#when is he allowed to just be kwazii?
dolphingirl1234 · 3 months
welcome to the first headcanons post in what will hopefully become a series unless my brain randomly decides to hyperfocus on something else
starting off with our favourite traumatised polar bear...
please enjoy my shitty picrew human version of him
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gonna be honest I hate this one he looks like my dad when he was like 12
imagine him looking like this but way older
anyway headcanons:
30-mid/late 30's
idk if there's a name for this one but is sexually attracted to females but romantically attracted to males
has never dated because of this and has no desire to
he was the last of the crew to actually recognise his sexuality
everyone came out to him and he was like inwardly homophobic because of the way he had been brought up, but made a notebook full of everyone's pronouns and stuff so he could remember, and never did/said anything homophobic to anyone else - kinda like Imogen in heartstopper yk
dark brown hair that's kinda going grey on the sides
grey eyes
always has eye bags because our boy does not sleep
he's not that strict on uniform - there are random clothes that tweak plonked the octonauts logo onto and that's what is considered uniform; everyone is allowed to wear whatever they want as long as its appropriate and has the logo on it somewhere.
basically always wears the same thing because the entire world will fall apart without his routine
played candy crush once in an ad and loved it
he secretly plays it on the web bc he can't admit to himself that he likes it enough to actually download it
everyone has called him dad at least once
gets fathers day cards from everyone every year
^^ has cried from this on multiple occasions
doesn't get sick often but when he does he is SICK. the second he wakes up his face is grey and pale and he physically cannot speak without coughing
peso makes him go to bed and when he eventually agrees he sleeps for like 2 days straight and is then immediately better
he tells kwazii off for being reckless but he's done some pretty dumb shit himself
will sacrifice himself for anyone and anything (has been told off about this many times and still continues to do it)
he and inkling are the only people in the crew who like dark chocolate
absolutely despises anything sour
his pain tolerance is very high
likes mint and will casually go to the garden pod and eat it raw
has claustrophobia (canon)
also has emetophobia (look it up) because I like projecting
once you've looked up emetophobia come back and read the next one:
when he was a cub and was learning to catch and eat fish he threw up after eating one particular fish and every time he sees it in the sea he will literally hold his breath and run away
he's actually very good at modern lingo and memes but does not understand for the life of him what a skibidi toilet is
sees peso as his son and will literally protect him with his life
other crew members have various mental health struggles and barnacles is genuinely so proud of them when they do anything that's hard for them even if its just surviving the day its so cute
he hasn't experienced the things the others go through but he has so much empathy and pride for them its insane
gives the best bear hugs and when he gets sad all he wants is cuddles but he's too scared to ask anyone
natquik and kwazii are the only people who have seen him have a full breakdown
if you've had a bad day he's your guy he will pick you up and cradle you like a baby no problem
on his birthday he literally gives zero fucks about presents but is insistent on getting/making really goof presents for everyone else
he has the deepest voice ever. and he's not terrible at singing either but he never sings. ever.
the accordion secretly pisses him off as well and he just keeps playing it because it's an ongoing joke and he doesn't want to ruin it
his paws are MASSIVE.
that's all for now I hope you enjoyed your exclusive look at Zoe's Headcanons TM I probably forgot some so you might get some more later 👀
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
Some more barnacles headcanons (I scraped the absolute hell out of my brain scraps to figure out some new ones tbh) HOPE YOU ENJOY !! @idiedtwicebitch
His shoes have special gripping features at the bottom so he can walk or even run on ice without worrying about falling (also doesn’t slip if he’s out with his bare paws out cuz his claws and fur help keep a steady grip).
Has broken a vase before and became incredibly guilty afterwards and so tends to be very careful around fragile objects, in his mind, he’s like a bull in a china shop.
Probably wears his boots to sleep as it brings him comfort and allows him to be up in the blink of an eye should a sudden alert sound.
Is quite a light sleeper and can be awoken by simply being in the same room as him.
Whenever he must make notes on some mission, he tends to mindlessly doodle his crew in the margins. Sometimes sketches the creatures he saw too.
Probably sees his bed as a sacred spot and doesn’t allow others to go on it but if someone like Peso come over in a worried state he lets them sit on his bed.
Is great at comforting others from nightmares or night terrors (as he has experience) and gives the best cuddles and advice for whoever wants to entrust him with such a vulnerable topic.
As a kid used to chew on graphite. It seems funny and like something he miiight do.
Is very intolerant to sour things and often makes a scene if his food or drink have even the tiniest amount of lemon or lime.
Is alright with spices but likely doesn’t really enjoy them.
Hides matches from Kwazii, just in case.
Sometimes likes to go up to trees after a mission/if free and just scratch his back against them, having been caught in the act a few times xD.
Can juggle and sometimes juggles rocks just to make sure he doesn’t forget the talent.
Taught the vegimals how to make paper from scratch and sometimes supplies the crew’s stash for drawing/crafts purposes.
Knows quick math but uses the grid method for any number equations over 1000.
His fur can get matted quite easily and so he spends time out of each day to carefully brush it out, avoiding any naturally occurring sticky substances such as tree sap or honey.
Keeps some medical supplies in a cookie tin under his bed so if he ever gets seriously hurt he can deal with his injuries himself. Doesn’t like to ask others for help or bother our already stressed Peso.
When he can’t sleep he sometimes looks out the window at the nocturnal sea creatures or at rare occasions goes out for a quick swim.
Likes the sound his claws make when scratching glass but doesn’t get the opportunity to do it all that much. Does always volunteer to dispose of unneeded glass for Tweak so he can have a little fun before it gets recycled.
Bianca gave him a rubber duck when he was a child and he doesn’t have the heart to throw it away or put somewhere to rot so he sometimes just takes a bath with a rubber ducky (I have no idea if they have a bathroom in their octohome but oh well. New head cannon: they have a bathroom with a toilet, bathtub, shower, sink, and a bunch of shelves for everyone’s stuff. Kwazii just has a 4 in 1 soap bottle, Dashi has a ton of different brands and variety of products, Tweak just has their personal shampoo and body wash, Shellington is insistent on having conditioner to keep his fur nice and soft, Peso just preens but at times uses just water to freshen up, and Barnacles tends to forget to restock his soap and shampoo so he tends to just borrow other people’s stuff secretly - but does make sure to always keep their preferred brands and items in fu stock.)
Has a magnifying glass he sometimes uses when on a solo mission, being inspired by a few of his favourite movie heros.
Forgets they have a fridge and often needs the vegimals to remind him to eat, yet as he’s in charge of most the supplies going in and out of the octopod, he keeps a list of everything they need and does a monthly check up to make sure everyone has their preferred meals and snacks- often forgetting his own favourites.
Has an irrational’ fear of long cables and nets after getting tangled in them when he was a young cub/on one of his solo adventures.
Has a small pocket on his jacket which he keeps a little notebook with a pen in at all times.
Sometimes insists others wear gloves when handling things but himself struggles to put them on for his paws are incredibly furry, and he refuses to cut the fur because he believes he looks more approachable and kind with big mittens for hands rather than others seeing his exposed claws and individual ‘fingers’.
Has a few signs he sometimes puts on his door to announce to others passing by if he wishes to not be disturbed or if he’s fine with being bothered.
Has a steady hand and despite being a bit uncomfortable, he isn’t afraid of needles and has had a few moments where he had to use one on himself to give himself some medication before.
He tends to squint from habit as when he was a cub the snow often reflected a lot of light and so to avoid going blind had to close his eyes almost completely.
Really enjoys the Antarctic nights which last for months.
After eating he always sneaks himself a few toothpicks to keep his teeth nice and clean.
Is probably one of the only ones who know how to use the octopod’s washing machine apart from tweak and inkling.
Doesn’t believe in much superstitions but loves to find good omens (same as Shellington (also head canon))
Makes himself a flowery perfume and wears it on inactive days so if he spends a lot of time in close proximity with the crew they won’t get scared from him, or atleast be comforted by the scent.
If/when he draws himself, he usually adds very cute and sweet eyes to his face and draws a heart or star around his head.
Is surprisingly good at making soup and has practice with cooking it for all the others, but usually lets the vegimals do most of it (when a day has been busy he sometimes finds himself wanting to make some food for others and even as the vegimals insist he should rest he sometimes makes personal meals for each of his crew friends).
Keeps fake flowers in his room so it feels like there’s some life and as he forgets to water real ones usually.
Is very serious when it comes to the almost monthly check on any medical machinery in the octopod and insists on changing anything out a few weeks before their expiration date.
Keeps a few jars of jam hidden away in his room that he and Biance make almost every year, as it helps them bond and is a tradition they had since they are little cubs. His favourite jam is probably blackcurrant, with cherry and raspberry being tied in second place.
Occasionally watches recordings of the crew on the monitor in his room, especially after a nightmare or if he’s feeling a bit down.
Had a bracelet from practically every single one of the crew and despite rarely wearing them (to not damage them) he holds them dear to him and keeps them on his bedside table. Dashi made him one out of string, Peso and Kwasii made him one out of beads, Shellington’s is from shells, and tweak gave him a rusty bolt from their first octopod. He loves each of their gifts.
Is quite sensitive to insults and often carries the weight of them long after they’ve passed.
At times helps Peso preen his feathers.
Carries around a hand fan almost everywhere he goes in case his head or paws get too warm.
