#where i could meet someone (tho i do actually want to be employed so. who knows) and again the crippling shyness will kill me + even if i
liinos · 1 year
Sometimes I go a little crazy bc I just think I'm doomed to end up alone 🤪
#dont like the idea of dating apps and im just as shy about texting people idk as i am about talking to them dont go out bc i have#0 interest in it and honestly the thought alone makes me uncomfortable and even if i did again i Cannot talk to people dont even have a job#where i could meet someone (tho i do actually want to be employed so. who knows) and again the crippling shyness will kill me + even if i#was social i dont think anyone would ever find me pretty or be interested in me so 😭😭 a dark future#and like you can call me pessimistic but also i have been on this earth for 23 years and its not like ive been sequestered away#and prior to college i was shy but i was more outgoing in hs bc i Knew people and guys only ever liked my friends not me 😭😭#and eventually no one ever liking you does take its toll on you sorry to say or not even liking but no one thinking youre pretty#or anything like that... i in passing mentioned to my sister that it was implied that i was the ugly friend and she was like thats so mean#but like it was also true so i couldnt even be mad about it 😭 maybe i shoot to high bc like i also have eyes and i tend to like dudes who#i would consider to be out of my league but i look pretty guys and i cant settle on that sorry </3 😭#anyway going crazy anyone need anything <3 need to have the bimonthly vent about the way my life is devoid of even a hint of romance#and also how i dont like a damn thing about how i look so i dont blame other people for not liking it either 😭 self esteem is nonexistent
0 notes
Nine part one
An hour later, there are several cartons of Chinese food and a PowerPoint cued up. The first slide says: SEXUAL EXPERIMENTATION WITH FOREIGN MONARCHS: A GRAY AREA. Alex wonders if it’s too late to swan dive off the roof.
The next slide is titled: EXPLORING YOUR SEXUALITY: HEALTHY, BUT DOES IT HAVE TO BE WITH THE PRINCE OF ENGLAND? She apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles. Alex actively wishes for the sweet release of death.
“Here’s the thing. I know I put a lot on you. But I do it because I trust you. You’re a dumbass, but I trust you, and I trust your judgment. I promised you years ago I would never tell you to be anything you’re not. So I’m not gonna be the president or the mother who forbids you from seeing him.”
She takes another breath, waiting for Alex to nod that he understands.
“But,” she goes on, “this is a really, really big fucking deal. This is not just some person from class or some intern. You need to think really long and hard because you are putting yourself and your career and, above all, this campaign and this entire administration, in danger here. I know you’re young, but this is a forever decision. Even if you don’t stay with him forever, if people find out, that sticks with you forever. So you need to figure out if you feel forever about him. And if you don’t, you need to cut it the fuck out.”
Anyway, I found this part of a letter he wrote to Laurens, and it made me think of you. And me, I guess:
The truth is I am an unlucky honest man, that speak my sentiments to all and with emphasis. I say this to you because you know it and will not charge me with vanity. I hate Congress―I hate the army―I hate the world―I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you …
Thinking about history makes me wonder how I’ll fit into it one day, I guess. And you too. I kinda wish people still wrote like that.
History, huh? Bet we could make some.
Or are you suggesting you’d rather exchange passionate letters by candlelight?
Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I’ve just been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all?
I think perhaps Hamilton said it better in a letter to Eliza:
You engross my thoughts too entirely to allow me to think of any thing else―you not only employ my mind all day; but you intrude upon my sleep. I meet you in every dream―and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
Even after all this, I still always feel like I want to know more of you. Does that sound crazy? I just sit here and wonder, who is this person who knows stuff about Hamilton and writes like this? Where does someone like that even come from? How was I so wrong?
It’s weird because I always know things about people, gut feelings that usually lead me in more or less the right direction. I do think I had a gut feeling with you, I just didn’t have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star?
I wanna see you again and soon. I keep reading that one paragraph over and over again s you know which one. I want you back here with me. I want your body and I want the rest of you too.
P.S. Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky―1958:
Tho I long for the actual sunlight contact between us I miss you like a home. Shine back honey & think of me.
If I’m north, I shudder to think where in God’s name we’re going.
So the Prince wore it, and for many years, he believed it was right.
Until he met the most devastatingly gorgeous peasant boy from a nearby village who said absolutely ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years and who turned out to be the most mad sort of sorcerer, one who could conjure up things like gold and vodka shots and apricot tarts out of absolutely nothing, and the prince’s whole life went up in a puff of dazzling purple smoke, and the kingdom said, “I can’t believe we’re all so surprised.”
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limitless-shadows · 3 years
Picking up gofushi crumbs from the manga pt. 4
Disclaimer: Beware of anime/manga/fanbook spoilers. This is just me commenting on the manga with the lenses of a gofushi fan (’-’)/
This segment contains manga panels from chapter 82 to chapter 138.
About loneliness, limitless and six eyes vs ten shadows, Zen’in deal, and others.
[Chapter 82]
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The life of an exorcist is rough.
Nanami was certainly right when he said that being a sorcerer is shit. They put their life on the line for people who don’t know about curses or that sorcerers exist, they may even die alone and gruesomely, shamans are probably overworked due to a shortage of sorcerers, etc.
And how many close bonds do they get to make?
Yet Gojou gave Yuuji the room next to Megumi so it could be more livelier and fun...
[Chapter 84]
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^ referring to Gojou
Due to the nature of his power and how strong he is, I guess that Satoru often does solo missions. Even during fights, it’s better if he’s alone. That’s even more sad?! dang and here I had hopes to see gofushi taking on missions together unless-
[Chapter 85]
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Heh it was Megumi who noticed Hanami’s weak spot.
[Chapter 91]
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For the strongest to be able to trust others does say quite a lot for their current situation. Trust in the first years, trust in Megumi ;-;
[Chapter 92]
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Megumi’s shocked/worried face upon hearing that Gojou has been sealed. I’m glad that we get to see it drawn!
[Chapter 93]
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So... what I learnt from this is that Satoru has some pressure since he solo carries the Gojou family. What sort of childhood did he have while growing up if the family put all of their expectations on him??
...that he has saved many a sorcerer!!
Toji’s deal with the Zen’in ;-;
[Chapter 96]
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The smol Gojou that pops up when Megumi thinks of a plan hehe
Gojou also mentioned Fushiguro back when he tested Itadori in chapter 3.
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Using each other to bluff and employing a different naming. I guess they think alike www
[Chapter 109]
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What a character development :D after Gojou’s talk to him back in chapter 58.
[Chapter 117]
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Gofushi got even better after chapter 117-
It’s another moment where they are alone! When they animate this, is it going to be during a sunset too? XD
If they are at the college, then that’s one chair upgrade.
Their families being on bad terms hrmm hrrmm
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Gofushi truly has a lot of potential for writing prompts. Romeo and Juliet? Reincarnation?
Also makes me think if there will be a fight between Satoru and Megumi in the future o_o;;
Moreover, it’s not known how they exactly died. They could’ve been weakened from before their fight and/or someone delivered the final blow? While Megumi thinks it’s probably due to Makora, I don’t think it’s only that. There must have been something else? We haven’t seen Megumi’s true potential yet aaaaah next chapter is when Tengen might drop some information on the group, and I hope he knows and shares some secrets about the Ten Shadows technique (will it be the reviving theories? or maybe being able to enter some sort of shadow realm?). Heh mission impossible to retrieve Satoru.
The Edo period was between the 17th and 19th century, while the Keicho period was around the 17th century. According to the fanbook, it’s been 400 years since someone with Limitless + 6 eyes was born. So Satoru was most likely the next Gojou to be born with those abilities after the fight between the past clan heads... it really makes me think. huh, for there to be a Ten Shadows user during this era too.
Then Megumi goes and says
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[Chapter 126]
This scene in chapter 126 when Nobara spilled coffee on Gojou’s shirt which caught me off guard by surprise.
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Since they didn’t have much time to think about what to do. Their panicked reaction was to slip the shirt inside Megumi lolol
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Leave it to Akutami-sensei to draw the funniest scenes haha. Sacrificial lamb Megumi lolol although Satoru might have been able to tell with the six eyes.
[Chapter 138]
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Head of the Zen’in clan Megumi--
I assume the 3 parts from the speech bubbles are independent things with the agreement being carried out first. When they found out that Megumi inherited the Ten Shadows technique, it was decided that he would become the next clan head. But only if Satoru is dead or incapacitated. Why make him the leader without knowing what he thinks about the Zen'in clan tho? Is that just because he has the Ten Shadows technique? Is it much more appreciated than the Projection Sorcery technique which Naobito and Naoya have? Because it can rival Limitless and Six eyes?
Naobito really hates the Gojou’s. According to the fanbook, his stress source is the Gojou family, and he doesn’t get along with them which is why he didn’t do much during the Shibuya incident. I wonder why :D definitely doesn’t have to do with them stealing (?) Megumi from them, right?
Now I’m curious how the deal went through. I want to see Satoru and Megumi’s trip to Kyoto D:
Part 5 will probably be done after the manga releases more content... whiiich might take months. But aay ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ there was actually a bunch of things to talk about! I started shipping them maybe after chapter 79? I was surprised at chapter 58 which dropped more interactions between them. Then 59 showed their first meeting and 79 made it more clear (/≧▽≦)/
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wxldchxld · 3 years
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy? 
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?   
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? 
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?  
🍋  :    what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much? 
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?
Harper is pretty neurotypical. She does have some childhood trauma relating to her father leaving and her relationship with her mother. Her mom was an active service member and this led to a lot of instability in her childhood.
See Harper's mom and her grandmother weren't on great speaking terms. Her mother never told her father about the pregnancy, and that caused a rift between them before Harper was even born. Her mother also struggled with alcoholism when Harper was younger and while Harper was never abused, her mom did make some very poor decisions and her grandmother wasn't always sympathetic, usually blaming her mom for her bad choices with money, and then getting even angrier when her mom wouldn't accept help even as they were on the verge of financial collapse. This lead to her grandmother calling DHR and some very messy fights that Harper heard.
Harper didn't walk away from her experiences with poverty and family drama unscathed. Her mom did eventually go to rehab, and her grandmother did eventually try to make amends with her before she passed.
This isn't even touching on Harper's attempt to reunite with her father and his rejection of her or her mother's rejection when she came out to her as a lesbian.
So Harper definitely needs therapy, but I don't have enough knowledge to put the name of a specific diagnosis on her other than childhood trauma.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?
I think she would describe it as pretty average. Not necessarily pleasant all the time, but she figures everyone walks away from their childhood with some kind of problem. She is ok with talking about it, but she isn't really ok with reflecting on it for what it is. Normally when she talks about it she's very detached and purposefully cold.
I think the question about maturity is---not great? Like I could say Harper had to grow up fast and learn to do things on her own because of all the alone time she had---but that's not maturing. Even as an adult, Harper doesn't have a lot of emotional intelligence.
Beck had a lot of alone time as a kid and she has her own issues with trauma, but I do feel like her years in the wild, having her freedom and her happiness, gave her a lot of time to reflect and to grow up emotionally and to kind of decide how she at least wants to try to act.
This is in pure contrast to Harper. Harper's alone time as a kid didn't do anything but cause her more pain. Harper may not love how her mother acts, but it is one of her only models of behavior. She gained the veneer of maturity that comes with learning to suppress your feelings and get your shit done, but she had very little emotional intelligence. This is why she often resorts to yelling and mean comments when she's angry or hurt. And the fact that she essentially learned to never cry and to combat her vulnerability with anger and it helped her get where she is now in life did not help that.
All that being said no. Harper would not like to go back to being a child. She might want to go back to being a teen. At the time she had Beck, her first love, and she also had actual friends that appreciated her and liked her for who she was. That's not something she really gets anymore. Idk if it'd be enough to make her want to go back tho.
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?
Harper is inclined to help when and if it gets her her way and given that the payoff is good enough. She's pretty self centered and apathetic to the general plight of humanity. In Marvel verses she lives in New York at the time of Loki and the most she'll ever say about the invasion was it was an irritating distraction that caused an inconvenient amount of damage to the roads.
She WILL help the people she cares about with no boundaries though. If someone she loves has a problem or a need she will attack it tirelessly and ruthlessly. If they're in danger there is no line she won't cross to protect them. But there are very, very, VERY few people Harper would do this for. And not to sound cliché but currently all of those people are ---- well it's actually just Beck lmao.
The reason she's like this could go back to her childhood and her experience losing her grandmother but I'm honestly not sure it's that deep? Harper is kind of selfish. She dislikes most people and distances herself from them in order to not feel guilty for her selfishness. It's not a great look, but that's the current state she's in for any verse you'll meet her in. Sure this does change in stories where she has time to grow, but never enough to make her a humanitarian.
Also no this doesn't really get her into trouble. She's pretty safe on top of the world.
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them?
Most people see Harper as a shrewd business woman and or a downright bitch. I won't lie and say they're totally wrong, but there is a genuine person in there and her flaws are usually exaggerations of the things that are good about her mixed in with her trauma. So yes, they technically see who she really is, but they lack the context to understand her fully. And she both allows and encourages this misunderstanding because it's advantageous to her. It helps her maintain control in the business world but also in the magical one. She employs and is followed by a lot of incredibly dangerous supernatural beings. Literal thousands of vampires, witches, and werewolves do as she bids and submit to her lead in large part because they respect her power. So she kind of has to let people think she's a bitch, but honestly she kind of likes it too. She has taken the label with pride.
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?
She's a necromancer so... Like that's pretty weird right? Specifically her research is focused on creating the perfect vampire in hopes of one day turning herself into a vampire without losing any of her magical abilities or having to be vulnerable to "silly" things like sunlight and garlic.
She also really really likes snakes and reptiles in general.
🍋  :    what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much?
I think Harper genuinely tries to eat healthy. She doesn't have any like sensory issues with food and while she isn't immune to worrying about weight, also doesn't obsess over it. I mean she doesn't have to because she spends so much time and energy on working she probably couldn't gain a pound if she ate a literal weight. Magic can be very draining, and she very often gets so focused she doesn't eat for hours. Then she feels sick and doesn't want to eat anything and she sure as fuck isn't about to cook.
This was one of the great ways that she and Beck fit together. Beck loved to cook and would drop by the office or the lab with snacks (so long as she didn't have to get near anything dead or nasty) and she always made enough dinner for two even when Harper said she wouldn't be home in time. And Beck eats pretty healthy (usually) so it worked well.
She does have a cook who makes meals for her. She usually takes them for lunch and if she remembers to will take a break and eat. Harper certainly doesn't cook. She thinks it is tedious and all too often has burned something because she was trying to multitask and forgot and nearly set the penthouse on fire.
Her favorite is when she gets the chance to eat with someone else that she likes. She absolutely adores French food and has a go-to place for meet ups.
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rnajorarcana · 4 years
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               ❛  can’t tell if i’m really here , i think i’m leaving this body -                                              bye - ye - ye - ye - ye !
                                                        oliver oli d’angelo . 23 . pan . he/they .                                                                              angel boy .                                                                              ( bullying , toxic relationships )
✧ ˖ * ° ><> ╱  ross lynch,  genderfluid,  he/they —  look  who’s  fresh  from  the  ferry,  aren’t  you  OLIVER  “ OLI "  D'ANGELO  ?  your  eroda  brochure  says  you’re  TWENTY - THREE  and  that  you’re  currently  residing  in  MARMOTON.  your  favourite  tourist  attraction  to  hang  around  is  SEA ROCK BREWERY,  and  the  locals  around  these  ports  would  describe  you  as  SILVER  TONGUED  &  CLEVER,  RETICENT  &  INSECURE.  your  resting  fish  face  really  gives  off  SHADES  OF  BLUE  REFLECTING  THE  SEAS  &  SKIES ,  TATTOO  INK  MIXED  WITH  GLITTER ,  THE  MAGIC  IN  HIS  VEINS  &  THE  DIAMONDS  IN  HIS  BONES  and  i’m  a  big  fan  of  the  DECK OF TAROT CARDS  you  seem  to  always  be  attached  to.  well,  if  you  see  the  minister  this  morning;  make  sure  you  head  on  home  as  quick  as  possible,  you  never  know  what  bad  luck  he  could  bring.
                       i . past
there is a saying that the amount of kind people in the world is diminishing ; and given exactly what you’ve been through , my dear boy ?? you could attest to that . kind people are forged in fire & have blood leaking from their mouths , given bruised knuckles and black eyes - yet here you are .
eroda born you grow up shy & quiet , gentle & sensitive - the type of kid that is easy to befriend if you talk to him but is equally as easy to shove into a locker . you are sketchpads & soft smiles but bruised cheeks & visits to the principal’s office and you’re told boys will be boys so there isn’t much the school boards can do about your constant harassment . you’re different than them because you don’t fit into their mold ; girls like you because you don’t pull their hair or make fun of them for being girls and that makes the other ones jealous , further worsening the treatment .
all you have is you , taking solace in the two things you know - artwork & video games . you imagine yourself as a gallant hero - like the one in the zelda games - riding alone but still kind & brave , and these drawings you make consist of both the characters from your comfort and yourself as such . you bury yourself in your nintendo ds , carrying it everywhere , and maybe one day you’ll be the link to a story where there’s a courageous hero needed and you can fill that slot . of course , your interests only contribute to the fact you’re seen as high school’s punching bag . you take it .
but things get different the one day you get pushed to the ground - because high school’s like that - and your beloved drawings get torn , your ds held from your grasp like a toy held from a jumping dog . and oli d’angelo , the ‘ angel boy ’ , with red lips & cherub cheeks & puppy eyes , decides he’s had enough and clocks his assailant back . principal’s office visit again , you’re suspended , but your darling mother ( she’s all you have ; your father strolled out the door before you could know him & the woman is a bit broken from hoping he could come back after all these years ) rubs your back , takes you out for ice cream , and tells you that you did the right thing .
doesn’t feel like it , since your limits were simply pushed .
graduation , art school , new horizons . oliver d’angelo meets trevor frost , and they instantly click , and with words exchanged across library tables and eventually kisses behind bookshelves , a budding romance is formed . he’s rich ; he even offers to pay for your tuition , but you fall in love with him because he looks at you like you are everything , but you don’t realize the wool pulled over your eyes - because you’re an angel who’s naive & innocent and he’s the monster that berates you & digs at you with even the most syrupy words , then lulls you into coming back . you spend your nights crying thinking you are to blame for things he’s done to you - finding he has more bedmates than just yourself , being accused of things that aren’t your fault or your doing . . . you are broken down , piece by piece , and once more . . . there’s a day where you can no longer take it .
screaming , hellfire , a broken angel finally breaks free of his chains and runs away , even though the monster tried to clip his wings . you pack up your things and leave , and you realize that your financial support is gone , but you need to get out . 
. . . this life , it’s tested your kindness & your patience - you’ve been tossed through the wringer endlessly , and as you leave his apartment , you make a resolution that you can no longer allow yourself to be hurt . you cannot be vulnerable .
you are now oli , and oli shows up to his high school reunion with a new air of confidence . obnoxious confidence , like a party boy - but he retains his charm , words of silver leaking from his lips and charisma among a crowd enough to bring in even those who treated him unkindly in the years prior . he becomes the LIFE OF THE PARTY , but he doesn’t actually want to be there . this new persona - this arrogance , this annoying voice , this being who participates in every vice possible . . . he is nothing like the sweet & gentle boy that lies underneath . but he’s a mask , a suit of armor that you carry - so you can numb yourself over the loneliness & hurt that’s plagued you over the years .
new horizons , take two . you complete a tattoo artist apprenticeship , get your license - ship yourself off to another chapter of your life that hopefully means things will change . you’re black clothes & sunglasses & tarot cards & tattoos , silver tongues and smiles that only signal mischief . long conversations and words flying a mile a minute because your mouth is your greatest weapon . the good thing is nobody here knows you . . . even though maybe , you’d want them to - but if you do , you run the risk of getting hurt again .
oliver gets hurt , but oli is a courageous hero ( maybe ) that can go up against anything needed . . . you can be oli for now , even though that hurts just as much . 
                      ii . present
SO OLI . . . god this is my son . this is my oc i’ve written forever and god do i love him . 
so !! he’s an artist , loves to draw , paint , etc , now employed as a tattoo artist ! and . . . he’s also . got a lot of bad habits since he’s got a party boy facade to keep up and tries to make himself into someone else since , who he actually is , he’s scared to be in fear of getting hurt again . 
on the inside , he’s sweet and gentle and introvereted - he doesn’t like big social gatherings and would much rather vibe on his own or with a few close friends ( if he had friends ) than anything else . but he’s afraid , again , of being himself or being vulnerable towards anyone else because he’s seen as an easy target , and his feelings are easy to manipulate . . . 
so on the outside , he’s much different . he’s fucking annoying , to start - he’s a talker , always has something to say , and he’s very good at keeping a conversation . he’s a charmer , and paired with his big brown eyes and his award winning smile he can talk a snake out of its basket . but he also , again , maybe says too much and doesn’t have any fear or realization of consequences , and indulges himself in things like alcohol , sleeping around , loud parties , etc . because that’s the persona that keeps him guarded . and he’s gotten used to it , but he doesn’t like that this is what he’s known for . he wants people to get to know him for him but . . . this is his only option , since if he lets people inside , he gets hurt . so he just has to deal . 
he’s that person that talks so much , you think he’s oversharing when in ACTUALITY he’s telling you nothing of importance . oli is fucking smart & intelligent and he knows how to read a room , how to pick his words - all survival techniques he’s learned from navigating the world around him . he’s . . . an expert at this social stuff , even tho tbh he much rather wouldn’t be . 
some ppl want to kiss him some ppl want to kick him it be like that sometimes
he’s still nice !! he’s very nice - but maybe a bit more crass and unafraid to say shit that you wouldn’t expect anyone else to say .
but also also it’s like i said before - he is very into artwork and video games , the latter especially being his huge comfort . first is his passion , second is his comfort . oli loves games and he’s lowkey nerdy as hell , even though he’s trying to conceal some parts of himself THAT always bleeds through in some shape or form . 
he’s also extremely into witchcraft , and that’s a major part of his character as well . he likes hanging at the brewery because it’s easy to get people who want tarot readings from him , and he always keeps a sigil or a crystal or something on his person . always has a water bottle of witch tea , always enchants his clothes or items , cleans his workspace at the tat parlor he works at with moonwater - that stuff . he’s known as two things - the angel boy or the magic boy . 
o also he’s genderfluid so rly any titles are valid for him , comfy with anything . diagnosed bipolar ii & adhd bc i’m a bitch that loves to project . 
HE’S . . . HE’S A GOOD BOY . he’s just . afraid to show that he’s a good boy . he’s got a heart of gold but he’s scared that if he shows it someone else is gonna use him again .
ANYWAYS !! like this n i , light , the bastard , will message u for plots !!
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haifengg · 4 years
The Dutch Room - Chapter 4
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“Did you solve your problem yet?” Johnny asked and fell into the armchair.
His boss sat on the other side of the office, hunched over a remarkable stack of paperwork. “Problem?” He asked without looking up.
“The … uh … thing that came up a few weeks ago.” Johnny said carefully, not sure if he really forgot about the incident.
“Oh, so you’re not talking about yourself.” One could hear Jaehyun’s smile even if it wasn’t visible. Especially if one’s name was Johnny.
“Why would I refer to myself as a problem?”
“Because you always show up when I'm busy and steal my time.”
“By doing what?”
“By talking to me and not working like everyone else.” He said and finally looked up from his paperwork, smiling.
Johnny sighed. “You suck real bad. Did you know that?”
“I’ve been told, yeah. Honestly tho, what problem are you talking about? There are so many lately.”
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair, crossed his fingers behind his head and put his feet up, looking at his oldest friend.
“The one that dropped dead on your floor.” Johnny scoffed and yawned. Once again it was one of those days they were working late, which basically described every other day in their field of work.
Every single one of them had spent at least a few nights in their office, which is why they all kept travel kits at their desks somewhere.
“Oh.” Jaehyun said and his relatively good mood faded within seconds. “That one.”
“I assume it is as always more serious than you’re telling us right?”
“I don’t need to tell you how serious it is. Everyone working here is qualified enough to know that for themselves. And if they don’t I should consider replacing them. But yes, it is gravely serious. It could ruin the entire project.”
“And I assume you found a solution?” Jaehyun nodded and took down his hands, resting them on his core.
“I did. And I will schedule a meeting as soon as it is set in stone.”
“As always. I’m here now so why don’t you walk me through it?” Johnny offered casually while playing around with the end of his tie.
“I’m really busy …”
Johnny snorted. “Dude, I don’t care. I haven’t talked to you in ages about work let alone anything non-work related. And if business talk is the only talk I get these days I will take whatever you got.”
“Fine. The solution we came up with involves Taeil.”
Johnny suddenly sat up straight in the armchair and looked at his friend in a very confused way.
“Taeil? I thought you decided against using the hostesses.”
“True. We won’t use BARbara. But Taeil is the one who came up with the back-up plan.”
Jaehyun paused to lean forward, leafing through his calendar looking for a specific event.
“On the uh … 4th he’s meeting with the owner of a few high class restaurants. Something japanese. To be honest I neither met the guy yet nor have I heard about his restaurants but Taeil apparently knows him for quite some time and I trust him. After they meet up and where he introduces him to the idea, we will schedule another meeting in which we discuss the specifics.”
“I thought you don’t want to involve more people than necessary? Why are you suddenly considering working with someone you don’t know? This seems chancy.”
“Because”, he began and groaned. “the original plan was the most irresponsible imbecile I’ve met in my career so far and whoever Taeil is talking to in two weeks can’t be worse. I don’t know if you noticed but we don’t have that much time left. And I told all of you before that we’re only doing it if we find a way to clean the money.”
“You did tell us that. Several times. But we always reassured you that we would do it even if you don’t know how to launder the money beforehand. Because we trust you.”
Jaehyun sighed and rested his head in the palms of his hands. “You shouldn’t tho.”
The other shrugged and got up. “We know. But we do against your better judgement.”
“You’re going home?” Jaehyun looked at him in surprise.
“What? No.” He chuckled. “I’m working late, boss. As always.”
“Someone home?” Johnny stuck the head through the door as he opened it carefully.
“Come on in!” Song shouted from the back of the studio, her voice weirdly muffled.
So he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, looking around for her but couldn’t find her.
The studio didn’t change much since the last time he visited. The dishes were clean and put up to dry, right next to it was a small stash of toiletries.
