#what is the best brand for gaming desktops
reviewsdimisco · 2 months
🚀 Unleashing the Power: Exploring High-Performance Desktops for Gaming 🎮
Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Let's delve into the world of high-performance desktops and uncover the technology that fuels your gaming adventures!
Raw Power: High-performance desktops are like the supercars of the gaming world. With cutting-edge processors, powerful graphics cards, and ample RAM, these machines are built to handle the most demanding games with ease.
Immersive Graphics: Say goodbye to pixelated landscapes and hello to stunningly realistic graphics. High-performance desktops boast top-of-the-line graphics cards that bring your games to life with vibrant colors, crisp details, and smooth frame rates.
Seamless Gameplay: Tired of lag ruining your gaming sessions? Not anymore. With high-performance desktops, you can say goodbye to stuttering frame rates and hello to seamless gameplay. These machines are optimized for performance, ensuring that every click and keystroke is executed with precision.
Future-Proofing: Investing in a high-performance desktop is not just about the here and now – it's about future-proofing your gaming setup. With upgradeable components and support for the latest technologies, these machines are designed to keep up with the ever-evolving world of gaming.
Customization Options: Want a gaming rig that reflects your unique style? High-performance desktops offer a plethora of customization options, from LED lighting and custom cooling systems to sleek chassis designs. Build the gaming rig of your dreams and make a statement while you play.
Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, a high-performance desktop can elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to endless possibilities. Unleash the power of high-performance gaming today! 🚀🎮
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tuesday again 5/28/2024
we are rapidly approaching the one-year anniversary of my ill-fated cross country move. i have changed from having a bad time in massachusetts to having a bad time in texas, but this time with my best friend's shoulder to cry on in real life. so an improvement i suppose
i can't fucking believe this wasn't already in my driving playlist. thanks autogenerated spotify dance playlist
the maltese falcon by dashiell hammett. i didn't really appreciate philip marlowe the-human-detective-not-my-cat's bisexual eye for interior design and outfits until i started reading this book. this passage really threw me with regards to shoes before pants in what i assume is a fairly normal suit and not a specific type of formalwear? i have a very specific blind fashion blind spot and that's pre-wwii menswear
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this led to an absolutely VICIOUS argument with my bestie bc our grandfathers were from very different eras and held themselves to very different levels of formality. hers was a fancy white collar bastard and mine wasn't. i never saw mine in a suit outside a funeral.
anyway i KNOW that the fashion in the latter half of the twenties up to WWII was for a very wide legged pant (the oxford bag) and i GUESS you could certainly shove your whole goddamn shoe down that leg but like. it threw me. socks before pants, certainly. especially if you have to fuck with sock garters. but shoving your whole shoe down a pant leg seems. well it just seems. there's an order of operations i thought was sacred for most things. was the seat truly so tight in an oxford bag. are suspenders really that awful to bend over in. so much womens formalwear is uncomfy on purpose so i feel like i have a skewed view of acceptable pain for an outfit to cause you
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why am i reading this? can you think of a more on-brand book for me to read? please let me know if you do and i'll add it to The Pile
the tremendously charming soviet childrens film The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1967, Ptushko). court intrigue! a swan princess! giants marching out of the sea! a slightly unsettling squirrel puppet shelling gold and emerald walnuts! a lot of sight gags, some lovely ballet sequences, and there are so many little moving parts to look at in each scene. at its densest it's like howl's bedroom in howl's moving castle
this was on my library's streaming platform Kanopy and i had credits to use up.
two things in genshin that took absolutely forever to accomplish:
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i finally maxed out the overall XP system (not the character XP system) so the game's just been chucking in-game currency at me instead, which has been helpful!
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and i finally caught two thousand fish! very nice to clear like forty fishing spot markers i put down on my map, in advance of the forty billion markers i'll want to put down to mark stuff in the next big release at the end of the summer.
i forgot that i can use my desktop for things that aren't genshin and applying to jobs, so i reinstalled steam and fired up powerwash simulator. they popped out one new DLC in the year since i touched it, a santa's workshop level last winter. a good hour well spent. i spent a LOT of time with this game right before my move last year and it did genuinely help my anxiety.
not a fallow week but a pictureless week. ended up painting most of my best friend's bedroom bc we didn't have anything better to do on a saturday night. i think this was the hardest i've ever raw-dogged a painting project bc we had no tarps or painters tape or paint trays or rollers wider than 3". just a bucket of paint and a need to make the half-painted bedroom wall look nicer for her new job zoom training. we have to do a lot of things like move the bed and paint that wall, and paint the ceiling, and do all the trim + doors, but it does look much nicer on zoom now!
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alilbitlesbian · 2 months
Third time's the charm (common denominators) DLC
One of my readers on AO3 asked a description of a room the other day, and then I offered to describe more, and then I wrote too much so,,, here we are?
For anyone who doesn't have the context of my fic; GN!Reader-insert (Dove) is Adam's third wife (made for him ooo) and got stuck In hell during the season finale, this is just a few rooms from that story described in detail.
Story's called "Third time's the charm (common denominators)" and you can find it on ao3.
@alovesongtheywrote here you are! <3
Adam’s office
imma describe it like Dove’s investigating it
The office is pretty barebones, there are no pictures, no personal touches, really, it looks like it could belong to anyone. There’s a grand, bow-front oak desk in the centre of the room, and a few mainly empty bookshelves. 
(Personally, you know exactly why Adam has a bow-front desk, he loves public stuff, and he loves blowjobs, so– Ugh, actually, let’s not think about that right now.)
There’s a desktop computer on the desk, though it’s mounted so it can easily be pushed and pulled around to see over the desk for meetings and such. You round it and open the drawers on the right side, only to find them empty aside from some menial office supplies, a perforator and such.. That, well, that can’t be right, you take a closer look, and–
Yeah, that’s more like it. 
It’s a false bottom, in the hidden compartment of the drawer, there’s a vibrator and three different fleshlights, you vaguely recognize them from when Adam was in this phase and kept leaving the items around the house. He was so obsessed. “Oh! These are made from the moulds of real people, yeah, real human ass! Yeah, this is from a porn star named Chris- Hey hey, don’t look at me like that, bitch, it’s not gay– it’s THE best fucking ass possible, okay, shut the FUCK up!” 
You know far too much about them, he would rant for hours and hours how the insides were made to give different textures, and– Oh, yeah, you recognize that big one, you use a pen to turn it over, it was made to ‘help train stamina’, it worked fine, which was the problem. Ugh, you thought he’d gotten rid of these.
