#when archangel Metatron is your Guardian Angel for life
amuseoffyre · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of posts about Az being controlled by the Metatron but I don’t buy it. 
I'm fully on board with Aziraphale making stupid decisions for what he believes is the greater good. We've had evidence time and again of him wanting to get Crowley back on the side of angels so he'll be safe. "they'll destroy you"/"they'll kill you" was his biggest fear all through S1 and that fear hasn't gone away, especially now the neutrality protection has gone from the bookshop and Heaven and Hell can both get in.
You'll notice he said "I don't want to go back to heaven" until the moment the Metatron tells him that it means he could guarantee Crowley's sanctuary and safety. And this is not ten minutes after the rest of heaven's archangels were planning on wiping Aziraphale completely from the book of life and leaving Crowley alone? The Metatron didn't have to threaten Crowley. The threat has always always been there. Aziraphale didn't choose death because he's predictable.
Trouble is that the Metatron knew Crowley wouldn't want it (he's always been an independent one, going his own way, asking questions) and is using this as something to drive a wedge between them. Because the Metatron fully admitted that "we've kept track of your history" and as Gabe said re. Armageddon "at least we know who's fault it was" that it stopped.
Together, Crowley and Aziraphale have stymied Heaven more than once. Together, they produced a miracle that exceeded the power of the Supreme Archangel and could raise the dead 25-fold. Together, their interference/cock-ups led to the failure of Armageddon and Heaven doesn’t want to risk that when they’re working up to the big one, The Second Coming.
They know Aziraphale and Crowley together would be a liability. They needed them separated by whatever means and they have it. They knew Aziraphale would want to do good - everyone knows Aziraphale is a good guy. Even Gabriel, when his memory was gone, went straight to Aziraphale because he instinctively knew this is someone who would protect him. And everyone knows that Crowley is the rogue angel. The Metatron clearly knew him and described him as someone “who always wants to go his own way”.
The Metatron played on both their fears. He also played on Aziraphale’s belief that Heaven can still be good: he came in just in time to save him from erasure from the book of life, he implied that he’s much more like Aziraphale by bringing him nice sweet things and encouraging him to imbibe them, he offered safety and protection for Crowley to keep him out of harms way. But simultaneously, he slammed Crowley’s big red horror button at the idea of being under Heaven’s thumb again. He knew exactly what he was doing.
TLDR: Aziraphale did what he always did. He's a guardian. He's doing what he feels he needs to in order to keep people safe. And Crowley did what he always did by rejecting Heaven. The Metatron used that and pressed his and Crowley's buttons to make sure he split up the dream team to make sure the next Armageddon isn't interrupted by their interference.
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WebMD Page for Aziraphale
As promised to you all, inspired by that video of Aziraphale as an antidepressant. The WebMD drug format, from your clearly deranged mascot, Asmi. This took way too much effort. For legal purposes, even though this blog is a lawless hellscape, this is a spoof. If you did like it, reblog it, maggoty loves of mine, because likes don't help visibility on tumblr, and I want everyone to be traumatised with my own specific brand of unhinged. No pressure though, be rebels muaha. That being said:
COMMON BRAND(S): Guardian of the East Gate, Angel GENERIC NAME(S): Aziraphale
USES This medication is used to treat mood-related disorders ranging from depression to chronic loneliness and anxiety. It has also been proven effective in treatment of Compulsive Demonic Behavioural Disorder (CDBD) and Post Fall Stress Disorder (PFSD). The medication results in an overall improvement in mood (see Side Effects), morals, and lifestyle choices. This medication is sometimes described as a 'miracle-worker'. It is advisable to ensure that the correct dosage is taken at regular intervals. The doctor/God/Forces That Be may prescribe a lower dose at the start, gradually increasing frequency and amount over the course of millennia.
SIDE EFFECTS Documented side-effects include pining behaviour, severe withdrawal symptoms in case of suddenly stopping the medication, heart palpitations, stuttering or stammering, mood swings including irrational lashing out or defensive behaviour when faced with highly emotional situations, break-ups, misunderstands, obliviousness, amongst others. Despite the studies being limited to a single subject (see Crowley et. al. updated 2023) these effects are typically harmless in the long term. Life-altering effects may also be noted, including irretrievably falling in love, marriage, a positive character arc, tendencies to put oneself at risk to ensure continuation of medication, lifelong friendship, fate-defying romance and severe allergy to the idea of discontinuation of medication.
WARNINGS Casual or reckless consumption can be too fast for the medication, which will lessen its effects, leading to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms range from repeated indulging in CDBD and PFSD induced behaviours to alcoholism, depressive episodes, recklessness, listlessness, and prolonged car rides with no purpose. While the medication should not be consumed too fast, regularity is also advised. This is a long-term medication and not a short-term fix. Rare, short-term exposures will only worsen the side effects, withdrawal symptoms and may even reverse the drug effects.
PRECAUTIONS Ensure immortality so that the medication may be able to work its effect through the full course. Pre-existing trauma and heart conditions may require regular consultations with a therapist.
INTERACTIONS Drug interactions may change how the medication works or increase severity of side effects. This document does not include a comprehensive list of all drug interactions, please do adequate research and check instructions on the medication before proceeding with additional drugs. Aziraphale is known to have highly negative interactions with the toxin hellfire as well as the drugs Gabriel (only when sold as Supreme Archangel), Satan and Metatron (known toxin). Negative interference may occur due to most drugs from the class Heaven and Hell. Vague interference may occur with the drug class Homo sapiens.
OVERDOSE While less dangerous than withdrawal symptoms, overdose may lead to lack of personal space, miscommunication, and decrease in mood stability. Increased irritability is also common. Use with caution.
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REVIEWS (1) Effectiveness: 5 stars Ease of use: 4 stars Satisfaction: 100000000000000000000e stars
It must be noted that in the country where I live (India), advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs are legally prohibited on television and other media. Which is why I was very bewildered at the initial video. But WebMD is a universal phenomenon so this shall by my contribution to the fandom. Thank you @neil-gaiman, Good Omens has given me a lot of opportunities to exercise my brain in all the weirdest ways.
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sectumsempress1 · 1 year
Good Omens Season 3: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Sectumsempress1, Hag
I am once again going through my Good Omens season 3 predictions bingo and explaining why I think the things I think. Today I want to talk about Metatron's memory meddling, or more specifically why I think Aziraphale is the Archangel Raphael and why I don't think he remembers.
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Once again, I know I cannot be the first person to think of this theory. I'm just adding my two cents. Here we go.
I know there is a fairly popular theory that Crowley was Raphael before the fall, but putting aside the fact that it simply wouldn’t work for television to give them a name that similar to Aziraphale, I just disagree with that assessment. I like to think that Crowley was Jophiel before they fell and Aziraphale’s original name was Raphael. 
I think we can answer this theory very quickly by noting that in The Book of Tobit, Raphael disguises himself as a human on earth, acting as a healer and guardian under the name Azariah. I honestly just think that Neil and Terry took the name Raphael and his human name Azariah and landed on Aziraphale. 
Furthermore, Raphael (“God has healed”) is literally the archangel of healing. He is also known as the angel of protection and keeping people safe on their journeys. God gives Raphael a mission in The Book of Enoch, verse 10:10 to:
“Restore the earth, which the [fallen] angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it.”
Aka ‘thwarting evil wiles.’ In The Zohar it’s also stated in Genesis chapter 23 that he: 
“is appointed to heal the earth of its evil and affliction and the maladies of mankind.”
If I were to go over every single instance of Aziraphale fitting the bill for these descriptions I would be here all day, but some I can think of off the top of my head are:
Giving Adam and Eve the flaming sword to assist them on their journey
Healing Anathema’s broken arm and bike
“Actually, I encourage humans to do the actual- [thwarting of evil wiles]”
Fixing that man’s phone in the graveyard in Scotland
Insisting that he wants to heal wee Morag  
Protecting ‘Jim’ 
This stunning scene in the Job memory: 
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He is very clearly shown as a healer, protector and guardian of humanity, more so than any other character. 
Raphael is also known as a matchmaker, which is funny when you think about the Nina and Maggie situation but also makes total sense. Aziraphale loves love. Also he blows the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement, aka the second coming. I guess Metatron needs Raphael back now huh? He even told Aziraphale himself that he is the only one qualified for this job. Aziraphale is Raphael. 
Or… he was.
I believe that Raphael was demoted following the fall, and Gabriel’s story is meant to mirror his. This scene says SO much: 
“You have refused to exercise your celestial authority, and are henceforth removed from office”
I think something similar absolutely could have happened to Raphael. We all saw how immediately drawn Aziraphale was to Crowley in ‘before the beginning,’ and it makes sense that Metatron could have seen that connection as a liability when he fell. He cannot have an Archangel in Heaven who is sympathetic to one of the fallen, it would be a ticking time bomb for another revolution. Aziraphale being sympathetic towards Angel!Crowley before and during the fall would make him question the fall as a concept, and Heaven could not afford that.
“For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story, for it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem.”
I think the first prince of Heaven Metatron is referencing to is Crowley, and I think he had this same mindset of making sure there was no perceived institutional problem during the time of the fall. So I think that is one of the reasons why Raphael wasn’t cast down; it would look bad. I think the other reason is; Metatron wanted him and Crowley separated, even then. Even then there was some glimmer of their potential combined power, the love and danger that could be born by having them both in the same place with neither of them on Heaven’s side. The most logical option would be to cast Crowley out and make Aziraphale think he deserved it. Because Metatron is smart. He knew that keeping an angel like Crowley in Heaven—an angel who unapologetically asked questions and wasn’t afraid to go against the status quo, even before he fell—could only end badly. The smart move was to keep an angel like Aziraphale on—an angel who wants to believe, who needs to believe, that heaven is fundamentally right and good—and feed into his faith by manipulating his fear. 
(Editing to add- it’s presented as an either or. We will not send you to hell, we will wipe your memory and demote you. We will do A or B. This is why I think Gabriel’s story mirrors Aziraphale’s more than Crowley’s, because being cast down to hell and having your memory wiped was never on the table here. It’s either or.)
“Although as a kindness, your memory of your time as Gabriel will be erased. You will be demoted.”
“As a kindness, your memory of your time as Raphael will be erased. You won’t remember the Starmaker, you won’t remember the fall, you won’t remember the injustice. All you will remember is the war, the divine plan, God’s will and your undying faith to carry out that will. You will remember what not doing so costs, but you will never remember why. All you’ll remember is that you had better not ask, because look where that got the others. Oh, and you will be demoted to earth. You will not remember the incredible power you wield as an Archangel. Because if you hand power like that to someone with a powder keg of repressed questions it may spark an explosion, and we cannot afford that. Not again, Aziraphale.”
Now I want to talk about two specific scenes that relate heavily to this theory.
Before The Beginning
I think this memory has been altered, and there are two ways of looking at it.
Aziraphale remembers it just as shown on screen. 
But in Eden he genuinely seems as though he is meeting Crowley for the first time, and then when he introduces himself as ‘Crawley,’ Aziraphale consistently messes up and calls him that even after he changes it to Crowley. So I can deduce from that that if Aziraphale had known Crowley by another name for millennia before Eden he would very much struggle with remembering to call him Crawley to begin with. The fact that he doesn’t struggle at all makes me think that it truly is his first time learning this person's name, his first time meeting them.
Aziraphale does not remember this moment, it’s only shown to the audience for a season 3 payoff. 
But during the confession, Aziraphale says “like the old times, only even nicer.” re: Crowley becoming an angel again, which implies that Aziraphale remembers ‘the old times’ with him. He also says “I know the angel you were” during the Job scene. 
We are at a bit of a dead end here… or are we? A possible solution is that Aziraphale does remember ‘before the beginning,’ but that memory has been altered to remove Crowley’s involvement, à la Frozen (“I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic, to be safe… but don’t worry, I’ll leave the fun.”) The ‘magic’ in this instance being anything that would paint Crowley in a sympathetic light and the ‘fun’ being the actual events that transpired. That would also explain why he remembers it the way he does, aka why Crowley’s angel name is omitted and why he introduces himself as Aziraphale and not Raphael, but he still recalls the actual string of events. Because Aziraphale can’t just have large gaps in his memory. He has to actually remember the cold hard facts. Metatron is far too refined of a villain to leave holes in his soldiers’ minds, especially giant star-shaped love holes. Where was I going with this? Okay anyway…
So when Aziraphale says “like the old times, even nicer” he is not specifically referencing the Starmaker scene, but instead a more general ‘memory’ of Heavenly life, which makes total sense considering Aziraphale’s apparent blindness to the true detailed atrocities of Heaven. All he sees is the big picture anyway, that’s all he’s ever seen. Because… ‘even nicer’ ??? What do you mean NICER? A bureaucratic job will be nicer than watching the being you love build a universe?? Okay. 
