#which is why I'm hoping to get back to gunga
class1akids · 8 months
At least Shouto got his moment without It revolving around Deku. You’re upset that shouto isn’t part of the endgame but at least he was able to have his own endgame that’s not about Deku or revolves around Deku. I would love for Bakugou to have his own solo moments even if he’s not in the endgame. Because bakugou never got that.
Sure, Shouto's moment didn't revolve around Deku, it revolved around his family though. So it's not strictly a Shouto-moment - the entire Todoroki family (plus Iida) gets part of the credit (when it comes to stopping Touya). And then of course there is the undeniable fact how much Shouto's and Touya's conflict is ultimately about Endeavor.
I am upset about Shouto's endgame (if it ends like this), because other than a family hero, Shouto wanted to be freed from Endeavor's legacy. Yet, he spends the entire final arc fighting a battle / putting out the fire that Endeavor created. Even the civilians he saves are in danger because Touya copied his move and escaped Kamino to see Endeavor.
Shouto gets nothing for himself - not even a kind word or acknowledgement of any kind from the family he is supposedly the hero of. He's not recognized by anyone in the public either, except the kids who call him "5-Wienes". It feels like still nobody of the public knows who "Shouto" is - half his hero arc feels simply abandoned
He trained and was abused all his life to get strong, he took much more physical beating and hurt from Enji, Rei and Touya than anyone else, and yet his only role is to use that strength and training to save the people who hurt him.
Enji comparatively took much less beating from Touya and got a cool fight vs AFO. When everyone and their grandmother goes up against AFO, Shouto is locked in a side-plot and even there, he just gets this as ending:
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Is this really what he deserves as "story-climax"? Because it sure looks like being treated as less than a footnote.
He doesn't even get the feel-good, crying-kids imagery TogaChako got or an entire chapter post-fight showing his villain think about him. In fact, Touya doesn't even react to Shouto or acknowledge anything Shouto has done or the lengths he has gone to save him. Nor does anyone from the family.
In this entire story, we never got an Origin-Trio combo. Shouto never got a combo with his family either (which Bakugou got with Endeavor btw). Shouto never got a hug from his family (which Bakugou got from Endeavor btw).
Bakugou gets a really cool combo with the MC / childhood friend, he gets to save his childhood hero in front of the world, he gets to right all his own wrongs, he gets public accolades, he gets held up as the Symbol of the new era and All Might's heir on equal footing with Deku in the narrative. He gets 2 amazing quirk awakenings to raise him up.
In contrast, Shouto gets to clean up after his abuser and doesn't get to do the stuff he wants for himself (to join his friends and be recognized to be a hero like All Might). Even after everything that's happened, there is nothing that shows that he's known as anything other that "Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother". He gets no quirk upgrade. Even his "I'm not a masterpiece" statement gets ignored by everyone. And he doesn't even get some family-level acknowledgement, other than a throw-away "sorry" from Endeavor.
And unlike with Bakugou where we had guarantee that he'll be back, with Shouto, we have no clue if we'll see more of him or if he'll be just left with this half-win/half-failure kind of ending as the world celebrates the wonder duo's win.
I love both characters, but man, the way Horikoshi treats Shouto and Bakugou are like night and day. (He didn't even give Shouto a full-page panel for his rising chapter, not to mention a double spread... Bakugou got a full Rising volume dedicated to him. Shouto is the first Rising character not to get a volume).
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astrajinn · 11 months
A Slippery Nuisance
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Throughout the entire journey, they did not move from that position. Astra didn't want to let go of her father, terrified at the idea that something might happen to him, and the Jedi spent the entire way comforting her with gentle humming. They weren't sure how much time had passed, but when they reached land and began unloading, it was clear they were not safe. The young girl, skilled in maneuvering through internal circuits and anchoring, guided them to descend and try to get away from the area as everything was being destroyed. Animals fled in panic, trees fell with a crash, accompanied by the echo produced by the large transports of the Trade Federation. The Jedi moved like shadows through the swamp, trying to find their companion, until one of the ships got so close that they had no choice but to start running.
"Be careful, duck!" the Jedi shouted to a Gungan who, instead of moving, remained static and still in place. Because of this, he basically tackled him, and the three of them fell to the ground, the ship passing over them.
"What was that?"
"Come on, Astra," he helped her up.
"Hey, wait," they called after them, following along.
"Oh, mui-mui, I love you."
"Because of you, we almost got squashed," the girl reproached, quite grumpy.
"Are you stupid or what?" he asked, just as the creature put on an offended expression.
"I can talk, I can talk."
"Just because you can talk doesn't make you intelligent. Now, go away."
"No, no, Misa stays. Misa is called Jar Jar Binks. Misa is his faithful servant."
"It won't be necessary."
"But it is, that's what the gods want, really. I owe my life to him, it's like I am called Jar Jar Binks."
They continued to advance until they heard some engines, and then they were shot at, or so they thought, until they saw Obi-Wan running ahead of the platforms, trying to escape from the driver droids.
"Take cover," he demanded, and the Jedi wielded their lightsabers to defend themselves.
"Look who's the irresponsible one now," he teased, deflecting a shot and destroying the droid's transport.
—You saved me again.
—What is this?
—A native, now.
Not finishing because another small group of battle droids opened fire from the artillery platforms, and Qui-Gon, being faster than the two young ones, stopped the shots with his lightsaber and sent them back towards the gunners, causing them to explode and raining metal all over the swamp.
—Ah! —Obi-Wan complained, releasing his lightsaber which was now smoking—. I'm sorry, Master. This swamp has fried my lightsaber.
—Qui-Gon shook his head with some amusement, noticing the smoke coming from the hole where the blade emerged—. You forgot to turn it off again after activating it, didn't you, Obi-Wan?
—It seems so, Master —he admitted, feeling embarrassed.
—It will recharge soon, but it will need time to clean. I hope you've finally learned your lesson.
—Yes, Master.
—Now, let's go before more droids come.
—More, more? Listen, excuse me, but I think the safest place is Otoh Gunga. My father is in a hidden city.
—A city?
—Can you take us there?
—On second thought, no, I don't think so.
—Why not?
—I'm embarrassed, but I'm afraid I might have been banished.
—Surely it was because you're so annoying —the younger one complained before checking if anyone else was coming.
—No, I was forgotten. The bosses would do terrible things to me —he trembled, causing a smile to form on the girl's face—. If I go back there.
—Do you hear that? —the Gungan nodded—. It's the sound of hundreds of terrible things coming this way.
—If they find us, they'll crush us, tear us apart, and forget about us —Obi-Wan continued, scaring the girl, so Qui-Gon pulled her close to him to comfort her.
—Just assimilated the data, hurry this way.
The Gungan began to walk, leading them through the forest, crossing thickets and swamp grass until they reached a sort of lake.
—How much farther?
—We'll go underwater and warn the Gungans. They don't like outsiders, so don't expect a warm welcome.
—Don't worry, we haven't had many warm welcomes today.
Jar Jar jumped into the water with a strange cry, and Obi-Wan handed a breathing apparatus to the girl for her to wear. Once ready, the three of them entered the water and swam after Jar Jar. After several minutes of swimming through the murky waters and descending deeper and deeper to the bottom of the lake, they reached an underwater city built with luminous bubbles of an unknown material, at least unknown to the younger one. Fish swam around it, and Astra was about to chase after one if Obi-Wan hadn't grabbed her cloak. They entered one of the structures, and to the Jedi's astonishment, it was a sort of air bubble where they were dry upon entering.
"At last, casia."
They began to move forward, seeing how the Gungans avoided them until two of them riding Kaadus approached them and threatened them with spears.
—Halt, you there!
—Hello Doli, Captain Tarpals. Misa is back!
