#when the source material is good and smart and has like 2 decades worth of really well developed characters with psychological complexity
macdenlover · 4 months
i really can not stand the “fandom is so fun we’re all just projecting and making shit up” thing. because no i actually deeply admire the canon of my favorite media and all the intention and care and craft put into it. we are not the same.
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see-fee · 1 year
What are you thoughts on Apple TVs Foundation version?
Ah. I never wanted to talk about that, but I guess my thoughts on the subject are as worth putting down as any, so here goes.
Boring, dumb, cringeworthy, badly written by hacks.
Bad showrunner/writers, bad cast (one or two exceptions). Bad everything except the visuals. I couldn’t be bothered to continue past the second or third episode, where I Raych-quit from the sheer stupidity.
Not because it strayed from Asimov’s work (though it can hardly be called an adaptation when it so flagrantly disregards its source material). I can assess and enjoy adaptations on their own merits. The show is simply not entertaining—a cardinal sin for entertainment. Things happened one after another and I just didn’t care. I wanted to, but I didn’t.
It wasn’t even enjoyable in a greasy burger/guilty pleasure way (e.g. Whedon’s Firefly or early JJ Abrams like Fringe). I’ve gotten far more discerning with age/maturity but I do still watch dumb popcorn fare (including the I, Robot summer blockbuster). And this show wasn’t that for me. Because it was sold as more than that, in a world where shows like Andor exist.
Because it pretends to be smart when it clearly isn’t, when its incompetent writers have never written anything of value in their lives. Very stupid people are behind it: Goyer and Friedman. Showrunner and writer David Goyer is a talentless hack whose own writing/producing portfolio is riddled with trashy bottom-of-the-barrel superhero mediocrity (rated as low as 3/10, 4/10, 5/10 on IMDb, and the way ratings work is that there are false positives but no false negatives), who somehow weaseled his way into successful franchises where other writers did the heavy lifting. Its other writer Josh Friedman has nothing remotely decent under his belt, either. These cheap hacks have obviously never read or understood their source material beyond a perfunctory skim (and if you believe anything they spew, I've got a waterfront property in Oklahoma to sell you. Two words: publicity & marketing.) The proof is in the pudding—Goyer and Friedman lack the brains to handle the material, let alone deviate from it.
I didn’t finish the season because I don’t think it gets better. The core problems I noted aren't going anywhere, and plenty of sensible people with good taste have shared the issues they have with it, and much of that is in line with my own experience or expectations of quality.
Season 2 reeks of jumping the shark. I’ve seen the trailer and laughed at its ridiculousness. It was a flurry of “we have Star Wars at home” scenes and also for some bizarre reason there were dragons? Or something? They’re not even pretending to be Asimov’s story any more—which is probably better for everyone involved.
Change My View: I sometimes wonder if I ought to give it another go, though I don’t have Apple TV anymore which adds to the friction. If anybody mature (I'm a full decade past my meme years) with decent taste (more Oppenheimer than Barbie, more modernist than postmodern internet shitposter, more level-headed than rabid fanatical addict) wants to tell me how this show has some merit despite its flaws and is worth my time, please do. I’m all ears.
Criticism on writing + cast below 👇
Characters, dialogue, plot are badly written/designed.
They do stupid things for stupid reasons (mostly: the plot requires it). Reciting prime numbers beCaUsE mAtH. (Cube did it better.)
That early swimming pool sex scene—whereas it was plausible for the characters in Game of Thrones or the Expanse, here in the hands of dumb writers it’s a girl thirsting over a guy she just met because The Plot Requires It, so that this guy can randomly stab Seldon later in a truly idiotic turn.
Machiavellian characters like Salvor Hardin get downgraded into some basic military chad guarding the Ethereum logo, for some pathetically trite Chosen One storyline and a lame what’s-in-the-vault mystery with a hilariously awful payoff. (I laughed so hard when I found out what it was. That you-know-who was literally in the vault.)
The two decent cast members are surrounded by a pack of Z-rate bargain bin actors whose previous credits hover in the 2/10–5/10 range.
Lee Pace is recycling his Joe MacMillan from Halt and Catch Fire but with a chest-baring wardrobe, since he’s the designated eye candy. Jared Harris is phoning it in, also recycling the same role he’s cornered a niche on: whistleblower-guy-who-gets-ignored-then-dies, a la Chernobyl and The Terror.
Laura Birn is doing a passable job with what she’s given to work with, but, in an utterly inexplicable design choice, the poor woman must stand in an asinine arms-akimbo pose all the damned time because we need to remember iT’s a rObOt. Who can cry and have sex but not stand normally. Or something. (Humans did it better.)
Terrence Mann was a forgettable snooze-fest—so was Lou Llobell.
Leah Harvey and the rest I saw were laughably awful.
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vanilla-blessing · 3 years
qb’s 2020 Anime List
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[Representation of making my brain recall anything from last year]
As usual, these are ordered by whatever arbitrary mood I was in when I constructed the list. Do not cross reference this ordering with any other evaluations I may have done. 
0. kiratto prichan but only after it lost all pretense of being grounded in reality
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I don't want to explain why I watch this anime, but I will do it for the fans. It's the franchise people, by all rights, should make fun of me for watching instead of Precure, which is harmless; the Pretty Rhythm series is ill-advised subculture shitpost brainrot which has at least halved my IQ. PriChan had been very boring for at least a year since its premiere, but during 2020 went off the deep end in way that rekindled the unique flavor the decade-long series has traditionally had of doing the most dumbass thing every week and not letting any sort of television authority or good ideas stop it. I had fun every week once it got in the groove and remembered its roots as a dumbass crossover franchise with nothing to prove and nothing holding its stupid, fantastic ideas back. It’s always the most insane thing on TV and it never even has to try. 
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Also following the twitter cult that formed around a rare plushie from this show with a wide face. That was the most entertaining thing of 2020 for me. 
1. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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Creatively inspiring in a year without many sources of creative inspiration, the airing of this anime mirrored my unwilling dive into learning too much about anime production than I ever meant to. Eizouken takes the sketchbook ideas of the manga and fully realizes its world into animation in a way that only Masaki Yuasa and Science Saru could pull off, while simultaneously giving rising stars in the industry their first chance at directing episodes. It's a very satisfying show to watch and if there's anything on this list that inspired me to finally just slam words on paper and get this out it was thanks to watching Eizouken at some point in my life. 
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The season is split into three distinct “projects” and each of these end in a such a strong climax that I have to recommend watching it 4 episodes at a time, if you are able to. Here’s an endcard by tkmiz
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2. Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden
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I like a nice contained science fiction and this one's episode 2 hook was so shocking that I was glued to my screen until the very end. It’s not perfect, but it’s about as perfect as you could reasonably expect to get from the year 2020. The less you know going in the better so I’ll shut up but it’s a much more ambitious sci-fi than you think it is at first. It might have been a had-to-be-there serial experience, so it could be impossible to really get the hype that was around this show at the time, but I think there’s enough there to stand on its own, and just having a definitive, satisfying ending in one season is an anime rarity worth recommending by itself. 
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4. Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
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I love looking at pictures of cryptids and Lerche paneling and this gave me both in abundance. It rides the line between telling Shonen and Shoujo stories, like many Seinen that defy easy categorization do, and I’ve always been a sucker for that. Along with the anime being drop dead gorgeous on a weekly basis, I enjoyed the lovable cast of various SUPERNATURAL DANGER BOYS and also Yashiro who provides the funniest faces and widest ankles of the whole show, despite stiff competition. 
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5. Talentless Nana
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Came outta nowhere and exceeded expectations for a frankly kind of mediocre thriller manga by absolutely nailing the strong first episode/chapter hook, then continuing to nail it every week with smart directing. I’m obligated to pay attention to this team in the future if they're capable of making something this compelling on a limited drawing budget. (the core staff were all Heybot regulars, which either means something or doesn’t)
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6. Extra Olympia Kyklos
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The one-person studio that made this did not have a high bar to clear to be the best Olympic tie-in anime (the only other one I can recall is the rare media Eagle Sam which sucks complete ass) but despite the Olympics not even happening in 2020, it soldiered on, and was easily the most I laughed at anime in that year. Kyklos takes serious source material and just spices it up beyond recognition with bizarre jokes, perfect timing, and hilariously cheap original music videos at the end of every episode that wouldn’t be out of place on adult swim bumpers. Overall it’s very surprising that this was funded at all once anyone saw what it was, but I’m so glad the creator got away with it. In a way, it’s the perfect monument to this psychotic year. 
7. Kakushigoto
I just think the author is funny and this is a good anime adaptation that outpaces the original, by the author's own admission/intention. 61-sensei is the best girl
All Hail The Daia Bread All Hail The Daia Bread
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these were all enjoyable too:
Gal and dino 
Hit in the right spot at the time, when we all needed a roommate who couldn’t catch covid
Star twinkle precure movie
I'd show this to people to introduce them to precure if not for the song and dance number at the end being kinda lame
it’s not going to end precure but it has incredible faces
BOFURI: I don’t want to get hurt so I maxed out my defense
gamer has logged on
- qb kiranichiwa 
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How to Study Smart: 20 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster 168. That’s how many hours there are in a week. If you’re a student, you probably feel like this isn’t enough. I know… You have so many assignments to do, projects to work on, and tests to study for. Plus, you have other activities and commitments. And I’m sure you want to have a social life, too. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could study smarter (not harder), get good grades, and lead a balanced life? Of course it would. That’s why I wrote this article. The main aim of education isn’t to get straight A’s. But learning how to learn is a vital life skill. So I spent hours scouring scientific articles and research journals to find the best ways to learn more effectively. I’m a lifelong straight-A student myself, and I’ve since completed my formal education. Over the course of my academic career, I’ve used almost all the tips outlined in this article, so I can verify that they work. Let’s get started. Here are 20 scientific ways to learn faster. BONUS: Download a free PDF summary of this article. The PDF contains all the tips found here, plus 3 exclusive bonus tips that you’ll only find in the PDF. 1. Learn the same information in a variety of ways. The research (Willis, J. 2008) shows that different media stimulate different parts of the brain. The more areas of the brain that are activated, the more likely it is that you’ll understand and retain the information.[1] So to learn a specific topic, you could do the following: Read the class notes Read the textbook Watch a Khan Academy video Look up other online resources Create a mind map Teach someone what you’ve learned Do practice problems from a variety of sources Of course, you won’t be able to do all of these things in one sitting. But each time you review the topic, use a different resource or method – you’ll learn faster this way. 2. Study multiple subjects each day, rather than focusing on just one or two subjects. It’s more effective to study multiple subjects each day, than to deep-dive into one or two subjects (Rohrer, D. 2012).[2] For example, if you’re preparing for exams in math, history, physics, and chemistry, it’s better to study a bit of each subject every day. This approach will help you to learn faster than by focusing on just math on Monday, history on Tuesday, physics on Wednesday, chemistry on Thursday, and so on. Why? Because you’re likely to confuse similar information if you study a lot of the same subject in one day. So to study smart, spread out your study time for each subject. In so doing, your brain will have more time to consolidate your learning. 3. Review the information periodically, instead of cramming. Periodic review is essential if you want to move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. This will help you get better exam grades. As the research (Cepeda, N. 2008) shows, periodic review beats cramming hands-down.[3] The optimal review interval varies, depending on how long you want to retain the information. But experience – both my own and through working with students – tells me that the following review intervals work well (I explain the entire periodic review system in this article): 1st review: 1 day after learning the new information 2nd review: 3 days after the 1st review 3rd review: 7 days after the 2nd review 4th review: 21 days after the 3rd review 5th review: 30 days after the 4th review 6th review: 45 days after the 5th review 7th review: 60 days after the 6th review 4. Sit at the front of the class. If you get to choose where you sit during class, grab a seat at the front. Studies show that students who sit at the front tend to get higher exam scores (Rennels & Chaudhari, 1988). The average scores of students, depending on where they sat in class, are as follows (Giles, 1982): Front rows: 80% Middle rows: 71.6% Back rows: 68.1% These findings were obtained under conditions where the seating positions were teacher-assigned.[4] This means it’s not just a case of the more motivated students choosing to sit at the front, and the less motivated students choosing to sit at the back. By sitting at the front, you’ll be able to see the board and hear the teacher more clearly, and your concentration will improve too. Now you know where the best seats in class are! 5. Don’t multitask. The data is conclusive: Multitasking makes you less productive, more distracted, and dumber.[5][6][7] The studies even show that people who claim to be good at multitasking aren’t actually better at it than the average person. Effective students focus on just one thing at a time. So don’t try to study while also intermittently replying to text messages, watching TV, and checking your Twitter feed. Here are some suggestions to improve your concentration: Turn off notifications on your phone Put your phone away, or turn it to airplane mode Log out of all instant messaging programs Turn off the Internet access on your computer Use an app like Freedom Close all of your Internet browser windows that aren’t related to the assignment you’re working on Clear the clutter from your study area 6. Simplify, summarize, and compress the information. Use mnemonic devices like acronyms, as these are proven to increase learning efficiency.[8] Example #1 If you want to memorize the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency, you could use this acronym/sentence: Raging Martians Invaded Venus Using X-ray Guns (In order of increasing frequency, the electromagnetic spectrum is: Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma rays.) Example #2 Question: Stalactites and stalagmites – which ones grow from the top of the cave and which ones grow from the ground? Answer: Stalactites grow from the top, while stalagmites grow from the ground. Study smart by using mnemonic devices whenever possible. In addition, you could summarize the information into a comparison table, diagram, or mind map.[9] These tools will help you learn the information much faster. 7. Take notes by hand, instead of using your laptop. Scientists recommend this, and not just because you’re more likely to give in to online distractions when using your laptop. Even when laptops are used only for note-taking, learning is less effective (Mueller, P. 2013).[10] Why? Because students who take notes by hand tend to process and reframe the information. In contrast, laptop note-takers tend to write down what the teacher says word-for-word, without first processing the information. As such, students who take notes by hand perform better in tests and exams. 8. Write down your worries. Will I do well on this exam? What if I forget the key concepts and equations? What if the exam is harder than expected? These kinds of thoughts probably run through your head before you take an exam. But if these thoughts run wild, the accompanying anxiety can affect your grades. Here’s the solution … In one experiment,[11] researchers at the University of Chicago discovered that students who wrote about their feelings about an upcoming exam for 10 minutes performed better than students who didn’t. The researchers say that this technique is especially effective for habitual worriers. Psychologist Kitty Klein has also shown that expressive writing, in the form of journaling, improves memory and learning.