#which doesnt mean the rewrite is entirely stopped
ganondoodle · 9 months
little skyward sword comic update (destiny), im about a third done with the next one and after restructuring and cutting stuff im pretty sure its going to be only two more updates until the end of chapter 1!!
im a little miffed about having taken almost exactly 3 years for just 60 pages, but im hoping i can keep it going for a long time without losing interest in it, hopefully faster too as i am trying really hard to allow myself to experiment with more loosely painted styles and to stop obsessing over rendering each particular panel even if that all means my style is going to shift around even more than it already is (sorry) ..
it feels like there is more interest in my rewrite project than in my comic but the latter is still the more important one to me and i want to thank everyone who has read it, especially if you reblogged with long tags, those are my favorite to read through!! <3
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kingmystrie · 1 year
The reason why AO3 doesn't take down problematic content is because the entire purpose of the site is for archival purposes. An archive is meant to house a lot of information, the purpose of an archive is not to promote certain works of art or to determine the ethics/morals of fictional media. They don't censor anything because that's not their job, their job is to just store as much fanfiction as humanly possible.
It's not a publisher, it's just a giant digital filing cabinet.
I'd also like to point out that censorship has historically been used to rewrite history, silence black voices, silence queer voices, silence indigenous voices, silence activists, suppress workers fighting for decent pay, suppress information regarding political corruption, suppress international news coverage, etc. You'd like to think that censorship will be used only to stop bad people from spreading bad messages, but that is never the case.
Obviously AO3 users are overwhelmingly white and somewhat well off. I highly doubt they'd censor anything racist or even most problematic content, best believe people like me who have the audacity to be autistic and black at the same time would get annihilated immediately.
Even if we lived in a magical world where we all agreed that pedophilia is bad and that black people are humans, there's the issue of how they'd even censor the damn sinkhole.
As stupid as it sounds you'd have a better time protecting individuals from creeps by explaining the importance of consent and why pedophilia is wrong. Unironically. I'm deadass serious. This is why ponder sprocket made that video on why zoophilia is bad.
Below i talk abt how censoring digital platforms is lowkey ethically dubious.
Even if Ao3 was to try and censor specific works, it would be near impossible for them to do in an ethical way. Something i dont see people talk about in this conversation is that if there's censorship on a site someone has to read all of that pedophilic, racist, rape fetishizing shit.
You know youtube? They have like thousands of employees in the global south getting paid like 2 dollars an hour to see the most horrific shit known to man. These are VIDEOS mind you, AKA real csam and real gore, with all the viscera a human eye can find, in motion. No counseling, no nothing.
If a site is to actively censor something, it no longer becomes a case of just the weirdos and people with paraphilias actively searching for something and being pushed away by a wider community. The moment that a website starts censoring stuff they have to employ people to go find that shit, people who don't want to see that shit.
And we know for a fact that we can't just use a robot for that crap either, cause we know for a fact that robot censorship doesn't fucking work, because chat gpt employed a bunch of underpaid workers to do the same thing.
Not only does censorship go against the purpose of the website, but honestly with how much fanfiction is being uploaded and stored on that site it would be wildly unethical to make people have to go through all of that crap.
Not to mention - even with all that work put into removing this dangerous content there is STILL a thriving pedo ring on youtube there have been several videos detailing this. Not to mention fetish-farming crap like elsa-gate.
Not saying that makes it useless for youtube, because unlike AO3 youtube has an algorithm which means that youtube promotes specific videos over others. If youtube didn't trawl through the garbage and take it out they could end up promoting something dangerous to someone who didn't want it. With an algorithm there is no choices, only whatever the math sends your way.
And because of that I've been reccomended some disturbing content on youtube about people wanting people like me get killed, which has damaged my health severely. In contrast - I've never found anything disturbing on AO3 because nothing is being shoved in my face. The front page doesnt even show you any fanfiction, you have to search for whatever you're looking for yourself.
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sanchoyo · 2 years
i started watching arc v! finally. after years of saying Im Gonna. its Happening. (i've tried to twice and cant recall what eps i got to in those attempts, because I literally dont remember anything at ALL LMAO) I'm like, 15 eps in and may I just say some Things. ep 1-15 thoughts below the Cut
-yuzu best girl immediately my god shes already been done dirty tho. she shouldve gotten to fight shingo! fuck emo yuya for stopping it and stepping in! (altho yaaaay xyz :3 my beloved) and also she loses the first duel we see her get to do? when her dad is literally the owner of a duel school?? and his school was at stake?? bc she was distracted thinking of Not Yuya? no. fuck off with that lol I'm picking her up and mentally rewriting all that. the girl she dueled against was super fun tho, I ship them tbh.
-yuya is finally the canonical clown ygo protag I needed. he dresses as a clown in ep 1! he has! a circus deck! thats so fun! hes a LOT more melancholic/prone to moodiness than I expected...the goggles as a mood indicator is fun. also seems to care VERY much what ppl think/need lots of applause and praise or he gets upset quickly which. like, wanting to put smiles on ppls faces with dueling is a sweet goal, but a lot of it feels self-serving, too, which is Inchresting for a protag...I LIKE it and want to see where it goes
-and the whole 'laugh when you want to cry' is, ngl, very Bad and Unhealthy and I cant imagine we're going anywhere good with that. (seriously, dont recall what ep, maybe 4 or 5, when the kids and yuzu were in danger he started LAUGHING trying to imrpove his own mood and i was like DUDE. UNNERVING STOP THAT.) let him feel his feelings guys. or this is going to go severely Bad I Think
-dont trust sora but also no shit? his intro is him being sus, basically outright saying 'ya where I come from everyone does fusion, nbd' yeah hes some kind of spy or SOMETHING for that academia that emo yuya was taking abt. and his deck is very cute but also has a dark side/creepy cute thing going on and this is ygo where Decks Indicate Personality, so. just kinda Waiting for him to Stab Backs. hes already kind of a little shit
-he 100% shouldve been dueling that guy gongenzaka had to duel! gongenzaka doesnt even GO here and ms Chairman said someone from this school had to duel her school students! if you want to fake being friends with yuya! you need to fucking put in some EFFORT!!! and at least pretend to give a shit dude, this is the school the guy you supposedly admire attends!!! it comes off as u not giving a fuck abt anything besides pendulum/yuya-related stuff which is gonna make yuya less inclined to wanna be ur friend bc u look like a brat! (I know the meta answer is that they wanted to give gongenzaka some screentime to convince me hes yuyas bff or w/e but. in my mind its been 10 or so eps by this point, yuzu is yuyas bff in my mind lol. )
-anyway that aside soras deck is SO cute. the BEARS!! ARE IN!!!! the 'acting younger/cuter than u are' shtick is already kind of annoying tho. I do like his chara design tho (at least his hair/face? Id redesign his outfit ngl if hes going for a cutecore/sweets theme why not go ALL in yk)
-gongenzaka's whole 'no spells/traps' and standing in one spot during an action duel is objectively really funny
-action duels in general are SO FUN!!! i want to ride my monsters too..i kno theyd be soft. pls.
-really wanted to see more masumi or her vs yuya!!! so sad reiji stepped in. pls let the girls DO MORE!!! i love that she used gem knights!! I love gem knights!!!
-didnt know reiji used d/d/d cards, immediately broke out into a cold sweat upon seeing them. those decks always destroy me in duel links in like 2 turns jkasfkjjn.
-its so funny theres entire classes just for synchro and xyz and most ppl in this world can just Do One of them Only. like everyone being SHOCKED reiji can do All of them LMAO.
-surprised at how much I like reiji actually from just what ive seen up to this point, I mean I Like the other ygo rivals and all but usually they have an Attitude...but hes very polite to yuya and him saying he respects yuya's dad is REFRESHING compared to everyone else calling his dad a coward (for?? seemingly going MISSING??) his fashion choices leave a lot to be desired tho. but otherwise him and yuzu are my favs so far I think...we'll see if this changes!
-I KNOW charas from other series get involved, dont know WHEN thatll be, but I am Excitedly Waiting. give me The King Jack. Give me Kaito. I dont know who all besides those two shows up Actually But Im WAITING AAAA.
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ls00 · 2 months
“before the new anime kuro fandom was sane!”
lmao you guys are so delusional
at no point in kuro’s history has it ever been the kind of “sane” you’re implying. there have alwats been shippers, younger ones and older ones, on top of the content itself leaning towards heavier topics that people use in unsavory and dead dove ways.
stop trying to rewrite history kuro has always been a trashfire of a fandom for people who try and act all morally clean. just because fandom in general as tried to lean that way doesnt mean you can do that with something as deeply mired in filth as kuro.
keep lying to all the newcomers, all it’s going to do is turn them off and make them move on when they realize that this filth is not something they can just pretend isnt there. the entire fandom was built up on this, you quite literally cannot take it out lest you throw away the entire thing as a whole which you honestly can’t if you’re still trying to watch or follow any of the story.
it’s so pathetic how many people claim to be oldies but are only talking about it now that it’s in the public eye again meanwhile the “freaks” they decry so much are the ones who carried the fandom during the deadest era of content it’s been in.
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scaramew · 2 years
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i really thought I'd be better off, but i missed you more than i thought i would. ( or : xiao texts you at 4:00 am. )
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ft. xiao x genderneutral reader.
warnings : angst, fluff, modern au, post-breakup, hopeful endings, fine line by harry styles oh my GOD
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xiao is good at leaving — which sounds harsh, maybe it's better to say he's bad at staying. xiao's bad at staying, yet he can't seem to leave you behind, either.
the room's quiet, empty — devoid of any trace of you, the only piece of you left in his part of the universe is an old sweater that was "more his style" draped over his desk chair.
double sided tape's still stuck to his walls and he inwardly groans at the fact he has to get rid of it someday — that he has to get rid of the pictures that used to be stuck to that tape, that he had to get rid of you completely.
it's cold, and maybe it's always been cold and he just never noticed. it's cold and all xiao can think about is how you'd be sleeping on the empty pillow beside him if it weren't for everything he did.
the screen of his phone illuminated his face, the only light in his otherwise dark room. xiao stares at your profile, wincing at the past messages he sent — at the nickname he set for you that he hasn't had the heart to change.
xiao isn't sure why he started typing — why now, when he thought that he was finally starting to get over it. he'd say when he was finally starting to forget, but you're not someone he wants to forget just yet.
he must've rewritten that text a million times, because in the hours of comfortable silence you both shared, xiao realizes there was so much more he wanted to say, yet he never said a word.
the words he never said, the things he never acted on are the same things that haunt him every minute he's awake — sometimes it even followed him to his dreams, the thought of what could've happened if he did.
xiao: are you awake?
xiao sighs, covering his eyes with the back of his hand. it feels like iron butterflies are floating in his stomach, like a mix of giddiness and anxiety, the kind that weighs on your chest till you can't breath.
my bb :) ‹3: no ?? wjy r u awake ??'
he can feel his lips quirk into a smile, even if it's for a split second. '
xiao : so you didn't learn to type while i was gone ://'
my bb :) ‹3: fuck u too
it feels like an eternity before you start typing again, and even then, you stop and rewrite before sending another directly after.
my bb :) ‹3: are you okay?
there's a pause between your texts, and you can feel your head pounding — you're not too sure if it's the morning cold or the fact xiao was talking to you.
my bb :) ‹3: why did u message me?
you see him type and you panick — sending strings of messages following your last. '
my bb :) ‹3: not that that's bad !!'
my bb :) ‹3: just because we're not together doesn't mean you can't talk to me anymore.
xiao can barely manage a laugh, and he can only imagine how stupid he looks right now, about to cry at just a few words.
xiao: i miss you.
and there he is again, yet as he types those three words, xiao can't bring it in himself to send it. not now, he thinks. not when he's just getting the chance to talk to you again.
xiao: you left your sweater here.
my bb :) ‹3: that's ok. u can throw it away if you want :]
as if xiao could ever throw out any of the things you've given him.
the cold envelopes him, his breath forming clouds in the mist. it's 4:00 am, and xiao doesn't know — doesn't want to know what it is about your everything that forces him to break down. that forces him to tear down the walls he's spent his entire life building up.
xiao: im sorry for everything that happened.
xiao doesn't think he'd ever be worthy of your forgiveness, but it's the crack of dawn and he doesn't think he'd forgive himself if he didn't say anything.
xiao: and for everything that didn't get to happen
your caller id fills his screen and xiao doesnt think he's ever been so unsure in his life. he swallows, yet it doesn't do anything to stop the panick settling into his chest. it passes, and he can only stare at his phone, unsure of what to do.
you start typing again, and for once, xiao understands what people mean by their heart dipped.
my bb :) ‹3: please pick up
you call again, and xiao picks up almost immediately. you're both quiet, the only thing assuring him that you're there on the other line is your breathing.
