#what the damn hell is the dean/benny ship name is there even one. i think no
vivitalks · 1 month
This ain't Earth. It's Purgatory. However monstrous, Dean can't fight the urge to just say what he means. Be who he is. Maybe this is who he is: fighting monsters, loving men. Maybe in this world, it can be.
(laughs nervously and slides this across the table as an offering to the dean/benny/cas community)
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
About a boy (Part-9)
Word count: 2.8K
Warning: Suspense, feels, physical abuse, child-trafficking and bullying
Characters: Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Benny, Michael, OCs and… Sam?
Summary: Dean Winchester has a secret. A secret that could really land him in trouble. He never expected to connect with anyone when he walked into the ‘Blue Stone Orphanage for Boys,’ but even then, the walls he has put up are slowly coming down. Now, a series of strange events are threatening to expose him. When everything starts falling apart around him, will he still be able to save the one person that matters the most?
A/N: I’m incredibly sorry that this took so long, guys! That too after a cliffhanger. Really, really sorry. Hope you like it nonetheless :)
Thanks to my lovelies @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​​​​​ and @deanssweetheart23​​​​​​ for beta reading this story <3
About a boy masterlist
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Dean stood there stunned, as if someone had slapped the sense out of him.
“Don’t try to deny it,” Benny warned, his expression wary and almost threatening. “You’re not an orphan, so what the hell are you even doing here?”
“I-I am an orphan,” Dean said, surprised that his voice sounded steady when his insides were in a twist.
This was it. This was as far as Dean would go. Any moment now, Benny would go running to Andy and spill his guts about what he’d heard and there was nothing Dean could do about it.
Benny was still looking down at him with blatant distrust, hands crossed over his chest, waiting for an answer.
Maybe he saw the raw panic in Dean’s eyes, or realised that Dean was paralysed and wouldn’t answer because Benny eventually sighed and dropped his hands.
“Look,” he said, raising his chin slightly so Dean could see his eyes clearly under the hood of his cap. They were a startling dark blue. “I am not going to rat you out. I knew there was something up with you since the day you walked into our room.”
“H-How?” Dean asked, mostly to keep Benny talking. He wasn’t surprised that Benny had noticed all the unusual stuff.
“You disappear into the night, every night. You look like you have an agenda,” Benny shrugged. “I’ve spent most of my life in an orphanage, I know homelessness when I see it. You’ve never looked homeless. And then there’s that pager in your bag.”
Dean scowled. “You went through my stuff? You spied on me?”
“Like you aren’t spying on this place, yourself,” Benny shot back. “I knew you were sneaky. Finding out all I could about you was self preservation instinct.”
This was the most that Dean had ever heard Benny talk. His voice had a roughness that sounded out of place for a teenager and over that there was an odd graveness.
“I’ve had my reservations about you, especially since you and Castiel have gotten so close,” Benny paused, and Dean realised that all this while Benny had also been curious for Cas’s sake. Cas was a frigging saint when it came to looking out for people and it was natural to take a liking to him, to want to keep him out of harm’s way. It was why Gaberiel- who never bothered about anyone but himself- had gone out of his way to help Cas on that night of Dean’s initiation. Apparently, Benny wasn’t immune to Cas’s weird power over people. He had been worried about Cas getting mixed up with a bad person.
“Now, are you going to tell me what’s up?” Benny asked impatiently. “You’re involved with the police somehow so I can guess where this is going. Spill, Winchester!”
Dean started talking, his eyes trained on the second button of Benny’s coat. He talked and talked and talked till his throat felt dry, about his past, Bobby, Jody and… the Stynes. At that Benny drew in a sharp breath.
“What about the Stynes?” He asked.
Dean knew a bit about Benny’s past. How he used to be a friendly boy before his best friend was shifted, or to put it more correctly, before his best friend disappeared. This was why Dean had been completely honest with his story.
“We think that the Stynes are involved in child trafficking. That all these kids who suddenly get transferred or whatever, are being shipped off to God knows where and forced into begging rackets or maybe even prostitution.” Dean had never said the last part out loud. It disgusted him to his core, scared him that he might be actually right. And the last thing he wanted was to be right on that count.
Under his cap, Benny had gone completely white. His hands clenched and unclenched. Then, he looked hard at Dean and said, “You really think that’s the case, too, then? That whatever is happening here is not normal?”
“Look around!” Dean gestured, so relieved that Benny wasn’t going to turn him in, that his voice sounded exasperated. “Does any of this horse crap feel normal to you? Of course something is wrong!”
On an impulse Dean added, “But I am not doing this completely out of the goodness of my heart either. I have my own interest.”
Benny raised an eyebrow.
“My brother,” Dean said, “The one I told you about, who I was separated from…” Dean paused, checking his voice. Why was it always so hard to talk about Sam? He’d had years to accept the truth, then why was this still so hard? Would it always be like this?
Dean cleared his throat, then said, “I have reason to believe that he’s actually here. Jody figured that I could continue looking for my brother as long as I found real dirt on the Stynes. Two birds with one stone. I know you must think I’m selfish,” Dean added, “To do this just for my brother, but-”
“I get it,” Benny said, “If I could, I would do it all to get Jaime back.”
“Jaime?” Dean asked but he had an inkling of who he might actually be.
Benny’s eyes were far away as he said, “My buddy. They took him, too.” Then, he looked right at Dean. “Look, if you’re really going to find out what’s happening around here, then I want in. I’ve been here for a long time, not as long as others, but I’ve been suspicious for a longer time than most of these buffoons.”
Benny put a hand in his over large coat and drew out a bunch of keys. “This is the master key set,” he said. “I’ve had this for a while now; stole it off Garth once when he was distracted. It opens most of the doors in this place. I’m not sure Garth even tries going into the west wing, but if you’re gonna go scouting the place, this might be of help.”
Dean frowned. This was too good to be true. “If you’ve had the master key all this while, why didn’t you try to sneak out and use it yourself?”
“Use it and do what?” Benny hissed, “I see the look you’re giving me, Winchester, but I didn’t have the Police backing me. I shouted till my throat was sore when they took Jaime. But no one listened. Not a single soul came out to help me. And the punishment I got for it… Oh, the punishment.” Benny moved up the sleeve of his arm to show welts on the back of his wrist. They looked like thin vertical burn marks.
Dean’s eyes went wide.
“His name was Jacob. Jacob Styne. Didn’t even blink as he put the rod to my skin,” Benny murmured.
Dean suddenly felt too cold under his clothes. This was terrible. The Stynes were monsters… And Andy was a sick son of a bitch. He was supposed to be in-charge, he was supposed to protect the kids. Instead he just watched and let this happen. Dean wanted to punch him where it would hurt seven shades of Sunday. And boy, did he wanna put the Stynes behind the bars for they did. To Jaime and countless others.
“Why didn’t you run?” Dean asked, eyes cast down and away from Benny now.
“We don’t all have a father of sorts waiting for us,” Benny said, but not unkindly. “It was either this or another round of foster homes. Known evil is better than the unknown one, I suppose.” He jingled the keys in the space before them
Dean nodded, grabbed the masterkey and then limped back towards the dorms after Benny disappeared out back.
“Dean!” Cas exhaled, jumping out of his top bunk. “What took so long? I was worried about you.”
Cas looked harried. His black hair was plastered to the side of his face with sweat and the backs of his thumbs had nail marks in them. Cas did that when he was anxious.
“And you look… weird,” Cas said, giving Dean a once over. “Have you been crying?”
Yes he had been crying, but he wasn’t gonna admit to that. Instead, he pulled Cas outside and towards the far end of the corridor, away from the crowded area, then told him everything. From seeing Jody to Bobby and finally Benny.
“Whoa!” Cas looked dazed. “This means we don’t have to wait for Andy to sneak out to his weird dates. We can go to the record room whenever we want. We can have access to all those files.”
“Tonight,” Dean nodded, “After the lights out, we sneak into the west wing.”
Dean lay on his side, facing the wall that night. Waiting for the time to be right. Over him, Cas was very still in his bed, which was how Dean knew he was up, too. Usually Cas tossed and turned quite a lot and the old rickety frame of their twin bed shook with him. It was past 11 when Gabriel came to bed. He rolled over and fell asleep immediately. Dean gave it 15 more minutes, then quietly stepped out of bed, Cas following in a few seconds. Dean nodded to Benny on his way out. Whether or not Benny wanted anything to do with Dean’s epic nightly adventures, he was unfortunately at least a silent accomplice and audience now.
As sneakily as they could, he and Cas  made their way towards the end of the corridor and the west wing door.
“Okay, here goes,” Dean huffed and inserted the most promising key into the lock. Did not work.
“Damn it!” he swore, then tired another one.
“Dean, I hear footsteps,” said Cas, edging closer. “Hurry.”
The third key clicked and Dean pushed the door open. He and Cas slipped inside and pushed the door shut, hoping against hope that the clang wasn’t a give away. They waited with their ears pressed against the cold metal till the faint footsteps faded and Cas breathed out in relief.
“I thought we were done for,” he said.
“Not yet,” Dean replied grimly, peering ahead of them.
The west wing was darker than it was possible to imagine and it smelled strongly of rust, damp salt… and like something had died and rotted here for ages.
Behind him, Cas gagged.
They moved cautiously in the general direction of where the staircase would be, reaching out with their hands, trying to feel the space around them.
There was a distant muted thud from ahead.
“Did you hear that?” Dean whispered.
“Hear what?”
“The noise… from the corridor ahead!” he said.
“There can’t be,” replied Cas. “This side is abandoned, remember?”
But Dean was almost sure he’d heard something from up ahead, like metal being scraped against something. However, Cas was right. Maybe it was Dean’s head getting creative in the dark.
“Here’s the staircase!” Cas exclaimed. “Right here.”
Dean was going to point out that there was no ‘right here’ in this doomed dead hellscape, but he let it go and followed Cas down the spiraling steps, all the way to the ground floor. The dim lights from the front driveway made it easier to find the way to the eastern side here, and within minutes they found themselves in the record room, the door safely shut behind them.
“We did it!” Cas grinned. Dean was about to fist bump him to celebrate the small victory when the shadow at the far end of the room moved and Will came into view.
“Will! What are you doing here?” Dean hissed, outraged. What in the name of holy mother!
Will gave no expression. “I could ask you the same,” he retaliated.
“God damn it, kid!”
“Hey don’t go swearing on me like you’re on some high horse here, okay?” Will pointed a finger at Dean. “You broke the rule, just like me, so stop acting all prissy.”
Dean was flummoxed. “How did you even get down here?”
“You two chuckleheads might have forgotten the incident of great fire, but I got you down here,” Will said angrily, pointing at Cas. “By picking the locks.”
“And now,” he said, “You, Dean, are going to tell me exactly what’s going on. Don’t make some bullshit reason or excuse because I’ll know. I’m not stupid. You two act like you’re planning to overthrow a government with all your secret talk and you have me looking for some Sam, and never bothered to explain why!”
Boy, he really was angry, Dean thought to himself.
“Listen, Will…” Dean tried, “What we are doing here… it’s dangerous. Really dangerous. You don’t want to get involved in this.”
“The hell I don’t want to involve myself with this,” Will shot back. “I’ve been going out of my head trying to find your Sam for you. I don’t even know who he is. I almost committed arson for you, so don’t you ‘listen, Will…’ me, Dean. I deserve to know.”
Dean was taken aback with Will’s outburst. He didn’t know the boy was so invested, but he had to agree we Will.
He sighed. “You’re right, Will. You deserve the truth.”
It was like a recap of the morning, having to go through with the story again, but Dean did it just the same. Only, while Benny’s face had been impassive throughout, Will’s expression broke at the mention of the fire and how Sam was taken away. His hazel eyes looked watery and his brow furrowed with each word, to the point where Dean had to look away to be able to continue the story.
“So your brother, he’s here?” Will asked in a strangled voice.
“That’s right,” Dean said. “And Cas here has been helping me with the records, trying to find Sam’s file. Ain’t that right, Cas?”
Cas who had been standing silent all this while nodded his head, and Dean noticed him furtively rubbing his eyes against his sleeve. Dean’s heart gave a lurch.
“Alright,” he said hurriedly, trying to spare both Cas and Will the moment, “If you want to jump on to this train, pick a rack and start pulling out files.”
Will nodded vehemently, but the look in his eyes still had Dean’s stomach in a knot. It was tender and just so innocent. That kid deserved the world, and it sucked that he had grown up in a hell hole like this.
Cas had taken up a rack and was pointing to Will, showing him which of the shelves they had completed looking into. Will was as attentive as ever and quickly dove into the files. Dean watched them work. Cas squinting into the racks, the Torch they had left here last time balanced between his shoulder and neck, while Will flipped through the papers at an inhuman speed, his brown hair falling into his eyes.
Cas finally yawned, hours into the search “Hey check this out, I found Michael's file!”
Will scooted closer to Cas, peered over his elbow and read out loud. “It says he was found on the steps of the orphanage when he was about 3 weeks old. That’s horrible.”
Dean couldn’t fathom where Will got all his empathy from. He had been in the orphanage since as long as he could remember. Maybe his story was something like this, too. Dean was lucky in this regard, in the sense that he knew that his parents had loved him, and not left him on the steps like this.
“Well, that’s the 5th Angel-names Orphanage kid we’ve found,” Cas sighed.
Will laughed. “You know I always thought it was hilarious the names you guys got. I mean you got lucky, Cas. But the kids who got stuck with Balthazar and Uriel? I don’t envy them.”
“Yeah, right, William.” Cas made a face, but he did purse his lips like he was trying not to laugh.
“Don’t you think, Dean?” Will asked, looking up with his wide eyes. “Dean… Dean, are you okay?”
Dean had gone still. “How old does it say the others were when they got into that Angel-names Orphanage?” Dean asked, barely controlling his voice.
“It says that Raphael was 3 months old, Uriel was 8 months and Michael-”
“No… no no no no…” Dean chanted slowly getting up. “This can’t be happening. Fuck!”
“What happened?” Cas asked
But Dean was already backing into the wall, his heart sinking and spirits breaking. “Sam,” he whispered, breath leaving his lungs. “Sam was only 6 months. What if… what if they changed his name when they took him in?”
A/N 2: Once again sorry for the delay. But I will post the next part asap cause it is already written! Please do tell me what you thought of the chapter? I live for comments!
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About a Boy taglist:
@sdavid09​​​​​ @deanssweetheart23​​​​​ @blacktithe7​​​​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​​​​ @cosicas-cuquis​​​​​ @chalicia​​​​​  @anathewierdo​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​ @protectteamfreewill​​​​​ @firefly124-writing​​​​​ @spnbaby-67​​​​​ @hoboal87​​​​​ @rizlow1​​​​​ @donnaintx​​​​​ @starmission​​​​​ @gh0stgurl​​​​​ @tftumblin​​​​​ @emily-a-c11​​​​​ @ericaprice2008​​​​​ @jotink78​​​​​ @charliebradbury1104​​​​​ @ohgodwhybloggg​​​​​ @i-dont-get-cold​​​​​  @bobbie3939​​​​​  @samsexualdeancurious​​​​​ @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba​​​​​  @cookiechipdough​​​​​ @wildfirewinchester​
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katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: Ride With Me (part six) Fandom: Supernatural AU Characters series: Reader, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Ellen Singer-Harvelle, Jo Singer (Harvelle), Benny Lafitte, Ash Miles, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Castiel Novek, and many more. Timeline: 2008 Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually) Word count: ±1900 words Summary series: Y/N is a talented horse rider who is on her way to become a professional. In order to convince her father that she deserves the loan needed to start her own farm, she goes to Arizona for six months, to intern at a ranch owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. Her future is set out, but then she meets a handsome horseman, who goes by the name of Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.  Summary part six: Y/N is getting lost in the feelings that she’s developing for Dean, and it doesn’t take long before Jo takes notice. Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fluff, angst, eventually smut. Swearing, smoking, alcohol intoxication, alcohol abuse. Mutual pining, heartbreak. Crying, nightmares, childhood trauma. Description of animal abuse, domestic violence, mentions of addiction. Financial problems, stress, mental breakdown. Description of blood and injury, hospital scenes, character death, grief. Music: Check out ‘Kate Huntington’s Ride With Me playlist’ on Spotify! Author’s note: Thank you @kittenofdoomage and @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish for helping me. You girls are awesome betas.
Ride With Me Masterlist
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     Okay, maybe the tequila last night wasn’t such a good idea. Neither was that margarita the previous night, or the drinking game the night before that one. Or was it the other way around? Y/N cannot seem to recall, but today is Friday, so at least tomorrow she can sleep her way through the headache. Never ever did she drink as much as she did this week. Normally that would bother her, especially considering she’s not here on Spring break. But when the drinks are offered in a time when she needs a little something to stop thinking about that damned Dean Winchester, she couldn't care less about the increase of alcohol consumption.
     She found the balance quite quickly, too. Intoxicated enough to let go of the complexity that comes with growing fondness of the head wrangler, but sober enough to stop herself from doing anything stupid. The consequence is, however, that on this morning ride, her brain feels like it’s trying to expand beyond the size of her head. Thank God her stomach isn't acting up, because Joplin is trotting under her nervously. Seems like Y/N is having trouble finding the ‘walk’ button this early. The hot-blooded mare fails to respond when her rider asks her to slow down by saying ‘ho’ with a calm voice, but when Y/N breathes out, relaxes her legs, and shifts deeper in the saddle only by a fraction of an inch, the black horse transitions to walk.
