#which is fine but like... she's 19 and doesn't get herself up and i'm sick of it being my responsibility
Living with her is such a weird limbo now I’ve decided to go no-contact when I move out, like I’m sad and annoyed all the time about her bs and her attitude and her gaslighting, but I also know there’s an end in sight so I don’t feel... anything about it at the same time.
Idk I’ve got all these weird feelings/non-feelings going on and I just want to reach that end date so I can get on with my life, I’m feeling very weird lately...
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tearstoshed4ever · 8 months
"Please, love. Calm yourself. Remember your vow....Things will get better in time." Widow said, trying to console her.
iv tried but al its gotten me is this
emily sniffled
getinering to her arm again
she wiped her tears on the hem of her mothers dress
todays is a very hard day for me
id be 19 today
but inseed im stuck at 18 forever
which in itself wouldnt be so bad
but on top of everthing esle i aslo miss my family
but i never see any of them anymore
im fucking sick of being dead
i want to be alive again
surly there must be some way
Jul 1, 2021 11:47 PM
to revrese this mistake
and let me go back home to my family
she turned back to maggot and widow
maggot was hurt and ready to cry at the of her leaving
widow was alos hurt but maily cause emily spoke like she didnt think they were a good enough family
oh maggot dont u start crying again
i just manged to stop
and widow dont look at me that way
if i hurt your feelings im sorry
u know i think of u as my family
and that i love both more then anything in the world
but i dont belong here
i belonge upstaires
and i think my vow was a mistake
i know i said i would wait as long as it takes but im tired of waiting
i dont want to be patent anymore
iv tried to be happy here but its not working
please tell me is there even the sightst chance i can live again
if so ill anything
Jul 2, 2021 4:47 AM
Maggot and widow looked at each other, trying to come up with an answer. "There's not a way we know dear, not until a human caused a fuss by raising his cousin from the tomb. But that was ages ago." Widow said sadly. "Elder goodnicht might know. But I doubt he would help," maggot suggested
(whars the raising the dead thing from
emilys black eyes lit up and she smiled for the fisrt time that day
"Oh, what a fantastic idea!
she squealed jumping up
ill go see him right now
maggot u stay here with widow
we dont need a repete of last year
(from what?)
(it was from the bible. Jesus raising Lazarus.)
"Gladly. Just make sure she doesn't go petting all those smelly old crows!" Maggot said back.
emily just rolled her eyes that was excaty why she told him to stay
ill be back later
and with that she left the ally
u know u just set her up for dissappment
widow said
shes gonna end up getting her poor little heart crushed
hey i was just trying to help
maggot protested
i know and thats very kind of u
and your one to talk widow your the one whos always trying to keep her hopes up
Jul 2, 2021 7:09 PM
"well somebody has to! Tge poor girl is devastated!" Widow snapped
why are u pissed at me what the hell did i do now
maggot snapped back
Jul 2, 2021 9:36 PM
"I'm not pissed I'm just...I'm afraid for Emily. I didn't mean to take it out on you, love. You're just so darn candid." Widow said
im scared for her to i thought she was over this bullshit
uptill today she seemed fine
no nightmares
no crying
she was eating and talking to people
she wasnt even crying in her sleep anmore
and id know if she was cause i live in her head now
but now shes right back where she stared from
she hasnt left her room all day
she looks like shit
she hasnt eaten
shes crying again
and now shes hurting herself
and wants to leave
i dont think shed even want us as parents
and i know u feel the same cause i saw the look on your face
Jul 2, 2021 11:35 PM
hi! I'm back😊) "We just have to keep trying, maggot. She's got to accept the reality of it all. We have to help her, even if she doesn't want our help. We can't let her become a lost soul, forever longing for life and trapped between two worlds." Widow said softly. Maggot was right. What Emily said, how she reacted had broken her heart. But she couldn't abandon Emily.
crawling over to the pillow she curled up and began to wepp softly
holy shit i havent seen u cry since the furnel last year
wiggling over to her
Jul 5, 2021 4:27 PM
his own hurt feelings resufecing
(Emily or widow is crying?)
emily already left
"I can cry! I have feelings just like anyone else in this family!" Widow so bed
well at least tell me why
your crying
maggot asked hesently storking her head with his tail
he was used to emily crying but not widow
shed always been the strong put though one
Jul 5, 2021 6:46 PM
Smartass as he was
And and as hardass as he tried to act
Deep down he was as emotional and kindhearted as both of his girls were
And knowing the women he loved more then life itself were in pain brought tears to his eyes
Jul 6, 2021 6:01 AM
"oh stop with all that nonsense! You're not failing you're mother. Nobody's pissed at you for leaving. They're all drunk and having a bloody good time. Do they wish you were there, yes? Do they understand why you left, yes? Don't worry about it!" Widow said
and that was enough to finally get though to her
she smiled
your right
im done moping
done crying
and done being depressed
"I'm going to take action! I'll find a husband and finally get out of here!" Emily declared
and u and maggot are coming with me
when i leave
she added
Jun 26, 2021 11:51 PM
She kissed her finger pressed it to widows head then stood up
Come on widow let’s go back to the party and have some fun
Jun 27, 2021 5:48 AM
"As you wish, dearie." Widow smiled. She was happy Emily was trying to move on. Even if she wasn't entirely happy yet, she could be way less sad.
Jun 27, 2021 11:37 AM
and with that they rejoined the party
the end
Jun 27, 2021 4:53 PM
Yay! Are you happy with how it turned out?
yes very
now we gotta do the other prequel
the bday one
Jun 27, 2021 8:27 PM
The birthday one? I've forgotten about that, what was that one about?
its gonna be a follow up to this one
its one year into her death
Oh right, I remember now.
this is where the things hinted at in the last one come in
we start with her alone in her room once again
the ally virabtes with tiny sobs
and sniffls
she sits on the stepsa buring candle in her lap
cold tears streaking down her pale blue cheeks
shes a mess
her beauful blue hair is a scarggly clumpy tangled mess
her mascura caked in the hollows of her eyes
making her look like a very pretty raccon
Jun 28, 2021 12:46 AM
Depressed, the only light she sees is the flame of the candle. She'd never notice how alive fire was. It made her jealous. "I could snuff you out right now, if I wanted." Emily tells it, her fingers coming close to the flame. But the fire is unafraid. It flickers in, as if she doesn't exist
Snilffing she boldly sticks one finger into the dancing flame
She expects to be burned, to feel any type of pain. But there's nothing. It all just feels cold. She's completely numb, everywhere but in the inside
If I touch a burning candle I can no pain
She whimpered
She try’s again with all the fingers of her right hand
Jun 28, 2021 3:55 PM
but just gets the same reselt
scwoling she looks at her left arm
though tearfilled eyes
and and hand
the skin has startd to dry and flake
from always having it sticking out of the ground
the thing her best friends warned her about has happened
"Horrid. Positively horrid." She sighs, looking forlorn. She wants to be sad about it but somehow she knows it's just how it is. There's no use crying over it
shed begain to rot
she drys her eyes with the backs of her hands then picking up the candle pours some hot wax into her open plam
"Nothing. No pain at all" she sighed, not realizing her guardians were approaching
she wanted to get the knife from under her pillow and slash her wrists
still not noticeing them she puts down the candle gets up and goes to her bed
drawing out the knife
to lost inher own mirsty
to notice
she puts the sharp blad to her left wrist and pulls it arcross
black tarlike blood ozzes from the the cut
bringing froth the smell of rot
but once again she feels no pain
if u cut me with a knife its still the same she sniffles and begins to sob again
her tears salting the wound
Jun 28, 2021 6:49 PM
hey what the hell do u think your doing
maggot yells
starling her and making her drope the knife
Jun 28, 2021 9:49 PM
Jun 29, 2021 8:03 PM
so this is what happens if im not in your head all the time
u go and do something stupid like this
malating your pretty skin
and getting blood blood on your dress
sloppy carless stupid little goose
maggot snerred trying to hide how worryed he is
hurt embrassed and deprssed emily flopps sidways on the matresss and weeps into her pillow her bedgallged hair falling over her face
Jun 30, 2021 4:38 AM
(hi, sorry I was gone yesterday. I had a rough day at work and then just went straight to sleep when I got home.) "oh maggot, that's not the way! You're being too rough on the girl!" Widow chides. Quickly she runs over to Emily, creating a web with her spindly legs and putting it on Emily's wound like a bandage. "Rough!? I'm rough! If she wasn't already dead, she would have killed herself! We can't let her harm herself like that or she'll turn to dust before we know it!" Maggot bristled.
the thought of turning to dust made emily cry even harder
Jun 30, 2021 5:03 PM
"Shh! maggot! See what you did!" Widow snaps before turning to comfort Emily. "Don't listen to him Emmy, that won't happen. You'll have to be older than an Egyptian mummy before that happens. You'll never see that far because you're going to find a nice young man before then."
