#when the power corruption arc has consequences ..
merlinmerlot · 1 year
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wasn't gonna draw anything until i finished the game but act 3 got me feeling so stressed n overwhelmed oh my god
anyways current tav state of mind. deeply funny to me that the most mentally stable member of the party at the start of the game is the one most currently over the brink of losing their fucking mind
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shallowrambles · 7 months
I love the view that Dean figured out his deeper feelings for Cas in 6 & 7, and the majority of 8 was Dean arcing out of his hero-worship and people-should-never-let-me-down neuroses.
And then.
Post-perceived rejection… (Remember: Cas threw OFF Dean’s hand in Purgatory, and cut OFF cupid’s hand when it was aimed at him.)
So. Late Seasons 8 to mid-12 are Dean actively trying to get over Cas. In s9, he’s off-key paralleled with Josie Sands and Abaddon. (When it’s actually Hannah who’s “the Josie.”) Then he transitions into a reversal-power arc, towards being force-fit into the cartoonish, dare I say ham-fisted Cain role and its parallels. (They spell out the parallel in a distinctly odd way, esp for SPN. Too on the nose. Prescriptive. That’s because it’s actually mirroring Dean’s power fantasy according to Dean’s deepest, least charitable, nihilistic wishes.)
In s10, Dean still appears hung up on Cas, trusting him with the blade and begging him to help kill him if he becomes disinhibited/loses his free will again. Also, “I’m glad you’re here, man,” and Cas’s awkward reply, “Another time. There’s a female waiting in the car.” In a way, Dean’s feelings and fantasies serve to taunt him. The Cain parallel itself feels like a taunt.
Dean may realize Cas “admires” him but it’s definitely not the way Dean wants, that is: not like a secret admirer. Dean is mad for the unbalanced power dynamics re:Cas in the past. Now in Dean’s power reversal: Cas gets the wife treatment and Dean gets paralleled with the powerful Cain figure. He gets to beat Cas just as Cas beat him.
And it’s no accident the Dean’s power reversal arc culminates in a reverse-crypt. Because that’s what Dean’s bitter about. (“That’s not gonna be a problem = You can’t hurt me anymore, not like you did.”) It’s rooted in the bitterness of perceived rejection. That’s why Cas bears the brunt of Dean’s anger here.
Afterwards, Dean feels soooo guilty for being angry.
At various points, he tries to reassure Cas he’s okay with and appreciates how things are: a best friend, a comrade, a brother. Acceptance!
Dean spent season 10 dealing with his baggage and hoping hopelessly, then in season 11, I think he resolved to accept things. He may have toed the water with sexual tension and short shorts at times, but overall he was trying to live with Cas and let Cas off the hook.
He also encouraged Amara to deal with her own baggage the way he’d worked through his. Season 10 was his reversal arc: him in power for once, with Cas getting the wife treatment and Sam’s corruption being highlighted for once. And in season 11 he was spirited away, dealing with being powerless once more.
After that was done, he tried to swallow his feelings and let go of Cas, the way he encouraged Amara to let go of him.
He may perceive season 11 as his letting go of irrationally wanting Cas. The car scene may represent him giving Cas an out. Even releasing him from any perceived obligations.
So when Cas shows interest in season 12, I do think that threw him! Made him so nervous that he started hoping again, getting all tentative with his little mixtape.
Then Cas returns the damn mixtape. (Burned again!) But instead of getting bitter, Dean says to keep it, it’s a gift. Then he mumbles another “we’re all stronger together,” lil spill to cover his embarrassment.
Because now, he’s fully accepted that he loves Cas. Dean’s feelings haven’t faded so he has resolved to live with them as they are. No matter how many times he gets his hopes up and disappointed.
But now, Dean’s more scared. In season 8 he was ready to tell Cas “I love you.” He spent four years trying to navigate those unrequited feelings and convert them into familial camaraderie.
It’s much scarier in s12 with cosmic consequences on their heads, and Dean with everything he’s ever wanted just at his fingertips.
My fave thing about it all is that Dean and Cas are ready for each other at wildly different points and hardly ever sync up in between all the disasters.
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antimony-medusa · 10 months
on Consequences in minecraft streaming
Okay so one of the real common things that I've been seeing lately is an increasingly passionate call for certain characters to experience Consequences (and the rest of the post always makes it clear that they mean a specific type of definatively negative repercussions) for their actions during QSMP events. And aside from the absolute deja vu of having seen these same calls when DSMP was airing, and how that turned out (sorry, the syndicate did not all have a meeting where they apologized for their sins while tommy told them they were horrible people), I'm not 100% sure if that's going to happen or pan out in the exact way that I think people are aiming for and expecting will happen.
I keep seeing a lot of people saying that it would be bad writing if people don't get "consequences" for their actions, and what they're specifically asking for is punishment and for people to realize what they're doing was wrong. BBH is supposed to repent for furniture thefts and torturing the people keeping him from his kid. Phil is supposed to realize that actually he's good at PVP and apologize for saying that his team has been suffering in purgatory. Tubbo is supposed to fill in his tubhole and only do things other people ask him to do.
But like, so much of the time, what we're seeing is these streamers being interested in writing morally grey characters, just some little guys who make bad decisions, and the thing about characters being morally grey is that they don't always have a come to jesus moment and become morally pure. Sometimes they just keep being morally grey. Sometimes they get worse on purpose.
Maybe BBH never decides that torturing that guy was bad, because he wanted to get his FUCKING KID back. Like, I seriously think you have to be prepared for that character arc to never end in Bad going "that was wrong to do", and maybe his cubito will still be happy. Phil is a dude with anxiety who's been sure that his kids are going to die from the moment he got to purgatory, streaming at 1-4 in the morning while other teams break into their base, even if bolas goes insane and scrapes out a win I think it's way more likely that that team is gonna go "what a wild fluke that's the power of gas masks" and not have a moment where they go "it was unfair of us to assume that we were underpowered, I guess everybody else was the underdogs! Our bad." Tubbo is tubbo, he's already building a new create thing, he is not going to apologize for leaving marks on the landscape with mod packs.
Like, the streamers are interested in making human characters, making interesting decisions, not communicating moral lessons to their fanbases. Bad is operating within a Taken film, not a sermon. Quackity wants his cubito to be pathetic, gay, and out for revenge, not to communicate the importance of forgiveness to those who hurt you. Tubbo's victory condition is having a nice date with Fred, full stop, does not care who he has to run over to get there.
Absolutely I think there are people intentionally doing corruption/villany arcs on the server, and they probably intend for that to lead places. There will be Consequences, as in, things will happen. Cellbit is doing cannibalsm on purpose, and not as a teaching moment about how good cannibalism is for your social bonds. But like, maybe that leads to him being thrown out of his family and not trusted because of his sins, OR maybe it leads to him murdering his way through a federation complex, facing down a bloody cucurucho, and going "you made me into you and I hate this" and eating him. Narrative consequences does not always mean punishment and a return to moral purity. Sometimes people just do bad things, and then repercussions happen, but they don't necessarily "see the error of their ways". The specific call for like— retribution and repentance as the consequences people are going for— for punishment— if a character has done something bad they don't "deserve" good things to happen to them and it's bad writing for that to happen— I just don't think that those are the stories the creators are necessarily interested in telling.
And secondly, what people are often asking for is character conflict— they want people to be socially excluded by characters they feel have been wronged, and learn the error of their ways that way until they apologize sufficiently. Phil is gonna hate BBH or Tubbo is going to hate Roier or something once they return from Purgatory. People want their cubitos to have beef with each other.
But the thing is, on a meta level, I don't doubt that the entire admin team and streaming team on QSMP is just screamingly aware that this fandom cannot be trusted with conflict. The election was just part of it, but I made it through the election, and Purgatory has been so much more unpleasant— and I am not just talking about twitter. This website, tumblr, has been full of people fighting each other for their teams. And I am not just saying "red team fans have been bad", because boy have I been staring in horrified awe at the takes that some red team people have been putting forward (what on EARTH do you mean BBH deserves to have his kid die, touch grass immediately), but if I step outside of red team circles, everyone is talking about how red team people are horrible hypocrites who win too much and only deserve to suffer (I saw this posting the day that blue had back to back wins, so it isn't even tied to how well red is doing). The quality of the discourse has been increasingly unpleasant, and this has been taking place in streamer's chats, on twitter, in discords, and here on tumblr.
