#what got saved for hotspot etc etc
viir-tanadhal · 2 years
it's going to be interesting hearing the Lost ep because the songs were all written in that same Super/Hotspot songwriting period where a lot of songs that appear on Super and on Hotspot were first put down. mainly it's just going to be interesting thinking about why they didn't end up on Super or Hotspot and why they weren't b-sides either
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decepti-thots · 11 months
What’s your favorite TF comic arc (from mtmte, exrid, etc etc), or if not a singular fav arc then maybe your top hits?
I hope you’re having a good day & doing well!
My fave single arc is Remain in Light, basically just because Minimus is my favourite character so of course it is, haha. Unless one takes Sins of the Wreckers as "an arc" rather than a miniseries, which I guess also counts. I do really think RiL is an extremely solid "season finale" style arc, though; it juggles a lot of complex moving parts that have to butt shoulders with each other for limited narrative space in a way which is really very concise and effective. That's a very short arc in which all the following play a big role:
The killswitch and Rodimus stopping it
Luna-1 and the whole suddenly-a-hotspot business, setting up Brainstorm having a spark for EC
Getaway's introduction and the deepening of "what was Skids doing before this" as a thread going forward, with all those revelations
Minimus is revealed as Magnus, along with the armour's backstory
The Legislators are explained and Ten's arrival is therefore set up
Skids' foray into what we will later learn is Adaptus' mind/"cyberutopia"
Pharma comes back and kills Ambulon, before his body mysteriously disappears
Tailgate's illness plays out and then Cyclonus is able to save him as a result of Whirl's advice, cementing both those relationships and Tailgate's clean slate going forward
That's so much stuff that not only has to exist in a coherent way within these issues, but in a lot of cases sets up stuff going forward that will be really important, so it has to land well to stick in the readers' memory as more than a passing plot point. And it overwhelmingly does! As far as 'series finales' go, it's really the only one for me that nails that, compared to the mess of DotL and Crucible. And all of that stuff is able to follow bigger-picture themes and such to actually relate to what the characters' arcs are "about", so it ties together in an emotionally satisfying way.
I have a lot of other arcs I love- I think Elegant Chaos is probably the best one, and the first two arcs of exRiD really scratch an itch for me in terms of playing characters off bigger conflicts to heighten the stakes for both the events happening and our emotional investment in those characters, for example- but RiL is just one that is very satisfying to me, personally. The Minimus-Magnus stuff in it is just REALLY good and god I have GOT to finish that meta about how MTMTE uses its genre shift to obfuscate that plot twist in the run-up to these issues, actually.
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lucaaaamakesart · 1 year
CVL : Creating Briefs from Tweets (Workshop)
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I took place in a workshop with Hannah Sheppard, using tweets and news articles for form briefs for different starting points. We got a new article on the issue of tourism, 2nd homes and housing rules and challenges associated with letting. One of the big issues was trying to tackle how many 2nd homes there are, and the lack of permanent homes in UK Hotspots. We were moist interested in the topic of how local businesses were effected by the boom in summer, and the lack of business in winter, and the insecurity this can create. 
We got the starting point ‘Critique’; a detailed assessment of something such as a political situation or system, a criticism or critical comment on some problem or subject.
Ideation on Art Directions;
- App/Survey, connects your opinions to the council to help you save&buy
- Advert for housing company (encouraging to rent/buy)
- New government help to buy scheme for people living in tourist hotspots 
- Curate an exhibition to raise awareness/comment on the issue
- Short film of people being affected, documentation
- Social Media takeover/interruptor on websites
- Publication to give a voice to those affected
Writing the Brief
In UK tourist hotspots, seaside towns experience high number of visitors in the summer, bringing good business to local businesses. However, due to tourism decreasing in the winter, leaving houses vacant, these businesses suffer.
Creative Challenge (Methodology)
Develop a publication that gives a voice to business owners in a chosen tourist hotspot, which makes them feel heard. This should aim to raise awareness of the issues they face, rather than trying to solve the problem.
You may want to explore a variety of topics such as income, isolation and living conditions.
Considerations (Context)
Consider the context in which your publication could be sold or advertised, and how to best reach your target market. You could also consider the form in which this takes, as this could take place on digital or physical format.
Consider what kind of publication would be most effective for the message you are trying to convey, could this be a zine, magazine or flyer?
Target Market
You could aim your publication at tourists to raise awareness within the community, or aim to make a wider spread impact outside of your chosen location.
You could also choose to aim your publication at the people who could make change such as large companies and government. This could take the tone of a protesting publication.
Read into articles to get a wider picture of the issue, magazines and publications etc
Conduct primary research such as interviews and surveys, to gather insight
Identify problems raised by research e.g Why aren’t their voices being heard now/ how has it been unsuccessfully done before, so what could be done next
Test a variety of methods to test for what is most effective
Research into target audience
Consider contemporary publications, artist books and magazine editions relating to the route you want to go down
Consider hierarchy, layout and typography in relation to publication aesthetics, readability and unique design
Consider current design trends
Create something unique and memorable
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ansu-gurleht · 1 year
tagged by @ervona. i’m not gonna tag anybody in particular, if you see this and want to do it just pretend i tagged you lol
Rules: look back on your work, both past and present, finished and unfinished. what are five (or more!) narrative elements, themes, topics or tropes that continuously pop up in your work?
1. grief/loss - this is a biggie i think. it’s pretty prevalent in all my work. a lot of my ocs have lost people they care about in pretty significant ways. i like to explore how people deal with loss and how they grieve and “move on” in their own ways - or don’t move on, in some cases. you’ve got the momentous loss of malcius to the nerevarine crew, saf’divi’s loss of her entire family in the span of a few months, ku-vastei losing her naheesh and everyone else she ever loved in a failed revolution, etc etc. there’s a lot of loss going on overall.
2. magic - from bound spears to ondusi’s unhingings, there’s a lot of magic in my work. it’s a fantasy setting! i’m going to play around with the magic and how it works, obviously! i like figuring out how these things get used in mundane ways by ordinary people. like teleportation! i have a bit of a running gag of teleportation hotspots (imperial cult shrines, almsivi temples, and mage’s guilds) having buckets nearby for queasy travelers. i reckon being yanked through oblivion halfway across vvardenfell can do numbers on your stomach!
3. food/alchemy - especially in any fic with aryon anywhere near it, i like to talk about food. this is especially true in “meeting of the minds,” where he serves my oc ku-vastei a mighty telvanni feast. i like food and i like to write about it, what can i say. i’m going to tie alchemy into this a bit, as well - many of my characters are alchemists, either amateur or quite skilled, and i like working in-game ingredients into my stories in this way. and there’s the interesting overlap between food and alchemy, such as how in this follow up fic to meeting of the mind’s (also featuring aryon ofc) jazbay grapes are used to restore magicka reserves.
4. regret/guilt - this is more prevalent in my earlier work with trinimac, ofc, that man’s made of guilt, but some of it ties into my grief themes as well (i.e. survivor’s guilt). i don’t write much about him anymore, i feel kind of tapped out on it tbh, but trinimac’s guilt over serving auri-el so loyally, to the point of killing his best friend lorkhan, is seared into his very existence, even extending into his next life as malacath. but you’ve also got ku-vastei’s regret over getting so many people seemingly-needlessly killed in the arnesian war, saf’divi feeling like she got her mother/siblings killed (and her personal guilt for killing her father directly), talin’s guilt for serving the empire even during its darkest hours, etc etc.
5. emancipation/freedom - this is most prominent in my stories about ku-vastei, who is a former slave who regularly frees other slaves, but i think it’s an undercurrent throughout my other stories, even ones i haven’t really written yet. kassur wants to be free of the burden of saving his tribe; saf’divi and talin want to be free of the burden of serving a corrupt empire; hla-eix wants to be free of the burden of everyone’s expectations of her; and of course trinimac wants to be free of auri-el’s influence. i think for most of them, they do eventually find that freedom, because it would be lame if they didn’t break free somehow i think.
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oliver-gomez00 · 8 months
Effective tips to make your upcoming exhibition successful
5 tips and tricks to get 100% success in the next exhibition. Choose the right exhibition stand builder and promote your event in advance. These tricks have helped thousands of brands in successful participation.
Exhibitions are the hotspot of business opportunities. These events bring similar minds together at one platform for networking and finding solutions.
Exhibiting at these trade shows is an ideal way to promote the business. Whether you are participating for the first time or a regular exhibitor, you need to hire an exhibition stand builder in Germany to maximize your brand’s impact.
To help you out in successful participation, we have compiled up to 5 tips that can make your participation in the upcoming exhibition successful.
Hiring the top exhibition stand builder
Gone are those days, when exhibition booths are just a structure for presenting the brand. Now, you must exhibit a well-designed stand completely customized as per your brand to get the desired results.
Blueprint Sp. Z.o.o. is the best exhibition stand contractor in Europe. We have 18+ years of years of experience in this industry, we have expertise in designing industry-specific stands. Once you book your booth space, you can contact us and communicate your business ideas.
Our professional designers will design a 3D boot that closely resembles your brand and make your event successful.
