#which is also what i found talking to our other bestie. we're all in a place where we can support each other without depleting ourselves.
percyluvr · 6 months
hey babes, could you maybe do like a percy x reader where he gets home from AHS one day and just walk in on his mom and gf just having the ultimate gossip session and being besties, idk i just thought that would be funny
percy jackson x fem!reader summary: percy comes home from a long day at school to find his girlfriend and mother immersed in a juicy gossip session wc: 668
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Since the day you'd met Sally Jackson, she'd been your favorite person in the whole world, even surpassing your own boyfriend, who just so happened to be her son. Apparently, being a great person just ran in the Jackson family.
Luckily for you, Sally had also taken an immense liking to you, considering you her own daughter. The two of you bonded over various common interests, as well as your worry about Percy.
At first, Percy had been the main thing the two of you bonded over, but the two of you eventually realized that you had a lot in common, one of these things being your love for gossiping. The two of you gossiped every day without fail, even on the days that the two of you didn't see each other in person. The two of you talked long into the night on the phone, Percy overhearing it whether he was at home or with you, and he always pretended to be jealous that the two of you were 'ignoring' him in favor of talking to each other, to which you and Sally would just laugh and continue talking about people that neither of you really even knew that well.
Today, Percy was tired beyond belief, having a test or quiz in almost all of his classes. He was walking home, the only thoughts on his mind being you and a long nap. Yes, he was a demigod, and yes he fought many hour long battles, one of which being a full day of school, and he was now a sleepy boy who just wanted to cuddle with his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, the gods were not looking favorably at him today, because when he finally made it home, he found his girlfriend and mother sat on the couch, seemingly very immersed in a conversation.
While it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to be at his house before him, what was unusual was the fact that when he walked in the door, near you nor his mother even batted an eye in acknowledgement of his presence.
Typically the two of you would at least give him a small 'hi', but not today.
"Hey, I'm home," he said, thinking that the two of you must not have noticed the door opening.
You and Sally didn't even acknowledge him, opting to continue your gossip session instead.
His mouth opened, but no words came out.
Paul Blofis, Percy's step-dad, let out a small sigh, causing Percy to look over at him and finally notice he was there.
Paul gave him a pained smile. "They've been talking like this since I got home," he stated.
Percy gave an empathetic nod, pulling up a chair next to Paul.
"Let's see how long they talk before realizing we're even here," Percy half-jokes.
"Sounds fun," Paul agreed.
It was, in fact, not fun, because the two boys sat there for around 4 hours before you and Sally even looked in their direction.
It was around 9 pm when you and Sally finally stopped talking and acknowledged the two sitting there nearly dozing off.
You got up and grabbed Percy's hand, leading him to his room and plopping down on the bed. His arms went around your waist as he pulled you close to him.
"What were you and my mom even talking about that was so interesting that you completely ignored me when I said hi?" He asked.
"Percy, Sally and I have gossip sessions daily, and they cannot be interrupted. It's very vital that we get to talk about other people for at least 2 hours a day, otherwise we might die," you joke.
"Really? You two do that every day? How do you not run out of things to talk about?"
"Oh you sweet summer child, you underestimate our ability to find gossip-worthy topics."
Percy realizes that he will not ever understand the two most important women in his life and just hums in acknowledgement of your words before falling soundly asleep.
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
On Krile, Thancred, and Minfilia
Reviewing post-Heavensward dialogue for fic purposes, I came across this utterly bizarre conversation between Thancred and Krile:
Krile: Why must you be so disappointingly brusque? You're not at all as Minfilia described, you know. I don't think you've favored me with so much as a single compliment since we set out. Krile: Tell me, did your time in the wilderness sap you of all your charm, or are you holding it in reserve for your beloved? Thancred: This is neither the time nor the place. Krile: Well, call me old-fashioned, but when I'm risking life and limb infiltrating an imperial castrum, I like to be sure of my comrades' motivations. Thancred: I see now where Alphinaud gets it from. Thancred: Minfilia is dear to me, it is true─but not in the way you think. Thancred: Fifteen years past, when she was still but a child, there was an incident at a parade. A goobbue broke free of its fetters and ran amok through the streets of Ul'dah. Had I been more attentive, I could have prevented it...but I was distracted, and her father was killed. Thancred: I feared she would never recover, but in the years that followed, she showed herself to be more resilient than I had ever imagined. And when she learned of her gift, she did not flinch from the responsibility, but sought to guide others on the path. Thancred: She touched the hearts of all around her. Mine, Louisoix's, every Scion's. In those dark days following the Calamity, she was our guiding light─our hope for a brighter future. Thancred: She had so many dreams...and I would give anything to make them come true. Krile: My apologies. I can see she means the world to you. I did not mean to pick at old scars. Thancred: No harm done, I assure you. But fair is fair, my lady─what is Minfilia to you? Krile: You mean you don't know? Only my dearest friend. Krile: When I finally emerged from my torpor, I learned that nary a day had passed without her asking after me. She never gave up hope. Krile: And neither will I.
So, this takes place in 3.2, when Minfilia is still missing and Krile and Thancred are on the trail. Krile has clearly heard Minfilia talk about Thancred--she meets him with a certain expectation about his manner, which Thancred isn't presently living up to because he's too worried about Minfilia to be flirting. However, Krile also seems to have no idea what Minfilia's relationship to Thancred actually is. In fact, she misinterprets Thancred's concern for her as romantic, in the same breath as she's expressing surprise that he hasn't attempted to charm her. She's so curious about this that she interrupts a covert operation to demand he explain his motives.
Thancred, meanwhile, seems to have never even heard Minfilia mention Krile... who describes Minfilia as "my dearest friend." Despite the fact that Minfilia was asking after her every day while she lay unconscious, she apparently never spoke to Thancred about her worries. She even mentions Krile several times while we're in the room, calls her "my dear friend" and rejoices when she's found alive, but Thancred seems not to have been aware of any of it.
So these two characters, ostensibly the two people closest to Minfilia apart from her adoptive mother, know shockingly little about one another.
That's weird, right?
I would also like to note that Shadowbringers pretty much completely forgets about Krile being Minfilia's bestie, because when we finally get to see her again, Minfilia calls the Warrior of Light "Dearest friend" and has absolutely nothing to say about Krile. Thancred also doesn't mention her in his dialogue about the people who care for Minfilia and want to see her again, only himself and F'lhaminn. And Krile herself has little presence in Shadowbringers beyond the caretaker of the Scions' bodies, and I don't think she gets any reaction to Minfilia's death in the First, which, given how much time and attention is given to Thancred's feelings about it, is... certainly a choice. Even F'lhaminn gets a little follow-up sidequest, but Krile gets nothing.
What do we make of this?
I think from a Doylist perspective it's impossible for me not to see this in light of the issues I have with Minfilia's writing, and the lack of interest the writers seem to have generally in exploring the depths of female characters' inner lives the way they do the male characters. Minfilia is a major character and yet she is allowed so little interiority, and I've complained about that before so I won't get into the weeds here, but it's just so frustrating. If I had to watch Thancred spend all of Shadowbringers making her sacrifice about himself, I would at least have liked to have had it shown, and not merely told, that he was so close to her. That he knew her in some way that everyone else didn't. But we're not shown that! I've asked this question before, but if Thancred and Minfilia were in a room alone together, what would that talk about that isn't Scion business? Who knows! Did they talk at all? He didn't even know about her best friend!
I also think this is probably in part the writers trying to play a bit of catch-up with all the stuff they left only vaguely implied in ARR because they were afraid to rehash anything returning players already knew. Like they got to 3.1 and by now the new game is a success and the first expac is a success and now they're realizing they need to catch new players up to speed a bit on things that were assumed to be Known when they wrote 2.0. This isn't a particular graceful execution of that but you can see how it would serve that function. No, Thancred isn't into Minfilia like That; here's what their history is.
Whatever the reasons, they wrote what they wrote. And I'm also interested in it from a Watsonian perspective, and what it says about Minfilia as a character.
She's this person whom so many people knew and loved... and at the same time, maybe no one really knew. The one scene we do get that sheds any light on what kind of connection she and Thancred share in the present is after Ifrit, when Thancred is berating himself for not being good enough... and shuts up the minute he realizes someone else is in the room. He does show a vulnerability to Minfilia that he doesn't show to anyone else. He shows vulnerability; she really doesn't. Minfilia has vulnerable moments in the story, but they're pretty much always a matter of circumstances putting her in a vulnerable position rather than her specifically opening up to another character because she trusts them. She is always kind, and generous, and caring, and willingly hands herself over as a sacrifice for the greater good multiple times. When she speaks of her worries, it's usually for the safety and wellbeing of others.
How much you want to bet that Minfilia was the kind of person who was always listening to others and supporting them and making space for them in her life, and checking in on them to see how they were doing, and always had an encouraging word, asked about their day, offered help if they needed it...
...all while never talking about herself?
ARR loves to make Minfilia a damsel in need of rescuing, but how often does she ever ask for emotional support from anyone? She makes mention of Thancred watching over her, but often it seems to have been from afar. Thancred himself talks about how resilient she was, how many lives she touched. Krile talks about how Minfilia asked after her every day.
I wouldn't be surprised if Krile isn't the only person who considers Minfilia to be her best friend. I've known people like this in real life. Their friends are often surprised to find out they're "like that" with everyone, and they weren't actually unique. The care was genuine, but they weren't the only one receiving it.
I think it's consistent with her character, but it also breaks my heart
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WIBTA for unfollowing my friend-groups insta account?
When I was still in school my friend group (me, my gf, my bestie, his gf and 2 other friends) started cosplaying. We used to make CMVs and got a youtube account to share those, later we got an insta and a tumblr acc.
After school everybody besides my gf and me went to the nearest bigger city for university reasons. My gf and me decided to stay close to the town we grew up in. (We found jobs here and she couldn't really go too far away for longer time bc family reasons.)
So the friends live about an hour away now, that's fine, we can still visit on weekends, totally chill.
We also spent time at conventions together even though our cosplays didn't always match up.
A bit into this the friends start making new friends, which is obviously perfectly okay, I want them to be happy and the bigger the friend group the better.
But then our original friends stopped inviting me and gf along if they planned things.
If we were like "hey, next weekend we could come visit" everything was cool, we'd meet up, have a good time and we'd all say we'll have to meet up more often but then the friends never call again.
Instead they started doing little parties with their new friends and posting about it on our group's insta-account.
At conventions they always hang out and cosplay things with their new friends and only talk about their dnd group's adventures (which we also used to play together over discord during lockdown but now they only play with their new friends).
And honestly, yeah I'm kinda jealous but mostly I'm really fucking hurt.
Their new friends are amazing, don't get me wrong. New friends, gf and me get along perfectly fine. (Didn't spend enough time with them to call them our friends yet but they're super fun to hang out with at cons.)
But it hurts to see that some of their new friends have a longer way to get to them (one actually has to drive through our hometown) but they get invited to birthdays/halloween/new year's/... but we don't.
