#what would the protag tag for this game be hmmm
artseniccatnip · 1 year
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waddahell bestieball
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karouvas · 2 months
ask game: for TRC what's a pairing u are Not a fan of? 👀
I’ll just answer all the fandom asks for trc since that’s one of those questions
Favorite character: Adam and Blue could fight it out depending on my mood since they’re all time favs for different reasons, but these days have had clinical levels of Adam brain rot so Adam <3 love that demented freak so bad
Least Favorite character: both Niall and Artemus for different reasons Niall I hate more as a person but he at least brings some interesting things to the narrative (even if I think the narrative also is kinder to him than he deserves) whereas Artemus is just boring + takes time away from more interesting Blue plots + dynamics so I resent him more ultimately. So Artemus. But of the mains + fandom favs there’s no one I strongly dislike I would have said Kavinsky a few years ago but that was only because I hated his fandom passionately, his char in a vacuum I’m quite centrist about.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Adam x Gansey, Blue x Gansey, then if we’re including td3 Jordan x Hennessy is in third place and Jordan x Declan in fourth, and fifth Blue x Noah. not counting td3 fourth is Pynch (I’m mean about them sometimes but when trc Pynch is good they are really good.) and 5th hmmm. will go with Gansey x Henry but it could be one of a few ships depending on my mood, this is the everyone loves everyone series after all.
Character I find most attractive: middle school Sana was in love with Helen lol to the point where I mentally wrote some self insert-y Blue x Helen fanfiction. Now I would probably say Gwenllian (which is helped by the fact when I went to work on her section of my trcverse minor women Pinterest board I saw a lot of Katie McGrath/ Morgana images and I’m watching bbc Merlin rn so! relevant to my interests).
Character I would marry: Jordan <3.
Character I would be best friends with: I don’t badly want to be friends with anyone from the verse of protags..Jordan and Blue are the only candidates out of them everyone else is just automatically nope. Oh and I could hang with ghost Noah but probably not Noah back when he was alive. In general honestly I’d love to spend time with Persephone as her research assistant in her phd writing or being trained by her like Adam was or having her as an Aunt/maternal figure like Blue did.
A random thought: very normal about this series as you can tell
An unpopular opinion: well I just said this in the tags of that poll but even though I love TDT a lot it’s not my unequivocal favorite like it is for a lot of people / I prefer BLLB and TRB as overall books. Part of this is def character biases related since TRB is the Adam book but also has quite a bit of Blue/300 fox way and then BLLB is the Blue book but also has quite a lot of Adam focus (although ironically TDT is probably my favorite book of them all for Adam content specifically. I love when my favs get messy <3) and I love Ronan but gravitate towards him least out of the core four.
My canon OTP: Blue x Gansey
Non-canon OTP: Adam x Gansey
Most badass character: honestly not a lot of chars in this verse I think of as badass… I mean Adam’s ruthlessness and cleverness are impressive as hell but I also think of him as more pathetic than he gets credit for being in certain ways so hesitate to call him that. Calla or the Gray Man
Pairing I am not a fan of: I really don’t have a ship I hate or even strongly dislike overall in this verse, it’s more about active vs passive interest in various pairings or that existing on a scale, or it’s about how I feel about fandom’s take on a dynamic. I used to say Rovinsky but again that was for fandom reasons not canon ones and certainly not for morality discourse reasons. These days if I’m being negative about a ship it’s usually Pynch and that’s for a combination of late canon reasons + fandom issues. BLLB Pynch will always have been a slay though, and they get to take that to their graves some ships never achieve that level of slay even for a limited time. Least interesting relationship across the board…. Sorry to say it but honestly Carliana. I enjoyed some td3 yuri in that I was obsessed with the Jordanessy clonefucking vibes and intrigued by what little Carmenessy there was but Carliana… I can’t say I found it terribly compelling. But not to the extent of hate just like a flatline.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): trc wise Blue but Not for the reasons I’ve seen fandom go for in the past as some of the things fandom slotted as bad writing / screw ups I would defend as good character writing specifically the types of criticisms that were just like. “It’s bad writing that she has dimensionality and flaws such as being judgmental or insecure or hypocritical and having imperfect views of feminism or being occasionally classist or displaying internalized misogyny but when the boys do this sometimes to worse extents (especially on the misogyny front) I think it’s a realistic flaw boys will be boys” DIE! And then as a response to this criticisms ik Blue stans in old school fandom (I might even have been a bit guilty of this when I was like. 13) would write a million headcanons about Actual Blue who is a perfect feminist unlike canon Blue and like… ultimately that’s not Blue / not the char I love. Not that this is specific to Blue it happens all the time with similar molds of character or female chars in other archetypes with adjacent discourse surrounding them Piper McLean is another example that comes to mind, so many others count especially in male-lead media where there’s then pressure on the fewer female chars to represent ideals rather than being three dimensional people the way the male chars are. So I think Those criticisms of Blue’s writing are ultimately not relevant in my mind / aren’t real criticisms. And in general I think she’s a well written character in the first three books which is not to say that misogyny doesn’t impact how she’s written in those books I could certainly be analytical about that if I wanted to be but nothing that detracts from her overall character. HOWEVER, the writing still Does ultimately fail Blue / do her dirty / is misogynistic towards her not because she has these flaws but because the narrative ultimately *resolves* these flaws by having her only learn to not be so judgemental of rich white boys and one rich Asian boy instead of anyone else or spending an equal amount of time breaking down their assumptions about her, TRK doesn’t give her personal struggles almost any page time and she has the sloppiest resolution in that book with her whole fundamental nature being boiled down to her being a tree before she has to Plot. So yeah I do think she’s done dirty by the writing but I’m generally hesitant to agree with people who say that she deserves better writing before I hear qualifying statements about what exactly they mean / how they mean it, for these reasons.