Same goes for “I know the angel you were” from the Job scene. The wording is important here. He didn’t say “I knew the angel you were” or “I knew you in heaven.” It feels like he is a step away from saying “I know of the angel you were.” Which, in the context, makes sense. He is trying to use a personal plea as a last-ditch attempt to get Crowley to do what he thinks is right, he is not reminiscing on their time as besties. He’s already cycled through:
“You don’t have to do this!”
“You have free will!”
“I don’t think God wants this!”
“I don’t really think you want to either!”
And when Crowley asks “what do you know about what I want?” in that bitter tone, Aziraphale reads it as an in. He thinks a personal plea may be the thing to get Crowley to stop, so he uses it. It’s a tactic.
With all that in mind, I believe ‘before the beginning’ to be an altered memory. I believe that Aziraphale remembers the creation of the universe in general terms but does not remember the Starmaker or the feelings that were already beginning to take root inside of him. 
In The Beginning
I believe this to be an authentic memory, and if you look hard enough (aka are delusional and also insane) there are clues to support my ‘Aziraphale doesn’t remember' theory, starting with their first meeting.
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Aziraphale does a few confused double takes (which, sure, could be interpreted as ‘oh fuck it’s you’ but I am choosing to not see it like that :)) and then politely smiles and laughs at what Crowley says before asking for clarification. This is absolutely giving ‘awkward first meeting with a stranger’ energy and not ‘oh fuck it’s my old bestie who is now damned.’ This is not a face of recognition, even fearful or reluctant recognition:
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This is very much just giving ‘who the hell is this?’ Especially because it is then followed up with:
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Aziraphale flat-out does not know who that is. He even closes his eyes for a second in what looks like confusion, as if he’s trying to remember. As if he’s trying to look where the furniture isn’t. And if I think he’s confusedly pursing his lips for a millisecond as if he wants to say a J name that’s my damn business.
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They look sorrowful. I don’t know how I didn’t catch it the first few times I watched the show. This is the face of someone who just slithered up to an old friend and started having a chat as if it was the most natural thing in the world only for that friend to have no idea who they are anymore. Even as their face moves into a smile, it’s not real.
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Babygirl looks like he’s experiencing the most haunting, ancient melancholia behind those lovely snake eyes. It’s actually quite striking. David Tennent you are on my hit list.
Anyway Crowley then goes on to question the ineffable plan in a way that’s very reminiscent of ‘before the beginning,’ which I believe to be intentional because they remember, and Aziraphale doesn’t. So Crowley is thinking to himself that maybe Aziraphale’s memory could be jogged with familiar behaviour. 
Crowley also goes on about the flaming sword, which I believe used to be theirs when they were the angel Jophiel, so the emphasis on it makes sense. 
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They really said “what the fuck did you do with my sword?” But then when Aziraphale says he gave it away we get the most genuine display of emotion from Crowley that he’s shown during this entire sequence. 
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He is impressed. He is remembering the angel who refused to exercise their celestial authority and got his memories stolen as a result. They are thinking there may still be hope after all.
Okay now let’s briefly talk about why I think Crowley does remember. I feel like this is a pretty easy one to get through as there are plenty of moments where Crowley references heaven and the fall in a very clear way, some of which I will drop right here:
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All well and good, but one big question still remains: if Crowley knows, why the fuck did he not tell Aziraphale in six thousand years?
Well… why did Elsa not tell Anna about her powers? I know this analogy is a little silly and trust me I’m losing my mind right now, but hear me out. Elsa doesn’t tell Anna about her powers because she thinks it's in her best interest not to know. She thinks that knowing will put Anna at risk and that she will be to blame for that risk. Now look back on Crowley and Aziraphale’s history, terrible communication aside, they don’t tell each other things because they both think that they can handle it on their own and they both don’t want the other to be in danger. They both consistently hide important and dangerous things from one another. For example:
Crowley didn’t tell Aziraphale about the Hell Hound for 11 years
Neither of them realised that both of their team of human agents were Shadwell’s men
Crowley didn’t tell Aziraphale the details of his execution
Aziraphale didn’t tell Crowley that he met Shax on the way home from Scotland
Crowley didn’t tell Aziraphale that he got dragged to hell and offered a promotion from Beelzebub
Crowley didn’t tell Aziraphale about The Book of Life threat 
You get the point. It’s a pattern. And the details of the fall, stories from their distant past… these are lethal pieces of information. And we have to remember that both of them are essentially under constant surveillance. They never know when they’re truly alone or not, as we can also see with how much they side-step and rationalise their relationship away. They are both constantly terrified. Why would Crowley share information like this when they know how the acquisition of knowledge ended for the last group of angels? After all, Aziraphale wouldn’t like it in Hell.
Now there is also another very plausible explanation: Crowley is simply assuming that Aziraphale already does know and is following his perceived unspoken lead to never discuss it. Which again makes sense considering how fragile every aspect of their relationship is. It’s largely unspoken with a shared handbook of unspoken rules that they use to maintain the little bubble of companionship that they’re permitted to have. They have presumably never had a real conversation. So when would this ever realistically come up?
In conclusion, I need a lobotomy. But I want this to be true so badly as it does genuinely make sense in my sadly un-lobotomised little brain. As always, Neil Gaiman, I am in your walls. 
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
Guardian Angels from Heaven are waiting for you to call on them! ✨😇💯
The most important list you'll ever need!
Archangel Ariel -- Angel of strength and support of material needs.
Archangel Chamuel -- Intuitive angel of unconditional love.
Archangel Gabriel -- Angel of good messages and positive communication.
Archangel Haniel -- Angel of grace and feminine spirituality.
Archangel Jeremiel -- Angel of clarity and understanding.
Archangel Jophiel -- Angel of beauty and confidence. The beauty of life and positive energy -- thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Archangel Metatron -- Angel of healing and protection by pushing away unwanted (negative) energy.
Archangel Michael -- Angel of protection over every aspect of your life.
Archangel Raguel -- Angel of fairness, justice, and harmony.
Archangel Raphael -- Angel of health and traveling.
Archangel Raziel -- Angel of guidance and opportunity.
Archangel Sandalphon -- Twin angel of Metatron. Angel of motivation who delivers prayers for us to the divine realm of heaven and helps us stay close to our faith. Also helps us with our commitment and confidence in reaching our life goals.
Archangel Uriel -- Angel of focus, concentration, and inspiration.
Archangel Zadkiel -- Angel of freedom and forgiveness.
The angels in heaven were appointed by God our Father to watch over us as we live our earthly lives. The angels cannot intervene in our lives unless we call upon them. Their protection is designated just for human beings on earth because God our Father loves us dearly and only wants for our safety and wellbeing. If you do not call upon them by name, they cannot help. But if you call upon them by name, they answer the call and they protect you immediately -- without fail.
It's their job. They are ANGELS after all. That's what God has angels for...to protect humanity against all the negative energy that bombards us from the spiritual principalities of darkness. That which we cannot see but the angels know how to protect us against.
WHEN YOU CALL, your guardian angels rush to your side, and they activate their angel charge and they protect you just as God instructed them to do! Amen in Jesus' name.
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hats-off-to-hermes · 3 years
Can you tell us a bit about Jophiel? She fascinates me.
Hello fierysword :) (I'm actually flattered that you've sent me an ask!)
So Jophiel. She's not one of the "seven" in my own practice, but I'd be more than happy to talk about an archangel 💫
Archangel Jophiel
Jophiel (Jofiel, Zophiel, Iophiel, Iofiel, Yofiel, and Yofiel) is the "beauty of God" also seen as the "Angel of Beauty". She is also regarded as a companion to Metatron
You can petition her or pray to her for:
Seeing beauty in things (such as God's creation)
Seeing beauty in God (and his holiness)
Self esteem (seeing yourself as the divine see you)
Creative inspiration
Helping your thought patterns and addictions
Joy in life
Considering this, her domains could be conflated with Haniel's (Anael, joy of God. Harmony, poise and grace) and Zadkiel (Sachiel, angel of Mercy. Who can help with stress, anxiety etc.)
But looking to her domains, you can consider her an Archangel of gratitude, perspectives and inner thinking. A great archangel for shadow work in combination with other angels (like Zadkiel, who according to the Zohar, helps her and Michael battle evil), a very strong contender as a transformer of negative to positive thoughts
Additionally you can consider her domains to be:
Spiritual and religious reading
As Jewish tradition notes that she is the angel guarding the Tree of Knowledge with a flaming sword (sword is also attributed to Uriel, and being a wisdom archangel can be conflated with Uriel) and so she is a guardian of knowledge. She is also said to oversee Sabbath day Torah readings
She has also been written to be the angel of the seventh heaven and guardian of the Torah, who also taught 70 languages to souls at creation
As a patron angel you can call her:
Patron of Artists and Intellectuals as the angel who can bring beautiful inspiring thoughts (also attributed to Gabriel and Uriel)
Patron of Recovering People, as she can bring joy and light after darkness (also attributed to Zadkiel)
Patron of Balance (though typically attributed to Anael), as her association with bringing beauty is also associated with Feng Shui
Some systems may replace Jophiel with Raziel though places Jophiel is mentioned, other than what has been mentioned, includes:
Pseudo-Dionysus works
Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum
The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon
Sixth and Seventh book of Moses
In terms of planetary correspondences, Agrippa attributes Jophiel to Saturn (Cassiel in ars paulina) and Paracelsus assigns to Jupiter (Zadkiel/Sachiel)
Robert Ambelain says Jophiel is in charge of this cherubim ("Prince of Cherubim"); Haziel, Aladiah, Lauviah, Hahaiah, Iezalel, Mehahel, Hariel, and Hakamiah
It is said that Jophiel's colour is yellow (though typically I have my own associations with colours and angels. This is just a fun fact). Though it can make sense with yellows association with illumination, the mind, the element of air and all associations to follow
Her symbol and element is fire which is for her light, illumination of knowledge and the flame that leads the way
Her day of the week is Sunday (shared with Michael).
Here's her sigil/seal you can use when working with her:
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Here's a prayer you can say to her:
Dearest Archangel Jophiel, archangel of beauty and wisdom, please bless my creative endeavors.
Open my eyes that I may notice the beauty in the people around me as well in every part of Creation, including myself.
Empower me to maintain a clear mind even in times of chaos and make my mind orderly and serene. Inspire me to trust in God’s greater purpose for me and lend me the patience and the wisdom to recognize God’s beauty in every situation. — Amen
You can find my sources and further reading here:
@saintlyfawn anything to add?
Hope you enjoyed this information and learnt something new! And thank you for the ask. Feel free to send more
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 years
Okay so this is going to be part Good Omens meta, part head canon, all ramble, but I promise I have a point. Well, technically it’s a question, but I am going somewhere with this; there’s just going to be a lot of pit stops and detours along the way.
We’re starting with Crowley. I know Aziraphale’s the soft one, but Crowley’s pretty soft for a demon. He’s not a total cuddly marshmallow like I see him portrayed as sometimes – he does seem to genuinely enjoy the “annoying people” parts of his job. Though even then he doesn’t seem to enjoy the annoyance for its own sake as much as the fact that it represents he has been successful; what he really seems to enjoy is the cleverness and artistry of it – the way he describes knocking out the telephone systems in the book is like a beautiful symphony of irritation. (Actually it’s weird to me that Hastur and Ligur’s method of chipping away at one soul at a time for years is called craftmanship while Crowley’s method is presented as a matter of efficiency. Like H&L are over here making artisanal meals with only the finest ingredients while Crowley is slinging out fast food burgers. Because to me Crowley’s method seems the one that takes more consideration and skill and is, taken for what it is, a thing of beauty, whereas H&L thing just seems like blunt-force trauma. I’m sorry you sat on this guy’s shoulder whispering in his ear for ten years in order to win his soul over? Unless he’s literally Job or Jesus Christ, I’m not impressed.) Crowley isn’t a total marshmallow, but he is soft. He’s not cruel or sadistic and he doesn’t like seeing people get genuinely hurt or killed. Now when other demons are sadistic, he doesn’t like it, but he seems to largely accept it as the way things are. When Heaven does terrible things, he seems kind of disgusted but not terribly surprised. But when it’s the humans or God doing terrible things, that’s what hits him hard. For slightly different reasons in each case, but ultimately it boils down to “I thought you were better than this,” and he cannot emotionally handle it when they prove they aren’t.