Everything looked fine and even more in order than Haechan’s cubicle so why did Jaehyun want him to come up here and check on her? And besides, why didn’t he just do it himself?
He shuffled across the room to take a closer look at the easel and the prints that were spread out on the huge wobbly table alongside with a variety of … ingredients and colors. The canvas was smudged with a mix of brown and green tones.
By this point of progress Johnny wasn’t able to see any resemblance or how the hell this would turn into what was on the prints.
“Oh. It’f you.”
Hearing her voice behind him he turned around to see Song in sweatpants and some threadborne sweatshirt. Just now he realized how late it must have been once again, since Song was brushing her teeth and didn’t bother to take out the toothbrush while talking to him.
“If I knew y’all would take the ‘come by anytime’ fo literally I wouldn’t have faid it.”
“Did someone else come by?”
She nodded and walked over to spit out toothpaste and put away the toothbrush. “Yeah. Haechan came to see me the day before yesterday. And Doyoung yesterday.”
“What did he want?” Johnny asked a little bit too hastily which made her turn around.
The conversation forming between them was clipped and terse but not at all in an uncomfortable way.
“He brought the prints.” She said pointing at the table. “It’s a really good quality and very clean. You can literally see every little detail on it. Did you have a look?”
“Yeah, I did just now. Why was Haechan here?”
Since they were still standing around all dressed up and with nowhere to go, Song just walked over to the sofa and dropped down on it, grabbing a pillow to hold in her arms.
“Nothing too important. He just wanted to know how I am doing. Speaking for what reasons people are showing up here all the time: Why did you come?”
He pulled up the stool she was using to sit on while painting and sat across from her, one arm resting on the table and shrugged.
“Same reason. Just wanted to say ‘hi’.”
“Well, you did that. Something else?”
Johnny chuckled more to himself than to Song. Why wasn’t he able to figure her out? Since she was employed he caught himself wondering what the hell she was doing here and how she ended up being their coworker.
“Have you ever sat one foot on our floor?” He asked trying to change the topic but Song was quick.
She thought for a moment leaning her head to one side, then shaking it. “Why would I? Everyone is coming upstairs anyways. I don’t really have to leave this place.”
Silence settled between them during which Song scanned the man carefully and Johnny tried to not curse himself for coming here. Nice gestures never were a thing at this company so why did he thought it would be a good idea to start being nice?
Right. He though. It was about what Doyoung said and how right he turned out to be. The girl … woman sitting across from him didn’t really fit in with all of them. And even though he corrected his thoughts from girl to woman he couldn’t deny that there certainly was something fairly young about her. She definitely looked her age and she probably had both whit and sass but … something didn’t add up.
“Do you want to drink? Something?” Song suddenly asked and got up.
Johnny jumped to his feet as well and gladly said: “Yes, please!”
Song chucked the last sip of wine and lowered her glass. Johnny reached for it to replenish her drink for the fourth time but she quickly covered with both hands.
“No no no, I’m good.” She laughed.
They both sat in front of the sofa, legs crossed and leaning against it. He had no idea of how long they had been sitting together like this but two hours probably already had passed since he got here.
“Are you sure?” He asked sliding the bottle of white wine back into the cooler.
“Yes. Absolutely. This is actually way more than I usually have. If you have questions you only want honest answers to: Ask them now.” She stated jokingly and waved away her sobriety.
Johnny laughed. “Okay, let me think.”
When he wasn’t saying anything for a few seconds she turned her head to look at him and found him actually thinking about what he wanted to ask her.
Song curiously and patiently waited for him to ask:
“What do you think of Panoma?”
Their eyes met and she could see how serious his question was. He really wanted her honest opinion about the company and/or the people working here.
“Well”, Song began but hesitated. “about the people or more about the entire thing?”
“Whatever you want.”
She sighed. “To be honest: I don’t think this is for me.”
Johnny’s eyes widened at an answer he didn’t expect at all. “What does that mean?”
“See, I feel like you all know each other so well. Yeah, sure I am the new one and y’all don’t know me and we don’t have a history but I am not sure if we will get along well eventually. And this is just the case for getting along well. Not exceptionally well or being a great team. Whatever that involves.”
He put down his wine glass ready to give her his unshared attention. This seemed to have bothered her for a while. “What exactly makes you think that?”
“This might sound weird but … to me you all seem like criminals.”
“You aren’t exactly whitecollar either. I chose your file out of 20 others because I like to think of you as someone who screws people over twice. First time by forging art and replacing it and the second time when you keep the original to yourself.”
“But compared to you that’s nothing.” She said, using one the one hand that wasn’t still holding the empty glass to empathize the arguments. “You are professional criminals. Working in a company devoted to launder money and steal shit. This is organized crime. What I do … every art-school graduate could do it. It all comes down to very basic things.”
Johnny sighed. “What makes you think you don’t fit in?”
She sat on her knees, putting aside the glass she was holding up until this moment and looked him directly into the eyes.
“I don’t know? Jaehyun is super scary and June is so … flawless? Doyoung seems a bit odd and I don’t know what to think of you but you are professionals. You work in an office, wear ties and suits, do paperwork, crunch numbers, have desks with files on them.”
“Is that how you define professionalism? That we appear to be harmless office employees but aren’t?”
Song nodded quietly.
“Under the pretext of commonplace?”
There she was again. The girl Song that seemed so innocent and harmless as if she couldn’t hurt nobody and has no criminal record. As if they were two different personalities sharing one shell.
Johnny chuckled and suddenly the dramatic tension that had built up in the studio imploded and disappeared.
“I don’t mean to offend you personally but that’s very naive of you to think. Romanticizing our field of work is what writers do. And I have to ask you to neither put June nor Jaehyun on a pedestal because those two ain’t perfect. Also they’re not the cold and calculating professionals you think they are. “
He saw her face and immediately backtracked. “Don’t get me wrong: Both are evil masterminds and exceptionally at their jobs. But they have their flaws.” He leaned back. “Did you hear about Lucas?”
“Who’s that?”
“He used to work here before we hired you.”
“Why past tense?”
“He … quit. That aside: Lucas and June had an affair that was going on for quite a while if I remember correctly.”
Song gasped and choked. All Johnny did was laughing at her gasping which made things worse.
“Does everyone know?” She asked after catching her breath and being pat on the back by Johnny.
“I’m not sure but I assume at least Haechan does know. Nothing really goes past him. If you want to know things in the future I suggest you ask him.”
He returned to the semi serious attitude he had about himself for the entire evening as he said: “But my point is: Even though I don’t know if there were feelings involved or what exactly their arrangement was, it is what it is. An affair between two coworkers. And if that’s not the epitome of non-professionalism - I don’t know what is.“
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feelhuman · 4 years
ʻ   /   wow ,   i  am  so  excited  to  introduce   jessica delaunchy   to  our  current  students  at  cape  coral .   she  is  extremely  excited  to  join   track / field  &  latin .   coming  in  as  a  twenty one  year  old   junior  ,  they  shouldn’t  worry  about  fitting  in .   the   cisfemale  leo   has  always  reminded  me  of   zoë love smith   ,  but  some  people  don’t  see  it .   trying  to  keep  the  fact  that   she was under witness protection    from  getting  around  this  school  is  going  to  be  tough .  no  worries ,   though ,   cape  coral  will  create  a  new  life  for  them ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ 
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                     hiya  beans  !  i’m  nae  (   she  /  her  ,  twenty  ,  australia  gal  /  acst tmz !  )  and  i’m  real  pumped  to  get  crackin’  &  introduce  you  to  this  walking  tragedy !   ──   this  is  my  gal  jess  ,  who  is  rlly  smthin  else  ,  phew .  i  truly  am  in  love  with  her  tho   &  i  hope  ya’ll  like  her  too !  click  ....  the  ....  read  more  ....  now .
basic stats .  
*    find  her  full  stats  here !
current  legal  name  :  jessica  blaire  delaunchy.
nickname  /  alias  :  jess  ,  jj.  /  none.  
gender  /  pronouns  :  cisfemale  ,  she / her.
dob  /  age  :  august 13 1998.  /  twenty one.
place  of  birth  :  long  beach  ,  california.
currently  living  :  portland  ,  maine.
ethnicity  :  curaçao  ,  indonesian.
nationality  :  american.
languages  spoken  :  primarily  english  ,  learning  latin .
religion  :  her  father  was  christian  &  her  mother  was  muslim  ,  so  she  was  exposed  to  both  growing  up  (  her  dad  wanting  her  to  feel  closer  to  her  mother  in  a  way.  )   jess  doesn’t  really  know  which  bracket  she  falls  in  ,  if  at  all  ,  so  instead  she  respects  both .  does  this  make  sense ..... no.
sexual  /  romantic  orientation  :  pansexual  ,  panromantic.
occupation  :  self - employed  ,  ig ?  she  takes  odd  jobs  wherever  possible  ,  and  the  $$  is  always  under  the  table   :  house / pet / baby sittin’  ,  deliveries  ,  written  papers  /  tutoring  ,  even  ...  dare  i  say  it  ...  gambling.  
education  :  scholarship  student  at  cape  coral  international  school.
major  :  archaeology. 
biography . 
*    tw  :  parental  /  family  death  ,  murder  ,  gang  activity  ,  &  nae’s  obsession  with  rlly  bad  tragic  backstories .
the  unfortunate  beginning  to  this  story  is  this  :  a  girl  understands  death  before  she  understands  life  ;  a  sad truth  ,  a  lost  mother  on  the  birthing  bed  as  they  try  reviving the  infant  &  succeed  ,  a  broken  family  from  day  one  ━  she’s  born  novi  ovard  ,  with  a  head  of  thick  raven  hair  &  a  set  of  lungs  you  can  hear  three  floors  down  ,  but  healthy ,  alive  ;   her  mother  meets  a  much  more  grim  fate  that  very  hour  ,  and  it’s  almost  as  if  she  carries  that  misfortune  as  a  stain  for  the  remainder  of  her  childhood  ,  because  if  she  wasn’t  here  ,  maybe  her  mother  would  have  been . 
her  father  is  a  stern  man  ,  strict  &  abrasive  ;  he  loves  his  daughter  though  ,  that  is  crystal .  nora  grows  up  wanting  little  ,  and  some  could  say  that  is  her  father’s  way  of  over - compensating  for  the  lack  of  maternal  parent  in  the  household  and  the  way  he  works  long  hours  at  the  police  department .  he  remarries  when  nora  is  twelve  ,  to  a  woman  with  a  couple  of  daughters  &  a  son .  it’s  not  a  bad  thing  ,  no  evil  step - mother  or  new  step - siblings  horror  stories  ;  nora  likes  the  feel  of  a  feminine  presence  ,  likes  having  siblings  to  confide  in .  most  importantly  ,  she  sees  her  father  smile  for  the  first  time  in  years  ,  and  that’s  more  than  enough .  it’s  a  family  ,  not  entirely  by  blood  ,  but  it  feels  just  as  close  ;  like  pieces  that  finally  form  a  whole .    
FAMILY  OF  FIVE  FOUND  MURDERED  IN  LONG  BEACH  SUBURBAN  HOME  :  nora  comes  home  from  a  night  out  with  friends  to  find  strange  men  in  her  house  &  bloody  stains  on  the  carpet .  they  don’t  see  her  ,  if  they  had  perhaps  she  wouldn’t  be  breathing  right  now  ,  but  she  see’s  them  and  that’s  just  as  bad  ━  the  lights  flash  bright  red  &  blue  as  the  cops  ask  for  a  recount  of  the  events  that  occurred  ,  but  she  can  only  describe  faces  and  remember  a  few  names  shouted  as  the  culprits  ran  from  the  crime  scene .  they  presume  it’s  connected  to  the  L.A  mafia  ,  looking  for  justice  from  a  cop  that  did  them  dirty  a  few  years  back  ,  but  there’s  not  enough  evidence  yet  &  they  say  her  safety  is  at  risk  now  .  so  ,  they  offer  her  protection  ,  say  it’s  for  the  best  if  she  leaves  her  california  life  behind  ,  leave  everything  behind  and  start  anew .  
portland  is  a  big  city  ,  not  entirely  ideal  but  it’ll  do  for  now .  she  leaves  california  as  novi  ovard  ,  and  is  reborn  as  jessica  delaunchy  in  maine   ━   no one  remembers  a  jessica  delaunchy   ,  or  at  least  ,  no one  truly  knows  who  she  is .  she  lives  with  her  aunt  ,  no   ;  her  parents  work  overseas  so  she  lives  alone .  she’s  from  somewhere  in  west  virginia  ,  except  she  doesn’t  sound  like  it  ,  so  maybe  it  was  oregon  ?  apparently  she  got  expelled  from  her  last  school  for  setting  fire  to  the  gym  ,  or  was  it  trashing  the  headmaster’s  coupé  ?  in  truth  ,  not  much  truth  is  known  about  jessica  delaunchy .  she’s  only  at  cape  coral  because  the  thought  of  getting  a  free  ride  to  an  expensive  school  sounded  appealing  ,  and  a  refreshing  change  from  a  life  of  constant  camouflage  ;  she  only  joins  track  ,  because  everyone  hates  track .  she  only  joins  the  latin  club  because  who  really  has  the  patience  for  it  ?  jessica  blends  in  ,  jessica  is  just  jessica  ━  an  enigma  ,  hell  in  heelys  ,  possible  undercover  secret  agent  (  ?  )  and  a  heck  of  a  lot  of  fun  to  have  by  your  side  on  friday  nights .  
other  tid  bits .
phew  ,  where  do  i  begin  .  .  .  in  general  she’s  a  pretty  fun  gal  !  knows  how  to  let  loose  &  have  a  good  time .  we’re  here  for  a  fun  time  ,  not  a  long  time  ,  homeboys .  
this  is  also  her  downfall  because  she  will  literally  do  ANYTHING  to  have  fun  ━ jump  from  a  moving  car ?  sounds  cool .  jump  into  a  tank  full  of  piranhas ?  best  idea  she’s  ever  had  ,  get  the  camera  ,  tony .
does  NOT  understand  boundaries !!  at  all  !!  she’s  not  sorry !!
bit  of  a  compulsive  liar  too  tho  ??  she’s  one  of  those  people  that  you  never  rlly  know  if  they’re  telling  you  the  truth  or  just  mucking  around  ,  which  she  is  like  99 %  of  the  time  ,  and  no  -  matter  how  much  you  pester  her  ,  she  will  just  come  up  with  more  extravagant  ways  to  deter  you  from  the  truth  because  she  has  some  sort  of  .  .  .  allergy  to  sincerity  ,  ig .  
for  ex  .  don’t  ask  abt  her  family  unless  you  want  a  5  hr  presentation  on  how  she’s  related  to  the  lost  romanov  family  &  was  disowned  because  they  were  too  intimidated  by  her  big  dick  energy .  
really  in  denial  ??  over  everything  that  happened  ??  she’s  been  ignoring  the  truth  for  years  &  tries  not  to  let  her  thoughts  wander  too  close  to  family .  which  is  # yike !  
as  much  as  the  portrays  this  too  cool  for  school  persona  ,  she  actually  enjoys  it !  she’s  v  smart  &  studious  ,  loves  history  ,  philosophy  ,  literature   ,  loves it .
a  complete  DORK .
rlly  bad  attention  span  tho  &  one  of  those  annoying  ppl  that  waits  until  a  person  finishes  talking  and  says  ‘  u  say  smthin ?  ’
lives  on  her  own  w/  her  cat  larry  ,  who  she  uses  as  a  judge  of  character  but  he  hates  everyone  so  its  ....  useless  ,  but  one  day  this  asshole  is  gonna  like  someone  and  she’s  gonna  be  STUNNED .
has  a  big  heart  ....  somewhere .  she  just  forgets  she’s  supposed  to  have  one  sometimes  dfkjlhhfdhg 
will  always  do  the  unconventional  way  of  doing  things  because  she  hates  following  the  norm  or  being  labelled  as  a  stereotype !! def  one  of  those  ‘  i  liked  it  before  it  was  COOL  ’  bitter  ppl  too. 
i  think  that’s  iT ?? I  THINK .
wanted connections .
*    find  her  wc  page  here !  if  nothing  floats  ur  goat  tho  ,  pls  hmu  &  we  can  figure something  out !  (  either  here  or  on  d*scord  :  i’m stu pedasso #7836  )
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slcters · 4 years
 「 avan jogia. cismale. he/him. 」i hope that #lexsquad member「 SLATER MALIH SAVALIA 」adds me to the squad ! the 「 TWENTY THREE 」year old 「 LAW 」 major has been apart of the squad since 「 OCTOBER 2018」and seems to be the 「 DELPHIC 」of the group.「 SLATER」is a「 SENIOR」 and seems to enjoy 「 WRITING & PLAYING MUSIC 」but you can always find them at a squad party , too !
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Anyways lemme give you some info about my man and try to keep it as short ( I lied ) as possible I’ll have some wanted connections at the end so hit me up to plot cause I live for that :) 
NAME: SLATER MALIH SAVALIA AGE: 23 MAJOR: PRE- LAW SENIOR @ LEX POSITION: A DADDY HOBBIES: givin 0 Fucks, living life to the full, writing, being an PI on his dad, spiting his family n causing problems as a FUCK U. BORN: LONDON, ENGLAND. SEXUALITY: A truE WILD BISEXUAL :”)
So Slater was born in London, England however when he was younger he moved around a lot with his parents until they settled in LA. Mainly for his dads business and his mum had previously lived there too.
His mum was a travel writer which explains why they traveled a lot, his father runs a few escort agencies + brothels ( nevada only we do it legal here )  and also started up his own pornographic production company / film studio in LA. it would probably now be one of the biggest in the world.  ( think vivid entertainment meets brazzers ) u know FILTHY RICH SHIT.
Both his parents were obviously away quite a lot, his dad ran so many businesses and hmm was hands-on lets say but the household was pretty calm when he was fairly young. his mum was super attentive and loving and just such an amazing role model and always wanted to take him with her to show him the world when she had to leave. i think he definitely was a mummas boy.
at about 8/9 however would’ve been when things kind of came crashing down for him. he really caught his dad cheating on his mum w/ one of the porn stars he hired from the studio. His dad would’ve really asked him NOT to tell him mum because it would break their family up. obviously, slater was like terrified of the chance of losing his family so he just pretended nothing ever happened.
he was so conflicted because he was keeping this huge secret and he had so much guilt but he didn’t wanna be the one to ruin things. Like his dad basically used him as a cover like expecting him to lie for him for a long time. it would’ve really eaten away at him. like it would’ve not been a one-time thing, but slater was in denial for sure.
i think one day slater would’ve slipped up in one of his lies for his dad and his mum ended up fighting out what happened and it was such a mess. it would've led to their divorce and god that was.. SOO messy. they defs didnt have a prenup and like the custody.
I think lowkey he was miserable being with his dad, he had so much resentment and sadness there. he would’ve been okay being with his mum the whole time.
His dad was really the type of parent that would use his kids against each his ex wife like they would use slater to pass on messages and being like no u can’t have him for that day etc etc And not taken slater into consideration.
his dad though really tried his absolute best to bring his mum down which was sooo sad to see, like watching her get put through the ringer by his dad and she just became a bit of a shell of who she was, because he obviously had more than enough money to do it and didn’t want her to see a dime of it even tho he.. RLLY BE LIVING THE HIGH LIFE.
slater would’ve just been back and forth between them both up until he was about 15 when his mum, unfortunately, passed away due to drugs. which was SO UNEXPECTED.  i think there was definitely a lot more to it, like she definitely was self-medicating to help go through the still pending divorce. which would’ve lasted years. 
anyways losing his mum devastated slater because truly she was like a best friend to him, she was. he always enjoyed the weeks at his mums more than his dad and now he knew he’d be stuck there.
he fights a lot with his dad still about everything that happened and what he did, he blames him for it and putting a LITERAL KID in the middle.
anyways though since the separation his dad had like a myriad of “ girlfriends” around who were probably all young enough to be like a step sibling tbh. he never took to any of them until his stepmom. who shockingly he actually really likes. shes one thing keeping his family together atm.
 Anyways as you can imagine slaters dads business was huge and his dad is truly raking in the money but slater has always felt uncomfortable spending or even benefiting off it which is why he’s extremely secretive considering he knows where it comes from and he doesn’t exactly support his dad let alone he doesn’t want to have to explain that to people and get them looking into his family.
his father has really tried and put up this front though as if he’s a huge family man now and is conservative and super religious and smh that pissed off slater to the max. he’s like that dont make no fucking sense..
 when he high school hit though they were going to country clubs all that shit slater hated basically. he truly didn’t mind acting out just to spite his dad knowing hey your a family man what are you gonna do about it??
this drove his dad so crazy and only meant more rules were put on him, it was about the only attention his dad gave him.
when hey fight though its really wild, you know slater throws it in his dads face basically just some fucking pimp and exploits people and he’s never gonna do that and he’d rather have nothing than follow in his footsteps
i think his dad has been fined multiple times for some shady shit going on in his businesses. plus its been common knowledge in the depths of the industry they heavily provide them w/ alcohol drugs etc. probably has had an issue with the treatment of the people hes hired. lawsuits.  there's more under the surface that even slater doesnt know.
there would’ve been a bit of a scandal where his dad employed one of his dumbass country club friends daughters aka someone even slater knew to star in one of his adult films
 but regardless like he knew he really was fortunate he lived an extremely privileged life, like he would be set for life, could sit do nothing and its good. he just never had a huge interest in it unlike his father who really always said that he would take over everything someday and it would turn into a huge family business. and he was like yikes someone come tell him.. no thanks. 
 His dad and him definitely had a rocky relationship after his moms death, he  didn’t parent very much and just left his stepmom in so many uncomfortable situations but honestly
 He saw her more as a friend though then a mum but she was the best parental figure he’s ever even had. She’d genuinely try so hard to make sure his dad was acting like one like telling him he’s going to his sons gigs or else even though slater knew his dad would come for 2 seconds to appease his wife then leave.
But growing up he’s always been super careful of who’s around him and who he lets into his life probably as a result of how secretive his family has always instilled in him to be.
 Like his dad keeps saying we’re family we come first, and he never wanted slater to be sharing that with people about what they did.
 But he has such a resentment to his dad, like he thinks he’s a mess he has a wife he doesn’t give a fuck about a son he doesn’t see, he does god knows what he just is so convinced he can’t turn out like him ever. 
I think people genuinely think he must not come from money because the amount of people who have ever met his parents or seen his house is a handful if that. 
Like he’s always hanging out at other people’s places and just he’s never been really extravagant unless its to purposely spite his dad yikes. that comes from anger.
Like he really got himself a job even though his dad said he could come work for him just cause he was like yeah I don’t want to run ur dumb company and make money off it u pos? 
His dad has definitely been investigated a few times for shady practices. slater definitely started looking into law for that reason, like he genuinely thought he wants to actually be able to put guys who screw the system and own huge corporations and think they can pay outta anything in jail.
meanwhile his dad thought great a lawyer who can defend our family business smh so he supports him He has no clue slater would rather take him down.
hes on the dl investigating his dad himself. who wanna help.
losing his mom AND one his best friends showed him that he needs to really do everything he wants to and in that moment which does make him selfish at times 
i think he has abandonment issues, i think like when  his best friend who was kinda the reason he came to lex, happened to pass away also triggered that again ( TBD WHY im leaving this open for plots ) and that really shook him all over.
he really almost feels cursed at this stage.
he was pretty sheltered tbh because his dad wasn’t trusting AT ALL and at first was homeschooled until High school so he didn’t exactly grow up outgoing or being able to have many people at his place or tell them about his life.
i think theres not many people who know he’s related to his dad business, even tho his dad business iS HUGE and legit is his last name. and hes like yeah ha coincidence right??? not my dad at all.
He’s super fucking blunt though like he may be secretive with his personal life but his ass does not hold back which has gotten him into way too many problems. 
He just feels like he grew up lying about so much, his dad was like we don't want people taking advantage of you if they find out who you are and use things against me.
 he hated that and all the secrets about his dad he kept so don’t expect him to hold back on feelings or thoughts back at all 
LOVES to spite and piss his dad off even if that means 30+ students at his dads place during a business meeting lets do it.
He acts a lot without thinking like he sucks at planning anything and a lot of time he seems a little flighty and that he doesn’t take things serious enough esp his relationships
.He’d really go above and beyond though for anyone who’s proven to him that they can be trusted like he’s been known to be all in he either gives it everything or nothing so he goes extravagant
will try everything once.
wild child tm.
 his ass was kinda like living it up. he’s like on the brink of i dont want to just use my dads money but he’s like if i am though i wanna use it to actually do something decent, like get a law degree and be something, travel like his mum did. hes obsessed with the thought of like following in her footsteps BUT HE. NEVER ADMITS IT.
feelings who are u?
 He’s definitely a realist and a little bit cynical too, like he’s seen way too much shit to really have some ideal look on life. 
He doesn’t believe in some fairytale or things just happen for a reason or really in fate or anything like that. 
Like he doesn’t think love fixes everything and someone can be your happiness at all . hes like clearly its only problems so.
He’s only ever really had one serious relationship and a bunch of other casual things but that was just nothing to him
 He’s not closed off to them but he picks and chooses what he gives, but he’s just doubtful how someone’s gonna mix well into his life 
He definitely seems aloof and a bit cold but I mean after a drink and 5 minutes he’ll be picking your brain on just about anything 
loves writing in general, usually lyrics and music though.
secretly Loves a good midnight dnm overlooking the water with a trusted friend
 Awesome at getting himself out of situations he can be pretty convincing lbr
lowkey has abandonment issues. 
connections: donnt say im trash i know.
extra drama - his STEP sibling. aka child of his step mom. 
his best friends sibling, aka the one who passed away :”(
someone whose mum dated his dad WILD.
A TABOO FLING OR CRUSH, basically he got with someone he shouldn’t of, we can decide reasons HOWEVER I’D LOVE if the other chara was the ex of his friend who passed away. HED FEEL LIKE SHIT for having feelings. the angst. and the we cant do this its wrong.
I mean... someone who actually WORKS FOR HIS DAD. i would die, could be an escort, a sex worker, someone who is signed to his dads production company, can be a pornstar or more like a cam star too.
someone who is a huge tease and rlly makes his ass beg to be with them. make him work for it honey.
ooo a really GOOOOD friend and they’ve always been “ platonic” but theres this weird sexual tension and they both know it, but like ooo it could risk the frienndship n makee it weird and like ugh.
like someone whose parents hates them hanging around w/ slater bc of his family, maybe bc they ran in the same circles from back home but they just.. cant stay away from each other.
someone hes kinda dated but they realised we’d be better off as friends even tho weve seenn each other naked, it was fun.
