#which i wasn't expecting to play for another 3-6 months
love-fireflysong · 2 years
Been absolutely loving how Psychonauts 2 has been using figments occasionally in levels, so here’s some screenshots/otto shots I took of my absolute favourite and heartbreaking use of them yet!
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#psychonauts 2#second fav use of figments so far has been everyone standing on the stage in helmut's level#except i didn't have the otto shot yet and didn't even think to screenshot it#that and i was being bombarded by tomatoes at the time lol#bit jesus christ this entire level hurt#poor bob#also excuse the lack of otto and ford in these images#i had immediately collected all the figments at the (now) empty table in the second pic before realizing what i was looking at#and im pretty sure that that was the table that otto must have been sitting at#that or bob decided to replace otto with a bear for some reason askdhjaksj#and ford is missing because once i realized and decided i *needed* to have pics of this#enemies spawned in with the source of the bad mood unfortunately (and obviously honestly) ending up on ford and lucy's table#and i didn't think to shoot the stupid cage until after i had accidentally collected ford#honestly im surprised that i didn't lose anyone else in that fight#muchless the waiter and lucy who had been at the same table ajksdsajdhsd#but yeah haven't been able to play the devil in me like the rest of you cool kids cause mine is somewhere in shipping limbo#but i like to think that the universe is making it up to me by having this game#which i wasn't expecting to play for another 3-6 months#be 66% off instead#which is fine because as kiddo can tell you ive been having a fucking blast#seeing as ive been swarming them with my thoughts and comments the last couple of nights lol#now im just sulking cause i cant play it again until friday night 😭
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her.
Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: These two are trying their best. Birdie's got some issues. Buggy's got some issues. Together they have a subscription. Talk of child abandonment, Buggy doesn't want to talk. Bath time. Boundaries, Buggy. Also Buggy tries with compliments. A/N: Now that Birdie has a name I think of her a lot tbh.
Title comes from “Girl in the Garden” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Darby really thought having you on board the ship was the best thing ever. You let him help you cook meals, read him books (he had ten books to choose from and you reread them to him as many times as he asked), and you loved playing with him. Sometimes you got tired and had to sit down, but even though you couldn't chase him around like his daddy did, you could still do other things.
His least favorite thing was getting a bath, even though it was only once a week. He hated being in the water, hated having his hair washed, face clean, everything that came with a bath and he made a fuss about it, whining at you, pouting, and crying for it not to happen. Buggy was there to support in case you needed it, but honestly he made it worse once he saw Darby’s big, sad eyes while he sat in the little wash tub. He'd insist that maybe Darby didn't need one, but you didn't back down.
“You're next, Buggy.” You warned him as you were letting Darby have an extra few minutes of playtime in the tub. Once the washing was over, he usually settled down and wanted to have time in there to splash around and play, which you allowed, giving him a toy whale to play with. “You're pretty stinky yourself.”
“What! No, I don't need one.” Buggy insisted, shaking his head. “I get by fine with a rag.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. It had been a month now since you arrived. Routines were put into place, even some boundaries, but every night while the two of you were in bed, he'd ask a question to get to know you better, still insistent that he was in love with you. And you gave him one-word answers, especially when he'd ask about family.
After a few minutes, you grabbed a towel and lifted Darby out of the wash tub and wrapped him up in it. Buggy was ready with his pajamas, though he was fine to let you handle everything because you were just so sweet and gentle with Darby. You had told him a few nights ago when you were putting Darby to bed how you always wanted kids, wanted to be a mom, but there was never an opportunity until you met Buggy, but it wasn't like you were expecting to get pregnant. It was something that just happened. It was probably the most you opened up to him so far.
“How come you're so good with kids?” Buggy asked as you helped Darby with his clothes. You paused for a moment, thinking about your answer, before you made sure Darby's hair was dry. You picked the boy up and went to sit down at the table, keeping him in your lap as you looked over at Buggy. “It just… comes so naturally to you.”
“Do you want that to be your bedtime question?” You asked as you grabbed a comb and ran it through the kid’s hair carefully, being mindful of tangles. 
“Will I get a real answer?” He retorted as he put his hands on his hips. “You have given me a lot of one word answers since we started our little romance, y’know, and I think I'd like another full sentence now.”
You shrugged, setting the comb down before wrapping your arms around Darby and hugging him. He squirmed around in your arms, trying to hug you back, but settled for letting his head rest over your heart while his thumb went to his mouth. He sighed and closed his eyes as he relaxed against you.
“I helped Mama with the babies and little ones at the orphanage.” You told him as you rubbed Darby's back slowly. Buggy frowned.
“Your mom ran an orphanage?”
You hesitated. Did you really want to get into this right now? You were tired, Darby was starting to settle down for the night, and you wanted to wash up before bed. But now seven months pregnant, it was a little harder to wash up, especially since you did it standing up with the wash tub. 
“I'm going to put Darby to bed and… if you refill the tub with clean water, I'll answer that question next.” You told him as you stood up. Buggy didn't look convinced. “I promise, Buggy. I'll answer that question if you… help me out with my bath. It's getting a little harder to do some things.”
Buggy frowned at that, wondering if you really would or if this was all a ploy to get his help. You brushed past him but he stopped you with a hand on your arm. 
“Look, if you got things you can't talk about-”
“No, I just don't want to talk about it, but maybe I should.” You shrugged. “I'm going to put him to bed. Will you please change the water for me?”
You walked out after that, heading to Darby’s room to put him down for the night. He woke up for a moment, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. You handed him his stuffed penguin, tucked him in, and kissed him on the forehead. Once you were certain he was asleep, you went to grab some dry towels from your room before you went back to the kitchen, pausing when you saw Buggy filling the wash tub with boiling water. You raised an eyebrow, watching as he stuck his hand into the water only to jerk it back in surprise at the temperature.
“Are you going to cook me, Buggy?” You asked. “Because I don’t know if I’m edible.”
“I’unno, I find you pretty tasty.” He grinned and winked at you, giving you a look over. “Y’know, this is the first time I’ve got to help you bathe. Do we need to lay down rules about what I can’t do?”
“Is this your attempt at flirting?” You chuckled as you sat down at the table, lifting one of your legs up. “Can you take my shoes and socks off for me? It’s… it’s getting hard for me to do it.”
“Well, you’re the size of a whale, I’m surprised you’re moving as much as you are. ” He shrugged as you made a face at his compliment. He took notice and frowned. “What? You are!”
“I guess I’ll take the compliment, but Buggy, people usually don’t want to be compared to something like a whale, so… try a different animal.”
“What? Whales are beautiful, so it’s a compliment!” Buggy shot back, his face flushing as he walked over and knelt in front of you, pushing your skirt up to your knees before he started to unlace your shoes. You reached down to tug on his hair to get his attention, and when he looked up you stuck your tongue out at him. He tossed your shoes aside before he started working on your socks. “You wanna use that tongue of yours for something, babe?”
“Oh hush.” You crossed your arms and leaned back in the chair, looking over at the washtub. You strummed your fingers against your arm as you considered your next question. “So, um, did you still want an answer to your earlier question?”
Buggy placed your socks with your shoes and looked up at you with an unreadable expression. He stood up and sent his hand to the tub to check on the water temperature, it felt fine so he held his dry hand out to you. You wondered why he was so quiet suddenly, wondering what he was thinking as he led you over to it and started to help you undress. He was kind enough to drape your clothes over the chair to keep them from getting dirty on the floor, even helping you step into the tub. 
“Yea, I want an answer.” He said as he grabbed a clean washcloth from the pile of towels and dipped it into the water. “Your mom ran an orphanage?”
“It’s what she wanted us to call her.” You shivered when he brought the cloth to your back, running it across your shoulders. You collected your hair, pulling it away to give him better access, now wishing you put it up first. “I don’t… really remember much, but she says I was three when my parents left me there at the orphanage.”
You felt him pause, the water dripping from the cloth and onto your skin, rolling down your back. You glanced over your shoulder at him. “You good?”
He only nodded, his mind spinning as he took in what you just told him. He turned his attention to your back once more, putting a hand on your hip to keep you steady as his other hand wiped the cloth over your back. “Why were you left there?”
“I used to wonder, y’know, because I have faint memories of my parents.” You replied, shivering again at his touch. He dipped the cloth back into the water and wrung it out before moving it under your arms. “Um, said they didn’t want me. Said that they always wanted a little boy, but then they had me first and… kept me around until they had my little brother a few years later.”
Buggy inhaled sharply and you looked over at him again. It was surprising to see him mad, but given what you just told him, you figured it stirred up memories about Darby’s situation. You reached back and touched his cheek, his gaze softening a bit as he sighed.
“You don’t have to keep telling me.” He mumbled. “You’ve said a lot.”
“It wasn’t the worst place, Mama did what she could. She wasn’t cruel to us. Tried her best to take care of us.” You continued as you turned around to face him. “Sometimes we went hungry, and sometimes we were cold, but she tried. I learned to bake and cook from her, and when I got older I helped take care of the little ones that were left with her.”
“Stop talking.” Buggy snapped. “You don’t have to keep telling me. Shit, it’s already depressing you don’t have parents, I don’t need to hear about the orphanage!”
“You want to get to know me, Buggy, so I'm telling you, okay?!” You shot back. 
