#where’s the tilted head emoji tho
nymphaforesta · 8 months
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long time no see 🕯️🤍🌿
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
How do I give my anime designs more character? I don’t want them to look bland, especially not the girls!
I had a whole different argument here and suddenly realised I was answering a question you didn't ask. I'm sick at the moment so my brain isn't working the best so forgive me if my answers seems a bit all over the place.
Most importantly, and something i think a LOT of modern anime does badly these days, is to not be afraid to PUSH the expressions of your anime girls.
if you'll forgive the mini-rant; modern anime has a really bad habit of not allowing female characters to have "ugly" expressions. Or when they do, they make them simplified emojis or make the one second of extreme emotion SO extreme it becomes completely off putting. Especially as there will be a tendency to only push an extreme expression in one single episode during a "dramatic scene".
This results in most girls in modern anime looking more like the limited expression range of a Vtuber than actual characters. There ARE exceptions, but this is a MASSIVE issue which was not the case in the 80s or 90s and only really started becoming more common around the mid 2000s.
Comparison examples! (you know I love those). I am using still images instead of gifs so the animation doesn't mask the drawing. But I'll show some animated gifs later in this ask
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This extends beyond just facial expressions tho. Or rather... it doesn't.
Most modern anime shows will have the characters pull expressions in their face, but have their bodies relatively static, even in extreme emotions. If you compare the two screenshots above, the more modern example has a more extreme push to her eyes, but in the Dirty pair screenshot, not only is Kei's mouth open very wide, but her head is tilted backwards and to the side, her shoulders are drawn up, and she gives the impression even in a still image that she is in the middle of a physical reaction to something which annoyed her. Similarly, Yuri down there is also annoyed, and even though we only really see her eyes, you can tell she's hunched over and seething. In the modern anime screenshot she's just.... got the default "these are my angry eyes!" face with nothing really happening elsewhere.
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Her shoulders I guess are kind of drawn up but so barely you wouldn't be blamed to think they always look like that.
And this comes to the second point.
There is NOTHING wrong using a pose doll to figure out a challenging pose. I have used pose dolls when I am unsure how a certain pose looks from a specific angle. But looking at real life, whether photos or if you can, life drawing, will be your biggest tool in figuring out how to breathe more life into your poses and art.
Now, to answer the ACTUAL question you asked about design;
I have to admit that character design is not a strength of mine. I have little to no practice with it myself and when I design OCs I end up not liking them or not enjoying their designs. I feel someone far more skilled at the design part of design might have better input, but I can tell you what I know just from observation;
The first BIG advice is; do not confuse interesting design with clutter.
This doesn't mean strip down your character design to look like a Y/N drawing, but more have every element you introduce into your design be there with some kind of thought in mind as to how it applies to the character and who they are as a person. This is a mistake I often see made with characters both OCs as well as professionally. Where character designers seem to think adding MORE to a design will make a character more interesting to look at. (PreCure has this problem a LOT)
Giving your character too many details without some kind of larger unification or idea, makes them harder to envision for people, because there's too much visual noise.
If I tell you to think of Link from Legend of Zelda, it doesn't matter WHICH Link you picture 9although at the moment it's most likely TotK or BotW Link), Link has unified design elements which means regardless of how detailed or cluttered his outfit becomes, we all know what Link looks like;
1: Blonde hair on the longer side usually, with fringe and side bangs 2: blue diamond shaped eyes, pointed ears, light skin 3: wears some variation of green. Can dress in other colours but Green is an identifying colour. Even in ToTK and BotW where he is most often shown in blue, Green is still the vast majority of the outfits and gear he will wear 4: boots and light coloured tights/pants 5: Twink
You don't need to look at a picture of Link to know this is what Link looks like. Other details like his earring, belts, gloves, bracers, undershirt etc are all there and enhance these elements and distinguish one Link from another exist, but they are not the unifying elements to Link's character design.
On top of this, all of Link's character design make SENSE for his character, what he does, where he comes from etc.
He is a Hylian so he has pointed ears and is generally elf-like in appearance. He spends most of his time in European forests so he dresses in green. When he wears other colours it usually corresponds to where he is currently traveling. He carries a sword and shield so he has a belt with scabbard. He carries an entire pantry worth of food with him, so he has various satchels and bags on his person (but not too many or the design becomes cluttered). He wears light protective gear to show he gets into fights but they are usually not heavy in nature because Link is nimble and relies heavily on movement.
This doesn't tell us anything about his personality because Link doesn't really have one, but it's a very strong character design all the same and informs us what kind of character he is and what sort of life he leads as well as what sort of background he might have (He is a skilled adventurer. Not a rich sheltered boy who has never been outside of a city before or something of the like).
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Now I'm gonna compare him to the character design of a Mass Effect character which I don't THINK you'd have played since your profile says you're a teen and the game is rated M 👀 (or you might have, idk I'm not your mom) but ANYWAY! Looking at a character design which tells us about their PERSONALITY as well as way of living.
I'm not going to use any of the aliens as examples because then you have to bring in the subject of alien species into the equation and how they stand apart from the various other members of their species and etc etc. So we'll talk about a human character.
So... this is Jack
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Although you may think her tattoos make her design cluttered, they don't because you don't really need to know what every individual tattoo looks like. You just know "Jack is covered in Tattoos".
So just looking at her, you can pretty much instantly pin down her personality. That being; she will most likely fucking stab you if you say one thing to annoy her.
She's like a punk on steroids. Shaved head, heavy make up, COVERED in tattoos, both ears capped in some futuristic piercings, some or other heavy duty uniform except she decided she'd rather walk around fucking topless and boots that could crush a man's skull.
Everything about her design screams "don't fuck with me I am VERY unhinged and will kill a man for less than the $4 in his pocket".
Jacks' entire personality is on display in her design. And the design as a whole present a single concept of who she is as a person, while ALSO tying into her backstory and lifestyle. (escaped prisoner from high security facility, still wearing the prison uniform, has been in an unknown number of gangs, has an extremely casual approach to sex and sexuality, uses her intimidation as a first line of defense to prevent people from getting close to her indicating a painful past)
And then you compare her to her design in the following game
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This is a great design because it not only informs you on Jack's personality, but also her GROWTH AS A CHARACTER.
Her design is, at least compared to her first appearance, softer. She's grown her hair long enough to tie it into a ponytail, making her appear more feminine. But she still shaves the sides so you know she can still shank you if she wants.
Her outfit is still VERY revealing but she's also dressed borderline decently. She is not as defensive any more and could probably even walk around in normal society without getting a ticket (and then shooting the cop in response).
However even covered up, she's wearing a leather studded jacket, and she is still displaying her tattoos on her chest and hands proudly. She's still the same person... just less likely to murder you (although the option is still there if needed).
Now compare these character designs to some others which I would count as being "too busy" and tell me if these designs tell you ANYTHING about what kind of personalities these characters might have, what kind of lifestyle to they live, what do their environments and world looks like, or what it says about them
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Fun fact; that last one is NOT a magical girl, but is in fact an alchemist who is living in a slowly dying world whose resources are being depleted and the future looks grim and hopeless as humanity tries to navigate this slow apocalypse.
I have no idea if any of that made sense or is useful in any way, but hopefully you get what I mean?
Look at real life. Don't rely on just referencing other anime and pose dolls. Don't clutter a character design with details that don't mean anything. make the parts of your character design you use have meaning or purpose. Even if that purpose is just "to give them a silhouette different to the other characters so she's easy to identify by sight"
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hey!! for the emoji asks
aand 🎢🎢
i haven't been here this week cause the load of assignments is killing me😫
(always thinking about jisung tho😭😭and soob:(()
🎢: okay, so for my wildest ride...uh that might have to be learning to care (pt.2 to night at the bar ft. felix) um, just bc of how many times i wrote and rewrote it. 
from the beginning i knew that i wanted it to be very plot-heavy so i knew i couldn’t just rush into smut😭, i had so many concept ideas that i wrote small snippets for; i started out with the idea of the reader tutoring him, later on it changed to they ended up being coworkers in a coffee shop on campus, there was an enemies to lovers type thing, etc. 
in a few of them i wrote in that chan and the reader were much closer friends than they are in the final product and it kinda delved into their friendship more, in one of them-for a more of a series idea, the reader ended up dating someone else for awhile while still obsessing over felix but then i decided to only do two parts so i took that out and shortened it
but actual reading-wise, it would probably have to be pretty~ (ft. lee know and felix) i think or in the beginning, which i thought was a lot but is actually really tame now bc a wrote it a long time ago and i’ve grown since then😭, the one good thing about being ghosted (ft. jisung)
anyway-for 🤲, a snippet for one of my wips...
it’s under the cut bc it’s kinda long😭 (ft. jisung)
Just fifteen minutes ago Han had gotten home.
Just fifteen minutes ago he'd kicked off his shoes in the very middle of the entree hall-leaving you to yell at him to place them nicely, which he whined about before coming over to where you sat on the couch in the living room.
He’d greeted you with a "Hi Noona!", voice chipper and cheerful as ever with a kiss to the top of your head before waving off your pleas to hang out with you to go take a shower.
Just ten minutes ago you'd been content watching your show, listening as the water ran. Smiling as you listened to the quiet singing of your boyfriend from the next room over.
Just five minutes ago you'd gotten bored with your show, moving to the bedroom connected to the bathroom. Pulling out your phone to occupy you while you waited for him to get out of the shower.
Just two minutes ago as he opened the door, steam filling the room. Without looking up you reminded him turn on the fan, like you'd done a million times before.
Just one minute ago he'd asked-whined-for you to put down your phone and pay attention to him.
And now, he continued to whine.
"Why don't you pay attention to me! I'm so much entertaining then whatever you're doing on there." You could hear that pout in his voice, not looking up as you tried to hide the laugh fighting to bubble up.
"I'm good," You laughed, rolling over as he flopped onto the bed next to you, fighting to grasp the phone out of your hand.
You wrestled with him as he tried to reach where you held it high over your head, struggling to do so without dropping the towel wrapped haphazardly around his narrow hips.
Finally he gave up after failing to do so. Crossing his arms across his chest, pouting like a child. "Noona!"
He glowered before lighting up, a change of tactics coming to mind as he leaned over.
His plush lips cautiously ghosting over your skin, watching you imperceptibly shivered. And slowly he buried his face into your neck, nearly purring as you lifted you chin to grant him more access, moaning quietly as he began to leave soft open mouthed kisses down your neck.
You shivered, more noticeable to him this time. Responding to his whine, tilting your head back just a little bit more as he lightly mouthed at your collarbone. Swirling his tongue over your soft skin, going farther down.
Nearly distracting you as he grasped at your phone.
You gasped and rolled back, laughing at the look on his face, trying not to focus in on the way his lips had turned red and slightly swollen from being put to use.
"Why won't you pay attention to me?" He whined, flopping onto his back all spread out. He looked up at the ceiling, completely missing the way your eyes hungrily scanned the expanse of his chest and abdomen. “I’m so much more entertaining than whatever you could be doing on your stupid phone!”
With a smirk, you looked back down at the screen.
“I don't know if you're more entertaining than this new porn creator I found the other day. He's much less bratty and moans almost as good as you." It was a bluff as much as it was a tease, glancing up at him quickly to see his bottom lip pushed out and eyes big.
That’s all you get for now! Thank you for curing my boredom and sending in an ask, hope you do well on your assignments!
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wonyrs · 9 months
pairing enha hyungs x fem reader genre fluff , established relationship, scenarios warning cursing
note ✃ : sorry for the use of emojis . . . i got a bit carried away with the headcanons :P
lee heeseung | embarrassing and embarrassed
will definitely yell out "I LOVE YOU" in the loudest voice he can muster up before dropping u off to class and won't leave until u yell it back. he does this with the most shit eating grin ever
he's so dreamy when ure together but sometimes he just gets that burst of energy where he absolutely NEEDS to do something that makes u question why u even liked him
"um she asked for no pickles 🤓☝️"
he buys u guys those ugly "if lost return to her" "hi im her" shirts and forces u to wear them everytime u go on a date
unironically likes it and is a proud matching shirt buyer
everytime u post he'll spam ur comments with all the compliments in the entire world, tags all his friends and old people he doesn't even know saying shit like "hey this is my gf you know my gf go follow my gf"
"hey babe does my hair look good?" and its a picture of him smoldering, showing off his godly jawline. probably thinks hes the sexiest guy alive (he is)
park jongseong | chivalrous and princess
u guys saw that one vlog w his mom? jay literally gave her the more appetizing plate while he just dumped everything on his
opens the car door, cooks ur meals, helps u w hw, and even buys ur parents flowers everytime he visits
"open the door for a big surprise (not clickbait)!" and he doordashed u ur fav foods after his spidey sense told him u felt down
ok i imagine him buying a 100-recipe cook book and making every dish whenever u stay over
"but babe i'm ful-" "please just one more, i promise this will be the last"
spoiler alert- it's not! dw tho, extra servings get sent to ur friends/family. ur mom teaches him some of her special recipes while ur dad is his assistant chef (taste tester)
he's a gentleman, yes thats true. but once u too get real comfortable w/ each other is when the side of chivalry u never knew existed revealed itself
he pampers u when ure tired but still likes to tease u if he sees the oppurtunity to. ex: massaging ur legs after an intense cardio workout, "ur feet are smelling kinda stinky. no need to worry, i'll lick the dirt away for u babe 😉 " NASTY.
he pays for all ur cafeteria meals and always says something along the lines of "let's go out on saturday, except ure paying for everything"
do u ever end up paying? no.
he'll distract u the moment ure at the counter and pays w his card before u can even look back. "i guess they gave us a free discount for being their best customers 🤷" u know what he did even if he won't admit
it's okay, u buy him a cheeseburger using ur free mcdonalds app awards
sim jaeyun | rizzler and rizzed
no lies here: sim jaeyun is the dreamiest man ever
casually explaining to him what happened in ur day blah blah, u look to ur right and the softest eyes are staring at u with so much love u almost combust
but not only was he staring at u, bro was unconsciously licking his lips, tilting his head and holding ur fingers so delicately like it might break any second (cute and sexy?) u had to stop talking for a sec and scream into ur hand
ESP AT SCHOOL DUDE he'll run to u after a soccer match and hug u so tight ur friends start puking
like ewww sweat but at the same time omggg ur bf's sweat 😝 u still have to push him off before u starting stinking too tho
he's defo the type to lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face and it kills u everytime... u look to see if anyone's looking before snapping a quick pic (who wouldn't)
when u guys r studying together, he'll either pull u by the waist or by ur chair so u can get closer to him without having to stand up
struggling to see the paper? no need to fear, dikeu is here :3
he'll slide his hand (purposely) under ur shirt and scooch u over to his side of the table, never even stopping the conversation
mind u, his hand is still on ur waist
park sunghoon | socially awkward and socially awkward
ur relationship makes ur friends giggle at how silly u guys r
imagine: blah blah blah ure in a really interesting conversation with ur boyfriend and someone interrupts, asking if u guys did the hw last week
"oh uh" "uhm" "idk" "sorry" UR REPLIES. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
cue the intense eye contact until that person leaves the room. then u go back to whatever u were talking about. "so yeah lebron should honestly retire this season"
since u have all classes together, ur teachers always make sure to pair u up as partners since no WAY in hell will either of u be able to talk to someone else willingly
if ur friend group isn't at the cafeteria, the top 3 lunch spots would be @ the field, rooftop, or back of the classroom
when u accompany him to skating/dance practice, all u do is record him reviewing a program or choreo and silently cheer him on
both ur parents share concerns about u two not having any friends at/outside of school 😢
no one really knows that yall r talking about the weirdest shit during class... they just think ure being little nerds and working on math answers
"messi is literally better than ronaldo what are u on about boy" "ok buddy but who has more insta followers" "HOW IS THAT RELEVANT TO THE WORLD CUP"
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@ wonyrs 2023
requests are open !! click here to see request guidelines :>
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Author’s Note: hii literally took a nap in the middle of writing this OOPS. That’s the risk of crawling into bed. 😅
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Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~2,000
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content, traumatic references
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Zenitsu is 11/10 sleepy scared boi
*cue his signature drool bubble*
What a cutie
Srsly tho: drool usually disgusts me, but when it’s someone I adore?
That wet spot on your shirt? On your pillowcase? Precious
I totally see you being sleepy = him becoming sleepy
He’s just so sensitive to your vibes
Whether good or bad
Energetic or otherwise
Because he adores you so so so much 🥺
Yawns are contagious yanno
Yours especially
“You’re so pretttyyyyy [y/n]-chaaan !!” he exclaims, poking a finger into your gaping yawn
“OUCH !!” 😭
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
No, you didn’t bite his finger too hard yes you did
He pouts for a long second
And is back on his bullshit the moment you yawn again
“Stop sticking your finger in my mouth,” you retort
“...I thought you liked that, [y/n]-chan?” 😳
“Not when I’m sleepy,” you hiss, blinking, “Be nice when I’m sleepy. Not. Horny.”
“I’m always nice,” he huffs
“Actions speak louder than words, and all you’ve done is interrupt my yawns.”
He’s behind you in an instant, fingernails scratching pleasantly at your nape, tickling your baby hairs
“I’m always nice,” he grumbles
You lean back into him, giggling at his Oof as he struggles to catch your unexpected weight
“M’sleepy Z,” your arms reach up behind you, locking your wrists around his neck 
“Take a nap?”
