#when will they realize the boyish younger look doesn’t suit him like the older longer face does
qintarra · 2 years
i have so many issues with the new lupin series but i think my main ones would be how the show isn’t a satire comedy anymore and also the flanderization of ishikawa goemon the thirteenth
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That was suppose to be on anon so ignore that last one Marcus growing up and I'm high school going to art museums with a shy girl who doesn't talk much and he developed a crush on her
i saw this and said ‘perfect. lets get some soft pining marcus pike up in this bitch’ and then i did. i think. (and trust me im def ignoring you. idk who you are). ((and im not saying that the reason marcus works in the ART department is bec of his first love, but...that’s exactly what i’m saying)).
-marcus still remembers you from time to time, even though its been, what? 25 years since he last saw you? he’s been through one divorce, one rushed and broken engagement. he doesn’t even want to think about the failed girlfriends. yet he still thinks about you.
-he’s always been a romantic, a sensitive kid. he gave the bullies in school as good as he got, but he had a kind soul.
-he blames that very soul for the reason he can’t seem to stop thinking about you.
-you had gone to elementary school together. then middle school. he wasn’t even sure at first, but then, yes, he saw you in high school too.
-the two of you knew each other and were friendly, always saying a passing hello when you saw each other, not afraid to goof around together after school with a few friends. but he never really knew you.
-he guessed your favorite color from your backpack and the shoes you wore almost every day. you knew your favorite band in middle school when it seemed like all your friends could talk about. he knew the park that you would hang out at with your friends because he hung out there too. on the other side. with his friends.
-he always wanted to know more. wished that you wanted to know him too. but he didn’t know how to talk to you.
-you were quiet, though not nearly as sensitive as some people made you out to be. when you were younger, bullies had often gotten bored of you, and instead of being a target, you were usually left behind. you didn’t let it bother you, content with your books and your art and the few friends you actually liked.
-you remember marcus, the brave boy who couldn’t bear to see others being put down. you decided you liked him. he was nice to you, smiled in the hallways. sometimes you liked to think he liked you, but you chalked it off as wishful thinking.
-marcus really wished he could have told you he liked you. but he was awkward, and gangly teenager, and surely someone as pretty and smart like you wouldn’t be impressed. but when you were both in high school, and he...accidentally asked you out, he could have punched himself when he saw how easily you agreed to it.
-you had been in english class, were supposed to be working on a group project when somehow the subject of art had come up. he noticed the way your eyes flashed and a smile tugged at your lips, and next thing he knew he was nudging you into talking about what you thought, and you mentioned one of your favorite artists, and that jogged his memory.
-his mom had gotten some flier in the mail, some discount on museum admission. he remembered because she stuck it to the fridge saying the family should go and he rolled his eyes at the thought of being dragged around an art museum with his sisters and his parents over the weekend.
-but suddenly the thought of walking around a museum didn’t sound so unappealing. before he knew it he was telling you about it, saying maybe ‘we could check it out sometime. it sounds cool.’
-he wanted to hit himself. sounds cool. how dumb was he?
-but then you were smiling, tucking your hair behind your ear and agreeing. he couldn’t believe it. by the end of the day, the two of you already agreed on a day and time to meet. he didn’t want to have to ask his parents for a ride (he didn’t have his license yet but he sure as hell wasn’t driving you and his dad) but then he said ‘bike’ and you had just gotten a new one and it seemed like fate.
-you had thought about hesitating when marcus mentioned going to the museum together but...it was marcus. you’ve technically known each other since you were five. and maybe you really wanted to do something cool like this. was it a date? were you just friends? you didn’t even care at this point, it was progress.
-when marcus makes it home after school, he runs straight to his room, busy with ‘homework.’ he looks up the museum immediately, writes down the names of the displayed artists and looks them up too. he knows you take this stuff seriously, and if he finally has this chance to impress you, he’s not going to waste it.
-late that night when he satisfied he’s got a good background on anything that could come up, he remembers its only wednesday.