     “Good girl,” Y/N compliments her.
     Three days without riding were more than she could handle. Meadow needed some time to recover from the long journey and to get used to her new home, but Y/N needed to restrain herself from climbing on the mare’s back anyway. She imagined this was a glimpse of what it would be like to kick an addiction cold turkey, going into withdrawal from the lack of her drug. As if not being able to train her own horse wasn't enough, it took another extra day before Y/N got onto any horse at all. It wasn't until yesterday morning that the supervisor decided that she deserved a shot at proving herself as a wrangler. She had to earn that by mucking, shit scooping, cleaning tack, and turning horses in and out. Which she gets, of course. Dean and Bobby wanted to see what she is made of before they let her ride one of their animals. But boy, was she frustrated. She even got to the point that Garth almost caught her muttering a promise to herself that if she had to clean up some horse’s massive dump one more time without a reward, she would be out of here.
     Yesterday she finally got to accompany a few guests on a trail. It was amazing to feel the horse move under the saddle again, the experience of the communication that she established within a second, and how the perfect fit on his back felt like home. Apparently, she did well, because on this morning ride, she is allowed to come along too.
     Content, she looks ahead at the large group of inexperienced riders, who find their way down the hill with some difficulty. The respect Y/N holds for the trail horses has grown, because their patience and ability to keep their clumsy passengers in the saddle hasn't ceased to amaze her. Bruce, a draft horse mix, has halted several times already, waiting motionless until his overweight German load has pulled himself back into the saddle after slowly tipping to one side. It's quite entertaining to watch.
     As she smiles at what’s playing out in front of her, the sound of hoofsteps close by on the rocky surface reaches her hearing. When she glances over her shoulder, a beautiful buckskin is just about to transition to an easy walk after catching up. Her eyes glide up until they meet his rider.
     “So, how are you this morning?” Dean wonders, a playful smile on his face.      It takes a short moment for her to answer, taken aback by her body’s response to the sight of the wrangler. A whirlwind starts to twist in her stomach, yet the headache suddenly doesn't seem as tormenting as it was a minute ago.      “I'm okay,” she claims.      He grins. “Sure about that? You had quite a few drinks last night.”      “I can handle myself,” she returns defensively, narrowing her eyes at him a little.      “Oh, I’m sure you can.”
     He chuckles, the warm and low sound rumbling deep in his throat triggering Y/N to peek at him from the corner of her eye. Was that a nervousness she detected? Did she just make him uneasy? He looks down, his lips drawn in a small smile. The sun from the east outlines the sharp lines of his jaw, edged by a scruff; apparently he didn't take the time to shave this morning. Boy, is she glad he didn’t.
     “Okay, I'll admit,” she says, trying to take away his insecurities. “My stomach might be a little… unsettled.”      Y/N isn’t lying, although alcohol has nothing to do with the butterflies that came to life inside of her. He doesn't know that, thankfully, yet he keeps a hold of his intern’s gaze for a little while longer, reading her. As if Dean’s horse wants to help love a little, the Quarter sways closer to her horse Joplin, the two of them now riding stirrup to stirrup. His knee slightly brushes against hers every other step and despite that it's barely a touch, she’s highly aware of the physical contact.
     “Don't throw up on your horse if you want to leave a good impression with me. Believe me, it ain't pretty,” Dean half jokes, half flirts.      She throws her head back in a laugh. “Don't worry, I won't. But please don't tell me you have seen that happen.”      “More than once, I'm afraid,” he remembers, turning in his saddle to face his younger cousin. “Ey, Jo?”      The blonde cowgirl, who is about thirty yards behind them, throws him a confused look, since she hasn't picked up a word of their conversation. Puzzled, she watches, inducing the riders further up to laughter.      “No way!” Y/N cries out.      “I ain’t kiddin’,” Dean sniggers. “I'll save that story for another time. Y’know, when your stomach isn't ‘unsettled’ by the same tequila that started Jo’s tale.”
     He spurs his horse, who canters forward to meet the group of guests up ahead. She observes Dean as the morning sun portrays the cowboy and his horse in a romantic light. Out here, away from the city, the Arizona landscape would have anyone believe that they traveled back to the time, when the Wild West was still the real deal. Cacti surround them, peculiar mountain peaks shaped by ten thousand years of wind erosion obstruct the far edge of the world. And in this perfect portrait rides a handsome cowboy, one with his horse, clouds of dust in their wake. An amused smile allows a glimpse of Y/N’s true feelings to shine through. There it is again, that tingly sensation in her belly. Sure, Dean. Blame it on the tequila, she thinks to yourself.
     “What the hell was that?”      Now that Dean left his spot next to her, Jo has caught up, gently pulling the reins as she sits back to bring her horse’s pace down.      Feeling caught, Y/N looks at her, brought off balance by the spite in the cowgirl’s voice. “What do you mean?”      “Oh, c’mon, Yankee. I wasn’t born yesterday, and neither were you. You just completed your master in business, don't act like you're stupid,” Jo counters. “You and Dean, what’s going on?”      The cowgirl eyes her in shock, her jaw dropping unpleasantly surprised. Was it really that obvious? How is she going to talk herself out of this one?      “I - I don't--” she stutters, blood rushing to her face. “There - there's nothing--”      She’s not sure if it’s her shameful expression or the fact that she lost her tongue, but Jo knows enough. She closes her eyes and sighs deeply.      “Y/N…” her friend starts, a mixture of disappointment and pity present in her voice. “Please don't go down that road. He will hurt you so bad you're gonna wish you never gone on that flight that got you here.”      Now the intern sighs too. Denying will not do her any good. Jo is smart enough to see right through it.      “Listen, I really like having you around. You're good company, you're a hard worker, you're great with the horses, and I don’t wanna lose my sis,” the ranch owner’s daughter says genuinely. “I would hate to see you leave because of my heartbreaker of a cousin. I've seen this play out so many times already, don't walk into that trap.”      “I think that ship has sailed,” her friend admits out loud.
     The words startle the woman who speaks them just as much as they stun Jo; she didn't intend to share that with her new friend already. But now that the comment is hovering between them without a way to take it back, a part of her is glad it’s out there. Dean has been about the only thing on her mind since she first saw him. Not being able to talk about that with anyone was driving her mad. She needs to vent to someone, someone she can trust.
     Shocked by the bombshell that Y/N just dropped, Jo turns her head to orient her big eyes towards the man in question. That son of a bitch..      “Well, that didn't take long…” The cowgirl shakes her head, then looks her in the eye after her confession. It's clear she feels sorry for her friend. “I'll talk to him.”      “No! Jo, please don't. Look, I didn't forget about your warning and I’m surely not going to act on these... feelings,” she guarantees, barely able to get out the word. “But I can't shut this off. It caught me by surprise as well.”      “He tends to have that effect on women,” Jo mutters.      “I won't do anything stupid,” Y/N assures her.      Jo glances at the intern from under her hat. “Promise?”
     She looks backs at her new friend. Honestly, she isn’t sure if she’s strong enough to resist Dean, but this agreement might help her stick to the plan. The plan to complete her internship successfully and return home to start her own ranch. It's all she ever wanted, it has been her life goal for as long as she can remember. Is she really going to let some cowboy stop her from fulfilling that dream? A very handsome, sweet, and utterly irresistible cowboy, but nonetheless. She will reach for the stars and she will have her wish, nothing will stand in her way, not even him. And so a reassuring smile forms on her lips.
     “I promise.”
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Well, the cat’s out of the bag. Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).
Read part seven here
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flashfuture · 5 years
A Gray Day in Purgatory
Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. (Used all ten minutes of purgatory screen time as inspiration) 
I was thinking about whose perspective I wanted to right in but the theme here is what does the ship mean to me. I knew right away purgatory was where mine was taking place. So who better than Benny Lafitte my narrator. So here we go onto the story under the tab.
Benny Lafitte died a long time ago and then he got his head chopped off by his so-called family. He belongs in purgatory with all the other monster sons of bitches running around here in their eternal damnation. Doesn’t mean he don’t get real fucking sick of it. 
He hears the stories the rumors. Way back when little Eve was thrown down here for her sins. God gave her an escape hatch, the leviathans never let her through. Course probably never happened God wasn’t a thing, he wouldn’t have made such a terrible monster. Benny would love to jump back into the real world kill his old man, avenge his Andrea. 
He’s been hearing some new rumors lately, a human and an angel crashed landed in this hellhole. Now Benny doesn’t believe the whole angel bit no matter what his running mates are telling him. Ain’t no such thing as an angel just what lives in the bible. 
Benny watches his teammate, Florian french revolutionists he may have been, he is not a good fighter he has the brains. His lover Pablo old Mexican royalty from the Spanish invader days. Benny rolls with them nothing interesting most days just chopping away. They were both older than him but so dumb you wouldn’t guess it. 
But he sits back and watches something shove Florian against a tree. Pablo is on his way back to them he can hear it. But this man must be that so called angel. Very pretty smells something fresh even if he is covered in dirt. Heart pounding steadily pumping that so called angelic blood. Sharp jaw, stubble, green eyes like a pretty gem. He’s got a presence alright he is commanding the forest like he owns it. 
“Where’s the angel” is growled out of those pretty lips and Benny is taken aback. 
“You must be the human,” Florian growls and he put it together faster than Benny. This man can not be a regular human but Florian’s head is gone and Pablo comes seconds too late. 
This newcomer is tackled and Benny watches the struggle. If this really is a human than he can bring Benny out of this hell. He rushes forward and sees the betrayal and shock in Pablo’s eyes but he swings. Better off dead than moping over Florian for the rest of his undead life. 
Benny learns very quickly that this newcomer is indeed a flesh and blood human. He is, however, one stubborn mean son of a bitch. Benny also learns his name is Dean. 
“What’s your angel's name?” Benny asks as they settle down for the night. He’s met with a piercing green gaze and lips curled in anger. 
“You don’t gotta know he’s my angel we’re gonna get him and get out” Dean growls hands curling tighter over Florian’s blade. 
Dean isn’t looking to play nice or make friends that much is overly apparent to Benny. So he raises his hands and rolls over. Dean grunts and does the same. Clearly, he forgets what Benny is because Benny hears Dean’s whispers as if he was shouting them in Benny’s ears. 
“Dear Castiel whos ass art around here somewhere. Get your feathered ass over here. I got a way out now dude and if anyone is gonna know about an escape hatch made by god” Dean trails off and sighs. “Whatever” he finishes it with and Benny purses his lips. 
Never took Dean for the religious type but that was no regular choir boy prayer. No Dean was praying to his angel, his angel Castiel. Benny has never heard of no Castiel. But then again all he ever heard was Lucifer. Benny has gone and got himself stuck with a crazy human because there ain’t no such thing as angels he is as sure of that as he is that the gray morning will come in purgatory. What he wouldn’t give to feel the sun again. 
Dean is relentless in his search and nothing Benny says seems to be convincing him otherwise. Dean stops whispering his prayers realizes the futility of that. He doesn’t even wait for Benny to pretend to fall asleep. Benny would sure like it if he did, it is too raw to see those hard eyes raw with emotion as he prays to his so called angel. 
“What is your Castiel even the angel of” Benny drawls staring at his human huh wonder when he started thinking of Dean like that. 
Dean flinches at that and opens his mouth and shuts it again. “Don’t use his name” Dean snarls. 
“What do I call your pet then hmm? Cas, Cassie, feathers?” Benny begins listing. 
“None of those Castiel is his name. Cas is for family, Cassie is for his siblings, and he ain’t my damn pet” Dean snarls with that rage only priests can manage up Benny knows that for sure. Wonder who else gets to call that angel Cas if the guys' siblings were not family. 
“Didn’t take you for a religious follower brother” Benny decides on finally. 
“Cas? I’d follow him anywhere” Dean says and looks at his bloody hands with wide eyes like he just noticed them. “You call him, angel you don’t get no other title” Dean snaps and sighs. 
“Alright brother I’ll back off,” Benny says and goes to stand. 
“Thursday” Dean mutters and Benny stares at him. “Castiel is the angel of Thursday’s the fourth day,” Dean says clearing his throat. 
Benny smirks and nods before sitting down beside Dean again. He is lost in his thoughts and Benny is content to be silent for the rest of the night. If angels were real Dean deserves something better than the angel of Thursday, nothing interesting happens on Thursdays. 
Benny follows him and sighs as Dean tortures monster after monster growing more desperate every time to find his angel. And then they’re told the stream up north. 
Benny tries to make Dean rest for the night but his human presses Florian’s knife to his throat and demands they keep going. Benny concedes he’s starting to think he’d follow Dean anywhere. This so called angel doesn’t deserve any of Dean let alone his faith. 
The grey breaks through the black and they come over a ridge. Dean sprints forward yelling out Cas. The man in the trench coat in kneeling but Benny hears loud and clear in a voice like gravel, “Dean.”
The man stands and Benny is off to the side. Dean hugs him tight and arms don’t raise to meet the first act of affection Benny has seen give. Does this man not realize how lucky he is to have Dean. 
He tries once again to make Dean give up on his quest to bring this man who calls himself an angel with them. Dean won’t relent and this angel gives in. Benny is starting to wonder who is following who. 
They walk in silence Dean who would trudge ahead head swiveling eyes wild is slower paced with Castiel. Eyes glued to him a slight smile on his face. Well, Benny could have never understood how much Dean loves his angel until he watched Dean hug him tight and demand he come home. 
They are jumped by a goddamn rugaru nasty little bastards. Weapons go up and Benny watches it speed towards them when it collides forehead to Castiel’s hand. Benny has to look away and sees Dean with a bowed head already as a blinding light shines through the forest. The rugaru looks burnt like a husk and Dean slides right back up to Castiel.
He starts chatting Castiel up about grace usage and being connected to the home base all the way in purgatory. Castiel starts mumbling nonsense about heaven being aligned in some ways with Heaven and Hell despite common human perceptions and he just keeps going. 
Benny is kind of awed by it the energy in the air. Castiel really is an angel. He just used bestowed by God's power to wipe out a monster with no effort. Dean wasn’t shocked he was well aware of exactly what he fell in love with.
Benny is shocked by it all of course. This angel has some blue eyes but they’re swirling with some otherworldly Benny feels like a flea under that gaze how Dean can stand it he don’t care to know. His skin is pale that's for sure but Benny passes by him and touches his hand. Even covered in dirt there is no sweat, skin cold to the touch. He can hear clearly ain’t no heart pumping the blood is dead. But it smells pure like something ain’t never lived. He can hear the angel ain’t breathin’ like he got no reason to. 
Benny was a fool to think Dean could have ever been an angel. Dean shines like the sun something you look to for life because he is alive he is thriving in purgatory. No Castiel looks out of place so holy the world seems to have color where he is standing. A shine in a blue-white tint. Dean is drawn to it they’re drawn to each other. Moths to flames. Dean, while the prettiest, nastiest, most righteous son of a bitch Benny has ever met, is not an angel. Castiel with his stone-cold persona, his voice that invokes attention, and that power radiating off him he is a lot bigger than that body he is in and everybody knows it. 
Strong too Dean almost fell right into a river with a siren calling but Castiel picked him up around the waist and the water spit the siren out onto the land his eyes glowing. She curses and spits but Benny cuts her head off. Dean stops his futile struggles and seems to relax back against his angel before Castiel lets him go. 
Dean starts to laugh when they settle down for the night. He speaks of his brother of his home and Benny realizes Dean was never his human. Dean ain’t following Castiel and Castiel ain’t following Dean. They’re walking side by side and this Sam kid is right there with them or he will be when they get out. Castiel keeps up his instance that he will not be able to pass through. Benny wishes it would get through Dean’s very thick and stubborn skull. 
It only seems to anger Dean when the angel mentions leaving. He clings and he rants and he yells. Benny is sick of the bickering and the angel does not like nor trust him he could not be less subtle. Dean doesn’t seem to care about that. But Benny makes a comment about Cas slowing them down and Dean threatens him. 
Benny sighs again as Dean says they’ll take Castiel if it kills all three of them. “And if it doesn’t work” the angel begins again, holy mother mary he is worse than Dean. 
“Then I will track Crowley’s ass down and I will use Benny’s blood and I will rip that portal to purgatory back open to pull you out” Dean snaps and turns eyes wild. 
“Dean the leviathan, I already” Castiel begins. 
“I will do whatever it takes to bring you home with me so you better hope it works” Dean interrupts and grabs Castiel by the trench coat. “Because Sammy is probably up there planning something dumb and I wouldn’t be half surprised if one of your million siblings is planning a prison break” Dean smirks and the angel winces at the mention of his siblings. 
Benny thinks about Andrea and his love falls short. He can see in front of him a couple that will last the ages, stories will be and have been told about the hunter and his angel. Two souls connected even if that angel don’t have no soul he glows bright enough.
Benny was sure they were in love, of course, watching Dean kiss his angel like they were sealing a deal made it clear to him. Dean was resolute in his goal to drag Castiel’s ass home with him. To Dean’s brother which Benny thinks that three for them is family. Not a crowd but the Winchester’s which just so happened to include an angel. 