Be clear about your goals
Before you hire an exhibition stand contractor, you need to be very clear about the goals you want to achieve at the upcoming trade show. What do you want to achieve at the upcoming trade show?
Maybe it is about generating leads, gaining new clients, making connections, finding the right partners, etc. Setting realistic targets will help in planning which type of exhibition stand design could be best for your business.
Exhibition Stand Location
You need to ensure that you have booked the right space for your booth. Consider where you booked your space and how much you require for your business.
Check out where your competitors are located and ensure that your book space is in high high-traffic area. These prime locations were booked so fast so book your space on an immediate basis.
Promotion is key
Imagine you were excited about any trade show and you were working hard for that, but on the final day, you got a very small audience in your booth.  It's shocking, right?
To save yourself from this situation, it is important to do promotion about your brands and participation at least 3 months before.
 Use email, social media posts, and videos to aware your audience about the exciting discounts, and the number of your stand. Early promotion will give you maximum advantage during the event.
Maximum audience engagement
In the technology-driven world, grabbing the attention of the audience is not an easy task. It is important when someone comes to your booth, they should not be bored with your brands. For that have some funny activities organized near your stall or have some Q&A sessions at your booth.
These days exhibitors prefer trade show booths that are equipped with the latest technologies like AR, VR, augmented reality, beacons, etc. These stands keep the audience engaged and create memorable experiences for them.
Final words:
These above-stated tips will help you to enjoy a super smooth expo experience that delivers results. However, don’t forget to collect business cards, email IDs, and contact details of the visitors who came to your stall.
After the event, follow up with your clients. For any help related to the exhibition stand, contact us. We provide turn key services which means we provide end-to-end services related to booths.
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rentnhop · 8 months
How safe is Mumbai really for ladies at night?
In general, Mumbai is considered quite safe for women compared to other similar big cities. Violent crimes against women travelers are rare. During the day, you can freely roam around the main tourist areas like Colaba, Bandra, and Juhu without much trouble.
But it's recommended to avoid deserted alleys, poorly lit areas, and traveling alone late at night. Like other metros, incidents of eve-teasing and groping in crowded public transport have occurred. It's best to take prepaid taxis from authorized operators at night. Also, beware of ‘‘fake’’ police asking for bribes.
So what’s the solution for girls who want to stay out late and have a blast in this amazing city?
Get a bike on rent in Mumbai 
Bike rental in Mumbai gives women freedom of movement and control over their travel. Instead of relying on public transport or taxis, you can zip around the city at night in your own vehicle. It's also cheaper than cabs, especially for short distances.
Some key advantages of Mumbai bike rental:
Avoid harassment/groping on public transport
No need to rely on potentially unsafe taxis
Flexibility to go wherever, whenever you want
Saves money compared to cabs
Feel empowered cruising through the nightscape solo or with friends
Easy parking around most hotspots
Where to get a bike on rent in Mumbai 
A company like Rentnhop offers bike rental in Mumbai. You can book them online or by visiting their outlets across the city.
Rates are affordable, starting around ₹500-800 per day for gearless scooters and ranging up to ₹1200-1500 for powerful bikes. You'll likely need to submit a copy of your driver's license and identity card. Make sure you carry all the important documents before you get a bike rental in Mumbai.
Once you've got your stylish ride, you're all set for a fun-filled nocturnal adventure across Mumbai. 
Safety Tips for Girls on Bike Rental in Mumbai: 
Stick to well-lit main roads as much as possible
Wear closed shoes and tied-up hair to avoid accidents
Carry a helmet & wear it at all times
Keep your phone charged in case of emergency
Avoid drinking & driving
Ride defensively by watching speed, spacing from vehicles
Park only in safe areas like malls, petrol pumps
Maintain a moderate speed and avoid stunts
Know basic bike repairs in case of flat tire, overheating engine, etc
So, ladies, bike rental in Mumbai is a smart way to enjoy Mumbai's fiery nightlife while staying safe. Follow basic precautions and get ready for an epic girl's night out in this sizzling seaside city. 
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adesignprocess-blog · 9 months
Gym Ambiance - Data Visualization
Prompt: Create an Internet-connected device using at least 2 sensors. The choice of sensors is up to you, it can be anything from a button or a potentiometer to .... This device will collect data in your house for a week. Consider where it's going to be installed, how it's going to be powered. Are there any mechanical components you need to add to translate action to your sensors (levers, pulleys, springs, etc)? How often will you be saving this data to the database - consider both the limitations (no more than 30 data points per feed on AdafruitIO, for example) and the necessity (do you need repeated values or only the changed ones.)
Instead of keeping my device stationary I decided to keep my device with me and I took it to the gym with me for 7 days, I got about an hour worth of data daily, there were some kinks along the way, like my hotspot connection would disconnect, however when I discovered this I changed the settings and that seems to have fixed the issue
I used 3 sensors a sound sensor, a light sensor and temperature sensor, I kept my box in my backpack I kept my bag in the same location right next to the boxing ring
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For my processing code my initial idea was to divide the screen into three section one for each of the sensors and then have vertical lines going across the sections in different representing the data, the lines would map different colors depending on the number, since I took the box with me one complexity I wanted to add was a slider that would show the data points from each day
I admit I was way over my head with this so I consulted chat gpt
Using the code I started with in class this is where I ended up and frustratingly could not move any further
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So I decided to start over using the code that we made in class a few weeks ago, I added the three feeds into the p5js file and it worked, however the data visualization was getting played over and over again in the same line
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After this I asked chat gpt for help because I didn't know how to move the feeds into different section
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This is where I realized I was going to have issues and I really wanted to push the solution where the user could scroll through the days with a slider because there was very little variation between temp and light compared to the sound
This is where I ran into a bit of an issue and the screen was blue, I didn't know what was going on but I soon realized that the culprit was the map functions that chat provided the cause the circles to just expand off the sketch
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Fixed the maps to correspond to the values from the feeds and added stroke colors and increased the limit val to 4000 I only had about 3800 data points to work with
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So now came the hard part adding a slider, I had to ask chat gpt the right questions and got very specific and it worked and here is the final result
"is there a way to only have one slider that controls a set number of startDate and endDate I want to have these parameters the first being startDate = new Date("2023-12-07T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-07T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-08T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-08T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-09T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-09T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-10T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-10T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-11T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-11T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-12T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-12T23:59:59Z"), next startDate = new Date("2023-12-13T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-13T23:59:59Z") and finally startDate = new Date("2023-12-14T00:00:00Z") let endDate = new Date("2023-12-14T23:59:59Z")"
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I did try and change the shape and see if I could map the data number to a color, however both of those ventures failed and I think this is a successful attempt at this project
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mustardsticks · 3 years
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An AU with 1800′s Billy Batson. This is similar to the DCAU Ver. of him in Return of Black Adam where Shazam and Tawny looked over Billy, I also liked the hairstyle ver of the teen in YJ so I put that. Thank you again wiki for being my source of info lmao. 
SO here instead of being summoned to the rock when Black Adam attack, he was there because of unforeseen circumstances. Again, they wanted to wait for him to grow up. But Billy was dying and he was the perfect candidate so they chose to save him and keep him at the RoE until he recovers and learns a bit about the role of the Champion.
Later on he finds his twin and the rest of the Shazam Family, they’re brought on into the RoE where they also come champions by extension of Billy. They took their roles in the other 6 realms. Billy and the rest of the gang don’t age because they frequently changed back forms the magic and blessings leaked into their mortals forms, so their physically children that lived for years (so they can still be man children as adults, their brains are still undeveloped so maturity is out of the question). Ps they can still die. Their immortally doesn’t extend to coming back to life. 
During the 1800s-1900s Captain Marvel occasionally appeared in Fawcett for major events or occasional villains and helped out. 
When America got involved in WW1 he was there for bringing back and healing soldiers, Captain Marvel was just support and brought up moral. Than he was on and off again, during times of peace Billy was doing the wizards job and helped his siblings. Fawcett also became a hotspot for the magical community and some portion of it rested in the Champions territory, they mostly kept to themselves but helped out where Billy couldn’t. 
WW2 happened and Captain Marvel helped pre-JSA with reobtaining the Spear of Destiny. Although he left and didn't stay after that Captain Marvel was still a founding member of the JSA, though he give them a way of communication and revealed his other form before it disbanded. 
When the great evil spread across the Earth, Shazam and Ibis put the spell upon Fawcett to protect it, the city became isolated and lost to time to the rest of the world. Billy gave each JSA member a way to summon Captain Marvel for help since he wouldn’t exactly be able to leave Fawcett. Sometime after that Shazam dies.
Things happen like Krypton exploded, Captain Marvel for the first time had to go into space and collect some of the debris and go around trying to find pieces of the broken plant. Though he didn’t get them all BILLY HAS THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF KRYPTIONITE! (this was a funny thing I wanted to add). 
The current gen of heros come popping up (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, etc.) the spell on Fawcett starts to edge away since the evil isn’t so potent. So Fawcett starts to spill back into the public and the rest of the world and Billy is able to be in Fawcett as Captain more often.