“I don't want to hear about it!” He said, throwing the washcloth into the tub as he pulled away from you. “I can't listen to this.”
You glared at him as you started to reach to pick up the washcloth, but being off balance already from the baby and where the washcloth ended up made it difficult to grab it. You felt yourself start to fall forward out of the tub but Buggy was there to stop you, catching you and pulling you upright to steady you. You grabbed onto his arms for balance until you were upright. There was a moment of silence, the water in the tub no longer sloshing from the sudden movements  when you sighed and looked up at him.
“Buggy, you can't pick and choose what you want to know about me if you're certain you're falling in love with me.” You said firmly as you kept a hold on him, feeling a little unsure about letting go just yet. He looked away from you, keeping his arms around you while his hands grabbed a towel to wrap around you.
“Just don't want to hear about orphanages, okay?” He mumbled. “I could have lost my kid to one and… makes me wonder somethin’ about this little brat that's on the way.”
“What are you wondering?” You asked as you wrapped the towel around yourself before stepping out of the tub. He was still holding onto you, not trusting your balance now even though you were fine. 
“If that kid has my nose, would you have dumped them off somewhere?” He asked. “Darby’s mom was going to do that. Not only did she not want a kid, she didn't want a kid with a nose like mine, y’know, didn’t want a kid that looked like me and… what if this one has the same nose, would you have done that?”
It was hurtful he would think that, but he was guarded because of those features. You learned quickly he didn't want you touching his nose, whether on accident or even to kiss it. Darby wasn't sensitive like his dad about his nose, but you had already seen how protective he was over his son. He probably wasn't aware his nose made him look different from other kids.
“No.” You sighed. “I wouldn't have done that, Buggy.” 
You pulled away from him to grab your clothes. It was a little frustrating your bath was cut short but neither of you were in a great headspace right then. You pulled your skirt and top back on before looking back at him.
“Maybe I should sleep in my room tonight, Buggy.”
“Why?” He demanded. “You know that mattress is shit for your back.”
“I think you need to collect yourself and I need a breather.” You told him as you collected the damp towels to hang up. Buggy shook his head and crossed his arms as he frowned at you.
“I don't want to.” He said stubbornly. “Besides, Darby will be upset if you're not in there.” He looked away, itching his cheek before glancing back at you. “I’m not used to sleeping alone now.”
“Boundaries, remember?” You told him. “I think a night apart would be good and I need you to respect that.”
He didn't like the idea, he liked having you in his bed at night, but if he wanted to keep you around then he probably needed to listen to your needs. He was sulking, giving you a dismissive wave as he looked away from you. You managed not to roll your eyes as you patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him by himself.
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AITA for not wanting to talk to my exes anymore? It's been two months and I'm still thinking about this. I (22nb) was in a semi-platonic/semi-romantic relationship with two people (both 20+) I thought were really genuinely lovely. There were communication issues but we're all three traumatized and have massive issues with confrontation so I sort of let a lot of it slide. A lot of it was them just... not telling me things? they'd go to each other for support when they were having bad times but never me. Nor would they ever tell me what was going on - both would just vanish and not respond for like 3 to 6 hours every evening with no warning. I did ask at one point if one of them could at least just... drop us a message and be like "talk later, having a hard time". Which I feel like isn't unreasonable? It apparently was though.
So February into March this year was really tough. I was in my final year (technically the final two months!!) of my undergrad and coping with some abuse in therapy, so I was a bit more all over the place. One of them started really just.... not talking to me and the other started being really off. Like if I spoke to them, it was in dms and never as a group until they wanted to call and play something in the evening.
In March, I had a massive mental health crisis personally and due to some really unfortunate circumstances, ended up unmedicated. This resulted in a psychotic episode (that I identified and informed them about). During this, one of them suggested that if I was having such a hard time with them, if breaking up would be better. And I sort of lost it? I wasn't mean, but I was really stressing that my paranoia and erraticness wasn't about them - I was having a psychotic episode and was incredibly mentally unwell.
It ended up with them both being angry at me and not speaking to me for a day. Everything proceeded far more awkwardly from there. I got back on my medication and somewhat recovered, but ended up needing to move back in with my parents during the exam season (I was a danger to myself). The night I got home, they broke up with me specifically. Because it "didn't feel like we were partners anymore" and I was "unhelpful and uncommunicative". They wanted to continue being friends though.
And I tried to be friends for the next month. I really tried. But it just felt... hollow. And then when I tried to inform one of them of something, they started lecturing me on my behavior.
So I decided... I didn't want to talk to them at that time. And I said as much, in private.
To which they took screenshots of personal conversations and posted them to a group server to prove they weren't the bad guys to mutual friends.
There were a lot of other little things. Like they'd talk to each other constantly but only one would talk to me consistently and this was framed as a "you're bad at communicating" thing to me. I tried consistently to reach out and show both I cared and ended up just.. being ignored or getting one word answers. Me expressing boundaries such as "can we have serious conversations when I'm level headed and not immediately (like not an hour after, I mean Directly, 2 seconds later "hey anon here's a boundary I never told you" after) after I've had a depressive breakdown or me asking to take ten minutes to settle my emotions when being told things were both sort of dismissed. Or even just... they always Expected I'd be there for group gaming sessions with their friends/did gaming sessions without me but got wildly upset when I spent an evening calling/gaming with a friend of mine who lives in a different country (to the point of being petty enough to make another server without me with a couple people and game/call Only There for like a week).
I just got... fed up with being treated like the bad guy? I wasn't always nice, but neither were they. I tried consistently to communicate/be as reasonable as I could and just felt like I was hitting brick walls. Communicating how I wanted the relationship to look always turned into me mimicking an abusive ex or something (seriously - one of them said that something I asked for was what their wildly abusive ex did and therefore wasn't okay).
I'll also note - I only ever shared parts of the breakup with close friends in DMs or in private conversation. Never publicly, and with minimal screenshots. Nothing I said was in a public space at all.
So Tumblr - AITA for not wanting to continue the friendship?
What are these acronyms?
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tqmies · 1 year
Congrats on 1K! Can I have 41 and 53, roommate haechan? Thank you so much
Go Away | Lee Haechan
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Part of Tqmies 1K Event!
Room mate au! 41. “I… I think I’m happy.” “You think? So you’re not one hundred percent certain?” 53. "Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and I need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so...", wc: 1.1k note: thank you so much <3 hope you enjoy it, domestic room mate hyuck?? i cry
6 days, it had been that long since you had broken up with your boyfriend of over two years. And of course, the first few days were okay, which was different from what you expected. You truly thought you'd be downing tubs of ice cream in front of the TV watching sad romance flicks. Like they do in all the cliche movies.
However, your little breakdown didn't come until a few days later. Everything needed time to settle in, and once it did? Oh boy.
Your friends had managed to keep you occupied for the first few days, but you weren't exactly a joy to be around. Not even as they dragged you to the club to remind you how great being single could be. You just couldn't find it in you to enjoy your time out.
Either way, you had returned home to Lee Haechan, your menace of a roommate. And in fact, your current state could all directly be pointed back to him.
It had been a normal Thursday, you returning home to him on the couch, playing one of his stupid games on your shared console.
You were sniffling a bit, frustrated at another cancelled date with your boyfriend. He had been getting far too busy to spend time with the likes of you, and you could feel him slipping away.
You tried not to think about it too much, choosing to hold your sanity. That was until Haechan took note of your form, and asked why you looked like your dog died, whatever that meant.
"He cancelled again, that asshole! I mean, I get that he's busy and all, but so am I! He could've let me know he had a meeting today, is my time not worth as much as his?" You let out, dropping your bag with a loud thud on the floor. "He never communicates with me! Is it that hard to send a text saying you're not going to make it? It must be, because I was waiting there for an hour and a half before he let me know!"
And you storm off to the kitchen, Haechan following diligently behind you. "Maybe he just got really caught up in work." He says meekly, a little afraid of your wrath at the moment, but also feeling bad for you.
You force open the fridge, ignoring Haechans small words. You look around it for a few seconds, brows furrowing as you whip your head back to him. "Where's all the damn alcohol!"
"What?" He says, taken aback as you move to check the bottom cabinets. You move things around, huffing when you can't find a single bottle.
"I know you're here somewhere!" You speak, apparently talking to the alcohol. You even allow yourself a tear to fall, though all you can feel is anger at the moment. Yeah, you've lost it.
"Wait, okay. Instead of drinking, why don't we just talk about it?" He suggests, attempting to divert your attention.
You're not having it though. "Talk? Did he take time to talk to me? No! So I don't think-"
"Woah, woah, slow down." Haechan interrupts. "It sounds like you're angry about more than just today, you seem really upset."
"Well it wasn't just today, he's been doing this so much. We haven't been on a proper date in months." You speak, crossing your arms. Scoffing, you place your hands on the counter. "But God forbid I miss a single phone call of his, and then he's all sulky the rest of the day, and they say I'm the dramatic one!"
"Well maybe it's time to call it quits then."
You blink, staring back at Haechan. "What?"
The thought had truly never crossed your mind, sure you were upset. But enough to break up with your boyfriend? Were things really that bad?
"It doesn't seem like you're benefiting from this relationship, that's all I'm saying." He speaks again, shrugging.
