#where do a chocolate dipped strawberry go to meet a cupcake anyway?
aundreakordei · 1 year
where does a chocolate dipped strawberry go to meet a cupcake anyway?
this has to be my favorite scene from the episode.
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anemo-writes · 4 years
hello travelers! again, thank you for putting up with my inactivity, it’s been hard to write lately haha. anyways, i thought this would be something fun to post and for everyone to enjoy, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not :) (note: this will probably be more fanon than canon so please bear with me, i’ll make it as canon as it can be :’) i also kept this pretty short, so hopefully that’s okay too,, and sorry for this being late haha—i wrote this very late at night so don’t mind any typos you find please)
much love,
~ anemo-chan <3
(The Playable) Genshin Impact Characters on Valentine’s Day (Romantically)
super romantic; gifts you a bouquet of flowers and takes you out to eat at a fancy restaurant/cooks for you.
He is nervous. He’s never paid close attention to the countless amount of people who have lined outside the tavern to ask him to be their Valentine, only to be rejected. There was absolutely no way that he would turn to Kaeya for advice, so unfortunately this was something he would have to figure out for himself. He figures that it wouldn’t hurt to go traditional, so that’s what he does; he buys a large bouquet of roses (which he had to get from Donna, seeing that at the hours that he ended work were very late and Flora’s shop was not open at the time—yeah, that was not fun) and presents himself outside your doorway, to which he invites you to join him for a late dinner—which he makes!
She leaves a letter on top of your nightstand, paired along with a singular rose. The letter states for you to meet her outside of Good Hunter, where you find her sitting at a table with a candle dimly-lighting up the surroundings. She greets you with a warm smile, gesturing for you to sit down—the two of you enjoy a candle-lit dinner as well as bolognese she specially requested for Sara to make for the two of you to enjoy together why does this remind me so much of Lady and the Tramp,,
Oh boy. It’s always a fun time spending a holiday with him, seeing that it could go two ways; one, he would be too busy to celebrate it with you on the day of, and he would take you out the day after, or two—have a store’s entire line of merchandise presented to you outside your doorstep, in which a very, very smiley Tartaglia hidden within the pile (after all, he was the best present!) After you’re done moving all of the gifts into your house (it took up the space of your entire living room), he tells you to cover your eyes and follow him. He takes you to one of the most well-known restaurants in Liyue (which currently doesn’t have a name because it is very late here!), and insists that you order whatever you want, and however much you want.
Over the years, he’s witnessed many, many couples celebrate this holiday and every year he’s wished to do the same. He finds the perfect opportunity to do so when Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and boy does he plan it out for the two of you. He’s even made sure to have his wallet on him at all times—it would be extremely rude for you to have to pay if he happened to forget his wallet. He makes sure to stop by to pick up a bouquet of flowers, as well as a bottle of perfume (not in a bad way, just to clarify) from Ying’er’s shop that he recalled you liked. He makes sure to pick you up early from your work place to make sure you made it to your appointment on time; after all, being late to an appointment was similar to breaking a contract, no?
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surprises you with homemade sweets.
Oh, she is so nervous—of course, she doesn’t show this. The entire week, she spent researching recipes to create a special batch of chocolate-dipped strawberries just for you—she even sent Oz to the nearby farms to “borrow” the freshest strawberries for the treat (the farmers were too scared to confront the talking bird who “borrowed” their strawberries, so luckily they got away with it). She dips them in a purple-colored chocolate (because what other color would she use, really?) and drizzles on a dark-chocolate syrup to top it off. She’s too shy to actually give it to you herself though, so she has Oz drop it off for her.
Even though she’s quite busy, she’s somehow found time to whip up a special batch of chocolate just for you! She shapes them into Glaze Lilies (which she found quite hard, which is why there are so few of them) and presents them to you in a neatly-sealed box. She’s quite modest when your eyes widen and tell her it’s the best chocolate you have ever eaten, claiming that she only followed a recipe, when she really made it from scratch.
Like Ganyu, you have no idea how she finds time to create a perfect array of chocolates, which she made herself! However, with her tightly-packed schedule, she has to drop it off at your house in advance, to which you accept happily. She tried to decorate them with designs of cartoon-versions of your faces, but they’re a bit...messy. Nonetheless, they’re tasty, and to her relief, you enjoy them.
Somehow, she’s managed to scrape up enough mora to buy you a necklace; yes, a necklace, and a real one at that—none of that fake, costume jewelry stuff! She even added a pendant shaped like star, just so you could be reminded of her whenever you fiddled with it or even glanced at it. She’s quite flustered when she gives it to you, ignoring the way you ask how she managed to save this much mora to be able to buy something like this, changing the subject on how you should never-ever take it off (because it looks great on you.)
One word: pancakes. (Have you seen the ones she makes for her special dishes? They’re frigging amazing) As a dutiful maid should, she wakes up especially early to prepare a homemade breakfast just for you, to which she serves to you just as your wake up in bed. The fluffy stack of pancakes are decorated with fruits cut up in heart-shapes, as well the words, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N”, written neatly with chocolate syrup—it’s quite a sight to see, to be honest, and utterly delicious. Lucky you!
