#whatd be think was under the tongue?
batz · 11 months
i really think that some doctors need to be mauled by wild animals what do you MEAN didnt believe theres glands under your tongue!!! how many millions of years ago did he go to medical school!!! im so mad for you right now
i think some doctors just get like disillusioned or whatever but its NO excuse for them to not know that there are salivary glands under the tongue or other very normal things to know. and then be v rude and dismissive about very normal concerns. but maybe the doctor did know what was going on and just wanted me out of the clinic asap.
but also ive had to point out like rlly normal anatomical things to doctors lately im wondering if walk in clinics are just hiring randos off indeed at this point LMAO
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 6
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will have smut, violence, language, abuse, and torture. If you are triggered by any of this then i suggest you not to read.
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I sat down on the bed and sorted through the bags and decided that since it was just a local bar theres no need to dress up to much. For some reason though i felt the urge to look nice, for dean. So i picked out a black strapless shirt, some ripped jean shorts, a red flannel and some sandals. I walked into the bathroom and showered with the new shampoo and body wash i bought. It was called lust, fitting for the occasion. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my hair and then one around myself.
I stood in front of the mirror and applied some makeup, i went for a smoky eye look and some dark purple lipstick. After i got dressed i towel dried my hair and left it in waves down my back. I started to get nervous hoping dean would think i looked okay. I applied some perfume of the same brand as my body wash and shampoo and put in some small hoop earrings.
A soft knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. "(Y/N), you ready? Sammys not going so its just us."
Oh great i thought. Now my stomach was really doing flips thinking i was going to be alone with dean tonight. "Yeah, just a few more minutes."
Dean must have walked away because no other sound came from the other side of the door. I looked in the mirror adjusted my shirt, my shorts, fluffed my hair. Obviously i was stalling because of the fear that dean wouldnt like the way i looked.
I took a deep breath and walked to the bedroom door, hand on the door knob my heart was racing. Its now or never. I turned the knob and opened the door, and gasped as deans eyes met mine.
His mouth fell open as he looked me up and down. My eyes fell to the floor as his gaze went from my toes to my head. "Holy shit." Dean whispered.
I closed my eyes waiting for the next words to come out of his mouth. His finger under my chin raised my eyes up to meet his. "Youre so fuckin beautiful."
I blushed and tried to look away but he wouldnt let me. He smiled and ran his fingers over my cheek, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss me then he pulled back. "Lets get going, dont want all the good tables to be gone."
I sighed and nodded, even if dean thought i did look good doesnt mean he wanted me. I walked slowly behind him and waved at sam who was sitting in the library again reading this time. "Dont wait up." Dean said over his shoulder. Sam nodded but i doubt dean saw it and he went back to his reading.
Sitting in the bar was way different than i thought it would be. The air was thick with smoke and the smell of alcohol, there was no bikers sitting at the bar like i had imagined. There was actually just a handful of people here. Dean and i got a booth in the back where it was secluded. I slid in the booth and dean slid in right next to me.
The waitress came over swaying her hips and batting her eyes at dean. He didnt pay much attention to her but it didnt keep her from trying. "Two beers, two shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey." Dean said cooly still not paying attention to her.
She placed her hands on the table and leaned in close to dean. Showing her clevage to him, "you sure thats all i can get you?" She said seductively as she glanced over at me.
Dean gave her a quick glance, "yeah, thanks." Then he turned his attention back to me. The waitress huffed and walked back over to the bar. She came back soon after and placed our drinks on the table with more force than she needed to and never said another word.
Shot after shot i began to lose track of time. I began to feel fuzzy and more relaxed as the night went on. Dean and i were laughing and having a great time, every now and then we would share little touches or glances at each other.
"Im really glad you decided to come out with me tonight. You deserved it." Dean said brushing my hair over my ear.
I leaned into his touch and sighed at how it made me tingle all over. "Im glad you asked." Dean smiled as i took another shot. "Ya know, parker never took me out like this. He always kept me under lock and key all the time while he went out and cheated on me and done god knows what."
Dean shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off. "But you, not you. I wish i had met you before i did him. I wouldve jumped you the moment i laid eyes on you."
Dean chuckled and took a shot. "Thats the whiskey talking."
I shook my head which made me dizzy. I swayed sideways and fell onto deans chest. He wraped his arm around me, i smiled up at him as he smiled down at me. I licked my lips as my eyes focused on his.
I stretched my neck and kissed him, at first he didnt respond but then his arm tightend around me as he deepend the kiss. Our tongues tangled with one anothers and a small moan escaped my lips. He growled as my hand rested on his thigh and started moving upwards.
He pulled away from the kiss and i could see the lust in his eyes. "Come on, we need to go home." I nodded and smiled knowingly up at him. He just threw some money on the table and guided me out to the impala.
I slid in through the drivers side and sat in the middle. Dean sat next to me his breathing was harder than it was earlier. He sat there with a death grip on the steering wheel. I leaned close to his ear and peppered his neck and jaw with little kisses and i flicked my tongue out to lick in some spots.
"Fuck." Dean cursed under his breath. I ran my hand up his thigh to rest on his belt. I fumbled to get the belt loose but dean stopped me.
"(Y/N), what are you doing" dean asked in a whisper.
"Whatd ya think?" I asked slurring my words together. I unbuttoned my flannel and tossed it in the backseat. I moved down to my shorts and started unbuttoning them when dean placed his hand over mine.
"For fucks sake, stop trying to take your clothes off." He growled as he grabbed my flannel and placed it in my lap.
"You wanna do it?" I smiled at him.
He shook his head as he turned back around in his seat. He started the impala and before he pulled out of the parking lot he said, "no, not here not now."
I huffed and slung my flannel back over my shoulders and tried to cover up as much as possible. This makes the second time hes rejected me. There wont be a third.
I didnt say another word to him until we got to the bunker. "Thanks for tonight dean." It came out in a cold flat voice. I opened my door and stumbled out, dean was there before i knew it. He picked me up and i shoved at his chest.
"Put me down, i can fuggin walk." I slurred and pushed against him again. He just carried me down the stairs and into my room. He placed me on the bed and before i even hit the pillow i was out.
The next morning
My eyes slowly opened and i felt the throb in my temples. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, they felt like they had sand in them. Then it hit me, i felt the bile rise up in my throat. I jumped out of bed quickly and ran to the bathroom and just barely made it to the toilet. Even after i had emptied my entire stomach i dry heaved for several minutes.
I flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth. After i was done i splashed cold water on my face to try to take away some of this hangover. I slid down to the floor and rested my head back against the counter. I closed my eyes hoping that would help this horrible headache go away.
"I would say good morning but it looks like youre having it rough." I heard deans voice come from the doorway. I cracked my left eye open and seen him standing there with a glass of water and something else in his hand.
He knelt down in front of me and handed me the water. He opened his hand and there was two pills settled on his palm. "Take these asprin, itll help with your headache."
I grabbed them hastily and drank the entire glass of water. I leaned my head back again and whispered a quick thank you. I figured dean would leave but he didnt.
I opened my eyes and looked over at him, "im never drinking like that again." He chuckled and sat down on the floor next to me.
"You just gotta know your limit." He said quietly. I sighed as a comfortable silence filled the room. We sat there for i dont know how long and my head finally started easing off.
"I think im going to take me a shower now since my head has quit spinning." I said raising my head up. I looked down and noticed i was in one of deans shirts and nothing else. He helped me up off the floor but stayed standing in front of me holding my hands.
"Did you undress me last night?" I asked looking him in the eyes.
He nodded, "yeah i figured what you had on would be uncomfortable. I knew you liked my shirts so i gave you mine that i had on." He said smiling. He touched my cheek with his hand and ran his finger across it.
I sighed and leaned into his touch, then the memory of last night came into my mind. I know it was the alcohol that made me do what i did but it doesnt mean that i didnt mean it.
I opened my mouth then closed it again, not knowing what to say. He cleared his throat and took his hand off my cheek. "I guess ill leave you to it." He turned and walked towards the door.
"Dean." I said stopping him from leaving. He turned back towards me, his eyes burning with emotion. His breathing rough and fast. "I remember what happened last night. In the bar and in the car."
He just stood there looking at me, waiting.
"It wasnt just the whiskey." I said quietly. I noticed his fists clenching and his jaw muscle ticked. He closed his eyes and turned and walked out the door. Never saying anything.
I looked in the mirror and my god i was a mess. Yesterdays makeup was strewn down my face my lipstick smeared and my hair. Lord my hair was nothing but a fuzz ball.
