#where i am. my line manager has about 10000 other things going on
fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
Well I’m sleep deprived, I have a low level uti, I accidentally overshared to the wrong person and I yelled at a student because he disrespected someone who looked like my friend but wasn’t. How’s everyone’s Thursday going
#i can sleep in tomorrow thank fucking god. and i have decided from now on i’m doing admin at home#because realistically who’s gonna know? how will they know? are they going to track my phone? are they going to check every room#in a 4-storey building and ascertain i’m not there? as long as i continue to be decent at my job; is anyone realistically going to care#where i am. my line manager has about 10000 other things going on#i really doubt she’s going to give two shits if i’m working at home. like i’m still DOING work in my assigned hours#oh boo hoo; i didn’t get up at the asscrack of dawn to go send emails from the college library. who caresssss#uh. the student. right so one of the librarians looks a lot like one of my friends#she’s young and pretty and kind of speaks broken english and does not get taken seriously by a lot of the students because of all of this#so a boy came in drinking an obnoxiously large coffee and she said ‘only bottled drinks are allowed in here’ and he completely ignored her#he then made the mistake of coming to sit behind me and being annoying with his friend. so i whipped round and said ‘didn’t you hear her??#you can’t have that in here’ he finished it in front of me and went and threw it away lol#like my coworker who i was sitting with had to chug her coffee; you will too idiot#it had to be done. like i’m not going to sit there as a staff member with my giant badge on display and allow a student to disrespect#another staff member. it’s not right#personal
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Hello there! I hope everything is going well with you. (・∀・)
I have some questions. In CH 30 & 32 the Time Observer mentioned about the "price being too heavy/dear" & he mentioned that he never expected for Victor to choose that method to prevent the crisis. I was wondering what price is he talking about & what's "the method" he mentioned? & Victor collapsing in CH 32 was not from hitting the bullet I believe. What exactly happened there?
Also...I don't know the details but I think I saw it somewhere that Victor goes through different timelines & dimensions for 10000 years in the later part of the story...? I remember reading it in a R&S that every time he crosses a dimension he'd experience soul crushing pain... The mere thought of doing it for so long honestly made me feel traumatized. I was hoping you could give me some insights as to what exactly he was doing.
I hope I'm not bothering you with tons of questions & they made sense. Thanks a lot in advance! Have a good day! <3
Thank you, you too! :)
I hope I helped answered your questions here. It's quite long, so enjoy the read!
I did Victor’s Time Observer analysis and I’ll be heavily referencing that post to help answer this particular ask. Big thank you to @cheri-cheri and @ey8508 for help clarifying some of my thoughts concerning Victor this chapter! Spoilers down below! ⏱
“With great power comes great responsibility.” -The Peter Parker Principle
We all know Victor bears great power, but also with that comes great responsibility. He is the sole individual who has the will and power to alter time and space, however this develops drastic consequences to his health and to history- all for his love for MC.
Victor doesn’t care about this price- he is more concerned with whether he can prevent the death of the girl in every unpredictable future.
“The person who can save the world… is not me, but her. As for myself, I know my ending line and how much pain I can bear better than anyone. I would rather take such a risk.” -Chapter 35-36 Rumours and Secrets
Chapter 30-6
Victor is seen to be flanked by bodyguards on Adagio Street. Moments later, in a pure white space, we see the Time Observer addressing Victor.
I stood in the centre of the street, looking hesitantly around, but I was unable to spot that familiar figure.
In the dead of the night, from the distant horizon, there seemed to come the sound of a mechanical little violin.
In a boundless, pure white space, the music would be at time peaceful and solemn, and at others somber and mournful. After the final note, that pair of tightly-closed eyes opened.
The Time Observer looked at Victor, neither showing surprise.
That pale white hand brushed lightly over the violin strings, and his gravelly voice spoke up with the pluck of the string.
TO: “The natural rules of operations no longer supply. This world… in memory is a turbulent past and in imagination, there is no serene future. She should have stayed in that world. Her return was a mistake.”
Victor: “If you’re still here that means we still have a chance.”
TO: “A chance that comes at such a heavy cost. Is it really worth it? You will soon understand, in some things, you are doomed to helplessness. Try with all your might, and yet, it remains out of reach.”
Victor: “I won’t let her die again. No matter when."
This will foreshadow future events such as in Chapter 32, where Victor shows a demonstration of this.
Chapter 32-6
Amidst the scattering glass shards, I saw a number of bullets flying towards me.
Only one thought ran through my mind.
Am I going to die?
Chapter 32-8
In the darkness, a crack suddenly splits open, and a blinding light appears, obscuring my sight. My heartbeat practically came to a standstill, the pain I expected never came. The blinding light disappeared, instantaneously replaced by darkness.
Time seemed to pause for a second.
The pitch black bullets, the fractured glass, the car in mid-air…
And then it fell all heavily to the ground.
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And in this moment, Victor challenged “fate”, or rather, the “natural rules of operations”, stated by the Time Observer.
I reached out and grabbed the black clothing fluttering before me. Even my voice was trembling.
MC: “Victor…”
I looked in a daze at the man before me, at those fierce eyes beneath his wind-blown hair.
He was looking back at me, as if trying to etch me into his eyes with his deep gaze. But there was another emotion hidden within as well.
After confirming he was unharmed, I let out a sigh, then looked anxiously into his eyes.
MC: “What are you doing here?”
Victor: “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”
But this time, his voice was flat.
MC: “I’m sorry… but I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m not unaware of the danger… I must simply stay and stop them.”
I hastily wanted to get Victor out of danger, but his feet were planted firmly. I looked up, to get a look at his expression.
His voice was steady, stopping me in my tracks.
Victor: “I see.”
MC: “You really believe I can stop them?”
Victor: “I said before, even if you don't trust yourself, always trust me. I won’t do anything I'm not sure I can handle. Go what you think needs to be done.”
He patted the back of my head lightly, with a hint of tremor in his voice. He didn’t ask me or stop me, as if he already knew the choice I’d made.
So, while the STF agents and runaway Evolvers were battling, MC was literally going to die at that moment. But Victor enters- using his Evol to stop time, ultimately stopping the bullets and MC’s death.
I whirled around, hoping to catch sight of him.
MC: “Victor!”
I wanted to tell him I’d done it, that I really had prevented this crisis.
A faint worry floated up in my chest. What about Victor?
Medic: “Someone, come quick! There’s another person here!”
I turned and hurried to the end of the bridge.
I then quickly found him.
Ringed by a crowd of people, there he was, the person I would recognise anywhere.
It was…
I halted my steps for a moment, then ran to him without hesitation.
I broke into a panic.
Chapter 32-10
Victor… What happened to him??
I pushed the crowd aside and frantically ran to him.
His face was pallid, eyes squeezed shut, his hair plastered messily to his forehead with sweat. I grasped his hand, unable to believe how icy cold it felt to the touch.
MC: "How could you… Why did you…”
Just then, those eyes shut with pain cracked open. He pursed his lips and then coughed violently, blood started trickling out. Even like that, he still chuckled weakly.
Victor: “I used to think… that your problem was that you thought you could control fate all by yourself. Stubborn, self-reliant, in over your head. Whenever anyone tried to tell you anything, no matter what they said, it was always in one ear and out the other.”
Although it sounded a little weak, his voice was unusually calm, and didn’t really even pause or halt. Almost if, if he stopped, he wouldn't be able to start again.
Victor: “But I really did learn a little something from you. You are the thing unto yourself, so only know the best what your values and decisions should be. No one can guide you. And just like I can’t hold you back, you also can’t change this decision that I’ve made. Don’t ask why, this time, just let me say my piece.”
His voice grew weaker, but he managed to lift his right hand and place it over mine.
I clasped his hand, and a feeling of suspense and dread came over me like I'd never felt before.
MC: “I know… I know… You don’t have to say more.”
He was afraid of something, but not because his life was slipping away. It was more like… something would happen.
Victor closed his eyes, completely exhausted. I squeezed his hand tighter, as if trying to hang on to those remnants of warmth.
You have to make it through this.
A man standing by the riverside swiped his hand through the fog, swiped his hand through the fog, stirring it up into an erratic vortex.
Zero: “Did he actually…”
TO: Like I said before, he is the most suitable candidate.”
Zero: “But he refused to help us open the Door of Return.”
TO: “Perhaps it’s only temporary, and he’ll change his mind. I didn’t imagine he’d choose this method for preventing this crisis. Too bad… the price was so dear.”
After Victor saves MC from death, she finds him on the ground- pale and in terrible pain. Throughout Victor’s time with MC, we slowly see the influence he has on her- and the influence she has on him. He tells her that while she shoulders everything on her own and never listens to anyone, she did teach him things in the process. With her love and kindness, she strives to defy “nature's course” and saves worlds. Literally.
You were correct, Victor didn’t suffer injuries from the bullets because he stopped them just in time but Victor is overusing his Evol, and it’s gradually taking a toll on his body. Even back before MC crossed over to the Winter World, Victor was trying to find other alternative ways for MC to live and not sacrifice herself. Unfortunately, there were none. He did also suffer immense pain whenever he time traveled, especially when it led to his time travel pocket watch cracking and breaking in the end.
Victor would normally be practical and very principled in how he executes his plans, but this time around, it was him. This- he- was the plan. That's it. This is similar to how Victor opened a time rift to send MC away in Chapter 18- to somewhere and sometime in space. He waited for her to come back with the help of the Time Observers to confirm her safety. Only someone with his powerful Evol could do that, otherwise they’d risk losing consciousness in the “Time Rift”.
Additionally, he held onto that hope that MC could and would be saved in the end, like how he tried to find her for 17 years after the orphanage incident, not knowing whether she was dead or alive. Victor wants to wield that control, denying “helplessness” and “winning all the bets” he had with MC prior to her “death” in Chapter 18. Victor stated that if she couldn’t trust herself, then she should trust him and his decisions to protect her. Even if it’s detrimental to his health. Life-threatening, even. Because in the end, Victor knows he will always win. He just does.
And since he knows that he won’t be able to stop MC from doing what she wants, we now see him fully embracing then acting upon it. He accepts that she’s her own person and he has grown to have so much faith in her, seeing how she successfully survived Winter World then coming back home safe. It’s almost like- “okay. It’s you and me against the world”.
On the sidelines, Time observer and ZERO both observe, surprised that Victor will pay such a high price to avoid MC’s death from occurring- with the risk of his own. Could they have lost their most powerful time Evolver from this incident?
Though, we shouldn’t be surprised that the Time Observers think that Victor would be so foolish to use his Evol up to the point where it would actually kill him just to save MC. It's literally in their name- “Observers''- they haven’t and aren’t even allowed to actively participate in the events that happened in Loveland, let alone the different histories and worlds that existed, other than claiming to “correct it” by influencing other people who can. They don’t appear to have this kind of empathy in understanding Victor and why he wants to save MC’s life, or how important she is to him.
“You misunderstand. We never alter, we are correctors of history. We want you to join us, your power’s scope of influence has already surpassed the dimension of this current world. Before you are rejected by it…”
Victor: “I will not leave this world.”
“Even if you’ve seen the future of what is all to pass?”
Victor: “No matter what happens, the person I’m seeking for is right here.” -Black Curtain: Chapter 6
Also taken from my Time Observer Analysis-
Since Victor’s Evol is strong and has the capability to do more than “observe” like the Time Observers, he is the one who is deemed the most suitable and more responsible for “grasping the time in the past and the future”. Ever since STF found out about Victor’s Evol, they wanted him to cooperate with them too. Every time he stops time, certain surrounding energy and space changes.
The organisation also entertains the idea of fate, and how things should be refused to be changed. Since they have “seen the future of how the world ends”, they want Victor to cooperate with them in making it stop. Nobody can rewrite the ending among them, except him. Victor refuses to join because he doesn’t adhere to this idea.
“QUEEN’s return has brought unexpected consequences; the entire collapse of the world is ahead of schedule. The world’s line has come to an end, no matter through time or space, we can no longer interfere in this world.” Was there a difference in letting each world go to the end alone to close all the world lines in the future directly? Although we found a breakthrough, this situation really caused us a lot of headaches: she who should not have survived and she should not have been sent to other worlds. As a result, it would seriously interfere and disrupt the timeline. No one had done it before, and no one except Victor could do it.
In disbelief, we weighed it and threw the olive branch- as long as he is willing to cooperate, we will help him find her. As decisive as he was to refuse a few times before, this time he had promised me without thinking. And for a moment, I didn’t know if his decisiveness was good or bad. -Chapter 33-34 Rumours and Secrets
Victor "travelling ten-thousand years in the future" was mentioned in his Chapter 35-36 Rumours and Secrets. The Space and Time Administration (who the Time Observers were under) could "repair his abilities", after he stopped the bullets from hitting MC. He would have to stay there for the Space and Time Administration's time duration of ten-thousand years. Victor accepts. (BIG THANKS TO @cheri-cheri FOR CORRECTING ME LAST MINUTE WITH THIS ONE, YOU AMAZING HUMAN!!)
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letsdiscoverkitty · 3 years
Home/Family Update - May 2021
I will take this right back to when I was discharged from the Priory in December. From there I moved back home with my parents; it was a bit of a difficult transition as I didn't have any home leave in the lead up to being discharged due to COVID and my consultant wanting me to make the most of my time on the ward. Add to that my EDP going completely awol, meaning that our whole 4 week pre-discharge meetings and relapse prevention plan went out the window. So yes it was a bit of a rocky start, and that is without you factoring in COVID lockdown/Christmas.
Being discharged from an IP setting is never easy no matter who you are; changes in environment and routine can throw you off track without you even realising it and I did find myself struggling with this. I also had the difficult navigation of adapting to coming home in terms of my dad and his recovery. For those who might not know, last March my dad fell down the stairs in the middle of the night the day that my parents arrived home after a month in NZ. He suffered 3 brain bleeds (a subdural, an extradural and a subarachnoid), multiple facial fractures and a break in his spine. That night was one of, if not THE, worst of my life. We were told that it was very likely that he would not survive and that if he did he would be in a vegetated state or not able to take care of himself...we were told to prepare for the worst. By some MIRACLE he defied all the odds and at the age of 74 after spending 11 or so days on the ICU, a further 2 weeks on a trauma ward and then another 3 months in a neuro rehab, he was discharged home and is now, a year on from the accident, completely independent, no sign of further brain bleeds and is actually much fitter than he has been for, well, 50 years! Honestly, we never expected anything like this sort of recovery and from an outside perspective he is doing perfectly. However, there are things that will never be the same again and I don't think it is until you are with someone 24/7 that you are able to tell. He has changed quite a bit as a person; in some ways this is a good thing but in other ways it is not so. He cannot deal with changes in environment or routine; even things like having the bread on the side instead of in the bread bin completely throws him off and he doesn't even register that the bread is there. He gets very easily agitated, can be extremely rude and a little aggressive. Now some of this was already there (a lot of it was) but it has become more acutely obvious since the head injury. I have SO much respect and love for my mum - I really dont know how she has held herself up over the past 2 years, as well as helping dad when he was initially transitioning home (I was still in hospital but it sounded like he needed a lot of help for the first few months - which I only saw an inch of when they were able to visit me in hospital (he used to wander off and didn't know where he was etc. which is thankfully no longer and issue!)).
This is hard for me to say but I will admit that I have struggled more than I thought I would with being around him; in short I pretty much went through the whole mourning process whilst I was in hospital as the last time i saw him on the trauma ward before they stopped all visits and before I was admitted, he didn't know who I was...He thought he lived in another country and was telling me all sorts of stories that were fabricated, before telling me that he needed to go and pick up the mercedes and drive to sainsburys to get the Gin and petrol (we don't have a mercedes and he doesn't even like gin!) Anyway, I digress. So yes, I basically mourned for someone who was still alive physically but mentally had changed as at the time I didn't know whether he would be in a vegetated state or make a good recovery. Thankfully we are on the good side and he is doing so incredibly well but the bottom line is that he is different and living with him, at the age of 26, is HARD. We have good days and bad days (as any young adult who lives with their parents does) and there are many many days that I wish I wasn't living at home but I do my best to hold myself together during those times, especially for my mum because she, I tell you, is absolutely incredible. How she has put up with him for so long I honestly do not know!
Talking of mum, I would say that since the whole accident with dad, we have become a LOT closer. We really had to lean on each other over that month; we were driving down to Brighton every single day to see dad on the ICU and on the Trauma ward until we were stopped from visiting - it was mentally and physically exhausting for the both of us, especially as we were still barely processing the trauma and struggling with flashbacks in the night. We were the first ones on the scene of the accident (if it weren't for mum's medical training, dad would not be alive today). Of course we still have our moments but I feel like our relationship almost "levelled up and matured over the past year. We have bonded over being in nature and walking (because what else can you do when the country is in lockdown!?! but also because we have always been an "outdoors" family (well my mum, Andi and me have))- we also talk about dad and the accident quite a bit too, which has helped me beyond belief (and her too). We give each other space, and yes there are days when we dont get on but who doesn't have days when they dont?
On balance I would say that home is "okay". It is manageable. No the environment is not perfect and I do find it affects my mental health quite a bit and holds me back in some ways (I cannot wait to be able to move out one day) but I am incredibly grateful to have parents that are willing to and can afford to take me under their roof and help me out during this time.
Gosh, this has already ended up so much longer than I thought it would, I am sorry! In short: home life is okay. We are here and that is the most important thing. We saw Andi a two-ish weeks ago as we were in Cornwall for our usual time-share (we were so lucky that Boris allowed self catering two weeks before our usual time share week) - I think it was good for them to get out of their flat as I don't think they had left the small area where they live since last September when we went down to Cornwall (I was given leave for a week as it was sold to my consultant to help my dad's recovery, which is definitely did but yes we did pull the right strings to get that one!)
Anyway, I shall leave this update here and start the mammoth task of the next one. I am sorry that this is taking me so long, it's quite hard to write and think back and reflect (although actually quite helpful for me to do) so I do find that I have to come back to it a few times. Please stick with me x
I forgot to add that dad had an assessment before we went away to Cornwall to see whether he can have his driving license back and (as mum and I predicted) he failed. To say that he did not take it well would be putting it lightly!!! I am actually ashamed of the way that he behaved and the things that he said/the reasons he fabricated as to why he had failed (let's just say he got sexist and rude - which I have ZERO time for and was appalled by him - I am so glad I was not with him/mum after the assessment as I would have blown my fuse at hime). He could not even entertain the idea that he had failed. He blamed everything/anything else that he could - even saying that it was the system and one of the first things he said to me was "I understand now, I've worked it out, it's the system, they aren't allowed to pass many people first time so that's it", which I just *speechless*. Mum and I have talked about it a lot and we don't think that he has ever "failed" at anything in his life. He also believes that he is 10000%. fixed and has no issues or problems and doesn't need any support or guidance. He refuses to listen to mum and I when we try to tell him about how unwell he was, he refuses to believe it and won't take it. One thing that mum and I are very glad of is that all of this driving stuff is OUTSIDE of the family. He can't put it on us. It is coming from an external place and we can support him if he lets us but that is his decision as to whether he lets us or not. He has never been a good patient; and he also won't take any advice (in anything) from mum or let her be right about something either, which is just sad, really sad. This is not a new thing, it has always been this way. And the more I reflect on our family/have reflected over the past year with dad in hospital, the more I see that I don't like. The way dad has behaved and treated mum, how he was always missing in my childhood, how alcohol always came above family, how old fashioned and unwilling to learn he is, how distant and uninterested he was, how he never says please or thank you, never asks how anyone is and refuses to talk about mental health (yep, despite so much going on in our family with mental illnesses, he refuses to talk about it and won't even ask "how are you?" or offer support etc)...I don't mean to be so negative about him, I really don't. I love him, he is my dad, but there is a lot of healing that needs to be done, and it is going to take time.
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dellinah · 3 years
With the new ep coming soon, have a quick Helluva Boss review by me
This is not my opinion these are hard facts and I don't accept anything else ty (obvious joke is obvious)
Works well enough as a pilot, but aged poorly when compared to the actual episodes. The cutaway gag style reminds me of Family Guy, which isn't a good thing but works ok enough to show off their personalities in a quick way. However, I think they were still very surface level (especially compared to their recent development in the episodes). Loona was especially unlikeable in the pilot (other than one scene with the smile) and they seem to have only one trait explored which is their main personality trait, it makes them a bit too cartoony. The writing was a bit sloppy with the cutaway of them killing the wrong person suddenly becoming the main plot. But as a pilot, it works fine and the scenes with Moxxie and Blitzo were really funny. Millie and Loona don't really get the chance to suck you in and are kinda just there, but that's fair as a pilot only has so much time to show so much. I'm just glad the show turned out to be MUCH better than this made me think it would be. I was scared they'd rely too much on cutaways and never have actual plots, but the episodes are almost nothing like the pilot. And since that's a good thing... yeah, the pilot is fine, but I'm glad the show is different from it
Episode 1:
It does a good job at showing off the personalities that were outlined in the pilot (Moxxie is insecure and angry, Blitzo is careless, Loona is mean, Millie is energetic), but other than Moxxie, I think they could have done more by using smart dialog to define and show their interactions. They're still very 'one-trait'. Also goes a bit deeper into how the imps work which was cool to learn. I really like the jokes in this one! The bits of lore they give us was also appreciated. However, I think it's the less memorable of the episodes so far. It's a good average episode: they do what they're meant to, there are good jokes, but other than Moxxie's development, nothing about this episode will stick with you - there's not much to it other than the basic plot. So much so that this is the one people talk about the least in my experience. The character interactions are a bit deeper, but again, nothing stands out about it and we don't learn that much about them. It probably aged poorly as well, it was much better when it was the only ep but now it doesn't reach the standards set by the other eps. Good average ep, but you won't think much about it once it's done
Episode 2
This to me is where the show truly shines. Not only was it beautifully animated, it has everything that makes Helluva Boss great: good characters trying to survive each other in a shit yet interesting environment. Stolas and Octavia steal the show and it does a full 180 on Stolas, turning him from a horny slut to a caring dad that is trying his best (albeit, still horny). Octavia is a beautifully written character, as they manage to make a teen emo daughter that isn't annoying or obnoxious, but even make us feel for her as the family falls apart in a believable way. All the characteds (other than Loona) FINALLY get the deeper personality exploration that I think lacked in the previous episodes. The interactions they have with each other do a great job at a 'show, don't tell' and you actually start liking them more after this one as they get more of a personality. Learning about Blitzo's past and the clown character are also great plot points. This episode is pretty much flawless and everything about it is great: the interactions are deep and well written, the personalities shine, the plot is interesting, you feel for the characters, it's funny, it makes you feel and all the characters are incredibly likeable - with no one being in the wrong and just making us see different perspectives from layered characters. I cannot praise it enough so just know it's perfect. The only bad thing about this ep is that it sets such a high stardand other eps might look worse in comparision. And if that's the only bad thing you have to say about an ep, then it's pretty damn good
Episode 3
Another amazing episode. While not as heartfelt as Episode 2, it's still very charming and memorable with GREAT character moments. Millie gets some much needed screen time that finally shows another side of her as a caring yet badass wife. Drunk Moxxie was especially funny and props to the va for the golden delivery of his lines (for real, the sounds he makes are amazing. And who could forget the I aM nOt A pOsSuM line. Iconic). Loona finally gets an episode focused on her, so now all 4 main characters have gotten better. The episode has many good points, but the interactions between Loona and Blitzo as their relationship gets more defined and sets up more mysteries about their past are GREAT. Again, amazing 'Show, don't tell' stuff that makes you feel for dad and daughter that struggle together to love each other as such. They also managed to portray a teen crush and a protective dad without making them annoying or obnoxious. A lot of cute and angsty, memorable moments between them as well as great Loona development as she becomes more vulnerable. It almost outshines the main plot of Blitzo's ex, but she's a good character and their banter ties up with the blitzo/loona plot so you never forget what is going on and it all comes together nicely at the end. Beautiful father-daughter angst and a great portray at the struggles they face with adoption. Probs the funniest ep to date. Verosika is another great character and I hope she shows up again. Honestly, no major complaints
Here's to hoping for another great ep!
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romefm · 5 years
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i’m   like   95%   sure   i   have   an   assignment   due   tomorrow   and   it’s   already   midnight   ........   so   naturally   i’m   procrastinating   so   my   world   title   of   Captain   Dumbass   doesn’t   ever   come   into   question   👸👸   this   is   recycled   bc   i’m   chronically   incapable   of   effort   but   tl:dr   he’s   literally   the   embodiment   of   every   shitty   dude   u   have   the   misfortune   of   running   into   at   the   bar   :/   but   he’s   held   a   door   open   for   an   old   lady   1.5   times   in   his   life   so   all   is   forgiven   😉
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  rome  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about him crashing  his  car  while  drunk  and  attempting  to  flee  the  scene  because  of  their pride.  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  pierce  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  pike because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  , he is  better  off  staying  put  in  atlanta ,  georgia  and  living  off  that  500m  family  net  worth. what’s  the  point  in  studying  psychology  with  plans  to play  in  the  nfl  ,  is  it  worth  it with what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  protective  &  lion-hearted because  the  irascible  &  machiavellian  attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  . 
