#thanks fo the ask!!
🖊 🧡🤩
I don't remember names but favourite slice-of-life character for this :D<
:D I gotta admit my favourite is Judy-magpie, at present, though others are likely to become beloved at different points. So, for her!
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
She neither has nor wants any, at present. Might change, though.
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
She starts out by consistently prioritising herself, but with a lot more weight behind it if she can help others. As she grows up, matures and finds herself an excellent support network, though, this changes, and she ends up prioritising friends over anyone else.
🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions?
Oh, Judy's spontaneous alright xD she goes oh! time to uproot my life! yay!
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Bones cut Spinner in MVA and then Hori countered with making so much of future Spinner call back to that arc. They cut CRC mansion, he made Dabi have a couch monologue in the CRC mansion. They cut Hawks' recorder and Dabi being a tricky, sneaky player? Hope they bring it back when Toga demands answers from Hawks for killing Twice + she missed the last Touya reveal and this parallels it as a part 2, since she's here, hope she learns the truth about Dabi's manipulation since he did more. Strengthening her resolve to "twist the knife in Endeavor more" not because he's a kind big bro erasing her past trauma. In the same chapter AFO does the same thing as Dabi to Spinner, and both Spinner and Toga end up "resigned" to that, thinking "it's too late to back out now" right after Dabi complained to AFO that "if your so called friends turn on you, it'll be bad for us!" re: Aoyama, so he goes to secure his alliances. "You sure you're ready for what's coming?" "Even you can get caught up in emotion huh?" EVEN YOU, whomst else? Oh yeah, Hawks. "Looks like sentiment tripped you up!"
And the icing on the cake for people who think Dabi burning Toga's house had nothing to do with Endeavor, it didn't yeah. It had to do with making her use Twice's blood. Recently Dabi thought to himself that he wouldn't be able to bring Shouto to Endeavor as a present, so he decided to fly to Gunga himself before Kurogiri appeared. In comparing Dabi's Dance to the manga, I found out he uses the same word when talking about Hawks. "This is my present to you Endeavor!" when he talks about digging into Hawks' history, calling him out as a filthy spy. Endeavor is in no position to protect Hawks, and if Toga using Twice's blood kills him? Dabi knows Hawks cared about Twice, to have him be killed by Toga wearing his face, after he screws over Hawks for ruining Dabi's plans last time, all happening in front of Endeavor? Who treats him as an adopted son?" Well let's just say that in giving up Shouto, like AFO said, "you and I differ, because I have many side-plans, and friends to spare" Dabi got himself all buddy buddy with Toga, and got a "side plan" aka killing Hawks to be his "present to Endeavor" in place of the failure to kill Shouto. The first thing he said to Endeavor in the war was "come to see your pals get cremated?!" so I'm absolutely not surprised. That also offers good miserable Endeavor expressions for him to eat up.
I feel bad for Hawks. He made sure Toga didn't have Twice's blood lying around, not sure HOW. Did he just scoot over to her and ask "hey do you have any vials of the League's blood? oh why am I asking? haha no reason!" and ig the heroes might've cleaned up the body afterwards, or he had called back-up in case he had to kill Twice to clean up the body but the back-up never arrived. OR he was certain he could get Twice out of the mansion and restrained so Toga could never reach him for blood. Or he trusted that the heroes were strong enough to stop the League so they won't come find Twice during the battle. And they were, until Twice killed the guy capturing them. Regardless, the only one there was Dabi so his mind immediately jumped to him as the one responsible.
Dabi got the last laugh, he got to one-up Hawks as payback for Jeanist and "my dreams had a way better chance of coming true with Twice around!" and he was RIGHT. "I guess we didn't bully them hard enough." because the only reason people listened to Dabi, who btw the civilians said "this Dabi guy is annoying" was because of all the damage from the war, which became SO BAD because of the PLF escape and prison break. The prison break made things un-salvageable, which that army? Would've been what Twice's army of clones would've been doing. Dabi understands heroes and public opinion. He fucking meant it when he said Twice was useful despite villain stans saying he didn't really need Twice. And now he's got Twice back and it's all gone to hell. So I'm hoping Hori's promise to us about Ochako and Hawks being a shining light for readers comes in clutch. It'd be great if we can throw egg back in Dabi's face for all the manipulation. Oh, what's that? Like Aoyama it's bad if your allies switch sides? Well then I hope Toga enjoys her seat at Touya reveal part 2 with this 2nd father-son encounter since she missed it last time, with a bonus featuring of Hawks' own confessions.
All I'm getting from this is that Dabi is a bitch, specifically to Hawks.