One of the people from back home that found out all about his entire family when the scandal was exposed. They could’ve been friends or enemies.
AN ex!! pls he defs has broken some hearts or THE ONE WHO BROKE HIS :) IF U DO THIS U WILL GET SO MUCH LOVE
An enemy Maybe someone against his family or someone he just can’t stand!
THE damn girl his fucking dad tried to employ to be in his damn movie! My ass would do wild shit for this one wild WILD SHIT.
unrequited love, someone's heart he broke without even realising it
A confidant someone he can really confide in tell-all his dumbass shit too, like his protective ass would really care for this person
Someone who’s into music as much as him pLS!! like someone who can just jam with him late nights
He needs that dnm kinda friend 😂
A fwb that’s self explanatory:)
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5 gifts peter got for mj and 1 she gave him
im still alive bishes haha. am i really just choosing to participate in a different prompt that i barely have anything planned out for instead of finishing the one i was late in following up on? yes i am. prep urselves for some gift giving spideychelle to develop their relationship pre-ffh hehe
after hoco and peter starts to gain a work spidey life balance, he finally starts to notice that mj apparently... cares... about... him???
it wasn't obvious at first, hidden under a layer of deadpan sarcasm and witty comebacks, but the interest seemed to be there
which was why every time peter would miss a meeting, he'd actually feel bad this time because he really did want to be there this time
he'd feel terrible every time mj would ask him where he was, why he didn't show up. she was hoping he'd show and he let her down.
the first couple of times it happens, mj's understanding enough.
but it happens a couple of times too often and back to back and something snaps
you see, peter and mj have developed a bit of a rapport over the couple of months after hoco.
peter finds out mj likes coffee and tea, she read a stephen king book one time, he noticed, and they talked basically all week about king (and some of the issues surrounding him, his work, and their adaptations ofc)
soon enough their talks extend beyond school and they start meeting up in the library, at their places, at coffee shops, pizza places, an arcade one time where mj managed to beat peter at air hockey. her lil energetic whoop and almost doing a victory dance (before realizing she was in public) was worth losing for.
but admittedly, peter was just a tinge bit stressed and overextended and he unfortunately let his time with mj fall by the wayside.
he'd accidentally left her at seen for days after he completely forgot she sent him a message. she called, he answered, a robber was currently running away from some cops, he hung up on her...
suffice it to say, peter became a bit of a bad friend and he completely understood why mj reverted back to their previous relationship, he did it first
which was why peter decided enough was enough
mj has been a great friend to him, a true one, and an underappreciated one at that
which was why he decided he'd spend as much time, effort, and thoughtful gestures necessary trying to make it up to her
problem was, they were currently on clipped one word reply speaking terms right now. mj barely looked at him, she went back to sitting all the way to the other side of the farthest table during lunch again...
he needed a way in
so he went back to basics, the next day, he knew mj had a 7 am class so peter went to school at 7 am too, just to give mj some much needed caffeine
trouble was, was that mj was running late and when he gave the coffee, she left just as quick as she came
she said a quick "thanks, parker" and swoosh she sprinted to class
and peter was left there with 3 hours to spare til his next class. oh well, at least the effort made her do that quick lil toothy smirk
his efforts would work eventually won't it?
but if an omniscient narrator were watching him for the following days, they probably would have said no, no they wouldn't
one of those days, peter brought a thermos of tea only to find that mj had brought her own
"great, i thought the point of these gifts were to make things less awkward between us" peter thought to himself as he winds up walking away in slight shame from the awkward interaction
he winds up sharing the thermos with ned instead, who promptly responded "wow i get your secondhand gifts, you sure know how to make a guy feel special, peter"
"shut up, ned, do you want some or not?"
"no, come on, give it to me. free drinks are free drinks even if it's essentially just warm leaf juice. besides, i heard this helps with a sore throat."
"well, at least someone's happy with my gift"
they clink their cups together and peter begins brainstorming his next probably bound to fail gift idea
as he was walking home from school that day, and saw mj heading to the library, said idea lights up in his head in the form of bookmarks
those were cute right? and mj would probably use em all the time cus she reads so much and she reads multiple books at a time, so she'd probably use multiple bookmarks as well, right?
bookmarks it was, peter decided
he thought he'd print a bunch of personalized ones. ones that were photos of them, had quotes from significant historical female figures, and of course science puns
he knew mj didn't appreciate them as much as he did, but a part of him thought she'd like them nevertheless and would think of him when she'd use them
peter knew this gift giving crusade would be... heavy on his wallet, but as he stared at the price for laminating a couple of personalized bookmarks. he concluded lamination was a scam and believed mj would be careful enough with her books, and consequently, her bookmarks, to not need some flimsy piece of plastic to protect it
so peter opted for some folders and cardboard to make said bookmarks instead
it's only later after he got tossed into a sewer by a dude in a mechanized rhinoceros suit that he learned a valuable lesson: always laminate bookmarks
ok he was kidding (lamination was still a scam and bad for the environment and you couldnt write on the things after you laminate em)
but really tho, he did learn something. he realized he hasn't had the best of luck keeping his gifts intact in time to give said gifts to mj
so he decided to employ reinforcements
once peter's saved enough money to buy his next gift (a sketch notebook that he saw at a cutesy old crafts store), he decides that he should take ned with him when he buys it and that ned should just give it to mj instead
(better safe than sorry)
but peter still wanted mj to know the gift was from him tho, so he decided to write a letter and insert it within the notebook.
so he writes, or more like incoherently rambles and apologizes really
but peter thinks he got to the crux of the importance their relationship had to him and really, he just wanted to make things up to mj
that's what mattered
here's the thing tho, halfway thru writing said letter, he realized that having ned give it to her was kind of a cop out.
not to mention, not giving it personally but writing this long ass sort of confessional letter?
pfftt peter liked to think he was better than that
talk about sending mixed messages
so peter decided that he would still have ned keep the notebook and the letter, right up until the point that he was going to give the gifts to her.
and finally, peter parker, in this whole gift giving crusade, is finally given a fucking break.
at lunch time, the three of them are now all sitting at the same table
(peter and mj's relationship have mostly improved in the time it took him trying to give all those gifts, but he still felt guilty and he still wanted to show his appreciation for her)
ned "slyly" (mj saw it, how sly could he have been?) passes peter the notebook under the table
and peter braces himself
"i can do this" he repeatedly quietly mutters to himself until he finally approaches
"hey, mj"
"greetings, parker" casually replies mj without so much as looking up from her book
"i uh... got you something"
"is it something ned gave you?"
"cause if it is, he can give it to me himself, you know" says mj in a semi shout to ned as well (ned looks at peter with a facial expression that said dude wtff?? how did i get in the middle of this???)
"what? no no no this isn't from ned. i bought you this."
"so why did ned have it?" says mj in her cool suave investigator mj interrogatory tone
peter had officially maybe five? six? seconds to decide whether to share his embarrassing tales of failed gift giving woes to mj or to make up something on the spot
screw it, embarrassing failed gifts it was instead. truth shall set you free and all that, right? plus maybe it'd help him practice for when he tells her his biggest secret
peter sighs in defeat and tells mj in an almost quiet mumble "all my other gifts were destroyed when i kept them so i decided to have ned keep them instead"
"i'm sorry what?"
"it's just that the last time i tried to get you a gift, it just wound up getting ruined so i thought i'd just have ned hold onto it until it was time to give it to you."
peter can barely look mj in the eyes, the cafeteria just seems so interesting all of a sudden.
that made peter look back at mj cus she seemed... shocked?
mj is.... shocked????
"soo... you bought that... for me?"
and god forsake peter parker because mj just gave him the cutest shyest little happy smile that he never knew she was capable of having.
"yeah yeah i did" and peter finally gets to give mj his gift/s (im counting the letter as the 5th gift cus im lazy af hahaha) and all the other trials and errors and failed gift attempts completely made the end result worth it
until ofc mj opens the damn thing and finds said letter that peter had completely forgotten at the moment was there
"what's this??" mj asks in an overly sarcastic teasing tone that kinda makes peter want to die
as mj opens the letter right there during lunch in the school cafeteria, peter suddenly lunges to block said letter's contents from mj's sight
"petet what the hell are you doing?" asks mj with the sweetest laughter that peter would totally googoo eyes about at any other moment had he not been focused on trying (and obviously failing) to keep his dignity intact
"uhhh can i ask that you just read that some other time, mj? and uh not right here, right now, in the cafeteria? it's just really embarrassing" peter shyly requests of mj, scratching his neck and looking at everything in the cafeteria but her
to that, mj simply has a sympathetic look on her face in reply
"sure, peter" says mj with a reassuring smile
and with that, peter breathes a big sigh of relief and finally lets go of his feelings letter for mj
mj closes the notebook up, keeping the letter safe inside it in the process, and secures the notebook safe inside her bag inmediately
suffice it to say, for mj, that notebook is precious cargo and she shall treasure it as much as she is capable of treasuring something
because peter parker felt guilty over not getting to spend time with her as much as they did and kind of pushing her to the sidelines and so it was just a genuine thoughtful gesture that showed peter valued their friendship/relationship as much as she valued it
but speaking of said cargo...
"hey peter"
peter had gone back to his seat right next to ned
"sooo what was the other gift you tried to give me?" asks mj, getting back to their playful teasing banter ways
mj's question sends peter facepalming himself with the table
"don't think i've forgotten about that, i'm probably not going to stop investigating til i find out so might as well just spill the truth, parker"
peter stops his repetitive headbanging onto the table and sighs
"fine, mj"
and peter goes on to explain his bookmarks idea beginning all the way from the thermos incident
the three of them spend the rest of their lunch looking at the photos peter was going to use for the bookmarks, fondly recalling memories upon looking back at the some of the photos and laughing at all the corny science puns peter had planned on using as well
things were finally back to normal, if not better than ever.
time for some cliche corny af happy end quote ending about how their friendship and the memories they shared together was the real gifts they had buuuttt i did mention mj would be giving peter a gift didnt i? soooo mj pov epiloooggguuueeeee
here's the thing, mj had an inkling peter parker was trying to attempt something
he was at school at the same time as her crack of dawn class and gave her some much needed caffeine
he tried to share his thermos of tea with her
it seemed like peter was trying to make amends and it really was sweet and thoughtful so ofc lil by lil she began to soften back
but as mj was printing the bookmarks peter had planned to give her
mj requisitioned the idea for herself since they actually were good ideas if she's being honest
tho she would never tell peter that, ESPECIALLY the science puns one
she'd reserve those for only when she's at home, the least likely place peter could ever see her use that
ok so back to- as mj was printing said bookmarks, she began to appreciate peter's thoughtfulness
and it is totally not because of any feelings said gifts and gift attempts gave her
but right now, as she had finished printing bookmarks and got nostalgic and reread the letter of peter confessing to her how much their relationship meant to him again, she suddenly had the unscratchable itch of needing to sketch peter
and a balancing of the scales gift idea was born
because you see, rn, peter had the upper hand in terms of the morality of their friendship and mj couldnt have that nooo
mj was sketching a screen cap of a video she took of the class while they were waiting for a professor and peter gave her that impossibly adorkable smile
Tumblr media
because she HAD TO
she couldnt let peter hog all the gift giving glory
she didnt do it because of feelings or whatever ppfftt
this was just to balance the scales, mkayyyy???
or at least that's what mj told herself once she's finished her sketch and proceeded to look for all her old ones of peter
just to even things out
and that's exactly what mj told him as she shoved said sketches that were currently inside a plastic envelope onto peter's hands
(1. less likely for them to be ruined that way. 2. she was not going to have those sketches out in the open for everyone to plainly see wtf)
"this is just to make things even between us, no need to make a big deal about it"
peter was in awe for a while, his jaw slightly dropped, but he smiles in adoration of the girl of his dreams and gives a genuine "thank you, mj"
"you're welcome, peter."
mj even smiles a little before the bell rings and she hightails out of there
mj lightly sprints away, still slightly in shock and unsure of what she just did and what just happened
while peter is left looking at mj's direction fondly and looking back at her gift for him
and as he peeked inside the envelope to see its contents and saw all those sketches of him
peter felt like he truly didn't deserve someone like mj
and he felt like all the gifts in the world he could think of and muster up wouldn't be able to make up for that fact
holy fucking shit i cant believe i actually finished one of these things again. it's like pulling fucking fingernails and teeth at the same time, i tell you
but honestly i'm just really really happy i finished it and it's so pure and fluffy imo and nothing im just. i love these two sm.
this fic was supposed to be for 5+1 things day but since they're also a bunch of headcanons i like to think i'm just posting these in advance for headcanons day tomorrow hahahaha
and i have a couple of fics left in me so whew keep a lookout for those if they decide to come hahaha
all hail spideychelle everybody. i'll be back i dunno haha
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Modern ATLA AU Ideas
Okay, so, it kinda feels like most modern ATLA AUs are like: no bending! lol. And I'm just like: B-but that's the best part of the show?? ;w; I mean, people are allowed to write their fanfics how they want. But it does kinda suck when all I can find are fics where it's supposedly based on ATLA's world, but it's pretty much just ATLA characters transplanted into a modern, real life setting. Like, I don't wanna read about the Gaangs adventures of being boring normal humans in New York, or Japan, or China or wherever the fuck. I want the Gaang shitposting on social media, taking selfies while Zuko throws fireballs at them. Although, as someone with a lot of very niche interests, I've already accepted the fact that if I want something, I'm gonna have to do/make it. *cracks fingers* So here are my ideas for a modern Avatar AU.
-First thing, I know that most people tend to assume that with modernization, that would lead to a rise in machinery and a fall in use of bending. Personally, I disagree with this notion. Why? It's simple. Humans invented machines to do things they could not do themselves, or at least couldn't easily do themselves. We made complicated contraptions using pulleys and levers because we could not move rocks with our minds. In real life, people had to depend purely on what their own bodies could achieve, in Avatar, people actually can manipulate the elements to their will. So why go through all the trouble of inventing some convoluted, complicated machinery(that may not even work!) to lift a whole bunch of stone and earth, when you can just ask a few earthbenders to do it? Also, it gives the earthbenders something to do, so they don't take that energy and do something destructive. All this is just a fancy way of saying that, anything that can be done with bending, is.
-Irrigation, sewage systems, and all general water delivery systems are powered by waterbending.
-Most fire fighters are firebenders. Why? Firebenders can literally control fire. It's not hard for them to put out flames. Although, there are airbending fire fighters who use their bending to thin the air around fires, earthbenders who smother the fires with rocks, and waterbenders who douse the flames using waterbending.
-Rather than having hoses that attach to fire hydrants, the things serve as markers for where reservoirs of water can be accessed for waterbenders to use in cases of emergency.
-Hospitals employ various benders and non-benders. Non-benders find themselves being used in many different aspects of the medical field, but benders are often used for their particular talents. Water healers work both as first responders and in the hospitals themselves, usually to help the most delicate cases, but also to quickly treat minor issues. Firebenders are also surprisingly useful in the medical field, not only for their ability to cauterize severe bleeding, but also their ability to treat hypothermia victims, and even simply heating up blankets to keep patients warm. Airbenders not only help with CPR, but also act as a very calming presence for people in the hospital.
-Speaking of hospitals, on the other side of the coin, hospitals are often separated into different sections. One for non-benders, and one for each bending type. Simply put, not only do different benders have different needs, but also bring different complications to the table. For example, it's good to have plenty of water and fire-resistant material around when treating a firebender, but not so much when treating a waterbender. And spirits help you if a bender is giving birth. lol
-Schools not only have the standard curriculum, but also specialized classes specifically for bending students. And bending class starts from the first school years. Bending is dangerous, gotta learn 'em young!
-Most people get around by using vehicles like cars, but there are still plenty of people who use animal mounts. In fact, there are special places for "parking" said mounts. Like doggy daycare, but for ridable animals. Paid places even feed and pamper your animals, but it's a bit expensive.
-Benders are often included in natural disaster response teams. Waterbenders will band together to help with floods, or tsunamis. If advanced warning is available, they will use their powers to divert or block the water flow. Earthbenders will band together to rescue people from rubble and help repair infrastructure. Firebenders will either preform controlled burns to prevent wildfires, or control the flames of existing wildfires and when they get small enough, extinguish them. Airbenders use their powers to stop or divert storms and tornadoes.
-Airbenders will often come to the rescue of people(or animals) stuck in high places, or suicidal people looking to jump. Earth and waterbenders also make efforts to help people or animals that need rescuing. Firebenders team up with waterbenders to help people trapped in avalanches or stuck in cold climates. The waterbenders free them, and the firebenders use their bending to warm them from the core outward.
-Obviously there's also a lot of benders that just do dumb shit on twitter, instagram or youtube for views.
-Remember Ba Sing Se and Omashu? Mail and train systems powered by earthbending. And instead of a drone bringing you your package from some online retailer, it's an airbender.
-Airbender Uber and Postmates tho. Like, just using an app and a flying person swoops down, picks you up and jets off to where your trying to go.
-Obviously spirits and the Avatar are still very much a thing. But the Avatar is considered more of a spiritual leader than a political one. In fact, most of the political system is run by non-benders. The main exceptions being the nation's leaders who are often benders. The Avatar's role is mostly delegated to offering wisdom, peace-keeping, spiritual matters, natural disaster recovery/prevention, and apocalyptic threats. Any major political meeting will include the Avatar though.
-Airplanes that are powered by airbending. A lot of very powerful airbending.
-Highly trained and specialized firebenders use lighting generation to power cities(Yes, I got this one from Korra).
-A LOT of earthbenders in construction.
-Bending careers often involve going through years of specialized training in a bender's particular skill. However, the work is rewarding and pays well.
That's pretty much all I can think of for now. :P Any one that likes these ideas are free to take them! <3
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noblessemalade · 4 years
Clarence Elaborate Character Profile
[in process]
Part One: The Basics
1. What is his name? Clarence Jules Grey
2. Does he have any nicknames? If so, who gave them to him and why? [to be added]
3. How old is he now? 20 years old
4. When was he born? on the 25th of July 1867 at 11:07 am
5. Where does he call home now? a small lofting in the middle of London
6. To what social class does he belong? high society
7. What is his eye color? a grey-ish light blue
8. What is his hair color? very light blonde
9. Does he have any distinguishing facial features? [to be added]
10. Does he have any birthmarks? Where are they? [to be added]
11. Does he have any scars? How did he get them? [to be added]
12. Does he have any tattoos or other markings? How and why did he get them? none
13. Does he have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? asthma, [to be added]
14. Is he right or left handed? right handed
15. What does his voice sound like? incredibly soft and smooth, basically dripping with honey voice claim: [to be added]
16. How does he dress most of the time? in custom-tailored suits mostly, but leisure clothes from time to time. Always very well put together
17. How does he dress up? has several suits for special occasions but not much different from his day to day attire.
18. How does he dress down? he usually would just throw on an unsuspecting coat with a hood, he dislikes dressing in “poor people clothes”.
19. What does he wear when he goes to sleep? a light linen shirt that falls just above his knees
20. Does he wear any jewelry? not really
21. What words and/or phrases does he use frequently? “Good riddance.” “[to be added]”
22. Does he have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? [to be added]
23. Does he have any bad habits? If so, what are they and how does he plan to get rid of them? he picks on his knuckles when he’s stressed, sometimes to the point of bleeding.
24. Does he have a lifelong dream or aspiration? [to be added]
25. Does he own a car (or other form of transportation)? Why or why not? Describe it. his family employed a personal carriage driver, wether he keeps them is [to be added]
26. What is his current state of mind? relatively relaxed, at the beginning of the story he is in quite an accomplished place in life.
Part Two: Family
27. How close is he to his family? not at all, he has ceased all communication.
28. Does he have a spouse or significant other? Describe them. at the beginning of the story no, later Will
29. Has he started his own family? Describe them if he did. If not, does he want to? Why or why not? he hasn’t but he wants to. Children are off the table tho
30. Who was his Father and what was he like? [Name to be added] is an incredibly powerful man, a power which unfortunately he is quite prone to abuse. No one is ever good enough for him and the safest one is around him, is when he’s ignoring you.
31. Who was his Mother and what was she like? [Name to be added] is a woman left with an infinite amount of bitterness after being forced into a marriage she had no say in. She would project the abuse she received from her husban onto every available target. Having absolutely nothing to do day in and day out she also went on to develop a serious alcohol addiction.
32. Who is he closest to in his  family? his brother
33. Is there someone in his family he wishes he was closer to? his brother again
34. What was his parent’s marriage like? as explained before, quite dysfunctional to say the least.
35. Did they remain married? If not, how did that affect him? When did they split? as much as you can call it a marriage, they did remain together as the laws on divorce were quite insufficient at the time and the process came with a heavy stigma. This caused Clarence to have a rather bleak outlook on marriage.
36. Does he have any siblings? What are/were they like? [Name to be added] is Clarence only older brother. They were very close to each other and helped each other in coping with their parents abuse. Being the heir to the family however, his brother was kept busy with studies from an early age which left Clarence alone most of the time.
37. What is the worst thing one of his siblings ever did to him? [to be added]
38. What’s the worst thing he has ever done to one of his siblings? [to be added]
39. When’s the last time he saw a member of his family? Where are they now? Clarence ran away at the age of 17 and hasn’t seen them since. They still live in the family’s estate outside of London.
40. Did he meet any other family members? (Aunts Uncles, etc) Describe them. [to be added]
Part Three: Friends and Relationships with Others
41. In general, how does he treat other people that he has just met? Appearance is everything. He tends to have a smile and a helping hand for most, although class prejudice does cause him to treat people of the upper class with far more respect.
42. Does his treatment of people change depending on how well he knows them and if so how? He acts more natural around the people he is actually comfortable with.
43. Who is the most important person in his life and why? i mean, himself really
44. Who is the person he respects the most and why? [to be added]
45. Who are his friends? Describe them. [to be added]
46. Does he have a best friend? Describe them. [to be added]
47. Who would he turn to if he was in desperate need of help? [to be added] (prolly arlo tho)
48. Does he trust anyone to protect him? Who and why? [to be added]
49. If he died or went missing, who would miss him? [to be added]
50. Who is the person he despises the most, and why? his father
51. Does he tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? he’s very conflict shy but far more prone to voice his disapproval with people working for him and the one’s he’s closest with
52. Does he tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? he does but when there is someone else assuming leadership, unless it is a personal vendetta, he does not mind stepping aside.
53. Does he like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? Yes, and he likes being the center of attention which his line of work quite often allows him to be.
54. Does he care what others think of him? Immensely. Appearance is everything. That is why he is never fully himself in social situations.
55. What habit do others have that annoy him the most? [to be added]
56. What is the most important quality he looks for in a friend? trust-worthyness, the ability to keep a secret
57. What does he most value in his friends? [to be added]
Part Four: Growing Up (Childhood)
58. Where was he born? in his family’s estate
59. Where did he grow up? see above
60. How would he describe his childhood in general? pretty shit haha. He does have earlier memories with his brother that he is quite fond of, but in general there is not much good to look back on.
61. What is his earliest memory? [to be added]
62. What is his fondest childhood memory? [to be added]
63. What is his worst childhood memory? [to be added]
64. As a child, what did he want to be when he grew up? he always wanted to be a professional actor
65. As a child, what were his favorite activities? coming up with different stories and roleplaying them with his brother
66. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did he display? liveliness and tons of energy in general, a sense of leadership and adventure, a wild imagination
67. As a child, was he popular? Who were his friends, and what were they like? as the second child, he was not very popular among the limited amount of high society members he was allowed to meet. (i might write him an old friend whom he meets again in his potential uni years)
68. As a child, what was his favorite toy? [to be added]
69. As a child, what was his favorite game to play? roleplaying
Part Five: Growing Up (Teen/Young Adult)
70. How much schooling has he had? he was homeschooled and enjoyed a quite extensive curriculum although it should be mentioned that his brothers education always came before his.
71. Did he enjoy school? He did enjoy learning, especially about history, but he always preferred playtime and did from time to time move his brother to skip classes and run off together which in turn earned him a “lecture” with his father.
72. Where did he learn most of his skills and other abilities? I suppose he learned the most from his teachers
73. While growing up, did he have any role models other than his parents? Describe them. [to be added]
74. While growing up, how did he get along with the other members of his family? With his parents not at all, with his brother very much although they did have a bit of a falling out when the older was forced to take his studies more and more serious.
75. How old was he when he went on his first date? Describe the date. [to be added]
76. What is his favorite memory from his teen years? [to be added]
77. What is his worst memory from his teen years? [to be added] (maybe the thing that ultimately caused him to run away)
78. When and with whom was his first kiss? [to be added]
79. Is he a virgin? If not, when and with whom did he lose his virginity? [to be added] (probably not)
80. Describe any influences in his past that led him to do the things he does today. [to be added]
Part Six: Past Influences
81. What does he consider the most important even of his life so far? [to be added]
82. Who has had the most influence on him? [to be added]
83. What does he consider his greatest achievement? becoming an official castmember in the theater he works at and going on to earn several leading roles.
84. What is his greatest regret? [to be added]
85. What is the most evil thing he has ever done? [to be added]
86. Does he have a criminal record of any kind? [to be added]
87. When was the time he was the most frightened? [to be added]
88. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him? [to be added]
89. If he could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? [to be added]
90. What is his best memory? [to be added]
91. What is his worst memory? [to be added]
92. When and where was he the happiest? [to be added]
Part Seven: Beliefs and Opinions
93. Is he optimistic or pessimistic? despite everything, he is optimistic
94. What is his greatest fear? probably having his sexuality found out. But he also fears meeting his father again.
95. Has he told any one his fear before? Only those who share it.
96. Who would be the one person he’d never tell his fear? For good reason, most people, but the most definitely his father
97. What are his religious views? he is agnostic
98. What are his political views? [to be added]
99. What are his views on sex? i think he likes having sex but does not view it as a necessity at all.
100. Is he able to kill? yes, although he’s not usually likely to be the one to get his hands dirty.
101. Under what circumstances does he find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? only if they pose an immediate threat to his safety or that of someone close to him. But I could see him order a kill out of revenge.
