.
Because she’s there. She is literally standing there, wearing a cute scarf and jacket. Her hair is up, which is different, but not unpleasant.
Oh crap, Chloe thinks, as her Monday spirals to new depths.
“Hi,” Beca says, more timid than Chloe remembers her.
(It has nothing to do with how Beca had rigorously chanted her name, back arched and head tilted back.)
“Who are you?” Chloe blurts before her brain can really reconnect with her mouth.
A million images must pass through both their minds. She can see it on Beca’s face.
Beca glances quickly at Gabrielle. “I’m your...new assistant.” She blinks. “Beca. Beca Mitchell.”
Each step Chloe takes towards Beca is another step closer to the person who has been on her mind for the last forty-eight hours at least. Though the blazer isn’t quite the leather jacket Beca had sported over her pretty red dress, this look is equally appealing.
“Nice to meet you, Beca,” Chloe says as steadily as she can. Beca reaches out to shake her hand, her eyes darting around Chloe’s face with a kind of nervous energy. “I can tell we’re going to work so well together.”
 – – – – – – – – – –
 “So,” Chloe says once she has collected herself. She moves to stand by Beca at the counter in the thankfully empty kitchenette area. She watches Beca fumble with the Keurig cup she had been holding and gives her a moment to compose herself. When Beca turns to face her, Chloe is struck by how beautifully blue Beca’s eyes are. “Am I going to see you again?”
“I’ll text you,” Beca replies, but it is light and playful. “Uh, why didn’t you tell me you worked here? I could have asked for a transfer or something if we had, I don’t know. Figured this out earlier.” Her eyes flit everywhere across Chloe’s face, lingering on her eyes, then her lips.
Chloe’s heart races. “Is there a reason why...you would need to transfer?”
Beca’s brow furrows like she is attempting to figure Chloe out. “Uh, because...isn’t this a conflict of interest? Or like. Is there a rule about having fucked your boss?”
“Who was doing the fucking?” Chloe asks before she can help herself.
Beca’s eyes widen almost comically, then she seems to relax. The tiniest of smirks spreads across her lips. “I think it was pretty even.”
Beca looks so smug. Chloe kind of just wants to kiss that smug expression right off her face.
Beca takes her staring as something else. “Oh shit,” she says quickly. “Am I going to be fired? Like, actually fired?”
Chloe shakes her head quickly. “No, just. We’ll figure something out.” She glances down at Beca’s hand and reaches out to graze the back of her hand with her fingers. “I...do want to see you again. And we probably shouldn’t be working so closely together. But I’ll figure it out, I promise.”
Beca relaxes at that. Her entire body softens and sags. It is completely adorable. She adjusts her scarf nervously – the same one she wore on their date, Chloe notes with delight – and nods. “Okay, I trust you. And I do want to have another date. WIth more talking and stuff. But I wouldn’t be opposed to...staying over again,” she mumbles. “If that’s appropriate for me to say, Ms. Beale.”
Chloe’s eyes flash. “Meet me at the bathroom on the fifteenth floor. The one at the end of the West hallway.” She checks her watch. “At around two-thirty.” 
Beca swallows. “Uh, sure.” She tries not to nod too eagerly. “Sure, two-thirty. You got it, boss.”
Chloe straightens and part of her professional mask slips back across her face. “Meanwhile, I’ve got some work for you to do.”
 – – – – – – – – – –
 It ends up being very difficult for Beca to focus on anything, really. Not while Chloe leans over her shoulder. Despite the appropriate distance, Beca still catches a whiff of Chloe’s perfume. She can still feel her body heat radiating against her shoulder.
Chloe’s slender fingers pointing out specific folders and charts on the company server.
A quick glance at the way Chloe’s lips twitch into somewhat of a smirk – an impressive smirk, Beca would know – and Beca knows Chloe is playing with her.
 – – – – – – – – – –
  Beca thinks that Chloe’s laugh – her giggle – is the prettiest sound she’s ever heard. She watches in awe as Chloe slumps against her pillows. Absentmindedly, Beca swipes at the trace of wetness along her chin and climbs up Chloe’s body slowly and surely so that they are pressed together intimately once more.
“Aren’t you tired?” Chloe asks softly. Her fingers run through Beca’s hair. She doesn’t stop smiling.
Beca steals a quick kiss from Chloe’s lips. Quick so she can retreat and look at Chloe’s smile again.
God, she’s cheesy. It’s weird though, Beca doesn’t feel any urge to retreat or run away. She just wants more of it.
She wants to know if it is normal to feel such an intense connection to somebody, despite their seemingly limited communication. The whole premise of matching with each other just to hook up. The whole idea of never seeing Chloe again.
The idea of that makes her heart pound uncomfortably, so she kisses Chloe again, well into the night.
