#what happened to kai? they found out it was him and got the stuff back?ok??
bonkutoe · 3 months
nekoma hcs i've been dreaming up since before the movie came out:
- shibayama keeps a quote book
+ there are some absolutely foul, heinous statements in there.
+ he ends up passing it down to a first year before he graduates and has to explain uhh. quite a lot!
+ "um. why does yaku call kai babygirl" "how about we stop talking for a while!"
+ "'it tastes so good i would stick—' shibayama-san what IS this" "I'M JUST THE MESSENGER IT'S NOT MY FAULT"
- kuroo made a sliding scale diagram of every nekoma member from most to least catlike and refuses to accept any criticism
+ in order (as far as more relevant characters go) it went kenma, fukunaga, kuroo himself, tora, yaku, kai, shibayama, lev, inuoka
+ yaku in particular was deeply offended about his placement
+ "you're like if a dog could be a cat" "FUCK you how is tora higher than me" "well that's because he's like if a cat could be a dog."
- inuoka has a special handshake with everyone
+ the one with tora is the longest because they keep thinking of stuff to add and its really cool and not a distraction at all kuroo they promise
+ it's 40+ steps at this point
+ they keep having to restart because one of them forgets something
+ kuroo just wants to do serving drills and he's getting tired of asking nicely
- fukunaga can will and does fall asleep anywhere
+ like. anywhere. in a plane on a train on his desk at school on the floor in the library you name a location and i'd bet good money he's snoozed there. he fell asleep on the bench during a timeout once in the middle of a practice match. yaku found him in a cabinet one time
+ some under the counter door closed curled up shit. made it look like sleeping on a cloud too i'm sure
- speaking of fukunaga. he carries around one of those little party noisemaker things around with him so he can use it when something makes him happy
+ like those ones where you blow in them and the paper unrolls and it honks or whatever. you know the sound idk how to describe it
+ he's exploring creative methods of communication so he doesn't have to force himself to talk all the time :)
- every time kuroo sees a cat he HAS to meow at it, it isn't a question of if he will or not, he Has To. it's like a compulsion
+ it's the alternative to baby-talking them (which he also does sometimes)
+ when ppl send cat pics in the gc he types meow and hits send
+ he wants to be POLITE and say HELLO and since cats can't speak japanese, kuroo will speak cat
+ he gets down to their eye level too or at LEAST crouches. he doesn't wanna frighten them
- lev tried to keep the blood speech alive after the third years graduated
+ "ok we're blood--" "you're doing it WRONG" "WHATT WHATTTTT"
+ he tries to come up with something new but gives up bc he can't stop thinking of vital organs
+ "ok ok kenma i got it this time. so we're like the liver--" "tora i'm gonna kill this guy"
- touchiest volleyball team known to man
+ hugs, heads on shoulders or in laps, holding hands, shoulder touches, patting each other on the back or the head, arms around shoulders, cuddling at sleepovers they're doing it ALL
+ totally indiscriminate too. if you attend nekoma high school and join the boys' volleyball club you will not be touch starved i can tell you that
- you know how when you have a litter of kittens they all kind of sleep in a pile
+ this is a maneuver nekoma hits often, i think
+ it turns into a catch-all solution for like. anything
+ didn't get enough sleep? cat pile. finals are coming up? cat pile. forgot your phone at home? cat pile. it rained during the school day and you got the bottom hem of your pants wet on the way to afternoon practice? cat pile.
+ it sort of happens in the gym before/after practice just because it's the most convenient option, but it definitely happened in the bleachers after the dumpster battle too
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ghostwiththeemost · 19 days
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Hey babes~ seems ya found my blog! Welcome to my humble abode. You may be asking “who is this SEXY SEXY man?” Well I’ll tell ya! I’m Behjdbbdnf… Beejkbngd… Bug wine. 🪲🧃. Use the emojis babe. I can’t type my own fucking name apparently. How fucked up is THAT?! Ugh, anyway… Let’s get onto the real shit. I’m the boss bitch here, you should hire me to get some shitty humans out of your beloved home. Or, call me up to fuck. Either works.
Alright, alright. People put their info and shit so I’ll do just that. I’m 🪲🧃, but ya can call me “sexy” or “handsome” or “sweets” or “pretty boy” or anything ;)~ Kay, moving on! I’m the ghost with the most, the biggest dick in town babe. He/him, but I can also be your/yours~ ;) I don’t care for labels, I’m a sexual beast. You wanna talk? Talk. You wanna flirt? Flirt. Send nudes? Eeeehhhh… Probably not, sorry sweetheart. I’d totally say yes, but that’d get me banned.
Anything else? Yeah, a lot actually. Ask me about shit. I’m over 600 years old, I’ve seen a lot, done a lot, witnessed a lot, I’m the fuckin best. I mean look at me, I’m the coolest ghost in town! ;)~ Also the best dick. DEFINITELY the best dick.
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Well well well! Quite Fancy seeing you back here! Yet ANOTHER wonderful roleplay blog, and even a BETTER character?!?!??!?!1 WOAHHHHH! Wowie!
Hi! I'm the wonderful mod behind this obnoxious green ghoul of a man, and I hope you can stay a bit, have a seat, chat a bit! Learn a bit, see some tags behind this wonderful super duper cool page, yakknow how it is!
The name's Dew! Dewey if you wanna be fancy, but nah, I'm just a guy on the internet here to write for his funny bug man. No formalities needed. The pronouns are HE/SHE! I'm Genderfluid and Gay!
Kay, mini bits of info here... I'm an adult! So that being said I'm going to keep a boundary on certain aspects such as some forms of nsfw and SOME ships. Mostly I don't care? I'd just prefer if you were to tell me or have your age in bio before deciding to imply nsfw ROLEPLAYS. Flirting or nsfw anons I don't really care about, it's bound to happen, but you get it. also beetlebabes dni you all SUUUUUCKKKK.
Let's see... I have some other accounts. @candycoffinss , @photographerstanheight , @screamingqueenxoxo ... Other stuff, we'll see what I reveal.
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Right, right... Tags and extra info... |🪲| ~ 𝑴𝑶𝑫 𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑲𝑺! - This is me talking!! >:] |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺! - Replies to asks, you know how it is. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑱’𝑺 𝑽𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑺! - call for interacts maybe?? |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑲𝑺! - Random yapping he does, reblogs... etc. |🪲| ~ 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑬𝑱𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑬𝑺 𝑯𝑨𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺! - Interactions Yeaaaaa
|🪲🔞| ~ 𝑺𝑼𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑬! - yea some things will be suggestive labeled just in case pleeease be cautious tyyy beetlejuice can be a menace.
ALRIGHT! FINAL BIT OF INFO!!!!! This writing of beetlejuice is a mix of everything, but I'm mainly leaning toward Justin Collette's version of Beetlejuice. He's still Beetlejuice of course, but keep in mind he won't be much like Alex Brightman if you're looking for an adaptation of him! (...There will be crumbs tho. Pathetic meow meow...) ANYWAY! Yeah, Just wanted to throw that out there, I didn't know if people would want my head for it LMAOOOO but YEAH!!! I'm free w any interactions btw. other fandoms, other blogs, movie characters, musical characters, do it !! >:] ok I think that's it... until I decide to go bonkers again. thanks for reading if you got this far! smooches ur forehead /p
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 2 months
hi bb!! i love your nekoma headcanons, you capture them so well :) also thank you for enlightening me about fukatora truly. i was wondering what would happen if nekoma got a team pet. i KNOW chaos would ensue
Aaaa thank you so much!! I mainy made this sideblog to ramble about them so im super glad someone enjoys the text posts!! :D
Team pet is a fantastic prompt oh my god, you just know Lev walks into practice one day with a stray cat in his arms and it never leaves. At first Yaku's against it ("Why would you bring that inside, it could have rabies!") but all it takes is it rubbing against his leg and purring for Yaku to be converted into a full-blown cat mom. From then on he's the one bringing toys and treats and baby talking. Kuroo makes fun of him all the time and Yaku denies it but he doesn't stop.
Kuroo's canonically a dog person but he doesn't mind the cat, I think he's the type to talk to it like its a human and have (one-sided) conversations. When the team points this out he's like "Well at least he listens to me, unlike the rest of you". He also likes to ruffle the fur on it's head, reminds him of Kenma.
Kai brings a little bed for the cat and is the one to clear out a corner of the club room for it's stuff. If Yaku is the cat mom Kai is the cat dad. Everyone's always adding stuff to the cat nook, he's a spoiled little guy
Tora tries to teach the cat tricks as if it's a dog. He's really bad at it, he just commands it to do stuff as if yelling louder will make it suddenly understand english. Kenma tries to tell him to quit it but Fukunaga stops him— "I want to see where this goes." It ends with Tora rolling around on the floor like a moron while the cat just sits there watching. Who's training who? It's a mystery.
Inuoka chases the cat around, he's always the one to get it rilled up. He's been scratched the most times (along with Lev) but he hasn't given up hope, THEY WILL BE BEST FRIENDS. The cat can sense that he's the dog of the team
Teshiro's often found mid-staring competition with the cat, not intentionally they just get locked into it. They have a silent respect for each other
Despite being the one to bring it in the first place the cat has a love-hate relationship with Lev. He's not exactly delicate and always ends up scaring it or petting too hard. When school closes for holidays he's the one to take it home
According to promotional art cats love Fukunaga, and this is no expection. He brings laser pointers to play with before practice, his favorite thing to do it point it at Tora while his back is turned and watch the chaos ensue. The laser pointer also works on Inuoka.
Kenma and the cat take naps together, it's often found curled up on his lap or stomach during breaks. Very cute, the team has taken a lot of pictures
Petting the cat is Shibayama's stress relief after practice matches, especially once the 3rd years graduate and he's the main libero. He does this before games to get in the right headspace too, it's become a routine.
The cat is basically team mascot and it's in all their group photos. Their not allowed to bring it on the bus but whenever another school comes for a practice match they're sure to show him off.
Ok thats all woo pets!!
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crystallizabethine · 2 years
Dance With You: A Lavashipping Oneshot
Happy White Day!!! I had Cole/Kai A pairing for the @ninjago-valentine-exchange event!
Summary: Kai and Cole go to an LGBT dance and are cute together. Also Kai hasn't told Nya they're dating...
(2,531 words)
“Hey Kai guess what!”
Kai looked up from his phone as Cole came over and plopped down next to him on the couch. His boyfriend’s eyes were bright and he looked very pleased about something.
Cole thrust two slips of paper towards Kai, “There's a LGBT+ dance happening at Laughy's Karaoke Bar tonight, and I got us tickets!���
Kai took the tickets from Cole and examined them. They were thicker than he thought they’d be. A glittery overlay shimmered over their surfaces as Kai read the words Admit One: Pride Prom! Food! Drink! Fun! 7:00-Midnight (ID required for alcoholic beverages)
Kai rubbed his thumb over the smooth, shiny slips, doubt in the back of his mind. “Cole, this is… really sweet of you, but you do know I don't know how to dance, right?”
“That's okay, I can teach you some moves! Besides, there's no one right way to dance, you just got to feel the music and let yourself move with it.” Cole let his arms wiggle around as he said that, and Kai smiled despite his initial qualms. Cole was just too adorable to resist.
“If you say so,” Kai answered, then immediately followed up with “Oh shoot, what should I wear?”
“I don't think it really matters,” Cole replied. “I mean it is a pride event, so, something gay?”
“Alright, Kai, something gay, something gay… something…gay…” Kai stared at the jumble of shirts on his unmade bed. So far all he’d found were some t-shirts, old ninja ghis from past seasons, and a sweater vest that he was pretty sure was actualy Zane’s. Despite that possibly being the gayest piece of clothing in the room, Kai didn’t even consider it. It was a bit too dorky for his taste.
Kai sighed and rubbed his chin in thought. Cole had said that dressing fancy wasn’t a requirement, but he’d forgotten one small thing about dating Kai: He was dating Kai, and Kai didn’t go anywhere looking only half his best. Kai turned back to the messy bed, rubbing his hands together, “Let’s do this!”
“Do what?”
Kai’s hands produced a sudden startled spark of flame, and he felt his insides shift as he whirled around to see Nya in the doorway, one hand on her hip, looking at him in curiosity.
“Oh, uhm, nothing! It’s nothing!” He started gathering up the shirts while still maintaining eye contact with his sister, “Just getting rid of some old shirts! Gonna revamp my wardrobe. Can’t have Jay owning more nice outfits than me, amiright?” Kai hoped his unsuspicious smile didn’t look as fake as it felt.
Nya puffed at some stray bangs that had fallen over her eye, “Are you going clothes shopping with Cole then? He mentioned you two were going out later.”
Oh he did, did he? Kai nodded, “Yeahp! Gonna drop off our old clothes at a thrift store, shop around, hit the arcade—bro stuff.”
“Ok, have fun! Jay and I are going out later too, so maybe we’ll run into each other!”
I highly doubt that.
Before Nya could say anything else, Jay’s voice rang out from across the hall, “Nya, have you seen my Miku binder?”
“Did you leave it in my room?”
Before Kai could question why Jay’s binder would be in her room, Nya had disappeared, leaving him alone with his sorry pile of unfancy clothes.
Kai picked up a red hoodie he hadn’t noticed before. The fabric sported a scaley flowery pattern, and there were flame designs going up the back and down the arms. Kai held it up to himself. “Welp, it could be gayer, but it’s the best we got.” Kai pulled the hoodie over his head and checked himself out in the mirror. He looked more cozy than fancy, but Cole was always telling him how cuddly he looked anyways so he supposed it wasn’t the end of the world. Though now that he looked closer at the pattern, he was reminded of one of Nya’s outfits, which gave him an idea…
“I can’t believe you stole Nya’s clothes!”
“Ah—hey, no, I borrowed them. Bor-rowed. There’s a difference, babe.” Kai checked his reflection in the rearview mirror of Cole’s car to make sure his eyeliner hadn’t smudged. It hadn’t and Kai winked at himself, grinning. “What do you think, Cole, Do I look pretty enough for you?”
Cole kept his eyes on the road, “I already told you you look amazing, but yes, Kai,” he stole a quick glance before looking ahead again, “Who knew a boob window would look so good on you?”
“I know!” Kai answered, “And she just had it in the back of her closet! I’ve never even seen her wear it before!” They paused at a stoplight. Daylight was nearly gone by now and the red glowed pleasantly on everything.
“You know,” Cole hesitated, “She probably would’ve given it to you if you’d asked.”
It was Kai’s turn to look ahead. His boyfriend was right, of course Nya would have. But she also would’ve wanted to know what he was dressing up for, and that… He sighed; he just wasn’t ready to tell her. He wanted to. He wanted to tell her everything about him and Cole, about how much he loved him, about the special times they spent together. But any time he imagined telling her there was a weight in his stomach that wouldn’t leave.
The strong warmth of Cole’s hand on his pulled him out of his thoughts. Cole squeezed gently, “It’s gonna be okay, Kai. Whenever you’re ready to tell her, she’ll understand.”
Kai smiled softly and held onto his hand the rest of the drive.
A giant rainbow banner hung above the entrance to Laughy’s, and balloons floated on either side of the doors. The music could be heard from outside and Kai hoped it wouldn’t be too loud in there.
“Fun fact, I’ve never been to a prom before,” Kai said after Cole had turned in their tickets.”
“And I’ve never been to one with a guy before!” Cole replied, eyes shining with excitement.
“Wait, really? Handsome guy like you?”
Cole shrugged, “I wouldn’t have gone at all if Dad hadn’t made me. He’d say that ‘no son of mine will miss an opportunity to outshine potential dance competitors under my watch!’”
"Pfft" Kai knew that Cole’s dad was trying to be better, but stories like these made him lowkey want to fight him.
“Him expecting me to go with girls didn’t help either.”
Kai winced in sympathy. Not there was anything wrong with girls, girls were amazing, cool, and pretty! But it must have sucked for Cole if he’d wanted to ask cute boys out instead.
Inside, the music was even louder, and the bar was decked out in sparkly streamers and colorful, rotating neon lights. There were people in different outfits standing around, dancing, and getting food from the bar. Kai saw Dareth serving drinks and vibing to the music when there was no one to be served. Near where Kai and Cole had entered, there was a photo setup with a cute background and a table to the side that was filled with silly trinkets and accessories to be used as props.
Kai tugged his boyfriend towards it excitedly, “Come on!” Once they were over there, Kai pulled out his phone to take some selfies of them. His breath hitched in surprise when Cole kissed his cheek for one of them., and Kai poked him in the ribs in the spot he knew was ticklish in response. This made Cole squeak at a higher pitch than either of them were expecting, and they both cracked up. Kai then remembered the props and grabbed some fancy glasses. Cole donned a hat that looked like a rotisserie chicken and handed Kai a sign that said “I can't dance” in a silly rainbow font.
After many, many more silly pictures, they turned their attention to the dance floor where a dozen or so couples were throwing it down to upbeat disco music. Cole looked at Kai excitedly and pulled him onto the floor.
Kai was elated to finally be there, but the music was extremely loud and pounded in his ears uncomfortably and he worried that he wouldn't be able to do this after all.
No, you can do this. This is really important to him.
However, the pounding in his skull needed to stop. “Hey Cole, could we move a little further away from the speaker?”
“What?” Cole asked over the noise.
Kai pulled him closer and repeated himself.
“Oh yeah sure!” Kai guided him as far away from the speakers as he could while still keeping them in the dance area.
Once they’d established their place in the room, Cole immediately started busting out moves. Compared to him, Kai felt stiff and awkward. He was still vibing with the music, but he couldn't help feeling eyes watching him from all around.
Don't focus on that, he told himself, focus on Cole. Focus on us. This is our night; it shouldn't matter what others think.
He found himself captivated by the way Cole danced. He did it so naturally, letting his body move to the beat and letting the music flow through him. It reminded Kai of how he looked when he was connecting with his powers, except more elegant and fluid. Cole was one with himself and his movements, and he was beautiful. Kai imagined that it was just the two of them there, and felt himself loosen up significantly.
“Feel the music and let yourself move with it.” Cole’s voice echoed in Kai’s head and he closed his eyes, leting himelf get lost to the current song’s beat.
His eyes flung open again when Cole suddenly decided to grab his hands and spin him around like a top and dip him. Kai found himself supended inches from the ground as his boyfriend’s golden brown eyes stared into his own.
Kai grinned, “Hello there!”
“Pfft, you’re a dork,” Cole responded with a small laugh as he pulled Kai back up to a standing position and held him close.
Kai’s heart melted at how cute Cole looked when he laughed, and he had half a mind to kiss that smile of his. Their faces were already so close… Cole seemed to have the same idea, because his eyes fluttered shut and he and leaned in, his lips parted slightly. Kai was about to meet him halfway, but right before he closed his eyes, he caught sight of two familiar figures entering the bar.
“Cole, there’s a problem,” He whisper yelled, feeling panic claw at his insides.
Cole looked at him in concern, “What, does my breath smell or something?”
“No, Nya and Jay are here!”
“What?” Cole glanced past Kai and his eyes widened in recognition.
Kai squeezed Cole’s hand, “What do we do?”
“Welp, face the music, I guess, cause Jay is waving at us.”
Kai’s mind was racing. He had to leave; he couldn’t let Nya see him. He wasn’t ready—oh my gosh they were coming this way…
“…and I mean now that I think about it, if they’re here at a pride event then there’s really nothing to worry about, right?” Kai barely heard Cole’s attempts to reassure him, because he’d locked eyes with Nya, who was giving him an unreadable look. Kai gulped, those looks were always the most worrisome with her.
Jay waved again as they got closer, “Hey, Kai! Cole! Didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Jay, bro!” Cole replied, and fist bumped him. Nya eyed Kai intentionally as their respective boyfriends continued talking, and Kai followed her to a quieter part of the bar, bracing himself for whatever his sister was about to say.
Nya looked him dead in the face, “Why haven’t you told us you two were together? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister. We’re supposed to tell each other stuff like this!”
“I dunno,” Kai mumbled, not making eye contact, “I guess I was worried you’d be upset for some reason.”
“Where did you get that stupid idea?” Nya asked, indignantly. “I’ve known you and Cole have been dating for months now, and you are perfect for each other! I’ve been waiting for you to tell me, but apparently you don’t trust me enough! Again, I'm your sister! I support you no matter what.” Nya pulled her brother into a hug, “I want you to be happy, Kai, you deserve it, especially after all we’ve been through. And I’m here for you if you ever need to talk about this stuff.”
Kai felt a bit of moisture in his eyes and returned the hug, holding onto Nya tightly. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. You really are the best sister, you know that?” He whispered.
“Oh, I know it.”
Kai snorted in amusement and Nya let go first. Kai then remembered, “I am confused though, why are you and Jay here? Aren't you straight couple?”
Nya looked at him funnily, “Jay is trans man Kai. It's an LGB-T prom, not just a gay prom.”
Kai slapped his hand against his forehead, “I don't know why I keep forgetting that. You are totally right!”
“Also, if you ever steal my clothes without my permission again, I will bust out your baby pictures to show Cole.”
“Oh no, anything but that!” Kai responded, half-jokingly, “but noted.”
A more calming, romantic song began to play, and Kai was suddenly pulled away from Nya and found himself face to face with Cole, who put a hand on his waist and began guiding him through simple dance steps. They swayed from side to side, gazing into each other's eyes. Cole was smiling at him with the cutest look of adoration on his face.
“What are you smiling at?” Kai asked him with a raised eyebrow and a curious smirk.
“Just about how gorgeous you are,” Cole answered.
Kai felt his face flush and he sputtered, “Yeah? Well, you are... really… rockin’?” Kai winced at how lame that sounded, but it just made Cole laugh.
“Oh my gosh that sounds like something Jay would say.” He snorted.
Kai looked Cole in the eyes, “Come on, give me a break. I’m used to being the one saying the smooth pick up lines, not the one getting them said to me!”
“You’re adorable. Hey, how’d it go with Nya?”
“She said she figured it out months ago.”
Cole chuckled, “Of course she did, can’t hide anything from her.”
Kai looked over at his sister—who was totally stealing the spotlight with Jay as they did their special dance routine—and smiled, “She also said we’re perfect for each other.”
“Damn right we are!” Cole pressed a kiss to Kai’s temple, “I love you so much, Kai!”
Kai knew that he would never get tired of hearing Cole say that to him. He pressed his forehead against Cole’s and replied, “I love you too, more than anything.” Then Kai kissed him on the dance floor, surrounded by people just like him, finally unafraid of what anyone would say.
Thank you for reading!!
The art I based the fic on was made by the talented @ninjapolis and can be found HERE.
The A03 version of this fic can be found HERE.
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nacho-business1 · 8 months
Not so bad
here! * throws head cannon one shot and runs * description: can’t think of one… basically just some season one Lloyd and Nya bonding.
Lloyd had absolutely nothing to do. The ninja were all out on missions or something, so there wasn’t really anyone to bother and uncle Wu said he couldn’t play anymore pranks or else there’d be no sweets. So Lloyd did the only thing he could do, read Star fair! He decided to read out on the deck since no one else was up there to disturb him, not that there was any one to disturb him other than his uncle or maybe Kai’s sister. What was her name? Nya… yeah that was it. He had no idea where she was, the whole time he’s been there she’s never really been around, which was fine with him, he didn’t like girls, not at all. So how was it he had found himself right in front of her door? Of course he couldn’t just enjoy his comics, no, the stupid wind had to blow it out of his hands and away from the ship. And of course Lloyd panicked, that volume was one of his favorites! Thankfully the wind seemed to understand that and the book made its way back towards him… that was until it decided to go straight through one of the windows near the bottom of the flying boat. Which also meant it was in one of three places : it landed in the room the ninja shared, it landed in his uncle’s room, or Nya’s room… Lloyd quickly darted down the stairs and peered into each room hoping to find his book, until he got to the room he had been dreading…. Nya’s. Lloyd decided the best course of action was to first nock. He had seen what happened if you didn’t nock before going into a room, and usually it had to do with yelling and versus objects being thrown at the intruder. Unfortunately or fortunately, Lloyd wasn’t sure which one, Nya hadn’t opened the door, so he took the next approach. Carefully he cracked open the door so he could peek in just enough to tell if anyone was in the room, no one was in the room. Seeing this he decided to go ahead and look for the comic lucky Nya seemed to keep a clean room so it was very easy to find. Unfortunately Lloyd wasn’t able to make it out when he heard the sound of a jet pack and saw a figure coming towards the open window so in a panic he quickly hid inside Nya’s wardrobe. The Jet packed stranger flew into the room and by the looks of their clothes Lloyd could tell it was the samurai! The samurai those color coded idiots were looking for. But what were they doing here! Lloyd tried to get a better look at them causing the old wooden wardrobe to creak causing the samurai to become aware of his presence. Lloyd internally paniced. What would they do if they found him? What if they were trying to sabotage the bounty? What if- Lloyd didn’t get a chance to continue his panicking because suddenly the doors to Lloyd’s hiding place was whipped wide open. And Lloyd screamed. And the samurai panicked next. “ stop that! Shhhh!!!! Please be quiet! Lloyd, please I’m begging you!” Lloyd knew that voice… “Nya!?!” The girl in question took off the helmet and gave a weak smile, “surprise…” she sounded very tired. “ what! B-but how a-and…” Lloyd continued to try to rap his head around this. “ yeah I know, just please don’t tell anyone!” Lloyd stopped his rambling and looked straight at her. “What?” “please, Lloyd Kai already worries enough about me and I just need a little bit of freedom, and I just wanna be able to help.” While Nya continued her own rambling Lloyd considered his options. While he would like to ruin the ninja’s bet they had made, it would be perfect… but something in Lloyd’s gut told him to just let it be. “ok,” Nya sighed in relief for a moment, “but you have to do something for me.” Nya groaned but finally agreed. “Ok, what is it?” A large smile grew on Lloyd’s face. “Can you show me your stuff and everything! Like how do you know who needs help! And-and-“
“Ok.” Nya finally nodded “I’ll show you.” a few hours later Nya had shown Lloyd almost everything! It was absolutely amazing! “the boys will be back soon,” Nya told Lloyd as she began to put her stuff away, “I’m going to finish cleaning here, if you want you can go do your own thing.” Lloyd agreed and grabbed his star fair before heading out. “Hey nya?” The girl hummed in response, “ you know you’re actually kinda not so bad… for a girl.” Nya smiled at him, “you know you’re not so bad yourself for being such a brat at times.” And for the first time Lloyd actually felt like he had maybe, just maybe made a real friend.
