#lupin is supposed to look different pls
qintarra · 2 years
i have so many issues with the new lupin series but i think my main ones would be how the show isn’t a satire comedy anymore and also the flanderization of ishikawa goemon the thirteenth
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nikolai-alexi · 11 months
For @jegulus-microfic
Prompt: Forest WC: 700
Tags: I’m on a RSKC kick pls don’t hate me, amortentia brewing, James is Losing It, oops sunshine boy is really attracted to the three most untouchable people in Hogwarts
Title: “3x3”
“Uh, Professor?” James calls out, his voice is wobbling and he knows Sirius is looking at him with that look.
Slughorn comes teetering over to his brewing station and peers into his cauldron, “Why, Mr Potter! This looks fabulous, my boy! Well done! Fifteen points to Gryffindor for a perfectly brewed Amortentia on the first try,”
The portly professor goes to wobble away from his brewing station, but James snags his robe sleeve before he can get too far. He’s never been more grateful for his darker complexion because his face is on fire from how hard he’s blushing.
“Thank you, sir, but, um..I didn’t ask you over here to look at the potion. I know I brewed it correctly, but…” he pauses and squeezes his eyes shut tightly, his voice is barely a hoarse whisper when he speaks again, “I think there’s something wrong,”
Slughorn shows a remarkable amount of tact compared to his usual level of social bumbling and comes closer to the cauldron, “What’s the trouble, m’boy?”
James grabs his potions book and shows Slughorn a passage he’s underlined in his annotations, “It says here that you’re supposed to smell three things that attract you,”
Slughorn chuckles, “Not to worry, Mr Potter, if you only smell one or two things, there’s nothing wrong with your potion. The scents it produces and the quantity of them is different for everyone. It’s just most common for people to smell three,”
James gulps, most of the class is staring at him now. He wants the ground to swallow him whole. There must be complete and utter panic in his eyes when he looks at Slughorn, because the man looks quite concerned. James’ mouth is completely dry and his voice scratches his throat when he forces the words out of his mouth.
“That’s the thing, sir,” he mumbles, averting his gaze to the far wall of the classroom to avoid any gaze on him, “I smell nine,”
The potions professor chokes on air and splutters, “Nine? Nine distinct, separate, individual scents?”
James nods miserably. See, the thing is, he knows who each of those scents belong to. He could tell instantly which three people each scent belongs to, and to give you a hint — none of them are Lily Evans.
He runs an agitated hand through his hair, “It cycles through in threes, sir,”
“Explain,” Slughorn demands. James nods, a pained expression on his face.
He leans forward over his cauldron and takes a deep breath, inhaling the potion’s aroma.
“Sea salt, mint, and new Quidditch leathers,” Regulus.
James steps away from the cauldron, breathing in the unscented air of the classroom. He leans over it again and inhales.
“Whiskey, cigarette smoke, and sweat,” Barty.
He repeats it again, stepping away, breathing in unaltered air, leaning back over the cauldron, inhaling.
“Vanilla, broom polish, and the Forbidden Forest after a rain storm,” Evan.
Slughorn studies James with wide eyes, “Fascinating,” he whispers, “I must contact some colleagues about this,”
The potions professor scuttles away and James scoffs. So much for help. He looks up from his station and meets the eyes of a very amused Remus Lupin, who has a wolf’s nose and probably knows just as well as James does who smells like he describes, and Mary MacDonald, who alongside Peter runs the entirety of the Hogwarts gossip mill. He buries his head in his hands and groans.
He gives it an hour before the whole castle knows about this. He gives it a solid two minutes before a specific group people figure out the meaning behind what James smelt. They are never going to let him live this down.
In shorter words, James is fucked. And it’s not in the way he’d like to be.
He slumps down on his stool, dropping his head into his folded arms and wonders if it’s possible for him to go live out the rest of his days as a stag in the forest. He’ll take his chances with Hagrid’s gigantic gang of murderous spiders if it means he can escape the hellscape of embarrassment he’s about to endure at the hand of three Slytherin shitheads.
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pinkjacketorangetie · 8 months
i don’t know if you do requests right now. You have masterlist, but how do you think Lupin and Jigen would deal with falling for the same female reader who’s personality compliments them both and has not backstabbed them? Reader is chill and wouldn’t want to see them fight, but she is also hilariously oblivious there might be romantic rivalry going on.
STOP I LOVE THIS!!!! i am always happy to do requests :)) imagine is below the cut, hope you like it!!!! I may have took it in a slightly different direction than you intended so let me know what else I can do to be more true to your vision, whether that be a part two or anything else.
(sorry it took me so long to write! trauma is hard to come back from pls forgive me)
You didn't know how you got here, but all you knew now was that two dangerous men fell for you.
The jests and jeers turned into insults overtime. Lupin and Jigen stopped playfully commenting on their "rizz" (you came to regret teaching them that term) and hat, respectively, and they began to not speak to each other for days. They would avoid each other and spend their new free time trying to entice you to their corner. As you live out your days believing you were acting as a mediator, you were unwittingly the stake that drove them apart.
And now you blew it. You held your head in your hands as frustrated tears ran down your cheeks. Your unintentional ignorance caused a blow out and now no one was friends with anyone. This type of mess is inevitable when partners mixed work with pleasure, the tension boiling over at a fancy party that was supposed to be the site of a heist. The plan was ruined all because you accepted an invitation to slow dance with Lupin.
"How did I end up here?" You whispered into the dark, your feet dangling over the edge of a balcony. Your heels barely hung on to your toes, the wind picking up your dress and blowing it over your legs. How could you have been so blind?
It was all so painfully clear to see now. You felt like a ditz, and not in the cute Chrissy from "Three's Company" way, but in the way that guaranteed that the men who meant the most to you would never trust you again.
Watching you from across the room turned Jigen on and horrified him at the same time. You were so pretty when you cried, so vulnerable and gentle, just the kind of treasure he wanted to protect. He also felt like a sick bastard, because it was his reaction that made you cry. He knew he could see the top parts of your legs as your skirt flew around you, he could see the gentle curve of your ankle flow into your calf.
He blacked out with rage when he saw Lupin spin you around in his gangly arms. When he saw you giggle, smiling up at him with your doe eyes. The same doe eyes that were now filled with tears, thinking that it was all her fault. He didn't remember what he said, but he knew he hurt you. Whatever damage he did between him and Lupin would be solved within a week's time, but he knew the stakes were much higher with you.
Lupin had retreated. He left you on your own in the aftermath like the squirrelly little shit he was. If Jigen apologized to you, that had to mean something, right? He wished this decision was on his own accord and not another ploy in the contest to win you, but he didn't feel hardly as gratified as he wished.
Jigen let out a heavy, smoke-laced sigh as he took tentative steps towards you. You heard his movement stop when he reached your side, and you didn't look up at him. Instead, you kept your eyes trained on the lights from beach houses reflection off of the waves below you. You watched the pattern of the tides crashing into the sand, and in a second, you knew Jigen was, too.
That was the one good thing about this night. You had the brief comfort of knowing your intellectual connection with Jigen was still intact, albeit probably at a cost.
"You mind if I joined you?" Jigen asked, his voice hardly above a whisper but matching the rhythm of the waves.
"You still want to sit by me?" You shakily returned. You didn't dare look up at him for fear of seeing the malediction you placed in his eyes once again.
"Oh... of course I do." Jigen knelt by your side, assuming a squatting position. "None of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong."
You leaned your head on a railing, his soft voice coaxing you to turn to look at him. "I had no idea any of this was going on."
"I know. You should have known." Jigen tipped his hat up to show you his eyes, the brown in them now calming. "You deserved to know."
"Thank you," you whispered back, looking down at your hands, "I still can't help but feel like that isn't true."
