#when i have no art ideas i default to putting one of my favorite characters in a random place
crystalleoi · 2 years
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sublimenol · 1 year
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Sonic OC Questionnaire time!
Since the @sonic-oc-showdown is starting up soon I thought I should do something to write up a bit more about my OC Deirdre. Shoutout to @bunnymajo and @nintendoni-art for bringing this easy to chew set of questions to my attention. Art here is done by the always wonderful @bunniibones.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Short answer, it's a pun. Long answer is that I was playing around with the way naming conventions seem to exist in Sonic where you have Word-the-Animal but also some characters have "proper" names, but tend to be playfully named. Sally Acorn, Bunny Rabbot and such. Deirdre was made with a bit more of Archie in mind at the time and as such she was dubbed Deirdre Whitetail. Since she's a deer.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
I'm always leery of specific age when it comes to these characters given the overall aesthetic is fairly neotenic. She is intended to be a young adult though. Experienced enough to have gone through a few troubles and to set out on her own, but she's yet to be worn down much. So probably an early 20s.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
She currently does not have any love interests in any official capacity. At one time a friend was considering a roboticized one but that never got beyond the idea phase and isn't really "canon" for any value of the term.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Cocoa. Deirdre takes her hot chocolate very seriously. She sticks to the finest ingredients. Particularly in her own dried and crushed chili that she uses to add heat to the sweet.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
She considers herself a modern knight errant. Her family is old nobility that hold no real application in the modern world but she still holds herself to noblesse oblige. As she doesn't have any skills she considers worthwhile besides physical conflict, she works for the Restoration in trying to put a stop to the seemingly endless problems in Sonic's world. Especially if she can whack a badnik with an axe.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
She's yet to really find any hobby. She's trying to break out of keeping herself busy through self appointed responsibilities.
🎯 -What do they do best?
She's a fighter and that's what she does best. She was raised with the fantasy of knights in heroes and that's been what she's put her all into becoming.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She absolutely loves the moment of conflict. The world is simpler and more direct then. She can lead and she can put everything into fight. Directing allies, protecting allies, swinging an axe through a robot, all of that is where she feels most alive.
She really hates social situations. She loves other people and she enjoys being around them, she is just woefully outclassed when it comes to things like parties and gatherings. She tends to default to being silent, aloof and posing gracefully to carry through the fact she's screaming internally about looking like an idiot.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
During the Resistance Era against the Eggman Empire, where she was surrounded by others trying to get by. The hope and comradery she felt during the conflict was the closest she's felt to comfort, despite the physical dangers.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Metal Virus. She discovered early that a weapon was of no use. She was not infected, but forced to flee to her mountainside home. There she lived with the ghosts of her failure and perceived cowardice as she hunkered alone in a big empty house knowing there was nothing she could do to help anyone.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes, she hasn't changed much except her hair has gone from lilac to a more pinkish color. And before she was a deer she was almost a fisher cat.
Story wise she has gone from a more Archie era character to one that's more set in a slightly AU take on the IDW series.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
A friend wanted to do some RP and at the time I had no Sonic OCs to do anything with. So I sort of cobbled some stuff together from things I remembered from the mid 90s comics and cartoons.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
She is firmly in the Action genre. Fairly Shonen too with the bouts of melodrama and emotions.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
She is female. Sexuality is not fully defined. Biromantic Asexual is probably the most likely.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
She is but an only babby. A lonely only babby.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They are fine, but very independent and professional. It appears cold on the surface but they do love and respect each other deeply.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Honestly because she's kind of a brainworm. She really should have just been one a million discarded one off RP characters and not have clawed her way back again and again when I've wavered on the Sonic fandom in general.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Nerve issues have kept drawing off the table for me on a regular basis. I should write more, and love creating things for her, but I usually don't write because I figure no one wants to know much about OCs
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Probably not. There's just always more story to tell.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Nothing so overt or direct. Mostly existential fears related to her utility to the world and her past failures.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Most of her antagonists aren't "arch-nemesis or rival" levels. So I'm going to say no to this. There just hasn't been quite that emotional tie to any of them to make them something other than enemies at cross-purposes.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Probably since around 2015 or 16 in concept and off hand use in RP. She has only been formally designed and really made solid in the last 5 or 6 years though.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
So for the Off To series, I'm sure how much thought you've put into them, but what are the potential villain ideas for those stories? Would they be evil miraculous users or would you go for that magic vs magic you mentioned you would have liked to see? Off the top of my head I could see vampires in the Off to London story (though that could be all the Dracula stuff I've been watching talking).
A lot of this info I'm going to go ahead and share cause idk when the Off to series will come out. I haven't even started writing them, and I'd rather see Copycat, Manynette, and Dodged a Beetle done/farther along first. I also still need to sit and watch videos for the settings I'll be writing in, which I won't promise a 100% accuracy, but I am going to learn for the settings and do the best I can (which if there are any corrections to make when these fics come out, do please let me know if something needs to be changed or is wrong).
So, Off to London I haven't thought too much about aside from knowing for sure that Quantic Kids, Felix, and the waiter seen in concept art will be major characters alongside Marinette. Villains really has yet to come to mind. Vampries could work as there was a vampire villain in Pixie Girl.
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But otherwise, villains have yet to really come to mind.
By default Felix will be antagonistic. There's that.
Also, some older designs that were really different than what we got will probably exist in Off to London as background classmates. One of these characters will even make an early appearance in the next chapter of Copycat.
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Though, Off to Milan I had a lot more ideas for villains. I don't have a whole story planned out, but I do have some villains/antagonists.
Lila Rossi will be for sure, though probably more of a starting villain/antagonist since she is set to go to Paris after a while (towards the end of s1). As it's a given she'll be in Paris for the rest of canon, she probably won't be involved in any Miraculous or magic activity. She's just a two faced bully. She may be confirmed magical in some way and that's how she's able to lie and manipulate so easily but that's a thought for later.
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Now other villains/antagonists, they exist through Pixie Girl, as she's one of the few concepts that showed off quite a bit of the cast and potential allies or threats and Off to Milan was planned to largely work off the mages we see as the antagonists.
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Idk what's going to go on with them. Don't know what the goal will be. Don't even quite have down what they can do, but there are a few details I have down that are for sure:
They are a descendants of a long line of black mages, hailing from a magical clan/coven that has been kinda dying out, maaaaaybe descendants of Morgana le Fey; if so the family would definitely stick to le Fey as the surname, otherwise the surname will be related to night or darkness
The twins names are going to be Scarlet and Jasper, Scarlet is the more hotheaded of the two, very competitive and looks down on others, while Jasper is a little more toned down and sly; Scarlet is the favorite/preferred of the two, and likes combative/destructive magic, Jasper is more artistic, the dark artist, if you will; honestly these two will probably have some inspirations from Zuko and Azula
Pixie is set to have a crush on one of the two and it's enemies to lovers; initial plan is Jasper playing off that it seems Pixie had a crush on a boy and I think the initial plan was kinda another Love Square scenario between Pixie and the Wizard; but not a 100%, that's more of what I predicted, if the show ever came out.