I do hope that the recorder returns, even if I don't think it actually will as it seems to have been forgotten by Hori while the other parts that the anime didn't include weren't. I would think it would be interesting to see how Toga would react to Dabi not caring about Twice beyond his usefulness, unlike her who mourned and is still mourning his death (or well, she is... kinda? She seems more focused on her idea of love as well? It's confusing).
Now it just depends if Dabi can keep himself alive before that as he seems very intent on burning himself to his bones.
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ifindus · 2 months
🔥? Please and thanks!
🔥: my favourite rare pair
ofc it’s ScotNor 🥰 thank you!!
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izuizzy · 1 month
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please take your deranged son from my hands please, hes scaring the kids/lhj
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kafus · 7 months
QUESTION TIME! of all the pokemon you own in games, who would you consider to be your one partner pokemon?
i saw this ask while out of the house and i just got home and am finally able to answer it. i bring this up because i want you to know i saw it specifically while in the passenger seat next to my mom and i said out loud to her "oh god someone on tumblr asked me what my one true partner pokemon would be out of all the pokemon i own in the games HOW DO I PICK JUST ONE" and she laughed LMAO
anyway i've had ample time to think about it and i'm still a little bit undecided, i own a LOT of pokemon i'm attached to, BUT... i think it has to go to neverhappy. it's been a hot minute since i've posted about her so idk how many people know about her. she's a roserade so she can't be moved into SV and therefore i haven't brought her up that much lately, but
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you can read more about her in this ancient post i wrote (i would rewrite this now but oh well), it's one of my oldest original posts on this blog. but tldr; she's a rescue from a secondhand platinum cartridge i bought who was named this in the PC as a budew, obviously a joke about how they were never going to use her so she would never experience happiness-based evolution, and i took her and got every single possible ribbon on her from gen 4 and up and she's one of my most loved pokemon ever. i care very deeply about her, she represents a lot for me in real life too, and even though roserade isn't even one of my favorite pokemon on its own, neverhappy specifically is definitely one of my most cherished pokemon who i want to have with me for a very long time
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animatedjen · 7 months
Hi! So I am relatively new to the Jedi games but became so quickly and deeply obsessed, and seeing another user send you a headcanon has inspired me to share one too, because I have no one I can talk about this stuff with IRL, haha. I guess a warning that it's kinda nsfw (like, VERY mildly), so it's TOTALLY okay if you don't want to post this.
Ever since finishing the game I've been thinking so much about Merrin and Cal and how their relationship will change now that they've admitted and embraced the fact that they have feelings for each other. Part of me for a while was thinking maybe Cal had his "first time" with someone he met through the Rebellion in the five-ish years between Fallen Order and Survivor, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it would be more in character for him to uphold the part of the Jedi code that forbids romantic attachments. Like, he was just so focused on fighting the Empire that even when a slight interest in a person did arise within him, he convinced himself that it was not only against the code, but a distraction from the fight. So, he pushed all those feelings away.
This leads me to my headcanon that Cal's first time is with Merrin after the events of Survivor. While I don't have lots of specifics in mind as to when or how it comes about, I imagine that when it does happen, it is the softest, slowest, sweetest first time in the history of first times. I like the idea of Cal, this person who dives headfirst into everything and (as Cameron once said himself) "kind of likes to fight," just being incredibly thoughtful and deliberate and maybe even nervous about allowing himself to be that vulnerable with another person. Like, all these powerful emotions and powerful physical feelings would be overcoming him, and the sheer magnitude of it all would cause him to slow down and ask Merrin to lead the way, and he'll follow, so that he knows he's not hurting her or taking things too fast.
And Merrin, who is always ribbing him and teasing him and having silly banter about who's stronger, who's faster, etc., abandons all of that during their first time and is just purely kind, patient, attentive, and present with him, taking pleasure in taking the lead and cherishing the trust that he's put in her. And when it's over, I like to think they just lay together talking quietly for who knows how long, with Cal holding Merrin tight against him and Merrin tracing her fingers along his skin, maybe along his tattoo or his scars, while they tell each other stories and pretend like they'll never have to get up and leave this wondrous place <3
My offline Star Wars community is pretty small, so it's nice to have people on here to share ideas with :) So glad you enjoy the Jedi games!!
There's a lot of narrative weight to Cal and Merrin: the Nightsister massacre being led by a lightsaber (Grievous), the manipulation from Malicos, the Jedi views of attachment and dark magick. They're both survivors of a war that destroyed their families, and they take turns helping each other heal and grow.
Almost every main character in FO/Survivor is a foil to Cal in some way - but unlike all these fallen Jedi, Merrin looks to the future and finds new purpose while still honoring her past. I think that's something Cal really admires in her.