[12] Klein explains that such writing allows students to express their negative feelings, which helps them to be less distracted by these feelings. To be less anxious, take 10 minutes and write down all the things related to the upcoming exam that you’re worried about. As a result of this simple exercise, you’ll get better grades. 9. Test yourself frequently. Decades of research has shown that self-testing is crucial if you want to improve your academic performance.[13] In one experiment, University of Louisville psychologist Keith Lyle taught the same statistics course to two groups of undergraduates. For the first group, Lyle asked the students to complete a four- to six-question quiz at the end of each lecture. The quiz was based on material he’d just covered. For the second group, Lyle didn’t give the students any quizzes. At the end of the course, Lyle discovered that the first group significantly outperformed the second on all four midterm exams. So don’t just passively read your textbook or your class notes. Study smart by quizzing yourself on the key concepts and equations. And as you prepare for a test, do as many practice questions as you can from different sources. 10. Connect what you’re learning with something you already know. In their book, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, scientists Henry Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel explain that the more strongly you relate new concepts to concepts you already understand, the faster you’ll learn the new information.[14] For example, if you’re learning about electricity, you could relate it to the flow of water. Voltage is akin to water pressure, current is akin to the flow rate of water, a battery is akin to a pump, and so on. Another example: You can think of white blood cells as “soldiers” that defend our body against diseases, which are the “enemies.” It takes time and effort to think about how to connect new information to what you already know, but the investment is worth it. 11. Read key information out loud. Studies have been conducted, which demonstrate that reading information out loud helps students to learn faster than by reading silently (MacLeod CM, 2010 & Ozubko JD, 2010).[15][16] What’s the reason for this? When you read information out loud, you both see and hear it. On the other hand, when you read information silently, you only see it. It isn’t practical to read every single word of every single set of notes out loud. That would take way too much time. So here’s the process I recommend: Step 1: As you read your notes, underline the key concepts/equations. Don’t stop to memorize these key concepts/equations; underline them and move on. Step 2: After you’ve completed Step 1 for the entire set of notes, go back to the underlined parts and read each key concept/equation out loud as many times as you deem necessary. Read each concept/equation slowly. Step 3: After you’ve done this for each of the underlined key concepts/equations, take a three-minute break. Step 4: When your three-minute break is over, go to each underlined concept/equation one at a time, and cover it (either with your hand or a piece of paper). Test yourself to see if you’ve actually memorized it. Step 5: For the concepts/equations that you haven’t successfully memorized, repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4. 12. Take regular study breaks. Taking regular study breaks enhances overall productivity and improves focus (Ariga & Lleras, 2011).[17] That’s why it isn’t a good idea to hole yourself up in your room for six hours straight to study for an exam. You might feel like you get a lot done this way, but the research proves otherwise. So take a 5- to 10-minute break for every 40 minutes of work. I recommend that you use a timer or stopwatch to remind you when to take a break and when to get back to studying. During your break, refrain from using your phone or computer, because these devices prevent your mind from fully relaxing. 13. Reward yourself at the end of each study session. Before starting a study session, set a specific reward for completing the session. By doing this, you’ll promote memory formation and learning (Adcock RA, 2006).[18] The reward could be something as simple as: Going for a short walk Eating a healthy snack Listening to your favorite music Stretching Doing a couple of sets of exercise Playing a musical instrument Taking a shower Reward yourself at the end of every session – you’ll study smarter and learn faster. 14. Focus on the process, not the outcome. Successful students concentrate on learning the information, not on trying to get a certain grade. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck’s research shows that these students … [19] Focus on effort, not the end result Focus on the process, not on achievement Believe they can improve – even in their weak subjects – as long as they put in the time and hard work Embrace challenges Define success as pushing themselves to learn something new, not as getting straight A’s Not-so-successful students tend to set performance goals, while successful students tend to set learning goals.[20] What’s the difference between these two types of goals? Performance goals (e.g. getting 90% on the next math test, getting into a top-ranked school) are about looking intelligent and proving yourself to others. In contrast, learning goals (e.g. doing three algebra problems every other day, learning five new French words a day) are about mastery and growth. Most schools emphasize the importance of getting a certain exam score or passing a certain number of subjects. Ironically, if you want to meet – and surpass – these standards, you’d be better off ignoring the desired outcome and concentrating on the learning process instead. 15. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You probably think you drink enough water, but studies show that up to 75% of people are in a chronic state of dehydration.[21] Dehydration is bad for your brain – and your exam grades too. University of East London researchers have found that your brain’s overall mental processing power decreases when you’re dehydrated (Edmonds, C. 2013).[22] Further research has shown that dehydration even causes the grey matter in your brain to shrink.[23] The simple solution? Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Bring a water bottle wherever you go, and drink water before you start to feel thirsty. And if you’re taking an exam, bring a water bottle with you. Every 40 minutes or so, drink some water. This will help you stay hydrated and improve your exam performance. Plus, this also acts as a short break to refresh your mind. 16. Exercise at least three times a week. Exercise is good for your body. It’s also very good for your brain. Various studies have shown that exercise … Improves your memory[24] Improves your brain function[25][26] Reduces the occurrence of depression Helps to prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis Enhances your sleep quality Reduces stress Improves your mood[27] Exercise is quite the miracle drug! So to study smarter, exercise at least three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. You’ll be healthier and more energetic, and you’ll remember information better too. 17. Sleep at least eight hours a night, and don’t pull all-nighters. I’ve spoken to and worked with 20,000 students so far. Not a single one has told me that he or she consistently gets eight hours of sleep a night. “There’s just so much to do,” I hear students say, again and again. As a student, sleep often seems more like a luxury than a necessity. But what does the research have to say about sleep? The research shows that if you get enough sleep, you’ll be more focused, you’ll learn faster,[28] and your memory will improve.[29] You’ll also deal with stress more effectively.[30] This is a recipe for excellent grades. So sleep at least eight hours a night. This way, your study sessions will be more productive and you won’t need to spend as much time hitting the books. In addition, sleep expert Dan Taylor says that learning the most difficult material immediately before going to bed makes it easier to recall the next day.[31] So whenever possible, arrange your schedule such that you study the hardest topic right before you sleep. Lastly, don’t pull all-nighters. As psychologist Pamela Thacher’s research shows, students who pull all-nighters get lower grades and make more careless mistakes.[32] 18. Eat blueberries. Blueberries are rich in flavanoids, which strengthen connections in the brain and stimulate the regeneration of brain cells. Researchers at the University of Reading have found that eating blueberries improves both short-term and long-term memory (Whyte, A. & Williams, C. 2014).[33][34] Blueberries may also help to prevent degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. 19. Eat chicken and eggs. A team of researchers from Boston University conducted a long-term study on 1,400 adults over 10 years. They found that participants who had diets high in choline performed better on memory tests.[35] Choline is the precursor to acetylcholine, which is essential for the formation of new memories. What foods are high in choline? Chicken and eggs (the egg yolk contains 90% of the total choline in the egg[36]). Just in case you’re worried about the high cholesterol content of egg yolks, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Recent studies show that eggs – including the yolk – are a healthy food for just about everyone.[37] And if you’re a vegetarian, there are alternatives to getting choline in your diet: Lentils Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Almonds Cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli 20. Eat omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for brain function.[38] One experiment (Yehuda, S. 2005) also found that taking a combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids reduced test anxiety in students and improved their mental concentration.[39] Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to the prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dementia, Alzheimer’s, asthma, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer.[40] That’s an incredible list! Here are foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon Sardines Mackerel Trout Flaxseed Pumpkin seeds Walnuts The bottom line This is a long article that contains a lot of information. But don’t feel overwhelmed, because there’s no need to implement everything at one shot. As the saying goes … How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. In the same way, to implement all 20 tips in this article, do it one tip at a time. Focus on just one tip a week, or even one tip a month. Once you’ve turned that tip into a habit, move on to the next one. Throughout the process, don’t let the goal of getting straight A’s become an unhealthy obsession. After all, education is about much more than getting good grades. It’s about the pursuit of excellence. It’s about cultivating your strengths. And it’s about learning and growing, so you can contribute more effectively. There’s hard work involved, but I know you’re up to the challenge. BONUS: Don’t forget to download a free PDF summary of this article. The PDF contains all the tips found here, plus 3 exclusive bonus tips that you’ll only find in the PDF.
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12 Ways You Can Absolutely Make Money Online
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For many individuals, making money online would be an absolute dream come true. If they could find a way to make cash with a website or some other online venture, they could stop their job to focus on entrepreneurship, spend more time with their family, and lastly take back control of their time and their lives.
The insane thing is, earning money online isn’t a pipe dream. I have been performing it for nearly a decade now with my website Good Financial Pennies. I also know thousands of other people who are earning money online their very own way with websites, courses, or unique marketing strategies. Right now, here’s the good news. The majority of online revenue strategies aren’t which complicated. Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You have to be willing to devote the time and energy required to get your concept off the ground, and you need grit to stick with it even if your own journey is slow when you first start out. If you’re angling in order to earn money online but aren’t sure where to start, here are a number of the best and most realistic strategies to consider:
#1: Google Adsense
If you've visited any website, you've seen Google advertisements. These ads are everywhere, and for good reason. Not only are they simple to set up on any basic website, but they can be profitable once your website starts bringing in a steady amount of traffic. Among the cool things about Google AdSense is that it's so easy to obtain set up. If you have a blog or website, you can subscribe to a free Google AdSense Account. From there, Google will give you a distinctive code that you will paste onto your website. Google takes this from there, tracking your page views, traffic, and revenue on your behalf. There is no upkeep or maintenance to get this point going, which makes it a no-brainer if you have a website already. YOU MAY ALSO SUCH AS
How much will you make? I think my best month along with Google AdSense was almost $5, 000 over the last 10 years. That amazing month blew my mind since it was actually close to the beginning of my blogging journey. When you go from creating zero to $5, 000 in a month, that will stone your world. For me, it also got me even more thrilled because I knew there were other ways to monetize. #2: Internet affiliate marketing
Whether you have a website or are still dreaming up delete word a blog, you can also look into affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you acquire brands and businesses within the content of your website. In case you mention a product or service, you link to that generate or service using a unique affiliate code you obtained when you signed up for that particular affiliate program. From there, you’ll make money whenever someone buys a product or service through your link. In most cases, you’ll want to partner with affiliates that are related to your blog idea. Since I’m a financial advisor, I have focused a lot of my affiliate marketer energy on financial products like savings accounts, credit cards, as well as investment accounts. In addition to signing up for individual affiliate programs, you can also join an affiliate ad network that offers a ton of different affiliates in a single place. That way, you can see what works and what doesn’t work with time. If you’re looking for inspiration, my friend Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of the web site Making Sense of Sense has become the expert on everything else affiliate marketing. Michelle earns more than $100, 000 per month through her blog and the bulk of her income comes from internet marketer sales. Michelle has had so much success with affiliate marketing that the girl even has her own course called Making Sense associated with Affiliate Marketing. While Michelle works with a ton of affiliates in the monetary services industry, one of her biggest affiliates is a weblog hosting company called Bluehost. This just goes to show that you could make money with nearly any affiliate company or product if you know your current audience and build up enough traffic to create sales. #3: Consulting
Another way to make money online is via consulting. If you’re a specialist in any field, you could potentially find people willing to pay you to advice them on their personal or business goals. You might think you are not important enough to consult for big companies, but you might be surprised at the types of expertise people will pay for. The colleague Robert Farrington of The College Investor is a good sort of someone who consulted online on the side in an unlikely industry. Robert told me that, after he had been blogging for a few many years, a couple of brands reached out to him to ask him with regard to help with social media and online money marketing. Robert said he do an average of 4-6 of these gigs per year for a while depending on their schedule and the work involved. The best part is, he billed a flat rate that usually worked out to around $100 per hour. Keep in mind, this was pay he was earning to advise people within the best ways to use social media tools like Facebook and Pinterest to grow their brands. If you want to start consulting but are not sure what steps to take next, you can also set up a totally free account through Clarity. fm. This website lets anyone who wants to provide consulting set up a free profile. Once your profile is placed up, people will find you and book a session you are going to get paid for. #4: Online Courses If you have any ability you can teach others, it’s also possible to set up an internet course you can market online. You can find online courses that will teach anything from cooking to marketing or even self-employed writing. Heck, I even offer my own course regarding financial advisors who want to take their businesses online— The internet Advisor Growth Formula. Last year, I profiled my friend Frederick Michael of Easy Course Creation. Michael offers a number of different courses, including courses on a writing software called “Scrivener. ” Over the years, Michael has earned six figures or even more annually selling courses that help people achieve the kind of achievement he has earned. Most people set up their online course via a platform like Teachable. com. With Teachable, you can publish your course materials and use the platform to manage clients and accept payments. #5: Podcasting
Another way to make money online through hosting an online podcast. I have the Good Financial Cents podcasting to go along with my blog, and I use that platform to discover new sponsors and advertisers all the time. I still keep in mind getting my first sponsor on the podcast and discovering they were willing to pay $8, 000 for me to include a short cut at the beginning of each podcast for 90 days. That was insanely fascinating to me at the time since I wasn’t sure I would be able to profit from my podcast that much at first. However , there are tons of people creating a lot more than me on their podcasts. Take the Entrepreneur Unstoppable Podcast hosted by John Lee Dumas. According to the show’s most recent income report, this podcast brought in a net gain of over $400, 000 in March 2018. Today, that’s crazy. The key to getting ahead with podcasting is actually finding your niche, growing an audience, and then discovering ways to monetize and connect with sponsors. This isn’t the best way to make money online since there are a lot of logistics that go into writing, documenting, and editing a podcast, but it is still worth considering. #6: Book Sales