His belt has an option of straightening into a stiff material and acts as a sword, part of the underside also sharpened just in case he needs to use it.
Can’t help himself around big red buttons (but who can? XD)
Offers a cup of tea or hot cocoa to anyone in his presence for longer than 2 minutes.
Has a safety pin on his jacket (iykyk)
Has a dream catcher above his bed.
Keeps a picture of each of the Octonauts in his bedside table.
worries about squishing others whenever he hugs them
Has a small statue of a white dove in his room.
Has made a plushie of himself with some of his fur inside it for Peso to help comfort him from any nightmares he may experience.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
I see so many people making "next gen" aus with the kiddos taking over the Octonauts when they get older, so here's my half headcanon half analysis-based take if anyone wants it lol:
Archivist Squirt. "Professor" implies that he'd be teaching the next gens the ways of the new octonauts, etc., but an archivist is simply someone who collects and preserves knowledge—I feel like after Inkling is gone, Squirt may not want to be an Octonaut per se, but he'd at least want to preserve his uncle's library and legacy. That would be his job.
Captain Koshi. She takes after Barnacles so much, and openly copies and bases her personality on him in multiple ways. She has the attitude, the confidence, the spirit, leadership skills, wit, and definitely the enthusiasm. Plus Dashi's already "Captain of the Octoray", so she's technically got history of Captains in her background. It just makes perfect sense to me, and I cannot be told otherwise.
Lieutenant/First Mate Pinto. Same reasons as Koshi: openly admires and imitates Kwazii on multiple occasions, and has been shown to possess one of Kwazii's biggest strengths on his own—being able to think quickly in dire situations, allowing him to literally save lives. I think he'd carry on Kwazii's tradition of identifying as the "First Mate" instead of lieutenant.
Dr. (Scientist) Peri. He literally says "When I grow up, I want to be a scientist like you and uncle Shellington!". Enough said. I feel like the Vegimals would stick around, mainly to help him out, but also because the Octopod is canonically Their Habitat™, so it might be hard for them to really *permanently* leave.
Dr. (Medic) Ursa. I know in my heart, that one of the cubs is not gonna turn out like their mom or uncle—they're gonna turn out like Peso. I vote Ursa, because of how excited she was to show Peso her Seaweed Bandage badge.
Engineer Orson. Despite being a mini Barnacles, he doesn't really scream "leader" to me with what we've seen of him so far. However, I do think that in classic mini-Barnacles fashion, he would develop an interest in ships. But unlike Barnacles (again), whose interest is founded in just,, Taking In Their Glory, I think his would manifest into something more hands on: engineering.
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bailey-dreamfoot · 2 years
Boredom hitting hard rn, how do you think the Octonauts would react to playing minecraft, or being in a Twitch stream?
OHH BOY- Now seems like a good time to bring up my hyper specific Octonauts head cannon about how they all play games.
Ok So in short, They all play Minecraft. Maybe besides Inkling, but the others still try to get him to try it every now and then. They even have a group server they play on whenever time allows. Tweak is most familiar with the game, but Dashi runs the server. They all have custom skins That Dashi also made for them that match them. Each member of the crew has their own thing they specialize in.
Tweak mostly makes redstone contraptions, clearly. They love to make things like item sorters and farms, and frequently break into the other's bases to fix their storage when it gets messy.
Dashi does more of the server-breaking type of stuff. Outside the game, she likes making mods and recource packs, but in game, she loves making things like lag machines, and finding exploits. she never uses them maliciously, she just finds those kinds of bugs interesting.
Shellington and Peso are both animal oriented. They get overly emotional when they other crew kill mobs for food, and have hundreds of pets. Peso also likes making songs with note-blocks, while Shellington likes building most. He rarely finishes a build though, and leaves partially constructed faces of buildings everywhere.
Kwazii is a combat fanatic. He loves fighting off mobs, and speed running. He's completed the game at least 7 times, and has a wither-skull collection. He's also the tnt happy one, and frequently blows the other up.
Meanwhile Barnacles... Is not good at the game. (his own words) His massive paws don't necessarily help, and more slow paced games like Minecraft aren't a very good fit for him. However, he'll still join when the others do. During which time he runs around spawn with no armor looking at what everyone else is doing. meanwhile the others have to keep him from being killed by creepers or falling into stray lava pits.
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HOWEVER- The captain is shockingly good at FPS games. He plays them alot to help him improve his reaction time, and fast paced decision making.
When Tweak finally got him to play Minecraft with them, she noticed he had trouble with the controller. she wanted him to be able to play with them comfortably in the futruee, so she made a larger one for him. Their next game night, Tweak wanted to see just how much he'd imporve with the new controller. so she challenged him to a round of PubG. And he absolutely destroyed her and the other players. He even beat Tweak's personal best, hense her look of horror. And thus a new rivalry was born, lmao.
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So- yeah. They like Minecraft. :]
As Far as Twitch Streams go, they prolly already have their own account set up. Run by Dashi of course. When she first joined, one of the first things she helped the crew with was advertising themselves. In the show, its well established that no one really knows the Octonauts, but I like to think some do. And that they give donations to help them after all, they have to get the money to order new parts and stuff somehow. I like to think that as part of her advertising, Dashi set up a Twitch account for the Octonauts to stream discussions about research, conservation, and other kinds of things, as well as live recordings of some missions.
I should prolly mention that I like to think that the show is set in the modern day. There are other details, but I'll save those for another time. For now, enjoy the artwork :]
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asexual-spongebob · 8 months
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The waves that lap the shore - Chapter 20 - and then there were four. (Season finale)
Wow? I made a mostly Kwazii and Paani chapter? Yes. With some shellso and twashi on the side. Wow? I made a chapter with more than 1000 words? Yes. I’ve been in a Kwazini mood lately so that definitely influenced this chapter- I also got Mellon Collie on CD for my birthday and I’ve been listening to it so that’s why Paani was listening to the smashing pumpkins. I wish I had gotten into the smashing pumpkins sooner cuz I love everything that I’ve heard <3 Stumbleine my beloved <3
Kwazii and Paani laid in Kwazii’s bed. 
Kwazii was showing Paani some of his sketches. 
However, he stopped when he got to a specific one. 
Kwazii remembered when he drew that. 
Kwazii sat on his bed with his sketch book as Gilmore Girls played in the background. He was going to draw sea monsters.
Kwazii made messy sketches as he watched. 
It’d been a bit later. Kwazii had paused the show to use the bathroom. But they noticed something. 
All of his doodles were of Paani. They had drawn a heart with Paani’s name in it. With little hearts  and flowers all over them. 
Kwazii dropped their pencil when they saw that. A embarrassed look appeared on their face.  Had it seriously drawn that?! Kwazii couldn’t believe its eyes. 
Kwazii felt a gasp escape his mouth is this what being in  love is like? Kwazii asked himself. 
“I drew this one night while watching Gilmore Girls” Kwazii said, pointing to the sketches. Paani admired each little line in the sketches, they looked like him. “that’s supposed to be me, right?” Paani asked, feeling a slight grin appear on his face, Kwazii nodded in response. 
Paani looked at the date. 
It had been the day before the “Kwazii lit Mako on fire” incident.
The day before everything went down. The day before they told each other everything. 
Paani then remembered what they were doing that day.
Paani was stretched out on his bed like a starfish, listening to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
And i don’t even care
To shake these zipper blues
And we don’t know
Just where our bones will rest
To dust I guess
Forgotten and absorbed into the earth. 
Paani was thinking of someone in particular while listening to that song. Kwazii.
Paani was holding Kwazii’s paw as they walked along the beach. He was wearing a fancy suit and loafers, Kwazii was just wearing his typical pirate clothes.
“Wanna go hang out at my place, Kwazii?”
“Yeah Matey. I’ve never been to your place before.”
“Maybe I could… sing you a song?” 
“Sure… I’d like that. I’ve never heard you sing before.” 
“Well. You will now.”
The world is a vampire. 
Paani then came back to reality. He jolted up.
Paani ripped his earbuds out of his ears. She rummaged through her closet, looking for her guitar.
It’s got to be here somewhere! Paani thought as she let out a grunt. Soon she found it. 
Paani placed it on his bed, opening the case and pulling it out. Realizing how dusty the case was. 
Paani started playing power chords. 
He had tuned it to “mayonnaise tuning” for a reason. 
“Oh Kwazii. Can I can I come to your house. We can dance to The Spice Girls in your room.” Paani sang softly, as he strummed his guitar.
Paani put it down for a moment, scribbling down lyrics on a piece of paper and the strum pattern. 
Paani then got back on track, singing lyrics and strumming.
“I wrote a song about you that day.” Paani admitted “you did?” Kwazii gasped “yeah.” Paani replied, getting off the bed to fetch his guitar. 
Paani came back, his guitar in his hands. They sat on the bed, and started playing.
Kwazii was impressed. They started blushing as Paani sang. They felt so lucky to have someone like Paani. 
Kwazii started to tear up a little. Surprisingly, he allowed himself. Not to many people had ever treated him this way. Let alone wrote a song about him. 
“I-I’m sorry- I’m just a bit emotional-“ Kwazii apologized, wiping a tear from its face “not many people have ever treated me this way..” Kwazii added “It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” Paani said softly, understanding how Kwazii felt right now. 
Paani knew that Kwazii wasn’t used to being treated this way.