-next day in class he makes sure to sit directly next to you, unofficially assigned seats be damned. it’s a little gesture, but it speaks volumes. and when he walks out with you to your next class you think about it for the rest of the day.
-the two of you see each other in class, between classes as the next two days pass. neither of you are counting down the time til saturday afternoon. definitely not.
-when the time arrives, and marcus pulls up on your driveway, he finally feels the nerves. sure, he was nervous before, but it was excitement too. now the settling panic of going up to your house and talking to you was too much. but then he sees you coming from the garage, walking your bike next you and wearing the cutest smile he’s ever seen.
-and a dress. a really nice dress. well, casual enough, but you look nice and he thinks he tries to tell you that but it doesn’t come out right because you’re laughing at him, but then you say he looks nice too, and he feels underdressed now, but you’re already getting on your bike and adjusting your skirt and looking at him with a smile before asking “ready?”
-he has to put a lot of effort into not sounding like a loon. he settles for a smile and a “sure.”
-in retrospect, he should have considered that the place would be packed today. there was a flier that went out to the whole town for goodness sake. and its a saturday. in fairness, the line to enter didn’t take too long, but there certainly were a lot of awkward pauses in conversation that made it feel longer. you had your hands clasped in front of you. he kept his in his pockets.
-the exhibits were fine. he could tell you appreciated them, went up to inspect every single one. sometimes he joined you. sometimes he stepped back and appreciated you.
-he jumped in too, tried to bring up something he had studied. you smiled at him every time, even when he got it wrong. and it didn’t matter, because then you came right back and told him everything, explained it better than he had ever heard it.
-you talked to him and he would never forget it. with each piece, each fact you shared he felt like he knew you better. there was never an awkward silence after that.
-when you finally reached the new exhibit, it was packed. the two of you stood at the entryway for a few minutes, hoping that the crowd would thin. when only more people shoved their way in, you looked ready to give up.
-you offered to move on, take one last loop around before leaving. marcus wouldn’t have any of it. you wanted to see the display, it was a collection of female painters from europe, and he was going to make sure you did. besides, he couldn’t deny he had an ulterior motive.
-he reached over to grab your hand, clasping it tightly in his, before he gave you a boyish grin and dragged you in. he pulled you through the throng of people, making sure you were with him the whole time, getting you up close.
-he stood at your back as you looked, keeping you close and protected. you stood there, a hand still in his, and you didn’t even see the painting. all you could do was think about him. surely this was a date?
-he asks you about the paintings. you tell him the bare minimum and hope it’s okay. he’s been so great the whole day, you never even realized he liked the same things you did.
-you spend another half hour in just the one room, looking over each piece. he tries to share something again, but he got the name of the painter wrong. you correct him, but he doesn’t even care because you’re still holding his hand.
-you keep talking after that day. he comes after school to the art club sometimes, you take a history class together. trips to museums become a more regular thing, and so does going to dinner. he kisses you at your back door, runs away as soon as he knows you’re in safe. he remembers things were good.
-he had decided in middle school he loved you, but he swore he fell even harder that day.
-but he also remembers it doesn’t last. first you move, then he does too. there had been a couple of phone calls, but it just wasn’t the same. he actually considers art school for a time, but between knowing his parents disapproval and his skills as an artist, he takes a different path, and art classes are just his elective. still he wonders if you went.
-even now he remembers you fondly. your ‘no care’ attitude on the outside, yet how deeply you cared on the inside. maybe it’s the idea of a first love that he keeps coming back to, even though he knows he doesn’t know you now. you come up in his mind, unbidden yet still welcome.
-he’s working when he sees you again. he’s been called to the national gallery of art--there’s been suspicions surrounding the transfer of an incoming painting from the louvre--and you’re there. you’re standing there, working, and he doesn’t even know what to think.
-you look as though you’ve barely changed. older sure, and your hair is different, you dress differently too. but he knows the shape of your face, the quirk of your lips. you even stand the same way, that little lean and jut of your hip.
