#what was exactly the reason for Buck to look at Eddie’s lips in such way?
renecdote · 1 year
Idk what this is but I couldn’t sleep until I wrote it so enjoy.
Spoilers for 6x17.
“Prove it.”
Buck steps back automatically as Eddie pushes past him into the apartment. “Uh, what?”
“Prove I’m bad at dating,” Eddie says.
The front door clicks shut. Buck opens his mouth, then closes it, then opens it again.
“I’m pretty sure that’s something you have to prove, Eds,” he says, feeling a little like he has woken up on a rapidly sinking raft in the middle of the ocean with no idea how he got there.
Eddie nods, like Buck has said something smart and rational and thought-provoking. Then he says, “We’re going out.”
“Wait, what?”
“You want me to prove I can date, right?” Eddie asks, eyebrows raised. “So dress for a date.”
“I don’t—it doesn’t count if it’s me,” Buck splutters, scrambling for anything that might keep his head above water while his imaginary raft splinters into a thousand tiny pieces.
Eddie just shrugs. “Why not?”
Because I’m already in love with you.
Buck is halfway through “because I—” when the rest of that knee-jerk thought catches up with him and he freezes. Oh. Oh, fuck.
“You don’t have plans, do you?” Eddie asks, looking around the empty apartment, uncertain for the first time since he walked in.
Buck swallows. He’s pretty sure he has a crisis he needs to schedule about being in love with his best friend, but. “No. No plans.”
Eddie smiles. God, Buck is so fucked, how did he not notice how gorgeous Eddie’s smile is before? Sure, he may have thought about how kissable his lips look once or twice, and how good his ass looks in those jeans, and the way his muscles flex under his sleeves, but—how did he not notice how warm Eddie’s smile makes him feel?
“Great,” Eddie says, all easy confidence again, his keys jingling in his hand. “We’ve got a reservation for seven.”
He says it like he already knew Buck would say yes and Buck—Buck can’t think of a reason why Eddie wouldn’t know that. He can’t think of any way that Eddie doesn’t know him.
“You better have booked somewhere nice,” he says, and it’s a joke, but he already knows that Eddie would have. “I’m not a cheap date.”
Eddie laughs, like he already knows exactly what kind of date Buck is. It should be one thing that Eddie doesn’t know, but Buck can’t think of a reason why he wouldn’t know that as well.
“Trust me,” Eddie says. “You’ll love it.”
Buck does trust him. Maybe a little too much sometimes. This is either going to be awkward and terrible and he’s going to end up with his heart broken, or it’s going to be the best date of his life and his heart will still end up broken.
“I look forward to being wooed,” he says, smiling at Eddie. And when Eddie smiles back like that, warm and soft and just for Buck, he can almost believe the night won’t hurt.
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prettyboybuckley · 2 months
seven sentences sunday
tagged by the lovely @rogerzsteven 🥰 this is a lot more than seven sentences, but I think I'm allowed after all the Sundays I've missed 🙈 also, would I be me if I didn't use this new storyline as an opportunity to write a threesome fic? Buck comes out to Eddie and tells him about his relationship with Tommy over dinner with both of them. What happens when Eddie reveals that during all his therapy, he figured out that he isn't straight either? "In theory", at least, according to Eddie.
"So, does this change anything?" Tommy asks as he diligently dries off the plates and glasses that Buck hands to him after washing them.
Buck pauses, torso half-turning towards Tommy as he looks at him. "What exactly?"
"Eddie being- Eddie being queer."
Tommy isn't stupid, and he knows that he's said that before, but he'll say it again. He's seen the way those two act together, how they look at each other. The moment the words left Eddie's mouth, he'd kind of figured that it'd been fun, he'd helped Buck figure out his sexuality, and now these two knew about each other, and a few days from now Tommy is going to gently get dumped because Buck can be with his best friend.
He needed to ask.
Buck blinks, tilts his head a bit as if he's thinking, but he doesn't look away, except for a quick glance to the stairs. Eddie's voice as he talks to his son on the phone is drifting down from the loft.
"I don't know," he answers, and Tommy knows it's honest. It's also obvious that Buck knows what he means. "I do know that I don't want it to change anything between you and me. I know it's only been a month, but I really care about you, Tommy."
That wasn't was he was expecting. Buck sounds so earnest, though, and Tommy believes him, and it sparks hope.
"Okay," Tommy says, and he can't resist leaning in and kissing Buck, brief and gentle. "That's good, I like that, and I care about you too."
Buck has that soft, shy smile he often gets when Tommy kisses him like that, and it's a weight off his shoulders to know this isn't the end of them, at least not yet. Not all the weight, though.
"You know, you've been so good to me, and patient, helping me figure myself out and everything… I wish Eddie would have someone like that for him."
There is a tinge of sadness there, perhaps at the knowledge that by choosing Tommy — and god, is he really choosing Tommy? Or is he simply scared to choose Eddie? — that will not be him.
And for some reason, that is what puts an idea in Tommy's head. A crazy idea, bordering on insane, but-
He likes Eddie. Earlier today, he was thinking about how he'd have considered dating Eddie, if Buck hadn't been right there flirting with him, and if he'd thought he'd have a chance. Now he's thinking that maybe- maybe there is a possibility.
"What if it does change things? I mean, between the three of us, together?" he asks on a whim as Buck takes off those adorable dishwashing gloves, and Buck's head snaps in his direction. "What if we give Eddie that?"
It seems that Buck is picking up what he's putting down because his eyes widen and his gaze flickers over Tommy's shoulder to the loft and then back. Buck licks his lips, taking in a deep breath, and then he's nodding, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.
Tommy smiles back.
tagging: @monsterrae1 @saybiwithme @loserdiaz @bi-buckrights @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @princessfbi ✨
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
Inspiration Saturday
tagged by my beloved @daffi-990 more from enemies to lovers au I really recommend to put the song on
He takes the guitar, starts the recording of the instruments he made before, and pours his heart into the lyrics, making sure he sings it all, keeping the contact of his blue eyes with deep brown, tracking any change in Eddie's face.
I'm just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I am
Trying to trace my steps back here again, so many times
I'm just a speck inside your head, you came and made me who I am
I remember where it all began, so clearly
The first part is ending and Eddie smiles at him with big eyes being so bright and literally glowing, and Buck gets more confident to continue. He hopes it means Eddie sees him. Sees him in his way to try to open his heart for Eddie.
I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way
And you create in me, something I would've never seen
When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe, I hope that they see you and me
After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound
A strange type of chemistry, how you've become a part of me
And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire
You're the only one who knows, who I really am
The familiar weight of guitar in his hands and soothing in its simplicity and familiarity movements on the strings, calm him even more as he continues to look at Eddie and smile with his eyes. He feels as if he plays on the strings of his own heart, soothing it to the rhythm of the song from the mad rhythm that it has been performing since the moment Buck messaged Eddie asking him to come to him.
We all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are
We all wanna be somebody, we're willing to go but not that far
He really loves this part because it shows the real him. Real Buck no one can see. The boy who just wants to be found and know who he is and be loved.
With Eddie he feels it all. 
And we're all see through, just like glass
And we can shatter just as fast
That light's been burned out for a while, I still see it every time I pass
It was lost in the coldness of my mind, behind a box of reasons why
I never doubted it was there, just took a little time to find
And even when
Eddie bites his lip after this part, but he still has light in his eyes and Buck lets him go deeper into his mind to analyze what this song means for him. About who he sings.
I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way
And you create in me, something I would've never seen
When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe I hope that they see you and me
After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound
A strange type of chemistry, and you've become a part of me
And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire
You're the only one who knows, who I really am
His most favorite part. Part where he talks about how important Eddie is for him. Eddie showed him so much about himself even before they were friends but after he let Buck see he can be real without fear.
Eddie is a part of Buck, one of the best parts and he loves it.
Eddie still bites his lip,and even for a second drops his eyes from him, but Buck just is not reading into it as he needs to look at his hands for a second anyway.
tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @tizniz @buddieblr @icecreampotluck @puppyboybuckley @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @honestlyeddie @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @buck-coded @buddierights @monsterrae1 @mandzuking17 @sunshinediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings and anyone who wants to
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elvenisms · 1 year
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on my doorstep —; e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader [5.6k]
summary: An unexpected gift exchange between you and Eddie leads to an eventful Valentine's Day. 18+ MDNI
cw: smut, fluff, no use of y/n, mutual pining, best friends to lovers, first i love yous (':, sub!eddie if you squint, oral (female receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v (as always, don't do this), lovesick idiots and emotional sex.
author's note: getting this up literally ten minutes before valentine's day ends! woohoo! got carried away (as i often do), hope u like it. <3
February 10th, 1986
It was a somewhat chilly day in Hawkins, the wind whipping around dead leaves that hadn’t yet been raked, the trees prickly and barren. Forest Hills looked its best like this, you thought; you were never one for hot summer days, or freezing winter nights.
Inside your trailer, Nancy was pouring a cup of coffee, wearing a matching set of pajamas that was oh-so her. That alone made her look more put together than you or Robin, clad in baggy, mismatched sweats. 
“What time do you work, Robs?” You asked mid-yawn, blankets pooling around where you sat on the couch.
She frowned beside you, squeezed her eyes shut, and threw her head back dramatically. “Don’t remind me.”
“Can’t Steve cover for you?” Nancy rounded the corner with two steaming cups, handing them off to the two of you. “He kinda owes you. You covered for him for that date last week.”
“That is a great observation.” Robin pointed a finger at the girl, as if she’d forgotten. “I’ll call him.”
Knock, knock, knock. All three of your heads flew to the door, then back at each other, brows furrowed. 
“Expecting someone?” Nancy asked, and you shook your head in response.
Curious, you threw the blankets off of you, cradling your cup of coffee as you approached the door. Maybe the kids skipped school, had some adventure planned? Maybe Eddie was bored?
You unlocked it, then swung it open—no one was there.
You looked down, confused, and were met with a sea of red; a bouquet of roses, neatly organized inside a vase, sat on your porch. On top, a small note with your name written on it. 
Your jaw dropped slightly in shock. You’d almost forgotten that Valentine’s Day was fast approaching, and certainly didn’t anticipate getting any gifts. You’d been single for almost a year, and not exactly searching.
No reason, really. It just never felt right.
You picked up the bouquet, wide eyes scanning the park for any sign of who dropped it off, but you didn’t see a thing. 
When you turned around, Robin almost spat out her coffee. Nancy had a huge grin on her face. 
“Do you have a secret admirer?” She teased, but it was full of love.
“Not that I know of,” You sat the vase down on the table between the three of you. It really was beautiful. “But this definitely has my name on it.”
“Five bucks says I know who that’s from.” Robin raised her eyebrows, staring sheepishly over her mug. 
“I don’t think I’ll take that bet,” Nancy was still grinning her face off. “I think I know, too.”
You were even more confused now. You looked between them, expectant.
“ItsobviouslyEddie,” Robin spat out, then threw a hand against her mouth. Nancy rolled her eyes. 
“You could’ve given her, like, more than half a second to figure it ou—”
“What?” You interrupted, incredulous. “Why would… Eddie’s my best friend, you guys. It’s not—it’s not like that.”
It wasn’t like that; you just spent a lot of time together. Sometimes you watched movies, and fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms. Sometimes you’d go to his shows, watch him play guitar, and bite your lip so hard it bled. Sometimes you had… questionable dreams about him. 
Okay, maybe it was like that. But not for him.
The two girls were looking at you like you just failed a polygraph test. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” You grumbled, setting your coffee down on the table. “He doesn’t feel that way about me, okay? That’s not even his handwriting. It’s way too nice.”
Robin rose from the couch. “Whatever you say, chica,” She headed for the phone, eyeing you as she went. “I’m gonna call Steve.”
You looked to Nancy, who simply shrugged with a knowing smile, then back to the flowers. It wasn’t Eddie. It couldn’t be.
But what if it was?
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
February 11th, 1986
“I think I blew it.”
Eddie’s elbows rested on Steve’s kitchen counter, face buried in his hands. The house was empty, per usual, which Eddie always thought was insane—he wondered what it was like to have money for a place like this, let alone have it and never be in it.
“Oh please,” Steve had a mouth full of cereal, sitting a few feet away at the dining table. “What the hell are you talking about? You got her flowers. Girls love flowers.”
“She’s not just a girl.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, man. She’s a goddess, she hung the moon, she changed your life.” He gestured with his hand, rattling off the painstakingly cheesy things Eddie had said before. “Whatever, she loves flowers. Stop stressing.”
To anyone else, Steve might’ve looked like an asshole for dealing with Eddie’s anguish so casually. In reality, he quite appreciated it. Someone had to keep him grounded.
“Do you think she knows it’s me?” Eddie’s face finally left his hands, looking at his friend with a concerned expression.
“Doesn’t matter if she knows it’s you.” Steve pointed his spoon at him. “She hopes it’s you.”
“And how do we know that?”
“You know nothing, clearly.” Steve got up, carrying his empty bowl to the sink. Eddie rolled his eyes theatrically. “I, however, see how she looks at you when you’re together.”
Eddie’s heart did a little flip inside his chest. He wanted to believe that, he really did—but he doubted the words. “How… how does she look at me, then?”
Steve shrugged. “Sometimes like she wants to kiss you,” He spun on his heel, landing right across from where Eddie sat. “Sometimes like she wants to eat you.”
He swallowed harshly.
In the year that Eddie had known you, he’d been gone on you. Like, the whole time. It only got worse as you became better friends.
You’d help him study, insistent that he finally graduated, but his mind went fuzzy at your bare thighs, your floral perfume, the heat of your skin hovering just beside his. When he knew you were coming to his shows, he’d get indescribably nervous, petrified of embarrassing himself, despite knowing you probably couldn’t care less.
He thanked God he’d never seen or heard about you with another guy; at the same time, it was a little unbelievable. Hence, Steve had finally convinced him to do something—anything—remotely indicative of his feelings. 
Flowers. A good way to test the waters, Eddie thought, without giving himself away. 
After another thirty minutes of crisis-control, Steve drove him home. The boy gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, Ed, seriously.”
He appreciated it, though it did nothing to quell his anxiety. With a nod and a weak smile, he opened the passenger-side door, making toward his trailer.
He glanced at your place as he passed it. Just two days ago, it would’ve been so easy to knock on your door, ask to hang out. It suddenly felt impossible—perhaps because he was no longer shoving his feelings for you to the wayside. He’d made a move. Maybe he’d ruined everything between the two of you.
Mind racing, he treaded up his steps, nearly crushing what laid in front of his door.
A box of chocolates.
His whole body froze, staring at them wide-eyed. Slowly, he bent down, noticing a note stuck between the ribbon. Eds.
Not Eddie, not Ed… Eds.
The nickname he’d heard fall from your sweet lips a thousand times, and hoped he’d hear a thousand more. His heart thumped wildly.
He snatched the box, free hand digging through his pocket for his key, desperate to get inside before he passed away on the spot. He rushed to the couch, studying the note with gentle hands.
All it said was his name. But right now, it felt worthy of a golden frame, a tourist attraction—as if it were the eighth wonder of the world.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
February 12th, 1986
Despite the fact that you still questioned whether or not the roses were from Eddie, today was the fourth day in a row you hadn’t heard from him. No calls, no drop in visits—it was highly unusual. 
It was also a very good sign that it was, in fact, him. 
You hadn’t been able to focus on anything, especially since you dropped the chocolates off at his door. If he wasn’t your so-called ‘secret admirer’, you would have to explain all of this somehow. Well, I thought it was you, because I kinda hoped it was you, and…
The thought made you shudder.
