#which i AGREE with. leave pedro alone.
antisisyphus · 1 year
its very funny to see gains in feminism help men more than women
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crumbledcastle28 · 7 months
Din Djarin: Come and Get Me
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader (she/her; afab)
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: After a job leaves you trapped, you realize how much you have come to trust the legendary Mandalorian.
Excerpt: “Please don’t cry,” you heard him whisper, “please don’t cry, Y/N.”
“Come and get me,” you begged, “Din, please come and get me.”
“The house is likely on total lockdown,” he said. “There’s no way for me to get in.”
This only made you sob harder.
“Please, Din,” you said through gasps of air, “please don’t leave me alone.”
“I won’t leave you alone,” he said. It sounded like he was running now. “Not ever, you understand me?”
Warnings: claustrophobia, panicking, panic attack, crying, so much banter, dinny boy gets *stern, * but only because he is in love hehe.
A/N: happy dincember my people :)
Pedro Masterlist
All my writing
(gif credit to pinterest)
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“Why are droids always so angry?”
A deep sigh arose through your comlink.
“Because everyone is always pushing their buttons.”
“You’re holding back your laughter.”
“That is absolutely not what is happening,” Din responded, voiced husked with his ever-present exhaustion.
“I can feel it,” you countered. “You are actively killing braincells trying to hold it back.”
“That is not what is killing my braincells,” Din responded, and you gave a dry chuckle back.
“Just get the credits and get out,” Din said, “we have other jobs to do.”
“Yes sir,” you responded sarcastically, pulling down your mask. It was a soft obsidian fabric that covered everything but your eyes.
“Need I remind you it is your fault we are here in the first place?” Din asked, knowing it would push your own button.
Greef had known you since you were a kid, your parents always calling him a “close family friend.” In actuality, your parents were his most profitable bounty hunters, and they had worked with him until they physically couldn’t anymore.
Without hesitation, choosing you take their place.
They had trained you from birth, ingraining into you the strength, cleverness, patience, persistence, and of course the wit needed to be an adequate replacement.
In Greef’s own words, you were “more than adequate.”
You worked for him for over a decade before finally meeting the infamous Mandalorian. His name had been circling for a while before you met him, allowing him to climb the ladder of Greef’s good graces (a particularly slippery ladder, in your opinion), as well as the ladder of wealth. You didn’t mind at first, sticking to the lot of bounties Greef would assign you every month, and minding your business.
That was until this Mandalorian started getting your pick of the lot.
“He’s just as good as you are,” Greef had said to you. “Your skill sets are incredibly complimentary. It is best for me financially to have you both going at once.”
You scoffed into your drink. “Give me a break, smartass. Next thing I know it will ‘best for you financially’ to have us working together.”
“It was a joke, asshole,” you responded to Din. “I’ll admit, not one of my best.”
Din sighed and remained silent. After two dozen jobs together, he had learned how old that jab was becoming.
“Going in now,” you said quietly, pulling out your gun and – as quietly as you could – shooting through the lock on the front door of what had to have been the biggest house you had ever seen. The outside was made with some rare limestone that glimmered in the moonlight which, in your opinion, literally shouted “rob me.” The owners of this house had tricked Greef, running off with the sum of money he had owed you and Din for a previous job (quite convenient, if you said so yourself). Greef agreed to pay you and Din triple your original salary if you got it back for him.
And here you were.
The door squeaked on its hinges as you opened it, revealing a pitch-black living area. You took one step inside, and as you did, a generator must have kicked on, because the room was instantly lit up. You gasped, stepping back in fear of a possible alarm, but as you waited a few seconds, there was no such thing.
“You okay?” Din asked quietly. If you weren’t shitting your pants, you might have teased him for seeming like he actually cared.
“Yeah,” you responded, winded. “Yeah. Fine.”
You looked around the room, jaw falling open slowly as you did. It might as well have been a museum. Paintings, vases, chandeliers, stones, and jewels. You could tell one thing and one thing only.
Whoever these people were, they were fucking loaded.
“Hey, Din,” you asked.
“Did Greef say anything about being allowed to steal anything else?”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Got it,” you said, and moved further into the house.
“Greef paid some gungan to have dinner with them, so there shouldn’t be anyone in the house.”
“I was at the meeting for this job, Din.”
“I know,” he said, “Just checking.”
His voice was laced with an undertone of…hurt. You didn’t have time to think about that.
“I’m headed to the master bedroom,” you said, weaving your way through objects worth more than you would ever see in ten lifetimes. “I’ll let you know when I find the box.”
“Alright,” Din responded, and you carried on.
You circled the first floor of the house, hemming and hawing at what seemed to be an endless supply of riches.
“Are we focused, Y/N?”
“Lazer,” you responded after almost touching the shiniest blue stone you had ever seen. “Nothing on the first floor.”
“Okay,” Din responded. “How-how you holding up?”
Your eyebrows wrinkled together. “Fine. How about you?”
“I’m good,” he said softly. “Just now realizing we have never done a job like this before. Me only hearing you through the comlink. I’m used to being next to you.”
“Oh, the poor Mandalorian, all alone in the desert, cursed with the job of keeping watch. You missing me big guy?”
“Just missing being faster than you,” he jabbed. “It’s good for my ego.”
“Har har,” you responded, opening the first door you found at the top of the stairs. “You can’t deny I give you a run for your money though.”
“You sure do,” he said, once again laced with emotion. What the fuck was with him?
And why did you keep noticing?
You opened the door and were welcomed by what had to have been the biggest bed you had ever seen in your life. It took up half the room, with the rest of it being looted with more treasures, including plants, shelves of books, and…
…a music box.
“Bingo,” you said.
“What does that mean?”
“It’s a game you play for fun,” you responded. “You wouldn’t be familiar with the concept.”
“Very original.”
“I’ll be here all night,” you said with a smirk, and walked to the box. You pulled it off the shelf delicately, feeling the weight of credits in the bottom. You laughed happily, unable to hold it in.
Din laughed too. He understood immediately.
You felt for the seal on the front and began to pull it open carefully. You got it about halfway open before it immediately shut, snapping your fingers into it.
“Mother –” you said, pulling your fingers out and holding them to your chest.
“You okay?” Din asked quickly, almost as soon as the word left your mouth.
“Yeah,” you said, flexing your fingers. You laughed lightly. “I think this house may be out to get me.”
As if you spoke it into existence, all the lights in the house suddenly shut down, soaking you in darkness. Strobe lights of red began to pulse on the ceiling, the door to the bedroom shut automatically, and an ear-piercing alarm permeated the room.
You were suddenly unmoving.
“Y/N?” Din asked, his voice a whisper above the alarms. “Y/N, what is that?”
The box fell from your grip.
“Din…” you said, chest constricting, muscles locking, brain failing. “Din…”
“What’s going on?”
You started shaking your head, making your way to the door slowly. You jiggled the doorknob, then pulled on it, then yanked on it, then threw your body into it.
It was no use. You were locked in from the outside.
“Din, I –” your voice cracked with a sob. “Din, I’m stuck.”
“What do you mean?” He sounded like he was walking.
“I’m-I’m trapped,” you said, sobs now fully escaping from your mouth. “Din I’m trapped. They know I’m here. They’re gonna…”
You couldn’t finish your sentence, hand cupping your mouth as you began to hyperventilate, because suddenly, you were a child again. Put up against one of your parents’ countless tests. Locked in a basement, or a ship, or your own room, forced to find a way out, told that in the real world, if you couldn’t find a way out, you would likely be killed.
You could never pasts their tests. Never.
“Din, they’re gonna kill me.”
“Shut up,” he said firmly. It sounded like he was moving faster. “You’re not gonna die.”
His tone was unconvincing.
“Din,” you cried, tears staining the fabric covering your face, snot soaking through it. Panic was seeping itself into your bones. “Din, what do I do? What do I do?”
“You’ve gotta find a way out.”
“I can’t,” you wheezed, body sliding down the door and onto the floor, the alarms and the red overstimulating your every nerve. “I can’t Din. It’s so loud,”
“Please don’t cry,” you heard him whisper, “please don’t cry, Y/N.”
“Come and get me,” you begged, “Din, please come and get me.”
“The house is likely on total lockdown,” he said. “There’s no way for me to get in.”
This only made you sob harder.
“Please, Din,” you said through gasps of air, “please don’t leave me alone.”
“I won’t leave you alone,” he said. It sounded like he was running now. “Not ever, you understand me?”
You nodded, now plugging your ears, and closing your eyes, rocking yourself back and forth subconsciously.
“I’m going to get you out of there,” he said, his voice suddenly nasally. “I swear to the maker I’m going to get you out of there. I just need your help, okay?”
You tried your best to gather breath. “Okay. Okay.”
“Okay,” he said. “I need you to see if there are any windows in the room. Can you do that for me?”
You swallowed, standing on shaking legs, ears still plugged. You squinted as you walked slowly, finally reaching a wall. You then felt the wall with one hand and walked forward until you felt something that resembled glass.
“I-I found one.”
“Good,” he said, sounding peculiarly winded. “Now, I’m going to need you to break it.”
You sobbed once more. “How?”
“Anything. Shoot at it, throw things at it, the fucking music box for all I care. Anything.”
You swallowed again, breathing in as deep of a breath as you could, before pulling out your gun. You felt the glass once again, and slowly backed away from it. You continued to release faint cries as you did, holding up your gun with quivering fingers, before letting blasts fly.
You heard some cracks as they landed against the glass. Once you halted your firing, you made your way back over to it, and realized they weren’t nearly enough.
“I’m going to have to kick it,” you said, some semblance of power returning into your voice.
Din didn’t respond.
You backed away again, breaths still rapid and voice still raw. But you gave that piece of fucking glass your all.
Your foot went right through it, cutting shards into your calf and ankle.
You grunted, falling back into the room.
“You get it?” Din asked, panting.
“Yeah,” you said, clutching your leg. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Good. Now stand up.”
You did.
“Walk to the window.”
You did.
“And jump.”
“Jump now.”
It was in that moment that you realized that you truly, unequivocally, deeply trusted the Mandalorian. Because you jumped into the dark, cold night, and he caught you, mid-air.
You gasped as you landed in his arms, watching as the ground beneath you whizzed by, eyelids pealed back in awe.
A smooth, gloved hand framed your cheek and pulled your vision upwards, locking it into his visor.
You stared at him, the remnants of tears against the cold wind freezing your face, and yet his hand was the true culprit of your goosebumps.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly. The flames from his jet pack illuminating his armor in golds and reds.
You nodded. “I’m okay.”
He nodded, diverting his gaze to stare forward into the night, but keeping his hand pressed against your face.
You would say it was the shock, or the trauma, or the adrenaline pumping through your veins. In reality, all you wanted was comfort – his comfort. You couldn’t stop yourself.
You rested your forehead against the side of his visor and closed your eyes, scooting your body as close to his as possible as the two of you shot through the sky.
“Thank you, Din,” you said, tears escaping you once more. “Thank you.”
Din audibly swallowed, then removed his hand from your cheek and used it to remove your mask, before sliding his hand into the hair at the back of your neck.
“I swore to you I’d get you out of there,” he said, his voice crackly and weak. “I don’t break promises.”
You nodded against his visor, clutching desperately onto the fabric around his neck. He smelled of sweat, metal, and home.
“I’ve got you now,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”
Tag list: (if you would like to be added please let me know!)
burned-dorito, @tiredbuthappyppy @em---r @just-a-sewer-goblinlin @punkiwiki @lovesbiggerthanprideerthanpride @darth-voder @samanthacookieone @torchbearerkylee @stardust-galaxies @c4psicle @joelsflannell @mysun-n-stars@tateelii @darth-voder @kirsteng42 @leithatnight @arson-tm @l0calgothh @thesmutslut  @alastorhazbinbin @grincheveryday @reader8679 @cockscombkingdom
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lihhelsing · 11 months
Hate That I Loved You
Now complete on AO3!
