#when you know you could've done better and its too late....that feeling is awful...
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
And now I feel like my art isn't good enough...
I should've went with something more simple for his birthday...
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vilevenom · 6 months
Guess who finally got a couple hours of time to write? Aw yis.
Here is the first of a small series of non-consecutive drabbles/ficlets I plan to write to expand on the 'Hello My Old Heart' Hickdory series.
First up - a baby hatches!
Forlorn. That would be the word Hickory would use to describe the expression currently on John Dory's face.
John was sat at the kitchen table, his arms folded over the surface, and chin resting atop them. In front of him sat their egg, propped up and half wrapped in the softest blankets they could find. The shell had finished developing its colors a few weeks ago; a soft blue at the top fading into a vibrant orange at the bottom, with yellow speckles chaotically scattered all over, while from the top sprouted a curly tuft of orange hair.
"What's got ya lookin' so sad, darlin'?" Hickory asked, setting a mug of hot cocoa next to John's elbow.
The teal troll sighed as he sat back, mindful of the mug as he moved. "Doctor Moonbloom said it should've hatched by now," he muttered, taking up his mug and cradling it close to his chest.
"It'll happen when it's meant to," Hickory said, pressing a kiss to John's temple, "Ya just gotta be patient."
"I know," John snapped, immediately looking contrite as Hickory raised a brow at him. "Sorry," he muttered, curling around his mug, "I just…what if I did something wrong?"
"Like what?"
John shrugged, blowing on his cocoa. "I don't know. Didn't keep it in my hair enough? Jostled it too much? Sang the wrong song around it? Didn't let /you/ carry it enough? There's a multitude of things I could've done wrong."
"I think yer bein' a bit harsh on yerself, hun," Hickory said with a lopsided smile. "Sometimes eggs just hatch late. I think I recall one egg, back before, well, everythin'," he waved a hand casually through the air, "I think it hatched a whole week later than the doc said it would. Nearly drove their poor parents batty."
"Yeah, that'd drive me batty, too," John grumbled, taking a sip of his cocoa. "My family doesn't hatch late. All of my brothers hatched around their expected dates, almost to the day. Branch was so on time we were all already sitting around his egg, waiting for the first crack when he wrestled his way out."
Hickory let out a quiet snort of laughter at the thought of a tiny Branch struggling his way out of an egg shell. "I wish I could tell ya how my family was, but Dickory didn't exactly share a whole lotta history with me. An' ya know my parents were gone before I could meet 'em, so…" he trailed off with a short shrug.
"I know you probably meant for that to make me feel better, but it didn't," John muttered, tipping his head back to look at Hickory stood next to him. "What if I've already fucked our kid up?"
Hickory sighed heavily, placing a hand on John's shoulder to give it a comforting squeeze. "Ya didn't, darlin'. I promise."
Three more days passed, and John Dory was growing restless. He was pacing the living room floor of their pod when Hickory came home from the market, their egg in his arms. He was muttering quietly to either himself or the egg, Hickory couldn't tell which, looking like he was about three seconds from bursting into tears.
John jumped slightly, clutching the egg to his chest. He gave Hickory a wide eyed stare while taking in a shuddering breath. "Oh. You're home."
"I am," Hickory said softly with a little nod, setting the bag of food he'd bought to the side quickly. "John, what's wrong?"
"I ruined it," John hiccupped as Hickory cautiously approached, tears welling in his eyes.
"What'd ya ruin, hun?"
"Our baby," John nearly whispered, dipping his chin and squeezing his eyes shut as tears began to run down his cheeks. "It hasn't hatched yet. It's five days late. I ruined it. I wasn't perfect and now it'll never hatch."
"Oh, darlin', no," Hickory was quick to sooth, wrapping his arm around John's shoulder and coaxing him to sit on the floor with him. He tugged John into his chest once they were both kneeling, running his fingers through the teal trolls hair as John cried silently over their egg. "Ya just gotta give it a bit more time, hun. I promise, ya didn't do nothin' wrong. It'll hatch." He held the teal troll closer as he felt Johns head shake under his chin. "Yes. It will. It's bein' a stubborn little bug, but remember about that other egg I told ya about? It was a whole week late. An' I'm sure there's loads a' parents around the village here who have stories a' their own little ones taking forever to come out."
John leaned into Hickory, sniffling quietly. He didn't agree with Hickory, but he also didn't try to actively argue the point again, so Hickory took it as a win.
Another day came and went, and the egg still remained unbroken. John was staring at it again at the kitchen table.
"Hey." Hickory bit his lip as John jumped, having obviously been lost in his own thoughts and didn't notice Hickory's approach. "I packed us up a nice picnic dinner. Thought we could go star gaze, an' get outta the pod for a bit."
John blinked owlishly at Hickory for a moment before shaking his head and pulling the blankets and egg towards himself. "No. We can't leave. What if it hatches?"
"We're obviously gonna take it with us, darlin'," Hickory said with a kind smile. He reached out to gently take the egg from John's hands, only to settle it carefully in John's hair. It was large enough now that it stuck out of his teal locks a fair bit, the orange tuft a stark contrast against his own hair.
"No buts. We're gonna get outta here, enjoy some good food, an' have a nice time. It's warm out, and the stars are promisin' to look real pretty tonight. Personally, I think you enjoyin' yerself will probably be good fer the egg," Hickory said, tipping John's chair to force him to stand.
"How so?" John asked, stumbling to his feet. He reached up to ensure the egg was secure, following after Hickory at a sedate pace as the county troll scooped up a picnic basket and a couple blankets.
"Because you bein' in a good mood will have better, ah," Hickory snapped his fingers, word on the tip of his tongue, "Uh, vibes? Energy? I dunno, Poppy said somethin' t'me about it the other day. But, the long an' short of it is, you bein' happy will help make the egg happy."
John looked skeptical, but didn't argue with Hickory as they left their pod, gave a brief greeting to Rhonda, and began heading up to the hill that overlooked the village.
"This is nice."
Hickory hummed, leaning into John's shoulder as they watched the stars on the horizon. "Told ya."
John chuckled, squishing a small berry into Hickory's cheek, earning a squawk of indignity from the county troll. "Yeah, yeah."
The two continued to sit in pleasant silence for a few more minutes, when suddenly John sat stock still. Hickory was in the middle of trying to ensure the red berry smeared on his face wouldn't stain his fur when he noticed John's panicked expression.
"Darlin'? What's the matter?"
John's wide eyes went from staring at the horizon to looking fearfully at Hickory. "It's moving."
It took Hickory a moment to realize what, exactly, John was talking about. He jumped into action as soon as he did, grabbing the extra blanket he'd brought in case it got chilly, and bundling it up in front of John. He and John reached into his hair, carefully extracting the egg and place it on the blankets. It wiggled weakly at first, before jerking violently to the side.
"Woah!" John cried out, reaching for the egg, only to be stopped as Hickory grabbed his hands.
"Let 'em do it on their own," he breathed, rapt gaze focused on the wriggling egg.
The two at silent attention as the egg wobbled one way, only to jerk in the other direction not a moment later. It was the most movement John could recall seeing from an egg, and he'd witnessed all four of his brothers hatch. "Come on, baby, you can do it," he whispered in encouragement, letting out a quiet whoop as the first crack appeared in the shell.
Hickory's grip had gone from holding John's wrist, to holding tightly to his hands, the two unconsciously leaning forward as more cracks began to form around the first. Finally, a tiny blue fist burst through the shell, grabbing at the air, before disappearing back inside.
"Oh! It's blue," John half cried, tears in his eyes and a grin on his face.
"Yeah," Hickory breathed, in awe as their child's fingers reappeared to pull at the shell, tugging pieces inside, rather than pushing out. He chuckled wetly, his own tears forming. "Hey, bug, I think yer doin' it a little backwards, there."
After a few minutes of the tiny hand yanking bits of shell into the egg, a brilliant green eye peered out of the hole. It blinked at John and Hickory, before disappearing again. The two laughed at their baby's apparent shyness, only for Hickory to yelp and John to reach out in a panic as the egg tipped backwards. It would seem they had little to worry about, however, as two tiny blue legs burst out of the shell, followed by their baby sitting up. The top of the egg shell still sat on his head, while the rest was in little scattered bits all over the blanket. He grinned and giggled up at them, clapping his hands together, before shaking his head to toss the last of the shell away, releasing a head of puffy bright orange hair.
"Oh," John breathed, reaching out to scoop their new baby boy into his arms, "Hello there."
"He's got freckles," Hickory noted next to him, leaning into John's shoulder and gently cupping the baby's cheek. He let his thumb trail over sparkling yellow freckles.
"And your nose," John chuckled, booping the baby gently on his light yellow nose. This elicited a bright and loud giggle from the baby as he tried to grab at John's fingers.
"Did you think of a name?" Hickory asked, letting the baby catch one of his own fingers and snorting a laugh as it was nearly immediately shoved into the baby's mouth.
"What do you think of Sky?" John asked, glancing at Hickory out of the corner of his eye.
Hickory pressed a kiss to John's cheek, curling into his new family with a happy little sigh. "I think it's perfect."
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episode 7 - shall we gundam. probably my 2nd fav episode of the 1st cour right after ep 11
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we start off with peil ceos admitting to vim and sarius that yes pharact is a gundam and oh no oops we did something illegal. that call out on vim, i wonder if it's about his initial assassination attempt on delling and like... how is his shit just being broadcast out to everyone?
after showing that perhaps he has a stronger moral compass, sarius seems to be on board with peil and jeturk on something needed to be done with regards to delling
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cut to the OP and we finally have our first OP change with the lfrith ur and thorn ominuosly silhouetted behind delling
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in sulemio relationship development, we now have suletta actively helping miorine grow tomatoes
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cute development only to go straight into suletta being worried about where the hell elan went after he stood her up and of course mio does not want to hear about that
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so she defaults to talking about how the only thing she cares about is leaving to earth, which we all know as the audience that she very well could have done that weeks/months ago but didn't. cut to framing of a green tomato along with ripe tomatoes
i wonder if that's something they ever talked about. i feel like post-series sulemio would likely be the type of couple to share everything no matter how uncomfortable so yeah eventually it'd have come to light and we'd just have heart eyes suletta while apologizing or something
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mio has a heart of gold looking back on this episode lmao like yeah suletta just wanted to see what the fuck happened but for mio this is someone who in her mind suletta is interested in
she makes it clear when the incubation party invites get sent out that they don't have to go (read: she doesn't want to go) and suletta seizes this as an opportunity to play detective and find out what in the world happened
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thank you g witch for not turning this specific scene into stereotypical tsundere gets offended someone subtley said they have small boobs
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oh shit lmao i am just now noticing that's the yoasobi collab demi trainer
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miorine could've just had suletta go find elan herself, but she's going to help too
also no screenshot because i didnt want to reach the post image limit too soon but i like the scene before this one to really show off how much miorine hates the business world as she's explaining the incubation party to nika. the compliment she gets over being the top business student just completely disgusts her lmao
so like mannnn, how much of a gay baby was she for suletta that she just threw all that out the window and took on a whole ass company just to save suletta and her mobile suit
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yeah yeah we know mio's tsun attitude is all a front because of the awful upbringing she's had but seeing it front and center like this is so depressing. like how much shit did she have to deal with from these rich fucks that at this point she can just wave them off like it's no big deal
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so we find out here finally that miorine and shaddiq have a history, so to speak. to her, he's still really nothing because lets face it he never stepped up to the plate to so much as help her not deal with all the shit she's had on her plate throughout the years. i'm certain she wouldn't have married him, but i am sure miorine would be much more content with her life at the time suletta showed up if shaddiq had had been the friend he thought of himself as and actually acted as her shield. but *green tomato being snipped imagery* too little, too late
his comment here too is pretty insightful and if you don't know any better and take it as face value you'd think miorine is selfish but nah. who in the world would she have to help when no one's ever seen her as her own person and she's literally a prize to be won. and of course shaddiq as continues to be the case throughout series acknowledges its all thanks to suletta being suletta
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at some point miorine must have looked back at this interaction and just absolutely fucking hated the trajectory her life took lmao
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we're going to be a family
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interesting that even though she's got the mask on, she pretty much immediately went to take a seat to continue their talk
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one of the most interesting things to me about the initial meeting between miorine and prospera is prospera literally telling miorine to check her privilege lmao and like while she may be right that miorine is afforded all these things by virtue of being delling's daughter, it doesn't at all make everything he's done go away and it doesn't remove the actual neglect and trauma miorine's gone through
i remember reading posts about this scene and people just going off about evil, manipulative prospera but i think miorine literally had to internalize the fact that she has privilege despite the fact that yes she is also still subjected to forms of abuse. realizing that she can take that privilege and use it to her advantage is what lets the rest of the episode unfold. i'd also like to think that her looking more deeply and meaningfully into the privileges afforded to her as the daughter of the benerit group allowed her to later make an earnest attempt and becoming a true bridge between earthians and spacians
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i honestly don't remember if we're supposed to know what he's referring to here or if this is just the introductory scene for the dawn of fold subplot lmao
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oh suletta you're falling for it again
interesting to note that as peil ceos start their presentation, the frame pans to sarius clearly keeping an eye on delling for his reaction
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evil evil ass shit for the space libertarians to just gang up on a clearly super naive teenager lol
also i'm pretty sure i'm gonna end up going past image limit so will likely need to have a part 2 for this episode
so to be continued in part for episode 7 because there's just too many good things here lol
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@gyubby99 okay this came to me randomly. I'm not sorry.
"Loreley where are you taking me?" Alistar asked as he was lead through the forest by his friend.
"I had an idea and i called in a favor. You'd better be fucking grateful because my dad is getting sick of me asking to bring back the dead," loreley explained.
"You already let me see my mother again. What more could i even ask for?" Alistar stated.
"A way to stand up to your father maybe," loreley replied.
Alistar stopped walking and just stared at her.
"Look, he won't be able to touch you or anything, but my father said it'd be good for his eternal suffering. And you need a shitload of closure. I already got the go ahead from eve and Rosalyn," loreley explained.
Alistar nodded before he started walking again.
When the two of them made it to the lake where this stuff usually happened Alistar gulped.
"Its okay Al. I'm just gonna be a few feet away," Loreley stated before the lake turned blood red. "I'll leave you to it," she muttered before walking away.
Alistar stood up straighter, his face was stone and his eyes were dark.
The outline of his father came into view, the red tones and shadows making it scarier than it should've been.
"Hello Father," Alistar stated coldly as he stared, not letting his emotions get to him.
"Ah. The disappointment," John replied as his ghost bathed in red looked around. "To what do i owe the displeasure?" He asked.
