#which is why i rely on to do lists with every hr planned or else ill die fr
clambuoyance · 8 months
this may be silly but i really really miss the feeling of being able to draw whatever i wanted without any stress at all T^T i spend hours thinking about what i want to draw and then i get stressed because it shouldn't be my focus and then i end up doing neither what i should be doing (school, work, being a functional member of civilization) or want to be doing (hunched over my drawing tablet scribbling my faves) and it sucks so bad </3
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thedevillord-writes · 5 years
Pandora - Memories
"I believe that without memories there is no life, and that our memories should be of happy times"
-Lee Radziwill
For the last few days, she had not returned home.
Ever since she handed in her resignation letter, Eisuke had been waiting outside her apartment but she never came home. Each night, he would hold his phone in his hand with her number already dialed but he could never bring himself to press the call button. There were many moments in the last eight years when Haruka definitely had enough of his shenanigans and the insults of jealous women, but never once in any of those moments did she ever consider resigning. Instead, she puffed out her chest and became more determined to prove herself. How helpless must she be for her to finally hand in that letter?
Without Haruka by his side, Eisuke was really feeling the distance between them. They lived in parallel worlds; if Haruka never applied for the job, they would never meet. He could not imagine what life would have been without her. Would he have went forward with his plans for the Tres Spades? Probably, but it would not be the same hotel as it was today. It would have been a lot harder for him to push through all his proposals without Haruka staying up late at night doing all the researching and paperwork. He would never become the man he was today without her.
But was it the same for her? Would she have lived a better life without him?
"Hand in the letter to HR."
"Are you sure, Mr. Ichinomiya?"
"Do as I say, Yumi."
The Ichinomiya Group building was in the heart of Tokyo, standing tall where residents of the city could see the sign anywhere and everywhere around the city. Haruka used to think it was the most formidable building, a skyscraper only losing out to the Tokyo Tower. Never in a million years did she think she would ever get the chance to step into the building, let alone work there.
For the first three years of her career as a secretary, this was where she spent her days and many nights. Rushing in through the main entrance, frantically searching for her employee's ID that was always somehow at the bottom of her purse, and always missing the elevator by a second. That was her life for three years. And although it was tough, a girl fresh out of high school with no experience, but she missed it. It was a simpler time back then. She missed that simpleness, where the only worries she had were making the right cup of coffee for Eisuke and typing up documents without errors.
Which was why she found herself standing outside the building after office hours.
It had been five years since she last stepped foot in the building. Eisuke moved his office to the hotel as soon as renovations were completed, and Haruka would meet with Akira outside, usually at a restaurant. For some reason, her evening walk after an early dinner brought her here: the place where it all began. She walked into the building, longing for that feeling of simpleness when she was stopped by the security guard.
"I'm sorry, miss, I'm afraid it's after ho- Miss Matsuoka?"
"Oh wow...I haven't seen you in years. You still look the same though, still as beautiful. Are you here to see Mr. Ichinomiya? Ichinomiya Akira, I mean. You work for the other Mr. Ichinomiya. Would be weird if you're here to see him."
Nori started as a security guard for Ichinomiya Group the same day Haruka started as Eisuke's secretary. They never were never close, not friends even, though Haruka would consider him as an acquaintance. Eisuke did not like the man; he was good at his job but he was too chatty for her boss. Every morning, he would greet Eisuke with a non-stop list of questions. Did you have a good sleep, sir? Have you eaten breakfast, sir? Busy day ahead of you, sir? Haruka, on the other hand, thought it was rather heartwarming to be greeted so cheerfully every morning. Five years went by and he did not change a bit. It was a good thing, however, as she was hit with that nostalgic feeling.
Although happy to see a familiar face, Haruka did not stay to chat. She was let through the security gates and she got onto an elevator, pressing for a floor. Despite Contrary to what Nori thought, she was not here to see Akira. Instead, she headed up to the tenth floor where Eisuke's office used to be.
The office itself did not change, but the layout did. As she navigated through the room, she could see Eisuke's old room in the far corner. The nameplate on the door belonged to someone else now but she could still remember the one bearing his name on it. Eisuke hated seeing that nameplate, and several times he tried to throw it out. It was a constant reminder that he carried the Ichinomiya name, and the source of the rumours floating around suggesting that he did not earn the position but rather, given it because he was Akira's son.
Sitting at the desk outside the room, Haruka could not help the smile on her face. She could still feel the excitement and nervousness of her first day. She bought a small potted plant, wanting to experience that cliché though she killed the plant within two weeks from over watering. She could remember cutting off Eisuke's calls because she was still figuring out which buttons to press. There were times where Eisuke resorted to throwing items at the small section of glass between the door and wall to get her attention instead. This was someone else's desk now, decorated with photo frames of presumably their loved ones and plants that were thriving. Where there used to be a monitor and CPU, it was replaced with a laptop.
"Everything's changed, huh?" Akira's sudden voice startled her and Haruka got onto her feet though the man beckoned for her to sit. He pulled a chair from a nearby desk and sat down next to her. "The guard told me you were here."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."
"You're an employee, you're always welcomed here."
"Akira-sama, I'm-"
"I know. HR told me."
In a company as big as the Ichinomiya Group, there was no such thing as a secret. If someone was up for a promotion, the entire company would know by lunch. If someone was getting fired, by morning coffee. And despite not working in the building, employees still kept taps on others. It was only a matter of time before Akira found out about her resignation.
"So why are you here?" Akira asked. "It's definitely not because you wanted to see me."
"I guess I missed this place. Did you know Mr. Ichinomiya was the one who taught me English?"
"I thought he sent you for lessons?"
"He wanted to, but the teachers were not qualified enough. And it was too inefficient to send me to England so he took it upon himself to teach me. Every night after dinner, we would sit here and have our lesson. He'd flick my forehead every time I got the pronunciation, the grammar, or the spelling wrong."
Haruka always thought her English was good. Not good enough to speak fluently as if she was a native English speaker, but good enough to understand basic conversations and read books with a dictionary at hand. Eisuke proved her to be wrong. He would return document after document with red circles over every single spelling and grammar mistake. He would take over phone calls in two seconds if she even hesitated for a split second. She felt especially humiliated when she was instructed not to speak at events.
But those English lessons with Eisuke were one of the memories that she became fond of.
"Everything's changed since then."
"You know, when I took Eisuke in, he changed a lot. Even at that young age." Akira leaned back on the chair, holding his hands together as he looked to Haruka. "He was, believe it or a not, a very cheerful and bright child. Full of energy. But I suppose when tragedy hits, anyone would undergo a personality change. He became reclusive and it worsened over time. He can socialise perfectly well, but only if the situation calls for it. If it were up to him, I'm sure Eisuke would have preferred to be by himself. Then you came along.
"I know the kind of pressure he had to go through, carrying my name. No one in the company thought he belonged, no matter how hard he worked to earn his position. And I'm not being biased because he's my son, but Eisuke works harder than anyone else. He hated coming into the office so he would come in as little as possible. I think he was looking for a new office elsewhere if I remember correctly. But I think about a month into employing you, he was suddenly coming in every day. He'd always used to say, 'I have to go in, or she's going to mess up my proposal'.
"You were the only thing he talked about. Those English lessons? I've seen him staying up late in his room drawing up lesson plans. This is why I like you so much, Haruka. Not because you're hardworking and possibly the best secretary around, that's just a bonus. No, I like you because changed Eisuke for the better. You brought him out of that dark place. I think he fell in love with you back then but he just didn't know it. I'm guessing that he's starting to realise now, as you are."
This was all new to Haruka.
She could tell that Eisuke had changed over the eight years, but she always assumed it was because she became capable enough for him not to worry about her. She became someone he could rely on and therefore, he did not need to be constantly on her back. Never in a million years would she think that she was the one who pulled him out of a bad place.
"It's not my place to tell you what to do but I know you're only resigning because you think you're not good enough to be with Eisuke and it's finally taking a toll on you. My advice to you is, love is between the two people sharing that same feeling. Don't let anyone else affect your decision. If I don't mind, and if Eisuke doesn't mind, what's stopping you?"
With a gentle pat on her shoulder, Akira stood up and pushed the chair back where he took it, leaving Haruka alone in the office. Akira was right; if he did not mind, and if Eisuke did not mind, why was she so hesitant? Love between two people should only involve those two people and nobody else. After sitting in the dark for twenty minutes, she still could not make up her mind despite Akira's advice. There were too many other variables stopping her from taking that step forward, variables that could not be explained away nor simply stored away and ignored. She left the building, walking without a destination in mind.
What would her mother think of all this?
The one thought that kept coming back to Haruka was her mother. Of all people, her mother would never have approved this relationship. Getting involved with your boss was a problem in itself, not to mention the pain of dating outside your social circle. She saw first hand, growing up, how a relationship between two people from two different worlds was bound for failure. And when it did, it only hurt her mother: the one with no power, and everything to lose.