He LOVES when you cling to him
Makes him feels so strong, so mighty, so protective 😏
Bc normally the roles are reversed
“Can’t. Haven’t done 200 pushups yet,” you grunt
“Do them later,” now he’s less so asking, more so heavily suggesting
Bc your pretty yawns have made him sleepy too
“I have to do 300 squats later,” you groan
“Do them later later,” he taps your wrists, signaling for you to let go
You acquiesce, not even getting a chance to whine before he’s grasping and rotating you to face him, “Jump.”
You jump, legs wrapping above his hips, elbows flung over his shoulders
He cradles you to his chest as you nuzzle into his faint bergamot and lavender scent, your lips parted lazily
—If you don’t think this kind of thing would hype him tf up, then… you’re wrong ☺️
—In the nicest way possible, ofc
“Where we goin’?” you slur softly
He doesn’t respond, wordlessly carrying you to a nearby tree
Gently releases you
Plops into a comfortable, sitting slouch against its trunk
Pats his lap
“Head here, [y/n]-chan,” he smiles brightly
“Mm‘kay Z, great idea,” you’re so drowsyyy 🥱
You sprawl yourself beside him, cheek smooshed into his thigh
“How’re you gon’ nap li’ thisss…” you mumble
[y/n]-chan my heaaarrrttt you’re too cuuute
“I can sleep anywhere,” he shrugs, palm resting lightly below your ribcage
He listens to the steadiness of your pulse
Smoothing out to a slowed rhythm
Closing his own eyes
Only after he’s sure you’ve drifted off
Getit? You’re the zzz emoji, and he’s the drool emoji ?? i’M SO INTELLIGENT
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“Oi [y/n],” he flexes his shoulder, “Stop falling asleep on me!”
You’re sitting together on one of the Butterfly Mansion’s roofs, soaking in the midday sun after a strenuous morning workout
Your eyes widen blearily, rolling irritatedly at him
“What ‘nosuke, can’t handle the weight of my big brain?” 😇
“Big brain? Can’t handle you? Your brain is tiny,” he’s ready to fight
You pat his jaw condescendingly, grinning inwardly as he reddens with fury and embarrassment bc he likes when you touch him tyvm
“If my brain’s tiny, then why’s it a bother to you?”
“That’s not, I’m not, NO-” he sputters frustratedly, “You can fall asleep on me no problem.”
You giggle as he promptly smacks his forehead
“Riiight into my trap,” you singsong, tilting your head back onto his bicep 
“Why don’t you just sleep more?” he quips
You hum quietly, eyes closing
“[y/n]? Did you hear me? Just sleep more or something!” 🤨
“Can’t,” you murmur
He smells of sweat and amber and juniper — refreshing, muted, and cozy
“That’s stupid,” his arms cross, jostling the position of your cheek
He almost apologizes when you whimper
“My nightmares aren’t stupid, ‘nosuke,” you’re nonchalant, “They kind of suck, actually.”
He’s a bit boar-headed, yeah? #punintended So you gotta be direct 🙃
“You’re having nightmares?!” he softens only slightly
“Don’t we all?”
—Demon Slayer Corps isn’t a fricking family vacay to Disneyland 😶
He scoffs, “I don’t think of them as nightmares! They’re do overs.”
“Do overs?” now you’re curious
“Yeah, uh, sure they’re horrible and gruesome and I’m reliving my failures, but when else could I ever get the chance to fix my mistakes?”
—Hear me out: Inosuke is absolutely an oblivious wise dude
—If he can dislocate his entire body, then he can put an optimistic spin on nightmares
You don’t point out that dreams aren’t reflected into reality
Don’t point out that everyone dead
Is still
In fact, you’re reassured by his sentiment
“I’ve been sleeping maybe three to four hours nightly,” you admit
“You need help,” Inosuke declares
“I do,” you snort, “Your observation? Sooooo helpful.”
“I’m letting you use me as your pillow, aren’t I?” he growls
“Sooooo generous,” you scoot closer, tentatively pressing your hip to Inosuke’s, the heat from his bare skin radiating through your uniform
“If you fall asleep and roll off this roof, I ain’t catching you,” he’s gruff—fuck if I fall off this roof because they’re touching me—resisting the urge to grab your hands and secure them firmly around his waist
“But m’exhaaausted ‘nosuke.” he hadn’t flinched at your previous movement, so you’d proceeded to lay a delicate palm on his knee
He does not yelp in a strangled, flustered manner 
Nope, nope, nope 😫
—Do I believe Inosuke is touch starved bc beating the shit out of others doesn’t count as intimate physical contact? Yes ☹️
—”intimate” including platonic and romantic touch
—How often does he hug anyone? Not often
—Someone hug this man 😔
—You could be that someone 😌
“Fine,” he mutters
“Fin’ wha’?”
“I’ve decided to continue helping you.”
“Confusing me ‘nosuke,” you grip his knee as a yawn ripples through you
That’s it, I’m falling off this roof 🥴
“Naptime for [y/n].”
You frown stubbornly, “You won’t catch me.”
He hesitates, voice low, “I wouldn’t let you fall in the first place.”
Too tired to properly comprehend the gravity of his confession, you simply nod
“Nice, nice, nice, thank you ‘nosuke.”
In a fluid motion he grabs your hand from his knee, secure and firm in his own
They’re so warm
“You’re welcome [y/n].”
Within 5 minutes you’re snoring
He can’t wait to pester you about it
*insert gleeful cackling here*
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I’m such a loser for Tanjirou
Sobbing and rebooting my neural pathways 🥲
When you’re sleepy, Tanjirou begins amused
I mean, you’re fricking adorable 😍
Nodding off in the middle of dinner
Eyes frantically darting back and forth when your head pops up again
Praying nobody caught you
He doesn’t want to embarrass you, so he never gives any indication that he’d noticed
But gawd damn you’re silly 🤪
And then he transitions to concerned 😧
Wait, why are they nodding off during dinner?
Are they sleeping poorly?
Not eating enough?
Training too hard?
Is something upsetting them?
Did they injure themselves?
Man compiles a list of 17 reasons that you could be so sleepy
And commits to tracking you down after dinner to go over every single item with you
“[y/n], sweetheart,” he calls from behind you
You slow your pace, turning around, perking at his endearment for you, “Tanjirou, care to join me in my room tonight?”
Your expression implies comfort and cuddles
Altho you def enjoy sleepy sex with him too
Like ugh imagine
I was going to go into further detail
I really, really was
But that’s how we get sidetracked
“We need to talk.”
Tanjirou regrets his tone as panic clouds your eyes
“Nonono sweetheart — c’mere,” he reaches for you, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
You shuffle into his embrace, fingers nervously tugging at the hem of his haori
“I’m worried about you,” he murmurs into your hair
“Why? I’m f-fine,” you stifle a yawn
“You just yawned,” he chuckles
“Yawning isn’t against corps rules,” you mutter sassily
“Are you sleeping poorly?”
“Not exactly?”
You suck at lying, at least to Tanjirou
He can smell your guilt from a mile away, and, usually, he’s right in front of you
So, you’re always honest — if not occasionally evasive
“Why did you invite me to your room tonight?” he asks, not unkindly
He intends to join you regardless, but hopes your reasoning might shed a light on your… sleepiness
“Sweetheart,” his stomach clenches
“You’ve been training a lot with Zenitsu and Inosuke, which, I understand, but, we, we aren’t often paired on missions, and I just…” you swallow thickly, exhaustion coating your tongue, “I wonder sometimes whether I’m still…” you can’t bring yourself to finish your sentence
You don’t have to
Tanjirou exhales shakily, forearms tight around you as you press your nose deeper into his chest
“I would love to join you in your room tonight,” his body writhes for a moment, arms no longer holding you, and then his haori is settling familiarly on your shoulders, “I would love to join you in your room as often as you wish.”
He pulls back slightly to cup your face, adoration and frustration apparent in his stare
Adoration for you
Frustration with himself
“You are still everything I could ever desire, [y/n].”
“It’s just, it’s just-” you gulp, “Sometimes, it’s difficult to trust that.”
Your voice sounds so, so, so small
But it’s your scent that breaks him
He’s never tasted the shallow uncertainty unraveling from your skin
The resignation
The submission
You’re normally so luminescent
Even sleepy, you’re beautiful
Powerful and charismatic
Determined but humorous
Humble yet proud
I made them feel this way he groans
I’ve neglected them his eyes squeeze shut
I love them he growls
“Tanjirou?” you’re startled
His eyes open abruptly, cheeks rose stained
“I love you.”
“I know,” you mumble, “And I love you.”
“Do you know?” he demands gently, desperation flickering from the crevices of his remorse 
“I know you,” you whisper, “Trusting myself… that’s what’s difficult.”
He pauses, scrutinizing the circles under your eyes
“You’re falling asleep on your feet, aren’t you?”
You laugh sheepishly, “I am.”
“I promise to cuddle you through the entire night,” he straightens, lacing his fingers with yours, guiding you along toward your room
You shoot him a scathing grin, “If hogging my bed the entire night constitutes as cuddling, then I’m sure you will.”
“Sweetheart,” he quietly slides your fusuma doors apart, gesturing for you to enter first, “Hogging your bed definitely constitutes as cuddling.”
Giggling, you immediately sprawl into your bed
“You’re going to wrinkle your clothing,” Tanjirou remarks fondly
“They’re dirty anyway,” you shrug, toes curling as you stretch sleepily, “You can remove them if you’d like.”
He smiles softly, “Of course, [y/n].”
You move to sit at the edge of your bed
He tugs off your socks, pants—you lift up your bum to help him, unbuttons your shirt, and returns his haori to you (he knows you’ll fall asleep clutching it); then, you deftly unbutton his own shirt, snuggling onto your side beneath your kakefuton as he strips off his remaining articles
“You’re already hogging my bed,” you drawl as the warmth of his naked chest spoons you
“Our bed.”
“Mm, maybe,” your hand finds his, both his haori and fingers now tucked against you
Tanjirou relaxes as your scent gradually regains its ease
Its reassurance
Mingled with the fuziness of your sleep
He kisses the tip of your visible ear
“Sweet dreams, sweetheart.”
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drakenology · 3 years
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, slight obsession, stalking?, yandere!reader, bakugo’s a fuck boy, kirishima’s his himbo roommate, mentions of drugs and alcohol use, & obsessive acts. reader is creepy and insane.
𝐀/𝐍: welcome to my first chaptered series! I really hope you guys enjoy this, seriously I have so many plans for this series. you guys may think this is pretty mild rn but remember... this is only the first chapter. feedback is welcome! please don’t be shy! 
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @quaranweeb​ & @vilbabywritess​ (wanna be tagged? reply to this post!) 
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“Officials are looking for a woman who goes by the name of Y/N L/N as they are a prime suspect of the murder of-“
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When you moved to Japan you never expected to fall for someone. No, not this hard. You remember the day you saw him last summer when you arrived, working with a tall red-head on a car in front of his house. They were on break it seemed as they passed each other a blunt to share, the blonde one leaning back against the hood as he took a drag. You saw him tilt his head up to greet a girl as she walked by, a smirk written across his lips as he waved to her.
The red-head waved to her in comradery, his smile warm and inviting. He was handsome, sure. But he couldn’t possibly compare to the blonde one. You watched from the window of your bedroom as they put out the blunt and continued their work, observing the way the blonde stranger held his wrench. His tanned skin glows under the heated sun, moaning at the sight of his sweat glistening off his building muscles. His blonde hair seemed to shine just like the sun that reflected upon it, noticing the way your heart slammed against your chest the longer you stared at him. He was beautiful. Like a breath of fresh air. Like as if just watching him through your window gave your body a pick me up. You had to know him. Had to smell him. Had to have him. You grab your keys and lock up your home, acting as if you’re just in the neighborhood and not a person who lives two doors from him that was watching him from her window. You pull down your tank top, pushing up your breasts to ensure you nab his attention as you walk by. You almost trip on your shoe laces when you hear his gruff voice up close, a feeling in your core set ablaze when you hear him call you over.
“Oi. Where you headed, sexy?” He asked, nudging his redhead buddy as if to tell him to watch and learn. You bite your lip before turning to him, putting up a front like he doesn’t make you nervous.
“Just passing by. I like walking in this weather.” You lie, feeling your forehead perspire as he turns around to grab his phone from his tool box. He strolls over to you with swagger in his steps, taking your breath away a second time as you realize he’s about to be up close and personal. Your eyes sprout visible hearts in your irises, looking up at him with a love sick gaze that causes him to smirk.
“Name’s Katsuki. What’s yours?” He asked, reaching his big hand out for you to shake. Katsuki. It was like a song when you said it aloud.
“Y/N… it’s nice to meet you.” You say, flustered; nearly dropping to the ground when he lifts your hand to kiss it. This feeling. It had to be what it felt like to be electrocuted -- like someone just took a defibrillator to your chest and made you feel alive. He hands you his phone with a smirk.
“Maybe we could get to know each other better? ‘M havin’ a party at my place. My roommate Kirishima’s still in college and he’s inviting his frat losers over for beers. It’d be nice to have a pretty girl like you to show off.” He says smoothly, the sound of his voice like a hymn to your ears.
“I’d like that..” You say, nodding, taking his phone to put in your phone number. You save your contact under your name, adding a few cute emojis before you hand him his phone.
“Oi, shitty hair! I’ve got a date to the party tonight. Catch up loser.” He says, turning to Kirishima to flip him the bird; Kirishima flipping him off back. “See you tonight? You’d better be there.” He winks, walking back over to the curb to finish fixing his car with his roommate. The redhead smiles at you and waves goodbye.
“Nice to meet you! Hope you come out tonight. Bakugo’s been slackin’ with the ladies.” He teased, Bakugo shooting him a glare as he threw a towel at his chest. You giggle, walking away with a shy wave. Looping back around the block, you arrive home; holding the hand he kissed against your face with a sigh. You didn’t wash that hand all day. It was like you could still feel his plush lips on your skin even hours after he kissed it. It was like a drug and you needed another fix.
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You hear crickets chirping from the grass as you knock on his door, standing with a hot container of nachos for the party to make a good impression. The door swings open, your heart dropping when you only see Kirishima.
“Y/N! You made it! Come on in.” He chimes, taking the nachos from you and leading you inside. He leads you to Bakugo who’s playing beer pong with a few friends, not even noticing that you’re standing across the room.
“Yo, Bakugo! Our new neighbor’s here.” Kirishima beckoned, his mouth full of nachos as he turned to go to the other room with his other friends. After hearing his loud outburst and completely missing his shot because of it, he groaned and walked over to you.
“Glad you showed up. You would’ve made me look like a loser if you didn’t show up.” He teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to lead you over to the couch. The night started smoothly, drinking flowing and laughs shared as you both got to know each other.
“So you moved here a week ago. What brings you here?” He asked, sipping his beer. He doesn’t need to know the exact reason as to why you wandered here. Truth is, you’ve done some dark things in your past; things you don’t exactly regret no matter how gruesome.
“I just… love Japan.” You lie, your mind flashing to blood on your hands -- a blade clutched within your fingertips. You blink a few times when Bakugo turns away to greet a friend, trying to shake your flashback. Bakugo turns over to you, his eyes locked on your cleavage as he leans in close to you.
“Wanna go upstairs?” He asks randomly, tilting your chin up to his face and kissing your lips just about as randomly as that question. It didn’t make any sense how much control this man has over your thoughts -- over your body. Before you knew it you were upstairs in his room parting your thighs for him, feeling him deep inside your soaked cunt. It felt as if every thrust of his hips tugged at your heart strings, falling deeper in love -- yes in love.
Bakugo may just be using you for a quick fuck, but fine by you. As long as you can smell him, feel him, taste him; it didn’t matter. Or maybe it did. Maybe the sight of Bakugo with another woman would drive you mad. Maybe he was meant to be yours and he just didn’t know how much he loves you yet. You’ll show him, but for now you just claw at his back as his hips snap in harsh thrusts.
“Like that? Huh, slut?” He slurred in your ear, taking your breasts into his hands and squeezing tightly. You moan out in response, feeling your soul combine with his with every glide of his cock against your slick walls. His mean words sound like a love poem to you, relishing in his demeaning tone as he fucked your thoughts right out of your head. At this point you’re soaking, hearing your own wetness squelch when you cream around him. A knot forms in your stomach, whining when you feel him hitting your spongy spot with sloppy slaps of skin to skin.
“U-Uuhh, fuck, Y/N.” He moaned when he felt you get tighter, moving faster to get you both to the finish line of pleasure. The sound only drove you into euphoria, wanting to hear him moan your name for the rest of your life.
“‘M yours, Katsu. Anything you want. I’ll do anything to make you feel good. Anythin’ for you.” You plea, Bakugo groaning in response. It almost sounded endearing but being as you had only just met today and you’re this devoted to pleasing him is a little weird. Still, the thought of someone as hot as you at his every beck and call whenever he felt an ache in his cock sounded amazing.
“Dirty little slut. So desperate for my cock, aren’t you?” He grunts. His lips latch onto your swollen nipples, running his tongue over it to cause chills to run up and down your spine.
The knot in your stomach snaps as your mind blurs, only feeling an intense sensation of pleasure when you feel him cum in thick ropes inside you. Bakugo’s head hangs back as his hips ride out your highs, groaning as he looks at your fucked out state.