They see the portal and Benny has this fear that Dean will lob off his head or Castiel will smite him. But Dean promises him trust Benny has earned and he nods to Castiel and then nothing. 
Benny wakes up in his grave and Dean hands him a blood bag. He sighs and breathes in real air and looks up at real stars. “Where’s the angel?” he asks and watches Dean’s smile die and his eyes fill with tears. 
“H-uh, Cas didn’t make it” he whispers head down words held down by grief. Benny don’t believe that they were tops an hour from the portal. Maybe it really didn’t work for angels. 
Dean clears his throat and Benny is watching a grieving man try and smile. “Dean I know it is hard to lose someone so special to you” Benny begins. 
“Not the first time I’ve lost Cas. Let it go Benny” Dean says shaking his head and moving on from the topic. Benny knows for certain that Dean is never moving on. Benny has never been so sure of two peoples love for each other as watching those two fight back to back, talk and bicker, sit in silence always connected. He heard Dean’s prayers and he watched Castiel hold Dean close while he slept. 
He knows Dean isn’t going to give up on his angel ever. Benny also knows Castiel ain’t no delicate flower no way that angel is dead and staying away from Dean. Castiel, he’ll be back and Benny knows it will be straight back to Dean. 
One way or another Dean and Castiel are made for each other and they’re going to be together. 
allshipscreationchallenge|Rainbow820 ↳ Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. Again I used all the purgatory screen time here. There was not full episodes worth. 
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analyzingdestiel · 5 years
A monster in purgatory also referring to Castiel as "Dean's angel" (like Crowley did in 8x1). And Samandriel said Castiel's problem was that he had "too much heart" which we could consider proof of Destiel on a minor level considering he started feeling because of Dean. These are very minor instances though but I felt I'd point them out none the less. ____________________________________
CASTIEL is washing his hands and face at a stream. DEAN and BENNY approach.
CASTIEL Dean. [He stands up as DEAN and BENNY walk closer.]
DEAN laughs and hugs CASTIEL.
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I felt I would note this is their first hug. Castiel seems unsure. He doesn't hug back and I feel it may be related to the fact that he was surprised that Dean was there and was feeling anxious because he knew that Dean being near him meant that Dean was at risk. ____________________________________
DEAN Damn, it's good to see you. Nice peach fuzz.
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CASTIEL Thank you.
DEAN You should meet somebody. This is Benny. Benny, this is Cas.
CASTIEL How did you find me?
DEAN The bloody way. You feeling okay?
CASTIEL You mean am I still... [He points to his head and makes circles with his finger.]
DEAN Yeah, if you want to be on the nose about it, sure.
CASTIEL No. I'm perfectly sane. But, then, 94% of psychotics think they're perfectly sane, so I guess we'd have to ask ourselves, "what is sane?" ____________________________________
I did notice that Castiel seemed more normal once he arrived in Purgatory and it seems indeed that he is now sane. Although it's hard to say how long it took for Dean to find Castiel and it may just have been that enough time passed. Though I had noticed a change in Castiel in 7x23 when Dean "forgave him" which I find interesting. Then once they arrived in Purgatory he seemed to be our usual Castiel entirely so I feel this was done deliberately. ____________________________________
DEAN That's a good question.
BENNY Why'd you bail on Dean?
DEAN Dude –
BENNY The way I hear it, you two hit monster land, and hot wings here took off. I figure he owes you some backstory.
DEAN Look, we were surrounded, okay? Some freak jumped Cas. Obviously, he kicked its ass, right?
DEAN What?
CASTIEL I ran away.
DEAN You ran away?
CASTIEL I had to.
DEAN That's your excuse for leaving me with those gorilla-wolves?
DEAN You bailed out and, what, went camping? I prayed to you, Cas, every night.
DEAN You know and you didn't... What the hell's wrong with you?
CASTIEL I am an angel in a land of abominations. There have been things hunting me from the moment we arrived.
DEAN Join the club!
CASTIEL These are not just monsters, Dean. They're Leviathan. I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you. That's why I ran. Just leave me, please. ____________________________________
Here we are given proof that Castiel did leave Dean to protect him, not out of abandonment. Castiel continues to do what's best for Dean; Dean is always at the top of his priorities especially when it comes to his safety. ____________________________________
BENNY Sounds like a plan. Let's roll.
DEAN Hold on, hold on. Cas, we're getting out of here. We're going home.
CASTIEL Dean, I can't.
DEAN You can. Benny, tell him.
BENNY Purgatory has an escape hatch, but I got no idea if it's angel-friendly.
DEAN We'll figure it out. Cas, buddy, I need you.
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I was watching this episode with another person. They may become a regular viewer with me so their view points can be stated as well because they do not ship Destiel but they see it as well.
During this scene, after Dean says "I need you" and Castiel looks at Dean and says his name. They laughed and said "they act like they're in love".
I won't disagree with this statement. After that scene, I would have to say that Dean and Castiel do act as if they are in love with one another. Their expressions and the way it was filmed, not to mention what both say to one another, makes it clear that they do love each other. And if you listen to the music, the piano during the moment when Dean tells Castiel he needs him, it is similar to many scores used during scenes between lovers.
After this scene, I don't understand how one could say that they don't see the love between them. It is very obvious and clear to me after this scene. Whether they are to have a sexual relationship is not entirely relevant for me. At this point, I see intense love, and coming from both sides, and so I will finally bump the rating up to a 5 out of 10. ____________________________________
DEAN And if Leviathan want to take a shot at us, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before. We can do it again.
CASTIEL It's too dangerous.
DEAN Let me bottom-line it for you. I'm not leaving here without you. Understand?
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CASTIEL I understand. ____________________________________
Dean shows us again that he is absolutely not leaving Castiel, whether he's at risk for his own life or not. He's literally telling Castiel that he's not leaving unless Castiel comes with him and it is the reason that Castiel has to give in because he feels it's the only way to save Dean. ____________________________________
So at this point, we see that insane Castiel was interested in Meg in one way or another. Though now that Castiel is sane again, will he still be interested in Meg? And if so, will she mean more to him than Dean? Or will Dean always be number one in Castiel's life?
Does it matter if Dean is most important? Is that what I determining here, or am I merely determining whether or not the pairing is believable?
I feel that Castiel caring as much for Dean as he does it most of the reason as to why it is believable. Castiel had been willing to die, be sent to purgatory, so that he could help Dean (in 7x23). That was when he was still somewhat insane and had feelings for Meg so I feel it is clear that he cares more for Dean than Meg even then (which is in character for him, he’s always put Dean first and I feel it should remain that way). He was willing to leave her behind so that he could assist Dean, and perhaps die.
I suppose I'll have to see more episodes to figure out what the deal is with Castiel/Meg. Even if Castiel and Meg did get together, I don't feel it would ever lessen what Dean and Castiel share UNLESS Castiel was willing to let Dean die for her sake. I highly doubt that would happen, unless Castiel was entirely brain washed.
I suppose we shall see.
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Ties That Bind - Part 2: A Place In The Clouds
Characters: (AU: first names are as in the show renaming a few last names to fit my story): Reader (Y/N Harvelle), Crowley McCloud (mentioned), Castiel Novak, Claire Stanford, Pamela Barnes (mentioned), Charlie Bradbury, Chuck Shurley (mentioned), Gabriel Benedict (mentioned), Meg Masters, Ben Braeden, Dean Winchester, Benny Lafitte, Bela Lafitte (mentioned), DJ Lafitte (OC-mentioned), Jimmy (OC), Oscar (OC)  
Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually)
Warnings: Mention of abuse, mention of rape, mention of incest, mention of phedofilia, (none of these are graphic or dwelled on but they are part of the kid’s history), language, violence, use of weapons (knife and gun)   
Word Count: 4500ish
A/N: Thanks to @blacktithe7 for betaing and helping me rework this series.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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McCloud’s was made up of 5 buildings scattered around a small piece of land up on the hill just outside of town. It wasn’t further away than the kids could ride their bikes to school or to go shopping, but it was out of the way enough for a social workers to keep some level of control over who was coming and going, which was often important when dealing with kids from abusive homes. Each of the houses were named after parts of a ship. Crowley’s idea, and you had never gotten why, just accepted it for a fact.
A week after Ben’s arrest you were walking from the parking lot, passing the Deck and Beam, like you did every day coming to work. Those were the houses where the younger kids usually lived. There were exceptions when siblings were housed at The Clouds. The Clouds was the kid’s nickname for the home, and all of the social workers had taken to using it too. The kids that were housed in the Deck were babies and toddlers, and they weren’t there for long. The kids in the Beam were around 4-10 years old, and they only stayed at The Clouds for a year tops. It was one of the state rules. Kids that age had to be placed within a foster home or a permanent group home within a year. The Clouds was not a permanent home. It was a midway house for kids and teens. You accepted kids with a 3 hour notice. One social worker picked them up at hospitals or police stations while another made rooms ready for them. Your job was ever changing, and that was how you liked it, even if saying goodbye to the kids never because easier.
You continued through the big yard that all the houses shared. Too your left was the Bridge, and to you right was the Bow. Both of these houses were for tweens and teens. You worked at the Bow alongside Cas, Pamela, Gabriel, Charlie, and Chuck. Each house had 6 social workers and some temps to help out when needed. How the workload was divided differed from house to house, but at the Bow, you had chosen to team up in pairs. Each kid was assigned a primary and secondary social worker when they arrived at The Clouds, and if you were assigned primary, Cas would be your secondary and vice versa. Same went for Charlie and Chuck, and Gabe and Pamela.
Everyone looked after all the kids in the house when they were at work off course, but the primary and secondary assigned to the kid in question were the ones that handled meetings, parent contact, school functions and so on. It was Crowley’s idea that you paired up male and female to give the kids a sense of family, but who you had chosen to pair with he had left up to you. Gabe was good at keeping Pamela’s temper in check, and she was great at grounding him a bit. Charlie was outgoing and bubbly, which was a great counter to the more shy and collected Chuck. Cas was the reason and logic to your emotion and strong will. The six of you worked well together, and The Bow was the only house with no drama amongst the staff.
Right between the Bridge and Bow was the Lighthouse. The Lighthouse was where Crowley lived and worked. It was his home as well as the administrational building where all meetings were held. You had always loved that he cared enough to stay at the Clouds. He was always there, day or night, whenever his staff needed him. He knew all the kids by name, and even though he scared some of them a little, he was a good man. He fought for the kids under his roof, and he respected the people he had working for him and valued their opinions.
The Bow was quiet when you walked through the doors. Most of the kids were at school, and the rest were probably of with Pamela for the day. You made your way down the hallway passed the kids rooms and to the office.. It was empty when you walked in. Maybe Cas was running late? You put your coat and your bag in your locker before locking the office up behind you and walking back up the hall and towards the kitchen and the living room.
“Hello Y/N.” You jumped at the voice behind you and swiftly twirled around and hit his arm.
“Damnit Cas! Don’t do that,” you hissed at him.
Cas just smirked and walked passed you, putting the folder he was carrying down on the kitchen counter. “You scare to easy, Y/N.”
“No, I don’t,” you protested and frowned. “Where did you come from anyway? I was just in the office?”
“I was over at the Lighthouse. Crowley called a few minutes ago. The police report is in.” Cas stopped and looked at you. “You are not going to like it Y/N.”
You flew across the room and grabbed the folders on the counter. “They don’t believe her? How can they not. She was covered in bruises and…”
Cas walked around the counter and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “There was no evidence of sexual assault the night she ran, and they are saying since she is 16  - 15 at the time, it is not uncommon for her not to be a virgin. Plus she has a history of lying about…”
“She wasn’t lying, Cas. She named the wrong person, and yes that was dumb, but she was scared. Everything she said happened back then did happen. It just wasn’t her teacher that raped her. It was her dad.”
You were furious. You knew the police report would carry a lot of weight with the county, and this was going to make your job a hell of a lot harder. You couldn’t let them send her back home. You knew you couldn’t make these cases personal, but this one was. Claire had gotten through your layer of professionalism. She was like a little sister to you and you couldn’t let her get hurt anymore.
Cas reached out to you and pulled you into a tight hug. “I know. Crowley talked to Meg. She is going to drag out the psych eval for a bit. Buy us sometime. Claire is not going anywhere today. None of us are going to let that happen. We got your back – all of us.”
You took a deep breath before pulling away and drying your eyes. “Okay what is our game plan here?”
Almost a year ago today, you had picked up Claire at the hospital. She had been treated for broken ribs and a split lip. When the doctor had asked her who had done it, she had said it was her father. After the police had interviewed her, they had called The Clouds, asking them to take her in. Claire had been your first case as a primary, and it had taken a lot of work to get her to open up to you, but she finally had. She had told you about how her father had come into her room every night ever since she turned 12. She had told you about his treats and the beatings that had gotten worse when she began to fight back. The night she had found her way to the hospital, she had kicked him in the nuts and managed to get away. She had pleaded with you to make sure she would never have to go back there, and you had promised her you would do everything you could to make sure that never happened. The police report in front of you did not make it easier for you to keep your promise.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you walked out through the doors of city hall and into the fresh afternoon spring air. The war was not yet won, but this battle was. The county social workers had agreed to let Claire stay at The Clouds for another 6 weeks to give Meg Masters, the psychiatrist that worked most of your cases, time to finish her eval on Claire. Having her there today had really helped. You were grateful to her for dropping everything when Crowley had called. She had showed up at the meeting, fighting for Claire alongside you and Cas against the two bull headed cops, who had written the report clearing Claire’s father of any wrong doings.
Meg smiled at you as she walked up beside you. “Well fought Y/N. You are getting good at this.”
You smiled back at her, grateful for her compliment. Your eyes wandered back to City Hall and to Cas, who was still behind the glass doors, finishing up some paper work. “Well I did have a great teacher.”
Your eyes found Meg’s again, and a slight blush showed on her cheeks. You knew she and Cas liked each other, but neither of them had the guts to ask the other out.
“Yes you have,” she quickly agreed before hugging you. “Say goodbye to him for me. I need to get back to the hospital and my clients.”
You smiled as you watched Meg hurry back towards her car, and you jumped for the second time that day when Cas’ disappointed voice sounded behind you. “She was off in a hurry.”
“Damnit Castiel!” You slapped his arm and fought to hold back a laugh. “I am going to put nails in your shoes or something. You move like a damn cat.”
“Sorry,” he grinned at you. “So we still have a few hours left of our shift. I was thinking about going down to see Ben at juvie. Do you wanna come, or do you want me to drop you off at The Clouds on my way so you can finish up the paperwork on Claire?”
Cas was primary on Ben Braeden, but the two of you tended to do everything together if you could get away with it. You didn’t need Cas to tag along with you everywhere anymore. He certainly didn’t need you, but you worked well as a team, and you both preferred it that way.
“I would love to come. I got a morning shift tomorrow so I can finish up while the kids are at school.”
Cas smiled at your words. “I was hoping you would say that.”
Seeing Ben had brought a lot of mixed emotions to the surface. You knew juvie was the worst place in the world for a kid like him. There would be way too many kids there trying to influence him and turn him into the kind of person he easily could become but really wasn’t. Ben never hurt anyone on purpose. He was a gently, kind boy who desperately needed a male role model in his life. He needed someone who would tell him he was doing right and that he could look up too.
You hated seeing the black eye some kid had given him. He apologized to you and Cas over and over, even though you both insisted he didn’t have too. You both wanted him to focus himself and keeping his nose clean. The two of you would get him back home after the hearing in a few weeks.
“You go sign us out,” Cas nodded towards the office around the corner. “I’ll call Meg and have her look in on him sometime this week. We could use her help at the hearing.”
“Sure you could,” you teased, and Cas immediately pulled a face at you.
“Would you stop that? There is nothing going on between the two of us.”
“I know there isn’t, but there should be.” You winked and smiled when you saw Cas blush, and you left him speechless as you headed down the hall and around the corner towards the office.
You weren’t really paying attention to where you were going. So when you felt like you ran into a brick wall, you dropped all of your folders and let out a small yelp. You started apologizing until you looked up and realized who the man you had collided with was.
Dean’s PoV
“Are you coming over tonight? DJ misses his uncle.” Benny grabbed his jacket from the chair and stopped to look at his partner who was just finishing up some paper work.
Dean looked up and smiled. “Not tonight buddy. I promised my dad I would stop by and help him get his old truck running, and I am thinking I might drop in on that Braeden kid on my way there.”
Benny frowned as he tried to recall the name. “You mean that kid who pulled a gun on you at the convenient store last week?” Benny smiled when Dean nodded. “Wow, that social worker chick really did a number on you brother.”
Dean was taken aback by Benny’s words, and his jaw dropped. “What? No. Are you kidding me? She was rude and bossy and she…”
“…was damn hot.” Benny finished Dean’s sentence, making him smile.
“Yeah well… It is not about her. It’s the kid. She said he was easy to influence, and he just seemed scared more than anything else. Nothing like the other two.”
Dean got up and grabbed his jacket, and Benny quickly followed him as they headed for the door. “So she said that did she?” His partner kept teasing him, and Dean shot him a glare.
“Would you stop that? A chick like that is way too much work. Besides she hates me.”