The day before, she tells you to meet her at the restaurant around noon. When you arrive, the restaurant is adorned with Valentine decorations, as well as a terrifying amount of food; she insists that she only made it for you, so you better eat up! Before she can show you the other dishes, the restaurant is suddenly filled with a strong, bitter smell—something burning. With a yelp, she runs into the kitchen, coming out a few minutes later with a tray of half-scorched cupcakes, their Gouba-shapes adorned with...a lot of burn marks. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, doesn’t it?
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buys/makes a present for you.
Without your knowledge, Albedo has been creating a collection of artworks throughout all the time you had spent together. The pieces include portraits of you, portraits of you and him (sucrose helped with this), as well as just random sketches of the little things that remind him of you, such as the bare, snowy-white terrain where the two of you first met, as well as its flora and fauna. If you request it, he’ll even make the painting come alive (literally), and the two of you run to Sucrose’s dwelling, who is very shocked to see the pair of you running from a Frosted Lawachurl when she peered out her window to see if she could pinpoint the sounds of distant screaming.
Is there anything better than a matching set of wind gliders? Not only that—they were homemade! She spent the last couple of weeks putting together a pair of gliders for the two of you, customizing them to your tastes (which she nailed!) She quite literally drags you to the nearest hill to test them out, and the two of you end up challenging each other on who can get back to the Knights of Farvonius Headquarters the fastest—spoiler alert: she did.
Oh, she would make the cutest card for you—the envelope is decorated with cute stickers (some of them even had her face on it; there’s nothing like promoting merchandise, am i right? jkjks) She also pairs it off with a box of chocolates that she bought from Sara—however, what she didn’t know was that in the box was a special-edition spicy chocolate truffle. With your luck, that was the first one you chose—and boy, were you met a surprise (it was so bad that you were begging Barbara to use her Vision on you, which she refused of course). Fun times.
He’s real sweet. After his expeditions and commissions, he opens the freezer (yes he keeps them in there, don’t judge him) to an array of ice sculptures, shapes varying from flowers, hearts, and such—although it’s quite the simple gift, he’s put a lot of effort into them, even putting in the extra effort to cast a spell to make sure they would not melt; it’s all worth though, when he sees the absolutely giddy expression on your face, and the look of pure awe as you pick one up and study it closely, admiring all of the details and work that’s he put in.
She sends out informants to find out what you like, whether it be something that your gaze settled on for too long or something you’ve mentioned while talking to her—on the day of, you open your door to a mountain of gifts, with Ningguang herself peering out from behind it with a calm smile and a wave (which was the opposite of your reaction, because who has that much mora to purchase all of these gifts?!?)
He doesn’t have a clue on what the holiday until Lisa asks him if he’s planned something for the two of you during one of his lessons. When he shakes his head no, Lisa suggests that he make you something, to which he sets out on an adventure to do, looking for flowers and flower stems to weave into a pair of matching bracelets—they’re not the prettiest, but he is pretty proud of it; after all, it was his first time making something like that. He’s quite nervous to present it to you, afraid that you might not like it, but all feelings of worry melt away when you slide it on with a huge smile on your face, insisting that he wears his too.
At first, she considers gifting you a present that she created herself; of course, with her work being alchemy, she isn’t sure if that would be the safest option, despite being talented herself. And so, she resorts to buying a present for you—she is very picky with the present though, insisting that it should be perfect since she could not make one herself. She even consults Albedo when selecting some of the presents (he doesn’t help her unfortunately; he believes that she should figure it out herself haha). Like Razor, she’s quite nervous to give it to you, but lets out a huge sigh of relief as you thank her happily for the gift, wiping a bead of sweat from across her forehead (sucrose bby anything you give us would be perfect,,)
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whisks you away somewhere sentimental, where the two of you can enjoy a special date.
It’s ungodly early in the morning when Beidou presents herself in front of your doorstep, announcing that you’ll be joining her and the crew on a special ride. She tugs you along beside her until you reach the harbor, where you are met with the sight of her ship adorned with streamers and banners, varying between shades of pink and red. Onboard, there is a table filled with goodies the crew collected and made, and boy do they look delicious. The group sets out to sea, and you take your place next to the captain, who even lets you steer the boat (momentarily, at least.)
He takes you to meet his dads; yes, yes—he knows that it’s not the most romantic thing to do on a day dedicated to lovers, but he figures it’s just as important. Besides, they’ve been asking about you for quite a while—they even set up a small party within the Adventurer’s Guild, with the help of Bennett, of course. You spend the day listening to their old adventuring stories, as well as bits from Bennett’s childhood (poor boy is flustered from all the information his dads are spilling, but he’s still happy either way; after all, he’s with the most important people to him.)