—I don't think so, Jar Jar. Now you'll face the bosses. You're in big trouble this time.
"Are all your missions this strange?" she asked.
"Most of the time, you'll get used to it."
They were taken by the guards to the Gungan leader, who will decide their "fate," so to speak. Astra was already starting to regret coming. In the course of the day, she had been on the brink of death at least a dozen times and still hadn't had breakfast.
—You cannot be here. That army of flat-droids is a great risk.
—An army of droids is about to attack the Naboo. We have to warn them.
—No, we don't like the Naboo! The Naboo think they're so clever. They believe their brains are huge —he emphasized, waving his hands—. They want nothing to do with Gungans because we live in swamps. We haven't spoken in a long time, and the flat-droids won't change that.
—When the droids control the surface, they'll control you too.
—My friend, they don't know about us.
—But the Naboo have a direct symbiosis with you. If something happens to them, it could also happen to you —the girl explained in an attempt to reason with them.
—We don't care what happens to the Naboo.
—Then let us go —she began to use the Force.
—I will let you go.
—A useful transport would be nice.
—I'll give you a bongo. The shortcut to Naboo is through the planet's core. Now, go.
—Thank you for your help. We leave in peace.
—We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Your Eminence —added the girl with a gentle bow common on her planet.
—Master, what's a bongo? —asked the puzzled Padawan.
—A transport, I hope.
—They set a trap for you. Crossing the planet, bad idea. Someone might help you.
—Master, we don't have time.
—If we're going to cross the planet, we'll need a navigator.
—In that case, I'm here. My sense of direction is better than anyone else's —the young one reminded them.
—I won't risk that. This Gungan can help us —he returned to the leader—. Sir, what will become of Jar Jar Binks?
—His punishment will be quite unique.
—I saved his life, and the girl did too. He owes us. His gods demand that his life belongs to us.
—Binks —dragging the S—. Tussa, you owe this man your life, and this girl too —he nodded in fear, which annoyed and denied—. Go with him.
—Don't drag me into this, I'd rather die here than in that hell.
—Then why didn't you stay quiet and let us leave? —the girl commented, walking hand in hand with Qui-Gon.
They boarded the Bongo, which was a ship with a strange manta ray-like shape and a jellyfish tail, which were actually rotating blades propelling the ship forward. Obi-Wan was piloting, with Jar Jar as his copilot. Qui-Gon took the seat behind them, placing Astra on his lap, cradling her in his arms. It would take a while to reach their destination, and in the meantime, the girl soothed herself with the heartbeat of the man she called "father" and fell into a deep sleep.
—Astra, wake up, we've arrived —he gently shook her, and she opened her eyes.
—Do we have to keep going?
—Yes, let's go —he placed her next to him and got out of the ship, then helped her down.
—How could she sleep through all those shouts and chases? —Obi-Wan asked, amazed.
—Spend a night in the temple when one of the children is missing, and you'll know —he scolded, stretching so that all his bones cracked— Much better.
—Let's go.
They made their way through the streets, hiding in plain sight to escape the droids and reach the queen. When they arrived at the palace, they saw a group of droids escorting her, along with her handmaidens and a group of people. They moved forward stealthily to remain undetected until they were face to face.
—Why are you crouching with your height? They can barely see you.
—At least they don't see me because I'm short. They ignore you because you're ugly —she taunted, trying to see.
—In the name of the Force, stop arguing.
The four of them jumped in front of the droids, although Jar Jar was dancing around and Astra activated her speeder and circled the droids. They deflected the shots, and Qui-Gon used the Force to knock down two of them. Obi-Wan dealt with the ones in front, and Astra took care of those in the rear.
—You shouldn't be on the street, Your Highness.
—Take your weapons —said an elder, and they walked towards a corridor.
—We are ambassadors of the Supreme Chancellor —the Jedi Master informed.
—Your negotiations seem to have failed.
—If you can call three attempted murders negotiations. They were a total disaster —he mocked, playing with his lightsaber.
—It's urgent to contact the Republic.
—They destroyed our communications.
—Do you have any transports?
—In the hangar, it's that way —they started guiding them, and upon arriving, they saw hundreds of droids—. There are too many.
—It won't be a problem. Your Highness, given the circumstances, I suggest you accompany us to Coruscant.
—Going to Coruscant is madness. As soon as they realize her absence, it will be the first place they'll search for her —she quickly reasoned—. Paraddle is much safer. It's a neutral planet, and its resources allow it to avoid dealings with any other planet. Logically, they wouldn't think of looking for her there.
—Thank you, ambassadors, but I cannot leave my people.
—We want the queen to leave the planet, not you —she taunted, knowing that the woman in front of her was not the queen.
—She is the Queen of Naboo, child.
—And I am Senator Palpatine's daughter. The point here is that if she stays, they'll kill her.
—They wouldn't do that.
—They need her to sign a treaty that legalizes their invasion. They won't kill her.
—There must be more to all of this, Your Highness. The Federation doesn't act logically. I sense that they want to destroy her.
—Our hope is that the Senate will ally with us; Senator Palpatine can be of great help.
—These decisions represent a great risk for everyone.
—We are brave, Your Highness —a handmaiden responded.
—If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now.
—I will present the case to the Senate. Be careful, Governor.
They all entered the hangar, with the Jedi leading the way, prepared to fight. Obi-Wan would free the pilots, Qui-Gon would protect the people, and Astra had to clear the takeoff runway. When the shooting started, she moved like a fury, jumping, falling, and spinning with great strength and speed, getting rid of anyone standing in her way.
—Astra, hurry up —he called, and she used the Force to remove the remaining obstacles before boarding the ship and heading to the control room.
—There's the blockade.
—There's an opening above that ship; we can use it —she pointed before feeling the ship shaking—. What was that?
—The generator was damaged.
—There are hardly any droids left —the Padawan informed.
—We're done for.
—If they don't reactivate that shield, we'll be torn apart —she informed the pilot.
—There are no shields. There's already power.
—How? —the girl asked.
—That droid did it, it created a bridge in the power core, maximum deflection shields —she reported before accelerating. —There's not enough power to reach Coruscant. We have leaks, sir.
—Let's land to refuel and repair the ship.
—Look, Master, Tatooine is a small and poor planet; the Trade Federation has no influence over it.
—I'm sure the Republic doesn't either, it doesn't seem convenient —he mumbled, holding his head due to dizziness.
—How do you know?
—It's controlled by the Hutts —Qui-Gon informed her.
—I won't take her Royal Highness there. The Hutts are gangsters; if they find out...
—We'll face the same fate if we land in a system controlled by the Federation. The advantage here is that the Hutts are not looking for her.
—Not yet —she murmured and held onto Qui-Gon's cloak.
—I'm very dizzy, it'll pass.
—The queen wishes to see you.
A handmaiden informed them as she entered the room, and the three of them left. In the hallway, they encountered the droid that had fixed the ship. They entered to see the queen and waited for her to ask who had saved them.
—A very efficient droid that saved the ship and our lives.
—We should give it recognition. What's its designation?
—R2-D2, Your Highness.
—Thank you, R2-D2. Padmé —she called her handmaiden—. Clean it as best as you can; it deserves our gratitude. Continue, Captain.
—Your Highness, we are heading to a remote planet called Tatooine, which is in a system beyond the Federation's reach.
—I don't agree with the Jedi's idea.
—You must trust my judgment, Your Highness.
—I don't think so.
—Before you continue arguing like 3-year-olds —the girl interrupted—. Is there any place where I can rest? At this rate, I'll end up passing out.
—Come here —he lifted her and pulled up his hood to cover her so she could rest—. Feeling dizzy again?
—Void, the Force fluctuates too much; there's something on that planet —she murmured, closing her eyes.