Part 1 ↓ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
“That’s an awful idea” Gareth states from the other side of the room. 
“It’s not as bad as the one he had for the Leave You music video,” Jeff adds helpfully. 
“It’s one of our biggest hits,” Frank chimes in.
Eddie is just waiting for the band to reach the right conclusion.It’s such a bad idea that it actually makes it a genius one. Eddie knows it and he’s known it ever since he woke up in the middle of the night with it forming in his brain. 
They need another hit. Eddie has just the song for that, called Hate That I Loved You, about all the times he failed at love. Which were… a good amount. 
The song is good. Harsh, loud, heartbreaking. Eddie might’ve cried when he first played it acoustic on his guitar, all alone after getting dumped by his last boyfriend. 
It’s about how he’s never good enough for anyone. It’s raw. 
“Fine, let’s do it,” Gareth finally gives in and Eddie just smiles. His idea is as painful as the song. He’s going to call his exes and ask them to be in the music video. The song is not so much about them, it’s more about Eddie himself, but he likes the dramatic effect of having to face all his mistakes in one day as he sings his heart out.
He knows the tabloids will eat that shit up. He knows it’s the push the band needs to blow up and exactly the edgy, weird shit everyone expects from them He’s willing to take one for the team. He’s doing it
Pre production rolls around quickly, Chrissy is too damn good at her job, and soon it’s time for Eddie to do the hard part. He needs to call the exes and ask them. 
He has six in total, he will be happy if he gets five to participate, but will settle for four. Knows two are harder.
David, Sean and Pedro are in from the start. It’s not surprising, really, they broke up in friendly terms, still talk sometimes, and are happy to indulge Eddie’s crazy ideas. Always had been. 
His first no comes with Josh. He thought it was an easy yes but he was wrong.
Josh is happily married and not looking for any drama in his life and Eddie means drama. He can’t argue. Eddie winces as he remembers serenading Josh while high out of his mind, making noise under his dorm window like an idiot. Josh hangs up before Eddie can beg and that’s it.
That leaves him with 3 yes and 2 that he doesn’t know. Despite still being hurt by the break-up, Eddie calls Lou first. Lou is… Hard. His voice sends chills down Eddie’s spine and he almost chickens out. He’s the one that set Eddie off with this song, to begin with.
He’s the one that makes Eddie feels like he’s far from being enough. He’s the one who told Eddie he was selfish and unlovable and Eddie knows he still feels it as Lou flirts with him through the phone. 
He’d never been good to Eddie but he was what Eddie thought he deserved it.
“Of course I’ll star in your video, babe,” Lou agrees easily and Eddie wishes he’d said no. Eddie thinks there’s still time for him to back down from the idea. Knows the guys would understand. Knows they all remember having to drag Eddie out of bed after a week of wallowing.
He stands his ground. Thinks this might be what he needs to get over Lou. To get him out of his system forever. 
He also stands his ground because he knows the next number by heart. Had known it for the past 7 years and couldn’t really get rid of it.
His brain cling to Steve just like his heart had. 
He feels dizzy as the line rings and feels like he’s going to faint as Steve’s voice comes through the speaker. 
“Steve, hey. It’s, um, it’s Eddie.”
The silence is so loud Eddie thinks he’s gone deaf.
“Munson. You know, from-”
“I know,” Steve’s voice gets so small Eddie wishes he had never called. “What…”
Whatever question he has dies on Steve’s throat and Eddie doesn’t blame him. 
“Sorry to call like that. I, um, I need a favor?”
Eddie explains it all. He talks about the band, the song, the video idea. He talks for almost ten minutes and he just keeps going because he can hear Steve’s breathing on the line.
“So, that’s it. You can say no, no hard feelings but I… would like if you said yes”
It feels like a low blow, but Steve says yes and Eddie pushes the guilt away from his brain. He’ll get to see Steve soon. Less than a week. He can’t help the butterflies blooming on his stomach. 
He fucking missed Steve. 
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pablitogavii · 7 months
Please do one where gavi is super dom so every time she goes out he has to remind her she's his (even tho he would let her wear what ever she wants he knows it turns her on also)
Behave, muñeca
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After Pablo’s injury you really didn’t want to go out at all, or leave him alone for a second. You wanted him to rest and you to take care of him and everything else.
So when your best friend invited you to go out for her birthday party you immediately refused not even telling Pablo about it. It was unlucky that your best friend happens to be Pedros gf and he told Pablo all about it.
“Callate! You’re going amor! It’s her birthday!” He insisted while you whined saying you couldn’t leave him alone at home and he groaned.
“I’ll be fine. I’m not a baby you know?” He frowned and you asked him where his medications were to which he didn’t have a clue.
“Fine! Just leave them out for me and go have fun with Fran..and I’ll call if I need? “ he said and somehow you agreed rushing to get ready.
A few hours later…(think SpongeBob)
“Amor I’m ready! I put your medicine on the cupboard by the bed and you have dinner on there as well. Let me know if I missed something..” you said walking out but Pablo was shaving many dirty thoughts to care about any of what you said.
“You did muñeca..venga aqui” he said in a soft yet demanding tone and you walked up seeing him pat his lap and you immediately knew what that meant. You sat down on his healthy leg careful not to hurt him.
“Que pass amor??” You ask although you already very well knew what it was all about..
“You look very good preciosa..” he said moving your hair back and snuggling his nose into your neck where your perfume was driving him crazzy!!
“Thank you..” you say shyly knowing where this is going. Per usual Pablo’s lips found their way to your neck and he started to diligently suck on your skin. You tried to hide moans..
He bit the skin and you whined naturally pulling away or just trying because he was pulling you right back towards himself.
“Behave muñeca..you know the rules. You wear whatever you want but with Papis marks on your neck..” he smirked and you smiled nodding your head and moving closer again giving him more access to suck in more of marks onto your skin.
“Vale, now you’re ready..” he said licking his lips while admiring your neck covered in hickeys. Pablo was proud!!
“Hmm they look so good Papi” you wink knowing it builds his ego as he smiles leaving a few kisses on top before you get up.
“They look good on you muñeca” he said while you checked yourself up in the mirror.
“Hm I don’t need jewelry..this is my second favorite necklace..my favorite is..your handprint” you whisper into his ear that last part and he clenched his jaw wanting desperately to recover and take you how only he knows..it’s been so long.
“ Behave muñeca..or imma make you go on your knees before you leave” he said and you pouted kissing his lips slowly as he put his tongue into your mouth holding your jaw roughly.
“Mm maybe that’s what I want Papi” you smirk getting on your knees in front of him while he tossed his head back with a loud groan.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Okay so I got my first request, thank you so much !! It got me so excited!! Also, I have no idea why I can’t tag you, I guess I’m still struggling to understand tumblr 😂 I hope you’ll like what I wrote.
Summary : y/n and Pedro are going out for dinner. As they walk out, a small group, apparently fans of y/n, recognize them. As they interact, it does not go as planned, which makes Pedro pretty jealous and uncomfortable.
You and Pedro have been dating for over a year now. Being both actors, your schedules were always a little tight. So, from the beginning, you secured a moment for a date, and you both agreed on Thursday night. So every Thursday, you chose a restaurant and went. At the beginning you were very nervous about going out, as your relationship was yet to be official. So you were ordering, or went out of the city. After 10 months, it was official, so you decided not to hide anymore.
Fans were nice and respectful not to disturb you if they found you while having dinner, but before and after it was inevitable. And today was no exception. Today is Thursday, and you were about to leave. Pedro chose a nice Italian restaurant that you’ve both never went to.
“You look absolutely gorgeous mi amor” he said as he entered the bathroom. You were finishing getting ready, putting your earrings. You looked at him through the mirror as he settled himself next to you.
“You too look amazing mi cariño” he let out a little moan when he heard mi cariño. Oh how he loved when you spoke his native language.
“Okay we need to go before I change my mind” you laughed.
Thirty minutes later you were walking in the restaurant. It was not that much crowded. It made you less anxious. Less people meant less people looking at you. Yes, you were not a fan of the attention when you trying to enjoy your private life.
The dinner went great. The food was great, you and Pedro talked a lot, you joked, had serious conversations. It actually amazed the both of you how you could never run out of things to talk about, even if you live together and have been dating for a while. After finishing dessert and your glass of wine, you decided to leave. It was not too late, but you wanted to spend the rest of night alone with him.
After walking for two minutes hand in hand, you were interrupted by a group of two guys and one girl.
“Hi we’re so sorry to bother you, but we wondered if we could take a picture with you y/n?” The girl said.
“Oh yes, of course!” You said enthusiastically. You and Pedro parted. You took a few pictures with the girl. The two guys stayed on the side, eyeing and checking you, looking up and down at you, but you quickly avoided them and drove your full attention to the girl. But Pedro didn’t. It was making him jealous. How could they look at you like that? He was literally next to you.
“I really loved your last movie, it was amazing, I can’t wait for the second one!”
“Thank you so much, yeah I can’t wait either, I think you’ll like the second one better!”
“Have you finished filming it yet?”
“Almost actually”
“Are you going to be in that pool again?” One of the guy suddenly asked, smirking. You looked at him confused, not saying anything. Pedro was frowning.
“Oh- are you going to fight that dude again? It was pretty h-” the other guy said but was interrupted by Pedro before you got to say anything.
“Okay! I think that’s enough” he said coming closer to you. “As much we appreciate the attention, there’s more to the movie and y/n’s acting than that” he said, staring very intensely at the guys. They were shocked. “Did you actually watch the entire movie? Or just got to watch those parts for something else?”
“We- no, we did wa-” Pedro didn’t let them finish.
“I think you should apologize” he said. “And at least behave like your friend here and actually have some interests” he said pointed to the girl who was clearly embarrassed by her friends.
“We’re sorry”
“Yeah sorry..” they said.
“Thank you” you finally said barely looking at them. “And you to you, you were very nice, have a good night” you said to the girl. Pedro put his arm on your shoulder and you left.
“Thank you” you said to Pedro, holding him tight.
“I hate those kind of people, I don’t know at least pretend to give fuck in front of the person” he said a little aggressively. He was still upset.
“Calm down, it’s over now. Forget about them, let’s not let them ruin our night”
“I know you’re famous too and I’m used to people looking at you, but the way they were checking you out and how they talked about you, it just makes me so mad. They were looking at you like- I saw their eyes wondering on your body, hm hm, scanning you and all, nope I can’t” your right arm was around Pedro’s waist, and you put your left arm on his stomach.
“The entire world worships you, it’s like that every time we see your fans, you know how I feel now” you joked, he stared at you. “Too soon?”
“Too soon”
“Okay, I’ll try again in twenty minutes” you joked again. This time Pedro couldn’t help but smile. “There it is” you pointed to his mouth.
“Okay okay” he said laughing a little bit, putting your hand away. You were now at your car.
The drive home was silent, music playing in the background. It was not awkward nor anything. You could see that Pedro was more relaxed now. Everything was fine, and you were going to be able to enjoy the rest of the night together at home. This date night was not over.
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lionlena · 1 year
A kitchen disaster (PedroPascalxreader) oneshot
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Reader is Pedro Pascal's girlfriend.
Pure fluff.
It was no secret that Pedro couldn't cook. Really. He has even spoken openly about it in interviews.
Many times.
And yet you decided to change it. You just wanted give a try. To say your boyfriend resisted is like saying nothing. Even your very reasonable argument did not convince him.
"If you ever find yourself on a deserted island, you will die without knowing how to cook anything."
 It was a very serious argument, but Pedro was laughing.
