#which I like bc bear does not have that connotation that it seems to have in french so it didn't work
persefoneshalott · 2 years
Les mis censorship adventures 9
lm 1.5.5
"That man was composed of two very simple and very good feelings, within reason, but that he almost turned bad by dint of exaggerating them; respect for authority and hatred of rebellion.(CUT) Javert enveloped in a sort of blind and deep faith every one who had a function in the state, from the prime minister to the rural guard." (Old spanish translation, Nemesio Fernandez Cuesta 1862 p. 155-156)
"That man was composed of two very simple and very good feelings, within reason, but that he almost turned bad by dint of exaggerating them; respect for authority and abhorrence of rebellion; and, from his point of view, theft, murder, all crimes were nothing but forms of rebellion. Javert enveloped in a sort of blind and deep faith every one who had a function in the state, from the prime minister to the rural guard." (New spanish translation, Maria Teresa Gallego Urrutia 2013 p. 198-199)
crimes bad idk
THEN they cut out the line where it's mentioned Valjean is nice to Javert.
"Javert was like an eye always fixed on Mr. Madeleine: an eye full of conjectures and suspicions. Mr. Madeleine had finally noticed; but it would seem such a thing meant little to him. He didn't ask Javert a single question; he neither sought him nor ran from him; and suffered, without appearing to know of it, that uncomfortable and almost heavy gaze. (CUT)" (old translation)
"Javert was like an eye always glued to Mr. Madeleine. An eye full of suspicions and conjectures. Mr. Madeleine had ended up aware of it, but he gave the impression of thinking it insignificant. He didn't ask Javert a single question; he neither sought nor avoided him; he bore, as if he didn't notice it, with that annoying and almost oppressive gaze. He treated Javert like he did everyone else, with ease and kindness." (new translation)
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mcl38 · 7 months
lmao i had to unfollow a mclaren moot because they took the "twink" thing to an extreme and were pointing out how he's just oscar's little twink and would always be fragile and small instead of big and strong and fit like "broadscar" and i really just had to. 🤦‍♀️ fit? FIT? lando was the only driver not on the brink of fainting after qatar, not everything in f1 is about how "broad" and "muscular" you seem. i wanted to give the benefit of doubt at first but when the fetishizing gay relationships turned into pushing these bodyshaming stereotypes onto a literal professional athlete i was out.
i mean its so wild bc half of them seem to give the twink descriptor to both drivers and half specifically pin it on lando because hes smaller than oscar & make it into a whole Dynamic of lando being sooo toppable or whatever. which just shows that there isnt actually any weight to 'twinklaren' at all and it rly is meaningless, bc surely if it was clear cut and obvious these differences wouldnt exist ykwim? like its just about what serves their fandom purpose in that moment
idk i think as much as the term broadscar is unfortunately quite funny to me, f1 fandom discussions abt weight and bodies r kind of bound to become problematic (real sense not 2014 tumblr sense) bc of the requirements of the sport. the way lewis has said that hes not allowed to bulk up because it would make his weight balance too lopsided (as a side note u guys do not know how ready i am for post retirement bicep BEAST lewis hamilton. the only way im gonna survive him retiring) etc like its not just about appearance for them.
in terms of how lando is fit like ur 100% right - stuff like qatar shows that he (and jon) has been doing his due diligence w preparing for these conditions. u can also just see in that last quadrant video how hes obviously very physically fit and ready for the season. its just that bodies have natural differences between them - oscar is genetically taller, lando is genetically more flexible; oscar is naturally broader around his arms, lando is naturally broader around his back, etc. and its not necessarily an issue to point these things out or even joke about them (when ppl say daniel's got birthing hips it still makes me laugh and its been years since i first heard it) but at some point it does start to show a fundamental misunderstanding of what f1 drivers do. like do i need to pull up the real sweat im a high performance athlete clip or what
so thats on the body stuff. re: the twink stuff i think the reason it rubs me, you, many ppl wrong even before we consciously realise it is like. a twink is a type - not just a body type, a *type*. in the gay male* community, you identify yourself as a twink (or bear, otter, etc) because some people are particularly attracted to twinks, bc they have a type. then obviously because the gay community is way more than just sexual attraction & has a lot of cultural capital, the term twink gained connotations and cultural history etc and grew past that. but the origins are still very much in gay male* attraction. so now that the term has become accessible to ppl who arent in that community, and therefore arent *participating*, identifying someone by their physical characteristics (and maybe implied penetrative sex preference) no longer has the subtext of appeal, but of derision. because no longer is it implied that everyone involved is a gay man*, which means calling someone a twink also implicitly calls them gay. and i think 'twink' specifically gained traction compared to other types also bc of its association w femininity in one's physical appearance - which, again, ur just derogatorily calling someone feminine and gay. even if, say, ur a member of the lgbt community who isn't a gay man*, it still carries the subtext - like anon u completely correctly identified the condescending undertones of whoever ur talking about. which is why i say we should just bring back fag #justsayfag
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fonulyn · 3 years