Qui-Gon spent some time carrying Astra and using his Force ability to try to calm her discomfort. For some, this might seem strange, but for Obi-Wan, the strange part would be not seeing his master caring for the girl. Since he could remember, he saw Qui-Gon preventing the girl from breaking her neck or walking through the temple halls with her clinging to his cloak. At first, he thought she was his daughter, but after learning about the rules of non-attachment and that Jedi didn't marry or have families, he almost completely discarded that idea. This was further confirmed when they told him that Astra was actually two years old and an orphan from Paraddle, found by Qui-Gon when she was so alone in the Galaxy that she didn't even have a name to call her own.
When they landed, Qui-Gon woke up Astra and helped her change before doing the same. Jedi robes were easily recognizable, so putting on something less conspicuous was the better option. He still fastened his lightsaber to his waist in case he needed to defend himself and then let her search for her speeder bike.
—The hyperdrive is damaged; we need another one.
—That complicates things.
—By any chance, did the power cell get damaged too? —she sarcastically asked, arriving with her speeder bike.
—Why would a power cell get damaged?
—Because this thing is so broken that soon it'll be easier to buy a new one.
—Don't be so pessimistic. You'll stay here, Obi-Wan, and be careful. I sense an instability in the Force.
—I sense it too.
—Now you believe me? —she grumbled, annoyed—. I've been saying for over a day that something weird is going on, and no one listens to me. We need to get off this planet —she rubbed her arms until she felt Qui-Gon placing a hand on her head.
—Soon. Don't let them send transmissions.
The two of them disembarked the ship along with R2 and Jar Jar. As always, she rode her speeder bike, and they had not gone very far before the pilot caught up with them, along with one of the queen's handmaidens.
—Wait, wait —he called them—. Her Highness has decided that her handmaiden will accompany you.
—I don't see the handmaiden —the girl sang—. I don't take orders from anyone, especially an impostor.
—She's still at it.
—So are you —she teased.
—Hold on, Astra. Captain, we cannot obey Her Highness; this planet is very dangerous.
—The queen wishes it; she wants to explore the planet.
—I don't like the idea. Don't you leave my side —she began to advance.
—Hopefully, Her Highness is a good walker. We have a long journey ahead of us.
He commented with a long sigh, and the group continued walking. They went straight for at least 30 minutes before reaching the village.
—Moisture farms, native tribes, and junk dealers, all in one place.
—That's not to mention slaves.
—Slavery has been prohibited since the formation of the Republic —the girl pointed out.
—On a planet where the Republic isn't involved, do you think their laws are? —he asked, backing up and circling around R2.
—It's not right, but in cases like this, it's useful. These kinds of spaceports serve as hiding places for those in hiding.
—Like us.
—Though usually they're hiding to avoid jail; in our case, it's to avoid death.
—I don't like this at all —Jar Jar muttered.
—I'll start with a small trader. Astra, get off the speeder bike and let me handle it.
As requested, the girl got off her speeder bike and carried it under her arm before reaching out her hand to the Jedi and following him to a warehouse. Upon entering, the first thing they saw was a counter, and behind it, a Toydarian was doing some calculations.
—I need parts for a Nubian J-327 —Qui-Gon calmly requested.
—A Nubian, we have many of those.
—My droid has a list of what we need.
He pulled on his sleeve and looked to the side timidly—. Please.
—Ah, yes, my daughter needs a specific adjustment key to fix a defect in her speeder bike. Do you think you'll have it?
—You can check here, but whatever you break, you'll have to pay for it —he started yelling at a kid who was coming in.
—Then I'll take it to the back; we have what you need there —he started flying towards the place.
—She took a piece from Jar Jar's hand and scolded him—. No touching anything. —then she turned to her daughter and added—. Look for what you need, you're in charge, especially of Jar Jar —she whispered the last part.
—I'll make sure they don't get into trouble —she saw him go and left her speeder bike on the ground before starting to search.
—Is he an angel? —the child asked.
—He's not a Gungan —Padmé replied.
—Not him, her. Is she an angel?
—Hey, girl —he called her since he couldn't remember her name.
—What's up? —she returned to his side, holding a screwdriver in her hand.
—The boy, he wants to know.
—Are you an angel? —he asked with a smile.
In the moment their gazes met, the entire galaxy came to a halt. For the first time in her life, Astra felt like she lacked nothing. Nothing else mattered, not being with Qui-Gon or annoying Obi-Wan, not the teachings of her masters or the rules of the Order. Whether she returned to Coruscant to continue her training or escaped to see Adora on Paraddle, it all became inconsequential as if she had been drifting in space and the Force suddenly awakened her. Little did she know that he felt the same way.
Chut Chut Pateesa, how are you?
I apologize for not posting in over a month; I'm sure you want to kill me for that. The truth is, it's all Obi-Wan's fault. He suggested that the Padawans weren't well-prepared, and now we have to take advanced knowledge tests at the Jedi Temple every six months. I think Anakin hates him more than ever, though I can't say the rest of us are very happy either.
Anyway, I hope you've had a lovely month and are practicing your combat forms a lot; I believe they'll be needed soon. In the meantime, I wish you all lots of love for this post. Share, comment, and follow me, as that motivates me to keep writing for you. Have a beautiful night and stay safe from the Sith because the dark side is lurking more than ever. And my young Padawans, don't forget: "Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you see it, you'll never make it through the night." May the Force be with you.
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Bones cut Spinner in MVA and then Hori countered with making so much of future Spinner call back to that arc. They cut CRC mansion, he made Dabi have a couch monologue in the CRC mansion. They cut Hawks' recorder and Dabi being a tricky, sneaky player? Hope they bring it back when Toga demands answers from Hawks for killing Twice + she missed the last Touya reveal and this parallels it as a part 2, since she's here, hope she learns the truth about Dabi's manipulation since he did more. Strengthening her resolve to "twist the knife in Endeavor more" not because he's a kind big bro erasing her past trauma. In the same chapter AFO does the same thing as Dabi to Spinner, and both Spinner and Toga end up "resigned" to that, thinking "it's too late to back out now" right after Dabi complained to AFO that "if your so called friends turn on you, it'll be bad for us!" re: Aoyama, so he goes to secure his alliances. "You sure you're ready for what's coming?" "Even you can get caught up in emotion huh?" EVEN YOU, whomst else? Oh yeah, Hawks. "Looks like sentiment tripped you up!"
And the icing on the cake for people who think Dabi burning Toga's house had nothing to do with Endeavor, it didn't yeah. It had to do with making her use Twice's blood. Recently Dabi thought to himself that he wouldn't be able to bring Shouto to Endeavor as a present, so he decided to fly to Gunga himself before Kurogiri appeared. In comparing Dabi's Dance to the manga, I found out he uses the same word when talking about Hawks. "This is my present to you Endeavor!" when he talks about digging into Hawks' history, calling him out as a filthy spy. Endeavor is in no position to protect Hawks, and if Toga using Twice's blood kills him? Dabi knows Hawks cared about Twice, to have him be killed by Toga wearing his face, after he screws over Hawks for ruining Dabi's plans last time, all happening in front of Endeavor? Who treats him as an adopted son?" Well let's just say that in giving up Shouto, like AFO said, "you and I differ, because I have many side-plans, and friends to spare" Dabi got himself all buddy buddy with Toga, and got a "side plan" aka killing Hawks to be his "present to Endeavor" in place of the failure to kill Shouto. The first thing he said to Endeavor in the war was "come to see your pals get cremated?!" so I'm absolutely not surprised. That also offers good miserable Endeavor expressions for him to eat up.