"hi." you start after a few minutes of sitting in silence, and what you'd give to be able to sit with him and not be worried of, well, everything. what you'd give for that silence to be comfortable again. "uh—hi, xiao."
xiao takes a breath, hoping it would calm his nerves and the shaking of his voice because god he missed hearing yours. "hi, [name]."
his voice comes out shaky anyway, and maybe that's just something he can't help anymore. your text floods his brain, because xiao could write a book with everything he wanted to say to you, everything he wished he could've said — yet when he finally got the chance to, he goes blank.
you laugh at the other end of the line and xiao didn't realize how much he adored your laugh until now. he hadn't realized how much he missed you until now. "i-im sorry for texting you i just — i don't know." he sighs, running a hand through his hair. even if he doesn't deserve your forgiveness, he knows you deserve his apologies. "you should sleep."
his thumb hovers over the end call button, he's not sure if it's because he had nothing to say or because he doesn't want you to hear him cry.
"wait don't i just— are you sure?" you ask quickly, taking a deep breath after. like you could feel him about to hang up.
"are you sure that we're not ... ahem, that you don't think we can work anymore."
you sound exasperated, and xiao wants so badly to tell you you're wrong, to tell you about how everything reminds him of you, to tell you about the extra pillow, to tell you everything he can't.
"because if you are then .. ill leave you alone. ill forget it — ill forget we ever happened."
a four letter word has never held so much meaning over him and despite the repercussions it holds he's not sure what else would describe what you were to him. because if love wasn't what he felt, then he was sure that what the felt was greater than love itself.
"i— you don't have to answer that i just .." your voice echoes through his head and he's not sure when you'd let him talk to you again.
"i love you." xiao breathes. it's quiet — and the weight in his chest feels like it could swallow him whole. it's quiet and xiao can only hope that four letter word held enough meaning to be able to say everything he wishes he could. "even if you don't love me back, even if we're just a little more than friends and a little less than — less than what we had. "
"i miss you, you know that right?" you sniffle, and xiao wishes he never made you cry. "i miss you, but i can hate you so much sometimes." not i missed, because you don't think you ever stopped.
xiao whispers as fatigue creeps up on him. "i missed you more than i thought i would."
it's quiet as dawn stretches across the horizon, light purples an pinks brightening the otherwise grey sky. it's quiet and there's nothing left to say.
the birds croak outside his house and xiao' scared he's loved you just a little too late, but even if he isn't the one for you, if all of this is temporary, then he thinks that he'll be okay with the memories you share.
even if he won't be the one for you, no matter how much he really wanted to, he'll learn to be okay, because loving you was more than anything he thought he was capable of.
i love you's are whispered till you fall asleep, and xiao has hope that you'll both be fine.
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© scaramew — do not repost, translate, copy, etc.
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autisticzukka · 3 years
what is this hakoda zuko arranged marriage you speak of? i am intrigued
okay so the long story short is that it’s a slight rebuttal of a popular post that is very fun but i find like... unrealistic in a really intriguing way like, how would this ACTUALLY play out. I’ve talked about it at length in my server a few times, and it’s one of those AU’s -- like the genderbend zukka ATLA rewrite or the zukki fic that starts with sokka failing to assassinate zuko -- that lives rent free in my head and I’ve written a couple thousand words for.
tw for like VERY unrequited zuko in love with hakoda and the inherent comedy of sokka being in love with his fire nation stepmom.
so here’s hakoda, chief of the southern water tribe, happily not-married to Bato. and here is a more balanced war, where the north and the south are actually  allies, rather than whatever the fuck they were in ATLA. Yue already has a fiance and the Northern chief refuses to remarry. that leaves hakoda responsible for biting the bullet and doing a political marriage even though, as he points out at length, he is an elected official and if he stops being elected it’s no longer a marriage with the chief of the south pole. intelligently but mostly selfishly motivated (yue’s fiance is his nephew, after all) pakku points out that its not like the fire nation knows... that. the fire nation is dumb. ozai’s stupid.
faced with such inarguable points hakoda stiffens his upper lip, pre-emptively ends things with bato on the understanding that if this is another kya situation they’ll get back together and that he’s still the most important person to him but the tribe comes first yada yada, and deals with katara throwing the mother of all tantrums. it is slightly softened by the fact that in return for him marrying the fire nation noble, a thing everyone can agree isn’t traditional, the north has finally agreed to train katara. she heads out before the wedding, in protest but also so as to not cause an international incident.
(on her way, she’ll find aang. with the war less dire, katara will be sympathetic towards his desire to live without committing violence, even if she deeply can’t relate. they’ll have a hot girl romcom summer of self discovery and coming to terms with the dichotomy between duty and love as they become master benders. at some point they pick up toph. they ARE a throuple.)
sokka meanwhile is like.. not cool with it.. but ? kind of relieved? like. he’s the eldest kid. he’s 18, and he’s been a man of the tribe as far as legalities for several years. it would have been entirely understandable if his dad had asked HIM to do it. he had his emotionally crushing romance with yue, and as much as he was like ‘im kind of a prince’, he finds he doesn’t actually want some of the responsibilities and demands that would bring. yue’s life sucks.
back in the fire nation, zuko never demanded a quest and never went on it. he’s spent years hardening into something that, while brittle, can survive the pressures of the court around him. he still has his scar. he still wants his father to love him, but he knows by now that it’s not something he’s capable of earning. he watches his sister, never the most stable person, start to have complete breakdowns of sanity once she hits puberty, and helps her cover for it and receive medical treatment on the down low. he’s the heir, but he lives knowing that if he was ever in a position to inherit his choices are to abdicate or have the baby sister who he raised kill him and destroy herself and the country in the process.
when he realizes the plan is to marry azula off rather than someone more reasonable-- mai is RIGHT there, for fucks sake-- he doesn’t realize ozai’s true intent is to fuck this up through malicious compliance and false shows of good faith. he panics, and does the zuko thing: he blurts out that this is unacceptable and immoral and she’s only 16 and Ozai sees the true opportunity for two birds with one stone. send zuko, let him piss someone off so badly he gets killed or divorced, and he gets rid of zuko from the line of succession permanently. there are those who are incredibly attached to teh idea of a firstborn for firelord, and it’s been a constant thorn in unpopular ozai’s side to nto be able to name azula his heir apparent without costly rebellion. but if he can taint him in the mind of the fire nation so much that birthright is easy to supercede-- yeah. this’ll work PERFECTLY.
so zuko is sent to marry hakoda, chief of the water tribe.
literally NO ONE was expecting it to be a member of Ozai’s immediate family. besides the fact that his oldest child is half hakoda’s age and his brother has 20 years on hakoda, it would have been sus as fuck - the treaty is not favorable enough to grant that kind of secession of interests. it becomes quickly apparent that this young man -- hakoda reminds himself of that repeatedly. not kid. not kid. young man. don’t think of him like a kid, it’s hard enough on both of us already. -- is not a horrible threat. he’s scared shitless and shakes with what he thinks is bravado. he’s desperate to make the marriage work. he’s desperate to not go home. he’s got a giant fucking scar on his face from where the fire lord punished him for some grievous but unstated offense.
zuko “daddy issues” fire nation sees his husband to be and, despite being scared shitless, immediately begins to soften a little. like... he’s not nearly as scary as he thought he’d be. his face can be stern, but it just as easily breaks into huge smiles, and his eyes are crinkled with laughter. he’s incredibly handsome. and his biceps are. his biceps. are. his hands are...
like. zuko thinks. okay. maybe. maybe his marriage duties. won’t be so horrible as he thought. maybe he’s ready for this. and he knows what to expect, Uncle had discreetly provided him the means and the contacts to acquire an intimate education in the whirlwind of activity that was the two months before leaving. and like, once he’d gotten past the nerves, it was often even... good? or at least... not bad? he thinks that even if hakoda isn’t a professional expert, he has a certain.... je ne sais quoi, if you will.
sokka sees his new stepfather and immediately falls in love because he’s that kind of dumb bitch. (the core of this au is that i cant breathe thinking about sokka falling in love with his hot young stepmom his age who his dad doesnt even want to fuck. like. i CANT. sokka masturbates to ‘hand caught in the washing tub’ fantasies which are even more absurd for requiring zuko to be DOING LAUNDRY. i find it so funny.)
bato watches them at the wedding feast while hakoda is very clearly trying to treat zuko as an Equal Adult Partner and mostly managing to seem like someone having a serious conversation with a seven year old about the game they’ve made up. zuko is clearly enamored with it, soaking up the attention, blushing and doing his best to Bravely Flirt, which at one point includes awkwardly attempting to feed Hakoda by hand. bato has to excuse himself to have a teary eyed giggle, hoping that Kya is in the spirit world looking down and laughing with him. he can’t resent the kid even a little bit, when hakoda is sitting there looking so incredibly fucking befuddled as to what he’s supposed to do with this star struck infant he’s legally wed to
anyways all of this... is very funny. their wedding night... is less so. zuko does not take the rejection from hakoda very well, especially because he’d been caught wanting. HE’S the one who should be rejecting hakoda. and he catastrophizes almost immediately about his potential value to the water tribe, his future treatment, that endless inescapable freezing cold loneliness is the good ending for him here... hakoda, meanwhile, drops zuko off at his home, reassuringly informs him that there’s NOTHING else expected of him and he will be well taken care of, and books it to bato’s. bato refuses to let him in on grounds of ‘you can’t sleep under the same shelter as me on your wedding night to that kid, have a fucking brain’, and he ends up crashing at sokka’s.
sokka, who had KNOWN that his dad wouldnt, but also upon seeing zuko and zuko’s awkward flirting was like... but how COULDNT he???? sokka is relieved.
the core of this fic is that i find it endlessly hilarious for zuko to try and seduce his husband while sokka simps around zuko and bato tries to be heartbroken or betrayed but mostly ends up with a giant case of hysterical schadenfreude. but the thing that CLINCHED it for me, like THE scene. several years after being married, settled into their life. they’re partners and they see each other as people. and zuko just fucking snaps one night
he just kisses him, desperate and clawing and climbing and maybe a little drunk. he knows hakoda is going to push him away, maybe even hit him, but he doesn’t care anymore, he doesn’t care. he can do anything he wants to him as long as he just-- finally does something. zuko is 21 and married to the surface of the sun and the surface of the sun jr is his best friend and clearly in love with him-- so clearly not even zuko can miss it-- and like. listen. listen. zuko is not a patient person. but he’s been patient for this. he waited and he matured and he is a fucking amazing husband and he wants this, he wants him. he wants to be wanted.
but hakoda doesn’t push him away. hakoda doesnt yell at him, or hit him. hakoda gentles the kiss into something soft and closed lipped. he pulls away slowly, and his eyes are so sad for zuko, so pitying. he strokes his cheek with the back of his hand so gently. he says, I’m sorry. I don’t want you.
and zuko daddy issues fire nation swallows
and he nods
and he leaves, even though its his own fucking house
and he knows he’s never going to be good enough
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foulserpent · 4 years
adore ur remake of oblivion so i have to ask. how would u remake skyrim.
thats something i havent thought out as extensively so it wont be as good as my oblivion rewrite idea. ill just focus on main questlines rather than all the issues with the world itself
heres a summary bc in spite of what i just said, this is long as fuck:
get rid of or completely rebuild the civil war plot (use new vegas formula a bit here).
create real choices and real consequences for the dragonborn and how their rise to power will influence them.
