jin-zixun · 5 months
Rewatching the Empathy scenes, even though it's the CQL version and they had JGY play the song of turmoil before being thrown down the stairs and threatened with death like... NMJ still comes off unhinged and kind of a dick actually.
And like that's fine he's a qi deviating fierce corpse he should be a lil unhinged but like man idk how you can see all that and be like "yeah chifeng-zun all that sounds legit jgy is fully in the wrong here"
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lgbtlunaverse · 12 days
While rereading mdzs I am once again shocked by how talked about the "you were the only mistake he ever made" line from Lan Xichen to Wei Wuxian is and how heated it gets some people because honestly... I don't think he actually even believes that.
Stay with me. Look at the actual line. (I Included 2 translations for comparison's sake)
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Firstly, yes he is mad at Wei Wuxian in this scene. But his biggest moment of anger was actually before this. By this point he's realized that Wei Wuxian forgot what happened after nightless city (and therefore ISN'T stringing along his baby brother on purpose) so he has in fact calmed down a bit.
Secondly, notice that he starts by talking about how his uncle felt. This is not Lan Xichen making a value statement about what he thinks. When he says Lan Wangji was proper and righteous he is talking about him being a model lan, he's talking about their family and clan's perspective of Wangji. Indeed, in their eyes, Wei Wuxian is the only time Lan Wangji was ever not the textbook perfect Lan.
Thirdly, what is Lan Xichen trying to say here? What is he mad at Wei Wuxian for? It's that he doesn't know Lan Wangji is in love with him. His anger is eased by realizing Wei Wuxian doesn't remember the very blatant confessions lwj made in the cave after nightless city, or Lan Wangji fighting his own clan elders for Wei Wuxian, and so had no way of knowing the whipmarks on Lan Wangji's back were related to him. But he is still mad, he still thinks Wei Wuxian should have been able to figure it out. So what does he highlight?
The fact that the only thing Lan Wangji, perfect model-Lan righteous Lan Wangji, ever defies his clan for is Wei Wuxian.
And Wei Wuxian has seen him do this! Even if he doesn't remember this one instance. Because Lan Wangji has been doing that the whole story through. Wei Wuxian has watched Lan Wangji blatantly stand against the entire cultivation world for him, and here Lan Xichen is highlighting just how unusual that is, how much Wei Wuxian must mean to Lan Wangji that he's willing to do that. The important part of the sentence here is not "mistake" it's "only."
Lan Xichen here isn't trying to say that he disapproves of Wei Wuxian, or telling him to stay away from his brother. Remember, the thing that made him mad in the first place was Wei Wuxian saying that he and Lan Wangji slept in seperate rooms. He thought they were together! He's mad because they're not!
At no point does Lan Xichen say he individually considers Lan Wangji's feelings for Wei Wuxian a mistake. If he ever did, it's clear he accepted them regardless long ago. Mistake or not, what he wants is for his little brother to be happy.
#mdzs#mdzs meta#lan xichen#For the record even IF he really did think of wwx as a mistake I think he's owed a moment of pettiness!#he's wrong but when i see people cite it as a major reason they dislike him i'm like... everyone in this novel is a war criminal#but frankly that's not so relevant because looking at the text... he doesn't think that!#he's consistently pro wangxian the whole story through. this speech is literally the catalyst to wwx confessing his feelings to lwj!!#frankly for a shovel talk – which it basically is– this whole thing is MILD. there weren't even any death threats!#also!! it drive me up the all when people mistake the intentional xiyao wangxian parralels in this scene as a personal dig on lxc#Yes! Xiyao and wangxian are foils! everyone seeing wwx as a stain on hanguang-jun's reputation but the venerated triad as an honorable bond#only for wangxian to end up happy and lan xichen with both his sworn brothers dead... that's the themes baby!!! can't trust reputations!!#but then people get mad like 'wow how DARE he say that when HE liked jgy!' that's the point!! miss mxtx did that on purpose!#Also lan xichen is VERY aware at this point just how much jgy lied to him! It's not like he's still in his a-yao is innocent era#He is LITERALLY a hostage! He is processing all of this as we speak!#he's less 'YOU are a mistake and i wish wangji didn't love you! unlike me who has never trusted anyone i shouldn't'#and more 'my entire life is falling apart right now and my little brother is the only one in my family who might still get a happy ending-#WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU???'