I love the trust and steadiness that they have together regardless of romantic attraction. Admittedly I haven't read Battle Scars and didn't go into Survivor wanting a relationship for Cal, so I may not be the best person to share intimacy headcanons with?? But I'm supportive of the story Respawn wants to tell, and recognize the weight/importance of their connection when it comes to Jedi 3. These tags on my recent post are kind of where I'm at:
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Also Star Wars is very much lacking in the "healthy relationship that LASTS and no one DIES" department so if these two can break the trend, that'd be great 🙌
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I want to see your [emperorxregent] I'm ashamed but I like this boat. 💝💌😳🤭
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anon you've come to the right blog
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toffeebrew · 3 months
Blinks @ you you know stuff on ZephyrTop? 🥺
I've only briefly read the FAQ on it so if you know anything extra 👀👉👈
Mweheheh do I know about zephyrtop? Why yes, I do *cackles*
Zephyrtop has a masterpost that you can access here, which talks about the lore for Undertop and Zephyrtale Gaster! Ink is mentioned as well, of course. (If you're on mobile, here is the link!!)
here's also their introductions post! where undertop and zephyrtale gaster meet for the first time :33
there's more under the cut, just the links take up a lot of space...
There's also of course the iconic post with ink and his dead af dad (sorry I use humor to cope) which people already know about but I thought it was worth mentioning again!
Also, there's this comic not sure of its canonicity but it's cute...so I'm linking it anyway. Just a fluffy comic between the two of them.
Also, on the @undertop account accompanying Coymet made during #ztweek, @/stylincheetah made some drabbles!! Again, I'm not sure if they're "canon," but it's a good read regardless!! Just in general, check out the tag #ztweek. All the art is very cute!! Here are the original prompts btw. These posts are:
There are also miscellaneous asks about the au, of which I haven't located all. I may link when I find more! But there is this one, which is quite funny: Ink being ink at the Zephyrtop wedding.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
toph having a lot of nightmares after getting kidnapped and being tortured a lot but hiding it from kanto
but then one night kanto finds toph crying and shaking uncontrollably after a nightmare and finds out it's because of the kidnapping
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
Okay but @twinkle-toph and I have this fleeting idea of an AU about her getting kidnapped and the whump is 0-0.
It would take quite the event for Toph to get taken, mostly because she's. You know. The Greatest Earthbender in the World. But, even the mightiest have flaws and aren't perfect, and I can see an instance or two where her guard might be off and her blindness on wood or in the air or in the water gets taken advantage of.
When she comes to her senses and spends days, maybe weeks, in a cell and trying to figure out her escape, her resolve starts to fade and the situation gets to her. I think she'd tough it out while imprisoned, but once she's free/escaped, all she can think about is her time there, the sounds she heard, the pain she felt, the fear she lived with.
She tries not to let it show how much it messed with her head, because she never wants to be seen as weak. Kanto notices that Toph is off, though. He's always noticed the little things about her, and ever since she returned, she's been slightly different. She hides it well and denies it anytime he brings it up, but Kanto knows Toph better than anyone. He tries to give her an appropriate amount of space, but when he sees her crying, he drops everything to comfort her.
The nights are toughest for Toph. It's when the world gets quiet and she's left alone with her thoughts and they're often unbearable. When she sleeps, it's because she's exhausted and can't keep her eyes open any longer. But she hates sleeping, because that's when the nightmares come. She barely remembers the nightmares, but they're always terrible and have her wake up in a cold sweat. There are a few nights early on when Toph wakes up alone, but then after Kanto, she wakes up and he's there to calm her down and bring her back to reality. His big, warm arms wrap around her and while at first his touch jarring, she feels so safe in his arms—
They don't really talk about what happened, but Kanto hypothesizes. He doesn't ask, he just waits for Toph to tell her story on her terms. It takes a while, but eventually, she reaches a point where she not only tells Kanto, but wants to tell him. She wants to be open and honest with him, and this is one of the first steps for her.
AH—The hurt/comfort is so so good—
Thanks for sending this ask over, Anon! Love the Kantophy questions of course, and feel free to send more! Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA or LOK! :D
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first-only · 4 months
Can I say something that might possibly be a 'hot take'?
