#what other tags should i put here lol XP
automatonknight · 1 year
omg i would absolutley love to hear more about walenty if u still feel like talking!! i hold dst so close in my heart so seeing other people make ocs for it makez me so happy!!! how did he get to the constant? n like what was his life like before then? or has he alwayz lived there :0!! -plushpyro
this got super out of hand so i'm putting it under readmore. um teehee ^__^
UM!!! don't know where to start i could talk for HOURS probably but ok. maybe i'll start with the backstory. my idea for it is that basically he got into the constant via an antique voxola radio he found on a garage sale somewhere. it had a tag with an adress on it and being a teen he was like hey. hey let me go there that'd be funny. i think she originally planned to go with someone but ended up going alone, the other person got sick whatever. enter the nightmare hands and she's never seen again. (<i'm not superrr happy with that backstory but i can't think of anything better so. blehhh XP) before that kit was just a highschooler, her family was alright, life was okay etc etc. nothing special but also nothing bad. although kit was probably more like. shy and more of a loner. forgot to mention but he's also more "modern", i don't know if it would actually work in-game lore-wise but it probably got send to the constant like, 2018 the latest (which i should probably utilize more in my art tbh). he's also polish. i probably haven't mentioned that anywhere either. onto other things after getting to the constant it probably wanders around alone for a bit before finding the other survivors. top 10 happiest moments of its life etc etc. kind of interrupting the current flow but it also has the ability to turn into a werething, which is unique because it is by that affiliated with both the moon and the shadows but also both sides kind of hate her anyways lol. being werething doesn't give it any super like. powers it can just turn into a wolf-bear creature during full moons and where it is in grave danger. that's also why it has those funny features like animal ears, a tail and horns (speaking of! i always thought of the horns as something like a non-newtonian fluid in a sense that if you don't use force when interacting with them your hand would go through or they would bend out of shape before returning to how they were before, but if it were to ram into someone it would probably hurt, not like walenty would do that). its eyesight is still dogshit without glasses BUT it can probably hear and smell a bit better. ok now maybe onto relationships. i haven't thought about ALL the survivors in detail but i imagine she gets along pretty well with everyone. she used to be pissed off at maxwell for a bit but she got better now maxwell is like his lame ass uncle or whatever. it also has a father-son like relationship with wilson and they probably talk about science together, they're into different fields i imagine (walenty is more of an astronomy guy but he'll try to remember what he learnt in physics for higgsbury if he asks). either way they're silly together they make me very happy :]. she also feels like an older sibling figure to the other kids since she's like 16 and #responsible. also friends with woodie they go ice fishing together and they're both were(insert animal here). AND WITH WOLFGANG. he's also friends with him i think they're slavic besties :3. ok now that we have friendships out of the way he and WX fight all the fucking time. they hate eachother sooo much <not really they just get on eachother's nerves and who's there to stop them from throwing rocks at eachother. walenty probably pushed wx into a lake once and then felt genuinely bad until they threw her in the lake back and oh buddy it's on. <they both refuse to be the bigger person basically. the only instance in which they'll work together is if webber asks them. i would say more but i hit the character limit </3
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
thanks for my tag @deedoop, sorry it's taken me 17 years to get around to doing this xp
RULES: answer the questions then tag some folx you want to get to know better/catch up with.
never let me down again by depeche mode bc it's the last song i heard on my harringrove spotify playlist cherry bomb which i've been listening to today for some inspo.
among other stuff, i'm currently on a rewatch of twin peaks and i just finished s2ep7, lonely souls. oof.
i'm about to put sunday's ep of the last of us on the idiot box... i've managed to avoid spoilers, which is always nice! (the link is to my art on main bc i have no shame lol)
oh man, all the things! a wonderful book on mycology by merlin sheldrake called entangled life and a lovely book by poe @munsonboy called how to be autistic. i've STILL not started greywaren, lol, the last book in the dreamers trilogy by maggie stiefvater (and yes, the link audaciously takes you to more art of mine on another sideblog). i also still need to read the last two chapters of @witchsickness danae's brilliant harringrove fic adverse effects. oh and there's another harringrove fic called anti-body by v @aeon-of-neon i want to start and also their latest dreamling fic the zero hour!
🍄 <- these lil guys!
unrelated? to what? lol. um i'm gonna go with learning sign language, bc i've finally gotten around to starting the BSL course i treated myself to about 4 years ago, aha, and i'm enjoying learning the language soso much!
tagging, play or nay, everybody i've tagged above plus: @stevewhoreington @chrisbitchtree @grey-sides @passivenovember @lovebillyhargrove @harrgrove @harringrovest and other mutual's i should be putting here but can't think of, plus anybody else who sees this and wants to play—consider yourself tagged!
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imagininggintama · 3 years
If this is not too much trouble, can I request something for my birthday (June 5th)?
How would Gintoki celebrate his s/o birthday? 👉👈💕
I know you mentioned being in Italy, so I tried to queue this for a reasonable hour in your time, since I know it's probably night when I usually post. I hope it worked. 👉👈
Also, Happy Birthday 🎂! 😄💙
Everyone!!! Go wish @miiuutrash a happy birthday 💙
Also have this here, but totally forgot when I wrote xP
Gintoki Sakata
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Okay, assuming you're close to Kagura (and let's be real, ANYONE who dates Gin should be 💙); he knows your birthday almost like the back of his hand.
She reminds him at least once a month, because she expects him to buy you a present. If she reminds him at least once a month from your last bday, it'll give him a chance to actually save some money... Right?
One would think, but that's not always the case...
This year was totally different though! He managed to resist sweets and Pachinko enough to get you what he thought was a great present!
But... When he entered where the party was... He almost didn't want you to see it.
Seeing as Princess Soyo and Kagura are best friends, when she heard how excited for your birthday Kagura was... She decided to throw the party! Although, she did let Kagura choose who was coming besides her and her brother, of course. (Matsudaira too, but aside from them Kagura went through you lol.)
It was so... So over the top and all the decorations alone made him feel like his present wasn't nearly good enough.
Just as he was going to try to hide the present, you found him and smiled. You took the box and put it with the other presents before dragging him to get some food.
As much as he wanted to sulk, he just couldn't. Everything was so much better when you were with him.