“Are you okay?” Max asked, shoving a pair of sunglasses on her head.
You snapped out of your trance, looking between her and El. “I—yeah, I’m good. Are you guys ready to go?”
The two girls had showed up on your doorstep this afternoon, all giggles and playful shoves, begging to be taken to Starcourt. They took advantage of the soft spot you had for them often.
Soon enough, your run-down car was pulling into the mall parking lot.
“Alright, two hours tops, okay? I’m on night shift tonight, I need enough time to go home and change clothes.” You put on your best parental voice, the three of you making your way toward the entrance. 
The girls nodded happily, just excited to have hitched a ride at all. “You sound like Steve.” El quipped, earning a laugh from the redhead.
It would be nice to do some window-shopping, you thought, to take your mind off of things, if that was at all possible. You just wanted an answer—you wanted to be certain it was him, stop the spiral into thinking you might lose your best friend over some candy. 
Something came over you just inside the mall, right as El and Max were about to split off.
“Max,” You blurted, and she looked at you questioningly. “Weird… Um, weird question. Have you seen Eddie lately? Like, in our neighborhood?”
“No, don’t think so.” She shook her head, then narrowed her eyes at you. “Why?”
“No reason.”
You really were a terrible liar. “Is he ignoring you?”
“No! I mean… yes, but—no, I don’t think so?” You bit your lip. Jesus Christ, way to keep it cool. 
A maniacal grin spread across Max’s face, gesturing for El, who was preoccupied by a display, to come over. “We’re hitting Orange Julius first, and you—” She jabbed a finger into your chest. “—are telling us everything.”
For fuck’s sake.
Within ten minutes, the three of you were sitting at a table, sucking down your frozen drinks. You quietly hoped the brain freeze would give you a stroke.
“Spill.” Max commanded, both girls clearly excited for some gossip.
Before saying a word, you sat down your cup, extending both pinkies. “First of all, this stays between us, alright?”
They each hooked a pinky with their own, and you nodded, satisfied. So much for keeping your mind off of it. 
“Two days ago, someone left flowers on my doorstep. And I… I hope it was Eddie, because I might’ve left chocolates on his doorstep yesterday.”
Both girls squealed, clutching each other in excitement. “But, like, I don’t know if it was him, guys.” You were quick to subdue it, putting a hand out in front of you.
“It totally was!” El chirped, and Max nodded, joining in. “You guys are, like, idiots in love.”
“We are not!” The blush on your cheeks told a much different story. “Okay, whatever. Four people have now told me it’s definitely him, so guess I have my answer.”
“You already knew the answer.” Max rolled her eyes, rising from her seat with El. “Now, go get him something nice, and we’ll meet you back here in an hour and a half.”
The two girls skipped away. You took a dramatic slurp of your Orange Julius. 
Fine, you decided, less stressing, more shopping. You couldn’t take back the chocolates, so there was no point in worrying about it—que sera, sera, or however that goes.
You roamed the mall for about forty-five minutes, making pit stops at your favorite places; you bumped into the girls at Afterthoughts, where they were taking a decision on friendship bracelets very seriously. You stopped into Spencer’s, a favorite of yours for band tees and silly knick knacks—you almost got something for Eddie there, but lava lamps and mugs didn’t seem meaningful enough.
Deciding you’d figure it out later, you began making your way back to the meeting point. A display, from out of the corner of your eye, stopped you in your tracks. 
You stared at it, eyes slightly glazed over. It felt insane that you were even considering it.
It felt even more insane when your feet developed a mind of your own, carrying you into the store, and back out with a small bag—which you promptly shoved in your purse. 
“Do my eyes deceive me? You guys are here early?” You teased, approaching Max and El at the table from earlier. They were each carrying a few bags.
“We work fast,” El smiled, scanning you. “Did you get something for Eddie?”
“No, but I will, don’t worry.” You lied, knowing if you didn’t, they’d pester you until you showed them. “Ready to head out?”
The three of you made your way back to the car. After dropping El off at Hop’s, you headed back to Forest Hills with Max. She rested her feet on the dash. 
The ride was quiet—probably due to the fact that your mind was anything but. The gift you’d picked up for Eddie was… ballsy, to say the least. You blamed your friends for these bouts of fleeting confidence, which ultimately ended in wanting to bang your head against a wall. 
You parked at your place. Max hopped out, bags in tow, and made off toward her trailer.
“Thanks again,” She shouted, then gave a little nod towards your front door. “Looks like you got another delivery.”
Your head whipped toward the doorstep, approaching it with an embarrassing amount of haste. There was another delivery. 
A copy of Flashdance. Your knees wavered.
Now you were certain it was Eddie; the first time you’d watched it together, you made him swear he wouldn’t tell anyone how much you loved it. Cheesy, romantic, dance films didn’t exactly fit your tough-girl image. 
As giddy and lightheaded as you felt right now, maybe they were starting to. 
Of course, there was a note attached. You grabbed it, eyes widening when it didn’t just say your name.
Will I be seeing you on the 14th?
No name, no signature. What a little shithead, you thought, cheeks sore from smiling so hard. You pressed both the tape and note into your chest, exhaling a shaky breath.
It was real now. Whatever part of you that still doubted Eddie’s feelings had vanished—and it left behind a mess of excitement, nerves, and anticipation.
You glanced down at your purse, having almost forgotten about what you bought. Your stomach flipped in anxiety.
One more gift.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
February 13th, 1986
Eddie missed you. Like, missed the hell out of you—which was embarrassing, considering it had been less than a week since you last hung out.
Despite being adamant he couldn’t give out anymore free rentals, Steve had scored him the copy of Flashdance. He was really just proud that Eddie hadn’t completely chickened out yet.  Quite frankly, so was Eddie.
Though, that note he’d left at your door got him pretty close to it.
What if you said no? Even worse, what if you said yes, somehow under the impression that this was some lighthearted, best friend thing? Eddie didn’t think you were that oblivious, but the worst case scenario was kind of his forté.
Dustin thumped him on the back of the head. “Stop thinking about it.”
“But I’m—”
“No, nope, zip.” The smaller boy closed his fingers in front of Eddie’s face. “You can think about it tomorrow, when she professes her undying love for you.”
Eddie glared at him. The audacity was outrageous. “What do you suggest I do, then?”
Dustin glanced around the trailer. He didn’t think he’d get this far.
“Um,” He scratched the back of his neck. “We can talk about Hellfire?”
Eddie groaned, leaning back into the couch. “Henderson, I love you, I really do—but for the first time in my life, I have more pressing things to think about than Dungeons and Dragons.”
Dustin didn’t take it personally. In fact, he understood. He’d been sent here by Steve to keep Eddie’s mind off of it, which was proving useless, so he caved.
“Alright, fine.” He sighed, taking a seat beside the long-haired boy. A loaded silence ensued.
Eventually, he looked at Eddie in earnest, the corners of his lips turning up. “You think she’s the one?”
Eddie studied him for a moment. He noted the sincerity in his expression. “Yeah.” He breathed, nodding softly. “I mean, shit, yeah, I really do.”
“I think she is too, man.” Dustin grinned, in the comforting way that was uniquely his. “I mean, your one, not my one.”
Eddie chuckled at that. He might’ve been the luckiest guy in Hawkins to have such great friends—even if some of them were fifteen years old. If he had you, too, he’d be some sort of walking miracle. 
“Let’s just hope—”
Knock, knock, knock. Eddie’s sentence stopped in its tracks. The two of them locked wide eyes, and Dustin broke out beaming like a schoolboy.
“Holy shit,” He giggled, watching as Eddie approached the front door slowly. “She has, like, superhuman instincts or something.”
Eddie’s hand gripped the handle, overcome by a wave of anticipation. Just beyond the worn wood, he’d find the answer to his question—a question which meant so much more than its face value.
Will I be seeing you on the 14th? Am I crazy for thinking I might? Do you want me how I’ve always wanted you?
He pulled the door open, eyes already trained to the ground. There laid a small piece of paper, liable to be blown away at any moment—he picked it up, hand shaking, heartbeat in his ears.
My place, tomorrow, 8pm. Last gift is here.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
February 14th, 1986
It was 7:45pm. You sat on your couch, leg bouncing, the faint sound of crickets penetrating your walls.
It was silly, really, to be so nervous—it was Eddie. You knew Eddie like the back of your hand.
His favorite songs, the way he’d fidget with his rings when he was nervous, the little noises he made in his sleep. You could almost smell his signature cologne, musky and warm, like a campfire at midnight. 
There were things you didn’t know.
You didn’t know the way his lips felt against yours. You’d long wondered whether he was a gentle or fiery lover; as much as you knew him, you still couldn’t tell.
Eddie, who’d once tended to a wound on your knee with delicate hands, wincing in sympathy whenever you did. Eddie, who was a passionate performer, owning every square inch of the stage with confidence. 
A knock at the door took the wind out of you. 
You stood up abruptly, smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles in your sweater, your skirt. You cursed yourself for not putting on some music, now acutely aware of the silence.
It was too late now. Fuck.
It was so much easier when it was flowers, movies, or flirty little notes on the other side of the door. You wondered if Eddie felt the same—terrified to knock and stay put, not scurry off and hide.
You clutched the doorknob, opening it slowly. Your eyes found each others’ in an instant.
He had on his leather jacket, typically reserved for shows, and a Judas Priest t-shirt. Like always, his knees showed through the holes in his jeans—a chain clipped to the belt loops. 
He was perfect. And even so, he looked nervous.
“Hey.” You said softly, like a deer in headlights.
He twisted one of his rings, eyes glued to yours. “Hi.”
It was so strange, you thought, how effortless it was before; a few innocent gifts had so drastically changed the air around you both. Some scrawled out notes brought a sea of unspoken feelings to the surface.
Instinctively, your arms reached out, pulling him into your home with a lingering hug. Despite being the root of your current anxiety, you craved his comfort.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” He breathed, like feeling you in his arms was a relief. Your face was buried in his shirt, taking in the scent. Like a campfire at midnight. 
After a long moment, you leaned back to look at him, his hand cradling the back of your head. You could feel his breath ghosting against your lips, chests rising and falling together.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie whispered, heartbeat drumming against you. 
Your limbs were numb. “Please.”
So, he did.
Every insecurity you had became ridiculously insignificant. The lack of music, the wrinkles in your clothes, the smudge in your eyeliner—they were like specks of dust on the Mona Lisa, because Eddie was fucking kissing you, and it felt like clicking the last piece into a ten-thousand piece puzzle.
He held you as if you were made of glass, gentle enough to bring tears to your eyes.
You finally parted, breathless, foreheads resting together. “Eds,” You murmured, hands beginning to wander, skimming over his shoulders, his chest. “I… I want to…”
“Me too.” He replied with a shaky breath, not needing you to finish the thought. “Promise me you’re sure. I’ll… shit, I’ll never forgive myself if I fuck this up.”
You won’t. You can’t. You never could.
“I’m sure.” You croaked, hands finally finding themselves in his curls. “I’ve been sure, Eds, for a year, since the moment I met y—”
He pressed his lips to yours, a different sort of passion within it. It was feverish, needy, tongues and teeth bumping into each other messily; his hands traveled down to your thighs, lifting you, and you wrapped your legs around him.
You hardly felt yourself move before you were being laid down on the soft surface of your bed. Your fingers stripped him of his jacket, tossing it off to the side, then moved to the hem of his shirt, embarrassingly eager to feel his skin against yours. 
Eddie held himself up with a forearm beside your head, his other hand clutching at the sweater over your waist, finally finding the courage to lift it off of you. Underneath it, intricate black lace—a sheer one-piece that left nothing to the imagination. 
He stopped kissing you. Not on purpose, but out of pure astonishment, eyes trailing your torso. 
“Is this…”
“Your last gift?” Your chest was heaving now, Eddie’s eyes warming your skin, but you managed a shy smile. “Yeah, it is.”
He sat up, bringing both large hands to delicately span your ribcage. Jesus Christ, the way he was looking at you was the best kind of absurd—like you were expensive, unattainable.
You felt the cold metal of his rings through the thin fabric, and it made you keen inadvertently. His eyes immediately flicked up to your face.
“You’re gonna kill me.” He shook his head lightly, utterly awestruck. “Like, really, I might not make it out of here alive.”
You giggled, and the smile rubbed off on him. “I might not either,” You reached out, hands slipping beneath his shirt, traversing the bare skin underneath. He shivered at the feeling. “So, let’s die happy.”
That must’ve ignited something in him, because he squeezed his eyes shut at the sound of it, wasting no time in pulling his shirt over his head. You hardly had time to appreciate the sight before he was on you again.
He nipped at your jaw, your hands making quick work of the button on his jeans; at the same time, his fingers tucked themselves in the edge of your skirt, gliding it off of you.
You tangled your fingers in his curls, as if it was the only thing keeping you from floating away. Only a few thin layers were left separating you.
“So perfect,” Eddie’s hands came to your shoulders, oh-so softly hooking the straps of the lingerie, sliding them down your arms. His breath warmed your neck. “This is beautiful, but you…” 
Your mouth opened and closed again, too overwhelmed by the praise to speak. You felt him drag the fabric down, an agonizing pace, until you were entirely exposed.
“You are everything to me.” He whispered, and there was a vulnerability behind it that made your heart swell.
Your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his boxers, and he gently clutched your wrist, stopping you. You made a small noise of protest. 
“Wait,” He murmured, pressing his lips to your neck, then your collarbone. His ringed fingers came up to cup one of your breasts, and your breath hitched when he kissed there, too. 
He continued downward, lips trailing your navel, pausing just above where you wanted him most. His dark eyes met yours, and Christ, he looked like an angel.
“Wanna take care of you.” He gripped your hips—not forcefully, but hard enough. “Can I?”
“Please.” You didn’t even know how he meant it. You didn’t care.
His hands found their way to the backs of your thighs, giving them a gentle push, putting your center on full display for him.
It had been so long since anyone had seen you like this, and now it was Eddie; as many times as you’d imagined this scenario, you never considered it could be a reality. You felt suddenly insecure.
His face couldn’t have told a more different story.
It was as if you’d bestowed God’s greatest gift upon him with your permission—you almost couldn’t be insecure. He was doe-eyed, slack jawed, a few stray curls hanging down in his face. Clearly the least of his concerns.
As you reached to brush them away, he leaned forward, softly swiping his tongue between your folds. It caught you off guard, back arching slightly. “Shit, Eds, yes.”
Your response was all he needed to continue, attaching his mouth to you again. You half expected it to be sloppy, fast, and eager; instead, he was methodical. His tongue circled your bud slowly, dipping down to your entrance every so often, wanting to taste everything you had to offer.
He was savoring every moment. And, fuck, you thought your soul might leave your body.
“G-God, shit,” You whined, no longer in control of what left your mouth. His hair was threaded in your knuckles, which you hadn’t even noticed until a particular swirl over your clit made you tug roughly on the strands—Eddie groaned against you, movements nearly faltering.
The vibrations were almost too much, let alone the fact that he liked his hair being pulled. You felt a finger tease your entrance, eliciting a gasp among your many moans, and it didn’t take long for him to sink it into you.
“Eddie,” It came out like a weak warning. The coldness of the ring on his knuckle met your most sensitive area, and you were gone. “Oh, fuck, Eddie, m’gonna—”
He curled it inside you and whimpered, sending your body alight.
You came as if you never had before. The combination of his mouth, his finger, the sounds he was making, his goddamn ring—it was euphoric, unlike anything you’d ever experienced, rendering you a babbling mess. 
He slowed down as you did, reading your body as if it were his favorite book. You thought he must’ve somehow read it a dozen times already. 
