#i really doubt she’s going to give two shits if i’m working at home. like i’m still DOING work in my assigned hours
fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
Well I’m sleep deprived, I have a low level uti, I accidentally overshared to the wrong person and I yelled at a student because he disrespected someone who looked like my friend but wasn’t. How’s everyone’s Thursday going
#i can sleep in tomorrow thank fucking god. and i have decided from now on i’m doing admin at home#because realistically who’s gonna know? how will they know? are they going to track my phone? are they going to check every room#in a 4-storey building and ascertain i’m not there? as long as i continue to be decent at my job; is anyone realistically going to care#where i am. my line manager has about 10000 other things going on#i really doubt she’s going to give two shits if i’m working at home. like i’m still DOING work in my assigned hours#oh boo hoo; i didn’t get up at the asscrack of dawn to go send emails from the college library. who caresssss#uh. the student. right so one of the librarians looks a lot like one of my friends#she’s young and pretty and kind of speaks broken english and does not get taken seriously by a lot of the students because of all of this#so a boy came in drinking an obnoxiously large coffee and she said ‘only bottled drinks are allowed in here’ and he completely ignored her#he then made the mistake of coming to sit behind me and being annoying with his friend. so i whipped round and said ‘didn’t you hear her??#you can’t have that in here’ he finished it in front of me and went and threw it away lol#like my coworker who i was sitting with had to chug her coffee; you will too idiot#it had to be done. like i’m not going to sit there as a staff member with my giant badge on display and allow a student to disrespect#another staff member. it’s not right#personal
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osaemu · 4 months
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✩ ‧ ˚. serial killer!au: ever since that first night, you can't get him off your mind—and even though you handed him over to law enforcement, it looks like he still wants you too. PART 1 | NSFW
contents: fem!reader. porn with plot, dubcon, semi-public sex (in a bathroom), oral (m. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), pet names (detective, princess, smart girl, pretty girl, etc.), gojo cums in your mouth. non-sexual threatening. non-sexual usage of knives/guns. more plot than porn. this is not good for you btw !!! 4K words.
author's note: pls appreciate your smut writers bc this shit is hard !!!! the sk!series might be over after this one bc i'm not feeling it anymore, but nothing's set in stone yet. posting this for the ppl who wanted a part two, but personally i would've just left it as a standalone.. oh well, i didn't want 4K words to go to waste, so enjoy 🤍
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“satoru gojo, what are we going to do with you?” your subordinate asks, resting his hands on the table dividing the dim interrogation room in two. you and your coworker sit on one side, facing the serial killer on the other side—who also happens to be the man you fucked in an alley two weeks ago.
ever since that first encounter, you haven’t been able to get his face out of your mind. at work, his ice blue eyes haunted your every move. at home, he was all you could picture as your mind strayed back to your time beneath him. and now, as you and your boss interrogate him, all you can think about is how good satoru’s hands felt roaming over your skin when you cornered him—or, more accurately, when he cornered you.
“i dunno,” satoru replies, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands behind his head. he grins shamelessly, looking you up and down with interest. “so, pretty girl, how’ve you been since we last met?”
you slip your hands into your pockets to stop yourself from doing something you’ll regret and ignore the curious look your coworker gives you. “this meeting isn’t about me. this is about the people you killed and the punishment you’re about to get,” you answer through gritted teeth.
satoru laughs, eyes locking with yours and seeing right through you. “that’s funny. so, who’s this shrimpy guy next to you? your boyfriend?” he jeers, grinning unnervingly at your coworker. you shoot your subordinate an apologetic look, which he responds to with a nod.
“i’m her boss, actually,” he clarifies, running a hand through his blonde hair and narrowing his eyes. “kento nanami. and i’ve been referred to as a lot of things, but shrimpy is a first.” satoru makes a face and laughs, as if he’s amused by the whole scene. 
“really? i’m surprised,” satoru replies easily. “i mean, whatever. i’ve seen better looking officers… like the one next to you.” he looks back at you, a careless smile still dancing on his lips. kento frowns and looks back and forth from you to satoru, and you force yourself to maintain a poker face in order to detract any suspicion.
“do you two know each other?” kento asks, crossing his arms. satoru starts laughing again, to which you roll your eyes. even if satoru were to tell kento what you hadn’t—that you two had fucked when you were supposed to be arresting him—you doubted that kento would believe him. after all, what’s the word of an obnoxious criminal compared to yours?
you shake your head and ignore satoru. “i’m the one who’s been leading the investigation on him for the past couple months,” you answer. kento meets your eyes and cocks an eyebrow, so you continue, “we met two weeks ago. i cornered him, but he escaped—”
“she let me,” satoru interjects, clearly enjoying the death glare you shoot at him a second later.
“you held a gun to my forehead,” you remind him pointedly, tapping the spot on your head where you vividly remember the cold metal resting against. 
“yeah, but i kissed it aft—”
“we’re getting off-topic,” kento interrupts, shooting you a warning glance. “detective, i’ll handle the interrogation from here.”
you hesitate, not liking how smug satoru’s expression is—but, seeing as you don’t have a choice, you dip your head in assent and exit the room. 
now that satoru’s been caught and is now in the grasp of the law, you don’t really have anything to do for the rest of the day. he was your case, and now, it looks like it’s closed, especially if your boss is the one interrogating him.
kento nanami has a reputation among law enforcement—he’s known as the stoic, serious man with a perfect record. there hasn’t been a single criminal he’s interrogated that hasn’t cracked, although the knot in your stomach tells you that this might be the first.
a sharp knock sounds on your office door, summoning you back from your train of thought. “it’s open,” you call, holding a piping hot coffee with both hands. kento opens the door and steps inside, eyebrows unusually tensed. his hands are balled into fists, too, in stark contrast to his characteristically calm demeanor. 
“something wrong?” you ask tentatively, studying your boss’s troubled eyes.
kento takes a seat in the leather chair in the corner of your office and rests his elbow on the armrest, rubbing his temples. “detective, be honest with me. what happened the night you were supposed to arrest satoru gojo?”
for the first time since satoru pinned you to the wall of a darkened alley, your heart drops. kento’s knowing eyes watch your every move, from the subtle twitch in your eye to the way your fingers tense around the cup of coffee. “what do you mean?” you ask carefully, surprised at how steady your own voice is.
“detective, don’t play games with me,” kento asserts calmly, hand casually drifting towards the side of his waist. you know him well enough to know what he’s reaching for—the same instrument that another man pressed against your forehead just two weeks ago.
despite your mind being clouded with fear and uncertainty, you manage to rationalize your way through the situation. what proof could your boss possibly have besides the word of a criminal? 
it’s your word against his—and you both know whose word kento’ll believe.
“that night, he threatened to kill me,” you start, repeating the story you told the authorities when they came ten minutes too late to catch satoru. “and he must’ve drugged me or knocked me unconscious because next thing i knew, he was gone.” your confidence grows with every word, and you start nodding as if you believe your own lies.
kento’s eyes narrow, and you force yourself to hold your poker face as he scrutinizes you and your words. three long, painful seconds of silence pass before his hand moves away from the holster strapped to his waist, and you internally sigh in relief. he stands without a word and makes to exit the room, but before he does, you risk it all. “why do you ask, sir?”
your boss pauses and turns back to you, eyebrows lifting in mild interest. he doesn’t answer immediately, and you tentatively ask, “...what did he tell you?”
kento exhales a soft huff of air, a look of dread in his brown eyes. “detective, for your own peace of mind, i assure you that you don’t want to know.”
well, fuck.
“i trust your judgement, then,” you reply, feeling your poker face start to slip away. you lift your now-cold cup of coffee to your lips and take a sip, attempting to hide the grimace that threatens to make an appearance. “have a good night, boss.”
“you too, detective. stay safe.”
“i’ll do my best.”
kento nods and heads out, and through your open window you watch him tell another one of your coworkers about how he’s planning on heading out early to make bread for his family, a gentle smile on his lips. eventually, he waves bye and exits the building.
you finish off your coffee and stand up, fishing out your key card from your pocket. you figure that you should head to the bathroom before you go home, just in case. a couple of your coworkers congratulate you when you come out of your office, praising you on the capture of your suspect. you take their compliments with a smile, ultimately wishing them a good night and escaping to the bathroom.
the door clicks shut behind you, and the comfortable quiet eases you at once. but before you can even appreciate the silence of the confined room, a sultry, familiar voice interrupts your thoughts. “aw, you weren’t gonna say bye before you left?”
you turn and your mouth drops open—standing before you, in the flesh, is the criminal you swore you last saw handcuffed to a chair.
“what the fu—”
satoru reaches out and grabs your wrist before you can scurry away or grab your phone. he pulls you into his chest, and you can feel his heartbeat against your back—at least, that’s what you notice before he clamps his hand over your mouth to stifle your yells.
“shut it,” satoru hisses, breath hot against the side of your face. he turns you towards the mirror of the bathroom so you can see how he’s holding you—one hand over your mouth, and one wrapped around your waist. “don’t try anything clever, sweetheart. i wouldn’t wanna have to hurt that pretty face of yours.”
you turn your head and glare at him furiously, cussing like a sailor against his hand. you eventually try to bite it, but your meager attack is essentially useless against his iron grip. satoru raises his eyebrows sternly and hushes you again, ice-blue eyes boring into your own. 
“i’ll answer your questions, honey, but be careful,” he pauses and nods at his pocket, where the handle of what appears to be a knife—how the fuck did he get his hands on a knife?—pokes out of the cloth. “okay, i’m gonna take my hand off your mouth now,” he murmurs, purposefully lowering his voice.
true to his word, satoru removes his hand from your mouth. you take a long breath and hesitate—again, there’s not much you can do in this situation but play along. if he’s telling the truth, you can ask questions and he can answer them, so you try your hand at getting some information and biding time. someone would have to walk in the bathroom eventually, right?
“by the way,” satoru starts, a grin curving the corners of his lips upward. “nobody’s gonna come save you, princess. the door’s locked from the inside.” he also removes his hand from your waist, letting you take a step back.
“how?” you ask suspiciously, unsure if he’s telling the truth or not.
satoru laughs—his hair falls into his eyes, and immediately shakes it away with a huff of breath. “i’m good with my hands. but you already know that, don’t ya?”
you back away towards the other side of the bathroom, where sinks line the quartz countertop. “why aren’t you still in the interrogation room?”
“you think you’re the only girl i can convince to let me go?” satoru tuts, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. he reaches into his pocket—not the one with the knife—and extracts a badge of some sort. satoru flicks it at you, and you catch it in midair. to your surprise, it’s the badge of one of your superiors who was supposed to be keeping an eye on satoru. the coy smile on satoru’s face confirms what you’re thinking, and his nod seals it the next second. 
“okay,” you say carefully, drawing out the word for a couple seconds. “how long have you been waiting here?”
“long enough,” satoru answers vaguely, not bothering to elaborate.
“thanks a lot,” you deadpan.
“nice to see that you’re still feisty—”
“and what the hell did you tell my boss?” you interrupt, suddenly remembering the dread-filled way kento had looked at you. the way your voice rises is unexpected enough to force satoru to involuntarily take a step back. it’s not much, but the step you take forward a second later to assert your position brings you a small feeling of satisfaction. after all, he’s only human—and all humans get surprised by loud noises.
satoru holds up his hands in mock surrender and eyes you skeptically. “you’re really worried about your boss’s approval, aren’t you?” he asks dryly, white hair falling into his eyes again. “heh, desperate much?”
you roll your eyes and curl your hands into fists—unfortunately, your action only seems to amuse satoru, but you ignore the little “aw” he coos and continue glaring at him. “answer the fucking question, satoru.”
“language,” he snorts. a second later, satoru cocks his head and thinks for a moment, and when his eyes land on you again he asks, “so, you’re still callin’ me satoru? cute.”
your face involuntarily heats up, and even though you’re sure satoru can tell, you pretend not to notice—again. “answer the question or i’ll scream.”
“you wouldn’t dare.”
“wouldn’t i?”
you don’t get the chance to fufill your threat, because satoru sees that you’re serious a second too early—everything’s a blur as he grabs your wrists and bunches them into one hand, firmly securing your hands behind your back. his chest rests on top of your back as he folds you over the bathroom counter, and his reflection leers at you from the mirror. “nice try, baby. but remember, you’re dealin’ with a world-class serial killer.”
“world-class? how humble of you,” you snap irritably, craning your neck to glare at satoru out of the corner of your eye. “you asshole, get off me or i’ll—”
satoru interrupts you by prodding at your lips with two of his fingers, forcing your mouth open and slipping them inside. you instantly attempt to bite him, but his fingers are so long that they trigger your gag reflex instead. “missed me, detective?” satoru coos, curling his fingers downwards and pressing on your tongue. a little whine involuntarily slips out of your lips, and satoru takes that as a yes. “yeah, i can tell,” he continues, studying your heated face in the reflection of the mirror. “i bet you couldn’t stop thinkin’ about me since that night, yeah?”
he doesn’t bother waiting for a response before he extracts his fingers and leaves you gasping for breath. you watch as satoru lifts his now-soaked fingers to his lips and runs his tongue over them, ice-blue eyes boring into your own. it’s disgusting, filthy even, but that doesn’t stop your thighs from clenching together in a futile attempt to hide your arousal from him.
“y’know, i think you’re wearing too many clothes,” satoru sighs, resting his chin on top of your head and smiling coyly. “wanna fix that for me?”
“do i have a choice?”
“no.” satoru pushes himself off of you and gives you enough space to start removing your clothes without his smothering presence. the idea of running away or screaming crosses your mind, but the serial killer’s smile makes you certain that you’d regret it—and that’s even disregarding the knife that’s still shining at you from his pocket. 
seeing as you don’t really have any other option, you slowly shrug off your coat and let it slide down your body and onto the floor. your collared shirt comes off next, followed by your pants, until there’s hardly anything shielding you from satoru’s hungry eyes. the feeling stirring in the pit of your stomach is hard to describe—it’s something like a mix between longing and fear, two emotions you hadn’t felt since that night.
and maybe, even though every instinct you have insists that this is the last thing you should be finding pleasure in, you want to feel that way again.
“you really coulda been anything in the world with that body,” satoru sighs, leaning back against a wall and taking his sweet time looking you up and down. his eyes narrow slyly as he watches you shrink away from him instinctually, and the next thing you know, he’s on you again, hands tracing over your skin and lips unbearably close to yours. “although, i guess it’s a good thing you’re a detective, ‘cause i wouldn’t have met you if you weren’t.”
you shouldn’t be agreeing with him, and as he lifts you up onto the counter, you also know that you shouldn’t be letting him do this. it goes against everything you swore to protect when you joined law enforcement, and if this ever got out—no, when it got out, you’d be the pariah of the city.
but even after thinking it through, one, two, maybe even three times, you can’t find it in your heart to care about much else than the hands pushing apart your thighs and slipping inside your shamelessly wet cunt.
“heh, how long has it been since we last did this?” satoru coos, eyes glazing over with a mixture of lust and adoration. his face is redder than you’ve ever seen it—the blush spreads all the way up to the tips of his ears, and it’s even more prominent underneath the overhead lights as he eyes you. “two weeks, right? feels like it’s been twenty.”
“do you ever shut up?” you mutter sourly, averting your eyes from satoru’s. he responds by curling up the two fingers he has inside your cunt, a mean little smile on his lips. 
“careful with that mouth of yours,” satoru warns, pushing his fingers in farther until he’s practically knuckle-deep inside of you. his thumb rests firmly against your clit, toying with the sensitive skin. “it’ll get you in trouble one day, pretty girl…” satoru withdraws his fingers in one swift motion with a soft, wet pop. he lifts his hand to his lips and licks off your slick, swiping his tongue over his fingers a couple times with a smile. “y’know what? i’ll let you go if you can do one thing for me, ‘kay?”
he waits for your response, raising an eyebrow patiently for you to catch your breath. it almost feels like deja vu, or some cheesy movie from the 90’s: the pretty little detective getting fucked by the big bad serial killer, and you know how these films always ended—not pretty.
“what?” you ask halfheartedly, expecting him to ask you to do something like erase him from the police records or sabotage the investigation. satoru cups your face with both hands, leaning in close enough for his lips to brush against yours, and his smile is almost mocking when he replies.
“suck my dick.”
part of you wants to ask “that’s it?”, but the glimmer in satoru’s knowing eyes makes you certain that he won’t make this easy for you. 
“what if i say no?” you ask tentatively. it’s a stupid question—now you’re just playing russian roulette with his rationality, and either way, you already know your decision.
the past two weeks have been torture. every waking moment of yours was spent thinking about the man you fucked, and every time you thought of his carefree smile and feather-light touch, you just felt guilty for wanting more. after all, when you first became a detective, you swore to prioritize your job and not make any personal relationships with your subjects. and yet, here you were, almost too eager to get on your knees for the serial killer who you swore to incapacitate. 
satoru shrugs nonchalantly in response to your question and not-so-subtly shoots a furtive glance at his pocket, where the handle of his knife still pokes out. “you’re a smart girl. i think you can guess, yeah?”
and that’s how you ended up with your lips wrapped around satoru’s dick for the seventh time (if you include every fantasy you’ve had about giving him head). it’s almost funny how he switches up the second you run your tongue over his blushing pink tip—his face goes red, all the way up to his ears, and the little breathy moans that slip out of his lips would be adorable in any other context but this.
“f-fuck, wasn’t expecting you to be this good,” he manages to mutter through gritted teeth, eyes fluttering open and shut. “where’d you learn to suck dick like this, heh—”
it’s been.. a while since satoru first helped you get on your knees in front of him and unzipped his pants, and even though it could’ve just been a couple minutes, it feels like this is all you’ve ever known. satoru’s ice blue eyes have barely moved from you since you started, and it looks like it’ll stay like that until you finish—or, more accurately, until he finishes.
satoru’s foot bounces on the floor as you lick a long stripe from the tip of his dick to the top of it, and the way his nails dig into his palm makes you absolutely certain that he’s close to cumming down your throat. “shit, don’t— don’t stop,” he chokes out, threading his fingers through your hair and involuntarily pushing down your head. “fuck—”
when satoru finally cums, it’s pitifully obvious—actually, it’s almost embarrassing. last time, you were the one in shambles when he was done with you, but now, it looks like it’s the other way around. his eyes flicker as they almost roll back from the sheer pleasure of you sucking him dry, and when satoru’s cum shoots out of his painfully hard dick, it’s a hot mess that leaks out of your mouth and down your chin. 
“y-yeah, good girl,” he murmurs shakily, reaching down and swiping his thumb over your cum-soaked, swollen lips. you lick off the thick, viscous liquid from his fingers instinctually, a dazed little smile on your face as you watch satoru tilt his head back towards the ceiling.
it’s interesting, seeing the city’s infamous serial killer like this. he’s leaning back against the white tile of the bathroom walls, chest heaving from his orgasm, and in that moment, you realize that his attention is on everything else but you. 
so, naturally, you stab him in the back.
not literally—that’d be a pain for your office’s custodian to clean up, but you extract the knife from satoru’s discarded pants and, before he can register the sharp object in your shaky hand, you press it to his blush-red throat. 
satoru’s hazy eyes widen in disbelief as he realizes what’s going on before they narrow in what looks almost like a mix between anger and shock. it’s stupid, foolish, and almost naive, but somewhere in your chest, it feels like a dagger pokes at your softened heart when you categorize the look in his eyes as betrayal. which is, by all accounts, entirely unreasonable—did he seriously think you wouldn’t take advantage of him like this?
at the end of the day, no matter how good the dick was, you weren’t about to sacrifice your well-paying job for a man on the run from the law.
“what the fuck?” satoru snaps, hand twitching in a movement to throw you off of him, but thankfully, the sudden shift in atmosphere heightened your instincts to a point where nothing could possibly catch you off-guard. you dig in the knife a millimeter deeper into his throat, avoiding eye contact with the man you just made cum with your mouth. “are you—”
“yeah, i am,” you assert, biding time. as much as you’d like to pretend that you’re completely in control of the situation, there’s only so long that you can hold up this stalemate. satoru’s stronger than you physically, and the second he figures out a way to handle the knife pressed to his neck, he’d get his revenge.
satoru comes to this conclusion about as fast as you did, and his lips curve upwards in a jeering smile. the look in his eyes is borderline insane when he snarls, “nobody’s gonna rescue you from me, princess. just you wait—”
and, with perfect comedic timing, the bathroom door opens, and one of your female co-workers steps in. you’ve never talked to her much, but thankfully, her instincts are even faster than yours.
what happens next goes by in a haze. your co-worker holds a gun to the side satoru’s head, and calls for backup. then, a handful of sleepy-eyed police officers haul away a cursing and fighting satoru to who-knows-where.
but just before he’s out of sight, satoru shoots you an unsettlingly calm look. and as if that wasn’t concerning enough, the last words he mouths to you are “this isn’t over.”
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rosepinks-world · 1 year
‘𝐼 𝐿𝐼𝒦𝐸 𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒢𝐼𝑅𝐿𝐹𝑅𝐼𝐸𝒩𝒟 𝒮𝐼𝑅’ / Simon Riley x Female! Reader
Summary: After weeks of guessing what Ghost’s girlfriend would do for work they finally find out when they meet you, much to Ghost’s dismay.
Ghost had, had it.
He was dumb enough to answer a call from you in front of Soap and Gaz, not thinking anything of it but he was wrong.
The little shits had been non stop attempting to guess what his girlfriend looked like and what she would do for a work for nearly the whole week now.
‘A goth maybe!’ Soap shouted out of nowhere
‘Oh you’re right there mate! Goth girls are fit!’
‘Can you pricks stop playing guess who and keep your fucking mouths shut.’
‘Sir is your girlfriend a therapist?’ Gaz inquired.
‘Oh yeah! Maybe that’s how they met.’
‘Soap keep your fucking mouth shut.’
‘Oh! I know! She’s a teacher!’
‘You’ve cracked it!’ Ghost replied with fake enthusiasm.
‘No. Keep your eyes on the fucking road.’
It was now Friday, the squad had bagged a weekend off and were eager to get their work done so they could fully relax. And of course, Simon stupidly left his files at home.
So when he’d asked you to bring them to him he made sure to tell you to come through the back entrance (to avoid Soap and Gaz) but of course they were the first two you saw when you entered the building.
‘Why hello there miss! What can I do for you?’
You awkwardly smiled, ‘Um I’ve just brought these in for my boyfriend he forgot them at home.’
Soap took a look at the files and his heart dropped. There were some fucked up things in those files why would your boyfriend just let you have them?
‘Whose the lucky guy? And why would he let you see those?’
You laughed, ‘Simon Riley. And trust me I’ve seen worse.’
‘Oh my fucking god! Gaz!’
The man named Gaz turned around from where he was standing. ‘What.’
The man with the Mohawk repeatedly pointed at you with a big smile on his face. ‘Ghosts girlfriend!’
Gaz immediately ran over to you and started asking you a million questions.
‘You guys are very sweet -in a way but can you just tell me where Simon is and I’ll answer your questions.’
Soap grabbed your hand and dragged you to Ghosts office as quick as he could because he wanted to get answers immediately.
When Ghost looked up he groaned.
Was he happy to see you? Without a doubt
Was he happy to see you with his very inquisitive co workers? No comment.
‘Simon, I have your files.’ you said handing them to him
‘Thanks love.’ He replied pulling out a chair for you to join him at his desk.
You both awkwardly turned to Gaz and Soap as they were just stood there staring at the two of you smirking.
‘You two. Out.’
‘Yes sir.’ Gaz said immediately going to walk out but Soap held the door handle.
‘Sir I will never bother you ever again-‘
‘I find that hard to believe.’ He interrupted and you laughed.
‘Just please let me ask her one question.’
He rolled his eyes
‘That’s fine with me but ask Y/n first.’
Soap looked to you and you nodded. ‘Ask away mate.’
‘What do you do for work?’
Ghost scoffed and you looked at him confused but still answered.
‘I’m a forensic pathologist.’
They gave you a blank expression.
‘I do autopsies, collect evidence from crime scenes to do tests on.’
They finally picked up on it.
‘Oh my god! That’s so cool.’
Gaz was all ears, ‘What’s the most fucked up thing you’ve seen.’
‘One question lad.’ Ghost said gesturing to the door.
You laughed. ‘This won’t be the last you’ll see of me boys, Laswell actually requested my help for this mission so don’t worry you can ask me more questions.’
When Gaz and Soap finally left you turned to your boyfriend.
‘They’re sweet.’
‘Are they?’
‘Oh don’t lie you love them really.’
At the end of the day, Ghost walked you to the exit and waved you goodbye.
‘See you when you get home! Love you.’ You said
‘Love you too.’ He replied and as soon as he turned around his two friends stood eagerly behind him.
The pair were laughing and smiling untill they noticed the look their mate was giving them.Gaz was now shitting himself and didn’t want to dig his grave any further but Soap tried to sweet talk him.
‘I like your girlfriend sir. You did well she’s… wow.’
‘Shut up Soap fucking hell.’
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(Mick and Stacy Thomson. Mick reminds me of ghost in a way.)
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astro-ellie · 1 year
you should write about how the reader gets mad at abby and tells her she dont want nothing to do with her and gives her back all her shit and abby is just like “oh okay, whos hoodie is that? i want it back, and the shirt under i bought that for you. i think the whole outfit” which leads to something ykykykykk ☮️
it’s immature.
it’s immature, childish and stupid, but after your last fight, you can’t bring yourself to care. you’re fed up with abby and her antics, and on top of that, you’re angry.
you’re angry with her attitude and how she seemingly doesn’t really care about your relationship. she’s always been flaky, cancelling dates last minutes and not showing up to important things- well, things that are important to you.
abby is a busy woman, she always has been. you’re also busy, but you still manage to make it to her stuff. the only time you’ve missed a game of hers is that time you had the flu, and you even show up to training sessions that are extra important to you.
but abby doesn’t do that for you. there’s always something that she just can’t miss, and it has started to feel like you’re at the bottom of her priority-list.
it was an ongoing issue in the relationship, and something you needed to deal with, but you still expected her to show this once. not even abby was clueless to not know how important your birthday was.
when she didn’t show up at the restaurant, you had waited at first. checking the time every five minutes, giving her the benefit of the doubt until the feeling of embarrassment became too much.
you tried to call her, just once. when she didn’t pick up, you took your jacket and left. the way the staff had looked at you in pity only made the feeling deep in your stomach grow.
just like you expected, it takes two days of radio silence from your side for her to come crawling to your front door. you know this all too well, she’ll be pounding on your door with that guilty look on her face.
never even apologies before she uses your hidden spare key to open the door, then she’ll slip into whatever room your hiding in. press a kiss onto your cheek, and it’s like nothing ever happened.
not this time though. you’ve dumped all of her stuff in your hallway, and you’ve just been waiting to hear the sound of her car pull up next to your home, just waiting for her to use the spare key, just waiting for her to see the boxes with all her stuff in.
you can hear the door being unlocked, hear the front door open and you certainly hear abby’s exclaim of; “what the fuck?” all the way into your bedroom.
it’s immature and childish, but it’s working.
it has abby stomping into your bedroom, with furrowed eyebrows and a hand on her hip. you know you’re being immature, but still you feign nonchalance and look down on your phone. act busy, act busy, act busy.
“why is all that shit in the hallway?”
“your shit.”
“it’s your shit. your shit is in the hallway, abby.” the tension in the room becomes thick, and it seems that abby now can feel it too. you see the way she shifts her weight around on her feet, the way she opens her mouth only to close it again.
“are you fucking serious?” her lips are pressed into a thin line, and she’s moving towards you with unsure steps.
you can’t help but let out a sigh, leaning back on your elbows on the bed. “yes, i’m fucking serious.”
“why is all my shit packed up then? can you tell me that?”
this all feels bittersweet, ‘cause abby is right where you wanted her, she’s getting angry and upset and that means she’s feeling exactly how she made you feel.
but the fact that she can’t see it, can’t see what pushed you to put all her belongings left behind in your apartment in those cardboard boxes makes you feel worse. why can’t she just see how bad she’s been treating you?
“your shit is in the hallway ‘cause i’m sick of you. i’m sick of your shit, abby.” you’re noticeable upset now, the pitch of your voice going up as you speak.
the room becomes silent, and god, the way abby looks at you is almost enough to make you feel guilty. almost. she looks like a kicked puppy, she nervously takes a step back and you see the way her lip trembles.
