#whats in ur mouth gob
teagballs · 5 months
michael bluth x reader where reader also works in business and has a bad day or something and since michael is at work (they work in diff places) he goes drinking with gob once he is done. michael taking care of a drunk reader lol. i love ur writing
take them home | michael bluth x !drunk reader
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authors note: did u miss me hiiiii definitely hasn't been three months or anything. SORRY YALL im in the middle of exams rn im struggling so hard 💔 motivation to write came back when i should be studying tho ??? wtf ???? idek. anyway heres some sweet michael for the SOUL he'd be the best bf ever!!!!!
cw: drunk reader, drinking too much, vomiting. other than that just fluff!! enjoy
You swear you could have cried when the clock finally struck six. Today was terrible, putting it simply. From an early start to annoying co-workers to an abundance of paperwork, it seemed you couldn't catch a break. To make matters worse, you knew Michael wouldn't be home till late. The responsibility he had in his position left him working after hours. You needed to release some of your built-up stress, you needed a drink. But who would you go to? Who would be without responsibilities or cares and would be willing to get wasted with you?
"Hey Gob, do you wanna get a drink?"
He was more than happy to hit the bar with you and also a terrible influence. Drinks seemed to tally up within minutes when it had actually been hours and hours. He definitely could handle his drink better than you. Because while he was still able to form a coherent message, you were a blubbering mess.
"Another!" You slur out.
Gob discourages you finally, "Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who cares! All- all those pieces of shit can go- can- can go fuck... themselves" you stutter.
Gob wasn't having fun anymore. Now he was just taking care of a drunk person - he didn't want that weighing him down. So he called Michael to come pick you up.
Michael was not pleased to hear that after his 12 hours in the office, he had to pick up his absolutely shit faced partner up from his brother.
"You let them get that drunk, Gob? What's wrong with you?" Michael barked as you rest against his shoulder.
You lean against his form, looking up at his tousled locks. He definitely had them in his stressed grip a couple of times today. You play with the bottom of his tie as he speaks. Gob shrugs his lecturing off and leaves the pair of you.
With some difficulty, Michael gets you into the stair car and drives you to your apartment. He guides you up to your place and gently guides you to the sofa. He makes quick work of getting you a glass of water.
"Here, drink this," he hands you a glass. It's a chipped and old looking glass, just in case. You ignore the glass and instead try to get him to sit down with you.
"Michael, you looked tired, come lay down with me," you dragged, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could. You were spread across the sofa ungracefully, limbs anywhere they would be comfortable.
"You need to go to bed," he tells you gently. You whine out like a toddler.
"Come on! I wanna stay up with you!" you say before shifting up into a sitting position and giggling.
"You have work tomorrow," he sighs at you. He, too, has work tomorrow and would love to stay up with you, but can't.
"So? I hate that job! Who cares if I'm off cause of a-" you cut yourself off by covering your mouth and dry heaving, "a hangover-" you bolt up right and stumble to your bathroom, stabilising yourself on the walls. Michael follows closely behind.
He runs hand up and down your back and holds your hair as you throw up. The vomiting must have sobered you up a little because you suddenly feel the not so fun effects of alcohol. You rub your face, feeling hot a clammy. Michael looks at you with only concern as he hunches on the floor with you. He cups your face, and you lean your face away.
"Don't..." you grumble. "I'm gross and drunk."
Michael smiles as he smoothes over your cheek, "That may be true, but I still love you," he chuckles. You're unsure how he's even facing you with how bad your breath probably is.
"I'm tired," you sigh deeply and sniffle a little.
"I'm sure you are." Michael agrees, doing that knee slap thing as he makes his way to his feet again. "C'mon," he holds out his hand for you to take. Supporting one hand on your bath, you use the other to take his.
He guides you to your bed where you flump down. With effort, he takes your shoes off, and you turn over and wrap the duvet tight around your frame.
"Alright, sweetheart, I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow," Michael murmurs and watches your exhausted form.
"No!" you exclaim. "No, don't go!" Suddenly frantic, you unwrap yourself from your duvet cocoon.
"What do you want me to do?" He forms a lips pressed together smirk, he finds your pure distraught at the idea of him going home and getting a good night's rest awful amusing.
"Stay here! Stay in my bed!" you beg your boyfriend. In the morning, you'll remember how drunk and pathetic you were last night and grimace.
"But I have work in the morning. I'll need to go home and get ready." He toys. He already knows he'll be staying the night. He'll just have to get up early and grab his stuff for the office. Or maybe he'll take the day off, he deserves it after all.