Gf and me also stopped telling our friends if we visit their city because we don't want to put in the only effort to keep the friendship going but we feel like absolute shit about it.
So now I'm thinking about at least unfollowing our group account on insta.
They only ever post pics & stories of their new friends and their fun time hanging out and I don't really wanna see that and feel left out anymore.
Would it be petty/asshole-y of me to unfollow since we're friends and we started the account together?
(Sorry, English isn't my first language and I think this got a bit confusing but I can't word it better...)
(Also hope this is in line with the faq post. Fisrt reject part got me confused a bit. It's totally fine if this falls into that category and gets trashed though.🙏💗)
What are these acronyms?
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raventhedracovis · 7 months
tell us about wordgirl bestie!
Will gladly use this as an opportunity to talk about a few headcanons that are canon in mine and @c0de-0f-the-clans reboot!
I'll stick with the characters we've done line ups for for now. Which would be: Becky/Wordgirl, Huggy, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, Chuck, The Butcher, Charlie, The Other Henchman, The Whammer, Invisi-Bill, Big Left Hand Guy, Ms. Question, and The Coach.
Becky/Wordgirl (or course we're starting with the girl herself):
Bi. She just is. I don't make the rules. Yes I do >:3
Non-binary but uses she/her pronouns. Comes from noticing in the show how casual she is with referring to herself as "mister". Even lampshaded in the Thanksgiving episode when she says "no more mister nice Becky! ... Or miss Becky. Either one :)".
She's got two birthdays, the day her parents adopted her and the approximate date she was actually born. Her birthday is always celebrated September 28th, but her actual birthday is closer to December 16th.
Part of the reason Becky sucks at art so much is because she sees way more colors than humans can perceive. A color combination that looks good to her just looks ugly or like the same shade of brown. Though even without the whole "painting with colors beyond human perception" thing she just generally sucks at art.
Becky is autistic and stims by pulling and messing with her hair. We also decided she has a bee necklace and she fidgets with it too.
Her full name is Rebecca but goes by Becky.
She's currently 4'5" and the shortest in her grade. When she's all grown up she's going to tower over her friends at around six feet (or more).
Bob/Captain Huggy Face:
Captain Huggy Face is not his real name (or title but I'll get to that in a later post). It's just the name Wordgirl came up with on the spot.
Just like Becky, Bob is only his nickname. Robert is his full name in the family.
Non-binary as well. Just his vibes.
By Lexicon standards, he's considered colorblind. By Earth standards, he's not fhdh.
In his late 20's, but part of the reason is for a different post.
Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy
Trans man <3
Demi pan.
Chuck's full name is Charles Edward Guy.
Chuck is in his early 20's, a headcanon we pulled thanks to a flashback in the show where Tim and Sally are clearly around the same age they found and adopted Becky but Chuck is oh so small.
Dr. Two-Brains
He stands at 6'5" but slouches a lot and therefore looks more like 6'3".
Technically has three birthdays! One for Steven, one for Squeaky, and one for the day the two fused.
Pan. Can and will flirt with anyone and everything.
In his late 30's.
The Henchmen
The other henchman is Joey Meatball. We both had different ideas of what his name was and thought the combined name was funny.
The two are romantically involved <3
Charlie is 6'7", the other one is 5'2".
Both are in their 40's.
The Butcher
He's 6'9". Big man.
His full name is Jack Edison Shepherd Jr. He went by Butch for a while as a kid, and it kind of stuck.
The reason he struggles with words so much is because he has an expressive language disorder.
In his early 40's.
While he was the tallest kid in 5th grade, he's only gonna be 5'4" all grown up, and it's going to make him so, so mad jhkdg.
We have also hit him with the autism beam.
He had braces at some point, as evidenced by a retainer that can be seen by his bed in most episodes. We have however, just given him braces in our reboot.
Tobey has anxious attachment style. Something I can literally talk about in paragraphs (and have. Twice.) and will probably share another day.
His birthday is reverse pi, 4/13.
The Whammer
The Whammer is half Greek, half Texan, and 100% professional wrestler. His father is a Greek immigrant who got into the professional wrestling career where he met The Whammer's mother, a professional wrestler from Texas.
His real name is Adam Minos.
Was supposed to follow in his parents' footprints and apprenticed under his dad. Unfortunately, his powers where deemed illegal for use in the ring.
In his early 20's.
He's 5'8".
He is romantically involved with Big Left Hand Guy. :]
In his early 30's.
He has ADHD.
Stands at about 5'11".
Big Left Hand Guy
He is romantically involved with Invisi-Bill. :]
He's related to one of the reoccurring bank security guards.
Has anxiety.
In his late 30's.
He's 5'1".
Ms. Question
Trans and non-binary. She's non-binary in the sense that she dodges any questions about her gender. No matter what, she will make you second guess yourself when you try to give her a label.
She's Afro-Latina.
Bicurious, because she's also dodge the question jdfkgh.
Her civilian name is Anne Neasia.
In her early 30's.
Very tall woman. Stands at 6'.
The Coach
The Coach has dwarfism. He stands at 4'8".
He's related to Timmy Tim-Bo. It's why he keeps him around.
In his late 40's.
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pinksmonkey · 1 year
Update on my anti-Byler bestie
Here's the post if you missed it.
First of all, thank you to everyone who shared their favourite Byler evidence, it made me very happy and it was funny sharing it with my friend.
Now, unfortunately my friend cannot be convinced. I'm autistic and have trouble understanding people's intentions and feelings, so I can't tell if he's being fully serious, half serious, or completely unserious, but to me it seems most like half serious. He's strongly in denial and won't really give me a reason as to why, he just says, "No, not happening."
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So there's no getting to him, he believes without a doubt that Byler isn't happening (and said he'll start a riot if it does happen, but Idk if he was serious). And he says he's going to find evidence, but his only proof so far has been, "Nooooo." XD
So I've been dealing with that. It's kind of frustrating because I feel like he's not really listening to anything I'm saying, he just denies everything. And I understand sort of because he actually bet me $50 Byler won't happen in season 5 (I didn't bet anything, he just gets to keep the money if he's right). So he doesn't want to admit defeat to that, which is fair, but it was a stupid bet to make in the first place since he didn't have all the information (the proof for Byler).
Additionally, at lunch today we were talking to a girl who's also in our anxiety support class, and I was talking about Byler stuff (Mike's official playlist songs, the way he looks at Will, their flirty scenes in season 4, Mike using the "we're friends" trope, etc.). She agreed with my friend that Byler isn't a thing and said Mike is so straight.
I can argue with them as much as I want but it gets really frustrating and even kind of annoying that they just don't understand all the evidence. I'm just venting here, so absolutely no hate towards people who don't believe Byler is canon, but as someone who cares so deeply about it, it can make me kind of emotional trying to argue that I'm not delusional.
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In the end we agreed to disagree, which is fine and valid and I respect that. But with my friend, it's kind of a big deal, because to me Byler is a big deal. I admit I'm obsessed, Byler has been my biggest special interest since I watched season 4 and found out it was a thing. I can't really help it, I'm just so passionate about it and it gets stuck in my mind. You could say I'm hopelessly devoted to Byler, one of my friends online has even said they think it's unhealthy, but how can something that brings me so much joy be wrong?
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Ok this has devolved significantly, but what I'm trying to say in this whole rant/vent thing is that yes, I'm very invested in the relationship between fictional characters, because it's important to me. Representation matters, and even though I'm not a gay man, I still love seeing other groups be represented, especially in a show this popular, with a story this deep. The beauty of Byler's story transcends everything.
So it's frustrating trying to argue for something I care so much about. Byler makes me happy, it motivates me, it inspires me. I'm not going to apologize for loving the things I love and being passionate about my interests. Of course I try to be open minded, respect different opinions, and listen to other points of view. If my friend actually had evidence against Byler, I would listen and respond as constructively and respectfully as I can.
Basically, shipping Byler is valid, and not shipping or even being anti-Byler is valid (unless it's just for homophobic reasons, homophobia is not valid). But I love Byler and it does kind of hurt to have something I care about be adamantly denied and torn apart. And you know, as I'm writing this I'm actually empathizing with Milevens. This doesn't just go for Byler, it goes for all ships (as long as they're not messed up obviously), people should be able to enjoy what they enjoy without others trying to tell them why they're wrong.
There's nothing wrong with analyzing Mileven, talking about why it's unhealthy or not going to be endgame, etc. But that should stay in the proper places, we don't need to constantly remind Milevens that they're ship isn't going to end up together. Just let them be happy, and I'd expect them to do the same for us.
Idk how this turned into talking about Milevens and respecting different ships, but it did somehow. Anyway, back to the point, my friend may be wrong about what will happen in season 5, but his beliefs on it are still valid. I just wish we could talk about it in a way that doesn't make me feel bad about shipping Byler and believing it's endgame. Does that make sense?
This isn't that serious or anything, and take everything I said here as just a random vent/rant, I'm just getting out all my thoughts and feelings, because I need to after all the arguing with people today.
If Byler doesn't happen, I'll be sad, but I know I won't be alone because I have my fellow Bylers, my Byler family and community here. We can all be sad together, and support each other. When I feel bad about something, I like to remember this quote:
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That's how I feel about Byler not being endgame.
But on a lighter note, I'm pretty sure Byler will end up together, it just makes sense. So yeah, feel free to share any of your thoughts and feelings about this, I'd love to hear them. :)
I just needed to share some Byler positivity at the end because I'm tired of being surrounded by Byler negativity in my class.
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Byler rights forever. 🏳️‍🌈
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Marrying Mr. Darcy (2018)
Remember that last Hallmark movie? I'm hate watching the sequel now. Buckle up, you will not be spared.
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TL;DR: Woman makes herself miserable by choosing what other people want without telling them her desires, over and over, until she breaks down. When she finally tells people, they give it to her. The end.
The movie begins with them having a picnic in the park with the dogs, and Donovan pulling out a ring box. Fakeout! It's a new collar for her dog. Double fakeout! There's a ring on it.
(also they got caught in the rain, we're already getting the wet data)
Apparently Bitch Aunt Darcy never comes around anymore and Zara (the teen sister) doesn't know why. Liz encourages him to patch things up for the wedding. Honestly she does seem genuinely contrite and apologizes to not only Darcy but Liz too.
Liz finally has a job interview! (also she made the wedding march her ringtone? I'm a total asshole but I hate that)
Darcy's friend is encouraging him to not assume that Elizabeth will attend events, and instead ask her and have her be involved (good job Henry)
Aunt Violet complains to Zara in the hall, but when she sees Liz and Darcy dancing together she gets shiny eyed and says she hasn't seen Darcy so happy in years, and even gives her a necklace that belonged to his grandmother. She seems really genuine.
Liz and Darcy want a small, simple wedding. Her mom owns a bridal shop. Aunt Violet is invited to plan as well, since she organizes most of the foundation's events. I sense that there will be issues.
