#when pigs fly!
kikker-oma · 1 year
When Pigs Fly🐷
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sluggoonthestreet · 6 months
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Nadine and the Diversity of Porcine Aeronautics
Best wishes for the coming year, and may all of your mistakes become miracles.
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userboygenius · 8 months
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Glenn Howerton in WHEN PIGS FLY (2017), directed by Andrew Wood.
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apollosbisexualass · 4 months
[During TLO]
Percy: Tell Kronos, I’ll surrender when pigs fly
Kronos: [Releases the Clazmonian Sow]
Percy: Well dam
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tj-crochets · 7 months
hey y'all! I'm looking for some stuffed animal suggestions. I'm kinda stuck in quilt mode and I want to like force switch to plushies* but the inspiration isn't switching I'm hoping if I hear a plushie idea that I am like "oh I HAVE to make this" like I did with the giant octopus I can get myself to switch to plushies again? *I aggravated my ribs a bit and want to work on something smaller and lighter than a quilt for a while. I'm okay, it'll just heal faster if I take at least a few days off of quilts
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figs-oliomedley · 10 months
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revelation I came to about a month ago but was too busy with college to draw
let's just say I'll be paying very close attention to their reunion with Cole uvu
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tiredtangerine · 1 year
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When Pigs Fly (1993)
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thebrickdwarf · 7 months
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When pigs fly
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 6
When Pigs Fly (1993)
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His Role: I hope I never let myself live like this man does, I know I can be quite messy, but I make damn sure I clean enough to be comfortable! This man? Goodness. Sleeps in own clothes and shoes (all dressed up an no where to go), glasses and trash everywhere, eating cold pizza! Actually, I do that last one. That's not that weird. But man, I wouldn't want him to be my landlord, just saying. I've been around way too many people with living spaces like that, not nice people either. Unlike Marty, who seems pleasant enough. I don't know for sure if he's depressed or something along those lines, I hope after the events of this movie, he starts cleaning up a bit. Baby steps. Maybe Sheila helps out.
This man can just sleep anywhere and anytime! It's like he has narcolepsy, but it may be depression? But it was funny to see him pass out during a piano lesson and then again after Sheila finds out about the ghosts. I'm glad he feels more awake, having a gun shot at you while levitating on a rocking chait and going on a short road trip would keep you more awake to the world.
I would've like to see more of his love for Jazz and maybe see him teach more! I liked his dynamic with Tony, their little handshake was adorable. And of course, more of him and Dolphy, his big good boy!
His reaction to the ghosts was a more realistic one, I believe. He quickly accepted that this was his new reality and helped out his new dead friends. Him being terrified of a literary child was hilarious.
Also the bar scene? Him just losing his shit and laughing like a mad man at the chaos around him? Just great.
Last thing: his dreams were weird, but realistically so. Dreams are weird, man.
The Rest of the Movie: A fever dream of a movie in a good way. I mean, it literally opens with two strange dream sequences (a trend in this movie). I thought Dolphy, the dog, would have more to do, but eh, it's ok.
Lilly and Ruthie were fun, I liked their relationship! Lilly, a mother, was torn away from her daughter due to her murder by the hands of her own shitty husband and Ruthie, a child torn away from her mother due to illness. I hoped we saw more of Ruthie's background, but this is mainly Lilly's story. But I must say Rachael Bella, the actress for Ruthie, did a fantastic job, especially during the scene when she describes seeing Lilly's murder.
Randomly just bursting into singing and cussing out Marty for not joining right away and then him awkwardly starting a duet with Lilly was funny.
I'm really glad that Lilly got to semi-reunite with her daughter, I don't know if she plans on revealing herself and Ruthie to her or not. But she seems content with just rocking on their chair while watching her boat. They have a much better view now than the shed.
Sheila and Marty's chemistry wasn't as well built as, say Cliff and Kim (The Steal). Maybe it wasn't supposed to go in that direction, but that one dream? Wanting to be her lover? I don't know for sure. I still like their interactions and reactions to the ghosts. Both just going along and help the lost spirits, who are just doing whatever the hell they want, being silly and goofy together.
And to Frank, fuck you! His way of accidentally revealing to the cops that he murdered his wife was pleasing. Rot in hell!
Also, I want to add a warning. There are two slurs thrown in this movie. The N-word (not at anyone specific) and a ethnic slur for people who are Italian, Portuguese, or Spainard. Interestingly the last one being thrown at Marty. Just a heads up!
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axiseart · 23 days
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[Flying Boar noises]
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agentkirin · 2 months
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I've made Ashlyn a fren :3
There are several different species that inhabit the world of Ashes to Ashlyn, and one of them is the peccasus (derived from "Peccary" and "pegasus"), i.e. flying pigs. Bella in particular is based on a kunekune pig, which is smol and floofy and has adorable lil wattles! She's a little older than Ashlyn, but not by much.
I imagine that in the game, she shows up in several different levels - sometimes pointing out something helpful in the environment, sometimes in need of a little firepower to protect an endangered critter from demons, sometimes with a lead on where the next macguffin is. Kinda like Hunter in Spyro 2 and 3, but with biology instead of sports.
If you like my work, consider joining the HQ Discord server, or supplying the agency with coffee. Or both, I'm not your spymaster.
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sluggoonthestreet · 2 months
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Optimism tip: Always poke some holes in the lid so your impossibilities can breathe.
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userboygenius · 8 months
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Glenn Howerton in WHEN PIGS FLY (2017), directed by Andrew Wood.
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I'm gonna be fussing over fixing things on these for months on end if I don't just post now, so in honour of his birthday, some painting practice of Glenn Howerton in the short film When Pigs Fly <3
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carldoonan · 2 hours
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This Snippy Li’l Snoutlet says: “OH - but let’s be clear. I AIN’T a pig.” 🔌🐽👼
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Marty the Gentle Giant
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