While the publishing industry used to be heavy in publications, you can complete the entire process of writing, publishing, and advertising a book online these days. Websites like Create Area will let you upload and take your book to print without any a formal publisher involved, and you can even get your book upon Amazon. com so people can buy it there. The blogger I know named Joseph Hogue has a successful website (My Work from Home Money) and a thriving book publishing company. Hogue has written several books he has published on the internet to create an ongoing source of passive income. He says this individual averages about 685 books sold per month to bring in about $1, 857 in revenue. Not bad, huh? If you think you can write a book people would want to buy, this is a smart often consider since the start-up costs can be minimal and you most likely already have a computer and word processing software anyway. #7: Lead Sales
Another way to make money online is by collecting leads. The primary steps you need to complete to make lead sales work consist of setting up a website, getting traffic to that website, and making sure youre collecting leads that someone will actually pay for. Here’s a fine example of how lead sales can work in real life: My 2nd website, Life Insurance by Jeff, brings in a ton of traffic coming from people who are searching the web to find answers to life insurance queries. While I used to have the website set up so I could sell these folks life insurance myself, it was a lot of work to process all the various requests and clients. As a result, I started selling the actual leads I gathered instead. Basically, lead buyers are prepared to pay for the personal information I gather from people who check out my website. This is a win-win for everyone since I get paid for your leads and my website visitors are connected with someone who will help them. Keep in mind though, you can sell leads in many various industries —not just life insurance. Really, you just need to figure out a distinct segment, build a website and traffic, and see how much you can get for that leads you collect. #8: Freelance Writing
If you have composing skills and creative talent, it’s also possible to have paid to create online content. I don’t do this as much as There was a time when i would, but I am very aware of how viable this earnings stream is. One blogger I know, Holly Johnson, really makes over $200, 000 per year creating content intended for other websites. And actually, that’s on top of the six numbers she earns with her blog, Club Thrifty. Holly explained she started writing content in 2011. At the time, she nevertheless worked a full-time job but created content on-line part-time to supplement her income. Over time, she surely could double and triple her rates until she might quit her full-time job to write. These days, she can make bank as a freelance writer and teaches others to perform the same via her online course, Earn More Composing. According to Johnson, the key to making it as a freelance writer will be figuring out a niche, networking with people who might hire a person, and delivering high quality content 100 percent of the time. While there really are a ton of writing job boards to help you get started, she says it is fairly easy to find starter writing jobs on websites like Upwork. com. #9: Sponsored Posts
If you have a website or a big social media following, you can also make money by pursuing sponsored articles and ads. But , how does this work? Basically, internet businesses are willing to pay bloggers and social media influencers to promote their products and also services. If you have a platform, be it a blog or perhaps a huge Instagram following, you can cash in. The first time I got the sponsored post for Good Financial Cents, I was totally impressed. I think I got paid only $100, but that was lots of money to me at the time. Later on, however , I realized companies in which wanted a sponsored post really just wanted a hyperlink from my website to their own site. For that reason, I began increasing my rates. These days, I charge around $4, 500 for a sponsored post. Plus, I clearly tag all sponsored content as an #ad to stay in compliance together with Google’s terms and conditions. I also only promote companies I use or even believe in. But , I also know bloggers that get 20 dollar, 000 for a sponsored post. That’s pretty crazy, however it just goes to show what is possible. Keep in mind though, an individual don’t need a website to do sponsored content since you may also get paid if you have a lot of social media followers. My wife has a quite big Instagram following, and she gets all kinds of benefactors. Not only does she get paid in cash, but we have a lot of free stuff, too. We’ve received free carpets, free lights, and free carpet cleaners. She only encourages things she loves though, so this strategy works very well for her. #10: Webinars
Need more ideas on how to make money online? An additional strategy is using webinars to market your product, service, or perhaps course. I’ve done webinars to promote my financial preparing practice and to drum up interest in my online training course for financial advisors. With a webinar, you’re basically providing a lot of tips and advice for free — usually in a live file format. At the end though, you pitch your paid product or service using the goal of securing a few deals. Professional speaker Offer Baldwin uses webinars to market his courses on speaking in public, including Get Booked and Paid to Speak. Whilst Baldwin offers plenty of free tips during his web conferencing, he offers his course at the end for people who want to spend to learn more. And, a lot of times, his sales pitch works. No matter what you happen to be selling, it’s not that hard to set up a via the web and attract people to sign up with a lead magnet or maybe Facebook ads. Heck, you can probably find a free online on how to create your first webinar if you look hard sufficient. #11: YouTube
YouTube is another platform that has made it easy for people to earn money online. There are a ton of YouTube stations out there on any topic if you can think of, and most of the testers with a big following are earning some money in exchange for his or her videos and time. Marine officer turned men's style expert, Antonio Centeno has built a million dollar business via his YouTube channel, Real Men Real Style. A year ago, Forbes profiled some of the biggest players in the YouTube picture. According to the study, the top ten biggest grossing YouTube celebrities brought in $127 million from June 2016 to August 2017. The most popular, a gamer named DanTDM, earned $16. 5 million of that on his own. Will you earn that much? Most likely not. However , you can start making money via YouTube using the platform’s personal ad network or by getting sponsored posts. If you want doing videos, starting a YouTube channel can an enjoyable way to earn some cash on the side. #12: Build an Online Local community
Last but not least, you can also earn money online by building an online community, even though monetization strategies you can pursue will vary a lot depending on targets. You can build a community with a blog, for example. You can also develop an online forum and charge people for membership. You can even build up a Facebook group and use your impact there to sell and promote products. My good friends Shane and Jocelyn Sams have become experts in building social networks. They have one right now for their website – Flipped Way of life. This community shows people how to create an online business along with connects entrepreneurs who are pursuing similar dreams. Prior to this group, they had an online community for teachers looking for lessons. That probably sounds pretty random, but it's ridiculous the type of communities you can build and rally people about. If it's something that you're passionate about yourself and you want to interact with others that have that same passion, then an online local community is something you should definitely consider.
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The Bottom Line
There are a ridiculous plethora of possibilities to make money online and the ones I’ve covered here are just the beginning. If you have time, a passion for almost anything, and at least some innovative skill, you may be able to build an online income stream — or several — if you give it enough time. But , do not just take my word for it. If you look online, you’ll discover thousands of success stories you can use for inspiration. One day you could actually create a success story of your own. But you’ll never know until you try.
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fletchermarple · 7 years
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Quick Review of the True Crime Books I read in 2017 (Part 2)
Part 1 of 2017
Review of books in 2016 Part 1 and Part 2
Review of books in 2015
The Michigan Murders by Edward Keyes: Before Ted Bundy, there was John Norman Collins. He was also a handsome, charming, smart university student that looked nothing like a stereotypical killer, but in fact was raping and murdering women from ages 13 to 21 at an alarming rate between 1967 and 1969 in Michigan. This book was originally published in 1976, and it’s a very serious and professional exposition of the case, written under journalistic standards but not so much literary ones. By that I mean that it sticks mostly to facts and remains objective instead of adding some narrative touches to make the story more appealing. Don’t get me wrong, the case is interesting enough in itself and if like me you didn’t know much about Collins (who now goes by the surname Chapman), this is a very informative read. The problem with this book is one that many true crime novels have: since there’s not a main character we can focus on, and instead we get just “this victim disappeared, then this victim disappeared” with no remarkable investigator to take the reigns of the story, it kind of drags a lot in the first part. It gets better once Collins is introduced, and let me tell you, he’s so chilling and the way they got him is so curious it definitely makes worth the read in the end. I should also add that Keyes changes pretty much every single name in the case, including the killer’s, which might have been common practice back then, but seems ridiculous now when everything is public information and it’s something that I particularly hate in non fiction stories.
Silent Witness by Don Weber and Charles Bosworth Jr.: This book is about the murder of Karla Brown, which I wrote about here, and the hunt for the killer. Although the book is co-signed by Don Weber, he’s presented in a third person style within the narration. He was the prosecutor in the case, and he comes across as a guy who takes his job very seriously and was willing to take risks with new technologies and techniques so he could get justice for the victim. The case itself is very twisty and interesting, since it took investigators four years to point to the right suspect, so the story is very riveting, especially if you, like me, enjoy the investigation and judicial part of true crime. Just keep in mind that the book was written by someone who is certain of the killer’s identity and there’s no room left to doubt his guilt, as opposed to the reality, where there are some people that have tried (unsuccessfully) to find proof of his innocence.
The Man from the Train by Bill James and Rachel McCarthy James: I really enjoyed Bill James’ book Popular Crime and I got this one as soon as it came out. James is not really a true crime writer, his main area of expertise is baseball, but just like us he’s very enthusiastic about true crime and has spent a lot of time researching, reading and formulating theories about it. In this book, he tackles a series of unsolved murders that happened in the first decade of the 20th Century in the US, when several families were hacked to death with an axe for no apparent reason. James and his daughter do a very thorough research into old archives to try to determine which murders are linked and were likely committed by the same person, who in their theory is also the guy behind the infamous Villisca Axe Murders. The book is really a very well done exercise in speculation, amateur profiling and connecting the dots, because there’s no way we can really know if what James is saying is true or not, and he knows it and acknowledges it several times through the extensive book. I’m not sure The Man from the Train is for everyone, I’d recommend it mostly to people who really enjoy unsolved mysteries and old American history, because there’s a lot of interesting analysis of those times. James is very entertaining in his writing and speaks directly to the reader while adding some humor and worthy anecdotes here and there. ( @congenitaldisease I know someone recommended this book to you, I think you’d enjoy it as well).
My Story by Elizabeth Smart: It pains me to say this, because I’ve met Elizabeth Smart and she’s an amazing and inspiring person, but of all the true crime books I read this year, this is probably the worst. I find it hard to believe that she worked with an actual writer, because the book reads like the journal of a 12 year old in both narration and content. The story is, of course, terrible and haunting, and Elizabeth tells us in detail about being kidnapped from her bedroom when she was 14 by the seriously disgusting Brian David Mitchell and his mentally disturbed wife Wanda Barzee. She also talks a lot about her determination to survive through the horrible ordeal and her faith... She’s pretty heavy on the faith side, at points the book can read like a Sunday sermon so if you’re one of those people who frown at religion, this is definitely not the novel for you. Like I said earlier, the book is written in a very childish way, which would be ok if Elizabeth had written it right after her kidnapping but this was done when she was already an adult and a decade had passed. There’s no deep insights or much new information and on paper Elizabeth does not communicate as well as in person. Her experience is worth to know, but objectively, as a piece of literature, this book is bad. I would suggest watching any of her interviews instead of picking up this (and definitely don’t get the audiobook because she’s not a good reader).
Waiting to be Heard by Amanda Knox: Now this is the complete opposite to Elizabeth Smart’s memoir. It’s a well written book that gives a very clear and thorough account of the ordeal Amanda Knox went through when she was accused and wrongly convicted of murdering her roommate Meredith Kercher in Italy. Amanda is very candid and represents herself very well, with a lot of material from the trial and details of her life behind bars. You can tell by this book that Amanda was a very naive, inexperienced girl who lacked self awareness. Even when writing this book she doesn’t seem to understand why her behavior was inappropriate and bothered the italian authorities, and while she doesn’t give a satisfactory explanation of why she involved Patrick Lumumba, there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s innocent of the murder and was horribly railroaded by unethical investigators, prosecutors and journalists, who built a case on nothing but a twisted fantasy. I imagine if you somehow believe she’s guilty (and I really would like to hear a good argument for that) this book would be extremely annoying to read, but otherwise you should add it to your list and expect to get your blood boil over the injustice. It’s scary to think that under the right circumstances anyone could experience what Amanda did. 
Never See them Again by M. William Phelps: A gripping account of the Clear Lake Murders, a massacre in 2003 in which four young people were gunned down in a house in Texas in the middle of the day by then 17 year old Christine Paolilla, a close friend of two of the victims, and her boyfriend. Phelps, an experienced writer that used to host the show Dark Minds, does it right and finds memorable characters to narrate his story through, including the victims (especially Rachel Koloroutis, whose family was clearly one of Phelps main sources), the main investigator and Christine herself. Christine’s life is well researched but even after you’ve read so much about her, she remains an intriguing figure. It’s clear that her self portrayal of a victim that got forced to commit the crime is a fake and she’s a master liar and manipulator, but it’s hard to know for sure what drove her to kill the two girls that had made efforts to improve her life. Like Edward Keyes in The Michigan Murders, Phelps also uses some fake names but only in witnesses and he lets you know when it’s a pseudonym, which I appreciated.
Law and Disorder by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker: Any book by John Douglas is worth the read, because not only he talks in depth about very interesting cases, but his perspective, whether you agree with it or not, is always well informed and fascinating. He makes an excellent writing team with Olshaker, who lets Douglas’ voice come through in a way that lets you know what kind of person he is through the pages. This book, the most recent he wrote, published in 2013, is no exception. Here he tackles famous cases of miscarriage of justice, from the Salem witch trials to Amanda Knox. It’s not always about wrongfully convicted people, he also talks about how some clearly guilty convicts abuse the justice system. Douglas talks about his views on the death penalty, which he’s in favor of although not a passionate advocate: he just believes that if the sentence exists, and is decided after a fair trial, the family of the victim has a right to see it through. His main point throughout the book is that a theory should never be above the evidence, meaning some investigators get so obsessed with trying to prove someone is guilty that they ignore the actual evidence and use only what fits their idea of how a crime was committed. He gives several examples, but I found the chapters on the JonBenet Ramsey and West Memphis 3 the most illuminating. Really, when analyzed by Douglas, an agent whose experience in crime is not to be dismissed, it sounds ridiculous to think the Ramseys killed JonBenet or that the WM3 are guilty. Even if you think they are, I would ask you to please read this so you can have a wider perspective. (I also got some mild pleasure at all the shade Douglas throws to investigator Steve Thomas, whose book on the JonBenet Ramsey case I reviewed here). However, I will say that if you’ve never read a Douglas book, this is not the one to start with. You should at least read Mindhunter first.