“Good, huh? Shiit.” He groaned, pulling his softening cock out of your used pussy. You whine at the loss, feeling like he just pulled out a piece of your heart with his dick. The careless and sloppy act of him wiping his cum from your thighs was the most romantic act of kindness you’d ever received, looking at him like a love sick puppy as he tossed the soiled towel into his hamper. After flopping into bed next to you, he was out like a light as he lay on his stomach. He let you stay there that night. In his room. The place he lives most of his day. A sudden rush of adrenaline surges through your body as you carefully climb out of bed, creeping around his room to look at all his stuff. You find his closet and steal a hoodie or two, moaning softly when you catch his scent still engraved in the fabric.
You fall to the floor as you inhale the faint scent of his cologne, nearly orgasming a second time that night as you writhe on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, you ponder about your potential life with Katsuki; even though you haven't even known him for 24 hours yet. What if you get pregnant from having sex with him tonight? Wouldn’t that just be wonderful? He’d be yours forever. No one could ever come between you.
You loved Katsuki, loved him. He doesn’t know he loves you yet, you thought. Having sex with him seemed to link you to him forever. This drunken hook up was destiny -- hell it was fate. You can’t wait to move in here and carry his child. You can’t wait to share the rest of your lives together raising a family once that red headed idiot moved out. What was his name again? He’s a little too close to Katsuki. Way too close. Was he trying to steal him? Trying to keep you away from him? You’ll put a stop to that. By any means necessary. Katsuki doesn’t have a choice. 
“Y/N? Why are you on the floor?”
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capturethechaos · 2 years
Ok what about giving Sammy aftercare even tho he insists he’s fine and wants to focus on you. But you can tell he needs some extra cuddles and care so you pamper him in love.🫠
Mmm yes. (Side note, I fucking love that emoji🫠) —
“Sam— babe where the hell did you go?” You ask, moving to stand from the bed.
“I’m right here, don’t move, let me take care of you baby.” Sam said, trudging out of the bathroom with a warm washcloth in his hand.
He looked like he was about to pass out. Not that you could blame him, the two of you had been going for hours, taking advantage of him finally being home once again from tour.
He reached the edge of the bed, crawling over you to clean up the mess the two of you had made. You lifted your hand, gently running your fingers through his hair, and immediately felt him lean into the touch, tossing the washcloth onto the bedside table and collapsing onto you.
You let out a small chuckle at his obvious exhaustion, “You tired Sammy?”
He shook his head against your bare stomach before looking up at you, “I’m fine, just need a second, wanna make sure you’re taken care of.”
You sighed at his stubborn nature, dragging your nails along his scalp once again, earning a deep groan from him.
“Move up a little Sam.” You said, lightly tapping on his arm. He did as you asked, moving up and laying his head against your collarbone, just close enough to lean up and press a small kiss against your jaw.
“Let me take care of you for once baby, your exhausted, just rest.” You murmured, tilting your head to press a kiss against the top of his head. You began tracing lines down his spine, then back up to his hairline, feeling small shivers move through his body at the gesture.
It only took a few minutes of doing that before you heard soft snores, looking down to see his head nestled into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped tightly around your body.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
heyyy can I request a fic where your helping Jean get with Mikasa in a modern au and it works. It hurts a lot tho because you like him but at least he’s happy. But then his friend Marco asks you out and you’ve always thought he was attractive and you find yourself happier with Marco and Jean sees you two on a date and he gets all sour and jealous? I love your work btw!💕
wow yes!! :D thank you so much and i hope you like it! i’m sorry for the waiting <3
❁ jean x mikasa, reader x marco.
❁ modern au
"Look, Kirstein, is all about the tactics."
"Tactics?" he asks. You nod twice. He's sitting on your sofa, his hands holding a slice of pizza that he bought coming here. He told you he needed your help so bad. So bad.
“Mikasa is not going to go out with you if you just look at her shyly while she walks. You need to talk to her.” He looks at you, understanding. It hurts you to help him get with Mikasa, the girl that he liked since the start. Marco appears from your kitchen with a glass of water on his hand. He sits next to Jean, taking also a slice of pizza from the box. Marco is Jean’s best friend, so when he told he was head to your house, you also expected him to bring Marco. 
“Mikasa has zero interest in you. Just think there are more people out there that are really cute and are looking for someone like you.” Marco says. 
You wish Jean to notice you. It’s fine, he does like Mikasa a lot, but you like him as much as he does. You’re helping him to get with Mikasa because you know how much he likes her. You don’t want to be that bad friend who just wants him to yourself. You want to be happy and free, want him to choose because it’s his life and not yours.
On the other side of the sofa, Marco knows you like Jean. He obviously knows. Jean seems to be the only one that doesn’t get it. Marco doesn’t know why he is so blind. Maybe because he has that fixation on Mikasa, he’s loosing the amazing person that is looking at him with such a beautiful smile. 
Marco has noticed you, of course he did. It’s not difficult to feel a little bit attracted to you. How you're always smiling and helping everyone. Your beautiful face and the precious body you have. All those things always make Marco blush when you talk to him.
Jean is now convinced to speak to Mikasa, so he takes out his phone and asks her if she wants to drink something the next afternoon.
“Jean! That’s too repenting!” Marco says, but, Jean smiles. His phone has sounded and a notification entered. 
“She said yes.” He says quietly. Marco looks at you surprised, and you look at Jean’s fingers, writing an answer for her. You smile at him when he looks at you, but you’re a little bit sad. Marco keeps his gaze on you, searching any reaction. But you smile at him again.
“Wow, it’s your opportunity, Jean!” you say. He nods happily.
The date went well the next day. Jean sent you a whole audio message telling you how well it went. Eventually, those two started dating. You and Marco got closer, since the three of you usually made plans, but now Jean was spending a lot of time with Mikasa, so you two madr plans together.
"I hope Jean and Mikasa last, like he really loved her." Marco says. You play with the straw of your milkshake between your fingers, and the boy in front of you looks around. "Are you sad yet?". You look at him, his cheeks full of freckles and his sweet eyes looking at you. He smiles. "You'll find another one, you're a great person." he says. Maybe he has said too much? He looks at you but you're still playing with the straw.
"Yes. Well, if he didn't notice it, and we were literally inseparable, i don't know who is going to notice me..." you say quietly. Marco is looking at your fingers moving around the straw, and you look at him. You always felt an strange attraction to Marco. He is the opposite to Jean: his sweet and soft smile, his cheeks full of freckles, his messy hairstyle and his generous eyes against Jean's flirty smile, his plump lips and his sharp features. They were totally different, though the two of them were nice to you. Jean is more flirty and teasing; Marco is more sweet and warm-hearted.
"Y/N?" he asks. You have been looking at him and thinking on your own things you didn't notice when he talked again.
"Sorry, Marco." he laugh quietly.
"It's fine. Should we go?" he asks. You nod. The night is cold but quiet. You two walk in silence. Jean send you a text.
"Are you still drinking something? Am i late?" he asks. You answer that he is. "Sorry, I promise to go to the next one!" he says. You send him an emoji and keep walking.
"Jean?" he asks. You nod. The conversation dies there, and you keep walking silently. "I don't know how he didn't notice you." he says. You look at him. "You always looked at him with such an interest. Always there to help him and to have his back. He should give you an opportunity. You're amazing." You look at Marco. He gives you a soft smile.
"I think I'm maybe not that amazing." you say. What does Mikasa have than you don't have?
"You are. Don't put less value on yourself just because he has choosen her." he says. His shoulder finds yours jokingly.
But you don't think he's joking. He is serious, his words are serious. That's what he thinks about you.
Does Marco like you? Were you involved in a love triangle all this time, but all the relations were one-sided?
Since he showed you what he thinks about you, a little love flame started to grow between you two. A slow burn love that started to gain weight on all the afternoons you spend with him, waiting for a Jean that never comes, and always apologizes. "Mikasa told me to accompany her" "Mikasa is helping Eren, so I should go and help too." You're not angry with him, he's enjoying his new relationship. And so are you two, sitting a little bit closer every day and touching each other more naturally. You don't know how you two started dating, none of you asked the other. He knew he wanted to be with you and you knew you wanted to be with him. A first kiss on your main door closed the pact about your relationship.
You are now sitting on the grass, your head on Marco's lap. His hands caressing your hair under a tree shadow. It was a hot day, and you two decided to spend it on a date. A real date, not you two waiting for Jean. One only you knew.
"Ah, it's really hot today." he says. His hands braid your hair softly, and you hum in response. "Should we go and drink something? We could go to the cafeteria that has that cookies milkshake you like..." he says. You smile and, opening your eyes to look at him, find his smile. He tilts his head down and gives you a little kiss. "Let's go, then."
You're not playing with the straw this time. You have something that grabs your hand. A big, soft and warm hand cages yours and a cute boy smiles at you while you talk. Marco's personality was made for you, as yours was made for him. That's something he likes to remind you, how you two are like puzzle pieces.
"Oh, hi!" you hear a voice you know really well behind you. Jean is walking, with Mikasa on his side. She smiles at you and you smile at her back. But the repentine voice scared you a bit. Jean's hazel eyes looks at your hands, yours inside Marco's. He raises an eyebrow a little bit, just a little. "Am I interrupting?" he asks. Marco shakes his head, smiling at him as if nothing happens. Jean nods. "Yeah. So, you two...?" he asks. He doesn't end the phrase but you know what he wants to say.
"Well, we're dating." Marco answers simply. He has changed from the sweet boy you saw earlier, he's more sharp. Jean nods.
"Good for you two. Well, we reserved the next table for our date." Jean says, his hand searching Mikasa's, holding her. "So, well. We'll go and enjoy the date."
"So we do." Marco smiles at him. What's this game going on between this two?
"Oh, you're on a date?" Jean says. His hazel eyes are now fixed on Marco's ones. Mikasa looks at you and you look at her. She's beautiful, her long black hair moving softly every time she moves her head to look at her boyfriend. Marco caresses your hand with his thumb, maybe knowing all the thoughts you're having. You shake your head a bit. Marco doesn't deserve that. Hou should forget about Jean. He was your first crush and he doesn't have interest in you. Also, you're now dating a wonderful boy. You can't do this to Marco.
"We are. That's what couples do. I thought maybe y/n would like to have their favorite milkshake after a long day out." he says. Jean looks now at your glass, half empty. All the cookies are mixed with the cream. He nods.
"Fine. We'll have also some milkshakes. The ones made here are the best of the city." he says. Now he talks to Mikasa. "Strawberry milkshake, sweetie?"
She nods shyly. Marco looks at him.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your date as much as we do." he says, venenous words coming out of his mouth. Jean smiles.
"We'll do. We'll do. Marco, y/n." he says, before leaving with Mikasa.
Even when his hands are on Mikasa's waist, guiding her towards the table, he only thinks about you.
Maybe it's the old tale about a boy that doesn't know what he has until he loses it.
And Jean hates losing.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Banana Split
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Kinktober 2020 — food play
A/N: yes I’m aware that the title and the banner pic doesn’t match I just think it looks cute alright?? and that cream tho oooo
Pairing: Miya Osamu x reader
Description: After having to stay behind for extra hours on your birthday damped your mood, Osamu decided to step in with the sweetness in life to make your day better.
Warning: food play, body worshipping, oral (giving)
Word count: 3318
It all started when you stumbled across Not Another Teen movie on your Netflix recommendations while lounging around with your boyfriend one night.
You had heard vaguely about it and mostly seen screenshots of that one scene with the whipped cream still floating around the internet even though it was almost two decades since the movie came out, but you had never thought of actually watching it until now. It was harmless fun, and you two were just trying to find something to serve as background noises while you cuddle anyways. You had your head on Osamu’s shoulder, fiddling with his fingers mindlessly as your mind shifted away from the movie.
Then one and only scene that you could quote from the movie came up, and you perked up temporarily from the comfortable position on Osamu’s chest to see what the hype was about. You snorted when you saw the actor walking out with whipped cream very hintingly located on the body, “God, that is stupid.”
You shifted around, leaning on his arms as you laid down, your attention on the screen weakening now that the one thing that piqued your interest was done and over with. What you didn’t saw was Osamu’s eyes lighting up at the scene, sitting just a little bit straighter as he started scheming in his mind.
His schemes were usually... questionable but for now, you were in blissful ignorance as to what was starting to brew up in his running head.
The movie itself was not life changing by any means and you quickly pushed it to the back of your head. You hadn’t thought of the whipped cream scene ever since you absentmindedly laughed about it that one night and it didn’t come up in any of your conversations either. 
Until the night of your birthday came around the corner.
You had tried so hard to arrange a day off but it seemed like the hr department was not in your favour. Not only did you not get a vacation, but you were also told that everyone in your department was to stay behind until all work was cleared. Needless to say, this had severely dampened your mood. 
You kept whining to Osamu throughout the day, lashing your exhaustion out into your texts. Being the one to stand right in front of all the customers, he could not check his phone often and the number of unread messages he saw when he finally got the time to take a breather had him shook. He stared at the walls of emojis and incomprehensible noises converted into words that were on his screen, his phone still buzzing from time to time as he was scrolling down nowhere near the bottom of the chain of texts.
He had had other plans on what to do that day until everything was blown off because you were stuck at the office, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something to make it end on a bang. He thought long and hard, watching as new messages pop up in the chat every now and then, each one with your frustration dripping off of every word.
There was something he had been tempted to do and the idea slowly resurfaced in his head as he tried to think of something worth doing. He had put it off, thinking that it would probably be too strange to do out of the blue but wouldn’t that make today the perfect time to bring it out? 
He typed out a short message to break off the large block of texts from you, making sure to put a cheeky wink at the end for the sake of atmosphere, before opening his notes app to put canned whip cream into his shopping list for later.
Hang in there bbg, I have a surprise for you when you come back;)
The ominous message he sent you before dropping offline completely was what got you through the rest of your day. You had your guesses on what it would be that he was acting all mysterious but nothing came up in your head.
Osamu was full of surprises, you realised that going along with it couldn’t be wrong a long time ago.
You twisted the doorknob to open a small crack at the door only to see that it was complete darkness inside. Anticipation rose in your chest as you pondered what he could possibly be doing inside. Carefully opening the door wider, you reached your hand inside, kicking your shoes off as you fumbled to find the switch at the side of the frame.
You had made many wild guesses but it turned out that none were as wild as what his “surprise” actually was.
You should have seen this coming. How did you not think of this? 
Standing in front of you was Osamu standing right at the hallway, his arms crossed under his chest as a teasing smirk danced on his features. His muscles flexed as he took a step closer to you, his smile widening at your dumbfounded expression. He was very much so naked except for the three pints of whipped cream that were skillfully covering his nipples and groins, the ambiguous shape of the slight tent just enough for you to know that he was definitely bare beneath the white clouds.
“Surprised?” he tilted his head, slowly unfolding his arms and letting them drop to his side. His stomach tightened as he spoke and it took all the self control in your to not stare at the peaks of cream right at the center of his chest.
You gulped, avoiding his eyes that were searching for your skittering gaze.
It took you all your strength to hold back the snort that was stuck at the back of your throat and threatening to let slip at any second.
It was... well, you couldn’t deny that he looked really good, and you would argue that seeing someone else did it on screen had an impact nowhere near the one it gave when you saw it right up close in person by your own man whose physiques were definitely on par to any actor. His hair was a bit messy, a few strands of his hair falling aimlessly on his face and behind were the strong arch of his eyebrows that were quirking up in amusement. The cream did little to cover him up, the swell of his strong chest and the defined dents that trailed along his stomach being out for your eyes to drink in. The sharp v at his hips pointed right down to the pile of cream between his thighs and you were sure that it only took a thin layer for it to look so packed.
You let out a shaky breath, the corner of your lips curling up uncontrollably at his antics.
He was a bit of a dummy whenever anything edible was involved, but you signed up for this, didn’t you? 
Dropping your bag on the floor, you carefully pulled him closer by the arm for a soft peck on his lips. He smiled into the kiss, careful to maintain some distance so the cream wouldn’t stain your clothes.
“Happy birthday,” he winked and you chuckled between kisses, “have fun with your surprise...”
“Oh, I will.”
Your grin spread wider on your face when you trailed your finger down his chest, pushing the bit of cream around and flicking his hardened nipple in the process before bringing it up to your lips. His breath hitched at the stimulation but more so at how you graphically swirled your tongue around your white-coated digit, your eyes now bearing into his as you tormented him.
You were going to have fun with him, alright?
It was rare for him to be the one that had to stand still while you did whatever you want on him and you intended to make the most out of it. Holding onto the side of his waist, you bent down until you were face to face with the stiffened peaks at his chest. You pressed your tongue flat at the center of his breast, licking a long strip up and watch as his chest rose while he tried to control his breaths. 
Sweetness expanded in your mouth when you swiped your tongue over the tip of the dollop of cream, going slow and light on him on purpose as you denied him the feeling of being touched. The slightest bit of saltiness lingered within the sugary taste from his skin. His throat bobbed up and down as you planted kitten licks all over his chest, not shying away from putting on a show to rail him up as you let the white cream melted on the tip of your tongue before slipping it back into your mouth. His skin was looking shiny from the grease, accentuating the twitching muscles underneath as the bits of half-warmed cream slid off his abdomen.
“Don’t move,” you said, your lips ghosting over the other side that was still covered in cream as the pad of your finger hovered over his nipple, rubbing against it softly as you looked up at him with a mischievous smile.
“I’m not moving...” his voice came out as a shaky whine, feeling chills running down his spine at the cold air fanning across his bare skin now that the cream was starting to be lapped up and your breath against his chest with each huff.
“Mhm," you hummed, your fingers tapping at the side of his forearm as you lowered your lips down. You dived in right away this time, your tongue swirling around it and licking up the sweet mixture with a loud slurp. Osamu bit his lips, finding it hard to keep it in when your finger traced the mounds of his abs.