"The only displeasure here is the fact that I have to see your face again," Alistar answered.
"Be careful son. Wouldn't wanna end up like your mother. Dead and alone," John warned.
"And what does that make you? Dead, alone, and unloved?" Alistar shot back
"Careful," John warned again.
"Or what? You'll kill me? A bit late for that. Because you see I'm up here living the best life I could be, while you will be living out your eternal suffering down there, being reminded everyday of what an awful person you were," Alistar stated.
John made a move to hit his son, but his fist went straight through him like a ghost going through a wall.
"You dont have anymore power here. You are weak. For once in your righteous life you have no power over anyone. You have no power over me. It's over, John," Alistar spoke.
"How dare you! I am a king! I am your father, and I control you, you selfish, spoiled little-"
"YOU CONTROL NOTHING!" Alistar shouted.
"You dont control who I marry. You don't control how I feel. You don't control how I look. And you certainly don't control who i love," alistar started. "I am done living up to your expectations. I am done trying to prove myself. And I am done being your son. I hate you. I've always hated you. And the only reason I never told you that was because-"
"You think I care?!" John yelled.
"DONT INTURRUPT ME," Alistar shouted angrily.
John's eyes widened in shock.
"You have no idea, do you? The pain and suffering you inflicted onto me? All the scars I have because of you? You never loved me. You've never loved anyone but yourself! You spent your life calling me selfish but it's You! You are the problem in this world!" Alistar shouted.
"And yet you still married ella-"
"I didn't! I married for love! And i have two beautiful kids who will never know who you are. I have a family. And I am something you will never be," Alistar explained.
"And what's that?" John scoffed.
"Loved. I am loved. And that's something you will never be. Not by your parents, not by my mother, and certainly not by me," Alistar stated, his eyes burning with anger.
"You're useless," John replied.
"And yet I'm the one who's alive. Not you," Alistar retorted.
"Youll never be a man," John insulted.
"And you'll never be in power. Goodbye John. I hope you rot in hell," Alistar hissed.
And just like that, the red tint of his father's shadow, along with his father, dissapeared.
Alistar let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Kinda wish I could've seen you punch him," Loreley stated as she came back.
"Me too. Come on. Let's go back home," Alistar replied as he and loreley walked back to Ella's castle.
Back at the castle, Alistar's family was waiting for him.
"Well?" Ella asked.
Alistar smiled as tears filled his eyes.
"I've never had the courage to do that until now. Thank you," Alistar stated.
And that's when his family hugged him, tighter than anything.
He had a family. Finally.
He made something of himself.
He was the most fortunate man on the island because of that.
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callaria · 3 years
special delivery. [kaeya, ningguang]
they got you flowers, but what are they for?
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kaeya, ningguang + gender neutral reader (separate)
genre: angst (kaeya), fluff with a sprinkle of angst (ningguang)
warnings: descriptions of death for both major and minor characters (kaeya), speculations of Khaeinri'ah and its people (kaeya), mentions and descriptions of self-esteem issues from reader (ningguang)
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kaeya. [daffodils - honesty, truth, forgiveness.]
This is for Khaenri'ah, Kaeya thought once the final sword of the enemy clatters to the ground. They would have been satisfied as to what I've accomplished.
Looking at what lies underneath the horizon before him, before the remnants of a war that took too many of his loved ones enemies away, all he can ask is what now?
What is left of his family's legacy? What is left in Khaenri'ah to rule when everything has returned to dust? What is there to celebrate when his people are either long gone or beings of the abyss?
What of his other family, the family that deserved better the truth at least? What of the Knights of Favonius who fought so bravely, yet failed to protect Mondstadt from the long, simmering vengeance of the abyss? What of his sworn brother, his brother who he's worked so hard to reach, but ended up betraying once more?
What of you, who was once his lover and most trusted companion? Was it all an act, everything leading up to the very moment Kaeya plunges his sword into your beating heart? Had you died knowing the truth about your lover, or did you die without knowing anything at all?
The trek from the bottom of the mountain all the way to the top isn't as tiring as he remembers. Once upon a time, before Teyvat came to its ruination, you and Kaeya stopped at various locations in Dragonspine to rest or to simply marvel at the view while bickering away.
Contrary to the past, Kaeya doesn't feel tired. However, he wonders why the bouquet of daffodils in his hand weigh differently at times.
Sometimes, the flowers felt lighter than dandelions in the wind when he remembers how your eyes grew in size, in awe of the wonderfully illuminated scenery in Starglow Cavern. But more frequently, it felt heavier than his late brother's Diluc's claymore when he recalls the way his sword impaled your shaking form.
He finds out that it weighs more when he remembers you didn't even make an effort to fight back; not when you realized that it was your lover whose blade runs deep within your veins, deeper than the sense of abandonment and betrayal in your heart.
"I got this for you." Kaeya stands, seemingly apathetically, before an unmarked grave. Despite this, he knew all too well who it was and what he was feeling. "You would have loved them." How cruel of him to have sought your presence when it was he that brought your existence to an end.
He felt as if saying more would disturb your peace. No, Kaeya didn't deserve to appear in front of you for the sins he's committed. After all, how could you love a man like him? A man whose loyalties lie within the ashes of a civilization lost to time, costing him every good thing he could've had if only he were to open his eyes to what was already in front of him.
A breeze blows by and it rattles his soul to the very core, making the hair at the back of his neck stand in alert. How ironic that he, of all people, was caught off guard by the blistering cold of Dragonspine.
Thus, no more words were uttered. All that was left was regret, his fading memory of you, and his useless "trophy" of immortality from the war that was paid for by his loved ones' lives.
He does not know of your concern for him when your eyes were coming to a close, never to open again. He does not know about the way your heart broke when you heard his lungs burn with a scream of horror and regret at what he's just done, his chance of redemption lost to the wind and sands of time.
Kaeya hopes you forgive him, but he does not know that you already have the moment your unnaturally cold hand slipped from his.
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ningguang. [gladiolus - remembrance, faithfulness, sincerity.]
Ever since you both had publicized the matter of your relationship to all of Liyue (honestly, who's to say that the chatter regarding your relationship ends by its borders?), many have since offered their congratulatory praises, trying to hide their bewildered faces. Not to the Ningguang, no, but to you.
As the second child of a street vendor stationed at Chihu Rock, not much people had given you a second glance all throughout your life. You were free to go about as you wished, the only rule being that you wouldn't cause trouble for your parents who were already struggling with making ends meet for you and your two other siblings.
So when you come home one day, not before telling your parents that you've been in a relationship with someone for months and are now ready to introduce them, they were not at all expecting the pleasant gasps of surprise from children across the neighborhood and hushed whispers from the adults.
There were only a handful of people all throughout Liyue that have the amount of influence to render even miss Su Er'niang of the Chop Suey stall silent. With this unexpected, yet pleasant, discovery, your family warmly welcomed Ningguang into your humble abode.
Time passes and, despite it being common knowledge that you were together, many still had their doubts as to whether or not you were truly worthy of her eminence, the Tianquan.
Rumors were shared whenever you were seen with her. Looks of disbelief when she kisses your hand in greeting at events hosted by the Qixing and stares whenever you were seen visiting her at the Jade Chamber were now a common sight for you.
You've had to endure all these things for half a year now, you suppose. It was fair to say that you've had enough of the harsh words behind your back, especially from people who only knew you as the Ningguang's significant other.
But at the same time, you find yourself questioning your worth. What if they were right? How could she want you as her partner when there is no shortage of eligible individuals in Liyue whose fortune far surpasses yours? You don't even have a Vision; how could you possibly be worthy to be called her equal, if not factoring her status?
"(Y/N)?" You barely notice your lover call your name. "I certainly hope I didn't make you wait too long. I've gotten you something—oh." Ningguang pauses once she sees your gloomy expression and her eyebrows furrow ever so slightly.
"Is something the matter, dearest?" She reaches forward with her free hand and caresses your cheek ever so gently. "What's gotten your spirits so down?"
"Nothing, nothing." You let out a deep sigh and cross your arms.
What are you doing? It's been a long day, she must be tired.
"I mean, it's alright! I'm alright. You're probably tired after today. I saw the 'snowfall' below and everyone in Chihu Rock went mad over a single piece! It's really strange when you think about it in a literal sense." A soft chuckle from both of you disrupts the peaceful silence inside the Jade Chamber. "Let's just go to bed so we can rest, okay?"
Before you turn, Ningguang catches your wrists and calls your name. When you look back at her, you see her holding a moderately-sized bouquet of...what exactly are those? Lilies? Irises?
No matter what they are, they look seriously expensive, you dread to think of how much they cost as your mouth parts in surprise.
The corners of her mouth rise as she smiles, knowing your exact thoughts. "They're gladioli—gladiolus, singular. We haven't seen much of each other lately because of my schedule, so when Ganyu mentioned that they bloom this time of the year, I thought that I could ask her to fetch some on my behalf for you. Are they to your liking?"
Did you hear that right?
"Of course!" You exclaim and look at her in disbelief. "Ningguang, how couldn't I? They're absolutely stunning, thank you so much!" You hesitatingly take the bouquet from her and smell them. Your lover watches you with a tender gaze as you inspect her gift closely.
Archons, they smell expensive too.
Gladiolus... You haven't heard much of it, even though you come from a diverse and busy market district. They must not be from Liyue, you conclude. Where do these grow then and how are they so fresh? They're unlike anything you've seen before, Ningguang must have gone through great lengths to bring this to you then.
Could you ever ask for a better significant other? You're not even sure someone like that exists.
After some time, your childlike wonder and positive thoughts simmer out and you start to ask yourself the same questions that have plagued your mind these past hours. You find yourself asking if you really were worth all this effort.
Why would she go through all these things and spend so much for you? If you were wealthier, you could have gotten her something in return without worrying about how much mora you'd have left. If you were more powerful, you would have been able to take some load off of her hands so she doesn't feel the need to do extravagant things like this for you.
Were you really holding her back, like what those whispering ladies in Yujing Terrace said? 
"That expression is back on your face." With a shadow of a frown on her face, she asks, "(Y/N), are you sure you're alright?" You look away, embarrassed, but she does not take that for an answer.
"Be honest with me now. What happened?"
With a deep sigh, you figured that you might as well say it now that she insists. "I overheard some people in Yujing Terrace say I was holding you back." From the corner of your eye, you can see her frown deepen when you say this. Though this troubles you, you keep going in hopes she understands. "At first, comments like these were bearable. It was new information for the public, so I expected these things to happen. What I didn't expect was for it to still be happening half a year later."
You can't seem to look at at her, so you gaze upon the glistening petals of the gladioli instead. "I've just been so tired from the gossip, the whispers, and everything they seem to think they know about us! Please don't get me wrong, I know that they're not true. I know that I shouldn't bother listening, but it's so hard not to when they toss our names around like the loose change in their pockets, you know?"
Feeling ashamed of your outburst, you shake your head and mumble, "I'm sorry. It was selfish of me to bring my problems to you when you really must be tired after today. Let's—"
"(Y/N), please look at me." An unfamiliar tone from your partner interrupts you. Though it takes a while to summon the courage to do so, you comply with her wish.
When you look up, you don't see Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of Liyue's Qixing. You don't see the owner and creator of the Jade Chamber, whose influence runs deep and whose intellectual prowess dictate the laws governing the wealthiest region in Teyvat.
Instead, you see a concerned lover—your concerned lover. As her ruby eyes meet yours, you begin to realize that the people the world is talking about are merely the perceptions of you and she. Oh how different this person was, how different you both were, to their descriptions and how unlucky they are not to have known both of you this way.
Her soft hands find their way to your cheeks as she holds your face softly, staring into your eyes with as much passion as the sun burns bright. "You are what wakes me up in the morning and lets me sleep soundly at night. You are the inspiration for all my epiphanies and what keeps me grounded to reality. My love, you are the sun, the moon, and the stars in the depths of my mind. No one, absolutely no one, is more worthy of my love and admiration than you." Ningguang kisses your forehead sweetly and your feel your troubles start to fly away like the 'snowfall' that covered Liyue this afternoon.
"Thank you. You don't know how much I really needed to hear that." You hide your growing smile into the flowers in your hands, flustered with the amount of affection you're getting from your usually conservative lover. "I'll do my best to remember, but I can't promise that the thoughts will stop." Though your smile dims, Ningguang smiles at you gently in understanding.
"Just promise me that you'll remember this," She takes the bouquet bursting with gladioli from your hands, sets them aside, takes your hands upon hers and holds them close between you both. "At the end of the day, no matter what all of Liyue—what all of Teyvat—has to say about you, me, or our relationship, the person I choose to listen to will always be...?"
Ningguang, ever so patiently, lovingly kisses the back of your hands and nods, "You."
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allure's notes:
reminder: you are worth the good things you receive and absolutely no one has the right to take that away from you. please always do your best to never let someone's degrading words make a large impact in your life. if you need to speak with anyone, i'm open to talk <3 mwah
also.. yes, i'm aware that these flowers probably don't exist in their universe! is it gonna stop me?? no! 🌸 :D
i planned to have venti, xiao, and childe in this too but,, maybe next time!! (one half bc idk what flowers suit them and the other half bc I rly wanted to put smth out after finishing 1st yr college lol)
thank you for reading ☀️
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jademakean · 3 years
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬
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Timothée Chalamet x Reader
RAYS OF GOLD peeked through the blinds causing you to lazily drape your arms over your squinted eyes.
Beige satin sheets curled around your body, softly caressing your thighs as you shifted to your comfort.
A smile made its way to your lips, recognizing the faint sound of the vinyl downstairs along with the subtle footsteps.
You moved your messy hair out of your face as you sat up.
It's Valentine's day, the clock displayed 8:52 A.M. specifically. You and Timothée were planning on going to Paris, spend the Holliday in the city of love, suffocating on the romanticized areas with twinkling lights and bouquets on display. However, due to the circumstances the world was in, it became evident that the idea of travelling during a pandemic wasn't very safe. You both settled on staying home and enjoying each other's presence.
Warmth comforted you as you wrapped your fur blanket around your body, slipping on your cotton high socks. The smell of toasted bread filled your senses the more steps you took down the flight of stairs.
You peeked into the kitchen, laying eyes on your boyfriend. His fluffy hair was going in all different directions, bouncing slightly as he moved around. A sage green apron was fitted around his lean torso to keep anything from dirtying his clothes, the colour contrasting his brunette hair beautifully.
"Timothée." you cooed. The sudden sound of your voice frightened him, resulting in him quickly turning towards you with widened eyes. "Happy Valentine's day, hun." You moved from your place, making your way over to his startled body before welcoming him in a loving embrace, which he returned shortly.