So my partner is amazing and let's me ramble about RE to them whenever I want to, and even sat down to watch Vendetta with me when I bought it, so the other day I was like explaining Leon and Chris' characters (bc my partner knows how much I love them both lmao so of course that's what I was talking about), and we have both come to the conclusion that Leon is a bisexual disaster, and Chris is a homosexual. The running joke is that Leon is also just generally a whore, out there living his best life, and Chris is the kind of gay guy who no one expects to be gay bc of stereotypes and his habit of never really talking about himself, but he also was never really in the closet about it, so he's surprised whenever people are surprised to learn that he's gay lolol but in all seriousness Leon is not only bisexual, but he's the type to fall in love easily despite all of his background and trauma related to betrayal, so his heart is almost continually broken, either bc he's betrayed or he loses whoever it is he's found himself in love with (and sometimes both i.e. Krauser, and Ada at the end of RE2), either through death or just leaving bc he knows he can't stay/can't be with whomever. As for Chris, maybe I'm reading into it wrong, but despite all of the like, romantic connotations they try to put into some of his games (which I don't. Really see? Like there was some in the first game with Jill but I just cannot see them together like that, neither seem interested in one another like that. And of course, Jessica, who I can't stand, and who Chris is supposedly totally oblivious to? Like she thinks he didn't notice her flirting in RE revelations, and Parker is like "is it that, or is he maybe interested in someone else?" And the assumption there is that he means Jill, but again, I don't see it? Even in that game! But that line of Parker's always makes me think "yeah, he's more than just interested in someone else, he's playing for a whole nother team entirely!" lmao. And I haven't seen much for 5 but I'm sure it's there between Chris and Sheva, and then for 6 from what I understand there really is hardly any talk of Chris in regards to any women at all? 8 has nothing, as well, and the DLC for 7 is just another "Chris loses his entire team in horrific fashion yet again" side plot, so nothing there either), he never seems interested. He's always focused on the task at hand, not letting emotions get in his way, and like, some could argue that that's why he doesn't show interest or why Capcom doesn't create more romantic lore around him, but if they really wanted to Make Sure he was straight and Make Sure everyone playing these games knew that, I imagine there would be some one line little hints in the games of him talking about how he can't let himself get distracted, or in his line of work there are no happy endings or what have you, but. There's none of that. Bc he isn't forcing himself not to be interested, he isn't purposefully focusing on saving the day so he doesn't have to get hurt knowing he can never have whichever high potential for a dope ass protag female character who's constantly sacrificing herself to save him bc what better purpose could they serve, right Capcom?, he's just. There, doing his job and trying to save whoever he can, not getting distracted in anyway whatsoever by any of the women in his life, romantically at least. He still cares way too much, but it never comes off as romantic to me in pretty much any way. Also the note he leaves in his STARS locker in RE2remake, Claire being like "this doesn't sound like Chris at all!" Is funny to me bc like, I don't really remember so correct me if I'm wrong, but she doesn't elaborate on WHY that note doesn't sound like Chris lmao is it bc he's respectful to women at all times and doesn't ever objectify them, probably hates when other people do? Or is it bc he would never be interested in women in this way ANYWAYS, the man is so gay, he must have left this note so that Claire would know something is Up, bc her brother is Such a homosexual.
Anyways sorry, I just wanted to ramble/get your opinion on this. Over-analysing RE is actually really fun lmao
haha not gonna lie, I opened your ask in the car on the grocery store parking lot and tried to read it on my phone, and gave up squinting at the small screen halfway through :'D now that I'm back at my laptop though, lol, all good :'D
first of all I'm happy you have someone to ramble to even though they aren't into the thing themselves! :D I regularly rant about RE fandom things to my brother haha and he listens patiently although he isn't in the fandom at all, he's only played the games and that's it. but he still listens to my shippy rambles lol.
as for your thoughts? makes sense to me tbh. I definitely headcanon Leon as a bisexual disaster most of the time, because it does seem fitting. maybe it's partly because I think he's absolutely breathtakingly stunning and it'd be a shame to deny anyone that, so, naturally he wouldn't care about such trivial things as gender, pfth, love is love.
also Leon falling in love easily? absolutely. too damn easily. c'mon this is a man who gets attached to anyone who shows him even the tiniest amount of basic kindness in the matter of minutes. he canonically forms attachments with Claire, Ada, Krauser, Helena, Buddy and JD (JD 😭)... whoever else am I forgetting? but this is the guy who meets someone and would die for them five seconds later. so. it tracks.
and you know what, I can 100% see Chris being only into men. because like. I don't see the romance there either when he's interacting with the women in his life? okay, sure, I could imagine something there between him and Jill if pressed seeing the way he so single-mindedly wants to save her and then holds her in the scene after they get that thing off her chest. maybe. but even there it doesn't really feel super romantic to me, personally.
in the first game with Jill there's not... a lot of romance I don't think? sure she falls asleep against his shoulder in the evac helicopter but i mean, i've fallen asleep against a friend like that? not an indication of romance? they're clearly important to each other! i am not trying to diminish their importance to one another at all! they'd die for each other and they'd do anything it takes to protect each other and i do think their relationship is compelling but... i don't really see anything inherently romantic in it.
and Jessica, yeah, Chris is 100% oblivious to her advances. it is implied in the game that he's into Jill instead but other than that there's again zero actual romantic interaction between Chris and Jill. I was actually talking about this with my brother, who said the same, like there were so many chances in Revelations to put something romantic in there between Chris and Jill but there just. isn't? anything? except for Parker's comment. which is why it felt so damn out of place? (and like my brother would've wanted to ship Chris and Jill, he was kinda bummed about this i feel :'D) so interpreting it to mean he's not interested in women at all would actually make more sense lmao.
as for RE5, I've played it twice (with my brother lmao do we see a theme here) and honestly I don't remember anything in the game that would've insinuated anything more than solid partnership between Chris and Sheva?? if someone who's more familiar with the game wants to correct me on this, then please! but at least off the bat I can not remember anything so I think they actually didn't try to even hint at romance for them?
and in RE6 Chris is way too focused on killing "Ada" to have any thoughts about anything else :'D so no. no mentions in there regarding him and any women. at all. not even hints of Jill which is so incredibly weird (and stupid tbh) bc she was made to be so important to him in RE5 and then doesn't even get a mention in RE6? (/shakes fist damn you capcom! the characters exist outside the games they're in!)