"Relationships aren't about benefiting!" You groan, throwing your hands up.
"I get that, but you don't even seem happy." He retorts, and he meant it. Every time you opened your mouth related to your boyfriend, it was a complaint or angry statement.
And you hated that he was a bit right. "I... I think I'm happy."
"You think? So you're not one hundred percent certain?" He asks, and you hate how hard you're thinking about it.
You were so unhappy.
That revelation led you to where you were at the moment. Bundled up in blankets as you mourned a relationship that you had ended.
And part of you stupidly blames Haechan, but you can barely justify why. All he did was open your eyes to how bad your relationship was.
Though you're still a bit annoyed that he planned the break up seed in your head, and that you had allowed it to bloom into a real course of action. It was definitely for the best, but it still hurt like hell.
So after refusing another forced day out, you were currently wallowing in self pity, watching the latest episode of your comfort show.
Truth be told, you hadn't lifted a finger all day, choosing to remain in bed. And you did that the next day as well, willing yourself to eat small meals Haechan left outside your door.
He didn't want to bother you too much, figuring you were taking this a bit harder than he thought. You seemed fine the other day, but he assumed the reality hit you.
But against all his restraint, he finally willed himself to knock on your door. He calls your name, to which he receives no answer. You're not in the mood for company, can't he just let you rot in your room?
The answer was no. "Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and I need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so..."
You admit, you giggle a little at his mention of your usual chore. But you barely will yourself to shout a little. "Do them yourself."
"I don't think so!" He complains, leaning against your closed door. "Last time I did them you said to never let me again."
You laugh, for the first time in a few days. "That's because you spent the entire time playing with bubbles instead of washing anything."
"Bubbles are cool, you're weird for not playing with them!" He responds, smiling at the little chuckle that leaves your lips.
"Go away." You speak, half-heartedly. "Let me decay in peace."
"No," He says, rolling his eyes. "Can I come in?"
"I haven't bathed in two days."
"That can be arranged, I'll help you wash your hair after." He offers, and you're thankful for it.
"Okay," You speak, wiping the stray tears residing on your face. You will yourself to get out of bed, standing by your door. You can see the shadow of his feet under it, and you grin. "Thank you Haechan."
"Anytime." He says, and you feel your heart flutter a bit at that.
He'd always be here for you, and he'd make sure you knew that.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hi :> its my birthday today (oct5) and no one really wished me a happy birthday besides my family :<. So may I please request a Bucky x fem!chubby reader romantically and avengers x fem!chubby reader platonically where they surprised her on her birthday and she didn’t expect it because she thought that they don’t care. She cried a little and she received a lot of different gifts. And bucky’s gift was very special and she cried (you can choose what special gift is that😉) and in the end the party ended and both reader and bucky went to their shared room and cuddled for a bit before saying goodnight’s and i love you’s. I hope this is okay! Thank you!!🫶🏻
Hi my lovely!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY I hope you had an amazing day, sending you lots of love and birthday hugs!!! <3
11:59 PM
You stared at the time on the clock, sighing to yourself. It was almost 12 and you knew you should have just gone to sleep, it was unlikely any messages would be pouring in anyway. You had a sliver of hope for one person. He wouldn't forget. He would definitely wish you.
12:00 AM
You could feel tears sting your eyes, no one remembered, not even him. What hurt the most was you always remembered all of theirs. You pulled the sheets over yourself, your pillow getting more wet by the second. What a fantastic start to your day.
You could hear Steve calling for you, his voice slightly muffled standing outside your door. You trudged out of bed, to find Steve standing with Sam, both of them grinning down at you while you were still in your "I <3 White Wolf" T-shirt.
"You think you could take Sam to do some shopping? He needs some help"
It wasn't the strangest request, the team came to you for help all the time. You couldn't help the feeling of your heart dropping when neither wished you a happy birthday but you figured there wasn't much you could do. You nodded, giving them a weak smile before closing your door to change.
"She looked so sad, maybe we should just tell her"
"Yeah, and ruin 6 months of work?"
"It's for my...friend. She's got a bangin' body like yours, now go try the dress on so I know if it'd fot her or not" You'd spend the entire day shopping with Sam, though he seemed to be more interested in playing dress up with you more than anything. Every time you tried something on, he'd inspect you up and down. This time, his eyes lit up. It was a floor length gown that hugged your curves perfectly. The satin material hugged your body, with a high slit that showed off your thighs. You looked amazing.
"Mhm, yup, how about you go...feed...the ducks?"
"The one's outside of the mall and I'll join you after, leave the dress in the changeroom"
You felt like you were in a fever dream, but you were really just trying to get through the day. You waited outside for Sam to join you, it appeared he bought the latest dress he made you put on.
You both reached the compound which was empty. At first you were sad, but now you were just mad because of all people to not wish you, not even see you was your boyfriend. What the hell was he doing?
"Sam, where's Bucky?"
"Where's Steve?"
"With Tony..."
"For fucks sake" You whispered to yourself. "Where's Tony and don't say with Nat"
"With Clint"
You stared at him while he had a shit eating grin on his face, dragging you to your floor. You confusedly followed Sam,
"Try it on one more time!"
"Just do it and show me!"
You put the dress on, admiring yourself in the mirror for a moment before stepping back out into the hall, to find it empty.
No response.
You made your way to the pitch dark living room, confused over where everyone had gone-
You slapped your hand over your mouth to contain your scream, the room lighting up with the entire team waiting for you, a comically large pile of presents in the center. Well almost everyone was there...you still hadn't seen...
"You know, there's another present waiting for you outside"
You made your way outside to find the garden strung with fairy lights, candles lighting the pathway to the compound lake. Bucky was waiting for you, nervously shifting on his feet while you ran to him,
"Happy Birthday angel" He whispered, his hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you close to him. He cupped your face, planting kisses all over you, his heart beating out of his chest because this had to be perfect. Before you could say anything he took your hand, getting down on one knee.
"Y/n" He kissed your hand soothingly while your lip quivered, tears already spilling down your cheeks. "Baby, I knew I wanted to be with you forever from the day I met you. You're the most precious thing in my life. I'd give anything to be able to wake up beside you every single day, to be able to hold you every single night"
"I can't even put into words how much I adore you angel, you complete my heart in a way no one else does"
"My y/n, will you marry me?"
You could hardly get any words out, your lip shaking, furiously nodding before letting out a choked sob.
He took a ring from a little black box, slipping it onto your finger before sweeping you into his arms, his lips smashing onto yours. His arms cradled you close to him, he loved holding onto your soft curves, hi hands stroking the bare skin on your back.
You could hear the cheers from the team who joined you outside, but all you could focus on was the man in front of you, your sweet Bucky. His lips didn't leave your skin, kissing every inch he could, you were his home. His everything.
"I love you sweet girl"
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madsmilfelsen · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thenookienostradamus, quyanaa!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 22 :)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 237, 409, yeehaw!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Magic Mike (allegedly), Always Sunny (allegedly), Killer Joe, True Detective (season one, I get too weepy if I think about season four too long but someday!), Midnight Mass, Shadow & Bone, Tell Me Your Secrets, Loki, and I've got an original work snuck in there, too
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
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5. Do you respond to comments? Typically! I have a habit of hoarding my favorites in my inbox so if I take a week or three months to answer you it's because I've been thinking about kissing you on the mouth. Comments really make my day so I do my best to show gratitude to those who take the time to make them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Maybe Sinhound? I don't set out to write angst.................. ever, but ending with Mildred's funeral wasn't what I was expecting either.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them :) I'm a sucker for love and happy endings :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? no and that gets more and more shocking each time I post a new work lately as my ao3 becomes a pit of depravity while I work through everything I can't put in my novel manuscript.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? hell yeah fuck yeah. I like playing in varying degrees of consent, unhealthy or unbalanced dynamics, girls who come too fast and have weird relationships with sex, yada yada. I have a really supportive husband who I am disgustingly, deeply in love with so a lot of genuine warm and fuzzy feelings for one old man in particular generates a lot of material.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I simply don't have the mind processes for it and admire those who can mix media like that.
11. free space / no question here, send me an ask with one instead please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of! would be awfully neat though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh man, I had a fun star wars piece I was writing with my dear friend, Jess, when impostor syndrome struck too hard to finish-- I still have the embroidery she did of our title (the inverse must also be true) in my office hanging below my first rejection letter :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? every goblin couple that make out nasty style, so uh, rust/sugar :( they're so special to me and pulled me out of a Hellacious writer's block
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My only wip is Sunday School Dropout because I sort of forgot where I was going with it, it'll come back with light voyeurism, blood drinking, virginity taking, the usual order
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like this is question to really sell myself but honestly, hell if I know, creating place? mannerisms maybe? Beyond my general insecurities, some of the nicest compliments I've gotten are for things I did unintentionally so hard to say! I have crafted some fuckin nonlinear bangers I'll give myself that much.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN TENSE and I HAVE NO WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF SENTENCE STRUCTURES, which annoy me and are my father's biggest complaints so I can't take them seriously enough to consciously attempt to improve on them yet. Lately, I've been smoking weed and flipping vocabulary flashcards before bed because my diction feels stagnant, a bit repetitive across pieces like.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I can't even speak english well enough to write coherently I'm not going to fuck up further with google translate. I did some ballet au's a few years back that I know have some french in it but I think I did a firmly okay job with the sprinkles of dialogue-- I know damn well my terminology is correct.
