#it didn’t happen often
qintarra · 2 years
i have so many issues with the new lupin series but i think my main ones would be how the show isn’t a satire comedy anymore and also the flanderization of ishikawa goemon the thirteenth
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 days
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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iinryer · 1 year
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submitting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of getting put into an headlock (hug) and noogie’d by your best friend (love of your life) in order to enjoy the rewards of feeling loved (and arm)
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forgetful-nerd · 9 months
Mikey getting his head patted/scratched by his older brothers is absolutely adorable.
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Look at how much they adore their little brother.
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And that’s a wrap for Comic Con 2024! Ha, it was a lot of fun, but I really enjoyed dressing up as Mondo today! I even had a couple people recognize him! And a few others just liked the hair, one of whom asked how long it took me to get my hair like that, which tells me that at least it looks natural enough for people to mistake it as my actual hair, ha.
Overall, Comic Con was cool! On Thursday, I attended a live podcast recording for Braving the Elements, which is an Avatar the Last Airbender podcast hosted by Janet Varney and Dante Bosco (the voices of Korra and Zuko, respectively), and I actually got a trivia question right and I should (hopefully…) get an email from them soon to get a prize for answering the question right. If not… oh well. At least I’ll be featured briefly on the podcast answering trivia correctly, even though I usually suck at trivia, ha.
The rest of the days were a bit more meh, but I still had fun. I won a Pokeball ornament from a Hallmark panel, since I knew how many Squirtles were in the Squirtle Squad, aha. Which leaves my trivia score 2 for 2 at the moment.😅 I also got a free shirt and scarf for the upcoming Yakuza live action show, which was neat. I’ve never played Yakuza, but my brother has, so I was able to give him the shirt at least.
Still, while Comic Con was fun, I’m definitely glad it’s over so I can go home and clean up from my frantic cosplay creating the last several weeks, oof.
Also! On the first day I dressed at Taka, but since I was by myself I only have the one photo my dad was able to quickly take of me before he had to drive off and a quick selfie I took in the car.
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bicheetopuff · 1 month
This might not mean anything to anyone but seeing the hate towards deku for losing his quirk and becoming a teacher feels a lot like the discourse about Cars 3 a few years ago when people were mad that Lightning got old and became Cruz’ crew chief.
And what’s crazy is both of them still got their happy ending. Deku still got to be a Hero and Lightning still got to keep racing. And I actually think it’s even better cuz they both have legacies since Deku has Kai, Eri, Kota, and all of his other students and Lightning is getting to train Cruz like Doc trained him. Yet people are/were still upset…
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edenfenixblogs · 9 months
Pretty sure on of my close friends muted or blocked me on everything because I post too much about antisemitism.
Must be nice to be able to look away from your friends’ suffering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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joshuaalbert · 1 year
kai winn’s relationship to religion really is just so interesting to me in a way I come back to sometimes like. she’s the leader of a faith and her gods will not speak to her. they will speak to other people in front of her and they will make a human from a society that did not interfere with her planet’s suffering their emissary but they will not speak to her. and I’m sure she can do a lot to justify it in her mind because she would have to be able to in order to keep any faith, and she has to keep her faith because she says herself that’s all she had in the camps, but that’s still a terrible thing to experience. and I’m sure a lot of people would argue that it’s not real faith, it’s ambition, but I think it’s some of both, and most importantly I think on the most immediate levels she believes it’s faith.
and like I think she and a lot of other bajorans have a reason to have a really complicated relationship with the prophets because the more demonstrably real and powerful they are, the more they’re willing to interfere in things like the dominion war, the harder it would be for a lot of people to justify to themselves why the prophets didn’t do anything to stop the genocide of their chosen people. I think the pah wraiths plotline ultimately fell kind of flat when it kind of boiled down to “dukat’s weird cult” and it was also a victim of the season’s pacing issues, but it has some interesting implications regarding this divide in the bajoran people, particularly when their religious leader’s faith is being so seriously called into question.