Paani put the guitar down on the floor, on top of its dusty ass case. “Wanna go down stairs and eat something?” Kwazii asked “sure” Paani replied, getting off the bed.
Peso had just gotten back from a mission, it went straight to Shellington’s lab. “Hey Shellie!” Peso greeted “PESO!” Shellington jumped out of his chair and ran up to Peso, scooping him up in his arms, hugging him tightly and showering it in kisses.
“I missed you so much!” Shellington beamed “I was only gone for a few hours- Peso mumbled “I know.. I just really missed you..” Shellington replied, putting Peso down. 
“Wanna go get some hot cocoa?” Shellington asked “ sure” Peso smiled. 
Peso and Shellington were drinking hot cocoa in the kitchen. Peso was wearing a weezer shirt that he had stolen from Shellington (which was, way too big for him.) and Shellington was wearing his middle aged man sliders and his pajamas.
“Wow look at those nerds!” Kwazii teased, Shellington rolled his eyes and let out a giggle “Me and Peso are gonna go somewhere” Shellington said “Yeah. And I’m driving.” Peso added, Peso and Shellington then went downstairs to the Launch Bay to go on there date.
It’d been a few days since Paani played that beautiful song. 
Kwazii, Peso and Shellington were near the beach. 
The song still rung in Kwazii’s head. He could still hear the sound of Paani’s soft singing against the beautiful mayonnaise tuning. 
“Hey. Maybe we should go stop by that juice place.” Peso suggested, interrupting Kwazii’s train of thought. 
The trio were walking down the boardwalk. “Yarrr what place?” Kwazii questioned “Palm & Citrus I’m assuming?” Shellington guessed “Yeah!” Peso clarified “come on mateys.” Kwazii guided as they walked to the cafe.
The three walked inside, that place looked like it was straight out of 2006, complete with old 2000s computers.
The interior was reminiscent of tropical bars, a cute box tv was on a little table. People some reruns of some old tv show that was playing. 
The group took a seat, Shellington ordered a mango smoothie, Peso ordered an orange slushy made with fresh orange juice and Kwazii ordered a black current juice and salted seaweed.
Soon the drinks arrived, Shellington glanced affectionately at Peso, Peso exchanged the same glance.
“There’s a full moon tonight..” Peso mentioned “I’m kind of worried…” Shellington sighed, Peso nodded in agreement “yarr we’ll be fine mateys!” Kwazii disagreed, Peso and Shellington gave him looks of uncertainty.
Kwazii, Peso Shellington sat in awkward silence, until Peso started rambling about some sad romantic movie him and Shellington had watched. 
“Their last kiss was so sad! She then died in her arms!” Shellington sniffled, on the verge of tears “they were so cute together!” Shellington added “why don’t we write a fix it fic where she doesn’t die!” Peso suggested “Yeah! Absolutely!” Shellington agreed, him and Peso began writing out concepts. 
Kwazii rolled their eyes ah yes, Peso and Shellie and their sad fantasy romance movies. 
Kwazii sat there bored for awhile. “Don’t you think we should get back home soon?” Kwazii mentioned “yeah true.” Shellington said, him and Peso putting away some notepads.
The three ran to the beach and dove into the water, it felt nice.
They glanced around the coral reefs, Peso and Shellington were talking about sea creatures, while Kwazii floated there alone. Until he heard a splash from behind him. Kwazii turned around, It was Paani.
He looked like he was straight out of Mean Girls. She even had the “A Little Bit Dramatic” shirt on.
“Hi Kwaz. Sorry. I was feeling a bit… uh. Girly today.” Paani said awkwardly “Ahoy Matey! That’s fine.” Kwazii greeted, warping his paws around Paani.
“Um… what are they doing?” Paani questioned,  pointing to Shellington and Peso “arrg! being nerds.” Kwazii laughed “wanna go do something?” Paani asked “yeah sure why not.” Kwazii agreed. 
The full moon rose up, Shellington and Peso were in Shellington’s lab, which was moon proofed, they were reading some books together. Shellington had gotten sleepy though “hey I think I’m gonna take a nap..” Shellington yawned “I’ll join you.” Peso smiled, getting up and putting the books away and joining Shellington.
The vegimals soon climbed in bed as well. Shellington and Peso said goodnight to them,  and to each other before drifting off to sleep, the soft sound of Shellington’s fan in the background.
It was late in the afternoon. 
Paani grabbed her paddle board. 
She was going to Mako Island again. 
I need to find out more about that place . Paani thought.
Paani took one last good look around his house, making sure he had everything.
He shoved it all into his backpack.
Paani surfed the way there. He’d wanted to find out more ever since he found Kwazii on the island when It was almost brunt to a crisp, like burning piece of toast that had been in the toaster for far too long.
The waves weren’t to bad right now. Soon they made it to the shores of the mysterious island.
The sunset was on the horizon. Paani could sense it, they glanced over their shoulder. The setting sun was looming close.
I can’t be here to long. Paani told himself. 
Paani wandered around, taking photos of anything he saw that he found interesting, like some snakes. She even offered the snakes some of her Paani patties, which the snakes  ate up. Paani continued on his journey.
He stopped though. He’d reached the spot where he found Kwazii.
He noticed that a thin blanket of ash still lingered on the ground. The faint stench of smoke still in the air as well.
He kept walking. Until he fell down into a hole that is.
“WHOOOOA!!!!” Paani exclaimed, her pants now covered in sand, she took a rest for a moment. Her ankle was aching. 
Damn it. I was a stupid idea to wear my fancy 2000s cargo pants! Paani thought to themself.
“Hello!!” They echoed. No response.
Damn it. If only Ryla was here. Paani thought defeated, he attempted to contact them from his Octo-Watch but there wasn’t a signal.
Paani needed to figure out how to get out of here.
Paani walked up a stair like structure that was made of rocks. He peered his head inside. There was a pool of water.
It was sapphire blue in color. Paani was captivated by it. 
The sky was now filled shimmering stars. 
Paani noticed it began to bubble as the moon’s light shined through the opening at the top of the dormant volcano.
Paani dashed over there at the sight of that. He hanged over the ledge of the Moon Pool. 
“Hello H2O! What secrets do you hold for me today!” Paani said as they grasped their test tube, and took a dive.
Oooo… pretty… Was Paani’s only thought as they glanced around the pool, she felt a funny sensation come over her as he swam around in the pool. Admiring the shimmering bubbles above.
He’d never seen anything like this before in his hydrology career. 
Paani swam back up to the surface, putting a cap on his test tube and spitting some salt water out of his mouth and laying on his back. 
This is relaxing Paani thought calmly. 
Kwazii was frantically looking for Paani. They were worried sick. Paani hadn’t answered it’s
phone calls or texts. 
Kwazii had looked everywhere for him. 
What if he’s at Mako. Kwazii realized. He rushed down the Octo-Chute. Kwazii rushed down to the Launch Bay “TWEAK! OPEN THE OCTO HATCH!!!” Kwazii urged “But it’s a full moon tonight, Kwaz! What if you burn down Mako again!” Tweak lectured, clearly unsure. 
“ITS A EMERGENCY! I THINK PAANI IS THERE.” Kwazii yelled “Alright! Be careful!” Tweak warned, feeling knots form in her stomach.
“Tweak, what happened? I heard yelling.” Dashi asked 
Tweak went silent for a moment, she was shaking. Dashi could feel the tension in the air. 
“Oh uh- hi Dashi- Kwazii went to Mako. They think that Paani is there.” Tweak sighed, Dashi let out a gasp “why did you let him go?” Dashi asked “Well… I felt bad… i didn’t want anything bad happening to Paani i guess… if he is actually there that is.” Tweak answered “hopefully nothing bad happens-“ Dashi hoped “These full moons can get a bit… you know… cray cray.” Dashi mentioned “yeah definitely-“ Tweak agreed.
The two of them stood awkwardly in the Launch Bay for awhile, both hoping that Kwazii and Paani were okay. 
“What are Peso and Shellington doing?” Tweak finally said, breaking the awkward silence “they’re in the lab sleeping. I’m just glad Shellington didn’t moonstruck-“ Dashi answered.
“What about Cap and Inkling?” Tweak continued “Captain is upstairs- he’s taking his online therapy sessions. And Inkling is in the library.” Dashi concluded. 
“What should we do right now? I mean it’s just us.” Tweak questioned, turning to face Dashi. “Maybe we can watch something? Down here?” Dashi suggested “yeah.. I’d like that.” Tweak blushed. 
Dashi and Tweak got cozy in Tweak’s bed, Dashi’s head on Tweak’s shoulder as they watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It felt nice to relax, after all of the chaotic events of recent times. Though, Tweak was still on edge, however she didn’t feel as uneasy with Dashi around. 
Kwazii had made it to Mako Island. 
“PAANI?! PAANI!?” Kwazii called out in a panic, looking for them She can’t be at the Moonpool… could he?Kwazii thought to itself 
Kwazii rushed down into the Moon Pool’s land entrance.
Kwazii ran in there faster then Tweak could say “buncha, munchy crunchy carrots”. 
Kwazii was panting. He was fucking exhausted. He looked like he had ran a marathon across the entire continent. 
To its horror, it saw Paani, floating around the Moon Pool without a care in the world. 
“Oh hi Kwazii! The water is nice!” Paani smiled. 
Kwazii’s stomach dropped.