I turned the shower on and washed everything from last night away. An hour later when the water had gone cold i stepped out and wrapped a towel around me. I grabbed deans shirt from the floor and brought it to my face and inhaled his amazing scent.
I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of shorts and i put deans flannel back on. I wanted to keep him close to me for a little while longer.
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aushtralia · 6 years
Photographs // Corbyn Besson
Summary: Corbyn is in a photography class and his final assignment is to photograph the most beautiful thing he can find. 
Words: 1044
Requested: No
Warnings: None 
Tags: @seaveyssparkle (i don’t wanna tag random people since i’m new to this but if you’re cool w being tagged just hmu!!) 
“Your final assignment is a 25 portrait portfolio. You all must photograph the most beautiful thing you can find, and include a 2,500 word essay explaining why your subject is the most beautiful to you. You have two weeks. Good luck.” 
I walked out of class slightly caught off guard. How was I supposed to capture more than 25 pictures of one object, and write an essay on top of that all in two weeks? This assignment seems nearly impossible and I’m at a loss of where to even begin.
“Dude, have you figured out what you’re going to do your project on?” Daniel asked as he slapped my shoulder,
“I think I might take pictures of my dog, isn’t that a good idea?”
“Yeah, sure dude,” I shrugged as my thoughts continued to wander.
I take pictures of things all the time, how hard can it be.
It’s been a week Corbyn. C’mon, think. You only have seven days left to find the capture the most beautiful thing and write an essay. It can’t be that hard, just think.
“Hey Cor,” Y/N shouted from upstairs, “have you seen the carpet cleaner? I accidentally spilled my drink on my rug and I need it!” A smile immediately overtook my face. No matter what she said, I always managed a smile. There was something about her, something so adorable that made my heart skip a beat.
“Cor?” I could hear her shout again. I rapidly shook my head to get myself out of a daze,
“Sorry, I’m a little distracted. It’s under my bathroom sink!” I diverted my attention back to my laptop screen. As I’m scrolling through pictures to draw inspiration for my portfolio, I hear back-to-back thuds pound down the staircase. Suddenly, an arm was wrapped around my shoulder, and I could feel the presence of a face close to mine.
“How come you’re distracted Cor?” Y/N spoke directly into my left ear as she peered over my shoulder to watch my fingers scroll down the trackpad of my laptop.
“I just have the assignment for my photography class, and I--nevermind, it’s dumb. I just have some work I need to get done.”
“Well let me help! You know I always love being your focal point.”
“No, I know, I know. I love that you always are willing to take pictures. This assignment is just different. I requires a lot of thought.”
“Whatever you say Besson, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” Y/N kissed my cheek as she finished her sentence and skipped back upstairs to clean up her carpet. A smile quickly overtook my face again, and my heart skipped a beat. Y/N and I have never dated before, nor have we ever thought about dating. But my feelings for her have only gotten stronger ever since we decided to move in together for school. She had the prettiest eyes that sparkled in the moonlight, and the softest smile that could light up an entire room. Despite what everyone constantly told me, I just had a gut feeling that she didn’t feel the same, so I never told her how I felt.
Y/N’s words played through my head over and over again, and after another hour of scrolling through Google, I finally decided what my subject was going to be.
“Hey Y/N! Can you come downstairs for a minute?” Those same thuds hit each step in rhythm and soon I was met face to face with Y/N.
“What’s up Cor?”
“Can I take some pictures of you today?”
“Ha! So you do want me to be your focal point!” She nagged as she stuck her tongue out at me.
“Not quite, I just need to test out my new camera before I take pictures for my assignment. You’re just a test dummy.” Her enthusiasm quickly turned to sadness as I broke the news to her.
“You’ve never asked if you could take pictures of me before, you’ve always just done it. Why are you suddenly asking me?”
I grabbed her hand and began dragging her off to my first location,
“No questions, just follow my lead.”
For hours I captured Y/N in her natural habitats. Playing guitar, dancing, enjoying nature. Typically we enjoyed doing all of these things together, but this time I watched as she just let herself go. Each movement called for a new picture to be taken, and each action made me fall more in love with her. My smile never left my face as I captured her in her elements.
“Cor, it’s been like four hours, are we done yet?”
“Almost, I need one more shot. Come here.” Rolling her eyes, she skipped over to me in a childlike manner like she typically did.
Without looking at her, I flipped the camera around to take a selfie,
“Kiss me on the cheek.”
“This is a weird demand, you’ve never asked me to do that before. Why?”
“Remember, I said no questions. Just follow my lead.” And with that, she complied and placed her lips on my cheek. The same giddy smile that comes from when she speaks reappeared. A few flashes later, I completed my shoot.
“Y/N, Y/N! Come here, guess what!” I screamed as I stepped through the front door of our shared apartment.
“Yes, Cor?” She questioned as she trekked down the stairs.
“I got an A on my photography final project! Aren’t you proud of me!” I shouted in excitement.
“Of course Cor,” she smiled as she extended her arm to go in for our secret handshake.
“What’d you end up taking pictures of?”
“Here,” I smiled as I handed over the portfolio. I watched Y/N slowly begin to open up the folder, and I could feel the beat of my heart begin to speed up. This was it, this was the moment where things could change forever. After briefly closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I watched Y/N’s eyes dart across the page, a single tear beginning to roll down her cheek,
“The most beautiful thing that I, Corbyn Besson, have found is the love of my life, Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
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iwroteinapastlife · 6 years
So all I see is a jealous/hurt Chloe cause of Nath's crush on Mari So what about a fic where Nath is jealous of Adrien cause of Chloe's crush on him 😀😀😀😀
I think you sent me this request like two years ago. Sorry for taking so long; I hope you like it~
cw: steamy make outs
The day Nathaniel finally asked her out—after months of convoluted flirtation, rooftopvisits as Queen Bee, and even a couple of impulsive kisses—also happened to bethe same day that Chloé had shared a long, intimate hug with Adrien out on thefront steps of the school.
Now, don’t get her wrong, she was so very far over Adrienthat the prospect of dating him now actually made her gag. That hug hadn’t beenanything romantic. Quite the opposite in fact; it had followed her tellingAdrien that she considered him family, and him saying as much back.
…But Nathaniel didn’t know that.
At the time, she hadn’t noticed that the two eventscoincided. She’d just thought that it was a really cathartic day, and left itat that.
The day Nathaniel revealed to their whole class that theywere dating by kissing her in the middle of the courtyard also happened to beAdrien’s birthday, in which Chloé had gifted him a ridiculous black cat beanieright before school (side note: he loved it, the utter dork that he was). WhenChloé had asked him later why he chose then and there to tell everyone—and likethat for that matter—Nathaniel had merelyshrugged.
“I just wantedeveryone to know,” he’d said, and that was the most she’d ever gottentoward an answer there.
It wasn’t until her own birthday months later that she’dbegun connecting the dots. When Adrien had shown up to her party, she’d runforward and thrown her arms around him of course. That was the way she oftengreeted her best friend—especially whenhe had a gift in his hands.
But less than five minutes had passed after that whenNathaniel pulled her into the supply closet and kissed her fiercely. Itcertainly wasn’t the first time he’d kissed her like that—not even the firsttime he’d kissed her like that in asupply closet—but it caught her off guard nonetheless. It was just so sudden, and in the middle of her partyat that. He hadn’t seemed particularly…onedge or anything before that; he’d just had a sudden urgency about him thesecond she’d stepped away from her conversation with Adrien.
And it was right about there—with his lips on hers, hishands on her waist, and her back against the supply closet door—that sherealized:
Her boyfriend had a jealous streak.
Now, people might debate over the morality of what she didafter that, but really, if you asked her, Nathaniel signed up for this when hechose to date her.
They were hanging out in her room a few days later when shechose to test it. She only wanted to do something small to start it off— a tinyspark to see just what would ignite. So, sitting on the couch with her legsacross his lap as he sketched, Chloé stared at her blank phone and giggled. Alot.
Oblivious as he was, it took about five minutes for him tonotice.
“What’s so funny?” he’d asked, not looking up from hissketchbook.
“Nothing,” she’d replied, laughter still bubbling in hervoice, “I’m just snapchatting Adrien.”
Results were disappointing at first. All he’d done was humhis understanding and nod. His pencil hadn’t even paused. She thought maybe shehad been wrong; maybe it wasn’t actually jealousy driving his actions. Or maybehe was too wrapped up in his sketching for it to work. Or maybe just mentioningAdrien wouldn’t do it; maybe it had to be interactions that he saw himself.
She was in the middle of postulating when he’d set his sketchbook aside two minutes later.