Moving on to Aziraphale (I promise we’ll come back to our soft demon boi in a minute). There’s a lot of different takes out there about how book Aziraphale differs from show Aziraphale, but the most compelling one I’ve ever seen argues that it’s not so much that Aziraphale is inherently different as it is Heaven is different in the two versions, which in turn impacts how Aziraphale behaves. In the book Heaven shows up on three occasions: when Aziraphale calls Heaven and speaks with the Metatron, when Aziraphale accidentally gets himself beamed up to Heaven (which could be considered a continuation of the same event), and at the airbase to try to restart the Apocalypse. In all of these cases either Aziraphale reached out to Heaven first or his presence was incidental to Heaven showing up. The general implication is that no one is checking in on him really; he has his own personal loyalty and sense of duty to Heaven urging him to do what they expect of him, but unless he’s really blatant about it, no one’s going to know if he breaks the rules here and there. Book Aziraphale’s life is basically one long “who you are in the dark” test, with the plot twist at the end where he flicks on the lights switch and flips everyone off while he does the thing he wasn’t supposed to because it turns out that was the right thing to do all along.
By contrast in the show Heaven is showing up all the time. Aziraphale is dragged up there multiple times for reports, archangels are constantly popping down to Earth to talk with him, and they actually proactively uncover Aziraphale’s involvement with Crowley. Granted, we can assume this is a higher than normal rate of involvement because of the fast-approaching Apocalypse, but the point remains that show Aziraphale is dealing with a lot more oversight. If he breaks the rules, there is a good chance he will be caught, and even if he just does something perfectly allowed but considered to be unbefitting an angel, he will be met with scorn and disapproval. That’s why show Aziraphale is more anxious, less likely to break any rules, and more cautious if he does so.
An extension of this difference in how Heaven behaves that I haven’t seen mentioned before, is it impacts how Aziraphale perceives Hell to be. Aziraphale doesn’t have any real firsthand experience of Hell, so he has to make inferences as far as what they’re like to work for. His main two sources of information are going to be what Heaven tells him – likely to be sparse and often inaccurate – and what Crowley tells him – honestly also likely to be sparse and often inaccurate. Obviously, Crowley knows what working for Hell is like, and there are probably some areas that he’s willing to be fairly open and straight-forward about. But when it comes to things like punishments for failure or disobedience, Crowley’s going to spend most of the time evading and downplaying with occasional bits of shocking honesty to make a point and blatant overexaggerations for dramatic effect. With limited information to go on, Aziraphale is forced to use what Heaven’s like and extrapolate from there. And since the book and show versions have two such different starting points, even if book Aziraphale concludes Hell is more overbearing than book Heaven and show Aziraphale concludes Hell is less thorough on following up than show Heaven, they are still going to come to very different conclusions as to how present and aware of what Crowley is up to Hell is. Which is relevant because not only is show Aziraphale dealing with a Heaven that is more like to catch misbehavior, he also perceives Hell as being more aware and therefore Crowley more likely to be caught and punished than book Aziraphale does.
Circling back to Crowley and his emotional upset at the cruelties of the world. The reason we had to talk about Aziraphale is because how he behaves has an impact on how Crowley copes. Now with the book we don’t have our “a love 6000 years in the making” backstory, and Crowley and Aziraphale are just generally less prominent than they are in the show, which means we have less to go on. The only real reference we get is Crowley’s reaction to the Spanish Inquisition. He gets a commendation for it without having done anything, goes to take a look, and then gets drunk for a week. This would imply that drinking is how he handles these sorts of things, but I don’t think we’re getting the full story here. I say think because this is the most head canon-y part of all this; I don’t have any real evidence other than if you assume this is true then it does explain some things I’ll get to in a minute. The book tells us that after looking in on the Inquisition Crowley “had come back and got drunk for a week.” But back to where? The implication is back to the cantinas in the nicer parts of Spain where he had been before going for his look, but I think he went back to Aziraphale (who may very well have already been in the cantinas with him anyway). Because honestly, an actual literal demon with actual literal snake eyes getting shitfaced drunk in the middle of the Spanish Inquisition, knowing full well he’ll melt into a puddle of goo and die if anyone even sprinkles any holy water on him, is pretty fucking stupid. But if that demon had an actual literal angel watching over him… Aziraphale is by nature a guardian/protector, and in the book he isn’t constantly concerned about their relationship being discovered. I think over time Crowley has learned that if he needs to fall apart or be vulnerable for a while, he can go to Aziraphale and rely on Aziraphale watching over him and supporting him until he’s ready to pull himself back together again.
Show Aziraphale does not have the same freedom as his book counterpart, and so cannot always reliably be there for Crowley in the same way. Which is not a dig on Aziraphale at all; he’s in a different situation where he has to be focused on keeping them safe from their superiors, so he simply does not have the additional emotional capacity sometimes, and that’s not his fault. Despite that, Crowley does still get the emotional support he needs from Aziraphale, it just has to function in a different way.
Our episode 3 cold open lets us watch this develop quite well. Our first two scenes (aside from the one with God asking about the sword, obviously) are Noah’s Ark and the crucifixion, where we see Crowley approach Aziraphale to essentially needle him about what’s going on. At this point Aziraphale isn’t so much support as someone he can redirect his anger toward – I assume this is how Book Omens started too, and we’ll get to the divergence in a second. Crowley is willing to drop the anger with Aziraphale much faster in the crucifixion scene, suggesting they have grown closer over the intervening 3000 years, and Crowley no longer finds as much emotional catharsis in being angry at Aziraphale, but he continues to approach Aziraphale that way out of habit.
Then we get to Rome, where Crowley has, according to the script book, come to town to tempt Caligula only to be shocked and upset when he learns how very much Caligula doesn’t need tempting. Crowley goes to a bar where Aziraphale happens to be – whether he knew Aziraphale was there or not before he arrived is irrelevant, but I am assuming he was aware of Aziraphale’s presence by the time he walked in the door. And here is where book and show diverge. Because Crowley has approached Aziraphale about things he’s been upset about in the past, but it’s one thing to needle an angel about things Heaven is responsible for; it’s quite another to walk up to your crush and just start complaining about some jerk who’s put you in a bad mood. Book Crowley, who has been dealing with a slightly more relaxed Aziraphale, says fuck it, goes and sits down across from him and says, “You would not believe the day I’ve had.” And from there we develop into the dynamic mentioned previously for Book Omens.
As mentioned, show Aziraphale is more anxious about their relationship, resulting in show Crowley falling on the other side of this choice and not approaching Aziraphale. This leaves it to Aziraphale to approach Crowley this time. Now as much as we may tease, Aziraphale’s not actually an idiot. He can tell Crowley is upset about something, and he’s picked up on the pattern where when Crowley is upset, he likes to be able rant a bit about Heaven. Obviously Aziraphale can sometimes find those conversations uncomfortable, but he’s feeling good today, so he’s happy to engage in some banter, especially if it’ll cheer his friend up. But Crowley’s the one who usually starts the conversation, so Aziraphale wracks his brain for something he can say about the nature of good and evil and ineffability and comes up with “Still a demon, then?” Shockingly, this doesn’t work. Still he keeps the conversation going and tries again with “Oh well, let me tempt you to... Oh, no, that's, that's your job, isn't it?” This still doesn’t work the way he’s expecting it to, but they do have a very nice meal and a good conversation that’s not really about Heaven and Hell at all, after which Crowley seems to be in much better spirits. Which leads him to the conclusion that it’s not the specifics that are important, just the fact of having the conversation and giving something Crowley to distract himself with.
Skipping ahead to the Globe, two quick things to point out. This is the first time we see Crowley do his little circle of Aziraphale, proving that by this point they established the dynamic where Crowley protects Aziraphale. The second is this is also the first time Aziraphale really intentionally uses his puppy dog eyes on Crowley, meaning their acts of service dynamic is established as well. Knowing these have been established helps inform the decisions Aziraphale makes in the Bastille scene.
Bastille scene. We can assume everything about this incident is something Aziraphale has staged, from actually getting arrested to his claims that he can’t rescue himself because he was reprimanded for too many frivolous miracles. I will say I don’t think that last one is a complete fabrication; I think either that it is something that has happened, but a good while ago such that he’s not worried about it anymore, or it did just happen, but Aziraphale actually had been using an unusually large amount of miracles recently – possibly as part of getting his bookshop set up – and has since dialed it back enough that he can use one or two at the Bastille, be it to free himself or just to change his clothing, without getting in trouble. However, while I do think it was staged, I don’t think the primary propose was to indulge in Aziraphale’s damsel in distress fantasies; that was just an unexpected bonus. Aziraphale’s main objective was helping Crowley.
Aziraphale knew about the French Revolution, knew Crowley was in the area, and knew Crowley was liable to find the whole situation upsetting. His response was to put on his prettiest outfit, and get himself locked up. He’s broadcasting to Crowley, don’t worry about the humans, just focus on me, don’t think about what they’re doing, just look at the silly angel all chained over here in need of rescue. Of course this isn’t completely divorced from the current situation, but in a way that’s actually better, because it takes that situation and lowers the stakes – Aziraphale isn’t going to die, worse case scenario he’ll just get discorporated – and puts Crowley back in control of the situation – he can’t stop the Revolution, even if he’s capable he’d be risking too much trouble with Hell if he tried, but he can save Aziraphale and fly under Hell’s radar while doing it. Basically, we’ve taken the “Crowley needs a distraction” conclusion Aziraphale came to back in Rome and refined it in the intervening 1750 years.
Even Aziraphale’s suspicions that Crowley is behind the whole revolution can be seen as an extension of the indirect comfort he’s offering. He knows that Crowley is going to have to tell Hell that he is behind all this stuff that’s upsetting him, so when Aziraphale accuses him of the very same, it gives Crowley an opportunity and a safe place to assert that, no, he is not responsible. And not just to say it, but to say it and have someone believe him, that it isn’t his fault and he would never do anything really terrible like this.
This gives us the final form of how Show Omens dynamic works. Instead of offering Crowley a safe haven, Aziraphale emotionally supports Crowley by offering him opportunities to be the savior.
What’s especially interesting about this is if we take these two different dynamics, where in Book Omens Aziraphale serves as Crowley’s safe haven and in Show Omens Crowley is Aziraphale’s savior, that actually explains four of the big differences between the book and show: Crowley’s reaction to being called nice, Crowley crossing the M25 with optimism vs imagination, the whole run away with me subplot, and Crowley’s post bookshop fire reaction.
A demon being called nice is a pretty risky thing for the demon in question. As Crowley points out during his and Aziraphale’s conversation in Eden, a demon can get in a lot of trouble for doing the right thing, and I can’t imagine being accused of being nice would work out much better for him. But book Crowley is used to being vulnerable like that around Aziraphale. He still snaps at Aziraphale when he says it, because Crowley is stressed out and right now is not the time for that, but it is ultimately an established part of their relationship dynamic so it really only annoys him. By contrast, in the show a lot of Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship is built around avoiding saying those things for their own safety. Given that, it’s no wonder his negative reaction would be more extreme.
There’s a whole long meta out there about how both Crowley’s are optimists, but in different ways (and if someone knows where to find it, please let me know so I can link it). Book Crowley is a more passive sort of optimism; he just generally believes that eventually things will work out for him. This is consistent with the way he handles it when he’s upset about things; he just goes to hang out with Aziraphale, lets himself be upset for a while, eventually it passes, and he’s good to go again. Whereas show Crowley has a more active sort of optimism, believing things can and will work out fine, as long as he steps up to make it happen. Again, this ties into how he deals with being upset; he goes out and does something about it. Granted, he’s not usually fixing the actual problem itself, but he’s being active related to what’s upsetting him, e.g. he can’t stop WWII, but he can go save Aziraphale from some Nazi spies. So when book Crowley drives through the M25 he has his optimism that things are going to work out as sort of a default mental state in his head, and it turns out The Secret really does work for demons so he gets through. Meanwhile show Crowley is actively applying himself to believing the car is fine, and that’s what pulls him through.
This passive/active difference also explains the addition of the “we could go off together” subplot in the show. Despite being more passive, book Crowley is not complacent; when they realize Warlock is not the antichrist, he and Aziraphale make efforts to find the real one. But when their initial search runs dry and they both agree the best thing to do is to have each of their “networks of human agents” look for the boy, Crowley is willing to step back and wait. Either one of their agents will find the kid or something else will turn up; somehow it’ll all work out. Show Crowley can’t do that. He can be optimistic that things will somehow work out, but not if he’s not doing something to fix it. Except there’s nothing else he can do to solve this problem, and when he can’t solve a problem his default is to instead save Aziraphale. The world is going to go up in flames, so Alpha Centauri it is then.