The two of you enjoyed in games and food, Gin yelling at Shinpachi for badly singing the birthday song, you laughing quietly
Cake was served and you couldn't help but shove some icing on his face, but he just pouted and kissed you... Icing face and all. 😂
He tensed when it came time to opening presents, but sat next to you anyway. He had hoped you'd somehow miss his or open it first so you wouldn't be disappointed... But you had already decided to open it last.
The present in question was a matching pair of stuffed animals. It was your favorite animal. One was the same color as your hair, your eye color, and feet prints in your favorite color. The other was white/silver with dull red eyes half closed, and feet prints in a light blue.
They both had collars that matched the color of the feet prints. The one with your hair color had a bow on it's ear that matched the collar, while the other had one on the front of the collar. Each had a tag that held your respective names on it, obviously matching the hair color. (How many times am I going to write color?)
A locket was on the collar of the one that was supposed to be you; a picture of the two of you inside and inscriped on the other half saying "together forever". He felt cheesy putting it, but it WAS supposed to show how he felt about you.
He almost wanted to shrink, since he could feel eyes on him. It wasn't the biggest, fanciest, or even most expensive... He just thought it would be something nice for you to be able to hug and remember he loved you.
Loved you enough to get two custom made stuffies!
You LOVED it!!! You showed them off to everyone and carried around the 'Gintoki' in your arms for the rest of the part.
It was fun and big and exciting, but your favorite part was spending time with Gin. Someone also snapped a picture of his adorable blushing face when you told him you loved the gift. That was, naturally, your new background on your phone.
He can't help but smile every single time he sees you snuggling with either of them. It warms his heart and he's taken a few pictures of you snuggling them in your sleep. 💙
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shigarakislittlepet · 4 years
Do you have any rules or smth?:3 who can we request for? (After years on this website I still can't navigate it properly neither mobile nor desktop I am so sorry)
That’s a totally valid question!!! I should put characters I’ll write for in my bio lol but I’ll put a basic list of stuff here!
as far as nsfw goes, i’ll write pretty much anything as long as it doesn’t make me feel uncomfy, which will probably be situational. don’t be afraid to ask! if it DOES make me uncomfortable, i’ll simply respond “hey, i don’t feel comfy writing this. i’m sorry.” and i’ll tag it as “faq”, that way other people can find it and i’ll remember to put it in my ‘about’ that it’s something i don’t feel comfy writing about. i’m not here to kinkshame anyone, and i’m the LAST person that should be kinkshaming tbh because a LOT of my kinks are... a bit much. so i get it. anons are on FOR THAT REASON, i don’t want anyone to feel pressure or anxiety just for asking <3 that being said, i want this to be a safe space, and I will ALWAYS put trigger warnings on my content.
you can request full fics, head cannons, analysis, etc., i LOVE that shit. just wanna ask a question about what i think about “ex. scenario”??? DO THAT SHIT, I LOVE IT!!! I’ll expand on it and eat it up, I love that shit.
Characters I will write for:
Shigaraki, Aizawa, Hawks, Dabi, Twice, Bakugo (aged up/pro hero only), Gang Orca, Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), Hitoshi Shinso (aged up/pro hero only), Denki Kaminari (aged up/pro hero only)...
basically as long as the characters in the request are legal consenting adults, I will write them XP this is like a preliminary list. I think honestly the only characters I WONT write for are minors and Overhaul because hes icky XP
Other than that, please ask away!!! <3
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starspatter · 5 years
WIP Challenge
Tagged by: @summertime-children
Tagging: @astrologista, @atsushishelteredinmoonlitjasmine, @benditlikegumby, @cryptoriawebb, @ibmiller, @iceperialprincess, and @otherwise-uncolonized
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I'll also do what deta did and post comments + short fragments.  (Be warned it'll be very long though, and most of these are actually Pokémon fics since I was a much more prolific writer when I was younger, and that was the fandom I wrote mainly for.)  I also won't be including "Heroes and Thieves" on here (or any DC/superhero stuff really since I’ve essentially “done” everything I had planned for now), as *technically* it is all already completed in draft form, and I'd like to keep things a surprise for whenever I do end up posting~
Hero and Seek
“Well, we’re all together now, so let’s have some fun, all right?  Don’t worry, it’s really simple.  One person is the ‘demon’, and the others have to hide from him.” “Eh?  A ‘demon’?  But that’s scary!” Three pairs of eyes turned up to her in fear.  Those eyes, which screamed and streamed the stark color of blood the first time she saw them – not just from tears, but from the ‘monster’ they believed dwelled deep within.  She thought for a moment, then removed her scarf. “How about this then?  Whoever’s the ‘hero’ has to find and rescue the others.  It’s a very important Blindfold Brigade mission!”
I’ll start with the one Kagepro fic I did attempt at least, which I described previously here, but is basically about Ayano + the Meka Trio playing “Hide and Seek” for the first time.  (I actually had it originally titled as that but just came up with this new version on the spot lol I’m so clever~)  For some reason I’ve always been hesitant about reading/writing Kagefic, but I actually got a fair bit farther in this than I thought, so perhaps I should try to finish it someday... Princes and Frogs
“K-Koizumi-senpai… Um… Please go out with me!” Itsuki stared down at the tiny underclassman, watching a rose mantle spread slowly over her cheeks as she gazed back with shy, but determined hope in her bespectacled eyes.  The older boy could make out his own handsome face reflected off the lens, a virtual image embellished by sparkling hearts and stars.  With dim satisfaction and relief, Itsuki ensured that his bright, patient smile betrayed no hint of the weary sigh that whispered behind it.
This is an intro excerpt of the first chapter I planned to write for an ItsuHaru fic from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which I only ever posted the prologue for.  ItsuHaru was my first obsessive OTP, and I still think about returning to this story someday (especially since I have now proven to myself I *can* finish a full chapter fic if I put my mind to it), but it’s been so long I feel like I’d need to refresh my memory of the whole series/am still holding out hope for a Season 3 to motivate me again. *shot*
Fall to Pieces
As Itsuki stared at Yuki’s vacant visage, his resentment kept building.  His hands clenched, rigidly gripping the edge of the table.  Somehow, it just didn’t seem fair.  That she could so easily ignore the madness fate had dealt them, never reveal any signs of suffering or bitterness towards her situation, and yet always, always wear the same damn expression on her face. How could she possibly stand it? He can’t stand it. (any more)
An ItsuYuki one-shot, where Itsuki basically blows up at her from pent-up frustration over having to wear a mask all the time and his hidden feelings for Haruhi.  The two start to form a connection over their respective “unrequited loves”/understanding of each other’s pain, and one thing leads to another...  Like “Heroes and Thieves”, this is in fact technically “complete”, since I actually used the leftover steam from the former towards finishing at least one thing I started a long time ago - although I’m still not sure I’m totally satisfied with it/kinda want to wait to figure out what I’m doing with my other ItsuHaru fics before I publish it by itself.  (Incidentally the working title comes from an Avril Lavigne song lol.)