-he doesn’t even realize he’s just standing there smiling at your profile until he hears someone call his name. and that’s when you notice him. you have only known one ‘marcus pike’ in your life, but you are surprised to hear it prefixed by ‘agent’.
-you see his back--broad shoulders in a trim suit, brown hair that is kept neat, but longer than the marcus you knew. he turns finally, and you see the beard. you can’t even be sure. there are some similarities to the boy you knew but...you meet his eyes.
-it’s him. it’s definitely him. you see the museum director still talking to him, but he’s smiling at you. you can’t help but smile back. you really hope he’s listening, because your employer is not very forgiving.
-your attention is taken away soon enough, but as soon as you both have a moment, he striding to you and you turn to him. he says your name like a question, as though he can’t believe its you. you respond with an amused “marcus” and it’s enough for him.
-he goes for a hug, and you happily meet him. then you’re both asking each other so many questions at once, neither of you can get a word in. its all laughs and smiles, and you learn that not is he just an agent, but an fbi agent in the art department. it might be the sexiest job you’ve heard of, right behind archeology.
-you tell him about yourself, how you’ve been in dc for the last 10 years, how you got this dream job restoring the famous works you had so admired. he’s proud of you, he says so. you don’t know how to ask if he has a family. surely he does.
-marcus finds himself looking at your hands all too often, but they’re blocked by the clipboard you hold. it feels so easy to talk to you again, even after all these years. as though you were the sort of friends that couldn’t be separated by time. when he finally catches a glance at your left hand, he feels relief when he doesn’t see a ring. it may not mean too much, but its something.
-he suggests lunch and you agree. you talk about work, the city, your pasts. it feels like putting on an old jacket that still fits. broken in and familiar. for the first time since his move to dc, marcus feels hope. if all the heartbreak he’d endured, all the blood and sweat he put into his job had gotten him nothing but a new, empty apartment maybe he’d still feel like he did. but now he knows you’re in dc, and he can’t help but think it’s fate.
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ruensroad · 5 years
I have fought myself a while in whether or not I want to get into this AU, but then @bloody-bee-tea​ had me gushing about the Nie Brothers in it and I just... I am weak, okay? weak and soft. So here you go. XD
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For a deathless Immortal, life didn’t often change. Each golden morning heralded the same blue skies, the same sweet breeze. The same flowers grew in his garden, the same sun-flies and rain-birds came to visit in the warmth of the afternoons. The violet evenings under the same shimmering rainbow; the night under the same glittering stars.
Lan Huan’s life had a pattern. He woke early, roused his younger brother, and made breakfast and tea. He taught A-Zhan his characters and numbers and how to paint. The early afternoon saw A-Zhan hurrying out to be with his beloved rabbits and Lan Huan out to his favorite patch of garden, covered in the lilies his father had planted for his mother. For that story was a tragedy, he loved the flowers nonetheless, and he spent his time in the golden light tending them.
He was uninterrupted, most days, until evening, when it was time to make dinner and more tea for himself and A-Zhan. Then it was music lessons before bed, just to start the cycle again. Unchanging, unending. A blissful, uncomplicated existence, as it was for all Immortal children in the Heavenly plane.
But not today, it seemed.
He’d just bid A-Zhan farewell to retreat into his garden, just grabbed a watering can when he heard the crush of grass and the excited snuffling of an animal, then watched the daisies at his feet sway to the ground under a rolling ball of scales and fur. Lan Huan stood shocked a beat too long, long enough the cub blinking up at him lost interest after a few chirps went unanswered, then its wide, dilated eyes fixated on a rose and got thoroughly distracted.
He’d seen the Guardian Lion Dogs before, of course. On the few occasions his life’s pattern did change, it was to follow his Uncle to the nearby temple for prayers and reflection, all while under the watchful gaze of the twin Guardians standing guard over it.