Justice League still nabs Captain Marvel before JSA reforms and take him back. League thinks he’s a newbie and not some hero that's been active since the 19th century.
When JSA reforms and a whole meeting happens they greeting each other and when Captain Marvel shows up its just chaotic. 
Speeding things forward because I’m half-asleep and taking way too long typing this.
Justice League later finds out about him physically 10 and problems ensue. Later during a mission where Captain Marvel can’t be there because this villain probably absorbs divine energy, Billy as the wizard/Shazam shows up and demonstrates how he isn't some kid but a wizard. But league will still treat him as a kid since he’s smol but wont interfere with stuff or filter out missions again. 
I had a little more planned but kind of forgot as I typed LMAO but this what inspired this drawing. This piece was apart of another drawing but I cut it off to experiment with line art since it was taking too long. I also did something else with the shading but its a pain in the ass TToTT how do other people do this. 
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cupidlakes · 4 years
hi sky georgeliker feel free to ignore this but what are your thoughts on karl and quackity meeting up? i’ve seen mixed responses and idk ig i come to ur blog more often so i’d just like to hear ur thoughts!! also this is kinda random but maybe it’s bc i’m a gnfer in general i just find ur blog so comfy and nice n welcoming :]
oh! i wasn’t expecting this okay, i don’t feel like i’ll be able to articulate my thoughts as well as everyone who’s already said everything that’s needed to be said to be honest!! but if you want my (extremely) humble opinion i’ll say i’m disappointed but also not really surprised 
that’s it really i personally don’t see the need for karl to be travelling to hotspots in a pandemic (for anyone not in the know karl was in nyc which is a hotspot less than 14 days ago and didn’t quarantine the required amount of days before heading to la, another hotspot) i haven’t casually seen my friends in months no matter how much i’ve wanted to i’ve lost my job and know /so/ many people that have been affected by the virus :( and i just don’t like this example they’re setting, they’re not above the restrictions that are put in place, restrictions that are there for a reason: to save lives
doing this all for frankly quite mediocre content too (no offense i’m just stuck on the idea that they could’ve done this in a call and it would’ve been pretty much exactly the same) 
i really really respect sapnap and dream for their hard stance on travelling under covid and appreciate the fact that they continue to take it so seriously i’ve had a friend point out it’s likely sapnap (and by extension dream) got invited to the meet-up (makes sense w all the sapnap out the gang jokes) but declined and if true, puts dreams mini rant on georges alt into a new perspective, he did seem really passionate about what he was saying and even if they weren’t invited the fact that he most likely knew and continued to go off about the irresponsibility of travelling during a pandemic and told george to “tread carefully” was again, really appreciated  
so yeah TL;DR i just don’t like the idea of cc’s meeting up during a pandemic this extends to everyone naturally but i actively watch karl and quackity so that’s my opinon, cc’s have the means (privilege) to stay safe travelling e.g having instant access to testing etc. but it still doesn’t mean it’s responsible or setting a good example, thank you sapnap and dream for recognising the importance of not travelling unnecessarily 
it’s also okay to realise that you now disagree with instances of this happening in the past!! felt like i’d throw that out there
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helpibrokemybrain · 3 years
writing-prompt-s facelessnamelessanarchist Follow
Follow welcomedhappiness Farewell online privacy
Follow tikalgirl What happened?
xdvisyrx Trump happened.
Follow pizzaalle just get a VPN?
Follow earth-ruins You can’t just tell people to ‘get a VPN (Virtual Private Network)’. Buying a VPN is like buying a house. It’s very very important. Having no VPN or having a ‘wrong’ one can seriously damage your life. Especially for Americans because their privacy laws are garbage. I am going to try explain why you should get a VPN but bare with me, I am from Germany and my English is far from perfect. Let’s start with a simple test. Click this link here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/ It will tell your IP adres, your ISP (internet service provider), and your location. The location might not be very accurate, but then again, it’s just a simple website. Imagine what the government can do! So basically, everyone can find out where you live. But there is more danger. Your ISP. Your ISP logs your every move online and they are required to keep it in case the government wants access to it (or if a 3rd party wants to buy your data (yikes). They have everything. What websites you visit. How long you stay on a website. What you download. Your search terms. European laws are more subtle on this but if you are from the US you are #@*#&, especially because Trump doesn’t support the open internet. It’s scary but maybe in the future you can’t get a job because the recruiter knows your searched on ‘how to deal with depression’ or anythings else that’s supposed to be private because it’s your f*cking right. Or you get a $100k fine because you pirated a movie 15 years ago. You need a VPN. You’re dumb for not using one. but what does a VPN do? A VPN encrypts all your data so if it were be intercepted no one can ‘crack the code’ and damage your privacy. Usually being online goes like this (simplified): Your computer —-> ISP (—–> keeps data —–> sells it) But with a VPN it goes like: Your computer —–> VPN (encrypts data)—–> ISP (ISP can’t see shit) Furthermore, a VPN hides your IP address and location by giving you another IP address located in Spain for example (you can often choose from a list and change as many times as you want). Now that you know why you should get a VPN and what is does it is important to educate yourself because people often choose the wrong VPN. VPN providers are also businesses and have to obey the law. If you choose a VPN provider located in the US then you are throwing your money away because the laws in the US shits on your privacy. If the US gov wants the provider to give all their logs they have to obey.  The ISP  still can’t see what you are doing online and sell your data but the US gov can interfere with your VPN provider so NEVER CHOOSE A PROVIDER LOCATED IN THE US. I just wanted to make that very clear so my followers don’t buy false security. There is still more danger!  Who says your VPN provider isn’t selling your data? You need to check their logging policy. Do they keep logs? If yes, what for? For how long do they keep them? Tip: Choose a provider who doesn’t keep logs More about law  The US is part of the Five Eyes program (the worst): The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence (source) There is also a Nine Eyes (bit better) and Fourteen Eyes Program (better).  You don’t want a VPN provider who is located in one the Five Eyes countries.  If you had to choose go for a provider located in a country that’s part of the Fourteen Eyes Program or even better, go for a country that isn’t part of any program! I know this is a shitty explanation and please pardon my english but now it’s time to do your own research. Take your privacy seriously. Maybe WWIII breaks out and you get killed for liking the ‘wrong’ FB-page. Go to this website: https://thatoneprivacysite.net/simple-vpn-comparison-chart/ Make sure that your future VPN provider both has green boxes for Privacy Jurisdiction and Privacy Logging. I recommend ovpn.se and trust.zone. ovpn is located in Sweden so they are part
of the 14 Eyes Program and they keep minimal logs. Their business ethics, however, are alright. Trustzone is located in the Seychelles. No country can interfere and their privacy jurisdiction is the best you can get. The US want your data but needs to get it from Trustzone? The Seychelles will simply give them the finger and wave them goodbye. However, this makes this provider very appealing for people who torrent and criminals because they keep no logs (and that is how it shoud be) Also,  there are almost no marketing efforts so this provider is one the cheapest) Also, often providers such as ExpressVPN are being called ‘The Best’ on websites about VPNs but know that this is just marketing which also makes those provider more expensive (and they too shit on your privacy) This must be the worst article you have ever read but please, please take your privacy very seriously. EDIT: I got many people asking me which provider I use. For those who want to know, I use Trust Zone. They offer a free 3-day trial with no strings attached. But still do your own research!
writing-prompt-s I am also with Trustzone but I think you forgot to explain one of it’s most important features. It protects you when you are using someone else’s Wi-Fi. If you are at Starbucks and you use their Wi-Fi your privacy is at risk. Anyone with ill intentions could steal your information. Especially if you are using an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot. With a VPN your data gets encrypted so no one can steal it.
Follow rabbittiddy Wait, what’s going, on? Did trump destroy internet privacy with a bill or something? Where’s the news? Oh wait, why am I getting visions of Alex Jones and selling water purifiers?
Follow thecrystalfems He hasn’t yet but he says he wants to. And if he is serious about it it would be really easy to do. Since all our data is already recorded, as the person above explained.
Follow coltrer Trump wants more surveillance of Muslim Americans. This in a country where internet privacy is already close to non-existent. Trust.Zone has a free trial. Use it.  btw this post only has 11k notes? That’s quite disappointing for something this important. Don’t reblog this post to save a life. Reblog this to protect an entire family!
Follow imthedoctor12 @earth-ruins @writing-prompt-s Should I get trustzone for my mobile device?
writing-prompt-s If you use public Wi-Fi, then yes. Which VPN you use is up to you, amigo. Take @earth-ruinsadvice. Do your own research first.
writing-prompt-s @elvesfromthedeep​ just brought the current situation in the US to my attention (March 30, 2017). SourcesAnger as US internet privacy law scrapped  Congress just voted to let internet providers sell your browsing history  To all my friends in the US, please read this entire post. Making everyone aware of VPNs is going to be my mission. Your privacy matters. Please reblog this post.
