#what the fuck is his full name....
sapphiim · 11 months
cecilus really is tappei being like. what if i just made a menace. an annoying little guy. and i love him so much
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can't wait to see him again tomorrow! Tomorrow!!
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oh-no-its-bird · 6 days
The most important thing to remember while writing Obito is that he is a freak. You are legally obligated to have him say, think or do something that will make the reader go "hey obito what the fuck" every other paragraph. He is not allowed to be normal.
That goes double for any time he is anywhere near Kakashi, who is also a freak but in a different way, and who only makes Obito more insane
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lemongogo · 1 year
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sketch pile w these two losers (affectionate)
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miafeystits · 5 months
insane question probably but does anyone have like. a full list and/or analysis of all the times klavier refers to apollo in aa4. im trying to figure out how frequently he actually uses a nickname like "herr forehead" to refer to him vs his name or a title of some sort (for fic purposes). my instinct is to doubt he uses herr forehead in canon as much as he does in fic but i have No Evidence for this assumption and i simply dont have time to go through all the transcripts atm
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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Crassus, Caelius, Cicero, Catiline, Conspiracy
boy howdy these four sure are something. not featured in this soup of C names, Caesar! what on earth happened here.
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Plutarch, Crassus
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Sallust on Crassus, Ronald Syme
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Patron and Client, Father and Son in Cicero's "Pro Caelio"
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Crassus' New Friends and Pompey's Return, Eve J. Parrish
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Catullus and His World, T.P. Wiseman
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Cicero's Catilinarians, D.H. Berry
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
A compilation of my favourite Perc’ahlia lines because I’m such a sucker for them:
“She is my heart and my judgement and the future that I have chosen.” (Percy)
“Darling, take the mask off.” (Vex)
“Every time I thought I would sink, I would see your face- your face, the first time I truly lost control, and you told me to take off the mask.“ (Percy)
“You're a good person and you're not broken anymore. All right? We're filling each other's gaps. We'll be the glue.“ (Vex)
 “Never forget you’re my favourite.” (Percy)
“I’ve known a lot of people with money, and they are definitely not worth you.” (Percy)
“Nice shootin’, stud.” (Vex)
“You’ll have to amend that one name, just to be fair. It’s Lady Vex’ahlia. Lady Vex’ahlia, Baroness of the Third House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt.” (Percy)
“My heart is someone else’s.” (Vex)
“I should have told you: it’s yours.” (Vex)
“There was a hole in my heart, and I truly believe the only reason I didn't perish from it was because you were holding my heart so tightly. I thank the gods I gave it to you. It is yours, forever and always.“ (Vex)
“I just scream, I scream.” (Vex)
“I need you here now, I need you here.” (Percy)
“You still have a little blood behind your ear.” (Vex)
“But I don’t want to be here if you’re not. Whitestone still needs you, darling. I still need you here.“ (Vex)
“You’re far too wonderful for an idiot.“ (Percy)
“He’s married, to me, and I will cut you.” (Vex)
“You have given me a future I had cheaply sold away.“ (Percy)
“You allowed me to be a part of the thing that you hold dearest. And I was so proud.“ (Vex)
“Vex, I heard you. It was the only thing I heard.” (Percy)
“Were you going to fight the Raven Queen for me?” (Vex)
“I promise to walk into the future with you. I promise to build a family with you. And I promise to always be here for an adventure with you.“ (Percy)
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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pronouns are ha/hoo
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hayaku14 · 2 years
funniest thing about hakuba meeting shinichi is that he thinks, "a decent detective who also has appreciation for sherlock holmes? FINALLY someone who understands."
but then he quickly realizes that he's best friends with hattori hot-head heiji and for some reason he's dating kuroba the fucking menace kaito. of all the people to surround himself with, shinichi chose the two people on earth who gives hakuba the biggest headaches and i think that's fucking hilarious.
also hakuba going from "oh well at least kudou will keep kuroba in check" to "oh shit oh FUCK i was wrong, there's two of them now FUC K"
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badhellsiteaccount · 3 months
listen i am completely sane but if the next season does not feature Carmichael "idk maybe spain" Kayne every single episode i will go ten dollar mode.
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superhell · 1 year
house’s gun. and house’s sword. are both his father’s. something something there will always be an angry man in your house
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illithiddatingsim · 5 months
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…a little close there bud
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catboyidia · 9 months
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oh he is so much more than just fruity he is the whole damn produce aisle and i am so loving it
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colesstar · 9 months
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omg i love them sm its not okay
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mercury-prince · 8 months
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Thinking about Julian's little nicknacks. Ignore sloan.
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This one in paticular! who even is she!
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brother-emperors · 7 months
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The Art of Dreams: Reflections and Representations
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The Tomb of Caterina della Ratta and the Iconography of the Reclining Reader in Renaissance Sepulcharl Art, Yonni Ascher
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Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture, Harriet I Flower
okay so just. play connect the dots with me for a second. Girolamo Basso della Rovere is Giuliano della Rovere's (Pope Julius II) cousin. Ascanio Sforza was a long time rival, and later ex-enemy of Giiuliano's. this kind of familial mirroring in the tombs, the way that Ascanio is being subsumed into a matching visual with someone of della Rovere's family is. interesting. because it goes well beyond the expected patron-client relationship between the pope and his cardinals. like, these were companion monuments.
there's also a kind of tragic romantic violence to it, given Ascanio's persistent loyalty to his family and Milan, and Ludovico's plans to have Ascanio's body brought back to Milan in the event of his death and interred in the same chapel as Beatrice d'Este.
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