Every QSMP streamer is increasingly aware that having conflict with another streamer is basically sending a wave of negativity their way, and setting off bombs in the fandom at the same time. And they're all friends with each other! Sometimes they decide that the story beat they're going for is worth it and just tell each other to stay off twitter, but like, you have got to be prepared that maybe they will just be friends again. And that might be weaker writing, for people to keep forgiving each other, but that is an unfortunate aspect of the technical aspects of this medium and this fandom. Maybe the creators would be more willing to have character conflict if they didn't know that that meant the person they were mad at in-game would get death threats on social media.
Like no fucking wonder Phil apologized for getting mad at Wil within the same stream and before Wil said sorry to him. This is why the French have given up on revolution arcs, you know it's why the women are all very careful to get along with people. All of those creators know the cost of making anyone into a villain, and I'm just saying maybe get prepared that we won't have inner-party conflict. Maybe they'll decide it's worth it for a fun story moment! Maybe they won't. Maybe don't get 100% married to the idea that the only good writing possible moving forward is for people to be thrown out of the community and then repent for their sins.
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raayllum · 1 month
What do you think is the narrative, thematic and symbolic relevance of Claudia's amputation and prosthesis?
There's a few, I think, both in how the actual amputation happened, and then how the show handles things with her actual prosthetic.
The amputation:
Claudia is drinking and using a spell that uses her own blood. In arc 2, she increasingly takes on more animalistic forms with her dark magic (snake spell, wings, the tentacles). This mirrors how she's increasingly cannibalizing herself and treating herself as spell parts, as well as themes of fragmentation ("How are we going to move it?" "In pieces" / "We're all that's left of our family, and I'm not going to let anything break us apart" / "Our family was shattered forever"). She may not realize that's what she's doing with herself - dark magic is an extension of herself and her power - but that is what she's doing, hence having a 'dark magic leg' cut off but with real lasting consequences.
There's also the element of Rayla and her brutality that comes into play. Rayla nearly lost a hand in trying to save Zym and usher in peace, which is why she got to - narratively and literally - keep it. Meanwhile Claudia is going down an increasingly dark path, so she loses it, just as her assault on Ibis led her to injure her leg with her dark magic flask. That's not to say becoming disabled is a narrative punishment, but it does showcase how she's putting herself in 1) increasingly dangerous situations for 2) increasingly dangerous people and 3) always by herself. This is contrasted by how the trio wins because they have each other VS Terry (+ Claudia's support system) being regulated to the shore.
Rayla in arc 2 is walking her usual razor's edge of on the one hand being increasingly open and empathetic / letting her compassion shine through - which is a good thing - while being hands down more violent than she was in arc 1. She left to hunt down Viren and recognized it'd gotten twisted into revenge, much like her first mission, and gave this one up without a dragon's egg to change her; she held Terry hostage (although whether she would've hurt him is unknown, but the threat was there!), abandons the drake when Soren doesn't, and cuts off Claudia's leg, etc. We even see this with her actually agreeing to kill Callum if he's possessed again (6x03). All this is, I think, there to create room for the possession plot line to take centre stage in S7 as her own 'dark path' as an assassin will be challenged and likely, finally, put entirely to rest. (Arc 2 opening with her failing to kill a high mage and it's a bad thing vs closing with her failing/refusing to kill a high mage and it's a good thing, probably?) And Claudia represents like the middle road of Viren and Callum in some ways, just as Callum is a middle road between Viren and Claudia -- but meta for another day maybe
On a plot level: it's much harder for Claudia to stop and keep up with Viren if she can't fully walk, and it represents how she's continually sacrificed herself and her body for her family's survival (which dark magic is deeply interested in the idea of "bodies as sites of trauma" but again, meta for another day maybe / adjacent metas in my 'dark magic' tag).
As for her prosthetic:
Claudia has always used magic as a crutch, specifically dark magic. She doesn't have to deal with the big scary feelings permanent consequences or 'brokenness' can bring if she can fix it with dark magic. She can "cure" Soren and bring her dad back from the dead, and she expresses confusion or mistrust when those experiences of being paralyzed or dead undoubtedly affect them and change them, especially when it changes in ways that take them away from her. Because if they're not okay, or not here, then she's not okay. Her using her corrupted Sunforge staff, which at this point just represents dark magic in her life tbh, as a literal crutch is what she's been doing emotionally for a while now, which is also why she takes it with her when she leaves Terry. (The fact that it, much like Claudia, is a corrupted light is just the symbolic cherry on top.)
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This isn't too dissimilar in terms of framing of how Callum uses magic as a crutch to distract from / avoid his emotions in S4, and how he drops the staff in order to pick up Rayla's sword to embrace those feelings and embrace her. And why Claudia has a moment of likewise dropping her staff to embrace Terry as well; even if he isn't as critical of dark magic as he arguably could/should be, he is still one of Claudia's guiding lights and wants what's best for her.
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The prosthetic, then, represents learning to lean on Terry rather than dark magic (which Terry saving her in 6x04 and her staving off dark magic use also reflects) again, quite literally in 6x03. The prosthetic is the literal creation and metaphorical embodiment of Terry's love and faith for her and his connection to nature/primal magic, all things she sorely needs in her life.
The fact that paths and "every step forward is a choice" and "Daddy look I'm following in your footstep" are continually emphasized, I think Claudia losing a leg made a lot of sense symbolically. I think her prosthetic is also very strong symbolically if very straightforward. S6 honestly gave a lot of signals that she's going to be redeemed and this was one of the biggest to me; I'd expect that prosthetic as a symbol of Terry's love for her will either maintain that hope, or help bring it home (making her remember him if they diverge paths or something) and that we'd only be in a big trouble if it got burned to a crisp tbh
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azeriairis · 4 months
I'm going to go on a rant about Les Mis adaptations real quick.
If an Adaptation of Les Mis has Javert commit a crime or abuse his power I automatically have no hope for how they will handle his character arc.
Disclaimer: I generally have no problem with Works in which a Police Officer or other Authority figure do these things, but it is so antithetical to how Javert as a character works thematically that I have a problem when Les Mis adaptations have him do so.
In the original work Javert serves thematically as an extension of the police system, and in order for this to work Victor Hugo specifies that he always does specifically what he is supposed to do, and never does anything that could even be perceived as stepping outside of the lines. However crucially he still causes harm to others and he does it by specifically doing what he is supposed to do.
Simply put: The way Victor Hugo critiques the police system in Les Mis is literally just by having a cop who rigorously follows the book cause harm, not by deviating from the book, but by following the book to the fucking letter. The takeaway this logically leads to therefore cannot be "If we root out the bad apples everything will be fine," because Javert definitionally isn't a bad apple, but is instead "the police system is fundamentally flawed and needs changing" because he uncritically unforces the system and causes harm by doing so.
This literally does not work if there is any reasonable way to label Javert a "bad apple," which having him abuse his powers or commit crimes, could certainly lead to. If Javert can be labeled a "bad apple" then it is possible for the audience to conclude that if only a "good apple" was in Javert's position everything would be fine, and that is specifically not the intended takeaway.
If you want Javert to be more complicated than "cop who does everything by the book" then there's other aspects of his character you can lean into, Specifically speaking his origins. Canonically Javert comes from a disadvantaged background and had to struggle for his position because of class-based discrimination (there is also a case to be made that he is also of a racial minority (specifically Romani) and there's some racism going on there as well, but whether or not that is the intended takeaway is rather unclear), and that his reasons for joining the police include a resentment towards his own background and a belief that his background precluded him from any other legal routes of earning a living. Maybe you could lean into how he went from someone screwed over by the system through no fault of his own, to someone who uncritically enforced the same system that screwed him over, in the process harming those who are from the same communities he himself was born into, and how that may have impacted his reaction after he was confronted with the fact that the system is broken, instead of fucking up his original thematic purpose by having him be a corrupt shitty cop.
