#wheatley the best pm
thepacifistrouter · 7 months
The Spark (Wheatley The Best PM fanfic)
I've been reading everything I could about Wheatley the Best PM, a Waffles AU from years ago (twitters, one-shots, questions, wiki, etc.) and, although I found it fun and interesting… I felt like it was missing something …I mean, yes, in itself it is unfinished, but I mean that an element was missing, perhaps even that affected the fact of being able to continue moving forward with the idea, I don't know. After much thought, I came to the conclusion that the story lacked… hope, especially for our protagonist, that it seemed that the negative things around him were much bigger and heavier than the positive ones (too many flaws, no friends real, or at least real support, his cat was killed, his plant, current pet missing and his grandmother is presumed dead, etc), there didn't seem to be any solid reasons for anyone to want to help him personally, not even Chell I'm not talking about a possible Chelley, I'm talking about Chell showing real interest, initiative in, not even being his friend, but at least wanting to help him, knowing the difficult situation he is in, I know he has his reasons, but still. It's difficult to work on unfinished material, but… for some reason, I wanted to try it and… I think I finally came up with a… plausible idea to add hope for our favorite Prime Minister and his story.
I clarify that I'm not even half as good writer as Waffles… and I'm sure she won't read this… but… I don't know, I wanted to publish it, I hope you like it.
They were a few thought weeks, really though weeks, 2 weeks to be precise, but not because of the cold and snow, nor because the work was particularly difficult (which technically, it wasn't), but because of her boss, the Prime Minister. The tallest and most idiotic Prime Minister the country could ever have, but it was only aware of the former. They were also not aware that the person in charge of the nation was, actually a being that was difficult to define as human, but who was the one who pulled the strings of everything under the shadows. She wasn't someone you wanted to be around, in fact, if it weren't for the Prime Minister having decided on her, she would never have taken that job on her behalf.
Curiously, until a few weeks before, her job had been up and down, but it was bearable, as was her boss. especially in the last week. When he regularly offered to take her home in the Sentinel, even though at first, she did not feel comfortable with that, it eventually became a pleasant time, but sadly, illusory and therefore, temporary.
After having to endure the wrath of Hurricane Caro, aka, his "best friend" all by himself, after having let her know his displeasure during that last Sentinel trip together, even though he tried to pretend nothing had happened the very next morning, things only got worse.
First, because the following days, from time to time, the Prime Minister was called to meet with Her, long and alone meetings, no one knew exactly what was being discussed there, but when they finished, it was clear that it couldn't be anything good. Especially because, due to the clear nerves he had when entering, he seems to had spilled coffee on his leg I none of them and, clumsily tried to hide it. And even without that, you could see a clear glow of satisfaction in Her eyes as She left, and something was changing in the Prime Minister's gaze and in his manners with others. At first was almost imperceptible, it was not very different from how he acted before, but this was just more... intense, less patient, more self-aware of his actions... in a bad way, he seemed to make more and more efforts to appear serious and imposing, trying to look more professional, which, for him, meant being more bossy, being more categorical when giving opinions or making decisions, etc. He didn't even post anything on his Twitter anymore.
Somehow, he managed to make this less noticeable by having public appearances, it was there, but it was still more like any other public appearance before those weeks, silly and lost. Still, Chell, being as sharp as she was, she saw it, she saw that it wasn't the same anymore.
She noticed how he corrected his posture much more often, looking for imperfections in his clothes, at some point he began to adjust his glasses every time it looked like he would say or do something, but he changed them at the last second for something else a little less like him; like being offered some biscuits, but in the last second, he ended up refusing them, saying that he would start a healthier diet soon and that it would be better to leave the biscuits to the children. Even once, on their way to an opening outside London, they spotted a circus in the distance, she could have bet she saw that spark of childish excitement in his eyes, only for him to, in the next breath, remark that he really liked them as a child, but now he had more interesting and important things to pay attention to.
Tension began to be felt in the No10 atmosphere, a tension that grew as the days passed, becoming palpable for anyone around, specially her.
She didn’t give a damn.
Maybe he was her boss, but she wasn't willing to let his stupid attitudes get to her, it already bothered her enough that she was affected by his tantrum at the Sentinel, no matter how sorry she was for him, no matter how much she could understand his situation, what happened was not her fault. It wasn't her fault that he wasn't able to open his eyes to his "best friend", it wasn't her fault that he was incapable of running his life, much less a nation, or that his will was so weak with what really mattered, he was not even able to ask for help other than some advice from time to time or for silly, irrelevant things or accidents he caused with his clumsiness. The only possible guilt she could really feel was not having done anything to try to change things or say something during the elections, perhaps that was the main reason, along with her own plans, why she had not tried to quit her job. He was not her responsibility out of what her work or her guts could demand, like saving his life of himself, which was still on her ‘not exactly something to be too proud of’ list of things.
It was true, after all, despite the time that had passed and there being something about him that could have made her consider to saving him as not a complete waste, from her point of view, that life was still a harmful and dangerous disaster, for himself and for the nation that, It is assumed that it was under his charge. Even taking his precious Caro out of the equation, who was the one who made him a danger to the general population, his position on her life and her mission doesn't change much... irrelevant, almost expendable. Remembering the times she saved him of problems that should only be problems for little kids and not for a ruler of an entire country, that he ignored obvious problems for him or blaming others for them because of his own insecurities and lack of self-steem, or when he began to become especially unbearable in the way he treated others, especially in the last week. She didn't hate him, he wasn't someone worth hating, but she wouldn't let someone so needy and annoying upset her, it was true that he had his more tractable moments where he can even feel friendly and kind, like someone to be nice with… but that was far too temporary, and still, again, even if it wasn’t… that didn't make him her responsibility… aside from her job. There were more important things to worry about, there was a whole nation full of people to worry about to. She couldn't, she didn't have to, she didn’t need to focus on his life problems.
The snow was beginning to fall in a foggy London, she was well dressed for the occasion, scarf, coat, gloves, etc. Luckily it was time to go home, she alone had to stop by to do a couple of purchases for herself. It wasn't her favourite activity, but it had to be done, and that same day she had to go shopping for clothes for her boss, who would say that buying a pair of packages of special-sized socks online was a mission of national importance.
At least she didn't have to deal with him anymore for today… or so she thought.
The streets were empty due to the hour, the snow and the fog, in the distance, at least from what could be seen, she saw some garbage containers, which told her that she was, more or less, halfway home. The containers were an expected sight for her, what she didn't expect was to see the lanky guy with glasses, overdressed in formal clothes - despite being outside of his working hours- standing in front of them, staring at them, as if he couldn't decide what would be his next step after getting there. She was about to cross the street, taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't seen her, so she could continue without having to go through an awkward encounter with her boss, but something protruding from the box he was carrying caught her attention. From the distance, it looked like just a piece of fabric, but she realized that it was a sleeve, a sleeve of a huge sweater that she had seen before, its size and its owner made it difficult to forget, after all.
She doesn't know what prompted her to move a little closer to be sure if she was seeing wrong instead of following her original plan to cross the street and quicken her pace. She regretted not doing so the second he became aware of her presence, although her reaction was a bit...unexpected?
“… Oh, hello… Michelle” He barely turns his head to look at her for a second and immediately return to the initial position. “You can continue your way, I just… took advantage of the hour… you know, lack of public hour… to get rid of… some trash I had at home, you know, free up some space… A-and I would ask someone else to do it! but… Well, it would’ve been like letting someone snoop though the Prime Minister’s garbage, that’d bee totally weird and controversial, right? Embarrassing paper news material…. No, it was best to do it myself, after all… it’s close to me…”. He adjusts his glasses “I-I mean, close to my home, not me, pfff! is just garbage, how could possibly be that close to me? Is close to my home, like… in the way home, that’s what I meant to say…”
What, this?" It's from my nan. She used to knit me jumpers for school, but she always had to make 'em bloody huge or I'd grow out of it in five minutes flat.
Chell notice how, while he was talking, something was missing in his look, something that had been there before, but seemed to be dismissing over time. She looked at the box, there were many things, some familiar to her, others not, a huge blue sweater, stratospheric blue like the eyes of its owner, long and colourful socks, with almost psychedelic and childlike patterns, one of them with what it seems to be a large coffee stain, she even though she saw a hair clip with a little frog, in a corner.
Something was wrong.
The Prime Minister noticed Chell's gaze towards the box. “Oi, oi!! it's private!! didn't your parents teach you to not look at other people's trash!?... and... and anyway, now that you did, which again, super rude, but since what's done is done, a little saying there, I guess you're wondering about the sweater, after all, you'd already seen it and it's hard not to notice it because the size and the loud colour and that… well, the thing’s that... after thinking about it well, I considered that, honestly, I didn't need it anymore… sentimental value is for people who can't afford actual value, after all, I mean, I'm the Prime Minister! I can buy a much better sweater, more suitable! This one is 2 bloody sizes too big for me! I looked ridiculous wearing it, didn't I? Heheheh... yeah, luckily no one else saw me with that... to be honest... it-it was about time to get rid of it… and-and I don't think my nan would mind, really, after all, she is... is…" He adjusts his glasses "Well, you already have your answer, don’t you? It's getting cold. I'll just... I'm trying to think if I forgot something to throw or if I get rid of something important by mistake, that's all, human mistake could happen even to me, so… you can continue your way home, like I said, nothing important happens here..."
Chell couldn't imagine why he would be taking this decision; it was clearly taking him a while to let go of that box. She was almost certain that he would never let Caro or anyone at No10 know of the existence of any of the things in the box, why would he be getting rid of them, then? The only plausible answer that her mind pictures was Her and their meetings those weeks.
