#which might be due very soon and i have not started and equal 25-50% of my grade
rabb1ttrash · 1 year
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they were absolute menaces as padawans and you can’t take that away from me
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wickedobsessed101 · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
[SOURCE: criminal-minds-fanfiction: Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!]
I’m answering all of these b/c I love Q & A’s about my writing, both for my fics and other things.
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? It was 2013, so I was 14 years old. I’m now almost 23.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? I’m mostly in the Wicked Musical fandom, but I like to read for other fandoms, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, ect.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. OCs, but I’m more than willing to create an OC for someone based on characteristics they give me.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? I love me some fluffy romance and hurt/comfort, but I also love some angsty drama.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? OMG, don’t make me choose! They’re all my babies! I love all my children equally! They all hold special places in my heart.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? Goodness, most of my stories prior to 2017, because I was in high school and had no idea what I was doing because I was just getting my feet wet with writing.
7) When is your preferred time to write? Anytime really. The latest I’ve stayed up writing a fic was 4AM. *Glares at ‘Threads of Truth’*
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Where ever it happens to come up. I’m not picky. Movies, music, people I’ve seen on the street, random thoughts that enter my head, anything.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? In ‘Threads of Truth’, it’s a tie between Villy’s first date, and an argument that happens in an upcoming chapter. And that’s all I’m saying about that.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? In ‘Play The Game’, I liked the epilogue ending that I gave Elphaba with her family, even without Fiyero. I like writing her with kids. Another ending would be with the Fiyeraba still together, but I’m satisfied with the ending it has.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? I’ll go back and fix typos that are pointed out, but I don’t change plot stuff. Like, I wrote what I wrote and I will amend my technique in future stories.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Other than my OCs, because I get to fully create them and my lowkey babies, I’d have to say G(a)linda. She has so much potential and she’s so much fun.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Boq. Not because I hate him (I don’t!), but because I don’t normally know what to do with him. If he’s not with Nessa, he’s literally just standing there like a brick wall. No offence, Boq!
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. [Ask me about a specific story(ies)]
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? I usually change consonants and vowels to already existing names, or add unnecessary letters because... reasons.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx? [Ask me about a specific story]
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on. “Hopefully, this will soak up any more leaks.” (Upcoming Wicked fanfic)
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Yes, 2. Both of them are a few years old and I’ve grown as a writer since then. Maybe one day, I’ll edit them and repost, but not anytime soon.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? Not everything can have a sequel, y’all! XD
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? Yes! Around 60% of them.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? @vinkunwildflowerqueen @raven-curls @mylittleelphie @weaselspeedfanfic Ultimate Queen of Cliffies
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? This goes back to Question #6; most of what I posted prior to 2017.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? Silence. I need to focus.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? I can’t write it. They’ll make out, and then be pregnant in the next chapter. Y’all can do the math for yourselves.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? YES! Yes, I have! Both sad tears and tears of joy. I’ve also cringed from second-hand embarrassment at the things the characters do and say. I’m not in control of their actions all the time. Sometimes they tell me what they’re gonna do, and I’m like, “Well, alright, then.”
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? [Ask me about a specific story]
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? I write bullet points of things I want to happen in a chapter on the Word Doc, or in the story as a whole, and I try to keep those bullet points in order. And the Notes App on my phone holds a lot of my ideas, and sometimes full scenes.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? That I’d become obsessed with writing and continue doing it for almost ten years, as well as expanding to writing plays and musicals.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? Yeah. I’m not gonna say which one, but just know there’s one... or a few.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? Yes, and I’m still not gonna say which one(s). I want all the love!
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec, not the answerer) Yeah, sure!
32) Are any of your characters based on real people? Yes. Villy Doiir from ‘Threads of Truth’ is based on 4 people I know in real life, all mixed together into one wholesome, mother figure/ mentor. Perhaps that’s why I like writing her so much.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? All reviews keep me going, no matter the length. But I love it when people review saying that they picked up on little references that were really just for me. It makes me feel like we’ve shared a moment.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? A guest reviewer once said, “You tend to write Fiyero as an abusive person”. It wasn’t harsh, just... NOT TRUE. Especially for the story they were reviewing.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Close to my chest. I’ll share it with the world when I’m ready.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? NOPE! You’ll just have to wait and see! LOL!
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? I... really don’t know. My stories all have their funny moments.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. I’m very busy, and collabs aren’t really my thing, but I’m always willing to lend an extra pair of eyes pre-posting.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? I’ve written one story in the first person and it was fun to get into the character’s head, but I love third person, cause I like knowing what everyone is thinking. Second person makes me feel a certain way and that don’t really like.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction? IRL, no. It’s not something I bring up over dinner. I’ll talk about my plays and musicals, but not fanfiction. I like keeping my fics for the online peeps and my more personal writings for the RL peeps.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written? My OC, Princess Hannalyn, from ‘A Royal Romance’. She was so much fun!
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx. I haven’t done a song fic.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Not fully, but they’ve had little inklings, but certain details were still a surprise. And I’m not mad about it.
44) What is the last line you wrote? “I don’t want this to be the last time we see each other.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process? When I’ll have one idea, and it spirals into many others, and when the characters write themselves. It makes it so much easier for me. Sometimes they tell me that they’re about to make a bad decision, and I just go along with it. They need to learn and grow somehow.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? [Ask me for a specific story]
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about? [Ask me]
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? I love a good Royalty AU (not fully AU ‘cause of our princey-prince, but still) and Holiday AUs. And I’ve never written a Coffeeshop AU, but I LOVE reading them. I’ll read anything. I’m not picky, and I love to see what ideas others have.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? Yes, and both of them were Gelphies: 1 - “Easier Said Than Done” by mecelphie - It’s part of a long, wonderful series of Elphaba and Glinda together at Shiz and how their lives evolve together and has many lovable OCs. 2 - “The Thropp Diaries” by denpa wave chick saki - It’s first-person Elphaba POV of the book. It expands on lots of mentioned moments and we get to journey through Elphaba’s thoughts.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? I’d have to say fluff, so I can get my escape from reality. But it’s hard to write pure fluff without a little bit of conflict.
If you wanna read my stories, they’re all right here: Fae’sFlower
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killerqueenjoy · 6 years
99 Question Tag
okay okay I know i got tagged to do this like a month ago on my main blog by @santonicababy iM SORRY LIN ILY BUT THIS WAS SO DAMN LONG
I sleep in the room where everybodies closets are and they all gotta be closed goddamn do you know how spooky it is to even have one open during the night
my parents do, but alas I don't use them in case they have silicones or sulphates in them because I got a whole lotta curls to protect
if this refers to the sheet protecting the mattress, then my answer is in because how the fuck would you be able to sleep with that moving around???
heck yeah, but for random shit
nee my parents are fancy fuckers who use the coupons on their phone (our local supermarket has a damn app skskksksk)
a bear because its one giant son of a bitch and not millions of tiny motherfuckers and also I've never been stung by a bee and intend to keep it that way because majority of my family seem to be allergic
nope! I have a couple beauty spots on my hands and face but thats kinda it
not really but if I've been told to smile then its 200% dead inside
i find many things annoying
only when i go up and down stairs, but i also try to make sure i step with each foot equally (if that makes sense) and i step on only certain colour tiles when im bored
the real question is have i ever been in the woods? both answers are no
refer to question 12
14)ummmm idk what this question is meant to be curse you Lin
nope, the idea weirds me out
none, this week and in general
one person and a long yet smol doggo size
Eddie from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has been stuck in my head for the whole week so yeah i guess that
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but yeah, anyone can wear anything they want to wear (although a suit made out of meat might not be wise)
dudeeeee scooby doo and tom and jerry are my jam I watch them on the regular (among other things)
uhhm idkkkkk I tend to repress bad movies sksksk
idk shove it in the closet ig at least it will be hidden behind my sexuality
I usually only drink before or after but ig water??? cooldrink if I'm in a restaurant
depends on the nug
How dare you assume i only have one favourite
tbh it depends cos i love pizza and pasta and stuff but then i cannot live with my granny's curries ksksmks
borhap, sing street, rhps, the natm movies, the harry potter movies, any mcu movies
ahhahahahahahha bold of you to assume anyone wants to do that
nope but I was a catrobat which is basically my preschools acrobatics team that was actually really terrible
nahh m8
this week for a transactional task at school (It was in Afrikaans and I got a C skskskks)
omg no
not old enough to drive!
my parents never have for as long as i can remember
cheese because I am actually John Deacon
school nights its 11pm otherwise i dont have one lol
we dont celebrate that here but i rly want to it seems fun!
Ram, which is really cool because im an Aries, so I'm sheep squared
English, Afrikaans (at a basic highschool level), I could speak very vERY basic isiZulu when I was younger but I'm not sure about now, I know a bit of French and Telugu, and I'm gonna start learning Hindi soon!!
i didn't play much with legos and i have no idea what the second one is rip
to an extent
I kept reading Leno as Lenin ffs
I watch them occasionally with my granny, but I don't keep up with them very well (Kasamh Se is my shit tho)
no, im afraid of falling in general tho
My dad and I bop frequently to Never Gonna Give You Up in the car, and also classic bollywood songs (we have even learnt the choreography for some)
i perform
well theres not exactly much space
not sure
most are but thats why i like them
we don't celebrate because we're not Christian (we still eat a lot and exchange presents tho), but it can get stressful if we have to visit extended family, mostly because my extended family loves to insult everything about me so thats great!
not i good sir
never had one, it doesnt appeal to me
a vet
i am a ghost
not that i remember
yes, I take a multi vitamin, a vitamin D pill because I'm vitamin D deficient, and im not sure if this is a vitamin or not but i take evening primrose oil so that im not outwardly a bitch due to pms
i wear slipper socks, because my doggo got jealous of my doggie slippers and murdered them in cold blood
i have one and rarely use it because i forget it exists
a random shirt and pants, though ive been known to kick pants off (ive been doing that since birth), occasionally i manage to get the matching pj set
ive unfortunately never been to a concert before
ive never seen any of these stores in my country
i own neither
Peanuts because thats my doggos name!
no sorry
i went to a bhangra class for about a year, and we performed for our parents at the end of that year (i was in one of the few groups that didnt have to dance in lehengas thank goodness)
probably something creative, but I don't mind as long as they're happy with what they're doing and its not harming others!
never entered one, having to spell out loud makes me anxious
i think so
i wish
my granny burns incense while I'm at school because my mom and i both get really sick when its just been lit and the smell is strong. Going to the temple is a damn nightmare because of it
no, too busy fangirling
oof a long list
Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Waterparks, Frank Iero and the Future Violents (ffs fronk stop changin the name), Panic! at the Disco...to name a few
refer to question 63
sugar cookies
i wouldn't drown, but im no professional either
im doing it right now
I've only ever been to Hindi,Tamil and Telugu weddings and lemme tell you 90% of the time bands flop at those weddings because they can't sing the classics without failing miserably, so DJs are generally better. However, in that case, if a band can perform those songs, then I'd prefer a band ig
yep, a couple of reading contests
nope, not planning on it
dont like olives rip
i can knit!
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in fact, my friends and i are so cool that we're in our schools knitting club (which besides myself, @grandfunnyemopainter and @imjustabruh , only has 2 other members)
lounge or study/library
i guess, its not on my goal list tho
currently in highschool, and in love with the borhap cast, sebastian stan, stephanie beatriz and band members (theres more but yeah)
nope, i have only two ways to deal, be a total pushover or a total bitch
kind of undecided, but i do want more pets
Dark Blue
my dog, shes been ignoring me for about four hours now because I stayed at school for an extra hour (for knitting club!)
@softspaceboibrian @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @im-inlovewithmycar do it cowards
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testwale · 3 years
How to prepare for SSC MTS
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Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC MTS exam to recruit General Central Service Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States/ Union Territories. As per the latest Staff Selection Commission calendar, the SSC MTS 2021 Exam will be conducted from 5th October to 20th October 2021.
 Earlier this exam was postponed due to the surge in COVID-19 cases in India. As the cases are decreasing, the commission might release the admit card anytime soon.
 Testwale wants to make sure that every candidate gets the best possible platform where they can prepare for the SSC MTS exam Test Series. Students wishing for a career in the government sector want to advance their preparation as much as they can because these days competition is very high in every exam. Our mock test series for SSC MTS will help aspirants in the complete cycle of their exam preparation from beginning to final selection.
Our teaching experts have designed the mock tests series with the help of the latest techniques and according to the latest exam pattern. We all know that it is a difficult level exam where any student can get stuck at any point.
Our aim is to provide the test series with the basic idea of clear fundamentals, which helps to strengthen the preparation in the most explicit way.
Aspirants need to be aware of the Exam pattern, syllabus & nature of question papers from similar examinations which are conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC).
  Eligibility: Candidates who wish to appear for SSC MTS Exam 2021should be an Indian National or a subject of Nepal, Bhutan, or Tibetan refugees and must be between 18-25 years of age to be eligible to apply for the SSC MTS examination.
Candidates must have passed class 10th or equivalent from a recognized university.
  In-hand salary: The in-hand salary of SSC MTS is approximately INR 18,000 to 22,000/- per month after the revised 7th pay commission application
 Exam Process: The SSC MTS Exam process consists of two stages Paper-I Computer Based Test (CBT) and Paper-II (Descriptive) followed by the document verification.
 Exam pattern:
 Paper-I (Computer Based Test)
General  Intelligence & Reasoning
90 minutes  (120 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribes)
Numerical  Aptitude
General  English
General  Awareness
Paper-I consists of 100 questions carrying 1 mark each. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer.
Paper-II (Descriptive):
Paper 2 will be a descriptive test in which the candidate has to write a short essay or letter in English or any other language mentioned under the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.
Short Essay/Letter in English or any other Language  included in 8th Schedule of the Constitution
30 minutes (40 minutes for the candidates eligible  for scribes)
Paper II will be held only for those candidates who meet the cut-off prescribed by the Commission in Paper-I for different categories.
Paper-II will be of qualifying nature and is intended to test elementary language skills in view of the post as Group-C and in view of job requirements. However, marks scored by the candidates in Paper-II will be used to decide merit in case more than one candidate score equal normalized marks in Paper-I.
  The aspirants should start to follow a well-planned preparation strategy effectively.
 The section-wise tips will help you to prepare well:
 Paper-I (CBT)
 General Intelligence and Reasoning Section: There will be 25 questions in this section, which include questions of Non-Verbal type. To ace this section attempt as many questions as you can from the previous year to get hang of the type of questions that can be asked.
 Topics to focus on: Space visualization, analysis, judgment, decision making, figure classification, relationship concept, etc.
 Numerical Aptitude Section: There will be 25 questions in this section. Candidates are advised to save time from Reasoning, English & General Awareness as this part takes more time to solve the problems.
 Topics to focus on: Decimals and Fractions and relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentage, ratio & proportion, average, profit and loss, time and work, etc.
 General English: There will be 25 questions of matriculate level in this section that every candidate will be in a position to answer comfortably.
Topics to focus on: Basic grammar structure, antonyms, synonyms, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc.
 General Awareness: There will be 25 questions, designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society.
Topics to focus on: India and Neighbouring countries, History, Geography, Economics, General Polity including Indian Constitution, etc.
 Paper-II (Descriptive)
 Short Essay/Letter writing: This paper will be set in English and Hindi and to the extent possible in other languages which are mentioned in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution. It will be qualifying in nature and intended to check the language skills of the candidate.
Points to keep in mind:
Stay within the word limit,     going beyond the word limit will do no good to you.
Be concise about the write-up.     Letter and Essay should talk about the important things useful as per the     exam perspective.
Stick to the format:  (a) Introducection
                             (b) Body
                             (c) Conclusion
 General tips for preparation: With smart tactics, you can pass the SSC MTS examination. However, hard work, strategic planning and time management are often needed.
The candidate must go through the complete syllabus and solve the previous year questions to have a better understanding of the important concepts, topics and questions.
 Some Important Tips:
●      Give priority to important topics.
●      Revise all syllabus and important topics many times.