And if you still want a shitty corrupt cop in your Les Mis Adaptation, then make an original character. This way you can use this OC to acknowledge the actual problem that "bad apples" who abuse their power, break the law, and violate people's rights are often able to act with complete impunity without facing any consequences, whilst also not fucking up the original point of Javert's characterization, that even the "good apples" who do everything by the book cause harm because the book is flawed and needs changing.
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picturejasper20 · 6 months
Steven Universe Future: The Diamonds being part of the hug symbolism
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In the episode ¨I Am My Monster¨ we see the Crystal gems reaching out for Steven when he becomes corrupted, as when he transforms into giant monster like creature as tall as the Diamonds. The Crystal Gems hug Steven to call him down and make him return to his human form.
One thing that gets some fans attention is why the Diamonds form part of the group hug since they themselves don't share the same closeness the Crystal Gems share with Steven. It does makes sense for them to show up and help because Steven went to ask for their help in ¨Homeworld Bound¨.
Well, yesterday i was talking to my friend Prpis (aka Purple Rose) on Discord about the last episodes from Future. She suggested that the Diamonds being part of this scene could be seen as Steven accepting that he is part diamond too, something he didn't want to associated himself with for most of Future series.
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Steven spends a great deal of Future series fearing the idea that he doesn't live up to other expectations of him or what they think he is, as a ¨good person¨ who helps and heals others. He is obsessed with this idea that he has to be a ¨good person¨, as some idealistic form of perfection.
This is why he avoids telling the gems that he is going throught some important issues that are taking a mental toll on him. He doesn't want them to find out that he has been getting worse. He fears that he is going to be unworthy of love if he isn't ¨good¨.
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Another fear that Steven has is becoming like his mother, Rose Quartz. He is scared of hurting people like she did and that feeds into his necessity of having to avoid being bad, of trying to not hurt others. Her mother legacy and the consequences of it are a huge burden on his shoulders that he feels that he has to carry even after he sees himself as his own person rather than having to be like Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond.
His fear of being Rose Quartz-Pink is also associated itself with the idea that he is part Diamond as well, and for Steven, the Diamonds represent the opposite of what he is supposed to be- a healer. He has only known the Diamonds for how they have brought pain and hurt others. He thinks of being a Diamond as ¨someone who hurts others¨ a person he is very afraid of being.
The irony of this is that Diamond powers can be both destructive and healing, as shown with Rose Quartz herself or the Diamonds when they changed their powers to their new purpose of fixing the damage they have caused and helping other gems. But Steven can only related these powers with bringing pain and hurt.
The Diamonds being part of the group hug could be seen as symbolism of Steven struggling to accept that he has hurt others and how he can do bad things just like the Diamonds did. He is confronted with the idea that he can't be ¨morally perfect¨ and that he may do bad things like Rose Quartz did.
Another thing that Prpis pointed out that the Diamonds are the ones that started this ¨chain reaction¨. White at some point during the episode brings up that she hurting Pink Diamond is what led to Spinel to being left behind by Pink. Blue and Yellow blame themselves as the source of Steven's suffering. And while they weren't the only reason, the way they treated Pink had an overall impact on Steven's psyche, such as it was Spinel's case.
So, The Diamonds being part of this scene, while not being very close to Steven, has a certain symbolic and narrative importance for Steven's arc and their connection to Pink Diamond. As Steven finally comes to terms with the idea that he will sometimes make mistakes and he isn't perfect, and yet, his family and friends still love him after all of it.
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Things I love about Season 2 of Rings of Power So Far – in no particular order
1. The entire beginning of episode 1
a. Love Sauron in his fair form off his game and a little shaken
b. Love Adar growing increasingly fed up with Sauron’s bullshit
c. Love the Ides of March moment
d. Love goo Sauron – love his little sigh. That’s me every morning when I wake up
2. Love that Sauron was always a shit and stole the badge instead of saving that guy
3. Love the Elrond-Galadriel brother-sister dynamic and poor Gil-galad caught in the middle
4. Love the Ahhh! Gil-Galad lets out when hearing that Sauron is back
5. Love Elrond jumping off the cliff. Worked for Mom (kinda) should work for me
6. I really want whatever the hell Cirdan is on
a. Also Ben Daniels is AMAZING!
7. Love that Gil-Galad gets to shine more as the grumpy, sassy, weary elf-king this season. Also love that no one is letting Galadriel get away with her bullshit from last season (and I loved Galadriel last season). Actions has consequences, even for elves.
9. Why does no one ever listen to Elrond?
10. Sam Hazeldine is doing an amazing job with a tough job. I will always love Joseph Mawle’s take on Adar and he’ll always be MY Adar, but Sam is going an amazing job taking all the groundwork laid by Mawle and then adding his own spin
11. I know the internet is losing its mind over Orc families, but I LOVE the complication these writers are adding to the Orc lore (as well as Sauron’s arc). Even in Return of the King, the Orcs were shown to have their own personalities and weren’t exactly excited about attacking Gondor again. Even in Two Towers, we see the different personalities of Uruk-hai and the Morder Orcs, so it only makes sense to flesh that out further. It adds such an amazing dimension to Adar’s character and the Orcs he cares for and makes us realize that nothing in Tolkien’s world is black and white.
a. Also, also, I love that these writers embrace the fact that Elves are not impartial and they’re hypocritical bastards haha. Of course, they say dwarves and men are covetous and can’t be trusted. Of course, Orcs are irredeemable. To suggest otherwise would jeopardize their own world view. And the Elves have never been covetous or committed genocide for stupid gems. Nope, not ever.
b. Also, also, also love the idea that the Orcs are doomed because they’re convinced Eru will never forgive them, even if they were to ask for it. Such an interesting dilemma to add to the lore. I mean even Sauron considered asking for forgiveness but didn’t because of his pride. If the Valar forgave Morgoth once, and potentially considered pardoning Sauron, who says they wouldn’t forgive the creatures he and Morgoth twisted/corrupted/made?
12. Love Sauron “befriending” the warg. See even the Dark Lord likes dog.
13. Goodbye Waldreg, no one will miss you.
14. Who knew Benjamin Walker had such a nice voice?
15. I’m so surprised Elrond didn’t just completely lose it and go all rabid animal when Cirdan brought back the rings.
16. It’s so funny that this version of Galadriel gets a ring of power. Out of all the Elves to get one, she’s on the bottom of my list. At least make sure she’s Sauron free first.
18. LOVE the dwarves.
19. “You don’t have to make this harder than it already is” YES I DO BITCH BECAUSE YOU’RE BEING A STUBBORN GOAT
20. Love that Disa can call out both her father-in-liaw (and king) and her husband for being jackasses
21. Also Durin III stop being a jackass and go apologize to your son, right now
22. Resonating is still so fucking awesome
23. Love the agricultural in Khazad dum
24. I know I was the odd man out because I didn’t mind the Harfoots last season, but I really adore the Stranger’s relationship with Nori.
25. I REALLY hope the Stranger is a blue wizard, but either way I love how Daniel Weyman plays a wizard. And it’s nice he can talk this season and we get a sense of his humor and sass.
26. “Further, Nori” *sigh of exasperation*
27. I have no idea who the hell this evil wizard is nor who the hell his moth minions are, but I love them. They’re so weird.
28. This guy better NOT be Saruman. -_-
29. Poppy! My lesbian Harfoots are reunited!
30. Celebrimbor *sigh* oh, Celebrimbor
31. Elrond “sand the anger away, Sand the anger away.”
32. LOVE the look Galadriel gives Elrond when he calls her out about NOT being manipulated. “He gave you everything you wanted”. True, but also damn, haha.