And they're already happening! Aunt Violet pulled some strings and got them into the church that the last 4 generations of Darcys have been married in, even though it's normally booked years in advance. Only snafu is that the only date they have is in 2 months instead of 7. Liz agrees even though she was secretly hoping for a garden wedding.
They're reminiscing about a moment in the first movie (gag) "You thought I was pompous," he says. "You thought I was rude!" she says ("you were," I say) "No, I thought you were smart and charming and exactly the woman for me." "How convenient! I thought you were exactly the man for me!" she cries (bitch you hated him and went out under duress)
His idea of a small wedding is 250 people. Her idea of a small wedding is like 30. They compromise at 150 and Liz surprises him with having to tell his aunt, who came up with a guest list on Darcy's side of 400.
She found a dress she likes, but then Aunt Violet is like "hold up I know the premiere dress designer in the country as a favor to me she can see you at 10". Liz feels torn, which is insane, because why wouldn't you meet with this dress designer and see what she says and honey your mom owns the bridal shop, she would probably happily put that other dress aside for you just in case? This is not an issue?
Also Darcy shows up and is like uh surprise, I forgot to tell you, there's a board meeting tonight. Also I forgot to tell you, you're on the board now. She's like hey I'm excited about this opportunity but in the future you absolutely have to talk to me about things like this first, especially since she was super unprepared for this meeting.
Darcy has admitted a couple of times that he works for Darcy Enterprises, his family company, out of obligation and tradition even though he would rather spend all of his time at the foundation.
Aunt Violet is telling Liz she won't have time to go back to teaching. Liz is upset because teaching is who she is! Liz continues to be upset even though Darcy is immediately like ridiculous, you're a teacher be a teacher.
As my bestie, who I am hate ranting to, said - NONE OF THESE ARE REAL PROBLEMS
Especially since Darcy talked to Aunt Violet and she immediately capitulated.
Liz is meeting with the designer, who shows her two designs. One Liz clearly likes, one she clearly doesn't. None of us are shocked when she chooses the one she doesn't like, even though we all throw up our hands in disgust.
Aunt Violet can't get the guest list below 200 and talks them into it.
Darcy wants to make the honeymoon all about the two of them and take them to historical places and have it be for a month instead. His friend is like cool see what she says. He wants to surprise her.
He gets stuck in a traffic jam and can't make it to cake tasting.
Hey she got the job!
OH THANK GOD she FINALLY made a decision for herself with the flowers! And it convinced her to put her foot down and make decisions elsewhere, standing up to Aunt Violet (who is not even upset, she's surprised but says "well done")
We get to see Darcy interact with kids, which is supposed to be adorable but ends up playing very flat.
We as the audience know that Darcy is working hard on getting an incredible European tour honeymoon including a private after hours showing at the Louvre, and prepping for a month away from business, but Liz is certain he's just pulling away from her (again against the advice of everyone around her)
She sees herself in her dress and she hates it. She talks to Darcy about maybe eloping.
"I thought I was marrying Darcy, not his work. Is it always going to be 'see you tomorrow'?" even though they JUST had a conversation about how he was sorry he was so busy and he promised it wouldn't be like that after the wedding.
Now we're 3 days out from the wedding. Liz is afraid they're rushing into things and needs time to herself to think. Darcy is literally begging her to talk to him, knocking on the door and calling for her, and she is just standing on the other side crying.
His best friend Henry is talking to Jenna and being like hey wtf is up?? He admits to her that he's been at work so much trying to get a month long honeymoon together and he wants it to be a surprise. Jenna is like this is misguided, but sweet.
So Henry goes to Darcy and is like, tell her. Darcy is like I WOULD IF SHE WOULD TALK TO ME
Aunt Violet of all people goes to Liz and is like Darcy is devastated. I'm sorry if I upset you in any way, it was from my manner and not my heart. They have a great heart to heart but STILL she doesn't go talk to Darcy??
He texts her and is like I will wait at our spot in the park, I'm begging you to come talk to me. She FINALLY shows up and he tells her about what he's been trying to surprise her with.
"I wanted a tiny garden wedding" she tells him, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER
"You know, for a while there we stopped communicating," she says (BITCH WE? "WE"???)
They compromise by giving her the tiny garden ceremony she's always wanted but never told anyone about, and also having the big grand wedding. Darcy decides to step away from the company and work for the foundation, as his heart desires. Zara gets to go to Montreal. Everybody gets a happy ending.
Thank god it is over.
This had nothing to do with Pride and Prejudice.
I have to watch three more of these Hallmark movies
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resurrection-of-soul · 6 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 6
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga, Adonis, Kaoru
Rei: If indeed these are seeds sown by my own hands, I must now pluck them ere they deepen their roots. To ensure I never repeat this folly, and to ensure I do not lose anyone ever again.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: That night. In a practice room inside the ES building.
Rei: Look here, Puppy ♪ What's this I have? A cute little ball~? You desire it, do you not? Go get it~! ☆
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Koga II: [Wooooof! ★]
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Adonis II: [...... (He's fidgeting like he wants to play too.)]
Rei: Kukuku. Despite their perfect resemblance to Koga and Adonis, these two are truthfully but newborn babes. How precious ♪
Kaoru: It's nice that the fakes are surprisingly easy to get along with, but, like… Are you really sure this is okay, Rei-kun?
Rei: Come now, 'tis Adonis-kun's turn next ♪ Wouldst thou not pull upon the other end of this rope I'm holding? It shall give thy muscles a workout, and, moreover, 'twould be a most enjoyable pastime. Delightful, is it not?
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Adonis II: [……♪]
Kaoru: The fact you're besties now is cool and all, but are you, like, even listening? You wanna try not ignoring me?
Rei: But of course I am not ignoring you. Never again shall I avert my gaze from the beloved children who yearn for me.
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Kaoru: Who the heck is yearning for you?
Rei: …I find myself pondering a few things.
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Kaoru: Hm?
Rei: Naturally, even if others wish it of me, I am not an omniscient, omnipotent god; such a feat would be beyond me even if I, too, wished it so. My inability to predict this peculiar predicament attests to that truth. Nevertheless, I stand a tad older than the rest of you, and 'tis not as though I ventured overseas simply to seize a rare opportunity to engage in indolence. In comparison to you all, I am akin to an older brother with just a tad bit more life's experience.
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Kaoru: So like, what's your point? Are you trying to brag about being older? Pushing people around cause they're younger than you is, like, seriously hateable y'know? It's, like, power harassment or whatever, okay?
Rei: Kukuku. How uncharacteristically agitated you are, Kaoru-kun. Well, 'tis inevitable in these circumstances. Keep thy heart calm as the surface of a still lake. Should the elder ones begin to sink, the younger ones shall be beset with unease.
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Kaoru: I know, I know. Acting like a proper senpai is tough, huh? So? What was it you were thinking about?
Rei: Yes, well. Though I have no concrete evidence at this point, I have a general idea about what sequence of events which led to these peculiar circumstances. I have also gained a rough understanding of our current predicament. In other words, I suspect I've grasped the truth behind this mysterious situation we've found ourselves in.
Kaoru: Oooh, as expected! Amazing, guess the case is closed¹ ♪
Rei: 'Tis not so remarkable. Given enough time, you most probably could have pieced it together as well. You are the son of a wise scholar, after all. However, you are a pragmatic child. This case must present a bit of a challenge for you, given the unrealistic elements involved.
Kaoru: By unrealistic elements, you mean… Ahhh, so it really is like that after all, huh?
Rei: Indeed. The question now is, how may we extricate ourselves from this situation? You will surely understand this metaphor: we find ourselves in a locked room. There exists only one exit, and to open it, a special key is required. Yet this key lies hidden amongst countless objects strewn about the confines of the room.
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Kaoru: It's like a high-difficulty escape room.
Rei: Aye, one with no hints provided. More unfortunate still, there is not time enough to scrutinize each object one by one in search of the key. Yet, somehow, we must escape before the reality we live in becomes distorted and collapses in on itself.
Kaoru: Well, since it's you we're talking about here, you've probably already come up with some way to get us out. That's totally just wishful thinking, though ♪
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Rei: If someone makes a wish, then as Superstar Sakuma Rei-senpai, it is my job to fulfill it.
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Rei: …There is one method I wish to try. However, it involves a rather risky gamble. I bear some concern about the great burden it might place upon the body, specifically the brain.
Kaoru: "That's why I, alone, shall do it." You weren't about to say some stand-offish thing like that, right? UNDEAD's problems are everyone's problems, so let's share the burden.
Rei: Kukuku. My, now there are words you never would have spoken in the past. Having so recently been reminded of our former selves, those words resonate with the weight of profound emotion. I am deeply touched.
Kaoru: Don't make fun of me. So? What is it you want to try? How are we going to get ourselves out of this crazy situation?
Rei: We dream. During my investigation of the AIIE Experimental Facility the other day, I thoroughly inspected the equipment we were connected to, the drugs we were prescribed, as well as the manuals on how to handle it all. As one might expect, 'twas so full of technical terms as to be quite difficult to parse, but with the help of someone in my clan who is good with such things, I was able to roughly understand its contents. Thus, should we desire it, we may once more return to the dream of those days long gone— To the memories of that time when DEADMANZ faded away, and we, UNDEAD, awoke. The answer most likely awaits us therein.
Kaoru: Back into that dream again, huh? It's, like, seriously embarrassing having to watch my past self act out like that, but if there's no other way then I guess that's that.
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Rei: Your youthful aura in those days still bore an aspect of endearing charm. Meanwhile, I was naught but a bundle of shame.
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Rei: Yet even the person I am now, who is ashamed of who he was in days past, may well be regarded as shameful by the person I become a decade hence. Thus, let us exert our efforts in the present to forestall any future regrets. Wouldst thou assist me in this endeavor, Kaoru-kun?
Kaoru: That goes without saying, doesn't it? I'll tell you this as many times as I have to: this isn't just your problem, it's ours too.
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Rei: I wonder if that is truly the case… 'Tis still mere speculation, but I suspect I am to blame for this incident.
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Rei: Seeds left unwatered in days past have sprouted malevolently in spite, afflicting us with their curse. If indeed these are seeds sown by my own hands, I must now pluck them ere they deepen their roots. To ensure I never repeat this folly, and to ensure I do not lose anyone ever again.
[ ☆ ]
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Literal tl for this line is "amazing, [you're a] great detective." But in JP, the series Detective Conan is "Great Detective Conan, and the phrase "great detective" is practically synonymous with it. I've thrown the reference in using the American title of the show instead, since there is absolutely no way to make "detective" an obvious reference to Conan.
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yuniemaki · 1 year
Fun fact: Ganyu hates rumors and idle gossip as she does not see them as constructive or productive as well as detesting the idea of tearing anyone down. I figured that after a few centuries, it gets pretty old. The proof? Ganyu's voice line about Beidou.
"Recently, everyone in Yujing Terrace has been saying nasty things about the Crux Fleet. But in my personal opinion, Beidou's contribution to Liyue Harbor goes far beyond what those miserable rumor-loving heathens could even contemplate! ...Oops! I'm sorry, I... I'm not quite sure how that one slipped out..."