I think that's pretty much the main difference between Chris and Leon tbh. Chris sees the job at hand, and he knows it'll help, he knows it'll save people and it'll make the world safer and he's so single-mindedly focused on the job that he sees nothing else. while Leon sees people, for the better or for worse, and he is willing to take detours if it helps even one person in the meantime. like in RE6, Leon willingly ignores the task at hand to go help just about anyone. Chris doesn't want to pause even when pressed bc he has an end goal in mind.
and bear in mind, I am not trying to say this somehow makes Leon better or Chris better or anything. they're both doing this to help. they both have their heart in the right place. they both care. but they're just so different! their personalities, and their way of dealing with things is different! I feel Chris is really target oriented and wants to get the job done. while Leon's easily distracted from it, because of all the damn feelings :'D
but yeah. i love them both, and i think it's really damn fascinating how they're both the good guys, the heroes of the franchise, but they both take to things so differently.
i don't know if any of this makes sense, I think i rambled too :'D but hey-o, it was fun lmao.
and hey no need to apologize at all!! always feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna chat!
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casually-inlove · 5 years
Hi!! What do u think abt the "are you flirting" translation ? It doesnt seem right, (why asking abt sharks is flirting?) especially later when ht goes to get his head pated ; to me the parallel translation of "acting spoiled" makes more sense, but i dont know enough abt chinese to dispute that lol. Blcd does a wonderful job n im infintely grateful to them, n no one is immune from error, so mb its one ? If not, wt do u think abt ht n mo saying they flirt to each other? Its rly surprising !
Hi! Honestly, I was out of the loop and I didn’t see the translation until morning. I don’t think I’m qualified enough to give any expert comments here and if anything you should probably address hm-translation-group with such questions. But here are my two cents. 
He Tian used term 撒娇 (Sājiāo), which is pretty hard to render in English bc it has different meanings depending on the context it’s used in. None of the English expressions that I know of fully conveys the range of meanings it covers. 
Let’s say that the dictionary typically offers two major branches of translation. One can be loosely rendered as “to flirt or act in a coquettish or frisky manner”.  As far as I know, it is typically used to describe flirty female behaviour… however in English the concept of “coquetry/flirtiness” may carry some negative/sexual undertones, while the Chinese counterpart bears no such negative connotation. Therefore, “flirty/coquettish” may be a bit excessive and confusing to use here. 
The other meaning is “to act spoiled/pampered, to pout, to be capricious, to throw a tantrum” but in general it implies “acting like a child (in order to get smth)”, usually in front of a parental figure or family. In fact, this kind of meaning doesn’t have an inherently negative connotation and can be viewed as acting “cute and innocent”.
Given the context, it seemed more appropriate to use this kind of meaning because Mo apparently pulled a sulky face and mentioned HT fooling/tricking him regarding the sharks. Hence He Tian implied that Momo was “pouting” like a spoiled child (in order to get what he wants). 
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cncoh-damn · 5 years
Director AU
In which (Y/N) is an aspiring director/producer whose mother and father are a director and producer respectively. And did we mention that they own what’s possibly the biggest production company on the planet?
General Headcanons:
you’ve got a squad of your own, and the ages are practically identical with the guys’ ages. except for the part where you’re born in 2000 and not 2001, unlike Erick. and your squad has twins, they don’t.
each member of your group has like this persona that everyone associates with said member.
the oldest of your group is Elodie Bauer, who isn’t really the most mature person, but damn if she can’t throw a party. it’s kind of why everyone calls her the Party Animal. 
then there are the twins, Kiana and Kiara Mirren, whose parents just so happen to own the biggest talent agency in the Western hemisphere. between the two of them, Kiara is much more quiet and demure, though she has a reputation for being unpredictable, hence her reputation as the Wildcard. unlike her twin, Kiana is a creature of habit, and one of them includes being the mom friend. for a while, you all considered referring her to as such, but it didn't quite sit right. Sweetheart, on the other hand, did.
the second youngest is Alexandria Roxas, a half-Filipino whose family belongs to a successful line of celebrity entrepreneurs. with her flair for the dramatics, everyone took to calling her Drama Queen, something she takes as a compliment despite the obvious negative connotations.
finally, there’s you, (Y/N) (L/N), and your parents own a production company known for hugely successful films, be they foreign or not. as you aspire to be a producer and director, you picked up quite a few tricks, especially in editing, but this isn’t where your greatest asset lies. despite being the youngest of your group, your professionalism and maturity are second to no one in your age range, earning you the title of Girlboss.
How You Met:
you first met the guys on the set of Reggaeton Lento Remix, when Jade came over to meet them while they (CNCO) shot their parts of the music video.
honestly you were just there to grab the footage so you could start editing
but then they weren’t done yet so you just went to a corner and started editing the footage you did have
like after you introduced yourself to them, the director told you that they weren’t done filming so you just went  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ before plopping down in a corner
the guys were kinda weirded out/intimidated bc you sounded hella professional even if you looked like you were Erick’s age
but it lowkey didn’t stop Chris and Erick from tossing a few flirty comments your way
and then when they were done you introduced yourself again but in a nicer and chiller way
Before: “(Y/N) (L/N), I’ll be editing the video and splicing the footage together.”
After: “Hi, I’m (Y/N), and I’m really excited to work with you guys!”
the difference was staggering
plus you wound up as a translator of sorts that day because GOOD LORD JADE’S ACCENT IS DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND EVEN IF YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH
not that you minded, you had a Spanish test the next day and it really brushed up your skills so yaaaaaayyyy
still, they were all kinda shookt af when they found out you were just a year older than Erick
Jade: Yeah, she’s a lot more machuad (y’all know this is how she pronounces matured lmao) than most kids her age.