Appearing at your level again, Eddie caught his breath alongside you, his voice as soft as silk. “Was that… good?”
And for fuck’s sake, he was asking in earnest, like he really didn’t know whether he’d done well.
You huffed out an incredulous laugh, and it brought a smile to his face. Your hands came up to cradle his cheeks. “The best I’ve ever had, Eds.”
That did something to him—his eyelids fluttered shut, brow furrowing. It turned him on to hear he’d satisfied you. Which, in turn, made the ache between your legs apparent again. 
When you began to tug on the waistband of his boxers for a second time, he made no effort to stop you.
“Need you inside me,” It was more of a beg than a demand, barely audible, against his lips. 
Finally, every piece of clothing had been discarded. Feeling him rest against your core, heavy and throbbing, made you tremble. He was already on the brink of losing his composure. 
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He brushed the hair from your eyes, pressing a sweet kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Always. Gonna go slow, okay?”
Your heart turned inside your chest. Eddie knew it had been a while since you’d done this. You knew it has been awhile since he’d done this, too—and yet he pushed the nervousness aside, determined to be a rock for your comfort. 
You nodded, nosing against his cheek, feeling safer than you ever had before.
He lined himself up with you, pushing forward gently, tip breaching your wetness. It made your jaw fall open; the stretch was good, not painful, but you still needed the time to adjust.
He reacted similarly, his mouth open slightly, the muscles in his abdomen tensing. At the same time, his eyes scanned your face for any sign of discomfort.
When he was fully seated within you, you were already panting into each other's mouths. It felt like you were complete, not only physically, but emotionally—and you knew he felt it, too, though it remained unspoken. 
“Okay?” He whispered, dark orbs boring into your own.
Your body was covered in goosebumps. “Yes.”
He started to move, languidly pulling his hips back, pressing them into your own. You were desperate for each other, to feel each other; your passion didn’t choose to manifest in a rough, frenzied manner. Both of you needed to relish in every movement, every touch, every sound. 
It was overwhelmingly intimate.
His left hand found your own, lacing your fingers together, pressing it into the mattress beside your head. The other cupped your face, thumb resting on your bottom lip. 
You breathed out each other’s names, eyes locked. He was reaching the depths of you, brushing your sweet spot with every slow thrust, and it made a knot begin to form in your stomach. 
Your free hand found his hair, gripping it again, and he shuddered out a beautiful noise. “Baby,” He keened, and his hand left your face to hold your hip, pulling out farther, rolling in deeper.
“Me too.” You croaked. It was like you shared one mind, one body, no longer needing to say what it was you felt. You just knew. 
The air thickened around you, breaths becoming shorter, grips becoming tighter. A sheen of sweat covered both of your skin, fast approaching your climaxes.
“Eddie, I—” You were swept away, mind trying to force the words out, pleasure making it difficult. “I… I—”
“Tell me, baby.” He rasped, full of longing, like he hoped he already knew.
“—I love you,” It came out like a soft sob, every muscle in your body contracting.
He lost himself at that. A symphony of noises filled the small room, and you clung to him with everything you had, mind buzzing, body writhing instinctually. It was a feeling that deserved to be bottled, placed in a museum—complete and utter fulfillment, in every possible way. 
You weren’t sure how long the two of you laid there, heartbeats drumming against each other, trying to come back to earth. It could’ve been a minute, an hour.
Eventually, and probably for the best, your minds wandered back to you. Eddie gently backed away, just enough to pull out of you, and quickly enveloped you in his arms again. 
His chin rested on your shoulder, chest pressed to your back, both of you blissed out and fuzzy.
“By the way,” He spoke softly, arms tightening around your waist. “I love you, too. I should’ve said it earlier, but I was a little busy losing my absolute shit.”
You broke out into a laugh, the contradiction between his words and the current situation tickling you. He grinned widely into the skin of your neck. 
“Who wrote that note?” You turned towards him, mind running over the events of the last few days. “The first one, with my name. I didn’t believe Rob and Nance when they said it was you—the handwriting was too nice.”
His hand came up, stroking your hair lovingly. “Steve has girly handwriting. Usually I make fun of him for it, but it got me here, so maybe I’ll stop.”
You giggled at that, and jeez, you were sure the two of you looked like idiots in love right now—faces inches apart, delicate touches wherever you could reach, absolutely beaming. 
“For the record, I didn’t believe them either.” Eddie’s eyes explored your face. “Harrington, Henderson. I thought they were batshit, saying you were in love with me.”
You inched even closer to him. “Maybe we should start listening to our friends.”
“Let’s not be rash.” He joked, and you playfully pushed his chest. “But, yeah. They were right this time.”
There were a few moments of silence, the two of you taking each other in, biting back smiles. 
“I love you.” You said quickly, giddily. 
Eddie’s finger brushed your nose. “I love more.”
“See, that would be the case,” You began, faux seriousness painting your expression. “If I didn’t love you most.” 
He wagged a finger in your face, leaning in to pepper you with kisses, and continue waging a war that would never end. 
At the end of the day, three things were certain.
Firstly, you loved Eddie.
Secondly, Eddie loved you.
Thirdly, your friends were definitely going to regret encouraging you to tell each other those two things.
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diazsdimples · 7 days
"It makes my stomach churn!"+ Buddie
"It makes my stomach churn," Buck whines as he and Eddie wait in line for Space Mountain.
It's their first time at Disney together, and Buck had been a ball of excitement all day. They'd started off the day with some of the smaller rides, easing their way into it. Buck's never been particularly great with motion sickness - part of the reason why Eddie was skeptical about bringing him in the first place - but he'd sworn up and down that he would be fine.
Clearly, he was not fine.
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs.
"If it makes you feel sick then maybe we shouldn't ride it?" he suggests, perfectly aware of the answer that awaits him.
"But look how fun it looks!" Buck exclaims. The line shuffles forwards, bringing the two closer to the front and further away from the relative safety of the sidewalk.
Eddie runs a hand soothingly over the back of Buck's neck.
"Cleaning up your puke isn't fun, though," he points out. "And it's going to be even less fun if you throw up on me."
"Then I shall aim somewhere else,"
Eddie rolls his eyes but he can't hide the smile that is quirking at his lips. Buck's survived thus far, and there's a reason they've been hitting the rides before eating, but he's not exactly sure he wants to chance it.
"Alternatively, we could just call time of death on this one and go to It's a Small World instead?"
Buck quirks an eyebrow. Eddie has expressed his distaste for that song on a number of occasions, and had even banned it from the house when Buck taught Christopher all the words and terrorised the poor man with never-ending renditions. For him to suggest that as a plan of action, he must be desperate.
"Eddie, baby, I promise I'll be fine," he reassures, turning so they're facing one another and rubbing his hands over Eddie's lower arms. "Just this one ride, and then we can go do some tamer things,"
Eddie searches Buck's face for any sign that the other man is lying. He seems earnest enough, and while the nauseous look is still prominent, there is a certain determination in his eyes.
"Please," Buck adds. He leans in close to Eddie, their noses brushing, and lowers his voice to a whisper. "I'll let you fuck me in the shower when we get home,"
A thrill goes through Eddie at the thought, and he pulls Buck in for a brief, chaste kiss.
"Well why didn't you lead with that?"
Buck insists on sitting up the front, because of course he does, and Eddie's very glad he bought some of those plastic ponchos. The benches are wet, so they're going to have to change their pants as it is, but they're saved from being affected by the constant tidal waves of water that spill over the front of the log.
It's actually quite a nice ride, and Buck seems to be enjoying himself well enough. His knuckles aren't white as he holds onto the bar in front of them, and he's even got a smile on his face as he points out all the vaguely creepy animatrons on the side.
Unfortunately, it's the final big drop that proves to be his undoing.
Buck hates freefalls. Any kind of stomach drop and he's gone. It's part of the reason Eddie's never manged to convince him to go skydiving.
Buck is pale faced and tight lipped as they get off the ride, and he makes a fast beeline for the exit, Eddie losing sight of him for a moment.
He finds his boyfriend sitting on a bench not too far from the ride, lips pressed firmly together and breathing heavily through his nose.
"You good there, pal?" Eddie asks with probably a bit too much glee as he settles himself next to Buck.
Buck's jaw clenches as he swallows, and his face is so pinched and tight that it's a wonder the blood is still getting through to his cheeks.
"Just peachy,"
Eddie rubs his back in what he hopes is a soothing manner.
"You want some water or something?"
"No," Buck's answer is short and clipped. "I want to sit here and not move for a minute,"
Eddie's happy to wait, really. The sun's out, it's warm and pleasant, and the park is full of interesting characters milling about. It's a good opportunity for people watching. He fishes a container of mint's out of the front of their backpack and hands it to Buck, who quickly opens it and shoves his whole nose in, deeply breathing in the minty smell.
"You know, most people eat them, rather than sniff them," Eddie comments with amusement.
"Shut up or I'll throw up on you," comes Buck's muffled response.
Eddie holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Sniff away."
It takes another couple of minutes for Buck's stomach to calm down, during which time Eddie counts 5 annoyed looking husbands in matching tracksuits, 7 harried mothers with large broods of unruly children, and an endless stream of excited children running around like madmen.
"Feeling better?" Eddie asks as Buck stretches out, popping a mint in his mouth.
"Much. Shall we continue?"
Eddie looks at his watch. It's getting late and honestly, both his and Buck's energy is waning. He imagines Buck will only be able to stomach one more ride before things actually go pear shaped.
He rests his hand on Buck's arm, thumb moving back and forth in soothing motions. "How about we go pick up some dinner and go home. We've still got a few more hours until Christopher gets back from Pepa's, we could watch a movie or play a game or something,."
Buck visibly relaxes at the suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea," he agrees, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder. The relief is palpable in his voice, but Eddie knows Buck would never have been the one to say enough is enough. He wouldn't want to feel as though he was subtracting from Eddie's fun.
"Come on," Eddie says as he stands, offering his hand out to Buck. "Let's go find ourselves some dinner and go home."
Buck takes the offered hand and hauls himself to his feet, leaning against Eddie's side.
"Sounds like a plan."
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
silly boy
Tumblr media
eddie munson x gn!y/n
850 words
you pick eddie up from lockup and give him a good scolding
contains: lil angst, lil fluff, lil bit of hopper, est. relationship, pre-s3-4 tw: cursing, drug mention, jail mention, self-deprecation, scolding a/n: wanting to do more short n’ sweet lil drabbles cause they’re easier more fun and my brain hurt — shoot me some ideas! disc: i do not give permission to share my content outside of tumblr; please reblog and do not repost; my content (even sfw) is not meant for minors; i am not responsible for the media you consume online.
“What the fuck, Munson,” your voice croaks, weighty with a mixture of anger, relief, watching him sheepishly make his way towards you.
You stand beneath the ‘HAWKINS POLICE’ sign, stood in front of Eddie’s van with tightly crossed arms. Hopper nods at you once, eyeing Eddie with final regard before turning back inside.
Eddie holds up placating hands, but something in your gut twists and you purse your lips, almost glaring from behind your lashes. You shift away from him as he draws near, not letting him touch you like he very much wants to. He tries to meet your gaze but keeps looking away.
“y/n, listen, I-“
“No, Eddie — what the fuck?!! Do you know Wayne’s been worried sick about you?? That I- I’ve been looking for you Eds, for days, till Chief Jim Fucking Hopper lets your uncle know you got picked up across state lines?!? What the fuck were you thinking??”
Angry hot tears have begun spilling, dripping heavily from your jaw, but rather than cry you just swallow the knot in your throat and jab a finger into his chest.
“Get in the car, Eddie.”
You hold it there a moment before turning and climbing into the driver’s seat.
Eddie stands there for a moment after you’ve turned away and just, looks down at the pavement, heart in his stomach. After a few beats he sighs, walks around the other side and slowly climbs into the passenger side, dully closing the door.
“You know I don’t care that you sell, Eddie — I don’t; I know that you do it for a reason, God knows I’ve got my fair share from you. But—“ you heave an exasperated sigh and gesture uselessly with your hands before dropping them heavily into your lap.
“What were you doing??”
You look over at him, Eddie looks down into his lap, spinning a ring on one of his jeweled fingers.
“Eds. Lookit me.”
Hesitation, before he lifts his head, shyly gazes with those goddamn big brown doe eyes. You sigh again and lean your head against the headrest, brow knitted.
“Your turn. I’ll stop scolding. What were you doing?”
Eddie’s lips thin as he presses them together, swallowing thickly and shaking his head a little, dispirited and very aware he’s deeply upset you.
“Being, fucking dumb—“
“You’re not dumb Eds you just— you make silly decisions sometimes.”
“Is that not what it means to be dumb?”
“No. It’s not. You’re not dumb. You’re silly. I’m sorry I’m so upset, babe, but… You can understand why, right? Eddie — Wayne was crying.”
That gets his head to snap up again, eyes wide and concerned.
“He couldn’t look for you ‘cause he had to work, so he asked me. We were so worried about you, you hadn’t been picked up yet so they weren’t much help,” you nod towards the police station.
“Called around Hellfire, Hideout, checked out Rick’s,” you give a heavy shrug and then rub your eyes.
“We thought—“ you sigh and sag your shoulders. “I don’t know, Eddie, we thought you got hurt. That something happened. You left your van, so like — what if someone…”
Eddie squeezes your hand and a few more tears drop. He’d had deals go wrong before, bad customers, and even though you knew Eddie, he wasn’t exactly the most well-liked person around town. You’d seen him get hurt before.
“I’m really sorry,” his voice is a little strained, upset that he’s upset you.
“I’m dumb — point fuckin’ blank — I’m dumb. It was a big deal, two-hundred bucks, they wanted to drive out someplace and I’m dumb, I realize how dumb that is now and—“
You kiss him quiet, pulling him in with hands cupped against his neck.
“Eddie Munson you are not fucking dumb!” You giggle tearfully against his lips, foreheads pressed together as he scoops your cheeks up and holds you near, pecking your nose and cheeks.
“I’m an ass, a big giant ass—“
“Shut up,” you hiss with a soft smile, nipping his bottom lip to which he finally utters a deep chuckle.
“You’re a silly, silly boy and you make silly decisions, and I worry about you and you scared me. You’re not dumb,” a smooch to the corner of his mouth, “you’re not an ass,” one to his jaw.
“Just…please, be more fucking careful. Maybe take a break from selling for a bit, yeah? Wayne is gonna have a heart attack if you go missing again, and then I’m gonna have a heart attack, and then who’s gonna pick you up from jail??”
You give his head a little jostle, and he laughs again, nuzzling his nose alongside yours.
“I promise I promise I promise — I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
You giggle and peck another kiss to his cheek before starting up the van.
“Now get buckled, silly boy, I can see the Chief looking through the window.”
Sure enough Jim Hopper’s scowl is visible through the pane, and Eddie snorts as he fastens his belt before you take him home to his waiting uncle.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
When Steve’s mom forced him to get a tutor for biology, he was not happy.  Frankly, he was pissed. Sure he was sitting on a solid D- and yeah he wasn’t exactly known for his academic prowess, but it still sucked. He didn’t have time for tutoring. He had things to do, especially when it came to Sundays. It was one of only two days a week when Steve got Eddie all to himself, no band practice, no sports, no Hellfire, just the two of them. 
But Eddie, the goddamn hypocrite was actually on his mom’s side.
“I’m just saying that it would help with the college thing.” He said, rolling his eyes at the way Steve glared at him. Maybe it would have been more intimidating if he wasn’t currently straddling his lap and playing with a piece of Eddie’s hair, but Steve was too comfortable to move, even if he was pissy. 