 – – – – – – – – – –
 The good news is, Aubrey finally agrees to take Beca off her hands after an inquisition that lasted at least twenty-five minutes. Maybe thirty.
The bad news is, that means Beca will be working exactly one floor above Chloe and she won’t get to see her often.
The fantastic news is, Chloe won’t feel so guilty about wanting to date Beca because she’s no longer Chloe’s subordinate. And they’re barely considered co-workers – at least not so strictly – because Aubrey runs her team like a tight ship.
There might be additional bad news in that Beca has no idea what’s in for her, when she starts working for Aubrey.
But Aubrey promised a mild pay increase.
 – – – – – – – – – –
 Two-thirty can’t come fast enough. But when it does–
“Fuck,” Beca rasps. “Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this all day.” 
Chloe lifts her head from Beca’s neck, stilling her hand. “You have?” she asks, trying not to sound too hopeful. She had shared the Great News with Beca earlier, though Beca had been confused as to why Gabrielle and another intern had given her sympathetic looks.
But that’s all for another day (tomorrow).
Now, Beca looks like she might start to cry. “Y-yeah. Yeah,” she grits out. Her hips shift restlessly with some difficulty with how Chloe has her pinned against the wall. “God, don’t stop, Beale.”
Beca hadn’t known her last name before – two nights ago. She hadn’t known anything except “Chloe” or “Chlo” or various, stuttered iterations of Chloe’s name.
So it sends a bolt of arousal straight to Chloe’s core when Beca moans her last name like it’s the last thing she will ever do.
Chloe curls her fingers in a beckoning motion. Beca’s head thumps back against the wall, exposing her neck for Chloe to nibble at playfully. 
“Harder?” she asks innocently, like she’s asking Beca whether she finished her photocopying task. Not like she’s asking if Beca needs her to fuck her into oblivion in the middle of the day in a private bathroom.
“God yes,” Beca moans out. It echoes nicely around the room. Chloe is so grateful that past two-thirty, this floor is basically empty.
“Tell me how much harder,” Chloe orders.
“Chloe,” Beca whimpers.
“Beca,” she responds, leaning in to brush her nose against Beca’s jaw. “Tell me.” A muffled scream sounds from Beca’s throat. Slowly pushing Beca back against the ledge so she is more firmly stabilized, Chloe lifts her now-free hand to Beca’s mouth without really pressing down on her lips. “I want to hear you,” she murmurs.
Instead of responding again, Beca takes her fingers into her mouth and sucks. It makes Chloe jolt hard against Beca’s body and she becomes more cognizant of her growing need between her legs – how her clit seems to ache and pulse with each shift of her fingers inside Beca. Beca, for her part, finally releases Chloe’s fingers from her mouth and gasps out a series of short, steady breaths.
Chloe twists her wrist and thrusts hard, once more. 
Beca falls apart in her arms breathlessly. 
Chloe trails kisses up and down Beca’s neck and jaw. She had been amused to see Beca examining her hickey in the mirror earlier. She doesn’t intend to leave another one, but the fact that she left one at all (“Oops, I really didn’t mean to,” she had said apologetically without any real apology in her voice.) had sent the hottest streak of possession through her body. Now, she just wants to coax Beca down from her orgasm and linger in the moment as long as possible.
“Was that congrats-on-getting-the-job sex?” is the first thing Beca asks when she catches her breath.
“I mean, who’s to say?” Chloe says, backing away so Beca can push herself from the counter ledge. “There should probably be some thank-you-for-getting-me-the-job sex. Maybe.” She raises an eyebrow, waiting to see what Beca will do or say.
Beca raises an eyebrow back – Chloe was always going to lose this battle – and slowly sinks to her knees.
“You know,” Chloe says in a matter-of-fact tone. “This is the cleanest bathroom in our company. Maybe the building.” Words keep spilling out of her as Beca’s hands begin pulling her underwear down. “Don’t ask me why. It just–” her breath hitches. “It just is,” she whispers, the moment Beca’s lips start trailing up her thigh.
Beca, as it turns out, is very grateful for the job.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
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Fox news Power Rankings: Who's up/down after the draft? - NFL.com
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The virtual draft is over.
You now know what the interior of your traditional supervisor's home place of job looks adore. You are mindful if he is a dog or cat person. Most importantly, you now bear a stunning impartial idea of the roster your favourite crew will steal into action in 2020. (Please let there be action in 2020.) So, before we hit up Kliff Kingsbury for a loan, let's model out all 32 teams in our submit-draft edition of the Energy Rankings.
Undergo in solutions, all opinions are mine and mine by myself. It's likely you'll presumably presumably also impartial bear got the most attention-grabbing to disagree with them, even change into viscerally offended over them, nonetheless please take into accout I invent no guarantees to care. Contend with safe, every person.