Absentmindedly, she turned down another street and stopped when a door on the right opened, blocking her route. As she looked up, she was met with eyes that she knew too well. It had only been a few days but it felt as if they had not seen each other for decades. There was a strong urge in her to run up to him and be held in his arms though she stopped herself. Her letter was handed into HR, she no longer had ties to him.
Returning to the hotel was another reminder that Haruka was no longer in his life, which was why Eisuke stayed away for the day. Eight years ago, when Haruka first started as his secretary, there were many times when he regretted his decision and looked for an opportunity to fire her. It would have been hard for Eisuke then to believe there would come a day when it was painful for him to hand in a resignation letter for an employee, yet here he was.
With nowhere else to go, Eisuke found himself parked right outside a café. It was a place he frequented, though anyone who knew him at all would never have thought in a million years that he would come to a place like this. The adorably themed café that primarily targeted teenagers and young women was certainly not a place where Eisuke would choose to have a thought-clearing coffee either, though he had his reasons for coming so often. He got out of his car and headed for the door although he seemed to be in someone's way as he opened the door.
The last person he imagined seeing here was also the one person he expected to run into eventually here. After all, Haruka was the reason why he came to this café in the first place.
Neither of them spoke a word to each other but they went into the café together after one knowing look. They stood in line together though anyone could tell that there was an awkward cloud hanging over them. Haruka always knew when to speak and when to keep quiet, and Eisuke loved that about her. She could read his mind as if she was his mind. He hated the silence now, however.
"One Earl Grey, and one coffee. Could I please have the milk separately?" After ordering, they went to find an empty table and sat together in the same awkward silence as before. A few moments later, the waitress came with their order and two extra slices of cakes. "Sorry, we didn't order these."
"They are complimentary."
"Oh um...thank you."
Out of habit, Haruka picked up the fork and picked the strawberries off one cake, transferring them to the other and pushed it toward Eisuke. She was pleasantly surprised when she found out that he had a sweet tooth. It did not quite match his image, nor did Eisuke like to flaunt that fact. He would always eye the strawberries on her cake, which was why she always gave them to him.
"Why don't you like strawberries?" Eisuke asked.
"The strawberries. You never eat them, you always give them to me."
"I like strawberries," Haruka said. "But you like them too. And you always look at me like I've stolen your entire inheritance, so I give them to you."
Her answer was both expected and unexpected. There was so little that Eisuke really know about but on the other hand, Haruka knew almost everything about him. The fact that he liked strawberries was not broadcast to the public, he did not feel like it was necessary information for anyone. He was not sure if even Soryu knew. But Haruka did. As she did with everything else about him. She ordered the coffee with the milk separately because only she knew how to make coffee that he liked. She would pick the peas off one by one whenever the kitchen messed up his order.
"Do you remember this place?" Haruka asked, taking a bite of the cake.
"You asked to come here as a reward when the papers for Tres Spades were approved."
"You remember?"
"How could I not? A normal person would have asked for a raise. Or even a present. But you asked to have a slice of cake at this new café that you saw on the way to work. And it's the most ridiculous place I've ever been to."
When the papers were approved, the first person Eisuke thought of was Haruka. She stayed up late with him, night after night, writing the perfect proposal. He wanted to reward her but did not want to buy something she might not like so he thought to ask her. That was how they ended up at the café. Since then, Eisuke would come here whenever he ran into some difficult situations, or had some thoughts that he could not think through. It was an odd place, and he definitely stuck out, but it always cleared his mind.
"I've never seen you drink coffee either."
"I'm allergic."
"Allergic to coffee?"
"The smell gives me a headache. And I get rashes if I drink it. I got hospitalised once but at least I know what mocha tastes like."
It was interesting, learning about Haruka. It never occurred to Eisuke before to just sit down, have a drink, and talk. In the short period of time from her going on break to her resigning, Eisuke learnt more about her than he did over the eight years they worked together. It was a slap in the face really, for him. He fell in love with her, not knowing a single thing about her and expected her to accept him.
Pushing his cake toward Haruka, Eisuke got up and picked up his suit jacket. It was a short conversation but it made Eisuke realise a lot. "Go home," he said. "And I mean go home, not back to wherever that Yosuke lives. You don't have to worry about me showing up there. Just...live the life you want."
A little shocked at Eisuke's statement, Haruka could only watch him leave. He did not touch the cake, leaving the strawberries behind. It was a small gesture but he was always full of those. When he found out she did not like hospitals, he invited the doctor to the hotel to do her annual check-ups. When she told him she hated peppers because of the taste, he made sure that every meal served to her did not have any peppers. Small gestures, but ones that she really appreciated.
"I'm so jealous, your boyfriend is amazing," the waitress smiled as she passed by the table.
"Excuse me?"
"He's our regular. Not like he comes everyday, but every so often. He always orders coffee with a slice of cake, and he always makes a face after drinking the coffee like it's the most disgusting thing," she continued. "But he never eats the cake. He orders it but never wants it. He told us to just keep track of the cakes he bought and showed us a picture of you. He said, if you ever show up, we should give you a slice of cake but not to let you know that it's from him."
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
Lose Belly Fat Fast: 3 Keys and a Killer Workout
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To much of individuals, a sexy, toned stomach resembles the Holy Grail of fitness, but like the Holy Grail, it can additionally be frustratingly evasive. A lot of the moment it's not for want of attempting, but rather due to the fact that you're putting the majority of (or also every one of) your initiative in the wrong area. Let's put it in this manner: 1000 grinds a day alone is NOT going to obtain you there - I'll explain why in a moment. As well as don't worry if you've been doing this, due to the fact that bunches of people drop afoul of this widespread fitness myth, so when you hear it you'll see precisely what you've been doing incorrect and also extra notably, what to do regarding it.
It's Your Health Too
What's even more it's not just about vanity either. Sure all of us want to look great and also the majority of us agree that a limited, toned belly is sexy, but there's even more to it. According to Harvard Female's Health Watch stubborn belly fat is even worse than hip and also thigh fat in terms of health risks.
The Bad News
If you have an interest in the science: the gist of it is that tummy fat often tends to be natural fat, i.e. below the abdominal wall surfaces as well as bordering the inner body organs. This type of fat is even worse for you than the surface-level (subcutaneous, i.e. just listed below the skin) fat since it produces even more of retinol-binding healthy protein 4 (RBP4) which increases insulin resistance (which can cause diabetes mellitus as well as a host of various other illness). The more visceral fat you have the more RBP4 is secreted into your bloodstream. Not good.
The other issue is that as we age the percentage of fat to bodyweight tends to enhance, as well as fat starts to favour being saved in the upper body over the hips and also upper legs. Which suggests that also if you do not put on weight, you waistline can grow by inches as the visceral fat pushes out versus your stomach wall. As well as sorry to be the holder of poor information, yet ladies, we're more at risk to this than males. Harvard! Why did you need to obtain all science-y on us ?!
The Great News
As with everything in life however, there's always a silver-lining (you really did not assume I would certainly simply leave you there did ya?). The terrific news is that natural fat responds really, truly well to exercise and diet regimen. Better, in reality, than fat on the hips as well as upper legs. Which means that you can get the level, sexy tummy you have actually constantly wanted, if you agree to place in the initiative and do what jobs. Which leads us nicely to ... what does not work!
Belly Fat Myths
Crunches = Sexy stomach
Remember how I said 1000 grinds a day alone will not provide you a toned stubborn belly? It's not that problems aren't a great exercise (although there are much better exercises, see the workout listed below) yet the primary reason is: you can not identify minimize fat! What this means is that you can't target a certain location of your body to selectively lose fat. So it matters not the amount of problems, sit-ups or ab-blaster device representatives you do, it won't give you a flat stomach unless you do several of the various other things I'm going to tell you regarding in a moment. Not just that, however there are far better abdominal exercises than crunches which you might be doing.
It's all about exercise
I wish this held true. Would not it be excellent to exercise as well as eat cupcakes, pizza, ice-cream and also everything else you desired ... as well as still have the ability to walk with a six-pack? I have actually tried this, and I can tell you for a truth: it doesn't function. This does not mean you need to consume a flawlessly clean diet plan - where's the enjoyable because - yet you do need to eat tidy the majority of the moment. I've found that you can actually enjoy consuming a tidy diet plan due to the fact that you retrain your body to delight in food which is actually healthy and balanced. I recognize it appears insane, yet it's true!
Just do cardio
Yes, aerobics are great for fat loss, however they're not the be-all and end-all. Make certain you incorporate several of these ideas if you wish to boost weight loss when you do cardio.
So now that I have actually covered a few of the fitness misconceptions you may have had, you might be questioning what you should be doing instead. Well stay, due to the fact that I'm concerning to inform you ...
How To Get A Sexy Stomach Fast
Now I recognize this write-up isn't labelled 'Shed Belly Fat Actually Freakin' Slowly' however there is a healthy rate most individuals must lose weight: 1 - 2 pounds each week. Yes, this isn't as fast as some people would such as, but it's the healthy and balanced alternative, plus you're less likely to shed muscular tissue in addition to the fat - which would be a negative thing, because muscle mass assists you melt fat. To put it simply, it's not going to take 3 days, it can take weeks or more probable, months.