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leatherbookmark · 5 months
lrb on an extended note i always wonder what people mean when they tag jgy in those "this character made you believe that the mask they're putting on, the lie they want to make people think is true, is true!! lol you silly goose!!!" posts
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criticalrolo · 2 years
trying to find good 3zun fics in this fandom when ur actually a fan of nie mingjue is a fucking nightmare. girl HELP none of these writers even actually like him ;_____;
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littlesmartart · 1 year
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@guqin-and-flute sent me a Dad Sayings list a while back and I wound up losing it but I DID make notes on what applied to who in 3zun 👀 and yes, NMJ is most of them
JGY may be the "I'm not heating the whole neighbourhood" dad but despite that he's not the "do not even THINK about touching the thermostat" dad - that's NMJ. JGY gets cold all the time and now he is rich he is very pro-theromostat-adjustment, turn that shit UP.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 month
I’ve been sitting here weighing the pros and cons of placing NMJ’s death before the Qinyao marriage vs. after, because CQL’s timeline could go either way and on the one hand, JGY would be even more motivated to murder NMJ if that were a condition for JGS agreeing to the marriage, but on the other hand, I don’t want QS having to deal with murder fallout on top of everything else if I’m writing a partial fix-it—
And then I remembered that JGY did very much already do some fratricide and Qiongqi Pass in this canon. Was so wrapped up on the euphoria of reducing stress in QS’s life that I lived in a world where the Second Flautist didn’t exist.
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lansplaining · 2 years
Why do people stan JC and JGY?
We're all older/est siblings, and thus all live in a constant state of barely-suppressed rage and misdirected parental instincts. This means when we see a younger sibling like Jiang Cheng or Jin Guangyao driving their life into the ground like a malfunctioning bumper car, we have an innate need to watch this happen and both gloat about it and want to help. It's actually birth order science.
I'm very pro-torture? I think I speak for all of us when I say that when I'm experiencing media, I seek out characters who undertake actions I fully morally approve of first of all, and a big one for me is torture. Obviously Wei Wuxian also qualifies here, but he's sort of a fake torture fan lol like he does it the one time and never seems to go back to it? But there's so much space to imagine how both Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao spent years innovating on their torture techniques. It's practically its own form of cultivation, if you think about it! Inspiring.
This one's more personal, but as you can probably guess from my username, I am a deeply pedantic and irritating person (note: this is true). So obviously I'm very drawn to both characters' "why will no one listen to me!!!!" energy. Again, when I'm watching shows, I try to find the character whose personality seems closest to mine in ways that make me feel soothed and reflected in unchallenging ways so that I can project myself into the narrative and imagine how I'd handle things better than they would, and that's definitely something both of them provide to us humorless scolds of the world.
Maybe this one should have been first lol but I felt guilty nitpicking your premise-- we're not people? we're actually all bots haha no actual person would ever like Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao, who would do that to themselves
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madtomedgar · 2 years
I wish "support" and "condemn" weren't the two dominant modes of talking about a character because imo that's fundamentally the most boring way to look at it, and also because like. There are things jgy, who I love, did that I think are extremely fucked up and kinda disturbing, and how the character gets there and then deals with having done that, and why are very much part of what I find compelling. And that's not compatible with a lot of... I guess "pro" jgy stuff but that's stupid! Like. The psychosexual derangement of jgs's murder is so juicy! The "it's actually fine, just don't think about it, that's what I do 🙃" response to Qin Su and then ??????? When she thinks that's nuts is very juicy too! Yes he is very smart and very polite and often well intentioned and often has a choice between bad and worse but it is also important that he is a a little bit of a nut job and I would find him kinda boring if he wasn't tbqh
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Platonic, raising a kid together, feat. aroace JC]
ChengYao | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 02-06-2021
[platonic #chengyao modern, family]
where aroace!JC decide to take care of jl when the couple and his parents die tragically in an accident. jgs seem rather satisfied in a way, he's getting too old to take care of an infant (a nanny would probably have done it), while mdm jin seems a bit unsure. "Will you be able to support jl?", "Are you eventually going to get married?", "You know, it would be good for jl (and you) not to bring him up alone", "You cannot stay alone forever, I can help you if you need it".
