#what is the context for this? i dont know. i just want these beasts to experience heartshattering grief
randomwriteronline · 7 months
"We had deluded ourselves," Vakama answered simply. His shoulders had risen and fallen with his words in a disheartened, resignated shrug as he had simply gazed forward, never tearing his eyes from them. "We had grown accustomed to calling them ours. But they never were. They had never been meant to be."
Vastus followed his gaze.
"They were never ours," the Turaga repeated softly. "They were Mata Nui's first and foremost - from the very beginning."
They watched in silence, for a while.
Discussions typical of these situations were still on hold, hanging in the air with their jittering inevitability as they went unspoken in awkward glances and weights shifted from one foot to the other, cautious not to shatter the careful filigree of new pain that only the inhabitants of Spherus Magna were already familiar with.
The Toa looked beside themselves in a distant, lost manner. They kept touching them as though it would have done something. It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued.
"It doesn't quite matter whose they were meant to be, in the end," the Glatorian murmured.
"It does," Vakama said, but there was no emphasis in his statement.
"It doesn't," Vastus insisted. "In the end, if you feel like this, it's safe to say they were yours."
"They were not," again, without conviction.
The Matoran touched them too.
As if that would have done something.
It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued.
"They were yours," the Glatorian repeated. He recognized that quiet anguish; he had seen it, on many faces, across many years. "It always hurts," he continued, though he had changed the subject somewhat, "To see your children die before you."
A wordless moment passed. Many hands, smaller and bigger, kept touching them, their limbs and chests and masks, as if that would have done something.
It didn't.
And they knew it wouldn't.
But they continued.
"I don't understand that word," Vakama confessed. He still did not turn away from the sight of the gathering crowd touching them as if that would have done something. "I don't know what 'children' are."
Vastus thought quietly.
"Younger beings," he explained at last, hoping it would make sense: "Little ones, or bigger ones. They can come into your life as easily as they can not, planned or otherwise: they start knowing nothing, aimless, confused and scared, and it's your duty to guide and care for them. You teach them what you can; you tell them who you were, what they never saw. You love them despite it all and they love you too, hopefully. You teach them and they teach you back, sometimes. You watch them grow. One day they might be bigger than you. One day they might be the ones protecting you. One day you might watch them leave, and it will hurt. One day they might see you die, and you will always hope it won't be the opposite."
"Ah," Vakama spoke.
They kept touching them, as if that would have done something.
As if that would have kept the protodermis warm, the muscle taut.
It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued, because there was nothing else to do except touch as if that could have done something.
"Yes, then, I suppose," the Turaga said very softly, in an unsteady, wavering breath, the mechanism in his throat which gave him his voice creaking like a door gone unoiled for far too long: "It must have been so. Or something like it."
Among the many cruelties bestowed by the Great Beings, he counted the ability to grieve in a body that cannot cry.
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alildritten · 1 year
Ah yes, the scariest story of all:
#alright time for context in the tags!! your favorite show!!! yippee!#yeah so anyway basically i was thinking up fictional scenarios with my ocs (of course as always)#and i was thinking about hey! so what about this werewolf character. yknow? silver? what if we thought about when they were a little kid#and stuff. you know? why not and all and so i was having fun with that thinking about how theyd have had to keep their werewolf-ness#a secret. but their parents know and are trying to keep it a secret as well and what-not#and one day silver gets invited to a sleepover. yknow. at night. theyre a werewolf??? that wouldnt go well#other than the fact that they can control that wolf form?? (i need to figure out what to call it)#so itd be fine but its supposed to be a secret because if people knew silver would be reported to the authorites because in that universe#humans do exist they just kicked any weird hybrid or beast or whatever off onto another planet#jokes on them the little beasties are doing fine and after a bit of adjusting and working on fitting into the new world#that theywere forced onto with no way back#they have a whole civilization and are doing great!!! but everytime that the humans on their world realize someones like. a werewolf or#a vampire or anything. WELP BYE-BYE HAVE A NICE TRIP#and well theres a new orphan in town on the other world! well heck hopefully they live alright and maybe get adopted?#BUT ANYWAY OFF TRACK WHOOPS so basically silvers parents are like ‘no. you cant’ but silver’s friends had asked several times in the past#and really wanted to have a sleepover with silver. idk and so basically silver writes a note saying ‘hey i did go sorry bout that-#dont worry i got it covered i can keep my wolf formt hing hidden no worries’ or something basically says that and goes to the sleepover#(friends think silver finally got permission) and wow i just realized this is a long story heck lemme try and shorten a little#and eventually at one point they all wanna tell scary stories cause why not#and once i got there my brain kinda kept pausing and then swoosh new train thought woahh!!#and started thinking about a cute scenario about two ocs of mine who are VERY GAY hehe <3#but i thought it was a bit funny because i realized that i was about to have some lil kids tell each other scary stories and then woop brain#go hey think about this cute gay scenario!! so ah yes. cute gay scenario=SCARY (/j)#does this even make any sense at all i genuinely dont know but i had fun talking about ocs so yea ima sleep now#have a good day/night to you!!! <333 YIPPEE anyway bye bye goodnight bla bla bla woohoo
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
you ever think abt how Transformers is similar to other alien scifi media such as the thing & body snatchers in a way. They're aliens that take forms to blend in on earth but what's mainly different, and dictates if this action is considered more malicious or not, is that some of them take forms that are living bodies while the others take forms of non living objects
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A Very out-of-context set of Sentence Starters from my Discord server.