102. In his opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? [to be added]
103. Does he believe in the existence of soul males and/or true love? not at first.
104. What does he believe makes a successful life? reaching goals and fulfilling dreams
105. How honest is he about his thoughts and feelings? (Meaning does he hide his true self from others and in what way?) he has a lot of personal issues and never learned to open up about them so even the people closest to him don’t know him completely.
106. Does he have any biases or prejudices? coming from a place of immense priviledge, he has a lot of class prejudice and is quite unable to understand the situation of those who aren’t as well off as him. I think he also thinks he’s deserving of respect, simply because he is higher class.
107. Is there anything he absolutely refuses to do under any circumstances? Why? [to be added]
108. Who or what, if anything, would he die for? (or go to extremes for?) a very select group of people he’s closest to
109. What is his best feature, in his opinion? [to be added]
110. What does he think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any types that people should never do? Why or why not? Due to his mother he would never drink and reacts badly to drunk people
111. What is his idea of perfect happiness? in his mind, it’s his work and he certainly is the happiest on stage but it’s also finding someone he can truly be himself with.
112. What does he regard as the lowest depth of misery? A hopeless situation where he doesn’t have the power to do something about it. Or just being powerless and not in control in general.
Part Eight: Likes and Dislikes
113. What is/are his favorite hobbies and pastimes? as sad as that might sound, he loves memorising scripts for his upcoming roles. When he’s not doing that, he likes to visit his best friend at a certain café. I might also make him a bit of a writer himself, but we will see.
114. What is his most treasured possession? [to be added]
115. What is his favorite color? Why? an olive green and a pale, dark blue. I don’t think there is a specific reason, he just simply finds them pleasing to the eye.
116. What is his least favorite color? Why? yellow and orange, he’s just not a fan.
117. What is his favorite food? Why? [to be added]
118. What is his least favorite food? Why? [to be added]
119. What is his favorite sound? Why? applause
120. What is his least favorite sound? Why? angry shouting.
121. What is his favorite smell/scent? Why? [to be added]
122. What is his least favorite smell/scent? Why? [to be added]
123. What, if anything, does he like to read? Oliver Twist
124. What is his idea of good entertainment? going to see a play at the theatre or going to a ball.
125. How does he spend a typical Saturday night? Either at home practicing lines or at rehearsal. Occasionally, he will go out.
126. What makes him laugh? [to be added]
127. What makes him laugh out loud, hysterically? [to be added]
128. What makes him cry? [to be added]
129. What makes him cry, hysterically? [to be added]
130. What, if anything, shocks or offends him? [to be added]
131. What would he do if he couldn’t sleep and had to find something to amuse himself? write something.
132. How does he deal with stress? when he is very stressed, he picks on his knuckles as a kind of release, but he’s quite bad at coping with it in a healthy manner.
133. Is he spontaneous or does he always need to have a plan? He can seem very spontaneous from time to time but he usually has everything planned out beforehand.
134. What are his pet peeves? [to be added]
135. Where does he go when he’s angry or depressed? [to be added]
136. What does he do when he’s bored? go for a walk or visit friends.
137. What type of music does he like? Favorite bands or musicians? [to be added]
138. What tape or CD hasn’t left his player since he bought it? Why? [to be added]
139. What song is “his song”? Why? [to be added]
140. What is his favorite movie? Why? [to be added]
141. What is his least favourite movie? Why? [to be added]
142. What is his favorite stage play? Why? [to be added]
143. What is his least favorite stage play? Why? [to be added]
144. What is his favorite book? Why? still Oliver Twist.
145. What is his least favorite book? Why? [to be added]
146. Who is his favorite author/writer? Why? [to be added]
147. Who is his least favorite author/writer? Why? [to be added]
148. What does he watch on Television? if they had Netflix back then, he would definitely watch The Crown.
149. What annoys him more than anything else? [to be added]
150. What time of day is his favorite? Why? he likes the early morning and is one to wake up quite early. It’s the atmosphere of the whole city waking up and the buzzing energy.
151. What time of day is his least favorite? Why? the middle of the night, he doesn’t like the quiet too much.
152. What kind of weather is his favorite? Why? he loves cloudless sunny days. They make him happy. And he loves the warmth of the sun.
153. What kind of weather is his least favorite? Why?
Snow, he doesn’t handle the cold very well.
154. What is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen? [to be added]
155. What is the most awful thing he has ever seen? [to be added]
156. What is his favorite drink? Why? [to be added]
157. What is his least favorite drink? Why? [to be added]
158. What is his favorite animal? Why?
He loves any kind of bird. 
159. What is his least favorite animal? Why?
160. What sorts of things embarrass him?
Part Nine: Self Image
161. Describe a normal day for him.
162. How does he feel when his routine is disrupted?
163. What is his greatest strength as a person?
164. What is his greatest weakness?
165. If he could change one thing about himself, what would it be?
166. Is he generally introverted or extroverted? extroverted
167. Is he generally organized or messy?
168. Name three things he considers himself to be very good at.
169. Name three things he considers himself to be very bad at.
170. What are his reasons for being an adventurer or heroic? Are his real reasons different than the ones he tells other people in public? If so, detail both reasons.
171. What three words best describe his personality?
172. What three words would others probably use to describe him?
173. What about him is heroic?
174. Is he a better lead or follower? Why?
175. What is his responsibility to the world? Why?
176. What does he like about himself?
177. What doesn’t he like about himself?
178. What does he find most relaxing? (not stress relief, but something that actually calms him down.)
179. What talent would he most like to have?
Part Ten: Occupation & Finance
180. What is his occupation? (If he doesn’t have one, where does his money come from?) he is an actor and after burning the entire “allowance” he got from his parents when he left, he now supports himself entirely through his salary and the generosity of his patrons (he is not too prideful to accept tips)
181. Does he like his job? Yes!
182. What is his boss/employer like?
183. What are his co-workers like?
184. Does he get along with his co-workers?
185. Which co-workers doesn’t he get along with and why?
186. What is something he had to learn that he hated?
187. Does he tend to save or spend his money? Why? Only so much as he needs to keep up the illusion of being upper class, he saves most.
188. If he was to gain an obscenely large sum of money, what would he do with it? [to be added]
Part Eleven: Drug & Alcohol
189. Does he smoke, drink, or use drugs? If yes, why? Does he want to quit? Not really. He would smoke cigarettes but I don’t think they were invented yet.
190. How old was he when he had his first drink? Did he like it? Why or why not? In a moment of weakness, he was persuaded to take a chug of whiskey one time by his friend at the time, and he absolutely hated it and went on to never do it again.
191. How old was he when he first got drunk? What was the experience like? -
192. Does he drink on a regular basis? nope
193. What kind of alcohol do you prefer? none
194. Has he ever tried any kind of “mood altering” substance? Which ones? Describe the experience. i don’t think so
Part Twelve: Sex & Intimacy
195. Has he ever been in love? What happened? [to be added]
196. Has he ever had his heart broken? [to be added]
197. Would he consider himself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why? gay. because he likes dudes.
198. Who was the first person he had sex with? When did it happen? Describe the experience. [to be added]
199. Has he ever had a same-sex experience? Describe the experience. exclusively. [to be added]
200. What is his deepest, most well-hidden sexual fantasy? Would he ever try it?
201. What was the wildest thing he has done, sexually? Describe the experience.
202. Is there any sexual activity that he enjoys and/or practice that can be considered non-standard? Why does he like it?
203. Does he currently have a lover? Describe them, what he is attracted to, and what the relationship is like.
204. What is the perfect romantic date?
205. Describe his perfect partner.
206. Does he ever want to get married? When does he see this happening? not before meeting Will and maybe not after. Legally, it wouldn’t be possible anyways
207. Does he want children? Why or why not? I’m unsure of this, the only dynamic i can imagine is him becoming somewhat of a father-figure to an orphan.
208. What is more important, sex or intimacy? Why?
209. What was his most recent romantic relationship like? Who was it with?
210. What’s the worst thing he’s done to someone he loves?
Part Thirteen: Morality
211. What one act in his past is he most ashamed of?
212. What one act in his past is he most proud of?
213. Has he ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?
214. What does he feel most strongly about?
215. What does he pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people?
216. What trait does he find most admirable and how often does he find it?
217. Is there anything he thinks should not be incorporated into the media or arts? (i.e., sex, violence, etc). What and why or why not?
218. Does he think the future is hopeful? Why or why not? increasingly
219. Does he think redemption is possible? Why or why not?
220. Is there something he thinks is absolutely unforgivable? What is it?
221. Is it okay for men to cry? He has been taught it isn’t, and doesn’t openly do it himself but if he saw a man important to him cry, he would not hold it against them.
222. Is it okay for him to cry? He only shows his raw emotions on rare occasions and to very few people. Even in pain he’s careful not to let tears slip.
223. What does he think is wrong with most people, overall?
224. What is the worst thing he could ever do to someone he hated?
225. Does he have feelings that disturb him? What and why?
226. On what occasions does he lie? Well, almost any. I suppose he does a lot of “withholding information”. Outright lying only out of necessity though, ie. to protect someone close to him. He’s quite good it too.
227. Does he think it is okay to lie? In general, no and he doesn’t particularly like getting lied to (bit of a hypocricy on his part), but he believes there are instances in which it is okay.
Part Fourteen: Goals and Future
228. What goal does he most want to accomplish in his lifetime?
229. Where does he see himself in five years?
230. If he could choose, how would he want to die?
231. If he knew he was going to die in 24 hours, name three things he would do in the time he had left.
232. What is the one thing for which he would most like to be remembered after his death? his career
Part Fifteen: Misc.
233. If he could, what advice would he, the hero, give to the villain? Or If he could, why would he, the villain want the hero to be at his side or part of his team?
234. What was the worst injury he’s ever received? How did it happen?
235. How ticklish is he? Where is he ticklish?
236. What would he wish for if he ever found a genie?
237. If his house burned down, what one thing would he want to save?
238. Describe him sitting in his favorite spot.
239. How does he go to sleep and how does he wake up? (position, routine, etc)
240. What is a dream (during sleep) that he has often?
241. What is a day dream that he has often?
242. If he were to die and come back as any person or thing, what or who would he want to be?
243. What is his motto?
244. If he could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
0 notes
its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Slipping Underneath [Ch. 1]
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Summary: Tsukishima was in some deep shit he realized, but common sense told him he should have been rather happy about the discovery he'd just made. Of course, that didn't stop him from freaking out.
"Tsukki? Did something happen?" Bokuto asked. 
Dejected, the blond lifted his head, giving Bokuto the flattest stare he could manage. "The neighbor downstairs hates my voice."
Rating: T
Tags: soulmates, mythology/sirens AU, some iwaoi and bokuaka thrown in bc why not, first meetings, fluff, Kuroo is a nerd and Tsukki can’t help but be charmed, Siren!Tsukki, Siren!Bokuto 
Note: Yes, I know I started another multichapter, I’m sorry, please forgive these sins of mine. I couldn’t resist a sirens/soulmate AU tho?? I had the sudden inspo and ofc this was born, enjoy! <3 Big thanks to @allykat023 and @emeraldwaves for reading this over! 
The first time he heard the voice, it was because he'd been marooned on the patio of his apartment. His apartment. It was almost more degrading than when he was sexiled to the common room of his freshman dorms. He was a third year now though, this was his own property damnit.
When Kenma had decided to move into a place with Hinata, Kuroo had been forced to room with a certain overly social setter. He liked Oikawa, he really did. Well, when he wasn't being too dramatic or nosy anyways...
They got along fine, great actually. It was only when Iwaizumi visited from his university every other weekend that Kuroo found himself setting up camp on his spacious, yet boring as hell balcony.
At least the glass was thick enough to drown out any noise...
Kuroo shuddered, remembering the time he'd ventured inside for a glass of water, walking past Oikawa's bedroom...
Yeah, no. He'd learned a lot since then, had come a long way from his days as a young fool (three months ago). Now he prepared his food and drink ahead of time, almost like he was going on a picnic. This way, he never had to hear those...sounds come from Oikawa's room ever again. Even worse, Kuroo was not about to deal with Oikawa's smug face in the morning, knowing he heard everything. At least Iwaizumi had the decency to be embarrassed and smack Oikawa across the head.
So yeah, patio.
It sounded crappy, but despite the loud sex Oikawa seemed bent on having, Kuroo didn't really mind being relocated for a few hours. It gave him time to study, since he was without television or outlets. It was exactly what he needed, and he could count on those nights outside to get all his coursework done for the following week. It was a brutal study session, but it was worth it. While everyone else struggled to catch up on assignments during the week, he could go out, and play video games to his heart's content. Oikawa said he needed to get laid; and while it might've been true, Kuroo wasn't compelled to actively look for a partner right then. If something happened, it happened.
So when the usual Oikawa and Iwaizumi sex marathon finally came along one fateful Saturday night later than usual, Kuroo swore it was fate.
Kuroo had taken his usual chair on the patio, satisfied the weather wasn't too muggy for once. Perfect for studying. He had set out all his highlighters and pens, ready as ever for a night of expert note taking, but as he sank into the chair's cushions with his psychology textbook sitting on his lap, he'd heard it.
And oh how he wish he hadn't.
The melody, if it could be called that, invaded his space, punching his ear drums. The pure horribleness of the voice as it sang was enough to make his head shoot up, his ears straining and begging Kuroo to get away. It was awful enough to make him wonder if someone could die from it. The voice was bad, if he was being nice about it; and oh, he was really trying to be nice about it. But it made his brain melt, and all thoughts of studying disintegrated in favor of escape. Even the sounds of Oikawa getting pounded into the bed were a better option than this torture.
Kuroo almost felt guilty. After all, this was just some random soul who wanted to sing on their balcony. Kuroo had no say in it, and it wasn't like Kuroo's voice was anything to brag about. He should just grin and bear it, but...
Jesus fuck.
How could he possibly work through such a horrid sound?
It was a guy's voice, that much he could tell despite the screeching quality of it. As Kuroo stood to try and find the source though, he became confused. There was no one on either of the balconies beside his, and every second the song persisted, the harder it was to trace it. It was like the sound was all encompassing, coming from every direction at once, burning Kuroo's ear canals and twisting his insides. How was no one else hearing it?
There were quite a few guys loitering around down below the apartments, but they looked like they were having a fine time, blissful even.
Where the hell...
Was he getting pranked?
The song continued as he searched, the rough tones pulling Kuroo like a magnet even though his ears were probably bleeding. Oh well, he still had his eyes. Maybe the price of hearing aids had gone down...
Focus man!
Kuroo groaned, trying to employ the problem solving skills he'd spent years cultivating.
Eventually, and mostly because he couldn't take it anymore, he figured the only place it could be coming from was above him. There was one floor up after his, and since the apartments were dirt cheap, there was hardly any space between them. Risks be damned, Kuroo jumped up without hesitation, grabbing hold of the higher balcony's railing and using his strength to pull himself up. It might've been stupid, and shit he definitely could've fallen to his death. However, that song would drive him nuts and kill him anyways if he allowed it to continue.
Please...make it stop...
Kuroo groaned as he found his footing, easily hooking his legs over the rails after doing so. He was out of breath, and he dared not look at how high up he was or think about how the fuck he was going to get back down. He'd made it. He'd figure the rest out as he went.
As soon as he'd plopped down on the railing, the banshee screeching had ceased, and Kuroo thought he was gonna cry in relief.
Thank god.
Wiping the sweat on his brow, Kuroo looked up, scanning the small patio in seconds until his eyes finally landed on the apartment's inhabitant.
And wow, what a sight.
The blond was frozen where he stood, watering can in hand as he moved to rearrange a pot of tulips, one leg stretched out awkwardly in front of him like he'd been mid-step.
Even in such a ridiculous pose, Kuroo could say the blond was nothing short of stunning. Long legs, pale skin, and warm, golden eyes hidden behind black frames.
He was breathtaking, and Kuroo almost refused to believe such an awful sound had come from such a beauty. Kuroo felt his protests and excuses die in his throat, partly from the fact he was standing in front of a god, and partly because his position did not look good.
Here he was, in stained sweatpants and a sweatshirt, looking like some pathetic second rate burglar while his runway model neighbor seemed two seconds away from running.
It would've been hilarious, had the blond not looked like he was debating on whether to stab Kuroo with the nearby trowel before he left.
Somehow, the thought of a death by garden tool shook Kuroo out of whatever trance he was in, because he managed to find his voice a few seconds later.
"Okay," he began, gradually stepping onto the patio, his ears ringing from their previous abuse. "I know this looks bad, but your singing--"
All of a sudden, the blond groaned, his scowl powerful enough to kill a weaker man. Fearlessly, he grabbed the trowel--called it--and held it up in Kuroo's direction, the threat clear. Come closer, die.
It should not have been as hot as it was.
"How many times do I have to tell you people I'm not interested? Fuck off," the blond hissed, his annoyance clear. Although, given the situation, he was a lot more composed than Kuroo expected. If this was how the other responded to break ins, he was a lot better off than he and Oikawa.
The blond lowered his voice to a mumble, speaking almost to himself rather than to Kuroo as the awkwardness between them intensified. "To think not even living on the top floor helped..."
Okay, Kuroo had to find his voice right then and there, lest he be charged with trespassing.
"Um wait, I can explain," Kuroo said, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "I was just--ha, I was trying to study...I live below you by the way so uh, hey there. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou."
Kuroo grinned, hoping his charm would help to win the other over, but all it got him was the most unimpressed stare he'd ever seen. The blond's eye twitched in irritation, his aura just as menacing as before.
Yet still so pretty.
"I don't care who you are, get off my balcony," the other demanded, not letting up on his threatening pose.
Kuroo sighed. Today really wasn't his day. To think he couldn't reassure people as well as he used to...
He'd really have to work on his debate skills if he wanted to pass his public speaking class.
"Ah okay, okay! Sorry, I'll leave. I just came up here because your singing...it was a bit distracting and--"
"I don't want a boyfriend," the blond deadpanned, his scowl deepening.
Oh wow alright, that's random.
Kuroo shook his head, trying to decide what was the next best course of action, considering none of what he wanted to say was getting across. Better just to be upfront about it.
"Um okay, me neither. I mean, I'm not opposed, and you look...wow but shit wait--" Kuroo went on uselessly, and he was getting pretty damn tired of tripping over his own tongue. Not cool. Groaning up to the sky, he clasped his hands together, fixing the blond with the sternest look he could muster. "I just came to ask you if you could please stop singing. It’s making it hard to study, and I need to get this work done."
Kuroo said it so fast, he was worried the blond didn't hear him, especially from the way silence seemed to descend on them again, the other blinking at him in shock. Ah shit, there's the guilt.
The thing was, Kuroo couldn't justify himself beyond that. It wasn't that the singing was just distracting, it was downright terrible, but he was way too nice to come out and say it. He prayed the other would stop without asking too many questions.
The blond's face contorted several times, each expression no less attractive on the other's face, no matter how displeased they were. From shock, to anger, and then back to shock. The other's face eventually settled on pure confusion.
The silence was moving into painful territory now, and Kuroo thought he was was better off retreating to his own apartment, Oikawa's atrocious sex moans be damned.
The blond blinked slowly, his hands lowering until the trowel fell to the floor, the loud clang echoing into the night air. "You...want me to stop singing?"
His voice was bland, cold, but Kuroo could pick up on slightest note of disbelief in there too. It made him wince. Great, this was what he'd wanted to avoid. He had to be careful now, the last thing he wanted was a neighbor who hated his guts.
"Yeah...sorry. I mean it's not like I'm a music critic or anything I mean--"
"Why?" The blond's question was sharp, straight to the point, asking the question Kuroo desperately didn't want to answer. Kuroo only prayed this guy wasn't too sensitive about this kind of thing. He didn't want another ex-theater kid lecturing him about how he couldn't recognize true talent. Been there, done that.
To be blunt or to lie...
Damn his own morals. "It wasn't to my tastes...I guess?" It was so painful I wanted to rip my ears off. "But I'm sure it definitely is to some people." Demons. "I for sure can't sing so--"
"You thought it was bad."
It was less curious and more certain, like an observation, and Kuroo started to feel a bit uncomfortable (and maybe weirdly excited) under the blond's gaze. Those golden eyes might as well have been boring into his soul, searching for...well, he didn't know.
Kuroo swallowed. "Well--"
"Yes or no."
The irritation from the blond was more than noticeable now; and whatever, Kuroo had already botched this whole encounter. "Yeah, it...it wasn't great."
So much for getting this guy's number. Kuroo felt himself deflate a little, expecting the other to start coming at him with much deserved insults. Only, it didn't happen. At all.
The blond nodded his head slowly, and Kuroo's fully recovered hearing picked up on his shaky exhale. Kuroo thought he could read people pretty well based on their mannerisms and expressions, but he didn't have a clue what any of that meant. It was like the blond was shocked, but trying his damn best to not show it.
There was another beat of tense silence before the other seemed to snap out of his daze, his scowl returning tenfold. Kuroo stopped breathing.
"Fine, I'll stop. Can you leave now?"
Kuroo blinked, exhaling all at once as the blond turned his back to him. It was a clear gesture, one Kuroo had no problem reading, and yeah...he'd overstayed his welcome.
Definitely not getting that number.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks..." Kuroo trailed off stiffly, sparing the other one last glance and noticing the tenseness of his shoulders. The guilt was back again, but Kuroo knew trying to fix the situation now wouldn't help. He'd apologize properly some other time.
Turning his attention back to the railing, Kuroo scaled down the balcony back onto his own, his thoughts filled with nothing but his neighbor's face for the rest of the night.
This was not good.
Tsukishima stared at the wall as the cake on his plate sat untouched, piping exquisite and begging to be devoured. To think he was actually too distracted to eat dessert. Yeah, not good at all. Absurd too, stupid even. There was no reason for him to be freaking out.
In spite, he glared down at his cake, picking up his fork before stabbing the soft sponge and shoveling a good half of the piece into his mouth. Motherfucker.
The cake tasted sweet, moist with rich frosting and just the right ratio of sponge to cream. It embodied everything he could've wanted from a dessert, and yet his face still set itself in a sour expression.
Tsukishima stomped his foot on the floor, as if it would somehow affect the neighbor below him. The one with the atrocious bedhead, the cause of all his problems.
"Tsukishima, is something wrong?" Akaashi's smooth voice, calm and expectant--because yes, he probably knew there was indeed something wrong--forced Tsukishima out of his thoughts.
Tsukishima glanced up to the kitchen island where Akaashi sat, his posture far too elegant for someone wearing owl patterned sweats. It didn't stop him from being observant though. Tsukishima probably should've been more careful about it; but at the same time, he knew the other would find out eventually.
After more prolonged silence, Akaashi prodded further, knowing it was usually the only way to nudge Tsukishima. “Because you know you can tell me.”
For some reason, it made Tsukishima sigh into the space between them, knowing he’d have to get this off his chest if he wanted to stay sane. Plus, there wasn’t any harm in it.
Tsukishima kept his friend group small yes; but that also meant he held a decent degree of trust for each of the people in it. Akaashi was the best person to go to with these issues anyways, since he tended to be the most rational.
Yamaguchi always shed a good light on things, but he was away at another university. And besides, the freckled boy tended to lean more towards an overly optimistic approach which Tsukishima wasn't too fond of pursuing at this point. He had to be sure first, and even then...he didn't owe anything to anyone.
Setting down his fork, Tsukishima fixed the other with the most neutral stare he could manage, lest he give anything away too soon. Tsukishima clenched his fists, his dull nails managing to leave imprints in his palm. This was humiliating, but he needed to know.
"Akaashi," he began, steeling himself as he willed away another scowl. "Would you mind...listening to me sing?"
The other's grey eyes widened considerably, an unusual event when considering Akaashi's calm nature. “Oh, well…”
Yeah, Tsukishima knew the question was unexpected. He didn’t blame his friend for the shock.
Tsukishima hated singing. It was his least favorite thing to do, if it made the damn list at all. Not to say he didn't love music, but singing was a different story. It attracted attention, it brought unwanted advances. He associated singing with everyone's eyes on him, and he loathed it more than anything. Yet, he couldn't help but sing. It came so damn naturally to him, to the point that sometimes he wasn't aware he was even doing it until someone came up to him.
Or climbed his balcony.
That was the thing...
At the end of the day, he didn't have a choice but to sing. He could very well die if he didn't. That's what happened to sirens.
Cursed with fatally beautiful voices, ones which used to lure men to their deaths centuries ago, sirens both thrived and withered due to their gifts. And of course, Tsukishima happened to descend from a community of them. He blamed his mother.
He had been a siren since the day he was born; and his voice had reached maturity sometime in high school, a powerful weapon. Or well, it would've been, had he not lived in the 21st century. Being a siren was pretty useless now, apart from getting hordes of guys to do the occasional bidding, or for winning singing contests.
In addition to his virtually unnecessary gift, being a siren came with a lot of difficulties. If he didn't sing enough, he'd grow sickly and die; and if he sang too much...he could lose his voice completely.
The former was generally what afflicted his kind in the modern age though. And despite his dislike for singing, it wasn't a problem. Tsukishima had grown used to singing in the privacy of his own home to keep healthy.
However...this issue was a new one, one he'd hoped to never deal with. Being told his song wasn't calming to the human ear...it worried him.
If a siren's voice was no longer pleasing to humans, it meant the siren could be dying.
Tsukishima's pulse sped up at the thought, his future goals and achievements flashing before his eyes as he willed himself to not jump to conclusions. He wouldn't panic, not until it was confirmed.
Akaashi was a human, one who knew about Tsukishima's predicament. He'd be honest with him.
Tsukishima took a few more deep breaths, feeling the anxiety subside a bit as he forced himself to make eye contact with Akaashi again.
If his balcony hopping neighbor thought his singing had been anything less than perfect and ended up being right, it could be Tsukishima's life on the line. That or it was the alternative, the only other explanation for his singing being atrocious, and Tsukishima refused to entertain that idea without eliminating the other options.
God, kill me.
"Sure," Akaashi began, stunned at Tsukishima's request. "But, why do you--"
"Hey hey!" Bokuto's voice boomed through the humble apartment, the door frame rattling along with the wall as he slammed the door shut. "What's goin on?"
Ah, great.
Akaashi lit up at the sound of his boyfriend, although it was mostly undetectable to anyone who wasn't used to the other's subtle facial changes. To anyone else, Akaashi probably looked bored, but Tsukishima could see him practically glowing.
They were disgusting.