Follow greeneyespurpleheart Don’t tell me you just wanted to scroll past this. Stop looking at pictures of cats for a moment, okay? Don’t you realize how important this is? This is dangerous! ‘America, the best FREE country in the world’ my ass. With this new law your ISP can sell your Internet history which could include passwords, usernames, religion, credit card numbers, race and much more to the highest bidder. So here is what I want you to do. You are going to read the whole thing and before you think ’this is so important. Let me reblog this real quick and go back to admiring cats again-’ NO! Don’t reblog this. Take action first. Then reblog. Sign up for a free trial! Trust.Zone offers one (here). Yes. It might be difficult to set up a VPN for some people. But is that going to stop you from protecting yourself and your family? 30 minutes. 30 minutes is all that it takes. 5 if you know how to install software. The problem with some of you is that you see ‘difficult’ as something negative. I want you to see difficult differently. I need you to push through this stuff. You are going to protect yourself. There is nothing negative about that. VPNs are fun and costsaving too! A VPN bypasses geographical restrictions so you can access websites you normally can’t or you could start Netflix’s one month free trial over and over again- forever. And it’s legal! (unless you use it to buy weapons etc.,) Don’t tell yourself that you are too tired and that you will do this tomorrow. Because that isn’t going to happen and you know it. You have to do this right now. You only have to click on it. Don’t let this/shit/life just happen to you. Take yourself seriously. Get a VPN. Privacy is not a privilege, it’s a fundamental human right
joyfuldefender Ok sorry that it’s so freaking long and also sorry for the language, but this is extremely important. Please reblog!
Follow li-ionsandtigersandbears Reblogging again bc this is important
Follow mermaidz4ever We have a VPN you should get one too
killmongersbaby Please read.
Follow bae-in-maine Can you get them for your phones?
Follow kika-lei ^ you can. & when you have a subscription you can use it on your phone and computer. no need for separate subs or purchases. it is absolutely so important for safety. but one of my fave things to do with my vpn is access non-US netflix. I mean other places have all the new good place eps, all the ‘classic’ bggo eps…
i-cant-remember-who-i-am IMPORTANT
Follow theriflemanofroblox reblogging so new people can be aware :)
Follow facelessnamelessanarchist Long as hell, but read it!!!
Source: welcomedhappiness
————————— I found this post and I thought it was important but tumblr wouldn’t let me reblog it for some reason so I copy/pasted it because I’m not very tech savvy
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new2otomelol · 4 years
Maid to the Rescue - A KBTBB Fanfic
I have not posted in a looong time, but miss it! I will be going back, fixing some of my older posts (fix my writing, lol) I’m still not a great writer and being a teacher takes a lot of work, but this is a nice escape from the world every once in a while. This is for one of the awesome people that have read my stuff and liked it (a thousand thank yous!)
This story is developing and this is the first part. I don’t own the rights to Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, Voltage does. This is a fanfic for fun!
It has been a year since that fateful day in the lobby. God, my life was so different back then. I was always at the beck and call of “the boys” as I called them. My saviors as well as my proverbial pains in the rear. There are times I miss them, and others when I wish we could have all met under different circumstances.
You see, more than a year ago I use to be a maid at a famous hotel called the Tres Spades. A hotspot in Tokyo and one of the many business ventures of my former supposed boyfriend, Eisuke Ichinomiya.
My life was put in danger more times than what I would’ve liked during our pretend relationship; a situation that also opened up backlash from some of the employees at the hotel. Eisuke decided he didn’t want to see me suffer and thus ended our affair in grand-fashion in front of the staff and clients. This gesture alone successfully put an end to relentless bullying in less than a few seconds. 
Even though I completely understood the situation and told myself countless of times that I was fine, it still hurt.  Eisuke and I had gotten close during our time together and even felt like barriers he had put up were beginning to cease. But enough was enough, I was tired of being labeled “plain,” “stupid,” and other things by people. I wanted to feel like a person of worth that could stand on her own two feet. I took Eisuke’s breakup announcement as my chance to run and do what I have always neglected to do, self-care and growth.
That day, I stood up my co-worker on a date, packed my bags with only my essential needs, emptied my savings jar and fled. I tried to be smart about it, ditched my identity, left the money Eisuke had deposited in account untouched, destroyed my phone, you name it.  I knew the boys would eventually seek me out, but I needed time.
I had made a friend  through Chisato who helped me create a new identity and assisted me with finding a small place to live in that was well hidden. Eventually, Gage, as he called himself, had me join a few of his friends. Together we formed a small “gang” of sorts. Our activities may have not always been on the legal side of things, but they are just and necessary. 
We have become a family and enjoy working with each other, but I know that eventually I have to go back to my old life and start anew. I’m no longer that shy girl who followed others blindly and gave up so much of herself. I’m strong, in fact, I always was; I just never could find the time to build my confidence. Those days are gone and I’m ready for what I must face.
I wipe the sweat off my brow as I wait on top of this old, dilapidated roof and stare at my computer screen. Enough reminiscing, time for action. “Siren! It’s time!” I hear the command through my earpiece and enter a code in the computer. “Entered, security systems are down, including firewall. Lucy, begin download.” I give the command and hear “roger!” from my friend Lucy. A beeping sound goes off on my computer 2 minutes later and I know our time is up. “Alright everyone, it’s 2:00 a.m. and as planned they have caught on. My location has been made, initiating cleanup sequence, let’s roll!”
I pull a tab on my computer that I had installed to a small little bomb, which I had put together and crafted into my laptop’s hard drive earlier in the day. My 20 second countdown begins as I reconnect my harness to the rope and slide down to another rooftop across the way. I enter the stairs through the roof access and quickly make my way down. Through the windows of the stairwell. I can see dark figures running towards the building I just had been in. Goodbye jerks! I’m gone and out of sight.
I take dark alley ways and finally make it to my scooter and drive away. I’ve gotten so used to the adrenaline rush of it all that I don’t panic anymore. A few minutes later I make it to the warehouse with all the others. 
“Siren! Great job girl! We got the assholes!” Gage comes up to me and high fives me as I dismount my scooter. I take off my helmet and breathe in the air, letting that wonderful feeling of accomplishment settle in.
“I can’t believe that we were able to pull it off this time! Did Lucy download all the files we needed?” I ask and Gage smiles widely, “that and more my friend. We found that the company has a connection to a crazy cult-like organization called AID. We will unleash the company’s doings to the media and let that fire start and take over. We have finally avenged Nyx!” He starts to do his little victory dance around my scooter as the rest of the gang shows up.
Nyx is a fellow member of ours that had been employed by a major corporation. She was great at her job and handled the accounting for her employer. Unfortunately, the corporation went under new leadership and things went awry quickly. Looking for a scapegoat, they shifted the blame on our friend that we refer to as “Nyx” and she was arrested and charged. Tonight, we took the information we needed to clear her name and set her free.
We all move to the day room area and  take a beer in celebration relaxing on our old worn-out couch. “Siren, I think it’s time for you to also clear your name and face your destiny.” Gage whispers to me as he takes a seat next to me. Of course, the others pick up what we are talking about and quickly get excited. “Yes Siren! It’s time for you to conquer your love!” Lucy states happily. I laugh and throw a pillow at her from the couch. “I know, I know and I feel ready to go back and face it all; but remember, I must do it on my own." 
We continue to talk about plans that we’ve all made since we got to the sanctuary.  Gage is  a computer programming specialist and professor in real life. He took us in, taught us everything we know about computers, hacking, etc. Some of us in the group specialize in other things and so we learned from each other how to fight (thanks to "Net”), weaponry (thanks to “Lucy), languages (thanks to "Nikia”) and the hotel industry/customer relations, thanks to yours truly.
We’ve kept our names a secret from each other in order to teach ourselves to protect our identities. Not once have we ever revealed our real names, except to the professor, Gage. 
Each one of us had a rough patch in life and ended up here. Once we solve our past issues and restore our names, we move on with our lives with the promise to help others along the way. A “pay it forward” if you will.
After an hour of celebrating we begin to head out to go home and rest. Gage taps me on the shoulder and asks me to stay behind to talk. “Lisa, listen, it’s been a year for you already and I agree with the rest of the family, it’s time for you to face your past.” I had a feeling he wouldn’t let the topic slide. “I know Gage, and trust me, I’ve been working on it.” Gage smiles and motions for me to follow him to the kitchen area where he makes some coffee for the both of us. “I’m sure you have researched your friends plenty and have prepared." 
"Yes, I sure have. With the information from tonight, not only do we have evidence to free Nyx, but I have evidence to help out one of my friends and expose some of the corruption in his workplace. I also have found some other information about my ‘ex’ that tells me there is danger up ahead.” Gage sits back and sighs. “Oh sweetheart, there’s so much going on with each one of those men. In fact, I just found out something…” he’s cut off by the sound of the ringer coming from my burner phone. I gasp and look at the professor. “Answer it, quickly!”
Chisato’s ID appears on the screen and I immediately pick up. “Siren! Listen to me please. They’re all gone. Eisuke, Mamo, Baba, Soryu and Ota. We all thought they were on a trip, but it’s been two days!” The news hit me like a cold shower. “Chisato, please, calm down. I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. Take the chip out of that phone, break it and the phone and throw it away. Don’t worry.” The call ends abruptly and I take a deep breath and look at Gage.