Benny sent his partner a big grin as they separated, each heading for their cars. “Oh believe me. They are worth it.”
Dean laughed, shaking his head and yelled after Benny before he got in the car. “Tell Bela and the kid I said hey.”
A few minutes later, Dean arrived at juvie, and he was greeted by the guard in the sign in office and put his name in the day book. Just as he turned around, she rounded the corner and ran straight into him. “Oh I am so sorry. I didn’t see….” She looked up and her eyes met his. “YOU?! What are you doing here?!”
There was something about her. She pushed all of his buttons, but he still felt drawn to her.
“Same as you I suspect,” Dean tried to keep his voice calm in spite of her rude greeting. “My job.”
She huffed and squatted down and started to gather up her papers, and Dean did the same in effort to help her. “What does that mean?”
Dean handed her back some of her papers and reached out to help her back up, but she brushed off his hand.
“It means that you cops only worry about the kids you lock up when you want something from them.”
Dean raised his brows and stared at her. Damn she was infuriating, but there was also something else. Something about the curve of her lips and the spark in her eyes that made him wanna reach out and pull her in for a bruising kiss. He fought the urge, and instead, he snapped back at her.
“Us cops huh? So you know me because you know what I do for a living?”
“Yes,” she raised her voice a little, and she didn’t back down. Actually, she took a step closer to him, and Dean had to admit he was a little impressed by her gumption even though her words pissed him off. “You have a motive for being here. You are not turning Ben into some snitch. He deserves to have a life.”
“You know what Miss Bleeding Heart, if he wanted to work for me, that would be his call. Not yours,” Dean snapped at her.
He had no idea why he said what he did. He had no intention of asking Ben to inform for him, but this Harvelle girl just had a way of making him lose his head.
“Don’t call me that. You are a cocky jerk cop who thinks he can do whatever he wants, because he is hiding behind a damn badge.”
She was full on yelling at him now and Dean was just about to open his mouth and bite back at her when a man appeared behind her. He quickly grabbed her arm and nodded at Dean before dragging her with him out of there, “Crowley called we are needed back to The Clouds.”
Dean turned around and looked after them. He saw how she shook herself loose of the guy’s grip and he could tell by her body language she wasn’t much happier with that guy right now than she was with him. Dean’s eyes rested on her form. Her long Y/H/C hair that she had tied into a ponytail and the way her hips swayed when she walked. Maybe Benny had been right? Maybe she was worth the fight? Dean couldn’t help but smile when he remembered the way she had looked at him when he stripped of his jacket and shirt in front of her to get his west on. She liked him. Or she would if she would just give him half a chance. Maybe someday she would. Dean admired her that was for sure. She was infuriation and stubborn as hell but she was courageous. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had spoken to him like that. Much less a girl.
Your PoV
“What did Crowley want?” You shook free of Cas’ grip when you were halfway down the hall, and Cas just stared back at you.
“Nothing. I haven’t spoken to him. I was saving you from making an enemy out of a cop. They might be jerks, but we need them, and you know that.” Cas scolded you, and your eyes narrowed.
“Castiel you can’t be serious. That guy put Ben in here. He doesn’t belong here.” you snapped at him as you followed him out the door, and Cas turned to look at you.
“I know that. But that cop… Detective Winchester, doesn’t. And you pissing him off is not going to help Ben’s case. He could be useful to have in our corner at the hearing, or at the very least, not fighting against us. Judges tend to listen to the cop that had a gun pointed at their face.”
You huffed, but you knew Cas was right. So you backed down a little. “He calls me a bleeding heart. He is a jerk with a badge.”
Cas smiled as he opened the car door for you. “Well you are. We all are, and what was it you said about me and Meg? Maybe you should make up an excuse to call that detective of yours?”
Your eyes opened wide, and your jaw dropped. “Have you lost your mind Cas. I can’t stand the guy.”
Cas let out a heartfelt laugh as he headed around the car to the driver’s seat. “Sure you can’t.”
A week later
It was a Saturday night, and most of the kids were out. Claire, Jimmy. and Alex were the only ones left at your house. The Deck and The Beam had quieted down for the night, and The Bridge seemed quiet too. You assumed the social worker’s had taken their group out for a weekend or day trip or something, because you hadn’t seen much of them all day.
Cas was down in Jimmy’s room playing some game on his laptop and you and the girls were in the kitchen baking and fooling around. You loved nights like this. Quiet and normal. Just what most of these kids needed. You smiled to yourself as you watched the girls fight over the recipe.
“If you two don’t stop that, I am going to start throwing flour,” you warned them, and they both laughed and pulled faces at you.
All of a sudden the front door slammed, and you jumped in front of both the girls instinctively. Oscar, a new 17 year old boy from The Bridge, stumbled through the door. At 5’9” and around 200 lbs, Oscar was a big guy. His pupils were dilated, and he was clearly on something. He stormed towards you before coming to a halt a few feet away.
“I need money!”
“Girls go to your rooms,” you quickly ordered them. Claire started to protest, but you shoved her towards the hall as you repeat yourself. Finally she followed Alex down the hall, but she passed her room.
“I need money!” Oscar repeated as he grabbed a knife and pointed it at you. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. You didn’t allow yourself to feel anything. Your only job was to keep the other kids safe. You knew you couldn’t get to the safe without walking past all of the kids rooms, and you couldn’t risk one of the girls, Jimmy, or Cas surprising him. You needed to try to reason with him.
“Oscar I can’t give you any. You know that. If you need money you need to talk to the staff at The Bridge.” Your efforts didn’t help, and the boy stepped closer, still pointing the knife at you.
“I will cut you bitch. I need cash now.”
“Okay...” You held your hands up in defense. “I can see that. Why don’t you tell me what you need it for, and I will see what I can do?” you offered, but Oscar just swung the knife at you. You jumped backwards, barely avoiding the reach of the blade.
“None of your damn business you cow. You just need to pay me now.”
Your new position allowed you a better view of the hallway, and you saw Cas slowly approaching the kitchen, nodding at you to keep the kid distracted. So you did. “Okay. Oscar, right?”
“What does my name matter?” the kid stormed forward just as Cas jumped, grabbing his legs and pulling him down with him.
You reacted fast, kicking the boy’s wrist hard enough to make him drop the knife. Cas struggled with him for a while before he got him wrestled into a lock on the floor, just as you turned back around from picking up the knife.
“Call 911.” Cas ordered, and you ran down the hall where Claire was hiding.
“I’m sorry I didn’t go to my room. I thought if I got Cas… I was afraid he was going to hurt you so….”
You smiled at her the best you could and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “You did good sweetie. But I need you to go to your room and stay there until Cas or I come for you okay?”
Claire nodded and ran down the hall just as you hurried into the office and picked up the phone.
Dean’s PoV
Dean and Benny had been heading back towards the station when they responded to the call. It would usually have been a job for one of the uniformed officers and not a detective, but they were less than five minutes out, so Dean had turned the car and sped up the hill towards The Clouds.
Y/N had greeted them at the door, and Dean knew it was serious when she completely ignored the fact that he was the one responding to the call. She just led them through the house where the other social worker Dean had seen at juvie a week ago was holding down huge kid who was clearly high off his ass. Dean didn’t give it a second thought – he jumped to the man’s aid, and together they got him wrestled off his side and onto his stomach; into Dean’s cuffs while Benny had his gun pulled, ready to respond in case the kid slipped out of their holds.
“Nice work.” Dean applauded the dark haired social worker as they helped each other pull the screaming and struggling kid onto his feet. As soon as he was up, Benny took over from the guy and gave Dean a quick nod when the sirens sounded outside. Benny led the kid, quiet forcefully, out the door and towards the newly arrived patrol car.
“So you wanna give me a speech as to why I shouldn’t arrest that kid too?” Dean turned his attention towards Y/N, but when he saw how pale she was, he could have bit his tongue. The dark haired social worker rushed to her side and helped her onto the couch before he sent Dean a hard glare.
“Back off a little would you?”
Dean nodded, bowing his head in guilt as he sat down in front of them. “I’m sorry.” He caught her eye, and when she just nodded, Dean really wanted to kick himself. He should have known better than to speak to a victim like that. He turned his attention to the man. “I don’t think we have met. I am Detective Dean Winchester.” Dean held out his hand and the man took it.
“Castiel Novak.”
Dean sent both of them a reassuring smile. “Okay Y/N and Castiel, I need you guys to tell me what happened tonight. Just take your time. I am not in a hurry.”
Dean stayed and listened for the better part of an hour, and the more Y/N and Castiel talked, the more he hated himself for his behavior earlier. When he was finishing up the interview, another social worker Castiel had called earlier to relieve them arrived. She ran right up to Castiel and Y/N and threw her arms around their necks.
“Thank God you two are alright.”
“We’re fine Charlie.” Dean watched Y/N send the red haired woman a weak smile. “Thank you for coming in. I just need to check up on Claire, and then I am heading home. Are we done here?” She returned her attention to Dean. He looked up to check in with Benny who nodded back at him.
“I finished interviewing the kids so if you’re…” Benny let his words trail out, and Dean returned his attention to Y/N.
He sent her a warm smile and nodded. “We’re done. If any of you remember anything else…” Dean pulled out two cards from his wallet and handed them to Y/N and Castiel, “don’t hesitate to call.”
Y/N nodded. She was still pale when she got off the couch and headed down the hallway. Dean and Castiel stood too, and together with Benny, they headed for the door.
“Don’t let her be alone tonight,” Dean spoke as he shook Castiel’s hand. “When the shock subsides, she is going to need a friend.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Castiel promised, and Dean’s heart sank a little as he couldn’t help but wonder if there was any hidden meaning behind those words. Dean nodded again before following Benny back to his car, silently wishing he could have been the one to be there for her tonight.
Dean Tag Team
@mizzzpink @emoryhemsworth @not-moose-one-shots @sleepylunarwolf @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @mysupernaturalfics @fatalcrossbow @mrswhozeewhatsis @goandsavemyunicorn @crushing83 @arryn-nyxx @superapplepie @salvachester @docharleythegeekqueen @walkingkhaleeesi @multifandombackpack @ruined-by-destiel @blushingdean @impala-dreamer @winchasterdean @iamabeautifulperson18 @peaceloveancolor @theoriginalvicki @feelmyroarrrr @hexparker @vvinch3st3r @shamelesslydean @katymacsupernatural @elevenofmages @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @dustycelt @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @waywardmoeyy @storytimewithylva @canadianjelly @percywinchester27 @featherleaf12 @percussiongirl2017 @sis-tafics @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mayasmedberg  @ruprecht0420 @jayankles @torn-and-frayed @its-not-a-tulpa  @spn-fan-girl-173 @ryantherandomhero @lupine-princess @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @sylverminx @kathaswings @becs-bunker @mery-magizoologist @sandlee44  @sillesworldofwriting @mariahoedt @akshi8278 @michellethetvaddict @samisimportant @wishuponastarlana @bebravekeeponfighting @smoothdogsgirl 
TTB Tag Team
  @grace-for-sale @superflurry  @miah7hant @oneshoeshort @two-feet-of-topsoil @laurenisnot @angelsandwinchesters @mina22 @spnmariiscake @earthtokace @korrababy @daughterleftbehind @justdrankaliquorstore @gloria1097
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speckledspout · 7 years
determination will hang us out to dry
square filled: sex pollen ship: dean/benny rating: explicit ao3 link tags: sex pollen, dub con, purgatory sex summary: “Dean wasn’t sure why he was so surprised to run into witches down here in Purgatory. It made sense that they were down here. An immoral creature who didn’t have a soul so it didn’t belong in either heaven or hell.” word count: 3.2k+ a/n: gahhhhhhhhh. i am sorry for this. i should have just stopped while i was ahead and not try to get two fics out in one day. turn back now so you can still live under that illusion that i am actually a decent writer. written/created for @spnkinkbingo
Everything seemed to slow almost instantly at the same time that Dean became acutely aware of all of his surroundings. He could hear, feel Benny behind him, the sound of his blade slicing through the air as he fought against the witch that went after him. Dean wanted to help, felt his muscles tighten when he heard Benny grunt, then curse as his body hit the ground but Dean was face to face with a witch of his own, circling around her like it was a game.
Dean wasn’t sure why he was so surprised to run into witches down here in Purgatory. It made sense that they were down here. An immoral creature who didn’t have a soul so it didn’t belong in either heaven or hell.
It went to where all monsters and one human went. Purgatory.
Still, it had shocked Dean to run into a pair of witches bent near a stream, collecting something in little glass vials that must have been on them when they died. The moment that the witches heard Dean and Benny, they jumped up into action, lips pulled back in a snarl as each one went off to attack the enemy.
Dean waited for the witch to make the first move. He almost dared her to lunge out at him. She could jump, she could try to attack but Dean was stronger and he would have her pinned to her back and dead before any real harm happened to Dean.
Except, everything in Purgatory seemed to work differently. It seemed that the monsters that roamed this land got stronger, Dean seemed to get weaker, slower, not as intune with the enemy and his surroundings.
The witch lunged, like Dean wanted her to do and he swung the blade that he had in his hand but he missed and the added weight of the witch on top of him in addition to him losing his footing, Dean fell backwards, hitting the ground rather hard. He grunted as the air was knocked out of him and he struggled to kick the witch off of him but she held him down, her knees digging into Dean’s arms, keeping him pinned.
Dean shouted in frustration, halfway hoping that he could draw Benny’s attention to give him a hand as the witch pulled a vial from inside her rags, uncapping the top.
She grabbed Dean’s jaw with bony fingers and forced him to open his mouth. Dean struggled, trying to keep his jaw clenched shut as he wiggled under her, fingers stretching to reach out for his blade but he couldn’t get the proper leverage. Her fingers seemed to dig in that right spot along his jaw that forced him to open his mouth to relieve the pressure.
Then she poured whatever was in the vial in Dean’s mouth and covered his mouth with her hand, forcing Dean to swallow it, preventing him from spitting it out and at her.
Whatever it was, it was thick and almost sickly sweet and Dean gagged around the taste of it, wanting to do nothing more than to throw it back up. He squeezed his eyes shut as the witch leaned closer to him, her lips pulling back in a smile as she got close to his ear.
Dean could hear each raspy breath.
“You call yourself a fighter, Dean Winchester. Let’s see how long you can fight this.” Then there was a shout that was quickly cut off and the body that was pinning Dean to the ground, shifted and fell to the side.
Dean opened his eyes, seeing Benny standing over him, his hand outstretched to pull Dean up to his feet.
“You alright, cher?” Benny asked, picking up his fallen blade and handed it over to Dean.
Dean wiped his hands on his jacket before grabbing the blade and tried to spit out the remaining taste of whatever was in the vial. The taste seemed to stick to the back of his throat, cling to his tongue.
“Yeah.” Dean nodded. “I’m fine. Just didn’t expect that witch to be so strong.”
Benny laughed, a deep hearty sound that Dean never cared to actually listen to before but now it seemed to send a wave of heat through his body. “Don’t underestimate the creatures down here. The ones that don’t look like much are the sames ones that are gonna rip off your face.” Benny turned, starting to walk away and then added as an afterthought. “ And that would be a damn shame.”
Dean frowned, ignoring the knot that started to form in the pit of his stomach and followed after Benny, the taste of the sweet liquid still in his mouth.
It started out as an itch. Dean rolled his shoulders, trying to shift his clothes on his body as if it was going to get rid of the itch but it only seemed to grow. The longer they walked, the more that time seemed to pass, the itch started to grow. It seemed to spread out through his body, settle deeper under his skin and no matter how much Dean rolled his shoulders, nothing seemed to help.
Benny turned to shoot a questioning glance his way but Dean smiled a tight smile, wordlessly saying that he was okay when that was about as far from the truth as it could possibly be.
It was sudden and without any warning that a wave of arousal shot through Dean’s body and it seemed to go straight to his dick. He let out a surprised sound, his hand immediately going to grab at the front of his jeans to press a hand against his cock that was suddenly hard and pushing against his zipper, begging to be touched.
The little amount of pressure that Dean added only seemed to applify the feeling, make the desire to be touch even stronger and there was something else that was just itching at his skin that Dean couldn’t place.
It wasn’t until another wave of arousal that shot through Dean that he realized what that other feeling was.
He needs to be fucked hard.
The realization sends yet another wave of heat rushing through him and his ass clenching around nothing. He stumbles forward, his legs suddenly too weak to hold his body up and he grapples at the jacket on Benny’s back.
Benny spins around, eyes wide and alert, as he looked for any sort of danger and then the smell hit him. It was sweet. Yes, it was sweet but it was mixed with the smell of leather and whiskey and gunpowder. A smell that Benny had associated with Dean only now it seemed to have been amplified to the point that it was overpowering.
“Benny.” Dean cried out, the word almost barely there and Dean reached out towards Benny again.
Benny tripped over his own two feet as he suddenly backed away from Dean and that caused Dean to whine as he stumbled back towards Benny, hands wide and wanting as they searched for the vampire and the warmth that Dean knew he would provide.
“Dean?” Benny asked, his voice low and cautious and the sound of his name of Benny’s lips with that thick, southern drawl caused Dean to moan. “Dean, what’s wrong?”