And if you want visible abdominal muscles, that's a whole 'nother pot of fish. Initially, there are the biological factors, particularly: your genes and sex. Females need to have greater body fat percentages than guys to be healthy, this often indicates they can not have noticeable abdominals revealing as well as additionally go to a healthy and balanced, lasting body-fat. Even so, because of genetics, some ladies do have visible abs at healthy and balanced body-fat percentages. You need to do the finest you can with the genetics you have, not utilize them as a justification. Same thing goes for individuals, yet they can get away with lower healthy body-fat percents, thus the six-pack.
The other concern with getting noticeable abdominal muscles is it needs you to follow a clean diet plan a great deal more purely (once more, relying on your genetics). So you can decide if it's worth that extra commitment or otherwise (and as long as you can keep a healthy body fat).
The excellent news is despite your sex or genetics you can still get an attractive, toned tummy ... get much healthier as well as look wonderful nude. So allow's chat concerning just how to do that!
Tips To Lose Tummy Fat and Obtain An Attractive Stomach
There are actually just 3 tricks to obtaining a level tummy: exercise, a tidy and healthy and balanced diet and getting enough sleep. These are the 3 huge ones, they form the foundation of losing belly fat and getting a sexy belly. At the exact same time there are a great deal of points you can do to compliment these and improve your fat loss, which I'll consist of in a moment.
First, let's go right into a little bit more information on these 3 tricks:
You should intend to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workout most days. If you increase the duration as well as intensity of the workout you'll shed much more fat, quicker.
Combine cardio with stamina training
Most people turn to aerobic workout for fat loss, yet you will certainly increase your weight loss significantly by combining cardio workout with toughness training. This is since toughness training constructs muscular tissue and also muscular tissue burns fat (i.e. raises your metabolic price). Muscular tissue also takes up less area than fat, so although you may not drop weight ... you will lose fat as well as obtain a smaller sized waist and also even more toned belly - which is exactly why you should not make use of the ranges to judge your weight loss! Not only that, it's inadequate to just concentrate on abdominal workouts, you also intend to do whole-body training specifically making use of substance workouts like squats, deadlifts and also shoulder presses.
Eat clean and healthy
' Abdominals are made in the cooking area. 30% exercise, 70% diet. You can not out-exercise a poor diet.' You have actually probably heard those before, and they merely show just how essential a clean, healthy diet regimen is to shedding stomach fat. The important point is to devote to it as well as follow it constantly, to the very best of your capability. It's not concerning perfection, it has to do with sticking to it as best you can as well as obtaining back on when you occasionally drop off. You could create an entire publication on tidy eating (and also that's been done) but I'll offer you the standard rules below, daily:
Eat lean healthy protein, complicated carbs and also healthy and balanced fats.
Eat lots of veggies, specifically cruciferous and also dark green leafy vegetables.
Eat some fruits.
Drink water (9 mugs for ladies, 13 for males). That's complete water quantity, i.e. counting various other beverages.
For losing stubborn belly fat, there is proof that you gain much less visceral fat the a lot more calcium you take in. Yogurt, cheese, sardines, kale are all great resources of calcium.
Avoid all processed and improved foods. This suggests sugar, white flour, candies, baked goods etc.
Avoid sodas as well as juices. Don't drink your calories, obtain your calories from food.
Avoid junk food.
Especially for losing stubborn belly fat, stay clear of foods which appear to urge it: hydrogenated vegetable oils as well as fructose-sweetened foods and also beverages.
No alcohol.
Looking at the checklist above, you might be a bit daunted, but remember it's more vital to take little incremental steps which you can keep, than trying to do everything at the same time and lasting a month. I'm talking from experience below: add a little bit each time, possibly a couple of items weekly, get an excellent feeling for it and after that relocate onto the next products in the checklist. If I needed to pick two to begin with, I 'd pick to up my veggie consumption substantially and also reduce way down on sodas and juices. Pick what help you and don't hesitate to experiment.
Get enough sleep
But not too much. A five-year research showed that grownups that got less than 5 hrs sleep an evening gathered dramatically more visceral fat ... yet those that rested greater than 8 hrs a night also obtained even more visceral fat. 6 - 8 hrs seems like an excellent array. Interestingly, this wasn't the case for individuals over 40 - that stated growing older didn't have benefits!
Boost fat loss with these tips
Try out some of the 101 weight loss pointers to boost your weight loss. Bear in mind, the 3 above are the core structure of what you require to do, but by including some of these ideas they can include up to a collective impact of higher fat loss.
The Workout
Phew! Okay, now that we've laid the foundation for obtaining the limited, toned, attractive stomach you desire, allow's jump on to the exercising component. So we have actually assembled an ab-licious workout which focuses not just on the front component of your stomach (rectus abdominis), yet also on the sides (obliques) as well as a lot more notably the deep internal stomach muscles (transverse abdominis). When the majority of people think regarding abdominal muscles, they think of the usually looked for after six-pack or eight-pack in the front, as well as by the way, obtaining an eight-pack is purely to genetics, there is no workout or amount of exercise which can offer you an eight-pack if you don't have that stomach separation genetically speaking.
Sometimes individuals consist of the obliques (typically viewed as the groves to either side of the rectus abdominis, e.g. right here as well as right here) yet very couple of individuals consist of the transverse abdominis (TVA), which are the deep internal stomach muscles. Currently the incredible point concerning the TVA muscular tissues is that they function as an all-natural bodice for your body, cinching in you core - in other words, strengthening these muscles can give you a smaller sized midsection. Not just that, however your TVA muscular tissues become part of the foundational core you use in almost every compound exercise, so obtaining more powerful right here is definitely a great thing!
Now, every stomach workout you do jobs every one of your stomach muscles, yet there's one exercise I enjoy which especially targets your TVA muscle mass: the abdominal vacuum cleaner (you can see exactly how it's carried out in the video below). This is an amazing workout for strengthening your inner core and the wonderful point is you can do them anywhere. You can do the ab vacuum alone, but also for ideal efficiency it's finest to combine them with a kegel which leads right into the abdominal vacuum cleaner, so by doing this you strengthen both your pelvic floor muscle mass along with the TVA muscular tissues. Boom! Better sex and a flatter tummy - you win!
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Your turn: What are your preferred abdominal exercises? Have you attempted the stomach vacuum cleaner yet? Was this workout challenging sufficient for you? Let us know!
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muslimsonic · 6 years
ADHD: Executive Dysfunction
Alright, so I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about how people struggle with understanding what ADHD is, how it operates, and how it differs from the experiences of the middle 50% [25%-75%] considered the average. And I didn’t research ADHD for 9 hours straight not to dump all of this here.
Note: I have ADHD, I’ve researched this, but I am not a medical professional blah blah blah ok now onto the fun interesting stuff!!!! 
I put this under a cut bc its,,,, longish.
What is executive functioning?
Executive functioning is what carries you from day to day tasks. It’s like the constantly active personal assistant in the back of your head. Let’s call them Effie. Effie constantly makes lists and breaks down tasks for you! I don’t mean large projects, I mean the simple stuff!
Like doing your laundry.
If you have ADHD, or anything with executive dysfunction as an issue, then you probably already know that the simple stuff hardly ever feels simple.
Doing your laundry requires many motions, most of which you omit in listing what you must do to complete this task.
Someone with executive functions in working order, probably
1. Take the laundry basket/bin/thing to the washing machine
2. Put the laundry in the washing machine
3. Put the detergent in the machine
4. Turn on the machine
5. When it is ready, put the clothes in the dryer
6. Collect the clothes when finished
7. Take them back to your room
8. Fold and put away
Tada! All done. There are quite a few steps omitted that you would consider givens. However, try and apply this precise list to someone with executive dysfunction, and you will most likely not have the same success, because of the number of places where steps conflict, being thrown out in favor of what is done immediately. Here’s a small idea of how many cracks are in this plan, even at step one:
1. Take the laundry basket/bin/thing to the washing machine
When?> I’ll do it after I finish what I’m doing > Oh no I just remembered something else > What did I forget to do? > Oh no now I have no clothes for work/school/whatever > MISSION FAILED
When?> Someone else is using the washing machine now, i’ll do it later > What did I forget to do? > Oh no now I have no clothes :( > MISSION FAILED
Why? > I have enough clothes right now, I’ll be fine > Oh no I ran out of clean socks + underwear > MISSION FAILED
What?> There’s no detergent so I can’t do this  > (at the grocery store) I think i have everything! > Oh no i forgot detergent > I have no clean clothes :( > MISSION FAILED
When?> I have too much free time so I’ll do it after I take care of this other thing that’s equally important > Oh no I forgot to do my laundry I don’t have anything to wear > MISSION FAILED
In what order? > There’s too much to do and they are all registered in my head as permanently equal priority so I have to do them all at the same time, but I can’t do them all at the same time, so I physically am unable to proceed until this loop/error is resolved.