Jigen hesitantly laid his hand over yours, not making any move to hold or squeeze or caress them. His hand just covered your shaky fingers. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. You're a brilliant woman, nothing about you is weak. Especially not your mind."
You let a small breath past your lips, but didn't respond.
Jigen took this as his cue to continue a true confessional. "I'm not sorry for telling you that you were my everything. You still are. Whether or not you want to be with me is up to you but I would choose you every time."
"Even now?" You squeaked out, turning one of your hands over so your palm was against his.
"Especially now." Jigen blushed as he wrapped his fingers around your hand. "That's the only thing I remember saying. That's how I know it was important."
"You called Lupin a man whore." You let out a weak, sad little giggle. It broke Jigen's heart.
"Meh... I meant it."
You looked up at Jigen and bit your bottom lip the way he thought was oh so adorable. "I never wanted you two to fight. Definitely not over me."
"We shouldn't have pulled you into this," he swept his fingers through a piece of your hair that fell behind your shoulder, "Whatever him and I have to settle is between us. You didn't make us fight, you hear? Him and I will make up in a week, that's just how we work. But you and I? That's something I would never put at risk."
"So you're not pissed?"
Jigen chuckled softly and held his arm above you, "may I?" When you gave him permission, he placed his arm around you. "Am I pissed? No, sweet girl. Never at you."
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wonderlandwalker · 6 months
Worship | Remus Lupin x Reader
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Marauders Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: You're recollecting the different scars you've both acquired over the years, and it leads to something more
Content Warnings/Tags: Smut, no but really this time, minors dni, 18+, fluff, pnv, this is fiction but really pls use condoms, swearing, Remus being cocky, reader being cocky too, not proofread
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: First official smut is here! Once I started writing I couldn't stop
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“Where did you get this one?” he asks.
“Let me think.” You’re sitting cross-legged on his bed, and he sees you straighten up your back as you reply, “Oh, I know. When I was on holiday in Spain, I got so distracted by the scenery that I ran straight into an ice cream cart, well, he ran into me but that was a multilingual debate.”
He stands up to go change his jumper, and you see his shoulders shake with quiet laughter.
Class will be starting soon and they will surely dock him house points for not wearing a uniform if he doesn't change. His back is pointed at you, but when he looks in the mirror he catches you staring.
“Hey, never heard of privacy?” He asks you with a smirk on his face, he sees your eyes widen and you quickly look away, not having expected him to meet your gaze.
“The scar on your arm.” you ask quietly, pointing to the one you mean, “where’s that from?”
“You don't remember?” he doesn't know if you can see, but his eyebrows are almost meeting his hairline. You start to fiddle with the hem of your skirt like you always do when you’re nervous. 
“Can’t say that I do” he hears you say.
“This pretty number is from the time you pushed me off the quidditch stands.” He smirks at the recollection, and sees your eyes spark back to life.
“I did not push you.” You say, furrowing your eyebrows as if you’re challenging him.
“So you do remember?” He’s glad to be bickering with you again, it’s comfortable, in a way.
“I’m still not gonna say sorry, you were about to collide with 3 pints of butterbeer.”
“I could very well have just stepped to a seat above, there was no one sitting there, you did know that, right?”
“Well if I had known that, I wouldn't have pushed you.”
“So you do admit it?” He says, seeming very happy with himself.
You huff in defeat, and dramatically flop backwards from where you were sitting on the bed. “Damn you and your smooth-talking mouth.”
He walks over to where you're lying down on the bed, and bends down so that he’s caging you in, his voice dropping an octave before saying “You usually don’t complain about what I do with my mouth.”
Your breath hitches, and he can see a blush crawling up your face. But you regain your composure fast, not giving in quite yet. “Usually you’re doing things I enjoy.” You’re smirking now as well, and he has to try his hardest not to fold himself, wanting to rile you up a bit more. So he moves one of his hands from its position on the duvet to your hip, and starts inching upwards, moving underneath your dress shirt until they linger right underneath the curve of your breasts. 
“Remus, please” Your eyes are closed and it comes out as a whisper, but lucky for him he’s close enough to hear it.
“Just admit you pushed me and I’ll give you anything you want darling.” you open your eyes now, looking annoyed. Before he can think anything else you’ve hooked your legs around him, and flipped him over on the bed. His head hits the pillow beneath him, and his eyes darken a little. 
“I’m not admitting anything” You say, more determined now. He looks you up and down slowly, almost like a hunter observing its prey. In a way, he supposes he does indeed want to devour you. You tug his shirt up, ghosting your fingers over his skin, until you stop at a small, v-shaped scar on his torso. “Now this one, this one I remember.” You tell him, while moving your body down until you can connect your lips to his skin. 
“This is from when we were by the lake, and you were going on and on about how easy it is to climb a tree“ You leave featherlight kisses all around it before moving on. “This one is from the night before we first kissed. I went to visit you in the hospital wing and the moment I walked in I remember how your eyes lit up, no matter how tired you must have been.” Another kiss, and you continue further up his body. His breath comes out quicker now, he’s still looking at you, focused, his lips are parted and you have half a mind to abandon your plan and kiss him, but you continue. 
“This one is from the time you were late to breakfast after a rough night, sitting down all grumpy cause your favourite sandwiches were finished, but you didn't know yet I had saved one for you. I always do, whether you actually turn up or not, just in case.” His head is starting to spin and with the little willpower he has left, he grabs your face from where it lingers near his neck, and pulls you towards his face to meet you in an earth-shattering kiss. You’re starting to hum into it and he bites your lower lip slightly, just enough for you to release a moan and for him to slip his tongue into your mouth. 
You push your hands further under his shirt, and try to move it over his head, only for him to stop you. It’s clear he’s got the upper hand again, and he’s smug about it.
“But darling, I just put it on. Can’t show up to class without a shirt.” Despite his words, he lets you remove it, and he gently brings you closer to him with his hand on the back of your head, starting to trail kisses from your jaw down your neck.
“What more is there to learn about the 14th-century wizarding economic bubble” You gasp as Remus gets to your pulse point. 
“Surely youre not talking about skipping class, you’ve been hanging out with Sirius too much” he chuckles, but doesn't stop his assault on your neck. 
You smile at his remark and ask him “Who would you rather spend the next hour with, me or Professor Binns?”
“Point taken” he says, and starts to suck at your collarbone, tugging the neckline down until he finally just decided to take it off you. Once he does he’s on you again in seconds, his hands not knowing where to stay, his lips attaching themselves to the tops of your breasts.
While he’s busy you take the opportunity to grind down on him, and the friction makes him groan and fall back down on the bed. He is painfully hard underneath you, but with how wet you are, you can't say youre surprised. You lift yourself up slightly, and he opens his eyes in question, but you don’t make him wait long. You unbuckle his belt and slide his trousers and briefs down, he gets the message and kicks them the rest of the way off. You settle back down, both moaning at the feeling.
He doesn’t seem to be in the mood to wait any longer, and moves his hand under your skirt, trailing up your thigh until he reaches his goal. He moves your panties to the side, and with his other hand starts to line himself up with you. “Are you gonna be a good girl and take what I give you” his voice is low, and his chest vibrates into yours while he talks. You start to go limp on top of him, and he doesn’t need any more clues before he flips you over, making sure your head doesn't hit the headboard while doing so. 
“Remmy please” You sound desperate, and he hears it. He can feel how wet you are for him, and it almost makes him just want to sink right into your heat. Almost. 
“What was that darling, I didn't quite hear you.” he’s being cocky, but he's also craving to hear it again, the nickname messing with his head. He’s unhooked your bra, and is trailing kisses down your breast, his teeth lightly grazing over your nipple, and you give in.