But they’d all been… huge, however, towering over him and his brother when they passed. This was just a baby, all puffy fluff and too big paws and what seemed to be a keen interest in flowers and adventure. Lan Huan had never heard of a Lion Dog leaving its assigned temple, let alone galavanting into unsuspecting gardens, but he was instantly charmed regardless and knelt down while the cub batted happily at the rose.
They were considered lucky, and Lan Huan could admit he felt lucky to bear witness to the cub’s obviously delighted play. He rolled in the grass, knocking over flowers and upending stones, and growled fiercely at a sun-fly when it lighted on a petal.
“Such a fierce Guardian you are,” Lan Huan praised, knowing the Lion Dogs to be proud beasts. He stood the best chance of stopping the casual destruction of his garden by distracting the cub with it. At least he hoped. Cute as it was, these were special flowers. “I daresay no sun-fly dare return to that flower after such a roar.”
The cub puffed up, obviously preening, and tottered over, wobbly and unbalanced due to his overly large paws. Da-ge is scarier, he said, proud of that fact, and wagged his nub of a tail at Lan Huan. He’s always looking like this.
The cub pulled back his lips, baring fangs and wrinkling his brow. Lan Huan had to take an extra breath not to laugh.
“Oh, fearsome indeed,” he agreed, nodding seriously.
Da-ge is no fun though, the cub continued, tired already of pulling faces, and pounced on a daffodil before rolling and kicking at the tall leaves. Always work, no play! No pretty things. I like these pretty things.
“Flowers,” Lan Huan told him, unable to stop a worried smile. “You haven’t seen flowers?”
Seen them, but not close enough to smell! The cub purred so hard his whole little body rattled with it, golden eyes squinted into glowing half moons. I really like flowers.
“I like them too,” Lan Huan chuckled and gently eased a few blooms out of the cub’s path. “They are delicate and lovely. So fragile yet beautiful.”
Fragile? The cub blinked at him then around at the mess he’d made. He sniffed and sat up, looking as though he hadn’t just done that, like there wasn’t grass caught in his scales or a daisy stuck in his ear. Why must pretty things always be so easy to smush?
“It’s part of their charm, I suppose,” Lan Huan told him and wondered if it would be safe to brush away the mess from the cub’s fur, or if he’d be bitten for even daring to try. He knew the protocol with big Guardians, which greetings to use, which offerings to lay, but what about touching? There were no rules he knew of regarding touching them, let alone a cub already breaking the rules. Would it be safe?
The pad of heavy feet cut through his indecision, and to his surprise another cub hopped over the garden wall, bigger than his current trouble-making guest, but obviously not close to grown. Still, its scowl was impressive for so young a Guardian, even if the growl in its throat was still a bit higher with youth, not the low, timbered rumbling it would be one day.
Lan Huan felt himself go utterly still as the larger cub approached, its golden gaze fixated on him and the tiny terror. But when it spoke, it wasn’t to Lan Huan, and the voice was boyish, the way Lan Huan’s was. A-Sang!
Da-ge found me! The cub - A-Sang? - chirped happily and rushed over, uncaring it seemed of the sharp tone or the growling. He rubbed happily under the larger one’s chin, purring and rattling, before pouncing on his paw. Found all the pretty things, da-ge! See?
A long, tired sigh, then the growling cut out in resignation. Lan Huan bit down a wide grin to see the all too familiar brotherly exasperation cross the Lion Dog’s face. This is not the temple, he reprimanded. You trespassed and ruined someone’s garden.
“It’s alright,” Lan Huan was quick to say around A-Sang’s contrite pouting. “I didn’t tell him to stop so the fault is mine.”
He got a huff for that and a considering look, before the Lion Dog sat down, then flopped. Right on top of A-Sang.
The cub whined, biting and pawing playfully at his brother’s face. His brother who was unmoved, uncaring of the tiny teeth. You are so damn tiring, he said to A-Sang, who gave up on fighting and started wiggling.
And you are heavy da-ge! He whined. Unable to get free, he flopped over his brother’s paw and pouted, though was already yawning now that he was no longer moving about.