Even though Chell was good at solving puzzles and unknowns, she enjoyed it to a certain extent, at that moment she didn't have much desire or energy to think further about it, it's not like the Prime Minister's clothes or trash were her business and, besides, he didn't seem in the best of moods at that moment; She noticed that ‘something’ that was missing again, that kind of spark that seemed to have been replaced by the small glint in his glasses reflected every time she adjusted them. His stare was almost dead.
 She decided that she no longer wanted to be there, so she was about to return to her path, when they both heard something move and squeak that came from the container, they focused their sight on the place where the sound came from. It was a well tied plastic bag, in the middle of several bigger bags and some empty cans.
Chell didn't have much time to think about it when the Prime Minister spoke “Oh... that must be, without a doubt, a cat that someone threw in the trash, I know about this, remember I told you my father loves cats? Yeah, I told you that time when... nevermind, nevermind, thing is he used to pick up cats on his way home sometimes, and he would talk to us about what were the most common places, you know, the most repeated methods to get rid of a cat, he mentioned the use of tied bags in rivers, slopes, gutters, garbage cans, etc. So, I'm sure, 100% accuracy, that there is a cat in that bag" he says in an almost pretentious tone, Chell already saw that she’d have to take him out of the trash for trying to pick up the bag from where he is, instead of turning around to approach it, like someone who thinks before acting would do, but...
He adjusted his glasses "... Oh well... it's better… i-it’s better to finish this and go home, I was told that the snow should not take long to increase..." then, he proceeds to, slowly, place the box in the container, away from the moving bag, pretending he no longer saw it; they could even hear moans and squeaks from time to time.
Something was definitely wrong.
Chell couldn’t help but stare at him, he noticed it, then she looks at the bag “…What? The bag?... is… is just…“ He adjust his glasses “is just a stupid cat, isn’t it? W-What others do with their stuff is none of my business…”
She kept looking at him, he seemed to be, or trying to be, serious and she didn't see any intention in him of wanting to go for the bag, so she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but she decided to, at least, say something.
“How about a shelter?”
“Heh, nah, at this time? in this weather? The closest one would take too long to get here and I'm not going to waste my time on foot, much less picking up other people's trash and you shouldn't either… again, it's getting late...”
The bag moves again, but he turns to leave. She decides to try again.
“So... are you just going to leave it there?”
He stops, but at first he doesn't turn around. He adjusted his glasses and she could see a bit of the reflection of the light from the street spotlight in them.
“...Is funny, you know? Because I thought...I thought I was being clear about this...but okay, okay I'll take the time to be clearer anyway...so yeah...I'm going to leave it there...whatever happens to that bag... or that cat or whatever... it's not my problem... I have more important Prime Minister things to think about than… than a useless cat... be-besides, there must be a reason why they left it in garbage like that, shouldn’t it?" he turns to look at her "there must be a good reason, a very good reason why someone decided to get rid of their cat like that, probably several reasons... so why would I…"
“Such as?” She interrupts, maintaining her usual serious, cold, and calm tone and countenance, yet, somehow, there was a small hint of challenge in the way she asked it. It was involuntary, or that's what she wanted to believe.
“Such as? Well, that’s easy, actually, a really easy answer, to be honest, there are a lot of possible reasons… for-for example, and this is just the first things that comes to my mind, being very noisy, cats can be quite noisy, really, especially at night, have you ever heard a cat fight? Well, let me tell you, it is very noisy, or could just be one of those who do not stop meowing…. Anyway, other option here, It-it could also be one of those that spends its time scratching or biting things everywhere, like clothes, armchairs, curtains or walls, whatever, that's typical of cats, be destructive, small earthquakes, to be honest… you don't want that in your house... and... well, if I had to name something else, some other good reason that occurs to me, well... well it's still easy" he adjusts his glasses "it could… it could simply be a useless cat...like… like a cat too stupid to fulfil the main role of a cat, the traditional mouse catcher, be the pest controller… yeah… yeah, in fact I think it is the most plausible reason, because it would undoubtedly involve the other 2 reasons I already said, and… and not to also mention the waste of money, space and food!" He turns to look at the bag while saying this, with a look that seemed to have begun to bother with its contents, but even so, it almost seemed empty "Yes, without a doubt that must have been it, a useless cat that only got in the way and caused annoyance... I mean-I mean, just look at it! It's not even able to use the claws nature gave it to try to escape, it’s just a plastic bag! Even so, the moron is not capable of trying to use them to escape on its own" he looked with what seemed almost a look of hatred at the bag, which was moving and emitting squeaks less and less, as if it were getting tired “No, I have no reason worry about such a thing…”
Chell was struck by the hatred that began to appear in his voice and in his eyes, for something that was nothing more than a speculation, he was just assuming all those things... or perhaps more than that… but she didn't back down in this game because of it, although, at this point, she wasn't sure why.
"Even if it were like that… it's just a cat…”
“Yeah, you said it, just a cat” he interrupts “It's just a cat, the country… no, not even the country, we can reduce the population ratio for this, actually, let’s better say the city where we are right now, London, I meant London, is full of other cats, many in houses where they are wanted, many strays that have managed to survive on their own; in short, cats that have earned their place in this life on their own, that they have been useful for their purpose or the one that their owners gave them... this is not one of them... I don't see why... should we spend efforts on a hopeless case like this… it doesn’t deserve… is just not worth it... to be honest”.
It seemed like he was going to return to his path but noticing how the young woman continued to stare at him, he seemed to take that as an incentive to continue. He adjusts his glasses.
“Besides, even if I considered... which I'm not considering! Just to make that perfectly clear, I'm not considering anything! but... but if I did, I couldn't, like I said, I'm sure I mentioned it, I have more important things to worry about… like, vital nation things to take care of, important Prime Minister business, decisions to take… as you might already know, I couldn't take care of it, I don't have time to laze round, taking care of another cat that can't even catch mice… no, to be honest, it would… it would, without a doubt, be a waste of time for both of us…”
This time, he turned to look at her, that look that seemed dead, but now also showed a small hint of... irony? “And you... you are also here after all, don't think that I’m not considering you in the scheme of things, but-but I know that you would not take it either! I remember it well from those times, that big red sign of 'NO PETS ALLOWED’ in front of the building door, so no, hehe, you couldn't take it even if you wanted to, right? See? even for you it would be just troubles... because... be-because... let's say that for some reason, you decide to take it anyway, thinking that you could... I don't know, just hide it from the management, but ‘eeeh!’ bad news, and I think you can guess it too, you couldn't! You just couldn't hide it for long, plus it wouldn't be worth it!" A smile appears on his face, a smile she didn't like at all. "Like I said, cats, especially idiot cats like this, can be very loud... and you... you spend most of your day at work, how would you try to hide it while you're away?! A-and let's not mention everything you would have to teach it! to use the sand box, also difficult to hide, not to scratch things or bite them, not to throw things off the table... even though... even though he may be a sweet, innocent... happy... with that tender little face that welcomes you home every day..."
For a second, for that small moment when he said that and his voice seemed to even soften, she thought she saw that familiar silly, happy glint in his eyes, but as soon as it came, it was gone. He adjusted his glasses.
"It's just not worth it!! It's not bloody worth it! honestly, because the truth… the truth is that it would only cause problems!... Plus, it could have rabies or ringworm or something worse…”  The snow begins to increase “No... it's not worth to even trying to help... to be honest..."
He turns to look at the bag again, this time with a rather tired tone, perhaps because of everything he said, perhaps because of the weather... or perhaps because of something else.
"Yeah... at this point, probably... the best we can do for it... for all the trouble it would entail... for being too weak, too idiotic to help himself... for be too useless to others... the best thing for everyone would be... not to help him at all...”  Suddenly his voice lowered all its volume and the energy with which he spoke a few seconds ago, even sounded a little sad. The plastic bag hardly moved anymore. “No one would gain anything by helping him... but at the same time... no one would lose anything by not helping... leave it there and let destiny takes care of its misery... it's for the best..."
A short dead silence, you could almost hear the snow falling. He finally turns away and continues his way.
"I'm going home...see you...see you tomorrow at work...good night."
He walks with an almost robotic firmness, but determined, no longer wanting to wait. She watches him leave, then looks at the bag and decides to return to her own path at a fast pace, in the opposite direction, the way home, thinking about everything that just happened.
Although she was surprised by the coldness of the Prime Minister's words and movements that night, so unlike him and at the same time so typical of his way of carrying things out, but still. It's not that his life decisions were any of her business, it just caught her attention.
It was strange to say or think this about her boss, but he had a point. The nearest shelter would never arrive on time, especially not at that hour and weather. He, much to her surprise, really didn't seem to have a choice to do anything about it. It was true that she had no solid reason to think that the cat was everything he said it was, but she herself, at that moment, had nowhere to take the cat, it would be a problem for her to take it to her apartment due to the lack of space and the strict policy; she didn’t even know anyone else who could or would be willing to care for the cat, at least until it could be get to a shelter.
The snow and cold increased, as did her pace, she really had no good reason to go through so much trouble to help a being who couldn't help but give it, even if it was unintentional.
It'll probably die soon in this weather and no help... probably tonight she thought, without slowing her pace, feeling bad for no having someone to turn to to help the poor creature.
(…)Look at him, why would anyone not want a perfectly good little cat like that? (…)
Things like that made her doubt that she had any hope in him, that he could actually be more than just the lesser of two evils, watching how he was doing less and less of his part to believe it, to make her believe that he was worthy of any help... In the end it would just be a nuisance
(…) No. She’s never going to let me have a funeral for a bloody cat. ’Specially one that kept going out of his way to sick up on her handbag. I mean, I stuck up for him, I said it was just an unfortunate mistake- a- series of unfortunate mistakes (…)
Anyway, the important thing at that moment was to get home early, it was getting dark and cold.