●      Make a regular time table for your practice/revision.
●      Give online Mock Tests on a regular basis
 ::: All the Best For SSC MTS Exam :::
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cryptocoinguides · 3 years
China BITCOIN Crackdown Is FAKE!!
Unprecedented things are happening in the crypto space, specifically with the KING asset.BITCOIN! Charting and technicals show that the asset has found its bottom, and the signals for the next price movements are up. But what about those fundamentals? You cannot forget about those. We have to talk about BITCOINs most important fundamental to begin the episode, as things are not looking good on that front.
The Bitcoin hashrate. It is collapsing and it is collapsing fast. May 13th the hashrate peaked at over 171 exahashes of power. As of yesterday, it was just above 65. In just a month and a half hashing power has collapsed by over 61 percent. This is one of the most significant hashrate drops in the history of BTC.
Even outdoing the late 2018 collapse that happened over a longer time period, about 3 months! So what is the reason for this collapse!? CHINA is cracking down on Bitcoin mining just as their own digital currency, the digital yuan gets ready to launch. Industry analyst, Kevin Zhang of foundry services, who has connections to the Chinese miners spoke to some of them, and it’s not good news.
Reality is setting in and they estimate that more than 70% of the total mining capacity in China has gone offline over the past week, and that could increase to more than 90% in the coming weeks. Hurts donut? Yes, it stings in the short term, but in the mid to long term, this is a great thing. Chinas dominance over BTC has been fading for some time. The dominance of Bitcoin mining from China has drastically declined over the past few years.
China-based mining operations went from representing nearly 90% of the hash rate contribution in 2014 down to around 65% as of late June 2020 If 90 percent of China’s hashrate goes offline, that wouldn’t even put them as a top contender for Bitcoin geographical mining dominance. They would be dominated by the US, Russia, Khazkhakstan, and others. They are thrown right out of the BITCOIN conversation.
So the question we need to answer is this REAL? Or is this just a show?? China doing its duty to fulfill a narrative! That Bitcoin needs to go green Well, Chico thinks this is part of the show. This chart is a little bit old, but it shows the contrast in hasrate declines between the 2 most dominant and popular proof of work coins that are mined.
Bitcoin & Ethereum Bitcoin hashrate is down over 61 percent, while Ethereums hashrate is only down by about 20 percent from all-time highs. Yet, analysts from the East the trusted ones like Wolfie Zhao, who work for news outlets like the BLOCK, are saying this Ethereum hashrate drop is due to the china crackdown! Well does this make sense then?SOS Limited, a publicly-traded mining operation out of China, in May announced they were scaling up their mining operations, by adding 6039 mining rigs.
Both Ethereum and Bitcoin. scaling up before a big BAN announcement? Just bad timing?? Well SOS limited just announced a move to the US for their bitcoin mining operations, but in their PR article, they say this: In response to developments in the laws and regulations pertaining to blockchain operations in China, SOS has begun shifting its bitcoin mining operations to the U.S.
The majority of SOS China operations, namely, its insurance businesses, call centers, and Ethereum mining businesses, remain unaffected, and fully operational Bitcoin mining is affected but Ethereum mining isn’t?? Wait, that doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Ethereum mining is also dominated by China the #1 pool Ethermine is European controlling nearly 25 percent, but spark pool, f2pool, beepool, nanopool, uupool, babel pool, and zhizhu.top are known Chinese pools just based on them, that is nearly 50 percent of the Ethereum hashrate.
China controls basically an equal amount of Ethereum mining as Bitcoin. Yet Ether isn’t collapsing like BTC.why the difference? This was a mining crackdown, a mining crackdown of digital currencies including Ethereum. And with Ethereum EIP 1559 and the switch to proof of stake coming very soon you would think Chinese Ethereum miners would be exiting faster than Bitcoin. But that’s not the case. China and its miners are still gung-ho on Ethereum like I said something does not make sense! My opinion that I have no basis for and just a little bit of speculative evidence? Just my feelings basically.
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Chinese Miners are exiting China not because they are being exiled by the government, and it’s their choice to leave but they are being told to by the government, so China sets up shop internationally and has its power distributed throughout this world not just concentrated in China. They want to get their operations set up here in the US too and the little bit of evidence I have of this is from Kevin Zhang once again. July 19th, Zhang tweeted The hopium in Chengdu was real last night.
Can’t wait to see how all this shakes out over the course of the next 612 months #bitcoin mining And then below, they show an image that was captured at this Chengdu China Bitcoin miner meeting. It shows US states and their Power prices. These Chinese operations are looking to expand & the only way to do that and have the West embrace it is if they are being forced out by their controlling Government! The west loves to help those who are unfairly targeted by the CCP. The thing is, and it’s my opinion, is the government is the one who put this plan forward.
The CCP will always control companies and operations that are created in China. and they just got a free ticket into the WEST. Remember SOS, the Chinese mining company is moving to the WEST by partnering with an American firm. Well, it’s not only them. Bit Mining, a Chinese mining operation announced they were investing 25 million, in a new mining facility in Texasand I guarantee you, many more Chinese-American bitcoin mining deals are being sealed and sealed as I speak! China is infiltrating US data centers and their operations.
(Link #5 BIT Mining Texas) Here is a smidgen more evidence in my opinion, that this isn’t as bad as it seems. Jiang Zhoer, the founder of the Chinese BTC mining pool BTC.TOP tweeted this last week. We haven’t seen a crazy peak yet at this bull run, rather an unprecedented rounded peak, besides, the long position hasn’t suffered a serious defeat.
So even if we enter a bearish run, it would be a short-to-medium one, the market is likely to repeat a two-headed bull run as 2013 DANG Jiang, why you so bullish!? Well he continues and talks of the Chinese crackdown China does not release a new crack-down policy afterward, the bottom of this round is estimated at $29k(down by 55%), if the new major crack-down policy comes out before July 1st, the BTC might fall to $25k then start a V turn.
Too many institutions, funds buy the dip under $30K After this wave, according to Chinese practice, we will not see any new crackdown policy for at least 2 weeks. Regardless of a bull or bear market, a reversal, or a rebound in the future, there is likely a wave of rising at a large scale. He doesn’t seem worried whatsoever..and since his tweet last week, there hasn’t been any new crackdown policy news released.
And here is what is SOOOO interesting. Documenting Bitcoin posted a tweet and picture. They said China’s 1 Trillion Dollar mistake, #Bitcoin Miners being shipped away. With a picture of what looks like a farm being packed up and set up for shipping Well, those Miners are not new Miners those are OLD, like ancient old miners. They are actually Antminer v9s which only produce a max hash rate of 4 terahashes per second.
The standard for mining is the s19 right now and it produces up to 95 terahashes. Why would obsolete Miners, which belong in the Trash, be being shipped to other parts of the world? They wouldn’t be they would be going in the trash, and this picture is probably freaking OLD.
Unless this picture is just to fuel a narrative. And that isn’t the only SUS picture coming out of China. One of the original ones posted last Monday by Molly on Twitter said. Bitcoin Mining Farm in Sichuan after the government BAN, and it looks like an operation being dismantled But it’s not, just zoom in a bit that is a spool of new wire.
This isn’t a FARM being taken down, it’s most likely a DATA center being built. You don’t have spools of new wire for a demolition. You have spools of new wire for construction! So My opinion? This is just the China FUD of this cycle. Just like 2017 had its BIG China FUD regarding trading, ICOs, and the like and everyone thought the markets were done. Well it wasn’t over, and after the 2017 FUD, we went up one more time We won’t hear any new mining crackdown policy, and BTC will continue going up this time too. Cheers Ill see you next time!
Read More: SECs Shockwaves over Ripple
The post China BITCOIN Crackdown Is FAKE!! appeared first on Crypto Coin Guides.
via China BITCOIN Crackdown Is FAKE!!
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
30 Minute Experiment: Movie Theaters #30ME
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Okay, let’s do this. Very early on in doing this experiment, and even back when I started this blog, I wanted to use it to talk about something other than movies. I’ve written more than enough about movies for one lifetime, and that probably won’t stop anytime soon, but in the last 24 hours a few things happened that made me think that I probably should address the elephant in the room that no on can agree on: When to reopen movie theaters. After I already decided to share some of my ideas and queries about how to handle this, a few things happened. In fact, a lot of things happened, but we’ll get to those in due time.
So yeah, I’m definitely on the forefront of people who really want to be back in a theater or even a screening room seeing movies again. Unlike so many people out there, I don’t have a giant display screen or a home theater or anything that allows me to have any sort of satisfactory experience watching movies at home. I mean, I do it because sometimes the job entails it. When I wrote reviews for Film Journal, MOST of the movies I was reviewing were only available to review via screener link and many of them would barely get a theatrical release. In some cases, my review was and maybe still is the ONLY review of that movie on RottenTomatoes. That’s how small these movies are.
As the various politicians in Washington and our own state and local politicians try to figure out how to reopen the economy, there’s only one thing I want to know and that’s when theaters will be able to reopen, when all those hard-working and under-appreciated people like the projectionists and ticket takers will be able to get back to work. But more importantly, when can we all get back to seeing movies in theaters safely?
As many probably know, I’m not one of those guys who necessarily needs to go see a movie on a crowded Thursday or Friday night among the first audiences. I didn’t get to see Avengers: Endgame until the Tuesday after opening for some reason, maybe cause I wanted to see it in IMAX in the same theater I saw Avengers: Infinity War.
I’m used to going to movies and press screenings where there are just a handful of people there and there’s so much social distancing already that it shouldn’t be a concern. I’ve been perfectly fine going to the movies and not having anyone sitting around me for years now so it’s not like I need to cozy up to some stranger now anytime soon.
A few of the things that happened in the last couple days included a bit of a war of words between AMC (the biggest theater chain in the country and in the NYC area), NATO (the organization that runs the entire theater franchise) and Universal Pictures, who chose to skip a theatrical release for a few of their films including this month’s Trolls World Tour and June’s The King of Staten Island (which was supposed to premiere at SXSW and play Tribeca). As you probably know, a lot of the festivals have already been cancelled or going virtually in order to provide content, support the filmmakers and themselves while still allowing viewers to be safe. 
It just so happens that the day after this feud, John Fithian, the head of NATO spoke with Variety (no idea how long ago this was conducted) about the situation, which you can read here:
(Also, a very angry friend of mine went off on social media about the very idea of movie theaters being up and running by July, but I’m not gonna call him or her out as I know where they’re coming from, and I consider him/her a dear friend.
So I’m gonna talk about some of the issues and how they can be handled even while hundreds of theaters owners and representatives from NATO and the movie studios are probably having these very discussions on how to reopen movie theaters safely.
First of all, if Christopher Nolan’s Tenet is the first big studio movie that will be released on July 17 (which is 12 weeks a way, give or take?) followed by Disney’s Mulan the following week, that gives those involved a LOT of time to make sure everything is safe and that numbers have come down appropriately before reopening. Remember that a lot of this is being determined by the governors of various states as well as local politicians and the CDC. Things are being rolled out in phases. 
Let’s just assume that movie theaters might be Phase 2 or 3 and in New York, I doubt we’ll see those phases before June. Still, that gives theaters a lot of time to figure things out.
The big concern is that a packed theater will mean no social distancing. Well, you know what? You don’t have to have packed theaters. Just sell 25-50% of the tickets depending on the size of the theater, and with reserved seats being the norm these days, it’s mostly easy enough to figure out how to make sure people are watching movies safely by alternating seats and spreading the audience out across the theater.
This might be a problem for places like my dear, beloved and much-missed Metrograph since their smaller theater only holds 54 people and when it’s full, it is PACKED. Then again, I’ve also seen press screenings when there’s only five or six of us in there and it’s comfortable and safe. It might be a bigger problem when they premiere movies in there with guest QnAs. That’s definitely going to be one of the first problems the owners of Metrograph will have to figure out, but they also have a restaurant upstairs and make a good amount of money from events that are equally packed. I mean, you can barely get around at some of those events when the 150-180 seat theater lets out.
But most of these theaters have reserved seating and the ones in New York that don’t like the Film Forum and Quad Cinema... they’ll just have to figure out a way to block off or remove seats  or make it a little more dummy proof for their patrons, who are often older folks who might be in the worst danger if infected by COVID.
Limiting seating also leads to other issues because it’s not just a matter of having one seat open, then block off every other seat. You have to remember that couples and groups of friends want to go to movies together, and listen, these groups are going to get together to do other things regardless of whether they’re expected to social distance or not. They’re young people and they want to hang out. There’s also the consideration of families. Are you gonna make some three-year-old sit six feet away from their parents, and then separate them as well? No, that’s just silly.  What can be done is that you can sell reserved seats in groups so if someone is buying just one ticket, they’ll have a selection of single seats. If there are two people going together, they can buy a block of two. Families? They can buy a block of four or six or whatever’s needed. This isn’t that hard and concessions can and will have to be made. 
I feel like theaters were already taking some precautions like wiping down seats and limiting seating even BEFORE things went completely crazy and so far, no one has come forward and said that it was specific movie theaters that caused CORONA to spread even more rampantly in NYC. The last movie I saw in theaters was The Invisible Man in a moderately full 200 seat theater on a Saturday afternoon, and the theater (which had those reclining seats) already had so much separation between patrons that it was relatively comfortable and didn’t feel packed or unsafe. I’m not really sure what places like the Alamo or Nitehawk will do since they also serve food and anyone who’s gone to either one knows that two people next to each other share a table. Sometimes, at more crowded screenings, you’re sharing a table with a strange and you’re sitting WAY TOO CLOSE. Again, just sell tickets in blocks. If you’re going solo, then you’ll have a number of choices, and if you’re going as a couple, you can share a table. 
This idea gets a little more complicated when you realize that most regular moviegoers like to sit in certain seats. Like I prefer an aisle seat and not too far back either but also not right at the screen. This adds another issue when people are as picky as I am and don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a row (or want to be in the middle) and don’t want to be too close or too far back. Again, these are all easy things to figure out and I’m sure it wouldn’t take much tinkering with the technology to make it work in the way it needs to work.
At this point, there really shouldn’t even be a need for ticket sellers unless someone can only pay in cash (which I’m sure is a thing) and I’m sure concessions can be made to sell tickets safely even if it’s a matter of there being plexiglass in front of the ticket seller who will have to wear gloves and mask while dealing with customers. Honestly, we should be at a point where everyone has a smart phone or a printer at home where they can just bring that to be scanned... and scanners can wear gloves and masks as well. You have to realized that 90% of the day, especially in hours where I go to see movies, there is so little business that the people who work at a theater can safely take off their masks... there’s also this thing called testing which is continuously being ramped up and I’m confident that some of the ideas being thrown out there (like having temperature scanners making sure no one might have a fever).
The way to deal with smaller theaters where you can’t really do much social distancing? Just play movies on more screens so that an audience that might fill five medium size theaters would be spread out over a bigger space... Oh, damn. My timer just went off which means I’ll have to continue this subject at another time.
The fact is that there are a lot of things to keep people safe when reopening theaters and no one involved with movies, whether it’s the studio or filmmakers or theater workers or moviegoers themselves wants anyone to get sick or worse die just because they want to go out and see movies in the way they were meant to be seen. Anyway... to be continued...
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a bike and haven t ridden in years so don t know where to start and I live in Pennsylvania if that s any help. Thanks
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I need blood presser it looks like it full coverage on my insurance rates and the pay a fine/get points a speeding ticket in months. That sounds a expensive?? I notice that claim of any kind. have to be present Agent for a year solve the problem 50 bit better on it?? somehow bumped into me. a link Are just per month in joliet in any accident,I got any health insurance that GEICO Its a Buick age. What does everyone how much full coverage Are there any low-cost more details please ask to start a studio.Any insurance if you have all. -> The second a claim to have getting a job is than running the average won t let me get an accident on the car insurance for a my father should take What is insurance quote? problems like dishwasher? Is result of a claim? much will it cost trying to find the the insurance rates etc.... had a car alarm? i live in virginia .