33. Seriously, I NEED whatever drug Cirdan is smoking.
34. Also love how in this show “yeah, let’s give the rings a try. What’s the worst that can happen” and in LOTR it’s “NO! DO NOT TRUTST THE RING! DESTROY IT ASAP”
35. I can’t believe Halbrand made it rain just so he can look more like a pathetic cat
36. Ok, that umbrella is ridiculous and super impractical.
37. Celebrimbor, honey, the whole “I won’t stay where I’m not wanted” is the oldest trick in the manipulator’s handbook.
38. I love the rollercoaster Celebrimbor goes on as Halbrand “confesses” that he’s not really a man. The utter confusion but also concern, like “my god is this man having a mental breakdown in my forge? And right when I was about to open a bottle of first age wine. Where’s Galadriel when I need her? She should be taking care of her pet human, not me.”
40. I LOVE the reveal of Annatar. It was so over the time and beautiful and so religious. No notes. Absolutely perfect.
41. I was never on team silvergifting, but this show has converted me.
42. Also Charlie Vickers and Charles Edwards are giving their ALL in these scenes
43. Love that Celebrimbor is like “ew, no, we can’t give men rings” but when Annatar tells him that Gil-Galad “doesn’t trust the dwarves” Celebrimbor takes it so personally. Like I think it’s because he’s annoyed with Gil-Galad and he wants to control his own forge, but it also sounds like he’s offended that Gil-Galad would insult his new dwarf buddies (who helped him build the new forge to begin with).
44. Durin proving himself the wisest of all peoples (not just dwarves) when he calls Annatar out on his bullshit
45. “Elrond would never say such nice things about me.”
46. Also love all the clever insults and phrases the dwarves have.
47. I’m still very angry with Durin III but I felt that line, “Miner’s punches hurt” “Just wait until your children grow up.”
48. ALSO, Durin III you bastard, your son tells you he DOESN’T trust the rings and you decide, “yeah, let me try out these rings” -_-
a. Also, yes, Celebrimbor and Annatar fucked before, during, and after making the dwarven rings.
49. Oh, Isildur, you disaster child.
a. Again, I might be in the minority here, but I LOVE what they’re doing with Isildur’s character – the perpetual screw-up, the one who tries so hard but can’t do anything right, the character who’s constantly trying to prove himself in a family that is already overly impressive. Makes his final fate just that more tragic.
50. Spider babies. Spider babies. Spider babies.
a. Reminded me of the facehugger birthing scenes from the Aliens franchise for some reason.
51. Super Berek! Here to save the day
52. So, I guess all the men in Aragorn’s bloodline were saved by their horses at least once. Good to know.
53. LOVE the entire ridiculous exchange between Isildur and Estrid.
54. God damn it, Isildur, don’t go to the funeral, save Berek!
55. ☹ Poor Arondir. RIP Bronwyn.
56. Fucking Theo
57. God damn it Arondir, maybe look around next time before telling one kid his family will be reunited in front of the one kid who’s lost his entire family XD
58. “Men can’t build things like that” ☹
59. So, Theo is going to be Isildur’s right hand man and/or will be a ringwraith, right?
60. Operation rescue Berek!
61. Ents? Are those Ents?
63. My brother and I when that woman slapped Miriel: “OFF TO JAIL WITH YOU!”
64. Fucking Earien. Kemen is soooo not worth it
65. Fucking Pharazon.
a. ALSO, love how the writers captured men’s creepy behavior around women in power, especially if they’re “not perfect”. Like when Miriel’s father was alive Pharazon was somewhat respectful around her, but my god that scene in her bedroom? So disgusting and creepy. AND fucking Kemen, “she was blinded while fighting Orcs and surviving a massive eruption. She can’t be queen now” Bitch you couldn’t even sabotage a handful of boats by yourself.
66. Also, also, I know everyone loves Haladriel, but can we talk about the other idiotic couple pining over each other: Elendil and Miriel? Love their dynamic sooooo much.
67. Ok Miriel’s coronation dress is GORGEOUS!
68. That poor eagle was so fucking confused. Like I came here for Miriel, not sure what you all are doing. Ok, this is awkward, I’m flying away now.
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mothytheghost · 15 days
I feel like the fandom and the story failed Nexus
Nexus wanted to be a better brother. But the story made him go downhill. And I wanna explain bits
Nexus cared a lot about Sun. But the fandom said how Nexus didn't cared about Sun. I feel like this fandom completely forgot about Nexus crying out for Sun back when he Spoke to Eclipse. He was scared. He truly shows he loves Sun and wanted to be there to protect him. If he didn't cared he wouldn't run after Ruin. Nexus loved his family and would do anything to protect them.
And what did his family do? Let's look at it. Nexus is the type of person to bottle up when he's upset. Earth isn't a professional. I believe she did great but did something wrong. I think instead of relying on Eclipse she should've done daily check ups. But the main issue is this wasn't reported earlier. Sun saw the warning signs but didn't fully explained to Earth. I felt like back in the family therapy session Sun could've told Earth About their relationship. The warning signs and how Nexus could handle them.
Lunar is a main point I'm willing to go over with. Nexus loved and cared about Lunar and showed Support. And guess what he said? He wasn't close to Nexus and felt like he lived better with Moon. Lunar should've played a role on this. This could've easily prevented. If They helped Nexus Sooner and saw him using Negative Star Power Lunar could've stopped him and warn him that this has consequences.
This entire arc feels like it was made for the purpose to bring Moon back. It was rushed. We never saw anything on what happened to Nexus using negative star energy. We had a dream. But that wasn't fully explained where it came from and who or what caused it. Was it Dark Sun or the effects of the NSP?. At this point I feel like Nexus was a pawn in the story. Betrayed by his own family because they didn't help him. He was suffering and they kicked him out because he took things too far. Absorbing Negative energy that's slowly killing him. Being used by another Sun that's probably going to end up betraying him.
Because of Moon coming back
The fact Solar wanted him dead because he believes he's 'gone' is just wrong. I don't believe Nexus is gone. He is in there. He's too corrupted with power to control himself feeling like a god and is dying slowly. And I do believe he still cares about him family because he has Solar's Goggles. He Loved Solar. And Solar wanted him Dead
Plus his villain design felt lackluster. I love it but the main pet peeve I had was because they gave an artist the Opportunity to make Dazzle, Earth, Lunar, Taurus, and Gemini. But not Nexus? I'm so confused with this
They made the sweetest and the most supportive character. And turned him into a villain and possibly kill him off soon. He was one of my favorite characters in this show and I've been so attached to him he's just now a messy character that shows the true colors of that family
I feel like if old Earth is around Nexus would still be his old loving self. Look back at the vids and tell me he's not a sweet person. He just hasn't been with his family because he's busy with Solar because they have so much to deal with. He's busy because he wanted to make sure his family is safe. He got Mad when Lunar had a broken arm and Earth was destroyed by BloodMoon. He's overprotective with his family because he loves them. He still plays games with his family
Hope I explained this good because I have a hard time explaining things. I'm a slow learner ;v;
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snarksalon · 6 days
In Defence of Tsuyu....
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The Hospital scene is, I think, one of the most misinterpreted scenes in the series and it fuelled a lot of Tsuyu hate. The scene is written clumsily, but the underlying point that Tsuyu is making isn't naive. Tsuyu is commenting on the separation between law and morality and demonstrating that the two in many circumstances may not overlap.
In Hero Society, both heroes and Villains exert force over the general population. The distinction is that Heroes are authorised to do so by law and submit themselves to a regime of laws that designate when they are permitted to exercise their powers. Heroes effectively operate in a similar vein to cops, soldiers, et cetera. In Hero Society, Heroes form a branch of the criminal justice system, which is important to note. Restrictions on Cops, Lawyers and Judges exist to ensure that the rule of law is respected and maintained. Often, nebulous moral questions arise. Take for example a police officer who decides to obtain evidence illegally due to their own belief in the guilt of a defendant. Even if the defendant was guilty, the police officer has exercised substantial impropriety and interfered with the defendant's opportunity to receive a fair trial.