She had plans to follow, people, an entire population to help, unlike what the Prime Minister believed he did. In her eyes, more than cruel, he was also being a great hypocrite, she knew that he did not take real actions for his people and, even if he did, she also knew that helping a helpless animal did not actually harm or affect to those people at all. It wasn't an attitude that completely surprised her coming from him, knowing that he wasn't capable of noticing how little or nothing he actually did right, of ignoring or blaming others, including things, for what goes wrong. He didn't do anything when he should and when he had a real opportunity to do something other than what his "best friend" told him, to really help with something - like now - he just made excuses not to do it...
(…)But- but sh-she- just said that- snfff- that at least that was one less thh… thing to laze round all day get-getting uh-uh-underfoot. Joking, obviously, just- just how she talks(…)
She had no real reasons, which for her was the same as saying, no practical reasons, for spending time or efforts on...thinking about helping...someone like that...
Her step was quick and determined, just like her. She hoped she would be able to arrive in time, she was almost at the door of her apartment building when she decided to turn back, the probability that it would be too late was there, but she had never liked the idea of giving up when she set a goal, for however low the chances of success were, if they weren't 0, then it could happen, she would make it happen.
This mentality had always been a part of her, always, she didn't have an easy life, she just never let it stop her from moving forward, always being efficient, always with her eyes on her goal no matter what, no matter how difficult it could be, always looking for the best and most efficient solution possible in her hand, always seeking to remove any possible obstacle from her path or at least not let it disturb or interrupt her too much; After all, no matter how pessimistic - although she preferred to say 'realistic' - she might be, as she was taught to always guided by what she considered to be the right thing to do, she never let adversity get in the way of her principles.
Always seeking the greater good, always evaluating and classifying each cause and those involved in silence, drawing a line of action, based on the value and danger of each one for the cause, always seeking to go unnoticed, determined not to suffer any more inconvenience than the necessary - that is, those planned - as far as possible. If an unexpected problem arose, she would adapt, she was good at adapting to different situations, she knew how unpredictable and unfair life could be, she had internalized that… so internalized... that sometimes she forgot... the weight of other things of value in this life besides usefulness or practicality, even talking about such high and important roles in this society, such as being Prime Minister...
Sometimes she forgot that, as valuable and important her mission was, there were little things that worth fighting for, no matter how irrelevant or useless they seemed in other ways, even if they were a nuisance, even if they might be perceived as a waste of time... maybe they weren't so much, after all, it was those little details that had kept her from completely losing faith in people.... maybe...just maybe
She finally made it back to where the containers were, she didn't waste much time recovering breath and look, immediately, in the direction where the bag was, found what she was looking for, but not exactly in the way she expected.
Maybe there was still a little hope.
The bag was now untied and inside the box with the Prime Minister's things, half stuffed under the stratospheric blue sweater. She could also notice how the bag moved, how a feline nose peeked out, weakly, from the opening. The little one was still fighting, despite everything.
Chell looks around for a second in case she managed to see someone. There was no one. What she did see were large footprints on the ground, striding footprints of someone who came and left in a hurry. She couldn't help but feel a small wave of relief and gave a slight grin, but it was quick, after all, there wasn't much time to waste.
She entered her small apartment, she was covered in a thin layer of snow, but it didn't matter. She carefully closed the door with her foot, and then went straight to her bed to leave the bulky bags with her purchases on her bed. She went to turn on a small heater that she had for days like this, while she shook off the snow and took off gloves and scarf. He went back to the bags and took out the box that was inside one of them. She removed the bulky sweater inside her a little to reveal the weak, thin cat beneath it, just enough to uncover his familiar orange head, then set it down near the heater.
The world was really very small, very small - she never thought that the cat in the container would be the missing little Kevin. She was sure that his mysterious disappearance meant he had died, probably because of Caro. She wasn't that far from the truth, but it was still quite a surprise, it would have been a pleasant surprise if it weren't for the implications of it.
The bag in which they found the small cat was not just any type of bag, it was for medical waste, and there were 2 of them (one inside the other), she noticed this after taking the small animal out of it, this not only implied that it was left there with the intention that he could not get out even if he tried, he would not be able to get out, but expecting for it to try - and she could see that he did try - but in addition, she noticed other details, such as that one of his hind legs had marks, as if someone had been had him tied up for a while. She also found very similar markings on the tip of his tail, which she was sure looked a little shorter. He seemed scared when she opened the bag wide to take it out, but luckily, after a quick smell, he seemed to have recognized her and didn't give her any major trouble.
The Prime Minister had many flaws, he was and could be many negative things, but she knew him well enough to know that he would never be so cruel, even leaving out the worst details. No, she knew, she was more than sure who had been the guilty even though she had no proof. After all, She loved to play with Her prey, slowly exhausting them, testing how far they could last until She got bored and then getting rid of them, abandoned to their fate, no longer having the tools or energy to fight back or at least, to move forward. Animal or human.
Chell used a small empty tupperware to give him water. She was sure that she had some grilled chicken that she had left over from the other day that would work for the occasion. The little feline, having already overcome the cold a little, thanks to the sweater and the heater, manages to drink. He was no kind of mouser, much less a Chief Mouser material... but even so, he seemed to refuse to let go his tinny little, he refused to give up, without thinking about it, without anyone asking him, he just did...
She knew that when he regained his strength, it would be harder to keep it hidden with everything he had to do, it would, definitely be a problem and a hassle, but something would occur to her, she had faced bigger problems and even the idiot who caused the most recent problems was able to deal with this for a while. She would figure it out, she will just have to be creative. With the cat... and with the idiot.
After all - despite everything, the adversity, the wear and tear, his own limitations - mental or physical -, despite having to deal DIRECTLY with HER, even seeming like all is lost in his most recent attitude... Even so, he shows a small spark of hope, involuntary, but existing… in his attitude, even in his look, the spark was weak… bit was still there.
She simply couldn't leave him on his own like this, knowing that there was something good to rescue, from her point of view, it was stupid to think that he didn't deserve her effort and her help to get out of the hole he was in, to be better, alone. she needed to think of a way to approach things that would work under the current circumstances, there had to be a way, there always was and she would find it. She knew that it would be difficult and that it would involve going through more than one disappointment and inconvenience... but she had to try...
Yes, it was stupid to think that, just because we had a larger cause on our hands, there was no value in also trying to deal with a small cause... especially if it was directly linked to the larger cause...
As stupid as thinking that you need a stupid, weak, squeaky cat to give you a solid, logical reason for you to take it out of the garbage in the middle of the snow.
Aaand that was it, I know I'm like 10 years later, but if you read this... thanks you
hope you liked it or at least you found it good enough
thepacifistrouter out
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castametric · 9 months
after a couple of minor delays, I’m proud to announce that the Best Of Wheatley Bag is finally complete!!
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Happy holidays, @xebecdav !! At your earliest convenience, PM me with a post box or mailing address so I can send this your way! I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much @portal-secret-santa for putting this together!
73 notes · View notes
The brackets are finally here!
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(sorry for the poor quality of the bracket images lol it’s the best i could do)
Two quick propaganda rules:
1. Propaganda is good and encouraged, just don’t send any negative propaganda. This tournament is for fun, and anti-propaganda kinda ruins that.
2. If you do make propaganda, you can either send it through my ask box, or you can reblog the post with your propaganda. Either is fine!
These 6 brackets will go on until there’s only one character left in each. Once the six semi-finalists are chosen, there will be two battles of 3, and then the winners of that will go against each other in the finals! Each poll will last for one day, but the finals and semifinals will be a week each. The posting schedule will be one bracket a day, meaning that day 1 will be bracket 1 round 1, day 2 will be bracket 2 round 1, and so on. The first set of polls will drop tomorrow (March 30) at roughly 4:00 PM EST. Now, onto the actual matchups!