i dont see how now that im fucking rotting emily sobbed sitting up
look at me she wailes thrusting her [ealing arm at them
the cut had ripped off a chuck of skin eposing the bone under nethg
Jun 30, 2021 7:22 PM
more tears spill down her cheeks
Jul 1, 2021 1:15 AM
and her bottom lip quakes
"oh...oh dear, now don't cry! Uhm...perhaps the fancy ladies have something to cover it up! Perhaps needle and thread can do the trick." Widow suggested
well what about this emily whimpered getering to her stab wound that had now decayed to the point that her ribs showed
"I...I'm afraid it's too late for that, dear. But maybe the other spiders and I can repair the dress so it doesn't show?" Widow proposed. "What's the point! It would only get ruined again!" Emily wailed.
this is the wosrt fucking brithday ever she howled bursting into deep gurtter sobs
Jul 1, 2021 5:19 PM
chocking on her own tears
Jul 1, 2021 7:23 PM
"Please, love. Calm yourself. Remember your vow....Things will get better in time." Widow said, trying to console her.
iv tried but al its gotten me is this
emily sniffled
getinering to her arm again
she wiped her tears on the hem of her mothers dress
todays is a very hard day for me
id be 19 today
but inseed im stuck at 18 forever
which in itself wouldnt be so bad
but on top of everthing esle i aslo miss my family
but i never see any of them anymore
im fucking sick of being dead
i want to be alive again
surly there must be some way
Jul 1, 2021 11:47 PM
to revrese this mistake
and let me go back home to my family
she turned back to maggot and widow
maggot was hurt and ready to cry at the of her leaving
widow was alos hurt but maily cause emily spoke like she didnt think they were a good enough family
oh maggot dont u start crying again
i just manged to stop
and widow dont look at me that way
if i hurt your feelings im sorry
u know i think of u as my family
and that i love both more then anything in the world
but i dont belong here
i belonge upstaires
and i think my vow was a mistake
i know i said i would wait as long as it takes but im tired of waiting
i dont want to be patent anymore
iv tried to be happy here but its not working
please tell me is there even the sightst chance i can live again
if so ill anything
Jul 2, 2021 4:47 AM
Maggot and widow looked at each other, trying to come up with an answer. "There's not a way we know dear, not until a human caused a fuss by raising his cousin from the tomb. But that was ages ago." Widow said sadly. "Elder goodnicht might know. But I doubt he would help," maggot suggested
(whars the raising the dead thing from
emilys black eyes lit up and she smiled for the fisrt time that day
"Oh, what a fantastic idea!
she squealed jumping up
ill go see him right now
maggot u stay here with widow
we dont need a repete of last year
(from what?)
(it was from the bible. Jesus raising Lazarus.)
"Gladly. Just make sure she doesn't go petting all those smelly old crows!" Maggot said back.
emily just rolled her eyes that was excaty why she told him to stay
ill be back later
and with that she left the ally
u know u just set her up for dissappment
widow said
shes gonna end up getting her poor little heart crushed
hey i was just trying to help
maggot protested
i know and thats very kind of u
and your one to talk widow your the one whos always trying to keep her hopes up
Jul 2, 2021 7:09 PM
"well somebody has to! Tge poor girl is devastated!" Widow snapped
why are u pissed at me what the hell did i do now
maggot snapped back
Jul 2, 2021 9:36 PM
"I'm not pissed I'm just...I'm afraid for Emily. I didn't mean to take it out on you, love. You're just so darn candid." Widow said
im scared for her to i thought she was over this bullshit
uptill today she seemed fine
no nightmares
no crying
she was eating and talking to people
she wasnt even crying in her sleep anmore
and id know if she was cause i live in her head now
but now shes right back where she stared from
she hasnt left her room all day
she looks like shit
she hasnt eaten
shes crying again
and now shes hurting herself
and wants to leave
i dont think shed even want us as parents
and i know u feel the same cause i saw the look on your face
Jul 2, 2021 11:35 PM
Jul 3, 2021 4:07 PM
(sorry gone on family vacation tty on monday!)
Jul 4, 2021 6:35 PM
(hi! I'm back😊) "We just have to keep trying, maggot. She's got to accept the reality of it all. We have to help her, even if she doesn't want our help. We can't let her become a lost soul, forever longing for life and trapped between two worlds." Widow said softly. Maggot was right. What Emily said, how she reacted had broken her heart. But she couldn't abandon Emily.
crawling over to the pillow she curled up and began to wepp softly
holy shit i havent seen u cry since the furnel last year
wiggling over to her
Jul 5, 2021 4:27 PM
his own hurt feelings resufecing
(Emily or widow is crying?)
emily already left
"I can cry! I have feelings just like anyone else in this family!" Widow so bed
well at least tell me why
your crying
maggot asked hesently storking her head with his tail
he was used to emily crying but not widow
shed always been the strong put though one
Jul 5, 2021 6:46 PM
Smartass as he was
And and as hardass as he tried to act
Deep down he was as emotional and kindhearted as both of his girls were
And knowing the women he loved more then life itself were in pain brought tears to his eyes
Jul 6, 2021 6:01 AM
Jul 6, 2021 4:40 PM
(hi sorry I had a rough day) "Why do you think, Maggot? I keep trying and trying to keep this family together, but nothing I do is working. Emily is kind, but we're not really her family." Widow sobbed.
maggot was shocked at how much she sounded like him
right now
he wanted to tell her she was wrong but he could
so he jusy layed down next to her hugged her tight
and let the tears ran down his cheeks
i guess this means wer not gonna apot her after all are we
he whimperd
Jul 6, 2021 7:31 PM
"No...no maggot. We are. It's just...it's just going to be harder than we thought." Widow sbiffled
he nodded
as she wrapped her eight legs around him
then the two of them just lay there and cried their broken little hearts out
0 notes
x-birdsong-x · 3 years
All of them with Amy and Sophia??
I gotta go to bed unless I wanna have a seizure so I'll answer this one and I'll answer the other two tomorrow! I've answered three already this is the fourth sksksksk
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1: Sophia. She tries not to, she does. She doesn't purposefully make Amy fret over her, but Amy does it anyway and she doesn't tell her no. Sophia very much frets over Amy when she's sick, as does Jess, but Amy's the type to just repeat "I'm fine," over and over.
2: Neither of them, but it'd be more likely to be Amy.
3: Amy. Sophia gets pretty anxious on the road in general, especially if Bethany is driving them somewhere, but in general, Amy gets pretty riled up. It's never for a bad reason, and she doesn't fully freak out, but she does get pretty angry.
4: Neither of them, really. It'd be Sophia though, if ever.
5: Sophia would do so purely out of anxiousness. "What if I need this for- What if that ends up being needed for- What if-" She's never trying to be annoying doing it, but it makes her less anxious about even a short trip. Amy doesn't fuss over packing too much, much like Jess.
6: Sophia. People know she's serious because Sophia is never the confrontational type, but when it came to Amy (And Jess's) mother, she'd show a protective side that rarely breaks through her shyness.
7: Neither of them, really. Amy would be the one to do so, if ever, though. They're both good with alarms and timing, Sophia worries if she misses an alarm, and Amy gets the same way. And in Amy's case, a lot of the time, she has Jess there to wake her up if she mindlessly hits snooze or misses her alarm.
8: They're both usually on time for everything, but if either of them is ever late, it's because they both held each other up.
9: Neither! They're both good with kids if they have to deal with them at any point, and they'd take their jobs keeping an eye on them and entertaining them very seriously.
10: Both of them. They both love animals, as shines through in the way both of them are with Cornflake, and Sophia had a dog when she was a kid and has always wanted another. Amy's always wanted a pet, but given the issue with their mother and the fact of being in Kappa and college itself, she and Jess never felt it was a good time. Jess would absolutely accept any animals brought through the doors.
11: Both of them. Sophia usually shies away from asking, but after Amy did it herself a couple times, it's become almost a weekly thing. A few times it's a house outing, a tradition started by Coco overhearing them and insisting she go with them, but other times it's just a calm night outing for both of them. Amy's always sure to pick up a drink for Jess whenever they do.
12: Neither of them, they're both good with things like that. (See: the ask I got about how I think their rooms would be like)
13: Neither of them is picky, but if she doesn't fancy something, Sophia will just sit there slowly picking at it because she doesn't want to ask for anything else or confess she doesn't like it. Amy will voice her opinion, but it doesn't happen often at all considering, again, she's not picky.
14: Neither of them, they're both pretty good with timing and schedules, and if ever either of them isn't, they have one another to remind them.
15: Amy will occasionally have to convince Sophia to leave campus for a bit, that's really it though.
16: Amy. Sophia's not picky and even if she is, she doesn't speak up. Amy also picks the movies just to make Bethany stop snapping at Mandy and Coco.
17: Sophia, mostly. Amy does sometimes, but she prefers to just mess around and have fun with it.