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So I hyperfixated on the Octonauts a few days ago, leading to me coming up with a bunch of theories/headcanons. These have only persisted and my obsession with Octonauts has stayed strong so allow me to give y'all some Kwazii headcanons/theories along with my Kwazii designs(theres two versions).
If you don't like it, too bad. This is MY BLOG and I will post WHAT I WANT./lh/j
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Ok so Kwazii headcanons/theories! Note that these take into account stuff that happened in Ring of Fire, and that I haven't watched every single episode of both series(the original Octonauts and Octonauts: Above and Beyond) because my stupid siblings were bullying me for watching it >:( Anywho heres the headcanons/theories
Kwazii is trans because fuq you also like probably canon according to everything I see
Kwazii has some of Calico Jacks, his grandfather, features that no one else in his family really has. Those features are the eyes, nose marking, and left leg marking(this is based on the design above). The colors vary but everyone compares him to his granddad.
Kwazii has ADHD no I don't take criticism I have ADHD therefore he does as well.
Kwazii has abandonment issues and can be rather clingy when he isn't putting on a brave face
Besides Captain Barnacles, Tweak was the first member of the Octonauts that Kwazii befriended. They play video games every night and his gold tooth is a cap that Tweak made him. His fang is chipped underneath it
Speaking of which, Kwazii is a night owl. He's always up til like two in the morning, probably getting zoomies
I think Kwazii spent most of his childhood alone. The only family he ever mentions is his grandfather, and his grandfather left when he was a little kitten(as said in the Amazon Adventure episode)
Pan boy poly boy hes dating Shellington and Peso screw y'all
He loves to cook and bake, and he can be seen helping the Vegimals in the kitchen
No one knows why he's so good with kids, considering that as far as anyone knows he's an only child and didn't have other kids in his family(or at least, if he did he never mentioned them) but most children naturally flock to him and he gets real freaking attached to kids when he interacts with them(examples being the baby dolphin episode, Peso's little brother, the baby crocodile, theres probably more but these are the ones off the top of my head)
He looks up to Captain Barnacles alot and often can be seen mimicking his mannerisms
He loves the sea monster stories because they brought him alot of comfort as a child, and made him feel closer to his grandfather. He doesn't always believe them but he wishes they were true
Kwazii has very little concern for his own safety. He would gladly put his life on the line for, anyone really, and is shown to overcome his arachnophobia just so he could help a beetle that was actively being...hostile ig? just a few minutes prior. He doesn't care what happens to him, he only really worries about others
Hes lost some feeling in his tail and his tail healed with a bend in it
Kwazii has had many scars over the years but the one on his ear is interesting because he won't tell anyone how he got it, when he usually tells big extravagant stories for how he got his scars
He makes a habit of remembering everything thats said to him, making sure he can use it in the future(example being when Shellington talked about symbiotic relationships between the crab and the urchin i think? Maybe it was a sea sponge but whatever, and Kwazii brought up that fact in Above and Beyond)
I think he dwells over his mistakes alot. I also think he has nightmares of past incidents, recently being the events of Ring of Fire, and is a fairly light sleeper, so he wakes up to most sudden noises.
I think Kwazii is actually afraid of stuff sometimes(not for his safety reasons but like what it could be) and he pretends to be fearless to be like Captain Barnacles, who seems fearless to everyone around him.
Dashi helped him write a book featuring all the tales of his grandfather
He was always searching for stuff about his grandfather to feel closer to the man he only faintly remembers
I think he joined the Octonauts a bit younger than the others
Most of his possessions he found after joining the Octonauts, and his eyepatch was one of his only possessions he had before joining. Calico Jack gave it to him before joining
Kwazii can't tie a tie
Kwazii developed his arachnophobia as a young kitten, but after Calico Jack left. Its one of the only things he actively shows fearing because hes just that spooked by them.
Kwazii still can't surf
While he will admit to not being good at stuff, he feels the need to be good at everything
Kwazii sings sea shantys to the Vegimals
He has some shark friends who he actively races and they just hang out, usually when he should be sleeping
I think he has a slight fear of fire from what happened in Ring of Fire. And hes way too overly attached to the Gup-B, probably because its gotten him out of alot of life threatening situations(that he wasn't even aware were life threatening because he didn't really care)
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Ok thats all if I keep thinking this post will be so long it will count as a novel. Once I draw the others I'll do headcanons and theories for them too! If y'all have suggestions/requests for who I should do next I'll gladly take those too! Also which design do you like better? I like the first one alot but I feel the second looks closer to the source material lol, also should've added eye bags but oh well-
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shylittleunicorn15 · 2 years
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have my au style of kwazii
i tried to make him have the design as an orange tabby and a calico mix as good as i could get him
and yes i do plan making calico jack also a calico orange tabby mix
this was my first time drawing a octonauts character and background
this was also my first attempt at making the octonauts octo-alert logo on the door:
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idk what if that's what it is or just the octonauts' logo
I've got headcannons and i wanna share em
(i know my grammar is horrible hush)
-kwazii and calico jack are part of a family of pirates from japan so kwazii didn't know any English calico jack learned way before him
-kwazii always wanted to know what is was like to be a stowaway and that's how kwazii became an octonaut he stumbled into a box on land after a few minutes it was picked up and put into the launch bay dashi went down to help tweak and was the first to discover kwazii after his head popped out of the crate dashi helped get him out and alerted captain barnacles who brought him to the sick bay to make sure he wasn't hurt after that they went back on land and attempted to let kwazii return home but the feline just wouldn't budge instead they let him stay with them how he truly became an octonaut was because he saved a baby snail from getting eaten
-barnacles was the one who taught him English they became good friends because of it
-kwazii developed a crush on barnacles(dont judge me i dont judge you for your ships) so the little box instead of the ship in a bottle on the shelf is little pictures of barnacles with hearts on them there also seems to be the shade of black lipstick kiss marks on certain ones
-peso, dashi, and kwazii developed a chaotic sibling energy
-kwazii was shy at first when he became an octonaut now he's to crazy
-kwazii likes wearing eyeliner and sometimes lipstick(the shade black of course) he helps dashi apply her makeup too
-kwazii does not wear male clothes despite being transgender he would take his oversized pink sweater with a star on it, very short navy blue shorts, and black knee-high stockings any day he does change into a diver like suit when they go on missions outside of the octopod
-he got top surgery but wants to keep the ability to have children
-his pronouns are he/they but he prefers to be referred to as a he no one knows why
-he found a random scale nobody knows what it came from but its making kwazii feel like he wants to jump into the water without a helmet so he locked it in a small lock box in his chest he hid the key in his scratching post
-kwazii has a big soft spot for babies and children and has dreamed of having his own some day
-kwazii sees professor inkling as a father figure as his father died after a run in with other pirates costing in both his parents' deaths
-calico jack's crew told him to take kwazii and run while they were gonna hold them off he hopes they're still out there(they are they'll reunite soon)
-kwazii has an older brother and and and older sister his sister is sadly deceased but his bother is still alive with his grandpa's crew still an the lookout for him and kwazii his name is Arron
-kwazii has adhd and plays with anything that seems fun to him shellington has had to lock away his test tubes and experiments because of this
-kwazii wears an eyepatch to cover his blind eye
-he can be a little menace sometimes
-when kwazii first joined the octonauts tunip and the veggimals have had to be kept away from him after he tried to eat them a few times he knows now he is not allowed to eat them
i struggled so much with this little menace please enjoy
just a question do you want to see more headcannons and art about the others? (i could probably draw calico jack and give you guys some headcannons)
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lc-something · 2 years
I come bearing an Octonauts oneshot
This one was requested by the lovely @jackal-lantern I really hope you like it and I'm so sorry it took me this long to post, I know it's on the shorter side but I didn't want to make it too long and drag it on. Thank you for the request, I really enjoyed writing this one :)
shifter au***
With a deep sigh, Barnacles trudged into his room. The chilled air that hit him was a welcomed change after the hours he’d spent working.
What a crappy day. Well that wasn’t quite fair. The results had been well worth the work they’d done. Though, no matter how many times he repeated that, he didn’t feel any less drained.
Cleaning up and putting his pajamas on was a blur as he thought back on the day’s mission.
The Octonauts had been moving creatures off of and away from an underwater volcano that was due to erupt, and making sure that they didn’t miss anybody proved to be significantly more difficult than any of them anticipated. It was an ‘all hands on deck’ sort of situation, and even then, it still took them hours.
But because of their hard work, there had been no casualties after the eruption, and they helped all of the creatures find new homes, which was amazing. They would go back tomorrow to ensure everybody was adjusting nicely, but besides that, they were completely done.
And it was all worth it, he reminded himself, even if it did leave him almost overheated and entirely exhausted.
Barnacles dragged himself to his bed and dramatically collapsed onto it, not bothering to cover himself with his blanket. He just wanted to be cold for a few minutes.
Just as he got comfortable, his eyes drooping shut, sleep just outside of his grasp, he heard a cruel ringing from the tablet on his wall.
Could there be a worse time to call someone?
He debated just letting it ring. He could go to sleep, dream peacefully, let his body rest…
But what if it was an emergency?
Damn him and his overthinking. He pulled himself back out of bed and over to the tablet, answering the call. He could have been asleep by now.
To his surprise, it was his twin sister, Bianca.
Despite his mood, he spoke with joy and delight, “Bianca! It’s good to see you, how’ve you been?”