But finally, after many weeks, he agreed to cook something. He knew you were going to have a long and hard week at work as the deadline for your reports was approaching. Pedro saw how stressed you were and wanted to do something about it. He has agreed to make dinner, provided you leave him instructions.
You chose pizzas. You really had the easiest recipe in the world. Only a few ingredients. It was enough to combine the ingredients, knead the dough, add pizza toppings and bake.
You were really excited. You kissed him on the mouth before go to work and said happily:
 "Everything is ready. I should be home at 6pm, so start getting everything ready an hour early."
 Pedro didn't seem as enthusiastic as you.
 "Fine," he murmured.
 "I believe in you" you said cheerfully and patted his chest.
 And although your day at work was hard, you came back to Pedro's house with big smile. Your enthusiasm quickly died as soon as you crossed the threshold.
 As soon as you walked in, you could smell burnt food.
 "Pedro, I'm back!"
 Pedro jumped out to you and... He looked terrible. His shirt was wet and stained with flour and possibly tomato sauce, which was also on his jeans. Flour was also in his hair.
You lost your breath.
 "Hey baby," he said happily.
 "What happened? Did you have sparring with pizza?"
 He laughed nervously and shrugged.
 "I told you it was a bad idea."
 You suddenly realized that if he looked like this then... What does the kitchen look like? Even though he tried to stop you, you passed him and...
Pedro lied in interviews saying he was bad at cooking. He was TRAGIC about it. The kitchen looked like a tornado went through it.
 "It's a disaster!"
 "Well, you wanted it. I warned you."
 You sighed heavily, placed your hands on your hips and hung your head. You saw Pedro coming out of the kitchen.
 "And you where?"
 "I'm evacuating."
 "You're not going to leave me alone with this mess, are you?"
 You haven't received an answer. Okay, you deserved it. You insisted. You sighed heavily and looked around the kitchen again. You decided to pour yourself a glass of wine before you start cleaning. At least that's what Pedro couldn't spoil. You grabbed a paper towels  to start cleaning the kitchen counter as your boyfriend came back into the kitchen. He cuddled up to your back and giggled.
 "Did you really think I was going to make you clean this mess?"
 He kissed your ear and you turned in his arms.
 "That would be fair. My idea, my mess."
 He shook his head.
 "I just went to order food. It'll be in fifteen minutes. I know you're tired. Go to the living room. Sit down on the couch and rest."
 You wiped flour from his cheek and kissed him.
 "God, I really love you."
 He hugged you even tighter.
 "I love you too, sweetie, but..." He narrowed his eyes and added, "Forget that I'll cook again."
 You laughed and nodded your head.
 "Ok. From now on, only I cook."
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absurdthirst · 10 months
Hi Keri! Please feel no pressure to answer this or anything but I know you sometimes do real life kinda advice for people? I guess I’m new to the general Pedro fandom (I’ve known who he is for ages and also been on tumblr for ages but somehow my idiot brain never thought about searching him on here) and it sounds silly but I’m a little lowkey terrified about being here. I know the fandom got a lot of new people recently/since tlou and some people aren’t thrilled with that, which I can understand, and I don’t want to make anything worse (even though my anxious ass can barely make myself watch his interviews—which he obviously agreed to have public as part of his job—because I start worrying if I’m not being respectful of his privacy). I’ve been silently lurking for a while and can’t bring myself to interact or post anything (even though my writing is probably shit anyway ha) because I don’t want to contribute to a problem or make anything worse for anybody and maybe the fandom was sort of “full up” before everything got big this year and I should just leave well enough alone?
Hello love!
Thank you for interacting with me and I hope that you don't decide to disengage from the fandom.
Writing fanfics about characters isn't intrusive. Loving a kind and sweet man who happens to be a very talented and attractive actor isn't intrusive. Wanting to participate in a fandom and scream over those things isn't intrusive.
What's intrusive? Trying to 'out' his sexuality when he has never publicly stated anything. Trying to 'prove' he's with this person or was with that person. POSTING HIS PERSONAL WRITING BLOG. @'ing him rude and disgusting things that shouldn't be said in public. Trying to get close to people who are close to him to get the 'scoop'. DM'ing anyone who happens to meet him in order to try to gain information. STALKING HIS LOCATION. Interrupting friends/family live feeds on IG to ask question about him. Any kind of basic harassing behavior.
That is most definitely intrusive and disgusting. Being a fan isn't being privy to everything that happens in his life and demanding his time. It's about celebrating a talented man's work. At the end of the day, it IS work for him and his private life - unless he offers information - should be off the table.
You don't seem to be guilty of doing this. So please don't leave. The fandom isn't "full up", it's just at times full of people who claim to be fans, but have parasocial relationships with a celebrity and cross the line. We could do with less of those.
Love Pedro. Celebrate him. Scream over him. Go gaga over all this characters and just love him to pieces. Interact with your faves and perhaps post some of those stories you've been squirreling away (I bet it's not shit)
Fans who respect his privacy and still want to love him are exactly the kind of fans that are needed.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
hey lovely 🫶🏼 i wanted to request a pedri smut where they go somewhere and reader is jealous of some girl that flirts with pedri and when they get home he lets her take the control in bed
A/N: hope you like it. 😜
Warnings: ⚠️ smut
You sat there scrolling through your phone while Pedri finished an interview. You occasionally looked up and he would smile and wink at you. But you were annoyed. The interviewer kept on putting her hand on his thigh whenever he said something funny or even when what he said wasn’t funny.
You looked up again as she began to laugh and you saw how she leaned in against your boyfriend and patted his thigh. He smiled and looked down at her hand. You rolled your eyes which he caught a glimpse of.
You didn’t know why you had agreed to come with him if they always did this. It’s like it was a challenge for them when they realized he had a girlfriend.
The interview was finally over and Pedri walked over to where you were sitting.
-Ready to leave?- he asked standing in front of you.
You put your cell phone in your purse and rolled your eyes. -Finally.-
When the interviewer said goodbye and wished you well you didn’t bother to turn around. You waved your arm up as you continued to walk towards the exit. Pedri trying to walk behind you.
Pedri opened the door to his car as you went in. He quickly rushed to his side and turned in his car. You sat there with a pout on your face and your arms folded in front of you.
-What’s wrong Y/N?- be asked confused.
-Oh Pedri you’re so funny.- you said mimicking the interviewer as you finished your sentence with your hand in his thigh.
He laughed. -Oh that. I was hoping you hadn’t seen that.- he said with a smirk.
-Why? So you can come back tomorrow and get with her?- you ask as Pedri was driving away.
-You know I would never do that.- he said but you were no longer listening to him. You had taken your phone out again and were scrolling through your messages. Pedri decided to leave the subject alone.
Minutes later he broke the silence. -So where do you want to go have lunch?- he asked. You barely looked away from your phone before responding. -I really just want to go home. You can go out and have lunch if you want.-
He stared at you. -With the interviewer?- he loved to taunt you. You gave him one quick look before whispering -Fuck off Pedri.-
The rest of the drive home was silent. When you finally got home you dashed to the bedroom and closed the door. Pedri sat in the living room thinking about how he was going to make it better but in all truth thought you were overreacting.
Minutes later you heard Pedri open the door to your room. You were getting changed as you turned around.
-Can we talk?- he said.
-Aren’t you going to be late for your lunch date?- you spat back.
He let out a small laugh. -You know I just said that to piss you off right?-
-Well it works, Pedro.-
He widened his eyes. -Pedro … you must really be upset.-
You took your pants off. -It’s so tiring to have to share you. Why can’t they keep their hands off of you?- you explained. It was the first time you said that to him out loud. You had thought it a million times but the truth was it annoyed you how it seemed like you had to share him with the rest of the world.
He walked closer to you. -You know I’m all yours right? I’de be crazy to get with anyone else.- he said with a smile.
-Because I know nobody else would treat me the way you do.- he said nearing closer to you. Your bodies met and you could feel his warmth in front of you.
-I’m all yours.- he whispered.
-Then show me.- you said. You could feel his hand going up your arm. Touching you ever so slowly and sending electricity all through your body.
-I’m all yours baby. Do whatever you want with me.- you bit your bottom lip and stared at him.
Your lips immediately attached to each other. Usually he would have you pinned down on the bed but not today.
In between kisses you heard him say -You show me what you want.-
You turned him around and slowly managed to have him sit on the edge of the bed as you sat on his lap facing him. His hands went up to your waist as you continued to kiss eventually making their way to the hem of your underwear and he began to pull it down. You could feel him growing harder underneath you. His hands went around your ass.
You grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off leaving his beautiful chest exposed. You proceeded to leave small kisses all around it. Then your hands went down to his pants and you helped him take it off along with his underwear.
He sat there as he looked at you in disbelief. He put his arms around you and helped you unclamp your bra only to throw it on the floor. He stared at your breasts with so much adoration and his breathing heightened.
-What do you want me to do?- he asked.
-Lay down.-
He did as you told him to and before he knew it you had lifted yourself up over his tip and let yourself go down having him fill you up. You let out a small moan once you felt him inside of you and he smiled.
You began to grind on him as you felt him going in and out of you. Every time hitting your spot and making you moan.
-I want them all to know you’re mine.- you said as your lips attacked his neck and you left small love bites. -I’m all yours.-
You found his spot on the left side of his neck and you began to suck while riding him. It was too much for Pedri who began to moan out your name. You wrap your arms around his neck as you continue to move our hips onto him.
His eyes are closed shut and his mouth is open. Seeing what you do to him makes you feel better.
-Tell me you won’t leave me.- you say. Pedri opens his eyes and looks at you with a smile. -I would never leave you.-
He fights his urge to start to buck up his hips against you because he knows you need to be in control. He knows how upset you were and that you needed it.
He moves his hands away from your ass to your breasts and he starts to knead them and eventually puts one in his mouth. You can feel his soft lips around your nipple and him inside of you and you can’t hold it any longer.
“Pedrito, I’m gonna come.” You say which makes him smirk. He prefers Pedrito much more to Pedro coming of your mouth. He places his hands around your ass and begins to buck his hips up, pushing you down onto him.
-I’m all yours.- he repeats as you feel the pressure in your stomach release itself and you become undone. You moan out his name. And while you’re riding out your high he quickly places you on the bed and begins to go in and out of you. Now he’s in control.
You spread your legs open even more trying to feel all of him inside of you. You become a moaning mess. He can’t control himself anymore and goes in fast and rough. -Faster.- you plead.
You can see his red flushed cheeks and the sweat coming down his forehead. -I’m all yours.- he says again and he hides his face by your neck which lets you hear his moans right next to your ear. He moans out your name and a few profanities as he comes.
After a few seconds and once he’s caught his breath he gets himself out of you and lays on the bed next to you. You put your head on top of his arm and place your right arm over his chest.
-You know you’re the only one that I want, right?- he asks as he places a soft kiss on top of your head. You smile.
-I’m sorry for acting jealous.- you say.
-There’s nothing to be sorry about.- he responds as he traces small circles around your right arm which eventually helps you drift off into sleep in his arms.
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mrsquill · 1 year
Whole World in His Hands
Pre-Outbreak!Joel Miller
Summary: Hi! So I haven’t written fic in… four years? I think? So please be nice to me! TLOU broke my heart and put it back together again and stamped on it simultaneously, and I couldn’t get the idea of Single Dad Joel, Uncle Tommy and baby Sarah out of my head, so here’s this!
Set within the timeframe provided by the show however no apocalypse here, baby! So, Sarah was born in 1989. Hope my maths be mathin’!
Notes: I’m not from the States, so I’m sorry if any cultural references are wrong. I’ve also never played the games - so if any backstory is missing/I’ve completely ignored, again: I’m sorry! This is based on the beautiful relationship between Pedro and Nico’s portrayals.