throw in a little ambiguity and make them have to work for their hero status
rewrite miraak to be a more effective foil to the dragonborn
adjust alduin
adjust the blades
civil war:
i think the biggest thing that needs to just happen IMMEDIaTELY is either just. removing the civil war or rebuilding it from the ground up. if they want to keep the factions the same, literally they should go with a new vegas approach where the conflict is largely between imperialists and fascists, playing the fascist questline is treated as a pretty unquestionably evil option, and theres a separate independent ending. also either way i think the stormcloaks have to be rewritten to be less appealing to white nationalists lol. its okay for Bad People to exist in videogames, but it should not be something irl racists can unite behind.
so if youre going to keep it, add in an independent resolution, maybe even two (a more "no gods no masters" kind, and maybe one where the dragonborn seizes control, which would have to involve the main quest probably)
main quest:
i think the dragonborn should struggle more. it doesnt hve to be like the nerevarine but their “chosen one” status should not just be handed to them. let there be more ambiguity in the prophecy, more question about how predetermined fate is. if theyre really super special, let them earn it.
a major theme should be grappling with power, and questions of the dragonborn's own nature. you should have to make real decisions about the kind of person you want to be and whether you will embrace a powerhungry nature or deny it, and your absorption of souls should have an effect. maybe you dont Need souls to unlock shouts, but it makes the function easier and more powerful or smth. the more souls you absorb, your character should be changed. not enough to ruin the game, but NPCs will be a little scared of you. maybe you even look a little different. you are a mortal body with dozens of godshards inside you and youre extremely powerful, it should be like that.
it would have to be done carefully to not come off as some shitty slapped on moral of "wow youre such a bad person for involuntarily absorbing the souls of dragons who try to kill you", id envision it as like. if your character makes actual powerhungry choices in the plot, its monstrous, if they strive to be a good person but are warped by all the souls, its tragic, and you can find ways to abstain from it entirely. alternate routes to fighting dragons. challenging them to duels etc
on that note, dragons need to be more people and less just monsters. each one of them is a person, and that should be very apparent. you should be able to engage with them in ways other than just killing outside of a few plot relevant ones, and even ones who just fight you should at least like. talk to you.
also alduin needs work, at least have his motivations be more clear. like why exactly is he so determined to enslave mortals rather than fufilling his duties as world eater? also its written really fucking confusingly bc on one hand its like "alduin has abandoned his duties and is just running around being a dragon" but then at a few points its implied that he IS trying to end the kalpa as hes supposed to, which is like...which one is it. im pretty sure its supposed to be the former so lets just pick a narrative and stick with it.
so like honestly i think the basic structure of the main quest can stay, it just needs to Know what its doing rather than just kind of flailing around
dragonborn dlc:
i think it needs work, mostly in the miraak department, since they set him up as like a big intimidating villain but hes kind of nothing . stop trying to make him live up to dagoth ur, and instead really hone in on him being a foil to the dragonborn. he is an example of what the dragonborn could become. from that point, either: make him actually really intimidating, or make the playing field feel very level to play up how this is hermaeus mora ultimately pitting prospective tools against each other.
i would go for the latter approach, though miraak should still have to be a convincing villain. set up miraak as the big bad, but make it become increasingly clear that hes just another chucklefuck ensared in mora's tentacles. which i think they were TRYING to do but werent very successful. like i like that YOU dont get to kill him, mora just decides hes not needed anymore and does it himself. really shows that this is all just kind of a farce. i even like the idea that maybe miraak is like, kind of a hollowed out meatpuppet for mora at that point but idk. 
either way id want the dlc to actually challenge how superspecial and stuff dragonborn are, by making the Legendary Duel Of The First and Last Dragonborn be very clearly be like the equivalent of bugs in a jar being made to fight.
The Blades:
the blades need work, but i actually think their depiction is.. accidentally? good. i think their insistence on killing paarthurnax is good and makes sense, but it needs to be reworked and yeah you do need to be able to talk them out of it or handle it otherwise (even by killing them) bc its such a meaningless quest.
make their motivation more clear like delphine and esbern dont want him dead for just his 10000000 year old war crimes, its really about them being incredibly fucking paranoid individuals and needing the ultimate proof that they can trust you. so beef up the whole blades - you - paarthurnax dynamic. give them all more meaningful and complex interactions. this doesnt mean Make Paarthurnax Bad, but maybe give like more of a legitimate reason for the blades to want him killed (legitimate does not mean Good, like it could be they percieve him as a threat to the empire)
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luque-moreau · 4 years
y'know i think its about time ive refurbished my psychonauts headcanons/theories
what??? me??? rewriting my psychonauts headcanons in a more comprehensible and informed way???
alright, i think everyone knows what im talking about, by headcanons i mean headcanon as in singular, and as singular, i mean my "raz is somewhere on the spectrum of adhd".
so lets just get into it:
what is adhd actually?
adhd by definition stands for attention deficit hyperactive/hyperfocus disorder (yes, let me get into the details in just a sec). it is a nerodevelopmental disorder that is almost completely reliant on genetic factors, however conditions during pregnancy can sometimes contribute to certain aspects of how adhd manifests itself.
long story short, people with adhd have a smaller frontal lobe, and therefore less dopamine in general (even though yes, it is more complicated than that).
theres also a little bit of "chicken or the egg first" goin on here, certain behaviors or personality tendencies can also affect how adhd is presented in one individual to the next, however its still not clear if that is because it is an accommodating for a certain thought process or if someones experiences and personality shape their symptoms of adhd entirely. its a very blurry line, and the answer is different for everybody.
hyperactive type
hyperactive type is probably the closest to most stereotypical depictions of adhd, think the 5 year old whos parents brush off their child’s hyperactivity as something that will “go with age”. however, this isn’t only present in children, adults with adhd have to deal with a constant need for stimuli to make up for the lack of dopamine their current activity is providing them. this results in someone fidgeting frequently in repetitive or predictable motions, unable to hold attention to a specific task for long periods of time, or many other of the symptoms associated with adhd.(i sadly cannot provide more information in this area, i am not knowledgeable enough to...)
hyperfocus type
hyperfocus type is a tricky one, it can look like the complete opposite of adhd in theory. hyperfocus can look similar to special interests or hyperfixation, a great deal of time and knowledge dedicated to a very particular thing (although it is important to note that even though hyperfixations and special interests are incredibly similar, special interests is a term more typically used within autistic-circles, and isnt really the best word to use if you happen to be neurotypical). Think of maybe that kid who knows all the cool animal facts and won’t shut up about them. Its because certain trains of thought or activities might release more dopamine then others, so to get more of that dopamine, someone of hyperfocus type will be mentally unable to stop thinking or doing a very specific task or topic. this results in someone seemingly always spacing out, unable to change subjects or changing subjects too fast or with little to no correlation, or being completely unable to have enough motivation to do simple things.
personally i tend to fall under the category of hyperfocus myself rather than hyperactive, however the two are not mutually exclusive, its more common to find people with both types rather than just one. even myself, i might exhibit more tendencies to place me under the label of hyperfocus, but that doesn’t mean i don’t have any symptoms of the hyperactive type. its my personality that affects my mannerisms, which then makes certain aspects of my symptoms more or less apparent. Thats because im an INTP-T, i just tend to be more to myself and constantly in a state of thinking abstractly. I have trouble communicating and even sometimes recognizing my needs, and get to a point where im unable to do the simplest of things without feeling emotionally drained. Thats just my experience though, everybodys different. 
so what the fuck does this have to do with raz then?
well lets think about it, rather than have it just be me projecting myself onto a comfort character:
raz finds issue with connecting to kids his age
lets be honest. none of the campers really like raz that much. or at least some do the bare minimum to be try and be polite. it doesn’t seem like any of the other campers besides dogen, whos also socially outcasted, are really fond of raz. lili might like him, but that can definitely be interpreted as curiosity in someone new and different from the norm. It might not be that the kids despise him, but nobodys opinionated enough to care whether he is around or not.
social isolation is one of the most damning things i had to experience from an early age and still feel even today. there is a sense of feeling that you are different among your peers, whether that is a good thing or bad thing. it feels difficult to interact with other people you are not familiar with, and can really stunt you emotionally and socially. from a really early age, theres somethin in you that knows something is very different between the experiences of your peers compared to your own, and it can feel incredibly isolating.
raz and his borderline stupidity
time to get real again. raz is a fucking idiot. at least in the sense that sometimes his decisions seem incredibly spontaneous and not really thought through. he runs from home to attend a summer camp, not really thinking about the logistics of how he will get there, how the staff will react, how long its gonna take for his parent to find him, and so on. it doesn’t seem like he over or underestimates his abilities, he just goes for it without considering. that doesnt seem like the smartest thing to do, even though we know hes incredibly intelligent when it comes to larger, abstract situations. its the little details that he misses, small minuet things that seem unimportant that he overlooks, which can sometimes make things harder for him in the end.
i think its obvious that impulsivity is one symptom of adhd. however i cannot stress how difficult it is to think at supersonic speed and still feel incredibly stupid. i mean, thinking faster doesn’t inherently mean you will have better ideas, you can always be stupider faster, but being able to realize stupid mistakes or inconsistencies in your own thought process is annoying as hell. it feels like every time you try to recognize the issue, fix it, and move forward, you only end up not paying attention to another issue that gets bigger and more annoying than the first. Its always two steps forward, one step back, constantly making the same mistakes even though you try everything in your power to avoid them or grow as a person. The simplest of facts, ideas, or just things to remember end up being forgotten, and once youre reminded of them you remember them and feel like an idiot. however, arbitrary things and complex issues are much easier to digest and remember for me, things like history and the whole blame game charade of it all, biology and how every minuet thing has a greater impact on others and intertwines with every single factor of its environment, philosophy and theorizing why we think the way we do and what can be changed. but oh shit, im a dumbass i forgot to do my laundry. shit. god fuckin dammit.
empathy over sympathy
one of the basic themes of psychonauts is empathy. simple as that. raz goes around into other peoples brains, and tries to help them as much as he can, even if his efforts are not always successful in the way he intended. he never demonizes anyone to the point of unredeemability, and can empathize and understand other peoples perspectives. hes open to new ideas and
although some studies out there theorize that empathy is impaired due to adhd, from my perspective i feel like that is simply not true. if anything, i would say the sensitivity that comes with adhd (hypersensitivity) only enhances that empathy. i could definitely see social disconnection being one of the reasons it might appear that someone with adhd is less empathetic, however i would doubt that adhd would impair a persons empathy. adhd tends to also entail heightened emotions, this doesn’t necessarily mean a more outwardly emotional person, however it definitely shifts a persons perspective of their own emotions as well as others. the concept of hypersensitivity also completely contradicts the idea of people with adhd be less empathetic.
miscommunication and disconnect
sigh, the dad thing. yup. raz has that very iffy relationship with his dad at the beginning of the game which is eventually resolved. very abruptly, might i add. but thats not what this is about, thats a topic for another day. miscommunication seemed to be the root of the issue, however we only get razs side of the story. not to mention the severity of his claims and willingness to seemingly drop everything afterwards. kinda sus, ngl.
alright this ones a doosey. this, i feel, cements my theory pretty well. like i mentioned before, social disconnect and hypersensitivity are side effects of the symptoms of adhd.  this means people with adhd are highly more likely to either misinterpret someones words or actions if those in question are not completely transparent, its because they tend to overthink and interpenetrate responses with too much thinkin n such. the social disconnect makes a whole lot of it worse, it can just pile on top of already established feelings of inadequacy and isolation. and oversharing as a poor coping mechanism isnt an exclusively adhd related thing, it tends to be shared within similar neruodevelopmental disorders such as autism or even ptsd. i find it incredibly easy to disconnect myself from my own emotions at times and think critically at what i feel and how it affects me. which is a bad thing. if i dont acknowledge my emotions like they are my own for too long, everything falls apart. its not fun. but, that disconnect can make talking about certain more traumatic experiences or instances that had deep personal effects on my life and development as a person much easier to just share. and not always in an appropriate manner, comedic opportunity can be   v  e  r  y   enticing. this also explains why raz might have been able to drop everything about his dad after he apologized. he didn’t really, he probably still suffers just as much afterwards as he did before. but he probably wont realize that for awhile, since logically, the issue has been resolved. long story short, he has not had the time to cope, and to put that off he detaches himself from those feelings. w a c k
of course i have other reasons why i feel like raz could potentially have adhd, or at least be accurately represented in headcanon with adhd, some minor mentions being:
he uses his camp map as a journal to track his in-game progress, list of goals, and notes/snip-its of information. writing down information on some form of notepad or book is a common tool used by kids and even adults with adhd to help them keep track of minuet, individual tasks. its just using a planner, but with a bit more information. 