“I need you to fuck me, Remmy, please.” He’s always been good at taking instructions, and doesn’t need to be told twice. He slides his hard cock into your cunt, and it's a stretch, but it's such a delicious feeling. Once he’s fully inside you, you release a breath you didn't know you were holding, and Remus pulls out a little, only to slam his hips back into you, and it makes you moan his name in that way his arms begin to shake slightly. He sets an agonizing pace, and he’s reaching spots inside you only he can, bringing you to a level of pure bliss where you can’t think of anything other than him. Remus can tell it’s not taking much this time to get you there, and wanting to give you everything he has, he moves a hand down to your clit, tracing patterns onto it. You’re a mess at this point, moaning and mumbling things he can’t quite understand, other than the fact that you don’t want him to stop, you're begging him not to stop, and who is he to deny you? He fiercely kisses you, swallowing the pleas you're making, and he can feel you clenching around him. The feeling drags him in until he’s right on the edge himself, but he wants to give you what you want first. “Come on now love, cum for me, I know you want it.” an incoherent string of agreement leaves your lips, and he moves his fingers on your clit faster, until he can feel you spasming around him, and you throw your head back, your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth slightly open. The feeling of you cumming and the satisfaction of it makes his movements stutter, and it only takes him a couple of seconds until he’s there with you, moaning your name like a prayer.
Once the fog in his head clears up he opens his eyes, to see you already looking at his face, studying it as if there will be a test. He gives you a quick, chaste kiss before pulling out. The loss makes you hiss a little and you pout up at him, silently asking him to come back to you. 
“Give me one second darling.” He says softly while getting up to grab a towel, holding it under some warm water before coming back to clean you up, sparing you the trouble of getting up. He grabs the glass of water on his bedside table to take a quick drink and settles down next to you, pulling you closer to him. “Thank you” he says softly, kissing your temple. “What in Merlin’s name are you thanking me for?” “For letting me worship you.”
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Hey could you please do a dom remus, dom james and sub Fem!reader, with pet play and the use of kitty instead of "daddy".
Scenario: remus is dating the reader but james likes the reader to and james catches them fkn and he ask to join.
Btw i love your content so much! Pls never stop.
This was oddly specific but I also loved it??? Thanks for all of your patience love xXx
James Potter x Fem!reader x Remus Lupin
Warning : Sub!reader, Unprotected sex, Voyerism, Praise kink, teensy innocense kink, i don’t remember if I put degradation, pet play, pet names
Word count : 1730
James was cocky, some would consider him arrogant.
You however, found it enticing.
You’re just kind of self destructive that way, I suppose.
Remus was different from James, he was quiet and analytical. When he did have something to say it left a mark. Remus had you memorized, he knew every trigger, every touch, and every desire in that pretty little head of yours and both of you always enjoyed his intuition.
As James flew across his broom stick, dodging every bludger with ease, Remus’s intuition was telling him that you were extremely horny. You were on the best seat in the house, Remus’s lap and every time James would catch the quaffle in his very capable hands, you’d clench your thighs a little. Remus placed his lips at the shell of your ear, his hot breath and tone of voice making you shiver.
“When were you going to tell me about your little crush, poppet?”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t lie to me, you know that gets you punished. Besides, I can feel how needy my girl is, don’t you want me to take care of that for you?”
“Yes please.”
“Alright, if we leave now we should have enough time before everyone gets back, maybe even longer cause it looks like Gryffindor is going to win so there’ll be a party in the common room tonight. We’d have the dorm to ourselves Puppy, how does that sound?”
“Please Remmy, I want it so bad. I want you so bad.”
“Let’s go, we’ve wasted enough time now.”
James’ eager eyes scanned the room for his favourite girl, but you were nowhere to be seen. The euphoria of winning had worn off, and all he could do was politely brush people off as he searched. He felt bad that he felt this way, but he couldn’t exactly help feeling it anyhow.
To avoid all the bothersome people he decided to just call it a night and dream of the girl he couldn’t have.
Remus’s girl.
He trudged up the stairs, reminiscing of the time you placed your hand on his shoulder, he didn’t know he was such a fan of physical touch until you showed him. None of the marauders were really cuddly, but you seemed to thrive off of it and he was happy to oblige. At least that was something.
He was so lost in his own thoughts, but something he heard stopped him from the routine habit of opening the door without question. He recognized the cute pitch your voice took, but this time you were moaning, a lot.
And he would have left you alone but he heard his name, so he figured he had a right to listen, right?
“Please Remmy, want your fingers.”
“You don’t want my fingers, you want James’ fingers.”
“I- I want both- still like you too.”
“Greedy girl, one cock isn’t enough for you huh?”
“He’s so pretty, want him so bad”
“Poor dear, James isn’t here so it looks like my girl can’t get what she wants.”
James knew he was confident, but he didn’t realize he was confident enough to burst through the door, not even phased by your naked figure rutting against Remus’s thigh.
“Nice of you to join us James, I was hoping you’d overhear.”
“Yeah? Then I’m glad I did.”
“Puppy, why don’t you greet our guest the way I taught you, hmm?”
“Okay kitty.”
You climbed off of Remus to settle in front of James on your knees.
“She calls you kitty?”
“It’s like her version of Daddy, I find it endearing.”
“It’s cute” he squats down to fondle the pendant on the collar you were wearing. He’d never seen you wear anything like that before. It read the property of R.L.. “So, you’re Remus’s puppy huh?”
“Yes sir.”
“Would you mind being my puppy for a bit?”
“No sir, wanna be your puppy for more than a bit.”
He patted your head and rose to his full height.
“Good girl, what’s your safe word?”
“Red, or I can snap.”
“Why would you snap?”
“In case your cock was in my mouth sir.”
“You should let her suck your cock first, she takes it well.”
It took a lot for you to not clench your thighs together. James studied your eager face and smirked at your instant compliance.
“Alright Pup, get to it. Let’s see if Remus knows what he’s talking about.”
All James wanted to do was eat you out until you couldn’t cum anymore, but he had never met someone so submissive before. It was fun to test the waters, and he would be sure to reward you later. You greedily swallowed his cock, his length wouldn’t deter you, since you were already used to Remus. James’ moans and soft grunts were feeding you into moving at a faster pace. You didn’t even notice the tears streaming down your face, but James did.
“Remus, you certainly do know what you’re talking about. Looks like you’ve trained her well. Are there any boundaries you have that I should know?”
“What’s mine is yours, just try not to mark her up too much.”
“That’s a shame, she’d be a pretty little thing to mark up, but she is yours. I can respect that.”
You were whining now while they talked as if you weren’t even there. Looks like they both knew how to direct conversation to make you impossibly needy, oh well.
James grabbed your hair to pull you off of him.
“Why don’t we show kitty how quick I can make you cum? I heard you wanted my fingers.”
“Please, want them so bad.”
“You also said I’m pretty.”
“You are pretty Jamie, wanna kiss.”
He helped you to your feet and cupped the side of your face gently.
Kissing James Potter was much different than kissing Remus. Remus could tease you endlessly about how desperate you were, but his kiss destroyed all pretenses. Remus was fire. James wasn’t cold, but it filled you with a different kind of warmth. His lips were soft, a complete juxtaposition to the way he was holding you. When he pulled away you sighed in contentment.
“Okay, get your ass on the bed.”
Well, his words were less put together than his lips were. But his command didn’t have you complaining.
You climbed on the bed in front of Remus as he enjoyed the show from the head board. You made sure to arch your back the way Remus liked, your cunt on full display. You figured James liked it too considering the way he muttered fuck under his breath as he squeezed your ass. Remus loved the anticipation dripping from your face.
“My pretty puppy, you look ansty. Are you sure you can handle James fingers. I think it might be too much for you.”
