#when we had the senior crab dinner when i was in high school one guy ate like 55 crabs
outofcontextdiscord · 5 months
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nancypullen · 1 year
Valentine’s Day
If you know me, you know that I don’t get excited about Valentine’s Day.  Scheduled affection is not my bag.  I’m fortunate to be married to a very romantic guy, so I feel loved every day.  Don’t get me wrong, I will celebrate the heck out of it - usually because it means chocolate and/or a meal that I didn’t cook.  I was a big fan of February 14th back in elementary school when we’d make mailboxes out of decorated Captain Crunch or Frosted Flakes boxes.  I found great joy in covering that cardboard with paint and doilies and glitter.  We’d walk around the classroom dropping valentines in each mailbox, even the jerky boys who threw the ball too hard in dodge ball.  Then we’d party with sweets and games.  So sure, that was fun.  Then you grow up and there’s more pressure- no, thank you.  I always hated when February rolled around if I was sort of casually dating someone or in a fairly new relationship. I’d always want to ask, “Can we agree to NOT make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day? I’m not even sure I like you yet.”  I hated it it (still do!) when a guy would spend way too much money. I had a sweet boyfriend my senior year of high school who gave me a small bouquet of pink roses and a handwritten list of all the things he loved about me.  I’ve since lost the list but it was priceless - from deeply sweet, “You’re kind”..to practical, “You wear cute clothes.” to hilarious, “I like the way you sing Rock Lobster”.  That’s the sort of stuff a girl will remember.  That fellow has since gone coocoo for Cocoa Puffs, but when we were kids he was sweet. Fast forward about forty years and I’ve enjoyed decades of beautiful February days with Mr. Pullen.  He never fails to surprise and delight me, even when I make him pinky promise that we are not doing valentine stuff this year.  I beg him, I plead with him, and he swears he’ll stick to it. Then I wake up to beautiful stuff like this.
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I came downstairs this morning to a sweet note and gorgeous roses. I ran up to his office and half yelled, “When did you even do this? Did you go out at 3am or something??”  He said that he picked them up yesterday and kept them in the chilly garage last night.  That’s my lover boy.   We’re treating ourselves to dinner from Shore Gourmet tonight. I much prefer eating at home in my sweatpants to going out. So we picked up our order for their “Valentine Meal Kit” today.  Here’s what was included...
First course - baked brie in puff pastry with chocolate strawberry jam and crostini
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I’ll pop that into the oven to turn it golden brown, and while it cooks we can enjoy champagne poached shrimp.
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The main course is cocoa rubbed petite filet of beef for two.
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 and crab cakes! Yummm!  Mickey can have all the beef, dibs on the crab cakes!
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The sides are simple, but pleasing.
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And for dessert, beautiful chocolate covered strawberries.
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They also included a freshly baked mini loaf of bread with butter.  I won’t touch that but the mister will love it.  I’m glad I ate light today because I’m about to murder some crab cakes.   This is romance to me - it’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s shared with the one I love. If you have a sweetheart, don’t try to make a huge, expensive gesture to impress him/her - just give them what you already know they like. Watch their favorite movie and get their favorite take out, maybe order pizza and fix that thing that’s been broken for six months, or just make a list of all the things you love about them, from the silly to the serious.  Don’t let commercials convince you that your Valentine’s Day has to break the bank. Romance can not be purchased. It comes from the heart. Just be sweet to each other.   
That’s it, my big holiday post. But I can’t leave without mentioning all of the forms that love takes - it’s not just for sweethearts.  It’s your dear friends, it’s people who sprinkle kindness in your days, it’s you holding the door for a stranger, or encouraging a coworker. It’s siblings and parents, it’s everyone in your circle.  It’s all around us.
That’s the opening to one of my favorite movies, Love Actually, and I still think about it all these years later. We’re surrounded by love, it just doesn’t make the news. Go out there and spread some love. Be sweet. Be kind.  Make everyone your valentine.  Stay safe, stay well, spread love.
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starry-sky-1 · 5 years
Problematic Boy(s)
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A/N I might do a sequel if it gets some feel good positivity :D 
                                Masterpost here for my other works~
“KIM.NAM.JOOOOOONNNNNNNNN” The homeroom teacher bellowed as the bell rung signifying  end of the class. The boy in question snickered and walked out of the room as his teacher burst into a fit of coughs all thanks to the mysterious white solution oozing from the beaker. Its stink was too prominent to be ignored. How did a basic experiment involving a solution of Copper Sulphate turn pure white? It was only Namjoon who could provide a possible explanation.
Just another typical day at school, right?
Mr. Tanuki was ready to  fling his toupee out of pure frustration. The otherwise mellow chemistry teacher had enough of a certain tall, platinum haired, exchange student, and it had hardly been a month since his arrival. His impressive 25 year old career at Bodan High was not going to be tainted by that cheeky devil, especially when he was so close to becoming the principal.
He went in the washroom and splashed some water on his face, feeling his dark circles become darker and his blood pressure rise…err no more thoughts about that brat, dammit Tanuki.
On the other hand, Namjoon strolled in the school’s vast garden, the hedges had been trimmed neatly, probably for the new session he mused as his red converse shoes scraped against the walk-path that connected the other building – the middle school with his own. His shirt was untucked and his blazer thrown over it haphazardly, neck-tie askew, lollipop in mouth, a perfect picture of a…
 the few girls standing at the edge of the school building murmured in hushed whispers as they prepped for PT.
It had hardly been a month since the summer session started at school and yet Namjoon had already made a name for himself as trouble creator, the poor boy often had no idea how he’d end up in a sticky situation, only for the resolution to present another one. The chemistry class? He knew how to make a copper sulphate solution, the thing was he was too curious for his own good sometimes. He just wanted to know what would happen if he added the potassium permanganate that was set aside for another experiment, to his own.
Well, now he knew.
The last time, he really didn’t mean to break the arms off of Hokuto’s Yukina figurine, it just…happened and the resulting chase and fight with Hokuto’s minions wasn’t worth it, the split lip had troubled him anytime he wanted to eat soba or spicy ramen. It was good that they taught Tae Kwon Do to all the students at his High School, otherwise he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to handle all 6 guys who pounced upon him suddenly, his big frame would be useless if not for his passable fighting skills. Namjoon was a thinker not a fighter despite his seemingly uncaring, tough exterior.
Even his teacher was conflicted. Bodan High had recently started an exchange program and were more than happy to host one of the brightest kids in South Korea, his entrance scores were in the top 1% of the country, inside class he was mostly well behaved. Therefore it wasn’t like they could hand him detention, it could potentially damage the school’s own reputation.
Damn brat!