just from my personal perspective, the lengths raz goes to pursue his dream of being a psychonaut feel more like a special interest/hyper fixation sort of thing. he can jump between having genuine conversations with his fellow campers and just exploring the campground, to investing himself entirely in obtaining his goal, even when it seems almost impossible. thats some serious dedication to one very specific thing, y’know?
this one isnt as solid as the other but: m̶̖̰̯̫̍͝o̵̦͖̟͈̹̤̥̝͐̿̄̀̀̎̓ņ̶̛̭̠̐̊̆̍͝ķ̸̝͈̺̙̰̊e̶͉͚̼̅̔͗̂͐̍̕͝͝y̶̦̖̼͖̪͎̝̖̠̐̑͋̾̔̑́͐͘ ̵̢̲̘͎͉̔̀͒̄͌͊̀͌̀m̴̲̫̮̪̖̍̐͆̕͜͝ͅả̶͙͚͗n̶̗̳̩̙̘̼̦̦͇͝ ̷̡̨̡͔̗͕̘͍̥̑͒̎̐̃g̴͔̔̈̅̐̏́̌̔̈́́o̶̥̱̽̆̂͌̀͗ ̶̝̩͙͕͛́s̴̛͓̥̲̜͓͚̣̠̆̓̌͌p̶̜̹̯̦̫̯̣̎͐̽̉̾ḙ̴͇̬͑̈́̐̈́͘͠ͅȅ̶̡̗̞̩͔̫̪͈͑̓͗d̵̠͇͎̜͔͇͒̈́́̀̅̈́̒͘y̸̡̦̠̻̖̥̿ͅ. yeah, its the most generalizing reason but look, hes moving nonstop the entire game, climbing and running around the entire goddamn place wrecking havoc. a bit of imp can be found in most people with adhd if you look hard enough.
so thanks for reading this far i guess? im oversharing even right now with this, like an i d i o t but yknow what i dont want to read the great gatsby rn, so ive got nothin better to do. who knows, maybe the second game will give us more info to either support/discredit this theory? gotta wait for pn2 i guess
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brucesterling · 4 years
Winter is coming (for creatorfolk)
*He’s a science fiction writer from India, and yet I’ve seen lists a lot worse than this.
So here is an advisory checklist
Samit Basu
Oct 5
Some basic guidelines for creators for the upcoming local economic collapse/global churn but also in general because why not
Money flows to you, not from you.
But pay every collaborator you’re supposed to, full amounts, on time or before.
Get an agent.
Diverse sources of market information.
One experienced ally > 10 internet how-to articles
Community, not competition.
Do not price-undercut, it damages everyone.
Every time you work for free you harm yourself and others.
Exposure = selfie
Give good advice, take good advice.
Learn the rules before breaking them, then break them at will.
Read (/see) more all the time.
There is no Best Way to do anything. There is the best way for you, which you figure out over time.
Do not compare yourself with other creators, you don’t know all their privileges/struggles
Any ‘X is popular, create X’ trend-chasing advice is two years too late.
Always revise, rework, rewrite.
Not repeating huge mistakes is best.
If an artist’s lifestyle is what you want, focus on that. You can skip the creating entirely.
Anyone who says X aspect of storytelling is unimportant is probably bad at X aspect of storytelling. They’re all important
No form of creating is better than any other, though one might be best for you.
Cliques/crab-in-bucket-collectives are a great route to midlists (though communities/collaborative groups can revolutionise fields)
Social media is not helping you.
Give creation the time it needs. And the space. And breaks when you need them, and you need them.
Popularity/influence contests are not a measure of value
Most ‘Show Don’t Tell’-esque better-writing Wisdoms are stupid.
You have to keep at it until you get it right.
A rubbish draft is infinitely better than a perfect unwritten thing.
Backup. To the cloud, to a hard drive, to your face.
Try not to break a book/film down into its constituent atoms for Structural Learning the very first time you read/see it
Most success is privilege, luck, and bloody-minded stubbornness enabled by privilege and luck.
It’s supposed to be fun if you have no fun for years please stop
Learn to tell useful feedback (this specific thing is not working, this other thing/aspect/character is wonderful) from useless (what if this were set on Mars, all good literature is set underwater, it’s not Kafkaesque enough)
Don’t take masterclasses from people who have never done the thing they are teaching successfully.
Don’t chase agents/producers/publishers who are the biggest names in the field unless they are also the right a/p/p for you.
Bathe in a sea of rejections. They mean nothing. Learn to translate them into what they actually mean. You only need one yes.
The perfect sentence doesn’t exist.
No one creates a perfect fully-formed masterpiece on their first try.
Your voice will develop over time and hopefully not get stuck
Very very few people get to do what they love for a living so please feel grateful if you can.
Try not to be an asshole? There are several people who get away with it, but still try?
Expect major delays in contracts and payments (even with an agent)
Try and build a circle of trust, whisper networks, information exchanges - all imperfect, but tend to correct over time.
Make financial plans that do not depend on lottery wins from creative-project sales. Learn how to manage your money.
Try and avoid shady collaborators/work unless absolutely desperate. Not being anxious all the time is worth a lot of money.
Have friends outside your field who have no interest in your work (though are still nice enough to like your promos)
You are neither as terrible nor as incredible as you think you are.
The more empathy you have, the better your creative work will be.
Don’t punch down. Don’t dumb down. (Yes, both can be rewarding, but please dont.)
Especially in the 2020s, all art is political, and you can’t please everyone.
Finish shit
Explore new platforms, especially indie ones, whenever you can. Your terms of engagement with monopolies/oligopolies will get worse over time.
Find the line at which you can promote your work without being an utter nuisance to yourself and others, hopefully, and don’t stop until you reach that line. No one else is going to do it for you.
Fiction requires logic and structural integrity even when reality doesnt.
Figure out the end as soon as you can because you Have to stick the landing.
Diversify income streams, opportunities, media. Whole fields and industries change abruptly.
Be nice to people who read/see your work. Unless they’re not nice to you.
Don’t review reviews. Don’t fight reviews.
No one owes you anything and everyone has their own hellscape to deal with at any point of time.
Nothing is more important than the wellbeing of the people you love.
Animals are nice. If you have no access to real animals, animal GIFs are great too. Except pigeons, wasps and flying cockroaches, to hell with those.
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Important Asks/Interesting Theories
Beware, this post is filled with spoilers for Zemblanity! Read after you’ve finished the main series, as it’s constructed so that everything makes sense in the end. But if you’re still curious or confused, here’s the guide you need!
Be sure to look at the date of when any of the asks were posted before you send me a new one saying ‘but this isn’t possible because [insert reasoning here]’ especially for the theories. I tried to put a ‘Prior to’ section for all of them but yeahhhhh just check the dates.
So these were originally individual asks on my blog but I got rather lazy to reblog and tag everything (and I’m kind of afraid of hitting the post limit again), so I’ll just type them out here.
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Table of Contents so You Don’t Have to Keep Scrolling:
Asks About Zemblanity in Case You Are Confused
Confused about the timelines?
So if TL8 Ten and TL9 Ten merged that means they have the same memories and behaviors? That’s why he remembered to save (Y/N)?
Does jumping from timeline to timeline affect Sector V? For all timelines is there only one Sector V?
So why are (Y/N)’s dreams a thing?
Can you explain the whole TL8 Ten getting sent back to TL9 and everything that resulted?
So why does Kunhang want to drown the system?
So is Yangyang actually in love with (Y/N) or is it just infatuation?
[Not an Ask] Regarding the Dream Sequences in Zemblanity
Interesting Theories About Zemblanity
{Prior to TWN4} Mark Lee is the True Culprit (Personal Favorite of Mine)
{Prior to TIR0} Maybe Yangyang is the best friend in Ch. 4’s dreams…
{Prior to TIR1} Maybe Xiaojun is the best friend in Ch. 4’s dreams…
{Prior to TIR2} Maybe (Y/N) and Ten coming up to the moon in 2004 was a lie?
{Prior to TIR4} Maybe (Y/N)’s dreams aren’t hers and she’s living through someone else’s memories?
{Prior to TIR4} Hendery might have gotten into an accident that involved severe burns…
{Prior to TIR5} Xuxi’s definitely the man in Chapter 2’s dream sequences
{Prior to Chapter 5} Xiaojun knows everything
{Prior to Chapter 5} Xiaojun is the man in the Newton’s Cradle dream
{Prior to TWN5} Hendery definitely has D.I.D.
{Prior to Chapter 6} The Dream Guy in Chapter 5 is Hendery
{Prior to Chapter 6} The Multiple Timeline Theory (Note that many people contributed to these so they may not be consistent)
{Prior to Chapter 7 and TWN6} The Matrix Theory
{Prior to Chapter 7’s Release} Maybe Xiaojun’s the Inmate in TIR6
{Prior to Chapter 8’s Release} The inmate from 2022 (mentioned in TIR6 and TIR8) is Ten
Special Questions
So, what happened to the 2004 Flight Records?
Who was the eighth inmate who killed himself?
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Asks About Zemblanity in case you are confused
Confused about the timelines?
Q: Hi, i hope you get this question because it's the first time I'm asking something on Tumblr (I've been here for like a month or so 😅). And I hope I don't annoy with this question or maybe someone asked this already but what about the TL6? Chapter 8 honestly got me so confused that I locked up who belongs to which Timeline and I think we got like 9? TL1-5 is Kun, Xuxi, Xiaojun, Sicheng, Hendery. TL7 is Yangyang and TL8&9 is Ten because they got merged??
A: Hi there!! Welcome to tumblr! I’m honored to be your first ask, love ❤️ Also, fear not, asks never annoy me, I’m actually quite fond of them, because if one person is a bit confused, chances are others are too. Plus, I love to hear from my readers! No one has asked yet, so I don’t mind answering your question! To break it down, the timelines are as follows:
TL1 - Kun TL2 - Xuxi TL3 - Xiaojun TL4 - Sicheng TL5 - Guanheng (Hendery/Kunhang) TL6 - Ten (inmate Ten from TL8) TL7 - Yangyang TL8 - The events prior to Zemblanity, Sector V is established, all 7 members of WayV are inmates. Ten has memories from both TL6 and TL8 TL9 - Main Zemblanity timeline. TL8 Ten is sent back in time within the Warden’s lifespan and merges with TL9 Ten as a result, he loses his memories and starts life again from the age 8 and retains memories from TL9 Ten up to that point.
So technically Ten has been through three timelines (6, 8, 9) Good for him.
So if TL8 Ten and TL9 Ten merged that means they have the same memories and behaviors? That’s why he remembered to save (Y/N)?
Q: question questiooon hehe did tl8 ten and tl9 ten merged?? Like their memories and behavior?? Thats why he remembered to save (y/n) and yet has a different behavior?
A: Yeah basically.
When the Warden sent Ten back during his (the Warden’s) lifetime, Ten ended up replacing TL9’s Ten, or merging, as you called it. Luckily due to Ten’s lack of memories of TL8 it wasn’t a horrible merge, and it allowed him to grow up completely differently than he did in TL8. I’d say that he just wanted to save (Y/N) cuz bestie things, but maybe there was a hidden subconscious feeling of “I must protect this girl with my life”
I could be wrong, but I think I once mentioned how (Y/N) felt that Ten was rather overprotective of her.
Does jumping from timeline to timeline affect Sector V? For all timelines is there only one Sector V?
Q: another question hehe so jumping from timeline to timeline and changing things doesnt affect sector v?? Like for all timelines there is only 1 sector v?? As in it merges all timelines??
A: [I kind of worded this one weirdly in the original post, so let me rewrite it a little] 
How I wrote it in my outline, verbatim, is “Due to Sector V being a locating where neither time nor reality follow their set laws, it remains independent of the other timelines, this allows people of other timelines to be able to walk amongst each other without dire consequence. Although it may sometimes pick up on rifts within the timelines closest to it.”
Amendment: So basically it is entirely possible for another to exist, as long as their timelines aren’t right next to each other (as in there aren’t too many major events, or even small choices that overlap or are similar within both timelines).