18: AMY.
19: Neither of them, it'd be Amy if ever though.
20: Neither of them, but Sophia has a few times just in a panic. They both try to save any spiders they come across, despite Bethany's screeching to kill it.
21: Neither of them does it on purpose, but they both try to let each other have the majority of the blankets which ends in the occasional tug of war games, they're usually cuddled up though so it's pretty rare.
22: Neither of them, but if ever, it'd probably be Amy doing so accidentally.
23: Neither of them.
24: Sophia would if Bethany would allow it but she has a no piggybank rule. Amy gets her one as a birthday present though, and Bethany gives in. It has a name.
25: Both of them. Coco got them into it, they blame her.
26: Neither of them would ever even come close.
27: Sophia. She trips on Kappa's stairs a lot. She also tripped over Cornflake in the dark once.
28: Both of them. Amy will if she thinks Sophia needs to get away from campus for a bit, Sophia will if she thinks Amy seems stressed about anything.
29: Neither of them. Sophia's not one to start any type of confrontation in general, and she's definitely not the type to whine if something doesn't go her way. Amy's the same, but depending on what said thing she wants is, her anger will be silent and last an hour or two.
30: Neither of them tries to act tough all the time, but out of either of them, it's Amy. When it's to do with things like her mother, she's pretty numb about it. Sophia will try to coax things out of her if she feels it's necessary.
31: Neither of them, really.
32: Sometimes in different situations, but both of them.
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
YAY I’m here to ask another Karma one 👉🏻👈🏻 Can you do prompt 2 fluffy + #19: “I just want to take care of you” + Tali and Jeongin
𝚃𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎 // Sick
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 // Karma gets sick and Tali and I.N take care of her.
𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 2 | 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
#19 : "I just want to take care of you."
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Karma is childish, she can be petty, sassy, entitled. But she is a mom, she doesn't have children but she basically raised her siblings by herself for a couple years then her brothers started helping then her step mom came in. Thats how she was even able to become an idol. Her members know her story with her family as they've had some of her siblings over to stay away from her dad.
Thats when they see the motherly side of her, she's not really mean with her siblings she tries to be the sister who they can come to always. If she is dealing with a lot of hate but her siblings need help she was throw her problems to the side and help them.
Its hasn't changed in years, and its never going to.
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Karma slowly opened her eyes just to close them back again from the unexpected light. She groaned turning to her side to feel more comfortable when she felt off. More specifically heavy, her boy felt ten times more heavy then it usually would feel, her throat felt dry and she just felt terrible all together. She cursed internally, she was sick. She remembered last night she was performing in the rain with the girls, while she showered last to her choice so the girls won't get sick.
She slowly got up fluttering her eyes open, squinting, looking around remembering she stayed at the Blackpink dorm not really bothered to go to the guys dorm.
She rubbed her eyes and tried to sniff but no avail as she nose was clogged. She hated it. She looked at Talia who was reading a book not really minding Karma. She seemed fine to her relief but she felt like shit.
Tali looked up to see Karma with messy hair looking terrible, and if she were to put it into a description the best way was a cave women who's husband snored to much. Tali scanned her noticing she wasn't feeling well, as she was about to move to get closer to her Karma put a hand up as a sign to stop. Tali did and raised an eyebrow.
"Don't, I feel like shit."
"Well you look like shit."
"That made me feel soo much better." Karma said with sarcasm while Tali rolled her eyes.
"Go back to bed."
"No I have a photoshoot to attend to." Karma tried to get up but no luck as she lost her balance and was about to fall, good think Talia grabbed her in time. Tali gave her an unamused look and sat her down on her bed.
"Stay, I'll can your manager and cancel your schedule, you can't go out looking like trash." Tali said heading towards the living room, Karma could only guess to make some food her her.
"Wow I felt the love from here Tali." She said sarcastically while trying to get comfortable again. Karma closed her eyes and fell asleep while Tali made some calls, not very happy ones.
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"Your joking this is the luckiest day of my life." Tali chuckled at the boy celebration.
"How so?"
"Ive always wanted to take care of Dawn noona, this is my shot!" Jeongin exclaimed, Tali called Chan to inform him Karma is sick, he was worried but busy so he said he will send one of the members to help Talia which she completely doubt that they have the skills to, thats until he said he will send Jeongin. She was not gonna lie she was relieved, moments like these someone like Han or Changbin wouldn't do, they care for Karma of course but sometimes when Karma looks at them she just leaves which Talia doesn't get but Karma always says. Its a gut feeling. But she will always be with Jeongin no matter what.
Its important to get someone Karma loves as she gets moody when sick, and who doesn't love adorable I.nnie.
"Okay okay the door is open so just come in,she hasn't woken up yet and I'm planning to make soup."
"Can I help?" He asked im excitement, she smiled at his eagerness.
"Of couse you can."
"Okay thanks see you then bye."
"See you."
She looked at phone seeing the call end, she shook her head finding the boys eager state amusing. She started to prepare the pan and ingredients to shop and wash. She heard the door open to see Jeongin with grocery bags, Tali raised an eyebrow eyeing the bags then looking at his smiling face finding him adorable especially with his braces.
"Noona look I got you and Dawn Noonas favorite candys and snacks." He put the bags on the counter with sparkles in his eyes.
"Why so much?" She asked opening the bags to see a bunch of junk food, not healthy but definitely delicious.
"Because its like her period, she gets moody when sick like on her period." He explained taking of his jacket and setting his stuff on the seat. While Tali is wondering how he still remembers how she was on her period when its been awhile she's been on it.
"You remember how she was on her period?" She questioned, with him nodded aggressively.
"Noona, those days scarred me." He said with wide eyes remember the times she didn't have birthday control to stop her period. Tali laughed at his face finding it cute.
"Okay okay, lets get a move on she fell asleep an hour ago and I haven't started the soup." She walked over to him tying a apron around him.
"Okay lets get started." They started chopping food up washing, boiling etc. Tali was planning to make soup thats last for three days but remembered some of the guys (Straykids) might wants some so she threw that out the window and just started making it for them aswell. During that time Karma was still sleep like a baby. Once they finished Talia sent Jeongin to wake up Karma as she personally knew Karma was gonna curse at her but and her little Jeongin she could never.
Jeongin tiptoed to her room peeking in to see if she was awake. He cursed seeing that she wasn't, he bit his lip and walked to her bed and shook her.
"Noona, wake up." He shook her awake much to his luck (maybe) she was a light sleep and woke up instantly. Her eyes fluttered already planning to curse at who ever just woke her up but to her surprise it was Jeongin. Her eyes went a little wide in surprise sitting up.
"Oh hi baby." She greeted him with a weak smile. He smiled back a little sad seeing her weak.
"Hi, are you there." He waved his hand in her face as she seemed a little out of it.
"Physically yes, mentally thats...thats debatable." She nodded her head looking at an empty space.
"Well me and noona made soup come on." He said grabbing her hand to help her up but she didn't budge.
"Come on noona."
"Its okay I can do it myself." She waved him off to only him grabbing both her arms.
"Noona, I just want to take care of you, so please." He begged, Karma sighed and nodded. Jeongin helped get out of bed and into the kitchen with Tali setting up to eat.
"Oh look who it is Mrs. Cavewomen." Talia looked Karma up and down.
"You are mean today!" Karma looked at Talia offended.
"You get some you lose some." Talia shrugged while Karma glared and shook her head. They sat and began eat.
"By the way, why do you have Seungmin as Ankle Bitter." She asked in a monotone voice, Jeongin spit his soup and Karma looked at her questionably.
"One how do you know that, and two have you seen his baby picture and not tell me he looks like an ankle bitter." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world while Jeongin was trying not to spit out his soup again while clean the other spill.
"Okay one my phone died while calling your manager and two, you sadly have a point." She nodded remember the time Seungmin's mom showed both Karma and Talia his baby pictures. Yeah he could've just showed Tali as she won't make fun of him but Karma, oh Seungmin was her new play thing for the last 3 months and Seungmin said it was the worst 3 months of his life. They suddenly heard the door open to Seungmin running in the kitchen.
He looked at Karma dead in the eyes.
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU) - Chapter 5
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x f!OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: I hadn't seen the video with all the sisters' lines, even those cut from the game. From the Maid's Diary we found, I assumed they could never leave the castle, even in Summer, as it was set in July like this fanfiction. I'll fix the mistake in this chapter. My apologies!
Thank you for all the reviews, follows and likes! It means a lot to me.
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Castle Dimitrescu, Lady Dimitrescu's Bedroom - 3 Days Earlier
When Bela woke up in the morning after the attack, she had been taken to her mother's bed. After her transformation, she felt fragile like a child again. Not knowing who or what she was anymore, she was scared and lost. Her mother's bed felt like the safest place in the entire world. And it was. She loved being there. Alcina would never let anything or anybody hurt her. Nobody knew this side of her, when she acted like a loving and protective mother.