I feel bad for Hawks. He made sure Toga didn't have Twice's blood lying around, not sure HOW. Did he just scoot over to her and ask "hey do you have any vials of the League's blood? oh why am I asking? haha no reason!" and ig the heroes might've cleaned up the body afterwards, or he had called back-up in case he had to kill Twice to clean up the body but the back-up never arrived. OR he was certain he could get Twice out of the mansion and restrained so Toga could never reach him for blood. Or he trusted that the heroes were strong enough to stop the League so they won't come find Twice during the battle. And they were, until Twice killed the guy capturing them. Regardless, the only one there was Dabi so his mind immediately jumped to him as the one responsible.
Dabi got the last laugh, he got to one-up Hawks as payback for Jeanist and "my dreams had a way better chance of coming true with Twice around!" and he was RIGHT. "I guess we didn't bully them hard enough." because the only reason people listened to Dabi, who btw the civilians said "this Dabi guy is annoying" was because of all the damage from the war, which became SO BAD because of the PLF escape and prison break. The prison break made things un-salvageable, which that army? Would've been what Twice's army of clones would've been doing. Dabi understands heroes and public opinion. He fucking meant it when he said Twice was useful despite villain stans saying he didn't really need Twice. And now he's got Twice back and it's all gone to hell. So I'm hoping Hori's promise to us about Ochako and Hawks being a shining light for readers comes in clutch. It'd be great if we can throw egg back in Dabi's face for all the manipulation. Oh, what's that? Like Aoyama it's bad if your allies switch sides? Well then I hope Toga enjoys her seat at Touya reveal part 2 with this 2nd father-son encounter since she missed it last time, with a bonus featuring of Hawks' own confessions.
All I'm getting from this is that Dabi is a bitch, specifically to Hawks.
I do hope that the recorder returns, even if I don't think it actually will as it seems to have been forgotten by Hori while the other parts that the anime didn't include weren't. I would think it would be interesting to see how Toga would react to Dabi not caring about Twice beyond his usefulness, unlike her who mourned and is still mourning his death (or well, she is... kinda? She seems more focused on her idea of love as well? It's confusing).
Now it just depends if Dabi can keep himself alive before that as he seems very intent on burning himself to his bones.
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june-girl-86 · 2 years
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Chapter 39
While they are traveling in hyperspace there are memories for two of them, which they had forgotten or suppressed for a long time. In addition, an important conversation takes place, which takes a burden off Din. However, it also brings with it a task.
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC Female!
ReaderRating: Mature/Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence / Love / Action&Adventure / Blood&Violence / Drama & Romance / Slow Burn / Fluff&Smut
The lyrics are from Mark Owen - Child
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When the explosion destroyed the Jedi's ship, she was thrown backwards. Ahsoka tried to use her strength to steer against it, but the fight before had weakened her and the shock wave was too strong. Her body crashed against the rock and took away her consciousness. The rain that thought it had defeated the old fire was fought by the new flames, and these helped the old one to flare up again. The smoldering fire that had been slowly coming to an end, gathered under the ground and held back by the humidity, took its chance and developed again into a great conflagration. The plants that had hoped to survive this catastrophe sent messengers to all to warn them before they lost their lives. Animals that had fled and paused, exhausted, thinking it was over, were surrounded by the flames and the screams of the dying echoed in the sky. At a speed as if the fire had gone mad, it raced through the undergrowth without regard, climbing tree trunks and leaping from branch to branch with the help of the wind to destroy even faster everything that lived. Thick, black columns of smoke darkened the sky, not allowing a ray of sunlight to pass through. What the fire had not yet accomplished, the poisoned air did. Those who were able to flee there inhaled the smoke and gradually fell down into the conflagration to be devoured by it.
Many days had passed before Morai saw the ground again. The dark clouds had dissipated, only sporadically smoke rose, at places where the fire still found to feed. Thick and thin tree trunks rose like charred skeletons, but between them actually peaked the first green. The ash was death and fertilizer for new life. Morai landed on the rock and looked at the cocoon of branches and roots. Within it she could sense the Jedi, how it was not conscious but alive. This shell had also been attacked, charred but the neti had saved Ahsoka, giving their lives to protect her. Morai shrieked and jumped onto the hull. But although it looked so fragile after the attack, it was quite sturdy and Morai failed to open the cocoon. Now all she could do was wait and hope Ahsoka recovered and found her way back. The Convor closed his eyes and searched for her.
A little girl sat on her bed, playing with the long yellow ears of her cuddly toy, while behind her sat her mother, gently running the brush through her long brown hair. The girl chatted with her stuffed animal and the woman smiled fondly. It had once belonged to her, given to her at the same age as her daughter, and it looked like that. Worn out and the eyes had been replaced many times with new buttons. She put the brush aside and began braiding the first braid.
"My mom gave me Gunga because I wanted to grow my hair as long as the Gungans' ears were, too. We were still living on Naboo then. And that's where your name comes from. Fara means the lucky one. Because you made us so happy when you came into the world!"
She kissed her daughter on the hair and Fara giggled, but continued to listen to her mother's words.
"I wanted that name so badly for you, from my homeland. And one day we will return to Naboo and we will show you Gunga for real!"
Fara turned and looked at her mother in amazement. She returned her daughter's gaze in amusement and knotted the last braid. Then she stood up and lifted Fara off the bed.
"Come on, let's go. Dad will get impatient if we start so late at the field. I'm sure the other kids are already at Jis's, too!"
Fara wanted to take Gunga, but her mother took him from her.
"Why don't you leave him here? You'll see him again in a few hours! And Jis has lots of toys, too."
Fara put Gunga next to her pillow, grabbed her mother's hand and followed. She took one last look at her room, unaware that hours had turned into years.
Fara carefully stroked Gunga's frayed ear and looked from her hiding place to Liara, who was standing at the kitchen counter preparing the food. A tear ran down her cheek; she had forgotten her mama. She had experienced so much bad, Boyk did not mean well with her. And then these two people came and helped her. When the man in the silver armor brought her gunga, it had loosened something in her. She was no longer trash, as Boyk had always said. She felt the good of them. Fara eyed Gunga again, whose button eye, the one he still had, dangled halfway down his face and was about to fall off as well. There was as much dirt on the cloth as on her. Even the rain had done nothing and the mud of the streets of Gelgelar had probably penetrated her skin to stick to her forever. Fara had always been dirty, not allowed to wash once inside the house. Fara swallowed, not wanting to remember the times when she was not on the streets, but in the Trandoshans' shelter. Locked in a cage, like an animal. She shook her head, trying to forget. She watched Liara, who shook her head slightly and grimaced as she cut an onion. Her mama had always done that, too, laughing even though she was crying.
Fara hugged Gunga to her.
"We're safe!" she whispered to her snuggles. Then she stood up and plodded over to Liara. She looked down questioningly as she felt a tentative tug on her pant leg. Brown children's eyes, the facial expression wavering between courage and a little fear, looked towards her. Liara set the knife aside.
"Hey, do you need something?"
The little one nodded shyly and held the cuddly toy out to her.
"Gunga is dirty!"
Liara turned off the stove top and squatted in front of her.
"Do you want me to wash him for you? Maybe I'll have a button so he can see properly again!"
The girl nodded and she followed Liara into the refresher. As she ran water into the basin, Liara heard whispering and being touched again on her leg. She leaned over to Fara, who timidly pointed to the shower.
"Do you want to get in the shower by yourself or do you want me to help you?"
Fara reached for Liara's hand and nodded.
After making sure Gunga was okay in the sink, Liara helped the little one undress. There wasn't much there anyway, except for the t-shirt, which was more made of holes, and the torn pants. Liara gulped as she noticed the stains on her skin that weren't from the dirt. She placed a small basket in front of her with several shower gels and shampoos inside.