Bianca smiled at her brother, so grateful for the tablet the Octonauts had given her that allowed her to regularly contact him. She’d be hesitant to admit it, but she missed being able to see him all the time. “I’ve been good!” She said, looking behind him and seeing the dark waters outside of his pod, “ooh, where are you?”
Barnacles smiled at her curiosity and glanced at the ocean just on the other side of his window, “at the moment, we’re off the coast of South America,” he hummed, noting that she was just in her den.
“What’s the occasion, Feather Paws?” She joked, laughing when he rolled his eyes.
“A volcano erupted,” Barnacles answered, choosing to not respond to the teasing childhood nickname.
“Oh,” Bianca said, hesitating for a second before following it up with, “everything went alright?”
Barnacles nodded, “we got everyone off the volcano just in time with no casualties and minimal injuries, and after everything cooled down, we found everyone new homes.”
She could see that her brother was a bit more than tired, but she didn’t point it out, instead saying, “that sounds like a lot of hard work.”
“It was, but it was worth it,” he said, looking from his tablet to his wall, where he knew Kwazii was on the other side and saying “I got to see my whole team work together for the sake of those creatures. They really rose to the challenge today Bianca, I’m really proud of all of them.”
Bianca could see that he meant every word of praise as he spoke of his team’s accomplishments. “I’m sure you are,” she commented, smiling again when Barnacles looked back at her.
“Enough about me and my day, what have you been up to?” He asked curiously, returning her smile.
“Oh, nothing much,” Bianca said, though that wasn’t really true. She couldn’t say what she had really been up to just yet. She was waiting for the right time to give him the news… And it didn’t look like tonight was going to be that night. “Where else have you been recently?” She asked him, wanting to hear about all of his cool adventures.
And he indulged her, telling her about all of the amazing things he’d gotten to do and see over the past few weeks, of the growth and love he’s seen in his team. And Bianca loved to hear about it. She thought that the way he talked about his fellow Octonauts was so sweet, and she found how much it made him sound like a dad to be so funny.
She let him ramble on for a while before interjecting, “oh, that one reminds me of when we were cubs!” She laughed, “when you met Boris, and Mum told you that you had to leave him and go back to the den. I still remember the look on your face.”
Barnacles had been talking about a baby turtle that they encountered recently and how, much to Kwazii’s dismay, they could not keep her and take her back to the Octopod. He chuckled softly at Bianca’s comparison, “yes, it was something like that.”
Thinking about Boris made something else come to Bianca’s mind, “oh, do you remember the time you snuck out to see him and Mum found out?”
“I was scared for my life, how could I forget?” Barnacles replied jokingly, and both of them laughed. “I’m not the only one who ever snuck out, though,” he added pointedly.
“You are the only one who ever got caught,” she quipped. They continued to talk for what felt like hours, but in reality was maybe forty-five minutes. It felt nice to forget about their responsibilities for once and get carried away reminiscing on their childhood. Even if it did mean listening to Bianca bring up some of the more…embarrassing stories.
Like the time goofed around while swimming in the Arctic waters and almost drowned (“that was one time!”), or when he fell while hunting on the solid sea ice and almost broke his nose (“I tripped!”).
As it felt like their conversation was starting to wind down, Barnacles realized that he was feeling a lot better. He was still tired, yes, but talking and laughing with his sister, getting his mind off of everything that happened earlier, made him feel so much lighter.
He knew that he should probably be saying his goodbyes and going to sleep, but it was so rare these days that he and Bianca talked like this. What was a few more minutes?
That ‘few more minutes’ quickly turned into over another hour, but neither of the twins seemed to mind at all.
It was only when Barnacles started frequently yawning that Bianca asked him, “what time is it where you are?”
He checked the time and a shocked expression washed over his face, “it’s almost midnight,” he said. When he could help it, he was usually in bed much earlier than that.
Oh, he hoped Kwazii couldn’t hear their conversation. The poor cat was a light sleeper, and he hated being disturbed.
“You should get some sleep,” Bianca told him, surprised he didn’t hang up earlier. “What time do you have to get up?”
“About seven,” he rubbed his face and yawned again.
She gave him a disapproving look and shook her head, “get some sleep, Barnacles. We can talk again later.”
Knowing that she wasn’t budging on this, Barnacles gave in. The two said their goodbyes, and Barnacles hung up, dragging himself back over to his bed and, once again, dramatically collapsing onto it.
This time though, he pulled the cover over himself and quickly got comfortable. Without any more interruptions, it didn't take long at all for him to fall asleep.
In the Arctic, Bianca frowned slightly at the black screen of her tablet. She was uncomfortable with the silence that washed over her den now that her brother had hung up. She sighed quietly, looking down to her stomach and biting at her lip.
She hadn’t started to show yet, but she was positive, no pun intended, that once she did, it wouldn’t be long before everybody found out.
And Bianca wanted her brother to be the first one to know, so she had to tell him soon. She just couldn’t do it tonight, no matter how badly she wanted to. She could find enough patience to wait until he wasn’t utterly exhausted.
“Another time,” she told herself softly.
some notes:
final word count is 1,422
I hint at Bianca being pregnant with Orson and Ursa twice throughout this, and this is because the twins are still very young the first time we're introduced to them and it's Barnacles' first time meeting them, so I think he had to find out she was pregnant while he was on the Octopod
shifter au is inspired by its_in_the_water on AO3, I'm not sure if they are on Tumblr or not, but their works on AO3 are incredible and their shifter au is really cool, and you should definitely check them out if you haven't already
I'm also thinking about doing some drabbles, probably Kwazii-centered because that's what I have ideas about, but just shorter in general. I start my first year of college next week, and I know that school really drains my motivation to write, so I don't want to sign myself up for more really long fics and then not be able to follow through. But hey, I scheduled a lot of free time this semester so who knows what's gonna happen
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0cto0tter · 3 years
Ok,here me out
As we all know,most ppl ship peso with kwazii
And most ppl ship peso with Barnacles...
And most ppl ship kwazii with Barnacles...
What if...Barnacles x kwazii x peso
The leader
The chaotic
And the one who deals with eveyone shit.
This one is going to be a bit longer, as well as more chaotic ^^
Tw/Cw for light swearing
Peso, having a panic attack: nononono this is bad this is very bad-
Barnacles trying to comfort him: No worries, everything will be ok! We'll find who did this, and make sure they don't do it again
Kwazii, who is also trying to comfort him: I'LL FIND THAT BASTARD AND MAKE SURE THEY LEARN THEIR LESSON!!! YAAAA-
Barnacles: Kwazii-
Kwazii: ahem, I mean...
Kwazii: I'll track him down and give 'em a stern talking to...
Kwazii, under his breath: then give them what for for making you cry-
Barnacles: Why do you always let me win wherever we race up stairs? Normally you're always up for a challenge, and prepared to win?
Kwazii: It's... nice to see you smile when you win! Yeah that's it-
Barnacles: aww, that's nice
Barnacles: He's probably doing it to stare at my ass, isn't he-
Peso: Probably, I through you'd figure it out sooner
Barnacles to Peso (before he joined the Octonauts): Would you like to stay for dinner?
Kwazii from the other room: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER!?
Peso: *gasp* You have a crush on Captain!!
Kwazii: What?? I don't have a crush on him! I think their work is amazing and that they are a great person. It's not like I lost sleep thinking about him...
*later that night*
Kwazii, who is still awake at 2am: 0 - 0; uh oh-
Kwazii: Barnacles has no idea that I found the catnip >:3
Barnacles, concerned: You found what!?
Kawaii: Oh, my bad
Kwazii, leaning over to whisper to Peso: Barnacles has no idea I found the catnip >:3
Kwazii, trying to impress Barnacles and Peso: I re-initialized the entire command structure, retaining all of the programmed abilities it had before, but deleting the supplementary preference architecture
Tweak: I-
Tweak: He turned it off and back on again, I DON'T UNDERSTAND HALF OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID-
Barnacles, who has no idea whats happening and is just playing along: Um, welcome to Applebee's! Would you like... apples... or... bees???
Peso, confused: Wait, BEES??
Kwazii, from the other room: HE HAS SELECTED THE BEES!!!
Barnacles and Peso: Wait what-
Kwazii: *runs into the room with a jar full of aggressive looming bees*
Peso: *stands behind Barnacles*
Barnacles, who is still confused: Kwazii-
Peso: So, I'm not allowing Kwazii to take the trash out anymore...
Barnacles: Is he ok? Did he managed to get hurt?
Peso: A little, yes, but I've caught him trying to train sea urchins how to fight several time in a row, and got jabbed a few times
Barnacles: What-
Kwazii walking in with his hands bandaged: You'll be thanking me when Urchin Patrol Squadron 5 protects the Octopod-
Peso: due to person reasons, I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a fair sized metal box
Kwazii: did Barnacles say "I love you" and you said "thanks" again by mistake?
Dashi: I bet you can't hold 15 crayons in your mouth!
Kwazii: I bet I can!! Watch!!
Peso: *spits his drink, checks to make sure he has all him medical equipment ready, makes sure 911 is on speed dial, and texts the group chat letting everyone know what's about to happen*
Barnacles reading the message: Not again-
Shellington, concerned: ... a- again??
Peso, bandaging Barnacles hand: Why did you think that was a good idea? More over, why didn't you ask for help??
