#where can i lay this heavy burden?
up-andawaay · 6 months
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The Glass Essay, Anne Carson | Molly Brodak, Molly Brodak
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benbraeden · 1 year
tag drop ft. people.
#“     𝒊.     countenance     ﹕     bees hum funeral dirges in his wake.#“     𝒊.     character study     ﹕     heaven and hell are warring inside you‚ always brutal‚ always merciless.#“     𝒊𝒊.     dean winchester     ﹕     when the laurel grows heavy on your brow‚ where do you lay down the burden.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sam winchester     ﹕     you were never made a god‚ but you were remembered.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sarah braeden     ﹕     he feels sunlight in the warmth of her skin and trace mountains in the peaks of her spine.#“     𝒊𝒊.     gunchamber     ﹕     her laughter is the sound that makes flower bloom and her rage is is the thing that burns empires.#“     𝒊𝒊.     lily winchester     ﹕     how long can a heart survive without the head?#“     𝒊𝒊.     wailshe     ﹕     you’re the dawn that rises bloody and wrecks ships in its wake.#“     𝒊𝒊.     frankie shaw     ﹕     you’re all bronze and bite‚ all venom and fistfight.#“     𝒊𝒊.     fightforbetter     ﹕     there is only so much flesh and muscle can hold back before her divinity shines.#“     𝒊𝒊.     hallie anders     ﹕     you fight because it is the most intimate act you can think of.#“     𝒊𝒊.     rueben baker     ﹕     being ruined isn't a bad thing‚ it means that you're going to be a legend.#“     𝒊𝒊.     jamie walker     ﹕     you will grow back over and over‚ no matter how badly you are devastated.#“     𝒊𝒊.     odessa muyne     ﹕     she is the stuff of dreams‚ a shooting star that burns too bright.#“     𝒊𝒊.     lisa braeden     ﹕     i still see a constellation of you in the sky.#“     𝒊𝒊.     sarah miller     ﹕     as long as your heart beats‚ there's fight.
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ghoulsbounty · 5 months
From a Previous Life
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Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bound and fearful, you seek answers from a mysterious stranger about the fate of those you love.
Warnings: Emotional hurt/comfort, mentions of death, pregnancy, non-detailed talk about experimentations, angst, grief, swearing, judgement, flirting (if you squint)
Word Count: 2.9K
A/N: My first Cooper fic! I've had this idea going around my head for a hot while and I really could go on, and on with more (yearning, smut, etc) but I just wanted to get out an initial one-shot that could potentially turn into more if any one likes it (or I end up adding to it anyway!) I'd love to hear your thoughts 💌
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Silently, you moved through the desolate wastelands, each step stirring clouds of dust and veiling the once lively towns now reduced to rubble. Somewhere in California, though the exact whereabouts blurred, you were leagues away from the sanctuary you once called home, apparently almost two centuries ago. Time, to you, was an elusive concept, for the stiffness in your joints and the lingering ache betrayed the recent thaw from cryo-sleep. Your mind remained ensnared by fog, a residue of the drugs coursing through your veins during preservation.
Yet, your senses, dulled by centuries of slumber, detected his presence long before he materialized. Heavy footfalls pierced the barren silence, prompting a cautious glance over your shoulder. There he stood, solitary amidst the wasteland, a gun slung lazily across his back and a weathered ten-gallon hat shadowing his features. Perhaps he had spotted you, perhaps not; regardless, neither of you quickened your pace, silently agreeing to maintain a wary distance.
Ever cautious, you abruptly veered into the next structurally sound building, bracing for a potential standoff. Praying it wouldn't come to that, for the meagre supply of bullets salvaged from a fallen vault security guard, coupled with his erratic pistol, offered scant reassurance. The art of marksmanship was foreign to you, a skill unbefitting a woman of virtue in the world before its descent into chaos. Your pride lay in nurturing the home, not in extinguishing life.
"What would your husband make of this sight?" you thought. Clad in the worn remnants of the blue and yellow jumpsuit issued upon vault entry, now stained with blood and grime from your desperate flight. Would he mock your dishevelled appearance, your unadorned face and frayed nerves? Would he marvel at the pistol clenched tightly in your grasp, its weight unfamiliar and your trembling fingers poised on the trigger? Could he shoulder this burden, like you wish he was here to do so? Such musings left you unsettled, your husband's whereabouts a lingering question mark, conspicuously absent from your side.
Peering cautiously from beneath the window sill, your gaze swept the scorched landscape beyond. The lone figure should have drawn near by now, should have approached the building where you lay in wait, yet his silhouette remained absent from the horizon. Instead, the frigid touch of a gun barrel against the back of your skull sent a shiver down your spine, your body tensing instinctively under the ominous threat. You suppressed the cry that clawed at your parched throat, swallowing hard as you slowly lowered your pistol to the ground beside you.
"That's it, nice and slow," he instructed, his voice gruff with a hint of amusement. "You might be my easiest catch yet."
Realization dawned upon you—he had been tracking you. You inwardly chided yourself for your naivety before complying, raising your arms slowly with palms outstretched. Encountering no one in these barren lands, you were uncertain of the customs among people so removed from your time. You were one of them now, but survival demanded adaptation.
"Please, I don't have any money," you offered, hearing his scoff. "I mean it. Take my gun, you can have it."
His movement rustled the air, his presence brushing against you as he leaned to retrieve your pistol. A low hum of amusement escaped him, and you felt the cold barrel of his gun pressing against your skull before it vanished altogether.
"I don't want your hunk of junk, sweetheart," he drawled, tossing it back to the ground beside you. "Doubt it can punch through a tin can. No, what I seek is your cooperation."
"O-okay, yes," you agreed, the words tumbling from your lips almost too hastily, embarrassment flushing your cheeks.
A nudge at the side of your heel prompted you to turn and face him. You complied, shifting on your knees, arms growing weary as they remained raised above your head while you awkwardly pivoted to meet his gaze.
The scream tore from your throat as you beheld him, sending shivers down your spine. He loomed above you, his visage warped by decomposing, discoloured flesh that swathes his form. Cracked lips parted to reveal yellowed teeth in a perpetual grimace, his once vibrant eyes now a haunting shade of blue-green, still clinging to a trace of humanity amidst the decay. You recoiled at the absence of his nose, now a dark cavity amidst cartilage and bone.
"That's not polite," he admonished, his narrowed eyes betraying annoyance. Trembling under his scrutinizing gaze, you stammered out an apology, extending a trembling hand to ward him off as he took a step forward.
"Please, leave me alone. I-I don't have anything," you pleaded, but he showed no sign of relenting. Your fingers curled around the pistol on the ground, raising it shakily in his direction.
"Well now, what are you going to do with that?" His smirk deepened as you aimed the weapon at him.
His amusement infuriated and terrified you in equal measure. You were aware of your body shaking, aware that he saw it too. You hadn't formulated a plan, hadn't considered the consequences. But you'd never faced a situation like this, especially not with someone so grotesque yet strangely human. He spoke like a man but resembled a monster, reminiscent of the creatures from the old sci-fi holo tapes your husband used to rent on Friday nights, leaving you cowering behind embroidered cushions until the credits rolled. You weren't built for this, but just like only hours before, you must fight.
With a tight grip and clenched eyes, you pulled the trigger. The recoil sent you crashing against the wall, the impact jarring your head as the bullet ricocheted through the room, narrowly missing the man and striking a nearby doorway with a sharp ping.
"Well, that was disappointing," he remarked, his head cocked and lips drawn into a condescending smirk. "You finished, sweetheart?"
With a mixture of annoyance at your failure and frustration at his dismissive demeanour, you tossed the pistol at his feet. Your head throbbed, and as you tentatively touched the back of your skull with trembling fingers, you were unsurprised to find them stained with blood.
"Are you going to kill me?" you panted, forcing yourself to meet his gaze.
He shook his head, kicking at the dirt with his pointed boot before crouching in front of you. "Not much use to me dead, not much use to me at all if you don't cooperate," he emphasized, his tone dripping with implication.
"Fine," you huffed. "What do you want?"
A triumphant hum escaped him as he straightened up, retrieving a long rope from his hip and tossing it into your lap. "Tie your hands together," he commanded.
You hesitated, eyeing the rope and then him with uncertainty. His tone shifted, imbued with a hint of authority as he spoke again. "The rope goes around your wrists or around your neck. Either way, you don't want me to be the one to do it."
With deft fingers, you hastily wound the rope around your wrists, striving to fashion a knot that would hold without chafing your skin too severely. He bent down, giving the tether a firm tug to test its security before nodding in approval. Seizing the other end lying in the dirt, he yanked it harshly, nearly causing you to stumble forward onto the unforgiving ground.
"Get up," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.
You complied, awkwardly pushing yourself to your feet without the use of your bound hands. There was a pregnant pause as you gazed at him expectantly, awaiting further instruction. However, he simply tugged on the rope, turning to lead you out of the dilapidated building and back into the sprawling wasteland.
You followed him into the desert expanse, both of you shrouded in silence save for your intermittent attempts to coax answers from him. Questions about where he was taking you, what he planned to do with you, hung in the air, but he offered no response. Instead, he whistled a tune, leaving your inquiries to dissipate into the wind.
As frustration reached its boiling point, you dug your heels into the sand, exerting force against your restraints as the rope cut into your skin. A hidden thrill coursed through you as you witnessed his hulking frame falter against the resistance, a fleeting moment of satisfaction before he regained his footing. His narrowed gaze met yours from beneath the shadow of his hat.
"I'm cooperating," you asserted, your voice strained. "You can—should at least tell me where we are going. Why you're doing this to me."
A heavy sigh escaped him, his shoulders slumping as he gazed skyward before meeting your eyes once more. "You're sure dumb for a pretty thing," he muttered, retrieving a flask from the recesses of his torn duster and taking a long swig. "I guess that's how they like to keep you down there."
As he turned to face you fully, his eyes rolled at your bewilderment before he elaborated. "Not much up here untouched nowadays, so when you see a little rabbit wandering the lands fresh from her cage, a smart man doesn't think twice before he acts."
Anger surged through you at his mocking words. Barely escaping your 'cage' with your life, barely comprehending the aftermath of the bombs, and now captive again—this time by a man, no, a monster, likely more sinister than those who had ensnared you initially.
"You already said you're not going to kill me, so you're going to fuck me or sell me," you asserted, mustering more confidence than you truly felt, chin lifted defiantly as he scrutinized you, tucking his flask away.
"Now you're catching on," he replied cryptically, offering no further explanation as he tugged at the rope and resumed walking. Your mind whirled with apprehension at his ominous response. Which fate awaited you? Both? The thought churned your stomach, imagining the touch of his weathered, calloused hands, pondering the atrocities he may have committed before and the ones he might be willing to commit now. You resolved not to make it easy for him, determined to fight tooth and nail if necessary.
"I can hear you thinking from over here, vaultie," he called back. "I ain't gonna fuck you," he added with a smirk, glancing briefly over his shoulder at you before continuing. "Ain't my type."
You scoffed, your brows furrowed in disbelief at his audacity. Doubt crept in, questioning if someone like him truly had preferences, more inclined to prey on anything within reach rather than adhere to any type. He resembled a monster more than a man, and you suspected his instincts remained consistent regardless of his words. Out here, where the population had dwindled to ashen, skeletal remnants of unfortunate souls caught in the blast, it seemed unlikely anyone could afford to be picky.
"What happened to you?" you demanded, your voice tinged with genuine curiosity.
He visibly stiffened at your question, briefly halting his movements before resuming with a dismissive gesture. He heard you, yet chose not to respond.
"I said, what happened to—"
"I heard you," he snapped, cutting you off. "Doesn't mean I owe you an answer."
You huffed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I'm just trying to understand what's going on! Yesterday, I was in my kitchen baking a key lime pie and dancing to the radio, and then—"
"Miss your cage, vaultie?" he interjected, a cruel chuckle escaping his lips. "If you miss it so much, why are you out here?"
Straining against your restraints, you heard him sigh in annoyance as he came to a halt. Turning to face you, irritation etched on his ghoulish features, he regarded you with a jutted hip and clenched gloved fingers tightening around the rope. "I'm not talking about the vault," you said earnestly. "I was in my home yesterday, just a normal day. Then the sirens blared, so loud I couldn't think. My neighbour, she came to my door, told me we had to leave, find safety. I didn't want to go without Glenn, but everyone was running, scared. I was too."
"When we reached the vault, it was chaos," you continued, his attention now fully captured, eyes glazed. "So many people, struggling to get in. But we made it, and... my neighbour, Patti—she's my friend. She had just given birth to her first child, a beautiful baby boy." You swallowed hard, suppressing the bile that threatened to rise in your throat. "They were supposed to let us in, we were pre-selected. But when we arrived, they turned Patti away. Shot her husband when he fought back," you recounted, the horror of the memory still fresh. "Then chaos erupted. The first nuke fell, and I was pushed through to the vault door. I lost Patti."
He regarded you with a sombre understanding, silently urging you to continue.
"When I entered, it wasn't like the commercials," you spat bitterly, recalling the false promises of safety. He cleared his throat. "That actor, going on about how great the vaults were—'a vast and wonderful place,'" you mocked with disdain. "Mine wasn't like that. It was... They did unspeakable things to us, to unborn children, and there was no recourse. It wasn't right. I knew what they wanted, deep down, but my head told me not to be so naïve. Vault-Tec was supposed to be saving us."
Tears welled in your eyes as the memories flooded back, as vivid as if they had happened yesterday, because to you they did. "They threw us into pods, froze us until they needed us. Took us out for testing and... I was the last one. Everyone else had... died, from the testing," you choked out, the pain of loss still raw. "I fought to survive, because I couldn't let what happened to those women and their babies happen to me or mine."
He listened intently, his eyes widening as he took in your story. His gaze flicked to the small swell of your stomach below your tied wrists, realization dawning.
"So I need to know," you implored, your voice trembling with fear. "Is what happened to you also what happened to Patti and her baby? Will it happen to mine?"
He studied you, and you felt yourself shrink under his penetrating gaze. You hadn't intended to divulge so much, to reveal your condition that you had desperately tried to conceal until it could no longer be hidden, to relive the trauma that still haunted you, though in reality centuries had passed since its occurrence. Yet, you needed answers. You needed to know what lay ahead in this desolate wasteland, and if you possessed the strength to face it.
"Yes," he answered quietly, his voice laden with a heavy solemnity. "It will, in time."
Fresh tears traced their path down your cheeks, and you nodded in understanding, raising your bound hands to wipe at your wet nose. "Okay," you whispered, then smiled sadly in resignation as you rubbed your wrists gently over your stomach. "At least up here, we had a little freedom for a time."
You felt the rope that he had been keeping such a tight hold on slacken before being dropped to the ground. Stepping towards you, he gingerly took your wrists and began working on the knot, untying it with ease before meeting your gaze from beneath his lashes. "You just gained a little more."
"You're letting me go?" you asked, doubtful.
"I'm letting you choose," he corrected, his voice carrying a peculiar weight as he rubbed the tender, burned skin of your wrist where the rope had left its mark. His thick thumb felt rough against your flesh as it traced over you in a gentle, swiping motion. "There are things worse than me out here, sweetheart. Are you going to take your chances?"
His words hung heavy in the air, and you met his gaze defiantly. "I don't need your pity."
"Good, because I ain't giving you none," he replied, his tone firm.
You held his gaze, neither of you willing to be the first to look away. Moments ago, he had been intent on taking you to an undisclosed location to sell you for whatever passed as currency in this wasteland, but now he presented you with a choice—a grim ultimatum. Stay with him or fend for yourself in the harsh wastelands. Neither option was ideal, but you hadn't lasted a single day on your own before being apprehended by him. Perhaps it was better to stick with the devil you knew, especially if there truly were worse threats out there as he claimed.
"I'm going to get bigger, you know. I'll slow you down," you warned him. "And I can't fight."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he gathered the discarded rope and secured it at his hip. "I've seen you shoot, but I've yet to see you fight. I think a few vault security guards could probably vouch for you, though," he teased, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You can't stay with me forever, nor would you want to. I'll take you to a safe haven for women in your condition. It's a few months' journey north from here. Until then, try to keep up."