"You get to pick one. They all smell different!"
Fara eyed the colorful bottles, opening one by one and sniffing curiously. She was taken with the melon scent and held it out to Liara.
"Good choice, I like that a lot too!" smiled Liara. At first the child was still trembling, but then she enjoyed the warm water and also let Liara help wash her hair, which was all matted. Gently, so as not to hurt her, she stroked her fingers through it to loosen the hair again. When they were done, Liara grabbed a towel and gently rubbed them dry. When she turned on the hair dryer, the little one backed away, startled. Liara turned it off again and raised her hands.
"Everything is fine. I just want to dry your hair!"
Fara looked at her skeptically. Liara handed her the hair dryer and she eyed it for a while, then tried the various switches. She giggled as she blew the warm wind into her face. Then she held it out to Liara again and she blew her hair dry. As she did so, Liara noticed the fresh scars on her back. When they were done, she put the blow dryer aside and gently touched Fara in places. The girl flinched and moved forward.
"Sorry. Let me put some ointment on it and it will get better!"
The little one nodded and slowly relaxed as Liara gently dabbed the Bacta on the affected areas. Liara was about to clean up the tube again when the child's hand touched her on the arm and pointed to her forehead. Liara nodded and let Fara apply the cream. The little one took it very seriously, pressed her lips together and was concentrated on the job so as not to hurt Liara. When she was done, she smiled at Liara.
"Everything is fine!" she murmured to Liara. She hugged the girl gratefully, feeling again how thin she was. As they broke away from each other, she noticed the look she gave her old clothes.
"You don't need to wear those anymore. Wait a minute!"
Liara hurried into the bedroom and picked out a T-shirt of hers. As she held it in her hands, she faltered and closed her eyes. That too-slim body, how vulnerable she had been in the shower. Liara sighed, then she didn't make the little one wait any longer and brought her the garment. The shirt was still too big for her, but she beamed when she had it on. She surprised Liara, who was still squatting in front of her, with another hug that was so tumultuous that Liara had to brace herself against the wall to keep from toppling backwards.
"Thank you!" whispered Fara. Liara gently ran her hand over her hair and then very quietly heard the child's name, which she now whispered in her ear.
Din heard the footsteps on the ladder rungs as Liara came into the cockpit.
"Fara is sleeping now!" she said, and he heard the tremor in her voice.
He turned the chair around to face her and looked at her questioningly. Din noticed her struggling with tears. Liara sank down on the bench and told him what had happened.
"It took quite a toll on her, and now she's lying in the pillow and blanket mountain in her room..."
Liara swallowed.
"Din, her whole body is full of scars, little burns... She's had way too much bad stuff happen to her in her young years!"
Liara shook her head, trying to get the image out of her mind, and Din indicated that she should come to him. She jumped up and let him pull her into his arms. Tears started to fall, Liara couldn't stop them.
"If I hadn't already killed Boyk, I'd turn around right now and inflict so much pain on him with my bare hands that he'd beg for me to redeem him....," Din growled angrily. Liara lifted her head from his chest and ran it over her wet cheeks.
"Is there any way on our route to land on a safe planet. We need to get Fara clothes and shoes, I gave her a shirt and knotted a pair of underpants together, she can't possibly put back on what she was wearing. Also for her room, she needs a real bed!"
Din nodded.
"I'll check it out where we can land!"
Liara kissed him gratefully on the cheek and leaned against him again. Din stroked Liara's back soothingly as they stared into hyperspace, pursuing their thoughts, when a steady beep announced a video transmission. Liara rose and rubbed at her teary eyes before Din answered the video call. Karga appeared and greeted them both.
"I wanted to inquire if you guys got the information?"
Din confirmed it and also told Karga about Fara. You could clearly see the surprise and horror in his features before he clapped his hands and congratulated them on the good deed.
"Well I have some news for you. I thought if I quenched my curiosity around your condition, I might as well pass it on to you!"
Din looked to Liara, who shrugged her shoulders, just as curious about what was to come next.
"It has been reported that Moff Gideon has been found dead in his cell!"
Din and Liara looked at each other in surprise, hardly able to believe it.
"Excuse me? Is that really certain?"
Din was the first to regain his speech.
"Dead certain. Probably because his son isn't alive either!" added Karga.
"Ahsoka!" groaned Liara.
"That must have been her doing! Did she arrive on Nevarro?" she asked excitedly.
Karga shook her head.
"No. A Mandalorian woman, Koska, came by for that. She told us of Duncan's passing and that Bo-Katan wants to compete against you for the saber!"
Din sighed in annoyance and rubbed his temples.
"That woman is driving me crazy. She really doesn't give up. Did Koska say anything about Ahsoka? I asked her to come to Nevarro..."
"No. But there was a messy scene between Cara and Koska instead. She tried to go after the Mandalorian and called her a traitor. She disappeared as quickly as she had come... But someone else wants to talk to you about that subject. Have a good trip!"
Karga disappeared and the next moment, a stranger with blue eyes looked at her. Liara guessed who she was, however, she had similar features to her sister on Bora-Borosa.
"Face to face now then, Din Djarin!" she said, her voice sounding as it once did in her forge. Din swallowed as he looked into her eyes, not knowing what to say.
"Our code was meant to protect us, or so I was taught. Not to bare one's face to anyone would be the only right thing to do. It even went so far back then that even spouses didn't show themselves to each other or parents didn't show themselves to their children. This loosened over time, but even the rules were still too much for some. My sister could not stand this and left the tribe. I never really understood until we were attacked... The founders of the Children of the Watch were wrong, we did a lot wrong with this false teaching. I heard from Cara what you took upon yourself to save the boy and your reproaches for that. I take that burden off your shoulders, you did the right thing! I'm sorry for all the anguish in your heart over this!"
Din swallowed moved, nodded to her gratefully, it was still working in him, even if he tried to suppress it. That statement of hers, he actually noticed the relief spreading in his heart.
"We should focus on the real thing, the most important foundation of our culture!"
Sona closed her eyes and quoted what she had been taught as a child.
"Ba'jur bal beskar'gam; Ara'nov, aliit; Mando'a bal Mand'alor - An vencuyam mhi. (Training and armor; Self-defense, our tribe; Our language and our leader - Help us survive.)!"
"Resol'Nare!" whispered Din excitedly. Then he repeated them in awe as well. The 6 actions, the Mandalorian philosophy of life. Liara had read about it in the book she had found in the Calodan library. She could see and feel the change in Din's attitude, the reverence for his culture. It wasn't just wearing armor and possessing weapons, but much more. She got goosebumps and was fascinated that she was allowed to witness this actually almost intimate moment. The two Mandalorians were silent for a while until Sona broke the silence.
"You must be on your guard, Bo-Katan is over dead bodies. She has the goal of being ruler of Mandalore. All this with Cara or our imprisonment, was from her. Duncan was just a puppet of hers, he just didn't realize it!"
Dejectedly, she looked at Din.
"Tell the head of the Djarin clan that I beg his forgiveness! It..."
She broke off, you could see her struggling with herself. Din nodded obligingly.
"I've been following your conversation with Karga, and a planet on your route tells me something. When I got to Morak, everyone had moved on with Cam Arran. He was going to Tazar, to the city of Deia. He was born in the city and planned to build something new there with the survivors of the tribe. Paz told me about it only after Bo-Katan and her henchmen had left us, so as not to spill the beans. Would you mind looking for them?"
Liara looked at Din, but he didn't hesitate for long.
"Of course I'm looking for my brothers and their families. I have hope that when I find my family too, that we can live together!"
Sona smiled with satisfaction and nodded.
"Is there a clue where I can find him?", Din wanted to know.
"In the dark, use your night vision. The tracks will lead you!"
