#what if he entered the group in the same way kuni did?
merakiui · 2 years
Genuine friend heizou would be so nice in that situation. He can gather the information needed from you, your friends, and anyone else to help you out! That's what friends are for!!
But at the same time, yan!heizou that now from the information he gathered about your past relationship, which knows what to do and what not to do. He promises to keep you safe, you don't ever have to worry about kuni ever again! DW he will always be there to help you out, that's what lovers friends are for!! :)))
Heizou is so refreshing and normal compared to Kuni. At least that’s how he seems on the surface. He’ll wrap his arms around you and Kuni, putting his weight on both of you, and call the two of you his little lovebirds, much to your displeasure and Kuni’s pride. He’ll tell the scariest campfire stories when the lot of you are in the forest, passing drinks and snacks around happily. But he always explains the twists and motivations at the very end, even though no one’s really listening when they’re either drunk or high (or both). He likes to work out the logistics of horror and to comprehend the steps that were taken to pull off the crimes detailed in these stories, some he’s made up and others cases he’s studied in class.
Heizou is always observing things around him. He likes to keep an activity record of the people he finds interesting. Because of this, he has pages and pages dedicated to his friends and their relationships, everything outlined with the occasional correction as he learns more. All of these relationships have one thing in common: you’re connected to them. Your relationship with Kazuha, your relationship with Tighnari, your relationship with Venti, your relationship with him—he keeps track of everything. What he hasn’t been able to work out lately is your relationship with Kuni. You seemed so opposed to him in the beginning, even if you tried (and failed) to hide your obvious apprehension. Heizou and his detective’s brain can sense one thing: there must be more to this than what he’s currently seeing.
And he’s proven correct when he pulls you aside one day after noticing the distress that has worn your youthful features into something tired and anxious. When you spill the truth and he listens intently, nodding and humming along, a part of him is overwhelmed with morbid satisfaction. He was right; he knew something was off between you and Kuni, but he could never quite put his finger on it. And oh isn’t this something! Heizou has read up on stories of crazy, vindictive ex-partners, but he’s never encountered one in real life. To think that the sweet Kuni could hide a side so dark, but then the best criminals cloak themselves in sheep’s clothing.
Like the good friend he is, he offers to help you gather and compile evidence so that when you do involve the authorities they won’t turn you away on account of a lack of solid evidence. Heizou really does want to help you. He’s completely genuine in his approach, but there is the side of him that’s happy to know you’re so vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Which makes him sound like such a terrible person! Really, he’s a sweetheart. You have to trust his handsome face! Heizou is just…conflicted. He’s liked you for a while now—nearly a year if he’s counting properly—and the fact that your history with Kuni and Kuni’s most recent actions are tainting your view of romance… It makes it harder for him to charm you. If you’re constantly guarded, how can he possibly slip through the cracks in your heart? Kuni’s ruining everything for him.
But Heizou has a plan. He’ll be your supportive net—the one to hold you up when you can’t stand—and he’ll work effortlessly to unravel Kuni’s terrible plot so that he can be permanently removed from your life. And once he’s gone, there won’t be anymore roadblocks and Heizou will finally get to have you for himself. He’ll show you that good guys exist—that he’s one of them! After all, he’ll know exactly how to act and what not to say or do because he has an extensive record of all Kuni’s done, both according to your retelling of events and his observations. You’ve just given him the cheat code to your heart, and he’s determined to use it to show you every good side he has to offer. Anything that isn’t so savory will be hidden under layers of sweetness. Heizou’s good at keeping secrets and even better at comprehending the complexities of the human mind. He knows just how to paint a friendly, disarming image of himself.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
can we get a part 2 to caps panic attack? like an outside perspective (not caps) maybe loops or like a cub or something ?
Y'all thought I was lying when I said I'd have Alarm Bells 2: Electric Boogaloo out soon, didn't you? Please ignore the fact that it's been juuuust under four months since the original fic, and enjoy draft #4! This is the longest I've spent on one fic! SW credit goes, of course, to @lumosinlove <3
TW for mentioned panic attacks
The door closed with a dull thud. Choking silence fell over the entire room before a cold, brittle, furious voice asked, “what the hell was that?”
Arthur swallowed around the dryness of his mouth and shook his head.
“What the hell was that?” Remus repeated. His temper was rare—Arthur had never seen him truly angry, but the tic at the edge of his jaw told a different story.
“I’m sorry,” he managed as he picked his clipboard up off the floor. “To—to all of you, I’m sorry.”
“I respect you a lot, Coach,” Dumo said, cutting Remus off before he could continue. “But that was out of line. Tonight’s game was bad. We all know that, especially Cap. That doesn’t excuse putting the blame on one person or throwing things.”
“You’re right.” He swallowed again and looked around the rest of the locker room; every other player stared at the ground, avoiding his gaze. Bitterness tinged his teeth—he was acting like the coach he had always promised he wouldn’t be. “I’m disappointed in myself for tonight’s game, and I took it out on all of you. Pascal is right, that wasn’t fair. I hope you can accept my apology and forgive me for losing my temper like that.”
“We’re not the ones you need to ask, though, are we?” James said from his stall without sparing him a glance.
Arthur suppressed a wince. He had been so preoccupied with his frustration at himself that he didn’t even notice the growing tension in Sirius’ body, nor the way he began leaning away as Arthur ranted. The same mask of fear, false control, and misery had painted Sirius’ face as when his mother—god, he looked at Arthur like he looked at that horrible woman—came to forcibly trade him to the Snakes. “You all deserve an apology,” he corrected. “But you’re right.”
“Excuse me for a minute,” Remus muttered as he stood and headed toward the door. They watched him go without a word.
“How can I make this up to you?” Arthur asked.
Finn’s shoulders sagged. “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.” A door down the hall creaked, and he prayed Sirius wasn’t suffering alone anymore.