Little White Lies
“Perhaps the best thing for the princess would have been to fall in love.  But how a princess who had no gravity could fall into anything is a difficulty--perhaps the difficulty.” -George MacDonald, The Light Princess - Haruhi Suzumiya was walking on air. Itsuki could tell by the way she glided into the clubroom, sailing like a paper airplane – or a balloon with an inflated ego to match.
...Yeah that’s as far as I got with this.  This was meant to be a “White Day” story, which is Japan’s “answer holiday” to Valentine’s Day, where guys reciprocate by giving gifts to the girls who gave them chocolates.  I always wondered how the boys actually responded in-universe, and I imagine Itsuki secretly stressing out a lot about taking care to not upstage Kyon, but at the same time wanting to sincerely express his genuine appreciation and feelings towards Haruhi - whatever they may be.  In the end, he settles on a copy of “The Light Princess” by George MacDonald, which I highly recommend reading since it reminds me so much of this pair, and in general is such a fun and snappy “tongue-in-cheek” take on the fairytale genre. Sora in Wonderland
But wait- this one was a bit different from all its brothers and sisters.  For one thing, it was wearing a fancy waistcoat with pockets- and sleeves that were far too long for it.  As soon as it passed by her head, it stopped and slowly turned its head around to stare directly at her with its huge circular yellow eyes.  Sora stared vacantly back for a full five seconds before the information registered in her brain and she suddenly yelled, “Hey!”, and sat bolt upright.  The Heartless panicked upon hearing her voice and fled at top speed across the white sands, headed towards an opening in the rocks; Sora jumped down off her perch and immediately chased after it, no longer caring about the heat.  The Heartless hastily disappeared inside the cave, and Sora soon followed after, determined to catch the freaky little thing and ask it some questions, like what it was doing on the island at this time, and where on earth did it get a waistcoat.
OKAY SO I TOTALLY FORGOT THIS WAS A THING but apparently I tried to write a Kingdom Hearts parody of “Alice in Wonderland” lmao.  I’ve never actually played the games (aside from half of CoM), but it was probably inspired by a crossover art my friend drew? ^^; Also Sora is a girl in this bc that’s my headcanon and I’m sticking to it. XP *shot* Note: The following fics are all Pokémon-related so I’ll just be listing them in roughly chronological order (from most recent to ancient, although they’re all pretty old at this point). Stranger
The elder slowly rose to his feet, gazing at the boy, the champion, the stranger.  “In all this time, why didn’t you come back?  You could have seen for yourself how she was.” Lance wanted to yell something defiant, like a child.  But he wasn’t a child.  Children were forgiven for their mistakes.  And he didn’t want to be forgiven. The professor’s ancient hand came to rest on the boy’s shoulder.  “It’s the way this town works.  We don’t talk about things that happen outside our own world.  Maybe it was too long ago – too late for you to understand.” Lance didn’t say anything. “At least talk to Delia.  She’s been wanting to see you.” “Sorry.  It’s too late.” “You’re a bastard.” “I know.”
So this looks to be among the last things I’d written before taking a long break from fanfiction circa... 2007, jeeze.  Over 10 years, huh.  But, I think it speaks a certain amount of maturity that it’s the piece I liked most upon rediscovering.  It’s based on an idea I once had that Lance was (unknowingly) Gary Oak’s father, and he was friends/rivals with Ash’s father, who originally won the title of Champion but relinquished it so he could be with his “wife” and kid (or rather, then-pregnant teenage girlfriend).  *Something* happened though (I forget what I had in mind) and he ended up dying, leaving Lance bitter and depressed so he refused to return to Pallet Town because of too many painful memories.  (Though he *cough* “comforted” their other female childhood friend for one night of drunken grief before he left. ;()  What I like most about it honestly is the parallels bw Lance’s relationship with Ash’s dad and their sons’, and that amidst all the angst I enjoyed portraying the earnest energy and optimism of Ketchum(?) senior (”like father like son” after all).  I was definitely inspired by Mitsuki’s father in Full Moon wo Sagashite/Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist by making him a total “dork dad” who’d brag about his (illegitimate) family on national TV during the championship tournament lol.
Either way, I get the feeling this really wasn’t what I had in mind when I made my decision to quit training.  I mean that in an intuitive sort of way.  Like, sometimes I feel as if I’m not meant to be here, like my life should have ended up differently someplace else.  Perhaps this is just one of those weird inconsistencies I told you about.  Perhaps not.  Even after all that’s happened to me recently, I still can’t really be sure about it.
...No seriously, I have no idea where I was going with this.  As far as I can tell it’s written from the POV of Gary Oak, whom I’ve always had a lot of... “complicated” feelings towards.  It probably has something to do with another concept I’ll discuss next, although for some reason it sounds like I was going for some sort of AU? *shrug* By contrast to the above, it reads like a whiny teenager complaining about his life - which makes me cringe but is probably an accurate portrayal of who I was at the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This one was actually dated a little after the previous, so my best guess is it was some kind of vent rant where I would “give up” writing/creating and “childish” ideals for a while, as I was wont to do - but I still always come back to it somehow... RainbowMolly
Molly stepped out from the car and onto the dusty road, her heart beating wildly.  She could hardly believe she was actually here, of all places. The ride had been long and mind-numbing with anticipation, and now that they’d finally arrived at the destination, it all felt somewhat surreal to her. A small bear clambered out from the vehicle, joining her as she stopped to take in the rustic view that met her bright blue eyes.  She smiled and picked up her Teddiursa, cuddling its warm, fuzzy body close to her own. Her gaze traveled down the road which stretched in both directions, houses lining up against its margins. She followed it with her eyes towards a hill in the distance, on top of which sat what looked like a quaint little farmhouse with a windmill, turning in the summer breeze.  She breathed in the country air, catching whiff of a faint salt smell from an ocean in the distance. So this was Pallet Town.