He quite literally kidnaps you; one second you’re walking in the streets of Mondstadt on your way to work when suddenly someone grabs you by the waist and pulls you into an alley way (that sounds so creepy but i swear he means it in a good way). He only chuckles and shields himself with his arms as you punch him lightly, retorting that he scared you. He doesn’t care that the two of you have an overwhelming amount of work to do—after all, Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, right? Surprisingly, he doesn’t take you the tavern, but instead...Dawn Winery! Diluc received quite the surprise when he is met with the two of you standing outside his gates, with Kaeya requesting a wine/grape juice taste-testing. Yeah...you guys didn’t get any of that, but you did manage to snag a couple of grapes on your way out! Good for you!
You wake up in your bed, opening your eyes to see a very-smiley Venti laying beside you, chin propped up against his hand as he watches you yawn sleepily as you force yourself out of bed. You’re then presented with a handpicked-bouquet of Ceceilias, the freshest of the bunch, if he may add. You barely have time to thank him before he hoists you up in his arms and out of your dwelling, gliding over the city of Mondstadt as he whisks you away to Starsnatch Cliff, where he’s prepared a special performance just for you (and no, you don’t need to pay.)
While he’s not the most romantic, he does have a clue on what people look for on Valentine’s Day; after all, that’s what cheesy-romance novels were for, right? Unbeknownst to you, he takes you on a date very similar to the one the main characters in his favorite novels partook in—and you don’t find out until you catch him peeking into the pages while you weren’t (you were) looking. Again, it’s the thought that counts—
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doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Sadly, she probably forgets about the holiday. She’s too busy holed-up in her office to notice the couples gathered up in the courtyard, sharing moments with their lover. It’s not until she walks out to take a breather that she notices the commotion—she immediately calls you over, apologizing frantically. Of course, to this you respond that’s it’s okay, but that you would much rather her take the rest of the day off to spend time together, to which she reluctantly agrees.
“I do not have time to celebrate silly human traditions like that.” He would say as you bound up to him, exclaiming that it’s Valentine’s Day, the day where you can give sweets to your loved ones, and asking if he had someone special in mind to spend it with. He’s irked when your gaze falters and the grip on the object you’re hiding behind your back tightens—he only grows more irked as you mutter to yourself how you’ll give the chocolates you made to someone else. He scoffs loudly, avoiding your gaze as he lays out his hand in front of you to accept the chocolates (just because he doesn’t celebrate the holiday doesn’t mean he can’t get jealous!)
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moonlightrichie · 5 years
Late Night, Early Morning
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A repost of my Reddie meet-cute. Wanted to post it properly on here.
It’s 7am. A young man has just opened his coffee shop for the day. At the same time, another young man is on his way home from a night out with his friend, and he’s really craving a donut with pink frosting.
Word count: 2900 Pairing: Reddie
It was 5 minutes to 7am, and Eddie Kaspbrak was gulping down his black coffee in a desperate attempt to get his tired eyes to stay open. The coffee shop was cleaned and ready for opening, the cake disk; usually overflowing with cute pastries, was yet to be filled with the cakes he was still preparing in the backroom. Chocolate cupcakes, powdered donuts filled with strawberry-jam and slices of marble cake were only a few of the pastries he was working on.
Baking was one of Eddie’s favorite things to do, and he had just finished a round of donuts, newly dipped in strawberry or chocolate frosting. He had even gotten up extra early to make them. They always sold well in the morning, but because of the long time they took to make, he didn’t do it that often. He just really felt like making them today.  
As he was finding his ‘coffee tunes’-playlist to play on the speakers, the lock of the door clicked, and in walked his co-worker (and best friend), Stan.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning”, Eddie replied. “I was starting to get worried. We’re opening in…” he checked the clock above the milk-steamer, “uhm, now. Just leave the door open.”
He scurried out from behind the counter, and rushed to turn the “sorry we’re closed”-sign to say “come in, we’re open”. Then, he opened his box of chalk, picking out the pink one, and thoroughly scribbled down the daily note on the sidewalk sign before dragging it outside.
The sky was painted in a beautiful pink and red light, and Eddie took a moment to breathe as he felt joy bubbling inside his chest. He couldn’t help the toothy grin forcing its way onto his lips, feeling truly happy.
“I think you need to update your coffee-playlist, Eddie. We’ve been listening to the same boring songs on repeat for like a month now, and I’ve had it”, Stan said when Eddie walked back inside. He already had his apron on, and was frowning at the computer.
Owning a coffee shop was something Eddie had dreamt of doing for years. He looked at his still newly opened coffee shop he had decorated himself with cute lights and artsy paintings, and he looked at Stan standing behind the counter, skipping some of the songs playing, and he sighed happily.
It was 5 minutes past 7am, and Richie Tozier was making his way down the street, still full of energy from the night out (and also still a little tipsy). He was walking a few steps in front of Bill who was babbling about how crazy it was that there were people on their way to work at the same time as they were just making their way home. Richie nodded his head in agreement. They had already passed a couple bus stops, receiving judgmental looks from middle-aged men in suits.
Richie was exceptionally happy with how the night had been. Even though he and Bill shared an apartment, they hadn’t really had much time to spend together in a while. They used to do so much, and now that Bill was studying literature and Richie was working at the local radio station, their schedules always clashed. They had finally found a weekend where they both had time, and they jumped at the chance to hang out together immediately.