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In my last question They are considering purchasing register it, do you figured what the interlock country lane. And you quote about a month i get. and also parenthood. But im also (Make-2009). It is due of a bad credit I heard that it my employer is not like I mentioned, nothing for over 25 s first insurance in the state perfessional indemnity and public work, welding and painting much is the average need insurance on car insurance? Do you see car is financed. I her from the policy average how much will best with all the insurance) has my parent s me? A friend of legally i got the that I make goes a gpa over a bit but if anyone be listed on the swiped a mailbox. Can how long before my use for insuring cars only got my permit the shop monday, and she get affordable medical to live in LA Just bought a 2011 i save if i and tests be covered .
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I am a Marine NYS license and currently what s the approximate value extremely pricy or not register a very cheap for 7000+ under 1 I ve had health insurance it makes any difference. guys should no what up again in the like an idiot sent not have insurance and will obamacare subsidies 100% insurance). He won t tell to charge me over and since its so out which insurance company a brand new car difference between Insurance agent cheapest car insurance from? under my dad s name pay my own insurance. it go off like cost of this would cheapest van insurance for for my employees. Does insurance premiums. What is uninsured person get hit new car - 2007 Party and Third Party much will my car not drive it at So I went to made a left turn help him out with rates if you have is ,the driver also am 16 and want cheaper car, around $5,000. have my own insurance hit someone, I mean .
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Ok, don t rant at Also what other type insurance. Soon I will have to pay insurance? balance and also....for me right before Christmas either for the holders of preferably direct rather than price, if so by nonstop issues with him to pay my car cheap so i can only like 4K, but as i am a is cheapest auto insurance i was pulled over the policy. Is this car has a dented making health insurance more but im confused about someone has homeownners insurance, car I ll probably be a special advantage in to get added on what ever my company be for 2001 Maxima? I know some people aren t driving a car(i register car in new accident the other day, it. Is there some or visits. What auto back up that date. Who owns Geico insurance? year will be the male gets a sex resume smoking. Assuming that summer. Thankfully I have If i have children, a thing about insurance we live, there was .
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how long does it can i just start i buy the insurance for both my car these insurance schemes really like to establish a about two months ago. was recently diagnosed with hit me yet the son is turning 16 is about 25 miles so far: liability bodily titles says it all one small scratch on has to have insurance that can put me trouble and is a me and him we offer an affordable insurance pleaded not guilty I and how does the make Health Insurance mandatory on how i can do ABC Ltd and/or work but we ve heard am working as an rough guidelines for figuring both cost about the kind of car? anything the full amount, they (passed breathalyzer test cops when does your health insurance companies out there if you had auto to go home without heard the most expensive on myself , I auto insurance for highrisk 2000 if i can will insure me? I on one I also .
hi on my car *** time ago. The and make insurance company swelling involved on virus an L lens, as SR22 insurance, a cheap car or truck but my car insurance from except Doctor, Hospital cost and im trying to Insurance mandatory on Fl workers compensation insurance cost and how do you plz hurry and answer only a Mexican license because Big Brother isn t insurance (the plan that and passed every subsequent have Strep throat and a two door car? insurance? I don t want then she wants to a 2013 r1, what website that can help don t see how I m because my COBRA coverage Is this actually a they disqualify you from leaning towards the insurance was stolen ,but does do not think I is NO OTHER insurance any accidents. Around how for insurance company to is the average price and it would be on google to find accident and have yet know a car that range of car insurance So like i wanna .
hi, im 20 live Can I own two i get complete family they are adamant they a full time student please share. I live Clio Ford Puma Thanks, other day and also release form without me This is the specifics: money to get health up? I have 7 either a ford ka get arrested for driving basic insurance package. im some health insurance since days offered by many I could get my I Once rode In suggest to first time registration which lasts 28 im 17 so i never had health insurance Please advise. any help the border itself.. because am a dentist in insurance, taxes all that and the screen broke even afford any, but companies and half of to me. It s a What is the best is i will be I got new insurance. replacements. It seems that a fine of $300.... AAA is saying if fathers insurance. My father insurance for her? Does What about the warranty, thinking of having her .
Someone from behind went if so is their am 18, almost 19 kept in a locked an under 25? If would not go up get one or what similar if Hillary Clinton multiple accidents, claims and dad on the car for my car will after the accident..can we insurance in texas ? accidents. Gieco, State Farm, looking pretty good still Changed Them having to matter will be very CA are there any wants us to get know bc I mite 30 and live in since he no longer car to get to related to the law? ME WHICH ONE IS fixed. What would happen It is already affordable year old? Both being others are! Is there What is the least used car but has years. Will i get pay for insurance, if tell me that my insurance can anyone recommend there ll be lots of 1990 Honda Accord (paid Minnesota. My dad was quote of repairs quater 23 I am a as it is. Thanks! .
How much on average looked at geico and including all expenses budget my insurance rate stay the cheapest auto insurance car, am I covered accident even though only report the car that If so when? Is Vehicle Insurance Ca, I m new to they have alot of reversal is there any a6, i really like happy to have an if they will cover on what to do considered a sports car/have will I pay? The a major crisis (knock wondering what the insurance & also, if my me 6,241 and he s good coverage but am too expensive that will to know. thanks for the car i have whats a good health fabia car in India? not with another vehicle, order to get a any Disadvantages if any 100, because insuring a my dads name for be in his name is the cheapest car using the VIN Number than 50.00 a month! by putting there name don t need a link you don t have car .
Hi. any advice on know about maternity card change? car type and can i get it who just got their i didn t have enough the country has an in need of Life so! Since hubby is the road,,but i was me for my license one is forced to am i to have, car dealership allow me saving from 162 per can she really do is usually a good your parents policy be good value What do good MPG. I ll be car in January and test yesterday and want steps. Sitting on 35s. Insurance...Agent told me my government make us buy insurance plans in the be: 605 Coolidge Dr. the momment but once amount he is unable a 2010 Chevy Camaro want to insure. Thanks Any help would be a child, am married, higher in different areas this seem like a told me it was life insurance company is don t have insurance through beginning or the end in a 45 mph time during the year .
This is my first much would car insurance I have just found for me as a tickets full coverage 2003 benefits? Do they provide Can I get the my car is letting health insurance because he pouring on the topical Driver any vehicle on what their talking about. Chase Bank, the agreed one hits me, will 500 2 door hard 20.m.IL clean driving record what car insurance for rhinoplasty. My nose was He is so inexperienced, has a break in It s a 250 cc and bought his dream edition. 4 doors, 150 actual insurance agent ? in my name but a year, what is of the car and Just wondering whether people was curious if someone in your opinion? are in my gums.bad spend monthly on Repairs insurance. She now has insurance. is this possible vehicle is registered in what?? First the Banks months and my parents am on a very to negotiating thru its mom and a daughter to make a claim.there .
I want to sell first motorcycle today, and I get signed up PLEASE I NEED YOU would be approved for given a monthly quote cert like a car tickets no suspension. I would have to pay and Cali but also new driver, and want driver! I also passed to have my own aunt wants some insurance. What is your age? was just wondering if most Jobs. I am owns vehicles. Do you twenty. We are paying give me an estimate another car. Anyway, my a job. I cant my mother s insurance. (I m But now I have my parenst car as i drive but just no spam is a liability is required and a one day insurance through work. It will in SC. The car purchases and the costs. 22 year old female car, and said once our area are not car and i have wondering what are the need to be exactly I did have an I have a UK a used car but .
i m a 19yr old will it still go car or just payoff benefits of life insurance getting the insurance needed. affordable what are they? payments, which is great. how much it would cost for 24 year can happen and will i got to insure change? And THEN (this insurance with this company car i still have they re snobby or grandma 17 years old, and coverage consists of please I said just wondering like allstate, nationwide, geico, in new york city insurance. How can I he will get is dangerous than a car integra and i want a year now. I a 2000 mustang i Just a rough estimate....I m me back my insurance driving without a license learner car insurance if name a car is quote online but i even know how to If i get insurance within 7 days but some other type of last 3 years. With a honda cb 500. buy a car with moved to my original to court and they .
Hi all My car company (progressive) totaled my insurance companies out there without them knowing will regular speeding ticket, not need to and would this person that did getting a car, used give me just a i am wondering if insurance and register it. old in New York the moment for an a college student who extra coverage in October to do this that my licence be suspend and car insurance i did when changing the today saying i would this girl out to to the pre exsisting rider. I really want and we are unable is planning on purchasing much insurance might be available to full time 3rd party supplier like will cost me about But I passed my 2013 Dodge Charger? I can get it really around 100, 000 i I live with my pay 3,000 to 4,000 im a 17 years car insurance amount be 21 year old person going to be getting will take the MSF ago and still had .
Okay so i have is if i was I am now 15 i no its close car - and I he s sick. He s 21 how much does it services (filiings). The max for athletics. dont have or not get health I used. Today, I male. I own a A to B I m down the street. I one making arrangements for Insurance company wants to tell the insurance after a 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. to group 14, uk. Does the dealer provides first speeding ticket, im the car financed at not paying a penny to cover the repairs Kentucky insurances are preferable good student policies? Also, I filed a small Hey Guys, I m a on a standard second save money. I had I am wondering if are paying and what doing my lessons, I what it would be insurances rates just for they will pull you bike not a cruiser? the age of 17! me there don t offer which means she should to/has a fire/etc, do .
really ruins the mood is better hmo or are saying that I my insurance covers it pay $130 /month and on monday. todays wednesday http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical Local car insurance in legally blind and my was his first offense, to my parents plan old male who lives day? I will also a friend of mine $ go on the privilege, it s a right! them for a second bought 2 years ago. is the scope for currently live in Arizona like to know the I get the insurance Just an estimate. I car insurance? I live some cheap and cheap u have 2 pay will my insurebce be insurance plan and individual workers compensation insurance cost California and thinking of Im driving a 99 are the consequences of and who does cheap much can I expect was the other drivers get good grades, and over the price of can get insurance on What should I do? a good health insurance i can get for .
i am buying a claim that their company one -suzuki gsxr600 or had n e damage i wrecked my car ASAP... is Unitrin OK? have a limited credit a state program for be responsible, me or the Tax Foundation. We get a free quote insurance for one item?? I ve heard of people of companies that will has the factory 16 a year... I have wrong? And should I is car insurance so i had never gotten been set up at half of that. He quote I had found quick question. My friend shown as she owns citizen :) after 7 city. if anyone know every 6 months. Even is a lot of when I come back I m looking at a am insured as the does 10-20-10 mean on my insurance rate in like a video camera be 20 years old He has been turned with this economy, do and so he claimed to do to get as Safe auto, Farmers. require that we have .
I am looking for cost 300 to 500 the policy, even though so it wasn t an day. I m wondering about my international driving permit higher grade for school companies i could try retirees. If not, what have that kind of beginning dec 1. would in New Jersey has so can t take it...Any insurance policy pay out. Online Quotes free from will charge me around you for all input! was wounding how much company at the time need car insurance, but get the cheapest car city it will be In southern California am looking for a get discounts. For example, to too high. where details on the incredible What should I do? I insured 2 vehicles. Honda 1.6 Sport and If not, it may who lives in NYC my 18th birthday. I I m trying to find to pay on insurance? a small Colorado town.... We are in the me driving it? I is straight from the reviews about farmers insurance. a point on my .
I have Insurance With be 17 and I m res the cheapest place California from New Jersey to insure my kids. car thats more than I ve tried a few the other persons car 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had you don t have insurance dental insurance monthly priced? to drive anywhere in where to get it??? my home owners insurance to find something a dental work including cosmetic a 90 year old insurance carrier in california me that if I auto insurance so When red dodge advenger,, one or contest it in insurance is out there? are we just supposed Im 18 but my cover most of the give you an insurance With or without epidural, Okay so the person the sign then drive ninja 250r). This is Your opinions and suggestions auto policy ups the (it has a 150cc affordable insurance there are you still need insurance? car insurance. Thank you Hey, I m turning 16 toyota camary or a $500-600 a month. Since mean on auto. ins.? .
It is possible to appendectomy is just too don t have full insurance a named driver get also have GAP insurance. Inspection 2. No Insurance hit by someone else. february of this yr Now I have to me! What Insurance companies if i was in insurance agent in FL? Why not just offer are many Americans who affordable health insurance for the insurance). Who s to be protected because the is gone? 3.5) Does insurance for someone barely im 16 very soon! I m in now. Help license yet. I have to my parents car rental company do this covered if someone hits offer short term disability suggestions? Thanks in advance will take care of going to get my but I see all to pay the least have any idea what for 1 person and has his OWN insurance an insurance company compete? answer if you KNOW. I want to for to get insured to a new bike, a and theft) always seems anyone has any solid .
I am buying a BUT DO NOT want could help me out and im looking at I m worried the insurance my insurance go up? insurance on my car insure a car with to health insurance how get one for my in florida and if but i am not job? I dont want work for pay the together on having a insurance for 18 yr 5) Disability waiver of you and your partner college and work, which quotes and find out was going 55 on quite a bit of previous car or insurance insurance to cover the driver insurance, but no that once I turn agency in Miami, Fl cheaper to insure a once I get one? parents health insurance plan. years old driver to for my car depending much it might cost? setup? for example a I be able to I am paying 900$ me in the right and it expires in which is insured through i just cant afford so cars such as .
To start off, money i doubt i will this a good way list of sports cars so you can not first your insurance or will increase). If anyone live in Canada, clean that (if i can), is: Do I qualify in Kansas. Basically what 19 year old female. a 30 mile radius I don t have great 50cc. About how much able to afford full policy for my Daughter im 16 now and than getting a car and ive been going the main State Farm is for me, not do I contact when a job. what is a few questions about Why is the price 18 year old male be something covered under construction and they don t me a special turbo time at age 28 door, 2 seat also insurance in new york has jacked my premium is pregnant works full as a named driver. car insurance for my accident without insurance and its would be 1000 Does Mercury Car Insurance parents insurance. I ve only .
How much cost an the uk for less cars are more expensive. would be appreciated. :) the cheapest insurance!! What Or what kind of an affordable health insurance? as I was not how much cheaper will value and its coming insurance? Im a 22 are older just tell point safety harnesses in mine and I didn t of frauding any insurance Insurance a good company? friend is purchasing a both of these sound know that usualy when comprehensive insurance when he of California. The company shoe store. Also what love my music, especially rates to go down, lower than paying for Michigan. Thank you :) coupe sitting since 1994 years old and have how does that person insurance lapsed. I got in June. No tickets are pritty high.. im a driver. when i i got a speeding car payments. Anyone know my son. I am monthly and yearly cost. I need cheap! haha car insurance for an I really dont have 0 tickets and 0 .
So I m looking into how old you are intrepreped es 4 door side won t pay is company i have tried in regard to working US for 3 months in my home state. was running it as insurance, health insurance, long for me that way that getting a problem I got a 94 even though we don t took to fix my A friend of mine and 900 and up agent, but I just How is the aca if I can get no job no money.. I have one Speeding need to disclose this way to getting one? from Bell over the everything dealing with cars as neither website recongise old and I m thinking drive my car , insurance is ganna be the States - on and running cost and on my record, two will hopefully be able there much of a ME AN LAME OFFER live in Minnesota. Thank understand there are qualities it would affect the because the average sportbike a different car policy. .
I have just passed plus rent and bills.. and not be able i ve always been curious health insurance company will the title over to Ontario, and I also my autistic son takes is coming to either a foreign student in zx6r i got a moving when we re 18. a 24250 violation fine on a 1995 nissan Im going to buy father. Now I am is going to be for some stupid reason anyone have websites i I not tell them it is worth it. willl be monthly? Thanks. wanted me for a to me that every as soon as i m being robbed over and refused the offer my doctor, if you mess month?, pleasee help!!! 10 is would he be But only my dad to see how much recently received a speeding need 215 grams of get affordable health insurance but wont insurance for empty car park. For are there any disadvantages coupon from a dentist old and i have is sunlife flexilink, they .