Relationships With Them:
Christopher Velez:
ooh boi
first time you met, you literally didn’t believe he was the oldest
Chris thought you were vvvvvv cute, let’s just get that out of the way
and he flirted with you a lil bit
but you didn't notice bc you were editing
BUT you did give him a random compliment
like you looked up and he was fixing his hair
and then you said "Su pelo se ve bien" in accented asf Spanish and he was shookt
but he appreciated the compliment
and then you went back to editing before he could strike up a conversation whoops
but then y'all went to dinner and ofc you tagged along, and even if his English wasn't as good as Joel's or Richard's, he understood enough to know when you exposed someone
and he's like "damn mami is savage"
tl;dr: You're oblivious to his flirting but he's a fan of how savage you can get.
much later, you two become close bc you wind up laughing at Erick's jokes at the exact same time
Richard Camacho:
like with Chris, you didn't notice him much bc you were editing
but you managed to hold a minute-long conversation with him bc they were on break and you didn't know where the bathroom was
plus he was the first one you saw (and ngl, you were more comfortable speaking to him bc you’re both short)
so you shuffled up to him and was like “Um, sorry to bother you but... Where’s the bathroom?”
the difference was, as said before, pretty shocking
total 180 degree turn from mature and professional to awkward and smol
he gave you directions ofc and internally you were like phew he speaks English bc it’d be awkward af on your part if you had to repeat it in Spanish
so during dinner you wound up sitting across him
and you have this habit of swinging your legs a little when bored, so you might’ve accidentally kicked him a bit
when you noticed that, you apologized a lot. like you even offered some of your dessert bc you didn’t want him to be offended
I feel like he wouldn’t take it personally tbh
later on, when y’all get to know each other a bit more, he kind of becomes your main bro figure. not brother figure, because that’s Zabdiel, but bro figure.
and sometimes, if you’re in the same area, you end up babysitting Aaliyah
you’re a good bro, he’s a good bro
why else would you constantly call each other out on your bullshit
Zabdiel de Jesus
deadass the first time you saw him you were like oh shit
not that anyone can blame you, he’s tall asf and you’re tiny
for a good while you didn’t really talk to him
until Jade roped you into a conversation she was having with him, Joel, and Erick
internally you just sigh. socializing. niceee.
note the sarcasm
ANYWAY, when Joel gets a call, he leaves right? so Zabdiel and Erick are stuck there and from the looks on their faces you can kinda tell they don’t understand what Jade’s saying
so you scoot a little closer to them and hope your Spanish isn’t as bad as you thought it was bc you explained what she was saying
(Y/N) (L/N): video editor, aspiring director, now part-time interpreter
not that you were complaining ofc, it’s like studying for a test!
anyway after that you kinda stuck with them for a bit if only to help them understand what Jade was saying
you might have bumped into Zabdiel a couple of times
and that’s when you learned he’s actually a bit of a gentle giant
so yaaaayyyy
tbh you thought he was the oldest; he seemed the most mature of them
he’s definitely the first one outside of your own squad that you contact when you need help
he’s brotherly like that
gives great advice to you
and you lend a listening ear when he needs to let off some steam so it’s a symbiotic relationship you two have
Joel Pimentel:
honestly, your relationship with him can be described with one phrase: sass-offs.
but it wasn’t like that in the beginning
you and Joelito were pretty shy towards one another
UNTIL he saw you going through puppy pictures while you waited for the footage to render
and then you two talked/fawned over puppies in your corner
damn he spent most of his break there
so when Jade roped you into the conversation you didn’t really feel too awkward
but when Joel left the awkwardness came back
it was a pleasant surprise for you and him that you managed to get comfortable with Erick and Zabdiel, even if you were on translator duty that time
bear in mind that at this point both of you thought the other was a little cinnamon roll
but when dinner rolled around, he had to reevaluate his opinion of you because goddamn you didn’t hold back
every time you were about to spill the tea or roast someone, you would calmly sip your iced tea before speaking
sometimes the tea wasn’t the shocking bit, it was the way you said it
something in his mind just clicked and went oh when you first did that
needless to say, he showed a bit of sass too and you were living for it
it’s terrifying when both of you are on Twitter at the same time
think Joel’s sass but doubled and more subtle
that’s you
it’s gotten to the point that the rest of the guys try to keep you and Joel from being on Twitter at the same time
but nah, they can’t keep you two apart for long. platonically ofc
Erick Brian Colon:
you’re both the babies of your respective groups and that’s something you’re quick to tell him
so you two kinda bond over that, but not too much just yet
one of the first things you tell him is “Nice bowling skills” as a reference to the music video for Reggaeton Lento
yes bitch, you watched all their previous music videos to get a feel of sorts for the aesthetic they match for their music
while you’re lowkey gloating at how there’s finally someone on set who’s younger than you, Erick might’ve already been developing a tiny crush. on you.
but you’re a.) oblivious and b.) busy editing the video so you don’t notice
poor Erick
needless to say, he tosses flirty comments your way more than anyone else
but it doesn’t quite catch your attention.
what does, however, are his jokes.
yep. you don’t know enough Spanish to get a perfect score on your tests (yet) but you know enough to understand his shitty jokes.
Erick probably had heart eyes when you laughed at his joke
and that, ladies and gents, is where your friendship with Christopher Velez and Erick Brian Colon began
even if Erick still had a crush on you.
After y’all finish eating dinner, you grab the footage and fly back to LA because you had classes the next day. Friday of that week is when you contact Clara to set up a meeting because you’ll be done editing it Monday next week.
It’s a vid conference with CNCO and Little Mix where you send the video to them and let them watch it while you wait for their opinions. They all love it, of course, but the girls have worked with you before and know what you did.