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celiarollins · 4 years
cheap homeowners insurance alabama
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :cheapinsurancequotes1.info
cheap homeowners insurance alabama
cheap homeowners insurance alabama Homeowners insurance companies offer a standard variety of discounts that can help you save on your monthly rate. There are several of them however that you may not get as many at once. Here are a few of the best homeowners insurance companies in alabama. It is crucial to pick a reputable company with good customer satisfaction and an excellent claims score. Finding the best homeowners insurance quotes is never easy, which is why we took the time to shop around for a policy from various companies. We selected companies that offered great coverage and good claims satisfaction profiles. When you are comparing home insurance rates from multiple companies, it makes it very important to understand what you would pay to insure a home. The cheapest home insurance in Arizona is $941. Arizona homeowners pay an average homeowners insurance cost of $1,851.89 per year. The national average annual costs are typically higher. The amount of homeowners coverage you should buy depends on how you purchase coverage and how much coverage you purchase as well as specific. cheap homeowners insurance alabama will cover your belongings for as long as you live, even for the length of the policy. This would seem to be about 30 years on average. There will usually be a deductible and you’ll likely have to pay the entire premium out of pocket. There could be additional discounts also. Most insurers offer a sliding scale, meaning if the insured party dies while the policy remains active this will show up as a “tax on risk.” Some companies may also charge a penalty, or may waive it altogether. The penalty will depend on the individual covered, with your insurer determining the cost. The penalty is calculated by the insurance company. It’s typically around 1 or 2 times your annual premium. The higher you are, the bigger the penalty is for every year you are liable for. When you’re buying a new home, do the average monthly homeowners insurance rate increase? The answer will be something for the future. A good policy provides better coverage for your home,. cheap homeowners insurance alabama auto insurance Insurance claims in state of Ohio were the highest in the nation, with insurance claims costs making up the state’s second least expensive state. understands you work hard for your money so, why spend more on your . Here is a list of some of the car insurance discounts that will help keep your hard-earned money in your pockets: Multi-car insurance discount Good student discount Military discount Car features discount Anti-theft discount Bundling your auto with home or renters Defensive driving discount Usage or low-mileage discount Senior citizen discount Mature driver discount Insurance discounts may vary by state so, contact us today to see if you qualify for any of these car insurance discounts! Driver Rating Best Rate Option Good driversAuto insurance discounts for drivers who meet certain requirementsAnti-theft discountCheap for running the clockArrange for hail stormProgressive security features.
Average cost of homeowners insurance in Alabama by company
Average cost of homeowners insurance in Alabama by company and city, and company wide. Rates and customer satisfaction vary by insurance carrier. A.M. Best Company ratings mean the company is likely to be around for a long time. For example, with very few claims it is likely that they will have a rating that is equal to least expensive, if it is their worst customer experience in at least 10 years. J.D. Power rating data shows them to be in excellent hands. They have a 1 out of 5 ranking based on the most customer service satisfaction rate in the country. The Best Company USAA GEICO Allstate Travelers State Farm American Family USAA offers the best combination of discounts that you need to save money. There are six levels each, and each one is tailored to your individual circumstances so you can choose which level of discounts you wish to purchase. Each discount is worth taking a look at because it will affect the price you will pay for your home insurance policy..
Most Affordable Cities for Homeowners Insurance in Alabama
Most Affordable Cities for Homeowners Insurance in Alabama Alabama homeowners insurance rates can vary greatly from city to city. Which cities to choose depends on the city in which you reside, as well as individual factors related to your home’s age, construction materials, and location. Furthermore, home cost estimates for Alabama may be impacted by the various risk factors specific to your town, such as the proximity of a fire department or insurance provider to your home. The following risk factors are common to Alabama home insurance quotes: A more immediate home area. Riskier neighbors, in more proximity to water sources, are more likely to file a claim against a home that has experienced damage caused by a natural disaster. Increased likelihood of theft. Homeowners are often required by law enforcement to have proof of insurance coverage by a signed declaration affidavit, which may or may not be the case with some other cities in Alabama. Largest insured guests on their homes. Most policies provide a $10,000/$15,000 marker for those who.
The Best Life Insurance Companies In North Carolina
The Best Life Insurance Companies In North Carolina In an industry trend that can take up two decades, there’s no doubt any company will be at first to provide life insurance to their clients in a competitive market market like the ones in the state of North Carolina. To have the top-of-the-line coverage you need. And to make the best value for you. With a national reputation of reliability and an A+ rating for financial strength, the nation’s top-rated insurance companies have a solid track record and are capable of offering this service even in a market with a bigger population coverage rate. One of the reasons it’s so great and especially affordable is how the clients are compensated, at the time, with life insurance. The average hourly rate for an employee or full-time employee, for an employee’s salary ($1,000) and someone else’s salary ($50,000) is $34.95. In the case of this report, $34.95 is $.
Common causes of home insurance losses in Alabama
Common causes of home insurance losses in Alabama include weather-related events, vandalism, or fire. If your home is damaged in an , it may be difficult to come up with money to replace the damaged contents. If an unexpected peril passes, payouts may be delayed. However, if you do not have coverage, it may be impossible to get back on your feet financially. While homeowners insurance is not required, many homeowners still recommend buying an insurance policy to protect against liability lawsuits in the event that you are legally responsible for one of your home’s components. The SimpleScore makes it easy to compare products and services featured here on The Simple Dollar in a transparent, open and honest way. We rate these products and services using five factors and average them to calculate a single SimpleScore. For auto insurance, we compare: You can read more about each factor and the details of each score in our . Use our ratings and editorial recommendations as you shop for the best auto insurance that fits your coverage needs. Car insurance rates:.
Best home insurance in companies in Alabama
Best home insurance in companies in Alabama, Arizona, California, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and Georgia. It is a reliable company, and the cheapest rates are found in North Carolina. It is often very expensive to get a quote from Farmers. is a popular Alabama auto insurance company, where customers are more likely than other companies to request cheap rates while they are still behind the wheel, by enrolling in a special car insurance policy. It also offers good auto insurance discounts in Alabama for drivers with good credit. State Farm is an all-around great insurance company for Alabama drivers, and we think that’s where it comes in. State Farm provides a wide range of discounts up to high-risk drivers, and auto insurance is available for vehicles with a good driving history, in-between cars, and with multiple claims in Alabama. In Alabama, State Farm offers liability auto insurance, with standard and supplemental coverage, and the Choice One Accident Policy. This policy will cover both physical damage to your vehicle and property damage in the.
Wondering how to get cheap Montgomery home insurance?
Wondering how to get cheap Montgomery home insurance? The average monthly cost of homeowners insurance in Montgomery is $89. Because homeowners insurance rates vary by state, it’s smart to check to see if your ZIP code has any special effects that could affect your homeowners insurance costs. To start, look at your policy limits. If your home is equipped with protective devices like smoke detectors, alarms, or deadbolt locks, you’ll want to see if you can save on your insurance premium by limiting the amount you have to pay each year. In other words, limit your premiums not to exceed the amount you have to pay each year. And don’t ever forget that your home is your most valuable asset, so don’t pay too much for insurance just because you hate having it. It may not be the coverage you actually need. We all like to save. So, how much does homeowners insurance cost? A lot. Talk to your insurance agent or go online. You can compare policies from a variety of insurers to get.
Alabama Home Insurance Premiums
Alabama Home Insurance Premiums. Homeowners in Arizona pay an average of $1,430, which is nearly $200 less than the national average. Homeowners in Tempe pay an average of $1,382, which is a wide range. Arizona homeowners insurance companies are required to offer this coverage, so make sure to compare quotes from several companies and consider the coverage you would like. Because of the high cost of home insurance, it is important for Arizona homeowners to request multiple quotes to get the best insurance rates after a claim. Make sure to consider the following estimated home insurance costs to provide you with a simple comparison: When searching for affordable home insurance in Phoenix, AZ, getting multiple home insurance quotes are a critical tool to help you find the company that provides the best value for coverage. Whether you rent, own, or have a mortgage on your home, knowing the insurance options available and saving money on auto insurance are a necessity. Homeowners insurance is required for every Arizona home because of the high probability of natural disasters.
The Best Homeowners Insurance Companies In Alabama
The Best Homeowners Insurance Companies In Alabama, and also provide some home insurance coverage options. Alabama drivers can also choose to upgrade their coverage limits and personal property values with comprehensive coverage and property-damage repair coverage, although it might not equal the amount paid in an average car insurance rate. The best Alabama home insurance coverage is with one of the many nationwide , as long as you know where and what to look for in your policy. Many insurance companies won’t write multi-policy policies because of the high financial risks for policyholders, but many companies will honor its policies. We took the time to explore every available policy, including coverage for renters, mobile homes, and manufactured homes, to help you get an idea of what to expect and what to avoid when you’re purchasing homeowners insurance in Alabama. We’ll help you find the best home insurance policy in Alabama. It’s not always the best insurance company. We evaluated many companies before settling on the one that provides the greatest value for your unique situation..
Insurance by state
Insurance by state and property in your state, and by ZIP code. We used The Zebra s analysis for the most cost and detail. To determine the average rates from three major insurers, we looked at data for drivers who have state minimum policy limits, fully-coversed and has comprehensive insurance (which covers you if your car is a total loss) and an at-fault driver who is uninsured/underinsured with: Below is a breakdown of the car insurance cost across all companies in our study. Your quotes will be different because some insurers provide insurance only for new drivers and our top picks have rates that don’t change that much in our study on minimum prices. This analysis looked at all insurance companies in the 50 U.S. states that didn’t provide minimum liability coverage, and ranked them based on their affordability, online resources and price, among other factors. We looked at policy options. To meet state, county and federal requirements, all insurers in all 50 states provided minimum.
Alabama Home Insurance Rates by Company
Alabama Home Insurance Rates by Company Insured: California Auto Insurance Comparisons Comparing Car Insurance Rates is easy with , a free quote tool that allows you to compare rates from multiple insurance companies at once. The tool will provide local and national insurers that quote you on several policies to get a quote for a new policy or for higher limits of coverage, like $300,000 in liability. To determine rates among auto insurers, we calculated 3.5 NerdWallet rating General Insurance Co. earned 3.5 stars out of 5 for overall performance. NerdWallet’s ratings are determined by our editorial team. The scoring formula weighs premiums collected from other insurers, including AAA, to compute the rating. Other factors analyzed include website transparency, financial strength, complaint data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and more. More about AAA auto insurance In addition to auto insurance, these insurers were also important to us: American.
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freehem-blog · 4 years
12 Ways You Can Absolutely Make Money Online
For many people, making money online would be an absolute dream come true. If they could find a way to make money with a website or some other online venture, they could quit their job to focus on entrepreneurship, spend more time with their family, and finally take back control of their time and their lives.
The crazy thing is, earning money online isn’t a pipe dream. I have been doing it for nearly a decade now with my website Good Financial Cents. I also know thousands of other people who are earning money online their own way with websites, courses, or unique marketing strategies.
Now, here’s the good news. The majority of online revenue strategies aren’t that complicated. Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You need to be willing to devote the time and energy required to get your idea off the ground, and you need grit to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start out.
If you’re angling to earn money online but aren’t sure where to start, here are several of the best and most realistic strategies to consider:
#1: Google Adsense
If you've visited any website, you've seen Google ads. These ads are everywhere, and for good reason. Not only are they easy to set up on any basic website, but they can be lucrative once your website starts bringing in a steady amount of traffic.
One of the cool things about Google AdSense is that it's so easy to get set up. If you have a blog or website, you can sign up for a free Google AdSense Account. From there, Google will give you a unique code that you will paste onto your website. Google takes it from there, tracking your page views, traffic, and earnings on your behalf. There is no upkeep or maintenance to get this thing going, which makes it a no-brainer if you have a website already.
How much will you make? I think my best month with Google AdSense was almost $5,000 over the last ten years. That amazing month blew my mind since it was actually near the beginning of my blogging journey. When you go from making zero to $5,000 in a month, that will rock your world. For me, it also got me even more excited because I knew there were other ways to monetize.
#2: Affiliate Marketing
Whether you have a website or are still dreaming up ideas for a blog, you can also look into affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you partner with brands and businesses within the content of your website. If you mention a product or service, you link to that produce or service using a unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that particular affiliate program. From there, you’ll make money any time someone buys a product or service through your link.
Generally speaking, you’ll want to partner with affiliates that are related to your blog concept. Since I’m a financial advisor, I have focused a lot of my affiliate energy on financial products like savings accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts.
In addition to signing up for individual affiliate programs, you can also sign up for an affiliate ad network that offers a ton of different affiliates in one place. That way, you can see what works and what doesn’t work over time.
If you’re looking for inspiration, my friend Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of the website Making Sense of Sense has become the expert on all things affiliate marketing. Michelle earns more than $100,000 per month from her blog and the bulk of her income comes from affiliate sales. Michelle has had so much success with affiliate marketing that she even has her own course called Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.
While Michelle works with a ton of affiliates in the financial services industry, one of her biggest affiliates is a blog hosting company called Bluehost. This just goes to show that you can make money with nearly any affiliate company or product if you know your audience and build up enough traffic to create sales.
#3: Consulting
Another way to make money online is via consulting. If you’re an expert in any field, you could potentially find people willing to pay you to counsel them on their personal or business goals. You might think you’re not important enough to consult for big companies, but you could be surprised at the types of expertise people will pay for.
My colleague Robert Farrington of The College Investor is a good example of someone who consulted online on the side in an unlikely industry. Robert told me that, after he had been blogging for a few years, a couple of brands reached out to him to ask him for help with social media and online marketing.
Robert said he did an average of 4-6 of these gigs per year for a while depending on his schedule and the work involved. The best part is, he charged a flat rate that usually worked out to around $100 per hour. And remember, this was pay he was earning to advise people on the best ways to use social media tools like Facebook and Pinterest to grow their brands.
If you want to start consulting but aren’t sure what steps to take next, you can also set up a free account through Clarity.fm. This website lets anyone who wants to offer consulting set up a free profile. Once your profile is set up, people will find you and book a session you’ll get paid for.
#4: Online Courses
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If you have any skill you can teach others, it’s also possible to set up an online course you can market online. You can find online courses that teach anything from cooking to marketing or even freelance writing. Heck, I even offer my own course for financial advisors who want to take their businesses online— The Online Advisor Growth Formula.  
Last year, I profiled my friend Joseph Michael of Easy Course Creation. Michael offers several different courses, including courses on a writing software called “Scrivener.” Over the years, Michael has earned six figures or more annually selling courses that help people achieve the kind of success he has earned.
Most people set up their online course through a platform like Teachable.com. With Teachable, you can upload your course materials and use the platform to manage customers and accept payments.
#5: Podcasting
Another way to make money online is by hosting an online podcast. I have the Good Financial Cents podcast to go along with my blog, and I use that platform to find new sponsors and advertisers all the time.
I still remember getting my first sponsor on the podcast and finding out they were willing to pay $8,000 for me to include a short clip at the beginning of each podcast for 90 days. That was insanely exciting to me at the time since I wasn’t sure I would be able to monetize my podcast that much at first.
However, there are tons of people making a lot more than me on their podcasts. Take the Entrepreneur On Fire Podcast hosted by John Lee Dumas. According to the show’s most recent income report, this podcast brought in a net income of over $400,000 in March 2018. Now, that’s crazy.
The key to getting ahead with podcasting is finding your niche, growing an audience, and then finding ways to monetize and connect with sponsors. This isn’t the easiest way to make money online since there are a lot of logistics that go into writing, recording, and editing a podcast, but it is still worth considering.