19. First fandom you wrote for? technically game of thrones, I have a sansa/sandor reunion very angrily tapped out in my notes app when season eight skipped it. The first work I posted was Seduction of Odile after I saw a post here about the potential of a rey/kylo blackswan au, reached out and asked if I could give it a try and here I am 22 works and years later :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to be corny but I have a soft spot for every fic that connected me with other writers who are so talented and inspiring and force me to be better so I feel like I can talk to them lmao
tagging tagging tagging @the-heartlines @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @littleredwritingcat @abeadofpoison @teeth-ing @itstendereye @barbie-nightmare-house
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hyukastuffies · 2 years
Wip | Kim Seungmin
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Seungmin knows it's fucked up wanting his best friends girlfriend but he couldn't help it. It was Jeongins fucking fault anyway. He shouldn't have sent him that video..
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Mentions of nude videos, masterbation, multiple orgasms, subby?seungmin (yes this is a warning), overstimulation
𝐀/𝐍: Um hi! <3 This is a small section of a bigger oneshot? I'm working on. I just wanted to get this out because I take a really long time to write. I've been nervous because it's like my first smut kinda (not really but you get it right?) But anyways i hope you like it..<3 Thanks to @spicyfrogbrain for helping me fix mistakes ! <3
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6 months ago Seungmin was in his dorm alone, scrolling through Instagram when he got a notification from Jeongin. He figured he needed help with classwork like the idiot he was but when he opened his text he did not expect to see a video of you. Well, it wasn't just a video of you. It was a mirror video you sent to Jeongin and in this particular video you were seated on the floor, adorned only in underwear, which you pulled to the side to reveal how soaked you were for your boyfriend while biting on your lip. You then inserted your middle finger into your heat moaning Jeongjn's name so prettily. You flashed your big doe eyes at the camera as innocently as you could while slipping another finger in. Just as you moaned out again you ended the video, a clear motive of wanting to tease.
Seungmin had never heard moans as pretty as that and never thought he would. Just like you never thought for a second that it would end up being sent to Seungmin's phone.
Seungmin didn't expect it to get send to him. He also didn't expect to get rock hard but that's not the point.
Stupid Idiot Fox
*Attachment sent*
She's so hot ain't she..
Bro what the hell is wrong w/u
Does she even know you sent that?
Well of course she doesn't know
Dumbass now answer my question..
Yeah i guess she's hot or whatever
i guess.Fucking idiot istg.Don't
come crying to me when she dumps
your ass.
To be quite honest seungmin wasn't annoyed at all that jeongin sent him that. In fact, as soon as he seen a couple seconds of the video he saved it to his phone and stashed it in a private folder. From then on seungmin couldn't stop thinking about you and how it would feel to touch you.
On some late nights like yesterday, when he was alone and needy he would palm himself through his boxers until he was hard enough to take his cock out. He always got so hot watching you play with yourself. He would grip himself tight and stroke slow eventually picking up his pace like he imagined you would. He would hiss when he spit in his hand twisting it over his red, angry tip.
He would moan your name loud as his head fell back onto his headboard. Every stroke of his cock felt so fucking amazing when he watched you. He was so close. He needed you. Needed to feel that pretty pussy around him. Needed to show you how good you could feel with him under you.
"Fuck y/n I'm so close to cumming please" He bucked his hips into his hand frantically when you moaned Jeongjn's name through the speaker. "S- so fucking hot baby fuck. Fuck!" He mewled out a string of curse words, body shaking as he shot his warm sticky cum all over his hand and stomach.
He kept toying with himself for hours after that, edging himself with both hands to your video until he was a pathetic, writhing mess on his bed covered in his cum from multiple earth shattering orgasms.
"Mmm you're going to make me cum again, please it hurts, i want it so bad" He mumbles as he milks his last orgasm from his body. His phone falls from it's position on the bed but he couldn't bring himself to care since he was already sinking into his mattress, drifting to sleep.
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If you like my content and would like to support me you can tip me! Or just give me feedback! That works too.<3
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manonamora-if · 4 months
February Check-In
From here on out, we should be back on track - IRL be damned (crossing fingers with that). Unless someone throws another wrench...
Anyway, let's not think about the bummer stuff...
Here's to a hopefully "normal" month with stuff actually being checked off a list!
Onto the usual index:
Recap of last month’s progress
IF Events in the Next Month
Plan for the next month
Still long post under the break. If you want a mini version, head over to itch.io!
January Progress
Welp... there wasn't much of a list in the January Check-in, since it was the retrospective, which included the yearly plan. Still, I did make a mini one on itch. Put together we'd get:
Still play more IF and maybe review. ✅
Finish the edits of Harcourt Ch5 ✅ and coding ❌
Fix one of the semi-completed games: ❌either the Egg parser or TRNT (and make it a proper parser)
Complete the Seed/Shuffle-Comp entry✅
Honestly, not bad... The first one, obviously is done and dusted. IFDB says I posted 60+ reviews in January - covering the Short Game Showcase, the ShuffleComp, and the Recipe Jam helped quite a bit. And that also meant... I'm 3rd in the Reviewer ranking! Only 100 more to second place...
MelS and I finally stopped playing ping-pong with the editing of Harcourt (later than we wanted...), and I'm currently sitting down to edit the whole maze. I had hoped to be done by the end of this month, but it wasn't feasible... It was close - I only have half a dozen passages to code, to check it works, and do the formatting. I used to laugh at his complaining of working all the rooms for this maze (because he chose to do that many), but now I'm the one suffering... Don't do mazes... Or don't do 30+-room mazes... (I'm not joking here) Also: If all goes well, March/April should be editing of Chapter 6, June/July coding of Chapter 6 (+ re-edits of previous chapters), August/September beta/edits, October? completed game.
As for the ShuffleComp, I made it realllll close to the deadline. But (not so) strangers in the night was completed just in time! Aaaannnddd, got 1st place in the Use of Songs category! Yay me :D Also submitted to the SeedComp! and the Zach Jam.
As for fixing the parsers.... whomp whomp, didn't manage that.
I made another parser! Not Another Sad Meal is a slice-of-life cooking sim of easy difficulty (and clickable elements for help!)
Also made a Zine! CTRL+SHIFT+ZUT+ALORS Lost content meets weird technology. I probably will never make this game, but you can use it as inspiration if you want!
And spent a few days working on a collaborative virtual card for a friend. While that will never be made public (for obvious reasons), You can find the basic interface [here].
Also won kuddos of best puzzle for An Eggcellent Preparation (even though it kinda broken)!
So yeah... not huge updates for projects, but some good progress and a few mini-new games. I'm not expecting people to check those out... But it would be neat if you did!
What’s happening in February?
There's always something happening in the IF world. I don't think I ever find all that happens anyway... but. Here's the ones I know!
The Queer Vampire Game Jam ends in about three weeks. Got a vampire/human story with a LGBT+ cast? Then this is the event for you! (unranked) Also they are doing a fundraising/matching donation with submissions!
Obviously @neointeractives got you covered for Valentine’s with the Smoochie Jam: it’s all about kisses, love and romance (unranked) - Be also on the look out for the next Neo-Interactives mini-jam which is happening mid-March.
The SeedComp! (Sprouting) ends at the end of February. Come transform someone’s idea or asset into a new IF game! See @seedcomp-if for more info ;) (ranked)
Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024 se termine dans un mois! Viendez faire des histoires en français!! <3 (ranked, duh)
The Spring Thing is waiting for your intent to participate until March 1st! After that, the submissions are due in April (also ranked)
Got a cool talk idea regarding Interactive Fiction, narration, or gameplay? Consider submitting a proposal for this year’s Narrascope! They are still looking for people!!!!
Note: @neointeractives will have jams all year long. One a month/or so. And the next Planting Round of @seedcomp-if will start as soon as the results are dropped.
The PLANtm for February
Shortest month, and one busy months in events (I'm at the head of two... what am I DOING WITH MY LIFE....)... So much to do, so little time. But also, ONE EXTRA DAY THIS MONTH! :D
What are we hoping to do this month?
Play more games! Because there are a bunch of jams happening and a backlog of games I'm trying to clear. Also I want to get to that second IFDB spot! (1st won't ever be attainable...)
Finish the Code Ch5 of Harcourt. This is attainable. This is doable. I will finish... because I am already 80% done. MelS is working on Chapter 6 for this month - hoping to have a rough draft for me to check too by the end of the month...
Finish fixing The Roads Not Taken. This is your month. I swear I am manifesting it hard. This is happening. I will finish you. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you....
Jam Entry number 685470w8698... probably. Maybe do a Queer Vampire/Smoochie Combo. Maybe even a French Comp game?
ALSO: I will probably do an another AMA mid-Feb.
The 2024 To-Do List:
New year, new list. A more feasible one, according to January-Me.
The hopefully maybe easy to handle To-Do:
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (giving up on the translation)
fixing the interface of LPM and the popups + check animal interactions
figure out the One-Button JavaScrip/jQuery issue...
edit the loading screens of the completed tiny games to include the program/format logo at least.