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I am pretty open on potential ships for Off to Milan, so Pixie can easily crush on Scarlet instead. Honestly, only for sure I have is Pixie crushing on one of the twins and everything else is pretty open to happen.
And that's pretty much all I got planning wise that is for sure for Off to Milan. I will say, IF the specials for Lady Lion and Lady Butterfly do come out before this fic does, then any villains introduced could wind up included.
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Though it would be a little bit of a bummer cause I wanted to try and play around with these characters before they became official but given my writing progress, if it happens, not the end of the world. I'll just make the necessary adjustments and we keep on keeping on.
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wolgerrswraith · 2 months
Writerly Questionaire
Tagged by @winglesswriter for this writer questionnaire. I'll do my best to answer them!
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
Probably around 9 or 10. Terrible little stories I did in stapled together pages that have been lost to time. I tried to write "seriously" in my late teens. A lot of that is also lost, but what got kept shows some promise.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, not really. I'm big into YA/fantasy these days, so a lot of what I write falls into the fantasy or YA genre as well. Not everything, but a lot of it.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
I consider Holly Black, Madeleine Roux, and Stephen King my biggest inspirations, but I don't try to copy them. I wouldn't compare my work to them, either, but I'd like to think a little Holly Black gets into my writing sometimes.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Nothing too special, unfortunately. Just my usual desk with my pc. I need to dust it, probably.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
It happens at random sometimes. I'll have an idea, and the story comes into being from it. My novella was inspired by a DVD cover, for example. (Not the film itself, though, just the art.) Other times an idea sticks in my mind from a book or film, and I work it into something original. An entire story I wrote once was based off a single moment in Crimson Peak, for example.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Absolutely not.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Broken homes, unflattering parental figures, and found families keep cropping up. I'd say it's surprising, but at this point I just accept it as the way my writing goes.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
I like all my characters, but my favorite is always my elf guy, Lestrain. I need to actually put him into stories more often, but I default to him in games if I need to make an avatar, and currently the most chaotic Sims playthrough to ever exist stars him.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Wolgerr (who is sometimes human), and Jonah (usually human). They're both down to earth, modern types who don't judge a lot and try to get along with people.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Scarlett, mostly because I made her the biggest bitch to ever live (for story reasons!). She'd pick too many fights for me to ever like her.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Honestly? Accidents. Almost all of them. A prime example is Lestrain, which came from a rewatch of Interview With the Vampire. Lestat somehow morphed into a disgraced prince, who then morphed into a man who loved too freely and got banished off the throne for it. The elf bit was for fun. And the amazing hair.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
A lot of bisexuals. And sassy assholes. Wouldn't know why that keeps happening!
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
Cliche as it is, all my main characters have actor "face claims" to help me visualize. I'm at the point I see the claims when writing my characters, so I guess it worked.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
Mental health. Life is hard, sometimes I need to write about pretty elf people fucking up the patriarchy.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I don't get as many comments as I'd like (it's too hard for someone to post feedback apparently) but I'm always glad to see my stories are interesting, and even funny (when they're supposed to be).
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I'd like to think people read my work and think "Wow! This guy is super nuts and this plot is ridiculous! I must finish it!"
But seriously, I'd just like someone to think the story is good enough to finish reading.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think my dialogue comes across well. Banter, jokes, gentle jabs between friends. (Not pillow talk, though... don't ask!)
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Dialogue and weirdness. Combining elements that don't feel like they'd work but somehow do, with people who can banter with the best of them.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
That it's awful, and everything I write is trash can worthy. Because  intrusive thoughts are real, and hard to ignore.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Probably. Someone would have to.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I attempt to put a little thought into what other people might want to read, but I'm also writing a novella with samurai teaming with elves to fight dragons because I like those things. And because no one can stop me.
Tagging @aintgonnatakethis @fortunatetragedy
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bedknees · 1 year
I see ur kind of back in the eene fandom. Favorite and least favorite headcanons about the Ed's if your feeling up to it?
Lol hi. And yeah I'm here. Arcane has had such a relentless chokehold on my brain for the past year and a half and it's finally loosening it's grip (inb4 inevitable Season 2 promo shit lmao).
HCs for the Eds? Let's goooo-
HCs I like:
-I like the HC he has ADHD. It fits him well and has direct canon evidence. As an ADHDer, he fits a lot of the basic stereotypes.
-The kinda popular fandom idea that he will be involved in the filming or general crew of B-tier horror movies when he's an adult. Career path is honestly among the most likely. Can also dig him being an Art Bell-esque radio or podcast host of weird conspiracy stuff.
-Love when he's paired with May. I feel that they'd be the only Ed/Kanker combo that'd work imho.
-Even though he's a fun loving character at heart, I like the idea that we see more of that serious and angry side he showed in Little Ed Blue and BPS. Like as he gets older and more seasoned he learns to stand up for himself more. Not his default at all, but learns to put up with less shit.
-I don't see him caring much about gender or sexuality. I don't ever see him labeling himself or thinking much about it, but I also don't see him as fully straight or cis.
-Can see him really being into Astrology and star charts. He probably has an Ancient Aliens phase 😆
-Like to think he starts taking college classes in his Junior or Senior year of high-school. Probably gets offers from Ivy-League schools, picking not the one he wants to go to the most, but the one that leaves him closest to home.
-I think it was @eddbedandeddy that came up with the idea that he has trichotillomania, where one pulls out clumps of hair as a very maladaptive nervous habit. Love this and I fully support the HC that it's why he wears his hat.
-Dig the idea he goes on to become a doctor of some sort.
-Is a really bad cook. Underseasons and overcooks a LOT. Usually keeps it to cup noodles, sandwiches, or takeout if the responsibility falls on him.
-Definitely has big bi or pan energy.
-Though he can't cook, Edd is very good with gardening and plants in general. Super good at keeping them healthy and cultivating them.
-Mellows out a bit when he gets older. Still a tad neurotic but not a full blown nervous wreck.
(So warning: Eddy is my favoritest, most special little guy(TM) so there is a little bias for how many HCs I have for him compared to the others. Sorry lol.)
-It's funny when you think about it, because in terms of Eddy's personality after BPS it's actually pretty nebulous to nail down. Despite being one of the brashest, most outspoken characters he's actually the most mysterious when it comes down to who he truly is. He hid behind a facade for the majority of the show's runtime, after all, so what he truly is like underneath that leaves a lot up to the imagination.
