#when he knows meng yao was just sitting... just sitting there oh my god da ge
jin-zixun · 5 months
Rewatching the Empathy scenes, even though it's the CQL version and they had JGY play the song of turmoil before being thrown down the stairs and threatened with death like... NMJ still comes off unhinged and kind of a dick actually.
And like that's fine he's a qi deviating fierce corpse he should be a lil unhinged but like man idk how you can see all that and be like "yeah chifeng-zun all that sounds legit jgy is fully in the wrong here"
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
Modern 3zun/A-Fu Verse--Baby Acquisition Continuation
[Part 1] [Modern A-Fu Verse] [AO3 Series]
[Crediting @little-smartass​ with a lot of the characterization/story beats because I’m positive we’ve had a conversation about this at some point]
“He really is as bald as a little cue ball, isn’t he?”
It took Meng Yao several seconds to register that words had been spoken, another to parse the words, then another to tear his gaze up from the pile of early childhood development books he was accumulating in his lap, color coded tabs bristling from the edges. Da-ge was sprawled in the corner of their enormous sage green couch in his slacks and undershirt, bathed in the ghostly, swimming glow of the TV on mute. He was looking down fondly at the newborn tucked into the crook of his arm, fast asleep with his fist shoved up against his face.
A newborn that was, in fact, very bald. And so very tiny.
“Is that normal? Is that a sign of something?” Meng Yao began to anxiously dig around in the plush crevices of the armchair he was folded into for his phone, preparing to search something along the lines of ‘is baby baldness bad??’
On the other half of the L of the couch from Mingjue, Xichen sucked in a shuddering breath through his nose, making them both freeze and look over. But all he did was sigh in his sleep and return to his motionless sprawl where he had collapsed about an hour and a half ago when Mingjue forcibly removed the baby from his arms and insisted he lay down. “Just for 5 minutes,” Meng Yao had also reasoned in a two pronged attack. “No one says you have to nap. Just close your eyes for a bit, then you can take him again while Da-ge makes dinner, if you want.”
Of course, he had fallen asleep immediately as they all had known he would. But one had to give Xichen explicit permission and then a backup compromise and then incentive before he considered doing something so selfish as making sure he wasn’t dead on his feet, even after a day of running errands with an 7 day old who was still suffering from stomach upset from travel. Meng Yao and Mingjue were long since practiced in being able to maneuver around his particular aversion of self care.
When their eyes met again, Mingjue’s were crinkled and he teased in a lower voice, “Being bald is a sign of being an infant, A-Yao. You really know nothing about babies, do you?”
Meng Yao aggressively squashed back the automatic bridling that happened every time a flaw in his...anything was pointed out. Instead, he primly brandished a pastel yellow book with curlicue flowers around the edge. “I am learning.” It’s not my fault I obtained all my siblings after adolescence. Not for lack of trying...
“I’m telling you, most of those are gonna be useless. Everyone’s got something to say and it’s all going to be different. You’re better off just winging it,” Mingjue stage whispered dismissively, rolling his eyes. “It’s just until Xichen’s uncle gets the custody stuff all worked out, so he’ll be gone before you know it. Just enjoy the baby-head smell while he’s here.”
The what? He narrowed his eyes at him. “You’re making fun of me.”
For some reason, a grin spread over Da-ge’s face--a delighted, self satisfied grin. “Oh.” He got up--(”Don’t wake him up--” Meng Yao hissed, stiffening, remembering his disconcerting little mewling cries from Xichen’s return from the store)--and easily cupped the infant up to his shoulder as he crossed the thick cream carpeting.
“Make room, come on,” Mingjue whispered, grabbing a stack of books in one large hand and carelessly tossing them onto the basket of neatly folded throw blankets beside the armchair.
Lips pursed and fully harassed, now, Meng Yao neatly piled the remaining books down by the leg of the chair. “Why do you insist--” When he sat back up, he immediately almost fumbled the armful of baby that was thrust into them. But Mingjue seemed to have been ready for this, because he just kept pressing him into his chest until Meng Yao’s hold came up automatically to support him.
The baby was warm and very soft, with no tension in him at all as he slept. And so light--almost like some sort of doll. It was hard to believe he was a real, living human being instead of some sort of strange hairless animal. Baxia had more heft, for god’s sake and she was a cat.
For some reason, Meng Yao’s heart rate immediately spiked as if he were being chased. His palms and neck began to sweat. It’s not like he hadn’t held the child in the day that he had been here, he just...well, he actually hadn’t. He hadn’t held any child before--his nephew wasn’t quite born yet and he had never been in a foster home with a baby. All yesterday and last night, he had shadowed Mingjue while he changed the diapers, observing techniques such as ‘The Turkey Hold’ and ‘Tissues Before Wet Wipes’. He had noted the ease with which Xichen just palmed him belly down like a fragile little football while packing the lunches Mingjue had assembled for him and Meng Yao to take to work, or patiently maneuvered his little sausage limbs in and out of clothes like he wasn’t afraid of breaking him.
And they certainly weren’t keeping him from Meng Yao--but he was still researching and information gathering while they had plenty of experience. And the stakes seemed absurdly high to chance a failure with this particular subject He hadn’t been avoiding it, just...he was sure the opportunity would present itself. Eventually.
His face was round and slightly alien in its minute proportions; a perfect miniature of a proper nose, a fine dusting of eyebrows above completely smooth little eyelids, a tiny squinch of a mouth that had fallen open in sleep.  And he sort of smelled like...slightly sour milk and the floral baby detergent Xichen had bought. Nothing that special.
Cautiously, Meng Yao attempted a gentle joggle with his arms, then froze when those little fingers flexed and the baby made a noise, halfway between a snort and a grunt, but so tiny. How on earth did anything this tiny and helpless even exist? How was he allowed to hold something that had this much potential? This much importance? His father wouldn’t even let him touch his fountain pen at the office--how would he ever let Meng Yao hold his heir? “A-Yao, breathe,” Mingjue’s whisper was nearby and amused and when he looked up at him, Meng Yao saw his face was close, leaning down, hands braced on both arms of the chair. Blocking escape.
“I think you should take him back,” Meng Yao hurriedly whispered back. “I don’t think he likes me. He’s going to wake up and cry.”
Mingjue shrugged. “He might.”
Anxiety, old and choking, rose up in his throat like bile, like failure. “Then take him back.”
The asshole just raised his eyebrow. “No. If he does, it’s not the end of the world. Calm down, smell his head.”