Favourite friendship: despite also shipping them my gut instinct was Blue and Noah, otherwise it’s Adam and Persephone
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Game of Thrones - 50 ARYA IV (pages 511-522)
Syrio Forel's lesson on seeing the truth despite what you're told is interrupted by Lannister men and Arya has to run the gauntlet of trauma, her first kill, and escaping a Red Keep under Lockdown.
"Hear me. The ships of Braavos sail as far as the winds blow, to lands strange and wonderful, and when they return their captains fetch queer animals to the Sealord's menagerie. Such animals as you have never seen, striped horses, great spotted things with necks as long as stilts, hairy mouse-pigs as big as cows, stinging manticores, tigers that carry their cubs in a pouch, terrible walking lizards with scythes for claws. Syrio Forel has seen all these things.
"oh nice, let's see... zebra, questing beast giraffe, what is that? like a hippo? manticores? like legit manticores? tigers that- terrible liz-
Screw the Jon Snow sequel spin off, gimme the zoo keepers of Braavos. NOW!!! (Tazzy Tigers and 'Raptors, gimmegimmegimme!!!)
ahem, I'm fine.
Lannister Guardsmen: haha! we are shielded from piercing damage! Syrio: not in your eyeball, and besides *+1,000 Bludgeoning Damage Buff*
Hang on, I just need a second to be envious that GRRM can write action scenes. ... Okay, now I need a second to appreciate how badass Syrio is... And now we're going to talk about this is how you do group fights! Hey, all y'all who've ever been given a sin on cinema sins for 'everyone attacks one at a time' this ^ Yes! Move your protag! Y'all ever played... what do they call it? chain tag? every time you tag a person, instead of them become 'it' they link hands and you're both 'it' and the team grows with each tag? If you've ever played you know exactly how hard it is to attack at the same time when the target is moving. Often when the 'sin' pops up in movies, the protag/target isn't even moving very much, but this? good stuff!
She pretended she was chasing cats... except she was the cat now, and if they caught her, they would kill her. ... A dozen gold cloaks in mail and plate ran past as she was edging across the bailey, but without knowing whose side they were on, she hunched down low in the shadows and let them pass.
A good call, and definitely the right one. She's doing really well setting her headspace to cope, but this is going to be so much for her to deal with when she has the breathing room to actually address it. (If she ever does, is GRRM the kind of author who sweeps character trauma under the rug? uhh... hmmm...)
Close to him was a dead man in the red cloak and lion-crest helm of the Lannisters. Only one, though. Every northerner is worth ten of these southron swords, Desmond had told her. "You liar!" she said kicking his body in a sudden fury.
Oop, her coping mechanism slipped. Understandable though, given the fresh wave of trauma and the increased intensity of it all. Up to this point she still thought there was some safe harbour in teh Red Keep left to run to.
Everything Syrio Forel had ever taught her vanished in a heartbeat. In that instant of sudden terror, the only lesson Arya could remember was the one Jon Snow had given her, the very first. She stuck him with the pointy end, driving the blade upward with wild, hysterical strength.
That's probably going to be its own trauma and guilt later, not just that she killed that boy, but that she blanked on everything but 'pointy end first.' It's hardly abnormal though. The internet is full of "If it had been me in that situation, I would have" types, and every single one of them is full of shit. No one can know how they'd react to fear and terrifying situations until they're in them. She did well just to defend herself. The point of training until you can do things without thinking is to form muscle memory, which is not memory that is stored in the muscles, but setting a series of actions so deep into the memory of the brain, that the brain will auto-fill the action without you having to consciously input each step. You are creating a 'natural' reaction. But that's assuming your 5F response is Fight or that you can bypass the others to create a Fight response as priority. (The 5 Automatic and Inherent responses to fear and trauma are Fight, Flight, Freeze, Flop and Fawn/Friend)
It was the scariest thing she had ever done. She wanted to run and hide, but she made herself walk across the yard, slowly, putting one foot in front of the other as if she had all the time in the world and no reason to be afraid of anyone. She thought she could feel their eyes, like bugs crawling on her skin under her clothes.