...Why I didn’t actually name the file “Chasing Rainbows” - which was the title I had planned for this - I don’t know.  This dates back to an old idea I had where I believed Molly Hale from the third Pokémon movie was secretly the true “God” of the Pokémon world - in the sense that the entire universe was an unknowing fantasy of her own creation, similar to Haruhi Suzumiya (ok fine this was totally a crossover/rip-off of the same concept so sue me OTL).  In a place where children never seem to grow up and can go on grand fantastical adventures forever, Gary always struck me as an anomaly who willingly *chose* to forego such a life to pursue more “adult” interests by becoming a researcher.  So I saw him as filling the role of “Kyon” - the cynical narrator who was destined to ground “God” and bring her back down to earth, but at the same time be won over by her innocence and charm and learn to appreciate “kids’ stuff” again.  However, the Legendaries were actually aware of the power Molly holds, and so saw Gary as a threat to their very being - as by “waking” the dreamer and having her face reality meant erasing their kinds’ entire existence.  As the “apocalypse” nearly occurred in the third film, Mew and Celebi took on human disguises (in the form of May and Max respectively) to investigate Ash, who was able to calm Molly and “save” the world by “perpetuating” the delusion (and whom Molly totally has a crush on btw *shot*).  So it’s a bit of a love triangle lol, with Mew and Celebi (*cough* an alien and a time traveler, get it? *shot*) acting as mediators/interference.  (Although Mew might’ve secretly shipped Gary and Molly herself. ;O)
And these blades, these damned scythes that attached themselves to my arms when I was born, a curse upon me since birth, though it had not been apparent up until now.  They were covered with blood, the vital crimson liquid that flows through our bodies, now dripping down the steel surface in a webbed pattern, drops beginning to splatter the pure, emerald grass below.  The arm felt heavy and weak as I tried to lift it, as if it did not belong to me, but that was only a wishful thought.  I gazed calmly at it, inspecting the intricate designs the flow of the substance had created, as if it were an abstract piece of artwork. Tentatively, a pink tongue rolled out and caught a small droplet of it just before it fell from the sharp edge, just to convince myself that it was real.  The semi-sweet, metallic taste confirmed this.  I had indeed taken these men’s lives, just as I had taken hers.
So I remember this was written from the POV of a Scyther who seemingly went on a murderous rampage.  I only know that I wanted to give him an “Edward Scissorhands”-like story, since the idea of having such sharp objects attached to one’s limbs so that one could never directly “touch” another without being a danger is pretty tragic.  I suspect “her” was someone (a human?) he cared about but killed by accident, and after that he was only seen as a symbol of power/treated as a tool to incite fear before eventually rebelling against his “master”... Roses
“If you love someone, you should give them something that’s yours. That shows how much you care for them.” In the darkness, I pictured his smiling face, explaining to me as he wrapped a present for his girlfriend. His blue eyes were shining with a sort of spirit unfamiliar to me; I guessed, a feeling of love.
Another “dark” take on a Pokémon’s biology (I really liked writing explorations of those back then lol), this time of Roselia.  The idea was that a Roselia was so in love with her trainer that she would do anything for him - including allow him to cut off her arms so he could give them to his girlfriend.  I actually ended up turning it into a poem at one point:
Love is like a rose they say, And affection leads to grief they warned. For in the end love betrays, Its Beauty maimed by a poisoned thorn. You gave me pure water with a smile. Your cheerful face became my sun. I offered up my blood to you, And in return demanded none. Chop off my wrists, and tie them together. I’ll gladly bleed myself to death. In order to give you that which I hold most dear. My dear, my dear, Won’t you accept this bouquet? You take it, smiling warily. A blush creeps onto your face. And in those eyes I can see A garden of roses stretched out, Composing a wondrous place. Then you bound my hands in lace, And brought them to the girl next door. You presented them to her with grace. … My blood continued to pour.
She smiled at me, although something about her expression indicated something wasn't quite right.  I watched as she glanced over towards the west, her gaze lingering momentarily on the setting sun.  The glowing, orange sphere was slowly sinking behind the distant mountains, peaks cloaked in a pale, lavender haze illuminated by flickering beams of gold and scarlet cast across the horizon.
More accurately, I found this buried in a “catch-all” file where I had several (mostly finished) fics saved.  This was meant to be from the POV of an Eevee who had just evolved - supposedly into an Espeon due to happiness and bond with her trainer, which is what both wanted.  However, since it took place at sunset, she didn’t realize she had become an Umbreon instead, and her trainer ended up abandoning her for it. ;( It was a warm
Children’s shrieks and laughter echoed across the park as they flocked towards each other, and soon were chasing one another round the playground, weaving in and out between the swings as they partook in an innocent game of Tag.  One child was It; she was trying desperately to catch one of her friends so that they would take over the job instead.  Then it would be her turn to run away, for none of them wished to play the loathsome role of It.  Or was it because they feared being tainted by the person’s touch?  It must have been one of the two, for while she would struggle to reach them, catch hold of them, they would only flee, thoroughly enjoying the fact that they were vexing her.  Twice she nearly caught one.  Her fingertips were almost within reach of one of the other girls’ dresses, whose russet tresses were flowing wildly from the rush of movement and shining with golden highlights as the rays of the sun struck individual strands.  The target shrieked and shook her head, whisking her skirt free in time to escape capture, laughing with glee at the sight of the girl left behind, miserable and alone. 
Yeah I totally just went with the default beginning of the first sentence lol.  I guess this comes full circle with the first Kagepro fic I mentioned (although I’m not even sure I was aware back then that the Japanese version of the game literally called “It” a “demon”, which is even more fitting).  I believe this was part of a Pokémon series I was writing involving a creepy little girl and Mewtwo who would bring about the end of the world or something like that, but generally I guess I was just going for a “Catcher in the Rye” feel. *shrug* Golden Lights
The pale, rosy fingers of dawn were filtering in through the Granite Cave entrance, basking a small area near the opening in pinkish illumination.  Just out of reach of its expanse sat little Mika, huddled in the gloom of the shadows, watching the light creep steadily towards her as the glowing ball of fire rose slowly towards the East.  She knew about the Light that came from Outside.  There were plenty other small apertures broken into the cavern walls and ceiling that allowed some thin streams of gold brilliance to trickle through.  She had always done well to avoid them.  The brightness was like poison to her skin.  But they weren’t the Lights she’d had described to her by the old Crobat that always resided now deeper within the underground chambers, dozing now, most likely.  He wouldn’t awaken until night came round, and she did not wish to rouse him and perhaps disturb him from a pleasant dream.  She was very wise about things like that, being the young child that she was.  Still, she would have liked to hear a story to comfort her just then.