"Mother," she muttered, noticing Lady Dimitrescu was watching her and stroking her hair. "I'm sorry. I failed."
"Shhhh," Alcina kissed her daughter's forehead, "you need to rest now, daughter."
She started singing a jazz song Bela liked. Singing was one of her hidden talents. Her mother's voice was like a lullaby to her ears. She was almost falling asleep again, when flashbacks from the night before returned to her mind. She remembered being in Aleena's bed before falling asleep. She was holding Bela's hand, assuring her she'd be alright.
"Aleena," she sat down in an impulse. Bela feared what her mother and sisters could have done to the girl while she was sleeping. She started feeling agitated. "Where is she? I failed to protect her."
"She's fine. There's no need to protect her anymore, I asked Cassandra to keep an eye on her while I'm here with you."
Cassandra? But her mother knew Cassandra's intentions. She'd use Aleena to satiate each one of her desires and then, she'd kill her. If only she hadn't failed. If only she hadn't been so weak.
"But, mother... she's going to kill her. Please, she saved my life! She doesn't deserve to..."
"Nobody is going kill her, Bela. Once I have my goblet back, I'll let her go." Lady Dimitrescu pushed her back to the bed, tucking her under the blankets again. Then, she grabbed a book from the bedside table. "Why don't I read something for you? One of the stories you like?"
Bela forced a smile, listening as her mother began to read. She loved being there. It felt like the safest place in the world... in the past. Not anymore. Now she just felt betrayed.
When she noticed she was still wearing Aleena's jacket and inhaled her perfume, she thought there was somewhere else she'd rather be at the moment. Somewhere where she was truly feeling safe and happy. She wished to be in Aleena's bed again.
Castle Dimitrescu, Lady Dimitrescu's Bedroom - Present Days
Three days passed and Lady Dimitrescu still wouldn't let Bela leave her room, even if she already felt completely recovered. She wouldn't leave her side for more than a few minutes and not even her sisters were allowed to see her.
She had everything she always wanted. Her mother's exclusive attention, to be sure she cared about her as much as she cared about her sisters. Yet, it wasn't enough. Not anymore. There was something new inside her. A part of her that wasn't connected to the life she had lived so far, a life that only included Alcina, Cassandra and Daniela.
"Good morning, sunshine," Bela covered her eyes as the sunlight invaded the room, immediately pulling her out of her sleep.
She was having those dreams again. Dreams she assumed to be memories from her past life. The one before the transformation. She decided to record them all in a diary. She hadn't much to do while she was stuck in that bedroom, it felt like a good manner to spend her time.
"Oh my god, now besides spending the day in bed reading Lord Byron, you're also writing a diary?"
"Cassandra," she angered, immediately getting up and grabbing the diary from her sister's hand before she could read anything she wrote. She also kicked the small pile of books on the floor to under the bed. "What are you doing here?"
"Quick and sharp. It's about time you leave the nest, don't you think?"
"This is what I want the most, but mom isn't convinced I'm recovered yet."
"Liar," Cassandra shook her head and smiled sarcastically. "You're loving it and I know."
"Are you jealous she remembered she has another daughter?" Her eyes and ears analyzed the space around her. Alcina was nowhere to be seen or heard. If their mother wasn't around, it could be a good opportunity to sneak out of the bedroom. "Where's mom, by the way?"
"Doing some boring shit in her office. She asked me to keep an eye on you."
"Okay, I'm doing great. Now leave, I'm gonna take a bath."
"Oh, no," her younger sister sat down at the bed with a book. "It's my turn to read something to read for you."
Cassandra began to read some words Bela recognized very well. She added a dramatic tone to her voice.
"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me."
That was an excerpt from the book Daniela once found among a servant's belongings. The one about a vampire who fell in love with a human.
"Why are you reading this to me?" Bela rolled her eyes. That story was beyond absurd, suggesting vampires glowed in the sunlight. Yet, she wished she had the opportunity of attending school like those vampires were able to. Being weak to the cold was definitely worse than glowing in the sunlight.
"You know why," Cassandra did that judgmental look again. "It didn't work well for mom, it won't work well for you."
"I don't know what you're talking about," enough was enough. Bela went to the bathroom to prepare her bath. She would leave that room and no one would stop her. "And we don't talk about it, remember? You know how upset mom gets everytime she's reminded of her."
"We're not talking about her, we're talking about Aleena."
She froze at the mention of that name. It was surprising how in only a few days, a simple name acquired so much meaning.
"What Aleena has to do with this?"
"She saved your life," her sister followed her into the bathroom. "She could've ran away, saved her own ass, but instead, she came back to rescue you. She fed you her own blood, even knowing you could lose control and kill her. There is something going on and you can't deny it."
"So what?" Bela closed her eyes inside the bathtub, attempting to relax. All those things were true, but in the end, she had failed to protect Aleena. So much the task had been given to her sister. "It wouldn't be the first time a woman becomes infatuated by me. Which is not her case anyways. She's only trying to show how brave and efficient she is."
"You can fool mom and even Daniela, but not me. I know you, sister. Something about you has changed from the moment Aleena entered this castle."
Cassandra was definitely doing that to annoy her. That was one of her favorite hobbies. Bela decided to ignore all that provocation.
"You're wrong. And besides, she'll be gone soon. It doesn't matter."
But it did matter. And that was exactly why Bela was so desperate to leave that bedroom. What if Aleena was already gone when she left the room? What if she couldn't see her at least one last time? What if she ended up being another one of Cassandra's maidens?
Castle Dimitrescu, Office - Present Days
A few days had passed since the Lycans' attack to the castle. The heating system had been restored, as well as the windows. The members of the staff proved to be innocent, they were so scared and ambushed as any of us.
Cassandra and Daniela were finally warming up to me. But I hadn't seen Bela yet. Alcina was keeping her locked at her own chambers, not allowing me anywhere near it. Even her own sisters were only allowed to see her that morning.
I was caught by surprise when, after breakfast, Mrs. Volkov came to my room bringing the information Lady Dimitrescu wanted to see me. I hadn't seen her since her return. Her entire time and attention were dedicated to Bela and god-knows-what she did inside that office. Maybe that was the day she decided to end my life. Even if I knew she was immortal, I decided to go prepared. If she couldn't die, maybe my daggers could at least give me some time to run. I was glad to have my amulet with me.
"Sit," she ordered as soon as I entered her office. "We must have a talk."
I obeyed. She closed the door and served us both a cup of tea. I decided to accept it, even if I just had breakfast.
"How's Bela?" I asked.
"Oh Bela... my sweet daughter..." the woman sighed and shook her head as she took a sip of her tea. "She's the most tempestuous of my three daughters, even a small thing can affect her mood."
I had a feeling she was talking more to herself, than to me.
"She's recovering. Her wounds have healed but I still think she looks a bit weak. As you could see, the cold can cause a severe impact on their bodies. Had it been in Winter and my daughter could have..."
She interrupted her sentence. She couldn't pronounce that last word and neither could I. Even if I only knew Bela for a few days, I couldn't stand the idea of losing her. Seeing her looking so sick in my bed still haunted my memories.
"Anyways, this isn't why I called you here," Lady Dimitrescu changed the subject.
"Yes, m'am?" I asked, drinking my own tea. "Have I done anything that goes against our deal?"
She raised her eyebrows at my unexpected question. I could imagine she was used to people being less confident in her presence.
"You did everything against our deal. You've been bumbling around this castle like if you were at some kind of fairytale, you've been messing around with my daughters and you... you saved them."
"I did."
"You could've ran away or even killed them. That was your perfect chance but you chose to save them," I had never seen such a look in the eyes of Lady Dimitrescu before. Only in that moment she seemed like a loving mother, grateful that I made the stupid decision of giving up my freedom for her daughters' lives. "Why?"
"I don't know," I sighed. I really didn't have an answer for that. "Maybe I was just following what my mother taught me, to help anyone in need despite of who they are or what they did. Bela saved me in my first night here, I felt I owed her that."
"She saved you because I ordered her to protect you. I know how Cassandra and Daniela can be. You owed her nothing."
"I also owed you," I added. I had to work on earning her trust, if I wanted my freedom and my life back. "You could have killed me and my brother, but instead you're giving us a chance."
Alcina did everything to hide it, but I could tell my words had caused impact. She appreciated honor and loyalty, and that's what I was showing her.
"What do you want?" She finally asked. "I must give you something in trade for your courage."
I thought for a while. I could ask for my freedom. I could ask for money. I could ask for her to forgive Auryk. But instead, I asked something simple.
"I want to call my brother. I want to know he's well and inform him I'm doing fine. I also want to know about his search of your goblet."
"Okay," she indicated me the phone on her desk. "I'll give you some privacy."
I couldn't believe what just happened, but I dialed Auryk's number as fast as I could. Nothing brought me more relief than hearing his voice on the other side of the line.