You're doing amazing sweetie. That's it, just like driving a stolen car under the speed limit, you've got this!
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends. Arya held the candle over her head. With each step she tool; the shadows moved against the walls, as if they were turning to watch her pass. "Dragons," she whispered.
I like that Syrio started the chapter with advice on not letting your mind cloud your senses to the truth, and Arya revisits a place that was full of warped perceptions (fear and the dark) and sees it clearly, but at the same time it doesn't totally erase that idea that there's something not necessarily alive, but awake down there.
Fear cuts deeper than swords the quiet voice inside her whispered. Suddenly Arya remembered the crypts at Winterfell. They were a lot scarier than this place, she told herself.
Mental shields back up, fear under control! Time to skedaddle.
I am going to bring up, very quickly, that Arya's only thought about Sansa in this was part of the memory of her getting frightened in the crypts, at no point did Arya think about going to rescue Sansa (or Jeyne or anyone) and this was, while not a conscious choice, definitely the right choice. Arya is a nine year old girl who can't even protect herself, who was so terrified just getting herself to safety, even if she'd thought about it, not trying to save anyone else was the best option. As far as Arya knew, everyone was dead, and even though they weren't, Arya is just not capable at this point of doing anything more than saving herself. Any attempt she might have made at rescue would have ended in almost guaranteed disaster.
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rosieartsie · 2 years
Superlatives OC tag
I wasn't tagged by anybody I'm doin this because I FEEL LIKE IT lmao. But I tag @magefaery @theskeletonprior @muddshadow and @peresephones
most arrogant :: Oh boy, Dreigas and Iphigenia for sure. Funnily enough for similar reasons! Lmao these characters are actually a lot alike- they'd fuckin' hate each other
most humble :: Hmmm... Leopold? He's pretty humble tbh, he kicks so much ass but treats it like it's just his regular tuesday. A lot of the time it is his regular tuesday lol
most charming :: Femi for sure is very, very charming. Kalmin is a total charmer as well, even though he talks very loud lol.
most talkative :: Jane will talk you up a wall if you let her lmao
least talkative :: Dreigas, for sure. He would probably not talk to anyone at all if it wasn't considered totally rude, and he only cares about not being rude for the sake of his reputation.
most relatable :: To me? Jane. Love her, wanna be her when I grow up.
least relatable :: Hmmm... That's hard, I find most of my characters relatable in some way... I think Dreigas takes this one again lol, he's such an asshole.
most ambitious :: Kalmin and Jane are tied for this one lol- both of them HATE to lose, and are very determined to be the best. It's a good thing they don't exist in the same universe because they'd either be the very best of friends or the most bitter rivals.
most easy-going :: Aquestros is very easy going tbh lol- they're a weirdo and they hold grudges a lot? But situationally they're really mutable. Mercutio is also pretty chill and go with the flow, even when it comes to dealing with demons.
most high-strung :: Iphigenia and Setsulin are both very high strung lol. Iphigenia thinks they're god's gift (in a way they are, at least half lmao) and Setsulin has a very, very, almost nonexistent tolerance for bullshit. 
most pretentious :: Iphigenia again lol. Fuckin' neeeerrrdddddddd Beaux can be pretty pretentious too, but he really doesn't mean to be.
most cheerful :: Argos tries their damnedest to be happy-go-lucky, they take after their dad in that way, even though shit gets pretty hard for them. If left alone, they're a very joyful person.
most patient :: I haven't introduced y'all to this guy, but @magefaery will know lmao. Charlemagne is incredibly patient- he's learned to be, he used to be a real short fuse, but a lot of his best qualities are learned rather than inherent to his nature and patience rates high among those developed skills.
most diligent :: Femi and Jane are extremely diligent lol- they're protags and they don't let their stories drag them around. These ladies get shit done, yes they do.
now adding a few extras just for funsies~  those i tagged don't have to do these if they don't wanna :P
most bullied :: Huh... I dunno actually-- Iphigenia was bullied as a kid, which resulted in some pretty gnarly stuff for them... Yeah, I'd say Iphigenia is the most bullied of my characters, not that they allow anyone to see how it gets to them.
most loved :: Femi. For sure Femi. *points to her spiderweb 80 person polycule*
most terrifying :: Another guy you guys haven't met lmao, but Fortissimo lol. Fortissimo is from a DnD game, he's an NPC who is a triton and he's basically a Mantis Shrimp anthro. In game he punched the sea and made a real tsunami, and under the right circumstances can pink mist someone with his fist. He's a jolly guy, and a pirate that kicks the crap out of bad guys, but the fact that he can do that is utterly horrifying lmao
most hated :: Dreigas lmao- I cannot emphasize how much of a dick this dude is he is so fucking unhinged lmao. He has reasons, I don't think anyone gets to be such an asshole for no reason but it's an explanation, not an excuse. What a garbage man lmao
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dirthara-mama · 6 years
Dragon Age Questions
 I was tagged by @cullenvhenan and @gothkimmyschmidt ! Thanks babes!