“Y’know, there’s a solid chance nothing I do will be good enough for a college.”
“Well then at least we can say you tried, can't we?"
“I’m just saying, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you think I’m just going to start academically succeeding out of nowhere. My dumbass won’t be our ticket out of here,”  Steve sighed, ignoring the way Eddie’s eyes softened at his words. He was staring downward, eyes focused on a suddenly interesting bleach stain on Eddie’s shirt. 
"You’re not stupid Stevie."
And as sweet as that was, it wasn’t true. He was a straight C- student on a good year, and that took effort. And yeah, the two of them may be in the same ballpark with their grades, but it was different. Eddie was actually smart, just not when it came to people outside of Wayne and Steve telling him what to do. He taught himself how to draw, how to write, Jesus, he basically taught himself how to read, all while living in a house from hell for his formative years. He didn’t know what it was like to be truly dumb. He missed 2⁄3 of middle school and he was still doing better in English than Steve was. 
Steve could feel his eyes start to get wet as he sniffed, instantly annoyed at himself for getting emotional over something so stupid. But at least it fits the profile, stupid people do stupid things. 
He didn’t fight it when Eddie hooked a finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at him. He kissed him first, two light pecks to his lips before mumbling against his mouth, “I could never be disappointed in you. You could drop out tomorrow and I’d still love you as much as I do now.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile a little at that, “Yeah?”
“You know I would. And well…in all honesty babe I always thought drug price inflation was going to be our ticket out of here. I have been overcharging ninth graders for like, a year and a half now.”
Steve smacked his lightly in the chest for that, even if it made him laugh, “Ass. If you can’t trust your local drug dealer then who can you trust?”
“Not my fault I have a family to take care of,” Eddie grinned, swooping in for another kiss, "But seriously baby you're not stupid."
Steve opened his mouth to argue but Eddie slapped a hand over it before he had a chance, “And I know you don’t want to hear it but you’re not. Who was the one to find out that Rick was shortchanging me?”
Steve rolled his eyes. That didn’t even count. He was just the first one to notice that the numbers Rick had written didn’t match up with what the scale said, and the first one to threaten him over it. Eddie would have figured it out eventually. 
But he let it go, mumbling beneath his hand,  “I did.”
“And who saved us fifty bucks in rent after threatening the landlord with a lawsuit?”
That…that shouldn’t have counted either. Steve had been on a cleaning kick that day and just happened to stumble across an old copy of their lease. And he only read through it because he was bored waiting for Eddie to come home. And the only reason he knew there were violations was because he spent nearly 80 percent of his time there, and yeah maybe he was good at threatening people with legal jargon, but that was only because he retained shit he’d heard from his dad.
“I did but-”
“But nothing,” Eddie interrupted, “Because you were also the guy who actually paid attention during CPR class and saved that lady from drowning sophomore year. And you’re managing to scam your parents into giving you money while banging gay trailer trash. If that’s not smart, I don’t know what is. So I think that you're more than capable of passing a biology midterm. And even if you're not it won’t erase all of the other things you’ve done. Understand?”
Steve blushed, a confusing mix of annoyed and pleased at the praise. Part of him still wanted to fight him, even if everything he said was technically true. But a bigger part wanted to get back to kissing him, and he knew Eddie wouldn’t let it go without him conceding at least a little. 
“I understand,” Steve sighed, “But if I’m a big fat failure at this you’re still contractually obligated to love me.”
He wrapped his arms around Eddie’s neck, eyes darting to his lips every few seconds while Eddie chuckled, “Baby, you could try to kill me and I’d still love you.”
Steve leaned back in, tired of waiting. He licked over Eddie’s lips, smiling when he obediently opened his mouth so he could slip his tongue inside. Besides, maybe he was right, maybe Steve could handle it, but it didn’t matter either way. As long as Eddie loved him, he’d be fine. 
And that’s how Steve found himself being shaken awake by Eddie on a Sunday for freaking studying. Yeah the make-out session from last week had been pretty convincing but it was a whole different thing in the light of day. 
He groaned at the sound of Eddie’s voice, purposefully loud as he sang out, “Time to wake up sunshine! You got some learning to do!”
Steve buried his face in his pillow, groaning again when Eddie took that as an invite to sit on him. He leaned over, whispering in his ear, “If you wake up now I’ll make it worth your while.”
Steve giggled, immediately charmed by the asshole who was already starting to tickle his sides, “What, like you did last night? How are you going to top that?”
Eddie whispered a few more things in his ear, some very interesting things that suddenly left certain parts of Steve very much awake. He pushed Eddie off of him before jumping out of bed, scrambling to put on the loosest pair of sweats he owned while Eddie laughed behind him. 
They went downstairs together, and somehow Steve only managed to embarrass himself twice during the whole interaction. It helped that Nancy ended up being  one of the most patient people on the planet, always willing to re-explain the things that Steve didn’t get on the first try. It helped even more knowing that Eddie was in the other room, like his presence alone was his own personal security blanket, even if all he was doing was snoring on the couch. 
The whole thing wasn’t nearly as bad as Steve had been expecting. He had kind of thought that the daughter of someone who could stand to be friends with his mom would be…well a bitch. But Nancy was nothing like that. She was straightforward and to the point, but also kind with 0 condescension to Steve’s lack of studying skills. 
They drove her home after, and he had to admit she dealt with him and Eddie bickering over the radio like a champ. Eventually she just threw her hands up and batted both of them away, with a stern, “Passenger side gets to pick!”
But at least he knew who ABBA was now, and Steve was a pretty big fan of both their music and the way it made Eddie cringe. He kept it on the whole ride home and surprisingly enough, he was actually looking forward to their next session. 
He thought that would be the next time he saw her, so imagine his surprise when he walked into first period with Nancy Wheeler already seated by the window, a book in hand. That was new. He walked up to her, taking the desk in front so he could turn back. She didn’t notice him at first, too absorbed in her book. He gently tapped on her desk, knowing from previous experience that it was really easy to jumpscare people when they were absorbed in reading.
She glanced up at him, surprise written all over her face. Which made sense, this was probably the first class they’d ever had together.
He smiled at her, “When did you get added to this class?”
Steve frowned when she looked away from him before answering, voice quiet, “I’ve uh, been here all year actually.”
Steve blinked at her, stomach twisting in a knot. Oh. Oh no. Could he look like a bigger dick? But maybe he could still save this, “Oh. Then I guess this is what you meant when you said we’ve met before?”
Nancy shook her head, still looking anywhere but at Steve’s face, “It was uh, actually last year? We were lab partners in Mrs. Kay's chemistry class. And um, I guess as a warning I’m also in your History class. And uh, Biology. That’s why I’m your tutor.”
Steve stared at her, mouth opening and closing like an idiot. He knew that he was a bit notorious for his one track mind, but he didn’t realize that it was that bad, “I am so sorry.”
She shrugged, “It’s not your fault I’m forgettable.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but the next thing he knew he was being shushed by the teacher and Nancy was already back to reading. He wiped a hand down his face, mind already racing on just what he could do to make up for accidentally ignoring her existence for a year plus. But by the time class ended and he turned around she was already walking out of the door. 
She was fast for such a little person. And despite the fact that they apparently had three classes together he couldn’t manage to catch her once. He whined to Eddie about it the whole way home, glaring at him when he had the audacity to laugh. Steve was still pouting about it by the time they walked through the front door of the trailer, especially since Eddie was still giggling behind him. 
“Babe, I said I was sorry! And hey, at least you didn’t fake date her right?”
Steve groaned as he flopped down into their bed, only the slightest bit appeased when he felt Eddie tug his shoes off for him, “Lab partners is so much worse. I didn’t even know her name until last week. I’m awful.”
“Oh come on, you can still win her over!” Eddie said as he plopped down next to him, laughing when Steve immediately started to play with his hair, “You just got to use some of that signature Harrington charm.”
Steve sighed as he twisted a lock of Eddie's hair around his finger, trying and failing to make his brain come up with an answer. But then it hit him, “Hey, do you still have enough stuff here to make more muffins?”
Eddie raised a brow at him, “Are you going to try and bribe her into liking you with chocolate?”
“If you make them for me I will,”  Steve was trying to put on his most convincing face, the cute one that almost always got Eddie to do what he wanted. And it seemed to be working if the way his eyes softened was anything to go by. 
Eddie sighed, pretending to think about it for a second, “What’s in it for me?”
Steve leaned into kiss him, two quick pecks to the side of his mouth before saying, “My undying love?”
Steve loved how something so corny was enough to make Eddie melt, “Deal.”
God, he was so easy. 
He left Eddie to bake while he drove all the way back to his house. There were a lot of other things he’d rather be doing than digging around in his mom’s desolate wrapping paper drawer in the middle of the night, but he made it work. 
By the time he got back to the trailer they were baked and cooled, and Steve made sure to give Eddie a thorough kiss for his efforts. He wrapped a few of them up in some purple cellophane, paired with a pink and white bow, the least ugly combination he was able to find at one a.m.
He added a small white card, scribbling a little something into it before presenting it to Eddie in bed, “Tada! What do you think?”
Eddie laughed as he took it from him to inspect, in good spirits despite the fact that Steve insisted he stayed awake until it was finished. He seemed just as impressed with his handiwork as Steve was, “I think it’s perfect."
Steve preened, “You think she’ll like it?”
“She’ll love it,” Eddie reassured before gently placing it on the nightstand. He grabbed Steve’s arm, hauling him down from his sitting position to nearly laying on top of him before grabbing a blanket to cover them both up in, “Now can we please go to sleep?”
Steve didn’t argue when Eddie went to turn off the light. He was right, especially since he was going to make them wake up early on top of it.
The next morning Steve was actually in class early. For the first time in well…ever. But Nancy had still beat him there. She was in her usual place, nose in her book. She didn’t even look up when Steve sat in front of her, but she did startle a bit when he dropped the gift on her desk. 
He grinned at her, way too excited for her reaction, “These are for you! To say I’m sorry for y’know. Being oblivious.”
Nancy looked at the muffins and back to Steve, a small smile slowly growing on her face, “You made me apology muffins?”
“Well…Eddie made them,” Steve admitted, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, “But I helped! And did the decorating and wrote the card.”
Nancy plucked the small card off the ribbon. She read it out loud, her small smile transforming into a full blown grin, “‘I’m Sorry I’m an Asshole.’ I’m guessing you did the little frowny face too?”
Steve nodded, “I may have the art skills of a ten year old but I do mean it. You’re not forgettable Nancy. I’m just an inconsiderate moron. Okay?”
Nancy stared down at the gift in her hands before looking back to Steve, voice soft, “I…thanks. I appreciate that.”
They talked for a while after that and Steve was pretty sure he was planted firmly on the path of forgiveness. But he wanted to be 100 percent sure. He had made it this far, why not push a little more?
“Do you want to have lunch together today?”
Nancy looked more than a little surprised at the request, “Oh, I already have plans with Barb.”
Steve shrugged, “She can come too. The four of us can go to Benny's and get some burgers or something.”
“Isn’t that against school rules?”
Steve smiled to himself. He forgot for a second that he was talking to a goody two shoes over here, “Only if you get caught. And if we did Eddie and I would take the blame, scout’s honor.”
She bit her lip, hesitating before finally nodding her head, “If Barb says yes then, um, sure.”
That was good enough for Steve, even if he had no clue who Barb was. But he’d trust Nancy’s judgment. And surprisingly the whole thing goes a lot better than Steve had been expecting. He was a little scared that their table would be dead quiet after they all realized they had nothing in common, a completely unfounded fear considering that Eddie was with them. He had a knack for getting people to open their mouths, even if it was only to tell him to shut up. And that little skill was great to get both girls to open up a little. 
Turns out Steve and Nancy actually had something in common, a mutual love for Blondies, in particular Heart of Glass, while Barb and Eddie both agreed that it was one of the most annoying things they’d ever heard. They created a united front to tease them both over it, and Nancy and Steve bonded over just how misunderstood Deborah Harry was. 
It was fun, fun enough for Eddie to invite them both to lunch more and more often. Nancy says yes more than Barb, who is surprisingly busy with a few of her extracurriculars. But it’s still fun. Nancy’s fun. And soon spending lunch together turns into inviting her over to watch a movies with him and Eddie at the trailer, or getting food while Eddie was caught up in Hellfire or Band practice. 
It all snowballs into the two of them spending a lot more time together, most of it outside of their tutoring sessions. And Steve was starting to think that he had actually managed to make a friend.  The real cincher is just how well she gets along with Eddie, and watching them both laugh together was enough to make Steve feel all warm and happy inside. 
Because he likes Nancy. Like, really likes her. Like doesn’t want to throw her to the wayside likes her. She’s smart and kind, a little strict in a weird but pleasant way. And sometimes he’ll look at her and Barb doing something, something as casual as whispering to each other at  the lockers, all smiles and shared secrets, and Steve can’t help but want that. 
Because he doesn’t really have his own friends outside of Eddie. He has his teammates sure, but it’s not like he can let himself get too close to them. Then there were Eddie’s friends, and they were all great, really, but they weren’t…his. There was Wayne, but as much as he loved him he’d always be more of a parent then a friend. That said, Eddie was still his best friend. He loved Eddie, he loved Eddie more than anything on the planet. 
But he can’t…talk to Eddie about Eddie. And yeah, maybe it was a bit too feminine to want to gossip about your boyfriend at the lockers with a new girl bestie. But then again, he probably lost his “man” card the second he shoved his tongue down Eddie's throat for the first time. And it’s not just that he wants someone to talk about his relationship. He wants her to be able to talk to him too. Whether it be her own crushes or complaining about her parents, he wanted to connect with her more. It sounded…fun. Maybe gay as hell but whatever. Technically it was fitting. 
But he knew that he couldn’t have that if he didn’t tell her the truth. 
 From this fic, and the 1.5 Part of this post
Part 2 Part 3
Idk tag etiquette so I only added the person who asked for it because I don't want to be annoying! But if you want to be added let me know!
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danosrosegarden · 9 months
Luv your work! 💖💖
Could you write Rimming with Eddie? Reader can be GN. You inspire me to create my own work :D
dirty little secret - edward nashton x gn!reader headcanons (NSFW) ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: descriptions of anxiety, rimming, and switch eddie if you squint.}
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☽ Edward viewed it as nothing more than a shameful porn category he'd scroll through when his room was dark and empty. It made his cheeks burn pink and his stomach flutter, to think of how deeply he enjoyed his filthy secret. There was one specific video he always came running back to. He was stuck like glue on the way the man in the video whined and gripped his bedsheets. It was pleasure-riddled agony painted across his face as his partner's slick tongue plunged in and out of him. His hips would buck and his thighs would tremble and Eddie wanted to know how he felt so badly. He couldn't help but imagine how good you'd look in that situation. But no, gosh, no, he could never share this part of him with anybody. Certainly not you. You'd think he was grimy. Disgusting. A freak. He simply couldn't fracture what you two had going.
☽ Little did he know...uh...he wasn't exactly quiet about his deeds when he was under the impression you were asleep next to him. And what an interesting selection of videos he ran through, you noted while peeking out of one eye beside him. You'd have to confront him sometime.
☽ I say confront, because Eddie really does feel like he's been caught in a spider web when you decide to bring it up one night. He's about to be eaten alive, and not in the way he wants it. (har har)
☽ He's fumbling with his fingers, rapidly cracking his knuckles while he spills it all in a jumbled, tangled string of words. Poor baby. He has no idea, does he? You want to see him happy. And you'd always like to know what you could do to reach that goal. There was no reason to be fearful of it. You tell him so, and the raging thunderstorm pounding in his chest quells when he senses you truly mean it.