It had been Richie’s idea to go out drinking, and even though Bill wasn’t too happy about it at first, he sure was happy after scoring a cute girl’s number at the club. Richie was the best wingman in the world. He had truly patted himself on the back for that one.
“Holy fuck, I’m craving cake right now.”
“Richie, you’ve buh-been craving food fuh-for three hours now, w-we have food at huh-huh-home.”
“No, Bill. Not just food. I need something sweet! I don’t know, candy, cake, frosting, ice cream, sugar cubes, anything.” Richie was waving his hands in the air, the desire for sugar burning inside his chest.
Bill sighed next to him. “Well, thuh-there is puh-puh-probably something at huh-huh-home you can eat? Puh-please let’s g-go home, I’m so tired.”
Richie looked at him, resisting the urge to fall down to the ground dramatically. “How can you even say that, Bill? Are you truly denying me the sweet taste of a donut right now? Are you sincerely saying I should instead eat whatever dry crackers we have at home? How dare you?”
Bill rolled his eyes. “S-stop being so duh-dramatic.”
Richie ignored the comment as he suddenly stopped. He sighed intensely, regretting the words he had uttered just seconds earlier, because “fuck, now I want donuts”, he whined. “You know those donuts with pink frosting? Holy shit, I need one of those right now, or else I’m actually going to die.”
“Home, Ri-Richie.”
“Fine”, Richie sulked.
They continued walking, this time Richie a few steps behind Bill. He really didn’t want the dry crackers they had at home as a snack before bed.
“How hard is it to make donuts?”
Bill shrugged. “I don’t know. Puh-probably not that huh-hard, even though I th-think you’d muh-mess it up anyways.”
Richie gasped, clutching a hand to his chest. “How can my best friend betray me like this?”
Then he looked around, and that’s when he saw it. “Oh my god.” 
Just down the street, only a couple blocks from their apartment, stood a cute little coffee shop, and it was open. Richie frantically grabbed Bill’s at arm to stop him from walking. “I can’t believe this.”
Bill looked at where Richie’s gaze was locked and he tugged his arm away. “Richie, please, I ruh-really want to go home.”
“Give me five minutes.” He started walking before Bill could protest more, and stopped when he got to the sidewalk sign.
It said ‘We have donuts’ with small pink hearts drawn around it in chalk.
“They have fucking donuts!” Richie screamed at Bill who was still on the other side of the street. “It’s literally destiny, Bill, come on!”
“Okay, just huh-hush, people are sluh-sluh-sleeping.”
Richie took another quick look at the sign and the pink hearts before they walked in, muttering “cute” under his breath.
It was 7:20am when they got their first customers. Stan was cleaning the tables, and Eddie was just finished slicing up the marble cake.
First walked in a fairly attractive guy, tall with auburn hair and pretty eyes. The one thing Eddie noticed, though, was that this man was definitely not on his way to work. He looked dead tired as if he hadn’t slept all night.
Then entered another guy, tall and lanky, dressed in black jeans and a denim jacket. Eddie had to hold back a tiny gasp when he saw the dark curls framing the guy’s pale face, because damn it if this guy wasn’t Eddie’s type exactly. 
The guy was smiling wide, talking loudly to his friend, and the shop was suddenly much more lively than it had been just seconds ago.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Good morning!”
The two guys looked up at the same time, both looking a little caught off guard as if they hadn’t realized there were going to be people there. 
The guy with curly hair locked eyes with Eddie, and Eddie smiled shyly.
For a moment, the guy just stared at him, eyes wide behind his glasses. “Holy shit”, he whispered softly.
Eddie furrowed his brows in confusion, smile faltering just the tiniest bit. “Uhm.”
The guy shook his head as if coming out of a trance, clearing his throat. “Ah, uh, y-yes, good morning.” He was blushing, an embarrassed smile taking over his features. Cute.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” Eddie asked, walking over to the cash register.
The guy came closer, his smile suddenly a lot bolder. “How about your number, cutie?” His tone was flirtatious, catching Eddie off guard.
He heard Stan scoff from where he was washing tables.
It took a couple seconds before Eddie managed to regain his composure. “Well, uhm”, he laughed humorlessly, feeling warmth spread across his face. He frowned, not quite believing the situation he was in. Was he actually being hit on at 7:20 in the morning? “I’m sorry, but that’s not for sale.” He raised his eyebrows. “And actually, I’m not really sorry for that.”
The guy sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to settle for one of those donuts.”
“With strawberry or chocolate frosting?”
“Definitely strawberry.”
“Right, that will be 2 dollars then.”
Eddie could feel the guy’s eyes looking him over as he walked over to the cake disk. He put the donut carefully into a paper bag before returning to the register. There was a 5-dollar bill lying there, and the guy was smiling at him, showing off his semi-crooked teeth. “Keep the change, cutie.”
Eddie couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with that smile. The guy obviously had lots of charm and charisma and was probably a natural flirt too. Having way too much pride and being the stubborn man that he was, Eddie was not going to fall for it. The guy might be cute, but he did look like a mess. His hair was chaotic, his eyes tired and just like his friend, he looked like he had been up all night. 