“Benny.” Dean said again, this time more sure but his voice dropped several octaves and Benny could see how his pupils were blown wide with lust and want and desire. Benny took another step back as Dean reached for him. “Please, Benny.” He sounded desperate. “Please.” It was a needy whimper and it almost sent Benny to his knees at the sound of it.
He should have known better than to think that Dean was alright. He knew that he smelled something when he first pulled Dean back up to his feet.
“Please.” Dean whined again. “I need you to fuck me, Benny.”
Dean took another step forward, his feet tripping over a root that was sticking up out of the ground and out of instinct, Benny reached out to grab Dean before he fell flat on the ground. It was something that Benny shouldn’t have done because Dean was suddenly grabbing at the front of Benny’s pants, working to get his cock out.
“Woah.” Benny shouted, shoving Dean back on his feet and away from him which caused Dean whine his disagreement with all the room that was suddenly between the two of them. “Woah, Dean, just wait. Okay? Stop. You don’t want this.” He reasoned, holding his arms out to keep Dean from coming at him again. “Stop. You’ve been drugged out of your mind. This isn’t you that’s wanting this, Dean.”
Dean growled and slapped Benny’s hands away, working at the zipper of his own pants inside. “Yes, I do.” He spit. “I want — your dick — so far up my ass — that I can almost taste it.” Dean grunted out in frustration as he couldn’t seem to pull his own zipper down.
“You’ve been drugged, Dean.” Benny whined. “Please, just stop. Just wait. You’ll feel better if you just stop.”
“It was a sex pollen.” Dean corrected, throwing his hands up in irritation. “I know and I’ll feel better if you would just fuck me.”
They stared at each other, neither one of them relenting. Even as Dean cupped his aching dick through his jeans, trying to relieve some of the pressure. With a groan, Benny threw his blade to the ground and took the two steps that was between the hunter and vampire and grabbed at Dean’s face, pulling him in for a hard, possessive kiss.
“Just remember you asked for this, chief.” Benny growled against Dean’s lips and pushed him down to the ground. Hard.
Dean shrugs out of his jacket and plaid shirt, only to find that his undershirt was soaked through with sweat. His fingers don’t seem to work the ways that he wants them too and Dean cries in frustration.
Suddenly there are hands on top of his own, shoving them away and worked the zipper down. Then his jeans and boxers were pulled down and the sudden exposure to the cool air, sent chills all over his body.
His eyes are nearly clouded over with lust and Dean’s only barely aware of Benny above him, working his own pants down his legs before his body is covered with another. The heat from Benny’s body sent a whole new way of chills through Dean’s body and he blindly reached out for Benny.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah cher. I gotcha. Just calm down.” Benny’s voice is only added heat to the coil in his stomach.
The first touch of wet fingers against Dean’s hole has Dean bucking up, mouth falling opening and begging for more. Benny was whispering words that Dean couldn’t understand and every so often the feeling of his finger disappeared only for it to reappear even wetter, pushing past Dean’s rim and going deeper inside of him. It burned. The stretch was almost too much but it only added to the sensation.
“Please, Benny.” Dean begged, rutting against his fingers. “Please, I need it.”
“I hear yah. Just give me a couple more minutes and I’ll take care of yah, Dean. Gotta make sure that you’re stretched out enough. Don’t wanna hurt you.” Benny said through clenched teeth.
“Don’t care. Just want yah inside of me. I need you to fuck me raw.”
Benny growled but he didn’t give up. Dean might be under the influence of some sex pollen and his mind might only be overtaken by the thought of being fucked hard and raw but that didn’t mean that Benny couldn’t make sure that Dean was at least prepared enough that he wasn’t going to hurt the human.
It took too long if you asked Dean, way too long but finally after begging and rutting against Benny’s fingers, Benny finally replaced them with his cock, pushing past each ring of tight muscle. Dean’s fingers dug into the ground, dirt and mud under his nails as Benny pushed and pushed until he bottomed out.
“Fuck, Benny. Please, harder. Faster. Fuck me.” It was a broken mantra, one that Dean couldn’t stop himself from saying.
Benny pulled out of Dean and pushed back in hard enough that it drove Dean up a couple inches on the ground, sticks and rocks scraping at his back. The moan that escaped from Dean’s mouth sounded wounded and broken and animalistic.
There was nothing pretty about the sight. Benny fucked his hips flush against Dean’s, driving Dean further and further up the ground as Dean tried his best to fuck back on Benny’s cock.
The sound of skin slapping against skin and broken moans filled the air as Benny’s heavy balls slapped against Dean’s ass with each thrust. Dean’s eyes were closed, rolled back in the back of his head as he chanted yes, begging for more, more, more.
Dean was the first to come. Messy and sticky all over his stomach and the sight of Dean’s blissed out face only made Benny move faster. It was maybe three, four more thrust until Benny shoved into Dean one last time, coming deep inside him with a feral shout.
Slowly Dean came down from his sex induced high, Benny rolling to the side as come trickled out of his abused hole. The need to be fucked nearly subsided as the heat died down in his stomach and the night air cooled his sweaty skin.
The longer that he laid there though, with Benny laying next to him the tight coil of desire started to grow bigger and Dean groaned.
Still he couldn’t help himself as he rolled over and straddled Benny’s waist, wrapping his hand around Benny’s soft cock and slowly he could feel it harder under his hand.
“Dean…” Benny whined, his hand on Dean’s waist as Dean lowered himself back down onto Benny’s cock but whatever else he was going to say died off as Dean bottomed out.
This possibly felt even better that Benny driving into Dean, him riding him like he was getting paid for it. Benny threw his head back against the hard, unrelenting ground, keeping his hand on Dean’s waist as a guiding force and let Dean do what he needed it do.
It was dangerous to be this open, this exposed, laying together, entwined in the middle of the forest floor. Benny knew it. Dean knew it. At least, somewhere in the back of his mind, the part that wasn’t so preoccupied with getting Benny so far up inside of him that they were one person, knew that this was dangerous. They couldn’t afford to let their guard down like this. Dean had seen it too many times before. The moment you relax , allowed yourself to be settled in a single spot was when the monsters jumped out.
Dean had been that monster for so many months. Always three steps ahead of the scum that called Purgatory their home. He had to be since Cas left him and he learned that his own humanity was a beacon that called out to every last creature.
But he couldn’t find himself to care. Benny was so big and so thick and he filled Dean up in ways that Dean hadn’t been filled before and no matter how quickly he moved or how far he sunk down on Benny, it wasn’t enough. It didn’t seem to reach that spot that was inside his stomach that just needed to be touched.
Benny laid there, his hands still on Dean’s exposed hips, moaning because he hadn’t had anything this tight wrapped around his dick in years other than his hand but his eyes were wide open and alert, watching the area around them.
Benny could smell Dean, his arousal. It seeped into the air, bled out all around them. Dean smelled delicious on any given day but now, like this, with drying come coating his stomach and pre-cum beading at the head of his cock, he smelled irresistible.
And Benny knew that every monster that was anywhere close could smell it too.
Still, Dean didn’t seemed to be concerned with their safety. He was only interested in pulling Benny deep inside of him and keeping him there.
Then, all the sudden, Dean dropped his head to the crook of Benny’s shoulder and Dean’s neck was right there by Benny’s mouth, his pulse pumping blood, the smell of him, all through his body and Benny’s body ached in a way that would never be satisfied unless he tasted Dean.
He tried not too. Against his instincts, he closed his eyes and tried to pull his head away from Dean’s neck but it was as if he had no control over his body anymore.
Benny sank his teeth into Dean’s neck that was bared to him even though every rational thought of his brain was telling him that he couldn’t. If he got a single taste of Dean and the blood that was infected with the sex pollen, he wasn’t going to be able to stop. Still he couldn’t stop.
Dean shouted as Benny bit into his neck, sucking his blood and he came the second his lips closed around the wound that Benny had created.
Benny licked and sucked at the wound as Dean rode through the aftershocks, his hands braced against Benny’s chest.
The arousal that was burning deep within Dean’s stomach slowly disappeared completely just as his mind got hazy and thick with a fog. Weakly he moaned out Benny’s name before his eyes closed completely, gone to the world.
When he woke, it was because his entire body was wet and cold and he was shivering.
Pressed against his back, he could feel the heat from another body and when his eyes flickered open, the breath of a relieved sigh fanned out across his face.
Dean groaned, shifting a little as he brought his hand up out of the stream that he was sitting in and brought it up to the throbbing wound against his neck.
“Thank god.” Benny sighed. “Thought I drained you dry, cher. Had to shock your body to wake back up.”
Dean groaned again, shifting again, trying to find some sort of relief for his body. All over he ached. “No. But you’re about to freeze me to death.”
Benny helped Dean to his feet, leading him out of the stream and over to the side where his clothes laid out against a rock. Luckily, Benny allowed Dean to keep some of his dignity and let Dean dress himself.
Benny hovered awkwardly, keeping an eye on the horizon and trying to avoid eye contact with Dean. He wasn’t sure how much Dean remembered. He was delirious, completely out of his mind and fucked out and Benny wasn’t sure if he was going to have to have an awkward conversation with the man that he considered to be his friend of how he completely took advantage his body.
“Umm…” Benny rubbed the back of his neck. “Dean… umm… how much do you remember… from…”
Dean glanced up from his shirt that he was trying to button up and a smirk crossed his face when he say the frown on Benny’s lips, the concern that was so clearly there.
“Don’t worry, Benny, you didn’t violate me. I knew what I was asking for. You’re fine.” Dean said, shoving his hands deep into his pockets, trying to warm up his fingers before picking up his blade.
Benny stood there on the edge of the stream, watching the retreating form of Dean, a frown still on his lips and learned first hand at how Winchester’s dealt with problems.
They didn’t.
tagging: @justanothersaltandburn, @purgatoan, @corrupteddean, @pictures-over-words, @masterlynovak, @wetsammywinchester, @itsnotsammy, @belabee, @fantasygeek, @my-thoughts-on-display3
wanna be tagged in anything? add your name here.
remember: if comments be the food of writing, then comment on.
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palominopup · 7 years
Tumblr media
Dean has known for days that Cas and his boyfriend, some douche named Adam, have moved back to Lawrence. Not that he cares. He doesn’t. He’s happy with Anna. He is.
He looks over at her sleeping form as he slips his shoulder holster over his head and buckles it. He slides his Berretta inside and then pulls on his jacket. Without bothering to kiss her goodbye… she’s sleeping and there is no need to wake her… Detective Dean Winchester leaves for work.
The day is dark and rainy and it fits Dean’s mood. His partner even comments on it. “Who shit in your Wheaties, Winchester?”
“No one,” Dean answered shortly and Benny shut his mouth. They barely spoke for the rest of their shift. He was happy, damn it. Cas coming back after all these years didn’t matter. What they had once didn’t matter. That ship sailed and sunk a long time ago.
On his way home, he stops at the red light before turning on to Livingston Street and he swears the gods are out to get him, because he sees Cas getting out of a dark green Mustang convertible. He’d recognize that hair and that fine ass anywhere. He fights back a memory… one better left alone.
“Dean, stop, you’re going to make me late for work.” Cas was giving him that half smile and swatting his hand away. The hand that was cupping the left cheek of his gorgeous ass.
“You love it when I make you late for work,” Dean had said, bringing his head down to steal a kiss.
“Not today. You know how important this case is.”
Dean shook his head to clear the image of that morning. The morning that changed everything and cost him the man he loved. He hit the gas to fast and the tires squealed. Cas turned and saw him. He was hard to miss in the jet black Impala. Their eyes locked for a split second before Dean floored it and careened through the intersection.
That night, Anna and Dean sat through a silent dinner. Both picked at their food. “I’m going to go work a little,” she said quietly. Dean didn’t respond. He watched her walk away, her red hair midway down her back. She was so pretty. When was the last time they had sex? God, had it been so long that he had to even think about it?
He finished watching his favorite sitcom and stood up to stretch. He’d taken off his suit earlier and was just in a pair of sweats from his police academy days and a ratty t-shirt. He shuffled down the hall and stopped at the door of the extra bedroom they’d made into an office. Anna glanced up from her computer. “I’m going to bed. You comin’?” Maybe he could end their dry spell.
“No. I still have a few things to do.” Her eyes went back to the screen, casting her in a bluish glow. He drifted to their bedroom, not really disappointed she’d turned him down. Exhausted and not knowing why, Dean fell asleep. He was awakened much later by his phone vibrating on the nightstand. As a detective, he expected calls in the middle of the night. He picked up the phone and got out of bed, careful not to wake his girlfriend.
Once he was safely in the living room of their small apartment, he answered without looking at the screen. “Winchester,” he said abruptly, his usual greeting to the precinct.
“Hello, Dean.” The voice sent a shiver up his spine. Three years, six months and no, he wasn’t pathetic enough to count the days…
“Cas. Why are you calling me so late?” Not, why are you calling me at all. Dean found he didn’t care about the whys. Dean thought he heard a sniffle. “Cas, are you crying? Is everything okay?” Dean whispered, glancing down the hall to their darkened bedroom doorway. He should have closed it behind him.
“I saw you today and…” the low voice that reminded him of tangled sheets and breathless moans was filled with sadness.
“Cas… Anna is asleep… I shouldn’t…” God, why had he mentioned her. He doubted Cas even knew he was living with someone. Someone else… someone who was not Cas…could never be Cas.
“Adam moved out tonight,” Cas stated. No emotion. It was like he was saying it was cold outside. He knew Cas met Adam Milligan right after he moved to Houston. Dean also knew they moved in together a year later. He also knew that Adam was a writer for a huge news magazine. Dean knew these things because he was a detective and had access to shit like that. He wasn’t supposed to use it for private inquiries, but everyone did it. Shit, he’d run a background check on Anna before he’d asked her on a second date.
“Oh.” Dean didn’t know what to say to that. He closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Cas.” He sank down on the sofa, his head back against the cushion. He stared at the ceiling and wished for guidance.
“I’m not. It was over a long time ago. Maybe even before it started,” came the whispered words.
“Sometimes…sometimes, I wish she was you,” Dean said and then realized he’d stated his thoughts out loud. He wanted to call the words back. He knew he had never moved on. Cas had been the love of his life. Why did Dean have to go and ruin it?
“Dean…” The way Cas said his name, so sweet, brought more memories out of the deep recesses of his mind.
“Dean, please… I love you.” The words had ripped Dean’s heart to shreds. He’d held onto his rigid posture until Cas walked out… for good.
He’d never come back for his things. They were boxed up in Sam’s garage.
“Angel, we really shouldn’t be talking. I wanted you to move on. Find someone better than me,” Dean squeezed the phone tighter. The nickname had slipped out. Castiel was named for an angel by his conservative parents. Dean called him ‘Angel’ the whole time they were together. He hoped Cas wouldn’t pick up on it.
“Please don’t call me that,” Cas said softly.
“Sorry, just habit.” By the silence on the other end, Dean knew his words found their mark and scored a direct hit.
“I shouldn’t have called. Goodbye, Dean.” Shit… he didn’t want him to hang up. He didn’t want the conversation to end like that… not on a bad note.
“No, Cas… wait.” Wait for what? For Dean to think about asking to meet Cas somewhere… for a drink… maybe coffee… maybe more. No, he wasn’t a cheater. Anna didn’t deserve that. He listened to Cas breathe for a few moments as he gathered his courage. “Do you ever dream about me, Cas?”
Dean heard the swift intake of breath. “I do. I even thought of you when Adam…” Cas bit off the words and Dean felt a brief sense of satisfaction. “He was good to me. I let him down.”
 “How?” Dean couldn’t imagine Cas letting anyone down. The man was perfect.
 “He never thought he measured up to you. I may have made you a bigger than life. He knew he couldn’t compete. He didn’t want to come here.”
 “Why did you come back, Cas?”                
 “I was offered my old job back, with more benefits… more money.” Cas had worked for the DA’s office. He’d been overworked and underpaid, but he loved being someone who worked hard to get the bad guys off the streets. That’s how they’d met. Cas dressed him down on a collar he’d made. Made him feel really stupid in front of everyone. That was the first night they’d had sex. It was angry and rough and fuck, if Dean didn’t start falling for the disheveled guy in the oversized trench coat. “Adam insisted that I take it. He said he could do his job anywhere.”
 “What happened?” Dean knew Cas would understand the question he was asking. He wasn’t wrong.
 “Tonight…after seeing you today…I…I made the mistake of telling Adam. I don’t keep things from him…” Dean imagined Cas biting his lip, his blue eyes filled with sorrow. Cas wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose. Unlike Dean. Unlike the night Dean stared into those beautiful eyes and lied.
 “You told him you saw me and he moved out? What the hell, Cas?” There was more to the story. There had to be.
 “I told him that I saw you… and realized that I never… never got over you.” Dean banged his head on the back of the couch over and over again. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
 “Cas…I can’t do this…Anna is in the next room, man. I shouldn’t even be talking to you.”
 “I know.” And just like that, he hung up.
 “Fuck,” Dean growled, throwing the phone across the room in a fit of anger. The ‘what ifs’ swirled in his mind and made his stomach knot.
 “I knew you still cared for him. I just didn’t realize how much.” Dean startled and stood up quickly. He spun to face Anna. She was leaning against the doorway, her expression unreadable. Anna knew about Cas. He’d told her. Granted he’d been drunk at the time.
