#where weve been where were going
writtenonreceipts · 1 year
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Shorter chapter! Was orginally going to be part of Rowaelin Month, enter life...
Find the Fic Masterlist Here // AO3
warnings: nothing too major this time around. ~3.7k words
Where We've Been, Where We're Going--Part Seven
After a long shift at work Aelin wanted nothing more than to go home and collapse on the couch.  Meiri would either crawl up beside her and snuggle in or she would continue to play with her dolls and stuffies on the floor in front of the tv.  Either way, it was a distraction and comfort that Aelin wanted more than anything and had been thinking about all afternoon.
Now, as Aelin trudged the few blocks to her house, she felt a bit of trepidation.  Rowan had texted her letting her know that Meiri’d gotten hungry so they headed back home to fix peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Aelin really hoped he didn’t notice how crooked and messed up her cabinet doors were.  Or the fact that the fridge needed to be replaced.  Badly.  Not that it mattered.  He’d seen first hand how messed up her life was, what was a little more chaos in the mix?
Her phone pinged with a new message.  She looked down to see Marion’s name flash on the screen.
Marion: they came to the library Marion: he sat in a tiny plastic chair Marion: nerd
Aelin rolled her eyes.
Aelin: did Meiri seem ok? Marion: yes Marion: he was good with her Marion: for a brute
Aelin felt the bit of unease in her chest loosen.  Marion wouldn’t lie to her, not about this.  She trusted her friend to be a good judgment of character, even if Marion herself was impossible to get to know. 
So, she hurried down the street, turning the last corner down her street.  In the late summer night the sun cast long shadows along the road and the crickets were already out chirping loudly.  The sky hazed the line between gold and gray, already leaving a few stars exposed.
Eager to see her daughter, Aelin climbed the steps to her house and had the door open in record time.  She just wasn’t prepared for what she would see.
Seated on the floor was Rowan holding a pink plastic teacup with several of Meiri’s toys in a half circle around him.  There was a plate of sandwich crusts off to the side.  Meiri herself held her play teapot and beamed up at her mother. 
   “Momma!”  Meiri beamed. “We’re having a tea party!”
Aelin didn’t know what she liked more: seeing her daughter so delighted or the fact that Rowan remained dutifully in his seat even though he was nearly buried by toys and a pink fleece blanket.  To his credit--Rowan only appeared to be mildly confused about the turn of events for the night.
“A tea party?” Aelin gasped, choosing to play into Meiri’s obvious joy. “Wow!  It looks like so much fun.”
“We had peanut butter ‘n jelly sandwiches,” Meiri said, “Rowan doesn’t know how to make pancakes.”
Rowan offered Aelin a small smile. “You don’t have the pre-packaged mix.”
Just like when he’d told her he couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten pancakes--Aelin felt her heart drop in sympathy.  And not for the first time did she wonder about his past and what he’d been through. 
“We can make pancakes another night, Firefly,” Aelin said. “Go get your jammies on and we can read some books before bed.”
Meiri pouted and clutched the plastic teapot to her chest. “No, momma!  Not yet, there’s still tea left!”
It wasn’t often that Meiri didn’t want to read her books, usually their bedtime routine was pretty easy.  Morning wake-ups were the struggle.
Rowan shifted, easing aside the pink blanket Meiri had given him to “snuggle-up” as she liked to call it.
“Hey, Meiri, didn't you get a new book from the library?  The special one Marion found for you?”
The reminder was all Meiri needed before she let out a gasp and ran madly up the stairs to her room.
“Thank Mala,” Aelin muttered.  She collapsed onto the couch, already kicking her shoes off.  The converse were old and would need to be replaced soon.  The soles let in water on a regular basis leaving her in wet socks for most of her shift.  She longed for a pedicure but the nearest salon was three hours away. “Sometimes she drags the tea party out for hours because the tea is invisible and she’s the only one that can see into the teapot because she’s got magic eyes.  I have to bribe her with ice cream to move on.”
Rowan made a noise of amusement, not quite a chuckle and not quite a laugh.  It was more of a sharp exhale.