Deal with it, the older cub warned, then his eyes were back on Lan Huan, curious, but not hostile, he was relieved to see. Forgive him, he’s just a cub.
“Nothing to forgive,” Lan Huan assured and shifted a little closer to the two brothers. “Unexpected, maybe, but all in good fun. And I can fix up the garden.”
The Lion Dog looked dubious, but didn’t argue, and waited for another wide yawn from A-Sang before lifting his head. Like a well-known dance, A-Sang stayed put, snuggling down in his brother’s fur and scales and purred, content it seemed, and warm.
“I didn’t know you could leave the temple,” Lan Huan said, still awed that this was happening at all.
We can, though we’re not technically supposed to. A sigh, which had Lan Huan smothering another grin. But I doubt even our General would be able to keep this one contained.
Lan Huan huffed a soft laugh, just imagining little A-Sang skirting under the giant paws of their elders. It was far too easy to imagine. “He is spirited.”
And easily distracted, the older cub sighed in exhaustion. Poorly suited to temple life. I don’t know if he’ll make it.
“With a big brother like you, i’m sure he will,” Lan Huan assured, not certain what happened to those Lion Dogs that didn’t meet expectations. He was suddenly afraid to ask and swept the worry to the side by offering his hand, as well as a bow of his head. “I am Lan Huan.”
A large paw was stretched over his hand, a very heavy, reassuring weight against his palm. Nie Mingjue, the cub told him.
It was a courtesy name, which meant this cub at least was a full on Guardian in training. Lan Huan had to wonder if that meant it would be the last time he’d see Nie Mingjue and A-Sang in his garden, or if the tiny cub’s need for adventure would make this a common occurrence. He found himself hoping it was the latter and shook his paw with a wide smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nie Mingjue,” he said earnestly and smiled down at the slowly blinking A-Sang. “You and your brother.”
Nie Mingjue snorted again, but gently nuzzled the ball of fluff curled against his chest and sighed. Sorry again. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen a second time.
“No, please!” Lan Huan said quickly, startling them both. He blushed when he realized he was still squeezing Nie Mingjue’s paw. “You two are welcome here anytime. If he wants to come, he can.”
Nie Mingjue studied him in a silence that had him squirming, but finally nodded. Thank you, he said and bowed his head. Honestly you’d be doing me a favor, because I doubt he’d let me stop him from coming here, honestly.
Lan Huan chuckled, relief making something in him sing, and he patted the paw in his hand in gratitude. “I understand. So please, come anytime you like. You’re welcome here.”
His wrist was nuzzled, then the Lion Dog breathed in deep against his skin. Smelling him, perhaps, or scenting his sincerity. A low purr had him nearly puddling on the spot.
Thank you, Lan Huan. Knowing A-Sang, I will probably take you up on that offer.
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trendhaar-blog · 7 years
40 Of the Top Hairstyles for Older Men
New Post has been published on https://trendhaar.net/40-of-the-top-hairstyles-for-older-men/
40 Of the Top Hairstyles for Older Men
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As a man ages, he may have trouble finding a suitable hairstyle. Your hair may change color and texture. What worked in your 30s might not be an option anymore. Even your hairline might be a different shape. Most hairstyles for older men happen to be shorter.
That’s probably because about 65% of men have noticeable hair loss at age 60, according to Statistic Brain. Shorter hair creates less of a contrast between bald areas and spots where hair is thick. Therefore, you’ll end up with a smoother, more blended look.
However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t wear your hair long. If you’re one of the lucky ones who moves past mid-life with lush, thick hair, you have some more options when it comes to hairstyles for older men. Here are some of our favorites.
White, Long, Pulled Back
White hair may appear thinner as you get older. You can keep the top long, with the front strands even longer than those in the back. Direct the hair away from your face. Have the sides chopped shorter, and grow out your white beard to blend everything together.