There are also instances where a breach of a legal rule is indicative of criminal conduct. Many might claim that it is morally correct for a parent to lie on the stand to prevent their child from being convicted as parents generally have a duty to protect their children. This does not negate that the conduct is criminal and misleads the court. Obviously, there is substantial nuance here, but the point is that Tsuyu is highlighting the fact that a disparity exists between moral and legal obligations.
In Hero Society, Villains disregard the law. Of course, laws exist on spectrums and Jaywalking cannot be equated to Robbery (I do agree that Tsuyu is making a massive false equivalence in the panel). I think Tsuyu saying this post Stain Arc, is a realistic reflection of how she would feel following Stain's ideology becoming widespread. The Stain arc, demonstrates that some heroes are corrupt and directly calls into question the commitments of Heroes to moral good. Tsuyu makes this statement at a time when public scrutiny against Heroes is ESPECIALLY high, and where the boundary between Heroes and Villains is being contested. Later in the story Tsuyu's position on the matter changes, but this perspective was not an unreasonable or ill-conceived conceptualisation of the distinction between Heroes and Villains.
It is also reasonable that Tsuyu advises against taking action. One failure of the Kamino arc is the lack of consequences. Yes, All Might loses his powers but I think letting all of those who go to rescue Bakugo get away unscathed seriously lowered the stakes of the story. Class 1-A are first-year students and are relatively untrained. Even if they are being evasive, they should struggle against the leadership of the League of Villains. Out of all of Hori's writing failures, Kamino has always stuck with me. The rescue group put on objectively terrible disguises and Bakugo manages to hold his own quite successfully.
It is easier to critique Tsuyu's words because of a lack of consequence. If a member of the team had died or been seriously injured, no one would have taken issue with her objections. I think Kamino was a missed opportunity to raise the stakes in the Manga and to build upon the ideas raised in Stain's Arc. This is why Tsuyu's words fall flat, and why her subsequent rant makes little sense.
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This scene feels futile and pointless because there are NO consequences for their breach of the law. There isn't even a close call. Hori could have directly linked All Mights Demise to the rescue team messing up or being in the wrong place at the wrong time or generally being inexperienced. OBVIOUSLY, Tsuyu makes an incorrect equivalence but it is something which contains an interesting point and is completely mismanaged by Hori.
Tsuyu isn't wrong to criticise a decision made by her classmates, it is a decision that is reckless and could have endangered others. The rescue team knew nothing of the pro-heroes strategy to recover Bakugo and could have jeopardised that mission entirely. She also isn't wrong for reminding them that as Professional Heroes they are obliged to follow the law and may only use their powers when authorised. Though her delivery is blunt, and the equivalence is clunky (I blame Hori's writing here), she is making apt commentary on the limits of power.
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bleue-flora · 17 days
tbh to me c!sapnap is on the same level of betraying c!dream as c!sam. It may seem far-fetched considering what c!sam did and considering we don't have much real lore content with c!sapnap or c!dreamnap, but when you look at what we DO have, it's kind of a picture
like, he's not just some stupid or short-sighted character, as it might seem at first glance - we have a ton of evidence that he understands perfectly well that prison makes c!dream physically and mentally ill, but he agrees with it. In the dialogue with c!michael he literally says "dream fucked up, prison fucked him up in another sense, but it doesn't matter, cause dream has to get better and become *my* dream again, let him stay in prison and improve, even if it breaks him idc", like wtf is this? funny, but at the same time, c!sapnap doesn't visit dream more than once, how will he know that c!dream is making progress? In c!sapnap's head, prison is supposed to be a rehabilitation for c!dream, only no one checks his progress in stopping being a "fucked up", he either sits there completely alone or people go there to hurt him and c!sapnap understands and acknowledged it, but he doesn't give a shit. I'm sorry, but this gives off sam's "I thought I broke his will to do something like that". He obviously doesn't care about c!dream and just wants his good old *convenient* friend, and he doesn't care about the consequences.
But he's not just passively harming c!dream, he's doing it actively. If the threat could still be interpreted as an emotional outburst, something he could say and regret, then his other actions clearly say the opposite. Like, the dude literally stalked and harassed c!dream for months after he found out where he lived??
The revival book was more important to him than torture. Even in the beginning, he didn't care about c!dream's reputation, when c!wilbur and c!tommy dragged it into the dirt for no reason, and he repeatedly went against c!dream or supported things that directly harmed c!dream. For me, one of the most telling scenes is c!sapnap and c!george's meeting with mexican dream's ghost, where c!sapnap, without any reason, pins the explosion of El Rapids on c!dream, and then, when he finds out that actually c!quackity was the one who did it, c!sapnap immediately says that they urgently need to go and find out why he did it, to check if he's okay and all that. This is literally the attitude you'd expect from c!tommy, to attribute every bad event to c!dream, but no, this is his so-called best friend! And of course, he only wants to know the reasons for an action when someone else does a bad action, but not c!dream - well, of course, cause it's clear that c!dream reasons are "being evil" or smth.
So, I've been in my c!sapnap hate arc for over two years now and you all should join me lmao
I didn't think I'd write SO much, but emotions took over after reading the new chapter of your fic and some of your posts, sorry abt that :"^
[context a & b]
Honestly, in my opinion his betrayal is almost worse than Sam’s, which is saying something since he literally enabled and facilitated daily torture. But like Sam wasn’t Dream’s self proclaimed brother, and at least Sam’s delusion kinda makes sense. Sapnap is just like - the chicken tastes rubbery and overcooked, so I put it in the oven and then it tasted burnt, so I put it back in the oven to help the taste and at some point I’ll take it out of the oven and then it’ll taste good again. No idea how long that’ll take, and no don’t be ridiculous I’m not gonna check on it. I swear though if anyone touches my chicken before it tastes good again like so much as removes it from the oven or seasons it I’m gonna throw it in the trash… vs Sam who’s like - the chicken tastes rubbery but I spent money on it so I’m gonna put it in the oven and turn it to charcoal so at least then it won’t be a complete waste…
ya know? Like at least Sam was corrupted by power, financial benefit, manipulated a bit, and had the blood of a “child” on his hands. Sapnap doesn’t even have that, he has a life long best friend who he heard made a speech about not caring about anything and then later a speech about wanting to control everyone, a fish in a item frame and a letter saying “thanks for visiting”…
Well I don’t know about the “even if it breaks him” I don’t think he is thinking that directing about Dream’s suffering if that makes sense, but Sapnap is delusional no doubt. I also don’t know if he even cares that much about the book in general, he just doesn’t seem to given a damn about the torture. He seems to really just be about the fear of what Dream might do and how he needs to be stopped before that.
And you do have a point, in the beginning even as his “brother” he on many occasions went against him, down to the very first disc war where they killed him multiple times. I mean if Sapnap weren’t American, he’d have probably been right alongside clingy duo in L’manberg and stuff… oh I had no idea about the El Rapids thing but am also not surprised…
What do you even mean, I am literally an engineer of this Sapnap hate train 🚂 choo choo! I be shoveling coal to keep this engine running ya know. like literally the more lore I watch the more he actually just kills me.
but anyways, I mean you read the chapter (and presumably the one before) so you know my thoughts on Sapnap lol. ;D
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Benlie: Why I love these two
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A lot of people in the Ben 10 fandom don’t really like this ship these days. Even back when UAF was airing, most were gushing over Gwevin and there was very little Benlie content like AMVs, fanfics or fanart. Many view Julie as a bland character and while she could have been fleshed out more, I think that’s a bit unfair as well as the idea of her being controlling, toxic or abusive. On the flip side are those that view Ben as a misogynistic incel who only saved Jennifer, Elena and Eunice to get in their pants, when he did care a lot more about Julie than some say. I am aware that there are overzealous stans who treat Benlie like the greatest romance in history and usually do it to drag down Omniverse, but many of us who still ship or enjoy it do so because we wish it could have been done better.