Perrie: How much sleep did you get?
You, mildly sweating: Uh, eight hours.
You: In the past three days.
And that’s how Little Mix exposed your nonexistent sleeping habits in front of the guys.
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gayagendaofficial · 5 years
Wait, what’s gay lingo? Like, what does twink, bear, etc. mean?
Before I get into actually defining these terms, I’d like to write about a few things:
So this is probably in reference to this post I made. Not to explain the joke to death, but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I wanted to make fun of how people who aren’t mlm think they know what mlm terms like “twink” and “bear” mean and how they blatantly use them incorrectly everywhere, because they think they’re funny (bc gay men are a joke, right? //sarcasm), or because it makes them look “woke”. It’s an idea I had for the longest time when I saw something a str8 woman wrote about Zac Efron being a twink, in the present. Like yes, Zac Efron was a twink, past tense, but he is absolutely not a twink anymore (if you can even call a str8 man a twink). And she also implied that being a twink is something you can’t outgrow, which is laughable, because it’s kind of a meme among gay men that being a twink is something you grow out of whether you like it or not.
This mostly seems to be a problem among cishet women, since cishet men tend to be too concerned with their “masculinity” to touch gay culture. But since this is tumblr and virtually none of you are cishet, a lot of the times I’ve seen people misuse these terms on this site were LGBT+ people who weren’t themselves mlm. In those cases, the reasons seem more that these people are just misinformed, and they use these terms because mlm use these terms, and we share a community. Part of it comes from the fact that wlw might see the terms “twink” and “bear” as analogous to “femme” and “butch” respectively, which is not true in the slightest (Butch and femme are their own complex thing. What they actually have in common with twink and bear is that few outside their communities actually know what they mean lol).  Another reason might be that other LGBT people see mlm using these terms sarcastically and think they’re being used in earnest; if an actual gay man calls a bodybuilder a twink, he’s probably being sarcastic, and also probably trying to insult him (which is a whole can of worms I’ll open up in a bit).
I’m gonna try to define what “twink”, “bear”, and a couple of other terms actually mean, as well as give a little bit of context to how they’re used and controversy surrounding these identities within gay spaces, partially based on my experience as a gay man and partially based on casual research. I’m just one gay man, and I’m not an expert in queer studies or anything, so take from that what you will. I hope this will be useful to mlm who are just discovering their identities and exploring their sexuality/gender, who are new to the community, and I also hope to inform our siblings elsewhere in the LGBT community. This info could also be useful to cishet allies, although please be mindful of your intentions in using these terms.
Anywho, lets get to the definitions:
A twink is a young, smooth, slim mlm. The definition here is generally seen as being pretty strict on those 3 criteria, although “twink” is sometimes used for older mlm who are skinny and don’t have much body hair. Those last two criteria are the most important, because there are other categories for mlm that fit one of the criteria; an otter is essentially twink + bodyhair, and there’s a whole host of other words for other body types.
The definition of “bear” is a little more flexible than “twink”, although it generally comes down to the inverses of those same 3 criteria. The most important of these is the bodyhair requirement; any definition you find of bear includes something about being hairy. Almost as important as bodyhair is body type, although “bear” covers a slightly larger range than twink in that regard. Usually, “bear” indicates that someone is large or plus-sized, although it can also sometimes be used to describe someone who is muscular in the sense that they are beefy (if you can see a 6 pack, he’s probably not a bear). It’s also sometimes associated with being slightly older, but that’s not nearly as important, and “bear” can refer to any age. The term “cub” refers to mlm with the same body type as a bear, but who are smooth and young.
Now, let’s get into some misconceptions/controversies surrounding these terms. The first of these is that twink and bear are the only two options, and that all mlm fall into one of these two categories, or that other terms are simply variations on those two main terms. This misconception is really only one held by people who aren’t mlm themselves (or are, but are only just learning the terminology). These terms are extremely specific, and the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of mlm don’t fit into either of these categories. And that’s ok! There are a ton of other words mlm use to describe themselves. I’ve already mentioned “otter” and “cub”; there’s also “jock”, which refers to muscular mlm; “wolf”, which also refers to muscular mlm, but specifically hairy ones (with a bit of overlap with the “beefier bears” I mentioned earlier); the relatively new term “twunk” which you may know from this video as “a combination twink and hunk”; and many many more. In addition, all of these categories are really just physical descriptions of your body, and don’t have any bearing on anything else. You don’t need to fit into any of them.
That being said, there are a number of stereotypes associated with these terms, and it is important to address them.
Our next misconception is one that’s as common among mlm as as it is among everyone else: that twinks are by definition fem, and bears are by definition masc. “Masc” and “fem”, short for masculine and feminine respectively, come with their own host of problems, and that is a can of worms that I am not going to open up right now. This post is long enough as it is. If you want the sparknotes version of the controversy surrounding the masc-fem dichotomy, it basically boils down to misogyny, transphobia, and internalized homophobia. But back to twinks and bears: I would like to assume that it’s obvious that your body type or bodyhair has absolutely no impact  on your personal presentation of gender. There are plenty of fem bears and masc twinks. But unfortunately, most people don’t seem to get this. And this super important, because the gendered way we think of these terms affects everything else I’ll be talking about in the remainder of this post.