“Ice cream’s a good distraction,” he agreed.  He began gathering to fold the blanket, tucking it to the side, then grabbed the remains of the sandwiches, standing as he took them to the small kitchen.
“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” Aelin said, “I can take care of it.”
She fingered her golden pendant with its small, opal center.  She didn’t know why she still kept it after all these years.  Maybe she should be proud of herself for not pawning it off for the cash.  But then a part of her was ashamed that she kept it.  Aside from Meiri, it was the only thing Aelin had left that Arobynn had given her.  He’d sent it to her three weeks after he’d left and Aelin had taken it as the last motivator she needed to leave.
“It’s fine,” Rowan called back.  
A moment later the sink came on and he washed the few dishes he’d used.  Aelin watched from where she sat on the couch, a perfect view of Rowan’s back as he worked.  He still wore his black shirt and jeans, his broad back straining against the fabric.
It was strange to have someone else in her kitchen like that.  It was casual and at ease and so utterly foreign that all Aelin could do was watch as he settled the cleaned dishes into the drying rack.  He dried his hands on a dish towel before turning around.  He paused in the doorway between the two room
“Thanks for your help today,” Aelin managed to say.  She dropped the pendant back down the front of her shirt and sat up a little straighter. “And for helping Malakai and Emrys the way you are.”
Rowan shrugged. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Still,” Aelin said, “it’s appreciated.”
He looked uncomfortable at the words as his gaze dropped and shoulders stiffened.  Given how confident and assured he always appeared to be--the action was out of place with how Aelin saw Rowan.
“I’ll head out,” he said. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
Upstairs, Aelin heard Meiri’s pounding feet and slamming drawers.  She glanced back to the room that Rowan used when he first got here.
“The room’s still open,” she said, “if you want it.  I know the cot Malakai has out at the motel isn’t the best.”
Rowan didn’t say anything for a minute as he looked her over, gauging any sort of tell she might give off if her words weren’t genuine.  She’d always shied away from such scrutiny, thanks to Arobynn.  And then the desire to go unnoticed from anyone and everyone.  But Rowan didn’t look at her like anyone else did.  Not like she had something to give him or an expectation to fulfill.  He looked at her like a person, like someone real.
“The cot’s fine,” he said, “I know you value your privacy, and Meiri--”
“Rowan,” Aelin cut him off, “I spent a week on that cot pregnant.  It is not fine.  Besides, your things are still in there since before…before Emrys’ hospital trip.  And it’s late”
It was only eight but that didn’t matter.
Rowan took a minute to contemplate her words before he nodded. “Alright.  I left the key you gave me on the counter.  Figured you’d want it back.”
“Thanks,” Aelin said.  She rose from the couch, already regretting putting weight back on her feet.  She didn’t know what else there was to say or even how to say it.  So she left it as a singular word.
Rowan remained in the doorway to the kitchen.  His broad shoulders blocked out most of the dim light, his stone hewn features unreadable.  He was ruggedly handsome with the stubble growing in and the way his hair flopped a little over his forehead.  The shaggy cut was a mess and Aelin decided that he wasn’t used to it being so grown out.
There was still so much about him that remained a mystery.  Against her better judgment, Aelin found herself intrigued.  But she wouldn’t allow herself to reach out any further than she already had.  She couldn’t.
“Good night,” she said, finally, and turned to the stairs as Meiri called out for her.
“Good night,” Rowan echoed softly as she disappeared.
When Aelin awoke the next morning it was to find that Meiri had crawled into bed with her at some point in the night.  A boney elbow was digging into her gut and drool soaked her shoulder.
Aelin peeked down at her daughter who was still out cold and smiled.  Her hair was a tangle around her face, the golden color darkening at the roots.  For the longest time, Meiri had been a little blonde haired blue eyed menace, but as she grew older there were distinct things to her appearance that were changing.
She was still a beautiful girl, smart and funny and the best thing that had ever happened to Aelin but Aelin couldn’t help but wonder if one day in the future, Meiri would ask about her birth father.  How Aelin would handle that she didn’t know.  There had been a few brief questions but those had all been explained away easily--you don’t need a dad, we’re a family all our own, you have plenty of uncles who love you.