“I can smell him just fine from here, I--”
“Smell his head, I’m telling you--”
“Mingjue--” he hissed, baring his teeth, instinctively looking over at the sleeping Xichen to be the tie breaker and peacemaker, but Mingjue just put the back of his fingers to Meng Yao’s cheek and (gently. Always gently.) pushed his face toward the tiny round head tucked to his shoulder.
Stiffly, he gave a grudging, perfunctory sniff, intending to follow the exact letter of the order and not the spirit, because if he was going to be forced--
Oh. Oh. What? Pressing his nose closer, he breathed in properly. What on earth...
His head did smell different from the old spit up and detergent. Warm and--and--almost sweet but not, somehow mild and calming? It felt familiar, even though it wasn’t. How was this unwinding something in his chest? Without intending to, he breathed out through his mouth in order to hastily draw in another breath, deep and slow. It smelled like... sleep and home and softness. Comfort. And he did have hair, actually--downy little fluff, close to the scalp, soft like velvet when he pressed his lips to it to take a third breath. How did the top of his head smell so good? Was it the baby soap they had used? No, it wasn’t, because he could smell traces of that, soapy and artificial. This was something completely organic that somehow exuded from his scalp?
Mingjue chuckled above his head and Meng Yao opened his eyes--that he didn’t even remember closing. He knew he should probably feel more annoyed at his partner’s smugness but the tension that had been humming through him seemed to have utterly bled away. “There, now, was that so hard?”
“What...is it?” he murmured against the baby’s head, unable to tear his nose away.
“Baby-head smell.”
“Baby-head smell?”
“Do they--do they all smell like this?”
“More or less. It’s so we don’t eat them when they wake us up in the middle of the night, probably. Hormones and shit.”
“Has someone bottled this? Made it into a candle?” He whispered, affronted. “Is this known?” None of the early childhood development books he had read even alluded to the fact that baby heads apparently smelled like magic. “Does Xichen know?”
Mingjue snorted. “Of course you consider marketing. Yeah, most people who’ve handled babies know about the baby-head smell, so now you do, too. Instant stress relief.”
It was. It was like a drug, how instantaneously it worked. Meng Yao greedily breathed in again, cupping his tiny head closer to him. He could feel the thrum of his heart through his back against his forearms.
Mingjue huffed a fond laugh through his nose and smoothed his hand heavily down Meng Yao’s hair, swaying them both gently as one. “See? Not so scary. Now sit there and relax with baby. I’ll make us all dinner.”
Meng Yao could do that--and quite happily.
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bnnywngs · 3 years
little lotus and grill girlfriend
Rating: T || words: 2,748
Fandom: MDZS || Pairing: Jiang Cheng/Nie Mingjue
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Jealousy, a little bit of jiang fam bashing, Hurt/Comfort
ao3 | this is based on this tweet
Jiang Cheng never really thought he would be where he is right now.
When he was fifteen years old, he thought he was in love with his adoptive brother. It took years and a somewhat broken heart to realize that no, he wasn't in love with Wei Wuxian, he just genuinely loved him as a brother and was jealous of Lan Wangji for "stealing" his best friend, the one who was always beside him since they were little.
Then, when he turned eighteen, he got to know his other best friend's big brother and then he definitely had a crush. Nie Mingjue was tall and big - he was muscle all around, with broad shoulders, chocolate abs and big round arms that flexed every time he crossed his arms (and that was almost all the time). Jiang Cheng could only pray he would not pop a boner in front of everyone every time he caught himself staring at Nie Mingjue.
Though he tried to pretend he wasn't feeling anything, that his heart didn't beat extra loud and extra quick while near the older man, he wasn't very good at it and soon Nie Huaisang was corning him in the most roundabout way, asking if he was in love with his da-ge. Jiang Cheng obviously said no, but, as Wei Wuxian said once, he was as bad at lying as any Lan.
Really, Jiang Cheng just wanted to be left alone moping about his one-sided love. But his friend and his brother couldn't let him be and started to create situations where Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue could interact with one another, even letting them both alone at times to talk while they were "busy". Or simply "cancelling" their outings at the last possible second when Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue were already whenever they were supposed to meet.
Wei Wuxian even introduced Jiang Cheng to Nie Mingjue's closest friends - one of them being their brother-in-law's half brother and the other being Lan Wangji's older brother.
"So this is the famous Jiang Cheng." Meng Yao commented with a small smile, looking at him with sharp eyes.
"The one and only." Wei Wuxian nodded.
Nie Mingjue acted like it was nothing, that it wasn't a bother, but Jiang Cheng really felt uncomfortable with these situations and tried to run away as soon as it was possible without offending the older man.
Until Nie Huaisang's 20th birthday party, held at their family manor. All their friends and acquaintances were there, even some family, and there was a lot of alcohol, loud music from a real, professional DJ playing in the internal courtyard, and good food and snacks.
Jiang Cheng let himself be free that night, letting go of his burdens and worries. He was a young man of barely 20, he was supposed to enjoy his youth and not think about the future, the expectations held above his head against his will, or the impossibility of Nie Mingjue loving him back. He drank, he danced, he laughed and smiled.
When he woke up the next morning, he was naked, sore, and in Nie Mingjue's bed.
It took a long moment to remember what the fuck happened that night before that led him there - he drank a lot, but not too much, afraid of losing control of his mind and doing something stupid, at some point, he and Nie Mingjue were talking while sitting in the living room's small couch when somehow they started kissing and caressing and groping and Nie Mingjue asked if he wanted to go to his bedroom and Jiang Cheng said yes without thinking twice.
He even confessed that he never laid with anyone before, when asked why he was so nervous. Nie Mingjue groaned and then chuckled, kissing him deeply before assuring him that he would be gentle.
That was so embarrassing, oh my gods.
Nie Mingjue was snoring softly beside him, his heavy arm caging his belly against the mattress. Jiang Cheng should really get up and go home, but he could only stare at the other man's sleeping face, daring his fingers to caress his cheek.
"Good morning." Nie Mingjue grunted without opening his eyes, tightening his hold on Jiang Cheng.
"Hm." Jiang Cheng answered, his voice choked and higher than normal.
Nie Mingjue opened an eye and promptly yawned loudly "You ok?"
"Hm." Jiang Cheng nodded quickly, voice still too high.
The older man rolled his eyes with a soft sleepy snort.
"Wanna talk?"
"...No?" Jiang Cheng diverted his eyes, fidgeting.
“Hm… We should.” he sighed “Talk, I mean. Xichen said we should.” his voice was rough and still sleepy “Tell me what you remember.”
"...Everything. We talked, and then we came here." Jiang Cheng stared at the ceiling, willing himself to not blush "We had sex."