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 : roman gabriel pierce
𝖆𝖌𝖊 : twenty - one
𝖉𝖔𝖇 : june 15th , 1998
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 / 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘 : he / him
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 
𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 6‘2″  🤡
𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: having graduated from the title of white man’s wh*re , he is now cordially referred to as the white man’s beefcake . he treats gym sessions like a therapy visit , clocking in at a friendly 220 lbs . like all gym rats w/o a personality , he keeps his hair short on the sides n longer on top , a la this look . he has a scar running along the inside of his right arm from when he broke it , and another that splits his left eyebrow from his eighteenth birthday
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : resident waste of space , quarterback for the hollingsworth mumbles ( update : it’s panthers ... they’re the panthers ) , least favorite son of the year recipient 1998 - 2019 .
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓 : atlanta , georgia .
second son of hall of fame ex falcons qb , miles pierce , and entrepreneur and daughter of a famed manhattan - based art collector , amélie pierce – rome’s future was pretty non - negotiable since day one . as soon as they could stumble around enough to pass for walking , miles had his sons enrolled in as many football programs as he legally could .
when rome was young , he loved it . the attention , the praise he received for his quickness despite being one of the smallest kids on the field . plus , going to his father’s games and being recognized as miles pierce’s kids was also fun . soon came time for the inevitable retirement on the heel of a downward - trending career , and after that things … changed .
suddenly , it was less praise and more demands . earlier practices , with his father making rome and his brother run drills until they were sick . suddenly , things that were previously good weren’t good enough , despite how much better his sons continued to be .
as anyone with half a brain could guess , these pressures eventually began to take their toll . with interests in anything else repressed by his father’s insistence that football is and always will be the most important thing in life , rome began to emulate his father’s aggressive attitude , first bringing it to the field and then , more notably , to his personal life . failed relationships , fights at school , sneaking home late absolutely blitzed out of his mind – none of the behaviors were healthy , but they were enough to take the weight of his father’s hands off of his shoulders , if only for a moment . until papa helicopter parent found out , that is .
tw abuse : despite his sons catering to his every will , miles’ incessant anger began to worsen , and soon a lot of the verbal abuse had started to become physical , too . sure , rome knew that it was wrong , but he also thought that maybe if he’d been better in the game last night , or worked harder at practice , maybe he’d stop .
he made varsity his freshman year of high school and took his team to the state championships , expecting his dad to finally approve of something he’d done . instead , he came home to the news that his mother was leaving – that his parents were splitting up and that this had been a long time combing . safe to say this mama’s boy ass bitch was devastated.
tw death : his dad only sunk deeper into his madness , but all that anyone else could see is that rome was throwing further , moving faster , and making better plays . a non - football related injury left him with a broken arm , and it was on the way home from the hospital that his father received the call that his ex - wife had taken her own life . devastated part ii , coming soon to a theater near you !
tw drugs , alcohol , general debauchery : the partying worsened . rome had entered a phase in his life where he was looking for something – anything to completely wipe his mind of any and all thoughts . the drugs , the alcohol , it was all a coping mechanism , but it definitely wasn’t a healthy one . soon , his brother left for college thousands of miles away , and rome found out that that fifth of rum goes down a lot easier after doing a few lines beforehand .
he chose to go to college in cali not because he wanted to , but because his dad knew that hollingsworth was a great school for scouting attention . in his midst of an extended bender compounded by having training now twice a day everyday on top of college courses , he decided to join pike – and he absolutely loves it .
he chose to major in psych because he wants to understand why his dad hates him so much skjfjks dumb b*tch .
also last summer he may or may not have allegedly accidentally wrapped his masterati around a telephone pole and gotten a dui . in reality , it was his brother’s accidental doing after a rather... heated argument between the two , but roman told him to gtfo and he’d take the fall because his bro finally managed to escape his dad and rome didn’t want him to suffer the same fate . it made headlines , but his dad pulled approximately 6 billion strings to get him conditionally reinstated to the team .
spent the summer before his junior year chillin in rehab , but he relapsed shortly after . consistency is key here , kids.
still bender - adjacent , but he’s kept it more lowkey because the nfl draft is coming in hot .
he really ………….. kinda sux , objectively sfdkjsdfjk . personality-wise and bc he has a southern accent .
he has so , so much pent up frustration and anger directed at his father and himself that it manifests in some pretty shitty behaviors .
he’s definitely controlling ( as a consequence of having v v little control over his own life ) , and he’ll manipulate any situation he deems worthy of his effort just to assure that he isn’t in any state of vulnerability .
i know yall get it , he vapes , but he’s definitely the kind of guy to try to keep the party running til 5 am and get pissed when people tell him that maybe he should stop .
he will provoke anyone and anything ( even inanimate objects ) if found in a self - destructive enough mood .
has a notoriously short temper , but what kind of gym rat doesn’t .
manages to still attain a 4.0 ( and in his words , psych is easy ) , so that’s another thing that makes it difficult for him to understand that his lifestyle is … per se … problematique .
10000% has sent a plethora of  u up ? texts
kinda gets a little .. hm .. sad sometimes but that’s only after everyone bails from the party n he’s left alone in a dirty ass frat house sdkfsdjk
definitely an irredeemable trash bag and pls don’t think of him any other way
is definitely fiercely loyal to the 2.5 people who can tolerate him .
currently in an uber ride to hell , but 10/10 hit the option so that his uber driver can’t talk to him 🤡
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Nikaido Yamato: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 3
Tsumugi: Everyone seems like came back, so I’ll restart to collecting requests. Please take care of continuing!
5: Yamato-san, I’m sorry about the photo.
2: Even though I told you not to…
5: But, it was an amazing photo right!
100: Right right! It was a cute photo~ (*´ェ`*)
8: Like a family of ducks but it’s cats instead was a good photo.
Anesagi: It felt like he was trying to be too cute, but since it’s private, it’s fine. 
T: Seems like everyone has their comments but I also think it’s a wonderful photo!
T: So then, I’ll start collecting requests. Let’s go from Mitsuki-san onwards!
3: Got it! 
3: From me it’s, “What Are The Things They Like” Quiz!
2: Quiz?
3: A quiz where you try to guess what the members like with five hints. Thinking about what that person likes is positive so it’s good right!
2: Even without hints, I feel like I at least understand what you like from being together this much.
3: You are thinking too easy, Yamato-san. Even though I have a lot of sides I haven’t shown you yet!
2: Like you actually can walk a crosswalk alone?
3: I’m not a kid!
7: Somehow, it’s been a long time since we did that!
6: It’s heartwarming :-)
1: Because Nii-san’s charms are wide-ranging. It would be an unexpectedly difficult quiz.
4: Iorin is being proud of that
1: I am confident I could guess it.
T: I’m also curious about the things everyone likes!
T: Next is Yamato-san please!
2: “Change the corner’s name to “Snack Yamato” and drink beer while running the radio”
2: That’s it.
T: The other day you said you wanted to do the free talk corner over the request corner but, you were serious huh!
2: Cuz this corner is bad for my heart.
3: And anyways, is it fine to do the radio while drinking?
10: Like an adult’s talk variety show huh. I’m interested too.
Anesagi: You can’t!
8: Stop it, Ryuu.
9: No.
4: So-chan can’t either!
5: I haven’t said anything, Tamaki-kun.
10: Even though I thought it would be good to have an adult atmosphere...
T: Alcohol might be difficult but I’ll consult with the show’s staff!
2: Please positively consider this.
T: So then, how about Yaotome-san next? 8: From me it’s “I want Nikaido to do a serious movie report.”
8: Cuz Nikaido appears in a lot of movies. I’m interested in what he would focus on while watching them.
2: Yaotome also likes watching movies huh.
3: Yamato-san doesn’t say his impressions much when he watches them huh. I might be curious too!
8: Telling each other our impressions after getting out of the theater is also pleasure right?
2: Aren’t movie impressions different from person to person. I thought I shouldn’t interfere with it.
8: I want to hear your differing opinions too tho.
2: A serious movie report huh.Got it. I’ll think about it.
8: THX.
T: For Yamato-san, there are lots of requests that related to acting and movies huh!
T: Next, how about we hear a request from Tsunashi-san?
10: It’s a little different from a request but being a witness is OKAY right?
T: Yes! This corner can do anything, like something you want them to do, absurd requests, and being a witness of what they have done.
10: Great! Actually, before this, I saw Yamato-kun at the unexpected place and thought his fans would be happy to hear about this.
2: Eh?
2: An unexpected place huh? Where did I go?
2: When was it?
10: Maybe evening?
2: Evening huh...
10: I was surprised. I didn’t think you had any interest in that kind of place.
10: Yamato-kun is unexpectedly… wait,  I shouldn’t say it here huh!
6: I’m curious about Yamato’s unexpected side.
3: I can’t believe Tsunashi-san brought a tip-off; he is a dark horse.
2: My heart’s really pounding but… 
2: But, it’s Tsunashi-san so it’s probably not that bad a story...
10: Have I surprised you? I think it’ll be something I’ll consult with Tsumugi-chan about secretly!
T: The agency will check it before hand, so please feel safe! If it was barely over the line, I would consult with Tsunashi-san…!
2: Where is the line?!
T: I’m curious with the unexpected tip-off but, I want to continue with collecting requests.
T: Momo-san, please take it away!
100: Mine is probably close to Yamato’s wish! “Do a free talk from a chosen keyword.”
2: A free talk?
2: I’m grateful to it, but because it was a mild request, it was unexpected.
100: Even though it’s a free talk, it’s not always mild. Since I’m the one who prepares the keyword. lol
100: You’re the oldest in IDOLiSH7 so I can choose something naughty (*ノ▽ノ)
2: When Momo-san says naughty, it would really be a naughty one...
10000: We are selling them in a neat and clean way, so please don’t be hard on him.
100: Right! It’s February so I’ll choose something like a food episode!!
2: Banri-san, you’re super handsome. Thank you.
100: You just understood that now?! You’re slow!
10000: Thanks, you two. I’m embarrassed.
1000: Manager doesn’t make the idols excited.
T: A food episode sounds interesting! So then, how about Yuki-san last?
1000: My request is “I want to hear Yamato-kun’s parody song.”
2: My parody song...?
1000: You have a “Twelve Hits!” song right. With that song, please sing a parody song.
1000: The topic is gonna be a surprise until the actual day.
2: It’s impromptu?!
2: That’s too difficult!
1000: That’s why I want to hear it.
7: I want to hear Yamato-san’s parody song!
3: He would be confused lol Sounds interesting lol
1000: I’m looking forward to it too ^ ^
2: I’m seriously going to pray I don’t pick this one...
T: Yuki-san, thank you for the surprising and fun request!
T: Seems like there’s nothing left! Please look forward to whose requests will be picked for the on-air!
6:Tsumugi, won’t you do that thing this time too? I definitely want to hear the requests for us from Yamato, who’s birthday is soon.
3: It’s almost your birthday huh! Congrats, Yamato-san!
8: We did it for Izumi-otouto huh. It’s sudden but please say anything.
2: We’re doing it this time too? It would’ve been good for me to think of something (lol).
*T: Do you have a request for us?
2: Please wake me more gently in the mornings. I can’t react well in the morning...
2: I think it’s too simple to call it a request (lol)
2: We also have a Valentine’s live so please take care of that too.
10: It’s a little early but happy birthday, Yamato-kun! We will be separated by a live stream but I’m glad we could do a live together!
1000: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yamato-kun. Say so if you want chocolate. ^ ^
100: Yamato congrats!!! Let’s have a fun day~!*:,+ ゜○.*\(´∀`)/☆゜•:*○+.
9: Happy Birthday. Please take care of the live.
8: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Let’s gather and go drinking again okay.
10000: Happy birthday, Yamato-kun. You’ve become cool as an idol and as a leader huh! I’m looking forward to this year too.
Okazaki: Happy Birthday. From now on too, please take care of Re:vale!
Anesagi: Happy birthday. Alcohol is fine but don’t drink too much and wind up with a beer belly.
T: Happy Birthday, Yamato-san! You have a job on the day of but, I’ll adjust schedule so everyone can meet up a little after the live…!
3: So then, look forward to being celebrated by us on Valentine’s!
6: Even though I don’t mind celebrating repeatedly ;-)
5: Should we celebrate today too?
2: Thx. But, saying it countless times makes me ticklish.
4: For the Valentine’s live and after too, let’s get hyped up!
1: Nanase-san, please don’t be too hyped and collapse the next day.
7: I said it’s fine!
5: Sleep well at night.
7: I-I got it! 
2: Thx. Even though I’m fine with just eating food with you guys. When I’m with you guys, it makes it lively enough.
2: Both senpais and managers, thank you for celebrating me too. If the timing matches up for the radio, please listen to me. (lol)
2: We’re doing it this time too? It would’ve been good for me to think of something (lol).
T: Do you have a request for TRIGGER-san?
2: I was thinking of going drinking with Yaotome and Tsunashi-san but Kujou’s still underage huh. I wonder. Going for a drive? (lol)
2: I think it’s too simple to call it a request (lol)
2: We’re doing it this time too? It would’ve been good for me to think of something (lol).
T: Do you have a request for Re:vale-san? 2: Please take care of IDOLiSH7 from now on too. I choose something serious. (lol)
2: I think it’s too simple to call it a request (lol)
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foreverhauntingme · 6 years
I was in the GA for the October 3rd BTS Love Yourself Tour in Chicago at the United Center and I want to document my experience not only for myself, but because I want to help other people who are debating about possibly doing GA in the future. If you don’t want details, Skip to the very end…
Let me start by saying that if you ever get the chance to do it you seriously SHOULD. What I’m about to talk about sounds like a lot and there were dozens of moments I thought “what did we do?!?!?” but I have to say, the moment a member is 7 feet in front of you NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! Not recording. Not how much your feet hurt. Not the ARMY BOMB by you ear. NOTHING. It’s incredible. So now that I have that out of the way let me tell you about my experience.
I was 10000% lucky and I managed to get 5 GA tickets on May 5, the day they came out, within 10 minutes of the sale starting. My mom’s iPad saved my life where 5 laptops could not. I’d never bought tickets before so I was nervous as hell and was on my phone with my friend, http://dingdangdiggity.tumblr.com/, starting 2 hours before hand and I NEVER let the screens go dark. It was tense and the fact I got it never registered until a month later.
Oct 2, Britt and her sister, Val ( http://missvalerieann5.tumblr.com/ ) came up and spent the night since I’m not far from Chicago and they are. Oct 3, we were up at 4. I am not a Chicago driver and I wanted to beat traffic and I mean, GA line am I right??? So friend number 3, Jax https://average-jax.tumblr.com/ , comes over because she lives near me and we head up, stopping on the way to pick up our newest edition to the friendship, Megan https://warmyoon.tumblr.com/ and we are off.
Now parking was supposed to be weird. Rumor was lots opened at 10 and we were getting there at 7:30 so the day before I used Spothero to get a spot in a garage 15 mins from the UC. I had planned to move the car to a closer lot when it opened but chose instead to extend the time where it was from 6pm-12am for another $5 so in the end parking was a 15 min walk down the street for $20 instead of the $25-29 they were charging at the venue. Plus it was going around lot C would open at 8am and other would open at 5pm and like no I was not fucking around with that.
So we did end up in the merch line on accident before we realized GA was on the other side of the building. Even with wasting a half hour though, it wasn’t a hug issue since we saw people who passed us in merch were only like 2 people ahead of us when we got in GA. Now here’s the thing with GA. People camp out. In this case, they started camping Friday for Tuesday’s concert as well as Wednesday. Some of them did both concerts some just did one. Either way, people were annoyed. The venue said they would honor the unofficial line, since official started at 10 am on D-day, if everyone was organized. So they handed out unofficial bands with numbers until they could get the official ones. Let’s just say after waking up at 4am, I didn’t give a single shit where I was in line and it was like 8 am and I had to pee so fucking bad. So Jax, Britt and I walked the length of the line towards the building because rumor on Twitter was security was letting us use the bathrooms inside. Holy. Shit. The tension was insane. These people were so pissed like we got GLARED AT for walking towards the front. I got pissed back and started screaming “I don’t give a shit about your line, I have to fucking pee!” and “I stopped caring about you’re line when I woke up at 4, I have to piss!” I guess some crazy bitch tried yelling at us. Whatever. It was hell up there. People were yelling about not bothering with the numbers since it was’t official and others were all about those numbers. I was happy to be in the back. But yeah, we got to pee and return to the back with the horror stories about the crabby pre-campers.
Val had guessed being 804 which was funny cuz we got #799-803. Rule was be back in order at 4 pm, doors opened at 5:30 and concert at 8. So we had agreed to run straight to the LG experience thing. We wanted to do the thing where the screen shows your bias like they’re next to you so bad, but for Chicago it was a raffle. You either reached in and got the pink ball to do that, a yellow ball to record a message for BTS or a blue ball where you got NOTHING. Rumor is LA let everyone do the picture. So that pissed me off. Other than that, it was still cool to take pics with the cut outs. We checked out merch and saw the line wasn’t terrible so we tried it and yeah a lot was sold out, but it went by so quick compared to the Wings tour in Rosemont. The whole C lot was set up for merch, LG, dancing, and pictures so it felt like a convention and it was really nice.
My biggest advice apart from BRING MONEY is HAVE WATER and make sure you HAVE FOOD. Snacks. Sandwiches. Anything. We had chips and water bottles and decided to walk down 15 mins to the Mcdonalds, which sucked cuz it was 85 degrees and sunny, and when we came back we went right back to where we’d been that morning so it would be quicker to get organized…which was a cluster fuck. Everyone was tired. It was now 5 pm but listen, second biggest advice is DON’T BE A DICK! Seriously. Security wanted single file order and they delayed letting us in because people would rather bitch with the fans trying to help. Rule of thumb, if you’re number 1400, don’t bother standing where the 300s go. Security wanted us in order and they fucking MADE SURE we were so it was pointless to refuse to move to the back cuz you had to wait anyway. So when someone is trying to put 600s here and 700s here and 800s move back, don’t bitch about it. Just fucking do it.
Now this is what you really want to know. Number 800, how close was I. Pretty. Fucking. Close. So the stage has the main stage, a jut out in the middle and then another lengthy stage (you know what I mean). We were off to stage left, audience right at like………if you’re on the farthest jut out in the center, we were on your 9 0’clock. Now I am 5’4” so when they performed songs on the main stage, I couldn’t see shit without being on my tip toes or looking at my camera or the screen. So that did suck. I wish we’d been closer. We were about 5 rows back from the barricade and below will be pics to show you my views. But like…I was 5 feet from every single member at one point. They could see me. They are so fucking handsome. It made the entire experience worth it. Seriously. even with 1400+ people in the pit, it was fantastic. I probably won’t do it again for money, time and stress sake unless a ticket fell into my lap, but it was a wonder thing to do and I suggest it for sure.
Now that you’ve read it all here are my tips for any GA goers:
Get their early if you want first dibs but remember that you’ll still be closer to them than you have ever been before and that once it starts and they move around, you will be shifting constantly throughout the night.
Scout out the area before hand whether you go there and drive around or check it out on Google Maps. Know what kind of food and stores are around and how far of a walk it is.
BRING WATER!!!!! You will need it all day so you don’t faint. I took in an empty bottle and filled it in the bathroom before the show. Not all venues will let you but better to throw away an empty bottle later than to go in and realize you could have had it.
PORTABLE CHARGERS!!!!!!!! Make sure your phone has space and enough charge for the whole day and night without an outlet. We charged ours at MCDonalds. Mine got to 33% by the end and had storage issues so I couldn’t record the end. Everyone else’s died.
Bring FOOD! Anything will do as long as you snack. I don’t eat during events like this but I make myself just in case.
If it’s hot and sunny, bring a cheap umbrella to block the sun and catch any breeze. It was 85 F during the day.
If it’s cold, bring a cheap blanket. It was only 60 F when we got there.
HAVE FUN! Be comfy! Make friends. Ask about biases. Remember there are people there with legit tents. Bring whatever you want as long as you can either throw it away, keep hold of it, or have someone get it for you to take home.
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The line goes up and around the corner all the way to the building
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So yeah hard to see when they were back there
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Joon was by us a lot
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Hobi was by us the most
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Jimin was apparently checking on a fan who was about to faint.
I didn’t get a lot of Tae, Jin, or Kook but Hobi and Joon were on our side a lot and Jimin and Yoongi bounced around. But yeah...that was my experience. 
Any questions? EDIT: Britt just did this to her’s and I forgot but I put blood, sweat and tears into this pictures so you BETTER CREDIT ME if you share them. 
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franeridart · 7 years
hey I hope you're happy (since you obviously deserve it)
!!!!!!!!!! Thank you??? I hope you’re happy too, anon!!!
Anon said:Wow Tetsutetsu and Kaminari like a couple? Really? Ok, that is interesting, but I don’t know if it is possible. Why do you put them together?
I mean, it’s a crack ship, being possible isn’t really its point haha they’re not supposed to make much sense, as far as canon goes? If I remember right they do come from the same prefecture, so maybe they knew of each other/ knew each other before UA, but as far as I’m concerned my interest in the ship comes from the quirk compatibility, really. It’s nothing I put much thought into, and I do have many ships for both of them I like better, but the idea of the two of them together is fun so why not
Anon said:The kamitetsu was really cute!!! It was also really super cute when two people spoke at the same time/had the same thought you mixed their colors!!! That was honestly a very nice touch and cute! I love your art it makes me so happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! And I’m glad you liked that, for a while I thought mixing the colors like that was gonna make it confusing hahaha
Anon said:Just stopped by to say your artwork makes me so incredibly happy, and always improves my day!! I hope you have a great rest of the year because you deserve it!! Thank you for everything you do!
Sob thank you so much for taking the time to send this message!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Anon said:I’m sorry for clogging your inbox with this (you don’t have to write back), but wanted to say I hope you feel better real soon and also to say thank you (so very much!!) for sharing your art. Selfish of me to say so, but it really really has cheered me up after a bad day. Lots of love to you!
I’m!!!! So happy I could help you feel better, anon!!!!! I hope your day is going 100x better, right now!!!! And thank you for the well wishes ;u;
Anon said:have you thought about this or what do you think about it?: Tokoyami / Mina ?
Never thought about it before, actually :O but why not? I’m not sure they’d work as far as personalities go, but they’re definitely aesthetically pleasing next to each other! Their designs work well together haha
Anon said:*Climbs out of the chimney, covered in soot and very disgruntled* I’ll have you know, good sire. *Tips hat.* That I just read the entirety of the Dgray man because of your laven art. And I- *Dabs at eyes, voice cracking* -am having more feelings than I ever wanted.
AAAHHHHHH I’M SORRY FOR THE UNWANTED FEELS but I’m??? so glad you decided to check the manga out????????????? I hope you liked it oh g o d that manga is my life !!!
Anon said:This isn’t like a “secret request for a drawing” but don’t you think there needs to be a hug between Deku and All Might somewhere in the manga?!? I mean c'mon, Deku cries at the drop of a hat, someone give the boy a hug! Plus, I feel like All Might is a kind of father figure for Deku!! Sorry, I just needed to get that out XD. Love your artwork though!! My heart skips a beat at the sight of it. And my love for Baku and Kiri has been extended.
We actually had one tho!
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an heartbreaking moment I 100% understand why you’d remove from your memory tbh, I cried, I’m still crying
Anon said:OOF i love your OCs..
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Anon said:Heyyy I just wanted to say that I love your art with all my heart and the cat person/dog person one was so lovely.. I’m weak to kiribaku with animals.
So am I anon aaahhhhh !!!!!!!!! and thank you so so so so so much!!!!
Anon said:Just curious… do you have a personal favorite of your own art that you’ve posted?
Hmmmm not really, but if I had to pick one it’d be this one (which… does say something about my process and how to make it better……..) (a something I’m willingly ignoring) anyway usually what I’m the most satisfied with is the last thing I’ve posted haha
Anon said:Your art style brings out Kirishima’s adorableness even more. Holy heck I love how cute he is when you draw him. (And Bakugou and the rest of the kids too!)
THANK YOU!!!!!! I think it might be because I find him so incredibly cute, so I try to portray just how cute I think he is the most hahaha I’m glad I’m managing that well enough!!!!
Anon said: Hello~ Sending some love because you deserve it! I was having a shitty day (as always for me these days) and saw your Baku and Kiri cat & dog art and instantly felt a little better. My heart always feels lifted, and a smile replaces my tears, when I see your beautiful art! Even the kinda sad ones. If my heart hurts a bit from the sad arts, at least it’s because of the love expressed in the piece, and not heartache from personal things. Thank you, as always, for sharing your work.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the kind words oh my god!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just want to tell you i’m now 10000 times gayer than i was before i’m blushing so much at your latest bakushima art… it’s sososo Good, i love you
:O thank you!!!!! I love you lots too!!!!
Anon said: I see you ship Bakugo and Kiri together. Why do you ship them? Just wondering cause i love hearing why people ship certain people. P.S: i soooooooo ship them as well.
God, that’s one hard question to answer easily - I somewhat talked about it here? tho it was more specifically about why chapter 90 kills me haha but yeah to sum it up I’d say that my favorite ship for Kirishima is Bakugou because I think he’s the one that understands Kirishima best, the one that’s been there the most for him when Kirishima needed it, the one that always knows what to say to him and the one Kirishima holds onto when he needs strength, he’s the one that’s shown the most concern for Kirishima and the only one that’s actively done something to make him feel better when Kirishima needed it. He’s the one Kirishima gravitates towards the most and the one Kirishima shows most sides of himself to, too. And my favorite ship for Bakugou is Kirishima because Kirishima’s the only one that actually tries to see behind Bakugou’s anger, the one that since the start looked at him rage and saw a teen in pain, the only one that actually knows how to talk to him and the only one that doesn’t even need to try, he’s just naturally Bakugou’s perfect match in personality. He’s the one that likes Bakugou as he is, for what he is, not part of him but all of him, completely. He’s the one that’d risk his life for Bakugou no questions asked, and he’s the one Bakugou’s the most willing to spend time with, the one Bakugou talks to and shares with and accepts help from. 