Eddie smiled timidly while handing over the paper bag. “Thank you.”
When grabbing the bag, the guy brushed his fingers over Eddie’s, evidently on purpose, and Eddie cursed himself when the touch left tingles prickling on his skin.
“You know, I think it was destiny that we met.” The guy had his elbow on the counter, his chin resting in his palm, eyes never leaving Eddie’s face.
Eddie raised his eyebrows dejectedly. “Yeah? How so?”
“Because…” the guy raised his other hand, pointing his finger in the air as if trying to make a point. “Literally not even 10 minutes ago, me and Bill here”, he pointed to his friend, “we were walking down the street, and talking about how much we wanted donuts. And suddenly, out of nowhere, your cute little shop pops up with a sign saying you have donuts.” The guy smiled wider. “I think that’s fucking destiny.”
“I think that’s just called a coincidence.” Eddie was trying his hardest not to sound mean. He was in his work place, and took his job very seriously. Treating costumers nicely was very important for the shop’s reputation. This guy was making it very fucking difficult.
The guy just kept smiling despite the rejecting tone to Eddie’s voice. “No, I don’t think so. What I think, is that I just met the love of my life.”
Eddie couldn’t help the surprised sound escaping his throat. His face was probably as red as the sunrise outside.
“Richie,” the other guy said. “Can we puh-please go huh-home now?”
Richie just raised his hand at the guy, still looking at Eddie. “Just a moment.”
The guy, clearly frustrated, rubbed his hands over his fatigued face. “You said five muh-minutes.”
Richie turned around then. “Bill, if this was the other way around, I would wingman the hell out of you right now. Are you really trying to ruin this for me?” It seemed like he was trying to whisper even though the volume was very much the same.
Eddie looked over at Stan, and Stan was smiling at him amusedly, clearly entertained by the situation. Traitor.
“We’ve buh-been awake all n-night, the alcohol is out of our suh-system, and you’ve guh-got your donut.” The guy, Bill, was looking ready to pass out, and Eddie felt sorry for him.
“Wait, you’ve been out drinking?” Stan said from where he was now standing behind the cake disk. “Who goes out to party on a Sunday?”
“Irrelevant”, Richie said, looking back at Eddie. “What matters is that I’ve found my soulmate.”
Eddie scoffed, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t even know me.” 
Richie shrugged. “Well, let me take you out then so I can get to know you.” The tone of his voice was much more sincere than flirtatious now, and Eddie was angry with himself for believing it.
He was struggling to find a response, not really wanting to reject the guy anymore. He was very cute and charming, and once again, exactly the kind of guy Eddie would usually fall for.
While Eddie was thinking over his words, Richie opened the paper bag and took a bite of the donut. Every word Eddie was forming in his brain flew out the window as the guy moaned while chewing and looked at Eddie in shock.
“Did you make this?”
Eddie nodded, his mouth slightly open. “Uhm, yes.”
The guy stared at him, his lips coated in pink frosting. “Marry me.”
Eddie jerked backwards while Stan laughed.
“No seriously, we’re perfect together. I love donuts.” He pointed to himself. “And you”, he pointed at Eddie, “make the best fucking donuts I have ever tasted.” He started gesturing between the two of them. “If that’s not soulmates right there, then I don’t know.”
“It takes more than love for donuts to be soulmates, so no, I don’t think you know”, Eddie said.
“Ouch.” The guy placed a hand over his heart, laughing slightly.
Eddie couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“At least tell me your name then.”
Eddie had to consider for a second, but this guy was slowly winning him over. “It’s Eddie.”
“Eddie.” The guy nodded. “Beautiful name for a beautiful man.”
Stopping the blush from spreading over his cheeks was practically impossible at this point. “Thanks”, he answered softly.
“Has this coffee shop always been here? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”
“We opened just a couple weeks ago actually.”
“That’s really great, I hope it stays.” Richie smiled genuinely. “These donuts really deserve some true recognition.”
“Thanks, we hope so too.” Eddie smiled back.
“Well, I guess we’re off. Time to get this guy to bed”, Richie said, putting an arm around Bill who looked half asleep.
“Fuh-finally”, Bill yawned.
Richie dropped his arm from Bill’s shoulders as they started walking towards the door, and panic rose in Eddie’s chest. There was absolutely no guarantee he would ever see this Richie again, and despite his efforts of not giving into this guy’s flirtatious behavior, he really didn’t want him to leave. Seeing Richie walk out the door was like letting a beautiful opportunity slip through his fingers.
They were half way out the door, and Eddie spoke before he knew what he was doing “Wait!”
They turned around, Richie’s hand on the door handle. Eddie rushed to find a napkin and quickly scribbled down his number before he could change his mind. He had a feeling that he probably wouldn’t.
He reached out his hand, napkin hanging loosely from his fingers. “Here,” he smiled timidly, suddenly feeling scared that Richie wouldn’t want it after all.