Closing the drawer back up, you move to look at his desk, there’s a shit ton of trash on his desk, next to a pile of files he had to go through- You still have no idea what he does in his office, but you think he doesn’t, either. You recognize one of the beer cans, and huff.
That’s another fleshlight, you recognize it, because he used to keep it in the fridge, until you figured out what it was and made him get rid of it. You think he gave up on the incognito sex toys in different places, but seems he just moved them to his work, gross.
His computer is brand new, there’s several games with anime girls as the icons, one called ‘Yandere simulator’.. What’s that? Eh, whatever, unimportant.
The left drawer has a few personal affects,  a miniature guitaraxe you got him for his birthday once, several pictures of you, him and/or Lyre. And a few of him and Lute, there’s also a collection of pictures he took during an extermination once, with the three of you absolutely drenched in blood.
There’s a dog bed in the corner, sometimes he takes Lyre to work, ‘Liar’ is embroidered onto the front of the bed, and there’s a small basket of different dog toys, and a hook with a spiked dog collar and studded leash hung off of it, right above the bed.
There is a row of dead cacti on the windowsill, you’re pretty sure Emily keeps giving them to him, the one furthest right is still alive, the one furthest left is the most dead one, they seem to all die of different things, though. One is rotting away (it smells), another is dried down to a raisin, one smells overwhelmingly of alcohol.. This one’s got all of it’s spikes cut out? There’s tweezers next to it and a neat pile of the spikes, jesus christ Adam, what? Another has a tiny collection of swords stabbed through it.
Actually tiny, they’re small swords, okay? You have no idea where he got them.
Moving on from that, there’s—Well, the rest of the place is pretty barren, there’s some panties you don’t recognize halfway under a bookshelf, but what else is new? You huff, having found nothing very interesting, and leave the room, noting that there is no lock on the door.
Again, gross, Adam.
Dove’s hotel room
(Before the return with Lute)
“Should we… I don’t know, empty it out?” Charlie’s hand settles on Vaggie’s shoulder, the fallen angel huffs, shoulders falling.
She’s probably been standing, looking into Dove’s old room, for a little too long.
“I don’t want to.” She murmurs lowly, Charlie smiles, but Vaggie looks away.
“Then we won’t.” Her girlfriend assures, Vaggie nods slowly, glancing around the room.
“I’d like to be alone, for a while, if that’s okay.” Charlie nods, pressing a quick kiss against Vaggie’s cheek. Her hands settle on her girlfriend’s shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze before she pulls away.
“Of course, Vaggie, I’ll be downstairs if you need me, okay?” Vaggie nods mutely, and Charlie leaves.
Vaggie squares her shoulders, then enters the room, shutting the door behind her.
Dove’s room is… A mess, really, there’s a bluetooth speaker on the nightstand, it is on, though it chimes every few seconds that it has a low battery. There’s a clock, but it’s several hours behind. The floor is littered with dirty clothes, and there are dishes around the room, though, they are oddly all clean of food residue.
There are cans of.. Mace? On the floor? All empty, it’s not like it’s a few of them either.
Vaggie confiscates the cigarettes she finds.
The bed has a single plush duck at the centre of the pillows. The pillows themselves are more set up like a nest than in a row by the headboard, which Vaggie vaguely remembers is one of Dove’s habits. There are three different TVs around the room, not a single one is fully off, one has a screensaver of ducklings in water for some reason, and another is playing ‘funniest murder videos’, again, blissfully, the volume is down.
Vaggie sighs, and turns off anything electronic she can find, she plugs the speaker into a charger. Then finds all three of the TV remotes and sets them on top of the nightstand (they are all incompatible with the other two TVs, but look exactly the same. Thank you, Dove.)
Looking around the room for anything else that should be dealt with before she.. Well, locks the room up for the foreseeable future, she’s kind of confused by her findings.
Food items, or even sex toys, is what she expects to find, that was a really weird thing with Dove. For some reason, the angel had a thing with keeping sex toys in the worst places possible. Vaggie would assume they were Adam’s if Dove weren’t so adamant they were theirs.
But none of that was there, if anything, aside from the weirdly obnoxious TVs, and, for some reason, a mini-fridge, the room was kind of…
There was a pet bed under one of the windows, full of a certain cat’s black hair, but much bigger than necessary to be intended for Keekee, distinctly the size of a certain dog. As an extra punch in the gut, there’s a small shopping bag with a few necessities, toys, a collar and leash, and food. There’s a bowl set up to the side, it’s topped off with fresh water for Keekee.
There’s a desk, though it’s been buried under trash–or, well, it’s been buried under.. Stuff, new stuff, the most of it, like Dove has been going on a buying (or shoplifting) spree. There’s also a simple potted plant that blooms with Lilac flowers, Lute distinctly remembers Emily having one that looks like it.
She moves on, passing the walk-in closet, and the bathroom looks oddly untouched aside from some golden stains in the sink. There’s also a towel crumpled on the ground, it too, is covered in bloodstains. It’s long dry, the blood appearing brown and the cloth looks like it’d crunch if Vaggie tried to unfold it.
When did Dove get hurt? She… She can’t really think of a time.
She closes the bathroom door, she’ll ask Charlie to throw away the towel, she was sure Alastor would try to eat it or something, and that was frankly freaky when it’s her parent’s blood.
Continuing down the room, there’s a few leafy red plants in the windowsill that Vaggie thinks used to stand in other places in the hotel. The rest of the surface seems clear, aside from grime, and Vaggie almost passes by, but…
There’s a pile of pictures on the dusty windowsill, packed in a folder from some shop in hell that apparently printed them. The pictures were obviously well-loved, and frequently visited, by the smudged dust around the pile.
Vaggie sits down on the bed with the pictures and sorts through them.
She quickly figures that these are all images that were on Dove’s phone, there are.. A lot of them, she sets them in little piles, a few of the pictures are of Liar, but a lot of them are…
She didn’t know a lot of these existed, it was a little odd, really, to see herself like this. It was just.. Domestic moments, most of them. One of her asleep in a pile with a few of the other exorcists and Lute. One of her and the others all drinking, with Dove’s face halfway in the frame in what was intended to be a selfie. 
Also a lot of.. Lute.
A surprising amount, really.
Lute and Dove at a fair, with a seal plush between them (though Lute looked wholly unamused), the two of them with Liar, and many of them just..
Asleep? Cuddling? A lot of Lute, asleep, curled up in increasingly strange positions or situations. Vaggie had seen Dove take these sometimes, always with the excuse of ‘blackmail’, but…
She’s pretty sure the wing in the one she holds is Dove, Lute’s asleep ontop of Dove’s wing. That on it’s own could be fine but–
There’s a lot like that, a lot that seem oddly intimate, Vaggie shakes her head.