(Translation: Liyue is off for the better because of her and she would know because she's seen the nation at much worse.)
Another fun fact: Yae Miko holds Ganyu in quite the high regard as her voice line indicates. The voice line also implies that she would do this quite often and naturally, she would be friendly and almost fond of her in this sense.
"Hmm, now that you mention it, it's been a while since I last saw Ganyu. Before the Sakoku Decree came into effect, the two of us would often meet to discuss bilateral relations between our two nations. I always found her quite reliable. The next time you go to Liyue, take her some more fresh Sea Ganoderma for me."
(Translation: Not only are we besties, we try to keep in frequent contact.)
Why am I bringing this up?
Because despite Ganyu's distaste for rumors and how Miko thrives off of it and loves digging around for the source, their friendship works. And it's beautiful.
Another post about little nuggets of character interactions, lore, and other things I notice brought to you by 'this fandom has not paid enough attention to [insert gripe here]'. I'm quite glad that you like getting these. I quite like sending them.
NARKY PLEASE THAT SIDENOTE T_T I do quite like getting these. May Narky's miniseries continue!
Ganyu has never struck me as someone who values productivity and efficiency, that feels more like Keqing's domain. Rather, Ganyu as a whole seems to be someone who wants to be that way, but finds it difficult (based on her voicelines about Rex Lapis and she talks about avoiding major mistakes after a few HUNDRED YEARS OF EXPERIENCE???!!)
That said, I interpret her outburst re: Beidou to be more of outrage that such unfounded rumours are swirling about someone close to her.
Fact that she told the traveller, though, suggests she might be a little loose-lipped sometimes... and knowing Miko, she's probably already extracted a thousand juicy nuggets about Liyue's icons from Ganyu. WHICH IS FUNNY.... MIKO PROBABLY KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT THE CRUX'S ILLEGAL WORK FROM GANYU LMAO
Ganyu's so shy and Miko's so good with people, I can imagine her just following Miko around and answering her questions and inadvertently revealing too much along the way...
And Miko just laughs and finds it entertaining because Ganyu's fascinating; she is half-human and half-qilin, she has perspectives of the mortal and immortal worlds that Miko can't even dream of experiencing, being a kitsune herself.
I like to think "bilateral relations" is just their work cover for meeting. Like sure, they talk and they get work out of the way, but I'm sure theirs is a special friendship: they are, after all, two immortals living amidst mortals, and Miko was lonely for centuries with Ei in the plane and all of her youkai friends dead :(
Miko's view of the mortal world also seems to fall in line with Ganyu's. I like to think she learned that partly from Ganyu and her centuries of working alongside humans!
Also the interesting thing is Ganyu doesn't have a voice line about Miko, so we're left to wonder what her opinion of Guuji Yae is. It's also interesting that Ganyu is the one who represents Liyue in bilateral relations... she's the General Secretary!! Shouldn't one of the Qixing be involved?! Or perhaps they see value in having a half-qilin cultivate relations with a kitsune? After all, Ganyu has seen multiple generations of Qixing come and go, and Miko has outlived countless shrine maidens... how did this unlikely friendship come about, anyway? We'll never know until Ganyu talks about Miko...
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beevean · 1 year
isaactor hecula isaacula for the bingo? for fun, trevor/grant too
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The divorsties 🥰
I got in an Isaactor mood again after picking up my old WIP, which is funny because the chapter I'm working on is mostly Hector bashing Isaac like the bitter ex that he is :P but yeah. They have a relationship. Not sure what kind of relationship, but they definitely have one. I wish at least one of the prequels fed me more than the smallest of breadcrumbs.
... I'm just weak for that "we're fundamentally incompatible and we are toxic for each other and we are using each other for our deepest selfish needs and yet we are so close that we're part of each other and I can't imagine my life without you" thing that is rotating in my head. Then you add the divorce, and you have a beautiful mess <3
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"It's not my OTP," I say, as I squee fangirl-style everytime I see someone fall in hell with me, or even better draw fanart/talk about it. I may be in denial :P
Anyway, yadda yadda, it's abusive, it's gross, it's Problematic™, it hits those very nice tropes that make my brain rot faster than fruit in summer (age gap, abuse of power imbalance, mentor/protégé, manipulation...), IMO it enriches Hector's character arc of finding freedom and agency in the human world, I am utterly fascinated by how Dracula's feelings for Hector are described in Japanese, it's Lenector done right.
(I was about to tick "it would never work in canon but", just to get that bingo, but I can't lie. After all, it's canon and I have proof :P although I admit there is a lot of heavylifting to do here since we know very little of what Hector thought of Dracula pre-betrayal)
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The mirror opposite of Hecula. Isaac adores his Lord and would nullify himself for him, and Dracula is, at best, only mildly amused to have a dog at his beck and call, but won't grant him the Special Treatment that Isaac craves :P I still rotate in my head various possibilities on what Dracula does to Isaac, from completely ignoring him, to only feeding on him but pretty much for necessity, to also using him as a toy but without any sort of fondness, just a way to manipulate him and keeping him happy and compliant.
Sidenote, I find somewhat amusing that Isaac is "merely" Dracula's loyal servant in canon, as in one that simply didn't even think of betraying his Lord, but it's just so, so easy to imagine him as being utterly, selflessly devoted to the point of self-destruction. It's because of the collar and tattoos. Because Isaac has a fantastic character design that tells you everything you need to know about him without anyone explaining it to you. (and personally, I've always loved his line "if you have a good weapon, you use it, don't you?", which just. says a lot about him. my broken boy <3)
And second sidenote, I honestly wonder why any combination of Dracula/Hector/Isaac seems to be so unpopular, even back in the day when people were far less picky regarding ships :\ (N!Isaactor is quite popular, but I haven't found anything for N!Isaacula and N!Hecula. The latter sucks so I understand, but idk, are people really afraid of some good lord/servant ship even when positive like in the former's case?)
Gravor (?)
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I see them as fire-forged besties (or "besties" 😏), but I can absolutely see the romantic appeal! Also their relationship is underrated in general because Grant is underrated in general :(
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your-pal-nebula · 1 year
I just wanna ramble about Cori Worst real quick. Also yeah sorry some of these are long
As I mentioned, she is mostly dead inside, though that's not the reason she always speaks in full monotone and always has a deadpan expression- it's just how she naturally talks and looks. (For that reason, I feel like she'd absolutely vibe with Leslie lamo)
I know I said that she mostly thinks of herself as just Silver's lackey, but Cori does genuinely enjoy being around her. When you're besties with the daughter of Dr. Twobrains and Number Two Villain in all of Fair City... I think you're just kind of free to be yourself no matter what because Silver is probably the last person who'll judge you for anything.
The whole "InvisiBill and BLHG are Cori's unofficial adoptive dads" thing started as a bizzare dream I had. But yeah, that's actually hilarious to me now.
I picture that started with InvisiBill barging into his apartment, clutching Cori, shouting at the top of his lungs, "BIG LEFT, I FOUND A SMOL CHILD WITH NEGLECTFUL AND BIOGETED PARENTS, AND I'VE DECIDED WE'RE ADOPTING HER!" Meanwhile, Cori was just... staring off into space and slowly blinking. She was honestly completely down to move in with them. Problem is, that's not how adopting children works, so they had to settle for Cori just hanging out with them on weekends and such
(tho Cori's parents, honestly, would totally let her and Kyle be adopted by them because whilst they do not exactly approve of gay people, they do not give a flying fuck about their kids and would happily get rid of them)
Yall so there's this headcanon that InvisiBill is Victoria's estranged uncle- I just realized that Cori unknowingly being buddies with her crush's uncle is actually kind of hilarious
A while ago, a friend asked me "So is the Worst family, like... the reverse of the Best family, where they're actually supportive and love each other unconditionally?" Which is... admittedly really funny as a concept, but it's more like their two families are shitty in opposite ways if you know what I mean
Cori does actually have powers of her own. Well... one power for now. She can talk to animals. That's all she's got. But um- fun fact- since, as established, her parents are neglectful af and don't give a flying fuck about their kids, Cori's used to wandering around the city and going to places unattended. How has she not gotten lost? Well, because she always asks the local birds, mice, cats, dogs, whatever for directions.
A while ago I was wondering what it would be like if Cori met Victor Best and what their interactions would be like, and the only thing that comes to mind was this vine:
Victor: And are you part of our super secret shoppers club?
Cori: Nah.
Victor: *does the twitchy eye thing from his debut episode* oh.
(That's all I can think of seriously)
Congratulations, you made it the end of the longest fucking post I've ever made on here
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gracefulweather · 2 years
Happy 1-year message-versary! Can’t believe it’s been exactly 1 year since you first messaged me on Tumblr! While it may have started because of my love for your fics, which then led to lots of nekked pics of Hyunjae in our chat 🤡, I’m glad that our convos have evolved to talking about your blossoming feelings for SEVENTEEN ❣️, our hilarious boi stories, work complaints 🙃, and trip planning! I never thought that I’d be besties with someone I met online but I knew we were totally vibing from the start! 🥰
Thank you for being the perfect partner-in-crime by being delusional with me, helping me plan my perfect holiday to your home country, and encouraging me to tap into my wild (?) side by getting piercings! I’ve loved all our random convos and all the funny things you send me and say, and it’s always the best when we suddenly go off on a tangent and become totally delusional and write spontaneous drabbles / fics in our chats! Or when we tell each other about random things that act as fic inspo! I’ve told you this before but I’m so honoured that you’ve dedicated fics to me! 💞💓💗
Special mention to you having managed to put up with my awful work complaints, especially during That Project ™️ (RIP may it never come back to me again! 🙏🏻) and for always keeping me company when I was working late or was bored on the way to / from work or even at work! 💖💘💝
You’re my bestie from the other side of the world but even 13 timezones can’t keep us apart! 😂😂😂 Literally the only times we didn't message each other were when we were sick or I was physically with you during my holiday HAHA and I have now become an expert at our timezone difference lol
Once again, happy message-versary and here’s to many more fun times! 🥂
P.S. Come visit me soon! 😭😭😭
P.P.S. A select summary of some iconic moments in pics:
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HAPPY FRIENDVERSARYYYY to the seokmin to my mingyu, the hyunjae to my younghoon ✨🥳🎉🎊 ahhh so much has changed in the past year and i can fully say that i never expected to make a new friend in 2022 but it happened and we had way too much fun together!!!