They kept silent for a moment, before Nie Mingjue used his arm to pull Jiang Cheng against his chest.
"Tell me what you feel. Be honest." he almost pleaded.
Jiang Cheng gulped soundlessly. He didn't have a choice, did he?
"Why would I?" he grunted back, turning away from the other man.
"Well. There's a lot of reasons why. But I want to know." he felt Nie Mingjue shrug against his back "I want to be sure."
"To be sure of what."
Nie Mingjue tightened his arm once again, gluing himself against Jiang Cheng's body.
"That you're in love with me." he murmured against Jiang Cheng's ear, involuntarily making him shudder.
And then the words were registered in his mind.
Nie Mingjue chuckled again.
"I might be oblivious, but I have A-Sang as a little brother, you know. And your brother was really obviously trying to set us up."
Jiang Cheng groaned, trying to get up "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."
"Now, now." Nie Mingjue snorted softly, "You can do that later. You still haven't confessed."
"Fuck you!" he almost screamed.
It was almost ridiculously easy to say it out loud, how he fell in love, for how long. But it was surprising when Nie Mingjue confessed his own feelings for Jiang Cheng - how he started noticing more after the first forced date, how he kept talking about him to his friends, his dreams, wants and desires.
They spent the whole morning in bed, mostly talking, but doing other activities.
By lunchtime, Nie Mingjue decided to get out alone to fetch the lunch he ordered earlier, and Jiang Cheng lied in bed contemplating what had happened. He felt happy, content (satiated), and it was kind of weird, but not bad. He liked feeling this way.
And then Wei Wuxian shoved his head inside the bedroom with a big self satisfied smirk asking how his little brother was and if his ass was too sore. Jiang Cheng's answer was throwing a pillow in his direction, feeling frustrated when his brother closed the door with a loud laugh before he got hit by it.
He went back home with a boyfriend that night. And very much happy, like a satisfied lazy cat after a day of napping under the sun. A big bite mark on his nape that his brother made sure to point out loudly so their sister heard.
That was years ago, and they were still together.
Although, not for much longer if Nie Mingjue continues to act like that. Jiang Cheng is very angry right now. Very angry.
The thing is.
Nie Mingjue likes barbecue - eating or grilling. He likes the smell and the taste, how the spices and herbs and seasoning and gods know what more could come together to create such heavenly food. And Jiang Cheng is not going to lie, he loves his boyfriend’s food, love to see his excitement over his culinary prowess.
Not that Jiang Cheng doesn’t know how to cook, because he does, he just likes to be pampered.
What he does not like is how Nie Mingjue has been in love with his new barbecue grill.
It all started by a link Nie Huaisang so graciously had sent to his older brother a few weeks ago. The content was simple enough that Jiang Cheng didn’t pay attention at the time, something he deeply regrets now - about an amazing barbecue grill for amazing food and has so much paraphernalia around it only someone who liked those things would know how to use.
And Nie Mingjue wouldn’t stop talking about it.
“But A-Cheng!” he would exclaim loudly “It has a thermometer built into the lid, an aluminum air inlet and outlet system that does not rust and provides perfect ventilation for preparing the barbecue!”
“Why are you sounding like an ad or something?” Jiang Cheng only rolled his eyes. “It’s not like I want to know.”
“But you want to eat the food I’m going to grill, right?” Nie Mingjue smirked.
“Yeah and that doesn’t mean I need to have not more than a basic knowledge about that damn thing.”
“But!! It comes with a heat resistant side bench…”
Jiang Cheng stared at him for a long moment in silence, not knowing what to say. Or think. Then he let out a long, deep sigh “When is that thing going to arrive?”
“Later today. It’s already on the way. Why?” Nie Mingjue barely looked at him, suddenly too busy opening the tracking app.
“Okay.” Jiang Cheng nodded, taking out his phone and texting his brother-in-law while walking to their bedroom “I’m going out.”
“Have fun! Tell A-Sang to answer my texts.” Nie Mingjue waved.
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes again. Really, he should know better than to feel jealous over a barbecue, but he couldn’t help it. So, to not start a silly argument over an inanimate object, he chose to go out to a cafe with Nie Huaisang.
“A-Cheng!” his friend waved at him from the table inside the establishment with a big smile “How are you? And da-ge?”
He sighed again, “His girlfriend’s arriving today.”
“Girlfriend?” Nie Huaisang called over a waiter “The barbecue?”
“What other?” if he kept rolling his eyes it would probably glue itself somewhere behind his eyelids “That’s all he talks about, now.”
Nie Huaisang chuckled softly, turning to the waiter and saying his order. Jiang Cheng said his quickly right after and the young boy nodded with a polite smile before taking his leave.
“He’ll probably text me saying he asked everyone to go eat his fucking barbecue today.” Jiang Cheng snorted rather angrily.
The waiter came back with their cakes and Jiang Cheng readily stabbed his.
“Well…” Nie Huaisang looked at him with a serious gaze, taking a sip of his jasmine tea “Do you want me to talk to him?”
“...No.” Jiang Cheng sighed defeately, shoulders sagging. He really wanted to not feel this needy, he just wanted his boyfriend’s attention and affection.
Don’t judge him, this is a need he and his siblings have in common - perks of the Jiang household, together with insecurity and the need to pretend everything’s fine. Haha, “family”. That’s why they all but ran away from that house at the first opportunity.
“I’m gonna text him anyway.” Nie Huaisang shrugged, taking his phone out “I’ll delay the barbecue for tomorrow, what do you think?”
“Great.” he waved his hand vaguely, not giving much thought. Or just pretending.
“Well, beside that, how are you? It’s been a while since we all got together. I miss my friends~!” Nie Huaisang whined dramatically “All you all talk about is your relationships. I’m sick and tired of this! Let’s go to a club again, just the three of us~! We’re still young~! Your brother is talking about marriage! Marriage! We’re only 26! That’s too young!”
Jiang Cheng laughed at his friend’s antics.
Hours later, he went back home in a better mood, plans for a get-together made, not counting the damned barbecue party his boyfriend will definitely be having tomorrow.
“I’m home.” he called as soon as he closed the door behind him.
The house was silent, so Nie Mingjue was probably upstairs.
“I’m home!” he exclaimed louder by the stairs, throwing his keys in the direction of the couch together with his jacket.
“Fuck.” came the grunt from upstairs “Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Don’t come yet!”
It wasn't exactly weird to come home to this, Nie Mingjue liked to surprise him with something now and then and he always, always, ends up not finishing before Jiang Cheng comes home even if his schedule is perfectly made so he could be early - and it's funny because Nie Mingjue is so composed most of the times, so on point and never late. Nie Huaisang loves making fun of his brother because of this, calling him a mess and getting a headlock in return.