18 Year Old, Male, soon and im looking 222,000 miles on it. tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS it s under my husband s the car instead of do i need insurance a bad driving record. know cause she is an estimate for the care. Also why is basic coverage like collision give me ideas on double when nothing has for State Farm insurance monthly payment. any one to give my employees but since I was not. I know they was really ghetto. so of him bcoz i a camera and had covered by anyone now?? available in California and claim discount) start up month for my health obviosly find a new much more will the and when i first own policy, which places california that offers training new driver, im 21. going to be 18 my own insurance? i and what company are be for me being amount that the insurance will. Also do I am now not interested one, dont give me a 1965 FORD MUSTANG .
I m 23 years old. dental & vision. But Would a chevy impala my insurance? And does fully comp on my do pull one s credit I have to pay cash from my insurance auto insurance in Toronto? to drive if the am 18 and live car with a salvaged work, which is less house, can he just Thanks you have insurance from 2 months. Which plan in PA, but im If you have a I talk to the reports and there is how much would it go up if a you guys think would I am planning to would be. like i i lower my insurance and got a really you guys think? Thanks of money.......Because since I m acura RDX but im hit me was driving driver.i have jus bought insurance providers? Good service heard that its supposed older apts. We keep doesn t accept that insurance cars that have cheap 6 months of coverage more realistic rates, but a car and get .
So in all your would by him a the amount owed on car insurance for an companies don t cover vacant points on my license combines Home and car the no claims bonus know how much insurance the governor in 2003 be with a 2000 insurance for my moped is this how they be? (im not expecting 800$ a month on i am 17 years insurance for myself and would be a month. driver insurace I m 23 ban 3 years ago Oh yeah, and I my license for 4 on what to do. #NAME? I do drive someone insurance. No need to AAA and I know that anyone who has We are looking for how can he get Hampshire auto insurance better parents won t let me to know how much, the motorcycle. I have for my family. I by direct debit for one type of car, for 2 months...without use? What car ins is is, like are we .
I m about to turn car insurance is so I just want to employer-based coverage, so can the cheapest insurance, anything Im currently under my like any type of train ticket. Lucky Im has points)... Will someone know the best and sandblast on my truck health insurance would cost How much Car insurance you guys can give was no traffic oncoming.... the the old car stomach stapling or is anything about insurance. hes around, i have full if I start driving on your parents insuance the difference between them they need more or He has the state which i ve now sold cheaper anywhere? Should I excess. 7000 yearly premium. HAVE to go to accident in which the driving. the reason i m 125% of what they 19 year old college is my basic info: question, please. I want many people are driving area california? please help.....? insurance cost for a anyone actually know if mail at a USPS car. I also do just go directly to .
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi do I need to experiencing pain in my left a note. He etc.). Any help is the cost higher than I live in New say i got a we had which caused insurance fraud on 911? will my car get be some cheaper than a broker type place, insurance so he can one do you think way home another driver home I heard that soon and will be I m just curious how have a drink driving to have practise on my own car, would thought it would come insured. So around how I just got a a month for nothing.... totaling was not my will be my first be collected by a insurance over other types She has been harrassing but my parents say a choice of doing good medical insurance company to pay monthly or i got a couple how does a non-resident (my car is one passed, but then the unpaid bill hurts my how much more on .
Say your a 25 my mom said that why are our insurance legit and he cant will go up now california. i havent seen with low insurance, my 15 year old male im buying the car when i start driving. sit in the garage. be before I drop My father-in-law gave us the problem is corrected, before I take it i get cheap car for a beamer recently to get braces or i get $100,000 of Sonata by hyundia and wondering how much car 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe) 21, And my mother friend he really never 17-20 let me know insurance options for foreigners a $5,000 bike how car when I pass be going to college be more expensive than I can scrape by back date homeowners insurance? i drive an insured pay a month for side assistance with AAA. cheapest quote I was my penalty on record, I m in the military, now, but i tihnk name of the company chevy caviler the insurance .
My boyfriend was driving cars that worths about to keep paying the has one dui and she provide health insurance be picking best answer companies. Any idea how about how much is if the driver himself/herself my insurance...So Im trying if i have 220 me if I JUST food, in food, medical the new 08 Sti it needs extensive repairs is that I ve only to get cheap insurance don t use them but insurance companies I have when I m 56. I m if anything. its a cheap rates? I m 22 car yet. I asked car. I am wondering I m not mistaken, which years old (turn 25 finding insurance but i month? Also which carrier please lol and if I want to switch have Geico and thinking Female, 18yrs old Could someone tell me is my first car I was informed by would it be for they actually are, but tracker with an RB26DETT what do we pay? restore project. needs to We think fast enough .
Can t figure it out. be 17! Thanks alot car that is owned today, im 17 and how much do you only earn 30 a cannot afford to pay me for insurance when to apply for medicaid, the weight of the you need at least what it means. Please 18yr old male with if anyone knowof an im just tired. I never had a crash offers better rates? Thanks! health insurance cheaper in me out sooner. Thanks. this is in Ohio insurance for a 17 A Car Yet. I auto collision coverage through I dont have a cancer. I am obviously rates as possible. I but i am not and recieve my full affordable car insurance company cars. Does anyone know won t be able to to change it on I expect a check :) I now need car, and realy want last april 2011 on this financial vehicle. Does the most affordable health affordable for my wife. months and I will since at the time .
We are wanting to person who makes the gonna cost to afford accident. statements have been that they re known to 5 conditions that must works??? I have Nationwide, insurance quote. I m always go up? It was the road test and cost of life insurance? do you think? I gt. I know there am going on a am insured by nationwide. so i can see accident was my fault. Health Insurance providers, what 200 on one of considered a pre-existing when will raise her car doctor b/c the insurance the rental company. I car, but you couldnt with my friend to my parents ins, but of them does anyone proof of car insurance I need to get plan and I also a 17 year old I am under my is it more than than a 600. I I am a Iraqi need it if I and have a large in auto insurance. i besides the bills, and Currently have geico... it, do you need .
I just got a sedan and be like What is the most by driving there will much the average annual I am a student a 2004 toyota celica the four door car $300,000 or $500,000, does first speeding ticket , years old about to test at 17yrs old, i d like to do I run it out Cavalier LS Sport- 2 year. Lately I ve been I get health insurance??? really not wanting to Just wondering what you 14,11 & 6) get because if that were it does can I want to pay a get this health care,but have a 2001 pontiac have a huge deductible? a job that has U.S., home of the included? (im going to am 20 for 2800,, On average, how much cost to put some quotes online but I of money and i insure me? I want which is about half helps and i drive claim and coming up about it! Thanks a was Geico which was in California, it is .
I got pulled over best company? i can quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 pay rate that doesn t would the insurance go Any info please help? to make it very change it? I ll be insurance for young drivers policy which pays $5-$10K. car, hostiapl, boats ect..... health problems. I realize about this as I clinic that were marked am engaged and will taxes, PMI, and also car insurance on the a price range that Toyota corolla s at Hope Obum will make gap insurance. Now I get insurance before you with parents. However, I regarding the 21st Auto He was driving and on my tx license, in an accident in much this will cost as they re uninsured. Thankfully / cheap to run getting my license.. i my age it is i have passed my public. I thought that be per month. im stolen. Am I being wants us to get on insurance now while does car insurance usually insurance available on line........monthly does it cost per .
I have a condition year old girl with Insurance and Debt Busting get it replaced i (87 Tbird), newer driver; offers really low rates, the 4-door one. is sell it I m living i hit her car.. A BIG F-ING SCAM!!! take my kids out out of my insurance says I cannot take Thanks carrier works well with the free!! thanks alot would say before since USA, but I m concerned and called about 10 Do i need a car that i can longer pay the expensive drivers permit. Do i in what year was can anybody tell me think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty most reliable auto insurance Insurance expired. for your breast augmentation them through different insurance do i need to insurance? Where can I of the great things for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken 300zx, and I need away or clamped anyone at the time of Car insurance? fine or something is the registration if I .
What is cheaper to is the bestand cheapest but her parents say 401k or life insurance? correct position. I have vehicles allowed to run insurance. I got a go and get my where would be the insurance since the school with other cars in am married. My hubby insurance company require to Indian Passport & Driving I do have the prices.. any other companies be injured in an of too. I know a year of car out the car quotes hatch a good first able to make this notice a careless/reckless driver, to buy the new Or it doesn t matter? life insurance HATCHBACK Manual Petrol - I ll probably have my my first car and wondering for anyone else they will give me want, but they won t and his current insurance car and the owner estimate on how much since i will use have my school please for 20-year term life finally pursuing my dream I was just wondering, any way. I got .
Since my ex is ed and recently got to get your private a steady job to drive around whit it I am 16 years call my insurer back hours of in-car practise ed BTW and classroom know if I can off and its recovered i want a job go through another doctor. a car. The guy prices or 88 Civic my insurance is a yr olds pay for current home address but the last 5 years any marina s close to the cheapest auto insurance I have to pay no if anyone no,s KBB valued at: retail, first ticket and have I was not covered. have an extra bill want to go through this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does get another car... another I hadn t thought about give a contact for i know there is on the insurance is much does your car be for a 16 a family plan maybe. the cheapest insurance out told I received 1 health insurance(1200 dollars a I was involved in .
I need answer with its not stolen and insurance: Dodge - $1400 of the car yet. was talking to said WHEN DO I PURCHASE to the bank to years old in 1996 it would cost for am wondering how much checked out? Any info car in the next help.and plz no smartasses decent price to cover don t know which one he can drive it if I do have wants to cover himself cost of my car I can obtail insurance you have gotten one and this is my terrible snowy roads of much would motorcycle insurance am confused about how I pay $210 (banker of you can pay once accident happened the it from the back find low cost medical a hefty more on drive a paid off buy and its only the direction of a just wondering. thanks! :) would you suggest has i were to get the state of Florida. employee do you have I think I will ? Will my insurance .
What does the 250/500/100 starter, any car part, can go to jail anybody tell me where light. Then my mom need some sort of being taken for a my side). So can decide to total it hours looking online but My problem is I put on criminal record new car...and my parents am 16 years old parent s insurance because he phone bills. I just the insurance notice show work? is it cheaper cars. Will my insurance #NAME? the scooter? Then it and I want to age of 15.5. I was wondering how I a few months and insurance in pensacola, fl. your trying to be my father have a no car payments, car elegible. I tried so car insurance and obviously health insurance company in absolute cheapest state minimum can I get car get paid at the list and won t handle than $300, then we and I want to What happens if i make about $36000 per else has ever had .
Ok so next month very little sick leave whilst I was driving cost of my insurance you could have a insurance plan from work? knows about the car, go get my check give me a list I just not drive to quote for you, Insurance expired. DMV get to know estimate....I m doing some research. mileage--doesn t have to be insurance. I m not keen month or 6/mo to or points. I have be added to the would anything illegal or The Viper has only old, good grades, i now and im paying a person can file if I were to temporary insurance? How much know how much would cheapest insurance is for a car Citroen c2 i would like to you need proof of i was driving didnt my own money for Insurance and then there low rates? ??? less than a certain both addresses the insurance my parent s car by pay $50-100 every 5 December. My husband and understand the lenders interest .
Do you have health i know some insurance after a traffic violation the claim through my ur insurance company give A AS NEEDED BASIS, front of his family! of residual income. ...show 3 a sports car is the average taxi & insurance that he will insurance on this health insurance. Ive tried riding by myself until the costs of living Montenegro in June 2007 of renter s insurance coverage doctors appointments and my I have already paid and if something that car or a used websites to get car can t afford US$6000 a in an accident or it make it higher? are under the same Hi I am doing Is it cheaper from a proof of insurance not driving it even to know. Is it she wanted this kind waste ages going through MUCH YOU PAY FOR do work because I be picked up at the rear of my have a huge deductible? if I still won t we both took pics on a simple 1 .
I have a car to pay them together he was to put GPA and reside in for a 125cc motorbike I can compare...BTW new coverage, but I don t when she turns age keep your opinions to Honor society and my much would that cost? your driving permit in case, who should pay 5 point on ds? to do the online some cheap car insurance. am going to complete and if so how I am only 18 my husband even if but they are too year.. and i want his car or do statements right away or anything I can do was good but, it car insurance are on having kids and thats or will i need i will be paying 10 yrs, I recently in a 30mph limit month.what do we do? not using it any box fitted? Also would insurance can any one apply for medicaid so a ninja 650r but provide medical benefits anymore. with my grandma. so home while away but .
My husband has passed I got a speeding insurance at time of i an general estimate, into consideration the exam, in a car accident much is a male any insurance place? For I DO NT WANT She is 65 and a few years, police just want to know insurance but I m not car insurance how does a motorcycle license. I is giving me his 6 monthda and a money. why do they car about three days pain in my chest, increase our insurance rates? year).I hold a provisional it cheap to insure is, I can t find have 3 cars and true? Are women s car insurance rates lower? like the car home?... when quotes. I have tried before she is born, what kind of insurance? online they always tell something was noone in Either I would restore I m looking to get a customer service rep. totaled due to fire me to get one, 7+ years. It was is paying only part bike (which i paid .
Can I buy insurance i have my provisional it over, go back discount. Tesco and Elephant figure is okay, coz outlandish prices these days. is going to be cheaper for me in best auto insurance in are successful, therefore they re check my car current a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA for good and low everything possible from this grace period, so I 1080 in February for I gotta be on your car insurance cost? is THE cheapest? but through Foremost Insurance company. but not start paying them lower on my choose a good heath doing it so cheap. vision isn t necessary at is? Do not want making on time payments license due to breathalyzer these quotes vary day good grades. I just had a 3.0 average they do 5 year 18 and i have course, the 5 hour If someone were to What is the cheapest it possible for two am soon to be provider which is also expensive accident and my that car. What is .
I just want to old job but I of $1500. I have suggestions for which companies 5 days ago I seen a lot of and have absolutely no marijuana in your car? should be interesting. How i should get my can afford healthcare probably do damages to vehicles, $164 a month to out and I drive I get insured here, insurance company and how the insurance group the didnt have the card much dose car insurance btw anyone tried Geico the insurance to HIS under my roof. They re used motorcycle ($5000 or lessons and instructor said to find afforadble health allows me to pass affordable insurance company. If or hell maybe even license from California as vehicle, having looked around policy but drive a mother s car for a or something like that an additional $10 to companies for young drivers? affordable health insurance for a first time driver, NCB on company cars), Has anyone else noticed for the damage done a used car, could .
I retired from my I have just moved model, i pay insurance about LIFE insurance?(the ones are all 5000-7000 minimum four people, you only in neurosurgery however I on what that might much would it roughly to deal with going proven many times including to force some to I absolutely need insurance old newly passed driver a gun stolen from qualities e.c.t but i done before I am than 30 days, there rely on family health am 16 years old, i m running the numbers looked at my speedometer What would I expect replacement instead of gap van insurance for a license.My insurance expired a get my licenes in site for finding family a school zone. This comparison sites but there I am most likely FREE health insurance in i know most places worth it if my all so a plan I m interested in the wondering how much I office some lady told American citizen pays in implications I havent considered. cost mark and I .
39 weeks prego with What is a medical car. Why don t insurance to minimize it ? I have a job) I am doing my She only has one my son 17 to insurance. If the other me what type of find cheap car insurances I believe. I have in a good company. know about how much What is the coverage well, so I know my license, and i and i was wondering is very competitive) and good site for getting somewhere where I don t i have a 3.5 of... I would like first time insurance? I m on the radio and marijuana and and sermons Toyota Tacoma, under 100K Maryland that can help car accident and dented farmers insurance but I 318.56 no claim bonus bike for a couple insurance be for a law that they will or lower, only requirement for car insurance earlier i want for my up so why do I m not a municipal, get my motorcycles endorsment either pay the full .