Barnacles: I didn't want to bother any of you while you were busy-
Kwazii, who is visibly vibrating: YOU ALMOST DROWNED AGAIN WHILE STUCK IN A SHIP!!
Peso: No worries, I have a few scalpels up my sleeve
Barnacles: I think you mean cards...
Peso, pulling several wrapped scalpels from his sleeves: I do not
Kwazii, who is more than proud: ⊙∇⊙
Peso: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Barnacles: Yes
Peso: I love you
Barnacles: It back
Barnacles: *instantly realizes what he just said*
Peso: 0 - 0
*a few minutes later*
Kwazii: Why is Peso crying face down on the floor, and why is Dashi laughing on the floor?
Barnacles, shaking: I said the wrong thing-
Barnacles: Well Peso, whenever I'm about to do something that might be risky or dangerous I simply think, "would Kwazii do that?" and if they would, there is a 50/50 chance I would do that think
Peso: Captain-
Kwazii from across the room: He's not wrong!
Barnacles making hot coco: Kwazii, Peso, what would you like in you're coco?
Peso: Peppermint, if there is any ^^
Kwazii: Cinnamon. All the cinnamon. Drown the drink in it >:3
Kwazii, not even a minute later: *coughing his lungs out because of the amount of cinnamon in his drink*
Barnacles: ...
Peso: ...
Barnacles: Well we did warn him-
Peso: Kwazii are you ok-
Tweak, inspecting and repairing the Gup A: So, how did the chair break off again...?
Barnacles: Um, well...
*flashback to Kwazii suddenly jumping on him, causing them to fall back and accidently break the chair*
Barnacles: The Gup crashed and the seat came loose-
Kwazii: Peso just ran up to me and handed me this small rock, and then ran away...
Barnacles: Give him a rock in return, trust me
*a few hours later*
Kwazii: *runs into the med bay with a nice looking rock*
*runs out again*
Peso, who is flustered beyond words: *verbally keyboard smashes*
Barnacles: *is asleep*
Peso: *is also asleep, but in a different room*
Kwazii, who is still awake: idea...
*goes to grab Peso and bring him to where Barnacles is*
Kwazii: Sleep pile >:)
*the next morning*
Barnacles and Peso: *visible confusion but acceptance*
Kwazii: >:3
You can tell I stated to run out of ideas half way through ^^;
Requests/Asks are still open :)
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clouds-regression · 2 years
Octonauts when you have a bad day <3
He's really awkward, but he'll give you a big bear hug and just let you cry on his shoulder. Then he'll break out the colouring books<3
He'll sort of just leave you alone at first, but if it lasts a long time, he'll start nagging you with fear he did something.
#1 therapist friend. He'll notice right away and give you a little checkup. He'll hug you and he'll let you vent for hours, giving you advice as both a friend and a medic.
She'll also notice right away, but she'll give you space at first. When you're not better, she'll approach you and offer to do a spa day. During your spa day, she'll tell you little details about her childhood to push you to tell her about your day.
He's super awkward, but he tries. He'll take you into his lab and get you to help him study some new creature to take your mind off of the day. He'll tell you everything he already knows, and then tell you the goal of the research with this creature.
He'll set up a little nap area inside the library and invite you in. He'll read some books, and he'll ask you to tell him some stories. He'll do this until you fall into a much needed sleep.
She won't do anything unless you go to her for help, and then she'll try her best. She'll allow you to help her with some new invention, or she'll play videogames with you. She'll push until you're comfortable telling her whats up.
They'll use advice torn from the internet. They'll help you breathe, and they'll make sure not to leave your side so you don't hurt yourself. They might try to armchair diagnose you, but they will still help you the best they can.
He'll ignore you unless you go to him. He'll then give you unsolicited advice that actually works really well, and he'll let you stay with him for a bit until you cheer up.
Calico Jack
Honestly, he has no idea what to do, but like Kwazii, he'll think he did something and he'll try to make up for it every way possible. You will be getting pirate pie, pirate stew, a treasure map, maybe a couple treasures...even if he didn't do anything, you will be happy by the end of the day.
He'll just misbehave until you're too frustrated to remember your bad day. Then he'll do some really funny stuff to make you forgive him.
She's really awkward, and she'll sort of just reassure you saying stuff like "tomorrows a new day" and "you'll be okay". She'll give you a really awkward side hug and pat you on the back.
She'll offer a read a thon, and if you don't want to do that, she'll tell you about her favourite Donna Doxie book and the entire plot.
She's super sweet about it. "Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?" If you say yes, she'll just sit there and listen, saying things like "I get it" and "I understand how hard that must be". She'll only give advice when you ask for it, and she gives great advice.
She'll show you a few old maps and get you to help her renew them to take your mind off of everything. She'll tell you she's there for you when you need her, and that she's always there to chat.
If you have a bad day, his day will turn bad. He'll try to help you the best he can, but he's really not good with communication, so you might get a couple Paani Patties or Fish Biscuits, but don't expect much affection.
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dolphingirl1234 · 3 months
its time for more headcanons yippeeee
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this is kwazii if you couldn't tell
I forgot to make his eye green but we can imagine
also I think his hair would be more red but I couldn't find the right colour
anyway no one cares so here are the headcanons:
early-mid 20's
trans ftm
he is possibly the gayest person to ever exist
he has heterochromia, the covered eye is brown and the other is green
bright red hair that's always messy
so many freckles
ADHD and dyslexia - he loves to complain about how things are spelled
wears whatever he finds of his floor
he is convinced he can handle spicy things but he really cant
he is definitely lactose intolerant but refuses to admit it and eats dairy anyway
has really bad gender dysphoria and tweak is king when it comes to helping him with it
he definitely purrs like a real cat but you can only hear it if you're really close to him
everyone in the crew knows his deadname but they're all very careful to never call him that
forgets everyone's birthdays every year
he lives by the 5 second rule and eats shit off the floor
^^^tweak once paid him to lick sugar that shellington spilt on the floor (he did it)
he definitely uses all the hot water and everyone hates him for it
he gets attached to things very easily and has a hard time getting rid of anything even if its just a pretty shell or something
^^^he keeps all his random stuff in the treasure chest next to his bed and adds to it constantly
he sometimes sneaks into barnacles' room to play with his model ships
he didn't come out for ages. when he first joined the crew he had no medical files bc of his backstory (I'm not gonna get into that right now, long story short he was an orphan) so peso had to make one and he asked for kwazii's legal name and gender at birth so he was kind of forced to come out, but he came out officially to peso later.
tweak was the first person he told officially and she was so chill about it and helped him make a binder because he was literally using tape before
barnacles seriously tried to be chill about it but kwazii could tell he had questions and he happily answered them
he was terrified to tell inkling because old people old mindset but when he did tell him, inkling was so supportive and kwazii cried
as well as arachnophobia he's also scared of needles but he doesn't tell anyone
barnacles is his dad and his best friend at the same time
peso is his little brother and his best friend at the same time
he has mild ptsd from something in his childhood. it doesn't affect him that much but dashi has more severe ptsd and she helps him through it
he LOVES hanging out with dashi and tweak and they love hanging out with him
he is always included in boys night but is also accepted into girls night because if he annoys tweak enough she gives him a tool and he can break stuff
one Christmas the crew had saved up their money all year and payed for his top surgery. tweak secretly got a job doing online stuff for her family friend and payed over half of the cost. kwazii cried and hugged her which she loved but hated at the same time
he's English but the accent mixed with the pirate voice makes it come out australian
he's not allowed catnip for obvious reasons
he hates when people gender clothes but he will not under any circumstances wear a dress
tominnow is also trans (mtf) and they're besties
he hates that creatures are scared of him because he's a pirate and has even considered giving up being a pirate because of it, but he realised its a part of his identity and he didn't want to change it
he loves making bracelets for the crew and everyone wears them sometimes, but barnacles wears multiple every day
dashi crochets and kwazii steal her yarn balls and she gets super pissed at him
he loves calico jack more than he lets on and he misses him constantly. every time he visits kwazii dreads when he leaves
he definitely plays 2048 cupcakes
tweak is his comfort person but he often goes to barnacles as well
maybe I should write a fanfic of kwazii coming out to everyone that would actually be fun
anyway that's all for now I will hopefully be back with some peso hcs tomorrow
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Time for something different and inspired me by own nephew back in 2016~ :3 Whenever he came round, he liked to watch a  show called 'Octonauts' (for those who don't know about it, click here -> octonauts.wikia.com/wiki/Octon…) and I sometimes watched it with him, when we were having dinner ^w^ It's really good show because it teaches children about the creatures of the sea and their natural habitats. The TV series is based on the American-Canadian children's books, written by Vicki Wong and Michael C. Murphy of Meomi Design Inc. So, being the mermaid and deer lover that I am, I thought, 'why not make a character of my own for the show out of two of my favourite things?' 0v0 And I did just that~ ;D This is 'Fawna' (get it? ;p) the Merdoe, who is one of the last remaining merdeer in the sea. They are gentle but cautious creatures, so you'd be very lucky to see one. Merdeer like to explore the seabed, where they watch over other sea creatures and craft their own pieces of jewellery. They can also swim pretty fast through the waves. This sweet young merdoe Fawna, upon hearing the exciting adventures of the Octonauts, decides to have a closer look at their home - the 'Octopod'. However, she gets pursued by a hungry, cunning bull shark and instantly caught in a tangle of seaweed. Luckily, overhearing the commotion, the Octonauts come to her rescue and the bull shark is fended off by Kwazii Cat (octonauts.wikia.com/wiki/Kwazi… my fave character in the show 💕 ^.^) The Octonauts help Fawna safely back to the Octopod, where they remove the tangled seaweed from her...only to find an actual mermaid's tail underneath, much to all of their surprise, especially Kwazii's for they believed that mercreatures only existed in stories and fairy tales...until now. Fawna stayed with the Octonauts for a few days to recover and grew very close to Kwazii, who visited and checked on her, before and after his missions. And feelings for one another began to develop~ Fawna is very grateful to the Octonauts and likes to visit them, and help them on their missions if needed. She also possesses a special shell bracelet with a pink pearl, which magically turns her tail into legs when out of water, and allows her to walk on dry land. She will instantly change back to her true merform when entering the water again. However, if Fawna takes off her bracelet, she'll remain or change back into a merdoe, no matter where she is (land or sea). Fawna can also help others see and breathe underwater. In the near future, she'll become a member of the Octonauts, one in-training~ I posted this cutie on my dA page, six years ago and she was so much fun to do in both forms~💖 Hope you all like too! 💞😄