"Auryk! That's me," I spoke.
"Leena? Oh my god, I was starting to think you were dead."
"No, actually I've been doing pretty well here. You wouldn't believe it."
"What? How is that even possible?"
"Nevermind," I smiled. "I'll tell you later, in person. So, how's the search for the goblet, speaking of which?"
"I've been following some leads but it seems impossible to trace the buyer. I've also received some information that seems confusing and misleading."
"Aleena, do you believe Miranda would be able to betray her own cult?"
We didn't spoke much after that, but the question remained inside my head. The leads Auryk obtained all lead him to people related to Miranda, her most loyal followers from the village. I also thought about the Super Lycans and how somebody planned to kill the Dimitrescu girls. Only someone with so much power would be able to plan such a thing.
"I need your help," Alcina spoke once she returned to her office. I lied to her, saying my brother was close to find her goblet. "Somebody has betrayed me and I need to know who."
"Okay..." I don't know how I could even help her with that.
"I bet that was him!" She smashed the teacup in her hand furiously, before starting to walk around the office like a maniac. "The pig, the bastard, the motherfucker..."
"Yes!" She looked at me proudly. As if it was any secret those two hated each other. "But I need proof to show Mother Miranda the rat he is. Otherwise, she would never believe me."
"You need to approach him cautiously," I suggested, "so he won't have any suspicions. Bring him into your territory, where you are in charge and not Miranda. It'll be enough to intimidate him a little. Enough for you to catch any hints of a strange behavior."
Lady Dimitrescu didn't say anything for almost a minute. At first, I thought she had found me extremely stupid for suggesting she should invite her nemesis to the castle, but then, she opened a sly grin.
"Smart girl! You just gave me an amazing idea... I'm throwing a dinner tonight, for Mother Miranda and the other Lords."
"Yes, give him some alcohol too. You know, men and alcohol... it's not a good match."
She laughed. Not sarcastically this time, but sincerely. Then she got up and caressed my chin. Her cold hands made me shiver from head to toes.
"If I knew you were such a good girl, I'd have kidnapped you earlier. Now go, I want you to be there too. I'll ask someone to get you an appropriate dress."
Castle Dimitrescu, Ballroom - Present Days
After lunch, Cassandra asked me to show her some of my knife moves. She had been strangely glued to me in the last few days, like a dog guarding its bone. I knew I had promised her we could do a training session any day, but I never imagined she'd take it seriously. I started to wonder if that was a good idea at all.
She picked the ballroom for our training session. Where we'd have plenty of space to move and chase each other. Scary.
"I'm giving you an advantage," she said. "I lowered the room's temperature a bit. I can't transform into flies."
"Good," I grabbed my twin daggers, "not all of us can buzz around."
She rolled her eyes at the pun.
"Oh and I also fed before coming. So in case you get hurt, I won't have problems with my instincts."
"I'm glad to know."
I started by teaching her some basic moves, which bored her a little. Then, we proceeded to a close body combat. I had to admit she was good, even if she didn't have a specific style or technique. But when she fought purely by instinct and impulse, that was a disadvantage. I was able to deflect some of her moves easily.
"Damn," Cassandra panted, a little tired. "You're not so bad. Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"By myself, mostly," I swallowed an entire bottle of water. Training with a vampire had consumed all of my energies. "My father didn't believe women should hold weapons."
"And a bastard. That's what he was."
"How did he die?"
"I never found out for real. He was out for one of his travels and apparently he got in a bar fight or something. I can't say he didn't get what he deserved."
I sat down on the floor to get some rest before taking a shower, Cassandra joined me.
"Your mother is throwing a dinner tonight," I spoke. "She wants me to be there. I have to admit I'm kinda nervous."
"Don't worry, it's only an excuse so she and Heisenberg can yell insults at each other. It'll be like any other meeting."
We were in silence for a moment. Cassandra fell pensive but I noticed a smirk on the corner of her mouth.
"I saw her this morning," she commented. "Bela."
"And how is she doing?"
"Quiet, broody, boring... same as usual. I'd say she's completely recovered. Mother is exaggerating, being so overprotective. But it isn't like Bela doesn't like receiving attention and being spoiled."
"She seemed very weak that day."
"Not anymore," she was about to leave the ballroom when she remembered something else. "She asked about you, in case you wanna know."
"Oh," I tried to pretend I wasn't so worried and interested. But I could feel my cheeks burning. "She did?!"
"You're blushing, sweetheart," Cassandra was too smart to leave this unnoticed. "You like her, don't you?"
"It's not like that! I... I care about her, we... have this thing... we kinda saved each other, you know?"
"No, I'd call that 'having a crush'. And I must give one advice, it won't end well for you. You and Bela belong to two different worlds."
"I know that," I assured her. "Trust me, I don't have a crush on your sister. And I won't have. I have another priorities at the moment."
"Good for you."
She laughed sarcastically and leaving me alone in the ballroom with my own thoughts. I didn't have a crush on Bela. I couldn't. She was right, we belonged to different worlds. I was only fascinated by the sensation of danger, the adrenaline she brought to my life. A sensation I never felt before. She was a predator and I was her prey. A real feeling would never exist between us.
Castle Dimitrescu, Dining Room - Present Days
Right after I took a bath, Mrs. Volkov knocked on my door bringing a stunning red dress, jewelry and shoes. That was what I was supposed to wear for the night. Never in my entire life, I could be able to afford something so fancy. If it wasn't for the fact Lady Dimitrescu was pondering if I should live or not, I could easily enjoy that life.
"You look amazing," was what Daniela spoke when I met her in the hall. "Come here, let's take a picture."
Taking advantage of the fact her mother had been busy with Bela, she was enjoying her free time to discover the joys of the modern world with me. She revealed me she also had a cell phone. One she stole from one of the maids and assumed to be broken. I explained there was no phone signal where she lived but that she could explore other functions of the device. Since then, she has been recording multiple videos of her daily life and taking pictures with me, Cassandra and even the staff.
Lady Dimitrescu was going to kill me. I raised a monster.
I also found out we shared the same passion for art. She was a very good artist.
"Red is Bela's favorite color, by the way," she told as she tapped her phone screen. Good thing the camera wasn't able to capture me blushing.
I finally saw Bela for the first time in days. She was coming down the stairs just as we took the picture. Dressed in white, she seemed like an angel.
"Aleena," she greeted me with a simple nod.
"Hey," I couldn't help opening a huge smile, "I was starting to get really worried about you."
"I'm fine."
She followed her way to the dining room. I could tell something had changed. I didn't know what though. Was she mad at me or at herself because of the Lycan incident? Was it something her mother said again? The thoughts were consuming me as we placed ourselves around the table.
It was a foolish idea to assume a civilized meeting could happen in that dinner. Lady Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg had already started to exchange insults. Daniela said inappropriate things about five times. Cassandra had just threatened a servant with her knife. In my turn, I observed Donna Beneviento and I could quite imagine why she wouldn't speak to those people.
"Mother Miranda," Alcina had finally reached the point where she revealed the true objective of that meeting. "About four days ago, I was called to an emergency at Donna's house. A prized possession of hers has also been stolen. When I returned home, my castle had been vandalized. Someone attempted to murder my daughters by exposing them to the cold air, besides sending Lycans to kill them. And they weren't normal Lycans, they..."
"Were Super Lycans," Daniela interrupted. "Their claws were exactly like my mother's."
There was an awkward silence before Lady Dimitrescu proceeded.
"As I was saying. The Lycans were modified to be stronger."
"Oh please," Heisenberg argued. "Who would bother wasting so much time with you?"
"Those Lycans could only have been created in that gruesome factory of yours."
"Gruesome? Let's talk about gruesome. How many virgins did you sacrifice for this bottle of wine?!"
Oh god. I suddenly didn't feel like drinking anything else for the night. But then, the conversation shifted to another point.
"You're inventing this attack to cover up the fact you let that little thief go and he has stolen from another Lord," Heisenberg accused. "It was more important to you to bring his sister to serve as entertainment for your daughters. Which she must be doing very well, considering she's still alive and sitting among us tonight."
"Hey," I opened my mouth for the first time that night. Suddenly everyone was looking at me. "My brother didn't do it. I called him this morning, he's not even around. He has been searching for Lady Dimitrescu's goblet. And dare you to disrespect me again and I will..."
Nevermind. What could I even do against him? He was immune to my bullets and my daggers.
Cassandra started laughing, while her mother looked at me in a mix of shock and disappointment. Heisenberg continued with his accusations.
"Prove it then. Prove your brother has no involvement in this whole situation. He could have planned the attack as well, to rescue you."
"My brother is human, he has no power to create modified Lycans!"
Mother Miranda cleared her throat, indicating all of us should shut the fuck up. I stared at her figure, remembering my brother's words. She could be the one behind all of that and everyone was blinded by her power.