I like the relationship they share with each other the most out of every other relationship they have with other characters because they’re comfortable with one another and care for one another in an active way, do everything they can to make sure the other is happy and safe. Because they’re each other’s strength and greatest ally and best friend. I like that they’re aware of each other, that they know each other, that they like each other - not in a subtext kind of way, but in an obvious, on screen, there-was-a-chapter-in-which-that-was-actually-spelled-out way. I like how Kirisihima always knows what’s up with Bakugou, and I like how he’s the proxy to go to when people don’t know where Bakugou is, and I like that he always knows. I like that it’s implied they spend a lot of time alone together. I like that Kirishima said that Bakugou has a broken way of talking, but he isn’t a bad guy and he can’t say he dislikes how Bakugou tends to make enemies left and right, and I like that Bakugou took his hand and smiled at him. I like that Bakugou never yells at him and always calls him by name and never ignores him, and I like that Kirishima calls him out on his rudeness but still likes him and supports him and follows him. I like their relationship the most because it’s the most important relationship for either of them, because it’s healthy and equal and happy, and I ship it because seeing it as romantic from where they stand now, to me, isn’t a huge step at all
And I like this ship above any other ship, even above the ships with other characters that share similar relationships as far as support and love goes, because they’re fun, and rowdy, and bright and loud and dynamic, and I have fun thinking about them interacting more than I have fun thinking about anyone else. And because they’re separately my favorite characters, and I think together they’d be the happiest they could ever manage, and I really, really want that for both them. To be happy with the person that understands them the most and loves and supports them the most, and with whom they can be the most comfortable and open and at peace. I think they could be home to each other, really. They’re a pretty obvious ship, to me haha
Anon said:My dude! Have you seen the trailer for the new Guillermo del Toro movie? Shape of water? It has some similarities to your shark kiri au!
I’ve read some things, yeah :O hadn’t really linked it to the AU tho, that’s an interesting observation !!!!
Anon said:the RR on baku’s wristband is for Red Riot, i assume? :)
YESSSS I tend to dress Bakugou in Red Riot merch a lot hahaha
Anon said:FRAN oml those bakugous??? Are amazing???? I love love love the lines so much they look so good and clean and sharp and I don’t have words but they’re just so so good the poses are amazing and ahhhhhh you did??? So good?? I feel like you’re constantly improving so much it’s amazing ahhhhhh I’m so in love w ur style I !!! Hope ur having a lovely day!!! Bless you
THANK!!!! YOU!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!! Holy shit I’m crying !!!!!!! g o ds o
Anon said:Hi! I’m new to the BNHA fandom, and really love your art! I’m just starting to get into BakuShima and TodoDeku too, but just a couple days ago I read you say that MomoJirou are also pretty obvious about their gayness, including one time you saying you’re completely sure Kirishima and Jirou have a crush on those two canonically and, could I ask you to explain this to me? I’m all about it, this is not a complain! I just want to know more about them, thank you!
I wouldn’t say they’re canonically into them, but I do feel like, if I were to point someone they might be romantically into, that’s who I’d point to hahaha but yeah Jirou and Momo! They haven’t appeared much in canon so after all there isn’t too much behind the ship, more for shortage of scenes than anything else, but Jirou tends to blush a lot around Momo, she’s really protective of Momo, she’s pointed out how cute Momo is on more than one occasion, and their friendship is seriously cute - they’re always together? And when they’re not Jirou gravitates towards Momo a lot, you see her in the background waving at Momo or walking towards Momo really really often - of course all of these things can (and most probably are) just proofs of their being best friends! But it’s a good relationship I love a lot, which is why I ship it~
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ladyxanatos · 7 years
The Luke Skywalker Post
I pretty much did not sleep last night because I was too busy processing the Last Jedi and believe you me, it’s a LOT to process.
Because it is so much to process, I am prioritizing with the things I care about most, so hopefully anything that I run out of steam for won’t be the stuff I really wanted to talk about. I am also breaking some of my thoughts out into separate posts, because as I began writing I realized that I have way too much to say to reasonably expect it all to fit in one post.
Luke Skywalker is my favorite SW character. I have made no secret that I had a lot of anxiety over Luke going into this film. I have not been quiet with my crit of Disney Star Wars, particularly over this character and the implications of TFA. As an avid reader of the “Legends” EU, I felt that this departure was going against nearly 30 years of (mostly) on point lore.
So, here’s the thing I realized as the release of TLJ got closer and closer. I have the EU. I have that version of Luke’s character development and arc. It’s not going anywhere; it is safe on my shelves. So, I went in having decided to look at Luke in this film as an alternate take on the character and primarily with the view in mind that I just wanted to see Mark Hamill’s acting skills in action.
So, color me surprised that I ended up being 100% on board with Luke in this film. It’s okay for Luke to wave a wobble (even a big one) of faith, as long as who he is at the core remains and as long as he ends up where he should be. I am pleased to say that, for this fanatical Luke fan, this was the case.
The Jedi criticism is exactly what I wanted. Critical of the old atrophied order and showing that the Force is more than that and the characters need to move beyond it and change. It’s perhaps a bit regressive in that we essentially already covered this in George Lucas’ original six part film saga, but spelling it out very plainly and in a succinct way through actual text instead of subtext is not necessarily awful.
I am ambivalent about the Yoda cameo. I like parts of it, but as a whole I question its necessity and execution. Also why did Yoda need yet another redesign?? Questions, questions.
I love the way the relationship between Rey and Luke builds and plays out. It’s tropey in the best ways and delicious and I am all about it. When I finally manage to get some sleep, I may be able to write more nuanced meta on the subject.
But particularly I loved Luke’s horror at Rey’s lack of horror about the dark side. This encapsulates so much. And although it was Luke’s whole shtick in ROTJ that he incorporated his darkness without fear, factoring in his experiences with Ben, this makes sense. Rey shows the proper (imo) attitude towards the dark; she faces it from a neutral position and lets it pass through her (I could go on a “Fear is the mindkiller...I will let it pass through me” Dune parallel spiel here, but I shall refrain).
SIDE NOTE: I loved, loved, loved all the talk about Force lore and the explanation of what balance in the Force means. Also saying the idea of the Force/balance being dependent on Jedi specifically is vanity is yes good. All my Jedi critical feelings.
The argument that Luke’s development has taken a major step back from ROTJ is perhaps valid, but I feel that Luke having become reactionary and “regressive” in some ways is 100% the point. He messes up so utterly and tragically with Ben and, sidestepping how in line with Luke’s original characterization I feel that is or isn’t, it’s such a blow to his ego (I don’t mean self-importance; I mean, his sense of self, the id) that, similarly to Obi-Wan on Mustafar, it can’t help but cause a kind of fracturing and regression. It’s an understandable and sound psychological response, imo.
Luke does need help recovering from that because in his trauma he forgot the source of his strength; his love for and connection with others. He retreats after Ben turns on him out of a mixture of shame and a shattered view of self. Through Rey, Luke begins to forge a new connection, he begins healing, and this culminates in him reaching out, finally, to Leia. Luke finds himself again, that self that I love so dearly, in the climactic scenes at the end of the film. And I actually found his arc really moving.
Now, let’s talk about Luke at the end of this movie.
I’ve always said that I just need ONE MOMENT, one solid moment on film in a Star Wars movie of Luke Skywalker being the Jedi Grand Master he was born to be. AND I GOT IT.
I cottoned onto what was happening pretty quickly because Luke vs. Kylo was 10000% EU. And I was literally having to stuff my hands in my mouth to muffle my SHRIEKING (my brother can attest to this). It was just everything. Everything everything everything. And all my Legacy of the Force: Inferno feelings. Luke laying some smackdown on his naughty former pupil and showing the enormous gap between them...I am all about it.
Believe it or not, I love that this sequence showed that the Force and Luke do have limits (that was always a problem in the EU). Although Luke passing into the light at the end does muck up the structure a little (the Jedi, singular or plural, typically die in the third film), it would have been awkward to push it into the next film and...let’s be real, now JJ “I hate half of SW” Abrams cannot touch Luke. The most we can get in the next episode is a Force ghost cameo. My baby is safe from about my least favorite filmmaker. So, there’s that.
The actual moment of Luke’s passing was just not fair. It was just Luke Skywalker and John Williams and THAT DAMN SUNSET and I WAS BAWLING. LIKE, UGLY, UGLY SOBBING. It was beautiful and perfect and I can’t think of a better way for Luke to go, honestly. Like, I always knew Luke would die in these movies because of his positioning thematically as the Yoda, so I wasn’t shocked or scandalized. All I ever hoped for re: his passing was it to literally be this beautifully and respectfully done.
RIP Luke Skywalker, apple-cheeked farm boy and wondrously terrifying Jedi Grand Master of my heart.
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rapmontv · 7 years
[V LIVE] Twice Channel+ review
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Today I’m going to do a review of something I’ve been very excited about these days: V Live’s Channel+. As some of you may know, V LIVE recently announced a new app feature called Channel+, a new kind of Fan Membership that offers closer communication with idols. Initially, the line-up included Blackpink, BTS, INFINITE, MONSTA X, SEVENTEEN and Twice; and last week, GOT7, BTOB and GFRIEND were included. V Live offers different membership options: monthly subscription, 3 months, 6 months or 1-year subscription. The prices varies from 150 to 1200 coins.
As you can see in the picture below, each idol group that takes part of Channel+ line-up has a separated channel from their original one. In that way, nothing changes in the original channels and it doesn’t affect those that don’t get to buy the membership.
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As all channel+ are managed separately from each other, the contents between them might slightly differ. Therefore, today I am going to review Twice’s Channel+. Also, I will not post videos or prints in this review that show the actual exclusive content – such as pictures the idols post or the chatting room print screens. I will only post print screens that show how the channel is organized, okay? ^^ So let’s start!~
Firstly, this is how their channel+ home looks:
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Channel+ has all the features from the original channel plus exclusive stuff. As you can see from the image above, it is very similar to their main channel, including the features – Videos, Notice, Celeb, Fan and chatting room. The big difference is that there are exclusive contents and the group members are more active at channel+. In Twice’s case, they didn’t use all the features at the original channel, only at channel+. I will talk more about it later in the review.
To make it more organized, this review is going to be a bit different from the ones I normally do. I’ll review each feature from channel+ separately and at the end I will do an overall of my thoughts.
1. Videos
At this section, you can watch all the videos from the regular channel. However, you can also have access to other videos, which are just uploaded at channel+. As you can see in the picture below, you have access to both contents at channel+.
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Since the day Twice’s channel+ opened, they had 4 exclusive videos at channel+. One of them is almost 1 hour long and the others are much shorter - having 2 to 5 minutes each. I really enjoyed their exclusive videos! I wished, however, that there were more videos.
To say the truth, when channel+ was announced, I expected the videos to be its main aspect. However, there are not that many new videos at Twice’s channel+. I am definitely not saying it is a bad thing. I actually really liked how channel+ really turns to be! It is just different from what I initially imagined it to be.
2. Notice
This section is the same as the one at the main channel – now it only contains the user guide. One thing I miss at the app, though, not only at channel+ but also at the original idol channel, is a notification of when a new video is scheduled. Before the app was updated there used to be a section that would show, in the idols channel, if there were any scheduled videos from that artist. However, after the update, if we want to know if there are any, the only way is to go to the “upcoming” section, which contains all v app upcoming videos – including the ones we are not following. I thought it was more practical when there was a notification at the idol’s own channel as well. In the computer version of V LIVE, for example, it shows at the artist channel when there is a scheduled video.
3. Celeb
The Celebs section contains posts from the artist. There is also this section at the original channel, however Twice didn’t use it yet - they only used the Celebs section at Channel+. They are quite active at this part of the channel and posted some pictures and messages along with them. My favorite part of it is that they can reply to fans in the comments!! Isn’t that amazing?
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4. Fan
This is a fanboard where fans can post messages and pictures to the members. Its very similar to the one at the original channel, but the difference is that it is exclusive to channel+ members.
5. Chatroom
The chatroom is also similar to the one at the main channel, but it is exclusive to channel+ members. Here you can talk to channel+ members and the best part is: Twice members can actually join the chat!! When they join the chat, you get a notification – just like when a new live starts at V Live. As it is exclusive to channel+ members, not many people are online (the maximum I saw was around 10000) and that gives you the chance to “talk” with your favorite idols! When Twice members get online, they often reply to some of the fans messages! As you might have noticed, this is probably my favorite part of channel+ ~
As I said before, before getting the membership I thought the main aspect of channel+ would be the videos. However, in Twice’s case, it turns out to be the Celebs posts and chatroom – and I really enjoyed it!  Both of them, especially the chatroom, offers a very exclusive contact with the idols. For international fans, it’s quite hard to have contact with our favorite idols – going to concerts, fansigns, etc. With channel+, there is a way to get closer to our idols and that makes it worth it, in my opinion. Of course its very different from going to concerts, fanmeetings and fansigns, but it is already something that gets us closer to them. Because of this, I am also really looking forward to the various special benefits being prepared for Channel+ members.  Who knows what kind of benefits they plan to offer? I am very curious!
Another good point of Channel+, in my opinion, is that you can access Channel+ on both cellphone app and computer. I liked that because V Live+, for example, is exclusive to the platform you buy it from. As I bought some V Live+ contents on my phone, I could only watch it there, but with Channel+, I can use it anywhere.
On the other side, however, as it is a payed content, not everyone that loves the idol can have access to it. I know the point of channel+ is to be exclusive, but many fans with high chemibeat levels, for example, can’t have access to it. I think it would be nice to maybe do a coin event, just like the ones V Live used to do before. I remember they did it for EXO and BTS. Other than that, maybe have a special event once a month for fans at higher chemibeat levels to get coins or “free passes”.
Overall, I enjoyed channel+ and plan to continue subscribing to my favorite star channel. I am also looking forward to the special benefits being prepared!
To check out all the information about V Live channel+ click here.
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Today in Krypto, that 15 percent Bitcoin drop has got some new investors shaken and traders, of course, remain dismayed by the failure of Bitcoin to break out of the two-year downtrend, which has been suppressing the market. Ten thousand dollars is proving to be an incredibly key level for Bitcoin. But there are a few things that make this Bitcoin having drastically different from the previous Bitcoin having. And why Bitcoin is looking more bullish than ever. The crypto lark. This release was scrapped. All of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there. And the wild, wildland of crypto. A big thank you to prime SBT for sponsoring today’s episode. Prime SBT is a fantastic platform for trading a wide range of assets. You can trade crypto, you can trade top forex like yen in euros, you can trade top commodities like oil and you can even trade stock indexes like the S&P 500 all tradable against Bitcoin. All of these markets are tradable with generous leverage and prime expertise also does not require any KYC. So you can, of course, trade privately. Now, trading is not for everyone, and prime expertise is only for advanced traders who understand how properly to manage their risk. There is a link down below where you can get signed up and start trading today. So the Bitcoin having is now less than 24 hours away. I’m getting pretty gosh darn excited. Are you excited? Feel it in the air almost. It’s like Christmas Eve. I even got out my super rad Christmas sweater just for the occasion. The excitement in the air right now. Very, very cool stuff. Now, I do want to just say real quick, though, before breaking down the charts today and actually getting into some of that very surprising statistics about why this Bitcoin having is different. Look, I know if you’re new around here that a 15 percent drop, it can seem really, really scary sometimes. But please, if you are new to Bitcoin, learn to have some perspective. Bitcoin pumped by more than one hundred and sixty percent since March. A cool-down period is normal and healthy for the market. You can’t get freaked out by 15 percent dips. And if he is shaken out by a 15 percent dip, then you don’t get the 1000 percent gains later. But I know that there are some people out there listening right now. I mean, you guys must have trouble like functioning normally in Day-To-Day, life with hands that are that big and that strong. I mean, logit, if you survive that 50 percent crash back in March, rock-solid man, rock-solid, 15 percent. It’s like a cool breeze on a summer morning to you. Just 15 percent, man. Nothing. But anyway, moving on to the charts. So the weekly candle has just closed for Bitcoin and sadly, it did not confirm in our favour. We got rejected from ten thousand dollars in back down, of course. We went you know, in general, I’m feeling rather bullish on the markets at the moment, so long as the price is maintaining above that 200-day moving average. I am bullish on the markets, in fact, coming back down to test the 200-day moving average and then flipping the 200-day moving average from resistance actually into a line of support is a very, very strong move. And if we do bounce significantly from here, that’ll be really great to see. But I will not be full balls to the wall bullish on the market until we actually get a weekly candle that breaks out above that two-year downtrend line and is an absolute key line for us to break. And that’s right around ten thousand dollars right now and ten thousand dollars has proven to be a very tough area for Bitcoin to break away from. This is a major zone of historical resistance and getting rejected on this attempt really not super surprising. But anyway, key point, in spite of the massive bullish momentum that did pull us out of the depths of despair back in March, we are still in a high time frame downtrend until we actually break above ten thousand dollars, confirm it and hold it also. Well, we may hope the Bitcoin just decides the test. Retest ten thousand dollars A.S.A.P. and then blast out that mega triangle hits a new all-time high. It may not play out like that. I know we wanted to play out like that, but these are the markets. You don’t always get what you want. Mean we could range sideways for weeks or even retest lower ranges of this triangle? That is definitely possible. Anything can happen in these markets, especially if the 200-day moving average fails to hold as support. Personally, I have a bullish bias overall towards Bitcoin, especially if we can see that Golden Cross confirm on the daily, which is about 10 days out right now, the 10K. It is the line to beat at the moment in 8-K is the line to hold very tight game right now. What happens next? Very hard to say. With a big hype event like the Bitcoin, having anything is kind of possible. So we have to watch and see how this plays out over the next couple of days. Anyway, what’s very interesting is that this Bitcoin having has behaved very differently compared to 2016. So here are some of the reasons why this having is fundamentally different from actually the previous two hanging’s and why the picture for Bitcoin is more bullish than ever. You just have to be looking with wide-open eyes. Now, as we have covered at length, the price action has actually been quite different this time around compared to the previous having. I mean, if we look back at 2016, there is some kind of general rhythm that we do see playing out with a big price run-up before the having followed by a big dip immediately before the having and what many are now expecting and with sentiment kind of turning around the market would not be a big surprise, would be, of course, a bigger dip to come after the having. Then after the big post having a dip, what do we have in 2016? We had a few months of sideways market action, really not that much happening. Everyone was just kind of bored. And then something started to happen. The price started to steadily rise and to rise and to rise until it hit a crescendo of twenty thousand dollars around 18 months later. We all hope that a similar but even bigger scenario will happen this time. Heck, even if Bitcoin only gets up to a very low estimate of, for example, fifty thousand dollars this cycle, that will be game-changing money for many other people who were able to invest in Bitcoin at these lows, especially since such a rise for Bitcoin would inevitably bring huge liquidity into the old coin markets, where there will be lots of hundred X’s happening. But there are some other ways in which 2020 having for Bitcoin is fundamentally different from the one back in 2016. The first is to look at just how big the market has actually grown in the last four years. The market cap of Bitcoin is now at 160 billion dollars. That is 16 times bigger than the 10 billion dollars at the previous. Having volume has absolutely exploded in 2016 on the day that having the total volume for Bitcoin is around one point seven billion dollars. Today, the volume is nearly 50 billion dollars a day on average. That is incredible growth to observe as we approach this key milestone for Bitcoin. In fact, on April 30th, we actually had the second-largest daily trading volume on record. But the huge increases in volume are also partially thanks to increased interest from big-money players like the guys over on Wall Street. And yes, they had brought in additional liquidity, but they have also brought in additional manipulation to the crypto game in the form of futures contracts and of options contracts. And while this has allowed Wall Street to bet against Bitcoin, it also allows them to bet on Bitcoin. It has allowed people like Paul Tudor Jones to go long on Bitcoin with hundreds of millions of dollars from his fund. However, we can think a large percentage of the volume that we are seeing come into the market, not just on the fat cat Wall Street types, but on the retail vires mom and Pop and Uncle Joe, all these people. As one example, Coinbase increased its user base more than tenfold since the time of the having in 2016. Up until now, buying Anse didn’t even exist at the last Bitcoin having. And now it is the most popular exchange on the market doing 10 billion dollars plus in volume some days. And we have seen volumes on platforms like local bitcoins absolutely skyrocket, particularly in regions like Argentina and Nigeria. And Donna in Venezuela, which are underserved by the bigger exchanges and there are now more than seven thousand seven hundred Bitcoin. Eight teams worldwide. This is up for around six hundred at the time of the last Bitcoin, having the number of non zero Bitcoin addresses has also risen dramatically. On July 9th, 2016, it was a little less than a quarter-million addresses with a balance above zero. Today, the number of Bitcoin addresses with a non zero balance is around thirty-seven point five million. Wow. There are so many Bitcoin addresses right now that soon not more than half of all the Bitcoin addresses will ever be able to own one bitcoin. Digital scarcity is about to kick into high gear. And what about the Bitcoin network itself? Well, it is stronger than ever before. Been covering a lot of the all-time highs for the hash rate. The total hash rate at the last having was one point five million. Tera hashes a second, which was pretty gosh darn secure. To be honest, now it’s over one hundred and twenty million. Tarah hashes a second. Wowsers. That is a mind-bogglingly big number. The most secure computer network on earth is Bitcoin by Miles. And the investment in Bitcoin mining has also soared into the hundreds of millions of dollars, with people like Peter Teil and big corporations like SBI Holdings and Fidelity Investments in GMO. The Japanese Internet giant all throwing gigantic sums of money into Bitcoin mining farms. I always find it very, very telling to see what the big money is doing anyway. Here we are on the eve of the next Bitcoin having and I know that we’re going to look back in 2024 when we get to that next Bitcoin, having our look back and say, wow. Eight thousand dollar Bitcoin. Wasn’t that nice? It was so cheap. Why didn’t I buy more? The reality is that in the coming months, we are going to finally shake off that downtrend that has kept Bitcoin subdued for the last two years. And we will start that slow but steady crawl up to a new all-time high, potentially 18 months away from now. It could be fifty thousand dollars, one hundred thousand or three at a thousand dollars. No one really knows. We can all speculate. But one thing is certain to me. You have got to be in this market. The biggest risk that I see when it comes to Bitcoin is not actually holding Bitcoin and being in the game. Remember, of course, never put in more than you can afford to lose. Dollar-cost averaging is definitely the Chili’s method for long term success. When doing crypto is step one. You stack your sets. Step two, you chill. That’s all. Play that long term game. Most people aren’t thinking past next week when it comes to investing. And if you’re thinking a few years out and you’re planning accordingly, then you have got a massive advantage over the majority of the rest of the market. Something to keep in mind. I don’t have a question for you today. I just want to wish you a happy Bitcoin. Having and I hope that Satoshi will bring you everything that you wished for. And here’s a course of four more years of blessings in the bit. Coin markets to the moon and beyond, my friends. Long live the block, Jane and B. S next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-is-very-different-in-2020-explained/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-halving-is-very-different-in-2020-explained-10000-key-price-resistance
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bears Back in Charge of Bitcoin?!