So, Jiang Cheng waited patiently as he could (not much, as one could see from his ever tapping foot).
"What about now?" Jiang Cheng called, taking a step on the stairs.
No answer came, so he started to climb the steps slowly.
"A-Cheng." Nie Mingjue smiled at him, showing himself at the top of the stairs "Come."
“What did you do?” Jiang Cheng asked skeptically, looking at his boyfriend with suspicion.
“Nothing much.” Nie Mingjue shrugged, “Let me show you?” he offered a hand, like a gentleman.
Jiang Cheng stared at him for a long second before sighing and trusting his boyfriend with whatever he was doing. He would probably like it anyway. So, he let himself be pulled without complaining. But instead of going to their bedroom's direction, Nie Mingjue took him to one of the three spare bedrooms, the one his brother-in-law said it was for his personal use and no one else's.
“Why Huaisang’s room?” Jiang Cheng asked.
“You'll see.” Nie Mingjue smiled at him.
He couldn’t think of anything, no idea of what was waiting for him on the other side of that door. When Nie Mingjue covered his eyes with those big hands that Jiang Cheng loves so much, he wasn’t surprised, but when he heard a bark, he was really startled and almost jumped back unconsciously.
“A dog?” Jiang Cheng asked out loud.
“Surprise?” Nie Mingjue chuckled softly beside him, a smile clearly on his amused tone, while taking off his hands.
There, with its wagging tail and excited little jumps on the mattress - there was a tiny beige dog, with tiny wide eyes and pink tongue hanging sideways on his mouth, walking from side to side very excitedly as if happy to see them. It’s fur looked really soft.
“Did you like it?” Nie Mingjue asked as excitedly as the puppy.
He did, very much.
“Why-” his voice cracked and he started again “Why a puppy? Did you steal it?”
“Of course not?!” Nie Mingjue’s face had such an affronted expression it was actually funny, but Jiang Cheng held his laugh and his words “That’s a present!”
“A present? To whom?”
“To you!” Nie Mingjue sounded really exasperated.
“To me? Seriously?”
“Yes!” Nie Mingjue almost rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s incredulous tone. Taking a deep breath, he started again, putting his hands on Jiang Cheng’s face “Look.” a pause “I love you, ok? And all I ever want is your happiness. I’m sorry for ignoring you this week, I know you don’t like it because of all the things you've been through and I vowed to myself to never, never, let you feel pushed aside. And I failed.”
“You…” Jiang Cheng could barely say a word, feeling too emotional.
“Me and your dear brother spent too much time trying to choose the right dog for you these last two months.” Nie Mingjue smiled softly at him.
“Wei Wuxian?” that was really surprising.
Nie Mingjue hummed “We wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, you did it.” his voice came out more sarcastic than he initially wanted.
“Anyway, that was supposed to happen before the barbecue came, but…” Nie Mingjue coughed in his own hand.
“But you were distracted by your girlfriend.” Jiang Cheng deadpanned.
“Don’t call her that!” he coughed once more “I mean… Yes.”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriend “You just got chained for the rest of your life, stu~pid.”
“Chained?” Nie Mingjue asked, dumbfounded “You mean… You want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
Feeling embarrassed, Jiang Cheng turned away from his boyfriend and focused on the dog once more.
“So, what do you think about the name Little Lotus?”
“Hey, don’t change the subject!”
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Word of Honor
Poor Heartless Amethyst Fiend 😢
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Murder and betrayal are hard when they love you so much and you learned to love them too 💔
I love these two 😂
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LMAO, look at him causing a mess and then sitting back to enjoy the show 😂
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Uh-oh, boyfriend is mad 😅
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This doesn’t sound right 🤔 How much does A-Xu know about WKX anyway? He knows that he wants Gao Chong dead and the Jianghu dissolved into chaos. But does he know he’s a Ghost? Much less Ghost chief? 
Careful, king, your insanity is showing 😬
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Oh, shit, no! 😭
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Why do I always underestimate how brutal this show is going to get 😭 I thought he was going to get knocked about a bit so that we can mock him for getting beaten up by two senior citizens, but no, it had to be blood!
Wait... this loser actually came through for her?
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I still don’t trust him as far as I can throw him 😠 Waiting for him to turn again. 
Super creepy. 
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He looks like he and Chucky would be best friends 👇👇
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Oh, yes, become a monk and leave the sect in the hands of two children that are surrounded by vipers inside and out 🙄
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Fantastic plan! What could possibly go wrong?
God, I hope at least some of those kegs are filled with gunpowder instead of wine 🙄🙄
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There has been entirely too much talking and talking and talking in this episode and not enough fighting! 
Well. This looks unhygienic and like a good way to obtain blood poisoning and disease 😬
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OMG, Lao Wen, I’ve been yelling the same thing at my computer for the past 20 minutes! 😭😭
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LMAO, I love him 😂
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OMFG, please stop breaking up already 😫
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Must we go through this every two episodes? 😭
Mind control?? 
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Interesting 🤔🤔
Oh, so the Ghost Valley and Scorpions are collaborating!
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But it is the traitor Ghost, so not really? 🤔 Anyway, her disguise is laughable. 
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She should take classes from the rival Ghost ladies. I could paint on a better moustache than this! 
Well, shit. 
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This was brutal. 
I feel sorry for him. 
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I actually believe him that he is trying to do the right thing. IDK, I have nothing to base this on except for that one scene when he paid respects to his old friends and cried in front of their memorial tablets. Also, I feel like it would be too easy if WKX was to be entirely right about him being evil, plus I’m not even half-way through this show and plots need to be messy.
Fighting! Finally!
Oh, cutie, you are going to be so wrong, so many times! Listen to A-Xu! He seems to be way more level-headed than you! 
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Anyway, it’s about time his crazy ass got taken down a peg or two. 
Ahahahaha, smack him, A-Xu!! 🤗🤗
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I hate him so much. I know he hasn’t really done anything yet, but just look at his stupid moustache 🤢 He’s so smackable! Also, he betrayed Aunt Luo so he can just die. I bet he’s collaborating with the Scorpions and the the traitor Ghost to discredit Gao Cheng. Shen Shen is a jackass, but at least he seems honestly devoted to First Brother. This one is so fucking slimy. 
Oh, thank fuck. 
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Anyway, this has got to be some record for the shortest breakup in history.
LMAO, look at his stupid loser face 😂😂 Flee, Chengling! Flee!