The 'Need a Bunch of Content to update but it's planned!' To-Do:
Update my website (bunch new title - also I don't think the logo clicky thing work...) + redo my itch page
Finish TTATEH (MelS dependent - this year should be it - for real)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (half-way mark by this summer - manif)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (main path at least)
Update CRWL (it's been almost two years... I'm getting ashamed)
The Unlikely But it Would be Dope To-Do
Finish The Dinner as it was planned (and translate)
Finish In the Blink of an Eye as it was planned (and retranslate)
Finish The Rye in the Dark City
Fixing TTTT (at least fixing, maybe try adding some storylets)
And finally The 'It's impossible, but one can wish' TO-DO:
Remaster SPS IH (if I managed to start this after completing the rest... I'm going to eat a whole sheet cake).
Start the IFComp project (2025? Might end up being a ST?)
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owlsdrawinglair · 8 months
Hi, hello, sorry for not posting this like 3 DAYS after I said I will post it but I have been rather tiered these days and it just wasn't going, so I hope you enjoy the Part 1 of my AU
So, for now I won't get into too much detail of how he came to adopt Spider specifically (that's gonna get its own post cos it's a complicated one), but for now I'll just say that he first came to meet Spider on the day of The Great Battle in, well, not very nice circumstances, and that he was the one to bring him back to Hells Gate. After that he went back to the battle where the whole got-shot-on-a-sky-ship-and-almost-falling-to-his-death thing happanes, but, luckily, he survives (but not without some major consequences which we'll touch on later). After the battle and banishing of humans from Pandora Tsu'Tey is basically stuck at Hells Gate till he gets batter and is forced to face the fact that he'll likely not be able to be as good of a warrior as before, or a clan leader for that matter, and simply put he was NOT coping well with those facts, or that there was a tiny human child almost constantly in his presence and that he felt somewhat responsible for him after, well, the way he "discovered" him. At first he couldn't really stand his presence and kept telling the scientists to keep the child away from him ( under the excuse that he might accidentally hurt the child) but slowly and surely he starts to warm up to the little bugger, especially after witnessing the humans on the base not giving the kid much tought or straight up ignoring him to the point that he would cry on hours on end with no one checking on him at which point Tsu'Tey would just get up and do it himself. Even after he was given an all clear and was released from the confidence of the med bay he still would go and check on the child often, play with him, sooth I'm when he was grumpy, tell him stories and so on, it got to a point where the scientists would call him in the middle of the night to "come and calm the kid down cos Jesus Christ he wond stop SCREAMING". After some time, he pretty much declared him his own, but not before he consulted the scientists about his parentage, just to make sure he didn't have any other family who could take him in and such, and they told him that the only relative they could find was his mother (Paz Socorro, he'll never forget) who was obviously gone and they couldn't find a match for a father, so, basically he was all his. And he was happy with this arrangement, just him and his little human son living one day at a time, not caring for all the wierd looks being send their way or the whispers behind clasped palms, until one day when they found a new life developing inside a lifeless sleeping body. They found it more-or-less unintentionally, when Spider (as they came to nickname him) kept taping on Grace's tank whenever they come to visit her, mumbling something akin to "baby" in still not very mastered Na'vi, and would get all whiney when he would be away from the tank. So the the lab crew did some scans and found out that the avatar was somehow pregnant and expecting to "give birth" in about 6 months. Of course they immediately called Jake and Neytiri to come over and explained the whole situation to them and to see what would happen if the pregnancy ended up playing out successfully and them having another kid on their hands. The couple was hesitant, looking that Neytiri herself was pregnant and was expecting their child very soon they were not sure if the could manage two kids at a time, so Tsu'Tey, having heard the whole thing was like "fuck it" and offered to take the kid in. Some tought was given into it, but eventually they all agreed to Tsu'Tey taking the child in. And thus Kiri came into their little family. It was hard, especially the first couple of months when Kiri required Tsu'Tey's constant attention and Spider also needing his own those of the latter, but eventually it got easier, as Spider got this first exo mask and was finally able to be with them outside and Kiri developing a somewhat sane sleeping schedule. The little family grew, laughed, cried, argued and loved together, and all was well, until the Sky Demons returned
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woaddragoon-nadya · 4 months
Meet Nadya!
I decided to commit and start a new character to conquer my social anxiety! I also changed datacenters to see if maybe not playing on Gilgamesh might be easier. (No hate to Gilgamesh, I just am not a hardcore player and that's the culture over there) So she's on Crystal Goblin. Got her to level 30 in like...6 hours, which isn't great but I started in Gridania which I've never done before (all hail Ul'dah) and wanted to actually see the story.
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Just finished joining the scions and decided to log off because it is 4AM. She's another Hyur girly just because I like their face options the best. But, I went Lancer this time so I can learn DPS.
Below the cut is the very long recap of the day. Moreso for me so I can look back lol. Also me complaining a little bit about partying.
First 10 minutes of running around a mentor actually invited me to the novice network! I never got to join with Alsephina until I got the return label this month so that's a new experience. Playing DPS is crazy because I feel like I'm not contributing at all.
The party I had for Sastasha was incredible. Our tank blazed through that whole thing. I got 3 commendations from that run alone which was very sweet. Tam Tara was okay, but our entire party were sprouts. Not a big deal, but it was clear the DPS and the Tank were like...sprout sprouts y'know? I am terrible at the game compared to most people, but I also have 150 hours. So I ended up helping to lead that one.
Then...Copperbell. I will now clarify that I wasn't mad about how it went, moreso annoyed that I didn't go to bed sooner. 10 minute wait time which I was okay with because it is so late. Everybody is FRESH Sprouts. Our Tank would not pull at all. One enemy at a time in the most inconvenient locations. Tank also wouldn't run through so the enemies would turn, which meant I somehow kept getting enmity. I'm used to playing Tank so I didn't really mind, but Lancer is obviously not built to be a tank which put pressure on our healer. Nobody had gear on that was past the first job quest. The other DPS got left on a higher level and no one would wait for her so the entire second floor took ages. Everybody is running for treasure not looking around.
Our healer ended up running in the front and taking a load of damage. Then they started the final fight with NO ONE ELSE IN THE ROOM. I sprinted over there so it was just me and her for a hot second. Tank is jumping absolutely everywhere, other DPS is still lost. I think the tank only annoyed me because I have been so nervous about tanking in a party for so long. I don't expect big pulls , because I know I struggled with that. Just at least pull into the next larger room and not on bridges or hallways. Makes DPS easier and healing easier. Normally, the way I've been approaching any partying with other humans is "whatever makes the healer's life easier." I thought that was kind of how everyone approached it, but I guess not. Same with not jumping around. Tank kept running, so I kept having to reposition, which meant the healer kept having to reposition. Then everybody ditched immediately, which made me a little sad lol. I have had very VERY few dungeons or 8mans where we didn't all say at least GG before heading out. Nobody gave commendations either, so I gave one to the healer.
I don't know, on the one hand it is less anxiety to play DPS because you have a buddy and arguably the least important job. On the other, it does make me want to give tanking with a human party another shot. I think I have not been giving myself enough credit for everything I've learned since my major meltdown for the last party I did with Alsephina. So now at least I have motivation to level both characters to see both sides. I could never be a mentor though. I kept wanting to try and correct the Tank, but I do not have enough confidence to tell somebody to play their video game differently.
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phaeton-flier · 6 months
On a society wide scale how does having one man to three women make child rearing easier compared to one man one woman , there isn’t an excess of women to a a shortage of men so your basically losing the labour of two extra parents from the equation? And adds the problem seen in alot of patriarchal polygamist society’s of groups of men having a crap time cheesed off at being forced out of relationships.
Seems better to encourage partial or full group parenting regardless of the parents genders or sexual relationship, which also seems a better deal for everyone who isn’t hetro who wants to parent too.
So this hypothetical was based on the assumption of child-rearing magically becoming much easier, somehow, leaving "being pregnant for 9 months and giving birth" as the only stressful/costly parts; Given that the former hypothetical wasn't even theoretically feasible the way "maybe we can make exo-wombs" is for replacing pregnancy, it's not a serious idea. (Also the hypothetical was that there would be a 1:3 ratio of men to women in birthrates as well, so that unlike in our world there's not a musical-chair problem to the traditional romantic arrangement being polygamous)
Still, slapping together an argument:
Raising 6 kids with 4 adults is much less stressful than 3 kids with two; with 4 parents you have a lot more slack for when someone is sick, or needs a break, or has a late night at work, etc. 2 parents could watch 2 babies or 4 slightly older kids while another pair goes out for their date night 6 nights a week.
And economies of scale come into play here as well: extra kids means more food costs, but it's a lot easier to cook for the marginal 6th person than it is for the marginal 3rd; the parent that takes kids to soccer practice can have a more hectic afternoons but still expect a little time on the weekends,etc.
(I had a pair of teachers in High School that were married; Between kids from previous marriages, new biological children, and an adopted niece-now-daughter, they had 6 kids, and if they hadn't also worked at the same school they would've had 8 different schools to go to in the morning)
In the real world, a lot of later-born-children childcare gets foisted off on the older children (especially girls, see oldest daughter syndrome) but I have ethical distaste for this the same way I have ethical distaste for the assumption that women should just have more kids because it's their duty. Perhaps a more equitable arrangement could be made; I could surely see an older child taking care of younger ones for an evening for a decent wage and not just "do it or you're grounded", but it would be a societal problem to watch for.