But eventually, she does accept to let jc keep jl with him. Conditions are rather simple: being able to see their grandchild at least once a month and making sure jl isn't missing anything important to his growth.
jc is also given money each month, but he feels a bit awkward using it for himself, so he uses it for everything related to jl needs (and puts some on the side so he can enter a good school without him needing to ask for the money).
but raising jl alone /is/ hard, especially with college, the still rather recent death of his family and while also missing wwx who had disappeared months ago without leaving many traces behind other than an apology for leaving. He's still worried his brother got into some serious problems.
jc is seriously weighing the pros and cons of leaving college to work full time when he receives the visit of someone. The red dot between his brows gives him a good idea of which family he is from (it's the same one he makes sure jl is also wearing) but his memory fails him to really remember who he is (his near-constant anxiety has been messing with his memory too). "Jin Guangyao" smiles the man, waiting patiently as jc's eyes roam his face, clearly searching in his memory.
Then it finally lands. jzx half-brother! He also vaguely remembers jgy being at the nie brother's house at the same time as he was to meet with nhs (he wonders slightly how nhs is doing, they haven't talked in a while). he quickly let the man in, offering him something to drink ("Hope the tea is to your taste" he says, knowing the jin's often prefer expensive teas rather than the cheap ones he can afford).
He's a bit anxious, sitting on his side of the table with jl in his arm, drinking his milk. Why did jgy suddenly want to meet at /his/ cheap apartment (most not be the greatest look on him, he /could/ afford better with the money the jin send him).
jgy is quick to somewhat reassure him, he simply wanted to meet his nephew too (jc wondered why he couldn't have done so when he was visiting jgs and mdm jin, but don't ask) they chat a bit, jgy trying to learn a bit about how jl is doing and how jc is managing everything. they talk until close to dinner, jc asking if he wants to stay for dinner (more out of courtesy than because he can afford to feed another grown man). With a smile, jgy (thankfully) declined, saying he doesn't want to bother him.
This visit leaves jc anxious. sure he had managed to convince jgs and mdm jin to let him take care of jl, but what if jgy now wanted to take jl in. sure, according to jgy own words, he was not as close to jzx and jc was with jyl, but he still had a good relationship with him and wanted to also be part of his brother's son life.
the thought fills jc with fear. jl is his /one and only/ family left, he doesn't know if he would be able to continue without this little ray of sunshine around. jc is not stupid, he's pretty sure jgy has more than enough money to take care of himself and a growing child. jc needs to rely on the money given to him to pay for what jl needs without starving himself to do so.
after that, jgy always messages him before coming, wanting to make sure he doesn't bother them. the man is always nice and patient with him, even though his nearly constant smiling face makes jc uncomfortable and anxious at times (sometimes it just looks a bit... off).
but everything seems alright, nothing shows him that jgy actually wants to take jl away from him. He never comments on the fact that jl always has the rather nice and good stuff, while jc is still wearing clothes he already had for years and eating cheap food.
though, he does show care for more than jl. "You look tired today, did you study all night? I can look over jl while you sleep a bit" (he did study all night and then worked all day), "Did you eat properly? You seem a bit thinner" (his hours were cut and he had to reduce grocery for himself), "Finals are coming right? Do you need some help to study? I know how hard it can get" (finals are coming too quickly).
It takes time, but eventually, jc gets used to jgy being over and helping around a bit. He gets to learn a bit more about jgy (He was raised poor, hence why he seems to know so well what jc is going through and doesn't judge and help around instead).
two years go by rather quickly like this, leading to jc graduating and looking for a stable job (maybe he'll finally be able to have a stable salary and a better place, he already move to somewhere more decent, but it's still not the best).
by that time, jgy is already part of the routine he has, but also the top person on the list of people to contact if he ever needs help. He's also the only jin he actually feels comfortable being more himself around, since he already understood jgy wasn't there to find fault.