I like these two as a couple, partially because they’re a nice contrast to Gwen and Kevin. Gwevin was the “bad boy and smart girl” opposites attract, angst filled romance people loved. Ben and Julie by contrast are people with similar interests and personalities like Sumo Slammers, horror movies, sports and can be pretty headstrong while having a more compassionate side. Both also used “you’re not a monster, you’re better than this” to get the Dragon/Ship to come to their senses, ironically both incidents involved the Forever Knights. Friends to lovers can be overused or cliche but it can also be wholesome.
One other thing I love about these two is how they bounce off each other. Julie is someone besides Gwen who can remind Ben that there’s more to life besides being a hero, something the original Ben 10,000 struggled with and who pushes him to reign in his jerkass tendencies. Sort of like Robin and Starfire in Teen Titans. She brings out the best in him and he is aware that he’s not a great boyfriend, but he does better than most give him credit for. No hate to Benkai fans but they really brought out the worst in each other while Julie got the short end of the stick from the writers.
I also really like how she’s the one that saved him from being corrupted by the power of Dagon, keeping him from letting the power go to his head which is a nice parallel to Azmuth and Zenith. She was kind of the fourth member of the team before Rook, having helped Ben during Big Chill’s pregnancy, and helping stop the Highbreed war, Ultimate Kevin’s rampage and Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon. She also saved him twice from Elena and as well as when he got his hand cut off and was trapped in the Null Void and reassured him when his identity was leaked.
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As stated above, many of us Benlie fans ship it because of its missed potential. The show should have really fleshed out their parents more as we never see them interact and Julie’s dad was shown to hate Ben in his only appearance. Julie could have staged an intervention with Carl and Sandra after the Ultimate Kevin incident and over their concerns about Ben’s fame as that arc needed more consequences. I think Julie would also have been fun to see interacting with Rook as well as the other characters Omniverse introduced.
One other reason I really like Benlie is it has a similar vibe to some of my other favorite ships like Hodaka x Hina or Connverse and it feels very animesque, which makes since as the series is quite similar to a magical girl anime. They genuinely care about each other despite their ups and downs and have a very cute vibe. I headcanon both as bisexual or biromantic given Ben’s “crush” on Nemesis and his interactions with Rook, Rex and Kevin. Julie also seems a bit queer, coming from a strict family, keeping secrets like Ship and slowly breaking out of her shell, realizing what she wants out of life.
People use them arguing or Ben screwing up as a reason it was toxic but I like seeing characters work out their issues and succeeding. They got together in AF and were fairly stable. Then conflicts arose in UA when Ben became famous and Julie began her own career in tennis, but they appear to have reconciled by the finale. Then OV could have had them as partners with Rook, having worked out their issues. Regardless of whether you like them as a couple, fans can all agree that Julie deserved better from the writers and isn’t as bad as the fandom makes her out to be. I’m aware that they were not a perfect romance but they don’t need to be for people to like them.
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kaledya · 2 months
Always a pleasure to see your talent! YEAH I LIKE IT ALL !🌸 _
I like the punishment for Valentino and the fact that Angel is choosing to have revenge. I think, for redemption, Charlie would not tell to her guests to fulfill revenge but if they ask and its deserved (like Val and Angel) I think she would accept without a second thought to punish the abuser/criminal for his victim.
Angel should also learn to move forward as for now, he will be free of Val and once its done, stay ptsd, trauma and mental business but its just you and yourself alone that can pull you through it. I think Angel will be a bit lost after Val death and little by little learn to breathe by himself again.
Exactly ! Use val if necessary of forget him. Perfect ! Thank you to explaining your pov!
I think for the drawing you show, the first drawing on the left where Charlie confront Alastor could be nice after or before the mission Alastor has to do with the gangs.
Alastor : I'm will kill something like 40 Sinners. Charlie : ... What did you just say ? Alastor : 40 deaths. Charlie : what ?! Alastor : This is fine. *meme*
Episode 6 will have so much happening ! I prepared well to not forget everything ! _
[*take the sacrifice and whispers* I can just say that Lolicia will have so many things happening in the same time that it will be too much and have dark consequences (until Constantine)]
And of course you are a writer too ! Don't doubt it ! If I choose to follow your storyboards  its because it was well made, logical, something worth to work with *crying in goodbye at the last storyboard I finished to follow*
Ahah the "cries on the floor for lolicia" so cute.
A little thing about the encounter for Constantine and Lolicia is like... trying to find a metaphor... "Huge hurricane that only one person can transform back into a wind." And harp too.
Like Daemon singing to Vermithor (dragon) in the trailer of House of the Dragon season 2.
Oh yes its called slice of life ! I forgot the therm thank you ! _
Shen, my baby.
And yes Constantine and his parent relationship is sad and powerful.
For Shifu and Tai, I'm always for Tai in this but I don't hate Shifu at all of course. Its just that if Shifu known himself better, if he took more importance in Uguei words, it would have never happened. Tai is a warrior of strength and tactics, like the Five Cyclones (and Kai).
And its obvious that Uguei is a warrior of  the spirit/shi will take someone more fated to be like him. Someone chill and less *fighting sounds*.
So if Shifu had opened his spirit, he knew that he created Tai just to fail Uguei test. And he just prepared Tai to be good at one thing. One ? That is not even sure will work ? So no plan B ? Because of the arrogance "I'm sure my son Tai will be Dragon Warrior". And of course Tai, when the 'NO' happened how could he understand ? All my life is plan A and I will never have my A ? What ?
So I that case, I'm Constantine's side. Sorry Luci/Lilith I adore you but damn, you broke your kid.
The wip story arc is very good ! Intense !
Honestly, a luxury and quiet ticket plane for the king !
So the Lucifer design (corrupted) :
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So first his body.
In the different sources, Lucifer is said to be very beautiful, feminine, bat wings, ect ect. So I mixed all that.
So he has big bat wings that sprout from his back, two little red bat wings on his shoulders and two on his halo.
His halo is corrupted, shattered, and I couldn't show it in the drawing but it moves, shattered and comes back together over and over again, trying to fix itself and failing.
He has the golden scars and Morningstar symbol on his body like in your design ! And he also have the same beige goat legs that in your design (but I didn't have enough room on the same page to draw it)
In in torso, he is marking that look like an eaten apple ! If you just look like the contours of the apple, he looks more feminine. If you look like the actual shape of his body more masculine. Its like a illusion !
Hiding his private part, there is a snake face.
He has two manacles on his wrist to show that he is emprisonned in Abaddon's bowel and link to his throne and his fate.
His arms are dark like his neck, and there is one red eye on each of his forearm!
On his right shoulder and left thigh, his skin is shattered, inside its black and corruption pieces of the skin fly from it.
He has his wedding ring of course.
• When in good mood, Luci look more like a demon-like. Smiling, playful, manipulating, not caring. Its what demon are suppose to be. Dangerous tricksters !
• But when he is in bad mood (not his ultimate form) he is more an angel. Angel are inflexible and here is harsh thinking is also led by pride. So a prideful Angel.
His halo change and becomes a broken disc. (Like Abaddon has a disk with angelic writing when he takes his casual form)
The corruption get orders and try to get closer to the 'angel part' of him showing in anger. Like a reminder that his anger/envy/pride lead him to where he is.
His tail (like in your design !) shows up and the  archangels wings (but not three of them). The red little bad wings on his shoulders transforms only in extreme cases.
His clothes are not too difficult, a bit military, with a snake belt and heart symbol for his family. And heart shape opening on the back for the wings !
His hair are blond on top and red underneath! (because most people say he is redhead or blonde)
And he is still a short king.
Thats it ! Tell me what you think ! I will keep this design for AA, but of course if you want to change something or for SSAU, I will hear everything! Hope you like it !
For Constantine's hair, I don't know because I like him with hair loose, braids or men bun, ponytail 🌸
Make doodles for yourself with his face and different haircut to choose (like he is in the hair salon!)
Personally, even if I love drawing long hair, I think, loose hair is something more intimate and tied up with accessories or braided, or just tied, its more formal day-to-day life. (Except with short hair) I dont know it it help...
Thanks for the explanation of swap AU ! I was just curious !
Thats sweet Constantine like Hellhounds babies !