Bracket 1:
Cam (Rhythm Heaven) VS. Casey (Deca Sports)
Grover (Sesame Street) VS. Rosita (Sesame Street)
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) VS. Gonzo (The Muppets)
Blue (Blue’s Clues) VS. Flippy Doggenbottom (Toontown)
Bluey Heeler (Bluey) VS. Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
The Tesseract (Marvel) VS. Captain America (Marvel)
Blue (Overly Sarcastic Productions) VS. Blue (Animator VS Animation)
13th Doctor (Doctor Who) VS. The TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Lancer (Deltarune) VS. Lance McClain (Voltron)
Link (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Navi (Legend of Zelda) VS. Fi (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) VS. Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Mega Man (Mega Man) VS. Megamind (Megamind)
MePhone4 (Inanimate Insanity) VS. Four (Battle for BFDI)
Teardrop (Battle for Dream Island) VS. Sadness (Inside Out)
Blue Album (Weezer) VS. Blue Meanie (Yellow Submarine)
Bracket 2:
Scott Wozniak (Scott the Woz) VS. Jacob (Alpharad)
Big Pauly (Papa Louie) VS. Watergirl (Fireboy and Watergirl)
Abby (Wii Sports) VS. Saburo (Wii Sports)
Kris (Deltarune) VS. Berdly (Deltarune)
Powerade VS. Gatorade
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) VS. Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gooey (Kirby) VS. Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Benrey (HLVRAI) VS. Bubby (HLVRAI)
Gus Porter (The Owl House) VS. Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Agent (Penguinronpa) VS. Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin)
Mordecai (Regular Show) VS. Blue-footed Booby (Real Life)
Wish Bear (Care Bears) VS. Grumpy Bear (Care Bears)
The ocean (Real Life) VS. Elsa (Frozen)
Cinderella (Cinderella) VS. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Doc Hudson (Cars) VS. Sally Carrera (Cars)
Mudkip (Pokémon) VS. Squirtle (Pokémon)
Bracket 3:
Marth (Fire Emblem) VS. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Chrom (Fire Emblem) VS. Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Donald Duck (Disney) VS. Dewey Duck (Ducktales)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS. Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sans (Undertale) VS. Queen (Deltarune)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Gumball Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS. Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob Squarepants) VS. Inkling Boy (Splatoon)
Bubbles Utonium (Powerpuff Girls) VS. Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Logan Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS. Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) VS. Nya (Ninjago)
Tom (Eddsworld) VS. Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas and Friends)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sapphire (Steven Universe) VS. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Nightwing (DC Comics) VS. Superman (DC Comics)
Wendy Darling (Peter Pan) VS. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
Bracket 4:
Craig Tucker (South Park) VS. Goombario (Paper Mario)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) VS. Kaito (Vocaloid)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) VS. Leonard Church (Red vs Blue)
John Egbert (Homestuck) VS. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
James P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.) VS. The Genie (Aladdin)
Wheatley (Portal) VS. V1 (Ultrakill)
Frosta (She-Ra) VS. Mermista (She-Ra)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) VS. Blu (Rio)
R2-D2 (Star Wars) VS. Bo-Katan (Star Wars)
Mountain Dew Voltage VS. Blue Gushers
Pablo (The Backyardigans) VS. Tuxedo Sam (Sanrio)
Crackle (Rice Krispies) VS. Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake)
Blue (Pokémon) VS. Piplup (Pokémon)
Nightcrawler (X-Men) VS. Mystique (X-Men)
Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) VS. Tsumugi Shirogane (Danganronpa V3)
Shun Kaido (Saiki K.) VS. Teruhashi Kokomi (Saiki K.)
Bracket 5:
Soundwave (Transformers) VS. Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS. Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) VS. Roadrunner (Looney Toons)
Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty) VS. Hades (Hercules)
Zazu (Lion King) VS. Benny the Bull (Dora the Explorer)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy’s) VS. Spheal (Pokémon)
Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts) VS. Numbuh 2 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Nebula (Marvel) VS. Steve (Minecraft)
Blue Alien (I’m Blue by Eiffel 65) VS. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Barney Calhoun (Half-Life) VS. Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls Animated) VS. Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Ciel Soleil (RWBY) VS. Bloom (Winx Club)
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Gwen (Total Drama) VS. Rosalina (Super Mario)
Mugman (Cuphead) VS. Sea Fairy Cookie (Cookie Run)
Bracket 6:
Teddy (Bob’s Burgers) VS. Blue M&M (M&M’s)
Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) VS. Silvermist (Disney Fairies)
Bibble (Barbie) VS. Sylvie (Wander Over Yonder)
Simon Seville (Alvin and the Chipmunks) VS. Dory (Finding Nemo)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) VS. Bluestar (Warrior Cats)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) VS. Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Beauregard Lionett (Critical Role) VS. Jester Lavorre (Critical Role)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) VS. Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Undine Wells (Sleepless Domain) VS. Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lan Wangji (The Untamed) VS. Korra (Legend of Korra)
Pokotho (Hatchetfield) VS. Langa (Sk8 the Infinity)
B.O.B. (Monsters vs Aliens) VS. Vergil (Devil May Cry)
Vault Boy (Fallout) VS. Jake Sully (Avatar)
Phantasma (Scooby-Doo) VS. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Tutter (Bear and the Big Blue House) VS. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney)
Spy (Team Fortress 2) VS. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
As stated previously, the first round of polls, which will be Bracket 1 Round 1, will begin on March 30, at approximately 4:00 PM EST. See you then!
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spottedtidbits · 2 years
Wheatley was already fast asleep. Grady couldn't blame him. If he weren't the one driving, he'd be asleep himself. He'd hate to make Wheatley have to stay up late, though.
Grady checked the time. 10:40 pm. Wheatley had fallen asleep about an hour ago. Maybe it was best that Grady drove, then. Though he felt tired physically, he could keep his mind relatively sharp. He was used to staying up extremely late, so nearing 11 pm was nothing to him.
Despite this, he'd rather be home already, in bed with Wheatley. Even if he fell asleep long after him, it was still nice to lay with his love. He was sure Wheatley felt the same too, as he shifted around in his seat.
It was right at 11 when they'd finally arrived home. Virgil had been babysitting their daughter, Stephanie, so there was no worry for her. Grady chuckled to himself; Virgil probably fell asleep before either Stephanie or Wilbur did. Virgil was always an early bird, could never stay up late if he tried.
Wheatley couldn't, either. Grady was well used to being up all night by himself, though still laying in bed with him made it feel a lot less lonely.
Grady sighed. Not long now, the two could go ahead and do that. He stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind him, then made his way around and opened Wheatley's door.
He quickly undid his seat belt, and he saw Wheatley shift. Grady caught the slight opening of his blue eyes, then them closing again lethargicly.
Gently, Grady scooped him up into his arms. That got his eyes open again. Wheatley looked up at Grady, a little shocked. It melted away into a purely lovestruck look; he was too tired to hide it, obviously.
"Mmmm..." He rubbed his eye as Grady pushed his back against the car door to close it. "You're strong..."
Wheatley was often swept off his feet by Grady, this time literally, but often tried to play it cool. Grady knew him well enough to notice when something seemed to tug at his heartstrings, though. The little nicknames, the small movements he'd make, sometimes just his voice, it all got a reaction out of Wheatley. A swallow, a hand to the neck, a small smile, small things that most could overlook but Grady could see right through.
There was no attempt to play it cool tonight. Wheatley pressed his head against Grady's chest, a smile crossing him as he closed his eyes again.
Grady had already grabbed his keys before picking up Wheatley, so he unlocked the door and walked in quickly.
Grady had gotten Wheatley into bed and, after asking if he wanted him to, undressed him. Wheatley put on his pajamas himself while Grady got ready for bed himself. He threw off his shirt and his pants, just ending up in his boxers.
Grady couldn't be bothered tonight. He skipped pjs and hopped straight into bed. Wheatley seemed surprised, though didn't object to it at all. Whether he was just too tired or didn't care, Grady couldn't tell. He was tired himself.
Wheatley shifted to press against Grady's side, and Grady moved to hold him in his arms as he usually did. Humming lovingly, Wheatley pressed a kiss to Grady's lips.
Grady chuckled. "Glad to be in bed?"
"Yeah, me too." Grady yawned. He felt Wheatley run his hand up and down his arm. "Very strong..." Wheatley smiled, cheeks growing red. Grady felt his own face grow hot. He sighed.
Wheatley leaned further into Grady, tilting his head down slightly. Soon after, he fell back asleep. Grady tilted Wheatley's head back up. He always slept with it down, and thus hurt his neck, but Grady tried his best to stop him from doing that.
Grady smiled, pulling Wheatley closer. Closing his eyes, he felt ready to sleep as well. Pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, Grady set his head down onto his pillow and drifted off into sleep.
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silavut · 4 years
Story Collection
Hello, everyone. Just thought I’d post these in one complete list to share for those who may be interested that haven’t yet seen them. This post will be updated with each new story.
Blue Sky by Waffles (EPUB 14MB)
Blue Sky by Waffles (PDF 8MB)
PM Wheatley by Waffles (EPUB 2MB)
PM Wheatley by Waffles (PDF 2MB)
Portal Stories Collection by Various Authors (EPUB 6MB)
Portal Stories Collection by Various Authors (PDF 3MB)
The Trial of the Bow Trilogy by ElvenWhovian (EPUB 4MB)
The Trial of the Bow Trilogy by ElvenWhovian (PDF 6MB)
Portal Stories Collection (ZIP 44MB) [Includes all the above in both EPUB and PDF format.]
Blue Sky the Web Comic Complete by ElvenWhovian (PDF 220MB)
Vessel of Fire Trilogy by ElvenWhovian (EPUB 53MB)
Vessel of Fire Trilogy by ElvenWhovian (PDF 22MB)
ENJOY! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!
1/30/21 Here is a NEW collection:
Generational Science by kbb306 (alias User724) (ZIP 1.6MB) [Includes both EPUB and PDF as usual.]
Silavut the Wizard – Currently ongoing
Soso-chan’s Blue Sky Fan Remake – Currently WIP
The Wayfarer Chronicles by ElvenWhovian – On FF.net. Sequel to Vessel of Fire.
Neon Rain – A new story idea I had that just suddenly popped into my head a while ago.
PyeongChang and Prejudice by AMarguerite (EPUB 580KB) – A story of a brother and sister ice dancing team with dreams of Olympic gold.
Since this is the month before Pride Month, I've been debating whether to add these to this list or not, but decided what the hell, let's see what happens.
So since there's no official ebook, first I present to you The Persistent Desire (EPUB – 20MB); edited, formatted, and coded to the best of my ability. Originally from the PDF on this thread. Figured someone would like a clean, reflowable copy.
Second, I give you the Tumblr Gay Webcomic (PDF – 579MB), originally from this thread.
The Poems of Alice E. Chase (EPUB – 5MB) – A treasure of nearly lost poetry I recently came across.
2/10/24 (Originally from 7/8/23)
From Female to Male by Louis Sullivan (EPUB – 32MB)
Forgot to add this one before, and I just thought about it. Originally from this post. Just as for The Persistent Desire, thought someone might want a clean, reflowable copy. (Can’t believe I forgot to add it before.)