“No Kitty, I can take it please.”
“It’s not me you should be asking.”
“Remus she’s been such a good girl don’t tease her. Don’t worry baby, if you’re good you can cum as much as you want, maybe more.”
You looked at Remus with wide eyes, while he barked a laugh.
“Don’t look at me like that pup, you wanted this now you’re gonna take it.”
You wanted to jolt with the electricity that flew when James finally touched your clit, but Remus had trained you better than that, so you stayed planted only letting out a quiet whimper.
“Yeah Y/N, Kitty says you’ve got to take it.”
With that he pushed a finger inside your cunt while rubbing quick little circles with his thumb.
“You’re so wet baby” He was interrupted by your moaning when he pushed a second finger inside. “Taking my fingers so well. I want you to cum before I give you my cock, think you can manage that?”
“Oh she’ll just have to, besides, she loves being a little cum bunny, don’t you darling?”
“Love it so much Kitty, wanna be good, please let me.”
“Nothing is stopping you, go ahead and make a mess on Jamie's fingers.”
Your mouth fell open as James worked you through your orgasm, once he pulled out you were able to catch your breath again. He flipped you on your back and you were smiling at an upside down Remus.
“Fuck you’re precious aren’t you?” He bent down to give you an upside down kiss and grinned at you in your giggly state “James, you better hurry up and fuck her or else I’m kicking you out and I will.”
James took a glance at your now furrowed eyebrows.
“You’re confusing her Remus. Oh Bunny, Kitty was just teasing. Is your brain getting a little fuzzy?”
“A little Jamie, don’t want you to go. Can you please fuck me now?”
“Well since you asked so nicely.”
He pushed in inch by inch and he had this curve that rubbed perfectly against your walls.
He fulfilled your request with much happiness, snapping his hips into your like that’s all he was meant to do. You went to grip along his back, but he pinned your hands above your head, continuing his ruthless pace.
“Sorry Bunny, if I can’t mark you, you don’t get to mark me, understood?”
You nodded pitifully, barely even able to do that. You were completely absorbed in the pleasure James was giving you. You didn’t even realize you had squeezed your eyes shut until James reprimanded you.
“I can feel your thighs shaking love, keep your eyes on Remus. I want your kitty to watch your face as you fall apart on my cock.”
“What is it, puppy?”
“Wanna cum.”
“Go ahead and cum pretty girl, you’ve earned it.”
James was quick to stimulate your clit with his thumb again and just when you arched your back at the arrival of your orgasm James was filling you with his own. Slowing down significantly as he worked you both through the remnants of your climax he made sure to capture your lips on his own.
“James, I think you called me Kitty more than Y/N did.”
You frowned at that.
“You don’t need to be jealous Jamie, you can be my kitty too.”
Remus swept some of the hair out of your face, admiring your fucked out expression.
It was only fair that someone as spectacular as you got to be shared.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @midnightgremlin @weasleyposts @bluemoonyblurbs @emmaev @agalandhermarvelobsession
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endlessymphony · 3 years
🧸 Congrats on 50! It is very much so deserved and so are all the future followers! If it’s not too much could I request a fluffy blurb with the one and only Remus Lupin, like a classic friends to lovers awkward and sweet first date shenanigans? Ilyyyy
thank u my beloved anon! <3
i think i’m in love with you. (pt. 1???)
pairing - remus lupin x reader
summary - the good ol’ best friends to lovers trope
warnings - cussing, lots of awkwardness, mentions of underage drinking
a/n - this is vaguely inspired by my ‘you are the kind of boy that they write love songs about.’ spotify playlist— because it’s adorable + has the same vibe
a/n continued; pls let me know if you guys want me to continue this fic to include the date! i honestly think this is just so sweet and cute, and would love to hear some feedback about it :) (might make it a two parter if y’all like it enough!!)
you and remus had been friends since fourth year, and while it wasn’t quite the ‘perfect’ first impression that brought you together, recalling the memory makes you smile nonetheless. most would claim that first impressions are truly everything, but you would beg to differ- seeing as being drenched in pumpkin juice by a very apologetic and slightly aloof boy has now led to one of the best friendships you’ve ever had.
tonight was just an average friday night in the gryffindor dorms as the marauders were hosting their usual ‘study’ night; obviously there was lots of chatter and laughter with an absence of any real studying happening, the name only aided in the fight against being caught by any teachers.
you and remus had claimed the couch whilst lily, james and sirius were scattered about the floor, peter sitting in a chair beside the couch.
glasses in hand, you were all slightly tipsy off of combinations of muggle alcohol that sirius managed to get his hands on, chests feeling as if they were alight. your skin tingled, brain and tongue feeling fuzzy as you laughed along with the others about something that james said.
you looked over at remus and caught him staring at you, you made brief eye contact before he looked away, a bit shy, but you giggled at decided to brush it off.
“you guys will never guess what i got for us tonight.” sirius started, legs slightly wobbly as he stood up. he reached into his pocket and retrieved a vial of veritaserum, “what better way to play truth or dare... then with some of this?”
you all looked around at each-other skeptically, knowing all about what that tiny vial can do to friendships, relationships, and your head. “i say we do it.” james pipes up, a smirk coming to his face. “...unless any of you have something to hide.” he turns to look at you and remus, raising his eyebrows a bit. you and remus turned to look at once another, cheeks darkening as your faces start to heat up. you look away quickly and try to ignore it, again.
ignore that feeling pooling in your stomach. the way your heart begins to flutter when you lock gazes. no, it can’t mean anything, right?
you all eventually give in to sirius’ antics, passing around the vial- everyone taking a shot. you’re the one to finish off the potion, it was an odd taste, your face contorting as you swallow it. not sweet, but not bitter, but also not sour- somehow all three combined to be one of the weirdest things you’ve ever tasted.
you place the glass vial down on the table in front of you, everyone waiting for the potion to take its effect. you sipped on your drink as you waited, hoping the taste of whatever lily mixed up would wash away the taste of the veritaserum.
and soon enough the ‘truth’ serum, as its called, began to work its magic on the rest of the group and yourself. your thoughts began to run- what if i mention the way that remus makes me feel? no, y/n, we’re not doing that tonight, plus no one will ask about it anyways. well, you spoke-thought too soon. everyone knew in some way or another that you and remus each had a thing for one another, so why not play on it when you’re both forced to tell the truth?
lily turned to the two of you with a wicked grin, just finishing up her dare, which you had missed due to the fact that you were consumed by your thoughts. her voice snapped you out of the haze, “so, y/n, truth or dare?” she drawled. both were terrible options. you knew that if you chose dare, you would end up licking someone’s foot or running down the corridor topless. but! truth was all the more terrifying. though, you suppose it’s the lesser embarrassing one of the two.
“truth.” you responded flatly, mumbling under your breath begging the universe to not mention remus. “what’s going on with you and remus, hm? do you like each-other?” her eyes glinted mischievously as she swirled the remnants of the drink in her hand around her cup. you wanted to say ‘nothing!’ but that wasn’t happening, mouth going before mind.
“i think he’s cute, and he gives me this weird butterfly feeling in my chest and sometimes talking to him makes me feel nauseous because i’m so nervous, maybe i think i’m in love with him.” you slapped your hand over your mouth to stop what felt like a stream of verbal diarrhea, eyes widening at what you just said. “shit, fuck. remus, i’m so sorry.” you said turning to him as you stood up.
you could almost cry from the embarrassment, well, that’s what you were doing as you speed walked back to your dorm. you couldn’t stay there, not after that, and you definitely couldn’t face remus. you just told your best friend you were in love with him, for merlins sake! if that wasn’t going to ruin the friendship- no, don’t even go there. that will ruin the friendship.
you launched yourself onto your bed, door shutting behind you. burying your head in the pillows, you just wished the mattress would swallow you so that you didn’t have to face reality. tears were scarce by this point, most of them streaming down your cheeks as you sped away into the hall.
remus was still sitting in the common room, dumbfounded. “shit.” he mumbled, mind completely scattered after your turn. james and sirius turned to him, sympathetically, well as sympathetically as they could until sirius cocked an eyebrow and started to muse, “you gonna go get them lover-boy?”