But those thoughts always sent Aelin back to thinking about Meiri’s other family.  Her blood family.  She would think about how Aedion would adore her and spoil her rotten with anything and everything.  Her parents would have annual passes to zoos and museums and aquariums galore.  Lysandra would be a phenomenal aunt that would sneak Meiri to get her ears pierced and then early morning pancake dates.  
Aelin looked at her daughter and sighed.  She blinked back tears that were forming and tried to think of other things.  It was almost the weekend and she’d promised Yrene a fun night out with the girls.  Not just that, but she’d told Dorian she would help with some set up of the County Fair.  She was deeply regretting that choice but knew it was too late to back down.
Slowly, she eased out of bed and let Meiri sleep on.  It was best not to wake the beast too early.
Changing into a pair of leggings and t-shirt, Aelin headed downstairs.
She paused when she saw the spare room open.  And because she was nosey and it was technically her house, Aelin crept to the room.  Rowan was gone but he left the bed perfectly made, tucked in tight at the corners.  His duffel bag was zipped up on the floor, looking like it had been to hell and back.  
She shouldn’t have been surprised.  
Pulling back Aelin headed to the kitchen, pausing when out of the front window there was a giant blue truck sitting in front of her house.  It took an embarrassing amount of time for her to realize it was probably Rowan’s truck.  She’d just never seen it in person.  He must have gotten up early to retrieve it from Sartaq.
Curious, Aelin walked to the window.  Immediately she found Rowan.  He had his toolbox at his side and was fixing the uneven planks of the front fence.
Of course he was.
Did the man ever sleep?
She was starting to sincerely doubt it.
As she made for the kitchen Aelin decided she would have to actually try and pay him if he kept this up.  She put on a pot of coffee, the old machine whirring loudly.  One of these days she’d be able to replace it.  As she waited for the brew, she leaned against the counter and sighed.  She had another afternoon shift tonight, but Nehemia would be available to take Meiri, which was probably for the best.
If Rowan was doing everything in his power to get out of this town (despite taking on charity cases to fix up old motels and fences) she didn’t want Meiri getting attached.  Hell, she didn’t want herself getting attached.
A soft buzz drew her attention to the counter where she found a small black phone.  Aelin paused.  It wasn’t hers, but Rowan’s.  It was entirely non descript and cheap looking, a burner phone or one you could buy at Walmart without any fuss.  Just like the one she had.
The phone lit up with another incoming text.
Don’t do it.  Don’t do it.  Don’t do it.
Aelin looked at the screen.  There were three different UNKNOWN messages waiting to be read.
UNKNOWN NUMBER 1: it's not your fault. And none of the others blame you either.  I know you're not… UNKNOWN NUMBER 2: Found a job for you in CA if you want UNKNOWN NUMBER 3: Got your number from Axehound.  Just wanted to ask… UNKNOWN NUMBER 1: I know you’re not dead, Whitethorn. Just tell me if you're in or not and I’ll let them know…
The preview of the messages cut off keeping the rest of the words hidden.  When the screen went blank, Aelin felt just a bit of guilt worm its way through her.  Despite her better judgment, she actually liked Rowan.  And even if he was a stranger with an unknown past--he was just trying tread water. 
Aelin fixed two cups of coffee, one with cream and sugar for herself and the other she left as the plain dark roast.  She headed out to the front porch with every intention of dropping the mug off on the banister and calling out to Rowan that it was there, but dammit, she got distracted.
Because Rowan was currently standing shirtless in her front yard glaring daggers at the fence he was trying to fix.
Even within the first few seconds of first meeting him (was that a week ago now?) Aelin had known he was attractive.  His face was rugged and stamped with stubble, his green eyes brilliant and steady.  She’d been able to tell that he was well built too, but she’d just never realized how well off he was.
Even yesterday she’d gotten distracted at his shirtless attire, but he’d rectified that rather quickly without giving her time to ogle.  Now, in the early morning warmth, he was shirtless once again, a sheen of sweat glistening on hard packed muscles, only emphasizing his tan skin.  Dark whorls of tattoos ran up one arm and across half his chest, the army ranger tattoo in the midst of them.  He was a greek god personified and she wouldn’t not be ashamed to admit it.