Sona looked Din firmly in the eye.
"We've already lost a lot, and now it's time for the Mandalorians to stick together. If you call for us, we will follow you, Mand'alor!"
She lowered her head, showing Din that she accepted him as leader. Liara noticed Din's shoulders shrug, how unfamiliar it was for him to be addressed so openly as leader of Mandalor. And yet, he nodded and said goodbye to the blacksmith. After the call ended, he took a deep breath and turned to Liara.
"Now we have a plan. Find the tribe and get the things for Fara!"
Din had set up a folding table in front of the weapons cabinet and was cleaning his blaster on it. Neatly disassembled, the weapon was waiting to be reassembled soon. While he cleaned it and began to put it back together, he was lost in thought. Thought about the conversation with Sona. His gaze went to the dark saber that lay in the weapons cabinet. Would he be a good leader? At least she believed him to be. A few years ago he would never have thought of such a thing, he had always been the lone wolf and now he had a steady partner, a woman at his side whom he loved more than anything and after Grogu now his second foundling, who also had not had an easy start in life. How would it be when Fara and maybe Grogu, should he decide to live together in their clan someday, with his biological children? He had hardly given that a thought in the past either. Although he had also taken care of the foundlings, they had been taken in by the couples and he had been far too busy with the bounty hunting. But since those dreams that Liara had also had, something had sprouted in him. He wanted a family. Din blinked, seeing in his mind Liara, pregnant, happy, beautiful. He swallowed, hoping that these dreams could soon become reality. But still Bo-Katan stood between all this. Frustrated, he put his assembled blaster back in the cabinet, quietly folded up the table and locked the door. He wondered what to do now, he was too jittery to go to sleep. Liara was already asleep, as was Fara. Din had noticed the bruises and scars on her feet and it horrified him how the child had been treated. The girl had been so happy at dinner when she could hold her clean and again two-eyed Gunga in her arms. She hadn't spoken much, but had eaten a lot, and afterwards one had watched her eyes grow smaller and smaller.
A noise made him sit up and take notice, a whimper entered his ears. He walked toward the nursery, and the door opened, and Fara stumbled out. She clutched Gunga and sniffled.
Din crouched down in front of her and the girl looked at him with eyes wet with tears. Then she pressed herself against him. Din was glad that he had changed after the meal and so no armor prevented her from feeling warmth instead of cold. Carefully, he ran his hand over her head, stroking the tousled hair after her fitful sleep.
"You're safe here. No one's going to hurt you!", Din reassured her, feeling the child's body shake from the sobs.
"Bad dreams!" she whispered at one point.
"Boyk?" asked Din, and she nodded.
"He'll never be able to hurt you again, and neither will his friends. Liara and I will take care of you!"
Fara sniffled and looked at him from her reddened eyes. Din took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her to blow her nose.
"Thank you!" she whispered, and her body shook as a final sob made itself known once again.
"Do you want to sit in the pilot's chair in the cockpit?" asked Din, trying to distract her a little.
Fara looked at him with wide eyes, nodded and jumped up. Before he could ask her if he should help her, she had already climbed up the ladder. Amused, he followed her and found her standing in the cockpit with her mouth open. Here she could see the light and the tunnel of hyperspace even better than from her window. Din sat down and lifted her onto his lap so she could see the instruments better. He explained a few things to her and showed her the navigation where a dot, which they were, was moving steadily. He could feel her getting tired but fighting it, probably because of the nightmares.
"I miss my mom!"
Fara's voice was quite soft, he could hear the tiredness, but also the pain.
Din sighed and soothingly ran his hand over her back.
"Me too!" he murmured, and the girl gave him a questioning look.
"I was a few years older than you when I was rescued by the Mandalorians when my home was attacked. My parents didn't survive it, unfortunately. And I couldn't remember them for a long time, but some time ago I had an encounter and since then a lot of things come back to me. How she scolded me when I did stupid things. But when I was not well, my mother and father, were both there for me. I also had bad dreams and then my mom would sing me a song! Do you want me to try it?" Fara nodded curiously and leaned her head against him. Din closed his eyes and remembered the lyrics. Then he sang the song and in his mind he heard his mother's voice as she held him lovingly.
“Sleep peacefully now, my child
I hope that you go away
To a place where your dreams can play
Wipe all the tears from your eyes
There is a sky of blue
This is your time of truth”
He remembered how often she had laid down with him without singing, but just feeling her closeness had calmed him and knowing that he was not alone, he had fallen asleep.
“Like a bird high on the wind
May you fly away
Like a snowfall in the spring
May you cares melt away
Child, innocent child
Our hope lies inside
Your starry eyes
My innocent child“
Thought of the moments when he was sick, she had worried about him. His father also sat down with him and encouraged him that he would soon be well again. Her warm soup, the tea that smelled so intensely of mint and he was sure she had stirred medicine into it. Din swallowed as these memories came flooding back to him.
“Hero, now that you are free
You have no need to fear
So go out and find your smile
Like a candle in the stream
May you float away
Like a feather on the breeze
May you blow away”
He thought of the touch of the kiss on his forehead when she tucked him in, he had fallen asleep without a care and peacefully.
When Din had sung the last words, he looked down at the sleeping child. A single tear had tried to travel, had lingered on her cheek, and he gently brushed it away. Din thought of the necklace with his parents' fingerprints and smiled wistfully. Fara sighed softly and Din decided to wait a little longer before taking her back to her bed so as not to pull her from her sleep again.
Liara woke up, she was slightly cold and when she turned to Din she noticed that his side was empty. She knew he still wanted to clean his weapons when she went to bed, but when she looked at the clock, several hours had passed since then, and that shouldn't really stop him for that long. Liara put on her vest, left the bedroom and saw the locked weapons cabinet. Instead, Fara's door was open. Taking a look inside, she was not here either. Liara guessed where the two might be and climbed into the cockpit. When she discovered the scenery, she paused and this image burned itself into her heart. Quietly, she climbed the rest of the ladder and sat down on the bench. Din held Fara in his arms, the girl lay snuggled close to him with Gunga against his chest. Both were sound asleep. Liara retrieved a blanket from one of the drawers in the cockpit and gently laid it over them both. She breathed a gentle kiss on Din's unshaven cheek and let them both continue to sleep. Smiling and with a lot of warmth in her chest, she climbed back down and got back into bed as well.
7 notes · View notes
makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Everyone was all, “Tomura what do you have?” and Tomura was all,” a quirk bullet!” and they were all, “NO!!” He then threw the bullet at Aizawa, who ironically actually did have a knife, and since no one bothered to say “no!!” this time he proceeded to CHOP OFF HIS OWN LEG. Just, schwoop. Lopped it right off. Didn’t even fucking care. Anyway so then Tomura was all, “you know what who even needs quirk bullets” and somehow broke free from both Deku and Ryuukyuu to go claw off Aizawa’s face. Thankfully Todoroki “I've spent the past eight chapters puttering around waiting for the coolest moment to strike” Shouto finally decided to join the fray by impaling Tomura, and everyone was all, “ahaha, classic Shouto”, and Tomura was all, “don’t worry though I’m fine”, and it seems like he really is now, since he’s finally regenerated and all his wounds have healed again! The chapter ended with Gigantomachia stampeding towards Jakku, which is super terrible, but what else is fucking new.