“yeah-“ he smoothed his hands on his sweater, “i am.” remus stood up and took after you, knowing that you always holed yourself up in your dorm whenever anything upset you. ‘they’re bound to be wrapped in blankets, face in the pillows’ he thought.
and that’s how you were exactly. wrapped in a crocheted blanket, face in the pillows. you didn’t know if you wanted to scream, or cry, or just run away and get a new identity and start a new life at beauxbatons or something as a transfer student.
remus reached your dorm, fist quivering as he started to knock on your door. “y/n.” he called, voice wavering. you sat up, “the doors open, rem.” he peeked in, a goofy grin coming to his face. “there you are.” he chimed, closing the door behind him as he walked in, sitting on your bed beside you.
“you always do that, y’know? whenever you’re upset or embarrassed, you always wrap yourself in that blanket and lay face down. sometimes you scream, or cry, or just end up taking a nap.” he chuckles lightly. “i hope you don’t feel bad about earlier.” remus stares at his feet, tapping one against the hardwood flooring. “i just don’t wanna ruin our friendship with my stupid crush.” you admit, feeling defeated, but he chuckles again.
you turn to look at him and cock your head, “what’s so funny?” you feel even worse, is he mocking you right now? laughing in your face? ouch- remus you absolute douchebag.
but it’s none of that, “well, y/n, to put it plainly, i think i’m in love with you too.” he stops his foot, looking up at you. your eyes meet, hearts both racing. “oh.” is all you can manage. his eyes dart back to the floor, “would, uh” he clears his throat slightly, “could i kiss you? maybe? would that be okay?” remus’ face starts to turn pink, a colour that you always thought complimented him quite well.
“yeah. that would be fine.” you replied, breathlessly. him saying that completely winded you. he gently placed his pointer finger under your chin, thumb bumping against your bottom lip as he leaned in. your eyes fluttered shut as you met him in the middle, lips brushing. it took everything in you not to just die then and there.
you bumped noses a few times throughout the kiss, giggles filling the room as you both pulled away- feeling the same breathless feeling once more. “so, this isn’t gonna ruin our friendship, right?” you asked, a smile playing on your lips. “of course not, if anything, now i just want you to be my best-friend AND my partner.”
“that would be lovely, rem.” you smiled even wider, pulling him in for another kiss.
maybe this whole awkward and messy confession wasn’t as bad as you thought.
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tinyarmedtrex · 4 years
Oooo 34 for Reddie pls!
“Hey wait no-” Eddie followed the waiter a few steps and grabbed two more small flutes of champagne off the tray, offering the waiter a small smile as he downed the first then second one. Fancy parties always meant small portions, something Eddie resented nearly as much as he resented the party itself. He was only here because his boss had insisted. He’d purchased a table and only told them after, saying that it would be good for Eddie to get out with his teammates. Maybe that was true but all his coworkers were with their partners and Eddie was left alone with sips of champagne and pretentious crackers. Not his ideal Saturday night.
Eddie turned, looking around the room again. Everyone here was dressed to the nines, wearing rented costumes and masks. He had had to stifle a chuckle when his boss showed up as a peacock. It was a bit too on the nose.
For his part, Eddie had picked the least embarrassing option. He was a lion and had spent much of the evening trying not to hit people with the mane. 
“King of the jungle hm?” Someone asked behind him. Eddie turned, seeing a lanky man wearing a fitted gray and black suit, complete with a mask that disguised all his features. 
“Did you lose little red riding hood?” He snapped, crueler than he intended. He may have had too many drinks and too little food.
“I’m more interested in men in tan suits than little girls with baskets.” The man said, stepping forward and offering his hand. “Care to dance?”
Behind his mask Eddie frowned. “Did my coworkers put you up to this? Just because I’m alone doesn’t mean I’m lonely.”
The man chuckled. “I have no idea who your coworkers are. The only reason I asked was because you looked cute and surly.”
“You have no idea if I’m cute.” Eddie said, accepting the strangers hand and letting him lead them to the dance floor. 
“I have a sixth sense about these things.” He insisted, slipping his other arm around Eddie’s waist and pulling him close. Eddie couldn’t help but notice how much bigger the man’s hand was than his, easily covering Eddie’s own. It made his heart hammer, something he hoped the man couldn’t hear.
“What’s your name?” Eddie asked as they danced, trying to figure out what the man looked like behind the mask. 
“Call me Lupin.” He replied, spinning Eddie and pulling him even closer. Eddie bit back a gasp as their chests collided. He was grateful for his mask so the man couldn’t see his blush. There was something about him, mysterious and strange, that drew Eddie in. Normally he hated games, hated guessing, but this man made him curious.
“But that’s not your name, is it?” Eddie asked, gripping the man’s shoulder. They were moving easily around the dance floor, Eddie was more than happy to let the stranger lead. He was fluid and practiced, liked he’d done this many times before, moving easily around other couples like he had an end goal in mind,
The man chuckled again, shaking his head. “No, it’s not.” Through the mask Eddie could see bright blue eyes, watching him. “What about you?”
“I suppose you can call me Leo.” Eddie replied. Two could play the fake name game.
Eddie couldn’t see the smirk but he felt sure one had appeared. Lupin nodded. “Fair enough. Tell me about yourself Leo, how did you end up here?” 
“Work event.” Eddie replied. “You?”
“I’m working too.” The way he said it indicated that his job was very different than Eddie’s. They continued around the dance floor, Eddie asking more questions but only getting veiled answers. He knew he should leave, network with people, mingle, but he didn’t want to step out of Lupin’s arms.
Eventually they paused, stopping near a balcony. 
“Care for some fresh air?” Lupin asked. Eddie nodded, letting himself be lead outside and into the cool night air. Once they were outside Eddie turned to the other man, sizing him up again.
“Are you mysterious because you think it’s fun? Or for another reason?”
Lupin laughed, moving in and crowding Eddie against the balcony. His hand was on Eddie’s waist, rubbing a circle into his hip. Eddie hated how attracted he was to this man without even seeing his face. Though maybe that was why, the mystery was part of the attraction. 
“If I said it was for another reason.” Lupin asked, dropping his voice and running his wolf’s snout along Eddie’s neck. It made Eddie shiver and arch into him, biting his bottom lip to stop a noise from escaping. “Would you ask what it was?”
“Yes.” Eddie said, tilting his head to let him continue. 
“Then it’s for fun.” Eddie felt Lupin lift his mask and lips pressed to his skin. Eddie gasped quietly as Lupin nipped his pulse point.
“Come back to my place.” Eddie said, gripping the railing. “You don’t have to tell me your real name.”
Lupin stepped back, his mask already back in place. “I’d love to, believe me, but I have another engagement.” He glanced behind them and Eddie could see some sort of commotion was occuring in the ballroom, security guards were questioning guests. 
“What the hell-?” Eddie said, stepping forward. He turned to look back, about to ask if they should go back inside, but stopped when he saw that Lupin was standing on the railing, watching him.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Leo. Enjoy your night little lion man.” He said before jumping off. 
“Wait!” Eddie ran to the edge, just in time to see the man tuck and roll as he hit the ground. His mask came off and Eddie got a glimpse of his face, sharp cheekbones and wild black hair. He winked at Eddie before breaking into a sprint, darting away into the woods.