Add names to blanks Change pronouns as necessary!
"Murder in marriage is normal and healthy."
"Oh haha, yeah lobotomize them."
"Metaphorically speaking, I cannot tell you if you serve cunt or not."
"The sins better be crawling up my back because if they do at the front they're going to have two massive obstacles"
"You're a really predictable person_ _ _ and it's really funny to me, I want to crush you under my arm <3"
"Clearly you've never had a premium rock roast and I'm so sorry for you."
"I dont know I haven't sniffed you."
"Cock and ball torture for anxiety and ocd hell yeah!"
"Bimbos are the larval form of milfs."
"I will slow down im just carbonated to meet you."
"They are homoerotic and homoirritating."
"The uggs do make my soul frown, I'll give credit to that."
"I dont have good or bad habits I just enter a state somewhere between a robot and a bad stand-up comedian and that's how the stuff happens."
"She went to evil hell college where you summon devils."
"I do nothing but put beasts in a situation that's why they call me the border collie."
"The lore exists. If I'm feeling particularly zesty and tased I'll drop two sentences."
"Hi _ _ _, I'm the devil on your shoulder and even I agree that you probably shouldn't pull up hot ass in a nice restaurant."
"Vagina so powerful it does what walruses do to clams."
"Yes, we established _ _ _ has the walrus mouth vagina."
"Never assume I can't be hornier."
"That is a man held together by crust and spite."
"I can't, I was assassinated so I wouldn't snitch about the squeaky toy noises."
"_ _ _ is more likely to take you on a date killing homeless people."
"I won but it was embarrassing."
"He's just hanging loose like a tit that's escaped its harness."
"_ _ _ trying very hard not to bring up his girlfriend (the Cambrian period.)"
"Lick my boots but we stay silly."
"I keep thinking he's a weird god ascended form of Jerry Seinfeld."
"I dont think that's a good idea _ _ _ would become a stick of incense in 5 seconds flat for sneezing microaggressively."
"She has disabled the flap in my esophagus i choke on a gulp of tea instantly."
"We have from the left: Thembo, Himbo, tiny himbo, bimbo, And bitch."
"Keep your mouth open so I can shove my fist inside."
"I wanna enjoy dinner, not watch someone get snapped in half like a KitKat bar."
"My standards for a good partner are non-existent, if I raised the bar remotely, Not only would he TRIP, but he'd fall backward and break a hip."
"Good luck it's behind six layers of 4chan."
"It is fine. the conversation needed to end anyway. please continue your vegetation exultation."
"I have normal amounts of radiation for a horse."
"What does a planet have to do with a music genre?"
"Fear not, I will not be kissing misogynists any time soon."
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
"You were born at an incredibly old age."
"You seem like you would be an entry on the villains wiki."
"I don't bite strangers….that's an easy way to catch diseases, dumbass."
"...So his unhappiness is only half my fault."
"It's ok buddy, I've licked dirt too."
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herzspalter · 1 year
Rise of the Beasts spoiler thoughts:
I had a guy next to me who got really nitpicky with their buddy about Elena being stupid for standing so close to Airazor going rogue, but I genuinely don't think that was the character being dumb for the script. That felt like an impulsive bad decision to me that someone might do in her position. She wanted to help and didn't think twice about how small she is. I don't know, characters doing something stupid isn't always bad writing, sometimes people do dumb shit irl too because they got tunnel vision and, in her case, just wanted to help because someone was in distress.
I personally never enjoy ultra violent Optimus Prime killing people left and right, but it didn't bother me as much here as it does in the other live action movies. He's not presented as the perfect guy, he's flawed and frustrated, and even though I prefer Optimus being a gentle but stern guy, I don't mind him Scorpion-Fatality-killing a dude in this because I think within the context of the movie, it makes sense. I always hated him in the Bay-directed movies because he's presented as this perfect hero, but he also kills people who are defenceless and begging for their lives, and that just doesn't work for me :) Crazy, I know!
This movie wasn't a big jack off session for America so I liked that a lot, the other live action movies are a fucking propaganda fest (I havent seen Bumblebee so I dont know about that one)
I like that the US military isn't a part in this movie at all thank god, but I'm worried about the GI Joe stuff at the end. GI joe is extremely stupid and can be a lot of fun if treated with the silliness that the original cartoon is, but man I hope they don't turn this into military propaganda :( I know they very likely will because that's what GI Joe is, but I can still wish hahaha
I like Noah, he reminded me of Raoul from G1, I think both him and Elena are likeable, I didn't mind hanging out with them
Mirage is MVP I'm so happy Mirage finally gets to do something
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sorikufeels · 5 months
amazing art by pondrea (link above!!!) got me feeling things (the art is so good op!!!!!! 💚) and now i need to yap about this scene lol it’s of the moment zexion disguised himself as sora to riku in com.