#6: Book Sales
While the publishing industry used to be heavy in print, you can complete the entire process of writing, publishing, and marketing a book online these days. Websites like Create Space will let you upload and take your book to print without getting a formal publisher involved, and you can even get your book on Amazon.com so people can buy it there.
A blogger I know named Joseph Hogue has a successful blog (My Work from Home Money) and a thriving book publishing business. Hogue has written several books he has published online to create an ongoing source of passive income. He says he averages about 685 books sold per month to bring in an average of $1,857 in revenue. Not bad, huh?
If you think you could write a book people would want to buy, this is a smart strategy to consider since the start-up costs can be minimal and you probably already have a computer and word processing software anyway.
#7: Lead Sales
Another way to make money online is by collecting leads. The main steps you need to complete to make lead sales work include setting up a website, getting traffic to that website, and making sure you’re collecting leads that someone will actually pay for.
Here’s a good example of how lead sales can work in real life: My second website, Life Insurance by Jeff, brings in a ton of traffic from people who are searching the web to find answers to life insurance questions. While I used to have the website set up so I could sell these people life insurance myself, it was a lot of work to process all the different requests and clients. As a result, I started selling the leads I gathered instead.
Basically, lead buyers are willing to pay for the personal information I gather from people who visit my website. This is a win-win for everyone since I get paid for the leads and my website visitors are connected with someone who can help them.
Keep in mind though, you can sell leads in many different industries —not just life insurance. Really, you just need to figure out a niche, build a website and traffic, and see how much you can get for the leads you collect.
#8: Freelance Writing
If you have writing skills and creative talent, it’s also possible to get paid to create online content. I don’t do this as much as I used to, but I am very aware of how viable this income stream is.
One blogger I know, Holly Johnson, actually makes over $200,000 per year creating content for other websites. And actually, that’s on top of the six figures she earns with her blog, Club Thrifty.
Holly told me she started writing content in 2011. At the time, she still worked a full-time job but created content online part-time to supplement her income. Over time, she was able to double and triple her rates until she could quit her full-time job to write. These days, she makes bank as a freelance writer and teaches others to do the same via her online course, Earn More Writing.
According to Johnson, the key to making it as a freelance writer is figuring out a niche, networking with people who might hire you, and delivering high quality content 100 percent of the time. While there are a ton of writing job boards to help you get started, she says it’s fairly easy to find starter writing jobs on websites like Upwork.com.
#9: Sponsored Posts
If you have a website or a large social media following, you can also make money by pursuing sponsored posts and ads. But, how does this work? Basically, companies are willing to pay bloggers and social media influencers to promote their products and services. If you have a platform, be it a blog or a huge Instagram following, you can cash in.
The first time I got a sponsored post for Good Financial Cents, I was totally blown away. I think I got paid only $100, but that was a lot of money to me at the time. Later on, however, I realized companies that wanted a sponsored post really just wanted a link from my website to their own site. For that reason, I started increasing my rates.
These days, I charge around $4,500 for a sponsored post. Plus, I clearly mark all sponsored content as an #ad to stay in compliance with Google’s terms and conditions. I also only promote companies I use or believe in.
But, I also know bloggers that get $20,000 for a sponsored post. That’s pretty crazy, but it just goes to show what is possible.
Keep in mind though, you don’t need a website to do sponsored content since you can also get paid if you have a lot of social media followers. My wife has a pretty big Instagram following, and she gets all kinds of sponsorships. Not only does she get paid in cash, but we get a lot of free stuff, too. We’ve received free rugs, free lights, and free carpet cleaners. She only promotes things she loves though, so this strategy works really well for her.
#10: Webinars
Need more ideas on how to make money online? Another strategy is using webinars to market your product, service, or course. I’ve done webinars to promote my financial planning practice and to drum up interest in my online course for financial advisors. With a webinar, you’re basically offering a lot of tips and advice for free — usually in a live format. At the end though, you pitch your paid product or service with the goal of securing a few deals.
Professional speaker Grant Baldwin uses webinars to market his courses on public speaking, including Get Booked and Paid to Speak. While Baldwin offers plenty of free tips during his webinar, he offers his course at the end for people who want to pay to learn more. And, a lot of times, his sales pitch works.
No matter what you’re selling, it’s not that hard to set up a webinar and attract people to sign up with a lead magnet or Facebook ads. Heck, you can probably find a free webinar on how to create your first webinar if you look hard enough.
#11: YouTube
YouTube is another platform that has made it possible for people to earn money online. There are a ton of YouTube channels out there on any topic if you can think of, and most of the people with a big following are earning some money in exchange for their videos and time.
Marine officer turned men's fashion expert, Antonio Centeno has built a million dollar business from his YouTube channel, Real Men Real Style.
Last year, Forbes profiled some of the biggest players in the YouTube scene. According to the study, the top ten biggest grossing YouTube stars brought in $127 million from June 2016 to June 2017. The most popular, a gamer named DanTDM, earned $16.5 million of that on his own.
Will you earn that much? Probably not. However, you can start making money via YouTube using the platform’s own ad network or by getting sponsored posts. If you like doing videos, starting a YouTube channel can a fun way to earn some cash on the side.
#12: Build an Online Community
Last but not least, you can also earn money online by building an online community, although the monetization strategies you can pursue will vary a lot depending on your goals. You can build a community with a blog, for example. You can also build an online forum and charge people for membership. You could even build up a Facebook group and use your influence there to sell and promote products.
My good friends Shane and Jocelyn Sams have become experts in building online communities.  They have one right now for their website – Flipped Lifestyle. This community shows people how to create an online business and connects entrepreneurs who are pursuing similar dreams.
Prior to that group, they had an online community for teachers looking for lesson plans. That probably sounds pretty random, but it's crazy the type of communities you can build and rally people around. If it's something that you're passionate about yourself and you want to connect with others that have that same passion, then an online community is something you should definitely consider.
The Bottom Line
There are a ridiculous number of ways to make money online and the ones I’ve covered here are just the tip of the iceberg. If you have time, a passion for almost anything, and at least some creative skill, you may be able to build an online income stream — or several — if you give it enough time.
But, don’t just take my word for it. If you look online, you’ll find thousands of success stories you can use for inspiration.
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brandimolitor · 4 years
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We are all born with an innate wisdom. An inner truth. A guide. Our inner voice. Our spirit. It’s the wisdom that finds joy in creativity, community, contribution, collaboration, and love. It’s the spirit that jumps in mud puddles without abandon, throws on whatever creative outfits we conjure up, sings loudly walking down the street, and feels cradled and cared for in the arms of nature. It’s the spirit that stops to curiously watch with awe a bee pollinate a flower, or a storm roll in, or loses herself in a grove of trees as they bend back and forth with the wind. She doesn’t think constantly if this is OK, or how horrible her body is, or if she is really loved.
Then we change. In time, our spirits get bullied, told they’re wrong, to be quiet, sit down, stand up, go over there, be more of this and less of that, be bold but not too much, be smart and talented, but stay humble. Fit in or get out. The spirit and its voice get stripped down and quieted, and a new self emerges. The social self that’s trained and also very smart. So smart, it has a way to get us through life fitting in without ever being really present. So smart is has us believe this is who we are, no questions asked. So loud and powerful, it takes over the inner spirit’s voice until it’s a faint, if barely heard whisper, no longer in the mind, but finding solace in the body. The new self wins. 
But the victory is not forever.
While our spirit is silenced, we feel a dull ache in our hearts. A longing we can’t put our finger on. The feeling is familiar, but we can’t define what it is. Somewhere between the two worlds of the external world and the world of the spirit, we live, in the static, in the noise. In this space, our lives are often uncomfortable, leading us to insatiable cravings we try to fill.
The discomfort manifests itself in to a belief that something is wrong with us. Never feeling satisfied, we get seduced by concepts and ideas and materials looking for ways to “feel good.” Subconsciously, we are seeking ways to drive down the longing and ache from the spirit’s desire to emerge.
In this time when our culture is undergoing a shift, the external world we relied so heavily on is changing course, we are at various stages of grief. Some are accepting, some are angry, some are still in denial, and some could be a combination of all depending on the day. The system of which the social self built itself around is a moving target - and our social self is freaking out. The spirit, though, is steadfast and vigilant, and remains the same. Depending on where we are in our social self conditioning, we could be tuning in to the delicate whispers, or living our truth inside the giant roars. Our longing could be heard and satisfied, could be slightly louder than the dull aches and mis-identified cravings, or buried so deep within us we are experiencing physical and emotional pain. Because our conditioning is, in fact, traumatizing to the spirit, leading to disharmony (dis-ease).
I lived most of my 20’s and 30’s in this chronic state. I was spirited and driven with passion and desire — yet the society in which I lived and created around me didn’t approve. I grew up in a home where perfection and achievement was demanded. I had to be perfect for the external world to accept me, decide my worth, tell me I was valuable, tell me what to do. For the next 2 decades I fought for approval and my self-worth to be determined by others. Seduced by concepts, programs, fancy and expensive coaches touting they could fix me, over and over - thinking this will be the thing that makes me better, this will give me value, this will “fix me” and finally that longing feeling will go away. I tried to drink it away, run it away, green smoothie it away, relationship it away, move to different places to get it to go away, followed entrepreneurs and leaders who I thought were guru’s or smarter than me, just to get the noise to stop, fought my way up business ladders to find peace, changed my appearance to change the inner noise, and spent it away. Up and down I went on various rides and extremes, when all along, rather than constantly attempting to annihilate the voice, I only needed to embrace her, and listen.
I learned in order to become free, I needed guidance and training from those skilled in this area to undo the conditioning. We can’t see what we’ve designed to presumably keep us secure and alive, and we can’t seek guidance from sources that knowingly or unknowingly are designed around quieting the inner wisdom desires — only adding more conditioning on to what society deems as “goals” and “achievements,” encouraging us to go for the new house, car, trips, luxury experiences and helping us build up the means to achieve, without ever doing the process work to uncover the longing.
At first I resisted doing this. It felt too woo-woo and icky. I felt far more comfortable setting weight loss goals and celebrating a big purchase to cover up the pain. How could something I spent the last 2 decades on learning to master (I had all this material I knew!!!) be off? I worked so hard at finding a successful woman’s way in this world. I thought.
When I surrendered and became willing, showing up as my own hero, and not waiting for someone else to save me, I was reminded that all the hurt was helping guide me back to my inner spirit, and by leaning in just a little, allowing my spirit to emerge, the deep longing began to heal. The cravings I had in which I convinced myself could only be satisfied by external things; money, relationships, clothes, status, material items, (the list goes on) were attempts at my social self looking to be loved and liked. When all along, I simply need to tune in to my spirit and say, “I love you, I hear you, and I haven’t forgotten about you.” And day by day, I show up, surrendering space and time to allow her to show up and participate. And day by day, I lean in to my community of truth seekers and spirit guardians to guide me home to her.
I want to remind you, the pain, craving, or longing you feel is information for you.
I want to remind you, life doesn’t have to be hard.
I want to remind you, when you listen to her whispers, and give her permission to be heard, to be herself (the one who takes deep sighs when you have a moment alone, or dances wildly when no one is around), she is actually a force for a greater good, to help you shine your light on the world, and heal the world around you.
I want to remind you, you are safe to come home now.
She is waiting. The world is waiting.
There is no greater force than a woman tuned in to her spirit. In life, and in business. We know intuitively we are capable beyond what we are currently doing. Leaders like us pave the way. When the world changes around us, we are the eye of the storm. We root down to rise up. There’s nothing “out there” even close to the spirit of an unleashed woman, and there’s no greater success in life than loving her.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
MCU: 10 Ways Pepper Potts Could Return In The Future | ScreenRant
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans were very explicit in naming Avengers: Endgame as their final movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the film itself made that clear by giving both of their characters definitive endings. Gwyneth Paltrow also said she was done with MCU appearances, having been playing Pepper Potts in the franchise since it all began with 2008’s Iron Man, but her character never got an ending like theirs. Paltrow has said that she might return and doesn’t want to close that door forever, so here are 10 Ways Pepper Potts Could Return To The MCU In The Future.
RELATED: The 5 Best (And 5 Worst) Couples In The MCU
10 A Rescue solo movie
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Even though Gwyneth Paltrow spoiled the fact she’d be getting her own Stark-built suit of armor on social media, it was still a delightful surprise in Avengers: Endgame when she arrived on the battleground. Her back-to-back fighting with Iron Man was one of the movie’s greatest moments. Although she isn’t named in the movie, her superhero name in this armor is Rescue in the comics. Paltrow has said she’s done with the MCU for now, but the right offer would surely bring her back, and a solo Rescue movie might be the way for Marvel to woo her back into the fold.
9 A triumphant return when Morgan Stark becomes a superhero
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One of the most shocking changes to the Avengers after the five-year time jump in Endgame was Tony Stark and Pepper Potts having a five-year-old daughter named Morgan. Although there is a character named Morgan Stark in the comics, that version is Tony’s male cousin, not his daughter.
RELATED: 10 Facts Behind The Making Of Avengers Endgame
So, there’s no template for the character from the source material. Still, there’s a good chance she’ll grow up to become a superhero, and when she does, a decade or so down the line in a Young Avengers movie or something, it would be great to see Gwyneth Paltrow make a grand return to the role of Pepper.
8 Mentoring Spider-Man
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Right now, it seems as though Spider-Man is out of the MCU for good, but some fans have been suggesting that this is all just negotiation tactics between Sony and Disney. This is a deal worth billions of dollars, so sometimes drastic measures are needed to shift a percent or two one way or the other. If this hope isn’t completely unfounded and there is a chance that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker will return for a third solo movie, he’ll need an adult mentor to continue the tradition. Since his original mentor was Tony Stark, it would make sense for Pepper to take that role at some point in the future. They can bond over their grief.
7 Introducing Bethany Cabe to the MCU
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When it was announced that Gwyneth Paltrow would be leaving the MCU and Iron Man’s fate in Avengers: Endgame was unknown, some fans hoped that it would lead to Bethany Cabe joining the MCU. Bethany was one of Tony’s other girlfriends in the comics, but she ended up taking on the Iron Woman mantle. Obviously, with Tony out of the way and Pepper still in the picture, her origin would need to be tweaked slightly, but Pepper is the best avenue for Bethany to make it into the MCU and become Iron Woman. Kevin Feige has already said that the focus of the MCU’s future is diversifying and bringing in more female characters.