Today on BnHA: The Gunga kids spend a few pages standing around letting all that trauma soak in nice and deep as Machia rampages on towards Jakku. Back in the Shigaraki Wastes, the heroes regroup, which mostly consists of the remaining conscious adults tearfully being all “you kids get out of here... save yourselves...” and the kids being all “YOU JUST SIT THERE AND CHILL, DAD” and “[EXPLETIVES]” and “I’M YOUNG AND FILLED WITH RIGHTEOUS SHOUNEN RAGE”, all of which is very entertaining to me and makes me very proud. Anyway so then Tomura’s body sort of explodes a bit, and he’s all, “what”, and then it finally sinks in that he might have popped out of the toaster early, so he tries to end the fight right there and then with another round of Decay. Except that Deku counters it by SPONTANEOUSLY LEARNING HOW TO FLY, which is probably SO CONFUSING for all the non-Gran-and-Kacchan people around, which is just one of the many things I love about it. And the other things I love about it are that it’s (1) THE MOST BADASS THING EVER, and (2) just, really fucking great. So yeah. Rage, Deku, rage.
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don’t tell me. I’m not sure I want to know what it is they’re looking at. how many of the pros are fucking dead now ffffmg
also that is an extremely intriguing chapter title, though. 75? as in percent?? oh my god is something finally going to go fucking right for our heroes. or at least, you know, less wrong
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dammit Momo he was supposed to go to sleep! WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT MATH FOR, THEN. did he grow bigger, or did she just somehow miscalculate the dosage, or is he finally going to go night-night halfway to Jakku?
btw Momo I’m not actually mad at you, you’re still the only one who fucking did anything at all. if anyone tries to give you shit, just look them in the eye and ask them “okay and how many things did YOU do?”, and they’ll be like, “oh shit, none”, and you’ll be all “yeah that’s what I fucking thought” because YEAH
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I have never seen Sero this badly shaken before. it’s somehow so shocking?? holy shit you guys, I know I’ve been saying for ages “lolo all these kids about to be traumatized af” but somehow it’s one thing to know it’s coming, and another to finally actually see it. oh god
anyway let’s just hope all of the grown-ups aren’t actually fucking dead. but based on all of the kids’ expressions, it really feels like a lot of them might be, and that’s just... ...
and they had to see it. right? is that what this is implying?? holy shit. they watched it all happen. that’s it, the rest of this arc is cancelled, please proceed directly to the emergency therapy arc right now
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holy shit look at the size of that rock that fell on the medical tent. and DS pulling people out of the wreckage. it really feels like everywhere you turn this arc, the intrepid young scamps of U.A.’s first year hero class are the ones out here keeping things one step from total disaster
oh shit
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excuse the hell out of me young Momo but what the hell is up with this use of the word “dead” with the implied “like everyone else” hanging there at the end?? what is up with that. that’s a very bad sentence I don’t like that at ALL
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I mean, I already knew they survived, though. so WHY AM I STILL SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. good grief
and in before Majestic fucking dies on the next page, having saved the children with his very last act. I fucking hate you Majestic, you blue-balling child-preserving magnificent wizard bastard
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is anyone still alive?? did the guys who were fighting off Snoopy Sno-Cone and RD back at the mansion at least make it out in one piece??
(ETA: from here on out all of these guys shall be referred to as Schrodinger's Heroes until further notice.)
so now Mineta is questioning whether or not their Smart Momo Plan even fucking did anything, which. same, Mineta, honestly. but it must have!! right?? ????
anyway so here’s some more panels of everyone dying do you want to see them. sure. why not
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can we get back to the Tomura fight now. I’ve had just about enough of this, I’d like to see some 75% business now before this turns into the most depressing chapter of all time
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goddammit. well for now my money’s on Machia collapsing just as they make it back to Jakku. so Momo’s plan does eventually work, but the League still makes it back to Tomura thus ensuring more shenanigans can take place. goddamn, lol, just when I thought the arc was nearing its climax. feels like it just fucking respawned with a full life bar
also Toga is really looking... not great. I’m so scared for whoever she ends up fighting after this. OCHAKO MY SWEET BABY GIRL PLEASE WATCH OUT
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PLEASE ARREST HIM FASTER. holy fuck if you fucking screw this up and he gets rescued I SWEAR TO GOD
oh wait is he just here to provide more backstory on Gigantomachia
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GO BURNIN’, YOU GOT THIS. also, gonna be honest, at this point I really would not mind if Machia did a little less living for Tomura and a bit more dying
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FKFKF Aizawa not looking too good oh god. and Deku looks like he’s about to spontaneously develop ALL OF HIS REMAINING QUIRKS JUST LIKE THAT ON THE SPOT, FUCK YOU TOMURA
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Shouto’s arrival is either about to make Endeavor more useless than ever, or suddenly a whole lot LESS useless, and right now it’s up in the air and I am excited but also scared
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BLAH BLAH BLAH. “SORRY I’M LATE, I WAS SAVING PEOPLE’S LIVES,” Shouto lies through his teeth, clearly not aware that Tomura has a built in GPS and knows full well that Shouto was actually only a few feet behind Bakugou and Deku and so that explanation doesn’t fly at all. the real truth must be something so embarrassing that he’s ashamed to admit it. did you get lost. did you run into an NPC who wouldn’t let you pass until you had completed some sort of quest
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just as enraged as Deku! it’s almost like he just witnessed his sensei chopping off his own leg and subsequently almost being murdered or something
(ETA: actually lol I think he’s mad at Deku, for taking off earlier and leaving him behind with Gran. though there’s no law that says he can’t be mad about two things at once! anyway so do you guys think that being beaten to the punch by Deku here may perhaps frustrate this young man and contribute to his decision to return the favor at some point later on in this battle, perhaps with dire consequences? hmm.)
anyway so if you all are keeping up with the math, and I think you are, it seems like just about every one of the adult pros is either down for the count (Aizawa, Gran), or recovering (Endeavor, Ryuukyuu??), or Might As Well Not Even Be There (a certain TWO OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL IN A TIME OUT AND HAD BETTER BE THINKING GOOD AND HARD ABOUT WHAT THEY’VE DONE. OR MORE PRECISELY, DID NOT DO OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO DO). anyway so all of that means that the only ones actually ready and raring to go here in Round 2 against the newly regenerated and POSSIBLY HAS HIS DECAY QUIRK BACK Shigaraki Tomura are... drum roll...!
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DID YOU NOT EVEN NOTICE HIS LEG BEFORE?!?!? holy -- can I -- can I please just slap them, I --
anyway so RockLockRock looks like he has something to say here. probably going to tell Deku to take Aizawa and run, as if Deku isn’t the fucking glue holding this entire operation together at this point now that Aizawa is KOed. can you believe these guys are so incompetent they’ve actually got me arguing in favor of the child soldiers now, what even
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shit. that face. he’s ready to die to give them all a chance. he knows he wouldn’t last two seconds against Tomura and yet he’s willing to sacrifice it all. damn it RLR... okay fine your time out is done now, but I’m still calling your parents
unfortunately, you’ll never believe it, but Deku doesn’t seem all that inclined to listen to this man telling him to bail and save his own skin sob
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ngl though I am living for the Enraged Vengeance Deku we’ve been seeing in these last couple chapters. maybe now everyone will stop dismissing him as just a soft boi who always eats his vegetables and doesn’t swear, and remember that in truth he’s actually a mildly unhinged feral child with an infinite pain tolerance and a god-given talent for never listening to any life-prolonging advice that adults give him ever
oop don’t tell me he’s gonna do the Decay thing again, shit
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-- uh
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“eh?” lmao what the fuck. my boy's torso just opened up like a fucking door hinge and all he can say is “eh.” this fucking manga
like he’s seriously just calmly standing there trying to assess what the heck has gone wrong
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you really don’t feel pain do you. “haha lol what why is my arm falling off I thought I fucking ascended”
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IT’S OCTOBER THIRD. looool the fuck
Tomura. my sweet little S+ ranked death machine with an A rank in knowledge. who’s spent the past 15-20 minutes battling to the death with the number one fucking hero and all his pals. who all just HAPPENED to be there all ready and waiting to fight him the instant he woke up. Tomura. buddy. did it really only just occur to you that maybe something went wrong somewhere along the line. that maybe things were not, in fact going according to keikaku. that maybe the heroes didn’t just sit around waiting for you to finish cooking in your villain bake oven. like please forgive my impudence but TOMURA ARE YOU STUPID, is what I’m saying, I guess. but gently
I really like how Deku’s just crying nonstop this entire time though. but like, you know. crying with RAGE
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lol and he’s figured it out as well, and I fucking love the connection his mind made, look at this
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sudden feelings of solidarity. “WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT, YOU AND I” lmao
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how does she still have two legs?? Horikoshi I can’t believe you forgot how many legs your own favorite character has. but anyways yes this has been your friendly reminder that Mirko saved EVERYONE and should have a battleship named after her
okay NOW he’s doing the thing
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good job Tomura you finally got them!! good thing none of them can fly, or Float. RIGHT, DEKU
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(ETA: he even grabbed Kacchan too. “I can fly by myself!” YOU SHUSH MISTER.)