All right. Coming off the back of the last video, we are perfectly staying within that beautiful descending triangle Flint formation with Bitcoin. We now got the third hit of this general area of resistance. Note that I’ve actually used a parallel channel to show you this descending triangle this time. So I literally I drew, just as I always do, kind of draw parallel channels like this. I’ve drawn it to represent support and resistance because I think, you know, it kind of helps illustrate the point where these kind of patterns I’m not looking for. Does it hit exactly the line? You know, I’m not looking for it. Let’s actually draw a line. Is it hitting the line? Exactly. Because in this case, you know, we would only have two hits on the resistance level. What I’m looking for is generally what is the characteristic of the trend. That’s what these lines help us to visualize. You know, the only reason they draw lines like this, the only reason I draw lines like this to visualize candle patterns is is exactly that. It is to visualize candle patterns. So I’m not interested in the specifics. And and, you know, really zooming in and looking well, did we kind of hit this with an X percentage points or or did we invalidated by thirty dollars? No, I don’t care about that. What I’m looking for is a general characteristic of the trend. And, you know, the general characteristic of any descending triangle is you start off with a high. In this case with Bitcoin, typically after you’ve risen, you know, kind of parabolic, you’ve got kind of parabolic and you’ve risen quite a lot. Very extreme rise within a short period of time. And after that, you’re setting lower highs after lower highs. You’re also keeping the same general support area. Yes, we are. We did wake down to this level, but this is where all the candles are closing. And so we’re finding support in the same area. And so what this candle pattern tells us is that pressure is condensing to the to the downside. I think that’s really the key point of this trend. As I said, we have now confirmed it with a third test. We saw a dump down, kind of like a bite pattern. Let’s zoom in and take a look at what actually happened there and look at that. We got a kind of street rise up, traded sideways a little bit. Tested the high range. Tested the low. Tested the high again. Then the low and so on. Tested the high, finally. And we got rejected. Oh, look at that. That actually makes Bart Simpson’s face. And so we ended up dumping lower. For those of you who don’t know, what actually happens with these trends is the bots are looking for where there’s more liquidity in the market. And so it pushes it to the upside because there’s more liquidity on the upside. This is where people are getting liquidated and stuff like that. Then it’s testing the lower side. This is where we’re getting these more extreme spikes, testing the upside. And on any given dump like this, it could go as low as MLT to zero. And and with any pump like this, it could go as high as twenty thousand, one million dollars. It just happens to stop at support or resistance levels. Tested the high. It got rejected over here. So now it was decision time and we got a pretty nasty dump lower. Right. Moving on, we got that rejection. We’re now trading a little bit closer to the middle of this descending triangle. And the apex of this descending triangle is only within a couple days. So really, really important. Obviously, we don’t trade these kind of patterns right up until the apex. We typically break out of them kind of around this general area. So we’re talking later today or tomorrow is where, you know, a pattern like this might typically break out. And that means, yeah, it’s decision time for Bitcoin pretty darn soon. So the other thing I wanted to take note of during this video is actually how we might be in a symmetrical triangle. Someone with a keen eye actually pointed out in the comment section that if you redraw this connecting the Wick’s on the support level, then it starts to paint a bit of a different picture. Let’s take a look at how that looks. Right. So we’re connecting this week. With this week down here and now all of a sudden what we have is a trend which is moving in the upward direction and some consolidation within asymmetrical triangle. So this actually turns from a 66 percent bearish pattern to a majority bullish pattern. You know, when you’ve got a symmetrical triangle, it turns into a bullish pattern. Now, I should note that if you’re specifically drawing these kind of lines to connect to Wick’s a bit like this, then you should apply that consistency everywhere. So this week as well. And we still generally have a symmetrical triangle as well. This is just more more of a how do I say logistical note. And quite importantly, you know, within a bullish trend, this could be valid. You know, it makes a lot of sense. We had this really big rise and now we’re starting to pause in this market for a little bit. We’ve been trading mostly sideways for five days now, going on to six. And that means, you know, we could be coming to the end of this kind of pattern, especially considering that, you know, we are now on the fifth of May. That hardening day is exactly seven days from now. So that’s next Tuesday. And we are looking at potentially breaking out, having maybe, you know, one more leg higher before the harvesting happens. Why is that? Well, it’s because we already had legs higher before the Havanese. So clearly that’s the trend. And that’s the kind of setup we are looking at now. If we do end up pumping a little bit higher, what are we looking at? Well, first, I think quite key level is that 9400 dollar resistance level where we did get rejected. That’s looking something a little bit like that. And beyond 9400, there’s pretty much nothing until we see the 10000 dollar psychological resistance. So we can visualize this. We can throw on the V.P. VR indicator. And let’s just verify that this is truly where those resistance levels are. And we can see pretty clearly on this chart that we are getting those spikes actually a little bit before 9400. And pretty much right at 10000 dollars is where we do start to get that resistance piling up. For those of you who don’t know, once again, the V.P. VR indicator V.P. VR is is an indicator that visualizes where trading has happened at different price levels. So this is saying that there’s a lot of trading that happens at ten thousand one hundred dollars. There’s a lot of trading that happens at seven thousand nine hundred, but there’s not much that happens at nine thousand dollars. So or more or more appropriately, there’s not much trading that happens between 10000 and 9400. So typically, if we enter this range, we’ll probably come out of the other side. I made a tutorial on it. So type this in and into YouTube and you can watch my tutorial explaining how this indicator works. It’s really useful. So that’s those that’s those resistance levels that we are looking at at the moment. It’s not far. You know, if Bitcoin does end up breaking out, let’s take it from the middle of the symmetrical triangle, up to the first resistance that we are looking at, a seven percent pump. And if it manages to break that resistance and go all the way up to 10000 dollars, we’re then looking at a 13 percent pump. So it doesn’t have much space left to move higher. And I think, quite crucially, on the downside, there is a lot more opportunity. The only real support level that Bitcoin has below it, which which would be important, in my opinion, starts at seven thousand eight hundred. And already that means the first real target I have is minus 12 percent. So that’s already as much of a profit as you would have had trading the upside on the second target. So this is. This is target, too. This is target one and target one over here is already the same profit as Target two. On the upside. What am I saying here? I’m saying that as a bear, there is a better risk to reward ratio at the moment. There is a better risk to reward ratio for bears to be trading this trend when you purely look at it in terms of risk to reward ratios. If seven thousand eight hundred dollars fails as support, then we’ve got more support levels below seven thousand three hundred 7600. We can draw this everywhere. Seven thousand dollars. And you know this actually it makes everything better. You know, seven thousand eight hundred. Again, that is that’s what that’s about 12 percent away. You go down to the next target, 7600. That’s 14 percent. Then we’ve got 17 percent. And then we’ve got 20 percent. So there’s a lot of downside potential for Bitcoin in this case. But in all honesty, it probably is unlikely to go down anywhere near that low because, as I said, we do have that bullish setup within this market leading up to the harvesting at the moment. So it is actually a little bit unpredictable in that sense. And I should I should maybe even say foolish to expect. It’s foolish to expect that Bitcoin will be dropping lower. This currently quite a lot of positive sentiment in this market and an at a time like this. I will say that, you know, it would make sense if we do kind of get some more extreme volatility again, that that volatility will be in the upwards direction. Really, really important stuff over there. Let’s take a look at the Ichi Mogel. Go out and see what things like that are telling us on the four hour chart. We’ve got support right below this symmetrical triangle, right below this descending triangle. We’ve got a lot of support and it lines up with the previous lines that I had drawn, which were supposed to be resistance levels. To be fair, they were. If we look at the five minute once again, we did kind of consolidate at each resistance level that I had drawn out a long time ago. But considering that we didn’t find resistance on the way up, I don’t expect that we’ll find support on the way down. So if we crash down, I think we would go right down to the bottom. But the good news is, you know, before that happens, there is that each Moku Cloud providing us some support on the four hour time frame. Let’s take a look at the moving averages. The four hour moving averages supporting us right now, really setting the kind of stage for Bitcoin to rise up to those resistance levels, especially considering that it could be a symmetrical triangle that Bitcoin is playing right now. We’ve also got that on the one hour time frame. Actually, we’ve lost our spread in the one hour time frame. So that’s just because we’ve been trading mostly sideways. That’s bound to happen. Take a look at the one day. And yet, as I have been updating you on over over the weeks, we are actually getting over the days actually we are getting all of these moving averages crush crossing bullish, which is saying that momentum has shifted from the downside to the upside, which is essentially another way of saying that the short term bullish trend is becoming the long term bullish trend. That’s one of the signs that that’s happening. It’s one of the one of the objective signs that that is happening. So really important stuff there if we can get objective signs to measure the progress in the market. We want to take it because objective measures are better than subjective measures. So that’s a pretty reliable one. In my experience and we do have that support below us. So I think it is a pretty good setup for Bitcoin if it does end up kind of, you know, getting one more pub before the halving actually happens. Here’s the thing, though. Are other than that, other than harvesting. I don’t see much reason for Bitcoin to continue rising. You heard me giving you warnings about this for a long time now since we got this rise up. There’s too much positive sentiment in the market at the moment. And the fact is. You know, at the end of the day that we still we still had, you know, more than a 50 percent dump and all the way down to the three thousand eight hundred dollar level from this high. You know, that’s what, like a 60 odd percent drop. We still had a massive dump. And and truth is, you know, we didn’t we didn’t end this as we should have. You know, the way you end a market cycle that starts like this or continues like this is you consolidate sideways and accumulate. And and there is no chance for accumulation here. So this I still maintain that this is not how a bear market ends. None of this is how a bear market ends. And I think we’ll go back to it. I think that it’s quite likely will end up dropping lower. And that’s why I keep on giving you guys these were warnings. You know, that I think there is still this possibility here, which no one’s really talking about now because, well, it’s not exciting to be the guy who’s warning about doom while everything is rosy. But again, I have to reiterate, this is where it’s important because it takes balls of steel to be saying at levels like this or even level slightly higher because I’m not closed off to the idea that will rise up to 10000. It takes balls of steel to say, actually, this trend might be running out of steam. But what happens at resistance levels, resistance levels like 9400 that we had drawn out resistance levels like 10000 that we had drawn. You get rejected, right? I mean, we got rejected at this level at nine thousand four hundred dollars. That’s not a coincidence. You know, you get rejected at resistance levels. That’s the point. And and especially considering that this move is clearly happening in anticipation of the hard hitting once that’s removed and the floor beneath Bitcoin is gone. Is Bitcoin just going to go into freefall again? Well, what a fucking setup for that to happen. I mean, that’s exactly what happened last time. So could it be that we’re looking at a similar pattern once more? Very likely, in my opinion, very, very likely. That’s kind of you know, that’s something that I have to be aware of. The other thing is, you know, it’s kind of it’s moving in line with the stock markets, broadly speaking. You know, with take a look at the U.K., one hundred and exactly the same image on the U.K.. One hundred, you know, pretty much since the 12th of March, which was over here. Bitcoin has been correlated with in fact, let me let me just throw Bitcoin on top of this so you can see exactly what I’m talking about. And I mean, it’s perfect. It’s it’s the best correlation you could ever ask for. It’s Christmas, really. I mean, look at look at this. I mean, it’s how could it be better? I don’t get it. You know, setting a low on the 17th of March, then having the rising wage up. All the markets are forming this. And we have to ask ourselves, is this warranted? Is it warranted that global markets are rising like this during the corona virus pandemic where it’s already dumped massively? You know, if you if you can dump this this much in such a short period of time, then. What makes this a real rally? I mean, we see this all the time and then you throw onto the mix. You know that companies are still losing billions of dollars, millions and millions and millions of people are unemployed. Governments are just going through quantitative easing, which which isn’t exactly a long term solution. You know, you look at it that way and then you ask yourself, is this a sustained rally which is going to be the beginning of the economy, recovering and flourishing again? Yeah, maybe not. Maybe not. And considering Bitcoins correlation with with the rest of the markets globally, I would expect that that continues. So it’s I think it was when Bitcoin topped. Yeah. Right over here at ten thousand dollars. This is where it started being correlated with the other markets. And you can see I mean, it’s exactly in line to the point where you can’t really distinguish bitcoins line because it’s so in line with the FTSE 100. If I position the chart a little bit differently right there, you can’t distinguish each line anymore. And that’s because it’s so. Clearly correlated. So, yeah, if these markets start to dump the FTSE 100, the DAX, you know, the S&P 500. Let’s take a look at the S&P. You know, if they start to correct lower. I fully expect that Bitcoin will do the same thing. And that’s actually do some analysis on this just to see where those resistance levels are. I’ll be close to resistance on the S&P 500. Let’s take a look. You know, there’s some resistance over there. There’s some resistance over there. Some more over there were basically trading right in resistance at the moment. Let’s draw a box extending all the way. And I mean, yeah, we’re right we’re right over there. I’m sure the V.P. VR is going to visualize exactly the same thing for us. Let’s confirm that on the V.P. VR. Yeah. And right there, we are seeing a bit of a spike and the spike continues all the way up to 3000 points and above this year. It would be kind of rally time. But will the S&P 500 get that high? I don’t really think so, especially given everything I’ve said to you over the past one or two minutes. And with that in mind, you know, it could be the catalyst to provide another 30 percent dump after the harvesting happens. And quite crucially, that’s exactly what happened during 2016 after the last hovering. You know, we kind of we traded upwards into it. Then we went sideways a little bit and then we dumped massively and then we recovered higher. So are we looking at a similar set up for Bitcoin? Well, so far, all the pieces of the puzzle are there. All of them. So it could very well be the case. And, you know, I think it’s quite important to point out we’re realistic on this channel. You know, you and I, everyone watching and subscribe to this channel. I like to think that we’re not emotionally invested in anything, you know, not especially not Bitcoin. You know, like, it’s it’s just stupid. And and that allows us to recognize that Bitcoin is not invincible. You know, if Bitcoin can correlate the markets like it did over here from 10000 down to 3000, then then it’s not immune from from worldwide turmoil. And and that means if things continue to get worse than then, yeah, bitcoin will be affected by it, too. And the point I’m trying to strike here is what a beautiful setup for exactly that to happen. What a beautiful setup. It would make so much sense. So I’m being aware of it. I’m letting you know what’s going on. What we do know, though, is no matter what happens in the lead up to the harvesting and afterwards, we are going to have a decent amount of volatility. We have been having a decent amount of volatility. Take a look at a message I got from a VIP member over here 10 days after joining VIP. Showing me that he managed to pull a quadruple digit a four digit profit in percentage within 10 days of being in VIP. Again, this was down to the old coin analysis that we carry out in VIP. As I say to you, we’re not just taking a look at Bitcoin in VIP, but all of the coins over here are also analyzed within the group where I’m sharing with you the setups I’m seeing and the opportunities I’m seeing in the markets. And this member over here, after seeing that, was able to take a closer look at REPL and and then and then and book a profit that I’m even jealous of. So the student rising above the teacher right there. Super, super cool. And the point is the point is, guys, it’s not like we’ve lost that volatility. We still have seven days until our harvesting and then we still have after the harvesting. And you know, what the harvesting brings is volatility beforehand during it and afterwards. So it’s a beautiful setup for some very, very interesting things to happen. And I’ve definitely got my eye on it to kind of make sure that, you know, when I see those trading opportunities, I’m taking advantage of them. I already have some ideas and I will keep you updated on them in VIP. VIP is already know some of the things that I am looking at. Here’s another message that I got from a member who used to be in VIP. I think he was in for a couple months and and a book and a beautiful triple digit profit. Again, all this stuff is happening right now. I mean, guys, this is the time that people are making money in the market. Also, equally, it’s the time of people are losing money in the pocket. But right here, this member who used to be in VIP mentioning that, you know, he he was able to pull this after being in VIP and learning what he needed to learn and then kind of, you know, able to go out on his own, which is absolutely amazing. It is very much something where even if you’re in for a month, the kind of things you will learn and see could very well set you up like this person. Probably my favorite message as part of this testimonial is that, of course, he only has a quarter of his position left because I taught him the importance of taking profit. What you see in the VIP group is not just my words, not just, hey, I think it’s very important to take profits. You see me doing it over and over and over, day in and day out, weeks, months, years. You see me exercising the same level of very, very extreme risk management and discipline exercised within my trading game. Not just me saying it, but me showing you that I’m doing it like right here, even though I think that this profit can go up to 60 percent. I’m very happy to close part of my position at 25 percent and and really reinforcing those lessons with real world examples. It’s extremely valuable. And this personal is very happy with that risk management. Yes. It means that you have less euphoria when you’re done with your trade, but it means that you’ve now allowed yourself to book profits more consistently. And I think, quite crucially, having euphoria during trading. It’s fun and it’s cool. And don’t get me wrong, I love it. But it shouldn’t be a drug. You know, you shouldn’t be getting your highs from trading. Or I should say you shouldn’t be seeking highs from trading. That’s where mistakes start happening, because if you’re seeking highs, you will get lows. And we don’t want that. We don’t want euphoria all the time because that means the emotional swings are too extreme and that means things go down as well. So it’s really, really important to have that balance going on. And quite crucially, you don’t just hear me telling you about it. You hear me. You watch me exercise it in real time with the same market that you’re looking at as well. It’s the first link in the description down below. Then click on the app for flight bottom button at the bottom of any post in full flight gold and click on Send Message to ask me how to join the group. I’ll give you all the information about the group or the benefit you’re getting. All the pricing options really, really cool. And it has it has been really popping off lately. Definitely something I’m very proud of. Again, only 10 days into being in VIP. So this is absolute pure gold that we’re dropping all over the all over the experience and VIP at the moment. Super, super cool. The other thing I’ll mention is we’ve had a lot of people taken up the yearly plan lately. And the good news with the yearly plan is, is yes, it is obviously the most expensive plan we offer. But you’re getting the entire advanced course for free. And that’s worth, I think. I don’t even remember. Maybe it’s something like point three, point four BTC. You’re getting that for free within the price of VIP. What that means, crucially, is when you’re in VIP, you’re seeing how I’m implementing the strategies I use. And when you’re in the course, the advanced course, you’re seeing what my strategies are and how they work and all the nuances to them. All the little quirks you’re learning, the more so what you do is you see the theory and the course and you see the practical you see the implementation in. VIP. That is a killer killer combination. Of course, you also don’t have to worry about time constraints because a year is a bloody long time and Krypto a year is a really long time in crypto U.S. price movements that happen over a year in crypto. That would happen in 10 years. And gold, for example. It really is quite volatile. So, you know, it is sticking in for the long run. And the group, by the way, in one form or another, has been around for three years now. We’ve hit three years as of this month. So or as of one of the months earlier, I don’t even remember maybe April. So that’s a huge achievement. Three years in the crypto space is a lot. You know, I mean, this is not a mature space yet. It’s getting mature. But to have three years under your belt is is an achievement that I am extremely proud of. You know, that that I’ve stuck with this and seen people gaining profits all the way through it. Some people actually still around six twenty seventeen shout out to you guys. And and it is. Yeah. It has been absolutely awesome. So here’s to another three years. Definitely sticking around for the long run. I’m sucked in this game. I mean, I you know, I get you know, as I said, I get my highs from this game. I love it. I don’t seek them. But they come naturally and and quite important, you know, that I’ve never seen a way to make more money than trading. You know, it very much is exponential. And as long as as long as that stays the same, which is it’s been the same for hundreds of years. I’m still I’m still interested. So. Mm hmm. It’s fun to think about where Bitcoin might be in twenty, twenty, twenty one in May this time next year. I’ve got no bloody clue. I have no clue. I don’t even care. But just just kind of knowing how many how how much things have changed over one year. It makes it interesting to kind of just just entertain the idea of what might happen in the next, you know, cause. Who would have thought we’d be over here? You know, this time last year. This is where we were this time last year. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you know, we were at the we were we were in the in the low eight thousand dollar range. This time last year, maybe actually, you know, around six thousand dollar range. And here we are again, full circle. You know, we had a massive fluctuation in between those of you who have been around for a long time. You’ll also remember probably my most my most unpopular theory. It’s happening to a T. At the moment, my most unpopular theory is we would be fluctuating between these price levels just kind of with with massive swings. To be fair, with massive swings, we would be fluctuating between three thousand and fourteen thousand dollars or actually, I thought between three thousand eight thousand dollars four years. And there that’s that’s what we’ve been doing, you know, since this since this point in the market, we’ve been fluctuating between these two levels. And how long has it been? Let’s take a look. In terms of days. It’s been eight hundred days. Eight hundred and thirty days. So, yeah, you know, it’s it’s absolutely it looks like it’s the case. It’s actually it’s not that bad. You know, the fact that we’re kind of we’re having all these fluctuations over such a long period of time and we’re staying between three and fourteen thousand dollars or in this case three and maybe ten thousand dollars are what it means is there’s lots of swings in between. And quite importantly, there’s there’s a lot of price history. So it becomes easy or easier to predict where Bitcoin might go. Always looking on the bright side. Right. I hope you have enjoyed this video. If you have, you know exactly what to do. Head of those like subscribe. Take the bell and I’m out. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bears-back-charge-of-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bears-back-in-charge-of-bitcoin.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bears Back in Charge of Bitcoin?!