Warnings: Sarah’s mother is mentioned with the tiniest bit of angst, but mostly fluffiness and repairing my broken heart. So please, enjoy!
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The sun was starting to set slowly on another stifling Texas evening in August. The plastic grooves of the white garden chair Joel was sat in were sure to leave a mark on his bare back, but he was content enough to stay there forever. He closed his eyes and listened, half-asleep, to the sounds of lawnmowers, kids laughing, dogs barking, and Tommy shuffling around in the backyard.
The radio host announced ‘We Have Forgotten’ by Sixpence None the Richer was next up, and to enjoy, folks. Well, Joel was sure to do just that. The late summer air was soon full of breathy vocals and lilting guitar strings as he adjusted his position slightly in the late golden light, careful not to wake his little girl.
Sarah was snoring lightly, sprawled across his lap in her towel, dark curls damp from a day in the pool they had in the backyard. Supporting her head with one arm, a well-earned bottle of beer rested in his other hand, sunglasses fixed on his nose as the smell of barbecue wafted over. Joel couldn’t be sure his younger brother was actually ever quite full, not even after third helpings of birthday cake.
He’d hosted Sarah’s eighth birthday party that day - admittedly, a month late - and was grateful for it to be over, despite seeing the joy on his baby’s face when all her friends turned up for a day in their pool. The pancakes in bed and wonky birthday tiara had been enough for her to declare that this was the best birthday ever, so the surprise party was the icing on the cake.
Joel and Tommy had actually managed to pull it out of the bag: the thought of 12 screaming eight-year-olds potentially drowning in his backyard was enough to wake him at night in a cold sweat, but his brother had firmly reminded him with a slap on his back: “You’ve kept one alive for this long, brother. How hard can eleven more be for a couple hours?”
Tommy had kept the girls entertained by generally making a fool of himself in and out of the pool, and Joel had kept them fed and watered with a steady stream of hotdogs and soda, reminding them to keep reapplying sunblock and keep their hats on. His brother had rolled his eyes, but Joel reasoned one of them had to be the sensible one - and it’s been me since the day you were born, he’d added.
The moms came and duly collected at the time allotted on the shitty invitations he’d cobbled together in secret a few weeks prior, and Joel was forced to defend himself from being hit on by precisely all eleven women - single or not. He’d firmly rejected invitations for a coffee, or a whiskey, but had grudgingly agreed to come and check over a leaky faucet which he strongly doubted was leaking at all.
When the last little girl - Hayley, Sarah’s best ever friend - had left with her mom, Joel had closed the door and slid a hand over his face, resisting the urge to slide downwards and crumple on the floor. He’d groaned inwardly, Tommy chuckling from the hallway. You’re crazy, his brother had remarked, watching Joel interact with the women, his awkward flirting and half-hearted laughs enough to make anybody cringe. You don’t need to be alone forever, man. You’re thirty! You deserve a lil’ fun!
Joel reminded his brother than such fun was off his radar for the foreseeable, and Tommy held his hands up in mock defeat. S’good thing, I guess, he’d admitted. They don’t know what they’re missin’ with the younger, better lookin’ stud of this house anyway. Joel had merely rolled his eyes at that, heading for the backyard, exhausted from the day’s efforts and seeking a few moments of peace and quiet with his daughter.
He had found Sarah reading through her cards and sorting through assorted gifts on the porch swing, snuggling happily into his side as he collapsed beside her. You have a good birthday, baby? He’d asked, nervous for her answer. Everything Joel did was for Sarah. It was the reason he hauled his ass out of bed for 4am contracting shifts, had learned how to style her hair by shyly asking a teacher at her school, had let her paint his nails pink at their backyard tea party and had loved every second of it.
Sarah replied that she had, but now she wanted to play mermaids one more time, please?! It’s still my birthday! Joel could only oblige - his own dark eyes pleading at him, fringed with delicate lashes that he was certain came from her mama. Joel didn’t tend to think of Sarah’s mother often - if, at all. She had asked a few questions here and there, and he’d always managed to deflect them. As he’d slipped into the warm water with Sarah giggling on his shoulders, he knew that the time would come where they’d have the conversation he’d been avoiding, since the night Joel had brought her home from the hospital.
Looking at Sarah’s sleeping form, now, her button nose and pouted lips, Joel’s heart heaved with love for her. Joel looked over at Tommy from beneath his sunglasses, wolfing down his tenth hotdog of the day, wondering how they’d made it so far. Sarah shifted a little in his lap, and Joel felt himself swept back in time, 22-years-old, a new father without a fucking clue about what to do with this baby without a mother.
He remembered it like it was yesterday - his ex had called the house he and Tommy had just bought. Her voice shaking on the line: I can’t do this, Joel. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was pregnant. She’s yours. Please take her. I don’t have anybody else to call. He hadn’t heard from her in six months - it wasn’t a serious thing, she was a cashier at the store he got his liquor at when the weekend rolled in, and they’d been having fun. Careful fun, right?
In blind panic, Joel got to the hospital and found the right room. How he did it, he’d never know. The baby was already alone, save for a nurse who gently gestured that he should sit down and try and get his breathing together. As soon as she was placed in his arms, Joel knew his life was changed forever. She was it, this tiny snuffling bundle mewling up at him. She had his eyes, he was sure. Even if they weren’t his; it didn’t fuckin’ matter. He wasn’t leaving the hospital without his girl. His Sarah.
God, it was hard. So fuckin’ hard. Some days, Joel was close to breaking point; parenting books and VHS tapes only going to far with what they could teach him. But when Sarah wrapped her tiny finger round his, or gave Tommy a gummy smile and shrieked with laughter, Joel knew he’d take a thousand shitty days for that one slice of heaven. His perfect girl. They got through it, together.
Still got ten years of this shit, Tommy mused, his foot gently kicking an abandoned Barbie across the grass, jolting Joel from his reverie. Cheers to that, he motioned to his younger brother, taking a long pull from his beer. Tommy looked down on his niece with affection he’d had for eight years, the expression well-worn on his face, before he turned and headed inside.
The song on the radio was drawing to a close, the sky above an even richer shade of honey than before, as the string lights across the pool glowed in the approaching evening light. Bath, then bed, Joel hummed to himself as he prepared to lift Sarah to his chest gently, ready to repeat the routine he’d shaped his life around. Joel was holding his whole world in his hands, and he felt like the luckiest man alive.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
sunshine on a cloudy day - chapter 9
summary: you and frankie take a big step, and truly, anything can happen.
warnings: nothing explicit, a few allusions to sexual acts, a lot of fluff, frankie has feelings, mentions of pregnancy (see below pls)
a/n: okay I thought long and hard about this chapter. I’ve had this story plotted out since the beginning, and since Frankie flat out mentions in the movie ”I’ve got the new baby now” it didn’t make much sense to me from a literary/fic-writing point of view not to include it. that being said, everything that’s been happening in the states with the overturning of roe vs. wade is despicable in every sense of the word. but, coupled with Pedro’s outright support of the uterus-having folk, I think I did it justice. okaythanksbye
another note - I’m doing things a bit differently now! I’m only working on one series at a time (with oneshots mixed in of course lmfao) so sunshine will have more chapters up most likely this week! 💕
| series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 |
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Yet again, life becomes its own brand of normal. For a while.
Benny is back in your life full-force, an almost permanent fixture on your couch. Friday night game night resumes, combinations of the boys and their ladies making appearances when they can. Everything is right in the world once more, and when your house is filled with the guys’ hooting and hollering at the TV all night, your fridge full of beer and your kitchen full of pizza or wings or whatever everyone had agreed on that night, you’ve never felt more at ease.
Ben stays over most Friday nights, hollering his goodnights after he’s helped you or Frankie clean up after the game and you’re wandering off to bed. It’s nice, at first, having your best friend in the house. But it makes your late night activities a little more…quiet.
After a few months, Benny finally finds a girl that seems to capture attention entirely, and before you know it, your couch is empty after everyone leaves on Friday nights, leaving you and Frankie alone in the house. Which means you can be as loud as you want.
“I love Ben, believe me,” he grumbles to you one night, after everyone has departed, slinking up behind you in the bathroom and snaking his arms around your waist, one hand diving beneath your skirt, “but I love hearing the noises you make more.”
You smirk at him in the mirror, leaning your head back on his shoulder, sighing and letting your eyes flutter shut when he kisses your neck. “You telling me you don’t like putting your hand over my mouth just a little?” You cant your hip back against him and he hisses. “Cuz I think you do, Fish.”
“Only sometimes,” he admits, teeth sinking in to your skin, “but goddamn, querida, you make the sweetest noises I’ve ever heard.
Needless to say neither of you keep your mouths shut that night.
You’re putting away laundry, the most exciting of Sunday evening tasks, and Frankie is intent on staying close to you. First, he took a shower, then he was reading a book sprawled on the mattress, then he’d paced the room for twenty minutes like a nervous child until you’d raised a brow and asked him what the fuck was going on.
It had taken him another ten minutes to get the words out, but when he did…
He asked you to move in with him.
You’d dropped the shirt in your hand, eyes going wide and he’d stepped towards you instantly, wrapping his hands around your elbow. “You don’t have to say anything right now, querida, but just think about it, hmm?”
“I am thinking about it, Fish,” you’d said, unable to stop the corner of your mouth from quirking into a grin. “I have been thinking about it.”
Frankie’s never given you such a beautiful smile.
“Go sit down,” you’d laughed, pushing at his shoulder, squealing when he leaned in and pressed a ticklish kiss to your cheek. “I have laundry to put away.”
The pile of laundry is a good split between your clothes and his, and you start digging through the fabric, looking for: “My black pencil skirt, the one with the little slit? Have you seen it, Fish?”
He’s still got that same beautiful grin on his face, having retreated to his side of the bed. “I know exactly where it is, sunshine.” He flops forward on the bed, propped up on his elbows, grinning.
You keep digging, raising a brow at him. “Well, are you gonna tell me, or…?”
“It’s at my place, on your side of my closet,” he answers, pushing his chin into his hand. “You have a side of my closet, querida, and a drawer in my dresser and a shelf in my bathroom. Move in with me, please.”
There are butterflies in your stomach, and you reach out to knock his hat from his head. He just grins, keeps talking.
“I’m just saying, mariposa, it makes sense. You spend most of your time there anyway, it’s closer to work for you, and I have more space than you do.”
“I have the beach in my backyard, Francisco,” you counter. You’re beaming, at this point, half heartedly folding his t-shirts as he watches. He wants you to move in with him. He loves you that much that he wants to share his space, his life, with you more than he already does.
“Okay, fine,” he shrugs, reaching out with the hand not holding his chin to pull on your shorts until you step closer to him. He looks up at you, chocolatey eyes brighter and shinier than you’ve ever seen them, filled with excitement. “Then we find someplace else. Somewhere we both like. Bigger space, on the water, closer to the guys maybe. Whatever you want, cariño.”
You come to stand in front of him, abandoning the laundry completely, taking his face in your hands. His own curl around your thighs, palms skimming up the backs slowly. “Whatever I want, huh?”
Frankie nods in your grip. “Whatever you want, baby, I promise, as long as it’s me and you.”
Tears spark in your eyes at the words, and you lean down to kiss him softly, a giddy giggle escaping your throat as you do. Frankie grins against your lips, scrambling up onto his knees before he’s pulling you towards him so you both topple onto the bed, the laundry cushioning the blow. “Fish!”
“C’mon, sunshine, say yes.”
You’re both giggling now, Frankie’s arms around your waist, holding you atop him. You plant your hands on either side of his head. “Yes, Frankie. I’ll move in with you.”
Three months later, you’re moving into your own place. Together.
It’s good timing, in truth; your lease would have renewed two months after Frankie asked you to move in, and since Frankie’s landlord is a family friend, it was easy to get out of his rental with a bit of notice. There’s been a lot of culling of belongings, a good chunk of your closet donated to charity, and a heated discussion on who had the best couch before you’d decided to keep both. 