(i hope it’s ok to post the link here! let me know if not!)
i’m CONVINCED what zexion said to riku as sora this still haunts riku to this day. it wasn’t even sora who said all that, but i’m sure the fear of how it played out in com actually playing out with the real sora scared riku to death. the fear of this happening led to him walking away from sora first, not even giving him the chance just in case there was a repeat scenario. sure, there was a lot of self hatred and feeling like he didn’t deserve to see sora as well, but the look on riku’s face tells you that this scarred him. this was his biggest fear. he rather fade to darkness than go through this again and isn’t even willing to risk that it could go another way.
anyway, this is just context for what i actually want to talk about lmao
so this is probably one of worst moments for riku right? utterly rejected by his best friend and now that friend was willing to kill him for who he is now. and it wasn’t even real.
but you know who that was real for? sora. in hollow bastion. utterly rejected by riku. his only means of defense taken, basically left to die. and then riku fought him tooth and nail until he lost and sora let him run away.
you know who got closure for their version of this scene? riku. he got it when sora fell to the ground on his knees in the world that never was, when he said he looked everywhere for him and told him he was still riku no matter what. sora told him exactly what he needed to hear to reassure him that sora didn’t think any of things riku feared he did. sora telling him specifically that he was still riku no matter what showed riku that sora stills wants him around. even if he looks like their enemy and even if he did some real awful things, he’s still riku and that’s enough. riku as he is is enough for sora. always has been.
you know who never got anything like that? sora. in fact, the conclusion that sora found to get him through is that he’s not enough. his friends are his power. alone, he has no strength. he only made it through by relying on a complete stranger he managed to befriend. if beast wasn’t there or if he refused to go with sora, would he have survived? he had magic but that would run out eventually. would he have even made it to the room he fights riku in?
i don’t think he thinks he would’ve. in kh3, he says alone, he’s worthless. he’s held that sentiment this entire time. no one told him otherwise. (until riku’s sacrifice but it’s murky about whether sora even remembers that at this point. but even if he does, it wasn’t like the scene in the world that never was. sora was able to dictate exactly what riku needed to hear with no imminent threat and riku was not emotionally compromised like sora was in the keyblade graveyard. riku was able to process everything sora said. that is a far cry to sora screaming in agony over all his friends dying, sora believing wholeheartedly that he's nothing without them, and riku just saying he believes in him. sure, thats what sora needed in that moment to save everyone, but it's not a response to his fears and insecurities established in kh1 like how what sora says to riku is a response to his fears and insecurities established in com.)
at this point, i think it’s obvious that sora knows riku’s changed from kh1 and that he doesn’t believe the same things. sora knows he cares based on his actions and how he saved him too and we know as an audience how dedicated he is to him. but it fucks me up to think that riku got that verbal closure while sora never did. that riku got to start healing from that awful moment but sora really never did.
just,,,, please please please please let them talk about what happened in kh1 i am on my knees begging
extra thoughts: didn’t think of this at first so sorry it’s a little disconnected, but maybe the reason riku is so horrified in that moment in com is because he realizes this is what he put sora through. maybe he made this connection himself and feeling what it was like to be on the other side of it, on sora’s side, horrified him. what’s worse, in riku’s mind, is that riku deserves to be in this position and deserves to be rejected due to his past actions. but sora never deserved it. maybe that contributed to why the self loathing spiral got worse after com.
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greenqueenhightower · 4 months
I can understand why people like Rhaenyra. I can understand why Alicent isn't to everyone's taste. I still don't understand how she is so hated for behaving like a human considering the gaslighting and abuse she's been through, and how she has much less free agency than Rhaenyra. It was reading through the horrific and vitriolic extreme takes on Alicent that made me side with her. And something about Rhaenyra and her mean diehards just remind me so much of white feminism. I feel like it's no coincidence I see way more WoC tending to sympathize with Alicent, as a WoC myself. The gaslighting and watching someone else consistently get away with things you wouldn't while being trapped in a cage is all too relatable. The rules dont apply to Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra only. And seeing Rhaenyra being the only one in the narrative made to look extra sympathetic (like the double birth scenes, as if all births aren't horrific and like Alicent didn't give birth even younger too). I also hate how despite their efforts in diverse casting, black actors are just backdrops or tools to make Rhaenyra and TB look better and how they're disposable to move the plot forward for her. This matter has been brought up in the TG subreddit thank God I was not the only one who saw that. Now it seems like they're even butchering B&C to absolve TB. 🙂🙃 Girl I am not ready for the blind Rhaenyra dickriding and Alicent victim blaming to come this season. You'll know it'll be misogyny and double standards all around. The suffering Alicent endured in Season 1 will be even more disregarded.
Hi anon! 💚
Alicent isn't to everyone's taste because to understand her character, motivations, and aspirations, one needs to take the whole show as context, instead of some stand-alone scenes that provide dissatisfaction or lack the "wow"/"badass" factor that the average got/hotd viewer is used to.
I understand how Rhaenyra's character appeals to people because she is the female Targaryen heir, desires the best for her children, and is determined to honor her cause and her late father's wishes to serve the realm. Rhaenyra believes so much in herself; Alicent doesn't. Rhaenyra's overconfidence, her "flouting to do as she pleases" is what is so attractive to a lot of viewers, me included, because, well, she doesn't give a damn. She can go against the conventions of her time because she has already entered the game in a good battle formation, has the means, and is ready to play it (I'm trying to go for a chess analogy here as we saw in the promo, bear with me).
Alicent on the other hand, has entered the game as a foreigner. She did not wish this, she has no historical ties to rulership, no dragon blood to base her confidence on, and no pride in taming and riding wild beasts. She is common as Rhaenyra is exotic. What Alicent has and brings to the game is "honor, duty, sacrifice." These values alone make Alicent compelling and intriguing because they are very subtle qualities and principles that one needs to notice to comprehend her character. They are not as easily identifiable as riding a dragon or slicing a wild boar.
Yet they are equally powerful, because as Rhaenyra plays the game in the open field, being free to make her own decisions, unstoppable in always getting what she wants and being able to claim it herself, Alicent plays the game behind closed doors, in septs, praying to the seven, following directions, seeking council, and moving strategically. Rhaenyra's battle is more visually impactful, but Alicent's is equally moving if one cares to observe and understand it properly.