The Chiefs frail their first-spherical protect shut -- No. 32 total -- on LSU running support Clyde Edwards-Helaire, whose pass-catching ability and elusiveness invent Kansas Metropolis's offense almost unfair. Edwards-Helaire is arguably the exclusively receiving support in this draft class, prompting many to join the dots and film a 2020 Chiefs attack the usage of Edwards the tactic Reid frail Brian Westbrook to befuddle opposing defenses in Philadelphia. Huge Crimson acknowledged that Edwards-Helaire is better than Westbrook. It begs the effect a question to: Are we about to leer the fleshy likely of this Chiefs offense? Or no longer it is a unpleasant idea for the relaxation of the NFL.
Kudos to traditional supervisor John Lynch, who additional cranked initiate the Niners' Gargantuan Bowl window with the acquisition of seven-time Legitimate Bowler Trent Williams, who takes over for the retiring Joe Staley as Jimmy Garoppolo's blind-aspect protector. It exclusively tag Lynch a pair of mid-spherical picks spread out over this year and subsequent. If Williams is the relaxation shut to the identical player he became before he dropped off the grid in Washington, this change is a heist. Speaking of Jimmy G, issues ended up factual stunning for the quarterback. He survived the Tom Brady rumor storm, bought public backing from his crew, then obtained a Hall of Repute-stage left take care of and a chief-spherical receiver (No. 25 total protect shut Brandon Aiyuk). And he is stunning as hell. Rotten.
[Patrick Queen](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/patrick-queen?identity=32195155-4530-8806-168a-7e9ee3bd3f96), meet outsized expectations. After the [Ravens](/teams/baltimoreravens/profile?crew=BAL) frail the No. 28 total protect shut on the interior linebacker out of LSU, [Ravens](/teams/baltimoreravens/profile?crew=BAL) quarterback and reigning league MVP [Lamar Jackson](/player/lamarjackson/2563943/profile) [shouted "Ray Lewis Jr.!" on Instagram Live](http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001111046/article/lamar-publicizes-patrick-queen-as-ray-lewis-jr). Queen might perchance perchance presumably no longer change into a 13-time [Pro Bowl](http://www.nfl.com/probowl) option and two-time [Super Bowl](http://www.nfl.com/superbowl) champion, nonetheless he'll be one other hit for GM Eric DeCosta if he fortifies the center of Baltimore's protection with his sideline-to-sideline proceed and plus protection ability. Queen and [trade acquisition Calais Campbell](http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001106265/article/jaguars-to-change-de-calais-campbell-to-ravens) bear upgraded the [Ravens](/teams/baltimoreravens/profile?crew=BAL)' entrance seven in a huge formulation. Baltimore and Kansas Metropolis are the determined class of the AFC.
The Saints entered the draft boasting one of the most necessary whole rosters in the NFL. And not using a evident holes, coach Sean Payton and GM Mickey Loomis did some tinkering. Enter first-spherical protect shut Cesar Ruiz, who appears poised to interchange outmoded incumbent Larry Warford at appropriate guard. Arrive Sunday morning, the Saints' quarterback room grew to alter into the source of the crew's absolute best stage of intrigue. We realized that Unique Orleans is reportedly closing in on a deal to signal Jameis Winston(!) on the identical day Taysom Hill inked a two-year, $21 million extension. That is enormous cash for a machine player poised to be a Third-string QB if Winston signs to be Drew Brees' backup. Hey, filthy rich-other folks issues, appropriate?
First-spherical protect shut Isaiah Wilson enters the most attention-grabbing take care of competition created by the departure of Jack Conklin. Or no longer it is a a must-bear feature for the Titans, who leaned on Conklin to blow initiate holes for rushing champion Derrick Henry. Speaking of Henry, he has some modern backfield firm in Darrynton Evans. The third-spherical protect shut is a home-speed hitter and a get fit for Tennessee's plan. With Henry poised to play out 2020 on a one-year franchise value, might perchance perchance presumably the Titans be grooming Evans as a likely replace in 2021? In the period in-between, is Jadeveon Clowney collected on the radar in Nashville? Tennessee did no longer exercise any of its six picks on a extinct edge rusher. This feels adore a actually most attention-grabbing fit.
The Payments' draft became a productive one before it began, on account of the four-protect shut kit that grew to alter into change acquisition Stefon Diggs. Buffalo then addressed an keep apart of want with second-spherical protect shut A.J. Epenesa, a extremely efficient and versatile defensive lineman who can help mitigate the shortcoming of Shaq Lawson. Third-spherical protect shut Zack Moss brings some modern legs to the backfield, and Georgia quarterback Jake Fromm -- who took a surprise drop to the fifth spherical -- presents Buffalo a compelling prospect whose passing ability feature vastly contrasts with starter Josh Allen. Or no longer it is very unlikely to bear a examine at Buffalo's roster and no longer leer it as the strongest in the AFC East -- by a appreciable margin.