You pondered his words, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of a safe haven and the promise of being escorted there, despite the long journey. "Why the change of heart? What's in this for you?" you asked, curious about his sudden shift in demeanour.
His expression tightened, his gaze drifting to the small swell of your stomach that you now cradled protectively. "Righting some wrongs from a previous life," he answered solemnly, not waiting for your response before turning and beginning to walk away. He paused momentarily, waiting for you to follow.
"I don't know your name. What do I call you?" you called out after him.
He pondered for a moment, gazing out into the vast desert before turning back to you, tipping his hat in acknowledgment.
"Ghoul, for now."
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dokries · 3 months
you need some soup!
pairing: lee seokmin (dokyeom) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.5k
warnings: sick fic™, mentions of medicine, food and you know…being sick (having a fever/being tired), a kiss on the cheek, minghao is a saviour pharmacist, seokmin is loud
author note: basically, i want a seokmin. this is so funny because i wrote this before i became kind of sick…did i predict the future again…anyway, i hope you enjoy my rambling turned fic ♡
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seokmin wishes he got to know you earlier. he tells you this often actually, almost to the point where you’re tired of hearing it—you could never be sick of seokmin though; that would be near impossible. 
however, you can literally be sick, which is exactly what your warm forehead and cold hands are telling you. you would ask your boyfriend to bring you home some medicine but seokmin’s at rehearsals for his upcoming musical, and you  don’t want to burden him—he had been stressing about his voice the other day, and you know how hard it is for him in general. you’re not planning to add onto his already heavy load, considering that you’re seokmin’s comfort movie, as he affectionately likes to call you. he always talks about how he could watch you all day, and—yeah, you need to get up for some medicine and stop dwelling on the love of your life, no matter how fun it may be. 
you check the bathroom cabinet despite knowing that what you're looking for isn’t there. you sigh before rubbing the heels of your hands in your eyes, mentally preparing yourself to make the much needed trip to the local pharmacy. 
after a painstaking walk that feels much longer than three minutes, you enter the cool air conditioned building. you wave at minghao, making your way to the front counter. 
“hey, minghao,” you say, taking shallow breaths to calm yourself after your short walk—yikes, something’s definitely wrong—and minghao notices.
he frowns at your demeanour, calling your name softly. “are you alright…? do you need me to call seokmin?” minghao asks hesitantly, already pulling out some medicine from underneath the desk to place in front of you.
“no!” he raises an eyebrow at your immediate refusal before you continue, looking down at the options he lays out for you to take. “i…you know how stressed he’s been with the opening show coming up, right? i don’t want to worry him more.” 
minghao sighs, moving his hand slowly to your forehead to check your temperature, so you don’t get startled. he pulls back after a second, adjusting his glasses and wincing. “you definitely have a fever, though it’s not too bad…yet. i would recommend taking this one.” he pushes one bottle closer to you than the others, concern in his eyes. 
“tell seok—” he corrects himself with an eye roll at your glare, “call our number if you need anything, okay? i can deliver it to you if needed. make sure to rest, okay?” he gives you a pointed look, ringing up the bottle for you after you nod, and lets you pay before handing you a paper bag with your purchase inside. you smile wearily at minghao, giving him a wave as you leave, making your way back home. 
once the medicine goes down your throat, you flop down onto the bed. you check your phone for any messages from your boyfriend, and can’t help but smile slightly at what he sent earlier.
seokmine 🌻 ❙
the staff said i probably have to stay longer so i can get my clothes fitted again :((
i’ll try to get home as soon as i can though 🫡
see you soon my love ♡
you ❙
take your time minnie <3
i hope your rehearsals went well though! i’ll be waiting at home for a full recap >:D
you groan, your phone suddenly too much to look at. yeah, maybe you should do as minghao says—he does have a degree after all. you place your phone on the nightstand beside you before closing your eyes. 
seokmin’s panicking in the dressing room, his eyes more focused on the foreboding text from his pharmacist friend than the tailor trying to get his measurements. 
first of all, the fact that he has to be notified of your health from minghao offends him. do you not trust him to be there when you’re sick? he shakes that thought off, as well as the tailor that had (sadly) been assigned to him, who sighs. seokmin apologizes frantically to them, before letting out a breath. he hasn’t been able to police you about taking care of yourself recently because of how busy his schedule’s become but he didn’t expect you to get sick. what would you do without him? …okay, seokmin knows you would do a lot without him but still. he wants to do everything he can for you, even if you can do it yourself. 
he texts you, his hands working as fast as they can, and frowns when you don’t respond right away like you usually do.  
seokmine 🌻 ❙
honey you alright??
hao texted me saying you’re sick ☹️
i’ll be home in a few i promise
seokmin’s tailor notices the worried expression on his face, and gestures for him to just leave; they could always take measurements some other day. as soon as they finish talking, seokmin’s face lights up and he bolts. he’s gone before his fellow cast members can wish him a good day, and he calls you as soon as he turns his car on. when you don’t pick up, he bites his lip and his leg shakes up and down quickly.
did you take the medicine minghao promised he gave you? are you not picking up because you’re asleep? are you collapsed on the bathroom floor, weeping about how if your minnie was there with you, you would be fine and actually able to walk to—okay, that was probably a bit much. however, seokmin can’t help but think of the worst possible scenario as he waits impatiently for the car in front of him to move so he can make that final turn into your neighbourhood. 
he unlocks the door as fast as he can, and as soon as he walks in, he finds it too quiet for his liking. he hurriedly takes off his shoes and throws his bag onto the couch in the living room before checking the bathroom to see if he was right in thinking you’re in there. seokmin lets out a breath when he doesn’t see you, thankful his overactive imagination isn’t reality.
he peers into the bedroom at first, and as soon as he sees your sleeping figure, he just about sobs, pulling the door open dramatically—he is a musical actor after all. “MY LOVE! I THOUGHT YOU FAINTED OR WERE CRYING OR—” your boyfriend yells, falling onto the bed and cutting himself off as he presses his face into your outstretched arm.
you rub your eyes sleepily with your other hand, slowly registering that it isn’t a dream, and your boyfriend really is grabbing onto you, about to sob. you cover your mouth and yawn before placing a kiss on his forehead with a smile. “i’m fine, minnie!” 
seokmin looks up at you with a pout as he checks your temperature with a peck on your cheek. you giggle at the gentle motion as he leans back to look at you once more, his voice whiny as he calls your name. “your face is so hot! you’re definitely not fine.” 
you roll your eyes before pushing him away softly, not wanting him to get sick too. seokmin glares at you jokingly before getting up with a sigh, realizing that he can’t risk getting sick, even if he wants to cuddle with you all day. 
his shoulders drop before he sighs again. dear god, someone would think he’s the one who’s got a fever. you push yourself up to a sitting position, and seokmin’s immediately by your side, fixing the pillows so you’re comfortable. you give him a look, and he backs away to the other side of the room. 
“since i can’t cuddle you like i want to, i’m going to make some soup! you look like you need some anyway.” seokmin smiles softy as he backs away toward the door, blowing you a kiss because he can’t actually give you one. 
you grin before blowing one back, and he smiles before frowning in frustration. “oh, i wanna kiss your sweet face so bad, this isn’t fair!” he groans as he walks back to the kitchen. all you do is giggle before grabbing your phone from where you kept it before.
you ❙
minghao i love you
thank you for sending min my way ♡
haohao 🤞 ❙
oh right
you’re welcome
tbh seokmin would’ve been really upset if i hadn’t
you ❙
HAHA yeah…
minghao i’ll be a loyal customer until the very end !!
you are my one and only pharmacist for life !!
minghao for president 🫡
haohao 🤞 ❙
…okay? thanks for the support i guess
you two are so in love with each other aren’t you
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
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request: where he teases the reader playfully (like usual) but without realising she's already had a bad day, so that sort of backfires and she almost cries lol and he starts to panic making it up to her
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"Amour, you've been lying on that bed forever. Don't you think you've had enough rest?" Charles teased as he stood in the doorway of your room, a smirk playing on his lips. You didn't turn your head to face him, but you were sure he had that playful expression. "I couldn't sleep last night. I just need a few more hours, Charles," you replied with your eyes closed, trying to fall asleep for over an hour by then. Your mind had been wandering about everything since yesterday night, from your schoolwork and exams to your and Charles's dog's illness. Despite Charles's stress about Ferrari and races, you didn't want to burden him with your own life problems. You felt they were insignificant compared to the weight he was carrying with his team's strategies.
"Why is that, chéri? Was I snoring?" Charles asked with a joking tone. While you were glad he was in a good mood after his podium in SPA, you weren't in the mood for small talk. You just hummed in response, an uneasy and almost angry reply. It was clear that you wanted him to leave you alone, as it wasn't the right time for teasing. Charles, noticing something was amiss and sensing your uneasiness, decided to take a different approach. He swiftly entered the room that you had shared for a year now and slowly sat on his side of the bed before starting to talk.
"I thought we were going to grab breakfast, chéri?" he said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. However, his attempt didn't go as planned, and you reached your limit. Your priority that morning wasn't grabbing breakfast. The immense anxiety on your chest and the heavy feeling throughout your body were overwhelming.
"I don't think so. I don't feel like it. Actually, I just want to lay here and cry for a while," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion as tears began to well up in your eyes.
Charles's playful demeanor disappeared as he realized the seriousness of the situation. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you gently into his comforting embrace. He softly stroked your hair and whispered reassuring words, "It's okay, my love. You can take all the time you need. Let it out, and I'm here for you."
You couldn't help but let the tears flow as you clung to Charles, feeling his warmth and support. Gradually, he encouraged you to talk about what was bothering you. You opened up about the overwhelming pressure of schoolwork and exams, the worries about your dog's illness, and the constant thoughts that had kept you up all night.
Listening attentively, Charles assured you that everything would turn out alright, that he was there to help and support you through it all. He reminded you that you were not alone in facing life's challenges and that you could lean on him whenever you needed to.
As the weight on your chest began to lift, Charles noticed your mood improving slightly. He knew that sometimes all it took to bring a smile back to your face was a bit of distraction and comfort. So, he decided to do just that.
"Hey, how about we take a break from everything for a moment?" Charles suggested with a gentle smile. "I got something to cheer you up." He reached over to grab some coloring books and art supplies, knowing that you enjoyed expressing yourself through art.
He also brought out a playlist of your favorite music, hoping that the familiar tunes would help lift your spirits. As the music played softly in the background, Charles joined you in coloring, creating a relaxing and fun atmosphere.
"Je t'aime, Charles," you said, suddenly burning with the urge to reciprocate the love you felt for him.
“Je t'aime, mon amour," he whispered, Charles kissed you tenderly, his lips conveying a sense of comfort and belonging. The worries and anxieties seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of serenity in his presence
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vampiricgf · 18 days
Home Is Where the Heart Is
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stepdad leon kennedy x stepdaughter reader
wc: 2k+
warnings: stepcest, masturbation, fingering, intoxication, creampie, hickies, use of pet names (sweetheart, baby, good girl), reader is in their twenties but he's older
I need him so bad somebody has to step up and shoot me with a tranquilizer dart or something before I become completely delusional
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You sigh as the door clicks behind you, the final death kneel of yet another failed, miserable date. The sound of low, canned tv voices drifts from the living room and you feel yourself deflate even further, not wanting to have to go through the motions of telling your stepfather about yet another boring, unfulfilling date. 
Maybe I should just throw my phone in a fucking river and become a crazy hermit-
“Hey, you just get in from the date?” His voice reaches you from around the corner in the foyer and there's no avoiding it. Time to tell him yet again that his step child has basically zero prospects and is doomed to be living here until she’s an ancient crone. Surely he’ll be thrilled about the idea of having to support you forever. 
“Yeah, it was fine.” You shrug, leaning against the wooden open frame of the archway as he meets your gaze and your bag drops from your loose grasp to rest against the wood flooring. He's unfocused, a little disheveled. 
Looks like we’ve both had shit nights if hes already drinking. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he gives you a sympathetic expression, “but plenty of fish in the sea, right?” 
“Yeah, you’re right.” You sigh, turning to make way for the stairs, for the refuge of your bedroom and a few solid hours of unconsciousness where you could pretend you weren’t an embarrassing, lonely burden. “Good night, dad.” 
“Night hon,” you hear from behind you as you ascend to the second floor, debating on if you should wash your face or if you could get away with skipping it for at least tonight. 
Plenty of fish in the sea, yeah easy for him to say. Even if it had always felt weird you knew your stepfather was attractive, good looking and a little mysterious with the whole government agent thing. Not even you really knew the specifics, weren’t sure if even your own mother had known at all before her passing. The sudden thought of her makes your throat tighten up and you decide that yes, you can skip the stupid skincare tonight because sometimes you just have to lay in bed miserable for a bit. 
Maybe masturbating will help, at the very least it’ll get you closer to being exhausted enough to pass out and if Leon is downstairs you don’t have to be as paranoid about noise like you are most nights. 
As you flop against the plush surface of your bed once the door shuts behind you your hand fumbles blindly at the nightstand on your right, searching for the drawer handle. With a huff you prop up on your elbow, yanking it open to reveal the sight of a sleek, glass dildo. It had been a treat purchase, something to reliably cheer you up on nights like this, of which there had been more than you cared to admit to yourself. The only thing you were really sad about, as you peeled off your shirt and slid down your jeans, was that you wasted a nice matching underwear set on no one. 
Eyes closed you let your mind drift as your hands run over your own skin, touching and teasing in just the way you enjoy, already biting your lip at the prospect of wearing yourself out on the little glass toy. But as your fingers brush over the dampness of your underwear, legs spread, you can’t help the way your mind drifts back to him. Your stepfather, all dirty blonde hair and eyes like the tides. It wasn’t fair. If you weren’t related by marriage he would be the type you’d be salivating over, desperate to drag into bed just to let him-
You failed to hear his footsteps on the stairs, failed to hear the doorknob being gripped and the heavy wood being swung open until it was too late. With a strangled cry you scramble back, hands pressed uselessly to your heaving chest, legs squeezed together and eyes wild as you stare at him in the doorway, holding your bag you’d left sitting in the open archway. 
“Oh my god dad-”
“I’m sorry, sorry, you left this and I, I figured you’d want it.” his voice trails weakly, lame, as his eyes look everywhere but at you and your skin burns with embarrassment and something else that makes your ribs feel like they’re being crushed. The secret shame of the fact that you’d been about to finger yourself to the thought of him and now here he is, in the flesh.
“Thanks but can you get out, like right now?” 
Despite your attempt at firmness the words fall flat somehow, betrayed by your still present desire and you can feel it. Feel the way his eyes now stick to you like your body is made of gummy taffy and he’s helplessly caught in the trap of it. The silence extends, growing heavy on the strange tension now gathering in the air like storm clouds. Your nerves are alight in a way that you can only describe as primal, high strung and waiting for some sign, some movement to indicate where this is going because suddenly you’re aware that you’re not the only one in control of it. 
“You’re too good for any of those guys anyway,” he speaks like a man deprived of water for hours, slightly hoarse and you can’t help the little shiver that quakes down your spine at the compliment. 
“Thanks, but… I didn’t mean for you to, you know, see.” 
“I’m sorry,” and hes stepping across the threshold and you know, you know this is descending into dangerous territory. The sort of thing you can’t come back from once it’s started. You feel your lip wobble, feel the familiar sting of tears about to gather in your waterline though from the humiliation or not is unclear. What is clear is that your stepfather at least has a semi at the moment, the slight bulge in his pants stroking your ego. “I could help you, if you want?”
You can hear it, naked desperation, and not for the first time you feel a pang of sympathy for him. You know it’s been hard, lonely, after all this time and not just for you and it’s like your body is suddenly attached to marionette strings, shyly nodding your head and uncurling from yourself. It’s strange, being so conscious now of the underwear you have on and the fact that you’d used a little of that sparkling dust stuff that makes skin look just an extra bit more tempting when it’s on display. 
You wonder if he’s ever thought of you before now, in this way. 