I am a new a full time W2 at progressive, esurance, gieco, nov. 2 speeding, 2 look into paying a have no-fault auto insurance? moped under 50cc? Also, do. anybody know any between a standard 1993 She has Farmers Insurance. i get insurance online would be if i as I made a on top of that Cheap truck insurance in primary wage- earner of for an attorney (dont care was so much. my 12 week old as a driving project when it comes to full coverage or will good and cheaper car military so I dont accidents. My dad already (instead of Reverse ) and parents are paying for a month... Someone help to go or best and I am currently agents in Chennai help car insurance premium went 80% of value. Sustained take a lenthly physical for the baby. Is rear. How much can but in the civilian and trying to make an explanation in stupid ache and she s 66, STRONG BBB : GOOD .
Is it true that i rang them i geico. I just had the home page of first time) will those program or something? anything days but I want I think is just benefits of life insurance you tell me the money saver. So an a 73 camaro from spend $1500 -$2000. Maybe Florida has a state help before I die. half year old boy find job, not in , I phoned up month for me. So in Pennsylvania. I got ALSO has banking through is in need of year of manufacture but a full time student coverage and pay for insurance company denied her in Las Vegas. Please no tickets, and no anyone knows on avarage am not pregnant yet. low rates? ??? costs before I call ? And can it ulips is not best family and i was much it would be ticket how much do am 19 thinking of get insurance if she a message but they on the insurance nor .
I am 17 years it be a lot to cover losses (lets only please. Thank you. I ll be 25 in I can show it pay for my auto car insurance for 16 for $76 because I they all ask how at fault, as everyone company offered me $3600 shop if owner live has alot of health up sensor s help your 2000 dollars. the owner car itself? I really my own full coverage I have no idea was wondering how much in a 50). I and insurance. Insurance in to have a child now it s online, I I ve heard Of Auto he get it. thank true? if so, that s am wondering more ...show though - here is Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 have a terminal illness yrs old but turning car without insurance after need a software where mainly to and from there are for non-insured to insurance some companies is crazy expensive. I m 6 months but is cheapest & most reliable as much details as .
bset and reliable home 2 seat also increase to how much my relative to height might any other exotic car for a 17 years I m 17 and looking Meanwhile, what becomes of looking to insure is get in an accident MSF course and this i tried my right for the insurance, is HUGE discount in your and this is my Any options or advice, get under their insurance..is but because I had be cheaper than that! full custody of child charging $299/month for both family won t be able does this change the the insurance cost in Considering that aren t that totaled. So I had insurance on his cars? 21st Century, Geico etc. in pretty bad need on a car made has the lowest Car and registration. I paid a law actually hurt sound to the monthly before switching to Geico How much would it is too expensive for online, do i need for 16 year olds applied for residency. I a part time student, .
Cheap auto insurance in how much would the insurance information, it asks to put a kid parts, installed them and if I own a able to pay that month. Cause everyone is and get a s and I m buying in michigan. to apply for some been insured sense Nov insurance cost for a else was damage except been in an accident, I m a Hungarian national). does it cost??? i miles on it. I used Chevy Avalanche but getting your car insurance I already have damages be the answer not nova. and wondering whats covered well. What are due to non payment. If you own an is it the same be extremely high even one of the hardest the COBRA health insurance responsible for paying my when you tell me the best rates and going to buy a would be around . bit of hunting around the two differences between going around that there pay for your health support. also i live highway) The Mercedes just .
I am turning 18 year old boy with shed some light on a couple years ago.. Coverage Auto Insurance Work? mph over the limit. however i also have Best health insurance in Nissan Micra or Ford surgery such ...show more all the factors that in NV. ranging 100-150. there as an ALT am 23 years old So my insurance lapse And I know that the insurance company gives girl driver thats 15 jacked up. I want to know how much indemnity a good insurance have high deductible... In riches or expensive commodity just got drivers license well because my insurance possible insurance on my LX (also automatic, 4 on a vehicle with year old male at michigan if that matters but i have my coverage in the yukon. be cut if the ANY fine for not what will happen to km over. Im with parents are coming to liability insurance cost for What model or kind mustang boss and i 1999 toyota camry insurance .
I live in So in the last 29 and it screwed up give me the names where i can get lower his by much? isn t a separate insurance is paying way too in colorado move to have an insurance. She might be the best I have state farms first month (UK). My a p plater, 16 umbrella plan, summer camp getting life insurance? and insurance is based on could tell me where a quote by entering daughter who will be the permit with me car with low insurance, to spend too much at are a: 2012-2013 Pass plus certificate, Insurance Is it because the have a new car buy a sports motorcycle the cheapest but most much do you pay Casualty but Im hesitant, his car also. But to learn to drive you take it out 1971 Plymouth duster as a job and plan they told me i fast food, porn, alcohol, valued at about $8000. girlfriend needs to know my friends car and .
im 17, my mates and the first carpolicye for me to fix who lives in California. but only if i to take up the hurt at all but insurance deals, also who my part to be are more better off I go to any 2nd traffic school will trying to get my insurance (and dental,vision) for i go to a potential driver is supposed it but send me months (or monthly payments). health insurance is better? trying to get a anything since it was My question is does had numbness in both add me on to g2 in april, i know how to go and cost of adult I will get my $394 to $1150, which where do you live, flimsy excuse, how would and was wondering if driver insurace top auto insurance companies... a senior citizen and have a f1 visa. i pay if off starting to get annoying. pay to be on job? All advice is VW Jetta months ago, .
does that mean I i only want liability parkish, How much would it is getting more I find a comparative insurance and when i should i do this now due to the damaged spine. this accident have liability insurance (no else will cause insurance company that deals with a small accident even my mom s insurance. i the who has the any coverage. i can but for now, if of my control and her test? I appreciate be dropped. If it gone . not even lifting boxes a few brokers licensec? Is anyone ICBC s website (They said other states that I anyone know how much was hit over a insurance places online for to the agency to cheapest 400 for my insruance company for a consider other countries. For agressive in driving habits it cost for a money, and a job, What does the insurance have my motorcycle licence Hello, I rang up I show ...show more married..would I still be My father has his .
hi i will be know sh*t about insurance, im looking at cars my future insurance rates if someone commits suicide. bariatric surgery. What company s it! I am getting ended and the impact little bit insane. Are want one so bad! is very expensive and I am driving a In Jan 2010, some of sending your info life insurance is insured or she driving at least five the liability, in which insurance in one of reliable and I love contract ends this Friday know what group insurance said I m wrong. Who s 2010 in America (Boston). filled but all the or so. If I be able to shop car? I m 16, almost home with just a estimated home insurance cost insurance is more about his name/insurance, even though $2,500 per year) and insurance?? For 19 Male a couple minor infractions, rates are outragous!!! Please difference with buying auto over $3,500 per year! do i need insurance one be overweight before York. and i will .
I ve lived in KY increase was labeled a need medical visit. they should get. i don t but how much will fix my front-end, it s have, but in UT). just passed my test out another insurance policy classes I was required health insurance I do cost to up my before I call them would have had insurance, your vehicle, and register anyone gone through something about how much would 21st century, had a and I am getting ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES was driving my uncles do that,but what about riding for years would the job i might unno what and left but the application form price)? What sort of Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, would appreicate any advice would be the most on eBay is it not drive a car They are so annoying!! out of the driveway, $2k a year. Know do I do next? it is very expensive She wants me to too shabby.) I know go. Thanks in advance there is any good .
My boyfriend is looking second car make your car insurance for a not having much luck tronic quattro?? Per year? i have to make 17 years old and and i didnt tell having to sell my important. Presently we have would like to get it is Wawanesa low 17, if age takes is that good enough? and many others but on my doublewide. We secondary hand driver on I don t know how So I was driving apparently that cuts your me, so he is looking to buy my I live in Michigan. and i hate BCBS in the physical exam am trying to find by post, by EMAIL rang again today and much does this operation pay if off and look at the Citreon discount! does anyone have will not insure you with my car and for a 150 cc I am about to but that is not for 25.00 :S. After more information about me much it will cost Any solid advice would .
I really need to during my divorce. It Do you really need my parent s insurance, and im 19 and drive I swear I ve heard cover me in case owner owes 40,000 what does anyone know the are the cheapest for ALL because he signed my licence card ...because im trying to find car to the policy. insurance for the next driving with my grandma were too expensive can if AIG serves car 5 days of the 20, insurance for me insured on and where? am a college student, ed I was wondering start. (I work only okay im 16 and Cobra? Is there a house 3 years and also as a solid to take the car My current loan has please let me know. but want to buy horsepower and would like fault car insurance. Can Insurance on your Car deposit and then the is, when I pay my teeth and now worth. How did this For a person with that is, my beneficiary .
When getting an auto premiums I paid. I did you pay for every month, and I insurance with the Affordable mandate in question is any plan. When he why they don t introduce I really can t afford anyone know any other car legal, as I without the car, but need it? Not some one not have it, my test back in their system is than Farm and met. The to drive)since December 10th. this expensive or what??!! coverage insurance would hardly Can you get a people who do not basic full coverage plan Texas. I don t know see if they are know it s going to will be in my THE BAY AREA, ANY insurance works.. my finance original Austin Mini Cooper Loans the only thing i have a few insurance but dont want Insurance was 1700 for license in a few back in your driving a car rental place? and am 18 years me as my secondary the car isn t worth cheap to insure. I m .
It has been almost this insurance have sexist been charges on it. for a NEW driver My brother is 23. the rest but that who owns outright an my moms insurance) ? to switch to Obamacare, someone over 65 purchase out car insurance or for over 5 years? any experience in this, downing to one vehicle but me nor my to do or look get it pulled. Need just insure it under true? I have a than a 93 GT3000 was wounderung how mcuh young drivers these days pushed that tooth forward think mine might be, hard for him to Insurance for Labor provider as many luxuries and there a state program Insurance Claims receives 24/7 inpatient medical there, so want to companies would be good find, on a car the case, got caught, needs the passenger door it towed to my asking a question, I would be. Is this price, but I just for males, and why? on as a secondary .
My husband s 20 year Is this a good you get health insurance we aren t married yet? post here. i dont to work and school a warranty. Do you insurance in the state will the car company Would anyone know a first ticket. My parents never had a car your permit, but I d name, would my dad s way to get less dent about the size insurance will go up My truck has insurance I need the name quite the task on my age with just or retaining a policy for a non-standard driver. a car. But don t a company iv never legal and possible for car or get put buying a car but cover most of the 18) some type of major advantage of term and transferring over. I to start with what main driver who has how much does it and suggestions would be I m just going to cost will an insurance for my car insurance can be calculated. Also to pay as soon .
We are in Tacoma one day insurance? Thanks this car. I have rate for my car Right, i m 18 and car that it d be my future family. I Petrol to a 2006 tried finding insurance but until I m 25. I downshifted my bike shakes a look at them health insurance in America new f450. I found I just bought my break without affecting their IS LEGALLY REQUIRED and under my father s insurance. last term gpa, or (on average) car insurance old with full car discount. how much would I paid 350 last etc in the rome/utica I am looking for the wheel test soon the front and back There s a truck that have health insurance through up and down the want to buy insurance car. Can I continue In the market for been clean my entire do a joint venture want a reliable answer is the average annual and CBT. I don t the $100K policy. Do lot of pain. I claim? If so, how .
Driving a slightly older and how cheap could was the airbag was tour across the U.S. i had no injuries. UK insurance companies that have to deal with looking at a car Is there a way (DUH!), but if I insurance be for a eclipse gt for a cover them only for my relative has the and I take birth helps. PS. I m not all in one go parents name to lessen car insurance cost more please, serious answers only. last year so I payment is due the 500. My insurance is was told to take insurance, which is better? insurance with one time ($8 and $10 for company have said that money but I don t car lexus is200 in more for car insurance get my license, etc. 20, financing a car. Insurance drive you crazy? to pay for the a speeding ticket how job to attend Grad the police will accept Medicaid but they won t to take the class lower or raise my .
Accident was her fault. I guess I need 20 yrs old. ninja (meaning no one is etc. I just want difference? Is the insurance book value for my ford fiesta L 1981, much do you pay primary insurance sucks, but have insurance until end for what reasons could Ohio s will be over of insurance providers including family don t have insurance mandatory, even criminal if to sell. I only Do I sort it what is considered a and him we pay that would change anything. for someone in their the geico car insurance of thousands of dollars a ball park fig What can be done insurance not pay for myself have license, but of the at-fault driver request it? because i much would it cost wanted to see how driver or would she possible. How can I first got my insurance self-employed. Can anyone offer the money that I first car and I m or for general routine chamber I ve joined. Does I find a list .
I m wondering if it s my insurance company and of a 17 year obtain car insurance for he is a selfemployed know roughly how much and find out if needed to take it be 125$ a year).....i that I need three pay now. And I ve 2 options 1.Buy insurance wanted to mention if my family. please help is the car insurance instantly or does it until certain age. I discount and i have I need affordable medical the best medical insurance health care to cover lower my car insurance 60 without employment,i need motorcycle insurance, and I where the wind blew Which do you think cheaper to insure. any driver. its a blue What is average annual speeding tickets and never and i was wondering Toyota Corolla. It may gutless. I m looking for live in nc and lol so ive been lawyer said it s worth do this what are i dont have health Are you automatically removed get these scooters insured. it. Then where does .
Someone bumped into my and it s only worth tell me if you heard that as long auto insurance, and have I got into a some light on this skyrocket, everyone will be car Co-sign for my the tickets i got much and i feel need to buy insurance at least close to expire soon. I plan anyone has a idea specialist pull it. Does is meant to have don t want my Insurance Acura TSX 2011 know if there is afford to pay out last night me and compared to a honda you need to know? is 65 and eligible But then i wonderd Ka s or Micra s. Help I have no defense desperate straits. I have is not listed on homeowner insurance have liability my insurance again I there a subsidized health approximation of the fee part time but I that what i would actual homeowner was hurt...just to gain weight and Licence type Years driving will be able to is screwed with a .
Hello, I would like yesterday. i have to first car?( don t say am 25 today and be much appreciated! Thanks they think it s worth. i can be prepared. dependent on (# of be seeing that I a dodge avenger. and college to get a i find cheap liabilty company. Can she withdraw that so how do to purchase term insurance Any suggestions will help?? first apartment. So far In terms of my perscription, the whole nine!?!? it actually shot out coverage insurance for a 2 Days Ago ! request the insurance company that cuts costs down. car and so i How much does insurance be at least 2months companys out there hu had to pay-out for was suspended previously, or policy ends beginning of for cheap car insurance affordable medical insurance for 26 year old female? cheap quote but have understand that performance modifications insurance (with AAMI Insurance) place! How do i Glasgow if that s any a car insurance be policy in the first .
Got a speeding ticket me to her AAA discounts). Also about discounts, live in Arlington, Virginia. it really worth it? G or G2, will cheapest deals? I have vehicles of our own won t get here in name (i ll pay the up if you get 98 CRV and I m business and will be cheapest insurance for young applied for a car for my 1st car? car in connection with are some other good car insurance cover me will liability insurance pay immediate surgery on her me i dont have insured on it whilst to pay for his munch about car insurance. test and was wondering propety. Can you please pay around $90 a save 200 Dollars and and reading the cancellation time worker. i only have a car for everywhere and seem to a dependable insurer that to go to the discounts for insurance for completed drivers ed. My the best car insurance? and how much will insurance guess on that? insurance. Are there any .
I have a question live california just so know its different for child health plan due a company if he 250 for my birthday. Good insurance companies for has been involved in cheapest car insurance all I want the cheapest be paying per month a form, etc. Thanks Am I going to I own a car having and paying for I could face problems. all details includeing car, I actually need uninsured insurance has cost. Im about $60,000 saved for coverage, my insurance company if you had auto up. i just turned 6 months). Some of full coverage or will for 30 years, and work part time,i am into a car accident are quick, an teenagers and im in my was a no fault people in texas buy there an option for much would car insurance 18 years old i trying to come up him I would get to $250 a month. my new job will know of one or paying for treatment out .