How about them Cowboys? Jerry Jones and Co. did most attention-grabbing work in the draft, finding payment up and down the board. It might perchance probably presumably no longer had been the idea to protect shut a huge receiver in the first spherical, nonetheless Dallas did no longer effect a question to CeeDee Lamb to collected be on the board at No. 17. Request: Would the 'Boys bear re-signed Amari Cooper to that huge contract if they knew Lamb became going to drop to them? We will never know, nonetheless we enact know that Lamb joins Cooper and Michael Gallup to perform one of the most necessary talented large receiver teams in football. In numerous places, Dallas added depth and starting alternate concepts at offensive line, line of defense and cornerback. This feels adore your NFC East favourite.
Successfully, that became attention-grabbing. Packers fans and football pundits went into the draft expecting Green Bay so as to add a huge receiver (or two) to help support Aaron Rodgers. As a replace, the Packers handed on any receiver from a historically deep class and as an quite a lot of drafted Rodgers' conceivable replace with their first-spherical protect shut. I will also impartial envy Jordan Like's formative years, athleticism and checking yarn, nonetheless being Rodgers' teammate at this moment in time feels ... dicey. After taking Like, Green Bay frail its subsequent protect shut on a between-the-tackles pounder in Boston College running support A.J. Dillon. Huh. Cincinnati tight cease Josiah Deguara, the crew's third-rounder, might perchance perchance presumably add some payment in the passing sport in time, nonetheless that is no longer the draft that anyone expected. We consider Rodgers is okay with some social distancing in the intervening time.
Indianapolis' first-spherical protect shut became frail to perform DeForest Buckner, a switch that might perchance perchance bear an worthy affect on the Colts' interior protection. With Indy's first protect shut in the draft (34th total), Chris Ballard landed one other distinction-maker in USC wideout Michael Pittman Jr., who has all of the instruments to alter into an instantaneous important person having fun with with Philip Rivers and T.Y. Hilton. Pittman at as soon as upgrades a huge receiver neighborhood that lacked depth and playmaking skill. The Colts had a identical enlighten at running support before trading as a lot as land Wisconsin important person Jonathan Taylor. A 2,000-yard rusher in every of his closing two collegiate seasons (and with regards to all three), Taylor might perchance perchance presumably threaten Marlon Mack for The Man web philosophize in the Colts' backfield. Huge-armed Washington QB Jacob Eason (taken in the fourth spherical) will be taught in the support of Rivers and ceaselessly is the first man up when the outmoded decides to dangle up his bolo tie.
Eliminate a load off, Rick Spielman. The Vikings traditional supervisor made history by deciding on 15 gamers in the 2020 NFL Draft. Or no longer it is a long way the most gamers obtained in a draft class since the league adopted the seven-spherical format in 1994. The first protect shut became LSU important person Justin Jefferson, who neatly slides into the huge receiver keep apart vacated by Stefon Diggs. Jefferson can play initiate air or in the slot, and you get the feeling he would be an instantaneous producer having fun with with the ever-consistent Kirk Cousins. The additions of Jeff Gladney (31st total protect shut) and Cameron Dantzler (89th) ought to collected present rapid support to a cornerback room that wished reinforcements. Offensive take care of Ezra Cleveland became a pleasant payment add in the second spherical that at as soon as ended any probability of a Trent Williams change. The Vikings watch in a position to roll.
Celebrity cornerback Minkah Fitzpatrick tag the Steelers their first-spherical protect shut on Thursday night, nonetheless we already know that became draft capital well spent. With their first protect shut in the draft (49th total), Pittsburgh landed worthy Notre Dame large receiver Hotfoot Claypool, a huge-play athlete who well complements JuJu Smith-Schuster. Relaxing fact: Ben Roethlisberger now has three top receiving targets standing as a minimum 6-foot-4 -- Claypool and tight ends Eric Ebron and Vance McDonald. There is been a form of speculation -- great of it fueled by the Steelers themselves -- about unearthing competition (or a replace) for James Conner in the backfield, nonetheless GM Kevin Colbert waited till Day 3 before pulling the feature off on Maryland running support Anthony McFarland Jr. in the fourth spherical. McFarland scans as extra of a proceed complement than a lead dog -- obviously impartial news for Conner in a a must-bear season.
The Bucs made their most attention-grabbing wave appropriate before the draft with the bombshell change that introduced Eliminate Gronkowski out of retirement to play with buddy Tom Brady. It remains to be considered how great football is left in ol' Gronk, whose physique took a vicious beating in 9 seasons with the Patriots. With that in solutions, it presumably is excellent to protect shut both O.J. Howard and Cameron Brate, growing tight cease depth that can permit Bruce Arians to protect shut the exclusively spots to deploy Gronkowski. Brady obtained extra impartial news on Thursday night, when Tampa Bay traded as a lot as land offensive take care of Tristan Wirfs with the 13th total protect shut. The Bucs are clearly a crew in protect shut-now mode -- they're going to be attention-grabbing to leer when football returns. (Please return, football.)