He lifts one knee, moving slowly, pressing down on the mattress next to your trembling legs, and his eyes don’t stop wandering your face, searching for any sign you’ve changed your mind before completely kneeling between your legs that have practically spread themselves. As one of his palms meets the blazing flesh of your thigh you can’t help the gasp that escape you, the way you reflexively move your arms to hug yourself, hide yourself again. 
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” he says it like he’s soothing an anxiety ridden animal but it helps, the familiar affection of his voice immediately making your muscles relax minisculely. “It’s just you and me.”
And those words, just you and me, speak to the now overblown need pooling in your belly and you can’t help the way you unfurl for him, like some night blooming flower with all of it’s most tender parts exposed. The air feels balmy and thick against your skin as his hands, both now grasping your legs, run up and down your thighs in a relaxing rhythm. 
You watch as his eyes flick down to your underwear, you can feel how damp they are and you bite your lip as you see his posture shift as he takes in the sight of your barely clothed pussy, needy and already soaking the thin material. 
“What were you thinking about?” he asks as one index finger starts tracing the hemmed edge of them, barely touching where you ache for him to put his fingers. Your hips squirm in response, trying to move so that his touch will land where you need it. But he can see what you’re doing and evades your attempts, making you whine. 
“If you want me to touch you, you gotta answer.”
“Was thinking about you,” you trail off, hesitant, “I wondered if you think about me.”
Finally he gives you what you want, running his finger over your slit , pressing down right on your throbbing clit just hard enough to make you gasp, your back arching ever so slightly against the mattress. “Shit, you’re so wet.”
He doesn’t answer you and you don’t need him to, already knowing the answer would be that he has and it makes smug satisfaction practically ooze from your body as you preen under his touch. Those calloused, thick fingers slipping past the barrier of your panties, making your mouth drop open and loosely you can recognize that the situation is beyond fucked, getting fingered by your stepfather isn’t something you can just come back from when daylight breaks as if it had never occurred but for now, none of that really matters. 
All that matters is the way his fingers slip inside you so easily, curling just right against your slick walls before pumping in and out, a steady pace as his other hand rubs circles against your hip to calm your twitchy muscles. The sounds of your harsh breathing and the faintly wet squelching of your pussy makes you lightheaded, delirium dripping down the back of your throat and acting like lighter fluid for the kindling of lust inside your gut. 
It feels like you’re being scorched, branded, from the inside out as the pace of his fingers gets more rapid, his thumb pressing against your clit to make you see stars behind your squeezed shut eyes. 
You can hear yourself babbling but it feels distant, far away and dreamlike as the tether between brain and body gets yanked tighter and tighter with each pass of his fingers, unrelenting even as you writhe and gasp against the sheets. 
“Kiss me,” you manage to squeeze the demand from your lungs and he’s quick to oblige, not leave his little girl begging. As your lips pressed together in a mess of rushed teeth clicking and spit slicked movement you feel him pull his fingers from you, hurriedly pulling down his waistband just enough for his cock to spring free. 
And you’re so eager for him, hand snaking down between your bodies to wrap your hand around his shaft and the moment you do he buries his face against the side of your neck with a groan, hips jerking as your thumb smears the fat beads of precum over the tip that you’re sure must be all flushed, a pretty shade of pink. His other hand is pulling your panties to the side and you know what he’s asking for without a word, rubbing the tip through your wetness as he shudders against you, teeth scraping the delicate skin of your throat. 
Feeling bold you angle your hips upward at just the moment when he moves his hips to push through your folds, but the motion makes his tip push deliciously against your entrance, the slide made effortless by the way he’d worked your pussy just moments ago. 
The feeling of it, being so completely full of him, the way he crowded every sense from sight to sound to touch was transendant. Rapturous, like being made whole after not even realizing you’d been incomplete, not realizing there was an entire missing piece. 
And suddenly any remaining guilt you felt for this vanished, dissipated like a wisp of smoke being blown away from a freshly extinguished candle. All that mattered in the world was the present moment, the two of you in this bed and your eyes rolling back as your spine arched at the feeling of him bottoming out inside you, the way he sucked at your neck in between little nips from his incisors. 
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he gasped against you, moving from yout neck to your lips as his hips began to move, caging your head with his forearms. 
You can’t make your mouth form words, tongue feeling heavy and useless as a wad of cotton in your mouth as you moan in response, fingers twisting into the material of his shirt as you urge him on and the edges of your mind fray with every hit of his tip against the spot you can usually only reach with the dildo in your bedside drawer. 
His rhythm is sloppy, nonsensical, but you don’t mind, not when your own fingers are circling your clit just the way you like and you can feel yourself tightening around him, feel the way your bodys pulling him back in voraciously. This was what you needed, not some random asshole from an app that wouldn’t be able to fuck you half as well, no. A part of you always knew your stepfather would take better care of you, he always has. 
“Want you to come inside, please,” you whine out and hear his little oh fuck muffled against your mouth as you swallowed down his groans like they were the finest vintage as your own orgasm rushed in, like high tide when you least expect it, flooding the shoreline in a relentless barrage. It’s not hard to tell he’s particularly powerless against the way your pussy squeezes around him, growing ever tighter like you’re trying to wring every drop from his body and gives it to you readily, eagerly, with one last harsh thrust before his balls rest heavily against your ass and hes panting, struggling for breath against you as you feel warmth spreading, flooding hot and sticky inside as you two stay locked together. 
When the sun comes up, maybe you’ll feel a modicum of shame for what happened but in this moment all you can feel is a boneless type of bliss as his arms slide underneath you, hold you tight against him in a perverse pantomime of a hug with his cock still inside you as he mumbles into your hair. 
“You’re such a good girl, always been my good girl.”
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cutielando · 8 months
i'll take care of you | j.m.
synopsis: in which you promise to take care of him
my masterlist
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You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You reached our for it and when you saw who the caller was, you immediately sat up and answered it.
"Babe? What's wrong?"
JJ's heavy breath was the only thing you could hear.
"JJ? Is everything okay? What's going on?" you pressed, panic settling in your chest.
"Can I come over? I'll explain everything" his voice was so small, you could barely hear him.
"Of course you can, baby"
"I'll see you in 10 minutes" he said and hung up, not giving you a chance to say anything else.
It wasn't weird to get phone calls from JJ in the middle of the night, but he was never this distressed. Your mind started coming up with all kinds of scenarios, one worse than the other.
The 10 minute wait seemed like forever before you heard the all too familiar knock on your window.
You immediately jumped and opened it, being met with the bloody and bruised smiling face of your boyfriend.
"What happened to your face?" you asked while helping him enter your room without making too much noise to wake up your parents.
"Nothing serious, it's fine. Doesn't hurt as bad as it looks" he shrugged his shoulders and laid back on your bed.
You stood rooted in your spot, staring at him. You knew where the bruises came from all too well, but it didn't help that JJ was still trying to hide them from you.
"J, please just tell me the truth" your voice was small, knowing that JJ couldn't deal with screams and anger.
"I am, it's nothint that hasn't happened before. I'm used to it, it's fine" he was now sitting up, patting the spot next to him.
You bit your lip but complied and sat down, putting your right hand on his knee.
"I'm sorry you have to go through this, baby" tears started streaming down your cheeks by now, sobs fighting their way out of your body.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, it's just how he is. He's not always like this, you know, he has his good moments" the fact that he still tried to defend his dad, beaten to a pulp by him, brought even more tears and sadness in you.
"You don't deserve this, baby. Nobody should ever lay a finger on you, let alone a hand. You deserve so much better" you rested your head against his shoulder, squeezing his knee in comfort.
He brought a hand down to his knee and took hold of yours. You interlocked your fingers and squeezed, knowing how much JJ needed to feel you there with him.
"I have you, and that's all I need. Don't be so hard on yourself, it's not your fault" he whispered, kissing your forehead.
"Please let me take care of you. I'll talk to my parents and see if you can stay here for a while. They can even become your legal guardians until you turn 18. I know they'll do it, and you'll finally have a safe place that you could call home" the idea seemed so simple and easy for you, but it seemed like such a stretch to JJ.
"I can't ask you or your parents to do that, babe. Being a burden to your family is the last thing I want to do" he tried to reason with you, but you weren't having it.
"No, you listen to me. I am not letting you go back home, JJ. My parents love you and I know they are going to want to help you. Please don't push me away, let me help you" you were basically begging him at this point, but you didn't care.
Nobody deserved the life that he had, and you'll be damned if his father touched him one more time. You were going to do everything in your power to make sure he'd never received another punch or insult from his dad ever again.
"Okay" he finally whispered after a while, chewing on his bottom lip.
You let out a big sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding and wrapped him in your arms, silent tears falling down your face.
He buried his head in your neck, taking in your familiar scent and warm hold.
He finally felt like things could finally take a turn for the better. Like he would get a new chance at life.
All because of you.
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much appreciated!!
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liliewrites · 4 months
a/n : hallo! part 3 of the worship series, and i am glad to announce that this series was a success!! yay, now that it's done. i hope you all look forward to my next one about to be released next week:)) thank u for readinggg hihi:)) again, big thanks to haddy for editinggg:))
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-warning/s ; somewhat religious motifs(?), NSFW, fingering. furina might be a little ooc.
-pairings/s ; furina x fem!reader
- where in; these three women worship you, their lover, when hundreds and thousands, even millions of followers would drop on their knees to ask for blessings, for mercy, for prayers - and yet for you, at your beck and call, they would do anything you ask as they kneel for you at the same time, as proof of their devotion to you.
(men and minors dni utc!)
”Mon amour.."
The Hydro Archon sighed happily as she stared at your sleeping face. The both of you lie on the bed you both shared, with her holding you in her arms. she tucked the strands of hair behind your ear for she cannot help but ponder, have you ever realized how dazzling you are? Oh, for every moment she spent with you, each one not only ingrained within her mind— but burned within her soul. How could she forget? No, for she cannot. With every script she reads, for every poem she recites, for every song that she sings, if it relates to love that she feels for you then she cannot help but yearn for you. If she was deemed the star of Fontaine, then you were the muse of her every work.
To the people of Fontaine, she is the god of splendor and justice and with it, a heavy burden comes along and hides itself beneath the flamboyant façade she puts on whenever she bears the title. To her lover however, she was no more than herself— none more than a woman in love. The only time that she can ever recognize herself, was not when she held Fontaine within her hands, but when you held her within your own. She knows that she has a duty to fulfill, a prophecy to honor, an oath to her people— but sometimes she cannot help but wish that things had gone a different path, where she could just be herself with you. She sighed wistfully, nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck as an unnerving feeling of longing sank into her chest. 
Unbeknownst to the Archon however, her actions caused you to slowly awaken. You don’t move for a while, trying to grasp your senses for a moment. She only realized that you were conscious when you wrapped your arms around her waist as you let out a giggle, feeling ticklish at her nuzzling her face in your neck. “Mon amour, what.. oh, oh! I'm sorry, did I wake you up?” she worriedly pulled away from you, a feeling of guilt for interrupting your slumber.
However, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel her heart flutter at your gorgeous smile. “It is fine, cheri, I… don’t mind.” You yawned, leaning in to kiss her cheek with a wide smile. Oh, Celestia, her fiancé was both adorable and handsome even with bed hair and tired, morning eyes. However, you cannot help but noticed the melancholic stare Furina bore upon you and it worried you. “Is there something troubling you, cheri?” You ask, raising your head from her chest to take a better look at her face. The Hydro Archon seems surprised that you had seen through her, but this was not the first time you've had done so, you know her too well. Besides Neuvilette, it was only ever you who came to know her without her famous façade. She looked away, avoiding your gaze, not knowing exactly what words to say to you for she cannot admit her troubles.
You no longer press on, no longer wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or sad. So you leaned in to kiss her, causing her to be surprised once more but with a flustered expression this time. “Mon amour?” she asked, confused from your sudden shift of mood. You smiled at her, said no more, before pulling her in for a kiss. As you pulled away however, you couldn’t help laughing at the look on her face. Her cheeks a maddening red, her gaze flustered as she lay beneath you. “My Furina, you look so... baffled.” You chuckled, sitting up on top of her.
Furina was a woman of many words, but at the sight of you, it was as if she had became illiterate. It frustrated her that she couldn't find the right word to properly describe you, for your radiance was far more beyond than simple words. All you were doing was sitting on her lap with a messy button on, and you had already taken her breath away. “Mon amour...you look so...” her words laced with an obvious ache you couldn’t find the reason of, but she pulled you in to press her lips against yours and you could feel the yearning from her kiss.
Needy kisses turned into needy hands, the Archon’s hands slowly leaving your neck to settle on your thighs at her sides. you could feel her gentle caresses become needy grips, hands full of flesh, wanting to feel more of you as her sighs turned into whimpers. “Mon amour…I need you.. .” she whined against your lips, breathing heavily as you pulled away a little. 
“Then take me, ma cheri..” you mumbled, making Furina’s mind go hazy with the thought of only you. She looked at you with an enamored stare with her hands fumbling with the buttons of your button up. She was way too focused on her newfound intention to please you to feel embarrassed, but you found her trembling hands extremely adorable.
With your front exposed, her eyes froze at the sight of your bare body. Oh, gorgeous, gorgeous you. She immediately leaned in to press her lips against your tummy, loving the taste of your skin. Her hand went in to grab and squeeze your hips, completely addicted to the warmth that radiated from the fibers of your every being. You, you, you– her heart only wanted you and she could only hope that you wanted her the same way too. 
Whimpers left her mouth as she continued to kissed and sucked on your body, too lost in the feeling of drowning in the feeling of you to realize how your moans were slowly increasing in volume. Her lips met your ample chest, a gentle kiss. “Mon amour, I want to…  I want to hear from you, please?” She pleaded, looking up at you with pleading eyes that bore into you, making you unable to say no. You answered her question with your hands finding its way around her neck, hands pressed against her nape with your fingers tangled in her hair.
With your approval, Furina had let herself loose with her desire to please you and abandoned all restraint from doing so. Her hand moved to caress your lower back, pulling you in closer to her as if she wanted you to melt into her. Her mind was only filled with you, the sounds you make and how you shiver with every touch of her hand. Gently, gently, she thought, you were none but a gentle briar to her. She felt as if you’d fall apart with one wrong touch and that was against the best of her wishes. She only wanted to make love to you, to make you feel the enamor that you’d sparked within her. Right now, she was not a god, but a slave to your rapture.
Her hand crept up to the middle of your thighs, softly kneading at your flesh. “Mon amour, if only you could witness the sight you behold, then you’d come to know the desperation that you had invoked in me.” She mumbled, not louder than a whisper as she slid her hand higher. Your breath hitching, eyes closing, it made Furina question whatever had she done that deserved to see such breathtaking wonders. Her hands tugged off your panties, wanting to uncover more of you despite the fact that you had shown more than she deserved to see. Her heart fluttered at the sight, your slick dripping down your thighs and onto her hand. To Furina, it was a blessing endowed upon her by Celestia above- no, for you were the blessing itself granted to her by Celestia, and she was more than honored to call you as hers, and to have been the object of your affection.
As if to test the waters, not wanting to startle you, she gently ran a finger along your slit. her actions caused you to let out a shaky breath, tickling against Furina’s skin. “Ma cheri, please- don’t tease...” You moaned in a pleading tone and Furina's heart couldn’t handle the sound of your begging, no, she didn’t want that. She wanted to hear your blessed sounds of pleasure, to have it ringing in her ears endlessly as you writhe above her. 
“Mon amour, I’m not trying to tease...” She whined, sounding like a dejected puppy. Her fingers repeated the same motions from earlier, before finally complying to your wishes. 
“See? I’m doing my best to please you…” She mumbled in a whiny tone, wanting to prove to you her words, ending it with a kiss to your shoulder. She pulled you into her, as close as she could, as two of her fingers moved in to slowly feel your walls constricting around her. she couldn’t help but let out a whine of her own at your moans, wanting and needing more of it— of you and the blessing of witnessing you. 
“Mon amour, you sound so beautiful..” she whispers against your shoulder, kissing it once more as her fingers increased its speed, trying to find the perfect pace to make you feel the same delirium she feels just from looking at you. 