-HOWEVER, I HC Eddy returning to his Season 1 and early Season 2 personality after BPS, with a decent amount of self reflection and maturity tacked on. I think how he acted in Season 1 is the closest to who he really is at the core. A good example of how I see Eddy (as a teenager, at least), is that he would share a lot of traits with Amethyst from Steven Universe, I guess? Closest example I can think of, tbh.
-He's closeted gay kid. Home of sexual. 👬🏳️‍🌈🌈 I used to see him as a bi, but rewatches changed my mind a lot. (Part of it is that he's always been my favorite and I was projecting tbh.) It takes him till his mid-to-late teens to start to accept it.
-Excellent cook. His mom's side is 100% Italian in my personal HC and she and her side bestowed a ton of culinary knowledge on him from old family recipes etc.
-Piggybacking off this, I see Eddy being a line cook for quite a while if not as his staple career. I can also see him doing car sales and bartending and even working at a deli. Bounces around jobs a lot, but always is employed in some way or the other.
-He loves baking and is very good at it. Don't give him shit about it or he will cry in private.
-Eddy is ADHD like Ed, but on the more impulsive and moody side of the large spectrum ADHD consists of. He also is bipolar af.
-Is heavily into music in general, especially as he gets older. He also has a penchant for musicals and Broadway, but he WILL get defensive if you tease him for it. But yeah, music is his biggest hobby and interest by far.
HCs I don't like:
-That he's too stupid to live. Leave him alone, he's dim but functional.
-The idea he can't function independently from Edd and Eddy. He absolutely can and is his own person!
-When fanfics or works in general make Eddy and Edd act like parents to him. He's their equal 👏
-Anytime he's explicitly third-wheeled when Edd and Eddy are paired. You absolutely can write the former two paired up without excluding him.
-When the fandom makes him an uwu softboy. Stfu. He's a little asshole with a smart mouth and a truckload of sass. Erasing that makes him so BORING 😴
-The HC that he will 'outgrow' Eddy and Ed and move on from them. He's right where he belongs and they complete each other. Stop.
-Where do I begin? Firstly, him acting the same exact way as he does in the show after what happened in BPS. The entire movie was explicitly about Eddy becoming a better person and learning his lesson. At least show some growth.
-Him becoming an even more ruthless and corrupt scammer as an adult. Paired with the above point, but still.
-Any HCs that he's heterosexual 🤢
-Fanart that makes him skinny.
I could go on but those are the main ones. Ty anon!
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msfcatlover · 1 year
OKAY THIS IS A BIG ONE, just answer the ones you want to :D
DC (preferably Batman or Green Arrow or Superfam but actually everything) - games, comics, movies, books, fandom
what is your (can be more than one each category):
favourite fan AU
favourite headcanon
favourite female character
favourite male character
favourite comic
favourite canon AU (you know all these Future State and Kingdom Come and Injustice and Arkham verse and all that!!!)
favourite ship (IF you have one, otherwise the ones you can tolerate)
favourite death (if the character died more than in one universe or more than once, specify which death)
favourite powerset
favourite resurrection (LOL, same with #8)
favourite AU villain/antagonist (those who aren't villains but you imagine would be cool villains in your opinion)
favourite canon villan/antagonist (if characters like Jason or Talia then specify which plotlines/comics)
favourite DC loser.
sorry for bad English!!!! have a good day/night
Oh boy, that’s… that’s actually really hard for me. I have a hard time picking favorites, because I generally love things for very different reasons. I know much more clearly what I dislike when I see it; enjoying things is sorta my default state, y’know?
Like, take the AU question. I’d be hard pressed to tell you whether a good Reverse Robins setup was something I liked better than, say, @jube-art’s Superfam/Batfam role-swap (which, if you haven’t seen it, go check it out!)
I’m also working my way through canon chronologically, and am still in the early/mid-90s, so there’s a lot of characters I haven’t officially gotten to, and a lot of stories I haven’t gotten the chance to really dig into yet. (I made it to Knightfall, realized I hadn’t put any of the buildup to that arc in my comic library, and decided to go back and read Barbara’s time with the Suicide Squad instead.) I don’t feel comfortable planting a flag on this until… oh, at least until ~2006, probably. (Which, given just how many books/characters suddenly got added in the 90s, will probably take a while.)
(There are also lots of characters who have so much potential in their backstory/power set, but who never got to use them to their full potential. Or who only had the cool parts of their backstory tacked on as an obvious retcon in the process of writing them out of the story, because the fans were vocally upset about them, meaning they never got the exploration any of those story ideas deserved.) (I have a special level of ire for power sets that are really cool on a surface level, but where the creators added just one power too many to stop them from being fully interesting. For example, Menagerie’s bugs having mind control properties overcomplicates her too much, in my opinion. Or—if you’ll let me hop over to Marvel—a character like Alpha who has all the “standard” superpowers, but only one at a time? What makes that interesting is having to choose between being super-strong or invulnerable or super-fast (etc.) therefore this character should not have ranged attack options built into said power set; it disincentivizes him from ever getting up-close with enemies, forcing the writer to choose between having the character be stupid or having the character never use the interesting elements of their powers. (…I mean, Alpha being stupid is kinda the point of his plot, but you see what I’m getting at, right?))
I will say, I adored Jason’s post-Crisis Robin run (in both Batman series, though for very different reasons) and so far very little has brought me as much joy as reading DC’s Detective Comics from that time period! And those few pages of Dan Mora’s B&W cyberpunk short that went around recently had me absolutely frothing with excitement for the possibilities that verse holds. And Jason being Tim’s Robin brings me endless joy, which neither canon nor jerkfaces will take from me.
(Aaaaaaaand while shipping isn’t the catharsis I come to comics for (thank gods, basically every canon ship I’ve witnessed thus far has been awful in motion even when their potential is off the charts,) I can actually blame DCEU SuperBat for getting me into this whole mess in the first place. Blame @susiecarter, whose fics I found immediately after watching someone do a deep-dive analysis of everything that went wrong with BvS, which I paused when I thought, “Huh, these are actually all really good points… I bet fanfiction has done this exact story, but with much better execution, recognizable characterization, and probably a hell of a lot gayer. Let’s go check.”)
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notinmyvocab · 10 months
All odd number questions!
Buckle up lads, it's a long one!
What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? -Usually whatever the default font is, though sometimes I'll use the Comic Sans trick if I'm stuck. Sometimes i'll get fancy and use a typewriter font.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? -the fact that I don't have one. Very cursed.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? -that if I talk about my current work in too much detail with someone, I lose the motivation to write it because now the idea exists outside of my head. So if I'm really passionate about a piece, I won't say much about it.