Hope you enjoy!
The Question of Palestine by Edward Said (EPUB 1MB)
Assembled from different sources, edited and cleaned up to the best of my ability.
Finally, the time has come! The Wayfarer Chronicles, the sequel to Vessel of Fire, by ElvenWhovian is finally complete!
The Wayfarer Chronicles (EPUB – 28.4MB)
The Wayfarer Chronicles (PDF – 5.7MB)
We hope you enjoy this amazing four-part adventure!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 1 August 1835
6 25
11 20
No kiss. At my desk at 7 25 at which hour F65° and fine morning - at George’s account and settled with Turner for stones and to come again tonight with estimate for stones for the tail goit - then breakfast at 8 50 - meant to have been off to Halifax to the District bank but Greenwood came convenient enough - I wanted to speak to him about sawyers etc but he came to speak about the letting Nelson have the Northgate house job - poor G- in a nervous agony about it - could scarce speak - damp cold pallor over his face - almost in tears - it was unfairly let  - Helm’s the lower estate and it was to go to the lowest - Helm a very honest man - should have his Greenwoods buildings without estimate - it was not he (Helm) who said anything against me - no ! he said perhaps it was for the best - ‘I had been over-seen’ but I had told him  I might have other building to do and I should not forget him - G- hoped I should excuse his coming to tell me - it was for my interest - ‘they’  (the town I suppose) might oppose me - might oppose my getting a licence - I had done wrong - I heard him very quietly then said what I had done could not be altered now - but I had done right according to my own judgment and conscience and if the town could act so unjustly as to oppose me, they might - if I could not get a licence I had immediately change my plan, and trouble myself very little about it - I wished Mr Harper to decide but he declined doing so, and I had therefore decided as I had told Brian Helm in a moment as  every might and ought to do in a case like this where right principle was the only guide  - I had taken the lower estimate - the case Mr Harper said was singular - yes! but I thought it clear - the price given for the old materials had nothing to do with the estimate of the work - I had a right to do as I liked about the materials - N-‘s estimate of the work was the lower by about £3.15.0 I believed and I had taken - when G- heard the price of the old materials he said he himself would have given £200 for them - if, said I, I had known that in time you should have had them - these were mine to do as I liked with - on hearing my explanation and seeing me so clam yet decided, G- began gradually to cool and said the thing was misrepresented - it only wanted explaining - I told him what I had said both to Nelson and Helm - adding that after the inquiry I had made, it certainly appeared to me that N- was the more experience person - BH owned he had never done any columns - à la longue - G-
became reconciled and talked what he could do if he did set up the Inn - I mentioned his wife’s remark that they might as well put a stick into the house as herself and that G- had as many irons in the fire as he could cool - he said well! but he was master - yes! but said I, she must be mistress or it will not do -‘well! but she does not say so much to me’ - perhaps said I she might be fearful of speaking so plainly before you - however you must judge as well as you can - he said people asked if he would ruin Carr - no! he answered he would say all he could for him to me; but if he C- did not get it, it was another thing - well! said I, I will exonerate you on this point - you have already said enough to save your credit if you never say anymore - but I have not said C- shall have it - he has made no application to me - what have to expect from such a character? Remember the trick he played me about the manure - besides, his immorality is a disgrace - G- said yes! it was and he was very domineering and disagreeable - then inquired about the Hope coach - said I was going to London - bade G- take the 4 inside places and one outside for Monday morning to Sheffield if he could - ordered about hat-bore lined with coarse flannel to be sent home tonight - spoke about Charles H- G- said 2 1/2d. per yard in length would be enough for sawing up rails and settling them - the oaks-logs to remain where they are till my return and then go to Greenwoods to be cut up - G- thinks the Inn will pay me 7 ½ pc. in ten years - on going out found Wheatley the veterinary surgeon come to look at A-‘s pony - something of a splent and liquid blister should be applied - said I was satisfied to find him of my own opinion - George to call tonight for stuff and directions - W- agreed with me, it would be well to let the pony be from 8 to 9 am and from 6 to 7 pm in the paddock, and this would save the trouble of walking her above and would answer much better - then desired W- to examine the old mare – her jole already affected - thinks her not that bad enough to infect the other horses, but she ought to be kept apart - better to put her out of the way - then with my father and Marian - spoke about the mare - my father said nothing against it, but seemed hurt - perhaps it will be best to put the mare away and say no more about it - then had Mr Husband who brought the plans of the water wheel etc from Mr Harper - told  Mr Husband merely to make me out an account of Charles H-‘s work done on  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and in fact this week, and keep an account of what more he did during my absence - said I had spoke to him this morning he was now gone about wood and making a sluice for Spiggs loose a job  which the coal agent would settle about - Reminded Mr Husband that he was in a situation where 100 eyes would be upon him, he must do the best he could and his best plan would be to consult no interest but that of his employer - if there was the least rent to be found, it would be torn from top to bottom - I was anxious for him to be cautious - I said this in consequence of what G- told me - in his agony, he said, he admired Helm who had acted quite independently and never gone near Husband who had said in his G-‘s presence 3 times, and he G- would swear to it and had once thought of telling Mr Harper last night that he (Mr H-) could put £500 into any mason’s pocket and G- thought that very strong and improper language - yes! said I and very wrong and imprudent - I shall not forget it - but if there is anything to be laid against him it must be proved and then he will be off at a tangent - well, said G-, but he  shall be watched - I thanked G- said I should be much obliged to him to keep a sharp look-out, and only advised him to do it as quietly as possible - Perhaps G- had some interest in being for BH-? I shall ponder these things - I am more and more persuaded that the choice of N- was right G- said at last, he had no doubt, he could get a licence - no! no! the house will be licensed - I told G- if he meant to set it up, he had better say nothing and go and consult Gunter in London as to the manner of setting out tables etc G- having said he had seen as much of this sort of thing as Carr, and could buy in horses as well, but did not so well understand coaching -  Having G-  Wheatley and Husband for 3 or 4 minutes and writing the whole so far of today took me till 2 5 - then counting over the money to take to the bank   A- in bad humour about something and copying old parchments again  so I kept aloof   A- off on her pony to Cliff hill at 3 - I wrote and sent John off immediately with note to ‘Messrs. Rawson, Bankers, Halifax’ enclosing to Mr R- fifty pounds in Bank of England ‘on account of the new museum, making the amount of her subscription paid on that account £150’ - a little while talking to Marian and then at 3 ½ off to Halifax down the old bank to the Yorkshire District bank - asked what they would charge upon remitting £100 to London - answer 5/. i.e. 1/4p.c. their usual mode of doing business - to those who have an account with them they give and take 4p.c. and charge ¼ p.c. on all on business done - all bills paid whether in London or elsewhere but that ¼ p.c. includes postage and everything - said I had found fault at another bank with the charge of ¼ p.c. on remittances to London - I would consider about it  - walked off up the street round into Waterhouse street - doubted when opposite the Join stock whether to see what I could do with Mr Carr - then remembered Marian’s telling me her friend was one of the managers to whom all my concerns must be known - turned back to the Yorkshire District bank - asked to be shewn into their private room and opened an account with them leaving £1800 in Bank of England  20s.10.and 5s. and gave Mr. Rawson’s £5 for an order for £4.10.0 payable to ‘George Buckle Esquire’ (on a sheet of letter paper - in payment of his bill for the copies of wills for A- received this morning per parcel) -  returned up the old bank by Whiskam road to where Robert S- and his man Joseph Sharpe were gas-tarring the railing that parts off the new field road - left orders for all the gas-tarring to be done and the railing between Carr and my father to be done over again (i.e. 2nd time) and then if any time to spare during my absence Park-farm wood the little seedling oaks to have the grass cut from around them for 4 or 5 inches breadth and hedges to be cleaned - passed Walker pit - nobody there- sometime in Conery wood - saw A- returned about 5 ¼ - Mark Town came to me in the approach road - I see he would be glad to take the purchase of the cottage himself and said if George N-‘s farm was to sell Mr Ackroyd’s manager Mr Ingham would advance him (Mark) money to pay for it with - told him to make up
 his mind to leave things as already agreed upon - I would take the cottage and do what he wanted he remembering his own proposal to pay me 1/. in the pound on all laid out - I wanted no better agreement - Had Charles H- also in the approach road - told him to saw up and set double railing round Mytholm dam, and to guard the trees in the Wheat field and in George R-‘s upper daisy bank, and enlarge 2 or 3 of the guards in Carr’s Shibden Land but 1st to get the Spiggs Loose shuttle done, and his work should be examined and reckoned upon on my return - told him to put up notice against hunters and trespassers in such places and as many as he thought would be best and enough, the printed notices being left with my aunt - paid Charles H- and Robert Schofield up tonight, and gave the latter £2 on a/c of walling done along the ft. of Bairstow - Dinner at 6 ½ - coffee - A- went upstairs I to my father and Marian for ¼ hour - said A- had a headache - It was bad humour did not like sometimes going from home with me and sometimes not   very different from what she expected   I could not at first guess what she meant   on explanation after coming up from my father she did not like my not taking her to Richmond Park but leaving her to call on or rather spend the day with Mrs Plowes   I explained affectionately and calmly  she cried and said she knew I should think it nothing and only turn  it against her as I had done two or three times before   she thought the sooner we parted the better   I said my greatest and first wish was her happiness if I could not make her happy I only hoped someone else might succeed better etc etc   very kind and affectionate said were I in her place I should not like being taken  as it were  to be looked [at]  I thought it bad taste but it should be as she liked  oh no but she had expected very different  something led to my recalling my expression about old Mrs Saltmarshe that perhaps it might be in her power to introduce Catherine Rawson then  said A- you should not not have claimed powers you did not possess  I reminded her of my saying I hoped to succeed but if I could not my failure would be better than many people’s success   but if left to do my own way I did not despair - she by and by came round  kissed me etc.   I took all well but thinking to myself    there is danger in the first mention  the first thought that it is possible for us to part   time will shew  I shall try to be prepared for whatever may happen 25 minutes with my aunt till 10 20 - very fine day F69° at 10 20 pm
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(EDITED) Allow me to remind all Blue Sky fans
Blue Sky and Kick are NOT the only stories that Waffles has written for that continuum or for Portal in general
Lots of newer people don't know this but in addition to Blue Sky, she’s written:
- A one-shot taking place while returning to Eaden here
- 3 short and humorous ficlets here, here, and here
- An extremely intelligent (and also NSFW) Chelley fic here
- A two-parter that literally tore me apart here and here
- An NSFW drabble here
- And then there's Kick, of course here
There are a whole lot of other things that aren’t sequels to Blue Sky but are obviously very brilliant cause we all know whose brain they come from.