“Told you Lisa, it’s time. Do you know who you are up against?” Without a doubt I do. I feel my blood rush and my fists tighten. “Gage, I can do it. The masked man, AID, many of these people that the guys have come up against have one person in common, the Prime Minister.” Gage smiles and leans forward holding my hands. “We’ll help you with the evidence to take him down. Your friends won’t see the connection because they’re dealing with the middle-man again.” “Gage, I don’t want to get any of you in trouble…” he pats my hands. “Lisa, you know we’ll be completely anonymous when releasing the information and helping you. We’ll all be worried about you going in to the line of fire, but you’re the most skilled in sneaking around and fighting. I know you can do this!” The professor stands up, gives me a kiss on the forehead and puts up our empty coffee cups.
“Gage, I can’t ever begin to pay you back for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you, thank you so incredibly much for taking me under your tutelage and helping me grow.” I bow to him and he laughs. “Lisa, you’ve helped many people while being in this group and this isn’t goodbye dear. I may be in my 50’s, but I’m not dying yet.” I laugh and attack him with a hug. “No one will die, I’ll make sure of it.”
He pats my back and releases me from the hug. “Okay sweetheart, go get some rest and get ready, tomorrow is another day!” ************************************ Back in Tokyo…. “Eisuke! Wake up, come on! Shake it off! Damn this shit!” Soryu curses as he struggles against his tight restraints. “S…Sor… what the fuck is going on?” States Baba as he begins to wake up from his drug induced stupor. “I don’t know, but it looks like we were all drugged at the party and here we are. Who the fuck could havd done this?”
“Maybe it was one of your gang rivals Sor” said Ota as he licked his dry lips and shook his head in an effort to re-stabilize his sight. “Not one of mine; this is not their typical ammo.” Rustling noises come from one of the corners of their dark enclosure. “Nah kid, at this stage, it could be either Baba or Eisuke’s enemies. What the actual fuck did they give us? My head is 'bout to rip the fuck open!” Groans come from the center of the room as Eisuke comes to. “What the fuck?” Soryu rolls his eyes, “we just established that part. Do you have any bad deals going on right now? Anything we should know?” Eisuke shakes his head and tries to re-moisturize his dry mouth. “The usual. Maybe that masked freak is at it again? Whoever it is, I wasn’t anticipating this, and usually I can see it a mile away. This is bigger.”
“For sure it wasn’t me. I’ve been in France for a month” said Baba. “Well, whoever the fuck it is, they have a flair for the dramatic. They should have just taken us out of the equation if they were able to get all of us.” stated Eisuke. The lights turned on and the mens’ eyes sting with the introduction of the harsh brightness. “So you are awake, perfect! I’ll notify the boss soon.” Said a man with a familiar voice as he entered the large warehouse area. The men re-adjust their sight and look upon their captor. “I called it! Masked dude it is!” said Ota. “Oh buddy, I’ve been nothing but a pawn in this and will continue to be to fulfill my boss’s every desire. Unfortunately, he’s been a busy body, so I will entertain you until he’s ready. Continue to enjoy your accommodations men, you’re here for the long haul.” The man laughs and quickly walks away leaving the bidders in their metal chairs with what seems to be mechanized handcuffs, the likes they had never seen before.
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themeed · 3 years
damn allowed myself to want things for a day and all i want is a van to live in, knowledge, freedom, weight loss, and a bass guitar.
im. happy with that i think. im proud of me, no jokes. im proud of being able to want things and care about them and vibrate towards them with longing. im... pleased with that. its fulfilling in a way Not Wanting For Anything isnt, because thats... kinda hollow. empty. in a vacant, lonely, yearning and grieving and SAD way. maybe because i Couldnt Want then. i Couldnt Desire or it would be used against me or taken away. that sucks. that sucked.
and now. im free to want again. and comparatively???? i think im very much never going to aim for buddhism or that weird Not Desiring Not Attached Nirvana mindset. like good for u but been there out of trauma and its not fun theres no reason to truly Live. u just float endlessly and experience and it aches so badly!!!! it hurts to want to want and not be able to. and i guess that is different from not wanting at all but... its not different enough for me to justify ever going back to that. or going forward to that. i just got this back and screw enlightenment if it means i have to give up on my passions i dont think life is worth living without it.
and anybody who looks down on that from a spiritual tower has yet to examine their own pride and how empty they feel without it.
anybody who looks down and smiles and wishes me luck on my journey? good for them. im glad theyre living their best life, on their journey as they see fit.
and i feel the need to protect myself because ive been hurt by the pride- the arrogance of others before. a lot of my hurts and traumas stem from my mother being too prideful to recognize that she can be wrong and someone under her power could be correct over her. and it was an uncomfortable truth. so she denied it was one at all and hurt me. i know the reason could be elaborated on. she didnt want to confront her own internal logic. or trauma. or even doublethink. that doesnt excuse her hurting a child for the sake of her sense of pride, of comfort, of self-worth. a child under her power, that she claimed to be parent of. teacher of.
not owing anyone anything is not the same as not hurting anyone. i havent reconciled that yet. oppressors should be held accountable for their mistakes, and give reparations if the harm is physical at LEAST. and i think that applies to politics, yes. privately though? if i beat up a nazi, i dont want to pay for his hospital bills. my personal philosophy struggles between equating people and ideas as a worth measurement, and realizing that that line of thinking is... similar to oppressors. but. its based on something people can change. the question is, do i think "if given the opportunity" is a good enough reason to stop and question a racist that runs their mouth? and do i think pre-emptive violence is okay? if say, a nazi walks into a bar and doesnt say anything but is wearing all the red flags and bells and whistles. i dont think that justifies a beatdown. being asked to leave, sure, but the beatdown doesnt start til the first remark flies.
once the intent is given OR the action is taken, the line is drawn. doesnt matter if they Havent Had The Chance. if theyre starting shit outside of debate spaces like that, and not, say, asking questions, theyre not looking for new perspectives, and it is NOT my job to educate people. its not my job to Show People The Light. a quick fucking google search could tell them why theyre wrong. if they havent put even the most basic energy into questioning their beliefs, thats on them.
it sounds like im trying to absolve myself of blame here. largely because. i think i should go out and help educate people because theyre inherently complacent if theyre, yknow, in a position of power. aka white folk and men and rich folk and cis folk and on and on and on. these people dont live my reality. they dont live the reality of a gay black man in the south, or a genderqueer lesbian in the west, or an indigenous woman whose nation is being targeted, or a muslim woman who cannot wear her headcoverings in the face of danger of death, or an asian immigrant who cant get a job because of COVD age discrimination resurging. we will never live each others realities, but we can become aware of them.
they wont come into awareness without someone asking or telling, and then doing something to change them.
we shouldnt need to go running to people in power for them to be aware of problems in the populace, govt is supposed to help and solve issues like this. like. actively. thats the whole point, make life better for the countrys citizens. and individuals in a position of social power...
are individuals who didnt take on a responsibility to protect and serve or otherwise care for the populace of a nation. i personally think they SHOULD care, but they are not obligated to. i cant make them care about others.
and honestly, on some of them, it would be a waste of time. there are people who want to change or question things and yknow what? they seek out answers. in people or places or online usually. stats and stories.
so like. i dont think someones Potential as a person matters when theres a throwdown about to happen. it really isnt my responsibility to save people from themselves or try to change their sides against their will. if they want to chat about it they can ask questions first.
not throw insults or punches or hatred.
what people have been taught is worth analyzing and trying to correct IN SOCIETY but i cant fix every broken white boy that comes to me. PSAs, fliers, outreach, online videos, debate spaces. those are things i already have access to and can be a part of if i really want to go around changing minds. or yknow. get involved in legislation and be myself around others to change their perceptions of whats socially acceptable or normal. maybe protest, maybe call congressfolk, etc.
but not every comment has to be analyzed or a learning opportunity. im allowed to shut it down, and people can respect that or stop talking to me. this isnt my parents house where i had to justify everything that i said or did when scrutinized, and doubly justify any criticism i had of mother, or any joke i frowned at instead of smiling.
these people dont have that power over me. they arent my mother. they arent my boss, and if they are i can fuck off and get a new job if necessary. they dont have financial control over my living space and food and schooling and physical control of where i can go and with who and for how long. I CONTROL THAT. I do.