“Sir, we need you to come back inside. The host’s safe has been broken into and we’re questioning all guests.” A security guard said from the doorway.
Eddie sighed. “Of course it was.” He followed the guard back inside, debating whether to protect the mysterious Wolf.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Hi, hello! A male ship pls? From both eras because I’m a sucker for my boys? 🥺 I’m a Hufflepuff, I love DADA, as you know, I love reading but I’m also a huge musician / performer! And loads of fluff pls??? You da best and a queen, never forget it love ✨💛
Remus Lupin: 
It was in Defence Against the Dark Arts that Remus first laid eyes on you. And for a moment, he’s shocked by the fact that he hasn't seen you before. Your completed work is pushed to one side; your head now buried in a book that has Remus craning his head to take a look at the title, but to no success.
“What’s caught your attention, Moony?” James asks beside him.
“She has,” Remus whispers, nodding his head towards you.
James stares at you for a minute before turning back to Remus, “You need to talk to her, mate.”
“Do you think?” He asks somewhat insecurely, “What if I make a fool of myself?”
James shakes his head, “Not possible, Padfoot is in the class, isn't he?”
Remus laughs, “I suppose with that logic I should go on over.”
James nods his head, “Do it.”
Remus takes a deep breath before standing from his seat. He walks the few steps over to your desk. “Hello,” he greets, “May I sit next to you?”
You startle from your book, surprised to see the Marauder standing next to you, “Of course.”
Remus takes a seat in the empty chair beside you; his eyes zoning in on the book still open on the table in front of you. Remus nods towards it, “I couldn’t help but notice you were reading. Can I ask what?”
You drop your bookmark in to mark your page before handing Remus your beloved, well-read book. “The Haunting of Hill House?” He asks, “Is it any good?”
You nod happily, “Very. It’s a ghost story with psychological twists. It’s great if you want a compelling read.”
Remus smiles, “I’ll have to read it on your recommendation.”
“Why don’t you borrow my copy?”
Remus’ mouth drops open, “Are you sure? I know how important books can be to people.”
You smile at his words, “I’m sure. Besides it gives us a chance to talk again when you bring it back.”
Remus beams at you, “I better get started on it straight away then so I can talk to you sooner.”
“I look forward to it.”
“Believe me, I look forward to it too.”
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George Weasley:
He’s trailing the corridors, unable to settle his mind about the upcoming exams. The stress about OWLs had finally gotten to him, and he had to take a step back from his notes to clear his mind.
He left the Gryffindor common room in rush; the panic setting in too quickly for his liking. His need for fresh air countered his need to revise.
George pauses outside a supposedly empty classroom; surprised to hear a lilting voice singing freely. He pops his head around the corner to see you with your back to the door, singing away happily as you make some notes on your parchment.
He tiptoes in the classroom, shutting the door silently behind him so as not to disturb you.
Your song soon comes to an end; your voice holding the last note perfectly. George can’t help himself when he asks, “What was that you were singing?”
You yelp in surprise, turning in your seat to see the Weasley twin leant against the door. Your eyebrows raised in shock, “Queen.”
“As in Elizabeth?”
You let out a startled laugh, “As in the rock band? They’re really very famous.”
George shrugs, “I’ve never heard of them.”
“They’re muggles so I suppose not.”
George leans back against the closed door; his hands in his pockets, “I suppose not.”
You smile at the red-headed teenager, “They’re very good. They’re my favourite band.”
George grins, “I don’t know, I think you might have to be my favourite singer.”
“You’re really good. So good it stopped me in my tracks.”
You duck your head, blushing, “Thank you, but you don’t mean that.”
George shakes his head rapidly, “No! I do, you’re really good! Are you in the frog choir? Because you should be. Flitwick would love a voice like yours!”
You shake your head, “I’m not in the Frog Choir. I don’t really sing around people.”
“Well you sang around me.”
“That’s different.”
“You snuck up on me!”
He laughs, “I suppose I did… but would you sing for me again?”
George shrugs, “I like the sound of this muggle band. Will you teach me their songs?”
A wide grin breaks over your face, “I can teach you right now, if you want?”
George smiles in return; he holds his hand out to you which you happily take, “Lead the way.”
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Teddy Lupin x reader
Word Count: 2,652
Warnings: None.
Request: omg could u pls write me something like a teddy lupin x reader
A/n: Okkk so I dont exscatly love this story but whatever I hope you guys enjoy!
You were different. That was no secret, since the moment you walked on to Platform 9 ¾ everyone had known you were different. No one knew how they knew, they just knew. 
When you walked onto that train surrounded by terrified first years without a fear in the world, Edward Lupin fell in love with you. Of course at 11 years old he had no clue what love was, he just knew you were unique, and he liked it.
Teddy had looked for 20 minutes to find your cabin, and when he did, you merely glanced at him and asked, "What do you want?" 
When he replied explaining how he wanted to sit there you simply shrug your shoulders as he took a seat. 
The next time he and everyone else in that hall realized you were different is when they called you up to be sorted.
McGonagall yelled, "Y/n y/l/n!" And you had skipped up to the hat a sly smirk plastered on your face. You plopped yourself into the seat, still smirking and waited. 
The hat took it's time, 3 and a half minutes to be exact, to put you in a house. Your smirk grew fainter and fainter with every passing second. 
When the hat belted, "Hufflepuff!" And a chorus of cheers erupted from the black and yellow table, Teddy was terrified. The look on your face was that of pure hatred, loathing and fury. Teddy feared for his life. 
You stood up thrust the hat into McGonagall's hand and stomped to the recently cheerful and now confused table. You plop yourself down as far away from anyone as you could. 
Teddy was called up soon afterward and nervously ascended to the hat. He sat down with a bit of a smile and waited. It took a few seconds of muttering before shouting, "Hufflepuff!" 
Teddy was elated as the table erupted with cheers. When he neared the group he changed his hair to bright yellow with black stripes and the cheers grew louder. He smiled wide until his eyes landed on you. 
Your head was down, your y/h/c hair sprawled across the table. You were definitely not cheering with joy. 
Teddy had once again swallowed his fear and sat across from you. The motion caused you to look up meet his hazel eyes. 
You raised both your eyebrows and pressed your lips into a thin line. Teddy broke into a toothy smile, "I'm Teddy." He stuck out his hand.
You rolled your eyes and let your head fall back into the table. Teddy frowned and dropped his hand. He had never been more intrigued by someone in his life, what was your deal?
Now as Teddy watched you entered the potions classroom, your eyes grew brighter and the touch of a smile grazed your lips. He wished to see that smile more often, it made his heart flutter and his knees go weak. 
"Alright." Slughorn said pulling Teddy out of his daze, "Today we are studying the Draught of Living Dead potion." 
"Great, kill me so I can get out of this lesson." Teddy snickered.
"Contrary to popular belief Mr. Lupin," Slughorn glared at the boy, "The Draught of Living Dead potion does not kill you. Does anyone know what it does?"
Many hands shot in the air and Teddy looked down, embarrassed. 
"Ms. Y/l/n?"
"When someone drinks the Draught of Living Death potion, they go into a deep sleep so strong that they appear to be dead," she paused for a moment before adding "hence the name, living dead." 
Teddy scoffed, attempting to ignore the color creeping onto his face. "Wouldn't that still get me out of this lesson?"
"I suppose." Slughorn drawled. "Anyway, we are going to make some today, flip to page 245 to see the recipe and get started."
Teddy began to gather ingredients as his desk mate, Ash Winpicker, found a cauldron. 
As the two went on they had to restart the potion 3 times, not because they didn't know how to do it -in fact both boys were quite bright- but because Teddy preferred his performance as the class clown than doing work and Ash was welcome to help. 