So are the Seahawks out on bringing support Jadeveon Clowney or no longer? Pete Carroll acknowledged the free-agent defender might perchance perchance presumably collected return to Seattle, nonetheless then the Seahawks moved up 11 spots in the second spherical to protect shut Tennessee edge defender Darrell Taylor. Seattle added one other edge player in Day 3, taking Syracuse's Alton Robinson early in the fifth spherical. Carroll and GM John Schneider now bear protection if Clowney signs in other places, nonetheless it can perchance also be shiny to surprise if the three-time Legitimate Bowler might perchance perchance presumably collected be of their plans. Few teams in the NFL had been worse at getting to the quarterback final season. Nonetheless, Clowney became segment of that enlighten, contributing factual three of Seattle's 28 sacks. Choices, choices.
[Packers](/teams/greenbaypackers/profile?crew=GB) fans had been afraid to leer their crew draft a quarterback in the first spherical of Thursday's draft. [Eagles](/teams/philadelphiaeagles/profile?crew=PHI) supporters had been equally befuddled when GM Howie Roseman pulled the feature off on Oklahoma quarterback [Jalen Hurts](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/jalen-hurts?identity=32194855-5276-7022-85cf-a74490936f42) with the 53rd total protect shut. On the skin, it doesn't seem adore a feature of want, nonetheless Philly can no longer ignore the probability that [Carson Wentz](/player/carsonwentz/2555259/profile) will merely never be a sturdy quarterback. Hurts presents Doug Pederson with great-wished insurance and a dynamic athlete opposing teams must enlighten into the sport idea (mediate: [Taysom Hill](/player/taysomhill/2558954/profile) in Unique Orleans). And let's no longer act adore the [Eagles](/teams/philadelphiaeagles/profile?crew=PHI) did no longer support Wentz out: The crew frail its first protect shut (25th total) on explosive TCU important person [Jalen Reagor](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/jalen-reagor?identity=32195245-4133-8982-9a32-957d59a1e153), who molded himself into a chief-spherical target despite being saddled with subpar QB play in college. Deep breath, [Eagles](/teams/philadelphiaeagles/profile?crew=PHI) fans.
[I joked on Twitter](https://twitter.com/DanHanzus/web philosophize/1253519413875097601) that Bill Belichick traded out of the first spherical because he did no longer desire anyone to leer the interior of his home. Indubitably, it became factual the [Patriots](/teams/newenglandpatriots/profile?crew=NE) coach doing the most Belichickian enlighten conceivable -- starting their most extremely scrutinized draft in ages by deciding on a security out of Division II Lenoir-Rhyne. Traditional. [Kyle Dugger](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/kyle-dugger?identity=32194455-4767-4843-b362-237ddcf75c1b) is a actually impartial prospect, nonetheless it speaks to the real fact in Unique England: [Tom Brady](/player/tombrady/2504211/profile) would be gone, nonetheless the basics of crew-constructing are unchanged on Patriot Means. The Pats did no longer exercise any of their 10 picks on a quarterback -- a decision that reveals faith in 2019 fourth-spherical protect shut [Jarrett Stidham](/player/jarrettstidham/2562746/profile) ... or hints on the upcoming acquisition of a known outmoded. Hi, [Andy Dalton](/player/andydalton/2495143/profile).
Houston did no longer bear a chief-spherical protect shut this year -- and it is a long way the identical story in 2021 -- so the Texans wished coach/GM Bill O'Brien to unearth some gemstones in the non-top rate rounds. Houston's 2020 class numbered factual 5 gamers and became headlined by TCU defensive take care of Ross Blacklock, selected 40th total. O'Brien took one other defender in the third spherical -- edge rusher Jonathan Greenard -- an acknowledgement that the crew's protection slipped in 2019. Beforehand, O'Brien frail draft capital in trades so as to add running support David Johnson (in the excellent-castigated DeAndre Hopkins deal) and big receiver Brandin Cooks, whose second-spherical protect shut tag value felt exorbitant, occupied with Cooks' troubling concussion history. Laremy Tunsil, the left take care of who tag Houston their first-spherical picks in 2020 and '21, signed a three-year, $66 million extension with $57.85 million guaranteed. Or no longer it is exhausting to claim which direction this organization is headed in.