Tagging: @drellvhen  @lyrium-lovesong @dalish-ish @ghostwise and @empresstress13 (no obligation, of course!)
01) Favourite game of the series?
Overall, Inquisition. The CC is pretty good, hair options notwithstanding. I think the story adds an incredible amount of lore. I actually don’t mind the open world aspect, it truly doesn’t feel any more empty that Skyrim imo.
DA2 had the most fun combat for me. Origins had a bunch of elements I like but I played it so far after it’s release that it’s always going to be visually dated in my head and not in an endearing way.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
My partner let me borrow some games when we first started dating, Dragon Age Origins among them. I played it, really enjoyed it, but moved on to a few other games in the stack like Fable and ME3.
The summer of 2017, I think, I saw him playing DA2 and wanted in. I tried it, didn’t like it, so he suggested Inquisition. And yeah, here we are. (I did go back and play DA2 after 1 & 3 and I liked it!)
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
DAO: 3?
DA2: 1.5
DAI: I’ve finished Trespasser twice, started a bunch of half-finished playthroughs though.
04) Favourite race to play as?
It’s fairly obvious that elves are my favorite. I feel no shame about that. They’re so damn cute.
05) Favourite class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I tend to make similar choices in DAI, but it’s definitely more fun to mix things up in the first two games.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
DAO: Leliana, Alistair, Shale.
DA2: Fenris, Isabela, Merrill.
DAI: Blackwall, Solas, and I usually mix it up between Dorian, Cassandra, and Sera.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Definitely Ayelet. I’ve spent the most time with her and her creation was in response to a character I wasn’t super happy with in the first place.
09) Favourite romance?
DAO: Alistair
DA2: Merrill’s is so so so cute.
DAI: Solas, which is no surprise to anyone.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I’ve read some comics, am currently listening to the Masked Empire in audio book form but MY GOD is Weekes’s writing a slog to get through. I also have World of Thedas v2 and Hard in Hightown!
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I absolutely love flipping through World of Thedas. The art, the obscure info, THE ENTIRE CHANT OF LIGHT
12) Favourite DLCs?
DAO: I’ve only played the DLC with Shale and tbh I doubt another one can top it.
DA2: Again, I’ve only played the one with Sebastian. And he’s bae anyway.
DAI: Jaws of Hakkon. The scenery is beautiful, the folks of Stone-bear Hold are gems, and the feels?? Perfection.
13) Things that annoy you.
The washed out look of DAO, and how very slow combat is.
I absolutely hate the look of elves in DA2. In Origins they barely have pointed ears, and suddenly they’re green toned, huge-eyed folks that don’t have any differentiation between their foreheads and nose bridge.
Some of the retcons on DAI are annoying. 3 mages per Dalish clan? That’s a no from me, dawg.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Considering all the beautiful land Orlais has usurped, I’d have to go with Orlais just for the scenery. However, the politics are Stupid.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages, but my characters typically aren’t concerned with the conflict between the two.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
They’re all in the same universe! I only have one canon Warden, Champion, and Inquisitor, but the rest of my crew play roles within the same universe.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
The Warden’s mabari is Barkspawn (it’s a basic meme now, I know and I don’t care).
Ayelet has two pets: a cat named Vherise and her mount, a red hart called Nema.
18) Have you installed any mods?
I have a very very unorganized mod folder, yes.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
No, Myri would never have chosen that life for herself outside of the circumstances of the game.
20) Hawke’s personality?
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
No, I like when everyone sticks to their own aesthetic. I change their colorways a bit though. Sera gets black and pink everything. Viv gets the fancy silver fabric. Dorian looks so good in green.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Myriani would have found some way for Jowan to escape. Ayelet would have tried to save her friends and clan mates at the conclave.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Not really as far as Myri is concerned. Even after DAO, the canon story of the Warden holds true for her. After a short period of traveling she becomes Warden-Commander of Ferelden, continues her relationship with Alistair, he goes to Orlais, eventually her higher-ups ask her to investigate a cure for the taint or at least the Calling in the West. And that suits my larger timeline just fine.