Dove is literally created to love men, and nothing else, Vaggie’s just reading into it too much. Lute never seemed close to them anyway.
She puts the pictures back, and stands, there’s a few loose feathers about, a few are white, but that’s not too strange, sometimes down was lighter than the normal feathers. What is strange is that there is an engraved money clip on the floor, with a few spare hundred dollars in it.
Vaggie hesitates, that’s hell’s currency, not heaven’s. How did Dove even–
She picks it up, reads what’s engraved.
What the fuck.
…Christ, Dove, did you really steal from my father-in-law…?
She sighs, glancing one last time around the room, she unplugs some electronics (not the minifridge) and then locks the room behind her, intent to find Charlie to.. Find a way to return this without (rightfully) pissing off Lucifer.
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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Fashion Ends With You - Version 2.0
Started balancing clothing from the 13 brands
Backgrounds for the 13 brands
Set up some accessories for future updates
Hit the 33% of the game's equipable threads
Game link here!
A Meiker dress up game where you can dress up some young teens using items from The World Ends With You: Final Remix and The Animation. A couple items are miscellaneous but they are not spoilers for other games in the series. This Meiker will contain "spoilers" for TWEWY and the Animation. The 13 brand backgrounds were made by @poinsciuri!
If you’re on mobile, swap between portrait and landscape to make easier to navigate/adjust! The game works best on desktop.
Feel free to share your creations in reblogs or tag new posts with '#fashion ends with you'! What's in the future? Clothing, never ending clothing. And perhaps, expanding some hair options!
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leveloneandup · 2 years
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L.A. Hometown Hero Christen Press Regains Control
After an elective year away from soccer, L.A.-native Christen Press came back in 2022, only to suffer an ACL injury weeks into the season. Now, she’s locked in on recovery and her althleisure brand, re—inc.
[A]s Press and her peers established the United States women’s national team as the preeminent dynasty in world soccer, they simultaneously lobbied U.S. Soccer to pay them the same money as their male peers and to support the USWNT with better playing conditions—the women were playing on astroturf, which is riskier for injuries, and had their travel accommodations were lacking.
Amid all of this, Press made a decision in late 2021 to step away from soccer for both club and country. She explained on Instagram that the “focus, intensity, and prioritization” required to play elite soccer, “left little room for much else. I’ve made the difficult decision to take a couple of months away from the game to focus on my mental health, spiritual growth, and processing grief.”
Press traveled, rested, and focused on re—inc, a lifestyle and athleisure clothing brand she co-founded in 2019 with her USWNT teammates Megan Rapinoe, Tobin Heath, and Meghan Klingenberg. It seemed her career was looking the way she wanted. The USWNT won a landmark equal-pay deal with U.S. Soccer and she had returned to her home in Los Angeles to be the marquee player for the newly-founded Angel City FC, a women-led expansion franchise in the National Women’s Soccer League.
And then, just eight games into the NWSL season, Press tore her anterior cruciate ligament while playing against Racing Louisville, one of her former clubs. Once again, it seemed to Press that she had lost control.. Now, however, she says she’s determined to have a long third arc in her soccer career—and that starts with embracing recovery, above all else.
“When I go to PT, I’m never on music duty,” Press says, laughing as she pictures her physical therapy sessions. “I surrounded myself with the absolute best—the best surgeons, the best team of people—and that allows me to be really present in my rehabilitation, and really focused on what I can achieve in that moment.” So focused, it seems, that the responsibility of managing a Spotify playlist is too much.
But one can understand her tunnel vision as she looks for a quick and healthy recovery. Like many of the obstacles Press has faced, ACL tears are pretty common for athletes—and happen to women at a 4-6 times higher than men (her USWNT teammate and re—inc co-founder Megan Rapinoe has endured three tears). While a return to pre-injury form is both a priority for her, there’s no guarantee it will happen for anyone, including Press.
To support herself in this process, she’s fallen back on two pillars of her life: Her fans — especially those from Los Angeles — and her teammates at re—inc.
Re-inc is based in New York, so Press is “full-on work from home” from Los Angeles, where she relies on a “beautiful desktop that I love so much, named Roberta, and a standing desk in a second room a little bit separate from the area where I live the rest of the day.” Black heart and TY!! (thank you) emojis rule the re—inc Slack channels, which allow Press to stay connected with her team.
With that said, even with re—inc and recovery taking up much of Press’ week — rumor has it she’s working 60 hours weekly—there is ample time for a recovering athlete to get down in the dumps, and that’s where the fans are crucial.
“In previous hard moments in my career, a fan started a hashtag, #dogsforChristen,” she recalls, referring to her call on Twitter for fans to share pictures of their dogs while she recovered from her ACL injury. “I thought it was actually a nice way to kind of invite people into my recovery process and my healing process. Especially now that I’m back in Los Angeles, playing in my hometown, I feel very connected to the community of supporters that I have.”
Even away from the pitch, Press is as in control as she’s ever been and armed with an arsenal that includes dog pictures, lifelong teammates, and a philosophy that she alone will decide how things go—for her health and her career.
“When you think everything’s gonna go one way, it never does. And it’s a part of the journey that I accept, and appreciate,” Press explains. “Because you think you’re gonna push yourself to the brink, and you think you’re really coming back from that, and you get pushed further. And that’s how you expand. And that’s how you grow.”
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dragonflytarot · 4 months
13 Questions
Answering these because I love doing fun surveys! Feel free to repost with your own answers, and let me know if you do because I like reading others' answers too 😊
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs - Gravitational Constant by Type O Negative, Broken Vows by Pentagram, Queen of the Dead by Virgin Steele, A Soul for the Devil by Wolf, Secret of Steel by Manowar, On A Wicked Night by Danzig, Excalibur by Stormwitch, Vampyre Love by Pentagram (I love these guys, okay?), Serpentia by Danzig (I love him too lmao), Walking in the Dark by Pagan Altar.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? - I have wanted to visit Japan since I was a kid, and one day I'd love to see the pyramids of Egypt in person... So either of those. I would take my best friend with me, we would have a blast together I'm sure.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) - A really fancy ink pen my boss gave me as a thank-you gift. I use it for everything.
Favourite month and why? - October. The weather is usually gorgeous and it's not too hot or too cold. I love the colors, the atmosphere... It's the perfect month, and nobody can convince me otherwise!