Moving day is easy; most of the guys have big pick-up trucks with lots of space, Frankie included, so it’s more of a weekend than a day, the trips alternated between Frankie’s place and yours, but by Sunday evening, every box and piece of furniture is in your new home, the guys had all said their goodnights after the beer and burger spread you’d prepared in thanks, and it’s just you and Frankie, in your new place. Your home.
Your home, which has three bedrooms.
It had been the selling point for Frankie, apparently. The master was bigger than both of your previous rooms, the closet a large walk-in space that had your jaw on the floor. He had plans to turn one of the other bedrooms into an office for you, somewhere to keep all your teaching things in one place. And for the last one?
Frankie’s response, with a shit-eating grin on his face when you asked: “Who knows? Anything could happen.”
Standing in the bathroom the morning of the house-warming-slash-welcome-home-Santi barbecue you’d been planning with Emily, anything did happen.
You stand in the bathroom for a long time, hands hooked onto the counter, the six sticks you’ve peed on this morning all staring back at you.
Well, fuck.
Your head is a mess. You’ve never had the most regular cycle, sure, and you had chalked up missing a period to the stress of packing and moving, the additional hassle of the end of the school year adding to it as well. You were on birth control, but with the one you were talking, it wasn’t completely out of the ordinary to miss one. 
But then one turned into two, and two turned into three, and you had barely noticed with everything going on.
You’ve been in the new house for almost two weeks now, most of your things unpacked and a few trips to Costco and Walmart filling your cupboards with cleaning supplies and essentials. Out of habit, you’d grabbed tampons and pads, but stopped short, right there in the aisle.
When was the last time you’d used them?
You tried to count back in your head, pulled up the calendar on your phone to try and remember, but came up blank. Stress seeped into your stomach instantly, and you veered down the next aisle, silently grateful that Frankie had stayed home for that trip.
It was a miracle you’d been able to hide the boxes from him, distracting him with some new craft beer you found at the liquor store and instructing him to hang up little sticky hooks near the front door for your keys and his hats.
That was last night, and then this morning, the day you’re meant to host all of your closest friends — and your mother — you’d woken up with a roiling stomach. Frankie had already disappeared from bed, intent to get the backyard set up early so he could start prepping to barbecue, which gave you a bit of privacy to take the tests.
And every single one was positive.
You’re a mix of happy and scared and stressed and bewildered. This is a thing? Are you even qualified for this? Does Frankie want this? You love him, there’s no question of that, and having his babies is pretty high on your to-do list, but it’s not even a real conversation you’ve had yet. Does he want to be married first? He’s not exactly old-fashioned, but maybe that’s important to him. You’ve been together more than a year now, just moved into a place you share. He’s doing well at work, so are you; you’re both doing well with your therapy appointments, too. Things are good.
You remember the look in his eye when you’d come to look at the house the first time, the something extra glinting in his gaze when he said. “Anything could happen.”
Blinking hard, you hear the back door open, Frankie calling your name, and hastily sweep all the tests into one of the still mostly-empty drawers, hip-checking it shut and heading out into the bedroom. You busy yourself in the closet, pretending to decide on what to wear today when he jogs into the room, hat in place, sunglasses pushed up his nose.
You’re still in your pyjamas — panties and one of Frankie’s old t-shirts — and he comes up behind you in the closet, arms finding their rightful place around your waist. “Morning, sunshine,” he grins, kissing the shell of your ear. “Please tell me this is what you’re wearing.”
You scoff a laugh, sifting through the shirts hanging in front of you and reaching for a pair of jean shorts. “Did you forget my mother is coming today?”
Frankie stops short, straightening against you, and reaches for one of your t-shirts, black cotton with a little fish embroidered on it. “This one.” He kisses the side of your head. “Any idea where my tool kit is? One of the chairs is kinda busted and I wanna fix it before people start to show up.”
You sink into his embrace for a moment. Do you tell him? How do you do this? You want to tell him, but there’s already so much going on today. And besides, aren’t you supposed to do something fun? Buy him a t-shirt or a mug or actually have a doctor confirm it before you tell him? Your head is swimming.
“Mija?” Frankie calls, kissing your ear again, and you flinch a little, blinking hard. “Toolkit?”
“Sorry, Fish,” you say, shaking your head slightly. “I think it ended up in the shed out back.”
“I’ll check,” he replies, kissing you once more, this time on your neck. “You okay, baby? You seem a little faraway.”
“Huh?” you ask, mind already wandering once more. “Yeah, no, I’m fine, just thinking. Lots to do.”
Frankie just chuckles, leaning around you so he can kiss your mouth, and then he’s gone.
How the fuck are you going to tell him?
The barbecue goes off without a hitch, mostly.
Everyone shows up in the afternoon, as planned. There’s a potluck of food, everything spread out on tables in your backyard. There’s coolers full of beer and your mother provides multiple containers of homemade lemonade that has everyone losing their marbles and complimenting her until she’s red in the face. It’s nice, to see her out, to see your found family interacting with what’s left of the one you were born into. Plus, she remembers Benny and Will from when you were young, so there’s lots to talk about.
There’s a whole lot of chatter when Santiago finally shows up, Tom and Molly having picked him up from the airport just that morning. The guys are all overjoyed to have their final member back home, and the group of them all crowd around each other, beers in hand, catching up on what they’ve missed since Pope left — which was shortly after your fight with Benny.
Your mother wanders over to you when the boys break off to chat, Molly and Emily sharing a drink on the patio. “You all right, sweetheart?” she asks, reaching up to touch the back of her hand to your forehead. “You look a bit pale.”
“M’fine, Mama,” you tell her, sipping your lemonade and forcing a smile. “Just a little tired. Been a lot, with the move and all. But it’s good. You like the house?”
“I do,” she smiles, touching your cheek before rubbing your shoulder. “It’s perfect for you two.”
You open your mouth to say something — what, you’re not sure. Do you tell her first? God, why isn’t there a handbook for this shit? But before you can, you see Benny break off from the group, a pissed-off expression on his face, swigging his beer as he stalks towards the house. “I’ll be right back, Mama,” you tell her, and she just nods as you chase after Benny, who’s bee-lining to the back door. “Ben!”
You follow him inside and into the kitchen, closing the screen door behind you as he slams his beer on the counter, followed by his fist. “Fuck!”
“Easy!” you shout, reaching out and catching his hand before he can bring it down again. “I like my countertops the way they are, what the fuck is going on?”
Benny just stares at you for a moment, eyes watery and shiny, and you’re confused as anything. “Fuckin’ Pope’s got some bullshit job. Asking us all to go to South America for six fucking months — six months! — and then calls me a fucking coward for not wanting to go.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. “Six months?” If Pope was telling all of them, that includes Frankie, and six months from now…
“You’re not a coward, Ben,” you say, shoving your thoughts aside, trying to be as soothing as possible, “and Pope knows that. You know how he is, he’s just trying to get under your skin, trying to get you to agree.”
“And it drives me fucking insane!” he shouts, palm slamming onto the counter, making his beer bottle rattle. “They all treat me like a fucking baby, but I’ve seen just as much as shit as they have!”
“I know that,” you tell him, catching his wrist, “and you know that. Please leave my countertop out of it.”
The joke seems to get through to him, because he laughs, slapping his other hand over his face as a grin breaks across his face. “God, I’m sorry, sunshine.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you laugh, keeping your fingers curled around his wrist, “just don’t break my countertop.”
You both dissolve into laughter after that, Benny pulling you into a big hug. “I am sorry, though. I didn’t mean to snap like that.”
“It’s okay,” you whisper back, hugging him tightly. Suddenly, there are tears in your eyes, crawling up the back of your throat. You pull your head off his shoulder. “Fish, what did he…what did he say?”
“Dunno,” Ben says, shaking his head. “I didn’t stick around long enough to hear. But he didn’t look happy about it, I can tell you that much.”
You just nod, turning your head, looking out the kitchen window. You have a grassy backyard now, one that gives way to sand and then heads towards the beach. On the water, just like you wanted, just like Frankie promised. And there, standing in the surf, hands jammed in his pockets, is the man himself.
“Is everything all right, sunshine?” Ben asks, hands moving softly to your shoulders. “You look like you’re about to burst into tears.”
“M’fine,” you reply quickly, shaking your head, giving him the same forced smile you’d given Mama. “I just…I gotta go talk to Frankie.”
“Okay,” Ben replies, his voice wary. “If you say so.”
Before you can change your mind or say another word or spill your guts to Ben, you quickstep out the back door and head straight for the beach. The waves roar as you get closer, the sound covering your approach, because as you close in on Frankie, reaching out a hand and curling your fingers around his bicep, he flinches, turning towards you, the shock on his face melting into something else when he sees it’s you.
He pulls his hand from his pocket, loops his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side. “Hi, mariposa.”
“You look awfully thoughtful out here by yourself,” you say, your voice just above the sound of the ocean before you. You wrap both arms around his middle, locking your fingers together over his hip. “Everything okay?”
Frankie turns his head, presses his mouth to your hair. “Ben didn’t tell you?” He kisses your head. “I saw you run after him when he stormed off.”
“He told me,” you say, scrunching your toes in the sand as the waves lap up towards your ankles, covering your feet in bubbly water. “Six months down South.” When he doesn’t reply right away, you continue: “That’s a long time, Frankie.”
He nods against your head, making a little humming noise. “It’s a lot of money, querida,” he tells you, and slowly, his hand moves up and down your arm to your shoulder, finger pressing in slightly, toying with the sleeve of your t-shirt. “It could be good for us.”
Your heart sinks into your wet toes. He’s actually considering it. You can hear it in his voice, there’s a chance he might do this. And just like that, it all comes surging out of you.
“You can’t go, Fish,” you say, and you can hear the panic in your voice. Frankie nearly jumps, arm loosening around you so he can turn you towards him, reaching for you. His hands lift to your face, and you can feel hot tears rushing down your cheeks as you keep talking. “You can’t. I’m gonna need you six months from now, even more than I need you right now.”
His eyes are wide with confusion, brow furrowing as he wipes the tears from your face. “Cariño, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“You can’t go, Frankie, please.”
“Six months from now, what do you mean? Are you sick?” You can see the fear creep in now, his breath hitching a little. “What’s happening? Baby, tell me, please.”
“I’m pregnant,” you say, the words falling out of you as another wave crashes against the sand. “Frankie, I’m pregnant.”
He just stares at you a long moment, mouth dropped open in surprise, hands still on your face. You can feel his fingers twitching against your cheeks, and you find yourself holding your breath. You can’t tell if he’s about to smile or frown, but then…
“We’re gonna have a baby?” he asks, and damn it all, if his whole face doesn’t just light up the like the Fourth of July. “You’re pregnant?” 
“You’re happy about this?” you ask, and his jaw drops further.