Last one I could find, about a Sableye who, like Icarus, literally “flew too close to the sun”.  In this interpretation I imagined that Sableye were creatures who could not stand sunlight at all, as it would cause their skin to burn.  But Mika (pronounced like “Mica”) always dreamed of going outside to see the “Light” anyway.  She was eventually tempted by Mew to leave the cavern under her angelic PROTECTion and step into the Light, who was acting as Ho-Oh’s messenger to “recruit” souls to “live eternal as an element of Ho-Oh’s Guarding Flame“, as the PROTECT faded and a “holy fire” began to spread.  I guess I was going for a Biblical/”Rapture”-esque reference.  (...Man I sure was obsessed with the endtimes as a kid. *shot*)
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chxrimoya · 5 years
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im just posting this here so i have it later bc entertaining convo
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like anime.
You: hey whats up
Stranger: Not much, just chilling with my oniichan in my uchi you know?
You: damn wish i had an oniichan
You: im just hitoribocchi rn
Stranger: Yeah it's pretty easy to get when you are a kamisama like me you know?
Stranger: I am just a full on ikemen
Stranger: Got a harem
You: damn kamisama
You: gotta have a favorite tho right
Stranger: Of course
Stranger: Always the osananajimi
Stranger: Gotta respect the firsts
You: osananajimi always the best
You: maybe jus a little bit on tsun tsun, yknow
Stranger: Bro you understand me from my toes to my atama rn
Stranger: I like the kawaii girls that got the tsun tsun
You: damn bro im glad we could tsunagaru like this
Stranger: Bokumo I think this is a tokubestu connection
You: an honor for me to be nakama with kamisama
Stranger: I am laughing so hard rn I cant believe this is still going. Like majide??
You: sou, maji da yo
Stranger: Sounds like you study your nihongo all Majime and stuff
You: am i just gonna descend into full japanese
You: likewise my bro
Stranger: I think so my nakama
Stranger: Gotta go zenbu nihongo
You: it started as shuumi but now i have degree so
You: saikou no weeb da yo
Stranger: Oh I see bokumo started when I was a koukousei
You: i was only hontou majime when i was daigakusei
Stranger: Then I did it in Uni with a major in film minor in nihongo
Stranger: Okok
Stranger: 分かったwww
You: respect for my nakama to follow their dreams in kokosei
You: 草
You: i'm afraid i'm ちょっと下手 now from lack of use w
Stranger: これは最初に冗談だけど、ほんとに分かったwww
Stranger: Daijyoubu. I am the same
You: 感じ嫁できないw
You: i am a Fool in Man's Shoes
Stranger: Got my degree 3 years ago and habent studied since
You: what a fuckin mood
You: my usage is all in media consumption and music, honestly
Stranger: Okay kanjiless こらはさいしょにじょうだんだけど、ほんとにわかった
You: but i barely speak it lmao
Stranger: I see same
Stranger: I have no one to speak to
Stranger: Do you play games?
You: あぁそう、私も
Stranger: We could speak to each other! I was supposed to be sleeping so this must be fate
You: は~い
Stranger: Stay night
Stranger: If you know whatimean
Stranger: What kind of games do you play? Any league or pubg?
You: i took a fat nap earlier so now i cant sleep
You: unmei da yo
Stranger: Hahah
Stranger: Where you from?
You: i quit league a while ago, but i was considering playing again tbh
Stranger: Omg
You: california!
Stranger: We can play together
Stranger: And talk
You: gonna have to catch me up on new meta tho
Stranger: Hey I am driving to LA in 2 hours lol
You: too many new items and changes MonkaS
Stranger: All good I'll nurture you my imouto
Stranger: XP
You: bruh good luck with the traffic lmao
You: only if i get sufficient headpats u_u
Stranger: I wanna die
Stranger: Of course you will! Uwu
Stranger: I always give cute bois headsets uwu
You: bro gimmie ya discord
Stranger: What's your discord?
You: ... bro
You: eurae#9474
Stranger: We are on the same wavelength
You: icon should be of a nekomimi girl bc... im weak
Stranger: Added
Stranger: I think mine is a nekomimi boy so...
You: how can you be my kouhai if you're gonna be my oniichan :thinking:
Stranger: Shhhh
Stranger: Let it happen
You: so why you headed to LA anyway? work? o:
Stranger: Let this 23 yo onichan teach you the ways on how to be a bronze player in league of legends
You: bro we are the same age
Stranger: Work! I film!
Stranger: I am in Arizona rn
You: oh wow! do you travel a lot for work? o:
Stranger: From Canada tho! Going back tomorrow evening to the great white north!
Stranger: Here and there ^^
Stranger: I make the usual.
You: it's too hot here anyway q_q
Stranger: Wedding videos, music videos, commercials, porn
You: socal born and raised, still cant stand the heat
Stranger: Wait forget the last one
You: hey man why should i judge
Stranger: Which city?
You: how did our conversation start HAHA
Stranger: Haha just being silly xP
You: alhambra! it's about 30 mins out from LA
Stranger: Idk but it was amazing
Stranger: And it was fate legit
You: best laugh i've had in a while
Stranger: I was gonna sleep
You: honestly
Stranger: Before I clicked
Stranger: Then for some reason I didn't
Stranger: Idk shy
You: honestly i was about to close omegle because i kept getting kik bots
Stranger: Right????
Stranger: My god
You: "M 17 and horny" boy you are a MINOR
Stranger: The tag japanese is ONLY BOTS
Stranger: That's the one!!!
Stranger: Looking for weeb gf??
You: chris hansen? hello?
You: almost got fuckin whiplash
Stranger: Omg
You: LOL
Stranger: Get Christmas on the line
You: konnichiwa keisatsu desuka?
Stranger: So you are Male too right just wondering?