☽ But when the moment finally comes, he can't seem to pacify his trembling limbs, twitching with frosty cold fear. But it all circles back to those videos he watched. The men in it groaned. They whimpered. Their hips shook wildly and damn it, they were loving it. So, why was he so anxious?
☽ The position he's in certainly doesn't help. Porn never lets you in on how invasive face down ass up really feels.
☽ There are a million what-ifs for Edward to consider here, frozen solid in this vulnerable position. What if he doesn't like it? What if you don't like it? What if you suddenly decide he is, in fact, a fucking freak, and you don't want him anymore?
☽ His buzzing brain flatlines as soon as your tongue, coated with thick bubbles of saliva, snakes inside of him. Holy fuck. It was weird, but the best genre of strange he'd felt. He's overwhelmed almost instantly.
☽ And he can feel you grin against him as weak mewls drip from his mouth. Bastard. You're enjoying making me crumble, aren't you?
☽ "Please." He's hearing his voice squeak out a plead, but he's lost control of what he's babbling. What the fuck am I even begging for? More? Less? Slower? Faster?
☽ He gives in to the feeling completely, deep groans and laughable whines trickling from his lips like drool. He lets the heat in his belly knot up and rise, his heart crashing like cymbals in his ears. More. More. Just a little bit more.
☽ He'd been dribbling precum as soon as you'd started, and you were doing fucking incredible, but he needed more. He heard you tsk as he grabbed hold of his throbbing dick and stroked himself furiously. In that moment, he couldn't be paid to care about the punishment you'd be giving him later for touching himself without permission. He just needed more, and he needed it now.
☽ A strangled sob is ripped out from his chest as his cum paints the bedsheets. Can you blame him? He just couldn't help it! It was so excitingly new, so prettily filthy...and for a time, it was unfathomable. He planned on taking his dirty little secret to his grave.
☽ "Thank you," he mutters into your neck, cuddling up to your side after the cleanup. He holds onto you tight. "Thank you, thank you."
☽ He may not have been the one doing the work, but you felt a beaming ray of pride shine from your heart. Such a brave boy you got, conquering his fears of expressing his desires. And now, he had no use for those videos anymore, because he just got a fresh stack of masturbation material. The memory of your tongue swirling around his hole would be enough to get him off daily from now on. And let's not even get started on his fantasies of him performing on you...
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biasbuck · 13 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Finale Friday everyone! Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here.
A reminder I'm putting my fingers in my ears and ignoring discourse here for all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations, though these last two weeks I've been pretty down bad in my messy and hurting Eddie Diaz feels and it's manifested in the form of pining fics.
I'm always on the lookout for more henren fic to read, so please send recs my way!
31 May 2024
7x10 coda by @ghosthunterbuck was the Eddie pov fic that was exactly what I needed to read after the finale. Obviously spoilery for the episode so I'm not going to go too into detail here as to the what, but for the why - I think it perfectly captures Eddie's head space going forward, his emotional journey, canon compliant relationships, and the family dynamics at play. The last line got me good.
i love you like a dog with a bird at your door (and sequel) by @shitouttabuck (and this gorgeous fanart by @midbam too) absolutely stole my heart. A slowburn buddie fic, set post-season six. In which Buck reflects on his childhood in how he demonstrates and feels love with dogged devotion, and his love for the Diaz family. Through the ups and downs of life together at work and at home, and with some A+ 'moving in to take care of each other' vibes. I just loved getting swept away in the sweetness of this fic, it really warmed my heart. PLUS just...incredible deft, light handed and excellent use of metaphor that encapsulates Buck so so well.
love on the brain by @lizzybizzyzzz yes yessssss sexy henren fic!!! In which Karen oh so casually asks if Hen's going to pose for the firefighter calendar, Hen bluescreens for a bit, but then ropes in Athena to help out with a surprise. Set pre-6x06 (and the follow up delves into it and takes an angstier turn), this was just delightfully fun and I loved Hen stepping a little out of her comfort zone to show off for her wife. Those poses *fans self* where do I get me a Hen calendar?
meditating on your lips by @coldbam look I can't possibly summarise this one better than the actual summary. Buck comes out, and Eddie has some interesting dreams:
“I take it the date went well then? Cleared some things up for you.”
“You can say that again, Hen. Not only am I now a proud bisexual man, it turns out I’m excellent at sucking dick!”
Eddie chokes on his coffee.
No notes. (And then I proceeded to read all of coldbam's backlist and had a DELIGHTFUL TIME. Gardening fic! Phone sex! Athena/Eddie friendship. Pining!!!!! What fun!)
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is from a few years back and was my favouritist of tropes, Buddie secretly writing to each other anonymous penpals, simultaneously falling in love, but all threaded through on the concept that they never clicked as work besties as they did in the show. I loved the balance of canon and reinterpreting the series through this lens. Deeply sweet and romantic and fun, and also heartwrenching.
drive you into a corner (and kiss you without a sound) by @hauntsorchards in which Eddie joins the 118 and can't seem to stop kissing Buck when he does something heroic, delightful or goofy. But it doesn't mean anything, right? In which the entire firehouse deserves a raise for putting up with them.
looking for an ocean breeze/so i can fill my mind with ease by newtkelly was the bucktommy fic ALL over my dash earlier this week and for good reason. Look I love a pun based fic prompt, and “Can I top you off?” was the perfect wedding scene one. It captured Tommy's sardonic humour so well, as well as exploring some of Buck's potential hang ups. And also now we know what we know...works very well on a kink exploration level. A sexy and fun 7x06 coda.
be you in time (it's easy) by @mycenaae my favourite fic exploring Tommy's reaction to seeing Captain Gerrard on the guestlist as a post 7x09 coda. Excellent bucktommy dynamics, as well as my very favourite thing...the Tommy and Hen and Chim groupchat. Please let this become a thing show, because it's perfect.
don't just stand there by @smallandalmosthonest AND FINALLY my favourite buddietommy WIP posted it's final chapter this week. Here's my summary from before: In which Eddie interruptus and Buck is maybe kinda sorta okay with that actually. A+ accidental exhibitionism kink discovery, with fantastic dialogue characterisation and just really really fun established bucktommy and buddie dynamics all wrapped into one. The final chapter is chefs kiss on flipping the narrative perspective and tying everything (and everyone) together!
Happy hiatus - treat each other kindly, and bang it out in fic form if you have to! If you need me I'll be over here revelling in Eddie going through it fic (oh Eddie indeed.)
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bornonthesavage · 1 year
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In Part 4
Part 3  Part 5 Read on AO3
“No, Scoob, don’t go in there! The abandoned mine shaft is exactly the place a scary monster would be!”
Eddie shouted his warning at the tv, knowing full well they never took his advice. Currently, he was hung upside down on his sofa, waiting to see how long it would take before the blood pounding in his head was enough to make him dizzy. Wayne had asked him, many times, why he didn’t just… not do it. But that had been before he’d learned it was best to just let Eddie do as he wished. Besides, Wayne wasn’t here right now. It was after eight on Wednesday night, which meant he’d already left for his night shift at the plant.
That left Eddie free to be as loud as he liked, and he did like. The only downside to hanging upside down like an oversized bat was the hit his already dreadful coordination took. But hey, he’d like to see anyone try and eat chips like this! As it was, he accidentally spilled half the bag of cheese puff over his face and onto the carpet.
Bracing his hands on the floor, he lowered his face until he was able to grab a few puffs with his lips. See, this was more practical anyway. He was a genius. Now if he could just get every teacher at school to believe it.
Speaking of school, today had been just as weird as the last thanks entirely to Steve god damn Harrington. Eddie didn’t get it. First, he’d come to him in the hall. And not even for any particular reason, apparently. Just to talk. Which, yeah, bizarre. Then at lunch, just like the day before, he’d plopped himself down right next Eddie as if he’d been there the whole time. As if jocks dined with the freaks on a regular basis. Because yeah, he’d said he wanted to sit with them, but Eddie had thought he was joking. Surely, after one lunch period, he would come to his senses and realize he didn’t belong there. Apparently not.
The problem was, Eddie couldn’t figure out what his angle was. It couldn’t just be that he’d lost his old friends. He was Steve Harrington. He could join any group he wanted. Eddie and his friends had to be on the very bottom of the list of potential besties.
Maybe Steve was just looking for a hookup to cheap drugs. That was definitely a possibility. Plenty of people were nicer to Eddie for the sole purpose of not being up charged on their weed. Why would Steve be any different? And if that was the case, well. Eddie wasn’t going to say no to Steve’s sweet smiles. He could knock a few bucks off the drugs for that. Because while he might be a virgin, in his heart, he was a bit of a desperate slut.
The phone rang then, the shrill noise cutting through the sound of the tv and nearly making Eddie fall off the couch. He caught himself in time and rolled into a standing position. Brushing the Cheeto dust off his fingers, he trotted over to the phone.
“Hanks Roadside Diner, you kill ‘em, we grill ‘em. What can I do for you?”
For a moment, there was silence on the other side. When nobody spoke, Eddie decided it must be a telemarketer and began to hang up. That is, until he heard “Uh, Eddie?”
And shit, he knew that voice. It had starred in his dreams for the past two nights, making for very messy morning cleanups. Eddie’s heart stuttered uncomfortably in his chest. Why the fuck was Steve calling him? When Eddie didn’t answer, Steve spoke again.
“Uh, sorry, I must have the wrong number.”
“No!” Eddie cried, then cringed at how loud he’d been. “No, uh, this is Eddie.”
“Oh.” There was a beat of silence. “Dude, why would you answer your phone that way?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Uh, because this is my phone and I can do what I want. Plus, it scares away junk callers.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Oh, this is Steve, by the way.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know that. But um, how did you get my number?”
Steve was silent for a second. “Well, there was only one Munson in the phonebook, so I took a wild guess that it was you.”
What the fuck? Eddie leaned back against the wall and began to twist the cord around his finger. “So you’re telling me you went out of your way to look me up?”
There was some rustling on the other end of the line, as if Steve was moving around. “I mean, yeah, I guess. It wasn’t really out of my way, since I already had the phonebook. And yes, I can read, if that was what you were going to say next.”
Eddie grinned. “Wow, I’m flattered that you already know me so well. But back to the topic at hand. To what do I owe the pleasure of King Steve calling on little old me?”
Steve cleared his throat. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat with me.”
The phone nearly fell out of Eddie’s hand as he jerked up right. Surely, he hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”
Steve began to ramble. “Yeah, I mean, I don’t have anything to eat at the house right now, so I was going to go out anyway, but it’s always more fun to go with someone. And Darcy’s Diner is open for another two hours, so I figured that would be the perfect place for a late dinner. Have you been? It’s pretty good. They cook a mean burger. But, I mean, only if you haven’t eaten yet? Which, crap, I realize it’s eight o’clock so you probably have.”
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he stood there, staring into the middle distance. What the hell was going on? There was no way Steve was asking him out. Maybe he was still on the couch, hung upside down. Maybe so much blood had pooled in his head that it had knocked him unconscious. That honestly made more sense than whatever this was. Because of course his subconscious would conjure up a phone call from Steve. He was dragged out of his spiraling by his voice.
“Eddie? You still there?”
He shook himself. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Wait, so you want to go out right now?”
“Um, yeah? But you don’t have to if you already ate.”
Eddie glanced back at the cheese puffs scattered across the floor, which were the extent of the food he’d consumed. “No, I haven’t eaten. I guess I could go for some food.”
“Oh, cool,” Steve said, suddenly sounding much brighter. “So, do you want to meet me at Darcy’s? Or I could pick you up.”
“No, no, I can meet you there.”
The last thing he needed was for his stupid brain to get this whole situation more mixed up. It was definitely safer to drive himself.
“Alright. See you in, say, thirty minutes?”
“Yep, see you then.”
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice. “Great, bye Eddie.”
Even after Steve hung up, Eddie remained standing where he was. Ok so, Steve wanted to hang out. Outside of school. Which was totally normal and not weird. It was a little strange that he’d looked him up rather than just asking for his number during lunch. Unless, of course, he didn’t want anyone else to know they were hanging out outside of school.
Oh, right. Steve probably wanted to score some weed. That was why he’d called so late. He’d probably asked him to eat first, so he didn’t seem rude, in an effort to get that good discount. Eddie relaxed slightly. Yeah, that made sense. He was used to people using him for drugs. This was familiar territory.
And so what, if he spent way longer getting ready than he would for a regular drug deal? Steve was probably going to look nice, since he always looked nice, so it only made sense for Eddie to put a little effort in.
Once he was dressed in his best band tee and his second favorite pair of ripped jeans, he made his way out of the trailer and hopped into the van. The drive to Darcy’s was pretty short, yet when Eddie pulled into the parking lot, Steve was already there. And yep, Eddie had been right. He looked good enough to eat.
Eddie took a moment as he parked to just look at Steve. He was leaned up against his car, the curved line of his body somehow both causal and posed. Tight jeans, white sneakers, an unzipped bomber jacket. Jesus Christ. He took a second to steady himself before climbing out of the van.
This is just a drug deal. Just a drug deal. A drug deal with a bizarre extra layer of weirdness.
“Hey Harrington. You coming from a date?”
Steve looked up at him as he approached, a smile tugging up the corner of his lips. “Hey Munson. No, I was at home. Why do you ask?”
Eddie waved a hand. “You’re awfully dressed up for a late-night diner run. Hope you didn’t get dolled up for little old me.”
“Oh.” Steve looked down at himself, as if only now realizing what he was wearing. “I mean, it never hurts to make a good impression, right? Figured that applied to friends too.”
Eddie stopped a few feet away, letting his arms swing awkwardly at his sides. “Friends. Right.”
“Yep. So, uh, you want to go in?”
“After you, my liege,” he said, dropping into a sweeping bow.
Steve snorted and shoved playfully at his shoulder. “Shut up. Come on.”
They approached the door to the diner together. Before Eddie could reach for the handle, Steve had already pulled it open and motioned for Eddie to go in first. Huh. A chivalrous king. The waitress behind the counter told them to sit wherever they liked, and Eddie followed Steve to one of the booths along the wall of windows. Once they were seated, Steve slid a menu over.
“You ever been here before?”
Eddie glance over the top of his menu. “Steve, we don’t exactly live in the big city. We have like, ten options for restaurants. So yeah, I’ve eaten here before.”
“You know, a simple yes would have been fine,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Ah, but I’m not a simple guy. Surely, you’ve figured that out by now.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. But I like it though. You’re different. Everyone else around here is so damn boring.”
Eddie leaned back in his chair and regarded Steve. So was that his angle? Was the prince bored and in need of entertainment? It would make sense why he’d latched onto Eddie. A jester for a king.
“What, you need me to perform for you, big boy?”
Steve shot him a look. “No. Just, like, hang out. Chill.”
The waitress appeared beside them to take their order. Steve decided on a burger with everything on it, as well as a side of fries and a chocolate milkshake. Eddie went a little more daring with an order of their full breakfast slam. Once the waitress had slipped away to give their order to the cook, Steve looked back to Eddie.
“Breakfast at night?”
Eddie spread his hands. “Yeah, why not? That’s the best time to have it.”
Steve gave him a skeptical look. “I think the best time to have breakfast is in the morning, seeing as that’s when you’re supposed to eat it.”
“Ah, Stevie boy, but that’s where you’re wrong,” he said, wagging a finger at him. “The best time to do anything is when you’re not supposed to. It makes things way more interesting. Plus, who decided there were certain foods for certain times of day? That’s weird, right? It’s just food. Why does everything in life have to have some arbitrary rule?”