What extra steps are involved?> Huh i know i have to take my laundry to the washing machine, but there’s also stuff in the washing machine area/on the way there that needs to be moved in order to do it, but I haven’t thought of that, instead seeing metaphorically an indistinct looming mass of extra equal priority work around taking my laundry to the washing machine > I don’t do it > MISSION FAILED
And that’s only a few of the cracks in step one.
See the problem?
Let’s take a closer look at how deep it goes. Do you know how much you rely on executive functioning in your day to day life? Yes? No? How did you get out of bed this morning? How did you open your eyes? Everything you do, even running away from something chasing you, is dependent on executive functioning. Memory. Recall. Starting anything, and I mean anything. Breaking down what needs to be done. You’re so used to it, you see a lot of the steps as givens not needed to be stated. When do you do this? What priority level is this? Every success you’ve had in your life, you would not have had without your executive functioning.
It’s the messenger, sending signals from the hub, recall this, you have to do this, this task is more important than this, this is what you’re going to do. It translates thought into action, idea into concept into reality. It’s the Director, streamlining things, going into crisis management when you make a major mistake or fail to do something, or have something due, or or or. Granted, executive functions aren’t the be all end all of human success, but they are to you as a foundation is to a building.
Scary to think what would happen if it just
You could think all you want, of course. You need to do this. You want to do that. You scream and rail and fight against a prison of your own unresponsive limbs.
There’s nothing physically wrong with your limbs. They are in perfect working order. Or at least as working as they had been before. There’s no reason for you to feel like this. You feel like your brain is setting itself on fire in its attempts to send it messages to get a response any kind of fucking response. You feel hopeless. You gain no mental traction. You gain nothing but your own hatred and frustration and gain the same of others too.
Because they think you’re faking it. That you just don’t want to do it hard enough. That you just need to apply yourself.
The thing is, you’ve been trying. Your mind is a car in a swamp, uselessly running its wheels to no avail, sinking deeper and deeper into the muck. You are straining as hard as you possibly can. There’s no more gas in the tank. You have nothing left to give.
And you have nothing to show for it.
In this hell, you’ve accomplished nothing. You’ve succeeded at nothing. Nothing you do, nothing you say, and nothing you want can ever happen in this moment.
You almost feel like dying. But you can’t. You can’t, not because of will to live, not because of hope, and not because of love, but because you cannot get your limbs to remember what motion is, your brain to remember the past, and your heart to remember restraint. Frustration, anger, hatred, all of the ugliest emotions the soul has to offer spill over. You feel like you can never be happy again. That you’ve never felt happy before. That this awful feeling crawling into the crevices of your lungs and trachea and curling its way around your stomach and spleen is what you will feel like for the rest of your life.
And then you forget. You forget everything that got you to that point. the wave recedes. you feel nothing. you remember only blurs of what occurred at best. only to experience the same fucking thing again, and again, and again and its always as raw and drowning as the first time you felt it, you never grow used to it, and it will never stop, it will never cease, and no one believes you when you say you are trying. You are a soul inside a vessel that doesn’t want to be yours.
anyways! while this may seem like an extreme, the last few paragraphs are a pretty solid descriptor of how living with executive dysfunction feels like! this is also a solid reason why people with ADHD are more likely to have anxiety and depression! the same thing is characteristic of people with disorders that have executive dysfunction as a symptom!
so TL;DR: Executive Dysfunction is not the same as laziness; it is a fundamental difference in the brain structure and wiring or a deficiency in neurotransmitter production.
speaking of that, moving onto the physiological side of executive dysfunction! Yes! There’s actually a physiological side to ADHD! Pretty sure that’s a characteristic of all brain disorders illnesses and the like but people still say its fake! :D
ok i’m getting tired so heres the rundown:
lower catecholamine levels: catecholamine is a class of neurotransmitter that includes fun stuff like
Dopamine: the motivation sauce
Seratonin: Happy Happy Happy
Adrenaline: you put this in epipens. fight or flight
Noradrenaline: also fight or flight. includes attention as well. at higher levels, anxiety. Thanks, God.
Its bad. bc the body’s natural reward system (dopamine) isn’t at normal levels, the nice little feel good kick after you make your bed or brush your teeth?? nope!!!!!!! Thus there is little internal motivation to do anything. WOW!!! How did adhd get passed down in the gene pool???? is it recessive?? bc im rly at a loss. idk someone with a medical degree in brain science dm me abt it. I rly need to understand.
Also the frontal lobe, y’know the thing controlling judgment, morals, impulses, emotions, all of that fun stuff???? it’s usually behind in development, typically evening out mid to late twenties, but its still,,,,, not Great. Wow!!
White matter abnormalities are apparently a thing too?? White matter is the brains messaging system so when that’s messed up I’m pretty sure thats not a good thing.
anyways, i’m tired now, its been 2 hrs since i’ve started writing this and I have a metric ton of things that I needed to start but didn’t, so
TL;DR: ADHD (and by further extent, executive dysfunction)has a basis in science and has physiological stuff associated with it that (i think since MRIs aren’t being used to diagnose adhd) is just being studied recently, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh google exists use it b4 getting into arguments abt the existence of disorders and such. plz. im begging you.
12 notes · View notes
samuelfields · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
paulckrueger · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
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systembra6 · 4 years
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My Skin Tag( S) Has.
Fat Melting Vs Fat Freezing therapy results.
Skin Tag Removal.
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Is A Fat Freezing therapy Of stubborn Belly Fat Right For Me?
reserve appointment.
Ultherapy will raise the eyebrow, which in turn decreases excess skin on the eyelids, opens the eyes, and also provides a much more renewed appearance overall. Clients have reported stronger, a lot more toned skin in others locations of the face and neck also.
If this is something you may really feel worried regarding, review this with your consultant who may recommend using a neighborhood anaesthetic before the treatment or recommend on taking control of the counter painkiller to avoid any type of discomfort. Each session will certainly last no longer than 90 minutes and potentially as little as thirty minutes, depending upon the therapy area as well as comparable to body HIFU treatment. HIFU facial has actually generated some wonderful outcomes for our consumers as well as followers and also we would very suggest the treatment, with no reluctance. To do this, the body creates collagen to help in cell regrowth. There can be a small inflammation for a couple of hrs following the therapy. A tiny portion of customers may have small swelling, tingling, wounding or inflammation to touch, yet these are light and also do not last for long.
The cells are heated up to an array between 60-70 ˚C, hence the natural injury healing process is boosted to develop new collagen and also elastin. We have extensive expertise as well as experience in the medical as well as visual appeals sectors, yet we understand that most importantly, the outcomes matter! All of our treatments are vigorously tested internal before we provide them to our customers to guarantee they are risk-free, effective as well as will certainly offer you, our fantastic clients, the results you want.
My Skin Tag( S) Has.
This can cause specific problem around the jawline or dewlaps, the neck and brow location; maturing you past your years. HIFU treatment is called the 'lunch time facelift' as it fasts and you can go back to work nd continue with your day.
Throughout your examination, you will certainly consult with Kate or among our highly educated Aestheticianswho will make you really feel relaxed and comfy during your appointment. They'll listen to your problems as well as overview you with specialist knowledge on which treatments are best fit to aid you reach your distinct goals. The face, neck and also décolletage start to lose tone as well as flexibility and also you often observe your skin ending up being looser or start to sag.
Dr Leah center supplies free assessment to assess whether this therapy appropriates for you. An appropriate candidate is a person that is aged 30+ who has actually discovered that the skin on their face or neck has ended up being more lax and wishes to raise as well as tighten the relevant location. I very recommend Life Aesthetic appeals as well as can't wait to get even more therapies done below. To figure out more about HIFU treatment, book in online for a cost-free examination with our seasoned aestheticians or contact us on or to speak with a member of our team. Our rates begin with ₤ 50 relying on treatment locations and number of sessions.
Fat Melting Vs Fat Freezing therapy outcomes.
The accuracy distribution of a high thickness of power permits your clinician to target specifically where you would love to enhance and also you will certainly see instant results.
HIFU boosts the creation of collagen that gives skin its youthful vigor by keeping it firmed, toned as well as elastic.
For the best training effect it is frequently made use of with Thread facelift to provide an optimum outcome.
The treatment is sometimes contrasted to recording sunshine and also showing it with a magnifying glass to provide a light beam - it delivers ultrasound energy into a targetted area of the skin to promote and also develop collagen regrowth.
MMFU (micro-macro concentrated ultrasound) innovation moves an equivalent distribution of ultrasound energy right into the subcutaneous tissue, applying high-intensity concentrated ultrasound at temperatures of 65-75oC.
This non-surgical facelift deals with the Muscular tissue Fascia deep listed below the skin, which is the location surgeons tighten for face as well as neck lifts.
This is the highest degree of non-surgical innovation available.
Skin Tag Removal.