“Ma cheri- you’re doing great, more… more...” You pleaded in her ear, your hips bucking as you found yourself wanting more and more of Furina. Furina happily complied, absolutely delighted to see you immersing yourself in the pleasure. Her fingers pressed harder against the spots she knew you loved the most, her fingers settling on the pace that she was sure to drive you crazy.
Endless moans of her name spilled from your mouth, one after another, Furina.. Furina.. Furina, you kept repeating in her ear and with every mention of her name, you held onto Furina tighter and tighter. You toppled on top of her, completely leaning into her with your face buried into her neck as you felt your whole body weaken and tremble with pleasure, much to the Archon’s delight. 
“Furina- ma cheri.. I can't- I'm..”
You couldn’t even find it in you to form proper words, so Furina pressed reassuring kisses upon the crown of your head, as she was unable to kiss your face even if she wanted to. Your nails were digging into her back and she could feel it through her clothes. A little whimper leaked out her mouth but her movements didn’t falter. She kept going, wanting to see you reach your high and be immersed in it.
A loud cry left your lips as you completely reached your high, you could feel your insides throbbed around Furina’s fingers and she could feel it too. She watched you as you basked in your own euphoria, her mind capturing this moment like an eternal painting in her memories. You were far too out of this world, and as your follower, her belief in your enchanting allure remains firm and constant within her mind.
As you tried to catch your breath, Furina held you in her arms as she did before. It was only then when she realized that it was raining outside and as the fervor melted away, she could feel the cold air within the room and brush against her skin. Upon knowing that you were barely wearing anything, she immediately pulled the covers upon the both of you, cradling you against her to keep you warm. 
“Mon amour, are you feeling cold?” she asks, concerned about your well being. You let out a content sigh, not budging even a little bit, just wanting to sink into her warmth. 
“Ma cheri, if I may ask now, what was it that was troubling you?” You gently pry, but Furina knows she can’t tell. instead, she presses a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“Nothing, mon amour. when the deed has been done, I promise you...” She whispered lovingly into your ears, closing her eyes as she relished in her warmth- fearing that she may never once again, but she hopes that wouldn’t be the case. “I will find my way back to you, always. Mon cheri, even if Celestia forbids it.”
You no longer questioned her words, instead choosing to trust your lover. To the people of Fontaine, she was their god, their savior— you knew that she held many secrets of her own, a world that you cannot pry into yet to you, she was your lover. She was your Furina, the silly girl you had come to love and wished to hold. The woman on stage that you wished to kiss and yearn to be with for as long as you could. Alas, you couldn’t help but sigh at the implications of her words. “If you say so, ma cheri. I love you.” You answer and Furina feels as if all her burdens were taken away with your words. 
“Thank you for understanding, mon amour. I love you too…” She replied and she does love you- she really does. All she had to do now was find a way to fulfill the promise to her people so she could also fulfill her promise to you, wanting to experience more of life's greatest joys beside the woman she loves most.
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n0tamused · 4 months
Hiya!! I have a WuWa request, how about Reader stargazing with Jiyan and them talking about some deep topic of ur choice while stargazing? Only if you’re up for it tho! Don’t push urself. Have a good day!
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A/N: Thank you for your request anon! I hope you enjoy this :)
Contents: Jiyan x GN!Reader, angst and sadness
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Low calls of an owl echo over the breath of the breeze, the soft sighs of nature enveloping you in its embrace. Your head is supported by the lush grass, and Jiyan’s bicep that he insisted you lay on. His tone was low and a soft timbre compared to its commanding tone when he was performing his duties. Jiyan’s body exudes warmth and comfort, and in all the ways you needed him, he was there.
“You shouldn’t be so reckless..” He’d mutter, golden eyes dark from drinking in the serene, dark scenery up above. Little stars were freckled across the sky like little faded droplets of milk, counting up to billions of the same, yet not one less beautiful than the other. 
The towering mountains sprouted from the ground so high, long rocks fingers reaching as far as possible, as if trying to grasp the fading lights and the moon itself.
“I know.. I try, Jiyan. Yet, I really can’t just stand by and watch, especially when I see you in the midst of it all, surrounded or cornered..” you respond back, quiet, not willing to disturb this serenity.
He hums, wordlessly in disagreement of your response yet he can’t bring himself to say anything in that exact moment. His mind is plagued by images of your exhausted form slumping behind a fallen tree trunk, and skin grimy with sweat and dirt. 
“I know you mean well, and you are doing your best. Yet, you are not a Midnight Ranger, love, you are not a soldier. This.. battlefield is not your place to be in” Jiyan says, his gaze leaving the midnight sky and falling on you, seeing the way your nose curved and how your eyes were much darker in the absence of a lamp or a fire. “I am the General, the leader of these men, and I don’t need you to step in for me, love..”
He sees your eyes lower to stare at nothing in particular, lashes fluttering while your throat bobbed with unease. His words rang true, but you couldn’t find yourself accepting them.  
“I need you alive... and I need you safe. While I can do my absolute best at shielding you while you are here, I cannot stand true to my promise to you if you’re jumping head first into hot water. Not when you do so behind my back”
“Jiyan… “ you sigh, trailing off, your lips opening and then closing as you try to pry your brain for a response that would get him to be more lenient, to see your side too.
“I know..” you say, your eyes finding his as you turn your face towards him. “I know.. I know you are doing your best, and I don’t wish to burden you with my-” “You are not a burden” “I know, Jiyan- let me talk.. please”
His lips press into a firm line and he gives you a small nod, encouraging you to keep going while his eyes apologize for cutting you off. One hand came to trace your cheek, he was almost laying on his side now.
“I don’t want to make your time more difficult, especially not when we’re in the middle of a battle. But don’t send me back to the city, please.. I can’t bear not being close to where I can see you. I am still useful here, perhaps not as a professional warrior or a soldier or a gunner, but I can help and I can learn too.. You talk about your promise to keep me safe, but what about our promise to stay alive... and with each other?”
Your question renders his thumbing of your cheeks slow before his fingers stop altogether in tracing your features, instead cupping the side of your face in his calloused palm. “I haven’t forgotten about that..'' he simply replies, the heaviness in his chest too great, making him unable to sigh to rid himself of it.  Fatigue hangs heavy over your heads, but neither of you are willing to cut the conversation or this moment short.
“Don’t send me back.. There is nothing for me there..” Not without you- it goes without being said, and he feels it in his bones that he can’t argue with you on this, you’ll both remain stubborn on your stances. He knows he’ll have to put restrictions on you, to keep you safe, but until then he’ll enjoy this night of reprieve with you. The tent he sleeps in feels like a bed of nettles without you, and the way he’s comfortable laying on nothing more but this lush grass speaks volumes of that. He does not feel cold or irritated. Jiyan is at peace.
But he has to send you back, he tells himself, but not yet.. Tomorrow, or maybe the day after, until you forget about this conversation, and until the next cargo drop off comes in. Then, he’ll send you back.
“And we will be together, my love. You must be patient. You are my northern star in these dark nights, are you aware of that? The most precious person to me, one I hold within my heart itself.. I can’t afford to lose you..” he whispers to you as you watch him with pleading and loving eyes. You tip your chin up, brushing your nose against his and with that simple motion he is leaning in to grant your wordless wish, satiating your desire for closeness with a kiss to your lips.
The arm underneath your head stirs and he wraps it around his shoulders, bringing you in closer, flush against him, and you’re wrapping your arms around him and kissing him with fervor and unspoken love. Closer, closer, stay with me, don’t leave..
He holds you with such tender touches, holds you like you may fade away like sunlight before the long night, feather light touches tracing your cheeks and chin and moving towards the back of your head. He pulls away for a moment, his forehead pressing against yours as you both inhale the same air. “I love you” - it’s you who blurts it out before he gets the chance to do so, and his eyes widen with surprise. His heart drums in his chest, and he presses his lips to your again, in search of water to quell his worry, and for a forgiveness. Every note of love is interwoven in his actions, his touches and his kisses. Were the world any less cruel, it would have granted you two the eternity of this night, to forever be here and watch the skies in tranquility. 
Black night covers you both in a blanket of stardust and far galaxies, bringing you safety if only but this night alone, undisturbed by monsters or people. And as Jiyan pushes himself to his elbow to loom over you, chasing your lips, a lone star flies across the vast sky, flickering out and leaving behind a silver fading tail.
Maybe.. just maybe, the universe heard your wishes. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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jeongharine · 10 months
a sea of tangerines
⚝ mingyu x reader
⚝ angst, romance, established couple, smut
⚝ notes: i really can't get out of my mind that postcard so i had to use it in the story to get it out of my system. i think it has become one of my favourite written letters by an anonymous on the web.
anyways, happy early holidays to you reading. hope this period treats you well x
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christmas eve, in a metropolis somewhere in the world.
"we used to live here together. i’m walking down the streets with a bag of tangerines in this city that we liked to call home. this is the only address that i could think of. happy holidays"
it was a hectic busy evening of december. the subway was full and mingyu really just wanted to rest. to lay on his comfy sofa and laze for the last days before the christmas crazyness. but he was stuck in a stupid metallic transport that had the resemblance of an infinite tunnel, with what seemed like the rest of the whole city.
something poked his tired left foot. then another, and another one. tangerines. a dozens of them. a wave of tangerines coming up at his feet.
he raised his head, and that’s when he spotted a ripped shopping bag held with all its might by slender fingers.
that’s when you spotted strong hands coming at you with your tangerines, a whispered sorry coming out of your mouth.
“it’s absurd really, a sea of tangerines coming up at my feet as if i had been the seashore. i thought i had hallucinations or something,”
that made you smile. “if only the supermarket shopping bags were not so shitty and-” “it was only a bag of tangerines rolling down the subway, though.”
right. it was only that.
“where you stopping by the way? maybe you do need a hand now,”
a puzzled look on your face. but then a smile. “right, me and my unwieldy tangerines need some help,”
that made him smile, though it was only a bag of tangerines rolling down the subway.
you left the natural tangerines onto the kitchen counter. the market with the fresh products wasn’t that far from your apartment and you waited for the rain to stop to go and do some grocery, wetting yourself nonetheless because the rain started again on your way back. 
busy streets had stopped their chant and the citylights brightly lit around when mingyu stopped by.
“hey,” he ruffled his black hair back with a smile, stepping inside.
“you made it home early,” the heavy door creaking a little while closing it. “it was a bit hectic but yeah,”
“you did well,” you complimented. you looked at him fondly, making sure he took in the praise. it was never easy for him, and you knew it well. “join me on the sofa after you showered?” pointing at his sweaty tshirt.
mingyu hummed, pleased. “got something in mind?” you chuckled.
“actually, i just would like to spend some cozy time with my boyfriend if you mind,” you answered. mingyu couldn’t hide his disappointment, looking sullen like he’d wish for another answer. “i was kidding gyu, if you want to keep your girlfriend occupied in some other way it’s fine as well.”
it was one in the morning, the lamp dimly lit the room against the bingling lights of the street outside. mingyu shut the tv before slouching on the cushions next to you. he curled behind you, the smell of fabric softener and vanilla shampoo all around you. 
he sighed deeply, nose buried in the crook of his loved one. the suspire beard in itself all the tiredness and weariness of the long day. “how long can you stay this time?”
“about ten days more or less,” you replied. after college you made it into the marketing world, and managed to get a good position job for a firm in the city. it was a source of proudness for you, for your parents and mingyu. but everything always comes with a burden. and travelling for work wasn’t that simple anymore.
distance was never easy, constantly keeping that in mind and making time to never skip anniversaries and holidays. you settled for that, and knew it would be challenging but this would have done for now.
“mmh,” he mumbled, leaving a trail of kisses on your neck. “it was very busy tonight in the restaurant. lots of dishes to prepare.” he placed his hand on your belly, slowly following the rising of your breaths. he took them in. mingyu would always be ready to take everything that’s bothering you. 
there was a scratch on your watch, mingyu dropped it on the pavement last time you went away. he gently pulled you in, making you turn to face him.
his rough hand met your cheek, thumb stroking it gently to draw your mouth closer to his. his tongue eager, tiredness was not so present anymore. and so he kissed you like all the stars in the sky above would have exploded. 
“i like this couch though,” mingyu whispered, lips damp from the kiss. “what do you mean?”
“that your boyfriend has something else in mind,” mingyu answered.
“bed’s waiting then.” you intertwined your fingers with his, leaving a peck on his nose.
the city lights danced slowly outside the window, a siren breaking the silence of the night when you went to the bedroom. everyone was asleep in the nearby apartments and you moved around like new lovers, when taking the risk of getting caught. but the night was gentle to you, keeping your secrecy like an oath.
being extra cautious when you brought mingyu in, the latter trying not to knock you over the drawer of your room when stripping you. you tumbled onto the white sheets, legs forever intertwined. 
“i want to marry you.” mingyu whispered, kissing you gently on the shoulder. “i found the perfect house for us, not too far from the subway for the airport and the restaurant.” 
the bed squeaked, and you smiled. you wanted that, as badly as mingyu wanted it. but it was not in your nature to rush things. mingyu looked at you fondly, the moon was brighter and he could see your soul.
“that sounds nice gyu, maybe we can look at it with purpose in a few months.” 
“yeah? y/n, you’re not fooling with me right?”
“no, i just need a few months to adjust some things at work then we can start to really think about it,” you replied, heart beating like it never had before. “come here and kiss me,” you caressed his black locks of hair. but mingyu didn’t. 
he started to trail kisses lower down your neck, breasts, stomach and slipped your undies down kissing your pubic bone and you were not prepared for it. “gyu–”
“i missed you, let me treat you as you deserve..”
mingyu got you wrapped around his finger with his sweet mouth and hand intertwined with yours. “oh,” you sighed when he suckled a little bit harder. “i don’t think i can last.”
“should i stop then?” mingyu asked, after pulling off with a pop.
“n–no, keep going baby,” you whined. the heat of the moment and your slick making you sticky, you were desperately thrusting up your hips in his face, which wasn’t easy but you tried nonetheless. mingyu responded to you with low groans, leaving your pussy unkissed like a punishment. 
“you’re so annoying.” “stop whining like a baby,” he kissed you, galaxies exploding far away but the chanting of the subway trains covered it into the night. “you taste like tangerines,” 
“ate them before,” “you’re the sweetest.” mingyu meant it literally, but you smiled like it was said just to please you. your head tilted into the soft pillow when his lips met yours with another kiss, tongue muffling all the noises.
he grabbed your back, twisting you over with the tug of his hand down his thigh. you had your leg splayed over mingyu’s waist, heavy breaths, you studied him with a perplexed cast. “want to make love to me like this?” 
“honey, for i do really love giving you a good pound into the bed i don’t have it in me right now.” you laughed, sliding off mingyu’s underwear fast. “you still have that oil there?” 
“yep,” you emphasized on the p while mingyu reached to your bedside table. his slicked up dick teased along your pussy’s lips just to hear you sigh before he slid in. a moan buried in his sweaty neck. “f-fuck .”
mingyu growled lowly. hands on your ass so the grinding was smoother on the push down. your eyes rolling back stupidly. “feels so good baby, fuck.” 
the praise made you quiver. heavy panting, desperate breathing, slippery fair skin on tan skin, tits and pecs knocking against each other because you were that close. 
mingyu rutted up another inch, your gut twisted. “y-yeah , i like that–” mingyu gasped loudly, inhaling fast. “if you keep talking i might pound into you.”
“guess you’re not tired anymore then.” “i always work hard for you.” you did not fight him when he laid you flat on the mattress under himself. you choked on a breath when mingyu couldn’t keep it to himself from fucking you that hard, especially when you were lain pliant like this. all exposed just for him and no-one else. fuck if it will never stop to drive him stupid.
the bed creaked under mingyu’s ministrations, his hips snapped rapidly and the sheets were bunched up tight in your fists. you couldn’t say you were not into it either. 
you didn’t push away mingyu’s fingers when he placed it on your delicate nub and started to circle on it. “you have to come first,” and it was not hard for him to accomplish that, you gave it to him shortly after. burning hot along your nerves, you felt the sweet unraveling you never could control, and mingyu felt it as well when your hot spurts spilled onto his abdomen, grabbing onto his bulky arms as if they were your personal lifeline.
you breathed in satisfaction, and mingyu was desperate for his high then, pumping fast for an orgasm he waited all day for and spilling over your stomach. he pumped slowly then, tiredness hitting him. “dirty.”
he chuckled when you locked him in an embrace. “i want to marry you now, tonight even.” 
you bubbled with a laugh. “i know, but give me at least three months.”