"mdm jin wonders if you have had someone in your heart recently" points out jgy one time as they have dinner at his place, jl sleeping near them.
The question immediately makes jc tense, which makes jgy smile fall a bit (jc pointed out he doesn't always need to force a smile on his face when he's with him).
jgy quickly wonder if he asked something too personal, as he tried asking simply because the rare times he does meet with mdm jin, she would ask about it ("You seem close to jc, aren't you? Did he finally started dating?")
He had wondered a bit too, since he had never seen jc with anyone else before. But there was also never a trace of anyone else at the young man's house, apart from his own frequent visit. With how much jc was working and studying, it felt like he never would have had the time for dating.
"You don't need to-"
"Will she take away a-ling if I don't find someone?" asked jc, sounding a weird mix of tired, scared and anxious. The man looked as though needing to date someone would be an annoying task, rather than something pleasant.
"No?" he says, more as a question since he wonders where jc took this, "I think she just worries that you cut yourself from meeting people so you can take care of a-ling" he replies.
jc doesn't seem convinced. mdm jin had many times brought back the subject, and it had also included how it would probably be better if jl had two parents.
"And what if I don't want to date? What if I /never/ wanted to date?" jc asks, sounding a bit angrier at that, because it was not the first time someone was trying to force something on him. Was it really /that/ weird that he had never wanted to date anyone? That he had never fallen in love before? Many were raised with only one parent without a problem, was it so bad for him to do it like this too?
jgy seemed a bit taken aback, as he had not expected this reaction from jc. the younger man quickly realised he had vented his anger on the wrong person, he could see jgy wasn't meaning anything bad.+
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to vent on you, I am just... tired of being asked all the time" he quickly apologised, looking at his tea instead of jgy.
jgy soft smile quickly came back, trying to sound reassuring "It is alright not to want to date, I personally just wanted to make sure you weren't privating yourself if you wanted one".
He was rather happy when he saw tension leaving his shoulders, his face a bit more relaxed too. a more comfortable silence settled down, the both of them slowly sipping the tea. yet, jgy couldn't stop thinking about the way he had said it.
"You never wanted to date?" he asked. he didn't push when jc didn't immediately answer, before shaking his head. "No... is it that weird? I just... never felt like that for anyone" he finally confessed.
jgy was the second person he ever told. He sure hoped he would be as understanding as wwx (though maybe not as confused as the teen had been, it had been quite the night, trying to explain his lack of attraction, but in the end, wwx understood and accepted it).
"Not weird, I think one of my friends is similar to you" admitted jgy, clearly thinking about it. "he did try dating, but he said he doesn't feel anything for his partner so he broke up and never did it again".
jc was a bit curious about who it was, wondering if talking to him would make him encounter someone who /understands/ him really. "Do you want to date?" jc ended up asking after a while. He had also noticed the lack of anyone else living here (other than the occasional visit from his best friends he seemed to have).
"I think I've had enough the last time, I'll probably wait a bit before doing it again, didn't end very well, to be honest".
The rest of the night went with jc talking about how he feels about all this, while jgy ended up telling some story of his rather not-so-good dating life. They came out of this night a bit closer, knowing that the other wouldn't judge on anything, even this.
As time went by they only grew closer. Even if jc didn't have a wife, jl ended up growing up with two parental figures around him, as jgy was often around.
at some point, jc ended up simply moving in with jgy, as it was easier than always doing the travelling between their houses. It was also easier to take care of jl, as they wouldn't need to drop him all the time. Everything and everyone was in the same house now, much easier.
mdm jin did seem a bit curious, but seeing how both men were seriously taking care of jl without a problem she never commented on it (she still believed maybe one day they would marry someone). at some point (when jl was entering his late childhood), jc did wonder if jgy wanted to date "I wouldn't want to be in the way".
but jgy had admitted this was enough for him. He had something he could call a family (even if a bit unusual) and didn't feel the need for romance. (though he did promise to tell him if he ever felt the want to).
jc was indeed happy himself like this. It was really nice to have someone else he could call family in a way.