“Happy? Querida, I’m ecstatic!” He drops his arms around your waist, lifting you up out of the sand and against him, spinning in a circle before he sets you back on his feet and gives you a soft kiss. But then he stops, pulling back. “Wait. Are you…do you want this?” He puts one hand beneath your chin, knuckles under your jaw so you look up at him. “This is your call, baby, you know that, right? I’m happy, but only if you’re happy. Only if this is what you want. If you don’t, then I’ll do whatever I have to, drive to fucking Canada if we need to—”
You cut him off with a kiss, your heart swelling at his words. “I want this, Frankie. I want this with you.”
frankie morales tags: @steadyasthe-flowers @iamskyereads @ancientbeing10 @woomen23 @plutoneu @pedropascalsx @allfoolsinluv @williamjzanders @winchestershiresauce @lunarpenumbra @bluestuesday @i-simp-much @itspdameronthings @trickstersp8 @kirsteng42 @lovesbiggerthanpride @beskarprincessjenny @loonymagizoologist @trinkets01 @mashomasho @greeneyedblondie44 @tanzthompson @fiscinthirst @mswarriorbabe80 @vickytogisa @dead-pool-simp @ruhro7 @thevoiceinyourheadx @littlemisspascal @mrssarahpaulsooonn @allthe-ships @fictionismyreality @mrsparknuts
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flowerfeast444 · 1 year
most ardently || pedro pascal {pt 2}
pedro x oc
chapter summary: pedro throws a wrap party. drunk shenanigans
a/n: no significant warnings but things get hot and heavy if you catch my drift
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We finished filming the final scenes for 'August Sun' around five hours ago. As soon as Sean shouted the final cut, tension rolled off my back, and I almost laughed with joy. It's not that I have been miserable the last few months because I haven't. It's just that the thought of never having to work under his critical eye again filled me with great relief.
I know that being the lead in 'August Sun' required a more solemn performance in comparison to my previous work, but have I not proved my talent already? It felt like every take was another audition in which I had to fight for my dignity. Sure, most of my acting experience has been from shooting commercials, but I have been working my way up in recent years; my nomination for best supporting actress in a kid's movie from two years ago sits heavy in my mind. At least my name was out there.
Still, it felt like no one trusted me to be alone on set or make a decision about my character for myself. So, when we finally wrapped, I seriously debated going straight home and drinking enough wine to wash out the grubby feeling in my gut. It became a bit more complicated when Pedro invited everyone to his house for a wrap party. I still could have avoided going, except he asked me personally to be there. It would have been easier if he simply shouted the announcement to the room, but he didn't. Instead, he told me how much he looked forward to seeing me there.
I was, unfortunately, alone outside of my trailer when he told me this, so I couldn't deflect or lean on Allison to avoid him. Like the few times we spoke before, he was kind, but I could see the apprehension through his whole body and his voice. I agreed to come only because I had no excuse otherwise. When I told him, he smiled shyly at the ground before schooling his expression and simply telling me, "see you 'round, Dev".
The way he spoke my nickname so casually irked me for the rest of the day. Who did he think he was? He barely knew me. I'm sure he knew this and only said it to get to me.
An hour into the party, even two Jack and Cokes couldn't help settle my agitation. When I first arrived, I tried my best to make peaceful small talk with the other actors and crew members there, but I felt like I was acting as much as I had been on set the past several months. Allison was there, but she was having fun with the other people from the hair and makeup department, and I didn't want to intrude. Eventually, I gave up, retreating to the other end of the house where I found a cozy library.
The slightly ajar door enticed me as if it were waiting for me to stumble upon it. A single lamp in the far corner illuminated the shelves of books and various trophies lining each wall. The multiple rugs layered on top of one another worked well to absorb the sound of the party, and without further thought, I dropped into the corner of one of the plush leather couches in the center of the room.
I drained the last of my third drink with a content sigh. I closed my eyes for a few moments, rolling out the tension in my neck before pulling my phone out of the pocket of my fur jacket. I had only been scrolling through Instagram for a few minutes when I suddenly heard the party's very own host behind me.
"Finally decide you're too good for us?" He asked smugly. He held two bottles of wine in each hand where he stood, leaning against the doorway.
I rolled my eyes and focused back on my phone. I expected him to blow me off and leave me alone like he usually does; instead, he admitted, "You know when we first met, I thought you were going to be much more lively. Social."
"Did you follow me over here just to say that?"
Pedro smirked and held up the wine. "Wine storage is next door. You sure you didn't come to the library in hopes of catching me alone?"
"God, get over yourself," I muttered softly.
"But seriously- you're not having fun? You know, when I was your age, I was throwing parties in my small-as-shit, shoebox apartment every chance I got," Pedro laughed at the memory as he finally sauntered into the room. He perched on the armrest of the couch opposite me, bottles still clutched in his hands but resting comfortably on his thighs.
"'When I was your age,'" I mocked. "Come on, you're not that much older than me."
"I've got a good ten years on you, at least." He shrugged.
Unsure of how to respond, I stared down into my glass as I swirled it, pretending there was something actually in it.
"Alright, take off that ridiculous jacket and join the rest of us again. I'll get you a refill of whatever you've been drinking, I can pretend you are a gracious guest, and you can pretend that you actually like any of us." Pedro stood and began taking small steps backward until he was almost in the hallway. "Who knows, maybe you might just enjoy your time."
I wanted to deny him or at least make a witty remark, but my words failed me. I kept my jacket on, though. I followed Pedro back to the crowded kitchen and pushed my empty glass on the counter in front of him as soon as we arrived. He side-eyed me but filled it up with red wine without hesitation. I lifted the glass to him, giving him a 'cheers' before taking several large gulps. He shook his head with a smug smile.
A few drinks later and I had lost track of time. I hated to admit that Pedro could be right, but I was laughing more and more as the night wore on. Like always, though, I found Allison to cling to when being social felt too difficult. We sat on the couch and gossiped until I couldn't feel my cheeks from laughing. I'm sure anyone around us thought we were hysterical. I eventually excused myself to the kitchen to procure a shot for each of us, but when I reentered the living room, Allison was headed toward me, purse and keys in hand.
"Sorry babe, I'm about to head out, it's been a long day." She brushed some loose hair behind my ear, smoothing it down with a few more strokes. "I'm so glad you came! We need to go out more often- let your freak flag fly!" With a kiss on my cheek, she all but disappeared before my eyes.
My shoulders dropped. I downed one of the shots and set the other on the coffee table beside me. Looking around for the first time in a while, I understood why Allison left. We were pretty much the only people left. Daisy, the actress that played my sister, was curled up on a chaise lounge, fast asleep. Music still pumped through the speakers, but I decided my time to leave had long since passed.
I clumsily twirled around in search of my phone and purse when I noticed the music lowering to a soft hum.
"Thought you'd have left by now," Pedro said, turning away from the stereo system on the other side of the room.
I found my purse half under the couch and picked it up, showing it to him, "going to now."
"You were able to get an Uber this late?"
"I don't live far, I'll be fine to drive." I shook my head but quickly stilled, trying to quell the dizziness it brought on.
"Honey, if you've had anywhere near what I've had to drink tonight, and I think you have, you're in no shape to drive," he said condescendingly.
"Don't act like you know me. I'm fine."
I tried walking to the door, but Pedro gently pushed on my shoulder, and by the time I processed it, I was back on the couch. I groaned. Pedro laughed.
"Like I said," he landed heavily onto the cushion beside me, "you're not going anywhere. So, kick off your shoes, unbutton your pants, whatever, just get comfortable. Because I will take your keys."
I could be arrogant sometimes, I knew that. I guess this was one of those moments to give in. Let someone else be right.
So I reached down to unzip my boots and pulled them off, chucking them to the floor beside the couch. I felt Pedro's gaze on me and my already flushed cheeks grew hotter. I lost my jacket at some point in the night, so I unbuttoned my pants next, just as he suggested. I maintained eye contact as I did so, watching his eyes darken and his demeanor transform to something more focused. I had only seen a similar look from him when we were in front of a camera, and even then, it was much more practiced and controlled than the man in front of me now.
Though my ego felt satiated, I hungered for more. So, I drew the zipper down slowly, with baited breath. Pedro's eyes danced around my body, but continually rested on the open closure of my pants. Just to see how far I could take it, I moved my hands up and behind my back in search of my bra clasp. I quickly unhooked it and pulled the straps from my shoulders, letting it fall out the bottom of my tank top. When Pedro's breath stopped for a full second, I knew I had him like putty in my hands.
"Comfortable, now?" he asked with a steady, deep voice, leaning closer to me.
I nodded, and before I could fully part my lips to speak, he was kissing me- and Jesus he held back during filming. His tongue prodded mine hungrily, and I felt his hands snake around my waist, grabbing me there just as fiercely. With one particularly rough tug, I swung my left leg over and landed in his lap, tangling my fingers is his hair to help myself balance. We rutted together intensely, his fingers splayed out, digging into the flesh of my hips.
I instinctually let my hands wander down Pedro's chest, my lips twitching to a smirk when I realized his half unbuttoned silk shirt had fallen off one shoulder. As I broke our kiss and reconnected my lips on the nape of his neck, a small whimper escaped him- so quiet, I almost missed it. My hands continued their path lower until they reached the top of his pants, quickly unbuttoning them. His grip finally left my hips, one grabbing my hands, the other holding my back as he maneuvered me to lay on my back with him hovering above me and pinning my hands above my head.
"Devon," he tutted, shaking his head, "who knew you could be such a bad girl."
"Isn't that what you like?" I rolled my hips up into his.
I could see the thoughts rolling behind his eyes, debating what to do with me. He leaned closer, and I could feel his breath on my chin, but he backed away again and, instead, dragged his eyes over my entire body then back up. Making eye contact again, he released my hands and sank back into the opposite side of the couch. I remained in my lounged position and tried to catch my breath.
"Get some sleep. There's a guest room down the hall." Pedro nodded to his left, still maintaining eye contact, "Don't puke on anything."
Without another word, he left me in the living room, music still purring through the speakers and Daisy still passed out across the room. Simply, what the fuck was that.
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Ohgi's insecurity and Lelouch's distrust explained through the enneagram.
I would like to one day produce a comprehensive and extensive analysis addressing the betrayal of the Black Knights since I manage a Code Geass Facebook page and have noticed that most of the Hispanic anime fans don’t understand why the Black Knights betrayed Lelouch . Even in the Anglo-Saxon fandom I have seen opinions from people who attribute this to an error within the narrative and it is not. The Black Knights' betrayal was a meticulously planned chain of events that led to that unique outcome. But what can we do? Most of the Code Geass fanbase are Lelouch fanboys who will automatically hate anyone who opposes him without first putting themselves in their shoes and analyzing the situation.
Although this publication won’t be the analysis that I have pending because I don’t have enough time to elaborate it and, in addition, I need to return to the anime to point out each of Lelouch's mistakes (I left it in chapter 10 of R1), I’m going to talk about two crucial issues that came together to give us the betrayal of episode 19 of R2 and that no one speaks or notices, not even those who did understand the movement of the Black Knights and those are the insecurity of Ohgi (who plays the role of Judas/Pedro) and the distrust of Lelouch (who would be our false Messiah). Don't worry if you think I'm being superficial. There is a lot of evidence throughout the episodes and this is something that I must return to when writing the analysis. This would be an appetizer that will help me when that time comes.
1. Ohgi 
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The first time I saw Code Geass, it caught my attention that Lelouch commanded other terrorists to confront his sister and the subsequent visits I still didn't understand. Until I rewatched Chapter 6 and caught a glimpse of a detail that had previously been overlooked.
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Context: After Cornelia decimates numerous rebel strongholds, including a large one called Samurai Blood, in search of Zero, Ohgi contacts him to update him and express his concerns. Lelouch tells him to calm down and emphasizes that they would refrain from taking any action for now. Without further ado, he hangs up on her and thinks about what you can see in the image (”Maybe I should cut ties with them”). Lelouch finds Ohgi's attitude annoying and considers breaking ties with his resistance cell since he is realizing that they are depending a lot on him (and Lelouch prefers to distance himself). Hence, in the next episode, he establishes a connection with other terrorists.
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With this brief scene, Ohgi's eneatype is more than confirmed: he is a Enneatype Six. What I mean by this? That his problem isn’t that he lacks the skills and qualities as his haters claim. Otherwise, then, it wouldn’t make sense for Zero to assign him as Vice Commander (which is the second in command) to an incompetent. 