Huh. maybe thats why i want a van so bad. i mean... when this lease ends if nobody is gonna end up living with me...
i could just... live in my car and shower at truck stops. get a storage unit for my stuff. save by driving jobs. like 40 to 60 a day. tear out my cars back, insulate it, and install my mattress pad there. water on the floor, cooler next to it, wooden cutting coard, knife, single camping plateware set, and another little shelf for spices. maybe a hot plate i can hook up to the car battery? get a long enough usb and it might be doable. i could go camping and open the trunk to just... vibe.
because yeah, honestly? i dont plan on having a solid apartment for a bit. like a long bit. and i still have like 70000 miles on my car before itll want to go. and by that point, even at like 100 miles a day, thats like 2 years, less if i go cross country in that vehicle. i could save up SO MUCH for a better vehicle, or like. college. live on campus, get some credit, continue working after i figure out want i want to do.
i think thats a solid plan, even if i dont get another apartment and put everything in storage. work as i need to instead of all the time for rent, really only paying for gas, car repairs, car ins, food, and phone data/hotspot internet... that would bring my monthly expenses down to like 500 a month max instead of like 1400. id only need to make some 1000 a month doing contract stuff to save for taxes and stuff. anything extra would be just that: extra for savings and things. holy shit.
depending on how this next month goes for my friends, holy s h i t.
i. i might do this. legitimately.
i. dont think i can yet. i need proof of address to get my license im pretty sure? but hey, thatll be my 21st this year, so. once i have that i wont need a new address for a While. i dont know if ill want one, really.
i could always just ask a friend or family member if i could use theirs for mail that cant go to a PO box.
anyway. yeah. wow.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
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Step 1 and 2, 3 and 4; don’t have a good picture of the bistro set on our patio yet but it’s adorbs too. 
DAMN does it feel good to decompress my witchy stock from the Shoebox of Holding I somehow managed to cram it all into while moving. Nothing like being asked to build something for someone and digging through ten thousand fucking bags stacked together half of which are losing their labels a piece at a time.
Still need a few dozen more jars much less general restock but it’s a damn step to getting my shit together.
Taking tomorrow off for some light gish-adjacent activity, general recoup from hauling heavy objects consistently for days, etc and then back to work through the weekend. Like literal work. Thank fucking god we got our internet and cable set up today and I’m no longer stuck on cell or hotspot.
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We still have to get the bed *frame*, and this weekend dressers are coming in for both bedrooms. By then Doris can finish up design like end tables and shelves because we don’t wanna kidnap the house design while she’s gone but beyond that we’re just about done, everything else from here is ornamental.
I really have to haul ass on work starting next week though and pull at least 40 a week if I’m going to get my bank account up to a point I don’t take penalties. Because banks. Joy. But all in all we’re still sitting on 5K left in the bank so I reckon we’re doing better than most people our age during the pandemic right now. 
Fingers crossed on Shea getting an answer on her disability that’s “positive”, because we could REALLY use the 1200/mo right now much less all the back pay *since January*. A 9600$ injection would be life changing in all the best ways, but until then I can at least keep us comfortably afloat. With Doris as our roommate, our collective bills are gonna be about 1500/mo  for our half of the rent (500), car insurance (125~) and payment (300), phone (65), furniture leasing (150), half utilities (150), food etc.which is basically like.a 30 hour workweek for me soooo. Yeah… And at least the furniture leasing is a 90 day plan so in 3 months it’ll lighten up a bit.
If nothing else life has turned around towards the right track but could definitely turn for the better quickly depending on what SS decides for Shea. I’d still keep working, but less to float and more to actually like. Get ahead. Which would be refreshing for once. Honestly if Shea does get a disability settlement thing like that I’ma tell her to pay off the car outright (there’s like 7K left on it?), which is another 300~ mo saved and the ability to drop off of full coverage and save us another 400 a month. Between that and furniture leasing it’d free us up like 550/mo while she starts helping cover stuff so wooooooo
For those wondering about the rv once we managed to drive it back out from the mechanic trying to gouge us once the engine was repaired the insurance company did us a solid and totaled it about at value which is how we got moving costs together to begin with. That's another story for another day but we are finally sane, stable, and able to pursue things we need to. Still won't be easy street but it will be functional. Thanks to all those who supported emotionally or fiscally in real tough spots between.
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shytiff · 4 years
Small Dec Wins
i cant believe its December already tf?!?!?!
1 - poli KIA today. saw a mother who cant feel the movement of their baby. the senior midwife tried to find the baby’s heart beat but not finding it. she said she hopes she were wrong. fell asleep at 3pm-ish, woke up super hungry. ate. i swear i feel like my weight when i measured it this morning was ~52, but after eating its close to 54 lol. eating banana and chocolate nextar is yummm. dalbang today is hella funny as always and suuper endearing. fell asleep after dalbang, didnt study hufttt
2 - today im at igd but joined azkia at vk for a bit to see partus. its not that im scared (maybe not consciously) but when the mom was being stitched i felt lightheaded, nausea, cold extremities, and i even had to squat multiple times because i couldnt stand. But i felt better after the partus so maybe seeing it was the cause. I did not feel scared at all honestly ._. and i’ve seen multiple partus before. i dont know why. i can literally feel my symphatetic tone giving out lmaoo. tried matcha latte with Cy matcha powder. it tasted more milky and grassy. mom thought it tasted like nori. i prever cocodeli alll the way (although Cy is cheaper). i think it also has a bit of caffeine that made me feel awake like a normal person should be. 
3 - today is vk but there’s no patient so thank god i saw sumn yesterday. did some cicil ukmppd in the morning accompanied by matcha latte. tried to order dufan tickets and i couldnt find my damn ktp...... fell asleep after worrying about said ktp
4 - matcha latte in the car, swab at lmk, went to dufan by tj with willy, had quite some funn with atikah nila willy amel pupuy. first time trying kereta misteri, quite fun. it rained after ashar so we didnt ride anything after that. turns out my ktp was at barel’s fotocopy lmaoo thankyou ara for picking it. went to solaria ancol afterwards, picked up by mom. i didnt tell her in the morning that i was going to dufan lmao. plenary @ zoom 19 pm. rapat nemo. fell asleep.
5 - went to lmk by tj to surprise clara. went back home and fell asleep. didnt rly do anything afterwards because this ragged body gets tired easily and i dont eat much recently. i can feel the difference before and after eating and there’s actual energy after eating. its not that im hungry though, but i feel less energized. felt annoyed terrible and just wanna lay in bed (this is unrelated with the less food in my system). even though i met up with friends
6 - after LOTS of sleeping i feel somehow better but not to a ‘normal’ amount. watched kimbab family videos. did power vinyasa by doogether with fianti. took a shower and ate indomie and i felt quite normal, except i slept again wtf. i thought i would have the second half of the day but nah. did self tryouts with fianti, 150 FDI questions. I got 96/150 right. huft. such a great reality check
7 - poli lansia with dokter isip, matcha latte in the afternoon rly helps me not sleeping the day away, packed up for depok
8 - poli umum with dr gita (helped doing phys exam), packed the rest of my stuff, ate some risol and matcha lattteee in the car, took swab results, picked up hazmats etc, zoom discussion with FT PKM Kalideres (dr gita) on the way, and i finally arrived at tamel. dinner is granola with vsoy. Taste like a slightly wet granola bar, nutty fiber-y vibe
9 - walked in ui with ara, managed to jog from the trees near st ui until kuburan bikun wow. i reached that point where my leg and heart were going in a steady unburdened pace and my willpower to keep going on was tested. tried the signature steak in Double U Steak by Chef Widi, while ara tried ribeye. the ribeye was more tender than the signature. but the seasoning in the signature is quite delish, salty and oily without being too much (like futago ya). read poppyland fast pass from ara’s phone omg season 1 is finally complete! went to coftof (omgggg i miss this place), it looks different now. ordered matcha latte and it tasted weirdly like a soy milk although ara doesnt feel that way. the matcha tasted weird. wont repurchase. read chainsaw man, its so entertaining, funny and deep at the same time. denji mess around and be too naive sometimes but hes lowkey hot lmaooo. aki is lovvvvve.
10 - first day at rsud budhi asih. had moesli combined with granola + vsoy for brekkie. went back to tamel at 3 pm. it rained when i got back. bought warteg lugina worth 32k. walked to sbux for tumbler day its been a while since i had their matcha latte. it tasted quite good, but not as good as i remembered (?) maybe bcs i asked for non fat milk. sbux closes at 8 pm for now hikss
11 - left tamel at about 7:10 and arrived on budhi asih at 08:54 yalll the traffic. Icu. Bought eatlah double and ate the salted egg part. Nap. ICU discussion with dr Dedi @8pm. I presented from my phone to save data hehe,,
12 - woke up at 8, eatlah brown butter for brekkie, symcard, saladstop's caesar salad for lunch (quite 'eneg' because i didnt eat the cheese evenly so the chicken and cheese were eaten last after the vegs are out. The vegetable's not that variative, and the non vegs make the salad taste delicious (albeit maybe not THAT healthy). Evening jog @UI and i realized i can get wifi sitting near the lake n library. Stared at the night sky from my room, i swear the sky seems super clear. Saw tiny fireworks in the distance
13 - ate muesli and saladstop’s banana walnut cake, symcard, bought moon chicken and saladpoint. lunch was egg salad and the wings. the original tasted so good like??? maybe i havent had msg for a while. also tried big bang, not too spicy which is nice. cicil ukmppd. put my laundry at buih barel lmaoo. try out with fianti. got 70/100
14 - breakfast was salad and leftover chicken. today was bangsal with angga armand. the geriatric patient has a loud murmur yall (and scoliosis, so much that the heart looks distorted). went to margo city to see sales, but when i think about it id rather just thrift stuff lmao. bought lugina. slept through kuliah guru besar. writing this in yellow truck coffee, that had 2 customers on the 1st floor including me. tried banana milk. yall after trying to drink less sugar the beverage tasted super sweet. my headache just goes away. sugar is magic but unhealthy whyyyyy.