Ayelet has a few small differences. Mainly with regards to Dalish clan life and customs, her romance, and a lengthened timeline for Inquisition. How exactly are we meant to believe all of those things take place in only a year?????
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Ayelet is like 50% a self-insert, I guess. She has a different personality, and totally different face. But we have the same hair and some commonalities in background. It just makes it easy to get into her head.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
I leave Hawke. Meta af, but I feel like Hawke is supposed to be left there as part of their arc. Something tells me Hawke will survive while a warden might not.
26) Favourite mount?
Any of the harts. That screeching gives me life.
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pinayelf · 6 years
Dragon Age Questions
I was tagged by @feeshies! Thank you :D
Tagging: @star--nymph @crystal-grace @dirthara-mama @bitchesofostwick @inquisitorsmabari @mybookswerealltome 
01) Favourite game of the series?
Inquisition. I know it’s not the best plot-wise etc etc (disc horse here) but for me it’s the most fun to play, I think the mage moves are cool and I like taking screencaps. Also cause Josephine is my most romanced jfisdnfuni
Plus my characters look Asian. 
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I knew about it when it first came out because my high school friends were into it. Funnily enough I was not. I would hang out with them while they played it and I’d get bored and wait until they were done so we could do something else.
I didn’t start playing it until April 2017 when my friend convinced me to play DAO because she said I could be gay and evil. Got hooked. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
DAO: Hmmm? Does this count as full playthroughs? Because I’ve only ever fully played as Amihan. But if we’re talking like getting pretty far in-game I’d say four or five.
DA2: Two times? The lighting irritates me lol, I can never see my Hawke.
DAI: I’ve finished it through Trespasser twice. But like DAO I’ve gotten pretty far in-game four or five times.
04) Favourite race to play as?
Human. I know it’s boring lol and I know it’s not that deep but I feel like it’s because I never see myself in media and shows so I make humans to see myself as the hero of a fantasy story. Idk. 
It’s funny because I’m assuming Imryll is my most well known OC. 
05) Favourite class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
Ehhh...slightly? I have Circle loyalists and Rebel Mages and it’s...I play almost all mages lmao so...but they have different attitudes towards different things. With certain characters it’s usually me just pushing the mean option through the whole game so I guess lol.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
Like just for running around and exploring? Well you can’t really do that in DAO or DA2, so I’ll just answer for DAI. I somehow make sure Vivienne and Sera are in the mix just cause I really like the two of them.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Amihan. She has the most complex development so far, just with her decisions and the way she views things and how she changed.
09) Favourite romance?
DAO: Leliana
DA2: Anders (tbh I haven’t tried other romances yet I don’t play DA2 too often)
DAI: Honest tie between Josephine, Sera and Cullen (But if I HAD to pick, it’s Josephine)
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
12) Favourite DLCs?
DAO: Lol I got lazy playing with them and I zoomed through return to Ostagar so I really can’t say.
DA2: Mark of the Assassin is funny and I think Tallis is really cute.
DAI: The Descent, even though it does give me heebie jeebies. Maybe that’s why I like it.
13) Things that annoy you.
The lighting in DA2, the way Sera was written, that stupid Druffalo fetch quest. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Someone is gonna kill me for this but neither. Orlais is pretty so points for that (like seriously the maps in Orlais are gorgeous) and I don’t really care for Ferelden (SORRY) so...
I’m gonna have to say Free Marches. I’m a big Free Marches stan. (Shout out to Ostwick)
15) Templars or mages?
Personally, mages. And if you pick mages in DAI you get a field trip with Cullen
But writing-wise it’s dependent on the character. Like Monica is evil and got mad at Irving for letting her get conscripted so she annuls the Circle for revenge.
Theo sides with the Templars cause he’s a Templar. 
Also lmao, idt your choice in this matter reflects your real-life morals and it’s annoying that people think it does because for the most part people are just writing stories and creating characters.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
Yep! I have a lot of different timelines with the same characters, I like making them non-protags because I like exploring the world and lore from an NPC’s POV. 
I have one switched around where Amihan is the Inquisitor and Imryll is the Warden.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Amihan named her dog Pikachu. I never know how to write this or explain this in canon so I never bring up her dog. I named her dog Pikachu because I named it after my own dog.
Sinag’s dog is named Cinnamon, after my other dog but this is easier to write in canon lmao.
Tala’s giant nug mount is named Pudgy but I don’t really use mounts, I don’t like it.
18) Have you installed any mods?
I’m a basic bitch, so yes, I have a lot.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Amihan: No Monica: No Violetta: ...? Mayari: Maybe
Wow they’re all Amells
20) Hawke’s personality?
Purple. I’m planning to make Veronica blue though, but I haven’t gotten around to it.