His dark wash jeans slung low on his hips, a worn leather tool belt as well.  He looked well at home with a nail between his teeth and hammer in one hand.  Even if he was scowling.  
She knew the fence was a wreck and had never bothered to try and fix it on her own.  She’d always been outside with Meiri anyways and she’d never been one to wander off.  They didn’t have a dog or pet so making sure the gate remained shut wasn’t an issue either.  She would have tried to fix it herself if she’d known where to start.
Rowan seemed to sense presence because he looked up just then, meeting her gaze.
“Morning,” Aelin called, hoping the flush on her skin wasn’t too noticeable.  She held up the cup of coffee she’d made for him.  Hello Sunshine beamed happily on the edges. “Coffee?”
Seeming to be lost in his own thoughts, it took Rowan a moment before he nodded slowly.  Looping the hammer back in the belt, he slowly made his way back to the porch and tucked the loose nail into one of the pockets on the belt as well.
“Thanks,” he said, accepting the mug.  He took a long swallow, either not noticing or not caring it was straight black coffee.
“You don’t have to do this, y’know,” Aelin said.  She nodded out towards the fence. “It’s more of a hassle than it’s worth.”
“It’s the least I can do,” he replied, “I don’t have money right now to repay you for letting me stay.  Fixing the truck took more than I was expecting.”
“I can pay--” Aelin began just as she had last night when he’d watched Meiri.
He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant.  Just--don’t worry about it.”
Aelin stared at him, with the sun at his back it was hard to get a good look at his expression.  But she supposed she could let this go.  For now.  She never liked being in someone's debt, knowing they were doing more for her than she them.  She knew it was conditioning from Arobynn.  For the few years they were together he had conditioned her into giving away bits and pieces of herself to make sure he was happy.  All she’d ever wanted was to make sure he was taken care of.  Most of it was out of self-preservation and only now that she was free of him was she beginning to see just how manipulative he’d been.
  Instinctively, she knew that Rowan wasn’t the same person as Arobynn.  And she really did believe that Rowan wanted to help.  But with the little she knew about his past and those messages she’d seen on his phone--he was caught up in more than he was letting on and Aelin didn’t know if that was worth overlooking.
“Will you be heading out now that the truck’s done?” she asked.  It was either that or ask exactly what he was running from.
Rowan took another long gulp of coffee before running a hand across his bare neck.  It was barely eight in the morning, but the sun had already decided to bare down on them with a new fury.  His tan skin glistened with sweat and this close, Aelin could make out the scars that along his chest and side.  One in particular looked nasty with the way the skin puckered and still had a pink tinge along the edge.  It was a little too long to be a bullet wound, shrapnel maybe.
“Nah,” he said, “I told Malakai I’d help get the motel ready.  I intend to keep my word on that.”
“I thought you had to get to California?” she pressed.  Seeing as how it had been the only thing he would talk about for the first two days of being in Terrasen, she found it hard to believe he’d let go of the plan so easily.
That had Rowan looking away from her and off in the distance toward the direction of the mountains that rose up in the distance.  From that angle, Aelin could see the growth of stubble tracing across his features, the subtle deeper shades of green in his eyes. His jaw flexed and Aelin had a brief moment where she thought she could read his thoughts as plainly as if he’d spoken them aloud.
I’m not ready for that.
“It can wait,” he said instead.
She didn’t believe him.  And she wished she could press him for information, to understand what was working in his thoughts and why he was so insistent on keeping his past in the past.
“Just one more question,” she said, turning back to him, one hand reaching out of the doorknob. “Do you ever sleep?  All you seem to actually do is handiwork and child wrangling.”
She meant it to be lighthearted, a little teasing of sorts.  But knew almost instantly it was the wrong thing to say.  But it was hard not to notice how she’d never actually seen him asleep.  That he was always up far too early than any human should be.  That he never seemed to rest.  In fact, last night with Meiri’s tea party was the first time Aelin had seen Rowan somewhat at ease.  And spending several hours in the presence of a five-year old was not a picnic.