And now the one everyone loves to talk about: the bookshop fire. “Aha!” you said twenty minutes ago and then patiently waited for my rambling to get back to this point. “Aha! There is a flaw in your logic; after the bookshop fire it is book Crowley that copes by getting up and saving things, whereas show Crowley gets drunk and has an emotional breakdown.” But what you didn’t realize, gentle reader, is I already solved that problem weeks ago (this meta took a lot longer to write up than I was expecting). In fact, it’s not a problem at all, but further proof of these dynamics. Because after the bookshop fire, Aziraphale is gone. Aziraphale is gone, which means Crowley’s normal coping strategies don’t work. Book Crowley can’t have a breakdown about Aziraphale being gone precisely because Aziraphale is gone; he’s lost his safe space. So instead he just has to keep pushing forward and he’ll figure out how to deal with the rest of it later. Meanwhile show Crowley can’t save Aziraphale if Aziraphale is dead, and lacking that distraction, he has a breakdown.
Now that I’ve gone on for an obscenely long time about the different dynamics of book Crowley the protected vs. show Crowley the protector, I’m going to say that the specifics of how they are different aren’t ultimately that important. At least not in comparison to the way in which they’re the same. Despite how very different Heavens (and in theory a very different Hells could have a similar sort of impact) changed the details of their relationship dynamics, in both the book and the show, Crowley leans on Aziraphale for emotional support to deal with trauma. (As a side note, I don’t want to imply that this is a one-way relationship. Aziraphale also receives emotional support from Crowley; I’m just not touching on that now because I have to draw the line somewhere.) And that emotional support is a key factor in what makes Crowley different from other demons.
Obviously, we can see how being stuck in Hell would have made Crowley a worse person – though I use the word worse lightly here, as I think it’s very likely that rather than getting meaner for being stuck in Hell, Crowley would develop a learned helplessness. But even if Crowley was on Earth, being on Earth without that emotional support would have eventually had a huge negative impact on him and his attitudes and behavior. Because seeing humans being cruel to each other hurts him, and with no way to process that hurt, it would keep building up until eventually he would have to retreat into apathy to protect himself. But where the apathy of a Hell-residing Crowley would be underpinned by a sense of hopelessness because cruelty from demons is just what he expects, the apathy of an Earth-residing Crowley would have underneath it a lot of anger and betrayal. He did expect better of them, and they let him down time and time again until he stopped seeing the good in them. This betrayal-fueled apathy is the recipe for getting a Crowley that presents as a stereotypical demon, selfish and cruel.
And now finally we reach the point. All of this, all 3767 words of it (well, most of it) was all just context building up to this question: what the fuck did Heaven and Hell do to Crowley and Aziraphale in the 1992 script version?
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meli-productions · 4 years
This Love is Ineffable
I made it to the end! 
Thank you so much for those that stuck with me this #ineffablehusbandsauweek. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the work and I've had so much fun writing them. Thank you to @ineffablehusbandsweek​ for the prompts and opportunity.
This is it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26680813.
The Almighty plays a game of her own making - but sometimes even the pieces get away from Her without Her noticing. After all, being omnipotent did not mean alway being omniscient - She needed Her rest sometimes.
When She planned the heavens and Her angels She created them in pairs - it made things easy that way. Archangels, both those she created for the position and those that ascended to that position, would have their Principalities to protect them - some of them would be mates and some would find their mate elsewhere. 
It didn’t always work out - Gabriel had found his mate elsewhere and Lucifer’s love of himself and his world made it difficult to have a mate for him - but there was one pair She had been happy about.
The angel that would’ve ascended to archangel, Rafael - Rafael the Elder to differentiate him from the one that would eventually replace him - was a starmaker and healer, and with his kindness, dedication, and stubbornness would’ve made a great addition to the ranks of Archangels.
As She prepared for her decision, She fashioned a principality worthy of a radiant being. She pulled starlight from the latest of Rafael’s nebulas and gave him sweetness - a bit of a bastard streak - and curiosity for life. When She’d finished the little cherubic looking fledgling, surprise ran through her incorporeal form - he was a perfect complement to Rafael - the most perfect pair of mates she’d created.
She named him Jophiel and sent him to Michael for training until the time was right for him to take his rightful place at Rafael’s side.
But the war came and the young angel was sent to battle, scolded for protecting fledglings younger than him in battle and her hypervigilant Archangels felled one of their own. The one of them that would’ve opened their eyes to the beauty of Earth and covered their tracks by making Raphael the Younger an Archangel in his stead.
The Almighty was upset, Her shining star had been extinguished - and Jophiel had lost his mate. So She built a reminder for Her overzealous children of what they’ve deprived the world of and renamed the principality to Aziraphale - of Rafael - so they’d always be reminded of the sibling they’d thrown into sulfur.
“Gabriel,” She asked, looking through the heavens for the being She felt absent, “where is Aziraphale?”
The overly-bright smile on Gabriel’s face didn’t match the dead look in his striking violet eyes, “He’s been reassigned - guarding the Eastern Gate though,” he paused, “last I heard he’s been making friends with the humans - not his job. We’ll get him back on track.”
A storminess started overhead as the Almighty processed. Did they know what they’d done? Put a Principality on Earth, with humans, when he had no one else to protect? 
“Why is he there? His job is to protect - but not without direction,” asked the Almighty, storminess rumbling and making Gabriel nervous.
“He can’t get into trouble down there. All he has to do is stand on the wall and protect it from the other side,” said Gabriel, smile now twitching. “He really didn’t have a - a purpose here without an archangel so - we repurposed him.”
The Almighty huffed, indignant, and disappeared to take a peek at Aziraphale in his new position. Just as Gabriel had said, Aziraphale wasn’t stiff-backed on the wall, instead he sat on a rock and talked to Adam and Eve, enraptured by the questions they were asking and their own discussion on the creatures and plants of Eden.
And just like that, the Angels have made their own enemy - a being that will defend Earth against them.
She shook, the equivalent of a head-shake and retreated once again. There would be a price to pay for that.
When She’d sent that first storm to Earth, She was curious as to what would be happening to the two humans - and to see what Azirpahale would do now that he was out of a job again.
To Her surprise, the angel had found someone to share this storm with. Black feathers and scaly patches on exposed skin marked this friend as a demon, one that he was sheltering from the storm under his wings. The demon, for their part huddled close, tucked in and comforted by the being that should be their enemy.
The Almighty took a closer look at the curling red hair and the eyes that were gold and snake-like but very close to its original color - a zap of shock ran through Her form. After everything, Her starlight and his mate had found each other and, by the sense of it, there was a connection already being made.
“Metatron,” She said upon arriving back to Her corner of the sky. “I want Aziraphale to be appointed to Earth. He is to stay there and keep an eye on the Serpent - he knows the humans more than any of the other guardians. I think he’ll be good down there.”
The Metatron raised an eyebrow, not a question but a silent judgement, and turned to give the order not daring to disobey the Almighty. For his part, he relayed the message to Aziraphale’s superior and Gabriel was surprised by the announcement.
“Really? Him?”
“Ours is not to question, young one,” said Metatron. “And She works in mysterious ways - maybe this is how you get rid of your Scarlet Letter.”
Gabriel didn’t say anything, but pouted about it to the rest of the archangels when the time came to officially give Aziraphale the job on Earth.
For centuries, the Almighty kept to Herself, peeking onto earth to see what was going on and tracking Aziraphale and Her starlight - Crawly as he was dubbed by Hell - curious as how falling affected their bond. The spark of joy when Crawly realized that Aziraphale was there at the loading of the Ark and then the consecutive forty days they spent together within - protecting the saved children.
“Don’t try and convince me to let them go,” hissed Crawly, back in the form of a snake and coiled around a clutch of eggs that were children in disguise. “They’re damned now - going againsssst the Almighty’ssss wishes and all.”
Aziraphale chuckled, pressing down between the snake’s eyes in a soothing circle, “I suppose there’s nothing I can do, you wily thing. But I think you’re much more comfortable in this cramped space. I should stick around and keep an eye on you.”
The Almighty, finding him very cute in his disobedience, allowed him to go ahead with what he was trying to do - which was shift into a snake to match Crawly. So she allowed him to turn into a white python, yellow markings woven into the scales, and cloudy eyes that honed in on the clutch and the demon protecting it. 
And the two, oblivious to the nest they’d created, curled there for the time that the ark stayed afloat - only uncurling to get comfortable or so to scent one another. Shifting back when land was sighted, they helped reestablish the children in their new home and parted ways without more than a ‘fare thee well’.  The Almighty felt the little zing of affection that encircled the pair and felt Her joy return, brightening the sun and Her rainbow.
The pair of them became Her favorite thing to observe on Earth - never letting them distract Her from the work that She was meant to do - including the birth of Her son on Earth.
“Dear, we need to go,” Aziraphale said, giving a gentle pull on Crowley’s wrist.
She shook her head, “Not yet. Not until they entomb him.”
Aziraphale nodded, though she couldn’t see it, and allowed her fingers to interlock with his as she followed the train of mourners carrying Yeshua’s body.
“This isn’t fair,” said Crowley, voice shaky. “These wankers think that they’re teaching is better so instead of teaching harder they put a man to death. What good holy men, I can’t wait to see them down in Hell.”
Aziraphale swept his thumb along her hand, “I’m not encouraging you, but if you happen to cross paths with them in Hell - give them a swift kick in the rear for me.”
Crowley, for once in their encounter, gave a little chuckle, “Course not, angel. And I don’t usually hang around the torture room - much too messy but…I’ll deliver this present just for you.” 
With a happy wiggle, Aziraphale gave a quiet noise that was almost a thanks and the Almighty, through mourning the death of Her son, let herself bask in the wave of affection that permeated the somber atmosphere. 
After Yeshua arrived and made his place at Her side, he looked down at where Aziraphale and Crowley were saying goodbyes and beamed.
“I knew two beings so sweet could only belong together.”
The Almighty let out a rumble of laughter that he matched with the brightness of his smile, “Yes - my two lovebirds - impossible and ineffable.”
It was the attraction, the lust that She felt in Rome as she watched Crowley turn as red as his hair while Aziraphale slurped oysters, oblivious to his friend’s plight. And the relief that melted into shy agreement to the - Arrangement. 
At that, She had given such a cry of despair that Metatron had come swooping in wondering what was wrong and finding Her zipping through her office muttering about ‘stupid mates’ and ‘ how can it be taking so long’.
The affection that melted into the real sweet, honeyed string of love as Aziraphale gave Crowley a sparkly-eyed look that the demon obsessed over, throwing himself into Hamlet’s success, until the sounds of an angelic steed echoed through London and announced Aziraphale’s return - and the matching little stutter of a heartbeat, the same honey-sweet string as Aziraphale basked in Crowley’s gift to him.
Paris was the first time that She’d felt her darling Principality feel something stronger than the lulling waves of affection, when that familiar sweetness became spiced with cinnamon-hot lust. Happiness that had started spreading sunlight in darkened corners of the world dimmed when Crowley, happy that Aziraphale was in one piece, shipped him back to London before he could get hurt. 
Aziraphale left, pouting, and left Crowley to his privacy as he - eased away the tension of their meeting. 
But it was after Aziraphale opened his bookshop that the Almighty was at her most excited - and most stunned by their stupidity.
“I’m so glad they didn’t send me back,” Aziraphale said over his glass of wine. “Not much for me up there anyway. ‘S not like there’s someone waiting - not like my old job is still available.”
“Y’re a principality - y’re job is to protect humans down here,” said Crowley, then processed his words and squinted his eyes at him. “And wha’d’ya mean ‘no one waiting’?”
Aziraphale sighed, putting his glass down to fiddle with his waistcoat, “I was supposed to be the principality to an archangel - ‘cept he - he fell. And y’know what I mean, you were an angel once - I - I don’t have a mate.”
Crowley paused mid-sip, “Wh-which one? And - honestly, angel, everyone has a mate - well except the king down,” he pointed towards the ground, “down there y’know.”
“I was supposed to be the protector of the angel Rafael. Well, Rafael the Elder, Raphael the Younger rejected me the minute I was introduced to him,” said Aziraphale, pouting. “And my - my mate also fell. The older angels, the ones who aren’t - aren’t rude, they tell me that my aura is just like Rafael’s. They think he was meant to be my mate. Maybe it’s why She changed my name, to remind me of what I will never have.”