Stranger: Loooool
You: 女だよ
Stranger: へええ まじで
You: そうよ!変かなぁ?ww
You: girls dont exist on the internet right lmao
Stranger: Well in that case *flexes arms* I hope you know I am at the top of my class. I main Vayne. Hit silver 3 last season yeah I am a total stud
Stranger: Hahaha right??? I play with a few actually and it is toooo funny when we play league with randoms xD
You: bro i can be your support and get mad when i flash+all in and die bc no one else followed up
Stranger: Hontoni omoshiroi
You: or jungle and feed
Stranger: Looo
Stranger: All seriousness
Stranger: I dont main Vayne anymore lol
You: it's been an age man, i played season 3-4
Stranger: I main twitch hit plat this season and also play a bit of top. I would love to play with you though! <3
Stranger: Damnnnnn I started in s5 lol
Stranger: What do you play nowadays?
Stranger: What are your hobbies?
You: my high school was chock full of league peeps man, i just got pulled in around then
Stranger: Same but I have a story about that hH
You: i draw? and for games, I lean pretty heavily into strategy/jrpg
You: i... quit league cause i got to be a picturesque toxic league player >____>
Stranger: I have too much I wanna talk about and I gotta sleep hehe I wont be home till late so talk to you day after? If you have tele you can text me there too uwu
You: oh yeah!! :3 we can trade numbers later!
Stranger: Ooh I would love to see your drawings and being toxic is bad! XP
You: wouldn't want you to die on yr 2 hr drive at 5mi/hr
You: LOL
Stranger: HahH
Stranger: Do you have telegram?
You: i don't! is that like a texting app? o:
Stranger: Mhmm! With loooooots of cute stickers!
You: s...stickers
Stranger: Mostly furries use it but it has cute anime ones too
You: i tried to use line for a while because of the stickers (poptepipic what's gud) but no one else used it qq
Stranger: Yeah! Just download it and I'll teach you!
You: guess it's time to make a fursona!
You: LOL
Stranger: I used line when I lived in Japan haha
You: o: you lived in japan omg
Stranger: Yup guess so! XD everyone has one nowadays! :p
Stranger: Download it and let me know wha TV your @ is and I'll add you!
Stranger: What your* not tv looool
Stranger: I did yeah for a year
You: does it go by name?
You: ... "tams loves catgirls"
Stranger: My tele is @imyourkohai
Stranger: If you go to send a message you can put that in and message me
Stranger: Lol yes that is right hahah
You: haha okay, i should let you get to sleep!!
Stranger: Okay!!!
You: do you have a call time or anything? o:
Stranger: Nini
Stranger: Nah just a meeting all g :3
You: okay!! haha oyasumi~ we'll talk more tmr :3
Stranger: Ouasumiii
Stranger has disconnected.
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ariannadi · 7 years
As Luck Would Have It (1/5)
My take on a post-Revelation story, with lots of feels, fluff, and angst >:D 
Leokamu, Leorrin, or whatever, if that wasn’t obvious enough lol xP (Can also be read on Ao3, but thanks to tumblr’s stupid tagging system it will be in the source link on this post. I’ve also put the link at the end of this post.)
“So… what are you planning to do now, Leo?” The question had been simple enough, but it left the prince at a blank. Peace had been acquired between Hoshido and Nohr, the true threat between the two countries finally at an end, and with that peace came drastic changes on both sides.
Ryoma, now king of his country, had taken Camilla as his queen during the war, their son Shiro barely a year old at this point. In the land of dusk, Xander and Hinoka had happily settled as king and queen, their own son Siegbert only a few months younger than his cousin but almost nearly as rambunctious.
Prince Takumi and his wife Oboro had restored her family’s kimono shop to its former glory, all the while seeing to the restoration efforts present throughout Hoshido and sitting in for Ryoma and Camilla when they were away from the country. Princess Sakura and her husband Kaden, wanting to assist their homeland in their own way, had traveled to almost all of the clinics and hospitals within Hoshido, tending to the wounded and sick.
Then there came the three remaining royals - four, if you counted Azura.
After the war, Kamui had become the queen of the now-restored Valla. Although she had insisted that Azura was the rightful heir to the throne and deserved to be its ruler, the songstress had politely rejected the notion, instead becoming Kamui’s personal advisor on everything regarding their homeland, now that they could speak freely on the topic. She, along with her husband, Kaze, chose to stay out of the limelight; but both were willing to help out with anything, should they be called to it.
Elise, not wanting to depart from Kamui’s side “ever again”, had also remained in Valla with her former sister, becoming sort of a beacon of hope and joy to the growing population there, something the kingdom truly needed. She and Odin, the latter having remained with his liege, had begun something of a courtship after the war, though both were far too immature to even consider the next step.
Leo, meanwhile, had come to a standstill in his life.
He hadn't needed to return to Nohr necessarily; war wasn’t on the horizon and Xander had a pretty firm grasp on everything at hand. He could travel to Hoshido if he wanted, being close friends with Takumi and all, but he reasoned he would simply feel out of place.
So, he had stayed in Valla. It was the most logical conclusion, after all, and had absolutely nothing to do with the young woman who sat on the throne.
“So… what are you planning to do now, Leo?” Camilla had asked him on one of her and their family’s (many) visits to the new kingdom, and he found that he really didn’t have an answer.
Well, he did, but he wasn’t about to go and voice it. Especially to someone like Camilla.
In the time during the war, he and Kamui had become inseparable, spending long nights reading together or discussing events that had occurred during the day. Before Leo could even fathom what was happening, her kind heart and quirky behavior had won him over completely. She was beautiful beyond belief and even the sound of her laugh lessened his burdens by a mile.
He had grown to care for her; not as a sister, but as a woman. And despite every objection that rose at the very notion of remaining with her, he couldn’t stay away.
“Well, to be honest, I was considering teaching lessons on war strategy here in Valla, seeing as Kamui learned so much back when I tutored her.” Leo finally replied, glancing up at his sister. “I haven’t run the idea by her yet, however.”
Camilla seemed quite pleased by the thought. “Oh, that sounds perfect for you! I’m sure the people here will benefit greatly from that talented brain of yours.”
It was something, at the very least. A footstep in the right direction.
“You? A Teacher?” Elise nearly guffawed, and Leo managed the deepest scowl possible.
He should’ve known his younger sister wouldn’t take the thought seriously, but Kamui, blessed Kamui, had the complete opposite reaction.