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ballwizard · 1 year
oh btw my ACE ATTORNEY dual destinies post game review. LONG RAMBLE CHOCK FULL OF SPOILERS BELOW.. BEWARE!!!!!
ok SO. ending-wise it was fucking awesome. funnily enough while me and sal were on our own between playtime we ended up both getting spoiled on fulbright dying and something odd happening to him. On accident. So we both kind of knew what was coming, but not how or why. and id say it actually didn't take away from the surprise considering by the point you really hammer down on it, it's pretty obvious imo LOL. ALL the disguises threw me for a fucking LOOP!! i was like. Huh??? THIS GUY??? ironically all the big ones he did before the breakdown were ALL characters i voiced which was really really fun for me. i think the choice to have him impersonate phoenix last was so cool and the new sprites he gets RULE SO HARD. genuinely thought it was sick as hell. i miss you bobby every day of my life
something really funny that occurred was : Throughout the entire game sal decided they HATED Simon blacjquill. like genuine vitriol at seeing him. when we found out he was on deaths door they were like KILL HIM‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ OT WAS SO FUNNY. but by the end of the game they did nearly a complete 180 on him and he was the first character they doodled after finishing the game.Thwy were sooooo mad about liking him now
speaking of liking characters: my top fave new characters were DEFINITELY bobby fbright & damien tenma. i already talked about fulbright yadda yadda he's cute yadda yadda need him expoditiously yadda yadda cool ending. Damien on the other hand was the only side character that we were consistently SO happy to see literally EVERY time. (Excluding Bobby). Dude fucking rocks he's so weird and he owns. Cawwww caw caw caw
casewise i think the weakest might have been the monstrous turnabout? even though i LOVED damien the rest of the case was. It was okay? but with the rest of the cases being so interconnected jt just felt kind of out of place. hypocritically i found jinxie and filch and labelle kind of annoying despite liking damien... eye dee Kay. My Opinion. my fav case was the very last one i think. i would say it was the academy one but means just felt like a kinda weak villain. especially since it felt really obvious from the beginning with his whole shtick (which was ALSO annoying) and also his whole. Him. but i liked the whole bit with scuttlebutt & the trio. it was very cute. Also elephant in the room, robin, i felt DEFINITELY could have been handled better. but it really wasn't THAT bad, and i like that he retained her like, testosterone rage screaming despite him "getting revealed". In my beautiful mind they're gender fluid. Smiles serenely. it was also nice seeing klavier again but his 3d model is NOT DOING HIM WELL . i like his gay little intro animation though
oh yeah and the 3d. since we were playing the original trilogy concurrently to dd, we got to compare how the characters look pretty often and i found that it's kind of weird, but i understand why it was done & honestly it allowed them to do more fun stuff. like having bobby wave out of the window or all the shit with recreating the silhouette of the statue was REALLY fun to see and I thought it was cute as hell. Simon does look like he's poking himself in the eye though. the normal art in the game was cute too & i thought the cutscenes were fun when they showed up!
comparing it to the original trilogy, without rose tinted lenses of nostalgia & with direct referencing via.... playing them both at the same time... i really think it was a solid game. one thing i really, really liked about it vs the trilogy is that it's a lot more... easier?? straightforward?? it's hard to put into words but i NEVER felt like i had hit a dead end in investigating and didn't know where to go. the notes system as well as the button to look back at recent dialogue are SUPER helpful, and even if i might not have used them All the time, they really helped when we needed them lol. i LOVE. not having to present every single piece of evidence to a random during investigations and just PRAYINF that one of them make something happen. and especially since i was playing with someone else, and therefore took what could be week + long breaks between playtime, it was really useful to get back into the swing of things. ANYWAYS
Overall it was a really fun & engaging play!! me & sal enjoyed it a lot and it's got our gears turning and steam smokin and shit. we actually finished the second game right before finishing the last case of dd and it was fucking awesome. we started trials & tribulations (one case in!) and after that we might hit up the investigations games... and THEN we'll play spirit of justice. so that's the game plan teehee
Thank you for reading if you did lol ^__^ ❤️🌈‼️
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yeonjen · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Choi Yeonjun Imagine ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Synopsis: Yeonjun was with his friends when he gets drunk and his fiance comes to pick him up.
Status: Engaged
After TXT's successful comeback the boys decided to celebrate with a little party. It was also kind of a party for the fact that the oldest member was engaged to the love of his life. Mi-ok also wanted to go out but all her friends had stuff to do. So here she was sitting on the couch watching Netflix while having some Pizza.
TXT were sitting talking about stuff while enjoying the drinks.
Heuning Kai: Wah! I still can't believe that Yeonjunnie hyung is getting married!
Yeonjun: Why!
Huening Kai: I thought Soobin Hyung would marry first!
Soobin: Why tho!?
Taehyun: Hyung don't mind him he is drunk!
Taehyun said as he poured some more whiskey in their glasses. Slowly but surely all of them were getting drunk at the end the only one sober was Taehyun.
Yeonjun was now clinging onto Soobin cuddling him as the other one was passed out on the floor. He then said in a baby voice.
Yeonjun: Mimi! Yawnzznie missed yau saurr muchhhh!!! Yauu know Beomgyu wass againnnn being a brot as he kept mimicking me!
Taehyun just looked at his hyung and sighed before taking his phone and dialing a number.
Mi-ok almost fell asleep as she heard her phone ring, she picked it up to see who it was only for her to realize it was her soon to be bro-in-law.
Mi-ok: What happened Tae? (She said as a yawn escaped her mouth)
Taehyun: Well come and pick your fiance up he is drunk!
Mi-ok just sighed before muttering an okay and ending the call. She lazily got out of the sofa and streched a bit before taking her car keys and heading out. After a fifteen minute drive she reached the dorm and knocked on the door only for it to be opened by Taehyun.
Mi-ok then entered the dorm only to find Yeonjun about to kiss Soobin who turned his face to the other side at the right time.
Yeonjun: Miiiiii!!!!! Are yau angry at meeeee!! Why did you naut let me kissss youuuuu!!
She sighed as she walked towards the boy she loved and gently grabbed his hand only for him to look at her with his eyes squinted and with a cute angry face.
Yeonjun: Excuusee meeee!! Missss! Don't touchh meee! I hauve a beautifulll fiance whoo I loauve thee mostttt!
Mi-ok tried her best to not laugh at her adorable fiance as she just gently caressed his cheeks before saying.
Mi-ok: Junnie! It's me!
Hearing her voice a huge smile made it's way on his face as he sat straight before opening his arms as he said.
Yeonjun: Loveeee!!! It'sss yauuu! I missedd you!!
Mi-ok just looked at her cute fiance before hugging him making the boy smile widely as he tightly wrapped his arms around her. After a couple of minutes she pulled away making yeonjun whine.
Yeonjun: Aww........come hereeee!! I wannaaa cuddleee!!
Mi-ok: Junnie ah! Let's go home....hmm...we will cuddle peacefully in our bedroom!
Yeonjun: Okay! Buttt!! Give Yawnzzn a kisssss!
He said as he pouted leaning forward. Mi-ok smiled at him before quickly pecking his lips as she looked at Taehyun.
Mi-ok: Tae help me carry him to the car!
As with Taehyun's help she carried her fiance towards her car made him sit and put his seatbelt before going back and sitting in the driver's seat. Mi-ok was driving peacefully as Yeonjun sat in the seat eyes closed she thought he was asleep only for him to start rambling again.
Yeonjun: You know! I have this girl I lauove the mostt! Shee iss soaurr beautifull, she makes myyy heart flutterrrr everytime I wake up beside herrr! Shee is nouw myyy fianceee and I can'tt waittt to marrrryy herr!!
Mi-ok just chuckled as she found him super cute and he heart warmed up by the beautiful words of her fiance. After a short drive they reached their home as she helped Yeonjun to get to their bedroom.
She made Yeonjun sit on the bed as the guy just laid down half asleep. She helped him remove his shoes and made him sleep comfortably. After her night routine she came to the bedroom only to find her fiance cutely cuddled in the duvet.
She slipped inside the covers after making sure not to wake him up. She just stared at him with a loving gaze before kissing his forehead and closed her eyes only for her to feel a pair of arms wrap around her waist, she opened her eyes to look at her love cuddled with her.
Yeonjun: I louve you!
Mi-ok just smiled at him as she thought about how lucky she is to have a soulmate like Yeonjun as she whispered.
Mi-ok: I love you more jun!
Before closing her eyes and drifting off to her dreamland.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* End of Imagine ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
#yeonjun #yeonjunchoi #choiyeonjun #txt #tomorrowbytogether #choidaniel #taehyun #heuningkai
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 84
Chapter 84: Fathers
As I got up, I was careful on not waking Goten. Since that night, all he wanted was to be near me. Even Gohan didn’t leave my side for every long. On top of that, my boys took every chance they had to spend time with me. It felt so great to share moments with them. Being with my boys was a great joy. But something did bug me, then again, I shouldn’t put mind to it. It’s rare for sayian men to even care about their children. Even more, if they’re caring for them past their fighting powers. Those words that my mother said felt off to me. Even calling her that word felt weird. On top of that, meeting my so-called father felt weird.
The man looked ever intimidating; even making Raditz seem like nothing. After that visit with King Kai, I went back on my own. I had more questions, and I didn’t know where to go. For once, in a long time, I was completely lost. When I came to that place again, I felt small. I don’t know what happened, but everything seemed bigger. Even I felt like my tail was back, and to my surprise it was. When I knocked on that, larger than I remembered, door he answered. For once in my life I looked down as if I was afraid. Then I felt my hair being ruffled, and somehow it made me feel ok. I was let inside, and there stood that female, and the kid version of Raditz. Welcome home, Kakarot. Hearing that made me feel peaceful. For what felt like forever I was in a peaceful state, forgotten was my pain and worries. Then King Kai found me, and I retuned to my normal self. He said I shouldn’t have done that.
Now that I’m alive, and see my boys. It makes me wonder; do I give them that type of peace? Do I intimidate them? I know I do everything I can to make them happy. I also know Chichi does everything she can. But was I experiencing what me and Chichi make our boys feel? I hope so. “Since it’s the last day of our trip, who wants to do a quick lap around the earth?” Everyone rose their hands. We all got ready, and were off.
After lunch is when we started to head back, and Vegeta commented that our females were with my harpy. I told the boys to fly ahead, as I spoke with Vegeta. “What do you want, Kakarot?”
“I’m sorry.” Why? “Just am. Would you still be interested in another camping trip? Maybe with the girls too.” He raised an eyebrow. “Like a whole family thing.” He was now tapping his arm. “It does have to be night away, just before the boys summer vacation ends.”
“I’ll think about it. But why even our females?”
“It’s something I always did, before Raditz came along. I would do a camping trip with just Gohan, and then another as a family. And since, we’re almost like a family.” He pulled me by the collar. “Calm down. I didn’t mean family by blood.” He let me go. “It just feels like we’re family. Well, since…” I looked away from him. “Know what. Never mind. Just know, I hope you would join us on that camping trip.”
“Kakarot! Spill it!” I just shook my head and just flew home. There’s no way he’ll see it the way I do. There’s no point in trying to explain.
As we flew home, I started having this weird feeling. Like I was finally getting comfortable around my dad. I felt like I knew him a bit more. Even though I knew he was nice, and I knew I could trust him. But now I know for sure that I could. I don’t feel so left out anymore. I finally was able to talk to Trunks about dad stuff, and not feel weird about. Or him giving me a face, and telling me nevermind. Maybe now I could share with dad all those weird things I felt while he was dead.
Like how I didn’t understand why mom always kissed his picture. I didn’t understand why mom would start tearing when I did certain things. How Gohan went quiet whenever I did certain things. How surprised everyone was when I brought dad’s picture to join us at the table for our meals, after I learned about him. The weird smiles everyone got when something about him was done. Like the smile mom had when she helped me with my first gi. The fact that after I saw myself in the mirror, I thought I saw him next to mom smiling down at me. Or the time me and Gohan gave mom his top, and she hugged up and I felt an extra part of arms holding us. Also when I was all alone, and I couldn’t sleep, how I would hug his picture and somehow I felt better. Or the time when mom and big brother got really sad during a certain day, and I was left all alone, I would talk to his picture. I thought I was being silly, asking it why mommy and Gohan was so sad, and wishing I knew how to make them happy.
When we got home, mom was talking with aunty Bulma and Videl. When everyone else finally got to the house everyone was talking. Even Trunks joined in. Not that I was feeling left out, but I wanted to be left alone. I hope nobody noticed that I walked away to my room. When inside, I looked for the picture under my bed. The picture Gohan made a copy of, so I could stop talking the one in the living room. Somehow I wanted to cry. I got a dad now, my family is complete. But why do I somehow feel alone in my own feelings. Gohan says mom is over protective, and so was dad. But now something just changed. Mom is smiling a lot, even her eyes are smiling. I always thought we were happy family. Was we really? I don’t know when but I started to cry. I put the picture back, and left out my window. I want to be left alone.
I flew all the way to a nearby river. People always gave me a weird look. Sometimes it made me wonder why. The only ones who didn’t were Trunks and Marron. They’re my friends. They also didn’t know my dad. A stranger I been told all my life about finally shows up. I spend as much time as possible to get to know him and get use to him around. But some how, I don’t know what’s really going on. During this trip I did stuff with him and big brother and even my best friend and his dad. But somehow it felt off to me. Why do I feel uncertain? “Don’t, but same time nobody could blame you.” That’s when I finally looked up, and saw dad was sitting next to me. I just looked away. I could feel the tears starting to fall. “Is it ok if I ask you something?”
“Did anyone tell you you’re so like your mom?”
“No. Everyone says I’m like you.”
“How? I don’t got that smile, I’m nowhere near as energetic, and I’m not that smart.”
“Everyone says how I look just like you. How I’m always being silly, and making people laugh. Also, how I eat like you. But most of all, I look like you.”
“Whoever say those things aren’t seeing you. How could you be me when you’re you?” That’s when I finally looked back at him. He was just looking out into the water. “Do you want to know why I thought it was a good idea to stay away?” I said yes. “I thought that it would give you a chance to have a happy life. Even if it meant I wouldn’t be able to hold you, to see you grow, or to be there for you. I thought you, Gohan, and your mom will have the most peaceful happy life ever. With me in the way I would have hurt you. Guess I was more wrong, than I could have imagined.” He was looking away. “Everyone deserves to be happy, even if I wasn’t.”
“Why you say that? What makes you happy?” That’s when he faced me.
“Seeing everyone else happy. Knowing that I’m able to keep my family safe.” That’s when he looked surprised about something. “Oh!” He looked at me. “Do I seem intimidating or scary?” I shook my head. “I’m glad, because when I was dead, I finally got the chance to meet who my parents were. Meeting them was scary. I actually wanted to leave. Why should I care about people I never knew existed? But somehow, it made me want to know them more. So, I snuck away, and went to visit them. Somehow, I became a kid, and being with them felt nice. It made me question if that’s how Gohan felt when we were all happily together. Do you feel at peace when everyone is together?” I don’t know when but he was holding me. So, dad is like me. So, I told him all the weird stuff that I noticed. All the warm feelings I get when I thought he was there. I told him how now I finally feel like everything is complete. Even now, I have a warm feeling inside. It felt good sharing it with him, and also being in his arms also. When I was finished, I felt better, and gave him a hug. “Want me to carry you home?” I nodded.
As I finished cleaning up the living room, I had some guess. It was Bulma and Videl. They were saying how they wanted to know if the boys were back yet. I told them that they should be back soon, and if they wanted to stay till then. It felt nice chatting with them. I even got to know a little bit more about Videl. She’s such a wonderful young lady. Almost reminds me of me. Strong minded, knew what she wants in life, and can easily make someone pay if they wronged her. I found that to be funny. Now that I think about it, that’s something all three of us share. That’s interesting; kind of makes me wonder what a female sayian is like.
I was just about to wash the lunch dishes, when the boys finally came. Trunks ran to Bulma, while Vegeta stood to the side. Gohan told me hi, before Videl took his attention. So cute of them. But I had failed to notice a certain husband of mine, who had found his way behind me. “Did you boys have fun?”
“Yeah.” That’s when I noticed that Goten was on the couch watching. I wonder what’s wrong with him. He then got up and left to his room. I was about to go after him, when Goku said he will do it. I wonder what could be wrong with our baby. Once everyone had left, and Gohan and Videl were studying in his room, I was left on the couch wondering. I hope Goten is alright. I checked his room, and neither boys were there. On top of that, Goku isn’t answering me. I hope everything is all right. Just then they walked in through the front door. And in Goku’s arms was a sleeping Goten.
Goku sat next to me on the couch. “Is everything ok?” Goku continued rubbing Goten’s back. He’s alright now. Nothing to worry. “Can I hold him?” Goku shook his head, and looked sad. “Did you talk?” He nod. “Did it go well?” He nodded again. “Go to the room, and take a nap with him.” Take a nap with us. “Sure.” With that we went to our room, and took a nap. Well, they took a nap, while I watched them snore peacefully.
When me and Videl made it to my room, I went in search of our summer assignments. “Wait.”
“What’s up? Is something the matter, Videl?”
“Aren’t you going to tell me about your trip? What did you do? How was it like? I never been camping before. So, I’m curious.”
“Oh. Well, it was kind of a training camping trip.” I finally sat on the floor, and she got off the chair and joined me. “We did laps around the world, practice controlling our ki, and even sparring.”
“That can’t be everything. What else?”
“Ok, ok. You got me. But you can’t tell anyone at school.” She nod her head in agreement. I told her about how go through a similar training routine as dad. On top of that, we had to earn our means. “Like I mean you lose you don’t eat. You don’t hunt when it’s a free for all, you don’t eat. We couldn’t share our catches on those days. Luckily there was only two.” I told her I almost beat my dad’s speed when practicing our katas. “It was even funny how Goten knew some of dad’s new moves. Like I said, I was just a training camping trip. Nothing special.”
“I want to go on one.”
She punched my arm. “Why not? It actually sounds fun, and challenging.”
That’s when I finally thought about asking her, about the idea I had. I couldn’t look at her as I asked. “Would you like to go on a camping trip? Like, just you and me?” I couldn’t help fidget with my fingers as the room became awkwardly silent. I was ready to take my suggestion back, till she said yes. I finally looked at her, and her face was red. Plus, now she was fidgeting with her fingers.
“You really mean, just us? Nobody else?” I nod my head. She then hugged me. “Cool. And do we get to do all kind of stuff? And even maybe some stuff that you did on your training trip?” I said yes, and her hug became tighter. My face kept getting hotter, due to the fact at how her body was pressed to mine. And the way her scent tickled my nose. It took me a moment to hug her back, and when I did, I finally fell backwards. Not only was her body pressed onto me, now she was literally on top of me. This felt nice, and it took a lot out of me to not my move my hands anywhere. “Can we go next week? I want to buy camping gear, since I noticed you didn’t have. Is that ok?”
“Yeah.” Why did I sound out of breath? She then kissed me. I don’t know how, but I had her pinned under me, as I looked into her eyes. She looks so beautiful. I couldn’t help myself as I touched her cheek, before giving her a kiss. He lips are so nice and soft, it made it hard to part from them. When I did, all I could feel was my body burning up, and see Videl was blushing. She looks so beautiful. Makes me want to kiss her more. Before our lips touched, I bit my lips. This isn’t right, I shouldn’t be doing this. I pulled back, and next to her. “Are you ok?”
0 notes
high-supernatural · 3 years
Kai Parker x Female Reader/Character
Word Count: 1918
Warnings: typical tvd themes, S.Assault hints, crying, soft kai, a lil boob touching, Stephan drives her off a bridge
Summary: She finds out the real story of what happened to her after a near-death experience. Kai agrees to comfort her in her own way.
(I wrote this with “she/her” instead of “V” because this is the last part I’ll be writing as a series, the rest will be written as one shot’s with she/her pronouns because if I continue to work on the series it’ll become an entire novel. So instead of writing a novel, I’ll just write the big plot points as one shots after this)
Another couple of weeks had passed since their ritual. Almost every day that would pass, they would go out and look for answers for what they saw and would come up empty handed.
One day they finally found something that could lead them to another lead for answers – an ancient necklace that was owned by a witch in her distant bloodline that could allow her to connect with the original owner. The only problem was that the necklace was worn religiously around Elena’s neck as a gift from Stephan.
That wasn’t really a problem for her. She didn’t really like Elena much, and Elena didn’t like her, but it wasn’t hard to get close enough to grab it since they both hung out with the same people.
That’s exactly what she did. She kept it with her for a week, waiting for a specific celestial event to happen for the spell all while dodging calls from Stephan and Elena accusing her of taking it.
She took to the woods by herself on the night before the celestial event to find the perfect spot under the moon to preform it. Just as she was about to make her way off the trail she was struck by a tranquilizing dart in her neck, knocking her out cold.
She woke up in the passenger seat of Stephan’s car, “oh, good, you’re up,” he said shutting his phone off.
Her vision was blurry, but she knew who it was and was annoyed to say the least.
“Have you seen Elena’s necklace?” He asked as if he already knew.
She blinked to focus her vision, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she rubbed her eyes.
Stephan leaned in, “here’s what’s gonna happen… you’re either going to tell me where it is, hand it over, or I’m going to hold you here until you do.”
“You’re really about to do all this for a damn necklace?” she asked, still very annoyed.
They went back and forth for a while about how it’s “Elena’s necklace,” and how crazy Stephan was to host a hostage situation over it before he turned the car on, “ok, you don’t wanna tell me where it is, fine,” he slammed on the gas, “you’ve been a cosmic pain in everyone’s ass since you showed up in Mystic Falls by the way. We’re trying to rid the town of chaos and mischief and here you come…”
Stephan was driving at what seemed to be over 100 miles an hour with a crazy look in his eye, “so nobody wants to tell me where it is, I’ll drive you off the bridge and find it myself,” he spat.
“You’re bluffing. You wouldn’t drive someone off a bridge over a damn necklace, Stephan, plus if I do have it, you’d be losing your chance to get it back if you do,” she said unphased by his threat.
“That’s only if nobody wants to tell me. It’s really no sweat off my back if you live or die but… hey maybe Kai knows where it is,” he said as if he had just thought of the most iconic solution and dialed Kai’s phone.
As they approached the bridge, she began to take his threat more seriously. All she heard was muffled noises as adrenaline of being driven off a bridge kicked in.
She yelled panicked knowing Kai was on the phone, “Kai just tell him where the stupid necklace is he’s gonna drive me off the bridge.”
“Too late,” Stephan muttered with a smirk as the car flew into the water after he jumped out.
She tried to roll her window down before the car hit the water and was fully submerged, but Stephan had the window locks on, so she had to crawl over to the driver’s side to roll it down, throwing her against the wind shield and knocking her unconscious again as she got the window halfway down.
Just like the time she held her breath and an unknown entity came over her when she rescued Enzo, the same thing happened here. While she was unconscious the car fully submerged into the water for minutes until the entity awoke her and struggled to break the window open through the slowness of the water.
She remembered none of this. She awoke on the rocks only remembering being driven off the bridge and a replay of the things that had happened to her that Kai made her forget.
She sat there coughing up water and trying to catch her breath as the replays engrained themselves deeper. She knew she couldn’t deal with it right now though, she needed to get back to the motel for the necklace, so she started walking her way back to the road.
She walked expressionless until Kai drove up beside her and got out,
“What happened,” he asked throwing his hands up as he walked towards her.
“I don’t know, Stephan threw a fit about the necklace and thought it was reasonable to drive me and his car off the bridge,” she said silent and expressionless, darting her eyes not to look into Kai’s.
Kai looked at her, realizing that for the first time in probably forever, he was pissed about something because it had happened to somebody he cares about, but he still didn’t know what to say other than, “well, are you okay,” silently kicking himself for asking after he realized how big what happened was compared to the question he asked.
“Yeah, I just wanna get back,” she mumbled and went to open the door, but Kai grabbed it quicker.
She was silent the whole way back, something that was unusual for her normally.
They drove into the parking lot of their motel and Kai stopped her before she could open the door by grabbing her arm, “hey, are you good,” he asked, “you didn’t say anything the entire way back and you love to talk.”
She was still expressionless, “I’m good, I just need a minute,” her voice was almost robotic.
“Talk to me…” Kai tried to speak but was cut off.
“I’m about to freak out, and it’s not gonna be cute,” she spoke with a little more seriousness to her robotic tone, “so just give me a minute,” she began to walk towards their room.
He had never seen her like this before. They would usually make jokes the whole night whenever something that would typically be traumatic happened, but this time she seemed as though she was here physically but elsewhere mentally.
She made a beeline to the bathroom before Kai called out “let me know if I can do any—” she shut the door, “—thing.”
She stood at the sink and placed her hands on it to steady her balance as things began to look blurry and lightheaded. She tried rubbing her eyes to make the feeling go away but it kept getting stronger as her chest felt heavier, head felt heavier, and memories of that night months before screamed at her.
Kai leaned on the doorframe to hear what was going on but couldn’t hear anything.
She stood, taking deep breaths before it got increasingly harder to breath and gave into the onset hyperventilation and inevitable tears.
Kai knocked but she didn’t answer so he opened the door to find her with her hands in her hair, breathing fast, with a concerned expression.
She didn’t even hear him walk in at first until she felt a presence behind her as he went to touch her arm. She sat on her knees slowly before Kai could touch her, “Kai I can’t breathe,” he sat on his knees in front of her and put his hand on her head, unsure of what to say.
Grabbing his wrist to pull his hand into her lap, gripping it tightly she put her other hand on her chest and coughed, “I can’t breathe…. Why can’t I breathe…” she let the tears fall before placing her arms over her head and leaned forward until she was leaning against her elbows on the floor so she could catch her breath without having Kai see her cry.
Kai gripped her shoulders and pushed her up to look at him. She covered her mouth with one hand and squeezed her eyes tight, trying to return back to the position he moved her from before he stopped her by keeping his hands on her shoulders, “tell me what happened,” he spoke softly, gently removing the hand she had over her mouth.
“I remembered everything—” she sobbed harder and put her hand back over her mouth, leaning into Kai, “tell me it didn’t really happen,” she sobbed.
Kai knew what she was talking about now and pulled her to lean against the wall with her head on his chest as she sobbed more.
“Tell me I’m making stuff up, or that Stephan has sick humor, tell me someth—” she couldn’t finish her sentence before burying her face back into Kai.
He stared at the wall in front of him as if he could feel what she was feeling, “I can’t,” he whispered, causing her sobs to get louder,
“That couldn’t have happened… I wouldn’t have let that happen… it couldn’t have been me, maybe I just witnessed—”
He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she hid her face in her hands on his chest, “it did, V… I’m sorry, I wish I could tell you different… I’m sorry…” he had a look of remorse as she moved her hand to her scalp as if to cover her ears from what he was saying and placed his hand in her hair with her.