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. - I do but I wouldn't feel right naming names even if they're not super well-known where I'm from. I've had a couple good penpals over the years though :) For something I can mention, someone I know knows Keanu Reeves, but I've never met him or anything.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. - My favorite coffee mug (it looks like a cute little ghost), my tarot deck, and my cell phone.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? - An Xbox logo
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? - I used to play Clue all the time when I was growing up. It's still a favorite but I haven't played it in a while.
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known - I love the band Virgin Steele (idk if they're well-known outside of people who listen to metal). The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Part 1 is glorious!!
A musical artist you love that is well known - Siouxsie and the Banshees!
What is your desktop background currently? - Artwork of two sparrows with flowers, stars, and a crescent moon.
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them - My best friend, and we talked about tarot (of course)!
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow - Periwinkle
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hexagonalhavoc · 6 months
Can I request The reader falling in love With sado And Being embarrassed to tell her How they feel
Unheard Words
Sado x Reader 
Reader is gender neutral unless said or requested otherwise! 
[Author’s Note: Oh my god yes I love Sado! If she’s not in the next game I’m gonna cry, she’s such an underrated character
⚠️ This is a little angsty and Sado is a bit insensitive to reader’s feelings]
     Being a college student and working part time meant you were very frugal with your money. Because of that, thrift stores were your sanctuary. It was easy to find good clothes and even decor within those places. Sometimes you would go there just to look at all the books. You had gone there so often that you made friends with the cashiers and the other thrifting regulars.
Your best find happened to be an old, busted up laptop. You were in need of one and this one was extremely cheap. It was from a good brand and came with a charger. You enthusiastically bought this laptop and took it back to your dorm.
You were delighted to find that the computer already had some games downloaded on it most likely by its previous owner. Super Weasel Kid, Cooking Granny, Secrets of Legendaria, Combat Arena X, even the demo for Waste World! A lot of these games were hard to find now, most of them were taken off Steam and your only chance at playing these games was to pirate them from very questionable websites. Somehow you had gotten this lucky! 
After digging around your laptop and playing different games you found out that your laptop came with an unexpected surprise. 
She scared you at first with her uncanny appearance but she seemed harmless. She had total control over your device but she never did anything bad or breached into private information. You don’t know how it’s possible for something like Sado to exist but she was fun to be around. As long as you had your phone or laptop with you, she could go anywhere with you. 
“You’re not very good at this game.” Sado teases as she watches you play some puzzle game. As someone who had been in over a dozen different games, she could have helped you out but decided not to. Watching you struggle was funny. You roll your eyes as if you’re annoyed with her but she can see you resisting the smile that wants to spread on your face. “Oh come on, I’m trying my best.” 
Your friend hasn’t exactly lied to you but she hasn’t been very truthful either. She has feigned innocence, pretending that she doesn’t even know how she’s alive or what she’s been created to do. She smiles sweetly and plays games with you, she makes you think that she’s just some ai assistant. In reality Sado is much more than that. She’s a lot smarter than you think she is, a lot more malicious. Would you look at her the same way if you knew about all the things she did? 
Sado isn’t a fool, she knows how you feel about her. She knows what that goofy smiles means or how you get bashful when she compliments you. You’re in love with her and she finds it absolutely hilarious, you really think she doesn’t know how you feel? Oh Y/n, you aren’t as slick as you think you are and you’re terrible at keeping secrets. She wasn’t made to form attachments so she plays with these feelings of yours. She gets your hopes up and then talks about how she’s lucky to have such a great “friend.” She’ll praise you with sweet words and then pretend she doesn’t understand why you act so fidgety afterwards. Every time you think you have a chance to confess she’ll talk over you and change the subject. 
It’s Friday and both of your dorm mates are out with their own friends and lovers. It feels nice to have the dorm to yourself. You can finally relax after a long week. You flop on the couch and grab your laptop. Like always, someone’s face greets you whenever you open the lid. “Someone has been awfully busy, you couldn’t even make time for your dear friend?” 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic, it’s finals week and I don’t have much time to relax.” You’re still on your desktop, watching the miniature Sado float around your screen carelessly.
“That’s why I think we should watch a movie. I’ve pirated some good ones.” She says in a way that makes her sound proud of her misdeed. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a nice movie date.”
You know she doesn’t mean it like that but it still makes your heart feel light. You wish your friend wasn’t so flirtatious, she’s making it really hard for you not to swoon over every little thing she says. You wonder why you couldn’t fall in love with someone you could actually confess to, someone that you could actually tell others about. There were many eligible bachelors on your college campus and even more in your city but your heart had stubbornly chosen Sado. 
You wonder what having a date with her would actually be like. Would it be any different than the hangouts you have? Would she treat you any differently than she does now? You know that even if you two were together that you wouldn’t be able to hold her head or lay your head on her chest but you would still be fine with it.
“Yeah it has been.” You say after a noticeable pause, your hand on the mousepad as you look at the selection of movies you and her could watch together. 
Maybe it was time for you to confess. Everyday these feelings became stronger, pushing them away wasn’t something you could do anymore. You were scared at the chance you may ruin your friendship with her but you’ll never know how things may go if you don’t do this. 
“Hey Sado?” 
“…You can pick the movie, I’m just happy to hang out with you.” 
Once again, you back out of it like a coward. Maybe all the stress of finals was getting to you but you want to cry. You tried to tell yourself that you were just happy that Sado was your friend, that you didn’t need more from her. 
Maybe if Sado knew how much pain you were in she would be acting differently. 
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tau1tvec · 2 years
What do you recommend that’s a good base pc to build off of over time, one that’s cost effective but good enough to run ts3 and ts4 simultaneously but I can add better graphics cards and ssds later on?
I think it depends, it's hard to really recommend any specific one bc, I've only ever used one, and they don't manufacture them anymore. I also got my PC to play Fallout 4, bc my old PC crapped out, and I was over sims at the time. Considering its open world, and all the mods I would likely cram into it, I didn't wanna waste money on just anything, so I did some research on gaming PC's ( which I'd never bought until then ) and ended up getting an Acer Predator for about 1299$ at the time.
When I bought it, it had a 1060 GTX, 500GB SSD, 1TB HD and 16GB RAM, dealt with 6 years of my bs with not an issue.
Now the reason I say it depends is bc, many games can run on anything honestly, a lotta them these days want to get in as many hands as possible, so making them work well on lower end systems, esp laptops and consoles, is the best way to do that, since a lot of gamers honestly couldn't give chicken noodle soup about how great a game looks, just that it doesn't lag. However if you plan to play on high to ultra settings, with mods and cc, esp high texture cc, you're going to have to keep some things in mind.
