#wheel washing
cherubytes · 4 months
spin this wheel for a random ultrakill character and vote in the poll below
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pendwelling · 8 months
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save me from the fires of hell.
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fizzytoo · 3 months
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the next location on the sibling-bonding roadtrip takes us to an airbnb campsite in plumbite cove, copperdale!
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frenchtoastcomix · 6 months
Sometime between now and #3.08
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acearohippo · 9 days
I got alerted by Dislyte to see a new version of Li Ling
But Dislyte... Where tf are my man's arms.
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They delimbed him???
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toytulini · 3 months
You are buckets georg, methinks
this is just what its like to keep fish
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tyrhinosaurus · 6 months
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Wip update!
The lanolin makes it so pleasant to spin in a way I was not expecting. Drafting is silkier, but not in a slippery way?
There's actually so much lanolin in some of the locks that opening them up makes the drops of it sparkle! I haven't been able to photograph it yet but I thought I'd containminated it with plastic somehow, it's so shiny and sparkly!
Idk how many grams im at, maybe 40 based on bobbin fullness?
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writer-sedai · 11 months
I've been thinking about how Rand's relationships might be handled in season 3 of the show, since there are already several big differences in how various relationships have been portrayed/set up as of the end of season 2 compared to where things are at the beginning of The Shadow Rising:
1. Rand and Egwene: in the books, their relationship is definitely portrayed as more of a puppy-love, "we'll marry each other because it's what's been expected our whole lives and not because it's what we actually want" sort of situation. By aging up the Emonds Fielders, the show also matured their relationship into something that was, as of s1e1, more romantic than their book relationship ever was.
It's true that Rand and Egwene already broke up in that first episode and never REALLY got back together, but it's clear throughout season 2 that Rand still loves Egwene (she's the one he's trying to forget with Selene! When given the opportunity to visit anyone in the world, she's the one he chooses!) and Egwene, if not for the fact that she believed him dead, would still love him too (given the state of their relationship at the end of season 1, when they reconciled).
The original reason they broke up was because Egwene was going to become a Wisdom - a position that meant she couldn't have a family - and a family was all Rand really wanted. Their futures were incompatible. Now, neither of them is going to have the future they imagined a year ago - a family is completely out of the question for Rand (poor boy) and Egwene is set to become an Aes Sedai, with a lot more freedom to choose other aspects of her life.
Likely, their futures are still incompatible. But I think they need to figure out why that is again before they can break up as amicably as they did in the books - especially if they end up traveling the waste together.
2. Missing connections: Egwene never met Gawyn or Galad in the Tower to develop a crush on one or both of them. Elayne did not meet Rand before going to the Tower in order to discuss her feelings for him with Egwene. Min is out of the equation completely at this point. And Egwene and Elayne never met Aviendha in order to form a friendship with her. The timing needed to set various pieces into place before all the groups split up again is missing.
Now, I think a time jump at the beginning of season 3 could fill in a lot of the gaps here if it's handled well. But I can't see Elayne/Egwene coming to the same agreement re: Rand as they do in the books unless Egwene is sufficiently over Rand.
Which brings me to:
3. Everyone's older and more mature: the scene where Egwene breaks up with Rand and then leaves Elayne to pick up the pieces is, tbh, one of the cringiest in the series. (Actually, TSR is one of my fave books overall but the first hundred or so pages do feel very immature). I caaaaaan't see this scene playing out in the show the way it does in the books.
And even with the romantic meet-cute between Rand and Elayne in 2x08, I don't know if they'll introduce the idea of them as a pairing yet both because of time constraints before they get thrown into different storylines, and because...
4. Rand hasn't been taught about polyamory yet! In the books, I think he's already having dreams about multiple women and feeling guilty about it by this point. Similar to the time constraints in point 2, Rand hasn't had time to get used to the idea of having feelings for multiple people (even if he takes a very long time to actually be COMFORTABLE with that idea).