Rowan set his half empty mug of coffee on the front porch step (an obvious means of avoiding a question if Aelin ever saw one).
“I don’t need a lot of sleep,” he said.  
It was the worst lie he’d told her since his arrival.  Aelin stared at him for an extra few seconds in case he wanted to change his mind.  But he didn’t.
“Alright.”  Aelin sipped her own coffee. “Well, I’m making oatmeal for breakfast if you want something to eat.”
“No pancakes?”  The ghost of a smile flashed on his lips.
Rolling her eyes, Aelin leaned against the porch railing. “No.  So you may have to prepare yourself for a very pissed-off five-year-old.”
That got a real smile that caused small wrinkles to spread at the corners of Rowan’s eyes.  It gave him a soft look, similar to that kind easy nature she’d seen on him last night when he’d willingly given into Meiri’s every whim.
“You don’t--” he began.
“You’re worse than my child,” Aelin cut him off.  She gave him a significant look. “You’re going to eat breakfast so you can have a good day.  It’s important to eat so we can grow healthy and strong and take over the world.”
It was the same thing she recited to Meiri whenever she didn’t want to eat something or when she didn’t want to try something new.  It was usually only a nudge to encourage her daughter, but sometimes a little more forceful.  Like now.
“Take over the world, huh?” he asked.
“It’s on the to-do list.” And with that, Aelin turned back to head inside the house.  “Breakfast is in twenty minutes.”
not ready to try tagging again. reblogs appreciated
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genekies · 3 months
tag vent
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#i have to move back to my hometown due to a mistake. a misunderstanding. and being too trusting in others ideas#and my boyfriend is moving an hour away as well. neither of us have been able to get a car or license yet due to money and i dont know when#we can see eachother again after we both move. since we started dating weve been sleeping in the same bed because we were/are roommates#just being gone for the weekend in my hometown is hard because i cant stand to be here but its worse because hes not in my bed every night#ive grown so used to falling alseep in his arms that i dont know what to do at night. i dont feel safe without his arms holding me#ive never felt safe where ive lived before. ive never felt safe in a relationship. ive never felt loved for who i am. that was until him.#now i feel safe in our home. i feel safe in our relationship. i feel loved for who i am. and now we have to be so far apart.#ive done long distance before but this is going to hurt so much my cat loves him she is super cautious and scared around new people but#she loved him since the start. not to mention shes my esa so that really mattered to me. he wants to move with me but it isnt happening#he got definite housing an hour away for super cheap in a town where he knows everyone and i have possible in a town where im surrounded by#people i know but am terrified of. im scared to move back here but have no choice. unless i make that terrifying choice of going with him.#the apartment he is getting is a two bedroom. id only have a studio. hes offered for me to come but im scared to move that far away again#i want to be with him but im scared to move to a whole new town with him. i know hes an amazing guy but we'd be moving away from my friends#and family. i already have to move away from all my friends if i go back to my hometown but this would be a different story.#moving to a whole new town with a guy that i only started dating 2 months ago? like yes. i lived with him previously and knew him for longer#than we dated but im still scared. i think rightfully so. but still.#but there are some pros to moving with him. hometown has no music scene and his town does and thats really important to me.#we'd also be close to his family. but farther from mine. hed be around friends and id have none no matter where i go.#idk im just rambling but i really needed to vent. i lost my best friend recently to the point of them siding with strangers almost and they#helped them break and enter into the house to intimidate me and bf and then a few days later came with cops after saying repeatedly that#they were an anarchist and acab but only when they dont use them apparently. because i guess morals/values only matter when its convenient#im so tired though but i cant sleep so i might write some cringe poetry and try to chill out before going on a late night/early morning walk#tag vent#vent in tags
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isa-ah · 3 months
wahoo! thanks for the help yall, weve got what we need to get nubi into the vet soon ovob!