“I gave you different memories, I didn’t want you to remember but something must have triggered it earlier…” he spoke fast and buried his forehead onto the top of her head when she kept sobbing harder, “I should’ve been there…”
“What do you need me to do? Tell me and I’ll do it, anything… let me make it better,” he rubbed his hand on her back to comfort her, but she was too lost in her mind to notice, “you can’t make it better,” she cried.
He sat with her and let her cry until she couldn’t anymore before taking her to their bed.
She pulled his arm as she laid down or else, he wouldn’t have know if he should lay beside her or not. This whole situation was completely new to him, and he only wanted to make it better but had no idea how.
She laid on her side and pulled his arm around her for comfort.
Kai buried his face in her hair by her ear, “what can I do?” he asked again.
“Make me feel something else…” she teared up again.
“What do you mean?” he whispered and rubbed his hand on her upper arm.
“All I can feel is their hands on me and I cant get rid of it,” she choked up, “so maybe if I feel yours instead—” she placed her hand over her face to avoid crying again.
“shh… it’s okay,” Kai whispered surprisingly sweet and kissed her hair, “where do you want ‘em?”
She lifted herself up to place an arm under her neck, laying her head in the crease of his arm and slid the other to her chest.
She fell asleep as Kai gently rubbed from her chest to her stomach repeatedly, occasionally kissing her hair in between.
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
elide x lorcan, modern/neighbours au, fluff + tension, word count: 3515
There hadn’t been a new resident in the building for a while, but the girl seemed nice enough. Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised that she moved in next door, considering that the unit next to his had been vacant for some time.
When he’d received the email from his landlord, Lorcan supposed he was simply used to only having to share one wall with someone and that with a little time, he’d get used to it.
He met her the day she was moving in, bright and early on a Tuesday morning. He’d held the door open for who he assumed were her friends – a tall blonde with wickedly electric blue eyes and a shorter brunette with upturned emerald eyes. Lorcan had nodded at their thanks and stepped out of the building. Then his sight had set on her, Elide Lochan. It was pure muscle memory on which his feet propelled him forward. He’d been so entranced by her that he’d been too late to prevent her from twisting her right ankle as she tried to save herself from falling off of the moving truck’s ramp, but he’d been able to give her a nudge so that she didn’t eat shit on the asphalt road.
“Ooh, fuck,” the woman said, a grimace twisting her delicate features. She hopped to balance on her other foot and sat down on the edge of the truck bed. She glanced up at him, muted gratitude flashing across her angular eyes, almost as dark as his. “Thanks,” she bit out.
“Welcome,” Lorcan replied. He nodded towards her injured ankle, “I can take a look for ya, ‘m a physiotherapist.”
Her brows arched up and she ran an eye up and down him. Lorcan resisted the urge to straighten his posture and his skin felt like it was tingling beneath his clothes. “Really? Don’t look like one.”
“Yeah? What do I look like, then?”
She shrugged, tilting her chin back to properly assess him. “Hmm… a boxer or something like that. Gang enforcer.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “Nah, s’not me. I mean, I’m a boxer’s physiotherapist, but I don’t fight.”
“Really? Who’s the fighter?”
“Ya got a lot of questions for someone whose name ya don’t know.”
She laughed and extended her hand towards him, “Fine. I’m Elide Lochan.”
Lorcan’s hand dwarfed hers and he could feel his calluses scraping against hers. Interesting. “Lorcan Salvaterre.” They dropped their hands and he gestured towards her ankle again, “Want me to check now, Elide Lochan?”
“Sure,” she chuckled, slipping her faded black Van off and taking off her sock, too, as it covered her ankle. Elide put them to the side and reached down to roll the hem of her overalls up.
He lightly wrapped his hand around her heel and lifted her leg to examine it, fingers gently prodding the already swelling skin. Despite feeling her eyes burn into him, Lorcan didn’t look up. “Alright,” he slid his hand up her achilles tendon and rested his other palm against the sole of her foot, locking it in place, “bend ya knee for me, yeah? Tell me when it hurts.”
Lorcan flicked his eyes between her ankle and face, tracking her pain. Elide grit her teeth as she bent her knee without moving her ankle and stopped after only a few degrees of movement. “There, it hurts there.”
He hummed and nodded, straightening her leg. “‘kay, move it inwards.” Again, she could only move it a few centimetres before the pain made her wince. Lorcan nodded, tilting his head to the right. Elide followed his wordless instruction and was able to move her foot further.
“Is it bad?”
“Could be worse, but yeah, s’not great, Lochan.” Lorcan tapped his finger against the swelling on the outside of her ankle, “See this, s’really swelling up, so probably a grade two sprain, which means there’s a partial tear in the ligament.” He gently put her foot down and looked up at her, her eyes wide. “Hey, s’ok. Sounds worse than it is, promise.”
“You said I tore a ligament!”
“Said partial, and these types of sprains are really common,” he told her, his voice even. “There’s gonna be some bruising later and you’re gonna have trouble walking for a couple weeks, so what you’re gonna do is you’re going to get ya friends to move the rest of ya boxes, you’re gonna sit down and keep it elevated and iced – twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off for the next two days, yeah?”
Elide nodded, the panic melting from her face. “Then what? I can’t just sit around for the next two weeks.”
Lorcan chuckled, shaking his head, “Ya got a compression brace?”
She shook her head, worrying her bottom lip. “No.”
“That’s fine, they’re pretty cheap down the street at Brullo’s,” he told her. “s’a gym, but they sell stuff like that. Get one of ya friends to go and get it, yeah? I really mean rest for the next two days.”
Just then, her friends arrived and their eyes snapped back and forth over the scene they were confronted with. The blonde rose a single brow, her hand cocked on her hip. “Well, this is cosy.”
Lorcan blinked. It wasn’t even nine in the morning.
“Shut it, Aelin,” Elide said, rolling her eyes. “I sprained my ankle and my new neighbour here is a physiotherapist. His name is Lorcan.”
Aelin looked at him as the other brunette shook her head and walked around her to check on Elide. “Really? What qualifications do you have? Where do you work?”
“‘m a licenced physiotherapist. Work for a private client.”
He rolled his eyes and stepped back from Elide, deciding it would be better to address her other friend. “I’m Lorcan.”
“Lysandra,” the woman told him as she helped Elide with her shoe. “Please ignore Aelin. She was neglected as a child and now has attention seeking behaviour issues.” Lysandra’s words were light with laughter and Lorcan chuckled quietly. “Is there anything we can do for Elide?”
“Yeah, make sure she rests and ices her ankle for the next two days. I told her, but it’s twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off for the icing and make sure ya get some sorta compression brace.”
Lysandra nodded, “Ok, we’ll do that. What if it’s still this bad in two days?”
“Knock on my door, s’unit 3D.”
“I’ll do that,” Elide said, something in her voice making him pause and meet her stare. “Salvaterre.”
“Yeah, you do that,” Lorcan replied, the tip of his tongue rolling against his lower lip. He caught the way her eyes tracked the movement. “Lochan.”
Lorcan parked his car in front of his building and picked up his bag as he got out. When he stood, he arched his back, hearing his spine pop in a couple different spots. “Fuck,” he groaned in sweet relief. He slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder and locked the car before walking up to the lobby doors.
As he slid his key into the lock, he glanced around, wondering if he would see Elide. He’d learnt a few days after she moved in that she was a baker and owned a local bakery-slash-coffee shop when she’d come to thank him with a box of freshly made wild blueberry and pastry cream tarts. They were easily the most delicious things he’d ever eaten and after the first bite, he swore he fell in love a little bit.
With his late schedule, he had to go to Fenrys’ fights which were always scheduled during the evening, but he would often run into Elide on her way home from the bakery. It had become routine for them to chat on their way up and smile at each other as they slipped into their apartments, their doors often closing with the same click at the same time.
Lorcan didn’t see her and his heart sunk a little in disappointment. He crossed over to the fire escape instead of the elevator and walked the six flights of stairs up to his floor.
The moment he opened the door at the third level, he could hear music playing, albeit muffled. He frowned, it wasn’t like the tenants to blast their music. Elide was silent and kept to herself, except for when they both happened to be out on their balconies. Lorcan liked those evenings, he liked sitting out there and enjoying his dinner while Elide had hers. They’d quickly found that they could talk about anything together and it was as easy as breathing. Within the month, give or take, that she’d been here, her ankle had healed up nicely, but there was still lingering stiffness and an ache if she was on it too long.
As Lorcan got closer to his apartment, the music grew louder too. He quickly realised that it was coming from underneath Elide’s door and figured she had friends over or something like that. Lorcan let himself into his house and the music was louder inside. He toed off his shoes, hung up his jacket, and put his work bag down. He walked down the front hall, pulling the elastic from his hair, which fell out of the high bun he’d shoved it in and tumbled down to his hips.
Lorcan dragged his hand through his hair, shaking it out and massaging the kinks out. The longer he listened to the music, he realised that it wasn’t happy music, not the type of song one would listen to with friends.
He stepped closer to their shared wall and leaned towards it, unable to figure out the lyrics. The melody was still blasting and Lorcan glanced at his oven’s clock. It was almost midnight, so she couldn’t be up for too much longer, surely. Lorcan decided that he’d go to the building’s gym for the next hour and by the time he returned, Elide’s little music thing would be over.
He moved to his room to get changed and in his bedroom, he could hear Elide singing along, loud and angry.
“...lost my mind, I’ve spent the night cry-ing on the flo-or of my bedroom, but you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it, but I guess good for yo-o-ou…”
Lorcan smirked, shaking his head softly. A few minutes later, he was changed and tying his high-top Chucks, winding the laces around his ankles once before hitching a neat bow. He grabbed his headphones and phone from the pants he’d discarded, and he got up, moving towards his door.
As he walked to the stairs, fitting his headphones over his ears, Lorcan glanced back at her door, wondering what had happened for her to be cathartically shouting along to what could only be a breakup song.
He shrugged to himself and connected his phone to his headphones, playing his own music loud enough to drown hers out. Lorcan disappeared into the stairwell and jogged down to the gym.
Exactly two hours later, Lorcan stepped out of the elevator, his shoulders and deltoids stiffening from the workout he’d just finished. He paused his music and pulled his headphones off as he stopped in front of his door, pausing when he realised that music was still playing. Lorcan checked his phone to make sure that he’d paused the song and frowned in confusion when he confirmed that it wasn’t his music.
But if it wasn’t his, then it could only be… Lorcan snapped his head up, staring incredulously down at Elide’s door. She was still playing music and the melody matched the same song he’d heard before he’d gone. Sweet fuck, something was really wrong.
He wanted to go check on her, but Lorcan wasn’t sure if they were there yet in their young friendship.
Sighing, Lorcan just resolved to suck it up for the night. It had to end at some point, he told himself.
Some point ended up being four o’clock in the morning. At first, Lorcan had thought that he’d gone deaf or something. He’d fallen asleep minutes after and his body, like always, forced him up three hours later.
To wake himself up, Lorcan had gone to the corner shop down the street and bought a cup of their coffee, which was practically tar, and a pack of cigarettes. The man didn’t smoke much anymore, but the nicotine would wake him up like nothing else so he’d given in.
He was sitting on the edge of the planter box outside the building, sipping on his coffee and smoking a cigarette. The smoke was bitter and alongside the coffee, Lorcan was feeling marginally conscious. It was enough to interact with humans, so he supposed it was good enough.
The lobby door opened, but Lorcan didn’t bother looking over until he heard a familiar voice.
“Oh. I didn’t know you smoked.”
“Mornin’ to ya too, ‘lide,” he said, his voice quiet. Lorcan looked up at her, drinking in the sight of her. He’d learnt quickly that overalls were a staple in Elide’s wardrobe. She was wearing a black tank top beneath her dungarees and her black hair was twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck. A red bandana was tied around her head, matching her tote bag.
She chuckled, looking down at her black Vans. “Hello.”
“Hey,” he replied, grimacing as he drank some of his coffee. “And I don’t.” At Elide’s look of confusion, he elaborated and took a drag from his smoke. “Smoke, anymore. I quit a couple years back, but it helps wake me up.”
Elide nodded, running a cursory eye over his slightly disheveled appearance. “Hmm, you don’t look so good. Rough sleep?”
He snorted, tapping his finger against the cig to knock the ash off. “Yeah, had a shit sleep. Some girl was playing her music real loud, ya hear it?”
She squeaked and blush as her eyes filled with guilt. Lorcan smirked and finished his cigarette. He stubbed it and tucked the filter back into the pack, pulling out the gum he’d bought and taking a piece. “O-oh, you, uh, heard that?”
“‘lil bit, yeah.”
“It kept you up?”
He shrugged, “S’not a big deal, I’ve had worse.”
“Still,” Elide said, her cheeks pink, “I’m sorry. If you want- if you’re free, you can come to work with me? I’m sure my coffee is better than whatever that is.” She tilted on her tip-toes, hopeful. “And it’s free.” Lorcan stood up, finishing his shitty coffee. He shuddered as he swallowed it and Elide laughed, tilting towards the sidewalk. “That’s a yes, then?”
“Sure is,” Lorcan grinned slightly.
“Right then.”
They fell into step and walked to her bakery, which was only a ten minute stroll away.
When they got to her shop, Elide showed him to the table closest to the counter so that they could be as close as possible throughout the day. Despite that, they didn’t see each other too much. Lorcan read through a few newspapers and the magazines Elide offered to him. Once in a while, she would come by to drop off a coffee for him, usually an americano with an extra shot in it. She brought him various pastries too, always lingering until he took his first bite and praised her for her talent.
Elide closed her shop at four and let Luca, her employee, go home early. “Wanna help me with the dishes?”
Lorcan grinned and got up, “‘Course I do.” He followed her into the kitchen and he washed the dishes while she dried them and put them away. “D’ya have a good day?”
She nodded, “Yeah, I did.” Elide snuck a glance at his profile, “Did you?”
“I did.” He paused, a teasing grin curling his lips. “All the free shit really made up for last night.”
Elide gasped and hit his shoulder, trying not to gawk when her ineffectual blow was met with pure muscle. “I already told you I was sorry for that!”
“Just teasin’ ya, Elide,” he chuckled, looking at her through the corner of his eye.
“Mm-hmm,” she replied, shaking her head at him.
They continued in a comfortable silence until all the dishes were done and the rest of the kitchen was clean. Elide pushed Lorcan towards the big counter, “Take those stools down and I’ll get something for dinner.”
“Well, shit, Lochan, ya don’t gotta do all that,” Lorcan protested, his eyes wide. “Really, ‘m not even mad ‘bout last night. I wasn’t ever mad, I swear.”
She laughed, shaking her head, “I know, I’m just teasin’ ya.” He narrowed his eyes at her as she cackled, throwing his words back at him. “Gods, man, sit already! I’m starving and it’s not like I’m going to kick you out to find your own dinner.”
He gave in and took the metal stools down, putting them in front of the counter. Elide bustled back with two beers and two sandwiches. The food was from the industrial fridge in the back and the drinks were from the staff fridge.
They sat next to each other. Both of Elide’s feet were on the spindle, while Lorcan only rested one on the bar and his other leg was stretched out, his heel against the floor beneath Elide’s stool. Dinner was a wonderfully domestic, simple affair. Like everything else Elide made, the sandwiches were phenomenal and Lorcan told her so, around a mouthful of said sandwich.
Elide laughed at his muffled voice, her head tipped back. He swallowed and stared, captivated by the sight of her joy. Lorcan didn’t bother to hide the fact that he was staring when she calmed and he smirked at her blush, casually draining the rest of his beer. His eyes tracked the way she watched him, swallowing once.
He put the glass bottle down, now empty. Nodding his chin to her bottle, which was also empty, Lorcan rubbed his fingertips up and down his jaw. “Done there?”
“Yeah,” she said, biting the inside of her cheek.
He nodded again and got up, gathering their trash. Lorcan tossed it as Elide got her things ready to go. He followed her out, flicking off the lights when she told him to. As he waited for her to lock up, Lorcan stood on the curb, head bent with his eyes on her, his hands shoved in his pockets.
Night had fallen and that was the only reason he reached his hand out to her, so that she wouldn’t trip over anything. Elide slipped her fingers through his and tugged him with her. He marveled at how naturally their hands fit together, her thumb pressed against the first knuckle of his index finger.
They didn’t talk much as they walked home. Somehow, their steps matched each other’s despite their not-so-little size difference.
They held hands all the way to her door and when she let go, his hand felt strange, a bit useless, too. Lorcan leaned his shoulder against the wall and tilted his head to the side, one corner of his mouth higher than the other. “How loud is it gonna be tonight? Just tryin’ to plan around ya heartbreak.”
Elide scoffed, flicking her eyes upwards. “It was hardly heartbreak. Don’t you think breakup songs are kind of cathartic?”
He shrugged, “Depends.”
She rolled her eyes at his taciturnity. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, it’d slipped free during the day. “Besides, there’s better ways of being too loud and pissing off the neighbours.” Elide looked up at him, shifting closer to him.
Lorcan arched a brow, making a show of slowly surveying her, eyes clinging to the curve of her hips. “Oh, yeah? Need a partner for that, hmm?”
It was Elide’s turn to tilt her head to the side and shrug, “I don’t think so. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”
His pulse jumped, heart beating faster than it had two seconds ago. Lorcan ran his tongue along the undersides of his teeth and pulled it back to the roof of his mouth as he grinned, “Oh, I’m sure ya can, but I’m tryin’ this new thing, ya see.”
“Really? And what’s that?”
He raised his chin in challenge, delighted to see the heat and desire storming in her eyes. “Bein’ a gentleman.” Elide laughed at that, but Lorcan continued. “See, so I gotta lend ya a hand.”
Elide reached out, her fingers wandering innocently up his sternum. “Just one? And just your hand?”
“Lochan,” he murmured, letting her pull him down when her hand curls in the collar of his shirt, “you can have whatever that ‘lil heart desires.”
She sharply tugged and then they were kissing, weeks of tension and hesitation leading up to this. It wasn’t nice or neat, but neither cared as their mouths fit together. Lorcan’s hand rose to cup her jaw, his thumb on her chin, tilting her head up. Elide parted her lips for his tongue and moaned softly. She reached her hand backwards and twisted the door handle, shoving the door open. “Good.”
an: i wanted 2 write smthng with good 4 u but im a softie now n i cant write breakup fics 😭
@mythicaitt @eyllweambassador @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @jadeaffliction @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @gracie-rosee @myshadowsingeraz @firestarsandseneschals @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez @hellasblessed @mariamuses @darklesmylove @adelzd-bookblr @rowaelinismyotp @sassyhobbits @swankii-art-teacher @januarystears
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to-hell-and-beyond · 4 years
“Sugar to Salt”
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Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Hi, I love your work! Could you do 15 from the misc. list for Hawk? Thank you in advance!! -Anon
I’m not really that good at comebacks so this is be trying. Lol
Summary: Your the sweet girl, but that also makes you the prefect for stuck up brats to try to hurt your feelings. Good thing that you won’t take up any the crap she says.
Words: 1046
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If you went around and asked all the students at Valley High, who the sweetest person in the entire school was, they would say Y/n L/n. You were alway so kind to students, teachers, and just everyone in general. That’s why it was so funny once you started to date the all famous Hawk. You had liked him back when he was Eli, but his new found confidence of being Hawk had been the push you both needed to start your relationship. He asked you out and the rest was history.
You didn’t do Karate, heck you hated gym class! You would always try to convince the coach to let you sit out and not participate. Of course it didn’t work, but it was worth the try. So there was no way in the entire world you could fight right? Well that’s what your boyfriend Hawk thought before the day had started…
It was a bad day. You couldn't get any sleep last night and almost anything got on your nerves. This didn't really happen often where you were so annoyed at the world, but here you were. Hawk knew, he understood that sometimes you have bad days no one can be positive 24/7. That’s one of the reasons you loved him, he had such a kind heart.
You were the sweet girl, but you shouldn’t be messed with. You will fight for your rights and for people you care about. Guess Yasmine should have thought about it before she made you her next victim.
“Oh hey Y/n.” You tried around to face Yasmine. You hated this girl to say the least. No, you didn’t think that girl vs girl was ok, especially in a world we live in with stereotypes but you hated her. She alway gets on your nerves. That blond hair, cheeky smile and the way she always seemed to get her hair in your face when she did a hair flip.
“Hello Yasmine.” You said as politely as you could, not wanting to erupt on her. 
“See you got a ride on Hawk’s new motorcycle, he did a good job on it didn’t he?” She asked with a super high pitched voice. You really, really wanted to smack her in the face at that very point in time.
“Yah sure did.” You said with a voce laced with boredom. You tried to make it clear to her that you didn’t want to talk.
“Too bad you could never sit on it with that fat ass you have.” She laughed sounding super annoying. You had always been a target of bullying, your friendly nature seemed to give bullys a free invitation to mess with you. Usually you could care less about the comments Yasmine made about your body but it was getting on your nerves.
“Everything ok here?” You turned around to see Hawk. He had been parking his motorcycle and catching up with his Cobra Kai friends as you had made your way into the school. He was the definition of protective and the last thing you needed was him to come to here and fight Yasmine.
“It’s fine.” You said with a tired voice as you gave him a shy smile and put a hand on his chest to keep him from doing anything.
“Yah me and Y/n we're just catching up. You know, I’m having a party at my house this Friday, you both are totally invited. Well...I guess you actually have to act like a teen, so sorry Y/n.” A few people around her laughed as her voice rang around the halls. You glared at her and pressed your hand on Hawk’s chest from doing anything. Of course her words hurt you, but you wanted to deal with it yourself in your own way.
“That’s to bad Yasmine. Guess even though the host of the party acts like a five year old with abandonment issues, she still has to come even though she breaks the rules she just set.” A few people around you gasped as you looked straight at Yasmine. She had a look of shock before getting herself tougher.
“You think you're so funny don't you? Well guess what, if the entire school had to choose between me or you, I would win. Because you are a loser meanwhile I am a queen. You will never be me or even come close to the mere perfection that I am.” She smiled as you gave a low chuckle.
“You’re right, I will never be like you. Because, A. I’m 10x nicer, B.Surprise, surprise I actually have a boyfriend while you always seem to be single, C. I don’t look like a fricken barbie doll.” She grunted and moved to go pull your hair. You dogged her out tripped her making her fall. You will never guess where she landed...The garbage can. You flipped her off before walking away.
“I will never underestimate you again.” Hawk told you as he whispered it in your ear. You giggled at his response before turning around so you could talk to your boyfriend.
“Those extra P.E sessions really paid off.” You told him as you both smirked. He may or may not have taught you some basic self defense that you had used when fighting Yasmine.
“Well will you look at that, you used to be sugar but now your salt.” You both laughed at the inside joke as you walked all the way down the hallway to your chemistry class.
“Are you ok though actually? I heard her say some pretty mean stuff.” You said as he gave you his worried face. He won't always open to expressing his feelings towards you but it warms your heart that he cared.
“I’m ok.” You kissed his cheek tenderly before giving me one of your award winning smiles. The day hadn't started out perfect but he had definitely helped it. You knew that no matter what that he loved you as much as you loved him. And besides, Yasimines opinion really didn’t matter to you. She would just live rich with her parents' money and fail at the simplest of tasks while the rest of you strived. That was just how life was.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Afterglow - Part 7
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A/N: Honey Bee and Frankie as neighbors? It’s more likely than you think! As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know. xx 💕
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: drug and alcohol mentions
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You rushed back to your house and practically slammed the door as you dashed inside, making sure it was locked. You didn’t think he would try and come over and do anything, but it was for your own peace of mind. Daisy poked her head in from the outside and gave you a small look of confusion as you just gave her a soft smile, reaching into one of the treat bags on the counter and offering her a treat.
“It’s okay,” you promised her, “I’m just worrying about nothing. Being a silly old worrywart.”
She took the treat gingerly from your hand and went to lie down on her bed near the couch. You leaned against the counter and let out a long sigh, trying to gather your thoughts and calm your racing mind. Of all the places in the world you’d moved to, if course you’d moved right next door to your first and former love. It could have been anyone, anything, anywhere, but no - it had too be Francisco Morales. The world was a wicked and wondrous place at the same time. 
You were sure there was something out to get you. You were sure you had been through enough for the last couple of weeks, but apparently you weren’t out of the woods yet.
But it didn’t matter, you quickly decided. It didn’t matter that you had moved to a new place to have Frankie be your neighbor. That’s exactly what it would be - he would be just your neighbor. There was no reason that the two of you couldn’t just simply coexist; you never had to see one another or speak to each other. This would be fine. It would be completely fine. Besides, you were both much older than you had been when you were wild and reckless, surely you were mature enough to move past all of that.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
With your mind made up and resolve strong, or so you hoped, you would work on it if you needed, you went to bed and kept repeating to yourself that you were fine. 
When you woke up the following morning, admittedly, after a night of tossing and turning, you went through your normal routine, and got everything ready to go to work, including Daisy. 
As you headed out to your car to load it up, you chanced one quick glance over Frankie’s house, noticing that there was now an older pickup in the driveway. He was home, you realized as your heart skipped a few beats, but that didn’t matter.
“Come on, Miss Daisy,” you opened the door so she could jump in, which she eagerly did with a little graceful little hop.  Slinking into the driver’s seat, you turned on the car without so much as another look at Frankie’s house. This was fine. It was all fine. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next several weeks feel into a quiet, relatively normal routine. By now, Daisy was settled into your home and heart, becoming even friendlier and sweeter with each passing day. Your house had quickly become home, all decked out for Autumn and Halloween, and often filled with the laughter from the few friends, namely Ally and Anna, and the occasional neighbor that you had coming over. You were happier now, you realized, single and more or less alone, than you had been in years. It was a serene feeling that you enjoyed. 
The fact that Frankie was right next door didn’t phase nearly as much as you thought it would. You rarely saw him for more than a second when he was walking in or you were walking out or vice versa. His truck was gone more often than still, and you figured he probably had a demanding job of some sorts.
The only real indication of anything you had from him was when he returned your container that had formerly contained cookies, dropping it off on your front steps, cleaned and with a simple thank you post it on it. 
You had taken it and stored it safely away in your cabinet, tucked in the back. 
Things were utterly...normal. And you were thriving in it. Everything else that you still wanted would fall into place when they needed to.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was a Friday night, nearing Halloween, and you were coming later home later than normal. Your last client had taken up more of your time than expected, not that you minded, you were happy to help, but on top of that you had a few calls you still had to make, and by the time it was all said and done, it was late and dark. 
Daisy was slower in her gait as she got out of the car and headed to the house, eager to be let in and find one of her many beds. 
You were getting ready to come in after here and lock the door when you found yourself glancing next door. Frankie’s truck was in the driveway, but his front steps were covered with various copies of the newspapers, a few packages, and his small mailbox seemed stuff. Odd, you thought to yourself, who wouldn’t get their packages from the front door? Now that you were thinking about it, you hadn’t seen him come out or go in a few days...