This includes a prequel chapter with a Christmas theme here, a Blue Sky alternate ending chapter for April Fools' Day here, and an unfinished post-Blue Sky crackfic here. 
There are also a great deal of entries for Portal AUs, including with Wheatley as the best PM and Portal crossed with Dark Materials (I won’t directly link them here but know that they are excellent and easy to find). Additionally, this 19th-century Jane Austen / Chell and Wheatley fic here.
Literally just click this link on desktop to see all of Waffles’ writings from before she changed blogs.
I’d recommend looking at these two posts for further Blue Sky-related reading.
You might notice that this post looks quite different from before. That is because after I found several additional writings I decided to rework the whole thing.
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thepacifistrouter · 7 months
AI in Sheep's Clothing (The Best PM fan-art)
Hello! I've been reading the 'Wheatley the Best PM" AU (Sad is unfinished u.u), a really interesting idea, so I wanted to make a drawing about it, a song I've been listening to helped me get a little inspiration to know what to draw, so I decided to support the drawing by adding the lyrics here, with a bit of paraphrasing from me.
Context: Caro crossed a line that not even Wheatley can ignore or he just finally figured out her actions or at least hher real intentions, so he has a moment of anger alone in his room at night. All this shortly after a heated argument between him and Chell (I'm taking 'Caro Knows Best' as headcanon, so the argue was after that revelation).
(Hahaha, this is about you)
Beware, beware, be skeptical Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold Deceit so natural But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning
Baa-baa, black sheep, have you any soul? No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals? Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick Jill's a little whore and her alibis are turning tricks
So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself? Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words: One day You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Aware, aware, you stalk your prey With criminal mentality You sink your teeth into the people you depend on Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem
Fee-fi-fo-fum, you better run and hide I smell the blood of a smelly little lier Jack, be lethal, don't trust her Jill will leave you lonely, dying in a golden cage
So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself? Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words: One day You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Maybe you'll change Abandon all your wicked ways Make amends and start anew again Maybe you'll see All the wrongs you did to me And start all over, start all over
Who am I kidding? Now, let's not get overzealous here You've always been a big bad witch! If I could kill you, I would But it's frowned upon the kingdom states Having said that, burn in hell! (Hahahaha)
Oh, oh, oh, oh So tell me how you're sleeping easy How you're only thinking of yourself? Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words: One day You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt Karma's gonna come collect your debt (oh, oh, oh) ... And it seems like I am just like her... *sigh*
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These would be his reaction while the song finish and see his reflection in the window's broken glass, broken by him self, that's why the change in the very last sentence of the song
Clarification: this is just what I imagine of a possible scenario, you know, of what could have happened, I can't say if I really think it could have happened, TBPM's Wheatley is… well, it's hard to imagine him being able to having a moment like that for himself, you know, realizing that he'd been doing wrong on his own, feeling bad about it instead of just looking to blame others, or beingable to understand the situation or accept that bad things happen around him, ETC. But I still like this possible idea a little, since the story, probably, will never be finished, we don't lose anything.
... And well, that's it for this time, thanks
see ya
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Friday 31 July 1835
7 ¾
11 ¾
A-‘s cousin came this morning no kiss. Breakfast at 9 - had Mr Husband - walked with him to Whiskam quarry - he thinks the stone will do very well for the drybridge, to form Mr Gray’s arch up against it - told Mr Husband I should put Charles and James H- under his orders - said I wanted the 2 horse stable doing and 20 to 30 trees guarding in the Wheat field and (GR-‘s) field above Lower brea - then had Washington - explained to him about Charles H- told W- to get the gates done (ordered of Fawcett) for Mawson and order as many more such for Aquilla Green as he (AG-) wanted - and Joseph Hepworth to make the barn and other doors for Hopkin’s barn to find the stuff, I not choosing to spare my good dry planks and boards - otherwise Charles H- might have made the doors - Captain Sutherland has written to SW- to desire the notices to quit may be sent to the tenants - John Clarke got home before or about 1 bringing a letter from Mr William Grey advising that the notices should not be sent if no authority for sending them arrived from Captain S- sat reading and slumbering in the blue room till 2 50 - then A- off to Cliff Hill - I wrote the last 2 lines of page 129, the whole of the last page and so far of this - then had Messrs. Charles Robinson and Henry to solicit subscriptions to the Hipperholm school clock - the trustees put down £10 and Mr Warburton £5 and A- desired that I should put down her name for £10 - I said I was glad they had gained her over - she had been surprised to hear the clock was already ordered - Messrs. R- and HC- did not know that it was - very well, said I, then on the faith that it is not ordered I will put £10 for myself as well as Miss W- and so I did observing that if the clock was ordered I would only give £5. Advised their writing to some leading clockmaker in London or Liverpool to ask if in his opinion a good clock could be made for the sum demanded by the man at Sowerby bridge (£60+ bell £15 + putting up £5) - I doubted this estimate very much - besides a good
clock-maker ought to be employed to examine the clock before put up to see that it was good and according to estimate which estimate had better be laid some leading man in the trade in Liverpool - they seemed struck with and obliged by my advice and I hope will profit by it - said I thought they had better settle about the price before soliciting more subscriptions as people ought to know exactly what they were subscribing for - and foolish to tell them £60 would do when I thought nothing worth having could be had under £100 at least - my father and Marian came into the drawing room - Marian thinks the striking the quarters made £50 difference in the price of the Weighton church cloak, and that without quarters-striking the estimate was £150 or £180 - my father declined giving anything - stood sometime talking to Marian in the hall then a few minutes with my aunt (very poorly) - then wrote the last 18 lines till 5 5 - copied out the 2 estimates for Northgate house and then wrote letter to ‘Mr Powson master of Sandford school near Brough, Westmorland Post paid’ to go this evening by George - in answer to letter of the 28th instant sent up this morning by Messrs. Whitely and Booth - my answer written in the names merely to say the ladies thought it understood that if he did not hear from them in the course of 10 days or a fortnight he would consider the school disposed of - A- returned at 6 - dinner at 6 ¼ - Mr Harper came during dinner - went to him about 6 ¾ - and he staid till 9  explaining his calculations about the coal water wheel etc ...... taking the mytholm mill wheel as his basis of calculations he recommends a wheel of 20ft diameter with 5ft of breast (or rim) - this we could always keep going with a six power horse more than enough to keep two pumps § eight inch bore constantly going which 2 pumps Holt allows will be more than enough to dry the coal - average height of water for 12 hours = 3in. in a 2ft. bread guage and average height for 12 hours = 7in. .:. average of water for 24 hours = 5in. - 2 eight-in bore pumps to lift the water 90ft. high ‘without (according to Holt) requiring a quick stroke’ - 1 cubic ft. of water weighs 62lbs. two 8in. diameter pumps 90 ft. long will contain 45 cubic ft. of water, but say that they shall be full only to the length of 30in. or say 3ft. 6in. then in the latter case 10 cubic ft. of water may be lifted each time by each pump, and each will come up once in a minute = 10x2 = 20 cubic ft. per minute - Recommends the tail-goit to be 3ft. wide 2ft. to the spring of the arch and from the springing to the centre to be 1ft. - the bottoms to be 3ft. 4in. long, 2in. on each side of lap on the walls being enough better than having no more - thinks I decided right in taking Nelson - B. he has no tackling - could not begin so soon as N- who will begin on Monday and want the carts next Tuesday week - BH- quick and honest workman but has much work on hand and is more for long chimneys and mills than such work as at Northgate - the 1st payment to the masons at Xmas - thinks it will be about £500 - told him to arrange about the payments a she thought best - gave him carte blanche about this - could very [well] pay £500 at Xmas or more - Extra masons’ work for paving and making common shore etc may amount to about £200 + Nelsons’ estimate = £2900 to £3000 Mr. H-‘s estimate calculates £1500 for joiners’ work and all other etc at £1500 more consequently he will not exceed his original estimate of £6000 - Mr. Husband to be paid separately - Mr. Harper will give him a check upon me - Mr Harper himself makes a point of receiving nothing till he has completed his job to the satisfaction of his employer - very good - Booth had the Lodge and bridge both to be completed by the end of November - but if he gets on well Mr Harper may indulge him a month with respect to completing the latter - sometime talking to George in the stable - fear A-‘s pony’s putting out a splent  - the veterinary surgeon Wheatley to come in the morning - George sorry he cannot go with us to London - coffee at 9 ½ - ¼ hour with my aunt till 10 ¼ then till 10 55 wrote the last 30 lines of today - very fine day F67° at 11 pm
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting
Updated 3:31 pm CDT, Friday, May 15, 2020
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PIKACHU WATERCOLOR PAINTING – cartoon watercolor painting | cartoon watercolor painting
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artpace teaches kids how to acrylic a watercolor mural on fabric
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Die Hüter – cartoon watercolor painting | cartoon watercolor painting
Here is an art action acclimatized from Artpace drillmaster assets for children.