“Apologize to Cap,” Dumo said.
“Don’t—” Leo faltered, then pressed his lips together. “Don’t tell us we all share blame as a collective, then make Cap take the weight. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
Arthur’s throat tightened. “It is. I never should have done that to any of you.”
A few beats of quiet passed before Kuny raised his hand; Arthur nodded to him. “Don’t yell when angry, please. Very loud. We already know when you are upset.”
“I’m sorry, Evgeni. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Same as Kuny.”
“Can you give us specifics about what we did, next time?”
“Please don’t throw your clipboard.”
“I’ll stay another hour to go through tape, if that’s what it takes.”
“Try not to interrupt us, please.”
For the next five minutes, Arthur noted down every single suggestion he heard; several were followed by murmurs of agreement. “Anyone else?” he finally asked. The boys shook their heads. “Thank you for telling me. I promise I’ll do better in the future, and—”
The knock on the door was soft, but it echoed throughout the room and sent a bolt of nervousness through Arthur’s heart. Remus poked his head in a second later. “Coach, can we borrow you for a second?”
Arthur set his clipboard down and headed into the hall without hesitation.
Sirius…if he was being honest, Sirius was a wreck. His eyes were red-rimmed and his cheeks were pink; a tissue was crumpled into little more than atoms in his fist. Still, he kept his chin up. Arthur hated the idea that Sirius thought he needed to brace himself with faux confidence.
“I’m sorry.”
Sirius’ lower lip wobbled once. “Thank you.”
“You kept them going out there even when they were ready to give up. We didn’t win, but we kept playing because of your leadership. Thank you.” He received a curt nod in response and pointedly ignored the tremor in both of Sirius’ hands. “I took my frustration out on you, which was wrong for many reasons, the least of which being that you don’t deserve to be talked to like that. Sirius, I truly am sorry for everything that just happened in there.”
“Apology accepted,” Sirius said. His voice was rough, but steady. “The guys didn’t deserve that, either.”
“I know. I apologized to them as well.”
“Good.” He sniffled once, then held his hand out for Arthur to shake. “In that case, I forgive you.”
“Thank you.”
Remus waited by the locker room door with an entirely neutral expression that would have unsettled Arthur if it didn’t melt into something soft and tired when he wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist. “Ready?” he asked quietly.
The gentle buzz of conversation vanished as they entered again; Arthur sent them on their way with wishes for a good night’s sleep and a promise to talk more in the morning, and they trooped out in a tight group. As soon as the last of them disappeared down the hallway, he sat down in the nearest stall with a heavy sigh.
“That was impressive,” a voice remarked from the door. The bench creaked as Moody sat down next to him with a huff. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
“Figured. Cap forgave you?”
“Thankfully.” Arthur rubbed his eyes until he saw spots. “Christ, Alastor, I sent him into a panic attack.”
“Asking what you can do to be better was a good move for all of them. That’ll serve you well in the long run.”
“I’m just grateful Loops didn’t break my kneecaps,” he laughed humorlessly. He stared down at the clipboard and the notes crammed into the margins for a long moment. “How did I fuck up that badly?”
Moody shrugged. “You’re human. You got upset. Don’t do it again. While you were in the hall, they were all saying how you didn’t seem like yourself, so I’d take that as a sign you’re doing something right. Just pay attention next time, and take some deep breaths.”
“You sound like Molly.”
A heavy hand landed on the back of his shoulder and gave him a light shake. “She’s a smart woman. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure my candy jar isn’t empty again. You have a team of locusts, Weasley.”
Arthur smiled at his retreating back. “Yeah, but they’re our locusts. You know you love ‘em.”
Moody’s glare was nothing but fond.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Sixty-Six: In a Shambles ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Shisui ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
One would think that - for a shinobi as powerful and renowned as Uchiha Sasuke - there’s no task too big or too small. No quest beyond his ability. No foe too fearsome, no problem he cannot solve.
...but you would be wrong.
“And when was this decided?”
“Two weeks ago.” Folding up a shirt, Hinata carefully arranges it in her bag.
“Were you given any choice…?”
“Technically, yes...in reality? Not really. It was one of those things where you’re told you can say no...but are also told the consequences for doing so would be dire. So...I decided to accept.”
Leaning against the bedroom door, arms crossed, Sasuke doesn’t bother to censor a scowl. “Do they not realize you have responsibilities?”
“Everyone has responsibilities,” his wife gently counters. “And mine include those to my clan.”
“This is your clan.”
At that, she gives him a chiding glance. “...my birth clan, Sasuke.”
He just scowls a little harder.
“It’s just for a few days in the Hi no Kuni daimyō’s palace. I’ll be back before you even know I’m gone.”
“Impossible. I’m already missing you, and you haven’t even left yet.”
Hinata gives a soft sigh of exasperation, smiling wearily.
“Besides...why are they asking you to go? Shouldn’t Hanabi be the one representing the clan, now?”
“...yes and no. She was made heiress after I was...removed. But apparently they want the firstborn...not necessarily the heir. It’s an odd stipulation, but...I’m sure there’s a reason for it.”
Her husband sighs curtly. “...so I take it that’s also why Itachi is leaving?”
“Yes...he told me yesterday he received the same summons. As have all the other eldest clan heirs in Konoha. The purpose isn’t really...clear, but I’m sure they’ll elaborate once we get there.”
“And we can’t go with you?”
Hinata gives a wry smile. “I’m not sure this is the sort of meeting for little children. Hence why our two and Itachi’s three have to stay here. You’ll handle them just fine, I’m sure. Both of them are so well-behaved.”
Ah...if only she knew.
Once her bag is packed, Sasuke, Tenkai, and Chikyū all escort her to the main village gate where a caravan is waiting. Itachi also walks with his family, Shisui tagging along and helping wrangle the trio of children.