Namjoon sneezed. It was odd considering the weather was pleasantly sunny. Maybe somebody had cursed him, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised considering how often the he ran into people willing to test both his strength and patience. It wasn’t surprising at all that somewhere in his heart, he felt lonely. What was a 17 yr old to do in a land completely foreign to him? He missed having his gang around him – Seokjin, the kind and devilishly handsome senior, who would obviously grace some dramas or movies someday; Yoongi the tsundere piano genius; Hoseok the dancing machine, was actually a trainee with some company, his cheery disposition and multiple talents screamed “idol”. Taehyung and Jimin, his cute underclassmen were an inseparable pair, Jimin sometimes danced with Hoseok and this is how they both came into their circle. Even Yoongi took a liking to them and he hated change.
Sighing loudly, Namjoon plopped down under a tree, taking out a small book from his inner pocket.
It was a guide on crabs.
Namjoon absolutely adored small animals be it crabs, frogs,….. but basically, crabs. He loved that he could take the bus from Tokyo to Kamakura and walk around the pretty beach. It was a perfect weekend getaway. He loved collecting shells and the white hermit crabs were too pretty to ignore. It saddened him how the king crabs were a local delicacy.
His monologue was interrupted by a pair of scruffy shoes, who he traced to the owner of a pair of wide, doe eyes.The person was a boy from the middle school.The boy nibbled on his lower lip  worriedly, as his cheeks dusted pink. Namjoon spotted a plaster on his right cheek and sensed the kid was anxious.
“S-Senpai” he began pulling a textbook from his coat jacket “You..dropped this the other day when you passed by our school”
Namjoon looked at the textbook then back at the kid, his eyes glazing over his form, his messy hair hid his thick eyebrows, nose prominent and the lower lip thicker than the upper one, sported a mole right underneath. His coat was loose over his frame which seemed to be lean, and he had on the standard uniform shoes, albeit a bit dusty now.
His coat jacket had a nametag pinned to it.“Thanks Jeon Jungkook” Namjoon remarked and gave the kid a smile, his dimples sprouting.Jungkook followed, and gave a scrunchy smile of his own.
“I’m Kim Namjoon”
“I know!”
 He spouted excitedly on how he was already a legend amongst his classmates and how everyone both respected and feared him.The kid was too adorable for his own good. It was easy to fall in a conversation with him.
“You’re not entirely Korean, right?”
“No” he replied hesitatingly. “My dad’s Korean, mum is…or rather…. was…… Japanese.” He said, eyes downcast.
Namjoon patted his back and steered the conversation away to a different topic remarking how difficult dealing with the yankees was. Jungkook nodded enthusiastically telling him how he had to defend himself from bullies who wouldn’t stop teasing him because he wasn’t pure blooded Japanese.
This became a daily habit for both, they would talk in the break time and Jungkook would enthusiastically follow whatever Namjoon said, the respect for the older boy growing infinite in the younger’s eyes as the days passed. Namjoon was happy to have the younger’s company with himself, it was a tiny relief from when he missed his gang back in Seoul. Jungkook followed him like a baby duck,”Joon hyung, Namjoon hyung” echoing everywhere Namjoon went.
The people around Jungkook also stopped messing with him since Namjoon took him under his wing, fiercely protective of the young one and Jungkook, well he revelled in the attention Joon showered him with.
Just like that both were talking animatedly about the latest Gundam figure, while returning from a conbeni a Friday evening when a baseball hit Namjoon’s back.Those were the punks from the nearby high school, notorious for their biking gang.
“Ya punk, with yer little squirt” 
The one in cheap sunglasses and a pompadour barked “ye hurt our bud Takashi over there” he pointed to a bulky bald guy with a hello kitty bandage on his swollen nose, sporting brass knuckles on both his hands while the 3 others carried baseball bats.
Namjoon exhaled. Seriously this was getting out of hand now. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Jungkook stared at the 5 guys then back at Namjoon again, eyebrows furrowing in mild irritation. He tugged Jungkook’s arm signalling him to leave “Kook, let’s not make a scene in the neighbourhood right now.”
Jungkook opened, then closed his mouth, not quite understanding why Namjoon would walk away from the confrontation, but followed nonetheless as they took off.
The 2 boys took the narrow bylanes, the troublemakers hot on their heels but somehow lost them at an intersection all thanks to the blind spot of the street.Catching their breath, the boys heaved, standing in front of an ordinary apartment complex.
“This is where I live” Namjoon huffed. “Do you uhhh wanna come up or something? We could read manhwas, I brought some along.”
Hearing about manhwas, Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he eagerly followed him inside. They both sat comfortably on the standard sofa, with Jungkook chugging a banana milk while Namjoon nursed a can of iced coffee himself.They read in silence for hours. Namjoon looked up from his tankobon volume and his gaze fell to the window , the sky had grown dark outside. He immediately turned to look at the wall clock and noticed it was 8 pm already.
He jumped from the couch, and shook Jungkook “Kook, it’s 8 pm!!! You need to go home already!”
Jungkook looked up from his manhwa, eyes glazed. It was indeed dinner time at his home and he hadn’t even texted his granny! He quickly took his phone out from his back pocket and looked at the flurry of missed calls and texts. He smacked his head and groaned. How could he be so careless ugh.
“But hyungieee this one is so good, I wanna finish it, I promise I’ll go as soon as I’m done.” he pouted with his eyes widened for the extra cute effect. Namjoon definitely wasn’t immune to the puppy look and suggested  “Why don’t you stay over? Its late already,I think I have some cup ramen so we can have that and then talk man to man.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. He quickly called his granny up to let her know that he was staying over at a friend’s house and would return the next day.
His granny’s eyes crinkled in a smile who was proud that the otherwise meek boy had found someone to look up to and who made him open up. She had a toothy grin on her face when the call ended.
Jungkook quickly got up to help Namjoon, who had in the meantime, managed to knock the kettle off,  stubbed his toe against the kitchenette counter, and was currently nursing said toe while a string of profanities left his mouth.
Jungkook giggled at the elder’s expense and then helped him out, putting the kettle on correctly and bringing the ramen bowls to the table where Namjoon was already perched, looking at him sheepishly as the younger one went about and took down the now boiled kettle. He poured the hot water into Namjoon’s bowl first and then his and covered the lid as they waited for the noodles to soak the seasonings.  
2 minutes passed in silence, it was meal time finally. Both eagerly took off the lids only to notice it was still soggy in some places. Namjoon suggested they microwave it. Jungkook looked in the direction of the microwave and refused. Now it was Joon’s turn to smirk and he ruffled the younger’s hair before picking both their bowls and putting them in the microwave.