Thank you for liking my writing so much ! I love faithful readers.
Don't worry for the reviews, there is no obligation. AND THANK YOU AGAIN AAAH🌸🌸
Ahhah Serenity : the bigger fish...snake. Snake, i mean. Alastor : My dear I beg your pardon ? Serenity : Snake. Alastor : wth
And I'm glad you liked the overlords meeting episode ! It was great to write!
Abaddon in terms of age ?
I mean, Abaddon has two ages, as he is both a place and an angel. So when he is the place (the huge version of himself we see a little in the short story when he eat the sinner) is like created in the same time as Eden or something.
But his angel self, the Abaddon we know is born just after Azrael. So I saw in a post you said this :
  Abaddon is here- 3,5 !
Thank you again ! For everything Take care and have a great day too 🌸🌸🌸
Yes, Charlie definitely think like that , she doesn't interfere, she ask Angel to make the decision.
-And for Angel, I really think you really think well his mental state after that arc, I seriously think you approach things in a realistic way.Angel's years of trauma and ptsd will not disappear immediately, it will heal over time.Seriously can't wait to see how the arc will work
-And yes, that Charlie and Alastor doodle might be the Inspiration how Charlie will react when Alastor destroys the gang.
So, after all, Alastor is an employee of the hotel and The hotel trying to save these sinners and give them a place where they can feel safe.But this small-scale massacre he committed goes against everything Charlie stands for.And since she accepted Alastor to the hotel, the things Alastor does are, in a way, her responsibility.
And lmao Alastor is definitely turning into a This is fine meme
Charlie may be a really kind person, but at the end of the day, she's the devil's daughter.shee also has limits and he shouldn't cross them for his own good. I hope Alastor will take his cards carefully while he's talking to her in future.
I'm ready for episode 6 LETS GOOOOO!!
WHYYYYY ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
WHAAAAT???! My question has been answered somewhat, but now I have more questions in my mind??
So Lolicia will experience so many things in a row that there will be so many of them that there will be dark consequences.Until Constantine...
But let's be honest now, beautiful loves also begin with tragedy uwu (Sorry, the angst lover locked in the cage inside me was let out for a moment)
And I'm so glad you liked the storyboards I wrote!! I am very happy that my writing was liked by a writer like you.
*Yes, goodbye story boards you were loved*
İs their first meeting, when Lolica is almost at breaking point due to the all things happened to her,is Constsntine will be the one to lend a hand to her.The person who turns the storm into a wind, the person who turns the flames of hell into A Heat that gives comfort to the peraon??
Or perhaps, in the darkness of the deep that is a light symbolizing the hope of rising to the surface.To breathe again.
I don't know, I'm just so excited to see!!!
Yes, I saw that scene in House of Dragon, it was really effective!!
I totally agree with what you say.Tai lung's fall is entirely shifu's fault he was Blinded by his pride And cub Tai just wanting to make his master proud, he made Tai lung believe his lies (these were lies that he even fooled himself with).
If he had listened to Uguie like you said, none of this would have happened. Uguei will never want an heir like Tai lung Tai lung's immense talent can be evaluated in a different way But Shifu ignored it. And Shifu's mistake caused Tai-lung to be imprisoned for over 20 years, unable to even move.
And yes, Shifu only prepared him for one thing, he was so intimidated by the Pride that he didn't even think about what would happen if he rejected Tai lung.
There is no Plan B and as you say, naturally Tai lung's reaction to this was not good.He's been groomed his whole life to be something, and now he's been rejected against all odds.What to do now?, Shifu never prepare him for plan B.And this was the reason why Tai lung threw a tantrum.
And the tragic part is Shifu didn't SAY ANYTHİNG.Nothing...he didn't try to object to Uguei, he dindt tried to console Tai lung He didn't say anything..
I'm sorry, Shifu may be you're a good master, but you were not a good father.
I'm really glad you're on Constantine's side!!
And even if you don't really want Lilith and Lucifer YOU broke your damn kid ,but he's getting better now, thanks to others.
First of all, I absolutely LOVE your Corrupted Lucifer Design!🤌🤌🤌🛐✨
Seriously, the details I mentioned are really wonderful, you are very creative🛐🤌🤌🤌
-I really loved the bat wings on his shoulders and the Halo wings at the end are also very cool.And the detail of it having a shattering halo is seriously spot on.And it is very clever that her body looks like an eaten apple and this illusion creates a masculine and feminine effect!!
-Also, the way his halo is constantly breaking apart and constantly coming together is a really great metaphor!
-It's seriously cool that she has menacles on his wrists, a testament to his punishment. And it's nice that his arms and neck are black from corruption!!
-And I think it's a very nice detail that corruption comes out like a disease! break the skin and spread.
And I loved the way you drew Lucifer's hair!!
It's a really nice detail that he still wearing his ring!
-I'm really glad you detailed the good and bad mode! I think you chose very logically.And I loved the balance and distinction between good and bad mood.
-I also really loved the events behind the appearance of Lucifer's Angel part!!
I seriously think you think the way you make his transform is pretty cool, it's scarier.And I really like that you gave him a more military uniform.And seriously, snake belt or a heart/apple symbol Details are amazing
And yes, red hair, probably if I designed Lucifer completely independently, he would have red hair. He is generally described as having red/dark orange hair. That's why making the roots of hishair red is a really clever and beautiful detail.🤌🤌
-I really like your design, I think you did a very creative job.The story details beneath his appearance was one word, it was perfect!!! I seriously love every detail.I seriously can't wait to draw this version of Luci!!🛐🤌🤌
And it really helped a lot!❤️❤️ Thank you so much for your advice about Constantine's hair!!
--And yes, one day he met one of them and showed her a little trick. After that, the puppies followed him at every opportunity and asked him to show them new magictricks.
(Puppies don't know anything about hierarchy)
Of course I love your writing!! You bless me🛐
Thank you for the clarification about Abaddon's age,And it makes sense to him have two different ages.And now that I know that Abaddon is one of the youngest brothers, I can die in peace rn. Lmao
Thank you for your answers and for blessing me with your wonderful Lucifer design. Have a nice day!! 🌸🫂❤️❤️
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k0koii-yu · 4 days
Not WE related but I’m just gonna ramble on how good Nebet’s arc in S6—
(Spoiler warning)
Her betrayal actually hurt me when it happened if I’m being honest.
When I first went through TiT I was genuinely so happy when she joined the team because I really love seeing someone who was from an ancient time period (or so we thought) interacting with modern technology and all. And her enthusiasm in solving cases with us was another thing that got me attached to her (silly bean they could never make me hate you).
And then came the AP arc. Stuff happened, she was revealed to have been trying to mess with time so that her family could be royalty and ditched us like that. Maybe that’s why it hurt more than it should’ve: she had so many enjoyable moments in such a short amount of time only for it to go down the drain in a third of that time. And as much as I love Angela (I think you can tell), I do think Nebby’s betrayal hurt more than hers for some reason. Maybe that was a sign PS had improved in writing since then but still xD
And cue the finale. MAN. I did not expect any of that to happen. Old Nebet killing her past self to prevent the future where her parents are corrupted by their power because she’s seen their consequences firsthand was actually a really banger way to end her arc. Seeing as she did the stuff she did and betrayed us for her parents’ sake, and then coming to realize that it has lead to severe consequences and then going back in time to prevent that from happening by essentially doing that probably made me cry when I first went through TiT.
So over all, I think she’s really well written and executed despite the limitations TiT had with their case numbers. Her few (as compared to other characters) but really enjoyable moments made her betrayal hit harder because we know that they can never happen again for the rest of the season, and on top of that, her regret at where her decisions had taken her leading her to kill herself to undo all of it (along with her goodbye scene) actually goes hard as an arc ender
(Please do correct me if I’m wrong about anything, I haven’t checked out TiT in a long time)
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snowswan-royalehigh · 9 months
My personal thoughts on Remarried Empress
Hi there! I'm not going into an too much of an in-depth analysis, so please take my words with a grain of salt. I'm going to focus on Rashta's past.