Daughter on his hip, Sasuke watches as Hinata is helped into a carriage. Huh...they really are going all-out for this, aren’t they? A tiny sliver of him is jealous, if only in a superficial way.
“Bye kāchan!” Tenkai calls, climbing up on the foothold and clinging to the edge of the door’s window.
Hinata smiles, ruffling his hair. “I’ll see you soon, Tenkai. Be good for your father, will you?”
“I will!” Retreating to stand beside Sasuke, he waves alongside his sister as the group makes to depart.
Well...so it begins.
“Yo, Sasuke!” Shisui waves the trio over, Itachi’s youngest atop his shoulders and giggling. “Think you’ll survive a week without the missus?”
Sasuke blinks owlishly at his cousin. “I’ll be fine.”
“All right - if anything comes up, pipe up! M’gonna hang at the manor when I’m off work to help juggle these three little monkeys. Head on over if they get outta hand, all right?”
“Yeah, sure.” Psh, like he’ll need help from someone like Shisui: unmarried, no kids, and addicted to his job. They’ll be just fine.
While the others take the time from the compound to run errands, Sasuke takes his pair back home early. He can handle this just fine. His kids are well-behaved, quiet, and cleanly. This’ll be a breeze.
Or...so he thinks.
“All right you two, let’s have some lunch,” he announces when they get back. Setting Chikyū in her highchair, he instructs Tenkai to sit while he whips something up.
He’s gone all of ten minutes, sure they’ll be sitting obediently just as he left them.
But when Sasuke emerges...Tenkai is gone. And somehow, Chikyū got her hands on a pile of napkins, which she’s been meticulously shredding into a plethora of tiny pieces on the floor, and on the chair’s tray.
Deadpanning, he sets the plates on the table. “All right, put those down…”
As he goes to take the paper from her, Chikyū wastes no time in giving an ear-splitting screech, launching into a sobbing fit.
He...was not expecting that.
Still struggling to clean up her mess, he glances over as he spots Tenkai taking a plate and bolting. “Hey! We only eat at the table! Tenkai!” Torn between chasing him and cleaning up his daughter’s spot, he settles on the former.
Having retreated to his room, Tenkai’s got his plate on his bed. And already, a smear of sauce is soaking into his bedclothes!
How -? But he just -?
All the while, Chikyū continues her squealing in the dining room. “Tenkai, we eat at the table,” Sasuke insists, taking away the dish despite his son’s protests. “Go sit down, and I’ll...wash your sheets after dinner.”
From there...it only gets worse.
Chikyū decides to start trying to eat the napkins. Any attempt to stop her gets him cried at. Once he strips his son’s bed to wash the bedclothes, Tenkai insists on jumping on the mattress despite Sasuke’s insistence otherwise. Upon leaving the pair alone in their room for five minutes, he returns to find them scribbling with crayons on the floor. Giving them paper encourages his daughter to try eating that, instead.
Anything that can go wrong...does go wrong.
Over the next several days, Tenkai wets the bed. Chikyū gets a bellyache. Tenkai manages to break a lamp. Chikyū knocks over one of Hinata’s favorite indoor potted plants.
...how does she do this?!
Needless to say, by week’s end, Sasuke is at the end of his rope. Pride has kept him from calling his sister-in-law or cousin for help. Instead, he’s run himself ragged keeping up with the disasters. The house is in a shambles, any attempt to clean ruined as something else goes wrong.
He will never doubt Hinata’s housekeeping or child-rearing skills ever. Again. She’s a queen. A goddess. A being of endless patience and grace.
So when she gets back, he wastes no time in embracing her tightly.
Wide, pale eyes blink in surprise. “...hello to you, too.”
“Please...take them away from me.” Parting, he sees his wife jump at his appearance. His hair is greasy (he hardly dares to shower - too long without watching them), there’s dark circles under his eyes (he can’t sleep more than an hour before someone starts crying), and all in all...he looks like a broken man.
Hinata just...stares. “What on earth -?”
Thumping across the floor, both children rush to hug their mother.
“What is going on here? Have you two been giving your father a hard time?”
“Nooo…” her son mumbles.
Clearly not believing him, Hinata insists, “Both of you, to your room. Now.”
“But -?”
Heads hanging in shame, the pair retreat at a far less lively pace than they entered.
Only once they’re gone does Hinata turn to her husband in shock. “...I can’t believe this...they’re normally so well-behaved…!”
“I think they knew I was a target...inexperienced,” Sasuke laments.
Wilting with a sigh, Hinata gives him a sympathetic smile. “Well...you did your duty. I’ll take it from here. Why don’t you just...go take a nap, ne? I’ll try to start bringing order back into the chaos.”
“...all right. You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Thank you, dear.”
     Tiiired, long day @~@      Random SasuHina family fluff. Or torture, if you look at it from Sasuke's POV xD In all honesty, his kids ARE well-behaved. But a prompt is a prompt, so...here's them being little monsters, lol      With that tho, I need to go pass out - thanks for reading!
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ Plague || Chapter One ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, Suigin Ryū, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Vulgarity, blood, gore, vomit ] [ Verse: When Dead Walk ] [ Previous || Next ]
“Ne, ne! Deidara-senpai! Are we there yet?”
Looking altogether annoyed, the blond bomber gives his partner a glance from the corner of his unveiled eye. “...does it look like we’re there yet, Tobi? Hn.”
“But we’ve been walking for hours - I never imagined it would take this long!”  Putting on his Tobi persona, Obito makes a show of slumping his shoulders in exhaustion. “Can’t we use one of your clay birds, Deidara-senpai?”
“It’s not that far, Tobi! A little exercise isn’t going to kill you. Besides, we have orders to be stealthy...after that damn jinchūriki spotted me in Suna, I want to avoid using it for a while, hn. You’ll live.”