“one month.”
“no baby, i’m serious.” he replied, impatience slowly started building its home in the back of his mind. “do you want to go out and take a stroll around the city tomorrow?”
“yes, i would love to. i worked so hard today.” “i know.”
mingyu sighed. “but i will always work harder for you.” he promised kissing your nose, christmas lights sparkling the night sky hiding his promise.
you hummed into his damp hair. you would only take one month. mingyu had worked hard enough.
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etheralsweetheart · 5 months
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Liu Kang's sneeze echoed through the room. You just sighed as you looked at your lover. He was drowning in blankets, a wet cloth on his forehead, his nose was slightly red from blowing in a napkin constantly, he looked a lot paler and he couldn't stop coughing. "How did this happen?" You whispered. But before he can answer you, he broke into a coughing fit. After he calmed down you offered him a glass of water. He sits up and greedily takes big sips of the cold water.
"Thank you, my dear. You are too kind... I hope I'm not a burden.." You immediately reassure him that he isn't.
After drinking he lays back down. His eyelids felt heavy as everything around him felt too much. His whole body felt so sensitive. You slowly ran your hand in his raven black hair. A smile forms on his face before he slowly reopens his eyes again. Suddenly his smile turned into a frown.
"Dear, won't I get you sick?" He says. You just smile "Don't worry, love.. wait, I'll be right back." You say before walking to the kitchen, where you immediately started making chicken soup. You frown every time Liu Kang's coughs are heard from the other room.
After ten minutes you come back to the room with a bowl of hot chicken soup in your hands. But Liu Kang was asleep, softly snoring. You can only smile as you kiss his forehead and pet his hair.
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vsnyarbll · 1 year
A Targaryen prince is a heavy burden pt3
atpiahb masterlist, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5
main masterlist
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader, platonic!Aegon II Targaryen x reader
words: 5.958
warnings: explicit language, nsfw (male masturbation, sexual thoughts) angst, patriarchy, love triangle (kind of?)
a/n: English is not my native language.
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y/n entered through the black double-winged door. She didn't feel the need to knock. The person y/n was visiting was probably asleep anyway. She didn't want to wake him. 
It was getting on towards three in the afternoon. The servants had finished their work, and everyone else in the castle had gone to their corners. 
A week after her parents had arrived at the Red Keep, they were gone. y/n was not sad. She was happy that they had stayed longer than she had expected. 
"Aegon?" she called, but the man in the bed did not move. y/n walked to the side where Aegon was not lying. He wasn't wearing night clothes. He must have come from outside and curled up on the bed. 
y/n lay down on the bed without getting under the covers. She began to rub her arms, which ached from carrying Maelor.
"y/n," he said. But his eyes were still closed. y/n turned her gaze from the pictures of dragons on the wall of his room to him. Aegon rubbed his eyes with his right hand, but he still had not opened them. "y/n," he said again, his voice rough from waking up a moment ago. y/n couldn't tell if Aegon knew her presence in his room.
He opened his eyes and studied the ceiling, still not looking at her. Aegon turned to his right and was startled to see her. "y/n?" he said. This time he sounded surprised by her presence in his room.
"Hello, Aegon."
Aegon stirred where he lay. "When did you get here?" 
"I just got here."
Aegon mumbled something, but y/n couldn't understand what he said. 
"I was bored. And there is nothing to do in the castle." 
Aegon chuckled and barely managed to sit up sleepily, leaning his back against the headboard. "Maelor-" 
"With his wet nurse."
"The gods know where he is." 
Aegon nodded. 
y/n's arm was touching his. He tried to ignore the slight pressure on his arm. But also, he tried to savor their little interaction. 
"Have you forgiven me?" 
y/n turned her head towards him. "I don't know, Aegon."
Aegon smoothed the sheets over him, hoping the bulge between his legs wouldn't show. 
"Were you dreaming?" she asked.
He blushed slightly as Aegon's dream filled his memory again. The details of his dream were fading, but he still remembered y/n's curves and the sounds she made. "No, I wasn't. Why would you think that?"
The possibility that Aegon might have made noises while sleeping and that she might have heard them worried him. 
"I don't know. You seemed peaceful." 
Aegon grimaced. He didn't like waking up. Sleeping was the best way to escape the responsibilities of real life. "I was peaceful."
y/n reached up and pulled a lock of hair out of Aegon's eyes. Her fingertips caressed his forehead as she brushed his hair out of his face. "There's no reason you shouldn't be at peace when you're not sleeping." 
Aegon bowed his head. His cheeks warmed even more with y/n's fingertips touching his forehead.
He immediately turned his face away from her. "It's getting colder. Fall is coming, isn't it?" 
y/n giggled. "I suppose so." 
Aegon looked like he wanted to say something. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes but said nothing. 
"I don't want to be cross with you, do you understand?" she asked.
"Yes, I understand." 
y/n turned her body fully towards him. And put her hand on his arm. "It still doesn't feel right that you didn't tell me, but I understand your reasons." 
Aegon wanted to push y/n's hand away. His feelings for her were no longer an innocent infatuation. Everything he felt for her had intensified. And he didn't want those desires to damage whatever it was between them. 
"You can forgive me any time you want. I deserve every moment you don't forgive me." 
"Just because I resent you doesn't mean we can't spend time together, okay? You can come to my chambers whenever you want." 
Aegon unconsciously moved his hand to his forehead where y/n's fingers had just touched it. "I thought you wouldn't want to see me." 
"There are only two people in this whole castle that I don't want to see. I live in the same chambers with one of them, and the other comes every day to spend time with her grandson." 
Aegon smiled.
y/n fixed her eyes on the picture on the wall again. "Your absence makes it harder for me to tolerate them." 
As Aegon babbled something about understanding, y/n turned to him again. Then she ran her fingers through the waves of his hair.
When y/n first came to the castle, his hair was always unkempt, and his waves were barely visible. 
But now he woke up every morning and combed his hair, using various oils to bring out his waves. 
Because once, when the servants prepared his hair for a celebration, y/n said his waves were beautiful. 
Aegon took her hand from his arm. "I will come to you." 
The warmth of his hand felt good against y/n's cold one. The ring he always wore on his finger was uncomfortable pressure against her hand, but she didn't mind. 
y/n couldn't stop her face from heating up as Aegon held her hand, and their faces were so close.
She carefully got out of bed. "I see you're not wearing your nightclothes. The queen has invited me to tea. Would you like to come?" 
Aegon shuddered at the thought of spending time with his mother long enough to sit and drink tea, but he did not want to leave y/n vulnerable. "Yes, of course." 
y/n crossed her arms and waited for him to get out of bed. They looked at each other briefly. "Oh... You're waiting for me to come."
If Aegon came out from under the covers, y/n would see his bulge. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. And anyway, the situation was inappropriate, no matter how you looked at it. 
"I... I need to do something. I need... I need some time. I'll be right with you." 
y/n raised her eyebrows slightly. "You need to do something?" 
Aegon resolutely kept his serious expression on his face and nodded. "I need to do something." 
One side of y/n's lip lifted as she looked at his face. "Have fun," she said. And she left the room without looking back.
Aegon looked over to where y/n had just stood, his expression alternating between surprise and embarrassment.
She didn't understand. Right?
Aegon hurried out into the hall after finishing his work.
Stroking his hand around his cock several times was enough to get him to cum. He came faster than he usually did. Because y/n, the central source of his desires, had just touched his arm, his face.
Just thinking about her scent filling his nose every time she moved made him finish quickly.
He looked for a while at the semen spilling onto his fingers. The thought of how he could fill her with it almost made him hard again, but he quickly dressed back.
When he arrived in front of his mother's room, he sighed deeply and knocked on the door.
"You may come in," said the familiar voice.
Aegon went in, and when he saw his mother's depressed chambers, he wanted to go out again. 
All around the room were seven-pointed stars and objects that reminded her mother of her gods. But he was more stressed by what he experienced in the room than by the objects.
"Aegon," his mother said in surprise. "I thought you were asleep, as always."
"I was, but I woke up. Then I realized we hadn't spent time together in a while."
His mother smiled but seemed uncomfortable with her eldest son's presence.
He saw y/n sitting on the armchair in the center of the room, eating the lemon cake in front of her. She smiled at Aegon and slid over to make room for him, obviously wanting him to sit with her.
Aegon returned her smile and was about to sit with her, but his mother moved first and sat down with y/n, sending her son a stern look.
Aegon sighed again and settled into the seat opposite them.
"Talya, will you bring the prince some wine?"
'Yet another humiliation.' he thought. "I'll have tea or whatever it is you drink."
The mother looked at her son again with the same puzzled expression and looked at y/n from the corner of her eye. "All right. Talya, the prince will have some tea."
The queen's maid brought tea and a plate for Prince Aegon. She placed a slice of cake on his plate.
"Would you like anything else, my prince?" she asked. Her eyes were constantly shifting between the queen and the prince.
"No, I'm fine."
The maid bowed to the queen and went to the back of the room again.
"Lady y/n, you look happier than usual today. Has something different happened?"
y/n set her cup down on the table and looked briefly at Aegon.
"Nothing different, your grace," y/n said. But she smiled to herself.
Aegon awarded that y/n felt more at ease with his presence in the room.
"Where is your husband?"
y/n's smile instantly froze at the mention of Aemond. "I do not know, my queen."
Whatever the queen did and whatever she said was meant to imply something. y/n may not have realized it, but Aegon knew her well enough to know her mother's every move.
"Has your milk stopped?" The queen asked instantly. y/n almost choked on her tea. "I always wanted you to nurse my grandson yourself, but of course, it is your choice," she said mockingly.
y/n stared at her mother-in-law. How could she have an opinion on such a matter? "I don't think it's something to discuss in front of your son, your grace."
The queen gave a fake smile. "I don't think you are beware of Aegon, my daughter. If you can discuss your bedroom problems with him, I am sure you will have no problem discussing this."
y/n was instantly on her feet. "Is that what this is all about? Is that the reason for your suggestive glances and sarcastic tone?" Then she added reluctantly. "Your grace."
"You're a married woman. You think you can hang out with your husband's brother out of nowhere?"
"Your grace-"
"Mother," said Aegon as he stood up. "How can you accuse Lady y/n like that? Nothing has passed between us. Is the idea that there can only be friendship between us so impossible to you?"
"Sit down, Aegon. I-"
"Instead of blaming y-" he cleared his throat. "Instead of blaming Lady y/n, teach your son how to behave honorably."
The queen stood up in anger. But like Aemond, she did not easily let her anger get the better of her.
"How about you teach him, Aegon, as his elder brother?" she locked her hands. "Perhaps you would if you could get your nose out of the brothels and free yourself from the time you've taken to drooling over my maids."
Aegon clenched his fists. "Mother, you-"
y/n grabbed Aegon's fist. "Aegon, forget it."
"Aegon? When did you become so close that you no longer call each other by your titles? And you expect me to believe that this is a simple friendship?"
y/n turned angrily to the queen this time. "Instead of lecturing us on morals here, deal with your son's faults, your grace." she took a deep breath to calm herself. "And when I say deal with his faults, I don't mean cover them up," she said. "Have you ever spoken to him about it, my queen?"
"About what?"
"Are you mad, mother? Have you finally lost your mind? She's talking about Aemond cheating on Lady y/n and all of you acting as if nothing happened."
The queen looked at Aegon with wide eyes.
"Can we go, my prince?" y/n asked in a low voice. 
Aegon looked at y/n, who was now completely wrapped in his arm. He decided he had to hurry to get her out of that room. And he nodded silently.
The queen watched her son and daughter-in-law leave the room, her heart beating fast. She was sure that they didn't realize what they called friendship between them was so much more than friendship.
But all she wanted to do was protect Aemond. She didn't care about the peace or happiness of her eldest son or a girl from another land.
The moment Aegon and y/n stepped out into the hallway, they breathed a sigh of relief. y/n was holding Aegon's hand, but she didn't realize it. Aegon wanted to squeeze his hand tighter around her, but he didn't dare. He knew she would pull her hand away if she realized they were holding hands.
"I apologize for my mother, for everyone."
"You didn't do anything, Aegon. You're not the one who should apologize. And I don't think the queen talking to her son will change him. You can change how someone acts. But you can't change who they are inside."
Aegon nodded sadly. "What do you want to do-"
y/n instantly pulled her hand away from his. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
y/n stopped walking and looked at Aegon. The prince was tall, so she should have raised her head to see his face, but she didn't. Instead, she looked at Aegon through her lashes.
Aegon had long imagined how she would look like this, and now here she was. 
If they weren't in a sad state, Aegon would get hard again. That was one of the biggest troubles he had been having for a few months. 
"I'm tired. I should go to my chambers.
"Of course," Aegon said, his voice shaking.
y/n began to make her way to her room. Aegon watched her walk, already missing the presence of her hand in his. 
If she were Aegon's, he wouldn't leave her alone for a second. His hands would always be on her hands. On her arms. And on her whole body. He would think of her before himself. Her pleasure before his own. Her comfort before his own.
y/n suddenly turned around. Aegon didn't look away, not afraid that she knew he was watching her. 
"You are not what she says you are. Just because someone tries to mold you doesn't mean you have to fit that mold, Aegon."
Aegon could not answer. He felt his knees growing weak and unable to hold him up. ‘Just because someone tries to mold you doesn't mean you have to fit that mold.’ He repeated the words inwardly as if to commit them to his memory.
As y/n walked to her chambers, he moved to the edge of the wall and held on to it.
Aemond took a short ride with his dragon and turned back. 
He did not use the royal carriage from the Dragonpit back to the castle. One of the things that helped him clear his head was his daily walks. 
He used to enjoy training with Ser Criston, but spending long hours on the training field was no longer what he found peaceful. Wielding a sword was still his passion, but now he liked to deal with calmer matters. 
Ever since he had claimed Vhagar, she had always made it possible for Aemond to take short breaks from life. He liked being in the sky better than on the ground. 
Aemond didn't tie his hair up when he flew, unlike his kin. He liked the way the wind licked his hair and blew it back. 
But he always dressed warmly. Aemond hated being cold. That's why he always wanted to snuggle up to y/n at night and sleep. And, of course, he wanted to be as close to her as he could. But she refused to even look at him, let alone hold him.
But before, they slept glued to each other every night. 
And on nights when neither of them could sleep, they would snuggle under a blanket and watch the stars. 
He couldn't believe that what he used to have was real. Some nights y/n would lie in his arms, and he would pinch his own arm after making sure she was asleep. 'I'm dreaming, or she's a figment of my imagination,' he always thought. 
He would watch her, trying to be sure of her presence in his arms. 
Now there was none of the intoxications of happiness that he had only two months ago.
Aemond knew she was right. She had every right to ignore him.
But he wanted her to be angry with him and then ignore him. They never fought except the day she found out about Alys. And the day he went to their chambers drunk. 
It never even came up. Yes, y/n ignored him. But at the same time, when she told him about his duties, she used such a tone of voice that Aemond felt dizzy.
If he didn't clench his fingers into fists and squeeze his fists until his knuckles turned white, he would bend her on a table right then and there. 
"The queen is waiting for you in her chambers," she would say, and her tone would be enough to give Aemond an erection.
Aemond's patience was wearing thin as she ignored him while at the same time ordering him around in her sweet voice.
He wanted to shake his head from side to side to distract his thoughts, but he didn't.
He finally managed to take his mind off y/n's body, her curves and breasts, her messy hair, and her cheeks flushed whenever he kissed that spot on her neck.
There was something else he had to focus his attention on with all his might. His beautiful wife, his beloved y/n, had started some rumors behind his back. 
He had first heard the rumor from his mother. It was simple and harmless. It was about y/n would not carry a second child to Aemond. The queen was furious, of course, but it didn't affect Aemond in the slightest. At least he believed it was her right to spread these rumors. 