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Suffer, asshole! He 100% had something to do with this whole mess. But why is everyone after Chengling now? He no longer has the Glazed Armour piece with him 🤔 
OK, don’t judge, don’t judge, but this guy is hot 🔥🔥
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Actually, I take that back, there is nothing to judge, he’s very, very attractive and I have excellent taste 🔥🔥🔥
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And down comes the monument.
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Eh. There goes my favourite colourful villain 🙁
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What wealth? Didn’t your sorry ass admit to squandering it all away? 
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It’s the other one! You should kill the other one!! 😭😭
LMAO, look at their stupid evil faces!
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Anyway, what are the odds that he destroyed the real Glazed Armour when WKX made dozens of fake pieces that are floating all over the Jianghu? My bet is on zero. 
What a horrible way to kill yourself 🙁
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This show just won’t let me thirst in peace 😠😠
Anyway, you have got to love how shocked and dismayed he always looks when his chaotic schemes end up hurting the wrong people 😕
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Did he learn anything when the senior citizen poly alliance ended up dead because of him? Of course not! We had to do a repeat. He deserves to have A-Xu yell at him a bit. 
Of course 🙄🙄
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When he’s a bloodthirsty dumbass, but he’s sad and you love him anyway 🙄
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LMAO, don’t hold back, A-Xu! Tell him what you really think! 😂
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Villain confirmed! 
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Thank you for validating me, A-Xu! He’s been giving off shady vibes from the very beginning! 
LMAO, look at him, back on his bullshit already 🙄
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Cutie, haven’t you had enough?
That’s right, A-Xu! He more than deserves the scolding!!
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Die. 💀💀
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I can excuse being a slimy sleaze ball but I draw the line at his stupid cartoon villain face with his stupid villain moustache 🤢
Scorpion, baby, I don’t know what your damage is, but please do better!
LMAO, Ye Baiyi is a gift that keeps on giving 😂😂
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Great minds think alike 😂😂
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I am living for the enmity between YBY and WKX 😂😂 Also, poor A-Xu, he now has two gremlins to defuse 😂😂
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Wait, he’s alive?
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I thought Gao Chong killed him??
So, is Scorpion and illegitimate son he’s manipulating into killing for him or something? 🤔
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Is this a Meng Yao situation? Am I getting this right? If so, I’m hoping for a similar outcome 💀💀 Go on, Scorpion, do it! End him and make me proud!!
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My Untamed live blogging is still going strong, still very gay, not emotionally prepared:
Epsiode 22-
-honestly love them sitting on the roof together watching the moon…. iykyk
-wei wuxian using Lan focusing techniques and being so proud telling Lan Zhan makes me feel some type of way
-“i will not degenerate into demonic-“ blah blah blah, do you even know what this series is called
-Baxia…. Sexy…. I will never stop saying it
-they are standing next to each other again ❤️‍🩹
-“aren’t you the one who likes to join in on the fun?” I love him
-Huaisang is me everytime wwx goes towards danger
-*spongebob narrator voice* Meanwhile
-ngl the blood covering the camera grossed me out
-*stares longingly at Suiha*
-what in the cirque du soleil bullshit is this
-i would just like everyone to know, my first time watching this show I couldn’t stand Jin Zixuan but now I just 🥰 love that man
-*breathes in* “Thank you, your Excellency” *SCREAMS*
-all their sect banners together 🥺
-the gays are late, as expected, smh
-uggggghhhhh everyone’s outfits during the sunshot campaign are litterally GORGEOUS
-like i go /rabid/ when I see Lan Xichen’s head piece or the patterns on JC’s and NMJ’s inner robes.
-Nie Mingjue looks so hopeful and relieved and ready to fucking /destroy/
-i take back everything I previously said about Jin Zixuan
-yesssss bitchh!!! Fuck him UP BABY
-do you think….. 👉🏼👈🏼 Xichen and Mingjue…. 👉🏼👈🏼 do you think they……
-alright okay alright okay, that one stone dude is really tearing this place up, i can really respect that,
-“He must have a reason” yeah he just wants to hoe out in front of Da-Ge and be menacing and sexy for a little bit, so what?
-i love the ominous blood rocks decorating the path the Qishan
-just the way he WALKS makes me 😳
-I think if I was in Nie Mingjue’s position I would have qi deviated on the /spot/
-“You-“ it’s him!!! “It’s you-!” IT’S HIIIIIIM
-*thinks about that one power rangers edit of this fight scene*
-the two of them together is literally just “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you want to just go ape shit”
-say what you want about bad cgi, bad fight choreography, bad vfx, blah blah, the fight with Meng Yao and Mingjue is… sexy
-hmmm Lan Xichen has some blood on his sleeve… wouldn’t it be horrible if someone…. cut it off for him 👀
-man thank god it was those four guys standing there and not anyone important
-UH OH gang how are we going to get out of this one?
-yesssss this flute solo literally makes my bones shiver
-*zaps you with gay goth magic*
-Lan Xichen landing next to Jiang Cheng like: “are you seeing this shit too?”
-this episode is such an emotional roller coaster lmaooo
-can’t wait to suffer next episode 🤪
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immacaria · 4 years
A bird and a Cupid
  This is prompted by Day 2 of SangCheng December: Birds and as I’m not quite happy with the end, I would say that the rest of story is good. Here we have Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang tooking caring of Curió, one of the first birds Nie Mingjue gave to Huaisang (I have the odd habit of calling Nie Huaisang just Huaisang, so if you see just ‘Huaisang’ on the fic you know why) and she is a smartass who kind of brought the two of them together. Enjoy the fic and let me know what you think of it! Have a good day! 
Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng had met through Wei Wuxian, but they stayed together because of each other, especially after Nie Mingjue went back to Qinghe and Wei Wuxian started dating Lan Wangj. They found a small apartment near their colleges, beautiful and petite and on which Nie Huaisang went absolutely crazy over it, even though Jiang Cheng had to admit it really was beautiful at the end. The building was fairly good and so were the neighbourhood, their neighbours were students as well and they all kind of bunched up to eat lunch, dinner or just to talk.
  It was good on it’s own way. In the morning, Jiang Cheng would wake up at five in the morning and go into a run, come back, take a bath and go make breakfast. Just then he would wake up Nie Huaisang so they would eat together until it was time for him to go to his classes and Nie Huaisang go take his bath and go to his own art classes. At lunch they would meet with some neighbours to gather up money and get food at the little restaurant/cafe near both the college and the art school. At the end of the day, the two of them would encounter at the bus station and go back home walking. Together, always together. When it was dinnertime, a girl down the hall, one the seniors, would make dinner for the four apartments around hers and feed everybody. So, yes, it was good. 