“are you- are you breaking up with me?”
her question is met with silence. if you speak now, you won’t be able to stop the tears from flowing. it’s too much, and you’re afraid that you’ll let her win. that one more look at her sad expression will have you apologising and pressing a kiss to her forehead, then going back to your normal lives as if this never happened.
you’re not looking at her anymore, your eyes instead trained on your lap. if you were looking at her, you would be able to see how abby’s expression was changing from her sad, sad puppy look into an angry, aggravated one.
when she says your name, you almost wince. it’s dripping with anger, and it hurts. ‘cause abby has never said your name like this before.
“if you’re just going to fucking dump me, i want all my shit back.” now that catches your attention, looking up in confusion. before you can open your mouth, point out the fact that all her shit is already packed, abby’s voice booms out again.
”like that fucking shirt for example, oh, and the hoodie. yeah, you know the fucking one.” she’s storming over to your closet, ripping it open, and rummaging around. you know which hoodie she means, and you feel heat creeping up your neck.
it’s the hoodie you stole from her a few months into your relationship. abby let you keep it ‘cause wearing it helped you sleep when she wasn’t there, making it feel like she was physically there with you in the bed.
“fuck you, abby.” you’re standing up in anger now, hands clammy. it’s her time to be immature, childish and stupid.
“oh now you decide to speak up. so, will you tell me what the fuck is up with you?” when abby is met with silence, she barks out a menacing laugh. “okay, then give me my fucking shit back. now.”
your eyes are burning, and you’re desperate to do something back. so, you pull abby’s shirt, the shirt you’ve been wearing, off your body and throw it at her. “here, happy now?”
she looks shocked for a few seconds before a taunting smile appears on her lips. she's raising her hand and pointing her finger at you, taking one, two, steps forward and saying something. you can't make it out, too busy staring at how her lips move.
it's the adrenaline from arguing, that must be it. that must be what pushes you to take a step towards her, and suddenly you're pressing your lips against hers. or was it abby that pushed hers against yours?
everything after that is a blur. abby brings her hands to your face, holding your face in between the rough palms of her hands. she walks you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed. when you sit down, abby pulls away. if you weren't so far gone, you'd be embarrassed by the whine you let out at the loss of her lips.
abby stands between your knees, moving her head to your ear. you use all your energy to focus on her voice, to try to hear what she's whispering against the side of your face.
“i’m not going to- not going to give it you” she’s panting in your ear, and all you can do is whine in frustration as you try to grind your hips, seeking relief. “you’re not getting anything. not until you fucking talk to me, you get that?”
moving your hand to the button of your pants and grunting out a “fine, i’ll just do it myself.” you almost except abby to try to stop you, for her to just cave in.
instead, she leans back and gives you a teasing smile. “fine, get off on your own. you know it won’t feel as good as me though, right?”
and you hate how she’s right, but you can’t let her know that. so, in a haste you shimmy your way out of your pants and move your hand towards your underwear.
the way abby’s eyes follow your movements with lust makes you feel good, powerful. for a few seconds, you forget why you’re here in front of her on the edge of the bed. forget about the look of anger and hatred a few moments ago. you almost even forget the way she made you feel at the restaurant, that humiliation.
the spell breaks when you hear abby’s voice again, her voice brings you back to reality.
“what are you waiting for?”
clearly, abby wants a show. so you’ll give her a show. slowly pulling your panties off your body, letting them fall down onto the floor next to her. the way abby’s eyes fixate on your cunt spreads confidence throughout you.
slowly moving your hands from your bra clad chest, relishing in the way abby looks at you, the way she bites her lips while looking at you.
you’re teasing her, moving one of your hands to the back of your back and unclasping your bra. the bra gets thrown to the side of the bed, and abby lets out a breathy sigh at the sight of your naked chest.
the way abby is still completely dressed in front of you, still standing in between your legs, while you’re completely undressed sends a wave of pleasure throughout your body.
you’re now fed up with your own teasing, moving your hands from your upper body downwards until you reach the space in between your thighs. abby’s eyes almost roll to the back of her head when you slip a finger inside of you, the sight making her weak in the knees.
leaning your head back in pleasure as you slowly start moving the digit, you quickly realise it’s not enough.
so, instead you try using two fingers. moving them in and out of you at a slow pace, you almost don’t notice it when abby suddenly sits down on the floor, on her knees, eye level with your pussy.
when she grabs the hand you got between your legs, you huff out an annoyed “what?”. she’s just sitting there, completely quiet, before she eventually says “fuck it” and before you can question her she dives right in.
abby’s tongue feels heavenly, she knows you well enough to bring you pleasure quickly. her nose is bumping into your clit, and you can’t help but let out a pathetic moan at the feeling.
the way her eyes are hazed over with desire is enough to make you grind up against her face, desperate for more. you swear, you swear, you see abby move one of her hands down to her own crotch. you crane your neck to try to get a better view of it, and when you do you can’t help but let out a whine of her name.
she moans against your slick, and works her tongue faster. when she moves her face slightly upwards and suck on your clit, you reach your peak. heart beating fast in your chest, completely out of breath, you feel how abby moves away from you.
before you can feel disappointed by her distance, she sits on the bed and pull you upwards, further from the edge.
still fully clothed she lays beside you, who’s still coming down from your high. you’re too gone to think about the way she lays besides you, the way she moves her arm and tries to carefully hold you.
the room is silent once again, but the thick tension seems to have melted away and instead there’s something else in the air, something neither abby or you can quite put your finger on.
“can you please talk to me about it now?”
there’s a beat of silence, and it makes abby nervous. you don’t look at her, instead you close your eyes. after a few seconds, you cuddle into her side and whisper a quiet “tomorrow”.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 8 months
Prejudice & Pride
[A/N: Me: has a terrible interaction with a tech. Me immediately after escaping from said interaction: starts drafting Hotch feat. praise kink bc he Would Not Stand For This 🥺 It’s consequently more fluff than my other kinktober posts, pls indulge me]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gender neutral reader (praise kink)
Aaron can’t help the smile that graces his face when he walks in to find his apartment smelling like your newest candle obsession, bought on a whim during a recent excursion to the mall because it sniffs like your cologne. He spots the key he had given you on the hook by the door, the smile on his face widening when he drops his own set of keys beside it. “Honey?” he calls out into the dimly lit space. “We caught a tailwind, so I’m back early.”
“Living room,” you answer, tone void of your usual excitement to have him home with you.
“Hey,” he croons upon entering the living room, noting a half-empty bottle of moscato on the table by the melting candle and your body bundled up on the couch. “Rough day?”
With a sniffle, you part with your wine glass and look up at him with a pout that tugs at his heartstrings. “Fucking shit day. I’m so happy you’re home,” you sigh, reaching your hands up toward him.
Aaron takes the hint, shedding his suit jacket and loosening his tie before lifting you into his arms and settling on the couch with you in his lap. His hands immediately go to work, one softly scratching along your spine, the other carding through your hair.
“Baby,” you whisper, tracing his lips with your index finger before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I know you found the missing kiddos, but are you okay? Cases with kids are always hard on you.”
“Oh, angel,” he sighs, pausing his soothing patterns to give you an affectionate squeeze. “I’m glad they’re home safe with their parents.”
“You’re so good at what you do, Aaron,” you say, voice wavering with awe and a hint of sadness, if he’s not mistaken. “I’m so, so proud of you.”
He brushes a strand of hair off your forehead before tilting your chin up until your gaze meets his. “Did someone make you feel like you’re not?”
“See?” you ask, bottom lip trembling. “You’re a damn good profiler.”
“Tell me what happened.”
You launch into a blow by blow recounting of your no good, very bad day from only getting to down two sips of your coffee before being pulled into a case to working with a technician who made you feel downright incompetent. “-and the thing is, the thing is, I was alone in the OR with my patient- anesthetized okay?”
“I’m following,” Aaron says with a nod, swiping at the errant tears of frustration running down your heated cheeks.
“So clearly I know what I’m doing, right?”
“Of course you do,” he’s quick to affirm, lips tugging into a frown at the doubt blanketing your words.
“And he was fine. Stable throughout, no issues in recovery or anything. And she was kind of nice to me afterwards? I don’t know,” you sigh, voice dropping low while you distract yourself playing with his tie. “I just felt really stupid about every little decision I made. Maybe I’m not cut out for this field.”
“Excuse me?”
You balk at the subtle growl in Aaron’s voice, looking up at him meekly. “Aar, I-”
“I know you didn’t work your ass off to get into this program, spend sleepless days and nights studying, and rack up hours upon hours of experience at the hospital just to let one technician’s shitty attitude dissuade you from following your dreams.”
Overcome with emotion, tears pool in your eyes again and you shake your head at his much needed tough love.
“This-” He cups your face in his large hands before continuing, “This is your passion, baby. You were meant to do this, to help and heal those who need it most. And you are not going to let others’ bitterness stand in your way. Am I clear?”
Managing to muster up a smile, you nod and respond, “Clear, Unit Chief Hotchner, sir.”
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are. You have your Hotch frown on,” you tease, swiping your thumb across his downturned bottom lip.
His frown deepens at your playful ribbing, and he rises abruptly so that you’re forced to wrap your legs around his waist and cling to him while he strides purposefully down the hallway towards the master bedroom. “You don’t understand how serious I am about this,” he accuses, and you dot his neck with kisses while assuring, “No, no, I definitely do, and I appreciate you for it.”
“But your confidence is still shaken,” he intuits, and he can feel the sigh that rattles through you in response. “Well that simply won’t do, sweetheart.”
“Say it,” Aaron growls out, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead onto your flushed chest when his hips meet yours again.
You let out a pitiful moan, raking your nails down his back at the overwhelming sensation of fullness.
“Say. It.” He repeats the command, each word punctuated with a harsh thrust that has you seeing stars.
“I’m smart,” you rasp out, thighs quaking in their elevated position. Aaron has you nearly folded in half, knees practically pressed to your chest while he rails you like he can imbue confidence into you with his cock alone.
“And?” he prompts with another gasp-inducing drive of his hips.
“I’m good at what I do?” you offer quietly, somehow succeeding in looking sheepish while he splits you in half.
He pinches your nipple harshly and you cry out, now meeting his fiery gaze with one of your own. “Was that a question or a statement?”
“I’m good at what I do,” you amend, tugging on his hair as he fucks you without abandon.
“That’s it, baby,” he croons, bending down to swipe his lips across yours. You whimper into his mouth, the change in angle somehow helping him drive even deeper into your spent body. He nibbles on your bottom lip before pulling back with a satisfied grin. “You’re brilliant, aren’t you, my little doctor?” Tucking your chin between his thumb and index finger, he moves your head into a nod. “You’re only dumb when you’re drunk on my cock.”
A moan falls past your parted lips at that, and Aaron laughs low in his throat. “Poor thing,” he tuts, “I’m amazed you can string full sentences together right now.”
“Can’t,” you cry in response. “Need you. Need you to fill me up, Daddy, please.”
He takes your ankles in his hands and wraps your legs around his torso, stalling his movements with his hips flush to yours. “You want Daddy to be nice to you?”
Driving your heels into his lower back, you moan, “Oh god, yes.”
“Are you going to be nice to yourself, little one?” Desperate for release, you sniffle and nod diligently. Aaron sucks a bruising kiss into the sensitive skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder and growls out, “Promise?”
“Promise,” you answer immediately, breathless.
“Did so well for me, baby, so well,” he praises, his hand moving between your bodies to expertly take you over the edge, and you cling to him like your life depends on it as fireworks explode behind your closed eyelids. “My good little love. So smart, so beautiful, so perfect.”
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josephquinnswhore · 3 months
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Watchful Eyes
Pairing: Joel Miller! Stalker boyfriend! x female reader
Summary: Joel hates when you go drinking.
Content Warning: shit writing, I’m drunk soooooo, stalker boyfriend Joel, reader is female and drinks alcohol, not seeing red flags.
Note: I’m drunk and this is trash.
Joel hated this—your one day of the two of you not working; and yet you’d insisted on seeing your friend, your best friend. You insisted. Pleaded, tried to make him see reason, that this was worth it, for you.. it was something that you’d hardly ever got to do. The stress of work and trying to keep a healthy relationship was diffficult, and Joel knew the struggle too.
He had to unlearn how to check your location, eyes lingering on the text chat where you’d messaged fifteen minutes ago stating you loved him. But did you really, if you’d not replied to his message. Could he really change his habits? Probably not.
12am rolls around and still no sign of you.
“Call me baby. Where are you?” You were drinking with your friend, of course a few others, all female, which he was thankful for. But that wasn’t enough to stop his mind from wondering. Maybe you’d explore something about yourself if only surrounded by women.
“Got some people coming over. Talk soon!” You texted back as normally as you could, thanks to auto correct.
He growls at the text, why in the world would you message him something so vague, who was coming over, when, were you going somewhere? When would you be home? Were there going to be men? He dreaded it, the anxiety and insecurity he faced as being with someone as beautiful as you.
“Fuckin Jesus Christ!” He cursed to himself, as his fists slammed onto the recliner he sat on. He trusted you, of course he did. You were a sweet woman, a loyal and wonderful women who had never given him a reason to ever doubt him. So why did he?
He didn’t trust a single soul to care for his girl. Especially while she was under the influence.. vulnerable.
As he started his car, he thought of every reason to excuse his irrational behaviour. He wanted to make sure you were safe, cared for, that no one were trying to grab onto you with their venomous hands. “Need to make sure you’re okay.” He murmured as his truck roared to life. Like all of his actions would be excused somehow if he said it aloud.
It’s almost humourous, how close you lived to your friend. Less than two minutes drive, a few streets away.. but he knew they would recognise his car, it was blantanly obvious, a white pickup with all of his construction gear on the back. So he turns the truck off and the lights, letting it roll down the hill until he can see you, standing on the balcony with a drink in your hand.
Only then does he pull the hand break as quietly as he can. He readjusts his blue cap so that he can tuck his stray curls under them, they’re unruly, and blocking whatever vision he has of you… finally.
You’re laughing. Of course you are, you’re a social creature when you drink, a few friends surround you as you make them all laugh. God he’s jealous—no, envious. Why couldn’t it be him? Hearing your sweet laugh and seeing those wonderful eyes staring into his own as he hears whatever you’ve said is so funny.
He texts you again, he can see your friends frown, and complain about how clingy he is, how you have no freedom where Joel is concerned. “Oh shut it you guys he loves me!” You excuse his behaviour and frown as you read the text.
“Oh.. Joel’s sick. I need to get him to the hospital. It could be his heart.” Your friends all give each other a look. You’re frantically packing your belongings before they could protest and Joel drives the short way home, getting into bed before you even start your car to drive home.
“Joel?” You call out wearily. He coughs and murmurs distantly.. “baby?”
Mad, you see him, your heart drops, his cheeks are stained with tears and his hand is clutching his chest. “Oh baby you look like you’re really struggling.” He can only nod at her shoulder as you come closer.
“It’s better now that you’re here. Thank you for coming. I really thought I was a goner..”
Fingers caress his outgrowing stubble.. “I’m here baby. Let’s get to bed.”
The alcohol still flowed through you—your veins, but you were holding him, and he’d never let you know that he smiled as you lie behind him, tucking him under the fleece blanket.
Joel was a bad man, and he loved it. For as long as you were his, he would do anything it took to keep you safe.
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farfromstrange · 22 days
Do No Harm
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Summary: You have an eventful day at work rekindling with a new acquaintance and dealing with a peculiar trauma case, but the most prominent thing on your mind is dinner with Matt, and you could really use some advice from someone who knows a thing or two about dates to keep you from canceling.
Warnings for this chapter: slight angst, self-hatred/doubt, mentions of past abuse, mentions of injury
Word Count: 5.3k
A/n: I'm sorry this took so long. I took an unexpected hiatus, and I couldn't break out of the writer's block, so this took close to a month to finish. I read this a dozen times, and I fixed what I could. This is rather "boring" compared to what came before and what I've got planned, but there is plot in there that will become important again later down the line. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into in advance. 'Kay, thank you!
Read Chapter 12: Oh, Chaos! here on AO3
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Four missed calls, and twenty text messages. The chat is full of one-sided advances. ‘Claire’ is written on top, but her contact resembles an empty void in contrast. 
I don’t know what I did to deserve this radio silence, but I thought you would like to know I asked Matt out again. I like him. We’re having dinner on Friday. Do with that as you will. 
Hope you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere. 
Call me when you can. Please. 
I’m worried about you. 
Love you. 
It has been like this since Matt called you when you least expected it. Whether he was looking for support, professional advice, or just the sound of your voice, you’re not sure, but it warmed your heart to know he thought of you and no one else, and he picked up the phone to call you. 
Before, you tried telling yourself that there isn’t much between you. You tried telling yourself that perhaps, it would never go anywhere and not to be disappointed because from the start, Matt has been too good to be true, but after sharing a glimpse of your past, you feel closer to him, and you don’t want to let him go. He is the first good thing that has come to you in years. 
Claire’s radio silence hurts. You don’t want to admit it, but sending text after text to your best friend and receiving not even a ‘read’ sign both concerns and upsets you. Ever since she took you under her wing when you came to New York, you’ve—sometimes involuntarily—shared your anger with her, your sadness, your pain, and those rare moments of happiness. 
She was the one who told you to go for it, so her behavior remains suspicious. You want to ask her; you want to confront her about everything and get the truth out of her, but unless she answers your contact attempts or shows up to work, there is not much you can do. You tried from the moment you got home to the second leading up to your next shift at the hospital. So far, nothing. A few days ago, you would have called the police and said that this was nothing like Claire, but now, you’re not so sure anymore what to believe, and it is pissing you off when you should be excited.
Things are looking up. You don’t want to look down and ruin this for yourself, knowing there is a chance your thoughts will most likely turn against you again at some point. You have to enjoy it while it lasts. 
Glancing down at your phone, you walk down one of the hallways at Metro General. You shake your head. It’s been hours. Perhaps after you get off work, you will head to where Claire is staying. Just to check on her. The nagging feeling that shit is about to hit the fan won’t leave you, and it seems like the right thing to do, even if just to ask her what her problem is. 
She’s always so quick to tell you what’s good for you. She gives you advice you never even asked for, but you end up appreciating it regardless. She knows what she’s doing, and she is a lot smarter than you are most of the time. You know her as well as you possibly can after two years; Claire is hiding something, and that is unlike her. If she gets herself in danger because of something she feels like she can’t talk to you about, or if she has an opinion afraid to share with you, you need to know because it is important to you. Your mind is disordered and distorted; you are well aware that sometimes, you don’t see things as clearly as you should. Claire’s rationality is a blessing and a curse. You’re dependent on it.
“Hey, Doc,” a familiar voice sounds from the nurse’s station.
You stop in your tracks, looking up from your phone to the man standing across from you. You haven’t seen that face in a while, even though he spends a lot of time here—almost as much as he does at work. You doubt he ever goes home to sleep. 
Your face lights up, and you stuff your phone back into the pocket of your coat. “Ben!” you exclaim, your lips curving into a smile. 
“Long time no see,” he says in an attempt to match your delighted reaction.
You hate to admit it, but Ben Urich looks worse for wear. Dark circles under his eyes match the deepened wrinkles of exhaustion, and his lips are cracked in more places than one. His shirt shows the slightest of coffee stains he tries to cover with his visitor badge. You doubt he has had the time to do his laundry in a long time. And there is that expression of agony he usually knows how to hide, but the walls he once built around himself are starting to crumble. 
The sympathy you have for this man cannot be put into words—because your feelings are unpleasant most of the time, too, and unless you have been in an impossible situation, all you can have is empathy. You, however, are not a stranger to despair, and the people around you all seem to be carrying too much of it, too. 
You clear your throat, putting the file in your hand aside to shake his. “How have you been?” you dare to ask. 
He shrugs. “Could be better, but… I’m alive. Healthy,” he says. It’s a modified standard answer you do not buy for even a second. 
Your eyes soften, but you try to keep the mood light. God knows what he has been through since the last time you saw him on this very floor. “Yeah? That’s good. The Bulletin still giving you a hard time about the things you want to write?” You chuckle. 
“Ah, you know how it is.” Ben leans against the counter. “Readers these days are apparently more interested in celebrity scandals and gentrification than true crime.”
The pen scratches against the chart you have to sign. “Well, just know that you will always have a loyal fan of your true crime section in me, and I would tell that to Eric’s face if you ever need me to.” You offer him a smile of pure honesty, and his eyes actually light up this time. 
He chuckles. “Can I quote you on that?”
“That depends. Am I getting paid?”
“I’m afraid the only form of payment I have is cheap office coffee.”
“You’re in luck then,” you say, “I am a sucker for cheap office coffee because it’s still better than cheap hospital coffee.”
His face contorts. “Yeah, I’m not going to argue with you on that,” he says. 
Again, you chuckle. The question rests on the tip of your tongue, but only when the silence stretches out painfully long enough to prompt a drop of sweat to run down his temple, you ask, “How’s your wife?” No pain or pity in your voice—you know he doesn’t need it. 
Ben swallows in response, scratching his fingers through his hair. “Uh, hanging in there. They told me she’s had a good day today. Lucid,” he tells you. 
“That sounds like progress. You know, with her condition, every good day is a success.”
“Yeah, yeah, I, uh… I agree. But… she’s not the only reason I’m here. Shelly called me here today to, uh, discuss my wife’s future at this hospital…”
The muscles in your shoulders tense and stiffen. You slowly lift your head. “Oh,” is all you can muster up to say. You know where this is going.
“Yeah,” he says. “I tried convincing her to keep her here a little while longer. But apparently, you guys can’t accommodate her much longer, and she wants me to look into hospice or some other form of long-term care.”
“I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s not your fault.”
But what else are you supposed to say? You clear your throat. “I, uh… Shelly’s under a lot of pressure, you know? We’re having funding issues in every department, and she is just trying to make due, but… I know your wife’s been here for a very long time, and she’s dependent on the care. Alzheimer’s can be incredibly cruel, and I’m sure hospice is a lot more expensive than what your insurance covers if she stays here, so it isn’t fair. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” says Ben. 
“Can I help in any way?” you ask. 
“Well, unless you can win the lottery or find a cure for Alzheimer’s in the next seven days, I’m afraid not.”
“Believe me, people are trying, but—”
“I know,” he cuts you off. “I still appreciate it. You’re one of the few doctors here who still care about the people.”
You shake your head, saying, “It’s not that easy. The system is rigged against us. We’re all aware of it, but some of us just… fall off the wagon because they think the only way through is to become what we hate the most. Selfish, egotistical money-makers always chasing recognition rather than caring about the patients we’re supposed to serve,” you explain. “These new fancy medical centers only those with millions in their bank accounts can afford are where all the funding goes, and those who cater to the underprivileged and uninsured—like us—have to suffer the consequences because we don’t chase after money. I would know; I did my residency at one of those hospitals, and I hated how some of these people treated their patients, so I always tried to use the resources we’ve got to help people, even those who couldn’t afford it. Of course, not all of my fellow residents stayed on that path with me. The more high-risk surgeries, the better the payout, even when unnecessary. Upcoding and needless tests were the standards we were held to. I’ve always hated that. Public hospitals are at the bottom of the food chain, and the patients end up pulling the short straw, but most doctors don’t start with the mindset that it’s just something we have to accept. That lethargy comes with time. And the system.”
“Kind of reminds me of that kook in the black mask,” Ben muses. “With his disbelief in the system and his…his twisted sense of justice.”
You scoff. “Well…”
Your mind flashes back to the other night in that alleyway. The way he interfered when he heard you in trouble. The cockiness he seemed to exceed, but it quickly vanished when he realized you may have risked your life to save someone else’s, but you were not going to leave another person injured. You don’t have a lot of trust in the justice system, but that man seemed… different; like the only way he could believe in justice is when he does something against the persistent injustice that so many turn a blind eye to. 
But it’s not just Hell’s Kitchen, which the Man In Black seems to gracefully ignore. He does what he needs to where he thinks he has to, but it is not just the system in his beloved city that is wired against the people it is supposed to protect and serve. It’s not just the justice system or society overall, it’s the government, too. And you truly believe he knows that, too, he simply does not have the manpower to fight all battles at once. No one has. 
Ben eyes you curiously, up and down. “What, you don’t agree?” he asks. 
You sigh. “I don’t think he has a twisted sense of justice, no.”
“Why? You met him?”
Saying yes would make you an accessory to his crimes. “I’ve heard the same things you have, Ben, and I think he really is trying to change something,” you answer instead. 
You find a sudden determination in his eyes as he leans closer. “You treat his victims, right? You’ve seen what he can do with his bare hands. Taking out entire syndicates that have been bothering Hell’s Kitchen for decades, going up against bad seeds and corporations, and he never backs down,” he says. 
“If you’re trying to say it’s a bad thing…” You trail off. 
“I think it’s a grey area. A fine line.”
“Well, as fine as that line may be, I don’t feel as much empathy for the people he puts in here because I’ve seen what they can do just a few blocks from here,” you state and close the chart in front of you on the counter. “I had to watch lives and families get destroyed. The ones responsible for serving justice either didn’t have the evidence, or they were too late, or the only witnesses died on my table, or—and that happens quite frequently, too—they just didn’t care,” you say. “The times I watched them make arrests, the legal system ended up failing the victims anyway. Now, I’m not saying I condone violence, but this city needs help. Depending on the area, police sometimes don’t even bother to check, and that pisses me off because a lot of the time, tragedies could have been prevented if first responders just got there on time. Or if the perpetrators involved in a crime suffered the consequences for their actions instead of bailing out the same day on a domestic violence charge. I know that the police can't be everywhere at once, but… A lot of people feel safer with this guy out there because they know he tries.”
Ben desperately scribbles along on a small notepad you’re not sure where he got it from. He’s not even wearing a coat. 
“It’s like David and Goliath,” you tell him, too animated to pay closer attention to your surroundings. “It’s a contest wherein a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger and stronger adversary. I just… I don’t know. In this city, there are a lot of metaphorically weak individuals who don’t have the means to fight back against the big guy. Like I said, a system rigged against its people does not help the people live a safe and happy life in a city that makes them feel like all their advances are futile.”
“That’s excellent,” he murmurs.
You glimpse down at his hand, frowning. “It’s just my opinion.”
“There’s nothing ‘just’ about it. I know a lot of people feel the way you do, and yes, that’s fucked up. But that’s why we need people like you to speak up. People with more influence than the little guy. People who serve the people.”
“Ben,” you try to get a word in.
“Hear me out,” he says. “If I can get Eric to sign off on it, I want to write a think piece for the public. About the man in the mask. About Hell’s Kitchen and New York, and the things no one likes to talk about. And I’d like to get you on the record.”
“With all due respect—and I do love the concept—I don’t think interviewing me would be such a good idea.”
“Why not?”
Your pulse has inevitably gotten higher. Because if my ex finds out where I am, he’ll kill me. The thought screams like a banshee, echoing like the trajectory of a bouncing basketball. It takes you a moment to realize that the thudding is your heart. Dull, aching, and infused with a panic as old as time. 
You squeeze the pen in your fist, feeling the plastic crack under the weight. “I can’t have my name or face on the record,” you confess. “It’s a, uh… protection thing.”
The most human thing to ask would be, ‘Protection from what?’ You don’t have to read minds to know that those are the words forming on Ben’s lips the second you offer him an explanation that is not quite the truth. It couldn’t be further from it, but your truth is a tank and tanks can take down everything in their path without suffering as much as a scratch. 
You take the stage before he can ask—before you can ride yourself further into this pile of dirt and lies. “I treat people for a living, and my opinions out there… I need to protect myself if someone ever wants to file a lawsuit against me for prejudicial behavior because they could easily use an interview I gave as evidence,” you say. “I could lose my license.” Your license, and your life. 
He releases a strangled breath. “Yeah, no. Of course,” Ben says. “I knew that. But I could always refer to my source as anonymous. Most of the time, people don’t care about who said what anyway. They just want something to talk about.”
You want to scream. The alarm is blaring loud enough for the nerves in your body to hear it. The rage is so hard to swallow. Not at him though. It isn’t Ben’s fault that even now, you have to live your life as if it was never yours to begin with.
“But,” he adds upon seeing the look on your face, like a deer in bright headlights, “unless a certain Man in Black decides to leave another stranded criminal on my doorstep, Eric will never sign off on it. I’m sorry,” the exasperation in his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. “I didn’t mean to jump this at you. I know you have more…important things to do than worry about an old journalist who knows damn well his best days are behind him.” 