“Now, Elise,” she tutted at the girl, “Leo did wonders in improving my tactical skills during the war. I think he would do great in tutoring others, should they wish to learn.”
Elise shrugged, her mouth going slightly sideways. “If you say so, Big Sister. So long as he doesn’t lose that temper of his.”
“You honestly think I’d be so incompetent?” Leo asked, and Elise shrugged again.
“Perhaps you could even attend such lessons, Elise,” Kamui suggested. “You did mention wanting to understand battle formations better a while back.”
“Yeah, I could sit in on a few, I guess,” the girl said in what sounded like surrender, which, where Kamui was involved, wasn’t out of the question. She looked over her shoulder toward the exit to the library, then announced, “I’m gonna go find Odin; he said something about wanting to tell me a story about time travel or the like. See you both later.” And with that, the youngest Nohrian princess bounced away, leaving Leo and Kamui alone.
“Thanks for defending me,” Leo said sheepishly once the space was silent. Kamui turned to him, offering him a little smile.
“You did so all the time back in Nohr for my sake, I felt I could step in for once,” she explained, crossing her arms and wandering to the ornate window at the far end of the room. Leo took a moment to observe her, the way the sunlight practically reflected off her silvery hair, but a moment was all he allowed.
“Something the matter?” he asked as he moved to her side, and Kamui shrugged.
“Ryoma and Xander mentioned wanting to speak with me after dinner this evening. I can only assume it’s in relation to foreign matters, but…”
“But?” Leo pressed. Kamui sighed and turned to face him. Her face was distraught, an expression the prince was not expecting to see.
“I… Camilla and Ryoma were speaking in their chambers the other night, and I happened to overhear them as I passed by. Camilla was entirely upset, and Ryoma was comforting her as best he could, but reasserting his stance all the same.”
“What did he say to her?” Leo questioned, a sinking feeling starting to form in the pit of his stomach. Kamui looked him directly in the eyes, the vibrant red of her irises glistening with moisture.
“Valla will eventually require a king.”
Try as he might, Leo couldn’t help but glare at the two kings sitting on opposite sides of the dining table, conversing like they’d been friends for years. He wanted to demand why they thought it so necessary to leave Kamui so distressed, but like always he simply held his tongue.
A king. He knew the matter would come up eventually; Kamui was queen to Valla and as such would require ties to the surrounding lands - not to mention an heir to secure her lineage. Leo just hadn’t assumed it would be so soon.
No wonder Camilla had been so upset. The mere thought of seeing her on the arm of some… deplorable left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Leo, you’ve been scraping at nothing for the last two minutes and my ears are starting to bleed,” Elise hissed at him from her seat across the way, and only then did the prince notice the lines his knife had left in the delicate china in front of him.
He set his silverware down, crossing his arms instead. “Apologies,” he muttered, not sounding sincere in the slightest. Elise just rolled her eyes, going back to eating the tart currently sitting on her own plate. Leo hadn’t even touched the dessert platter once it was passed around, and even now the minimal dinner he had ingested sat like a brick in his gut.
“Kamui,” Xander suddenly addressed the girl sitting at the head of the table, and rose from his spot, “Your brother and I wish to speak with you, in private.” Leo felt a chill creep down his spine, and quickly found himself rising, as well. All eyes flew to him, but he simply cleared his throat.
“If I may attend this meeting as well, brother,” he requested, and Xander quirked a brow.
“Surely Leo can be present,” Kamui seconded. “He’s been my right hand up until this point, after all.” Both Ryoma and Xander eyed one another, but acquiesced the request, following Kamui and Leo out of the dining hall and into the queen��s study.
“Sister,” Ryoma began once the doors were closed, already looking uncomfortable. “It should be no surprise that this matter come to attention, but we both felt it plausible to discuss everything now rather than later.”
“And, that we want you to understand that this is only with your best interest in mind,” Xander followed, staring at the floor.
“Brothers, please,” Kamui stepped in, holding up her hands. I already know what it is you wish to address.”
“You do?” the kings sputtered at the same time, and Leo would’ve smirked at their shared dumbfoundedness had he not wanted to beat some sense into them both.
“Yes,” Kamui answered, chewing at her lip. “It’s about my… position as a single ruler, yes?”
Both Ryoma and Xander seemed to deflate, if only slightly. Both returned to their full height but a moment after, appearing steadfast once again.
“Kamui, we understand this is the last thing you wish to think about, but the problem still stands. Valla is a decrepit kingdom in need of alliances, and Nohr and Hoshido’s affiliations can only go so far. Without a solid tie to another foreign body, your kingdom will not thrive.” Xander explained, his brow pinched in worry. Only then did Leo understand that his elder brother was just as uneasy with the idea of marrying Kamui off to some stranger in another land.
“I know,” the queen quietly replied, fiddling with a loose string on her sleeve. “More than anything I wish to see the people of this kingdom whole again, and if my marrying someone can secure that desire, then so be it.”
“Kamui,” Leo’s voice cracked, her words piercing his heart like a knife. He understood the girl had a widespread reputation for her selflessness, but for this?
“I’m glad you understand, dearest sister,” Ryoma said with a smile. “Already you have proven to be a ruler of worth. It makes me proud to witness such firsthand.”
“I, as well,” Xander affirmed, nodding slightly. “As I’m sure you’re already aware, the best means of going about this would be to host a gala of some kind, allowing any interested suitors a chance to travel here and interact with you personally. I’ll see to it that Camilla and Elise start arranging such; they’ve always been expert in such matters.”
“Of course. Thank you, Xander. Ryoma.” Kamui replied. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to take part in some quiet reading before bed.”
“Of course, sister,” Ryoma agreed, moving to take his leave. Xander followed suit, and then it was just Leo and Kamui present once again.
“Kamui,” Leo repeated, his voice shaky. “Please tell me you aren’t actually considering this.”
The girl let out a halfhearted laugh, her eyes falling shut as she shook her head. “What choice do I have, Leo? They’re completely correct in their argument, and I can’t be selfish in a time like this.”
“I can’t recall a single time you ever were,” Leo stressed, stepping closer to her. “You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your happiness for anything.”
The young queen looked visibly touched, and Leo’s breath hitched when she reached for his hands, lacing their fingers together. Her skin was like a furnace in comparison to the chilly air of the study, and just the mere brush of her fingers against his offered him a sense of comfort.