15 - igd siang with indah. This body sure is frail. Did cbd with dr afifah AND rescheduled pleno. Rip mobile data i have to use for hotspot.
16 - ok today. Inserted goedel and did bagging. I bagged the patient the wrong way at first (too much). Thankfully the nurses were kind and taught us a lot :) watched some bts content. I feel like after reading househusband my tiktok page is now immensely funnier. Dalbang is also hilarious as always. Put on ginseng sheet mask (smells quite strong)
17 - bangsal. snacked on fried chicken. matcha latte starbucks (turns out its quite full here) and liqo about keeping our tongues in check
18 - arrived at icu. And then opened line. Turns out hadin's swab is positive, so agung kak iman and me have to isolate and swab. So i went back. Ordered kanayam chicken and fish and tempe. Nasi liwet tasted goood damn. Sleptt in the afternoon. Pleno at 4 pm (entered the room 4:30). Had no motivation to do anything. Azkia is getting married! Spent 20 mins formulating words to congratulate her lmaoo
19 - osce simulation, kak nanu was so kind and encouraging. Did try out solid. Lunch is fish bite pasta with melted cheese (cause i had to reach the minimum amount for promo). It got cold so its not that good (pairing it with self made mentai sauce, mixing the mayo and chili, is way much better). Jogged in ui (and searched for wifi). Approached by someone selling haraus coffee (25k), saying that some earnings will be for charity. Its basically sweet. Can barely taste the coffee.
20 - had kanayam for lunch (brekkie is almost always muesli lately). The nasi liwet tasted much better the first time. Walked to yellow truck coffee in the pouring rain. Got banana milk. Saw webinar ksk (electrolyte correction and dr nadhira talkshow). What i got from it is that, dr nadhira is a different person from the first place. Shes visionary, knows what she want and not afraid to reach it. The mindset is different. Even if i try as hard as her, her propensity to growth is different. Cicil ukmppd. Try out with fianti (got 72/100). Talked for an hour about love and marriage and engagements (there are so much of it lately)
21 - leftover kanayam for brekkie, also ate roti salman in cikini st. swab today (met kris, nessa and others). muesli for lunch. i thought my body felt a bit warm, so i decided to find sumn to eat. tried kedai abu bakar’s spaghetti brulee. its okay. maybe because its not too cheesy or meaty, mainly bechamel sauce. the one pupuy made is much tastier. finished the whole 10x20 portion in 2 eating sesh. cicil ukmppd @ bed in the evening (somehow felt refreshed enough to be able to concentrate in bed)
22 - went early to icu to put dops form. lugina for early lunch. i feel like my metabolism is faster? or my body is not so much in calorie deficit mode anymore and it got greedier lmao i used to just ignore hunger but not now, for health. starbiiies tumbler day. ordered black tea latte with non fat milk and vanilla syrup (because raspberry syrup is no more). did cbd geri ppt. 
23 - finally knew the swab result bcs kak iman asked kak farras. thankfully negative. igd with jordi. quite a few chances to do iv line, but i failed 2 times. managed to do iv injection to insert 2 drugs. saw the worst cpr ive ever seen in my life. its too slow, with maximal interruption. fish bite for lunch. wasted the rest of my day
24 - originally intended to run but i cant bring myself out of bed. packed up my stuff. picked up by mom. got the paper result of swab, got ksk from kelvyn @ capitol. can finally drink self-made matcha latte again, but it tasted horrible. i know cy matcha doesnt have that much going on, but even this is low even for them. previously i was starting to get used to the grassy smell.
25 - my lil bro remarked “maybe shes depressed because she doesnt have her chair”. fuck yall. this “depression” that im in is caused by this very place and the people. and im supposed to still muster the strength to study for ukmppd AND get my face together for solid book photoshoot. that shit is too much. this is why the money that goes to cafe, and the bike ride there is worth it for my sanity. after showering, things felt a bit better. had absolutely no will to study today. ate muesli with a bit of matcha latte.
26 - muesli for breakfast. matcha latte is lyfff ive probably said this before but it ~somehow~ makes me feel normal and not in a slump. like im a regular person. with normal moods. and not wanting to sleep all the time. i try to do ukmppd exercises but the pace is so fucking slow, bcs im distracted by get rich haha,,,. the latest potn update (64) is omgggg the mixed feelings? love? hate? anger? everything and nothing? the ~tension and passion~? im obsessed. watched a ton of bts content today and yesterday lmao.
27 - nasi kebuli for brekkie. went to flavola, im the first customer lmao. tried kopi susu coklat, tasted quite close enough to janjiw’s kopi soklat. had the same ~improved mood and concentration~ effect. tried to read ksk. bought milky banana 1L from puyo to give dajen (its his bday yesterday) (i feel prompted (?) to gift people when theyve given a present to me) (because my love lang is not gift giving at all so i barely think abt gifts lmao). talked with sum 33 ipa guys @ dajens house. yay appropriate amount of social battery charging. tryout with fianti, padi this time. got 67/100. 
28 - ate muesli with matcha latte after breakfast. cicil ukmppd. Listened to yoongi's vlive until i fell asleep lol. 2 burger and salad for dinner. omggg hansol revealed his gf. 
29 - spent half of my day tidying up the mess that is my room. figured out what to wear for solid book photoshoot with fianti, ara. matcha latte terosss. phd for dinner. 
30 - breakfast is muesli with cimory choco hazelnut. mom made matcha chocolate brownies. tryna study. slow pace terosss. read some padi materials. dalbang.
31 - bought vsoy low sugar and multigrain. moved my body a bit to youtube videos. showered. felt better. it also rained (which i love). the pleasant mood only lasted til the evening. did nothing from 7pm even though im not sleepy. cant tell when did i start to sleep
and just like that, 2020 kkeut. its sad to say i dont rly remember much remarkable things this year. other than the trip and memories with minor rotation friends. i just remember wasting my life away in my house. i guess that’s the danger of living a monotone life. sometimes you gotta invest some time to have fun, to have motivation to live on and do things. not doing this makes it difficult to live day by day. and friends. meeting friends, seeing new stuff. that helps me live. 
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ruvelli · 4 years
Hello, Everyone!
It may be of no surprise to anyone, but I am officially going on Hiatus. I don’t really feel like role playing at the moment, even on Discord.
You can still contact me on Discord whenever just to talk. My code is:
Just let me know who you are if you want to be added. I don’t always get to messages right away, but I always reply SAME DAY unless Discord is a butt.
It should NOT be like a year long or something crazy type thing. I may even be on and off at random, but I should be considered on Hiatus until further notice even when randomly spotted in the wild.
First when I tried to come back (again) my internet had to be downgraded to a phone HotSpot for money saving purposes and that has not worked out well. Tumblr in particular it just doesn’t work. At all. The internet on that thing isn’t the best. 
Then when that was settled (managed extra time for unlimited data on my tablet, but that is only temporary) I started having a very dangerous sleeping issue that started about 3 and a half weeks ago and became nearly fatal.
I began to... hallucinate. I was that sleep deprived, and I had been sleep deprived for about three solid weeks before the hallucinations began. Not full on solid objects yet, but moving shapes that vaguely resembled people. Apparently once they become solid you’re fucked. As for sleep, if I was lucky I maybe got an hour to two-and-a-half hours a night--on the nights I could sleep at all.
I got sleep meds (thanks to a school stimulus) and I’m okay again. 
I’ve never been super dependent on my sleep meds (before, I maybe took them twice a week if things got too crazy during Mid-Terms or Finals and otherwise monthly at best), but I do have the most issue sleeping when stressed. I think with all my worry about money and still having 2 weeks and 3 days left of recovery before I can even think about my accident settlement (which will also take forever to finish) my body was done. Everything from December to now has just smacked me in the face. 
So, I’m dealing with appetite changes now that my body wants to eat again (I lost a dangerous amount of weight in a too short amount of time while sleep deprived), having to take the sleep pill on a daily schedule (possibly for the rest of my life?), dealing with Physical Therapy, I have room mates moving in THIS WEEK, me and roomies will be stuck in a one person apartment until we can get their credit up and everyone has a job, I haven’t been able to go to mental health therapy due to COVID (I get it free via the Clinic, so videocall isn’t exactly possible)...
The summary for all this is: I am not in a bad head space, but I’m also just... done. For a bit.
I have no motivation for role play.
The recent news that is almost 100% of my feed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc has also just been one tragedy after another which also doesn’t help things. I think it’s good that it’s being discussed so much, though, so don’t take that as some sort of complaint--these things NEED to be discussed. People SHOULD be outraged.
Stay safe, everyone. 
Stay strong.
Be healthy.
Come bother me on Discord if you want. I don’t always send messages first because I’m an awkward cheese and do not know how to start conversations/keep them going very well most of the time. I want to talk to everyone on my Discord, but I’m never sure what to say? So, please, have mercy and message me first...