A loud beep indicated that the ramen was done. Carefully balancing both the bowls in a tray, he made his way over to the table where Jungkook helped him out, he was just glad there were no more accidents this time round.
Breaking their chopsticks, both grinned at the well done ramen and dug in after an enthusiastic “itadakimasu”
Patting their full bellies, they both settled down to play some games on their phone, the multi-player mode allowing them to game jointly.
After a few intensive rounds, they both looked up to see that it was 11 pm. Namjoon rolled out the mattress for Jungkook, grabbing a pair of spare pajamas for Jungkook and a spare toothbrush. Jungkook thanked him and cleaned up, changing into them quickly, however he had to fasten the drawstrings a little tighter on his comparatively slimmer waist.
He hopped out of the bathroom excitedly and plopped on the fluffy mattress waiting for Joon hyung  to finish up as he checked his social media.He wasn’t surprised to see there were no messages. Namjoon came in, towel drying his hair and smiled at the doe eyed boy. He lay prone, wrapped comfortably in his summer blanket and scrolled through his phone.
Jungkook cleared his throat and Joon looked down at him. They talked about the punks and the festering problem of bullying both online and otherwise, both describing their experience. For Jungkook it was especially bad considering he was only half Japaneseand had to live here, he felt lonely, despite his multiple talents earning him the title of “golden boy” amongst his teachers. His grades were decent and he was especially good at sports, arts, and photography vying all the clubs’ attention. Ultimately he chose Tae-Kwon-Do. His dad had taught him the basics when he lived with them but after his mother passed away, he had moved back to Korea while Jungkook lived with his mother’s parents.
They talked about girls in their class, Namjoon found the girls in his grade too nosy and obnoxious so he didn’t bother fraternising with them while Jungkook blushed when he recounted that one girl from his grade who had given him a chocolate on Valentine’s Day and he turned her down because he saw her as a good friend and no more. Namjoon told him stories from his own high school and how he missed his pals with a wistful, nostalgic look in his eyes. Jungkook nodded as his dulcet deep voice rang in his ears, making him feel sleepy. Both of them rambled a little more before sleep overtook them and lulled them in peaceful rest.
It was 8:30 am when Jungkook rolled off the mattress and rubbed his eyes, trying to rub the crust coating his eyelashes. He shook Joon.
“Hyungie” he rasped “It’s time to wake up already” Namjoon groaned and rolled on his side, promptly falling with a soft thump near him as his head poked from his blanket burrito, platinum strands sticking up oddly.
Both of them crawled to the bathroom slowly, picking up the toothbrushes. Joon squeezed some toothpaste on Jungkook’s before his own and both cleaned their teeth. After cleaning up, Jungkook helped Joon boil some eggs as he poured milk in a glass for both of them. Having had this quick breakfast, Jungkook hugged Joon thanking him for his hospitality before making his way home. He couldn’t wait to tell his Ba-chan how much fun he had at Hyu- no, Oni San’s house.
His granny listened in rapt attention as he told her everything about his oni san, from his clumsiness to his mature moments, his eyes so full of admiration that it made her feel proud and thankful to the boy who had taken her recluse of a grandson under his wing and kept him happy.Kook squealed when he saw a message on Line Messenger from Joon asking him if he had made it safely back home.
Shooting a quick text of affirmation with more smiley emojis than necessary, he went about his homework and tasks.
Monday rolled around faster than expected and it would be time for their mid semester exams soon. Jungkook was nervous because his very first exam was English Literature- his own Achilles Heel. Had it not been for his overall grades in other subjects, he was sure he would have been held back an year. He just knew where he could get the right help.
Namjoon helped him as much as he could and the boy was surprised that he was able to grasp most of the concepts of grammar, the past tenses were especially hard but with Joon helping him, he scored an impressive 80 marks. Even his teacher was surprised but happy for him.
Him and Namjoon were taking their casual stroll between the buildings of the 2 schools, it had been suspiciously quiet with no incidents by Yankees when they’d be upto no good usually. Joon figured they were upto something, something unexpected for sure.
His suspicions rang true when he saw the yankees they had a run with, waiting for them at the school gate. Confrontation was inevitable this time.
“Let’s take it someplace else” Joon declared and Jungkook grit his teeth, despite his timid nature, the boy would switch personalities when it came to things he cared about, his hyung being one of them.
They went to the field near the river embankment as the 5 charged at the two, the bigger guy’s nose having healed up well. The pompadour bearer called Akashi threw a punch at Joon who ducked just in time and using his elbow as a support rolled him off using his extended right foot.
Jungkook tackled 2 lanky boys who were very good with their limbs, ducking and protecting as their kicks and punches flew at him rapidly in succession, he was soon backed at the protective railing, his knuckles grasping the cold metal tightly, heaving with a split lip. The guys had expended much of their energy in brutal moves and were tired, it was evident. He saw an opening and jabbed at the rib of the guy on the left who howled in pain.
The guy on the right shouted. Jungkook smirked. He delivered a roundabout kick to the other guy’s face, knocking a tooth out as he grasped onto the other, both falling in a crumbling heap.
He ran to help Joon but discovered he had taken care of the pompadour guy as well, his own cheek had a nasty hit to it which would definitely bruise. Both glared at the remaining two who stood impassive at their leader and best guys bested by these 2.
“We’ll be back, ya punks” the one with a kansai accent shouted as they helped their friends up, limping away. Both the boys collapsed on the grass, exhaustion seeping into their bones as they watched the magnificent sunset. Brushing their clothes they both went their way.
If it was quiet the following days, nobody mentioned it, but once or twice they knew the rumours floating around, could see as people moved when they came, strolling in, some pointing at their bruises, a split lip for Jungkook and a cheekbone bruise for Joon. The yankees in their area understood that the duo was not to be messed with, they were this area’s very own dynamic duo, protecting kids from bullies and keeping the yankees in their place. They were both admired and feared and they knew it too.
Both were making their way to the game arcade after school, which had become a ritual of sorts every Friday when they heard a scuffle in the alleyway. A tall guy from the neighbouring school had a middle school boy from their own pinned at the wall, with the boy cowering in fear, bag held up for defence.
They both gave each other a knowing look and nodded at each other. Namjoon cracked his knuckles. “Ready, Kook?”
Jungkook grinned. “Always hyung, and after you.~”
They both jumped at the bully. Just a typical day for the  Bodan High dynamic duo.