…And tugged her down on the couch so she was underneath him.
“Um. Hi.”
“Hi.” And then his lips were on her.
She’d had to hold back her smile as she sank into his kiss. Okay, she’d noted, so he just needed to finish his sketch.
The next time she tested it, it wasn’t so much planned as itwas taking advantage of an opportunity.
She was at Nathaniel’s house that day, sitting in his roomwatching a movie, and Adrien just happened to call.
She’d put on her sweetest tone as she answered the call,pausing the movie and hopping up from his bed to pace, as she naturally didwhen on the phone. “Hi Adrien!”
“Hey Chloé, we need tohave a meeting tomorrow night. You know, with the gang.”
“Tomorrow night? Well that’s kind of short notice, but I’llmake an exception for you.”
“Uh…Yeah, okay,thanks. We’re meeting at the parlorat 8. Come dressed up.”
“Dress up? Ooh how fancy.”
She smiled to herself when she heard Nathaniel get up fromthe bed. It didn’t take long at all now that he wasn’t focused on anythingelse.
“Um. Chloé, you are gettingwhat I’m saying, right?”
She giggled mildly flirtatiously. “Of course, Adrien. Icatch all of your hints.”
Nathaniel’s hands connected with her sides then, snaking underher shirt to take a firm grip on her waist and pull her back against him. She inhaleddeep and closed her eyes as his lips skimmed her neck.
“Alright. So you’ll bethere tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Chloé missed whatever Adrien said next, because Nathaniel’shot breath cascaded over her other ear in a low whisper. “Hang up.”
That tone sent electricity racing straight down her spine.She cut off Adrien mid-sentence.
They never finished watching that movie.
Three or four more instances like that passed over the next fewmonths—so in her defense, she wasn’tdoing it often. She really just didit when she was feeling particularly…mischievous.
And today, she was feeling mischievous.
The bell had just released the class for lunch when Chloéstepped up to Adrien with a sweet smile. “Be careful, Adrien, you’ve got astray hair.” The boy blinked at her as she reached out and tucked an imaginaryhair behind his ear.
“Um…Thank you?”
She had just barely lowered her hand when Nathaniel snatchedit up, stalking out of the room and dragging her with him.
“No problem, see you later!”
She hardly held back her giggles as he led her around thecorner to a less-frequented hallway. Once they were a somewhat safe distanceaway from other students, he turned and pressed her up against the wall. A tinygasp was all that escaped before his lips crashed down on hers.
Chloé tried not to disrupt the kiss with her smile, but wow she absolutely loved the wayjealousy brought out his more aggressive side. His hands were far less gentleon her waist than they normally were—fingers digging into her flesh as they peakedunder the hem of her shirt—and she could hardly breathe between the urgency ofhis kisses and the way he had her pinned with his body.
One particular gasp for air had him abandoning her mouth,trekking a path of open-mouthed kisses along her jaw down to her neck. She bit backa small moan as his lips locked onto her skin, sucking and biting with anintensity he usually reserved for those long weekend nights when his parentswouldn’t be back for hours. She thread her fingers through his hair and held onfor dear life, head absolutely swimming in the pure intoxication that was hislips, his tongue, his teeth, his everything.
Then he stopped.
Nathaniel placed one gentle kiss on the now sensitive skinbefore coming back up to rest his forehead against hers. When she opened hereyes, that breathtaking teal was burning into her, alight with arousal andlaced with an underlying fury that had her heart stopping dead in its tracks.
“I know you’re doing it on purpose, Chloé.” She got thedistinct feeling that if his voice hadn’t been in a whisper, he would havegrowled the words.
She swallowed down a nervous lump in her throat. “Doing whaton purpose?”
He narrowed his gaze at her and if she could have pressedherself further into the wall at her back she would have. A tiny smile threatenedthe corner of her lips. His eyes caught it the second she twitched and within abreath, he had seized her mouth in another kiss.
He bit down on her bottom lip and dragged it between histeeth as he separated from her again—a clear warning. “You’re playing adangerous game, Bourgeois,” he whispered.
“You make me want to keep playing, Kurtzberg,” she whisperedback.
Oh that tiny smirk was going to haunt her dreams for weeks. “Fine,but just know that this—,” he lifted a hand and gently tapped the side of herneck, “—is only the beginning.”
She blinked. “This?” He took a step back, giving herbreathing room again and leaving her skin cold without his touch. “This what?”
His smile then was absolutely sadistic and had desireigniting anew deep in her chest. “See you in class, Chloé.” And with that, heturned and walked away.
“Where are you going? What’d you do??” But he didn’t answer,only cast her one more satisfied grin before turning the corner and leaving hersight.
She reached up and traced her fingers over her neck inconfusion. Then cold realization seeped in as she came into contact withsensitive flesh.
A hickie.
In plain sight on her neck, in the middle of a school day,he’d given her a hickie.
She stood there in horror for a solid minute before a wickedsmile slowly spread across her lips.
Oh it is so on.
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jojotier · 6 years
lil masterpost of some of my favorite golden trio interactions that ive written vfkjv
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seriously if you’re a fic writer and you haven’t tried to write these three interacting, I suggest you try. at least once. Seriously, writing them always leaves a smile on my face...
Some more that were so long that I decided to like, at least put it under the cut to save everyone the space and breathing room:
“He’s a cute guy- always wondered what it’d have been like to meet him, you know, take him out somewhere fancy…” Shiraishi wiggled his eyebrows and Asirpa nigh instantaneously appeared to smack him over his bald head with a wooden spoon. “Hey-! What’d I say?!”
“Don’t be weird, Shiraishi!” Asirpa huffed, wagging the spoon in her hand. “Or else we’re going to have to crack your egg head over a pot and have you for breakfast!”
Shiraishi whined, “Mannnn why are you two always bullying me?! I’m the oldest! If anyone should be bullying anyone, it should be me bullying someone!!”
“But you won’t! Because you know what’s good for you,” Sugimoto teased, pouring himself and Shiraishi a cup of coffee.
Asirpa said from her place beside Shiraishi, “Pour me a cup too! Black, please.”
Sugimoto felt a sudden, terrified shiver run down his spine. “... Are you sure about that, Asirpa? That’s… this is a really bitter brand, so-”
“Black,” Asirpa repeated, slowly raising her spoon. She tapped it on her other hand, eyes blazing. Sugimoto felt sweat drip down the back of his neck. “What is it, Sugimoto? Do you not think I can handle it, Sugimoto? Do you think I’m too much of a child? Sugimoto? Well? Are you saying little Asirpa is too much of a baby to handle coffee in its natural state? Sugimoto, are you saying-”
“Alright, alright! I’m pouring you some now…” Sugimoto said, pouring her some of the coffee while trying to bite back a laugh.
Shiraishi’s eyes widened in vague awe. “Man… black? I thought you’ve never had coffee before,”
“That’s because I never have.” Asirpa nodded, moving back to the little kitchenette to take the cup from Sugimoto. “ Huci never bought it much, and my aca used to say that it was too weak to even bother with. Watching you two load it down with sugar and cream, and knowing Sugimoto has a weak tongue-”
“Hey-!” Sugimoto said, slightly offended.
“- I’ve decided that it can’t be bitter at all. You’re both just weak.” Asirpa declared, before taking a giant, ill-advised gulp of her coffee. Shiraishi started to say something, but it caught in his throat, leaving him to just make a weird noise like a dying whale. Asirpa stood stock still for a second, black coffee dripping a little onto the corner of her mouth, as she took a shaky swallow. She looked up at Sugimoto, tears in her slightly squinted eyes as she tried to give a smile that didn’t look like she was in immense pain. “S. See. Not. Bitter at all,”
Sugimoto bust out laughing, trying to rein it in a bit because maybe it was a bit of an asshole thing, to laugh at a kid, but even still… it was pretty hilarious. “Really! Really now! I see that face you’re making- you think its as bitter as we do!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!” Shiraishi joined in, laughing a bit himself.
“Do not- look,” Then Asirpa, face flushing, tried to drink the rest in a few fell gulps. A little bit of the hot, bitter drink dribbled down her chin and onto her shirt as she finished, looking like she was regretting pretty much all of her life choices. Asirpa made a face and squinted, sticking out her tongue. “Ugh… I think I burned my tongue….”
“... So it’s an ugly thing that’s a pile of junk, is what you’re saying,” Shiraishi snickered a bit. “So antiquated that not even JAXA wants to knock this thing into the gravity and get it down out of this airspace!”
Asirpa’s cheeks puffed out slightly in disdain. “... I’m not giving that a response. This is still neat!!! You just have no taste.”