The Uchiha heaves a heavy sigh. “So cruel, Deidara-senpai...I’ll be too tired to do our mission by the time we get there!”
“We’re meeting Hidan and Kakuzu at an inn tonight. We won’t move out until tomorrow. You’ll have a chance to get your beauty sleep,” Deidara grumbles.
“Ooh! Can we eat? Can we, Deidara-senpai?!” Obito dances from foot to foot, fists curled under his chin as he steps in the blond’s path.
“We can do whatever you want so long as you shut. Up.” Shoving past his partner, Deidara scowls. “Another hour, and we’ll get there. And it’ll go all the faster if you stop talking.”
“Right! I’ll be quiet as a mouse - you won’t even know I’m here!”
“If only…”
Eventually the pair reach their destination: a rather sizeable civilian village in the northeast corner of Hi no Kuni. Without a resident shinobi force, it should be much easier to keep from being recognized. They enter the restaurant district, meeting the zombie duo in a rather dingy-looking inn, complete with a bar on the first floor. It’s there they find Hidan and Kakuzu.
“About time you got here,” the latter growls.
“Yeah, the miser wouldn’t let us get anything until you two showed up,” Hidan complains, slamming a fist on the table with a scowl. “I’m fuckin’ starved!”
“Travel takes time and we were further out than you two,” Deidara counters, sliding into the booth and leaving Obito to the outside.
“Can’t you fly, blondie?”
“Not after being seen in Suna. We’re supposed to be stealthy, remember?”
“Both of you shut up and order something. Cheap,” Kakuzu grunts. “Rooms are upstairs. We’ll be heading out at first light, so get your business done now.”
Though technically not needing to eat, Obito indulges in a few bites of food, turning aside with his mask tilted up. Thankfully Deidara is too busy making plans to notice.
“So what were you two up to before we met?”
“Taking down a bounty,” Kakuzu explains. “Hidan handled it...hence why he was in such a good mood.”
“A beautiful sacrifice to Jashin-sama,” the heretic revels, grinning now that he’s got both spirits and food to sate him. “The pain was ecstatic! And his blood sweet as wine!”
Deidara can’t help a small look of disgust, but is wise enough not to comment.
“We took in the corpse this afternoon, then headed here.”
“About damn time we stopped in a village! I get so fuckin’ tired of walking all the time!”
Watching a hooded stranger toward the front of the bar, Obito only half-hears as Hidan erupts into a coughing fit. They step up to the bartender, clearly asking questions and listening closely. But rather than stick around, they withdraw, looking determined in their gait.
“Eugh, watch what you’re doing, hn!”
“Sorry, man! I think that asshole had a cold or somethin’.”
“He did seem a bit off, but a cold’s not about to kill you,” Kakuzu mutters. “Nor would covering your mouth like decent human being.”
Reaching for another skewer of dango, Obito indulges before putting his persona back into place. Hands clap. “So! Should we call it a night, everyone?”
“Fuck yeah, I can’t wait to get some shuteye.”
“Best to be rested,” the heart hoarder agrees, standing and towering toward the ceiling. “Remember: first light. Be ready to go.”
“Aye-aye, sir!” Obito agrees, saluting as the zombie duo take their leave.
“Get out of the way, Tobi - we need to go.”
“Yes, senpai!”
The next morning, having not actually slept (it’s not like he needs to), Obito makes his way downstairs a good hour before the rest. The main room of the inn is practically deserted, and he takes a little time to poke around. There’s no sign of the hooded person from before - maybe it was just a traveler, but their chakra had been rather...daunting. ANBU had been his first guess, but there’s been no confrontation in the night, and he doesn’t sense them now. What were they looking for…? If they were ANBU - or any other high-level shinobi - why not try their hand at someone in Akatsuki? Maybe their numbers were daunting, or maybe they’ll wait until they leave the crowds of the village. Either way...he decides to remain on-guard.
Musing to himself, it takes Obito a moment to realize there’s a commotion just outside. Standing by a window and watching through the panes, he sees a crowd gathered around a pair of men. One looks unwilling to fight, but the other is launching at him violently...almost in a feral manner.
Obito’s brow furrows under his mask.
“All right, break it up!” some civilian cops order, struggling to restrain the assailant. “The situation’s under control! Disperse the crowds, you’re blocking the street!”
Near the inn’s front, a small group of women shift nervously, whispering as the masses slowly break up. “This has been happening more and more often,” one murmurs behind a hand. “What’s got everyone so agitated?”
“No idea, but I hope it’s not some kind of sickness. A cousin of mine was arrested for disorderly conduct like that the other day. Last I heard he was moved to the clinic, and I’ve not been told anything since!”
“That’s so scary!”
Hm...an illness…? Obito mulls that over, thinking vaguely to Hidan’s coughing. He certainly doesn’t seem irrational like this one. At least, not any more so than usual. For now, he’ll brush the thought aside. He has more important things to worry about. The sooner they get this mission over with, the sooner he can - hopefully - get away from Deidara for a few hours and make a hop through his dimension to Konoha.
He’s been missing certain company as of late.
The rest of the group soon rouses, and they’re off to fulfill the “leader’s” latest orders, three of them none the wiser that the true hand behind Akatsuki is among them.
Three days later...he’s convinced something is wrong.
Not wanting to let on, Obito’s been ignoring his symptoms. He’s been feeling chilled, muscles spasming every so often. Though usually not craving food, his stomach’s been aching like it’s suddenly noticed his fifteen years of skipping meals. And it’s taken all his conscious effort not to snap at his partner as his temper seems to shorten by the minute. Already difficult enough to do with someone as pretentious and full of themselves as Deidara.
The scene back in the civilian village comes to mind...the way that man had simply launched at the other as though some devil had possessed him. Maybe...
No...it can’t…
“Oi, Tobi!”