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1/11/2018 :(
I never want to forget it, so I’m making a list of memories I can think of. I’m going through all 628 photos we texted to each other since we started to text and my own photo gallery and I can see exactly how everything progressed, but here’s a list of memories I want to remember:
- the night we met
- the excitement I felt the first time you texted me, I went screaming to all my friends before I replied and that same night I told Meghan I’d met a really good guy
- the first few times we hung out I would go tell Erin and Nikki how it was and one night I’d really wanted you to kiss me and you hadn’t and I told them and they laughed at me
- our first date when I went to the wrong restaurant and you ordered chicken that I could smell throughout the entire movie
- when you came to my house for the first time and played with baby Guwwy the whole time and my heart melted
- when you asked to be my boyfriend with Starbucks and we parked in the boonies in Laguna and the restaurant you wanted to go to wasn’t super nice so we found somewhere else
- when we went to my winter formal and you saw me at photos and just said “wow”
- I misspelled Dwight
- that time Drew texted me after you didn’t shoot well and he said that you told him, “at least I can go home and talk to Lauren”
- when I used to send you Bitmojis all the damn time
- when Parnia asked if she could take you to prom??? wtf
- when my Dad told me that you and Austin wanted to play golf together 
- when we almost broke up but THANK GOD we didn’t because we really had no idea how incredible we would become
- the first time exploring your room
- when I didn’t know what a certain baking tool was and your mom said she needed to tell people about that at my wedding...like she knew
- when we slaved over chicken parmesan
- when we ruined multiple cakes
- when you broke a spoon mixing something and I almost peed
- when I broke your pool hose
- when I made you let me beat the Just Dance high score to Hey Ya! in my navy lace bralette and pants
- when we played that video game in your room with me in my Calvin Klein bra pants only
- when we laid in your room reading your childhood stories about Kale and I laid on little Ryan for most of it
- sexual tension filled Sequence
- when you tried to teach me chess and I will always be terrible
- when I beat your sorry ass at Scrabble
- the night with your cousins...need I say more
- when we spent New years together playing the game I bought your family
- when you made a whole dinner for my birthday and we danced the night away to Sinatra
- the first time we sexted
- when we sexted super late while I was at Yale and then wrote those love letters to each other
- trying to break into your bathroom and each time you’d catch me in a big hug
- every sleepover we had when we literally couldn’t sleep just because we were so close to each other
- Hawaii. that’s all I’m going to say because best week ever. 
- CIF Finals and prom after, the after party too
- when you sat with me and watched my graduation video through my whole childhood and even you made your appearances
- when I put all those photos in Kat from Yale and we both had such dreams for that to happen
- snakey snake and death/Cameron
- when Romeo bit me
- your homecoming football game...you loved me so damn much
- the eagle golf club head cover
- that Harry Potter symphony plus our marathon
- all our comments on our Instagram photos
- when your Instagram profile photo at one point was of you running...you don’t RUN
- all the times I went golfing with you and we had so much fun and I made everything more peaceful for you
- when your contact name used to be Ryan (catfish h0) Wilson
- Devin’s party aka the night you said you could see yourself marrying me
- your sock subscription
- our matching underwear and photos
- our home video
- roadhead
- yoghurt
- Andrea
- when autocorrect made you say “pussy” instead of pissy
- when we danced the night away at BOTH homecomings
- when we played hangman and used Xerox
- in November when we fought and Meghan had to tell us that we had something people would die for and to never forget that...
- when you gave me a freaking hickey on accident 
- your birthday when you sent me that message about “rebound girl my ass you’re an 11/10 how tf did I even score you”
- 3 under par kind of night
- 15 reasons you love me
- when you got into Harvard and we thought everything in KAT would come true
- when we went on that Ferris wheel the first time we hung out and you fell in love with my head twitch and the first time you touched my back to lead me off the ride I got chills all over
- when you said your name was Jamal at Starbucks and none of your gift cards worked but it was so perfect
- UCLA basketball game fun and your attempt to eat crab causing you to get a second dinner
- Disneyland!!
- all those times when you made me pancakes, especially when you’d wake up early for me if you didn’t have school and I’d get to start my day with you
- When you told me you loved every single fucking thing about me and that I’m the best girl to walk this planet and you were so lucky to meet me by chance
- Harvard/Yale meme sharing
- when you asked me to prom the day before with the greatest poster ever
- when you showed your mom the video from my signing day and she started crying because she was so proud
- when you came to my graduation and when I walked out I’m pretty sure I heard you yell “AYO” like you do
- when you were being all humble about your senior award so I stalked it and turns out it’s the best you can get
- when you’d hit me with those random appreciation notes about my booty or how much you love me
- your senior speech that puts me in tears with how good it is
- Hawaii deserves another mention
- when you looked at me on that last night in Hawaii and literally couldn’t even comprehend my beauty
- right before my Yale interview when you told me I was your inspiration
- our bow on my head naked fantasy (and all the other fantasies we had together)
- “girl get it”
- my second birth control reminder was “YOU LOVE RYAN”
- I once put a note in my phone under your contact that says “he loves me” in case I ever got amnesia or something and I think it’s still there
- Universal deserves all the mentions in the world honestly best day ever
- lobey dersh and rye bread wilsonian
- When I drove to your house at 4am to say goodbye
- when we got pizza after almost breaking up and I was so happy
- when we had a sleepover and you walked into me wearing all of your clothes
- I always wish for more, but these were the best two years of our lives with the people who made us happiest...to be continued one day, or to not
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tainoodles · 7 years
100 Question Tag Thing
I was tagged by @calisimgirl. If  you want to read my answers, they will be below the cut :) 
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT?   Out. Even if I tuck them in, I will wake up to them untucked
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE?   No, I've never felt the need.
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM?   Nope xD We just rip them out at the restaurant.
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES?   I have a few on my nose, but they aren't super noticeable.
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES?   I hate getting my photo taken, but I'll try.
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE?    I always forget what it is xD
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING?    You bet. It's a family thing, you dance to your own singing.
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK?    Ugh I don't know. I've been trying to listen to some songs I haven't heard in a while, so I've been listening to a lot
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK?    Why wouldn't it be?
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS?    I've studied animation so it's been my job xD
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE?    Eh, I don't know...
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD?    Snow Crab or Manicotti
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE?    Your Name, The Room, uh... any disney movie?
27. LAST PERSON, YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU?    My ex-boyfriend before we broke up :/
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER?    My high school boyfriend, in high school.
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET?    No, but I almost never drive.
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS?    I haven't, but I was in the car with my highschool boyfriend when he ran out of gas after prom
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST?    Scrambled eggs, bacon, and buttered toast.
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME?    Anywhere from 10-2
37. ARE YOU LAZY?    Unfortunately
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN?    A dinosaur, a witch, and a vampire.
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK?    One fluently, but I've studied Spanish and Japanese.  
41. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS?    Nah. I had Nickelodean magazine when that was still a thing
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS?    Legos for sure, but I still have both :P
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN?    I've been told
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN?    I've never cared for either?