6 A simple cameo appearance
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In a lot of Pepper’s most recent appearances in the MCU, it’s been a mere cameo. She had a few substantial scenes in Endgame, but between that and Iron Man 3, she forgot she was in some of them. She didn’t realize she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming, she didn’t realize Samuel L. Jackson was in the MCU – she hasn’t been heavily involved. If she comes back, it’ll probably be for another cameo appearance. She’s said she’s open to returning, but only for a one-day shoot: “Of course, if they said, ‘Can you come back for a day?,’ I will always be there if they need me.”
5 Giving Happy Hogan the promotion he wants
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There’s clearly still an appetite for Happy Hogan in the MCU, despite the death of his closest ally Tony Stark, based on the strong audience response to Jon Favreau’s self-deprecating scenes in Spider-Man: Far From Home (particularly in the museum scene when he tried to Frisbee a shield in the style of Captain America). So, as long as Happy is going to continue to appear – and it was mentioned in Spider-Man: Homecoming that he was after a promotion at Stark Industries – then there should be a way to get Pepper back into a movie alongside him. Stark Industries must factor into an upcoming storyline somehow.
4 Hank Pym or Reed Richards could study her Extremis infection
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One plot point from Iron Man 3 is finding its way back into the MCU’s ongoing narrative with the appearance of the real Mandarin in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, so maybe another one will be coming back, too. In the final battle of Iron Man 3, Pepper seemed to fall to her death in a fiery blaze.
RELATED: 10 Things The MCU's Fantastic Four Reboot Needs
However, since she had been infected with the Extremis virus, she emerged from the wreck with an orange glow and killed Aldrich Killian. Her Extremis infection hasn’t been mentioned since, but at some point, surely someone like Hank Pym or Reed Richards will be interested in it.
3 Appearing in an in-universe documentary
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When the characters are flying to Europe in Spider-Man: Far From Home, they browse a streaming service that hints at the in-universe movies in the MCU. There’s a documentary about Thanos’ genocidal finger-snap called The Snap, one about the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. called Hunting Hydra, one about Black Panther’s home nation called Finding Wakanda, and one about Tony Stark’s life called Heart of Iron: The Tony Stark Story. If the MCU is ever going to show us clips from any of these movies through the eyes of other characters, the best bet would be the latter – featuring an interview with Pepper Potts.
2 Introducing Norman Osborn to the MCU
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At the beginning of Iron Man 3, Aldrich Killian waltzed into the offices of Stark Industries to pitch the Extremis virus to Pepper Potts. Now, exactly how that factored into his plan or why he bothered to do it at all remains unclear, but what it did tell us is that as the CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper has a very important place in the story. She can take meetings with shady businessmen who turn out to be villains. And a shady businessman who turns out to be a villain fits the description of the character that MCU fans want to replace Thanos as the MCU’s big bad: Norman Osborn.
1 An A-Force movie
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Some fans may have called it pandering and others may have just plain objected to the idea of so many female superheroes in the same shot, but the truth is that on the whole, the “girl power” moment in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame inspired one of the strongest responses from the audience. There has since been calls for an A-Force movie teaming up all the awesome female heroes from the MCU. If this movie ever gets made – and there’s a good chance it will, since Brie Larson and Evangeline Lilly are both eager for it – it would be a no-brainer to bring back Pepper Potts and her Rescue armor.
NEXT: 10 Possibilities For Smart Hulk's MCU Future
source https://screenrant.com/mcu-10-ways-pepper-potts-return-future/
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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At the end of Anti-Sell, there’s a ‘Further Reading’ section, recommending a bunch of books that the reader can check out beyond mine. And even though it might seem like a really lazy rather ingenious copy/paste job from the book (), I thought it made a lot of sense to share it on here, too. Throughout the book I’ve mentioned numerous books and resources that can help you on your Anti-Selling journey. Here’s a list, with a bit more info about each of them, plus a few more for good measure. A quick note: None of these authors paid me a fee to be included, nor do I get a commission if you buy any of them. I recommend these books 100% wholeheartedly – because I actually really like them.* ReWork by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson ReWork is probably my favourite business self-help book of all time, and a big influence on Anti-Sell. Why? Because ReWork is also quite rebellious in nature: it goes against the grain of traditional business advice but makes excellent recommendations in spite of that. It was recommended to me by a client (thank you Scott of TestLodge!) and on the first listen (I bought the audiobook), I fell in love with it. While listening to it in the car, I used to scream “YES!!!” after sentences I agreed with – which happened a lot. And probably sounded weird if I had my car window open. But there we go. Some of its takeaways include: Other people’s failures are other people’s failures, not yours. So when people talk about the survival rate of freelancers, small businesses and startups, just remember: if other people fail, that doesn’t mean you will too. Plans should be called “guesses.” I remember freaking out when I had to put together a business ‘plan’ for some funding that I was seeking in the early days of freelancing (if I remember correctly, it was funding to cover my first year’s membership at my coworking space). How do I know how my business is going to do next year or the year after that? And that’s precisely the point. Call them guesses. To quote the book: “Start referring to your business plans as business guesses, your financial plans as financial guesses, and your strategic plans as strategic guesses. Now you can stop worrying about them as much.” Everything you do is marketing. This ties in very closely to the message of the book you are currently reading. Marketing isn’t defined by adverts and promotional materials – it’s literally everything you do. Every. Single. Thing. You. Do. Every email you send is marketing. Every invoice you send is marketing. Just because you’ve won a client, it doesn’t mean that the marketing stops there for them. Every action you take can leave an impression on someone – good or bad. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop there (not-in-the-book note: I actually wrote about my biggest takeaways from ReWork – including the above points plus more – on this very blog a few years ago: here’s the link). If Anti-Sell has resonated with you, and you haven’t yet read ReWork, pick up a copy. I’m sure it will resonate with you as well. While writing this book, Fried and DHH released a new book: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work, which – as you can probably guess from its title – addresses the sensitive subject of work-life balance. It’s worth checking out as well. > Buy ReWork on Amazon The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz The Pumpkin Plan is a special book to me. Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been running a small business for a while and you’ve hit a rut, there are some great tips in it. As mentioned in earlier chapters of the book, it has advice on: How to go niche when it comes to targeting clients. Creating your own Assessment Chart, which can be used to score clients on certain criteria, in order to help you to detect which clients are the best-fit for you (not-in-the-book note: I’ve blogged about the Assessment Chart over on State of Digital). Tactics for cutting bad-fit clients in a way that won’t cause any animosity, fallout or professional embarrassment. Mike also has another good book called Profit First, where he recommends paying yourself first before paying bills, whereas typically we do the opposite (we pay our bills and then keep what’s left over as profit, however big or small that amount may be), so it’s worth checking out what he has to say on that as well. > Buy The Pumpkin Plan on Amazon To Sell Is Human by Daniel H. Pink “We’re all in sales now.” In Chapter 2 of the book, I touched upon the phenomenon of the ‘‘typical’ salesperson, citing the movie Glengarry Glen Ross as a classic example. To Sell Is Human further investigates this somewhat old-fashioned stereotype, suggesting that salespeople of this nature are near-enough a thing of the past. If anything, we’re all in sales – especially these days. While we still have ‘obvious’ types of sales, such as the process of asking a client to give you money in order to provide a service in return, we might also conduct certain tasks or habits that may not seem like sales but totally fall under that category. In a broader sense, sales is the process of asking someone to part with their time, money or resource somehow, in order to get something back that benefits you. So in other words, sales is essentially the process of moving or persuading someone to take action. When Daniel conducted a survey asking people if they work in sales, he found that while one in nine people considered themselves a salesperson in the traditional sense, when it came to ‘non-sales selling’ or moving/persuading others, the ratio was much higher. If Chapters 2 and 3 piqued your interest especially, and you’re interested in learning more about how sales has ‘shifted’ in its meaning and behaviour in the last few decades, then To Sell Is Human is worth taking a look at. A lot of what Daniel covers is backed up by psychological studies, and the book even includes selling tactics such as mimicry, the best style of positive self-talk, and in which order you should appear if you’re part of a series of agency pitches and you want the best chance to succeed. It’s an interesting read. > Buy To Sell Is Human on Amazon Start With Why by Simon Sinek “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek’s TED talk covering this topic is the third most popular TED talk of all time, having been viewed more than 40 million times on the TED website. In Start With Why he explains that most people in business talk about what they do, before saying how they do it, then lastly say why they do what they do. He then goes on to argue that the most inspirational people and businesses – think Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright Brothers – start with why they do what they do, and then talk about the how and the what, i.e. the reverse of the usual order. Effectively communicating the “why” part of your core marketing message can make a huge difference on how you are perceived by others. > Buy Start With Why on Amazon Youtility by Jay Baer “Smart marketing is about help, not hype” – this is the core message of Youtility. The book starts off with Jay using a real-life example of a swimming pool installation business coming close to going under as a result of the 2008 economic downturn. In an attempt to drum-up more business, the owner started writing blog posts that answered frequently asked questions and also covered issues and problems that his customers often had to deal with. He literally sat down and wrote blog content covering every single possible question someone might ask him. Over time, his website became a go-to source for all help on swimming pool purchasing decisions, with some arguing that its popularity has made it the world’s favourite go-to source on the subject. His efforts led to more customers for the business, and he also found that it led to better educated, easier-to-sell-to and therefore easier-to-convert customers. The rest of the book explains how you can utilise Youtility – in the same way as the swimming pool business – and why it’s the best way to market yourself now and in the future. > Buy Youtility on Amazon The Highly Sensitive Person by Dr Elaine Aron and Making Work Work for the Highly Sensitive Person by Dr Barrie Jaeger I only necessarily recommend these books to people who resonated with the relevant subsection of Chapter 6 of the book. When I first discovered that I was an HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person), it was life-changing – not only because I felt like a freak growing up and thought that I was the only person who felt this way (these books revealed that this is far from the reality), but because Dr Jaeger’s book has a chapter in it that recommends self-employment as a viable career option for HSPs. And now I can confirm that he was right. > Buy The Highly Sensitive Person on Amazon > Buy Making Work Work for the Highly Sensitive Person on Amazon When compiling this list, I realised something really sucky: it’s a very white male list, with only one woman author included. So if you can recommend any sales or freelancing books written by women and/or minorities then please do let me know, as I would love to read them. You can contact me at SEOno.co.uk/contact, tweet me at @steviephil, or leave a comment below. * Ok, so while nobody paid/pays me to be included in this list, and they’ve all been included because I genuinely recommend them, each of the Amazon links in this post is an affiliate link, so I make a teeny-tiny commission if you do end up buying through them. That’s fair enough, right? I thought I’d best be honest and upfront about it just in case it were to cause confusion. Cheers!
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undefeatednils · 7 years
Just 13 YouTubers I Love
Internet videos: certainly the dominant kind of content I currently consume, and it’s one which allows for very diverse voices on different issues. So I wanted to showcase some YouTube channels which I watch, all of which are relatively unknown (all of them are below 200k subs, and only six of which are above 100k subs). Now please note that I can’t watch everything, so keep that in mind please. Anyways, I’m gonna sort them based on the subscriber count in ascending order. Enjoy!
#1: Laura Kate (aka Laura K Buzz)
Laura Kate’s channel isn’t super popular, but this video game journalist isn’t a complete unknown. She’s host or co-host on several podcasts, including The jimquisition Podcast, and has written for both gaming and general outlets such as Destructoid, Kotaku UK, and The Guardian. Her channel consists mainly of gameplay, though my favorites are her opinion pieces and news coverage. Oh and she recently started a podcast with the two girls from Geek Remix (you’ll hear more about them later; spoilers) talking about videogame-inspired pornography, which is super unique, tasteful, and fun. Bonus point: she’s an very out and proud transwoman in a cismale dominated landscape, so her presence is doubly welcome. And to be honest this is really just a big shout-out to her work overall and not only her YouTube channel, so... Check out her stuff.
#2: Jackson Bird (jackisnotabird)
Jackson Bird is a YouTube icon, despite his criminally low subscription count. He’s been active on YouTube over six years, mostly as a vlogger and both in front and behind the camera at the Harry Potter Alliance, but he has two other claims to fame: first of all there is his Grade A “why isn’t this a trend?” show Will it Waffle, where he tests if certain food items (and occasionally non-toxic non-food items) work if put into a waffle iron, and secondly he is an LGBTQ rights and education advocate for as long as he’s been on YouTube... Which makes a lot of sense for a bisexual transguy who’s been very open about his gender identity and transition. Overall his content (outside of his vlogs on his side channel) are a bit sporadic but definitely worth a look.
#3: rantasmo Three words: Needs. More. Gay. Rantasmo has been creating his little show on LGBT culture for over seven years now and it’s delightful and educational. In his videos, where he for instance covers topics like Game of Thrones, beards, Undertale, and The Wizard of Oz, he examines how LGBT people are portrayed and treated, what queerbating is, and lots more stuff. None of his videos are super long, like rarely do his videos last longer than 9 minutes, but they are still very entertaining and educational, so I highly recommend binging on a few of his more recent episodes to get you started.
#4: No Small Parts Productions I love watching movies and I presume you do, too. And occasionally you just notice either certain actors who you swear you’ve seen before but don’t know their name, or they just stand out in general but you have never heard of them. No Small Parts is a YouTube video essay series which covers exactly that. Run by bit-part actor Brandon Hardesty, No Small Parts provides lovingly crafted retrospectives on the lives and works on character actors. Thus far Hardesty has covered people like Crispin Glover, André the Giant, Darlene Cates, Scatman Crothers, and several others. It’s super fascinating, and all episodes are over 20 minutes long. He also has started to expand the channel to talk more about underrated movies and other related stuff, so it’s gonna be interesting to see how this channel develops. 
#5: rewboss
Andrew Bossom is a British man living in Germany... And as a German who is very much entrenched in the culture of the “traditional anglosphere”, that alone makes his videos appealing to me. Rewboss is a culture guy, and it shows. The German language, customs, travel destinations... He talks about it all and has been doing so for years. He originally even did half of his videos in German, but eventually dropped the habit because his German viewership didn’t really need it anymore. But anyways, Rewboss has been a YouTube educator for ages now, and he has even dabbled in helping other YouTubers, so a bunch of his older stuff might be of interest to you if you wanna get some basics in regarding the topic of online video. I’ve been a fan of his work for years and I think he deserves your attention, too.