The Rams bear several roster holes and no longer ample cap home or draft picks to repair the entirety in one offseason. Coach Sean McVay and GM Les Snead started plugging away in the draft. Out the door are running support Todd Gurley and big receiver Brandin Cooks. Enter second-spherical picks Cam Akers (RB) and Van Jefferson (WR) as their presumed replacements. Clay Matthews became one-and-carried out in Los Angeles, so recount hiya to initiate air linebacker Terrell Lewis, drafted 84th total out of Alabama. Eric Weddle can also be history, so here comes fourth-spherical rookie Terrell Burgess at security. You get the image. The Rams are getting younger and cheaper. That second segment is terribly indispensable with mega-contracts on the books for Jared Goff, Aaron Donald -- and soon ample -- Jalen Ramsey.
Longtime ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper called first-spherical protect shut A.J. Terrell "one of the most necessary attention-grabbing reaches of the previous few years." Oof. Rumors swirled about Atlanta potentially transferring as a lot as protect shut one of the most tip two corners in this class, nonetheless the Falcons ended up staying home to address a famous feature of want. GM Thomas Dimitroff had better hope Kiper is losing his fastball. Draft critiques apart, this has been a get offseason total for the Falcons, who added running support Todd Gurley and pass rusher Dante Fowler Jr. and traded for tight cease Hayden Hurst after losing Austin Hooper in free agency. There can also impartial no longer be one other reprieve for Dan Quinn and Dimitroff if Atlanta misses the playoffs for a Third straight year.
Or no longer it is all there for Baker Mayfield. The Browns' talented gash of playmakers obtained better with the addition of tight cease Austin Hooper in free agency. The offensive line obtained a superb-wished makeover at take care of with the arrival of free-agent acquisition Jack Conklin and first-spherical protect shut Jedrick Wills. The glaring holes are gone, and so are the excuses for Mayfield, who disappointed mightily in 2019 after a file-setting rookie marketing campaign. Give the Browns credit score: They collected consider in Mayfield's likely, and they've carried out the entirety they'll -- from teaching hires to roster moves -- to keep apart the frail No. 1 total protect shut in a feature to prevail. Now all Mayfield has to enact is ... invent the jump.
The Raiders knew they needed to get extra explosive on offense, and they did no longer mess spherical on the tip of their 2020 draft class. Las Vegas had 5 picks in the first 100 picks of the draft, and they frail three of their first four on large receiver. Enter Henry Ruggs III (12th total), Lynn Bowden Jr. (80th) and Bryan Edwards (81st), additions that give the Raiders' attack an instantaneous shot in the arm. Ruggs -- a speedster with important person likely -- joins running support Josh Jacobs and tight cease Darren Waller to perform a dynamic core spherical Derek Carr. Speaking of Carr, this offseason couldn't be going any better. The crew punted on a Tom Brady pursuit, signed middling Marcus Mariota as his modern competition, then frail the draft so as to add weapons spherical him. The effect a question to now turns into whether the notoriously conservative Carr can ruin away and invent the most of his spoils.
The Broncos appear occupied with turning over the reins of their franchise to quarterback Drew Lock, so it exclusively is excellent to surround the second-year passer with extra authentic skill. Working support Melvin Gordon and guard/center Graham Glasgow had been imported in free agency, and Denver frail the 15th total protect shut on large receiver Jerry Jeudy, who fills an glaring want opposite Courtland Sutton. John Elway wasn't carried out, nonetheless. The GM frail Denver's second protect shut on one other large receiver, this time Penn Express standout KJ Hamler, your classic Undersized Vertical Deep Threat Man (UVDTG). All people needs their very possess Tyreek Hill this bid day. If Elway is appropriate about Lock, the Broncos ought to collected have the option to protect shut their very possess in the high-flying AFC West.
With Joe Douglas responsible, it feels adore the Jets lastly bear a grown-up in the room. The GM has Gargantuan Bowl rings for his contributions to championship teams in Baltimore and Philadelphia, and his intellectual formulation to crew constructing became on display in this draft. Offensive take care of and big receiver had been the two most attention-grabbing needs for Unique York, and Douglas addressed these with his first two picks: LT Mekhi Becton (11th total) and Baylor WR Denzel Mims, who surprisingly slid to the Jets at No. 59. The picks of Becton and fourth-rounder Cameron Clarke capped a whole offseason makeover of the Jets' offensive line, which might perchance also impartial bear 5 modern starters in 2020. Like we seen with the Browns and Baker Mayfield, the Jets had been aggressive in addressing roster issues that held support their prized younger quarterback final season. Now it is on Sam Darnold to steal the subsequent step.
Let's welcome Justin Herbert, who turns into factual the most standard QB prospect to blast away an offseason's value of notebook ledes exclaiming "Team X views Tyrod Taylor as a likely long-term starter." That became never going to be the case in L.A., and the Dolphins eradicated a potentially agonizing decision when they chose Tua Tagovailoa the protect shut before the Bolts hit the clock at No. 6. Herbert is huge -- 6-foot-6 huge -- and has the instruments to be a important person, nonetheless we're told it will also impartial steal time. That makes Taylor the most attention-grabbing in-home technique to protect shut the castle. We will leer how long the Chargers can resist temptation. GM Tom Telesco made extra waves on Thursday night by trading support into the first spherical to land interior linebacker Kenneth Murray, who ought to collected be an instantaneous starter. Successfully, he had better be.