From Her perch where She watched this scene played out, the Almighty rumbled, “No, no, little one. That wasn’t what I meant at all.”
Hands trembling, Crowley placed his glass on the table, drops of wine spilling on the dark wooden surface, “Your name?”
“Jophiel was my name before. I was given the name Aziraphale as a reminder of who I belonged to, who I’ll never have - ‘of Raphael’,” Aziraphale looked down sadly at his hands wringing on his stomach. “And - and you, dear, did you find your mate?”
The Almighty leaned forward on Her cloud perch, “Do it, starlight, tell him.”
“I - ngk - I,” stammered Crowley, red seeping into his face and offsetting the freckles. “N-no, angel. I did my little dance down into sulfur before I found my mate. And - and they’re not in Hell.”
Aziraphale made a little noise and a wave of affection and nervousness muddled the air between them, “Oh? Do you - do you have any hopes of - of finding them?”
Crowley, snake-like, swayed from side-to-side, unaware of what he was doing, “Maybe - maybe I - don’t need a mate, angel. Maybe, I like not being tied down…make my own decisssions this way. Besides, there’ssss no better company than the one I’ve found myself.”
The wine-pinked cheeks darkened as Aziraphale fought not to thank Crowley for the almost kind words he said and the intensity of the affection flooded the room until, had the feeling been tangible, it would’ve choked the two entities within.
Instead of mulling over the sweetness of the feeling, they turned to the less sweet wine until they had celebrated the opening of the bookshop until early morning.
It was the pang of fear that dragged Her attention to Crowley pacing along the edge of the duck pond at St. James. The swans were tracking him with pinprick eyes as they honed into his bread-empty hands and wondered why they hadn’t been fed.
Fear and desperation snapped away into hurt and fury when Aziraphale denied him the Holy Water he wanted and how the angel’s own worry melted into his own spark of anger forcing the two their separate ways - heart heavy and mourning the delicate nature of their Arrangement.
The Almighty couldn’t help but follow Aziraphale - Crowley having cocooned himself for a long nap - proud of Her principality that found his niche to protect but wishing that She could let him know that Crowley was his to love and keep.
After half a century, She had the pleasure of seeing them - even if it was at the loss of one of Her churches - getting back together. Even more - She let the rolling waves of affection and relief that - 
“Oh,” She said, feeling how the soft, silkiness of Aziraphale’s affection spiked and became something greater - when it became Love and twined around the Love of Crowley towards him. “Oh, my sweet angel, I knew you were capable of so much affection but this, this, is stunning. This is why I created life so that this affection - your affections for each other. This is the right plan - the Ineffable Plan.”
Feelings that only intensified and turned that lust of Soho into smooth melancholia when bombarded by the intense cloud of Love between Aziraphale and Crowley while they sat in the Bentley and admitted their feelings in the words they could say.
The Almighty sighed and at her side, Yeshua let out a quiet mumble that got louder. “Are you sure you can’t meddle a little? This is painful.”
“They have to figure it out on their own. They’re almost there.”
The years they spent at the Dowling household almost was the breaking point. If the Almighty ate, She would’ve been snacking on popcorn as She watched the shy flirting and courting of Brother Francis and Nanny Ashtoreth. Then leaned as far as She could to catch a glimpse of the burning intensity of Cortese and Harrison as they seduced each other almost to the brink and then swirling back down as they came back to their own - back to Aziraphale and Crowley.
Then the fight, and the discorporation, and the ping-ponging dizziness of the end of The End of the World, and finally the escape by the skin of their teeth from the unauthorized punishments until things settled back down and they caught their breath.
“Alright,” She said to Yeshua. “Now I get to meddle. The Ineffable Plan is in full affect.”
She dropped a feather - two feathers - one of black and one of white and let them lay in the bookshop’s back room where her favorite couple could see them. It was Crowley that saw it first, snapping a miracle to send them away with a blush dusting his cheeks - but they wouldn’t disappear. He stopped trying when even picking them up and tossing them didn’t stop them from reappearing in the backroom. 
When Aziraphale caught a glimpse of the book, face finally lifting from the book he was devouring, he went over and picked them up, stroking them with reverent fingers and waited until that night when Crowley was sprawled across the couch to bring it up.
“Crowley,” he said, fingers dancing over the rim of his glass, “do you remember when - when we talked about mates?”
Trembling fingers rested the now downed wine glass onto the table as Crowley turned his attention on his angel, “‘Ziraphale, that was a long time ago. Why? Did you happen to come across them?”
Aziraphale let out a shaky breath before meeting Crowley’s full-snake eyes, “Yes, I - I believe I have.”
The Almighty felt sunnier than ever, trying to keep her shine to the side of the world that was still seeing sun and not to the darkened London sky.
For his part, Crowley looked a little panicked as the color drained from his face, “I - I - wot? Did you - you find them while you were down in Hell pretending to be me?” 
“No, darling,” said Aziraphale, a little smile spreading on his face. “I’ve been obtuse for far too long. I think - I think that I always knew who was my mate - the only person that ever put up with me.”
“O - oh, yeah? Who?”
Aziraphale huffed and moved from his usual spot in the armchair to the couch, back against one of Crowley’s legs and sitting dangerously close to the apex. He reached out a hand and waited a breath away from his cheek, “Is it okay?”
Crowley nodded, swallowing through the thick, cottony feel of his mouth as Aziraphale cupped his cheek.
“My love,” he said, feeling the shiver that ran through Crowley’s body. “It’s always been you, hasn’t it? And you knew but - but you waited for me to realize. My dearest,” he thumbed across the sharp cheekbones under his grasp, “I’m done pretending - you can go a little faster.”
A little whine slipped through Crowley’s mouth as he leaned forward, forehead falling against Aziraphale’s, “You’re mine, Aziraphale. From creation. My principality, my mate, my love.”
“Yours, my love, as you are mine,” he said, upturned nose brushing Crowley’s. “May I kiss you, darling? I’d really like to - that is if you - ”
He didn’t get to finish as Crowley pushed forward and kissed him, sliding closer until his legs were bracketed around Aziraphale’s plush form and his hands wove around his middle to tug him impossibly close. 
Hands held on, gentle but demanding as their one kiss into one long kiss and the Almighty, pleased, pulled the curtain to give them their privacy. After 6000 years, She figured they could have as much time as they wanted to each other.
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lordeasriel · 5 years
mary, asriel & xaphania: the triple symbolism of john milton’s satan figure
We discussed recently in the discord server about how Mary, Xaphania and Asriel are all symbols/metaphors/examples of Satan in Paradise Lost and it really has been nagging me because it’s beautiful in many ways, so I’m gonna rant about that today. I will stretch this to the limit though, be warned, plus feel free to add your thoughts to this mess (i have too much free time on weekends). Under the cut because it is long and it’s also very incoherent, might I add.
Pullman himself can’t seem to settle on who is the actual Satan figure, he goes for Asriel or Xaphania, mostly: Asriel is the metaphorical one, Xaphania is quite the literal (being the figure of the Angel who Rebelled against God, which is Lucifer). Mary isn’t that obvious, but she represents the Serpent, which in the Bible is another one of Satan’s multiple forms.
Asriel, by being the most illusive of them all, is the representation of secrecy and ultimate indignation, a man wrong by the Church. Like the Fallen Angels in the original story, his demise is cause by his Lust, for like the Angels he has watched a daughter of men (Marisa) and fell in love. He was stripped of what made him who he was (his wealth and influence, as opposed to the Angels cast out, who were stripped of their holiness and their higher rank). He fights for freedom, of course, but he is motivated, essentially, by revenge.
Mary is knowledgeable and curious; her role in the story is to play the Serpent, like with Adam and Eve. In the Bible, we are taught that Eve is tempted by the Serpent to take on the forbidden fruit: that simple gesture is both about Greed and Gluttony (or so the Bible tries to teach); however, the Serpent is not offering the fruit as a means of property or food, she offers it as an object to receive Knowledge from. And this is Mary. She is the Scientist and the figure of Experience, she values knowledge and wisdom, and she passes those on to Lyra and Will, and also the Mulefa. The Angels from the original story had a vast array of knowledge that were spread through humankind once they fell (most of their knowledge is considered demonic or evil by the original story, as if they were meant to spread bad things to humans, but you know how it is)
Xaphania is the literal figure of the Rebel Angel. Satan, before being cast out for his disobedience, was an angel and a highly regarded one. Some stories speak that Lucifer refused to acknowledge humanity as equals to angels and fought God because of it, some say that the angels that watched over humanity fell in love with human women (how very straight of them!) and were cast out because of the sin of Lust. The point is that Lucifer was loved the most by God, and was considered to be the most beautiful of the angels. One way or the other, he was cast out for defiance; Xaphania, upon discovering the truth, confronted the Authority and was exiled from the Kingdom of Heaven. She represents the ultimate figure of a warrior, depending on how you read it, she could be the sin of Wrath or Envy.
Pullman opens the first book with a passage from Paradise Lost by John Milton (a poem that essentially inspired the whole book) and something that stood out to me recently is this:
(...) Into this wild Abyss the wary Fiend/ Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while,/ Pondering his voyage... (Paradise Lost, John Milton)
This is easily my favourite part of the excerpt and Pullman doesn’t use the last lines:  “for no narrow frith/ He had to cross.”, but I want to talk about it all the same because it fits with rest of the analysis quite well. In TSK, chapter 12, Mary talks to the Angels and is guided to the window to complete her role as the Serpent and this what Pullman wrote:
“Mary Malone pushed back the chair and stood up, trembling. She pressed her fingers to her temples and discovered the electrodes still attached to her skin. She took them off absently. She might have doubted what she had done, and what she could still see on the screen, but she had passed in the last half-hour or so beyond doubt and belief altogether. Something had happened, and she was galvanized.” (The Subtle Knife, page 251, Knopf Edition).
“Up until this moment she had been moving on pent-up excitement, but as got out of her car in the dark of the small hours and found he night cool and silent and still all around her, she felt a definite lurch of aprehension. Suppose she was dreaming? Suppose it was all some elaborate joke?
Well, it was too late to worry about that. She was committed. She lifted out the rucksack she’d often taken on camping journeys in Scotland and the Alps, and reflected that at least she knew how to survive out of doors; if worst came to worst, she could always run away, take to the hills...”  (The Subtle Knife, page 252, Knopf Edition).
“Deceive the Guardian  — well, she’d done that; but she had no idea what she would find inside the tent. She was prepared for some sort of archaelogical dig; for a dead body; for a meteorite. But nothing in her life or her dreams had prepared her for that square yard or so in midair, or for the silent sleeping city by the sea that she found when stepped through it.” (The Subtle Knife, page 254, Knopf Edition).
This is the beginning of her journey: “Into this wild Abyss (a world of Angels and worlds and Dust, all introduced to her out of a sudden) the wary Fiend (Mary, although believing in it, is constantly cautious about everything that is happening, she is a scientist after all, it is her role to question everything) stood on the brink of Hell (the university, now crowded with security under Boreal’s orders, a place to which she spent years confined to by her work and then the guarded tent, a place she is stuck with until her role is fulfilled) and looked a while (she pushes the chair and stares at the conversation she just had with Angels; she also stares, astonished, at the window, before going through it) pondering his voyage, for no narrow frith he had to cross. (In the second excerpt, Mary finally questions what she’s doing, but in the end, she proceeds with her journey, regardless of what await her.)”
Asriel’s take on the verses is fast and focused on one single point (that we see in the book, given he has no POV, he could have pondered his voyage the moment he sees the city in the Aurora). It’s on chapter 21 of Northern Lights:
Lyra’s father stood there, his powerful dark-eyed face at first fierce, triumphant, and eager; and the the color faded from it; his eyes widened in horror, as he recognized his daughter.
“No! No!” He staggered back and clutched at the mantelpiece. Lyra couldn’t move. (...) He seemed appalled; he kept shaking his head, he held up his hands as if to ward her off; she couldn’t believe his distress. (...) Their daemons [Roger’s and Lyra’s] fluttered out into the warmth, and after a moment Lord Asriel passed a hand acorss his brow and recovered slightly. The color began to return to his cheeks as he looked down at the two.”  (The Golden Compasss, page 364-365, Knopf Edition).