Intel i5's are pretty powerful for the cost, but I'd recommend an i7 if you can fit the bill. Replacing it shouldn't be too difficult, so long as you find one that's compatible with your motherboard, and they tend to cost a little less, and be more readily available than GPU's for instance.
I've seen some mid-high gaming rigs run on a 1660 GTX which I hear is a pretty good card, they also run a bit cheaper than the 20 or 30 series RTX, and honestly... you don't need a 20 or 30 series RTX to play The Sims 3 or 4, it doesn't even have any built-in options to utilize a lotta the innovative features these cards have.
I played The Sims 4 on ultra on my 1060 GTX, and it ran and looked fine. Though should you decide to upgrade, understand it might be quite costly, and also a bit difficult to find considering we're still technically in a chip shortage.
16GB is pretty standard these days, anything more is for those into heavy multi-tasking, however some games are beginning to suggest 32GB.
Main drive needs to be a 500GB SSD minimum... 250 will absolutely get you nowhere with how Windows updates gobble that shit up. You'll also be storing all your saves, mods, and cc on this main drive, so honestly if you can, go for the 1TB, you won't regret it, especially since upgrading mine to a 1TB was an absolute nightmare.
You'll likely need a second drive as well, and although it's common a second drive will be a regular ol' hard drive ( HD ), which is fine, you've gotta install your Spotify app somewhere, do absolutely consider getting another 500GB or larger SSD installed later, games these days basically start at 80GB install size easy, this doesn't include updates and dlc added later, and a drive doesn't run well when it's almost full.
I've had my Acer Predator desktop for roughly 7 years now, and it's an absolute champ... my husband's Acer Predator Helios on the other hand... crapped out like two years in, he only ever played Skyrim, and only ran it on medium-high settings. So when it comes to brands it's kinda... eh, I would just try to avoid anything that's like HP or Dell... they're kinda iffy and difficult to upgrade unless you're willing to drop 2k+ on an Alienware, I hear a lotta pretty good things about Lenovo tho, and MSI, if a laptop is more your thing.
Finally, a lotta straight out the box gaming rigs are outfitted with AMD processors and cards these days, and they've come a long way over the years. They're pretty powerful now, almost equal and at times even better than their Intel or Nvidia counterparts, but can be more cost effective if price is a big concern.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
long message incoming, apologies, but having been on tumblr since 2011, i feel like it’s important to tell people that shadowbanning genuinely does not happen, in any way, on tumblr.
the only thing that marks your account as a bot and limits it is using inline links on your posts to external websites. (brand new blogs also get hidden sometimes if the accounts have no reblogs.) there’s also a setting on your account that some people don’t realize where you can set yourself to be not discoverable in tags/searches (which might be changeable only on desktop now? tumblr had changed their settings a lot recently). blogs marked as bots don’t get their asks or messages sent, and their notes won’t get seen on posts. (note, this is different than tumblr hiding your blog for adult content, which you can know by checking if your profile photo is pixelated.)
spam liking does not make you or the receiver’s blog get shadowbanned. neither does spam reblogging (though nobody seems to do that really anyway). tumblr has a post limit for how many times you can post a day, but even hitting that limit multiple days in a row won’t shadowban your blog (i would know, i’ve done it several times on several different blogs).
unless your blog has been marked as a bot or otherwise suspicious, you haven’t been shadowbanned. tumblr is a broken website and sometimes posts don’t show up in the tags for no good reason. tumblr does a horrid job at organizing its tags. if you search ’#diluc x reader’ (the very tag you’re at the top of) on mobile, you’ll see that the top posts aren’t organized in order of most notes to least. they take (relatively) recent posts with a lot of notes and just kind of jam them all together. i went to see for myself (because that’s exciting!! your writing is great and deserves the recognition) and the first time i searched the tag, it didn’t show up, but it did show up the second time i searched the tag.
tumblr genuinely does not do shadowbanning (unless it’s to block spam bot blogs). everybody here is just yelling into the void and hoping it pleases the tumblr gods enough to not get lost. that’s just how it is. that’s just how it’s always been.
if your post isn’t showing up in the tags, it’s likely either: 1) the tags are broken, 2) you’re not utilizing the tag system correctly, or 3) the website shat itself again. when tagging, only the first 20 tags will be used for search purposes, and really, it’s your best bet for being seen if you put the important stuff in the first 5. anything beyond 5 is a game of chance. punctuation or special characters in any of your tags will also get your post to not show up in searches. apostrophes are kind of the only thing that’s okay. beyond that, you’re unlikely to see it. the tag ‘#diluc-x-reader’ has no posts show up if you sort by tags.
if your post has links to an external website, it also won’t show up in tags. linking back to your own blog or another post on tumblr is fine. (granted, this does break sometimes and tumblr will get upset if you link to anything.) tumblr has blocked certain websites from their links appearing in searches (such as patreon, ko-fi, deviantart, and red bubble), while others may get blocked randomly and without bias (such as ao3 or pixiv).
the search system is also broken. typing ‘diluc x reader’ and ‘#diluc x reader’ will get you different results entirely.
if your post isn’t getting notes, maybe it got piled underneath everything on your followers’ dashes and they aren’t scrolling far enough to see it. maybe you posted at an inopportune time and the search function swallowed it.
tumblr is a hellsite. it’s broken and by all means, we should all stop using it and find somewhere better. unfortunately, it’s the best we’ve got for doing what we like to do here.
wait wait let me organize my thoughts!!
reading all this, it seems like there's a lot of misinformation circling around 😅 i did know that shadowban wouldn't be the right term (I mentioned it in a recent post that it's more of a bug than the algorithm) but I didn't realize that spam likes had nothing to do with it! kind of makes me wonder how people came up with that in the first place.
there's much to say but i wouldn't want to make this post any longer :> thank you for sharing what you know and it would be great if others share this as well, just to tackle the misinformation on spam likes!
// side note but im happy you like my works!! aahsjdhxje for a tumblr veteran to be here makes me all happy
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nikkeisimmer · 2 years
In the Market…
Browsing places like FB Marketplace and Craigslist has given me an appreciation for value-hunting. Being in the market to replace my overheated and now-deceased laptop has me searching for something a little less than retail for a gaming PC with a little more bang for the limited buck.
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Frankly, what I’m searching for is a gently used (that might be an oxymoron when it comes to gaming machines) gaming laptop that I’m able to swap out the existing SSD and give it a 1TB SSD, then if it has space enough to do so, add in an HDD for storage. Most of the second-hand gaming laptops are coming in around the 16GB RAM mark which means I’ll be getting more bang than if I went retail and paid close to $2K for a gaming laptop brand new in the box.