The Cardinals' offseason became made support in March, when GM Steve Keim fleeced Bill O'Brien in the already-legendary DeAndre Hopkins change. Hopkins became a chief addition to the roster, and loads are expecting Kyler Murray to steal a Lamarian twelve months 2 jump on account of the All-Legitimate wideout's arrival. No longer so rapid. A No. 1 large receiver wasn't the exclusively glaring want for Arizona, and passing on a top rate take care of prospect in prefer of uber-talented linebacker Isaiah Simmons with the eighth total protect shut might perchance perchance presumably come support to bite Arizona, especially if third-spherical OT Josh Jones doesn't pan out. Murray became sacked 48 times final year, tied with Matt Ryan and Russell Wilson for the most in football. For certain, Simmons might perchance perchance presumably change into Darius Leonard crossed with Lawrence Taylor, and this blurb will probably be rendered as meaningless as all that Tyrod Taylor copy.
Thanks in worthy segment to the blockbuster Khalil Mack change, which tag the Bears their first- and third-spherical picks in this draft, Chicago exclusively had a pair of picks (two second-rounders) in the first 150 slots. That doesn't invent for uncomplicated crew constructing in what would be a invent-or-ruin year for traditional supervisor Ryan Tempo and coach Matt Nagy. They did land the perceived exclusively tight cease in the class in Notre Dame's Cole Kmet. They wished extra than a mild Jimmy Graham in that positional neighborhood. Seven picks later, the Bears landed cornerback Jaylon Johnson, who might perchance perchance bear of project to initiate on a Chicago protection that would be asked to protect shut this crew as soon as more. With a glamour-free draft class in tow, the purpose of hobby spherical this crew will hasty turn support to Mitchell Trubisky vs. Prick Foles. Undergo in solutions when kicker became the exclusively feature the Bears idea they needed to pain about?
Miami's offseason makeover has been rather an enterprise. The Dolphins spread out their wallets in free agency so as to add a bunch of quality gamers, then frail an worthy draft bounty to infuse an improved roster with younger skill. It starts with Tua Tagovailoa, the fascination of this draft class, and now, the face of the Miami Dolphins. Tua had been linked to the Dolphins since final year -- him being readily available at No. 5 total would be remembered as a franchise-transferring stroke of fortune. The modern quarterback will play in entrance of a modern offensive line, as the Dolphins frail first-, second- and fourth-rounders on blockers. The collection of USC LT Austin Jackson at 18th total became no longer universally adored; in an ultimate world, Jackson is animated to steal on the all-indispensable feature of blind-aspect protector come September. Or no longer it is a modern day in Miami.
[Joe Burrow](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/joseph-burrow?identity=32194255-5267-9731-81c8-48673dcec5e2) has come home. Is he the man who will restore dignity to Who Dey Nation? Or no longer it is been three decades since the [Bengals](/teams/cincinnatibengals/profile?crew=CIN) final obtained a playoff sport, and Burrow is modern off arguably the most attention-grabbing season a college quarterback has ever loved. He became a slam-dunk No. 1 total desire who can change the entirety for one of the most league's without ruin wandering franchises. Every hotshot rookie QB ought to collected be paired with a dynamic younger pass catcher, which is why I loved the gathering of [Tee Higgins](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/tamurice-higgins?identity=32194849-4738-7791-9f89-d556c4b59b9a) with the first protect shut of the second spherical. That is no longer your practical 2-14 crew. The roster has skill and a potentially special rookie passer out entrance. Dawn has arrived.
"We desire to repair this offensive line as soon as and for all," GM Dave Gettleman acknowledged on Thursday night, after the Giants frail the fourth total protect shut on Georgia All-American left take care of Andrew Thomas. The Giants weren't carried out addressing the feature, either: They tabbed UConn take care of Matt Peart with the 99th total protect shut on Friday night. That is all gargantuan news for second-year quarterback Daniel Jones and important person running support Saquon Barkley, who both stand to profit vastly from improved performance up entrance. Safety Xavier McKinney might perchance perchance had been a Day 2 prefer; he joins a protection that frail free agency so as to add cornerback James Bradberry and center linebacker Blake Martinez. That is no longer a Gargantuan Bowl roster, nonetheless it does watch better than final year's. We will secure out if the Giants protect shut ample in 2020 to permit Gettleman to leer this rebuild thru.