  "A-Cheng!" Now Huaisang screamed from the door, putting his shoes on the shelf Jiang Cheng had made. "A-Cheng, are you home?" 
  "Taking a bath!" Jiang Cheng screamed back from the bathroom, turning the shower off. "How was your class?" 
  "Good, good. I have yet another art project." He answered, hearing the shower turn on again. He let a shaky breath out, pulling a little golden cage from behind his back and putting it on the table, smiling at the little bird inside. "Hello. I missed you, sweetie." He put his index finger inside it, caressing its head and laughing lowly at the small content sounds the bird made. "Are you hungry? I will catch some food for you, hold on." He headed to his room, smiling at the bird. 
  That bird was the first one that Nie Mingjue gave him and one who was beside him through a lot of times, cheering him with his little songs and jumps. It was even funnier how she kind of mothered the younger birds they brought home, even sighing heavily when that did an idiocy or got themselves in trouble. That was one of the reasons Nie Huaisang brought her here, he got hurt trying to defend one the youngest and needed exams and remedy. 
  "What the hell is this? Why is there a bird on my table?" Jiang Cheng yelled from the living room and Nie Mingjue would be proud of the way and speed Nie Huaisang ran to there. 
  “A-Cheng! Don’t scream! She is sick.” Nie Huaisang held his arms, pulling him away from the bird. He obviously had just got out of the bath and instead of going straight to his room like he would normally do, he decided to go to the living room to talk to Huaisang. “Let Curió alone!” He added, readily ignoring the fact that his roommate was just on his briefs and with a towel on his head. 
  “Cur-what? What kind of name is that?” 
  “It’s brazilian, okay? My cousin TongTong suggested it after Da-Ge brought him from Brazil.” Nie Huisang said, shaking his head. “Let Curió alone!”
  “What kind of fucking name is that?” 
  “I don’t know, okay? You already asked that! We were looking at a list of names Da-Ge had found funny while visiting and we found this one the funniest. We were kids, A-Cheng!” He huffed, letting go of him and opening the cage. He let the little brown bird jump on his finger as he set up everything. “But you can call her whatever you want, just give her food while doing it and she will answer… And probably ask for some food.” He shrugged, letting her eat. He had missed that smartass and cunning bird a lot, especially when pleading for food to anyone who gave her a threat out of time. “Da-Ge calls her Xiao Niao, which is very original in the world the old man lives in.”
  “I am going to tell Mingjue-ge you called him and old man.” Jiang Cheng huffed, still eyeing Curió suspiciously. “Is she going to stay here for long?”
  “Curió is sick, A-Cheng! Be good!” He yelped, pushing him away. “Go put some clothes. No one needs to see your naked glory besides me.”
  “Greedy, aren’t we?” He chuckled, lifting his hands on surrender, going to his own room. 
  “Don’t mind him, Curió. He’s just jealous.” Nie Huaisang smiled at her, caressing her head. “You both are the love of my life, along with Da-Ge and all of your children.” 
  As days passed, Nie Huaisang saw that Jiang Cheng was growing fond of Curió. If he wasn’t near to give her the medicine, Jiang Cheng would do it quicker and better than him. If he was near but had forgotten, Jiang Cheng would appear at his room and scream that he was irresponsible and had forgotten to feed her. At some point, Nie Huaisang got home to see a working Jiang Cheng with Curió sitting at his head, sleeping. 
  Sincerely, the boy could deny all he wanted to, but he had become a bird dad with capital B. Hell, he even defended the name Nie Huaisang and his cousin had chosen based on their six-years-old wisdom and would teach anyone how to pronounce it. So yes, it was very cute and did unholy things to Nie Huaisang’s heart, but no one needed to know the latter. No one besides Nie Mingjue, who would suffer a lot until he could talk about his feelings with Jiang Cheng again.  
  “Da-Ge! I’m dying!” 
  “Good. Die, then!” Nie Mingue groaned and he was sure that he was rubbing his eyes angrily. No wonder why, as it was five in the morning on Qinghe and Nie Huaisang probably just woke him up. 
  “Da-Ge!” He cried out, throwing himself back in the bed. Jiang Cheng wasn’t going to arrive after an hour or so yet and he had enough time to overreact over him. “I can not deal with this anymore! First, he adopts Curió, now he is defending and fathering her! Hell, he even lets her stay on his shoulder and head when it’s just the two of us.” 
  “You are going crazy over?” Nie Mingjue said, even though his tone was lower than it usually would be. 
  “A-Cheng, Da-Ge! Weren’t you paying attention to my rambling?”
  “Didi, you ramble twenty-four hours per day, there are times that, yes, I simply stop paying attention to whatever is that you are saying.” He sassed, making Nie Huaisang gasps in outrage. 
  “You are horrible. Here I am dying and you are making fun out of me.” 
  “Okay, listen. Xiao Niao doesn’t like strangers, even if they give her food. So, if she is so close to Jiang Wanyin, there’s a good chance of the boy being a great child.” Nie Mingjue sighed and Nie Huaisang knew he was massaging his temples. “You are a menace, Huaisang, do you know that? It’s five in the morning and you are screaming in my ear about your crush on your roommate.” Again, his tone was lower than what it would normally be. 
  “Da-Ge, is someone there with you? Is it Xichen-ge?” He smiled, knowing fully well he was. 
  “Stop smirking, I can feel it from here.” 
  “You didn’t answer my question.” He replied in a sing-song voice, knowing the answer fully well. 
  “Yes! Yes, Lan Xichen is here. Happy now?” He growled.
  “Yes. Wait, no! Is Yao-ge…?” 
  “Both of them, you menace, both of them are here.” He interrupted and Nie Huaisang already pictured Lan Xichen on the left side of the bed, sleeping peacefully with his hair in a braid while Meng Yao was wrapped around a pillow, looking like a koala, with his brother in the middle, hugging them both. 
  “And you call me a menace. Bye bye, Da-ge. Happy sleep.” He snickered, turning off the phone quickly. It was a good thing that the three of them finally managed to work themselves around and start dating. It was getting annoying the way they bluntly ignored each other’s feelings. Later, he would have to ask if the video that he sent to Lan Xichen of Nie Mingjue drunkenly confessing his love for both him and Meng Yao had been of any help. But now he had to get up and give his little girl food before making breakfast for him and Jiang Cheng.