"I've come to a decision," she spoke. "Heisenberg is right. So far, the only person who could be declared guilty is the Novak boy. Alcina, if I remember correctly, you made the decision of letting him go."
"What about the attack, Mother Miranda?" Lady Dimitrescu was furious, but not surprised at her decision. Miranda seemed to always favor the other Lords over her. "The girl has a point. Such a stupid manthing couldn't have created Lycans and given them more power."
"Do you have proof the attack even happened? I'm sorry, Alcina, but the castle is intact."
"I repaired the damage! It was a risk to my daughters! I have their word as proof, as well as the word of my servants."
Heisenberg started to laugh non-stop, before insulting her again:
"So now you remember you have servants? You always kill each one of them to satiate your thirst for blood."
Lady Dimitrescu couldn't find words to refute that argument. Whether because it was true or because she was being smashed by Miranda and Heisenberg.
"Your son of a bitch!" She punched the table, making everything shake.
"We're all doomed!" Beneviento's creepy doll, started to run across the room, repeating those same words. "Each one of us!"
In that moment, I could finally hear Bela's voice in all of the mess.
"At least one reasonable person in this room," she stood up and started to leave. "Angie is right. We're all doomed."
"Bela," Alcina called, "come back here. We're not finished yet."
But she had enough. And so did I. I didn't think before following her to the main hall.
"Bela," I called her. "Where are you going?"
She stopped, taking a deep breath.
"Somewhere," she said. "Are you coming?"
Castle Dimitrescu, Bela's room - Present Days
I swallowed hard when I noticed we were standing in front of Bela's room. She opened the door and invited me inside. I felt my heart thundering inside my chest. It was the first time a woman invited me to her bedroom.
Bela's bedroom was a reflection of herself. Completely organized, perfectly decorated. Daniela was right about her favorite color, some things had shades of red. Such as the curtains and the sheets covering her bed. The walls were decorated with some paintings and a portrait of herself. She also had a small collection of vinyl discs and a telescope near the window.
It had a small study attached, where I could see she had her personal collection of books. That was where she entered and came back seconds later, bringing a bottle of wine and two glasses. Then, she sat down on a sofa, inviting me to join her.
"There's no blood in this one," she spoke. I stared at her, wondering how she even knew. "I can't hear you thoughts. I saw how you put your glass aside when Heisenberg made that comment."
Good. That was probably something good to know. Bela couldn't see the mess inside my head. She was merely an observant woman who could read people very easily. I smiled in response. I was too nervous to show any other reaction.
"I just can't stand all that arguing, all that yelling," Bela drank her entire glass in one sip. Then, she stood up and went to the window. I followed her.
"It's a beautiful night," I commented, pointing to her telescope. "Do you like to watch the stars?"
"Yes and it's the only way I can do it."
"So you can never leave the castle, at all?"
"Sometimes, during Spring and Summer," she sighed melancholic. "Days when the temperature is higher than usual. This year hasn't been kind to us so far. Or the last one."
Never being able to go outside should be a torture. Now I could understand why sometimes she seemed so moody and upset.
"Summer has just begun," I told. "Maybe you can get some luck in the next few weeks."
"I hope so."
She went back to the other side of the room, serving herself another glass of wine. I hadn't finished mine yet.
"What do you think?" She returned to my side and asked. "About the attack. Do you think your brother is fooling you?"
"No, no way. Auryk never lied to me before, I know he's telling the truth."
I knew Heisenberg accusations would cause me trouble. Especially with Miranda siding with him.
"Lying is different from having secrets," Bela said. "Don't you have anything you hide, even from your brother? Something no one knows, but yourself?"
I did. I never told Auryk about the night I spent with Gustav, where I wasn't able to lose my virginity to him. I also didn't feel like telling him about my days in the castle this morning. I knew he'd judge me, in both cases.
"I do, but..."
She let out a small laugh.
"Oh Aleena," she traced the border of her glass with her perfectly manicured finger, "you act so strong and tough but deep down you're so naive."
"What do you mean?" I wanted to know.
"You should've ran away during the attack."
"I wouldn't let you die."
"Why?" Bela was staring deeply inside my eyes. In a manner I was feeling completely exposed, uncomfortable. "Do you know how many people I've killed? Or how many women I seduced only to drink their blood? It's not like I deserved to be saved."
"It doesn't matter," I didn't have a right answer for her question. "It felt right. You saved me in my first night here."
"Only because my mother ordered me and I try so hard to be a good daughter for her. But I failed, right? Now Cassandra has been taking care of you."
"Is she? I mean, I noticed she has been kinda glued to me lately but... sorry, I don't believe she'd save me if she had to."
"No, she wouldn't. She'd take advantage of the opportunity to get you killed and feed from your blood. My sister is more reckless than I am."
"You're different."
"I'm not. I'm just more careful with my actions," she placed a hand on my chest, feeling my heart beating fast. She shook her head in denial. "How do you know I'm not playing with you? How do you know you won't have the same fate as those five teenagers from your village, three years ago?"
"I... I..." deep down, I always knew Bela had an involvement in that situation. But now hearing a confession was totally different. Yet, I didn't feel afraid.
"How can you trust me? We've only met for a few days and here you are, standing in my bedroom where I could kill you and no one would even hear you scream."
"You wouldn't do that," it was my turn to face her, to look deeply into her eyes. I placed my hand over hers. "I know."
"I'm a monster, Aleena. All the stories you've ever heard about me? They're all true."
I don't care. I don't care. I'd still save you if I had to. I wanted to scream those words, but they wouldn't come out.
"You need to stay away from me," she removed her hand from my touch.
"Why?" I asked. "Tell me. Be honest. Who are you trying to convince with all of this? Me or yourself?"
"Just go, Aleena," she turned her back on me. "Just go."
Castle Dimitrescu, Library - Present Days
I couldn't get any sleep. I'd just keep rolling in bed, without being able to find a position. What did Bela mean with that conversation? Was she assuming I was in love with her or something? I wasn't stupid like the other women she was used to seduce. I knew better than that. She had absolutely no right to throw all her frustration and anger at me. I wasn't her mother. I wasn't Heisenberg or Miranda.
I grabbed my sketch book and walked to the library. That castle was even creepier when it was dark and silent. It was almost like you could hear the laments of the people who had been tortured and killed within those walls. I remembered the five teenagers from the village. My mind tried to picture how they were lured into the castle and who killed each one of them. I could see myself in the place of one of those girls and the only thing I could imagine was if they were in Bela's bed when they were killed. I imagined the things she did to them. I tried to feel scared but instead my heart would start racing all over again. I tried to ignore those thoughts, but I locked the door anyways.
I had to relax somehow. I sat down at the desk and attempted to find any inspiration. I started working on a piece that represented Mother Miranda, the Four Lords and all the mystery surrounding those people.
I heard the door opening, I quickly pulled a dagger from my ankle. I could sense a presence approaching me. I was ready to attack, when the low light of the lamp revealed who it was.
"Oh, I didn't know you were here," Bela spoke.
"I was about to leave," I grabbed my sketch book from the desk. When I turned around, she was standing very close to me. We were face to face now, even closer than we were earlier in her bedroom. Her eyes were different though. Before, she looked angry and upset. Now she just seemed sad. "Good night."
"You can stay, if you want. I shouldn't be here anyways."
"No, it's your castle and your library. I'm leaving. Also, I'm retuning your key."
I extended her my palm, handing her the key I was holding.
"Don't be ridiculous," she closed my hand again. "You're my mother's guest."
"Prisoner," I cleared my throat and corrected. Bela let out a small, ironic laugh in response.
"Well, you had the chance of running away. You wasted it, darling."
And we were back to 'darling'. The same 'darling' from the beginning, when she was still deciding if I should be her prey or not. From when she didn't even know my name.
"It wasn't a waste. Not when I was saving your life."
"You shouldn't have saved! I made a mistake, I should be the one to fix it or face the consequences."
"Oh my god, is it all because you were in danger? Because you lost control of the situation? You don't need to be perfect all the time, Bela. It's okay to fail."
"Not everyone is like you, Aleena. For you, it's just natural. You are perfect at everything you do. You can always fix everything that is wrong. You can always use the situation in your favor. You're always pleasing everyone, even my mom!"
My hands started to shake in anger. She knew nothing. I was far from perfect and my abusive father knew very well how to expose my flaws, my failure. For Adrian, being perfect was the only acceptable option. Otherwise, he'd beat us. He'd punish us. Yet, I didn't torture myself for that. Especially after his death. I was about to shout it at her face, when I dropped my sketch book.
I kneeled down, collecting all the spread papers on the floor and shoving them back into my sketch book. When I stood up, Bela was holding one of them.
"Why were you drawing me?" She asked, analyzing my work carefully. I froze.
"I... I..." I had no excuses this time, except for the truth. "I wanted something to remember when I'm gone."