“What an eye candy,” you mused, smacking your lips as you savoured the cream in your mouth. He was a complete mess, his eyes fluttering to shut tight as he looked like he was about to draw blood from his lips with how hard he was biting down. A lovely flush dusted across his cheeks and his stomach clenched with each brush of your digits on his now sensitive skin.
He shuddered at the butterfly kisses you planted along his stomach. “This body is wasted being behind the counter all the time,” you paid attention to each bump and swell of his body, your tongue darting out to swipe against each spot your lips just touched. The sequence of actions repeated until you reached to where his waist started narrowing down into a deliciously contoured v, mumbling praises against his warm skin along the way.
If he was going to be at your service for the day, the least you could do was to worship your present properly.
“Pretty boy...” you left trails of wetness on his skin, reflecting under the light and forming an erotic picture as his muscles flexed with each inhale from his trembling lips.
Having a hard-on while being covered in whipped cream was not a pleasant feeling at all, Osamu made a mental note of that at the back of his head. 
A whimper let slipped from his clenched jaw when you turned your attention to his crotch. His breath hitched at the light chuckle from you as you slowly but firmly started lapping up the cream right under his v line. You knew exactly what you were doing, your hands wandering from his waist to the small of his back before finding leverage on his ass. He let out a slight yelp when you palmed him from behind, feeling the curve under your hands as you gently kneaded his cheeks.
You were dangerously close to where he had been itching ever since your endeavors started but as if you were aware of how much he was struggling to hold himself back, you took an agonisingly slow pace while you cleaned up the area on his pelvis where the cream was blotched around.
The pile of cream did nothing to hide his shape, if anything it definitely made the print all the more obvious. His erection being covered in cream and poking up for attention should have been an amusing sight, but you were far too occupied by how much you wanted to get him in your mouth to even process how comedic this must appear to be. 
He finally snapped when you got on your knees completely and licked a long stripe up the very base of his cock, a loud groan slipping out of his lips as a vibration that hit you right in the core.
“Easy on the eyes and taste sweet too,” you teased, your tongue swiping from the corner of your lips to the other side as you stared at him through your eyelashes, “what a steal...”
You tilted your head, contemplating how you were supposed to take him in without making an utter mess. He looked down at you with a look of pleading, his jaw clenched tightly as his hands curled into fists by his side. You could see the muscles of his thighs flexing, his feet that were planted on the ground looking like he was trying very hard to not shift from side to side as he got antsier and antsier by the second.
Ah, fuck it.
You gripped onto his sides to balance yourself still as you took him in your mouth bit by bit, the cream getting onto your cheeks and leaving a greasy feeling on your skin as your lips couldn’t quite accommodate all of it. Pulling back, you couldn’t care less about the mess it would leave behind as you whipped off the cream around your mouth with the back of your hand before diving back in. Osamu’s head fell back at the feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, your tongue pressed flat on the underside of his shaft and cleaning him up from the stickiness that lingered on his skin. 
His palms hurt from how his nails were digging into the center, the pleasures brought by your touch numbing the back of his neck like jolts of electricity. He wanted to grip your hair and make you go faster badly but this was about you, and he did say that you could have as much fun as you pleased.
You felt your jaw going slack as you bobbed your head, following his cheeks at the feeling of him filling and warming up in your mouth. You held onto the base of his cock, fisting where your lips could not reach as the other went to fondle his balls. The moan he let out when you cupped him was pornographic and heat rushed to your core at the lewd noise, making you pressed your thighs together and egging you to pick up your pace just to see him fall apart. 
His skin felt slippery with the cream that was left and the stickiness transferred to your fingers when you held onto his hips before sinking down all the way, leaving prints of white on his skin with the cream that was on your hands. The soreness in your throat when you gagged around him gave you a high that was unmatched by any sugar rush, the saltiness of the pre leaking from his cock mixing now apparent on your tongue as the sweetness slowly faded away, creating a whole new flavour in your mouth.
“You taste so good, Samu,” your lips ghosted over his tip as you spoke, drool that was pooling up in your mouth from the gag reflex threatening to leak down your chin when you licked his tip much like the way you lapped up the cream on his body earlier. “better than any dessert I can get.”
He did not dare to look down at you, knowing that he would not be able to hold himself back if he saw the look in your eyes when you said that to him with a tone as sweet and pouty as that. A soft whimper trembled off his lips when you wrapped your lips around him again, sucking him off as the sloppy sounds of muffled groans and slurping filled his senses. 
You must be looking so pretty right now, he knew you were.
Curiosity got the better of him and with a brief flick of his gaze down at the flutter of his lids, the wire in his brain snapped and left the dull ache between his legs burning through his system. There was cream all over your chin, the milky substance of the melted drops meeting the trail of drool at the side of your jaw. Your lips were puckered out, coated by the white that reminded him of something much less sweet as they wrapped around his girth. His toes curled at the sight of his cock disappearing deeper into your mouth before you pulled back to gasp your air, jerking him off with a few frantic flicks of your wrist before taking him in again,
But when you looked up at him, your eyes glassy and pupils blown out in lust, he came crashing down.
“Fuck-” his hissed, his muscles clenching as he pulled himself back from snapping his hips forward. You moaned around him when you tasted his cum, the warmth pouring down your throat as you tried to gulp down while he pulsed against your tongue. Your fingers were digging into his thighs, each flex and twitch of his muscles obvious under your touch. You gave a light tap at the side in approval as he grunted, a choked moan ripped from the back of his throat as he thrown his head back.
He was still heaving when you released your lips from his length with a pop, feeling a bit light headed at the sight of the drops of his load that you couldn’t swallow down now rolling down your jaw and you collected it on your fingertips before licking them clean. You were grinning from ear to ear as you stood up, still calming your breaths down but very much so enjoying yourself as you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip with your boyfriend looking on in awe.
You nearly lost your footing when he held your face in both hands and pulled you in for a forceful kiss, his lips smacking against yours messily as he prodded his tongue through at the gap of you gasping in shock. He could taste himself in your mouth, the sugar and sweet scent of milk lingering between your teeth as he greedily savoured it with each opened mouth kiss that you gladly returned.
You did not bother to hide the fact that you were very much so hot and bothered as you pulled back, your hands wandering all over his strong arms as you eyed his naked body up and down. You gave him one more peck on the lips, chuckling when he lingered on you.
“Go wash the grease off,” you purred and you could see his throat bobbed at the tone you used, his hands that were now on your shoulders tightening, “we’re continuing this in bed.”
Letting out a full body laugh when he dashed away, you shook your head as you calmed your laughter down, your gaze still fixed at the direction that he disappeared at. 
To think that you thought your day was ruined just before that, you smiled to yourself as you made way to the bedroom, pulling your shirt off over your head and throwing it into the laundry basket before flopping onto your shared bed while the distant sounds of shower running tickled your eardrums.
If this was the type of celebration you could get then maybe you wouldn’t even need a birthday cake from now on.
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magpie-scribbles · 3 years
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Ahhh I’m bit late but here is my part of the BNHarem ~*Collab*~
Title: Call Me
Pairing: F!reader X Maijima Higari (Power Loader)
Rating: E
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: Smut, sex work, older man younger woman 
Higari sighs, his metal tipped fingers tapping on his work table 11pm, 11 pm and he still had so much to do. Normally he relished having work to do, rather being a busy bee than not, but lately the stress had been catching up to him. The academic year was in full swing, and with more villain activity than usual he was beginning to wear...A lot of his projects (pet projects) were starting to fall behind because frankly he was too stressed and found himself getting upset with himself when he made mistakes or miscalculations, which seemed to be happening a lot in his overall raised tension.
Realizing he wasn't going to make any progress aside from going in circles. He slumps, plunking down onto the stool next him, thumping his head against the metal of the workbench and just...sitting there allowing himself to cool off...or perhaps it was wallow…
Bzzzzz bzzzzzzz he feels it as much as he hears it as an incoming text reverberates through his skull. He tilts his head, just enough to glare at his cellphone on the far end of the workbench; he could ignore it, he could...but he doesn't. With a groan he sits up leaning over to swipe the phone up to see the notification.
"Heeeyyyyy, how you doing???" She follows up with a few heart emoji.
To someone on the outside looking in it might seem like she’s flirting, or that they had something going on. But he and Nemuri had been good friends for so long that he doubts he could ever see her as anything but.
"Fine" He types out simply, not in the mood for banter, he hopes she's not putting together a last minute bar hop.
"That rough huh?" 
The texts come in rapid succession. He sighs.
"I'm fine" He repeats; though it's nice to have someone that worries about you from time to time.
It takes her a moment to respond, he can see the little typing indicator, bounce along the bottom off his screen and then stop and then start again.
"Did you call her yet?? 👀👀👀" Her response finally comes and he groans.
He had a feeling she was going to bring this up sooner or later.
"No I haven't called her yet" He replies, grumbling to himself as he hits send harder than he needs to.
"You should, she could really help you relax 😌" He can practically hear he voice through the illuminated text on his screen, goading him.
He can feel his face heat up, he wasn't a prude...this was just...he wasn't a prude!
"Kayama" now beginning to wish he never picked up the phone.
"It's not just about sex Maijima, where's your head??😏😏😏" now she was just being cruel, he shakes his phone in his gripe blowing out a puff of air, wishing he could berate her.
"In all seriousness tho, she can help you out, it's her job, she's really nice!" She adds.
He sighs, deflating a bit, mulling over the idea for a while...he thinks he still has the card Nemuri gave him. 
Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans he pulls out a crinkled card, oh, yeah he had definitely washed these pants a few times. Luckily the card had been printed on heavy sleek looking cardstock. And even with the edges slightly worn and the the paper somewhat crinkled, no expenses were obviously spared as the elegant type face remained readable even after a few trips through the wash...which was good for him because if it hadn't then he'd have to ask Nemuri for the details and that's something he would not want to live through. 
He sighs, looking from the card to his phone, weighing his options...he was very stressed and Nemuri said it didn't have to be about sex...not that he didn't like that! ...Damnit…
Suckling on his teeth he slowly punches in the number printed in embossed gold.
You settle down into the pillows and blankets of your freshly laundered bed, wondering if you even want to try and read the next chapter in your book that sat on your nightstand. The sheets were still warm from the dryer and damn, it was tempting to just nestle in and go straight to bed.
Your brow furrows, the sudden sound brings you out of your very important and very difficult decision. For a moment the sound eludes you as you listen for it again.
Oh fuck that was your phone, your head whips to the nightstand again; the illuminated screen blocked by the book you had just been considering as the device vibrates beneath it.
You grumble, you know it could be a client but most of them had the decency to not call this late…well most of them did. 
Grabbing your phone you gaze down to the screen, cocking your head when you see a string of numbers you've never seen before, hmmm.
Reclining back into the comfort of your pillow pile you answer.
"Hello this is L/N F/N speaking." You say, all business; not one to ever come off as unprofessional even if it was a spam call.
There was a long pause; you almost repeat yourself when you hear someone clear their throat.
"Miss L/N, this is Maijima Higari....uhhh, Kayama Nemuri said I should contact you." His voice is soft baritone with a bit of gravel to it, he seems very uncertain, but you know who he is right away.
To be honest you had been quite curious about him since Nemuri had told you about her fellow hero and coworker.
You worked a lot with heroes, some high profile ones too, but you've never had a client that was also a support specialist, or as Nemuri had put it, a keen inventor. You were intrigued.
"Ah Mr. Maijima, Kayama mentioned you-" you begin.
"She did?" He interrupts and you can hear him shifting away from the phone "motherfucker"  you hear the breathy hiss, and you have to keep yourself under control because you did not want your first conversation with the man you had been interested in hearing from, to be you laughing at him.
He must have realized you can hear him because there's more scrambling on the other end of the line.
"Sorry 'bout that...Nemuri...likes to talk." He sighs.
You chuckle warmly; she had mentioned he was somewhat proud and what she called "aggressively" shy.
"She definitely can be quite the gossip." You reply and you hear him groan. "Though I assure you, it's all good things Mr. Maijima."
"Somehow that doesn't put me at ease at all…" he huffs, and you can't help but let out a small laugh.
There is a pause again, and you decide to gently encourage him.
"So what can I do for you Mr. Maijima?" You ask gently.
There's shifting on the other end of the line again and then a small cough.
"I've...I've been stressed lately, like...more than usual and Kayama said that you might be able to help with that." You can tell he's a bit uncertain on how to ask for your services.
"Of course, I'd be more than happy to help, just tell me what you need and I'll set up an appointment. " You recline further into your pillows.
"Uh well...fuck I've never done this before…" he sighs.
"That's perfectly alright." You reply, waiting for him to continue.
"...I-I don't know?" He says finally and you smile, you like when they're honest; not trying to show-off.
"Of course, we can figure everything out along the way." You hum and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Alright, yeah." 
"How about I put you in for this Friday at 8pm, I'll make sure that we have the whole night free to get you settled." You make a mental note to put that in your planner (not that you could forget, you were surprisingly eager to meet him.)
"Today's Wednesday." He says in reply.
"So you mean in two days? The Friday in two days?" You suppress a chuckle; definitely needed to relieve some stress.
"If that's an issue I'd be happy to-"
"NO!...No it's fine, just surprised is all." His voice trails off and he clears his throat. "Sooooo so how do I do this?"
You pause for a moment considering. There are a few luxury hotels and venues you've preferred to use in the past...but...you decide to throw caution to the wind.
"Let me give you my address." You reply, a very rare option you give to only your most trusted clients; but he was good friends with Nemuri and you trusted her judgement whole heartedly.
"Oh!...are you sure you're okay with that? I understand if you don't want to do that, safety and all, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" You smile, he was already quite the charmer even if he didn't know it yet.
"No need to worry, I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't want to." 
"Okay, if you're okay with it." He replies warily and you smile to yourself.
"I'll send you a follow up text with my address and a reminder of the time; is this an okay number to send that to?"
"Oh yeah, sure."
"Perfect, well Mr. Maijima, I'll let you go and I'll send you my info."
"Yeah, sure...uh thanks for this Miss L/N." He replies.
"It's my pleasure." You reply.
He gives you a quick goodbye and then the line goes quiet; chuckling to yourself you scoot down further into your blankets and quickly add Maijima Higari to your schedule. Before opening Maijima's number and adding it to your contact list.
Nemuri definitely seems to have good taste in friends (well you're one of them.) He has certainly caught your attention...in a good way.
Higari groans, while body deflating as his muscles relax somewhat...that was one of the most nerve-racking calls he'd ever made.
God he probably sounded like an idiot. 
Huffing, he looks back at his phone and opens up his chat with Nemuri.
"I called her" he writes before getting up from his workbench with a groan, back popping as he stretches.
His phone buzzes a moment later.
“Maijime it’s like 11:30 at night!” Nemuri’s text reads; he pales and looks at the time on his phone. 
Fuck....now he felt like an ass. He goes to respond, not even sure if he should defend himself or brush it off when another text comes in from a new number. Cocking his head he swipes it open.
“Hello Mr. Maijime, it was a pleasure speaking with you tonight, I have you all booked for Friday at 8pm and I look forward to spending time with you.” he swallows thickly, reading over the message a few more times, taking note of the little hearts on the end.
“This is her job, this is her job, she’s just being nice…”  he mentally berates himself.
Reading over the message one more time he responds.
“Thank you Miss L/N.” he pauses and then adds “Sorry ‘bout calling you so late, lost track of the time.” he hits send before he can chicken out, and shoves his phone in his front pocket; out of sight out of mind 
It’s only a few seconds before he hears the buzz of his phone again and he scrabbles to get it, not even sure why he put it away in the first place.
“Nothing to worry about sweetie, I’ll see you Friday.”
Higari decides he needs a very cold shower and then promptly after needs to put himself to bed...he’d deal with Nemuri tomorrow.
You decide against the silk robe after some debate, donning luxurious Egyptian cotton instead. You'd rather not scare him off or look too presumptuous, after all he might be satisfied with your other talents, though Nemuri had said he could do with a good Fuck. You had of course laughed at her crassness, but you couldn't help but feel a spark of warmth in your belly, it surprised you, it had been awhile since you had, let alone for a potential client. 
You needed to be professional.
Giving yourself a once over in the mirror you found your attire agreeable. Your robe was a little longer than the ones you usually wore for your clients, coming to brush against your knees. But it was your favorite, plush and warm and while a bit promiscuous it was also classic. 
Your hair and makeup was in place and you gazed down to your phone
You hadn't received and cancelation call or text so at this point all you could do was wait.
Padding through your apartment on your way to the lounge you make a few quick mental notes.
Did you have both red and white wine as well as a few stiffer drinks just in case ready? Check.
Bottled water on ice as well and had you tea kettle ready with an assortment of teas just in case? Check and check
A few hors d'oeuvres, nothing too over the top? Check.
You come to settle on your favorite chaise as you finish your little check off; yes you believe you had everything ready…
Your intercom pings, and you quickly get to your feet and shuffle over, pressing the talk button.
"Miss L/N, there is a Mr. Maijima here to see you." The doorman's voice responds.
"Yes of course please have him come up." 
"Of course ma'am."
To be honest no matter how long you had done this you could never quite figure out what to do with yourself while you wanted for a client to come up to meet you. Nothing ever seemed natural or smooth... it irked you. You wondered what other consorts did, maybe you should ask a few of your colleagues next time you go out for drinks-
There's a firm knock on your door, jarring you out of your thoughts. 