  “Hello, Curió.” He greeted the little bird, putting food on a small container inside the cage. “Surprised to see me up, aren’t you? Me too, but since I am already up I guess I will make breakfast for me and A-Cheng, what do you think?” Curió let out a happy sound, that could both mean that she thought that it was a good idea or just that she was happy that she got food earlier than normally. “Yeah, I think so too.” He laughed, going to the kitchen. “Did you know that I met A-Cheng when I was thirteen years old? And that he was a brother who is a danger to society?” He started saying, gathering up everything he needed to make breakfast. “Don’t get me wrong, Curió, Wei-xiong is a sweetheart but he is a feral trash child too and he is so dense. Oh gods, he is so dense that he could bend a knife if anyone ever tried to cut it.” He put a pan on the cooker, chuckling to himself. “And he thinks that Lan Zhan doesn’t like him back. Lan Zhan! The gayest gay I know! But they are coming together and I think they will start dating before the end of the year.” Huaisang said, hearing a flutter of wings. “Coming.” He said, turning the cooker off to go see her. She had already finished eating and was looking expectantly at him, waiting for him to bring her to the kitchen. 
 “I’m sorry for letting you here, sweetheart.” Nie Huaisang said, smiling at her as he brought the cage to the kitchen with him. "As I was saying, they will start dating at the end of the year if Lan Zhan makes the first move. Either than that we are going to see those two idiots dancing around each other, trying to see if the other likes them just as much." He rolled his eyes, deep frying some fish sticks. Curió chirped besides him, jumping away from the cooker. "I know, I know, I don't like deep frying either." He started humming an old song that his mother used to sing to him when she was happy. Soon, Curió joined in, singing her own version of the song and making Nie Huaisang chuckle on his song. 
  "You know, A-Cheng is as dense as his brother, if not worse than him. Did you see how obvious he is to other people's feelings? It's almost painful to watch!" Nie Huaisang said, putting the table. "Yes, I know I'm one of those people, but no one needs to know that there's people dying over here." 
  "Who is dying?" Jiang Cheng asked, opening the door, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. 
  "People, A-Cheng. All over the world." He improvised, letting go of the plate he was holding quickly. 
  "Thought it was someone in your family for you to be awake at this hour." He looked at his phone, checking the hours. "Why the hell are you up?" 
  "I woke up and thought it was good to make breakfast for us.” He showed his tongue to him, turning to the kitchen. "Go take a bath so we can eat." He waved at him. They eat in relative silence, talking about Curió and what was going to happen in the rest of the day while Curió sang her little songs. 
  "So, she is better? She is going back to your house?" Jiang Cheng asked, finishing washing the dishes. 
  "Yeah. One last appointment to the veterinary and she is all good to go. I mean, if she is alright, you know." Nie Huaisang nodded, sipping from his hand-painted cup.
  "Never thought of letting her stay here?" He suggested, eyebrows furrowed as washing his hands. 
  "Never thought of keeping her away from her children." He chuckled, shrugging. "She has to have someone to boss around, A-Cheng." 
  "Just like you." He retorted, rolling his eyes at him. "Don't forget to tell me what happened in the appointment, yeah?"
  "Don't even worry about it." He said, nodding again as his roommate passed by him. In the end, Curió was fine and ready to go back to her home and her babies. Both Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang headed back to Qinghe with Curió and were happy when they saw her flying to join the other birds on the Nie' s terrarium. 
  "So, that 's it. She 's back. Want ice cream?" Nie Huaisang turned to him, hands on his pockets, at the same time Jiang Cheng said. 
  "Can we come visit them?" 
  "Yeah, A-Cheng, we can come visit them." He smiled, open and bright. 
  “Can I kiss you?” He asked quickly as if not to lose his courage. Instead of answering, Nie Huaisang threw himself at him, arms hugging his neck as they kissed. It was chaste, sweet and not near a proper kiss as Nie Huaisang couldn’t stop smiling. “What about that ice cream?”
  “You are paying.” He laughed, pulling him out of the terrarium, still smiling wide and soon Jiang Cheng too was smiling and blushing. Later none of them quite believed that it took poor Curió to bring them together, having both of them parenting her the way she parented the other birds. So, yeah, both of them loved that sassy bossy bird they had. 
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drwcn · 5 years
just { before the sun falls} things/snippets that I’ve been thinking about because my brain can’t focus on exams. They’re not in any order. Take from it what you will. 
(the lwj in my head will always be the cql version, bc…well bc i haven’t seen any of the other variations lol.) 
Wei Wuxian was…incensed. Incensed because it was unfair how utterly, ethereally beautiful Lan Zhan was. Did he have to be so…so…much? Sitting there with his eyes cast down almost demure, pulling back his sleeve to reveal his deceivingly delicate wrist as he poured them tea from a white porcelain pot that lost its luster next to his jade-esque skin.
They were alone in the riverside pavillion. The early summer day was lovely with a gentle sun and an even gentler breeze mixing the fragrance of water lilies with Lan Zhan’s longjing tea and the faint sandalwood scent of….well himself. 
In his pale blue and white robes, Lan Wangji could claim to be a god descending upon earth, and nary a soul would have questioned it. 
Wei Wuxian swallowed. He’d never been taciturn with Lan Zhan, never. In fact, when they’d been students at Cloud Recesses, he had reveled in pushing Lan Zhan’s every button and driving him up the wall -
- oh god, Wei Ying…
Suddenly, a more salacious interpretation of driving Lan Zhan up the wall came to mind. Wei Wuxian all but flinched, grinding his molars together and desperately trying to force his imagination to stop wondering if the length of Lan Zhan’s neck was equally pale and smooth as his wrist if he tossed his head back - 
Politically arranged or not, this engagement was definitely going to be the end of him.
Heavens have mercy, why did his shijie and Zewu-jun insist on this ‘get to know each other’ charade? He and Lan Zhan already knew each other! They were familiar, friends even, if he dared to assume such a thing. They were friends…right?
Well, some friend you are, Wei Wuxian, lusting after Lan Zhan the way you do. God if he knew…
Wei Wuxian hid a wince. If Lan Zhan knew, he’d be disgusted, wouldn’t he? Of course, dutiful and loyal as he was, he wouldn’t ever show his personal displeasure at their arrangement. Far more than a personal union, theirs was an alliance of their clans for mutual protection against a common enemy. Sure, the Nies supported Gusu, but Qinghe was far away. When Wen Ruohan’s corpse army descends upon them, Gusu would be Yunmeng’s closest ally geographically, and now with their marriage, politically too. Shijie had told him Wen Xu had burned Cloud Recesses to the ground. If he knew Lan Zhan at all, and he did, he could be sure that Hanguang-jun would do anything to protect and avenge his sect, even if it meant degrading himself by marrying the son of a servant. 
The son of a servant who apparently was all too eager to jump his bones. 