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Fawna (c) @jade-green-butterfly​ (Me~!) Octonauts (c) BBC's CBeebies
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thome-gemcity · 2 years
Too Far Down (PT 1)
TW: vehicle crash
Kwazii was swimming around in the Gup B, trying to find something cool to take home with him. He saw a fish with what appeared to be a shiny gold coin, and Kwazii immediately wanted it. The fish swam down after seeing Kwazii’s gup and thinking it was a real shark. “Oi! Get back here!” Kwazii followed it, the fish eventually going so far down that the only light source the pirate cat could see was the small tiny light behind him that was coming from the sun. “Hah, this doesn’t scare me!” Around two minutes later, he had gone so deep that he couldn’t see anything. His eyes darted around as he tried finding the fish, his gup crashing a few seconds later, causing him to pass out immediately. Meanwhile, Tweak was tracking his gup, not expecting to see the little circle that showed where his gup was disappear. “What the..” Captain Barnacles walked to Tweak, looking at the screen. “What’s the issue?” Tweak stared at the screen for a few seconds before answering him. “I was tracking the Gup B, and then all of a sudden it just disappeared.” Captain Barnacles looked at the screen, clicking a button, making it go back two minutes in time to see where Kwazii had been. He clicked another button, allowing them to see through the night vision camera that Tweak had installed on the gup. It showed a dark area with a bunch of spikes, along with a bunch of weird looking sea animals. After two minutes, it showed Kwazii crashing, along with a loud “YEOW!” before he passed out, the camera then cutting to static. “So that’s what happened.. I thought the radar was breaking!” Tweak went to another screen, it showing exactly where Kwazii was. “He’s lucky I installed this backup locator on his gup.” Tweak sighed, Captain Barnacles rushing to the main room of the octopod and slamming his fist on the emergency button. “Peso and Shellington, get to the Gup C!” Barnacles, Peso, and Shellington ran as fast as they could to the Gup C. “What’s wrong, Captain?” Shellington tilted his head like a confused puppy. “Kwazii crashed his gup into something and we have to find him.” The three jumped into the vehicle, Shellington following the small line on one of the tiny screens to get to Kwazii. A few minutes later, they arrived at his gup, and there was just enough light to see what had happened. Kwazii’s head had been slammed against the glass, shards getting into his head as a sharp dagger that he always kept in his gup had pierced him in the arm. “Goodness gracious, I’m gonna hope I can help him..” Peso looked at all the blood, the captain taking Kwazii into the gup as Shellington and Peso followed, Shellington having connected the hook on the back of the gup to Kwaziis. They went back to the octopod, and when they got there, Peso carried Kwazii to the medbay. He put Kwazii in a hospital bed, wrapping his head and arm with bandages.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
What are your thoughts surrounding the Golden Mole episode if you’ve watched it? Personally, I really enjoy it, but I was kind of taken aback by the way Kwazii was acting at the start? His writing at points in A&B in general makes me feel a way, the difference has been a big adjustment. You always tie things together with your character analyzations very well, so I’m curious to know your take on this one! It might even make me feel less thrown off by it :)
you sent this a long time ago I'm so sorry- If your opinions on Kwazii's writing have changed, I'd love hearing any takes you have now- but in the meantime take post 🤲 (note that I talk a lot about Tracker since he is kinda the focus of the episode- ok now let's begin:)
(take an ear-twitchy Kwazii for your patience hfjskd 🤲✨)
I've noticed Kwazii's been written differently too, and I've got theories about it ofc (see closing thoughts), but in regards to the Golden Mole episode I actually think his behavior was pretty in character. I think Kwazii has a fear of rejection (because of how often he is rejected due to being a pirate), and he seems to be very aware of how people view him, and will either over-compensate by toning down his energy (or at least trying to, like in the Puffins.) or try to make himself seem cooler and more capable than he is if he notices someone likes him, like he did with Pinto that one time.
He also did this in The Combtooth Blenny; where he spent the entire time trying to make Peso think he had everything in control, even though he didn't. That's pretty similar to what's happening in The Golden Mole.
The Combtooth Blenny and The Golden Mole are pretty similar episodes overall: Kwazii and Peso stuck on a desert island with no communication vs. Kwazii and Tracker stuck in a desert with no communication, Kwazii desperate to seem like a capable leader type, Peso (implied to be) as a new Octonaut vs. Tracker as a new Octo-Agent, etc.. (cough cough wanna point out UK Peso and Tracker's shared voice actor just because cough cough-)
Analysis time now:
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Right away we can tell Tracker thinks Kwazii is cool, just from the way he looks at him (either in awe or nervousness), and is eager to please him. We see this trait of his when we first meet him in Operation Deep Freeze when he excitedly calls them "The Octonaut guys!!! :D" and then shouts "Cool!!" when Barnacles promises to keep him posted. Tracker is a follower by nature, not a leader. He'd much prefer to let ANYONE else tell him what to do, rather than follow his own instincts or take charge. So Kwazii? Octonaut guy?? Perfect person to listen to—definitely not gonna question his judgement at all. Wouldn't dream of it.
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...Even when it backfires on them both.
Tracker is very strong, smart, and capable on his own, and he seems to know that—but he's still very insecure in his own intuition; and tends to put others before himself, kind of like how Barnacles does. He says at one point in S2 (paraphrasing here-) that in the Polar Scouts; "they are taught to help anyone who needs it, no matter what." and I think he and Barnacles both indirectly learned their self-worth issues from this (like: “When you see a creature in trouble, it is YOUR duty to help them. Your own safety comes second.” ). He's a great Polar Scout, and he's desperate to be seen as a good Octo-Agent by the Octonauts.
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(Octonauts™ at it again with the parallels <3) Tracker has literally never left the Arctic before; another reason why he wants to trust Kwazii so badly. He’s out of his element, but Kwazii’s been around the world, he should know about deserts, right? One way I wish Kwazii had been written differently in this episode, would be him being a bit more worried about Tracker. He knows they're in this situation because he messed up—and Barnacles likely trusted Kwazii to take care of him. So if he had maybe panicked with Tracker when they lost their backpack, instead of just standing there, or if he asked him how he was doing once or twice, that would’ve been better. (In the CombBlenny, he gets visibly frustrated a few times, before putting on a brave face for Peso. In this episode he kinda just dissociates when Tracker freaks out, and it’s a little awkward.)
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I do really like this scene at the end where Kwazii reassures Tracker, and gives him his book back. It feels like Kwazii is trying to apologize to him in his own way.
Also I think Tracker would've passed the test no matter what. He was the only agent who got any sort of test. He probably asked Barnacles for one, and it got made up on the spot. He would've passed even if he completely failed, because it was just a confidence booster exercise; like how 99% of Peso's S1 training was just confidence boosting disguised as serious training. Barnacles couldn’t actually train Peso on how to be an Octonaut or a medic, because he was already both of those from the start; he just needed to be taught how to trust himself.
Closing off with more Kwazii thoughts: I think he's being written differently on purpose. There has been a timeskip, and everyone seems a bit more mature now (it's most obvious in Peso and the Vegimals, and Dashi in some aspects). It could just be that he toned down a bit as he got older; but I've noticed that he's written the most weird whenever he's partnered with Calico Jack. He acts more immature and just... off? and in my head it's because he really hasn't seen CJ since he was a kitten, so he isn't sure how to act around him (plus he REALLY wants to impress his granddad). We also know that CJ's been teaching Kwazii stuff, so that could be another factor in his personality/vibe shift. The times I've found where Kwazii acts the most like himself- are the times he's alone with the other Octonauts, and I think that's interesting.
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octonauts16 · 3 years
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Octonauts and A&B Edition)
Peso: What if you didn't understand what he saw?
Paani: Then you better figure it out because he was coming for you...
Min: *Singing* We don't talk about Hugo, no, no, no! We don't talk about Hugo...But...It was my dating day
Paani: *Singing* It was our dating day
Min: *Singing* We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Paani: *Singing* No clouds allowed in the sky
Min: *Singing* Hugo walks in with a mischievous grin-
Paani: *Singing* Thunder!!
Min: You telling this story, or am I?
Paani: *Singing* I'm sorry, Darling, go on
Min: *Singing* Hugo says, "It looks like rain"
Paani: *Singing* Why did he tell us?