All right. Coming off the back of the last video, we are perfectly staying within that beautiful descending triangle Flint formation with Bitcoin. We now got the third hit of this general area of resistance. Note that I’ve actually used a parallel channel to show you this descending triangle this time. So I literally I drew, just as I always do, kind of draw parallel channels like this. I’ve drawn it to represent support and resistance because I think, you know, it kind of helps illustrate the point where these kind of patterns I’m not looking for. Does it hit exactly the line? You know, I’m not looking for it. Let’s actually draw a line. Is it hitting the line? Exactly. Because in this case, you know, we would only have two hits on the resistance level. What I’m looking for is generally what is the characteristic of the trend. That’s what these lines help us to visualize. You know, the only reason they draw lines like this, the only reason I draw lines like this to visualize candle patterns is is exactly that. It is to visualize candle patterns. So I’m not interested in the specifics. And and, you know, really zooming in and looking well, did we kind of hit this with an X percentage points or or did we invalidated by thirty dollars? No, I don’t care about that. What I’m looking for is a general characteristic of the trend. And, you know, the general characteristic of any descending triangle is you start off with a high. In this case with Bitcoin, typically after you’ve risen, you know, kind of parabolic, you’ve got kind of parabolic and you’ve risen quite a lot. Very extreme rise within a short period of time. And after that, you’re setting lower highs after lower highs. You’re also keeping the same general support area. Yes, we are. We did wake down to this level, but this is where all the candles are closing. And so we’re finding support in the same area. And so what this candle pattern tells us is that pressure is condensing to the to the downside. I think that’s really the key point of this trend. As I said, we have now confirmed it with a third test. We saw a dump down, kind of like a bite pattern. Let’s zoom in and take a look at what actually happened there and look at that. We got a kind of street rise up, traded sideways a little bit. Tested the high range. Tested the low. Tested the high again. Then the low and so on. Tested the high, finally. And we got rejected. Oh, look at that. That actually makes Bart Simpson’s face. And so we ended up dumping lower. For those of you who don’t know, what actually happens with these trends is the bots are looking for where there’s more liquidity in the market. And so it pushes it to the upside because there’s more liquidity on the upside. This is where people are getting liquidated and stuff like that. Then it’s testing the lower side. This is where we’re getting these more extreme spikes, testing the upside. And on any given dump like this, it could go as low as MLT to zero. And and with any pump like this, it could go as high as twenty thousand, one million dollars. It just happens to stop at support or resistance levels. Tested the high. It got rejected over here. So now it was decision time and we got a pretty nasty dump lower. Right. Moving on, we got that rejection. We’re now trading a little bit closer to the middle of this descending triangle. And the apex of this descending triangle is only within a couple days. So really, really important. Obviously, we don’t trade these kind of patterns right up until the apex. We typically break out of them kind of around this general area. So we’re talking later today or tomorrow is where, you know, a pattern like this might typically break out. And that means, yeah, it’s decision time for Bitcoin pretty darn soon. So the other thing I wanted to take note of during this video is actually how we might be in a symmetrical triangle. Someone with a keen eye actually pointed out in the comment section that if you redraw this connecting the Wick’s on the support level, then it starts to paint a bit of a different picture. Let’s take a look at how that looks. Right. So we’re connecting this week. With this week down here and now all of a sudden what we have is a trend which is moving in the upward direction and some consolidation within asymmetrical triangle. So this actually turns from a 66 percent bearish pattern to a majority bullish pattern. You know, when you’ve got a symmetrical triangle, it turns into a bullish pattern. Now, I should note that if you’re specifically drawing these kind of lines to connect to Wick’s a bit like this, then you should apply that consistency everywhere. So this week as well. And we still generally have a symmetrical triangle as well. This is just more more of a how do I say logistical note. And quite importantly, you know, within a bullish trend, this could be valid. You know, it makes a lot of sense. We had this really big rise and now we’re starting to pause in this market for a little bit. We’ve been trading mostly sideways for five days now, going on to six. And that means, you know, we could be coming to the end of this kind of pattern, especially considering that, you know, we are now on the fifth of May. That hardening day is exactly seven days from now. So that’s next Tuesday. And we are looking at potentially breaking out, having maybe, you know, one more leg higher before the harvesting happens. Why is that? Well, it’s because we already had legs higher before the Havanese. So clearly that’s the trend. And that’s the kind of setup we are looking at now. If we do end up pumping a little bit higher, what are we looking at? Well, first, I think quite key level is that 9400 dollar resistance level where we did get rejected. That’s looking something a little bit like that. And beyond 9400, there’s pretty much nothing until we see the 10000 dollar psychological resistance. So we can visualize this. We can throw on the V.P. VR indicator. And let’s just verify that this is truly where those resistance levels are. And we can see pretty clearly on this chart that we are getting those spikes actually a little bit before 9400. And pretty much right at 10000 dollars is where we do start to get that resistance piling up. For those of you who don’t know, once again, the V.P. VR indicator V.P. VR is is an indicator that visualizes where trading has happened at different price levels. So this is saying that there’s a lot of trading that happens at ten thousand one hundred dollars. There’s a lot of trading that happens at seven thousand nine hundred, but there’s not much that happens at nine thousand dollars. So or more or more appropriately, there’s not much trading that happens between 10000 and 9400. So typically, if we enter this range, we’ll probably come out of the other side. I made a tutorial on it. So type this in and into YouTube and you can watch my tutorial explaining how this indicator works. It’s really useful. So that’s those that’s those resistance levels that we are looking at at the moment. It’s not far. You know, if Bitcoin does end up breaking out, let’s take it from the middle of the symmetrical triangle, up to the first resistance that we are looking at, a seven percent pump. And if it manages to break that resistance and go all the way up to 10000 dollars, we’re then looking at a 13 percent pump. So it doesn’t have much space left to move higher. And I think, quite crucially, on the downside, there is a lot more opportunity. The only real support level that Bitcoin has below it, which which would be important, in my opinion, starts at seven thousand eight hundred. And already that means the first real target I have is minus 12 percent. So that’s already as much of a profit as you would have had trading the upside on the second target. So this is. This is target, too. This is target one and target one over here is already the same profit as Target two. On the upside. What am I saying here? I’m saying that as a bear, there is a better risk to reward ratio at the moment. There is a better risk to reward ratio for bears to be trading this trend when you purely look at it in terms of risk to reward ratios. If seven thousand eight hundred dollars fails as support, then we’ve got more support levels below seven thousand three hundred 7600. We can draw this everywhere. Seven thousand dollars. And you know this actually it makes everything better. You know, seven thousand eight hundred. Again, that is that’s what that’s about 12 percent away. You go down to the next target, 7600. That’s 14 percent. Then we’ve got 17 percent. And then we’ve got 20 percent. So there’s a lot of downside potential for Bitcoin in this case. But in all honesty, it probably is unlikely to go down anywhere near that low because, as I said, we do have that bullish setup within this market leading up to the harvesting at the moment. So it is actually a little bit unpredictable in that sense. And I should I should maybe even say foolish to expect. It’s foolish to expect that Bitcoin will be dropping lower. This currently quite a lot of positive sentiment in this market and an at a time like this. I will say that, you know, it would make sense if we do kind of get some more extreme volatility again, that that volatility will be in the upwards direction. Really, really important stuff over there. Let’s take a look at the Ichi Mogel. Go out and see what things like that are telling us on the four hour chart. We’ve got support right below this symmetrical triangle, right below this descending triangle. We’ve got a lot of support and it lines up with the previous lines that I had drawn, which were supposed to be resistance levels. To be fair, they were. If we look at the five minute once again, we did kind of consolidate at each resistance level that I had drawn out a long time ago. But considering that we didn’t find resistance on the way up, I don’t expect that we’ll find support on the way down. So if we crash down, I think we would go right down to the bottom. But the good news is, you know, before that happens, there is that each Moku Cloud providing us some support on the four hour time frame. Let’s take a look at the moving averages. The four hour moving averages supporting us right now, really setting the kind of stage for Bitcoin to rise up to those resistance levels, especially considering that it could be a symmetrical triangle that Bitcoin is playing right now. We’ve also got that on the one hour time frame. Actually, we’ve lost our spread in the one hour time frame. So that’s just because we’ve been trading mostly sideways. That’s bound to happen. Take a look at the one day. And yet, as I have been updating you on over over the weeks, we are actually getting over the days actually we are getting all of these moving averages crush crossing bullish, which is saying that momentum has shifted from the downside to the upside, which is essentially another way of saying that the short term bullish trend is becoming the long term bullish trend. That’s one of the signs that that’s happening. It’s one of the one of the objective signs that that is happening. So really important stuff there if we can get objective signs to measure the progress in the market. We want to take it because objective measures are better than subjective measures. So that’s a pretty reliable one. In my experience and we do have that support below us. So I think it is a pretty good setup for Bitcoin if it does end up kind of, you know, getting one more pub before the halving actually happens. Here’s the thing, though. Are other than that, other than harvesting. I don’t see much reason for Bitcoin to continue rising. You heard me giving you warnings about this for a long time now since we got this rise up. There’s too much positive sentiment in the market at the moment. And the fact is. You know, at the end of the day that we still we still had, you know, more than a 50 percent dump and all the way down to the three thousand eight hundred dollar level from this high. You know, that’s what, like a 60 odd percent drop. We still had a massive dump. And and truth is, you know, we didn’t we didn’t end this as we should have. You know, the way you end a market cycle that starts like this or continues like this is you consolidate sideways and accumulate. And and there is no chance for accumulation here. So this I still maintain that this is not how a bear market ends. None of this is how a bear market ends. And I think we’ll go back to it. I think that it’s quite likely will end up dropping lower. And that’s why I keep on giving you guys these were warnings. You know, that I think there is still this possibility here, which no one’s really talking about now because, well, it’s not exciting to be the guy who’s warning about doom while everything is rosy. But again, I have to reiterate, this is where it’s important because it takes balls of steel to be saying at levels like this or even level slightly higher because I’m not closed off to the idea that will rise up to 10000. It takes balls of steel to say, actually, this trend might be running out of steam. But what happens at resistance levels, resistance levels like 9400 that we had drawn out resistance levels like 10000 that we had drawn. You get rejected, right? I mean, we got rejected at this level at nine thousand four hundred dollars. That’s not a coincidence. You know, you get rejected at resistance levels. That’s the point. And and especially considering that this move is clearly happening in anticipation of the hard hitting once that’s removed and the floor beneath Bitcoin is gone. Is Bitcoin just going to go into freefall again? Well, what a fucking setup for that to happen. I mean, that’s exactly what happened last time. So could it be that we’re looking at a similar pattern once more? Very likely, in my opinion, very, very likely. That’s kind of you know, that’s something that I have to be aware of. The other thing is, you know, it’s kind of it’s moving in line with the stock markets, broadly speaking. You know, with take a look at the U.K., one hundred and exactly the same image on the U.K.. One hundred, you know, pretty much since the 12th of March, which was over here. Bitcoin has been correlated with in fact, let me let me just throw Bitcoin on top of this so you can see exactly what I’m talking about. And I mean, it’s perfect. It’s it’s the best correlation you could ever ask for. It’s Christmas, really. I mean, look at look at this. I mean, it’s how could it be better? I don’t get it. You know, setting a low on the 17th of March, then having the rising wage up. All the markets are forming this. And we have to ask ourselves, is this warranted? Is it warranted that global markets are rising like this during the corona virus pandemic where it’s already dumped massively? You know, if you if you can dump this this much in such a short period of time, then. What makes this a real rally? I mean, we see this all the time and then you throw onto the mix. You know that companies are still losing billions of dollars, millions and millions and millions of people are unemployed. Governments are just going through quantitative easing, which which isn’t exactly a long term solution. You know, you look at it that way and then you ask yourself, is this a sustained rally which is going to be the beginning of the economy, recovering and flourishing again? Yeah, maybe not. Maybe not. And considering Bitcoins correlation with with the rest of the markets globally, I would expect that that continues. So it’s I think it was when Bitcoin topped. Yeah. Right over here at ten thousand dollars. This is where it started being correlated with the other markets. And you can see I mean, it’s exactly in line to the point where you can’t really distinguish bitcoins line because it’s so in line with the FTSE 100. If I position the chart a little bit differently right there, you can’t distinguish each line anymore. And that’s because it’s so. Clearly correlated. So, yeah, if these markets start to dump the FTSE 100, the DAX, you know, the S&P 500. Let’s take a look at the S&P. You know, if they start to correct lower. I fully expect that Bitcoin will do the same thing. And that’s actually do some analysis on this just to see where those resistance levels are. I’ll be close to resistance on the S&P 500. Let’s take a look. You know, there’s some resistance over there. There’s some resistance over there. Some more over there were basically trading right in resistance at the moment. Let’s draw a box extending all the way. And I mean, yeah, we’re right we’re right over there. I’m sure the V.P. VR is going to visualize exactly the same thing for us. Let’s confirm that on the V.P. VR. Yeah. And right there, we are seeing a bit of a spike and the spike continues all the way up to 3000 points and above this year. It would be kind of rally time. But will the S&P 500 get that high? I don’t really think so, especially given everything I’ve said to you over the past one or two minutes. And with that in mind, you know, it could be the catalyst to provide another 30 percent dump after the harvesting happens. And quite crucially, that’s exactly what happened during 2016 after the last hovering. You know, we kind of we traded upwards into it. Then we went sideways a little bit and then we dumped massively and then we recovered higher. So are we looking at a similar set up for Bitcoin? Well, so far, all the pieces of the puzzle are there. All of them. So it could very well be the case. And, you know, I think it’s quite important to point out we’re realistic on this channel. You know, you and I, everyone watching and subscribe to this channel. I like to think that we’re not emotionally invested in anything, you know, not especially not Bitcoin. You know, like, it’s it’s just stupid. And and that allows us to recognize that Bitcoin is not invincible. You know, if Bitcoin can correlate the markets like it did over here from 10000 down to 3000, then then it’s not immune from from worldwide turmoil. And and that means if things continue to get worse than then, yeah, bitcoin will be affected by it, too. And the point I’m trying to strike here is what a beautiful setup for exactly that to happen. What a beautiful setup. It would make so much sense. So I’m being aware of it. I’m letting you know what’s going on. What we do know, though, is no matter what happens in the lead up to the harvesting and afterwards, we are going to have a decent amount of volatility. We have been having a decent amount of volatility. Take a look at a message I got from a VIP member over here 10 days after joining VIP. Showing me that he managed to pull a quadruple digit a four digit profit in percentage within 10 days of being in VIP. Again, this was down to the old coin analysis that we carry out in VIP. As I say to you, we’re not just taking a look at Bitcoin in VIP, but all of the coins over here are also analyzed within the group where I’m sharing with you the setups I’m seeing and the opportunities I’m seeing in the markets. And this member over here, after seeing that, was able to take a closer look at REPL and and then and then and book a profit that I’m even jealous of. So the student rising above the teacher right there. Super, super cool. And the point is the point is, guys, it’s not like we’ve lost that volatility. We still have seven days until our harvesting and then we still have after the harvesting. And you know, what the harvesting brings is volatility beforehand during it and afterwards. So it’s a beautiful setup for some very, very interesting things to happen. And I’ve definitely got my eye on it to kind of make sure that, you know, when I see those trading opportunities, I’m taking advantage of them. I already have some ideas and I will keep you updated on them in VIP. VIP is already know some of the things that I am looking at. Here’s another message that I got from a member who used to be in VIP. I think he was in for a couple months and and a book and a beautiful triple digit profit. Again, all this stuff is happening right now. I mean, guys, this is the time that people are making money in the market. Also, equally, it’s the time of people are losing money in the pocket. But right here, this member who used to be in VIP mentioning that, you know, he he was able to pull this after being in VIP and learning what he needed to learn and then kind of, you know, able to go out on his own, which is absolutely amazing. It is very much something where even if you’re in for a month, the kind of things you will learn and see could very well set you up like this person. Probably my favorite message as part of this testimonial is that, of course, he only has a quarter of his position left because I taught him the importance of taking profit. What you see in the VIP group is not just my words, not just, hey, I think it’s very important to take profits. You see me doing it over and over and over, day in and day out, weeks, months, years. You see me exercising the same level of very, very extreme risk management and discipline exercised within my trading game. Not just me saying it, but me showing you that I’m doing it like right here, even though I think that this profit can go up to 60 percent. I’m very happy to close part of my position at 25 percent and and really reinforcing those lessons with real world examples. It’s extremely valuable. And this personal is very happy with that risk management. Yes. It means that you have less euphoria when you’re done with your trade, but it means that you’ve now allowed yourself to book profits more consistently. And I think, quite crucially, having euphoria during trading. It’s fun and it’s cool. And don’t get me wrong, I love it. But it shouldn’t be a drug. You know, you shouldn’t be getting your highs from trading. Or I should say you shouldn’t be seeking highs from trading. That’s where mistakes start happening, because if you’re seeking highs, you will get lows. And we don’t want that. We don’t want euphoria all the time because that means the emotional swings are too extreme and that means things go down as well. So it’s really, really important to have that balance going on. And quite crucially, you don’t just hear me telling you about it. You hear me. You watch me exercise it in real time with the same market that you’re looking at as well. It’s the first link in the description down below. Then click on the app for flight bottom button at the bottom of any post in full flight gold and click on Send Message to ask me how to join the group. I’ll give you all the information about the group or the benefit you’re getting. All the pricing options really, really cool. And it has it has been really popping off lately. Definitely something I’m very proud of. Again, only 10 days into being in VIP. So this is absolute pure gold that we’re dropping all over the all over the experience and VIP at the moment. Super, super cool. The other thing I’ll mention is we’ve had a lot of people taken up the yearly plan lately. And the good news with the yearly plan is, is yes, it is obviously the most expensive plan we offer. But you’re getting the entire advanced course for free. And that’s worth, I think. I don’t even remember. Maybe it’s something like point three, point four BTC. You’re getting that for free within the price of VIP. What that means, crucially, is when you’re in VIP, you’re seeing how I’m implementing the strategies I use. And when you’re in the course, the advanced course, you’re seeing what my strategies are and how they work and all the nuances to them. All the little quirks you’re learning, the more so what you do is you see the theory and the course and you see the practical you see the implementation in. VIP. That is a killer killer combination. Of course, you also don’t have to worry about time constraints because a year is a bloody long time and Krypto a year is a really long time in crypto U.S. price movements that happen over a year in crypto. That would happen in 10 years. And gold, for example. It really is quite volatile. So, you know, it is sticking in for the long run. And the group, by the way, in one form or another, has been around for three years now. We’ve hit three years as of this month. So or as of one of the months earlier, I don’t even remember maybe April. So that’s a huge achievement. Three years in the crypto space is a lot. You know, I mean, this is not a mature space yet. It’s getting mature. But to have three years under your belt is is an achievement that I am extremely proud of. You know, that that I’ve stuck with this and seen people gaining profits all the way through it. Some people actually still around six twenty seventeen shout out to you guys. And and it is. Yeah. It has been absolutely awesome. So here’s to another three years. Definitely sticking around for the long run. I’m sucked in this game. I mean, I you know, I get you know, as I said, I get my highs from this game. I love it. I don’t seek them. But they come naturally and and quite important, you know, that I’ve never seen a way to make more money than trading. You know, it very much is exponential. And as long as as long as that stays the same, which is it’s been the same for hundreds of years. I’m still I’m still interested. So. Mm hmm. It’s fun to think about where Bitcoin might be in twenty, twenty, twenty one in May this time next year. I’ve got no bloody clue. I have no clue. I don’t even care. But just just kind of knowing how many how how much things have changed over one year. It makes it interesting to kind of just just entertain the idea of what might happen in the next, you know, cause. Who would have thought we’d be over here? You know, this time last year. This is where we were this time last year. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you know, we were at the we were we were in the in the low eight thousand dollar range. This time last year, maybe actually, you know, around six thousand dollar range. And here we are again, full circle. You know, we had a massive fluctuation in between those of you who have been around for a long time. You’ll also remember probably my most my most unpopular theory. It’s happening to a T. At the moment, my most unpopular theory is we would be fluctuating between these price levels just kind of with with massive swings. To be fair, with massive swings, we would be fluctuating between three thousand and fourteen thousand dollars or actually, I thought between three thousand eight thousand dollars four years. And there that’s that’s what we’ve been doing, you know, since this since this point in the market, we’ve been fluctuating between these two levels. And how long has it been? Let’s take a look. In terms of days. It’s been eight hundred days. Eight hundred and thirty days. So, yeah, you know, it’s it’s absolutely it looks like it’s the case. It’s actually it’s not that bad. You know, the fact that we’re kind of we’re having all these fluctuations over such a long period of time and we’re staying between three and fourteen thousand dollars or in this case three and maybe ten thousand dollars are what it means is there’s lots of swings in between. And quite importantly, there’s there’s a lot of price history. So it becomes easy or easier to predict where Bitcoin might go. Always looking on the bright side. Right. I hope you have enjoyed this video. If you have, you know exactly what to do. Head of those like subscribe. Take the bell and I’m out. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bears-back-charge-of-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617508286247337984
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bears Back in Charge of Bitcoin?!
All right. Coming off the back of the last video, we are perfectly staying within that beautiful descending triangle Flint formation with Bitcoin. We now got the third hit of this general area of resistance. Note that I’ve actually used a parallel channel to show you this descending triangle this time. So I literally I drew, just as I always do, kind of draw parallel channels like this. I’ve drawn it to represent support and resistance because I think, you know, it kind of helps illustrate the point where these kind of patterns I’m not looking for. Does it hit exactly the line? You know, I’m not looking for it. Let’s actually draw a line. Is it hitting the line? Exactly. Because in this case, you know, we would only have two hits on the resistance level. What I’m looking for is generally what is the characteristic of the trend. That’s what these lines help us to visualize. You know, the only reason they draw lines like this, the only reason I draw lines like this to visualize candle patterns is is exactly that. It is to visualize candle patterns. So I’m not interested in the specifics. And and, you know, really zooming in and looking well, did we kind of hit this with an X percentage points or or did we invalidated by thirty dollars? No, I don’t care about that. What I’m looking for is a general characteristic of the trend. And, you know, the general characteristic of any descending triangle is you start off with a high. In this case with Bitcoin, typically after you’ve risen, you know, kind of parabolic, you’ve got kind of parabolic and you’ve risen quite a lot. Very extreme rise within a short period of time. And after that, you’re setting lower highs after lower highs. You’re also keeping the same general support area. Yes, we are. We did wake down to this level, but this is where all the candles are closing. And so we’re finding support in the same area. And so what this candle pattern tells us is that pressure is condensing to the to the downside. I think that’s really the key point of this trend. As I said, we have now confirmed it with a third test. We saw a dump down, kind of like a bite pattern. Let’s zoom in and take a look at what actually happened there and look at that. We got a kind of street rise up, traded sideways a little bit. Tested the high range. Tested the low. Tested the high again. Then the low and so on. Tested the high, finally. And we got rejected. Oh, look at that. That actually makes Bart Simpson’s face. And so we ended up dumping lower. For those of you who don’t know, what actually happens with these trends is the bots are looking for where there’s more liquidity in the market. And so it pushes it to the upside because there’s more liquidity on the upside. This is where people are getting liquidated and stuff like that. Then it’s testing the lower side. This is where we’re getting these more extreme spikes, testing the upside. And on any given dump like this, it could go as low as MLT to zero. And and with any pump like this, it could go as high as twenty thousand, one million dollars. It just happens to stop at support or resistance levels. Tested the high. It got rejected over here. So now it was decision time and we got a pretty nasty dump lower. Right. Moving on, we got that rejection. We’re now trading a little bit closer to the middle of this descending triangle. And the apex of this descending triangle is only within a couple days. So really, really important. Obviously, we don’t trade these kind of patterns right up until the apex. We typically break out of them kind of around this general area. So we’re talking later today or tomorrow is where, you know, a pattern like this might typically break out. And that means, yeah, it’s decision time for Bitcoin pretty darn soon. So the other thing I wanted to take note of during this video is actually how we might be in a symmetrical triangle. Someone with a keen eye actually pointed out in the comment section that if you redraw this connecting the Wick’s on the support level, then it starts to paint a bit of a different picture. Let’s take a look at how that looks. Right. So we’re connecting this week. With this week down here and now all of a sudden what we have is a trend which is moving in the upward direction and some consolidation within asymmetrical triangle. So this actually turns from a 66 percent bearish pattern to a majority bullish pattern. You know, when you’ve got a symmetrical triangle, it turns into a bullish pattern. Now, I should note that if you’re specifically drawing these kind of lines to connect to Wick’s a bit like this, then you should apply that consistency everywhere. So this week as well. And we still generally have a symmetrical triangle as well. This is just more more of a how do I say logistical note. And quite importantly, you know, within a bullish trend, this could be valid. You know, it makes a lot of sense. We had this really big rise and now we’re starting to pause in this market for a little bit. We’ve been trading mostly sideways for five days now, going on to six. And that means, you know, we could be coming to the end of this kind of pattern, especially considering that, you know, we are now on the fifth of May. That hardening day is exactly seven days from now. So that’s next Tuesday. And we are looking at potentially breaking out, having maybe, you know, one more leg higher before the harvesting happens. Why is that? Well, it’s because we already had legs higher before the Havanese. So clearly that’s the trend. And that’s the kind of setup we are looking at now. If we do end up pumping a little bit higher, what are we looking at? Well, first, I think quite key level is that 9400 dollar resistance level where we did get rejected. That’s looking something a little bit like that. And beyond 9400, there’s pretty much nothing until we see the 10000 dollar psychological resistance. So we can visualize this. We can throw on the V.P. VR indicator. And let’s just verify that this is truly where those resistance levels are. And we can see pretty clearly on this chart that we are getting those spikes actually a little bit before 9400. And pretty much right at 10000 dollars is where we do start to get that resistance piling up. For those of you who don’t know, once again, the V.P. VR indicator V.P. VR is is an indicator that visualizes where trading has happened at different price levels. So this is saying that there’s a lot of trading that happens at ten thousand one hundred dollars. There’s a lot of trading that happens at seven thousand nine hundred, but there’s not much that happens at nine thousand dollars. So or more or more appropriately, there’s not much trading that happens between 10000 and 9400. So typically, if we enter this range, we’ll probably come out of the other side. I made a tutorial on it. So type this in and into YouTube and you can watch my tutorial explaining how this indicator works. It’s really useful. So that’s those that’s those resistance levels that we are looking at at the moment. It’s not far. You know, if Bitcoin does end up breaking out, let’s take it from the middle of the symmetrical triangle, up to the first resistance that we are looking at, a seven percent pump. And if it manages to break that resistance and go all the way up to 10000 dollars, we’re then looking at a 13 percent pump. So it doesn’t have much space left to move higher. And I think, quite crucially, on the downside, there is a lot more opportunity. The only real support level that Bitcoin has below it, which which would be important, in my opinion, starts at seven thousand eight hundred. And already that means the first real target I have is minus 12 percent. So that’s already as much of a profit as you would have had trading the upside on the second target. So this is. This is target, too. This is target one and target one over here is already the same profit as Target two. On the upside. What am I saying here? I’m saying that as a bear, there is a better risk to reward ratio at the moment. There is a better risk to reward ratio for bears to be trading this trend when you purely look at it in terms of risk to reward ratios. If seven thousand eight hundred dollars fails as support, then we’ve got more support levels below seven thousand three hundred 7600. We can draw this everywhere. Seven thousand dollars. And you know this actually it makes everything better. You know, seven thousand eight hundred. Again, that is that’s what that’s about 12 percent away. You go down to the next target, 7600. That’s 14 percent. Then we’ve got 17 percent. And then we’ve got 20 percent. So there’s a lot of downside potential for Bitcoin in