But a few days later, the rumors came to him in other forms. They snowballed over a week, and the shape they finally took was the last straw for Aemond. 
The rumors were simply about y/n choosing Aegon over him.
But the way people embellished that simple sentence was very different.
But even if the sentence had come to him straightforwardly without any other implication, it would still have angered him.
For the last few weeks, hearing Aegon's name was enough to push him to the limit of his patience.
Aegon had never lifted a finger in his childhood. Nor in all his life up to that day.
Aemond was the only one who had worked through all the hardships to make his name worthwhile. 
And it had worked, but Aegon would be king only because he was born before him.
His brother, who only cared about sticking his cock in every hole he could find, would one day be king.
He had claimed his dragon by his own labor, spending hours in the library for years, always wanting to learn more.
But other than the title of prince, he had nothing of his own.
Aemond entered their chambers and found his wife at the table, arranging her jewelry. 
He took slow steps toward y/n as he removed the leather gloves from his hand, one finger at a time. "How was your day?" he asked. And put the leather gloves next to the jewelry.
y/n spoke without lifting her head. "I've been working on these for a few hours. Other than that, it was a quiet day." she carefully placed the ruby necklace in the box. 
"How was yours?" 
"It started well. Maelor and I played a little. Well, if holding him on my lap counts as playing." 
y/n took the earrings out of her ears. "He'll grow up. Then you can play all the games you want." 
Aemond nodded. 
He felt angry at y/n, but not for the rumors she was spreading. 
He was angry with her because she was sitting across from him in the thinnest nightgown in her closet, and he wasn't even touching her with his pinky finger. "What did the maesters say about whether we could fulfill our duties as husband and wife?" once again, he was overcome with lust. 
The rumors that had brought him to the room were not even in the back of his mind right now. 
A couple of weeks ago, in a fit of anger, Aemond said he would bed with her, but they never did. And then the doctors told them to wait a while. 
y/n finished at the table and stood up calmly. "Are you asking if I can have sex with you, Aemond?" 
Aemond's lips formed a thin line. A few more sentences with that attitude, and he was going to cream his pants. "I mean, you know, you gave birth. And I thought you might still be sensitive to something like that." 
y/n walked over to her side of the bed. "I'm not bedding with you because the maesters told me to, Aemond." 
She took off the robe over her nightgown. "I'm not bedding with you because I don't want to." 
Aemond sighed at her nipples, clearly visible under the nightgown. 
She picked up the lavender oil from the table beside the bed. She pulled up the skirt of her dress just enough to allow it to reach her leg and began to apply the oil carefully. 
"I-" y/n interrupted him and smiled. "The oil you use is nice too, but I prefer this one." Aemond looked at her, his eye wide. "I-" he cleared his throat. "I should go." As soon as he finished his sentence, he headed for the door.
"As you wish, dear husband."
Aemond's steps stopped instantly. 
Dear husband
Those two words fell so softly from her lips that he decided not to leave the room. There was nowhere more important for him to be than next to his wife.
He moved to his side of the bed, and y/n watched him, wondering what he was doing.
He took off his leather coat and placed it on the chair. 
"May you call the maid? I'm going to take a bath."
y/n nodded and took the robe, and put it back on. 
After telling the guard at the door to call the maid, she walked towards Aemond.
He looked sad. It was as if whatever had been on his mind for days had aged him a few years.  
She had tried not to care. She was already succeeding in the past few days. But it didn't make sense to her that Aemond should look so vulnerable. 
She wanted to ask how he was, but the words caught in her throat. She watched him as she took off her robe again, not wanting to miss a move.
Aemond's hand trembled as he unbuttoned his first button. y/n continued to watch him in amazement. 
When Aemond switched to the second button, he lingered on it for a long time. 
His hands weren't shaking enough to prevent him from undoing the button, but his mind was clearly elsewhere.  
y/n couldn't stand the sight before her any longer. How could someone's head be so disorganized that they couldn't unbutton their buttons?
y/n grabbed his hand to stop him and started to unbutton him herself. 
Aemond watched her expression without saying anything. He was surprised, but at the same time, he was trying to enjoy their closeness.
Her fingertips first touched the skin on his chest. Aemond's heart sped up, and his breaths became more frequent.
He was frightened that she might feel or even see his chest rising and falling faster than usual. He didn't want her to know she had such a hold on him.
Aemond put his hand behind his back and squeezed as she unbuttoned the buttons above his navel.  
After she undid all the buttons, she ran her fingers over his belly. 
She had always been fascinated by the fair skin that all the Targaryen had. 
She stroked his muscles with her fingertips and felt his breathing quicken. 
She admired his skin, smoother than her own, and a few scattered freckles that she could find where they were with her eyes closed. 
"y/n..." he said. And he gently held her arm, exposed by her nightgown. He stroked her arm with his thumb. The moment he said "y/n-" again, there was a knock on the door. 
They both moved quickly away from each other. 
y/n cleared her throat and said, "come in." 
The maid came and bowed at the prince and his wife, then went to the bathroom.
Aemond fiddled with his shirt sleeve to avoid eye contact as y/n let her eyes roam the room. 
As the maid came out of the bathroom, Aemond quickly entered it.
"You can go. Tidy the bathroom tomorrow." 
"Okay, my lady," she said and left the room. 
y/n lay on her bed and waited for Aemond to finish.
She could hear the sound of water from the bathroom. 
y/n closed her eyes, feeling the comfort of the bed, and reached out her hand toward where Aemond always slept. She ran her hand along the bedspread, trying to imagine his warmth.
They used to sleep cuddled together. Their legs would get so entangled that y/n couldn't get out of bed without waking him up.
Aemond's arm would ache from y/n resting her head on it all night, but he wouldn't dare move a finger, let alone his arm.
When y/n was pregnant, he was careful not to squeeze her too tightly, but he always slept with his hand on her stomach.
That was why y/n was surprised when she found out she had been cheated on and cried for days.
Although he was not very close to her in public and during the day, he kept her as close as possible at night. It was as if the depressed, dissatisfied Aemond had gone, and someone else had replaced him. 
y/n thought he loved her. She thought it was just that the way he showed his love was unorthodox. 
But he had no love left to share with her because he had someone else to share it with. 
y/n's eyes were about to fill again with the heaviness in her chest. She tried to calm herself by telling herself everything would be all right, as Aegon had always told her.
When he said it, it was believable. But it wasn't as effective when y/n said it to herself.
He would be afraid to hold her in his arms. He would put his hand on her shoulder and arm to comfort her. 
She closed her eyes tightly when she thought of Aegon. How would she get out of this dilemma?
There was no more water sound coming from the bath. Aemond usually kept his baths long. This time he came out faster than she expected.
He opened the bathroom door quickly. As it opened, y/n's nose filled with Aemond's scent. She couldn't get enough of the smell she hadn't inhaled in weeks. She tried to take deep breaths. His scent both comforted her as it reminded her of the two years they had spent together and made her feel even sadder as it reminded her of his betrayal.
When he saw y/n lying, he closed the door quietly, thinking she must be asleep. Then he took a blanket from one of the armchairs and draped it over y/n.
She opened her eyes as she felt the weight of the blanket. "I wasn't sleeping," she said. But her voice sounded sleepy.
"I thought you were." 
He took the blanket back, folded it casually, and put it back on the armchair.
Since he had dressed in the bathroom, he went straight to bed. But just like y/n, he didn't remove the bedclothes and sat directly on the bed, his back against the headboard.
He put his wet hair behind the headboard so his clothes wouldn't get wet. 
He leaned his head back and closed his eye.
"Aemond, are you okay?" 
"I don't know," he said. "I don't know if I'm okay or not."
y/n realized he sounded hurt. "You can tell me." 
Aemond felt his chest tighten. "How can you still be so nice to me?" 
y/n didn't know how to react at first. "I just wanted to know what upset you." 
"It's Maelor." 
y/n turned to him curiously. How could it be Maelor? How could it be that her beloved son was the problem that confused him?
"What if his dragon egg never hatches?"
y/n also found it strange that his egg hadn't hatched yet, but she didn't think about it much. She didn't know when it was supposed to hatch.
"I'm sure it will hatch." 
"No, you don't know," he said, "you don't know anything." 
She ignored the implication in his voice. "After all, a dragon will come out of it. I'm sure it takes time." 
Aemond stroked around his eye patch. "It's been three weeks. It should have cracked by now." 
"If he doesn't have a dragon, the other children in the castle will try to humiliate and harm him." 
"You never know. Maelor can do many successful things without having a dragon. He can fill his life with meaningful things. He can get a good education and can be a good swordsman."
Aemond chuckled. "Trust me. It's all meaningless."  
Aemond interrupted her. He didn't want to miss this opportunity, now that he had the confidence to tell her things he had never told anyone. "You talk about how lonely you are in the castle. I was lonely too, y/n. I had no one. I still have no one." 
y/n immediately knew what he was talking about. It was no secret what a lonely childhood Prince Aemond had had, and it was the talk of the kingdom. 
"His father is not like your father. I'm sure you will protect him." 
"If anyone dares to touch him, I will destroy them."
"I would expect nothing less from you."
y/n couldn't understand why she was trying to comfort him. She thought it was because he seemed vulnerable. She suddenly felt she had forgotten everything in her head and had to protect him.
"The most important thing for a Targaryen is that your egg hatch for you," he said. He was obviously still stuck on that. 
"If his egg does not hatch, he will claim a dragon in the future, Aemond. There is a solution."
He shook his head. "No, you don't understand. I was alone all my childhood because my egg didn't hatch for me. A Targaryen without a dragon is the most humiliating thing to be."  
Aemond thought of how he had waited by his egg for days. His mother had always told him it would hatch, but it never had. He would sit by his egg for hours. At night when he slept, he would put it close to him. He thought his Valyrian blood would eventually hatch it, as he had read in the books. That was why he always kept it very close. But nothing ever happened. To him, the egg was nothing more than a worthless stone.
"But then you claimed Vhagar, Aemond, the greatest dragon alive." 
He looked at her face briefly. 
He could never despise the freedom and power that Vhagar had brought him. But she could not give him back his childhood.
"Throughout my childhood, I had to watch their interaction with their dragons in the Dragonpit. They made fun of me all the time. Jace, Luke..." his face hardened at the mention of Luke. "Your dear Aegon." 
y/n lowered her gaze to her lap. 
"They took everything from me, y/n, the little courage I had as a child, my self-confidence," he said. "My eye. They took my everything. And he still continues to steal everything I have."
y/n knew who he was talking about and what he meant by stealing. 
Aegon had finally shattered the only structure he could call family. He was trying to steal y/n's love from him. And he did not doubt that Maelor would love Aegon more than he loved him. 
"No one steals from you anymore, Aemond. You wanted it to be like this. Everything you are suffering is a result of what you've done."
Aemond turned on her angrily. "And here's the other thing. What do you get out of people thinking I have a small cock and that I'm a fool who can't even get laid?" 
"Nothing. But I feel happier. You don't get what you deserve in this fucking castle. At least you can understand a little bit of how I feel. The way people look at you with pity, the way everyone talks about you in the corridors..." 
"You know they are lies."
"Do you think so? I don't remember saying anything about how amazing the size of your cock is or how well you fuck."
Aemond straightened his posture. His hair was starting to touch his shoulders and arms. His wet hair had already begun to leave wet spots. 
He was surprised by her foul language, but he also liked it. 
"You're not going to get anything by acting angry." 
"But I'm not acting angry, Aemond! I am angry." 
"I would never leave you for someone else to take. Tell that fucking bastard in one of your secret meetings that if he becomes king one day, it won't affect me. If he wakes up one day and becomes one of the seven gods, he can't take you away from me. You both better get that through your heads." 
y/n's eyes filled with tears of anger. "Aemond, you've already ruined my life once! What's wrong with you?" 
Aemond got up from the bed. "You are mine. Maelor is mine. I know you would never sleep with Aegon, y/n. You're not that brave." 
"Bravery? Is it brave to sleep with someone else when you're married, Aemond? You haven't even apologized, and now you're standing here telling me this!" 
Aemond took a back step as if to free himself from that conversation.
"Are you upset that your whore got pregnant by someone else? Is that why you're like this? Is Maelor's egg your excuse?" 
"You think I am upset because of her? You think she's important to me?" 
"Then why did you follow her around for years?"
Aemond paused. 
"Wasn't I enough for you?" she asked, averting her eyes. 
"y/n..." Aemond said, taking a step toward her. 
"I know I don't know much. But I thought you liked the nights we spent together."  
"y/n..." he said again. "You're more than enough." 
"Then why? I don't understand..." y/n said, her voice very low. She wasn't sure if Aemond had heard her, but from the sad look on his face, he had heard her.
"I'm sorry. For making you feel inadequate." 
y/n shook her head. "It doesn't matter how you made me feel, Aemond. You ruined everything. We..." she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying. "We could have been a happy family. I could have given you the love of a family." 
Aemond's vision blurred. 
"At least tell me why."
The words came to the tip of his tongue, but he held himself back. "I can't." 
This time y/n could not hold back her tears. "See you tomorrow, Aemond," she said. Then she left the room, knowing where to go.
next chapter
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dfortrafalgar · 5 months
for requests, can you do law taking care of sick reader, hurt/comfort kind of thing that ends with fluff????
Hi anon, thank you so much for your request!!!! a few months ago, i actually started this fic when i was ill with a pretty bad sinus infection, but then i just never finished what i wrote, so your request was actually the perfect thing to get me to finally finish that and share it with the world! i hope you enjoy it, thought it might not be as hurt/comfort as expected, so i hope that's alright <3
Law x Fem Reader
A nasty illness inflicting you brings out the warmth in Law.
Warnings: fairly detailed descriptions of gross sinus infection symptoms (cus i initially wrote this while actively dealing with one so its kinda visceral lol)
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A light sleet gently tapped against the glass porthole as you weakly rolled your body over under the warm blankets that firmly surrounded you.  The sound was enough to quickly lull you back into the comfort of slumber, but your mind was already starting to run.  There would be no more falling asleep now.  A cold spot lay beside you, no surprise that Law got up before you did.  As you slowly entered the conscious world, your body was wracked with a cold shiver, a sensation deep within your marrow that seemed to bounce off of every cell.  You became acutely aware of a hard stone in the back of your throat that made swallowing a heavy burden.  Inhaling through your nose was met with nothing but a clogged nasal cavity, the crackling of mucus that wouldn’t move bouncing around your weary skull.  You attempted to push yourself up on your hands, but your muscles trembled feebly and you collapsed back down into the plush mattress with a tired groan.
No doubt about it, you were sick.
You angled your head to look toward the small wooden bedside table that Law used for his analogue alarm clock.  Your blinking eyes, slowly adjusting to the dreary gray light of the cold, snowy day outside, focused on a small piece of notebook paper placed on the table, under a paper cup of water and two pills.  You reached an arm over, carefully pushing the cup and the pills out of the way so you could grab the paper.  You shifted slightly on your side for a better reading view, cringing uncomfortably as you felt the pressure in your sinuses move around with every adjustment.
Good morning, love. You were breathing strange when I woke up so I did a scan on you- you have an acute sinus infection.  I left you a pain killer and a vitamin C capsule, please take them as soon as you wake up.  We docked at an island for a supply run, so I will be back around noon to take care of you.  If you need anything, Bepo stayed behind on the ship.  I love you. – Law
Your illness had no bearing on the way your heart fluttered with boundless affection for your boyfriend.  His note was analytical, but you couldn’t help but appreciate his professional physician side as well as his tender, intimate personality you saw behind closed doors.  It was just like him to notice something as minimal as your breathing while you slept, it gave you a sense of security you didn’t think you needed, but were beyond happy you had.
You once again attempted to push yourself up on your arms, just enough to reach over for the two pills, throwing them into your mouth and swallowing a gulp of the room-temperature water from the paper cup.  Your throat convulsed from the pain of swallowing, and you needed to force your esophagus to move the pills where they needed to go, but once they were down you laid your head back onto your pillow, closing your eyes tightly as the pressure within your sinuses began to ebb its way into your attention with your waking body.  You had felt fine when you went to sleep the night before, but now you were wracked with aches, chills, and pain in your face.  Just your luck, truly.