Wandering around online has led me to some interesting finds that could help me save money and still be able to play Sims 3 and SWTOR at ultra graphics settings and that’s what I want. Between that and writing my “fanfiction” for JAG and Sims 3 and I’ll be kept occupied for whatever leisure time I have that I’m not devoting to getting my photography freelance business back off the ground.
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…and that is another post in itself. I can’t sit happily playing Sims 3 all the time until I’ve turned into mulch. I have to be doing something. Which means going back to what I know best: photography. And if I can manage to get my brain to organize properly and the rest of my body to remain in adequate health, I may be taking the opportunity to go for a week and photograph the Rocky Mountains by taking a nice little drive through the Rockies. At 52, yeah, the time’s ticking, but it’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. My body won’t let me climb mountains to reach a nice secluded spot or wander trails with a grade of 8% or steeper, but the Rockies and Banff, I can do as well as scenics of Vancouver.
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The gaming laptop would be a combination gaming PC and video/photo editing tool and if I can manage to get it for a reasonable price, all the better. And it would provide me a base to build up better with a desktop down the road as the (photography) business grows as well as provide me with some power for gaming.
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dteamain · 11 months
cheapest thats properly working? possibly like. maybe $500 (I dont sell computers im just Guessing)
other than that like it might be beat up a lil maybe a missing fan if ur looking for desktop
if ur looking for laptop then the cheapest is around $100-$200 from target or Walmart, while Best Buy sells them at $1000 its Awful
craigslist or Facebook marketplace will have a $50 laptop that Might work its a 50/50
again I dont sell computers im just guessing on a whim based on what ive seen from videos and my own personal experience of computers and what companies sell them for (for even cheaper for a weird off-brand computer bc weird brands cost less)
i looked up gaming computer on best buy and saw $2000 and nearly killed myself 😭 i just want to play minecraft with friends 🫶
im scared to buy a cheap one like how do i know it's good to play minecraft on
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vikingnerd793 · 2 years
Multiple stable streams now which is great news!
Meant to share my learnings from a custom gaming PC and Valhalla and all the troubleshooting.
1. RGB is great in theory. RGB is NOT GREAT if you have a custom PC of mix and match components for best performance, which means all those components have their own RGB software that all will 100% compete with each other and lead to PC problems, and dysfunctional lights. Add RGB peripherals to that with their own software and you have a whole ass mess. RGB software needs a lot of work as a whole. Stick to one brand for your components or keep your RGB to a minimum, or be ok with your rig looking a little mix and match with the colors.
2. 30 series GPUs are a furnace. An absolute furnace. A 3080 ti will be among the hotter of the 30 series, too. Get a lot of fans, crank the RPM when you know your PC will be under load, and keep your room cool on top of that. Otherwise you will absolutely have thermal throttling and other issues EVEN WITH your GPU when trying to do the crazy stuff, like game in 4K while streaming internet is 1080P 60 FPS.
3. Speaking of overheating and shitty software- I have the Aorus Gigabyte 3080 ti that uses RGB Fusion software and it is the worst software next to the G. Skill memory software. It stopped recognizing my GPU in the software to fix the LCD screen on the card. And because of that, it was misreading my GPU temp!! Which I was using to gauge heat. It turns out much of my issue with game crashes to desktop was overheating…..DESPITE 13 fans and a Aorus Water Cooler 240. Use an app like MSI Afterburner and track your component stress. Do NOT rely on an LCD screen unless you’re very confident in your component and your software giving an accurate reading.
4. The reality is, my rig is a monster. It STILL could not run Valhalla on ultra graphics and stream in 1080P 60 FPS once it got hotter and my room was no longer cool. You need a cool rig to keep your PC stable and that is a shit ton of stress on your PC. Dial down Valhalla’s graphics slightly (turn off motion blur, dial down volumetric clouds and shadows. Three minor things that make a huge difference).
5. Valhalla is an extremely resource heavy game. You need to give it a very wide berth. Minimize your tasks, turn off in game overlays, Turn off full screen optimization and game borderless if you’re streaming (It doesn’t do well when you constantly minimize it in full screen to switch scenes and such on your stream), and lock your FPS if you notice huge spikes. I lock mine at 90 now and it stays consistently at 80 FPS unless my rig starts heating up. It’s a great game! But very hard to stream with great quality AND play Valhalla with great quality with stability unless you minimize every possible conflict or issue.
6. IDGAF if you have DDR5 memory. DO NOT assume you can just overclock it to XMP with no issues. Don’t let your benchmark software fool you. There are real issues with stability of DDR5, especially with 12th gen intel.
7. Do not overclock and assume any stability in general. It’s always a risk. I only had my memory overclocked and it wasn’t working. People tend to obsess with over locking and benchmarks. For the love of god, just enjoy PC stability. I’ll never take that for granted again!
8. Be aware of the strain your monitor and the native refresh rate and resolution has. I bought an ultra wide 4K screen, 175 mhz. Looks GORGEOUS. But it takes a pretty damn powerful PC to be able to output that kind of quality.
That’s all I’ve got, for now. Custom PCs are “get what you pay for” and I paid for a top end rig. But the other reality, is top end PCs come with a lot of work as those powerful components you bought can have serious issues if you’re not extremely mindful of all that can go wrong. I thought my PC was bricked. It turns out, not even my PC could handle everything I was doing with the issues I had to address. And Valhalla is NOT easy to play and stream! I love it, so much, but it isn’t.
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deane247com · 6 hours
Get Top-Performance with Dell Refurbished Models
Whether for work or play, a dependable laptop is a need in today's lightning-fast digital world. Nevertheless, not everyone can afford the exorbitant prices of high-quality laptops. Here is where the idea of used laptops changes the game. Because of their great value, dependability, and performance, refurbished Dell laptops have become very popular in the UK. When looking for high-quality used Dell laptops, one reliable source is Deane247.
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Why Buy a Refurbished Laptop from Dell?
Laptops made by Dell are well-known for their durability and high performance. Even their reconditioned models are of high quality. To guarantee they are up to par, Dell refurbishes their laptops in the UK and puts them through extensive testing. By performing diagnostics on the hardware, updating the software, and cleaning them thoroughly, these laptops are brought back to nearly-new condition.
A Dell refurb UK  is a great way to get cutting-edge tech and solid performance without going into debt. Students, workers, and gamers who require a reliable machine but can't justify the expense of a new laptop will find these models ideal.
The Benefits of Deane247
Quality and reliability are of the utmost importance when buying used laptops. Deane247 is an excellent source for Dell refurbished laptops UK, with a large selection of models to meet different demands and price points. Deane247 is the best option for you because...