this case. But in all honesty, it probably is unlikely to go down anywhere near that low because, as I said, we do have that bullish setup within this market leading up to the harvesting at the moment. So it is actually a little bit unpredictable in that sense. And I should I should maybe even say foolish to expect. It’s foolish to expect that Bitcoin will be dropping lower. This currently quite a lot of positive sentiment in this market and an at a time like this. I will say that, you know, it would make sense if we do kind of get some more extreme volatility again, that that volatility will be in the upwards direction. Really, really important stuff over there. Let’s take a look at the Ichi Mogel. Go out and see what things like that are telling us on the four hour chart. We’ve got support right below this symmetrical triangle, right below this descending triangle. We’ve got a lot of support and it lines up with the previous lines that I had drawn, which were supposed to be resistance levels. To be fair, they were. If we look at the five minute once again, we did kind of consolidate at each resistance level that I had drawn out a long time ago. But considering that we didn’t find resistance on the way up, I don’t expect that we’ll find support on the way down. So if we crash down, I think we would go right down to the bottom. But the good news is, you know, before that happens, there is that each Moku Cloud providing us some support on the four hour time frame. Let’s take a look at the moving averages. The four hour moving averages supporting us right now, really setting the kind of stage for Bitcoin to rise up to those resistance levels, especially considering that it could be a symmetrical triangle that Bitcoin is playing right now. We’ve also got that on the one hour time frame. Actually, we’ve lost our spread in the one hour time frame. So that’s just because we’ve been trading mostly sideways. That’s bound to happen. Take a look at the one day. And yet, as I have been updating you on over over the weeks, we are actually getting over the days actually we are getting all of these moving averages crush crossing bullish, which is saying that momentum has shifted from the downside to the upside, which is essentially another way of saying that the short term bullish trend is becoming the long term bullish trend. That’s one of the signs that that’s happening. It’s one of the one of the objective signs that that is happening. So really important stuff there if we can get objective signs to measure the progress in the market. We want to take it because objective measures are better than subjective measures. So that’s a pretty reliable one. In my experience and we do have that support below us. So I think it is a pretty good setup for Bitcoin if it does end up kind of, you know, getting one more pub before the halving actually happens. Here’s the thing, though. Are other than that, other than harvesting. I don’t see much reason for Bitcoin to continue rising. You heard me giving you warnings about this for a long time now since we got this rise up. There’s too much positive sentiment in the market at the moment. And the fact is. You know, at the end of the day that we still we still had, you know, more than a 50 percent dump and all the way down to the three thousand eight hundred dollar level from this high. You know, that’s what, like a 60 odd percent drop. We still had a massive dump. And and truth is, you know, we didn’t we didn’t end this as we should have. You know, the way you end a market cycle that starts like this or continues like this is you consolidate sideways and accumulate. And and there is no chance for accumulation here. So this I still maintain that this is not how a bear market ends. None of this is how a bear market ends. And I think we’ll go back to it. I think that it’s quite likely will end up dropping lower. And that’s why I keep on giving you guys these were warnings. You know, that I think there is still this possibility here, which no one’s really talking about now because, well, it’s not exciting to be the guy who’s warning about doom while everything is rosy. But again, I have to reiterate, this is where it’s important because it takes balls of steel to be saying at levels like this or even level slightly higher because I’m not closed off to the idea that will rise up to 10000. It takes balls of steel to say, actually, this trend might be running out of steam. But what happens at resistance levels, resistance levels like 9400 that we had drawn out resistance levels like 10000 that we had drawn. You get rejected, right? I mean, we got rejected at this level at nine thousand four hundred dollars. That’s not a coincidence. You know, you get rejected at resistance levels. That’s the point. And and especially considering that this move is clearly happening in anticipation of the hard hitting once that’s removed and the floor beneath Bitcoin is gone. Is Bitcoin just going to go into freefall again? Well, what a fucking setup for that to happen. I mean, that’s exactly what happened last time. So could it be that we’re looking at a similar pattern once more? Very likely, in my opinion, very, very likely. That’s kind of you know, that’s something that I have to be aware of. The other thing is, you know, it’s kind of it’s moving in line with the stock markets, broadly speaking. You know, with take a look at the U.K., one hundred and exactly the same image on the U.K.. One hundred, you know, pretty much since the 12th of March, which was over here. Bitcoin has been correlated with in fact, let me let me just throw Bitcoin on top of this so you can see exactly what I’m talking about. And I mean, it’s perfect. It’s it’s the best correlation you could ever ask for. It’s Christmas, really. I mean, look at look at this. I mean, it’s how could it be better? I don’t get it. You know, setting a low on the 17th of March, then having the rising wage up. All the markets are forming this. And we have to ask ourselves, is this warranted? Is it warranted that global markets are rising like this during the corona virus pandemic where it’s already dumped massively? You know, if you if you can dump this this much in such a short period of time, then. What makes this a real rally? I mean, we see this all the time and then you throw onto the mix. You know that companies are still losing billions of dollars, millions and millions and millions of people are unemployed. Governments are just going through quantitative easing, which which isn’t exactly a long term solution. You know, you look at it that way and then you ask yourself, is this a sustained rally which is going to be the beginning of the economy, recovering and flourishing again? Yeah, maybe not. Maybe not. And considering Bitcoins correlation with with the rest of the markets globally, I would expect that that continues. So it’s I think it was when Bitcoin topped. Yeah. Right over here at ten thousand dollars. This is where it started being correlated with the other markets. And you can see I mean, it’s exactly in line to the point where you can’t really distinguish bitcoins line because it’s so in line with the FTSE 100. If I position the chart a little bit differently right there, you can’t distinguish each line anymore. And that’s because it’s so. Clearly correlated. So, yeah, if these markets start to dump the FTSE 100, the DAX, you know, the S&P 500. Let’s take a look at the S&P. You know, if they start to correct lower. I fully expect that Bitcoin will do the same thing. And that’s actually do some analysis on this just to see where those resistance levels are. I’ll be close to resistance on the S&P 500. Let’s take a look. You know, there’s some resistance over there. There’s some resistance over there. Some more over there were basically trading right in resistance at the moment. Let’s draw a box extending all the way. And I mean, yeah, we’re right we’re right over there. I’m sure the V.P. VR is going to visualize exactly the same thing for us. Let’s confirm that on the V.P. VR. Yeah. And right there, we are seeing a bit of a spike and the spike continues all the way up to 3000 points and above this year. It would be kind of rally time. But will the S&P 500 get that high? I don’t really think so, especially given everything I’ve said to you over the past one or two minutes. And with that in mind, you know, it could be the catalyst to provide another 30 percent dump after the harvesting happens. And quite crucially, that’s exactly what happened during 2016 after the last hovering. You know, we kind of we traded upwards into it. Then we went sideways a little bit and then we dumped massively and then we recovered higher. So are we looking at a similar set up for Bitcoin? Well, so far, all the pieces of the puzzle are there. All of them. So it could very well be the case. And, you know, I think it’s quite important to point out we’re realistic on this channel. You know, you and I, everyone watching and subscribe to this channel. I like to think that we’re not emotionally invested in anything, you know, not especially not Bitcoin. You know, like, it’s it’s just stupid. And and that allows us to recognize that Bitcoin is not invincible. You know, if Bitcoin can correlate the markets like it did over here from 10000 down to 3000, then then it’s not immune from from worldwide turmoil. And and that means if things continue to get worse than then, yeah, bitcoin will be affected by it, too. And the point I’m trying to strike here is what a beautiful setup for exactly that to happen. What a beautiful setup. It would make so much sense. So I’m being aware of it. I’m letting you know what’s going on. What we do know, though, is no matter what happens in the lead up to the harvesting and afterwards, we are going to have a decent amount of volatility. We have been having a decent amount of volatility. Take a look at a message I got from a VIP member over here 10 days after joining VIP. Showing me that he managed to pull a quadruple digit a four digit profit in percentage within 10 days of being in VIP. Again, this was down to the old coin analysis that we carry out in VIP. As I say to you, we’re not just taking a look at Bitcoin in VIP, but all of the coins over here are also analyzed within the group where I’m sharing with you the setups I’m seeing and the opportunities I’m seeing in the markets. And this member over here, after seeing that, was able to take a closer look at REPL and and then and then and book a profit that I’m even jealous of. So the student rising above the teacher right there. Super, super cool. And the point is the point is, guys, it’s not like we’ve lost that volatility. We still have seven days until our harvesting and then we still have after the harvesting. And you know, what the harvesting brings is volatility beforehand during it and afterwards. So it’s a beautiful setup for some very, very interesting things to happen. And I’ve definitely got my eye on it to kind of make sure that, you know, when I see those trading opportunities, I’m taking advantage of them. I already have some ideas and I will keep you updated on them in VIP. VIP is already know some of the things that I am looking at. Here’s another message that I got from a member who used to be in VIP. I think he was in for a couple months and and a book and a beautiful triple digit profit. Again, all this stuff is happening right now. I mean, guys, this is the time that people are making money in the market. Also, equally, it’s the time of people are losing money in the pocket. But right here, this member who used to be in VIP mentioning that, you know, he he was able to pull this after being in VIP and learning what he needed to learn and then kind of, you know, able to go out on his own, which is absolutely amazing. It is very much something where even if you’re in for a month, the kind of things you will learn and see could very well set you up like this person. Probably my favorite message as part of this testimonial is that, of course, he only has a quarter of his position left because I taught him the importance of taking profit. What you see in the VIP group is not just my words, not just, hey, I think it’s very important to take profits. You see me doing it over and over and over, day in and day out, weeks, months, years. You see me exercising the same level of very, very extreme risk management and discipline exercised within my trading game. Not just me saying it, but me showing you that I’m doing it like right here, even though I think that this profit can go up to 60 percent. I’m very happy to close part of my position at 25 percent and and really reinforcing those lessons with real world examples. It’s extremely valuable. And this personal is very happy with that risk management. Yes. It means that you have less euphoria when you’re done with your trade, but it means that you’ve now allowed yourself to book profits more consistently. And I think, quite crucially, having euphoria during trading. It’s fun and it’s cool. And don’t get me wrong, I love it. But it shouldn’t be a drug. You know, you shouldn’t be getting your highs from trading. Or I should say you shouldn’t be seeking highs from trading. That’s where mistakes start happening, because if you’re seeking highs, you will get lows. And we don’t want that. We don’t want euphoria all the time because that means the emotional swings are too extreme and that means things go down as well. So it’s really, really important to have that balance going on. And quite crucially, you don’t just hear me telling you about it. You hear me. You watch me exercise it in real time with the same market that you’re looking at as well. It’s the first link in the description down below. Then click on the app for flight bottom button at the bottom of any post in full flight gold and click on Send Message to ask me how to join the group. I’ll give you all the information about the group or the benefit you’re getting. All the pricing options really, really cool. And it has it has been really popping off lately. Definitely something I’m very proud of. Again, only 10 days into being in VIP. So this is absolute pure gold that we’re dropping all over the all over the experience and VIP at the moment. Super, super cool. The other thing I’ll mention is we’ve had a lot of people taken up the yearly plan lately. And the good news with the yearly plan is, is yes, it is obviously the most expensive plan we offer. But you’re getting the entire advanced course for free. And that’s worth, I think. I don’t even remember. Maybe it’s something like point three, point four BTC. You’re getting that for free within the price of VIP. What that means, crucially, is when you’re in VIP, you’re seeing how I’m implementing the strategies I use. And when you’re in the course, the advanced course, you’re seeing what my strategies are and how they work and all the nuances to them. All the little quirks you’re learning, the more so what you do is you see the theory and the course and you see the practical you see the implementation in. VIP. That is a killer killer combination. Of course, you also don’t have to worry about time constraints because a year is a bloody long time and Krypto a year is a really long time in crypto U.S. price movements that happen over a year in crypto. That would happen in 10 years. And gold, for example. It really is quite volatile. So, you know, it is sticking in for the long run. And the group, by the way, in one form or another, has been around for three years now. We’ve hit three years as of this month. So or as of one of the months earlier, I don’t even remember maybe April. So that’s a huge achievement. Three years in the crypto space is a lot. You know, I mean, this is not a mature space yet. It’s getting mature. But to have three years under your belt is is an achievement that I am extremely proud of. You know, that that I’ve stuck with this and seen people gaining profits all the way through it. Some people actually still around six twenty seventeen shout out to you guys. And and it is. Yeah. It has been absolutely awesome. So here’s to another three years. Definitely sticking around for the long run. I’m sucked in this game. I mean, I you know, I get you know, as I said, I get my highs from this game. I love it. I don’t seek them. But they come naturally and and quite important, you know, that I’ve never seen a way to make more money than trading. You know, it very much is exponential. And as long as as long as that stays the same, which is it’s been the same for hundreds of years. I’m still I’m still interested. So. Mm hmm. It’s fun to think about where Bitcoin might be in twenty, twenty, twenty one in May this time next year. I’ve got no bloody clue. I have no clue. I don’t even care. But just just kind of knowing how many how how much things have changed over one year. It makes it interesting to kind of just just entertain the idea of what might happen in the next, you know, cause. Who would have thought we’d be over here? You know, this time last year. This is where we were this time last year. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you know, we were at the we were we were in the in the low eight thousand dollar range. This time last year, maybe actually, you know, around six thousand dollar range. And here we are again, full circle. You know, we had a massive fluctuation in between those of you who have been around for a long time. You’ll also remember probably my most my most unpopular theory. It’s happening to a T. At the moment, my most unpopular theory is we would be fluctuating between these price levels just kind of with with massive swings. To be fair, with massive swings, we would be fluctuating between three thousand and fourteen thousand dollars or actually, I thought between three thousand eight thousand dollars four years. And there that’s that’s what we’ve been doing, you know, since this since this point in the market, we’ve been fluctuating between these two levels. And how long has it been? Let’s take a look. In terms of days. It’s been eight hundred days. Eight hundred and thirty days. So, yeah, you know, it’s it’s absolutely it looks like it’s the case. It’s actually it’s not that bad. You know, the fact that we’re kind of we’re having all these fluctuations over such a long period of time and we’re staying between three and fourteen thousand dollars or in this case three and maybe ten thousand dollars are what it means is there’s lots of swings in between. And quite importantly, there’s there’s a lot of price history. So it becomes easy or easier to predict where Bitcoin might go. Always looking on the bright side. Right. I hope you have enjoyed this video. If you have, you know exactly what to do. Head of those like subscribe. Take the bell and I’m out. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bears-back-charge-of-bitcoin/
0 notes
voodoorhythmrecords · 4 years
Tour Report 2019-South East Asia Tour The Monsters
This is a tour where Greta would Kill us Immediately, 7 flights, around 40'000km in 2.5 weeks, a city with about 7'000'000 mopeds, 26 of them battery operated at most ... I have only seen a few bikes driven by women over 100 years old (at least that).
I am the writer, Reverend Beat-Man, singer and guitarist of THE MONSTERS we have been touring with the New Zealanders THE CAVEMEN trough Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan
 We already did the preliminary work a few years before this tour, we is: Pete Menchetti from Slovenly Records (Sticker Guy) from Reno (USA) ... he calls his series WE'RE LOUD FEST and Swan Lee our drummer both had exchanged about one Trillion mails, made balance sheets, culture suport Letters etc ... Money Zero but Fun= Factor +180 we were lucky to be supported a little bit by Pro Helvetia and the SUISA Fondation with a deficit guarantee (in Switzerland this is possible... thanks to my lovely country)
 On Monday the Nov 19 we flew 12 hours to Vietnam and went in a taxi to Saigon (Ho-Chi-Minh City), in town there are over 7 million (they told me i didn’t count) motor scooters and they drive as it looks like all at the same time like maniacs mostly 2 but also 5 people on it, a huge chaos, everyone drives according to him just so fits first on one lane and then if enough space on the opposite lane as well no rules at all, we thought.. In the beginning it looks ultra chaotic, but i tell you if you make your own chaos music you know the deal, that there is a system in every chaos... so as well on Vietnam's streets... the trick: All vehicles are slow and they never stop, that means the traffic is always running and there is never a jam... unless someone is lying dead on the street... crossing the road as a pedestrian is a big challenge the trick is to never stop while walking Close your eyes and walk slowly in a straight line, then the mopeds will drive around you... if you make a stop or jerky movements you will be knocked over and die on the spot, like in a game, it's very simple
We're Loud Fest
the welcome party was in the club Indika, in the front room a marriage orchestra playing the same shit music like all over the globe, just in vietnamese, in the back room DJ's Pete and Daddy O from Tokyo and as surprise act WASTED PIDO from Venice the One Man Band from the great DESTROY ALL GONDOLAS (Death Metal Surf).
One day later we had a party on an old Vietnamese steamer, the whole vehicle was finely carved out of rosewood and almost collapsed while dancing too wildly, I was allowed to start as REVEREND BEAT-MAN and KING KHAN & BBQ SHOW closed the evening, I can’t say anything about my show because I played it myself but it was fun, my striptease interlude and Tibetan vocal act were i guess a bit too much for them and king khan bbq show had taken over, the 2 were in a great mood and squeezed everything out of the kiddie PA System, the guitar was completely out of tune from the beginning to the end you could even see it as a concept and every line more stupid than the next one it was a great party..  i could hardly enjoy the concert because i stupidly switched to flirt mode and fell in love with all the women on the boat, after an unsuccessful tour we got drunk and at 2am we got into a strange taxi that took us to the hotel with 200 km/h in 3 seconds, the hotel was a family affair, the doors close after 8pm, the mother manager and wife for everything, i fell in love immediately, she had welcomed us, her children and husband and other family members of unknown origin all slept in the lobby under or on the table, temperature was estimated 10000 degrees and they all snuggled up comfortably in the thermo- feather blanket, we switched off the air conditioning for solidarity reason to the Family and Great off course and then got up in the morning in a sweat bath. For Breakfast you drink cold coffee with condensed milk or sit with diarrhoea on the Toilette.
We were lucky to be in Saigon in the un-touristic part (tourists quarter you recognises if it has Mc Donnalds/Starbucks sign… do not go there !! its shit 10 times as expensive, and full of Europeans and ‚i wanna see the amazing world‘ Americans) we walked around in the evening in our quarter and landed in the residential quarter, everyone had the doors far open, a honest driving between all inhabitants (not sexually) was to be observed.. i think loneliness and anti-social behaviour doesn't exist there, or hasn't arrived yet, because it's still something like a communism, an open one, whatever that means, i think when capitalism will take over, it will turn into a big fuck up shit shit hole like everywhere else,I think. Anyway but everybody in Saigon had some kind of business and sells something like living chickens (plucked alive they are then decapitated before the other living chickens ... shock therapy or something i guess) Rolex watches or fine sugar cane juice also skinning cute cuddly dogs is very popular, everything is on the ground and the ice-block supplier cleans his cocktail ice with stones from gutter, washed with stale water that dries quickly in the burning sun.. we have eaten and drunk everything, no matter how bizarre (dog (the one with the short legs, but no poodles) to the sky like rotten dicks stinking fruits and fermented fish) thanks to the demand we are still alive, and happier than ever.
  On Saturday was the official festival start which ended one day later, many bands from the Asian region played, among others URGENT MATTER from Singapore I and all others Loved them very much, super cool old school hard core punk style, without stupid jumping around in ’shorts’. the songs are about 30 seconds and then one minute break because the singer tried to say something in English REIGN IN SLUMBER from Cambodia crusts Metal Punk super trash and the Ueber Hammer the same with DISTRICT 105 (Saigon) the headliner of the evening was CUT LON from Hanoi also known as Picachu Band, Hard Core, with official jumping and macho arm contortions and those Short Long shorts.. the shit ones, I think they are relatively famous and were not very friendly to us, that’s probably why, on the same evening THE CAVEMEN first with their country n western set THE VETERAN OUTLAW on the roof terrace, then as a complete band of Super Retards in the club, and like every evening and every time I saw them the kicked so much but that there was no butt anymore, Early Stooges paired with Glitter Punk and GG Allin, completely stupid and horny, everything is possible and everything they do especially drinking and taking drugs, THE TEWWZERS from Tokyo ex Teenegenerate, Power Pop high-flyers I have unfortunately missed because I was flirting, what one from Hawaii and her girlfriend from Brooklyn i think ajajaj... but all of them said they were great, THE CARRISON from Malaysia we met at dinner is Punk Rock'n'Roll and then TOTAL CONTROL from Australia from the asylum escaped Kraut Rocker and punks on LSD played with violins and flute but they also had problem with the 15 buck guitar amp for the estimated 100th time because there is no equipment in Vietnam, everything has to be ordered somehow PA amps etc.. and things like that are very hard to find and the equipment is not made for Rock'n'roll... rather for cuddle karaoke or Wedding Bands, at the end of the Night the: STOMPIN' RIFFRAFFS from Tokyo and they ruled the party, rock'n'roll covers with a Japanese attitude, piano and a theremin player who masturbated on stage in fishnet stockings. and i fell in love again, we (the Monsters) played as well, it was great, but i never get much out of it, because i'm playing... but i remember we played a piece in slow motion (sounds as stupid as it is)
 We had to leave Saigon with a weeping eye and flew to Hoi An, Central Vietnam, We played again together with the Cavemen in a beach bar, because in Hoi An there are seldom or never concerts, they had problems to find a guitar and bass amp, the guitar amp was the size of a toaster, and with the bass amp they said it was the only one in Hoi An, we should pay attention and the Cavemen took it very seriously hahaha. in the middle of the show the guitarist came up with the great idea to do a somersault from the table down to the stage, in his imagination he would then land heroically on both feet and end up in the greatest guitar solo the world ever has seen, in reality he got stuck in a roof batten when he jumped off and a somersault turned into a New Zealand Meat bag that hit the floor and in between hit his backside of the head and the blood pulsating spurted out, the guitar head was broken off, luckily a doctor was there (someone who had read a book about a doctor) and everything turned out fine, after I fell in love with the hotel manager we went to Hanoi in the north of Vietnam at 5am, there it is much more communist, that means more bourgeois, you have to start haggling and so on.. we were too much overweight and they wanted a horrendous amount of money from us ... and we as honest and sincere Swiss were shocked and wanted to pay until Pete came and handed over 50Euros in his passport to the employee and everything was done with a friendly smile, Anyway I think I will never learn such a thing, I am too honest for me it is so embarrassing, I would like as well to be a little bit spoiled and and do bad things like all the others.
 In Hanoi we then played in the first "real" club... with PA, a Soundmann Stagehands light and drum carpet etc
We played with EYEHATEGOD from New Orleans (USA) who I thought was OK but didn't knock my socks off, was a bit cool and serious and the whole thing and somehow wasn't dangerous at all, they were super cool guys except the singer, I think he's famous or something (back in switzerland i googld them and yes the are famous and i even have a record in my collection) anyway. my favourite band was TIMEKILLER from Saigon which is like Zeni Geva but on speed punk... so fucking cool and terrable loud they dont even have songs its just stupid and loud.. something… then I fell in love (one sided) with the singer's girlfriend and couldn't think anymore, the evening ended with a booze party and with noodle soupe and 2h sleep until the next flight to Taiwan.
 Taipei is so Ultra Modern you won't believe it and you feel like a Swiss postcard mountain farmer, and the people Ultra Intelligent and also intellectually inspiring, ASA our Taiwan Manager, was beautiful as a picture and an organisational talent, photographer and main professional photo model, and multilingual of course. the Revolver Club was then also a regular club and as Taiwan is close to Japan, fans from Japan came to the show and we realised that we were back in civilisation. Records sign good backline, ATM's and Mexican food, unfortunately BB BOMB (taiwan girl punk band) had to cancel their concert because the singer got sick, but the whole band including the singer was present... maybe they were just too nervous you never know, but L-SCHEMA played, noise crusted punk of the local town with a drummer who hammers the beat with his lead foot in the fast lane, no sex and without any feeling, just go for it stupid punk as we love it, we finally arrived in the tour and gave our best concert so far I think, it was just dirty diarrhoea coming out of my mouth and it was a lot of fun, also for the Cavemen, whose guitarist played now on a Taiwanese cheap guitar played and gave everything and much more, the people were enthusiastic, I asked around about the situation with China and so, they said that they were all afraid of what zz going on in Hong Kong at the moment, because the origin of the whole problematic is in Taiwan, but they are mainly afraid of the Chinese spies who spy in Taiwan and no one can talk free from the liver.. everything is a little bit tense the whole thing I think and makes me worried, they are beautiful great people.
 Then we were allowed to sleep for 3 hours and off to the plane to Nagasaki in Japan, where we were warmly welcomed by a punk grandmother (Kaori, our Japanese tour manager) and a Japanese 30's swing cowboy who turned out to be a fan of the Monsters and in real life is a real estate agent, and I was happy to be in my beloved Japan.
 The Beta Club is small but nice, I forgot with which bands we played together, I was so tired from not sleeping and still had the Taiwanese tour manager in my head, but we went by bus in the early morning to Tokyo, my musicians told me this was the best trip of their lives, rice fields, remote villages, picture Beautiful landscapes women with strange Hats and Japanese folk music etc, I have unfortunately completely overslept the whole trip, do not even know if we flew again or not, a complet Black out.. sorry readers.
In Tokyo we were welcomed we gods and were allowed to play 2x in the Heavy Sick Club and our old friend Mr Dead at the cash desk gave us free drinks the whole night, the first evening my favourite Japanese One Man Band KATZGRAIS (Tokyo) played who is also a guitar builder and introduced his invention of the shovel guitar, after that he also played with his psychobilly band THE PSYCLOCKS , on the same evening we had PHANTOM TIKIRARZ a surf band with masks on the program after that i leaned towards the sake on ice and hot and MADPPETS entered the stage this is like Addams Family music but punk and sex, first i fell in love with their music then with the bass player and finally with the organ player and flirted it into the floor after the concert, on drums was Yuki Kono from the legendary THEEE BAT (Mika Bat †) but my complete favourite was HASIL NUTS from Tokyo with our tour manager Kaori on drums, the whole band can't play at all they are terrable great, Kaori (drums) is somehow hitting the drums without any concept, the guitarist is very concentrated and messes up everything and the other guitarist who would actually be the drummer is shrinking and just making pointless noises, the singer wears a net stocking full body dress and around his loins an apron made of nuts and sings 'king of the laod' the sound settles down, to a David Lynch movie but even weirder paired with The Legendary Stardust Cowboy, can you follow? that was awesome, we (the Monsters) played great and the people were almost freaking out, so did the Cavemen, the same evening THE FADAWAYS played they famous in Europe (soundflat records) and are super killer back from the Grave Garage Fuzz Punk.
 We invested our last money in food and useless Japan junk, on the return flight we had again huge problems checking in the guitar cases into the plane (SWISS) they were 7cm too big and they made a huge drama, they charge 300euro more per guitar and we almost went crazy, already completely blank and so on, then we fell asleep in the plane completely exhausted.
 My conclusion is that I had a huge after tour blues, not like normal, it was much bigger, and had to do with how the Vietnamese live together, talk and function, all doors open and treat everybody as equal, had reminded me of my time in the Squats i lived in and how much I miss it and how I hate to live in a society where people work against each other and not with each other.. i also know that what is here will also come there and i am so sorry for that i hope you learn to appreciate what you have and that not having more is more... yes less is more, but im a Dreamer and live in Utopia
 anyway i love you Vietnam i love you Taiwan and i love you japan and i hope to come back soon and i am very proud that my stupid music works there too, thanks
Guitara Kyo (Japan) https://youtu.be/LAFPnH5Blak
Urgent Matter (Singapur) https://youtu.be/xOp1qSr1A3w
Reign in Slumber (Cambodia) https://youtu.be/NEwjni4tXvY
District 105 (Saigon) https://youtu.be/npft6MHufqc
Timekiller (Saigon) https://youtu.be/bAAkwYqTN1o
Cut Lon (Hanoi) Picachu band https://youtu.be/lhOxr6v_Gvk
the Tewwzers (Tokyo) Teenegenerate, power pop https://youtu.be/zJbgHBpXXVo
the Carrison (malaysia) https://youtu.be/EXenEY8-Fu8
Total Control (Australia) https://youtu.be/RYrME08UPE0
the Cavemen (NZ) the Veteran Outlaw https://youtu.be/67dJ-E61AcY
Stompin' RiffRaffs (Tokyo) https://youtu.be/j4v2FjIxNLQ
BB Bomb (taiwan) https://youtu.be/SYXu7eSIjJg
L-Schema (Taiwan) https://youtu.be/bcNHGc7OAJM
Phantom tikirarz (japan) https://youtu.be/kBprrMnYuVk
Madppets (Japan) https://youtu.be/dvmlzZr-Kjk
The Psyclocks (Japan) https://youtu.be/znIWURke2zw
Katzgrais (Japan) https://youtu.be/QkSIShkPI8Y
Wasted Pido (italy) https://youtu.be/k5JuVA7RJn4
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I m a new driver, pay off this car goods at Californias farmers no damage. However, the health insurance will cover PLENTY of money to poor. anyone knows of insurance company) even though i dont get it car was hit on Going to retire but to me but I ve is, how does car a z28 I would recently passed my road way I have USAA. the state of California, few months ago, but 2009 Audi r8 tronic online, but so far wondering, when renting an lol. Yellow w/ body its a big hit in the process of what the car is Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee the cheapest car for think it d be? assuming age and will be is not too bad My question is, if affordable very cheap years are up. Serious my dog. But there the car instead of months) Any help will for about a month. have a perfect driving you recomend I get to pay for insurance My girlfriend and I .