The shake of your head follows in an instant. His confidence lies drowned in the invisible puddle at your feet. “You don’t always have to go with the flow of time,” you tell him. “If you want to write something, you should. People’s tastes change, but there will always be someone out there who wants to read what you have to say.”
Ben smiles at you. “Does that mean you’ll think about my offer?” he asks.
You return the gesture. “When I’ve done my important things, maybe I will.”
And chances are, you will think about it. You will think about it, and then you will cry over a bottle of wine and wish you were never born or that, once again, he killed you when he had the chance. You will wish that you didn’t run, and you will curse John and your entire existence to hell and back because without him, you wouldn’t have to guard your heart like a maximum-security prison, and you wouldn’t have to hide who you are like a secret from Pandora’s box. In the end, though, you know you will have to decide if he doesn’t forget what he offered you—and knowing Ben Urich, when he is allowed to write about what he wants, he won’t forget the sources he tried to recruit along the way. 
You look up suddenly when the sirens start blaring above your head. 
Attention all staff, Code Red, Emergency Department. Code Red, Emergency Department. Trauma team to the Emergency Department immediately.
“That sounds bad,” Ben comments. 
You turn back to him, but before you can open your mouth and excuse yourself from the conversation (and your internal self-hatred party), one of the nurses behind the counter picks up the phone with a knowing nod. A second passes and all color fades from her skin before her features contort. “I’m sorry, what?!” she damn-near screeches.
You frown back at her. “Hey, Evie,” — you snap your fingers — “What’s going on?”
She moves the speaker away from her lips. “Um,” she stammers. “Have you ever seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre?”
“Oh, my God.”
“It’s 11 am!” you say, your eyes darting between her and the wall as if that would change anything.
Ben cuts in, “That doesn’t mean much in a city that never sleeps,” he says. “People are always crazy ‘round here.”
You scoff. “Apparently! I’m so sorry, but I’ve gotta–”
“Yeah, no. I know.” He nods, his eyes softening in an instant. “Go!”
With a grateful nod, you leave your work on the counter and head into a sprint down the hall. 
A life-saving surgery can take up to several hours. There really is no margin for error, so you tune out the noise of the world outside and focus on the chaos you have to control. You focus on what you know and what you have learned because if you don’t, the person you are cutting into with a scalpel could die at your very touch. For those few critical hours, you are nothing but a doctor, but the world doesn’t stop or disappear in real life when you cease to exist; when you come back after those few hours, the world is still falling apart, and you still have to go back home and face the reality you are forced to live in. But how can you think that when people are fighting for their lives every day before your eyes; when you can try as hard as you want to help them, but you fail more often than you do not? Mental scars often out-rule the physical scars of a trauma patient, and whenever you tell them it gets better, you feel like you are lying to them. Because it never gets better, it feels like.
People are dying and falling apart, and so are you, and it hurts that nothing ever seems to change, not even when you try to tell yourself that people are dependent on you and that your world can’t stop again because this is your job; you signed up for this. But you didn’t sign up for this kind of life. You fell in with the wrong person, craving a love like in the fairytales you used to read as a little girl. You missed the feeling of being loved because the people who were supposed to love you died and fell apart, and you were left fantasizing. It’s a downright mess in your head and everywhere around you, and you are continuously stumbling over the broken glass on your floor, falling into the shards and cutting yourself over and over again until you’re bleeding out but never fully dead. 
You spend the next six hours in the operating room, forgetting about Matt and the implications of your dinner. The one you asked him out to. You forget about Ben and his offer, and you think finally, finally, you can breathe. Human anatomy isn’t quite as complicated as this. The one thing you have been worrying most about, the person who has occupied your every waking thought for days now, fades into the shadows for a little while, but then you’re threading the needle through the skin of the man whose life you have saved, and your second to breathe turns into a riot.
Ben’s words return to your conscience; the masked individual he seems most fascinated with moves to the forefront of your fragile mind. He is all over you again, and it sends a thrill down your spine that positively terrifies you; it terrifies you that it doesn’t terrify you. He shouldn’t matter, and you shouldn’t lose another thought to him, but Ben Urich knows how to cast out a net to catch even the most unlikely adversary. 
You redial the last number on your phone. Standing in the emergency room that has grown quiet for the afternoon, you feel the weight of the world sinking back in. The clock keeps ticking closer to the end of your shift and inevitably, dinner. Forgetting is a blessing until you realize that thinking about it would have prepared you more, and now you barely have time. 
You want to cancel. You should cancel. Claire has not been picking up, and you’re worried about her. But she’s an adult, isn’t she? She pushed you into doing this, and then she bailed. A good friend would at least give you a reason for her change of mind. She hasn’t said a word because she refuses to answer, and it’s starting to leave a bitter taste in your mouth. 
“This is Claire. Leave a message,” her voicemail greets you. 
You sigh. “Hey, I don’t know why you refuse to pick up my calls, but I could use your help. I’m, uh, freaking out about this stupid dinner that wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for what you said, so the least you could do is call me back and help me pick a dress, maybe talk me off the ledge,” you say. Your voice cracks. “Please, Claire, call me back.” 
The silence is defeating. You put your phone down, staring at the paperwork before you. You have a lot more of that in your office, but you can’t be bothered to be entirely alone right now. Not when you are fighting a war with yourself inside your head. The one soldier you thought you could count on has retreated from the frontlines. 
You look up when your peripheral vision picks up on movement. “Trouble?” one of the nurses asks, motioning to your face.
“Depends on the definition,” you say.
“Hit me with it. Maybe I can help.”
You couldn’t shut up even if you wanted to. “Well… Do you know anything about proper date attire?” 
She grins, dropping whatever she was holding before to turn her undivided attention to you. “A date?” she asks. “Well, well, Doc. Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Oh, just… a guy I met. A good guy.” You smile sadly at the thought of those beautiful brown eyes, and the green forest that he hides in his irises whenever the light hits his beautiful face just right. The wrinkles, the dimples, and the faint freckles on his nose, too. He is so beautiful. 
She leans forward on her elbows on the counter of the nurse’s station. “The good guy who left your number here the other day?” 
You raise your eyebrows, flabbergasted. “Wh—” The blood rushes to your face, and you suddenly feel very warm as you gape at her. “Does everyone here know about that?” you ask, your voice bothered on a high-pitched siren of embarrassment. 
The nurse only smirks. “He is very handsome,” she states. “It’s hard to forget a face like that. And he’s come here twice. One of those times he sat by your bedside. Now, I don’t know about you, but I would marry a guy like that in a heartbeat. Bodies in the basement included.”
You hope he doesn’t have bodies in his basement. What if he does though? What if he is just another bad choice waiting to be made? What then? You can’t imagine it, and the things you’re feeling… you have only felt them in your mind because nothing you had was ever real, but you love feeling them now more than you thought possible. It’s the fact that you love that treacherous feeling so much that you feel like you’re not thinking clearly enough to make rational decisions. But you don’t want to make rational decisions, you’ve realized. Life shouldn’t be about that. You can’t turn the voice in your head off and make it stop screaming at you, but you know how to feel. If you only knew how to channel that without falling apart at the hands of your self-doubts though. If only you knew. 
You run a wary hand over your face. “Okay,” you murmur, closing your chart so you can look at your colleague. “Claire isn’t answering her phone and this date… it’s freaking me out. She said I had to get back out there, but she bailed on me,” you tell her. “I don’t know what to wear or how to behave because the place we’re going to is… fancy? And I don’t even know how to pay for it. I… I don’t know if I should go because the last time I was on a date… let’s just say it didn’t end well. So, if you could just tell me that this is a bad idea and I should take on a second shift instead so I won’t feel bad about lying to him, I would be forever in your debt.”
She shakes her head, not having missed a second of your rambling. “Oh, hell no!” she exclaims. 
You match her incredulity, propping your hands up on your hips. “Excuse me?” you ask.
Her head stops, and the way she stands there reminds you of your English teacher from high school. Tall, brunette, and sassy. “You are not bailing on that date like Claire bailed on you just because you’re experiencing anxiety,” the nurse tells you. She’s insistent. You doubt you will get a word in that isn’t an utterance of agreement. 
“You don’t understand,” you try to convince her, or are you trying to convince yourself? “I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can.”
“Did you miss the part where I said my last date ended in disaster?”
“So what? I’ve had a lot of disastrous dates.”
“That’s not…ugh!” It is your turn to shake your head, looking at the sterile wall as though it were a screen. 
A life built on a lie is not much of a life at all. You have as good a reason as anyone to bail on this date, and it’s not just a disastrous date. You didn’t pick the wrong guy off of Hinge and fall in love with him. What happened to you was different on a level you can’t easily describe, but it also shouldn’t define you; she’s right. Your insecurities are going to be the death of you one day.
“Let me ask you this,” she says. “Do you like him? Or do you just think he’s a really good guy because he was nice to you?”
Your jaw slacks. The Audacity. “I… I think he’s a great guy. Nice. Forthcoming. That’s all,” you answer. It’s not a lie, but it is not the full truth she wanted to hear.
“Uh-huh. I may not be a human polygraph, but I can smell a lie from miles away like a bloodhound. And you, Doctor, are lying and therefore interfering with your treatment.”
“I’m not a patient.”
“Are you though?”
You sigh. You should not have confided in her, but also, perhaps it was the best choice you could have made. 
“I like him,” you confess upon looking into her eyes. “Okay? I like him. He’s not just a good guy. He’s… different, and that’s why I like him.”
She stands up straighter, a newfound energy filling her veins. “That’s more like it. Now, let’s forget the whole ‘canceling and using work as an excuse’ thing. What’s the vibe?” she asks.
The change of subject throws you off for a second. You’re walking on eggshells, fragile train tracks you could fall off and electrocute yourself with if you only take one wrong step. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take risks. 
“Fancy-ish,” you answer. You don’t have any strength left to fight. “I don’t know. It’s dinner.”
“Dinner’s romantic. Put on a silk or velvet dress because those are the fabrics with less risk of becoming a sensory nightmare, possibly some jewelry, but you don’t need much more than that. He’ll fall in love with your personality first. The rest is just… for your confidence and his imagination.”
She looks so proud of herself. You can’t deny that it’s good advice. It’s not the sound of your voice filling a voicemail to the brim or a solely blue chat history; it’s something you can work with. 
You nod slowly. “If I didn’t have mountains of paperwork waiting for me, I would kiss you,” you say.
With a chuckle, she retorts, “Save that for your date.”
“I’m not kissing him.” You grab your pile of work. “It’s just dinner. I don’t even want to kiss him.”
On your way to the elevators, you catch a glimpse of her smirk. She’s not buying it. You don’t want her to. You don’t even trust yourself to tell the truth.
“I don’t,” you say, loud enough for her to hear but mostly to yourself. “I don’t want to kiss him,” you repeat because you don’t.
You don’t want to kiss Matt Murdock.
Except that you do, and you would do anything to make that happen—if your world wasn’t so unfair to begin with. 
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Sex Education P.3 | Steve Harrington
a/n: yall posting this shit was the most annoying experience ever and tumblr and I have genuine beef, but its okay because hopefully she’ll post <3. Also I decided that this series is going to be 5 parts, and this is the longest part thus far because it’s the “turning point” in the series :)
Summary: No one ever assumes they’d develop feelings for their childhood best friend who also happened to be their friend with benefits, nor do they expect to end up jealous over mindless flirting.
Warnings: SMUT, cussing, spelling and grammar errors, talks about kinks, mentions of: bondage, handcuffs, voyeurism, mutual masturbation, and gagging, actual P in V unprotected smut, creampie, rough sex, spanking, fingering, oral (f receiving, m giving), spitting, hair pulling, back shots, missionary, jealous sex, degradation, praise kinks, choking, overstimulation, Dom!Steve, Sub!(ish)Reader
Word Count: 12k
Series Masterlist
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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(I just really like this gif honestly, like it gives bestfriend steve vibes)
Friday came faster than expected, and of course, something had to go wrong the day of Y/n’s big exam. She’d made it to the college early-leaving thirty minutes prior to when she usually left. The forty-five minute drive filled with her loud sing-a-long to Blondie’s The Hunter album as she sped down the highway. Then she got to school, parking outside of her academic building then rushing inside-hoping to get some kind of last minute cramming in as she found herself running up two flights of steps-anxiety fueling her swift steps.
By the time she’d sat in her usual classroom she was slightly out of breath, opting to sit in the front row to the left side of the room. Immediately going through her bag-then realizing that the flashcards Steve helped her make-flashcards which included important vocabulary, structures, authors, and anything else she found essential from the past half-semester-were still sitting at home on her nightstand-right next to a sleeping Steve Harrington. 
The same Steve Harrington that had spent the past two days at her house, granted the two went to work together yesterday-then he found himself back at her house, helping her study until he decided that she deserved some ‘stress relief’ which in turn led to his head between her thighs for nearly two hours. Her thighs and calves were still store from the feeling of both curling her toes constantly and Steve holding her in place while she begged and whined for more.
She was currently in a state of panic, looking down at his watch that he insisted she take for good luck today-seeing that she had twenty minutes before the class started-then she rushed out, finding the nearest phone and dialing her home number-praying Steve would answer. 
“Hello?” She tried to ignore the deep rasp in his voice-he was clearly still sleeping-but it still sent a small shiver down her spine. It’s been happening a lot lately, he’d say things or give her certain looks and they’d somehow make her heart race. But now wasn’t a time to focus on whatever that meant.
“Steve! I left the stupid flashcards there and I’m taking this test in-” she glanced down at the watch “-in seventeen minutes and I’m literally about to vomit because I was gonna try and cram before but now I don’t even know what I’m gonna do or if I’m gonna pass-this class literally determines if I have to extend or not because the class I’m taking next semester is only offered in the spring and this midterm is worth more of my grade than the final which is total bullshit but holy shit-”
As she rambled Steve sat up in her bed-phone in his right hand held up to his face while he ran a hand through his hair-the comforter now sinking past his bare chest to his waist.
“Y/n! Y/n!” the silence on the other end of the line caused him to let out a sigh of relief “you’re gonna do great okay? You know everything from this class-you need to stop doubting yourself. Cramming was never going to help you because it doesn’t ever work for you-it hasn’t worked since like freshman year of high school. You need to take a deep breath-” he paused for a second-his gaze now focused on her messy desk-alongside the few photos pinned to her corkboard above it-a small smile on his face when he spotted a photo strip of the two of them from the fair in tenth grade.
She took a deep breath, leaning against the wall next to the phone-a hand on her forehead-thumb and index finger massaging her temples while she stared at the ceiling. 
“This is a big deal Steve-I can’t just relax-I’m like a ball of anxiety and nerves and-” he cut her off mid-sentence “-and nothing. It’s okay to be nervous about your exam but you can’t dwell on something like flashcards-you’ve been studying for this for like two weeks-you color coded all of your textbooks and notes Y/n-you know everything already-you’re overthinking it”
She groaned, and on the other end of the phone Steve smiled, shaking his head while rolling his eyes-she’d always done this. Everytime a big test was coming up she’d panic about it and rush to sit and study until there was nothing left-then she’d panic more until the day of the test when she usually aced it-occasionally getting a B-but even then she’d never failed. 
That was something he admired about Y/n, she’d go through hell and back if it meant being successful-and her version of success was always her own. She never compared her successes to other people’s because as she always said ‘Steve success isn’t measured by other assholes-it’s measured by you. How the hell are you supposed to be your dad’s version of successful when you don’t even like your dad-you’ll never live up to whatever he wants you to be because that’s not what you wanna be’. 
He found himself biting his bottom lip and smiling while she spoke to him.
“Okay-sure you’re right I might be overthinking it-but this shit is genuinely so stressful and what if my professor thinks my answers sound stupid? Then what? I can’t sit here and look stupid-God I’m gonna barf” he laughed at her, all the while she groaned again, staring down at his watch, seventeen minutes turned into ten and now she was biting her thumb nail-the leather band slightly slipping along her wrist.
“You won’t sound stupid, now go drink some water and kick your tests ass.” she sighed “if you say so Harrington” he nodded his head-the same dopey smile on his face “what time are you coming home?” 
His words made her smile, both eyebrows raised and she was positive if she’d been anywhere but here-or even if she was sitting down-she’d be kicking her feet back and forth. She felt like a thirteen year old getting called pretty by a boy for the first time.
“Home? So now you live with me?” he scoffed, of course she couldn’t see the blush on his face-thankfully “I mean this is your house isn’t it-and considering your parents don’t get back til Monday-I’ll stick around. Besides it’s better than Casa Harrington-home of the assholes”
She smiled, nodding her head while twirling the metallic curly phone cable in her hand “Guess you aren't asshole after all. Anyways, my class ends in two hours-then I’m meeting with my advisor so like another half hour-plus the drive back home-basically three or four hours” 
“You’re gonna crush your test, now hang up the phone Y/l/n” she scoffed, holding in a giggle-who the hell was she becoming. “Uh huh Harrington, I’ll see you when I get back” she bit her bottom lip “Drive safe baby, bye” with that the two hung up the phone. She couldn’t stop the heat enveloping her features at the pet name-of course she was used to it when they had sex-but outside of that-he’d never really casually called her that. But it made her heart race and she couldn’t stop her smile as she walked back to her classroom.
Steve however hung up the phone then groaned-two hands covering his face at the realization that he’d let the ‘baby’ slip out. Of course he started to overthink it the second he said it-mostly because she had no reaction to it-and of course it wasn’t like he could see her through the phone. Hopefully in the future they’d invent video calls or something for people.
He laid back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling decorated in small stars-the same stars he’d called childish the first time he’d gone over to her house when they were twelve. His parents had been late picking him up from swim practice-of course he said he’d just take the bus home or figure something out-but her mother insisted he came over and she’d call his parents for him.
By the time he got to their house he’d realized two things-Y/n’s mom was a lot cooler than he’d thought-granted she always showed up on time for practices, never missed a meet, and of course encouraged her daughter to speak her mind-which in turn led to a few altercations with other teams during the season. However she was genuinely nice to him and even as she drove-she still listened to him as he spoke-occasionally making eye contact through the rear view mirror and nodding her head.
The second thing he realized was that Y/n was really pretty-he’d never really gotten to see her sit in silence and just listen before that point-and as the golden hues from the sun outside hit her skin while she sat in the back seat with Steve-he found himself staring at her-the two holding eye contact while he spoke. He just assumed she’d always been confident in herself and a good listener based on the way she looked so relaxed and invested in his story-but even as a twelve year old she made him blush.
When they got to the house her mother called his mother’s office-leaving a message with their home address alongside the fact that Steve was there hanging out with Y/n and staying for dinner. She was quick to drag Steve down the hall to her room, forcing him to sit on her bed while she blow dried his hair-which she’d been wanting to do for some time-he even argued with her before she started. However, at the mention of Y/n’s mother making him dinner-he agreed.
Even at twelve he had great hair, his father always forcing the need to look presentable down his throat. She stood on her knees behind him-the bright pink blow drier in her right hand while she ran her left hand through his hair as she dried it-giggling at the way he protested. Then as she finished and turned off the blow dryer he laid back-purposefully pushing her backwards-nearly knocking her off the bed-which only made the both of them burst into laughter.
“Are you afraid of the dark? What's up with the baby stickers” she scoffed, sitting up and shoving him over while rolling her eyes “oh shut it poodle” with that she stood up, grabbing a compact off of her dresser-throwing it at him with a smirk on her face-which in turn led to his jaw dropping as he stared at his reflection-his hair overly voluminous and framing his head like a bad bowl cut.
The memory made Steve smile, eyes tracing each star formation-after she’d shoved him she eventually told him that she’d placed them in the shape of constellations-showing all of them to him before her mother called the two for dinner. That was the day he realized that he wanted to be her friend for a long time. She was caring, smart, she was honest-overly honest sometimes, she definitely had a nerdy side to her, her family genuinely cared for him, and she was the only person he knew he could be himself around.
After that day he started coming around more and more, her mother offering him rides home sometimes-the first time he slept over was during their eighth grade school year. The two had to do their science fair project together and once it hit nine o’clock her mother insisted he just spent the night-so he did. The both of them eventually fell asleep on the living room sofa after watching Star Trek-which Y/n had to explain to him.
He had no idea why he was reminiscing about their friendship-he also had no idea why calling her baby just felt right-granted when they had sex he knew she liked the pet names-a smile on her face while she bit her lip-the thought made his cock stir which only led to him groaning again. He’s her best friend, granted their relationship was starting to shift-he knew it was there and maybe she just didn’t notice it-or maybe she didn’t care-but there was something different now.
At first he summed it up to ‘well she’s seen my dick and I’ve fucked her so that must be it’ but the more he thought about it-the more he realized this wasn’t just about sex-actually it wasn’t about sex at all. She made his heart race in ways it hadn’t before-well ways it hadn’t in a long time.
He admittedly had a crush on her when they were in middle school, of course by freshman year he claimed it was gone-and then as he rose up the ranks in popularity because of sports-he dragged her along with him. Then by their junior year he was King Steve-he could get with any girl he wanted-so the crush on Y/n was long forgotten. She still argued with him in the hallways, constantly cursing him out and telling him to ‘humble yourself Harrington! High Schools not the real world jackass!.
She always stuck around though, she was there during his first genuine heartbreak-when Nancy Wheeler cheated on him after telling him she didn’t love him. He was at the Y/l/n household crying-which he would never tell anyone else about-and Y/n was holding him-rubbing circles into his back while making small sarcastic jokes and remarks to cheer him up. 
Ironically that’s around the time that a very broken and bloody Steve later showed up at her doorstep surrounded by Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, and Lucas Sinclair-kids she thought he was babysitting-and as she was patching Steve up they all explained everything.
Of course the girl didn’t believe them-even when Steve told her that it was all true she simply scoffed and mumbled something along the lines of ‘Hargrove really beat the shit out of you huh?’ However, when they all took her to meet El a few days later-the girl with supposed ‘super powers’ and after seeing Nancy’s tape-she quickly learned that they were all telling the truth. The entire drive back to her house she kept rambling to Steve and asking him questions even he couldn’t answer.
She always did that, the girl had little to no filter-so anything that came to mind would be said. If it was a question, a comment, a concern, a rude statement, or an obnoxious opinion-she’d let it be heard. A lot of people hated that about her-it was the reason she’d gotten into so many arguments with Carol Perkins, always telling the girl that she was ‘an airhead with Daddy’s money’ alongside comments like ‘don’t be upset because you didn’t make the cheer squad Carol, I’m sure you can shake your ass for some dumb jock and he’ll pay attention to you’. 
Yeah, she was brutal. But he loved that about her. 
Then it all dawned upon him-he had a thing for his best friend-of course it broke the final rule of their ‘contract’ but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. As he stared at her ceiling he decided he’d just ignore it, hoping that things would be fine between the two-and that she wouldn’t catch on.
He spent the next few hours getting ready to face her-hell he’d even cleaned her room and did her laundry-blushing as he fumbled her panties into the washer and dryer, then he all but moaned at the sight of her vibrator in the back of her panty drawer-a rosy blush overtaking his features while he stared at the baby blue bullet-then at the sound of a car pulling up and parking he slammed the drawer shut-fumbling to fold the rest of her clothes.
She whistled as she walked into the house, a triumphant smile on her face because not only did she complete her exam early-her professor spoke to her after she’d turned it in-stating that she had the highest grade in the class. Then she met with her advisor who said she was on track to graduate a semester early-and traffic on the way home wasn’t bad whatsoever.
He walked out of her room, standing in the hallway with a clean shirt thrown over his shoulder while he held her basket-once she glanced at him she couldn’t stop the laugh.
“You look so domestic Stevie-it’s adorable. You’re just missing your six kids” he scoffed at that, rolling his eyes while walking back into her room once he realized she was heading in that direction.
“For your information-I got bored” she nodded her head as she placed her backpack onto her desk chair-glancing around at the now neatly organized room-her bed was even made-Blueberry sat in the very front. “So you cleaned my room? And did my laundry? Are you pursuing a career in housekeeping?” He rolled his eyes at her, watching as she pulled out the notebook their ‘contract’ was written in-followed by her pink pen.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something serious though” he nodded his head slowly, taking her folded shirt off his shoulder-tossing it in the basket before placing it on the floor then sitting down. His eyes never left her as she kicked her shoes off then sat on the bed criss-crossed across from him. She then turned the pages to the back of their contract page, placing the notebook on one of her knees as she uncapped the pen-his gaze shifting to her bare legs-spotting the bite mark on her right inner thigh from last night-he tried to hold in a groan at the way her skirt rode up.
“You look nervous-loosen up Harrington it’s not like I’m breaking up with you” he scoffed, craning his neck back slightly “as if you’d ever want to break up with me” she glanced up at him, brows raised “aren’t you just a catch” then the two started laughing at one another, Y/n reaching over and shoving him lightly before focusing on the notebook.
He watched as she wrote out ‘Kinks’ then two categories titled ‘Y/n’ and ‘Steve’, he blinked a few times, clearing his throat while licking his lips, catching her attention again.
“Steve-if we’re actually gonna do the whole ‘trying new things out’ part of this then we have to talk about everything prior to y’know having sex” he nodded his head, scratching the back of his neck-visibly tensing up at her words. “Can you stop overthinking for five seconds Harrington! You look so stiff, relax” 
“That’s easy for you to say-you’re you!” she scoffed “and what’s that supposed to mean Steve?” he shrugged “this doesn’t bother you-like you don’t have any reactions to us having sex-or like changes or anything” she placed the notebook to the side, getting on her knees and practically waddling towards steve before grabbing his face in both of her hands-his lips parted while he stared at her in awe.
“Just because I don’t act like weird or whatever because we have sex doesn’t mean I don’t have any reactions or whatever to it Steve-I clearly understand that our friendship is gonna slightly change because of the sex-you’re still my best friend jackass” she spoke slightly slower than usual, eyes widening just the smallest bit to emphasize her point while she held eye contact with him. “Now stop being a weirdo so we can talk about our kinks mister I wanna do anal” 
He blinked a few times, shoving her back slightly-causing her to let out a small ‘yelp’ as she fell backwards-her body hitting the mattress and a series of loud laughs and giggles left her lips as her head slightly hung off the bed. She was thankful that she had a Queen sized bed-otherwise even at the diagonal angle she was in-she’d probably fallen off the bed.
He was blushing, his entire neck was on fire-and he was blushing the same way that Dustin used to blush when Y/n would talk to him-the boys crush on Y/n was almost adorable, but eventually he told Steve that he’d gotten over ‘his girl’-which of course had Steve questioning everything the younger boy was saying in the moment-however now when he thought about it he knew that Y/n was inevitably going to look like his girl to everyone who didn’t understand their friendship.
But he liked that, he wanted her to be his girl-but that wasn’t happening any time soon, so instead of sitting like a statue he moved-placing his hands on her knees which were nearly eye level with him-then he parted her legs-looking at her while she awkwardly strained her neck to look at him-a goofy smile still on her face.
“You’re a weirdo Harrington-now help me up” he nodded his head, grabbing her outstretched hands then pulling her upwards. After she got situated-scooching closer to Steve this time-she grabbed the notebook and her pen. 
“So what exactly are your kinks?” she scoffed, glancing at him “uh uh-you can go first” he rolled his eyes, pursing his lips slightly “after I did all of this cleaning for you? I still have to spill my deepest secrets first?” she smacked his arm lightly “I already know your deepest darkest secrets-now tell me your kinks! Other than butt stuff-I already know that one” he rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh.
“Are you ever gonna get over that?” she shook her head “nope, I think it’s funny-as childish as that is” she now glanced at him, raising a brow expectantly “choking” she nodded, writing it down and in turn she wrote it down on her side too, earning a curious look from him.
“That’s good to know” she scoffed “shush-what’s next pretty boy?” he bit his lip “uh being complimented?” she rolled her eyes “it’s called a praise kink” he nodded slowly-watching as she wrote it on both sides-then she followed that with degradation before elbowing him-motioning for him to continue.
“Uh-well I er-I like to spit” she blinked a few times, brows knit together while glancing at him “elaborate” he bit his bottom lip for a second-feeling the familiar heat in his face “Like in girls mouths-and uh-on them” she slowly nodded her head, slightly confused but also intrigued “so like, you just do it? Is it like a heat of the moment thing? Or do you just-do it?” he shrugged.
“I guess it depends on the girl-you into that?” she shrugged “I dunno? Never really thought about it until now-I guess I’m always down to try something new?” he bit his bottom look-the two holding eye contact-his eyes flickering to her lips for a second before moving back up. Then he shifted his body slightly-to face her before bringing a hand to her cheek-gently caressing it before placing his thumb on her bottom lip-tugging at it.