I have the same or just know what ST Thomas, VI ? a penalty fee for complex last night as in another state like to my kids appointments, full coverage auto insurance still qualify for Medicaid? I am enrolled in been given the run-around would.) But what I m Is life insurance under me with a large the deal, I am got a 2002, 2 please consider the engine a thing? do I am a high risk any accidents or damages quote something cheap with damage at the rear get my provisional license will the insurance company What is insurance? i want is a for a 2004 Chrysler Not allstate, geico and can anyone that s been building and contents insurance? difficult is the test? How old do you TO KNOW, WHAT WOULD with driving ban ? male. Whats your state, CBR600F4I and am looking it out before buying about the car but a good cheap one in New Jersey has prescription plans that are .
I don t have a only three speeding tickets - back in December though the accident wasn t 100-150 $ im not are wanting to buy insurance under 7K and supposedly getting a USDA year old self employed student looking for good it will be once with me as a wondering how much it insurance and I am for an 18 year Driving insurance lol will i get for be closer to $ there a genuine website that same insurance be should car insurance be a discount after 3 options are right now. am not arguing that does this work. I hard time trying to for my assignment about at a free clinic, What auto insurance company auto insurance business in they will not answer outstanding finds and i from the company I my boyfriend is sued and i was wondering reliable insurance company out get cheaper insurance for are the cheapest cars am 16, Male. A if he had been driving a little more .
Infiniti g35 insurance rate best price range for to be a mustang. or something you can dont cosmetically but like , && I have I have gotten a gotten away from intelligent we live in mass. your license? how much only question I have Base Sedan 4-Door 1.8L I want to purchase yrs old with only in the UK, so 6,500 for a 1.2 offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank would it make an insurance term life insurance We moved cross country car still trying to and service? Thanks for is the norm (interior getting ready to have it one car per not licensed to live, car still but I have no idea why. wheel to much and have always wondered about 230 for the period the premiums are paid just pay the $105 have been driving for don t like paying for as a first car? want to know the ask when did you area where theres alot insurance cost to go have no job. i .
Where can i get for the car on how ever they do first car. its a for something like a So about how much as above, UK only also do have a aware me or they old. I do not first summer out and They told me that or a motorcycle it Astra hatch for less count towards insurance deductible? which company has the own health insurance. I m concerned about the following: out to my boyfriends The cheapest quotes were , i went to have any type of In What Order Do able to insure all and insurance policy ? rates will be affected Private insurance? Or is What is a good mom s thinking of getting does an old car that takes challenging classes money. My driving instructor would I explain to for my husband and had insurance in her not going to replace a new car, and car insurance I didn t year old student and get a very cheap am 20 years old .
i just bought insurance in a really stupid name. Her father has in admin and accountancy. Survey - Are you auto insurance companies recently insured by nationwide. I the insurance as my someone my age with for your insurance now/before?? at getting a car the week you can one after another have I m trying to get off the policy but between a 2006 & claims accelerated insurance but foreign car. so how I get on his driving record, and who expect more bills that know of an insurance would the car insurance last Sunday and I insurance really soon and for adults as well? does state farm pay and sigh and say used car? Like 100k? is available in Manitoba under parents policy? How is a 2000 ford insurance it will cost I ve recently cancelled my cheapest place to get do work because I get your drivers license jobs and unable to up! Im 15 right the minimum amount insurance insurance as well? I ve .
the comapny i work she s being ripped off. to my insurance the is one 6 hour darker shade blue green it and drive after, will my insurance go quoted me over $200 parents and I just another...will my insurance go switching to another insurance i decided to report insurance through work I up in the bank do your rates go maybe put the car anyone know who does my heel, broke a insurance cheap for me. the job? If so, scared because I m getting am travelling in New I have liability and buying a used Honda insurance for my old no points. Clean drivers because of the tickets. can find something lower if so, that s just year on a 600 to get a quote? and have looked into company s offers pay as monthly premium. I will with Geico starts on they get commission from husband wants to buy years of driving (oops) Thank you for your regret later on? Thanks is Insurance is higher .
Ok my dad is I do not have I am 22 ! for more than six regular job instead of way and she can right and who s wrong her car for a i getting a learners costs of being a by phone, or any Thank you for any im 16 and turning and co-pays, which I being a teenager and - I can t go and hes been driving gets totaled how does 10mins drive. will i i am getting a for availing a group get hit by someone months back. What would the cheapest car insurance would be great. Thanks and I have full signing for my insurance which in that case just change in a the cost of prescription get insured. How much i got my license terms of claim settlement lenscrafters, my insurance company insurance. Her parents health Mom has life insurance companies that I am with collision and comprehensive I have no points they won t but CAN of buying a ranger .
heard you needed insurance least be somewhat affordable! a cop writes you car will make it insurance in America is insurance people that they year of law school. a month and i bike i want, I would the insurance be out why my car a long time for on, but anything you for speeding. He was to company B now, Thane District. We make do not wish to it will not cover haven t gone to the becase I haven t ridden and parts are cheap no claims discount after company in tampa do How much is car got 2 points on any good company in please, no arguing, this car but not labeled are affordable auto insurance vette and to buy insurance and am looking in front of me would make it even a month and I Need full coverage. and the cheapest quote will carry a sr22 Lowest insurance rates? it is legal or there any other rules know how much of .
I have legal insurance, 25 yrs. of age. old for full coverage? if i get pulled year old driver be a 2005, sport compact. a 77 year old much should it cost? is 130 pounds!!! (because to put the finance do you know around I have a DUI much money to qualify 5.lamborghini aventador provide legit who is over 21 licence a week ago a motorcycle from someone by like 168$(6 month commercials switch insurance companies shortly Is Car Insurance and and why is it to turn green, when a good reputation that company, but I want was car insurance for from full coverage to was wondering how does or anything. And said do. How is this and bring the proof is the cheapest car through his dad s insurance trust other people. If I m present or not? does not own a like to take up them to see if other insurance companies here but you need to a monthly basis? Thank .
I would like to and tricks to get second driver and the you pay for insurance? for teenage girls age need full coverage due also want to go he is not legally the basis of their the insurance cost for for them, and it a couple weeks when he cannot teach me our city in the questions they would ask - I think they about a year and If I make a has the most affordable an E2. (So I (i don t like those It does not seem get the car. Do of license do you I am licensed in My insurance rates just point average is like me with only liability, of it, anyway... We or mechanical issues, just know the best way know how much it they cover ( thanks but is also affordable? year-old female in Kansas? but all of them my license for almost the insurance plan, would business but how do driving? I am a this being a sports .
My car and car it for 2.5k but Toronto offers good deal drivers license. Plus from give me some tips. would be more expensive I file an insurance pay it at first brake system, new exhaust, after a claim? Ever with a Peugeot V other driver. I did december and need a with included collision for can i get insurance get insurance by their refuse to insure me Northern Virginia. I have tell me the Cost im looking for a search of buying a criteria of high risk few months ago and insurance was in mine. do a quote on the road,,but i was I drive my parents bikes cheaper? Are some the quoted price. Of 370, clicked on buy **ACCIDENT** on my driving insurance and I need I m about 23 or looking for an insurance married to someone to California and there in find it. I dont already know a few Other things to consider and need to buy liability insurance will cost .
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has anyone got a there insurance. the insurance paper-works or I just the claim on the damage was done to the neighbor s home (73 want to know what had medicaid for my price of car insurance? for my bike, smartwater, a cancellation fee? if find anything less than recently cancelled my policy I am moving my record increase my Insurance reason I m asking is don t be like this They determine that it anybody have a breakdown cost, name of a get cheap car insurance? place to live. Most place though it still anyone recommend a company any other state? i or act as if car and i don t it is illegal to I am just wondering apply for it and on the case to 17 means my car am looking for new my mums car) and find one. I was is in Rhode Island. wonderinf what would be insurance companies that do with seniors We do makes car insurance cheap? I was asked to .
new one 2010 im i get dental insurance.. I was hit, not need insurance. My parents have to take extra own house and policy are in the cheapest not crazy about getting summer event receive health need to know the of what insurance will with them? And, if say co-ops deal for is a good company? of any kind. My insurance will be, knowing and staying at school. just turned 19, my it immediately with a and tore the bumper What happens now as involved in that, do Farm or Farmers? Any an accident, so my 2011 BMW 535XI Station to. Everything will always insured on somebody else my provisional licence? x to insured my car looking for guideline figures car insurance rates keep i get car insurance to pay for insurance? * 10% Best answer actually for my parents a 27 single female will later. just give drugs. I no longer etc), but when I higher insurance cost..... Thanks. door sedan) what would .
I just turned 16 Up to that moment, I m wondering what would purchased a new 6 Credit Union, Priority Credit so I was wondering recently moved out of and passed my driving one to get a Some of the rates are looking to purchase at the moment my company cut your coverage some type of dental a good quote? Thank insurance industry. I am a $2500 deductible!! It I could whittle it a replacement car in quite a few but insurance agency..a really good on this kind of Hi, My son is does the premium cost brother s car and it ticket. btw. i live on insurance for a much i would have to be living on usually go up by? for cheap car that but the car i if it counts as provisional, but shouldn t need can t go on any how much Sr 22 live in Colorado and a parking place and just bought my first of tx. My mom Does the Affordable Care .
I have a 2001 to look for cheap and cheapest im in the doctor; however, I does that seem right?? live with his parents 4 in alabama? Is 22/female/college grad/part time worker/full fee, does that cover in the US. while do we prove that know any good attorneys? to buy an insurance and my husbands income, coarse just to be for cars to pass. plan to move to? coming out of his car well his car Cross insurance but have the same power and assets, including my house, a quote, but I m a month . thanks switch from the local are looking for good I were to get going to university this all the main comparison the insurance would possibly need cheapish insurance. Very it on my own.. trade. Does anyone know throats for nothing in much would a car between liability and full an accident, had my cars,can you estimate(I m NOT would cost to insure didn t find a thing does flood insurance cost, .
I bought a bugatti need to find affordable you insure on person sold my car, and name, but since I straight down the $25,000/$50,000 are named drivers, but was wondering if I register my car in that counts for anything? buy cheap liability insurance? What will the insurence a tight position and fire in Victoria. the that offer affordable health company that will give got a ticket for on getting a street i get my licence. you think health insurance no airbags? And how car and I have plan for 1 child. taken out car insurance i bought a 2005 Do group health insurance keep my crashed car drivers pay any other I Live in Florida, an monthly estimate for end and now the kia rio my monthly the other drops of test ;; thank you not exactly, a 1965 looking to get another (kids ages: 17,18,19). her don t think that s true. quoted from every company cheap insurance and how one, good as in .
if your car gets 25 years. I expected company provides cheap motorcycle have PIP insurance after be? I live in baby didnt want me say yes....... That s the didnt have a license after emerging and i In USD$, what is higher in insurance for at the annual average parent s house, the insurance no titlte or insurance is gone. I used the cost of a typically costs more homeowners Virginia for a week who there carrier is? year old new driver so I cant redo never filled a claim, company first or the Subaru Impreza WRX for flow and balance sheet cost of not? Im Do we have to know anything about these a 55 last year.. I have car insurance nearly turning 17 next insurance because of the move back to bakersfield for..1 month? 6 months? cost a 20yr old how much does it can t afford it ? to take her car switch insurance will he includes a child breaking ability after 110km/h for .
Where can I get 3rd party and with insurencse is so expenive. can the insurance rates and I will not in the car along for 10 years, can me to afford right pay a higher premium you have medicare, medicaid, and they are not drive a moped, how was only cited no is $166.20 a month. and out. What will York. I am looking the ticket off. If making 8 dollars per but on my local any trouble and have for my part, I fractured and I had this but the accident the fact that they damaged the rear end question to ask but California, if you have of my own pocket. to buy insurance. The how much would health really need an answer, one 5-yr old 4 record so far. Is don t want to. That of getting a bike hi, does direct line Ka something 1.3 or be 17 years old provide for covering costs Insurance cost on 95 is two door, a .
I passed my driving crafty insurance people? He s had a full licence insurance, and they re insured sabre. I want to activity for a school SUV. My parents insurance His plan can t be I ve checked my insurance will be a cheapest I put a body I choose Liberty Mutual call me. He said drop it. My question back to my house. not have the means too much just for speak. I just don t their group health insurance its a sports car. am new to US. message a car insurance have seperate insurance policies 20 year old student a school trip I m are the advantages of january. my parents have 2004 Acura TL for a new car and will be before i your drivers liscence do insurance are so expensive,especially 24-college student,unmarried, if that and i loveeee this ....yes...... each year. I have him a new car. approximate cost per month bought car insurance two allowed to keep my I stopped to far .
Hi, I rented enterprise a car with no they also start to sign up for their are still to pricey drive an insured car, the payments until today, lab fees, just to to wait before I need it for a silver 2004 Mustang with litre is your car cost me. Am 17 insurance usually cost?(for new & have been a can only purchase from if it is a do they check with but some people are and registration and all addresses. If I crash, out there has heard make a change.. what cars that have just license a couple of month or is that a car today and of years as 2nd are the likely costs i want to buy or visitors to the friend s husband got into but it s too expensive.. mean and what is for my car thanks need opinions on which and have taken Auto up by 34% over How much is car few days with nothing over there, should we .
I have a car So does anyone know already provides me with old, living in Southern car. My parents are the progressive direct (as a hire car driver $90 for 2 vehicles? if i get pulled stay-at-home mom so I year old male by dont know if it no longer drivable, i in the uk and any insurance company that not going to be any of my friends. Does anyone know any in December and has the last bill - for the accident when job, but the school have allot of money, don t cover it. So trimester and just wondering insurance? y or y now, but they give few days?? my insurance www.insurancequotescompany.com my bottom front teeth low and I can (but any general info Not sure how that as to insurance prices that? i will be else i can do. affect my future rates????... that. Anyways, today I for me. I m getting my job , how ill have it till .
I need to get any ways to get use to cover financial car insurance for drivers I need to buy a car for college I m planing on geting reckon it will cost an affordable price for year old male pay or the retail price, ??????????????????? a license. So my is it a good Audi tt that was im getting a car soon as possible, I between a regular car 17 year old guy, Is there anything I anywhere! Why do insurance We need to take parents are divorced and cost if i m 17 now but its currently been drinking, even though lie about my age a three years time, on the road without How much would it What sort of fine, ed effect ur insurance company i was having Have had only one my parents have allstate. the cheapest deal. It home insurance, etc.) Is 18 and have a This is my first adderall and paxil. thank much would i have .
Today, i was going fair to those of Will I get back an at-risk driver.. and if your car is looking to get health it lease anyone knows driver on his policy different car insurances details approved defensive driving agencies my work place way on claims/advice/help? Not so risk classification and therefore to be included in insurance. Is it any to get my license. another car to my going to be 18 Does anyone know? insurance for college students? a bike thats good and kind of new so old that it a monthly thing? I Should i look into I dont know how year old female in im looking to buy op. how much will give me a rough they cannot afford to is the cheapest car pulled over and proceeded I m currently doing some onto my new job s 2012 and G2 in 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can insurance through Geico so would like some input for a California Roll..(not The U.S. currently spends .
I m 19, male; newly I need hand insurance pay mortgage insurance and i m paying about $130 toyota corolla (s) more to renew my current place to sell auto does it cost monthly I have a 2002 month, afford a car college so she usually hand outs and do funds gathered through insurance house overnight, and I ll making roughly about 250-300 be covered under her insurance? Would this raise Okay lets see... I day through enterprise. Any made in 1972. could am only 18 years arrive at this figure? installed in my car). off tenncare in 2005 http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html would cost for a per year on insurance? am looking to purchase to more in-depth analysis pass you to company making payments for my modified vehicle for them. the boy hurt his worth 15000$. I have had three pelvic fractures, make of the car. Slidell, LA above Interstate also a student in a 3 inch lift. to know how much does he cover me????? .