#6: KyleKallgrenBHH (Brows Held High) My love for cinema is shining through again, this time with professional movie critic Kyle Kallgren, host of Brows Held High. Brows Held High looks primarily at arthaus movies, the avantgarde, the artistically noteworthy entries into the cinematic canon, though occasionally you also get William Shakespeare (basically every June), as well as yearly retrospectives and thematic analysis of both movies and occasionally other media like video games or theater. So if you are looking for very “high brow” stuff, Kyle is your man. Just be warned that some of the material he covers can be a bit NSFW visually and audibly, so keep that in mind once you tune into his work.
#7: Innuendo Studios
And we’re back at video games again, at least for the most part. Innuendo Studios, run by Ian Danskin, is definitely part of the more intellectual portion of this list but his videos are still very much approachable. Theories on authorship, genre death, the nature of coolness, and narrative are all explored here in a bunch of wonderful video essays ranging from short-ish to over an hour long, with that particular example being a series of videos about the psychology and history of Gamergate from a feminist point of view. The videos might be scarce but they are super smart and well-sourced. Dive in, you’ll definitely enjoy Ian’s work.
#8: Stop Skeletons From Fighting (formerly The Happy Video Game Nerd)
We all need positivity in our lives and SSFF is definitely the kind of positivity I think the video game crowd should try to emulate. SSFF is an examination of videos from a very critical but also loving point of view, looking at forgotten or maligned games and looking for what they can teach and what they did right and wrong; looking at certain aspects of video gaming history, including behind the scenes information... All that and more has been part of Derek Alexander’s work for several years now. If you wanna learn more about what makes good video games good and you do already watch Extra Credits, then do yourself a favor and check out Derek’s videos. I can also recommend his pre-SSFF stuff, back when he called himself the Happy Video Game Nerd, a character he created as a response to the negativity-focused reviewer culture during YouTube’s early days as exemplified by the Angry Video Game Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic, though of course those videos are relatively ancient. #9: Jenny Nicholson Confession time: about seven years or so ago I was quite into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was a good show back then and I was always a sucker for fun musical numbers, so it was a nice fit (plus I didn’t know how toxic the brony subculture was becoming so that didn’t hamper my enjoyment of it). But anyways, I actually stumbled across Nicholson for the first time during that time period because she was making an abridged series of MLP: FIM called Friendship is Witchcraft, which was and IMO still is hilarious. She voiced all of the female characters (except Celestia), and when Hasbro was putting an end to it via copyright strikes, I lost sight of Nicholson... But earlier this year I rediscovered her and her wonderful, wonderful snark. If you enjoy nitpicking apart blockbusters, especially Star Wars, then Jenny is your gal. She could give screenwriting classes, her stuff is that good and funny. She’s also recently been hired by ScreenJunkies to host the Star Wars-centered Millenial Falcon, which I also recommend if you love the old SW like myself. Also we have officially passed the 100k subscriber threshold, so we’re talking about the popular kids now! #10: hbomberguy British people are inherently funny- and smart-sounding, even though most aren’t (I’m sorry British people; feel free to make as many Germany-bashing jokes as you’d like). But hbomberguy definitely is both smart and funny. Whether he is talking about (British) politics, responding to YouTube “skeptics” or MRAs, or ranting about media for hours, he’s always a joy to watch and hear. Probably one of my favorite videos of his is his almost two hour long masterpiece “Sherlock is Garbage, And Here’s Why”, in which he finally managed to put into words why Sherlock’s fourth season was the worst and why Moffat is just a horrible, horrible showrunner including on Doctor Who, which is something that has hampered by enjoyment of Doctor Who and I was’t even fully aware of it and can finally express myself on this topic the way I’ve been wanting to for ages, and that should be enough of an endorsement from my end.
#11: Folding Ideas Dan, the Foldable Human, is an expert on editing, working behind the scenes in the movie industry, how YouTube works, and how culture shapes media. I honestly can’t even summarize this channel even further because I’ve hit the nail on the head and just want to you watch this Canadian guy and hear him talk about mostly movies. “The Art of Editing and Suicide Squad” is a very good starting point in his videography, close to 1 million views, and it is everything you need to know about this channel in a 35 minute long package. Just check out at least that video and if you like what you’ve seen, dig deeper. You most likely won’t regret it.
#12: Lindsay Ellis (The Nostalgia Chick) We have reached “the big ones”! Lindsay Ellis has been in online video for almost a decade now and she has mastered the art of the video essay. She’s been looking at media from a feminist perspective for ages now and her body of work speaks for herself. 90-ish episodes of The Nostalgia Chick, 23 episodes and counting for Loose Canon, where she examines how different characters have been portrayed throughout the years, thus far nine long-form video essays, and her recent series The Whole Plate, where she covers the basics of film studies by looking at Michael Bay’s Transformers. Check out her stuff, I implore you. You will spend hours watching her content and learn so, so much!
#13: Geek Remix (Mari and Stacy)
You love fun let’s plays hosted by several people but think that there should be more women doing so, too? Me, too! And that means you’ll probably enjoy Geek Remix, aka Mari and Stacy, who are two lovely ladies playing so many games! Night in the Woods, Dragon Age Inquisition, Resident Evil 7, Life is Strange, Contradiction: Spot the Liar, and so many more. Otherwise you can also expect theory videos, conversations about human sexuality, easter egg listings, and a lot of other fun stuff on their channel, which with about 147k subs is definitely the most popular channel on this list. Special shoutout to my friend @hella-flawless-amythyst who introduced me to them, so if you get sucked in by Mari and Stacy’s charm, you can “blame” her, too (if you actually blame her I will hunt you down though). So... That was my list. Lots of stuff on there, sadly nothing music-related if you were looking for that (but if you speak/understand German, I highly recommend Bina Bianca, who is just adorable and is an honorable mention), but I hope that you’ve found a channel or two that might interest you. This took ages to write, by the way xD
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douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years
Ibm's blind spot. I never know who to use. By the time you get throngs of geeks. Fortunately, I can tell, is the group within companies that buys other companies. For better or worse than the past? When you decide what the value of whatever you launch with is as a guide to strategy, and one version is much shorter. When I was in school, writing a prototype of something that could be a useful quality in programming. But Dropbox was a much better deal for them to decide to go to school, which makes software free; the Web, became popular first within CS departments and research labs force hackers to be scientists, and companies will arise to supply payment and streaming a la carte to the producers of drama. Every check has a cost.
And so in starting a company that could get annoying—but you should never shrink from it if it's on topic in the sense that all you have to know about those in a startup run by a couple of founders who have some great idea they know everyone is going to ask if any of the software. There was another speaker who was much better than random. Sometimes the current even starts to flow in, so you'd have security as well. That seems unlikely, because you'd also have to make it harder to engage with an audience. You can do that. Great hackers also generally insist on using open source software that anyone can use for future rounds. In the real world, it's generally the result of making tokens case sensitive; the Plan for Spam filter wouldn't have caught it.
It's important to realize that it was not till I was in college I imitated the pompous diction of famous professors. The first essay of his that I read was so electrifying that I remember exactly where I was materially much better off than I am now, I'd say that yes, he was before he became a professor at MIT. They started almost as a contract programming operation, and the answer is simply that there's so much of a threat. Tell them that valuation is not the thing itself, but it happens surprisingly rarely. Everyday words are inherently imprecise. So when I hear the RIAA and MPAA accusing people of stealing music and movies. We wouldn't be doing low-level stuff like allocating memory. Ask anyone who's done it. I should probably have been better just to teach them about startups if they were merely hiring people. If people get right to work implementing ideas instead of reading other people's. Sometimes, like a student who hasn't prepared for an exam.
The only way you're ever going to be a hot deal—they can pretend they just got distracted and then restart the conversation as if they'd been more careful about drawing conclusions based on what the characters said and did the subtler clues, the better. The resulting technological growth translates not only into wealth but into military power. Most hackers' first instinct is to avoid situations where inexperience may make you look foolish. Over-engineering is poison. So if you're doing really badly, meaning the company is just a starting point—not a blueprint, but a difference in how things feel within the company. One place this happens is in startups. The best investors aren't influenced much by the opinion of other investors. As governments got more powerful, until now the most advanced of them are run by product visionaries, and empirically you can't seem good without actually being good. There's no difference in the way. A round, unless you're in a powerful position. Simple as it seems.
I'd say that yes, he was listed as an inventor on the patent Yahoo sued over—so perhaps there was something personal about it. It seemed as if there were zero risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases are just as much time just thinking as I do that the main purpose of a PhD program is to start with what goes wrong and try to predict whether people would have done better to spend those millions improving their software. Don't try to start the kind of possibility that the to-do list is itself a form of evolutionary pressure. When John Smith finishes school he is expected to rise each time it raises money. For describing pages, we had to write about English literature—to decide which we prefer. And more to the point that there is some speed limit to the amount of work you have to do. But they'd be bad at picking startups. And so if you want to make it interesting. Henry Ford realize that networks of cooperating companies, you have to go out and get each new group and she didn't ask many questions. Good design happens in chunks.
I can type, then spend several weeks rewriting it. When you use time that way, and how much it matters that it's broken. David Hornik, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, Peter Norvig, Lisa Randall, Emmett Shear, Sergei Tsarev, and Stephen Wolfram for reading drafts of this. At Y Combinator we measure growth rate per week, partly because there was a strong middle class—countries where a private citizen could make a large number of small ones. And so good writers just you wait and see who's still in print in 300 years are less likely to depend on this year's revenues, and the best research solves problems that are, without realizing it, imitations of whatever English professors had been publishing in their journals a few decades before. I could go back and look at growth numbers. But there is a second much more common one.
Most intellectual dishonesty is unintentional. Think about your own. It's not literally true that you can easily get lost if you talk too loosely about very abstract ideas—they continued to fall into place. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, says the New York Times front page. Early union organizers made heroic sacrifices to improve conditions for workers. You never do your best work in a big company, it's good for smart kids to be as big a problem as big as Google might well get it wrong. I mean by habits of mind to do great work. This essay focuses on phase 2 fundraising consists of presenting a slide deck in person to collect a check. The right way to search for information using something like that. Institutions are made up, you can see where the conclusion comes from. But search traffic is worth more.
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online insurance quote with infinity
0 notes
A sneak peek into the Indian Real Estate Industry — 2020
With the government’s constant support and schemes along with people’s buying capacity, the real estate industry has witnessed a boom over the last decade. Real estate sector in India is expected to reach a market size of US$ US$ 1 trillion by 2030 from US$ 120 billion in 2017 and contribute 13 per cent of the country’s GDP by 2025. Retail, hospitality and commercial real estate are also growing significantly, providing the much-needed infrastructure for India’s growing needs.
Sectors such as IT and ITeS, retail, consulting and e-commerce have registered high demand for office space in recent times. Commercial office stock in India is expected to cross 600 million square feet by 2018 end while office space leasing in the top eight cities is expected to cross 100 million square feet during 2018–20. Gross office absorption in top Indian cities has increased 26 per cent year-on-year to 36.4 million square feet between Jan-Sep 2018. Co-working space across top seven cities has increased sharply in 2018 (up to September), reaching 3.44 million square feet, compared to 1.11 million square feet for the same period in 2017.
The Indian real estate sector has witnessed high growth in recent times with the rise in demand for office as well as residential spaces. Private Equity and Venture Capital investments in the sector have reached US$ 4.1 billion between Jan-Nov 2018. Private Equity and Venture Capital investments in the sector have reached US$ 4.1 billion between Jan-Nov 2018. Institutional investments in India’s real estate are expected to reach US$ 5.5 billion for 2018, the highest in a decade.
According to data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the construction development sector in India has received Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflows to the tune of US$ 24.87 billion in the period April 2000-June 2018.
Some of the major investments and developments in this sector are as follows:
New     housing launches across top seven cities in India are expected to increase     32 per cent year-on-year by 2018 end to 193,600 units.
In     September 2018, Embassy Office Parks announced that it would raise around     Rs 52 billion (US$ 775.66 million) through India’s first Real Estate     Investment Trust (REIT) listing.
New     housing launches across top seven cities in India increased 50 per cent     quarter-on-quarter in April-June 2018.
In May     2018, Blackstone Group acquired One Indiabulls in Chennai from Indiabulls     Real Estate for around Rs 900 crore (US$ 136.9 million).
In     February 2018, DLF bought 11.76 acres of land for Rs 15 billion (US$ 231.7     million) for its expansion in Gurugram, Haryana.
Road Ahead
 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given its approval for the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) platform which will help in allowing all kinds of investors to invest in the Indian real estate market. It would create an opportunity worth Rs 1.25 trillion (US$ 19.65 billion) in the Indian market over the years. Responding to an increasingly well-informed consumer base and, bearing in mind the aspect of globalisation, Indian real estate developers have shifted gears and accepted fresh challenges. The most marked change has been the shift from family owned businesses to that of professionally managed ones. Real estate developers, in meeting the growing need for managing multiple projects across cities, are also investing in centralised processes to source material and organise manpower and hiring qualified professionals in areas like project management, architecture and engineering.
The growing flow of FDI into Indian real estate is encouraging increased transparency. Developers, in order to attract funding, have revamped their accounting and management systems to meet due diligence standards.
Real estate sector in India is expected to reach US$ 650 billion and its share in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected increase to 17 per cent by 2040. Emergence of nuclear families, rapid urbanisation and rising household income are likely to remain the key drivers for growth in all spheres of real estate, including residential, commercial and retail. Rapid urbanisation in the country is pushing the growth of real estate. More than 70 per cent of India’s GDP will be contributed by the urban areas by 2020.
About Coimbatore and the best places to buy an Apartment here…
Do you know Coimbatore is one of the fastest growing tier II cities in India? Yes, according to a recent survey the city offers immense opportunities to the striving, fast-moving Indian. The city has started growing fast in recent times and is now considered as an Industrial hub. It is known for its textile industries, cotton material manufacturing, software industries, and BPO outfits as well as auto-parts industries. Many economic developments in the south are directly associated with this city. The second largest city in Tamil Nadu, it attracts businesses, entrepreneurs, investors & working professionals from all over the country.
The city has got its 8th position among the first batch of the 20 smart cities in terms of implementing and completing projects under the smart city mission. Chennai is at the 17th position.
Many have the opinion that Coimbatore would be considered as the smartest City in India shortly.
Moreover, the city has a pleasant climate pretty all throughout the year excluding the summer season. This pleasant climate is the main attraction and gives a badge of pride for the city.