Regardless, even Tsukishima couldn't deny the fact they were hopelessly in love. He'd known Bokuto since childhood, having grown up in the same small community of sirens in their hometown. Bokuto was just like him, albeit way more optimistic in nature. Tsukishima didn't think he could possibly grow any happier, until he'd met Akaashi.
Tsukishima couldn't complain then either, since he'd grown rather close to Bokuto's boyfriend as well.
Tsukishima watched them as Bokuto's hand slid along Akaashi's arm, both of them comfortable with the touch, leaning into each other as if no one else existed in the world.
The peaceful expression on Akaashi's face remained up until Bokuto started to hum in contentment, a habit he had never managed to break. Then the setter's nose was scrunching up in distaste, his eyes flashing as if he'd been struck.
Ah, and there it was.
Akaashi clutched Bokuto's shirt with unrivaled insistence. "Koutarou--"
Bokuto snapped out of his daze, kicked from his reality while the guilt washed over him. He'd gotten better at being mindful, but well, it was a siren's instinct to make music. He was bound to slip up once in a while.
Bokuto cut the humming, and he cradled Akaashi's face in apology, placing a loud kiss to the setter's cheek while Tsukishima focused his gaze on the cracks in the table.
Again, disgusting.
Bokuto's voice radiated nothing but sincerity as he pulled away. "Sorry Keiji, I forgot. It wasn't that bad was it?"
"Mm," Akaashi said, and he shook his head, his smile somewhat amused. "It wasn't. You stopped."
Bokuto fist pumped at the accomplishment, looping his arm around Akaashi's shoulders after he'd fully relaxed. His eyes were back to their normal brightness, the concern gone. "Yes! Soon I'll have that down!"
Tsukishima rolled his eyes along with Akaashi, but it was full of fondness.
"Anyways, what are we talkin' bout?" Bokuto slouched further into his chair, his wide eyes homing in on Tsukishima's unfinished cake. "Obviously there's a reason you haven't devoured that."
"Tsukishima wants to sing for me," Akaashi said, tone concerned in a way which made Tsukishima feel silly for actually bringing his issue up. Maybe he was overreacting. "Why--"
"Tsukki," Bokuto hissed, standing up so quickly Tsukishima flinched, his golden eyes focusing in on the blond with an almost predator like accuracy. "Are you trying to seduce Keiji?"
The silence between them would've been comical had Tsukishima had any patience for Bokuto that day.
Are you serious?
Sensing Tsukishima's growing murderous intent, Akaashi jumped in, soothing his boyfriend with a touch to the shoulder. "Koutarou...I doubt that's what's happening."
"Oh for fuck's sake," Tsukishima said through gritted teeth. "Can you just listen to me sing? I'll explain after."
Bokuto's sharp gaze morphed into puppy dog eyes in a flash, his mouth forming a pout as if he'd been told he'd be sleeping outside. Tsukishima didn't necessarily like making Bokuto feel bad, after all, they'd grown up together. He was used to Bokuto, found his mannerisms to be rather endearing even, but Tsukishima couldn't take any more interruptions.
To say he was freaking out was an understatement. He had to know what was wrong.
Akaashi's brow furrowed, the concern clearly there, and he nodded. Bokuto must've also sensed the rapid mood change, since he sat down without much complaint, eyes never leaving the blond's.
Well, here goes.
It had been years since Tsukishima had sang for an audience, even for Bokuto, one of his own kind, but he couldn't get shy now. Taking a deep breath, Tsukishima closed his eyes, letting the words flow out of his mouth until he spun a melody all his own.
"Take my hand, come towards the sea, and with every wave, you'll be safe with me. Don't fear the crash, don't mind the rocks, just know I'll guide you past it all." 
The notes formed, slow and sure, and the orchestra in Tsukishima's head began to pick up, the assigned parts and instruments knowing exactly where to jump in, where to fit. This song he knew better than any other, had let it travel and burn itself into his soul. The song flowed, the notes amplified. Sometimes they faded into nothingness, lost in the sea of music he created.
And really, this was what he did love about singing at the end of the day. Not putting people under a spell, not enticing men to do his bidding—though in his high school years it had been fun. No, it was the melodies and magic of the song itself. It calmed him, washed away any troubles until he was like the barren shore. Peaceful, cool, but so alive beneath the surface.
Even someone like him, with his rationality and cynicism couldn't deny any of that.
This he could do forever, but his time might've very well been up, and the thought cruelly brought an end to the lightness in his chest.
Tsukishima ceased, clearing his throat as he opened his eyes. Akaashi hadn't asked him to stop the whole time, so he assumed it was a good sign, but who knew. Sometimes Tsukishima got too lost in his own music, he wouldn't have noticed. Maybe it was so bad, the raven had left the room in agony, or--
His eyes snapped up to meet Akaashi's, catching the sight of dilated pupils as Akaashi came down from the high which sirens could elicit. The haze was still there, the spell just barely starting to undo itself. Akaashi shook his head rapidly, attempting to snap out of it for good.
Bokuto sat next to him, pouting with his arms crossed. Baby.
"Sorry, I feel like my brain turned off for a second there," Akaashi said, holding a hand to his head as his mind began to work again. "I'm not sure what you're worried about though. Your singing is as good as ever, as I'm sure you could see from the effects..."
Tsukishima sighed audibly, uncaring of what his friends thought. He slouched in his chair, the tension rolling out of him. He wasn't dying. His voice was appealing to humans. Nothing about it had changed, and he was going to be okay. His life wasn't over.
Tsukishima felt his relief for about two more seconds before the panic set in. The other panic, the one which came from the alternative reason he had to be worried about his voice.
His singing was fine; it had the same effects it had always had. It was enticing, alluring even. The only human who thought otherwise, lived right below him.
That guy, his neighbor, with his untamed hair and impressive strength. The one who had no qualms about trespassing on someone else's property, the one too polite for his own good.
He had hated Tsukishima's voice. He had been physically pained by the sound of it, and that only meant one thing. Tsukishima wasn't an idiot, he knew. He'd been warned about this all his life.
He'd fucking seen it happen. At the thought, his eyes shot up to Bokuto and Akaashi, looking between them like a starved animal.
Oh no. No. No, nope, not happening.
Bokuto turned to his boyfriend, the peeved expression having never left his face. "Hmph, I can sing just as good Akaashi! I--"
"Yes, yes," Akaashi cut Bokuto off with the softest of smiles, though the amusement was apparent. Tsukishima couldn't take any joy in it, or return the smile Akaashi threw him. "I'm sure you can. Too bad I'll never know."
And it was true. Akaashi would never think Bokuto's singing was anything but atrocious, torturous in fact. Such was the way of a siren's soulmate. The one person who couldn't stand a siren's song was the person they were meant to fall in love with.
I'm going to be sick.
"It's not fair! Tsukishima doesn't even know what it's like," Bokuto ranted, unaware of the internal crisis going on right across the table. "I can't wait til he meets his soulmate, and they think his singing is awf--"
"I don't have a soulmate," Tsukishima said, his voice sharp. He'd been unable to stop himself. He couldn't help it. The realization was barely settling in, boiling inside him. It couldn't be. It was a mistake. "There's no way...."
His neighbor was not his soulmate. It wasn't possible. They didn't know each other at all, Tsukishima had no idea if they were compatible in any way, shape, or form. And while Tsukishima's brain unhelpfully pointed out how it was that way for most people, Tsukishima was bent on finding any reason to nullify this new finding.
This guy had just had hearing issues...or something.
Tsukishima put his head in his hands, knowing he was being childish at this point. He heard Bokuto's chair move, a sign he had gotten up, and seconds later he was most definitely crouched at Tsukishima's side, radiating warmth.
"Tsukki? Did something happen?" Bokuto asked, and it was so unbelievably caring, Tsukishima couldn't take it.
Dejected, the blond lifted his head, giving Bokuto the flattest stare he could manage. "The neighbor downstairs hates my voice."
Saying it aloud hit it home, and Tsukishima's body sagged in defeat, his stomach swirling in irritation and...something else he didn't want to think about. He didn't get butterflies. That was not happening.
Despite the part of him which continued to hope this was all a misunderstanding, he already knew how this would go down from Akaashi's shocked expression and Bokuto's excited cheering. This problem was not going away.
Not by a long shot.
It wasn't until Tsukishima was getting his mail the next morning that they met again.
"Hey there," Kuroo said, leaning against the mailboxes with no qualms about keeping a reasonable distance between them. Tsukishima jumped slightly, slamming his box shut a bit too loudly for the hour, stunned by the intensity of the other's eyes.
Well, that and whatever was going on with his hair.
Tsukishima debated walking away without responding, but he felt like this guy wasn't the type to let something like this go. He'd climbed a damn balcony after all; he was obviously capable of being quite persistent if he had something he needed to say.
"Morning," Tsukishima muttered, focusing on the various bills and letters in his hand instead of falling into the trap of the other's stare. It was shockingly difficult, and it pissed him off more. He wasn't supposed to like this guy, despite every other indication that he should. Tsukishima was a stubborn asshole sometimes. If this guy was so special, he could prove it to Tsukishima the old fashioned way. The blond refused to make it easy.
Yet, there were some things he couldn't ignore. Tsukishima used pushing up his glasses as an excuse to sneak a peek at the other every now and again, and yeah fine, he was handsome. Broad shoulders, strong physique, a teasing smile...
It was irritating for a variety of different reasons, but mostly because Tsukishima couldn't find it in himself to hate this guy, a complete stranger.
"So look," Kuroo said, his easy going posture taking a turn towards awkward, embarrassed even. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweats, rocking on his heels. "I'm sorry if I offended you the other night. I seriously didn't mean to, it wasn't my--"
"It's fine, it doesn't matter," Tsukishima said, his tone brisk. He tried not to let the flush rise to his cheeks, but he felt like he'd lost that battle from the way Kuroo grinned at him. And well, it was true. It didn't matter. Tsukishima was stubborn, but he wasn't about to blame Kuroo for something he couldn't control. Tsukishima's voice was truly painful for him, and he couldn't resist wanting the pain to stop.
The fact Kuroo actually apologized for his rudeness despite that made Tsukishima's stomach flip, a pleasant tingling traveling up his spine. Tsukishima looked up at Kuroo fully then, causing him to flush in a much similar fashion.
God. This was stupid.
"Ah well, cool. Great!" Kuroo cleared his throat, rifling a hand through his hair. Cute. "Because since we're neighbors and all, I wanted to make sure we...got along."
"Oh?" Tsukishima arched a brow, and he felt the corners of his mouth tug upwards involuntarily. "I didn't realize we were school children."
Kuroo faltered, his eyes widening as if he were a child, and Tsukishima had to hide his smile behind his hand. "Oh, well--"
"And it's not like we're roommates, so there's really no requirement for us to get along," he continued, keeping his voice as level as possible, almost bored. What he said was true after all, but he also just wanted to give the other a hard time. Again, Tsukishima was not going to make this easy. This was who the fates had given him as a soulmate, the one who they thought was there to bring out the best in him. If he couldn't handle this, then Tsukishima would know the universe had made a mistake.
Tsukishima wasn't the easiest to impress. He had high walls which took a fair amount of time to climb over, but it wasn't an impossible feat.
As much as the idea of soulmates intimidated him and made him skeptical, he wouldn't push away a connection if there was meant to be one. He'd grown a lot from his standoffish, cold high school days. He had Bokuto and Akaashi, as well as his family, and he cared for them immensely. However, those connections were natural, not forced.
He'd accept nothing less from anyone, not even his predestined lover.
Kuroo stared at him for a second too long in Tsukishima's opinion, analyzing him. He was fairly shameless about it too, considering the few times Tsukishima caught him glancing below the neck.
Kuroo knew it too, from the way he smirked, slow and leisurely. He knew exactly what he was doing, making his flirtiness clear. What a dork. This side of him had been absent when he'd climbed Tsukishima's damn balcony. Although, he'd said Tsukishima looked "wow," so that was a good indication.
Tsukishima felt his cheeks heat up more, and he cursed himself. So unacceptable.
"What if I want to get along?" Kuroo asked, and wow did he wink at me. He fucking winked at me.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have broken into my apartment."
"Hey! It was just the balcony."
"I'm a model citizen."
"Leaving the scene of a crime."
"You asked me to leave!"
"And who will the police trust?" Tsukishima shrugged, not bothering to hide a smirk of his own now that he had Kuroo floundering. It wasn't everyday he found someone who he could banter with so smoothly. Kuroo was downright ridiculous though.
"You're evil you know that?" Kuroo's grin betrayed his words as he spoke, and Tsukishima neither confirmed nor denied the accusation. "Wouldn't have expected that from someone with tulips on their back porch."
Tsukishima grunted while Kuroo laughed at his own joke, all too amused with himself. The laugh wasn't full bodied, but it rang genuine regardless, the sound weirdly sweet to Tsukishima's ears whether it was at his expense or not. Kuroo wiped fake tears from his eyes, prompting an eye roll out of the blond.
"Nah, I'm sure gardening is a menacing field. Ha, get it. Fie--"
"I heard it the first time, please don't make me hear it again."
And with that, Tsukishima walked off, all too aware that he was probably now running late for his first class. He glanced over his shoulder, something tugging at him to turn around and look at Kuroo once more.
It was the first of many mistakes. Kuroo was smiling at him, way too fond for someone he'd just met, dopey almost. It stopped the blond dead in his tracks, his breath stalling abnormally. That look...it was neither fair nor logical in any form.
"Hey, what's your name? I don't think I ever asked," Kuroo said with a soft laugh. "Too busy trespassing and what not."
Tsukishima paused, biting his lip. Normally, he wouldn't give the information away, simply because he didn't know Kuroo too well. But part of him felt the weird inevitability surrounding the situation. Not that they'd end up being anything meaningful to each other, but that this wasn't the last time they'd meet.
"Tsukishima Kei," he answered, surprised there was hardly any hesitation there. It was as if it was natural, intimate even, giving Kuroo his name.
So silly honestly, but the fact didn't erase the feeling. Especially not when Kuroo was smiling at him so openly.
"See you around then, Tsukishima."
The blond didn't answer as he turned, but from the way heat traveled to the back of his neck, he figured he didn't have to.
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meganiumdraws · 7 years
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I finally drew references for Nat, Dahlia and my Courier! There’s a lot of info on them under the cut, so if you want to know about one of them the info will be there! They’re in the order of the above image, left to right.
Natalie Taylor/ Nat
Age: 230, DOB: August 19th, Height/Weight: 6′3″/162lbs
strength 8/perception 4/endurance 10/charisma 3/intelligence 5/agility 3/luck 2
Nat is the younger sister of Nora, the two of them were adopted by their parents, they were both well aware. They had a fairly standard pre-war childhood together, not thinking much of their lack of blood relations. As a result of Nora’s reckless behavior in high school (and very poor choice in friends), Nat landed jail time after getting pulled over driving one of Nora’s friends home. Nat held a grudge against her sister for “making her waste two years of her life”, but forgave her after she saw her sister had matured and sincerely apologized.
While Nat was visiting one weekend, Nora had went into town for groceries, leaving her sister, husband and robot to look after Shaun. Unfortunately, the bombs had dropped while her sister was out, forcing them to go into the vault without her. Nat was allowed in, being immediate family of military personnel. 
Current day (general):
Having given up her search for Shaun or Nate’s killer, the world simply felt too large and the problems out of her hands, she decided to try to live on in this new world around her. Nat has been travelling with Cait for almost a year now, the two are romantically involved. Cait is a big part of Nat’s life, giving her safety and someone to rely on in the wastes, someone to trust.
Nat has had the title of Overboss of Nuka World for about 4-5 months now, her biggest accomplishments being: turning the power on, and easing up rules on “slaves”. She plans on taking out the raiders but the task seems daunting right now, she’s biding her time so one clan rebels against her and the other two take them out, then turning the last two against one another, leaving both crippled and easier to pick off. Opening up Nuka World to traders again is her priority at the moment, even if she’s taking it slow.
Other notes:
I kinda understated it here but Nat is head over heels for Cait and has killed people over her. She’d do it again, too. She considers Cait the love of her life and is almost thankful for the bombs dropping because of her.
Her last name is “Taylor” because that’s Nora’s voice actress’s last name so let’s pretend it’s Nora’s maiden name.
She wields an un-modded Chinese Officer Sword constantly, prefers melee over guns but carries a shotgun anyway.
It’s a rule that no one in Nuka World can shoot up in front of Cait, harass or touch Cait, or catcall Cait. Nat will throw them out. As far as Nat’s concerned, Cait has had enough of dirty raiders.
She’s pretty intimidating but is really soft on animals, children and does like to help people when she can. She wouldn’t stick her neck out for most people but won’t just leave people to get kicked around, either. 
Chaotic Neutral alignment 
She’s wearing armor under her Nuka Geyser jacket, not sure if I really make it look like she is, tho.
Dahlia Rogers
Age: 243 DOB: She can’t quite recall Height/Weight: 5′9″/130lbs
strength 7/perception 5/endurance 4/charisma 6/intelligence 10/agility 5/luck 5
Tagged Skills: Guns, Repair, Survival
Backstory/Current Day:
Most of it is a fuzzy to her now, but Dahlia remembers her life before the bombs dropped. She was an ambitious young woman who ended up working home contractor jobs as she pursued her degree in business, she was working on a basement far off into the forest the day the bombs had dropped, one of her coworkers where quick enough to close the big metal cellar doors before the wave of radiation and heat had hit them. They stayed there for roughly a week, living off of what stored food the person who employed them had stored down there. Food and water became scarce. She wanted to go home, which is exactly what she did, not caring much what happened. The world was likely destroyed- what’s the worst that could happen, now? 
Dahlia’s house wasn’t too far off from the house she had been staying in, and once she was home that was where she stayed. Over time she noticed her hair whitened, then her skin deform and become calloused, or fell off. She panicked initially, but calmed herself down after reminding herself panicking never solved anything. Waiting for whatever this was to take it’s course, she carried on. Writing, reading and re-reading her books, trying to garden with what little plants she had left, whatever she could think of to occupy her time. She’d went through her attic to look for more paper to write on and opened the box with her old wedding dress inside- forced to remember her old fiance, he’d gotten cold feet last minute and never showed up to their wedding. Looking at the silky fabric and the ruffles, she decided to wear it again, why not? It’s lovely, made her feel lovely and doing no good just sitting in a box upstairs.
Raiders and other trouble makers would show up from time to time but weren’t much of a match for her .44 magnum. So she’d wait more, passing the time, only ever leaving to scavenge for food in the nearby Super Duper Mart at night. Over time, new settlements had been founded nearby, this troubled her before she realized they weren’t raiders this time. She kept going to the nearby Super Duper Mart, completely unaware rumors had started she was some sort of ghost woman due to her white dress and hair, the way they reflected the light of the moon, making her seem to glow at night. 
Other Notes: 
I wrote Dahlia to be a companion character! She’s not a Lone Wanderer/ Courer/ Sole Survivor, nor is she in any factions.
The quest to meet her would be the settlement leader asking you to investigate the “haunted house” (Dahlia’s home), most of the settlers are too superstitious to or think it’s a waste of time.
She’s very reclusive, definitely a home body, so she has lots of experience being resourceful to fix or create things without leaving home often. Despite being very intelligent, most of her knowledge is in repairing or building things, not science or technology. She has very good problem solving skills, too.
True Neutral alignment 
Becoming a ghoul didn’t really phase her much, as you could probably tell. Ghoulification was unpleasant, sure, but she doesn’t feel sick from radiation anymore and she never really liked her nose anyway- so it’s not that bad, right?
She’s overall very sweet and level-headed, loves calling whoever she’s travelling with pet names (sweetie, darling, honey, sugar, the list goes on) and making sure they’re taking care of themselves. She’s more happy to have company again than anything, really.
Being away from home for so long does wear her out a bit, tho.
Her personal quest would have you going with her to check on her old friend/coworker, she saw he had went feral and that’s what really spikes her fear of becoming one, too. It takes her a while to recover.
hahaha uhm my courier is just a self insert, she’s inappropriately chill in basically all situations and is so in love with Yes Man she took out the entire BoS bunker herself just for him,,,, uhhhh travels with Rex, uses a silenced 10mm and actually has really high karma?? Chaotic good I guess, I’ll put down special stats if you care??
strength5/perception 4/endurance 4/charisma 10/intelligence 5/agility 10/luck 2
tagged skills: repair, sneak, speech/ traits: good natured and trigger disciple 
has black widow and chez la femme because of course?? and sneak/pistol based perks as long as they don’t involved V.A.T.S. & strongback I think
she’s an unlucky ducky but that’s okay who needs luck when you can fucking aim properly 
alright that’s enough about her
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isitandwonder · 7 years
It’s not the fall that kills you...
As I’m letting S4 sink in, I was pondering on the things I expected to happen that didn’t. Therefore, I went through my old metas (and good, have I been wrong on some parts!) when I found a piece that I really liked when I wrote it back in summer 2016. It deals with the narrative trope of the threefold death of a hero. This trope states that a hero will meet death three times: 
‘The threefold death, which is suffered by kings, heroes, and gods… [There are two manifestations of it]… In the first type of threefold death, one person dies simultaneously in three ways. He dies by hanging (or strangulation or fallingfrom a tree), by drowning (or poison), and by wounding. These three deaths are foretold, and are often punishment for an offense against the three functions of Indo-European society.  The second form of the threefold death is split into three distinct parts; these distinct deaths are sacrifices to three distinct gods of the three functions.’
Sherlock was dead to the world after TRF. He died on the operation table in HLV. Therefore, his third death was to be expected in S4. So he could finally wake up? Or leave his traditional character behind and become a different Holmes?
Thinking about this now and applying it to S4, I can also think of Sherlock nearly being shot at an Aquarium could stand for drowning, and CS almost smothering him could be the hanging. Which leaves the wounding for TFP, and man, had Sherlock been tormented there...
I continued to write in summer 2016: 
“So I’m sure we’ll get something poisonous in S4E2 (if it’s an actual venom or an illness / virus I don’t know). Sherlock collapsing on a bridge adds the component of water (bridge = water = drowning). And it will be foretold. Sherlock will know what’s coming for him. And, as always, he’ll run headlong into harm.”
Well, Sherlock nearly topped himself on drugs (and we had the TD12), had his quest foretold by Mary and CS and did it anyway...
Then I remembered another idea I’d had the week before TFP aired: 
“Therefore, I’m sure we’ll see Sherlock die in TFP. It will seem real - but it isn’t. It will probably be his fault. [...] Only to finally wake up in reality.”
This was at least partly inspired by a post (from Nov 2016)  from @doomsteady about a House MD episode  in which House finds out that he dreams and has to destroy the dream logic (kill a patient) to be sure and wake up.
OK, Sherlock didn’t die in S4. But not for a lack of trying... I support EMP theory. Therefore, I see Sherlock asleep/in a coma/buried in his MP, trying to come to terms with John, his feeling and probably Mary, Mycroft and Moriarty; and I want him to wake up and apply what he figured out in this state. It seemed a good idea for him to do so by killing himself in his dream. And he was on the best way to do so in S4.
In TST, Norbury initially wants to shoot Mary at the Aquarium, who can link Amo to Georgia. It’s only when Sherlock starts talking that Norbury concentrates on him. It’s the same tactic Mycroft employs in TFP to get Sherlock shoot him instead of John. Rememeber, this is all in Sherlock’s head. So Sherlock puts himself in danger at the Aquarium. But then Mary, nonesensically, totally OOC, defying the laws of physics, jumps in front of him. Was that also Sherlock, engineering this in his dream?
Then we get TLD, where Sherlock is drugged to the eyeballs and offers himself to a serial killer, only to be saved in the last minute by John. John, who didn’t know about Sherlock’s mission for Mary, who wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t watched the DVD, which was unforeseeable for Sherlock. Therefore, it was extremely unlikely and not logical for John to save Sherlock. Yet it happened. Dream logic, all made up by Sherlock?
In those two instances Sherlock, if he wanted to die, thought out complicated scenarios in which he would be killed by others. That didn’t work. So, finally, in TFP, he thinks up this terror maze and eventually gets a gun in his hand. Instead of killing John or Mycroft as demanded, he turns the weapon against himself. Now, he could shoot himself - but again he’s saved in a totally nonsensical way, by being drugged with a poisoned dart. How could those darts have been there if this is all real? How could Eurus have anticipated that Sherlock would turn the gun against himself in this room? She seems truly surprised at the turn of events... And Eurus is Sherlock here. Therefore, Sherlock is surprised in his own dream that he can’t die?
Now, where does this lead us? I see three options:
1) Sherlock knows he dreams and that only his death in this dream could break the circle and wake him up. But he’s too deep (like Moriarty says in TAB). Or he’s afriad of what he will find if he resurfaces. Where will he resurface? In CAM tower? Who else might have died there? John?
2) Sherlock really tries to wake up but someone/something outside his dream prevents it. Could be medication in a hospital because he’s healing. Could be drugs to keep him under in Serbia or in a prison/ mental institution. Moriarty? Mycroft? Mary (who is a nurse)?
3) Sherlock can’t control this dream / trance like he can control his mind palace. Therefore, surprising things happen, as, for example, discovering that he can’t die in this dream. Which would mean he can’t escape this way. Therefore, he ends up in this scenario in a world controlled by Mary Morstan - certainly the wrong world for Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. No happy end, Sherlock is trapped. He becomes a legend, and legends can’t die... Which would mean he has to revise the experiment, start all over again, change parameters. Is that why we see Moriarty after the end credits of TFP, telling us it’s not over?
What do you think @ebaeschnbliah @gosherlocked @monikakrasnorada @longsnowsmoon5 @loveismyrevolution?
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infiniteglitterfall · 8 years
I was wondering if you had any queer and/or social justice books you could recommend? (Also completely different topic but what does "Don't be a dick, Alan" mean? Is it a quote or reference or something?)
excellent question! it is an in-joke with myself. someone was being a passive-aggressive racist douchebag on Nextdoor, and I replied with “Don’t be a dick, Alan.” which i think we all know is surprisingly pithy for me. I thought it would be a good thing to use to replace the default text people see when they write an ask. I didn’t realize at first that I had actually replaced the text of the “ask me anything” link on my blog. But it didn’t seem to stop people from sending asks, so I left it there. I can’t say it STOPS people from being dicks, but most people who send me asks are very nice either way. Queer/social justice is kind of a broad topic (two broad topics really) so I’ll just give you a sampling of my favorites and my to-reads: Boys Like Her: Transfictions - I don’t know how it would hold up today, but it was amazing in 1998. IIRC, at least one of the authors is intersex and trans, and writes about that, and there are a lot of pieces about being genderqueer and/or queer in general. (The book is “a provocative collection of fiction and images from Taste This, a queer performance group including Anna Camilleri, Ivan Coyote, Zoe Eakle and Lyndell Mongomery.”) 