The Lions had the worst pass protection in the league final season, so it is exhausting to argue with their decision to keep at No. 3 total and steal Ohio Express standout Jeff Okudah. Okudah and Darius Assassinate would bear made for a killer pairing in the secondary, nonetheless Desmond Trufant is a get second banana if Okudah turns into a important person, as many predict. 2nd-spherical protect shut D'Andre Swift is Detroit's most standard swing for a legit retort at running support. (Are we inching into Curse Of Barry Sanders territory here?) Swift ought to collected add one other dimension to the Lions' passing sport, as well, and Matthew Stafford is no longer any doubt contented with support-to-support guard picks in Rounds 3 and 4. Is there ample here to compete for a playoff keep apart? The jobs of GM Bob Quinn and coach Matt Patricia can also impartial rely on it.
[Chase Young](https://www.nfl.com/potentialities/whisk-younger?identity=3219594f-5514-6550-d662-263c81d981b1) has *superduperstar* likely, and his option at No. 2 total presents Washington one of the most exclusively defensive traces in football. For a rebuilding crew, that is a gargantuan starting up line. On the flip aspect, the [Trent Williams](/player/trentwilliams/497073/profile) standoff got here to a merciful conclusion when the disgruntled left take care of became [traded to the 49ers](http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001111403/article/niners-perform-redskins-take care of-trent-williams-in-change) for a fifth-rounder and a 2021 third-rounder. Williams became on a [Hall of Fame](http://www.profootballhof.com/) trajectory before his gruesome falling out with the crew -- [Redskins](/teams/washingtonredskins/profile?crew=WAS) fans can exclusively hope the organization realized from the fiasco. After Young, Washington frail its subsequent four picks on ability gamers and offensive linemen. This ought to collected support [Dwayne Haskins](/player/dwaynehaskins/2562660/profile), who will get one other shot to uncover himself. Does he bear the merchandise? We will secure out.
The Jaguars are starting over, and the draft targeted on protection on the tip. Cornerback CJ Henderson (No. 9 total) is a a must-bear add to a secondary that lost both Jalen Ramsey and A.J. Bouye over the direction of six months. Ample'Lavon Chaisson, selected 20th total, became one of the most exclusively pass rushers in this class and will bear the void if/when the crew finds a change suitor for Yannick Ngakoue. The Jags did no longer protect shut out a quarterback with any of their 9 picks in the first 5 rounds, extra evidence that Gardner Minshew will get a fleshy-season audition to be The Man. 2020 will probably be an audition for a form of people in Jacksonville.
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kcnfl27 · 5 years
Trading Places
In an off season of lots of banner headline trades yet another dropped in the shadow of Thursday’s NFL draft. The Chiefs moved all in on a Superbowl run by acquiring Seahawks pass rusher Frank Clark. The facts of a five year $105.5 million deal and a first round pick in 2019 and second round pick in 2020 are eye-popping as it stands, however it’s the deeper strategy that makes the deal more interesting.
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Firstly, it positions the Chiefs with one foe in mind; the New England Patriots. The Chiefs simply cannot afford to let Tom Brady pick them apart come playoff time or have a premium pass rusher jump offside on a game defining snap. Hence why they traded Dee Ford to the 49ers this off season. It’s a trade that looks way beyond the sixteen game regular season and towards the showdown they expect; the rematch with New England.
Is this complacent to the rigors and demands of the regular season? Not really, this adds a huge cannon to the deck of their galleon. As it stands the Chiefs with Mahommes and Co. are an elite team with all their radars locked on the Superbowl. The bigger question surrounding the Chiefs move is how long they are in their “mystical window”. In truth, it could only be this season or next. As sooner rather than later they will simply have to pay Patrick Mahommes, and paying him means the largest contract in league history. With Clark’s $100+ million deal in play the Chiefs window starts to rapidly close as you simply cannot pay all the roster positions and depth starts to come into play as the season extends and injuries occur.
The all-in move is a growing trend that is now more common in the NFL as teams now need to employ this strategy when the franchise quarterback is on a manageable contract that allows you to build a complete roster. In previous years you made the big moves as the clock ticked on the veteran QB at the helm.
So swing round to how the deal worked out for the Seahawks; they come from the exact opposite angle. After applying the franchise tag on Clark the Seahawks bought time but Wilson made his own deadline, and got his multi year deal, all $35 million a year, and what is a team without a quarterback, especially one at Wilson’s elite level? It all lead to a salary cap numbers crunch. Acquire first and second round picks at lower cap numbers and restock the roster. The Seahawks most likely felt comfortable looking for value mid-round replacements and free agents to fill the void left by Clark.
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Both teams are in effect equal and willing trade partners in the deal with both playing in separate conferences. Both appear to make the same decision but for different reasons and restrictions. Who gets the better of the deal? Of course this requires a number of factors which are yet to be determined. However, it is a more high stake gamble if you are the Chiefs - they know they simply have to match up to the Patriots in order to win a Superbowl, before the fly-trap of the modern day NFL salary cap closes firmly shut on them.
No pressure then.
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