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His problem is his great insecurity. I began to suspect that he was a Six when, after Tamaki tells him that things would have been better if he was in charge and leaves Ohgi alone, he wails with a photo of Kallen's brother telling him that he is not like him in the sense that he is a good leader. I mean, Ohgi is agreeing with Tamaki to a certain extent. (Of course, as if Tamaki knows what he's talking about, since he's an extremely competent guy in his field...) 
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Hence, he has no problem giving up the position to Lelouch, whom he judges to be a better leader (in fact, he himself reminds Lelouch in R1 episode 10 that he asked him to become his leader). And this is the essential problem of the Six. The emotional wound of Sixes is precisely their lack of self-confidence and, since they can’t trust themselves, they cling like ticks to people they consider more capable than themselves and for the same reason they can turn against those people, because they can't trust others either and Ohgi never fully trusted Zero, even when the Black Knights' suspicions were allayed with Taizo Kiririhara's approval, Ohgi kept trying to find out more of Zero's secrets. That's why he took Villetta in episode 14 of R1. Not only was it a Good Samaritan act, but because she mentioned Zero's name and he figured she knew something about him (in fact, you can see he doesn't trust her at first either because he watches her through a camera system he set up in his own house).
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In my opinion, I find it funny that this is his enneatype since then it would be another literal case. Sixes are the most contradictory personality type in the Enneagram. They are the most loyal personality and in turn is the most treacherous (I think we can all tell Ohgi with those traits).
Character arcs typically revolve around overcoming their injuries in order to bring out the version of themselves, and Ohgi is no exception: he has to learn to trust himself in order to be the leader the Order of the Black Knights need and, by extension, to be able to restore their homeland to its freedom.
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“Ohgi, don't you trust me?”
2. Lelouch
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“Live with me or die with me.”
This image is taken from R1 episode 10 just like the one before that. What happened here? I will refresh your memory.
Diethard learns from Villetta and Jeremiah that Cornelia's squad and Cornelia herself are going on a hike in the Narita Mountains. Diethard, who is no fool, soon adds two plus two and understands that the purpose of the journey is to find the headquarters of the Japan Liberation Front and annihilate it (I remind you that the Japan Liberation Front is the resistance group largest area of ​​Area 11 and Cornelia set herself the task of destroying all the rebel strongholds in this area). Diethard immediately passes this information to the Black Knights with a view to being recruited (since then the Black Knights were expanding their numbers). Lelouch, who is also very perceptive, interprets this as the opportunity he has been waiting for to question his sister about her mother's death. But does he tell the Black Knights that they are going to Narita to fight Cornelia's army? Absolutely! He literally tells them that they are going for a walk through Narita (Ohgi was able to get an idea of ​​the purpose of that walk since he read the information from Diethard and Kallen, in the same way could guess since she heard what Ohgi communicated to Zero, however, Zero didn’t share his plans with them).
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"Even messiahs have to perform miracles to be recognized as such"
I remind you that by this point in the plot, Zero and the Black Knights had faced terrorists, corrupt politicians, abusive soldiers, abusive corporations, and criminal syndicates. That is, they hadn’t faced Britannia. This was to be his first battle (with all its warlike implications). So the Black Knights, who thought they had gone to train, found out that they were going to face Cornelia's army right there, just a few minutes after the confrontation took place. For added finishing touch, Zero leads his troops to a point where they are surrounded by Cornelia's Sutherlands (this is to cut off all escape routes for the Japan Liberation Front). In other words, he deliberately dragged them into a blind alley, taking advantage of their ignorance.
Are you understanding the circumstances surrounding this battle? It's cloudy!
"Since you joined the Black Knights, you have two choices: live with me or die with me." This on the surface sounds epic, but, at the same time, it's pretty fucked up: Zero/Lelouch isn't giving the Black Knights a chance. Either they fight alongside him to survive, or they die together.
Now then, why was Zero not straight with the Black Knights from the start? What was the need to hide information from them? This is a specific situation. However, if we evaluate other situations a posteriori, Zero/Lelouch always handled all of his affairs with great secrecy. Let's go further, how much did it cost you to reveal his identity? Or why he didn't tell them about the Geass? (You don't have to answer me, just think about the questions). I understand that he would hide from the rest of the world, but why from his men? Was he afraid that they would mistrust his intentions? Did he think they would refuse to work with a Britannian prince who has a magic eye? Did he imagine they were going to desert?
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The truth is that we could think of a lot of answers in an attempt to find a logic behind Lelouch/Zero's actions. But all the answers show a serious problem between the lines: Lelouch doesn’t trust the Black Knights.
Why? What reasons have the Black Knights given for Lelouch to distrust them? If it is the opposite case, we can list facts and concrete data that show why the Black Knights don’t trust Zero/Lelouch. Not so with Zero/Lelouch. He has no well-founded reasons. These people were transparent with Zero from minute one: they explained his discomfort and what he had to do to make them trust him. (Should the Black Knights be grateful to Zero/Lelouch? No, Larry, it is Lelouch who should be grateful to them because, despite his doubts and the little trust that Lelouch placed in them, the Black Knights followed him and believed in him).
So where does this suspicion come from? It’s an internal problem for Lelouch derived from his childhood traumas.
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For those who don't know, the Enneagram is a complex system of personalities that divides them mainly into nine types, based on the theory that our personalities began as coping strategies that we acquired as children to feel safe in the face of trauma and avoid pain and stress, so that our personality can function as armor to protect us from outside threats and that even today said armor dictates how we should react to situations and even how we interact with our fellow men.
Lelouch is an enneatype 8. People who fit this personality type at some point in their childhood felt that they were unprotected by their parents. As a result of this traumatic event, these people have a terrible fear of being hurt, controlled and dominated by others; because they internalized that it wasn’t good to be weak and that they had to be tough and strong to fight and survive. Consequently, these people built a shell to face the injustices of the horrible world and protect themselves from others. Hence, these people have a tendency to want to dominate situations and people. I came to read that 8 people aren’t good teammates because they are naturally suspicious and feel more comfortable being in control of situations because they fear and hate being subject to the will of others. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me after reading that they would rather control and use people than trust them. Does this ring a bell?
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Sounds like Lelouch's Geass to me. We literally have a scene from Charles and little Lelouch in which the father tells him that he and Nunnally are to blame for his misfortun because being weak and, from that point on, if he didn't consider it a problem before, now he does (commercial: I analyzed the roots of Lelouch's trauma together with Suzaku through the enneagram, if this goes well I can upload my analysis here)
For me (and any good understanding of the Enneagram and who has seen Code Geass): Lelouch's Geass is the manifestation of his ego's unconscious behavior patterns and his unconscious fear. Remember that Geass works differently for each person.
Although Lelouch rejects the Britannian ideology openly, he unconsciously assimilated it very well and in situations like these his cognitive bias comes to light (oh, the contradictions! Human beings wouldn’t be human beings without contradictions). I mean, other people can be vulnerable and that's okay. Instead, Lelouch can't allow himself to be vulnerable because that wouldn't be right. (It's somewhat curious. 
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(Code Geass is an apology for the Enneatype 8, since its protagonist is an average 8 who faces a system whose ideal model of citizen is an insane 8. This is because the healthy 8 understands that he must use his strength to protect the weak, which is what Lelouch says in his speech, while the insane 8 believes that he must crush the weak through force, which is what Charles says in his speech).
Trust is an act of vulnerability because you assume that the other person won’t hurt you and that you can be yourself. In this case, it is something literal since Lelouch would have to remove his mask. Therefore, it is an act of exposure (the people who managed to gain Lelouch's trust had to fight to earn it; C.C. only meddled in Lelouch's life and helped him with some things to show him that she was on his side, Kallen had to to find out the hard way that he was Zero and thus, only to Sayoko he willingly revealed that he was Zero).
In conclusion, Lelouch and Ohgi distrust each other for different reasons: Ohgi is insecure and Lelouch isn’t willing to trust others because for his unconscious it is a sign of vulnerability (deep down, he is afraid of being betrayed). And when there is no trust between two people, they act behind the other's back. There are lies, there are secrets, there are betrayals.
Lelouch paid dearly (and well deserved) for not having opened up to the Black Knights. If he had trusted them and been honest, he would have no reason to hide anything from them, he wouldn't make stupid mistakes and then chapter 19 would have been very different (Goldilocks' scheming would have had no effect), do you realize that? I feel like Lelouch learned from his mistakes because I think Lloyd, Cecile, Sayoko and Nina knew about the Zero Requiem (besides Suzaku, Jeremiah and C.C.).
How painful! 😭
Anyway, the fanboys would continue to insist that the Black Knights are the ones with the problem and they will defend the mistakes of their god Lelouch, even if you show them with irrefutable evidence that Lelouch is a human being who screwed up.
PS: just to limit. I don't like Ohgi and I love Lelouch. But that doesn't give me an excuse to blind myself to Lelouch's mistakes and understand Ohgi's motivations.
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salome-c · 1 year
Hi Salomé, how are you? Can I just vent about something? Totally ok if you don't feel like posting this but I saw the posts about pedro not showing up to the screening in Cannes and I couldn't help but laugh because the fact that this is even a "discussion" is so funny to me! He doesn't owe anyone anything and maybe these people should really go outside and LIVE a little (cause touching some grass is not enough anymore). But what really got me was the part about fans wearing nasty shirts in public and calling him that disgusting d word.... and from a LATINA WOMAN, I feel so disgusted, so uncomfortable and it is so f*ckin outrageous!!! Do these people really not see the problem of oversexualizing latin bodies??? Are we really going backwards like that??? He is a handsome and attractive man, yes, and its ok if you think he has the good looks. But it becomes a f*cking problem when you disrespect and objetify a whole human being, treat him like a sex toy; when you disrespect that person and their background, which let me remind you all: one of the worst dictatorships in Latin America with usa intervention (don't even get mad at me people, cause pedro himself already acknowledged that because *surprise surprise* he is a latin man), the country most of these people are from. I really don't want to start a discussion over politics but it bothers me to no end to see people from a country who did so much shit to a whole continent treat a man who seems so nice and sweet like a walking dick. And if we are seeing that with a white latin man, imagine what is (constantly) being said about latin women, latin poc..... we are not objects.
I know it's not everyone who thinks like that (thank god), this is exclusively about the people who does. Because they need to understand how dangerous, harmful and terrible that kind of behavior is. We are just falling back into a highly problematic and racist stereotype, and we really don't need that.
Hi, sweetheart! Yeah, I agree with you. I don't know if you have been around the Pedro fandom for long, but like 2 years ago the fandom was discussing the same thing. I think that every time many people join the fandom, these things will happen. It's like there are these people that go around joining fandoms that are popular at the moment and all they do is harass whoever the fandom is about. I have seen that with many actors or singers. I think the internet has made a lot of progress with sexism, racism, xenophobia, and homophobia, but unfortunately, there are people that still don't change. And also how many of these things are not even considered when a man is being harassed. They say things to men that they would not say to a woman, for example, the interviewers. And don't get me started with people of color, latins, or any other minority.
My advice is to try to get people around you that think the same way or are similar to you. Or at least that they don't harass or objectify people. Get a nice group of friends, mutuals, followers, etc. It gets more manageable that way. The fandom eventually is going to be full of respectful people again and people in general are going to move on to another white man of the month and are going to leave Pedro alone.
Sending you a big hug!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1056 - Initial Thoughts
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So we are back again reaching the ending stages of Wano
There's still stuff to wrap up though, so let's get to it
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
We return with the Vinsmokes and there's Katakuri!