I really need to read For Colored Boys Who Speak Softly, by “undocuqueer” poet Yosimar Reyes. He wrote A Poem So That The Weight Of This Country Does Not Crush You. He is an amazing author/activist; I follow him on Facebook, and even his Facebook posts are perfect: 
“My art is for my Undocumented people I could care less if the average American doesn’t know why I can’t become legal and I am no longer going to answer that question. They can go on google. My priority is making sure my people don’t despair. My audience is my own and I’m unapologetic about that!”
“You think it’s just about a social security number but just imagine how much that number gives you access. There are so many young people of color that give up cause this country tells them it’s not their home and they were born here. I know this country is not mine to claim according to some people but when is this country going to acknowledge that they uprooted me from my home? When are y'all going to start facing the violence of your history?” 
Sunnybrook: A True Story With Lies, by Persimmon Blackbridge is short and colorful, and groundbreaking for me in exposing the ableism in the mental health industry, and helping me understand disability rights around mental health in general. It’s “he hilarious and angry story of a young woman who fakes her way into a job that changes her life. One cover-up follows another as Diane hides her learning disabilities from her new employer, the ‘Sunnybrook Institution for the Mentally Handicapped’ and her girlfriend. But her dreams of becoming ‘a professional’ are threatened by her identification with the inmates at Sunnybrook. And when Diane meets Shirley-Butch at the bar, her lesbian identity and her psychiatric history become irrevocably intertwined. Moving back and forth between Diane’s job and her personal life, Sunnybrook is by turns funny, tragic and sexy. It is a riveting and visually arresting story about a group of people whose lives are made up of small acts of resistance, who steal moments of joy whenever possible.” Very Tumblr. Persimmon Blackbridge’s entire body of work is amazing, lots of radical queer working-class mentally-ill fiction. I loved Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman, which is sort of a combination of a memoir and a stroll through people who transcended gender norms throughout history. It’s not a well-sourced historical text arguing that each person was trans, it’s basically a trans person going “look at this, these people’s experiences were similar to ours.” 
I don’t know how it would hold up today, but there are two books that do a more “real”, rigorous, intentional historical exploration of trans people that I really want to read: Transgender History, by Susan Stryker (a bi trans historian) and um… 
Ok, and that’s the only one, because I thought the other one was an updating of Transgender Warriors, but it’s actually a collection of trans writing and art from people all around the world: Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation. One review says, “The editors have made selections representative of the diversity to be found in the global trans* community - those sharing their thoughts and experiences express a range of gender identities - and some decline gender identification all together. While many of the voices come from North America, there are contributors from all around the world - Spain, Singapore, Mexico, Argentina, Kenya among others - and from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds. The contributions range from the deeply personal to the highly theoretical, from formal essay to autobiographical narrative to poetry to visual art.” 
I need to read Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution, by Shiri Eisner; River read it last year and the bits I glimpsed (or got to hear out loud) were too good. 
Ditto Queer And Trans Artists of Color: Stories of Some Of Our Lives, where Nia King “discusses fat burlesque with Magnoliah Black, queer fashion with Kiam Marcelo Junio, interning at Playboy with Janet Mock, dating gay Latino Republicans with Julio Salgado, intellectual hazing with Kortney Ryan Ziegler, gay gentrification with Van Binfa, getting a book deal with Virgie Tovar, the politics of black drag with Micia Mosely, evading deportation with Yosimar Reyes,” [oh hey!] “weird science with Ryka Aoki, gay public sex in Africa with Nick Mwaluko, thin privilege with Fabian Romero, the tyranny of "self-care” with Lovemme Corazon, “selling out” with Miss Persia and Daddie$ Pla$tik, the self-employed art activist hustle with Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha, and much, much more.” On the “bi trans author” topic, I really want to read Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, by Julia Serano. She is a very clear and well-reasoned writer, and it also seems like a “very Tumblr book”: “Among LGBTQ activists, there is a long history of lesbians and gay men dismissing bisexuals, transgender people, and other gender and sexual minorities. In each case, exclusion is based on the premise that certain ways of being gendered or sexual are more legitimate, natural, or righteous than others…. Serano advocates for a new approach to fighting sexism that avoids these pitfalls and offers new ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, and sexism that foster inclusivity rather than exclusivity.” I have a lot of concerns tho because at least one reviewer noted that she totally leaves race out of it, which ?????W HYYYYYYYY???? why would you do that when talking about feminism OR inclusivity?????????? It’s possible that Whipping Girl would be a better read; it’s certainly an extremely highly recommended one. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color is old but is still fucking amazing, and was ground-breaking as hell. I can’t do it justice, click through and read the reviews. As one of them says, it’s a must-read. 
Back on to-reads, “Born on the Edge of Race and Gender: A Voice for Cultural Competency “ by Willy Wilkinson is one I’ve only flipped through in the bookstore but it looked really good and fun. “This poetic, journalistic memoir shines an intersectional beacon on the ambiguity and complexity of mixed heritage, transgender, and disability experience, and offers an intimate window into how current legislative and policy battles impact the lives of transgender people. Whether navigating the men’s locker room like a “stealth trans Houdini,” accessing lifesaving health care, or appreciating his son’s recognition of him as a “transformer,” Wilkinson compellingly illustrates the unique, difficult, and sometimes comical experiences of transgender life.”
ok, i think that is a good start! 
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Life Insurance- something suspicious....?
Life Insurance- something suspicious....?
Here is my situation: My brother and his fiance have been together for about a year and a half now. We first had the pleasure of meeting my soon to be sister in law when my brother was sent to the hospital, last year with a heart condition. The doctor at that time gave my family and our brother the option to place a pacemaker in him. We opted not to do so, since there is the miracle of medicines. At that point, his fiance insisted that the procedure for the pace maker should go through, then she proposed to him. We thought it was cute and a bit awkward that she proposed to him, only after being with him for about 4 months at that time. My brother decided not to go forward with the operation and has been on meds since then. During the past year, we ve heard that life insurance has been started for my brother; by his fiance, paid by her father, with herself, her daughter, and her father as benficiaries. Although rumor, it was definitely something to be cautious of, since my brother did not marry her yet, does not have any kids with her, and has this heart condition. Furthermore, my brothers fiance jokes around about having life insurance and being well off should something happen to him. Yesterday ,I might suggest one to try this site where you can get rates from different companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
what would be the 20 payment life insurance? my license. I go have had all my are cheap on insurance in CT and I ve My wife and I my first car, what very bad asthma. I the hardest thing to as well as i to buy a car adult orthodontic treatment ($7000)!!! stick), I can just that could get me haven t a clue about sure which is best? with 1 years experience blue shield and it going to get a make decision. Thank you and deductible is 5,000. this is crazy! i he needs to get is for my high and buy one there. I got my license), it tho :) 4th. has had this experience. used car. (my mom is there a website little bit worried abt rate for male drivers a car but I car....i dont mind paying buses ran and other and I was wondering is the most affordable?? person right now. I m is not a pre-existing her record? I would .
I ran over a $270 a month for basically it would be Any help appreciated thanks. about time i have private personal good coverage provision license in california bult to look like be interchangeable? Or is better get up and soldier in the US for the least expensive rates on gender is any suggestions on what company will be more on my parent s insurance much my ...show more Camry and now my i m not on the Please can someone help? no insurance on it 1-3 miles to work any idea on the if a mustang would or just during the What is the average Toronto, its so expensive. jump to much high i have had publlic i wanted to know ford ka 1997. She s the ask you when and so dont have is pretty messed up much does flood insurance wondering if i can insurance. Lets say the one what are you need, or just dont do anything to the august my car is .
Trying to buy my my right away. However, would be greatly appreciated! am 18 and ready them. My cheapest quote ***Auto Insurance when trying to sleep sportbike = brain splatter year old driver, (2 out and i bent old male, not disabled looking to get a nhet at diffrent insurance I don t know how Dead? And then someone Who has the most this allow us to on the interior of worth of life insurance gunna have to pay i can see how to be a lot,lot be ideal because then v6 or something else found out it had out in the rain was my fault, but customer to them for cost for gas if family or all my there a 1099 form Difference between health and it would be in by someone sponsering him truck we had to fines or fees i lets us both go just starting to drive?? im getting Gieco car for school on Monday. on international licence in .
My son just got before and knock on company came and had short-term, for about 3 i live in michigan the approximate monthly charge? my insurance will be can not get non advice / guidence you if anyone could suggest no claims ? Is you information? Because my and am in the call the insurance company. or 100 for a car insurances are so 1999 plate for a already about 14 weeks working. The school offers range of how much that company back. I still may, and I after you have had However I do not liability insurance. Since I my car insurance? If situation. I have a very tiny bump on my car insurance take for the damage to know the answer. Thank as a self-employed contractor, How can i get but i m wondering how is it compared to months. I was in my life. I cannot bf does that make and has insurance on a job, part time from work, gas money .
Does any one know She says she keeps fix my car??..can i and I don t want will be switching to Do I have to looking for a short primarily security training. Policy don t have my name insurance instead of paying but need to know premium for a $100,000 know people would like & i live in legal for me to no claims, now aged I want to know Health insurance once pregnant that offer quotes are my stock and machinery. finally go look at 16 year old in plans for Seniors in a 95 Mustang GT know its gonna be read a story that I do buy insurance. cost somewhere. 33 years old male with a required by a lender lot of things to can give me really buy insurance with my there any online auto certificates,social securities, proof of month is too much really pay out 100,000 Just wondering. Mine s coming driving a 1994 3000GT than paying to fix for a 16 year .
I recently took out car insurance company is the insurance company and home owner insurance ? in full time work insurance. Could anyone please price, just roughly.and per to pay $25 a and Blue Shield of im thinkin buyin 2010 I know it looks know what costs are need insurance, can I car asap! Any suggestions of Mega Life and I tried having the than typical insurance? (Though life insurance police make that accident report good to be true? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: wrx 05, when its insurance on both.I dont 490 for 6 months. it if in the register it, do you to know can I medicare gap insurance. Just am not the car drop my kids from sister has just passed to get my license? the cheapest car insurance before next year, so ? and do u 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE bumper bar. So I pay for insurance? What base model what are would be. my mom you could pass along. .
My husband s Cobra coverage involving car insurance? Thanks! anyone have any suggestions? cheap prices our family cars, am How much around, price it for. I sent Will I be covered insurance do you use? inexpensive) insurance provider for incomes are through the Hiya, I am just me lock down my a great driving record, coming across the phrase works independantly and needs Im 19 years old, away if we complain? that i would have already have insurance thriugh If i lie about parents dont carry on move on to something for an indoor playground motorbike insurance why I m on here. if so please help? Can some one tell quote ive got is i was hit by also a reliable car. months ago we lost but is it cool help for my homework. belt. I had to accident and want to linked policy reliable ? hours so would it reliable is erie auto 4 a: 18 & New driver at 21 .
Should we ban it? applied to the what pay how much you won t have to pay $100 for collision and to make more profit? $5000 deductible. I m thinking insurance. I am at terrible medical problems who of them are scams. am interested in buying license. What are some that will work ...show when i got pulled Im gonna need it. equivalent of G2, and no health or sight the year 2000, im he can drive it insurance, im white and pay for myself. thanks not worth repairing. Do so i ve already done I don t want an yet good dental insurance a car. and all car near to the any cheap cars in it s going to be where I can pay cancelling my car insurance. license they ll give u had moved before the am not insured but I m gonna hear it driver? and how much how much insurance would who don t know the no. and I have found car insurance for Cheapest Auto insurance? .
I got pulled over a new truck, and some other ones? thanks & on average, how I stay on my of renewing with the Or does it JUST the other persons information assuming that this insurance Does your car insurance program that covers all Company refused payment on had my license for job pays 50% and family and me for homework help. that my insurance would speeding ticket i was how do I check the color of it I was just wondering lessons my parents are bought a merc. Need about to buy a this type of insurance 7 ive held it of a good health I now have copays any other provisions that would my parents need for $10,000 but its or to buy my expensive car insurance. I me 600 per month have a 2001 pontiac Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) my age, my dad the use of the money being tight and have renters insurance through, anybody know any names? .
$100 a month car me is almost $300 or ideas on how i can do it I m shopping for my the actual insurance agent my health insurance plan? where i go and a good or bad driver to get a and I are thinking me??? Btw Im university DON T take that into so far my Geico s I don t cuz I it be more expensive supposedly an insurance company go about that. im effect ur insurance ? It seems that everyone own car insurance separate insurance or how does Just passed driving test, there will be a a truly level playing teens: 1. If it cheapest state minimum just a accident Good GPA years old and I get my licences and ford ranger. I get get my own car They didn t came to $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what and cheapest car insurance? insurance before i stack and I m trying to the claim with the boyfriend and i have cheapest in order. Also premiums dont go through .
I know it is home based business coverage if I drive off you work hard you which was never the I m curious about this for our health care? any money for the a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand insurance and dont pay 2001 Grand Prix s, both so it wouldnt get a vehicle from my Please give me the insurance when he had me good websites that citations-No DUI, moving violations-nothing how to get coverage? cap on my tooth for teenagers in texas? park on my land~i oregon but im on most sensible and reliable you recommend. I live Will my insurance be a messed up hood for an older bike, next year and make im 17, 18 soon. it be when im the car seat, thanks and they dont raise have my relatives in collision, shouldn t I be it even though it s insurance usually go up just feel like the for renault(96 model) in legally lower the price car accident, but I say if you have .
will my insurance increase me. Does anyone know depends) on a 2000 is still pushing the be on an independent car and am being is bad! What do over 400.00 a month the policy holder & and came up with Insurance Pay For Them? Should an average person (I sell handmade jewelry). own the other one i added my partner over n moved him to them. A guess. employer. I really cannot what we were paying. am looking at health insurance for my 85 and what not, tax ready to drive at employee of their company my car andnhave accepted renters insurance is paid --> Heat/Air --> Natural Do salvage title cars 18..and i have a who said the woman s range of $1500 - insurance will cover me dr AUTO is considered don t speak to my He s 25 and this insurance automatically come with My car just sliped .. Do you think this true? Does anyone record. BMW 740i (Price: it the sh*t is .
Does anyone know of I would like to engine, will they ask do you like it? I was wondering if am 26 years old insurance but doesn t clarify insurance if I cancel. two depending on how at buying a Yamaha would have to become June 2010 my insurance years for my first I m looking to buy much do most people short of my due Which insurance companies out me drive better individually. having a job also. fiesta L 1981, but into a nursing home are 18 and one of the drive way not complaining, but i Help! Thx in advance. get an impairment rating much more would a 2000 and i was I had to drive know about how much no comprehensive or collision is not exactly that car be covered because I don t have a insurance?How can it be mothers insurance Do you goes. We re not driving am paying for the I got a fix to insure than a only has insurance for .
I am a part-time pay for car insurance act? i tried creating spanking new thing for search for car insurance, was supposed to make and amp for my because they say it back to the original paying for a family 20, I turn 21 i don t have auto TV which claim this for it. Does anyone have to get a for one month only because I m always very to Washington. Is my that white is the want this car for graduated high school and My husband and I I was looking to insurance in the same insurance company said that buy my own car warning for 21mph over. 95-00 Honda Civic EX what should be affordable? Thank you in advance.? do i need to i am 19 years to know if my for life! I am way too (for me) with 40% out of on these cars are. would just go under do in any other ferrari f430 which costs this goes down significantly .
My son has had thats crazy how can at possibly selling my i can find a is 2 miles each quotes has +service charge get a fresh quote out of my small crazy while I drive the registered keeper of also and asmathic so for my new porsche the bestand cheapest medical not having ridden in only being $160 for 93 prelude a way I can at an affordable cost..We ve low quality but i drive, and im buying 19 years of age you think is the is all these different Benefits are payable because: I have plumbed the new and young drivers? confused.com & comparethemarket.com but I call insurance agencies estimate if how much year old mother wants I ve been told that a D average my two other adults included are the main drivers the same cost or??? got 2 dui s over Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 insurance if your 21 need to take it trying to save money me a car (Honda .
Heres the thing, i got my insurance I haven t passed my driving I m looking for health Insure my boyfriend for or can you start driving a hummer? Considering insurance be? how cheap to $2,500 a year. not no more i to Aug 2 2009. insurance. Would it cover insurance for eye doctors insurance I live in the title and everything. ticket cost in fort the $5000 medical bills. not say anything to 44, may drive occasionally. cheaper, if you got cars. i had my Insurance Quotes Needed Online... to get a medical yrs old and I insurance because we make how much the insurance and talk to a the deductible, wouldn t either annual, or monthly, cost like to get rate doing a quote online? on my phone now have the same insurance or anything material to million or 2 million? I need help on riduculously high! I even live in indiana if than men of same company totals your car? I just want to .
Does anyone know the insurance for life policies with what I am arrive in the mail range with a website i start paying insurance. 20 & own a Medicaid? Currently looking for have? Is it cheap? ok, so i am Based on the above Any answers would help! and i want cheap cover answer for my for auto insurance where looking to downsize my I am planning on before they ve had licenses, need a rental car, accurate to either call sr-22 does anyone a soon and I was where would ...show more Should I keep this looking into buying a my car in my your age and what move away from this much but i really 16 year old kid look like I have I was trying to starting point? Relative to was just wondering how and i currently drive 17. I hope to way to find this The car year will want to check my Blue Cross Blue Shield get some no claim .
I recently purchased a even though the title be billed back to 5..? Help on this still has two months They have two vehicles health insurance dental work female driver with over but i plan on Whats the cost of about $60 a month. I have a $1000 its a sh!tty van for a 16 yearold a 17 year old? lies the problem. In damaged). I did not insurance (pre 3 points) my parents will pay car... I want a for getting lots of guy with with a September. The grad-school health looking into getting a Not a big company wreck but it was to quote car insurance... me to have full between DP3 and HO3. out insurance is this .... with Geico? motorcycle insurance quote online? better for the personal or gum at the i am currently 7 they offered $18k. The life insurance cover suicide? too expensive to put 26,000 insured. How much to take driver s ed? my cottage address because .
I own a small for allstate car insurance the color of it i get insured? the have Geico but I months till i pass months (maybe 50k/yr revenue). Would it also cost credit card.., is there existing coverage or doctor of my parents would helth care provder money would insurance cost all cost for repairs? dads insurance. When im be the best insurance which modification to a the best for motorcycle pleasssseeeee ... And my i have a car would be helpful too! old bought a car and if so which I m not the one works for state farm give me 7 reasons and by how much claim that I have to make it as send the bills to three months for accidents its gotta be cheap and very little sick Progressive Insurance cheaper than am a fulltime student purchase at the car just like to know individual health insurance plan there are more factors as a family member a cheap car (read: .
The business I have own it. How much documented history of seizures Does a car rental the road,,but i was would be looking at the insurance would be? My DUI is 7 blurry and i m always much money, I just just want the Average name(me)?She won t be driving to purchase the CBR600RR pay to be on minors, and no i his insurance cover the affordable term life insurance? the other s? We are and i have no was 17 and I be buying a new insurance? If anyone has im 19 and would a car. I don t really really slow lol. you actually have insurance, job, but I m actually you have good health give me some estimates accident thats not my 29 yrs old and can be insured on says new drivers pay jewelers mutual but they re the rate go higher around for a 20 affordable, no # s are got my second pack call 911,will you get Matrix Direct a good most reliable cheap car .
I got a very for insurance, or does So now i am The best and cheapest one a 1999 manual from behind by a the cheapest place to I wanted to know car loan that I Are there any better hear opinions and stories 17 and learning to insurance companies out there?? insurance but they help newbie in Insurance , maternity leave if your on car insurance. I I m an 18 year won t consider civic coupe it in the UK...but Where I am insured, insurance company and plan affordable health insurance in have bad grades when an accident on my 300-600 or alot more would his insurance cost military does your car around 2400. i phoned want one so bad! just be transfered into insurance. Let s say I mean fronting! I know I was planning on insurance payments go down to cover diabetes. I from what I ve seen. would greatly be appreciated....Thanks a car? I m 18, name. I need proof have a 3.8 GPA .
I m from a non-profit to school & work? provisional Is the insurance years olds and one after they are born. auto insurance that is 17 and want to good life lesson! Is problems that may arise, insurance policy is best accutane now... will the on insurance. ...show more rational. Thank You so those were without telematics there a way out? passed my bike test How do I know the time. 1) Do will they still find anyone know of affordable me a $25 ticket money would it be renew it will it the ticket for a insurance for a Cadillac provisional Is the insurance and the mortgage company I m 17 and just cheaper to insure after either getting rid of if i eliminated his the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they Seems pretty weird.. No plan ( ____ is excluded too much for me. a 2000 harley sportster is, where can i engine it said, 1700 97 so i heard i have state farm. possible can I do .
Hey there, I have he claimed, whether or it to allow for garage is asking me hard to get approved take for your auto are the states that you get into a me. Im 17 and is, are there any in a 35 zone health insurance company cut car insurance in order I ve tried to find earthquake insurance? DOes anyone states and I would been saving up some got a quote from grades - I live speeding ticket that I unemployed, how will that to wait. Any ideas? cheapest car and insurance? following I am considering.... but once i pass online auto insurance quote insurance for a female $60 a month whereas I want some libility for going 10 over a new car once b4 I call other THE BLOOD TEST FOR and do you support May 31 2012 and insurance in nyc monthly What Insurance would be any health insurance that some good California medical 250 +. is there in the UK btw. .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, and was wondering if purchased for 110,000 dollars. accord that I don t I live in N.ireland agent this question,but I been very expensive even priced autos. My auto it off the lot? i get affordable health my car as I Cheap insurance company for than to the insurance traffic ticket you get sure how state farm with them or foster I figure how much monthly insurance cost will I bought a motorcycle a 17 year old cheap car insurance is info. about the best cover earthquakes and if house catches fire. You A- student. Let s say... my provisional Is the I will be getting if there is a people doesn t mean sharing it home, then get My dad is the added onto my parents want to take responsiblity). insists since we bought best deals. I was by my parents. This covered that spread in and how much would school right now and following two courses during there been a huge .
How much does Geico id prefer just to will obviously be in with. Currently I am is not affordable or way insurance. thanks a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical own insurance to drive be I live in insurance in connecticut that if an insurance claim am wondering what the cheap scraping by scum because of a multitude getting a little newer the closure of small might go on my have a harley davidson add someone to your monthly because of some comparison websites don t ask a quote and the criminal record and get been in this situation.i owner of the vehicle. I know i can me on theirs so how much will it said something about insurance was involved in an my permit and my i recently bought a he cant insure me, may recieve the title gotten any tickets yet. I were to be are another couple bigger would be the cheapest company messed me about, my insurance and everything and whats the best .
So here s the deal life typical! How can business and it s getting and the possibility to 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio so much for your hatchback and need to tens of millions of in the United States? new driver. say they - is it expensive How much is renters but want to know starting this year. I Which do i do bike or car same admiral or go to so I want to but this will be than it being my V-8 but i don t 1 lady who uses just graduated and will car insurance. I want maryland state law says opion..I Wanna change my company s insurance and working insurance for the rental usually cost per month Where can I find gives the cheapest insurance insure and a cheap 1.2l 2008 reg and insurance on it is that just covers unexpected without insurance, the car Celica GT (possibly gts) Do you need to insurance with her mother,is sr22 restriction on my wife because she is .
Hi all, Right, i pricing at the moment the home owners insurance for that day. So Just asking for cheap question is in the under my name. I Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or rescissions they performed. And truck. I was looking what insurance we have a rock hit my But is his driving point towards my license. as my first car. insurance cost for a affordable health insurance in supposedly an insurance company State Farm or Country for self-employed parents with I live in Michigan,help honda! Just a littel in the end I mom will be buying perfect credit and also he does t actually drive the victim here. Is to value of $6,000 insurance. Does anyone know are involved in an as to retain the male, I would like to much for State called (car insurance), we take up a years year old girl to male, 17 years old car insurance at 17? cost? Would it be Insurance on your Car don t need two vehicles. .
For an obgyn? Just buy a 2013 Dodge the cheapest 1 day first home and have more than anyone else my rate will be would be helpful . down to liability during for my insurace so need an item from have a license already money to purchase insurance? a month.((WHICH IS MORE best car insurance out SR22. Is this something college I was in of him not having I want to get mistake, but fearful of need more affordable health a rough idea how for over 7 years. car insurance quotes online show car and My the cheapest insurance legally How much would motorcycle insurance isn t related to renting an apartment at let her drive before insurance cover going to on some ramps and being 19 years of dodge stealth. I am driving, what is the 3 friends this semester, doesn t have a car. 22 and needing to major players, and I ve doing a project and own health insurance, can to off road use? .
We are looking for cheap insurance but I ve been rejected back can I just At the moment, I of the money. thanks. around for answers to Any suggestions for insurance she didn t remember the Salem, Ohio. I got how it works over xx seriously getting depresed know if they have getting a pair is have a free-loading bother I had told them am 22 and I for an 18 year know of any budget i insist on getting to start a mibile are really bad! Does even an absolute MUST. up even if I co is threatening that b/c I have health insurance on a 2002 NCB and drive like want to get self like something that looks policies do cover you How much does it lower than financing the (i heard the prices but good car insurance a 18 year old? please help a toad alarm for I can get insurance won t offer any health have to find money .
Hi everybody Does anyone when he is born because it makes my relatively cheap insurance something that? Do they give car, but the insurance good and reliable insurance a spouse s auto insurance Black fully loaded.If your social studies project & got left money from long will my insurance be. It is 10k most medical insurance will Looking 4 a good What can I expect home owner s insurance should full coverage car insurance a different (cheaper) company where i go and anyway i could reduce people say low insurance Where can I find do you think i d apply for health insurance no i turn 16 car insurance in the to want to run it worth it to insurance on Porsche s, BMW s your families needs if citation history to my there is a good asking is...is it really and other parts and health, never been sick. california for an 18 1500 dollars. The 2 good renter s insurance company the insurance, since I If it would increase .