As your hair turns gray or white, it can get wiry. This can be hard to handle at first, but it creates texture even in straight hair. Keep it short, with the top slightly longer. Some white at the sides and the temples looks stately. So does some salt-and-pepper scruff on the face.
Rugged And Beachy
If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you don’t want to worry about what your hair is doing in the wind. Keep it about an inch long at the top and the sides, and have it shaped to complement your face. Messy texture always looks easygoing. Spraying salt water in your hair can help you maintain some spikiness without the stiffness of gel.
Long Hair
You can still have long locks after 50. Focus on keeping your hair healthy, and have it cut to create volume. If it starts thinning too much or looks too flat, you might consider cutting it shorter so that it’s not weighed down.
The Neat Pompadour
It seems like many millennials are getting a pompadour nowadays. However, you won’t look out of place if you want to try this classic style. Keep it neat, and limit the undercutting if you’re just not that hip anymore.
Textured Layers
If you have fairly thick hair, you can have lots of layers cut in with some significant length. Use a matte paste to mess up the strands and keep them from looking too perfect.
The Long Ponytail
If your long hair hasn’t fallen out, you might as well flaunt it. Pull it back into a rugged ponytail like Sean Connery. It’s a classic for older men that will never go out of style.
Long Wavy Texture
As you get more grays and added texture, your hair may fall differently. Grow it to the nape of your neck, and flip the front away from your face. You’ll look like a philosopher.
Long Layers
Mick Jagger knows what’s up when styling older hair. He realizes that he might not be able to get away with an extreme rock-star look. However, he retains some edge by keeping a relaxed look. The ends are thinned out, the waves are allowed to flow in whatever direction they choose, and the haircut matches his sense of fashion.
Traditional Caesar
This is the same haircut that George Clooney put his mark on for quite a long time. It’s short, and the top is styled flat and directed towards the front. This style tends to be neat and refined. However, you can give it some edge by spiking it up with some hair product.
Straight Chop
Stick-straight hair looks great when it’s cut the same length all around. Give it a soft part, and have the ends thinned out so that they’re not too blunt. Keep the style flat all around your head.
If you want some more edge to your style, you can have the sides undercut. Keep the top longer, and spike it up or wear it back as a pompadour. Trim your beard to match the length of the hair at the sides and back of your head.
Short Spikes
Many mens’ haircuts retain some length at the top. This isn’t ideal for you if you have a long, narrow face with a prominent chin. If you do, keep your hair shorter. You can create interest by working wax into the ends and spiking them in different directions.
Tidy Undercut
This style is perfectly groomed. There is plenty of thick hair at the top of the head, and it’s cut to a medium length. The edge of that contrasts sharply with the fade on the sides. Even though the beard is long, it’s meticulously shaped to maintain that neat look. You have to make sure that the beard is tapered well into the sideburns so that it doesn’t look too wild.
Short And Tousled With Sharp Moustache
We see so many beards on older men these days. However, you can go clean shaven with just a moustache above the lip. A relatively short ‘stache looks good with short, tousled hair. There are many trendy styles for moustaches in 2017.
The Buzz
Buzzing your hair is easy to do. You can go to the barber shop, or do it at home. If you’re already balding, you can try keeping your hair cropped close to the head to just go with it.
Slick Cropped Curls
If you crop curls close to your head, you’ll have a textured look that can appear thicker than it actually is. Keep your curls tamed with a moisturizing hair product that adds some gloss.
Blown Back
Give your hair volume by blowing short/medium-length strands up and away from your face. You can even do this if you have a receding hairline. It’s best to show it off instead of trying to disguise the obvious.
Choppy Taper
The traditional mens’ haircut gets a short take with a thick top and well-blended sides. This style is balanced, so it grows out nicely in between cuts.
Keeping It Real
If you have lush, thick hair, keep it longer while you still can. Style it away from your face to show off the salt-and-pepper color at the temples.
One Wave
If your wavy hair is thinning, you might not have a lot of texture. Give the top some body with a slight wave.