“Oh no, yeah, it’s pretty neat,” Shiraishi ceded, glancing back out at the station. He snickered under his breath some more. “Lots of historical significance, probably… looks like an old-timey soup can.”
Sugimoto snorted at that, a wide grin splitting over his face. “Come on, that’s mean. It looks like a tin bucket from one of those cowboy movies, at least- the ones that hold all the bullets.”
“Those buckets aren’t historically accurate- bullets weren’t really that big…” Asirpa corrected, tapping at her watch’s interface. Then, her head dipped down a bit, what stray hairs that remained free from her braid falling in her face as she bit her lip, looking absolutely goofy. “... Looks kind of like a big asinru, though…”
“Hey, look!!! Sugimoto look!!” Shiraishi leaned forward, hands gripping on the railing and feet braced against it as his face lit up. “She talks so big but she thinks that ship looks funny too!”
“It’s your fault!” Asirpa uselessly tossed one of the plastic maps at Shiraishi. It went like five centimeters, and then uselessly fwumped onto the ground with a weird sound, not unlike the sound one got when shaking out a laminated paper. Asirpa chose to ignore that. “You have me thinking of tin can shaped things-!!” Shiraishi started laughing, chest shaking a bit as his grip tightened on the railing.
Sugimoto snickered a bit, eyes crinkling at the corners, “Last I checked, only you can have yourself thinking things.”
Asirpa tried to toss a map at Sugimoto, throwing it like a frisbee to see if that would get any lift. No dice. It went an even closer distance and fluttered uselessly down, sliding away from Sugimoto entirely. Shiraishi guffawed, and before Asirpa could open her mouth, there was a solid thunk. Shiraishi yelped as he hit the ground, still slightly red-faced from laughing. He’d fallen off. Sugimoto gave a hearty laugh at that.
“See,” Asirpa said, looking at Shiraishi, “this is what you get. Karma.”
Shiraishi whined, rolling over onto his back with a pout. “Let’s just get this trespassing over with…” Both Sugimoto and Asirpa giggled a bit together.
“Well, we figured since it was New Years, it’d be nice to drop by-” Sugimoto started to say before being slightly tilted off balance, shoved vaguely to the side. A second face appeared, slightly lower than Sugimoto’s face and flushed lightly. The smell of sake on this stranger’s breath nearly made Tsukishima recoil, knuckles turning white as his free hand clenched into a fist.
“Heyyyyy, Tsukihime-san!” The bald stranger grinned, head seeming to bob from side to side. “It’s so good t’ see you- great to meetcha, I’m Shiraishi Yoshitake-”
“Where’s the dog.” came a third voice, and soon a third face, belonging to a girl much shorter and younger than the two above her, peered into the gap.
“Asirpa, please,” Sugimoto laughed a little, trying to hide the smile behind his hand, “don’t make it look like that’s the only reason-!”
“But you said yourself that you wanted to pet the dog, Sugimoto,” Asirpa’s eyebrows rose as she tipped her head back, staring at the scarred man in the door.
“Well-!” Sugimoto’s face flushed a bit as well, giving a bit of a sheepish look. “I also wanted to say hi to the owner, of the dog.”
Tsukishima glanced over the three of them. It was unlikely that Sugimoto had ill intent, bringing both a drunk and a pre-teen along with him. He kept his pocket knife in his pocket and opened the door just a bit wider, looking to his impromptu guests and remembering Nugget in the living room, whining underneath the table. “Sorry. My dog doesn’t like being around a lot of people- he’s easily spooked.”
“The dog or you?” Shiraishi snickered a bit, seemingly trying to peer over Tsukishima’s shoulder into the apartment. Tsukishima reconsidered not thinking about the merits of “accidental” greeting stabs in the future. Except there wouldn’t be a future, because Tsukishima didn’t want to deal with visitors. “Noah Fence, dude, but you’re like- this super hermit! I don’t think anyone’seen you outside this apartment... Tha’s what I heard from other people-”
The girl, Asirpa, turned around and kicked Shiraishi in the shins. Sugimoto followed suit, smacking Shiraishi upside the head while glaring at him. Tsukishima’s eyes narrowed as he went to close the door anyway. “Good night, Sugimoto. Asirpa.”
“Wait! Wait,” Sugimoto shoved his hand in the door hastily, trying to fold in on himself so he could hold up a package wrapped in paper the same shade of blue and white that the headband that Asirpa wore was. Of course, the designs were much different, looking more like silver leaves and boars. That’s right- it was the year of the boar soon, wasn’t it?
“We made too much mochi and yokan,” Asirpa explained, peering up at Tsukishima.
“Awww, but Asirpa~” Sugimoto gave a mock pitiful whine, pushing his lower lip out like a child. “How am I gonna give miso to Huci to go with the feast?”
“We don’t need any of your poop near our shit,” Asirpa said, turning up her nose. At that, Shiraishi lost it and rolled onto his side, chortling the entire while.
Sugimoto gave a delicate gasp. “Asirpa, language! Who taught you to say that? Did Shiraishi here rub off on you,”
“I taught myself to say it,” Asirpa stuck out her tongue, but she knew no one was being serious about it. Sugimoto wasn’t the type of person to become faint just because someone younger than him said something mildly uncouth, as she’d done many times before. Sugimoto chuckled himself, a wider grin breaking out over his face.
Soon, the laughter died down again, and Sugimoto rested his cheek harder against his hand. It wasn’t nearly as cold and oppressive as before- but there was still an odd undertone, to the quiet that surrounded them. Something left unsaid.
“Man.” Sugimoto sighed, looking wistfully at the fire, “I wish I still had my miso. We could’ve used it with dinner earlier.”
It was quiet for a few seconds more before Asirpa suddenly remembered- in her coat… She didn’t remember if she’d used the last of it before, in the meal they had outside this place, but she still reached into an innermost pocket and pulled out the small metal tin. Shuffling around to Sugimoto, she presented it to him and opened the lid, showing just the smallest trace of brown miso in a corner.
Sugimoto’s eyes widened, a happy smile coming onto his face. “Oh man-! You did keep it! I would’ve thought for sure you were gonna use it as anosoma box or something, for anything you find-”
“Oh come on, that’s so gross!” Asirpa felt her eyes burn at the mere thought of it. Or maybe they burned because she was squinting so hard it looked as if her eyes had receded back into her face flesh. Sugimoto snorted, trying to keep his giggles in as Asirpa silently worked through how to even respond to that. After a moment, her face loosened back into a more contemplative expression.
“... Besides. You liked it so much that you would try to make my poor old Huci try it- so we had to keep it for when you came back.”
10 notes · View notes
gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter two: hey, uh . dad? link to prologue link to chapter one
summary: papa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oooOoOoo,,,,,,,,didn't MEAN to make you CRY (thaaaaank fuck i didn't!!!!!!!) word count: 1,796 warnings: coming out a/n: yeet yeet comin out bois
read on ao3
[SUNDAY; 10.21.18]
  harry? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [14:06] harry?: luna luna luna
[14:15] luna!: hello harry! what is it you wish to talk about?
[14:16] harry?: i think im gonna come out 2 dad
[14:19] luna!: oh wonderful! i wish you the best of luck, harry. do you know if you will come out to your mother, as well?
[14:20] harry?: oh shit [14:20] harry?: nah i dont think so [14:20] harry?: im a little more scared abt her than i am abt dad [14:20] harry?: idk y lol
[14:21] luna!: okay! that’s perfectly fine, harry. you only have to go to the limits that you are comfortable with! <3
[14:21] harry?: tyyy <3
 “Hey, dad?”
“Yeah? What’s up, Su?” James settles into the chair across from his daughter, who is sitting (with the worst posture ever - he really needs to start reminding her to keep her back straight, even if that’s the only part of her that’ll ever be straight) slumped over the table. As he speaks, she props her head into the palm of one hand to look him in the eye.
“Do you know what the word nonbinary means?”
He raises an eyebrow and frowns, considering. “A number that’s not a power of two?” he tries, offering a cautious smile.
She snorts with a quirk of her lips. “Close, but not quite.” She starts to pull out the pins holding her hijab together, placing them in a small bag in front of her. The layers of the scarf unravel around her face.
“It, uhm, well. It kind of means someone that doesn’t feel like a girl or a boy? I guess you could say that nonbinary people are, like, in between being a girl or a boy, even though I’m pretty sure some people don’t feel like that? Like agender people, y’know? I mean, I’m pretty sure they fall under the term of ‘nonbinary’ or ‘genderqueer’ or whatever, but they don’t really have a gender? I guess? Yeah.”