Something in your gut panged slightly and you turned back to Daisy. Something was off, you couldn’t place it exactly, but you could feel it.
“Stay inside for now,” you told Daisy, “I’ll be back in a little bit. 
A small sound of acquiescence met your ears as you shut the unlocked door and walked over to Frankie’s, treading slowly and quietly. 
Bending down and picking up a few of the newspapers, you could see that they were all from various throughout the week. Dropping them back and moving the packages out of the way, you knocked heavily on his door, “Frankie?”
You stood there and waited for him to answer the door for a few moments, but heard nothing from inside, not a creak or even the lightest of footsteps. Groaning to yourself, you walked to the side of the house, trying to peer in through the kitchen window. You could see a faint light in the house somewhere, casting an almost eerie glow within.
“Shit,” you sighed as you ran to the door, this time pounding on it to get his attention if he was inside, “Frankie! Frankie, it’s me! Open the door!”
But despite your frantic shouts of his name or your noise making, he still didn’t come to the door. Quickly deciding to abandon that plan, you ran to the backyard and tried his back door. This one, through sheer luck or whatever reason was unlocked and you barreled inside,
“Frankie!” you called his name as you walked through his laundry room, eyes scanning over everything as you walked throughout his house. You checked the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and hallway and didn’t find anything. Just before making it into the living room, you stopped dead in your tracks as you came across a picture, one among many hanging on his wall. Your heart felt like it caught in your throat as you reached up and touched it, staring at the eighteen year versions of you and Frankie frozen in time. You were sitting outside, still clad in school uniforms, his arm was around you and you were kissing his cheek, both of you with giant grins on your faces. You’d forgotten about the picture but the memory was still vivid and clear in your mind. It had been a good day. You couldn’t believe that he still had the photograph and more over that it was openly displayed in his house. 
Just as you felt a few warm tears well up in your eyes, you heard a groan from the living room, and snapped back into attention. Walking into the space, you looked around and saw nothing - nothing that was until you looked down and found Frankie lying on the floor next to the couch.
“Frankie,” you dashed over to him and dropped to your knees, shaking him to make sure he was awake and still breathing. You could see his chest rising and falling in a semi steady rhythm and let out a small sigh of relief. You gently grabbed his face in your hands, willing him to open his eyes as you stroked a finger over his cheek, “Frankie. Wake up, Frankie. Come on, bub.”
It took a little more prodding and poking before he slowly, painstakingly so opened his eyes and he found your face. His eyes were bloodshot and they seemed so heavy as he struggled to keep them open. A small smile tugged on his features as he realized you were there.
“Sweet honey bee,” he said so softly that you almost didn’t hear, “am I dead? Or am I dreaming?”
“Frankie,” you said gently, getting worried about his current state, “Frankie, I need you to wake up, okay? It’s me, I’m here...I’ve got you.”
“Look at you,” he said softly, “still as beautiful today as you always were.”
“Frankie,” you decided to ignore what he said, “come on, we’re gonna get up and you’re gonna get into bed. I’m going to get you water, okay? Do you know what happened?”
You didn’t smell alcohol or anything on his breath so you wondered what was going on. 
“I know,” he said as he slowly scooted up and took the hand you offered to help hoist him to his feet, “how did you...I thought you never wanted to see me again.”
“Frankie, don’t,” you said softly, pulling him along to what you presumed to be his bedroom, “I wanted to make sure you were okay and you didn’t answer the door.”
“I-I fucked up,” he whispered as he trailed after you and all but collapsed into the bed as soon as he got into the room, “‘m sorry. ‘M sorry for everything.”
“I need you to sit up, bub,” you told him as he slowly complied with your request, “I’m going to get you water, okay? Did you hit your head at all?”
“No,” he answered, “didn’t fall…”
“Oh...kay,” you gave him a curious look, “stay there and I’ll be right back.”
Your first thought was that he had taken a tumble and hit his head, resulting in a concussion, but you didn’t see any evidence to suggest that. He seemed coherent enough...and you didn’t see or smell alcohol to suggest drunkenness. 
Wandering into the kitchen, you rummaged through his cabinets in search of a glass in order to get him a cold cup of water. You weren’t quite sure where to begin to treat him, not being that kind of doctor, but you knew enough to try and make sure he was okay. After you managed to secure a glass and filled it with cold tap water. As you waited for the glass to fill up, you tapped your foot and looked around the counter. The place was clean and simple, nothing extraordinary or too exciting, exactly what you would imagine for what you presumed was a bachelor of your age. 
But as you turned the tap off,  set the glass down to find a rag to wipe it off with since you sloshed the water over the sides. You looked around the counter, spotting one near the sink and reached for it, but stopped when you noticed something next to it. You made a small sound of surprise as you looked at the offending item, picking it up and studying it intently. It was a small, clear plastic baggie, almost completely empty except for the little bits of white powder you could see clinging onto the top. It didn't take more than a moment to put two and two together and realize immediately what it was. A small gasp escaped your lips as you tossed the baggie back onto the counter. Surely this had to be a mistake...it couldn’t be...no. Your Frankie would never - never. But this...this wasn’t your Frankie. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, causing your chest to rise and fall in a rapid stutter. Without thinking, you opened all the drawers in the kitchen, searching for anything more, any further proof of what somehow wasn’t true. Maybe, just maybe, you were wrong. 
But you came across nothing else in the kitchen, curiosity getting the better of you and causing you to wander into the living room and take a quick look around. Much to your chagrin, there were a few more empty little baggies laying around the living room. In your haste earlier to make sure he was okay you hadn’t noticed any of them. You sighed deeply as you realized he must have been on a several day bender, judging by the state of things. Your heart broke, crying for him that moment. Several of the patients you were currently working with were recovering addicts, dealing with overcoming their own issues. You’d just never thought someone from your own life would be counted among them.
You set everything back down and returned to the kitchen in order to bring him the water. At least he was going to be okay, for now. If he’s suffered from an overdose or something equally as horrible it would have taken hold already. For now, you’d focus on getting him through this - the rest would come later. 
Grabbing the glass you wandered back into his bedroom, finding that he had kicked his shoes off and was staring at the ceiling, struggling to keep his eyes open. You felt bad for him in that moment, but you also wanted to scream and shout at him, to tell him he was a complete fool for doing this.
“Francisco,” you tried to get his attention as his head lulled forward and he watched you thrust the glass at him. He reached out and gently took it, “drink.”
He almost down the glass in one go, making a contented sigh when he was finished. He moved to set the glass down on the bedside table but you grabbed it and shook your head, going to refill it and make him drink more. When you returned with another full glass, he took it wordlessly, drinking it as you hovered near the door.
“You only used to get that tone when you were mad at me,” he commented quietly as he set the glass down and let out a weary sigh. You raised an eyebrow at him as he tugged his outer flannel shirt off, tossing it carelessly onto the floor. 
“What?” you asked, trying to keep your voice neutral and flat.
“Francisco,” he said repeatedly it quietly as you looked at your feet and nodded. He was right...you’d called him Frankie from the start, usually only resorting to his full name when you were annoyed or in a serious mood. You just nodded and shrugged, letting an awkward silence fall between the two of you. 
“Right…” you said after a moment, “well, I’m going to get going. I just...I wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you going to be alright if I leave?”
The question held more weight than you could have imagined as the two of you stared silently at each other. Those eyes, those soft, honeyed eyes were the same as the Frankie of your youth, except for the weariness. 
“Yeah…” he said, swallowing the lump in his throat, “thanks…”
“No problem…” you turned on your heel to leave, knowing that you couldn’t stay. You shouldn’t stay.
“Why did you come?” 
“You came inside...looked for me...why?”
“I dunno,” you answered honestly, giving him a noncommittal shrug, “I just saw all the mail and everything and you didn’t answer the door...I got worried. I just...I had a feeling and just wanted to check. It was the right thing to do.”
“Even if we aren’t...anything, I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you that could have been prevented,” you explained, wishing this was easier, wishing that none of this had ever happened. You never would have thought...of all the people in the world, it would be someone like Frankie, “I found....”
“You know,” he stated simply as you nodded, unable to meet his eyes as you thought about all the empty little baggies. You’d even seen any in person before, and it was a sobering reminder about how it could affect anyone, no matter what their lot in life was. 
“Yeah,” you finally said after a few moments, “I do.”
“It’s not-” he immediately felt the need to explain, feeling like he needed to get you to understand that he wasn’t...he wasn’t like this normally. But wasn’t he? Wasn’t he this what he had resorted on multiple occasions? Where was the line between recreational use and addiction?
“Save it, Francisco,” you held up your hand to silence him, “I don’t need any explanations and you don’t owe me any. We’re not...friends or anything. Don’t worry...just please take care of yourself.”
Not letting him get another word in, you walked out of the room, feeling tears welling up in your eyes as you tried to get this image of Frankie out of your mind. You hated it - hated seeing him like this.
But then again, you also didn’t...you didn’t want to see him again. It was a strange, and almost horrible juxtaposition of feelings. You jammed out of his house, keeping your gaze straight to avoid looking at anything that might cause you to break down in a sobbing mess. You were angry, so angry at him for letting this happen, angry that something in life had caused him to resort to this, angry that life had thrown you in this position. You almost felt bad for leaving him on his own, especially when he probably needed a friend more than anything else, but you also couldn’t stay. He was in a spot to where he was conscious enough to know what was going on and could take care of himself. 
Slowly shutting the door, you finally letting the tears fall down your face as you slowly made your way back to your own house. You hoped, desperately so, that he would never do this again, that he would be okay. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Frankie groaned as he laid back against the pillows and watched you leave. A few tears of anger and frustration rolled down his cheeks as he stared at the space you had occupied. The lightest bits of your perfume hung in the air, sweetly scenting it as he realized it was the same kind you had always worn. That alone was enough to make the tears fall harder as he chided himself for messing everything up. He never, never, wanted you to see him like this; hell, he didn’t want to see himself like. Frankie had been sure he had kicked his little habit, but despite the little voice in his telling him to get rid of it and flush it, he didn’t. He had hung onto it. 
And used it.
He rolled out of and stripped the rest of his clothes, the ones he’d been wearing for the last few days on his little bender, and tossed them on the floor as he headed to the bathroom and turned on water and let it get as hot as possible. Once he was satisfied that it was scalding, he stepped in and let the steaming water wash all over his tired body. 
Scrubbing at every inch of his body, he didn’t stop until he felt raw and clean, every last bit of his skin cleansed. He washed his hair, chiding his unruly, dark locks as he made sure every single strand was cleansed. 
Frankie was in the shower what seemed like hours before he stepped out, his stomach grumbled with hunger and mouth parched. But before he would allow himself to stop and go into the kitchen, he went into the living room, and picked up all of the trash and remnants of the time he already wanted to forget. He never wanted to do it, never...especially not after seeing the look on your face as you had discovered his little problem. 
The look in your eyes was enough to break his heart all over again. He hoped he would never have to see it again.
If you were even willing to look in his direction again. He couldn’t even believe his luck that some way, somehow you had come into his life again. Not only that but you were right next to door to him. And single. Or so he presumed from your lack of engagement ring and sudden move. But that was a worry for a different time. Not that it was even a worry for him...you had made that very clear when you had told him on several occasions that you never wanted to see him again.
But this - this sudden coming back into each other’s life had to mean something...right? It couldn’t just all be coincidence.
It had to mean something. He knew it had to.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next week passed relatively quietly compared to the little fiasco with Frankie. You made it a point to avoid him and keep your eyes away from anywhere near his house whenever you went outside. You busied yourself with putting up Halloween decorations all around the inside and outside of your house and baking cookies to take to your neighbors. You were stocked up on all different kinds of candy to make sure all of your trick or treaters would be taken care of and had gotten Daisy a little costume. When you had some downtown time at work, you found yourself scrolling online and doing some window shopping when you’d come across the perfect little pirate outfit. You’d bought it instantly and tried it on her the second it came. She wasn’t as thrilled as you, but at least she didn’t fight you. You’d taken a few snaps and posted them to your IG, deciding that if she never wanted to wear it again, at least you’d have the memories. 
You’d thrown together a last minute little costume for yourself, consisting of black leggings and a long sleeved t-shirt, hand painted with a skeletal frame. Admittedly it wasn’t your best costume ever, but it was something and you’d been so busy with work and other things you’d almost completely forgotten about getting something for yourself. It would do for a night of handing out candy and watching scary movies by yourself. You’d even decided to go all out and ordered pizza for yourself (and Daisy of course).
It had started out as a relatively quiet evening, with a few families from coming around, excitedly greeting you and Daisy as they excitedly took the candy you offered them, which were apparently the best in the whole neighborhood according to one little boy dressed as Darth Vader. You’d complimented each and every one them, making sure they knew how great their costumes were. 
One in particular, a little girl with dark, curly hair, soft brown eyes and a shy little smile, dressed as a little bumble bee had won your heart over in less than a second. In the moment it even caused you to envision yourself with a little girl just like her...but you quickly snapped out of that and pulled yourself together as you held out the big bowl for her to pick some candy from. She sweetly thanked you and waved, walking away as she held onto her father’s hand. 
After that it was quiet for some time, and you had a chance to get thoroughly invested in the movie that had started playing on Netflix, some b list horror film from the 80s. You had a piece of pizza about halfway to your mouth when you heard more knocking on your door. You shoved the bite into your mouth as you quickly swallowed it down and stood up to go to the door, straightening your shirt. The knocking became louder and more frantic and you raised an eyebrow at Daisy as you wondered who the mysterious trick or treater could be. 
“Coming,” you called out as you hurried to the door and yanked it open, almost nervous to see what was on the other side. To your surprise, causing your jaw to drop open, you found Frankie leaning against the door frame, his face looking sallow and gaunt, a pathetic little smile tugging on his features when he saw you. His eyes were red and this time you couldn’t tell if it was from crying or the drugs, “Frank...Francisco. What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry,” he said after a quiet moment, tension hanging in the air between the two of you. You kept your hand on the knob as you waited for him to explain a little more. He met your eyes and you could see that his lower lip was trembling with the effort trying not to cry, “I’m so sorry.”
“W-what are you sorry for?” you asked as you gnawed on your lower lip and tried not to lose it completely and keep yourself together, “you have nothing to be sorry for, Frankie. It’s...whatever we had is in the past. It’s done with, just like us.”
“I fucked up everything,” he insisted as he tried to straighten up and almost stumbled over his feet. You reached and helped to straighten him up, hands around his waist to keep him steady. This time the tears running down his cheeks were evident, “I’m so sorry for all of it. B-but I-I need help. I’m an idiot…”
You remained silent as you helped inside your house and shut the door, locking it behind you. Daisy watched the two of you curiously as you shook your head at her and led him down to your bedroom, as he softly murmured senseless apologies into your ear. When you reached your room, you practically pushed him onto your bed, looking at him with a confused expression. You were angry, gods you were angry, but you were sad too. Sad that he apparently made it a habit to resorting to this, sad that he felt the need to inflict this upon you too.
“You’re high,” you stated the obvious as he nodded slowly. You ran a hand over your face as you let out a long, deep breath, “Frankie...I…”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence as you looked at him, staring back at you with the most forlorn expression on his face. Tears were welled up in his eyes which threatened to spill over and you could tell he was struggling. You didn’t have it in your heart to get mad or yell at him, despite how much you wanted you.
“Oh Frankie,” you got on your knees in front of him, touching his face and wiping away the tears that had spilled over. He nuzzled slightly into your touch, almost like a cat keening for a good scratch as he made a small sound in his throat. 
You moved your hands to his shoulders and slowly pulled off his jacket, tossing it on the chair in the corner before repeating the action with his shoes. He didn’t argue or try and fit you or anything, sniffling quietly to himself. 
When you were finished, you held up a finger, silently telling him that you would be right back. Walking to the front door, you grabbed the bowls of candy you still had felt and placed them outside, quickly scrolling a note that people could help themselves, and made sure the light was turned on. You gave Daisy a treat and the okay to go into your bedroom and she silently slinked off, no doubt to check on Frankie and give him whatever reassurances he needed. 
You stood in the kitchen for a moment, fanning at your eyes so you didn’t end up crying as well. One of you needed to be strong right now, and it was apparently going to be up to you. The fact that you were still so conflicted with your own feelings for him didn’t change the fact that he needed someone right now. He needed someone to support him and knock some sense into him at the same time. 
You grabbed a big glass and in a repeat of the other day filled it up and treaded back to the bedroom. The sight that met your eyes was enough to make your heart melt and you stopped and watched for a moment. Daisy was standing up, her paws on Frankie’s thighs as she offered him a slew of wet nosed kisses and he just held her lightly, petting her with the gentlest of touches. 
“This is Daisy,” you told him softly as you walked in and sat down next to him, keeping the tiniest of spaces between the two of you, “I adopted her a little bit after I moved in. She’s very sweet...obviously.”
“You always wanted a Pittie,” he said as she calmed down from her initial excitement and laid down on the floor next to you. Your brow narrowed for a moment as you tried to think back on it and then you realized - he was right. It was one of the first things you had told him: you’d always wanted a Pittie or Staffy because they were beautiful and seemed sweet and you wanted to show people that they were amazing dogs. You were incredulous at the fact that he remembered such a small detail, “looks like your wish came true.”
“Y-you remembered…”
“Of course I did,” he quietly said as you just huffed lightly, an almost laugh as you sat there quietly for a moment, reaching down and giving Daisy a gentle touch. He reached for the glass and quickly downed it in one go. 
“Frankie,” his name was soft and gentle off of your lips, causing a shiver to run up his spine at the sound. He hadn’t heard his name like that in a long, long time. There were a million questions and things that you wanted to say, but  none of them seemed important in that moment. Before you could stop yourself, you put your hand on his and gave it a delicate squeeze, “w-what’s going on? This is the second time in three weeks this happened. Are you…”
Your question hung and lingered in the air for a few moments as he sighed and hung his head, his shoulders slumping. Before you knew it, a sob, a heartbreaking sob racked his body and he started to cry quietly. Without thinking about it, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders and pulled him into your chest, letting him get it all out. 
“Shhhh,” you whispered softly, rubbing a hand up and down his back, trying to soothe him as best as you could. His arms snaked around your waist as he held onto you for dear life, almost as if he was afraid that if he let go you would disappear. You held him for a while as he got it all out, mumbling a few incoherent sentences in between his sobs. Eventually your hand went to the back of his head as you dragged it though his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp, just like you knew he used to like, “shhh...it’s okay, Frankie. Just let it go. Let it all out.”
It was something that you had discovered your years as a therapist that sometimes it was best to just let the person get it all out and then talk them through it. Even if it took a while, you would let him get it all out first. 
“‘M sorry,” he whispered into the now soaked fabric of your shirt. What was he sorry for? Coming to your doorstep, high and unsure of what he was doing? For getting high and continuously struggling with his addiction? For basically following you to the small coffee shop for weeks to try and get your attention? For breaking off all the plans you had made as lovestruck teenagers to move to California? For going into the military and leaving you hanging on and waiting around for him for almost two years? For what he had just done in his mysterious absence? Perhaps all of it?
“It’s okay Frankie,” you whispered softly, kissing the top of his head gently, “you don’t have to say anything right now. Just let it all out right.”
“I ruined everything,” he insisted, his voice cracking and breaking as he burrowed his face further into your chest, “everything. I should have never left. It should have been us, it was always meant to be us.”
“Don’t do this,” you cooed against the side of his head, trying to maintain your composure, “not right now. Just let it out, okay?”
“You must hate me,” he ignored your pleading as you shook your head. You wanted to, gods knew you did, but you could never. You don’t think you could have ever hated Frankie Morales, even if you tried, “you have every reason to hate me. I’m a horrible person…”
“Frankie,” you said sharply, pulling him away from your chest and forcing him to look at you, “please stop doing this to yourself. It’s not helping you and you don’t deserve all of this negative talk. Right now you just need to let go, and stop beating yourself up for what you can’t change.”
“No,” you insisted firmly, “no more talking, okay? Just rest now, please just rest for a little while and try to get out of your…”
“Yeah…” you said quietly, “just lay down and sleep now, okay? Just rest...the sheets were washed today so they’re clean.”
“What about you....”
“I’ll take the couch,” you held up a hand before he could say anything else, “it’s fine. Really. Just sleep for now, okay? Everything else can wait.”
“Okay,” you repeated, turning on the small bedside table lamp and turning off the main light. You looked at Daisy and pointed at the bed, and she understood what you were saying as she jumped up onto the bed and curled up next to Frankie’s form, “we’ll talk tomorrow.”
You reached for the door handle and turned to walk away, to give him some space and privacy. You heard Daisy make a small sound before Frankie sniffled again, “good night, honey bee.”
“Good night, Frankie,” and with you shut the door and walked away feeling more confused and conflicted than ever. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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emletish-fish · 2 years
For me an issue I have with the Robby/Johnny plot, and it's something I've always wanted... Is Robby has never been shown to be validated in his anger towards Johnny. In fact through out the series it's shown each time he fights, Johnny saunters off, and that could have been addressed to where he needs to stick around and let Robby be angry, but really the writers are kind of saying the only way Robby can have a relationship with Johnny is to just get over everything, and suck it up? And like it would be nice to see Robby forgiving him if the writers were better at showing Johnny fighting more for him? And the only scenes we got back in LA were with Johnny, Robby and Miguel. Robby may have been messing with Johnny about the fatherly advice [which OK Miguel laughing at this made me think of Good Boy when they were teaming up on Johnny. It was beautiful], but no I want fatherly advice from Johnny to Robby. Not just him being like "I know you regret what happened with Miguel" like give him advice that has nothing to do with Miguel? Like girl advice with Tory or something, or advice on trying to get Tory and Kenny out of Cobra Kai. Like I'm happy with scenes we got, but it could have been more I think? IDK maybe I am just way too picky.
I'm in two minds here, because while I love everything we did get with Robby and Johnny this season, it does feel incomplete to me. Like there is this big elephant in the room that they still haven't really talked about.
The season on the whole was really strong on multiple fronts and it's a really crowded story-line. I really feel like they needed at least one more episode to tell the story they wanted to tell completely. There was just not enough time with any one line - however it was so fast paced and a wild ride, so it never dragged on.
But we definitely miss out on a lot of Robby's story, and important moments are left off-screen and to be inferred. In some ways, making quick work of Robby, Miguel and Hawk becoming a bit of a brotp so we could get to the fun 'everybody working together' bits was good. - but I still would have really liked to seem some of those conversations.
He doesn't get much emotional catharsis or validation this season. He does a lot of making amends and trying to help others, which is great and very on-brand and I love it for him, and I actually really enjoyed him and Miguel finally using their words and realising how similar they are and him coming round to elevate Daniel out of his pit of self-loathing - there is a lot of great stuff but... We don't get to see enough of people elevating him in return. It does feel a lot like Robby has pushed down his issues rather than really dealing with them - which isn't great.
I get that this season was a rollercoaster, I really wanted to see more of Johnny really focusing on Robby and it would have been much more emotionally satisfying for me than then main plot-line we did get. I wish the narrative energy spent on karate-baby had instead been spent on Johnny and Robby and leaning into the found family vibes.
But I think I'm going to make a separate post about how I would have handled it differently.
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maliciouslycreative · 3 years
How I played damage control to an anti in a small anime fandom and may have led to her ultimate downfall
I know I had a really nice write up of this at one point but oh well. I’ll spill more of the tea in this one because honestly the tea was so hot.
There are a few things that I have to give context to first. Gaia online was like THE mega forum of the 2000s, you made a little avatar and through posting and doing other activities on the forum you made money to buy clothes for your avatar. There were forums for everything but the fannish portions were really what drew in most of the people. The anime I was into was Beyblade. It was a shonen anime about fighting with tops that were possessed by the spirits of magical creatures. The story was honestly pretty average but the characters were fantastic and the fandom is to this day still one of my favourites. The series had a primarily male cast and didn’t even have a female lead until the second season. This led to the fanfic for the English fandom being about 70% canon/OC, 10 % canon m/f, and 20% slash. The most popular character in the English fandom was by far Kai Hiwatari, the loner badboy of the team.
Also before we get started I would like to add that one of my best friends was neck deep in this and the two of us were more or less fandom married. This is the same friend that I fake dated, had feelings for, and she nearly got me into kpop in 2011 so like if you haven’t read that story please read it too because it will give you a good idea of how stupid I am and how much of a fanfic I have truly lived. 
To set the stage I was 16, soon to be 17 when I joined the fandom and it was 2004. In September of that year I wrote a humour longfic that became an absolute smash hit and I found myself somehow fandom famous. It was around this time that I joined Gaia online. I made my little avatar and immediately went looking for the beyblade thread so that I could make new friends. I found the main thread, made my little introduction and at the end of it mentioned that I was a slash writer but I supported all ships. This is where I met C. She had declared herself the authority on Beyblade in these parts and I had just committed the crime of mentioning slash which was very obviously not canon and we did not discuss in this thread because we only discussed canon things. I was like well that’s a bit severe but like sure whatever I just want to hang out and have fun. 
Oh boy did I have no idea what I was in for. 
C was a year older than me and unfortunately that made her older than the majority of the fans at the time. Her favourite character was Kai, and she was not shy about talking about this fact. She stanned Kai above all other characters, and often at their expense. She was also a fanfic writer of a popular canon/OC series. Actually, she was so full of herself that she didn’t even call herself a fanfic writer, no her stories were in fact novels and were apparently very good. I never read them. But more on that later. 
Eventually the slash fans got tired of her being rude to us in the general thread so we made a Beyblade slash thread. There was a core of like 8 or so of us and we honestly had sooo much fun. When C would be too unbearable in the main thread the people from there used to come over to our thread and we’d chat with them about non slash stuff because we were honestly all multishippers and just wanted to have fun. We’d get comments like “wow, I’ve had more pleasant canon het ship discussions in the slash thread than the regular thread”. We never worried about C coming over and getting upset about comments like this because she refused to be associated with anything related with slash lmao. 
I tried my best to keep the peace between C, myself, and the rest of the fandom because ultimately I hate being in fandom drama. I just want everyone to have a good time. I’m a people pleaser. Unfortunately my newfound fame put me in the awkward position of being the most fandom popular person in our small community aside from C. Virtually every fan that read fanfics that came into our thread knew one of us or the other by reputation and C HATED this. Especially because people would come in to the thread, recognise me and go “oh my goodness I love your fanfics!” and I’d be super sweet with them and it’d lead into “I can’t believe how nice you are, I love you” which would lead to us crying at each other. This was not the kind of fan interaction that C got, no her fans were more kind that were there to praise her and worship her like a deity that had blessed them with some gift. Rarely did they tell her how kind she was. 