(I had a sudden want for platonic chengyao taking care of jl, but also aroace!JC finding someone who accepts and understands him)
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thepurplewombat · 1 year
🔥 xiyao?
I love it. (there's an unpopular opinion for you, at least in the fandom at large haha) My personal headcanon is that after all the shit went down in the temple, LXC got hold of some Sun and Moon whatwhat mushroom spores and grew JGY a mushroom body, fed on LXC's qi and JGY's blood.
Everyone thought he was in seclusion, but no he was just tending JGY's body and practicing his demonic cultivation, plus trying to figure out how to get jgy out without bring NMJ along.
Once the body was ready he played JGY's soul into the body and they fucked off to go live on a mountain somewhere and raise yaks.
And I realise that this may have been more a fic idea than an unpopular opinion, so here's another: I'm a big fan of the idea that LXC was not just oblivious to JGY killing NMJ with Turmoil, but actively complicit. It's something I haven't been able to get out of my head since I read a meta/fic (it's a fic but it's presented as a historical paper, is there a word for that?) presenting some really compelling points on the subject.
It's just so juicy! I'm not sure it works with canon because there are some parts that only work if LXC is either ignorant of the situation or lying like a pro, but I love it.
Do any of these even count?
This one might be? I think JGY could be happy as Lan-furen, if the stars aligned and the fates were kind.
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amokslime · 2 years
Now under a cut because I realized how godforsakenly long it is:
Maybe it's galaxy brained but hear me out:
Wei Wuxian's descent from beloved irreverent face into behated heel with a dedicated fan base
Jiang Cheng the extremely polarizing face/heel/face/heel guy who meanmugs at the audience regardless of whether they're cheering for him or not
Wei Wuxian jumping out of a coffin to interrupt his own funeral a-la the Undertaker
JYL as their manager who gets engaged to the promotional company's son
Wen Ning who starts out as a gentle scaredy-cat character who doesn't know his own strength, but ends up as WWX's modern prometheus themed crony. Grew up watching pro-wrestling on TV
Wen Qing as the on-site doctor who's so very tired of treating wrestling related injuries.
JZX is a very stiff, money themed, rich boy owner's son type character but all he wants is just to be happy and unperceived. He just wants to retire and be a boring house husband but he can't get away. (He eventually escapes don't worry)
JGY as the Nie Bro's long-suffering manager whose life is full of real, unscripted family drama he cannot escape
Nie Bros as a Powerhouse/Trickster duo
NHS blowing kisses at opponents to interrupt their grandstanding monologues and then hiding behind NMJ when they get mad him
NMJ's character is a berserker who just like. Screams and rips open his shirt as his entrance bc he didn't have any other ideas.
Twin Jades of Lan as untouchable technical faces who refuse to break rules to the extent that they should be boring, but they're. Very popular.
Wangxian tag team -> nemesis -> tag team. It's a extremely long running recurring storyline that thrives on WWX's image change into his goth aesthetic heel character
NMJ and JGY falling out after JGS orchestrates an unscripted, career ending screwjob on NMJ after NMJ openly/bluntly acknowledges his bad behavior while on video (for anybody who hasn't been cursed with a pro wrestling special interest: a screwjob is an unfair or controversial finish that often involves cheating or outside interference)
After this, NHS goes through a scripted character arc of teaming up with a revolving string of other characters in order to get "revenge" on whichever poor wrestler got pressured into doing the unscripted takedown on NMJ. But then he also exposes JGS for tax evasion in real life and almost causes the demise of the whole company
The drama. The mess. The gender and sexuality of it all. The way everyone acts like they're divorced from everybody else. The unscripted real life betrayals that are treated as spectacle. The court of public opinion and the dissonance between reputation and inner life. My third eye is open
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jin-zixun · 1 month
does anyone have any um. what's the word um. uh. recommendations for uh. chengxian fics?