Lots Of Crop
Significant choppiness on the top of the head can create an aura of thickness. Work hair powder or dry shampoo into the roots to prevent this hairstyle from falling flat.
Center Part And Long Layers
Dark hair stands out from the crowd as you get older, so you might as well make the most of it. Long layers frame the face and look great with a beard or goatee.
Thin And Refined
Your thin, soft strands look laid-back when you just let them be. Keep them super clean, and they won’t lie flat on your head.
Tanned And Gray
Kevin Costner has an easy-to-maintain men’s haircut. It’s short, and there’s a subtle part. The front is directed upwards, and the rest of it is textured for a low-key look. His glowing skin makes him look even more rugged.
White Dreadlocks
African Americans with long hair are stunning with graying dreadlocks. You’ll have the most unique hairstyle out of all of your friends.
Dark And Sleek
Not every older man has gray or white hair. Maybe you still have that thick shock of a black mane. Enhance it by slicking it back gently with a pomade. You can leave some height at the top. This looks dapper with a smooth shave or a short beard.
The Gentleman
A traditional tapered cut that’s parted on the side and brushed slightly to the back works with almost every hair type and color. It’s a gentlemanly look that’s traditional but not boring.
The Groomed Beard
Notice how this guy’s beard stands out? His hair is nondescript. The short cut is shaped nicely to his head, and he’s not trying to hide his hairline. The short, gray-and-white beard looks sharp with his tailored suit.
The Bun
Don’t be afraid to wear a man bun at any age. It can still be a professional, business casual hairstyle, and it can make you look younger. It’s extremely masculine when paired with a thick, textured beard that’s a little rough around the edges.
Short And Natural
Denzel Washington wears his curly hair cropped short. It’s thick, so it has great texture even as he gets older.
Peppery Texture
Richard Gere may have stopped aging sometime in the ‘90s. Maybe it’s because he has such great hair. To replicate this style, cut it short. Have the ends of the hair textured. Don’t wash it too much, or it might stick straight out. Hair that’s slightly dirty will hold its bedhead style better. You can add mousse or texturizing spray if it starts to look too feathery.
Round And Undulating
This hairstyle shape hugs the curves of the head. It’s great for framing a square face or rounding out a narrow one. The sides aren’t too short, and the texture is allowed to do its own thing. Lots of layers prevent it from getting flat. This haircut is not tapered as it gets closer to the neck.
Boyish Lop
You’ve probably had a haircut like this at some point in your life. The lucky thing is that you can have it back. This is the traditional childhood boy’s haircut. It works when you get older because your hair has that same thinness and texture again. Longer fringe in the front is worn to the side. If it’s not too thin, it will cover some of your receding hairline.
Tall, Dark And Handsome
This handsome look emphasizes dark hair. Lots of layers are cut into the thick top, and the sides are shorter but not faded. A little sprinkling of gray hair actually prevents this style from looking too uniform.
Short, Shiny Shave
If you’ve gone bald and you have a shiny dome, there’s not much you can do about it. Don’t let the hair around the edges grow too long. The thicker it is, the more it will contrast from your scalp. Cut it close to the head for a refined look that’s easy to maintain.
Curly, Off-Center Part
Curly, thin hair has an off-center part to give the illusion of volume. If you part the hair too far to the side, the top will look flat. A slight taper and sideburns that come to the center of the ear balance out this style.
Soft And Relaxed
A soft hairstyle with little taper works for thick hair that has lots of different colors in it.
Modern Spikes
Lots of texture works for older men’s hairstyles. Get the ends razored for this spiky effect.
Distinguished Mane
A medium-length cut is styled at a diagonal to bring out the distinguished widow’s peak and lighter temples. It’s a classic look that retains its youthfulness with a little bit of messiness.
What can you do to prevent thinning hair as you age? WebMD explains that there are some treatments that can help prevent hair loss. Others may even help hair grow back. You should probably get advice from a medical professional if you choose to go this route. You can avoid having to mess with hair growth products simply by getting the best hairstyles for older men.
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