As he spoke, Steve’s brow furrowed deeper and deeper. He opened his mouth to respond, but Eddie slapped his hand down on the table before he could.
“That was a trick question, Steve-o. I’ll tell you why. Two words. Mass. Conformity. The people on top pile on all these stupid rules and convince the people that they’re important. When to eat certain foods. What to wear to different places. Who you can love. It’s all nonsense. But they convince you it matters. Why? Because it keeps you distracted from the bigger picture. From looking at The Man and seeing that we’re all just cattle in their conveyer belt. But not me. Oh no, I won’t be like them. So yeah, that’s why I eat breakfast at night.”
As soon as he finished speaking, Eddie picked up his water and took a big gulp. Long speeches always dried out his mouth. When he looked at Steve, he found the other boy staring at him with wide eyes. This was usually the place he lost the normies. Where they narrowed their eyes at him and decided he was just too weird. He was prepared for it. Welcomed it, even. But once again, Steve surprised him. After a moment, he began to nod his head.
“Huh, yeah, I’ve never thought about it like that. But it makes sense. There could be, like… monsters running around the town and nobody would even notice because they’re so worried about missing an episode of Jeopardy.”
Something warm flickered to life in Eddie’s chest. Something soft and bright. Something dangerous. He tried to smother it before it got any air, but the open expression on Steve’s face made it impossible. Hell, even Eddie’s own friends rolled their eyes when he got going on one of his spiels. But Steve wasn’t rolling his eyes. In fact, he looked interested. Which was wonderful. It was great. It was terrible. Eddie took another big gulp of water.
“Yeah, exactly. Forced conformity is no joke.”
Steve’s eyes moved over Eddie. “So, is that why you dress how you do, and yell on table tops, and push peoples buttons? So you can break out of the mold the world tried to put you in?”
Oh, fuck. He was being seen by Steve Harrington. Honestly, he couldn’t imagine anything worse. Being perceived was to be avoided at all costs. So, he would do what he always did. Smile, deflect, distract.
“Aww, Stevie, now you’re getting it. Not all of us can be so blessed to be molded out of gold like you.”
He expected Steve to smirk or roll his eyes. To brush it off like everything else Eddie had said. Instead, the corners of Steve’s mouth turned down into a frown and he lowered his eyes. As if what Eddie had said upset him. That hadn’t been his intention. As formerly mentioned, Eddie was a weak man. Despite his reservations, Eddie wanted Steve to like him. He sort of hated it, but there it was.
“Hey, man, did I say something wrong?”
Steve shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. You’re right. I have everything anyone could want, so I should be grateful. Right?”
That felt like a trap. Like there was something Eddie didn’t know. He picked at his napkin, tearing off little strips and rolling them into balls.
“I mean, I don’t know your life man. You’re allowed to have problems.”
Steve nodded, though it seemed stilted. “Yeah, sure.”
Fuck. Eddie had definitely messed this up. And while he should be glad for it, should hope that now Steve would move on to his next distraction, he’d always been an attention whore. He thrived on it, so long as it was surface level. He wanted people to notice him, to find him interesting in the way someone found the circus interesting. And now, despite his own wishes, he wanted Steve to keep paying attention to him.
“Did you know it would take a human nineteen minutes to fall to the center of the earth?”
Steve’s head jerked up, a look of bewilderment replacing the dejection that had been there a moment before. “What?”
“Yep,” Eddie said, grinning when he saw he had Steve’s attention. “Scientists figured it out.”
“That can’t be true,” Steve said, shaking his head. “The earth is like, huge. How could they even know that?”
Eddie shrugged. “Don’t know, dude. I’m not a scientist. They did some math shit, I guess.”
“Huh. I’m going to have to ask Dustin about that. He might know.”
“Yeah, one of the middle schoolers I watch. He’s a total nerd, but he’s also a genius. Way smarter than I’ll ever be, that’s for sure.”
Eddie grinned. “He sounds cool.”
“I mean, I guess,” Steve said. But he was smiling now, and didn’t that just warm Eddie’s jaded heart?
The waitress came then with their food, setting their plates in front of them before disappearing once more. Eddie began to immediate dig in, scooping up a big bite of scrambled eggs and shoving them into his mouth. But when he looked up at Steve, he was just watching him, that same small smile still on his face.
Suddenly feeling nervous, Eddie swallowed and straightened up. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Steve’s shoulders twitched. “I can get stuck in my own head sometimes. Thanks for getting me out.”
Eddie tightened his grip on his fork so he wouldn’t do something stupid, like reach across the table. “Oh, uh, yeah. It’s no problem. Always happy to help.”
Steve continued to smile as he began to eat. They talked more as they ate, mostly about small stuff and people they hated at school. The list was long and heavily overlapped, Eddie found. Which was nice. It was always cool to hate the same people as someone else. And Steve was a bitch, which Eddie already knew, but it was nice to see that venom directed at people he didn’t like.
When the waitress brought the check, Eddie reached for his wallet, but Steve waved him away. “Nah, man, it’s on me. I’m the one who invited you.”
Eddie was pretty sure that only applied to dates, which this definitely wasn’t. Still, he wasn’t going to argue over a free meal. “Alright, if you insist.”
With the meal paid for, they slid out of their booths and made their way back out to the parking lot. It was still early in February, which meant it was unreasonably cold. Eddie tucked his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“So, uh,” Eddie said, turning back to Steve. “Did you want to do this in the van?”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
Eddie waved his hand. “You know. The weed. Unless you were looking for something stronger, but I don’t have any of that on me.”
“Um.” Steve blinked. “I’ve got to drive, so I probably shouldn’t smoke right now. But if you want, I could come over some time and we could smoke and hang. Or you could come to mine. It doesn’t matter.”
Well, now Eddie felt a bit wrong footed. “So, you aren’t interested in buying weed?”
Steve tucked his hands into his pockets. “Uh, no, not right now. But thanks for the offer.”
Well, shit. There went that theory. He cleared his throat. “No, yeah, no problem. I just, uh, thought I’d offer.”
“Right. Oh, also,” Steve said, lighting up as if he’d just remembered something. Eddie watched as he turned and dug through his car. When he turned back, he was holding a pen. Eddie’s heart shot into his throat when Steve grabbed him by the hand and pulled him closer. “So you’ll have my number. No need to look in the phonebook.”
Once Steve was finished, he let Eddie’s hand go. He immediately missed the warmth. The number was written out across the back of him arm in Steve’s handwriting. Eddie had the insane thought that he could maybe saranwrap his skin where Steve had touched him. God, he was such a fucking freak.
“Oh, uh, cool. Is there a good time to call?”
“Nah, wherever’s fine. I might be out giving the kids a ride, but if you leave a message, I’ll call you back.”
Eddie tilted his arm, looking at the number at a different angle. “I won’t piss off your parent’s if I call too late?”
Steve dropped his eyes to his feet. “Uh, no, they’re out of town so you don’t have to worry about that.”
It felt like there was something more there, but Eddie wasn’t about to pry into Steve’s life. “Okay. So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
And then Steve did something weird. He lifted his arm, as if to pull Eddie in for a hug, only to freeze halfway there. Eddie’s pulse quickened as his gaze focused in on the hand that was now way too close. He definitely wasn’t prepared to be hugged by Steve Harrington. He also desperately, desperately wanted it. In the end, Steve went halfway and dropped his hand onto Eddie’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Maybe a hug would have been too much, because that small touch was already making electricity shoot through Eddie’s body.
“See you, dude.”
Eddie nodded absently. “Yeah, dude. Bye.”
Once back within the safety of his van, Eddie watched as Steve started up his car pulled out of his spot. He threw Eddie one more wave, then was gone. He just sat there for a while, contemplating. Steve didn’t want drugs, unless it was while they were “hanging out”. He’d given him his number and said to call anytime. He’d opened the door for him, paid for the meal, then touched Eddie’s shoulder.
What the fuck was going on?
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gayhoediaz · 1 year
quick 6.12 coda based on some tags i left on @diazmp3’s post ✨
Comfortable silence covers the kitchen like a warm blanket on a cold day. Buck drinks his water. Eddie finishes Christopher’s lunch and places it into the fridge.
With his palm supporting his head, Buck is staring into nothing, his mind wandering. Rain. A bright light. Black. Blood. A striped shirt he can’t bring himself to look at, yet can’t possibly throw away.
His peripheral vision catches Eddie next to him, standing. Allowing the silence to linger for a beat longer.
Buck is expecting him to say something. To ask if he’s staying over, or if he wants a beer now. If he wants to get some more sleep, or if he wants them to catch a rerun of whatever is on tv this time of night.
Only that’s not what happens.
Because the next moment, he hears a soft exhale, and then there are a pair of lips on his forehead. Far up, almost at his hairline. And a hand, right below his own, softly cradling the side of his neck.
Eddie’s lips. Eddie’s hand.
From the very first touch, Buck sighs, his eyes falling closed.
Is it possible for a human being to melt like a stick of butter in a warm pan? Or a spoonful of raw honey in a warm cup of tea? Because that’s exactly how he feels.
The relief of sinking into a warm bath after a cold and rough day. The relief of crawling into bed when you’re absolutely exhausted.
The relief of just being able to relax. To exhale. Finally.
It’s not as if he hasn’t been granted hugs, or even kisses following this whole ordeal - but this is different.
It’s Eddie. Eddie is different. Eddie has always been different. Eddie will always be different.
Eddie manages to reach the innermost parts of Buck and soothe him to his very core without even trying. Eddie makes Buck feel warm in a way that he wouldn’t be able to describe if you gave him a dictionary and an eternity.
Eddie doesn’t have to touch him to do that - but he is; he is touching him. The rough callouses brush the side of Buck’s neck, and his chapped lips stay right there, on his forehead far beyond the reasonable time for a quick forehead kiss.
And Buck breathes.
For the first time since he woke up - perhaps for the first time in years - Buck feels as if he’s allowed a full breath.
In fact, he sinks so deeply into the sensation, that the feeling of Eddie pulling away drags a slight, barely-there breath of complaint out of his nose, and he frowns, keeping his eyes closed as he shifts his hand to wrap around Eddie’s wrist, keeping him there. Then he nods once, feeling the tip of his nose brush Eddie’s chin.
Truthfully, he doesn’t know what he’s looking for. What he’s asking for. Or maybe he does. All he knows is that Eddie is his safe place. And he makes him feel so at peace. Even when he’s not happy, he’s always at peace. In this house. In this home. With Eddie.
And Eddie’s lips were so warm on his forehead. Just as safe and comforting as the rest of him. And Buck can feel his breath on his own lips now, and he wants.
Until now, he’s never considered it, but he wants. Fuck, does he want.
“Please,” he finds himself breathing, eyes still closed as he lets his thumb brush the back of Eddie’s hand.
“Buck,” Eddie says, his voice a mere whisper. Buck feels him move away, but his hand stays right where it is. “Look at me,” he prompts, just as softly.
Buck opens his eyes, slowly, blinking a few times as he takes in the view in front of him. Eddie’s face so close to his - far enough away that he can’t feel him breathe, and far enough away that his face isn’t blurry - but close. So close.
When their eyes meet, the corners of Eddie’s lips lift into a gentle smile. Warm. Loving. Reassuring.
“Not tonight,” he says, eyebrows lifting somewhat. “Okay?”
It should make Buck spiral. Should awake voices in his head telling him that he’s too heavy, and too emotional, and too needy, and too much.
It doesn’t. He can’t hear any of that. Any would-be voices are muted by the warmth of the love in Eddie’s eyes.
“Okay,” Buck nods, ducking his head somewhat, feeing his own version of Eddie’s smile creep onto his face as he squeezes his wrist, and looks back up. “Okay. Not tonight,” he agrees.
“Not tonight,” Eddie repeats, with a squeeze to Buck’s shoulder.
Unspoken is the promise of not tonight, but soon.
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saybiwithme · 2 months
Fave line tag game!
Tagged by @hippolotamus ❤️
I’ll just get right to it I’m pretty sure this will only be my 911 fics lmao
touch my heart (and let it rest) - Talk about the shooting fic
Eddie hadn’t realised, not until then, that he must’ve been waiting for them to talk about the shooting. For months they hadn’t and now the toll it was taking wasn’t good, but this was a look from him, a kind of warmth that he knew wasn’t blame exactly but rather a you’re the only one who might understand his turmoil kind of warmth because Buck was... well... Buck was half of Eddie, a half he hadn’t said he was in love with.
emerald star in the sky - Will fic
Buck’s lips felt so warm and only made Eddie’s heart soar even more before he shifted his hands to rest on Buck’s back pushing his lips back against his before Buck parted leaving Eddie’s lips ghosting his own “Of course I’m in love with you”, Buck said as if it was the most obvious thing.
bated breath - vampire buck
“You two looked like you were going to make out any second now”
“We did?”
“Oh please , as if you don’t know. I’ll dance with you but on one condition”
“What’s that?”
“You look at him the entire time, it is what he wants. He’s watching you already”, she pointed out rather casually.
dancing over the silence - surprise party fic
”That’s not your fault, you couldn’t have known that. We didn’t, but even if we did I still think we would’ve ended up here. None of us would have been able to ignore it”
The words looked like they might have clicked somewhere for Karen because she gently nodded her head “You’re right, Hen wouldn’t have”, she whispered
”Buck and I wouldn’t have either, hell I couldn’t even stop Buck from running in there in the first place. He just did it”, he didn’t say it in a way that signified annoyance because he knew he would do it, its why he loved him or rather one of the reasons he loved him.
Karen just stayed holding onto him, it was like doing so made this impenetrable bubble surround the two of them “Do you want me to go?”, she asked but the only response she got was Eddie shaking his head so there they stayed holding onto each other like their lives depended on it.
light surrounding you - Buck coming out fic
Hen did not stay sitting, there was no way for her to - in fact she had moved towards Buck at such a quick speed that Karen couldn’t keep hold of her hand, her arms had moved around him to pull him into a hug so quickly “I’m so proud of you” she said though it came out very muffled before she pulled back, just looking at him.
Buck’s eyes filled up with tears, a smile came across his face “You are?”, he asked
Hen nodded her head “Of course I am. It takes a lot of strength to come out to anyone”, she answered
@monsterrae1, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s, @loserdiaz
@prettyboybuckley, @rogerzsteven, @bi-buckrights, @spotsandsocks
@honestlydarkprincess, @bidisasterevankinard, @bibuckbuckley & @your-catfish-friend
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chronicowboy · 11 months
temptation tuesday
tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire (i have such a big fat creative crush on you btw) <333
so i am trying to focus on my original fiction (my queer (mainly wlw) pirate novel, my play called GENDERENVY, my sitcom about my evil hellhound of a dog) for my last summer before i graduate but obviously fic is an unmoving parasite on my brain so you can have a little extract of the fic i most want to write but absolutely cannot continue for some reason:
Somebody sits down beside him. A woman of around his age who is beautiful—no other way to put it—and only vaguely familiar like an itch in the back of his skull. She's short, probably wouldn't even reach his shoulders if they were to stand, pale skin and a freckled face, piercing green eyes and red hair so dark it almost looks purple until the sunlight catches it. She smiles at him when she catches him looking, something searching on her face like she's trying to place him just as much as he's trying to place her.
"Oh, you're Buck, right?" she asks with a dazzling moment of realisation. "Christopher's dad?"
