#which drivers
squidsmeister · 1 year
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dungeon meshi is my favorite road-trip comedy film
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multifandom-loser · 1 year
if I did write tho, would anyone read it
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babutiny · 8 days
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Like father, like son
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slythereen · 5 days
finally rewatching the race with f1tv commentary and charles' onboards is traumatizing but umm something interesting of note...
"you need to let max by" vs. "norris past, piastri and hamilton, and then there's a gap to alonso"
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summerblueringo · 3 months
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all the pics I could find of that photoshoot with Kimi and first wife Jenni
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courtesy of a friend's google translate
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yesterdayiwrote · 5 months
What exactly does it say about the worth of an F1 World Championship, if you can win one, and then 50 years later, when a team bearing your family name - with a solid reputation across numerous racing series - tries to enter F1, you get rejected on the grounds that your name supposedly doesn't bring them any value?
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loxare · 2 months
So I was rewatching the hbomb plagiarism video to get some chill morning embroidery time in and I got to the bit about Radclyff Hall and her book, The Well of Loneliness, about lesbian WW1 ambulance drivers, and the video says all of her books were ordered burned, but I was curious and fam. At least one person hid their copy. It's on Project Gutenberg Australia. So if you want to read about lesbian ambulance drivers in the first world war...
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By the time cars were invented, Jonah Magnus was already well into the body hopping game, which raises the question: has he ever actually learn to drive? Did this man sit through driver’s ed? Or has he just been getting out of legal repercussions for his shit driving by telling the cops everything he knows about their deepest darkest secrets every time he gets pulled over?
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zarla-s · 4 months
Do/for you have to make references for any other characters in Handplates? Like the mouse or pterofractal? The same goes for the characters that have canon designs in Undertale. Did you ever need a ref for them?
Honestly I like never make reference sheets until something forces me, haha. With the mouse I just go back to the first comic he appeared in and just ref off of those. I might have mentioned this before, I forget, but originally that mouse was supposed to be the mole in the MTT comedy club but then I looked up their speech pattern and it didn't fit, so instead I made them a Rathbone cameo from The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. :B
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I had to improvise his lower body so I just gave him big wading pants lol.
As for Pterofractal, Jaz gave me this!
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I do have a folder for canon refs, mostly screenshots I've taken to get colors and layouts for certain areas in the Underground, haha. And some sprite sheets if I need them.
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Nothing really official or purposeful though, just screencaps and snips from other files I end up reusing.
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evilscuderia · 2 months
surely if leclerc’s race is with norris it would’ve been a safer team strategy for sainz to stay behind for a while to cover? since he’s never catching perez? surely?
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liamlawsonlesbian · 2 months
what book I would give each current formula one driver to introduce them to the joy of reading
an intellectual exercise no one* asked for
Max Verstappen: Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond - if you are nd and have read this book, you may understand me. otherwise just trust me. the impetus for this post
Checo Perez: The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White - this is an excellent read-aloud book for Sergio Jr.'s age, and there is nothing as wonderful as reading a compelling book to a kid you love, imho
Charles Leclerc: The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman - he is on the record as a Potter enjoyer. also, I think he would enjoy having a little animal friend
Carlos Sainz: Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood - okay yes this is partially a joke about the title, but this is a hilarious and wonderful memoir, about weird families and Catholicism, and I think Carlos would enjoy it.
Lando Norris: Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett - in my mind Lando is a little bit like @bright-and-burning but less cool, so this fits. also, the combination of high number of jokes/page + action/mystery seems like a good fit
Oscar Piastri: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie - this book has the kind of mystery that really draws you in, plus I think Oscar would dig the questions about AI it digs into. I choose to believe with zero evidence that he would be interested in the funky gender stuff
Fernando Alonso: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell - look me in the eye and tell me this book wasn't written for Fernando Alonso
Lance Stroll: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - yeah
Lewis Hamilton: Die Trying by Lee Child - Lewis deserves to read mildly trashy thrillers <3 plus there's a Tom Cruise movie
George Russell: Changing My Mind by Zadie Smith - as a proud Brit, George should be reading one of the premiere English authors of the 21st century. her first book of essays is a fun and readable place to start
Yuki Tsunoda: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - I don't have a Yuki-lore explanation, I just want to give him one of my favorite books
Daniel Ricciardo: The Gunslinger by Steven King - The Dark Tower series is Lord of the Rings-esque in scope but Western-inflected in aesthetic and written by The Horror Guy, I think DR would enjoy
Alex Albon: The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee - I say this with so much love in my heart, but Alex wants to be seen as smart. this book is brilliantly written pop science
Logan Sargeant: Bloomability by Sharon Creech - yes this is a book for tween girls, but it's about boarding school in Switzerland, and Sharon Creech is a genius. if I could convince him to read it, I think he would love it
Valtteri Bottas: The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien - what are hobbits if not humanoid moomins?