Once you looked up at him you were able to acknowledge his troubled expression. "What's wrong? Did you forget it's Valentine's day?" You wouldn't mind, he's been quite busy lately. It's not like it's a birthday or anything.
"No, it's just- I was hoping I could've brought you breakfast in bed, but I woke up later than usual and I was supposed to prepare a lot." He sighed in disappointment. You eyed all the laid out fruit and different sweets on the counter. The only things that seemed finished were chocolate-covered strawberries and toast.
A smiled was visible as you gazed up at him. It was usual for him to go all out no matter how unnecessary it was. You softly placed your hands on his rosy cheeks. "This is more than enough don't worry." he smiles softly at your words but there was a dissatisfied glint to his eyes that remained. You thought carefully about what to say that would make him feel better. "How about this, you can put the food on the coffee table, I'll organize everything." carefully toying with a lock of his hair "After we finish we can eat and cuddle on the sofa, whatever way you'd like."
Timothée's lips contorted into a playful grin, nodding at your suggestion and bolting towards the table with the breakfast. You laughed lightly and his childish behaviour.
As you poured all the ingredients into the ceramic bowl you felt Timothée's presence behind you, bending down and resting his chin on your shoulder.
You proceeded to give him instructions on what to do, which he obliged to, wanting to make the baking process as effortless for you as possible until there came a point where he couldn't do anything but watch.
He sat on the marble counter observing the way your hands moved swiftly while pouring the batter into a heart-shaped pan, perking up when he noticed you opening the heated oven. "Done?" He asked quietly "Yup, we gotta check back in twenty minutes though."
Carefully taking his hand in yours, you guide him towards the couch, his bunny slippers dragging on the floor lazily. You sit down taking a strawberry between your lips before biting down. The unusual mixed flavours exploded in your mouth urging you to hum in satisfaction.
"This tastes delicious, Timmy." Your praise brought a smile to his face which he attempted to hyde. "Movie?
He looked down at you for a moment before laying in between your legs and resting his head on your chest. This had always been your favourite position, his heavy body making you feel comforted.
You moved your fingers between his locks of hair, massaging his scalp gently. Timothée's face flexed slightly indicating that your gesture caused him to smile. He played with the hem of your shirt strap before dipping his fingers underneath it and caressing the soft skin of your shoulder. “You seem very quiet today.” You noted half way into the comedy movie.
His frame shifted slightly before pressing a kiss where his face rested. “Im just glad we're together.” You glanced down, in an attempt to read his facial expression but his halo of hair was covering it.  “Awe, look at little Timmy going all soft.” You teased poking his side to which he laughed at. “I guess you bring it out of me.” He said gazing up at you with a million-dollar smile. “God, how dare you be romantic with your girlfriend. You’re starting to gross me out. I think we need to break up.”
You shimmied from underneath, a lazy whine came from him.
The velvet cake steamed from the counter you placed it on, different coloured frosting in your hand as you massaged it slowly “You know.. I've been trying to do my worse but I guess I don't have it in me, especially when my girlfriend always checks up on me and makes me laugh-” his voice gradually got louder the closer he moved towards you “She treats me well.. I love it when she makes sure I ate enough when she makes me lavender rose tea with a touch of honey when she notices I'm stressed, how she kisses my cheek in public because she's too shy to kiss me on the lips-”
Timothée turned your body towards him before guiding you to sit on the counter, his fingers detangling the silk belt that kept your robe closed causing it to slightly fall from your shoulders. His arms wrapped around you from underneath the gown, his rosy nose brushing against yours gently “But I especially love the way she makes me feel.”
You hum in question, a visible grin on your face “She makes me feel warm inside. When I see her, I see the reason why I've been looking at everything through rose coloured glasses. Why I feel so happy to be alive.” He sighs as you traced his scattered freckles “Every time she smiles I need to take a step back and just say ‘Wow..this woman is with me. How did I manage to do something like that? How is it that she loves me as much as I love her?’, every single time.” He whispered 
“It's charity work, I know.”
He laughed wholeheartedly causing you to do the same. Your cold fingertips gathered some frosting before lightly pressing it on his lips. Stealing a kiss from him. Sweet and stained with emotion.
His heavy breathing mixing with yours, fanning each other's faces harshly but somehow gently at the same time before you pulled away. “I love you, Timmy.”
“And I love you.”
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frogtanii · 4 years
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the warm light from your apartment filters out onto the dark street, a black cat slinking off to hide behind a trash bin. the sight causes a shiver to go down your spine, the heavy feeling of dread weighing down on your back. kei's abrupt change in behavior over text had startled you more than you'd like to admit. you both had been finding solace in each other nearly every night for the past two weeks. you couldn't count how many times you'd felt the tug on your heart to his room late at night, knocking softly and hoping he'd be awake. he usually was, opening the door with a roll of his eyes but you weren't oblivious to the small smile that played on his lips and the light blush that dusted his cheeks as he pulled you into the room and onto his dino decorated covers. the gesture was so soft and sweet and so unlike him that it would send butterflies to your stomach and heat to your face. the nights where you couldn't sleep beside him were filled with tossing and turning, overthinking, and a horrible headache that was nearly impossible to get rid of. kei didn't seem any better off than you, his dark circles a stark contrast against his pale skin the next morning. you'd both chug huge cups of coffee and joke about needing to sleep together more often but there was always a looming feeling that what you were saying wasn't a joke. at least so you hoped.
you shake off these thoughts, their presence only furthering your anxiety at what was awaiting you upstairs. the flight up seems longer than normal and by the time you reach your door, a pool of dread sits heavy in your gut. you fumble with your keys, attempting to get them in the door before swinging it open widely, toeing your shoes off onto the rack, and setting the bag of food from dinner on the kitchen counter. you can hear kei tinkering around somewhere in the apartment and your heart sinks. the containers of food are now cold in your hands as you unwrap one of them and set it in the microwave. the steady hum from the machine does little to soothe your rapidly beating heart, a hand finding its way onto your chest as if squeezing the area will cause the pain to stop.
"hell's the matter with you?" kei's baritone voice startles you out of your thoughts and you jump, heart beating so fast it feels as though it'll leap right out your chest. the microwave beeps and you turn to remove it, setting it in front of your roommate who has made himself comfortable on the counter across from you. he nods his thanks and begins eating, his nonchalant demeanor calming you down very little. you watch him for a moment but the question that has been on your mind since you'd gotten home claws its way out of your throat before you can stop it.
"where's hina?" you ask with false confidence, your eyes tracking his every move for a reaction. kei tenses for a half a second before shrugging, taking another bite out of a potato. "gone." he mumbles, golden eyes finally meeting yours. the apprehension in them doesn't go unnoticed so you continue to press. "how was studying?" you break eye contact, choosing instead to stare down at the marble countertops under your fingertips. a few moments go by without a response so you chance another look at him. his shoulders are slumped and his eyes are boring into his half empty container. if you could see his eyes at that moment, you would be shocked and confused to see tears welling up in the corners beneath his glasses. unfortunately, you don't get to see that uncharacteristic vulnerability being too occupied with waiting for a response, though the response you recieve is not at all what you were expecting.
"yn, what are we doing?" his voice breaks on the last word and your head shoots up to look at him. his glasses are clenched in his left hand, his right gripping the counter underneath him. his eyes refuse to meet yours but when you go to speak, he immediately interrupts. "i mean, we cuddle nearly every night, you tell me you love me, god, and i even say it back!" it's like a dam has been broken and he can't stop talking, tears that were once sitting on his lashline now flooding over his eyes and down his cheeks. with the golden light of the kitchen casting a glow over his tear-stained face, kei looks absolutely breathtaking but somehow you conclude this isn't the best time to tell him that. he keeps talking, his voice now raising in volume and you instinctively start moving towards him. "b-but you just came from a date more expensive than this apartment and i spent time here, alone with a girl that isn't you-" (your heart flutters at that statement) "-and now you're trying to make small talk with me? what are we doing?" at the sound of the question repeated, he finally looks up at you and your breath catches in your throat. he looks utterly broken and you can't keep your hands from going up to caress his cheeks, thumbs moving to wipe away his tears. kei unconciously leans into your touch, the gesture causing tears to well up in your own eyes.
"i like you kei. a lot." your voice comes out barely above a whisper but you can tell he heard you by the way his eyes widen and his head jerking out of your grasp. a pang of pain hits your chest at his rejection but you keep it together, hoping he's just in shock at your words. a moment passes and he continues to stare at you as if he's in awe of your very presence before you. in order to snap him out of whatever daze he's in, you tentatively place a hand on his shoulder and repeat your words again. "i like you." his eyes flutter shut as he lets your words envelop him like a warm hug, almost as if he's trying to memorize how they feel wrapped around him. when his eyes finally open, instead of being met with joy and maybe a hint of desire, his eyes are cold as they stare back at you.
he stands, pushing his way past you and to the door. your face twists up in confusion and you follow close behind him. maybe he's still in shock, you try to reason with yourself but you know deep down that this is a rejection. still, you say the phrase again, "kei, i like you." that proves to be a mistake because he turns towards you quickly with fury and tears behind his glasses. "no you don't." his words slap you in the face and you stumble back, the tears in your eyes finally kissing the cool air of the apartment. you try to speak again but it only takes kei two short strides to reach you and roughly grab your jaw to prevent you from talking.
"you don't like me and you never have. i'm a horrible, disgusting person who you could never truly care about." you go to shake your head no but his grip just tightens. "do you know who i am? do you even know what i've done? if you did, you never would have fallen for me." with that he releases your face and moves towards the door, slipping on a coat and his shoes. his hand is on the door handle when you finally find your voice.
"this had to have meant something to you, right?" of all the things you could've said, you knew this was the wrong one but you just needed to know he felt something, anything at all, that what you two had been through was real. a scoff causes you to look back up, kei's eyes piercing yours though the shine in his eyes tells you he isn't entirely unaffected. he tilts his chin up, looking down on you as though you were nothing, a condescending smirk speading across his face. if you had known him during highschool, you would realize that the look he's wearing is suspiciously close to the one he used to wear back then; cruel, yes, but even worse, he looked apathetic. like you crying was unwarranted and annoying. his mouth opens and you can hardly hear him due to the blood rushing in your ears but his words cause your knees to buckle and you hit the floor with a bang.
"no. it didn't." with that he's gone, taking your breath, your hope, and your happiness with him. you remain frozen on the ground for who knows how long but when you finally find it in yourself to move, you grab your phone and text the first person in your contacts before collapsing.
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< omg they were roommates :0
series masterlist
an: 😀 sorry 😀 also pls ignore the typos if there are any, i am ✨i l l i t e r a t e✨
taglist: @notamazinglizzy • @waitforitillwritemywayout • @1-800-schmacked • @babyshoyo • @tetsufairy • @deephumandragonperson • @krynnza • @tsukkiboii • @chaichai-the-weeb • @raineedayze • @moonlightreetops • @akirudo • @febvrury • @kamidoesthings • @boba-teaaaa • @lookuptotheskiesandsee • @akaashiissimp • @akvvard • @kittynovaaaa • @tinymouth • @ethylalcoholforfandoms • @smellybananaz • @animeanxiety • @angrylittlezizi • @mariamonteon97 • @rotn-decay • @galagcica • @rachelexe • @soleil-sole • @freyafolkvangr • @pleasemelafook-outta-ere • @hon3y-baby • @itsalyssa15 • @kac-chowsballs • @1987hotschott • @tsumu-core • @mangobeann • @moonlightaangel • @jaayypasta • @blveteaaa • @h0ngh0ngh0ng • @multifandomphenomena • @micmic-21 • @bokutosuwus • @melacholy • @loving-unicorns106 • @vanilla-beanzz • @obsessedwhxre • @hebotoxincheck • @slythxr • @kodzu-ken
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geminil0vr · 3 years
𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 !
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the masterlist -> part one
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summary ✰ it's the night of the slytherin bash, and, intoxicated, you almost blurt out all your relationship troubles to pansy and the boys of slytherin.
tags ✰ @partr1dge <3
word count ✰ 3.4k
content ✰ alcohol, weed, rip. mill's hairbrush, a big party, drunk/high people and reader, mentions of sex, mild (but just as serious) sexual assault, boyfriend being pushy, arguments, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, pansy lowkey admiring the reader and vice versa, pansy taking off your makeup for you.
a/n ✰ yes we're having a lil party moment right on shedyool <3 i think i made draco too hot in this like have i forgotten this is a pansy fic ?? and i've been listening to the playlist on repeat for some inspiration but now all the songs are stuck in my head yikes... anyway, happy reading :))
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letting out a short yell, you bolt out the way of millicent bulstrode being chased by her own hairbrush in your dorm room, falling backwards onto your bed, then leaning up on your forearms to watch in amusement as she squeals.
"stop it, stop it!"
pansy crosses her arms, leaning in the doorway for a moment before speaking calmly despite the urgent situation, "mill, i already told you not to try any beautification spells for tonight. they take a certain finesse that you clearly..." she eyes the hairbrush, which has somehow grown teeth, "lack."
daphne fervently attempts to throw millicent's wand to her, having lost her own somewhere in the room, ducking whenever the hairbrush swings too low by her head and yelling encouragement to her as she wails.
"it's gonna bloody eat me!"
you glance over to pansy, your lips quirked but still fighting the brighter grin that tries to force its way upon your mouth, one brow raised. she looks back with a smirk, raising her brows lazily, then pulls out her wand at last.
sure, you have yours, but come on! this is quality entertainment.
muttering a spell under her breath, the hairbrush rises, letting out a sharp, plasticky sound, teeth gnashing at the unknown force which has suddenly halted its rampage. then, thin, dark cracks begin to show upon its surface as it travels higher and higher into the air, finally letting out one last high-pitched sound before exploding into hot pink shards of plastic onto the wooden floor of the room.
millicent makes a lacklustre attempt of trying to catch certain pieces that are still falling, whining about how it was her favourite hairbrush. daphne drops the wand and falls back onto her duvet, exasperated, and you watch ahead in shock.
"blimey, pansy, couldn't you have just done 'finite'?" you ask, eyes wide.
"'s not nearly as much fun," she grins, bounding over to the large, dark oak wardrobe in the corner of the room, "now, ladies. what are we going to wear for the slytherin bash?"
"i bagsy y/n's black dress!" daphne pipes up, bouncing to sit cross-legged on her bed.
"no, you bloody well don't!"
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you look in the mirror of the vanity, tucking back a few strands of hair out of your face and looking down at your silky emerald dress, the neckline dipping a little at your chest, the straps thin.