“You wanna try it?” she felt heat rushing through her face-and she knew he’d be able to feel it radiating from her cheeks-his voice slightly dropped as his gaze was held on her lips. “Y-yeah” he smirked at her stuttering, moving his hand to her chin-tilting her head up slightly.
“Open up for me princess” the pet name sent a shiver down her spine as she obeyed him, parting her lips “tongue out-good girl” his praises went straight to her core-she was positive he knew exactly what he was doing-and truth be told-he did. He then leaned over her slightly-spitting in her mouth-and it was almost an instinct for him to lean closer-tongue against hers as he pulled her into a sloppy kiss. 
As much as she wanted to keep kissing him she pulled away for air first-she knew she was blushing-the heat enveloping her face had her biting her lip and looking away from Steve-staring down at the notebook. He smirked at her reaction, moving back the smallest bit-still in her personal space as he watched her write it on the paper-on his side she simply wrote ‘spitting’, on her side she wrote it with a few question marks. 
“You okay?” she shushed him “you know what you’re doing Harrington-quit it” he couldn’t hold in his laugh at her reaction “I just had to test a theory is all” she shushed him again, this time smacking his chest without looking up at him while she wrote ‘hair pulling’ on her side-and based on what she’d learned from their past experiences-it reflected on his too. She then followed her side with ‘overstimulation’
“So you’re into being fucked til you cry?” she choked slightly, her eyes widening and as she finished writing the ‘n’ she accidentally extended the ending of the letter. “Jesus Christ Steve” he nudged her slightly “oh c’mon you won’t even look at me? Really? Are you embarrassed again?” she scoffed.
“Shut up! Just tell me what to add to the list Harrington” he hummed, raising a brow “Finish your side first” the slight dominance in his tone made her eyes widened-and she finally looked at him-processing how close their faces were “Quit it Harrington” he bit his lip, tilting his head in faux confusion “quit what princess?” she clenched her jaw.
“You know what you’re doing!” he smiled “is it working” she shoved him back-pointing a singular finger at him while squinting her eyes slightly “we need to finish this you horndog!” he smirked, nodding his head “so it is working?” she scoffed “list first, then maybe if we have time we can fuck okay? Shit you’re such a perv!” he smiled “but you like it don’t you” she shushed him again-rolling her eyes while trying to hold in a smile.
“I was serious though, finish your side so I know what I’m working with” she scoffed “confident much? A little humility would benefit you” he nodded his head “you’ve been saying that for years at this point” she scoffed “maybe if you listened then I wouldn’t have to repeat it so often” he slowly nodded his head, a singular brow raised at that “eh-you’re right, now get to writing princess”
“Quit it!” she shoved him again “that one wasn’t even that sexual!” she scoffed, glancing at him “really? That sexual? You ass” he shrugged, pointing to the notebook with an expectant look on his face. She groaned, shifting away from him-trying to block his view-the entire time he moved behind her-glancing over her shoulders as she wrote ‘mirrors, rough sex (situational), breeding??, voyeurism, bondage??, spanking, edging??’.
“You have a breeding kink? That’s hot” her eyes widened at his question, heart practically beating out of her chest “shut up!” he laughed at her tensing up “You have to get comfortable saying things out loud y’know-that’s the whole point of us having sex” she groaned “that’s easy for you to say-you aren’t the one feeling like a whore writing this shit down” he laughed at her embarrassed tone.
“I mean-I’m gonna fuck you like a whore apparently-so it’s not far off?” she elbowed him “Steve!” he rolled his eyes “okay, okay I’ll cut it out” she nodded her head, before adding more things to the list-which only made Steve groan as he read them ‘gagging, crying??’ she shoved him back while she rushed to scribble the next one down ‘thighs’, although he still read it, his brows raised at that one-and he had to admit his cock was twitching in his pants.
“Finished?” she nodded her head, handing him the notebook-too embarrassed to actually face him. He quickly scribbled down ‘breeding, masterbating together, edging, blindfolds, handcuffs?? (sounds hot), biting, pussy eating’ he paused for a second “what’s voyeurism?” she groaned “when you like watching” his brows raised in surprise “learn something new about you every day Y/n” then he wrote it down on his side followed by ‘being in charge’, then ‘submissive shit’. 
With that he handed her the notebook-watching as she read through the list, brows raising and eyes widening. 
“So can we have sex now? Wait-first how was your exam” she placed the notebook on the bed between them-alongside her pen-her face now in her hands as she tried to calm herself down-she was both nervous and really turned on. He shifted on the bed, now sitting in front of her-gently grabbing her wrists and pulling them away from her face “you okay?” she nodded her head, avoiding eye contact.
“What’s wrong?” she scoffed “that’s my line Harrington” he nodded his head “I’m not the one nervous and stiff-y’know we don’t have to do it all at once-take it day by day-or week by week if you want” she bit her bottom lip, lightly gnawing on it “I’ve just never told anyone that stuff-y’know” he nodded slowly “not even Ryan?” she rolled her eyes “Ryan couldn’t even make me cum, and he was such an egocentric asshole-just cause he was decent at football” 
“So you're just into sleeping with assholes then?” he wiggled his brows when she glanced at him, she was quick to roll her eyes-smiling at his words “are you implying you’re an asshole Steve?” he shrugged “seems that way sometimes” she laughed at him “you’re not an asshole-anymore at least” he smiled at that.
“Okay now, we can focus on this-” he grabbed the notebook and closed it “-later, tell me about your exam pretty girl” she rolled her eyes, her smile evident while he stood up from the bed-placing her notebook on her desk before making it back to his original spot on the bed-scooting back against her iron wire headboard-which had pillows in front of it-then he extended his arms out-waiting for her to slide into them.
She grabbed her stuffed animal, holding it as she moved back-leaning against Steve’s side.
“I’m pretty sure I passed it?, found out I have the highest grade in the class-which was kind of shocking because I’ve been struggling my ass off.” 
She spent the next hour telling Steve everything about her exam, then about her conversation with her advisor and going into detail on her entire morning, all the while he nodded his head, listening to each and every word she said, free hand rubbing circles into her right thigh-which ended up being draped over his left leg. 
Then her alarm clock went off at one-thirty, signaling that the both of them had to be at work in half an hour-which only made Y/n groan, rolling her eyes while Steve reached over and turned it off. 
“I hate our job” he nodded his head “I mean-after we get off-we could always-y’know revisit the book” she bit her lip, glancing over at him “okay” with that he nodded his head-and without a second thought he leaned in-placing a gentle kiss to her lips-and when she kissed him back he felt like his heart was doing backflips in his chest-their moment cut short when she moved away, placing Blueberry down on the bed. 
“Can you drive today Steve? I really hate driving on days I have class” he nodded his head “that’s uh-fine-yeah totally fine” she smiled, grabbing her tote bag from her desk chair-switchin her wallet and keys from her backpack into that bag-all the while he stared at her, eyes tracing along her figure-staring like a lovesick puppy. 
Well that was until she put her vans back on, then turned to look at him, an expectant expression on her face “c’mon Harrington, shoes on-I wanna grab Robin something on the way since she’s been working the morning shift” he furrowed his brows “since when am I your taxi?” she shrugged “since you started eating my pussy on a regular basis” he choked on air at her comment-it was clear her confidence was back-but he hadn’t expected that one.
“Vulgar!” she scoffed “coming from you? You’re a literal perv, now hurry up!” he groaned, getting out of her bed. The two of them scrambled around the house for a few more minutes, then they were off. Y/n now sat in his passenger seat as she went through the different tapes in his glove compartment, raising a brow at the Madonna one while holding it up.
“Are you a material girl, Harrington?” he rolled his eyes “I got that for you y’know” she furrowed her brows, glancing at the tape-then back at him. “You always hum the songs on that album-and you always criticize what I play in the car-so I got that one to play when you’re here” she blinked a few times, trying to ignore the warm feeling in her chest while she popped it out of its case-then replaced the tape in his stereo with it.
He smiled when she played the tape, the upbeat tune of ‘Material Girl’ playing through the car while she looked out the window-based on her posture he knew she was trying to hide her smile-she always did that when people remember small things about her. It was practically the girl’s love language-granted he didn’t really understand the whole love language thing-but he knew nothing made her happier than that. 
He was falling deeper and deeper into his ‘thing’ for her, and he just wanted to push it away but the more he thought about it-the worse it got. So he opted to simply ignore it.
Which he later found was a lot harder than he thought.
Several hours had passed since they’d gotten to work, the two worked until close at nine tonight-close used to mean ten-however after a lot of arguing with their manager-they’d gotten it to nine. It was now closer to seven thirty and the traffic within the store started to pick up, Y/n worked the register while Robin worked on helping people with recommendations and going to the back to find any extra copies of tapes, and Steve worked on reshelving and talking to customers around the store.
It was their usual system-dividing and conquering as they went. 
However when one of her ex-boyfriend's friends walked through the front door Steve immediately stiffened up-eyeing him as he wandered through the new releases section-then the tall blonde made his way to the front desk where Y/n was currently on the phone.
He waited until she hung up, then from what Steve could see he started flirting with her-and he was laying it on thick-he was too irritated to even acknowledge the guy’s lame pick up lines and overused compliments-all he could focus on was the way Y/n laughed and smiled, rolling her eyes in a playful manner, twirling a piece of her blown out hair around her finger. 
She had a wide smile on her face as she rolled her eyes-clearly falling for his shitty flirting. Then he leaned across the counter slightly, closer to her-now twirling one of his fingers around a strand of her hair-the motion lighting a fire of jealousy in Steve’s entire body-to the point that he was completely ignoring a woman asking him for his help-too focused on the way Y/n let that douchebag touch her.
He finally recognized him-Richard Miles-it made sense that his name was Richard, he was a real dickhead. Steve mumbled under his breath about standards while gripping the tape in his hand so hard that his knuckles were whitening-the sound of snapping and a hand being waved in his face finally breaking his trance.
“Uh sorry-ya how can I help you ma’am?” the older woman nodded her head, a tight lipped smile on her face as she glanced over towards Y/n-then back at Steve “I understand that young love can be complicated, but please focus on your job kid-can you help me find a copy of Back to the Future? My grandson has been asking about seeing it” he nodded his head, motioning for her to follow behind him.
Meanwhile Y/n was still giggling at Rich’s jokes, gently swatting his hand away from her hair before leaning back, her hands now on the edge of the counter.
“Sorry Rich-no can do-Robin’s off limits” he scoffed, raising both brows “seriously? I’ve been trying to ask her out forever-she just doesn’t notice. Y’know I have English with her? She doesn’t even acknowledge me half the time-and we sit right next to each other!” she laughed at that, rolling her eyes, shaking her head.
“I can’t help you Rich, the heart wants what it wants-but sometimes it’s just not in the cards” he knit his brows together, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. “I’m gonna act like I got that card thing-but you really can’t help me-not even for the sake of old times?” she sighed, pursing her lips inward while shaking her head-she knew why Robin didn’t pay him any mind-and it was never her place to tell anyone that. When Robin wanted to let her truth be known-she would. For now Y/n would be a supportive friend.
“Not even for old times” he sighed, leaning over again-toying with her hair. He’d always been a flirt-that was just Rich, he was a natural flirt and it was simply a part of his personality. She didn’t mind it, the two were actually good friends prior to her messy breakup-then he had to let her know that for the sake of his spot on the team-he had to distance himself from her. At first she was angry that her ex managed to break her friendships apart, but she knew how much playing football actually meant to the blonde so she simply accepted the fate of her friendship.
However when Ryan went off to play football at some D3 school across the country she easily found her way back to her old social circles, when she wasn’t with Steve, Robin, and the kids-she was with them. No one ever really questioned it because she didn’t give them the chance to. 
“Alright sweetheart-thanks for trying though” she nodded her head as he let go of her hair, offering a small smile-his gaze finding Robin as she walked around the store “you think if I go talk to her-she’ll listen” Y/n laughed at that, shaking her head “I don’t think so man-sorry” he nodded his head a few times, letting out a groan before handing her the copy of Risky Business
“Interesting choice” he shrugged “what can I say, my sister loves Tom Cruise” she laughed while scanning his membership card, then scanning the barcode of the movie with her hand scanner, typing a few things into the system. “That’ll be four-forty seven and it’s back in three days” he nodded his head, handing her a five dollar bill.
“Keep the change pretty girl” she scoffed, laughing at his terrible joke, however before Y/n could respond Steve was standing next to her behind the front desk, smacking a hand against the counter while grabbing his receipt and shoving it in his direction “have a great day Rich” the blonde slowly nodded while taking his receipt, walking away then turning back to wave at Y/n.
She glanced over at Steve-who was visibly annoyed “what the hell was that Harrington?” he clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath, now meeting her stare “nothing-just figured you could use a break from flirting with every guy within a ten foot radius” she blinked a few times, brows knit together-a wave of anger coursing through her entire body.
“Excuse me? What the fuck is your problem?” he rolled his eyes, nodding his head a few times “my problem? You-” before he could finish Robin cut them both off with a loud “Woah, woah, woah! Both of you calm down and go back to what you were doing! Argue later-we actually have to do our job today!” Y/n clenched her jaw-eyes slightly squinted as she stared at Steve-a look of pure anger on her face while he licked his lips, then offered Robin a tight lipped smile, his hands on his hips while he nodded his head again.
“Yeah-you heard that Y/l/n-we have a job to do so maybe don’t eye fuck any of our other customers” she scoffed “Are you serious? Fuck you Harrington” but before they could keep arguing Robin dragged Steve away-by his ear as if she was his mother. She smiled at some of the customers staring at the two while she dragged him to the far back corner near the Adult section partition.
She immediately smacked his arm “what is wrong with you?!” he rolled his eyes, shrugging his shoulders “nothing-nothings wrong” she raised both brows, staring expectantly at Steve “you’re joking right? You basically just called Y/n a whore? In the middle of our job?” he blinked a few times, finally unclenching his jaw and rolling his shoulders back.
“I didn’t call her a whore” Robin gave him a confused look “yes you did, you literally said she was eye fucking every male within a ten foot radius-your words not mine” she glanced back over at Y/n, who now forced a smile, but Robin easily noticed the way she angrily typed-fingers practically bashing into the keys-then she basically slammed the scanner down onto the counter while smacking the register shut. 
“Yeah-she’s pissed.” he looked over at her, now feeling a pang of guilt in his chest-he didn’t know where that came from-he was angry at her-or maybe at Rich-he didn’t really know.
“I just-I dunno” Robin scoffed “you got jealous didn’t you! Oh my god I knew it!” he knit his brows together, glancing back at Robin “knew what?” she rolled her eyes “you have a thing for her! I knew people couldn’t just have sex and not be into each other” he shushed her, blinking rapidly-tilting his head slightly before glancing at the customers around the store. “I don’t have a thing for her”
Robin slowly nodded her head “so why’d you get jealous when Rich was flirting with her-by the way he flirts with everyone-that’s literally just how he acts. He flirts with our English teacher-and she’s like fifty Steve!” he blinked a few times, a dumbfounded look on his face as he opened and closed his lips a few times trying to figure out something to say-he couldn’t just outwardly admit that Robin was right-and he also felt bad for calling Y/n a whore-granted he’d definitely call her a whore in a different context. 
“Are you gonna tell her?” he scoffed “Tell her what Rob? I-I don’t have a thing for her-she’s my friend okay-I just-I dunno” Robin slowly nodded, her brows still raised “well-whatever that was-figure your shit out because we have a job to do and I just wanna go home soon” he nodded his head.
For the next two hours Y/n ignored Steve-and even as the three of them were finishing closing she completely ignored him, walking right past him-taking the extra step away from him so their shoulders didn’t brush, taking the register key from his hands without even looking in his direction, organizing the desk while whistling to drown out the sounds of his forced apologies, and once Steve mumbled something about dropping Robin off she simply nodded her head. 
She’d gone as far as to sit in the backseat-shimmying away from his line of vision, only saying bye to Robin and blowing her a kiss before staying seated in his back seat. He tried to convince her to move to the front-however she simply stared out of the window-an emotionless expression on her face which remained the same as he drove towards her house. 
Once he parked the car she was quick to get out-slamming the door as hard as possible.
“Seriously y/n!” She flipped him off while she walked to her front door-pulling her keys out of her bag and unlocking it-she was planning on slamming the door in Steve’s face-however he managed to hold it open from behind her-following her inside despite her silent protest.
It was clear that she was still pissed. 
“Can you at least let me apologize?” she scoffed, walking down the hallway and into her bedroom, kicking off her shoes and placing her bag on her desk before turning to face him. “Apologize? For which part? Being a total asshole to Rich for no fucking reason? Calling me a whore? Or maybe arguing with me at our fucking job? Hmm how about accusing me of eye fucking random fucking people?” 
He blinked a few times-trying to ignore the way her irritation was turning him on, she spoke with an almost venomous tone-she hadn’t been this angry with him since their junior year homecoming-but good God was it doing things to him. He licked his lips while nodding his head.
“Maybe if you’d let me explain” she scoffed “explain what? Your bullshit fit of jealousy because oh wow I’m gonna go fuck any guy that pays any attention to me? What do you think I’m just fucking easy?” He tried to stay calm, but as she walked closer to him-her voice getting louder-he found it harder to keep himself calm and collected. He clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath.
“What the fuck do you even have to be jealous of? And don’t even try to lie to me Steve-I know you like the back of my fucking hand! You’re acting like I’m some precious little ‘off limits’ doll-you fucking asshole!” he scoffed, mumbling “you are off limits”-which only made her tilt her head, fists clenched at her sides as she stopped in her tracks-only a few steps away from him now.
“Excuse me?” he nodded his head “last time I checked, you’re not supposed to be fucking other people in the first place Princess” he walked right past her-grabbing the notebook off her desk-flipping it open “Huh-wow even wrote it yourself-what a smart girl you are” his sarcasm was pissing her off even more.
“I never even said I was gonna fuck him, you just assume that I whore myself out to anyone and everyone-huh maybe that’s why I even agreed to fuck you in the first place! How about I just call this off and go fuck Rich and everyone else in Hawkins over the age of eighteen”  that caught his attention-now staring at her-the pit of jealousy ignited again.
“Since I’m such a fucking easy whore, maybe I’ll start with all of my exes team mates-let them pass me around for fun!” Her sarcasm was actually irritating him now, and truth be told, the thought of her with anyone but him set off a fire in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time. She shook her head, rolling her eyes at his silence.
“Get the fuck out Steve” he licked his lips at her words “Do you ever shut the fuck up?” she scoffed “excuse me?” he nodded his head, “I said, do-you-ever-shut-the-fuck-up” he paused between each word, the evident shift in his tone brought heat to her cheeks-but she ignored it-she was mad at him and she had to remember that as she stood her ground.
“You’re such a fucking asshole Steve!” he bit his lip, nodding his head twice “yeah? I’m the asshole-course I am pretty girl-or would you like it better if Rich called you that-maybe I should just keep calling you a whore-I know how much you like that” his dominant tone was evident while he stared at her-glancing down at the notebook in his hands before flipping a page-looking at the list they’d made earlier for a few seconds before meeting her stare again.
“Maybe I should fuck you like a whore-maybe then you’d shut the fuck up” she swallowed, trying to ignore the heat traveling through her body, forcing a scoff “your ego isn’t helping the situation Harrington” he licked his lips again-a smirk on his face at the way her thighs slightly clenched together-the black miniskirt she wore did nothing to hide that. His eyes slowly trailed her figure-and she was trying her best not to buckle under pressure-she was mad at him-she needed to remember that she was mad at him.
He took a few steps towards her until they were inches apart, the same smirk on his face “you can’t even hide it can you” he tried to place a hand on her cheek-but she immediately smacked it away while rolling her eyes “you can’t fuck your way out of everything Steve” he nodded his head “you’re right, but I can fuck you so good you stop entertaining every asshole that looks your way” his confidence sent shivers down her spine while he held eye contact with her.
“Why can’t you just admit that you’re a jealous asshole” he nodded his head “yea would that make my girl happy? If I said watching that blonde dickhead flirt you-and touch you-made me jealous? That I don’t like people touching what’s not theirs” her face was on fire at this point-and as he placed his hand on her jaw-she let him-her heart practically beating out of it’s chest-her anger slowly fading into need. 
“If it’s too much-I want you to say peaches-cause they’re your favorite, isn’t that right princess” she nodded her head, lips parted as she stared at him-slowly forgetting why she was angry in the first place. The look he was giving her was enough to send her spiraling.
Steve on the other hand had a fire of jealousy running through his entire body-he was committed to making his point and solidifying it. He didn’t hesitate to pull her into a kiss, lips crashing together, Y/n easily melting against him-one of his hands now on the back of her head-hand in her hair while the other was holding onto her waist-pulling her even closer to him. 
She moaned into the kiss when he lightly tugged on her hair-giving him the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth-and as he deepened the kiss she gripped his sides-tongue moving against his while she felt herself getting pushed into that familiar pool of Steve Harrington. The hand on her waist slipped down-and when he opted to bunch up her skirt-his hand grasping her ass before landing a hard smack to her skin she whimpered.
He didn’t stop there-as he kissed her he repeated the motion, massaging the soft flesh, harshly grasping it, then smacking it-earning a moan as she pulled away from the kiss-eyes still shut-forehead against his-lips parted with heavy breaths falling from them. 
“Already desperate? Haven’t even gotten to the good part yet princess” she kept her eyes shut, now biting down on her bottom lip-she didn’t want to look at him-she felt the very familiar flush across her skin-heat enveloping her figure. Her resolve was so easily broken down it was as if she’d never even been mad at him. 
“Open your eyes” she listened to him-her gaze focused on anything but his face as she pulled back slightly-she was embarrassed by how easily he could wrap her around his finger-then he smacked her ass again “Look at me princess” she did as told, now meeting his stare-his eyes were usually dark-but they looked almost black-lust overtaking them as he stared at her-his cocky smirk evident.
“You’re such a desperate slut y’know that?” she nodded her head “You just need attention is all” as he spoke he trailed the hand that was on the back of her head along her cheek-tugging at her bottom lip for a second before he harshly gripped her chin-cheeks slightly smushed together-lips parted as rushed breaths left them. “You’re usually such a good girl for me, perfect little princess, all As, studying so hard, never late for anything, always so focused, so helpful, so eager, keeps those legs nice and wide for me, so sweet-but look at you now-a bitchy little whore” his degrading tone had her panties practically soaked, her thighs pressed together, her grip on his sides tightening.
“Is’ okay, m’ gonna take care of my little slut-remind you that you’re my girl-remind you of your fucking place” she tried to nod her head-his hand keeping her still. “You understand me?” she whimpered “y-yes” he gave her an almost sadistic smile “good girl” 
With that he all but threw her onto her bed, her back hitting the mattress-a loud creak from her bed heard as it hit the wall. He was quick to pull off his crew neck-tossing it aside then kicking off his shoes-all the while she stared at him, chest rapidly rising and falling while she pressed her thighs together-trying to get some type of friction-some type of relief. 
“So pretty like that-” he spoke as he got onto the bed-making his way between her thighs-easily spreading her legs wide open-a smirk on his face when he noticed the evident wet spot on her black panties. Her thighs still covered in marks he’d left the night before-she was his and it made him go crazy. She just needed to be reminded of that. 
He was quick to start rubbing her clit above her panties-the friction and much needed relief had her head rolling back, whimpers leaving her lips as her hands gripped the sheets below her-bucking her hips into Steve’s hand-on the verge of begging him for more. The tension between the two had gotten so thick-so palpable-that she was positive it was only making things so much worse for herself. 
“Haven’t even really touched you yet and look at you-” he finally slid her panties to the side-not bothering to remove them as his middle and ring finger found their place against her clit while he rubbed harsh circles against the sensitive pearl. “-Don’t think I forgot that you like it rough-you want me to fuck you like a desperate, whiney, whore? Make you cry?” she nodded her head-finally looking at him.
“Use your words princess” she moaned “y-yes” he smirked, fingers moving faster along her clit-the feeling had her whimpering-hooded eyes staring at him while she moved one of her hands-grasping his wrist “you’re already gonna cum aren’t you? That needy?” she moaned as he shifted his hand slightly, two fingers slipping right into her-his thumb against her clit. It was like he memorized her body-to be fair he hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the first time they slept together. 
Her loud moans and whimpers only motivated him to move his fingers faster within her, curling them against her g-spot over and over again-the motion making her toes curl-the familiar coil in her abdomen tight. As the walls of her cunt fluttered around his fingers he knew she was close-he loved it when he made her cum-she looked so pretty under him-face scrunched up slightly, lips forming a perfect ‘o’ while needy whines and moans left her swollen lips. 
“Aw are you already gonna cum? That quick-can’t even hold it can you?” she shook her head, brows knit together while she bit down on her bottom lip hard enough to nearly draw blood. “Fuck look at you-so fuckin desperate-fuck.” he groaned as he spoke, his eyes trailing her entire figure-her shirt rolling up slightly-skirt bunched up at her waist as her legs were spread wide-glistening cunt on full display just for him. 
“So pretty like this, spread wide open just for me” she nodded her head, head rolling back again, rushed whimpers leaving her lips while her back arched off the bed slightly “that’s it princess-cum for me like the needy bitch you are” that sent her right over the edge-hips bucking into his hand while her eyes were squeezed shut-loud moans leaving her lips.
“St-Steve! Oh fuck-Steve” her words dragged as she moaned, breaths slightly choked, her head felt like it was spinning-because the second she felt like she was coming down-she opened her eyes and Steve was already laying between her thighs-fingers still rapidly fucking into her. 
“Love how your pussy tastes-fuck can’t get enough of it” with that his tongue trailed along her folds-teasing her-and right as she let out a loud strung out whine-he started lapping at her clit then bringing it into his mouth. He sucked on it like a man starved, her hands now gripping his hair-tugging at the soft brown locks while her back arched off the bed-eyes screwed shut-loud moans, whimpers, and cries constantly falling from her lips.
When she tried bucking her hips into his face he moved his free hand-wrapping it around one of her thighs-holding it against his shoulder-using that as leverage to pin her in place. He moved back for a second “stay fuckin still” she moaned a slurred “yes sir” which only made him groan-mouth back on her pussy-sliding a third finger into her sopping hole-smirking at the way she gasped-his gaze now held on her face-watching as she tried to look at him-her eyes falling shut each and every time.
“Steve-oh my god-Steve-please-please-please” her begging had him moaning against her clit, his hips rutting against her bed-as he kept his motions up, slightly grinding his teeth against her clit-tugging at it-the motion pushing her right over the edge again-the overstimulation setting as she nearly screamed his name. Her whole body tensed, her hands tugging his hair harder and harder while he lapped at her cunt-sliding his fingers out of her-only to replace them with his tongue.
“T-too much-fuck, fuck, fuck” he licked one final flat stripe against her cunt before sitting up on his knees “Yeah? Too much? Pretty girls all fucked out already?” she whimpered “that’s too fuckin bad” with that he grasped her waist “you’ve got on too much clothes baby, take it off my smart girl” she nodded her head, vision slightly hazy as she sat up slightly-pulling off her sweater-tossing it elsewhere before she unclasped her bra-Steve pulling it right off-taking a second to drag his fingers along her arms-the soft motion a direct contrast from the way he was about to ruin her.
“So perfect-look at you-my perfect little fuck toy” she moaned at his words, her heart beating against her chest while his hungry eyes scanned her figure-and as she tried to close her legs-he pinned them down-holding them open-his stare held on her cunt-wet panties pushed to the side-leaving her open the way he liked. “This cunts all mine-all fuckin mine-you understand me?” she nodded her head. “Use your words”
“All yours-fuck Steve-all yours” he smirked, her raspy voice made him blush, but more importantly-her words lit a different fire in him-one that was consuming his entire being-he needed more of her-he needed to fuck her. He landed a harsh smack to her center-the motion earning a whimper from her while she stared at him. “Hands and knees-gonna fuck you like a whore since you love to act like one” 
The way he degraded her made her mind hazy, all she could do was nod her head-and with his help she managed to roll over-now on her hands and knees-head slightly hung. He groaned at the sight-but it wasn’t good enough for him-he pressed a singular hand to her lower back-his other hand holding her hip-pushing against her-deepening her arch until she groaned-the new stretch oddly satisfying while Steve worked at his jeans-the sound of his belt unbuckling sent heat through her core. 