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS?    Does Degrassi count?
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS?    A little bit. Mostly if I don't feel sturdy.
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR?    Yeah!
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?    I used to, but I feel to awkward about it now
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR?    Sometimes if I'm in a really good mood
50. EVER USED A GUN?    No, and I don't plan on it
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER?    Oh man... my senior photos?
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY?    I guess they can be, but I love them and wish I still did them.
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL?    Yes because I'm so bad at buying people things :/
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE?    Does pumpkin count?
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID?    Uh... stay at home mom? xD
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?    I guess not really. I've never seen one.
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING?    Quite a few times
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY?    I try to, but I'm forgetful.
60. DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS?    No, I love being barefoot, so they usually just bug me
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE?    No, I just get dressed right away.
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED?    An oversized shirt, and shorts or pajama pants dependent on the temperature
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS?    I think my cousin really likes Adidas so I guess that one
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS?    Fritos
67. PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS?    Sunflower Seeds
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN?    I don't think so
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS?    No. I did musicals and glee club in high school, and dancing was always the death of me
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE?    I'm horrible at spelling
73. HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY?    Yes, but I cry all the time. I'm a big wimp with too many emotions.
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS?    I don't have a record player so I haven't bought any.
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER?    I think it'd be nice, but I don't
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE?    I believe so
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT?    I Fight Dragons, All Time Low, Blink 182?
79. WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW?    Yellowcard's final concert :'(
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA?    Hot!
81. TEA OR COFFEE?    Tea!
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL?    Nope
85. ARE YOU PATIENT?    Sometimes
87. EVER WON A CONTEST?    No, not that I can remember
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET?    I can kind of knit. Crochet just escaped me
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE?    Someone elses house
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED?    Eventually, but no time soon
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH?    The guy I dated all four years
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS?    Nope
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS?    When I'm married, have a house, a good job, and excess money
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW?    My friends who left town for the summer :/
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I think I know why this profession grabbed me. My whole life has been spent chasing the moment. Trying to make the most out of mundane situations. Changing them drastically, avoiding the normal.
High school was unbearable. To me, it was something that had to change. So I went to Thailand. Being one of those foreign students who sat alone in the cafeteria was better than dealing with the 600+ hicks in my upstate NY high school who only cared about their dirt bikes, girlfriends, and sisters they were definitely not fucking.
So, when I arrived in a rice field, unable to sleep from jet lag, the language barrier, social anxiety, fear of being alone, and the giant lizard slamming its tail and croaking in my venelation, I knew I was home.
The best part of being an exchange student however, is getting to meet other exchange students. Exchange students are, in my opinion, classified in two categories:
Category 1) are the students who are smart, rich, and whose parents sent them away so that they can become great businessman, lawyers, or politicians. These kids are usually the quiet ones.
Category 2) are they guys who are a bit crazy, unconventional, who left high school looking for a shitload of fun and experience before going back to their boring lives in a year. These kids never want to go back and most likely will continue traveling their whole lives. Which group would you wanna hang out with?
So, after learning the language, attending high school (which for me, was an all girl’s school…. more on that later) and experiencing the culture of the Central Thai People, I found myself on a train. A 10 hour ride to Phuket with 1/4th of a cabin full of the only white people loudly getting to know each other.
I met Frederik bonding over our love of cheap whiskey and nightclubs there in the country. When he took a cigarette break (which is highly frowned upon in Thai and Exchange Student culture) I went with him to the 2 by 2 metalic bathroom with prison bars on the window and a hole in the ground leading to the tracks which they call the toilette. I smoked my first cigarette, coughed my ass off, drank water and repeated that the whole night until we arrived in the Phuket by 8 a.m. We were on the train having great conversations, eating weird snacks, pulling pranks on each other, and becoming a family. Why would anyone stay in the US for their senior year?
Frederik and I made the most out of our exchange year. While others were afraid to break to rules which were no drinking, smoking, traveling without Rotary, and ESPECIALLY NO GIRLFRIENDS, we knew that that wouldn’t work for us. Together, we went around the country, doing what the locals did: eat spicy food, go to temples, visit the beaches, and then party our asses off. We were close to getting sent home many times. But we were having so much fun, and not to mention learning more than all the other students about Thai culture, the world, and how to live independently.
Forget the guys who go home because they miss their girlfriends. Fuck the homesick. We made the most out of it, because we were loud. We were present and pushing our limits. However, I took it one step further. When everybody else went home, I stayed. Technically you have to go back home. So I did, for a few months and then I came right back. I had some money which I saved up for college, which I spent on a hotel room, gas for my motorcycle, and fun. This lasted another two years, picking up some odd jobs along the way. I didn’t miss home. The only thing I missed was Taco Bell.
The only problem with this lifestyle was the lack of any purpose in life. It was starting to get it me. At this point, I was still wanting to write professionally. I was good but I was miserable doing it.
At the time I had a girlfriend. Helping her mother cook in the kitchen was my major pastime. She would tell me that she forgot something at the market. I’d take my bike and go get it. It would be something like a vine of garlic, cabbage, curry paste, whole fish, long beans, dragon fruits, passion fruits, but mostly various cuts of pork. All of this fascinated me. The markets were magical.
Soon I found myself giving up writing and spending all of the time I could in the kitchen with Mom. She would teach me what her mother taught her. How to make curry, stir-fry, omelets, how to grill fish, pork, and chicken. How to boil crab, shrimp and squid. Her husband would come into the kitchen sometimes to cook one of his specialties. Something like sauteed crickets… or the more pleasant dish, a soft steamed egg topped with garlic, shallots, and soy.
There were days when the cooking went on for 6 hours. And the eating took up another 2-4. The time spent there was euphoric. If I had nothing else to do, I’d let the professionals cook while I watched and made vodka slushies from rice alcohol costing up to $2 a bottle.
We would stay up late, the whole family, drinking, eating, laughing. I found a new way to live in the moment. To enhance the moment. To make the most out of an evening. It gave me a purpose.
I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to learn how to cook professionally so that I can have more nights like those. Better nights with better food. I would be the friend who really knew how to throw a dinner party and know exactly how to make my guests, and of course myself, happy.
Currently on Monday, April 9th 2018, I have graduated with a certificate from culinary school, have worked in a fine-dining kitchen with a French Master Chef, and have made some more amazing friends. But I am getting restless, bored, and bad things happen to me when I’m bored. So, I am planning my next trip. Maybe I will be going back to Thailand to work in a professional kitchen. Maybe it will be some place completely different. But it’s about time for another drastic change. I don’t know if I’m running away from anything…. Or if I’m just running…. Whatever it may be. I’m going.