I really don't like the rise of the whole 'He would not fucking say that' meme (and a lot of its variations). I know it's probably a joke (I'm too autistic to tell how serious people are with it lol.), and I can understand being annoyed when someone writes a character OOC, but OOC-ness is not really that big of a deal. Don't like, don't read, you know
I feel like it's also going to cause a lot of paranoia in fanwork creators, and I don't like that. And I should know, it's caused some paranoia in me (even though I've always been of the opinion that OOC-ness doesn't matter, in fact I celebrate it, just let people have fun. Despite all this, the meme still affects me and makes me worry)
I feel like the only time that OOC-ness can be a problem is when an indivisual/a fandom has a fanon that they like and they don't let anyone disagree with or write differently then that fanon. But I feel like that's not even an issue with OOC-ness, it's an issue with people (usually BNFs) being jerks and trying to get other people to conform to what they want
I don't know, maybe this whole thing is just a communal joke and I'm worrying over nothing. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun, have fun with your memes and all that, I just wanted to vent
(This ask is not directed at you FO, I know you're not the type to care about OOC-ness)
hard agreed actually, it's annoying as fuck
i honestly dont think it's that much of a joke to be honest, what with people making posts being all high par Make A Fucking OC and shit like??? who tf are u to tell me what to do lmao. if i want john winchester in a flower dress imma damn well make it, dont give a single fuck how Not Canon Compliant тм it is
thats the fucking point of fandom ya know? literally who cares. this whole thing reeks of the new-wave "it will never be canon so why ship it". like. its fandom material, none of it will be canon, the point is to have fun.
that and that one gross post "theres too much fluff of X" bitch?? i like fluff about X. you dont get to say what everyone creates, you dont have to like all of it. just pick the stuff you like, it isnt difficult.
AND those posts that keep popping up in "proshipper" spaces that go 'i know it's just fiction but guys. content about X chara being Y is /actually/ really bad;///'... it's like people completely forget their fundamental ideology about fiction when their own specific identity happens to be the thing that's bothering them this time. so is content that makes people uncomfortable 'allowed' or not? make up your mind, no doublebacksies. and who tf are you to not allow it in the first place but i guess there's enough people who for some reason get anxious over randos' opinions on the internet to feel bad about it so...
anyway, yeah. personal tastes do not dictate people's politics. this relates to yet another popular discourse lately:)
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okaratauri · 1 month
Mira shenanigans
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crownofbegonias · 2 years
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high school terumob enjoying the cold weather ❄️☃️
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canongf · 5 months
Congratulations on the car!!!! I have this belief that a car melds to a person’s personality, kinda like how often pets look/act like their owners. And I can’t wait to see how you’re reflected in your car (she already has your vibes) —Nic
thank you, thank you, thank you @me-myself-and-my-fos!!!!!
"she already has your vibes" makes me so happy because!!! she feels like me!!! the first time i got in i was like. oh! yeah! this is right!!! she's got her own little personality and her own little quirks and i love that, i can't wait to see how i'm reflected in her either!!! i'm so excited that she's mine and i'm so excited to make her mine!!! i've already ordered a sticker for the back windshield :)
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This as of yet unnamed digimon just revealed in the most recent digimon tcg related presentation ( is going to be a main character in a manga)
from @the-baron-of-burgle
Design; 10/10 - AU G H
Mouse in shoe but the mouse is sown and the mouse is sowing and shoe is also alive??? Dude I fucking love this guy! Shape language and stuff! I've always loved Digimon's art style in general :]]
Purpose; 8/10 - since it's gonna be in the Manga I'm guessing everything will go ok! My only experience with Digimon was Digimon world dusk when i was like 9 (i got stuck in sewer maze and cried) so I don't have a full idea of the series. Uhh yeah I hope it turns out to be a banger character in the Manga though!! Looking forward to the various war crimes this guy'll commit :DD
OVERALL; 9/10 - if you give a mouse a needle, it'll kill a man
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First flight of the Airbus A380, biggest passenger plane (2005)
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Thing Ford Missed #90: First flight of the Airbus A380
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clonehub · 1 year
was talking in a discord server about this but imagine if a) one of the many star wars revolutionaries was actually revolutionary and said "maybe we don't need a giant centralized government to unite as many planets as possible in the galaxy" and the galaxy turned toward a decentralized or planetary-system based system of government to manage things like space lines and the like. otherwise there'd be no Supreme Chancellor or Senate, really.
this isn't without its own risks. multiple united planetary systems can easily lead to an allegiance/arms race of people allying and panicking when others ally and panic. one planetary system/allegiance could be facing an internal conflict that others may either ignore or try to exploit. these systems won't be obligated to care if something is happening in another system (not that senators in the republic really cared about other senators' planets, but you know).
but considering the role the jedi played in the republic, imagine if the jedi Order had multiple representative temples around the galaxy. imagine the internal conflicts in the Jedi Order if two or more systems had competing interests, but the Representative Jedi were still obligated to help their own systems.
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