She’s rambling, pulling the sleeves of her shirt down so that they wrap around her fingertips in that way she always does when she’s nervous.
Huh. She’s nervous.
He tilts his head. “That makes sense, yeah. Why bring it up? Is it part of your homework?” He can’t help but notice the way her shoulders noticeably relax when he confirms what she’s saying.
“No, but - uh. I think I might be? Nonbinary, I mean?” She curls in on herself, shoulders hunching in towards her chest as if she expects some sort of rejection. One of the layers of her hijab covers her expression.
He raises an eyebrow. “Okay, cool. What does this mean, then?” James’ tone is filled with relaxed confusion, and he watches with the tiniest of smiles as Sumaya lights up, breathing in deeply.
“Oh! Yeah, okay.” She cuts herself with a shaky hand wiping itself across her mouth. She starts fidgeting again, pulling at the strings of her scarf and rubbing the skin of her thumb and index fingers together.
“So, uh, maybe different pronouns? I can explain that to you later, hah. And- uh, I’ve been thinking about a new name, maybe? I’m not sure about it, but. Definitely a consideration.” The words fly out of her mouth like spitfire, each one landing in front of him as if she were afraid they’d burn her tongue if she didn’t speak fast enough.
“Huh. Okay. I mean - I get what pronouns are, no need to explain that, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to use guy pronouns-”
“He-him. That’s what you’d say.” She replies instantly; it sounds like a reflex. “Sorry.”
James smiles softly. “No need to apologize, love. He-him, okay - so you wouldn’t use that because you don’t… feel like a guy, right?”
Sumaya nods hesitantly.
“But not she-her, either, because you’re not a girl.”
Another nod.
James’ eyes flicker around the room as he considers this, and he misses the shaky breath Sumaya lets out. “Okay. So what pronouns would you use, then? Not ‘it’ or anything like that, right? Because that seems kind of, uhm. Dehumanizing.”
She laughs, just a bit, and her shoulders relax from the subconsciously hunched position they were in before. She pushes the remains of her hijab down so that they rest around her neck. “No,” she corrects with a smile. “That’s only for inanimate objects, I’m pretty sure. I would use they-them, probably.”
“Huh. That’s not… singular, though, is it? Correct me if I’m wrong, obviously, but isn’t that pronoun only used for a group of people?” She - they - laugh.
“Nah, it’s been used as a single-person pronouns since, like, the 1500’s; it just hasn’t really been recognized until recently. You can look up the timeline, it’s actually pretty cool. But, uh. Yeah.”
James scrubs his face with his hands. “Okay. It might take a little while for me to get used to it - feel free to correct me if I fuck up, pardon my French - but thanks for telling me, hun.” He smiles in a way that he hopes is reassuring, and Sumaya lets out a shuddering breath, looking vaguely like they’re about to cry.
“Whoa- whoa, what’s up, love? What’s wrong?” He leans forward in response to grasp one of Sumaya’s hands that lays, stationary, on the table. They shake their head quickly, breathing in another stuttered breath.
“No, I just. Fuck. I’m so happy, I’m sorry, I know it’s dumb, I was just so worried, god, I’m sorry, I’m just so happy,” she they ramble, using their free hand to wipe away the tears threatening to spill from their eyes.
“Aww, love, that’s okay.” He stands up, careful not to dislodge his hand from their tight grip, and walks around the table to envelop her in the tightest hug he can manage.
“I love you,” they whisper.
“I love you too.”
  harry? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [17:06] harry?: LUNA I DID IT OH MY GOD FUCK
[17:15] luna!: you did what, harry? [17:15] luna!: oh my goodness! congratulations, harry! i’m so proud of you, love.
[17:16] harry?: I CANT BELIEVE I DID IT SLFNEISLNFKESN FUCK [17:16] harry?: I CRIED BUT IT WAS OKAY [17:16] harry?: HES OKAY WITH IT [17:16] harry?: FUCK [17:18] harry?: fuck [17:18] harry?: hes [17:18] harry?: hes okay with it oh my god hes okay with it
[17:20] luna!: <3
  everybody but sumaya [longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), parkinson (PansyParkinson), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley)…]
 [17:22] lovegood: hello @everyone ! [17:22] lovegood: i would appreciate it if you all would send your congratulations to sumaya!
[17:23] weasley_1: for what ?
[17:23] lovegood: i’m afraid i can’t say, but rest assured the congratulations are deserved.
[17:23] zabini: bet
  blaise (BlaiseZabini), su (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] blaise: yo congrats
[17:23] su: ????? [17:23] su: 4 wht
[17:23] blaise: idk bro just congrats
[17:24] su: ok
  tinychild (GinnyWeasley), onlychild (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] tinychild: hey yo congrats on whatever just happened
[17:24] onlychild: ?????? thanks ??????????? [17:24] onlychild: wtf
[17:25] tinychild: i dont know
  ibelieveicanfly (SumayaPotter), ibelieveicantouchthesky (NevilleLongbottom)
 [17:23] ibelieveicantouchthesky: congratulations!
[17:24] ibelieveicanfly: what the FUCK [17:24] ibelieveicanfly: y r yall congratulating me ???????
[17:24] ibelieveicantouchthesky: i’m not sure, but i’m sure whatever you did was amazing.
[17:25] ibelieveicanfly: csdkjrhoewsdnck okay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  motherfucker (HermioneGranger), bitchass (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] motherfucker: Hey why did Luna just ask me to congratulate you
[17:25] bitchass: IT WAS HER????? [17:25] bitchass: ofc it was that sweet hoe
  luna! (LunaLovegood), harry? (SumayaPotter)
 [17:26] harry?: luna
[17:28] luna!: yes, harry?
[17:28] harry?: !!!!!! [17:28] harry?: sry forgot abt that 4 a sec
[17:28] luna!: no need to apologize, harry!
[17:28] harry?: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [17:28] harry?: okay im fine [17:28] harry?: anyway [17:29] harry?: did u ask all of our friends to congratulate me
[17:29] luna!: yes! [17:29] luna!: even if they don’t know why they are congratulating you, i thought it would still be a nice feeling to have them be proud of you. [17:29] luna!: also, it is a nice demonstration of their trust in both me and you, harry. [17:29] luna!: me, because they trusted me enough to know that i was not lying! [17:30] luna!: and you, because i’m sure most of them said something along the lines of “i’m sure whatever you did was worthy of my praise” when you inevitably asked them why they were congratulating you for seemingly no good reason!
[17:31] harry?: omg [17:31] harry?: ilysm [17:31] harry?: god ur fuckin right too jfc [17:31] harry?: u absolute blessing u [17:31] harry?: srsly tho thank you luna tht was rly nice of u
[17:31] luna!: of course! [17:32] luna!: i love you too, harry. <3
  the Tea TM [f (FredWeasley), g (GeorgeWeasley), s (SumayaPotter)]
 [17:25] f: hey broski [17:25] g: hey . hey . hey .
[17:33] s: what
[17:33] g: congrats [17:33] f: also y is everyone congratulating u
[17:34] s: oh [17:34] s: luna told them to
[17:34] g: y tho
[17:34] s: i came out to my dad
[17:34] f: ?
[17:35] s: wait shit
[17:35] g: ur gay?
[17:35] s: no [17:35] s: kinda [17:35] s: its weird [17:35] s: thats not what i told him
[17:35] f: oh [17:35] g: whatd u tell him
[17:36] s: um [17:36] s: shit okay ig im doing this
[17:38] f: no pressure [17:38] g: NOSE pressure
[17:38] s: shut up [17:40] s: do u k what nonbinary means
[17:41] f: oh bet [17:41] g: yea man [17:41] f: uk charlies trans right??
[17:43] s: w h a t
[17:43] g: ya [17:43] f: well agender rly but ye [17:43] g: we all read up on a bunch of gender stuff when he came out [17:43] f: p legit [17:43] g: u got a new name or r u sticking w su
[17:43] s: god thats so wild [17:44] s: oh uh no [17:44] s: uh [17:44] s: harry i think [17:44] s: idk
[f (FredWeasley) changed s (SumayaPotter)’s name to h] [g (GeorgeWeasley) changed h (SumayaPotter)’s name to h]
[17:44] g: goddamnit fred [17:44] f: ;)
[17:46] h: welp
[g (GeorgeWeasley) changed chat name to ‘ mlk but better’]
[17:46] g: get it [17:46] g: bc our names go fgh [17:46] g: and mlk was mlk
[17:46] h: pls stop
0 notes
sophiasbox-blog1 · 7 years
J Edward Khrist is at Lincoln Financial Field.