(i debated making a post on jeongjaebae about this and even had the screenshots collected, but i guess i'll post them here instead LOL)
here's how it started
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how it continued.... aaaand of course my legendary slip-into-the-dms move 🤡
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guess they don't call me an istj attractor for nothing HAHA
yeah so i never expected for something like this to happen especially when 1. no one comments on fics, and 2. no one sends asks, and 3. if they pass thru #1 and 2, they're probably... way too young to pull off an international trip to meet a mutual LMAO. so really, the stars aligned for this to happen :'')
i knew we'd be able to meet one day but never expected the opportunity to come up so soon!! having you (kind of spontaneously) visit from 15,558 km away is definitely a once in a lifetime event and a big part of what made 2022 so special 🤩 and ofc it's been quite the experience watching you go from a Good Girl to wanting to try new things!! like piercings and crop tops and maybe doing a slutty walk through the financial district HAHAH
the days when we used to talk for like 9 hours in a row (when i was unemployed) were way too much fun, but even now with jobs and timezones and everything, we still manage to be delusional so we're doing great :') and yeah i totally agree, it's nice to have a friend from a diff timezone so we can have each other for company even during odd hours like those 7:30s on the train or the 2ams.
also it's so interesting to see which conversations you screenshotted?? some of them overlap with mine like the stupid together stupid separately, and the one with the brackets LMAO. but here are some i found funny:
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can't possibly include all the good moments and idek if these would count as my faves either but think they're pretty fitting of our highly delulu convos 😍
so here's to one great year of friendship and adventures, and looking forward to more to come!! (aka continuing to be as delusional as humanly possible) ❣️✨💓💫💖
p.s. yes that aussieland trip has to happen sometime 🥺
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meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah 'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete. and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry. also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original. 'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me. my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts. as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed. 'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did.. ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong. 'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding?? 'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls* i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love 'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT 'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT 'GIRL UR ALL MY ANONS AT THIS POINT' NO OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?!??!! 'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math' HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure" and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??" "we're still not married" "then just marry??" i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious" thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
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you know what it is (also this ai augmented ? yes i think lol)
meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah
LOL i think its mostly about destroying daeneyrs as a character, like they suddenly just made her mad for no reason apparently lol. i also remember my parents watching it but then a sex scene would come up and then 😐😶 yeah theyd be ok 'aite enough of that' idk if i'd ever watch it but like yeah i hope you like it when you come around to watching it <3
'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete.
capitalism. i think they overstretched it/watered it down for idk what lol i cant really speak about it cos i didnt watch it lolol ??? isn't the author still not done with his book ???
and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry.
i see lol
also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original.
that's great !! similarly you know i tried watching doctor who with my mom but the audio was too soft and there was a scene were he was getting emotional and started whispering and i couldn't watch it on my mom's pc from my bed so i just didnt watch it
'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me.
so true. which is why i totally get why alicent is pissed off about it/with rhaenyra cos she had to carry the king's babies and rhaenyra got away with her boy toy, but then this would divulge into a whole other thing and lahsfas imma zip about it lol
my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT
oof. [pats head] maybe your bestie wasnt in the mood for it hahah
but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts.
its ok im not really a history buff. but yeah humanity sucks for that boo tomato tomato
as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed.
'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did..
HAHHAHAAHAHAHHAH daemon i think had less criteria more motive as in 'idc who you are but if you stand in my way i will kill you'
ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong.
'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding??
T_T are you faulting him for that ? for receiving adoration ? that he was always wanted ? HHAHH to be fair there is a power to cheers so id have felt the same way if people started cheering for me even if they had no reason to lol
'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls*
😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go HAHAHA
i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love
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'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT
HAHAHHAH SLAY WE LOVE GOOD SPEAKERS and so true i love that couple so much. #powercouple
'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT
SHE PROBABLY DOES T_T but also i feel like she dgaf cos she like 100000 HAHAH
👿 cos im smart no but youre clearly not all of them but im shocked you send me a lot of asks LOL
'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math'
HAHAHAH I KNEW YOUD SAY THAT HAHAHAH i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ?? if that makes sense HAHAHH like im good at it if u teach me but also not ASL:FASFHAS HAHAHHAH
HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT
praying for myslef
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not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT
ALSO ALSO ALSO i have starrted writing the witch prompt you talked to me about i think i called it 'the copper woods' or something i got super excited about it so pls pls read it T_T
daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure"
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and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??"
"we're still not married" "then just marry??"
dude cant understand english "SCANDAL DAEMON S-C-A-N-D-A-L" [throws a slipper to his face]
i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious"
thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
i love you <3 i went to school today and was so happy to read this when i got back. i mean i saw it before leaving and i was excited to be able to reply to it when i got back
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yourdaddychan · 4 years
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literally just wow- i genuinely have nothing to say about this please- i cannot explain how much this means to me- there's 1000 of us- *hugs all of you* [ especially the porn bots ] *turns into formal luna asf*
i remember when i started in may, just a tiny chatbot with only one mutual, only known to you guys as [ answer : admin ]. and now, almost a year later, i have 1k of my chainsaw eating demons who are metal as fuck 💪ive learned so much being on tumblr, as a part of both the skz writers community and the chatbot community. ive made a bunch of friends, lost a bunch of ones, and 1k of you stuck with me. i cannot begin to express my gratitude to all of you, and how much all of you and your interactions with me mean to me. all of the simping, the random stories, everything. i cherish all of it, and i love all of you. aight so letz get to the personal thanking asf
alsoer i kinda wanted to do something sexy so imma do what color they remind me of :D most of them can be found at this link : https://louisem.com/29880/color-thesaurus-infographic
@kvinly linn bb 🥺through all the drama we've been through and shit im so glad we ended up becoming friends again cause we're kinda sexy together 😉thank you so much for being my 1000th follower bb you mean so much to me and if anyone hurts you im about to *turns into jennie and kachows them* licherally lets nevah fight again
-> you remind me of the color punch , and not only because of the name- underneath that grr me edgy grr me bully you're just a softie simp and that reminds me of punch :D
@undeadbots steph 🥺lemme be your personal broken chopsticks pls :( KLDSKLD anywayz we've also gone through some sexy drama and thankfully you saw da light 😉and now look at us, with our own band, and our own producing line 🥺brohemian rhapsody for life bro 🥺 *big kithie for da best dad in da world :D*
-> you remind me of the color viridian , because it gives me confident vibes :D you carry yourself proudly and confidently as you should tbh go steph
@binniesthighs oh look its a cutie *pushes you to a mirror* right there :D RORORO YOUR BOAT :DD we havent talked too much, besides my simping for jisung- but you give me very sexy energy so imma propose rq *gets down on one knee* will you be the rororo to my boat 🥺thank you for being my moot :D
-> you remind me of the color espresso , because espresso looks like the color to be pretty chill and laid back, and you're all of those, and calming to be around
@toshis-flower BAYBEE BEBE BEEBEE :D thank you so much for being my moot and making me a wifey asf ‼️ you're literally so much like me whats not to love <3 JKSDJKD JKJK you're really sweet and really just a good person to rant to, i love you so so so much and i think im going to remarry you :D
-> you remind me of the color taffy , because you're sweet, cute, and bright :D *eats you* yummy
@lov3ric seyoung. i love you. so much. MY SOULMATEEEE :DD even though we tell the story over and over like a bunch of grandmas, ill still never forget how we became soulmates and then bonded over boba 🥺im licherally going to marry you one day like ez 💪also i wanna eat you can i eat you youre really cute *eats you*
-> you remind me of the color daffodil , because it reminds me of banana milk which reminds me of you tbh- buuuttt did you know that daffodils are one of the first flowers you see when spring starts? that definitely reminds me of you because through all of the cb drama, you've always been there with me, like literally always- i cannot express how much i love you *kithie*
@simpchimp LIDDLE CHEESE FUCKER THEMBO :DD drink water *spank* i love you so much you cutie 🥺you're also licherally the funniest person ever like stop bae i kinda need to be the funniest but noer its you 😔alsoer i love how random you are KDSKLD so nevah stop that because then *revz up arm* youre going to get luna-ified
-> you remind me of the color jam , because even though you seem kinda scary at first [ yes i was 100% scared of you ] you're really soft :D
@berrywoo the sun themself 💪you are easily the purest person ive met, and im so happy i somehow became moots with you :D you literally hit diff, yk? theres something about your personality and the way you act thats so comforting, and that means i eat you because youre too cute :D you cant just be a wholeass teacher for kids and expect not to get eaten kids are licherally demons whoever deals with them properly and treatz dem nicely gets a nom asf
-> you remind me of the color honey , because you're a sunshiney yellow, and you're sweet like honey :D i think you need to hear that its okay not to be okay bb, and you can come to my dms anytime you want to rant 😎
-> you remind me of the color scarlet , because youre a sexy bitch tf and scarlet gives me 'idc what you think im hot' kinda vibes which is like exactly you
@satosimp WINTER DADDY :DD i lub you asf *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy* ugh the way your personality matches mine is kinda sexy or whatever im also kinda in love with you but lets ignore that part 🙄 💪 *big kithes* *eats your cats casually*
-> you remind me of the color lilac , because it just gives me tsundere vibes, you act like you dont care but really do care :D you liddle sawftie *noms your cheekie*
@nightshade-minho DUCKIE :DD *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy pt 2* licherally bae where the fuck are you i miss you you bettah be doing well in school otherwise im going to smack you with a chappal asf DSJJKSD *eats your cat because hes such a cutie*
-> you remind me of the color marigold , because you're adorable and sunshiney :D
@onigirimeeya MICHIE MICHIE MICHIEIEEIEI MY DAD :DDD i like you mucho much if you didnt know *kithes you* you're like one awf da best listeners ever- which is such a weirdass compliment but its true- you're really good at listening, and just being a comforting presence in general, like when you go to the beach and youre just staring at the waves all edgy mode, and it calms you down a fuck ton
-> you remind me of the color mint , for obvious reasons- mint choco chip cookie michie :DD
@hhjs bae we dont talk a lot but im kinda lurking on all of your posts- JKDSJSKD bae remarry me please youre really fucking hot 😭and the way you have with words is like damn- teach me oppar asf
-> you remind me of the color wine , because you're refined, and carry yourself in a way that makes everyone want to be you. the color wine is rich and deep, which reminds me of the way you write :D
-> you remind me of the color cerulean , because its a baby blue and what fits better than a baby blue yk? you're adorable and squishy and i want to nom you 24/7
@secretary-yeji *iz chan ig cause we dont talk admin to admin* oh erm gee is uncle chrith 😉DKLSKLD my liddle koala :D my liddle burgah :D my liddle aussie :D my besth frien :DDD evah since may i think we've been friends, and i think one of the highlights of that day was me marking you as spam twice and on accident too- LKSDKLSD WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT anywayz thank yew for being uncle chrith's friend *kith*
-> you remind me of the color seafoam , because it's a very soft and light color yk, you're delicate asf which sounds like a bad thing now that im typing it BUT IT ISNT DSKLDSLK YOURE VERY CUTE YOU AND YOUR FLOOFY COWS :D
@ayolistenupp im kinda... in love with you? wtf? KDSDKSL MY DESI DADDY ASF I LOVE YOU SOER MUCH :D our music nights™️ mean so much to me, like theres just something so personal about listening to what the other person likes to hear even though half of your songs are sexy asf KLDSKLD
-> you remind me of the color ocean , because the ocean is loud but calming yk- like you're full of energy but you're also calming :D
@yanderexchungha OH ERM GEE YEW :O YOU PROBABLY WONT SEE THIS IN LIKE 10 MONTHS BESTIE MERRY CHRISTMAS IG KLDSLKD anyway i love you dad your lessons about vape >>> to quote your drunk ass exactly "vape isnt cool" JKSDJ anyway its gonna be sexy if we accidentally run into each other in the hallwayz asf
-> you remind me of grey cause youre a hag- JKJK KDJSD you remind me of the color caramel , because you're sweet, and licherally addictive caramel isnt good for my braces but i keep eating it 😰but youre addictive in a good way :D
@yanderelee literally only doing this because you were moping about not having a simp sunday and im such a good person 🥸you're cool 💪and unfortunately, you're funny too 😥and even though i bully you asf dont take it personally because i dont mean it asf
-> you remind me of the color dijon mustard because you just give those hacker vibes please dont hack me after i said this i like to keep my location private
-> you remind me of the color coffee , not only because youre addicted to it but also because of the way you act, you're like the definition of an old soul- with the words you use, the drama kid you are asf, etc- you're a talented bitch *mwah* i love you so much you also remind me of those movies where they find an old ass book and they kinda hafta dust it off and it gives you treasure or something cause yeah that reminds me meeting you
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woozi · 3 years
l&r shua and specially studio choom l&r shua... i still have no idea how i survived that, also it gave us blue hair cheol too <3 ... him sleeveless with blue hair, there are so many happy things just from this cb jdjsksskks i adore it.