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llycaons · 1 year
got done with that really long cheating fic and here's what I got
like pros
really strong wx dynamic. the emotional scenes HIT and kept me coming back. love how they seamlessly went from 'best friends of 20 years' to 'deeply in love and ready to move in together' in under a weak with nary a dramatic miscommunication. that familiarity translated to well to romantic compatibility and joy in each other's presence. really lovely relationship dynamics and mutual obsession
the barbie princess and the pauper line
"She never tried to see me!" Wei Ying is babbling... "Never saw me, not me me, not, Wei Ying, this is my Wei Ying, no, just, some random husband, a husband she didn’t even try to like, she had to marry me but she —" His voice breaks. "She never liked me for me. Why would she like me for me."
there's another part when he talks like 'she didn't try to love me for me' and this is nearly verbatim the same song as Barbie" Princess and the Pauper "If you Love Me for Me", on the one hand this does kind of make wwx sound like a sulky child but on the other hand he's right and it's not fair and it's an emotional line that fits the story
some of the best cuddling I've ever read. dang. not enough authors dwell on the cuddling. also the naked in-depth conversations were really nice and intimate without always being sexual which I appreciated
that scene towards the end where wwx sees the video of his parents interacting with him and saying they loved him oooohh that went into resolving his abandonment issues so well
I really liked how wwx's relationship to sexuality was written. not his relationship to being into guys so much, but like, his relationship with sex? the demi tag put me off but it actually felt pretty true to his character even tho I see it differently for him in canon. of that makes sense. like I think his canon nonengagement with sex during the majority of the show (in the drama) is more related to trauma and just trying to survive bc in the CR arc he was definitely teasing in sexually aware ways but this also feels true for him? hard to explain
the jumping around in time was really neat, especially when each one has its own plot to be resolved and it all accumulated to the sum of its parts in the end
qs is a lawyer and so is jgy which was neat
otherwise???? very strange!!!
wwx and lwj not being aware of being into men until literally their 30s. lwj literally goes on a date with a woman and kisses her. and talks about wanting to be prepared for a gf. like apparently this setting is even more homophobic than ours but I still think that's really ooc! in the novel lwj did grow up in a hostile social environment and he knew how he felt at like age 15. idk I've grown up in a fairly accepting area and that's not something i've personally struggled with so this isn't a personal judgement on realism or w/e, it's a judgement on character. lwj responding to the suggestion he might be gay and reacting with defensiveness and repression may work for his younger self, but by 30 years old? I don't see it
wwx marrying a woman was less weird than I expected because it was essentially arranged/to repay his debt to the jiangs but the debt part doesn't even seem to matter after the marriage bc when wwx is upset at himself for cheating he's like 'oh shit I feel terrible' and 'I need to divorce her so I can be with lwj' but he doesn't spare a thought as to how that would retroactively fuck up his debt payment??? I liked how he was written in a lot of ways but this was so baffling. does he care abt it or not
lqr is the single kindest and most nonjudgemental adult wwx knows. now I love him. but that is just not accurate to his canon self. judgement and strictness is a huge part of his character
very little interactions with jfm or jyl, and I know jfm sucks but he DOES care about wwx and it was weird to see him entirely missing from wwx's life. and jyl! she's barely in it
overall very weak sibling dynamics, which I don't usually mind bc the romance is so well done, but it felt wrong even to me
jc and wq apparently married with KIDS god help her
the het sex scenes were weird and uncomfortable
NHS IS MARRIED TO A WOMAN actually that's not wild ig he could be bi but he always bickers w his wife while jc is happy w wq and they have kids and that just seems wrong I don't think jc should have domestic bliss im sorry its just not in his character he has a terrible personality and way too much history with the wens in canon obvi. nhs however is clever and strategic and I don't think he'd ever agree to marry someone he doesn't actually like? unless the implication is he's gay and also unhappily het married but even then if anyone could figure out a lavender marriage situation it would be him
qs was not villainized or anything and I liked how her story with wwx ended but there was a really stressful scene of wwx angrily punchnig a wall during one of their arguments and that just never came up again even though he apologized for the cheating so that was weird. like it's hard to ignore the gender dynamics of a younger woman married to a man against her will and I think he was overall very respectful but he at one point is upset that jc got a choice in his wife and wwx himself didn't, which would be fine except again his wife is WEN QING and it's hard to believe she willingly chose to marry him so it just sounds like he doesn't give a shit about women in the same situation even tho I'm sure in this setting it was mutual. somehow. also why are he and wq not besties 🥺
anyway I feel like qs was easy to side against bc wwx was so miserable bc of her so it felt like the reader was primed to dislike her. and I obviously don't want to downplay the homophobia wwx experienced in his unhappy het marriage but it felt very focused on the men in ways I did find misogynistic but since it's a story that focuses so closely on wwx and lwj I think that's hard to avoid? idk. there could have been another female character in it. I guess
also the drunk sex scene...he's not really coordinated but he's thinking pretty clearly so I felt okay about it but also??? why did they do that???