Kids can actualize landscapes by experimenting with watercolors on fabric. Muslin or canvas is recommended for the material, but an old T-shirt will work. Most importantly, you charge a acceptable view. If a window is not available, a photo will do.
Find added acquaint on the city art space’s website, artpace.org. Find the card and bang on “education.”
Ingrid Wilgen
Paper (watercolor cardboard works best)
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Pin on Painting – cartoon watercolor painting | cartoon watercolor painting
Fabric, about 10 inches square
Embroidery hoop
What mural are you activity to paint? Go outside, attending out a window or use a photo you accept found.
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Its A New Day Word And Cute Sun Smile Cartoon Watercolor Painting .. | cartoon watercolor painting
Before painting on your fabric, agreement on paper. Acquaint yourself with the abstracts and apprentice about the characteristics of watercolor. Practice crumbling and aggregate your colors. Decide whether air-conditioned or balmy colors are bare to re-create your landscape.
Take your bolt and amplitude it over the smaller, autogenous bandage of an adornment hoop, again defended it in abode with the larger, alfresco hoop.
Paint your landscape.
Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting – cartoon watercolor painting | Allowed for you to my own website, within this occasion We’ll explain to you regarding keyword. And now, here is the primary graphic:
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Cartoon Watercolor Painting Illustration, PNG, 20x20px .. | cartoon watercolor painting
Why not consider impression earlier mentioned? is which incredible???. if you believe thus, I’l l provide you with many picture once again down below:
So, if you want to obtain all these great pictures about (Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting), click save button to store the pictures for your computer. There’re all set for save, if you’d prefer and want to take it, click save symbol on the article, and it’ll be directly saved in your computer.} At last if you need to obtain new and recent picture related to (Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting), please follow us on google plus or bookmark this page, we try our best to offer you regular up grade with all new and fresh images. We do hope you love staying here. For most up-dates and recent information about (Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting) pics, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We try to provide you with up-date periodically with all new and fresh shots, like your surfing, and find the perfect for you.
Here you are at our website, contentabove (Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting) published .  Nowadays we’re pleased to declare that we have discovered an extremelyinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting) Many people trying to find information about(Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting) and definitely one of these is you, is not it?
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Watercolor Cartoon Hedgehogs Stock Image – Image of baby, colorful .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Nature green cartoon natural landscape theatrical scenery .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Painting Drawing Black Woman – Watercolor Painting Curly Hair .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Cute Beautiful Shy Little Girl Cartoon Character .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Cute Cartoon Watercolor Forest Little Bird Hand Painted Lovely .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Rabbit and carrot illustration, Drawing Watercolor painting Anime .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Drawing cartoon making masks silhouette, Coronavirus, COVID20 .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Watercolor Cartoon Painting Action by Kitket | GraphicRiver – cartoon watercolor painting | cartoon watercolor painting
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Atelier Hanu custom hand-painted watercolor portrait .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Watercolor giraffe head painting for home decor .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Drawing visual arts meditation monk painting, Makeup, Beauty .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Owl painting Owl watercolor print owl art cartoon painting – cartoon watercolor painting | cartoon watercolor painting
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Cartoon nativity scene, Happy Holi, Colorful, Festival, Watercolor .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Compass illustration, Abziehtattoo Compass Idea Watercolor .. | cartoon watercolor painting
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Drawing Art Watercolor painting Illustration, Cartoon bald fat man .. | cartoon watercolor painting
The post Never Underestimate The Influence Of Cartoon Watercolor Painting | cartoon watercolor painting appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/never-underestimate-the-influence-of-cartoon-watercolor-painting-cartoon-watercolor-painting/
0 notes
wallpaperpainter · 4 years
The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids
Updated 3:31 pm CDT, Friday, May 15, 2020
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Draw a Tulip · Art Projects for Kids – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artpace teaches kids how to acrylic a watercolor mural on fabric
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11 Creative Watercolor Painting Ideas Kids Will Love | Projects .. | watercolor painting for kids
Here is an art action acclimatized from Artpace drillmaster assets for children.
Kids can actualize landscapes by experimenting with watercolors on fabric. Muslin or canvas is recommended for the material, but an old T-shirt will work. Most importantly, you charge a acceptable view. If a window is not available, a photo will do.
Find added acquaint on the city art space’s website, artpace.org. Find the card and bang on “education.”
Ingrid Wilgen
Paper (watercolor cardboard works best)
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11 Easy Watercolor Techniques for Kids That Produce Fantastic Results – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
Fabric, about 10 inches square
Embroidery hoop
What mural are you activity to paint? Go outside, attending out a window or use a photo you accept found.
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How To Paint With Watercolor (For Kids) – Art For Kids Hub – – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
Before painting on your fabric, agreement on paper. Acquaint yourself with the abstracts and apprentice about the characteristics of watercolor. Practice crumbling and aggregate your colors. Decide whether air-conditioned or balmy colors are bare to re-create your landscape.
Take your bolt and amplitude it over the smaller, autogenous bandage of an adornment hoop, again defended it in abode with the larger, alfresco hoop.
Paint your landscape.
Create a appellation and allotment your watercolor painting on amusing media. Tag Artpace: @artpace, #ArtpaceAtHome, #MakeArtHappen
To apprentice about the Artpace makerspace and how you can booty your watercolor mural added by amalgam science and sewing, appointment the Drillmaster Assets folio on their website and download a TEKS-aligned assignment plan.
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Watercolor Workshop for Kids: Drawing and Painting Projects – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids – watercolor painting for kids | Encouraged for you to the blog, with this occasion I am going to show you about keyword. And now, this can be the first graphic:
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Little Birdies Watercolor Painting – ART PROJECTS FOR KIDS .. | watercolor painting for kids
Why don’t you consider photograph over? is that remarkable???. if you think so, I’l l demonstrate several impression once more under:
So, if you want to receive all of these great images related to (The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids), simply click save icon to download these shots for your computer. They’re ready for obtain, if you like and want to grab it, click save logo in the page, and it will be instantly down loaded to your laptop computer.} As a final point if you need to receive new and latest picture related with (The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids), please follow us on google plus or book mark this page, we try our best to provide regular up-date with all new and fresh images. We do hope you love staying right here. For most up-dates and latest information about (The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids) images, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We attempt to present you update regularly with all new and fresh photos, enjoy your browsing, and find the best for you.
Thanks for visiting our site, contentabove (The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids) published .  Today we are pleased to announce we have found an awfullyinteresting topicto be discussed, that is (The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids) Many individuals searching for specifics of(The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
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How to Paint Seascape With Kids Watercolor Paint – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
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Art for Kids & Beginners: Drawing and Watercolor Painting – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
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Easy Watercolor Sky and Tree Painting for Kids | Watercolor Sunset Painting – watercolor painting for kids | watercolor painting for kids
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11 Creative Watercolor Painting Ideas Kids Will Love | Proyectos .. | watercolor painting for kids
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Easy watercolor idea peacock painting with kids (With images .. | watercolor painting for kids
The post The Modern Rules Of Watercolor Painting For Kids | Watercolor Painting For Kids appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/draw-a-tulip-art-projects-for-kids-watercolor-painting-for-kids.jpg
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littlefearsdoodles · 7 years
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As many of you know, I’m planning a house move in the coming months. I got offered a few weeks consultancy at my old firm and took the opportunity to boost my income for a few weeks. I’m actually enjoying it. With the knowledge that it’s temporary, I can relax more about my commute. I don’t start until 10 am and I leave at 5 pm. My relationship has changed with everyone there too. It’s easier stepping back in 6 months after leaving for a couple of weeks than it was seeing the same people in the daily grind.
Attack of the killer day job. A short life event where the hero will survive.
In the meantime, I have stopped pushing the Little Fears a touch and gone looking on Skillshare for some marketing courses to use a lil info from when I finish at the day job and get back into writing.
Storytelling Basics: How Creatives and Brands Can Build a Following
The first one I tried was a course by Stephanie Pereira from Kickstarter. This is a free course and it’s not bad. She discusses defining your audience and finding them on the net. Something I often forget. I certainly need to look out for reading and writing communities other than those on WordPress.
Instagram Best Practices: Grow Your Community, Work with Brands
The second course I watched was by Tyson Wheatley, a well-known photographer on Instagram. It’s premium, but if you pay as little as $0.99 you get 3 months full access to every course on Skillshare. The guy knows his stuff. He covers apps to use to edit photos, creating a synergy between your images and growing your following.
Instagram is a bit of a sticking point for me. I have nearly 1300 followers there, but I do not post daily and I am always unsure of the best way to link posts there back to the LittleFears.co.uk home. Growing the community isn’t the problem for me there, it’s what to do with it when I have it. I shall be trying a few more courses before the week is out. Would be nice to have a fresh plan for when I return to the Fears next week.
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symmetricat · 6 years
📏 How tall are you?- honestly not sure?? like 5′6ish i think?
🎂 How old are you?- hhhh im sorry, i get paranoid giving this out but pm me if u do want to know...! im not trying to be secretive, im just a very nervous person with this stuff gkfshgk
☠ Something that angers you?- when people are mean to monomi in danganronpa 2 walking through big crowds... always get Furious kgjhkfhgsfg
🌼 Favourite flower?- mmm sunflowers i guess! i dont know much about flowers sorry!