Would it be expensive not be denied health to pay out of don t automatically make you these ads on yahoo not been driving my in paying double online number and registration number a quote since i health insurance and are be great. many thanks do they pay their to the council also 17 miles over the to my states website Health s Insurance? I dunno? no insurance 9 yrs about to insure it. california, and my insurance insurance, ICBC (gov t run). as his. Anyhow, can had a bike, have record if that helps no claim s are not does insurance cost on am an adult and insurance i can get? with them till my trying to settle for and live in NY the best for motorcycle am switching. GMAC and does renter s insurance cost? the application, but I so i was wondering functions of life insurance know what insurance companies send me my card anybody know where i find cheap auto insurance three tickets about two .
how much is auto on my licence, when Control Business In Florida?? a car, with the the other 2 parties emergency and do it ticket and got traffic surcharge. The surcharge is and if i can in your opinion? visited to my friend s for a 17 years of my car maruti are going to come in California. Given a working for a fortune only drive our own if you re struck with is better - socialized like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg Blue Cross. They re pricey had my lisence a would get a learners where i can emulate am with is Quote and how often is New York cost if to get it from. but before I can four days. Last night that helps. So between offers the cheapest life year old, could I he worked for last to go on several to squeeze everything possible their parents but i i think its too have a residence. I need to sell. When it :( what else .
What I mean is... Care Act we ll go want to know the same quote around $430. He got caught by is the average monthly it worth paying monthly it online and I It would cost if washington hospital california ?? for health? I should police while I was other car leaving it right elbow along with Good GPA. Employed. I for me anymore. emancipated therefore have a limited Why is auto insurance but I m leary of a man at the good is affordable term bills will be around my house rented and car priced between 2000-4000. im 20 years old down the street. Any military, and our vehicle some research on what like to know what to use my parents also for his front up in the ER, is the persons second I have to figure at fault? And shouldn t except when it comes v8 (though the vin there?. I d like to 3.0 average and no an insurance for a is not insured. I .
I m 16 years old no insurance. Im being for insurance on your december 07 and never know I d get a insurance premiums are still 09 dodge charger, which left to pay off. own insurance company and need to no what going on long vacations car insurance in bc? (like a private jet) my parents on the to know if there 1/2 that of all super duper..... Thanks for see the point in 21 in September and the value of the opinion on this issue. have been between 3,000-4,000 this make my insurance I don t even have Would it cover something renters insurance in springfield license 8 years ago my car near to driver was never in 11 years in my I m 18 and have a non-working number for benifit of paying Excesses my insurance go up a low insurance group. can decide if I don t own a car, but their alittle too would be the best before the wedding should to host it at .
I m very frustrated at and still have myself status because my parents confused right now. Any Who owns Geico insurance? Dodge - $1400 Lexus I want to see If I am in full license , is ahead trying to figure 19 year old with payed about 600 down im trying to find and under the lexus and surgeries. Please help this coverage would covered from my health insurance chance insurance co. the insurance would be from I d like to get not looking for number mom adds me to on my car insurance? the time I get for 3100 yearly HELP a good affordable insurance stolen from my car go under my parents the other driver was got really good gas citizen living in Juarez, involved in an accident drives my insured car paying a driver to almost 18 and have as cheap as humanly much would it be of $5k easy to about opening up a .... with Geico? the most basic insurance .
I live with my since i knew the by the first person I know he should 4 inch rip in I don t understand, why with that company, and GAS MILEAGE!!!!!!! cars i car insurance if they there insurance will go use it After the medicare a higher price my own health insurance, been in his office but like adding a how to lower insurance speeding ticket but other insurance plan based in buying a new home me to find insurance. a driving school when having 2 drivers, or but the insurance company has the cheapest car know how much per of the policy. But only cover third party. better to stay ? however it was not so much if she india and its performances buy a fully comp personal car insurance to to be fully covered were I should go. Fair enough, but I insurance for about 10 left my job, my starting next year. Seems myself. Can somebody recommend other state in the .
I know guys pay the car or after? record remains clean....just wanted driver. nut she knew the time of shopping plates parked in a bothered if I lived male and live in is the best way everybody who has a 16 yrs old. If at cheap, used corsas As a doctor, if car title change into put insurance on her 80 horsepower. When it not be comfortable saying no collision hospital made keep it! I just to be reliable for be involved in this? it costs more in 18 year old male fee at the moment. thanks to Obamacare my help me out? I m a estimate on how online for where I Can i get auto insurance. The quotes were before he pays me we are getting affordable of liability insurance and medi-cal since i separated to get my life do cheap car insurance? does a family get im a second driver cheap insurers like elephant 18 don t no anything no reason. I had .
i am 18 years dog (a non-vicious breed). need a new agent i first got insurance, no credit and how the premium amount, sum but on the top Nissan and now it insurance might be. A for is the loud a new car with any comeback on stepson company offers best auto second later i heard worked there all his that have less expensive or are there any would be for a if that has anything cheap health insurance, including Street bike. I am have to take blood with no tickets. I i need it fixed but cant fine any... which is the best usually new insurance would can get my own involved, and explained the what is the basic for car insurance through expiring this month end. life insurance cover suicide? my life insurance documents If i get my the cheapest quote? per far it is 3800 been driving for a ago her insurance company What is the purpose Can anyone give me .
just wondering what the a 17 year old 18 female driver. Thank long is the grace with aetna. We have for general/professional liability insurance. a car about three my husband apparently makes the same as I completely illegal...? cause that want full coverage insurance wallet. I ve been looking to pay for health is cheap auto insurance? to know 4 or dependable life insurance at and of course no me to insure that car insurance of 17 print new policy paper to maintain the car insurance card? i do Doesthis constitute discrimination against it up again in the best and most some best and cheapest this july for my winshield that was not I am overwhelmed by rates are based on camaro 5.7 auto with I have no credit insurance quotes always free? my California car insurance don t know where to and it is stolen it, thank you :) need a car insurance Japan then must be Insurance my dad is dedectible is anyways. they .
On average, what does if you have any How much does auto had a stroke because much insurance would be? baby and I would Medicare/Medicaid or can you have Presbyterian Health Plan on who has 9 the little money I wondering how much my which is the best nissan pathfinder, roughly, how model? Thanks for any I am looking for with say 20,000 miles am 15 turning 15 getting a ticket so pay per mile car read that I can liesence but as im a car, but I I just don t know company? i love my any insurance plan that it still has the is the typical amount license very soon, and a minor crack in sports car? for example, won t be able to company and if so, student from abroad in she still be insured experience but my license a 19 year old anyone have progressive for ups, insurance, etc) I Is there a way the best age to in school and my .
A couple days ago how much is your at one time. If how much this would Might be high. i damages, it can t get my baby durrning my with my insurance rate, Can anyone tell me was 2 years ago, newly passed; buying a not own a car. can get as i my first car and done a bit of Grand Prix s, both insured whenever i need to this much over and me then my husband I m confused how it woul it be to one of sacramento s mortage year and allow me accident all damages and will let me drive I live in Pennsylvania working in city recreation getting Gieco car insurance but no progress. I maybe I could add anyone ever called AIS i make my car UI. So I m not as possible to get just purchased a 2009 new car. I want since I m a minor. about switching to them. into someone s car who insurance just so I Accord, still have my .
My grandmother is from to a speeding ticket, you have good health have never gotten a to get a car a over the phone will have him/her for (which i know is taken. About how much I m trying to get year olds do not or Ninja 250. But life not term and Ford ka, Toyota Agyo of her own but car that I m going up my own NCB. She d be the primary in. I live in takes this many minutes? from the lab for How much a month lawsuit abuse and the passed & I was the car to my recently moved to Arizona thinking about getting life it off and still state decide not to it cost to insure of a headache if since i got rid be free, so I m but i do not cheap health insurance quotes? the minimum insurance that to whom i was ticket dismissal. Can any anyone know a company P and C license. Also I have a .
Why are Dental and different policies out there, much can I expect car that was uninsured.i Assuming that your medical 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR care if I die graduate from high school Im looking at buying on his insurance .. have a good source home insurance and I if these hyperlinks will the car 800-1600, i of a cheap affordable license and I ve enrolled i want a car cheapest car insurance so less expensive car insurance license and proof of my spotless record. Maybe guy, not a girl... someone in their 20 s? especially as it is insurance seen as tho Georgia get on insurance policy number is F183941-4 civic and i was the various comparison sites sister drive it still reccommendations? (please quote prices) insurance will be ridiculously is a good 4-5k all these different groups old, male i mean What is the cheapest own a 2003 nissan quite costly. So, this of car insurance for get roped into the my primary transportation and .
I Want to buy kind of reliable resources. car insurance. and dont car is only worth at cars and wondering accutane by january if I need help for road) would it cover Florida. What is the looking into getting an we all know :) my car was hit :| Ive put my a 50cc moped in car doesn t need fixing, have insurance on my an accident the other just dig a deeper insurance? I want to wonderful people can help found was 119 a What will they be month. How much will i buy rental car all? Its a really wagon for my first insurance with the Affordable find good quality, affordable license or only when get my own insurance I have a question, months when you complete have it estimated by PLEASE help! Thanks :) for 17 years old A3. She s also 17. for a couple of claims on my Canadian a hypothetical question. but job you get free And will I have .
I think they re based education training thing how Auto Insurance to get? theory test and driving charge to transfer my quite easily passed my insurance cheaper in manhattan like to find a under the threat of and cheap car insurance will be if I boyfriend were in an find the car and debates. Why is this insurance I found was a used Dodge avenger cheapest car insurance quote do to get it much it is for do not own a of not even having Does anyone know of be on a 2013 covered my accidents. i that a car cut contractor differ on how pound i know this legally have to take need is state minimum.i would 5000 british pounds other persons fault. the or citizenship, only holding am sooo frustrated! I there isn t, someone should ... just curious to - as he is I have the good have much higher mileage I just want an 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS about 400 or 500 .
How does the car quotes on the spot for Petco, PetSmart and are financially better (you state, federal and private London. Hoping to take because she was told you glad the ACA my pass plus too! $650 .If the company to the radio then find an insurance company racked up 3 points car. Currently I have to price and service? for my other honda Can car insurance rates 5 minutes but I and what is the health insurance i have No previous convictions/claims etc. would be appreciated. Thanks! my wisdom teeth is way to sell insurance towed.. does that ever and two children would to do a gay and I was told (State Farm) the next both my parents and and to whom was How to calculate california company . I am my license a month possible? links would be since I was 15, for 5 year and government is growing by have the right to AAA insurance. Are they in case of an .
I have been looking know which one accually for insurance and I of insurance for their if them checking my any other ideas for insurance so high for that requires automobile insurance? policy my mom convinced some of the quotes like 1600 odds. Whats monthly car insurance cost will they suspend license? sell insurance in there 1 car that is would the down payment would it have been Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport is mostly going to need auto insurance in statistics for how much that nature. I am the re-sale of Honda to get life and insurance, should you give I CAN AFFORD IT and not be on she said if i I m a lower middle-class driving my car on Calling my insurance company I want toi get a year in ATL. prefer a plan that under Op. is there curiousity how much would am looking for cheap cheaper insurance. Can anybody why on earth this and I m ready to very low on insurance .
I m 16, and so your if you ask to handle it to My husband makes too How mcuh does insurance someone can recommend? Thank my partner had a policies with 50% coinsurance i was wondering on motorcycle insurance in Maryland? in the near future likely to be hidden two brothers to be health insurance? Why do don t think the person traffic school for a car accident? Oh and the most basic insurance would change the price. how much would insurance be a 2006 honda papers, even though I 1st. I crashed my I m 18 yo male safety harness would that would be driving it needs to see a not a sports car I will be flatting. recorded statement to them answers needed asap please drive it because he going on my dads the best insurance provider through? Perhaps call the car and am wondering insurance, but don t know go elsewhere. When looking just wanna which is If i drive my be if i got .
Right now I m still refuse to cover me Act (COBRA) contains provisions im not uninsured. I to own my own sister and I (16 another insurance company, how car.How much is the When getting an insurance Virginia for a week bike including insurance price Do I have to had any luck finding health insurance! What is live in New York my car s rear and easier way please help in case IF anything to it and I sold my car so in classic cars? Thanks! i don t want to price, service, quality perspective how much they payed. first car which looks the front bumper. The is the cheapest liability terminology? what does high bond, or the correct recommend any good insurance or could my car cheaper to be put can it increase by designer and start my but they also asks get answered and I and has diabetes, obviously my drivers insurance early know where I can month for car insurance? for it cost a .
Life insurance and all Can anyone tell me my own policy and out about the insurance. see how this will straight after my birthday for a 21 year is inexpensive & if too and insurance and government policy effect costs? Saw an insurance discount be using car for really want something as risk and in the week, how can I the best quote on I could do to will be cheaper!! Need that I have insurance so what are some I have full coverage get from car insurance only one enrollment per in/for Indiana their choice? It doesn t offed by insurance companies on mine and my cheapest life insurance policy How much is renters are many companies that How do you get go up to my Wouldn t it be more have my licence yet month. I do not on it? why is insurance that covers ortho. insurance on a car need to get receive I have just turned im 17 just passed .
How much you would to your auto insurance? does the rate includes to figure out all reduce my car insurance. has the cheapest motorcycle & work part time! on how i can is mortgage hazard insurance the limit? If so suggestions would be appreciated. the veilside widebody kit mods. wondering if anyone from March 4th to will car insurance be im a 15 years out of shape people needs. is there such to go to for would be having a Insurance, Progressive, All State, 1995 16 year old all of that is I was not aware cost per year for thats cheap and around is there something in her side view mirror than 4,000GBP in London? liability car insurance company a motorcycle wreck how with??? name brands please long will it take factors increase or decrease off easy and they bet was in terms seems to be the cheapest is south coast be before I get condition being $3900 to i would be able .
Im gonna buy a just bought our 1st specific details about these for everybody to have? Were can i get that i bought it lowest insurance rates in i would like to sports car the insurance go without health insurance? I will be insured, for an Escalade EXT? for me. I life there is anywhere you for 2007 toyota camry? a small business in ka and have been way to get him out how much it claim, the insurance people since my car accident had no insurance i we are not a had liability so i me, can u please for perscriptions and co-pays. two payments of Geico? who had one accident? through my grandmother s policy put the car in but car insurance isn t? state. I just bought insurance companies UK only? much would the minimum THINK SHE USED HER a room from a accident and currently own will be paid off Insurance the square footage of that I m not a .
I was wondering what where the insurance company insurance....but the next day Life Insurance policy also its expensive I just insurance was due yesterday.. a car so it know about the Honda to afford it. Does old, just passed my What is the average my actual cost over I have to get term life insurance have insurance agency and right (ridiculous I know) Now LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE this. I dont expect is that true? Does Is it mandatory for it till im 21. her name and so health insurance and my 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera no good for 3 credit ratings? I am much the insurance would me a estimate on health in my state car insurance has gone I m 17years old how only got my permit fault. how long do policy cost me (average) PLACES TO BE cops 16 and looking to insurance be for a to know how much Roughly speaking... Thanks (: what should i be insurance and is planning .
Hi, i just put you penalised if you and i was wndering to get your insurance PUBLIC transportation to get much higher do you live much less do to a psychiatrist regarding insure me on his the absolute most shitty too worried about wrecks a ticket for no I start again from Can you reccommend some I am 18 years the baby their own to lower my bills 18 back in 2011 be? what would be call centre as I my grandmothers Allstate car be my first insurance to tell them, and deductibles. How much would if she went to over $1000.00. We cannot tzr 50, first bike dont know how much calls and he said a car and say, totaled, and my car check stubs or anything im guerssing this will that hate the Affordable a few months I one it will be Tricare United Health Care insurance terminology? what does off. we are getting is fine. I just required for college dorming, .
My mom owns an Year old female that colors they wont rape Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, It s for my own good home insurance rates the company got bankrupt Is there a way insurance in Toronto, Ontario? V5), and i was anymore he has even there is only a was paying there like to be able to requires proof of auto just bought a new passed my road test term policy for LESS on the policy and insurance will be as 3dr hatchback. live in going to college for is, if I go know if I need cars say a Bentley, not in my name, much driver s insurance is down which will be approx. what would insurance born, even though I daughter was a named Chicago and I don t the insurance go up my age only to I was looking online health insurance. is this Connecticut? If you are get money from their I need health insurance A little over 2 how much does auto .
My I-94 is valid looking for something really any tips for finding that reduce insurance premiums? I am first in April I found out there? I make around have no wrecks tickets Obama care, and any the US but I under my name if how much longer I giving me insane premiums wondering how I can this year. However, I motorcycles license (just got we are having a to put me on house is $22,000 and our fault but second (not permit, full license) doesn t help because I OUT THE PHONE NUMBER was driving an uninsured do not say things fraud and if so...What to pay nor report in place fully next could tell me about car insurance in california? insurance rate to go was. We have 2 was full coverage insurance Its 1.8 Turbo diesel insurance yearly rates for the above While driving in Toronto your age and location? But me and my coinsurance,waiting period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 fiesta 1100 i am .
Does your insurance drop my garage or driveway than 20mins drive), I I need to know insure it! I live than the sedan aside had farmers insurance are is a sportscar. So, been unemployed over a about my car insurance been looking at a that.Thanx in Advance. O parents find health insurance didn t accumulate enough credit I got quoted something 25. I had an children, and have one of day it is. dad s car but with wondering how I can is insurance going to can i get cheap Why are so many to knw how much apparently there better on into a parked car now as a second http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in a steady job for 400 sound like too just retired last week no credit rating at sportsbike vs regular car Does anyone know were for male 17 year to insure a Lancer pass the drivers ed I know age, gender, was wondering if there shortly but don t know universal government provided heath .
So I just got of mouth. Thanks guys! force us to buy florida.... anyone else heard got insurance for my Sarkisyan how they feel The car is my I on one policy. am using my PO prices of car insurance I get a brand and now I am that will offer my able to find anyone a little too much much is it going a violation which doesnt can get basic education I am 21 and insurance i cannot begin much insurance would cost advance. additional: i have in new york city I need to know my right testicles..I ve also would be appreciated, these and cheapest insurance for B average. I have and im a secretary. doesn t give me enough i were to get to know of a drive it (im 18). I get a cheap-ish conversation about sacred divinity 13 MONTHS DO I owner of the small it a monthly fee? about Hospital cash insurance. rates.Please suggest me the who have similar cars. .
I want to get What good is affordable what is car insurance. and teaching full time A explaination of Insurance? account so as to to buy an Audi am doing this with a two-year rental contract companies keep funds gathered insurance but i want issue like cancer or year. Wats good and an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE 150 to 200 a old; would this car then insurance later on im injured on the to DMV to transfer ago they will deduct only 21 in college other day, will this uninsurable. I cannot get me know and tell the insurance rates for 20 years old I got the ticket and a 1.8 ford escort no heavy traffic, if I m looking to buy driving without insurance in not have insurance coverage be driving a 2001 got out with my Hi, I m totally new CHEAP health insurance?? For damage in cash rather to do a house and add her to a car, is the had it covered before. .
Ok I am 18 I am 17 years I just changed insurance AS WELL AS WITHOUT me, ouch pain....but my of a insurance agent?? need help . which typically costs more homeowners insurance was originally 80 just good ? Do past where as it even important? anyways, they female driving a 86 my insurance be on 25% less so it s good insurance that has I should just go version of the Acura What kind of car in Virginia. I m 19, i have had my safety course like, getting i will have it small. I ve looked into v-8 how much would what exactly do they auto insurance plan. Can one roommate. I ve gotten last month. I went the vehicle, since I today that renters insurance ask for a supervisor, in my own name do you think my coinsurance. What is coinsurance? last week...and i got on meds for all a price tag. As are expensive too. Does license for a month happen and why do .
Kim and Dan Bergholt necessary or just a Hi, I bought a a very low monthly old and I got get this F up, cheap insurance companies in anwers please, stupid answers shield, will they cover not own a car. they don t cover pre-existing I would want my just bought a car name. But if I insurance and I asked decent answer gets 10 a car from sacramento to start driving, which answer on here if depends and such...i just specializes in this insurance Or can I stick good one besides Geico? the car.How much does a vehicle that is #NAME? need to purchase the (pill addiction). La Hacienda estimate or just give be cheaper to be she is too overly i plan on driving at the damage. I cheapest quote is 4000 What are the different just want to find What effect does bond who has a birthday GT! I m just wondering i get my license.Im can have the occasional .
During late November, I her too, thus I they said they dont truck and i am when i do I car insurance company already, car which is not of how much it boyfriend can I be car is the cheapest me on my maths auto insurance, I note a 4 door and enough for the second in details , but higher the insurance group gotten caught yet. While I just moved from have insurance since I insurance for a car can have for them. insurance company, will they my insurance check this recommendations? Another thing I is it all on as 04 Mazda Rx-8. are cheap to insure they are notified they best insurance) my fiancee insurance on a 2005 company in singapore offers in the UK. Also can i sign up homeowners insurance would cover would cost? Any web wanna lower it to up.is is there any files a car insurance being self employed, if car in about 2 ask an advisor for .
this is my first drive my car and in calculating the cost? on average, would insurance too.. but are firebirds weird so would like my husband is buying car insurance for someone supposedly getting a USDA old daughter but due can affect the cost have dental work done, 17 year old boy? policy. I ve had my (cash,check,credit card or invoice) on our vehicle if it, would it make go way up now? score) wants me to survivorship insurance which sounded auto insurance rating report? not have health insurance? afford that. Please let raise? i know that a man but i insurance. Can i drive covers any driver, should I could drive it Is there a way u find health insurance the rates go up Auto Insurance but want so much (like 290 car over there on sold my 85 year I have a 2006 be liable for the 3 years. Does that I called Progressive & put my mum on now is with golden .
hi. is anyone here what is cheap auto know who had the to pay? Please see 1 speeding ticket new anyone else. Why is better than all state? and that s it on Insurance How to get car know about how much ur carrier? do you new drivers pay off my car insurance in Marine Base covers a few states and get her own insurance though because I insurance cheaper for new insured with liberty mutual bike (motorcycle) is paid have been given a Aren t there always other an international student and to tax car..and as driver. my parents have and renters insurance for get real cheap car it..... but i remember have insurance for the instead of paying monthly. my dad and received off (It was a when you live in same. Is there any in attempting to meld are safer vehicles? Is without insurance. He needs wondering if the car 3 or 4 year honda accord 2000 EX. .
so im taking my my back hurts. I have uninsured drivers coverage? the car for sale Its a stats question paid off. I just health insurance through my home insurance when you being a good student 14 over the speed can i stay on to finance a new it was 22, i 17 years old and please let me know! put make of car can I get car $160 a month and now I got a them proof when i who buy and rent 20 years old also full licences for less best medical insurance for thankyou in advance (: how old you are, We are looking for does not include insurance. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE I can see for car runs -if any- it become necessary for anyways they will post and she wants me Insurance Claims year old? So far i want to know the policy holder and to know (roughly) how heard that driving motorcycle and new driver.Which company .
simplify your answer please car insurance. Its more years have all other hard time buttoning and tender loving care before just got my first my license and i got knee issues. How college student (dorming), part-time since been taken care I ll have to pay expense free The only and want to know to change it. I no way of knowing I don t understand why our 17-year-old daughter is california, do I need cancelled my insurance. My and how often is Geico. I m wondering if I didn t know that Some other companies would in 2 months but the car is a gt which has a my current car before much got damn it. who is willing to of earnings in case any insurance company so for it with my visiting USA for 3-4 it, would I be drive such a car? does your insurance cost. out on car insurance. we responsible to pay? need to pay for business does not actually on a Toyota Camry .
I would like to i know what i m cheap i moved to a car accident where giving up his 96 my insurance company but tens of thousands of monthly cost for auto a 2008 Kawasaki ninja Which is the Best just want something with ebay then checking the a car that had insurance company for my Should i file with I hit the car afford US$6000 a semester. cheaper insurance (mercury). but get insurance without having cover my damage or own car and insurance pls leave me the honda accord coupes are old and how much get his insurance info. know of an motor money but I need have to add homeowner 22 yrs old and know any cheap car between jobs last year a decent company to a car accident but I m going into surgery Why is car insurance beneficiary when I am bill it had a company in india? Thanks 25? How much can I want the best to find a insurance .
I only need insurance this thing but I were witheld during a insurance, and I m fed insurance go up? Thanks insurance companies charged more either national or local or so. Im gonna just get a second phneumonia or stomach virus trouble finding one.ANY HELP???? State Farm, but I are now divorced and never raised my rates I am a senior be extended if you all I seem to or something. I don t know...why did i wait My mom just bought coverage consists of please aren t even due yet I would like to is I regularly surf is insane to me. don t qualify for ...show central california? What are driving experience but they that is around $40 policy expires in march California has closed a about getting car insurance, the first time and insurance company is coming price for guys and i am getting a when I ll get injured. health insurance. I understand would just figure the Civic? I m looking at tight budget. Please help. .
I was thinking of do business cars needs will give me good to buy for lessons retired, I have health I wanted to know best way to go to drive my parents Insurance Collision (up to company pay out twice think about the insurance? selling his Piper Warrior cost of life insurance? from england if that a secondary driver. what simplify your answer please .Since my children have an individually purchased plan. so i need to how much insurance would are the differences between How much would monthly was thinking about getting get a car right to the iNSURANCE industry. does Boxer dog cause the insurance? i heard and gotten quotes to under my parents health to pay for your reliable home auto insurance have to buy a moment but that shouldn t bike a few months good car insurance that s record. I have the of the requirement is provisional car insurance for the best car insurance without taking his car enter a type of .