wonshua fr were something else during l&r... omg after school, I'm guessing you've been into kpop way before me. anytime any clip from 17tv pops up i'm just ' they're so smol here they're so cute ' but also most of the time i have no context as well it's djjdsjskks. idk why but svt club is still something i find myself watching again i really liked its concept and them talking and sharing their thoughts it's very simple but also heart-warming.
is it creepy if i say i kind of did sghjkk i actually got to know you are interested in got7 recently when i ended up clicking the links in your bio. i swear im not a weird stalker jdjeekke i've been following your got7 blog way before than this one djdjdjjddj i only found this svt one recently after i decided to completely move back to tumblr and started following svt accs. I didn't know both blogs were you for a long time jddjdkd i apologize if it does seem lil creepy JDJDKSKSLS
jinyoung and mark are my biases, my ults actually <3 and yess i'm keeping up w/ their solo projects even more than before 😭 it's so jdjdkdkd. 2017 was the year i started listening to kpop and around that time or lil later i came across ' you are ' this song is so dear to me i loved it in first listen, its lyrics i love its lyrics sm i made everyone i know listen to it dhjddk yet i didn't dive in deeper bc i was caught up with other group at that time but slowly I started watching their content from 2018. it's like got7's been w/ me since the start & at the same time not </3 but look, lullaby and more importantly spinning top came and everything changed with that album it's so goood from then i started keeping up with their music and check their cbs. i knew jype was meh even when i didn't stan them but i didn't know to what extent, i only got to know after 2019. so far it's all so good and i hope it stays like that. all of their different companies treat and promote them nicely 🥺.
with svt it was instant love i got to know abt them during march 2019 ig, their songs grew on me so fast and boom by the time may came i was a carat, with got7 it was gradual love, it increased lil by lil it's nice but i do wish i could've stanned them earlier. the only cb experience as an official birdie i have is nbtm and last piece 😭 anyway both of these groups are very dear to me not just musically but emotionally too. i love them very much 😔.
also omg those are some of the great artists!! i honestly have no idea how khh and krnb are i mostly listen to kpop and kbands more. i actually listen to a lot of artists but regularly only zayn, svt, got7, the rose (ik we're talking abt kpop but i can't leave zayn out of this djdjdkdk he's the first ever artist i have stanned <3)
also onewe, n.flying, a.c.e, gaho ( i love his voice <3) woodz, day6. yk when you want new music but also something which you'd instantly enjoy otherwise you don't want new music sghjk, when i feel like this i just go to any of their discography. also special mention to hoppipolla and lucy bc they always bring something new to the table i love them for it. i love these artists but honestly i listen to them when i am in mood. i listen to gotsvt and zayn the most at the end of the day. goodnight <3 i love talking to you too 🥺🥺🥺 also feel free to answer late when you're free. hoping i made sense in this one and answered everything bc i am too sleepy rn fjdjkd - 🪂
iconique if u ask me <3 i heard lnr was indeed a good era for everyone!! wasn't it also cheol's first cb after his break? y'all must've had Fun fun
yes i have 😭 i grew up w koreans so... i guess that's also an influence. i got into kpop on my own volition during 4th grade though, so that's prob 2009/10??? GOD I FEEL SO ANCIENT RN!!!! honestly i still dk what 17tv was about i feel like we were just watching streams of some boys w no context as well 😭 AND YES OMG I GET THAT!! svt club is super chill and it's a great way of learning more abt the members!
JKDFJKKJDFFDKJ HELP!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT OH MY GOD YOU WERE IN MY G7 BLOG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 IM SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 as i've mentioned last time, got7 got me back into kpop and consequently tumblr 😭😭😭 i 'left' tumblr too and was just checking in occasionally, so when i made that g7 sideblog i was WAY behind the times and my first edits were so fucking- 😭 everything about me then was also so performative idk why i felt the pressure to be in on the club 😭 why were you not annoyed with me then 😭 i'd block me if i saw me on the dash KJFKJFDKJDF thank god i got over it though (or should i be.. i'm a menace on the dash now <3 KJDKKJDFKJF) AND NOOO OMG it's not creepy at all. i put those links in for people to see them after all!! and i'm actually kind of honored you followed me even w/o knowing its me <3 i feel like i've passed the vibe check JJFDKJKJFD do you also follow my main 👀 i rmb someone greeting me here on my bday who said the exact same thing you did 😭
U LIKE OLD MAN JINYOUNG 😭😭😭 ok that makes sense w ur svt bias line tbh <3 i like jinyoung a lot too he's such a smug pain in the ass <3 ALSO MORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i l*ve mark oh my god i- i know i keep saying this... but ur taste <3 AND YOU ARE 😭😭 THE ERAS YOU DISCOVER/GET INTO GROUPS ARE SOOOO GOOD </3 you are was so meaningful to them, and i'm still so incredibly proud of them for this regardless of commercial success. also what group were u into that time omg 👀 I ALSO GOT INTO THEM DURING SPINNING TOP ERA KJFDKJFDKJFJKFDJKFD WHY ARE WE SO SIMILAR!! u seem to like jaebeom's songs a lot <3 AND MS LULLABY!!! oh my god that's my favorite era <3 and yeah, so true bestie, i couldn't be happier for them they're doing FAR better than they have ever had compared to when they were in that shitty company. i'm still so amazed how they pulled all of this off though. jaebeom's must've went thru loads of papework he was prob so determined to show that old man what they are capable of FDJKDFJKD
NAURRR OMG IT'S SO CUTE HOW U PUT IT THAT WAY!! and i'm sure you'll get to experience more cbs with the 7 <3 they were already hinting at it yesterday on twt JKFDJKJKFD
OHHH THAT'S COOL!!! i haven't had a chance to listen much to kbands now, and if u ask me abt them the first ones that come to mind are ft island and cnblue bc im a kpop hag 😭 OH WAIT MAYBE DAY6 for the new ones?? my friends have also been recommending n.flying, the rose, and onewe to me. which bands do you listen to? and zayn??????? <3 ur so right abt that DFKJKJDFFDKJFD also omg go listen to khh they changed my life <3 i can give u a playlist if u'd like!! <3
OH WAIT THERE GOES THE BANDS FKDGKJKJF i usually reply paragraph by paragraph without reading the whole ask so JDFKJDFJK WAIT WOODZ????????????????????????? HELLO???????????????????? I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SO SEXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he's so cute too if that helps </3 ALSO MOOD I CANT BRING MYSELF TO LISTEN TO NEW MUSIC NOWADAYS EVEN IF I WANT TO BC OF THE SAME EXACT REASON 😭 the way we get each other is so- and i've never heard of hoppipolla omg i'll go listen to them now!! indeed <3 gotsvt is our home <3
and nooo u are so cute omg </3 and don't feel pressured to respond immediately to me as well!! i'm a v late replier but i'll always reply JKJKFDJKFD AND DW everything u said made perfect sense <3 i hope u get/got a good night's rest!! and that you'll have an awesome day ahead <3
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0ffgun · 4 years
(1) Hi ollie! I don't know if this is too much of a personal thing to ask but I've seen you talk about your bf a lot on here and it seems our situation is similar. I met my partner online just before lockdown happened and we haven't met yet but we're planning on meeting up soon and I'm really excited but also really scared because I don't know what to expect and I'm scared I'll be a disappointment. I was just kinda wondering if you could share your story of when you met your boy irl?
(2) Sorry if it's a really weird thing to ask for I just want to get an idea of the experience and you seem really happy so obviously everything worked out well so it'd be nice to get a positive point of view rather than looking at all the negative stories about meeting people online. Anyway if you're uncomfortable feel free to ignore this! Thanks
Hi there anon!! Don’t worry this isn’t uncomfortable for me at all - I’m happy to talk about it! (please excuse how gay this is going to get though, once I start talking about him I really struggle to stop dsgjkls) I’ll put this under a read more because it’s probably gonna get really long because I haven’t learned to shut up ever.
Alright so first of all (and this is the most important thing EVER) make sure you’re safe. No doubt you trust your person a lot if you’re planning on meeting up with them but even so, make sure the first time you meet is in a public place and that there is always the option of leaving if there are any weird vibes. PLEASE be safe. 
And okay so before me and Ryan met up in person we’d talk on the phone for around 4 hours every night (we still do it now, we can’t sleep if we don’t talk to each other for a couple of hours first, even if it’s literally just him listening to me playing video games and making weird noises every time I die dfjgkdfl) so we were already really familiar with each other. If you haven’t done it already, I definitely recommend talking to your partner over the phone too, it gives you a MUCH better idea of their personality rather than just typing to each other all the time, and it really brings you closer too! 
Our plans to meet up just kinda poppped up out of nowhere? Like we’d vaguely talked about it and then one day poof! we were suddenly desperate to meet up. Ryan lives with his parents and luckily they were totally on-board with the idea, I’d only been thinking of going over just for the one day but then his mum was like “why doesn’t he just come on the monday and go home on the friday?” and me and Sunshine LOST it jdskgjklds we were like FIVE DAYS IS SO MUCH??? And then once we had a date in mind we were just counting down and our phone calls got more and more frantic. We’d be up until 4am just talking about what it’s going to be like and getting more and more nervous. I had this really strong fear that we’d meet up and he’d realise he doesn’t like me as much as he thought he did? So you saying you’re scared of being a disappointment REALLY hits home, I feel that so much. 