Back in the mid 2000s there were really commonly those commercials (usually by Christian organisations) asking people to sponsor say children in Africa or to help build schools or provide drinking water. You all probably know the ones; know the language that they used in those commercials. My fandom wife, who I suppose I shall call wifey because yes we were THAT couple back then, once said that C described her fics like those people described donating money to save the lives of Children in Africa. So we used to joke that her fics were so good they’d save lives in Africa. Looking back at it all, she almost had a very fundamentalist Christian approach to bringing people into her fanfics. She of course tried to get all the slash people into reading it. None of us read canon/oc fic mostly due to our poor treatment at the hands of their fans and creators. Getting fed up I one day told her that if she would read any one of my fanfics that I would read the entirety of her novels. Yes, I was willing to commit to read a couple 100k of canon/oc fanfic that I’d never touch normally if she would even read one of my 1k 1 shots. Heck, I had a fic even that shipped 2 minor characters so she didn’t even have to sully herself reading about one of the main characters. It was honestly a good deal in her favour. I kept this up until the day we all left the fandom. Sometimes I do wonder if her fics were even ¼ as good as she claimed, but I will never know because she refused to read my fics. 
She wasn’t all bad and a tyrant all the time. As long as people kept the conversations on track and didn’t come in to the thread saying things like “KAI IS SO HOT ND T3H BEST N I AM GUN 2 MARRY HIM” she stayed mostly civil. It was always hilarious watching InuYahsa or Naruto fans try to come in and bad mouth Beyblade because they’d unleash the dragon and C was great at chasing off undesirables in the thread. 
The real apex of goings on though on Gaia was the guild drama. So guilds were like exclusive themed mini forums within Gaia. Anyone could buy one and run it however they want, as long as it still adhered to Gaia’s ToS. C of course was the owner of the only Beyblade guild. The fandom wasn’t really big enough to support 2 guilds so we just kind of let it go. Technically she allowed people to post slash fanfics but like everything had to be explicitly tagged and there was absolutely no slash RP. Wifey and I controlled a handful of minor characters together in the forum RP and definitely used to try to push the boundaries a little bit. Some ambiguous flirting here, a stray comment there. It was such a fragile balance though because C was heavy on the ban button. The active portion of the guild was just people that were in the cult of C and worshipped her writing. 
Understandably the other slash fans and myself were getting disheartened by this. So we pooled our funds together and decided that we’d open a second guild that though it was run by slash fans we would welcome anyone into our ranks. We just wanted to have a fun place for everyone to hang out, and to hopefully run a few events out of. In hindsight, we should have seen what would happen. When we opened the guild, with me as the guild leader, it was like somebody blew up the whole dam protecting the delicate ecosystem we had cultivated. Every single person in the Gaia fandom that was not a zealous follower of C applied to be in our guild and left her guild. We of course figured that we’d attract some of the gen population but we did not expect to accidentally poach all of it. All of the moderators were getting messages from people thanking us for giving them a place where they could say whatever they wanted without fear of getting their faces ripped off or banned. 
C lost her shit. She was so mad that we went behind her back to ruin her guild. We literally had to show her posts in the very public slash thread that we had been planning this in public and that it was not to ruin her life. We just wanted a place where we could freely post slash. The two of us had some spicy comments back and forth and then she dropped an absolute bombshell on me. Since Gaia’s mail system is terrible I unfortunately no longer have exactly what she said but it was something along the lines of “Ok, you win. I’m going to close my guild.”. Us slash fans had never been doing this to win anything. We had never been competing. We just wanted a safe space to be ourselves. 
C never joined our guild. The fandom slowly faded out within the next year anyway. We weren’t getting new content so naturally people just drifted into other fandoms. C kept up with the main Beyblade thread for a lot longer than most of us but eventually that eventually faded into obscurity too. 
I learned a lot about fandom bullies from those days. But honestly the thing that stuck with me the most out of everything was that if you provide a positive safe space for people they will flock to it. It may seem like there are so many hostile people out there, but there really aren't. They're the minority but they just make sure that their voice is the loudest. The best way is to ignore them and just do your own thing. The bullies just want attention and if you don’t give it to them and prove to them that their opinion doesn’t matter to you then they’ll move in and find something else to yell at. 
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Super sexy aa7 ideas that will never happen
*puts on my clown shoes
Themes: “the worst times are when lawyers have to smile their brightest, but you can’t be a lawyer 24/7” “sometimes (esp now) the system is WRONG”
Klavier Gavin prosecutes, because society has progressed beyond needing Paynes
And if the widespread complaint is that he’s too nice, this position is perfect
Make a witty remark abt feeling demoted >:(
Athena and Trucy dream team girls
Murder took place at a theater/has something to do with acoustics, to ~fit the characters~
Maybe Lamiroir was there 👀
Phoenix is once again a witness, but hes less infuriating. But still fucking funny infuriating
He mentions his college degree, vaguely. Pressing him reveals nothing.
Defend a rando
The twist: the murder only could’ve been committed by someone with superhuman hearing, so Athena’s senses are vital here!!
End: the culprit tries to psychologically fuck with everyone, but Athena stays strong, maybe uses some noise cancelling headphones, and corners the SHIT out of them
Also, there’s a new judge. A higher judge than your normal judge, who is a boomer. BOOMER JUDGE
Post-trial: a comment about all them missing Apollo…
Athena vs Franziska von Karma
Athena calls her out on the whipping if that’s still a thing
[Maybe Trucy is there again for extra spice,,,] but Solo Thena would be EPIC
Maybe we can bring Maya back here, but NOT ACCUSE HER FOR MURDER
Or accuse her at the scene but quickly disprove it
Idk also address her trauma
Wow this is turning into ATHENA CYKES- ACE THERAPIST
Put Simon there too because he’s hilarious
Maybe him and Maya are casually attending Comic-Con for the Steel Samurai panel
Defendant: some toxic celebrity with DRAMA
the twist: the murderer was targeting several high-profile ppl, but only killed like. A janitor instead. They aren’t found OR arrested, but you get a not guilty by… indicting their accomplice. And it HURTS but you have to or its your not-guilty kinda-a-dick client that gets guilty
New judge plays by the written rules, so u can’t ague ur case
Franziska is skeptical of the Accomplice’s guilt, but she lets the verdict go because your client is innocent.
Athena cries to Phoenix about how she feels like she fricked up b/c she empathizes with the accomplice but also everyone, Phoenix does his best dad comfort—this is the truth that’s allowed in the confines of their court system.
Open with a call from Maya. She loudly thanks the god/the holy mother for this
Kay and Sebastian are there
GUMSHOEEEEE (OLDER SPRITE??? Higher salary?? Maggey too?)
Classic Wright vs Edgeworth
All the options are flirty
Everything is an innuendo
Trucy co-council is embarrassed by ur Old Man Flirting (NEW SPRITES)
Lampshade conflict of interest what with dating opposing council. Gloss over it completely
Phoenix’s college degree is vaguely mentioned to be helping him. This is Not elaborated on
The murder is some crazy shit that basically parodies the whole series
3 cross poisonings and with INTERESTING results of chemicals mixing (Ema: 👀)
All the dying messages were faked
Handedness contradiction.
Some gross old guy appears, but you can punch him
The murder weapon goes from bloody knife with defendants fingerprints on it to glass shards of a broken bottle to an icicle to an overly spikey piece of hair
For extra funnies: BOOMER JUDGE IS NOT USED TO THIS. They are the straight person of this comedy clown case.
For extra feels (the twist): Phoenix actually has an emotional breakdown on one of the investigation days. Maybe Trucy gets put at risk again, or something with poisoning, or even something with Kay or Seb (to show how much Phoenix cares, in general) and we address all the shit that he’s gone thru
Awkward comforting by miles
(shoves Klavier into Khura’in) GO FAKEGERMANBOY GO
Play as Apollo (khura’inese clothes sprites)
KLAVIER CO-COUNCIL (CASUAL SPRITES?? Put his hair up in a bun capcom im begging)
Maybe at the end of one investigation, theres just. A heartfelt talk.
Ok ill make it heavy (b/c if its lighthearted these fuckos will never talk about their feelings)
TRUCY ALSO- im sorry truce im shoving you everywhere because I want you to develop
maybe she and Klavier are like, performer bros
Apollo is happy that Trucy is but also feels alienated, like AA6 totally pulled him from his AA4 roots [COUGH]
CASUAL TRUCY SPRITE??? I would cry capcom
Nahyuta, Rayfa, and Apollo being awkward but trying (and mostly succeeding) siblings, Amara being a scary but p good queen momther
She roasts Klavier so bad
Though he is very smart so she just roasts his terrible German
Resolve the Gramarye siblings here?
Include something with gender dysphoria to contrast how they butchered Robin Newman???
This is huge headcanon territory here tho
The Twist: realizing that this case cannot POSSIBLY be resolved in 3 fucking days. Also that Apollo is so backlogged that hes stressed and he probably needs help
Also someone tries to frame Klavier with his Gavinners-brand shoeprints
End: answer yes/no to Klavier working at Justice Law Offices. The choice affects his dialogue with Apollo in 7-5
Some fuckin. International level scandal
Elaborate on whatever the fuck “the phantom” was spying for? btw is the same that the culprits froms 7-2 and 7-4. maaybe 7-1?
And it involves MORE AUDITORIUMS
Open w/ calling Trucy, whos in the states. She mentions that Klavier casually got a Japanifornian defense attorney badge. Cue exasperation/fondness/incredulity (I promise this is relevant)
In Khura’in
Starts small- like a robbery, which leads to an attempt on Thalassa’s life. Again
Athena gets to therapy her
Then someone high-profile actually fucking dies
Athena (co-council Apollo) vs FINAL BOSS FRANZISKA
Lots of investigating with them
Talk about space center and grief
The twist: a person with low emotional output is framed, but they are innocent because LOWER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS DOESN’T MAKE YOU FUCKING EVIL
The other twist: Bring in 7-2 framed person for a character witness, show that they’re innocent. Athena is panicking because of Fear(?) so Apollo is determined to Do Something, and points out how this only happened because the system is Stupid and calls Klavier and Trucy
At the same time, there’s a stateside investigation. some botched, continued interreference at the Space Station
Klavier can pull an Edgeworth and investigate with Trucy
With parently narumitsu
Klavier talks about Apollo a lot, Trucy calls him out on it
Nahyuta is prosecuting this case
Depending on the relations between Klavier and Nahyuta established in 7-4, this will be hilarious or disastrous
Protective Yuty route: makes scathing comments about petty parts of Klavier- a petty-off
Teasing Yuty route: brings it up whenever Klavier talks about Apollo. Rlly funny banter. Klavier showing more human emotions sprites!!
Revisit the Space Center and get emo. Simon is here, arguing with Nahyuta
Because the cases go to trial simultaneously, the comment about the wrong conviction in 7-2 can be brought to the Japanifornian courts by Klavier and Trucy
They argue that Athena was forced to do that to spare an innocent and press HARD for legal reform
They call in Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth for reforms??
They also start a twitter war (that can be investigation minigame) and get public opinion up abt it
Yuty vouches for change, w/ khura’in as evidence
Phoenix vs Franziska
Larry time
Scruffy time
Idk man. No more international stuff, just good old fashioned cleaning up ur shitty dad’s messes amiright
Resolve things with the Shelly card?
oldbag cameo but you file a restraining order
help trucy and pearls with college
TLDR: Athena actually tracks an international conspiracy that has weight, the AJ gang once again changes the system, Phoenix gets emotional resolution, Franziska helps international stuff AND gets emotional resolution, and i finally stop trying to throw hands with capcom. 
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 64
Ok wow that took a while. Sorry, it took so long to update. It wasn't an easy chapter to write but I think it's time out cool. This was certainly a challenge to write but I found it quite fun. I probably would gotten this out quicker but it's the summer holidays, meaning that work is busy. Anyway the next chapter will be Backwarder, meaning I'll finally be able to get some of Fu's history out and I get to introduce Marianne so yay!
Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!- You are trespassing! Leave now! La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!- It's ok. They are on our side
Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!- People of Athens, I am the goddess Hera! fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou- bring me the false god, Alpheus and I will show mercy on your city Thavmatourgí paschalítsa- Miraculous ladybug
Chapter Sixty-Four: History Keepers
~City of Camelot, England~
 "In the name of God, I hereby name you man and wife," The priest stated as King Arthur stood in front of Gwenevieve, holding her hands in his and smiling like a damn fool. His eyes were sparking with pure joy and Gwenevieve matched. The priest smiled a little before turning to Arthur. "You may kiss the bride,"
 He leaned down and kissed Gwenevieve as the entire church cheered in joy. However, at the back of the church, a single knight looked on. He had a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked out of the church. He took a deep breath as he walked away. He really wanted to be happy for Arthur, he really did. However, his heart ached in pain as watching him marry Genevieve was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He blinked and wiped his eyes before shaking his head. He shouldn't be sad. He knew Arthur didn't feel the same way for him or even swing the same way. He knew Arthur was in love with Gwen and she wasn't a bad woman at all. She would make Arthur happy and that's all he wanted. Even if it hurt him and broke his head.
 "Rene!" A voice shouted, causing him to stop and turn around. Lancelot was stood outside. "Where are you going?"
 "I just need some time alone," He replied, giving Lancelot a weak smile.
 "You're going to be at the party right?" He asked, frowning. Arthur and Rene were practically brothers so he didn't understand why Rene would just leave his wedding without saying goodbye. A brief expression of sorrow came across Rene's face as he didn't answer. "Right?"
 "Yeah... I'll be there later... I just... have something to do right now..." He replied before turning back on his heel and walking off. Lancelot frowned and tried to call out after him but Rene got on his horse and rode off, heading deep in the forest. He came to a stop and jumped off his horse before walking deeper into the forest. He stopped and waved his hand, creating a shimmer in the air before stepping through it, entering a cave with a waterfall and a small hut in the distance. He walked over to the fire pit where two others sat. One looked much younger then Rene. Part of his head was shaved and the rest was braided. He wore what could be described as ancient egyptian clothing and had no shoes on. In his hand was a huge toad and he seemed to be talking with it. The other had curly hair but it was the same dark shade. He wore a greek toga and sandals on his feet. He had an arm band on his right arm and was moving his fingers as he controlled water droplets around him. He glanced over as Rene walked over as the younger looked over as well. Rene gave them a weak smile and sat down. "How's Ra doing, Khnurn?"
 "He's ok," He replied, tracing his finger across the toad as Rene nodded.
 "You're not though," The water mage stated, turning the water into ice.
 "Don't worry about me, Al," He smiled, causing Alpheus to roll his eyes as he looked over at the hut. For the last few weeks, it has been shut and locked. "Is it still locked?"
 "Yep," Khnurn replied, tracing his finger over Ra's back again. "Toutai got in earlier but he didn't say much when he came out. I think Feng told him not to,"
 "I wonder why he locked it," Rene replied, sitting down as he picked up the kettle and poured a tea from it.
 "Probably cause he's bored," Alpheus replied, rolling his eyes again. "I know I am,"
 "You're always bored," He replied as he took a slip and smiled a little before turning his attention to Khnurn. "So how's Egypt doing?"
 "Well, there was a few issues with Imhotep but I stopped him as you well know," Khnurn replied, placing Ra onto the ground. "And I still don't like people,"
 "You never did," Alphus replied as he trapped Ra in a bubble of water, allowing the toad to swim in it.
 "Given his upbringing, it's no real surprise," Rene replied, making Alpheus glare at him. "The desert is a harsh mistress after all,"
"Well, my childhood wasn't exactly a walk in a path either," He grumbled as Khnurn fished Ra out of the water and glared at the mage, who smirked at him. "Why not trade him in for a camel? They're more useful,"
 "A common theme among us," Rene replied, as the toad croaked, glaring at Alpheus, who glared back. Rene shook his head and rolled his eyes as he slipped his tea.
 "Don't worry, Ra," Khnurn muttered, holding him. "I wouldn't trade you for a camel. You're much more fun than them,"
 "Oh yeah," Alpheus replied. "Much have been so hard been born to a lord and lady of the manor,"
 "Well, been a mage and born in a kingdom where magic was illegal wasn't exactly fun, Alpheus," Rene replied, shaking his head before a fourth person joined them. He resembled them as he shared the same hair shade and silver eyes but he was dressed in more asian style clothing. "Feng... you're actually gracing us with your presence today?"
 "I assume Arthur just got married," Feng replied, looking at Rene with a sympathetic look. "My condolences,"
 "Well, he's happy..." Rene frowned, holding his cup. "That's all that matters to me. Besides, he sees me as his brother..."
 "And you want him to see you in a different light?" Alpheus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Rene went bright red and glared at him, making him laugh. "If you ask me, you're over thinking this. Just enjoy what life gives you,"
 "Of course, you would say that," Rene muttered, rolling his eyes as Feng smirked. "What's your thoughts on love, Feng?"
 "Overrated," Khnurn muttered, making the four of them look at him. "What?"
 "Personally, I think love is a wonderful thing," He replied, making Khnurn roll his eyes and Rene smile. "And I was very happy with my lovers,"
 "Ok but what's with the door been locked?" Khnurn asked, making both Feng and Rene look at him due to the sudden change of subject. Alpheus merely snorted in amusement. "What? Love, relationships and stuff like that makes me uncomfortable and you want to know just as much as I do, Rene,"
 "True..." Rene muttered as Feng shook his head with a slight smile. "Well?"
 "Alright," He smiled. "We have a new incarnation,"
 "Really?!" Khnurn gasped, making Ra jump a little before he croaked. "Oh sorry Ra,"
 "I thought that Toutai was stripped of his title?" Rene asked, frowning.
 "Well, he was but that doesn't change what we are," He replied, making them both nod. "Besides, it wasn't like he actually dishonored the title. It was taken from him by force,"
 "By that jerk!" Khnurn huffed. "See? This is why we shouldn't trust people!"
 "And the new one?" Rene asked. "What is he like?"
 "Very brave and creative," Feng replied, smiling a little. "He actually wields the ladybug miraculous,"
 "Impressive," Alpheus whistled before stretching. "So when do we get to meet him?"
 "Soon actually," Feng replied, waving his hand over the fire pit. Smoke rose up from it, showing several images. Each were in their own time, showing a number of people from the future appearing and facing different situations. "There will be an incident that will send his friends back in time and he will have to find them,"
 "When?" Rene asked, looking over the image of his time showing a boy and two girls cowering from one of Mordred's beasts. "How long do we have?"
 "Two weeks," Feng replied, making them nod. "Best be prepared as well,"
 "For what?" Khnurn asked as Feng gave them his all knowing smile. 
 "You'll see soon enough,"
 ~Paris, Modern Day~
 "There is nothing in this book, Master!" Luka sighed, running his fingers through his hair as Master Fu frowned. He was so sure the answers would be in that cave but as soon as he got back to Paris, he checked out the book. Well, actually the first thing he did when he got back was collect Juleka's and Rose's miraculous and returned them to the miracle box since he was back in Paris but the second thing he did was go through the book. To his utter horror, he discovered nothing on the pages. Not a single letter or word had been written. Four days later and nothing had changed. "Why is it empty?! Why did I get that damn riddle if there is nothing in this book?!"
 "Luka, take a deep breathe and calm down," Fu ordered as Luka paced.
 "How can I?!" He gasped, close to tears. "I am been haunted by nightmares I don't understand and I've been possessed by something that made me write a pointless riddle and I don't know what is happening to me anymore?! I am scared and tired and... I just want to know why I have a connection to Feng! Why me?! I'm nothing special! I'm just... Luka..."
 "Luka, you're definitely something special," Tikki gasped, flying up to him. "You're amazing and the best bug I've ever had and whatever is happening to you, we'll work it out so please don't put yourself down like that,"
 "I'm sorry, Tikki," He muttered, flopping down onto the floor and hid his head in his arms. "And I'm sorry, Master. I... I just want to know what's happening to me. Why did Feng send me to Shanghai if the book has nothing in it?"
 "Maybe to stop Meishi from destroying it and to help that young lady to become the hero she was meant to be?" Master Fu pointed out as Luka looked up. "As for the book, maybe it is invisible ink?"
 "I tried that..." He admitted, frowning. "Feng did mention that I wasn't ready to see what was beyond the hut's door..."
 "Hut's door?" Master Fu asked but Luka shook his head and hid it back in his arms. Master Fu sighed and got up. "I'll make some tea,"
 "At least, it's the summer holidays now," Tikki smiled, making Luka nod as Master Fu came back in. He set up his kettle and began to make tea as Luka sat and hugged his knees. "Have you considered reaching out to Koro? Maybe she knows how to unlock the book's secrets?"
 "I don't want to bother her..." He muttered, frowning to himself. He had considered asking her but he wasn't sure if he wanted to reach out nor was he sure if she would be able to help. Master Fu placed a cup of tea in front of him, causing Luka to sniff at it before he picked it up and sipped it. "Do you think I should ask her, Master?"
 "I think that is only you can decide but maybe ask Lady Noire's advice on it too," He replied, making Luka nod as he sipped the tea. Maybe he should ask Koro about stuff. Maybe she would know but he wasn't sure about anything. He was also worried about Hawkmoth and his current silence. Since Shanghai, he had been oddly quiet. There hadn't been any akumas yet and it worried Luka. Usual when he was this quiet, it was because he was planning a big attack. It was his pattern. He was quiet before Heroes Day, Miracle Queen... if you don't count Loveater but Luka was certain that was a distraction in order to allow Miracle Queen to gain control over him. He repressed a shudder as his mind flicked back to it. Hawkmoth was also this quiet before New York and Shanghai. Other than Cash and Meishi, the last person to be akumatized was Mrs Mendelieve so Luka was concerned but he also realised that Yan Woshi was the first akuma to actually kill him so maybe Hawkmoth is taking a break. Hell, he might be quitting. Luka immediately casted that thought aside. There was no way he was quitting. He jumped a little as his phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. He frowned as it was Marinette calling. He shouldn't really be surprised even though it was fairly late. She often stayed up late to do her projects but usually she would text him. He gave Master Fu a look, who nodded before he pressed answer and held it to his ear.
 "Hey," He stated but almost instantly, he heard her sniff and he knew she had been crying. "You ok?"
 "Not... really..." She admitted in a sad voice. "I... I was hoping maybe you could come round for a little bit... it's cool if you can't though..."
 "I'll be there in a few minutes, Melody," He replied, feeling her relief through the phone. 
 "Thank you," She whispered, making him smile a little. "I'm just gonna cuddle Mr Whiskers until you get here,"
 "Ok, Melody. I'll see you soon," He replied before he said goodbye and hung up. He turned to Master Fu as he picked up the book and put it in his bag. "Sorry, I gotta go,"
 "Alright," Master Fu nodded as he transformed. "I hope your friend is ok,"
 "She will be," He nodded before leaving out the window and heading to the Bakery. He got there in record time before he knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Marinette opened the door, holding Mr Whiskers in her arms. It was a black cat plushie he had won for her at the fair they went to before they went to Shanghai. She kept it on her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious she had been crying. Luka held open his arms, causing her to instantly hug him. He wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled her face against his chest. "You ok?"
 "It's silly really but I dreamt I got killed again by that big monster again..." She muttered, making him frown. He felt really bad but she had been caught up in the attack on Shanghai and had been zapped by Wan Yoshi when trying to help people escape and since coming back, she had been having nightmares about it. Luka also got nightmares about it, along with the rest of his ones but he didn't get killed in his. Instead, he watched as Yan Woshi killed everyone while he was helpless to save them. He pushed his thoughts aside and walked into the apartment as Marinette led him inside. The two of them settled on the sofa in the living room with Marinette resting her head on Luka's lap as he gently played with her hair and hummed. "Thanks for coming, Luka,"
 "I'm always here if you need me," He replied, making her look up at him. She looked a lot calmer and the shine in her eyes were returning. He gave her a smile as she reached up and moved a bit of his hair. Her hand lingered as her eyes moved down to his lips, causing him to blush a little. She gave him a soft smile. However, she realised what she was doing and went bright red.
 "I.. um... s-sorry," She gasped, sitting up. "I must seem like such a creep doing that. Oh god, you're gonna hate-"
 "I could never hate you," He replied, gently leaning over and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, making her blush even more. He smiled a little before deciding to change the subject. "I won't be able to stay over tonight,"
 "T-That's ok," She replied, still red before looking at the time. It was ten to 11. "It's pretty late though... will you be ok getting home?"
 "Don't worry. I'll be fine," He smiled, making her smile back. "Do you feel better?"
 "Yep," She smiled, resting her head on his arm. "You're just like a lucky charm, Luka. Are you coming to the picnic tomorrow?"
 "Of course," He smiled, making her smile even more. "I should head back, Melody,"
 "Ok," She nodded, getting and walking to the door with him. He smiled as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for coming over, Lu. You'll text me when you get back to the boat right?"
 "Of course," He replied, placing his own kiss on her cheek. She smiled before he waved to her and walked out into the night. She couldn't help but sigh a little before she closed the door and locked, heading back upstairs to the quiet apartment. Her parents were out on a date night but were due back in the next hour. She yawned a little as she grabbed Mr Whiskers before heading up to her room and back to her bed. She had fallen asleep in the evening and woke up from a nightmare, hence why she called Luka. She frowned a little as she felt bad not telling him the full dream but she didn't want to start crying again. Sure, she had flashbacks of been zapped by Yan Woshi but that hadn't been her nightmare tonight. Instead it had been Luka who had been zapped in her dream. In it, he had pushed her out of the way and took the hit instead. She had woken up screaming and crying worst then she ever had which was why she wanted to see him. It wasn't to comfort her but to know he was alive. She curled up her bed as her phone buzzed, causing her to look at it.
 L: I'm home. Sleep well, melody
 M: Yay! Sleep well as well, Lu.
M: *typing* Love you ❤️
 Marinette held her breath as her thumb hovered over the send button. She wasn't sure if she should it. Normally she wasn't so bold but she felt like she could be with Luka, especially since they had been getting closer and tested the waters with each other but they weren't exactly a couple yet. She bit her lip and deleted the message before retyping a new one. 
 M: Sweet dreams 😘
 L: you too, Melody 😘 
 She giggled and put her phone down before curling up in bed and hugging Mr Whiskers. The picnic will be fun.