Tumblr media
Sophia James
[text] Eden says hi from the sofa at home.
Tumblr media
J Edward Khrist
[text] whatd you do to her?
Sophia James
[text] I didn't do anything to her. It's just that time of night. She'll be alright in a few minutes when that bottle is ready and she's on her way to sleep.
J Edward Khrist
[text] I don't know. I think ur being mean to her.
Sophia James
[text] I'm going to be mean to you here in a little bit...
J Edward Khrist
[text] as you are so prone to being...
Sophia James
[text] got a package in today... from adoreme.com...
J Edward Khrist
[text] yeah?
Sophia James
[text] Don't let your brother have a view of the phone when you get an image attachment in about a half hour.
J Edward Khrist
[text] he won't stop buying me beer. This is peer pressure aaaand I have hiccups.
Sophia James
[text] He's employed by me tonight. I want you drunk tonight. >:]
J Edward Khrist
[text] deception.
Sophia James
[text] Team work.
J Edward Khrist
[text] drawlin
Sophia James
[text] What time will you be in, you think?
J Edward Khrist
[text] just had half time. Tack on bout 30 minutes for traffic.
Sophia James
[text] But what time will you be... in?
J Edward Khrist
[text] half past thirteen.
Sophia James
[text] What does that mean???? :[
J Edward Khrist
[text] means I fucking love you.
Sophia James
[text] I love you too. Eden is down for the count and I have a question for you.
J Edward Khrist
[text] okay.
Sophia James
[text] Black or red?
J Edward Khrist
[text] fuck I dunno.
Sophia James
[text] Okay. Second question: How's your tongue feeling about right now?
J Edward Khrist
[text] fine?
Sophia James
[text] Third question: How do you want to find me when you get home?
J Edward Khrist
[text] uhh...the same way I always find you?
Sophia James
[text] Okay.
J Edward Khrist
[text] I'm going to need the question rephrased in a question.
Sophia James
[text] I'm not good at this. :\
J Edward Khrist
[text] you're plenty good at this.
Sophia James
[text] That was my text flirting...
J Edward Khrist
[text] I know it was I'm messing wit by you.
Sophia James
[text] I spent half the evening reading websites about how to sext with your husband when he's away...
J Edward Khrist
[text] you researched. What's your conclusion?
Sophia James
[text] That I'm not good at this and I'm much better with my lips on your skin than I am hinting at it.
J Edward Khrist
[text] I think you're fine.
Sophia James
[text] Are you good at it?
J Edward Khrist
[text] if I'm sober
Sophia James
[text] Drunk you has to be better than sober me.
J Edward Khrist
[text] stop being so hard on yourself all the time. That's my job.
Sophia James
[text] I love you. I can't wait until you're home.
J Edward Khrist
[text] I love you too hun.
Sophia James
[text] Have you thought sexy thoughts of me while you've been gone?
J Edward Khrist
[text] lil hard to right now but on the ride home I'll warm dinner for ya.
Sophia James
[text] I like the sounds of that.
J Edward Khrist
[text] I got you.
Sophia James
[text] I'll see you when you get home, my love.
J Edward Khrist
[text] on my way up now.
Sophia James
[text] I. Need. You.
J Edward Khrist
[text] forgot the floor there for a minute.
Sophia James
[text] How drunk are you?
J Edward Khrist
[text] I've lived here for 5 years.
Sophia James
Instead of returning the text, she got up from the bed, finding her robe within the door of the closet that she would pull on. Tying it at her waist, she walked through the space to find the front door where she would unlock it and open it, waiting for him, preparing for a very drunken husband.
J Edward Khrist
Walking down the hall as he fished for his keys, reaching out in curiosity as all people had to assure the door was locked. Feeling it give, he'd guide if open. Keys in hand as he'd toss them on the side table as he hadn't driven himself anyway clearly.
Sophia James
Meeting him there at the door, she'd watch as he tossed his keys to the side table, stepping forward to secure the door once he was within. Drawing a breath, she was there at his side, her hand finding his lower back as her other hand drew to his to draw it around her own frame, guiding him to their bedroom. "Did you have a nice time?" she asked, taking care to guide him through the space without harm to him that may have come from table or doorway.
J Edward Khrist
"Hi there." As if he had never seen her there in his home before as she drew him in quickly. Hearing her question, he'd nod. Watching each careful step as he stole a gentle kiss from her. "I did. How was your night with the nugget?"
Sophia James
Working with him to bring him within the bedroom safely, she'd guide him to the edge of the bed where she would encourage him to sit before she was finding her knees before him, working at his shoes. "She did fine. Went down a little past ten and got up at two. Should sleep on through about six or seven, I'd imagine," she offered, as he had missed nothing in the first night he'd ventured out.
J Edward Khrist
"Mmm." He hummed, as her penchant for sleep definitely wasn't from him. Letting her get his shoes as he sat down and his hands found his knees.
Sophia James
Removing his shoes from his feet, she'd hear his hum and glance up to look towards him as her hands came there over his at his knees before she was rising to her feet. Gently squeezing his hands for a moment before her hands were finding the lower hem of his shirt, guiding it up and off of him as she did her best to help him get comfortable.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her hands over his, he'd draw his hands upwards as she worked on his shirt. Allowing her to work it off of him. "Well, I'm glad she didn't give you too much trouble. I'd hate to have to set her straight..."
Sophia James
Helping him with his shirt, she listened as he spoke. Drawing off his shirt entirely, she met his eyes a moment later as that shirt was laid on the bed beside him. "Set her straight?" she asked, a soft shake of her head there a moment later. "No. You're off the hook tonight," she stated honestly as she encouraged him to lay down by the guiding of her hands.
J Edward Khrist
"Good." He stated simply as it spared them both though he was only teasing. Feeling the encouragement of her hand. He'd allow himself down against the bed without much fighting it.
Sophia James
A soft laugh passed her lips as her hand drew to the button of his jeans. Working at the fabric to guide it down his legs and free of him. "I'm glad you had a nice night out with your brother though," she offered honestly as she rid him of the jeans entirely.
J Edward Khrist
"Too many be-" hiccups. "ers." He hummed as he felt her at his jeans, using his hands to allow his hips upwards. "My male stripper days..."
Sophia James
Listening as he went on, she couldn't help the soft laugh that seemed to remain there at her lips. "Alright," she agreed, bringing the blanket there to his side where he could draw it over if he'd like to, but not forcing it as she gathered his jeans and shirt into her hands. Leaning over him, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips before she was pulling back to meet his eyes. "I love you and I missed you tonight."
J Edward Khrist
Watching her as she took up his clothes and she'd speak, he'd smile gently. "I love you too." He stated honestly as his hands reached for his pillow and his head lifted to tuck it under his head.
Sophia James
As he made himself comfortable, she'd press her lips to his forehead before making her way to put his clothes in the hamper. "Do you need anything while I'm up?" she asked, looking back towards him.
J Edward Khrist
"Nah, you can walk to the door real slow though." He offered, a light smirk to him as he intended to watch her.
Sophia James
Hearing his request, a soft smirk took her features. "And once I get to the door?" she asked, her eyes there to his as she waited for further instruction.
J Edward Khrist
"Pro'lly ain't gonna be able to see from there so it's all you." He'd confess as he looked up at her. Never would she be able to find a bigger fan of her then the man who occupied that bed.
Sophia James
Hearing his words, she'd nod her head softly, agreeing to walk to the door slowly for him, even if she had no business beyond that door in the moment. Yet for him, she'd find it. Walking slowly to the door, she paused within the door frame, entirely for his benefit before she was looking back over her shoulder towards him before making her way through the doorway and deciding to check in on Eden one more time before returning to bed where she had begun.
J Edward Khrist
Chuckling to himself as her eyes found his as he'd wait out her absence. Reaching for the remote as she was gone to pull up the TV from the bottom of the bed.
Sophia James
Just a moment away, the little one slept peacefully in her bed where her mother would pause to admire her for a silent moment before she was drawing the door nearly closed and returning to the room in which she had begun. Finding the television elevated, she made her way to her own dresser, withdrawing a tshirt and pair of normal panties, saving the black beneath her robe for another time. Silently finding her way to the bathroom, she closed the door behind her where she'd shed her robe as well as the lingerie she'd worn that night for him.
Johnny William
Using that one hand of his to push her shirt up and watching her shed it. Eagerly pressing his lips to her bare shoulder. His fingers still steadily sweeping over her as the man was still fully dressed as she'd surely feel pressed up to him as his hips would gently roll to hers.