Finally when Teddy turned his head into an Asian Dragon to "collect hair for the potion" Slughorn had had enough.
"Mr. Lupin! You are disrupting the whole class." Slughorn seethed.
"Just doing my job sir." Teddy saluted him throwing the professor a wink.
"Mr. Lupin, please switch spots with Ms. Hetler."
Teddy groaned snatching his stuff turning around to see Monica Helter taking his spot. He walked towards the front and nearly choked on his saliva when he saw his new seat.
There you were, you y/e/c glaring him down. 
"Hey y/n." He choked out.
"Lupin." You growled, lips pursed. 
Teddy sat down mentally cursing himself.
After a few seconds of silence Teddy cleared his throat. 
"Don't we have to, you know, make the potion?" Teddy asked gesturing to the cauldron.
You let out a snort, "Well you see, when you actually do work, you tend to finish the potion." 
His eyes went wide, "You're already done?" 
"Yep." You said making the 'p' pop on your lips. 
"H-how?" The young boy stuttered out.
"Well, you see it's called working," you smiled sarcastically, "you should try it some time." 
Teddy blushed, his hair flashing crimson before returning to the sapphire blue he had adopted over the past few years.
He glanced at the potion to notice the continents looked exactly as described in the book; it was a light lilac color and the consistency of water.
Teddy let his eyes fall back onto you. You had your head bowed over, your y/h/l y/h/c hanging in your face as your y/e/c eyes were glued to the glowing screen held in your hands.
Smirking, Teddy leaned over and tapped you on the shoulder, "Hey Y/n." 
"What." You snapped lifting your head to greet his hazel eyes.
"I don't think phones are allowed."  The Hufflepuff smiled raising an eyebrow. 
"And I don't think I care." You hissed back.
The boy was about to throw another snide remark when he saw Slughorn out of the corner of his eye. 
Teddy promptly snatched your phone from your hand ignoring your protests.
"Mr. Lupin, do you have a phone out in class?" Slughorn bellowed noticing the small device.
"Ummm yes professor sorry." Teddy said looking up at the teacher apologetically.
"You know that is a violation of school rules," the frustrated professor said snatching the device from his hands, "You can get this back when you see me in detention at then of this week and I will be expecting to see you every night until then." 
"Yes professor." Teddy mumbled.
"Also 15 points from Hufflepuff." 
Every Hufflepuff in the room groaned, well not every. During this whole conversation you sat there wide eyed mouth agape as you watched Teddy Lupin take the fall for you. 
When the conversation ended you stared at the boy so confused and surprised you couldn't get yourself to do anything but stare.
Teddy looked back at you blushing a bit and biting his lip.
Finally you managed to speak, "W-why?" 
"What?" Teddy asked glancing at you again.
You cleared your throat and blinked a few times. "Why did you do that?" 
"Wouldn't want to ruin your Ms. Perfect reputation would we?" Teddy mocked.
"Please no one thinks of me as 'ms. perfect'" You scoffed.
"Slughorn does" he shrugged.
You exhaled loudly and tried to forget about it. He was just, being compulsively nice for some reason. After all he was a true Hufflepuff.
For the next week you attempted to get Edward Lupin out of your head. Unfortunately the stubborn bastard refused to move. He was cemented into your brain like your frontal lobe was branded with an image of him in a hot iron. 
Questions floated in your head. Why save you from punishment and humiliation? What had you ever done except ignore and scoff at the boy to make him take a weeks worth of detention for you? You did your best to ignore such thoughts but they seemed to leak into your head like a cracked boat leaking water; it was a slow process but if not attended to, you would drown. 
You had always found Teddy to be a strange person, I mean besides the whole  metamorphmagus thing. He was always nice and kind, to almost everyone. But here was the real thing that got to you. He was always nice and kind to you. Ever since that day when he shyly walked into your train compartment and the two of you sat in silence the whole ride, the day you got placed in the one house you never thought you would be, and never wanted to be, when the black and yellow haired boy had returned and tried to be your friend once again. 
You had never done anything for him and he seemed to constantly be helping you. He would somehow always be there with candy when you were stressed studying for N.E.W.Ts even though you would just scoff at his jokes he told in attempts to relax you. He was there when you lost your quidditch game and you had felt like crying, you had felt so vulnerable you had smacked the boy in the face with your broom and ran. He was there when you got rejected by Thomas Dunston and when you were dumped by Alex Gelman. He seemed to always be there and you always brushed it off. 
For the longest time you were sure it was simply pity, but now you knew it wasn't so. Because when you looked into the boy's eyes just after he snatched the phone from your hands there was no pity in them. There was this new yet not so new glint of an emotion you couldn't quite place.
Now as you stared down at your plate of food there was Teddy again. Your eyes lifted to meet him. 
"Heres your phone." Teddy winked, leaning over the table to hand you the device.
"Thanks?" You inquired, uncertain about the wink. 
"My numbers in it, you should give me a call some time." He winked again.
You let out a breathy laugh suddenly coming to a realization, "Hold up, are you flirting with me?" 
Teddy burst out laughing, you sat there quite confused. You waited as his laughter turned to giggles and then finally tapered off. Finally he spoke, "Godric, for being so bright you are really stupid." He giggled. 
You blushed hoping he wouldn't notice the slight tinge on your cheeks.
He laughed again, " Merlin y/n, I have been flirting with since I was 11 years old."
"Yeah, I've been trying to get your attention for six years. Nice of you to finally notice." Teddy then stood up and began to walk away. 
"Wait!" You yelled standing Teddy stopped just outside of the hall and you ran to meet him. You stopped in front of him. "Why didn't you say something?" 
"I did say something!" Teddy said exasperated. 
"No you didn't!" You fought back.
"Are you kidding?! I complimented you daily. I always tried to sit next to you in classes and during meals, I always study with you even though you ignore me. I make sure that I draw attention to myself in class, just to get you to look my way, when I go to hogsmeade I never leave without acid pops even though I hate the things because I know you love them, I always sit across from you in the library because you make cute little faces at your book and homework!" Teddy bellowed his voice raising with each word. 
"Well I just thought you pitied me!" You howled, anger flowing through you.
"Pitied you?! Y/n I have been in love with you since I saw you step onto that Platform six years ago!" 
Your eyes went from glaring slits to wide with surprise. "Y-you love me?" You choked out.
"Shit." Teddy mumbled burying his face in his hands. His hair was a soft lavender now turning a midnight blue. "Look it's just…" he groaned in frustration, "You have always been different to me, the way you do everything is unique and amazing. You have always been this mystery I have been trying to figure out and..." He sighed, letting his sentence die.
You stood there eyes wide in almost a daze, how could he possibly love you, you were the Hufflepuff mistake, the only mean Hufflepuff, the girl who was put in the wrong house and he was the Hufflepuff prince, the one who belonged, the funniest one, the one who was always destined to be, it wasn't right.
"Look I'm just going to go." 
"Wait Teddy," you grabbed his shoulder then paused looking up at the boy, unsure of what to say. "I act so.. different because, well I was sure of what was going to happen." You took a step closer to his confused state. "I was sure I was going to get on that train ride to Hogwarts where I would get sorted into Slytherin and make some shitty friends who were shitty to other people then I would focus on my grades become a prefect and graduate in the top 10% of my class, just like my parents did and I wouldn't be different at all." You took another step closer, "All of that changed the second that you stepped into my carriage. I suddenly wanted to be your friend and I knew you weren't going to be a shitty one. So I silently hoped to be put in a different house so you wouldn't hate me. Then when I got sorted into one house I knew I could never fit into, everything went to shit, my parents were pissed at me when I just wanted them to be proud and I guess I sort of.. I don't know, blamed it on you." 
Now Teddy was the surprised one. "Oh." 