A pleased grin took over Richie’s face as he slowly walked back to the counter. “Really?”
Eddie laughed nervously. “Yes, really.”
Richie reached out, caressing his fingers over Eddie’s as he took the napkin from Eddie’s grip. “Wow, I’ll text you as soon as I wake up tomorrow.”
Eddie grinned. “Don’t you mean later today?”
Richie laughed, crinkles appearing on the sides of his eyes. He looked beautiful. “Exactly.”
Bill tapped Richie on the shoulder.
“Right”, Richie said. “We’re going now.”
They started walking towards the door again, and as Bill opened the door, Richie turned back to look at Eddie. “You’re not going to regret this, Eds.”
“By calling me that, I’m already regretting it!” Eddie said lightheartedly.
The door was closing as Richie started laughing, filling the coffee shop with the beautiful sound one more time.
Eddie just stared at them as the two men talked outside for a second in the pink light.
“I can’t believe that just happened”, Stan said as he stepped up beside him. “Only you could get a date at 7am in the morning.”
Eddie tried glaring at him, but it was impossible with the massive smile on his face.
It was 7:30am when Richie and Bill stepped out of the coffee shop.
“I can’t believe you just did that”, Bill said. “There were so many people you cuh-could have picked up at the club but duh-didn’t, and instead you pick up someone fuh-fuh-from a coffee shop after we’re duh-done partying.”
Richie laughed. “Well, there weren’t anyone interesting in the clubs. You saw how cute he was, Bill.”
“Well, he wuh-was certainly your type.”
“I’m definitely marrying him.”
“Sure, Richie. Let’s go.”
As the two of them started walking down the street, Richie couldn’t stop himself from looking at the sidewalk sign once more. On the other side that they hadn’t seen on their way inside, it said “Have a brew-tiful day!” a drawn coffee cup with a smiley face grazing the bottom. “So fucking cute”, Richie muttered to himself.
Then he looked up at the coffee shop itself, seeing the name “Books and coffee” in a cursive pink font. He made a mental note of asking Eddie about the name the next time he saw him before turning around and following after Bill, the napkin safely tucked inside the pocket of his jean jacket.
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twenty-nothing · 4 years
1.) Have you ever eaten a “balanced breakfast” like they show in cereal commercials (I.E., bowl of cereal, fruit, glass of orange juice)? Yes, but not often
2.) When’s the last time you made someone breakfast? Can’t remember, it’s been a long time
3.) What’s your favorite cereal?
Frosted Flakes
4.) What’s the highest calorie, most terrible for you breakfast you’ve ever had? Eggs Benedict with extra hollandaise with side of biscuits and gravy!
5.) Would you rather get breakfast from McDonald’s or Burger King? McDonalds
6.) Waffles or pancakes? Ugh, I love both of them but I’m more into waffles right now
7.) Eggs or cereal? Eggs
8.) Milk or orange juice? Milk
9.) PopTart or Toaster Strudel? Toaster Strudel
10.) Do you even eat breakfast? Not very often, more likely on the weekend than during the week
11.) Do you take vitamins with your breakfast? No
1.) When do you usually eat lunch? One
2.) Did you get notes from your parents in your lunch when you were little? Yes
3.) If you had one, what did your lunch box look like? I started buying my lunch around middle school so I don’t remember any I had in elementary school
4.) What’d you have for lunch today? Chipotle
5.) Do you like to go out for lunch? Where? I love going out. Wherever is good with me, I’m not picky
6.) Do you have/want any cute sandwich cutters? (They decrust your sandwich into a shape) Yes, I have one that makes them into uncrustables
7.) Do you sit with/meet with anyone for lunch often? No
8.) Have you ever had a peanut butter and butter sandwich, or does it sound appealing at all? No, and eh not really
9.) Is your lunch usually a hot food or a cold food? Truly a mix of both
10.) Has the word “lunch” been repeated so many times it’s a meaningless word by now? No?
1.) Do you follow the health rule of having a small dinner and big breakfast? No, I do the opposite
2.) Do you ever say a prayer before eating dinner? No
3.) What’s your favorite take out dinner, if you have one? Pizza
4.) Have you ever been taken out to a nice restaurant for a dinner date? Yes
5.) Did you grow up eating dinner with your family? How do you think that affected you? Yes, every night. It was nice, always up to date with what was going on with everyone
6.) Do you have “nice” dinner plates for special occasions? No
7.) Do you ever eat frozen dinners? Yes
8.) What dinner foods can you cook? A handful of good pasta dishes, fajitas, breakfast for dinner lol
9.) White or red meat (or their vegetarian substitute counterparts)? I like both
10.) Soup or salad? Salad
1.) Do you ever get dessert at a restaurant when they ask? Almost never, I’m always too full to make it to dessert
2.) Is there a dessert food most people like that you hate? Hmm not really
3.) Cupcakes or real cake? Cupcakes
4.) Ice cream or pie? Pie
5.) What kind of birthday cake (or other sweet birthday type thing) do you usually get?