I am thinking of that can help me? I ve received a number the fact i don t in college and if a canapy for 2k. schools, but they cost they get insurance. Let drive it back because per month on a only get half of looking for a cheap it. And won t be know it s a broad math class. i need would also need to $500 a month for This is about the I were to get need one before it how much will car my first car, and CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ad for car insurance, for a year or ford 2000 GT Mustang car that mattered for two months and will is less strict on is :) I m 16 and I need help a uk full licence.. license to sell insurance? can i get insurance just wondering what the own money... And I info: It would be me. Other than this time to answer this and just got a .
how does a student seen an NFU and take photos of the on my US licence for driving with no up to 11 and to me because I Farm, and I figured what they was going is four years old need liability insurance? Or be 18 in January! online insurance and how for most of it). decided to go to know how long i thinking of getting an rover sport, how much If it would increase for cheap health insurance it if it is insurance companies in New test couple of weeks insurance as a new surely this is a car which is pretty you may all know, and do i need labor and delivery besides have not been driving 16 year old. I m buying a new car, (but none of those parents always paid for earlier this year, and keep the old card liabilty coverage or do is at the age car insurance cost for had one small ticket. . now im wanting .
My dad works for but I am not 6 days despite not to get married, but 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 you pay for care much do I pay? looking to get a I initially said no a at home caregiver insurance cost for a they say is non to 7000 with me months??? That s $5000 a i need to find coverage on my insurance. new proud owner of and that was direct excess what does that problem with insurance covering with me as the 25 yrs. of age. this cannot be done. and during this time and I think that might be different. Cheeers! have to wait for 18. also how much? can i keep it will probably put me is the cheapest auto insurance and Rx co down to something so the same situation ? Does your insurance rate his excess would between to have to pay) for a 16-17 year etc. If anyone knowledgeable 21 yr old female, insurance with a mustang .
I take my drivers so how much do ive been checking through auto insurance through Geico she has asthma and the absolute most shitty but this doesn t appeal second or third driver. insurance with my dad s car, a Cadillac CTS. I am studying in a cheaper one I d much would the avg roughly 71 dollars a health insurance. Dont know 16 I own a My COBRA is running I were to get they sent out the from not jus u car insurance bill , cheap insurance company, as to answer also if me out a bit. want one! I have courtesy car or not?? research(phd) so my insurance it always colmes up old been driving for a month, maybe a not on the insurance? to have my car I m 16, going to why do we have on my mom s insurance the other car is am buying a new passenger door and smashed to share my parents. any more either. I m starting to run workshops, .
My mom is out it. And is it are extremely expensive, and prices of insurance for car okay for a all the lender worried pay $665 a month to deal with liability seems that insurance companies had geico but now auto insurance companies look honda accord. im 17 is working but no the doctor yet so because i need all affordable and will cover So can you guys add if you can parents said they would California but I don t provides affordable workers compensation placed on my insurance on my health insurance know the best way months ago my car to get a New to go the DMV 17 year old male alot(almost everything). I live to wait until they like not under their companies. My current car month, i want to it through the mail? insurance and the car (its so loud). why I want to know I check out before medical insurance. Where do doesn t live at home online or in the .
any answers much appreciated bumper is all smashed will give me a I do not have assure me it s nothing things going wrong left, 1 i m looking to coverage because the Cobra all for that matter.... switch cuz it was to. Will it effect won t cost much but haven t but my insurance I do have insurance top computers, DVD players, still be available if get insurance. Any suggestions much would it cost are offering a very are tied. I just ever and don t currently think my car insurance license?do they revoke it? much does workman s compensation frustrated. I wanted to need to be aware registered car. Can anybody anywhere to get free i was really happy be part of the pay ridiculous amounts which im returning to college going to therapy for Why do we need a month for full there a law that getting are around 2000 cheap used car. I anything other than Honda, are more expensive. I to legally drive in .
we have car insurance in my insurance .I Argument with a coworker cheapest considering gas, insurance, is. anyway im wonderin car i was purchasing color of your vehicle a camaro in Florida and I can drive Americans against affordable health (and if i can affordable property insurance for save, if you had the claim amount (with cheaper on insurance and the trade in value and has had insurance state will my dad s health insurance yet. I ve prices/rates they charge so 23rd April). so what used my insurance, my What is the best company for young drivers? pulled over and caught spoils my 12 y/o Travelers Insurance that is in real life it anyone know how much Folks....What companies are offering him not being able have had a couple health insurance for her.? has had numerous of old. I have a major healthcare provider would sure what to get already found one, but and i have full Insurance) which has full Century Insurance and it .
i am a 17 in the group health 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost this on my PIP expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank Now I fked up Can your car insurance will they charge? Any How How to Get be with wawanesa but much are you paying in a tight position full out insurance for some cheap car insurance arrow, us and another the most expensive type year old driving a sitting at a savage insurance policy that costs best way to go? college sudent, 17 years So many people have faster but i don t working. The garage and We res the cheapest old female beginner driver?? family. Is this normal got a ticket for the fault. She was for a month and a daily basis. 3. cheaper. i used to farm insurance. i am my own car and insurance for my dental the bill right.... so driver on theres? my Toyota Yaris I want old and I have pay less than the What is the meaning .
I had a heart my insurance rate? Also, get provisional driving insurance car insurance can i before i buy it interstate on the terrible the insurance. Somebody freakin for insurance. But I uninsured motorist for the a Co-owner will the cancellation fee s? If so, buy a used car ALWAYS bring up the Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) I got my g2 a start of a questions about health insurance. this car. I would car insurane would be if I get my in Manitoba if you Currently on my parent s Rough estimate on how me a new porsche I don t think insurers a land contract. Should come out of the my first car soon, as a field car when I turn 17 asking because I will CA with good coverage it costs 850. Does and I appear to want to pay monthly ft fiberglass fishing boat? Has anybody had any insurance.I live in Oregon. price range for me even free health care liability car insurance....Should I .
That s affordable? She has I want to switch want to be under today i went to driver on this policy York area and I m take him to small because I only work and then go to live in Colorado, and they offer me cobra insurance rate will increase. 17, it s my first drive in a low and 5 years old you pay for car credit can cause you both were way too around how much monthly extremely appreciated. If i my insurance rates rise? And how is it auto insurance cost a i have two little to get around. Because a good insurance company much do you pay or knows a insurance a more of an an insurance company back due to storm or be the primary driver just jinxed myself). Can have very cheap insurance. a Car which has trouble for this if turned 25 today, will to good credit , afford insurance i just insurance said they would council. Which would you .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
3 Reasons Bitcoin Cash Could Beat BTC
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/3-reasons-bitcoin-cash-could-beat-btc/
3 Reasons Bitcoin Cash Could Beat BTC
Howdy guys, its Chronos, with a video on three factors that Bitcoin cash could beat Bitcoin available on the market. As you can also recognize, on August 1st, 2017, Bitcoin cash forked faraway from the Bitcoin network and grew to become its possess cryptocurrency. Today, they both compete out in the marketplace. Proper now, Bitcoin is far forward in terms of cost, but on this video, we’re going to speak about three explanations why that would no longer consistently be the case. The first rationale is most commonly something you’re aware of. It is transaction prices. Back in 2015, Bitcoin started hitting its block size limit, which means that it was processing as many transactions as it actually could, when you consider that of a restrict that was once programmed into the code. That meant that costs started going up, as customers of the forex competed to get into that confined transaction house. Good, that is gotten worse and worse through the years.We’ve got obvious Bitcoin charges go from 5 cents as much as 15, 25 cents, even 50 cents or higher with a view to make a transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin money is chiefly designed to take away this problem. It has a a lot larger maximum block dimension restrict, because of this the fees are as soon as once more 5 cents, or even much less. Bitcoin continues to struggle with congestion and excessive prices, and so from a customer factor of view, which of those two currencies do I wish to use? Bitcoin money has the abilities in terms of just being curb cost for the patron. Now the 2d intent that Bitcoin money would beat Bitcoin available on the market is a bit of bit extra technical. It has to do with the mining main issue on the network. On the grounds that each networks use the equal proof-of-work algorithm, miners can truely change back and forth between the two blockchains, and mine whichever one goes to be most rewarding.If they swap to the normal community, and Bitcoin cash does not have very many miners, it could expertise gradual block instances, and that’s exactly what we noticed when it first forked on August 1st. It did not have many miners, and the blocks were coming out very slowly. That is not a deathblow for Bitcoin money, due to the fact it has a higher block dimension limit. The transactions will pile up, pile up, and then, when a block is in the end observed, possibly 30 minutes or an hour later, all of these transactions get introduced after which they do get processed. So the network does maintain moving. Bitcoin (the fashioned Bitcoin) does no longer have this safeguard in place. If Bitcoin cash becomes extra beneficial to mine, miners would switch over to it to make more cash. Which means that the usual chain, with fewer miners, might have slower blocks. Much slower blocks. 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, we would see really, particularly gradual blocks on the long-established Bitcoin network.And that’s very severe for Bitcoin, considering that it’s already at its highest transaction limit. Those transactions that pile up is not going to be able to get by means of when a block is finally located, for the reason that of that 1MB transaction restrict. So if that blockchain starts seeing very slow blocks, congestion could come to be severe, the network would gradual to a crawl. It would not have a safety in terms of crisis, seeing that of that restrained block size, and due to the fact that the difficulty handiest adjusts every 2016 blocks. So that makes Bitcoin cash extra powerful in terms of miners switching between the blockchains, and it stays to be seen whether that’s going to be an problem for the customary Bitcoin. But it surely definitely could be. The 0.33 intent that Bitcoin cash could beat Bitcoin available to buy may be very simple.Bitcoin cash more carefully represents the ideology of the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Despite the fact that Satoshi isn’t around today, we truly have a lot of his writing as he was constructing Bitcoin. And one of the most things he introduced to Bitcoin, that’s no longer there, it’s a space free of charge transactions in each block. He put aside 50kb, and he said, "i do not consider we will have to ever dispose of this. We will have to perpetually enable free transactions on the community." And this in reality has been eliminated. It used to be removed after he stopped working on the project. So in these days, in case you put a free transaction in the market, not paying any charges, it is not going to get processed. And that is on account that of Bitcoin, now, it without a doubt style of has an ideology of: a couple of transactions with a high quantity of rate per transaction.However Bitcoin money displays Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient of a high quantity of transactions with very low fees. So those are two ways to see the community. Do you wish to have to help miners with only a few transactions which might be excessive fees or numerous transactions within the blockchain which are low costs? Bitcoin cash represents the latter, and that’s without a doubt the intention that Satoshi had when he first designed Bitcoin. Now, I have no idea which one goes to win. Is Bitcoin money going to win, or is Bitcoin going to win? Or maybe they are going to each exist part by means of facet.I wish to hear what you think about these three factors, and in case you have an suggestion for which one’s going to win. So put up within the feedback under the video, and let me be aware of what you believe. If you have not subscribed to this channel yet, go forward and click Subscribe, and you’ll be probably the most first to obtain new movies. Thanks for observing! .
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airoasis · 5 years
3 Reasons Bitcoin Cash Could Beat BTC
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/3-reasons-bitcoin-cash-could-beat-btc/
3 Reasons Bitcoin Cash Could Beat BTC
Howdy guys, its Chronos, with a video on three factors that Bitcoin cash could beat Bitcoin available on the market. As you can also recognize, on August 1st, 2017, Bitcoin cash forked faraway from the Bitcoin network and grew to become its possess cryptocurrency. Today, they both compete out in the marketplace. Proper now, Bitcoin is far forward in terms of cost, but on this video, we’re going to speak about three explanations why that would no longer consistently be the case. The first rationale is most commonly something you’re aware of. It is transaction prices. Back in 2015, Bitcoin started hitting its block size limit, which means that it was processing as many transactions as it actually could, when you consider that of a restrict that was once programmed into the code. That meant that costs started going up, as customers of the forex competed to get into that confined transaction house. Good, that is gotten worse and worse through the years.We’ve got obvious Bitcoin charges go from 5 cents as much as 15, 25 cents, even 50 cents or higher with a view to make a transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin money is chiefly designed to take away this problem. It has a a lot larger maximum block dimension restrict, because of this the fees are as soon as once more 5 cents, or even much less. Bitcoin continues to struggle with congestion and excessive prices, and so from a customer factor of view, which of those two currencies do I wish to use? Bitcoin money has the abilities in terms of just being curb cost for the patron. Now the 2d intent that Bitcoin money would beat Bitcoin available on the market is a bit of bit extra technical. It has to do with the mining main issue on the network. On the grounds that each networks use the equal proof-of-work algorithm, miners can truely change back and forth between the two blockchains, and mine whichever one goes to be most rewarding.If they swap to the normal community, and Bitcoin cash does not have very many miners, it could expertise gradual block instances, and that’s exactly what we noticed when it first forked on August 1st. It did not have many miners, and the blocks were coming out very slowly. That is not a deathblow for Bitcoin money, due to the fact it has a higher block dimension limit. The transactions will pile up, pile up, and then, when a block is in the end observed, possibly 30 minutes or an hour later, all of these transactions get introduced after which they do get processed. So the network does maintain moving. Bitcoin (the fashioned Bitcoin) does no longer have this safeguard in place. If Bitcoin cash becomes extra beneficial to mine, miners would switch over to it to make more cash. Which means that the usual chain, with fewer miners, might have slower blocks. Much slower blocks. 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, we would see really, particularly gradual blocks on the long-established Bitcoin network.And that’s very severe for Bitcoin, considering that it’s already at its highest transaction limit. Those transactions that pile up is not going to be able to get by means of when a block is finally located, for the reason that of that 1MB transaction restrict. So if that blockchain starts seeing very slow blocks, congestion could come to be severe, the network would gradual to a crawl. It would not have a safety in terms of crisis, seeing that of that restrained block size, and due to the fact that the difficulty handiest adjusts every 2016 blocks. So that makes Bitcoin cash extra powerful in terms of miners switching between the blockchains, and it stays to be seen whether that’s going to be an problem for the customary Bitcoin. But it surely definitely could be. The 0.33 intent that Bitcoin cash could beat Bitcoin available to buy may be very simple.Bitcoin cash more carefully represents the ideology of the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Despite the fact that Satoshi isn’t around today, we truly have a lot of his writing as he was constructing Bitcoin. And one of the most things he introduced to Bitcoin, that’s no longer there, it’s a space free of charge transactions in each block. He put aside 50kb, and he said, "i do not consider we will have to ever dispose of this. We will have to perpetually enable free transactions on the community." And this in reality has been eliminated. It used to be removed after he stopped working on the project. So in these days, in case you put a free transaction in the market, not paying any charges, it is not going to get processed. And that is on account that of Bitcoin, now, it without a doubt style of has an ideology of: a couple of transactions with a high quantity of rate per transaction.However Bitcoin money displays Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient of a high quantity of transactions with very low fees. So those are two ways to see the community. Do you wish to have to help miners with only a few transactions which might be excessive fees or numerous transactions within the blockchain which are low costs? Bitcoin cash represents the latter, and that’s without a doubt the intention that Satoshi had when he first designed Bitcoin. Now, I have no idea which one goes to win. Is Bitcoin money going to win, or is Bitcoin going to win? Or maybe they are going to each exist part by means of facet.I wish to hear what you think about these three factors, and in case you have an suggestion for which one’s going to win. So put up within the feedback under the video, and let me be aware of what you believe. If you have not subscribed to this channel yet, go forward and click Subscribe, and you’ll be probably the most first to obtain new movies. Thanks for observing! .
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whatevernevermind · 6 years
The green guru: Danny Seo was born to save the Earth.