Wei Wuxian’s knuckles turned white under the table. You’re a monster, Wei Wuxian, a monster. 
“This is treachery! What you have done goes against everything our sect stands for!” 
“What I have done kept you alive! I am not like you, Da-ge, not like Father, it’s true. But not all things in this world can be solved with a sword or a saber.”
The younger Nie’s uncharacteristic fortitude rendered Chifeng-zun momentarily speechless. He rounded about the table, taking a seat slowly. When he spoke again, however, his voice was strained and quiet. “I thought I knew the kind of man you are, Huaisang. These days, it’s like I never did.” 
Nie Huaisang, for once, could not be cowed. “Sometimes, Da-ge, Qinghe needs a man like me.”
The crypts were crumpling around her. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear her older brothers calling out her name. “A-Su! A-SU!! Get out of there quick!” 
But theirs was not the voice she strained to find. Over the rumbling of rocks, she detected a panicked, teary cry. Qin Su dashed deeper into the tunnel, screaming, “xiao-Yu!!  Xiao-Yu!! Where are you?!” 
*xiao = little. a commonly used diminutive in names for younger siblings, which in this case is Mo Xuanyu. 
“That one is not to be trusted.” Jiang Yanli said when they were finally alone. 
Wei Wuxian frowned. “Lianfang-zun? But he…Zewu-jun assured us that -”
“Lan Xichen is a good man, but remember my A-Xian,” His sister took his hand and held it between her own. Yanli’s touch, as ever, was gentle, but her eyes when they looked into his were shrewd. “There’s only three reasons in the world to smile: to express one’s happiness, to cope with an awkward situation, or to hide one’s true intentions. And you and I both know that a man like Meng Yao, though good with his words he may be, has very little to be happy about.”
okay back to studying. 
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seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part thirty two fatal journey
(aka: tiny baby huaisang is adorable! but also ouchie)
well hi! it’s been a hot minute since we’ve found ourselves here, huh? let’s see if i remember how to liveblog ^^;;;;; but i’ve got The Buns and special movie snack (kettle corn, v delicious) so we are READY TO GOOOO gimmie all the tiny Huaisang!!!!!
i’m actually really excited about this but also somehow nervous HAHAHA i’ve been good and avoided spoilers so idk what to expect :O
this intro sequence is neat, all the cave drawings or whatnot
oh these two people are gonna die aren’t they
the swords are all so pretty though
okay the sudden cut and the black eyes and the weird mumble definitely made me jump for realsies fjeiwaofaw
oh yuckie, severed limbs
i was right, they’re gone
oh hey zzj! 
HUAISANG!!!! his art piece is so prettyyyy *o* also the way he jumps up and winds his sleeves around his arms and pretends to be training omg i love him fewaoijfawe XD
NOOOO his painting got messed up ;AAAA;
the way he just said “da-ge???” is SO CUTE
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omg huaisang did you lose your sword lol (also side note, his robes/outfit are so pretty i love it)
mingjue broke his paint brush :(((
“i just have a very ominous hunch” ME TOO HUAISANG  
huaisang’s little travel vest/robe thing!!! cute!!!!! i like his clothes so much. i love how he’s the only one who wears these brighter cream colors in a sea of medium-to-dark grays ahhhh
huaisang slowly reaching over and taking the sword from zonghui fejwaoif i love him
mingjue!!!! :OO
omg the flute, oh no, have bad feeling just bc guangyao
oh dang mingue!!
hate the creepy vine, reminds me too much of snakes, i have had way too much of snakes today and they terrify me ;n; 
i just noticed huaisang grabbed a new brush to carry with him :’)
“watch out for the walls” would normally sound silly but it’s such an ominous thing to say in this context fjeiwoa
also “It’s just that everyone has different things they’re good at.” i like zonghui, i hope he doesn’t die or turn out to be evil
things are not going great in mingjue’s tomb uh oh uh ohhhh
oh no one of the nie clan guys got killed trying to hold the door up for huaisang oh no huaisang’s face ;AAAAA;
oh dang argument between brothers is intense ;;;;;;;
also mingjue seeing his clan members as puppets for a sec got me Worried
“Da-ge, it’s all my fault. I got you into trouble.” “It’s okay. When I’m here, there won’t be any problem.” ;AAAAAAAAAAA; that line’s gonna mess me up more later, i can feel it
omg tiny nie bros!!!!!!!!!
tiny huaisang is so cute omg
“Huaisang, as long as I’m alive, no matter what you wish to do, I will protect you.” YUP CRYIN’
huaisang just leaping off the edge of that cliff with no hesitation ;AAAA; drowns in nie bros feelings
mingjue where are you ;;
huaisang leaned back against the wall and the wall moved and i jumped and covered my face with my hands, somehow i feel like i should have seen that coming and yet I DIDN’T
brothers ;~~~~~~~~~~;
huaisang is such a SMART COOKIE
okay them hitting the diagram and the yin/yang symbol showing up and them being in the light/dark clothes to match UGH I LOVE IT, THANK YOU FATAL JOURNEY
i am mild to moderately worried about the fates of all these other clan members right now, i know they said they wouldn’t let anyone else die BUT i am in fact more Worried bc they said that
this cannot end well
fight sequence is v cool though
good boy huaisang woke up in time to play the music except it’s tainted and he doesn’t know it and oh god then the gold sparkles turned red and i just had to pause this entirely, i don’t like i don’t like, i don’t want zonghui to die like this :(
ouchie this hurts i’m sad :((((((((((((((((((
huaisang lying to mingjue about how they died ;;;;;; and look i know he was a side character and had like six lines but i liked zonghui i’m SAD :(
okay boop there is a bunch of text and it didn’t get translations so we put that through a translator and though said translation is ROUGH as all get out, from what i can tell we’re time skipping ahead to after mingjue dies
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huaisang sitting alone and clinging to the books/brush and crying just makes my heart hurt so much ;;;;
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for how much they used zzj in promotions for this movie, i thought he’d be in more than like five minutes of it lol but also he kinda was bc his dang nefarious ways done ruiNED EVERYTHING
Guangyao misplaying the Song of Clarity was already bad enough, but knowing he taught it to Huaisang and used HUAISANG to play it and help cause Mingjue’s downfall.......his real-life true brother....oh that HURTS SO MUCH :( meng yao of the EVIL EVIL EVIL DIMPLES :((((((
but i liked it so much!! gives ALL the nie brothers feels, pokes more insight into what drove Huaisang to set his plot in motion, also getting to see more of Huaisang being the SMARTEST COOKIE which i love love love
THIS WAS A GOOD (if moderately painful) TIME
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