"You shouldn't, Aleena. You should forget it as soon as you leave through the front door. Nothing in this place is worth being remembered."
"You are!" I finally said it. "What if I don't want it, huh?! What if I don't want to forget you?!"
She was in silence for a moment. Then, she closed her eyes as if she was trying to process what she heard and what she would do next.
"Then, I better give you something better than a portrait."
She grabbed my face, pulling me closer to her. There wasn't any more distance between us, I was pressed between her body and the desk. I couldn't move, not even if I wanted to.
Bela's kiss was like every other of her actions. Calculated, planned. She wanted to make sure she'd be in control of it. She wanted nothing but perfection.
She started it very slowly and shy, as if she was trying to figure out the territory first. Her lips softly brushed mine at first, like if she was asking for my permission to go forward. I retributed, pressing my lips harder against hers. I wrapped my arm around her neck, bringing her even closer. I wanted to show how much I desired her, I desired that kiss.
She gently parted my lips with her tongue, finding her way into my mouth. Her tongue gently stroke mine, raising shivers all over my body. I stroked hers back and I could feel her pulse accelerating too.
I don't know for how long we kissed. Minutes, probably. I didn't want to stop. Never.
"Now," I smiled against her mouth when we parted, "that was perfect."
"Shhhh," she whispered, opening a huge grin, "shut up, love. We're only getting started."
Our second kiss was different from the first. It was more desperate. More intense. More passionate. We were both confessing how much we had been longing for that. Then we kissed for a third time. And a fourth. Then I lost count.
All I know is that I spent the night in the library, making out with Bela Dimitrescu.
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angelsswirl · 4 years
The One With Maya's Confession
Notes: If I don't write Vellichor chapters on slap happy whims at 3 am then who am i? Back to Jisoo next chapter! Only 4 (?) more chapters left in this series.😱 Also no one said anything so I assume we like the new format.
Rating: T+
Word Cnt: 1.5k
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"They said, 'All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me'. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed."
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Lia eyed Maya oddly, she was letting Lia win at Mario Kart and she never let Lia win at Mario Kart. It was a sort of unspoken agreement they had. Maya won Mario Kart games on the Switch and Lia won FIFA games on the Playstation. It was the only way they could justify purchasing both high-end consoles.
If you asked Lia, she'd tell you that her and Maya had been forced into friendship almost like some sort of medieval betrothal. Their parents were best friends (though that was kind of hard to tell with the way Jisoo and Irene talked to each other) and they were the firsts born, so in their minds it was only natural that their offspring be besties too.
And sure, 19 years later it had worked out for the better. They really were best friends. They told each other everything (within reason).
When Lia had lost her virginity to the Cheerleading captain her junior year, she had practically called Maya before it was even actually over.
And when Maya had gotten peer-pressured by Ryland and Jesse to go to her first house party, then proceeded to get drunk like there was no tomorrow, she called Lia to come pick her up in fear that her mother would definitely murder her. Okay, she called Lia to come get Ryland and Jesse too, but it was mainly about her!
So, Lia knew that look on Maya's face. That look that said I have something I desperately need to get off my chest. That look that said listen and don't comment when I'm done. And it was serving to irritate her that Maya was holding out on her for so long.
"Just say it." Lia murmured just as a blue shell upended her go-kart.
Maya pursed her lips. She listened for their parents. Jisoo and Irene were busy in the bathroom of Lia's and Maya's apartment attempting to fix something they definitely did not know how to fix. She heard Irene curse and knew they would be in there for at least 45 more minutes.
"Hey uh, would you be mad if I slept with your sister?" Maya mumbled, she scratched at her chin awkwardly.
"No, but Taylor would probably beat your ass. And I'd just watch because you'd deserve it and it would be funny." Lia audibly giggled as she imagined the sight.
"...Not Ryland."
Lia's go-kart slowly came to a stop on the screen. And suddenly, Maya was winning again as she desperately pressed accelerate as if she would be able to physically drive away from this conversation.
Lia turned her head toward Maya slowly, "Peyton? My baby sister? My kid fucking sister, Peyton Kim? Who is a baby and a child and evil and younger than you? And - and a kid? That Peyton?! My baby sister?!" 
Both of them are losing at Mario Kart now.
"She's only a year younger than me. She turns 18 literally next week! Why are you so mad?" Maya claimed exasperated.
If Lia knew Maya's "We Need to Talk" look, then Maya definitely knew Lia's "Take a Five Second Headstart" look.
Maya stupidly doesn't take her headstart.
She isn't exactly surprised when Lia tackles her to the carpeted floor. She is surprised by her urge to fight back. She had never really been a fighter, but this feels different. This feels like she's fighting for her omega, which is stupid and out of left field and Peyton isn't even her omega, but she just can't help herself when her fist flies in the direction of Lia's temple.
It missed of course. Like she said, she's never been much of a fighter.
"Maya." Her mother's growl is enough to get her to stop squirming underneath Lia. She mewled and cowered a fair bit. She may be an adult but her mother's growl was literally never not going to terrify her.
Jisoo does the same thing to Lia, but she's just so mad and pent up and everything seems to be falling apart around her that she completely disregarded it.
Jisoo had to more or less put her in a headlock and yank her away from Maya to get her to relax.
"What the hell are you two fighting about?" Jisoo asked as she put Lia on the couch.
"Yeah, Maya what are we fighting about?"
"That's what I thought." Lia shook her head. She shrugged her mother off of her and hurried out of the front door.
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Lia drove around for what felt like a good two hours before coming to a stop in front of a semi-familiar house.
She walked to the front door and knocked hesitantly.
Wendy opened the door with a surprised smile, "Oh, hey Lia. What are you doing here?"
What a great question.
"I-I-I don't know?"
Wendy's eyebrows furrow before she steps to the side. Inviting Lia in silently. Lia doesn't know how to express her gratitude without saying it.
Even though she should be, considering how often he does it at games and practice, she isn't expecting for the small ball of pent up boy energy to come flying at her legs in an attempt at a hug.
"Uh, hey kid." Lia patted him on the back awkwardly. Luckily, he doesn't seem to sense anything is off.
"Do you want anything to drink?" Wendy asked. And Lia could only blink in answer. Wendy was so nice and pretty and considerate and gorgeous. And Lia isn't sure what she ever could have done to deserve to bask in this woman's presence.
"Um, a glass of water would be nice." And Lia didn't plan on drinking it, but she didn't want to be rude. Wendy nodded and gestured for her to sit on the couch in the meantime. And Lia did without question.
Immediately, Kyle seemed to be bored with her presence and went back to doing whatever it was kids his age do when their parents aren't looking.
Wendy handed a glass of water to Lia and sat next to her on the couch.
"Do you want to talk?"
Lia counted the number of ice cubes in her glass exactly six times before speaking.
"I think my life is falling apart." Lia said, counting the ice cubes once more.
Wendy raised an eyebrow at the statement, "How so?"
"Oh. Easy! For starters, my parents haven't spoken to each other in a week and a half. My career was ripped away from me. And I think I just lost my best friend. Somehow, I can't help but feel like it's all my fault." Yes, she originally wasn't going to drink any of the water, but now she feels like she needs to down a few gulps after that revelation.
"Well, those first two things I can almost guarantee aren't your fault. Your parents problems are not yours. And by the way you've talked about them before, I think they'll be alright. Eventually. Also, you had no way of knowing you were going to get sick. Now as far as the last one, I'm going to need more information to explain it away."
"She slept with my sister and like any great alpha big sister, I attempted to kill her."
Lia frowned as Wendy started to laugh hysterically.
"Please don't laugh after I call myself a great alpha."
Wendy swiped at a stray tear, "Sorry but that's hilarious. You got mad at your best friend for sleeping with your sister? The sister who you said yourself has had a crush on said friend since she could walk? You're mad about the inevitable?"
"But-but she's my baby sister!"
"She's not your baby sister. She's your younger sister. Who is pretty much an adult and can make decisions for herself."
"No. You've known both of them your entire life. You know that if they decide to date that your sister will be fine. And if something goes wrong, which I'm sure it won't. Maya definitely knows now that Peyton has an older sister that is willing to go to jail to protect her. On that note, I'm sure Ryland's mate knows that too."
"So, what you're saying is that one was my fault?"
Wendy rolled her eyes, "That's not the only thing, but sure."
Lia's nose scrunched up.
"What's this really about, Lia?"
"...I just feel like things are moving without me. Like I've got very little control over what's happening to me."
"That's not true. I'm sure you have the best control. Over a bunch of things that are meant to be controlled by you."
"You're just being nice."
"Maybe. But I'm also right. In fact, I'll prove it to you. Kyle has a boy scout meeting soon. You should stay over."
Lia thinks her throat just closed up. Despite, the fact that she cannot breathe, she manages to push out a response without any hesitation.
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keiratheraven · 5 years
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Bentley 8 (Im-Perfection), the asylum squad.