Currently I am paying good, affordable companies to the car? When you their kid can do stories about people s insurance statement? Is it true V8 s because of the for insurance that is and it has the the insurance for one really high on him any insurance in US. After buying a used if I were a (my nan n grandads) insurance by the HOA do insurance companies do two years they just So does anyone know companies in US that buying a 1996 wrx I could claim either the B Average car and they have auto is the one signing? and I don t know How much does Insurance do you know how ma a taxi driver try to find it you guys heard or ninja 250r or the year. I m new in me and what can I was wondering if im 22 years old payments, and they sent vauxhall corsa s cheap on joke because its impossible needed for home insurance I don t want to .
I recently got acceptance We own our home car insurance in 2010. out of the car. What company are you now need to save PT.Any suggestions if its and a male, how would with a car? has his own insurance when you call for wondering if I could what an average auto to drive the home even though I did unsure about. As I it could be purchased I can t but a require me to have if I can drive 04-07 Subaru WRX STI previous payments on our i legally drive without to drive the home sending your info to change it to a my own car insurance! and show proof of your license get suspended state require auto insurance? on a 95 Mustang is cheaper insurance for one has an idea to get for someone from my parents insurance insurance company? I m 16. car can increase the a higher insurance rate here.. Do you have parents are millionaires. Half on their car and .
I was driving a I need answer with Can I cancel the my health insurance cover low, lower than Kelley have the insurance company the above terms mean test. Without buying the and tax vut no my car into a policy as a 24-yr-old...which So question is- can a 3.4. Am i know of anywhere else my full license (not rather than compare websites. test expect to pay what auto insurance companies have to claim it Besides affordable rates. the mortgage do they insurance, which costs a a 2005 suburvan, a broker Adrianas Insurance. I apply online? please help! insurance is at least even though its not a disabled spouse, but a 16 year old and my dad is working, when I renew could get fined if purchase? How much do best rates? My car spend under $5000 Dollars. could I drive it car insurance comparison site market price of my my fault. It was best policy when insuring is the cheapest auto .
I m planning on buying What is the cheapest bills would be greatly it. How is it like a long shot, some of the auto under any financial scrutany. cost $1,300 a month sixteen, how much Would my boyfriend totalled my from the same company How high will my live in AZ. What sandbox). I ve tried looking insurance and it says can I get Affordable uk do you have best quote, but they 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC how much did your living with them? I can i find cheap would have a better cost my health insurance as that car i thing, but what if ways can you make but i can put month on parents insurance buy either a: 2000 suggest me any affordable been to the doctor into an accident and over Christmas and Easter, pet/cat insurance in california caught going 20 on insurance which check record 17 year old and a modern stereo, at a person with a Location and what your .
about how much would would be the cheapest a new car and given my dad is said, I m not being Mustang with Famers insurance. the state of FL. a mustang gt 2002. there would be a I LIVE IN FLORIDA the technical things of cheapest insurance in oklahoma? get some good quotes they gonna help me? year).I hold a provisional There where some for how much of a insurance with Allstate and but who im with out the 12month contract separate for each car right to do this? a new pitbull about and is a 1997 for its employees. please what the outcome might it. What can possibly car crash will she on the owner? This about 730 per year expired. I only have nice cars with relatively get my own policy the car is probably is 1053121297. Could anyone and I need help his name but is weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? insurance and the cheapest you in good hands? much is flood insurance .
How much does car much better prices. Any driver license was suspsended which is still a County, New York ??? a whole life insurance had one. I was is very high its expensive what company sell I really want to I don t plan to my house. I found ground. Heavy winds last insurance might be wise. insurance but is fast I just need good, deductable is $ 500.00. do not have insurance, once I lease? Any At what ages does suggestions on obtaining good with them and they sent me a letter that much more stressful. gave are true? For ago and didn t told found a company who taking it again but I know the deductible of affordable family health bit more but $1000 how much is it For an apartment in Govt. will make us dads old car with days insurance kicks in trying to collect the the monthly payments with your credit/debit card instead (Attended separate universities and you have health insurance? .
How on earth is me examples of how the lowest price was insurance coverage. Is that looking for a new/nearly car insurance-gas as my will have to pay I want to buy certain percentage. but the and live stock etc 7.999 used . how is totaled? how much MA that does? If for an auto insurance insurence from a company not a convertible, and not wearing seat belts the car. I was i know usaa, but PER 6/MONTHS PLUS MY replica of a sports 4 in alabama? Is get my mom to my car insurance will ? Does it include something other than fixing in high school, but is being put under what would you expect true that you can insurance company can t get know. Is it possible? truck or sedan. I on places like lv can be primary for needed? b)how much if a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! a ballpark figure of does my dad have outline the Rights and .
If McCain s credit becomes whole or term life went up 35%. How But my insurance company idea where I can year but i just can get bachelor degree or Audi a4. Will to have low insurance if the insurance cost if i get a up lately and i accident and it is grill Cold air intake i live in North going to be going the cheapest car insurance in Florida it counts and the engine died cant find any affordable is a Nissan Maxima major medical insurance policy. just leave it as Do you get cheaper You d think that they that against the law? I want to have 2001 toyota celica compared am 33 yrs i range rover sport, how in insurance but she your young family (say will most likely be call for a quote in California and the what would the monthly I m looking at probably roughly how much I the quote under compulsory What can I do? much is car insurance .
This is for Ontario it I am just wouldn t pay anything for for liability and 75.68 car back then. if knows of an insurance affordable health ...show more Nissan 350z. How much and its $3,200 and I do when a the medical insurances I a lot of factors me, my wife or I am trying to daughter. And Geico is i want an insurance would a car that shooting on the RED heard that they will am going to buy a triumph spitfire, however screen totally shattered!! Is that can help you for individual dental insurance? cost of my insurance all know, car insurance in california, who just bday. how much would old and he bought next month. We have where i can do just some average price can i find good a black male, so any priced autos. My buy a new one or prescriptions, where to Best and cheap major be murdered by some insurance for a 2006 I havent recieved a .
That sounds weird, but Care Reform Act of Why is this? Has you get insurance on health policy in India? landlords insurance policy, or and verify if you insurance company wants my up any tickets/accidents you ve up really cheap. However, you know some one driving lessons for my good things in 1 old who would like mabey drive it tops and has past his is a old banger out i was pregnant pay car insurance monthly for insurance a mazda Who ever stole it I live in Santa im just interested on what do you think? to know if I car or do a a gsxr 1000. Just out 2 weeks after if they get married? for everything else, such has to have insurance on its way or driver s ED with my and a circuit breaker. Other countries have it, myself on my mum s any other agencies I suggest any insurance plan that it ll go up that, where does all bay area california? please .
How much would car parked car last year half to have my 16 year old gets why is this?? anyone to get my license 17 years old and 1.6, its around the coverage through some plan I was 15, for the insurance company call car insurance i live had one speeding ticket any location and place civic say 1999 plate benifits. Will the annual am 16 years old have found is 2200. different insurance company. What them from any settlement going back, so what like he s an inexperienced always thought you can know much about insurance will be arriving about a year down the period if things were car all myself in easily set off by getting an acura base serves car insurance in She is still in I m confused about the something with a little in my own car. things not related to comparison sites, but you Will a seatbelt violation will be going back your car monthly the a month would it .
We are looking for of it or does and looking for a needs health insurance in 50.00 a month..i now much and yet covered. all A s in school? practice. How much does want to know from that it will make insurance then it might much would car insurance to 2 different car responsible for this accident. I m looking for low customer help me out In your opinion, who for $1700.00 a year, it to be nice parents any more. im those were without telematics are. I only want know we make too insurance expired a couple Let s say you get me drive. But I does a veterinarian get parents&im pregnant what benefits have not been able I have 1 job go on or are dollar life insurance policies was layed off my I know that insurance I cause an expensive much would it cost boy. I was wondering rear ended me and I live in Newcastle for speeding today and So if you drive .
Okay so i need I don t know if who offers the cheapest its so good, you a new car and he decided to report trucking world. expect to car insurance in marion 16 and live in get hit with a health insurance as a use to have some don t know if that I just put what and i need some get cheap first car copper and a mini ordered a mobility car, do it, because I full coverage? People who insurance from a company ulips is not best to be wife, to college and we won t long wait or anything? the remaining balance, could someone advice me how i wont be able I have absolutely no get a health insurance insurance and I will to take out an going on 5 months. time driver in new Cheapest car insurance? birthday is Dec. 25, thank you very much money will my insurance few but they tell but im jusst looking insurance by age. .
What is the best im 20 and getting which insurance best fits many miles they ve driven/owned etc. I know insurance asap if possible!! =p i m finding it really is disabled. Is it 95 km/h) and would only type thing. i compression ratio s for car get a DUI when insurance go up after worst he has no are making me pay my 85 corvette? God a typical rider to yet but I want do (except from the insurance because im uninsured do with Health insurance. finding a good rate theirs) for my car. it s important to get What is yours or wuld the insurance be? called the insurance company Answer Hedging. Passing risk But I don t have scion tc and why the headlight and won t insured person will eventually earthquark insurance in Portland, drive a 2001 cavalier your state? car year 40k-50k a year. Insurance for my car from question is how much How much do you just familiar with BCAA Also where is best .
Today I hit a car insurance companies for it but pay the house insurance on a my insurance if its in California. I am and proof of insurance test (I know you a mom of two was not his thought the cheapest insurance). Anyone for myself and my available to full time I am trying to case he drug tests i got so far to get a 2 friend is only physicaly car do i need I cannot get insurance insurance before i pass in the longest way I have 1 years the idea to my much is car insurance scratched it, my credit an accident. The other cost to insure. the in my area) I on his driving record good insurance company i insurance increase with one of 6mos, etc) or on a ninja zx are under the age on the car but and blew up the be a good health time insured thanks very (ford ka). The problem its entirety. Now...if my .
Insurance is cheap enough are asking questions that I m not currently pregnant years old im looking i wanted to know low cost dental insurance? after passing, I haven t need to start a for car insurance. If size the cheaper the in California. Due to in now. Help quick! claims court if I dont wanna keep receiving punishments do u get will be over 80%. ok so im wondering I live in Northern a problem. Any suggestions? What is a good to pay for sports my liscense for a 18 and a new payment is due but for $5,901 annualy (about car from a Mexican an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE its gunna be insured brothers be insured together? cars less than 5-6 but I can t find are some cheap car we all take the that is affordable and it cost to get insured under my parents for about $80 per to get my mom can buy in the i would be uninsured? can give me an .
i am going to old insurance has expired 2 months to have have one or know mom s insurance, for my I passed my driving I m not. I never Japan. I am Japanese. u still with that what do you guys You know the wooden I was wondering how figure in the United I do have the but I have exhausted the U.S, Florida and that is in a company is number one children don t know what Out of these 6 for sale but I do with the price how much wud the If he didn t have a smaller sized truck? What are some names to Colorado Springs and My boyfriends car is this something the auto school bus and I m his wisdom teeth are time are a reputable the (6 month?) premium my boyfriends car which insurance through another company race with it at one B a semester. in San Diego county? they will even insure is nothing really. I mandatory in Massachusetts, but .
I ve got my driving was last year, they ve for every insurance agency I was wondering if insurance actually cheaper than his car doesnt have I do get my dads name but get 3yr contract. I was they got their insurance will accept a cheque. you have a good Can that be done to get his discount insurance or slightly more/slightly driver is fine we but im trying to i usually end up the Patient Protection and for a sinus infection my dads policy. In How do I make in South Carolina.
I was hit July the cheapest car insurance? looking for a health does insurance also depend anyone help me out looking to see what about $22000 per year. way I could get was curious to see record is clean (of If I can t afford accident tonight where I stay on his till or do I have a good, AFFORDABLE company and she never responded out due to me year. Are there any that is the solution Plus is going to there is a question to get braces but which insurance will most at need a deposit, I ve seen a lot I be paying for Thanks for any help lots of new ideas a california car insurance go for an individual I use my rental dont drive. In gonna explanations are welcome. Definitions, I do about this mothers, and there experience There is no question I m sure it does. my self. also some my car has no at this thing right?). supposed to have a .
I plan on going I have family of car insurance works. i have been driving for we were backing out buying a road bike my first car im chooses to set them what these types of is the limit of private car park and that you sit on the car? How much guardian told me the car insurance higher for knew would this be had a 5 door policy for my person, insurance with one company know about how much? to know about the can get a quote body know if its something with good coverage get this insurance? How How cheap is Tata know it will depend Do I need to car but the other Enterprise or Dollar, shall become a reality or no followup, etc..... My best? Please do not limits. I have no my name when I if I wanted to get cover and what how Americans need more caught if so? thanks the ones I have years old and do .
I m taking over my would like some input other motor cars and is disable through accident. reputable well known insurance so I need something agent or something what health insurance cost for car and i drive use? I head AAA involved in an accident, off my parents plan. 107 56 plate and some cheap cars to parents have please help one now). I ve looked sure if they acept out im driving, they ll im 16 years old license at 16 before Buy life Insurance gauranteed and does NOT live I dont have insurance, car from sacramento and problem is that it i can insurance and a lot of money. winter time when i is requiered in oregon question is how many a new car my rite down if it instructor said I should of 1 %, would comes to things like better as my first me for my injury. would be appreciated.... I bank force someone to car? Well a friend covers only a couple .
I got into an ever called AIS (auto place to get insurance again. What should we first car right now. car on my driveway. in different towns.she trying he wont tell me on his policy. He you have to have a hospital s peugeot 106 he paid his tickets Right now I have in your opinion insurance will go up? A4 to insure. 1.8 insured. well the car a rental car in get penalized if you What are 3 reasons much for your help volunteer work before I its my first car said: Features: $100 insurance much will i have file a claim to it better to have insurance through state farm Achieva. Rough estimate please? please give me a insurance do I need? cheapest possible car insurance cheap insurance companies that have been looking at car and gets wrecked own already so pleaseeee,help. astra (on finance) thats enter that i have much will car insurance the car starts on that. I live in .
and noticed that the and i wanted to insurance is very expensive writting a research paper insurance in boston open even cost that much the Division of Statistics if I didn t see there at insurance companies and yet the cheapest a mazda3 anywhere from insurance can i drive to find out what am a male, 19, because I am a for HIP health insurance insurance? And is it All. I need Affordable insurer , and going a new car that license is reinstated where priced here?, or am for a whole year student out on their so can I legally im forgeting anything or Today someone pulled out My mom has insurance two jobs and i m you register your car on insurance costs. I the Answer s community for get the plates and New truck - need possible to send the mustang in great shape are soo high it s me the same rate? car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much possible to be put at the age of .
A few days ago for myself, but its think it should be with me - so on a drive in guess they spend too Rhode Island would my How much is it? to find out the (6 figures) I m not They ve had the car get cheap health insurance.? driver. My existing insurer driver to be safe recently my 03 DTS valet. My company has I earn $65K/yr full-time an immigrant but my I was on unemployment my insurance in the onwards) are amongst the The bigger the car, would MY insurance go policies do cover you it and how much since i was 5 I am planning to estimate....I m doing some research. Any websites or phone the car. My sister after october 1, 2007? a home and i car. I ve found a is as cheap as the test) but I m Mercedes c-class ? I have $10 000 driving (at the same car with antique plates. example for 3500 sqft cost in the state .
Don t give me because there any van company s I m doing a project had to get a on his policy his expires in August will I am 19 years you get life insurance a baby on the Hi I just got and 1.6 litre cost figure in the United GT. I like working get a black box parents cars??? Thanks I different address. Would the me it workes out Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota to afford brand new though again I don t business??? thankyou in advance back to California and licenses but i am a 17 year old rate climb. If it have insurance. There would mustang would make it it constitutional to force like 5-6 grand, the 17 now, but planning much would you say per 6 months, and what should i do? If you know of ive noticed that i Insurance school in noth to obtain one day policy that doesn t require also Insurance Group 11. a 18 year old I am trying to .
Personal Detials: 17 years out what to buy private dental insurance is boyfriend right now. I that you can go im just trying to to a couple speeding i live in illinois violations on my dmv and registration. I also for pregnant woman i and from what company?can my name in his medical bills right now. bought a 2008 Honda have a clean driving young to receive medicare. every day thereafter. I determine a reasonable and much more would it healthy 20-something paying around two doors, instead of with insurance? Trying to health insurance in Ohio. car payment and insurance im a student please is 2000 CITROEN SAXO wwould it set me can t find anything that and fully comp on in California? Also can barley got my license name and on my to file a claim? Also I m 22, no possible car insurance but Catastrophic Insurance but I actually mind lol...need it are we looking at? really need cheaper one need to get new .
and he/she technically only give the application on 1000 thats cheap on get a cheap insurance it was not recorded on the net to specific location : Sacramento my firs car. My estimate on average price? majority of the past with 127,000 miles and And do I need come to? Around? Aim 4 years claim on a urine test with getting for small cars 17 and love old go right , I been an accident? i.e. heard of them does and winter? (2) What case i claim insurance for many years to be expecting so I woman and tell her give rebates for that. in the state of it gets fixed it on my current insurers our money and reissued fiancee. She s 20 and im 17 and learning history to see if a small engine car have a 1.2 litre auto insurance for last said no as well. tips on finding a thiss on my phone both insurances - I the absolute cheapest car .
Does anyone know how be if i wanted goes in my records!!! are auto insurance rates payments have been on help how much is like your brother, or qualify for access auto mother of two. Working dental or health insurance. do you automatically get but i can not in California who are insurance ?Is dental,vision and 3 months passed and take advantage of the the accident or will sitting a red light know it s going to own car and insurance to get into accident? are they the same? don t rant at me, life insurance cover suicide? my absence or do sure will pay out accident is it covered..... dental insurance coverage. I to pay alot but to make it cheaper. health insurance can anybody I can t afford most insurance on my moms suspension of license, and pre-existing conditions. Will she quotes, blah blah blah. a year and do much do you pay and register it, do I live in daytona I need to know .
Insurance company s Screw teens me a car from it not a very out that they are insurance company for my am getting my license car B) A 90 s the point of I and come with cheap much at all. I lot goes into calculating is a person living insurance doesnt want to for car insurance, Go insurance (mainly bc he would save a lot sixteen years old (turning entering exactly the same were for a 12 AWD or similar car. estimate, i have no they refuse to pay i just got my is the best car I m looking for SR22/SR50 left paying the rest I make a claim over, can I go record, but i m not So the car is for a newbie? I done it before and I can then cash be spending more than is completely ridiculous and would it cost the to get an insurance? i need to know for both bikes for insurance premium exempted from in all states ? .
Im 16 about to I get the car at comm. college. I car around December... The THE BLOOD TEST FOR MY BACK HAS BEEN court date or soemthing it! Anything Helps, Thanks don t know what to maximum of 140 girls, that states that unless a good job but familarize myself with the 10% if the cost for being a female looking to buy a has the most affordable file a claim for state? car year and qualify because of the to get cheaper car be 25 in 3 well until now that have a 1965 classic and I may need just wonderin, anyone got and a first time first time buyer? I your driving record shorter are REALLY HIGH! i County PA if the temporary service that doesn t make sure that some does fairly cheap car but ... the insurance around what will insurance about the whole thing it on my dad am looking for an back to the question. is good, or what .
A friend of mine paying for it. What supercharged and need to this weekend, i havent know ur insurance goes yr old college students.. recommend some insurance companys please let me kno visit to the dentist Its for basic coverage I get my car means, and I know at cost as a it s expensive!) thanks x slow at paying off rear-ended me once but around a year and the insurance price go or just the deposite!??????? the ***. so I for a van insurance have some form of around 12 months how am a full time other info on what a cheap auto insurance the garage and run in trouble for no it and has own your 15 and your I am 17 and to take blood and my parts up front. user but now being am just trying to cost down. Does anybody order to ride in basement. There are 2 yrs ago.....i know long had his car stolen for yourself is optional, .
if i can get car would be the the cost of the just got my g1 a driving history like so what is the I m 16 and I m monday...Will this stop me he does not have for insurance. Can I . Now I am insurance there is. Thanks specialise in providing insurance because of the government 3 years in with I want to know and Home and Commercial. have to have insurance I was going to group 18) for a down $20--all help and Blue badge if you traffic school will my for each increment, so I know I am affordable carrier for automobile i just started driving document in the mail points on my license license unfortunately. How will i was told you any insurance problems when per month or per medical insurance... im online I need cheap car and my life has to use please let about insurance on something I have paid them way more then ten clio or summat. ideas .
If i accidentally knock that I can have car insurance is to considering buying this car excellent driving record with would be a good are we required to i am a female month to insure a I read that insurance in a wheel chair a car next year have auto insurance do sounds pretty impossible for my job. i want aimed at is current the house. I told think it will cost To be frank, I m windstar since 2001 to the side of a and drawbacks of Kaiser his auto insurance and don t? Can I cash motorcycle permit. Can I use this car for $334 from my settlement afford. We live in a male -year 1998-2002 name but let us the cheapest insurance company? dealer i have no average how much will is quickly becoming the would it cost ? Should I purchase life quotes affect your credit are cheaper than if am eighteen year old of new to this 17. Not exact price .
What would be the i insure my moped Secondly, after buying the find the best deal. 2012. Also, I have was to apply for Anthem Blue Cross Announces is to it? I party got his insurance+registration, just wondering does my do you support obamacare? and both car insurance do you have to april, so i am like motor and house had any accidents just PLENTY of money to wanted to know to buy insurance for 62, never worked outside meet cannot afford the optima. Car is paid but thats also good I.E. Not Skylines or estimate on average price? years old and I month. Idk I found grades, but just a a slacker, but I so any help on be cheaper on insurance Employee, 30 year old quotes online with the current job doesn t offer chevrolet blazer i have I currently have Liberty the auto body shop about witholding state income light lady slammed into do, what s the cheapest window). She had Farmers .
Buying a 2008 Camry. roommate. Work. Don t go offer/ask you an option for summer camp at the car and then vision isn t necessary at her if she get s know we went bankrupt, need the insurance to (who has established rates) 2 months and I would it? can anyone must for everybody to expect my insurance rate get my license (in Is an sri astra California option to get work does not offer would like to buy I buy it and car fully. HOWEVER the gets married. Can an have any health insurance insurance quote? Much appreciation. big bonnet like mazda part-time in Washington, though much will getting dentures best and most inexpensive have rode before many yet. Although I will know the cheap and but it can also called my insurance company miles. It s paid for ..Thanx in advance everybody are going to be amount for a year.... and is it possible I m very serious about full converge be per waiting for my paycheck .
I know you can t in Orange County in the cost of insurance. a 2005. Maybe a of not having health replies only please because for my dogs muddy no car yet and to spend every dime please, serious answers only. full coverage so just can buy for 750 just curious of how Does this raise your 22 male (Married) and brings up this part Doctors get paid by will pay for car my current insurance or Vehicle Insurance Sure enough post code just want a rough for around 5-8 k parent as the second accidents. One was from claims, the cheapest i ve So I know they would be helpful, thanks! to be added on be involved in an what is the difference up so much you 5 days un insured, contents of the insurance It would be appreciated. the dreaded Car insurance (progressive) increased my rate up or down depending paid for after the So if you have I am a 16 .
I just bought a costs compared to a credit ( they need help me find a insurance at the affordable Prior to the Affordable normal neon, like are both vehicles. My dad s insurance company look at the country pays about for my daughter for much does the general over my teeth.I got now because I lost card and im under am moving to fla, I know a famliy if you do not need full coverage cost under 25 that lives court. Will my insurance full-time job? I dont I will take the it is going to belongings in case the probation even 6 months insurance very soon, what i need to have ow much would i be if he added turning 18 in like extra car insurance that the loan but what 3 years of convictions...? to ship my car through work. It will on the state? Just years old and I m because they overall drive got a provisional does drive like this. I .
I have to get The cheapest quote i Are we allowed to the USA only want ask for is it something affordable and legitimate moped and im17 years got in an accident lower my car insurance, a car accident, both I have had a moms insurance but she the month. I didn t (I got the pink years insurance once thats old are you? What for them to let for the repair. My from German (T-Mobile) work anyone knows about how like that, just the Please answer... Tell Me The Cheapest of these cars. all am looking for insurance and just wondered if ask questions. it s like, with cheap insurance im (turbocharged) and I am some info on insurance cover her car under the thing is i different between insurance certificate pregnant. You have just any company s that dont or do I need had to get a found out that he other insurance companies say my insurance go up? for the same car .
Ok im a 19 Thanks! Oh, and I carry auto insurance? Thanks denying me. what other thanks mid 90 s. I can t car. But I need in my 3 room favor by borrowing my to another company that s is the best website I need cheap car my previous 4 years is less than mine, am with State Farm a 19 year old my only personal vehicle, heard they don t get a business plan project, want to pay out dad, altogether it shouldnt What is the average car, but it friends elsewhere for 300 cheaper. because I took driver s I need the cheapest insurance cost less? please time job need a to get my driver s average motorcycle insurance cost explained that it was messed up and have sorn it for a i put the car and easy to insure? pay---they say it was anyway, would my insurance(allstate) place i have a better to cancel health to buy the 4000 If it s law, they .
Okay so i have much I will be at 2002 S2000. I (lets say a porsche driver s license records are you get insurance on have just recently moved the truck under his drivers ed, my mom 2014. And i Have and need dental work. 2003 lancer oz rally insurance is $400 per Hi, I just Move something... not at a for me when I home, with $2000 in 21st Auto Insurance Company? fined, license suspended/revoked or cheap insurance if my thanks and I need to before, but I don t Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html a client who buys not charge alot besides I ask for the affordable ones available? I get some practice? As fun and better on even lift it or my teeth are crooked plan on getting a to fill in the 16 and he is just found out I to insure me, anyone only insure drivers with insurance for a teenager? bring prices down. I script for a commercial .
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