 “Anna… it’s not…” She shook her head slowly and Dean closed his mouth.
 “Dean, I love you. I have for a long time, but I knew from the beginning that your heart belonged to someone else. To him. I don’t know what happened between you, but if you still have those feelings, maybe you should see…”
 “No, there isn’t… I can’t fix what I broke.” Dean didn’t bother to tell her she was wrong about his feelings for Cas. He wouldn’t disrespect her like that.
 She moved forward. She wore the silky boxers and camisole that Dean used to find sexy as fuck. Now, they could have been a long flannel nightgown for all the good it did for his libido. She motioned him to sit back down and she sat across from him on the edge of the coffee table. Their knees barely touching. “I had a job offer last week. In New York. I’m going to take it.” Dean simply stared at her, blinking stupidly. “I was going to turn it down to see if…if we could move past this bump in our…relationship, but now I know that it will be for the best.”
 “But…” Dean started, but found he had no words. What could he say? Should he beg her to stay? To give him another chance?
 Her smile was soft and she reached out to take his hand. “Love is hard, Dean. Even if you can’t fix what you broke, perhaps you replace it one day. I just can’t be the replacement.”
 Dean nodded and squeezed her hand. She stood up and brushed her lips over the top of his head. He heard the bedroom door close. He closed his eyes again and let the memories come.
 There had been a shooting and a cop was killed. Dean didn’t come home. He went to a bar instead. He didn’t remember the drive home, but he remembered Cas standing there when he dropped his keys on the floor of the foyer, cursing at the loss of a life. When he looked up, he saw relieved blue eyes through his own drunken ones. “I heard on the news an officer was shot. I couldn’t reach you on your phone. I was scared.”
 “Yeah, well, I’m just fine, Angel.” Instead of sounding like a nickname between lovers, it came out sarcastic and full of hatred. Not at Cas, never at Cas, but the world in general.
 “You’re drunk,” Cas had stated, the relief changing to anger.
 “Sure am.”
 “Dean…” It was the soft pitying tone that did it. Add to that, several downed whiskeys and you had a recipe for disaster.
 “Stop it, Cas. Stop loving me. Stop waiting up for me to come home. I don’t need you. I don’t need this,” he’d waved his hands between them. “I don’t love you,” he lied.
 What Cas didn’t know was that after he walked out that night, dressed in a pair of old jeans and Dean’s ‘Relax I’m a Cop’ t-shirt, Dean fell to his knees and cried. Cried because he lost a brother on the force, but mostly because he just lost the best thing to ever happen to him.
 Sam found him the next day, passed out on his kitchen floor with an empty bottle of vodka next to him. It had been Cas’ good stuff. Imported from Russia. Sam had manhandled him into the shower and turned on the cold water. He’s shrieked and fought, but in the end, he’d sank down into the tub and cried even more. Several pots of strong coffee later, he’d told Sam about his night. “See Sam, I can’t put Cas through anything like that. If something were to happen to me…”
 It sounded good at the time, but the real reason he’d drove Cas away was because he wasn’t good enough. Cas was all power suits and law degrees. Dean was a beat cop that was lucky enough to have a gold shield. Cas liked classical music and books, Dean listened to classic rock and when he read, it was Vonnegut or muscle car magazines. Cas was good. Too good for the likes of Dean Winchester. Dean just broke up with Cas before Cas could see him for what he truly was. A loser.
 Two weeks later, Anna supervised the movers. She’d left him with most of the furniture, but the shelves and closets were bare. She came to him in the bedroom, where he was staring out the window at the moving van. “Guess that’s it,” she said softly, coming up behind him. She didn’t touch him. There had been no intimacy since Cas’ phone call and her announcement. Honestly, there hadn’t been much before, at least not in the last three or four months. He’d spent the nights he was at home on the couch. Most nights though, he’d spent on the ratty sofa in the break room at the precinct, showering in the locker room. If anyone noticed, they didn’t say anything.
 “I’ll miss you,” Dean said honestly. It would be hard to come home to an empty apartment. Shit, maybe he should think about buying a place near Sam. Something small… maybe a fixer-upper he could work on in his spare time.
 “I’ll miss you too, Dean.” She stepped closer and kissed his cheek. “Take care of yourself.” When she turned to go, Dean didn’t watch. Another chapter in his life had closed. It hurt, but it wasn’t even close to the pain he’d felt when Cas left.
 “Hey, Winchester, I need you to run this over to the courthouse,” the chief called out over the usual din of the bullpen the next day.
“Seriously, Chief, it’s almost lunchtime. Can’t you get a uniform to do it?” He was beaned in the back of the head by his friend, Charlie, who was wearing a uniform. He shrugged at her. “Hey, I worked hard to wear this suit. You gotta pay your dues, kiddo.”
 “Well, I’m paying your ass to work,” Chief Singer said, slamming the folder onto his messy desk. Dean rolled his eyes and gave a put-upon sigh, but he stood up. He picked up the file and was in his car before he even glanced at it. It was addressed to one Assistant District Attorney C. Novak.
 “Shitshitshit.” Bobby, his godfather and his boss, knew how bad the breakup had been on Dean. He fucking knew. Why was he doing this to him? Dean knew he was bound to run into Cas on occasion, but he hoped it would be a long time coming.
 When he got out of the Impala, he bent to look into the side mirror to straighten his tie. He took a deep breath and took the marble steps two at a time. He waved to the guard that was on duty and stepped around the metal detector. No need to set it off with his gun. He took the elevator to the third floor and started reading the brass plaques to find the newest one. Noting Cas hadn’t gotten his old office back, Dean kept walking. Cas’ door was open and he took a minute to watch the man, his dark messy head bent over a pile of paperwork. Dean knocked on the doorjamb. “Heya, Cas.” Blue eyes widened and Dean, an expert at body language, saw the way Cas’ hands twitched before he hid them under his desk. He was nervous, but not overly so. Had he been expecting him?
 “Dean. It’s good to see you.” Dean raised an eyebrow. How could he be so cool when Dean’s heart was beating like a set drums at a Metallica concert?
 “Yeah, well, I was told to deliver this,” Dean said, setting the folder on Cas’ desk and taking a few steps back.
 “Thank you. Bobby said I would be getting it today,” Cas stated matter-of-factly, picking up the file and opening it.
 “So, you’ve talked to Bobby?” Cas stopped pretending to read, Dean wasn’t stupid after all, and looked up.
 “He’s the Chief of Police, Dean. I’m an assistant DA. We run in the same circles.” Dean picked up on the slight tremor in Cas’ voice. Yeah, the bastard wasn’t as unaffected as he seemed.
 “Uh huh. So, he tell you Anna moved out?” Dean saw the pink tinge to Cas’ cheeks and knew his answer. “Son of a bitch,” Dean fumed. “Sam talk to you too?” He snapped out the question and noted Cas didn’t meet his eyes. “Fuck.”
 “Dean, Sam and I… we were friends once.” They were. Good friends. They might argue like cats and dogs in the courtroom, since Sam was a public defender, but after the gavel came down, the two of them would hit the bar and have a beer together.
 “Well…I’m glad you and he…” Dean stopped talking when he met Cas’ eyes. He was looking at him like he used to…like he loved him. Dean’s gaze dropped to Cas’ lips. Those beautiful lips. Cas stood up and walked around the desk. He stuck his hand out and for a second, Dean didn’t know why. “Thank you for dropping the file off, Dean. Perhaps I will see you around.” Dean took the outstretched palm and shook it.
 “Yeah…maybe.” Dean held onto the hand and felt the warmth there. He imagined that same hand on his back, on his neck, on his…” He released it like it was made from molten lava and took another step backward, hitting the edge of the door with a resounding thud. “Uhm, bye.”
 Dean was down the hall and around the corner to the elevators when he finally stopped to catch his breath. He sank to the floor, his legs sprawled out on the old tile.
Several people looked at him strangely, but no one took the time to ask if there was a problem. What would he say? The man I tossed out of my pathetic life… the man who I still fuckin’ love… is just around the corner and I don’t know what to do. Yeah, that would be a riot.
 He didn’t know how long he sat there, but eventually his ass went to sleep and he struggled to his feet. He pulled out his phone and called the precinct. “It’s Winchester. Let me talk to the chief.” Dean waited, listening to the stupid elevator music until Bobby picked up.
“It’s me.”
 “Sorry, kid. I know you are probably pissed at me, but I think you and Cas need to…”
 “Stop, Bobby.” Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just stop. Cas is… Cas doesn’t…”
 “He still loves you. I don’t know why. You are a real dumbass sometimes. No accounting for taste I guess.”
“Bobby…” Dean couldn’t do this.
“Take the rest of the day. Go home.”
“Okay,” Dean mumbled softly. He was just too tired to argue.
“And son, no booze.” Dean laughed mirthlessly. Bobby and Sam had pulled him out of the bottle quite a few times after Cas left. No, that’s where he was wrong. Cas never left. Dean pushed him out, but the specter of what they had lived on. It was in bed with him and Anna. It was in the passenger seat of the Impala. It was packed in untouched boxes in Sam’s garage. It was in the fucking picture he still carried in his wallet.
Home was empty. A big-screen TV didn’t greet you with a kiss. Dean walked around the small apartment that had served as his and Anna’s home for the last year. He didn’t miss her. Not like that anyway. He missed a warm body to take up space. Maybe he should get a dog.
He sat down on the sofa and stared at the screen of his phone for a long time. He thought about taking a drink to give him some courage, but no, he needed to be sober. He scrolled through until he got to the unknown number and made it into a contact. Cas. He tapped the icon and waited, unbreathing, as it rang against his ear.
“Hello, Dean.”
“I never stopped loving you.” Dean laid back on the couch, eyes closed.
“And I never stopped loving you. I never will.”
“We need… can we take this slow?” Dean asked, not really sure what he was doing.
“As slow as you need.”
“What time do you get off, Angel?” Dean asked, wanting… no, needing to believe he could have this again.
“I can leave now.”
“The usual place?”
“Of course, Dean.” Dean sat up and wiped his eyes. Stupid allergies. He went into his bedroom to change into jeans.
Twenty minutes later, he parked the Impala in a small lot and stepped into a tiny bakery. Cas was already sitting in ‘their’ booth, slices of pie waiting on the table. Cas’ eyes tracked him across the room. “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered your favorite.”
“You were always too good for me, Angel.”
“I’d hoped you’d have gotten smarter, but we can work on that.” Dean smiled at the offhanded promise of a future.
They ate in comfortable silence and when they were done, Dean tossed a twenty on the table and stood. He held out his hand and Cas took it. Not a handshake this time. Fingers intertwined like hundreds of times in the past. Dean refused to think about the lost time. The three years, six months, twelve days and four hours. Because he was that pathetic. And he was in love.
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blissfulcastiel · 7 years
Out of Step
Fandom Writing Challenge | blissfulcastiel Prompt: Marching Band Pairings: Destiel Tags: high school au, marching band, enemies, enemies to friends drummer!dean, color guard!castiel AO3 - Beta-ed by @adoringjensen <3
“Everyone reset back to set one. Come on, move with purpose! We haven’t got all day!” Crowley bellows into his megaphone from the top of the scaffolding tower. Jesus Christ. Every year, Dean hides that stupid thing but Crowley always seems to find it. Looks like he’ll just have to go for the batteries. “Dean, can you please take one for the team and ask for a water break?” Jo pants beside him as they hustle back to set one. “Yeah, we’re dying here, Winchester,” Charlie agrees as she jogs up beside them. Dean sighs dramatically. “Why does it have to be me?” “Because Crowley has a soft spot for you,” Jo says with a smirk. He rolls his eyes. “That’s not true.” “Sorry brother, but it is,” Benny calls, already in position on his dot about five yards from them. Dean groans, scrubbing a hand down his face where droplets of sweat are beading on the surface. “Fine.” Jo and Charlie share a conspiring smile before racing ahead to their dots. Dean slows down, hovering around the fifty yard line where The Tower is set up. It stands twelve feet tall, with Crowley barely adding any height on the highest platform. Chuck sits silently, as usual, on the lower platform which is just above head level. Maybe Dean can get away with asking Chuck instead. “Uh, hey Chuck? It’s been about two hours since our last water break. Think we can take five minutes after this run?” Chuck glances down at Dean, looking frantic at the question. God, after four years of being in this band, Dean still has no idea how this guy is even the director. “Winchester!” Fuck.
Dean cranes his head back, hand cupping over his eyes to see Crowley through the harsh glare of the sun. “Yeah?” “I thought I said to get to set one.” “I know, but we need a water break. Unless you want a bunch of kids passing out on this field, we need at least ten minutes to sit and cool off.” Dean feels like he’s flirting with death by demanding instead of asking, but how else is he supposed to convince Crowley to give them a break? Crowley glares down at him and for once, the whole field is silent. Dean heard a few gasps at the way he spoke to their assistant director, but now everyone’s holding their breath. “Fine. We run this one more time you all get your precious water break,” Crowley spits out. Dean nods, hiding his smile until his back is turned. People whisper their gratitude as he passes them on his way to his dot, and it lifts him up a little. Even if it means putting his neck out there, he’ll do anything he can to help out his bandmates. They run the first five sets, and it’s far from being perfect, but it’s not a complete disaster. As soon as Crowley’s done lecturing them about terrible marching techniques and some forgetting their dots all together, everyone clears the practice field to fill the front sideline where all their water and belongings sit. Dean collapses next to Sam, who’s busy guzzling down water. “So Sammy, how’s day one of band camp?” Sam takes a few more gulps before answering him. “Hell. That Crowley guy is a jerk. Why did you put up with this all four years?” “Because believe it or not, it’s a lot of fun,” Charlie says as she flops down beside them, Jo, and Benny right behind her. Dean nods, pulling his water bottle from Charlie’s cooler and taking a big gulp. “The first couple o‘ days are always rough,” Benny offers empathetically. Sam looks down at his watch and groans. “It’s only eleven?” “Hey, only an hour until lunch!” Jo says excitedly, which everyone chimes in with. Dean laughs at his brother’s confused reaction. He remembers his first year of band camp. Being in the thick heat, thirsty and exhausted, an hour seems like eternity. But now that he’s gone through it three previous times, an hour is the homestretch. Sam gets to his feet. “I’m gonna go sit by Barry. See you at lunch?” Dean reaches up to ruffle his hair but Sam bats his hand away before he can, causing him to huff. “Yeah, bitch, see ya.” Sam grumbles out a ‘Jerk’ before walking a ways down the sideline. “Oh god – here they come,” Charlie singsongs. Dean doesn’t need to glance over to know who she’s talking about. Color guard. Dean’s always happy when the guard girls join the band. He’s kinda got a reputation with them. He turns his head to watch them make their way closer, but is pulled up short when he sees a new face. “Since when did we get a guard guy?” he wonders aloud, sitting up to get a better look. Not that color guard is strictly for girls, but it’s always a special sighting to see a guy in guard. Dean would’ve definitely known if a guy joined guard, especially if he looks as good as this one. “Must be the new guy. I think he’s brothers with the new drum major too,” Benny answers. That’s right, there was actually some drama around that. People thought it was unfair for this Gabriel guy to come in as a senior and get chosen for drum major, but he must be that good. There was talk he had a brother – half-brother? – but Dean never heard anything more about it. “Huh,” is all Dean can manage to say because holy fuck, the guy is seriously hot. His shorts are slung low around his hips, practically teasing Dean with the little bit of exposed tanned skin that his ratty looking T-shirt isn’t covering. “Dean, please don’t scare him on his first day,” Jo sighs. “What? I didn’t even do anything.” “Oh please, you’ve got that look,” Charlie crows. “Besides, you’ve basically run Kali’s patience nonexistent. She doesn’t want you anywhere near the guard.” Well, he can’t exactly deny that. Kali hates him for ‘causing distractions’ to her girls. No doubt she’ll hate him even more if he makes any advances towards the new guy. In the past, she couldn’t do anything about it. Except now that she’s been graduated a year and is now the guard instructor, she actually has power to keep him away. Which only means he has to be a little more careful. “I don’t have any look. I’m just gonna be polite and introduce myself.” He gets to his feet, ignoring the warnings his friends call after him. The closer he gets, the harder his heart beats in his chest and he feels eyes burning into him as he approaches. Man, is he actually nervous to talk to this guy? That’s… weird. Before he knows it, he’s standing behind the guy, who’s staring down at the set book hanging on a string tied around his waist. Shit, that glistening skin is even better close up… He’s about to turn around and jump ship when the guy looks up, glancing over his shoulder and pinning Dean in place with a pair of vibrant blue eyes. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Um, hello.” Damn, that voice too. All deep and gravely, and... “Hi. Um, I’m Dean. Dean –“ “Winchester,” the guy finishes for him. It’s probably safe to say the guard girls warned him about the infamous Dean Winchester. Dean laughs uneasily. “Yeah, that’s me. Heard you’re new, thought I’d come introduce myself.” The new guy quirks an eyebrow. “And that is the extent of your intentions with this conversation?” Dean’s eyebrows knit together. “Uh –“ “Because if so, it’s nice to meet you, Dean. However, if what I���ve been told is true, I want to make it clear I’m not interested in any advances you may be planning. You can save your breath, my time won’t be wasted, and we can both be on our way.” Dean’s mouth drops open, absolutely speechless. What the fuck? He doesn’t even know the guy’s name and barely got a sentence out before the immediate rejection. Dean can’t exactly blame him for saying what he said, given Dean’s track record, but still. Now Dean’s a little peeved, his confidence stinging. “That’s some ego you have, buddy,” he replies coolly. “Just thought I’d be a nice guy and welcome you to the band. But whatever.” New Guy shrugs. “I just wanted to make myself clear. I’m not interested in having any relations with you.” Ouch. Dean scoffs. “Wasn’t planning on pursuing,” A terrible, terrible lie, “But hey, if it makes you feel better to think so.” He spins around and stalks away, ignoring the low whistles and taunts being thrown after him. He basically got rejected in front of the whole band because everyone’s stopped to watch on their way back to the field. “Told you to stay away,” Jo tuts when he passes by. “Get to your set, Jo,” he orders, using his section leader voice. He realizes he’s being an ass and he’ll apologize later for it, but he doesn’t need salt rubbed in his wounds right now. He spends the next hour silently seething as he focuses on learning drill and thanking the universe that New Guy’s dot is on the opposite end of the field so Dean doesn’t have to see him. When lunch comes around, the food and air conditioning calms him a bit, but he’s still grumpy. No one dares tease him about what happened. When the band stays inside to learn music, Dean takes the drumline to the field house to practice their music in peace. He typically runs his sectionals more relaxed, but he needs to forget about what happened earlier, so today there’s no goofing off. Even Victor, his co-section leader who’s usually the bad cop between the two of them, isn’t happy with the way Dean’s running their sectional. When the guard comes in to claim the field house, Dean brushes past them without a second look, calling for his section to grab their shit and hustle to the practice field. The last two hours of their eight hour day is spent trying to pair music to the drill they learned today. It’s pretty disastrous, but Crowley does call a compliment to the drumline for ‘sounding the least horrible’. So that’s what happens when they actually work in sectionals. When four o’clock rolls around and the band is dismissed to go home, Dean calls his section together. “Listen guys, I know I was kinda an ass today –“ “We all have our off days, Dean,” Garth offers sympathetically. He can’t help but smile at that. “But you all did good work. We even got a half-assed compliment from Crowley. Rest up for tomorrow.” He claps each of them on the shoulder before gathering their stuff from the front sideline and walking back towards the school. Dean’s about to follow before someone calls his name. When he turns, he’s met with a shorter guy with bronze hair and golden eyes, lips twisted into a smirk. “Can I help you?” “Heard my brother burned you good today.” And there goes his relatively okay mood. Dean scowls. “He’s a real peach.” The guy laughs, throwing his head back and Dean rolls his eyes. “That’s Cassie for you. Name’s Gabriel, by the way. I’m the new drum major.” Dean glances at his outreached hand and shakes it begrudgingly. “Guess you know who I am.” Gabriel motions for them to start walking back to the school. “Sure do. Cassie told me all about it at lunch.” Dean raises an eyebrow at him. “His name’s Cassie?” “Nickname. Castiel would probably kill you if you called him that though.” Dean licks his lips, tempted to try the unique name out for himself but withholds. No, he’s not going to find anything interesting about the guy because he’s an asshole. “Well, you can tell him to relax. I have no interest in egotistical dicks,” Dean says, sounding more bitter than he intended to. “He’s actually a nice guy. Castiel can be blunt sometimes, but you can’t say he isn’t honest.” “The dude can say and do what he wants, I don’t care,” Dean grunts, wanting to be done with this conversation already. Gabriel grins. “Right. You don’t care. Anyway, just thought I’d personally introduce myself before I’d have to reject you in front of the whole band too. See ya bright and early tomorrow, Bucko!” Dean stops in his tracks, watching Gabriel laugh to himself while he saunters ahead. He’s not sure who the bigger dick is between the two of them. It doesn’t matter. Dean’s got better things to do than sulk and seethe over the two of them.