"whatever, i actually might look better in the green, anyway."
slinking out from the bathroom, daphne fixes the button on the back of the dress she's wearing, the black fabric clinging to her skin, "you definitely do."
"you're just saying that to keep my dress, aren't you?"
"maybe so. but you're still very pretty." she pecks your cheek and sits on her bed, fixing her curled hair in a compact mirror and swaying slightly to the thumping music already playing downstairs.
pansy pulls at her dress, leaning onto the vanity and applying a thin coat of red lipstick over her lips, looking at you through the glass "she's not wrong. you look nice."
you swallow, blinking at your reflection. you've brushed your brows, applied some blush, and a little smokey eyeliner, but nothing much. you don't mind letting your skin breathe a little, anyway.
"thanks, pansy." you eye her loose, sparkling, red dress, neckline dipping so low on her chest that you feel the sudden need to look away, instead focusing on her light-green eyes which never actually ceased intensely tracking the movements of your iris. "so do you."
"right. thank you."
millicent finishes tying her hair up, avoiding using any muggle products and therefore resorting to something simple, clipping it back with a claw accessory, "okay," she starts, and you and pansy quickly look away from each other, "so, are we going or not? can't be too late, they're still missing the life of the party!"
"mill, you pass out after three hours during almost every single party." daphne blinks.
"what's that saying, here for a good time but not a long time?" pansy snickers, zipping up her black boots.
millicent rolls her eyes playfully, crossing her arms. "shut your gobs, the two of you! now let's go!"
locking the door quickly on your way out so you won't have to deal with any arseholes doing it in your bed like last time (well, at least they were having a whale of a time), you bid goodbye to your dormmates who all part ways, immediately grabbing a bottle of firewhiskey from a large table in the corner, looking over at the youthful atmosphere suddenly claiming such a place as the slytherin common room.
pouring yourself a shot, although you're awful at doing those, you hold your nose (as if that's going to help) and gulp down the alcohol, finishing by setting the little glass down and placing your hands on the table full of drinks in front of you, hair falling down into your face.
feeling a hand on your waist, you tense and stand up straight, not relaxing much when your boyfriend kisses your cheek and whispers a 'hello' into your ear.
"ben!" you exclaim, turning around and smiling at him, though not genuinely, "i didn't know you were coming."
"some guys in the year above invited me, unlike my own girlfriend." he teases, gripping you by the waist and pulling you closer, and your nose scrunches at the sharp stench of beer on his breath. putting two and two together, considering how he's slurring his words, you realise he's already tipsy.
"right, sorry!" you genuinely are, though if he hadn't showed up, you wouldn't mind much, "i didn't really find out until the lesson before my free hour, and, well, you wanted us to go to your room, so —"
"oh, yeah. how could i forget?" he leans in, almost stumbling over his own two feet as he gets even closer to you, pulling you to him by your waist and kissing your neck, making you push your head down a little. the party having only just started, people are still piling in and the lights aren't turned off just yet.
you push him by the chest, gently, "it's still early, benny. not now."
ignoring your wishes, he nibbles at your neck, and you bring your shoulder up in discomfort, "but don't you want a repeat?" no, you really don't.
"ben, just, back off, please." you push a little more firmly now, shaking him off, and going to grab the bottle again to pour yourself another shot of firewhiskey as an excuse to not stay so close to him. but clearly that tactic isn't great, because he pushes up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
"come on, this party'll be lame anyway. your room's empty, right?" you freeze as his lips meet your throat once more, swallowing before finding it in yourself to stretch your shoulders back, and push his arms from your waist, quickly pouring the shot and keeping it in your hand, just in case you need to spill it on him as a distraction.
if he's gonna be pushy, he could at least be decent in bed.
well, at least, that's your cynical view on it.
"ben. no. my — my friends are here, and i... i don't want to leave them all alone." you fiddle with the shot glass in your hand, brows furrowed, and he exhales loudly before shrugging his shoulders.
"if you don't want me then you could've just said so."
your eyes widen, "no, i didn't mean it like that, just that... just not tonight."
"well, it kinda seems like you're not interested. but whatever, y/n, it's fine." as you try to reach out to him, he walks over to his friends, and you lean against the table, gulping down the firewhiskey and wincing at the burn in your throat.
"come on, y/n! they're dimming the lights now, i wanna dance!" daphne bounds over to you, dragging you by the arm before you can protest.
and you oblige.
two hours in, you're tipsy, worn-out from all the dancing, yet still going back between the many students for more adrenaline. grinning as a song you love comes on, you regroup your dormmates in the crowd, grabbing them by their hands and all winding your hips to the beat, millicent giggling and falling over her feet, daphne tearing away from her boyfriend to join with a smile on her face. pansy isn't very giggly when drinking, you've noticed. in close settings, sure, but in big parties like this, everyone so close, air hot, green lights strobing across the common room... she just dances. raising her hands above her head, swaying her hips, twirling her friends around by their fingers — it's almost sensual. well, to anyone else. not to you.
pansy eyes you as you spin — the exhilarated grin on your face from being able to shrug off everything burdening you, everything weighing atop your shoulders. and she realises that she likes the shine of the strobing lights against your skin, your nose and cheeks gleaming, eyes a little bloodshot and chest glistening from all the alcohol in your system, and all the dancing. and when you and pansy finally get off the dancefloor to join the slytherin boys on the sofas, she likes the way your eyes tear up a little after taking a long drag from the joint that's being passed around.
"this isn't laced with anything, right?" you clear your throat to speak over the music, passing it back to theo, head dizzy. you watch the lights entangle themselves between little clouds of smoke, and wonder which cloud is yours.
"what do you think i am, a drug lord? no, it is not laced with anything." he rolls his eyes, leaning back on the sofa.
blaise elbows him, looking at you and pansy who are both sitting next to each other, "don't mind him — you know he gets bitchy when he smokes."
"do not." theo huffs.
"yes, you do." draco deadpans, snatching the joint from his hands and inhaling the smoke, blowing it upwards from his bottom lip.
you chuckle, stretching to settle comfortably into the sofa and tapping pansy's bare thigh subconsciously, to which she tenses, "i feel like nott's always a bitch, regardless."
"not wrong there." theo winks at you, rubbing at his eyes. your head feels like it's spinning, and you giggle again, leading blaise to do the same.
"what's so funny, y/l/n?" pansy raises her brows nonchalantly, crossing her legs and studying you at her right. she's taken the joint between her plump lips now, inhaling deeply for a second, then blowing it up into the air.
"think it's the weed." you giggle once more, eyelids heavy, leaning your head onto her shoulder — you two are much more friendly when a little bit intoxicated and high. more so you, than her.
draco leans back into the armchair he's sitting in, looking over to the corner of the room and spotting your ravenclaw boyfriend drinking with his friends in the corner. and, being significantly less of an arsehole with something in his system, draco decided to be polite.
"how's the boyfriend, y/n?" you chuckle at this, smiling softly and lifting your head up from pansy's shoulder.
"my boyfriend is an absolute, grade O, cockhead."
the whole group is still for a short moment, exchanging varying levels of shock and amusement, before turning back to you. draco speaks again, "is that so?"
"mhmm." you nod lazily, as if your head is too heavy to hold up, pointing over at him from the other side of the room, "ben sucks. he's awful. if i could, i would — well, i mean, i could, but if i really could, i'd —"
"right, i think that's enough of that for tonight." pansy takes the joint from between your index and middle finger, interrupting you and attempting to change the subject considering your tipsy and high state. she’s been through enough non-sober confessions in her lifetime to know best.
"no, i mean it. and it would be worth it if he would actually fuck m—"
"i said, enough." pansy presses, trying to save you any embarrassment. being good enough friends with the slytherin boys of your year since you all first arrived, you know there'll be no judgement or rumours spread around. but, still. better not to air out all of your dirty laundry, or whatever the americans say. well, that's what 'sober you' would say. and right now, you're completely ready to confess how shitty your boyfriend is, to reveal the dialogue that usually only stays in your head.
"come on, pansy, the people wanna know." blaise raises his finger to her, grinning. the boy loved drama; he wasn't a sharer, but certainly a listener.
"i, the people, do not care." draco raises his finger as well, slouched in his seat.
"and i, the people, say you're not gonna let y/n humiliate herself. if she really wants to say this, she’ll do it when she’s sober.” pansy frowns, standing up and gripping your arm, passing the joint over to theo who was watching the scene casually.
“usually you love this stuff!” theo raises his arms lazily for emphasis.
“well, she’s my friend.” pansy gives him a blink stare.
"blah, blah, blah, parkinson." you slur you words a little, and she scowls, "i'm ready to say it. ben rowen is shite in and out of the be—"
she muffles your voice with her hand, forcing you to get up and follow her to the dormitory calmly, as you attempt to yell through her fingers, instead practically humming. it's not a messy, nor embarrassing scene -- you're at least sober enough to know better, and no one's paying attention anyway, not with the beat of the music thrumming through the room, vibrating the floor beneath your feet. but you're not sober enough to control your urge to break down and admit that you desperately want to break up with your boyfriend, even though you think you still love (the old, fake) him, even though you're scared to break his heart.
seeing the scene from across the common room, ben strides over with a purpose, and the boys on the sofa snort at his actions. "what happened?" he tears pansy's hand from your mouth (thankfully, you're not wearing lipstick), to which she scrunches up her nose, clenching her jaw and glancing to the side impatiently.
"your girlfriend had a little too much to drink and smoke. she's going to bed."
"she can just stay with me." he seems over his annoyance from before. shame his annoying personality continues to linger, you think.
pansy eyes him up and down rapidly, grip still firm on your arm. there’s something about your boyfriend, especially considering your change in behaviour around him, that pisses her off. you're looking between the two of them with wide eyes, considerably amused. "no."
"what do you mean, no?" you notice now that he's much, much drunker than before. the boys are still watching, leaning forward to hear over the music. well, theo and blaise are -- draco gives the 'altercation' a glance before setting his focus on the almost-finished joint between his fingers.
"i thought ravenclaws were meant to have an IQ of at least more than ten — no, means, i will not let her stay with you, she's going to sleep it off." you look over to the sofas and give a look the boys, half-grimacing, half-grinning.
"listen, i'm the boyfriend here —"
"are you? because i don't recall you ever being present the entire party."
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean, i was just over —"
"with her, i mean. why don't you go drown yourself in some more of that beer you obviously like so much," 'ouch', blaise mouths, "and i'll take care of your girlfriend, who... y/n?" you stop making frantic pointing gestures to the boys to ‘translate’ what they were saying since the boys couldn’t lip read, turning your attention to the people in front of you.
"yup?" you shrug, tilting your head up at her, being just an inch or two shorter.
pansy closes her eyes, sighing, then shakes her head, feeling a little wobbly herself, "nevermind. let's get you to bed, huh?" she shoots daggers at ben, whose nostrils flare as you're guided to the girls dormitory. he goes after you two again, but is quickly halted when draco's voice raises over the music.
"perhaps you should let them leave, rowen. just head elsewhere — don't be an arse."
ben sighs in exasperation, making his way to the group, but draco sticks his leg out through the gap between the armchair and the sofa on which you were just sitting, making your boyfriend stumble back.
"that wasn’t an invitation." draco deadpans, although the corner of his lip quirks up as he takes a sip of firewhisky and raises his brows.
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instead of casting a quick makeup removal spell, pansy opts to lean you against the bathroom sink at a safe distance, using a cotton pad and cleaning off your eyeliner and any sweat or blush left on your skin. you know, just in case the spell doesn't go well, and you end up being eaten by a magic cotton pad.
you close your eyes, gripping the cold sink behind you loosely as pansy wipes warm water over your skin.
"done." she nods, expressionless, as your eyes flutter open, easily casting 'incendio' on the cotton and not bothering to watch as it crumbles into ash on the floor. she certainly has a flair for the dramatics, and you can't help but think she's picked it up from draco malfoy.
you look into the mirror to smooth down your hair, eyes bloodshot, lips swollen from the firewhiskey (and a little from when pansy pressed her palm into them). she tosses pyjamas at you, and you wobble a bit when they hit your side.
"okay, sergeant." you snort as she shuts the door, clumsily picking up the shorts and sweater she'd thrown.
shrugging off your dress, you call out from inside the bathroom. "why did you get mad at ben?"
for a beat, there was silence, until she called back. "because he was being a 'cockhead'." pansy mocked.
"and why did you make me leave?" you pull up your pyjama shorts, squinting down and trying to tie a little bow at the front, rather unsuccessfully, "i was having fun."
"well, you were gonna embarrass yourself, y/n. i only helped you out."
after slipping on your large sweater, you peek your head out the door, seeing her tie her raven hair back into a tiny ponytail, most strands falling out due to the length of it (or lack thereof). she'd done a makeup removal spell on herself.
"you're going to bed, too?" you murmur, furrowing your brows.
"yeah, tired." she lies, sorting out her bed covers.
you bite the inside of your cheek before deciding to ‘confront’ her, “and, pansy?” her movements still, “i didn't need help. they're my friends, and i wanted to tell them —"
she turns around, cutting you off with a challenging look that makes you step fully into the doorway, "tell them what?"
you swallow. nevermind. maybe she was right to drag you out of the party. maybe she was right to have cut you off, instead of letting you indulge into your history and your barely-there sex life.
feeling like you're being frowned upon by authority, you duck your head sheepishly and clamber into bed, glancing over to millicent who has seemingly collapsed onto her bed and blacked out.
"is... everything okay with you and — you and ben, though?"
"yeah. i don't know what i was saying. he just pissed me off earlier and i started... talking shit." you lie through your teeth.
"right." she flicks off the lights with her wand, back turned to you as she sits on her bed, pulling off her dress and slipping into a big shirt. the lamp on your bedside table that she turned on beforehand faintly casts the room in a warm glow, and through the darkness you can see the pale skin of her back as she pulls it down. your eyes dart away, deciding to focus on the ceiling, instead, "and you're really okay?" she turns now, and relief washes over you — relief that she didn't turn sooner.
you eye her as she gets under her covers, propping her head up with her hand. you bury yours sideways into the pillow, wrapping the duvet tightly around your frame. "yeah. you?"
"yes, y/n. now, sleep off all that shit in your system. and lie on your side, not your back." you listen to what she's told you plenty of time before, and lean over to switch off the lamp, the entire room pitch black.
"'night, pansy."
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Hope you like this intro to:
Hide and seek (ft Goku)
Part 1
You kept as still as you could–despite your uncontrollable shaking–steadying your breathing as not to hyperventilate.