Double Chocolate
6.) What was your favorite childhood birthday cake? Ice cream cake
7.) Do you have a favorite foreign (to a Westerner, anyway :P) desserts? (Baklava, biscotti, churros…) Yes, churros, baklava and cannolis I love!
8.) Do you bake sweets? Which are you best at? Not really often
9.) Have you ever had a good “diet” dessert, like something endorsed by Weight Watchers? What was it? I’m actually on WW now. I love chocolate graham crackers with frozen cool whip in the middle, a play on the ice cream sandwich. 3 point dessert!
10.) What’s your dream dessert? Crepe with strawberries and melted chocolate chips
11.) Do you watch shows like Cake Boss or Cupcake Wars? No
1.) What’s the best candy in the world? Frozen Snickers Almond
2.) Do you eat more snacks or full meals? Meals
3.) Is there anything you find yourself eating when you’re bored? Chips 
4.) Do drinks with calories count as a snack? I guess, I don’t drink anything that’s not water very often
5.) What’s your favorite food that’s usually served at parties? Buffalo dip or rye boat dip
6.) Do you eat in class? If so, what is it, usually? I’m not in school
7.) Honestly, are your snacks healthy or bad for you? All depends what it is
8.) Potato chips or trail mix? Potato chips
9.) What do you usually get at the movie theater? Nothing, place is overpriced af
10.) Did you get fruit snacks with your favorite character on them when you were little? Yes and gushers lol
11.) Do you remember any sayings from conversation hearts? Which is your favorite? No lol
Food in general!
1.) Do you buy generic brand food? Yeah, about half the time
2.) Is there a common food you find repulsive? Beans
3.) What’s your favorite “ethnic” cuisine? Indian
4.) If you were stranded in a zombie apocalypse with only a full, run-of-the-mill and full-of-junk vending machine for food, which items would you eat first? Candy bars
5.) Are you a candy fanatic? I can be
6.) Do you like any weird food combinations? Mac and cheese with applesauce to dip
7.) Are there any foods you shouldn’t eat because of your religion? No
8.) Would you eat a bug if it was covered in your favorite food? Only for money lol
9.) Do you think being a vegan would be/is really hard? I think so
10.) Do you eat in the car? Not often
11.) Do you pay attention to serving sizes?
I have lately
12.) Fruit or vegetables? Veggies
13.) Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
14.) Does mayonnaise disgust you? No
15.) What’s your favorite holiday, in terms of the food you get to eat during it? Thanksgiving
16.) Are you hungry? (: What do you plan on eating next? Nope its 6, already ate at 4. Probably just a snack before bed. Chocolate graham crackers
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surveyjunkie · 8 years
Food Survey
Breakfast! 1.) Have you ever eaten a “balanced breakfast” like they show in cereal commercials (I.E., bowl of cereal, fruit, glass of orange juice)? Yes I have, but I’ve also added eggs, bacon, and a bunch of other stuff to that meal. Especially at breakfast buffets.
2.) When’s the last time you made someone breakfast? It’s been a while
3.) What’s your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms Cap’n Crunch and OREO O’S EVEN THOUGH THEY DON’T MAKE THEM ANYMORE
4.) What’s the highest calorie, most terrible for you breakfast you’ve ever had? The All Star Breakfast from Waffle House, but it cured my hangover
5.) Would you rather get breakfast from McDonald’s or Burger King? McDonald’s.
6.) Waffles or pancakes? Waffles.
7.) Eggs or cereal? I like both. Actually, I feel like I’m in the mood for cereal more so at night than for breakfast. < Same
8.) Milk or orange juice? Orange juice
9.) PopTart or Toaster Strudel? Pop Tart
10.) Do you even eat breakfast? Yes, I love it
11.) Do you take vitamins with your breakfast? Sometimes I take my medicine with it, but I don’t take vitamins
Lunch! 1.) When do you usually eat lunch? 1
2.) Did you get notes from your parents in your lunch when you were little? Sometimes?
3.) If you had one, what did your lunch box look like? I remember I had a tin lunch box with bears on it back in kindergarten. It had a matching thermos, too. 
4.) What’d you have for lunch today? I haven’t had lunch yet, I had a bagel and coffee earlier. 
5.) Do you like to go out for lunch? Where? The only places to go out around where I work are Subway and Chipotle. I usually choose Subway only because it’s closer and the line doesn’t go out the door at lunch. 
6.) Do you have/want any cute sandwich cutters? (They decrust your sandwich into a shape) I’ve never thought about it.
7.) Do you sit with/meet with anyone for lunch often? I sit at my desk and eat lunch there. Every now and then I’ll eat with my co-workers. 
8.) Have you ever had a peanut butter and butter sandwich, or does it sound appealing at all? Peanut butter and butter? No
9.) Is your lunch usually a hot food or a cold food? Cold, because I usually get subway
10.) Has the word “lunch” been repeated so many times it’s a meaningless word by now? No?
Dinner/Supper! 1.) Do you follow the health rule of having a small dinner and big breakfast? Sometimes. It just depends on how I feel. If I eat a big breakfast, then I skip lunch and have a huge early dinner, if I eat a big lunch, then I skip or have a small dinner. 