Therefore, what you are saying about WoC standing by Alicent makes perfect sense because the motivations and experiences as well as the feeling of always having to try twice as hard to achieve what is simply given to others is a point of connection for WoC.
You also very poignantly highlight the show's "humanization" of Rhaenyra through two birth scenes, because again, she is this exotic being whom the audience loves to aspire to, but we must also not forget that she is special while also being human. Alicent's suffering in S1 very much humanizes her in my eyes and is precisely also what distinguishes her from a commoner. She becomes a strong woman who doesn’t shy away in the fear of danger, learns to hold her head high and pushes forward the interests of herself and her children. The hate Alicent receives is uncalled for, and it stems from a misreading of her character, despite being the most interesting character in hotd in my opinion.
I’m glad you decided to stan Alicent after reading all the horrific takes about her! There are so many people in the fandom who want to vilify her, but there are also many who totally connect to her and sympathize with her character, like queer people, WoC, etc.
I didn’t like what the show did with black characters in s1 either. They served mostly as props and had brutal deaths. For S2, it does seem as if the show will want to downgrade the events of B&C and continue emphasize the narrative of Rhaenyra’s superiority (and the Greens and Alicent will be blamed and hated a lot this season), but I honestly stopped reading leaks and spoilers because they affect me a lot. I’d rather wait and see what the producers decide to do with their portrayal and then comment on the events. I’m so scared about B&C though and how this will affect the Greens’ arc and their perception by the public, but again, I’ll be standing by Alicent’s side till the end lol. 💚
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fruity-fruition · 5 months
Assigning Disney songs and small analysis on why to Wondershow pairings!!
(boycott Disney literally please never stop. Pirate EVERYTHING they have FUCK Disney they're literally the worst EVILL evil corporation it's not even funny. but their stories and songs are iconic unfortunately)
Ruikasa: I See The Light (Tangled)
It's a song about discovering what it means to dream, and realizing how much your world has changed so drastically after the right person enters your life.
"All these years, chasing down a daydream. All those days, living in a blur. All that time, never truly seeing things the way they were"
TELL ME. TELL ME THAT ISN'T TSUKASA PRE-WXS. Him NOT knowing what he's doing, striving for a blurry dream he's stumbling to achieve. BEFORE MEETING WXS, in this specific case, Rui.
"All at once, everything looks different, now that I see you"
How Rui's entire view of friendship and life in general changed the moment Tsukasa officially invites and begs him back into the group. Hear me OUT.
Nenekasa: A Whole New World (Aladdin)
A song of one person showing and exposing the other to a new and exciting world, one filled with wonder.
Tsukasa pulled Nene out of her shell, and basically challenged her. While all her friends are her stepping stone, it's Tsukasa that pushed her into the world of stardom. A world she so desperately wants to achieve.
He's a competition to her, a friend, and also a motivation to keep getting better. She overcomes a lot of her fears with her rivalry of sorts with him, wanting to be an equal and improve just as much. She's brought to the spotlight, indirectly because of him. A whole new world she's just introduced to.
"A dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear, that now I'm in a whole new world with you"
Emurui: Love is an open door (Frozen)
Ok, I know this is TECHNICALLY a manipulative and villain song, BUT NOT TO ME IN THIS CONTEXT. Just two, absolutely silly doofuses goofing around and being equally stupid.
I don't have much logical explanation for this except for silly and also it matches their vibes SOO WELL. With Emu thinking nearly as insanely as Rui, and both of them being whimsical in nature. It makes the
"I mean it's crazy"
"We finish each other's s-"
"That's what I was gonna say!"
More so their brainwave being THAT goofy and in line with each other rather than a manipulative tactic the song was trying to do.
"I never met someone who thinks so much like me!"
I don't have the energy to keep analysing right now but I'll drop the other two and explain later if I don't forget and die.
Ruinene: Something There (Beauty and the Beast)
Emunene: I won't say I'm in Love (Hercules) ORR THE LESBIAN ANTHEM Kiss The Girl (The Little Mermaid)
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decapitatedsnake · 3 months
My (little to no context) reaction to the thunder saga 💛💛💛💛💛💛
. I need to calm down
. Of course he does?
. SIRENS????
. Daughter??
. They're so adorable
. Is it sirens...
. Of course, of course, hypothetically
. "Oh no" JSNSJW
. It's not sirens
. Is it?
. He's so silly
. "The things I do for you" down baddd
Different beast
. "Let's cut the charades, you are no wife of mine" tfff
. Packs??
. God why did I think he had a daughter
. And how did they do that?? Just casually kill a bunch of sirens
. Just tell your whole life story then
. Damnnn okay he did NOT come to play
. Who's voicing the sirens? Heavenly voices
. Woah Odysseus
. Different beast indeed
. "Kill them all" I mean, fair enough 🤷‍♀️
. "This is our only way home"
. Ooo the line we heard
. Eurylochous knowsss
. "Full speed ahead"
. Odyssey respond now please, I'm getting nervous
. "Light up 6 torches" um, whyyy (I know the Odyssey and... oh god, I'm worried)
. "Hello."
. The instrumental?? Animatics are about to go crazyyy
. Her voice is hellish /pos
. They're the same???
. Oh my godd
. Eurylochus already knows
. "This is all some tricks the gods have sent"
. The snippet...
