#which is fine ig
alteredsu · 11 days
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Sleeping on a sofa rn, anyone have a bed I can borrow 😉😋
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princehendir · 2 months
A lot of people on here are not actually meaningfully disagreeing with a particular argument they are just word for word repeating the argument but in a different tone of voice.
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keyunto · 1 year
you're beautiful
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i will forever be salty about the fact we don't get any grimsley clips in ANY of the anime. not even a glimpse of him in any of the spinoff shorts and series.
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teamisc · 4 months
Being touched repulsed really does make me feel so isolated sometimes lolol
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pumpkinrootbeer · 10 months
My take on the fnaf movie is if u liked security breach you'll like the movie
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creeknymph · 1 year
when he fucks and runs but still talks to your dad
idk boss, doesn't set right with me.
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betterdonutgalaxy · 1 year
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found this dress design in a daily challenge thing from last year, thought it was so gender and perfect for my sona
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tealgoat · 1 month
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Had a weird dream
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
currently the cycle for my life is like I’ll have a normal day and then like one really bad day then another normal/okay day and maybe another normal/okay day then despair again
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thehargreevesfam · 1 month
is it just me but it feels like five got dumbed down and nerfed the most in terms of his powers? Five didn’t see Ben steal the marigold, he didn’t figure out the CIA was part of the keepers but Luther did? What? No hate to Luther at all, I love that oaf but it doesn’t feel like FIVE!
Not to mention he was the ONLY one whose powers weren’t working or he couldn’t use to his advantage? Like what? Five? FIVE??? He should’ve figured out the teleporting thing. He should’ve figured out the subway. One opportunity I think the writers didn’t use is as the seasons progress five gains a deeper understanding of time travel and he’s able to figure it out more and more, so it comes full circle from s1 when he got stuck in the apocalypse because he didn’t understand time travel, but they don’t do that!! Like is this the same five who figured out what the sigil was in the s3 finale?
One reason I loved five was his intelligence but it doesn’t feel like it in s4
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nelkcats · 1 year
Not the son you were looking for
The Fentons were sure that their son was dead. They didn't understand why Phantom pretended to be their little Danny, nor why he made so many illogical excuses like "being a hybrid" and so on. At first they played along, but they were angry, angry that the truth was being kept from them, angry because they were sure that the supposed hero had done something to their son, and he even managed to trick Jazz!
It all made sense when Phantom was declared Ghost King, of course, he surely had Danny captive! It shouldn't be hard for the King of the Dead to manipulate a soul, maybe he was gaining power from that. They were sure, they had seen the King argue with one of his ghost-capturing devices and keep it always guarded, a big secret surely.
Unfortunately for them, the GIW had disbanded, so they had to turn to their second choice: The Justice League. It was an organization of heroes that had only recently formed, but the Fenton's were sure they would help them, so they contacted them and explained the situation. The League was skeptical but when they heard that a child might be in danger they acted immediately.
They didn't confront the King directly, they weren't idiots, but they stole the thermos, willing to give the child trapped in it a break. They could deal with the Ghost King later.
Unfortunately for everyone, as soon as the Fentons hit the "release" button what came out was not their son's soul, no. Dan Phantom watched them with a wide grin, free for the first time in years. The League had a feeling they had made a grave mistake.
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darqx · 7 months
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Honestly I'm rather out of the loop on this (since judging by the asks it happened like a week ago) and not sure why you'd ask for my opinion on it but ok. As I'm not particularly a fan of drama and also not really keen on playing a giant game of Telephone, my first (and probably final) outlook on this is literally like
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art by bamsara.tumblr.com
Oh wait a final note - if I know anything about online drama culture though, it's that if there IS drama then some people are going to use it as an excuse to be assholes to other people. If you are engaging in such behaviour I would suggest that you think about whether you would want such actions to be done against you, and if not, don't do it to other people.
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scourge-sympathiser · 9 months
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the ultimate guide
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kindahoping4forever · 7 months
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Behind the scenes of Luke's Ladygunn shoot via Dara Feller on IG
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cable-salamder · 2 months
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Testing smth mmhnnmnmnnmmm *animation noises*
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