The actual problems would be in organization of the relationships: I've already come to the conclusion that the optimal number of people living together is 2, because any conversation about a change to the living space is also a quorum. 3 means you need to run it past someone else, which slows things down, and 4 means you can't even have a majority; this is before considering the wants of any of the kids. Scheduling alone becomes something of a nightmare, as is getting the relationship to work in the first place.
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belongsinthetrash · 6 months
What interesting things have you gotten interested in, in these past few interesting months, my interesting friend
Well, well-well-well-well, welllllll, a few thing-a-ma-bobs. But it's mainly been 4 fandoms that have come and intergrained themselves in my grey matterspace.
Disco Elysium is pretty obvious with some of my recent posts, BUT I've really only gotten 5 or so hours into my first playthrough so far and from what I can guess, it is nowhere near the end for me. I'm gonna try and get back to it sometime soon, but it's just been a case of notyet getting into the mindset to play a deeply written detective-human psychology-political story novel, to the surprise of myself. It's highly enjoyable, don't miscontrue my words, but it's an undertaking.
Speaking of politics, guess which underwater, steampunk, civil war simulator franchise I've played and has shot to the top of favorite games of all time? Yeah, Bioshock 1 and 2 had knocked my socks off with their presentation and story than I had first expected. I knew the games were classics, but I had just thought they wouldn't interest me since I'm kinda lukewarm on the steampunk genre admittedly. But Rapture as a whole had made me engrossed with every inner working and system in the sunken city, not withstanding the competing and aggressive interactions between the personification of political stances called Andrew Ryan, Sofia Lamb, and Frank Fontaine. Lovely games and my heart is sent to every Big Daddy and Little Sister down there, specially Delta.
Oh, and Infinite? ...i-it's fine. Like, I liked looking at the grim alternate history of Columbia (which is another reason Rapture had grabbed me) and I got used to the gameplay and feeling of being akin to Half-Life 2, but the ending kinda fell super flat on me and I wasn't a fan of how they intergrated parallel worlds into the story. And less said about Burial at Sea, I'll give you as many sugardoodles as need be.
Now back to our normal scheduled program, and by normal, I mean bizarre. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Good segueway, I know. But yeah, Jojo has occupied a lot of brainspace in me too recently, which is rare for an anime to do so for me. But fuck me, did the story grip me by Part 2. I had felt like it had finally start to get it's narrative grip by the time I had seen the Pillar Men emerge to be cool, strong, honorific yet bastard vampire dudes. It may have also been the gay talking and Joseph being iconic. But what sucks about my situation is that I'm not far into Part 3 because I've been watching through it on a friend's behalf and her schedule hasn't aligned for it for the past month, so I'm stuck in a purgatory of waiting to get the full context of scenes through the actual story while I tiptoe around spoilers when watching content made by Jojo fans, and it kills me more when I slowly feel like I'll fucking ADORE Parts 5, 6, and 7 when I get to it! Basille, you bitch (affectionate), WATCH JOJO WITH ME!
Ahem, sorry bout that, let me get to the last thing right quick. Risk of Rain was yet another thing recommended to me by a friend and I've had my fair share of enjoyment playing through both of the games. The first game's style is wonderfully Terraria feeling for a guy that knows that Terraria is not my speed in the slightest, and I had a fair bit in fun in completing the game with every survivor. Risk of Rain 2 has been even more fun but also more infuriating as another result, since I really like the transition into 3d and how the game feels much more smoother to play, but I've grinded myself at trying to beat the game even once after 30+ attempts that it has burned me out even when I get a good run. Maybe it's just because I complete stages too slowly, but I can't help but wanting to complete shit. I've gotten to Mithrix once and have been waiting to taste that wonderful feeling again. And what is another kick in the pants is how RIsk of Rain Returns has released but isn't on consoles beside the Switch and I want it!
Oh, and I don't know if I had said this outright, but I had seen Ultrakill about a year ago and have been still into that, but even moreso now, soooo I guess that counts?
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immortalarizona · 7 months
so the artificer is now a goat and the bard fucking died
at this point, I've come to expect my OotA sessions to be just a little bit batshit, but this one. . . this one somehow outdid all the ones that have come before it. I'm too tired to write up a full play-by-play, and to do so would probably take me the better of five character limits, so instead, I'm just going to share the recap I sent out to my players after the session was over and give context to each major point via Numbered List. buckle up!!
“So. It turns out that Jimjar Silversinger—or Aitne Mehre, or Tamril Brenten, or Elthym T’sear, or any of the other names they’ve gone by(1)—has more than a few tricks up their sleeve, including both the means and the mission to unmask the man you thought was Elion Brybalar(2). It turns out the real Elion died years ago(3)—except no, he lives on (in a fashion) in the mysterious, fog-shrouded blob on your map known as the Labyrinth(4). Lucien freed him through one deal with a hag, but found escape from his own curse in perhaps the worst manner possible through another(5). Jimjar left to report back to the Vigilants of Aevus who had sent him that his mission was complete(6); Sarith decided to accompany the real Elion on a mutual journey of discovering what, exactly, had happened to them(7); and last you saw of Selaros, the demon rays were gnawing on his corpse(8), so that leaves just seven people in a band of what had started out as fifteen(9). Soon to be six, once you drop off Stool at their home of Neverlight Grove—something which the little myconid is very excited for.”
let's go.
if you missed my last update, the tl;dr is that both I and the moon deity pretending to be Jimjar Silversinger have been pulling a backstory for this fucking guy out of our collective asses. as part of the Big Flashy Reveal intended to keep the bard's secret under wraps for just a little longer, I had Jimjar cycle through some of the other guises his doppelganger spy/assassin has taken. in order of names, they are: a human priest of said moon deity (fun fact this is actually the original human form of said moon deity, and no one fucking knows this but me), a copper dragonborn paladin of Bahamut (it's fine, he gave the moon deity permission to borrow his holy symbol for a bit), and a drow mage (because I wanted to give a bit more spice, okay). not named but featured in the session was Ekha Rhuriak, aka the crow behind Jimjar's bullshit "yeah, uh, I know how to fly for reasons that are Absolutely Not Suspicious At All" story. the significance of these separate forms is that I decided to yoink wild shape mechanics, which led to a very...... interesting combat. shoutout to the ranger for being the only sane one in this party and being willing to talk things through with Jimjar as opposed to just Violence. this meant that Jimjar finally got to give context to his previous interactions with the bard. . .
so as it happens, two of Jimjar's forms are capable of casting dispel magic, and it only took him two tries to unmask the bard (I set the DC at 18 beforehand and rolled out in the open for both castings, just so my bard player could be certain I wasn't pulling any bullshit to screw him over). it was so fucking !!!!!!!!!!!!!! when the reveal dropped and everyone realized that the Philanthropist inverted was never about Jimjar, it was about Selaros Elpragh (the bard's real name, which I discovered in-session that I had been mentally pronouncing wrong for months) the whole time. the party then turned against him, and Jimjar-as-Tamril wound up nuking him (and healing the fighter, rogue, and ranger) with his radiant breath.
Selaros' backstory is that he was a drow man enslaved by a cruel mistress alongside a half-elf named Elion Brybalar. due to a deal with the setting's god of treachery, Analith, he murdered Elion in order to escape and took on his identity through a reworked version of the Mask of Many Faces invocation. this was a hot minute ago. now, the bard player was thinking about playing the real Elion as a reborn sporeblood sorcerer (a bit of homebrew I cooked up), and I was contemplating a way to introduce him organically. . .
at this point, we're back to what I had originally planned for the session, before the whole thing with Jimjar and the bard blew up in my and the bard player's face. shoutout to whoever it was that came up with this, because it was a blast to run. and, as part of the deal (I was planning this all the way back when I gave the ranger the Merchant inverted during his tarokka reading), I was going to have the hags offer the party a deal that could free them from their curses. . .
Lucien was the party artificer (and had recently multiclassed into wizard), and was the one who wanted the homebrew curse to turn him into a goat man. the artificer is making deals left and right with these hags as everyone else watches in amused horror, and when Nanny Plunk offers to free him from his current cursed form, he accepts. I warn the player out-of-character that the hag's "cure" is going to be turning him into a literal goat. he's like, "okay, I'm gonna roll a wisdom check, and if I roll below a 5, I'm gonna take the deal." he rolls a 4. ultimately, I do not stop him. he made this decision with full knowledge of what would happen next. the party left the goat behind with the hag, and is now looting the stuff he left on the boat (the rogue has already claimed his hat and his bag of holding). the player is now making Another new character, and I sincerely hope this will be the last time he needs one.
okay back to my Jimjar Backstory Bullshit. Aevus is the name of the shapeshifting moon deity, and their priests are often referred to as Vigilants, because I Think That Sounds Cool and it also fits with some of the other naming conventions in the world (some priests of the sun god are called Lightbringers, priestesses of the grave goddess are called Raven Ladies, etc.). so basically, Aevus-as-Jimjar is like "yeahhh, I'm here because.... my own church sent me......" and bullshitted a whole backstory about having been an assassin in the employ of the drow who was saved by the church of Aevus. this is all lies, in fact, but no one can verify it, because Aevus is a god of the surface and they're in the Underdark. before he left (in-universe because the jig was up, out-of-universe because his "greater doppelganger" statblock was not balanced to fight alongside the party), he gave the ranger a blessing that is going to help with the upcoming full moon. somehow. we'll figure it out before next session.
so while the party is in the Dark Mirage (aka the Labyrinth), they free Elion. the fighter violently objects to having Elion travel with them, and it's somehow decided that Elion is going to go on a journey offscreen to figure out how he came back from the dead with fungus powers, and that Sarith is going to accompany him. okay, sure. this is fine. (I'm going to miss Sarith, but oh well. they can always come back later!!)
the fighter (who had been affected most by the bard's manipulations) yeeted his corpse overboard as soon as she could. (little does anyone know that the ex-bard and I are plotting a possible eventual return of Selaros as a deathlock of sorts.... little does anyone know that I'm already doing this with Buppido in Gracklstugh......)