Breath in...breath out...breath in...breath out
The only thing you could hear was your breathing in this unbearable silence. Where was he?
Last you saw him, he was counting to 10. But you didn't stick around as you started running as soon as he reached 2.
You tried to control your sobbing and quietly prayed that he wouldn't find your hiding spot. It was dark and cramped on an especially dark night. Hopefully he'd miss you if he ever were to come by, if you just kept still.
Breath in...breath out–
Then you heard it.
The sound of a broken twig and crunched leaves as his footsteps became known, followed by the loud clanking of chains that spoke wonders of its intended use. You could hear his goofy chuckle, that which once brought you joy now brought you chilling goosebumps.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
"Found you, (Y/n)!"
A shriek left your lips as you were tackled to the ground.
"Goku! Goku, let go of me!"
You rolled around the grass in a fit of giggles and laughs as you tried to push the spiky haired man off your smaller form.
"Not until you give it."
Still struggling to free your self, you thought up a plan that was sure to work...and if it didn't then you'd die from embarrassment.
With Goku looming over you, you cupped his face with your hands, closed your eyes and hoped for the best as you leaned forward.
"What are you doing?"
You froze. Your lips just a kiss away from his and the man of your dreams was watching.
"Uh," You immediately pushed Goku off your form and jumped up from you spot. "Hey Vegeta. We were...uh just wrestling."
He raised an eyebrow at you. At that moment you could've died from embarrassment and you'd be happy because the last thing you'd see is Vegeta.
"Wrestling with your lips? Or actually was it tongue wrestling?",he teased.
"It's (Y/n)'s distraction technique to put her enemies off guard." Goku said, placing a hand on your shoulder. His way of saying that he was backing you up. "I gotta say it sure did the trick for me." He chuckled and you couldn't help but notice the light blush on his face.
"Uh huh, so if you two idiots are done with your little games," he then turned to look at Goku. "We have a match to get to."
And with that, he left.
"Sooo Goku–"
You were immediately cut off when Goku started rummaging through your backpack that you left on the ground. Realizing what he was looking, you rushed over to him but it was too late.
"Aha! Found it." He raised the box he found, up in triumph while using his other hand to stop you from trying to take it.
"Sorry (y/n)",he said before making a run for it, with you chasing after him.
"Goku, get back here with my donuts!"
After chasing Goku and failing to get your donuts back, he made you a deal that if you stayed to help him prepare for his match against Vegeta then he'd give you your donuts back.
You didn't really have anything else planned so you decided to stay and help him warm up, also while trying to find where he hid your donuts. Priorities, right?
You were currently holding the giant punching bag still while Goku sent a flurry of punches so fast and hard that you thought you were the punching bag. The reason for his sudden aggressiveness was because of all the eyes that were immediately on you he moment you walked into a gym full of thirsty male wrestlers.
"Oh, sorry. (Y/n) are you okay?",he asked when he realized he almost punched you.
"Yeah.",you reassured. "It's nice not having you going easy on me as usual."
"But you know I'd never hurt you."
You gave him a smile and playfully punched him in the arm. "I know, big guy." You stood on your tip toes to match his height, your face dangerously close to his. "So does that mean I can wrestle today?"
Goku blinked comically before he chuckled. "I don't know (Y/n)."
"Aw." You crossed you arms and pouted. "Can I at least have my donuts?"
"Yo guys I found a box of donuts. Let's eat!"
Goku's eyes snapped towards the donut thief and you noticed him somewhat trying to forced back the scowl. You figured it was because someone found the donuts so you paid it no mind. You ran over to hug Yamcha and chow on your donuts like the world was coming to an end. Unaware of the burning glare a certain spiky haired man has been giving Yamcha. Though he kept his mastered fake smile whenever someone came near him.
It's no secret that Yamcha has been after you for a while now. Making no effort to hide his feelings or keep his hands to himself. He'd always make up an excuse to be around you or to have you to himself even if it was for something like watching a movie. You never really picked up on his flirty nature since he was like this with most women and you thought nothing of it but seeing him so much as touch you made Son want to cut Yamcha's hands off, break both of his legs and literally kick what's left of his ass with them.
He hated it. He hated that he loved the idea of having Yamcha scream in agony. Goku was a nice guy. He is a nice guy. Most loved in the city.
Goku had tried to convince Yamcha to leave you alone with some lame excuse but Yamcha wouldn't give up.
He watched as you laughed at whatever Yamcha just said while he wrapped your arms around you in which you thought was a loving brotherly manner.
6 weeks.
6 long weeks of seeing that shit and he was tired of it. It would end...tonight.
Walking over to his car in the dark, empty parking lot, Yamcha couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if he was being watched. And the more he tread towards his car, the harder the feeling felt. Reaching for his keys in his pockets, he pressed a button that lead to what was music to his ears.
beep beep
Now sure his car was only a few steps away, his nerves slowly calmed as he quickened his pace.
"Haha, what was I so worried about. No one is here but me.",he tried convincing himself.
Yamcha immediately stopped in his tracks at the sound of the sudden voice seemingly echo in the parking lot.
"What?!" He started freaking out as he heard it again. The voice sounded so familiar but he was too scared to find out who it was.
The voice chuckled. "8"
"Who are you?!",Yamcha yelled only to be answered by another number.
"Fxck this!" Yamcha started jogging to to his car cautiously as his eyes searched the darkness for any other signs of life.
"6...5... You better be running the opposite way Yamcha because if I find you...no one else will."
Increasing speed, now running to his car, he tried to ignore whatever it was that was speaking to him. Once he reaches his car, he'll be fine. He'll be fine. That's what he keeps telling himself.
"4...3. Yamcha turn the fxck around before I kill you~",they sang.
They were delusion if they thought that would happen. Yamcha was getting to his car if it's the last thing he does.
The mysterious voice was soon heard laughing as soon as Yamcha touched his car.
A horrific thought came into Yamcha's mind of seeing this person in his car.
He cautiously opened his door, his guard up just in case.
"Oh thank God!",he shouted after letting out a breath of relief. He jumped into his car in excitement. "Yes, I made it, now let's get the fuck out of–"
An explosion seared the air and earth in large expansion of smoke and flames leaving only a few large burning scraps of what used to be Yamcha's car.
Fixated on the glorious sight from his hiding place, he couldn't help but let out a derange cackle.
"Nothing like a bomb to make everything lit!",he joked to himself, clapping his hands excitedly to have gotten another victim in such a long time. Though he had to admit it wasn't as much fun as chasing after his prey in a nice little game of hide and seek but it was exceptional. He wouldn't waste all that energy on Yamcha.
Letting out a content sigh, he composed himself as he wiped a tear of joy from his eye. "I've missed this."
Looking back at the tiny destruction he's caused, he scowled at the thought of seeing that bastard Yamcha again. To think that one wrong move could have destroyed their friendship so fast that it'd have to result in manslaughter.
No regrets.
"I warned you Yamcha but you just had to go after my (Y/n).",he said. "You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. (Y/n) is mine and anyone who thinks otherwise better hide, because once the countdown ends I'll come seeking. And when I do, you better pray to Kami that I don't find you."
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iammultifandomaf · 4 years
Once a Leader, Always a Leader
FanFiction: Sweet Home
Chapter 2 - ESCAPE
She was fed up by the military. The only thing they did was boss her around. Just like he used to do.
Lee Eun-Yu immediately saddened at the thought of her brother.
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I need to escape. I don't feel safe at all. I have no idea where Cha Hyun-Su is... where Eun-Hyeok is.
She knew that her chances to survive out there are low. She didn't know how to fight, let alone properly run because of her ankle. But she didn't want to survive alone. She wants to at least try.
Eun-Yu always encouraged others in a very mean way, especially Eun-Hyeok, to be active and not just sit around. However, she didn't feel that brave and despite her desire to leave, she didn't think that she'd be capable of leaving a military base. The bunch that was rescued from Green Home was kept together for some time now because they were cut off by monsters. So, they were basically stuck, hoping that the army would be able to fight them off or to get help from somewhere else.
One late evening, Eun-Yu was sitting on her bunkbed, watching Son Hye-In who was petting her dog nervously.
"What's with you?" Eun-Yu couldn't hold it for her anymore. Hye-In sent her an awful look and said angrily: "Don't you see him? He's all worked up. Something is wrong!"
Eun-Yu was interrupted by a deafening sound of the alarm going off. It took only seconds before everything turned into chaos. Lee Joon-Woo suddenly appeared at their door with a horrified expresion on his face.
"The monsters got in! They are killing everyone, fuck. I saw one in the corridor! We gotta hide!" he hollared but the moment he finished his sentence, something grabbed him by his back and threw him on the other side of the hallway.
Hye-In's dog began to bark loudly at the threat.
"Shut him up! Jesus!" Eun-Yu snapped, "I am outta here!"
Eun-Yu rose to her feet and tried to sneak out of the room. "Wait for me!" Hye-In whispered loudly and followed the girl quickly, not wanting to be left behind.
Gun shots were echoing through the building as the two women crept throught the hallway, trying to be as silent as possible. They had to pass the now dead corpse of Lee Joon-Woo which made Hye-In give out a weak whimper.
Eun-Yu tried to look around the corner to see what's ahead but that was a grave mistake since a monster just looked that away and started charging into her direction.
Cold sweat was dripping down her forehead as she started backing away.
"What?! What's there?" Hye-In cried out as she saw Eun-Yu's frozen expression while she was walking backwards slowly.
I have no weapon. My leg won't work. I am dead.
Hye-In wanted to follow Eun-Yu in her retreat but was stopped by a sudden appearance of a large figure. It didn't look like a monster nor a human, though. Hye-In wanted to shriek out but the moment, Eun-Yu bumped into it with her back, she stayed silent.
Eun-Yu's heartbeat rose, not only because she noticed the thing's claws on her shoulder, but also because the monster from before had caught up and was now standing in front of them.
Now did Hye-In give a proper scream out of her lungs, trying to run away pass the new creature that appeared but before she was able to escape, a firm grasp on her arm pulled her next to Eun-Yu. They both were let go, though, as the newcomer walked around them and fiercly attacked the monster that had multiple arms and very capable, strong legs. Overall, the monster seemed more likely to win. The other creature didn't seem fazed by the monster's dangerous looks, though, and the only thing he did was to give out a horrendously monstrous roar that made Eun-Yu and Hye-Im cover their ears while Bom, the dog, hid behind Hye-In.
Then it just stopped and with it, everything else went quiet. Even the shooting. And the multiarmed monster was lying on the ground, almost as if it was kneeling while shaking heavily.
With that, the tall human looking creature bend over to grab the monsters neck and smashed it against the wall, creating a huge crack in it.
Eun-Yu wasn't sure what the creature had done to it, but the monster seem to shrink slowly and then just fell apart. Hye-In found Eun-Yu's hand and tightly squeezed it.
The creature in front of them didn't turn back, as if it was hesitating.
"Who the hell are you?!" Eun-Yu's attitude made its way onto the surface yet again which made Hye-In squeeze her hand even tigher and gave her a panicked look. Eun-Yu shook her off, though, and walked closer to the tall 'creature'.
"What? Why did you save us? What's your deal?!" she cried out again angrily but was taken aback by a familiar chuckle.
"I am sorry I lied," he said sadly, still not turning around. Eun-Yu's eyes burned from the tears cummulating at once. No way.
"You bastard!" she cried out and started pounding into his back which made Hye-In yell out in surprise and also fear and run to tear Eun-Yu away.
Now, he turned around, looking down at Eun-Yu with compassion, trying to touch her shoulder again but Eun-Yu shook him and Hye-In off.
"Don't you touch me! Neither or you. Fuck," she screamed at them and wiped away her tears from the cheeks.
Hye-In finally looked up and after watching his face for a bit, she understood, too: "Lee Eun-Hyeok?"
He only nodded, keeping his well-known calm face which was now decorated by silver cold irises.
"How are you like this? You don't look like-" Hye-In began but her dog's unstoppable barking interrupted her, so she picked him up and continued: "You don't look like them..."
"Yeah, I know. What about we talk some more after we're somewhere else?"
"Leave the army?" Hye-In wondered.
"You can stay, if you want. But I can protect you better as it seems. And I also want to find Cha Hyun-Su in the meantime."
Eun-Yu raised her head at Cha Hyun-Su's mention and swallowed her tears. "You want to find him?"
His eyes landed on his sister as he nodded: "Of course, he always helped us out. He has to feel lonely now. I don't want that for him."
"Uhuh. The children are here somewhere...," Eun-Yu said, "Yoon Ji-Su probably, too..."
"What about Seo Yi-Kyung?" Eun-Hyeok asked as he was looking around.
"She stayed outside. She didn't come with us here," Hye-In informed him, receiving a small nod from him.
"Alright, let's go when the monsters are still tamed," he said and started walking away from them. The two women hurried to catch up.
"How did you do it? Tame them?" Hye-In wondered.
"Hm, it's just a thing I can do. Don't ask me why."
They walked along the hallway when suddenly Eun-Hyeok stopped.
"What?" Eun-Yu asked angrily as she almost bumped into him again.
"I think they are here somewhere," Eun-Hyeok said quietly and looked right to the damaged cabinet standing on the floor.
"Su-Yeong? Yeong-Su? Are you in there?" he bend himself down and almost wanted to open the cabinet, however the sight of his own fingers stopped him and turned back to his sister.
"Could you? I don't want to frighten them," he said quietly and stepped back.
Eun-Yu gave him a long look, finally taking in everything that was different. Somehow not wearing his glasses made him seem even more emotionally distanced than before. And I thought it's the glasses. His features in the face didn't change that much, not at least in comparison to his body which was just generally bigger and then of course, the clawed hands were something of an eyecatcher.
And when talking about an eye, his silvery eyes kept staring at her patiently which made her nervous a bit.
The cabinet door opened itself, though, and a small head popped out.
"Eun-Yu?" Su-Yeong said in a weak voice, holding onto her younger brother whose eyes were swollen up.
Eun-Yu sat down on her haunches and smiled at the children. "We're here to take you somewhere safe, okay? You remember my brother, right?" she gestured to her left.
"What happened to Oppa?" Su-Yeong asked carefully.
"Nothing much, just a change of style, come on out."
The children slowly got out of the cabinet and looked around.
"Where is Ji-Su? She told us to hide and then run away," Yeong-Su asked.
"We should look for her," Eun-Hyeok said and looked down at the kids.
"Hey," he said and lowered himself to be at the same height level as them, "I know I look a bit weird now but you'll forgive me that, right?"
The siblings looked at each other and the older sister nodded.