Asriel is already into this wild Abyss (also he is literally there, but shall we not discuss this? lmao)  that is multiple worlds and Dust business, so he watches, triumphant, as the last of his requirements arrive, but it’s Lyra. So he watches her, and loses his mind over it; his pondering is not exactly quiet as he yells at her for being there. He is completely out of his mind that she is his sacrifice; he thinks he is willing to pay any price for his journey, but Lyra makes his crossing much harder to accept. But when he sees Roger, he stops, calms down. “The wary Fiend, stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while”, this was likley the most emotional Asriel has ever felt lol and as he realises Roger is there, he ponders his next move (talking to Lyra, then proceeding with his journey).
He does not actually hesitate at the Bridge, except for his conversation with Mrs. Coulter, but once she says she won’t go with him, he touches Stelmaria, turns around and leaves. He has already accepted his journey.
Xaphania, as we know, is the original Rebel Angel, so we do not have her actual journey, but it’s possible to represent her through the actual poem, after all, she is Lucifer, she has stood on the brink of Hell and pondered her voyage (that of her war and that of when she gave consciouness to humankind and others).
The fallen angels story comes from The Book of Enoch (who, guess what? is that bitch Metatron) and it tells the story of how the angels rebelled against God, following Lucifer and how they were cast out for their sin of disobedience. However, in the book, Archangel Michael (also known as the First Angel) is the one who casts out the angels for their defiance.  Xaphania, essentially, fights the first angel because she finds out he has been lying about being the creator and she, as well as the others, are cast out by him.
I did some light research (cause 1. I refuse to read that book 2. It gets weird fast when you research this theme) and the biggest consensus I found was that "Their consciousness therefore “fell” to lower levels of vibration and awareness as they were, by cosmic law, “cast out into the earth” by Archangel Michael and his legions of good angels.”  (I found this on a spiritual site, so take “good angels” with a pinch of salt and by pinch, I mean the whole salt bowl). This matches Pullman’s own plot for Xaphania and the rebel angels, as she is the one who brought consciouness into the world, although she did so out of her own will.
One thing that stood out the most to me while reading about this, is that the angels in the Book of Enoch were forced to descend and exist as humans, creating what we refer to as Nephilim. When they fall, they do so as consciouness, and while Xaphania is the literal Satan figure, by being the physical angel, Asriel and Mary are human; I do not think they are angels, of course, but from a metaphorical point of view, to think of them as pieces of the Rebel Angel consciouness, once Xaphania fell, is quite beautiful.
Fun fact: while researching, I found out that Lucifer is a latin name for Venus when it shows itself on its morning appearances; Venus is associated often to women and the female in general, which makes Xaphania’s female shape quite interesting and not that outside of the original idea.
That are others instances where Asriel and Mary ponder their journeys, but these are the most important ones because they are the first time they do it. Funny enough, Asriel do not ponder at the Abyss lmao This is one messy text, but I hope you had fun if you read it all bye
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kazashiniwielder · 5 years
My top 3 most powerful Supernatrual scenes
So, I got the idea to write this thanks to a friendly chat on this site, but there are some super incredible scenes in Supernatural. There are a lot that come to mind when I think of different things, almost all of Yellow Feaver and Clap if you believe when I think about comedy; a list of episodes when I think of loss, and a even a few when I think of the characters being happy. But there are also some I think of when I just think of power or impact, so my top three list!
Number 3: Dean talking to Sam about closing the gates of Hell/ the angels fall
That moment where Dean is begging Sam not to finish the last trial to close the gates of Hell. Dean has learned that if Sam finishes this trial he will die. The moment Dean learns that he rushes to Sam because he can’t live without Sam. Their whole lives they have only had each other, neither even really met other hunters until they’re dad died.
Sam for his part sees this as his responsibility. Sam wants to go through with it because he can’t let people get hurt but more importantly he believes if he doesn’t finish this, he will let Dean down again. Sam genuinely believes he has let Dean down so much, the fact he chose Ruby over Dean, the fact he left Dean in Purgatory for a year because he didn’t look for him, to Sam it is all just him letting down Dean over and over again. Sam sees Dean’s relationships in that season as Dean replacing him with people he can ‘trust’ and he can’t bare to see that happen again.
And Dean realizes Sam believes he hates him, that Sam believes he truly let Dean down and isn’t important to him and he knows if he can’t make Sam understand how important he is, he is going to lose Sam for good. Sam is the most important thing in Dean’s life, someone he has killed one of his best friends he ever had over just to ensure Sam made it back safely. And Sam actually caves, understanding and Dean begs him to let it all go, an Sam does. And there's that moment of relief on their faces, they succeeded and no one is about to die.
Then shit hits the fan. Sam goes down as his body starts to fall apart and Dean is terrified. He doesn’t know what to do, and the only thing he can think of is getting them out and getting Sam to some help and as he gets Sam outside he sees all the angels falling, he knows they lost and Cas was tricked, and the worst possible outcome they imagined has just happened. Earth is about to be filled was confused and powerful angles and Sam is in his arms dying and he has no one to turn to because as Sam put it ‘all your friends are dead Dean’, except for Cas who for all Dean knows in this moment could be dead.
Number 2: Fare thee well
I really like this scene because we have two stages to start. We have Dean who is sitting with Sam and he’s realizing that he is the only person that is going to make it out. He sees Sam dying in his arms again, he hears the people in the next room dying, and he knows everyone outside is already dead and gone. Just a few minutes ago he was told he will be the only survivor and now, he understands that. At this point Dean is at his all time low. He knows there is nothing he can do and he’s about to lose everything. At the same time Metatron has finally spoken his peace to God/Chuck. Chuck tells him to read his manuscript, that he’s going to like it as he picks up the guitar and begins to sing.
So we Metatron, whose hope is rising, believing he had an impact to his ‘father’ and friend, that he believes maybe he made a difference, that Chuck is going to save them from Amara and come back to them. His hopes had building this whole time with Chuck beginning to take an interest, to stop hiding and truly show himself.
Then Chuck starts singing, and it’s not some big raging song, but a farewell balled. And as the song goes you see two very different reactions. Dean sees Sam’s pocket start to glow with an amulet that shouldn’t be there, and the boys know what that means. God, a man who they gave up all hope in, was there. And Sam is suddenly healed, and so are the people in the building. And Sam and Dean are trying to process and understand because now people aren’t dying and the amulet is telling them God is there. And they start to go outside, seeing these people who were dead or dying getting up and you can see hope building in the boys.
Meanwhile Metatron is reading the manuscript and you see the hope fall away. Now we as the watchers during the first watch didn’t know what it said, but judging from the situation, the song, and what we know about Chuck in that moment, we can figure it out. This is Chuck saying good bye. He doesn’t plan to make it through this fight, something that paralleled John on his life quest. He wasn’t planning to survive the confrontation with Azazel. So we as the viewers are seeing this stark contrast in the reactions to God’s big return. To the humans he is bringing hope, but to those who know that this is his suicide mission, it brings despair.
And then Sam and Dean see Chuck among the people. Chuck, a man who they were sure was dead because there can’t be two profits at once and we’ve already meet two more since Chuck so surly he is dead. But he’s not, he’s standing in front of them and the amulet is telling them that this guy who they knew as a drunk who wrote shitty paperback books in his underwear is God, and holy shit is he powerful because he just saved and revived and entire town like it was nothing. And he just turns to these two lost and confused boys, boys that up to this point have seen their life so small that there is no way someone like God would even notice they existed, but no God has been writing books about them for years and he just walks up to them saying they need to talk and you can just see the two boys standing there trying to understand what is going on.
1. Dean facing Lucifer and Michael
To me, this is the MOST powerful scene in Supernatural, which makes sense because it was originally supposed to be on of the last. So we have Dean, who at this point has seen everyone, his father figure, his best friend and guardian angel, give up hope. They have all made it clear that there is nothing else that can be done, the world is lost. And Dean has just lost his brothers to these crazy angel that are about to torch the world but Dean isn’t ready to take it lying down. He’s not stupid or crazy enough to believe he actually has a chance to defeat two of the most powerful beings in the world, especially at once, but it isn’t in Dean’s nature to just give up, and worst comes to worst then his brothers aren’t going to go through this alone, because he’s going to be there.
And you got Sam who is trapped inside his own body. He had taken a major gamble, giving Lucifer his body on the chance he could cage him, but Lucifer overpowered him an it didn’t work. And he’s trapped with Lucifer, who is throwing a tantrum, slightly justified but still not necessary to wipe out the world because Daddy put you in time out for a few millennia.
And you have Adam, who until not long ago had no idea any of this existed and to make matters worse he was even dead and at peace until the angels tried to use him as bait for an older brother he had known nothing about. And now, because that brother wouldn’t ‘play his part’ he’s being forced to do it for a man who believes that he is doing the right thing and has the self-righteous attitude to back it up.
So Michael and Lucifer show up on the battlefield, and Sam and Adam can only watch knowing what is about to happen but knowing there is nothing they can do about it, and these two sets of brothers do truly love each other but they have their reasons for being there and the only way out is a fight that is going to destroy half the world and two of them that are standing there. They both express regret, how they don’t want to do this, but they both feel like it is the right thing to do.
And then you just hear ‘Rock of Ages’ blare along with the Impala’s engine. The sound of that engine, especially for Sam and some of the fans has been associated with the cavalry, that everything is going to be fine and work out some how because the boys are all there and they can make it through anything. And the song that Dean played (on a cassett mind you because by this point people stopped selling cassets but I have a whole thing about how Dean represents the old way of hunting, the traditional ideas of hunters but I’m going to spare you that) demonstrates what is Dean in this moment, announcing that he has arrived and is not just going to leave. And Dean drives up to what is about to be an archangel smack down, unarmed and without any form of back up or help. He’s just a normal freaking person who both of these archangels are mildly annoyed with for his defiance and refusal to do as they wanted and he just get’s out of the car like it’s nothing. Like these two beings couldn’t just cease his existence with a snap of their fingers with that cocky grin on his face and they know he shouldn’t be there, that this is the dumbest thing either of them can fathom a lowly human doing and Dean just casually get’s out like ‘Howdy boys. Am I interrupting something?”
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=// Tale of The Five Realms //=
 The Wind was cold as was the ground, snow clothed the mountain like a veil soft and fragile, yet it was stubborn and harsh to those who would dare to underestimate it, it was the place which so many years ago had been chosen to be where the reunion would take place each time it was to be held, usually about ten years apart from each other this time was different, not because of the timing or because the general situation had changed, but because for the first time in many years, where the offspring of the lords to take place within the reunion, deeming that the growth of each of their realms was to be led by the future leaders each of them send out their offspring or at least the closest thing to a future leader to represent them within the Council of Five peaks, it was an ancient tradition and it was the first time it had been changed in history, but it was to take place nevertheless, for good or bad, change or to say, progress was necessary.
The room was quiet yet it most of the guests had arrived, the council itself was simple, a silver hall with six doors, five of them for each of the Realms while the last one lead to the insides of the fortress, at the center of the room stood a star shaped table, four of its five seats taken, to say the silence was unbearable would be an understatement, Makao could not stand it anymore. –“What a Surprise Sains, She doesn’t care enough about you being attacked to at least arrive in time! Wouldn’t that be a pity end for you?”- he snorted at the end of his mockery, his guard chuckled under her helmet, Lumen standing besides Makao couldn’t help but to grow a seemingly teasing grin across her clean face. Sain rose an eyebrow before answer –“Well, being that I am here and I can see your face, I understand why she’d like to avoid looking at as much as possible”- Sain got his hands together before tilting his head forward a bit, making the other young man growl within his seat. Daniel being the moderator did nothing but shake his head, crossing his arms and resting against his sear. Makao, the Heir of Judgement, he served as one of the two representatives for the faction of the Skies the place most humans refer to as “haven” to say he was what they’d consider an “angel” as his tittle would imply he, is the one that one day call for the judgment of each being in the realm of man, he was a clean looking young man, he dressed properly with a blazer and business pants, to show off his rank and status his right arm wore a golden decorated pauldron with a small golden cape hanging down from it and across his back, he had a clear and light well-kept brown hair, it was silky and seemingly shun to the light of the room, pulled backwards despite it not being that long itself, in general he gave the appeal of an arrogant noble which to an extent he behaved as, standing guard behind him was his guardian Raguel the Archangel of justice, she stood proud in full armor, a helmet concealing her porcelain face, leaving only sunlight strands of hair to extend into a long ponytail behind her. They both stood proudly and In a way imposing as if trying to keep the attention of the room to themselves, even if he was still the second to Lumen, he was proud of his kin and of the legacy his names held, he truly despised Maryel’s lack of reasonability to simply arrive early, one would expect someone who would one day be tasked with the passing of souls to the afterlife would be much more punctual, but such wasn’t the fate, regardless of his dislike for her attitude he couldn’t go ahead and directly insult her without her being present, even if she was it would be improper of a beacon of justice like him to do so without direct provocation despite of how much he felt it was well deserved.