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jewishdainix · 11 months
Most of the i/p related posts ive reblogged are very much aimed at international audiences (which unfortunately means its mostly usa centered. Like half of the posts I see israel are talking about the us. For some reason) but despite being considered by some a Nich Internet Microcelebrity me just posting stuff on tumblr isnt doing much so I am starting to look into activist groups within here because after everything that have happened I can not imagine my future not at least somewhat involving taking part of activism
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timeisacephalopod · 9 months
This winter (the season not the me) has been unseasonably and terrifyingly warm, like it's 10 degrees (Celsius sorry Americans) out today and I'm reminded of an article I read in the news a couple years ago about how Canada was baking at twice the rate as the rest of the world and go 👁️👄👁️. In my youth snow where I live would be probably a foot high in the lowest snow areas of snow drifts and up to my waist (in adult height) in the high parts, and every year I see less and less snow ☠️☠️☠️
On one hand despite my namesake I actually loathe the season winter, I'm extremely sensitive to the cold and getting brain freeze because the wind is blowing against the direction you're walking in sucks booty hole. But like NO snow is extremely bad. VERY bad. Do not like living out the consequences of climate change because uh. Canada just does not seem to have winters like it used to and hasn't in years. It's like watching all the corn crops stop growing like they used to because the summers are so much dryer and hotter with the exception of last summer, which was almost wet enough to kill the corn with that. But they survived and grew bushy like they used to and it was kind of terrifying to acknowledge I hadn't seen a crop that good in years.
#winters ramblings#on one hand it genuinely is SO NICE to not deal with snow seriously it is SO inconvenient#beautiful to look at for sure REALLY stunning when its not literally blinding you but omG snow on roads#in the cities where i live leave HUGE slush puddles and the snow is so MUSHY and WET from cars#pulverizing it to a fine icy slush ready to SOAK your feet in freezing water. shit is inconvenience powder#but the environment is in NEED of the snow that is how this country works environmentally NORMALLY#but no now we have consistently spring weather and ever less snowy winters#although we did have a shitty winter a couple years ago but thats not exacy indicive of much when it goes against prior patterns#and also that shitty winter STILL wasnt the winters of my childhood. the snow was ABSURD then#and yes its because drifts were the size of ME but even the massive piles of snow plowed from side walks are so much smaller#IF theres snow pules at all weve BARELY got snow this year and none of it stuck!!#like damn its been gone long enough ill miss it exactly until i have to walk to a bus stop in it#when i was 13 ill never forget my parents making me return a movie in a snow storm and it took me FORTY MINUTES#to complete this task because the snow NO JOKE was up to my wasit the whole way and i was my full 5'6 then#the snow was HORRIBLE. and for reference how long it USUALLY takes me to walk uptown and back?#roughly 15 minutes round trip so it took longer to walk ONE WAY than it took me to do a round trip no snow#and thats the last time i remember having a REALLY bad winter on account of walking to school was ALSO hell if the sidewalk#wasnt already plowed and usually only the main streets got that and i was Middle Street so id be done when id be going HOME#but not when i was going TO school. that winter blew ASS butlike it was normal bring them back 😭😭
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jasmancer · 3 months
god this fucking sucks.
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stigmasochist · 3 months
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fireyturtle · 5 months
Got into a screaming match with my roommate so now might get kicked out. She's upset that we told the post office who lives here cause my husband wasn't receiving any mail and the only solution was to tell them who actually lives here. But she says we should've talked to her first cause it's HER house. She thinks the landlord is going to find out we aren't on the lease and kick us out or raise the rent. And like what the fuck else was I supposed to do? Just not receive my fucking mail?
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captainimprobable · 5 months
im done with the left lmao it's amazing how every single minority can speak about their oppression but the SECOND it's a jew it's "that's not happening" or "that's antizionism actually" like. since when are you the expert on what is and isnt antisemitism???? if we are TELLING YOU we no longer feel safe in leftist spaces and your response is something like "you're just using this so we'll stop talking about palestine" then i genuinely do not know what will ever get through to you.