"Great, thank you. And just for moving faster, would you mind if I carried you so we can find Ji-Su as soon as possible?"
Yeong-Su replied with stretching out his arms towards Eun-Hyeok which made him smile.
"I am sorry, I got myself these ugly fingers, I hope it's alright," he said, his voice cracking a bit as he lifted the children, one locked in each arm.
Eun-Yun watched her brother how he carefully held the children so he wouldn't harm them with his claws and quickly looked to the side, trying to hide her glassy eyes. He went through such a change alone.
They walked around for a while, encountering a few monsters that have crouched away when Eun-Hyeok walked passed them. Both and Eun-Yun and Hye-In watched the monsters' reactions in awe.
"If he only turned earlier," Hye-In commented, remembering the lives they have lost. Eun-Hyeok stopped and turned around and looked straight at Hye-In, visibly sighing. He understood, him losing his humanity could've saved many lives. But it's too late to fix it.
Hye-In interpreted his reaction negatively and rose her hand in defense: "I didn't mean to off-"
"No, you are right, it's fine," he interrupted her and nodded to the metalic door in front of them, "I think she's in there."
"How do you know?" his sister asked suspiciously.
"Well, with those pretty eyes came also upgraded ears and my nose picks up specific smells, too. And I smell puss."
"Ew," Eun-Yu furrowed her brows at Eun-Hyeok who gave her an innocent smile in return.
"Kids, you stay here," he said and lowered himself so he could put them down.
"What are you going to do?" Su-Yeong asked anxiously.
"I'll go get her," he answered and smiled at them. His sister was faster, though, and was already trying to open the door.
"It's locked," she said angrily.
"Eun-Yu," her brother said calmly, "you shouldn't be this rash. She's not alone in there, the soldiers are with her. If you opened the door, they could've had killed you."
"Why would they shoot me, I am not a monster!" she said but immediately regreted her words. He is a monster now, too.
"Yeah, I know. But they are afriad. They won't probably act reasonably," he said and laid his hand on the door.
"We are here in peace, we just want to take Ji-Su. Are you there, Ji-Su? It's me, Eun-Hyeok," he said loudly and turned his ear to the door, waiting for a response.
"Why aren't they answering?" Hye-In asked nervously. Eun-Hyeok turned to her and shrugged. "They all seem to be tense."
"Alright, I'm going in, so please, save yourself the bullets," Eun-Hyeok informed them and looked at his sister, "you all go away from the door. They'll definitely be shooting."
"No, don't go! They'll kill you!" Yeong-Su ran to his calf and hugged it.
"Don't worry, I'll make it. And I'll bring Ji-Su, too."
Eun-Yu started at her brother who gently pushed the boy away from him and then continued to the metalic door. He slid his hand on it up and down, as if trying out the material and in a swift movement of his hand, he made its way through it. The shooting, of course, began as soon as he dug his sharp claws through it and the bullet shower continued as he ripped the door out of the frame, using it now as a shield against the bullets.
Eun-Hyeok didn't bother to say anything. He knew what the fear could do and he also knew how he had to look like to them. He focused only on the smell now - the heavy smell of puss.
How could've they leave it like that? She has to have it infected for days.
He located her promptly and looked to his right. They were holding her, covering her mouth so she couldn't have yelled out when he first tried to talk to her. With a few unnaturally fast and strong jumps, he was standing in front of the two soldiers who have been holding her down, not minding the wound they were opening with it.
"I'll be taking her off of your hands now," Eun-Hyeok said as politely as he could but still was hit by multiple bullets in his back. He couldn't help himself but to let out an animalistic grunt that made everyone feel more uneasy.
"Ji-Su," he said softly as she watched him with teary eyes, "God, look guys, I really-" a headshot stopped him from talking. He fell forward onto his door-shield, swearing: "Fuck," as he spit out the bullet that came into his head from behind.
Ji-Su started jerking around with her body, making it harder for the soliders to hold her down.
"Okay, okay," Eun-Hyeok rose to his feet again and grabbed each soilder by their arm, throwing them aside as if they were teddy-bears. Quickly, he pushed his hands beneath Ji-Su and lifted her up as she watched him in silence but her eyes were asking all the questions for her.
"Yeah, I know," he said and pulled her closer to his chest as he prepared to jump his way out of this storage room. A few bullets hit his back but otherwise nothing serious.
He met his sister's eyes who couldn't hide her worrisome look.
"We should probably head out," he said and balanced Ji-Su on his right arm as he dug his claws into a tall metalic cabinet, throwing it in front of the door frame.
"Could you carry the boy?" he turned to his sister who was still staring at the cabinet that he threw with ease at the door frame. She only nodded and automatically picked Yeong-Su.
They all headed to the garages where they found a big black van into which they all climbed in after Hye-In found the keys in a cupboard in a CCTV room.
Eun-Hyeok laid Ji-Su in the back and uncovered her wound. "Don't they have here some medicine? Or alcohol at least?" he asked.
"They told us that they have almost nothing left," Ji-Su said weakly.
"Yeah, we were supposed to be here only temporary. But the monsters were all around, we couldn't get out safely," Hye-Inn explained.
"Hm, I will have to get something for this later, then. Could you drive?" he asked the woman who was still holding tightly onto the dog.
"Me?" she said in shock, "why me?"
"Well, my sister is probably worse at driving than me, Ji-Su isn't feeling the best... and as you said before, there's a lot of monsters out there. I should be on the outside, taking care of them."
"Can't you just do the creepy scream?" Eun-Yu asked.
"That's what I am planning. But it won't reach that far. I'd have to scream all the way."
"Why don't you?"
"Try screaming for 5 minutes yourself, Eun-Yu," he said and stepped out of the car, about to close the door.
Eun-Yu quickly grabbed his wrist, looking up into his eyes. "Are you sure you can fight them alone?"
He smiled at her and put his other hand on hers. "I have to try, you guys can't fight them."
She looked away but didn't let go of his wrist.
"Please, don't leave like last time. Be creepy as you want. Just don't leave," she said quietly, surprising Eun-Hyeok with her honesty and nodded.
"I'll do everything to survive. As I did until now," he said, slipping out of her grip and closing the door. He opened the garage door. It was suspiciously quiet. He looked back at the car and sent them a smile, heading out first.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Were you really not gonna tell me? 'Cause newsflash, if you were waiting for Buster to grow a pair and do it Nancy: Obviously that wasn't going to and didn't happen, like Rio: It's not just you, I wasn't going to tell anyone Rio: I didn't Nancy: Okay Nancy: Glad to know it wasn't just me Nancy: But you could've said something when they all started finding out and not leave June to break it to me thinking I already knew Nancy: The level of awkward Rio: I'm sorry, Nance Rio: I should've thought Rio: it kinda just happened Nancy: That's my twin brother and I'm the last to know Nancy: You know? Rio: You so aren't Rio: know news is traveling fast but Rio: I don't know, I am sorry Rio: Probably could've done this better Nancy: Anyway its not about me Nancy: So not the point Rio: Yeah but it ain't my intention to make you feel shit with it Rio: or his Nancy: He clearly had no intention either way Nancy: It's actually comforting though, amid this whole personality transplant he's having, he's still able to be a prick Rio: I mean, take what you can get, babe Nancy: I'm sorry but this is Nancy: He's old enough to get married but not mature enough to talk to anyone about it Rio: To be clear, we aren't getting married Nancy: What do you mean? Nancy: You are Rio: I mean Rio: not right now Rio: not for ages, it's not like we've got plans Rio: we would've said then, would've had to Nancy: Then what are you doing? Nancy: Why do you need a ring that costs enough to give my mum and dad a heart attack, right now? Rio: Because we want to Rio: there's no way to say that that doesn't sound bratty but you know what I mean Nancy: Not that long ago he wanted to go to America Nancy: I'm not even trying to sound like a bitch but if I do then it's 'cause I don't understand Rio: I've not said he can't Rio: he's still applied Nancy: I'm not saying that only Nancy: How do you know what he wants? Nancy: I know what it's like to get carried away, like Rio: I know Rio: but this hasn't just come out of nowhere, remember Nancy: It seems like he has to keep upping the stakes, everyone's okay with you being together so he has to take it further Rio: I don't think he wants the fight Rio: like you said, he doesn't even wanna talk Nancy: He says he doesn't, but then does everything he can to have it brought to him Nancy: He's always done it Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: I really don't think he's gonna take it that far, like Nancy: Well, I wouldn't have said so either but it's one drama after another with him lately Rio: There's nothing I can say to convince you, and I'm not going to Rio: but I know he loves me Nancy: I know he loves you too Nancy: But you have to admit, it's intense, right? Rio: Yeah Rio: It definitely is Rio: it always has been Nancy: Are you sure he can handle this? Rio: How do you mean? Nancy: He's always kept everyone at arms length Nancy: Slept with different girls all the time Nancy: Not that long ago Nancy: Has he really changed that much? Rio: I think so, but sure, I can't say so for certain Rio: but it's only me who has to take that chance and trust him Rio: you know Rio: if he hasn't then that's that Nancy: Aren't you freaked out? Nancy: He's already cheated on you, okay not in a cut and dry way 'cause we all know what Chloe is like and what she did but still Nancy: You said yes to forever Nancy: That's Rio: Like you said, not that cut and dry Rio: It was all such a mess idk if we were even together together Rio: it still hurt but Rio: I'm just trying to move on from all that shit Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Sorry for bringing it up Nancy: I'm just Nancy: I'm freaked out if you're not Rio: Nah, it happened Rio: I can't explain how I know Rio: I just do Rio: Maybe it's stupid but it still is Nancy: I don't think either of you are stupid Nancy: Impatient, maybe Nancy: But you're not alone in that, like Nancy: Everything's moving so fast with everyone and I can't remember how to relax anymore Rio: Yeah Rio: It is mental Rio: but this is one of the only things that doesn't make me feel like that Rio: that's what it is, that's how I know Nancy: I can tell its the same for him Nancy: Even if he won't talk to me, I still know Rio: I can make him but you know how well that'll go down Rio: Not got those kind of powers yet, like Nancy: Mum's beat me to the ambush and I can imagine how that went Nancy: I'm not trying to do it Rio: Either really bad or really well 'cos my phones not being blown up so Nancy: Not to be a bitch again, but option 1 is way more likely Rio: Yeah Rio: Reckon your Mum hates me as much as Ro does yet or Nancy: Of course not Nancy: Ro only hates you 'cause she hates herself so much there's no more space there Nancy: My mum would never Rio: Good to know Rio: Self-esteem saving the day yet again Nancy: Not to say she's buying a hat and shoes yet Nancy: But you'll be okay at the next family function Nancy: Mum's mad at Buster not you, and same Rio: What a fashion faux pas that'd be Rio: Make a joke about hiding the bump better than the ring but even I'm not ready for that gag yet Rio: He really is trying, not that I'm going to law school to be his advocate but Nancy: You're getting married before Ro, we're all thrilled about that much, babe Nancy: He's trying my patience, but what's new there? Nancy: We're all trying as hard as we can right now Nancy: It'd be nice if he acted like he gave a fuck about anything besides you and him but Nancy: Just do me a favour and don't have a baby until I'm out of the country, yeah? Rio: Has Drew made an appearance since? Rio: and you've got it Nancy: No Nancy: Even he's not that much of an idiot Rio: Just checking Rio: Don't want 'em sneaking in ahead, like Nancy: If you think my mum is anti your vows she's next level about theirs, don't worry Rio: Ain't we all Rio: Not just 'cos I wanna ride him myself, naturally Nancy: Don't Nancy: So gross Nancy: If that can be the one thing that unites us I'm fine with it Rio: You fancy him too? Rio: Know he's pretty but um Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: Not what I meant Rio: 😂 Rio: Awks, surprised he ain't aiming for the full set Nancy: I'm sure he is Nancy: Happy to disappoint and destroy the myth that he's even pretty Rio: Gasp Rio: Nance, it's all he's got Nancy: Unlucky Rio: Heartless Nancy: Rule 1 of man hating lesbianism, like Rio: I been to the clubs, I basically got the jacket Nancy: You got all the phone numbers too, don't rub it in Nancy: You're already coupled up before me Rio: I didn't get off with anyone 😏 Nancy: Only 'cause you're disgustingly in love with my brother Nancy: You easily could've Rio: Shh Rio: Number one player right there Nancy: Please don't get all boring and domestic Nancy: I need to go out like yesterday Nancy: School is killing me Rio: I don't reckon that's very likely Rio: I do need to ask about and get my name back out so Rio: come with for the crawl, like Nancy: Definitely Nancy: When? Rio: Whenever you can Rio: I was gonna go tonight but gonna take more than one Nancy: I can do tonight Nancy: I need to Rio: Sorted then Rio: Just don't tell your Ma Nancy: She's too busy on labour watch to notice what I do Nancy: Not pregnant or engaged so I'm slipping through the cracks Rio: Aw babe Rio: let's avoid a sister scandal still Rio: Doesn't make the night go with a swing Nancy: Just how hetero is this club if you feel like either outcome is likely for me tonight? Rio: Just 'cos I'm coming for your gayness by getting engaged in a blink of an eye, don't be salty Nancy: Please Nancy: I'm never getting married Nancy: You do you but it's not for me Nancy: I'll keep the cat stereotype Rio: Just saying Rio: you know you could end up wifey'd and ma'd as easy in the gay club Rio: progress, baby Nancy: I could, but I won't Nancy: If I can get through this school year I'll be that career driven bitch Nancy: Glass ceilings to still break, you know Rio: 'Course Nancy: I know you're devastated, babe Nancy: I still love you though Rio: 😂 Rio: How'd you know? Nancy: Settling for the other twin, textbook Rio: That'll be it Rio: Try not to be too smug when you do chat to him, yeah? Nancy: I'll leave that to him Nancy: He does it so much better Rio: Nothing smugger than the higher ground Rio: Sneaky, babe Nancy: You can have that one as a freebie for your married life Rio: 😏 Rio: Still owe me a gift Rio: know you're good for it, McKenna Nancy: Maybe the gift is me tonight, hmm? Rio: Steady Rio: We can't keep doing this Nancy: I know, I know you can't handle me Nancy: I've heard it all before Rio: You heard what they say about redheads too, yeah? Nancy: Absolutely Rio: 😂 Rio: Guess we've said all we need to say then babe Nancy: You haven't told me how high up the bridesmaid rankings I am yet though Rio: You mean you ain't after that best man spot? Nancy: Can't seduce my way up that list Nancy: Also sure that he'd rather die than have me do anything