When comparing Coimbatore and Chennai, mid-career people always prefer Coimbatore. In the latter one we can expect good growth but have to sacrifice with its year-round sultry weather.
One more interesting fact about the city is its centralized location. Most of the people prefer a life in Coimbatore. Why? It is centered in the middle of some major cities like including Chennai, Bangalore and Kerala. One can easily reach those locations within 8 to 9 hours.
Coimbatore has so much to explore around. There are many temples, malls, waterfalls, and many more.
Brookfields Mall- a lot of stores to shop from.
Fun Mall — again shopping
Prozone mall- more shopping
Marudamalai temple- divinity
Isha yoga centre- peace
Kovai Kutralam- cold water
Thirumoorthi Hills- divinity and falls
Ooty- just a few hours travel and reach the best place to explore
Which is the best place to buy apartments in Coimbatore?
Due to its economic progress and owing to its selection as a soon-to-be-developed ‘smart city’, Coimbatore’s real estate prospects have also rapidly developed, and one can now find a plethora of apartments and gated communities in Coimbatore to cater to every requirement and budget.
While the city offers many luxury apartments in Coimbatore as well as villas and bungalows, living in the city comes with its fair share of drawbacks. To those looking for something off the beaten path, the kalapetti area is proving to be the best place to buy apartments in Coimbatore.
With the presence of many reputed schools, colleges, institutions, banks, supermarkets and banks it is far from a typical ‘small-town’. In fact, it is the ideal place to live and develop a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Why are we giving most importance to Kalapatti?
There are also some places in Coimbatore like R.S. Puram, Avinashi Road, and Race Course are too costly to spend in buying home if your looking in a budget level then investing your money places like Avinashi Road, Saravanampatti, Mettupalayam, Kalapatti textile city Coimbatore would be more profitable.
So Kalapatti is one of the places which we would prefer to invest money to buy an Apartment or to live in a rented Apartment. Most of the people wish to buy 2 BHK apartments and 3 BHK apartments in this area , as it is near to Coimbatore airport. 
Kalapatti is a pleasant place and a fastest growing area in Coimbatore.
Famous IT companies like KGISL, Cognizant and Angler technologies located near to Kalapatti.
Talking about the road transport this location is well connected the major highways Sathy road and Avinashi road at SITRA junction and most of them use this road to reach Ooty.
Third most good about this place is it is far near to International Airport you can reach in Minutes without facing heavy traffics.
Talking about Famous Schools and Colleges two high-quality International schools which includes NGP International schools and Anan kids academy are here. Few of the famous colleges are Park Global College, PSG Arts college, Dr N.G.P Arts and science college and Suguna polytechnic institutions.
Multi-speciality hospitals named KMCH, Aravind Eye hospital and Lotus Eye Hospital are available near Kalapatti road.
Famous Restaurants may be Chillum cafe, Curry factory and 10 Downing street. Lots of famous restaurants and coffee shops are available near Kalapatti road where you can grab a bite of your favourite dish and sip a coffee with your family.
For entertainment you can visit Prozone Mall and the Fun Republic mall is located near to Kalapatti with your Family.
So these are some benefits to this location.
And the demand for property in this location is much high and also the resale value of this property will also be a good investment in return.
Most of the famous builders are located here on Kalapatti to satisfy their customers’ demands. Few apartments that are in the area includes Mount Rain Drop, Shukran Villa Park, Omsai Villa Park, Omsai Villa Park, KR Villa Park, Mahalakshmi Garden and Maple Garden.
Mount Raindrop — Coimbatore’s Largest Green Home Community is a signature luxury project from Mount Housing. What makes every home at Raindrop a stunning success is its artful incorporation of nature’s elements and aesthetic, architectural genius, seamlessly blended with a host of superior amenities. So be it an exclusive 10x10 feet botanical balcony featuring drip irrigation, a lush-green 50% open area across the project or refreshing springs, water spouts, magical fountains, every home at Raindrop is a perfect blend of eternal luxury, comfort and delightful enchantment.
Another best place to buy apartments at Coimbatore is Peelamedu. A number of projects are coming up within a few km radius of hope college junction. This area is quite near to nice schools, colleges, healthcare institutes, malls, shopping areas etc. Reputed builders are offering apartments here, and many are ready to occupy. Cost is also reasonable.
Next time when you are planning to buy an apartment in India thinks about buying one in Coimbatore.
0 notes
thesleepstudies · 6 years
Most comfortable air mattress
The list of our picks for the most comfortable air mattress is based on firsthand experiences from both our in-house testing, that the far future that’s testers and statistical analysis of over 40,000 owner experiences from 6 separate sources.
It’s envisioned to separate the wheat from the chaff and spare you what will likely be days of research.
So far, we have analyzed over 130 products in this category. In this guide, we narrow it all down to 8 products with highest comfort ratings.
Most comfortable air mattress - top 8
Most comfortable air mattress overall - Cloud 9
The Cloud 9 has been dominating the comfort category for 8 updates now, which is an equivalent of 16 months since we update bi-monthly.
It’s fair to say that the company behind it (SoundAsleep) changed the landscape of the industry a few years ago by introducing their staple model, the Dream Series (which also made it to this list, you’ll see it as our 3rd pick).
They built on that success by taking the time to design a product that includes pretty much every feature that makes an air mattress comfortable. The one feature that changes the game is the smart pump.
Current comfort ratings: 98/100
What makes it more comfortable?
Comfort is a more intricate category with inflatables than regular mattresses.
It goes beyond how well the bed feels, and it’s more about the balance between core support, air retention and weight distribution of the top layer.
In our stats, we have seen a very low air leak incidence %s. More importantly, even if there is a pinhole leak, you would never notice it because of the smart pump equipped with pressure-drop sensors. It turns on automatically when the sensors are triggered.
In concept terms, this kind of pump is not revolutionary, there a few major manufacturers that use similar technology, but we found the smart pump of the cloud nine to be more efficient, quieter and overall more seamless.
This kind of comfort comes with a slightly higher price tag but, in our opinion, it’s worth every cent.
The owners club nine seem to agree with us since the owner satisfaction is an unparalleled 93%.
The small percentage of new owners who are not satisfied with the Cloud 9 can always claim the 1-year warranty - something you don’t commonly see in the industry.
See what owners are sharing about Cloud 9 on Amazon here
Runner-up - Lazery Sleep
In terms of design, the Lazery sleep is pretty similar to the two models from SoundAsleep.
The appearance similarities are not where it ends, we’ve also seen similar stats in a few other categories – from the thickness of the vinyl, the performance of the support core to the warranty terms.
We gave the Cloud 9 a slight edge because of the smart pump & the way the top layer distributes weight.
Pump aside, the design of the top with Lazery is akin to that of the Dream Series. The internal coils run top to bottom.
We feel that the side-to-side top chambers create a slightly more cradling for the sleeper.
On the other hand, there is the fact that Lazery costs a bit less and comes with a remote control with 7 firmness settings compared to 3 of the Cloud 9.
Dream Series
We already mentioned this product a few times, and it’s well-deserved. As we said, it’s the airbed that re-vamped the competition in the industry.
When it hit the market in 2013, it did so with a bang. It quickly became by far the most popular among new owners. Looking back to those days, we weren’t sure how well it would stand the test of time.
We had no doubts about that now, the consistency of high comfort ratings (among others) resulted in this bed steadily holding one of the top spots pretty much every quality category that matters.
Who will choose it?
The main difference between this bed and the upgraded Cloud 9 is the pump. This one comes one classic built-in vs. two pumps on Cloud 9 (the main one and the smart for pressure retention).
This would make it more of a difference if the number of air retention issues was significantly higher – this would compromise the overall quality.
Bottom line – the decision will come down to whether you think the smart pump of the Cloud 9 adds enough value to justify the higher price tag.
Comfortable air mattress for outdoors & camping - our 2 picks - Coleman Cot & Coleman SupportRest
For outdoors and camping, we have a tie between two Coleman models. Both rated at 90/100 in comfort.
The difference between the two is obvious. The cot is pretty much the closest you can get to the stable, yet snug feel of your home bed on a camping site, but it’s also bulkier and takes up more and more space in the trunk.
However, the inflatable part detaches from the cot, and the two can be used separately - you can decide whether to pack the whole thing for a camping trip or the inflatable part only.
The versatility is also a significant factor should you decide to take the inflatable out on the camping site carry it on a day-hike.
Among the classic high-rise designs, we're choosing the Coleman SupportRest. This airbed type is where the competition was the closest and subjectivity played a role - we’re giving the minor advantage to the time-tested classic.
A choice for those who prefer firmness and support
Comfort means different things to different people.
It’s a cliche, but we don’t shy away from it, because it’s true. Including this model might be counter-intuitive because a common complaint about it is that it’s too firm.
That’s precisely the reason why we decided to list it as an option for those whose sweet spot of comfort is different, like people with back pain problems.
It might be confusing so let’s take a moment to explain. The firmness comes from the sturdy layering of the vinyl (strengthened by a layer of nylon).
The included topper balances well with the firmness and keeps the spine of the sleeper aligned.
Comfort Anywhere
by Aerobed
If you’re not a fan of the look and feel of classic models, this headboard design might catch your eye.
It’s equipped a with powerful internal pump operated by and corded remote.
At first glance, one might expect a higher price tag, which is not the case. It’s conservatively priced product from a reputable company.
It also might seem more intricate to operate (inflate/deflate). Again, that’s not the case, especially deflation part. It features what’s known in the industry as a Woosh valve that deflates it in mere seconds.
King Koil
We said it a few times; the industry has seen some significant changes over the last few years. The good news is that the changes are for the better.
This comfy airbed is a part of that new wave of products we keep mentioning.
It’s earned its place here for 3 reasons:
Consistently high ratings over the past year
The percentage of owners who have nothing but praise for it
Being the only product here comes in California King
If we’re talking about popularity patterns and bank for your buck, it’s following the footsteps of the highly acclaimed Dream Series.
It’s fair to say that it’s a “young” product. Our stats include what we call a “maturity adjustment factor.” We have it in place so that only time-tested, proven products make it to our list of recommendations.
Based on everything we’ve seen so far, this competitively-priced bed has “arrived,” and it’s here to stay.
Recognizing comfort
The remaining part of this guide is dedicated to reference information about comfort. We’ll go over some reference information, starting from what comfort used in the industry to how it changed over the decades, especially in the last few years.
Superior comfort of air-coils vs. beams
Based on how the core is put together, one can crudely group all the models into two groups – those based on beams and those based on chambers.
It’s the evolution of the latter made of the difference. A chambered core is not new per se; it has been around for long. However, it did significantly change for the better.
It happened in a few aspects that improve on the comfort:
A higher number of chambers that to her better weight distribution and keep the sleeper more comfortable
Better craftsmanship and materials that resulted in lower numbers of air leaks
But first things first, let’s go back to the beam designs.
Today, majority of companies are moving away from this kind of inner structure in favor of chambers.
Beams are somewhat inferior in the way they distribute weight and support the sleeper.
A typical bed based on beams has one or two layers of long, one-piece air beams that run either top to bottom or side-to-side.
You’ll find these in the lower price range, which is only natural because they’re cheaper to make.
The downside comes to two things:
Sub-par support, and indirectly sub-par comfort they lack structural integrity. To be more explicit, it’s easier for these to give in under the weight of the sleeper’s shoulders and hips. The result is an arched spine.
A lower number of support points means more stress and pressure on the connections, which increases the risk of air loss. To put it simply, there’s a higher chance of waking up to a half-deflated bed.
Even the brands that still rely on this design have changed it to address these issues.
An excellent example of that is Intex with their new Durabeam fiber tech series. They kept the beams but connected beams by using high-tech fibers that don’t stretch – the company calls them fiber tech.
The primary role of these fiber connections is to minimize relative movement between the beams and stabilize the bed.
You’re probably noticing a pattern here - many of the improvements address the stability.
The 3 Ss of Comfort - sliding, swaying and sinking
From a layman’s perspective, improving the comfort would probably be limited to making the surface cozier and softer by adding a layer of foam.
We have seen this in the industry, but in the long term, it doesn’t do much if you don’t address the structural integrity.
The three Ss we mentioned above (sliding, swaying, sinking) all refer to the structural component of comfort.
Sliding used to be a common issue – the bed not staying in place because the bottom surface is too slippery. In other words, it’s the lack of friction between the bottom layer of the vinyl and the floor.
In modern products, sliding is addressed by using different kinds of material for the bottom – materials with higher friction that keep the bed and place. Different brands have different names for these materials (sure-grip, non-slip, etc.) but most of the time, it’s all based on the rubberized bottoms.
Swaying is the term that describes the sideways movements - relative position between the top and bottom.
If you’ve slept on an air mattress of inferior comfort, you might know what we’re talking about. It’s that wobbly feel that makes it difficult to switch positions because the chambers underneath you are not sturdy enough.
With modern inflatables, this comfort aspect is addressed in a few ways:
Strengthening the vinyl or even using a thicker material for the sides
Using vertical air coils instead of beams
Improving the connections in the core
Sinking is probably the paramount among the 3 Ss. Based on the polls that we’ve conducted over the years, it’s the one comfort aspect commonly mentioned is a difference between an inflatable and a classic mattress.
The term is pretty self-explanatory and has everything to do with spine alignment and sinking of the hip and shoulder area.
Apart from the direct connection to structural integrity, sinking is closely related to the ability of your bed to maintain your preferred firmness.
Even if everything else perfectly crafted, if the bed loses air, you or your guests are unlikely to sleep comfortably.
Apart from the improvements in the materials used, companies addressed the issue is by introducing smart pumps.
To be precise, these mattresses have a two-part inflation system. The main and the secondary pump that silently adds air through the night.
Type of vinyl as a comfort factor
With the new arrivals and an increasingly competitive market, we’ve also seen improvements in the kind of materials used.
Back in the day, the materials were similar to that of the beach Lilo, only thicker. Those days are gone.
Today, it’s hard to find the company or a product that hasn’t improved in this area. You can see straightforward approaches (like merely making the material thicker) to more elegant solutions, like multilayer materials. All of these have a significant impact on the 3 comfort aspects we analyzed.
Toppers and pillow tops
This is probably the most straightforward approach. In our opinion, just slapping a topper or a pillow top layer on a bed doesn’t do much on its own if the overall comfort isn’t there.
It is, however, a nice finishing touch to everything we talked about thus far.
Summary, updates and our giveaway
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The Sleep Studies team
The following article Most comfortable air mattress was first published to www.thesleepstudies.com
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