Ront, Derendil, Buppido, and Shuushar are dead. Sarith and Jimjar left, and we're down two PCs. backup characters won't arrive until Neverlight Grove. I think the only factor keeping the survivors together is the children (Topsy, Turvy, Stool) they're still responsible for. oosrp is sad and so am I.
to quote the fighter: "when you lay it out like that in a recap, this was easily our most deranged session, and it's not even a contest."
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A little bit of a ramble, a lot of a ramble, a trauma dump even
My entire life, I have been disabled
That's it, that's the premise of this ramble, ever since I was young I was in constant pain when I was on my feet and despite me being able to walk and run I never understood why it always hurt. Why I always had to take a break in PE during the daily laps around the yard, or why I couldn't explain why I had to take one when kids made fun of me or the teachers looked down at me
My parents certainly weren't helping, my mom knew exactly what was wrong (she admitted this to me when I got older) but she didn't want to get me help or SSDI or anything like that because she said she didn't want me to become dependent on it and she didn't want me to not get a job or go to college and become complacent over it I'm sure I don't have to say why that's not right As I got older my condition worsened as my weight increased and no help was given, I never even went to see a doctor about my issue despite me becoming cognizant of the pain by the age of 7-8 until I was 15. My mother just refused every time to take me, citing my weight or my "laziness and refusal to walk or run" as the cause of it. My father wasn't much of a help either, he only ever wanted me to be a "real man" and despised that I refused to play sports because of the pain and just wrote me off as weak.
Didn't get much better when I did first go to the doctor, they misdiagnosed my issue off of one X-Ray and then pretty much gave me painkillers and patted me on the back and said "Maybe get some orthopedic inserts" which I have been wearing since I could walk, but they wanted me to get custom ones, which in the long run didn't help with my pain at all
After that I finally got into Highschool and after so long determined myself to get a job my senior year, I knew it would be painful but a part of me held onto the toxic belief that I had to prove that I wasn't incapable of anything just because of my disability, so I applied to McDonalds in my small town and got the necessary paperwork
I didn't last a month, I would walk out of there at the end of my shifts with one of my feet almost facing perpendicular to my other foot, the pain was so much that I had to take a 10 minute break multiple times a shift to just go cry in the bathroom and let my feet rest. It was the only time my father ever showed me respect, my suffering was the only thing that could get him to notice me.
Finally though, I turned 18 and I could finally get the surgery that the doctors had been talking about my whole life, the promised neverland that would let me walk and run and do anything I ever wanted with no pain
In hindsight I should have been a bit more skeptical, turns out it was a surgery normally done on people thrice my age, the surgeon who did it had never done it on someone my age, and could only offer a hope that it would work and a backup surgery that would leave me 100% guaranteed paralyzed in a few years but at least it wouldn't be immediate like if the original surgery fell through and nothing was done For context the surgery was essentially a complete reconstruction of everything below the ankle, a plate on the right side of my right foot, and a lengthening of my calf muscles to meet my new foot
After 6 months stuck in bed and another 2 in a boot, I was finally free to walk, I did a month of some barebones physical surgery (didn't even learn how to properly walk on my new foot) and found out right away it was not all what it was cracked up to be. The pain was a lot sharper now and left aches, it was impossible to walk without shoes or slippers or something on, and forget running.
I had to get a CAT scan (which took literally 3 months) to make sure everything was okay, turns out I have osteoarthritis all over the joints below the ankle (nothing new there), and osteopenia all over my foot (actually surprising there) and the surgery had only refused about 40% of the way, way under the doctors expectancy. So I had to schedule another appointment and deliver the results
I never got the chance, my insurance ran out and due to never getting me help as a kid via SSDI or even a written letter detailing my disability, I was left hung out to dry, I haven't been to a doctors in 6 months with my mother scrambling to rectify everything and get me SSDI and back on insurance and getting her food stamps back in order because I was in the eyes of the state a jobless able-bodied adult and no longer able to be claimed
So now I'm here, honestly this turned less into a ramble and more of a dump of a facet of my entire life, but fuck it, we ball
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raayllum · 2 years
I've seen a few people say the time jump is lazy or just an excuse to skip over two years and "start fresh". I personally disagree (maybe I'm biased and or desperate) but how do you feel about the time skip?
Oh I always assumed TDP would have one since... S2, I think? The fact that the show hadn't laid down a firm timeline of "Plot thing must be resolved by [X Date]" (think defeating the Firelord by the end of summer for ATLA, which we learn eight episodes into the series) meant that it had a lot of room to maneuver, time wise. Here's an older post detailing why (aka April 2019, woof). I thought we'd get like a 6 months to 1 year timeskip now and a 3 year timeskip post-end of Arc 2 (which used to be S5 but is now S6, bless)
RN not much as happened over the past two years that couldn't have also happened in six months (aka Janai and Amaya are still trying to help Lux Aurea, Claudia has resurrected Viren, the broyals are in Katolis and Callum is missing Rayla) except to age the characters up and give the world more room to breathe, since s1-s3 was just about a month. It also shows that the world is more complicated politically, since issues are still here and it's been as long a time period as it has been
The main complaint I've seen has been about the relationships happening off screen, mainly Claudia/Terry and Janai/Amaya. I expect we'll get flashbacks or references to how Claudia and Terry met and developed their dynamic (possibly 4x02, as I think it'll possibly help us play catch up in general and TDP typically has 2ish flashback focused eps a season, so one could be here and another could be for Aaravos). For Janai and Amaya, as soon as I saw the timeskip had been that long, I wasn't surprised at all they were getting engaged, as they're adults and were already flirting by the end of season three. I could buy them dancing around it for six months maybe, but probably not longer. Again, I'd love to see flashbacks, but I'm not bothered!
Like hell I spent the last two years dreaming up scenarios of Rayla coming back, Callum being in denial, too, but mostly of Callum following Rayla into Xadia right away, and you don't see me bitching about it, because I can recognize when the show hasn't actually promised me anything. It's all just speculation and expectations and until a show is breaking its lore or themes (which TDP is not) you'll be hard pressed to find me butt-hurt about it
But if people wanted to see a week by week play through with little plot and watching Callum learn two new sky spells every season on screen, and nitty-gritty political meetings, and long hours of Janai learning ASL, that's their prerogative. It's just not mine, and clearly not the actual Plot's, either
Basically as always:
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tigermousse · 1 year
England Exchange
An International Affair
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genres: dating simulator, amare, slice-of-life, romance, drama, comedy complete disappointment
Story: 2/5
Characters: 2/5
Romance: 2/5
Visual: 5/5
Originality: 2/5
My Rating: 2/5
Recommended for: [no one] only for those who want to take a break from otome games, because I'm already reluctant to start another game. It is like going back to sleep after waking from a nightmare
I wanted to give overall impression first of all to show how bad is this game, before starting to explain why it is so bad. After finishing three routes (Mark, Danny, Ji Hyo) I would gave it rating of 3/5, but after finishing other routes I've changed rating to 2/5. I have to say that I love most of older Hanako Games' visual novels. The Confines of Crown and Magical Diary: Horse Hall are my favorites, but even smaller games like Date Warp and Cute Knight series left nice memories.
So I was expecting of England Exchange at least engaging story, interesting characters and dramatic situations. How wrong I was.
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I mostly play free indie games, with some exceptions. If the game is free, I'm giving it higher rating even if it is not perfect. I can understand the amount of work and thoughts that was put into it just to show it to the world. But if it is a paid game, you have to know on which trash you are spending your $15.
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First of all, that is NOT a visual novel. It is basically a dating-sim in the form of a visual novel. So don't expect deep storyline, personal growth of MC, moral choices, changing the course of the story drastically, or at least interesting characters with backstories. Well, they all have backstories, because they need at least some excuses to behave like idiots or complete assholes.
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England Exchange is called by developers "light romantic comedy" and the description promises us perspectives of marriage, learning cultural differences and pursuing 8 different characters - or 7 for each gender, two of Love Interests [if I can call them that] are straight heterosexual. You're playing as an American student, who, on a whim, decided to spend 6 month studying in England to broaden his/hers horizons.
"Find a new career, meet your future spouse, or perhaps just get your heart broken… But why worry about that? Go on, have a laugh!"