like that for him Nancy: Especially 'cause I'd look better in a suit Rio: Who else would he ask? Rio: Picking the best of his current friends is the best of a bad bunch, like Nancy: You've got more than enough brothers to choose from Rio: Nah Rio: Like you said, kept his distance, who are they to him really, like Nancy: Okay but if you aren't getting married soon who knows what bromances he might form Rio: Who knows how much you'll be twinning Nancy: Gross Rio: You love it Nancy: You do Nancy: I saw you matching him on his feed Nancy: You're such a lesbian now, I can't Rio: Shut up 😖 Rio: we looked 🔥 Nancy: Yeah but it was so gay Rio: I feel hatecrimed Nancy: If you tell me you wanna match me tonight I'm not coming Nancy: Like I am, 'cause I need to, but Nancy: No Rio: 😒 Rio: this is why we're breaking up Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: You could've at least let me break up with you first Nancy: You know how stressed I am Rio: Now you can let off steam with some club hoe Rio: YOU'RE WELCOME Nancy: Now I'll be crying in the club and you'll have to deal with that Rio: Can't keep up with what you want, babe, honestly Nancy: Lesbian 101 Nancy: You never will Nancy: I actually might let off some steam if there's an option though, does that work? Rio: Sounds exhausting Rio: Ooh lala Rio: little TMI but I'm down Nancy: It's a serious question Nancy: Not a proposition for you Rio: Umm, are you asking permission or like Rio: if fucking helps you forget your problems? Nancy: I don't need your permission, we're not engaged, sorry about it Rio: The latter then? Rio: I mean, it's distraction, good as any but it's not fixing anything, like Nancy: If it works as a distraction, I'll try it Nancy: Spoken like I could remotely pull that off after having one girlfriend, okay Rio: Did you Rio: you know Rio: don't have to answer that fully tell me to shut up if you're feeling it Nancy: Yeah but I kind of had my mind elsewhere so I can't really draw on that for much inspiration Rio: Yeah Rio: I wouldn't reccomend going back to old inspiration Rio: goes without saying but that's not gonna help anything Nancy: You're telling me Nancy: Not how I thought my first relationship was gonna go Rio: Cheer up Rio: plenty got you beat Nancy: Is that meant to be comforting? Thanks Rio: Yeah Rio: least you got to be the cunt Rio: feminism, init Rio: the rest of us stuck with our sob stories here, Indie just the latest in line Nancy: I'd rather she hurt me, that's how I deserved for it to go Nancy: As if Buster gets an engagement and I get this Nancy: Such a prick Rio: Well she didn't so you don't get to mope, babe Rio: Come on Rio: Sort it out Nancy: You sound like my mum Nancy: Don't do that around him Rio: Well there's no need for that kinda slander Rio: Might be into it, but I know I can't freak you out with Freud like I did Inds so Nancy: Nothing an old white man has to say about anything is worth listening to Nancy: Even Indie knows that Rio: Harsh Rio: I like him, he knew how to party Nancy: I already know you like old white men, babe Nancy: You can't freak me out with that either Rio: 😂 Rio: Straight up savagery Nancy: Gay culture Nancy: Do I download an app or leave it up to the Gods and fates to decide if I fuck away my stresses? Rio: *Stolen straight from black culture so I trump you bitch Rio: Hmm Rio: Have you lot got a decent app of your own yet Rio: it's easier to swipe away dudes IRL than it is on a screen Nancy: Decent is a stretch Nancy: but yeah, I've swiped away my share of men in the club and out Nancy: Gross Rio: I say leave it then Rio: Plus I know you shy types, you'll front too hard on the socials and feel like dying when the time comes Rio: best to keep all your impressions in person Nancy: I feel so attacked Rio: As you should, direct callout, like Rio: got no time to chill Nancy: Fine Nancy: Acknowledged and accepted Rio: 😘 Love ya bitch Nancy: I'm glad he's not going to America if it means you're not Nancy: Like, I don't know how far away I'll be anyway but still Rio: I know you're hurting rn Rio: but please Nancy: What? Rio: Where you not insinuating you don't even wanna live in the same country as me? Nancy: I'm saying I do want to, not that I know what country I'll be in Nancy: But the way my classes are going I could be stuck here Rio: Ahh, with ya Rio: You cutie Rio: There's no way Rio: even with this bullshit Rio: it's all about your portfolio really yeah Rio: and nothing's fucking with that Nancy: It's just that nobody tells you that when you want to fuck your teacher and it fucks her over none of the other staff are that willing to help you Nancy: She used to help me, you know Nancy: And I can't like hey sorry but can you just help my dyslexic brain figure this essay out please even though you hate me now Rio: Surely there's someone else in that shithole who can Rio: Like, they don't have to be buzzin' about you but Rio: just unprofessional Nancy: I started it Rio: You're a student Rio: in their care, regardless Rio: also hardly the first who wanted to pipe a teacher, like Nancy: I don't know, all I know is everything takes so much longer now and I can't ask mum to help me until this baby comes out Nancy: So we're going out and I'm forgetting that school's a thing Rio: Sure I can't tempt you with a study sesh to go with the pre-drinks, like Rio: may as well, I've got fuck all to do 'til I get a day job again Nancy: You're not married in yet Nancy: You don't have to help me Rio: Come on Rio: Swear, I'm not that thick Nancy: Shhh Nancy: You're smarter than me that's my problem with it Nancy: You think my brother is the only one with an ego? Rio: Babe, please Rio: I'll just help get the shit sorted in your head, I ain't doing it for you Rio: left for a reason Nancy: I mean, if you wanna do it, I'll take the A Nancy: I need all the help I can get Nancy: Especially in Irish, obviously Rio: Don't push it, like Nancy: Come on, homewrecking doesn't end in good homework scores Nancy: Who knew? Rio: Ba mise an dalta ab fhearr liom ach Nancy: You lost me, see this is what I'm saying, I'm gonna fail and then have to go into my uni interviews like well.... Rio: Okay, okay drop the ego at the door and I'll help you out Nancy: You think I'm joking but I've seriously only studied with Buster before I moved schools and my mum since, when she's around Nancy: I wish I could call it ego Rio: Look, I know I can't talk you outta whatever block it is but seriously Rio: no judgment Rio: and none of the others would either Nancy: I know but like, Junior's so smart Nancy: Not saying you aren't, but you left so I don't have to know it everyday, do I Rio: There's different kinds of smart Rio: not to be that after-school special but seriously Rio: you're good at what you want to do Rio: and you'll find a way to make that happen Nancy: I know realistically that you're right but whenever I want to ask someone to help me I just remember what all those fucking girls made me feel like Nancy: About everything Rio: I know Rio: Cunts Nancy: I do need it though Nancy: Help, I mean Nancy: So if you're serious Rio: 'Course Rio: It's no thing, honest Rio: I'll come to you? 'Cos like fuck are you concentrating better here Nancy: Too true Nancy: Okay Nancy: I'll make us food Rio: 👍 Rio: and you say you ain't wifey material Nancy: Oh no, I know they'd be lucky to have me, babe Rio: 😏 More like it Rio: but remember, not why we going out, yeah Nancy: It's all just part of my masterplan to see the engagement ring, don't worry Nancy: There's nothing more important than judging every choice my brother makes Rio: Don't have him taking all the credit like I didn't help Nancy: Lord, imagine Nancy: I've seen so many horror stories Nancy: That straight girl suffering Rio: They love it Rio: First test for hubz to fail so you can cackle with your girls Nancy: They hate men more than I do and that's the truth Nancy: I see you with your separate living rooms Rio: Mhmm Rio: you'd understand if you liked 'em babe Nancy: No thanks Nancy: I refuse to believe the sex is good enough to put up with everything else Nancy: I've heard enough straight girls talk to know it isn't Nancy: Do better, all of you Rio: 😏 Nancy: Don't Nancy: I know what you're thinking and I don't want to hear it Rio: That's why I didn't say anything! Nancy: That emoji speaks for you Nancy: Loudly! Rio: Well, I can't lie Nancy: Disgusting Rio: Moving on Nancy: Thank god I moved before I had to hear that many girls swooning over him Nancy: Just have to deal with you instead Rio: First of all Rio: I'm not swooning Nancy: Sure Nancy: And second of all? Rio: Shut up Nancy: Mean Rio: Deal with it Nancy: Stop hate criming me oh my god Rio: 😂 Rio: The girl who cried hate crime Nancy: The title of my autobiography or no? Rio: Defs a work in progress but don't hate it Nancy: If nothing else the photos will sell it Rio: I know how you meant that and yet Rio: centrefold yo Nancy: Lord Nancy: Go to church please Rio: It sells Rio: we all know it Nancy: If the girl looks like you, sure Nancy: But you're not getting that promo in my autobiography so Rio: Shh Rio: working on my manners but the sentiment's the same Nancy: It's not rude to admit how pretty you are Nancy: You're fine Rio: 🙄 Rio: Such a flirt Nancy: You wish Nancy: You're stuck with my brother now, I'm not saving you Rio: Oh well Rio: that's that then Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Heartbreaking but Rio: Don't break out into a rendition of I Will Survive yet Nancy: I'll save it for the club Nancy: Promise Rio: It is a tune Rio: I'll pick a nice love song to piss you off Nancy: There she goes again with her hate crimes Nancy: So mean Rio: You know Rio: if loving your brother is a crime 😜 Nancy: That was actually the gayest thing you've ever said Rio: I know right Rio: really leaning into this Nancy: Am I proud or am I horrified? Hmm Rio: So proud Rio: Gonna make a speech at the wedding Nancy: If you mean get drunk and call Buster out then yeah Nancy: Of course I will Rio: Please don't ruin my pretend wedding Rio: the drama, this family has had enough Nancy: What do you actually want as an engagement gift though? Nancy: You've caught me unawares and I'm offended Rio: We don't need anything Rio: just get the first round, like Nancy: Did I say need or did I say want Rio: Did I not say a round Rio: you can IOU his Nancy: Fine Rio: Don't be grumpy Rio: So like him Nancy: OH MY GOD Nancy: Is that any way to change my mood? Rio: Facts are facts babe Nancy: Stop it Nancy: I'm pouting 'cause I wanna shop that's not like him at all Nancy: You know he'd just buy it Rio: Yeah he gets so mad when I won't let him splash the cash Nancy: Gross Rio: Mhmm Nancy: Why are you marrying this manchild? Rio: You know you don't wanna hear really Nancy: You don't have to marry him for that Nancy: None of us are religious Nancy: He's slept with girls for so much less Rio: No, I mean Rio: You'd just gross at any reasoning beyond that too Nancy: I know you love him Nancy: We've had that conversation Nancy: My memory's not that bad Rio: Are you drunk already? Nancy: I wish Nancy: But we have to study, right? Rio: Yeah, I can deal with dyslexia but not drunkness, thank you Rio: also omw btw Nancy: I think it's better when I drink Nancy: Like it cancels out Rio: Interesting Rio: still Rio: wait bitch Nancy: I'm not saying we test it now Nancy: I'm just saying test me later compared to now Nancy: Or something Rio: Whips out homework in the club Nancy: I meant my brain in general but whatever you're into, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: You gon be too busy Rio: remember Nancy: Fighting off straight men, sure Rio: Life and times of a mega babe Nancy: Femme struggles Nancy: Woe's me Rio: Poor baby Nancy: But if there are any cute girls there who happen to also be into me then yeah to fucking away my problems, obviously Rio: 😳 Damn okay Nancy: You know how I flirt so you know your blushes are gonna be spared Nancy: You've got more chance than me Rio: You'll be fine Rio: Your Ma ain't about is she Rio: fully avoiding Nancy: She's done her drop in for the day so you're safe Nancy: You don't need to avoid her though, just use the diamond glare like a torch Rio: Bear that in mind Rio: but I'm glad it's safe to come in Rio: get ready to train that brain Nancy: You're really selling it Nancy: Thanks Nancy: We can drink when I'm done, yeah? Rio: Well any jokes about being your sexy tutor are kinda off limits no Rio: Doing my best with what you've left, like Rio: and duh Nancy: Don't this is literally never gonna blow over and be okay, is it? Like Nancy: Excuse me while I move countries again Rio: Oh babe Rio: it will Nancy: If that was true it'd be old news by now, wouldn't it? Rio: Full offense but no one thinks about it as much as you do anymore Rio: it's just part of the craic, like who's fingered who and all that shite Nancy: Ouch Rio: It's gotta be said Nancy: Okay Nancy: Like it did really but you've said it now Rio: I'm sorry Nancy: How did you get engaged and we're still talking about me? Nancy: That's gay culture Rio: 😂 Rio: I like to think if it wasn't to your brother you'd be more receptive but you know Rio: maybe I'm giving too much credit Nancy: Rude Nancy: I want you be happy I'm not that much of a bitter lesbian Rio: I know bitch Nancy: You better know that Rio: Of course I do Rio: it's not that deep, I swear Nancy: You're only getting married, it's not that deep Nancy: You're funny Rio: Oh my god Rio: stop saying it like that Nancy: I'm sorry Nancy: But I can't believe this is something that's happening Rio: You've got plenty of time to get used to it Rio: not like it's happening in the morning, like Nancy: Thank god 'cause I am not having a good skin day Nancy: Club lighting is one thing but wedding photos are another Rio: Nothing but lowlighting I swear Rio: Plus I probably have to go on some mental diet right Nancy: Um NO Rio: Okay, wasn't about to go bridezilla and put all of y'all on it too or else Nancy: If you put yourself on it, I'd kill you, Buster would kill you, my mum would kill you Nancy: We'd all kill you Rio: The family that slays together Nancy: Exactly Nancy: Stop trying to make me give you big gay compliments about how pretty you are Rio: Soz, I'm just SO about it obvs Nancy: Who isn't? With MY track record Rio: Gotta keep everyone on their toes Rio: like you thought you knew our type Nancy: Jesus, I don't even know my own type Nancy: Good luck everyone Rio: We keep it entertaining if nothing else Nancy: One word for it Nancy: I'll just happily accept you and Buster keeping the heat off me with mum for as long as it keeps happening Nancy: Gathering up my free passes to be a messy bitch thank you Rio: Ringing endorsement Rio: You're welcome and cheers Nancy: I can be nice or I can be honest Rio: Why not both Nancy: When they overlap, of course Nancy: Doesn't happen often where my brother is concerned though Rio: 😏 I tried Nancy: You know he's only nice to you, right? Rio: Slight exaggeration Nancy: Barely an exaggeration Rio: Well Rio: I know he tries Nancy: I understand that you love him and you wanna see the best in him but I love him too and that doesn't matter like it should Nancy: Not to him anyway Rio: It does Rio: I know I've not got anything to back that up with but trust me Nancy: Where's he in this conversation? It's just me and you Nancy: And I came to London 'cause I asked you, he didn't invite me Nancy: He never would Rio: I know Rio: he just, does things differently Rio: he thinks that's how you want it Rio: and it's been like that so long, I don't know if he knows how to do different at this point Rio: not yet, anyway Nancy: Things are how he wants them 'cause I burned him years ago by leaving somewhere I literally couldn't be anymore Nancy: And he can't let it go 'cause he'll never talk to me about it Rio: It's not like it's an easy thing to talk about