Giving yourself a quick once over you, smooth down your robe and slap on a warm smile before opening the door.
"Mr. Maijima, I'm so glad you came." You move out of the way, opening the door further to allow him in.
"Uh thanks, yeah me too." He lets out a nervous laugh as he shuffles inside. 
He was quite charming. Nemuri had shown you pictures but pictures can never do enough justice to some people. 
He was dressed in a bomber jacket, dark pull over and well worn jeans and boots. He looked comfortable, the perfect amount of dressed down; he looked like himself, not trying to put on airs like some of your clients. 
"Let me take your jacket while you get your shoes." You say warmly and he gingerly shrugs out of the fabric.
"Thanks." He replies as he leans down to untie his boots.
"Nice place you have here." He replies as he looks around from his lowered position. 
"Oh thank you!" You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear as you look around your place fondly. "The main foyer is a bit much though." You add with a chuckle thinking to the decadence of the building's main entrance.
"Was pretty swanky." He replies nearly finished with his second boot.
"I assure you I'm much more down to earth." You reply and he perks up at that, you eye him curiously.
"Hehe, earth." He laughs and it takes you a moment to remember he's the Excavation hero and you let out a laugh, surprised by his humor.
"I wouldn’t have guessed you'd also be a man with a good taste in jokes." You reply and extend you hand out to him as he tucks his boots away. You have always been a fan of so-called bad jokes.
He seems to like that and puffs up with a smile, slipping his large hand into yours. Oh it was warm and rough; Nemuri did say he was good with his hands. 
"How about we settle in." You say nodding your head towards the lounge.
He nods and swallows thickly, still visibly unsure, but obviously not willing to back down.
You smile at him and gently lead him out of the entryway. 
As you lead him further into your apartment you had taken note that while he was untying his boots he could have very easily looked up your robe, but instead all of his attention was on you, his sharp grey eyes peeking out from a thick fringe of fiery hair. He was watching and listening to you not ogling you, it made your heart warm.
Yes, you had decided that he was certainly a catch.
You lead him into the lounge motioning for him to sit anywhere and he takes his place in one of the plush armchairs across from you chaise. You wish he would have opted for a closer seat but you want him to be comfortable first and foremost.
"Can I get you anything? Wine? Something stronger? Water, tea?" You ask.
"Uh water's fine right now, thanks." He replies and you crack open one of the water bottles and pour it into a crystal tumbler.
You hand it to him and leave the water bottle close to him on the coffee table.
"Thank you L/N." He replies and takes a sip.
"Please call me F/N." You say as you settle on your chaise, he pauses for a moment, mouth full before swallowing
"F/N…" he parrots, voice surprisingly gravelly despite the water he just drank.
You smile and nod your head.
He fiddles with the empty glass in his hands before looking up at you with genuineness; your heart flutters and you’re once again surprised by your feelings.
"Call me Higari."
Higari slowly begins to relax as you talk, his posture loosening and his voice becoming less tense and formal. When he finally laughs fully at one of your jokes, you feel warmth wash over you in a pleasant wave of contentment. 
Despite his obvious relaxation you can’t help but notice he shifts every so often, adjusting his back or subtly rolling his neck. Small ques that make you realize that he wasn't only mentally stressed but physically as well. 
"Higari." You catch his attention as he excitedly tells you about a project he's working on. "Sorry to interrupt but is your back bothering you?" You ask softy and he blinks at you in surprise.
"Oh sorry, that noticeable?" He chuckles. "'S probably from hunching over a workbench all day." He's trying to wave it off, not make you worry.
"Would you mind if I used my quirk on you?" You ask gently, not wanting him to feel pressured. 
"Uuhhh, you haven't already?" He looks a bit confused and you can't help but let out a hearty laugh.
"Of course not, I would never use my quirk without your permission." You smile and you watch as his cheeks turn ruddy with blush. "Might I ask what you thought my quirk was doing all this time?"
He leans back a bit huffing softly to himself, trying to control his embarrassment. 
"Make me relax I guess?" He mutters under his breath and you smile fondly, happy that he truly was relaxed around you.
"You’re sweet, while my quirk does help people relax, I wasn't using it on you." You reply sitting up and gently patting the space next to you on the chaise. " could I show you, I'll stop if you don't feel comfortable."
He observes you for a moment, mulling over the idea or trying to pump himself up you're not exactly sure; but then he slowly gets to his feet and walks over to you.
"Never done this before…" he says softly as he looks down at you, trying hard to be open and honest.
It's one of the sweetest things you've ever had happen with a client and you gently take his hands and pull him down to sit next to you.
"That's perfectly alright, whatever you are comfortable with, whatever you want Higari." You say gently and give his hands a reassuring squeeze.
He looks down, his hands are so large in yours; turning them over in his he brushes the metal tips of his thumbs against your palms reverently, and you swoon a little bit. 
"Show me you quirk." 
You feel pride well in your chest.
"I would love to." You smile before adjusting a bit. "Lay down on your stomach, there should be enough room for you to lay down fully." 
He complies, seemingly throwing caution to the wind, but you can see the tremble in his arms as he lowers himself to the plush cushion of the chaise.
"I'm going to sit on your thighs is that alright?" You question.
It takes him a moment to respond and when he does it's a breathy "yes" and you're glad he's facing away from you so he doesn't catch the shiver that runs up your spine at the tone of his voice.
Slowly you crawl up his body, careful to let him feel every move, to let him know your position until you are sitting comfortably on his muscled thighs, your legs tucked on either side of him. He lets out a shaky sigh as you reach out and run your hands from his shoulder blades down to the small of his back.
"My quirk works best with skin to skin contact, you are certainly welcome to leave your shirt on or remove it." You begin your typical overview of your quirk when he moves beneath you suddenly, almost setting you off balance as he reaches behind his head. Fisting the fabric at his back and rucking it up over his head, fluffing up his hair as he does before letting the article of clothing crumple to the floor.
You're too surprised to move from his sudden boldness as he settles back down, neatly crossing his arms beneath his chin. 
After a few moments you manage to pull yourself together and you slowly, gently lay your hands back on his now bare shoulder blades and oh! Beneath your palms he is trembling; now you desperately wanted to sooth his frayed nerves.
"My quirk allows me to admit frequency through my skin, that I can channel into vibrations." You tell him gently as you smooth down his back again, slowly activating your quirk.
He tenses for a moment and then begins to relax into your touch.
"It can help muscle relaxation and promote blood flow." You continue as you knead a knot along his lat. 
"It ah- sounds like your quirk is definitely a benefit." His voice is breathy, almost sighing as he falls further into your touch.
"I like to think so too." You say fondly, you were really starting to enjoy his company and his kindness. "You were talking about one of your inventions earlier when I interrupted, I would very much like to hear more about it." And it was the honest to God truth.
He hums in contentment and from his position on his folded arms you can see a genuine smile grace his lips.
He quickly eases back into his explanation and his ideas as you allow you quirk to sink into his skin while you massage his tense muscles. Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours, even if you didn't quite understand some of it; it was fascinating and his passion and enthusiasm was a pleasant warmth that enveloped you.
Slowly his muscles begin to ease up under your ministrations and his voice begins to get more husky and more lax. You’re not exactly sure when he stopped talking but you suddenly notice the silence and the absence of his pleasant voice.
"F/N?" You blink, gazing up from you hands, to find Higari staring lazily up at you through the fringe of his hair. His stare is hypnotizing
"Yes?" Your voice is breathier than you would have liked.
For a moment he doesn't say anything and then he shifts, starting to roll on his side and you gingerly move to sit beside him, you barely have anytime to take in his sudden change when his large hand comes up, fingers brushing against your jaw tentatively.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks softly and you definitely swoon, you hand coming up to press his touch closer.
"I would like that very much." You hum, your blood singing at the thought of his lips on yours.
Slowly he rises up and you can feel him moving against you and as he does you feel his lower half brush against your hip and the strangest combination of pride and desire fills your chest as you feel the hardness straining against his jeans.
Everything seems to still for a brief moment and then his nose brushes against yours and you suck in a shaking breath as his lips press against yours.
It's like firecrackers, zipping along you skin, you feel your toes curl and you lean into him. He groans against you and slings his arm around your shoulders pressing you to him, your chest flush with his bare one. 
You sigh against him and he takes a moment to adjust, tilting his head, teeth clacking against yours as he slots himself against you.
You feel as though you are made of feathers, your whole body alight as you kiss him back feverishly. It's been awhile since you felt this and you can't get enough.
Letting out a small whine you smooth your hands down his ribs bringing them around to rest on his lower stomach; you feel the muscles jump against your fingertips and then he trembles against you letting out a wonderfully gravelly moan that reverberates in his chest. 
Then he's slowly pulling you back with him, laying back down against the chaise, tugging you on top of him. He pauses moving away to catch his breath, a hand coming up to smooth over your hair. Your breath hitches as you take him in; he's beautiful… his cheeks stained with blush, his grey eyes gazing up at you half lidded and hazy, pupils blown so wide the irises are halos of near silver.
"Can we…? Is this okay?" He asks hesitantly and you have to stop yourself from squealing in delight.
"It's more than okay Higari, I would love to." And you mean every word of it. 
He groans, lips parting to wet them before he cups your face in his hands and pulls you back down into a fiery kiss.
It's almost feral the way you move against each other, palming and smoothing down every inch of skin that you can. He slowly pushes your robe from your shoulders, the belt the only thing keeping it from coming free completely, and he lets out a strangled sound when he realizes you're wearing nothing underneath.
You quickly grab one of his hands and press his large palm to your breast and he quakes beneath you as he begins to knead the soft flesh. You instantly melt into him, moaning and moving against him in your excitement, his metal tipped thumb coming to press against your pebbled nipple. 
He's wonderful beneath you, shedding his shyness as his lips move from yours, coming to place open mouthed kisses against your jaw and neck. 
Your hands continue to roam across the wonderfully compact muscles of his torso, fingers pausing to flick at his nipples before moving to dig into his sides before sliding down to rest on his belt buckle.
You pull away and he lets out a whine as you sit up, gazing down at him, watching as his chest heaves. You wet your lips, thumbing his buckle to get his attention and his gaze darts down to where your hands rest, just above the straining tent in his jeans. Slowly his gaze drags up your body and then…
"Please…" It's breathy and needy, and you can help but let out a small moan as you nod and get to work.
You quickly divest him of both his pants, boxers and socks, leaving him wonderfully naked and needy beneath you, and oh is he a sight to see. 
Taut muscles tensing against soft skin, a smattering of coppery hair on his chest that tapers down his belly to a thatch of curly short hairs framing his perfectly sized cock that now lays dribbling against his stomach.
"Oh Higari, you’re beautiful." You purr, running your hands down his chest.
"Got nothing on you…" he grunts arching into your touch, practically begging you to go lower.
"Such a charmer." You reply with your finger sliding teasingly over his weeping head.
He arches, pale column of his throat on display for you as he lets out a moan.
"Y-you're perfect." He husks and you feel your chest swell with pride.
You pull back for a moment, much to his displeasure, but that quickly changes as he realizes you're removing your robe.
You quickly take the condom out of your pocket before discarding the clothing to the floor in a heap. Laying the rubber next to your calf for easy access. 
Straightening up you perch on his upper thighs and then slowly move your hips.
"Can you feel me Higari?" You hush knowing full well you’re dripping all over him. "Can you feel how wet I am?"
He lets out a needy moan and his hands come to clamp down on your hips as he rolls his hip, cock thrusting up into the cool air of your apartment. 
"Please, please, F/N...please." His words are soft and airy and you absolutely live for them as you roll your hips again, hand smoothing down his aching length.
"Anything you want love." You hush him and grab the condom, he's already so far gone he doesn't even perk up at the sound of the foil tearing.
You need him to pay attention. Tapping his hip bone he slowly comes to focus on you.
"Watch me Higari." You say and you slowly roll the condom onto his straining length.
You want to absolutely pamper him as he makes small little hiccups as you smooth the rubber down him before gently grabbing his base, moving up onto your knees hovering just over him.
"Watch me Higari…" you repeat and he's enraptured as you slowly sink down onto him, bottoming out on him completely in one go.
"Ha-ah!" He arches hands pushing you impossibly closer as he thrusts up into you though there is no more room left to fill.
Oh he's perfect, filling you to the brim, stretching you deliciously as he becomes an unabashed mess beneath you.
You try to move, but his grip is bruising, abdominal muscles tensing as he tries to keep himself in control.
"Higari." You sooth and he looks up at you, lips parted and eyes holding so much adoration it nearly knocks you over.
He lets up his hold after a moment and you lean forward, placing your hands and his chest to steady yourself. You give him an affectionate stare before you rise up, keeping just the tip of him inside before swiftly curling your hips and spearing yourself on his length.
He practically howls and throws his head back, and oh you want to see more of this, want to see him come undone.
You begin a rhythmic deep pace, making sure to swallow him whole on each downward roll of your hips. Higari is already a mess beneath you, now completely out of his shell on full display. In the back of your mind you briefly think he could have been a porn star if he put his mind to it.
He pushes you out of your thoughts as he grips your hips once more and tries to aid you in your movement, you can't help bit smile.
"Relax Higari, this is about you, I'll take care of everything…" you breath and he swallows thickly.
"Wanna help." He slurs "ha! You're so good, soso good." 
"Next time." You're even a bit surprised by how sure there will be a next time and Higari seems to take note of that as well as you watch his gaze unfocus and refocus.
You continue your pace, though your thighs begin to ache, it's too delicious to even think about slowing down; the way your positioned has your clit rubbing against his pubic bone with each roll of your hips.
You can tell he's getting close, the way he trembles and the way he tries to jerk up ever so often out of sync with you. His gaze catches you and for a moment you feel like your drowning. It's then you feel the pad of his thumb press against your clit; you gasp and look down to watch his metal tipped finger swirl around your delicate bundle of nerves, cock disappearing lewdly inside of you with each roll of your hips.
"Gonna, cum, wan' you to cum with me." He husks, bringing your attention back to him and suddenly you're on the cusp, the precipice. 
"Oh, yes, yes...Higari." your head lolls as you allow him to help, his hips thrusting up to meet yours.
And then he's curling, body tensing as he lets out a breathless moan, mouth slack and eyes fluttering closed as he starts to cum. 
That's what pushes you over the edge, his debauched display. And as you tumble over the edge, stars bursting behind your eyes, and toes curling you briefly wished you could feel him pumping you full.
It takes you a moment to come down from your brief jaunt in paradise, sagging against him, panting. You feel his grip on your hip loosen and he brings his other hand to your thigh, thumb coming to sooth over your skin.
You sit in silence as he softens inside of you and you know you should get up and tidy up a bit, but you're basking in the afterglow and you can't find it in you to care that much.
Higari lets out a pleased sigh and he looks completely and utterly satiated and relaxed; it warms your heart.
The next words that come out of your mouth surprise you.
"Stay the night." You whisper almost shyly and it quickly catches his attention.
He cocks his head observing for a moment.
"Do most of your clients stay? I don't want to intrude."  
You honestly are afraid to answer because the answer is no, they don't, and you suddenly feel so raw and exposed it almost scares you.
He must pick up on your nervousness because he gently cups the side of your jaw, brushing some of your sweat damp hair away from your face.
"I'd love to." He says and you feel your heart soar as you nuzzle into his touch.
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bbaronpiper · 4 years
I’m Home
where are my angsty people at?  😂 this was requested by a lovely anon. I just couldn’t find the post but here’s what’s requested. Hope you like it tho. 
1. And that makes it okay? 19. Don’t you think you’ve done enough? 25 We’re you trying to destroy us? 27 Is the weight of it all finally too heavy?” 37. Is this how you thought your life would be?”
Also, I tried to write fluff but I just can’t maybe the next one will be. Someoneee pleaassseee write fluff aron imagine. I’ve been dying to read a new one. pleaaaseee? <3
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“Is this how you thought your life would be?” your best friend said, knocking some sense into your thick brain for the nth time for the last year and a half now. It’s more of a statement than a question referring to you and Arón’s relationship or whatever it is that you two have.
Instead of answering, you just took a sip on your coffee and shrugged, too tired to go through this again. Your best friend sighs and rolled her eyes. She was probably tired too on giving you advices but you never actually do something about it.  She’s totally against it, not against Arón, but against the fact that you two did everything together: laugh, cry, fight, be there for each other, fuck each other, meet each other’s friends and family, everything any couple would do. Except that you’re not.  For her, you deserve more than to be the girl who doesn’t know where to stand with him.
But for you, it didn’t matter. You didn’t want to push him if he’s not ready for a commitment. You knew his past relationship and it’s ugly. You had your unfortunate experiences as well but you two are different people. Both of you have different ways of coping and you totally understand if he doesn’t want to jump into that roller coaster ride again. What’s important for you is that he’s happy: You’re both happy even without that fucking label. You knew it has its pros and cons and most of the time it didn’t bother you until now.
It has been going on for a few months. Not exactly to be proud of but you are too stubborn to admit it. Your faith in him was too strong but you knew. You can feel it. He’s slipping away. Hugs don’t feel as warm and kisses just don’t feel the same. He’s growing distant for the reason you weren’t aware of and too damn scared to ask. ‘Cos you know, no labels right? You mean, you even question yourself nowadays if you even have the right to.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing. Looking down on it and saw Arón’s name flashing on the screen.
Y/N: Hey, what’s up?
A: Hi Y/N, I’ll be home in an hour.
Y/N: okay see you.