"No, please!" You whine out again and tug on his hand. He laughs heartily and drops onto the bed, making sure to squash none of your limps.
Finally satisfied, you wrap your legs around him. You're both still in your work clothes, but who cares? You're cosy.
Tucking your head into his neck, you slur out a, "love you,"
"Love you too," he smiles, exposing his little tooth gap.
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gokartkid · 2 years
not on the list but - chalex + soul minutes? (every year on ur birthday you spend one minute looking through the eyes of your soulmate!)
Charles’ birthday is never on a race weekend. 
He likes to think that maybe that’s the excuse for why things took so long— Alex has said about this story that he deserved it for being stupid and that Alex himself had been 80% sure anyway. 
He’s never able to give Charles a clear answer, though, when he asks why he didn’t say anything.
They had decided to spend it together spontaneously; Alex got sick of Charles complaining about not knowing really how to golf and how everyone was getting into it now and he didn’t understand the hype.
“Charles,” He hears Alex knocking on his hotel room door, pushing it open with a beep of his keycard, “hey, happy birthday, also we should get going to the course—“
Charles blinks at him from where he’s brushing his teeth, feels his world shift around him, that once-a-year feeling where his spine feels suddenly wrong in his body and his brain feels slightly too big for his skull. He opens his mouth as if he’d be able to say something between falling out of his body and into someone elses presumably halfway around the world—
Only, he blinks his eyes open and has the strangest experience of looking straight at himself. 
Charles has never considered what he looks like when he’s doing this, studies his own face and the way that he’s looking blankly forward. There’s a gob of white spit dropping dangerously down his chin and he goes to move before remembering that he can’t do anything in this body — his brain stutters — that belongs to the only person standing in front of him.
When he slips back into himself he gasps— wipes away with spit on his chin —clutches at his chest, the whole charade. 
Alex is frozen a bit, staring at him.
“Charlie,” he says it slowly, sounds out the words, “do not tell me that you just—“
“Oh yes I did!” Charles is giddy, talks around the foam in his mouth, “oh my god, mate, I have to spit but then, oh my god!” 
soulmate aus (custom made!)
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Before anything, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING FOR FO3. I know it isn’t the most popular game in the series but the npcs are still so lovable!!
If you wouldn’t mind could we have Gob and Butch with a buff fem s/o? Like they’re pretty modest about it but she’s ripped and thinks it’s fun to fight enemies hand to hand! Thank you again sm dude, ur the best!
Gob and Butch Headcannons with a Buff! F!Lone
Aww, thank you for reading! And I’m glad you enjoy the stuffs with FO3 peeps! And I agree completely! This game is so deeply rooted in my nostalgia that I often realize how it literally shaped certain aspects of my personality, and the characters are a huge part of that. I’m so glad there are still people out there who appreciate it the way I do! 😊
This was a cute prompt as well, so let me know if you wanna see anyone else and I can add them.
I hope you enjoy! <3
He always avoided getting in fights with Lone in the vault after a particularly disturbing show of her physical prowess that resulted in Paul Hannon having to run to her father in tears, as blood streamed from his nose and his darkened cheek swelled over. The tunnel snake decided against pissing her off after that, and tried to refrain from messing with Amata as well. Butch didn’t like the way his friend’s nose bent unnaturally to the side now, and he decided he’d like to keep his own how it is.
Out in the wasteland, he frequently stays out of her way when they’re fighting enemies, sometimes even just sitting back with his gun under his arm and a cigarette in his hand as she beats the ever-loving shit out of some particularly feisty mole rats with her bare hands.
He's always sure to tell her how badass she is though. Even if he didn't help out in the fight, he wants her to know that he was there for her in the form of moral and emotional support. No one is a bigger fan of Lone than Butch, even if he does still give her a bit of a hard time occasionally. She knows he's just playing, after all, right?
When she steps away from another fight, her enemies dead at her feet, her blood splattered across her chest and knuckles, he can be heard clapping and complimenting her before the bodies on the ground even stop breathing. He's like the world's most devoted boxing coach, always there with a towel and a smile, hyping her up both before and after a fight, even messaging her tight shoulders and arms at the end of the day, if she's game.