. I'm gonna cry
. Don't test me
. Sounds like a boss battle
. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOO
. His teams turning against him
. What... happened
. Whatt
. Not the cows
. "please dont tell me your about to do what I think your going to do"
. "How much longer must I suffer now"
. THE CREW?!!?!
. Odysseus is STILL so hopeful
. J-just... JUST A MAN
. Eurylochus you IDIOT
. Friends um okay
Thunder bringer
. I'm so excited for this one ngl
. It's definitely gonna be like ruthlessness
. Instrumental goes harddd
. "Pride is a damsel in distress" that distress was sooo
. It's so funny imagining him monologuing whilst the crew are terrified (it's actually really sad)
. Oh well... we do know they'd lose
. "I wonder who'd take the weight of the damned"
. This is so epic but I kinda wanna shake ass to it
. Huh
. HE CHOOSES😃😀🙂🥲😢😭😭😭
. I hate this
. I hate you Jay 😔 I hate you
. I just can't
. What the actual fuck is wrong with you Jay
. The worst part is Odysseus doesnt consider for a singular second that he should choose his crew
. All bangers but at what cost
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warderfromtheborder · 4 months
Final Shape thoughts
TL:DR it's very good. I'm glad Bungie cooked so good on it, but I'm still sad/frustrated/concerned about the future development of the game
Campaign 10/10, no negative notes. Absolutely fantastic writing and performances. Liked the structure of having the final mission happen after the raid. I hope we get to replay Excision it was a lot of fun. SCUR-V appearance gave me the giggles and the shouts.
Prismatic is really cool, I like having a different way to do my liar's handshake build.
The new enemy faction is super cool, but it felt like they got less aggressive with their abilities as the campaign progressed?
The Pale Heart is a fucking AMAZING destination, what an excellent way to frame the final leg of this journey. I took tons of screenshots looking back at the portal. Climbing up the weird Witness tree hieroglyph in Iconoclast was one of my fave bits of traversal.
The only thing I genuinely wish was different is: in Wild Card, I wish the dark ether'd War Beast was like, 10 times as big. I wanted to get attacked by a comically large beaste.
Satisfaction at a good ending for the story is on one hand, and fomo burnout is on the other. I want to have more adventures in this game. I want to not have to worry about chasing red borders anymore. I want to never look at a season pass or seasonal challenge checklist ever again. Pathfinder is just gonna make me more aware of how much Im not doing rituals each week.
I kinda feel like daniel craig who's just wrapped filming a Bond movie is immediately asked "aren't you excited to make another one :) "
And then there's the like, looming possibility that the studio is gonna bend backwards to make Destiny 3?? And no idea whats gonna happen after the three episodes. I hope those two questions are addressed on monday's livestream. I can't stop thinking about the layoffs, and how for years it sounded like they were committed to not overpromising, not crunching, building up a sustainable cadence of content. And then, seemingly because youtubers couldn't handle a story that wasn't spoonfed to them, Lightfall got so much bad press it got buried despite being an excellent expansion, and the seasonal content was also excellent, but so much bad press means 10% of the team has to get fired??? Including people who have nothing but huge Ws under their belt like the head composer or the lawyer who protects the community managers from harassment???? LITERALLY DECIMATED. Yeah of course I dont have the full picture, there's so much context and details I don't know. It's parasocial. But I don't feel as certain anymore that I get to support devs who are happy with their employers. I know they still love the game they make. I dunno. I dunno. Give everyone a year's paid vacation! Give everyone a raise! Give them all tenure! Stop fuckkng firing game devs!!! Please!!
The Final Shape, very good, good job destiny dev team, 9/10.
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spidermanifested · 2 months
💔💛🖤 for FMA because you're always correct somehow
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
i cant just say roy mustang a fourth time im challenging myself to come up with a creative answer
honestly? and if you can believe it mostly unrelated to the third question down there. i think if you took out hughes, and had to reframe the military protagonists' motivations to make them less reliant on "we need to avenge this one guy we liked", youd have room to explore more of the actual bad things about the amestrian government. that might lead people to want to rebel. like at least the nina chapter provided insight into why the state alchemist program is inherently corrupt, all we learn from hughes dying is "Breaking News! One Weird Geometry Fact The Homunculi Dont Want You To Know About"
youd have to restructure the maria ross parts too but i figure you could work something out without too much trouble. blame her for lab 5 going down or something idk
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
takes a deep breath. This may come as a betrayal to almost all of my devils nest mutuals. it may break my streak of always being correct in the eyes of the masses. but i dont........really see what everyone else sees......... in greed/dolcetto.........