Min: *Singing* In doing so, he floods my brain
Paani: *Singing* Someone, get the umbrellas
Min: *Singing* Dated in a hurricane
Paani: *Singing* What a joyous day... but anyway
Min&Paani: *Singing* We don't talk about Hugo, no, no, no! We don't talk about Hugo!
Shellington, Peso, Paani & Min dance as Peso and Shellington went back to the Octopod with Tweak and Dashi
Tweak: *Singing* Hey! Grew to live in fear of Hugo stuttering or stumbling I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling, I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch
Dashi: *Singing* It's a heavy lift, with a gift so humbling Always left Inkling and the family fumbling Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand Do you understand?
Shellington and Peso did the cha-cha with Tweak and Dashi as they went to Kwazii
Kwazii: *Singing* A seven-foot frame Lice along his back When he calls your name It all fades to black Yeah, he sees your dreams And feasts on your screams (Sea Creatures: hey!)
Shellington And Peso fell through a hole and Kwazii catches them and lets them go, he walked through a twisted hallway with Min, Paani, Tweak & Dashi singing with Kwazii until Shellington and Peso exits the cave and enter the bright sunlight of a beach.
Kwazii, Min, Paani: *Singing* We don't talk about Hugo, no, no, no! (Dashi: *Singing* We don't talk about Hugo, no, no, no!) We don't talk about Hugo (Tweak: *Singing* we don't talk about Hugo!)
Chin-Strap Penguin Mother: *Singing* He told me my egg will fall the next day...CRACKED!
Land Creatures: *Singing* NO! NO!
Panda: *Singing* He told me I'd grow a gut! And just like he said...
Land Creatures: NO, NO!
Leon: *Singing* He said that all my Fur would disappear, now look at my Fur!
Land Creatures: NO, NO!
Sea Creatures: Hey!
Land Creatures: *Singing* Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!
Pearl came down from a swing and got off
Pearl: *Singing* He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the vine
Inkling: *Singing* The Sea Otters are on their way
Dashi: *Singing* He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach Betrothed to another...
Tweak: *Singing* It's like I hear him now
Pearl walked up to Shellington and Peso as she fixed Shellington's hair...
Pearl: Hey Bro, I want not a sound out of you (Tweak: *Singing* it's like I can hear him now)
Tweak: *Singing* I can hear him now!
Pearl left as Shellington and Peso looked determined to find the truth
Shellington: *Singing* Um...Hugo...
Peso: *Singing* Yeah about that Hugo...
Shellington&Peso: *Singing* I really need to know about Hugo...Gimmie the truth and the whole truth, Hugo...
Kwazii: Pearl, your boyfriend's here...
The Vegimals: Time for dinner!
The Octonauts were getting ready for dinner by setting up the table as they danced
Kwazii: *Singing* A seven-foot frame (Min: *Singing* it was my dating day, Paani: *Singing* it was our dating day) Lice along his back (Min: *Singing* we were getting ready) When he calls your name (Min: *Singing* and there wasn't a cloud in the sky) It all fades to black (Paani: *Singing* no clouds allowed in the sky!) Yeah, he sees your dreams...
(Min: *Singing* Hugo walks in with a mischievous grin-) And feasts on your screams (Paani: *Singing* thunder!)
Peso and Shellington saw that Captain Barnacles was losing his strength and saw his door flashing as they went to a room and dump the pieces on the tables and started putting them together...
Min: *Singing* You telling this story, or am I?
Paani: *Singing* I'm sorry, Darling, go on (Inkling: The Sea Otters are on their way)
Min: *Singing* Hugo says, "It looks like rain"(Kwazii: *Singing* a seven-foot frame, rats along his back)
Min: *Singing* In doing so, he floods my brain Dating in a hurricane
Captain Barnacles: They're here!
Once Shellington and Peso puts the pieces together they were shocked that Hugo's visions showed them in front of the Octopod and the Octopod was broken
Everyone: *Singing* Don't talk about Hugo, no! (Peso: *Singing* Why did we talk about Hugo?)
Everyone: *Singing* Not a word about Hugo!
Shellington: *Singing* We never should've brought up Hugo!
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
I gots 17 asks here for yall
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(The two posts in question are here and here)
Actually, I feel like Optimus wouldn’t allow himself to break down in front of others, especially not any of the humans. Or at least if he did, he would quickly straighten himself back up.
But if he ever did, Jack would probably try to comfort him in the same Raf would comfort Ratchet yeah.
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pff XD for real tho.
Honestly, I really oughta get back around to finishing that comic finally.
(ノへ ̄、)
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Thank you for all the compliments! And I hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night too! :}
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Honestly same. ✋😔
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I would love some Ronald the blue sea slug actually, thanks
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Pardon my attitude, but at what point in the show has the Captain EVER been made out to be a coward? He is literally the LEAST cowardly character in the entire show.
He has been praised on multiple occasions by all members of his crew for being brave and selfless, literally the opposite of a coward. I literally cannot understand where you got the idea that Captain Barnacles is a coward in any sense of the word.
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I’m sorry that my post production has slowed down so much. I’m doing my best to keep posting but its getting really hard to get past this wall of anxiety.
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...You have a point..
Also, my biggest wonder is actually how he ended up on the Octopod in the first place. When the crew for the Octonauts was being selected they probably hand picked people for it because the crew is was planning to be really small.
When it came to picking the Captain.. Barnacles could have been a very well trained and respected individual who probably even had connections to the people who made the Octopod. He was probably selected because he was highly trained in piloting and probably was already in a leadership type role when he was picked.
Peso could have been a medic that also had connections to the facility that made the Octopod. They could have picked him because he was a very good swimmer and/or because of his specific medical training in aquatic and land life. There could have been a lot of reasons why he was selected honestly.
Dashi could have been selected to be the IT officer because she was very well trained in computer science and was a certified diver. Something along those lines I’d imagine.
Shellington could have been selected because of his knowledge in marine biology, his potential connections to the main facility and being trained in diving or something similar.
Tweak could’ve been a certified diver and the head engineer in the building process of the Octopod. She probably would’ve volunteered for the engineer role on board, and due to her role in the the building process I doubt she’d be turned away.
Then there’s Inkling. He’s the founder of this project, it makes sense that he’d be along for the ride.
But Kwazii? Where the heck did he come from? He was a pirate beforehand right? He’s a criminal! WHY would they let him on the ship? If anything they’d arrest him! It doesn’t make any sense! Maybe if he turned away from pirating long ago and joined the marines and got trained like the Captain did it would make sense. But he doesn’t exactly try to hide the fact that he’s a pirate.. And also if he really were to go through some type of training that would land him on the Octopod like the Captain, he certainly wouldn’t behave the way he does.
If you go through training in the army, marines, or something similar, that unhinged and childish nature will get smacked right out of you. Kwazii would behave just like the Captain if he went through training brutal enough to land him the role of Lieutenant on the Octopod.
So him knowing about technology aside, (even though it further thickens my point,) I’m more concerned about WHY and HOW he’s even on the ship in the first place.
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I mean, as far as I know, Hercules is a good guy.. sooo chances are he wouldn’t just punch someone square in the face just for saying that they don’t believe he exists.. Realistically if he heard someone say they don’t believe he exists, wouldn’t he just.. like.. introduce himself? Like, “Yo, my name is Hercules, nice to meet ya!” Or something?
Also, since the Captain seems like the skeptical type, and is not Greek, it stands to reason that he wouldn’t believe in their mythology. Although that doesn't mean he couldn’t find it interesting. He also wouldn’t look down upon anyone who does believe in it for sure. 
He doesn’t believe in any of Kwazii’s monsters stories, but does he treat him differently? No, does he ever say Kwazii is wrong? No. He usually says, “Well maybe its not a monster, lets go investigate” Or if Kwazii’s scaring Peso with his stories he’ll say, “We don’t know for sure that its a monster, lets just go find out.” You know?
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What would happen if someone purposely brought catnip onto the Octopod?? They would get in some serious trouble! Especially if they brought it on just to mess with Kwazii or one of the other crew members!
You cant just bring a substance like catnip onto the Octopod, its a professional work environment!
That’s like bringing weed into your work office, like, that’s bad enough as it is. But its even WORSE if you brought it in just to intentionally mess with someone who specifically has bad reactions it. You would probably get fired for that! Heck, maybe even arrested!
So no, if someone purposely brought catnip into the ship? Unless they had a darn good reason to, they would get into some big trouble.
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That’s not Captain Barnacles, that’s Cereal Binoculars.😳
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Aww thanks! I’m glad you like my redesign and I’m flattered that you find my headcannons to be interesting. :}
As for any Tweak headcannons? Hmm..
1: Some would think that Tweak would be annoyed by the sloshing water in launch bay when she’s trying to sleep. But on the contrary, its comforting. Because it reminds her of falling asleep in the swamp, being able to hear the bog sloshing around outside her window. 
2: She sees Kwazii as a brother, and is more worried for his safety than annoyed when he does stupid stuff in the Gup-B.
3: I like to think that Tweak looks up to the Captain when it comes to his piloting skills, and she’s always taking mental notes of the little tips and tricks he sometimes tells her.
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The what scene now? If this is from season 5 I haven’t seen it yet 😬
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And here I thought making Tweaks fur brown was big brain, this stuff is really thorough- 
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