The second day of band camp is better than the first. Dean decided he’s not about to show Castiel how bruised his ego is after yesterday. Screw that guy. Instead, he focuses on Crowley ordering them through basics block the first half of the morning and learning drill the second half. When lunch comes around, he doesn’t even think to seek Castiel out. He laughs with his friends and beats Benny in a competition of who can shove the most grapes in their mouth. Which, of course, earns him a few suggestive comments from Jo and Charlie. He even gets in some good natured teasing when Sam decides to go talk to Jess, one of the freshmen guard girls. Sam isn’t amused, but Dean still smiles proudly after him as he goes. This is the band camp he’s come to love after four years.
Like all good things though, his mood comes to a crashing halt after lunch.
While the band rehearses the show music in the band room, it’s time for the drumline to part for the hour to work on their stuff. Dean brings them to the field house, the spot they always claim, but when he walks through the doors, he stops in his tracks when his eyes rest on Castiel. He’s not alone though. From a quick scan, it seems maybe all the freshmen are with him because Dean recognizes Jess among the baby faced girls.
“Hate to interrupt, but we claimed this space,” he announces from across the room, voice echoing in the large space between them. Castiel glances over at him, the eye roll visible even from where Dean’s standing.
“Kali said it was fine we work here.”
Dean saunters closer, trying to keep up his air of confidence despite the fact that his heart is racing in his chest. “Did she now? Last I checked, the guard practices in the grassy area outside the band room.”
Castiel holds his gaze steadily. “We needed space to spread out. The freshmen require further help and it was too hectic with me trying to teach them while Kali works with the others.”
“And since when are you section leader? Where’s Anna? Or Rachel?” Dean challenges, crossing his arms.
Castiel scoffs. “Not that it’s any of your concern how our section runs, but they asked me to help out. I may be new here, Dean, but I’m not incompetent.”
Dean just smirks. “Well, since you’re new, I’ll be the one to tell you that the fieldhouse belongs to drumline after lunch.”
“Dean, it’s fine. This is a large enough space for everyone,” Victor says, stepping up beside him. Dean shoots him a look, because he definitely doesn’t want to share anything with Castiel, let alone be in the same room.
“Yeah man, we don’t mind,” Ash chimes in.
Castiel nods gratefully. “Thank you. We’d prefer not to have to waste more time finding a new spot.”
Victor simply nods and leads the way to the other side of the fieldhouse, but Dean’s still standing in front of Castiel, glaring at him. He expects Castiel to give him a dirty look and turn away, but the bastard stands his ground, staring right back at Dean.
“Alright, alright. Put the rulers away, boys,” Jo says, nudging Dean to move.
Dean snickers under his breath as he turns away. “Hope you have a strong voice because it gets pretty loud in here.”
Dean keeps true to his promise. The snare drum can already be a loud sound, but he may or may not kick it up a notch just to make Castiel’s sectional that much closer to hell. He glances over at him every so often just to see if he’s getting under Castiel’s skin, but if he is, the guy doesn’t show it. Okay, maybe Dean’s also sneaking peeks at the way graceful way Castiel works his flag. The way he stops to help if any of the girls are struggling and the way he offers them encouraging smiles along the way.
God, he hates this guy so much.
Sectionals couldn’t end soon enough – or far too soon? Regardless, it’s back out into the sweltering afternoon heat to join the rest of the band on the practice field. Guard never shows up though, which is more than fine with Dean.
The days start to blur together. After the first couple days, band camp is pretty routine.
Wake up at seven. Get him and Sammy to school by 7:45 because in band, early is on time and on time is late. Spend just about an hour in basics block. Spend the remaining time learning new drill. Guard joins them occasionally. Lunch at twelve. Sectionals at one. Then for the last two-ish hours, they review the drill learned in the morning with instruments, even if they don’t play. Guard always joins them.
Just as it’s guaranteed for Crowley to yell and push everyone to a near breaking point every day, the same goes for Dean and Castiel sassing each other. If Dean’s standing bored on his dot with his snare while Crowley’s focused on a different section of the field and his friends are too far away to goof off with, he’ll lazily twirl his sticks or toss them in the air. He completely blames the heat for when one fumbles out of his hand and with a groan, he has to either awkwardly crouch to pick it up or duck out of his harness, which he’s almost always too lazy to do. Somehow, Castiel is always nearby when it happens. The bastard is never shy to point out when Dean drops something. What’s even more annoying is that Dean’s never seen Cas drop his flag to return the sentiment.
The way Dean gets his jabs in is when Cas misses his dot and nearly collides with someone or screws up the form of the set. These include but aren’t limited to: “Hey, at least you’re only one yard line off of your dot. Hopefully you’ll get it by the end of the season”, or “I don’t know man, I think you forgot to point your toes that time”, plus countless others. They both get creative with their jabs.
No one seems to know what to make of their quips at each other, but they’re smart enough not to get in the middle of it. Michael, the head drum major, was the only one who stepped in to tell them to shut up when they started getting especially spirited with each other.
Dean thinks there’s no way he can hate Castiel any more than he already does until he’s proven wrong on day five.
It’s unbearably hot today, the weather supposedly spiking to mid-90s. The heat never stops Crowley from keeping them outside though. Given that the outside is practically an oven slowly baking them all to their deaths, some of the girls are marching in sports bras while guys are bare chested all together. Dean’s tempted to follow suit, but he’s not one to flaunt his body. Instead, he spends the next water break pouring one of his extra water bottles over his head, the cold drops rolling down his back before getting soaked up by his shirt. It’s actually better because the fabric clings to his body and it’ll take longer for the sun to suck away his chilled relief. It especially feels nice when he runs his fingers through his hair, the cool droplets finding their way to his scalp and cooling where the sun’s been beating down all day.
“Looks like you got an audience, Chief,” Benny murmurs to him. Dean furrows his eyebrows, following Benny’s subtle eye flicker until he reaches the source, which happen to be blue eyes that instantly dart away. Dean’s heart stutters because what the hell? Was Cas just staring at him?
Dean scoffs. “Please. Cas thinks he’s too good to even look my way.”
Benny raises an eyebrow. “Cas, huh?”
He waves his hand dismissively, trying not to blush. “Castiel, whatever. That’s not the point.”
Benny snickers under his breath and goes back to talking about their plans tonight to gather their friends and head to The Roadhouse, which is the bar run by Jo’s mother, Ellen. They’re obviously not allowed to drink, but nothing can beat Ellen’s burgers and milkshakes. Dean’s having a little trouble paying attention to the conversation though, which Charlie, Jo, Sam and Kevin have chimed in to. His focus keeps slipping away to peek over at Cas – Castiel.
Looks like some of the guard, mostly upperclassmen, brought out their rifles today. Like the rest of the band, they’re all lounging on the sideline, drinking water and chatting with each other. All except Castiel and Meg, a senior who Dean’s never been too fond of. Her favorite pastime seems to be getting under his skin and flirting with him just because she knows it annoys him. But he’s noticed her taking quite a liking to Cas.
They’re both standing, Meg doing lazy drop spins while Cas does some small tosses; singles and doubles. Meg is talking to Cas while he does it, sometimes resulting in a smile or a roll of his eyes. He keeps using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face in between tosses before he finally sheds the thing, which has Dean nearly choking on the breath he inhales. Thankfully, Jo’s too busy teasing Kevin about being in pit and not having to march while Charlie and Benny are butting heads on whose freshmen are better; the flutes or the trombones. And it seems Jess snuck over to occupy Sam’s attention. No one notices the way Dean has to cough a few times to regain his breath because holy shit, Cas’ body is fucking toned.
Dean’s seen how Cas’ muscles move and shift under his clothes when he stretches and practices his flag work, but there’s no way he could’ve imagined the sight in front of him now. And god, those loose shorts are laying all sorts of low on his hips and it has Dean already half hard in his ‘booty’ shorts, as Sam so kindly referred to them this morning.
To make matters worse, Meg pauses her drop spins to sidle up to him, leaning in close to whisper in Cas’ ear. Castiel looks confused at whatever she says, but a small spark ignites in his expression and he nods. Stepping back, Cas quickly stretches out his arms and rolls his shoulders, taking a few deep breaths.
And so begins the tosses.
He starts off with a single. Then a double. Followed by a triple. Meanwhile, Meg is calling out the numbers, attracting the attention of everyone else. She keeps counting, others starting to join in as Cas tosses a four, a five. Six. Fucking seven. And the fucker nails them all flawlessly! He catches with a strong grip, the strap of the rifle slapping all too appealing between his steady hand and the solid, taped up wood.
“Come on, Clarence. Show us the eight,” Meg crows, arms crossed over her chest with that typical smirk set on her lips. Dean may not be in guard, but he’s dated enough guard girls to know that being able to throw an eight is an impressive accomplishment. Castiel grins, and for a fleeting second, Dean thinks their eyes meet before Cas is bending his knees, pointing the nose of the rifle downwards before letting it sail into the air. It’s as if the whole band stops to hold its breath as they silently count the spins against the glaring sun. All too quickly, the weapon lands solid in Castiel’s waiting hands. Not even a fucking stumble.
Cheers and whistles break out from the group, Charlie being one of the louder ones which is irritating. So much for loyalty. Dean rips his gaze away, his skin getting hot with annoyance and okay, how can anyone not get hot and bothered by that? But the fact that he’s so turned on makes him hate Castiel Novak that much more.
“Fucking show off,” Dean mumbles under his breath before downing more of his water. Benny catches the comment and gives him a look but Dean ignores it. He’s never been so happy to hear Crowley’s grating voice yell for everyone to get set.
The weekend goes by way too quick. The last two days of band camp are always the worst because now’s the point where it gets old standing out in the sun for nearly eight hours a day. Everyone is exhausted. Everyone is sunburned. Everyone is tired of listening to Crowley’s stupid voice demean and order them around.
Dean was able to push Cas’ little stunt from his mind over the weekend, but that all goes away when he sees him again on Monday. He finds himself getting more distracted when guard joins them on the practice field. Well, only by one guard member in particular. Dean only gets more pissed off when it causes him to miss his dot or, being the lead snare, fuck up the tempo because his eyes aren’t on any of the four drum majors. Gabriel teases him for the musical disaster, but Michael, Luke and Raphael are less than pleased. Not to mention Crowley and even Chuck is looking annoyed at his fuck ups. As a result, Dean catches himself taking out his anger by launching harsher jabs at Cas in their usual back and forth exchanges that even Cas starts to look pissed.
Tuesday, the last day, Dean spends fighting hard to stay focused and decides to ignore Cas all together. It works out well for him, actually. He has a good time with his friends, most of whom are seniors like him, and is able to call the last day a success. In fact, Dean’s really bummed about it being his last day of band camp. As much as he hates it sometimes, he loves it. He met his friends here. He made memories here.
To hold onto it just a little bit longer, he offers to cart the drum major’s podiums inside and help pit wheel in the percussion instruments. He promises his friends that he’ll catch up with them to celebrate their last day after he’s done and allows Sam to drive home with Jess and her mom. By the time Dean’s done putting away all the equipment and organizing the drums, nearly everyone is gone.
Dean takes a moment to smile at the empty band room, officially saying his goodbyes to band camp before heading out the door. He stops when he sees Cas a little ways down the sidewalk, phone pressed to his ear, body tensed and his tone doesn’t sound too happy.
“I’ve been waiting an hour. I need you to pick me up –No, Gabriel can’t he – So what am I supposed to do? Walk home?”
Dean hesitates, unable to help tuning into the conversation. Does Cas not have a ride? Where’s Gabriel? He’s the one that always drove them to and from band camp. He snaps out of his wonderings when Cas sighs loudly.
“You know what? Don’t worry about me, Dad. I’ll figure it out myself.” With that, he hangs up and throws the phone onto his duffle bag, hand shaking as he runs it through his dark hair.
Fuck, this is Dean’s cue, isn’t it? Goddammit.
“Uh hey,” he begins, not wanting to startle him.
Cas doesn’t turn. “I’m not in the mood, Dean.”
Dean looks skyward. What cruel god is punishing him right now? Taking a small breath he looks back to Cas and approaches him slowly until he’s beside him, still keeping a fair amount of space between them.
“Do you, um, need a ride?”
Castiel finally looks at him, a scowl on his face. “Why? So you can hold this over my head? So you can tell everyone my father could care less if I’m stranded here? Just please, go away.”
Dean frowns. “Cas, I’m not-“
“I don’t want your help. Now just… just leave me alone.” Cas bends over, shoving his phone in the pocket of his duffle bag before slinging it over his shoulder, reaching down again for his rifle and flag. Dean rolls his eyes.
“Would you stop being a stubborn ass and let me drive you home?” Castiel hesitates although not without a glare, so Dean takes the opportunity to continue. “You’re exhausted and I bet that bag isn’t light by any means. The flag and rifle’s gonna get heavy real quick too. Not to mention your shoulders are burned and you’re probably dehydrated. So why don’t you put aside your pride for five seconds and accept the damn ride.”
Cas’ eyes soften for a moment, though he still doesn’t look happy, and gives a resigned nod.
Dean nods back.
When he reaches to for the flag to help carry some of the equipment, Cas brushes past him and towards the parking lot. Dean huffs but follows after, pointing out his car even though Cas already seemed like he knew which one it was. Well, it is kinda hard to miss Baby.