Looking up, Obito didn’t even notice he’s stopped walking. “Y...yes, senpai?”
The blond glowers over his shoulder. “We’ve got places to be, hn. Quit lollygagging and get up here!”
“Senpai, I...I don’t feel so good…”
Swearing under his breath, Deidara turns around fully. “What, catch that cold Hidan was complaining about? What a wuss, letting a cold get to you...you’re Akatsuki!”
“I-I know, senpai! Just...give me a minute to rest, okay? I know where we’re going! I-I’ll catch up!” He waves exuberantly, trying to plead his case. Best to sit and contemplate this alone, without having to worry about his partner interfering...or poking his nose into things he shouldn’t know.
Scowling as he weighs his options, Deidara eventually shrugs. “Whatever...I’ll meet you there, hn. Just don’t be any later than sundown - we’ve got a schedule to keep.”
“I’ll be right behind you!” Watching his partner leave, Obito leans against a roadside tree once he’s out of sight. Gods, his head his pounding, and it feels like they’re walking through Shimo! Why is he so cold?!
Part of him wonders if he should take the time to jump to Konoha now and have Ryū look him over...but at the same time, he’s not sure that’s wise. By now, it’s more than obvious something is wrong. He just feels so...off. Maybe he just needs some rest. He doesn’t really sleep, so...maybe his body can’t fight this off without it. He’ll just…
Turning around, he decides to find a place to tuck down and try to sleep. He can jump with his pocket dimension later to catch up with Deidara - he knows where they’re going. It’s only early afternoon. Plenty of time to make it there before his partner starts getting irritated.
Well...more irritated.
Obito, however...soon loses track of where he’s going. Steps fall to steps in an endless, mindless cycle, distance unmeasured as his mind goes oddly blank. All he can think about is how cold he is, how much his head hurts, and his aching belly.
He’s so hungry…
Ryū. He should go see Ryū. He should...he…
A few hours later, the sun near to setting, he find himself walking past a small farm along the roadside. Sounds of various animals - cows, chickens, pigs - seem to break through the fog he’s been stumbling through. Like an instinct long-buried, it evokes a feral need in him.
Turning to look, his head twitches before taking the path up to the house, walking around the back toward the chicken coop. Fat hens scratch about in the grass, looking up at him warily before squawking as Obito grabs one by the neck.
The commotion, however, doesn’t go unnoticed. “What’s going on out here?!” Armed with a wakizashi, a man emerges from the house, squinting in the fading daylight. “Hey, you! Get out of there - you can’t just steal -”
His words cut short as Obito goes still, crouched and bent forward. Slowly, he turns to face his new companion, muscles spasming and making his entire form twitch and flutter.
The farmer takes half a step back, expression shifting to terror. His grip on his blade tightens, but shakes. “W...what are you…? What’s wrong with you?!”
Blood trails down the Uchiha’s chin, spilling down his front. In his hands is the still-warm corpse of an umber-feathered chicken, muscles torn raw by his teeth, head lolling loosely as beady eyes stare without seeing. Considering the much larger source of food before him, there’s a moment’s pause before he lunges with a throaty growl.
A cry echoes out into the night as the sun sinks below the horizon. Blade dropped in his shock, the farmer grapples as best he can hand-to-hand with the cloaked intruder. His strength is still immense, quickly pinning his target to the rear of the house. Arms shaking as he struggles to hold back his aggressor, the farmer’s face deteriorates into tearful panic as he realizes he’s not going to be able to overpower this deranged man. “Please...please, d-don’t -”
As his prey’s arms give out, Obito wastes no time in tucking into the crook of his neck. Teeth bury into the flesh, slowly tearing until he pulls away with a chunk of meat, blood dribbling and spurting as an artery tears. The man’s screams gurgle with blood, pitched and tearing his throat with their force. Body going into shock at the pain, he collapses onto the ground, still trying to claw his way out of Obito’s grip. But he’s not about to be thrown off so easily. Now pinning the farmer beneath his bulk, he’s free to rip off mouthfuls of muscle, tendons, veins and nerves from any part of the man he can reach.
In his only act of mercy, he unknowingly lets the man bleed out quickly with his severed artery, soon going completely limp as life leaves him. That allows Obito to feast on his prize as chickens continue to scream, the rest of the barnyard stirred to frenzy at the smell of spilt blood.
Glancing up from a report she’s writing at her desk, Ryū spots one of the hospital’s runners. “Yes?”
“Tsunade-sama wishes to see you. She’s in the lobby.”
A blink. It’s not entirely unheard of to speak to the Godaime, but she wonders what she could want. They’re already having trouble with staffing due to an influx of some new illness. She shouldn’t be taken from her work for too long. “All right, I’ll be right down.”
Finding a stopping point, she abandons her writing - a record of her experiences with the new sickness so far - and takes the stairs down the main lobby. Tsunade’s arms are crossed, chakra agitated, and Ryū braces herself for the encounter. “You needed to speak with me, Tsunade-sama?”
“Yes,” the blonde barks, earning no reaction - Ryū’s used to it by now. “This illness we’re facing is spreading. An undercover officer of mine traveling north scouting out its progress says new infections are taking root nearly to the border.”
The Suigin’s stomach sinks. “Oh no…”
“I know we’re swamped here, but I need you to head up there and get the situation under control.”
“But -?”
“I’ll be sending out our other top medics to heavy infection sites to gather more data and begin epidemic protocols. If we’re not careful, this is going to turn into a massive situation. We’ve already breached fifty patients displaying these symptoms here in Konoha alone.” Her head jerks toward the door. “Hatake Kakashi will be waiting for you by the front gate in half an hour. You’re to pack supplies and meet him there. He’ll be your shinobi escort.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Ryū sighs. There’s no getting out of this one. “...yes ma’am.”