Zhou Guanyu: Piranesi by Susannah Clarke - a fun, exciting, stylishly written book for a stylish guy
Kevin Magnussen: Watership Down by Richard Adams - rabbit warfare <3
Nico Hulkenberg: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles - Hulk SEEMS like a Dad Who Reads Historical Fiction, even if he isn't yet
Pierre Gasly: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - I almost said A Game of Thrones but I don't think that would be good for him. so, Six of Crows. he likes heists!
Esteban Ocon: City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty - a superhero origin story of sorts for Mr. Spiderman
Bonus: Liam Lawson: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - lesbian from New Zealand. let me have this
*ro asked for it, take it up with them @oscarpiastriwdc
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macaiv · 7 months
Loved that Jenson reassured Esteban that "we've all been there", when Este was explaining himself on the team order situation.
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english-history-trip · 7 months
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I wanna applaud Frodo's optimism here, because if I was dying on a volcano and suddenly felt myself being carried into the sky, then woke up to see the friend I watched die, now a glowing white angel figure, smiling down at me, followed by all my other friends [and Legolas], I would 100% assume We Did Not Make It.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 days
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"Arrogant, ruthless, and by all reports (including his own) utterly charming."
(I don't know why I drew this but please take Revolutionary War British officer George, I think it suits him, okay!!!)
+ George Russell the type of guy to t-pose in front of rebels
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+ the usual
Okay first of all, process, as always:
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I drew this in one day hahaha....Actually really fun! I haven't finished anything in almost a month, and haven't painted for even longer, so I'm kinda dying at the fact that 18th century George Russell got me motivated 😭 Sometimes when painting, I realize I have free will and can actually just start painting over the lineart, and that's the best moment of every drawing process 🙏
Also I'm very proud of his face!!! I've said before, but art progression is such a weird thing. You'll keep repeating to your self "I'm no good at [insert art thing.]" And then randomly realized you can in fact do it. That's me with drawing real people's faces 😭 I'm just so shocked I got his face pretty good in one try!!!
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Okay about the pose and quote. God its so fun to misappropriate quotes for my own evil deeds. Both of these are from this one officer from the Revolution: Banastre Tarleton. Idk, I randomly saw his painting in a history video, and it's stuck in my mind ever since. And then yesterday, bcs I spent a lot of time looking at George, I'm like "hey you know what he kinda reminds me of-" and thus we have this.
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I just found that quote about him from some historian to be funny, so I put it as a caption, as I would with Napoleon. This won't be an AU by any means but. I think if George was in the Revolution, he'd be the most stereotypical, evil British villain in American media type guy ever. And Tarleton is kinda that guy tbh, to the point where him and others like Arnold Benedict are the poster boys of evil Revolution guys. He even has a mocking nickname! "Bloody Tarleton/Ban", very "Osama bin Russell," no? 😭
Some notable moments from Tarleton's campaign that I think fit George: Apparently killed a bunch of American soldiers after they surrendered, making sure everyone was dead(😭😭), threatened to burn an American general's house down to make him surrender and then took him hostage, went toe to toe with George Washington himself and Washington even taunted him and Tarleton got a shot in, has a helmet named after him(very slayful.)
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mctwinkdom · 6 months
my toxic strait is making landoscar call each other baby in fanfic but not Lan or Osc because they don't call each other these in real life
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fromsupernaturaltof1 · 9 months
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from @australiansteel post I noticed his kart has aroma cafe as a sponsor, the cafe he waited tables at. (I'm not sure if they sponsored him or the karting event)
it really made me think, he really worked hard to get the life he now has which makes the shit people say about him even more infuriating.
he's worked damn hard to achieve his dreams and continues to do so, he still has a high ambition to at least get a seat that gives him a chance to fight for a title, most drivers on the grid his age have already given up (I'm sorry but it's true)
and yet apparently he's the one who shouldn't be on the grid and is only here because he's getting paid to be.....
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