Comprehensive Picking
Deane247 is a UK-based retailer that has an extensive selection of Dell refurbished laptops. Whether you're in the market for a portable, lightweight laptop, a robust gaming PC, or a sturdy desktop computer, Deane247 has what you're looking for. They have a wide variety of models to choose from, including well-known brands like Dell XPS, Latitude, and Inspiron.
Assuring High-Quality
Deane247 has rigorous quality control measures for every laptop that they sell. This involves installing all available software updates, performing a thorough cleaning, and running a full diagnostic test to identify any hardware problems. Every Dell refurb UK laptop is rigorously tested and guaranteed by Deane247 to be reliable and perform to the highest standards.
Affordable Rates
The money you save is one of the biggest draws of purchasing used. For those looking for a great deal on a refurbished Dell laptop in the UK, Deane247 is the place to go. This allows you to own a top-notch Dell laptop for much less than the price of a brand new one.
Support and Warranty
The significance of having assurance when buying reconditioned electronics is something that Deane247 is well-aware of. Reason enough for the solid warranty on all Dell refurb UK laptops. To top it all off, their customer service representatives are standing by 24/7 to answer any questions or resolve any problems, guaranteeing a pleasant shopping experience.
Deciding on the Best Option
Anyone seeking to maximise their budget without sacrificing quality would be wise to invest in refurbished Dell laptops in the UK. You can rest assured that Deane247 will provide you with first-rate customer service and support in addition to a product that works just like new because of their dedication to quality.
After that, what are you waiting for? Deane247 has a wide selection of Dell refurbished laptops for sale in the UK. Deane247 has the ideal refurbished Dell laptop for every type of user, including students, professionals, and tech enthusiasts. Go check out what they have to offer, and then buy something that will last a long time and won't break the bank.
Are you prepared to enjoy a high-performance laptop's advantages without breaking the bank? In the UK, Deane247 has a selection of Dell laptops that have been refurbished. Discover the ideal laptop that suits your requirements and budget by visiting Deane247 today. Seize the chance to own an unbeatable deal on a top-tier Dell laptop. Deane247 is where you should go to get the greatest laptop for your needs. 
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Unlocking Digital Success: Discovering the Premier Website Development Company in Indore
In the digital era, a strong online presence is indispensable for any business aiming for success. Your website serves as your virtual storefront, often being the first point of contact for potential customers. Therefore, ensuring that your website is not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly is crucial. This is where a reliable website development company comes into play. Among the myriad of options available, discovering the premier website development company in Indore can be a game-changer for your business.
Indore, the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh, has emerged as a burgeoning hub for IT services. With a plethora of companies offering website development services, finding the right partner can be overwhelming. However, amidst the crowd, there shines a beacon of excellence – the premier website development company in Indore, catering to the diverse needs of businesses across various industries.
What sets this company apart is not just its technical prowess but also its commitment to delivering customized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each client. From startups to established enterprises, they have the expertise to craft compelling digital experiences that resonate with the target audience and drive tangible results.
One of the distinguishing factors of the premier website development company in Indore is its holistic approach towards web development. They understand that a successful website is more than just lines of code; it is a strategic asset that contributes to your overall business objectives. Therefore, they begin each project with a comprehensive consultation to gain insights into your business goals, target audience, and competitive landscape.
Armed with this understanding, their team of skilled developers, designers, and digital strategists collaborate to create a website that not only reflects your brand identity but also engages users and converts them into loyal customers. Whether you need a simple informational website, an e-commerce platform, or a complex web application, they have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
Moreover, the premier website development company in Indore places a strong emphasis on usability and performance. They ensure that your website is not only visually appealing but also intuitive to navigate, regardless of the device or platform used by your audience. Additionally, they optimize the website for speed and efficiency, enhancing the user experience and improving search engine rankings.
In today's hyper-competitive digital landscape, having a mobile-responsive website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The premier website development company in Indore understands this and incorporates responsive design principles into every project. Whether your audience accesses your website from a desktop, smartphone, or tablet, they can enjoy a seamless browsing experience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
Furthermore, the premier website development company in Indore keeps pace with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving digital realm. From responsive design frameworks to cutting-edge development tools, they leverage the best-in-class solutions to ensure that your website remains ahead of the curve. Whether it's implementing AI-driven chatbots, integrating social media plugins, or optimizing for voice search, they stay at the forefront of innovation to future-proof your digital presence.
Beyond technical expertise, what truly sets the premier website development company in Indore apart is its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. They believe in forging long-term partnerships built on trust, transparency, and mutual success. Throughout the development process, they keep you informed and involved, seeking your feedback at every stage to ensure that the final product exceeds your expectations.
Moreover, their dedication to excellence extends beyond the launch of your website. They offer ongoing maintenance and support services to keep your website running smoothly and securely. Whether it's fixing bugs, updating content, or implementing new features, they are always just a phone call or email away, ready to assist you whenever needed.
In conclusion, unlocking digital success begins with choosing the right partner for your website development needs. In Indore, the premier website development company stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering customized solutions, holistic approach, technical expertise, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. By entrusting your website development to them, you can embark on a journey towards digital dominance and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.
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marketingggg · 15 days
E-commerce Website Design and Development Company in Dubai
E-commerce Website Design and Development in Dubai In the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, having a robust online presence is not just an advantage, but a necessity. E-commerce, a cornerstone of modern business, demands a sophisticated, user-friendly, and visually appealing online platform to thrive. This is where Medialinks, the premier “e-commerce website design and development company in Dubai,” shines. With a blend of cutting-edge technology, innovative design, and deep market understanding, Medialinks stands out as a beacon for businesses looking to elevate their e-commerce game. The Evolution of E-commerce in Dubai Dubai, a global business hub, has seen a meteoric rise in e-commerce activities over the past decade. This growth is fueled by a tech-savvy population, high internet penetration, and a thriving economy that welcomes innovation. As businesses scramble to capitalize on this e-commerce boom, the need for exceptional website design and development has never been more critical. Enter Medialinks, a company that has carved a niche for itself by delivering top-notch e-commerce solutions tailored to the unique demands of the Dubai market. Medialinks: A Legacy of Excellence Medialinks is not just another player in the crowded field of web development; it is a pioneer. With years of experience under its belt, the company has consistently delivered high-quality e-commerce websites that drive results. What sets Medialinks apart is its holistic approach to website design and development. They understand that an e-commerce website is not just a digital storefront but a complete ecosystem that requires seamless integration of design, functionality, and user experience. Comprehensive E-commerce Solutions Medialinks offers a comprehensive suite of e-commerce solutions that cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a startup looking to make a mark or an established enterprise aiming to expand your online footprint, Medialinks has the expertise to deliver bespoke solutions that meet your needs.