"Yeah oh." You shrugged. "I am really sorry for blowing you off all those years I just…" you let your voice trailed off when Teddy took another step closer to you. 
"So you don't hate me?" He asked his voice soft.
"Well no, I don't think I've ever really hated you." You whispered heart thumping as you bite your lip looking up at the hazel eyed boy. 
"Good, then I can do this." Teddy smirked.
"Do wh-" you were cut off by his lips. 
Your eyes widened in surprise then closed as you melted quickly into his kiss, moving slowly against his desperate lips. Your heart felt like it was punching out of your chest,  your knees went weak. You wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him impossibly closer as he poked his tongue between your lips. 
When you pulled away panting his hair was a hot pink to match your cheeks. 
"Woah." You whispered, eyes wide, lips swollen. 
Teddy's smile grew on his pink lips as he let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah woah." He giggled. 
You smiled biting your bottom lip missing his own.
"So you'll go to hogsmeade with me this weekend?" The Hufflepuff asked.
"Of course." You answered reaching up and bringing your fingers through his hot pink hair. "See you then."
"Great!" Teddy said smiling wider than he was sure he ever had.
You giggled turning away from the overly enthusiastic boy.
Teddy watched as you retreated from him. The second you were out of view he leapt in the air whooping and pumping his fist, little did he know you were around the corner hand tracing your own lips  as you leaned against the corridor wall smiling just as wide.
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sirius · 7 years
Could you please write 11, 13 and 14 with professor Lupin and reader also being a professor? Can I also request that they sit on a bench with a view on Hogwarts, drinking hot chocolate during an winter evening and he confesses his feelings to the reader and fluff hapenns? Sorry, I'm new to your blog so I don't know how these requests work.
right, i’m not going to lie, I really struggled with this, so much so, I couldn’t find a place to fit prompt 14 in so I left it out entirely, I’m sorry nonnie. It just…wasn’t working. Anyway, I hope you like this! 
11. “Well this got incredibly awkward incredibly quickly.” and 13. “I love you, I always have.” 
The view of Hogwarts was stunning from your spot on the bench beneath a weeping willow, so much so, it almost made up for the cold. 
It was ludicrous to sit outside with the snow and the wind, but this had always been your favourite spot, even during your years as a student. It helped you think, and you needed all the mental energy you could muster, because deciphering the messy scrawl of Fred Weasley was almost draining you. 
The fact that you were even here seemed like a strange twist of irony, like the universe had other plans for your future. You never thought that you would abandon your days of mischief and take up the robes of a Hogwarts professor so early in your life, especially since Transfiguration had never been your best subject. But you supposed that fate would always work in mysterious ways, sometimes in ways you might never understand. 
You were halfway through the translation process when you heard the familiar footsteps of Professor Lupin approach you, and your heart fluttered violently in your ribcage. Your feelings for Remus were strictly forbidden in your books, and yet, your foolish, rebellious heart yearned for his affection. 
Play it cool you thought to yourself as he sauntered toward you casually, his eyes bright and smile warm.  
“You have trouble reading Fred Weasley’s work, too,” Remus smiled, dropping into the seat beside you. You smirked as you dipped your quill in red ink and impaled a misspelt word on the parchment with a sharp, straight line.
 “It makes learning Quibberish easy…”
“I find that reading the parchment upside down helps.” 
You turned your gaze toward Remus and smiled, “I didn’t think of that! Then again, I never thought I’d have to read a student’s work upside down…” 
“Teaching the Weasley twins is a whole new experience.” 
“This is true,” you grinned, biting your lip, “How are you finding it so far. Teaching in general, I mean, not the Weasley twins.” 
“It’s…great. I enjoy it.” Remus smiled fondly at you, his eyes twinkling, “Defence Against the Dark Arts was always my favorite subject…” 
“So I heard,” you smirked, “I also heard that you and your friends were quite the mischief makers…” 
Remus chortled, turning his eyes toward the view, “When we were young and dumb and we didn’t know better…” 
“I was the same,” you mused, “I always had a knack for finding trouble and playing with it. Now look at me – I’m a Professor in training with McGonagall!” 
“How are you finding it?” Remus asked with mild curiosity, his eyes glittering. 
“I actually really like it,” you smiled, as Remus reached into his briefcase and pulled out a thermos, “the kids are great. Though I think theres this strange karma getting the Weasley twins as students.” 
Remus chortled as he handed you a steaming mug of hot chocolate. You thanked him and took a languid sip of the warm liquid, your gloved fingers hugging the mug. 
 "I used to come here a lot as a student,“ you remarked, feeling the need to explain yourself, “it’s not very logical because it’s freezing here and I should really be inside next to a toasty fire but…this place helps me think.“ 
“The best things in life often outweigh logic,” Remus mused, “For instance; falling in love defies all logic, especially if the special someone doesn’t love you back… But love is wonderful…" 
“That sounds a lot first-hand experience…” you smirked, raising a playful brow. Remus averted a bashful gaze and you giggled "Who’s the lucky girl?” 
Remus chuckled lightly, a pink hue dusting his cheeks, “I really shouldn’t…” 
“Oh, come on,” you whined, slapping his shoulder playfully, “You can tell me! I can keep a secret!” 
“No, no, never mind…”
“Please?” you pouted, and Remus smiled, defeated. 
“Alright,” he relented, and a triumphant smile spread across your lips. Remus snorted at your beaming expression as you shifted so that you were directing all your attention to Remus. A weary but warm smile graced his lips as he began to speak. “She’s funny–”
“–and intelligent–”
“–of course–”
“–she’s beautiful, oh boy is she beautiful–”
“–keep going–”
“–all the students adore her–”
“–She’s a professor?” you asked, brows knitted together, “Don’t tell me you’re crushing on McGonagall…" 
Remus barked a laugh. "Minerva’s great but she’s not my type of woman.” You both shared a laughed and your cheeks warmed as Remus continued, “No, the love of my life is sitting right beside me…" 
"Well, I can’t wait to–wait, what?" 
You stared at Remus, eyes blown wide at his confession. He cleared his throat and stared down into his lap. 
“I’ve been alone for twelve years. And I…I gave up on love a long time ago but then I met you and everything changed. I–I feel like a kid again, you know? Like you made every minute of those twelve years worth it. But you deserve better, someone young and whole, someone who isn’t…me…and, Merlin, I’ve made this awkward, haven’t I? This got incredibly awkward incredibly quickly, I’m sorry…” 
Remus trailed off into a sigh as he raked a hand through his sandy-brown hair. You blinked at him, trying to drink in this new information. Your feelings were reciprocated, you thought, nervously at first, and then happily. 
“I should go,” Remus murmured, softly, standing from his seat. You jumped up with him and reached for his hand, tugging it back. Remus stared at you, puzzled, as your lips pulled into a broad smile as you gazed lovingly at Remus. 
“You think that just because I’m younger than you that that somehow disqualifies me from being broken?” you whispered, squeezing his hand, “Because you may think that makes a difference but it doesn’t. People aren’t defined by their weaknesses, they’re defined by their heart and their choices. And I choose you Remus John Lupin, because I love you, I always have, and you love me so that’s all that matters. Our feelings for one another are all that matters.” 
There was a silent pause where neither of you said anything. And then, you were kissing him and he was kissing you and it was warm and sweet and a little dangerous but you didn’t mind, you didn’t care. It was just you and Remus and your dancing lips, your fingers in his hair and his hands on your waist, holding you close like you were his sweetest surrender. 
After what felt like a lifetime, you broke apart, and his forehead was pressed against yours and you felt like a teenager again, young and reckless and full of life. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Remus breathed against your lips and you bit your lip. 
“So are you,” 
Remus smiled, and it looked as though he had swallowed a star.
no more prompts pls
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