Spencer James
Once her shirt was gone, she knew she should take to the task of freeing him from his, yet the feeling of him deep within her was too good to be stopped, even for the moment it would take to turn around. Giving into the position of his design instead, she'd want those clothes gone from him eventually, and yet for now, she was entirely satisfied to be completely bare to him and at the will of his hands all the same. Feeling the roll of his hips to her own, the press of his lips to her newly bared skin, a heated sigh fell from her lips as she looked back over her own shoulder. Desire flashed through hazel eyes as her hand gripped the bedding there before her, forcing her hips against his own as the focus of his deft fingers had her release already gripping her from deep within her own core.
J Edward Khrist
Brows would furrow as she slipped into the bedroom to get changed privately. Figuring she maybe just wasn't feeling it anymore at the sight of his drunk ass which he could definitely understand. Flipping on sportscenter as he laid the remote down. Tucking his hands under his pillow and under his head.
Sophia James
Standing in the bathroom, she stared into the mirror for a long moment, the thoughts in her head too loud to be ignored. Finally, she'd draw on the t-shirt and slip into the simple panties, gathering the other items into her hands before coming out of the bathroom to place them in her top dresser drawer. Hanging her robe on the closet door where it belonged, she walked around the bed to her side where she'd find her way there beside him where he watched television. If it hadn't been for its appearance, she might have thought him interested yet returning to the room from Eden's to find it there before them, she would take it as a silent sign that the mood had been lost either by his late arrival, his drunken state, or her inability to properly sext. Regardless, she'd find her way to his side just the same, her hand coming against his bare chest as her head found his arm, not needing a shift in his position to make herself comfortable against him. "Did your brother have a nice time?" she asked softly as she settled there against him.
J Edward Khrist
Thinking a different thing all together as he had only been keeping himself busy in the meantime and didn't see the television as a complete ceasefire. Watching her return where his attention that quickly shifted to her. Curiously watching her as she'd slip in beside him. Allowing his arm around her shoulders as she found his chest. Hearing her question where he shrugged. "I dunno. Fucker don't smile." He confessed as he pressed his lips to her temple before pressing his head to the side of hers.
Sophia James
Soph's own interaction with John had been scarce at best, never having noticed the man smile, but only thinking him uncomfortable in her presence as she and Judas had kept so much to themselves over the course of their relationship, that others hadn't really gotten a chance to know her as she remained just as reserved as she had been for the last several years. "Does he never?" she asked, having thought that perhaps he did in moments with his brother and those he was more comfortable with. Feeling his kiss there to her temple before his head was there against her own, she drew in the scent of the man as she settled into an alternative that would not have her at all disappointed.
J Edward Khrist
"No." He answered honestly there to her. Eyes closed as he inhaled an even breath. "He piss faces and grunts." Judas explained as his free arm found her waist. His other drawn over her shoulder gently rubbing over her back.
Sophia James
Feeling him draw around her entirely, the television played on in the background without a single set of eyes taking it in. "Even when he's happy?" she asked, finding it strange at the very least as her own hand followed the structure of his chest to find his side where she was drawing into him just as intently as he did to her.
J Edward Khrist
"You'll never know when he's happy." He returned to her at her curiosity at to the oddity which was his younger brother. Remaining there to her as he'd hum low. "I'm sorry I'm drunk and it ruined your plans. I wouldn't want a drunk dude slobberin' on me neither." He'd admit empathetically.
Sophia James
Hearing him shift from that of his brother to that of her failed plans, she offered a soft smile. "You didn't ruin my plans," she confessed as her hand drifted down his side against his ass as she pulled herself further into him. "And you're welcome to 'slobber' on me any time you wish," she reminded him as her lips found the curve of his neck. "I'm sorry your wife is terrible at sexting and couldn't set the mood properly if there was a gun to her head," she returned softly as this one was on her.
J Edward Khrist
"I did though." He reminded her, as she had changed her clothing and her disposition all together and that much was evident. Hearing her mention sexting, not even able to recall what she had done so evidently terrible. "I don't know what you're talking about." He admitted as he felt her at his neck.
Sophia James
"You didn't though," she reminded him in return as she would not allow him to take anything on himself and she had not drawn from him entirely, nor would she. "You don't remember me trying to sext with you earlier?" she asked, her hand smoothing down the back of his thigh as her lips remained to the curve of his neck.
J Edward Khrist
"I remember that but I don't remember..." pausing, not sure how to phrase that was the man was blatantly confused. "Like...thinking there was something wrong with it." He attempted with ease.
Sophia James
"I wanted to say all of these things that would have you coming through the door ready for me, wanting me, and me laying here, ready for you," she confessed, the vulnerability thick in that statement as she did not attempt to hold back from him in this regard. "I built it all up and created unrealistic expectations along the way when really, it wasn't even necessary," she confessed as her lips found his neck once more and her hand gripped at the waistband of his boxers. "I just really missed you tonight," she offered honestly.
J Edward Khrist
"I did though." He pointed out, the root of his confusion at best. A gentle shake of his head at the suggestion of unrealistic expectations as he had no clue how those things had been unrealistic and why she was being so hard on herself as he felt her at his boxers. "I missed you too." He confessed as she remained to his neck and his own lips pressed to her shoulder.
Sophia James
Feeling his kiss there to her shoulder, she hummed softly under his admission that he had come home wanting her, yet she recalled the feeling she had upon his arrival only proving to her that he had been right all along and she was the one whose mindset had shifted. It all made sense to her in that moment as it had been her concern for his safety that had altered it all before it had even begun. Her hand drew up his back, stealing the touch of the man there before her as she drew in the scent of him there at the curve of his neck.
J Edward Khrist
Still having wanted her long after that as he had continued flirting with her as she left. It was her return that had altered something that he couldn't he couldn't be sure of. Yet, he'd let it go. Having no clue by that point. Feeling her at his neck as his own hand found the back of her own.
Sophia James
Feeling his hand to the back of her neck, she sighed softly against his skin as she drew one leg between his where her thigh would press upwards against him. "Do you want Sports Center... or do you want me?" she asked, a flirtation there seeping into her voice as all was not lost, nor would it ever be for the two of them as it would take so very little to have her mind right back where it had been, only this time without the awkwardness of her sexting inabilities.
J Edward Khrist
"I turned the TV on when you left. You didn't tell me where you were goin' and I thought you might have had to feed the baby or pump or somethin'. I haven't looked at it since you've been here." He reminded the woman, even though it was directly under them. The man was invested and it would take more than that to catch him slipping. "It was never like that." He stated, finding himself sobering up quickly at the suggestion of not being entirely invested in her.
Sophia James
Hearing him speak on the situation as it was, she'd come to realize it had been all on her. The guilt of it would easily weigh heavy on her as she'd failed at sexting and then failed at reading the situation as it was just the same. Burying her face in the curve of his neck, she released a guilty sigh as she let the weight of it grip her for the moment as she struggled with how she had fucked up so badly.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her finding his neck seemingly in submission. Not sure what to do for her in that moment as it just wasn't happening that night and that would be alright. But he couldn't fathom the concept of letting her think it was him. "It's okay." He managed simply, submitting to the basics of it as he rubbed over her back. "Shit happens."
Sophia James
It hadn't been gone entirely or she wouldn't be there against him in the way that she was, but as she heard him say that shit happens, she'd know, only making that guilt even worse as she'd seen it as salvageable. Feeling his hand there to her back, she remained hidden there at his neck, attempting to find her way only to find that it was gone and it was at her own doing.
J Edward Khrist
"There's nothing to be sorry over." He insisted a she held her into him still. Clearly there was nothing he could do to fix it yet his mind would go on the possibilities on how to calm her down. To level with her and get into her head. Eyes sweeping over the ceiling with nothing more than the flash of light in the room as it seemed like they might have needed a little help getting there. "You wanna go take a bath with me?"
Sophia James
She had a million things to be sorry for and they all started with what she had done wrong, understood wrong, perceived wrong. As she felt him there against her, she'd hear his question that would finally have her drawing back from his neck for the first time in some time where her eyes would meet his. Giving up a gentle nod of her head, she'd agree without pause. "I would really like that," she stated honestly as she drew in a breath as her hand found the side of his face.
J Edward Khrist
Finally getting something, he'd exhale a slow breath. Not sure how he had managed that one but he was grateful he had as he looked down towards her. "Alright..." he began, slowly leaning up so he could get that started for her.
Sophia James
As he slowly lifted up, she would release him to do so, even if she really just wanted to stay in his hold indefinitely. Her touch was lingering as she did not readily let go of him, looking towards the man who could seemingly fix anything. Her words of apology still burned at her lips as she let her hands withdraw entirely, sitting up as well where she would rise a moment later from the bed.