My next point, which is really and observation based on my experience in the gay community, is that bear as a term seems to be much less… loaded. However, being a twink myself, there might be a gap in my personal experience, so any bears feel free to correct me. However, from what I’ve seen, “bear” isn’t really used as an insult in the way “twink” is. Which is a bit of a miracle, considering how prevalent fat-shaming is in the gay community. From what I’ve seen, bear isn��t a term that’s forced on you, it’s a term that bears choose for themselves, almost always in a positive way. It’s a term associated with body positivity, and bear communities seem to be much less toxic than the gay community as a whole. Even when it’s used to describe someone else, it’s always a neutral statement of fact. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used as an insult, or even sarcastically. The worst I’ve seen of it is that it’s used as a porn category, which contributes to the fetishization of fat people; but then again, twink and jock are also porn categories, so it would be weird for bear not to be. This isn’t to suggest that bears are treated better than anyone else in the gay community, if anything they’re treated worse; just that the word “bear” itself has neutral to positive connotations. (Again, any bears correct me on this if you’ve seen it used negatively!)
Twink, on the other hand, is absolutely used as an insult, and frequently. And while this may sometimes be harmless, more often than not it’s really problematic. If you’re plus-sized and you use twink as an insult in the same vein that Nicki Minaj said “fuck the skinny bitches”, that’s completely fine. Twinks are seen as being desirable (if they behave a certain way; more on that later), so effectively it’s punching up instead of punching down. However, a good 95% of the time that “twink” is used as an insult, it really comes from one of the many stereotypes that all essentially boil down to the idea that twinks are fem. And the idea that being fem is inherently bad and insult worthy is, once again, rooted in misogyny, transphobia, and internalized homophobia. 
This association between twinks and femininity also has a lot of scary implications on the beauty standards twinks are held to. I’ve noticed that twinks fill a niche in the gay community that is similar to the role cis women are supposed to fill in western culture as large, and that we’re only seen as sexually valuable if we perform the same behaviors and meet the same beauty standards that are typically reserved for women. We’re bottoms by default, submissive both in and out of the bedroom (yes I actually am a sub bottom, but that’s beside the point). We’re supposed to maintain a completely smooth, hairless appearance; a shaved ass is the bare minimum of hygiene. I once met a guy on grindr who demanded that I be completely hairless everywhere beneath my eyelashes, and while that’s a bit extreme, he was by no means an outlier. Just today I talked to a guy who wanted me hairless between my neck and knees. We’re often seen as vapid and stupid, and infantilization of twinks is rampant (some guys put way too much emphasis on the young part of the definition). And, to cap it all off, there’s the racism! Who’d’a thunk that all forms of oppression are connected? (sarcasm). Twinks can of course be any race, but the ones you’ll see men on grindr going after the most are white or light-skinned Asian twinks. Combine that with stereotypes of Black, Latino, and Middle Eastern men as dominant and aggressive, and you have a whole slew of white supremacist ideas painted over with a thin coat of gay porn.  (mlm of color who’d like to add or correct me on anything, please do so!)
I’ll end this already long post with a comparatively brief discussion on who these terms apply to. Basically, if you’re an mlm and you fit the definition of “twink” or “bear”, congratulations! You’re a twink/bear! “Can bi men use these terms?” Of course! “What about trans men?” Are you attracted to men and male-aligned people? Then of course! That last one might be controversial to some cis gays, and to that I say fuck right off. However, it does get a bit muddier with trans women and transfem nonbinary people and the word twink. Trans women are absolutely not mlm, but many of them have been a part of mlm communities for a long time, often before they even realized they were trans, and some may be reluctant to give up the word twink (I haven’t seen this for bear, although again, lmk if you’ve seen evidence to the contrary). And on top of that, a lot of cis men looking to have sex with trans women conflate trans women and cis twinks. Because remember what I said about twinks filling the niche of women? It’s often a niche they share with trans women, except trans women have it even worse, because they are actually women. My two cents is, if a trans woman wants to refer to herself as a twink, she’s more than welcome to. Just don’t go around calling trans women “twinks” unless they specifically say you can; it’s a gendered term, you are misgendering them, and, once again, you can fuck right off. (trans women also please comment if you want!)
Well, anon, I bet you weren’t expecting a post this long. At least I hope y’all learned something! Be gay do crimes!
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enbouton · 6 years
Better Call Saul Rewatch, Part 4/30: Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church
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Hero (Season 1, Episode 4)
Written by Gennifer Hutchison / Directed by Colin Bucksey
This episode deals largely with identities. Jimmy is Saul Goodman, he’s Slippin’ Jimmy, he’s Howard Hamlin, he’s his own receptionist on the phone, he’s Tony Curtis in the bath scene in Spartacus, he’s a local lawyer and a local hero. It’s fitting that we open with a flashback showing young Jimmy using the name “Saul” for the very first time, and just as fitting that it’s done without fanfare: it’s tossed out as a half-joke. “S’all good, man!” Jimmy, in a garish, slithery-looking striped shirt, leads his mark down the alley where his partner in crime awaits. The unhurried pace of this sequence is very effective, suiting the stillness of nighttime Cicero and the low-key nature of Jimmy and Marco’s con.
The flashbacks on this show (with the exception of the corner-store one) all take place at night or in dimly lit rooms; here’s some good meta that touches on how Jimmy thrives in darkness. Is it significant that the first Slippin’ Jimmy con we see is one that wouldn’t work on an honest person? Jimmy needs a mark who’s willing to make off with the "Rolex”, thinking he’s got one over on the rube who settled for $1,580 in cash.
Afterwards, Marco is radiant with admiration for Jimmy— “I love watching you work”— but Jimmy says his talents are good for beer money, and that’s about all. Again: what would have happened to this guy if he hadn’t had to leave Cicero? This is not the face of a man who’s happy with where he is in life:
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(It is the face of a man who’s being "haunted by the ghost of vladimir lenin” (@deadpanwalking), but I digress.)