“Careful in shoving your crap in her. I better not find any dents or scratches,” Dean warns, to which Cas mutters something under his breath that he doesn’t catch.
Once they’re both in the Impala, Dean starts her up and pulls out of the school parking lot in the direction Cas said his neighborhood was. They sit in tense silence for several minutes before Dean can’t take it anymore.
“So where’s Gabriel?”
Cas keeps his eyes trained out the window. “He’s had a thing going on with Kali. She finally said yes to let him take her out for ice cream and he didn’t want me ‘cramping his style’.”
Dean can’t help but chuckle, oddly amused at hearing such a phrase come out of Cas’ mouth. The air quotes are more than apparent in his tone.
“I thought I saw Gabe trying to get with Kali. Didn’t know the guy would actually pull it off though. Kali has no tolerance for men. I would know.”
Castiel doesn’t respond and they’re plunged once again into tension and awkwardness. Dean’s about ready to throw himself out of the car if it didn’t mean Baby would get damaged in the process.
“Thank you.”
The two words take him off guard, Cas’ soft voice loud in the silence between them. Dean glances over, but Cas still isn’t looking at him.
“For what?”
Castiel rolls his eyes. “You know for what.”
Huh, guess that should’ve been obvious. “Oh. It’s no problem. You’re on the way home, actually.”
“Still. I know we don’t exactly get along well, so I appreciate you doing this.”
Dean snorts. “I’m not that much of a dick.”
Finally Cas looks over at him, eyes sparkling. “Would’ve had me fooled.”
“You’re one to talk. You’re not exactly a picnic either, Cas,” Dean fires back, but unlike the other times they’ve teased each other, it lacks any real heat. Castiel furrows his brows, eyes turning curious and Dean can tell there’s a question perched on those chapped lips, but it’s never asked.
“I apologize for the way we met. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about your intentions,” he says, looking down at his hands. “It’s just that I heard all about Dean Winchester from the girls and they were all so sure you’d try your flirtations on me. I shouldn’t have assumed anything before judging you myself.”
Dean blushes because, well, Cas isn’t wrong. He had every intention of going over there to flirt and he just got pissy for being called out and rejected. “No, it’s okay. To be honest, they were right.” He can see the way Cas’ gaze snaps back to him, but Dean keeps his eyes on the road. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore, though. I’m not interested,” he adds quickly, a lump forming in his throat as the voice in his head screams at him for being a damn liar. But he’s not about to take a second rejection from Cas, especially now that it feels more personal between them.
“Oh.” Cas looks away, slumping a little against the seat. Probably out of relief. “That’s… good.”
Dean forces himself not to look over as he turns onto Cas’ street. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry too. For the way I acted.”
“I forgive you,” Cas tells him quietly before pointing ahead. “It’s up there – the third house before the stop sign.”
Dean nods and pulls into the driveway, a question gnawing at his stomach. He’s not sure where he and Cas stand. Sure, they apologized, but this doesn’t exactly make them friends. Hell, they could show up at the next band rehearsal and act like this whole conversation never happened. Maybe even revert back to their old ways. Dean would hate for that to happen because whether he’s happy with it or not, he likes Cas. He’d much rather get to know the guy rather than fight with him.
When Dean parks the car, Cas thanks him one last time before moving to get out.
“Cas, wait.” Damn his traitorous mouth.
Castiel looks over his shoulder, tongue ghosting out to lick his lips before answering. “Yes?”
“I, um…” Fuck, why did he do this? “A group of us are heading to The Roadhouse tonight to celebrate the seniors’ last day of band camp. I know you’re still new to the band, but you’re a senior too. You’re welcome to join us. And if you need a ride…”
The question hangs in the air, and there are conflicting emotions flickering across Cas’ face that are sending Dean’s heart into a frantic tantrum. Why did he have to open his big mouth?
“I appreciate the offer, Dean, but I don’t want your pity.”
Dean feels like the air gets punched out of him. “This isn’t a pity invite, Cas. Not at all.”
Cas still looks unsure but smiles nonetheless. “Thank you, but I’m going to have to decline this time.”
Disappointment is bitter in Dean’s stomach. “Okay. You know where we’ll be if you change your mind.”
They stare at each other for a moment, and Dean almost thinks Cas will say yes right then before he pushes the door open, getting out to grab his things from the back seat. When he passes by rolled down passenger window, Cas pauses to make eye contact with Dean.
“Goodbye, Dean. And thank you again for the ride.”
Dean nods, giving him a small wave. “See ya, Cas.”
With that, Castiel makes his way up the driveway and into his house. Dean waits until he’s inside before backing out and heading home.
God, he’s completely and utterly fucked. All because of Castiel Novak.
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appleschloss · 7 years
My friend, @princesscas just hit 10k followers recently and I’m soooo proud of her and I wanted to make something but I didn’t even know what to make.
And then this came to mind. SO.
Just for you, to celebrate, here are some random and semi-crack headcanon/AUs!
(all Destiel mind you)
(this is kinda long so under the cut)
-Furry AU! 
Where Cas is a fuckin adorable ass, famous Fursona who goes to tons of cons and no one knows who he is and Dean went to like a Comic Con deal with Sam (this is like normal verse so no demons) and Cas is there and he’s like, intrigued, never seen a furry before. For some reason (insert reason here) Sam knows of him, cause maybe Sam’s gone to like anime cons and gaming cons with Jess and Dean ends up like idk. END GOAL = they date and Dean is Cas’s handler and Cas always acts hella cute around dean.
They’re cats. All of them. Nothing changes beside that everyone is cats.
-Check, Please!AU 
   **Dean = Jack
   **Sam = Shitty (they are separated at birth - JUST DONT QUESTION IT)
   **Bobby = Coach Murray (or other Coach)
   **John = Bad Bob (badass best hockey player ever)
   **Mary - Alicia (obvi - probs played women’s hockey before. Badass actress/model)
   **Cas - Bitty (how fuckin cute am i right)
   **Jess/Jody - Lardo (either go with Shardo ship or like more personality based????)
   **Kevin - Ransom
   **Charlier - Holster (we’re ignoring genders here. Also bros for life)
   **Crowley - Dex (cause he’s usually kinda high strung)
   **Gabe - Nursey (cause he’s chill) (also he and Crowley would totes fight)
   **Chuck - John Johnson
   **Garth - Chowder
   **Benny - Tater
   **Michael - Kent Parson
   **Luci - Fry Guy
((I warned you that some of these were crack. I ACTUALLY LIKE HAD TO REARRANGE THAT THO))
-Transformers AU
Dean and Sam are like Sam Witwicky (maybe they’re twins. Or they just, alter the plot of the 2007 movie to two people) and Cas is Bumblebee and Bobby is Optimus Prime aaand Crowley is Megatron and Gabe is Jazz (cause Jazz dies xD) Chuck is the AllSpark ummmm Ruby is Bone Crusher and Lillith is Star Scream aaand Garth is Ratchet and ummm Samuel Campbell is Iron Hide
(is it bad that I didn’t have to look up any of those? like the Transformer characters)
   Cas is Bella. Dean is Edward. Idek about the rest. Bobby is probably Carlisle. Who would Jacob be? Maybe Crowley?
-Craigslist!Modelling Job AU
Dean is at a party with Charlie and Benny and a few other friends and they play Truth or Dare (”Guys, this is college. Why are we playing this?” - Kevin “Because it’s fun! Or are you just chicken?” -Charlie)
Dean gets dared to accept one random ad on craigslist. Charlie takes him to a random page.
This is the ad that catches his eye.
“Need a model. class project. i can’t pay much but i can get you pizza and drinks.”
Cas is the photographer. It actually is for a class project. Cas doesnt act flustered but he’s totally blushing during the shoot. Dean gives him his number. You know what happens next.
   Cas goes to Gabe’s bachelor party and Dean is a stripper and gives Cas a lap dance and Cas was like so against coming to here cause he’s a Good Boy™ but he gets so like turned on and hot damn Dean is sexy.
Dean slips Cas his number and they go on a cute coffee date and Cas just like isn’t sure how to act because “I’ve seen you naked already?? And you totally knew I had a boner?? What are we??”
Cas is Michael. Dean is Trevor.
Bam. Best AU.
Cas is a cute ass blogger who does random collabs and travelling videos and occasionally does silly cooking stuff. His fans love him because of how genuine and like happy and smiley and just a really sweet guy. Does lots of charity work. His best friend Charlie is on sometimes, and his brother Gabe is in sometimes too when he comes for visits he loves to hop into the background and be like “YOU BETTER KEEP THIS IN THE FINAL CUT.”
Dean wanted to record him rebuilding Baby from the ground up one time and Sam edited it and made it more like a timelapse and told him he should put it on YouTube, so he did, for shits and giggles, and people really liked it. So now he does timelapses of him deconstructing and cleaning/reconstructing guns. As well as cars and other mechanical work. He’s done a few tutorials and Q&A’s. He also has a second channel, that he didn’t tell him main channel about, where he posts videos of him playing the guitar and singing covers of his favorite songs. (He keeps his face out of them).
Cas and Dean probably meet at a VidCon and become good friends.
They start dating and don’t ever announce it, but the fandom ships it so hard because of how cute/flirty they were at the con. They start noticing that Cas is wearing what appear to be Dean’s shirts, and some fans are in denial, and they ask both questions but they always just shrug it off.
Until one time, Dean wanders into one of Cas’s vlogs in only flannel pajama pants, holding two mugs of coffee, and hands one to Cas, gives him a kiss on the cheek with a husky. “Morning sunshine.” 
They start posting cute ass couple pictures after it and its just so cute.
Dean is either a marksmen or a martial artist. I can’t decide. Gabe is a sports photographer and Cas is a professional ice skater and he follows Gabe to one of Dean’s things and they end up talking after cause Gabe is at his interview after (he won gold obvi) and Dean was like “I liked your routine.” and Cas is like “You know me???” and Dean says Sam always loved the ice sports and because of Sam he took a liking to ice skating and he skates sometimes but he thinks its really cool. (Sam is olympic volleyball player as a side note.) but they exchange numbers and hang out more and watch Sam play and its hella cute and they kiss.
Cas is a famous singer and Gabe is his quirky brother. Anna is his manager. Dean and Sam get hired as bodyguards. Dean and Cas hit it off and try *not* to date but they totally do.
Also Sabriel. 
They have to hire new bodyguards. Anna hates them. (not really, but she’s like “For real guys??”)
Jody gets hired. She’s badass. Charlie is Dean’s best friend and dying cause he is dating Cas, who she loves. Also Kevin is Sam’s and like is also jealous.
Bobby’s their adopted Dad.
(long ass name ik but this is a random fuckin idea i thought of years ago and will never do anything with so i’m going to do my best to explain it here and share it with you)
SO. Heaven and Hell went to war, the world got *wasted*. A lot of angels fell and so did demons and their powers have been like diminished. The world is a wasteland and divided into segments and the demons kind of run the place and segments. The angels hide.
Dean and Sam are reincarnated. There is minimal food in this world and because of things and whatever, everyone drinks blood of various degrees to stay alive. Like they dont need much, but they need it. (If you’re rich, you have a lot of blood. It does make you stronger, but you can be fine with minimal).
Blood is also a currency. Animal blood is included in this, but its worth less than human blood.
So. Dean and Sam lost their parents early on, and Dean has always been caring for/fending for Sam. He gets caught stealing books, which are like rare as fuck but he hated that no one was reading them and he felt they were being wasted. (He was going to return them. He was a quick reader. He didn’t think they’d even miss them)
Anyways. Sam goes to jail. The price to free him (cause either he’s a repeat offender or the demon is like Alistair/another demon who recognizes their souls and ups the price cause they can) is like 4/5 liters of blood. Human blood. Sam tells Dean not to pay for it, he’ll be fine, but Dean pays with his own blood of course (cause thats how the whole human blood thing works. Rich people can pay in other people that they own but like you pay in your own blood normally).
Dean is like hella weak after this and tells Sam he’s fine. He takes a day off of work but his arm (where he cut himself) gets infected and like he gets really pale and collapses a few days later. 
Sam packs up all of their stuff and takes them to a miracle healer he’d heard about through the rumor mill.
Surprise. It’s Cas. And Gabe is with him.
Cas freaks out, cause they thought Sam and Dean were dead. Gabe stops Cas from telling him, tho, and like they heal Dean and Dean gets like a frickin flashback while he’s unconscious and being healed of like his previous life.
Also they have a horse named Impala. It was their fathers and its like the only thing they really own besides their tiny shack.
At some point, they get their memories back. They become friends with Gabe and Cas and like, maybe find some of the other fallen angels, and potentially even Crowley and like, do something? That’s all though.
That was more than I thought it’d be. And some of them actually got serious lol.
I know it’s not a lot but I hope they made you smile and just, congrats Mandy! Happy 10k!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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contranymss · 7 years
001 dean/gordon and dean/alastair
when I started shipping it if I did: i don’t think i really knew what shipping was when i first saw season two. i think it was during one of my rewatches after i’d already joined the fandom on tumblr that i was like y e s
my thoughts: *screams uncontrollably*
What makes me happy about them: they had such an easy connection. dean had someone he could confide in, open up to. he seemed so keen to work with gordon. and gordon had someone who thought he was awesome and badass and who seemed to see the world like he did.
What makes me sad about them: Because of Gordon’s desire to kill Sam, Dean’s opinion of him kind of soured. ): Also there’s the whole death thing.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Gordon is almost always villainized in fic. He’s not even used as an awful ex, he’s just reduced to nothing but an evil son of a bitch that has little to nothing to do with who Gordon actually is. (And don’t even get me started on that prison AU that said it was Gordon/Dean/Victor that was not at all what I wanted/expected and left me feeling a little sick.) Beyond that, there’s pretty much nothing but sexy time fics for them. Which isn’t the worst thing, but it just kind of further shows that most people don’t give a shit about Gordon. He’s so much more than most fic writers make him out to be.
things I look for in fanfic: Showing that they have a connection. Giving them a relationship that’s about more than just sex. Also throwing in some references/allusions to John related things definitely won’t hurt. Also seeing a gentler side of Gordon, even just briefly. Because he’s not just sharp edges and hard angles. He’s human. Even after he was turned, he was still human. Just with a more black and white view of the world, and who had a hard time letting people in, or finding people that didn’t push him away.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: With Dean, it’s pretty obvious that I wouldn’t have a problem with him ending up with any number of people. With Gordon I?? Don’t??? Know???? Except maybe Kubrick.
My happily ever after for them: OH LORD. Okay, so, I’m not going to do like with Dean and Victor and go on this whole shpiel about how things could go if he didn’t die. Because with Gordon!!!! He’s in purgatory!!! I would have loved it if Dean had run into him there. I would have loved to see Dean’s reaction to Gordon being the one to save him from Leviathans in Purgatory, loved to see him grow to trust him even after everything they’d been through on earth, loved to see him remember why he’d grown so fond of him so quickly. Would have loved to see Dean defend him and his friendship with him from Sam. And if that could happen while still having Benny there, that’d be even better. Vampire boyfriends.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Most of the time, Dean is the little spoon, because it’s Dean and little spoon is his middle name. But there are times where Gordon just needs to be held man.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: OH GOSH. They love researching and figuring things out for cases together. And talking about lore and nerding out about classic ghost stories and legends about old hunters. They’re mega nerds who are spectacular at their job and it’s great. OH GOSH CAN YOU IMAGINE the two of them being at some hunter bar or something and being ogled at by other hunters like do you know who those two are? because we all know the Winchesters are legen-wait for it, hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the second part is-dary, but people often forget that there were multiple times when Gordon was touted as an amazing badass hunter, and, like, the vamp in Fresh Blood even referred to him as one of the greatest living vampire hunters. So.
when I started shipping it if I did: who even knows
my thoughts: their dynamic is one of the most fascinating on the show and we were robbed of a proper resolution
What makes me happy about them: alastair’s fav protege :DDDDDDDD fucking amazing actinggggggggg and they very briefly dealt with dean’s hell experience. briefly.
What makes me sad about them: WE WERE ROBBER OF A PROPER RESOLUTION
things done in fanfic that annoys me: very few people write alastair well. i mean, in their defense, it’s pretty damn difficult, but it’s still disappointing. also the fact that he’s usually just reduced to, big shock, a shitty ex. (but tbh if you’re going to give dean a shitty ex and it’s a character from canon, there are choices that would piss me off more.)
things I look for in fanfic: OH GOD I DON’T EVEN KNOW. There are things I look for in fic with the two of them, but I don’t really know how to put it into words. I just know when I’ve found it. I have a very specific idea of their warped relationship in my head. And it also depends on if we’re talking hell fic, post-hell, or just a straight up au. If you want a vague idea of my thoughts on them in image and quote form, check out my Dean/Alastair aesthetic blog, @deanalastair.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Again, anyone with Dean. But also like.......I don’t want them to end up together together. I just like their dynamic super bunches.
My happily ever after for them: Dean getting to kill Alastair :D
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I can’t picture them spooning. Alastair carving out Dean’s innards and climbing inside his hollowed out husk Tauntaun style? Maybe. Cuddling? Not so much.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Alastair used to love watching Dean tear the still beating hearts out of souls in hell, but then that feather brained dickface had to go ruin it.
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