It's no mystery, the way the tunnel snake feels about his fellow vault dweller. Whenever they're spending time just the two of them, he's more than affectionate. Sure, out in the wasteland he has to be aloof, cool, and unbothered, ready for anything and always looking to win a fight, but when it's just them two? He likes to scoot real close, running his hands over her muscular frame as he sits so damn near to her, he may as well be in her lap, littering her with hot, affectionate kisses, as she grins and blushes beside him. In public however, it's still painfully obvious that she and him are going steady. Butch isn't as outwardly tender, he's gotta keep up his reputation after all, but there's bound to be some hand holding, tender looks, and a few stolen kisses even out and about in the wastes, or when they're taking a rest in one of the bigger settlements. Anyone really has anything to say about his reputation, they'll have Lone to answer to. So, you know, their funeral.
It gets annoying, but Butch loves to sign Lone up for bar fights she didn’t start. He never has to watch his mouth! It’s great! Cuz if it gets out of hand, Lone can deck anyone who decides they want a piece of the tunnel snake and his companion. After the first few times this happens, Lone is sure to pay more attention to what her partner is saying to the folks around him, often dragging him away by the collar of his jacket as he spews profanity, just trying to avoid getting kicked out of another bar.
Butch feigns annoyance, but he really does like it when Lone leans against him as well, with her brawny arm draped over his shoulder, or when she manhandles him, picking him up to move him out of harm's way or to bring him closer to her. At first it made him a little self-conscious, but as he becomes more used to it, he finds comfort in her ability to protect him, even if he insists he doesn't need protecting, it's still nice. The wasteland is unforgiving, and as badass as Butch is, it certainly helps to have a partner like Lone watching his back.
At first, the absolutely ripped woman strolling into Moriarty’s Saloon frightened the ghoul until his voice was shaking and his heart was beating in his throat. As he asked for her order, his eyes were downcast, and his hands were trembling as he tried to refrain from dropping the glass he was cleaning.
Once he realizes her intimidating muscles aren’t aimed at him, Gob just feels sorry for whoever does have to worry about them. Though, when Lone uses her physical prowess to help defend the ghoul from his hellish boss, he almost comes to revere her. Using her superior physicality for good? To help him? He's dumbfounded, but immeasurably grateful.
If she deals with the thugs, raiders and monsters of the Capital Wasteland whenever he does go out with her, Gob will make sure she’s taken care of in every other way. Food, water, and rest are all provided to her for as long as the pair spend time together. Of course, that's pretty much a given. After all she's done for him, he would be remiss not to give her anything she needs to be comfortable and happy. At least... as comfortable and happy as one can be while strolling around the Capital Wasteland.
Gob’s really as gentle as they come out here in the CW, and it really comes in handy having someone like Lone at his side. Even just her presence keeps some of the wasteland riff raff at bay. Though, on the other hand, Lone’s larger frame does sometimes garner the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of crowd, the ones who aren't scared away so easily, and particularly those in a bar setting. Gob isn’t the most outspoken of ghouls, but for her, he’ll speak up against anyone trying to insult, question, or otherwise just be generally rude to her. Of course, if they end up going after him, Lone will step in and take care of whoever tried to hurt him as he scampers out of the way of their flying fists, but it’s the thought behind his words that counts.
No matter what happens though, Gob will be there to fix her up afterwards. He's a big fan of massages, if she lets him give them. After a long day's work, or a tumble with some rough bar-goers or raiders and the like, he wants to be there to help her unwind, and he's tremendous at all of the little domestic things like cooking her a high-protein dinner, making sure the sheets are clean, and her body is rested for the next day of ass-kicking. Plus... oftentimes these massage sessions can end up turning into something even more intimate, which gives the affectionate ghoul yet another opportunity to show Sole how highly he thinks of her gloriously muscular body.
He’s just in awe of her, all of her. She’s everything he hasn’t been all this time. She's fierce and strong and sure of herself in a way that he can't help but respect, and even envy. Though, he's not bitter, now that he has her, the ghoul wants for nothing. He seems to have it all.