(ETA 2: and what I also love about this is that we know the SIXQUIRKS are seemingly in tune with Deku’s emotions, so it honestly makes perfect sense that in the heat of the moment with Tomura threatening to kill all these people that he cares about, the quirk just basically acts on his instinct to save and doesn’t stop to ask questions. we’re saving everyone, no buts. and he even activates Float at long last, acting on that same instinct. honestly Kacchan had the exact right idea the whole time, all the way back in chapter 217. “it’ll activate when he’s in trouble, right?” exactly.)
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he’s so fucking mad. omg??! omg
okay so I’m gonna try my best to explain why I love this so much lol. all right. so the thing is, it’s actually so rare for Deku to actually take the reins like this. even though he’s the main character, even though he’s All Might’s heir, his personality is such that he genuinely doesn’t mind being in the backseat and is perfectly content to share the spotlight with others, or even relinquish it completely. BnHA has had... how many arcs so far? hold up let me check
-- okay I just checked and it’s 18. so, 18 arcs. and out of all those arcs, Deku has had a solo fight in approximately... five of them. and two of those fights were against Bakugou and Todoroki, respectively, so he was still sharing the spotlight even then. aside from that, he’s fought Muscular, Gentle, and Overhaul (oh, and Shinsou, I guess). that’s it! and it’s been almost 300 chapters! and again, he’s the main character. in a shounen manga. like seriously though, that is wild
and so seeing him here like this on the last page, ready to throw hands with Tomura, presumably while using Blackwhip as some sort of physical barrier to coat his attacks and prevent Tomura from trying any more Decay shenanigans with him? dude. I FELT THAT HYPE. it’s just a really effective way of keeping me from getting Main Character Fatigue like I might get in most other shounen series. because Deku doesn’t get the spotlight all that often in comparison, it still feels fresh to me, especially now with him actually going up against the Big Bad. just, idk what else to say except “hell yeah” lol
anyway, so I don’t even know how long it’s gonna last, and I expect that Kacchan and Shouto aren’t going to be content to just sit back and let Deku have all the glory either (Kacchan in particular is probably frothing at the mouth already), so in all likelihood it’s probably going to be more of a 3-on-1 than a 1-on-1. and it’s also very likely to end with Tomura gaining the upper hand and trying to take OFA! and so in truth this is a very fleeting moment of triumph, and the most premature of celebrations! but even so... damn. and also I just love seeing shounen kids lose their damn minds and explode with angry determination. and I especially love seeing it with Deku, because I love the reminder that beneath that sweet, unassuming nerdy exterior lies a core of fucking steel. that look in his eyes, though. TOMURA ARE YOU SCARED. you should be a little scared, lmao
anyway. so that’s the chapter! and I’m really glad we ended on this note, not just because Deku is a badass, but also because like I was saying earlier, this was about as bad a situation as the good guys have ever been in, and I felt like the manga was starting to lose that feeling of hope that still needs to be there at its core even when things are at their darkest. idk, I feel like we needed this. Tomura got a chance to catch his breath in the last chapter, and now it’s the heroes’ turn. whew
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class1akids · 7 months
Do you think the Todoroki Family or more specifically the Shouto/Dabi plot is done. I mean Dabi was still wishing for everyone to die, so he still has not acknowledge the change in the family or why they changed being Shouto. I still feel extremely underwhelmed by the ending that we had with the Todoroki family simply because of Dabi’s words prior to passing out. I mean I also feel underwhelmed because of the lack of love or remorse shown to Shouto. But I felt like asking since I just don’t know how I feel yet with the Todoroki family plot.
For the Todoroki family, I think it's mostly done. The ending - as difficult to process - is them finally talking as a family, Touya airing his negative feelings and the rest of the family listening to him. While until then, the only person who listened to him was Shouto (the person he didn't want).
But also asking this question and just never giving a follow-up would be pretty bad form:
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There are two specific story-beats that are missing in my opinion, and which I hope we will get back to before the epilogue:
Endeavor taking responsibility as father and telling Shouto that it's not his burden to bear anymore:
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I feel like it's difficult to deny that Shouto carried the family burden all the way through the PLF war and the final arc, while Endeavor once again got to play hero. So far, everything Endeavor did in the final arc was "as a hero", while Shouto was left with picking up the pieces. To me, neither Shouto's, nor Endeavor's arc will feel complete until Endeavor chooses to assume the role of the parent and free Shouto of having to be the pillar of the family, so he can fulfil his "become who you want to be" role.
2. As for Shouto and Touya, it is really strange that after everything Shouto has done (and seeing how Toga acknowledged Uraraka), Touya just fully ignored Shouto.
Now I don't really expect Touya to be all sweet like Toga was, but I do expect him to give some kind of catharsis / closure to Shouto - something that tells him that all he's done wasn't pointless.
Now how this plays out, I don't know - maybe it will be just a throwaway line in the epilogue. But personally, I hope that it will come back to Phosphor - because for them, everything is about quirk and ultimate moves. When Touya copied Phosphor, I said that it would make sense to me if after all the running around it would lead to Shouto getting a power-up out of it - the family's power culminating in some way inside him.
I also feel like that unlike Toga who did some kind of act of atonement on live TV, Touya so far didn't get to do anything like that. Nor did we have a Todoroki family combo move in the entire story. Endeavor had combo with Bakugou(!), but never with Shouto. So that's really weird to me, and another option I could see going forward.
There are other little bits and pieces - mainly how Shouto NEVER got a hug from anyone in his family (in a non-murderous way) or even just a word of thanks. Also, how Gunga finished on such a chopped up, depressing way for Hawks, Toga, the other kids, etc. which makes me think that we will get back to them eventually.
For Shouto himself, I also feel like there should be more, and there are little crumbs I'm holding onto, hoping that I'm reading it right.
But I've been wrong before (I was so convinced we had a build up for Shouto finding out the truth about OFA before everyone - well, I'm actually convinced it was a chopped storyline, but whatever), my confidence in Horikoshi's writing is at an all-time low, and I have developed trust issues, because ever since the Dabi reveal, Horikoshi noticably has been cutting Todoroki-family content short and I don't know if he ever had a clear vision on how he could land it beyond that point.
It feels like he doesn't want to make it grim-dark (Dabi die remorseless), but maybe he's also feeling like a change of heart like Toga's is not realistic for Dabi, so we also don't have a happy vision. So I don't exclude he will take a cop-out of some sort. It just hurts because he tied Shouto's arc to Dabi's, and it feels like Shouto can't get an uplifting victory unless he figure something out with Dabi (or if we get Endeavor step up as father and let Shouto go so he can be with his friends for the end).
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