7. . What is your deepest joy about writing? -putting that guy in situations. And the milfs
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know -hell fucking yeah I do.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? -I don't grieve, but I am pretty ruthless.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? -smut. Some people think I'm good at it and when I'm drunk, it comes easily but mostly I can't just write smut. Bloody imagery comes really easily though.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends? -sometimes I'll write in the margins of pages. I don't dog ear them because a lot of my books are old and doing that will rip the paper. I used to judge people who did these things but now I see it as a sign of love.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. -oh god. Gonna do Woe Begets Misery (so @yourlocaldisneyvillain here's a little present!). Um, let's see... Isabel Noble lives in a haunted house in Los Angeles, though we won't be seeing it in this installment. She was adopted and her birth mother was clairvoyant. Her birth father was named Lawrence and was driven to madness both by the haunted house and Isabel's mother (girl power). She has had her heart broken a million times and will never learn from it. Her adoptive father, Derek Noble, has a face claim: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. He was a good dad, but his death wreaks havoc on Isabel's mind.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? -I started writing when I was veryyyyy little. I wrote a diary when I was six but it was fictitious, so that was the start. Lot of bumps. Finally got into playwriting.
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not? -Nope could never quit writing. My mind is too full.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture. -My thoughts are around me. I tune out everything. It's just me and a blur. And a hot drink.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Isabel Noble had braces and wore a retainer.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? Gregory House. He's complex and I tend to soften him more than he is.
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? Life. My own horniness.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate? I do some painting, but keep it separate
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
Dear beloveds,
You are genuinely the reason I keep going.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens? Incomplete sentences. Sometimes the cadence calls for it.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you? "Get this girl some therapy... I hope she found a milf to love her."
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up? My ideas.
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SW Request Guidelines
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This list is not cemented or exhaustive in any capacity, and will be occasionally updated, so please be sure to keep an eye on this post in my #frostfics masterlist and/or check before you make a request if you'd like some inspiration.
**Remember above all else, friends: 'this is War of Stars and Shit's Whack Anyways'. I more believe in having *fun* with the source material above strict adherence to it. If someone requested something that did not strictly adhere to whatever the current canon is, that's their choice. We all have our favorite aspects of Star Wars and they will not always align with another person's.**
UPDATED: 7/11/24
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What I WILL Do
Headcanon requests
One shots
Short series (IF I am inspired by the request)
When it comes to X Readers: I can comfortably write in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Person POVs. My default is 2nd and 3rd person, for the most part! (Readers can also have nicknames, if that is your preference!)
Want to request a non-x reader? I can do that too, don't be shy!
Tropes including but not limited to: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Enemies-to-Lovers/Idiots-to-Lovers, One Bed/Escape Pod, Fix-its, Soulmate, and Domestic.
Popular occupations or specified reader-types like Medic, Mechanic, Bounty Hunter, Jedi, etc.
As much or as little Clones-using-Mando'a as you'd like. Familial terms only? Sure! You wanna go for Oops! All Pet Names? You got it. You're allergic to Clones using Mando'a? Cool beans, buddy, I can do that and correct any slip-ups! (I know not everyone subscribed to that fanon trope like I did and/or for the same reasons I did.)
Platonic or romantic relationships
Implied smut/Mature on occasion! [Will range from 13+ to 18+ age rating depending on my comfort and familiarity with the requested character.]
I have more familiarity in writing AFAB/Female and Gender Neutral x Readers. I often write the general, physical description of Reader in a very vague, more "poetic" manner unless otherwise specified in the request. [Should be noted I am very unfamiliar with writing AMAB/Male x Readers so I'm afraid I'm likely not the one who will be best to ask.]
We're LGBT+ friendly; I'm a bi woman in my twenties for goodness sake. 🩷💜💙
Most SW characters, really. If you have a particular character in mind that isn't in my main niches of interest, I can probably swing it. There'll be better luck if you request something from one of my favorite eras (The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian). Please keep in mind that the less I know of a character, the longer it'll take me to complete. 
Like a particular fanon trope [ex: Gray Jedi] and want to see my take on it? Sweet, glad you trust me! I'll certainly do my best depending on what's requested.
We're AU and canon-divergent friendly here! You ordered the "No Order 66 AU with Domestic!Clone Boyfriend" with an order of "Somehow, ____ Lived." on the side? Coming right up!
Is it well past time for everything to Just Stop™ for your fave? We can magically give them a little break.
I will postpone or delete a request if you're impatient with me. I'm doing this for free, for FUN, on my own time with no set schedule. I have ADHD tendencies (and chronic health conditions) and sometimes the inspiration is just not there. Do not be an entitled little snot or you'll get put in timeout.
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What I Will NOT Do
Whitewash the Clones. We believe in evidence of Temuera Morrison's physical characteristics in our Clone husbands/boyfriends here.
Art requests: Most of the fan art I'm posting in the #frostsfanart tag is done on whim, vibes and impulse; and it's a miracle some of those have gotten popular.
Sidenote: There is a *chance* you'll get an art response to an ask if I feel I can pull it off, or, if you give me an idea. [An acceptable example would be asking me if I've ever done a helmet doodle for XYZ before.]
Explicit smut as of now. Nothing against it, but I had a more conservative upbringing; I currently struggle with writing that material without unnecessary guilt.
Your OC x Canon. Don't want to butcher your brain-child by mischaracterizing them by accident. Not running that risk; doubt this would be a thing that would be requested but I'm just covering my bases.
I am not personally comfortable with Clonecest or Clone-shipping. They are brothers and refer to each other as such in-canon. I understand people will do as they please, but I do not support this material. Respect my boundaries.
Will absolutely NEVER do requests involving incest, dub-con/non-con, or general bigotry (homophobia, racism, etc). You will be fed to the Rishi Moon eels instead of Cutup. I'll free Echo and put you in his place on Skako Minor before anyone notices I'm there. Get lost, please.
I am not comfortable with the Rex/Ahsoka business or Master x Padawan romance. Platonic takes on Master x Padawan!Reader dynamic is acceptable. Characters need to be of-age for romances. Ahsoka was only 17 at the end of Clone Wars, for stars' sake.
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I Will Love You If You Let Me
Talk about my Clone OCs!!
As the Clone Wars is my favorite era in this Galaxy Far, Far Away, I have a LOT of Clone OCs. I keep track of them in an Excel spreadsheet, so chances are a "throwaway" name that's not found in any Star Wars series is one of my boys.
Chances are good that I throw one or two in a fic as a cameo, as well! Some of them are more fleshed out than others with proper canon, while others have none at all.
Talk about my own fics from time to time!
I promise, there's no need to be shy!
I reread my own work often enough, and I'd love to have you stop by my ask box (on or off anon) with any questions you might have about what you've read! I'll gladly elaborate on why I wrote a scene like that or the particular headcanon(s) I've worked into the fabric of the story.