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gayspock · 3 years
you kno when u get ur braces and they make u gag on that pink shite so they can get a mould. i think thats what a mouthful of odo is like. pretty fucked up bc the bloke can change his consistency and shite but someones a little pissy about having big gobfuls taken out of him... tch
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rattusrattus3 · 5 years
hey! im assuming everyone deals with this from time to time, and your advice is usually very helpful (and i trust you fjsbfb) but do you have any tips on falling asleep? the past few days i haven't slept, and it's not great for lil ol me 😅 if not, that's okay! thanks for reading this anyway! i love you, smooches 💙 - Gobs
ah hi gobs!!! sorrry this took so long to get back to! yes i would love to offer some tips 
ok first one and i hate this but (•ˋ _ ˊ•) unfortunatly . what is ur caffeine intake like? maybe cut down on that, it helped me a lot 
tea before bed is so nice!!!! some good relaxing ones that are my fav are Honey Vanilla Chamomile, Kava Kava (this one is uh not for everyone, it makes your mouth numb and has some weird kinda stoned effects, very mild but nice and relaxing, but google it before hand and ask ur doc etc etc), same with Blue Lotus tea is like that, i love Sweet Wild Orange tea also! tea is very relaxing and i reccomend IM NOT A DOCTOR ALSO! PLS NO ONE COME AT ME 
a little stretching before bed is very nice imo! i am always sore lol so ill look up on youtube a little yoga session for whatever im sore with (like, gentle hip openers, or shoulder stretching or whatever), one channel i like is yoga with adriene 
meditation? i mean i kinda hate meditating but i like body scans? i like a lot, you can find those on youtube as well! theres also lots of good sleep podcasts or apps that will play different things for you, you can experiment and find what is most relaxing for you (maybe its rain sounds or ASMR or calm music or visualizations or body scans or meditation I don't know! try some out see what you like!) my fav ever that i listen to constantly is this “Relax Into Deep Sleep” by Meg James its on the Insight Timer Meditation App (free and i reccomend), (Meg James has a whole course on “Simple Tools For Self Acceptance I highly recommend!)
try to figure out what it is about sleep that is hard for you, and try to target that! for me for instance, a big problem is keeping my eyes closed long enough to get to sleep, and i found that making an eye pillow out of rice and dried lavander and a new sock tied with a string does the trick to help me weigh down my eyes and keep em closed! If its anxiety, try to use a meditation, another thing that was hard for me to overcome was being cold all the time, so now i sleep with a hot water bottle and it helps cause i can move it to my toes or wherever is cold 
comfy pjs or naked but make sure u comfy and prioritize that
stuffed animals :) i love to spoon Crystal my big pink unicorn! or holding lapin to my chest as i sleep is really comforting to me :) 
try to keep a semi consistent sleep schedule i promise it helps it sucks and its hard but it helps 
I reccomend a routine, it doesnt have to be complicated just something that you do every night to signal to your body its time to wind down. my night time routine is really chill and helps me wind down, try to figure out what the best one is for you but this is mine: shower, get out of shower, have a tea while i lotion my whole body (wait for it to soak in), put on pjs, and do my skin care (toner, lotion). when my teas done i brush teeth (floss and mouthwash if its a good day), put in my retainer, then i sit in bed, spray my pillow and around me with a spray bottle filled with water, vanilla extract and lavander oil, then I put hand lotion and lip balm on, turn off the lights, queue up something to listen to, set my alarms, then i put my little sleep mask on and  its night time :) 
some products i like if u wanna treat urself: sleepy body lotion from lush, some nice smelling candles from the dollar store, lavander essential oil (to put in a spray bottle for nice soothing smells)  and teas i reccomended ;) (or whatever teas u like!!! if u dont know what u like get a caffeine free sampler pack from Twinings or Celestial Seasonings and see what u like!)
i also like to do a to do list before i go to bed so i can get all the shit off my mind that i need to do coming up, i also will keep a note pad by my bed so if im having obsessive or anxious thoughts and they are keeping me up to the point i cant sleep i can just scribble them down and then i feel like they’re out and i can re-visit them later instead of feeling the need to obsess over them in the moment 
Melatonin? is a thing u can try? I got it prescribed when i was younger but it never did anything for me really but you can buy it over the counter and ask your doctor etc etc but yeah maybe thats somehting you could look into ? AGAIN NOT A DOCTOR ASK UR DOCTOR 
thats all i got for now i hope it may help you or others !!! not sleeping is hard but we can get there! 
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pea-milk · 6 years
family orientated, hates children, perfectionist
Family-oriented - Do you want children?
Hates Children - What’s the meanest thing you’ve said to a child?
id never be mean to a kid!! but like i unintentionally made a 4 yr old cry by telling him he had some schmutz on his cheek
Perfectionist - Biggest pet peeve?