No downtime, as there is no surgical treatment, so you can go back to regular life instantly. The length of time it lasts varies from person to person and also depends upon the high quality and also age of your skin; your diet plan and consider your lifestyle such as smoking and stress and anxiety. With the new Cooled HIFU treatment you can have treatment anywhere on the face and also body. Our state-of-the-art non-surgical, no needle face lift is the Cooled down HIFU, absolutely nothing short of a transformation in HIFU market.
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All the staff members are friendly and also offer you truthful viewpoints when it pertains to items as well as treatments. Therapies are spoken via and also explained carefully, also aftercare. Confidential photos are required to examine development which is excellent. La-Lipo have actually been going nearly a year now and am pleased with all the treatments I've had, wouldn't go anywhere else. I am eagerly anticipating going to the clinic to have some treatments very soon.
Why do facelifts fail?
Failed facelifts and other surgeries like rhinoplasty fail much more often than you think. We frequently see patients for consultation for revision surgery due to a failed outside procedure. Instead, the vast majority are due to errors in thinking and strategy due to gaping deficits in medical/surgical education.
Cryopen ™ uses The ideal treatment For:.
I have actually have had 3 therapies and each time I have actually had great solution. Dr Shirin Lakhani is lovely as well as very professional I have actually advised you to all my friends. They are so friendly as well as welcoming and make you instantly really feel comfy. What establishes them apart is that they go that additional mile - absolute dream team, additionally Charlotte is an illusionist! Elite is an impressive professional clinic with high standard treatments.
Is A Fat Freezing treatment Of tummy Fat Right For Me?
Your joy, wellness and also complete satisfaction go to the really core of every little thing we do here at Elite Appearance, and also therefore we will never over-treat or carry out a procedure that Dr. Shirin, deems unacceptable or risky. Ethical therapy guides our method, as well as we aim to come to be a sector leader in this regard. This means you can always feel great that you remain in secure hands when you choose Elite Aesthetic appeals.
Does insurance pay for facelift?
But some plastic surgery is, in fact, covered by health insurance. With national cost averages ranging from $3,800 for a breast augmentation to upwards of $8,000 for a facelift, cosmetic surgery is no small expense and most treatments (surgical or otherwise) are not covered by health insurance.
It's not an alternative if your cancer cells has actually spread out outside your prostate to various other components of your body. It's often an alternative if your prostate cancer has begun to break out of your prostate, or has actually infected the area just outside the prostate. We constantly offer an one-on-one appointment prior to any kind of treatment. This ensures you have selected the best treatment for your skin appearance objectives. Over time, collagen fibres start to lose flexibility, which in turn creates the skin to shed its firmness and start to sag. https://la-lipo.uk/warwick/ HIFU Med is unrivaled by various other non-invasive cosmetic gadgets, with its capacity to treat the tissues usually attended to throughout medical renovations. Utilizing ultra-sound waves, the shallow muscle aponeurotic system is targeted.
Does a facelift affect your smile?
I perform lip lifts on nearly half of my facelift patients, who are surprised by how much of a difference it can make. In fact, the smile improvement is often the part of their results they are most happy with.
Any kind of regular monthly face treatments not taken during the month will be forfeited. Discounts offered on therapies and skincare can not be utilized along with any kind of various other offers or promos. Must you wish to terminate your membership before completion of your 12-month contract, all therapies, cup therapies as well as skin care obtained will become chargeable at the complete price. Any type of discounts or complimentary therapies will certainly become space as well as needs to be spent for in full prior to the cancellation can be authorised. Any demand to cancel a subscription before the endo of the 12-month term should be supplied in writing with 4 week's notification. The Body Clinic values that making the appropriate choice may take a while, so they're are constantly handy if you have any kind of extra concerns or concerns. The team are enthusiastic about aiding you reach your capacity with the assistance of acclaimed therapies.
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A great prospect is someone that is aged 30+ who has actually observed that the skin on their face or neck has ended up being a lot more lax as well as wishes to raise as well as tighten the pertinent area. While the ultrasound treatment does target the deep layer of skin frequently resolved in surgical treatment, it does not include general anaesthetic or cutting the skin at all. Customers might witness some preliminary effect, however ultimately training and also firming will happen over approximately 3 months, as collagen is restored as well as replaced with new, more powerful collagen. As this collagen building process continues, proceeded improvements can stand for approximately 6 months.
We urge clients to organize a free examination with us initially to review the treatment for this problem. Consultation fee needs to be made at factor of booking visit and also is redeemable against any skin blemish therapy you book. If you're battling drooping cheeks, crow's feet, wrinkles, popular lines from nose to mouth, under-eye bags, a heavy eyebrow or sagging dewlaps, after that this therapy is an ideal fit. " Thanks so much for my million dollar facial today. It was my very first experience of a beauty therapy, I enjoyed it a lot and extremely relaxing I will certainly be back quickly, thanks very much."
How do you sleep after a facelift?
After a facelift, it makes sense to sleep on your back. However, you must also sleep with your head elevated for 2 to 4 weeks following the surgery. This position prevents facial strain, swelling, and general discomfort. Prop your head up with a stack of pillows and place extra pillows at the sides of your face.
Typically, only one session is called for as the therapy continuously improves the skin tightens up and cell revival over 6-9 months. As a result, a 2nd if required would not be encouraged for a minimum of one year. As HIFU treatment is non-invasive and for this reason once the session is over, there is definitely no healing time, so you are free to move on with your everyday activities. Some might feel a slight pulse of pressure/heat on the skin for a short moment.
Hormone therapy is often offered for two to three months before HIFU. This can make the prostate smaller sized, and make the cancer cells much easier to deal with. If you have a huge prostate, you could be used various other therapies prior to you have HIFU. Compared to other treatments, we don't called much concerning the risk of adverse effects or exactly how well it operates in the longer term. You may additionally have the ability to have various other therapies after HIFU if your cancer returns, such as surgical procedure or radiotherapy. You may be able to have HIFU once more if your cancer cells comes back after your very first HIFU treatment.
What is the best treatment for deep wrinkles on face?
Wrinkle TreatmentsRetinoids (tretinoin, Altreno, Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac). Alpha-hydroxy acids. Antioxidants. Moisturizers. Glycolic acid peels. Deeper peels. Dermabrasion . Laser resurfacing . More items•
Some individuals might have some light soreness and perhaps light wounding the next day. With the ULTRAFROMER III HIFU tool we can even deal with around your eyes, many thanks to the MF2 slim cartridge, which permits experts to treat your delicate eye area. Ultherapy addresses skin that is mild to reasonably loose or lax, specifically by reconditioning as well as renewing the skin from within.
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An excellent HIFU prospect has light to modest skin laxity where the skin starts to really feel as well as look less company. Instances consist of a reduced eyebrow line, loosened skin on the neck, sagging under the chin and also lines as well as wrinkles on the upper body. If you have actually an increased PSA level, you might be used an MRI scan of the prostate to assist medical professionals choose if you require additional tests as well as therapy. HIFU creates the prostate to swell initially which can make it tough to urinate so a catheter will certainly be fitted for the first week or so to drain pipes pee up until things settle down. If you're having focal HIFU you will normally go to a testing consultation first. You'll have a magnetic vibration imaging scan, which creates detailed pictures of the prostate as well as shows the location of the cancer. You might likewise have a prostate biopsy, which reveals the area of the cancer cells as well as how likely the cancer is to grow and spread out outside the prostate.
0 notes
fatlossexpertblog · 5 years
Who Is anthony Robbins And Dean Graziosi
Mastermind.com Review And Bonuses
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This approach has actually been functioning really well because it’s rather easy to find an audience that’s either like your adhering to or somebody else’s that you imitate. In conclusion you will certainly obtain a lot more sales many thanks to this. The Mindmint software currently cares for the website or any pages you want to develop, yet I want to take it a step additionally.
That’s exactly what I’ll provide for you as a benefit. This is among the variables that propelled me into succeeding online – Anthony Robbins. If you build out your brand, you’re not simply creating a revenue or riches Bonuses for Knowledge Broker Blueprint, however a property wor boosts in reach as well as worth overtime. That’s why I am using a full year of branding for you as an incentive.
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It’s tough to put a rate on this as it’s something I desired I had when starting. Simply have the ability to get in touch with somebody, send them an advertisement or landing page to review, and also develop a partnership with. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonuses. You do get the FB team that fantastic, but if you’re just beginning having a personal friend can make all the distinction.
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You’re likewise knowledgeable about the thirty days cash back warranty, so what’s quiting you? It resembles Tony states,” it is your choices as well as not your problems, that establish your fate. Dean Graziosi.” However, each brand-new decision requires brand-new activity. Do you intend to remain in this precise very same area 5 years from now? Or maybe $100,000 richer, healthier, a lot more fulfilled or seeming like you’re ultimately in control of your life? One of those calls for a brand-new activity; the other does not.
As a matter of fact, after May 13th it’s throughout. Click below to begin with Tony as well as Dean right currently. Get Knowledge Broker Plan utilizing the web link below. Here’s a little bit of an individual experience I had while experiencing the program. If you rather avoid it and also go to assess itself, you can do that as well.