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esperastra · 10 months
It’s been three weeks and I still have not sorted my feelings about Legends Con. So have this random, unorganized list of things that happened that I still remember (more under the cut):
Nick tried to flash (stood on a chair and pulled up his shirt) Tala and Maisie during their panel but no one noticed him in the back
On the other hand when Arthur showed up during Caity and Jes’ panel they immediately saw him and greeted him
Caity was asked what Sara’s safe word is at the Meet&Greet and her answer was “Chiquita Banana”
When asked who they would eat first on a deserted island, pretty much everyone immediately said “Dom”
Caity and Jes kept talking about doing a podcast and asking people for stuff to talk about. Jes suggested they should just do Stabcast but Caity said she doesn’t like True Crime (which fair, I don’t either lol)
Adam said Avalance’s kid is named Rose and that Gary would be a great babysitter but he definitely would lose her at some point
At the opening ceremony Caity was like “I think the last time I said I was getting married. And I did it. *shows her ring* And Jes had our baby!”
When talking about the hardest goodbyes, Caity being Caity forgot Dom left and wasn’t even in the final season. Her answer was Franz btw.
A kid asked Amy, Caity and Jes if they would rather jump in lava or drown in water if they had to die and Jes was like “How old are you? Where is your mother?!” lmao
Jes recited the condolence card from Meet The Legends to the best of her recollection and kept laughing
Arthur kept mentioning how weird it is that all these fans and the cast are in his hometown
I could listen to Maisie talk for hours, just wanted to throw that in here
Jes was talking about how beautiful the gold dress from 502 was and Caity replied with “Anything you wear is beautiful 🥰” before Amy chimed in that she is still looking for the video of Liv and Jes laughing at Matt falling off his chair that was mentioned earlier lol
When asked about a crack ship (Rishop = Rip/Bishop) Arthur went on to talk about how he loves fanfiction lol
When asked if Nick or Matt is the better kisser Tala said “Maisie”
Adam started singing I Will Always Love You (forgot why) and Maisie left him hanging by not joining in and just smiling/laughing
Poor Matt didn’t know about the Human Centipede but now he does
Jes came up with the pick up line “I can be your legend until tomorrow” and then was like “someone try this tonight at the bar!”
On the second day Adam brought a water pistol to the panel and used it on everyone who got up to ask a question
Adam was THE hype man all weekend. He kept starting “When I say DC you say Legends of Tomorrow” chants
The fandom organized a group gift to give each cast member a trophy of the Waverider. We were allowed to present it to them at the closing ceremony.
Nick was called “Brad Pitt” during the trophy ceremony and Adam being Adam stood up instead
Amy sang Future Favorite with one of the kids at the closing ceremony
Adam said something about how he doesn’t like being emotional in front of people and everyone started chanting “SHOW EMOTIONS”
By the end of the closing ceremony everyone was super emotional. Caity was too emotional to speak when it was her turn and started crying and Jes hugged her. She said “I miss you guys” to the cast and went back for another hug. Jes was like “stop the emotions. stop the emotions” in reference to the earlier chant
A small list of some of the things that happened to me personally. I won’t share it all in detail here though, for reasons:
When I got my solo photo op with Caity, she saw my Real Housewives Sara shirt and was like “That’s funny. Can I take a picture?” and then she posted it on her IG Story
Amy spoke German to me out of nowhere when she noticed my accent. She also called me back during our photo op to ask me how I was and if I slept alright.
Jes gave me this 🥺 look when I talked to her at the autograph table
Nick held my hand for like a minute which was super overwhelming especially cause I struggle with eye contact lol. He also kept lovingly teasing me the whole weekend.
Me and a bunch of people did the 709 costumes as cosplay and won ‘Best Group’. It was a lot of fun.
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malenchka · 9 months
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“If you’ll pardon the observation, you appear to be in your underthings.” “…Yes.”
I am once again asking you all to read Mortal Follies pls and thank you
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gaytobymeres · 1 month
Just saw the weirdest most over-stimulating production of marriage of figaro…. I feel like the opera, the music, got lost in the set and costumes and props and background cast who were just kind of there? Doing weird things?
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aaandbackstabbed · 7 months
Donald was the first to call Goldie aunt Goldie.
I will take no criticism on this.