Amendment: But when someone, in this case Ten, who is closely linked to the Sector is purposely messing with people who are associated with it (since he was jumping into timelines the inmates were in), this causes the rifts in the Sector.
So why are (Y/N)’s dreams a thing?
Q: OH. so the dreams y/n got while inside the sector were caused by ten jumping thru the timelines??? i guess that would explain why the very last ones she had were of ten in that dark ass room..... but now i cant stop thinking abt how yangyang keeps trying to kill xiaojun because he probably did kill his timeline's xiaojun and now i wanna know yy's story
A: I originally answered this one prior to the story being finished, so allow me to amend this one too.
Yup yup! Our boy royally FUCKED up the timelines.
Amendment: I based this off of the old saying that Dreams are windows to other versions of ourselves, past, present, future, other dimensions, etc. Basically, Ten was trying to merge the timelines enough to get into one of these dreams to communicate with (Y/N), but by the time he succeeded he ended up ripping the fabric of time enough so that (Y/N) was able to talk to the other inmates long before she even got trapped in the Sector.
Also, since this ask spoke about the dreams, the dreams are direct reflections of that inmate’s state of mind. Do with that what you will.
Can you explain the whole TL8 Ten getting sent back to TL9 and everything that resulted?
Q: my brain hurts 🤠 so serial killer ten was sent back in time (and to another timeline?) and had his memories erased... and then he jumped thru timelines to get back to a time before y/n died.... so he can help y/n get out..... 🤠 i'll just go listen to domino on repeat call me when yall are done killing poor y/n HSNSJSJ
A: Time is such a kunfusing kuncept (😀) but that’s pretty much it yeah. If you want the full thing…
So Ten was sent back in time, however in order to keep some events of the timeline (in this case the Sector, the Station, etc.) the Warden sent him back to a time during his lifetime and due to some timey wimey bull shit this not only caused Ten to lose his memories but also caused him to become significantly younger. Hence why he and (Y/N) have memories of them being younger, because they actually did grow up together. 
Later in the story, Ten did travel to six different timelines, all in order to establish that side effect connection that results from fucking with the timelines to get in contact with (Y/N), all of which were both unsuccessful and resulted in (Y/N) being linked to the inmates instead (hence the dreams). The original plan was for him to establish a stable connection with (Y/N) since the server in the Sector is blocked and nearly impossible to get into from the outside and tell her how to get out from there, but we all saw how that ended up 🙃
So why does Kunhang want to drown the system?
Q: “So it’s safe to say that it is this alter who I see trying to drown the body.” IM SCREAMING- WHO IS TRYING TO DO W H A T?! OOOH. WOW. I-
A: The definition of a persecutor, to put it in simple terms, is a “misguided protector.” They typically hold the more traumatic memories of the body that the other alters or the host don’t. Often times the persecutors see it as it’s them against the system (in this case Kunhang against the other alters), and they see things as “oh, the abuser can’t do this to me if I do it myself” then it gets worse from there. Often times they punish the body (and by extension the other alters) by making them relive the trauma. (Note that it’s very rare for Persecutors to take their anger out on other people, it happens, but it’s rare, often times the rage is turned against the system)
So knowing that it’s Kunhang who forces the body to drown…. do with that what you may.
Amendment: In greater context of the story it’s explained in his ending that he was kidnapped and held for ransom by the rivaling kingdom and upon his return it was discovered that he developed DID while in captivity.
Of course through therapy they can be taught that what they’re doing is wrong, which is what we see through Kunhang present day. But yeahhhhhhh
Poor Guanheng :(
So is Yangyang actually in love with (Y/N) or is it just infatuation?
Q: So is Yangyang actually in love with her or is it just infatuation? Ik you said you've changed it a lot but still,,, also the way the only named connections towards Yangyang are "avoid at all costs", "weirded out", and "doesn't want to die" is both scary and amusing
A: When I first drafted Zemblanity (yes there is a first draft that you guys will likely never see) it was pure, unabashed infatuation. In the first draft I actually planned for each inmate to have a certain type of complex (god complex, father complex, etc.) but I figured the topic was both too information loaded and delicate to write about accurately in a fanfiction (I’m already juggling enough with the mental disorders, I’m planning to minor in psychology so I’ve taken a few of the classes before, so I luckily have notes from there I can turn to, all I need is some brushing up) Yangyang’s complex involved him seeking the need for stability, so at the time it was indeed just pure infatuation with no feelings of actual love.
Now it’s a bit different, I can’t give you the full answer for obvious reasons, but I will say he does feel genuine love for (Y/N), and so do the rest of the inmates, there are a few things attached to that genuine love though, but then again who doesn’t have some strings attached. The only thing that separates love from infatuation are those extra things hanging on to the feelings, after all.
Amendment: So now that the series is over, I can explain in full detail. Basically it’s some form of guilt that Yangyang felt, which is explained in his ending. And it was also the need to get closure for how she died, a mix of both. His mental state has already been in disarray, so when (Y/N) showed up at the Sector I think it’s safe to say it wholly broke. And it became something of “I knew she was still alive.”
Also yeah that’s what happens when you’re tipsy and story boarding at the same time, you come up with interesting character relationships lol 😂
[Not an Ask] Regarding the Dream Sequences in Zemblanity
One would do well to distinguish which dream sequences happen real time and which ones happened in the past. In this case I’ll spell it out easy peasy, each dream sequence that is happening real time is linked by one deciding factor: Ten. Often times he’s in the background and is described as trying to tell (Y/N) something important, but she can’t understand him.
Otherwise, the dream sequence happened in the past with exception of Kun’s dream sequences in Chapter 1, which happened real time.
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Interesting Theories About Zemblanity
{Prior to TWN4} Mark Lee is the True Culprit (Personal Favorite of Mine)
Theory: Okay so like I know we're all tossing out Zemblanity theories but like consider this: Who was the one who was in charge of all the years? Who else do we know has access to a computer? Who else is associated to (Y/N). That's right. Mark Lee.
That’s it. Anon figured it out. I gotta rewrite all of Zemblanity now
I’m joking of course but this is TOO FUCKING FUNNY I 😂😂 YOU GUYS ARE SO CREATUVE
Was it Correct? As expected, no.
{Prior to TIR0} Maybe Yangyang is the best friend in Ch. 4’s dreams…
T: Lmaoo my theory is that YangYang was the best friend and whoever he murdered was the boyfriend of y/n. Hes severely mentally unstable so thats possibly why he is projecting the image of that person onto Xiaojun and why he hates him so much. Thats why he knows so much about y/n and why he had her locket.... he was also quite abusive to y/n. Maybe she had her memories of him erased somehow but he feels she abandoned him personally and thats why he tied her up??? Hmmm. Just a theory though
R: But that’s just a theory! A Zemblanity theory! Thanks for reading!
God I hope at least some of y’all get the reference
I will say, you’re not too far off the mark, but you’re not 100% there either. 👀
WIC? Not completely. They did get Yangyang being the best friend correct and that he murdered (Y/N)’s toxic boyfriend (who just happened to be Xiaojun). But that’s about it, and I applaud you on getting that close!
{Prior to TIR1} Maybe Xiaojun is the best friend in Ch. 4’s dreams…
T: OKAY HEAR ME OUT: I think is the case as to why Xiaojun and Yang² hate each other (apart from the theories I left under chp 4). I really think that Xiaojun was actually her best friend and that he helped her out of her relationship with Yang²... and I think Yang² said "he hurt her" cause hes lowkey delusional? And psychotic so he thinks everyone's put to get him. As for Ten, he needed to be her best friend since Xiaojun is an inmate WHICH IS WHY THERES NO RECORDS OF THE DAY SHE CAME TO THE MOON
R: Interesting theory, but like the others, not too far off the mark, but not quite there. Also the lack of records of the day she went to the moon, there’s a reason, but that’s not quite the reason, ahhh that’s confusing but it’s the only way I can say it without revealing too much.
Hint: Look back at the Warden’s Notes, I usually drop spoilers in them on accident and I just forget to delete it
WIC? Ah, Vicky, Vicky, Vicky, you’re gonna give me a run for my money some day. You were SO close I got scared, haha. But, sadly, incorrect. Yangyang was the best friend and Xiaojun was the toxic boyfriend. As for the records part, I thought I left enough evidence for y’all to figure out, but I suppose not.
{Prior to TIR2} Maybe (Y/N) and Ten coming up to the moon in 2004 was a lie?
T: maybe y/n and ten being brought to the moon when they were very little was a lie and thats why the records for 2004 arent there 🤡 im just a simple dumbass i'll just wait until someone smarter puts together a sound theory HSNSKS ALSO ALSO ateez concepts are always so cool i 😔🥺 always my faves
R: Awww but you’re plenty smart, love 🥺 the fact that you can put together even the smallest theory is amazing!!!
But I acknowledge your theory and will put it up like the rest ❤️
WIC? Sadly, no. And I think I should just say it at this point and ruin the spoiler but hmm... I’ll put it at the end, how about that?
{Prior to TIR4} Maybe (Y/N)’s dreams aren’t hers and she’s living through someone else’s memories?
T: WAIT CRYS- WAIIIIT WAIIIIIT WAIIIIT.... okay okay okay are the dreams or memories that appear in the chapters uniquely Yn's? 👁👄👁 (please donr make me feel like a clown cause 😣✌🏾). This is me b4 you answer my last ask BUT what if the memories arent... hers.... what if most of the inmates had girlfriends and for those who committed murder, it was linked to the s/o..? Since Kun has OCD it would explain some questionable and almost controlling behaviour towards a lover and same applies to Yang². Just a thought. A far fetched thought that doesnt make sense (not to add but if Xuxi had a lover, kidnapping would apply to the s/o or another party 👀) ✌🏾... so uh again just a thought... the memories arent... lets say consistent(?). Lkke in one of them, shes a secretary, in the other shes a teacher... okay I'm really gonna go with the theory I had. What if the dreams arent hers? Let's remember she and Ten dont have recollecting of coming to the Moon... and in that one Wardens Note Ten was shocked about info he learned at the end... I'm lost lmao. The memories arent hers, in each chapter theres a memory that may(be) include a character which is why the person is never mentioned. Another thing is that in some of the memories, she explicitly says that she has no control over what shes saying or doing which means that they happened in the past and since she has no recollection of them happening, theres a strong chance that shes experiencing it for the first time... which means that she is experiencing the dream through the original person 🤡
R: I had such half assed responses to these so lets just not type those out--
WIC? No, but also a little. The concept is there, but not really. But you were on the right track with Kun and Yangyang. But this did come out before we established that multiple timelines are a thing in Zemblanity, so I liked where you were going with this one! Technically, the memories aren’t hers, but at the same time they are.
{Prior to TIR4} Hendery might have gotten into an accident that involved severe burns…
T: Actually, I think Hendery got in a severe accident that involved 1st degree burns... and I read somewhere that if you get burned that you should put the wound underwater for 20 mins or waiting for paramedics (I'm waiting til you debunk this hehe) sO then baby was burned and since they in space... you know- gravity! And then since gravity is there, he needs to stay underwater so that he doesnt die cause of his burns 🤠
R: I mean, yes? Like medically yeah it’s best to put burns underwater as soon as you can (cold water preferably) but imagine having to stay underwater for 16 hours for a burn?I like it.HENDERY SWEETIE TOUCH THE STOVE-
WIC? Nah.
{Prior to TIR5} Xuxi’s definitely the man in Chapter 2’s dream sequences
T: OKAY SO LIKE- I'm positive of one of two things, the second chapter dream is (Y/n) and Xuxi cause in the interrogation room part 4, he mentioned how his wife is clumsy and that they havent been married for long and in that memory, the invisible person said how (Y/n) was clumsy and she mentioned how they were waiting to start a family which is a hint that they're married. So I'm pretty sure (watch me be wrong) that Xuxi was the invisible person in Chapter 2 illuding to yn being his wife now ----- but now wouldnt that mean that (Y/n)'s dead since she killed herself? Now listen, we all remember that theory of it being multiple versions of her being with all the inmates right? Well let's say that that theory is true, we basically have some sort of evidence illuding to that. Both versions so far of the wife/girlfriend has died and if it's all those timelines crashed together, itll make sense as to why they all know her (one way or another)... 👁👄👁
R: Ooooh interesting, alright how about the other dreams now 😗 I’m interested in this theory, That is also true, according to the basic logic of the multiple lives/timelines theory
But is it what’s happening in Zemblanity?😗
WIC? Yup. I actually never intended for the dreams to be purposely hidden, like literally the dreams subjects are who’s featured in the chapter HAHA but yeah. The only thing off about the theory is the last part tbh.