 ~The Next Day~
 Marinette hummed to herself as she walked over to the park, holding a basket full of baked treats. She had chosen to wear a light pink summer dress with her ballet pumps that matched. She had her hair tied up in a loose, low ponytail and had the purse she made out of her Nonna's gift across her chest. She looked over and saw her friends sat on the grass chatting. By the looks of, almost everyone in her friendship group had turned up and had brought drinks and snacks too, meaning she wasn't the only person to bring food. Ondine and Kim were sat with Max and Marvok. Sabrina, Aurora, Chloe and Mirelle were sat talking to Kagami, who was playing with Adrien's hair as he laid on the grass with his head in her lap. He walked talking to Nino about some anime he watched and Alya was sat talking with Rose, Mylene and Ivan. Marc and Nathaniel were just sat whispering about their comic, causing to smile as she looked over them. She called over and waved at them as she walked over before sitting down on the grass and looking around. The only people that were missing were Alix, Juleka and Luka. However, the Couffaines turned up pretty quick, causing Marinette to smile as she greeted them. Soon the group were just waiting on Alix, who turned up a few minutes later.
 "Sorry, I'm late," She grumbled, sitting down and grabbing an Eclair before stuffing it in her face. Kim snorted a little before doing the same, trying to see if he could finish it before her. Most of the group waved it off but Juleka muttered asking her why. "Oh, Pa got a new painting for the museum and he insisted I see it before I came to meet you all. He wanted to know what I thought before he sets up it's grand unveiling,"
 "Ooh what is the painting?" Rose asked excitedly, clapping her hands together. Alix took out her phone before unlocking it and passing it to Rose. "Oh, wow!"
 "He looks so cool," Juleka muttered, looking at the phone before she passed it to Luka. He took off her and glared at it but as soon as his eyes landed on the picture, he felt a pulse similar to the one he experienced when he looked at the Eagle Miraculous. Only it wasn't half as bad as it had been. The painting was of a young knight kneeling down on the ground as he rested his hands against on his sword. His helmet was on the floor and behind him was a slained beast. He had dark shoulder length hair and wore silver armor with a golden trim over silver chainmail and leather breeches. He had his eyes closed and in one of his ears, he wore a jacket earring, making Luka frown a little as he felt like he had seen it before but couldn't remember where. What surprised him the most was he resembled the knight he had seen during Miracle Queen's attack. The only real difference was that the armor he wore and that he didn't have horns or a tail. Despite this, he was certain that it was the same knight. He frowned again before he passed the phone to Adrien. He couldn't help but wonder if he had the Wyvern miraculous as Alix's phone got passed around the group.
 "He's kind of cute," Marinette grinned, passing the phone back to Alix.
 "According to Pa, he was one of King Arthur's knights! Apparently, he had the nickname the Dragon Knight but his real name got lost to history," Alix replied, locking her phone. "In fact, that painting is like super rare and the only known picture of him!"
 "His name was Sir Rene..." Luka muttered with even thinking, making everyone look at him in surprise before he blinked. "What?"
 "Dude, you just said that the Dragon Knight's name was Sir Rene!" Alix gasped, making Luka frown. He didn't know the Dragon Knight's name but... yet somehow he knew that it was Sir Rene. "You said it was-"
 "Sir Rene," Juleka muttered, making everyone look at her before she looked at Luka. "I thought he wasn't real?"
 "Huh?" He asked, generally confused. Seeing his confusion, Juleka frowned.
 "Back when we were really little, we use to play a game of knights. I would play Morgana and you always played Sir Rene the Dragon Knight. In the game we use to 'save' King Arthur from the evil warlock Mordred," She mumbled, making him frown. He didn't recall it but at the same time, it sounded so familiar. "But we stopped playing it after... um... after Issac put you in hospital,"
 "I don't remember..." Luka admitted, frowning before looking at her. "Was it fun?"
 "So fun," Juleka smiled, making him smile. "Why... why don't we go and see the unveiling? M-Maybe it might help you remember the game..."
 "That's a great idea!" Rose grinned, making Juleka smile. "Oh we can make a day off it!!"
 "Me and Marc are down for it as we'll can get some inspiration for the comics," Nathaniel grinned as Marc nodded to. Alya grinned and turned to Aurora.
 "We could do a video on it and other exhibitions for our blogs," She suggested, making the other reporter grin. 
 "Definitely!" She smiled as Mirelle nodded as well. "Oh, Mirelle, you can do a photoshoot!!"
 "That sounds like a great idea!" Adrien grinned, sitting up. "Even Father will let me go because it's 'education',"
 "Mother would be the same," Kagami replied as everyone nodded and agreed they wanted to see it. Luka couldn't help but smile. "Plus it might help trigger how Luka knew about this mysterious knight,"
 "Oh what if your family is related to him!" Marinette gasped, making Juleka and Luka flush. They're pirates, not knights but it would be really cool to be related to a knight of the round table. Luka looked at Juleka, who gave him a shy smile and thumbs up. Given that just seeing an image of the painting gave him a smaller reaction of what happened in New York, he would be mad to skip out on it as it might have something to do with the miraculous. Maybe even to do with the journal. "What do you say?"
 "I'm down for it," He smiled, making everyone grin. "It's a once in a lifetime chance to see a rare painting and maybe it will help me remember why I knew about him,"
 "Maybe you're psychic," Juleka smirked, making him chuckle a little. Maybe he was and made that's why he had dreams about Feng. "Either way, it will be cool for you to remember. That game was awesome,"
 "How often did we play it?"
 "Almost every day," Juleka admitted, making him frown a little. "We use to play at school as well,"
 She sniggered a little, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "You had a go at a teacher and got detention," She explained, looking at him. "She had told you that Morgana was the evil witch in the story and that you shouldn't make me play her. She always told you that there was no such knight as Sir Rene but you insisted that he was real and that Morgana wasn't evil either. In fact, you said she was extremely lucky,"
 "Lucky?" He asked, frowning. Why did he say that about Morgana? "But how did I get detention?"
 "You called her a dorbel, which apparently means a petty, nit-picking teacher in old english," She giggled, making him blink. "You basically swore at her in old english. Ma thought it was hilarious apparently. Issac... not so much..."
 "I'm not surprised by that," He replied, nodding before turning to Alix. "So when's this grand unveiling?"
 "This Friday," She replied. "When I go home tonight, I'll ask pa and let you know,"
 ~The Night before the Unveiling~
 Rose and Marinette were sleeping over at the Liberty so the four of them could head to the museum together. Alix's father had been really happy that the class had wanted to come and see it. He had ensured her that her friends would be on the guest list. Apparently, a lot of high profile people would be there as well. Apparently, a number of people wanted to buy the painting but Alix's father was refusing to sell it, stating it was priceless. 
 "Are you excited to see it?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to look at her. She was sat cross legged in front of him on his bed with a grin on her face. He couldn't help but match her expression.
 "I am," He replied as she moved and stretched. "It's gonna be strange though,"
 "How so?"
 "Well, that painting is priceless," He replied as she moved so she was laid on her stomach. "And I did some research on it. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1300s and was considered part of his 'lost' work,"
 "Really?" She asked, surprised. "Wow,"
 "Yeah," He replied, smiling a little. "I can't believe that some of his lost work was found..."
 "I didn't know you liked painting," She grinned, making him smile. "Been friends with Anatis must be rubbing off on you,"
 "Well, he is basically the embodiment of creation," He grinned, making her smile. "Though... he's not my muse. You have that title,"
 "Luka!!" She gasped, going bright red as he laughed, causing her to playfully hit his arm. "Y-You're not serious are you?"
 "Very serious," He replied, leaning against his wall and placing his hands in behind his head. "I don't know what it is but I could write a hundred songs after spending a moment with you,"
 "Lu!!" She gasped, going red again as she hid her face in her hands. He couldn't help but smile at her. Slowly, she peeked from her hands as she looked at him. "Y-You really mean that?"
 "Yep," He smiled, causing her to blush and hide her face again. "You're so cute,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Luka couldn't help but smile as he looked around the room that the unveiling was been held in. He was generally surprised at how many people had turned up. Chloe was there with her family and Sabrina's. He knew those two were coming but he was surprised that their parents did as well. A number of reporters including Nadja Chamack had turned up as well and to his surprise, Gabriel Agreste had turned up. Well..technically he was on his tablet as usual and it was actually his assistant who was here.. but it wasn't his usual assistant though. It was actually the Gorilla but Adrien and Kagami seemed happy so that's what mattered. It turned out that Tom and Sabine were providing the caterating for the event too and that Penny had gotten an invite. She had explained to him that she had banned Jagged from the event because he would more then likely try to buy the painting plus he didn't really like museums much. Luka wasn't surprised by that. Even a number of teachers from different schools were here as well as Alix's brother. He was actually stood talking to Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt. Apparently, the two of them were actually helping with the unveiling and in the same history club as Alix's brother. Unfortunately, Lila was also there with her parents, though they seemed more bothered about other people then Lila. Instead, she was sulking in the corner. She had tried to tell Alya that she was related to Leonardo da Vinci but Alya just told her that she didn't need to lie to impress her. Luka was a little disappointed that Alya was still trying to give Lila the time of day but he was glad she knew she was lying, even if she didn't realize that Lila was malicious with it. She would get there at some point. Alim tapped his glass, making everyone look at him.
 "Thank you all for coming," He smiled as he addressed the audience. "I'm also really happy to see so many young people in the audience today. As you know, today is the unveiling of one of the lost works of Leonardo da Vinci,"
 He turned and pointed to the velvet curtain that covered the painting.
 "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the Dragon Knight," He declared, pulling the curtain off and revealing the painting. Everyone clapped and oohed at it as they stared at it. Luka couldn't help but stare straight at it, almost in a sort of trance as he looked at the knight. Alim had continued to talk and people moved around yet Luka just stood there staring as his mind pulsed in a similar way to how it had with the eagle miraculous. He blinked as he heard someone talking, causing him to look around as the world caught up to him. Lila was talking to some other kids from a different school about how she knew a lot about the subject while her parents talked far from her and so didn't hear her lies. Luka frowned as he listened.
 "Oh, yes, apparently he was a real lady's man. ," She laughed, making him frown as he walked over, not caring for the restraining order. He would not have her lie about his possible ancestry. Rene was not a lady's man at all. He didn't even like women.
 "Actually, Lila, he was gay," He pointed out, making her look at him. "So stop making up lies,"
 "That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it?" She smirked. "Since you just lied,"
 "Unlike you, I'm not lying," He stated, making her frown. He didn't know how but he knew it was true. "Sir Rene was gay and never married,"
 "Knights can't be gay!" She gasped, making everyone look at her. "It was against the code and he would have been killed for it since it was considered a crime punishable by death,"
 "Actually, he was a holy knight, meaning it was a crime to try and hurt him as he was considered a man of god," Luka pointed, making Lila grit her teeth. "So actually yeah he could be a knight and gay. Deal with it,"
 "Well, I don't believe you!" She gasped, making him roll his eyes before he walked away. However, his words had caused the people listening to her to also walk off, causing her to narrow her eyes. "Stupid Couffaine,"
 Naturally, no one replied but she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around, she noticed the painting was facing her. Despite the fact that the Knight had his eyes closed, she felt like he was staring at her and strangely enough, that enraged her. She would have to do something about that. She saw her chance when people began to leave the area, leaving her and the new painting alone.
 ~Half an Hour Later~
 Luka was stood, talking with the rest of the group when they heard a scream echo through the museum. They looked alarmed and rushed from where it came from, causing them to stop in the area where Sir Rene's painting for. To their horror, they saw someone had defaced it with some marker pen and a few slashes. Luka frowned as he suspected it may have been Lila but that wasn't the person who screamed. It had been Jalil Kubbel. He was kneeling in front of it with his head in his hands while Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt tried to calm him down and reassure him. Alix and their father were also trying to calm him down.
 "You don't understand!" He cried, looking up. Luka frowned as he saw Lila smirking from the sideline. He narrowed his eyes as he was sure she had something to do with this. "This painting is one of a kind! It's the only known painting of the Dragon Knight and Father... you put me in charge-"
 He suddenly cut off as an akuma entered his pendant and the butterfly mask appeared over his eyes but to Luka's surprise, it also appeared over Mr Damocles' and Mr D'argencourt's eyes as well, despite that they weren't actually touching them. Alix and her father backed off as the three men listened to Hawkmoth, causing Luka to glance at them in shock. He frowned as he noticed each of them had similar necklaces around their necks, all looked black. It concerned him because Hawkmoth had never akumatized more than one person who wasn't touching the object. He took a step back as a blue feather also appeared, entering the watch on Mr Damocles' wrist. Mayura was helping him today.
 "We shall protect history and punish those who disrespect it," The three of them declared, accepting whatever Hawkmoth had offered. The purple smog engulfed them as a blue smog appears in the air. It disappeared, revealing a huge floating clock that was orange, black, red and blue in color. It had a huge smile on it's face and single eye. The purple smog disappeared, revealing Darkblade and the Pharaoh in the place of Mr D'Argencourt and Jalil but Mr Damocles hadn't turned into the Dark Owl but a new villain. He resembled a greek god and seemed to be themed around time. Luka slammed his hand on the fire alarm, triggering it as everyone started at them before he turned his friends.
 "Run!" He shouted, causing them to come back into reality before they rushed into action. He noticed Lila rushing to get out among the rest of them.
 "You shall not escape our wrath, Knaves!" Darkblade called, causing the Pharaoh to glare.
 "Thoth, give me time!" He declared, turning his head into a gaboon as he made bubbles. He threw them at people, trapping them in them but the moment he did the sentimonster fired a beam at them and they disappeared. 
 "You can't escape Chronos!" Mr Damocles declared, jumping over to a number of people and slashed them with his scythe, freezing them in place. Once again, the sentimonster fired at them. Darkblade began to turn people into his knights as the group and others ran out, causing the akumas to give chase. Naturally, Rose tripped up, causing Juleka to rush over to her as Luka turned around. She pulled her up and began to run as the akumas chased them. However, it did them no good as Chronos jumped in front of them and slashed them with his blade, freezing them in place.
 "Juleka! Rose!" Luka gasped, going to rush over to them but Adrien grabbed his arm as the sentimonster fired at them, making them disappear, causing Luka to just stop and stare at where they had been. It had been like something out of his nightmares.
 "Luka! Come on!!" He gasped as the akumas began to attack others, including the rest of their group. Pharoah directed a time bubble towards a number of people including Lila, who pushed Sabrina towards it, trapping her in the bubble. Chloe shouted and tried to help but got caught in the bubble. Like Rose and Juleka, they were erased by the sentimonster. Mylene and Ivan were next, followed by Nathaniel, Marc and Lila. "We have to get out of here!!"
 "R-Right..." Luka replied, shaking his head before he looked around. His eyes widen as he saw Marinette wasn't around but was sure she hadn't been hit. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was just ri-" Nino started but Chronos suddenly sliced him, freezing him before he stalked over to the remaining members of the group. Darkblade and Pharaoh followed him, causing the remaining members of the group to back away. Luka tried to glance around to find a way out of there so he could go and transform.
 "Disrespectful youths!" Chronos growled, lifting his blade but before he could hit them, Lady Noir jumped down and blocked his attack with her baton before she turned to the group.
 "Get out of here!" She shouted, pushing Chronos back and dodging the beam the sentimonster fired at her. Luka, Adrien and the others ran away from them. Darkblade jumped down and fired his sword at them, hitting Aurora, Ondine and Mirelle as the rest of them dodged and ran in the other direction as Darkblade knighted them. Pharaoh jumped in front of them and threw time bubbles at them, trapping Kagami, Kim and Max. Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien by their arms and pulled them out of the way of more time bubbles before they turned to run again, only to find they were completely surrounded by the akumas, their mind controlled knights and their sentimonster. Luka panicked as he tried to find Lady Noir. His eyes widen as he saw her trapped inside a time bubble but she seemed to be moving. Albeit, really slowly but she was lifting her hand in the air and saying something. He realized she was summoning her cataclysm as the dark energy appeared in her hand. Looking around, he saw the sewer lit up in his luck vision as the akumas were just about to attack them. Lady Noir slowly placed her hand against the bubble, causing it to explode as Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien and pulled them to the ground, avoiding the shatters of the time bubble. Lady Noir gave him a look as if to say 'get out of here while I distract them'.
 "Hey! Time freaks!" Lady Noir growled and spun her baton, getting the akumas attention as they, the sentimonster and the army charged towards her. She gave out a battle cry and charged back. Seeing a chance to escape, Luka pulled Adrien and Alya to the sewers and opened it.
 "Get in!" He ordered, making them blink. "Now!"
 "But what about Lady Noir?" Adrien asked but then they heard the sound of the blast from the sentimonster's eyes, causing the three of them to look in shock and surprise. "Oh no..."
 "Go!" Luka ordered, causing the two of them climb down the ladder as the mini army rushed over. Luka jumped in and ran, along with the other two as he took out his phone and put out an alert on the akuma app. They kept running through the sewers with the akumas hot on their tail, only to come to a sudden stop when they reached the end of the tunnel. Looking down at the drop, Luka frowned as they heard the akumas coming towards them. "We need to jump!"
 "What?!" Alya gasped as Luka jumped, causing Adrien and her to follow. However, Pharoah threw time bubbles at them, trapping Alya and Adrien in the air but missing Luka completely. Hr took a gulp of air, just before he hit the water before swimming off. He made his way to the edge and pulled himself out of the water as he looked around. Apparently, the akumas decided he wasn't worth following. He jumped as he felt someone on around. He thought for a second it was the akumas but when he looked around, nothing was there. He let out a sigh of relief as Tikki flew out of his jacket.
 "Sorry," He gasped as she shook the water from herself. "You're ok right?"
 "I'm fine, Luka," She smiled, making him smile back but before he could transform, he had that feeling again. He glanced around, seeing no one. "Luka?"
 "I.. I feel like someone is here..." He replied, causing Tikki to frown before they felt the wind around them.
 Luka... this way... A voice inside the wind whispered, causing his eyes to widen before he turned to Tikki, who apparently didn't hear anything.
 "Tikki! Spots on!" He declared, transforming into Anatis before he ran to where the wind had directed him. It was one of the exits so he climbed up it. However, he carefully took out his yoyo and used it to check around. It seemed like no one was around and was in an alleyway so he climbed out. He would need a lucky charm straight away so he threw his yoyo in the air and quietly summoned one, causing a small mirror appear out of thin air. He caught it and frowned as he tried to look around to work out what to do with it before he realized it was a normal mirror. It had a frame that was Ladybug patterned but the glass itself wasn't normal mirror glass. It was in fact black, making him frown as he looked at it. He held it up so he could look at the reflection but jumped and dropped it when he saw someone stood behind him. He quickly picked it and looked behind him, frowning as no one was there. He took a deep breathe and held it up again, causing him to see the man behind him again. Only this time he recognized him. "Feng?"
 Feng gave him a smile before holding up something. Anatis' eyes widen as he saw it was the Rabbit Miraculous but that meant...
 It is time... Feng's voice echoed, confirming his thoughts before he faded away, leaving Anatis alone. He took a deep breathe and looked around, finally noticing it was the alley right next to Master Fu's apartment. He blinked before detransforming and catching Tikki. He gave her a cookie and rushed inside the building, heading to Master's apartment. He burst through the door, causing Master Fu to jump. 
 "Master, I need the rabbit miraculous!" He gasped, surprising Fu. "Scrap that... I need all of the temporary miraculous including the rabbit,"
 "What?" Fu asked, surprised as Luka moved pass him and opened the phonograph. "Luka?! You ca-"
 "I'm sorry, Master. Normally I wouldn't do this but we have no time to argue or to delay," He replied, taking out the box and opening it. "I have three akumas, one sentimonster and a number of brainwashed citizens to deal with. My team, including Lady Noir, have been erased. Since Feng showed me the Rabbit miraculous, I'm guessing they are lost in time so I need the Rabbit Miraculous to rescue them,"
 "But if you merge-"
 "I won't merge them," He replied, placing the miraculous he needs in his pockets before he took out the rabbit miraculous. "I'll be giving it to Alix Kubbel. It will mean she'll find out the temp heroes' identities but this is the only way. If I take on the akumas alone... I'll be lost in time too or worst, Hawkmoth will get my miraculous,"
 "Can you trust her?" He asked, making Luka nod.
 "I've already met her from the future," He explained, making Master Fu frown. "She's Bunnyx or she will be... which is happening now. Anyway, I need my whole team to take down the akumas, the sentimonster and their army. I just don't know how yet,"
 "Well... I trust you so do what you need to," Master Fu nodded as Luka closed the miracle box and placed it back inside the phonograph. "But how did you know my code?"
 "I have a really good memory," He replied, shrugging before pointing to the turtle miraculous. "I'm gonna need that one too,"
 Master Fu looked down at it before he took it off, causing Wayzz to disappear into it and placed it in Luka's hands.
 "Good luck," He smiled, making Luka nod before he left. He smiled a little as he looked out the window and saw Anatis jump off.
 ~At the Louvre~
 Alix curled up, making sure to hide behind the stone tablets in the ancient egyptian section of the museum. Honestly, she was terrified and she didn't know what to do. As soon as her brother had accepted Hawkmoth's powers, her father had grabbed her and told her to run before going back to try and talk Jalil out of it. He hadn't come back yet, meaning he was probably either erased or a knight or a mummy. She flinched as she heard a noise before she got up and grabbed a spear from one of the displays, holding it out to protect herself. However, she dropped it when she saw Anatis. She rushed over and hugged him, making him jump in surprise.
 "Anatis! It's my brother!" She gasped, looking at him.
 "Alix, take a deep breathe and calm down ok?" He ordered in a calm voice. She nodded and did so. "I need your help,"
 "M-My help?" She asked, surprised as he took out his yoyo and opened it. He reached his hand in it and took out a colorful watch, making her eyes go wide as she recognized it as the rabbit miraculous. "Is that..."
 "Yes," He replied before he hesitated. "But I need you to promise me you'll never repeat what you learn today to anyone,"
 "I... I promise," She declared with a look of determination before he nodded and help it out to her.
 "Alix Kubdel, here is the Miraculous of the Rabbit that will grant the power to travel through time. You will use it for the greater good," He declared, making her blink as she took it. "Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
 "You can rely on me, Anatis," Alix replied, opening the box and allowing Fluff to manifest. "Hi, Fluff,"
 "Oh, what is now? And where is then? What..." Fluff blinked before frowning and turning to Anatis. "Master Anatis... something is wrong with time. People aren't where they are suppose to be!"
 "So I was right," He frowned, holding his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Alix, we need to go back in time to find the temporary heroes and Lady Noir. Here.."
 He pulled a jar of small carrots out of his yoyo and handed them to her.
 "You're gonna need those," He replied, making her blink. "You can only use burrow once and then you'll detransform once five minutes has passed but we're gonna need to make a lot of trips,"
 "Ok," She nodded, holding out the watch. "Fluff, Clockwise!"
 Fluff got sucked into the watch, turning it into it's miraculous form. Alix swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask before holding it as the light blue light traveled down her arm, creating her suit. She spun around as her outfit changed. She tucked the watch into her pocket and created the ears on her head before she held up her hand and caught her umbrella before swiping to the side then opening it, completing the transformation. She grinned and looked at herself.
 "How come my outfit is different to older me?" She asked, noticing she had shorts on, trainers and elbow length gloves instead of the outfit she had seen her older self wearing.
 "You're younger than she was," Anatis pointed out, making her nod. "Now we just need to work out where everyone is... if it was like Time Tagger then history should have altered... so let's start looking for any changes,"
  ~Shanghai, China, 1600 AD~
 Lady Noir blinked as she looked around, wondering how she suddenly appeared in what appeared to be china. She knew she had family there but this was not where she had stayed. She got up and dusted herself down as she looked around before she heard a gasp. Before she could react, she felt someone suddenly hug her.
 "Lady Noir!!" Rose's voice echoed as she looked down and saw the hyper girl was the one hugging her. "Oh I'm so glad to see you!! Mylene look! It's Lady Noir!"
 "Oh thank goodness," Mylene smiled as she came over from her hiding place. "Do you know where we are?"
 "It's more of when," A calm, male voice stated, causing the three girls to look over at where it came from. Leaning against the wall of a building was a young man with long black hair. He was wearing traditional chinese clothing with bandages on his legs and martial arts shoes on his feet. His shirt was light blue and had silver details on it. He wore light gray pants and a dark blue jacket over it with a dark blue belt around his waist. In his hair was a silver ribbon and he had gray fingerless gloves on. He also had gray eyes. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to them "Come with me. There are a lot of imperial soldiers around who will attack you on sight, especially since you're not from here,"
 The two girls looked to Lady Noir, who nodded as she had a feeling she could trust this guy. She didn't know why but he kind of reminded her of Anatis. She wasn't sure why but she just knew she could trust him. She, Rose and Mylene followed him through the city until they came to a temple. The man let them inside and locked the door behind him, telling Rose and Mylene to rest before turning to Lady Noir again.
 "Follow me," He replied, making her nod as he walked deeper into the temple, away from the others. 
 "How are you speaking perfect french?" She asked as he opened a door and brought her inside.
 "I'm channelling Khnurn's magic," He explained, making her look at him with confusion. "His magic manifested itself as the ability to speak in any language,"
 "Oh that is useful," She replied as her miraculous beeped rapidly before she detransformed, causing her to catch Plagg before she gasped. "Oh no! I-"
 "Don't worry," He smiled, making her calm down. "I won't tell anyone. There's some Nguri for Plagg to recharge. It isn't the type he usually prefers but it should be enjoyable enough,"
 "Thanks, Toutai!" He called, diving straight into the pile of cheese, causing Marinette to look at the young man.
 "You're Master Toutai, the celestial guardian?!" She asked, remembering what Koro had said. He smiled and nodded. "Whoa... is this how you knew about..."
 "You appearance in my time? Yes, I was given a heads up about it," He explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "Those are details that I can't tell you, Miss Marinette. It is not my secret to give,"
 "Ah," She nodded. "I get it... still thank you for rescuing us,"
 "It was nothing," He smiled in a shy manner before he looked behind him as in the distance a chime echoed. He turned back to her. "You might want to retransform. We're going to have some guests,"
 Marinette nodded as Plagg flew over to her before retransforming into Lady Noir. Toutai smiled and lead her back into the main temple as the chimes came to a stop. When the last chime finished, a glow portal she recognized as a burrow opened in the middle of the temple before Anatis followed by a younger Bunnyx walked out, causing Lady Noir to rush over and hug him. Instantly, he hugged back as Bunnyx glanced over at Rose and Mylene as well as Toutai. Anatis pulled away from her.
 "I'm glad you're ok, Kitten," He whispered, making her smile before he looked around. "But..."
 He went silence as his eyes landed on Toutai, who merely nodded towards him and stepped forward.
 "Hello, Anatis.. it's nice to actually meet you in person," He smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx, who was talking to Rose. Rose nodded as she gave her the bee miraculous discreetly, sipping it into her pocket. "Miss Rabbit, there is a room down there where you can detransform and charge up Fluff,"
 "Oh, right... cool. Thanks, random person from history," She grinned, holding up her thumbs before going to that room. Anatis stepped over to him.