We return to the fallout of the Admiral attack, seems Shinobu was got too, but both she and Raizo are alive so Kaido's crew likely are too
Kin'emon regrets not being there, but is smitten that he got to spend time with Tsuru
Poor girl got a burn on her face, but other than that she's fine and wants to return to the capital
Finally a proper panel of Carrot
And, she's being made the new leader of Zou, and I don't quite agree with that (I will explain at the end)
So, Inu and Neko are planning to stay in Wano, and they're using Carrot's experience with the crew as a reason to put a 15 year old in charge of an ancient civilization
Carrot does make the point as well that there are more qualified people, including Wanda
They pull the Pedro card too, even though Pedro's will was to help Luffy get to the Dawn
Sukiyaki does indeed reveal himself to Momo and Hiyori
But the kids embrace him, thankful that they still have family
The Akazaya all knew as well...except Kin'emon but he'll play it cool
Seems Sukiyaki wants to lore dump but then resume as a commoner
Back with the crew and it's discussing the Pluton stuff
Luffy doesn't want it, but Franky is a little curious
Shinobu and Tama then appear, the former with a youthful appearance
Seems she's still recovering and that's what makes her look young and skinny
Tama's gonna be her apprentice, but does note she would like to travel with Luffy when she gets stronger
Caribou no! You had a change of heart remember don't sully it!
It is dangerous that he now knows about two ancient weapons
A few days pass and Momo's already getting a little stoic about the reparation plans
But the crew have already done their patented 'leave without saying goodbye to the major players' shtick
Momo and Kin'emon of course will not allow them to leave without saying bye to them specifically, and lucky for them they are delayed
See the three captains are arguing, planning on going their separate ways by sailing to separate islands
But Kid and Luffy want to go to the same island, they draw straws and Luffy loses
Law is going in the straight path, noting how the alliance is over, Luffy is forced into going the shortest distance, despite his claims for Yonko leeway
Buggy's Yonko promotion is validated though, he had formed the 'Cross Guild', with his two commanders: Crocodile and Mihawk!
Of course, there's gonna be more than what meets the eye, Zoro does feel like Mihawk wouldn't bow to anyone anyway, Crocodile is certainly not the take orders type either
When Monkey 'Got eaten by a snake and thought it was a cave, was going to write his own name while undercover to enter a tournament, punches people while holding an infamous cursed sword' D. Luffy calls you a moron you best believe you must be a moron
Seems Buggy is also putting bounties on Marines, which I guess does level the playing field but I swear if you touch the good marines there will be words; leave Smoker, Tashigi, T-Bone, Jonathon (make him canon Oda), Coby, Helmeppo, Fujitora and Drake alone! I doubt there's bounties for Garp though because even Buggy can't be that foolish
The trio seem to depart similarly to how they departed on Sabaody, Kid at least reminding Luffy that they're rivals when they leave the island
Law also gives Kid an etching of the Road Poneglyph since they all earned it equally
Kid seems to be setting his sights on a new target too: the Man Marked With Flames
I feel like this is Sabo, given the Translator's note, but it could be someone else entirely
Law and Robin seem to know, but Luffy and the audience do not
Yamato though is still on the roof, deciding to set off and live like Oden did
So this was a bittersweet chapter for me, lots of things coming to an end definitively.
We'll start of course with Carrot. You should know by now that I was very Carrot4Nakama, and still am, so it hurts that Oda would potentially rush her conclusion. It feels weak, and contradictory; Inu and Neko are staying in Wano to better protect it - the very thing Momo was trying to prove so people wouldn't be compelled to stay - but at the same time they are now leaving Zou in the hands of the musketeers who are proven to struggle against below-Yonko Commander strength, it feels counter-productive. In addition, it feels like Wanda is gonna be the one actually calling the shots, given how Carrot is still 15 and unlike Momo has never expressed the desire to lead Zou. And they are going to get invaders, because they have a Road Poneglyph, all it takes is one treacherous Mink or a vivre card to undermine Inu and Neko's reason of staying. Plus Zunesha bends to Momo's will anyway, so even if you lead the kingdom Momo is in the driver's seat for Zou anyway too. Don't get me wrong, leading Zou would've been a nice endgame for Carrot, but not right now, she needed a lot more time to grow that desire and the qualities of a leader to earn that outcome, being handed it right now just felt a little lazy. In that same vein though, as hugely unlikely as it may be, Oda may still swerve us and have Carrot stow away again anyway, it does feel like there's more adventure in her as well as room to mature, and as I said Pedro's will was oriented around helping the Straw Hats to the Dawn, if Carrot has that will 'more than anyone' it's better suited for Carrot to do an Oden-like move and journey with the Straw Hats first before ruling Zou. Unlikely? Probably, Denial? No Comment, but for me this does not feel satisfying to conclude Carrot's character this way.
I do feel a little bit blueballed by Pluton now too, we could at least have seen it, but I guess a time will come now that Caribou knows, I had hope for you man! You had a heart in the cover story but now you're going back to old ways. We're still yet to get any info on Zoro's heritage or the fact that Sea Prism is made in Wano, these feel like important stuff. What happened with Kaido and Big Mom too?
And another sad ending comes with the end of the Alliance, Law is setting off on his own, to find out about the D via Poneglyphs...which only 2 known people alive know how to read (does Kid have someone who can read it? Seems like he might). It's a sore spot because of how long we've spent and grown attached to Law to see him depart, but like the Ancient Weapons they'll probably show up later down the line. As for Kid, he drops a hint for the 'Man Marked With Flames' but we'll have to see who that is.
His important lore drop is Buggy, pulling a near-mirror image alliance that Luffy did by using Crocodile and Mihawk. There has to be some explanation on why they're paired up, likely out of convenience, but it at least validates his position and sets up a new endgame threat; the Straw Hats will have to fight the Cross Guild if Zoro is to defeat Mihawk, it'd be interesting if the Cross Guild included other pirates from the Paradise Saga: Krieg (and Ghin), Morgan, Kuro, Foxy, maybe Moria if he's not with/killed by Blackbeard, they don't have to be threats but it'd be a cool 'full circle' kinda thing. Overall I'm just glad Crocodile's back in the game.
Which leads us finally to Yamato, he's only at the end of the chapter but there has to be some nerves from fandom right? Luffy has never intended to leave an island without Nakama, he waited for Nami, Vivi, and Usopp (x2), and he chased down Chopper and Franky, it seems they really were going to leave without him, but stuff remains to be seen, Yamato at the least seems to want to go with Luffy but again, that doesn't automatically entitle you to Nakama. I'd also like to note this parallel with Carrot being bestowed a responsibility to rule she doesn't want, if she does stay to rule Zou it's hypocritical that she has to do that while pushing for Yamato to live free from responsibility to rule when he was named Shogun by Kaido.
Overall it was a good chapter, but I didn't vibe with it as much because of some potential to likely directions I don't at the current moment feel right about, it would seem we'll leave Wano next chapter which is sad too because it did feel like we had a mountain left to uncover.
Much to wrap up, but we know Oda will finish strong.
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firsttarotreader · 4 months
-Glad you’re feeling a bit better and loving the discussions today cause I’m not feeling well & had to call in… so it’s a nice distraction while under the weather ♥️
- “Like the amount of fans getting DEVASTATED when they saw him carrying a pack of cigarettes and found out he smokes (and always has)”//OMG I remember this. So there are those that are fans that were maybe concerned for his health & were just bummed to learn that he’s a smoker, which is a bit valid… sucks to know someone you admire is doing someone to harm themselves/their body. But them their were those that were like attacking his character or something like he was this problematic person. WTF?! That was wild!!! My brain could not comprehend. Like how dare a grown ass man make his own life choices?!
-I agree, he looked amazing during the SAG zoom. Love his hair just natural like that. All the curls and long really suits him. I feel bad dragging Coco cause she seems like a sweetie. But I just like Pedro’s hair the way it is. Just blow dry and no product. Leave it alone. Sorry Coco! 😖
I am just a liiiitle bit better, but still fucked though. My brain is struggling to make connections and my body is in standby. 😂😂😂 But I agree with you!
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lunasaintclaire · 2 years
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Luna Saint Clair takes us back to her character Nico Romero – the narcissist who I loved to detest in the first book – The Sleeping Serpent. In this book, after abusing so many women with his domineering ways in book 1, Nico leaves Maya behind in L.A. to go back to his native Argentina after getting shot. And when he arrives home at his grandmother’s house, Nico’s life story begins to unfold as he begins to focus on his wounds from childhood and he tries to confront his demons. Once home, Nico hooks up with a past girlfriend, Gaby (because he must have sex) who is tied up with her family in the drug business and he tries to get her out of it as he sets out to open a new yoga studio in Argentina and start over again after fleeing whoever tried to kill him in L.A. Nico is very close with his grandmother, ‘Ita’ who is wise and is the one responsible for sending him to the U.S. when he was a young teen, to keep him out of the drug gangs at home. He went to live with his father in New York who was estranged from his mother. His Ita tells him he was born with a path in his spirit as she fills him in with stories of his spiritual ancestors, and reminds him he must go back to Q’ero in the Andes to finish learning his spiritual journey Nico decides he must travel to the Andes and do some soul-searching in Machu Piccu in Peru. Once again he abandons Gaby, just another of a string of women he’s treated like crap for his own motives. Despite his handsome appearance, Nico has much to learn in life and despite that he lived in L.A. running his own yoga studio there, surrounded by celebrities, he had learned nothing about compassion or how to treat other people who genuinely cared about him. On his trip to Peru, the awakenings began to happen when he joins a trek tour to Machu Picchu with an actress named Camille and her TV crew. Nico learns there from Cami’s questioning of him that he is not the center of the universe and he cannot just dismiss people when he doesn’t get the praise he’s used to as Cami’s shared stories seem to open up many aha moments for him. After the trek back from the climb, Cami decides to stay an extra few days at a spa to unwind from the trek and invites Nico to join her. On the first night they settle outside under the stars and decide to smoke some San Pedro cured by a specialist there. Despite Nico’s spiritual practices, they don’t seem to quash his ego too much. He’s still a whiney little boy who gets angry when he doesn’t get his way, but is learning to hide his anger by keeping his moping to himself about how nobody loves him, his inability to get past his mother sending him to America (to basically save his life), and he can’t seem to shake his annoying habit of having to brag about things so he can feel better about himself, all the while subconsciously detesting who he is. A total narcissist. After his night getting high with Cami, they sleep together, and Nico gets a shot of ‘the world doesn’t revolve around you’ by Cami, when she tells him she’s going to the forest and he asks to come with her and she tells him she wants to be alone. Nico has hopes that he and Cami will open a yoga center in Peru because they talked about it when they were high on San Pedro, and Nico needs a new beginning, but will Cami really give up her stardom in L.A. for tranquility in Peru – with Nico? Cami takes off and Nico decides to go back to the travel agent Sabrina who got him on the trek with Cami’s crew. He asked her to get him to Q’ero so he can finish his journey with the paqo to reach his highest level of spirituality. She hooks him up with Manuel who agrees to take him where the holy place is and becomes his guide, and with his wisdom, he manages to strike something in Nico where he may actually learn goodness from Manuel. As they journey on together, Nico takes in a lot of wisdom from Manuel and the people they meet along the way. This is a very spiritual journey which the author crafts wonderfully. Nico takes in all the goodness, despite his giant, bruised ego still whining about all he lost and all he could have had. Do you think an egotistical narcissist can be changed? You will have to read to find out at the end of his spiritual journey. Luna Sainte Claire is a beautiful writer. Her prose is almost lyrical with rich, deep descriptions that both draw us in to her stories and characters. Nico is a well written character – the guy I still love to hate, because I have a deep aversion to narcissists. And one would think it a paradox to be able to create such a character who is so complex in so many ways from his complicated childhood and his desire to become ‘famous’ because he craves people who will idolize him, yet, he is spiritual. How can one be both these polar opposites and become a kind, loving human being? Saint Claire manages to display his character expertly with all his idiosyncrasies, hangups, and ego, ultimately fighting himself to free himself from his own self-imposed grandiosity.
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