Rio: especially when he did a lot of things he regrets Rio: I get the frustration but it's not easy being the one who has to come on bended knee Nancy: Yeah, he did those things he regrets to me Rio: I know Rio: and so does he Rio: That's what I'm saying Rio: You get it, there's no ego to be salvaged Nancy: I wish he cared a little less about his ego then Rio: It ain't that simple Nancy: Nothing is when he's in the centre of it Rio: What happened happened Rio: There's too much water under the bridge to solve with a simple sorry no Nancy: I don't want sorry, just not to be shut out about everything that's going on with him all the time Nancy: Forget it. It's not like that for you, you don't need to understand how it is for me, like Rio: Well, no Rio: it's a two-way street Rio: he knows as little about you, it takes both of you to keep it like this Nancy: I came to London, I tried, even though he obviously didn't want me there Rio: So that's it, you're good? Nancy: Excuse you, I've been putting the work in since Nancy: He's put the shutters down over this 'cause mum's on the warpath and he can't handle any criticism Nancy: But it's not like I wasn't getting one word answers before then Rio: Whatever, this is ridiculous Rio: I'm not trying to be the go-between for either of you Nancy: Tell him to talk to me then Nancy: He actually listens to you Rio: Why can't you? Rio: You ask where he is but you're in my inbox acting like you expected him to be here Nancy: Please Nancy: I thought things were getting better for a second after the Chloe situation but here we are again, back to square one Nancy: I'm not there 'cause I'm not looking for a fight Nancy: And that's all he wants from any of us about this, for whatever reason Rio: Because he's been making changes since the Chloe situation and has got no positive feedback from that Rio: All he wants is acknowledgment of that Nancy: I know he's doing better but I don't know how to tell him that without sounding like a patronising bitch Rio: I'm not saying it's easy, or even that you have to Rio: but the defensive is his default for a reason and it isn't just that he's a cunt Rio: I'm not having that Nancy: When did it get so hard for us to talk to each other? Nancy: I used to tell him everything and vice versa Rio: I don't know Rio: Maybe it's growing up because even Indie doesn't come to me like she used to Nancy: Everything's so weird Nancy: I hate it Nancy: I'm genuinely glad he's got you, I used to get so worried about him having nobody to talk to Rio: Me too Rio: Yeah, he needs better people around him Rio: I think Uni, wherever he goes, will help Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Where we are in London is like a different world and not in a good way Rio: May can't come soon enough Rio: I am worried what he's going to do 'til then Rio: maybe I can go back and forth but I promised I'd be here Rio: I don't know Nancy: It's not just him, I was a different person there too, more shut off Nancy: It's what you have to do Nancy: He'll come here though, who wouldn't like it better? It's like taking a breath Nancy: Cliche but true Rio: Yeah Rio: It's not good for you though, I mean, you know Rio: you couldn't do it any longer than you had to Nancy: I really do know. I swear I felt too much here for too long 'cause I didn't let myself feel anything there Nancy: And look what happened Nancy: At least none of his teachers are hot, one crisis averted Rio: I mean, Chloe is hardly bangin' but you know Nancy: Therapists don't @ me or my brother, thanks Rio: Your funds, they'll be lining up babe Nancy: Right? I could pay to put their kids through uni before I go Rio: Truly Nancy: Rich kid problems Nancy: I'm aware how I sound Rio: You don't sound any type of way Rio: I'm sorry I had to be a bitch there Nancy: You're not Nancy: I shouldn't put you in the middle, I don't want to but Rio: I know, kind of inevitable Nancy: Tell me shut up next time, like Rio: You got it Nancy: Or you know, do that straight girl thing of 'but I love him' in response to anything and everything Rio: Please Rio: never get you off your soapbox then Nancy: I mean, if you did it enough I'd just die so Nancy: Not that I'm dramatic Rio: 'Course Nancy: Thanks for not pointing out how dramatic he also is Nancy: I could feel you resisting Rio: You know, enough home truths for one convo Rio: Plus I'm here so like, need you to still want me to come in Nancy: Who's more dramatic though, me or him? Nancy: Don't just say him 'cause you don't want me to fight you Nancy: Real question Rio: Hmm Rio: I don't know Rio: you're dramatic in different ways Rio: so diplomatic, I know Nancy: Such a non answer but you can come in anyway Nancy: Hold on Rio: 👍
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Junior & Nancy
Junior: What are you gonna do? Nancy: I've never had less of an idea Nancy: What can I do? Junior: I wish I knew for you Junior: But no, I don't Junior: By the time I worked it out, I knew it was too late but maybe if I'd said something to you, we could've avoided it playing out like this Junior: I'm sorry Nancy: Don't apologise to me, please, I can't start sobbing outside of this office Nancy: You've done nothing wrong. It's me who messed everything up Junior: I'm sorry, no wait, scrap that Junior: You can't help what you felt Junior: You're not the first person to get a crush, everyone's just acting like it for the drama of the thing Nancy: But I chose to act on it Nancy: You didn't see her face. It was... Nancy: I've got no words for it Junior: Oh, Nance Junior: There's no other way she could react, or would've Junior: I'm not judging but how did you get this caught up? Its not like you Nancy: I thought she wanted me to. Genuinely I'm not just making an excuse Nancy: We had a connection. The way we'd talk, I didn't imagine that, I can't have Junior: At best though, that could never be more than friendship, she's a married teacher, a straight one Junior: not to go over it now, you know Junior: What a mess Junior: Tristan is being Junior: its bad Nancy: He has a right to Nancy: I'm so stupid, oh my god Nancy: They couldn't hold of mum or dad yet but when they do... Junior: Yeah but, he's trying to make it something it ain't, get the anger but I wish he'd keep the gay hate to a minimum Junior: Oh God, babe Junior: how mortifying Junior: I'll find a hole to bury you in Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I've literally become a lesbian stereotype. The predatory one Nancy: If my brother ever finds out I'm gonna have to get you to bury him too Junior: We're doing our best to keep it on the DL, strictest of confidence Junior: but if your rents talk to mine, he'll suddenly take an interest no doubt, eurgh Junior: You weren't being predatory, at least, that's now how you meant it Junior: and she's in the position of power so she always had the upper hand to push you away Junior: which, I guess, she did in the end Junior: would've been helpful if she'd have clued up before now but we can't blame her Nancy: I'm gonna have to move back, aren't I? How can I stay here. I can't Nancy: I love her and I've done this to her Nancy: What if she loses her job because of me? I might have wanted him to leave her, or vice versa, but I never wanted that Junior: Not necessarily Junior: She won't Junior: Not to rub salt in an open wound but its very clear it came from you and not her Junior: Its not going to come to that Junior: There's only this year left, we can stick it out together, I've got you Junior: anyway, rumours follow, don't they? Idk how but that's the magic of teens, better if you face it head on Junior: own it in the ways you can Nancy: You make everything sound so straightforward, no play on words meant Nancy: I should have told you everything Junior: I get why you didn't Junior: it got to be real when it was just in your head Junior: wow, sounds harsh but, yeah? Nancy: I'm gonna hear much worse Nancy: At least you're coming for a good place Junior: We need to decide on your side of the story, so we can stick to it Nancy: What's the point? Everyone already knows what happened Junior: Yeah, there's definitely the key facts you're not gonna be able to run from Junior: but its all about how you sell it Nancy: What are you saying I should do? I can't throw her under the bus Junior: No, of course not Junior: I'm not explaining it well 'cos I can't do it myself Junior: but you know, the old, hold your head up high regardless of how you're really feeling Junior: acting as if you're not as phased as you are, too, not lying about what happened, just acting as like its less of a thing so people will get bored, you know? Nancy: Have you met my mum? Holding my head up high won't be a problem Nancy: Casually trained at it Junior: Yeah, no, good Junior: I know its gonna be hard Junior: but it will help this all be over sooner Nancy: That'd be nice Nancy: It's new for the rumor mill but not me Junior: How long? Nancy: Since I came here, pretty much Junior: Oh, honey Junior: That's such a long time to have those kind of feelings Nancy: I know Nancy: How did I get here? Junior: I dunno Junior: We all build things up in our minds, fantasies and that Junior: it just got out of hand because it was uncheck Junior: like I said, you're not the first or last Junior: Its okay, it will be alright Nancy: You're only saying that to make me feel better, I get that, but it's kind of working anyway Junior: I'm honestly not Junior: You know what went down wasn't cool but I think the outcome is more than enough punishment without me needing to be a dick about it Nancy: but I wouldn't blame you if you were Nancy: You asked me so many times who I fancied, if I'd just said, it would have stopped it, I would have come to my senses enough not to try and kiss her Junior: But you wanted to Junior: more than you wanted to be logical and sensible Junior: for better, or worse, as its transpired Junior: its easy to beat yourself up about it now Nancy: I should've beat myself up before hand Nancy: Repeatedly over the head Junior: I'll get you a time-turner and a mallet, like Nancy: Much appreciated Nancy: Can you arrange a bodyguard too, for Rio more than Tristan tbh Nancy: She's gonna be livid Junior: Not with you Junior: She'll get it better than me, she's had her fair share of crushes, I'm sure Nancy: Have you really not? Nancy: Envy you at this point Junior: Nope Junior: I'm like a sexless slug Nancy: They have a nicer label for that, to let you know Junior: Yeah, I'm not into that Junior: Never say never, you know Nancy: Unlike you have my judgement Nancy: Unless* Nancy: Never say never with your straight, married, teacher Junior: When is it okay to laugh cos like Nancy: Go ahead Nancy: We have to Nancy: I can't cry rn and still face everyone Nancy: I'm not THAT good at holding my head high Junior: are you gonna take some time off or just Junior: face it from the jump Nancy: I think if I walk away it'll just make it harder to come back Nancy: If I'm staying here then I need to carry on Junior: Agreed, from that POV, definitely the best thing to do Junior: but don't force yourself to do things you can't Junior: we can go cry in the toilets whenever you need, okay? Nancy: Have a gorgeous mascara moment Nancy: Maybe my mum will force on a flight back to London Junior: Maybe Junior: Or roll up on you here Junior: such fun Nancy: Oh god, she probably will Nancy: I know I brought it on myself but....please no Nancy: Parent swap with me really quick? Junior: They'd despair but give it my best Junior: At least your Dad is going to be too awkward to say anything Junior: Small blessing Nancy: I wish that was a like father like son trait Junior: Thank god for the mute button Junior: shame it doesn't cover all communications, including IRL Nancy: Honestly Nancy: If I thought I hated Irish class before Junior: Yeah, no escaping how bad that's gonna be Junior: 😬 Nancy: If I pretend I've had a straight awakening now will that make it better or worse Nancy: She turned me everybody, nothing to see here Junior: I think it'll take you from the butt of the gay jokes to the butt of the slag ones Junior: which might be easier to handle but Junior: might have to display some straightness and we're not a convincing couple to say the least Nancy: Plus you're my cousin Nancy: That'd just create more rumors Junior: Yeah preferably you're going straight for someone not in the fam Junior: Idk, who are the most elligible bachelors around Junior: Hmm Nancy: Tristan's off the table Nancy: Lovehate only happens in YA Junior: Plus, all that rage, probably closeted himself, if we're following the rules of YA to the letter Nancy: And if we're going classical, he probably wants to sleep with his mum too Junior: 🤢 Junior: oh no Junior: flip the script on 'em, go for a younger boy Junior: preferably not weird young, like year below tops Nancy: Oh god Nancy: Boys are so Nancy: Even hypothetically it's a no Junior: 😂 Junior: I don't think you're gonna be pulling this off effectively any time soon Nancy: You're right. Back to the drawing board I go Nancy: Thanks, June, for talking me off the ledge Junior: Wouldn't be worth much as a bestie if I didn't Junior: we've got this Junior: it only FEELS like the end of the world Junior: that's comforting, right? 😏 Nancy: Until I think about how bad you said Tristan is handling what happened Junior: Yeah, well, reckon Rio will be having words Junior: he just needs to get it out of his system Junior: look sufficiently sorry and miserable and he should be satisfied, then you can get on with your life, like Nancy: I do feel sorry and miserable so as long as I can get it across instead of looking like a unrepentant bitch Nancy: We'll see Junior: Yeah Junior: he's not awful, like Junior: It probably sucks having teacher parents, but that ain't a reason to take out years of frustration on this sitch Nancy: He can't be that bad, she raised him Junior: Oh, babe Junior: you've got it so bad Nancy: I wish there was a mute button for feelings Junior: You've got to start putting in the work Junior: Conscious uncoupling Nancy: That'll be as much fun as having the chat with my parents Junior: I didn't promise fun Junior: Strictly business Nancy: This is why lesbians die at the end of every movie, isn't it? Nancy: No fun Junior: Mhmm, its not just bed death you've gotta avoid Junior: its alright, you've been scorned, that'll further your plot development, no need to die today Nancy: Just living with the heartbreak then. Fantastic Junior: Unfortunately Junior: Its survivable, so I'm told Junior: and there's lots of songs and films on the subject to keep you company Nancy: You're angling for a hetero rom-com watching session because the male leads are always hot. I see you Junior: You need some straight drama in your life Junior: it will make you feel so much better about your own Nancy: Her being straight was a big part of my drama Junior: Yes and no Junior: Even if she was gay, Nance, it wouldn't have happened, alright? Junior: You need to remember that Junior: what if you have a nice lesbian lecturer at Uni, you don't wanna go through this again, thinking it'll be different Junior: its a no go whatever the circumstances Nancy: I know Nancy: I'm trying Nancy: I don't want to go through this again Junior: I know Junior: Its a complete perspective overhaul Junior: It'll take time Junior: you'll get there Nancy: I better Nancy: I don't wanna be stuck here in this place Junior: You won't be Junior: You've got a whole life of new, better experiences waiting Nancy: Brain swap? If I was as smart as you I could graduate early Junior: You're plenty smart, its truly not that far off now Junior: Final stretch Nancy: You're right. It just feels like forever rn Nancy: My own fault Junior: It does though Junior: clock watching all day every day Nancy: Definitely Nancy: Same
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