You're more than welcome to drop by and gush about things too. Authors truly do love to hear back from the people who've taken the time to read what we've written. 🩷
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emeraldgreaves · 1 year
For the Weird Questions for Writers please and thank you! 1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? 16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark? 25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? 29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? (#16 is kinda personal, because I used to work at a library and we had an unofficial contest to see who could find the weirdest thing someone left in a book as a bookmark! Trust me, we found some weird and gross things! lol)
[weird questions for writers]
What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
usually I go for the default when I’m just starting out (calibri on word), then switch to something that feels tonally appropriate when i need a change of pace! e.g. for the bridgerton fic, I was using a serif typeface called book antiqua because honestly how could I not, lol. also jazz recently clued me into a relatively barebones word processing program called stimuwrite, and I just use the default there!
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
story time. i once signed up for a work event where a mildly popular tv chef cooks rapidly over video call while you and your coworkers frantically try to keep up. said event came with a promotional cookbook, which i flipped through most of before putting it away to look at later. it was not a very interesting cookbook, so later never really came. because i use my hands a lot, i have a habit of taking off my wedding ring and putting it out of the way on the nearest available surface. this means it sometimes goes missing for days at a time. so i’m rearranging the cookbooks on the kitchen counter and starting to wonder if I’ve accidentally knocked my ring down a drain or something without realizing, when i realize the books are sitting at a slight angle and refusing to line up. i come to realize that the culprit is said promotional cookbook, so i take it out and open it, and what is sitting nestled close to the spine?
TLDR this man ate my family jewels.
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(fabio was sent to the donation pile as penance, although honestly he was headed for it anyway. it wasn’t a particularly good cookbook.)
more answers under the cut!
What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
The following is actually for a fic, so standard disclaimer that shepherds of haven & its characters of course belong to lena, and I’m just making up things based on them. because take your daughter to work day is a time travel story that starts a generation after the main game, i had to nerf the future!versions of the inner circle somehow so they couldn’t just go back and fix things themselves. for the most part time has done the work for me—the early shepherd recruits skew so young that future!tallys is the only one who could still pass for recruitment age, and there’s obviously already a tallys running around—but there is one person who that still might not stop, and that’s our favorite planeshifting academic/mad scientist liefred antiqua. so i took a bat to his knee. more specifically, at some point he was up on the roof of their house fixing idk, their magic satellite antenna or something, when he slipped on a wet patch and fell off, breaking his leg in a couple of places. he’s healed from it, but definitely can’t run like he used to, a fact that is leveraged to keep him from joining the travel part of the time travel mission LMAO
Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
Mostly books, theater, and art! The scope of my life is very small and fairly boring i.e. not good creative fodder, so i have to draw inspiration by proxy. If I get stuck, I try reading something that’s tonally in the same wheelhouse, which I can usually analyze for ideas for sentence construction or new ways to advance the plot. I tend to write out of order, so I’ll sometimes reorganize my snippets to put them in the order of the story to see if that clarifies anything. And if that doesn’t work, I hop to a different WIP. While I wish I was better about not constantly abandoning stuff (and am working to change that), I’m not on any deadlines except for my self-imposed ones.
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atomsphotography · 1 year
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Tamar Burduli
Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got into photography?
My driving character trait is curiosity and, by proxy, exploration. Inner and outer world exploration. Unsurprisingly, my profession is research. Of people and societies. I am most interested in feminist anthropology.
I don’t remember why I got drawn to taking photos but I remember begging my mom for any digital camera when I was 14-15. She got it for me which was huge because we were really poor. I was curious and tried so many things as a child and I don’t really remember or know exactly why photography was one of the very few I stuck with. The digital photos were of such poor quality and I would play with them in Photoshop and could do that for hours. Then around when I was around 20 a good friend gifted me a film camera and that’s when everything really started. I loved the limits of the film camera, where you had just a few levers and options and you had to make the best out of it. That you had to wait for it to be developed and anticipate what the results would look like which could be anything. There are still often cases where the film or the photograph ‘burns’ or just turns out blurry (I am myopic) or just bad, and that is a whole another exciting adventure for me as I start playing with the colors, figures, layers, and turn an allegedly bad, unusable, unlikeable thing into a surreal, beautiful one and both the process and the end result of all of it are so pleasurable, I cannot fathom.
What inspires you to create your art, and how do you approach the creative process?
I think it all started from escapism. Trying to find peace and focus, or focused peace of mind amidst the oppressive micro, meso, and macro environments that tended to put me down so much. I guess this is still the main theme and process for me, trying to find places where I feel the calmest and the wholest and take with me the fragments that produce this feeling (the feeling that feels like a place that is home).
Can you tell us about your favorite subjects to photograph, and why you're drawn to them?
My main theme from the genesis was nature. I did experiment with portraits for a bit and while those photographs are some of the most powerful and most favorite images I have made over the years, my heart, my mind and my body belongs to nature, the earth, the trees, the grass, the sky, the waters, the sun and the moon and all the living things in an out. All my summers and winters as a child I was spending in the mountains where the scenery was insanely beautiful. In summer in the city, I used to sleep on the balcony under the stars and the sky. And when I was at the most painful time in my life as an adult, nature was the only thing that was able to bring pieces of serenity to my mind. Every time I enter a forest, I instantly feel my body dissolving into it, I feel as one whole with it, serene and happy. All social constructs instantly shake off of me and I remain as pure me, one with nature, perfect solitude. Touching cold grass under my foot is one of the most favorite feelings of this lifetime, dissolving all my anxiety and hopelessness. Many times I have cried when seeing landscapes so striking that were just pinching my heart in the right places.
Can you walk us through your creative process, from idea to execution?
The only thing I do is try to travel as much as possible.
How do you stay inspired and motivated as a photographer, and what do you do when you're feeling creatively stuck?
The current human world is so devastating, killing everything beautiful on this earth and the earth itself too. I feel like each of us is forced to constantly look for something, anything that sets at least some of the negative impact of this limitless human greed off. So staying motivated to travel to nature, to find peace and shelter, and to try to capture and bring some of it back home, to concrete jungle, is easy, a default condition even.
If I am stuck, I just wait. I don’t force it. I trust the back of my mind to process whatever it needs to and to prompt me to pick up and do whatever comes next.
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psylunari · 2 years
About time I introduce myself
TL;DR Luna's nonsense about herself. Feel free to reblog!
If you're looking for my original posts or my fics:
The tags are #psyluna.txt (for fandom info posts, writing tips, and posts like this one it's the first but you get the idea) and #psyluna.fic (for fanfiction). #psyluna.ask is for ask games and answers. #psyluna.png is for image edits, art, and memes.
The tag for when I get fanart is #I GOT ART. Bless all the people who have ever made something for me, I would like to give you the entire planet, but I'm poor, and taking care of a planet is too much work. So all I can give you is more fanfiction.
If I translate something that's not my work, the tag is #translation I just did.