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
No cause I want the armor to fit their own Styles TM Plus I’m scarred from Catholic school uniforms lolololol
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Amihan probably wouldn’t have snitched on Jowan to be petty
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Amihan wasn’t friends with Jowan, her only friend was Finn and no one liked them because they were annoying. 
I don’t know if this really goes against canon but Tala and Imryll weren’t born in the Free Marches, they were from a Seheron clan who merged with Clan Lavellan because it was getting too dangerous to live in Seheron.
Isadore isn’t a Trevelyan, she’s an apostate mage from Kirkwall who lived in Darktown and was part of the Mage Underground
Marikit isn’t a Trevelyan either. She was from a peasant background and was taken away by Templars to the Ostwick Circle but what happened of her family is unknown and she doesn’t remember them. 
Monica Amell is Quentin’s daughter with Revka. Hence the uh...creepiness. 
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
I’m going to straight up say it but Isadore is a self-insert. I made her cause out of all the LIs Sera is probably the one I’d date IRL and I wanted to date her. 
Zeke Trevelyan is based off Zayn Malik’s face, but not really off him, I just like his face so I made an OC who looks like him. Theo Trevelyan is based off Taron Egerton’s face for the same reason I made Zeke, but none of them are really anything like their faceclaims, they’re their own characters.
It was self-indulgent what can I say.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Dependent on character. It’s an even between the Warden and Hawke.
26) Favourite mount?
That nug. What a good nug.
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quilloftheclouds · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
I was actually tagged twice for this one, so it’s actually 22 instead of 11! Thanks to @marlettwrites​ and @inexorableblob​ for the tags, and apologies for the lateness of answering! I have quite the backlog of tag games. ^^’
Rules: Answer eleven questions, tag eleven people, and ask eleven questions!
1. What book has most inspired you to write? (could also be a tv show, podcast, song, whatever!)
Oooooffff, I need to get back into reading real books. Honestly? I know The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell was one of the inspirations from my childhood, but there are likely so many more that I’m not remembering.
2. What do you like to listen to while you write?
The range of genres of music I listen to is astounding and often completely random! If not, the music typically matches the atmosphere or mood of the scene I would currently be writing.
3. Favorite genre to read and/or write?
I love me some good ole fantasy. Right now I’m writing a historical fantasy, which is something I never thought I would do, but it’s been a whole lotta fun! I also really like writing and reading sci-fi! (I may or may not have another wip idea in the works that’s sci-fi HELP)
4. What are five aesthetic things for your WIP? (sounds, smells, feelings, colors, whatever floats your boat)
can I answer “the ocean” here or is that not allowed?
The smell of the sea, the smoothness of fish scales, the prickling of static electricity, the salty tang of blood, and creaking timbers of a storm tossed ship.
5. How did you come up with the idea for your WIP?
One Siren’s Soul was originally just a pirate au I shoved a bunch of previously created original characters into. And then the characters started changing to match the story and an actual plot started forming and it got out of hand. -u-
6. What initially inspired the creation of your MC(s)?
Ah. This is. Um. I’m a nerd. They’re all originally gemsonas. Steven Universe. Whoops. (Any guesses as to what their gemstones originally were? Celestine doesn’t count.) I basically was inspired by the metaphysical meanings attributed to each individual stone when creating their personalities and designs. Just to be clear, though, their characters have shifted dramatically from what they used to be.
7. Do any of your characters have pets? If so, what are they?
None of the characters have a pet at the start of the novel, but that ain’t gonna stay that way.
8. Are there any tropes that you absolutely despise?
Hmmm. Hm. I don’t really have any specific ones, but often negative stereotypes based solely on culture are big tropes I tend to really dislike. Sure, the people you’re depicting definitely do exist, but is it really necessary to portray a culture as being the exact same negative traits so many times? The detrimental effects of this are terrible, but that’s a rant for another day.
9. What are the main themes of your WIP?
... I’m never really the best with these. ^^’ Let’s see... I mean, there’s your classic enemies to lovers, tons of betterment of self stuff and adapting to and understanding one’s own flaws, lotta communication themes, family, change vs. tradition, a big chunk of power and corruption... Yeah. I guess. I need to get better at this.
10. What motivates your antagonist (or if it’s man vs nature, how did your protag get stuck in their sticky sitch)?
NyehehheehHEHEHEHEHHHEEEE oohhhhh isn’t this such an interesting, spoiler inducing question. First off, who exactly is my antagonist? Captain Io? Rose? Dione? The Scientist? Clearly it’s Colin. Has to be.
So what motivates this so-called antagonist? He wishes he could make friends with everyone and obviously it’s because Celestine refuses to be friends with anyone.
(Okay but jokes aside this is a major discovery in the book, so I can’t quite reveal that yet. ^^’)
Context-less spoilers: Someone’s really not impressed with their sibling, and someone else wants someone because they’re a meanie jerk.