"Oh, um, no, not exactly," he mumbles. "I mean, yes, I'm Buck, and I'm here for Christopher." He wrinkles his nose at himself, squinting slightly in the glare of the afternoon sun. "Not, like, here for him here, you know? I'm not, like, kidnapping him. And I'm not-not his dad?" He clears his throat and glances back at the entrance, checking his watch as his leg starts to bounce. "I mean, I'm not his dad. I'm his dad's best friend. And Christopher's best friend too." She tilts her head at him, eyes narrowing with a scrutiny that only makes the words keep coming. "But, uh, not in, like, a no responsibility way. I'm also kind of his guardian? Or, well, not yet. That only ever happens if Eddie dies. Which, um." He swallows loudly, fear bitter as bile and thick as mucus in the back of his throat. "Fingers crossed that that won't happen." There's an awkward laugh as Buck rubs at the back of his neck. "I'm..." He sighs, shoulders drooping. "I'm Christopher's Buck."
When he turns back to her, he's expecting her own awkward smile or amused laugh; that's normally how these things unfold. Although Buck has never quite beefed it that spectacularly before. Instead, when he returns his attention to her, there's a dazed sort of understanding on her face. That's when he sees a glimpse of her with one of Christopher's friends at the last bake sale.
"You're Charlotte's mom, right?" he asks, immediately cursing himself when her cheeks turn red in much the same way he's sure his did at her own assumptions.
(Ass = you and me, Buck thinks.)
"I'm, um, Dina." She introduces herself with a nervous nod, folding her arms over her chest. "Charlotte's mom's best friend," she clarifies with a meaningful look. "And Charlotte's best friend. And, also, a kind of co-parent, I guess?" She bites her lip and looks over at the school doors just like he had. "Legal guardian in the event of Morgan's death too." She nods once again, short and sharp and final, turning to him with something scared and hopeful on her face. "Are you in love with Eddie?"
Before Buck can even splutter in reply, the school bell rings and the doors fly open on a crowd of over-excited children ready to go home and watch TV or play video games until their heads hurt. Buck should probably be looking for Chris, but he can't tear his wide eyes away from Dina's anxious anticipation as she waits for an answer.
"W-what?" he breathes out. For all of these misunderstandings he's been through, even outside of the school, nobody has ever called him out on it before. "I'm not... Why would you... He's not... We're not—"
"Oh, thank God." She sighs happily, a sad grin stretching across her face. "I'm in love with mine too."
tagging my usual lovely legends @shitouttabuck @butchdiaz @diazass @danielsousa @alyxmastershipper if u have anything to share <3
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BuckTommy drabbles
Folks, I didn't have as much time as I thought today, so I made all your prompts into drabbles (exactly 100 words each). Thank you all! 💝
Prompts were (roughly): "Blue sweater", "Why would anybody drink milk like this", "Eddie as a guinea pig for Evan's proposal to Tommy" and "somebody from Tommy's past who doesn't know he's gay".
BuckTommy drabbles, below the cut, here you go!
Evan's foot brushes against Tommy's leg under the table, he’s smiling and flirting nonstop. He never stops talking, he’s adorable, and obviously very comfortable, not like the first time they met in this restaurant. It’s a damn fine restaurant, way too good to harbor embarrassing moments. 
"Tommy! That you?"
Waves of memories crash over Tommy upon this face from the past. Not exactly good ones.
"You’re a firefighter now, right?"
"Not the only news, Bill," Tommy says, putting a hand on Evan’s. "Evan, meet my former sergeant. Bill, meet my boyfriend."
Bill's eyes widen. All Tommy sees is Evan, smiling.
"No way."
Eddie braces against Buck's clutch, but the man with the wet puppy eyes is strong.
"Please, Eddie, I need you."
Buck pushes one leg forward. Eddie backs away. 
"Do you have to be this close?"
"Shh. Listen. I… I love you."
A surprised gasp mingles with Eddie's agonized groan.
"What the hell is this?" asks Hen, shocked.
"Uh, not what it looks like!"
"So, not a love confession in the storage room?"
"Dance rehearsals," Buck stammers, embarrassed.
Eddie laughs.
"He's practicing his proposal to Tommy at Maddie’s rescheduled wedding party."
"That’s a very Buck-thing, actually," says Hen, amused.
"Why would anyone drink milk like that?" Hen mutters, watching Buck drinking straight from the bottle.
Buck has invited her and Karen over to dinner, a double date, he said, and he's still busy cooking.
"He's obviously very thirsty," Karen replies with a grin.
Of course, that’s no reason to present like a peacock, showing off his arm muscles and flawless waist. Now he even licks a stray drop from his lips. 
"Very thirsty, indeed."
Tommy, sitting at the table with them, doesn't pay any attention. He’s literally staring at Buck.
"Not just him," whispers Karen, and the women chuckle.
"Good morning."
Evan feels like he wants to be woken up like this every morning: a gentle kiss on the forehead and Tommy's blue eyes. 
"Do you have to leave already?" he asks sleepily, rubbing his eyes; Tommy is on call.
Afraid so."
"Hold on. T... That's my sweater, isn't it?"
"I like it," Tommy states.
Evan wore that blue sweater that day at the hospital, hoping Tommy would show up. This sweater makes his eye color shine. Tommy's too, though. 
"I like it on you," Evan says, and Tommy's smile stays with him for the rest of his day.
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lucy-sky · 2 years
Who Cares? (Eddie Munson x virgin!f!reader)
So far, the two of you haven’t done anything more than that - just cuddles and kisses, fully clothed. Seems like Eddie totally doesn’t mind taking it slow, probably taking into account that you broke up with your ex not that long ago. You’re grateful for that, but each night your make out sessions inevitably get more and more heated, and every time you think you should tell him about the real reason behind your hesitation. Every time you think of it, and every time you end up not saying anything. Why is it so hard? You know Eddie’s not gonna judge or mock you, he’s not like that. And still you can’t bring yourself to do it.
Warnings: sexual content - making out, (first) handjob, vaginal fingering; slight insecurities (but Eddie acts like a sweet and understanding boyfriend, because I believe he’s exactly like that, you can’t change my mind); a bit of swearing
4129 words; gif by me (I forgot about my tag so pls just don’t steal it); AO3 link if you prefer reading there.
A/N: my first time writing for Eddie or Stranger Things fandom, so I’m a bit nervous and not sure if he turned out accurate enough... Please be gentle with me :’)
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Hanging out in Eddie’s place has recently become one of your most favorite pastimes ever. His uncle’s absent most of the time, and when he’s home, he doesn’t seem to care much about what’s happening behind the closed doors of Eddie’s room. You can eat pizza and watch a movie, listen to music on full blast, or simply fool around making silly pictures with your camera. Once Eddie even tried to teach you playing the guitar with not much success. But whatever you do, your evenings always end up the same way - on his bed, he’s on top of you, kissing you slowly like you have all the time in the world.
That’s exactly what you’re doing right now. Eddie hums softly, his lips trailing from your mouth to nip along your jawline, to the side of your neck and back to your mouth. His fingers tangle in your hair, and his hips instinctively buck against you from time to time. When he looks you in the eye, there’s always this huge grin playing on his lips, and you think those cute dimples that appear on his cheeks when he smiles like that is one of the most attractive features of his. You feel the warmth spreading all over your body with every kiss, every touch, every little sigh from him, familiar ache of arousal rising higher within your core.
So far, the two of you haven’t done anything more than that - just cuddles and kisses, fully clothed. Seems like Eddie totally doesn’t mind taking it slow, probably taking into account that you broke up with your ex not that long ago. You’re grateful for that, but each night your make out sessions inevitably get more and more heated, and every time you think you should tell him about the real reason behind your hesitation. Every time you think of it, and every time you end up not saying anything. Why is it so hard? You know Eddie’s not gonna judge or mock you, he’s not like that. And still you can’t bring yourself to do it.
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Eddie Munson. It’s incredible how just a little more than a month ago you didn’t know much about him apart from some rumors circulating around school. But surprisingly with him you feel more yourself than with anyone else. It's like he really sees you and you see him as well. 
Youʼve never been considered an outsider, but your two closest friends are school basketball team cheerleaders, and you… Well, you joined the team with them at first, but very soon you realized it's absolutely not your thing. So instead of torturing yourself, you decided to follow your true passion - photography. Your friends accepted that and you still supported each other. They had all the issues of the school newspaper with your pictures in it, and you visited all the games. At some point you even started dating a player from the team - girls introduced you to him at a party you attended together after one of the games. It was an instant attraction - a few drinks and you were already snogging on a couch, crazy for a girl who's never been in a romantic relationship before.
You met Eddie during a pretty tough period of your life. The breakup with your very first boyfriend wasn’t all that easy, even though you convinced yourself you didn’t care and it’s for the best, since he turned out to be a huge asshole. Due to this breakup you had to skip the latest games - you simply couldn't bring yourself to face him again. The girls were busy with training, learning new choreography and stuff, and you didn't want to bother them with your problems, so you chose to find some sort of escape in music and reading. Even though you've never been an outsider, at that time you really felt like one. 
One day you walked along the corridor to the library, a pile of books in your hands, headphones on your ears. Deep in heavy thoughts, you literally bumped into him as you turned the corner.
“Shit, sorry,” Eddie murmured as you both dropped on your knees to gather the books that fell down on the floor. “Trainwreck’s my middle name.”
“It’s not your fault, that’s just me, I… got distracted,” you shrugged.
“Here,” he leaned towards you, handing you a few of the books, and suddenly something made him freeze for a second. Following his gaze, you caught him staring at the headphones that were now hanging around your neck.
“Wait a sec, is that…” he raised his big brown eyes to yours in disbelief. “Is that Metallica??”
“Yeah,” you shrugged again, not really in the mood for talking at that moment. “I gotta go. Thanks for helping.”
You could still feel him staring as you made your way past him to the library.
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Eddie approached you the next day at your locker. 
“Hey!” his smile looked a little shy somehow - not very typical of him.
“Hey,” you replied, giving him a polite smile in return. “What’s that?”
“I uh… Just wanted to apologize for being a creep yesterday,” he let out a soft giggle. “It’s just that… I totally didn’t expect you to listen to something like that, you know, I thought… You’re into different kind of music, like your cheerleader friends.”
“Yeah well… I’ve always been into rock. Like… AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Kiss, The Cure… Metallica is great too… Also Queen, Bon Jovi, uh… You know, things like that.”
“Wow, that’s… Did anyone tell you about how great your music taste is?” he looked so impressed you felt your cheeks burning at the compliment.
“Um, no, not really, actually. As you said, my friends prefer a bit different music. But thanks for uh… thinking so.”
“You’re very welcome!” Eddie beamed at you, and that wide grin was so contagious you couldn’t help but smile back. “Hey, not to brag or something, but you know I’m actually playing in a band, right?..”
“I’ve heard of that, yeah.”
“Good, so…” he cleared his throat, fumbling with the hem of his shirt for a moment as if considering something. “Tomorrow night we’re having a gig at The Hideout, and I thought maybe… You wanna come check it out? It’s not really a big deal, mostly covers, but I bet there’s gonna be something you might like, you know, by chance. There’s free entrance, by the way.”
He had a really nice smile. Why the hell have you never noticed it before?
“Alright, I’ll think of it.”
“You really mean it, or you’re just saying that to politely get rid of me?” he narrowed his eyes comically, making you snort a laugh. 
“I really mean it, Eddie. I’ll think of it.”
“Fine. I’ll trust you on that one.”
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You actually came to that gig. Not that you were in a big mood for partying, but you just figured some distraction definitely wouldn’t hurt. And also Eddie’s smile. It’s simply stuck in your mind.
The look on his face when he saw you in the crowd was truly delighted. And of course he insisted on walking you home afterwards. You really enjoyed talking to him. Eddie was funny and charming, and for sure he was way smarter than he may seem to be. Turned out you had plenty of common topics to discuss, not just music, but also books. The Hobbit was one of your all time favorites; Eddie liked The Lord of the Rings. And you both loved Pet Sematary by Stephen King.
“May I ask you something?” he asked as you stood by your porch.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“If I tried to kiss you right now, would you punch me in the face, or would you give me a chance?”
“Depends on your kissing skills,” you blurted, surprising both him and yourself with such a bold reply.
“Oh, okay,” Eddie chuckled, as he stepped towards you, his hands carefully reaching your waist to pull you a little closer. “In that case I’m willing to accept the challenge.”
And then he kissed you, and that’s it. You knew you were gone.
In the morning he catches you at the lockers again.
“Hey there. I got something for you,” he smiled, fishing an audio cassette out of his pocket and handing it to you. “Always thought it’s kinda cheesy to make a mixtape for a girl, but there’s some good shit you’re totally gonna love!”
“Wait, what? You made a… Mixtape?” you shifted your surprised gaze from the cassette to his face that looked clearly pleased with your reaction. “But… when did you-”
“Haven’t slept all night makin’ it! Just kidding. Unless…”
“You’re crazy, Eddie Munson.”
“Maybe I am, and what about that?”
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“Can’t believe I’m dating a popular girl,” Eddie muses in between the kisses.
“What? Are you kidding me?” you huff, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. “I’m not popular. My friends are.”
“No, come on. You’re the school photographer, everyone knows you. In a way you’re kinda famous, my darling.”
“I can tell the same about you actually,” you quipped. “You’re kinda famous as well, everyone knows you… Does it make you popular? I don’t think so.”
“Ouch. That was pretty rude, you know that?” he frowned, but the next moment he was smiling again, leaning in to peck your lips a couple more times.
“I wonder what your popular girlfriends would think ‘bout you dating me,” he murmurs, pressing more kisses against your jaw.
“Hmm… They'd think I’ve lost my mind,” you grin at him, melting from his caress. The girls already suspected you're seeing someone, you just haven't told them yet. But you're 100% sure that's exactly what they would think, at least at first. 
“Oh really?” Eddie raises his eyebrows, his smile getting wider. “You lost your mind, is that true?”
“Absolutely,” you hush, running your fingers through his hair and pulling him into another deep kiss. He obeys with no hesitation, eagerly letting his tongue slip past your parted lips to meet your own. You moan softly into the kiss, shivers running down your spine, butterflies fluttering in your belly. You want him. Badly. At times like this, you really think you’re ready to cross this line. But you have to tell him first, just to make things a little less awkward. Just because you think honesty is important, and you really don’t want to hide anything from him. On the other hand, you don’t want to ruin the moment either.
Eddie pauses for a second to catch a breath, a small laugh escaping him when you scrunch your nose as his fluffy hair tickles your face. “Hey, lemme try somethin’, he smirks, and before you manage to say something in reply he grabs your waist tightly and makes a quick move, swiftly rolling you on top of him.
“Eds! You yelp, digging your nails into his shoulders. The new position suddenly makes you panic due to the lack of experience. “What are you doing?”
“Tryin’ something new,” he grins, but then notices your scared expression and frowns. “Is anything wrong?”
“I… Think I might be a bit too heavy to be on top,” you blurt out, instantly realizing how silly you sound.
“What? Baby, don’t be ridiculous. I love your curves,” he assures, licking his lips and kneading your hips tightly to prove the point. “You look super hot like that, c’mere.”
With this he reaches the back of your neck urging you to lean down for more kisses, and you’re simply unable to protest. His fingers start to stroke up and down your spine, slipping underneath your shirt eventually, and it feels so nice together with his lips on yours and his warm tongue in your mouth. As you shift on top of him, you realize how shamelessly wet you already are, and that he’s getting undoubtedly harder underneath you as well.
C’mon, y/n. Just spit it out. 
“Eddie,” you breathe out shakily as you break the kiss. “I-I really need to tell you something.”
“Yeah?” he cocks his head to the side, watching you intently. “What is it?”
“I uh… I’ve never done this before,” you mumble, nervously chewing on your lips as you watch him. 