From lurker to occasional reblogger to regular shitposter to… I don't know. The sky is the limit. Nice to meet you! I created this account in 2019, together with my return to posting fanfiction. I wrote fanfiction on again, then off again, for years, since I first picked it up at the fresh age of ten.
I was never a people person, nor did life make me a public figure, thank goodness. I'm not made for the spotlight, so I didn't see a point in blogging here myself. Anyway. I wanna do it now. Buckle up.
My name: the IRL one is so lame that I won't tell you. Call me psy, luna, or psyluna, as you wish. It fits me better.
My age: I was born in 1995, just so that I don't have to update this yearly.
Pronouns: I go by she/her. Gender is a myth. So is being internet famous.
My home country: I hail from not-so-distant, not-so-unknown Brazil.
Languages I speak: English is my second language (Portuguese is my first), and as per local standards, I can speak and write in English quite well. Before you ask, I write fanfiction in Portuguese and translate later, for reasons I'll disclose if anyone asks. I had basic Spanish in school and can still read/listen to it okay, can't write/speak it anymore. Japanese is my hobby language of choice. I plan on becoming more proficient if everything goes right.
My writing: it was always my favorite way to express myself. It's how I organize my thoughts and communicate with the world. Consequently, I wrote lots and lots all my life, even if not fanfiction, just personal vents. I got better in speaking out loud as I became more confident, less self-loathing, and ran out of fucks to give.
Should you talk to me: I enjoy chatting more than I enjoy people. It's not that I don't like people… Okay, let's not lie here. People are troublesome, even myself. I'll willingly talk to people who talk to me, and even start conversations at times, but getting attached and forming bonds isn't a default expectation. That said, if you wanna talk to me, please do.
Miscellaneous: I was somewhat raised by the 2000s internet. Meaning, I was there for a lot of memes and chaos, too. I miss some things and not others.
You won't see me engage with drama and discourse a lot. I keep many personal opinions private or restricted to close friends, as one should separate personal life from public life. To be honest, no one cares much what I think (again, thank goodness). Won't ever bother putting up a DNI list.
I usually follow back. If your blog is blank (as in you don't reblog anything), I might follow back if I know who you are.
Among other artsy things I like doing: drawing (not too well), singing (okay to well), playing a few instruments (okayish), typesetting (pretty well, actually). If cooking counts, then cooking.
My fandoms: I've been obsessed with lots of things along the years. For every phase, I bookmarked lots of fanart and wrote a bit of fic. My interests come and go. They're mostly anime/animated series and video games. I'm also a “mild kpopper” and a dormant rock/metal enthusiast.
My favorite characters: too many to count. They mostly fit the “well-meaning but kind of a jerk” archetype. They don't have to be morally gray, but can be. I don't vibe with stupid characters a lot. My favorite works of fiction are a bit or very tragic. I love bishounen/bishoujo in character design. My ships are based on if I like the chemistry, not much on the characters' genders.
As for my writing strengths: I'm good at putting one word in front of another and finding mistakes. That's the gist of it. Many writers struggle with low productivity and procrastination, and that isn't my curse, fortunately. I can work with a preexisting idea and propose solutions, maybe even add a thing or two. I'm also very critical of things and quick at noticing patterns.
As for my writing weaknesses: I don't think my ideas are too innovative, and while that doesn't matter a lot in the bigger picture, it makes me a little sad. I recycle ideas and themes a lot and hope no one notices. Whenever I'm forced to create, instead of working with preexisting things, I go ughhhh. I used to joke about how I had one idea worth writing every six months. It's been different these days, and I took notes of all nice ideas I've been having, but it's pretty recent. I'm also bad with prompts I don't click with.
The rest like prose, characterization, style, etc. is up for debate, and to some degree, a matter of personal taste. I like to think I can adapt to the needs of whatever I'm writing.
Do you write original fiction? Yes! I'm just not very far into them. I won't disclose much about it, though. Not now, at least. Some are more slice-of-lifey, others are more fantasy-like.
You can find my compiled social media and writing profiles in this carrd. If you don't feel like clicking on the carrd, here are the fic sites:
Archive Of Our Own (most up-to-date, missing older works and personal vents)
Fanfiction dot net (not very up-to-date because I hate this website)
+Fiction, formerly Nyah! Fanfiction (in Portuguese only, has lots of old stuff and vents)
I have a Wattpad account with nothing posted.
I'm used to talking about myself, since nine times out of 10 I'll be brooding in the corner and people get curious. I don't know why exactly that is. Hope you could get to know me better!
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mariska · 1 year
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all my favorite stupid funny alternate posters for the mario movie keep getting removed from tmdb and thus letterboxd bcus tmdb has really oddly strict/specific rules about movie posters for a community run/public editing style media information site so whatever team of folks in charge of taking down posters are like. Always taking down posters, even a lot of ones that fit their guidelines but they don't personally like them sometimes, its super weird, ANYWAYS. the point is, i have the sense of humor of a 12 year old so if i go to change a movie's poster on letterboxd and see that one or more people have added purposefully ridiculous ones to the list i will almost always pick the goofy ones cuz it makes me smile and giggle 2 myself whenever i open the app.
i just needed to visually document this journey so far because the first poster i picked made me laugh out loud For Real when i saw it like a week or two ago, as u can see its a badly photoshopped mess with a bunch of real human beings blended into the characters and its just so horrifying and off-putting and i really loved it, that one was removed a few days ago and i saw that the default tmdb poster was back on my homepage for that movie since its been sitting at the #1 slot of like 'most popular films this week'. so i go back to the page and im like ok time to go alternate poster hunting again and man. i think i like this second one even better. i have no idea if its a reference to something or a meme i've never heard of but "GOOD TO BE BLUE" with blue edited mario re-named as 'Bluerio' next to him in big letters is just. incredible. its art.
im sure this one will probably get taken down soon too but i just needed everyone who isnt as obsessed with letterboxd and the alternate poster option to see this unfolding in real time. i genuinely love that people are not giving up on re-uploading new goofy posters whenever one gets taken down. im rooting for u Bluerio
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
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finally added details to the height chart for my DND PCs! this is actually relatively big so you can click to enlarge or open in another tab to view full size. here’s the original.
notes! under a cut because it became more than a few
putting details on this really put into perspective just how short niamh is. it’s different when it’s just the basic shapes but making them all actual people and. god. she’s a full foot shorter than zenith. compact!
toby’s not much better off considering how tall i remember neoma and jericho being
i sure like boots in my designs, huh. also fingerless gloves, i actually removed temerity’s here because i couldn’t have three of them in a row. i’m a coward.
syrus and niamh both have the useless belts, though niamh has more lol
chain mail is a fucking pain to draw and i didn’t do a great job here BUT i do like how it ends up looking when i do it right. i did remove it from temerity’s legs and gave him... pants? leggings? need to draw him again from a different angle to figure out what the look is. anyway i covered it up to spare myself some.