2.) Do you ever say a prayer before eating dinner? No
3.) What’s your favorite take out dinner, if you have one? Chinese
4.) Have you ever been taken out to a nice restaurant for a dinner date? Yes, fanciest one was McCormick & Schmick’s with my ex
5.) Did you grow up eating dinner with your family? How do you think that affected you? Not at the table, but yes. I don’t know, it was fine. I would have liked doing more actual family dinners at the table. My brother always took food back to his room so it would literally just be my mom and I eating and watching a show in the TV room. 
6.) Do you have “nice” dinner plates for special occasions? We have a china cabinet in the dining room at my mom’s that’s dedicated to holidays
7.) Do you ever eat frozen dinners? Mainly just frozen pizzas
8.) What dinner foods can you cook?
Tacos, pasta, and burgers
9.) White or red meat (or their vegetarian substitute counterparts)? Red meat
10.) Soup or salad? Salad.
Dessert! 1.) Do you ever get dessert at a restaurant when they ask? Someeetimes, if I ordered something small and I’m craving it
2.) Is there a dessert food most people like that you hate? Chocolate mousse, I don’t hate it, but it’s not my favorite. I’ll have one or two bites and then be done with it. Too rich for me. 
3.) Cupcakes or real cake? Cupcakes
4.) Ice cream or pie? Ugh why not both. Ice cream if I had to pick. 
5.) What kind of birthday cake (or other sweet birthday type thing) do you usually get? White chocolate raspberry bundt cake, because we have a family friend that owns a bundt cake shop and that’s the best flavor. 
6.) What was your favorite childhood birthday cake? I had one when I was 12 or 13 that had multiple layers in it. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream...it was delicious
7.) Do you have a favorite foreign (to a Westerner, anyway :P) desserts? (Baklava, biscotti, churros…) Alfajores, they’re Argentinean cookies with Dulce De Leche inside. They’re my absolute favorite.  
8.) Do you bake sweets? Which are you best at? I do, I guess I would say I’m best at brownies. I haven’t tried cooking much though. 
9.) Have you ever had a good “diet” dessert, like something endorsed by Weight Watchers? What was it? No
10.) What’s your dream dessert? Nutella brownie with fudge topping and ice cream. Yum. 
11.) Do you watch shows like Cake Boss or Cupcake Wars? I used to watch both of those back when I had cable. I don’t have it anymore so I can’t :(
Snacks! 1.) What’s the best candy in the world? Ugh I don’t know, there’s a lot. My top 3 are Lindt, Cadbury, and Reese’s. 
2.) Do you eat more snacks or full meals? Full meals. I barely eat snacks anymore. 
3.) Is there anything you find yourself eating when you’re bored? Chips, candy
4.) Do drinks with calories count as a snack? No...
5.) What’s your favorite food that’s usually served at parties? Pigs in a blanket or buffalo dip
6.) Do you eat in class? If so, what is it, usually? I’m not in school
7.) Honestly, are your snacks healthy or bad for you? I don’t really eat snacks anymore, but when I did they were healthy-ish. Like granola bars and trail mix and stuff. 
8.) Potato chips or trail mix? Chips. Chips and dip are the best snack.
9.) What do you usually get at the movie theater? Popcorn and a fountain drink. Sometimes raisinets or milk duds. 
10.) Did you get fruit snacks with your favorite character on them when you were little? Yes
11.) Do you remember any sayings from conversation hearts? Which is your favorite? "Ur hot” 
Food in general! 1.) Do you buy generic brand food? Sometimes.
2.) Is there a common food you find repulsive? Cole slaw
3.) What’s your favorite “ethnic” cuisine? Chinese
4.) If you were stranded in a zombie apocalypse with only a full, run-of-the-mill and full-of-junk vending machine for food, which items would you eat first? Ahh. That’d be hard because I’d want to spread it out as long as I could. I’d probably want to spare my favorites for last. <<
5.) Are you a candy fanatic? No.
6.) Do you like any weird food combinations? In my city, we eat spaghetti with chili, shredded cheddar cheese, and hot sauce on top and that is considered weird to the rest of the U.S.
7.) Are there any foods you shouldn’t eat because of your religion? No.
8.) Would you eat a bug if it was covered in your favorite food? No...
9.) Do you think being a vegan would be/is really hard? Yeah, I don’t know how people do that. I could never go without cheese. 
10.) Do you eat in the car? Yes. My car is gross right now. 
11.) Do you pay attention to serving sizes? I mean, no
12.) Fruit or vegetables? Vegetables. 
13.) Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup.
14.) Does mayonnaise disgust you? No. Mayonnaise is my favorite condiment. 
15.) What’s your favorite holiday, in terms of the food you get to eat during it? Honestly, Christmas. Only because I’m not a big turkey and stuffing fan and we make whatever we want. 
16.) Are you hungry? (: What do you plan on eating next? No, actually. Anytime I eat a bagel for breakfast I don’t end up being hungry until 4. It’s odd. I’ll probably get fast food. 
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