11. If your MC were to buy ice cream, what flavor would they get? (I had to finish it off with a fun one)
This is a cute question! If any of my MCs actually knew what ice cream was: Celestine would get the sweetest thing offered, like cotton candy or bubblegum, because she’s a gigantic sweet tooth; Colin likes your classic puppy paws; Dione is boring and would get something like French vanilla or strawberry; and Phoenix loves chocolate way too much.
Round two!
1. Would you rather adapt your WIP to TV/streaming or Film/Movie?
In personal experience, I’ve typically preferred movie adaptations to TV series ones. Plus, the story is very dependent on specific plot points that need to follow very closely consecutively, and I feel splitting that up into individual episodes would really chop up the flow.
2. Who would Sean Bean play in your WIP?
Uuuhhhhhhhhhh I have no clue mate. The closest character appearance wise to him would be George?
3. What in the real world besides books/media has inspired your WIP?
The ocean. I am a maritimer from birth and shall always be! Also my family took a two week road trip across Newfoundland one Summer and it was so fun and so pretty and I loved it so much I put the setting of One Siren’s Soul there. So yeah!
4. What authors do you avoid?
To be completely honest, I haven’t been reading much lately! But I’m sorry, I never did really like Veronica Roth’s Divergent. So... maybe her?
5. If you had to hide a secret message in your WIP, how would you hide it?
Heh. Who’s to say there isn’t? In the chapter titles and how they correspond to the text? NYEEHEHHE
6. Would you rather have an OC of yours make you breakfast in bed or do your laundry?
... Breakfast in bed. Slight spoiler: Phoenix is an utterly amazing cook.
7. Do you learn better from experience or instruction?
I really do appreciate instruction but for me it’s typically experience! Either that or learning by example. By example is often the best way for me.
8. What is the grossest thing you have ever seen/smelled/tasted/touch/heard about?
Ever taste dandelion blood? I was a dumb child.
9. Wallpaper or paint?
My mate, wallpaper is so pretty if you’re going for the fancy older house aesthetic, but it’s super expensive and inefficient. You can do just as well with paint and pictures/furniture pieces.
10. What would the Devil try to tempt you with? Money? Power? Love? Boots?
More hats for my collection.
11. If you attended your own funeral, what would offend you most, People not showing up, or people faking emotions, or something else?
I think it would be people only being there to take advantage of others somehow? Like... money or... yeah I got nothing. I would prefer a celebration of life to a funeral, though.
What a last question for that one! XD Here’s my own eleven questions for some other people!
1. What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your MCs?
2. What kind of scenes are your favourite to write?
3. What three words would you use to describe your wip(s)?
4. Which of your OCs is most similar to you? Least similar?
5. Are you a plant or animal person? What’s either your favourite plant or animal?
6. What would be your favourite classic AU for your wip(s)?
7. If you had to choose one song to be your own theme song, what would it be?
8. What was your very first wip?
9. Who is the most patient of your OCs? The least?
10. What would be the pet each of your MCs would get if they had the option to get anything?
11. How would you describe your writing style?
Taggin’ taggin’ time (I’m a rebel and won’t tag 11 ‘cause I don’t know that many people yet ^^’):  @imaghostwriter​ @alinakerrin @bookish-actor @scottishhellhound 
Have fun if you want to do it!
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phoenixfg · 6 years
I got tagged in a thing by the very talented @arideya! Thank you! I love me some video games! I’ma tag @mysimsloveaffair, @cupcakegnome, @wildlyminiaturesandwich, @onyxsims/@onyxplays, @jettschae, @pixlbee, @iures, @razrogue, @aesfocus. ETA: I forgot to tag my girl @pw-creations!! ❤️
favorite game from the last 5 years? ‒ Oh...hmmm...probably Banner Saga! I just love the story and the choices!
most nostalgic game?  ‒ Mass Effect 2. Getting the squad back together!
game that deserves a sequel?  ‒ The Order: 1886...fight me!
game that deserves a remaster?  ‒ The Legend of Dragoon. First game I remember racing home from high school to boot up because I need to know what’s happening!!!
favorite game series?  ‒ Mass Effect/Uncharted/Tomb Raider and I really like the direction AC is taking lately!
favorite genre? ‒ RPG
least favorite genre?  ‒ PvP/MP
favorite song from a game? ‒ Uhhh...I like the Mass Effect soundtrack
favorite character from a game? ‒ Yoshi. I use to go back and replay levels if I lost him!
favorite ship from a game? ‒ F!Shep and Garrus “There's no Shepard without Vakarian.”
favorite voice actor from a game? ‒ Keith David. Captain Anderson but my man voiced Goliath from Gargoyles. I loved Goliath. I loved Gargoyles! CAN WE GET A REBOOT???
favorite cutscene? ‒ Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End between Drake and Elena. When she scared the crap out of him. Her laugh! ♥♥
favorite boss?  ‒ Charles Lee AC III. Ratonhnhaké:ton aka Connor Kenway FINALLY gets his man!
first console?  ‒ Atari
current console or consoles?  ‒ I don’t have a fav?? I like my PS4, Xbox One and Switch equally! :P
console you want?  ‒ I want a new Vita...SINCE MINE DIED!!