"wow big shocker from captain grido" i hear everyone saying but llet me explain myself. i can rationalize why somebody might like it. and its not even the ship itself i have beef with really. its more, the widespread fandom elevation of dolcetto as Greeds Loyalest Guy, with mainly vibes-based justifications (hes a dooooooog!!!!) instead of textual evidence, that tends to accompany it? which to be fair exists outside of a shipping context as well. like on tv tropes for example
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so. My bido loving soul naturally despairs. also the fact that it seems to have achieved almost default status in the fandom spheres im most interested in, so when you go looking for nest related stuff it crops up before long and you know how it goes with overexposure
my final reason is that i do love dolcetto as a character. That guy rules. which means it does me psychic damage to see his personality replaced with that of a shy blushing puppyboy, as he so often is in the ancient fanart i find combing the google search results,
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
As Per My Last Email: hughes lol
like i know in series hes meant to be a heroic figure but thats kind of my problem. hes just your average nuclear family loving gun toting red blooded american i mean amestrian, who joined the army to defend his definitely-under-attack right to have said nuclear family, and then started dating a girl while he was on the front lines and then used her as an internal justification to keep committing genocide, and then when he has a kid he threatens her (3 YEAR OLD) friends with a gun, and one of his Bonding Moments with winry is giving her a lecture on gender roles because dont you know men never talk about their feelings, and do you see why i thinkmaybe tje fact that he buys his daughter a lot of toys and waves around pictures of his family doesnt inherently make him the best dad on earth. like its really easy to be a good dad when your kid is a toddler and your wife does all the hard work taking care of her and all you have to do is bring home the paycheck. wild beasts are xoming to attack me once hit post on this one i think
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initial palworld first impressions: - unreal logo at startup is not helping the unreal asset flip vibe lol - I was playing on controller and idk if this was a bug or just unfinished but they hadn't mapped the controller icons to the UI so I just had to trial and error every control which felt really bad - the audio design is like really bad. however my cat really responded positively to the noises of the cat pal - I know its so you can automate crafting but I keep forgetting to Acquire things I crafted and then suddenly have no pal orbs and have to run far as fuck back to my base where all my shit is - the fact that you can't pause is annoying as fuck. again, I get that this is for multiplayer but it drives me nuts because your hunger and stuff continues to tick down as youre afk. this didnt even bother me in elden ring which got shit for it but here it drives me up the wall - not really specific to the game but because you cant save I handed the controller to my gf so I could get a snack and she managed to fall down a big as fuck hole where drowning was the only escape option. so that was funny idk if that hole was supposed to be there or what - I dont like having to whallop the cute lil guys to acquire them. I feel mean. that being said having them run around your base carrying stuff and helping out is incredibly cute - visual bugs galore but honestly the jank levels are on par with scarlet/violet lmao - while its similarly as barren as scarlet/violet, in real pokemon this was offset for me by the joy of encountering new guys. none of the guys in this fill me with joy, the monster design feels incredibly bootleg. that just personal taste
all in all it FEELS like an early access survival base building game. I don't really get why people are being like "this is the pokemon ive always wanted!" because it isn't the gameplay loop of pokemon?? for the record, my recommendation for Pokemon But Better is Cassette Beasts so thats the context of my own taste. but adding monster collection to the whole survival crafting thing seems novel I dont think anyones ever done that before
maybe I'll return to this on mouse+keyboard (and not super high lol) and see if I have more fun. it just seems kind of derivative and tacky to me. but if this legitimately lights a fire under the pokemon company's ass to make a competently assembled game then by all means, godspeed
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arodrwho · 3 months
dw liveblog
oh theyre just going for susan rightaway huh
oh i like this kid
i do wish there was less emphasis on rubys bio mum but i'm okay with it bc at least she never calls carla anything her but her mum
i saw somebody say they werent expecting THAT villain to come back but they didnt say which villain so i'm like ????? whomst. ive heard the master and the rani and folks from the eu as theories all season long so i'm assuming not them? so.. whomst
eyyyyyy go carla!
ohhhh mrs flood! hey whats up. who are you, also
oh that's fucking rude. i hate you actually
"he waits no more" so thatll be the one who waits, then. ist the eu guy after all?
"well, not quite, not yet" oh my god the theory was RIGHT? holy shit. love that
so what are we thinking, chameleon arch?
>:(((( let carla in! --yeah!!
god i love when the dr's a time tech snob
oh good. carla should be here for this. no don't take carla away, i want here to be there
god ruby is an infant. 2004 is so recent
tides and hollows... i love that
oh thats dramatic
i'm still mad that carlas sidelined. i get that this about ruby and not her mum, but like. it is also about her mum
oh, i love ruby's mum. she did get to be a big part of it
carrionite? carrionite pose?
no make him go back this seems like a really bad idea. no dont go by the tardis
but now wheres the guy
okay well why did she literally vanish but the rest of the vision is still there. thats weird. did she actually vanish in that first episode and not just walk out of sight?
i said he shouldnt have moved!!!!
how do you know its name? why'd you say The Beast in caps? hello??? someone talk to carla?????
the Beast like. from that one episode? with rose?
the fuck?
yeah the one who waits okay sure. but can we go back to what carla said???
holy shit. whys he stone
yeah man why'd you let him walk around? that doesnt make any sense!! just decide this guy is expendable???? like. u do that sometimes. but not usually to ur allies
whats grizzling. like i can pick it up from context but
he's not having a temper tantrum or a sulk mel, don't be rude
ooooooh that's interesting. i thought he was asking abt dreams bc chameleon arch. i mean i guess it could still be a weird chameleon arch thing but im not sure why she wouldve spent time as an ambulance yknow
that was an extremely rude way to talk to ur mum. how about an i'm sorry, but i can't? jeez.
?????? i think shes allowed to question, kate. but sure
sutekh.... i don't remember you? if tis an old enemy returned, i dont think i watched or read or listened to whatever he was in. assuming a classic or eu thing of some kind
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Now that we see of liu kang ending and all of the garbage trainwreck of the new mk game
I bet y'all thinking
"Hmmm. Maybe shang tsung's ending in mk11 wasn't actually that bad and maybe he was *gasp* actually right all along about some things?!"
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I mean this isn't just me as a shang tsimp.
This is sadly kinda true. I'd rather take my chances with big shangus. Then a pompus(and pooly and backhanded written) fire god liu kang. (Which in itself is sad. Because he never wanted that. Forcing him into a role making him miserable. Completely bastardizing his character. All for what?! Not my liu kang nrs. Not my liu kang.)