A: okay. Bye. Can’t wait to be with you tonight.
Your heart flutters as you heard his voice even so when he said ‘home’ knowing he wasn’t referring to your apartment as you both have your own but he spend most night at yours.
Home was never a place, he once said. It was you and damn the stupid smile you had on your lips that one night he told you this.
You hanged up the phone and looked at your best friend from across the table. All she did was nod and you go back home running. You were excited to see him. He just got back from his weekend getaway with his friends. Of course, he had asked you to come but unfortunately you can’t because of work and promised you’ll make up to him next time.
You changed into more comfortable clothes and do your night routine the moment you came home. But you kept hearing your best friend’s voice inside your head over and over again like a prayer. Is this how you thought your life would be? You thought of addressing this issue with Arón you just don’t know when and how.
As if on cue, you heard the door knob twist open, revealing a curly-haired boy you love so much enough to make your knees weak. You smiled brightly at him as he did to you, engulfing you into his arms tightly, you buried your face into the crook of his neck savoring his distinct perfume. He pulled his head back, looked at you and pecked you on the lips. You closed your eyes briefly and opening it back again the second his lips left yours. There it goes again. The empty kisses. It felt like a routine. Something he had to do and not something he really wanted to do. You tried to mask your disappointment as you gave him a weak smile.
“I bought us dinner!” Arón said enthusiastically, wiggling the paper bag in front of your face. “It’s your favorite” he added. Damn that smile he had on his face, it made your heart flutter for the second time today.
“Yeah thanks, but before we eat, can you please take a shower first? Damn you stink!” you teased him. Pinching your nose.
“huh, okay….” He looked at you for a moment before grabbing the back of your head and slamming you into his armpits. “No! Y/N! take it back! I mean, go smell it for yourself!” he said laughing. Of course, he heard a lot of curses from you telling him to let you go and that he really stinks even though he’s not.
After so many attempts, he let you go eventually. He then walked over to the kitchen counter and drop everything including the backpack he had on him and his phone.
Arón being the naughty boy he is, asked you to shower with him in which you refused telling him you just showered when you got home and will just prepare the table for dinner. Of course, he pouted at you like a baby, most of the time it would work but not tonight. Not after you heard your best friend’s voice inside your head again repeating the same question she asked you earlier.
Times like this makes you so confused. He acts all lovey dovey now but some days he won’t. It’s nothing. He’s just busy. You tried to fight it as you repeat the words trying to reassure yourself but you knew deep down something was off. There’s something about a gut feeling that’s too strong for you to ignore.
But lucky you, fate decided to refrain you from prolonging your heartbreak. You heard Arón’s phone vibrate against the marbled kitchen counter. You knew it wasn’t right. You knew you didn’t have the right to go through his personal belongings. You have never done it before and you thought you never will but something in you made you do it tonight. You had to know what’s causing this.
You took all the strength in you to grab his phone on the counter. It’s notification box screaming at you: your knees trembling, your lips quivering, your hands ice cold, your face pale like a fucking vampire, and tears threatening to fall as you stared down on it.
Message from: *insert name of a girl* (I don’t wanna name names at this time, you know. Lol)
Can’t wait ‘til our next getaway! You gave me a new meaning of fun. *wink emoji*
You felt like someone threw you a bucket full of cold water and ice over your head. You felt so cold, it made you numb from head to toe. It was a simple text, probably meant nothing. With shaky hands, you put the phone down on where you got it from. You grabbed the chair closest to you for support as you felt your stomach get sick. Like you’re about to throw up. Not to mention that tightness in your chest that made you gasp out for air. You heard the bathroom door opening but there’s nothing you can do about it. you just stood there with your hand gripping at the back of a chair tightly like your life depended on it and the other over your chest as if it will hold your heart in one piece but it’s too late for that now.
The moment Arón stepped outside of the bathroom and saw you like that, he quickly ran over to you. He grabbed you by the waist and slightly pulled you up as you were about to fall on the floor. Blame your weak knees. No. Blame this man in front of you.
“Hey, heyyy, What’s wrong?” he asked concerned. He really is. You heard it in his voice. “Y/N! C’mon look at me. Look at me baby” Arón said as he grabbed your face in one hand trying to get you to look at him. You just stared at him unable to form words. You tried but no voice came out but the tears stream down your face instead which made him more worried than he was a minute ago.
You just hugged him. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your face buried on his chest as you cried. His warm skin against yours brought comfort. There’s still few droplets of water on his upper body, his hair slightly dripping and all he had was a towel wrapped around his waist but none of you cared. You just stood there hugging and him running his hand up and down your spine trying to comfort you, not knowing he’s the cause of all this. You savor the moment as this will be the last. You are sure of it now.  
Once you found your strength, you pulled away and spoke.
“Were you trying to destroy us? Were you trying to destroy me? ‘cos you definitely did.” You sniffed and wipe your tears with your hands.
He looked at you confused like you just grown a second head.
“Que?” he asked tilting his head to the side slightly. “What do you mean babe? I would never-”
“Please don’t make it hurt more by lying to my face.” Your lips are trembling and the tears are non-stop. He looked away from you and bit his lips probably trying to keep the truth from coming out or probably trying to stop the tears. But you knew he saw the pain in your eyes and it’s too much for him to handle now confirming that all this is because of him.
“What are we really, Arón?” you tried again. You were surprised by your sudden bravery to say this out loud even Arón was shocked as he whipped his head back to face you.
“We’re happy. That’s what matters, right?” he spoke slowly, afraid that his answer will never be good enough for you and damn right it’s not.
You backed up a few more inches away from him while laughing sarcastically through the tears. You then pursed your lips into thin line and nodding your head a few times. Accepting the fact that he’s still not ready to commit.
“Please say something” he whispered with his strained voice. He rubbed his hands on his face, something he does when he’s uneasy, stressed or afraid. He stepped forward and by this you knew that he wanted to hold you. he wanted to feel the warmth of your body but the look you are giving him is enough to know that you wanted your space.
“What do you want me to say?” you whispered back. Tired of all the crying. Tired of pretending everything is fine even though you knew for months that whatever you two have is bound to end soon. “Do you want me to say that I knew you were with someone else these past few days? Huh Arón?” you said calmly more than ever which made Arón really terrified. “Do you want me to say that I felt it months ago? That you’re drifting away? But kept my mouth shut?”
“She’s just a friend, okay? Nothing happened between us. You gotta trust me Y/N” he defended. His heart hammering against his chest, hard.
“Wow. Trust. Big word!” you spat back. “How can you ask me to trust you when you can’t even give the same trust I was asking you when I told you I’m not her! That I won’t do whatever the fuck it is that she did to you!” you said referring to his ex.
And there it is. His defensive side that always resurfaced every time you mentioned her. You saw his face slowly turn red. Annoyance painted on his face
“This has nothing to do with her Y/N! besides, it’s not like I cheated on you we’re not even offic-” he stopped himself. He didn’t mean to say it.
“Official.” You finished for him. He swallowed the lump on his throat getting nervous as ever as his eyes fell on the floor. “and that makes it okay?” you asked him sincerely. ‘cos you thought, even though without a label, you two had mutual understanding that both of you love each other enough not to let anyone else get between the two of you. The doubts, the fear, the stinging in your heart is consuming you. It made your judgement cloudy. Now, you’re starting to believe that everything was a lie.
Slowly accepting the harsh truth. You decided for the both of you. You didn’t even let him explain himself. You’re done, your best friend was right all along. You didn’t deserve this.
You took a deep breath. You had to stop the tears and say this firmly.
“It’s okay Arón”
That’s when his eyes shot back up at you. That’s when he knew you’ve given up on him, on both of you. That was the sign you wouldn’t put up a fight anymore. He stared at you blankly as flashes of memories clouded his vision. Memories of you: good and bad. He watched how he treated you for the past year and a half. Specially these past few months. He now saw how fucked up he is and how stupid he is to let it fall apart like this. He was so scared on commitment to the point that he didn’t see how worthy you are. How different you are from the other girls he met.
It felt like a big punch on the face for him.
“No, please Y/N” his lips trembling as he tried to reach for you. “Don’t say that please.” Arón whispered walking closer to you. Trying to break down the wall you’ve put up between the two of you. He intertwined his fingers on yours, his gaze piercing straight to yours as he tried to find any direction because he has no clue on how to fix this or if it was even possible to fix it.
“Arón, really, It’s okay” you stated again. You already made your choice.
“NO! stop saying that! Joder! You know it’s not fucking okay!” Arón cried. It surprised you. He never cried for you before but your calmness over this whole thing is driving him crazy. He can’t accept the fact that you’re acting like you knew it would end like this long before it happened, like you’re taking all the hit like you deserved it and it’s making him feel like shit.
“Just please… Tell me what you want me to do, how do I fix this?” regret, fear and pain flooding over him. But you know what they say, all of these emotions are felt when it’s too late.
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” you let go of his hand which made him cry harder as he shuts his eyes tightly.  You aren’t even mad at him, you love him too much. You understood him from his point of view, it’s really difficult to put your broken heart back together and you’ll never take this against him.
This is exactly what made him love you. You were such a kind soul, a sweetheart, you always try to look the good in people. You were always so patient with him but he took advantage of it without even noticing. He broke your precious heart when you did nothing but love him unconditionally and he loves you just as much but he’s just a coward who can’t admit it.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. You don’t deserve this. I’m sorry” Arón continues to sobbed realizing how he put your love to waste and it made him look back down on the floor feeling ashamed of himself.
“I just want you to be happy.” You cupped his face making him look back at you. you were surprised on how you’re handling this too well or maybe it just haven’t sink in on you yet.
“You know I don’t deserve that” he shook his head as you shook your head yes in return, completely disagreeing to what he just spit out. “Of course, you do, silly” you gave him a sad smile as you wiped his tears. You really meant it. He really deserved to be happy after all, he’s not the monster here.
He didn’t answer for a while. “Do you want me to leave?” Arón held his breath hoping you’d answer no. Gripping on your forearm tightly not knowing if this was the last time he’ll hold you. His biggest fear came to life the second you sent him a sad smile and nodded yes slowly. He just stood there unable to move. Taking a few moments to process what has just happened before putting on his clothes and gathering his things.
He gave you a sorrowful look, he opened his mouth as if he was gonna say something but instead a soft whimper came out of his lips. Knowing that it’s time to go, and he caused you too much pain already, he leaned in closer to you and gave you a kiss on the forehead. You smiled at the feeling. oh how you’re gonna miss this so much.
“Te quiero” he whispered before turning his back at you so fast not giving you time to process and answer back.
You stared at the door as he closed it. With eyes wide surprised at what he said. Or he did he really say it or you’re just hearing things? you weren’t sure but one thing is for sure. You needed someone. Someone you can talk to, someone who will understand. You’ve been strong for far too long and you just needed someone to confide in.
You dialed the familiar number you’ve known by heart. You waited anxiously and the moment you heard her voice, you broke down to tears. And she knew. No explanations needed she just knew you too damn well. She’s your best friend after all.
“Is the weight of it all finally too heavy?” she asked sympathetically. She didn’t let you answer verbally. Your sobs are enough for her to know. “I’ll be there in a few Y/N. I’ll bring you some comfort foods” you nodded through the phone as if she can see you and quietly whispered ‘okay. Thanks’.
And true to her words, you heard a knock on your door not long after you hanged up the phone.
You walked over your front door only to reveal a boy you thought you wouldn’t see again. He has a blush pink across his cheek. His lips plump, hair slightly disheveled, his eyes red but it showed a slight hope in it.
Arón, this cabron, this boy who’s stupid enough broke your heart, and the only man who can put it back together in a swift. Standing at your door. Again. For the second time tonight.
“I’m home” he spoke.
You made your choice hours ago, but now, he’s making his and he chose to be with you. He promised to get it right this time. The girl he was with? Not important. He was telling the truth when he said nothing happened between them but being with this girl made him realize who he really wanted to be with: You. The reason behind him drifting away is that he’s too scared to fall too deep again only to get his heart broken. But after tonight, after losing you, he realized that love isn’t for the weak. It takes courage and bravery. It’s about getting your heart broken but still loving the right person with all of its broken pieces. He knows that now and he’s willing to take the risk.
You smiled and kissed his soft lips with every passion you both have in your bodies.
“I love you too… and yeah, you’re home”
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
You Thought You Owned Me?
For Anon who asked:  "Im sorry- you thought you owned me? Thats cute." is such a Loba line ohmygod
It’s such a good line, right? You’re so right tho.
Reblogs > Likes. It costs zero dollars to reblog if you like :D
Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Loba/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Loba is a trans gal and lingo used is cock/dick, Reader is gender ambiguous and neutral so no bits and bobs mentioned, Loba also refers to herself as mama in a playful way, but also lowkey a mommy kink thing too, pretty tame kink wise otherwise!
Words: 700
Loba had come into your life through a chance encounter at a night at the club.
She’d talked you up, stalking around you like a cat and ran her hand over your arm adoringly. She never overstepped her boundaries, waiting for your body language and words to say you liked what she was doing. You’d let her buy you a drink, danced with her, all the while wondering what a gal like that would want with you.
Truthfully, you’d only been there because your friends said it would be fun. You weren’t too big a fan of loud spaces, but for once you’re glad you went.
You’d given her number at the end of the night and shyly said you’d like to meet up again- outside of a club. Loba had laughed, playfully telling you she’d consider taking you up on the offer as she’d sauntered away and got into a black car with a blue haired man driving.
It hadn’t been an hour before you’d received a text, fit with a wolf emoji.
~Rest under the cut~
Now you two were going steady. You, her, and Jaime were a family, and you liked it that way. You were very well aware of their lifestyle, not that you were too shocked when on the third date she’d shyly placed a golden watch in your hand and mumbled that it was your friend’s ’missing’ one.
Jaime is out today for once, said something about a comic book store that opened up with delight in his eyes. You and Loba had insisted he go, take some time off, relax, and he’d gladly done so.
That led to you and Loba having a small date in the den on the couch. Watching a movie- or well, trying to. Before you’d climbed up into her lap and were now kissing her neck.
Her breath hitches under you, manicured hands grabbing your hips and tugging you closer as you gently bite the soft flesh of her neck. You suck a hickey there just to hear her moan under her breath, her hands sliding down into the waistband of your sweatpants to fit under your underwear to grab your ass. She moans appreciatively at the feeling of your soft skin, pulling you impossibly closer.
You can feel she’s hard under you. You’re already high off the mild power you have right now on top of her, being able to make her sigh and moan under you. You nibble up her jawline, nipping her pierced lobe and murmur against her, “You’re mine.”
Loba’s breath hitches, her lashes fluttering and a smirk developing on her face that you can’t see. Not when you’re now busy kissing her neck again, grinding your hips down into her lap. She humors you, pressing her hips up and whining in your ear in the way you like. You think you’re winning, that you have her right where you want her.
“That’s it, baby,” You murmur by her ear, your voice wavering as you dry hump her lap. You can make out the shape of her in her own loose pants, both of you having dressed in loungewear. Your breath hitches on a noise that you swallow down, nosing just beneath her ear. “Fuck, you feel good.”
When you lean back to tug off your sweater is when she strikes. Sitting up and pushing you down onto the couch. You yelp, flopping onto your back with the effort, your sweater thrown over your head to the floor and fingers greedily grabbing your pants. She yanks them off you with your underwear, tossing them carelessly until you’re naked. Your legs are spread apart over her hips, half bent in half and disoriented briefly.
When you blink a few times and look up at her, Loba is grinning like a predator. Catching your confusion, she mock pouts, tilting her head playfully. “Aww, I’m sorry- you thought you owned me?” Her tone is a taunt, your cheeks flushing with arousal when she yanks your hips closer. Forcing you to feel her cock through her pants fit right against you.
“That’s cute, sweetheart. But we all know that you love being my sweet little plaything and doing what I say, right?” She speaks with a knowing grin, one of her hands sliding up your body to grab your chin and making sure you look at her.
You whimper.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now be a doll and lie still for Mama, won’t you?”