Bye for now.
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mauriooo · 5 years
Tell us your OCs. I. Have. Intrigue
oh okay um-
first off here’s a link to the masterlist
second a quick explanation of all my non-fandom ocs’ universes i guess? putting them under a cut cos they are LONG… sorry if you just wanted a brief summary of the characters themselves i just saw an opportunity to info dump about all the worldbuilding i’ve done and i took it
the universe with all of the animal ocs (Skye-Inklii on the masterlist) is definitely my most worked-on universe to date cos of all the semi-connected stories in it, the complexity of the world, and the pantheon i’ve kind of come up with? basically it takes place on a continent that has yet to be named but it’s a big place in the middle of an ocean called the Sparkling Sea. the continent is divided into multiple “Kingdoms,” all surrounding the Royal City (where the most important families live) in the middle of the continent. these kingdoms include the Ocean Kingdom (basically a huge gulf connected to the Sparking Sea filled with water-dwelling people, who aren’t mermaids but do have gills and stuff along with the general frame of land-dwellers) and the Smoldering Kingdom (formerly a prosperous matriarchy that was a hotspot (hah) for trading, next to a volcano. almost completely desolated by a conflict commonly known as the Brushfire War, with Ka being the only survivor. residents here were often confused for actual fires from afar, considering their particular subspecies often had small flames all over their body, which could not be snuffed out.). the Royal City is surrounded by an area known as the Outskirts (working name), where people like Skye, Pine, and Lavender who didn’t really have any particular elemental traits of any kind or came from a different kingdom lived. this area is known for having a bustling market and a diverse populace, unlike the other kingdoms whose residents almost always look similar. also there’s a royal family in the Royal City that rule most of the continent (each Kingdom has their own government but really the royal family is up top). the royal family has a royal scientist (undertale influenced a bunch of this ok), currently Hawthorn, previously his father Bramble. Bramble did a bunch of bad stuff so I’m not gonna dwell on him. garbageboy stinkman belongs in the toilet
the universe with Hazel and the ghosties is a universe where basically it’s almost the same as real life but magic, ghosts, demons, and angels exist and it’s not as technologically advanced (phones exist but color tv does not and people don’t rely as much on technology) Hazel and Michael/Virus both have some angel and some demon blood, Michael having more demon than angel and Hazel with vice versa, both having wings of some sort due to this. both their parents are basically human but their descendants (from a time where demons and angels were free to walk the earth) had children with demons/angels and some of those traits got passed down. it’s very rare to pass down traits from one of these entities (about 1 in 1,000 for just one) but Ezekiel/Chance got very lucky and got a little of both, compared to his siblings Cassidy/Jinx and Lisa/Boo who got nothing (but after becoming ghosts Jinx did get some demon traits and Boo got some angel traits). not all ghosts are friendly so those with an affinity for locating the undead are hired to exorcise houses and whatnot, called “ghosters.” Michael was one of the more famous ghosters and so he’s commonly called upon to help in areas, so he and Hazel traveled a lot. i should also mention that with certain rituals one can summon a ghost to help with something (finances, love, etc.) but it’s very hard to pull off (to stabilize a ghost and keep it from returning to the afterlife you have to make a very special necklace from specific gemstones depending on the ghost, and one for yourself to make sure the ghost can’t hurt you and it has to obey your orders (although you can free it to do what it wishes if you want)) anyways there’s a really dangerous demon that broke free from a seal placed on it hundreds of years ago commonly referred to as the Stalker, the Nothing, and things like that. Michael unknowingly accepted a job to rid an abandoned house in a quaint little town of this thing, and brought Hazel with him. it uh… didn’t go well :D this thing HATES angels cos a half-angel sealed it away so it attempted to kill Hazel because she bears a strong resemblance to the being that sealed it away. Michael didn’t like that so he barely managed to seal it away for a few more years but got like,,, a LOT of vital organs ripped out in the process. this, understandably, traumatized Hazel cos that was her last living family member being ripped to shreds in front of her so she went back to the town where she, first, scared 99% of the population cos she was DRENCHED in blood but then she got cleaned up and sent to a nearby orphanage where she was immediately adopted by a p mean family cos they thought she could summon a ghost to make them rich? she ended up summoning Virus (who didn’t recognize her cos ghosts lose most of their memories except for their moment of death, Chance is an exception), and then Jinx, Chance, and Boo all at once cos they died within a few minutes of each other. this took a hard right into backstory territory so imma move on
Gardenia and Ashe live in a world where, rarely, children will be born with their souls basically attuned to an element of nature (often with different subclasses) or creature. these phenomenons are called elementals and mutants, respectively. even rarer, however, is a child being born as both. Gardenia was born without eyes, with the left side of her face being just smooth where her eye should be and the right having a, well, gardenia growing in the place of an eye. also when she bleeds small flowers grow in the wound, which was assumed to be a sort of defense mechanism to plug the wound. because of these, when she was born, she was designated a plant elemental of the flower subclass. ashe was born part-fire elemental, part-salamander mutant. they both ended up at a school specifically for elementals and mutants where they could learn not to destroy things, which is where these two met in about 7th grade? they stayed friends since then and eventually fell in love (even if Gardenia couldn’t see Ashe, she loved her personality and her voice). probably the only universe with no murder so far
Meredy and Connor are robotic entities known as “mechae,” Meredy being made to entertain while Connor was made to fix. these entities were mass-produced to help humans in a futuristic society. they are made with 6 chips: Empathy, Ethics, Functionality, Memory, Intelligence, and Personality. if one of these chips break the entire mecha basically breaks and has to be recalled. Nikki is just a reclusive mechanic who works with Connor because xe saved him from being scrapped after faulty wiring and a broken Functionality chip were discovered upon his activation, causing him to frequently experience small shocks that either overload his system and shut him down or just make him unable to move for a few minutes. Nikki is trying to fix him up but for now just hides him from the public because xe doesn’t want him to be taken away from xir. Meredy is just a broken entertainment mecha whose Functionality and Ethics chip went haywire during a performance, causing uh... not great things? no one died but they got p injured cos metal is heavy and she ran away, eventually getting to Nikki’s shop after they met in a back alley while Meredy was hiding and Nikki was fishing for parts. that’s basically all i have for now
oh christ where do i start with the zodiacs. okay lady fate got sick of having to look after EVERYONE after they died so she basically chose 15 random people (1 for each zodiac sign except for Gemini and Pisces, who got 2) and made it so when they die (mostly by unfortunate circumstances) they go to a special place in the afterlife where every dead person is called their Dominion (i. e. Aquarius Dominion, Taurus Dominion, etc.), and every person in this world goes to the Dominion corresponding to their zodiac sign where the corresponding Zodiac... doesn’t exactly rule over them but controls the Dominion in a way? they basically get to decide what everything looks like and stuff and they get to live in a big ol mansion with everything they could ever need. all of the Dominions are spread in a circle around a central area known as the Hub where people from different signs can intermingle. the entire area has this neat little feature where once you die and get there, any physical ailments are gone. couldn’t walk while you were alive? well now you can! missing one or more limbs? you can choose to get cool substitute limbs made of sparkling ether that function like normal limbs! were you experiencing gender dysphoria in life? your new body fits your preferred gender! finally, you get a necklace or other piece of jewelry that designates your sign so people can tell what you are! i haven’t worked on this world as much cos i didn’t have too many ideas at first but i really like it :o
Endris and Kyu are demons under service of the Demon King. Endris is a demon species known as a Kahre, a genetically engineered soldier race, but his test tube broke and it was too dangerous to put him in a new one so he’s just smol and ended up as a personal servant to the king. Kyu is a Senru, a general/advisor race, who’s like... a giant suck-up. he mostly refers to Endris as “defect” unless he’s saying that Kyu needs to go speak with the king for a bit because then he’s all sunshine and rainbows. there are also the Erina, small scientists and doctors, and Wisps, tiny lil servants that are often formed when a new soul enters the Underworld. i really liked designing all the demons for this universe and i’m prolly gonna make more uwu
Carrie and Zade just live in a normal world? like they could totally be real people in real life and their stories wouldn’t change. Zade, who is Carrie’s best friend since they were toddlers, is a trans guy, so he was having all sorts of anxiety when he had to explain to her why he would rather not be called the name she’s been referring to him as for 10 years. she was definitely fine with it though. as long as he’s happy, she’s happy! but Zade started transitioning in like 8th grade so most other people weren’t as nice cos middle school sucks, and Carrie was basically his only friend for a while. Carrie eventually figured out (mistakenly, i might add) that she was the reason Zade was getting bullied so she assumed that if she was gone he would be happier and have more friends so uh... she did a self oof? her assumption was wrong, obviously. but people did leave him alone for a while to let him grieve.
sorry for the dark turn at the end? but yeah that’s a basic explanation of most of my original universes \ ( -ワ- ) / if you have any questions feel free to ask! also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if i’m being offensive in any way in any of these??? i really don’t want to offend anyone but i’m an idiot so yeah i probably screwed up a lot
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