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why?- hmm @iero got me a wheatley (portal 2) plushie that’s only sold in america and i’d been trying to get hold of for like a year,,, couldn’t Believe it when they gave it to me gkhfskghskfg
👻 Do you believe in ghosts?- i’m not sure! if they are real i don’t think they’re bad though! probably friendly or ambivalent, probably unable to influence us much, and probably just trying to go about their ghost business!!
⛪ What is your religion?- uh! i dont really know actually! im kinda just sticking with agnostic right now tho that’s not really quite it . but the truth is my ocd makes it really hard for me to think about it in any meaningful way so i generally avoid thinking about it too much altogether,, sorry for such a wishy-washy answer, wish i knew better myself gkhfgkshfg
0 notes
liveonlinematches · 7 years
Through Jamie Brown Created on: December 16, 2017 four:03 pm Ultimate Up to date: December 16, 2017 four:03 pm
A marvel strike from Mesut Ozil has passed Arsenal the lead on the Emirates in opposition to Newcastle.
The German, the use of a fantastic method, riffled the ball house with a luxurious volley.
Ozil now has a mixed general of 8 objectives and assists within the Premier League for the Gunners.
HT: Arsenal 1-Zero Newcastle United
Going into the half-time spoil, the 2 aspects are separated by way of a second of sheer brilliance from Ozil.
The German netted after 23 mins, with a target being mentioned as one of the vital absolute best up to now this season.
Arsenal, as is most often the case, have loved the lion proportion of ownership, with 70 %, however have didn’t construct on their one-goal lead.
The guests from Tyneside have regarded lacklustre for enormous portions of the first-half and glance not likely to motive Arsenal many issues.
Twitter react
Objective of the season contender from Ozil. Elegant method at the volley to position Arsenal 1-Zero up. International magnificence.
— Chris Wheatley (@ChrisWheatley_) December 16, 2017
Ozil with a strike that’s value £300,000-a-week of someone’s cash….
— John Pass (@johncrossmirror) December 16, 2017
Maximum spectacular facet of that Ozil target was once the method. Didn’t attempt to hit it too onerous and made a very good connection. Cue cup of tea gif.
— James Olley (@JamesOlley) December 16, 2017
Mesut Ozil proceeding his audition for José Mourinho with an ideal target.
— Adam McKola (@AdamMcKola) December 16, 2017
In reality great target from Ozil. He’ll be an ideal possibility when Lingard is out injured
— Hayley B (@Hayles_101) December 16, 2017
HT and #NUFC path 1-Zero. In fact, they haven’t in reality been in it, despite the fact that it took a second of brilliance from Ozil to damage the impasse.
— Scott Wilson (@Scottwilsonecho) December 16, 2017
Even 280 characters on twitter might be much less to explain Ozil’s volley to offer the result in @Arsenal UNREAL!!!! #AFCvNUFC #COYG
— Aroosha Goonerette (@SportsFreakRosh) December 16, 2017
Ozil with the Objective of the Season.. To volley the ball like that whilst transferring clear of it’s natural tekkers. Give him on the other hand a lot he desires #AFCvNUFC
— James McCreath (@Jamesy_mccreath) December 16, 2017
http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js !serve as(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)(window, record,’script’,’http://ift.tt/2B7CqrW;); fbq(‘init’, ‘1821170621460215’); // Insert your pixel ID right here. fbq(‘observe’, ‘PageView’); (serve as(d, s, identity) (record, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));
http://ift.tt/2BvrjNs football
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williamemcknight · 7 years
Majestic Tree’s Autumn Symposium
You are invited to a Landscape Industry Symposium at Majestic Trees on Tuesday 12 September 2017 in conjunction with Pro Landscaper.
Xylella is not like Dutch Elm Disease or Chalara that affects one type of tree, but a disease that to date the EU has identified 73 host plants that is expected to grow to over 300 species of plant and not just olives, but primarily ornamentals such as lavenders, rosemary, oaks and prunus to name a few!
As a result, a growing number of major UK nurseries, and for good reason, are calling for a partial or even complete ban on the importation of any plant material into the UK as they feel we are sleepwalking to disaster. Together we need to debate this serious issue and discuss whether there is a solution or method to stop Xylella.
Please make time to take part in this important dialogue of industry leaders at our upcoming event, where there will be an opportunity to discuss this urgent issue. We will also cover other practical and relevant topics such as how to increase the landscape industry’s profitability and how best to buy and handle mature trees. A great opportunity to share best practice and benefit from what promises to be a challenging and thought-provoking day.
8:30 am – Registration, refreshments and a tour of the nursery 10:30 am – Introduction and opening remarks 10:35 am – Grand Opening of new Visitor Advice Centre 11:00 am – Keynote Address: BioSecurity: Risk and responsibility sharing, future threats and opportunities 11:40 am – Comfort break 11:55 am – Panel Discussion: Biosecurity: Does Xylella really affect me? Where is our industry heading with biosecurity? 12:40 pm – New Majestic Trees Video Presentation & 15-year cake! 1 pm – Complimentary gourmet lunch 2 pm – Buyer’s Guide to Specimen Trees for the Trade Professional 2:40 pm – Seminar: Successful, But Are You Profitable? 3:00 pm – Panel Discussion: Successful, But Are You Profitable? 4 pm – Comfort break 4:15 pm – How to plan for, handle and plant big trees 5:15 pm – Informal social
See the September issue of Pro Landscaper for full details or click through to the Majestic Trees supplement issue HERE
Don’t miss the debates with a few of the industry’s leaders, including Wayne Grills, Chief Executive, BALI; Jody Lidgard, Bespoke Landscapes; Ann-Marie Powell, MSGD; Andy Sturgeon, Dip (Landscape) FSGD; and Jon Wheatley, AH(RHS).
Admission is free but spaces are limited, so register here for your tickets today.
0 notes
wallpaperpainting · 4 years
How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint
Updated 3:31 pm CDT, Friday, May 15, 2020
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painted textile – textile paint | textile paint
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artist Esther Wheatley corrective this archetype of a watercolor landscape.
Artpace teaches kids how to acrylic a watercolor mural on fabric
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Gartenschaufel schmales Blatt *URBAN GARDEN* Ib Laursen .. | textile paint
Here is an art action acclimatized from Artpace drillmaster assets for children.
Kids can actualize landscapes by experimenting with watercolors on fabric. Muslin or canvas is recommended for the material, but an old T-shirt will work. Most importantly, you charge a acceptable view. If a window is not available, a photo will do.
Find added acquaint on the city art space’s website, artpace.org. Find the card and bang on “education.”
Ingrid Wilgen
Paper (watercolor cardboard works best)
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SCOLA FABRIC PAINT PEARLESCENT COLOURS – Play Resource – textile paint | textile paint
Fabric, about 10 inches square
Embroidery hoop
What mural are you activity to paint? Go outside, attending out a window or use a photo you accept found.
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James Dunlop Essentials Alphabet Safari Paintbox | James .. | textile paint
Before painting on your fabric, agreement on paper. Acquaint yourself with the abstracts and apprentice about the characteristics of watercolor. Practice crumbling and aggregate your colors. Decide whether air-conditioned or balmy colors are bare to re-create your landscape.
Take your bolt and amplitude it over the smaller, autogenous bandage of an adornment hoop, again defended it in abode with the larger, alfresco hoop.
Paint your landscape.
Create a appellation and allotment your watercolor painting on amusing media. Tag Artpace: @artpace, #ArtpaceAtHome, #MakeArtHappen
To apprentice about the Artpace makerspace and how you can booty your watercolor mural added by amalgam science and sewing, appointment the Drillmaster Assets folio on their website and download a TEKS-aligned assignment plan.
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SL150117 Still Life Lavender 04 – textile paint | textile paint
How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint – textile paint | Pleasant to help my own blog site, with this occasion I’m going to demonstrate in relation to keyword. And today, here is the first picture:
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Painting Fabric with Chalk Style Paints: Granny Chair .. | textile paint
What about photograph over? can be which wonderful???. if you believe so, I’l l show you several picture once more beneath:
So, if you’d like to acquire these fantastic photos about (How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint), just click save link to store these photos in your computer. They are ready for down load, if you like and wish to grab it, just click save logo in the post, and it will be directly downloaded in your desktop computer.} Lastly if you desire to grab new and latest photo related with (How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint), please follow us on google plus or bookmark this site, we attempt our best to give you daily up-date with fresh and new shots. Hope you love staying here. For some upgrades and latest information about (How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint) shots, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We attempt to offer you up grade periodically with all new and fresh graphics, enjoy your surfing, and find the right for you.
Thanks for visiting our website, contentabove (How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint) published .  At this time we’re pleased to declare that we have discovered an extremelyinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint) Many individuals trying to find details about(How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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Painting Fabric with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – textile paint | textile paint
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Heilig-Geist-Kirche – Church of Holy Spirit – textile paint | textile paint
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LuAnn Kessi: Painting Fabric Tote Bags…. | textile paint
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A Blog about Misselayneous Things: LEEHO Fabric Paint Pen: A Review – textile paint | textile paint
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Fabric Paints and Sprays for Arts, Crafts, Schools, DIY, Business .. | textile paint
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Scola FABP12/12/A Fabric Paint Pearl Colours (12 x 12ml Bottles) – textile paint | textile paint
The post How Will Textile Paint Be In The Future | textile paint appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/how-will-textile-paint-be-in-the-future-textile-paint/
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