also later they have the little 'oh hehe you can do whatever you want to me' but besides that first sex scene there was nothing of even dubious consent
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
I’m pro nmj when it comes to jgy and pro jgy when it comes to nmj. No wonder I ship nieyao.
I am pro neither as both are terribly hypocritical and deserve each other for being trash that only think in black and white.
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stiricidewrites · 4 months
All the Things We’ll Leave Behind: ch 33, pt 12
lwj eyed up the group challenge lqy had chosen. As far as he could see, it was the main group challenge on the water—although there were several challenges further off that he was unsure of the details of. He thought another had flags indicating it was a group challenge, but he couldn’t be sure from this far out. This particular challenge had an element of physical interaction that would likely make it more difficult for a woman, their smaller size and lesser strength generally leaving them at a disadvantage against male alphas, but if he was going to have to do it anyways…
He sighed, long strokes bringing him quickly to one of three platforms for each team of three. lqy smiled down at him from where she was sitting lazily on the edge, her feet swishing aimlessly through the water. Behind her, jzxuan was chatting amicably with the challenge’s attendant—a powerful looking young alpha. Several of the more common challenges, including this one, were known to become… violent, according to nmj, who had even broken his nose during this one once. Hadn’t slowed him down, of course, but he had left a trail of blood over each subsequent challenge.
According to jgy, nmj suffering serious injuries during these events hadn’t been uncommon. Both lwj and jzxuan had been curious what kind of injuries that monstrously large and strong alpha had endured, but lxc had cut off nmj’s bragging. Instead of hearing war stories, they had been forced to listen to the omega scold him for bragging about being injured in such a ridiculous event.
Apparently, his brother didn’t share his mates’ interest and admiration in the—allegedly—more fun and enjoyable version of this event.
The attendant smiled mildly at lwj as he pulled himself onto the platform. The man, likely a few years older than lwj and jzxuan, slowly eyed him up—assessing how much of a pain in the ass he was going to be as a competitor, perhaps—as he explained some of the rules to jzxuan, although he had learned the rules just as well as lwj had from their brother-in-law. Occasionally, the attendant slipped in a piece of advice for them, though, seemingly taking jzxuan’s friendly banter as reason to give them tips and tricks.
“Watch for teams who are stupid enough to leave their cache unattended—or worse, who leave their weakest player there. A lot of groups try to finish in three goes, when even the pros take four or five to finish,” the man was saying. “People forget that this challenge is about stealing what you can, especially as the game goes on and tension rises.”
nmj had given them bits of advice on many of the challenges, but with so little time to prepare and so many potential challenges that Madam Yu and the event coordinators could have chosen from, his advice had been more wide-ranging and less specific to all but the most common of challenges.
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cptnflints · 3 years
em. they/them. millennial. scorpio. cql, tgcf & shl blog i also have black sails gay pirate brain rot i'm a villain apologist, i'm pro shixiong-fucker rights, love me a gay pirate i make things sometimes
pls talk to me about; 
yin yu and quan yizhen 
xie wang and his yifu issues 
nieyao or 3zun
captain flint getting railed by thomas hamilton 
being choked by valley master wen kexing 
eming being best boy
why jgy should have killed more people, actually 
captain flint being the character of all time
the homoeroticism of being obsessed with your percieved enemy
any dynamic where the characters are divorced despite never being married
DO NOT talk to me about SVSSS unless it's about moshang
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