the only other time i’ve drawn toby’s armor, i did the pic in grayscale, and tbh i couldn’t figure out another color scheme. partly because now it’s just grayscale in my head. also i like to imagine the lightning on his armor actually lighting up the same blue as the gem (which is an artificer thing and not a feature of the armor as it was made) and i think that’d stand out better on the grayscale.
god syrus’ limbs are just so long
temerity’s face rarely comes out right imo, i’ve gotten him right like. twice maybe. but i think asya’s came out especially cute here!
the color variation here is decent, could use more brighter colors. toby would be more colorful in regular clothes but that’s not their default look so y’know.
four of the six have... partially closed eyes? heavy lidded eyes? idk how that actually translates, but i draw their upper eyelid more on them. i do that a lot in my designs, i just like the look! syrus’ eyes are downturned, asya’s are upturned. syrus and niamh both have the under-eye lashes emphasized more. every time i draw them i remember this one post saying it’s a slutty character design choice. let my kids live.
realizing my two autistic kids here have more neutral/flat default expressions. just how they be.
syrus and toby have my favorite outfits. the super deep V on syrus is fun, and i just love toby’s armor. WISH THEY STILL HAD IT BUT Y’KNOW!!!
i’m not good at symmetry and tend to draw at an angle so the hands don’t quite fall in the same place. one’s higher than the other or gets tucked more behind the leg or both. just something i noticed. need to work on that!
i don’t think they look TOO same-face-y, though that’s something i’ve struggled with. part of my problem again is that i just. can’t tell faces apart SUPER well. i know what shapes i’m going for when i draw a character and i can get the general idea down but i don’t always recreate them properly.
some of their heads are too big, or the proportions of their facial features are off. i can’t fully tell which is which. zenith and toby are the main culprits here.
this feels like a lot of nitpicking my art but the intent is still to discuss the designs as i’m doing so. i’m only partially going off-track.
part of me says i need to utilize patterns more in the clothes i draw, but that’s harder to recreate quickly. toby’s armor took me so long compared to everyone else. simple designs are easy to draw quick and less detailed, as my style often requires. but i like how toby looks here with the details in their armor! everyone else looks so plain next to them in comparison. i’ll think about it.
armor in general is hard for me, that’s why everyone typically dresses in regular clothes in my designs even if they wear armor in-game. i also don’t always look how armor looks so, y’know. clothes are more fun for me to draw.
i need to stop. we’re gonna stop now.
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imogenleewriter · 2 years
10 writer asks
Thanks for tagging me @enchantedlandcoffee
What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you've ever had?
So when I talk about my WIP's, I refer to one of them as 'My big fic' and that's because... um, it's going to be big... that one. But I have two others to finish before that one.
2. Is there a question you've been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
If I'm okay, lol. A commenter once said that I write too well to be mentally stable and then asked me if I was doing okay and if there was anything I wanted to talk about. I still think about it quite often.
I am okay, by the way. Well, as well as I can be.
3. What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
Favourite: - Generally the actual writing. - Creating stories and goals, motivations, and conflicts. - Developing well-rounder, believable characters. - Dialogue. - My readers. I just, can't ever even begin to explain how much I love them and the, well, everything.
My 4-month-old fic is the 17th most commented Larry fic of all time. EVER! Out of 42k fics. It's like 1600th with kudos which just shows how dedicated the readers I have are.
Leave: - How little time there is in the day. Sometimes my head is full of ideas, but I can't get them down fast enough. - I'm not going to say what because then people will go looking for them in everything I write and see them, lol, but I have some definite weaknesses in my writing technique. I would rather just not have them... so if I could just be good at everything, that would be great. - Drafting. I NEED drafts. Can't/shouldn't write without them, but I get so antsy because I just want to publish things.
4. What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Readers. Honestly. I would struggle to get things done anywhere near as quickly without them. Reading. Often reading other people's stuff makes me want to get up and write my own. Deadlines. I've found that I need deadlines to survive. Without them I just waste time.
5. What is the best piece of advice you've ever read or bee given as a writer?
SO much stuff. I could honestly write out 1k of my favourite writing quotes. Three that stuck with me when I was writing YCHIITS were: - The thing you are most afraid to write - write that. (unknown) - Art should comfort the disturbed and distrub the comfortable. (Banksy) - Write hard and clear about what hurts (Hemingway)
Me: It was never meant to be angsty. Also, me: Those three quotes are what kept me going.
6. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
Psssssh, um. Like ever, or publishing? I wish I spent more time editing YCHIITS because there are so many grammatical errors that I STILL go back and fix up issues. It would have been a lot quicker to take a bit more time editing chapters before posting them, rather than going back months later and editing them.
7. What is your favourite story you've written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you'd like and can
Um. I mean, at the moment, you can guess, lol.
8. What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
This whole thing is making me sound mentally unstable, lol. But someone sent me this the others day and I posted it. - "You write so beautifully... the inside of your mind must be a terrible place."
9. Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Oooh. I don't know if this means general characters or ones whose POV I've written in. I think by the end, 99% of people said Zayn was their favourite character, but he also got a fair bit of dislike early on. I don't think his character changed so much, as he just started to make sense. If it's just POV characters - Louis by default because it couldn't be Harry.
10. If you, when you first started writing met you now, what would younger you think?
So when I was 18, I put "finishing a book" at the top of my bucket list. I'd say probably five years ago, I was like, "Okay, if I want to write, I should probably... start." That I would be very confused about the fact I was writing One Direction fan fiction because I didn't even like 1D, but would still be so proud. It's never been about getting something published, just writing something that I like and people read.
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mahift · 2 years
For the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game: 3, 4, 10, 14, 30
3. What ideas come from when you were little I cannot escape dragons or dinosaur/reptiles related ideas, and angst. I'm just sucker for them lemme be. I don't think I have much wholesome stories compared to my pile of angsty/drama/dumb stories even from when I was a child. Cringey lil shit from the beginning of my life lmao. Also somehow mentally unstable characters? That's the thing I got since the BENIGGING OF TAIME. There will be at least ONE mentally unstable character in any stories I made. Let's be real here, nobody is really stable irl, we tried to.
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw Muscles on men.... okay muscle in general, love-hate relationship aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Another thing is hair. Specifically unruly hair. It will somehow..............* sigh* still looks neat. Also detail armor and their accessories. They're very beautiful to look at when they're done, drawing them? not so much, okay now this include scales on reptiles. fckthatshit
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw Turtle necks. Shit I am VERY not fashionable, therefore I'm struggling to draw nice outfits for my characters lmaoooooo When my brain has zero braincell, turtle neck outfit will be the default. Okay okay, fav design element would be a mishmash of western+asian fantasy fashion. Oh wait. Epaulette. If only that thing is easier to draw, I would have put it on all my characters.