 Speaking of, she was dealing with her own troubles, Martyel didn’t find her own real ma comfortable place to truly live around mostly because she usually had to say with her father who ruled a much more grim part of the reality she originated from, so instead of directly telling him she preferred to be with her mother she chose to make a life for herself in the world of man, to an extent, she held a long façade of living a life as a university student, this however led to the issue that when she received the call to go to the council she would not have the time to attend some events within her fake life and arrive at the Realm of death, as such she fixed a plan to simply keep going with her life and when the time came she’d reach the council through the door of Man, this of course led to another issue that Samael couldn’t exactly fly all the way to the top so they had already been climbing up the snow for a while which bothered her beyond anything else at the moment. –“Oi”- she broke silence, but he as usual didn’t really answered –“Oi!”- she repeated, now receiving a response by having him stop in his track and turn to look back at her, he didn’t speak but she at least knew he was paying her attention. –“Say, how long is it till we get there?”- her guardian held up his right hand and began to pretend to count with his fingers before shrugging his shoulders, Maryel pouted in return and began to complain while the two continued walking –“You know what I’ll tell dad you were being rude to me, unless you let me climb on shoulders the rest of the way… hey! Hey!! Sam! Don’t ignore me! I’m your boss!!!” By now he council room had grown much more stressed, Sain and his body guard both seemed bored beyond consent as did Mako and Raguel, Lumen herself however drank down another cup of coffee as if nothing while her guardian simple remained quiet, Just as Raguel he was completely hidden under his armor and like Makao, Lumen dressed as if royalty, an elegant white dress with long sleeves covering both her arms, similarly to her peer she wore armor as decoration in her case she wore a light mostly decorative piece of armor for her upper torso, hers shun just as much as her golden colored hair did her gleaming blue eyes simply gazing into nothing calmly. Daniel however seemed to be concerned tapping his foot against the foot reputedly, he was by himself a scary thought he was the only human in the room, and he was also the only one without a partner. He truly stood out the most, among angels and demons there was this man in his early twenties, dressed in a simply coat and business pants, ruffled hair and a rough face, he had a fair complexion though nowhere near as tan as Sain, his hair was brown thought the tone was so dark it was hard to actually tell, he was originally going to start smoking until Lumen’s glare drove his hand away from the match, it was a truly awkward situation for him.
 The Door behind him would burst open slamming against a wall as the cold air and snow rushed into the whole room, Daniel covering his head for a moment until the door was closed, Martyel stepped out, she wore simple tubed pants, snow boots and a heavy trench coat along with a simple beret to cover her head, among all of those she stood the shortest ironically she was the loudest, she announced herself by extending her arms into the air while shouting and announcing herself to the rest of those in the room, her voice was somewhat immature but not childish. –“ YOU EXPECTED A YETI, BUT IT WAS I MARTYEL!”- Chuckling to herself Maryel would lower her arms and take of the beret, lobbing it to her guardian who easily caught hold of it, while she made her way to her own sear, passing by Sain she’d simply share a brief high five with him before finally taking seat lifting her feet up and over the table before crossing her arms behind her own head, she’d smile up her skin was rather colorful for someone who represented death and her hair despite being black carried a hue of blue with itself. Her guardian was the weirder looking one, he wore a wide trench coat ragged and scratched covering most of his figure while keeping his head hidden under a wide hoodie, he had a scar wrapped around his neck further hiding his face in shades leaving only his eyes notable.
Raguel, growled to herself quietly in turn because she was the counterpart to him, as they were both bodyguards to the seconds of a young lord, but in turn because to her, he was a sour reminder of a failure within her kin, a fallen angel furthermore one that allowed himself to be twisted for the use of the lord of death, she couldn’t help but to speak up. –“To see you’d allow yourself to arrive late yet again! What a disgrace”- on the Spot Martyel frowned and snapped her finger, the silence grew different. All four of the Guardians where now on stance, well three of them, Mako’s guard stayed in her place behind him but Raguel and Metatron, both where on guard she had drawn her great sword as Metatron had his mace, Samael on his end held an inverted grip on a weird curved blade, the blade itself was longer than his arm nearly as long as himself to be precise, before any true violence begun Makao stood up and spoke calmly. “Would you behave yourselves? This reunion is meant to keep peace between our realms for the sake of one another, if you have any personal bouts with one another leave them outside of this….understood?” Words spoken Samael hung his blade on his back, Raguel and Metatron looked at each other before following and returning to their places behind their Lords, Makao looked at all of them before sitting again himself. Looking back up at Daniel who seemed stoic despite the clear fact he had to be terrified, with a sigh of concern and relief he’d speak again. “Well, shall we start now?"
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yiansu · 7 years
Channeling Archangel Michael and Metatron: Quantum Selves
-This is Michael in presence here. Benevolent ones, welcome the radiant light that is emanating from us, Angels, Archangels, Your guides, Your Guardian Angels and your quantum selves! Let it flow inside and outside of you, welcome it, invite it and ask for it. Everything moves the moment you ask and intent for it. You can choose to live your life, going from another moment to the other on a autopilot or you can go on with the life, by beginning on an intention, asking and being the thing  you want to intent your life is going to unfold. Life is responding to you, at all times, it never rests. It is always in response to your feelings, thoughts and your inner being. Stay alert and conscious my dear friends and brothers/sisters. -Did you say your quantum selves? What does that mean? -Dear one, do you believe that you are the only one being? That you are only for example Bobbie? Or do you believe that you are a quantum being? That you have Multiple selves of you? That you are not only from this reality, but many other and different realities that exist and emanate from within you, that lives in sync with you, at this very moment? -Like, our past lives and future lives are simultaneously in synch within us in this very moment, are we correct? -Yes indeed, my dear friend! You can live your life, thinking that you are only Bobbie, only one life, only one chance and dying, not knowing what crosses on the other side in which you can't see and grasp. Or you can believe that you are not only in this life as Bobbie, but from your past life, future life, different realities and parallel lives that live in sync with you. What does all of this mean for us you might ask us. -Metatron: This will instantly shift your entire perspective and view not only on yourself, but on other's lives and ultimately, life itself. You are not just perceiving a thing, a form when you do things in life. You are becoming the very thing, the very action that you are doing and being. You will live your life as more grander and wider view/perspective on the future, past and in the present moment,  simultaneously! You will start live your life as more to experience rather than to learn and follow some sort of ideology or belief that you thought you need to acquire. You will have more connection, alignment and integration your entire soul, monad, higher and quantum selves that reache across from all dimensions, alternative and parallel lives. You will start integrating all of your talents, abilities, gifts and wisdom in your present moment. You are becoming the very flow, the zone and the universe itself. -Amazing... overwhelming to say at least... What can we do to connect our quantum selves? -Michael: First, start to see, live and act that you have 12, including you, that lives inside you. When you speak, speak as all of the 12 beings as one voice. When you need to think, analyze, calculate or reach for a conclusion/decisions, do it with all of your entire 12 beings within you. Walk, act, live, speak, think, feel and be, your quantum selves. You are part of all of that is. Metatron: Another great way to connect and integrate your quantum selves is with meditation and visualization. Imagine and visualize yourself a golden ring around you. The golden ring can be felt when you bring and connect  your heart/thymus area, solar plexus area and your pineal gland, which is the center of the head. Feel and connect with your heart/thymus with the left side of you. Let the left side of you bring close to your heart/thumys area. With the right side of you, feel and connect the right side of your head and feel the right side glowing inside with white/golden colours. With your intention, bring the right side of your whole body, up towards to the heaven above your head and the left side of you bring downwards to the roots of your coccyx, to the mother earth. Make the right side ascend upwards and the left side descent downwards. Finally, dear brothers and sisters, there's no more ''I'', ''Me'' and ''Mine'' in the vocabulary. Instead, replace it with ''We'', ''Us'' and ''Ours''. You can say: ''We are Robert'', instead of ''I am Robert''. What this does, is that you are referring and knowing that you are a multidimensional being, a quantum being and know that you are part of all that is, that you are not separated from everything and anything that you might and thought to believe. You are connecting and experiencing more celestial and magical vibration/energy when you are starting to know and acknowledging quantum sides of all that is. -Thank you very much for your wisdom and knowledge Metatron and Michael. We are very grateful and we will want to come back for more questions! -Thank you very much for your time and attention, dear brothers and sisters! We are always here at present with you. Request and ask for us, ask for help and guidance. Nothing will come without your permission, since we are respecting your free will. We are always with you, dear one. You are us and we are you. Good day and blessings to you!
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sevenraysoflight · 6 years
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Hilarion is the chohan of the green ray of healing and truth. He is the hierarch of the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane near Crete, Greece.
Hilarion was high priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis, and he transported the flame of Truth together with the artifacts of the Temple to Greece a short time before the sinking of the continent.
The focus of Truth that he established became the focal point for the Oracles of Delphi, messengers of Truth who served under the direction of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years, until black priests penetrated the Delphic Order and perverted the Truth that had been brought forth. The Brotherhood then withdrew this service to embodied mankind, since people were unable to distinguish between Truth and error.
Hilarion sponsors teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders and missionaries, as well as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields, mathematicians, musicians, those specializing in computer and space technology and those who work with all forms of media and communications.
Together with fifth-ray masters and the Brotherhood of Crete, Hilarion works steadfastly to draw their consciousness into a greater and greater appreciation of the full spectrum of Truth, which most have experienced only in part. To take them from a partial knowledge of truth to self-awareness in the divine wholeness of Truth is the goal of these brothers.
Hilarion instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the green ray of Truth.
We can call to Hilarion and the Brotherhood of Crete for healing and wholeness, for the conversion of souls and for the exposure of truth in the media.
Master Hilarion – Emerald Ray of Healing and Science
Hilarion, teacher of immortal Truth, Divine Science, all physical and metaphysical branches of science and the healing arts; the eternal empiricist who brings the seeker to the initiate path of the apostle Paul: “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free, i.e. Whole!”
Doctors, scientists, healers, musicians, mathematicians and those consecrated to truth serve on the fifth ray with Hilarion.
Initiation: Third-Eye Chakra Gift of the Holy Spirit: Healing Retreat: Temple of Truth Crete, Greece Vibration: Green, Gold Music: Onward, Christian Soldiers may be played to draw the radiance of Hilarion Gemstone: Emerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal Quality: Truth, Science, Vision, Abundance Day: Wednesday
Quick Prayer: “Beloved Hilarion, in the name of the Christ: Teach me the way of truth and the divine application of science and healing.”
Hilarion's Previous Lifetimes
Hilarion was embodied as a high priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis who transported the flame of Truth to Greece.
Hilarion's most famous lifetime was as Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.
Jesus sponsored Paul as Saint Hilarion (c. 290 to 372 AD), the founder of monasticism in Palestine, his final incarnation to fulfill the law of balancing his karma incurred in the persecuting of Christians and the consenting to their death.
At the conclusion of his embodiment as the great healing saint, Hilarion, following in the footsteps of his Lord, ascended in the ritual that Jesus had demonstrated.
Hilarion on His Lifetime as Saint Paul
Hilarion has recalled for us his encounter with the Christ in his lifetime as the Apostle Paul:
“Jesus the Christ we called him, and we were called of him as you are called this day. I recall the memories of his coming to me, empowering me with his Word. Yet first he humbled me on that road to Damascus, the humbling I sorely needed that I might bow to my own Christ flame that he revealed to me, as he also gave to me the key of meditation upon that flame that I might walk in his footsteps on the fifth ray of science and healing and apostleship and the preaching of the Word.
“Often I felt like the hands and the feet and the heart of Hercules, wrestling with the downward spirals of the earth with their atheism, their agnosticism, their intellectual pride and rancor against the prophets and the Holy One of God so recently come into our midst. Yet, all the while I remembered I was once counted among them. To have been once so proud and so deliberate against the will of God would forever burn in my memory the helplessness that we all have as instruments of God. But the great empowering by the Word comes, my beloved, in the hour of the conversion. It is not the hour of the call, but the hour of the conversion when the soul answers with something that is deep. It is the flowing, it is the giving, it is that surrender when, as He said: ‘It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks…'
“My soul knew Him as of old and recalled to my outer mind the memory of the inner vow. It was not the first time I had seen the Lord Christ. I had seen him before taking incarnation, and yet I had to work through that pride, that karma on the fifth ray of much learning, much studying and superiority in social standing and intellectual standing that I had in regards to the early Christians. And so, it was my own karma that was upon me whereby I was resisting the call.”