“Get going. I’ll be overseeing things here myself.” The Godaime rests a heavy hand atop her underling’s shoulder, amber eyes dark with fortitude and worry. “Good luck.”
“...you too.”
It’s a quick jog home, Ryū startling Fubuki as she returns several hours ahead of schedule. “Want to head out on a mission with me?”
The owl’s head rotates curiously. “Oh…?”
Explaining as she packs, Ryū hefts her bag atop her shoulder. “I’ll probably need to send messages fairly often to report my progress.”
“Of course, Ryū-sama.” Fubuki follows, flying overhead as her summoner makes her way to the gate.
Kakashi’s already there despite her being ten minutes early - odd, if she knows anything about the oft-tardy jōnin. “Yo,” he greets, tone and posture casual. But there’s little hiding the tension in his chakra from a sensor.
Ryū gives a curt nod. “Kakashi-senpai.”
“Ready to go, Suigin-san?”
“Then we’d best hop to it.”
The pair waste no time in leaving Konoha behind, leaping through trees to the north as Fubuki glides overhead. “So,” Kakashi asks, glancing over. “How much can you tell me about this? Tsunade was rather skimpy on the details for the sake of time, but...not much else to do while we travel, eh?”
“A new infectious disease is spreading and turning people...irrational,” Ryū offers. “We’re still observing all of the symptoms. So far we’ve seen a progressive deterioration of the nervous system: twitching, jerking, and lack of control over the body’s fine motor skills. Their mental state also slowly frays: they become increasingly agitated, until they seem to lose any coherent thought in lieu of a temper and want to fight anyone nearby. They’ve also taken to...biting. And this spreads the disease further. It also seems to be transmittable through bodily fluids, like saliva, blood, and mucus.”
Kakashi’s grey brows furrow. “...sounds like a bad time.”
“Very. We’ve not been able to isolate its cause, yet either. We’re not sure if it’s bacteria, fungal, or viral. Maybe even something else. Which means we haven’t been able to start any treatment yet. Everyone who catches it has just been kept isolated and restrained.”
He sighs heavily. “...I see now why she seemed so run ragged. This is serious.”
It’s a day and a half trek to the village in question, and the pair take as infrequent of breaks as they can manage. Resting overnight, they rise early the next morning. “We should make it to the village by evening.”
But before they can reach their destination...an unexpected detour forks their path.
Holding up a hand, Kakashi urges the pair of them to stop, tucking into thicker foliage to hide. Silently, Fubuki lands nearby. “...someone’s down there,” he murmurs, Sharingan unveiled.
“Yeah...I sensed someone, too. They’re alone.” Ryū can’t help but worry. She knows that chakra: it’s Tobi. And yet something about it seems...off. Tense, agitated, and unsteady.
Please don’t let this be what I think it is...
He can hardly think anymore. All that runs through his mind in endless loops are the things he feels. So hungry...so cold...so angry…! Keep walking, have to keep walking, have to find food. Find...help...so hungry. Already he’s tossed off his mask, feeling too stifled as his rattling breaths echoed against it. Every step is dogged by a shambling, shaking body that runs on a kind of automatic pace and path. He keeps eating, anything he can find. There’s blood all over his front: both from his prey, and that he’s vomited as his innards convulse and defy his offerings. A glossy look has overtaken his bloodshot eyes, which flicker in their sockets in search of movement. If something moves, he can eat it…! Sate this gnawing in his stomach, the warmth he so desperately craves devoured into his rot-filled belly.
He’s stuck to the dense foliage of Hi no Kuni - any step into the sun burns, it burns…! His skin is so cold...but the sun is too hot. Shuffling under the trees, sticking to the shaded undergrowth, he carries on in a directionless wandering, only those few thoughts guiding him forward.
Vaguely, only vaguely, does something else echo in the back of his mind. Something else he should be...looking for. Something important. But he can’t recall what it was, mind too eroded to focus clearly enough on the memory. So it lingers instead as a blurry impression. A smudge of white...white among the black…
Waiting in the treetops to see who they’re dealing with, both Ryū and Kakashi tense as shuffling reaches their ears. Through the thick undergrowth of the forest stumbles...a man. Clad in a dark cloak with scattered red clouds, he gracelessly maneuvers through the thickets. Dark hair is a mess, some slicked with sweat and sticking to his clammy, pale skin. And his eyes, typically black, are a glossy grey under a film. Blood stains his face.
But there’s no mistaking those scars.
Ryū tenses, almost crying out as she sees him. But she can’t let on that she knows him! And that...that cloak...he’s Akatsuki…? Never did it cross her mind, though she’d suspected his dealings to be shady.
Kakashi’s tone is breathless and disbelieving. He...does he know Tobi? Is Obito his real name? “Who…?”
His head slowly shakes. “...my teammate. Uchiha Obito. He...he died during the last war, saving my life...how can he be here? That’s not...possible…”
Ryū’s mind immediately flickers to memories of Obito’s body: of the strange white right side. “...are you sure he died? He couldn’t have…?”
“He was...crushed by a collapsing doton cave. He...he was alive when we...but how…?”
Crushed. That would explain his strange half. What was damaged must have been...replaced somehow. And he’s...an Uchiha? The clan that was nearly wiped out a decade ago? “Kakashi-senpai...I think he’s got the disease we’ve been fighting.”
“The way he’s walking...and his chakra. I can sense it.” Ryū fights against the urge to break down into tears. Why…? Why him?! She...she has to find a cure...she has to save him…!
Kakashi heaves a curt breath, a hand running down his face to rest over his mask. “...I can’t believe he’s part of Akatsuki…”
“We can’t take him back to Konoha...they’ll kill him!”
He glances to her, expression tinged suspicious.
“You...you don’t want them to kill your teammate, do you? What if...what if he’s just gotten himself mixed up in all of this?”