Anyways. Back to shang.
Liu kang vs shang is a klassic rivalry. But its as only as good as you actually write them on equal footing. But the have never truly done that. Liu kang has always had plot armor saving him and shang tsung has the unfortunate boxing in of "bad guy i beat up. Twirly mustache" which is horrible because that's not what he actually is. (Worse more when tagawa-sama never wanted that character he played,nor any villain he plays to be that way. Its always some nuance to his characters he portrays. And he said in an interview. He grew up with wimpy asian bad guys. He never wanted to ever see that again. So if he IS gonna be a buy guy. He is gonna be THE BAD GUY. Plus he hated seeing so many stereotypes but he had to trudge thru to be able to help make a better representation and positive impact. Tho nowadays he plays sweethearts,like himself mostly. Great actor,AMAZING man. Really cool. But for them to continue to make shang a "wimp" or to be "beat up by the "good" guys" is awful and a backhanded slap to the character as a whole even outside of the amazing cary hiroyuki tagawas portrayal.)
Again liu kang should be able to barely BARELY win against shang. Even if granted god powers. Shang is a stronk ass mofo. Bad,mean,nasty,in a fight. He wasn't champion formerly for nothing. He wasn't mk tournament master for nothing. He wasn't granted a seat under shao kahns heelboot for nothing. Granted that wasn't much of a choice but survival. But thats for another post. Like shang tsung is a BEAST! Not a heavy hitter. Not a beast in a way thats a tank. But a cunning,ruthless,and calculator. An opportunist fighter. He's cold in a fight. Like gives you chills. The serpentine gaze ready to strike. You gotta be quick...or you'll die. You gonna be careful and level headed otherwise he'll take full advantage of that opening and your soul? Is definitely his.
Look shang dont fucking play. (There is nuance and context depending on the situation but for the most part depends on who he's fighting and what the story is doing but overall he is not to be underestimated at all!)
Shang tsung Wasn't an og big bad for nothing!!!!!
Shao kahn was only a bigger bad and problems later. Then it became.
Better the devil you know then someone worse. Then we start to see.
Well fuck shang tsung actually is the only thing preventing shit from getting worse!
So yeah....you kill him....
Quan chi gets more power. Shao kahn gets free range. Onaga....welp. you're screwed. Dont even get started on shinnok! Oof. All the other bads?! Yeah they are gonna get WORSE AND MORE TOUGH AND BE MORE OF A PROBLEM. and honestly it would make things harder for everyone.
Yeah so think about it.
Take shang out ,you fuck up a whole ecosystem.
He only feeds on souls and of what he needs. Dont prevoke the man he wont steal your soul and go on a killing spree sucking souls for spite.
For the most part shang is best left tf alone. So as long as he has plenty in his soul well. He'll be fine. But the man is paranoid,traumatized due to shao kahn,many other things perhaps from his past. Oof cue my backstory for the death of his mother and his attachment issues and fear of decay,meaningless deaths,etc
But for the most part if you are respectful to shang. He'll be respectful back. Be genuine,be honest,and it will get you far. Dont be easy gotten either. Make it a challenge. Again this man likes a reasonable chase. Likes intelligence(not necessarily book smarts but people smarts,emotional intelligence) he values these things.
I could go on about this characters brain soup. I could add n talk about so much character analysis for shang. Unf 💖
But I'll leave it simple
Nrs fucked up a perfectly good rivalry. A potentially amazing story arch. And two amazing characters.
In short....i bet that shang tsung ending sounds really good about now right?
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waiitiridge · 9 months
✨️Don't mind me, just peptalking myself and spewing it into the void ✨️
Its really strange having a following on social media. I've made so many friends and gotten opportunities I wouldn't have without it. Overall I think I've found a little slice of heaven online. Its 90% kindness in my corner and the other 10% is inevitable. I think the hardest part has been seeing the numbers. It's ingrained in us to view these numbers as a currency. More = better, less = worse. They aren't really numbers though, they are (mostly🤖) people.
I would never expect the attention of hundreds of thousands of individuals. I wouldn't even expect a room full of a dozen to all pay attention to me so why does it feel like rejection when the numbers drop? I know it's just people's tastes changing, people growing, or expeting something different. Why does it feel like someone is saying "I don't like you"? Why does it feel like something in my life is actively leaving me when I don't even know the username, let alone the person, leaving? I hate that I have to see the stupid numbers when I go to my profile to find a video in my saved folder. I don't want to know "how many people left me" last night. There is always this voice in my head that it means I've done something wrong, that I've harmed someone to make them leave but I will meticulously crawl through my videos to see what could have been misinterpreted or left without explanation and I can't find anything that stands out. I start to wonder if maybe I'm just too stupid to see it. Too ignorant. Too cold hearted. If maybe I'm not meeting the expectations of kindness I set for myself. Maybe I'm not funny, just strange. Maybe it makes people feel uncomfortable. I should dial it back. I should think about dialing back personality to make sure I'm more palatable... but if people don't see the real me, who would they be following?