“You’re so sweet, Leo,” Kamui murmured, her rosy lips turned upward in a sincere smile. “But this is my legacy, and that won’t change. I understand the consequences, but… for the sake of these people, my people, I must do what is necessary.”
“Kamui…” Leo swallowed thickly, his jaw tight. It was then that the doors to the study flew open and Elise bounded in, Camilla following close behind with Shiro on her hip. Kamui released Leo’s hands, turning to acknowledge the unexpected guests.
Already, the prince missed her tender warmth.
“Ah, here you are, darling,” their elder sister said with what looked to be a forced smile. “Xander said we would find you here, I hope you don’t mind the interruption.”
“Not at all, Camilla,” Kamui replied, managing a smile herself. Elise skipped to the queen’s side and clasped her hands in her own, swinging them back and forth with a bubbly giggle.
“Xander says you’re looking to get married, Big Sister, and he wants Camilla and I to help you out!” the girl chirped in excitement. “Oh, this is gonna be so fun! You’ve never been to a betrothal ball before, have you? We’re gonna arrange the best one ever for you, I promise!”
Kamui laughed at the girl’s enthusiasm, but even in the dim light of the study, Leo could make out the sadness and worry behind her eyes.
Thanks so much for reading! Or, if you are looking for the Ao3 link, it’s right here :D
Likes, reblogs, anything, are always loved and appreciated!!
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orangiah · 7 years
5 things meme
tagged by @deadbirdlife! :D (over a month ago but i always do this)
5 things you’ll find in my bag well you can check out my meet-the-artist meme if you want to know not just five but basically everything you'll find in my bag/on my person but for the sake of this meme:
bokutowl/bokuaka nitotans (unless they're in my pocket instead of my bag) to accompany on my many adventures
i haven't really used my sketchbook for like over a year now but i still bring it with me wherever i can, maybe in the hope that i'll use it again at some point
if i do draw anything by hand it's usually on a loose sheet of paper that i carry in my clipboard case. also useful to have for any papers i might pick up while i'm out
i carry around earplugs and athletic tape/bandaids for taiko, since they're small enough that i can leave them in my bag (and bandaids are useful in general). on sundays i bring my taiko bachi and shinobue to practice
my phone case is a wallet case which i use to carry more frequently-used cards like my ID, metrocard, and primary credit card, but i keep another wallet in my bag where i leave cash/coins, other IDs, credit/debit cards, insurance info, membership/stamp cards, etc
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
an absurd number of books/artbooks/doujinshi/comics. an entire wall of my room is dedicated to books
currently a bunch of moving boxes that i haven’t finished unpacking yet and probably won’t finish unpacking for years tbh
a few real plants and a few fake plants :P i like the idea of a room full of plants but i can only take care of so many and i'm not really opposed to supplementing with fake ones, especially in hard-to-reach places
a fledging little bokuaka shrine that i have many grand ambitions for......
okay wait i’m really excited about this because i recently moved into a new apartment and one of my goals for my room was to make a cozy little under-bed nook but this ended up being a lot more complicated than originally imagined and took like a month of wrangling with furniture weight capacities/materials/budget/help from my ex-structural engineer dad but i finally did it and it’s great
5 things i’m currently into
bokuaka but if you didn’t know that then i’m not sure who you’ve been following
went to a LITE and mouse on the keys concert a few weeks ago so i’ve been re-listening to the setlist a bunch as well as some CDs i bought
for some reason i've also been listening to a lot of ayumi hamasaki lately, digging through my old middle school favorites...
i finally started watching voltron last week okay OKAY FINE
reading paradox blue in japanese! the english scanlations stop halfway through volume 3 and i really want to know what happens -- it’s usually a bit draining for me to read anything longer than 40 pages or so or that involves a lot of non-conversational language, but i’ve been slowly moving along and it’s been good practice
5 things on my to-do list see also: new year's resolutions
HOLIDAY CARDS LOL I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT THEM i just wasn't joking when i said they'll be like... early spring cards... or later......
starting up classes again this wednesday so i should probably brush up a bit and review my notes from last semester
i finally bought some bird repellent gel for my balcony because these pigeons have been waking me up every morning and it’s really been messing with my sleep. it’s kind of a pain to climb out there so i’ve been putting it off but they’ve been getting increasingly persistent these past few days so i should probably do it soon
i need a haircut lol
gotta call my doctor about some changes in my insurance and also (separately, but falling under the “calling medical offices” category) schedule a surgery consultation which i’ve been meaning to do for weeks now but i’m a weenie
(sticking this in as a sixth item since it’s semi-private but it’s important enough that i’d feel remiss if i didn’t include it) qkbis expxjz dkhyzxpt yrkppku, igh xp kpb ykjs, yopesjj ho jyklers
5 things people may not know about me
my dad is an ordained reverend (and so am i)
i sort of collect cute candy packaging -- i was pretty intentional about it in early high school, then recently dug up my old collection while moving to my new apartment and instead of doing the sensible thing and throwing it out i ended up keeping it
other things i casually collect: postcards, playing cards, cool hats, cool socks, knives, artbooks, doujinshi, stickers, am i a collector or just a hoarder
things i seriously considered majoring in while i was at uni: english, computer science, psychology, film, religious studies, astronomy (of them all, i probably went the furthest with astronomy). the main reason i ended up doing art wasn’t because i particularly wanted to, but because i ended up spreading myself too thin trying to do everything while also consistently taking at least one art class a semester so it ended up being the only subject i had enough credits in to complete with minimal suffering
i really like singing! i wouldn’t say i’m particularly good or bad at it, but i love going to karaoke, and in high school i spent a lot of my time participating in amateur online song cover groups and learned a bit about audio mixing while i was at it. i’ve posted a few covers on tumblr in the past, but it’s been over a year since my last one so a lot of people probably don’t know about it. i’d like to do more at some point, but it might be harder now that i’ve moved to an apartment (bonus: i live right across from a railway line)
tagging @roboraptor3000 @cmktusa @menopiano @thasali @shun-takei @toondoon-here @aidenmoo @silvercistern @twomilkmen @spacevocals @zorofab @cattletyrants @candide-kun @adropofcolour (as always, only if you want to! if you don’t like being tagged in these sorts of things, feel free to shoot me an ask and i’ll make a note of it. same for if i missed you and you really like being tagged :P)
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