 "How are you here?" He asked, making Lady Noir frown a little.
 "This is my time," Toutai replied. "China, 1603 to be exact. I'm 303 years old,"
 "Damn, you look good," Lady Noir gasped, making Toutai smile. "I mean... your wife won't kill me right?!"
 "Oh, no she won't," He smiled, making Lady Noir let out a sigh of relief. "She's currently doing her guardian trials so she isn't home right now,"
 Lady Noir nodded before walking over to Anatis.
 "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning.
 "Should we tell him about... the fact that he's gonna be murdered?" She asked, causing Anatis to frown. Koro had explained he had been killed before he fully lived out his life as the celestial guardian. "Maybe we could prevent it,"
 "I... I don't think we can," Anatis whispered, frowning as he felt Toutai's song. It was a song full of hope and sorrow. One of wanting to live happily before it was too late. "I think... I think he knows it's going to happen... he just doesn't know when or how,"
 "Ok! I'm good!" Bunnyx declared before Lady Noir could answer. She walked over to them as Lady Noir gave Anatis a nod. "Where to now, Boss?"
 "I'm not sure," Anatis replied, frowning. "I think we might just need to visit different-"
 "We need to go to Egypt, Ancient Greece, Medieval England and Ancient China," Toutai stated, walking over. "Those are the times and locations your friends are in,"
 "Oh thanks," Anatis smiled before he realized what Toutai had said. "Wait... what do you mean we?"
 "Simple," Toutai smiled. "I'm coming with you,"
 ~The Sahara Desert, 1200 BC~
 Chloe blinked as she looked up at the sky. She was sure she had been inside the Louvre museum with her friends so why was she laid on her back, looking up at the very clear, open sky? Blinking, she sat up and looked around, causing more concern to fill her mind as she saw she was laid in the desert. Laid next to her was Nathaniel and Max but both of them seemed unconscious. She scrambled up and shook Max awake before moving to Nathaniel, waking him up. He looked around alarmed as Max pushed his glasses up.
 "Um... where are we?" He asked as Max stood up and dusted his clothes down.
 "I would guess a desert but I don't remember how we got here," He replied, frowning as Chloe helped Nathaniel up while trying to keep him calm. "Is everyone ok?"
 "Physically, yes but I think Nath is having a panic attack," Chloe replied, gesturing to him as he looked around and tried to breathe. However, the sound of horses made her own panic rise, especially as she saw a cloud of sand in the distance. "Um... Max tell me that can be explained and isn't a bad thing,"
 Max looked over before clearing his throat.
 "I think we should run," He stated, making her look at him as he began to step back. The sand cloud was getting closer. "Yep... definitely run!"
 Chloe wrapped Nathaniel's arms around her neck and began to run, along with Max as some horse drawn chariots came at them with great speed. The men riding them were yelling as they gained on them but before they could do anything, the cariotes came to a sudden stop. The men fell forward before looking around bewildered as they tried to make their horses move. Chloe looked back as she, Max and Nathaniel kept moving. The men jumped off the chariots to chase them on foot but the moment they passed their horses, something in the air changed as a number of figures jumped towards them and landed in the sand. Chloe's eyes widen in fear as she thought they were about to attack them too. 
 "Who are they?!" Nathaniel asked as one of them stepped forward. He looked their age but was dressed very different to them. He wore a white kilt with a golden belt that had golden and blue material hanging from it. He had no shoes on at all but had golden cuffs around his ankles and his wrists, though the wrist ones were slightly bigger. His hair was partly shaved and the rest of it was braided and finally, his eyes were brown in color. Despite his age, he had an sense of authority about him. It was clear he was the leader of this group. He walked past the three of them and up to the leader of the men who had chased them.
 "Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!" He stated in a calm but firm voice. At first the leader seemed to hesitate before he turned to his men and began to shout them, causing them to back off. The boy watched them leave before turning to the three of them. "Come. I'm sure the desert has left you weary and in need of food and drink,"
 The three of them stared at him in surprise. It was pretty obvious that they were in ancient times but yet he had just spoken to them in perfect, modern day french. He rose an eyebrow at them as they stared.
 "It's complicated but basically I can speak any language that has ever existed or will exist," He stated, making them blink and nod before he walked off, causing them to follow him to a number of camels and horses. One of the others with him leaned over to him and said something. The boy replied, causing him to nod before he stopped and looked over at the sky before he turned to his companions and said something to them. They looked at each other but stopped when a white portal appeared before Anatis and a girl in a rabbit suit stepped out. Instantly, the others around the young leader went on edge, ready to attack. However, he turned to them. "La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!"
 The group lowered their weapons as Anatis stopped in his path and looked completely taken by surprise as he stared at the young leader, making the rabbit girl look at him. A few minutes later, Lady Noir and a man dressed in Chinese clothing stepped out again, causing the young man to smile at him.
 "Hi, Toutai!" He grinned as Toutai nodded to him as Anatis turned to the older person.
 "I know him... why do I know him?" He asked, making Toutai chuckle.
 "All in good time, young hero," He replied, turning to the boy. "Anatis, this is Khnurn,"
 "Yes, that is my name," He replied, causing Anatis and the rabbit girl to blink in surprise. "And you're Anatis... or at least like this you are..."
 He smiled and gestured to him.
 "Come! We shall take cover in our camp so your friends may have food and drink to recharge," Khnurn declared, causing Anatis to nod before he followed. He gave a nod to Bunnyx, who nodded back and took the chance to slip the horse miraculous to Chloe, telling her something and winking at her. Chloe nodded and hid it in her purse before Lady Noir whispered something to Bunnyx, who nodded. A few minutes later, she slipped something to Nino and told him something without anyone else noticing. Nino nodded and slipped the tiger miraculous into his pocket. The group followed Khnurn and his group over to their camels and horses before climbing on with them, riding off to their camp. It took a bit of time but they came to a pyramid hidden in the sands, just as Bunnyx's miraculous beeped. Khnurn jumped off his camel and walked over to the edge of the pyramid before placing his hand on it. A golden light came from it before forming a phoenix and disappearing, revealing a hidden doorway. "Follow me,"
 He walked inside, causing the group to follow him. Once inside, it was revealed to be a camp area with a number of tents and areas sectioned off with curtains. Another thing Anatis noticed was the number of animals in the place. All kinds of birds, dogs and cats were around. There was even a cow and a toad. The toad hopped over to Khnurn, who picked him up.
 "It isn't much but it is home," Khnurn replied as he smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx. "You can detransform and charge up Fluff over there,"
 He pointed to one of the hidden areas, making her nod as she walked over and moved behind a curtain. Lady Noir moved over to Anatis as he took a seat near a fire pit. Khnurn moved over to Toutai, switching to chinese to talk to him with anyone else understanding. They both glanced in Anatis' direction, making him look over.
 "I don't trust them," Lady Noir grumbled, making Anatis smile a little. "I mean how do they know each other? Why do they even look the same?"
 "They're connected to each other," Anatis replied, making her look at him. Toutai's song and Khnurn's song were eerily similar. "I just don't know how yet but I think we can trust them,"
 "Well, I trust you," She replied, making him smile. "Not sure about them though. Like Toutai seems nice but... Khnurn seems odd,"
 "He doesn't like people," Anatis muttered as Khnurn stroked the toad in his hand. "That's why he talks to Ra,"
 "Ra?" Lady Noir asked, making Anatis look at her.
 "That's what the Toad is called," He replied, making her blink and look at him before he shook his head, gripping it a little. "I don't know how I know that,"
 One of Khnurn's friends walked over to them, holding out a goblet. Anatis looked up at her, noticing she was wearing the earrings that resembled the ladybug miraculous but when they weren't active. However, he couldn't sense Tikki but maybe it's because he was out of time so to speak.
 "Yashrab," She stated, making Anatis shake his head.
 "Ana last eatshan," He replied, making Lady Noir look at him in surprise.
 "Annie, I didn't know you could speak ancient egyptian," She replied. He looked at her in surprise.
 "I... didn't?" He asked, not certain. He noticed Khnurn smirking like he understood something that Anatis didn't. "I just said I'm not thirsty since she told me to drink,"
 "You understood what she said, didn't you?" Khnurn asked, walking over. Anatis looked at him with slight confusion, causing him to smile. "Fascinating,"
 "I'm all charged up!" Bunnyx shouted as she walked out and back over. Anatis stood up with Lady Noir. "So where to next?"
 "Ancient Greece," Toutai stated, making everyone look at him before they looked at Anatis for confirmation. "If you're willing to listen to me that is,"
 "Yeah... ok... Greece it is," He nodded, causing Bunnyx to open a burrow. "Chloe, Nathaniel and Nino. Stay inside the room,"
 "No problem," They replied, walking inside the burrow but to Anatis' surprise, Khnurn put down Ra and told his group that he would be back soon before he turned to Anatis.
 "I'm coming with you," He replied, making the remaining heroes blink. Though Toutai didn't seem surprised at all. Anatis suspected that he knew Khnurn would do this. "You're gonna need my help,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go then,"
 ~Athens, Greece, 470 BC~
 "Oww," Ivan groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. He was sure he had just been in the Louvre with Mylene and the rest of their group but now he was lying under a giant statue of a man with a beard. He looked around and saw Marc curled up and still asleep while Alya was just sitting up. "Alya, you ok?"
 "I'm fine, Ivan," She replied as Marc stirred. "But where-"
 She was cut off by the sound of a huge roar, making the three of them jump up in surprise before Alya excitedly took off, causing Ivan and Marc to follow her. They ended up hiding behind some urns as they came across a scene that wasn't unfamiliar to them. A creature they recognized as a hydra breathed fire and destroyed thing with it's tail as a woman dressed similar to Mayura watched the destruction. She was wearing a blue toga and held the fan of the peacock holder in her hands.
 "Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!" She declared, making the three of them look at each other in confusion. "fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou!!"
 "I think she's threatening the city," Marc whispered, making Ivan frown. However, before they could do anything, a wave of water hit her, knocking her off the building before flames wrapped around the Hydra. A woman dressed in a ladybug patterned Toga jumped down and wrapped her yoyo around the beast before another hero, dressed as a lion, jumped down and crushed a pillar, causing a blue feather to disappear from it. The Hydra disappeared, allowing the woman to capture the feather with her yoyo before she threw up an item into the air.
 "Thavmatourgí paschalítsa!" She declared, causing the item to burst into the cure and fix everyone. Alya couldn't help but squeal. However, the woman Hera was no where to be seen. 
 "Oh my god! That's a holder of the Ladybug miraculous!!" Alya gasped, practically vibrating with excitement but Marc looked just as excited as he looked at the two heroes.
 "She's Hippolyte and that is Hercules!" He gasped, making Ivan look at them before they heard someone clear their throat. The three of them turned around to find themselves face to face with a young man roughly somewhere in his late teens. His hair was black and curly in style. He wore a white toga with light blue detail on the trim and brown saddles but what really made him stand out were his eyes. They were the color of the ocean and sparkled with humor and mischief. "Um... hi?"
 "You're not from here," He stated, surprising all of them before they slowly nodded. "Come with me. The others must not see you or they'll think your the enemy and they will attack you,"
 "Attack?" Marc asked as the hero walked off.
 "Wait! Who are you?" Alya demanded, making him stop. "And how can we trust you huh?!"
 "Would you rather I leave you to the hydra?" He asked, making her gasp and quickly follow him. Marc walked over to him.
 "Um... who are you?"
 "I'm Alpheus," He replied with a cheeky grin. "A friend of yours contacted me to find you,"
 "Wait... Anatis?" Ivan asked but Alpheus didn't say anything. Just gave him a smile. "It has to be Anatis,"
 "But Anatis has never mentioned him before," Alya pointed out but the two boys just walked off, following him. She gasped and ran after them as they headed back to the temple Alpheus was staring at the sky, making Alya raise an eyebrow before she walked up to him. "Excuse me! How do you know Anatis?"
 "Let's just say we have history," He grinned, making her raise an eyebrow. The way he said means it was clearly a pun but she didn't get the punchline. However, she didn't have time to think about it as a glowing portal appeared, causing Anatis to step out with a rabbit hero. Alya squealed excitedly as she saw her before Lady Noir stepped out with two others the three of them had never seen. However, Alpheus walked straight up to them and greeted them, making her assume they were his brothers. They looked similar after all. The Rabbit girl went over to Ivan and gave him something, getting a nod of him before she disappeared behind a statue, causing a white light to flash. Alya was very tempted to look behind it to see who the girl was but Anatis gave her a stern look as if he knew what she was thinking. She gave him a calm smile before walking over to him.
 "Can I ask you a question?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Who is that guy? He said you contacted him and said you had history with him but he said it like a joke but I didn't get it,"
 "I'm not sure I get it yet either," Anatis replied, frowning. "I do know him though. His name is Alpheus... I didn't contact him though..."
 "You've never mentioned him before, Annie," Lady Noir stated, making him frown. "Don't ya think they kind all look like each other? Like if I didn't know any better, I'd say they are all related,"
 "Aren't they?" Alya asked, making both heroes shake their head. "But... they look like brothers?"
 "I noticed that too," Anatis replied, frowning. "But there's no way for them to be brothers. Possibly descendents of each other but definitely not immediate family. For one thing, Khnurn is from ancient Egypt but Toutai is from China in the 1600s,"
 "But they know each other?" Alya pointed out, making Anatis frown. That he didn't know how to explain. He knew that Toutai was a celestial guardian of the miraculous but as far as he was aware, Alpheus and Khnurn had no connection to the miraculous or to Toutai. The only thing he knew as that Khnurn was a mage and that Alpheus might be channeling his magic like Toutai was but that's all he knew. As soon as he thought that, a little voice in the back of his head made him question it as it asked him if he was sure. He let out a sigh and put his fingers through his hair. Lady Noir gave him a look of concern as he looked stressed.
 "I'm alright, Kitten," He smiled at her before sighing. "I just... It feels like a riddle but I can't solve it because I'm missing a vital piece. They have a bond that runs deeper then family but I don't know what it is,"
 "Also... the greek one... Alpheus... he was speaking perfect french?" Alya questioned, making the two heroes look at her before Lady Noir bit her lip.
 "Toutai said he was channelling Khnurn's magic right?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Then maybe Alpheus is doing the same? Maybe he's... Like Toutai..."
 "Khnurn's magic?" Marc asked, having been listening into the conversation. The three of them looked at him, making him blush and look down. "So-Sorry... I didn't mean to listen. It just sounds so amazing,"
 "It's ok, Marc," Anatis smiled in a reassuring way. "Khnurn is a mage and his magic is based on communication. He can speak, write and understand any language that has ever existed no matter when it existed. I'm guessing by channelling his magic and their connection with him, Toutai and Alpheus can communicate with anyone they want or need to,"
 "That is so cool," Alya grinned as Ivan nodded and Marc smiled, clearly inspired. "But how do they do that?"
 "I don't know how," Anatis admitted as he noticed a glow coming from behind the statue before Bunnyx stepped out. "Ready?"
 "Yep," She grinned before the two of them looked to Toutai. "Since you lead us to Egypt and here, I'll let you choose next,"
 "Medieval England," He replied, walking back over as Anatis nodded. Khnurn and Alpheus walked over too, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Let me guess... you're coming as well," He stated, making Alpheus grin.
 "Of course," He replied, shrugging. "Bunnyx can drop me off at this exact moment and Hera won't attack for at least three days. Even if she does, Herc and Hip have it covered. Hip has the ladybug miraculous so she can restore the damage done but you would know all about that, don't you Anatis?"
 "Right," He replied, turning to Bunnyx. "Open the next burrow,"
 "Sure thing, boss," She grinned before holding out her hand. "Burrow!"
 The glowing portal reappeared, causing Marc and Alya to grinned excitedly.
 "Alright, everyone! Let's go!" Anatis declared before disappearing inside, causing the rest to follow.
 ~Lake Avalon, England, 750 AD~
 "Rose!! Luka!!" Juleka called out as she looked around the island she had climbed up on after finding herself floating in a middle of a lake. She was sure that she had been in the musume with Rose, Luka and everyone in their friendship group but then suddenly she was here alone. She looked around and noticed Kagami lying in the water. She gasped and rushed back over as Kagami jolted awake, splashing in the water. She waddled back in the water and helped her up as waves on the water moved. Both girls gasped and stepped back, aware of what might be swimming towards them. They both screamed when it broke through the water, only to hear the laughter of Kim.
 "Ha! That was amazing!!" He grinned, stretching as they both stared at him. "There's a castle under the water and everything!!"
 "A castle under the water?" Kagami asked, looking around before she looked pale. "Where are we?! Where's Adrien?!"
 "I don't know," Juleka mumbled, feeling afraid. "No one else is here from the group either. It's just us three,"
 "We should try and find someone," Kagami replied, looking around. It seemed to be nothing but trees around them but they had to be someone around there. Juleka nodded and followed Kagami as she walked off into the forest, with Kim trailing behind them. The forest seemed to go on forever as they pushed through the leaves and branches until they came out in a large clearing. In the distance, they could see a castle but something felt wrong. There were no birds singing like there was in the forest. The grass looked dried, the ground looked cracked and there was a strange smell in the air that made them feel sick. Juleka carefully grabbed Kagami's hand as both girls looked at the castle ahead in fear. Everything about it screamed danger. "We should leave,"
 "I agree," Juleka muttered, taking a step back before the ground began to shake. It stopped as soon as it started, causing the girls to look confused as Kim snored in amusement. "Was that an earthquake?"
 "If it was, it was weak as-" Kim stated but then they heard a crack, causing them to look over. The color drained from their skin as they saw a rotten corpse pulling itself from the ground.
 "Run," Kagami stated as another started to climb up. "Run!"
 The three of them turned and ran as fast as they could, though Kagami and Kim were at lot faster then Juleka. She kept going but she missed placed her footing, causing her to trip and fall as the forest came to life. She screamed as a vine wrapped around her ankle and the undead gained on them. Kagami stopped and turned around, running back towards her. She jumped at one of the undead, knocking it down and grabbing it's sword before swiping at the vines of the trees but they grabbed at her. She tried to cut them as they wrapped around her waist but before she could, they grabbed her sword. Juleka tried to scream as the vines weaved around her but some began to cover her mouth and Kim was been hosted into the veins, making them all panic. However, the sound of an arrow cut through the air before it landed on the ground.
 "Flare!" A voice declared, causing the area where the arrow landed to be engulfed in a burst of light before a number of figures jumped down and attacked the undead. Juleka's eyes widen as she saw one of them using a yoyo as well as another using a flute. The undead creatures retreated as the light dimmed, revealing the newcomers to be knights and what looked like to be a wizard. "Victory is ours once again!"
 "Perhaps we should help these young ones," The woman in the ladybug themed armored pointed out, making the men look at her as she gestured to the three of them. "Merlin, if you will,"
 "Of course, mi'lady," He nodded in a respectful way before touching the tree. Juleka noticed that while he looked like a wizard, he seemed to be themed around a black cat. In fact, all of the group were themed around animals. There was a fox knight, a turtle knight, a rooster knight and even a snake knight. Her eyes widen as she realized they were holders of the miraculous. "Cataclysm!"
 The trees and their vines turned to dust, freeing the three of them. As soon as they were free, Kim jumped up and grinned.
 "Real life knights! So cool!" He grinned, making the knights look at each as Kagami dusted herself down and grabbed the sword. The woman in the ladybug miraculous helped Juleka to her feet. "I can't wait to tell Alix about this!!"
 "You have our thanks," Kagami stated, nodding. "But could you tell us where we are?"
 "The Island of Avalon... 750 AD," A new voice stated, causing the knights to turn to as another knight joined them. The three of them stared in surprise and awe at him as they recognized him as the subject of the Dragon Knight painting. Only he didn't have his full armor on. He had his chainmail with a blue tunic over it and brown boots. His hair hung by his shoulders and was black in color. He had a single jacket earring in his left ear but what made him really stand out was his piercing green eyes, which surprised Juleka. She had envisioned he had blue eyes, just like Luka but that could because Luka use to pretend to be this knight. Sir Rene gave them a gentle smile, causing them to feel calmer then they were before he turned to the other knights. "Let's move north. We'll set up camp near the lake so we might have her protection. Sir Bedivere, you're in charge of finding us a boar to roast. Sir Galahad, would you be so kind as to make sure a nice fire tonight?"
 "Of course, Sir Rene," Sir Galahad nodded before the group began to head off. Sir Rene turned to Juleka, Kagami and Kim.
 "Mordred will recover and attack again so please come with us," He stated, making them look at each other. "He can't go near the lake,"
 "Mordred?" Kagami asked, looking at the other two who shrugged. "Is that who lives in that castle?"
 "He has overtaken it," Sir Rene confirmed as Kagami frowned before they began to follow the other knights. They would rather go with them then deal with those creepy trees or undead monsters again. Juleka kept looking back at Sir Rene as she walked with them, making him give her a questioning look. "Is something wrong?"
 "Um... I want to as-"
 "Is it true that you're gay?!" Kim asked, interrupting her. Rene cocked an eyebrow at him. "Sorry but it's just this girl was claiming knights can't be gay-"
 "I am joyous," He replied, making Kim look at him. "Since that is what gay means at this time but if you referring to the fact that I have a preference for male partners then females then yes that is true. Will that be a problem?"
 "Oh no! Not at all!" Kim gasped, holding up his hands to show that he didn't mean to be offensive. "I was just curious! That's all!"
 "Good," Rene smiled before turning to Juleka. "I believe you were going to say something,"
 "My brother knew about you before anyone else..." She mumbled, making him look at her in a little surprise. "We use to play knights when we were little and he always insisted on been the lengendary 'dragon knight' Sir Rene but I don't know how he knew you, given that your name is lost to history.. sorry..."
 "It's fine," He smiled, making her nod.
 "So do you think we're related?" She asked as Kim tried to challenge the other knights to an arm wrestle. "Is it possible that we are your descendents? Do you have a family?"
 "I have no family," Rene replied, frowning a little as they came to a stop. "As for your brother knowing, it's possible that he knew me before that,"
 "Like he had a past life with you?" She asked, frowning. Luka did seem wise beyond his years so it made sense that maybe he had lived before.
 "It's a possibility," He stated, smiling as he knew something she didn't. "But I wouldn't worry too much though,"
 She nodded as Sir Galahad and a few of the other knights set up tents. Soon there was a roaring fire and a wild boar was been roasted over it, thanks to Sir Bedivere. Some of the knights were talking, some were taking Kim up on his challenge and one of them was fencing with Kagami. She was sure that was Sir Lancelot but Sir Rene himself was merely keeping an eye on the boar and seemed a little sad but as soon as night fell, he glanced over at the lake. Juleka glanced over as well. The stars reflected off it, making it look like diamonds but literally seconds after she looked over, a glowing portal appeared near the shore. The other knights jumped up in alert as Merlin and the woman with the Ladybug miraculous looked over.
 "Merlin's beard! What is that?" Sir Kay gasped, looking over as Merlin rolled his eyes and muttered something about his beard. However, relief flooded through Juleka as Anatis stepped out, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and three men who she guessed were brothers. "Sir Rene, should we attack?"
 "No, they are friends," He smiled, getting up and walking over. "Welcome!"
 "Sir Rene?" Anatis asked, generally surprised as the Rabbit girl walked over to Juleka and suddenly hugged her. Juleka was slightly taken back but hugged back as she felt the girl give her the fox miraculous.
 "Anatis said to give this you," She whispered, making Juleka nod. "He said wait until we're back in Paris before using it,"
 "Alright," She replied as the girl pulled away and walked over to Kagami before talking to her. Juleka didn't notice as she slipped Kagami the dragon miraculous and gave her Anatis' instructions. "Anatis?"
 "Yes?" He asked, looking at her as she played with her hands.
 "Is Rose ok?" She asked, hoping her girlfriend wasn't hurt. He gave her a soft smile.
 "She's safe in Bunnyx's burrow," He explained, making her let out a sigh of relief as Bunnyx disappeared into a tent. A few seconds later, a white light appeared inside. "As soon as Bunnyx is recharged, we'll be heading inside. Toutai, is this the last place?"
 "No, one more place," Toutai replied, surprising Juleka as he spoke perfect french. "We'll be heading back to China but not from my time. It will be Ancient China,"
 "Ok," Anatis nodded before looking to Sir Rene. "You're gonna come with us, aren't you?"
 "Yes," He replied, making Anatis nod. "You will require my blade,"
 "Sure," He replied, pinching his nose. "Just... don't add to the argument,"
 "Argument?" Juleka asked, making Anatis groan as Lady Noir grinned.
 "Oh what fighting style is better," She replied, making Juleka raise an eyebrow. "Toutai does martial arts but Mr Khnurn thinks that Marksmanship is the better style while Mr Alpheus-"
 "Call me Al,"
 "Al likes more defensive action but seems to favor the trident,"
 "Oh," Juleka nodded. "I think Marital arts is the best,"
 "Oh that's another one for Martial arts!" Lady Noir grinned, making Toutai whoop and Juleka smile a little before Sir Rene cleared his throat.
 "Clearly Swordsmanship is the truest art," He stated, making his knights cheer in agreement as Bunnyx comes out of the tent. "Ah the young doe is ready,"
 "I'm not a deer," She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And I thought girl rabbits are called Jills?"
 "I believe that is the hare, my dear," Sir Rene replied, making Bunnyx make a thoughtful face. "Either way, it is time yes?"
 "Right," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go,"
 ~Feng's Family Temple, China, 1300 BC~
 Adrien blinked as he looked around, wondering where he was. One minute he had been running away from the akuma with Kagami and Luka, the next he had woken up in this strange little temple. It actually had a nice feeling to it but he wasn't sure where he was. As he looked around, he saw Max laid on the ground next to Marvok and Sabrina was curled near them. Max groaned as he woke up before sitting up and pushing his glasses as Marvok flew up and looked around. 
 "Where are we?" He asked with question marks in his eyes as Max looked around.
 "I can confirm we are no longer in the Louvre museum," He muttered as Sabrina groaned and woke up, sitting up as well. "I would guess the akuma has somehow transported use to a different location,"
 "Chloe?!" Sabrina gasped, looking around as Adrien realised Kagami wasn't there. "Oh no! Where is she?"
 "Your friends are all quite safe," A voice stated, making them jump as they turned and saw an older man who appeared in his late 30s. He was dressed in a gray handfu suit and had his hair tied back in a long ponytail. He had a faded blue jacket on and wore martial art shoes on his feet. Next to him was a cone-shaped hat and he was sat near one of the stones in front of a small fire with a pot of tea on it. He also had four cups out as if he was waiting for them. "I sent word to my friends to ensure their safety and they should have been picked up by your friend with the beetle miraculous by now,"
 "You know Anatis?" Adrien asked as he took the teapot off the fire and poured it into the cups before handing one to Adrien. He looked at it and took it, sitting down in front of the strange man. "Are you a friend of his?"