She was positive that her cunt was leaking along her thighs-she’d never been this turned on in her life-her mind lost in the haze of Steve Harrington’s dominant side. She’d never been a fan of jealous sex in the past-but right now-she’d flirt with half of Hawkins if it meant he’d fuck her like this more often.
He stroked his cock a few times-moaning at the sight of her on all fours-face down ass up just for him-god he’d fantasized about this moment for what felt like years. She wiggled her ass slighty-swaying her hips and whining “Steve-please-fuck me” he moaned at that-smacking her ass twice “shut the fuck up and wait princess” with that he lined himself up with her cunt-sliding the tip of his cock along her slit-gathering her wetness while teasing her.
“Gonna fuck you so good, make you forget all about that fuckin asshole from earlier-remind you that I’m the only one allowed in this tight little cunt-only one allowed to have you like this-only one allowed to hear your desperate whines while I fuck you like a bitch in heat” she whimpered-looking back over her shoulder-craning her neck trying to see him-watching as he stared down at her cunt-gliding his cock along her slit until he found her hole.
“Oh and princess-I’d never assume you’d whore yourself out to anyone who looked your way” with that he slammed into her-bottoming out in one fast stroke-then he repeated the motion building a rhythm. Her arms practically collapsed-back arching a little bit more as her cheek hit the mattress, hands gripping the sheets below her while she moaned his name-over and over-in a chant. She didn’t even care about the burn of the stretch-she loved the way he was pounding into her. 
“F-fuck Steve-so good-so so good fuck” he smirked, smacking her ass again-then placing one hand on her waist-holding her bunched up skirt in place as he fucked into her. She was a moaning, whining mess under him as he fucked her-his head thrown back slightly while he kept his movements up. He couldn’t get enough of her-and the way she felt around him-he was thankful she forced him into going to the clinic-the feeling of her warm, tight, wet cunt swallowing him raw was a feeling he wouldn’t trade for the world.
“So fuckin tight-fuck feels so good baby” she whimpered, biting her bottom lip-the overstimulation making her body burn “too much-fuck Steve” her words had a continuos slur to them, all dragging together. It felt too good, she knew she was close again-her body melting into him-she really was his fuck toy-and she loved every second of it.
He leaned forward, snaking a hand around her figure-gripping her throat-the feeling made her whimper as he pulled her back slightly-her head leaned back into his shoulder while he pinned her to the bed-cock fucking into her sopping cunt-the squelching sounds alongside the sounds of skin slapping practically echoing in the room. 
Then he started licking and sucking marks into her shoulder blade, leaving a bite mark along her soft skin-earning another loud moan from her.
“Taking my cock so well-fuck feels like you’re swallowing me-so fuckin good for me Y/n-always so fuckin good-even when you have that fuckin attitude. Just needed to get fucked good huh? That it?” she nodded her head, moaning incoherent words and sounds, he felt her walls flutter around him-he knew how close she was-and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t teetering on that edge as well.
“M-more, n-need m-more Steve” he smirked “yeah? You need more? My smart girl needs more?” she whimpered “y-yes” which led to him moving the hand on her hip-sliding it under her body-between her thighs-two fingers tracing crescent moons into her swollen clit, her jaw dropping at that-a long low moan of his name slipping out of her lips, tears sliding down her cheeks from the intense pleasure coursing through her.
“Gonna let me cum in you? Fill you up? Make this cunt mine?” she moaned a quick “y-yes” while nodding her head, one of her hands moving from the bed below her to his wrist-holding on to him while he fucked her over the edge-a loud scream of his name fell past her lips, her eyes squeezed shut as she arched into him. 
“Just like that pretty girl, fuck just like that” he moaned as he spoke, keeping his rhythm up-fucking her through her orgasm before pulling out of her, taking a second to press a gentle kiss to her cheek before moving back. “Roll over for me baby” she lazily nodded her head-laying down then slowly rolling onto her back-the second Steve noticed the tears on her face he swiped a few away with his thumb before holding her chin “you’re so pretty when you cry” his words were almost sweet-but the degrading tone behind them made her whimper. 
The way she stared at him made his heart race-she looked so cock drunk, her eyes hooded, tears along her cheeks, a layer of sweat covering her skin, lips swollen and parted with a small smile on her face. “Can you handle another one?” she nodded her head “words” 
“Yeah-please Stevie” her voice was strained and raspy, she moved one of her hands to grip his forearm-pulling his hand from her chin to her throat all the while holding eye contact with him-and he lost all of his composure at the motion. Her mind was a haze, she was so high on pleasure that she’d practically let him do anything to her right now and it was driving him crazy. 
He stared at her for a few moments, taking every part of her in before moving, now leaning above her, perfectly slotted between her thighs while he traced the tip of his cock along her dripping slit-and in one quick motion he was thrusting into her, her head falling back slightly-a loud moan of his name leaving her lips while her hands easily found their way to his back-gripping against his shoulder blades as he pounded relentlessly into her.
“So-so good, fuck-swallowing me whole-taking it so well” she nodded her head at his praise, brows knit together in pleasure while her nails dug into his skin-scratching long marks into his back while she moaned below him-the tears still falling from her eyes as she felt herself practically drowning-it was so overwhelming. She knew she was close, it wouldn’t take much to push her back over the edge-her fucked out cunt and swollen clit so sensitive that the moment his fingers glided against the bud she was gasping and arching into him.
“C’mon princess, cum all over my cock-show me it’s all yours” His head now in the crook of her neck, lips brushing her ear as he spoke. her heart was racing for a different reason now-his words sending a shiver down her spine and even through the ocean of pleasure she was in-she still felt the butterflies in her stomach. He was so close that his shoulder was slightly brushing against her chin-his body enveloping hers.
“Good girl, just like that-squeezin me so good” she moaned again, and as her orgasm hit her-she bit down on his shoulder-earning a loud groan from him-the motion surprising him but also sending heat waves through his entire figure. “F-fuck, gonna cum-I’m gonna fill you up princess” his words were strained and all she could do was moan-too caught up in her orgasm to speak coherently. 
Then as she felt herself start coming down from her high-he kept fucking into her-hips slamming against hers for a few seconds before his warmth filled her-the motion feeling almost euphoric as she whined his name-all the while he was moaning incoherent phrases into her ear.
As they both came down from their state of euphoria he rested his head against her shoulder-both of them catching their breath as he slowly pulled out of her-mumbling apologies when she whimpered and gripped his skin again. Then he rolled off of her-ignoring the feeling of his pants around his hips-tucking his cock back into his briefs while he stared at her ceiling. The two laying in complete silence-the only sounds heard were their harsh breaths.
“Steve” he swallowed “yeah?” “Rich is into Robin not me” his eyes widened at that, brows knit together while he processed her words-then he finally sat up-looking over at her-watching as she pulled one of her bunched up sheets over her chest-gaze still held on the ceiling above them. 
“What? She’s gay-” Y/n rolled her eyes “we’re literally the only people in Hawkins who know that you moron” he blinked even more, an evident flush on his skin now because he had to bullshit some excuse about the way he just fucked her-or why he said the things he said-he couldn’t just outwardly say he was jealous because he wanted her to be his-in every aspect. No he couldn’t, so what was he supposed to say.
“Oh-uh-shit” she finally looked at him, shifting her body slightly-laying on her side as she met his stare. “Have you always been the jealous type?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes-the real answer was no-he’d been confident in most of his relationships and endeavors-of course his ex girlfriend did cheat on him but even before that he’d never been outwardly jealous when someone looked her way-so why was it different with Y/n.
“Uh yeah-guess so” she knit her brows together at his rushed response, but she didn’t want to press anything else out of him given the fact that it was late and her entire body was sore-and all she wanted to do was take off her soaked panties, take the skirt off, then lay down. 
“Help me with my skirt?” he nodded his head, gently pulling the sheet back-a loud audible moan leaving his lips at the sight of her fucked out pussy dripping with his cum-a wave of heat rushing through his entire body as he found himself struggling to pull her skirt off alongside her panties. His gaze focused on her cunt-and as she squeezed her legs shut-angling them slightly-just enough that he could see her leaking pussy he had to fight the urge to finger it all back into her.
She hadn’t even noticed-her eyes fluttering shut while he pulled her clothes off, however as his fingers gently grazed her inner thigh she whimpered-looking at him-realizing his gaze was directly on her center. “Harrington-quit it” he raised a brow-blinking a few times before looking back at her face “huh-what?” she pursed her lips slightly “stop staring at my pussy” he groaned “I can’t help it, looks so good with my cum dripping from it” 
She ignored the rush of heat to her face, opting to roll her eyes instead “take your pants off and lay down with me you jealous douchebag-and I still want that apology” he bit his lip, holding back a smile while nodding her head.
Then after a few minutes he was back next to her-pulling her into his chest.
“Sorry for flipping out earlier-I just-I dunno I didn’t like how he was flirting with you-then you kept giggling and I just-” she scoffed “you just what? Assumed I’d spread my legs for him in the middle of the store?” she was teasing him now, her light hearted tone made him roll his eyes, a smile on his face. “I mean-Rich isn’t exactly ugly-for all I know he could be my competition” she rolled her eyes “I agreed to have sex with you and literally said I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else-also if I wanted to fuck Rich I would’ve done it months ago. He’s a cool guy but he’s such an airhead, maybe if I was like you he’d be my type”
He scoffed “like me?-I’ll have you know my type is very diverse!” she rolled her eyes “pretty bimbos with big tits” he scoffed again “and what about you?” she raised a brow, now leaning up, looking down at him “so you’re saying i’m your type?” he started blushing-eyes widening at her words.
“It’s okay Harrington-you just might be my type too. Don’t think too deep into it-might actually hurt that pretty little head” he rolled his eyes “just because you have a nice ass doesn’t mean you have to act like an ass” she nodded her head “who knows-maybe next time you fuck me like that I’ll let you eat it-and don’t forget I have a great rack too”
With that she let out a few giggles, laying back down and shushing him as he tried to respond.
The both of them knew they were more than friends-however they’d do their best to avoid the conversation about that. For now they’d simply pretend nothing had changed-pretend that their sex mean’t nothing-that Steve’s jealousy was just a spur of the moment thing, and that Y/n’s heart didn’t race everytime he looked her way. 
What’s the worst that would happen? They’d fall in love? As if.
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theficplug · 2 years
Nights Like This.
Carmen Berzatto x Black Reader
Summary : A fluffy little look into Carmy helping his fiancee after a girls night out.
Warnings: 18 + as always, no actual smut just slightly sexy moments-loads of fluff though.
unedited. sorry, i know i'm still rusty lol, i hope you like it still.
(watch The Bear , it's so good and Jeremy Allen White / Ebon Moss-Bachrach always eat up all their roles.)
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“I want you to have fun tonight. Call me when you’re ready for me to pick you up baby. You got your pepper spray? Did you charge your phone? ” Carmy anxiously asks against your lips with a final kiss.
“Baby, My phone is fully charged. I’ve got the pepper spray and the lipstick knife that you got me last weekend. It’s okay, I’m okay. What are you gonna do tonight?” You ask, nuzzling his nose and he shrugs.
He then leans his head for a moment like he's weighing his options. 
Ever the old man. If you knew your man well enough, you knew that he'd probably be at home with a wine older than both of his parents and he'll be yelling at Beat Bobby Flay. Or something along those lines.
“Probably watch Iron Chef or some shit until I nod off. Richie wanted me to come over for some football game, but he knows I don’t watch sports like that. I only ever really watched it with Mike- Go go go, they’re waiting for you. Say hey for me and call me when you’re ready. No Ubers or Lyft or whatever the fuck it’s called. I’ll come scoop you up.” He insists again and with that you’re giving him one final kiss before you’re being pulled away by your girls. 
He didn’t trust Ubers or any of that stuff late at night and always insisted on taking you to and from your night outs with your girls. No matter how tired he was from being at work all day. 
The night was beyond fun because you hadn't seen your girls in forever and of course you were going to celebrate Davena's birthday on Throwback Night at your favourite place. The lot of you settled on going as Destiny's Child.
Hours later when your feet were aching and the room felt like it was moving like a Tilt-A-Whirl and all the uncles had came out two stepping towards you and your friends. You knew that it was time for Kelly Rowland to head out and home to her man. 
You pulled out your phone to call your fiance. And the press of a button he was outside waiting for you and your friends within the next 15 minutes. 
“Heeeyyy Carmy. I'm gonna get Luke to come around tomorrow to take a look at that stove. It might be time to do a replacement.” Davena says entering the car
"Hey, okay, yeah. It hadn't been changed since like '03 anyways so it's time. It's the one that Michael loved, and it was like the only stove he cooked on 'cause when the place first opened he was broke as fuck and couldn't afford more. But I'm tired of that shit nearly catching on fire every time Syd turns it on." he answers and earns a chuckle from her.
“How you doing Carmy? You still trying to learn how to make gumbo? I told you that an Italian boy from the Chi don't know nothing about that. You need to get my grandma up in your kitchen, but she's never giving that family recipe up." Naomi teases as she sits back in her seat.
"No doubt, No doubt. I wouldn't even dare ask Ms. Monroe about that. I learned my lesson from the peach cobbler." he says and they both laugh for a moment thinking about her grandma asked Carmy to buy a peach cobbler from the store to bring to the cookout instead of making one because she didn't believe that he was actually a chef.
They always joked and chatted like this back and forth like brother and sisters and you were grateful that they got along like family because they hated your long term boyfriend before Carmy with a passion.
In all fairness , his family and friends watched you like a hawk as well until they realized that you were damn near perfect for him. You were Carmy's first serious relationship so you understand their caution and concern.
It took one time for them to sse the way that you and Carmen interacted and they just knew that you two were meant to be.
“Boy, you should’ve seen how she busted her ass coming outside to you. Talking about my mans outside.” Naomi jokes as she pretends to fall over in her seat.
They all talk at once slightly slurring their words as they enter the car with you .
You, took the passenger seat while they piled into the back still laughing at you holding onto Robin so that you didn’t completely fall down. 
“See, I wasn’t going to say nothing about you throwing ass on Mr. Leprechaun but- sis next time I’m going to need you to turn around and see that it’s not us.” you reply to Naomi before she shakes her head in disgust. 
“His , ‘where’s me gold’ looking ass almost gave me a damn heart attack. Y’all wrong for that one.” she says throwing a peanut from her bra at the back of your head. 
"We got him out of there when we realized , didn't we?" Robin says still laughing and wiping at her smeared corner of her eyeliner.
Carmy smiles sleepily at you while stopped at the red light and lean over for a kiss. He sucked on your bottom lip for a moment tasting the remnants of the sugary drinks and peanuts from the bar when you leaned back to hiccup.
“The girls wanted to stay over tonight and go home in the morning?” you question and he nods, tapping his tattooed fingers on the steering wheel to the music with the other resting on your inner thigh. 
“That’s fine. We’ve got the pull out and then someone can take the air mattress that’s still up from the last time Tiff put Richie out. So it all works out.” he answers and you turn up the radio as Davena starts singing along to the song. 
You know that it’s a successful girls night out when you, Davena, Robin , and Naomi are in the car singing along loudly and off tune to Keyshia Cole after countless fruity colorful drinks that snuck up on you way too quickly. 
“LOOOOOVEEE. NEVER KNEW WHAT I WAS MISSING, BUT I KNEW ONCE WE START KISSING-” all 3 of you sing as you point at Carmy and he just laughs sleepily while shaking his head at y’all putting on a full concert in his small car. 
“Love you though.” You whisper to him as he nods and gives your thigh a small squeeze.
The car ride ended quicker than expected as the 5 of you made it to your shared apartment with Carmy and he immediately began to set things out for them.
You not only loved how he has been a gentleman to you for the past 4 years of you two being together but also the way he treated the women in your life. He was always polite, loving, and kind to your mother sister and friends. 
He found multiple blankets in the storage closet with pillows and laid them out before sluggishly turning towards the group with your purse and heels in his hands. 
“There’s blankets on the couch. I made lasagna earlier. You are more than welcome to it. Just please keep it down for me. I have an early morning, thank you. Goodnight crew." Carmy says quietly to the group before heading off to the bedroom. 
“They really could not cook at that place because everything they offered was either cold or cooked too hard.” 
“ We love you Carmiiiinnnee” they call out to him.
 “Right back at you.” he responds quickly before finally making it to the bedroom and sliding off his shirt. He sits on the bed and watch as you wobble and scurry around the room. 
You grab clothes for your girls to change into before making your way into the bedroom after Carmy.
He smiles at you for a moment getting wrapped up in watching you before stretching and moving to the bathroom to find your cleanser.
Your heart melts when you notice Carmen was prepared for you to return home. He had a cold bottle of water set out for you, meds, a night gown, peppermints, and your makeup remover wipes. This man is truly one in a billion let alone one in a million. 
“Come to the bathroom so that I can help you.” he calls out to you while looking through the cabinet to find your cleanser. 
“I also have your robe right here if you don’t feel like wearing anything tonight. I mean- I’m not complaining if you don’t want to.” he states half jokingly as he stoops down once you reach the bathroom to rub your aching foot a little before switching to the other one. 
He moves back up to slowly making his way up your legs as his hands find the button to your mini skirt  and you shimmy it down your legs along with your panties.
You notice how his eyes are following the curves of your body as if he’s seeing it for the first time.
You don’t miss the way that his fingertips ghost up from the bottom of your stomach and up your sides to slide off your top and then to unstick your boob tape. 
You hiss for a second and he gives you a small chuckle and faint pout. 
“Aww baby, I’m sorry. I had no other way to get it off. Let me kiss it better?” he asks in faux concern.
He just wanted to take the moment to get his lips on you. 
The mix of the way he’s eyeing your breasts and putting his pouty pink lips all over your glistening bronze skin has got you on go.
His tongue briefly swirling over the now hardened little dark brown bud while your hand makes their way to the back of his head, flushed against the soft waves to steady yourself. 
You moan softly and wobble over slightly,  leaning over and putting all of your weight onto him tiredly. 
Carmy laughs for a moment before remembering what he was initially supposed to be doing in the first place. 
You let him sit you on the bathroom counter and watch him leave and re-enter with the water and meds. 
“I know you're sleepy but you’re going to have to let me get this off of you because if I don’t get this makeup off of you and put your bonnet on for tonight. A very happy drunk you will turn into a very upset hungover you in the morning. I’ve got to be at the restaurant early tomorrow. I don’t want you crying into my chest telling me about how much your head hurts. Then they’re gonna be on my ass for missing the meeting ‘cause you know I can’t leave you like that. You know Syd is the only one I trust with the place but they don't listen to her. Drink your water and then close your eyes so I can take your lashes off." Carmy says finally while putting the cold bottle of water to your lips. 
“Wish Syd would've gone out with us tonight... Hmm, Yes, Chef. Love it when you take care of me. Always take good care of me". You purr teasingly while running your fingertips up and down his bare belly and then down to the inside of his boxers and sweats, sending slight shivers up his spine. 
“Stop that shit. Ferma quella merda (stop that shit). ” He repeats half heartedly, swatting your hands away and stepping back slightly to keep you from palming him. 
You could tell that your antics were getting to him while he tried to focus on washing your makeup away because his breathing quickened and his heart began to beat a mile a minute. 
“You don’t want it?” You ask slightly, separating your legs for a moment and he looks down, contemplating while licking over his bottom lip. 
He brings one hand over your thighs giving the thick soft skin a squeeze before dragging his hand between your legs letting his fingertips dip into you slightly.
You instantly scoot up against his hand, thighs locking around it like a vice.
Carmen lets out a long drawn out sigh at how wet you are while shaking his head. 
You place your hand over his before working your hips against it and yours finds its way inside of his boxers to palm him again. 
"What's got you dripping like this already, pretty?" he asks quietly taking his time his fingers exploring and moving without haste inside of you.
Carmy removes his hand and licks his fingers clean before taking your hand out of his boxers with a soft groan. 
“I know. I know.” he coos to soothe your protesting . You look at him with a frowned expression and it takes everything in him not to laugh at you sitting on the bathroom counter stark naked, mostly drunk, and pouting at him like he had just offended you. 
He ignored you staring daggers into him as he put the minty toothpaste onto your toothbrush. 
“If you start some shit- you know that i’m not going to be able to finish it. Not with you like this. Come on, I have to be up at 4 tomorrow. Stop pouting and gimme kiss.” He asks with his lips puckered out and you take the opportunity to lean up and kiss him until he’s moaning softly against your lips, then kiss all over his face. 
“Thank you baby. Open- ahh.” He instructs and helps you brush your teeth  gently before that post-alcohol breath starts to hit different. 
"I promise. Tomorrow after work, I won't even make dinner because I already know what i'll be eating all night. Deal?" he offers feeling bad that you're now trying to give him the puppy dog eyes.
Carmen couldn’t help but to laugh at your antics because if sober you knew that you were being all sappy and affectionate she would go through the floor. 
"Deal. Wanna taste you too though." you finally respond.
You were eyeing him and taking in his mousy brown hair and his slightly tired eyes and puffy kissed bitten lips. He looked so beautiful like this.
A moment where he isn't stressing about 9,000 other things. 
“Gonna marry you and have all your babies. You know that? If we have a boy. We have to name him Michael. ” you say to him , half awake at this point. 
He knows that you’re tired and drunkenly saying what’s on your mind but the fact that you wanted to name your son after his brother made his heart feel like it was going to leap through his chest.
He knows that Michael would’ve loved you. Carmen's sister and his entire family adored you already as if you were their own. 
You were the reason why he began to rebuild and repair the relationship between them that was strained long before the grief. 
He knew the moment that you walked into the restaurant with all of your color samples and designs for the remodel that you were going to be it for him.
Call it fate, divine timing, luck, or whatever else. You two got on from the moment he sat down across from you in the booth. 
By the end you two had long forgotten that the purpose of the meeting was to talk about interior design and renovations. You were too busy telling him that he hadn’t lived until he tried Ethiopian spaghetti.
You two didn’t stop talking until well after the restaurant had closed and everyone had gone home. But, not before Richie yelled “wrap it before you tap it, cousin” from outside of the restaurant window and you both turned to flip him off. 
You two were friends for a long while and it took everything to convince each other that it wouldn’t end in disaster before you both just gave in to the inevitable of falling in love. 
Even as the restaurant's changes came to an end. The bond you two had forged so quickly within those months was just getting started.
“Gonna make me a husband and a daddy? How did I get so lucky, hmm ?” he asks, leaning down to nuzzle your nose and your neck. 
After brushing your teeth and completely taking off your makeup Carmy places a final kiss to your forehead and lips.
 “Let me see you, my pretty baby.” he coos , holding your face in his hands.
“You always take good care of me baby. Love you so much.” you mumble half asleep as he slides the silk gown from the counter onto you. 
You place your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. 
“‘That’s what I’m supposed to do because I love you too. Always gonna take care of you. Come on, let’s get you to bed, pretty.” he responds, sliding the bonnet onto your head and tucking it up so that it doesn’t irritate your ears.
He had finally got you into bed and spooned comfortably in his arms.
It took him all of 10 minutes of humming and letting you trace his tattoos for you to fall asleep, snoring softly.
He didn't bother even bother to turn on the t.v. because he already knew that he'd be following shortly.
Both of you grateful that you get to be husband and wife officially in 4 months time. 
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unknowndrone · 1 year
Begging To Stay
Lena Luthor x Fem!Reader
Pt 1
Prompt: Lena is trying to get used to being married to the reader in the new earth when she overhears reader being offered a chance to remember the other reader’s memories from Lena’s earth.
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WC: 1.5k
It was a strange reality for her to deal with, but nevertheless, she dealt with it. The two of you still shared the same bed from time to time, but the tension was still there. Granted that tension mainly came from Lena as opposed to you. But with time, Lena found herself slowly, but surely getting used to this new life. She learned not to blame this version of you for an event you were never even aware of. At the same time, she got used to you calling her ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie,’ a habit that you couldn’t get yourself out of. 
Despite Lena adjusting, what she didn’t know was your slowly crumbling mental health. Ever since you discovered Lena’s doubt of her love towards you, you couldn’t but feel as if this new Lena felt stuck with you. You started to believe that your presence was making Lena more unhappy by the second. You know yourself and Lena has reassured you time and time again that she doesn’t blame this version of you for lying to her because truthfully, you didn’t even lie with her, to begin with. 
Lena was at work one day and she had been specifically looking for you for a referral over a trustworthy recruit who would oversee the security department. Since you knew the people better than her at the moment, she always asked you for opinions. She manages to find you in Alex’s office accompanied by J’onn.
“Y/N, I don’t think you would understand what will happen if I do it,” J’onn warns. 
“I don’t think you understand either. She is hurting, J’onn, and I know she’s still carrying that burden whenever wherever go. She isn’t happy where she is.”
Alex shakes her head in disbelief. “And how would you know that? You should know that woman hated your guts when she found out the other version of you was hiding Kara’s secret; as in neither of you spoke to each other in months because of it. Would you really jeopardize your relationship like that?”
“I think my relationship with Lena died when she woke up.”
J’onn points at you angrily, “no it didn’t. She is still there. She’s starting to love you all over again. Lena isn’t blaming you for something a different version of you had done. You can’t just impulsively throw your happiness away like this.”
“If she’s not happy, I’m not happy. You’re giving me my memories back and that’s final.” You put your foot down sternly, your eyes cold and unchanged.
J’onn sighs heavily, eventually nodding in defeat. “Fine,”
Crossing her expression in disbelief, Alex does her best to try to contradict you, “J’onn, no!” Yet, it seems that J’onn had ignored Alex’s plea.
“Meet me here by tomorrow if you’re still willing to do it.”
You smile in victory. Thanking the both of them, you leave with a smile on your face, not noticing Lena who hid behind the door, listening to your conversation.
You finally arrive home, sighing heavily. Yet the moment you saw Lena standing by the door, the corners of your lips draw up to a force smile. “You’re home early,” you comment.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lena’s voice was as cold as ice, and the arctic tone was enough to numb a piece of your heart. Shit, she found out.
She recoils when you try to take a step towards her. “How could you do this?”
“I-I just thought-“ The words could barely come out of your mouth.
“You thought what?” She asks impatiently. “Tell me, Y/N!” Lena’s eyes burn from the pain, from the feeling of betrayal. For a moment, it was as if she was reliving the moment all over again with you and the memories were only beginning to flood Lena’s mind. 
You throw your hands up exasperated and somewhat desperate as you try to maintain your composure. “Because I thought this was what you needed.”
Lena shakes her head in denial. “No, that isn’t true.”
“Things aren’t the same as it was between us and it’s clear that you don’t love me or want me. It would make things easier for the both of us if I just forgot this world existed and you have the right Y/N in front of you.”
“You are the right Y/N. You weren’t the one that betrayed me to Lex. Stop trying to associate yourself with someone that isn’t you.”
“But when you look at me, all you see is that version of me. I know you front and back, Lena. When there’s something wrong, I’m the first one to notice, and I know you aren’t happy with where you are.”
“You can’t just make that call yourself. I’m not happy because I’m trying to figure out this new world that we’re all living in and why Lex is still alive. I’m not happy because I’m frustrated with Supergirl and the DEO and how they handled the Crisis. The only reason why I haven’t broken down yet is because I have someone who is always there to help me, who is always trying to do what’s best for me. That’s you, Y/N, it has always been.”
You avert your eyes from her, unable to look. If you stay any longer, the small voice in the back of your head would start growing and your mind was going to change. You can’t, you have to suppress it. She approaches you, placing both her hands on your shoulders which causes your muscles to tense where the warmth from her hands makes contact. “Lena-“
“I need you Y/N. If you follow through with this tomorrow, I won’t know who I can turn to. You make this reality less daunting and more bearable than the last. Please,” she pleads. “Please don’t leave me.”
You finally go to look at her, staring deeply into her eyes, seeing them water at the brim. She was threatening to cry, she was about to cry. You bite your lip as the tears in your eyes were ready to pool over, too. In those moments, you wish that things were back to normal again and you curse whoever gave you this fate. 
“Say something, Y/N.”
You place your hand on your shoulder, on top of her hand, squeezing it gently, rubbing her knuckles in your best attempt to comfort her. The voice in your head was blaring in your ears, deafening you from your old intentions. Stay. That’s what you want. She still waits for your response. From Lena’s eyes, she could see a shift in your eyes as the walls of your feelings start to crumble down. That’s when she knew, you didn’t want to do what you were going to do tomorrow. 
“Is this what you want?” You ask her.