“What do you mean, you… You’ve never had sex?” 
He’s obviously way smarter than he seems to be.
“No,” you shake your head. 
“Wait, but… Weren’t you dating that guy from the team?..”
“I did,” you cut him off. “Actually that’s the reason we broke up. He wanted more, and I uh… I wasn’t ready. So he said he’s sick of wasting his time with me.”
“No way! Son of a bitch. Did he really say that?” there’s pure indignation in Eddie’s voice, and you're relieved to know heʼs on your side. 
“Yeah, something like that,” you shrug. “Told him to go fuck himself.”
“That’s my girl!” he exclaims proudly, and then his gaze softens as he looks up at you, gently cupping your face and caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Look, if that’s what bothering you, just know that I’m not that stupid to break up with a smart, beautiful girl who’s got amazing taste in music and even laughs at my dumb jokes that easily, okay? For once in my life I won a fucking jackpot, and I’m not gonna lose it. If you’re not ready - that’s fine, I mean… I can always rub it off, not a big deal…”
“Actually…” you start quietly, placing your hand on his. “Actually I kinda think I’m ready now… It’s just different with you.”
“You sure?” he observes you with concern, one hand still on your face, another - rubbing soothing circles against your thigh. 
“I… I don’t know… Gosh, Eddie, I… I’m really turned on right now, and I feel like I want something more than just making out, and I know I want to do it with you, but I just don’t know where to start, and…” 
“Shh… Okay…” he pauses for a moment, thinking. “So, how about we start with something simple at first? Like… We could just use our hands… On each other. If you get what I mean.”
You gulp, already feeling yourself clench at the perspective.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Yeah?” he smiles softly, reassuringly as you nod. “You want me to touch you first, or?..”
“No,” you shook your head decidedly. “Since I’m on top, I think I wanna touch you first.”
“Damn, girl. You sound so sexy, you have no idea.”
The admiration in his eyes makes your heart swell and gives you more courage at the same time.
“I need you to guide me, okay?” you tell him gingerly, and he nods, taking your hand and slowly bringing it to his lower belly. You cup him experimentally through the coarse denim of his jeans, earning a small grunt from him. 
“That’s nice, you can squeeze a little tighter,” he encourages.
You stroke him for a while like that, feeling him hardening even more against your palm, and when his breath is getting heavier, you move to the hem of his pants. Eddie shivers as your nails graze against the skin on his lower belly before you start to undo his jeans.
When his cock finally springs free, you take your time to explore him with feathery light touches along his length. He lets you do it, hissing through his teeth when you reach the sensitive head, hips bucking into your touch.
“What now?” you ask, as your eyes find his again, searching for guidance.
“Right, yeah…” he clears his throat. “So um… First you need to spit in your hand…”
“Yeah, because well… Otherwise it’s gonna be a bit too dry, you know, and it’s uh… not very good. Trust me, I’m a pro at jerking off,” he laughs. “Not that I’m proud of it, but-”
“Like that?” you do as he asked and spit into your palm generously.
“Yeah… Yeah, it’ll work,” you feel Eddie’s hips buck again in anticipation. “Now you can just… Wrap it, like that… And just pump it up and down…”
His hand on yours, Eddie guides your movements, and you think you’re about to soak through your pants at how hot it all is. His cock is heavy, hot and throbbing in your hand as you work up and down his shaft, and those sweet little noises he makes is like music for your ears.
“That’s it, that’s it, baby, don’t be too gentle… damn it feels good!..” he praises.
Now that you found the right rhythm, he lets you work on your own, one of his hands dropping to fist the sheets, the other squeezing your hip tightly. Curious, you let your thumb brush across the head, earning a strangled moan from him. You think he looks so deliciously wrecked right now, face flushed, eyes half-closed, chest heaving.
“Want me to do that again?” you whisper, leaning closer to him, tightening your grip as you feel him twitch.
“Yes, please,” he pants, desperation in his voice causing you to squirm. Without thinking much, you lean even closer, pressing your lips against his neck, kissing and sucking on the tender skin there.
“Fuck,” he huffs, breath hitching in his throat.
You’re overwhelmed. There’s something flattering, and also so incredibly powerful about knowing it’s you who makes him feel this way. You don’t even need to be instructed any longer - all you need is to feel him and follow the instinct.
When his breath quickens, you speed up your movements, paying more attention to the glistening tip.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl, j-just k-keep going, like that, ffffuck…” Eddie stutters, tensing underneath you. “Shit, I’m gonna-” his hips jerk up, and he comes with an absolutely shameless high pitched moan. You keep stroking him through it until he grabs your hand, causing you to stop.
“Oh fucking hell,” he breathes out, panting, his lips curling into a wide, completely blissed out smile.
“Good thing I learnt that faster than playing the guitar,” you joke, and he laughs breathlessly. “You're gonna learn that too,” he promises. “C’mere.”
You curl up against him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as his arms wrap around you. It feels nice and warm, and you think you would gladly stay in his arms forever like this.
“Alright, now’s your turn, my lady,” Eddie smirks after a few minutes of cuddling, and the heat in your lower belly starts to rise anew at his words.
“You wanna take this shirt off, maybe?” he suggests innocently, fingers playing with the hem.
You nod, letting him help you to tug the shirt up and over your head.
“Yeah, look at you, you’re so pretty,” he sits up with you still straddling his legs, and presses a wet kiss against your sternum. “How ‘bout this?” he raises his eyebrows playfully, tugging at one of your bra straps.
Your fingers are trembling as you reach behind you to unclasp the garment and let it slip down.
“Holy shit. How did I get so lucky?” he muses, making your cheeks heat up at his paise. “Now would you lie back for me, huh?”
Nodding once again, you obey, laying on your back and letting him hover over you.
“Okay,” Eddie whispers, leaning in and kissing you slowly and tenderly.
“Just relax right now. It’s gonna be good, I promise,” he whispers, leaving a trail of kisses down the column of your throat.
“Okay,” your reply is barely heard, your whole body aching for his touch at this point. But when his head ducks down to catch your nipple between his lips and suckle on it gently, you’re no longer that quiet. Your back arches as you whimper, fingers sinking into his curls. 
Eddie takes his time exploring your breasts, sucking and biting, and swirling his tongue over the hardened buds, until you’re nothing but a whining mess.
“Eddie, can you please just uh…” you’re struggling to find the right words to express what exactly you want from him, and he chuckles against your skin.
“Impatient, are we? Alright, ma’am, your wish is my command.”
Without further hesitation, he makes quick work to undo your pants and tug them off together with your panties, and then encourages you to open your legs for him.
“Damn, baby… looks like you’re pretty worked up already. Wait a second, Doctor Munson’s gonna take care of you,” he smirks wickedly, taking the rings off his fingers.
You let out a loud gasp as the pads of his fingers brush along your slit before reaching your clit. It’s already swollen, begging to be touched, and Eddie hums in approval as you moan out his name once he starts circling it, gradually picking up the pace. 
Your head is spinning, pussy clenching at his movements. It feels both familiar and so new at the same time. Despite being a virgin, of course you did touch yourself like that. But his fingers just feel differently, and the closeness of him, the way he looks at you, his smell… All together it’s absolutely intoxicating. Closing your eyes, you let yourself melt in the sensations.
You’re dangerously close to your climax, when Eddie’s finger moves away from your clit, sliding down to your entrance and carefully pushing inside.  
“You good?” he checks, leaning to kiss the corner of your mouth as he slowly moves his finger in and out of you.
“Yeah,” you sigh out.
“Good… You’re so nice and warm down there, might be getting hard again,” he lets out a soft giggle. “You want another finger?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod, and he complies, spreading your legs a little further. His movements are still slow and careful, it’s the sensation of fullness that makes you gasp, and you can’t help but wonder how his cock would feel like instead. He gives you a moment to adjust before curling his fingers up, brushing against something inside you that makes your toes curl as you choke out another desperate moan. 
“There we go, that’s the spot, right?” Eddie chuckles in satisfaction as he strokes you a little faster. He works you with both his hands now, paying attention to your clit as well while he pumps and curls his fingers inside you, and soon you feel the muscles in your belly start to contract, something huge building deep within you, tensing and throbbing before bursting in pure bliss. Your whole body shudders, inner walls clenching around Eddie's fingers again and again, pleasure hitting you in waves. You’re unable to think, unable to focus, all you know is that you’ve never come that hard in your entire life.
“There ya go, there ya go, good girl,” Eddie leans in to kiss your forehead, slowly withdrawing his fingers, making you whimper at the loss. “Told you it’s gonna be good,” he winks at you before licking his fingers clean.
“Everything alright?” he asks once again, lying down next to you and pulling you against his chest. You feel completely boneless, warm and relaxed in his embrace.
“Yeah, I’m great,” you murmur lazily. “You?”
“Awesome!” he replies, pressing another kiss against the crown of your head. “Never been better.”
“You really mean it, or-”
“I really REALLY mean it, y/n,” he cuts you off, tilting your head up to capture your lips.
“I’m glad I did it with you,” you tell him, and he beams at you, showing those adorable dimples on his cheeks again.
“Glad you chose me.”
“I didn’t… I mean, it just happened. Once you kissed me that night after the gig, I think I already knew… Shit, I sound super cheesy, am I?” you buried your face into his chest.
“You’re not, that’s actually cute,” he replies, letting his fingers play with your hair. “You know what, I think I knew it the moment I heard those sweet sounds of Metallica blasting from your earphones.”
“No way,” you giggle. 
“Hey, did I ever lie to you?” he laughs back, pulling you even closer. 
You spend the next few minutes in comfortable silence.
“Hey Eddie?” you ask him after a while.
“Yeah,” he hums, stroking your shoulder.
“I know it’s not really your thing, and actually I didn’t even plan to go there, but…. Maybe you wanna go to that winter dance with me?”
“Really?” he glances down at you curiously. “If we go there together… That would make us official, right?” 
“Exactly,” you nod, biting your lip. 
“I mean, I don’t mind going… Imagine your cheerleader and basketball player friendsʼ faces when they see us though,” he snorts a laugh.
“Who cares?” You shrug, snuggling closer to his frame. “I don’t.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Eddie sighs, smiling contently at his thoughts. “Me neither.”
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Thanks for reading! 
Feedback means a lot to me, especially when I’m writing for a new character :’)
Tags for those who wanted to be tagged: @skvatnavle @chellestrash @chelseasdagger @parkertommy @fleurated​
No pressure tags for those who didn’t ask but might be interested (I’m choosing to be annoying today, yep): @anna-hawk @thisishellfire​
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killerlookz · 2 years
I just asked for 2 w eddie munson and just realized i didn't specify which one 💀💀 it's for fluff I'm so sorry 😭
a/n: hehe! no problem anon, thank you for clarifying!
PROMPT LIST: Fluff #2: "You're jealous aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
Only You | Eddie Munson x gn! reader
warnings: none, just some light jealousy! | word count: 0.9k
You lean against Eddie's beat-up van, propping up one of your feet and letting it rest against the hard rubber of one of the wheels. Your arms fold against your chest and you watch your boyfriend from a distance as he walks towards the van. You wait patiently for him to make his way over to you, just like you'd been waiting for him for the last twenty minutes.
"Hi, baby," He greets, once in your vicinity, placing a hand against your cheek and a kiss on your lips. You place a delicate hand on top of the denim that covers Eddie's shoulder and pucker your lips back, returning to the small gesture.
"Hi, Eddie- where were you?" You chirp, trying not to let your annoyance with Eddie's late appearance show, "School ended like, 20 minutes ago- I've been waiting, baby."
"Oh, sweetheart," Eddie sighs, "I'm so sorry- I thought I told you, spontaneous drug deal," he chuckles, holding up his metal lunchbox.
"Oh," You smile, "It's okay- with who?"
"You'll never believe this," Eddie scoffs, "Chrissy fucking Cunningham." Eddie's eyes blow wide in disbelief.
You're not quite sure what it is, but you don't seem to find Eddie dealing to Chrissy as amusing as he does, instead, another feeling seems to settle into your body- one that makes you rather uncomfortable.
"Chrissy Cunningham?" You repeat flatly.
Eddie nods wildly, a bewildered smile still lingering on his face.
"You dealt drugs to Chrissy Cunningham? Queen of Hawkins High School?" You ask again, your voice still deadpan.
"No-actually," Eddie chuckles, "I offered her a half-ounce for like fifteen bucks and she didn't take it."
"Eddie!" You scold, "Fifteen bucks for a half ounce, that's practically robbing you blind!" You fold your arms across your chest once more.
"I know! That's exactly what I said!" Eddie's head lurches forward ever-so-slightly, and his eyes widen, "She said it wasn't enough- asked if I had anything stronger- so I invited her over after Hellfi-"
"Invited her over?" You cut Eddie off abruptly as a sinking feeling pushed itself down in your chest.
"Y-yeah-why?" Eddie asks, his voice suddenly concerned. You narrow your eyebrows at Eddie, ready to make some excuse as to why you'd cut him off but he gets the chance to speak before you, "You're jealous aren't you?" A small smirk finds itself tugging at the corner of Eddie's mouth.
"I'm not jealous." You mumble, turning your head towards the ground.
Two of Eddie's fingers find your chin, and poke at the underside of your face, beckoning you to regain eye contact with him.
"Hey, look at me," Eddie pries, pressing his fingers up a little harder to guide your face upwards. You give into Eddie's urgings, lifting your head with the movement of Eddie's fingers. You try to avoid any and all eye contact, shooting your gaze just past Eddie's shoulder and toward the direction that he came from. "You don't have to lie to m-"
"I'm not jealous!" You respond defensively before Eddie even has a chance to finish his sentence.
"No?" He asks, "Then what's wrong, baby, you seem upset."
The sound of genuine concern in Eddie's voice urges your eyes to train onto his, and he's peering down at you- his big, brown eyes giving you his full and complete attention. You don't answer, instead, you only look at Eddie with defeat, trying to tell him he was right without full-out saying you were jealous of Chrissy Cunningham."
Eddie moves his hand from your chin to your cheek, stroking your face lightly with his thumb,
"You know you have no reason to be jealous of Chrissy, right?" Eddie smiles.
You huff, still unmoved by Eddie's insurance.
"Baby," He chuckles, "I don't even know her- and she has a boyfriend."
"So?" You retort, "Doesn't stop everyone else in Hawkins from drooling over her."
"Well, everyone else isn't dating you." Eddie draws out the ending 'u' sound before peppering lazy kisses across your cheek. The loud smacking of Eddie's lips against your cheek and the obvious feeling of Eddie smiling into each kiss finally makes your mouth twist up to a smile of its own. You feel your tummy erupt with more and more butterflies with each kiss Eddie places against your skin.
"Eddie," You draw out his name, giggling as you throw your head back against the van.
Eddie places a few more kisses to your cheek, these ones slower and longer before picking his head back up to look at you.
"You have no reason to be jealous of Chrissy," Eddie insists, his head looming over you. "I promise you- and if you don't want- I won't bring her to my place later- or you can come with us if that makes you more comfortable, okay, baby?"
"No," You shake your head, "You need the money- I'm not gonna stop the deal- I trust you."
"You sure you don't want to come?" Eddie moves his hand from your cheek to poke at your side, "Doing drugs with the queen of Hawkins High- might be fun."
You playfully swat Eddie's hand away from your side, giggling at the ticklish feeling that his fingertips left against your flesh.
"That does sound like a good time," You scrunch your lips to one side, "I'm in."
"Good," Eddie grins before his face suddenly grows into a look that's much more serious, "You know I love you, right? Only you."
"Yes, Eddie," You feel your skin get hot under his intense stare, "I love you too."
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