{Prior to Chapter 5} Xiaojun knows everything
T: Okay so the girl always dies and there has to be something about her that warrants that. Xiaojun said he knows/remembers more than the other inmates so that could be what he is holding back from the warden.. Maybe he knows the reason why? Maybe he has some other information? All I know is, from what we've learned, Xiaojun really did do "what he had to do" and there has to be some other thing he did that would have warranted him going to Sector V because that can't be it.
R: Maybe so 😗
But that will be revealed with time
WIC? Xiaojun does know what happened in the last timeline, so whatever he learned back there transferred over. So yeah, kind of
{Prior to Chapter 6} The Dream Guy in Chapter 5 is Hendery
T: the dream guy in chapter 5 is hendery cuz the dreams seem royal-ish and the guy gave me “prince” feels and technically hendery’s a prince so yeah. and he said his true self will be hiding behind a facade and hendery seems like he has a split personality. so basically he got his new personality by repressing memories of (y/n) (he was the only one who seem to not know (y/n) when they met). and also the way the “king/prince” said “Don’t.” (tea scenario) and hendery said “Don’t” gave me chills
R: Nice catch 😏 I’ll admit you’re on the same path as many other readers, very good 👍
WIC? Yuuup.
{Prior to Chapter 6} The Multiple Timeline Theory (Note that many people contributed to these so they may not be consistent)
T1: So like my theory is that the boys had met (y/n) in different timelines?? Like for example Kun is timeline 1, and (y/n) had died there??? — jongin smth. And theen on her next time line— she met lucas idk its smth like reincarnation or just like because sector v has a unique time and reality. Like they all lived in different realities but sector v connects all of those realities— in which (y/n) was also in. And another theory (since best friend and boyfriend conflict goes on throughout the previous chapters) each wayv member is like the bestfriend or boyfriend of (y/n) each timeline— like ten in this present timeline Buuuut i cant explain why yangyang is the one on 7th timeline whilst ten was currently the one (y/n) knows personally
Add on: I was reading anons theory and I was thinking the same thing. Because time is different In the sector that allows them to be in the same timeline. (Think ATEEZ new concept where they all knew each other but got separated, but are coming together again.) This would also explain all of the different voices that Y/N hears and how in the warden noted that Ten is starting to piece things together.
R: (½) I said this in the previous post but I actually really like this theory, it’s a very interesting take on what’s going on. Posting this one first so it appears below the first part!! Ooooh this one’s different from the ones I’ve read so far, I like where you’re going with this one anon, props to you for cutting from a different fabric!
Ooooh and the theory deepens, you guys are so creative I love it 🥰
WIC? Not far off the mark, but not a bullseye.
{Prior to Chapter 8’s Release} The inmate from 2022 (mentioned in TIR6 and TIR8) is Ten
T1: So I wanted to write it in the comments but I have an idea and wanted to write "directly" (I also don't use ask option a lot so also It will be multiple part so sorry 🥺🙏) I got a sudden idea while looking at the dates of the newest interrogation room and the dates of when the Inmates were brought to Sector V and... I think I got something... Kun, who was the first one to come to sector V, first came in February but the Interrogation takes place in January and a whole ass moth before it. 
So I came to a sudden realization that there was a 7th Inmate who allegedly killed himself. And then my mind made a connection to Ten who in the MV and promotion shots was shown to have the same V tattoo as the others. Could it be that Ten was the original Inmate? It would kinda add up i think. Like there is a possibility that The Warden (our Father) was fed up with him and killed him but filed it in reports as a suicide. 
It could be that it isn't our Ten because if my Multiverse Theory is right that would open a lot of possibilities. It could be a wierd coincidence to have two Ten's in the same Building (not that I'm complaining) so it could be less likely. But I have two versions of the theory. The second being that neither Ten or we have a recollection of how and why we were brought to the moon station. Which in on itself is pretty fishy. But to assume for a second that Ten was convinced of Murder... 
And maybe he was tortured to the point of amnesia and/or memory loss and then tossed out of the Sector with some false memories but somewhere in his head he “remembers” (something like deja vu) about what happened “last time” and when she wants to meet the others he tries to prevent it. 
Underneath there, somewhere in his mind he knows what he did wrong and tries to prevent it from happening again. He knows that whatever happened to us can happen again if we meet the others. Or we are all in a loop and Ten is like Sans from Undertale and knows it all and has godlike powers. Idk mate it's 1 Am in Germany and I'm basically sleeping at this point. But remember it's just a theory. A Zembalty Theory. (hopefully I wrote it right) also sorry for spamming your inbox 🙏🥺Love you
R: Yessssss, also I like this theory, more answers will be revealed soon. 
That is true 👀 But if I recall correctly, I believe it was the eighth inmate that offend himself 🤔 but it is an interesting theory, I’ll give you that. 
I have grown very fond of the multiverse theory, there’s a lot of space for it to grow. But as for your second theory it would tie in the missing files from both 2004 and 2019 😗
WIC? Ten was, indeed, the original inmate. Also I did allude to their being a “time loop” of sorts in much of Xiaojun’s parts.
T2: Theory time hehehe The inmate from 2022 was actually Ten- and he was bargaining with (y/n)’s father (who i assumed did not die in the original timeline) for smth (like he requested Ten to go back in time since he mentioned that Ten figured out a way to travel through time) *i connected the time paradox here wherein one goes back in time so things change in the future. 
But then Ten betrayed the previous warden and killed him (past of warden)— thats why his death is still a mystery—- and this leads to the current timeline where Ten becomes the warden instead of (y/n)’s father living up till 2022— and this also leads to Ten not knowing what he did on the other “future” and probably not being a criminal— (but that would also mean the deal wont happen right? Idk anymore)
and probably the old warden requested him to go back to 2004??? “As long as you refrain from killing anyone else, you should be fine, I’m sure you’ll remember at least that much.” Also take note of this— its like if Ten* refrains from killinganyone else from the past then he’ll remember atleast some parts of their deal when the future changes
So ye this is me trying to understand the masterpiece called Zemblanity. Kudos to you for making my brain active during quarantine 🥰
oof i forgot a detail —- thats why Ten (as (y/n)’s bestfriend and warden) doubts if he could even trust himself— and why his populace records is a mystery to (y/n) Anyways thank you for taking your time to read these! 🥰☺️
R: Now this is a theory I enjoy! Very well thought out, but I must say, although it hasn’t been explicitly stated I assume is implicitly understood, the Warden has some control over the timelines considering that each inmate is, theoretically, from a different timeline. For Ten to be able to do it, assuming he is the unknown inmate, he would have to have already gained the status of Warden, which is impossible considering that the old Warden is still alive.
Ah yes, a classic time paradox, we certainly love those, don’t we? If only we were at that part in Zemblanity where the rules of Time were strictly laid out, but alas, we are not. So for now we will settle for this paradox that if Ten was thrown back in time and killed the Warden, the conversation will never have taken place, and Ten would have never, theoretically, been sent back in time.But then again if the Warden wasn’t killed and the conversation did take place, that would establish an entire time loop, wouldn’t it? Just Ten constantly going back to 2004 and reliving everything only to be sent back again, and again, I wonder what needs to be done differently, hmm…
This is a possibility, and I was going to mention it in the (2) of this ask, but I actually found that it would make more sense to put it in here. If Ten was, theoretically, sent back in time, how would you explain (Y/N) and Ten having memories of when they were toddlers? Assuming you’re intending that if Ten was sent back in time he’d still be a full age adult.
It’s no problem, I’m trying my best to keep your minds sharp while we all spend our days in our homes hehe… Ohhh and thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy my little (okay actually huge) story of Zemblanity!!!
This is a theory I like a lot, I can tell you put a lot of thought into it! But it would explain why there are some lapses in Ten’s judgment as to who he can trust, and it would also explain why (Y/N) had to search up Ten’s name in her Records database
WIC? Actually, this is probably the closest one to the truth anyone has ever gotten. Props to you, anon!
T3: Did they agree to have Ten stay out of it so he was there to protect YN since none of them could do it cause they clingy af and would of started a war and killed each other 👀🙊 and cause they mental health is deteriorating more and more in the Sector they willing to throw Ten out the way to get her back 🤔🤔🤔
AAAAAAALSO!!!!! Rereading the Warden Notes, there was mentioned of 8 inmates but the 8th killed himself so it was decided to be maxed out at 7.......who be the 7th inmate..... I swear tf if I'm right about Ten imma be needing at least 4 bottles of wine to cope, however if I'm wrong! I'm still gonna need them 🙊 (I'm so sorry, these were all EUREKA moments.....i didn't mean to spam)
R: Ooh I like this one, but I do have to say why Ten? But if this is true, I’d argue that either Kun or Hendery could’ve done it too, Kun’s a patient character and Hendery’s pretty chill. Plus according to the story line Ten and (Y/N) came when they were toddlers and both have memories of such, hmm…. 🤔
FOUR BOTTLES AHAHAHAHA. Also noooo I don’t mind spam at all, love, so don’t worry ❤️ But yes I do acknowledge that I wrote that the Sector is maxed out at 7 but I will also say that it doesn’t necessarily mean that there were seven at the start of the story 👀
WIC? Sadly, no :(
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Special Questions
So... what happened to the 2004 Flight Records?
To put it simply, the Warden (Park Hyunjun) destroyed them. The Sector works in strange ways, as seen when the tapes from TL8 transferred over to TL9 for (Y/N) to see them. This is a special power of the Warden, the ability to allow items to transcend different timelines, which is only possible in Sector V (due to it’s independence of most of the rules of time). During his final negotiation with TL8 Ten, prior to sending him back in time to prevent the total destruction of the moon colony, he implies that he’d leave everything in place for the paradox item to find it’s way to Ten, and he’d keep him under watch.
However, Ten didn’t come to the moon in 2004. Now this is on me, I never explicitly said it, only left clues for it to be found. The records were damaged, but why? Every inmate has access to the Records room, but none have an incentive to destroy it, except for the one person it would apply to, in this case Ten. The Warden is implied to have special abilities in the Moon Colony, usually to prioritize the greater good of the Colony (i.e. calling the shots for executions, destroying cards, withholding evidence, etc.)
Now, TL9 Ten couldn’t have destroyed the records, why would he? But, I’ve mentioned on occassion that Ten was “always at war with himself” and, I quote from Ch. 1, “Sometimes [he has] to remind [himself] that [he’s] the Warden.”
There isn’t significant evidence that Ten wasn’t on that flight, but on the other hand there isn’t evidence that he was. All we have to go off of is the damaged flight records and what the Warden said in his tapes prior to being killed.
Do with that what you may.
Who was the eighth inmate who killed himself?
Sadly, no one actually important to the main story. He was just there so I can establish why there were only six inmates in the Sector at the beginning of Zemblanity, and why Ten was able to get convicted in there after the fact.
What about 2019′s records?
That was just a way to throw you all off, haha, it seemed like it worked. I never said that there weren’t any 2019 records, they were just tampered with and Mark had to reenter them, and I’ve long established that their Supervisor tends to make them work more since he’s that shitty a person.