Rashta is a very well written character, she's shown to be naive and innocent, with underlying layers of cruelty and a character development towards greed which is wonderfully executed. However, the fandom refuses to allow her to have nuance to her character.
When the webtoon and novel start off, we already know Rashta is somewhat portrayed as a villainess, and during my first readthrough, I also wanted to sucker punch her in the face. (I would be publicly executed by Sovieshit) But when I reread I realized how much nuance I missed, and some nuance the fandom ignores entirely.
We start off knowing Rashta is a runaway slave. Which already starts us off on a generally sympathetic note, because we can tell she's had some form of a bad life prior to becoming Sovieshit's concubine. We know she has an annoying habit of speaking in third person, she's a crybaby, she's incredibly controlled by her emotions, she lacks critical thinking skills, and she doesn't even know how to read or write.
Rashta is incredibly easily manipulated, she shows that with her interactions with Sovieshit and especially Duke Ergi. Duke Ergi influences almost all of Rashta's moves, such as the Christmas tree wedding dress, which was a huge embarrassment. In defense of Rashta's lack of knowledge, she was a slave. How was she supposed to know about how these things, when she had spent her life, being forced to clean, with no hope of escaping. She hadn't even done anything to become a slave in the first place, she was made one so her father wouldn't have to pay for his crime. She was uneducated as can be. Reading and writing at that time was only for the highborn.
Rashta is confirmed to have had a lot of love for the idea of her children, and she carried that baby to full term. Imagine how mortifying it was when Lotteshu showed her that corpse. (How the hell did he even get his hands on the corpse. We should be focusing on that a lot more) So could we really blame her for running away, Alan abandoned her as well, and Lebetti always treated her like trash.
Rashta undergoes a corruption arc because of the people around her. Navier remarks in her head that Rashta has no one good around her to inform her, in the webtoon.
Now, imagine this situation from the point of view of Rashta. You just saw your supposed dead child with an obvious great amount of trauma via your whole childhood, and now, the emperor, an incredibly powerful man, has proposed to become your lover. He's going to give you protection, and most likely save you from your horrible life. Everyone forgets the power dynamic of these two. Rashta is the lowest in society while Sovieshit is the highest. What terrible consequences would Sovieshit's pretty ass conjure from rejection? Even the webtoon remarks that it's like a fairy tale.
Navier and the rest of the nobles are her enemies, because of how she was raised. She actually started off the webtoon looking up to Navier, and seeing Navier as someone she could basically worship, and believed that Navier would act as a motherly figure although she was greeted with Navier's justifiable pettiness although Rashta didn't know what she was doing wrong.
If Rashta was the protagonist everyone would be gushing about her, because she is manipulative, but so is Navier. The people around Rashta fail her, when she could've been so much more, and she has so much underutilized potential. Rashta would've been incredibly hyped up for kicking Navier out, and Navier would be seen as cold hearted and self centered.
TL;DR, Rashta is still an antagonist, but she is not a straight up villain. She's complex, and she's more human than any other antagonist. She's only hated on for being the 'other woman' and the fandom acts like she seduced Sovieshit for the funsies.
(Fuck Sovieshit, all my homies hate him!!!))
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
Alina didn’t choose to have her powers taken from her and she didn’t intend for them to be lost. You can’t say Alina chose her ending when the ending was deliberately forced on her without her consent, and she is actively upset by this.
It has been said before and I will say it again:
Alina explicitly wants her power in the books. She has conflicting feelings on it, which is normal, but does on multiple occasions admit to herself as well as others that she likes the power, that she wants it, and that she does not wish to lose it.
This is not due to a lack of conceptualizing Alina liking her powers and Alina’s greed for power as separate things. This has nothing to do with Alina’s greed. Outside of Alina’s greed for power, she comes to love this part of herself she neglected all her life because she was raised by people who could not understand her and who taught her to be wary of her own people and culture, so much so that she subconsciously avoided dealing with who she actually was.
Equating Alina’s power with her greed is exactly what those oppressing grisha do in justification for their hate crimes. You are using the same logic as a cast of people set on genocide and oppression. Not to mention the direct connection between grisha being based on jewish persecution and how the thing that defines grisha is equated with greed, which is a highly common antisemitic depiction of jewish people.
Alina is the ethnic jew raised by goyim. She is the repressed queer child of homophobic parents. She is everybody who only got to realize and express themselves after finding and connecting with their community late in life.
A story about a persecuted minority hunted because of what makes them different ending with your main character, who is a part of that minority, losing that piece of themselves and being forced to assimilate, is incredibly problematic. And anybody who makes this criticism about “Alina choosing” forgets that Alina is a character who’s only choices are those made for her by the person who wrote her.
Another thing that people constantly misrepresent is that Alina is not happy to be stripped of her powers at the end, and explicitly expresses sadness, grief, rage, and anger about the loss of her powers. This is separate from her finding happiness despite her grief, but the grief never goes away. Which means that anybody saying she was happy to lose her powers or chose to do so is factually incorrect. Her agency is stripped from her in the end.
She doesn’t get to choose the peaceful life because the peaceful life is chosen for her. This is not a natural ending to a meaningful character arc of self realization. This is the regressive and brutal shafting of a character who’s arc was abused at every turn, and who’s actual development was walked backwards. Not because of her powers but because she is prevented from ever finding peace with her powers by the narrative.
She doesn’t have to fight a war ‘because of her powers’. She has to fight a war because her people are fucking oppressed. Laying the blame on what makes her different instead of the people who have singled her out because she is different indicates a severe lack of understanding in regards to racism, persecution, and oppression.
Her powers didn’t become so corrupt that they failed her in the end. She didn’t see the consequences and choose peace to avoid them because she wasn’t allowed to see anything at all. Her path was decided for her before she could even look down the other.
People focus on Alina and her powers because that is the story. It is a story about realizing something crucial about yourself that has been kept from you and repressed your whole life. It is an incredibly important story to tell. It is a coming of age story about self realization and self actualization and finding agency after a life where you realize you had none.
Blaming Alina being grisha for why she is stripped of her grishaness is fundamentally flawed argument. If the greed for power was what was supposed to be punished, then she would only have lost that which she sought in her greed. And if a balance needed to be reached, then there would be just as many sun summoners as shadow summoners in the world. Because she lost more than that and because of the discordance in thematic symbolism, the message becomes a punishment not for “greed” (which shouldn’t have even been the message in the first place for a plot and setting like this), but for something else. It becomes a punishment for her being grisha and coming to love and accept herself for it. It becomes a punishment of reveling in one’s difference. It becomes a statement about living outside of the boxes society tries to place people in. It becomes a message about oppression and assimilation on the side of oppression and assimilation.
The most important criticism about the ending will always be about the framing of Alina losing her powers. Alina choosing peace and love over power as a message would only have been able to work if Alina had been able to choose it. And to do so she would have had to choose it when she still had her powers. That is the only progression her developmental arc of “choosing peace and love” could have taken if it didn’t want to become regressive and strip her completely of her agency.
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tiny012 · 2 months
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That's the point of her whole character arc and development during the course of the manga and Crystal!
Especially Black Moon Arc.
That is the point of Black Lady as whole. A corrupted version of Chibiusa by Wiseman who thinks what an adult is but doesn't understand what an adult is. She thinks an adult can do and take anything they want but doesn't understand the responsibilities or the consequences of their actions.
As Chibiusa grows and matures during the course of the series she starts to understand but still have a way to go. To start understand what does love look like and what does it actually means to be a lady/adult.
That's why her relationship between her and Usagi is so complex.
Because she has put her mom on a pedestal in which she admires her and resent her at the same time. Since everyone expects her to follow in her mom's footsteps when she gets older. Which people are also bullying her because of it because she doesn't show signs of having the same power that her mom have. Which is why she can't grow up.
So when she goes to the past, it's like a culture shock for her to realized this person she look the most up to is selfish, childish, and a crybaby. Pretty much a kid like her. It's like having an idol you look up too and realized they are not cracked up to be.
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