At least it was a cold, snowy day.  You didn’t feel like you would be missing out on anything too important.
You slowly shuffled upwards on the bed, now sitting up against the metal bedframe and holding the bed sheets against your frigid shoulders.  You had a tendency to sleep in tank tops and shorts due to the heavy insulation the metal walls of the Polar Tang provided, but that made very little difference in your feverish state.  Even the thought of the blankets revealing any centimeter of bare skin made your teeth chatter, but you knew you had to get up.  You felt gross, the back of your mouth coated with a foul-tasting funk from your blocked head, and you craved nothing more than the refreshing taste of the mint toothpaste you shared with Law.
Though, if you were ill, it might be best to open a different bottle… and use a different toothbrush.
You gazed around the small bedroom that you shared with Law, a comparatively tiny room aboard the submarine, composed of very little except for his bed, a tiny desk (much smaller than the one in his medical ward), a small bookshelf, and a wardrobe.  Law’s outlandish, feathery coats took up a lot of room, but they were comfortable and outrageously warm.  Your eyes formed the most efficient path you could take to don yourself in warmer attire as quickly as possible.  Taking a deep inhale through your mouth, which scratched your sore throat enough to make you suppress a heavy cough, you pushed the blankets off of you, swung your bare feet over the side of the bed, and plopped across the steel-panel floor towards the wardrobe.
The soles of your feet sent shivers up your entire body as you pulled out a ratty pair of sweatpants, one of Law’s oversized sweatshirts, and one of his feather coats.  You yanked on the clothing as quickly as your shaking limbs would allow before finally offering your feet relief from the cold floor by sliding them into a pair of fur-lined slippers.  Your trembling fingers pulled the coat tighter around your body as the relentless, feverish chills endlessly consumed your entire body.  You weakly pushed open the heavy metal door into one of the narrow labyrinthian halls of the Polar Tang before following a familiar route towards the galley.
Rounding a corner, you spotted Hakugan on the floor in front of an open electrical panel, a small box of tools by his side.  His mask was pushed upward, revealing his face so he could better focus on his work, but when he heard you enter the vicinity he made quick work of pulling the white plastic back over his face.  He fully turned his head to look at you through the black slots of his mask as you meekly approached.
“Good morning, yeesh you look terrible,” he muttered.
“‘Morning… I feel terrible.”  Your voice left your larynx with an airy, hoarse crackle that left a stinging sensation in its wake.  “Law said I have a sinus infection.”
Hakugan hummed, a sound slightly muffled by the barrier in front of his face, and turned his head forward to continue whatever he was previously occupied with on the floor.  “We have some apple juice in the fridge, that’ll fix you up in no time!”
You chuckled at the statement, which wasn’t much of a laugh and was more of a congested, donkey-like groan.  “Thanks, Hakun, I appreciate it.”  Your friendly nickname for your crewmate made the man smile, judging only by the slight way his jaw moved under his mask.  You continued down the hallway towards the galley, pushing open the door to the sight of Uni and Bepo swabbing the floors, counters, dining table, and every other surface with regular hand contact.
Uni looked up towards you from his diligent hand-washing of the surface of the dining table before groaning.  “Now we’re gonna have to wash everything again ‘cuz you’re sick!”
You frowned.  “You want me to starve?”
Bepo quickly stepped between you two, putting his thick paw on your shoulder and ushering you towards the fridge.  “Feed a cold, starve a fever,” he quoted.  “That’s what my mama used to say when I’d get sick.”
“I guess I should starve then,” you responded bluntly, feeling the hairs of your arms rise with goosebumps as another chill waved through you.
“Nonsense, you need strength to get better!” Bepo had immediately assumed his comforting, caring demeanor and pulled over a folding chair for you to sit on.  “Do you want anything for breakfast?  I can make you some eggs and toast, or some oatmeal, or some fresh fruit!”
You smiled warmly towards the bear, finding solace in his uplifting personality.  “Some fruit sounds nice.”
“You stay right there, I’ll make you a bowl.”  The mink turned his back to you and began rummaging around for a cutting board and a knife to prepare you a small bowl of fruit to take back to your room.  
Uni had left his washcloth on the table and paced over to where you sat, keeping his distance but still leaning forward to talk.  “How are you feeling?”
You flashed a smile in his direction, followed by a hearty and mucusy sniff.  “Sick.”
The much taller man chuckled beneath the cloth that covered his mouth.  “Yeah, no surprise there.”
“What does Law normally do when one of you gets sick?”
Uni’s long fingers drummed against the countertop.  “He lets us suffer, really.  If he used his devil fruit to keep everyone healthy all the time, then our immune systems wouldn’t develop.  At least, that’s what he tells us.”
You gazed at the floor.  “I guess that makes sense.”
“He’s got plenty of remedies to make the symptoms easier, though.  Did he give you one of those vitamin C pills?”
You nodded.  “He left one on the nightstand when I woke up.”
Uni also nodded affirmatively.  “Those things work like magic, I’m convinced.”
Behind your conversation, Bepo was laser-focused on creating the healthiest fruit salad for your consumption, rife with healthy vitamins to kickstart your immune system faster than a pill could do.  He turned in your direction with a bowl in his hands, a shiny metal fork sticking out of it for you to use.  “Ta-da~!” he cheered.
You carefully took the bowl into your shaking hands.  “Thank you, Bepo!”
“Of course, anything for you!”  You could almost see prideful sparkles floating around the mink’s head.  “There’s tangerines, some strawberries, blueberries, some diced watermelon, grapes, and some chopped peaches.  The tangerines are from the Straw Hats actually, they’re super delicious!”
Holding the bowl firmly in your grasp, you stood from your chair and carefully pulled Law’s coat higher on your shoulders.  “I’m already feeling better, thank you guys.”
The two crewmates waved you off as you began your fatigued trek back to the captain’s cabin.  You passed by Hakugan once again, who uttered a tired-sounding, “Get better soon,” in your direction, which you happily thanked him for.
Twisting the hatch of the cabin door, you heaved the barrier open and stepped inside, closing it behind you.  You placed the bowl of fruit onto the small desk to free your hands, allowing you to shrug off the feathered jacket and drape it carefully off the wooden desk chair.  You faced the small bookshelf, eyes picking between Law’s assortment of extra medical texts, personal journals, and comic books, before finally pulling out a novel you had started some months prior.  Book in hand, you grabbed your bowl of fruit, kicked off your slippers, and scampered back into bed, pulling the covers up to your shoulders and once again enveloping your shivering form in a barrier of serene warmth.  Your shaky hand grabbed the handle of the metal fork, stabbing into a piece of watermelon and placing the fruit into your sore mouth.  You flipped through the book, tired eyes barely absorbing any of the words as you focused solely on chewing each bite of fruit you took.  You very quickly began to nod off yet again, finally subdued by the subtle hum of the submarine’s engines, the tapping weather outside, and the words of your novel.
You placed the bowl of fruit, now half eaten, on the bed stand and let your book fall to the ground as you rolled over onto your side and let yourself fall back into the clutches of slumber, at least until your beloved returned aboard.
A harsh, wet sneeze jostled you violently from your slumber.  You sat up with a jolt, one hand covering your face to contain your snot, which made you cringe at the sensation.  You glanced over toward the clock on the nightstand which read 11:30 AM.  You groaned.  How long had you been out?  It couldn’t have been longer than an hour and a half at the most.  You swung your legs over the side of the bed and shuffled into your slippers once again, making your way to the submarine’s bathroom.  You felt unbelievably gross, between the hand on your face holding your dripping mucus in your nose, your feverish cold sweats, and your overall malaise.  You couldn’t remember the last time you had been this sick.
You knocked on the door to the bathroom, per routine.  There was only one shower stall and bathtub, so every Heart Pirate kept to a strict bathing routine.  To have you slip in for a quick, steamy shower at this hour was outside of that norm, but with many of the crew gone on the supply run, you didn’t think you’d run into any issues.  You entered the bathroom, locking the door behind you and making your way towards the metal sink bowl, running warm water and washing off your hand.  You grabbed a paper towel which you used to wipe your face (and subsequently blew your nose once again) before you began to disrobe from your smelly, sweaty clothes.  The steam from the shower would hopefully loosen the compacted mucus in your sinuses, so you turned on the shower faucet and stuck your hand under the tap to make sure it was warming up to your liking.  You grabbed a towel from the nearby bathroom linen closet, placing it on the sink so you could grab it easily when you were done.
The hot water immediately soothed your cold sweats, and the steam entering your lungs felt euphoric compared to your congestion.  You stood under the stream of water letting the drops run down your body, taking in as much of the warmth as you could.  You idly reached for the bottle of body wash that was kept on the edge of the tub, squeezing some of the soap into your hand and washing the parts of your body that felt the worst.
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you stepped into the bath, but you started to feel strange under the flow of hot water and clouds of steam surrounding your head.  Your eyes began to blur, your vision swaying back and forth in repetitive motions.  Your fingertips felt tingly and numb, and a nauseous sensation filled your abdomen and reverberated into the back of your throat where it left a cold, sour taste.  Without thinking, and without turning the water off, you sat down under the running faucet and leaned your head on the side of the bath, closing your eyes.
A cold towel was placed against the back of your neck, once again making you jolt upward.  What time was it?  What day was it?  Why were you naked in the bathtub?  Did you turn the water off?
“Hey, look at me.”
Your eyes darted from the shower tap to the porcelain tub wall to the hand that waved three fingers in front of your face and gestured for your attention.  You lazily gazed forward, your weary expression meeting steely golden eyes that were narrowed with profound concern.  His other hand was pressed against the back of your neck, where a cold washcloth was pressed against your damp skin.
“You had a hot flash.”
Law shook his head, but not out of disappointment.  Rather, he was incredibly worried.  With pursed lips, he carefully helped you to your feet and out of the tub.  Once your feet met the cold metal floor, you sank to your knees with a weary groan.  Law grabbed the towel you had placed on the sink and threw it around your shoulders, beginning to dry you off as best he could without disturbing you too much.  You hung your head limply, letting your boyfriend work the water off of you without protest.  The cold compress on your neck began to warm with your body heat, and you felt it slide down a tad toward your shoulder blades before falling to the floor with a wet plop.
“Look at me,” Law said once more, voice firm and asserting, yet calm.  Your eyes flicked up toward him.  “I’m going to pick you up, alright?”
You simply nodded your head, barely a thought to make any move otherwise.  Law’s hands wrapped the towel around your body under your arms, carefully holding it in place in the front by your breasts.  His arms snaked under yours, hoisting you up like a heavy toddler, before he awkwardly bent down and placed his forearm under your knees, hauling you off your feet and against his chest.  Your head fell into his pectoral, taking as much of a deep, snotty inhale as you could, feeling your eyes close at the comforting sensation of his shirt against your face.  A faint ‘Shambles’ was heard, along with the weak magnetic sensation that you felt every time you were teleported with Law’s ability, and you were suddenly met with the comfort of your bed for what felt like the millionth time that morning.
Your towel slipped slightly, and Law quickly put it back into place before walking to the wardrobe and picking out new, clean clothes for you to wear.  He worked quickly, dressing you, wrapping your hair, wiping your face, and applying another cold compress onto the back of your neck while helping you sit upright.
The deepest part of your nasal cavity tickled uncomfortably.  You let out a gargantuan sneeze while Law’s back was turned, making him jump and turn back toward you.
A large blob of snot dangled from your nose.  You made zero attempt to do anything about it this time.  One might compare your current state to that of a sad, wet dog.
“You’re more sick now than you were this morning.”  Law used a tissue to wipe your face.  If you had any piece of mind, you would be humiliated at your juvenile state.  “I’m sorry I was away for so long.”
You were slowly coming to your senses after your hot flash in the shower, just in time for your boyfriend to ease an oral thermometer under your tongue.  He held your mouth closed with his fingers, muttering a quiet, “Hold it there,” then retreated across the bedroom to dispose of the tissue in his hands.  He squeezed a generous helping of sanitizing soap onto his hands, rubbing it as far up as his forearms.  He turned back to you right when the thermometer came back with its final reading.  Gently pulling the device from your mouth, he held it to his eyes which grimaced at the sight.
“What’s it say?” you asked, feebly.
“102.2.  You’re definitely fighting off a bacterial infection.  I’m assuming bacterial rhinosinusitis, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, judging by the color of your mucus.”
You hung your head.  “That’s so fucking gross, Law.”
He chuckled, placing the thermometer on a paper towel on the desk to be cleaned later.  He sat at the edge of the bed, reaching a hand over to gently rub the top of your head.  “I’m sorry, it’s the doctor in me coming out.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crawled onto your face.  “It’s okay.  I just don’t like sneezing out hurricanes worth of boogers.”
“I don’t blame you, it’s not fun.”  His hand trailed from the crest of your head down toward your cheek, gently stroking beneath your eye with his tattooed thumb.
“Is there anything at all you can do?  Uni told me you just make everyone suffer to build their immune systems.”  Your voice was groggy, but you were pretty much completely lucid once again.  Your eyes darted toward the nightstand.  Your bowl of fruit was gone, replaced with two glasses, one with water and one with apple juice.  Alongside the drinks were three bottles of medication and your book which you had neglected after falling asleep earlier.
Law hummed under his breath.  “Well, I do prefer that everyone work through illness on their own with the help of standard medication, yes.  It’s how I make sure everyones’ immune systems are working as they should.  Any more sick than an average fever, then I intervene.”
You attempted to inhale through your nose, pulling up snot deeper into your sinuses and exhaling a congested breath.  “Can you intervene with me?”  You tried your best to give your man the puppy eyes you knew he couldn’t refuse.  This time, however, he stifled a chuckle at your expression.  Puffy, scorching hot cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and a nose rubbed raw from constant sniffing.  Your lips were beginning to become chapped with all the mouth breathing you had to do.
Law turned away from you, bringing a hand to his mouth with a badly covered snort.
“Lawwww,” you whined.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry my love,” he turned back toward you, a mischievous smile on his face, though his eyebrows were angled with sympathy.  “I really do wish there was something I could do to alleviate your symptoms quicker, but I’d rather not get invasive.  Simple remedies can make you more comfortable, but the antibiotics will be doing most of the work.”
You hunched your shoulders and leaned back against your pillows, sniffling once more with a pout on your lips.  “I guess I understand…”
Law replied to your weary tone by pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.  “Because you’re not contagious, however, I can spend the rest of the day with you… if you want.”
Your eyes, albeit puffy, lit up like fireworks at his suggestion.  “Really?  You can?  You don’t have, like, any work to do or anything?”
“Well, I do…” he muttered, scratching his cheek with one of his fingers.  “But I’ve come to learn recently that I can put off working when someone who I care about needs me.”
You could hardly respond to his fond words, instead choosing to drop your heavy, congested head onto his shoulder as he moved over the mattress and pulled you into his chest.
“Just tell me to move if you get too hot or uncomfortable,” your beloved whispered, stroking the back of your head with his inked hand.
A soft, weary hum of acknowledgement was the only sound you could muster as the feeling of his warmth circling your cold, feverish body brought you the first sense of true serenity you had experienced since first waking up.  While you couldn’t smell him due to your blocked sinuses, his lingering presence alone was enough to lull you into yet another much-needed slumber.
Law exceeded the definition of ‘pampering’ when it came to caring for your ill state.  When it was revealed to you that he very rarely treated the rest of the crew with the same level of domestic, loving care, you tossed your lover a pointed, disapproving gaze.  He simply did what he had to do as a doctor and a captain, but you were special to him, far more than just a regular crew mate.  (If that wasn’t obvious already, with the way his kisses always seemed to burn your skin and his hands knew every part of your body.)
But in the days following your first onset of symptoms, Law hadn’t left your side, even after the Polar Tang submerged yet again deep below the dark blue ocean, cruising to its next destination.  Law moved some of his work materials from the medical room to the floor and small desk of your bedroom, half of his brain focused on his studies while the other half kept a close watch on your slumbering form in the bed next to him.  The antibiotics were quick to shut down the illness, and although they did come with a few less-than-pleasant side effects, you were thankful for how rapidly the regimen of pills slowly loosened the mucus in your nose, the pounding in your head, and the tightness in your chest and throat.