“My Lord did pursue me as I made my journey on the road to Damascus. Yes, beloved, I was blinded, not by his light but by my own sin and the alchemy of his light penetrating the record of sin in my being. Thus, I was turned around, converted by the Spirit of the Lord in the full manifestation of Jesus Christ upon me.”2
For a period following his conversion to Christ, Paul retreated into the Arabian desert. In Galatians 1:16–18, Paul records, “I conferred not with flesh and blood. Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem.”
Commentators have often speculated as to what Paul did during his sojourn in the desert. Hilarion has explained that Jesus took him “with others into his retreat over the Holy Land and at Arabia. I have been there and learned of him. And this was my desert sojourn in meditation with him, taken up as I was in my finer bodies and trained directly heart to heart.”
Hilarion on Healing by the Light of God
Use the Science of the Spoken Word to Connect with Healing Light
“The mighty science of alchemy is the science of divine healing. And that healing ray may be understood by you as the mighty tone of God—the tone of his symphony. You will not be able to perceive or to have the power of that chord magnetized unto you until you have achieved the integration of the four lower bodies [etheric, mental, emotional, physical]. For each of the notes of that mighty chord is played upon one of those four lower bodies. And therefore, if you perfect but one or but two, you will have only two notes of the chord…
Ultimately it is the light that is the source of all healing.”
Give the following healing affirmation four times, once for each of your four lower bodies:
“I AM, I AM, I AM the resurrection and the life of my four lower bodies now made manifest!”
For more ihttps://www.summitlighthouse.org/hilarion/nformation:
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Archangel Raphael is one of the most well known healing angels, and the main archangel who oversees healing for living beings on Earth. He is an incredibly kind and powerful angelic being, who is ready, willing and waiting to connect with you directly if you so desire.
When called upon Raphael brings powerful healing to mind, body, and spirit.
He may surround you with emerald green healing light to nurture your entire being, and rejuvenate your physical vitality.
He often brings healing through guidance too and with the powerful divine guidance from Archangel Raphael, you can activate and use your bodies innate ability to heal itself.
In some cases Raphael does help to trigger instant and miraculous healing, though this is not always the case… Sometimes you will be required to listen to his guidance and take action yourself to align with the healing you seek.
The guidance from Archangel Raphael may not be in the way you expect, as he will both directly and indirectly communicate with you to guide you in the direction of full healing, vibrant health, and well-being.
With practice and perseverance you can even learn to work with Archangel Raphael to heal others.
Archangel Raphael Helps Travelers Too!
Okay, really Archangel Raphael helps everyone who calls upon him… So this may be better said, “Archangel Raphael is really good at helping travelers.”
Call upon Archangel Raphael and your guardian angels as you head off on a road trip, before heading to the airport, as your plane takes off, or when you're getting on a bus or train and Archangel Raphael will surround you with healing light to protect, uplift and comfort you on your journey.
Raphael can also help you to stay healthy during travel, and to smooth out any hurdles or challenges you encounter on your trip!
Invite Archangel Raphael to Help You!
Whether for healing, travel, or guidance… I have had found the process of connecting with Archangel Raphael to be incredibly powerful, loving, rewarding, and not to mention healing!
To me Archangel Raphael has a more serious presence than some of the other Archangels, like Metatron or Orion… But despite this, Raphael has such an incredible love presence… He's always willing to help when called upon, and will help you in your life in a variety of ways.
When you call upon Raphael to help you, he will always answer…
So after you ask for help… Quiet your mind and be aware of your surroundings.
Raphael may connect with you through your intuition, in the form of thoughts that spontaneously come into your awareness, or by helping you to over hearing a fragment of a conversation that is going on around you.
Archangel Raphael may connect you with healing energy directly, or he may guide you to create changes in your life so that you align yourself with the healing you seek.
When working with angels it is best to be open to how the angelic assistance will appear and to release any expectations you may have about how the experience will go. This way, you can simply enjoy and benefit from the process instead of worrying whether things are going as they should.
When you ask for angels help they will always answer… but its best to let them to choose how to help. Instead of telling your angels what you need, simply outline the situation you would like help with, and be open to how they assist.
Sometimes your request for help will be in the form of a brilliant idea, or a dream you have that guides you in the right direction. You may receive an instant and miraculous healing from Archangel Raphael, or he may guide you to change your diet and lifestyle to accomplish the same goal.
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ask-angels · 5 years
Negative thinking lowers your vibration and blocks you off from manifesting what you really want. So how do you STOP your Negative Thoughts in their tracks? Learn this simple technique to stop negative thinking and reset your mind and your vibration FAST. Read the Transcript of this Video from Melanie Beckler here: Hey Melanie Beckler here. In this video, I am going to share with you a powerful and yet simple process to stop negative thoughts fast. The first step of this process is just a general recognition that negative thinking does nothing positive to improve your situation. There's a little sneakiness on behalf of the lower personality self. The Ego mind that believes that negativity has a purpose, that worrying about someone is helping in some way or that negativity is in some way protecting you from potential detrimental influences in your surroundings. This is not true. Take a moment to think about how negativity, how worry, how doubt really does nothing to positively impact your life situation and in fact, it lowers your vibration and changes your point of attraction. When you're negatively focused around something, you're far more likely to manifest that Po, that negative experience. Then the positive experience that is possible for you in your life. So staying positive is so powerful. There's so many books and quotes and examples of how when you positively change your thoughts, you can change your life, but believe me, I got that. It's not always easy to positively change your thoughts in an instant because that voice of negativity, fear, doubt, worry, judgment can be so loud. So that's where this simple process comes in to stop negative thinking in its tracks so that you can then choose a positive thought of gratitude, of love, of sending a blessing instead. So to stop the negative thought, focus your attention in the center of your mind, recognize that you're having a negative thought. And then imagine that you, with all of your attention and awareness are actually standing there inside of your mind. Present with your Guardian Angel surrounded with golden light and with authority and with energy. Push out negative thoughts from your mind. So imagine that you're actually present there. Your inner divine light being present in your mind. Present in your mental sphere and with help from your guardian angel, visualize actually forcibly pushing out the negative thoughts, pushing them out of your mind, pushing them out of your consciousness, pushing them out of this present point in time. And when you do that, you can return to peace, presence, and stillness within tuning into the golden light. And ingelvac energy that is beneath the surface of the negative thought. And then choosing to refill your mind with gratitude, with love, or with a blessing in stat. So instead of worrying, instead of fearing whatever you've just pushed out, refocus in on something you're grateful for. Now this could be reliving the most magical, positive, beautiful experience of your life. You can remember, go to that place, transport yourself to that magical memory and feel what it felt like. See what was around you, hear the sounds and reexperience that feeling gratitude for that magic. Or You could just go through a list of all the things you're grateful for, your house. The tree is around the sunshine, your loved ones, and the list goes on. And finally you can choose to send blessings, the energy of blessing. May you be well, may you be loved. May you experience kindness, compassion, healing, positive frequency. When you push out negative thoughts and return to love, gratitude and the energy of blessing. Instead you positively change your point of attraction and bring yourself into alignment with manifesting the blessings and the outcomes you actually seek that are in direct opposition to the negativity that has a way of emerging. So push out the negativity, return to love and realign vibrationally, energetically with your highest possible timeline, with the energy that is in alignment with what you really want. Want further assistance shifting your thinking from negative to positive? Check out this FREE 3 Minute Meditation with Archangel Michael here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc1rR1JjG_c Listen to a 12 Minute Angel Meditation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoVruXPh7mU Or... Clear Limiting Beliefs and Patterns with assistance from Archangel Metatron here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r63FPPTtRRQ
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alchinme · 5 years
Hi, can I please have an angel messages reading? Thank u - Analise ❤️
Hello Analise! Of course! 
Your main guardian right now is Archangel Jeremiel. The angel of spiritual vision, life review, dream interpretation,emotions. He can help us process not only our visions and dreams but our emotions. Call on him when you are in need of clarity and emotional understanding. He can help us let go of the past and help bring in those life lessons we need to learn. 
The card I pulled for you is Indigo and Crystal Children with Archangel Metatron. “You have a bond with those who are sensitive or you yourself might connect with the thought of crystals or being an indigo yourself.” 
I hope this resonates with you! Sending you love and light!
Tips are appreciated! 
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bevsmith · 6 years
Trusting in Angels
It’s really hard to just trust. To stop that little nagging worry at the back of your mind about the problems we face in this human life on this planet struggling under the burden of humanity. Knowing that worry is not achieving anything, it’s still hard…but so worth trying.
 I sometimes manage to get Trusting right. When I am in the middle of a meditation and FEEL the love of the Angels wrapped around me and tears come. The love is just too much to fit inside me and tears are Angel love leaking out of my eyes. Then I Trust. I Trust that all will happen in the Universe’s time. To just let go of the silly worries and Trust. Do my best and Trust. Then it is as though a weight lifts off me and I am light again.
 When I am wrapped around with Angel love I realise how stupid it is to worry about things over which I have no control. But trusting and doing nothing is not enough. Do your best to overcome adversity and Trust in Angels. Guardian angels, angels you have called to you, random angels you feel kinship with, any angels you like.
 I have four angels with me constantly. My guardian angel Caleb who has always been with me and trust always will be, Archangel Michael whom I have asked to stay with me and lead and guide me, Archangel Metatron whose steadiness and strength keeps me grounded and Mother Mary who always has my back.
 Trust in angels, it’s the thing to do.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Your Spirit Team was assigned to you before you entered into your physical body and is here to guide, comfort, protect and reassure your soul on it’s earthly journey.
Everyone has a Spirit Team, and the more you invite their guidance in, the stronger the role they will play in your life.
There are 3 main beings that make up your Spirit Team:
Spirit Guides were once human but have ascended to a higher level of consciousness to become angelic guides.
Spirit Guides are assigned to you because they have a deep understanding of the soul lessons that you need to learn in this life time. They can also be a religious figure, a soulmate, an animal, or a loved one who has crossed over.
Spirit Guides are there to offer you guidance, support and clarity to the situations in your life. They will never tell you what to do, but they will always guide you to the right answer.
Most of us have more than one Spirit Guide and can connect with them through simply asking and staying open to the signs.
Unlike Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels have never been human before and have only ever existed in Divine form.
They are high energy beings who are here to protect and watch out for your soul on its earthly journey.
They can be called upon when you need protection, or when you are feeling frightened or scared about a situation. They can also offer comfort, guidance and reassurance.
Most of us have more than one Guardian Angel and can connect with them by simply inviting them in and staying opening and trusting to the signs that are received.
Archangels are the master Angels and oversee all souls on earth and even other Angels and Spirit Guides.
They are of an extremely high vibration and can be evoked to help through any problem or issue, or when you need protection. No problem is too small for an Archangel!
While Guardian and Spirit guides can sometimes be unique to the individual, everyone has access to the same Archangels.
Culturally, the names of the Archangels may change, but these are the main Archangels that most people identify with:
Archangel Michael: a powerful archangel of protection, helps you to release fear, worry, clear negative energies and find lost belongings.
Archangel Gabriel: the archangel of communication, new beginnings and strength. Can help you to find your higher calling.
Archangel Metatron: is the Divine record keeper and a powerful spiritual teacher. Can help you to release and let go of the past and can help you tap into your Divine connection.
Archangel Raphael: the main archangel that oversees healing of all living creatures. Inviting him in can also help activate your own self-healing process.
Archangel Haniel: the archangel of energy, vitality and passion. She can release lower vibrations and evoke healing and love.
Archangel Ariel: a powerful archangel that is can be called upon to evoke personal power and strength.
Archangel Muriel: the archangel of peace and harmony, she oversees emotions, unconditional love and compassion. She can also help protect those with intuitive or empathic abilities.
Archangel Chamuel: the archangel of protection, peace and compassion.
Archangel Uriel: the light of God, she is an illumination of light for all human souls. She represents openness and willingness to receive love and allows you to deepen your spiritual connection.
Archangel Zadkiel: the archangel of cleansing, forgiveness and freedom. Can be called upon to help you raise your vibration and bring about forgiveness to a situation.
Archangel Azrael: assists souls in making the transition from physical life to the after life.
Everyone has a Spirit Team which is always available at any time, no matter the circumstances or the level of enlightenment.
It may seem simple, but connecting with your Spirit Team is really about welcoming them in to your life, keeping an open mind and trusting so you can remain open to their messages.
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