Looking her over carefully, Kakashi takes a moment to reply. “...I’d like to know the truth, yes. But he’s also a threat. If he’s hostile…”
“But he’s sick! He’ll attack us anyway, the aggression is part of the disease!”
“Suigin-san...what do you know?”
“...I-I…” Her expression falters.
“...never mind that. For now...we should try to capture him. Then we can figure out what to do.”
“Wait -!”
Dropping down to the forest floor. Kakashi crouches in the underbrush. Maybe if he can retain the element of surprise…
Obito, however, is too keen for movement. Seeing him fall, his interest piques, turning with a guttural grunt. Food…? Prey? Suddenly motivated, he abandons his slow forward shuffle and runs with surprising speed toward Kakashi’s hiding place!
Eyes widening, Kakashi jumps up and over to dodge his grip. Hands flicker through signs, bringing up an earth wall around his old teammate.
But though he can’t bend chakra, lacking the fine control, Obito crashes right through Kakashi’s technique, too feral and determined to be stopped by simple dirt and stone.
“Kakashi-senpai!” Ryū shrieks in the branches above them as Fubuki flutters in panic. “Don’t let him bite you -!”
“Trying not to!” he calls back, tone slightly irritated. Blocking Obito’s random, haphazard attempts to catch him, movements irrational, Kakashi does his best to avoid wounding him. “Obito…! Obito, it’s me! Kakashi!”
But that doesn’t seem to have any effect. Whether it’s because he doesn’t recognize him, or simply doesn’t care, Kakashi can’t know. But the Uchiha seems to have no capacity to tire, relentlessly striking in an attempt to get close enough to land a bite.
Making up her mind, Ryū orders her summon to stay before leaping down and joining the fray.
Turning at the sound of her impact, Obito stares, chest heaving with rattling breath as Kakashi stumbles back, recovering.
For a long moment, they lock eyes. Ryū’s flicker between his own, looking for any trace of recognition.
But though they do brighten...it’s with a new level of fervor. This...this is what he was looking for! The white in the dark! Rather than recognize her, though...Obito simply compounds his determination and attacks with even greater resolve.
Expression slack with surprise, Ryū watches him advance before lifting her palms.
Like a strike to a temple bell, the impact against her barrier rings out through the trees. Held apart only by the shimmering, half-translucent wall of energy, Ryū stares as he relentlessly beats against the barrier. Up close, she can see the blood splashed down his front, the yellowed film over his eyes, and the bits of flesh still stuck in his teeth as he bellows at her.
...but rather than afraid...she feels only heartbreak.
Though her grip on her barrier remains firm, her face breaks into tears, sobbing as he mindlessly attempts to reach her. Seeing him like this...so unlike himself, so sick...it’s painful to watch.
Forgotten in the background, Kakashi watches, understanding starting to bloom.
After a moment to vent her sadness, Ryū heaves a shaking breath, regathering her determination. With a force of will, she closes the barrier in a sphere around her lover, letting it stand freely as she stumbles back a step. “T...there. That will hold. What...what should we do with him…?”
Coming around beside her and watching Obito continue to beat fists against the shield, Kakashi glances to her. “...you know him, don’t you…?”
Realizing her cover is blown, Ryū wilts in defeat. “...I met him this past Spring, while on a trip to Suna to help with their greenhouses. We…” A pause, not sure how to explain. “...I’ve seen him several times since. There was a...a spark, and…” Her breath hitches. “I...I-I didn’t know who he was…! He told me to call him Tobi. I had n-no idea he was with Akatsuki…! I thought he was a mercenary, maybe...but not like this…” Somber greys look back up to him. “...and now look at him...I have to do something…!”
Realization dawns on Kakashi. This isn’t just a fling between two people...there’s more to it than that.
She loves him...doesn’t she?
Then why is he so determined to hurt her? Surely if he was to recognize anyone...it would be someone he loves?
“...well, we can’t take him back to Konoha,” Kakashi murmurs. “He’ll be killed on sight. And we can’t take him with us. We’ll have enough sick people to worry about once we get there. I just don’t know what else to do with him.”
Eyes flickering as she thinks, Ryū slowly brightens. “...I have an idea.” Thankfully she has the chakra for it. “Kakashi-senpai, please stand back.”
He does as asked, looking wary.
Cutting her thumb with a chakra scalpel, Ryū presses her palm to the forest floor. “Kuchiyose no jutsu…!”
A huge plume of vapor expands between the trees, slowly fading to reveal a long, slender body of shimmering silver and iridescent ivory. A serpentine eye snicks open. “...I take it you have good reason to interrupt my nap, little one…?”
Kakashi gapes as the dragon speaks, addressing Ryū directly.
“Suigin-sama...I’m sorry, but I need your help. Have you heard of the plague overtaking Hi no Kuni?”
“The owls bring me whispers, yes. What has happened?”
“We’re still looking into it, but...someone very dear to me is ill. Could you take him home for me, please? I...I can’t take him to Konoha. It’s not safe for him there. And I have to work on researching the cure in another village…!”
Blinking, Suigin then turns her slender, antlered head to Obito. Her gaze intensifies as she watches him. “...I see...what would you have me do?”
“Just...keep him there until I can meet you. Tsunade-sama and other medics are going to be working on figuring out how to stop this disease. Maybe you could to the same, with To- ...with Obito as your subject?”
“Hm…” Slithering around on slender legs, Suigin circles him, observing. “...this I could do for you, little one. But I must keep him restrained, and likely unconscious. I doubt such an illness could spread to one of my kind. But I must still be cautious.”
“...whatever you need to do, just...please, look after him.”
The sage’s gaze studies her pupil, hearing the pleading affection in her tone. “...very well. I will await word from Fubuki. We must converge our findings. Tell Tsunade I too will speak to her of my discoveries when necessary. I fear a plague such as this would be catastrophic should it be allowed to spread.”