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spinyax · 3 years
fusion au part 2: electric boogaloo (part 1 here)
featuring Man O' War and fusion origin stores (under the cut bc i get Wordy lmao)
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Man O’ War -
Surprisingly stable for a 3 person fusion
Bioluminescent (the tops of their coral/antler crown, the tops of their fingers, plus some designs on their wing/fin(???) membrane i have yet to make
VERY fast swimmer, the arm wings/fins help
real big, they cant be formed on the boat
unless they're formed bc of an emergency they'll just kinda sit and enjoy existing
they don't really talk (they're never in a situation where they really need to tbf) but if they did they’d have a funky voice overlap
their name is based off the portuguese man o' war (animal), which aren't one animal! it's a colony of multiple little animals and i feel it really fit for a fusion. also the man o war (ship) was probably the last thing you'd ever want to see (and ever would see) as a pirate
some fusion origin stories bc i got some words in my head i need to get out
first formed before they met gill, probably the night before they left jay’s island
Jay snuck out at night to the beach to hang out with this random bastard that’s been hanging around the tavern bc he seems lonely and she feels weirdly drawn to him
Idk how it comes up, but chip tries and fails to mimic jay’s dance she does at the tavern, and she tries to correct him, dancing with him
They accidentally fuse and turn into Osprey, who’s very confused
They stand up on shaky legs and hobble over to the water to get a good look at themself, meanwhile internally jay is freaking out
They get a look at their face and audibly say “damn im fine as hell” before immediately unfusing
Jay freaks the fuck out and runs away, leaving chip in the sand with a lot more emotions that he’s used to dealing with
The next night, chip comes back to the tavern and before jay can tell him to fuck off he tells her he saw some of her memories about drey and that’s he’s looking for him as well, along with the rest of the blackrose pirates
They run off that night
I have an idea for how osprey meets gill but i don't have the Strength to write it out rn
Post episode 16: chip/gill fought and made up, but things are a little shaky between them
Gillion approached jay one night and asks about fusion, since he saw chip/jay fuse a few weeks ago (scenario i haven't written out yet) and he was curious about it
I don't know if i want to make fusion a Surface thing or just an unspoken/taboo topic in the Undersea but gill doesn't know much about it for that reason
He says he’d ask chip but he’s still unsure if he can truly trust chip with cultural knowledge anymore
Jay internally sheeshes at that last part at tells him what she knows about fusion
Gillion asks if the two of them could fuse and jay says it’s unlikely (fusions are usually done between super close friends/lovers. Osprey is an outlier and should not be counted) but there’s no harm in trying
They dance
I imagine it’s kinda like medieval line dancing, all stiff and formal. Gill is taking it Super Seriously and jay’s trying not to laugh
Jay trips and gillion rushes to catch her, and they form Thresher
Cut to chip, who’s asleep but wakes up when a shadow looms over him and a clawed finger pokes his face, then he opens his eye and screams (think about him waking up to amanda) bc holy shit that’s a demon (they do be lookin kinda bad tho :fuckboy emoji:)
The hot demon doesn't move, and slowly chip feels like he recognizes it? Those fins look familiar and hey isn’t that jay’s pin- Oh Fuck that’s a fusion
He lets out a shaky “hi” and asks if they're a fusion. Thresher kinda tilts their head like a puppy then nods. He asks for their name and they let out a growly “Thresher” that does nothing to help his current state of fear (or arousal). He tells them to go on the deck and figure out more about themself, it’s not everyday you make a new fusion y’know. They nod and grumble something in a demon-sounding language (primordial but chip doesn't know that) and go back up deck
They unfuse later that day and ask chip what they thought of thresher. He says they were ok
Actual feelings: he was Afeared and Aroused and feeling Many emotions that he’s not ready to process just yet.
(Bastard) Moray
Ill be real im open to any/all ideas for moray’s origin story (and moray in general) bc i feel like i have the weakest grasp on his whole deal
Takes place during some fantasy arc that happens off-screen (yes im aware that the crew really haven't been together for long but i simply ignore canon sometimes)
They're raiding some island cave for treasure and good news: they found it and have it on them. Bad news: it triggered a trap and now they’re running for their lives from a cave-in
They’re about to make it out when jay rolls a 1 and trips just before the exit and gets covered in rubble (with one arm out for the Drama of it all)
Chip and gill freak out and try to dig her out with their bare hands with little success, and then freak out more
Chip gets an idea and grabs gill by the shoulders
Chip: fuse with me
Gill: what???
Then chip fuckin dips him back and kisses the fuck out of him
Both get nat 20’s (obviously) and fuse into Moray
Moray spends the first few moments of his existence excited bc wow!!!!! He’s alive!!!! but then realizes Oh Shit, Friend is Trapped
With terrifying strength he lifts the rubble with two arms and extracts jay with the other two. She’s bruised and unconscious, but breathing so Moray takes that as a win and heads back to the ship.
A few hours later jay wakes up and goes onto the deck to see Moray doing whatever the fuck moray would do and gets super confused
Moray sees jay and goes !!!!!!! :D and runs over and picks her up bc friend ok !!!!
jay's fuckin dying bc on one hand she's happy the two of them fused but on the other hand oh god he's a handful (and he's holding her up with one hand what the fuck)
the two of them spend the rest of the day figuring out what moray can do (stuff i havent thought out yet lmao)
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 25
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: honestly i know this is a boring chapter and im sorry about it.
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : none for this chapter im sorry! i sorta needed her to come back first and... yea. keep sending them tho!
Chapter 25 : His chapter
She didn't answer anything. I waited for hours and she didn't dare even answer anything about the video I sent her. I wish she would have at least acknowledged it. I would have been fine with a heart emoji even if I would have preferred a comment about how much she loved and missed me. But she sent nothing and it was worse than anything she could have answered.
I kept thinking about her and Dylan and it was driving me insane. In fact, I couldn't stop thinking about her on top of him, riding him and moaning his name. It was obsessing me to the point where I just wanted to take a plane to her and bring her back home with me.
I tried calling her in the afternoon but she didn't answer and although I was trying to convince myself that she was probably sleeping, I knew that it was not late enough for her to be asleep, even with the jetlag.
I waited almost 24 hours to hear from her and when my phone rang, I realized someone was trying to facetime me. I saw her face on the screen and my heart jumped so high in my chest I thought I was about to vomit it. I almost dropped my phone on my face and stopped moving before breathing in and out for a few seconds. I finally answered and my lips curled when I saw her face. Her hair was a mess, she had dark circles under her eyes and she looked exhausted.
"Hey darling, what time is it in Italy?"
She raised her nose up and groaned low. "Fuck, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry." she apologized with a grimace. "It's four in the morning here."
"No, it's okay, it's 7 pm here." I tried to reassure her and chuckled. "Actually, I didn't sleep much last night."
She frowned and tilted her head but I hesitated to tell her how I felt. I let my eyes roam on her face for a few seconds and finally sighed. I had been worried about her and clearly, I had the right to. Of course, there was more than that. I had also been scared of what she was doing, and perhaps a bit jealous, but I didn't have to mention that.
"You're already in bed?" she asked with a small smile.
"Yea, I tried to read a bit, and watch tv, but I ended up just writing a few song lyrics." I explained with a shrug.
"Are you alright?"
"Liv, you haven't given me any news since you left. I messaged you, and I tried calling, but you didn't answer." I pointed out a bit louder. "Look, I was worried, okay."
Her traits softened and she looked at me with a guilty expression.
"I'm so sorry, Niall, you're right. I've been super busy. The auditions ended late, and we have more tomorrow and an interview. After the auditions we had a meeting that lasted like 3 hours. I'm super tired. You're right though, I should have taken a few minutes to call or at least message you. Please, forgive me."
I licked my lips and sighed low. "You're okay, that's all that matters. Did you get my video?"
This time, her face completely changed and the smile she sent me was so loving, fond and soft that I couldn't help but smile too. She pressed her lips together and all I could think about was kissing her.
"I did. I had just landed and I was at the airport still." she admitted in a low voice. "I was crying and a guard came to check on me."
She let out a short embarrassed chuckle and I smiled more, raising my eyebrows. "You cried?"
Her face became more serious but her gaze was still soft. "Yes. I love you, Niall. I love you so much. I almost took a plane back to you after seeing that. I just..." she shook her head and glanced away before looking back at me. "I wish  I could have stayed with you. I wish I could be with you right now."
"Me too." I replied with a smile as she leaned against the headboard of the bed, making me frown. "Hey, where are you right now?"
She looked around herself for a few seconds and looked back in my eyes again.
"Hotel room." she shrugged, making me frown more.
"I thought you'd be at your boyfriend's apartment." I admitted blatantly, making her face change suddenly. "Is everything okay?"
"I'm good, don't worry. He's still filming and this hotel is closer to where I have to be tomorrow." she grimaced but I could feel something was wrong. "I have to be up in six hours. I'm even lucky they let me wake up so late."
I pushed away all the thoughts and questions in my head to focus on her and the time we had together instead. Of course, I was curious, but at the same time, I was not sure I wanted to know. Her marriage and her boyfriend were touchy subjects, for me but also for her, I could feel it every time one of us would mention something, and I was not in the mood to talk about that. If she wanted to discuss anything with me, though, I knew she would.
"I don't really want to hang up." I admitted with a small smile. "When are you coming back home?"
"I tried to get a flight for tomorrow night, but I got one in the middle of the night." she explained, surprising me but making her smile grow. "I just can't wait."
I remained silent for a few seconds, wondering why she was coming back so fast instead to spend time with Dylan, but I decided not to ask. It was stupid, but I didn't want to give her the idea to stay longer, and I also didn't want her to think I didn't care that she'd spend time with him. If I wanted to be honest, I also really wanted her to come back so I just smiled more.
"I think you should drop by my place, first."
She laughed this time, closing her eyes and leaning her head on the headboard as her nose raised up. It made me chuckle to see her laugh so honestly and when her eyes fluttered open, she was smirking.
"And why exactly?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "You could get naked and join me in bed. What time are you supposed to land?"
"Five in the morning." she explained with a sigh.
"Do you want me to pick you up?" I proposed, moving on my bed to lean on my pillows better.
"Naa, you don't want an other article about us, do you?" she pointed out, raising her nose up again. "I'll take a cab and give your address."
I wanted to tell her that articles about us didn't bother me and somehow, at that exact moment, it wouldn't have been a lie, but in general, yea, I hated paps and how they'd always write bullshit just to sell and get clicks.
"And then?"
"And then get naked and join you in bed." she replied with a smirk, using my own words. "You know, just thinking about it makes me horny." she added in a low tone. "And you being almost naked right now doesn't help."
I boomed out with laughter and a smirk appeared on my lips. It felt so natural to have that kind of discussion with her even if we had been separated for so long. I watched as her eyes dropped to my chest and shook my head.
"You're literally eyeing me right now, and you're not even trying to hide it." I pointed out, trying to keep my laughter in. "And you're wearing too much clothes for me to do the same."
"Mm, well, it's not my fault you're not wearing a shirt." she pointed out, not even looking in my eyes. "If you could just... move your phone a bit."
"Such a horny girl."
It made me think of that time when we were dating and I was gone in Asia with my cousins. It was the first and only time we had facetime sex and just thinking about it made my heart jump in my chest. I wanted to do it again, tell her what to do and when to do it, watch her touch herself and cum while she moaned my name.. but I knew she was tired and I didn't want to insist too much.
"Do you remember when-"
"Oh yea, oh yea I remember." she cut me, making me raise my eyebrows. "When you ran out of that bar and got back to that tiny disgusting and dark room just so we could masturbate together on the phone. I fucking remember, Niall. You made me start touching myself in the car."
"If I was there right now, I'd touch you and do all the job. You'd have nothing to do. I'd just make you cum and then you could fall asleep."
"Mm, I wish you would be here right now, then." she admitted with a yawn, squirming to lay down in bed as I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Especially that you promised me your tongue and lips between my legs. Do you know how many times I thought about it? Mm, no one tongue fucks me like you."
I laughed again. "Oh god, you've got such a filthy mouth."
"Me? More like you." she laughed too, closing her eyes. "You're gonna eat me out good next time we see each other, yea?"
"I fucking promise." I guaranteed, bringing my hand to my cock and brushing it over my boxers. "I'll make you scream."
I watched her almost fall asleep and smiled a bit but after a few seconds, I felt the words escape my lips.
"Before we hang up, petal, can you show me your tits?"
Her eyes fluttered open and she let out a short but silent laugh. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" she shook her head. "I sent you a picture of my boobs already, don't you have it anymore?"
"Of course I do! It's my phone's background!" I joked, watching her face change into terror and making me laugh. "Babe relax, I'm joking! It's just even better when it's live."
"I'm ready to give you five seconds of seeing my boobs but in exchange, I want you to stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep."
My traits softened and I sent her a small smile. I would have agreed with that against nothing at all, just because I loved the fact that she felt safe with me, and because I missed her.
"Mm, okay, five seconds of seeing them, and five more while you touch them."
She chuckled and shook her head before putting her phone away. All I could see was the ceiling for a few seconds but when she put her phone back, she had taken her shirt off and was now laying under the sheets. My eyes quickly found her breasts and my lips curled slightly.
"Is it cold there?" I asked, amused.
"It is, you little fucker."
I laughed again and she finally moved her phone up, making me groan. "You promised me five more of touching them."
"I'm touching them."
"But I can't see!" I argued, making her laugh.
"You didn't specify that."
I groaned and grimaced before using puppy eyes while staring at her. Her eyes were half-closed and I knew she was going to fall asleep soon.  She chuckled and rolled her eyes and I was glad I didn't even have to beg her. She moved her phone farther and I saw her fingers rub gently against her nipples. I was about to ask her to grab her tits harder but she just did it and I let out a short curse word as I gripped the sheets of my bed.
"Fuck you make me so hard." I whispered right before she started giggling like a school girl.
"I remember before we dated, you said you were too old to get hard just by the sight of boobs." she told me. "I guess that's not true anymore, if it ever was."
"Darling, it's not just boobs. It's you, touching and grabbing your boobs, and making all these sexy little sounds, I bet you don't even realize it. Fuck yea, you make me hard. I want to tap my cock on them until it's hard enough to wreck you."
She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and whimpered low before grabbing the blankets of the bed and pulling them over her shoulders. She turned around and leaned the phone on a pillow while grabbing the other one and cuddling it.
"Mm, well, maybe you can do that when I get back." she proposed in a mumble. "You can even do that while I'm sleeping if it turns you on."
“I’ll remember that.” I chuckled and watched her lips part slightly and her eyes close. She looked peaceful but I knew that in less than a minute, she was going to be snoring. "Hey, petal." I whispered.
"I'm in love with you." I added, seeing the left corner of her lips move up slightly. "Goodnight, darling."
I woke up horribly early just to be sure I wouldn't miss her interview. She had sent me a link and I just stayed in bed, still half-sleep, thinking that I'd just get a few more hours of sleep when it would be over but when I saw her appear on the screen with a big smile, I felt suddenly completely awake.
I had stayed about fifteen minutes just looking at her the night before while she was sleeping and just like I thought, she had been snoring, her face all pressed on the pillow and even if it had made me smile, it was crazy how endeared I had been. If I was not sure she was the only girl I would ever want to spend my life with already, after that it was impossible to have any doubt left. Of course, I didn't need anything to convince me that we were meant to be, but these simple reminders of how much I loved her and everything she did were good and comforting.
She started answering questions about why she was in Italy, and how the auditions were going, and I couldn't help but think it felt weird to watch my best friend being interviewed on a tv show. It made me realize that it was probably how she felt the first few times she saw me on tv and it felt weird to have the roles reversed for once.
"Did you have time to visit? Or do you plan on doing it later?"
She smiled and it made me smile too. "I didn't really have time and I have a flight back home tonight, so I probably won't have time but it's so beautiful here, at least from what I was able to see from my hotel room windows or from the short drives around." she chuckled. "I will definitely come back to visit. With someone, perhaps."
I grabbed my phone and quickly sent her a text message.
'I'll bring you to Italy to visit. I'll bring you anywhere you want to go.'
I put my phone away and looked as she reached for her pocket and it made me hold my breath. She was not supposed to bring her phone but she had and even worse, it seemed like it was on vibe. I let out a chuckle and shook my head. She was never really the type to follow the rules anyway.
"A few weeks ago there were pictures of Niall Horan and you coming out of a movie theater together and all the rumors about you two dating again appeared online." the man whom's name I forgot asked as Olivia nodded. "Neither of you denied or attested the rumors but you two are talking again which is a big deal. You hadn't been seen together since your break up back in november 2016."
"Uhm, yea well, we both moved to California and we met randomly and... you know, when someone has been your best friend for two decades, it's hard to just.. couper les ponts you know, cut the ties?" she let out, raising her eyebrows. "Niall was part of my every day life, I even went on the last One Direction tour with him, so to cut him from my life du jour au lendemain... it was not easy. It was sudden, and it was tough. For both of us. So yea, we talk again."
"I noticed that you add a lot of french words and expressions when you talk and I know you're from France but you've lived in Ireland most of your life so you know all of this in english."
"Mm, yea but french comes to me very easily. I talk to my parents a lot, especially recently, so I guess I'm just mixing both languages." she admitted with a laugh. "I'm sorry, I know it's bit annoying."
"Endearing." I corrected her in a whisper even if she couldn't hear me.
"No no, not at all." the interviewer argued. "How many seasons did you plan for this show?"
She answered the questions like a champ but I was surprised that there had been no question about her wedding or her boyfriend. They normally like to get into things like that and I thought that maybe she had specified that she didn't want questions about that. However, I would think if that was the case, she would have also told them not to ask her about me and yet, they did, and she didn't seem pissed.
I didn't mind that they asked about me much and her answer was great. I had never stopped myself from mentioning my friends in interviews when people asked, I just didn't like talking about who I was dating or who my songs were about specifically. After all, when people ask questions about that, they just want to know who you're shagging, and my sex life, along with my romantic one, was no one's business.
The tv show lasted about ten more minutes and a few minutes after it ended, I heard my phone and grabbed it, smiling again when I realized that the first thing she did was answer my text.
'The truth is, Niall, that I'll follow you anywhere you want to go. Whether it's Italy, space, or that big ass couch of yours. Lead me. I'm right behind.'
We spend the afternoon texting each other back and forth and I knew she would be in deep shit if anyone realized she was distracted. It was still an audition afternoon and evening for her and she had mentioned that she wouldn't be able to sleep before getting on the plane, which would mean she would most likely be exhausted when she'd get back. Sleeping on a plane was never nice or reviving, and I knew what I was talking about.
As I was waiting for her answer, I started checking online to see if there were comments about her interview or if there were new pictures of her that had appeared online. The first article that popped, however, was about her boyfriend, and I almost skipped it until I read the title. I scrolled back up and clicked on it only to see a picture of Dylan appear. He was with some girl I didn't know and they were dangerously close to each other. Of course, it was just a picture, and it wouldn't be the first time paps would fool us into believing crap. Sometimes, just the angle of the picture could make you believe things and I was hoping this picture was no exception. I stared at it for a few seconds before reading parts of the articles and grimacing. I couldn't just send that to Olivia and ruin her trip and I just decided to ignore it. Perhaps I could tell her later, when she'd be back, but I still was not sure.