The audience has been introduced to polyamory through Alanna and her warders, prepping us for a similar type of relationship with Rand in the future, but Rand himself is missing that conditioning. I don't know that the show will have Rand going from Egwene to Elayne over the space of one or two episodes (I doubt they'll spend more time than that together) and then ALSO try to build up him and Avi this season.
Which kind of ties in to my final point, which is:
5. Writing relationships for seasonal television: it makes sense from a writing perspective to work on relationships between characters that are in the same place together, and save everything else for later. The time between seasons is long and each season needs to act as a self-contained arc, so setting up Rand/Elayne only to not pick up that thread again for another season or two is not very time conscientious.
Imo they've already done something like this with Min; Rand met her in s1 but now likely won't see her again until S4. As far as we know Rand has absolutely no romantic feelings for Min based on their encounters in Fal Dara and likely won't develop those feelings until they meet again. (Min herself might feel differently, but she always knew she was Prophecied to fall in love with Rand anyway and could be dealing with that knowledge in the background.)
Anyway, all of that is a prelude to the following preposition:
Keep Rand and Egwene together (or semi-together, uncertain of their actual status) for the first part of season 3.
Leave Rand/Elayne as a slowburn for a future season and instead have Aviendha come in as a new love interest for him. Instead of Aviendha aggressively reminding Rand how beautiful Elayne is while feeling angry and hopeless over her own feelings for him, transfer that over to Egwene - Aviendha and Egwene have become good friends, Egwene's feelings for Rand are still ambiguous, Aviendha is angry at herself that she would fall for someone who "belongs" to one of her closest friends.
Egwene can still give Aviendha the necklace that Rand spends so much time thinking about. Aviendha (or the Aiel in general) can introduce Rand to the concept of polyamory. When Rand and Egwene do finally break up amicably, Egwene can make it clear to Aviendha that Rand no longer belongs to her.
Everything else from TSR, including Flesh Balloons and Sex Igloo, can proceed as written.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
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veradune · 2 months
Gotta say, the decision to take the payout on my (allegedly totalled) first car kind of feels a bit like putting a pet down. I'm upset.
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Cute merch idea. Quick question tho
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Why the fuck is Scar's skin green???
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samuelroukin · 2 years
it's actually a common misconception that your blorbo is microwave safe. yes i know it'd be good for him but im telling you if you put him in there you'll get sparks and set your kitchen on fire. up to you though don't let me tell you what to do 🙄
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ofmermaidstories · 8 months
i just finished borrasca oh my Godd OH MY GOD!!!! IT WAS SOO GOOD MERMS IM SO SPEECHLESS RN ITS CRAZY. normally im a yapper about anything and everything but like. all i can say is it was amazing and sigh contently LMAOOO the ending was just. glorious just like it’s titled. it was so good
a glorious footnote, indeed. 🥹 isn’t it so well done??? who ended up being your favourite character??? i really, really liked the idea (and in the end she was just an idea, wasn’t she? 🥺) of Whitney. but of the living cast I really loved sam. i even made like, a playlist for him LMAOO. doodled. 🥹 there’s just something so… haunting about being the heir to so much horror. being your father’s son. being your father’s. being apart of a man who wants to own everything he loves. oh sam. 😩 my beloved boy. 🫶🏽
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nickfoo · 9 months
I was rewatching jerma and Ster co-op elden ring with the randomized mod, and someone in chat tells Jerma he’s almost 40. And Jerma frowns and replies: yeah….
Ster: Isn’t is a shame how when you turn 40 they put you in a box and push you out to sea?
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maintitle · 11 days
As someone who didn't enjoy the DA2 dialogue wheel, the DA:Ve dialogue wheel is sometimes giving me something akin to war flashbacks. That said, it really doesn't seem too different than Inquisition and does seem to switch up where the choices are stationed and what their symbols are a bit so I think I'll get used to it.
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ibeewashere · 1 year
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Brad Bakshi blorbo bingo (excuse my alliteration)
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