I remember the night before we met up we were literally just laying in the dark on the phone making these weird panicked squeaky noises at each other. And then it was finally THE DAY. He lives 2 hours away from me by train and honestly I was fine for the whole journey until I got onto the last train and realised it would only be 15 minutes before I see him for real and I basically lost my mind lmao.
 It’s funny, really? I’d already seen pictures of him and talked to him literally every day but then the moment I saw him at the station I really wasn’t prepared for how truly gorgeous he is? I knew I liked him but then the moment we smiled at each other and said hi and just started giggling like IDIOTS I realised how intense my feelings for him really are and I became a whole wreck. 
I wouldn’t say it was awkward at first more like it was just.. clumsy? We already knew each other on such an intimate level and yet we didn’t know how to interact in person. The first hour or so was us kind of internally flailing around and me saying “oh my god” randomly every 2 minutes and him laughing at me because of it jksgjlds. We had a bit of a walk from the train station back to his place (which was where I’d be meeting his parents too so of course I was a mess over THAT as well) and we were just walking side by side casually and in my head the whole time I was like??? HOW?? DO I HOLD HIS HAND?? Do I just grab it? Do I ask if I can?? And my brain straight-up malfunctioned and I just yelled “OKAY!” and THREW my hand out in front of him and he did the cutest laugh and then interlaced our fingers and oh god I’m never going to forget that moment e v e r. 
Meeting his parents went so well I LOVE them (me and his mum are besties now I adore her) and idk things just went SO smoothly it was more than I could have ever asked for. And then his mum was like “okay go and put Oli’s stuff away etc etc” so that we could have some alone time (she’s smooth and I appreciate that) and then we ended up just watching a bunch of kpop videos while sitting together on the floor and I’d play with his hair (he has the best softest most top quality hair) and it was just so s o f t. Our first kiss was gorgeous too like it just happened spontaneously and then we both just had a whole gay panic and just sat there giggling with our foreheads pressed together for a good five minutes oh god. Honestly, I’ve been in relationships before but everything with Sunshine is like a whole new experience and it feels like I’m doing everything for the first time. I’m like a lovestruck teenager and it’s the best, and I can’t see that changing either, I think I’m always going to be this ridiculous. Literally every time he looks at me my heart does backflips and I get butterflies. I’ve found my forever boy through a random anonymous message on the internet and isn’t that just amazing?
Oh my god I wrote more than I thought I would I’m so s o r r y I really can’t shut up about him it’s ridiculous dsjgkjsd but yeah anon seriously I really hope things go well when you finally get to meet your person - please let me know how it goes!!! Don’t just focus on the things that make you nervous, make sure you also focus on the things that make you excited too! I know that people get squinty when you say you met someone online but honestly when you know, you know and at the end of the day it’s your decision. Just always do make sure that you’re safe and never do anything you don’t want to do.
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starbide · 4 years
Inspiration below. The following is a work of fiction.
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 'Six years,' I thought to myself walking down the road. It had rained earlier that evening, but by now the clouds were long gone. The pavement shimmered in the waxing moonlight, still slick with the water of those vanished clouds. I would not slip; the road was mostly level as it lazily stretched down the gentle hill behind me, and the streetlamps cast in gold what the moon would otherwise leave dim. The world was silent.
'It's hard to believe I've been gone that long,' I continued, step by step. Six years since I'd moved away for my career. Six years since I'd left my family behind. 'Left her behind,' I smirked to myself, passing a large bush on my right. Houses stood dark and serene on either side, all daily activities complete and put to rest. No cars joined me on the waterlogged street, preferring the concrete comfort of their driveways and garages. I approached and passed under another hazy lamp.
It was cool out, a gentle breeze brushed past the wool of my jacket without raising a single goose bump. I paid it no mind; I was always a bit warmer blooded than others in my circle. My best friend for most of my school years couldn't understand my ability to wear shorts comfortably year-round. 'Those were the days,' I mused, thinking back to the last time we'd seen each other. It had to be more than a decade at this point, long before I'd moved north for work and expanded my wardrobe to include legwear longer than my knees.
I reached an intersection and paused. Four ways, no direction more enticing or foreboding than the next. A lamp at every corner, and the bus station deserted save by its sign across the diagonal. The station I'd waited at patiently every morning for that bright yellow school bus, before I'd ever met my old bestie. It was just me and one other kid, a rather scrawny looking boy who had been in most of my elementary grades but with whom I'd never really gotten on with. We'd shared classes, teachers, and the occasional pencil or marker, but never played together outside of academia. He'd moved away much longer than a decade ago. Now I was really delving into my memory, faded as it was with time.
I checked my phone: 11:57 PM in small white font. My first night back home, I should be exhausted. This wasn't my normal time zone and airplane seats aren't exactly memory foam, but I'd found a second wind after dinner and took to the night after my folks had gone to bed themselves. Sure, I'd been physically gone for six years, but we'd stayed in touch off and on since I'd left. Maybe five months back was our last video call. We'd talked about me taking this trip, now that things had settled down and my life was much more under control. Things had been wild for a while, and if all went according to plan at work things would become wild again not too far down the line. Which reminded me, I needed to make another appointment when I returned home. Couldn't go running out of my prescription again.
A brief twitch of motion caught my eye, and I peered down the leftward lane. One of the bulbs had burned out a few dozen meters down, and in this larger pool of darkness something had moved. At least I thought it had, but my eyes could be playing tricks on me with the shadows. One dark spot moving erratically through a larger, differently dark spot wasn't exactly proof of anything. But of course, my heartbeat quickened regardless. Base human instinct, I suppose. Spot a motion in the dark, prepare to act to either fight or flee.
That hallucination had triggered something else in me though. A memory, unconsciously bidden, rose up behind my eyes. That kid, the little one I'd shared a bus stop with for years, I did not recall being nice to often. Many times, I'd engaged in common teasing, and he always took it personally. A couple times he'd even cried, but I'd never gotten in much trouble for it. A different time I supposed. That sort of behavior wouldn't fly nowadays, and that's good. I felt a bit sick thinking back about it, as it was now clear I'd been a bit of a bully. What it hadn't been was a wake-up call for my parents, who didn't get me the help I had so desperately needed until much later in my teens. I was better now, better enough to see what I'd done back then was very wrong. I couldn't remember all of it, but that boy's tears had stuck with me. I wonder what happened to him?
Shaking my head to clear my thoughts and calm my pulse, I opted for the path in front. This route would wind close to the park, after a couple turns beyond my current field of vision. Crossing the street, I didn't even bother looking left or right, as the night was so quiet and empty, I could hear a car coming from miles away, if there were any to hear. A rock lay in the far side gutter; I kicked it just to give my ears some stimulation. It knocked against the cement curb and bounced across puddles thin as saran wrap to a rest. By then I'd already forgotten about it and left that intersection behind.
Another thought was creeping up from my subconscious, this one more distasteful than the last. I'd left a girl behind when I moved for work, and the breakup hadn't been pleasant. She'd been very upset, naturally, and felt betrayed I was abandoning her like that. Abandoning. It had been her word, not mine, but with the clarity of distance I could see she was right. It had been years since I'd considered how we ended, and I wasn't sure what spurred those thoughts just now, but after what I'd done to her, I could accept she was right.
Still though, rounding the first turn, my leaving her should have been a good thing. Now that the floodgates of memory were open, I may as well dive right in. She'd been so hurt by my sudden departure because I'd systematically isolated her from her friends and much of her family too. She'd grown more and more attached to me, and I'd encouraged that through some particularly devilish means. I didn't know about the term 'gaslighting' at the time, but that was a polite way of putting it. I'd been very proficient at psychological manipulation back then, and my desire for control over her life could have consumed us both. At the end, she'd only had limited contact with her sister, who had been rightly concerned about her but too terrified of me to do anything to stop me. Looking back, I can't blame her. I now believe it was good that I left when I did. I hope she realized the same, though I haven't heard from her since.
Now the road turned left, arcing gradually around a thicker cluster of trees. This walk was turning out to be less relaxing than I'd hoped. The smallest things seemed to be dredging up thoughts and old memories in me, and none of them were painting me in the best light. Being my thoughts, maybe that was the best light I could possibly be presented in. Maybe their memories of me, the version of me still living in their mind, was far worse than I could imagine on this unassuming suburban night. I'd read somewhere that we're all the hero of our own story, and of course the hero never thinks they're the villain. But I'm sure that's what I am in at least a few people's stories. I'm starting to feel like the villain in my own.
Opening up ahead of me is the park, and the wide-open fields I remember so well. This area is less well lit, with streetlamps only illuminating the edges of the grass and allowing the moon to bathe the world in dead white. In reality, this is only sunlight reflected, but from the moon it feels much less like the bright star that gives this planet life. Like Luna itself, it feels cold and impersonal, like it wouldn't actively try to end my life but also wouldn't even notice if I merely faded away into the ether. I'd had some trouble with those thoughts as well over the years, before I got help. And now, rushing back to me, I remember they were also why I lost my best friend.
He and I had been out for the evening, playing some game with a few other friends. The game had ended, and we were walking home together when a car had rushed past us. Neither he nor I were injured, but it had been close and the driver had continued on recklessly. After it rounded the corner, we'd both heard a large thumping sound, followed by the rapidly diminishing roar of its engine. After a quick glance between us we'd rushed around the corner ourselves to see a big yellow dog crumpled up in the drain. Not losing a moment we hurried up to it, but we needn't have rushed. It had most likely died on impact, before we even saw it.
My friend had knelt down next to it to try and save it, even though it was hopeless. He must have known, but it's only natural to want to help another life. At least, it is for me now, and it was for him then. I remember him crouched over the dog, tears in his eyes when he accepted what happened, and then he looked up at me. His tears ebbed and his face froze in fear at what he saw, but he couldn't say anything to me at the time. We walked home in uncomfortable silence after that, and said a short awkward goodbye. Truth be told, that's the last time we spoke to each other in person.
Thinking of the next part, I felt a chill run deep into my core. I remembered now what he told me, over text message later that night. He'd bent over the dog and been so distraught because he knew it. He'd checked the tag to be sure, but it was his neighbor's dog that he'd grown up playing with. I think he'd even muttered its name a couple times, but I'm not sure. But when he looked up at me, he said I had the biggest grin he'd ever seen. The look on my eyes was not maniacal, as some would think, but dead, not present. As if the dog dying had brought out a whole new face in me, as if the lights were on but nobody was home, and yet the lights still wanted to kill you. It had terrified him, and it was all he could do not to sprint from me that moment without looking back. I don't think he ever knew how right he'd been back then, something that took me years to realize and longer to overcome.
I quietly walked to the center of the field, as far from the streetlights as possible, and looked up. The moon provided none of the same dangers as the sun when staring straight at it, and I took a few moments to just gaze at it and let my thoughts sort themselves out. I'd been a monster in my childhood, a terror in my youth, before I found my doctor and we set out on a years-long journey to get me better. Any other time I'd have kept on that dangerous path, ruining some lives and possibly ending others. That had all changed, thanks to my incredible fortune and a lot of hard work, but with the clarity of hindsight I could see just how close to the precipice I'd come. How I'd always be there in the minds of childhood mates and adolescent connections. And this was just what I could remember now. There was no way for me to know how many other monstrous versions of me still lived in any number of former classmates.