“This is what I need,” she corrects. “I can’t do this without you. Maybe you don’t want to hear it now, but I just want you to know that I love you. I fell in love with you, all over again. Ever since I had woke until now, all I think about is you and how lucky I am to have you. I wouldn’t have this if you go to J’onn tomorrow. You've made me happy, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little which causes some concern to rise in Lena’s eyes. Yet, you were quick to reassure her. “It’s like you recited our wedding day vows,” you joke. The joke was enough to have the corner of Lena’s lips curl into a smile, and in return, you smile a little too. She squeezes your hand back, which causes you to only her hand back, too. “I love you, too, Lena. I haven’t stopped loving you.”
She sighs in relief. Suddenly, you feel your lips occupied. Lena’s arms wrap around your frame and you instantly feel your body relax under the hold. It felt forever and another eternity since the last time you had felt the feeling of warmth touch your lips. Deepening the kiss, you hadn’t realized how much you had been longing for Lena’s loving touch. Lena, on the other hand, was absorbing the moment once more. For her, she hasn’t been able to do this to you since forever and eternity. The passion burns between the both of you, and finally, you both realize that this is what you two need. Love. You needed each other. 
When the two of you pull away, the tears that have been waiting to fall finally fall on both of your cheeks. The emotions were too overbearing. “Please stay,” she pleads.
You only wrap your arms around her to pull her closer to you, “For you, always.”
Thanks for reading! Someone asked for the reposted shit so here it is. I hope you have a great day/night, and may you always stay safe. If you need anything, I’ll be right here. :)
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
Lost & Wayward [NJM] (2)
Description: After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one.
Genre: Fluff/Eventual smut
Content Warnings: I'm thinking maybe I'll put smut in the next part but for now still just fluff sorryyyy
Word Count: 2,833
Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader (Canon!AU so all the Dreamies will be mentioned/appear)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Lost & Wayward Mini-Masterlist
Juliet's Masterlist
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It’s been a couple days since you’ve heard from Jaeseok. You’ve come to enjoy his company, even if it’s only electronic. You also haven’t received any updates from Minji. You try not to worry, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Although not hearing from Jaeseok put a damper on you. You hope Minji will get back to you soon so you can have a reason to text him. Logically, you know he’s busy with something. The man works crazy hours apparently, because he’s always there…wherever there is.
Minji doesn’t call you until the end of the week. She comes with good news, though—you got the job, and you’d be starting the following Monday. In three days.
You debate even telling Jaeseok at all. If he wants to talk to you, certainly he’d do it, right?
Mid-thought, your phone dings.
Jaeseok (6:34pm): sorry i’ve been mia…things have been really hectic here. how are you doing?
Oh, for the love of God. This man was too caring and nice for his own good. You try to think of what to send back, but you draw a blank. You’ll have to just tell him what’s on your mind, apparently.
You (6:35pm): no worries! i figured you were suuuuper busy considering they give you breaks for dinner instead of just letting you go home Jaeseok (6:35pm): clever You (6:36pm): you wish you could be as clever as me Jaeseok (6:36pm): you got me there. any job updates?? i’m on the edge of my seat and i’ve gotten zero texts :( You (6:38pm): Minji called me a little earlier today. i got it!! i’m so freaking excited Jaeseok (6:38pm): HELL YEAH Jaeseok (6:38pm): didn’t doubt u for a second
You pause. You’ve talked to him via text nearly every day, all day except the last few. Unfortunately, you also get attached easily. You can only hope this friendship will last. He’s been the best friend you’ve ever had in the course of a week.
Jaeseok (6:40pm): are you doing anything to celebrate?! this is seriously great stuff You (6:41pm): unfortunately u are the only friend i have…what am i gonna do if u can’t hang bc u’re working Jaeseok (6:41pm): first of all…unfortunately?? i’m so offended right now Jaeseok (6:42pm): and second of all, u don’t need to do anything crazy. just go…get your favorite meal or something. u deserve it You (6:43pm): are u working? Jaeseok (6:44pm): nope. dogsitting for my shithead friend You (6:44pm): come with me
When it takes a few minutes for him to respond, your brain whirls. You shouldn’t have done that. He’s probably only being friendly because he feels obligated. You’re the one who broke down in the alleyway, and the longer you think about it, the longer you wish you could erase that. What he saw was probably the worst version of you. Great.
You (6:50pm): sorry if that was weird…i don’t know why i would say something like that Jaeseok (7:34pm): holy shit i’m so sorry! this dog is driving me up a wall and i didn’t see you texted. it’s definitely not weird to ask and i really really wish i could come celebrate with you but i’ll have to raincheck ):
You don’t even have the courage to text him back. Instead, you turn off your phone and toss it to the side. None of this should really upset you—he’s extremely busy. Seeing him that night must have been a major fluke, and you’d rather talk to him via text when he had time versus not at all.
At about 9pm, you get an Instagram update notification that Chenle posted. You click on it absentmindedly, pausing at the photo. It’s Chenle, Jaemin, and Daegal. Jaemin cradles Daegal to his chest and pouts at Chenle.
The caption reads, “I’m gone for three hours, and now Jaemin doesn’t want to give her back…”
For some reason, it makes you stop and think. You like the post, close the Instagram app, and open your messages with Jaeseok.
You (9:12pm): how’s dogsitting? Jaeseok (9:15pm): ahhh my friend came to get her a little bit ago…i need to get a pet
That’s one hell of a coincidence. You slide to the Instagram app once more, noting Jaemin’s blue hair. With your heart sinking in your chest, you shake your head. There’s no way.
No. Way.
Plus, Jaeseok wouldn’t lie to you like that. Not about something like this.
You (9:21pm): maybe try cats…if dogs are too much work for u Jaeseok (9:22pm): plus we all know cats are superior You (9:23pm): i’m gonna go to sleep…we’ll celebrate soon? i start work monday Jaeseok (9:24pm): as soon as i can! promise (:
The start of Monday is absolutely hectic. You get your own office up on the third floor. It’s everything you ever could’ve wanted, and you feel as if Jaeseok really is your good luck charm. Not only is this better than your dream job you lost, but it also pays nearly double what you were making.
It’s only when you’ve settled in that you realize your job is hyper-specific. Yes, you work in marketing, but more specifically, you do NCT Dream’s marketing. You almost choked on your water when you saw that on your paperwork.
And unbeknownst to you, you’d receive a visit from the group later in the day. You’re going through the paperwork the previously employed person left for you when a knock sounds at your door.
Your head shoots up and you allow whoever it is to come in. Mark walks in first, a smile on his face. You try to stop your jaw from dropping, but it gives way slightly anyway.
The other boys—the other six—tumble in the door afterward.
“We like to welcome new staff members,” Mark says, holding out an envelope. “It’s nothing crazy, just a card. But I hope we’ll all work well together.”
You grin, surprised your vocal chords work. “Thank you so much. I’m very excited for the opportunity, and I’m sure I can help you guys achieve great things.”
Your eyes scan over the boys, heart stuttering when you see Jaemin. His dark roots are starting to show through the bright blue, but you’re sure the hair stylists will fix it.
They all introduce themselves to you, even though you’re positive they’re all aware you know who they are, and you follow suit after. Again, you find your gaze wandering to Jaemin. He’s staring right back at you.
They leave shortly after their introductions, leaving you alone in your office to ponder on how to wake yourself up. This has to be a dream, but no matter how hard you pinch yourself, it’s not working.
With coincidences adding up, you decide to test your insane theory about Jaeseok being freaking Na Jaemin.
You (12:23pm): guess what
As you suspect, it takes him quite a while to respond.
Jaeseok (1:35pm): hmmm what You (1:38pm): i met nct dream. like for realllll. but also idk if i’m supposed to tell you that? but you’re my only friend so ig do with that what you will Jaeseok (1:39pm): are we close enough for you to tell me your bias now? i’ve been so curious
You grin. Let the games begin.
You (1:39pm): guess Jaeseok (1:40pm): Jisung You (1:40pm): love jisung, but he is so baby Jaeseok (1:41pm): alright then…no baby men. okay what about Mark? You (1:42pm): you’re distracting me from work with your incorrect answers dude Jaeseok (1:42pm): you always distract me from work. call it payback. andddd can you just tell me who it is??? i’ll just go down the list in age order smh You (1:43pm): ooooh you’re a dream stan too if you know age order. okay okay my bias is Chenle!! i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:45pm): chenle?! why him????? why daegal’s mom??????? You (1:45pm): the man has the voice of an angel and a jawline for days. why wouldn’t i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:46pm): that’s so foul that you only like him for his face You (1:47pm): and to think i was gonna tell you my second fave too… Jaeseok (1:48pm): tell me immediately You (1:49pm): i’ll just tell you the list in order Jaeseok (1:49pm): i’m waiting You (1:50pm): Chenle, Haechan, Renjun, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin Jaeseok (1:51pm): ok now wait a minute because you said no babies but jisung is higher than jaemin??????? make it make sense
Even though he’s all but confirming your suspicion of who he is, you can’t help but laugh. What are the odds? Na Jaemin finds you crying on the street and comforts you? You thought you’d be a bit more upset about this, but in reality, you get it. He was nice enough to want to check in on you, regardless of his fame status and busy schedule.
Either way, you let him stew for a little bit. You actually do have some work to do planning for Dream’s upcoming comeback, so you put your phone away for a while. At the end of your first day, you gather up your things and send a text back.
You (5:46pm): Jaemin is the ultimate baby…that’s not a bad thing!! Jaeseok (5:47pm): but CHENLE is ALSO baby You (5:47pm): he’s a meanie and that’s how i like my men Jaeseok (5:48pm): the longer we talk the more i am convinced u need therapy… You (5:49pm): i’ll have you know i tried that and it didn’t work Jaeseok (5:50pm): jaemin is not more baby than chenle and jisung You (5:50pm): prove it
You grin to yourself as you walk out of your office. Waiting by the elevator, you press the button and scroll through Instagram on your phone. You find the picture Chenle posted from last night and linger on it for a few moments. Could you call him out? That’d be too much, wouldn’t it? He’d probably stop talking to you. At this point, you were happy to say he’s a friend, whether he’s really Jaeseok or if he’s Jaemin.
When the doors slide open, you walk in with a smile on your face until you’re confronted with Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin. You blink in shock, obviously still not used to being in their presence. Bowing your head, you smile at them before turning toward the front. Nerves poke along your spine the longer you’re in there with them. They’re all incredibly nice, so the intimidation factor must be in your head.
You decide to test your theory a little further. You pull out your phone.
You (5:57pm): i see u cannot. i’m always right, u should know that if we’re friends
Mere seconds after you hit send, you hear something buzz behind you. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling.
You (5:57pm): hope work isn’t killing u. that would suck to lose my only friend like that
It buzzes. Again.
“(Y/N),” Chenle says.
You clear your throat and glance over your shoulder at him. “Yes?”
“We’re about to go grab dinner. Our manager’s waiting outside if you want to come along with us?”
You look down at your watch, pursing your lips. It’s almost 6pm. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to hang out with them, but when he’s offering so nicely, how could you say no? You exchange looks with Jaemin and Jisung as well before nodding.
“Sure, why not?”
Everything you see about their friendships in videos is true. They have the same personalities on and off camera, which is pretty rare for people in the spotlight.
You didn’t decide the seating arrangement, but you ended up next to Chenle and across from Jisung. Chenle tells you a story about Daegal from the other day, Jisung listens to it even though he’s probably already heard it before, and Jaemin quietly eats his food.
“You know, you elbowed Jaemin in the face in the Broken Melodies performance video,” you tell Chenle.
“His face bumped into my elbow. He shouldn’t have been so close,” Chenle replies, sending a sly grin over at Jaemin. “He’s alright.”
“I can’t believe they left that in there.” Jaemin chuckles, running his fingers through his hair.
You pull out your phone, almost gasping when you see the time. “It’s almost nine.”
“Yeah, we don’t really get a ton of evenings to ourselves,” Jisung says. “I’m honestly surprised we got out as early as we did today.”
You feel bad for them, truly. They barely get a free moment, and here they are, bringing you along for it. By the time 9:30 comes around, the boys prepare to leave. As much as you vehemently say no, Jaemin pays for everyone’s food. You all climb into the van, and the manager drives everyone home. Jisung is the first to be dropped off, then Chenle, and then you.
You sit in the car alone with Na Jaemin, awkwardly avoiding conversation with him. He glances at you occasionally, but he’s too respectful to stare.
“You live by yourself?” he asks, shattering the silence between the two of you.
Thankfully, the darkness obscures your blush. “Yeah, I do.”
“And you usually walk?” Jaemin’s dark eyebrows furrow, his head slightly tilting to the side. “That doesn’t seem safe.”
“I’ve been doing it for years. Really, it’s fine.”
The car stops outside of your apartment building. You go to open the door, but Jaemin reaches out and grabs your wrist. Recoiling in shock, you look between his hand and his face.
“Sorry,” he says, letting you go. “But…I live down the street. You should let me at least walk you home when I can.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I really don’t need that. And the last thing you need is for someone to take it the wrong way.” You reach out for the door handle again. “Thank you for dinner. That was really kind of you.”
He pauses, letting out a small sigh. “Just…don’t worry about my end of things. You shouldn’t be walking home alone. Especially now that you work with us.”
“I’ll consider it. Goodnight, Jaemin.”
As soon as you’re inside your apartment, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out, a smile forming on your face on its own accord when you see who the notification is from.
Jaeseok (9:58pm): luckily for you, your only friend is still alive. You (9:59pm): ah yes, so lucky Jaeseok (9:59pm): also i don’t need to prove jaemin isn’t a baby, you’ll see eventually. they all do You (10:00pm): who is they? Jaeseok (10:00pm): everyone Jaeseok (10:01pm): but that’s besides the point. i hope you’re enjoying your new job You (10:02pm): loving it. especially considering I spent the whole evening talking to Chenle about Daegal Jaeseok (10:03pm): just chenle? You (10:04pm): wouldn’t u like to know Jaeseok (10:04pm): don’t ditch me for chenle. i will be very upset You (10:05pm): idk…chenle hangs out with me at least…
He should really just tell you. At this point, you have an NDA signed, so it’s not like there’s much you could say to anyone anyway. After hearing the way he talked to you in the car, you’re certain Jaeseok and Jaemin are the same person. Without a doubt.
Now, you just have to come up with a way to get him to admit it. Or you could call him out on it, but that’s nowhere near as fun.
That night, you toss and turn, unable to fall asleep. It seems like you’re not the only one—your phone buzzes against your nightstand.
Jaeseok (12:03am): there’s something i need to tell you.
So much for sleeping tonight…
You (12:05am): it better be good, cuz i’m trying to sleep Jaeseok (12:05am): depends on your definition of good i guess. i think this would be easier in person. can i come see you? You (12:05am): when? Jaeseok (12:06am): right now
Nerves blossom in your stomach at the thought. You stare at the conversation a bit longer than you should before shooting out of bed and trying to make yourself look presentable. Your phone buzzes again.
Jaeseok (12:10am): i really need to see you
You can’t say no to that. Your palms sweat at the idea of him coming to your apartment. At the end of the day, you’re fairly certain Jaeseok is Jaemin. But even if he’s not, knowing you have someone who craves to see you in person is a new sensation for you. It doesn’t matter who he is. He’s your friend.
You text him your exact address.
Jaeseok (12:12am): be there in ten
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ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 21: No Place Like HQ For the Holidays
Once back at VILE HQ, the jet lands and the team disembarks, M procuring a wheelchair with his shadow powers and strapped Carmen in while he started to hum some carols. The mare sulked having to stay seated and not walking on her own. She did want to get up and about with these new augments so it wouldn’t slow her down. Deep down she knew it was for her own good and health to stay off her legs so they can heal properly within the cybernetic casing. “Can I at least have crutches?!” She had asked before they departed. “What? No! You put pressure on your arms the same way as your legs? You’ll blow the sutures and start bleeding all over my equipment!” She remembers Skyggja scolding her.
Blendin had already opened the double doors for the moving to begin. It didn’t take long for the HQ to be swarmed with flying and crawling drones carrying crates and boxes. Kiros went on ahead to help direct the drones with Skyggja’s help after Carmen explained which parts of the top floor was theirs. Carmen wheeled herself out of the way and into the living room, next to the big screen tv which blipped on by itself, 079’s face showing up rather annoyed. It took one look at Carmen and sighed. “Oh great. One of you is broken. This is why we cant have nice things..” She raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Good to see you too, 079. I’ll be adding two names to our household and they will be setting up a lab upstairs on the penthouse floor, so there may be another computer system connecting to ours. PLEASE behave and cooperate with these new agents. I don’t doubt they will attempt to delete you somehow if you start shit with them.” The ai rolled its eyes. “I’ll highly doubt they can but I suppose I can see what I can do to assist. I make no promises.” Carmen smiles and gives an awkward thumbs up, still getting used to the feel of the augments. “Thats all I ask, just a solid attempt in peaceful coexisting. I’ll even give you more monitors if you wish for around the HQ~” 079 gave a deadpan look with confetti and balloons on the screen. “Hooray. Now I wont have to squeeze into those abhorrent tiny screens on your mobile devices. Some of you really need to clear the phone storage from all that porn..”
Blendin hops over with a tablet to show his mother, “Hey Mom, I had some help with M and Kiros and.. 079? Anyway, we came together and we are working on a present for you! I am trying to share the knowledge of the ley line door travel system to your system so you can do what I do! Now, this stuff is super top secret so I could get in a whole lot of trouble for this if I’m caught BUT Kiros insisted that 079 will keep it under lock and key so no one else can track it! And there may be a way to even hook it up to your time machine! M said he’ll tinker with that later.”
Daring had wandered in and stayed a fair distance away and watched the two discuss the travel system. She scoffed as she saw Carmen get excited and hug Blendin, perhaps a little too tight. She didnt realize the added strength she had due to the new blood and augments, that is until he yelped. Daring was still trying to unfluff her feathers as she watched. She was glad a life wasn’t lost, even if it was one she still didnt trust. Perhaps she could tolerate her mother but she certainly kept her opinions known.
As far as she could tell, her brother had fallen right into his mother’s trap and just handed over the ability to steal everything from under everyone’s noses. There must be some way to stop it all. Her thoughts were jarred to a stop as striped arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind, picking her up and twirling her around, “Adora!!! This is a wonderful surprise!! Welcome home!! Lemme give you a big hug! Rrrrrrrr!” Waldo had snuck up on her in a way he would describe as very dad-like. Daring shrieked and flailed in his grasp, “Let me go! Help!” Carmen turned quickly, hearing the screech and instantly relaxed when she saw Wally try to be silly. “Wally!! Let her go, she’s not in the right mood right now.” He let her go with a playful pout, “Aww alright. I was just excited to see our baby girl again. You grew so tall! Look at you! Pretty soon you’ll fill out and be even more like your mom. She sure did give the attractive and smart genes to you, kids.” Daring huffed and straightened her clothes and tried smoothing out her feathers once again from puffing up “I am NOTHING like her! I may be glad she’s still here but I still think she’s up to no good!” She pointed to her smirking mother.
Wally looked over at Carmen for the first time since she came back and stopped short, worry plastered across his face. “My light! Are you ok? I heard there was an incident but it wasn’t specified how bad! What.. your hair, your arms.. legs.. your color.. what happened?!” Carmen started to explain, then when she heard the words coming from her own mouth, the realization of everything started to hit. Her eyes suddenly were pouring tears, and her new hands shook. She finally had a moment to truly process. She reached up to Wally who knelt down and embraced her so tightly, crying as well, “Please.. my light, please take this as a sign to stop. I know you are trying to help cure me but let’s.. just try to find a doctor or something. You’re risking your life to save mine, the accidents are getting more frequent and more dangerous… I want you to stop stealing. Please.” Carmen wiped her eyes, pulling away as she calmed down, making herself push the panic aside, “I can’t. I still have to try. Its what I’m good at, its what I do. Its not like they’ll accept me back into the detective programs..they’ll just throw me back into that horrible place to forget about me.” Blendin hugs his mom around the neck from behind the wheelchair, nuzzling comfortingly, “We wont let anyone take you or any of your agents away from us! And we’ll find a cure, Right Dad?” Wally smiled a little worriedly, “You said it. Now lets get you cleaned up and settled from that trip, maybe some relaxing time in front of the tv or something..” Carmen scoffed with some tears still brimming her eyes, “Relaxing in front of the tv? So I can get lazy and fat you mean?” She teased, wiping her eyes.
Daring crossed her arms and stood brooding from across the room. Ninoga and Kiros were lifting a heavy piece of furniture through the doorway and had to pass in front of Daring. She caught a glimpse of the muscles on both agents and blushed, looking away. “Excuse us, little snack. Don’t want to squish you.” Kiros chuckled with a low teasing rumble, winking at her. She turned scarlet in the face and hurried over to her family, “Guys, where’s the bathroom?!” Wally pointed just down the hall as Carmen looked at her and then at Kiros having a belly laugh while the young pegasus rushes off. “So THATS why it smells like Teen Spirit on Prom Night in the jet! Kiros! You are a scoundrel!”
Kiros shrugged as he held the furniture while Ninoga was pivoting, “I didn’t do a damn thing but I know you wouldn’t have me any other way!” He grinned, now on the move to set the furniture to its proper place. Lekir set a box down, which was picked up by a crawling drone and scuttled off, the vesk stepping out of its way with a bit of a gruff. “Its already like an infestation of these drones, you sure you wanna bring them here?” Carmen nodded, “I can tell this is the break they needed, just like they gave us a break. We have the room and they can be very helpful to us.” Lekir crouched beside her as Wally was busy looking through the tv channels. “How are you feeling? Any pain or anything?” She brushed her fingers through Carmen’s hair as Carmen put on a smile, “I feel great, I cant wait to try to get back on my feet. Wally wants me to relax… and to stop thieving.”
They look over to Wally who had been channel surfing and was currently dancing to some up beat music, occasionally singing along, before changing the channel again, “Mum!….Dad!…..Bingo!…..BLUEY! Man, Kid shows are so fun these days!… Ooooh baking competition! Thats not a cake!!… IT IS A CAKE!! Blendin! Are you seeing this?!” Lekir dropped her face to deadpan, “You? Stop thieving? Heh, thats not going to happen, is it?” She watches Wally pretty much jostle his son in excitement of a purse being sliced and revealing cake. “I will never be able to fathom what you see in him..” She stands up, her hands on her hips. Carmen smiles, “I dunno, he makes me laugh like theres not a care in the world.”
That night, after all the moving had calmed down, they all gathered around the dining room table. A couple stacks of pizza were on the kitchen island nearby, half already emptied. Carmen looked around as they all chattered, dishes and cups clinking, and all she could think about was that she had spent so much time trying to get to this point. But she found it was all worth it. She finally had connections with her family and made new family along the journey. She actually felt complete for once in a very long time.
The sounds of the gathering played over a speaker for a few moments more before a hand reached and switched it off. “This does not sound like a funeral dinner, does it?” A lower ranking gentleman in a suit lowered his head, “N-no sir. It does not.” The one in the chair facing him turned, picking up the umbrella that was placed onto the desk between them, inspecting it closely. “What does it sound like to you?” The younger rank, gulped, “A..a happy celebration, sir?” The blade sliced out from the tip and back in with a press of a button. “A happy celebration. Now. Your task was simple. I see no malfunction in your equipment so the failure rests with you. You told me, no. You ASSURED me that you would have this taken care of.” The lower rank stammers, “I made sure she was gravely hurt, at the very least, if she had a big enough injury, she would not continue.. we wouldn’t need to resort to eradicating her..” They look at the expressionless form of their higher rank. “It seems like you have forgotten what we stand for. Therefore, I will rectify your errors and put you on a path of clarity.”They press a few buttons on the console as a swarm of nanites suddenly covered the lower rank for a split moment and then returned to the opening they had come through. The lower rank just collapsing to the floor, all signs of life removed without cause nor damage or anything, as if every bit of life force was simply consumed and destroyed right from the source, without so much of a sound from the victim. Within moments, two workers came in and took the body to the incinerators. They press the intercom, “Send Mali Negatta into the field, we have a holiday gift to give the thief on this naughty list.”
A voice came over the intercom in return, “Hey all, this is Mali, I’m not available right now but I will return to accept any jobs starting in the new year! Otherwise, stop calling. Byieeee” The higher rank sighed and sat back in the chair. “What a christmas miracle. Well, all things come to those who wait..”
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shivvroys · 9 months
the cost of our desired wrongs
shivlina oneshot set during 'too much birthday'
for @jeniffercheck <333 and part of the shivlina fic exchange
cw: panic attacks
read below or on ao3
hold me like we're dying from the liquor that we drank down in hotel rooms,
to feel warm in cold love
Karolina’s already worn out by the time she gets to the venue. But the world moves to the sway of Logan Roy’s hand, so here she is, still dressed in her work clothes and bickering with a girl that has rhinestones glued to the inner corners of her eyes.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t have you on the list.” The girl looks far from sorry.
It takes all of Karolina’s strength not to flick those stupid little gems clean off the girl’s face. Instead, she puts on her tightest smile, and pulls out her phone, ready to text Logan a sincere apology and go home. He’d been giving her shit ever since Kendall’s meltdown at the press conference. One more temper tantrum would be just another drop in the bucket.
“No fucking way. Look sis, Dad got us a new nanny.” Roman’s shrill voice sends an irritating shiver down her spine, like nails on a chalkboard. “She’s taller than an SUV, right? Just making sure.”
“Hello, Roman.” She turns to see Roman and Shiv walking in, with Tom trailing behind them like an overgrown shadow. Soon enough, Connor and Willa join them. Karolina starts to get a nauseating feeling of déjà vu.
“Hi, guys.” she greets the rest of the Roy litter. Shiv raises a pointed eyebrow.
“Hi, Karolina. Dad doesn’t think we can sweeten the swede without someone holding our hand, or are you just here to keep Kendall from nailing himself to a golden Supreme cross?” The green dress and tussled curls almost dull the sting of Shiv’s dig. Even as a joke, the suggestion of holding Shiv’s hand in public settles like lead in her belly.
Before she gets the chance to respond, Connor cuts in.
“I just want to say, before the flies starts buzzing—this had nothing to do with my physical prowess. I was inebriated.”  He points to the brace on his arm. Jesus fucking Christ, this family.
“I’m sure no one would doubt that.” He seems to take that as a compliment, judging by the way his eyes light up. Next to him, Willa shoots her a pointed glare, her arm wrapping tighter around Connor’s uninjured one.
As the rest of the group pass by the girl at the entrance and her stupid fucking list, Shiv hangs back, turning to Karolina.
“What, cold feet?” she asks, pointing to the nauseating pink hallway leading into the club.
“I’m not on the list, apparently.” Karolina shrugs.
“Unfortunately, I can’t let guests in unless they’re on the list.” the girl pipes up, gripping her little clipboard like a life raft.
Shiv throws Karolina a wicked smile, before pinning the girl down with a glare.
“Well she’s on Forbes’s 50 Most Powerful Women in Media. That good enough of a fucking list for you?” She barely lets the girl gasp out a surprised breath, before all but dragging Karolina with her down the hallway. Neither of them turn back to check on the girl.
“That was mean.” Karolina lets out a quiet laugh.
“Well, she better get over it if she doesn’t want those cool rhinestones to fall off with the tears.” she says, her brows furrowed in faux concern. Bathed in the pink glow of the hallway, she looks softer, blurry at the edges in a way that makes Karolina want to grasp her, lest she vanishes into the glowing light. Like a fata morgana, luring Karolina out into the deep end.
“So, uh, did dad really send you to chaperone us?” Shiv asks.
“I don’t know.” she sighs. “He just told me to make sure nothing gets out of hand. You know what he’s like…”
“Never met a room he couldn’t walk into and be the epicenter of, yeah. He’s probably got Kerry refreshing Twitter every two seconds, fiending for updates.” she shakes her head, amused. He was, and he’s had Kerry forward each one to Karolina as well.
As they approach the end of the hallway, Tom’s tall frame comes into view. Shiv pauses, looking down before addressing Karolina.
“Hey, I’ll, uh, see you around? Later?” her lips are pouted and pink, and so terribly inviting, but the looming shadow at the end of the hallway reminds Karolina of who she is, and who she is with.
“I don’t know, Shiv.”