J Edward Khrist
"No." He stated, knowing she was about to do it again. Pressing his lips gently back to hers instead to solve her oral fixation for that moment before he'd draw from her and the bed all together. Walking to the adjoining bathroom where he was walking within and towards the bathtub. Hitting the appropriate knobs as he checked for temperature.
Sophia James
Feeling his kiss silence her as he seemed to know she'd need it, she was left slightly stunned for a moment, long enough for him to get up from the bed and find his way into the bathroom. As she heard the water start, she stood from the bed, her hands coming there to the bottom of her t-shirt, removing it and letting it fall to the floor followed by the fabric of her own panties. Never one to just leave clothes on the floor, she would do so now as she came up behind him in the bathroom, her hands finding his boxers where she would slowly lower them as her kiss found the center of his back.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her find her place behind him and at his boxers. Drawing them down as he could imagine she was already free of hers from behind him. Her lips to his back noted. "Hi, baby."
Sophia James
Hearing him greet her as her lips found his back, she released the boxers to allow gravity to steal them from her a moment later. Pressing her body to his back, he'd find confirmation of what he thought in that moment as her hands smoothed over his sides. "Hi, baby," she whispered softly, finding that all they really needed was a shift of scenery, to get out of that headspace, and find something that looked a lot more like what she'd had in mind in the first place.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her there to his back as she touched over his sides and he watched the tub fill. His hands idly laying over hers as they had some time to wait out here until the tub was full.
Sophia James
Feeling his hands find her own, she drew a soft breath there to his back before her lips were finding his flesh once again. Pressing a kiss off to one side of his back as she let her lips find the back of his arm, never doubting they would find a way to pass the time.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her pressing down the back of his arm as the man watched the tub filling simply. Letting her stay where she was as there had even enough tension there for the two of them.
Sophia James
As her kiss found the back of his arm, she was making her way around him to find his side before she was coming there to his chest where her kisses would continue on. Lifting her eyes to look up towards him as her lips pressed to his skin, her hands smoothed over his chest, finding the change in scenery to be all the two had needed as she had left her failure there against the floor with her shirt and panties and found a bit more of herself here before him.
J Edward Khrist
As she slipped around him, his eyes found hers. Arms gently taking around her shoulders as they'd cross behind her. Feeling her to his chest as his palm would graze her shoulder blade in gentle rotations as the woman stood bare before him. Easily promoting and receiving his touch.
Sophia James
Feeling his arms draw her in, she let the side of her face find his chest as her eyes closed. Drawing in his scent as she stood bare before him, hearing the sounds of the tub filling behind them. Her hands found the sides of his neck, one slipping behind to draw him down to her where she'd simply breathe him in to breathe out her failed efforts in exchange for his successful one there before them.
J Edward Khrist
Pressing his lips to the top of her head as he stood there before her. Resting his chin there as she remained at his chest. Unbothered to move her as there was no need. Holding her into him.
Sophia James
Feeling him there to the top of her head, she would remain in his hold without moving from him as his own design was endlessly better than her own. With one hand to the back of his neck, her other would smooth over the curve of his shoulder, standing in awe of him as she so often did where he would make up for her shortcomings, never allowing failure to reside against her skin for too long.
J Edward Khrist
"Alright." He'd state a few minutes later as they were at the right level. "As good as it's gonna get with my fat ass." He'd comment, bony ribs and all as she'd need to reach out and turn off the water.
Sophia James
Hearing his words where there had only been silence between them, she drew back where she'd look up towards him. "What's as good as it's going to get?" she asked, withdrawing from him as she turned around, leaning over to take care of the water.
J Edward Khrist
"The water level." He explained as he watched her turn around, smirking softly as she leaned over as he couldn't help himself and his perversions as he'd whistle softly to himself.
Sophia James
With the water stopped, she'd rise once again to turn and look to him as a smirk found her features at the sound of that quiet whistle. "Wait until you see it in red," she offered softly, flirting with the idea of what had been under her robe not so long before. Reaching out for his hand, she'd step within the tub, her hand there to bring him along with her.
J Edward Khrist
Considering that was the intent in the first place, he'd nod. Saying nothing further on it. "Look forward to it." He'd conclude simply, attempting to hold back that bit in the first place. His hand to hers to see her within the tub as he'd wait until she had found her place within.
Sophia James
Once she was there within the tub, standing before him, she'd give that tug to his hand to insist that he come within with her before she'd even begun to sit down. Hearing his words on how he was looking forward to it, a soft smile stole her features as she waited for him to step within.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her tug again, he'd step forward. "Go ahead." He stated, waiting until she got comfortable within as this bath was more for her than t was for him anyway.
Sophia James
She had insisted twice with the tug of her hand there to his only to be told to go ahead. She'd offer a soft nod of her hand as she kept his hand in hers as she lowered herself to the bottom of the tub, taking up a space with her eyes up to his as she bit against her lower tier where she had hoped to join his lips the moment his feet touched the water.
J Edward Khrist
Just wanting her to be comfortable as she found her place. Seeing his end clearly as he'd allow himself within before lowering himself to the opposite side of that tub. Hissing slightly at the temperature of the water. "I feel like a potato. Holy fuck." He stated, not sure how she did it.
Sophia James
As he reacted to the temperature, she had to laugh as he was the one that had set the temperature in the first place. Bringing her feet to either side of him, she drew in around him, her legs wrapping around him as she was far more interested in being close to him than she was to the bath itself. Her hands found the back of his neck as she found a better place than the one she had found on her own, drawing him towards her as she had far better ideas than just a bath. "Hottest potato I've ever seen," she attempted, knowing its failure before it even left her lips.
J Edward Khrist
"Boiled potato to be accurate." He responded at her attempt as she drew onto him and his lap. Waiting for his body to make the adjustment but still amazed by it in reality. "Why did you make me do this to myself?"
Sophia James
Finding a place there against his thighs, finding him far more comfortable than the tub ever could be, she hummed to his question where she'd prefer to find her lips. "Well... you see... I was being a failure in my attempts to seduce my husband that went on to my failure to read a situation at all, and somewhere along the lines, I suppose I lost my ability to realize that the person setting the temperature of the water might set it too high," she teased, pressing her lips to his for but a brief moment before she would trust his hold as she leaned back away from him, while remaining to his lap. Opening the drain valve of the tub, she'd turn on the cold water, allowing some of the hot to flush out while replenishing it with the cooler temperatures before she was back to his lips while the water sorted itself out for the time being.
J Edward Khrist
"Soph." He'd warn as she started up on her fixation for the night as she hadn't failed at anything. That first part looking like a bad reflection on him and he didn't like the suggestion even for a minute. Much less that she was focusing so much on it. Watching her lean back as his arms slipped around her to drain some of the water. Not sure how this would work with them in it before her lips found his. Pressing back to hers with ease.
Sophia James
Hearing her name there on his lips as she returned to him, she felt his lips pressing back to hers where failure was not an option. As the tub drained and filled, replacing the heated water with something that might be more comfortable for him, she simply let her kiss linger there against his lips as her hands found the back of his neck.
J Edward Khrist
Feeling her to his neck as he'd lean gently into her touch and kiss. The water running still behind her as his hands swept down her bare sides to find her hips.
Sophia James
Feeling his hands there to her hips, she drew in firmly to him, her body pressed to his as her lips pressed to his, maintaining the soft nature that always did exist between them.
J Edward Khrist
Thumbs rolling over her hips as he took attentive detail of her. Head slightly tilting to allow a deeper engagement where his tongue was drawing a trace over the part of her lips. Leaving her with the task of turning off that water once more.
Sophia James
She couldn't have thought of that water now, not as his tongue drew at the part of her lips. Her own lips would part a moment later, her tongue drawing through to find his there awaiting her taste just as eagerly as she was seeking his. Her tongue smoothed over his as one hand slipped up within dry locks of hair, gripping to the man intently with no concern for the exchanging of water taking place there behind her.
J Edward Khrist
Losing his interest in the water just as rapidly as he felt her hand wandering to his hair. Keeping his hands there to her as there was no where else he'd rather be then just there with her once they finally worked it all out.
Sophia James
Holding onto the man as she always seemed to do, her tongue smoothed over his before retracting entirely only to be reintroduced a moment later. Her hips shifted there against him as she remained wrapped around him, knowing he'd feel that suggestion even within the water as she put aside any and all other attempts that might've been made and had no issue in handing that victory to him as he was forever at the root of their best moments and this would be no different.
-October 23, 2017
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