I jumped when I got her reply but smiled quickly when I realized it was a selfie. She had her tongue out, her nose up in a grimace, and was literally doing the 'rock and roll' sign with her fingers. The caption said 'I'm coming home babey!' and I started laughing. I put my phone away and took a selfie as I was laying on the couch and just wrote 'I'm waiting for you' before quickly sending her.
She arrived in the middle of the night. At first, I was not sure what had woken me up and I just groaned and squirmed in bed, grabbing a pillow and pulling it close to me, my arms tight around it, but I heard an other thud and forced myself to open my eyes. It only took half a minute to see a shadow walk in my room and I stared at her as I saw her take her shirt and pants off quickly. I moved in bed to give her space and let out a short groan.
"I missed you, pet."
She moved closer and pressed her cold body against mine, my lips curling more when I realized she was completely naked and I suddenly regretted keeping my boxers on.
"How was your flight?"
"Mm, long and loveless." she complained, making me chuckle low.
I brought my lips to hers and kissed her gently before brushing them down her neck as my arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer.
"I'll give you love, angel." I whispered, running my hand on her back, feeling her soft but cold skin.
"What kind?" she just asked with a chuckle.
"Cuddles and caresses for now." I replied in a murmur. "Sweet sex in the morning."
"You know exactly what I want, at all times, don't you?" she replied just as low, making me smile as I kept my eyes closed.
She smelled good despite spending 13 hours on a plane and I wondered how it was even possible. I wanted to ask her if she had stopped at her place first or if she at least had spent some time in the bathroom to clean but I was too tired and I just kissed her shoulder before laying my head on the pillow again.
"Don't leave again, okay?." I muttered randomly. "Losing you is not an option."
She wasn't answering and with all the strength I still had, I once again forced my eyes open only to meet hers. She was sending me a small smile, her eyes also half-opened, and I smiled back slightly at her with a soft gaze.
"I'm definitely adding that to a song." I pointed out before she could answer, making her laugh.
"I'm not leaving, Niall." she just let out after a few minutes of silence. "I missed you too."
I tried to squeeze her in my arms but failed miserably. I was too tired to be strong but she seemed to appreciate the gesture. She chuckled and kissed my chin, sliding one of her legs between mine. My mind was too numb to think but I breathed in only to smell her again. My whole body was exhausted but I tried to fight slumber just to appreciate having her in my arms again, as if she had been gone for months and not just for literally two days. A bunch of things we had talked about came back to my mind and I just couldn't wait to have an other talk with her.
"You're not right behind me, Olivia." I mumbled with difficulty.
"Earlier, in a text message, you said you'd follow me anywhere, that you were right behind me." I explained until I felt her fingertips brush along my spine. "You're not behind, you're right next to me. I'm holding your hand. I'm not going to lead you. We'll walk together, make decisions together, we'll take every step together, Olivia. Neither of us is leading or following. We're together."
"The dream team." she whispered before biting her bottom lip.
"The dream team. The only team that matters. You and me. Against the world." I pointed out with a smile before she repeated my words like an echo.
"You and me."
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
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Pros and Cons of Having Tiny Goddess GF
CUTE GF?! HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CUTE AND CHEERY SHE IS?! Who’s devoted as fuck!! She will, on god, make sure you’re happy and loved and supported
Expect lots and lots of skinship. She’s a lovebug just filled with love for s/o honestly!! She wants to hold hands, cuddling, trying to play as big spoon despite being tiny af, have them pet her head, touch her cheeks, hugs, plenty of kisses anywhere like forehead and junk etc etc. She just wants to be close with them!!
Tiny hands... hold... she tiny hands :plead emoji: 
Will happily die for you. You’d think it’s the other way around but no, she will happily use her goddess powers and knight training to protect you. Also will always defend you against bullies so that’s a plus! 
She... soft? She soft. Soft hours 24/7
Play with her hair, it’s also just as soft!! 
Can lift you with her monster strength... or you can lift her bc she small! It works both ways!! 
She will say I love you so many times and also through small acts of kind gestures that shows her love for s/o. Once she gets past her shyness she will def say “Hello, I am going out for the day, also I love you.” 
She really loves holding hands tho ;v; she will try to playfully trick you with holding hands with all sorts of excuses!
Let her serenade you to sleep! 
She’s someone who you can spend comfortable silence with
Use her lap as a pillow while she reads her book and plays with your hair!
Miscommunication is never a problem with her, since she will speak up so that trope won’t pop up despite it being popular in every romance ever. 
Best wifey??? Best wifey! 
Playful flirtings! 
Will push you... to do your best!
And off cliffs too.
TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! While fine with doing things on her own, rarely will she let anyone fight on their own. She’s always got your back! Ride or die!! 
Well... it takes her a while to realize “Oh Shoot! I may love them” because while she’s aware of all sorts of love. As typical of shoujo heroine, she’s... dense to both her own feelings and feelings of others aka look at how Groose acts around her yet she acts with confusion as well when Link is pretty embarrassed at their close proximity and again, she tilts her head in confusion for his reaction. 
SHE!! TENDS TO GIVE VERY OBVIOUS SIGNALS THAT SHE LIKES SOMEONE THO, the sad thing is that she doesn’t even realize it herself until much, much later. She leans a little closer to the person she likes,  does everything in her power to make sure they’re happy through small gestures going out of her way of doing, flirty but like subtle! It can give mixed signals because you can ask “wait do you like me?” and she’d be like “do i wha”
She will always get kidnapped. Always. No matter what verse, due to her goddess powers and how powerful she is (and being the guardian of the triforce does not help at all in main verse). Great for dark rituals involving goddess soul, not so much where she can potentially die bc like she needs that soul to live so like.... good luck with keeping a close eye on this troublemaker because she does tend to go off on her own due to her confidence in skills and wanting to protect everyone she loves. 
That said, she, the hypocrite she is tends to shoulder everything and tries to do everything with her own two tiny hands. 
Responsible to a fault. She puts duty, people she loves, and everything else above her own needs.
Unpacked emotional baggage to deal with... again, doesn’t matter what verse. But to keep this post short I can’t get into like full details.
A bit of a worry wart, busybody and too much of a hard worker. It’d be cash money if someone were to tell her to calm the hell down. Also a little bit bossy but she means well for the most part!  
She does not die early, unlike ALTTP Zellie, but again it’s still possible because Goddess Soul good for that sweet, sweet dark magic shit. 
She will want 100000000 kids, she loves kids and wants a fam of her own. Might be a good thing for those wanting the same not so much for those different 
Early morning bird rarely will there be morning cuddles since she likes to start the day or sleeping in as a matter of fact because she will wake you up :(((
Will push you off cliffs. 
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Love For Love By Love Of Love
Kinda short- only 2106 words but!! Enjoy some soft Nana Boleyn!
(As in- Read Anne as Courtney!Anne, not Millie!Anne because Millie!Anne would never do any of this)
Anne could hear the roars of laughter in the dressing room all the way from the bathroom she was walking out of, which made her pick up her pace so she wouldn’t miss what was going on. She couldn’t even imagine what the others were giggling about- right before she left they were trying to recover from Cathy’s beautiful comment, “Don’t fist my hoop” after Anne herself tried to fit her entire fist in the blue queen’s hoop earring, but they could have moved onto something entirely different by then. Anything could happen on a Live, especially when it was Anne, Kitty, and Cleves there. Cathy was supposed to be leveling them out, but she got roped into their antics almost instantly.
On her way back to the Live, however, something caught Anne’s attention. She stopped and peeked her head into one of the dressing rooms to see a blonde girl sitting at a desk against the far wall. Her head kept sagging downwards in the motion people did when they were nodding off but kept jerking awake, but it was clear she wasn’t all too there in reality at the moment. She was shaking, too, which made a deep maternal instinct spark inside of Anne.
Some people were surprised to find that she had such a thing, what with her gremlin-like stage persona and wild attitude that came with it, but they forgot that she had been a mother herself. Even if it was for a short time, a motherly instinct formed and the urge to care for the younger and inferior still lingered after reincarnation. Usually it only came out for Kitty, but this time felt different. When she cared for Kitty, she viewed her as a sister, but when she was looking at this girl...
It felt like she was looking at a lost child without their mother.
A child that she wanted to help.
Anne quietly stepped into the room and approached the girl- Joan, the show’s music director. Upon getting a closer look, she saw that she was, in fact, not really conscious, despite her eyelids still fluttering slightly. She was leaning over some paperwork, head bobbing in an effort to stay away that wasn’t really working for her. She didn’t come to when Anne gently nudges her side.
Anne pursed her lips, thinking. Then, without a second thought, she takes off her soft pink robe and wrapped it around Joan’s trembling shoulders.
With a small smile, Anne quietly walks out and returns to the dressing room where the Live is happening.
“What happened to your robe?” Kitty asked curiously as her cousin sat back down beside her.
“I got hot so I took it off,” Anne replied, despite it being rather chilly inside the theater. The others didn’t pay it much attention, though, and went back to their shenanigans, which apparently was now a question and answer session.
“Okay, Annie, what’s a weird fear you have?” Kitty suddenly asked, probing her cousin in the side with a bright pink nail.
“What brought this on?” Anne laughed.
“We’re doing a Q&A!” Cathy said, readjusting the phone.
“And when did that start?”
“Just now! Now answer the question!” Kitty prodded the green queen again, making her squirm away with a small laugh.
“Okay, okay! Hmm...” She thought for a moment. “I don’t think I have a fear that’s considered weird. Does not liking the texture of soggy bread count?”
“How often do you run into a situation where soggy bread is your main problem?” Cathy laughed.
“You’d be surprised!”
“Bessie is afraid of mannequins.”
All heads turned to Cleves. Question marks and laughing emojis flashed through the chat, among the huge barrage of comments from the many viewers. Kitty tilted her head while Cathy and Anne both snorted.
“Really?” Kitty giggled.
“Yeah!” Cleves nodded. “She said they made her uncomfortable. Gave her weird vibes. She doesn’t like when they’re behind her.” She tittered.
Laughter rebounded through the room at that.
“Yeah, you’re really exposing your girlfriend here, Anna,” Anne said, referencing a comment that pointed that out.
Cleves merely shrugged. “It’s my job! I’ll pay her back for it later.” She smirked and Kitty squealed, swatting at her knee, while Cathy and Anne groaned.
“Keep it PG, Anna!” Cathy barked playfully. “We have children watching!”
“Oh, shut up! We don’t do anything!”
“Oh my god,” Anne said to the side, amazed that they were actually yelling over the possibility of a couple doing a very normal thing like sex on a live with hundreds of people watching. She laughed.
And that’s when she noticed something.
Someone standing in the doorway.
It was Joan!
The girl had one hand on the doorframe, presumably to keep her balance because she was swaying slightly. Her hair was a completely mess, frizzled up like she had rubbed a balloon on her head just before walking into the room, and her eyes were half open and looked very tired. In her free hand she was holding Anne’s robe.
“Hey, Joan,” Anne greeted with a smile.
The other three turned to face the music director. The phone wasn’t angled to where the door could be seen, so confused comments were made in the chat, some even asking who “Joan” was.
“I— Hi.” Joan said after a moment. She blinked several times, probably trying to clear up her hazy vision of wake herself up a little more. “I just— I wanted to return this.” She held out the robe.
Kitty looked at her cousin confusedly. “I thought you put it away?”
Anne ignored her comment and got up to take the robe from Joan.
“I don’t know how I got it...” The girl said as she did so.
“You looked cold, so I put it around you.” Anne clarified.
Upon hearing that, Joan’s cheeks flashed pink and she looked away shyly.
“Oh. Th-thank you.” She mumbled.
“It’s no problem,” Anne glanced back at the other three. “Hey, why don’t you come sit with us?”
Joan looked surprised at the offer. Her head snapped up and her mouth opened and closed stupidly for a moment before she just nodded sheepishly. Anne grinned at her agreement and took her smaller, colder hand in her own, leading her over to where she had been sitting on the floor.
“Everyone! We have a new friend!” She announced, sitting back down at her spot. Joan kneels next to her, then fully sat down after she wasn’t told by anyone to leave.
A few comments were made about the new girl’s arrival- “Who is that?” “That’s Joan, right?” “she’s kinda cute no cap,,” “Whoaaaa she looks like Jane!!” “Why her hair so yellow tho” “is she even awake??”- but none were barking at her to leave and stop ruining the queen’s Live, which was good. Anne didn’t expect anyone to say such a thing, but you never know with the queendom.
The game of questions and answers quickly resumed. One viewer asked what everyone’s favorite animals were and after all the queens answered (“Snake!” “Owl!” “Dog!” “Also dog!”) Anne gently patted Joan’s knee, rousing her from her half asleep state.
“Huh?” Joan blinked, looking around.
“What’s your favorite animal?” Anne asked. She picked up on the girl’s obvious exhaustion and made a mental note to keep checking on her in case she got worse.
“My favorite-? Oh!” Joan finally understood. Her ears, which are adorably poking out from her unruly hair, flame red from how long it took her to process something so simple. “Umm... I like sheep.” She admitted shyly. Her hands fidget anxiously in her lap. “Hedgehogs, too.”
Anne nodded with a smile. Her heart was fluttering in a way that hadn’t happened since Elizabeth...
She thought back to when she first met Joan. The girl was so young, so thin, and so very tiny. It was a wonder she even got the job as a maid in waiting, and everyone assumed she would either end up quitting or getting removed for bad work, but she stuck around for the full three years of Anne’s reign. She was a clumsy little thing, yes. Not really good at most things- her sewing was a mess, she always managed to overcomplicate the laces on Anne’s dress when she helped her get changed, she dropped things and stumbled over her own two feet, stuttered, couldn’t really dance, and she had a hard time staying awake during court, but she was absolutely brilliant with music. Anne still remembered the first time she heard her play the harpsichord.
Ten minutes of giggles and silly questions pass. Joan is no longer answering, although her answers were sparse and whispered, so they usually went unheard. Anne turned to the girl after seeing a brief comment that said “is she asleep??” and saw that Joan had, in fact, nodded off.
In her current position, Joan was either going to slump forward and smack into the ground (which is something the poor thing would NEVER be able to live down, especially when the caught on a Live), lean back and fall over (which is something else her self esteem would drill itself into the ground for), or have really had neck and back pain when she woke up, so, without really thinking it through, Anne coiled her arms around the girl’s waist and slowly and subtly began pulling her into her grasp.
“Yikes, you’re light,” She muttered, finding it much easier to secure the music director in her lap than she was expecting. She made a second mental note to invite Joan over for dinner later so she can get something in her stomach.
Her action of moving Joan didn’t go unnoticed- the comments were blowing up with curious observations: “What is she doing??” “Anne, why are you doing that?” “whats going on?” “i just got here. what’s the tea?” “Awww!” “Mama Anne Boleyn????”
They were stupid and silly little things that people couldn’t keep to themselves. Anne just ignored them and hauled Joan completely into her lap, then began adjusting her position.
Joan was at an angle where her legs slung over one of Anne’s thighs, since she was sitting crisscross. Anne cups the back of her skull and brings her head down to rest on her chest, which is immediately nuzzled into like a kitten seeking warmth. After a momentary glance at the phone, Anne grabs her robe and wraps it around Joan, making sure her face was covered so she couldn’t be gawked at while dozing.
“So,” Anne said after her work was done. “What’s the next question?”
The other three had definitely been staring at her through the whole process, but she didn’t really care. They didn’t say anything about it, so it was fine.
“Uhh— Oh! Here’s one!” Cathy said, getting back into the swing of things. “Funniest things to happen while onstage?”
“Oh!” Cleves perked up. “That one time Bessie couldn’t stop sneezing during Heart of Stone and Jane actually stopped singing to wait for her to finish!”
“Is every answer you say going to be about her?” Kitty teased.
“Hsst!” Cleves hissed with a playful glare. “I love my girlfriend, alright! And it was funny!”
“It was,” Anne agreed. She felt something and looked down as Cathy went on to tell the story of when Maria accidentally launched one of her drumsticks across the stage. Joan was nuzzling closer to her, making adorable sleepy noises that melted her heart.
She’s just a little cuddlebug, She thought. Cuddle...sheep? Cuddlesheep? Cuddlelamb!
She slowly reached a hand under the robe to brush Joan’s cheek and the girl presses into it.
She’s so touch starved...
Anne wrapped her arms around Joan, slowly and comfortingly rubbing her back with one hand, and continued the Q&A like that.
“Secretariat was a good movie!” Cleves was arguing.
“How am I supposed to enjoy a movie that I can’t even spell the name of?!” Kitty snapped back.
“You’re just dumb!”
Kitty gasped.
“You take that back!!”
The muffled noise comes from below Anne and she looks down, peeking slightly beneath the robe to see Joan’s eyes were shut tighter and she was trying to completely burrow her face into her chest. She appeared to be disturbed by all the noise.
“Hey, guys,” She said. “Can you lower your voices, please?”
The other three once again blink at her, but nod and continued the playful argument quietly. She smiled in thanks and went back to observing the sleeping girl in her arms, now rocking slowly, noting the way she was gripping the robe with one of her small, bony hands.
Anne had a feeling she wasn’t going to get the robe back, but, honestly, she didn’t really care.
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