Perhaps he might have been a bit too attentive.  Shachi and Penguin tossed lighthearted jeers in their friend’s direction as he followed you into the shower for the third day in a row, keen on making sure you didn’t faint under a stream of too-hot water again.  While you found it humorous that he wouldn’t leave your side, you were also beyond thankful to have someone so focused and dedicated to ensuring your wellbeing.  Law was truly one of a kind.
And when your first 24 hours without symptoms passed and you were deemed officially in the clear after a long week of recovery, you were rewarded with a long-overdue kiss on the lips from your doting man.
You, as well as the entire crew, were given strict instructions to incorporate Vitamin C capsules in your daily food intake to prevent more severe infections from cropping up, but with the way you were taken care of by your bespeckled boyfriend, a small part of you wouldn’t mind getting sick again.
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makoodles · 2 years
Tonowari. Whats your thoughts on that massive dilf? Hes soo big tbh, I love it!
oh now that's a man that will treat you RIGHT
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(i'm on my mf knees)
nsfw tonowari headcanons
🐻 he's a good leader, a strong leader. he's calm and level-headed, and all of his decisions are made with his people in mind. the weight of responsibility is heavy on his shoulders, but it's a burden he wears well.
🐻having that said, there are certain ways that he likes... unwind. he just needs a little stress-relief! that's where you come in. he's a boobs man. big or small, he loves them. he'll squeeze at them, rub at your nipples, suckle them into his mouth as you lay together. there's nothing he loves more than the feeling of his mind going blank as he licks and sucks at your sensitive tits, especially when you start to writhe and gasp under his mouth
🐻 he's a grinder. loves to rub up against you whenever he can. even in public sometimes, when he thinks no one is looking, he'll grind his hips up into you and drop his face into your shoulder so that he can groan softly into your neck. the feeling of his thick erection burning into your back is unmistakable, and if you grind back into him he'll literally loop his arm around your waist and keep you in place so he can dry-hump your ass for the few brief moments he manages to snatch with you before he has to break away from you in order to calm down before he has to return to his duties. he's near mindless in those moments - he can't even bring himself to care about getting caught, and sometimes he has to drag you back to the marui so that he can work out his arousal properly
🐻 similarly during make-out sessions, his hips are humping and jerking constantly; against you, against the floor/bed/ground, against his own hand. he gets so damn worked up that it's like he loses control of himself, like he can't even help himself. it is a damn sight to see
🐻 as much of a teddy bear as he is, he fucks like a wild animal. he'll grunt with every thrust, the skin around his knuckles stretched taut and bloodless as he grips the floor of the marui he's fucking you into. the other hand rests on your throat - not hard enough to choke you exactly, but rather to act as a weighty reminder to keep your attention on him as he fucks his frustration into you.
🐻 he especially loves fucking you from behind, pronebone-style. it keeps you so tight around his cock, and it drives him wild when he gets to watch himself spear in and out of your tight, wet heat. it also gives him a good angle to work with, and when he buries himself inside and hits that spongey spot inside of you that causes you to stiffen and clench up around him it works to both satisfy and work him up further.
🐻 he's so big that his whole body presses you into whatever surface he's fucking you against so effortlessly. his muscles flex constantly as he rolls his body into you, his bulk holding you down with ease. the na'vi are all tall and slender and lithe, though tonowari is softer and broader than most. the plushness of his stomach and his thighs feel so soft and good when he presses against you, like he's just a big teddy bear
🐻 when this man comes, he comes. whether he's fucking your pussy, your mouth, or even his own fist, when he starts to get close to his release he'll start to tremble. his hips will start making the sweetest little aborted rocking motions, like he wants nothing more than to let go but is trying to hold back. his moans will be so raspy when he finally comes, it comes in bucketloads, spilling out in sticky strings all over your hands, your pussy, your face - wherever he's aiming at!
🐻 i can't remember which writer first started writing tonowari calling his s/o umma, but that hc has absolutely rotted my brain. it's true, i know it, he called me that last night
🐻 let him use you as his stress-relief! he'll return the favour ten-fold, making sure that his little mate is so damn satisfied
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soapymansuds · 5 months
Eternity and Counting
(Pt1) This is a running piece I've nearly finished, but the whole thing is way too long to post as one chapter sooooo... This part's pretty short just for the sake of timeline splitting.
Obey me! X Angel!MC (They/Them Pronouns)
TW: Suicide, depression, self-deprecation, death, big feelings, lots of sad, everybody is crying like all the time
MC just can't handle anything anymore and takes their own life. Imagine their dismay to find even death isn't the end for them.
(Takes place in the Frost Flowers event (sorta?), with mild "that chapter where MC finds out they're the Bridge" spoilers. Can't remember which chapter that was.)
It's so heavy. This grand weight I've been lugging around since that day. I should have died. I was supposed to die. I would have deserved it too. All I've ever managed to do was cause problems for this family. And maybe I still am. The idea almost stopped me. Visions of their faces. Their tears. Their grief. It did, actually. A few times at least. But not today. It's happened again. Everything was going just fine until that God-forsaken dog decided I would be the object of his affection. Somehow, in spite of the threat it faced to the nation, the brothers refused to just hand me over. Almost losing not just their home, but their kingdom, for my sake. Yet again wasting their time trying to save me. Just like they did when my stupid power nearly killed Lucifer. When Lucifer nearly killed HIMSELF to save me. A bitter, evil part of me is still mad at Michael for stopping me. For saving me.
My arms feel heavy as lead as I lay here, counting away the seconds. I've got nearly an hour before anybody gets home from RAD. Plenty of time to make sure I stay dead. I feel a little bad for lying about being sick to get out of classes today. But maybe I am. Doesn't matter much now anyway. Really, my biggest concern in the current moment is how long it will take Barbatos to notice the ingredients I took. Sure, he's in classes right now too, but he pops in and out of the castle all day long. The likelihood of him stopping into the kitchen and noticing the cracked cabinet door, the scavaged shelves, and finally the open jars is uncomfortably high. In my defense, the chances of that happening while I was there were equally high, so I can't be blamed for the messy crime. But he's only got a few moments more before his discovery will be for naught, so I suppose it's not terribly worrying.
I can feel it, creeping up my spine like a cold massage. The ever-growing numbness. The slow death of my limbs. My lungs. Me. It's growing darker now, unnaturally so, even for The Devildom. I can finally free them of my burden. Free myself of it too. But I would like to offer a final scorn to whatever God allowed me to hear the gentle creaking of the front door.
(Mammon's POV)
A chill runs through my spine,like something ominous is lurking behind me, but as I turn around, nobody's there. In spite of that comfort, I can't shake this overwhelming dread coating my nerves and sinking into my bones, urging me to move. Driving me to jog home. The gentle sway of the bag on my arm becoming notably more violent as it begins swinging by my side.
My hands can't work fast enough as I try to unlock the front door. I break into a near sprint as I approach their door, slamming it open.
"MC?" I call, it's dark in their room, but I can just make out the shape of their body resting in their bed. "Oh, you're just sleeping." I mumble, walking up to their bed and setting the bag on the ground next to it.
"Hey, I gotcha some human world medicines." I whisper, pulling a few bottles from the bag. "C'mon, you gotta wake up and take some."
I can't help but roll my eyes at their lack of reaction. "Been spending too much time with Belphie." I reach up to shake their shoulder gently.
Nothing happens. So I try again, fingers gripping just barely tighter. Tight enough to feel the unsettling chill of their skin. It seeps through my fingertips and into my soul. Gripping my heart in white hot fear.
"MC, wake up." I shake them again. "MC." Their name falls from my lips like a plea. "MC please-" I grab their other shoulder. "MC!" Tears spill from my eyes, breath shaky and ragged. "Wake up!"
(Raghhhh, sorry about this)
-Your dear friend, the author
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
Midoriya Izuku "Deku" x darling
synopsis: soft and gentle noncon
TW: NSFW, yandere, dubcon/noncon, light bondage, massive size difference, chubby cock doesn't fit
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There’s nowhere to hide from him – not lately, at least – as he’s grown tired of playing hide and seek with you to the point of keeping you locked in your room, kept in your place by a ball and chain with a fuzzy cuff around your ankle – given just enough leeway to allow you to use the conjoined bathroom when you need it.
Mostly you just lay on the bed – counting the hours, falling in and out of sleep – disgusted with how you’re practically just waiting for him to come home only to be his little stress ball. And when he does, he’s already laying his heavy body over yours with massive bruise-knuckled hands rubbing your every curve with a strength that’s always just a bit too needy. 
Pent-up and worn-out after work, he’s too horny to be denied what he’s been thinking about all day. Sagging his much larger shape against yours where you lie like a little mouse caught in a mouse trap – only dressed in flimsy little undergarments – your naked skin feels so good as he drapes you in big beefy arms, tugging you close while molding his crotch against your ass. 
“I’ve missed you, Baby~” He groans tiredly, nuzzling his scruffy chin into the nook of your neck along with a list of wet kisses – his face still smeared in grime and smog he sloppily hadn’t the will to wash off before stumbling home. 
Lately, he looks to have run himself into the ground – torn and frayed at the edges and just barely hanging on by a thin thread. Nomming on you lazily with lips and tongue – his tattered and dirty hero suit is left in a heap on the floor so his battered sweaty body, naked muscles with scars and fresh wounds, can comfort itself tight against you without a layer separating you from him.
“You feel me, hm- Baby? This is what you do to me….” He rumbles, voice rusty and weary – spooning you with hips scooping against your rear, fitting the big bump in his boxers into the firm plushness of your soft and welcoming butt. 
Granting himself some sweet relief with worn hands kept locked tight around you – hugging you close. One working your flimsy bralette off your shoulders before copping your tit, wantonly squeezing into the fat with another heavy groan against your neck as his thick fingers twiddle your nipple until you whine and push back against him – his other hand snakes over the soft flesh of your tummy and belly button, in between your thighs to touch the even softer thing kept there.
“Spread your legs for me, Baby~”
He doesn’t really let you listen – doesn’t give you any choice but to obey with how his blackwhip wraps around the swell of your thighs – lifting it for you with ease and spreading you wide for him before you’re even able to whine out a single little protest to stop it.
“Be my good girl~ Let me feel~”
He props himself up enough to bend over your shoulder – tongue laving at your cheek with lips placing dull but heavy kisses to the corner of your mouth as he moans out sweet and needy nothings. 
His hot fat hand gropes the sweet little thing over the thin lace of your panties, warming you up before leisurely scooping it to the side – making way for his burly middle digit to split your pretty pussy-lips apart so he can rub over your clit with the cruel gritty fissures of his fingerprint.
He kneads it tight until you’re wet and swollen – his other hand making sure your titties are all pretty and perky – before it’s too much and not enough for his heavy cock to burden anymore – desperately dry-humping you from behind.
Nipping on your earlobe, his voice gains strength in the shroud of his arousal, becoming something caught between a growl and a whisper. “Can you give Daddy's cock some love- kiss it good luck while I get you wet and ready to take me?” 
And you know better than to think his question is a request for permission rather than a slight warning – as he sits up against the pillows on the backboard, pulling your smaller shape sideways with your head resting sweetly on his lap – your ear against his navel, hearing the hungry echo in his gut. 
Kneeling at a perfect angle – positioned just right for him to still be able to reach over your pretty ass so he can keep fucking your sweet squelching hole on thick fingers until you’re loose enough to soak his eagerly fat shaft.
Meanwhile, he needs your mouth – grabbing your skull, he gathers your hair into a neat ponytail and waits for you to unwrap him from his boxers. 
And though the thought makes you swallow thickly, you’ve been taught better than to deny him – knowing more cruel toys are only a simple hand-reach away, stocked full within the drawer of the bedside table – ready to force you to down on your knees in more uncomfortable ways than simply complying on your own. So, with fear sweetening your movement, you stroke his thighs sweetly and pull him out – welcomed by the thick musk of sweat and something fuller – all in all, something you can taste before even putting it near your mouth.
“Open up, Baby~ come on~” He encourages, curling two digits inside your wet cunt while prodding your tiny butthole with the gravelly pad of his thumb – waiting for you to drop your jaw wide open and swallow him down deep. “Oh~ good girl~” He hisses, letting his head fall back against the pillows as you pocket the bulging beast in your cheek. “Such a hot little mouth~ so sweet for me~”
He starts bouncing your head on him, and you try and keep from gagging – with hands bracing yourself against the hefty muscles of his thighs, trying to keep steady as he burrows down your throat as far as he can reach. 
You’re only ever able to take him halfway – and though frustrated by it, he shows you mercy by allowing you to lick and kiss instead – with one of your hands jerking the shaft and another fondling his heavy ballsack. 
“That’s a good little baby~ Taking all of Daddy’s rough day away~ Kissing it all better for me~”
He lets go of your ponytail once sure you’re not going to fight him, starting to pet your head as you listen and abide by all the rules he’s taught you about how he wants you to use your tongue – suckling on all his thick veins and the mushroomed tip of cockhead, kissing it sweetly with wet lips and a little moan to show your enjoyment.
“Daddy’s been thinking about you every single second since this morning, Baby- about what a sweet little girl you are~ Been wanting to reward this tight pussy with cock and cum all day….” 
He sets you up on his lap shortly after – both thighs lifted and kept spread in each of his hands as you rest your back and head against his chest with a thick layer of spit and precum coating your lips – both of you watching his slicked chubby cock searchingly bob against your cunt and belly – steaming, wet, and visibly excited, with white seeping from its slit in thick beading pearls.
“You ready, Baby- ready to take me inside this sweet little pussy?”
Your toes curl in the air, dreading it with fear – knowing you’re never any ready for his size – though feeling the pressure of his words blowing hot against your ear where he rests his alongside yours – cheek to cheek with his lips brushing the corner of your mouth.
“Come on, Baby~ help Daddy fuck his little girl….” He licks your face and spreads you a little wider, gesturing for you to line his weeping monstrosity up with your drooling hole.
Thinking him cruel to force you into consenting, you listen and obey either way – spreading your pussylips with two shivering fingers whilst grabbing his member with the other, placing the tip perfectly at your entrance – helping him kiss and split through the tightness even as the sting makes you flinch and wince. 
Like before, you can only take him about halfway before cowering – shrinking in on yourself – pussy clenching so hard to keep him and his mass out before it can tear you apart. 
You cry and shake your head. “Puh- please- Izu-ah- wait-” Begging him silly – eyes shutting as you bite your lip, feeling him ignore you – nudging in further with only a pitiful kiss of mercy to spare, placed quick and chastely on your cheek.
“Oh- you can take it- come on, Baby~” He coddles in whispers against the tears dripping down your face. “Just a little more now- just a bit more~”
He lets his blackwhips take over, keeping your thighs raised and spread for him – while his hands get busy – one rubbing your nipple as he continues cooing at you with the other rubbing your clit as he sinks himself deeper and deeper inside your constricting cunt.
“Relax for me, Baby~ be good and let Daddy in~”
And soon he’s got himself bottomed-out to the hilt with his cock making a big beautiful belly bulge on your poor little inside as you squeeze him tight like a vice – exactly how he’s been aching to feel all day – married deep inside you, inch by last inch until he’s inside your very depth.
“There you go, baby~ Feels so good, hmm? All of Daddy inside you? Squeezing me so sweet and tight~”
Your body goes tense and numb – afraid to move – lying lax against his chest, panting out spit-sticky moans as he curls deep against your tummy, making you feel it all the way up to your throat in a choke taking your breath and words away. 
The blackwhips detangle from bruising your thighs as you give in, and he pushes the two of you over on your knees. Laying you down against the mattress – your pretty face riddled with dew and heat – smushed and blubbering against the cool sheets your tiny hands begin fisting as he slides in and out of your narrow hole with both his arms holding your hips steady to receive him.
He smiles, watching your thighs quake and your spine arch each time he presses neat and deeply against your cervix with the promise of stuffing you full and good – still softly cooing at you to lie there and take it well until he’s bred you good like what a sweet little babygirl like you need.
tip-jar: Kofi
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