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tank-grunt · 4 years
If given the possibility to rewrite some of the things from the psp game (like the whole Dominic and Circe thing), what would you rewrite it into?
ok off the top of my head: roberta never returns to isaac, and isaac is consistently framed as every bit as a bad guy that dominic was. not sure if i think he should be assisting dominic in his plans as the dragon to the big bad or not, or if he’s just doing his own thing that you gotta bust before you take on dominic. but he’s not a good guy and he’s not your friend.
i really don’t like how the game repeatedly tells you in the beginning that isaac is not a good husband to roberta, and she explicitly tells the player character about him acting in a way that is abusive and even though the game won’t use those words, his actions were framed as wrong... until it’s revealed that she was a robot. suddenly dominic’s the REAL bad guy, and isaac was right to behave that way all along! and now you gotta rely on him to save roberta and stop dominic because he’s the otacon to your snake or whateverrrr (rolls my eyes)
so even if you forget for a second that it’s creepy as hell for a dude to build and program a robot that looks, feels, and acts like a woman ... to be his wife, when it’s not like she’s in any position to say no... everything else going on there is fucked up and creepy too. because with the reveal that she's a robot comes the game trying to say that she is allowed to be treated in a way that would absolutely be considered abusive towards any other sapient entity with complex thoughts and emotions - isolating her and controlling her and every other creepy implication of the entire situation - like... you know, a human? which she is intentionally designed to look like? and i’m supposed to just... be ok with it? it’s another form of misogyny in fiction that i just can’t stand.
and i don’t like the fact she gets amnesia so she doesn’t even remember her friendship with the player character, she doesn’t remember ever wanting freedom or realizing that the way he treated her was not ok. and i don’t like the fact it puts her in this weird position where... isaac doesnt need to change. he doesn’t need to start treating her like the human he seemingly wants her to be, and he doesn’t need to apologize for the way his treatment may have hurt her. and he didn’t even really show much sympathy for roberta beyond “oh she’s lonely, i’ll tell someone to be her friend and then do nothing else” - no, they’re in the perfect position for things to continue the way they did before.
they could have written a subplot where isaac decides to start questioning and challening his own mindset that lead to everything that happened - the creation of roberta, and how he treated her afterwards - if they really wanted me to not hate his guts, but the game bent over backwards to justify and excuse anything he did and then just neatly forgot about all of it so i’m plenty mad at how that subplot turned out. 
so anyways, if i had my way he wouldn’t be a character you rely on to progress in the game - and if you’re going to write a character so that they act in such a way that it makes a robot woman want to run away and leave, that is framed as wrong and unhealthy, then you might as well commit to it. no turning back. explore the kind of mindset that results in someone building a realistic robot wife and then controlling and isolating her when she has enough complex thought and emotion to want out of it. and the fact he did it at all means there are lasting consequences for him.
roberta having amnesia i would have been fine with, if not for the fact that she’s back to being trapped in a loveless marriage with a man who isolated and controlled her - the fact that even though you went through all of that effort to save and repair her, she doesn’t remember the bond she had with the player character is bittersweet. i would be fine with that if it meant that even if she doesn’t remember your character, she’s free now and can form bonds with whoever she wants. though ideally, i would like for her to just, run away with the player character and find happiness in freedom with the person who helped her realize that she had a choice in the matter. but whatever
and ummmm. i think would have liked if the game acknowledged that the curious bros are jenny’s baby brothers a little more. maybe not including vidcund accusing lazlo of being a xenophile for hanging out with their sisters husband in the facility theyre effectively trapped in...? that one is really harmless but i just personally found it a bit weird that they acted like pt9 and jenny were complete strangers and not like, their older sister and her husband of 18+ years?
that’s about all i can think of, lol (plus this is also long enough as it is)
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hello levi!! lucifer gave me an assignment and he told me to ask/inquire how you would review him as a caretaker / guardian / older sibling. pls site all bad and good stuff.
Is it safe to? I mean... Lucifer kinda scares me...
I made a list
He let's me watch anime all day if there is nothing else going on
He cares deeply about our wellbeing
He does all of my avatar of envy related paperwork
If you do something wrong no matter how harmless your getting tied to the ceiling at best. At worst he ripped off Mammon's arms. We have a lot if rugs in the house for a reason.
He doesnt take criticism well.
Lucifer plays favorites. If you are not his favorite brother at any given time you will know it and you will be the only one suffering no matter who or what started it
You can't escape punishment he will find you and you will be tied down. And left hanging for a few days without food or drink.
I got in trouble once because I was complaining to loudly about Beel stealing my food.
Lucifer is never fair.
I got in trouble for using the music room to playing some human world idol music... "the volume was turned up too high and the house was shaking" is not a good reason to trap me in the chimney and light a fire in the fireplace
I kidnapped my favorite musical troupe once and brought them to devildom Lucifer said that was wrong to steal humans away and that we were lucky they wont be missed. It think this was around the mid 1400s in the human world. He broke both my legs twice for it like he waited for them to heal(which took 2 weeks) then rebroke them
Lucifer let's Mammon get away with more than you think. It's not fair.
He keeps asking me when I will stop sulking in my room and join the rest of the world like I can exist among the normies
I got banned from a forum online for "gatekeeping" I told Lucifer the whole story and he did nothing
I didnt like how one anime ended and I begged Lucifer to use his "will" to make the writers rewrite it. He said he had better things to do like "scrub the labyrinth beneath lord Diavolo's palace with a toothbrush" like Diavolo would ask Lucifer to do that!
Lucifer said I can't suggest anime anymore for movie night because I once suggested a entire series and made everyone watch all 72 episodes in one sitting. It's not my fault nobody new I meant the whole series.
I do not recommend Lucifer. He sucks but I also cant really say that or he will snap my spine.
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yuzuka-rei · 4 years
foxhole court thoughts dump so they’re not in my head anymore
1, so okay just fuck im so so so into the kevin/riko dynamic,,, codependency is so my thing and to read/write about kevin’s slow decision that he doesn’t want to be overshadowed by riko anymore, his hope that riko will accept him as an equal/superior, riko’s betrayal by breaking his hand, leaving the Nest and realising that he knows he shouldnt want to go back but he wants to (think about breakups- you always want to breakup with a toxic s.o until you’ve actually broken up then you feel empty and you want to go back) just,,, 
kevin/riko is at its heart an extremely toxic relationship between someone truly demonic and someone so very human and just to see how riko would give kevin glimpses of love so that he would continue to follow him is just---------- also like riko would definitely try to tempt kevin back with the promise of love and then how andrew gives kevin a reason to stay and just- why does no one write about it!!
i also want someone to rewrite riko as less of a caricature,,, a youtube review put it really really well which was that the sports storyline had to match the level of the mafia storyline and thus riko became too much of a demon. i want to read a version, at the expense of the unbalanced stakes, i want to see riko be human, selfish, needy, tries to please kevin but the minute said “pleasing” doesnt match his own desires he stops, just i want!! to see!! riko be human!! and hate him just as much as i UNDERSTAND him (like cersei god i LOVE cersei shes terrible and i would stab her if i met her but shes an amazingly human character and i understand and in her place i would make every one of her decisions without flinching...)
anyways, riko moriyama, i want to write/read him in a way, like if this portrayal makes you want to call him your son its exactly NOT what i want (if someone writes riko in a way that makes you wanna protect him, sorry, not my thing sis, misplaced burn but this sort of person is exactly the sort of person that would have proudly claimed and advertises that they are “slytherin”, because they’re “evil” and “cunning” and “selfish” you’re delusional dude why would you WANT to be in the “evil” house (people who want to be slytherin because they’re ambitious etc etc are valid though) no mentally stable person actively wants to be bad, its human nature to try to strive for good, but sometimes what is good for you is bad for other people and you don’t care)
like i want to see that, riko knows what hes doing is horrid and you know you really should hate him, i want it to hurt, i want you to want to despise him but at the same time you see yourself in him, that makes you fear at night that you will too one day become like this. i dont want riko to be EXCUSED i want him to be UNDERSTOOD. 
2, okay so andrew/kevin. equally as toxic.
 (toxic doesn’t mean its entirely impossible or morally corrupt it just means that unless they actively take.a lot of initiative to change their personalities all the relationship will do is hurt both of them, honestly apart from dan/matt/katelyn/neil/renee everyone else in these books would make pretty toxic relationships... like imagine allison and kevin... a fucking wreck sis) 
i personally don’t think those two can possibly have a healthy relationship unless its coupled with neil [nora’s original idea of the threesome also sounds pretty unhealthy but so so so intriguing... im glad she wrote andrew/neil instead that was pretty healthy all things considered] 
but just the IDEA of kevin being utterly utterly obsessed with riko, and to deal with these feelings he moves them entirely to andrew [i did this for my own relationship, like i got broken up with and to deal with the pain of that i latched onto the most unattainable person in my world... its ending fairly badly] and then he heals from riko and he falls in love with things about andrew that dont echo riko, then andrew pushes him away because andrew doesn’t want to hurt kevin (or himself) and just them dancing around each other, always protecting each other and always there for each other but neither of them are allowed to make a move... for any other pairing in this situation they would’ve become fuck buddies but that doesn’t work for andrew and people he actually cares about and its a mess
then neil comes along and they both “fall in love” with him, like they genuinely love neil but neil isn’t part of their codependency, they love him because hes a breath of fresh air, hes a pipe dream, hes perfect in every way but they’re also afraid of breaking him, you know? they both love in such all consuming and selfish ways. and neil literally loves like a first grader- this is his first relationship dude, he may believe that the world is a terrible place but you bet he still believes that everything in a relationship can be solved by love alone when it can’t. basically my point is that canon kandreil/kandrew would be a mess and while fluff fics are generally nice id love to explore exactly how much angst we can squeeze out of this shit
anyways this was a ramble feel free to disagree and only talk to me if you agree dude i have no qualms in admitting that i dont like talking to people who dont think the same way as me and i doubt you do either sis
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Oh the production is around and is interacting as well. They see everything. That’s why the last minute change of subject in season 4 suddenly after episode 3. But keep in mind that this will not happen again. Since the team doesn’t have the ability to modify quickly and with depth the script on the spot for the big plots. That requires extreme talent and experience from writers and directors alike. Which they know they are lacking. What they are here for is to feed information and create a certain atmosphere when needed because that is the way Wtfock has chosen to do their marketing. It is not only tumblr but all across the platforms in disguise as fandom members.
similar anon: how close is wtfock to the fandom? you mentioned they are too close for some? I know they are here but I have no idea who
similar anon: I don't think the whole Wtfock watching the fans/blogs is such a big deal for them as much people think it is, this is literally normal specially from a show like Skam plus Wtfock is a lucky one because their fans are so easy to move/use/manipulate whoever you wanna call it, the fans are ready to forget, forgive and defend no matter what and the biggest prove is gonna be how they all gonna be back as soon as Sobbe appears and still just because of them and their outcome every other past mistake is gonna become irrelevant, let's be honest they don't really care as much as fans do, they of course are all doing their jobs as the best they can but that's it....
similar anon: They have blogs? Omg what if I follow or they follow me?!....who are they?! Are you one? Or you know one? Or how you know this info?!
similar anon: How you know the production or interns are here? You know them? You are one? Hahaha pass the URL so we can send them ask 🤣😅 jk
Production is very close like I said probably one degree of separation for blogs that are actively in the fandom or insta sphere or twitter world. I dont know about this tho “disguise as fandom members” mainly because they dont need to do that hun. Enough people do this work for free for them. There is no need to disguise it. Also anon just because Sobbe is end game doesnt mean wtfock cant fuck the entire s4 script. Evak is always end game and look at skamfr. Evak being endgame isnt some huge revolutionary plot choice. Now rewriting the original s4 script to introduce more sobbe because wtFOCK needs to play every single card they have honestly makes me nervous. I know the modification to the original script are very much centered around them and in away am like ok maybe this could be cool but I also dont know if Bram wrote the modifications or the intern. We also don’t know who is directing and I have been vocal I am not a big fan of Bente’s treatments. Sorry I know some of you like him and thats fine but I am just objectively as a consumer saying I dont like his style. Am allowed to like what I like. Also concerning the social game knowing wtFOCK they are going to try to push sponsored content and they are not tactful enough to do it well. Its always incredibly heavy handed and distorts the narrative. You all are to close to production if you actually believe that if wtfock fumbles this plot (by lets say episode 5) that the fans wont start dragging them hard then you aint really know wtfam. Wtfock is on an uber short leash. People will come for them and it will be ugly. My hope is the social team learns to use social similar to druck to enhance narratives and make the season immersive and maybe use it to wrap up the other characters while Yasmina and Sobbe play out on screen. Also imo I really wish wtfock wouldn't be so neck deep into the fandom. Gives me David/SkamFR vibes. Thats why people got their feelings hurt on both sides in S4 because they need to back off. They need to stop whispering in people’s ears and leveraging people because its creates this weird vibe imo. Thats just me tho and I dont consider these people friends I understand if you do its hard to not do them a solid here and there.