However, most of those go only 3 degrees deep. The one Dean goes with in the course is 7 levels deep. When I finished up doing all 7 my mind went silence for few mins. You see doing, only 3 degrees will generally only expose points that externally or just listed below it.
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Yet why? To impact the globe and make even more money. Why? To reveal my kids what’s feasible The first 3 levels were rather rather straightforward for me. However, as soon as you reach level 4 or so it obtains harder and also you need to dig much deeper. That’s why I’m just mosting likely to undergo them one after another.
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Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review & Cost (2020)
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Why? To show the globe they deserve it. Why? To silence the unbelievers. Why? To evidence myself I’m doing the best point. I was honestly surprised when I finished. Deep inside I recognized that the majority of what I do is for my youngsters, but I never recognized that I was forecasting my own concerns on them.
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In the long run no issue how strong you are, if you are bordered by negativeness every little hillside will look like a hill. That’s why I’m so grateful Dean produced such KBB area of like minded individuals where you’re not the strange one out, as well as never alone. Currently reading mine is one point, and if it motivated you in anyhow I’m very happy, but once you do it on your own the effect it will generate is a lot extra.
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This understanding broker blueprint review and also the mindmint software application evaluation can not come with a far better time already, self-education is a $129 billion business, that’s over $353 million a day, as well as $14 million per hour. Which suggests individuals spend $14 million each hr, evening or day, to educate themselves on their own leisure time. Anthony Robbins.
Yet, none of the other knowledge broker blueprint assesses talk about it. If that’s not the indicator of just how much larger the self-education business will certainly get, I don’t know what is. You see, it’s not even regarding formal vs. self-education anymore – Knowledge Broker Blueprint. The truth is that considering that a lot of the globe has access to the web soon, you’ll need self-education to contend in any type of business or endeavor.
Don’t waster an additional minute, day, or a year not being the most effective variation of on your own. Disclosure: I am an independent Mastermind.com Associate, not a staff member. I obtain recommendation payments from Mastermind.com. The viewpoints expressed below are my very own and are not official statements of Mastermind.com or its moms and dad business, Mastermind.com LLC.
You have actually already found out about the interesting brand-new product and also software that Tony Robbins and also Dean Graziosi have actually released called the and also. I have actually decided to sweeten the offer and also include the kitchen area sink, as they state. Take a look on your own … I outlined all 12 of the bonus offers on a page on my primary blog site, Project Life Mastery, to view the mouth-watering perks click the photo below to head on over there and see what you’re going to obtain! To claim that I’m a substantial Tony Robbins fan is an understatement. Dean Graziosi.
Repeating is the mommy skill, and I’ll remain to go till he stops doing the occasion. He’s had a big influence on my life. I wouldn’t have the Project Life Proficiency YouTube channel or blog site if it had not been for Tony Robbins. I’ve signed up with as well as organized many mastermind events, as well as I actually rely on the power of masterminds, because I know just how much it’s aided me in my Understanding Business. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews.
how Does Mindmint Software Work?
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My goal in life is to assist and serve, and so I feel that it’s my responsibility to share Tony as well as Dean’s new program: the Expertise Business Blueprint – Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews. To push you in the ideal instructions I have actually developed a “sugar pleasant” perk package for you.
syndicated from Who Is anthony Robbins And Dean Graziosi via Jason Hart
syndicated from Who Is anthony Robbins And Dean Graziosi via Fat Loss Expert
0 notes
personalrecoverykit · 5 years
Knowledge Business Blueprint Review, Insight And bonuses
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review & Cost (2020)
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This method has actually been working truly well since it’s quite basic to discover an audience that’s either like your following or someone else’s that you imitate. All in all you will certainly obtain a whole lot more sales many thanks to this. The Mindmint software application already looks after the site or any type of pages you wish to construct, but I want to take it an action even more.
That’s specifically what I’ll provide for you as a bonus. This is just one of the aspects that propelled me into succeeding online – Knowledge Broker Blueprint. If you build out your brand name, you’re not simply developing an income or wide range, yet a possession wor boosts in reach as well as value overtime. That’s why I am providing a complete year of branding for you as a bonus.
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It’s hard to put a rate on this as it’s something I wished I had when starting out. Just have the capability to speak to someone Best Bonus Offer, send them an advertisement or landing page to assess, and also build a connection with. Knowledge Broker Blueprint. You do obtain the FB team that great, but if you’re just starting having an individual friend can make all the difference.
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You’re likewise knowledgeable about the thirty days cash back guarantee, so what’s stopping you? It’s like Tony claims,” it is your decisions and also not your conditions, that determine your destiny. Dean Graziosi.” Nevertheless, each new choice requires new action. Do you want to remain in this specific same location 5 years from currently? Or perhaps $100,000 richer, healthier, much more satisfied or feeling like you’re finally in control of your life? Among those calls for a brand-new action; the various other does not.
In truth, after May 13th it’s around. Click listed below to begin with Tony as well as Dean now. Obtain Expertise Broker Blueprint making use of the web link below. Right here’s a little a personal experience I had while undergoing the program. If you rather miss it and also most likely to examine itself, you can do that also.
However, the majority of those go only 3 levels deep. The one Dean experiences in the course is 7 degrees deep. When I finished up doing all 7 my mind went silence for few minutes. You see doing, just 3 degrees will normally only disclose things that on the surface area or just below it.
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However why? To influence the globe and also make even more money. Why? To reveal my children what’s possible The initial 3 degrees were instead rather straightforward for me. Nonetheless, as soon as you get to level 4 approximately it obtains more challenging and also you need to dig deeper. That’s why I’m simply mosting likely to experience them one after an additional.
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Self Education In 2020 And Beyond
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Why? To show the world they deserve it. Why? To silence the unbelievers. Why? To proof myself I’m doing the right point. I was truthfully stunned when I finished. Deep inside I recognized that the majority of what I do is for my children, yet I never understood that I was projecting my very own fears on them.
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In the end despite exactly how strong you are, if you are bordered by negative thoughts every little hillside will appear like a hill. That’s why I’m so thankful Dean produced such KBB neighborhood of like minded individuals where you’re not the weird one out, as well as never alone. Currently reading mine is one point, and if it inspired you in anyhow I’m extremely happy, yet when you do it yourself the impact it will certainly generate is a lot extra.
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This expertise broker blueprint review as well as the mindmint software application testimonial could not come at a much better time already, self-education is a $129 billion business, that mores than $353 million a day, and $14 million per hour. Which implies people spend $14 million each hr, night or day, to educate themselves on their very own cost-free time. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus.
Yet, none of the various other knowledge broker blueprint examines talk about it. If that’s not the sign of just how much larger the self-education business will certainly obtain, I don’t recognize what is. You see, it’s not also about official vs. self-education anymore – Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews. The fact is that given that many of the world has access to the web soon, you’ll require self-education to contend in any business or venture.
Don’t waster another minute, day, or a year not being the very best variation of on your own. Disclosure: I am an independent Mastermind.com Affiliate, not an employee. I obtain reference repayments from Mastermind.com. The viewpoints expressed here are my very own and also are not main statements of Mastermind.com or its moms and dad firm, Mastermind.com LLC.
You’ve currently read about the interesting brand-new item as well as software program that Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi have launched called the and. I’ve decided to sweeten the offer as well as toss in the kitchen sink, as they claim. Look on your own … I lay out all 12 of the incentives on a web page on my major blog, Task Life Mastery, to see the tasty incentives click on the image below to directly over there as well as see what you’re going to get! To say that I’m a massive Tony Robbins follower is an understatement. Tony Robbins.
Repeating is the mother ability, and I’ll continue to go up until he stops doing the occasion. He’s had a huge impact on my life. I would not have the Job Life Proficiency YouTube network or blog site if it wasn’t for Tony Robbins. I’ve signed up with and also held lots of mastermind occasions, and also I actually rely on the power of masterminds, because I know just how much it’s helped me in my Understanding Business. Dean Graziosi.
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review (Plus Epic Bonuses)
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My mission in life is to assist and also serve, therefore I feel that it’s my obligation to share Tony and Dean’s brand-new program: the Expertise Business Blueprint – Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus. To nudge you in the ideal instructions I’ve created a “sugar sweet” bonus offer plan for you.
syndicated from Knowledge Business Blueprint Review, Insight And bonuses via David Rawlins
syndicated from Knowledge Business Blueprint Review, Insight And bonuses via Personal Recovery Kit
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chefkonstantine · 5 years
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review And bonuses – Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi
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This technique has been functioning really well because it’s quite basic to locate an audience that’s either like your following or somebody else’s that you imitate. Overall you will obtain a whole lot more sales thanks to this. The Mindmint software already deals with the site or any kind of pages you intend to develop, however I desire to take it an action better.
That’s precisely what I’ll provide for you as a reward. This is one of the factors that moved me into being effective online – Knowledge Broker Blueprint. If you construct out your brand, you’re not simply developing an earnings or wide range, but a possession wor enhances within and also worth overtime. That’s why I am using a complete year of branding for you as a bonus.