The game wasn't particularly funny for me. Maybe it is not my kind of humor, maybe I had to laugh about how silly MC is and how bland and one-dimensional other characters are, I'm not sure. At least I've learned that in American and British English some things have same name, but mean different things and some things have different names.
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As for the romance part, it wasn't very romantic either. There is no chemistry between characters, relationships seems rushed, starting mostly because the MC decides it is time to hook up with someone, not because they have a crush, or at least interested in someone in particular.
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At one point story tries to turn itself into a mystery, but if you have at least half of the brain, unlike MC, you can understand who's the culprit from the start. The only mystery this game can provide is the secret how it can turn from bad to worse.
I've played only older version of the game, but I guess that I haven't miss anything except the possibility to strip characters naked.
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+The best part of the game is graphics. Visuals are fine, characters look handsome, cute, different and interesting, despite the fact that for each character there is only one CG for route.
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+The only wholesome thing that I liked about the story is that all sex is consensual. Before having it, even the worst characters are speaking to each other whether they want it or not. But sexual scenes are very brief, the whole prelude is about undressing and no description about what happens next. Which doesn't surprise me, considering absolute absence of chemistry between any characters. So if you're looking for something steamy, or at least more passionate, you have to search elsewhere.
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Minor notice that for the game about England, it definitely has too many mentioning of Russia.
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You have to know that all the characters in this game, including MC, are one-dimensional cliches. So don't expect meaningful dialogues or some actions out of character, or personal growth from them. They will act exactly the same from the beginning till the end, except for the time when they will behave as a complete assholes.
For the 6 months living in hostel with others, MC doesn't make any real friends or connections with others, even if they decide not to date anyone. Which at first seems strange, considering they're working together and don't have much to do except for hanging out around the hostel. On the other hand, it is completely understandable, due to the fact that MC has no personality whatsoever.
Almost all romance routes are extremely rushed, because the game is pretty short, and after finishing it once, most of the time you'll have to skip read dialogue.
Even the pairings on the beach seems all wrong, which shows how little the developers actually care about their characters. OK, we know that Brandon is with Aasi, and Peggy likes Danny, also it was mentioned before; but Angelo should be with Ashley, because they definitely have traditional upbringing, and she is the one who cooks and have all ladylike hobbies. On the other hand, Ji Hyo with Mark would make bohemian artistic couple, in their own world.
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In the beginning of the game you are choosing to play as Male of Female (both names changeable). It will affect the place of your work and which asshole will be your rival, Brandon or Aasi. The story otherwise is pretty much the same.
You are playing for spineless nineteen-year-old pushover from New York. A first-year student at college. Never dated anyone back in New York, probably spent most of their life under a rock. Immediately falls for the for the guy who welcomes them into the hostel, despite the fact that he looks like a serial killer. Found in the local bar more beautiful people then in the Big Apple. They change opinions on a whim, don't try to understand other people, see nothing around themselves, defenseless, don't stand for themselves at all. They seems pretty much prejudiced towards some other people, but completely oblivious about others.
You'll want to gag yourself watching how they behave themselves on some routes.
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My rating: 2/5 [one point for Malia being cute, dark and curly and the other for Flynn standing up for Ashley]
LOVE INTERESTS (if I can call them so, SPOILERS AHEAD):
I've started with Mark's route and despite being not particularly romantic, this route is probably the best that this game can offer. From this point game will get only worse. Despite him being Russian, Mark is the only character in the whole game that I liked, not to mention that he's also the most handsome guy.
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Mark is blatantly honest individual, who is used to speak everything which is on his mind in a form of philosophical phrases. He seems a bit out of this world. Most of the time he's studying and reading books in the library. Because he's so reserved and straightforward, Mark has problems with communicating with other hostel inhabitants. Maybe he has kind of Asperger syndrome, or it is just his upbringing (at least his backstory explains why he has problems with communication). I don't see how his way of honest speaking hurts anyone more then sexist comments of Angelo, Peggy's nagging, leave alone toxicity of Brandon and Aasi.
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I have no idea why Mark is considered the weird one, when he's no more strange than any other character in this hostel, and is definitely not an asshole. I would say that MC is bigger asshole in his route. Basically MC is the only one who he is talking to, and she doesn't treat him nicely. Saying that she doesn't understands him, but does absolutely nothing to speak to him more or do something for him. She's complaining that they don't see each other, but when he's following her on a trip, she tells him off. If she doesn't like him so much, why she agreed to date him?
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This route was far from perfect. I like how Mark pursued MC, though. Apart from Brendon and Aasi (whom we don't count), he's the only one who seems interested in relationship with MC and shows it. Romance was rushed, also I don't understand how I got the best ending, if most of the time MC was complaining that she doesn't spend enough time with Mark and they barely even speak. And when they do, MC complains how weird Mark is. So I assume that most of their romance have developed in the next several years before the final scene.
My rating 3,5/5
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Despite looking 14 year old, Angelo is the most sexist character that you will pursue in visual novels ever. Honestly, even in Japanese VNs you probably won't find a character that is talking so much nonsense about difference in men and women work, and fulfillment as a women. Until you start dating him, it would be all that he's talking about.
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Shouldn't the point of the story be in changing, at least slightly his way of thinking? Probably, but not in this story. The only thing that you'll get from him is accepting you as you are, "hardly a woman at all". Eh? Thank you very much? Only in the MC is agreeing with everything he says, she could start a relationship with Angelo, otherwise she will complain about his laziness and mansplaining till the end of the game.
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His romantic route would be pretty sweet. I would say it could be the most romantic in the game, if we didn't know that he's expecting of MC to start her life as a human incubator right after they'll tie the knot.
My rating: 2/5
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Danny looks exactly like a serial killer, and I don't understand why MC have a sudden crush on him from the beginning.
It is not surprising that later he tells that he was in jail for several months. Is just surprised me that they let him out. He has trust issues, anger issues, he is jealous and possessive. Probably will strangle MC after misunderstanding with some other men.
If you're in the route with someone else, Peggy brakes up with Danny after he tried to strangle MC, but our MC is not that smart. Probably they completely lack sense of self-preservation.
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Remember when I told that Mark's route was rushed? It is nothing in comparison to Danny's. With Danny you are getting marriage proposal, - or should I call it a marriage ultimatum - after dating him for a couple of months.
My rating: 2/5 [a point for trusting MC after the incident]
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Before starting the Brendon route I've already learned that he is the worst from comments on Steam. But I kinda like to experience pain. Not a pain in the ass though.
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Actually, you could expect him being an asshole from the start, even if you haven't played as Flynn, because Brandon's no less sexist then Angelo. But Malia is so stupefied by his American torso that she prefers to forget about it. So she doesn't mind his absolute incompetence at work, mansplaining, rudeness to other people. And the fact that Ashley, the nicest and friendliest being in the hostel, had a break-up with Brandon and doesn't even want to talk about it, however we can guess who's to blame for it.
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Since the first date Brandon starts saying rude comments about MC's appearance and behavior, but we don't pay attention to it because he's so good-looking, right?
The worst end is so humiliating that even I felt like shit. Thank you very much, Hanako Games, I'm playing games for this exact feeling (no)
There is no happy ending for Brandon, only bad and the worst. I can't imagine what his special ending in newer version is, but I doubt that I want to know. Who wants a happy ending which ends in a relationship with Brendon?
My rating: 0/5
Ji Hyo
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Ji Hyo is an aspiring artist from Korea. Inspired, but distant, has sort of an identity crisis and mood swings, her backstory explains only part of it. Her story is not very interesting as for an artist. At least she's ok. See, in this review I'm already praising the character for being just OK, even is she's boring.
My rating: 3/5
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Ashley is a Disney princess from the local pub. She is nice to everyone, sees only best in people, oblivious to all evil in the world and looks like a Marilyn Monroe. But somehow when it comes to MC, Ashley suddenly is not so nice and trusting. Which is a thing to actually consider.
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She is ready to trust some guys from the streets who she just met, but after the accident she doesn't trust Flynn, whom she knows for 5 months (not a long time, but is still more than 5 minutes).
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Also it is not a secret for everybody who has eyes that Ashley acts promiscuous and getting tips for showing her boobs to everyone who is interested.
My rating: 2/5 [a point for being extremely cute]
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Aasi is the second vile character in the game. But in fact I can't hate her as much as I hate Brendon. At least she is more complicated then the most characters in the game. If you are playing for Malia, you have no illusions about her, also she's spilling her beans several times, lowering the guard. But Flynn is totally oblivious to her background.
In fact Aasi is really not so bad as Brandon. She's manipulative and not completely honest, but her background explains her behavior (not justifying, but explaining), at least she doesn't insult Flynn constantly. Also despite her seeing other people, I won't be surprised that deep inside she had some feelings for Flynn. Mostly for his wallet of course, but at least she acts more like human being. Also she told from the beginning that their relationship is non-commited, no strings attached.
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Also Flynn is obviously not so stupid as Malia, because the whole time with Aasi he feels that something is off, but still goes on with the relationship.
There is only one ending for Aasi: bad. What did you expected? Maybe she got better ending if Flynn had enough money to buy her from all other suitors.
My rating: 2,5/5
I never pursued Peggy with any of MCs, because after finishing all other routes I've decided that I've had enough of this nonsense to go through another disappointment of a character. Also I can't stand people that are so talkative and energetic all the time.
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