“Agreed. Then...I’d best be on my way.”
“Safe travels, little one. I will take him, and do what I can.” Lifting a taloned paw, the dragon’s energy bleeds through her student’s barrier. Like a string-cut puppet, Obito goes limp, and Ryū lets the shield fade. Ever so gently, Suigin scoops him into her grip before taking to the sky.
Watching her go, Ryū then turns to Kakashi, who stares in disbelief. “...was that a dragon...?”
“Yes, my sage teacher.”
“...I never knew you had such...interesting connections, Suigin-san.”
She grins wryly. “Well...there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Kakashi-senpai. Maybe there will be time to talk while we complete our mission.”
He then moves his gaze back to her. “...yes, there’s a lot I’d like to know. Particularly about Obito, but...well, that will have to wait until we can catch our breath. For now, we better get going.”
Ryū nods, following as Kakashi leaps back into the trees. Hold on, Obito...I’ll find a cure…! I won’t let you down! Just hold on…!
     fINALLY DONE. That took me...WAY longer than it should have!      *looks at long, old list of other drabbles I need / want to do*      ...anyway.      HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG! I...hope I did this right? xD It’s been a while since I’ve done anything zombie-themed...and even longer since it was also in the Nart world. I’m a lil rusty .w.; But I gave it my best shot, lol      Guess this’ll have to have a follow-up someday cuz whoops cliffhanger.      BUT before then I owe...many other things, including the last (at least it SHOULD be last) Distraction series drabble. And then the DL series for Star. Oof. That doesn’t even count things I just want to write! So many things...      ANYWHO, I’m...a lil braindead after cranking this out, so I’ma stop here! I hope you enjoy your berfdai drabble :3
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biscuitreviews · 6 years
Biscuit Reviews Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
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Around this time last year, I reviewed and played Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It was a game that completely won me over with its charm, lore, and beautiful world, with its fairy tail like story. This year, its sequel, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom was released with a lot to live up to. So the question I will be answering in this review is this: Did Ni No Kuni II, surpass its predecessor?
There are two main characters in this title. The first character you meet, Roland, is the president in what appears to be the United States. He’s being transported to a meeting when suddenly a missile is launched and destroys the city he is traveling to. Shortly after the explosion, Roland is teleported to another world where he meets the second main character, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, a boy who is about to become the new king of Ding Dong Dell. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because Evan is a descendant of King Tom Tildrum XIV, the king of Ding Dong Dell in the first game. When these two characters meet, it is during this time where Moussinger, a royal advisor to Evan’s father, the former king of Ding Dong Dell, comes to assassinate Evan so that Moussinger can become the new king.
Roland helps Evan escape and it is during this time, he agrees to help Evan with his goal: to create a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after. Evan and Roland will travel the world to recruit people to join the Kingdom of Evermore and try to convince the nations of the world to join in their effort for all people to live happily. Both of these characters are very well balanced and don’t overshadow one another in the story.
Combat in this game is a vast improvement from the first Ni No Kuni. Rather than summoning Familiars to do the majority of the fighting, the characters themselves are fighting in real time. You control whatever character you designate as the party leader, but you are able to switch to a different character in the party at will. You’re able to perform light and heavy attacks, however there are no combo commands for your attacks. You’ll instead by driving a meter for your weapon to perform a special attack. Now, this special attack can be performed at anytime as long as you have the necessary magic, but, if you let the meter reach 100%, special attacks can have added effects and bonuses when being performed. Each character will have three melee weapons equipped which can help greatly in using a different weapon with different abilities depending on the enemies you’re facing.
Familiars have been replaced with a new creature known as Higgledies. Rather than taking being the main focus of the battle, these little creatures will provide support. This support involves unleashing an attack, placing a cannon, or providing support magic to buff or heal your party. You can even level up, find, and create new Higgledies and each Higgledy will provide their own type of assistance. You’re able to form your own Higgledy group which encourages experimentation adding a new layer of optimization during fights.
During Evan’s journey, he will also have to lead his armies on skirmishes on the world map. These skirmishes can help Evan complete quests for his citizens, gain new citizens and money to further improve his kingdom. Some of these skirmishes can provide a nice little strategic challenge for those that wish to have Evermore become even greater.
Ni No Kuni II’s story involves creating a kingdom and you will be doing just that. As mentioned earlier, Evan and his friends will recruit people to join Evermore. It is here you can build your kingdom and assign citizens to areas of the kingdom to further help Evan’s journey. Taking care of your kingdom will bring benefits to your party. These benefits includes new spells for Evan, new armor and weapons for your party, and new passive abilities for your party as well.
The only downside to Evermore is that you choose where these buildings go as each building has a predetermined plot within Evermore.
In the previous entry, you had a book known as the Wizard’s Companion that not only served as a place where Oliver kept track of his spells, but it also had information that allowed the player to learn more about the world and inner workings of Ni No Kuni. It contained details of kingdoms and had stories about events that happened within the world itself.
In Ni No Kuni II, there is no Wizard’s Companion. In fact, the game really doesn’t have anything to help build its world or show players who played the original game what all changed in that world. It doesn’t even provide an explanation on some of the new magical elements that occur such as Roland appearing younger when he entered Evan’s world. Now, you can visit a library that will provide a few details about the current workings of the world, but, it does nothing to tell the player the history of events that the original game went above and beyond to explain. Even some lore elements that the first game took so much time to establish seems to have suddenly been forgotten or brushed aside simply to tell the story within Ni No Kuni II which really disappointed me.
Ni No Kuni II’s story is still charming and the gameplay is greatly improved from the original title. I wish I could give this game the same score or even a higher score than the original. But, the way the world building and lore was handled was just a huge disservice to everything the original game took so much time to build and establish.
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom receives a 3 out of 5
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