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It’s difficult to put a rate on this as it’s something I wanted I had when beginning out. Just have the ability to get in touch with someone Best Bonus Offer, send them an ad or touchdown web page to evaluate, and also develop a connection with. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonuses. You do obtain the FB team that great, but if you’re simply beginning having a personal close friend can make all the difference.
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You’re also knowledgeable about the thirty day refund guarantee, so what’s stopping you? It’s like Tony states,” it is your choices as well as not your problems, that determine your destiny. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews.” However, each new decision needs new activity. Do you intend to be in this specific very same location 5 years from now? Or perhaps $100,000 richer, healthier, extra met or really feeling like you’re lastly in control of your life? Among those requires a brand-new action; the other doesn’t.
As a matter of fact, after May 13th it’s around. Click listed below to obtain started with Tony as well as Dean right now. Obtain Knowledge Broker Plan utilizing the web link listed below. Below’s a little a personal experience I had while experiencing the course. If you instead avoid it and most likely to examine itself, you can do that as well.
Nonetheless, many of those go only 3 degrees deep. The one Dean undergoes in the training course is 7 degrees deep. When I ended up doing all 7 my mind went silence for couple of mins. You see doing, just 3 levels will typically just disclose things that externally or simply below it.
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However why? To impact the globe as well as make even more money. Why? To reveal my children what’s feasible The very first 3 degrees were rather rather straightforward for me. Nevertheless, when you reach level 4 or two it obtains more difficult and you require to dig deeper. That’s why I’m just going to go with them one after an additional.
how Does Mindmint Software Work?
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Why? To confirm the globe they deserve it. Why? To silence the skeptics. Why? To evidence myself I’m doing the appropriate thing. I was honestly surprised when I ended up. Deep inside I knew that most of what I do is for my kids, but I never understood that I was forecasting my own worries on them.
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In the end no issue exactly how solid you are, if you are bordered by negative thoughts every small hill will certainly appear like a mountain. That’s why I’m so thankful Dean produced such KBB neighborhood of like minded people where you’re not the weird one out, and also never ever alone. Currently reading mine is one thing, and also if it motivated you in anyhow I’m very satisfied, yet once you do it yourself the influence it will certainly generate is so much extra.
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This knowledge broker plan evaluation and the mindmint software program review could not come at a far better time currently, self-education is a $129 billion business, that’s over $353 million a day, as well as $14 million per hour. Which means individuals spend $14 million each hr, evening or day, to educate themselves by themselves leisure time. Knowledge Broker Blueprint.
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Yet, none of the various other understanding broker plan assesses speak about it. If that’s not the sign of just how much bigger the self-education business will obtain, I don’t understand what is. You see, it’s not even regarding formal vs. self-education anymore – Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews. The fact is that since most of the globe has access to the internet quickly, you’ll require self-education to complete in any business or venture.
Don’t waster another minute, day, or a year not being the most effective variation of on your own. Disclosure: I am an independent Mastermind.com Affiliate, not a staff member. I get referral payments from Mastermind.com. The point of views shared right here are my very own and are not main declarations of Mastermind.com or its parent business, Mastermind.com LLC.
You have actually already found out about the amazing new product and software application that Tony Robbins as well as Dean Graziosi have released called the and also. I have actually chosen to sweeten the offer and include the cooking area sink, as they claim. Have an appearance for on your own … I outlined all 12 of the benefits on a page on my major blog site, Project Life Mastery, to watch the scrumptious perks click the image below to directly over there as well as see what you’re going to obtain! To say that I’m a substantial Tony Robbins fan is an understatement. Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus.
Repetition is the mom skill, and also I’ll remain to go till he stops doing the occasion. He’s had a huge impact on my life. I wouldn’t have the Project Life Mastery YouTube network or blog site if it had not been for Tony Robbins. I have actually signed up with and hosted many mastermind events, as well as I actually rely on the power of masterminds, since I understand just how much it’s assisted me in my Knowledge Business. Mindmint Software.
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review: What Is It?
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My objective in life is to aid and also offer, as well as so I feel that it’s my obligation to share Tony as well as Dean’s brand-new program: the Understanding Business Plan – Anthony Robbins. To nudge you in the right instructions I’ve created a “sugar pleasant” benefit bundle for you.
syndicated from Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
Syndicated From Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
0 notes
intphys · 5 years
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review And bonuses – Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi
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This technique has been functioning really well because it’s quite basic to locate an audience that’s either like your following or somebody else’s that you imitate. Overall you will obtain a whole lot more sales thanks to this. The Mindmint software already deals with the site or any kind of pages you intend to develop, however I desire to take it an action better.
That’s precisely what I’ll provide for you as a reward. This is one of the factors that moved me into being effective online – Knowledge Broker Blueprint. If you construct out your brand, you’re not simply developing an earnings or wide range, but a possession wor enhances within and also worth overtime. That’s why I am using a complete year of branding for you as a bonus.
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
9 Things Every Healthcare Startup Should Know About Business Development
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In this post, I write down all my strategy and business development knowledge in healthcare and organize it into the top 9 commandments for selling as a healthcare startup. I think everyone from the founder to the most junior person on the team should know these pillars because all startups must grow. I should also note these tenets are most applicable for selling into large enterprise healthcare incumbents (e.g., payers, providers, medical device, drug companies). Although I appreciate the direct-to-consumer game, these slices are less applicable for that domain. If your startup needs help developing or implementing your business development strategy, shoot me an email and we can discuss a potential partnership. Enjoy!
1. Understand Everything About the Product and Market
You must also understand the competitive landscape, who else is in the marketplace and how they appear differentiated? What has been their preferred go-to-market approach and is your startup capable of replicating a similar strategy with your current team members? Also, do you understand the federal and state policy that most affects your vertical, whether that be pharmaceutical or medical device (e.g., FDA), health plans (e.g., state insurance commissioners), or providers (e.g., CMS)? For example, if your company is focused on “value-based care” and shifting payment structures of physicians to downside risk, do you intimately understand The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) and the requisite CMS Demonstration Models from the Innovation Center (e.g., MSSP, BPCI-A, etc.)? Make sure you do or at least hire someone to explain what is important now and in the future.
2. Create A Compelling Pitch
In my opinion, creating a startup’s compelling pitch to an incumbent healthcare entity requires satisfying three factors: strategic, financial, and clinical. Surely, your healthcare startup’s machine learning, AI-backed, blockchain-enabled data analytics platform may someday deliver better clinical results in some way, however, if it has no monetizable value for the incumbent healthcare entity, your idea is not going to sell. Also, you cannot just focus on financial benefit, without weaving in some tangential use cases to further the clinical mission and receive buy-in from the medical community. These are complicated entities with a variety of stakeholders and macro environmental challenges that must be somehow improved by your product.
For example, a hospital is not equipped to move 100% of their payment into a full downside risk value-based care contract just because you have a care management platform and iPhone app. These entities employ tens of thousands of workers and operate on very slim profit margins and continual reinvestment into building new facilities. They also employ a ton of nurses performing care coordination, discharge planning, and bedside care, who have their own opinions on what works best for their local community. At the end of the day, these providers receive payment from private and governmental health plans, at varying negotiated rates. If your healthcare startups business model is predicated on keeping commercially-insured patients out of the hospital and instead, treated at home, you are literally cannibalizing the hospital’s highest margin revenue. Therefore, how do you suppose to improve their financials and support their recently opened new hospital wing by keeping patients out of the hospital? You better have a very compelling reimbursement argument and concept that satisfies the CFO’s concerns.
3. Organize Stakeholder Outreach
There are a million different ways to engage with prospects nowadays. If you use email campaigns, be sure to obtain verifiably accurate contact information. You can scrape information from online sources or publicly available lists. You can ask conferences to provide attendee lists if you sponsor a table or event. You can work with trade associations to obtain contact information on members who are most relevant to your product. Whatever you do, make sure you’re sending simple, yet compelling emails through an automated mailing system to track engagement and follow-up. Try different subject lines or sender names. Don’t include attachments or external links unless you’re willing to risk being diverted into the spam folders.
Regardless, don’t just rely on email blasts. That’s lazy thinking. You need to think multi-level marketing to crack through that executive ceiling. Are you attending the right conferences with a set list of individuals to target? Maybe you need to pay someone who has the right connections and is willing to make introductions in-person? Are you providing free content in the form of webinars or podcasts that is co-produced and therefore advertised by independent organizations that have already garnered the trust of a particular audience? Are you willing to sweet talk office managers at a local medical practice to get 15 minutes of the founding physician’s time? You need to find creative ways to engage your target audience, without ridiculous tactics like sending gingerbread houses during Christmas season to multi-billion dollar health system executives or solely relying on targeted Instagram ads. Remember, healthcare is hyper-local. If you need a meeting with the head of a single cardiology practice in Atlanta, GA, go find the head of the former board chair of the American College of Cardiology’s local chapter.