She resists the urge to reach a hand over and smooth out the tiny wrinkles forming between Shiv’s brows, instead breaking eye-contact and looking straight ahead until they’ve reached Tom, where she leaves Shiv behind.  Back on the cold shore, the sand feels like shards of glass under Karolina’s feet, the glow of her beautiful mirage burning even brighter on the back of her eyelids as she walks away from it.
She’s two martinis down and fresh out of a very uncomfortable encounter with Kendall, when Logan calls. Karolina wishes the shitty techno music were loud enough to drown out the man’s rough beratement. He’s mad that Karolina hasn’t been keeping enough tabs on all of his children while simultaneously tracking Matsson’s whereabouts. She doesn’t bother trying to explain to the man that his children aren’t joined at the hip, and she can’t split herself into every goddamn corner of the massive club, and even if she could, they were all purposefully avoiding her like the plague anyway. Instead, she throws out ‘yes’s and ‘alright’s and ‘of course, Logan’s like she’s trying to calm down a rabid dog, and resists the urge to smash her phone against the bar top when he hangs up on her.
She motions to the waiter for another drink, and watches the VIP area above, where Roman, Shiv and Kendall are either making up, or breaking each other down. Her money’s on the latter.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Tom and Greg huddled together, whispering like they’re planning a heist. She can feel the dread of her own shame creep inside, but she can’t help the rush of jealousy that washes over her as she sizes Tom up. God, she needs to stop drinking gin when she’s already feeling bitter.
He’s tall, sure, and handsome in an unthreatening way, but where’s the fun in that? What universe had made him and Shiv a match? Did he make her laugh—with his broad shoulders and naïve oafishness? Did Shiv trust her heart to be safe in those big, warm hands? Was he just that good of a fuck?
Briefly, Karolina wonders what it says about her that, for all her inflated sense of superiority, she has essentially become this man’s seat warmer. 
She can’t admit to herself why the sight of him has become so unbearable lately, so she throws back her drink and leaves the bar, hoping to come up with a destination on the way.
The lights are starting to look fuzzy and Logan’s texts have turned silly by the time she sees Shiv again. A giant, glossy version of her, anyway.
Wife of Tom Wambsgans.
Karolina stares at the letters until they turn to giant splotches of ink in front of her glassy stare.
“Yeah, you like that?”
Karolina turns to look at Shiv leaning against the doorway.
“I don’t even remember when this picture was taken. I kind of look manic.” Shiv continues, stepping into the room until she’s right next to the giant poster. She tries to mimic the facial expression she’s wearing in the picture.
"It's good. Funny." Karolina sucks in her cheeks, looking into the half-empty glass she’s holding. She can’t remember what number she’s on, but it’s definitely one too many for the conversation she’s recklessly directing them towards.
"What? Wife of Tom Wambsgans—that’s the part you're upset about? Not the bit about me being a street-walker?” Shiv puts on an incredulous smile.
“Does that bit offend you because it implies you need the money?”
That wipes the smile away from Shiv’s face. She crosses her arms, playful mood suddenly deflated.
“Ok, what crawled up your ass and died?” she says, still trying to keep some lightness in her tone.
“It was a joke, Shiv.” It hadn’t been, but Karolina feels weightless and weighed down all at once, and her ears are still ringing from Logan’s screaming. A part of her wants to see if she can get Shiv to match that same pitch and blind outpour of anger. See if they share more than just their eyes.
“Funny.” she clenches her jaw. “Yeah, no—see, if I were making a joke, which—I am, this is a joke.” She gestures to the space between them, that great chasm of joy and fucking laughter.
“If I were making a joke I would say something like—I don’t know, how do you manage to fuck up a task so badly that your boss has to call the people you’re supposed to be tracking to ask where you are? That’s pretty funny, too, right?” she leans back against the poster, eyes narrowed into slits.
Karolina nods, gripping her glass tighter. What makes her eyes sting with tears is the fact that Shiv looks so fucking beautiful right now, her hair messier than she’d normally allow herself to have it, and a dangerous sort of reckless energy illuminating her like a halo. And all Karolina can think about is a fucking phone.
A hunter at heart, Shiv knows that sinking her teeth into frightened game sours the meat, so she knows when to back off and let her prey breathe. Make the chase last longer. And Karolina’s aware of this, she can tell when Shiv’s concern is part of a game she’s playing. So, when she sees her take a deep breath, and cock her head to the side, Karolina knows she’s just sharpening her canines.
“What’s up with that, anyway? He still upset over the press conference?” she asks, brow furrowed like she’s opening on Broadway.
Another drink and Karolina might mistake it for real kindness. Instead, she smiles tightly and shrugs.
“Maybe. Maybe he thought I looked at him funny during a meeting. Does it matter?” she says.
Being reminded that there are always bigger, angrier beasts lurking in the darkness of the forest seems to settle Shiv’s hunger for carnage, so she doesn’t press the issue further.
They are spared from having to say something to fill the silence when Roman barges into the room, instinctively sticking to Shiv’s side like a magnet. Like two blind kittens crawling their way to each other for warmth.
“Hey, I got a pin on Matsson. You coming?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Satisfied with the answer, he turns to Karolina, as if just then noticing her existence.
“Oh, hey Vesper Lynd. How’s the spying going?” he shoots her a shit-eating grin.
“Great. Thank you, Roman.” she keeps her eyes glued to the drink she’s holding.
He doesn’t say anything, throwing Shiv an amused grin before raising his own glass towards Karolina in a mock toast.
Shiv looks like she wants to say something, but it’s gone with a quick tightening of her jaw. Instead, she bumps her arm against Roman’s, motioning towards the doorway. In the haze of the colorful lighting and strong alcohol, Karolina can barely see the line that separates them as they walk away.
Like the mouth of a wave, she turns to the poster and sees that fucking headline looming above her head, its edges sharper than knives.
Wife of Tom Wambsgans.
“I’m sorry, Logan, but this doesn’t really fall under my—”
“Yeah, I just pay you a million a fucking year to write flashcards. Consider yourself off duty. Enjoy my son’s fucking tea party!”
Logan makes sure she also catches the fucking useless he spits out before hanging up the phone. This time, her phone gets a screen-full of sticky residue as she slams it down on the table in front of her. The screen doesn’t crack, to her disappointment, instead lighting up with more work emails she’ll probably have to deal with the next day. She doesn’t trust herself to make it to the bar without wobbling, so she wipes the phone on her pants, hoping to get some of the vodka cran off of it. All she gets is a sticky stain on her thigh and the faint urge to vomit. 
She takes that as her cue to slink back home where she can lick her wounds in peace, without a bunch of influencers gyrating against her when she’s just trying to find a spot to sit still in for five goddamn minutes. She doesn’t have the layout of the club memorized, and the flashing lights make her even dizzier than the gin, so trying to find the exit out of this sensory nightmare turns into a very treacherous journey. She can’t even tell where she’s ended up when she sees Shiv make a beeline for her. The music is louder, so all she sees is a disheveled mass of ginger curls and flashing eyes, before Shiv grabs hold of her elbow and drags her into a quieter room. It looks like a giant nursery, complete with a huge, dead-eyed teddy-bear that makes the hair on the Karolina’s neck stand up. 
Shiv doesn’t pay any attention to their deranged playmate, snapping Karolina back to attention.
"Did you know? About dad spying on Kendall's kids?"
Karolina shakes her head, trying to focus on the question. She could swear she had some justification for that prepared in the back of her mind, but she can’t find it through the fog that’s shrouded her mind for weeks like twilight in a cemetery. The only thing she can focus on is the rapid rise and fall of Shiv’s chest. Her eyes must’ve betrayed her, because Shiv takes her silence as an admission of guilt.
"Oh, so that's morally okay to you, but me being married is where you grow a fucking conscience?" Shiv scoffs, crossing her arms.
Karolina could afford many things, but never that. Not anymore.
"Do you think I get a say in what your father decides he wants done?” she tries to emphasize her point by gesticulating, but it comes out awkward and shaky, so she crosses her arms tightly instead, digging her nails into her arms in a vain attempt at sobering up. “I just wag my tail like everybody else in the room and I go fetch.”
“Well, maybe you just like fetching, Karolina.” Shiv throws out sharply.
She shouldn’t have had a sip of that fucking alcohol, because now Karolina watches Shiv’s smug smile and feels every ounce of self-restrain draining from her body. Anger swells inside of her like a balloon, and she watches herself watching it grow, bracing for its explosion. She wants to hurt Shiv in a way that she knows the other woman is familiar with. In a way that will leave them both wrecked and desolate, and begging for more. If there’s anything she’s learnt from spinning like a satellite around Logan Roy’s orbit, it’s to take a punch like sweet wine. To lap it up and stick her cup out for more.
Mostly, though, she wants to kiss Shiv. She wants to run her hands through her hair and rub soft circles along her temples, where her headaches always start. She wants to go home and have Shiv curl herself around her, her body a question mark that Karolina never wants to unravel. 
The room they are in is darker, quieter, but Karolina’s eyes still catch the glint of Shiv’s wedding band, and a loud pop goes off in her head.
“I guess you’re right, Shiv. But you don’t seem to mind when it’s you I’m fetching for, right?” she swallows harshly. “Like when you and Tom have a fight, and you need someone to fuck the anger away? Then I’m convenient.” she watches Shiv’s eyes widen.
“Oh, please! You’re going for the suffering side piece, really? I thought you had more self-respect than that.”
The teddy-bear doesn’t offer any input. The walls, though, start growing darker, crowding in on Karolina.
“No, don’t worry, I know my place in your life. Clear as fucking day.” she throws out a bitter laugh.
At least Shiv looks as haggard as she feels, though it brings Karolina more sorrow than joy.
“Right. That’s why you’ve been acting so sour, huh?” Shiv raises a hand to her chin, letting out an ironic tsk. “Funny, ‘cause I seem to remember you being the one who put out the fucking wedding announcement. And—correct me if I’m wrong, but was that not before you had your legs wrapped around my head like you were the sluttiest little cowgirl at the county fair riding the mechanical bull?” she finishes making her point by shaking her head.
Karolina can tell she’s just getting started, too, just stoking her appetite before diving in for the main course. She tries to come up with something to say, anything to make the knot in her chest release. In the dim hum of the room, she can hear her own ragged breathing. She can feel it crawling over her, that great all-encompassing dread.
She tries to draw herself up to her full height, swallowing the knot growing in her throat. “And what a good job I did, right? Almost made it seem like a real marriage.”
“Better than nothing, though, isn’t it?” Shiv puckers her lips in faux concern. “Tell me, Karolina, who’s waiting for you at home?”
Karolina doesn’t have Shiv’s boarding school background, but she went to a public high-school in a neighbourhood where every kid was fighting to be considered middle-class, so she knows how sweet passive aggression feels dripping off the tongue.
“Siobhan…” she starts. “Do you think that’s sadder than marrying someone whose eyes light up more when he sees your father than when he sees you?”
Despite the drumming in her ears, she catches Shiv’s sharp inhale as the brunt of her words hit her. It’s such a miserable type of satisfaction, to tear at the flesh of a loved one—if she could call the wound they’ve been picking at love.
It feels like a giving up and scratching at chickenpox marks. All those scars for one moment of relief. In the absence of a gentle hand to rub soothing circles of calming lotion over the marks, she supposes it’s only natural to find solace in the pain.       
“You’re fucking pathetic.” Shiv says, as if she’d been contemplating the fact since their very first meeting.
“Am I?” Karolina frowns. She can feel her chest start to strain uncomfortably. She tries to swallow, but finds it increasingly hard to do so.
“Yeah.” Shiv nods, lips downturned in disgust. “You won’t admit it to yourself, but you do like the fact that I’m married, Karolina. Because it makes you feel chosen. But the truth is, you’re just terribly, awfully, pathetically fucking common.”
A common whore, to make matters worse.
She’s not wrong. There had been times where Karolina’s indulged in the smug grin on Shiv’s face as she claimed Karolina’s body, laid her hungry fingers on it and made it hers. Stole gasps out of Karolina’s throat and made them into her own melody. And Karolina let it happened, let the cool glint of Shiv’s eyes brand her like cattle because being someone’s meant she was something to begin with.
These moments though, had been a lowering of arms, a truce at the gates of a castle made of rumpled up sheets. She supposes she should’ve seen it coming, though, because Shiv fucked like she fought – ravenously and without compromise.
“And you’re not, Shiv?” she laughs. “Why? Because your daddy’s the most powerful man in the world, and you’re his pinky?”
She presses a heavy hand to the bridge of her nose, trying to dissipate the dark spots clouding her vision.
Shiv stands before her with clenched fists and a set jaw, and Karolina fights the urge to ask for a kiss with a fist.
Shiv clears her throat, crossing her arms. “That’s why you’re fucking me, though, right?” she scoffs. “Cause you’re too afraid of dick, so I’m the closest you’ll get to fucking all that power?”
“I thought I was fucking you, Shiv. That last name is something only you keep clinging on to.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Shiv laughs. “Stick to your little corporate memos, yeah, Freud.”
“Did you actually read any Freud, or is he just the only psychoanalyst you know?” Karolina says weakly. “You should, if you haven’t—he had some very interesting things to say about fathers and daughters.”
Whatever reaction Shiv might have had, Karolina can’t see it. There’s a war drum pummelling at her head, and a dark cloud settling over her eyes. Her chest feels tight, as if gripped in an invisible vise, and very little skin and sinew separating her heart from the acrid air of the room.
It always starts like this, with crowding walls and a loud ringing that reminds her of those awful national emergency alarms. She tries to focus on Shiv’s face, but it’s hard to make her out in the darkness and the blurry veil of tears gathering in her eyes. Karolina knows she needs to get out, but finds her legs have turned to cinder blocks. Then it gets harder and harder to breathe, until she feels like she’s choking, her diaphragm caving in on itself.
She thinks she hears Shiv call out her name, but the only thing she can focus on is her own shaking hands, grasping at each other. Had she been holding something? Where was her phone? She shakes her head, managing to take a step back when she feels Shiv reaching out for her.
“Don’t. Just—just go, please.”
“Did you take something?” Shiv’s voice cuts through the ringing of her ears. She tries to laugh, but it sounds more like retching.
“Fuck.” she tries to get her breathing under control, digging the heel of her palm into her sternum.
She can’t see that well, but she feels Shiv’s hands flutter anxiously around her.
“Do you want me to get—fuck.” she pauses. “Should I go get help?” Shiv’s voice sounds miles away, a fata morgana promising Karolina something that looks like warmth.
“Just go. Please.” she chokes out. Even under the crushing weight pressing on her chest, Karolina cringes at how pathetic her voice sounds. Like roadkill begging to be put out of its misery.
And Shiv does.
The worried arms withdraw, and suddenly Karolina is alone in a giant nursery, trying to count her breaths along with the ugly stars painted on the walls. She finally manages to take back control of her legs, and slinks to the floor, bracing her head between her knees. Through the tears streaming down her face she catches that godawful teddy-bear staring at her with its cold, unflinching gaze, and thinks back to a time where she thought she might go on to change the world. To make a difference. If she really is dying, if her heart has finally decided to hang up its hat, then it’s only fitting her final judge and jury would be a giant, fake totem massacring the very thing it was meant to represent.
Through her heaving, she doesn’t hear anyone enter the room, until she feels something cold and hard press against the back of her neck, and a firm grip on her wrist.  
“Please don’t puke. Or, like, give me a heads-up.” she hears Shiv whisper.
Karolina’s only heard her speak so softly in the dark of the bedroom, when she’d halfway be hoping not to be heard. Shiv’s hand is cold, too, as she rubs soothing circles on her left wrist, the other hand still holding the cold compress against Karolina’s neck.
“You wanna try stepping outside?”
Karolina shakes her head. It’s barely there, but she feels the slightest easing of pressure on her chest. She tries to focus on the damp coolness on her neck, tries to imagine it spreading throughout her body, soothing the fire burning beneath her skin. She reaches out her right hand blindly, trying to grasp Shiv’s wrist, trying to follow that fervent pulsing of life.
“Yeah?” Shiv says, adjusting her hand so Karolina could grip it better. They stay like that for a while, hands grasped like roman soldiers, Shiv’s quiet sighs and Karolina’s ragged breaths the only sound around them. Karolina wonders briefly if the party’s finished, if they’re the only ones left in this haunted menagerie of broken childhoods. Shiv seems to see her attention slipping away, because she shakes her wrist free, taking Karolina’s palm and placing it above her breastbone.
“Just follow me, yeah?” she murmurs.
Karolina nods, closing her eyes and letting her hand be the only tether to the world, Shiv’s pulse her only guiding light. As her breathing slowly starts to slow down, she contemplates pointing out the fact that Shiv’s own breathing is shaky, her heart trembling like a hummingbird’s wings, but she ultimately decides against it. The warmth of Shiv’s body and the soft silk of her dress are doing a fine job of easing Karolina’s nerves nonetheless.
When she finally feels the fog start to lift from her eyes, she turns to see Shiv watching her intently, with wide eyes and furrowed brows. It scares her, the intensity of Shiv’s gaze. Like she’s not just looking at Karolina, but seeing her. Holding her in her mind as more than a moment in a bed.
“You okay?”
This time Karolina manages a weak laugh. She bites her lip, avoiding Shiv’s steely gaze.
“Mhm.” she nods. “Is that a wine bottle?” she frowns at the object Shiv’s just removed from her neck.
Shiv stars laughing, her wet eyes glinting in the weak light.
“I was gonna get a wet paper-towel or something, but I couldn’t find the bathroom.” she sighs.
“Where’d you find this?”
“Stole it from the bar.” she flashes Karolina a proud grin.
Shaking off the last of her panic attack, Karolina turns a weary head towards Shiv.
“Thank you.”
Shier than she’s ever seen her, Shiv shrugs the gratitude away, changing her position from kneeling by her side to sitting down flush against Karolina’s side, and linking their arms together.
“Would’ve been awkward to just let you die. I mean, who would we even get to draft the press release on such short notice?” she turns to shoot her a serious look.
“Hugo?” Karolina tries.
“Bleugh.” she fake retches. “I wouldn’t that to you, even if we were at each other’s throats.”
She nuzzles her head in the crook of Karolina’s shoulder, her hand fiddling with the sleeve of Karolina’s shirt.
“Why are we—at each other’s throats? Did I do something?” Shiv almost sounds like a scolded child, making the guilt twist itself tighter around Karolina’s heart.
“No.” she sighs. “I...I’ve just had too much to drink and I got bitter and selfish.”
“Yeah, but why?” she presses. “I’m not a dummy, Novotney, whatever I did has been bothering you for longer than this night.”
“You didn’t do anything, Shiv.”
Karolina closes her eyes as Shiv turns her head to look at her, soft gaze burning the side of her face. She clears her throat.
“You’re trying for a baby.” she finally turns to meet Shiv’s gaze, cheeks burning with shame. “And I have no right to be upset about that.”
“What?” Shiv frowns. “Where the fuck did you get that?”
“During the shareholder meeting.” she sighs. “Tom left his phone on a table at some point, and I guess he got a notification about your, ahem, baby window. I had no right to snoop, I’m sorry.”
Shiv unwinds their arms, bringing both of her hands to massage her temples.
“Jesus fuck!” she blurts out. “Karolina, I am not trying for a baby. That’s—I don’t even really fucking understand it myself, but I am not trying to get pregnant.” she wrings her hands, grasping at her own frustration.
“It doesn’t matter. I still shouldn’t have reacted that way.” Karolina presses. “It was out of line.”
“Fuck the line.” Shiv shakes her head. She looks like she’s deciding if the dim light of the room is dark enough to let her tell Karolina the truth.
“You were right, earlier.” she sighs. “I can’t play the suffering side piece. I knew what I was getting into when we started this.”
“No, that was—I was pissed off that you wouldn’t talk to me. You know I was just trying to push your buttons.”
“It’s still the truth.”
Shiv shakes her head softly again, like she doesn’t accept her statement. She contemplates for only a second, before picking up the discarded bottle of wine, popping out its stopper, and taking a swig. She extends her hand towards Karolina, offering her the by now lukewarm prosecco, but gets waved off with a tight smile, reminding her of why they were currently sitting on the floor of a creepy nursery replica.
Neither of them say anything for a while, lying side by side like two discarded dolls. Karolina eyes the teddy-bear, for a second swearing she could see a hint of smugness in its beady eyes.
After a third sip from the bottle, Shiv finally breaks the silence.
“Tom’s been trying to get me pregnant. I didn’t know about it until the shareholder’s meeting, either.” she laughs bitterly.
“What?” Karolina feels a rush of anger fall down on her head like a hammer.
“Yeah. I don’t know—I can’t even begin to fucking process that.” She takes another small sip from the bottle. “He didn’t wanna fuck me after I told him I was still on my birth control—said it was like throwing batter at a brick wall.”
Karolina can’t see Shiv’s face, but she can hear the quiet sniffling the other woman is trying to hide. She reaches a hand and pulls Shiv back to her side, closing any bit of distance between them. Despite the dizzying murmur still gripping her mind, she feels the urge to track Tom down and bash his head in with her phone, until the sticky alcohol gets washed off by a much more satisfying offering.
She doesn’t know what to say to Shiv, can barely comprehend the horror gripping the other woman. How dare that man? It’s not that she sees Shiv as something other than human, no. And, she supposes, that might be the entire point. That Shiv is a woman and men will try to mould women to any shape they desire. Even men like Tom. Even women like Shiv.
For lack of any words that could take away Shiv’s dreadful confusion and anger, she kisses the other woman’s head and hopes it’s enough. Or at least that it’s something.
She doesn’t soften her grip until she feels Shiv’s chest slow its frantic rise and fall, until she’s sure her hold on Shiv isn’t the only thing keeping her from falling apart.
Finally, Shiv herself lifts her head from the crook of Karolina’s shoulder, with blood-shot eyes and a sorrowful scowl marring her features.
“Can I stay over?” she whispers. She looks like she’s about to justify her request, before Karolina cuts her off.
“Of course.”
“You don’t have to…” she continues, before Karolina cuts her off again.
“I want you to.” she reaches a hand to cup Shiv’s cheek, rubbing a shaking thumb over the warm dampness she finds there. “I want you with me.” She’ll repeat it as many times as it takes for Shiv to realize how easy to want she really is.
She’s hard to open up, and hard to keep a hold of, yes, but Karolina’s never found it hard to want her. To want to have her in her life, for fear of wanting things—bigger and scarier things, that she knows she shouldn’t let herself want.
“Thanks.” Shiv says, clearing her throat.
She’s never been good at talking outside of the abstract, so Karolina replies in the only language she knows Shiv won’t doubt. She kisses her, a soft and sad sigh passing through them like an electric charge. A mess of limbs in an ugly, cold tomb of a misshapen memory, warmed solely by each other’s body.
They gather themselves off the floor, still holding onto each other, like kids afraid of letting go of a helium-filled balloon. Shiv’s hair is a tangled mess, her face splotchy and still sticky with tears, and Karolina doesn’t have to look in a mirror to feel the pools of mascara gathered under her eyes like the torn-up trenches of some bloody battle.
Shiv seems to have read her mind.
“We should wash up first, huh?” she smiles ruefully. “Kendall might think we’re actually touched by his immersive trauma dump.”
“Maybe we should give him the satisfaction.” Karolina laughs, shaking her head. “It is his birthday.”
“I think there’s been enough yes-men involved in this shit fest.” she scoffs. “Come on, let’s find that fucking toilet. I’ve been close to pissing myself for the past, like, half an hour.”
She grabs Karolina’s wrist, keeping a loose grip on it even as they make their way back into the crowd and have to break apart. It feels mortifying and exhilarating, being so reckless under these neon lights. Like they might get away with it, or do it anyway, despite the consequences.
The ride to Karolina’s is silent, both of them finally bearing the full weight of their exhaustion. Shiv hasn’t said anything about where she’s told Tom she’d be going, or whether she’s told him at all, so Karolina doesn’t ask. She’s tired of letting these men throw their weight around even when they’re not in the room. All she cares about, anyway, is the weight of Shiv’s hand in hers, the soft skin and firm muscle, the way her fingers twitch slightly at every ghost of a touch.
It’s tiring, living her life in the abstract. Shaping herself into ideas of a life she’s decided she must live.
Shiv is real, though. She’s solid and burning brightly beside Karolina, and she’s not someone Karolina could ever see as theoretical. She’s alive in a way that scares Karolina, an unknown, uncontrollable variable defined only by herself. Occupying a place in the world shaped by herself, bent with bare hands and fury out of whatever mould she’d been thrown into. She can’t imagine how isolating that must have been, living her entire life clawing at the walls of one cage after the other, thrashing against every expectation of what she could and should and mustbe.
She used to think that what they were doing, this clumsy, clandestine clashing of hands and teeth in dark rooms, that this was a fantasy for the both of them. An imagined slice of life. A daydream they could fall into when real life was weighing them down. She’s slowly coming to realize that it might, in fact, be the other way around. That the closest she’s come to feeling real in months has been when Shiv is touching her. That she can’t hear anything quite as clearly as Shiv’s soft sighs. That life comes rushing over her every time she feels her knees press against the edge of the mattress, and drains out of her when she hears her alarm go off.
“Can we…” Shiv stirs next to her.
Karolina urges her to continue. “What?”
“Everything I said—I just wanted it to hurt.” she whispers. “I don’t think about you like that.”
She begins to pull her hand away, but Karolina grasps onto it tighter, tethering Shiv to the moment.
“I know.” she nods. “I don’t think about you like that, either.”
Shiv chances a look in Karolina’s direction. “Yeah?”
They share a brief, watery smile, which feels like the most intimate thing they’ve done. They’ve bared their bodies to each other, but never the beast of their anger—never the things lurking beneath their skin, the urge to tear and shatter.
In that tiny moment, it doesn’t feel like they’re looking into each other’s eyes, but somewhere beyond. It feels like taking a deep breath and stepping into the dark entryway of a basement, commanding the dark and telling it to scatter—telling it you’re home.
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bluehouryoongi · 4 months
BITE ME- 4: The Move-in
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Pairing: Jake x Female Reader
Genre: Vampire Enhypen and Human Reader College Strangers to Friends to Lovers!AU
Synopsis: Set in present-day Pacific Northwest US. Y/n in a college student, and keeps to herself. One day, she has strange encounters with two statuesque men, one of which invites her to a party (at their mansion ofc) where she drunkenly confesses that she can't pay her rent. Vast and highly believable events ensue, leading to her live with 7 a-little-too-perfect guys. That's all you need to know.
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3 years ago
I shut the closet doors, officially unpacked. It’s surreal, moving away from home for the first time and I. Am. Terrified. After road-tripping for almost 7 hours, I’ve spent the last few days running around this unfamiliar town with my mom and sister, trying to make my new apartment feel even vaguely like home. My heart stings when I remember that in the next few hours, they are going to leave and I will stay. It’s easy to just pretend like this was just a mini vacation, and not my new life for the next four years. This is what I want, to be independent and make a name for myself apart from my family. However that dream is a lot more appealing when it is just a mood board, and not a nearly empty apartment with two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a tiny kitchen. 
My mom and sister have helped a lot; they’ve hung up my posters, set up fairy lights, and stocked my fridge with all my comfort foods. It looks like me, which is a vibe I could have never created on my own. I just could also nearly shit my pants when I think about the reality of them, and the rest of my family, being 6+ hours away on a daily basis. 
Whilst running errands and unpacking, my mom has been telling me stories about this town. She grew up here, along with generations of relatives on her side of the family. This comforts me; knowing that no matter how foreign it may seem, a piece of me belongs here. I have always been fascinated by ancestry, and how people’s pasts weave together. There is something that soothes my soul in the fact that we are all truly connected, and the world is small, no matter how vast it can feel. The scholarship I received may have been the final push in my decision to move here, but I am way too sentimental to pretend our family history wasn’t a large part of it. 
“Your mind is spinning, I can see it. What are you thinking about?” Oops. I do that a lot. I get to thinking and then all of a sudden it's been hours since I've said a word. Luckily for me, this time it was only a few minutes. My mom can always see right through me, though. 
“I’m just gonna miss you guys. A lot.” 
“We will too, of course. I am so proud of you, though.” 
I can feel my throat tighten and my eyes already starting to pool. 
“You think I can do it? You really think this was the right choice?” At this point, I just need to hear their words of reassurance again so I don’t spiral. 
“Y/n, you are so much more capable than you give yourself credit for. Of course you can do this. I have literally zero doubts.” My mom always knows what to say.
It’s no secret that I am hard on myself, I have been ever since I can remember. I just can’t help but have such high expectations of what I can do, or who I could be, that I don’t know how to turn the perfectionism switch off. I'm working on it, but I don't have high hopes of much change happening soon. 