0 notes
jackblankhsh · 7 years
Wedding Crash
Because I did not receive an invitation to the wedding I felt a desire to attend.  I reasoned if they really didn’t want me to come, the bride and groom could’ve taken better steps to prevent me from knowing about the impending nuptials.  Seeing how they brazenly mentioned it on social media, I felt indirectly invited.  Alluding to an open bar, frankly, they might as well have told a moth about a flame. So, in the interest of saving money, with hope of kindling a chance of romance, I ventured downtown to the wedding of Jackie Sanchez and some guy.  
I met Jackie in high school.  The first time I saw her I learned an erection can swell to a painful degree – dick feeling like a rock about to explode apart.  Long licorice colored hair, caramel skin, and sneakers decorated in white out doodles, she inspired feelings I’ve never learned to properly express.  Mainly that’s because there’s no way to charmingly say, “So I was jerking off the other day, thinking of you, and…” whatever comes next is irrelevant.  For some reason most folks aren’t flattered to learn they’re in the spank bank.  Maybe it’s something everyone fears they won’t live up to.  I don’t know, I’ve never had a problem failing people.
Hitching a ride from my buddy Sid, I told him to head to the Art Institute.  He pulled over to the curb, put the car in park, and said, “Do not go to Jackie’s wedding.”
Struggling to put on a tux while seated passenger side, “I resent the implication of your accusation.”
He sighed, “You had four years in high school, four years to ask her out.”
I nodded, “Truth fact.  However, life is a continuous opportunity for those willing to try.  I’m not dead.  Ergo…”
“Fuck yourself,” Sid said, then for emphasis, “Error go fuck yourself.”
“Are you gonna drive me to the Art Institute?”
Shifting the car into gear Sid remarked, “Only to see you fail.”
I truly believe it’s the amount of faith we have in one another that explains why the world is the way it is.  
Sneaking into any kind of event is an art form.  The amount of security dictates the level of infiltration skill required to achieve a successful sneak.  For instance, breaking into an eighth grade graduation is very different from photo-bombing the President at the State of the Union.  One simply requires ice cream cake and a hammer, while the eighth grade graduation involves chloroform, white wine, peanut dust, and a child sized coffin.
I originally considered crashing the actual wedding, but since it took place in a church I could not.  God and I have an understanding, and though we clearly have little respect for one another, I abide by our agreement:  I stay out of the churches, God stays out of evolution, and the Winter Olympics.  So instead I aimed at the reception.  
Security didn’t appear to be anything other than Art Institute guards.  Instead of preventing flash photography two doorstops in blue blazers checked invites and IDs against a list on a clipboard.  Once again I felt like they left the door wide open. Out of myriad gambits, the way one guard blatantly scratched his ass, hand down the back of his pants to get at bare skin, I decided to go with the maneuver known as the Hideous Hideaway.  
I called up a video on my phone then approached the entrance.  
A guard said, “Good afternoon.  May I see your invitation?”
“Sure thing.” Smiling I fumbled in my pockets, pretending to be unsure of its location.  In the process I pulled out my cell phone which seemed to inspire my remark, “Oh, hey, have you seen this yet?”
I pressed play on the video.  It featured insects devouring a man’s penis while he writhed in agony.  The millipede scrambling down his urethra is as far as most get, missing out on the young woman who comes along to save his cock by stomping the bugs to death.  These two made it all the way to the end.  That made things easier.
As expected, one guard asked, “Where’d you get that?”
I informed her of the link’s location, and while the two hurried to share the hideous spectacle with their friends, I slipped inside.  It almost felt too easy.  Then I stepped into the banquet hall where I immediately bumped into Jackie’s brother Alvaro.  
Alvaro Sanchez Junior always impressed me until he spoke.  He possessed the regal bearing and beauty of an Aztec emperor. Unfortunately, he often spoke with a toxic tone symptomatic of silver spoon poisoning.  This stemmed from the fact Sanchez Senior held a low level, but well connected political position; and many expected Alvaro, as eldest, to assume his father’s spot; regardless of the realities of democracy that political seat belonged to him – voters be damned.  Groomed, practically from birth, to be, as Alvaro liked to say “a leader of men,” he took a method approach to his future.  Like a Strasburg disciple, he stayed in the character of king almighty every moment of the day.  
We literally bumped into one another when, as I stood perfectly still, he walked into me. For a moment I tensed, expecting him to recognize me.  Alvaro never cared for me.  I based this on the fact he often told me, “I don’t care for you.”  However, he assumed from the second rate quality of my tux that I worked as a server.  An assumption made plain when he said:
“Watch where I’m going, and get me some crab puffs, or I’ll have you fired.”  He and a buddy high fived, yet didn’t linger.  So I headed for the open bar.  
There I collected a pair of cocktails, one for each hand.  Draining the glasses steadily, I orbited the banquet hall.  Staying in one spot ran the risk of prolonged conversation, chancing the development of holes in my cover – anonymity my best camouflage.  Still I paused every so often to dance in and out of conversations, killing time saying things like:  
“Baseball is a hell of a game if you can stay drunk… I’ve never been to Guayaquil, but that iguana park sounds fascinating… well, you’d be surprised.  Tuberculosis kills all kinds of career opportunities lemme tell ya (cough, cough)… Oh, I know the best man.  We used to sell runaways to the circus… No ma’am, I don’t think the bride’s dress is too tight.  She’s having trouble sitting because the groom, well, he likes to drill that ass.”
In retrospect, I could have been milder in some regards.  Yet, no one caught on to the presence of a crasher.  I’ve been to several weddings.  They all tend to be the same affair.  A nebula of tables adorned with floral centerpieces, ringed by a smattering of guests with various degrees of connectivity.  Wedding receptions are the only occasion where it’s okay to openly rank family and friends, status defined by seating assignments. Therefore, the trick to remaining discrete involved finding a table with the least desired family and friends. There I could sit, pretending to share in the minimalist joy of having at least been invited.  
“That’s better than Aunt Frida.  No one invites her anywhere.”
“That’s because she’s dead.”
“Only on the inside.  She’s a real downer.”
Still, I occasionally chanced brief hellos with those I recognized.  Her Aunt Morena, who wrote Xicana literature, a woman with a helmet of hair redefining Chicana archetypes.  Grandpa Emilio, whom I always thought of as the old guitarist.  I saw his beloved instrument beside his chair – Ana from the alley of the kiss – and hoped I’d get a chance to hear him play once more.  Cousins Fabiana and Facundo forever locked in a debate about the realism of football.  Friend of the family and party regular Vincent Redon in the 800th retelling of the woman at her toilette he saw after the hurricane ripped her house open. Jackie’s family and friends gathered, while I snuck booze in the background – it felt like old times.  