Back in the present, Craig and Betsy stand over a pile of money and stress that what they did was “for the kids” (sound familiar?). In substance if not style, Jimmy’s pitch to the Kettlemans bears more than a little resemblance to Kim’s pitch to Mesa Verde: “What are you gonna get from me that you won’t get from those other guys? Passion. Commitment ... If you’re with me, you’re my number one client, morning, noon or night. You call me, I’m there. I would be singularly devoted to you.” But Betsy isn’t swayed: “You’re the kind of lawyer guilty people hire.” Ouch. Exhausted and beaten down, Jimmy takes their bribe.
Nacho, now released, surmises that Jimmy tipped off the Kettlemans. I like that Nacho is as smart as Jimmy. I like that the show generally surrounds Jimmy with people who are as smart as he is. Jimmy counters that Nacho didn’t need any help making himself look suspicious, and Nacho stalks off.
As Jimmy launders his money, assigning stacks of cash to “consulting fees”, “research” and “travel expenses”, he constructs yet another alternate self, this one belonging to a narrative in which he worked for the Kettlemans.
We see Jimmy getting measured for an expensive, conservative suit, yet when the tailor steps out of the room, something wonderful happens:
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#it’s like watching a baby being born #a really tacky baby
But Jimmy isn’t just using his windfall to smarten up; he’s playing a long con involving a billboard exactly mimicking one of Howard Hamlin’s, ringlets and all.
Small brain: using your ill-gotten seed money to advertise your business
Galaxy brain: dressing up as your enemy, buying a provocative billboard that you know you'll be forced to take down, hiring a film crew, then bribing a worker to fall off the billboard so that you’ll get on the local news for rescuing him
“He’s… you know, a free spirit,” Kim says, having been dragged out of the office to look at it. She demurs when asked if she and Jimmy are still friends, which, tbh, is fair enough, given how Jimmy behaves around Hamlin (we’ll get into that later). There’s lots to think about with Jimmy literally dressing up as Hamlin, recreating his look down to the smallest detail. Once again he’s taking on another persona, albeit just to achieve a short-term goal. “What kind of lawyer are you going to be?” Kim will ask him in season 2. It’s a question Jimmy seems to keep asking himself.
In the midst of Jimmy and Hamlin’s clash, we get an early glimpse at the tightrope Kim is expected to walk at HHM. She shouldn’t feel the need to lie about who her friends are in order to stay in her boss’ good graces, yet she does, and later on she breaks off a friendly conversation with Jimmy to hand over a cease & desist letter. With Kim, BCS dodges the “successful woman has to choose between career and relationship” trope in favour of something much more interesting, a woman facing uncertainty and unfairness in both spheres. Kim’s relationship with Jimmy isn’t even the main reason she’s treated unfairly at work, and her allegiance to HHM isn’t what’s keeping her and Jimmy apart.
The billboard comes down, but not before Jimmy has himself filmed in front of it, first speaking to camera about the injustice he’s faced, then racing up a ladder to rescue the worker whom he bribed to take a fall. It’s fascinating to watch how Jimmy tells his story here. He hits all the right beats— patriotism, bootstraps, public service, the dream of owning one’s own business— and casts himself as the all-American underdog who “scrimped and saved” to buy a billboard only to have it snatched away from him. We’ll see Jimmy employ a lot of these tropes in his advertising later on; this is his skill at face-to-face communication writ large, but the foundation of the billboard con is his ability to create situations that he can manipulate to his advantage.
When Jimmy drags the worker back up onto the walkway and the two slap hands, we finally see his angle. Watching him on the news in the HHM boardroom, Howard mutters “whole thing’s a damn stunt” and walks off. Kim gives a little smile.
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The one part of the situation that Jimmy can’t control is his brother. He has the foresight to keep the newspaper from him, but he can’t account for Chuck’s pedantic attention to detail. Of course Chuck will wonder why his newspaper wasn’t delivered; of course he’ll look outside and see that all his neighbours have theirs; of course he’ll deduce that there’s something in the paper that Jimmy doesn’t want him to see, and cross-reference this against what Jimmy told him about a sudden change in his fortune; and this, perhaps combined with the urgent care receipt that fell out of Jimmy’s pocket a few weeks prior, will concern him enough that he’s compelled to go outside.
The show has already tipped its hand re: the true cause of Chuck’s symptoms, but that’s almost beside the point here: what matters is that they are real and debilitating. As soon as he steps outside, he’s overwhelmed, his senses are deranged, and he nearly runs into the path of a car in his haste to get across the road. The chaotic, visceral sequence ends with a blackly comic cut to his neighbour’s perspective. From the outside, this proud, suffering man is just a crazy guy in a space blanket, scurrying back to his door.
“You assume that criminals are gonna be smarter than they are,” Jimmy muses to Mike. “I don’t know. Kinda breaks my heart a little.”
IIRC, the billboard, which went up for filming in Albuquerque in 2014, was how we all found out Saul’s original first name.
A wall of glass blocks appears prominently behind Jimmy and his mark as they walk down the alley. Marco’s fake ID, in the name of Henry Gondorff, bears an issue date of July 1991.
What we see of Kim’s office is devoid of personal items, except for a pair of sensible sneakers on the floor.
Timeframe: this episode picks up right where “Nacho” left off and covers a period of about two weeks. The Albuquerque Journal is dated June 20, 2002; Chuck’s copies of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bear cover stories that were published on June 19th or 20th (they are “Israel Acts to Seize Arab Land After Blast; Bush Delays Talk” and ”Unhappy Returns: IRS Moves to Bring Back Random Audits”).
“Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple (1972), sung by Marco
“Listen” by Chicago (1969), as Marco and Jimmy smoke
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Herbie Mann (1969), as Jimmy launders his money. Saul plays a different version of this song in his waiting room in Breaking Bad.