New sims fanfiction by me, using my favorite sims from sims 2.
A squad named Bentley 8 with mentally (or physically) ill eight members : Angela and Lilith Pleasant, Dustin Broke, Dirk Dreamer, Johnny Smith, Ophelia Nigmos, Ripp Grunt, and Puck Summerdream. Each of them has their stories which caused them to suffer mental illness. They all met and living in the same house in SimCity. They named themselves "Bentley 8" because they like Bentley cars, especially Bentley eight classic. They built strong friendships, love stories and hookups. Two of them are psychiatric resident and clinical psychology student. They established a mental health community named Im-Perfection, fighting against stigma of mental illness. They also always supporting each other when they are sick.
Angela Pleasant (20), has bulimia and endometriosis. She is the clinical psychology student. She was the cheerleader captain and queen bee at once of her high school, so she was obsessed to be skinny with many ways and it's hard to change the old habit (purging) for her. Despite her stuck up image, actually she thinks she'll never be "good enough". After she graduated with a bachelor degree in psychology from Sim State University at age 19, she took master's degree in clinical psychology. She tried to have a baby many times with her longtime boyfriend, Dustin, but they always failed due to Angela's endometriosis and anorexic body. She often faints or passes out when she's on her period. Then, she found out that she's infertile.
Lilith Pleasant (20), Angela's twin sister, has type 1 bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. It caused by their parents (Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant) mistreating Lilith and favored Angela. They're always thinking that Lilith is the black sheep of their family. She's in her junior year in Sim State University, majoring in fine arts. She suffers from mood swings (manic and depression), has impulsivity problems and she likes to harm herself with a cutter, so she hides the scars with many tattoos. She has on and off again relationship with her longtime boyfriend, Dirk. She's also an amateur rock singer and guitarist.
Dustin Broke (22), has schizophrenia, impulse control problems and addiction disorder. He's Angela's boyfriend who is a criminal. But, actually Dustin is a good guy. His father, Skip Broke, died in a pool accident when he was a child. Later, his mother, Brandi Broke, became an alcoholic who always beat him after police caught him stealing many times in his teenage years. Then, he became a drug/alcohol addict and dealer at once. The drugs and trauma caused him to suffer mental illness. He suffers from delusions and hallucinations, and sometimes his mind is cut off from reality. He dropped out from Foxbury Institute on villainy major due to mental illness and addiction. Sometimes he likes to take dumpster dive as well.
Dirk Dreamer (21), the only mentally healthy in this group, has type 1 diabetes. He is the psychiatric resident among them. He's a genius and graduated at age 19 from Sims University on Science and Medicine major, then he took psychiatry specialization. He wants to become a psychiatrist to cure his on and off girlfriend, Lilith Pleasant. He's trying to become a good psychiatric resident, despite his diabetes is always bothering him. He needs insulin and gets very thirsty everyday, and sometimes his glucose level is 600 meanwhile the normal limit is 150.
Johnny Smith (23), the only one with green skin among them (and their leader of the gang at once), has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's because he got beaten up, and stabbed on abdomen at age 18 by nine people due to hate crime against aliens, and they threw him to the dumpster. He survived although he was in coma for 5 days. He graduated from La Fiesta Tech on economics major. Now he's a successful young executive and he likes to practice martial arts, but he just can't forget the wound, the germs, and the trauma. He often get nightmares and waking up screaming from his sleep.
Ophelia Nigmos (22), Johnny's girlfriend, has anxiety disorder and paranoid personality disorder caused by the ghosts of her old haunted house. She also has asthma. Her alleged murderer aunt who killed them, Olive Specter, died when she was in freshman year. She's a worrywart, always fidgeting, and sometimes has panic attack that triggers her asthma. She graduated from La Fiesta Tech on literature major. Now she works as a kindergarten teacher. She wants to become a successful blogger. She's the admin and writer of their Im-Perfection website.
Ripp Grunt (21), has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and gastritis. Despite his couch potato trait, it's difficult for him just to focus on one task, including watching TV because he's easily got distracted by little things. He doesn't get along with his father, General Buzz Grunt, and his older brother, Tank Grunt because they abused him. He's now in senior year at University of Britechester, majoring in drama. He's so hyperactive and talkative. He's always jumping on couch or bed. He can't control his manner or actions, makes him look childish. He likes to make pranking videos on his seven friends/housemates. He also often has stomach ache.
Puck Summerdream (22), has major depression and cardiomiopathy (weak heart). He got major depression caused by the death of his girlfriend, Hermia Capp due to shooting case at Academie Le Tour three years ago, and his heart problems as well. He graduated from Sims University in fine arts major. He's now a conductor at the orchestra. He often faints or passes out due to his weak heart. He needs medication everyday and gets hospitalized very often, but he doesn't want heart transplant surgery despite he's being the richest of them, because he's afraid of complications. When he gets depressed, he'll lock himself in his room and crying all day.
They fought a lot and not always getting along well, but in the end, they always supporting and loving each other. In chapter one, they spent summertime together: picnic and celebrating Johnny's 23rd birthday at the meadow, went to a karaoke box, fancy restaurant, lounge, movie theatre, and lastly vacationing at the beach on the same week. In chapter two, their pasts are revealed. In chapter three, six of them got treated at the same hospital, and the rest two of them confessed their feelings to each other. At the end of the 3rd chapter, all of them shared a group hug at the hospital park. Ripp is in love with Ophelia and Johnny, but he also hooked up with Lilith. Dirk hooked up with Ophelia and made out with Angela. Lilith also hooked up with Dustin and Puck. But their boyfriends or girlfriends are not jealous about it because they trust each other. Sometimes all of them also have threesomes, foursomes, and even orgy regardless of gender and their sexual orientations.
Their tagline is : "It's okay not to be perfect, and I'm perfect because of it."
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malecacidd · 2 years
HellO I see several things on that list that are either physically or spiritually for me so please tell me about the gifts and all the Sickfics thank you
Ofcc so most of the wips that say for you in the doc title are from the fic raffle we did about a year(ish?) ago! I started so many different ideas for it and then only managed to fully finish one of them kfkskdks
8. Lukebobby sickfic
This was my first idea for you for the raffle! (Duh, obvious choice). And I got it to a little less than 500 words before giving up on it. It's just a typical sickfic but Bobby is the one whose sick and Luke tries his best to take care of him but isn't the best at it. Snippet-
Luke looks at him for a second, rubs the sleep out of his eyes, and looks back before saying, "You okay?"
Bobby scoffs under his breath, but can't keep the small smile off of his face as he turns around on the floor and leans back against the toilet after flushing it. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just thought chilling on the bathroom floor an hour before school would be a good idea."
9. Nickjulie friendship thing for lilly
This was my second idea for the raffle, and having reread what I have of it bc of this ask/tag game, I think I might have to finish it bc it's so cute 😭 all it is is Julie reaching Nick to play piano to give him a distraction/coping mechanism post-possesion but it is everything to me
"Nick?" he hears a voice call out into the nothingness, and he turns quickly only to see Julie staring at him curiously from the doorway, her hand hovering over the light switch. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, uh…" he trails off, scratching at the back of his head. He's embarrassed, even though he knows he didn't do anything wrong. "I'm just… hanging out?"
"In the dark?" she asks with a laugh, finally flicking the light on and slowly walking towards where he's still sitting. There's a small nervous smile on her face, almost like she's scared anything she's going to do will just shatter him. He hasn't seen any other look in a week.
"Yeah," he sighs, looking down at the piano as she goes to sit next to him. He watches from the corner of his eye as her hands creep towards the keys. It almost looks as if she's failing at holding herself back from playing, like the music is calling to her, begging to be played.
Nick closes his eyes, and waits.
11. Rukebox thing for lilly
I'm going to be fully honest, I have no idea what this is. It could've been for the fic raffle since it was made around the same time but I genuinely have no clue. All it has in the doc is two paragraphs with nothing explaining what the fic was supposed to be. Here's the two paragraphs though-
Luke doesn't really know what he's doing.
And honestly? He's kind of used to it at this point, because he never actually knows. But in this situation, it's really frustrating, because Julie is sat in front of him, sobbing her heart out, and he's frozen.
19. Willexie sickfic
This is the only one of these that I'm one hundred percent sure wasn't for the raffle, but I definitely made with you in mind! (Of course, because it's a sickfic) it's Reggie getting sick and Willie and Alex taking care of him! (They need each other to do it because Alex doesn't know anything about ghost sickness and Willie doesn't have any experience handling Reggie when he's sick)
When Reggie had clambered into the studio one day, claimed that he felt as if he was starting to come down with something, and then collapsed onto the couch, Alex hadn't really believed him.
Which, if he's being honest with himself, sounds pretty terrible. But, in his defense, they are ghosts, and he really thought that ghosts couldn't get sick!
Those are all the sickfics and fics for you! Thanks for having me revisit them bc now I just might have to finish them up
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