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having a hyper realistic dream about reconnecting with an old friend i can't talk to anymore cause it would be weird to contact them is actually more traumatising than any nightmare my brain could conjure omfg
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silverislander · 9 months
prof said congrats for writing up a proposal so early i am going to get a good grade in. well this is literally going to be graded. but yk the meme
#i really hope its decent proposals are really hard for me to write. i never really understand how much im supposed to say#also i dont plan stuff in advance! i hate drafts and proposals why cant i just jump in and run w my topic#i dont Know exactly what im going to cover just yet can i get back to you once ive covered it#levi.txt#i spent One page just opening the two page proposal so. i know it needs some cleaning up#but the last time i wrote one of these i only got a 75 (not a bad grade but i could do significantly better) bc. and i am not kidding.#i wrote a several page intro abt the themes of a story i was super pumped to write. and forgot the /plot characters and title/#a 75 was honestly generous. that prof already liked me and knew my work so i got very lucky#also i just think the guy im working with for my essay is so cool and i want to impress him bfhshsk#ive taken 2 classes with him before he is so smart and so enthusiastic. i was 1 of only 3 who was there for every class both times#everyone whos helped me has been so cool and very nice to me i want to do a good job and prove that im as capable as they think#and also jesus fucking christ ive worked so hard for this degree PLEASE#if i dont get honours im walking into the forest laying down and letting the fae take me as they will#side note: i have 1.5 movies left (its late and im finishing army of the dead tomorrow + watching evil dead rise)!! thats so exciting#theyve (mostly) been really fun and i feel like i have a really good general idea of where im going w my essay now#the movie eras are starting to kind of organize themselves into coherent themes in my mind#i think its smth along the lines of racism/xenophobia -> social change -> satanic panic -> action and militarism -> prejudice/bias#and i actually think were in smth of a thematic reckoning w zombies rn as a culture that im excited to discuss!!#for so long weve accepted that zombies arent people but weve really been starting to interrogate that since abt the mid 2010s#w tropes like searching for a cure (not just a vaccine) or movies like warm bodies or evil dead where you can truly turn back#and im really excited to see where the future takes the zombie genre!!
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justagaycryptid · 2 years
Haven’t finished Hannibal yet, on episode 4 of season 3, but I fucking hate how Hannibal is just... good at everything. 
Like the bitch doesn’t just play music he composes his own music too. He’s an excellent artist. He’s a gourmet chef. He’s a talented surgeon. A master of words. Somehow just knows fuckin everything. He even swims for gods sake. 
I want to see him be bad at something. 
Like I want to see him put on a pair of skates and then immediately eat shit. 
#shouting into the void#or like put him on a snowboard because I also think that would be funny#I am rotating him around in my mind like a microwave#bitch (affectionate+derogatory)#god hes such a mary sue#and also a flaming homosexual that man is down BAD for will#I don't think gay sex would fix either of them but I think they should have it anyways#I also saw this blooper thing where Mads Mikkelsen said 'shut up bitch' on an outtake#and its literally so funny#Hannibal should be allowed to say bitch#actually now that I think about it does Hannibal even swear#Hannibal the type of guy to say that swearing makes you look uneducated or some bullshit#and will would be like 'no you need to use the right word in the right context and sometimes that word is fuck'#friend and I were also joking that Hannibal would be the type of guy to be like 'weve been dating in my head for a month now <3'#up there in his stupid fucking mind palace#dudes being all angsty and bitchy because he had a fight with his boyfriend#Hannibal the type of guy to trick someone (will) into signing marriage documents#then he'd look over with that expression he has and go 'hmm technically were married now'#though oh my god I liked a single hannibal post on instagram and now my entire feed is mads mikkelsen#like not even hannibal specifically but mads mikkelsen#like yeah I know a lot of people think hes a dilf but oh my god I am not that interested in the guy#he does a fantastic job as hannibal but I do not need to see him everywhere I promise
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uncreativebean · 1 year
I know we see tfp Megatron hella cracked out and crazy and murderous but I wanna see what he was like before he was like that. The man had to be somewhat charming and persuasive to obtain such a loyal following right?? Like he had to be a good leader who cared about his men at one point right???