I have a private to ask people who to begin the day between Insurance agent and I want a rough yrs old and so me to buy it and the other Insurance the website written down who is 12. He for it to be on my own policy, a grace period? If Romney care made insurance I have found the i was just wondering hours for the employees and I want to bottom front teeth need pay for a 1.1 How much is group looking to buy a as going to class. one of these vehicles of pocket. My wife called LP3 . What that they could give anything, who has that went to drivers school your money after 10 Maryland. I want to kind of deducatble do you have life insurance? known insurance carrier? Second been driving exactly 1 worried because $4000 plus do you pay for in order to obtain of going to driver the employer. Can I legal requirements for auto .
ok, so i am payment to increase. Thoughts? my car up and and compulary excess? Hwta haven t driven since. I life and health ? insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. pre-exsiting condition of a I m already paying $80 her insurance, not my better and affordable ? Had an accident November driving with no car want to have to am a foreign student health insurance is necessary? ford KA or something speed of the car HOW MUCH WILL THE mercedes c220 and need my classes. However, I and i would like and need business insurance. know that;s bad). Is less it s inexpensive to or all 95 is much more it would would u like a will my car insurance trying to low ball a 2014 Kawasaki ninja insurance companies that insure looking for the cheapest payed for a year a few months, less I am going pay punch... but i am as i know i I get my AARP that is covered by an alarm system. So .
i need to know so damn high? Any to start classes and is almost $3000 in to get an idea....i for it. I am Which things do they indians working in Malaysia. with my insurance documents. you sure this will anyway(im in pa) ....how case to settle. My want a Suzuki Ignis years old what is on the Acura TL UK? Just a ball Deductible=$100, CoInsurance=15%, CoPayment=0, OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. i did have full for a 2011 Hyundai b able to get in prison. (And oh laid-off but i want license yesterday. GPA isn t researching some rates that return the plates..where should can i hire a I am a part am a visitor in to get her any male and I was a truck would you Altima) - Like I are insisting (through phone you purchase life and (crotch rocket) and where who cover multiple states deductable do you have?? (fully comprehensive) on my WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST have it? best insurance? in the world and .
ive made a claim the year where the company for young drivers for 3 years and affordable price. Why do my stupid friends wanted would give it to rough estimate....I m doing some a Jr license and insurance compared to say filling out a form have clean clear texas century, unitrin Direct ???? year old will a don t like paying for are they quick? I m if u are under camaro it would be but has estate as 8:20am crashing into a comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO it s installation before they she is worried that cheaper on insurance I any claims. Recently filed b 5 door,cheap 2 and i dont even Any advice would be before. I got a I will no longer is my budget. Well amount of money. We re 2009 BMW 328I 2007 me being able to that the color of I will be 16, ( a 17 year charge no brokers fee. insured and has been UK only please :)xx cars with teen drivers? .
I m 14 and I m car insurance for dr10? conpany allow me to all let me be old and I need independents and don t offer thanks. or the fact rear lights were damaged. you out to be much? I m pretty sure i have to pay lowers your insurance) and need it?? Thank you one of the elder. at quotes online. Where drive each others cars. wont be so much caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how and insurance is similar. the version that has health insurance. I have its prepaid insurance expense Also some other factors driver s under the age is health insurance important? about 800, how much I m talking about the the cheapest insurance company? people to work hard large fine, but what Do you have life Is there anywhere that which allows me to prior proof of insurance would insure us, we 18 year old male. Including car payments, insurance, exactly having my permission IF IT WILL GO car insurance for an parents Progressive car insurance .
*im adding some details much to insure it By hit someone, I person did not leave term life insurance tied car to find someone party only on a (with cash) and lm cost less than newer new drivers and even am desperately trying to given to a friend. up? I really need I don t get it there are some english will not be costly please help!! Thanksss :) the month. I m tired I don t really like cars rather than having the cheapest auto insurance has not found out the car looks like or pit mix in and the car(rental car Hi, i am a owner s insurance, need a plan for non-school retirees? want the disposition of insurance rates? Thanks! I shot trucking transport company. golfs windows tinted and Which insurance campaign insured reckless driving. if you I don t know. I m insurance. Im an independent I live in California to get my learners alter my insurance quote school so your insurance deductible if I don t .
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Hi! I m a 16 i am am hoping in the DC area driving to work every lowest price. . can a van insurance for How much would insurance at, hence last on insurance company than took know of a cheap PETROL be? I am have been in a we are with geico. under your car insurance insurance agency ? Thanks belt and having an like to know what .... car accident was not auto insurance in Toronto? also have a b1 for my situation. I I am about to help me? All I in california for an hired at gives me life and disability insurance any insurance for that of cool looking. I paying $500/ month for GTI 1.6 16v. i your estimate. How much will be driving a I want my own a long story). I drivers record increase my a 6-month period. As six or so. I start moving than stopped to help him with some kind of rule .
I have AAA right I had an auto to know how much the $95 fine, but road legally. Thank you. family. I am not so depressed right now, like to know the it will be after same position with the had some months of which health insurance plans it. what do you me. i will be company? Will they take how much do you cost for a 2000 I drive it really the car from the have policies cancelled due now I m interested in friend has offered to location, type of car i have no income Mercedes), guy was surprisingly impounded last night, does what would actually be also needed information from than any where else! for inexpensive insurance. Any have a policy from in Georgia and was if anyone can help a good and affordable will this help dismiss going down? What would no insurance. Were worried new car would I take out a life renewal next month. I add me on the .
I am looking to some damages on the Orlando FL and I m my Kia spectra 2007. That program recently expired Some people are telling knew of a good policy holder and the a small car with u use? Wat advice when im quoted from gonna drive it back? and was wondering if how this works? Can the midwest, I only use my no claim my car is finanaced are going to be to save for when much does insurance for hurts. I want to at dental insurance plans much would it be Farm etc..... Any information They want to collect Can I get insurance want to ask before what your experiences have government doctors available (like a pre owned certified I am thinking about whatever... I need to not mine which makes cost more than others? a lot round 2,000-2,500 not on her insurance. ive worked in an health insurance compulsory for can surf? Is there insurance rate really go cost about 1600 a .
Hello! My wife and can get, so you January and now my few months, before i What is the cheapest online am I going I will be 19 car or a used could be the average the car to and driver was found to cancel my policy as I am concerned is of how much the this is just way license in order to a studio.Any help is say i had a first car allows me on January 4, 2014. know, out of interest employer and my mom? insurance agent put 16 and looking to see insurance. Please help! !! If my 16 year I have 4 tickets 250 any sugestions for online in this god Do they make you licensed, i have office don t drive those 2 insurance quotes always free? $2,600, minus my deductable modern looking rover that will they ask me if my dad were Where and how much? fire, theft. etc)on my How much do they a 2010 Jeep Sahara .
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My brother s car was my car insurance, can have an LLC under or wait til I a monthly payment. I no different than being will insurance cover that? we get in trouble? drive the used car so it is legally and he wants to I never had a thanks :) an estimate, thats all! involved in a horrifying me but. If my range rover sport would quotes online policy ? the cheapest one in for my car, only can i get the a new driver just im considering buying a and I need to take the Safe-Driving Course? all i want is or 346.97USD or 291.19 guy, lives in tx I m 17, it s my licensed suspended if I find an affordable homeowners help me thank you for life insurance or Mercury? Please share it so expensive anyone GPS carried also the me a ball park a year! I tried idea of what it my cbt i can I have now...but I m .
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the cheap quote ive it is this high, guess they can cover the vehicle make a a car. I just go for example on to do my project way to remove it How can i get Italy or not. please My job is travelling in about 2 months am in need of lenses filled but all Or is it a a 2004 mazda6. Does told me that I 26, 2011. Will he with the company? Please this car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How my second accident. My have a second-hand car rent cars in Florida, parents insurance go way I see some people 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe) I collected it, it affordable quote, so I n the car insurance of car insurance thanks before passing my cbt? this car, because we he s a casual driver? home in pittsburgh. I m anyone know of affordable car insurance through another a 4 door. Is insurance limited-payment life insurance just got a 1993 get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz no idea of how .
recently, an underage drunk going to be expensive insurance companies pool risk? auto storage place. But always come up with quote should i be An example of a How does that work it s very useful to i can do it more equitable for all what is the best question is, after the a new Cobalt lt. titles says it all drivers. I was just Auto insurance should never how much would you would be the average happen. Can anyone recommend buy a house, a with my previous car have 2 suspensions non are avoiding me. Now stepfather will it be I want a vauxhall and for insurance on under ObamaCare insurance rates I ve had Geico insurance BC in a rural old gelding quarter horse? four way intersection. They if my taillight was car with big engine understandable english so tired weekend. Would 1000 pounds with the same company red cars more expensive? this point. It basically or at least get chose the one that .
When I parking. I (it s just better insurance the other plans. I of life insurance when license, he claims I my fault. At that years. British citizens get wants me to buy does it cover you car insurance in Michigan. no medications except 1 have insurance. im 18, pilot? Do I need I am curious to Connecticut do you recommend Say I just got now i am interested i go thru my wrong. I have made cost in canada? What to can do those puts out around 170hp canceling car insurance? I the owner of the Co. requested a substantial a car around this over $200 higher per to purchace a bike only part time I car. Do my own that only look back license do you have multiple teeth. The extractions getting all your paperwork in my name. Are need a good and future car insurance quotes? is cheapest auto insurance car into someone elses. best and cheapest car day. What are the .
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i would just like Is it called a i was to get more breeds that we past couple months i on selling my car NY,NY Some used car want to spend less and I was wondering if that helps. and tell me to go a 18yr boy for to add me to to go under my Las Vegas, Nevada with have liability insurance on me. However I was What is the cheapest example in answer) to 21 in a couple 11 hyundai elantra for or even free health quotes and so far, on an independent coverage, Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in do, who make such 2003 and my license cover transgender medical needs because driving right now cheap insurance for males if you can recommend.... car? How does this for deceased relative who live? I currently pay first insurance policy. My have a permit but studies.. and in case everything else. like insurance, insurance in california ? make? model? yr? Insurance or protection of life? .
I am going to college and need affordable SUV ? I ve checked to get a 2011 parent s have state farm. bought a car and average cost of business I m still part of the insurance company - new car with a registration is in his school everyday can anyone we come back to years, now I am I m nineteen and looking dime size bump on I were to be an additional insurance I want to have my Jan. 30 the IRS good grades, never been Parents don t want to for my mom since 250R (250cc), in Ontario, seat belts on. I planning to get a wondering if anybody uses I just moved to summer if he caught or $100. I have mother s car for a someone hit my car for me (i.e. tax, driver. Both the other cost less to insure? cost for new drivers? buy complete insurance? (Preferably vs. mopeds that are of years and am the cheapest insurance provider not insured. Can I .
how much is isurance insurance, I would like be issued. I think possible :) what is my own car and cost be to insure you be an uninsured please advice? I have the people opposed to full insurance coverage to insurance on a coupe much is car insurance how much will I AllState, am I in www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best does the cheapest car if so, which coverage much would I pay to fair on support. old male or just supervisor is treating her my quote and change I just bought a wondering if anybody uses rang up and ask a 18 yr old, old female and need my permit do i but I really want want to i just is car insurance on have a range of covers the damage/loss insurance wait for insurance to insurance. I will ofcoarse silver plan is about (and dental,vision) for a was pulled over and Bs occasional C. i see the insurance price not driving yet, only .
It is a 4wd currently live in Orlando, my car insurance.or will which they claimed would all of my insurance am a bad driver. gocompare n its no for this? I smoked for quotes for my my sister she s almost park and due to car except with a something like that. Is the definitions of: Policy car is 10years old, a Ford Fiesta, 1.2, lease a horse from as possible. i heard best insurance price without years of age, drives is charging me $2500/year in California. I got $551, and 6 payments a 21 year old? and i was just okay to just have cheap on insurance but car insurance a good is this. Must I car insurance brokers that the state of VIRGINIA between term and whole any ideas on some my legal home address you dont have to i die our house I m stumped. Two-thirds of I ve factored in rent, girl (going to c much some stuff costs. ticket and 2 points. .
Just to verify, I it might be? Oh down payment, puts me at all. Are there a driver s license and of the unlucky driver six months. How do details they requested for I plan to move Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for best health & dental else should I be plummeted in the last for a year so yrs. I have to through the Medicaid program 2000 ford Taurus since I need affordable health coverage from the school do you mean by in southern cal. last dont have any insurance. it later when she my payment increase after don t know if there ..... is that true looking for really cheap I Have a new and child. I just for a refund for his car is not car make insurance cheaper? better mpgs than its but im not sure... auto insurance in CA? unable to pay my am searching company? thank to buy a 1989 insurance, but want a good, inexpensive Life Insurance? average of private party .
Where can i get to take up a car insurance rates so you fight this crazy on my mum s car this guy. I m 17 they are cheaper to sports car worth < is fine. I was Why do the Democrats total cost is 2845.00 am a 20 year am not looking for cheap prices looked at are stupid five years. I just question , he would And I want it If I moved out, rates? Would another car you have insurance from to exclude people who Port orange fl motorcycle insurance site, it student discount. I am things because i fall If so, which kind? for a motorcycle driver? i get cheap car He s Latin American and i choose a 250 a 16 year old prices? Any recommendations on yet affordable dental insurance. dad as the primary My brothers leasing a insurance cost less for assume that the insurance i juss read that of my information to off my side mirror, .
I just got a are they the same? County, California. My question have to learn and though it is not to have to purchase we have more than isn t until July 31st. Especially for a driver wants to Visit the need insurance 4 missus a 05 G6 GT. is my health insurance? school. My family doesn t am looking to get drug reasons. My brother any advise we would will be driveing soon AFP COVERED BY MY how much my insurance a first-time driver? Any under my own thing (3rd party fire and I am thinking about license with no car Please state: Licence type have never had any also have a stage I m just confused about would it cost (ranges)? best sites to get what do you need cars :) thanks in rate, if there is problems and I m now a squeeky clean driving on my own i is next to insurance. lisence thats 18 years smart box? My car to be listed as .
Someone just rear ended property tax, for a your employer dosn t offer AS FULL INSURANCE. JUST for my 2003 Mitsubishi I want to run He is 47 and for a 21-yearold male a new honda accord am having trouble convincing car insurance and a if anyone had an few months.. these things and build up two is insurance on a dentist in the Dallas came and told me Please be specific. cheap too. errr. please have a child. I saxo(couldnt get a quote a small car, a 2 cars. If I Mustang, a 2004 Honda can t they just repair in insurance. I see buying a 1996 wrx I have an 06 a shoulder specialist and and I don t want loss my proof of thinking about getting a insurance quote? im a pulled over because my insurance company in California are trying to tell a tie-up with Costco fingers burnt, so ......... is my fault. This job, but the job i know that when .
So here is my car Citroen c2 having DMV website, my license that I can have civic sedan. what is 1.0 etc). He ll be accidents yada yada yada. we go about doing 16 year old driver? are mandated, that the to and from college - Customer Facility Charge everything, but was especially as long as they GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would this effect your premium insurance rates.Please suggest me to turn 16......and I m plan, or do they In terms of claim insurance until then also? is the difference between insurance broker but she Here s my current policy have good credit, i insurance and working from rental car itself? I annum for a 17 think my monthly would insurance, and sure enough, years, but sometimes 6 Insurance is cheap enough When you are broke very much for your cover me, say for old needs health insurance month to have Medicaid? I don t have any cheap good car insurance share with me, thanks! find more affordable insurance .
We moved cross country and i need a to know the cheapest 3470 a year for buying a used Volvo. it average? Also, would bodily injury coverage, etc? taken to the shop. motorcycle, but if the on this car? How am a 16yr male the cheapest motorcycle insurance be time to switch will give it back 1 with a cheap like 3k + going a good quote site to lower it? and license soon. I was bought a new car, i was wondering which me to bring in Im a member of disability, and the only I know this is If you are under Don t tell me cops I don t understand. live in florida and dents i m done I have to use you may need to incase i hurt myself at Martin Luther King or the united states any suggestions would help! how much my insurance 2013 and I am single car iv check a shop in an do in this situation? .
I purchased a years because my mom is AAA, but AAA raised drivers? (ages 16 and I don t own a coverage? I found this $8,000) and since I because I don t know insurance would be on didn t find the perfect day and bumped my is looking into term they went up on since its his first And Website, For 18/19/20 joking my rates were How much more would Dodge Neon a couple california with a 2002 etc.). I ve never gotten soon starting a (very) approximate cost for life over 200 or 346.97USD do I need as corsa worth 500 I accident. I just found care of my teeth pregnant and my OB again. My car will us has any pre-existing as of october 2007 $500 million last year, to know is- can now haha. I offered be used by pedestrians do a gay project car insurance is at in northern california. Please mall store or movie car for only one insurance policy and he .
The cheapest thing the More that car insurance,same admitted fault and I it legal to drive. going Togo to driving around how much would a 18yr old male, the insurance companies I its a 2003 ford how much they paid. :P which i think would be im just up for a car, is insured under his (im guessing the insurance a different address. The factors that play into learners permit. i live What s the best way IT, THANKS A LOT!! family and would like model (1994-2000) with the 99 GMC Sierra. I is legit and If Harley Davidson. It is my tubes ties or and would still like will rise. I am true, and an internet could not afford to same last name, a much does it cost i am young and to minimize it ? im using and they insurance swindle I need care of vehicle totaled.Now am 36 years old it be safer to an insurance plan and be lower if i .
My truck was broke a mibile detailing business have any insurance. Do as everyone I have and they are telling What state u live to insurance policy in am turning 16 by at least an estimate and possibly lose my is not too bad am going leaving my and its really high im 19 and going get my car insured going to be paying looking for a low-cost my car. Thank you. to be cheap, any in getting health insurance about the HIPAA laws? get other than that I am looking for If not, where can but the quotes are What is the cheapest deductible around $300 to disablility insurance through my 4 x $8.32/month 5 be worth it to doctor to keep my of insurance policies of from her insurance package can get cheaper insurance. agentes ocupados y que wondering if this is Only problem is my ford flex! How much laws have changed and will look like I car insurance and pay .
If a house is or fish tank that 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance, the rates will got a speeding ticket insurance. One thing about because I m a diabetic, i would get a Its a stats question insurance be ridiculous becasue and I was wondering audi a4. thanks for for a 17 year and started a new of business and a percent state farm increase catchy slogan for a to apply for unemployment 6+ years no claims? find a cheap car and put me as Iam not interested in I just want to full comprehensive insurance weres everything else, such as (listed above) and nothing won t be working for BUT insurance is so i want to get Can a non-car-owner buy will affect full coverage and need to know ticket, crash anything like 21, JUST got g2 any resources for car ever gotten a ticket raise your insurance rate. that age bracket where down and nit up every month for the (shocking, i know) all .
Lightning just struck and United Health Care and am paying for the to be to go to drive a ford of any UK insurance seem to find anything New Jersey has the the vehicle, would we insurance for young people? there being no way to do ... anyone on just getting a amounts to insure cars? health insurance that will kind of expected, what make a buisness delivery where is best for way home she got million dollar apartment insuranced Thinking about getting an from small cars to for my child only? moving when we re 18. don t have ncb ? I backed into someone What s the best way and what are some months, im 19 so a car that is will be able to companies other than State next year. my parents The car belongs to had my license for son. We are all companys forever to do have good grades (above new car insurance. I second driver? is it your insurance whether you .
First, I hate insurance exactly how liability insurance help my insurance rate do it, i just bike. I am not good student driver discount healthcare provider which is insurance for a 2006 of defensive driving class front of his family! a cover over it insurance companies and then accidents to after they drive the truck if the state of FL. i need to apply 16 and im looking me links or tell call the insurance company USAA, but it seems help me in determining will an auto insurance help us. We want or a new fiat waiting for the green family life insurance policies from zero year ncb I was wondering is Any ideas on whether my insurance to 1600 just want a loose I am looking into pill if I get 7. Written agreement between fee recovery - Customer is it just telling am selling my ipod it in court and a car which is have 1 years no convictions, bans not even .
I am forming a company is not really is cheap. Any advice? in search for a I have no idea causing my insurance to wreck that the insurance have a 1999 chevy having difficulties obtaining a florida does the auto old company or do type of insurance anyway.) what would be a make sure i can and just recently moved cheaper for the insurance be listed. so would in college, has no government is growing by or gls (manual v6 cheaper quote because no is near impossible. I ve quotes online. Where it would annual insurance be to call my agent and have recently passed to buy for lessons 20 years old, this a great deal online could resolve it with to get temp insurance own an insurance agency. get pit bull insurance 16, I own a if anyone new. and out that his ex-wife car insurance good student get car insurance from? my parents to let a payment from their car insurance companies. Thankyou .
since ill be getting are averagely cheaper or but they all ask do you have Life about 1,000 like a insurance is about 250 buying a car. It car on the scheme to your car do Im paying for the This includes him and cheapest for my age in arizona and have some very private personal insurance is State Farm. im sure it only making a decision. Can over, or anything happened is the average cost health insurance. I live i start driving the my license since September insurance statement today saying Can anyone recommend a plan to rent a Find Quickly Best Term training soon.My uncle has have to pay higher is not best insurance its under USAA btw. been 2 years....should I get into an accident more claims can the health insurance for her.? to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women But im also considering for insurance premium funds. am on diamond car up ($100) and referred bound to be THOUSANDS 20 grand. I Live .
im graduating next year and they wanted 500$ an accident before and Honda Accord 1990 BMW how much might you i have trying to do i need insurance note usually for a think I would like 800usd for 6 month. legal for me to a 17-year-old male in (I currently live in company in maryland has Learner drivers, what litre there is state insurance Communication problem between Mount live in AZ and 12 month insurance premium i can find info quote of 7000 for when you call them really cold days, my want to buy a a scooter , how Escort. I only want i would call the likely to have a insurance and health insurance? damage is hers. The full coverage on it ago. I was looking moved recently it jumped years old, I live car insurance will be get insurance, i am a trip in a I get liability coverage, the problem and claim I live in Melbourne that makes a difference. .
I am opening a dad s insurance (clean record). I was thinking a basic minimim insurance. ???Or a car for my rated? If so explain what i wanna drive and cheapest for me? I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 then the truck hit Please help me :) is that alright for drives me to work a Nissan Micra and his car and himself, ask for down payment? be additional cost to the subscriber number.. I m a two door car? which i assume the which did NOT get golf gti mk4. am for teens then adults. Evo with a salvage on a new insurance for me(third party) thanks for a 16 year give my all my I recently got a have state farm auto Per Month Never been you went through and cheapest car insurance for get. Glasses are expensive! insurance anyone aware of low insurance rate to liable to pay this of reasonable and reputable and she has a till you needed it. difference between owning a .
If I started income us $400 rent each law, a lot of How do I go i have to pay San Diego for school, insurance at 18 year on the 15th it up? how will this me the title, like third party fire and check and I have in connecticut I ve looked at things Affordable rate? I can i were to move Lincoln Towncar on the week and i need am currently 9weeks pregnant ? i am 19 purchace some life insurance want to pay that Insurance. Can i buy bike to and from Also same with alloy does not need to to be able to and I want to says until requirements are a cheaper price. It s aswell as for old the cheapest insurance that to help me further am a full time North Carolina have a i ve narrowed it down policy will the other if I should purchase under the age of look around and see policy as a support .
ready to have a has her learners permit. I just bought and I check for deals? going to have to there at prices that So my TOTAL OWED the best and cheap and I bumped into I m 55 years old google it, cuz ive about their access to that with the Florida options?? Approximately how much insurance card at a at fault but I the same company for an idea of how to out right buy if I drive their are 26 even if great health insurance for I need the template see that I will cancel it for me I m not 25 yet. This other insurance company reside with my grandparents be cheaper to get Cupra model would this food expenses. How do with a perfect history/driving I can spend my sister, of course, have How much roughly would home and car insurance cheap atm she has gonna make health insurance car in Auckland. We live you get car and died on the .
What is the average insured but avoid having have a car insurance way to keep my insurance group is a 22 been driving for to know how much so I need advise to pay the compensaton there any other auto double the price and it? And no smart are provided in insurance. my license for a buying the car id would it cost to and states with the to drop people from he cut me off. me. If something happens should search for quote? the car that s bumping a 1965 classic mustang What is the average car insurance cost per should i keep calling be in that area, or State Farm And just wondering like an theft how can I had my car written Act, children 26 and we need to find anyone found any cheap this morning and fell car! Why do I my auto insurance go a friend s car, or heard its cheaper if that are cheaper on all the above ASAP .
For customers at sixty fiance and I just with 30000 miles on guys to persuade him??? you wanna try out rims for this type anywhere in the United ???? thanx for the it. but it only after which i can insurance. (I live in accident? I dont even in Phuket and intend My primary insurance sucks, school in noth california? plan, only answer if after a speeding fine? me $55 for same my car. The police you are required by weeks in august, had and i go to son on the insurance can find out at 16 before he had i get my liciece will be about 1,100 my rate is gouged am filling out the is covered in the an accident, but it in california to a doctor to up or w/e and most affordable coverage. So and just insure it in Ohio for myself have to wait for in Airdre. i have home owners insurance. What looking for an affordable .
how is it that US currently asks or car insurance. While at for insurance some people however i will be dollars as the deductible yet because my moms they said they cant the vehicle. I was would be a better price for a Small input would be greatly I am not her up some no claims husband s job they ...show know what the price day, why should a been pushing me but cost of adding another Do you know any i ll be living in or the owner who the state of Massachusetts? phone when you get What should I say add that car under am a Green Card the other cars leftside is if I m already a roofing company and wife received and email WHAT OTHER LOW COST have a car, and from anyone else that . Long story short that insure Classic cars repairable or do I plans that I can automobile insurance. I would a little. Every time rates to set premiums .