“You also got a legit scholarship! The school is practically begging you to be there.” I laugh. I love my sister. Not binge-watching reality tv together on the weekends will be one of the things I miss the most. Moving away feels like a transition out of the safe bubble I have lived in all my life. Making this change means leaving behind what I have always known, the safety and comfort. There is also a level of parting with childhood that is making this extra hard. What if I change? What if I don't like who I become? Instead of saying all of this, though, I opt for:
“What if I can’t make any friends?”
“You will. You are perfect friend material. Anyone who doesn’t see that is stupid and we hate them. Who needs them?”
Ok, true. “Thanks, guys. I love you!!”
“We love you the most.” My sister says, “Plus, I’m sure all the hot guys will see you walking around, looking all cute and studious, and instantly fall in love.” Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but I am going to roll with the confidence. 
“Obviously.” I reply, laughing. 
After delaying them from staying any longer, they eventually have to leave. We laugh, we cry, and we agree to text at least once a day. Soon I am standing in my apartment alone, taking in my new reality. Because I have to maintain some kind of order or else I will probably have a panic attack, I walk over to my desk and get out my journal. When in doubt, make a list of goals. 
#1: Get good grades at school
We have to start somewhere, so I write the most basic thing I can think of. 
#2: Get a job.
Again, basic, but this apartment won’t pay for itself. 
#3: Find purpose and meaning in my life???
This one is a little less easy but, hey. These are goals right?
#4: Drink water. 
Because it’s good to sandwich an existential crisis between things that are more attainable. 
It’s been a week since I have moved in, and the fall semester is beginning. The first day of classes is easy, it’s all icebreakers and going over the syllabi. Meeting new people hasn’t really gone beyond just saying “Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” when I walk into classrooms but, at least it’s something. 
I got a job at a bookstore only a few blocks from campus. It’s called Mont Blanc Books, taking inspiration from the ever-mysterious and inspiring mountain in Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. I love it. The owner is an old married couple, who I instantly am obsessed with. I have decided that it is my life goal to be exactly like them. I pick up the skills to work there quickly; it's a lot of sitting behind a counter and helping people find books, so basically it is my dream job. 
The bookstore is situated downtown, with other consignment and coffee shops surrounding it. I have also come to learn that there is a bar down the street, because occasionally during a night shift a drunk college student will wander in looking for a bathroom. 
One night, as I step into the foggy street, I hear a group laughing and talking as they walk. Even from afar, I can tell the guys are tall. I can’t exactly make out their faces, as I squint to get a better look. I am way too nosy for my own good. There’s something intriguing about them though, and I can’t quite get myself to just leave. They have stopped, a couple of them leaning up against a wall of the building. They are still about a block away from me, so I can’t make out what they are saying. One of them is smoking a cigarette, and another seems to be telling a story. A few of them are chuckling, and I find myself almost cracking a smile too. They have an air about them that can’t be explained, like they are practically oozing with confidence. For good reason, too, because they each are so perfect they could be mistaken for statues if they weren’t obviously moving around. 
Before I can stare any longer than I already have, one of them looks over at me, as if he could sense I was there. His dark hair falls over his face perfectly, and his eyes burn into mine. I look down quickly, and start to walk to my car. Hopefully he only noticed me looking for a second. 
I don’t look back to the group until I get settled in my car. When I finally do steal a glance over, there he is, still looking my way. He remains at a distance, so I can’t be sure he even is looking at me, although with the intensity of his gaze I don’t know how to believe anything else. A shiver runs down my spine, and I leave.
I’m sitting in my Biology lab, writing up my report when I overhear girls talking at the table behind me. 
“Wait. So what EXACTLY did you say?”
The other girl sighs heavily. “I just asked for his instagram.”
“And he said no??”
“No, he said he doesn’t have one.” 
The other girl puffs out air, “Yeah, right.” 
“I believe him. After some intense internet stalking last night I can’t find any of them on insta.” 
Do they have to discuss their boy grievances so loud?
“It just seems weird. They are the hottest guys on campus. And I heard they have parties like- all the time. Why would guys so involved have literally zero social media presence?” 
This isn’t the first time in the past week that I have heard people talking about these “guys”. My mind shifts to the group of guys outside the bar the other night. Could they be the same people? The ones I saw definitely looked like they would be college-age, and they looked like they would have the ‘hottest guys on campus’ reputation. I got chills thinking about the look the one gave me. 
The first girl chimes in again saying “I don’t know. All I know is I call dibs on Jake.”
“Fine by me, Jay is all mine. He totally has that bad-boy vibe about him.” 
“Okay everyone! We will finish this lab next week, so see you then.” The professor announces. 
I gather my things and annoyingly can’t shake my head of these names. Jay, Jake…I have a strange feeling I am going to be hearing a lot more about all of these guys over the next few years. 
A/N: A little flashback moment :) The first few chapters went soooo fast so I wanted to take a min to go back to when Y/n first started at the University + her first encounter of the boys. This was lowkey so short but the next chapter is longer soooo... yeah that's all I really have to say about that hehe. (P.S. If you are wanting to read all the chapters in Part 1 before I post them here, they are all already posted on Ao3;))
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kiss-me-muchoo · 2 years
𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✿ Synopsis: While working you discover Eddie Munson had a date with a cheerleader when you were supposed to be trying for a serious relationship. What’ll happen when he see you at the Halloween party?
✿ Warnings: not really, just sex insinuations, but no actual smut.
✿ A/N: this is NOT part of my pumpkin series // I was inspired by that ep of PLL: Original Sin when the girls throw a Halloween party to save Imogen’s house. Reader gives me Faran and Mouse vibes <3 oh and, BAD GRAMMAR 💀 oh all the mentioned songs are in the playlist below
It’s the start of the spooky times of the year!!💀👻🎃
Pumpkin series is NOW COMPLETE here👇
Playlist for Eddie here 👇
Halloween was your favorite event of the year, no doubt. Hawkins was also a fan of the tradition, decorations started in mid-September, and lasted until the first days of November.
You worked at the local theater, and during that time, it was the best job, the theater had orange lights, fake webs, and apple caramel popcorn. Sometimes you’d let Steve and a random date have free entries, sometimes it was the bunch of kids; Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and the hellfire club, also your friends. It was curious, that Eddie and you never watched a movie together in the theater, because he preferred to stay with you in the cashier, eating popcorn, and switching the songs that played at the entrance, he mostly played rock music since you told him that metal didn’t fit the vibe of the vintage theater.
He would drive you home and watch you bake a pumpkin pie for his campaigns. Even so, you weren’t dating yet, which awakened some insecurities in yourself. Not that you had tons of insecurities, but sometimes it felt like Eddie wasn’t sure to start a serious relationship with you. He liked you for sure, it felt so real when he flattered you and made time to spend with you, but, it wasn’t official yet.
Carrie was set to be the movie of the day, it was Tuesday the 29th, Halloween was on two days, and you didn’t have any plans, you hoped to spend the night with Eddie at his place, maybe even go out trick or treating. Anyways, it was Tuesday, almost 6:00 pm, and people were buying their tickets to see Carrie.
“The movie wasn’t even that spooky” Robin sighed behind you, seated on some small stairs beside the popcorn machines.
“I think girls liked it more than the guys…” you say pointing at the variety of girl groups. “Thanks and enjoy the movie…”
The customer smiled at you and walked away with his food.
“Oh shit, I’m not here!” before you can understand your friend’s words, you see the guy who just bought you food walking towards the hallways with more people, and you notice the red-haired Vicky, Robin’s crush. Then you look down at Robin, she’s clinging around your right leg, making you laugh.
“Dude, she’s gone. Don’t worry” your friend shrugs relieved, and you laugh patting her hair. When you turn again to attend to the next person on the line, you’re surprised to see Chrissy Cunningham greeting you with a cute smile.
“Hi, Chrissy!” she smiles and you’re surprised to see she’s not wearing her usual cheerleader attire.
“I knew you worked here but this is the first time I see you” her kind tone makes you realize how sweet she is, no wonder why she is so popular and had tons of friends.
“Curious, I feel like I’ve been here forever… apparently not” you respond giggling and she joins join, she chats a little, and at the end she asks for a blueberry slushie and the apple caramel popcorns. “I wanted to come yesterday with my friend Donna but she had this date with Eddie Munson”
“Donna and Eddie? That metalhead! he didn’t said anything!” you try to sound calm and fun, but your anxiety and jealousy are creeping over.
“Yeah, she said they had a good time, and Eddie wanted to teach her to play guitar” you smile and exchange some words with the blond girl, then, she thanks you and walks away. Robin stands beside looking at Chrissy going away while she mumbles with a negative sound.
“That asshole! he and his mop hairs think they can play with your emotions?” you stay quiet, processing what just happened. Yesterday Eddie drove you home and said he would call you in the night, as usual. But he never told you anything about Donna.
“Maybe it wasn’t a date…” you try to reason, but she gently pushes you, so you look at him.
“Dude, it’s Donna Benson. Like, the second most popular cheerleader with the hottest lips in Hawkins” she yells whispering. Making you grab a cloth to clean the counter, unconsciously making it a little harder than you should.
“Thanks, Robin. That makes me feel so much better, for sure” she sighs and makes you stop cleaning, putting a hand over yours.
“What I meant it’s that she is a girl that every guy and girl wants, I wouldn’t be surprised if Eddie was a womanizer. But, you are you, you are amazing, you have more than just physical beauty, so fuck Munson. If he calls, you tell him that whatever was going on between you two, it’s over.” you knew she was right. You felt pretty enough to not care about Donna’s beauty, but your heart clenched a little over the fact that Eddie was playing with you.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s just… I thought he was the one” thankfully there were no more customers, the movie had started, it was only you and Robin.
“I know, I saw you together a lot of times. It’ll get better, just before August, you weren’t even friends.” it was enough for the day, you didn’t want to think about Eddie for the rest of the day. You grabbed your stuff and turned off the machines with Robin’s help, you would wait for the movie to be over and get a bus with your friend, who miraculously lived in the same apartment complex as you.
Laying on your bed while watching a Casper marathon you roll your eyes as you hear your phone ringing again. You know it’s him, it’s Eddie.
You had ignored him all Wednesday, he gave you some space in the morning, but after watching your empty seat during lunch, he was literally begging you. He chased you like a lost puppy, appearing outside of the restroom every time you asked permission in class, then he would run to your car calling you, but you ignored him.
You sigh frustrated, it’s enough after the fifth time the phone rang, you answered.
“Thank God, What’ the fuck is wrong, angel? You have ignored me for more than twenty-four hours!” you want to laugh at his exaggeration, but you’re upset.
“Eddie… If you weren’t sure to give it a try with me, you should have told me.” he is surprised by your words, especially your calm tone.
“What?” he asks in confusion, you sigh lowering the volume of the tv.
“Yesterday Chrissy Cunningham told me that you were on a date with Donna Benson.” you could feel the embarrassment and jealousy emanating from your pores.
“Oh no, no, babe!, We went to see a movie because she didn’t have any cash to pay for some weed. She had this coupon! she even brought his baby brother!” the way he sounds, makes you wonder if he’s actually desperate to convince you or not. “It wasn’t a date!, and of course, I’m going serious with you”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you take his little sounds as stressed sighs. Makes you feel nervous and twirl the cable of your pink phone.
“Well, yeah…” you really wanted to spend Halloween with him, you thought that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend since the start of October, but he kept brushing away every opportunity to make it official.
“We’ll, no. How do you think I felt when Chrissy said that Donna was over the moon for you? she was dying for you to teach her to play guitar. Great job, Munson, now you have a new girl crushing for you.” as you seat straight at the edge of your bed, you hear him lighting a cigarette, you hate how often he smokes.
“No, honey pie. You’re not understanding, I lov-“ your heart races, you weren’t sure but it sounded as if he was about to say “I love you”.
“I don’t want to understand anything. I can’t trust you if you’re gonna randomly accept girls to hang out with, including their baby siblings, that’s not fair.” it wasn’t immature your reaction, you felt your right to feel betrayed because you two said you were on a level of exclusivity.
“So whatever was going on between us, is officially over.” before he can finish saying your name, you slam your phone back in its place. For some reason, you didn’t feel like crying all night and going to school all depressed on the day of Halloween. You wanted to feel great, have fun and forget about that stupid metal head. So you grab your phone again and call Robin.
“Hey, is our third musketeer there?” she laughs.
“Steve? yeah” relieved, you stand up, instantly feeling better.
“Tell him I changed my mind. We’re going to the party tomorrow” you hear Robin telling what you just said to Steve.
“Did you cut it off with Munson?” asked Steve suddenly, making Robin yell at him. Steve’s cousin was throwing a party, he was seventeen too, so you knew half of the school was going to be there, including Eddie, since he used to sell some drugs to the guy before he joined the Waterpolo team.
“We weren’t dating yet, but yeah. We need to go to find some costumes, honey” it wasn’t a secret that Steve didn’t like Eddie, especially after seeing how well he was getting along with the boys. But in your situation, you felt a little glad, because it mean no more grumpy Steve.
“That freak doesn’t deserve my best friend. Get your ass up, we’re picking you in fifteen”
You wanted a cool costume, you could bet every girl was going to wear a black leotard and cat ears, some angels, the cheesy vampires, and this girl with vulgar bikinis.
You wanted to look hot, but mostly pretty.
During school hours, you spent the day hiding from Eddie, with Robin’s help, she sneaked you to his band practice, where you were safely hidden from the evil dungeon master.
Steve picked you up from the back doors since Mike told you that Eddie was waiting for you at the entrance. And then, you went straight to Robin’s house to get ready for the party because your mom let you know that Eddie called her to ask if you were coming home.
You were looking at the dress on her bed, a red ridding hood costume. It was slightly very short, puffy, and red with black over the ribs and chest, with white, alluding to a gown from the 1600s of the early colonies in America.
“Maybe the undergarments are too much” you state, Robin picked the black undergarments that barely reached your thighs. She grabs the towel on your hair and lets it fall, giggling.
“No!, it’s perfect. You look hot but cute at the same time” she grabs a brush and tosses it to you with a hair tie and a red ribbon. “I know we’ve talked about this, but… What if I see her?
You knew she was talking about Vicky, and you didn’t like the idea a lot, the girl would flirt with Robin one day, and appear with some random dude the next time. You didn’t like how much power she had over Robin, especially when they weren’t exactly friends.
“Well, you can pretend you didn’t see her, or you can say hi. I know you like her, but you have to know if she’s going to make a move, or it’s just gonna be you all the time…” she nods seating on her bed. You know she feels weird about it, she gets very nervous trying to talk with girls. But she’s your friend and you don’t want anyone to break her heart.
“Apparently it’s easier if you like dudes” you raise an eyebrow and she laughs, hinting at your point. “Okay, maybe not always is easy”
“Boys can be worst than girls, believe me. Girls are just… complicated” she nods again, and your rest an arm around her. “I suggest we shouldn’t think about it tonight. Plus, if we talk about love problems with Steve again, he’s gonna get drunk and tell us all of his failure on dates”
Robins laughs veryhard. She agrees with you and your supposition, Steve might still be a famous guy but lately, he didn’t have a lot of luck in love.
It was 8:40, and Eddie hadn’t seen you at the party. He asked all the Hellfire club members, including Mike and Dustin walking around the house looking for you, and Garret waiting near the entrance with Jeff to wait for you, but there was no sign of you. He wanted to see you, wanted to make up everything before the party ended. When he turned to the living room of the house, his eyes opened and he leaned on the frame that lead to the crowded living room. He spotted you dancing with Robin Buckley, Into the Groove was on some stereo, it was loud and there was a lot of teens dancing, but from all the guests, your shiny red cape was like a mirrorball, gaining more attention than the new hit from Madonna.
He could see you were wearing a mini dress, with a medium red cape and the hottest black undergarments he’d ever seen, including your black converse. You were probably drinking, because you had an orange cup in your hand, and he thought you were the prettiest girl at the party. He was glad that he did some research on your decision for the costume.
He saw Donna, who was wearing a tiger leotard, but he didn’t dare to talk to her, her friends were the jocks, the drama kids and the cheerleaders. Donna was the ideal girl; athletic, perfect hair, perfect skin, popular… but nothing new, she didn’t have anything exciting. She was just the ordinary popular chick, she wasn’t you.
Eddie kept his distance for some minutes, watching you laugh and dance. The way the cape covered your head made you look so freakin’ cute to him, he just wanted to grab your cheeks and give you the biggest kiss ever. He remembered the day you two confessed you had feelings for each other. Back in September, when homecoming was coming, you told him you liked him, and he said the same. You went together and after the event, you had the longest make-out session in his van. That night you’d agreed to give it a try to have a formal relationship.
When his mind is back at the party, you weren’t dancing anymore, Eddie looks around worried, but he realized you just were seating on the big stairs near the kitchen. Robin was gone, and it was dark enough to light up the house with purple and orange lights, with fake webs and pumpkins scattered around the house. It was perfect to approach you, but that didn’t stop Eddie to feel his hands sweaty and his heart pounding so fast.
Eddie never felt so nervous about anything, except for you. Approaching you when he knew you were mad at him was very hard, he didn’t feel like the dungeon master, he just felt like a shy little boy.
“Hey…” it’s the first thing he says, his shyness is notorious. You shriek at his sudden appearance, but finally you just give him a little glance, nodding and trying to hide how nervous you also were.
“Hi…” you don’t know what to say, but you decide to look back at him when you see his outfit. His wearing some black jeans, a black sweatshirt and a lumberjack sweater, his usual rings, and accessories but… you laughed so hard when you noticed some werewolf ears and his nose painted with a little circle on the tip. “Wow, very much a coincidence that you are a wolf and I’m red ridding hood”
“Yeah, well…” he got so blushed when you pointed at his costume. “Let’s say mini Wheeler heard his sister jumbo Wheeler that you told her you were gonna be dressed as red ridding hood”
“Good for you, Munson” you state, still laughing, standing up from the stairs, trying to make your way downstairs, away from him. You loved the idea that he basically sent Mike to stalk you and Nancy but, that didn’t change anything.
“No, wait” he slightly pushes you back, stopping you by grabbing your arm. You roll your eyes, obeying him, taking a seat on the stairs again. “I was gonna tell you yesterday, but thankfully you hung up before I said it”
“I really like you, angel. I trust you and you demonstrated how much you care for me since I met you. I swear to you that I’m not interested in having a bunch of girl fans behind me, I only want you” he smiles looking at you pouting, he knows you do that when you’re feeling emotional. So he carefully grabs your chin to make you look directly at him.
“I know, it’s just… you are my first love, Eds. I’m scared to get hurt, all the books I’ve read have given me the highest expectations, and reality thought me it’s the opposite” you sound calm, but a little worried, choosing the best words to make him understand you.
“I feel the same, I’m not good with emotions, and suddenly you are the first girl who cares for me, wants to see me succeed, who makes wanna take a daily shower” the way you start laughing makes him go all heart eyes for you.
“Eddie, that’s gross.” he takes a seat beside you, taking your hands. You can feel a lot of eyes on you, there’s no secret that you’re almost relationship with Eddie Munson was so startling for half of Hawkins.
“I’m even willing to quit smoking for you, I know how much you hate it” your eyes go wide open, so you stroke your hands on his.
“No!, just… just do it when you really need it, like a serious stress or relaxing moment, You know?” he nods, smiling while looking at the crowd, for some seconds, he forgot he was at a Halloween party.
“Oh yeah! What I was about to say when you hung up yesterday was that… I love you.” instantly, you go and hide your face on his neck. He laughs and makes fun of you. “ Aw, babe! you are all red! You look so fucking cute” his arms trap you, but you are still able to playfully punch his chest.
“Shut up!…” then it hits you.
He just said he loves you.
“I-… I love you too. But I don’t want to see you taking any more girls as payment for weed” he nods constantly, and when you separate, his hand is at your cheek, and you know he’s about to kiss you. “Not that I’m showing how toxic I can be, but… you’re mine”
“So… Would you officially date me?” you nod happily, connecting your lips together.
Oh my god, Eddie Munson is going official with me. He’s kissing me with Lay All Your Love on Me playing at the party!
“I can taste liquor from your mouth” his lips were soft and he tasted like alcohol, and chocolate, making your heart warm.
“And you taste like vodka, honey pie” he kisses you again before standing up and offering you a hand.
“I wanna go dance before the song is over. I need to show Donna that you’re already taken” Eddie laughs very hard at your words, and pull you closer, whispering in your ear.
“I’m serious, I only have eyes for you” turning to your right, you leave a little kiss on his cheek. Then you grab his hand and pull him to dance.
Eddie Munson is the worst dancer, but you love it. It’s perfect, as he spins you and constantly kisses you on the cheeks, forehead, or lips.
You can see Donna Benson looking at you two, and you know she’s pissed, but it’s not your fault, she just choose the wrong metal head to like.
In a matter of seconds, you completely forgot about the party, Donna, everyone, it’s just you and Eddie. The way he caress your hips as you sway to the old tune of Five Ten Fiftyhold, and his sneaky hand starts to go up, through the curve of your waist, his chest against your back. The moment makes you rest your head on his chest, and then his hand is brushing over the edge of your breast, landing on the cleavage of your costume. You open your eyes when you realize you were about to let out a moan.
He set you on fire, and he knew it.
You turn to face him, and your smash your lips against his, its a dirty kiss. The way his hand gently takes your neck, and your fingers sliding through his hair, makes you wonder how badly he wants you. So you stand on your tip toes, with your lips barely touching his neck, near his ear. “I want you to make love to me, Eddie”
“Holy shit…” he whispers, squirming. He knew how hot you could be, but this was the the most intense moment of all. Nothing could replace the strong urge to take you, the way he was already throbbing at your touch and words. Since you started courting, he never pushed you to have sex, at the end, he was a virgin too. He wanted to make it special, or let it happen in the right moment. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Eddie. I feel on fire” that’s enough for him, he takes you hand and makes you exit the party, directly going to his van. “I want you to make me yours…”
“Fuck, let’s get the fuck out of here” You don’t worry about Robin or Steve, they look too drunk at one table, with piles of beer, they look like they’re laughing and crying at the same time.
When you get into his van, he stays quiet for a couple of minutes.
“I can’t believe this” you glance at him, as he turns on the vehicle.
“What thing?” he shrugs giggling.
“This, you and me.” his hand lands on your thigh, making you moan in the darkness of his car. “I’m am going to make you so happy, love”
“I can tell. But go on, this dress is not going to disappear by itself” he gives you a dirty look, and you pat his hand away.
“Ew, creep” he starts driving as he laughs and puts some of his cassettes.
“Oh, but you are the one making nasty comments that make my dick get hard as a rock” he looks at you as you stay in the red light, and he knows he’s so deep in love.
“I’m excited to meet him for the first time” you two burst in laugh.
“Okay, but those undergarments stay on” you nod and remember something else.
“Oh and the lingerie too!” Eddie pretends to be shocked, but in reality he is shocked, he was so hard that it was becoming painful.
“There’s also lingerie?” your fake innocent nods are tempting, and the way you are pulling up your dress to let him see a bit of your exposed legs, with the contrast of the black undergarments. It’s killing him.
“Red transparent chiffon” he pretends he dies and then wakes ups when the traffic light goes green. “And what about some red ridding hood role-play?
“I’m going over the fucking speed limit. We need to get to your home as soon as possible” his joke causes you to giggle. “As ridiculous as it sounds. I’m gonna make love to you, but I’ll fuck you so hard too”
“Oh my god! Eddie just drive and shut up” he loves your laugh, he loves to tease you, he loves you so much. “Anyways, keep teasing me… I love it”
Halloween of 85’, was such a dream.
Next thing I’m planning it’s this two parts fic about ballerina reader! x vampire Eddie!
(Pls don’t steal my idea yet)
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
I’m going to need that drabble right now,
Here it is! It's shorter than the other one though
The Forgotten Spaces Drabble
*Mature content. Minors DNI
☆warnings: mentions of a bar, mention of jimin and oc kissing, mention of Jungkook's leg hurting, mentions of Jungkook's scars, explicit content: mentions of blowjob and penetrative sex.
☆wc: 890
Thursday, August 23rd
Looking back, Jungkook knows he shouldn’t have gone to the bar. He should have listened to his intuition and stayed home, even when Laura was asking why they were not going with the rest of his friends. He should have insisted, shouldn’t have caved in, because seeing you with Jimin hurt.
And Laura noticed. Laura noticed how he tensed, how he stared, and he knows she deserves an explanation. Which is why they’re sitting on his bed, her with her arms folded on her chest and an annoyed look on her features. Him, with a hand mindlessly massaging his knee because of course it chose this moment to hurt.
He wishes he could disappear, but he can’t. He’s got to do this – Laura deserves as much.
“Y/n is someone from the dance crew,” he starts, and he winces because you are so much more than that, but how is he supposed to tell that to his girlfriend? “We’ve never been particularly close?”
It sounds like a question, but Laura doesn’t bite. She waits for him to continue, looking even more annoyed now.
“Last summer, we went to a cottage with the crew and some other friends,” Jungkook continues. “I ended up having sex with her, and it made things pretty weird between us two.”
His sentence falls flatly between the two of them, like a rock in snow – contrary to a rock in water, which leaves ripples behind. The silence has no ripples, just Laura staring at him.
“You had sex with her?” she eventually says, and she scoffs. “You didn’t think to tell me before?”
“It didn’t matter,” Jungkook lies.
Laura doesn’t know him enough to tell that he’s lying, luckily enough for him. “Why are you upset then?”
Jungkook shrugs, because he’s aware he shouldn’t be. “It’s weird seeing her getting it on with my best friend I guess. I’m not upset upset, mostly just weirded out.”
At that Laura’s features relax a little. “Yeah… I get it.” She looks away from him, eyes going to a pair of shorts he left on the floor last night, feeling too lazy to put it in the hamper. “I would have appreciated if you told me before, though.”
Jungkook plays with his piercing, watching Laura’s profile for a few seconds before he says, “Why? It really doesn’t matter.”
“Because you see her all the time,” she explains. “I don’t like that you spend time with someone you’ve had sex with.”
Jungkook can’t help the chuckle he lets out, and it’s condescending. He knows he’s an asshole for it, but he can’t help it. “You had sex with James before he dated Peyton and you still spend time with him.”
It’s low because, frankly, Jungkook doesn’t even give a shit that she talks to James. James is a decent guy, the only friend of hers that Jungkook doesn’t actually dislike.
“It’s not the same thing,” she mumbles.
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, leaning forward to try to meet her gaze, though it fails miserably. “Tell me how it’s different.”
“Y/n is single,” Laura points out. “She clearly wants you.”
It hurts, as if someone poured acid in his veins. “I doubt so, sweetheart. She’s moved on too. Her kissing Jimin is proof enough of that.”
The pet name works each time. Jungkook doesn’t even understand why, it’s just a pet name. But Laura loves it way too much, and it calms her down whenever she gets annoyed with him.
Not that it happens a lot.
“Right.” She sighs, and she finally meets his gaze again. “Do you still talk though?”
As much as it breaks his heart to say so, Jungkook answers, “Not anymore. Outside of the necessary stuff for the choreographies during dance practice, no.”
Laura sighs once more, before nodding her head. “If it ever changes you need to tell me.”
“Promise,” Jungkook says, because he knows it won’t change anyway.
“And I want to come to dance practice,” she adds. “I wanted before but… yeah.”
Jungkook pulls at his piercing, almost enough for it to hurt. “We don’t usually invite other people. But I’ll see with the crew if they’re comfortable with it.”
She nods again, and then holds her hand out between them. “We’re good?”
Jungkook snorts, mostly because he’s surprised she wants to shake hands over this, but he still does it. “Of course we are sweetheart.”
And when she pulls him in, he doesn’t resist, even though his mind is miles away from her. Even though his mind is stuck replaying you with Jimin, Jimin with you, and he can almost picture you in Jimin’s room. So he lets Laura take the lead, lets her take off his clothes.
Lets her kneel between his leg, eyes obstinately staying away from his scar. She doesn’t even dare to touch it, as if it’ll burn her.
He doesn’t like it, but when she starts sucking his dick, he finds it hard to be annoyed at her for it. His eyes flutter shut, and he does his best to stay here, in the moment.
It almost works. Almost does, as she fucks herself on him, and he holds her hips. And when she's done, lying next to him wearing nothing but one of his shirts, Jungkook is almost able to hold her close to him.
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