So I do it. I put myself out there. I make the silly videos with my authentic dopey self on display. I put together a little video, a slice of my day, like a diary. I love capturing all the bits. The lighting, the flowers, the bees and trees. The way my ducks waddle after me or the food I made. Marbles sleeping and her paws twitching. I love film and photography as an art form. Finding the angles and lighting to capture the feelings the moment is giving me in a way I can share with others. Part of it is so my daughter will have a way of knowing me and how I saw the world when I'm gone. I would give almost anything to have something like that from my own mother. To see how she saw the world and maybe have some clues for the unanswered questions she left me with. Outside of art and memories, film is just fun. I love finding music that's inspiring and seeing how each sound can change the entire energy of a clip. Like lining up words for laughs or tears. I would do it all again and again even if no one was watching. It's like a game where I'm trying to find the story in my day and pull out just 1 second from each moment to tell it in a way people who weren't there might enjoy watching with no context. Sometimes i win and people love it! Sometimes I think I've got something really great but no one sees it so I don't get to know whether it was watch worthy or just average. Sometimes people do see them and just dont like them, which I personally find better than not knowing.
Social media is a fickle beast. You have algorithms crawling captions for trending words - Heartfelt messages that use descriptive language beyond buzzwords wont do. You have filters looking at the videos themselves for clips that match what it's looking to push - Was every shot photo perfect? Was the lighting good enough for the filters to pick out my face or cute animals? The sound suits the video perfectly - but is it trending? What's the like to view ratio, what about comments and is that enough or are they weighing saves or shares more? Did I leave a comment somewhere or interact with a post that was too political? Am i off the fyp because of it?
I love data and being able to look for trends but statistics tells you not to play lotto, not how to win. As with gambling, it's about learning your limits and sticking with them. Knowing what you're willing to lose and never going beyond that point. If I win a bit, great! If I lose, I lost what I expected to lose and hopefully had some fun in the process ($10 on lord of the rings slot machines when in vegas was a $10 experience I was willing to pay for, plus they gave me a drink!). While I feel that sense of rejection when seeing the numbers, I know I have lost nothing. Making and sharing the art with the friends I've found is worth the sense of insecurity. Absolutely, everytime, YES. When I think about it objectively, outside of my profile page with my social currency on display, I don't care at all about the numbers. It's about the people. I love seeing what my friends have to say about the ducks this morning. I love chatting about what to grow next season or seeing all the ideas for crafts I'm thinking of. I love hearing other people's stories of their own similar experiences. I love the recipie ideas. I love finding people who want to sew and helping them find the right patterns or machine or troubleshoot. I love talking about tinyhomes and what works and what doesn't. The friendships I've made are invaluable. I get so much warmth, love and support. They don't wax and wane with the faceless numbers. This is why I continue. This is the part that matters. This is what the social mediabexperience is all about, actually socialising.
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Made it through chapters 13-18 today and I wanted to start this one off by mentioning something that I noticed a while ago but neglected to mention here so far, which is that Feyre uses Ihr/Euch when referring to Tamlin and I think Lucien and even Alis as well (Ihr/Euch is the Formal You thats used to refer to nobility (as opposed to the more common Sie/Ihnen which is the Formal You used in others contexts)), while Tamlin and Lucien refer to Feyre by du (Informal You) and Alis refers to her by Ihr/Eugh as well. I wanna try and keep track of when Feyre starts to use the Informal You for Tamlin because its a small detail but it always signals a pretty big shift in the relationship in german-language media and I think its really neat
Anyway, now onto the other stuff; i remember that I complained about the pacing feeling very slow in my first post and I would like to say that thats gotten a lot better, at least on the level of individual scenes. When it comes to the story as a whole though, I feel like its moving unnaturally quickly. Like, its a little hard to describe but Feyres character development and her warming up to the fae feels like its happening in chunks rather than a smooth, natural progression. The fact that SJM's writing is incredibly unsubtle isnt helpful either, it just makes the unnatural-ness of it all stick out that much more. I wouldve definitely needed atleast one realization of "Oh, these guys arent that different from me and the people I knew in my life" from Feyre before she started warming up to them and feeling sorry for Andras' death because as it stands, her feeling guilty felt very sudden
While the fae are still dissappointing overall and I despise the horrible What-if-America-colonized-the-British-Isles ass layout and the exposition was clunkier than ever before, I did like all the non-high fae fea creatures, the Suriel and the Bogge in particular, its truly incredible how interesting SJM's writing can be when shes not too focused on the most generically handsome basically-human-except-they-fuckin-growl-and-roar men
Speaking of those men, I continue to find Tamlin pretty charming although hes definitely definitely not my type, my type are pathetic submissive easily flustered guys, but given that this is a book by Sarah J Maas a guy who actually has hobbies outside of fighting and fucking might be all I can hope for. Despite that, I like Luien a lot more and I find his relationship with Feyre far more compelling. Like, him giving Feyre that dagger telling her not to stab him in the back with it was absolutely lovely, not mention his incredibly interesting family drama. Like ughhhhhhh whyd SJM decide she wanted to subvert expectations by having Feyre end up with Rhysand when Lucien is literally right there. Although granted, I think a large part of the reason I feel that way is because Feyre and Tamlin havent really interacted too much in almost 200 hundred pages while Feyre and Lucien have spent a decent amount of time alone already and its a little baffling because its not like Feylin have absolutely no time together, its just that we dont really see it. Like, we dont see their almost nightly dinners and its really frustrating because Im not even someone who really enjoys this kind of bland cishet "dark romance" thats popular on booktok, but like, whats the point of a beauty and the beast retelling where you dont see the beauty and beast slowly get to know each other. Its even more frustrating when I remember that like a quarter or maybe even a third of this book is gonna be all the Under The Mountain bullshit, like you know you can just tell a smaller scale romance story in a fantasy setting without a big war right
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