“Unsquare Dance” by the Dave Brubeck Quartet (1961), as Jimmy calls the media
Young Jimmy offers to take his mark to a place “a couple blocks off Cermak”. He’s referring to Cermak Road, a major east-west thoroughfare that runs through Cicero, neighbouring Berwyn, and parts of southern and western Chicago.
“Super 170 Tasmanian wool”: the “Super” number corresponds to the diameter of the wool fibres; the higher the number, the finer (and more expensive) the cloth. 170s wool suiting is very fine, soft and lightweight. More info here.
Sea Island cotton: a variety of extra long staple cotton historically grown in the Caribbean and named after the area of South Carolina:
“Sea Island cotton is the ultimate choice for any suiting connoisseur due to its unrivaled softness and second skin-like feel. This ancient fibre is now grown mainly in the paradise climates of Barbados, Antigua and Jamaica; its inherent long staple yarns create a silky yet strong surface, resisting wear while smoothing over time. Extremely scarce, it makes up just 0.0004% of longer staple yarn production.“ (Turnbull & Asser, where you can buy a Sea Island cotton shirt for £345/$456)
French cuffs: double cuffs that are folded back and fastened with cufflinks; a very formal style
Club collar: a white collar with rounded points, created by alumni of Eton College who wanted their dress to indicate that they belonged to that exclusive “club”. All in all, the elements of Hamlin’s signature look connote wealth and sophistication in a formal, conservative way.
Jimmy refers to Tony Curtis’ appearance in a particular scene in the 1960 epic Spartacus. It’s worth noting that the scene, which features two men bathing together and some heavy innuendo about “snails” and “oysters”, was considered so homoerotic that it was cut entirely by the censors and only restored to the film in 1991 (source). You can watch part of the scene here.
Kim invites Jimmy to a screening of The Thing (1982), a horror film about a group of researchers in Antarctica encountering a parasitic alien entity.
While talking to reporters, Jimmy mentions Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, investigative journalists who covered the Watergate scandal.
The Groucho Marx mirror routine Howard refers to is this scene from Duck Soup (1933).
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felinehypocritical · 7 years
sorry to rant w/o a cut bc im on mobile but
can we just. stop. making el so incredibly feminine. 
bc like. i get it! she was feminine in the show! she wore a dress and a long haired wig! but have you ever considered... why? 
she did it because that’s what the boys had her do. she didnt do it because shes a girly girl or someone who likes feminine stuff. she did it so she could be smuggled around. so why do people act as if shes this girly little doll? shes not. eleven is messy and androgynous and powerful. she didnt care about being cute or girly. she cared about staying alive.
so why does everyone act as if the happiness she finds after the turmoil, when shes older, depends on traditional femininity? on having long hair and wearing cutesy outfits?
look. i get the want for feminine powerful girls. but when we act as if girls can only be powerful is they are also being aesthetically pleasing (which is the entire premise of 1. why they dressed el up and 2. what the fandom insists on doing), we are being misogynistic. we are teaching girls they can only be strong if we’re also small and cute and “”””appealing to boys”””. and thats not okay. at some point, we need to ask: why cant young girls be masculine?
this question is personal to me. i am a masculine young girl. i have broad shoulders and im tall and ive got a deep voice, and, most importantly, short hair. i am not feminine without effort. but im also strong. im powerful and smart and i know that i am and i use it, and guess what? people dont like it! they dont like the way i act, because the way i speak and look arent what they think of when they think of young girls! if i want a broad audience, i have to be so, so kind and polite and unnecessarily sweet where others, like young boys, dont. and that’s eleven’s problem, too. she had a buzzcut and her lab clothing suggested neither girl nor boy alignment. she wasnt feminine. she had no desire to be feminine because it didnt occur to her that it was important. 
and them beauty standards were taught to her quicker than i think even regular girls are taught them. she learned all about presentability, in the way we do in years, in the course of one day. do you know how damaging that is? to have your psyche free of the social constructs of masculinity and femininity and then suddenly being forced into this box to be culturally acceptable? it’s literally every tomboy and gender non-conforming kids experience, especially trans kids (sorry i love trans girl el but ill make a post abt that another time). she had a striking start to what should be a story of her recovering from trauma and dealing with it through forced femininity, before realizing all of that is superficial and deciding to just be her androgynous, tom-boy self. 
and instead, everyone just woobifies her and makes el seem like a princessy little care-bear loving babydoll who only cares about fashion and eggos and mike. completely vapid. so, so, so disrespectful to the story of masculine girls everywhere. 
el’s representation as a young masculine-looking girl is such a good story for tom-boys everywhere (THIS ABSOLUTELY INCLUDES YOUNG TRANS GIRLS WHO ARE TOMBOYS). it shows them they’re allowed to be strong, allowed to be loud, allowed to take up space the way that THEY want. not the way others want them to. it shows them that a boy (or girl!) can like them even if they have short hair or a style of dress that’s not “girly”. it could potentially empower girls everywhere to be proud of their individual style and unique taste in gender expression.
but instead, we all just decide to treat her like she knows all about traditional, western gender roles and agrees whole-heartedly with them, and then stick max in as a tomboy for good measure, but leave the one we REALLY care about, REALLY know, as a palatable little dress-up doll, basically; and it grosses me out. that we cant let young girls be strong without simultaneously presenting femininely. it makes me so mad, because ive had girls tell me that i inspire them to be more androgynous and that i remind them of el... and to me, thats the most important thing ive ever heard. that i remind them of such a badass, intended-to-be masculine female character? yes! but them i remember what the connotations with el are online. helpless. in need of mike. weak despite being physically strong. 
so we have to ask ourselves, in simple, un-politicized, fandom terms:
why cant girls look like they can kill you can actually be able to kill you, instead of looking like a cinnamon roll but actually being able to kill you?
think about it.
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