 "I'm more of a guide to him," He replied, passing one to Sabrina and one of Max as both had sat down. "I would pass a drink to your friend but it would fry his circuit board,"
 "You know of robots?" Sabrina asked, surprised.
 "I know that they will come to exist," He replied, sipping his own drink. "My name is Feng by the way. You are Adrien, Max, Marvok and Sabrina,"
 "How do you know our names and robots?" Adrien asked, surprised.
 "I was born with the ability to see the future," He replied, blowing on his drink. "In a moment, a burrow will open behind me and your friend, along with six others, will step out,"
 As soon as he said it, a glowing portal appeared and Anatis stepped, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and four others. Adrien stared in shock but he wasn't the only one. Anatis himself was staring straight at Feng, who stood and turned around.
 "Feng?!" Anatis gasped, clearly off guard. "... you're here? wait... am I having one of those dreams again?"
 "No, this is actually real,"  Feng reassured as Bunnyx took the chance to give Adrien the snake miraculous and Max the Rooster. "And I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer them but not yet. Bunnyx, it's good to see you again. You can feed Fluff over there,"
 "um... thanks?" She asked, confused as he pointed to a small area cornered off by material but he chuckled. 
 "I met your older self when I was younger," He explained, making her blink in surprise before he waved his hand. "The rest are spoilers. Now I believe you should go and feed her then we should get going. We have much to achieve,"
 "Right," Bunnyx nodded before hiding behind the thing as Feng walked over to the rest of the group. Anatis just stood there, completely silence. Lady Noir frowned and walked over to him, gently poking him in the cheek.
 "Sooo... Hao Feng huh?" She grinned, nodding towards him. Anatis nodded in silence. "You ok?"
 "Weirded out... I was wondering if he was real... or just something I made up in my mind," He muttered, looking over at him. "I thought I was going mad but he's actually real..."
 "That's good right?" She asked, glancing over. Feng seemed to have an air about him but so did the others they had picked up. Even though he looked roughly her age, she got the impression that Khnurn was no more a child then Feng himself was. Toutai, Alpheus and Rene all looked like they were in their early twenties but they also seemed to have a feeling of been much older then that too. Funny enough, it was a feeling she associated with both Luka and Anatis. If she had to pick a way to describe them, she would say an old soul in a young body. A flash of light got her attention before Bunnyx stepped out from behind the curtain. Anatis looked at her before Feng walked back over. 
 "We should head back to Paris," He stated, making Anatis nod.
 "Umm... Bunnyx, would you mind?" He asked, causing her to summon a burrow. It opened, causing everyone to walk inside. It wasn't what Adrien expected as he thought they would just be transferred straight to modern day Paris but instead they entered a white room with lots of tvs in it. Well, he thought they were tvs but he wasn't sure. However, before he could have a look, Feng moved over to him and pulled him away from them.
 "Spoilers," He smiled, making Adrien look at him confused before he looked over to where he was been lead to. Kagami looked over as he stopped, causing her expression to turn to one of relief as she saw him. Next to her was Rose and Juleka, hugging each other as if their life depended on it. Nathaniel and Marc were sat next to them, whispering excitedly to one and another. Mylene was curled up in Ivan's arms and Chloe was holding Sabrina in a similar way. Kim was sat talking to the Rabbit hero, along with Max. Nino was sat nearby as Alya spoke excitedly about seeing an ancient ladybug holder. Adrien smiled a little before he looked around, frownin a little.
 "Where's Marinette, Luka and Lila?" He asked, frowning.
 "Luka contacted me and is hiding from the akumas back in Paris," Anatis stated before frowning. "But I didn't see Marinette-"
 "That's because she's hiding too!" Lady Noir gasped, causing Adrien to raise an eyebrow. "She alerted me then went to hide,"
 "Are you telling the truth, Lady Noir?" Adrien teased but noticed the youngest of their guests held back a snore as Lady Noir looked a little panicked. "I'm just kidding,"
 "Now is probably not the time, Adrien," Anatis stated, making him nod and apologize to Lady Noir, who brushed it off with a nervous laugh. "Alright, everyone, we're gonna go back to Paris. You all need to go and hide as soon as we do so you don't get hit by the akuma again,"
 "Mr Anatis, while I'm grateful that you came and got us but just why did you come and get us? Wouldn't the lucky charm just bring us back?" Sabrina asked, making everyone look at her. Those who hadn't been slipped a miraculous began to mumble in agreement with her. However, Anatis held up his hand.
 "I'm not sure if the cure would have reached you and the item that was summoned lead me to do so," He explained, making them nod in understand as he glanced over at Feng and the others. "Feng, you can come with us but the rest of you... I'll have to ask you to stay in here. I know you wanted to come along and I know you have 'magic' but none of you have a miraculous and I can't use magic tricks during battle so it's too dangerous to let you join me in this battle. Also... you might get in the way... no offence..."
 "Should we tell him?" Rene asked, looking to the others. 
 "We probably should," Toutai agreed as Alpheus and Khnurn also nodded, surprising Anatis. They had been arguing among themselves since meeting each other. Mostly about small things like who had the better fighting style, who had the coolest magic...he wasn't sure why they argued about that but he was pretty sure the only one with real magic was Feng... who's food was better, why the greeks were better then the romans or why they weren't. The point was they were arguing over small, pointless things which lead him to believe they wouldn't be good for the battle plus no miraculous. The four of them looked to Feng as if waiting for his blessing before he let out a sigh and nodded.
 "You can tell him," He replied, causing Khnurn to grin and Alpheus to make a whoop noise. Toutai had a calm smile and Rene nodded.
 "I'll go first!" Alpheus declared before opening the small satel he had attached to his hip. "Nepp, you can come out now,"
 Anatis' eyes widen in surprise when a kwami that resembled what the Lock Ness Monster looked like flew out. Or at least, how he envisioned it but it was definitely a kwami. Apparently, he wasn't the only one staring as everyone in the room was. They had been with a miraculous holder and had no idea.
 "This is Nepp, the kwami of Focus," He explained, causing Nepp to wave.
 "Hello, it's nice to meet everyone," She replied, smiling a little shyly before turning to Alpheus. "Where are we, Al? It doesn't look like Greece,"
 "We're in a burrow," He explained, making Nepp nod before she flew over to Feng and hugged him. Well, hugged his cheek.
 "It's good to see you again, Master Feng!" She grinned, making him smile back before she flew back to Alpheus and sat on his shoulder. Anatis blinked and shook his head before sighing.
 "Do all of you have miraculous?" He asked, making the three others grin sheepishly as three other kwamis flew out.
 "This is Bennu, the kwami of renewal," Toutai explained, gesturing to the kwami that resembled a phoenix, who waved at Feng. He waved back.
 "Niix, Kwami of Intelligence," Khnurn explained, gesturing to the kwami that reminded Anatis of an egyptian cat. 
 "Hello," Niix stated, smiling. "Master Feng, it's been too long,"
 "Likewise, Niix," Feng replied, nodding as Rene gestured to the little dragon kwami that was sat on his shoulder. Though it resembled a western day instead an eastern day.
 "This is Vernn, Kwami of Chivalry," He explained, causing the Kwami to fly up.
 "It is truly an honor to meet you all," He bowed, making Lady Noir coo at his politeness before he turned to Feng. "Master Feng, it was an honor to serve with you,"
 "The honor was mine, Vernn," Feng replied, bowing back before he looked over at Anatis with a knowing smile. "I believe my friends here will be joining with this battle, Anatis,"
 "... Alright but this is my time and therefore my rules. I expect you to listen to me and follow my plan. Got it?" He declared, making them look at each other and mutter something in a language he had never heard before before they nodded and turned back to him, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Alright, we'll follow your lead, Boss," Alpheus grinned, making Anatis nod before he glanced at them.
 "You should probably transform in here..." Anatis stated, causing them to nod.
 "Nepp, Submerge," Alpheus declared, transforming. His hair become midnight blue and he wore a light blue toga with dark blue detail. He had matching gloves on his hands and dark brown sandals. His ears had fins on them and he had small horns on his head. On his right arm was a golden arm band with blue gems in it and he had a light blue mask with a dark blue trim over his silver eyes. In his hand, he had a trident. 
 "Bennu, Rise again," Toutai declared, making him transform. His outfit changed into a hanfu style, giving him an orange shirt with yellow detail. His pants turned red and his hairstyle changed a little. It was still loose but part of his hair tied in a bun with a golden headpiece that resembled flames. He wore a mask that resembled a bird's beak but it was red that faded into orange in it's color. He had two folded fans that were attached to his belt and he wore a brooch in the middle of his chest that Lady Noir now recognized as the phoenix miraculous. She blinked and grabbed Anatis' arm before looking at him.
 "Wasn't that the one Fenix Rouge was using during Miracle Queen's attack?" She asked, making him nod. "So cool!! You look awesome, Toutai!!"
 "Thank you, Lady Noir," Toutai smiled, causing Alpheus to look at him before back at Lady Noir.
 "Don't I look awesome?" He asked, a little disappointed.
 "I think you look cool," Marc muttered, making Alpheus grin happily.
 "Mett, Let's March!" Khnurn declared, causing Mett to disappear into his head chain. His outfit changed, causing him to wear a royal blue kilt that had a metallic belt that was purple with material straps hanging from it that were blue and gold in color. He wore a large necklace that was made from golden, blue and purple metals. He still had golden cuffs on his ankles and wrists but there were amethysts embedded in the ones on his wrists. His feet were still bare and he wore a royal blue mask with a purple trim and golden eyeliner that forms Horus' eye on his right eye. Upon his head were cat ears and his hair was royal blue as well. He wore a disc headdress and had a lion's tail. 
 "Oh my, you're a pharaoh! That is so cool," Nathaniel gasped, making the others look at him. Khnurn smiled a little. "Sorry but when Alix is your best friend, you learn a thing or two about egypt. Only Pharaohs had lion tails on their belts as a symbol of power,"
 "He's not wrong," Bunnyx confirmed, making everyone look at her. "What? History is my jam,"
 "Your friend is kind of right but I'm more of a leader then a king," Khnurn replied in a cryptic manner. "Anyway, Rene, you gonna transform?"
 "Just waiting for you to finish your talk," Rene smiled before turning to Vernn. "Ready?"
 "When you are, my lord," Vernn replied, making Rene smile
 "Vernn, Defend," He replied, causing Vernn to disappear into his earring that turned into a dragon. His outfit changed, giving him bronze and green armor over a green tunic and silver chainmail. His boots turned to greeves that were made of bronze, matching his gauntlets. His hair turned dark green and he gained four green horns as well as a tail. A green mask covered his eyes, that had turned lizard like. His scleras were green but his irises stayed silver. He also gained a sword. 
 "I knew it," Anatis muttered, making everyone look at him. "Yours is the Wyvern Miraculous,"
 He turned to Lady Noir.
 "In our time, it's Dame who uses it," He replied before looking at Feng. "Are you going to transform too?"
 "Sass, Scales Slither," He declared, transforming into his hero form. "I'm going to set a second chance in here,"
 He pushed the head of the snake back, setting it before nodding at Anatis. 
 "Right... let's get going... um... Khnurn, Toutai, Rene, Alpheus... I guess you should come with me and Lady Noir-"
 "We should drop everyone off in the metro I think it was," Feng stated, making Anatis look at him. "Three resets... each time, you've been send back in time or Lady Noir has..."
 "Oh... right..." Anatis muttered, nodding. "The Metro it is,"
 "Ok!" Bunnyx nodded before creating a burrow. Everyone stepped out and found it was completely empty. Bunnyx looked at Anatis as the civilians went off, leaving the heroes. "Should I charge up?"
 "Yeah, we might need a burrow again," He replied, taking his yoyo and checking the news feed as Bunnyx went to the bathroom but there wasn't one. "Damn it,"
 "Annie?" Lady Noir asked as he typed on his yoyo before their temporary heroes came to the metro where they were. Abeille and Culpeo were the first to arrive, followed by Ryuko and Aspik. Leatherback turned up next then Apollo and Valkyrie. Finally, Sabertooth turned up. "Whoa, how did you get to everyone in time?"
 "It was the first trip we did," Anatis stated. "Bunny and I went to a few moments before the akuma happened and grab the temps their miraculous... apart from Apollo and Sabertooth that is but I'm guessing you got Bunnyx to somehow get their miraculous to them?"
 "Um... yeah..." She replied, making him nod. "Sorry..."
 "Don't apologize," He smiled, making her smile back. "I trust you and I trust Bunnyx. Remember she told us she can keep a secret... now we just need a plan to defeat the history keepers.. Feng, is it possible to do a second second chance?"
 "Yes... while they are the same miraculous, mine is younger then his plus I didn't set it out here... The burrow is outside of time. Since I set the save point there, it means that the usual rules don't apply," He explained, making Anatis nod. "But his will still it's timer on,"
 "I see," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's move out. I need to see what the akumas are doing..."
 All of the heroes nodded and followed Anatis as he headed up the stairs and carefully looked around. He frowned to himself as he saw no one in the streets before they jumped onto the rooftops and ran to the Louvre. He came to a stop and ducked down, causing everyone to do the same as they looked at the scene in front of them. Tied to three pikes were Koro, Dame and Snowbird. Luckily, none of their miraculous had been taken yet but it appeared to be some sort of trap to lure him out. Pharaoh, Darkblade and Chronos were stood on a platform above them with their sentimonster while surrounded by an army of knights and mummies.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir! Surrender your miraculous and we won't send these three to the big bang," Chronos declared, causing the army to call out as Anatis gulped. This reminded him off Mob Boss too much and he felt himself feeling afraid and sick. He flinched a little as Feng gently placed his hand on his shoulder.
 "It's alright to be afraid," He whispered, making Anatis look at him. "What matters is what you do next. Do you let your fear rule you or do you channeling it and make a strength?"
 "... right..." He nodded, taking a deep breathe before he turned to Aspik. "Aspik, I need you to activate second chance. We need to come back to this point should anything go wrong. Bunnyx, be on guard and stay back. You are our last hope so if all else fails, go into your burrow and get the older versions of us. I hope it doesn't come to that but-"
 "It's the back up plan in case things go wrong," She nodded, making him nod before he turned to Feng but he knew he didn't have to say a thing. Feng gave him a nod and look that said that he knew what he was. He was the first back up plan. If all but himself are captured, he would reset to be back in the burrow and give them a second chance. He would also defend Bunnyx to ensure she could get away if it came to that. Anatis nodded at Aspik, who pushed back the snake head.
 "Second Chance," He declared before Anatis turned to the rest of the team. He explained they were going to go after Chronos first as he was the most powerful but before he could continued, Aspik shook his head. "Time Keeper can free anyone of them from been venomed,"
 "Ok," He replied, nodding. "Then we need to focus on Time Keeper... right?"
 "Tried that," Aspik replied, frowning. "We can't get near it. The army and the akumas make it impossible..."
 Anatis frowned before quietly summoning his lucky charm. He frowned even more as he caught the rope that appeared before looking around in his luck vision. Apollo and Culpeo lit up first, followed by Abeille and Valkyrie before it lit up Time Keeper. Next, Ryuko and Toutai lit up, followed by the army then Leatherback. Khnurn and Rene lit up before Pharaoh and Darkblade. Lady Noir was lit up next then to his surprise, Ryuko lit up again, this time with Alpheus before it finally lit up the rope and Sabertooth, making him understand the plan. He tied the rope into a lasso before hooking it on his belt before looking at everyone.
 "We need to attack them all at the same time," He stated, making them look at him. "Culpeo, I need you to make an illusion of clones for all us and as many as you can to confuse Chronos. Apollo, use flare to blind Time Keeper. Valkyrie, create a portal directly above it so Abeille can dive through it and use venom on it. Ryuko and Toutai, you need to use Wind Dragon and Ash Phoenix to round up the army. Leatherback, use Shell-ter to trap them inside it,"
 "Right," He nodded, making Anatis nod before he turned to Khnurn and Rene.
 "Rene, I need you to distract Darkblade. Challenge him to a duel. Khnurn, you need distract Pharaoh. Calling him a fake should be enough to get him to fight you. Once you both have their attention, lure them away from Chronos and to the Seine. Alpheus, you need to use Stream to trap them in a water cage. Ryuko, that where's you come in again. Use lightning dragon on them and once they are weakened, Lady Noir will use Cataclysm on the akumatized item," Anatis explained, turning to Sabertooth. "While this is happening, we're gonna tackle Chronos. You'll need to use Veil so he can't see you. While he's focused on the illusions provided by Culpeo, I'll get behind him and use this to trap him. That should get him to focus on me then you can near enough to grab his watch and destroy it,"
 "That is a very complicated plan," Lady Noir admitted, making Anatis nod as everyone looked unsure.
 "Yes but we can do it," He replied. "And if it fails, one of them can reset the timeline or get our older selves... now let's do this,"
 Apollo and Culpeo nodded, taking out their respective weapons. Culpeo played her flute before throwing the charged up ball into the air.
 "Mirage!" She declared, causing it to burst into an orange light. When it disappeared, there was literally hundreds of clones of all the heroes stood on the buildings, making the akumas gasp before Apollo took out his bow and arrow. He aimed to in front of Time Keeper, muttering Flare as the clones dived towards the villains, causing Chronos to hit a few of them while the other two began to attack them. Anatis and Sabertooth used the chance to get behind Chronos as he fired at one, gasping as he did.
 "They're illusions!" He called out, causing Apollo to release his arrow, causing a blinding light when it landed. As soon as it did, Valkyrie opened a portal as Ryuko and Toutai used their powers, blinding the army and swiping them up in the air. Khnurn and Rene attacked Pharoah and Darkblade as Anatis threw the lasso over Chronos stopped him from freezing anyone. "Time Keeper! Attack!"
 "Venom!" Abeille called, diving out of the portal and slamming it into Time Keeper, freezing it. Chronos struggled against Anatis as he called out, failing to notice Sabertooth activating Veil. Meanwhile, Leatherback used Shellter to trap the army inside it. Ryuko reformed near the Seine as Khnurn and Rene lead Darkblade and Pharoah there. As soon as they got there, a burst of water wrapped around them, trapping them inside as Alpheus moved his trident.
 "Lightning Dragon!" Ryuko called, diving towards them and hitting the water. It electrocuted them before the water dropped, causing them to fall to the ground defeated. Meanwhile, Anatis was thrown over Chronos' shoulder but before he could freeze him, Sabertooth punched him, knocking him down before he grabbed his watch and stabbed it with his knife. At the same time, Lady Noir grinned and yanked the pendent off Pharoah's neck, using her cataclysm to destroy it. The three akumas turned back into their normal selves as the akuma and amok escaped. Anatis got up and captured the amok before heading to where Lady Noir was and capturing the akuma as Feng, Aspik and Bunnyx jumped down and joined the rest. They joined the rest of the team before Anatis picked up the lasso. He looked at it before looking to Feng.
 "If I cast this... will you go back to your own time?" He asked, making Feng shake his head.
 "We'll need Bunnyx to return us as it was technically her who brought us here," He explained, making Anatis nod. "We'll talk in the burrow,"
 "Alright..." Anatis replied before throwing the rope in the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 It burst into the magic swarm and spreaded across all of Paris, fixing everything and restoring the people who had been sent back in time or turned into a mummy or a knight. Anatis looked at the sky as it did before turning to the temporary heroes. 
 "Culpeo, Abeille, Leatherback... I'll collect your miraculous as soon as I return," He replied before turning to Lady Noir. "Could you collect Valkyrie's, Ryuko's, Aspik's, Sabertooth's and Apollo's miraculous? I know I should-"
 "Go and talk to him," She smiled, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll get them back to the box-"
 "Toutai?" A voice interrupted, making everyone look over as Koro walked over. Anatis mentally groaned. He had forgotten about them. Toutai gave him and look before walking over to her.
 "You're still as beautiful as ever, my flower," He stated, taking her hand in his before he switched back to Chinese. She closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead to his before nodding. He whispered something to her, making her kiss him. Khnurn rolled his eyes at their moment before clearing his throat. Toutai pulled away and gave him a look before turning back to Koro and telling her something. She nodded again before he let go and walked away. "I believe it is time for me to return to my time,"
 "I think it's time for all us to go home," Feng replied, causing Anatis to nod at Bunnyx. She opened a burrow before walking inside with the five historical figures and Anatis. As soon as it closed, Feng turned to Anatis. "Have you realized yet?"
 "Realized what?" He asked, looking at him. "That somehow you five are all connected? That much is obvious. You somehow told them that I would be arriving and would need their help. What I don't understand is how you're all connected and how I'm connected to you. I want to know and please don't say I'm not ready because I'm tired of hearing that. I'm tired of the nightmares, I'm tired of been confused and I'm... I'm just tired, Feng... so just tell me. Who are you to me? And why do I know them?"
He gestured to the other four, making Feng sigh. He knew this day was coming. Anatis looked at him with a desperate look.
 "Please... just tell me..." He stated, making Feng nod.
 "Do you have the journal from Dragon's cave?"
 "Yes but there is nothing in there," Anatis replied, running his fingers through his hair. "The pages are blank. Why would you send me to get an empty journal?"
 "It's not empty," Feng replied, making Anatis frown and look even more annoyed.
 "Then why can't I read it?" He asked before looking to the side. "What am I do wrong?"
 "You're not doing anything wrong," Feng stated, trying to reassure him. "It's just you don't have the means to read it yet,"
 "Just tell him already!" Alpheus stated, making Feng and Anatis look over at him as he walked over. Feng knew he was going to do this but it still didn't stop him from been annoyed with him. He wanted to break it to Anatis gently and slowly so he could help him instead of just throwing him in the deep end. "You're not-"
 "Alpheus, don't," He warned, making him look at him and roll his eyes.
 "You can't protect him from everything, Feng," Alpheus gasped, making Anatis frown. "I know you want to but life doesn't work that way and he needs to. Keeping it from him will hurt him more in the long run. You should know that! Or have you had a vision that we don't know about?"
 "No, I didn't," He replied, frowning. "I just-"
 "Just what exactly?!"
 "I just don't know how to tell him ok!" Feng shouted, surprising everyone in the burrow before he gestured to Anatis. "He isn't like you or those three! He's different,"
 "Of course, he's different, Feng!" He shouted, making Anatis frown. "He's one of us after all!"
 "That is not what I mean!" He growled back, making Alpheus argue back. Khnurn looked down and played with his hands as Toutai sighed and shook his head. Rene tried to get in between them and break them as Bunnyx just started. Anatis frowned and pinched his nose as they began to argue in a different language, causing a similar buzz in his head as went he got possessed by an akuma. Only it was different at the same time. He closed his eyes as they argued before he gritted his teeth.
 "That is enough!!" He shouted, snapping his eyes open. When he did though, he found he could see something that he didn't see before. He could see their auras. They were surrounding all of them but what made him really confused was that they weren't different like they should be. In the back of his mind, he recalled seeing auras before when he was younger. His mother's was bright red and resembled a flame, Juleka's was purple but acted more like watch. Issac's was gray and sharp looking but these auras were gold in color and all of them were identical and took the exact same shape. A phoenix. Feng and Alpheus looked at him as he stared at them. "You're... the same..."
 "Anatis..." Feng started as he looked down. 
 "Phoenix... the fact that you knew each other... and resembled each other... even your names... it's been in front of me along..." He muttered, glancing down before he noticed his own aura. It was the same shade of gold as well. He looked up and rushed past them over to one of the windows that didn't show anything in it. It was just blank and dark, meaning that he could see his reflection. His eyes widen as he saw the phoenix around him. His mind flashed back to the hidden passage in Dragon's cave and the fact that he could open. Realization washed over him like a tidal wave as all the pieces fitted together. From the time he saw what he thought was Issac by the Liberty last Christmas to the dreams of the hut and the riddle. He felt lightheaded and sick as he remembered how he talked to his Grandmother after she had died and how Issac screamed at him, causing him a demon for talking to the dead. He closed his eyes as he tried to keep calm but this was a lot to take in. However, he needed to know for certain. In a small voice, he spoke. "I'm... you.... aren't I?"
 "It's not quite like that," Feng tried to reassure. "You're still you... it's just... we share the same soul that's all,"
 "Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, looking at him.
 "Yes but I was hoping to ease you into it..." He sighed before frowning. "Even though knew it wouldn't go that way... I was hoping that I could change it. Alpheus can be... impulsive,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied before turning to Bunnyx. "Can you send them home please?"
 "Anatis, I'm sorry," Alpheus gasped, reach out to touch him but Anatis shook his head, making him sigh and lower his hand. "I just got frustrated... I should have thought about what I was saying... I'm sorry..."
 "It's fine..." He muttered, frowning as Rene gently pulled Alpheus away. Khnurn frowned as Bunnyx told opened a burrow for him. Because she wasn't stepping out, she wouldn't need to recharge so she would be able to send them back home. She sent Khnurn home first then Alpheus, Toutai and finally Rene. Feng lingered for a moment and Anatis looked at him. "Go home, Feng. There's no point in you staying as I will be going home myself... I need..."
 "Time... I understand," He stated, frowning. "When you're ready to learn more and talk about this, I'll be there..."
 Anatis nodded but remained quiet as Feng walked over to the last portal and disappeared through it. As soon as it was close, Bunnyx walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, making him blink and look at her.
 "Let's go home," She smiled, making him smile back weakly before she opened a final burrow and walked out with him.
 ~The Eiffel Tower, 12.00am~
 Lady Noir landed on the tower as she frowned. She had just decided to go with a run and had noticed Anatis' tracker was activate so she went to investigate. She frowned as she found him sat on the tower, holding his knees close as he buried his head in it. It reminded her of how Luka reacted to the attempted kidnapping. She glanced around and frowned as she noticed a number of white butterflies. 
 "Annie?" She asked as she walked over to him. She was praying he hadn't been akumatized. Relief flooded through her as he looked up at her with his normal eyes. Though they were a little bit bloodshot. "Are you ok?"
 "N-not really," He admitted, wiping his eyes as she looked at the butterflies. "He gave up an hour ago,"
 "How long have you been out here?" She asked, sitting down next to him.
 "A few hours..." He muttered, frowning as she moved her arm around him. He let her pull him close and moved his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
 "You should have called me.." She mumbled, stroking his hair. "You know I don't mind keeping an eye for butterflies,"
 "I didn't want to disturb you..." He muttered, making her frown. "Besides... it's kind of stupid as to why I'm upset..."
 "Is it to do with Feng?" She asked, making him nod. "Want to talk about it?"
 "Not really..." He admitted, making her nod. "Can you stay with me?"
 "Sure," She nodded, making him give her a weak smile back.
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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