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fipindustries · 4 years
me trying to make sense of the latest chapter of almost nowhere
so the reason time goes forwards is because the maryon particle, that is to say the MM, can determine multiple future timelines and assert a specific one in a moment to moment basis with information from the past. if you want to see multiple timelines for the past you need info from that very past you are trying to calculate??? and this make past and present asymetric on a fundamental sense, which basically makes it non deterministic.
and this somehow affects the amount of matter and antimatter in the universe?
now how cold or hot this quantum field is determines how much the multple timelines will differ from each other. when its “hot” the differences will be negligible, usually just the position and velocity of subatomic particles, nothing that we can really observe on a human scale.
but when its “cold” the deviations between the timelines get bigger to the point that when the MM asserts itself on a given moment of reality, the entire timeline can be rewritten into a completly different one
so aparently biological cells can interact with the MM field to a certain extent and use it to solve complex problems. once this process its iterated enough times in complex enough patterns bam, you get conciousness. this is why we can think and use reason and have selfwareness.
now when the MM field is “cold” enough the assertion of random paralel universes over the timeline happens less and less frequently (with the caveat that when it DOES occur the changes introduced to the timeline become bigger and bigger), to the point that if it gets “cold” enough it doesnt happen at all and the universe becomes deterministic and perfectly simmetrical forwards and backwards in time. essentially you start to percieve time like dr manhattan does or the octopods in arrival. (again with the caveat that once every other aeon the alternate timelines do reassert themselves vastly rewriting history but this occurs very very rarely)
now the fact that time becomes absolute in the dominan aeon but also constantly being rewritten by paralel universes that are themselves also being rewritten, this means the structure of reality is no longer determined by casualty but rather by some obscure property of the MM interacting with all the multiple branching timelines.
it is in this far future universe where the MM cooled off enough that the anomalings arise from the very structure of physics, some how. now since to them past and future is indistinct and they can percieve the whole of time simultanously, they can turn their gaze towards our period of history back when the MM hadnt colled off enough yet.
problem with this is that to them the past is “too hot” and the way our conciousness is coupled with this hot MM bothers them. our very thought process is basically made of fire to them. now they can “cool us down”. they slow our brain processes way dow by slowing down the fundamental quantum effects that power them and this submerges us into an illusory reality so we are contained in a simulation, a crash.
there can be as many multiple nested simulations as there can be different levels of temperature for the MM.
i imagine to the anomalings they are bothered by our universe because the warmer the MM becomes the less symmetrical time becomes and thus their capability to percieve the whole of time is more and more diminished and they, i assume, percieve this as a wound in reality. this abomination occurs “near the center of the world” because it occurse near the beggining of time. (which they would call center instead of beggining because to them time doesnt have a beggining and an end but is a predetermined whole)
they say we “kill their grandparents” because they exist in the future and our actions, our interference with the MM field by our thought processes that are fuled the by the very MM field, can affect the seeds in the timeline that will end up becoming them in the far future when the MM field cools off.
now we can use our conciousness to “heat up” the cold MM field of a crash and break away from it but the anomalings, as they live in the “future” will see this happening and will slam us down once again. this is bad because we are made to exists in a world where the future is being constantly rewritten and to live in a predeterministic, time symmetrical, “cold” existence within the crash is inherently restrictive to the very substance of our conciousness.
we can create our own crashes if we want to, to try and stay hidden from the anomalings and plan and try to defeat them, this is not very effective considering the anomalings are way more powerful than us and can detect us whenever they want and intrude into our crashes whenever they want and there isnt much we can do to stop them.
now there is this one anomaling who is trying to raise a human child to exist in a cold MM field from birth, whose conciousness can function without interfiering with the MM field in a way that is harmful to the anomalings. this girl is called anne. it seems the anomaling succeeded and is bringinge her to his realm in what i assume is the dominant age, that is to say, the future. a tiny resistance of humans hiddent in a crash that they took control of tried to capture this girl because they supposed they could use her to defeat the anomalings somehow but that didnt seem to work and now the anomalings have used the MM field to rewrite history and considering it was a pretty cold field the changes they introduced could be as drastic as they wanted so that humanity is neutralized.
now the thing is chances are they cant actually pull that trick all that often considering that the whole point of the dominant age is that the reassertion of alternate futures happens almost never which is why the changes can be so drastic, hopefully humanity will be able to take advantage of that.
what i dont understand is why they call us bilaterals when the whole point is that our existence in time is not symetrical, our past doesnt perfectly mirror our future precisely because our MM field is too hot, history is being rewritten every instant at the subatomic scale.
anyway, that is all i got for now
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doctorguilty · 4 years
alright here’s how I’d rewrite Infinite and ergo some of the plot points of the games story.. it  got long i got a little carried away lol........................ 
Infinite’s name probably isn’t that before he becomes a tool of destruction thing but I don’t care all that much to name him something else rn 
he also doesn’t have a sword because that’s really not necessary and I don’t know how to make that relevant at all 
forget the mercenary thing because it makes no sense that he was “hired” by eggman and that’s also boring. The jackal squad is a nomadic, robin hood type group that steals from bad folks to help other animal people villages in need 
to make character relationships.. matter a little bit more, OC is a long time childhood friend of Infinite and they still see one another a decent amount despite the jackals moving around
I don’t really care how or why the phantom ruby exists in fact I’m just realizing there’s a huge discontinuity because according to the COMIC it just.. existed arbitrarily like a chaos emerald, but according to the GAME it seems to be something Eggman fabricated, since there’s “prototypes” in play??? hm hm okay you know what I’m feeling ambitious let’s make both make sense. There is one true phantom ruby that exists, eggman finds it, where ever I don’t care. some legend about, this ruby can bring your ultimate fantasies to life! EXCEPT you need to have, idk, a good heart, a heart of gold, to use it and eggman doesnt have that so he can see the illusion of his empire but it wont become reality 
eggman thinks okay well, maybe if I fabricate copies of it I can make a version that will work, which I reckon doesn’t make them “prototypes’ anymore but just, copies, but close enough. however, they still don’t work 
now cut to jackal squad raiding eggman for his cool shit. maybe they catch wind about this whole “bring your fantasies to life” power and want to use it for good and they know eggmans vibes are rancid. in any case the jackals make off with a ruby (a FAKE one uh oh!) but not without infinite losing an eye and gaining one big unsightly scar from a fight w/ eggman and he’s like Shook about that but he’s like hm well at least I stopped that terrible guy from harnessing this power (oh no bitch u thought..) 
of course the jackals dont keep their spoils but WHO ever could be trusted with this legendary gem thing?!? oh none other than You, Original The Character, aka Infinite’s best friend .............. so he gives the ruby to OC and tells them like, idk allegedly this can make ur dreams come true but I don’t know how it works...oh my eye? yeah I sure used to have two of those but dont worry about it, anyway ttyl stay fresh  *saunters off, jackaly* 
because the fake!ruby is.. fake, it just seems to be a dud at first so OC just hangs onto it as a keepsake 
eggman, pissed about his shit getting stolen and worried what could be done with it sends robots out to hunt down infinite, kidnap him, and drag him back to eggman’s base and demand the fake!ruby back. infinite naturally refuses to tell him anything especially at the cost of putting OC in danger, so he’s like, blow it out your ass
eggman is like HAHA WELL U DUMB SHIT you stole a fake anyway and I have the real one right here.. he uses the ruby to suddenly spawn a bunch of robots and infinite braces himself for the attack... except they go right through him because they’re just illusions. eggman is like FUCK !! DAMMIT! WHY WONT THIS SHIT WORK!! Infinite uses eggman’s tantrum time to rush in to snatch the ruby. when infinite touches it as its in eggman’s hand, however, all the illusion robots become “real” (probably conveying this through effects/opacity), taking them both by surprise. infinite is unable to take the ruby before getting hit with a full force attack from a robot 
infinite is incapacitated and eggman grins,  like, inch resting...................... you seem to be able to make the ruby work... I will now use you for malicious purposes >:) (cut to black) 
NOW when Infinite is in the tube, 1) he already has his mask because the scene with him putting it on and monologueing about abandoning his old identity is unnecessary, it’s more symbolic here, 2) he’s amnesic and I know we did that with shadow already and I don’t mean to overuse it, but I think it works well enough in a different way for this story! Shadow had some fragments of memories and an identity crisis, but with Infinite, his memory is completely wiped (or perhaps suppressed?) and his only understanding of himself is that he was “created” to work for eggman. Even MORE importantly! the stakes are raised because of Infinite’s relationship to the OC--Infinite cannot remember them which makes attacking them a lot more heart wrenching ESPECIALLY when we get to a point where OC begins to recognize their brainwashed best friend using one of the (apparently) very same rubies given to OC to try to destroy them with
this also adds more tension to all the scenes where Infinite is taunting and threatening OC on a quite personal , rivalry-like level? Infinite would, over time, begin to get an inexplicable sense of familiarity with OC, which causes him to hesitate and hold back 
oh and as for the fake!ruby, OC does use it to defend himself just like the first time! it ends up being successfully activated because OC shows a strong will to protect the other civilians. if you haven’t caught on to my cheese, both OC and Infinite have hearts of gold and thats why they can use the rubies. eggman is cheating though by fusing Infinite to the ruby and using him as a proxy for his bad will..... and again, coming back to the cheese, Infinite’s heart cannot be changed and he is not truly “evil” so that’s like, how this is working 
I’m way too lazy to fix everything scene by scene because there’s also just SO MUCH wrong with all the other characters and plot but I’m just focusing on fixing Infinite and making him more interesting so I’m skipping to the end..  
I’m not entirely sure how I’d order the bosses and what I’d wanna do with the eggman robot phases  the whole things was a big mess............I kinda wanna go with what I THOUGHT was going to happen after beating up giant robot thing and then that squid robot breaks out??? and I thought it was going to be Infinite cause that would be much more dramatic? So lets go with that---When Eggman says like, well fuck infinite who needs him? i harnessed the power of the ruby into my robot, he means he literally trapped Infinite in it like, wired up and shit to use him like a power generator. fucked up. Infinite breaks out after that phase of the battle, and he’s like, in so much pain and glitched out on overclocked energy he cant even control what he’s doing.... commence TRUE final boss battle (it can still be a tagteam with sonic), and it’s sad and dramatic! OC pleads (or I reckon sonic, maybe the other heroes too since they talk during fights! like since OC doesnt talk) infinite to remember his true self because they dont want to destroy him 
once you’ve depleted his health bar, I’m going to go ahead and use the game’s weird addition of quicktime events to fuel more cheesiness (B/C THIS IS SONIC...WHY DID THEIR “POWER OF FRIENDSHIP” MORAL END ON SUCH A BLAND, UNEMOTIONAL NOTE IN FORCES??? shadow didnt fall to his (alleged) death in sa2 for this..............) and you quicktime OC HUGGING Infinite, like jumping towards him and grabbing him in an embrace type of thing! and when OC makes contact with the ruby, it activates, making all the probably hostile glitchy  battle terrain or whatever dissipate, infinite stops being like.. idk lookin like he’s being electrocuted, and his mask fades away .. exposing Infinite as his true self once again 
the in between the lines intent here, again since OC doesn’t talk, is that OC’s fantasy was to bring Infinite back so they could be together again. you’re welcome to interpret that as romantic, or platonic, it doesn’t matter! it’s open ended! it’s just supposed to be cute!  
idk and then emotional stuff, I’m not entirely sure what it doesn’t really matter the idea is that Infinite is like, remorseful of what happened but everyone ofc forgives him because it’s not his fault , and then he joins up with with everyone to help fix the world! hmm I’m torn between Infinite keeping the true phantom ruby or giving it to the OC, like giving it to the OC makes sense, but for the sake of like, hypothetically bringing Infinite back in a future game and having special powers, it would be perfect if he kept it and that was his thing, he uses the power of virtual reality to help people and fight evil and whatever  
I dont know I guess there’s not a lot of sense in thinking too hard since I just remembered none of this is canon whatsoever and we’re probably not seeing Infinite again unless as a stock evil thing to beat up like metal sonic 8′) 
I have no idea who i wrote this for I guess myself! Idk if anyone else played forces or cares or w/e but! if you DO happen to be someone who read this and cares about it omg well like feel free to! comment and tell me what you think!!!  this was all very stream of thought
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