LOUD CHEWING!! CHEWING WITH MOUTH OPEN!!! close ur gob u heathens
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bcmbshcll · 7 years
i won’t lie, i rarely use these words/phrases just because where i’m from which is the capital, but where i live a lot of people use it, i was brought up in a a little better area before moving to where i am now, with that being said I just wanted to create a master list of things we say, it all really depends where you’re from as well, so if you’re creating a character from Glasgow you’d give that character a really rough scottish voice and use some scottish slang and that would be called glaswegian, and when you go further up the country the more of these words you’ll most likely here. so just keep in mind not every scottish person speaks like this it depends where you base your character from. 
aye — this is pronounced like eye, it means yes.
a, ah — means, I
a wiz like — means, I was like
am no — means, I’m not
a(h)naw — means, as well
aboot — means, about
aff yer heed — means, off your head
aw — means,  all
a am’ nae — means, i am not
amen’t ah — means, aren’t I
baccy — means, tobacco
bairn — means, child
bampot — i included this bc a tv show had it and actually put up a subtitle saying whit it meant, it means idiot.
banger — firework, but also penis. away you ‘nd chew ma banger.
batter — to beat up
bawbag — have ye heard of hurricane bawbag ?? it means scrotum.
baws — balls.
bawheid — ballhead
boaby — police
boggin — smellin, dirty, that’s boggin
bolt — go away.
buckie — gOT MA BOTTLE OF BUCKIE AND A FIVER DEAL. scottish finest that is buckfast.
burd — girlfriend
cannae — cannot
chum — you gonna chum me to the shops ?? to accompany
claes — clothes
cauld — cold
cummoan — come on
da — dad
dafty — ya dafty, someone is being dumb and silly
dinnae — don’t
diddy — did he?
dingy — to ignore
div — yer a div, an idiot
doon — down, as long as yer haudin’ me doon, doon, doon.... scottish 5h anyone??
dinna ken — don’t know
dug — dog
eh — what ??
empty — when yer parent’s are oot of toon, you’ve got an empty for the night have a fuckin’ party
fae — from
fag — cigarette 
fanny — vagina, but used as an insult, hERE YOU UR A FUCKIN FANNY.
feart — scared
fitba — football/soccer
gaff — house
gan — go
Gaun yersel' - Congratulations gammie - An injured body part ("Canny play, I've got a gammie leg") gaun - going ("am gaun hame"), or, go on/and ("gaun shut the fuck up) gantin'/Gaggin' fur it - begging for - (See her, she's pure gantin' fur sex)
glasgae — glasgow
goat — got
gonnae no dae that — please don’t do that, gonnae no dae that, why? just gonnae no.
gob — mouth, keep yer gob shut
greet — am gonnae greet, i’m going to cry
hame — home
hen — right naw do i look like a fucking chicken?? its our way of saying how are you love, but we say how are ye hen?
hoose — house
how? — why?
how no? — why not?
isnae — is not
jag/jab — injection/punch
janny — janitor
knob — penis
laddie — boy
lecky — electricity
lassie — girl
lugs — ears
mair — more
maist — most
maw/ma — mum
messages — groceries/shopping
mental — insane
mibay — maybe
midden — mess
minger — messy, dirty, smelly person
mink — unhygienic person.
mon(moan) then — challenge to fight
the morn/the morns morning — tomorrow/tomorrow morning
munter — ugly person
nae danger — no chance
naw — no
ned — troublemaker (chav)
nippin — stinging
numpty — the loving way to call someone an idiot
nut — no
oaf — off
Och awa' an' dinna talk pish - You're talking a load of rubbish
oan yer bike/trolley — go away
oot — out
oot yer nut — drunk
pan — pan ma windeez in, break my windows in
pish — piss
pished/plastered — drunk
polis — police
plenty — enough
pure — very, totally
quality — amazing, brilliant
radge — crazy or angry
rat-arsed — lets get drunk
reek — smell bad
raging — angry
scheme — council housing
scooby — clue (no clue)
scram — go away
scran — to eat
sesh — to go out drinking
shan — shame
shite — poo
simmer — calm down
skelp — to hit someone
skint — broke af aka me
solid — hard/tough
speccy — to describe someone who wears glasses
square go — to fight
swally — swallow
tad — tiny bit (it’s a tad small i say when i look at his penis)
tae — to
talking oot yer fanny lips — lying
tan — smash 
wallap (wa-lup) – to hit someone/thing
wan / ane — one
wank — short for wanker, wank, wank, good guy, wank, wank or when a male decides he wants tae cum but he’s got naewan, so he goes for a wank
weegie — someone from glasgow
whae — with?
whit/wit? — what?
windaez — windows
yeez — yous
yer — your
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