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winedogs · 8 months
hello I am back with more Thoughts from this weekend that are mostly for me to read later because I am my own biggest fan and I run this blog exclusively for future katie
this trial was a HUGE exercise in trusting my dog and my training!!!!!!!! every time I opened a course map, I thought to myself “oh well we don’t have the skills for this, I don’t really have to try to Q on it.” multiple times, I told my friends that we could MAYBE make it happen on our absolute best day.
and then we ran the courses.
were we missing pieces? absolutely! especially distance sends, which I really have no cause or opportunity to train- that's to be expected. but there were also many, MANY pieces that I assumed to be lost causes that Jay nailed without a second thought!
case in point, our LAST EVER excellent standard run included a send to the table. looking at the map, I envisioned myself stuck behind the dogwalk, sending my dog out on a blind hope, and calling it a "well at least we had fun" run. walking it, getting to the table felt more doable but I was sure that a bar would be our downfall somewhere- out of the tunnel, turning on the pinwheel, and ending on a spread have all tripped us up before. I saw the run go wrong thirty times before I got Jay out of his crate.
but we ran it. and we ran it clean. and we held our own all weekend against teams from across the country, teams who train like it’s their job because it is.
we have the skills. we have put in the hours and the effort. it’s time to run it like I mean it!!!
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deus-ex-mona · 22 days
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i miss her…
#cant believe i forgot about her till the photobook q&a im so sorry witch mona~~~~~~~#press f for honeypre atelier gachas it was gone too soon™️#(currently e x t r e m e l y worried and stressed for tomorrow like never before b u t i have to appear like im fine sobs save me monachann)#(can i go on a stress-prompted tangent here about something inane? no? toooo bad im gonna go off anyway~~~~)#ok so. like. since witch mona is the image i have up ‘ere and since it’s still 七月… today’s tangent will be on irl spooky stories!!#s o. presenting a decently repressed memory from my childhood that resurfaced while i was hibernating at home:#anyways. well. thoughts about the afterlife can vary from person to person yes? there’s no one true correct belief after all#but the one question that unites us all is probably the one and only ‘are ghosts real?’#and well. for personal reasons i think so. i mean i’ve seen this one dude i hate get possessed a couple of times so welp. cant deny it ig.#wild story about that actually. back in the day my family’s finances were allegedly doing so badly that [dude i hate] had to pick up#a *c e r t a i n* side hustle for extra cash. that side hustle? literal grave digging at the cemetary. at night no less#and *ofc* he wasn’t respectful about it in the least so ofc some spirits followed him home. yay. free roommates.#one(?) of them even took residence in my room at the time and im 80% sure they ate my history textbook :( much sads#anyways well once that guy had too much to drink (which was rather often tbh) he’d get possessed. fun!#the only possession i ever saw was the n-rarity angry ghost who’d just huff and puff in silence with unfocused eyes most of the time#he’d occasionally put on a leather jacket too. but that was like a r-rarity event that didn’t happen that often#my mother had the chance to also witness the mosquito (who tried to barge into my room for fresh blood) and the 姑娘 (self-explanatory)#which is kinda unfair tbh. i wanted to see the ur-rarity ones too :( mostly bc it’d be funny to see a guy i hate act ooc (impure intentions)#oh right. ​how did we get the dude out of his possession? we just shook his arm really hard. prolly caused some lasting effects but who know#i think he could also just sleep off the possession but idk i was asleep for the ur-rarity incidents.#cant ask the one witness of it bc i dont want to bring back unnecessary flashbacks of [guy we hate]#anyways it’s been years since we moved out from that place and i still want my history textbook back. mostly for the principle of it but—#and so that’s the tangent of the day. i feel weirdly less stressed now thanks witch mona#i do wonder how my grandparents are faring on this 七月 though…#b u t !!!!! tomorrow’s date on the lunar calendar says it’s an auspicious day for wishful activity and starting a new job!!! so… maybe~~~~?#hauauauauauauauuauaaaaaa anyways insane tangent over stream mona’s new album ok bye#oops forgor to disable rbs i hate how easy it is to forget to use this function man
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cupiare · 26 days
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can somebody fund my lifestyle where i just sit at home and draw forever
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I think work is doing something bad to me :[
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