When dinner arrived, instead of eating I slipped outside for a smoke.  Exiting the room, I jokingly asked the guards if I needed a hand stamp to get back in.
One laughed, “Nope, but you gotta watch this.”  
He showed me a video of four women explosively shitting on the floor.  They then used the excrement as finger paint to draw floral designs on one another like sewer hippies.  I made an exaggerated display of comical disgust.  Delighted, the guards waved me off, and returned to finding more revolting videos.  
Outside I felt my phone buzz.
Sid texted, “I can’t believe you’re still in there.”
“Believe it,” I typed back.
“How much longer?”
Good question, I thought.  
After high school Jackie and I didn’t keep in touch.  By then we’d gone down very different roads.  We used to be kids searching for how to be who we wanted to be, following breadcrumbs laid out by albums, films, and books.  We could agree on the significance of a song, but not the whole album; the brilliance of a line from, though not the entire film, or book.  It seemed to me we were only off by a slight degree, that one shared element would bring us into sync.  But by the time we graduated… we took comfort in dissimilar realities, that one thing never having materialized.
Over a decade later, when social media blossomed, we got back in touch; however, it rarely amounted to more than peripheral interactions.  
Post:  Look at dis cutest kittie!
“Liked” by Jackie Sanchez. 
Strolling back to the banquet area, it dawned on me my infatuation with Jackie stemmed mostly from not dating her.  We never had a romantic relationship, so it never failed; therefore it could’ve been anything.  Possibilities are endless in the absence of contrary evidence.  Because I could only imagine us together I could always imagine us perfectly.  And oddly enough, fantasies have a way of making promises.  
Promises like if I got the DJ to play Patti Smith’s “Because the Night”, the song would inspire the words I needed to say to win her heart.  Seizing one last bold chance for love go up to the head table while the song fills the air, and speak – about this time I realized I hadn’t merely been vividly imagining the scenario, but actually now stood in front of the head table, Jackie staring over her pollo relleno in wide eyed disbelief.  
“Howdy do?” I said, immediately regretting my very existence.  If nothing else, I doubt any romantic victory ever began with howdy do, although I could be wrong.
Jackie blinked, “I’m good.  How… how are you?”
“Not bad.” I put my hands in my pockets, wondering how many times I’d have to punch myself in the throat with my keys before I finally killed myself.  I said, “It’s been a while.”
“Yes it has,” she nodded, “The last time I saw you, you set my boyfriend’s car on fire.”
“This is that guy?” her husband said.  He suddenly looked desperate to call the police.  
Smiling, I said, “That is indeed me.”  
“What are you doing here?” Jackie asked.
I sincerely believe honesty is the best move.  However, on this occasion, I lied, “Well, to tell you the truth, I’m here to steal a painting, saw y’all in here, and thought I’d stop by to say congratulations.”
“Thanks?” her husband said.
“Thank you,” Jackie smiled.  She got up, hurried around the table to hug me.  She smelled amazing, the kind of aroma that cures depression.  She whispered in my ear, “You’ll go to jail if you steal a painting.  Please tell me this is some deranged romantic stunt.”
It felt like an opening, yet I oddly enough knew better.  I squeezed her gently, “Nope.”  Stepping away from her I waved to the groom, “Once again, congratulations.  I’d stay, but timing is everything.  Don’t want to miss my moment.”
Heading out, feeling several eyes on me, I texted Sid:  "be out front, engine running, backseat open.“
Minutes later, running down the steps of the Art Institute, carrying one of Monet’s “Haystacks” – I had to steal something to diminish the lie – I found myself wondering what else I needed to let go of.  Diving into the backseat of Sid’s car, we peeled out, rocketing home.  
Glancing in the rearview Sid said, “What the fuck is that?”
“One of six, 25 technically – they can spare one.”
He cracked a beer, “So how was the reception?”
“A little too clear.”  
My impression of the past would no longer be the same, but that’s just growing up.  I tapped Sid on the shoulder.  He handed me a beer.  Opening it I thought, "Here’s to you Jackie.  I’m glad you’re happy.”
Sid said, “You know alotta marriages end in divorce.”
“Yeah.” But I didn’t feel like hoping for that. I felt like finding another dream girl, only this time actually trying to hold her instead of chasing the mirage.
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eatplaywanderrv · 7 years
We took our boys out on a road trip to the coast for some ocean fishing and so they could try out the trailer.  Our daughter stayed home because she had work and barbering school so she took care of the dogs for us.
On our way to Corpus Christi. Had to make a pit stop at Pilot Travel Center to fix a 
  malfunctioning break light/blinker on the trailer. Deputy Sheriff that pulled us over was kind enough to let us go with a warning.  
We were still stuck at Pilot for over an hour whenever it started raining, so we took a lunch break in the trailer hoping the rain would pass soon. Lights still not working. 😢
We decided to call AAA and see what they could do for us.  They located a repair shop that was at the next exit so we headed over to Groovy automotive.  Our oldest son followed us in his truck pulling the boat.  Since we were going to be a while, he asked if he could go ahead without us and check in to our campsite and then go do some fishing while he waits for us, so we let him go ahead of us. We were there about 3 hours, but the guys at Groovy got us fixed up and back on the road. Yaay!! 
Yaaaay!!! Groovy Auto got us back in the road!!!#happygal — at Groovy automotive.
It’s a road trip rule that you HAVE TO stop at Buc-ee’s!!  My kiddos love this place.  We visited the one in New Braunfels, Tx.  The place is HUGE.  It has the cleanest public bathrooms evah!
#roadtriprules #gottastopatbucees — at Buccee”s #22 New Braunfels Tx.
This has NOT been our day! About 4 hours after getting back on the road from the issue with the lights, we had a blow out 30 mins from our destination in Corpus Christi, Texas .😡  Thankfully, the blow out was right at an exit and just at the end of the exit ramp we were able to pull over into a new and used tire place and the worker was still there! Yay!
Brizuela’s New and Used Tires.
Brizuela’s New and Used Tires.
9 minutes til we reach our destination!!! — at South Padre National Seashore.
We finally arrived at our campsite at Mustang Island State Park just after it started getting dark but still enough light to see what we were doing to park the trailer.
Finally arrived!! — feeling thankful at Mustang Island Corpus Christi Tx.
We were all starving when we finally arrived, our oldest son had been waiting quite some time for us to arrive so he was starving too.  He wasnt able to catch any fish for us to cook up, so I quickly whipped up some dorito beef nachos.  Already had the taco meat cooked and frozen so just had to thaw it out in the electric skillet, open a bag of doritos and add our toppings!  It was super yummo and hit the spot!