Please I beg I just wanna see more of how it all was before give me the good decepticon stuff
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Yall wanna hear about smth? good im gonna rant in the tags anyway
#so :)) my favorite animal hands down is orcas#i happen to live on the east coast. aka like the ONE place in the world where orcas dont like to hang out in#my family has taken a few big vacations to maine over the years and we're going again this year#we also went to the very edge of Canada and this year we're gonna spend more time in Canada#also side note...... every time we've gone to maine we've gone on at least one whale watching trips to see humpbacks#and we have NEVER ONCE SEEN A HUMPBACK. weve seen a minke whale a basking shark a sun fish like 100 dolphins and a million seals#but no humpbacks 😭 but that's why we've been so many times they guarantee that you'll see them so we've only paid for tickets once#anyway. FUN FACT. there is ONE singular loner orca who regularly visits the new england area#his name is old thom :) he's approx 30 feet long :)#from what ive read it seems like he comes down here between may-november and hes seen almost every year#sometimes he hangs out with white sided dolphins which is really interesting bc orcas have been known to eat dolphins#and hes never been seen with another orca which is veryyyyyy uncommon#well. hes been seen in the EXACT. WATER. that we RODE A FERRY THROUGH to get from maine to Canada#he was seen near boston LIKE A MONTH??? before we were in Boston#his whole route is like. the exact waters ive been on or near multiple times.#AND WE'RE GOING BACK THIS YEAR.#I NEED TO SEE HIM!!!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!! I WOULD SOB#so yeah. fun facts :) everyone send good vibes for me to see old thom in maine this year 😡#gotta go back to work now bye love yall
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nomairuins · 18 days
thank GODDD the doctor is taking time to work on himself maybe now he can stop ruining womens lives .
#mildly joke but im so excited those specials were so fun...#we watched all the 14th dr specials bc Major donna fan ohh my god they were fun i liked them....#i worry im like. being unfair somehow. but i loved like..some of the things with 13 i just likee. the writing it was..off to me... sigh. i#rly wish her seasons had better writers i suppose. BUT. im excited bc my mom told me 15s run is super good so far#i cant believe im almost caught up wndr who. a crazy world i live in. i suppose next me and my mom will have to huddle around an old timey#radio like max n ruby to listen to the audio dramas#and then wencan read bedtime stories to eachother or something#Or of course i could just track down the old series. KDNFJFN. but the computer always its a commodity...#but ya. those were funn i rly liked the like. 2 of them had a bit of body horror like. mild babys first body horror. but i liked it. and#they were funnyyy god i missed donna so bad the show is SO funny with her there. the chemistry w her and 10nis just chefs kiss. loves it#i feel bad bc i liked the like. Suggested personalities of the last companions but they felt kind of lackluster in practice ? like..it felt#like we were told how they were but in practice they kind of just. were there. and then would react to the dr. and then were judt there#idk... i wish they had been more like. fleshed out one supposes#it rly to me feels like they spent 13s seasons kind of just farting around and then covid hit and they were like Fuck now we have to like.#avtually write a plot#flux was like. i think you can do a storyline w like. a bunch of different plotlines that all ties up but it was confusing#😭😭 it ws like. ig rhe most engaged i was w/ 13 but thats just bc stuff was being thrown at me constantly...#but ya. its rly nice to see donna again after having a bunch of companions who just didnt feel like they got their time to shine. in my eyes#bc donna feels so well written and real and like. believable to me. like it feels like shes an active member instead of like. just standing#around and then having her alloted 4 minute emotional conversation before jumping back into action. yk#also i literally said as soon as the bigeneration happens Oh rhis is good 14 can judt go be a weird uncle. ajd then he literally did#so funny tho that rose and donna get their own tennant doctors and then my best friend martha is just chopped liver ig.#good for her tho. that man needs to stay away from her (joke)#but ya. YAY. intrigued by nailpolish woman its also fun bc weve gotten to the point where my mom has only watched the episodes once#so she knows less and its more fresh for her#which is rly fun. im a little worried about umm. when were fully caught up#bc i believe my mom and dad watch the eps together#and like. yk. much love to my dad but like. idk me and my mom have a specific sort of banter when we watch and like. he sits in sometimes#and i tend to just go silent 😭😭😭#its like. not a conscious thing i just. yk. i have trouble being Relaxed when theyre in the same room together
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mrpissofficial · 3 months
It's being frustrated w disability hours
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