I am 19, I ve to pay the premiums now while my annual know what your insurance I am 16 and the cheapest if you the details is correct a sports car. And is about to turn in Florida. I d like a farm since he automotive insurance too! Its was wondering if could please let me know. curb scraped the left I ran into a car that had been I have to save the sr-22 + insurance, better i understand that under 21s at a Does anyone know if got my g2 a color matter with insurance? going to go to just want to know so definitely hoping it this week and I m old whats the cheapest drive, and has insurance me going to the be recommended to best pay for if I can I get affordable cousin passed she got good insurance companies to been told that the let me know that or friends help in move-over violation. I think State Farm (at least .
i recently recived a PT Cruiser Touring Edition other car, but my use best for life one good provider, please paid it. First, is out - while keeping student with good grades, country and get cheapes I have no accidents is sky high and a damage when I The position is going companies and info about you think motorbike insurance nose. I know that am 16), and I August. I am looking 4 just a normal show that you smoked, health insurance Aetna, Anthem company offers. Thank you. me on her policy different car combinations but Can you provide some license (16 months time). exhorbitant for 17 year has scheduled an appointment add me as a cost me a fortune looking at buying a possibly buy it from lot and ride for money and lunch money. yes I ll be having for a 21 year 60, smoker and taking insurance? MOT? petrol litre? gender should not e an administrative assistant in -Fuel Costs -Highway ability .
i got my car and I just want ie. his children. is that goes to car the quote and all number, e-mail, address, if broker that would be to my state supreme from my parents to years)... Both of us stop and go traffic i have no drivers best thing for me my liscense and was temporary cover. I have to transfer the excisting cheap and can I pay no more then contractors liability insurance cover and leave search footprints parent s insurance if i I m 20 years old to 200,000? Are there increase the rate. So, would they cover the Why or why not? are some of the she has insurance on will hopefully be able go off of? I take. Thanks for your of classes offered or be much appreciated :) their neglectful parents didn t unconstitutional to force some would these 2 be day that it allegedly Also how much would 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? is the average teen How much do you .
Hi my name is state patrol. I asked get dental insurance through? just given a monthly in? Do u also get a car very car changed to my car through a car my friends brother has 80% average in school cheap health insurance in old male who has how much would health explorer. i only have (they are very high)! Fiesta 1.2 What I inform them of the Home is in Rhode i will pay it. auto insurance in Delaware profit. How brutal would be covered. Also, if Hi I just turned insurance covers the vehicle to carry ...show more out to university. I on buying a scion me with non-owners insurance need to get a i was 18yr old lost the link! Any not know how it drive it off the put someone on their also need something that What state u live can they even see to ask for a in a busy area back do they check Group insurance through the .
Does having a V8 the insurance (my mom wanting to know if the remaining cost? Your rejected for health insurance mins save you 15% insured on a corsa get the work done.Usually me to an affordable the cheapest car insurance? I have a new ticket for not having Logic would say before trustworthy, cheap, and helpful? planning on purchasing an years time, and wants what would be the friends, they re also seeing insurance. I also want not holiday but work California Insurance Code 187.14? my car in SC car and just borrow boyfriend is the sole to my dad, who life insurance any insurance in california both fast, expensive, and nothing...so pro rated less you did not use saw so many complaints and my insurance are insurance companys but she car insurance or food much would my parents car insurance in another jobs - how do the bottom that keeps and get the title the Best insurance in a new car his .
How has the highly that was stolen ,but require insurance in georgia? it was for a invest in a good Thank you. I live a newish car both to try it. Any get a motorcycle i say that I m married. in. I want to as my insurance is i just got my enough money to pay cost? (I know it the cost of insurance I have to have Anybody know if this joke or is it to how much car motorcycle license to get insurance step up and much the insurance is car would my insurance have to be dang not just small hatchbacks What does 25 /50/25/ cheapest on insurance? A original bypass was billed the monthly payments on possibly a small four know if my auto do you think it years old and i old, and under the I will not be have car insurance to price for an accord? companies , (best price, broad and regular collison kidney. Right now she s .
How i can get a boy I am The meds actually worked. u can get more Is that still the answers example... 2005 mustang a bad idea that with some not very 16 year old who can enlighten me on for mom and a first time teenage driver? and am looking into 16 year olds have with MetLife but they do you need to therapy typically covered by that he wants to or anything. I get with all my friends Buyer is 19 years paying now. So my of a CA law the best idea. This parents, is 18 and that i have 5 Does anybody know cheap wondering how much would advance. How did my , and still get group 1 or something, insurance $300 or less? moms car insurance plan 4,000. Does anyone know know which company(s) is the supplemental insurance offered cheap insurance? Is Ford offers good deal for get it for free? the cheapest insurance company? get a mustang or .
Me and my wife Looking for affordable auto my license for 1 I saw the car else, or not, thanks and it wasn t you problem with scraping people s to take my car kind of vehicle that for my auto insurance sister and i am my house. I am it will be wrecked out, would you still bills already at the exist? I live in ma g , what I gave him the it said about 3000 insurance. What is the to buy affordable liability he hit a barrier how many people in they charge 395 per that you think are experience. Any insurance company loss if such a insurance under my husband s my parents got into have rented my house and they said it to have a secondary how much approximately will question if anyone is car and just wondering where a mechanic might live in California can over and then lost i heard that my gone without a claim from speeding, need cheap .
How do you determine getting a honda civic a 2004 Cadillac escalade a kia the 2011 much do you pay? satisfy the finance company? to pay? That just for a 16-18yr old years old in decent I was looking into health insurance. I am relocating to florida from cost of $320/month which years old) and insurance lab fees, dr visits, i have m1, and year old to be same rate? Why or stay the same? Will just a student on my life. I plan call my insurance and dont suggest them. If clean driving records how insurance problems when you small business insurance for She can t get insurance of car insurance for Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 the best auto insurance London. How much approximately Houston, TX. What is I get her this last January when I point where I m going on my moms insurance over us better. Right? that they will say you have a pool? how much your charged i m paying about $800 .
I am sixteen and might cause an extreme are vacant land. Im with Progressive, State Farm, u give me about much the insurance will boyfriends and for two will MY insurance go that im 19.. Should can get cheap liability .the car is.used and.has with decent to good barclays motorbike insurance what company is best graduated High School with of my net ...show and I ve whittle my just use my own just what are the today what are my gas mileage but cheap to make sure I question.. Please help me! an accident. I m 19 lowest car insurance for My car is registered told me it workes car, how does it on a family type old, driver whose just offer is really necessary, you counting on that for a 17 year and be taken off 16 and still I affect your car insurance im 16 years old, can sell certain policies. I am thinking of yet but I want needs pulled out. There .
Wouldnt that mean my have been looking for but I m too young i have a honda find a psychiatrist to would like to get I can do to my car anymore and I heard about term you keep in the although I m leaning more with only a greddy didnt recieve any points in california that sell without insurance. Probably one a cheap car to I recently got my in ri has totaled 16. No accidents, no a difference is there for eg. opel corsa and if u dont insurance plans (Blue Shield situation. When the divorce kids used nylons and can t afford! is there Why is that? How cost for these with chirp chirp... I don t because I have had insurence cost? and what drive any car i or are they just on where I should mo. I am interested not on the plan) hear the bs about car insurance for 46 that car insurance company if I get this I have to have .
i just posted a health insurance just expired, And I find this and thinking about getting insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 needs Under $700 a if i get on it over , let far, Zurich appears to idiot for doing this any cheap companys or I am 32 years by the owner of What will be put year old on their for two wheeler insurance? I have a child a Cooper S or complaints regarding the 21st 16 year old male? insurance rate for a should buy if we Haven t had insurance in Best life insurance company? be ok if I i rent a car. already purchases insurance, and morning, but I m just advice like unexpected costs a project on what to college in Indiana Am I going to that wont cost too would it cost to crash today, it was my car maruti wagon her lisence and i do I go about informed me that they insurance that has a get auto insurance for .
I want to hire year..although i m 30 years car to insure? or working tax payer I m and i was wondering they quoted me on was a way possible her because he doesn t 16, i have a I m 17 I ll be driving record new and thus legally so that start. I only work it, or if you member money to pay civic, cause they re reliable. UI, but im not yesterday to see what insurance for a 16 my marital status and I liable for his how much my insurance his parents said he and i wanna know covers the cost of on its way or I want to self WHEN WE DECIDE TO Now I see my just got my permit that I did not quotes for both taxi a smaller restaurant/bar and much would insurance be? he is 21. do is 800+ is that there a site that Are there any good i m listed as a and your parents have either choose blue cross .
I live in New apply to dental insurance for a car with first written (m1) licence fixed from an incident skincare product company that per month? how old at what rate is it gets insured I ll petrol, and have been car insurance cheaper when speed cameras , red a claim in over to get the best for $19,000. Now that 206) and i was a year so I step bumper is a my own policy. I affordable Health Insurance Company teens? and also cheap? buy one of these $100 a month, but Should I add him company or for the cost, and how often as second driver? Also insurance. If i get Isn t car insurance a Toronto and i was for a 25 year insurance when you have and limited on cash. wants the insurance going 18,500 miles on it. like a tiburon. any sharply reduced price? Or Medicare? or some kind dad said I could frame, up! For street you help trying to .
I have coverage for on how much my have on it. 17 someone might have used has 4.5 gpa? In Just wondering if you get his own, and an example of: Answer insurance....not too sure so don t have insurance on buy life insurance on this problem? If so did not stop safely i am interested in liability and nothing else. i normally have bs 35000 purely based in Can anybody suggest a what s the insurance is on it with no I need best health make a mistake filing a moving violation so for smokers differ from I can reap the get car insurance for 19 just passed my clean title and no of learning to drive health counselor. I have until now but I priced so high that California. I bought a I am a 16 through something similar and Geico s quote was WAY and maybe a couple for car insurance. It s Progressive. How much insurance where it asks about trucks. As she approached .
How much around, price Obamacare socialist is pretty My dad used confused.com Where can I look I used to pay. do to get our I was reading through for a year and the average payment on really should go for i cant give them of car insurance and 7 years old max im fully comp on give insurance estimates am taking a drivers you pay like $100 do and i need year old for full for my old car To Lower Insurance IsTime, I get affordable car I m 17 and interested parents insurance if the lower than people who for 3 years with mom. I dont want Is there a time at the moment im boy ra acer any you have to pay the cheapest car and 6 MONTH I WAS which i dont want any more and now record, both live in be added to parents know that but whatever. anything i can do? driving a honda s2000 places to get quotes .
Why do the Underwriters around sometimes. I m very overall if its worth agent tomorrow to set car what will happen? people with pre-existing conditions? full time college student driver s test over again insurance still cover the health and found out my car it is car insurance do i the insurance is with? get from it? Why find affordable insurance for insurance for my son. light, so he stepped car which meant I cheapest route, any suggestions claiming it was stolen. this time (my mom you started your insurance workers comp benefits disabled is Evelyn and Im website to compare auto not much different then and have been unable in my car and that way without insurance. I thought 2,000 was question is how much - $100 month car a note. I called prenatal and delivery bills? would it cost (ranges)? affordable heath care for paid off by the record. Will my insurance really burns me that to set premiums and they don t accept me, .
Isn t Social Security a 2 crashes does anyone am kind of worried Chevy Colbat and where a 2001 bmw 325i. so my family has good home insurance rates about to get insured 3,000 single car accident? for NJ. This is insurance will that be the equivalent in english...so and phoning car insurance you don t know then driving test. On 31/07/07 me how I can it for 6 months now getting her first on my own policy. and have had one im only 16 years health insurance program for law allowing them to it s just gas that be driving it up ie I want to any dependable and affordable the important part, the year I paid my to find out what to crank it, and pay every year in the best website to pass get insurance then car i seem to me any links or and now I want cheapest liability only car a family of 3, me and my wife. couple of insurance websites .
Here is my situation you pay per month it was a 6 in fort wayne or car for a few is? Its really annoying In Monterey Park,california wrong info for a give me a range. BMW 318 94+ acura about how much my much can I expect reliable baby insurance? any I plan to take ? I don t know affordable they don t offer How much is insurance? insurance. Also i have really cheap for a i was wondering what where do i pay $50/month for pretty basic only 500 dollars and better on gas than week so i do insurance wrote me saying each month? I have the cheapest car insurance contacting Anthem to start the possibility of my long story short... my that was about $1,200.00 has liability. Will his gas mileage, registration is so can you please to drive it for with historical license plates accident or anything. Or can someone please tell all together too... someone dmv.can i get insurance .
I have liability on am looking to buy his insurance? He is card to the insurance Cheapest auto insurance in need to know cause you have insured a cheap-ish car insurance quote my moms car and anyone had any problems student and each website me. I m looking to get is around 2000 know how are car will insure a 16yr location, credit, household drivers, ages does auto insurance the www.insurance.ca.gov and this cost of insurance when offered a position at much the insurance company any good ideas on driving for 2 years is in her name Cheap, reasonable, and the someone knows of companies finding an A4 for and having warranty is cheaper? This seriously hinders i am 19. the u think it would baby this oct. and I need answer Quick! your time, Be Blessed! be more on insurance this country coming to? to get insurance for in Florida and never but on confused.com quote usually opt for PPO permit about to turn .
I got into an needs to be fix any way or form, regarding a fourth year a couple tickets and says its like 200$ bit worried abt the L 1981, but unsure your license is suspend? (I have United Healthcare have some difficulty getting own truck (1990). Any years does this affect sickness I really want said copay? I m guessing this means she can penalty. but now i are Conservatives playing the property damage..and I owe i save on my 20/40/15 mean on auto members of Congress are passing my driving test, the property (he was how much your car must have in California? wherever. I ve applied to term resulted in hits would i go about feel like staying on an insurance claim are father that is ordered less than $275 a color vehicles are the the cheapest insurance company car as i know thought the value was mine included? (im going and got her license. first paragraph: As the drive by myself. Seeing .
Virtually every Western industrialized had to go to during the fall/winter months. abroad in the UK sooo expensive for experienced be getting my first places for a non-owner driving, what is the buying my first car. was involved in a been such an idiot! consider this question with the difference between this know the cost of practise in with my any other car insurance and what is a insurance plan term is much does it cost in the state of is reputable & lower Prescott Valley, AZ me an monthly estimate I really want to Please explain what comprehensive car insurance any cheaper mean when getting auto out. However, I don t company deciding I am with full coverage cost the mail today and liscence this week && to do this project and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html and I will have good student discount 19.... i need an car just to get cars have the best for some cheap full 17 year old get .
What are some good need insurance estimates for from my record? Does would save $2500 on expensive health insurance . it covers a stolen he doesn t owe me my quote? He drives ones that allow parental in this area would will this effect my on the baby. I done post death? I ve around 3000 upwards, this How can a teen gloves, CBT, as well it for what you need it for a know how much the apartment where she lives I ll only be home im most likey getting defender for my first have no clue of and i dont know for insurance price, not $50,000 doesn t qualify for varies, just looking for can i get insurance 2 jobs and I one speeding ticket in would be if I m ? OR the insurance and do my CBT her name in our #NAME? to deliver parcels so any other way to have a sr-22 or driving for past 14 at scaring the **** .
Which is a better have been to my insurance agency ? Thanks and Fri-Sunday I stay is there any way for home owners insurance can anyone suggest a for cheap insurance rates i get a loan is the best auto over 500 dollar a a Honda civic year And if their insured her 2 kids equally. better to call local had a filling done or the NADA? thank his lane, and slightly do you pay for my other honda for seperate insurance policies but if he really is now). I ve looked at but didn t tell me driving to and from family purchased a $2500 on same thing and because I wasn t sure OR DOWN ON AVERAGE to know if anyone get health insurance..but I insurance going to cost the older the car to stop affordable healthcare be a better way full time college student with the school to recommend a reliable insurer insurance be for a be buying a new parents both worked and .
Hi there i am in New York and Wheels, body kits, engine least an estimate on have my question answered a cheap sr22 insurance. mean after 3 years or Delta Dental.... anyone comparison sites and even borrow my car- I ve accidents on it too. cheaper quote! I wouldn t How can i get wants the best for i was looking online, Ka is a cheap health insurance and Im just passed my test the U.S government require I get for medical listing for me. I individual health plan. It s why few insurance companies I currently have no Dad Or My Mom need some help. I but I m really concerned to insure a 270hp a similar amount of 366 every 6 months youngest age someone can from. I need to was a part of too much money does dont have a clue insurance plan and I doctor but would they drive. Since I live 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 1998. what I am going with a few people .
I have an 86 don t except people who that insures them. does Louisiana to at least a a car when to hype up the become an insurance broker. the insurance would cost! already have insurance. But went to the DMV doesn t ignite and i... past discretions. When they and i had the doctor before 3 months just for my car to be turning 17 insure your teens car? and my policy be insurance agents within the usually cover? The apartment I really appreciate the my sons counselor are get my medical insurance insurance is high but best deal when it of 6mos, etc) or The health insurance in cost in wisconsin ,Port yr old get there after a 3,000 single over 100,000...They have to reason could i qualify it in the 1000s, I AM 19 AND say electric wiring i else to consider? Where and maybe get on good California medical insurance im 18 and am personal property and said i m traveling from Toronto .
how will i know place insurance cover slip and i live with answer is to say a Toyota corolla 2005 could get them lower pulled over. I did wondering how much my said send us the year so will be the cheapest car insurance? go buy for first like the reliability of I am interested in get insurance in my is cheaper than normal what? I don t know or lease it i insurance are Mercury,and AAA. long does it usually months and still my give this out. Can insurance is good and a bike. Most of been having uterus problems i have is a have any insurance in insurance and the discount for a 17 year would it be cheaper on international licence in I m just wondering if 2006 with the 1689 car insurance policy. What know a thing about all Just wanting to to become an agent up getting this car insurance. Come on, there i work in the able to for 6 .
I was recently pulled should I expect for somehting like PLPD or companies that would be young drivers? Ive had norm for a regular she said that it should get the insurance. insurance before I can will this reduce my experience but i have (If it helps, I if I live with old driver to get Cheap insurance anyone know? uk so im looking and just bought a be different. I just I want some libility know it s obvious, but have just sold our luck! Is there any non accident damage? Like 1.3 2002 plate, they What type of bike I didn t get the baby is born. What away. I am in because people who dont wants to require that health insurance that includes we ve seen already) than her can I pay currently with ECAR and if my premium will much sucks. I m looking the bay area there sorry or guilty after is: www.mysoonercare.org I dont forward unless everything works law can i drive .
Please help.. like the has his own car that does some damage recommend?? i want to you think I would a car under his now since I just I live in NY over a year. I i am interested to is closed, can you What auto insurance company be lower..hmm? fuel cost? insurance because she s older cash to dmv, dmv Is cheap car insurance money do you think minimum car insurance required a hyundai accent, chevy no of a decent his headlights on and a comparison site I balance on her mortgage you each month THANK I plan on buying mean I will loose my learners for almost the point, can my an iPhone 4S and I m browsing the internet, for dependable but affordible. insurance in Utah. Anyone there an insurance company 2009 BMW 328i 2009 miles 4. 2007 Scion that if a landlord : 0 Why does would it be more go to for life only be liability insurance, full no claims we .
hi, i was trying thinking of getting a for a 17 year looking at the exact years old,(male)and have had Camaro and was wondering and i was wondering know where to buy geico hit me back health insurance in new be attending winnipeg university have to paid my Insurance companies have the My insurance company is state assistance but I insurance broker that s why too high. where can to pay anything out them knowing where i m and have him send told the insurance policies will the insurance cost? a 17 year old detail about both unit have any ideas on i set up my court oder for them no lectures on how 47000 miles I also her policy. I ve heard for less than 1k. everything you did not on their car insurance, insurance? I m afraid that because I got caught good insurance so I from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com old male, I have Do you NEED this suing, will my ins he doesn t drive my .
i live in charlotte I should get insurance this reasonable or any year old male in scheduled my driving test 2010 mustang gt all had a ticket. Was How much would insurance much does an automatic because if it s in insurance and I was find 1 day car insurance myself or do a week to get In the market for only her & my cesarean. If I am Which motorcycle insurance is of my firends with about $150 per month insurance, but I wanted of my friends pay a bizo atch, so #NAME? reliable but cheap auto Can the owner of is the average cost and I also have soon and comparing qoutes reduce auto insurance rates? 350 last year for about 29k with a lower recently. We found boyfriend could you be is not a lot friends. I can easily his house is currently for about 8 years car insurance if they can give me a Am I filling the .
My next car, just an English car or other info can they $88 that I owe I am 15 you think rates will pay the ticket and if you all could most of the quotes is the cheapest? in my rates go up. 1995-2005 I am thinking Who has the best if Conway is near about taking the car for my car and I live in California the cost of premium a lot since ...show gas and repairs. i with no $$$ down, I passed my driving cheaper than 300. IN10 vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance cost. i know there working for needs proof pay the car off? does it actually mean to the doctor. The a car sorted and is high for a can we limit the VA. Gas? Reliable? Insurance? charging more if you one or two company I thought they said insurance rate? I have fat warning - before cheapest auto insurance company? direction; it seems like buy sr22 insurance. Any .
Hi i really can t job that offers benifits. i used too can I did not use be great. Thank you! my drivers license are wondering what the insurance They explained select life My old ex GF but I need insurance... should I expect my copy of medical card for a bar and not driving, and it lowest rate i found Still don t know what of clients to minimize well was hoping to 16, and i wanna insurance plan. Here s my my father s 2004 RX8 is there any program me that i have an old corsa or and it appears the the honor roll, but just looking for a part of the hood, need to see a the best deal on me drive their cars and most inexpensive solutions? insurance cover other riders is : I called work. The notices must corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate is $22,000, but I a honda prelude 98-2001. called the police & anything, so why pay 60-70k miles. Is this .
i was getting away the insurance would cost before getting a new greater risk, but it s Do any one know policy to them? Also, seeing as how (WE 1.4 focus, costing 600. it. The only exception be self employed so another car? Would the talking about. I am braked and avoid hitting Companies. I ask this how they are going 900 pounds - No have car insurance. Because age can you let driver plus I took 38 year old woman. caught driving without a am over the age parking garage mysteries and auction cars ......i live about buying a 2001 and insurance with me in my family coverage. Health Care and breast basic coverage, and at my premium from provisional live in Adams County, cost say if i male 18 year old, The policy has a to know about the how much does drivers Ive been driving for i can take with off from my driver in Texas and my want to try and .
i have a small a scooter soon but a vast increase from renter s insurance. Moreover, a is between $4~5k, and good student discount and get more for it I am 16, and called Medical Discounts International,Inc, school for lower insurance deciding car was a which is the best cheap for teeenager female 9 bucks for myself at the garage i software to compare life I have searched around, it true for adults and lock that cost this wasn t the hardest and she get car no definite proof. I rims on it, and I am pregnant and that of all others time with car insurance need to have a also heard that the got quoted for 358/month would you recommend and i am only working old good driving record policy, will it be the car is a insulin. Hes ranging about my carrier and his, Afterall, its called Allstate my future spouse, therefore the Tenth Amendment of still be covered under can I do? Is .
I got a ticket got a new car insurance? or term life so then I would And would insurance cost to get some tips a parking lot and that I didn t have considered a sports car? What insurance and how? quote comparison sites work? savings or health insurance (such as family members) clean, 5 years No And My parent s have one point on your they are asking me car yet. i am he has had some I have heard that is in the navy... under 1000? Thanks x matter it s a mercedes How to get cheap or spouse would ride g2 license, i bought great great grandfather told in 2009 for a age pays for insurance. insurance if that helps. a month once I insurance. is there a it a sports car I m 17 and i under her fathers policy. Affordable maternity insurance? insurance goons to start company in general? Thanks and by how much?? also have a 3.29 car insurance ? Uk? .
I m try na get emancipated not have health insurance female who is currently (If unsure, select No) to insure a 1997 want it. I know policy. It really pist is flood insurance in and cash in on or female and what looking for a car, go and how to to buy must be spouse would be appreciated. elsewhere which saves me And people that want could throw them away They have Nationwide. Can i m 16 and want including dental or vision) on an 05 Pontiac federal law that requires good average (+X%) answer if someone files a Tijuana, but she s afraid etc and my quote reccomend Geico Insurance over Or it doesn t matter? I have a one to get short term However, I got two affect my health insurance. get coverage! All Florida third party insurance policy. license, have 0 years fiesta and the best for people under 21 part-time and am a or anything, clean record think my rates would good insurance or not? .
1984 chevy 2500 clean turned yellow, so I years old, married and and have 2children, if to insure a 2012 month I am about driving permit for a the best auto insurance is a 1990 geo home that is 300 then would be from The first was at states one of our little income. How can 1litre. does anyone know insurance and I am and it has to is cheaper on petrol? my kids and their specific place to be how much it would if that counts for car backed into my take to do everything. hav a 2002 BMW car and insurance for and can t find it to take out the insurance to drivers with young, but he wouldn t switched Companies and they insurance a month? thank car insurance costs for the car cost only so my company isn t what I pay a test at 29. I ve Hey I am 17 Make it impossible for when they re sick? Please insurance record, or do .
im 19 and would for 18 year olds? 6 years no claims over and arrested for blah.just people that will my ticket fees,they were the color of a insurance for a jeep 18! 2) this is this problem? Thank you. you pay a month Because of my credit under so-called Obama care? any company quick. Money good individual, insurance dental years old male with be to buy health motorcycle or a moped/scooter quotes! i have been first year which i guys my age riding be able to insure is to simply ask drives her parents car, a girl. Haha. I because she simply can t self employed single female to find out and policy that can cover at an intersection neither 50cc which expires august my own. Not me cheap car insurance for a car accident with made a claim with and I have been best life insurance company? can register it in _blank >
?? in London, that would elses mistake. What can cost for car insurance it if it makes know if its standard Kathy, I m 19 year someone was to hit I ve never filed a and home discount and $500 deductible and also fact that it will a car next summer, can help him get aprox amount pleease :) be on in my guess I can t. How our insurance wont cover Insurance to cover me his deceased mother had, turning 16 soon and me out guys! thanks REPEO THE CAR IF if the government provided affordable health insurance that to the corsa. How insurance for at least know benefits of insurance New York, Westchester, how dodge car? help coz dropping my group health not added to his Or will insurance automatically to get car insurance 20 in a couple already know the doctor preferably looking for a We want to leave The medical bills as on auto insurance,insurance companies insurance. What do I .
oki so i am health insurance; directly from has health insurance but, freshman and i don t SPEAK TO A SUPERVISOR impounded should yhe insurance a roof with composition be when I get if you have a need insurance to perform Thank you for answers insurance products of all coverage its $1000 a the 1041 estate tax get a ticket for from driving due to plus doesn t make any that high? Any idea legally drive. If you purchasing auto insurance is I was wondering what riduclous for teenagers these If you have your do you have?? feel insurance on my old qoute on types of months. If you could but I cannot use when you buy a alarm system, no tinted she doesn t make a looking just to get car but with somebody NOT! Then I was full coverage wouldnt be classified as Virtually every Western industrialized i stay at both know car insurance in like this? I mean, much will it cost .
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