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ Scotland. Uncharted 4
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ I don’t know...all the places I like end up being destroyed by the lead! -__-
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ Lincoln Clay(Mafia III) and Connor Kenway(AC III)! OMG! My precious babies! 
book that would make a good game?  ‒ Children of Blood and Bone. We need more games with African leads in African countries! Plus spiritual aspects? Yes please!
show/movie that would make a good game? ‒  I’d say The Dragon Prince but that’s already in the works! ♥ Luther maybe?? I like my crime games with a salty protag with shades of grey mentality! 
games you want to play?  ‒ AC: Odyssey(tomorrow!!) aaaand ??? I’m drawing a blank! Greedfall!
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ Yeah, in a few! *shrugs*
have you cried over a game?  ‒ All the time
what power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ 1up. Like a human cat with nine lives thing! :P
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sessho · 8 years
two long overdue tags  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
haven't done a tag like this in a while huh. i'm going to forewarn you here that i always cheat in stuff like this and most likely this time isn't going to be any different  :’)
tagged by @haeym
rules: tell us your one favorite character from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people
fire emblem: awakening: inigo (especially chrom!inigo, he’s my dear child - by which i mean he’s olivia’s dear child and olivia’s my eternal love - and i adore him as much as i want to kick him in the face at any given time) bts: kim taehyung  yuri on ice: katsuki yuuri. (i really really enjoyed yoi this last anime season and yuuri’s an amazing protag so i feel like they deserve a honorary mention even though i’m not really that into the series anymore now that it’s finished airing haha) hunter x hunter: killua (PAIN) tokyo ghoul: kaneki ken (PAIN AGAIN) tokyo babylon/x: sumeragi subaru. (i don’t really actively like him that much anymore but he was one of my fav animanga charas for ages and as such will always have a special spot in my heart?) gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun: sakura chiyo (no pain, just pure goodness because chiyo’s everything that’s good) ace attorney/gyakuten saiban: ???? ...apollo? (i suppose i’m a sucker for tragic past stacked onto tragic past haikyuu: akaashi keiji (but he doesn’t appear nowhere near enough and is sorely underdeveloped as a character so i make do with kageyama most of the time) mcu: steve rogers (spring is eternal!!! mcu!steve is so good ;;) 
tagged by @jkvlr
rules: ya gotta answer ten, then ya tag ten
last movie you saw: hunger games (2012). i've watched catching fire with my sister during the christmas break and then both parts of the finale of the series on my own at which point i've realised i don't actually remember what happened in the first film so then i watched that 8D it's been a while since i've read the books too but films are less time-consuming haha last song you listened to: i've been on an infinite kick these days so it's something of theirs? spotify tells me 'zero' but can't say i like it that much haha. infinite has songs that i either really love or find really blah last show you watched: hmmm. if it's a full show than first 3 seasons of brooklyn nine-nine? but i've been also catching up on hannibal s03 and that's actually what i've last watched, i think last book you read: ugh. i've been reading books on theatre, actor-public relationship and the like recently but it's only a chapter here and there, whatever i deem useful enough so if it's a book that i've read in full then the last book of captive prince? last thing you ate: a slice of gingerbread leftover from christmas celebrations. mum only ever bakes anything when it's christmas time and i love this particular kind of gingerbread so i'll be sad when it's gone :'( recipe name says it's lviv gingerbread but idk if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: korea, either seoul or busan? i've been missing korea lately, i've had a great time there last summer so i'd like to visit again. where would you time travel to: hmmmm. first thought was 10-20 years into the future but nope, i’m going to go with 18th century edo so i could watch a kabuki performance there. would make writing my thesis much easier. first thing you would do with lottery money: ...how much money are we talking here? but right now it'd be probably "buy tix for all bangtan wings tour lives that have been announced already" because i'm a sad loser like that :'( fictional character you would hang out with for a day: i have no clue so i'm gonna go with olivia from fire emblem: awakening because she's a sweet girl and i feel like it'd be healing time? time right now: 15:06
no pressure tagging:
@ridivenire @rikli @jkvlr (the first tag) @fullmetalfeelings @sohii @haeym (the second tag) @doughtier @hellzhunting @batticuori @crofesima 
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