Over the past few years, a ton of digital health startups have focused on the self-insured employer market due to contracting flexibility. If you focus on self-insured employers, think about the pros and cons of working with channel partners. There are a couple giants that own the entire employee benefit design and health insurance broker game, including Willis Towers Watson, Aon, or Mercer. Typically, brokers receive a healthy 3-6% commission fee off the total premium covered for all employees. If you want immediate distribution of your product or service to millions of employees across the country, you might have to pay one of these brokers an extra fee to offer your goods. In addition, the brokers will be looking for your startup to benefit their clients, employers, to save medical spending and improve employee engagement.
4. Identify Early Themes During Initial Pitch
We all have great ideas. They sound good on paper, and the team is bought in. You even received executive approval from the founders to initiate your sales process. The only problem is that during the first few meetings, which were 30-minute introductory calls with non-decision makers, the pitch hasn’t resonated. It feels like you’re selling an Apple Watch when the buyer only wants to talk about sun dials. I thought healthcare was ready for innovation?
The reality is that your product, back to lesson #2, is not satisfying their strategic, financial, and clinical needs. Or you’ve done a poor job clearly articulating the vision and how your small startup will be able to meaningfully improve a problem the healthcare incumbent encounters. Perhaps you’re pitching a $5,000 per month SAAS solution that could yield 3 times the ROI in savings to an organization? The problem is, the same company just spent $500 million on an Epic electronic medical record (EMR) installation and is concerned about losing $10 million this quarter because of contract disputes with a large payer. Sometimes your product just isn’t big enough to garner an executive audience. In that case, think about positioning your product with flexible pricing or partnership terms in a way that a middle-manager won’t need executive approval to sign.
Maybe you’re talking to a health plan about reducing dermatology spend because you have the latest and greatest technology, but the entire healthcare market is focused on providing cheaper transportation benefits to patients to reduce missed appointments (i.e., Uber, Lyft). That’s all anyone ever talks about at conferences you attend. If you’re the 10th most important thing that a Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is thinking about, either create a more compelling reason why they should change their list or find a different size stakeholder who is more immediately affected by your service.
5. Maintain Interest Level and Dig Deeper
Now that you have initial interest, continue to build momentum. It is incredibly easy to walk out of an initial meeting, with both parties having enjoyed the 30- or 60-minute conversation, but never move forward. Life is complicated and people get busy. You might think your healthcare startup is the next best thing since garlic knots, but that healthcare executive has 5 more pitches this week from other companies in your space. They also have budgets, HR issues, and bosses to deal with themselves. After a while, your follow-up emails and phone calls seem akin to your ex-boyfriend’s pitiful attempts. Reassess your strategy before further annoyance.
Can you introduce them to compelling referenceable clients that will speak kindly about your startup? Not in a way that seems cheesy, but able to articulate the good, the bad, and how your startup remedied the bad so it never happens again. If possible, these should be peers. A vice president at a fortune 50 drug manufacturer likely doesn’t want to talk to a junior-person at a small biotech startup. Know your audience and adapt. If the references don’t exist, are there other things you can do to “wow” the client? Do you have a demo? Can you analyze some of their data? Is someone on your team able to answer one of their questions via a mini-consulting project? Do you have an invite to a closed-door event that features some interesting topic area? At the very least, you have a Board of Directors, management team, and investors. Hopefully one of those can help build rapport at an executive level, in addition to your individual efforts.
6. Develop Detailed Partnership Terms
I am a strong proponent of protecting the company you work for during partnership discussions, but sometimes startups need to acknowledge the importance of closing a new partnership deal. You need to be flexible. You are a small healthcare startup negotiating against a large, bureaucratic organization with tons of legal representation. Don’t waste time debating term sheet after term sheet. It doesn’t matter if its non-binding. Discuss and agree on the high-level key structure, and then propose a draft of your definitive agreement or master services agreement with all the bells and whistles. This is going to take a while, so buckle in and try to set expectations on closing. By this time, if you’re good, you will have likely already signed an NDA and perhaps, a letter of intent (LOI) discussing the spirit of your partnership discussions with appropriate confidentiality and expectations around timing of a go or no-go decision.
Now you need to actually put pen to paper and define what your startup will provide to the healthcare company. They will want more details on data privacy than you have to provide. They will want to know detailed clinical workflows describing your process. They will want a detailed step-by-step breakdown of all the resources and time required by their staff and management, in order to be successful. Worst case scenario is that your product requires more time to be successful by the client’s team, than the benefit your product provides. You need to just survive and answer all their questions to the best of your ability. If you hit a brick wall, at some point just tell them honestly that you’re working on addressing a few of their concerns and they will be finalized before go-live.
7. Be Flexible Yet Confident During Negotiation
How important is this deal to you and the startup? If this potential client is your Moby Dick, then be prepared to make some adjustments to your base terms. Nothing in life is 100% favorable, nor should it be since a partnership includes two parties. One good referencable client can help make a splash in media, attract new investors, improve morale of the team, and light a fire under other potential clients who are dragging their feet. However, at some point the deal doesn’t make any sense for your startup. It pays too little, with too many requirements, and too low a probability that the partnership will expand by the time you need it. If this is the case, I hope your creative top-of-funnel strategy has successfully opened the doors of a few different clients at the same time. You should be moving down the funnel with as many prospects in parallel as possible. Don’t get sucked into focusing all your time on one pursuit, because Murphy’s Law exists.
Is the contract value of a new deal significant after go-live and highly sticky in terms of client retention? Meaning, once you sign this new partnership, do you have this healthcare incumbent locked in for a few years that drives significant revenue for your startup? If yes, then don’t die on the hill over fighting about implementation fees. Sometimes the cost of doing business in the medium or long-term requires short-term pain. If you need more funding to build functionality, think about managing your burn rate to account for this potential scenario. Does it feel like the liability section of the contract grew twice as large and shifted most of the responsibility to your tiny startup? That’s probably going to happen and you can’t do much about it. When you’re first starting out, the healthcare incumbents have the most leverage. It’s not a perfect scenario, but make sure the key fees and services are reasonable, and unfortunately accept the rest as the price of doing business.
8. Set Clear Expectations for Implementation and Go-Live
I love closing deals. But don’t set your implementation team up for failure. If they physically or technologically cannot meet the standards you’ve promised to the healthcare incumbent executive, and you’ve placed accompanying service level agreements (SLAs) with financial penalties owed by your startup, this is a bad deal. If you sign a deal that so drastically exaggerates the profitability of the partnership by limiting the minimum operational expenses required to perform, this is a bad deal. Don’t leave the account lead and operational teams out to dry, because there are real reputational risks associated with a bad deal in the healthcare industry. Executives all grew up together, hang out with one another, and move from organization to organization. If your startup is known as the one who can’t deliver on its promises, that will likely come back to bite the business development efforts and certainly impact churn rate and likelihood of harsh renegotiations with existing partners.
Overpromising and under-delivering in healthcare has real consequences. It won’t result in just someone’s food arriving late or e-commerce store unexpectedly shutting down, healthcare startups could meaningful harm a patient’s life. This of course represents the constant tension between sales and operations. I do believe that business development teams should do a better job at explaining the intricacies of the deal-making process to ensure the rest of the company understands the need for some flexibility. If everyone else feels like the sales leaders are the dumbest people at the company, you should remind them that everyone gets fired if the company doesn’t grow. Just don’t be an awful human being while discussing this matter.
9. Celebrate
No matter the outcome, a good business development team should celebrate the large and small wins. I’m not talking about trips to Hawaii, but you need to infuse some degree of optimism in your startup. Lack of growth causes a lot of problems. Sometimes you will get lucky, and the incumbent healthcare entity will take a chance on your product or team, despite lack of case studies or sophistication. However, that is increasingly becoming rarer each day. Therefore, any new partnership that will further the mission and grow the startup should be rewarded both financially and publicly across the company. With that being said, don’t act like your business development skills and compelling personality single-handedly closed the deal. Your team members across a variety of other departments all played a part, directly and indirectly. The engineering team built the product that was ultimately sold. The marketing team helped elevate the brand in the marketplace. The operational teams satisfied existing partners expectations so that they would provide positive reference calls.
In addition, the business development lead oftentimes has significant support in putting together materials, prepping for meetings, setting up logistics, managing subject matter experts, and reviewing legal contracts. I can bet that certain business development leaders think they’re Michael Jordan. Except, they forget that the Chicago Bulls didn’t beat the Detroit Pistons without Scottie Pippen and the rest of the team. Basically, if you’re the head of business development, show your team lots of love for the hard work and hours they’ve put in for far less financial reward.
Andy Mychkovsky is the creator of Healthcare Pizza. Follow him on Twitter (@AMychkovsky) and LinkedIn for future thoughts and updates. This post originally appeared on Healthcare Pizza here.
The post 9 Things Every Healthcare Startup Should Know About Business Development appeared first on The Health Care Blog.
9 Things Every Healthcare Startup Should Know About Business Development published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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mcjoelcain · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
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Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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