Finally eating dinner.  Dorito Nachos! Yummo.
The next morning, we cooked up some eggs and bacon for breakfast, packed up some sandwiches for lunch, then headed out for a day on the beach!
Aaaaaah!!!! — finally at the beach at Mustang Island Corpus Christi Tx.
The boys wanted to try their hand at some fishing, so we hooked up the boat and headed over to Padre Island to fish in the Corpus Christi Bay near the JFK Bridge.  It didn’t go so well. 😦  After we got the boat out on the water a little ways, the engine died.  The boys worked on it and got it to start again so we headed further out to do some fishing…. except that it died again and we were stuck out in the middle of the water.
Stranded out in the middle of the bay with a dead boat engine, we decided to have a picnic lunch while we waited for the current to drift us closer to shore. We had a couple of short paddles, so we paddled as much as we could and made it back to shallow water where my oldest son and Leo were able to push our boat back to the boat ramp.  Once at the dock, my oldest son went and got the truck and backed in the trailer so we could push the boat back onto it.  While getting the boat secured to the trailer, Leo slipped on the wet and slimy boat ramp and hit his elbow on a sharp metal piece of the trailer.  He sliced his elbow on the sharp metal and bruised the bone.  His elbow swelled up a bit and was visibly bruised a couple days later. 😦  But we finally got it back on the trailer and out of the water.
Some damn good clam chowder! — at Doc’s Seafood-Padre Island.
Bruised and sunburned, and bummed that we couldn’t fish from the boat, we didn’t let that spoil our trip.  We stopped off at Docs Seafood and Steaks for dinner and had some damn good clam chowder.  All the food we had was amazing, and it came with the most amazing view of the sunset over the Bay.  After dinner, we took the boat back to the campsite, unhooked it, and called it a night.
    Sunset o’er the bay — at Doc’s Seafood-Padre Island.
  The next day, we trekked back out to Corpus Christi Bay at Padre Island.  We grabbed a late breakfast at Whataburger. There is a Whataburger on pretty much every street corner in Corpus Christi.  I kid you not. 
After Breakfast, we visited a few gift shops before heading over to Clems Marina.  They have a pier there that they will let you fish off of for a small fee. You can even rent fishing poles from them.  We rented some poles, bought some mullet and tried our hand at fishing but didnt have much luck.  After we used up all the bait we purchased, the guy at the bait shop said under the JFK bridge was the best place to catch live mullet.  So we bought a casting net hiked over to the bridge so Leo and our oldest boy could try their hand at casting the net and collecting mullet, but it was a no go. They got nothin. We could see them swimming around, but apparently there is an art to casting and bringing in the net with fish actually in it!  They obviously don’t possess that skill yet.
Meanwhile, my youngest son and I went scouting for sea shells.  We found quite a few, but they were all inhabited by hermit crabs!  Every single one of them!
Feeling defeated and hungry, we drove back to the camp to make some burgers for dinner, then ventured back out to the beach.  The boys built a sand castle, and when the sun went down, the crabs came out!
Coming back from Padre Island, we noticed a nice little RV resort not far from where we were at Mustang State Park.  We decided to spend our last day and night at the nice resort so we called and booked a reservation for the next day.
We are here — at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.
The next morning we packed up and drove over to Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.  It was a very nice resort.  The property was immaculate, private showers were super clean, with a boardwalk to the beach, pretty ponds, and even a pool and hot tub!!  Quite a few full timers live there.  Everything is exquisite.  This is my new vacation go to when we come to Corpus Christi. Gorgeous here.  The mustang island state park where we started was yuk. I didn’t like it at all.
  We are here — at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.
    When we arrived at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort, my oldest son was pulling the trailer with his truck while Leo drove with the boat hooked to the Yukon.  I was in the truck with my son.  When we arrived, Leo was supposed to trade off with our son and back the trailer into the spot, but he was busy parking the boat in the designated parking spot so the man who works there guided our son as he backed in the trailer.  This was our son’s first time ever to back our 28 foot trailer into a space and he got it in perfectly his very first try.  We were all quite impressed!
After we got our camp setup, we walked across the private boardwalk to the beach.  We practically had the whole beach to ourselves!
The boys were getting hungry so we explored Padre for some grubb.  We landed at Moby Dick’s Restaurant, where oh. my. gawd. my oldest son at a ginormous 1 pound hamburger the size of his whole face, plus fries!!  He at the whole thing.  Mamma didn’t raise no quitter!  LOL!
After lunch we went back to the beach down at Port Aransas Beach Mile Marker 48 where we could drive the truck onto the beach.  Our youngest son had a blast making sand castles while Leo and our oldest son practiced their net casting skills.
  But alas, all things must come to an end.  We said farewell to the beach and packed up for our long drive back home to dry land in Fort Worth, Texas. 😦
Sunday morning after breakfast we loaded up the trucks and trailers to head home. We were hoping to arrive home by around 8pm because our son starts his 1st day of High school Senior year on Monday morning.  Our son was pulling the Travel Trailer with his truck while we pulled the boat with the Yukon, but a couple of hours into our drive, Our son’s check engine light started flashing, which is very bad. So we pulled over and switched tow vehicles. After that, his check engine light remained on but at least it wasn’t flashing.  Thankfully, earlier on our journey we had stopped at Home Depot and bought a 3 ton jack “just in case” before we hit the road, because about an hour after we switched tow vehicles, the boat had a major blow out.  We took the next exit along I 37 N and found a safe spot to pull over so we could change the tire.   Unfortunately for us, we didn’t have the key to unlock the other spare. 1st spare, that wasn’t locked, is very low on air. Next gas station was 9 miles ahead. Our son tried to drive slowly on the flat spare we had just put on, so we could hopefully make it to the gas station but then that tire blew out. Dammit!  I can’t make this stuff up! It was 5:30 on Sunday evening and we were still 4.5 hours away from home.
We unhitched the boat and left it on the side of the road so we could all drive to Lowes a couple miles away. We bought bolt cutters, rust remover spray, and an aircompressor.  Thankfully we brought our generator. While the guys were working to fix the boat, I was in the camper cooking dinner with the electric skillet so I could feed those hangry boys.  We finally got the tires changed and aired up and was able to get back home.  We arrived home safely around 11pm. Good times.
In spite of all the troubles we had, we quickly found resolutions to our problems and were still able to enjoy our stay at the beach.  NOTHING can ruin my happy place.  🙂
1st day of Senior Year!! Last year of high school!! ❤❤ My last kid in Public school!
1st day of 6th grade! Last year of elementary school! #homeschool #schoolday
What else could go wrong? We took our boys out on a road trip to the coast for some ocean fishing and so they could try out the trailer.  
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