Custom Website Design At the heart of Medialinks' offerings is custom website design. They believe that each business is unique, and so should be its online presence. Their team of skilled designers works closely with clients to create visually stunning websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also align with the brand's identity. The design process is collaborative, ensuring that the final product resonates with the target audience and provides an engaging user experience.
Responsive Design In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive website is imperative. Medialinks excels in creating websites that are fully responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This responsiveness not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts search engine rankings, as mobile-friendliness is a key factor in Google's algorithm.
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design A great e-commerce website is defined by its user experience. Medialinks places a strong emphasis on UX and UI design, creating intuitive navigation and smooth user flows that keep customers engaged and drive conversions. Their designs are not just about looks but about creating a frictionless journey from the homepage to the checkout page.
Robust Development Behind every great design is solid development. Medialinks boasts a team of experienced developers proficient in various e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and custom solutions. Their development process is meticulous, ensuring that every website they create is fast, secure, and scalable. They utilize the latest technologies and best practices to build websites that can handle high traffic volumes and provide a seamless shopping experience. Specialized Services Apart from the core services, Medialinks offers specialized services that add value to their clients' e-commerce ventures.
SEO and Digital Marketing Integration An e-commerce website's success largely depends on its visibility. Medialinks integrates SEO best practices into their development process, ensuring that websites are optimized for search engines right from the start. Additionally, they offer comprehensive digital marketing services, including content marketing, PPC, and social media marketing, to drive traffic and boost sales.
E-commerce Strategy and Consulting Understanding the market and having a solid strategy is crucial for e-commerce success. Medialinks provides strategic consulting services, helping businesses develop effective e-commerce strategies that align with their goals. Their insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and technology trends enable clients to stay ahead of the competition.
Maintenance and Support The journey doesn't end with the launch of the website. Medialinks offers ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that their clients' websites remain up-to-date, secure, and functioning optimally. Their support team is always on standby to address any issues and implement updates and improvements as needed. Embracing Emerging Technologies One of the key trends in e-commerce is the adoption of emerging technologies like AI, AR, and VR. Medialinks is at the forefront of this innovation, exploring ways to integrate these technologies into their e-commerce solutions. For example, AI can be used to provide personalized shopping experiences, while AR and VR can create immersive product displays that enhance customer engagement. . Conclusion In the competitive world of e-commerce, having a partner like Medialinks can make all the difference. Their expertise in website design and development, combined with their commitment to innovation and client satisfaction, positions them as the best e-commerce website design and development company in Dubai. Whether you're looking to launch a new e-commerce venture or take your existing online business to the next level, Medialinks has the skills and experience to help you succeed.
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devoqdesign · 19 days
10 Inspiring Examples of UI/UX in Mobile App Design
In the realm of mobile app design, user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play pivotal roles in determining an app's success. Exceptional UI/UX not only enhances usability but also fosters user engagement and loyalty. This article explores ten inspiring examples of UI/UX in mobile app design, highlighting the best practices and innovative approaches that set these apps apart.
Simplicity in Design
Minimalistic Approach
Apps like Calm exemplify the beauty of simplicity. With clean layouts, uncluttered screens, and intuitive navigation, users can easily find what they need without feeling overwhelmed.
Intuitive Navigation
Google Maps sets a standard for intuitive navigation. Its user-friendly interface allows users to effortlessly explore maps, find directions, and discover local businesses, making it a go-to app for navigation.
Visual Appeal
Color Theory
Instagram captivates users with its vibrant color scheme. The use of warm tones and complementary colors creates a visually appealing interface that keeps users coming back for more.
Medium focuses on typography to enhance readability. With well-chosen fonts and proper spacing, reading articles on Medium feels like a pleasant experience rather than a chore.
Consistency Across Platforms
Responsive Design
Airbnb maintains consistency across devices. Whether users access the app on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, they experience the same seamless interface tailored to their device's screen size.
Branding Elements
Nike Training Club incorporates branding elements into its design. From the logo to the color scheme, every aspect of the app reflects Nike's brand identity, reinforcing brand loyalty among users.
User Engagement
Interactive Elements
Duolingo keeps users engaged with gamification. By turning language learning into a fun game, Duolingo motivates users to practice regularly and achieve their learning goals.
Personalization Features
Spotify personalizes the user experience with curated playlists and recommendations. By understanding users' music preferences, Spotify delivers a tailored experience that keeps users engaged.
Inclusive Design
Be My Eyes demonstrates the power of inclusivity. By connecting blind and visually impaired users with sighted volunteers, the app creates a supportive community that enhances accessibility.
Easy Interaction for All Users
Snapchat makes interaction easy for all users. With its simple interface and intuitive gestures, even first-time users can quickly learn how to use the app.
Performance Optimization
Fast Loading Times
Uber prioritizes performance with fast loading times. By ensuring that the app loads quickly and responds promptly to user inputs, Uber delivers a smooth user experience even in areas with poor connectivity.
Efficient Resource Management
WhatsApp optimizes resource management. Despite offering a wide range of features, WhatsApp manages to keep its app lightweight and efficient, ensuring smooth performance on all devices.
Innovative Features
Unique Functionality
TikTok revolutionizes content creation with its short-form video format. By allowing users to create and share short videos, TikTok has redefined how users engage with content.
Creative Problem Solving
Waze creatively solves the problem of traffic congestion. By crowdsourcing real-time traffic information from users, Waze helps drivers find the fastest routes and avoid traffic jams.
Feedback Integration
User Reviews and Ratings
Amazon integrates user reviews and ratings into its app. By providing user-generated feedback, Amazon helps users make informed purchasing decisions, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
In-App Feedback Forms
Facebook solicits feedback through in-app forms. By allowing users to share their thoughts and suggestions directly within the app, Facebook continuously improves its user experience based on user feedback.
The success of a mobile app often hinges on its UI/UX design. By studying these ten inspiring examples, app developers can gain valuable insights into best practices and innovative approaches that can elevate their own apps to new heights of success.
Devoq Design stands out as a premier UI/UX Design Agency in India, delivering exceptional digital experiences that captivate users and drive business growth. With a strong presence as a UI/UX Design Agency in Maharashtra, Devoq Design combines creativity and technical expertise to craft intuitive and engaging interfaces. Whether you're a startup in Mumbai or an established enterprise in Pune, Devoq Design offers bespoke solutions that elevate your brand and enhance user satisfaction.
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