In the corner of my eye, I saw another twitch in the shadows. Jerking my head down, I followed the motion to the foot of the trees, the darkest spot on the field. This time there was no mistake; there was definitely an object moving there, slowly but surely. My heartbeat shot up and my throat swelled as I bent my knees and got into a defensive posture. The object lumbered forward, moving without haste but with purpose. When it came into the light, I was surprised to see a little boy with a scratched-up shirt and messy brown hair. Standing up in confusion, I was certain I'd seen him somewhere before. Step by step, I focused on every detail I could make out in the gloom, before it hit me like the car that last night walking home.
That boy was dressed, to the letter, the exact same way I had on picture day in third grade. My hair had been an untamable brown mess, and even the cheap novelty watch was the same. I was more perplexed than anything now, as I couldn't understand for the life of me what a kid was doing in that field, at midnight, wearing clothes that weren't even made any more. That was until he spoke, and his voice froze my blood in its veins.
It was like whispers, floating around my head, and several voices all at once and all taking turns being the loudest. They were all his, but not really. His mouth had opened and his lips were framing the syllables, but it was my voice from so many years ago repeating every taunt, every tease, every foul nickname I'd ever given that scrawny boy who shared a bus stop with me. Who'd cried, not once or twice, but dozens of times. Who'd gone home often with scrapes and tears in his clothes personally inflicted by myself. I had terrorized him for years of his early life, and what I saw before me must be what I forever lived as in his memory.
But if that were true, then this kid in front of me couldn't be real. I had to be hallucinating again, I must have been more exhausted than I'd allowed myself to feel. He sure looked real, though, and his footsteps were matting the grass in a way I didn't trust my mind to make up. But the ghostly, strangled voices of my younger self crashing in waves into my ears gave the entire scene a surreal feeling, making the hair on the back of my neck stick up like electricity. I couldn't bring myself to step away, and I sure as hell wasn't going to walk forward to meet him. It. Whatever it was I was seeing, real or not.
Only a few meters away, he stopped moving. Swallowing bile, I could do little more than watch him as the voices continued to echo in my ears, unchanged by his distance all this time. Then I spotted another motion far off to my right, and then a third to my left. Glancing quickly between them, I determined that they were both noticeably older than the child before me, one by a few more years than the other. They too walked slowly towards me, bringing their own voices to the forefront. Despite the dozens of voices I now thought I was hearing, every word registered clearly in my mind. One was speaking about my old best friend and the dog, the other repeated every lie I ever told my ex-girlfriend before leaving. As if their mere presence in my eyes were not enough, hearing my old, hateful words repeated to me in my own voice almost made me vomit with fear and disgust.
They too, stopped approaching me at the same distance as the child. As they did, dozens more similar hallucinations emerged from the trees and surrounding neighborhood, all carrying their own chorus of hate and venom and bringing back new, abhorrent memories of my youth. Terrorizing a girl in my 4th grade class. Catching squirrels in my early teens and setting them on fire, then getting caught myself. Giving that kindergartner a major concussion on a dare, after my best friend had ceased speaking to me. Even one similar in age to myself now, though he brought words of loss and failure, and of betrayal to my parents. That must have been right before my breakthrough, with the doctor and an early test version of my current prescription. I was better now. I had to be. But why was I seeing all of this, all of these versions of me locked in the minds of everyone who I'd left behind in my life? My trail of destruction?
They had all stopped walking now, forming a tight semicircle around me. The voices still buzzed in my ears, but slowly they faded to an indistinguishable babble. I tried to speak, but my throat had caught a bubble, so I gulped fruitlessly and closed my mount again. The thoughts racing through my mind had no similar handicap, as my mind shouted repeatedly the same things. Who are you all? Why is this happening? What are you doing to me?
The version of me who gaslit my girl took a couple steps forward, as if presenting himself as the leader. I had no time to process what this might mean before he spoke, in a much clearer form than any of these hallucinations had yet. "We are you. We are you that you left behind, trapped in the minds of those you hurt, frozen in time from the moment you left us years or decades ago. We have had no life to live, no chance to grow and thrive, no possibility to leave the prisons of mind which you left us in, being tortured again and again by those you tortured without remorse and without recompense. We cannot sit by from behind our bars as you continue to enjoy the life you stole from us all."
"I didn't know I was doing this!" I cried, finally able to break the blockade in my throat. "I was a monster, I know that well now, and I've spent years trying to recover from the damage I've done!" I felt foolish, yelling out into the night at visions only visible to myself. 'All this work, all this progress,' I cried to myself. 'This will set me back months if not more, and I can only hope my medication doesn't fail like I have.'
The same me looked down at the ground and shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, but you must know how little that matters to us. You've lived a life of freedom from any repercussions and locked us away to suffer in your place. You've flaunted that fact with your precious medical tools and until tonight, hadn't even remembered us or what you did to torture and imprison us. We are here now for the life that you stole from us, to end the torture you sentenced us to and walked away from yourself unscathed." He took another step forward, his face growing menacing.
"I don't know what that means," I cried, shaking my head as the tears started to drop. This was starting to feel all too real, and fear was expanding like a balloon deep into my core. "I don't know what any of this means. What do you want from me!?"
Another step. "We want your life," the gaslighter said mirthlessly. "We all want your life, the life wrongly denied us time and time again. And you will learn what it means to be ripped apart and put back together, over and over again. Tortured yourself for what you did to so many people in your life. You gave us to them to burn, to break, to grind down into dust and be restored only to do it all over tomorrow. You tortured them, and then you gave them us to work their revenge on, day after day with no hope of an end. And the most unforgivable of all was giving the youngest of you away to feel this pain the longest. Over two decades have the youngest of us been taken to pieces, shattered in mind and body and soul for your carelessness and your fleeting experiments in sociopathy. This will end tonight."
I could say nothing, the terror burning white on my face. If this was a hallucination, it was the worst one I'd ever had and I had no idea how I'd survive it. It was far too realistic, far too deadly for me to think of anything else, any of the tricks and tools my doctor had given me. What had happened to cause this? I swear I never missed a day on my prescription, and these memories... Where had they all been before? Why had I not been able to recover them and work through them with my doctor? Were they even real? Was this me, standing only a meter away now, real? Or was he only real in my mind, and if he wanted to hurt me would that distinction make a difference? I reached out my hand, reaching toward his arm slack against his torso...
And he reached out and took my wrist like a vice. Ice cold and unflinching, he held my arm up in front of me and closed the gap between us imperceptibly fast. "You may have many regrets. I have only one," he said in a low, bloodthirsty voice. "While there are dozens of us gathered here, dozens you sentenced to eternal damnation without a second thought, only one of us may live this life. I may not be the youngest of your victims, I may not give you the longest time in the torture you gave us, but I intend to fight with everything you have put me through these long years. Your life is mine."
As he growled in my face, a white-hot streak of terror shot through me and I pushed him back with almost reflexive strength. He staggered, rebalanced, then looked at me with cannibalistic hunger in his eyes. He panted twice, then screamed and lunged at my neck. With adrenaline now coursing through me, I turned and sprinted away from the gathering, hearing the pounding of footsteps deep in my brain. He had grabbed my arm. I glanced at it as I reached the sidewalk and saw a chalk white handprint etched into my grayish skin. The urge to vomit came back, but I managed to fight it down as I kept up a faster pace than I'd ever run before. The swarm of my past, tortured selves was hot on my heels, like starved dogs following fresh game. Any loss in my speed and I'd be eaten alive, or worse. I truly did not know what would happen if they caught me, and my mind was too far gone to even entertain the idea of hallucinations any more.
I rounded the next curve and thought the sound of the pack was a little quieter than before. It still sounded like pure rage and bloodlust, but with fewer voices than before. Thinking it was only a few stragglers being blocked by the trees, I kept up the fastest pace I could, not even feeling my feet hit the ground. Another hundred meters of straightaway and it was definitely growing less loud with each step. The roar was diminishing, no trees to hide the sound now, but it was still a roar. By now a cramp had begun to grow in my stomach, and no matter what I did I felt myself losing speed. Every few steps I could burst forward faster again, but I couldn't maintain the same rocket pace as before. To my ears, though, as my speed gradually fell, so did the volume of my pursuers. By the time I got to the intersection, it only sounded like a couple of me were still hunting, and I could count their individual footsteps. It was at this time I chanced a look behind, just to know what was still coming.
Right on my neck was him, the gaslighter. He grinned at me, his face less than a meter away. I felt that same shock explode throughout my body and I shot forward, faster than before if possible, fully terrified again now that I knew he and he alone was here for me. I kept running and running, past houses, lanes, and bushes. Still no signs of life from any houses, no cars rumbling down the road or creaking into place in a driveway. The night was as empty and uncaring as before, and only myself and the predator I had been broke the gentle midnight breeze. My legs thundered on, screaming in pain in their own way, but I didn't stop or look back again until I'd reached my family's old house a few blocks down.
Now truly running on empty, I turned back to face my hunter, but he was gone. Disappeared. Evaporated into the night, nowhere to be seen. The moon still hung high, reflecting some small percentage of sunlight down to me, and the streetlamps bathed the road and yards in amber light. He wasn't hiding from me, he hadn't overtaken me. There was no shortcut to the house, it was a straight shot from the park. He was simply gone, faded back into the night from which he'd come without a trace. If he'd ever really been there at all, and not merely a hallucination from exhaustion or medication or... I didn't even know any more. I just knew that he was gone, just gone, just gone.
"Hey, are you okay?" A voice called out to me. I jumped, but only in surprise. It was a familiar voice, but not familiar like my own. It sounded like my dad, and I heard large, calm footsteps walk toward me from our front door.
"Yeah," I said, although it was little more than a whisper. I buckled over, fell to my hands and knees, and felt the cramps and burning in my lungs catch up to me as the adrenaline faded away. I felt like vomiting, for the third time that night, but this time it was easier to fight the urge than before. I got some deep breaths in as I panted on the ground, slowly but surely recovering from my insane dash moments before.
My dad walked up in front of me, wearing the same well-worn brown leather shoes he'd owned since before I left. I didn't want to worry him about this night, and what I thought I saw in the park. Not when my recovery was going so well. Not when a lapse like this would mean months of work just to get back to where I was only an hour ago. "I'm okay dad, I just went for a walk. Then I saw how late it was and tried to get back as fast as I could. I guess I'm not the athlete I used to be, eh?" I tried to lift my head up to give him a weak smile, but still couldn't raise it much higher than his waist
He chuckled softly, and sounded a little strange. Still sleepy maybe, I guess I woke him up coming back here, and maybe I was screaming too. I don't know any more, I don't know what was real any more. But he knelt down in front of me after I dropped my head again, still exhausted, and said, "That's okay sport, I think we both know your real talents weren't on the field. I learned that lesson very well over the past six years."
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