14. Any favorite motifs Organic ...uh..um.. idk how to describe them ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ swirly patterns? I also like Art Nouveau/Deco motifs. Very nice to look at.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated I think quite a few of my polished art for my OCs. I mean, I'm not a big artist nor did a lot of fanarts, so that's kind of understandable? I don't really market my art much as well so, kinda on me lmao.
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fandomtrumpshate · 3 years
Signup Tips for First-Time FTH Creators
Never offered an auction in FTH before and not quite sure what to put in all those text boxes? We've been doing this for a few years now and have seen what types of offerings are most effective, so here are a few pointers to help you get started:
For everyone:
It’s okay (and even encouraged!) to offer only one auction if you are new to creating for FTH. This auction is reliant on an honor system; bidders need to trust that creators will follow through on their promised fanworks. We do a lot of followup, but ultimately we can’t make the fanworks ourselves – we have to trust that you will follow through on your pledges. It’s tempting to offer as much as you possibly can, we know. But defaulting on your promised fanwork(s) can result in you being banned from participating as a creator in the future, and we want to see you and your wonderful work back again year after year! Trust us; start small, and see how it goes for your first round. 
Make sure to use those Portfolio Links! A lot of people who are new to the auction worry that they're not "popular enough" to get any bids. But many people browse FTH specifically to find new creators whose work they love! If you include links to your AO3, Tumblr, DeviantArt, etc, people who aren't familiar with your work can get an idea of your style and decide if they want to bid.
If you link to your Tumblr (or any website that uses a tag system), try to link to the relevant tag (many people use "my art" or similar) if possible. People are more likely to look through your work when they don’t have to do additional searching for it.
We only put the ~100 fandoms we expect to be most popular on the drop-down menu, but you aren’t limited to just those options! You can always write in any other fandom in the "Other" box. Yes, you can offer three write-in fandoms! If a write-in gets more than a couple of offerings, it may be added to the drop-down for the next year.
If your fandom has unique terminology, be sure to explain it! For example, in some fandoms "fancam" refers to a fan bringing a camera in to a concert and filming the performance from a different angle than official videos; in others, it refers to a video collage of footage of a particular performer from across performances or media they've been in.
More tips for each type of fanwork under the cut!
If you're offering a written fanwork:
Avoid the "Any fandom" option. People looking for fanfiction (or other written fanworks) tend to want someone who is familiar with their specific fandom and/or favorite characters/pairing. If you choose this option, your auction also won't get any specific fandom tags, and that is where people tend to look for fanfiction. Choose the 1-3 fandoms you're most interested or most comfortable writing in.
If your interest in a specific fandom is waning, it's not a good idea to offer it for FTH in the hopes that a good prompt will help you find that spark again. One of the most common reasons that creators default on their auctions is because they lose interest in the fandom, and you might get banned from future auctions if you can't fulfill your fanwork promise. If there's really only one fandom you feel like writing in right now, stick to that one! Don't feel pressured to offer multiple fandoms just because the option exists.
Put the pairings you're most interested in as well as your favorite tropes in the box asking if there's anything you're particularly interested in focusing on. Some people get very detailed here, which is great as long as you're careful to note which things are "this would be cool" and which are "I will ONLY write this." For example, "I prefer the book canon to the movie" is different from "I've never seen the movie and can/will only write book canon."
If you don't have much fanfiction posted, this box is extra important. This is your chance to let people know that even though you've only ever posted one Blorbo/Scrunglo fic, you've been reading a ton of Eeby/Deeby and would love to get your hands on them.
In the "NOT willing to address" box, be sure to put your hard nos. No matter what, you will not be held to any expectation from a bidder that you address anything you list here. This can be pairings, media adaptations, kinks, tropes, themes, whatever.
Be realistic about length. If it takes you six months to write a 5k fic, that's totally fine! But it’s probably a bad idea to offer 50k, given that you will need have it done by the December 31st deadline. No one will be upset if inspiration runs away with you and you end up writing far MORE than promised. But we (and your bidder) will expect you to hit whatever word count you choose as a minimum.
If you're offering fan labor:
Unlike fanfiction writers, you should seriously consider using the “Any Fandom” option! If you're just offering general beta services for a medium-to-large fandom, there will probably be plenty of interest just from that fandom. However, if you're offering up your specialized knowledge as a paramedic or culture-picking for a country that not many AUs are set in, consider whether you'd be willing to help with a fic from an unfamiliar fandom. Remember that you'd just be looking at the topic you're knowledgeable about, and wouldn't be expected to know characterization, etc. There might not be anyone in your fandom who happens to be looking for insight into the emergency room right now, but you might just make someone's day in a fandom you've never heard of!
Be realistic about what skills/experiences you can -pick for. We don’t require proof of how qualified you are to -pick for a certain topic; we trust you! But there is, for example, a difference between being familiar with a country’s culture because you consume a lot of content from that country, and being familiar with that country’s culture because you have lived there and experienced it yourself. Stick to subjects you have lots of real-world experience with.
There is a space to let bidders know exactly how much and what type of experience you have. You can put things like “bachelor’s degree in [subject]”, “native [language] speaker”, “[x] years of experience doing [hobby/job]”, or anything else you can think of that will help potential bidders understand how you can help them. 
If you're offering art, videos, or podfic:
The “Any Fandom” option is a bit of a toss-up here. It's useful for many people in these categories, who are willing to look at references, sort through clips, or read fanfiction for fandoms they've never heard of. And, like with fan labor, you might be making someone's day who's in a tiny fandom with no podfic, for example! Unlike written fanworks, a lot of people do look through the “Any Fandom” tags for these categories. However, be realistic about what you are willing to do. If you know your motivation is tied to the fandom, or you're really not confident in your ability to do work based on things you're not familiar with, don't feel obligated to put “Any Fandom”! It's just something to consider.
Be specific about what exactly you're offering. We give some options for artists like painting/drawing, moodboard, etc, but feel free to give more detail than that. The more the bidders know about what they can expect to get, the more confident they'll be about bidding.
If you're offering an “other” type fanwork:
Make sure it really belongs in “other.” Fanwork offers in the “other” tag don’t show up when people search any of the other tags. This category is really useful for truly unusual offerings that really don’t fit anywhere else, such as digital typesetting of a written fanwork, or a guest spot on someone’s podcast (both of which we’ve had, from time to time, in past years!) But if you think that your offering might catch the eye of a potential bidder who is browsing through the “written fanwork” or “fan art” tag, you are probably better off signing up in that category, and then using the “other” subtag.
Feel free to use these tips as you see fit! Also check out this google doc created by @hkblack if you'd like a preview of the questions before you actually start filling out the form.
If you have more specific questions pertaining to your sign-up, please reach out to us as fandomtrumpshate @ gmail . com and we’d be happy to try and help. :)
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