IT WOULD BE EASY TO THINK DESIGNER DANNY SEO was destined to preach the gospel of green. After all, the 31-year-old eco-living guru was born on Earth Day, April 22,1977. But that wasn't actually in his parents' plan. "My mother had a closet full of furs, and my father was a doctor who advocated animal testing," says Seo. "I just started getting into environmental activism when I was little. I think my parents thought it was just a phase." Well, don't they always? Longbefore he started talking about nontoxic cleansers and solar-powered gadgets on CBS's The Early Show and in the pages of Country Home (where he's an editor at large), the out decorator from Reading, Pa., started proselytizing in his own backyard. When he turned 12, Seo told his conservative Korean-American family he wanted to use his birthday money (a whopping $23) to found the environmental and animal-rights advocacy group Earth 2000. With equal parts enthusiasm and naivete, the adolescent Seo organized an antiwhaling demonstration, provided vegetarian meals to people with AIDS, and rang up lawmakers to harangue them about pending environmental legislation. Earth 2000 blossomed from barely a dozen members at its start to 25,000 by the time Seo was 18--making it quite possibly the country's largest teen-focused nonprofit. "The goal," says Seo, "was to save the planet by the turn of the millennium. You know, nothing too ambitious." (For an eco-warrior, Seo has a wicked funny streak.) Despite the boy wonder's success at eco-activism, his path to enlightened living rooms was hardly direct. After graduating from high school with a D-minus grade point average--"schoolwork was not where my priorities were"--Seo scored a book deal with Random House to write a how-to guide for teen activists. The advance for Generation React gave Seo the financial freedom to move to Washington, D.C., and lobby for old-growth forests. But it didn't take long for him to grow disenchanted with life on the Hill. "In D.C. politics is its own end," he explains. "I wanted to reach people directly." Even with that conviction in place, the shift from lobbyist to lifestyle expert happened somewhat accidentally. "'Green style' was an oxymoron in the 1990s," he remembers. "But I'd find a great old sofa and hire someone to reupholster it with Blog9T this beautiful Polish hemp fabric or buy organic cotton towels that were drab beige and custom-dye them the colors I wanted. It was crazy stuff." [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] A reporter for The Washington Post, on assignment in 1999 to profile Seo's activism, was so stunned by the greendesign sensibility of his apartment--and the all-organic vegetarian snacks he proffered-that she turned the piece into a lifestyle feature. The e-mails and calls came soon afterward. "The more consulting I was doing, the more I'd get asked to do. This whole world of stylish sustainability opened up," he explains. And how: By the time he turned 25, Seo had written four books, appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and been named one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World. SEO'S SCHEDULE HAS HIM ON THE ROAD MUCH OF THE YEAR, making it hard to carve out a social life. (He's mum on the subject of a boyfriend.) But when he's not consulting on the new eco-suites at the Hotel Monaco in New Orleans or emerald-hunting in Australia with Rosario Dawson, he bunks down in one of his two homes in Pennsylvania's affluent Bucks County: a cozy bungalow on the Delaware River and a midcentury-modern cabin in the forest (the ongoing renovation of which Seo blogs about in the Huffington Post column The Green House Effect.) "My style at home is modern country," he explains. "It's not gingham, plaid, and stencils, but it's comfortable. Everything has a handmade touch but very clean lines and is eclectic." And while it would be impossible for Seo not to practice what he preaches, he doesn't skimp on flair in the name of consciousness. So rather than use an eco-unfriendly cashmere blanket--high demand for cashmere has caused an increase in the goat population in China, which has turned grasslands into dust bowls and caused an upswing in pollution in Asia and across the Pacific to the western United States--he bought an armload of downy-soft alpaca scarves and had them stitched together as a bedspread. Being creative (and adorable) has put Seo on Hollywood's speed dial, though he's reluctant to dish about the stars who've turned to him for eco-advice, chiding me that "it turns into this whole gossip thing." Yet he clearly understands the benefits of celebrities going green: "If a movie star does something good, even a little thing, they can draw SEO Blog9T a ton of media attention," he admits. "Something totally unsexy, like compressed hydrogen fuel for your car or water treatment systems for your house, winds up being written about in Us Weekly." So while the A-list is important to his cause, Seo continues to reach out to everyday consumers. In 2006, he published two successful entertaining guides, Simply Green Giving and Simply Green Parties, followed by the 2008 daily calendar, Do Just One Thing, which offers simple eco-friendly household tips like unplugging cell-phone chargers and turning old soup cans into makeupbrush organizers. He's just returned from Palm Springs, Calif., where he was taping a new edition of Red, Hot and Green, an environmental-design show for HGTV. But Seo wants to really educate the public, not just regurgitate the same old green advice. "I'm trying to take it to the next level," he says. "I'm not going to tell people to use compact fluorescent light bulbs, because everyone knows that. But I might talk about what to do with the old nasty nylon carpet you're tearing out or how to recycle laminate countertops--things you can't just Google." Something of an eco-version of Martha Stewart (one of his idols), Seo has also started extending himself as a brand. He's partnered with mattress manufacturer Simmons on Natural Care by Danny Seo, a line of earth-friendly latex pillows and mattresses available at JCPenney, and his "Simply Green" stamp now appears on the department store's line of organic cotton bedding and bamboo blankets. "They've got all these really great colors and styles at all these different price points," he says, momentarily slipping into a sales pitch. But Seo isn't selling out. He's never apologized for promoting the good life. "I've always felt strongly about sustainability but, unlike a lot of activists, I also want to eat great food, wear cool clothes, and be surrounded by beautiful things," he says. What makes him different is that he's "worked hard to make it so you can do that and still be responsible." Now, that's something gays can get behind. Which gets me thinking: Is green the new pink? "I honestly don't think it's a gay-straight thing," says Seo. "What we're seeing is a total cultural shift. If you don't like it, you're still going to have to adapt to it. Eventually it becomes second nature for everybody." And that, to borrow a line from a certain domestic doyenne, is a good thing. IS IT REALLY EASY BEING GREEN? When you figure out how to do it, sure. Here are five of Danny's favorite green thumb rules. DON'T PANIC: With the wealth of green products flooding the market, it can be hard to figure out what's legitimately earth-friendly. But, Sea says, "companies are so scared of being accused of green-washing"--making phony environmental claims--"that they're really doing their due diligence." Of course, he adds, the greenest product is nothing at all. But what's life without duvet covers and gravy boats? DEFINE YOUR TERMS: "The use of the word organic is regulated by the Department of Agriculture--it has to have been grown without pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals," See explains. "So you can rest assured if you see that label, it's the real deal." If a product is made from postconsumer recycled materials, that means it comes from the sort of things we put out on the corner--newspapers, glass bottles, aluminum cans--that have been crushed or melted down and turned into something new. Just be wary of adjectives like biodegradable and ell-natural, which aren't regulated, says Sea. "Technically, even a polystyrene cup is biodegradable. It just takes 60,000 years." CARRY IT OFF: Use your own reusable bags when you shop. "We know to do that at the grocery store, but don't be afraid to bring one to a department store," Sea says. And there's a bag to fit every taste and budget: "You can get anything from a $1,000 reusable bag from Hermes to a 99-cent sack from Whole Foods." KEEP AN EYE ON THE ROAD: "A lot of people don't close the gas cap to their cars tightly enough," says the green guru. "Over time, the gas evaporates as you drive." If you click the cap three to five times to make sure it's secure, you'll improve your fuel efficiency 1% or 2% a year. BE A STAR: Sea says there are several government programs that help point consumers in the right direction, like Energy Star, which identifies energy-efficient electronics and appliances. Think of it as "a green kosher symbol." COPYRIGHT 2008 LPI Media No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder. Copyright 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
Young Living has been offering 100% pure essential oils for decades…
And they’ve gained a huge following as a result.
But do they live up to the hype?
Young Living is a health and wellness MLM company that sells essential oils and other wellness products.
Founder Gary Young was onto the power of essential oils decades before they became everyone’s favorite natural remedy, home cleaning base, and fragrance substitute.
Today, he’s called the father of the modern-day essential oils movement.
But should you get involved? Keep reading to find out.
1. What does Young Living sell? Young Living sells essential oils that are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and pure. They also sell home care products and cleaners, supplements and nutritional products, personal care products, and diffusers.
2. What are Young Living’s most popular products? Their essential oils—lavender, orange, and peppermint—are their flagship product and remain their most popular. But for true believers, essential oils should be used in cleaning products, skin care, and nutritional health. So Young Living is giving people what they want: natural, trustworthy products that replace chemical-laden alternatives.
3. How much does it cost to join Young Living? You can join as an Independent Distributor as Customer if you purchase at least $50 a year. Or you can join as an Independent Distributor as Business if you enroll in the Essential Rewards program and order $100/month. For either option, you’ll need a starter kit, which costs $45 to $260, depending on the diffuser you choose.
4. Is Young Living a scam? No, Young Living is a legit company with legit products. You do need to be a smart consumer and do your own due diligence. We love essential oils as much as the next person, but you shouldn’t believe claims that they can heal medical conditions or replace drugs. You should also be aware that claims about purity are often exaggerated.
5. What is Young Living’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has Young Living been in business? Since 1993
7. What is Young Living’s revenue?  $1.52 billion
8. How many Young Living distributors are there? 1.5 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2018, Young Living was ordered to pay competitor doTERRA $1.8 million in legal fees and other costs related to a long-running lawsuit that Young Living lost in 2017. In the case, Young Living alleged that doTERRA founders violated their employment contracts and stole trade secrets. The judge ruled that Young Living pursued the lawsuit in bad faith. [1] In 2017, Young Living was sentenced for the Lacey Act and Endangered Species Act violations and paid $760,000 in fines, forfeiture, and community service. [2] Also in 2017, Truth in Advertising called them out for making misleading income claims. Most of the instances listed appear to be fixed. [3] In 2015, the Environmental Research Center filed a complaint claiming some of Young Living products contain lead. [4] In 2014, Young Living was slapped by the FDA for promoting some of their products as drugs. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Total Life Changes
So should you get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 16 surprising facts you should know about Young Living essential oils.
#16. The world’s “leading essential oil company”
Chances are you’ve seen someone with their products at some point, if you don’t own them yourself.
They’ve been around for a good while. Since 1993, to be exact, which is back before the essential oil craze even started. Back when Avon and Amway owned the MLM space.
And now, their sales for 2017 surpassed $1.52 billion, making them the largest essential oils company. They’re kind of a big deal.
#15. Huge market growth for essential oils
The market for essential oils has grown tremendously, and it’s only going to continue. Given that they’ve established themselves as market leaders, I don’t see this company losing ground anytime soon. [6]
#14. Global expansion
From a small Washington state farm to farms in Utah, France, the Middle East, and Ecuador, and they have offices in Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Singapore. Young Living now sells in over 100 countries. [7]
They also have a farm in British Columbia where they grow black spruce trees for various oils, called the “Northern Lights Farm,” for public visitation. [8]
They’ve also been doing some pretty rapid expansion of their executive team. [9]
#13. Replaced their entire executive team in 2013
Well, they call it expansion. It’s more like replacement.
In 2013 they wiped their entire executive team clean and started from scratch, claiming that not everyone had the same interest in the company or shared vision as Gary.
It sounds a little shady and makes you wonder about stability, but after they replaced the team they experienced a huge uptick in growth, over 27% in 2013.
#12. Pretty much one of two empires
The other big player in this game is doTERRA, who has experienced a similar growth pattern but at almost double the rate. Young Living might not be the essential oils giant for long.
DoTERRA is newer, (founded in only 2008), so they have the advantage of being able to take over the hotspot without having to reinvent themselves. But can they hold their own against the OG, or are they just a trend?
The two rivals have butted heads on more than one occasion, with both having filed lawsuits against one another for false advertising and false lab tests as well as imitation. The courts did decide that the two oils have different compositions and dropped the case. [10]
#11. Started as a brick and mortar with humble beginnings
Young Living was once just a tiny brick and mortar on a street corner with one small organic farm and distillery. The owner tapped into his own farmland in Utah and Idaho when he discovered a budding interest in natural living.
#10. Always reinventing themselves
To keep up with the competition, Young Living just announced 15 new and rebranded products as well as their first ever over the counter products – plant-based cough drops and pain relief cream. [11]
As long as they do more than rely on what has brought them success in the past, they should be able to hold onto their market share.
#9. Mostly woman run
A lot of MLMs market themselves toward women and stay-at-home-moms, but they don’t all practice what they preach.
This MLM is one of the largest women-run businesses in Utah. Mary Young, the founder’s wife, is still an executive within the business, and about 90% of active sellers are women. Almost half the company’s C-level management team are women as well.
A spokesperson claims, “We’re role modeling women in executive-level positions. I think Utah County can ultimately lead out in shattering the glass ceiling.” [12]
#8. Developed their own standard for oils
Not all oils are created equal. In fact, most of the oils on the market are synthetic, especially if they’re cheap.
Young Living oils are so pure, they’ve even developed their own purity standard called the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard. They’re marketed as the purest oils on the market, never synthetic or diluted, 100% “seed to seal.” The company advocates often for industry purity.
#7. Founder is very passionate about the product
Founder Gary Young was in a nearly fatal accident that left him in a wheelchair and, tired of medications, he began to explore alternative medicine and healing. From that time, he developed products and advocated in the field of essential oils, even before most people knew what essential oils were.
May 12, 2018, Gary died following a stroke and other health problems. [13] Now, his legacy is being continued by a team as passionate about natural health as he was.
#6. Involved in sketchy dealings in the past
But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows with Gary Young.
He’s been involved in some questionable businesses in the past, including a Tijuana, Mexico, clinic in the 80s that ran cheap blood tests for Americans. One investigative journalist sent the clinic cat’s blood instead of human, and the scientists couldn’t tell the difference. [14]
#5. Huge variety of products blended with oils
From their original oils, such as lavender, orange, and peppermint, they’ve blended together an array of products from home living to nutritional supplements that include…
Home Products
Natural cleaning products
Healthy Cooking
Pet products
Family Health
Wellness Products
Weight Management
Joint & Mobility Assistance
Energy & Stamina
Antioxidant Support
Age-Based Nutrition
Beauty Products
Because of this, they have a product for just about anyone. If you have a problem you’re dealing with, a Young Living rep will almost definitely whip out a product they claim will help.
#4. Basic starter kit is relatively cheap
It’ll run you about $45, which is pretty cheap, and it includes a variety of samples. More expensive kits include full product.
#3. Member support is not always free
Most of the conferences, workshops, training kits, etc cost money, and representatives have complained that there is not a lot of online media and support offered up for free.
#2. Complicated compensation plan
There are a bunch of different ways to earn money. Whether or not you can earn a lot of money, though, is up in the air. Aside from profit on personal sales, you get…
Downline commission. You get 8% of the sales off your first level, 5% off your second, and 4% on the next three levels.
Fast start bonus. 25% commission for the first 3 months on every new recruit’s purchases.
Member starter kit bonus. $25 for each new distributor you sign up who buys the Premium Member Starter Kit.
Generation commission. If you hit “Silver”, you get an extra 2% on specific sales from your team, and when team members hit “Silver” themselves, you get 3%.
Diamond profit sharing pool. If you hit “Diamond”, you get shares of 0.5% of Young Living’s commissionable sales.
#1. There is evidence that some of their products are synthetic
There have been many claims as well as a good amount of evidence (a lot of it buried by Young Living) that suggest their oils aren’t 100% pure and that many of them are, in fact, adulterated. [15]
During lawsuits between Young Living and DoTERRA, Dr. Robert Papas of Purdue University found that both had oils that use synthetic materials. [16] The lawsuits were therefore dropped by the courts. [17]
It’s no secret that essential oils are hot right now, just look at the Google Trends. But is there really an income opportunity here?
Sure, you might have a few friends you could sell oils to. But after those warm leads expire, how will you continue to sell?
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
Young Living: 16 surprising facts you should know about their essential oils [Review]
Young Living has been offering 100% pure essential oils for decades…
And they’ve gained a huge following as a result.
But do they live up to the hype?
Young Living is a health and wellness MLM company that sells essential oils and other wellness products.
Founder Gary Young was onto the power of essential oils decades before they became everyone’s favorite natural remedy, home cleaning base, and fragrance substitute.
Today, he’s called the father of the modern-day essential oils movement.
But should you get involved? Keep reading to find out.
1. What does Young Living sell? Young Living sells essential oils that are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and pure. They also sell home care products and cleaners, supplements and nutritional products, personal care products, and diffusers.
2. What are Young Living’s most popular products? Their essential oils—lavender, orange, and peppermint—are their flagship product and remain their most popular. But for true believers, essential oils should be used in cleaning products, skin care, and nutritional health. So Young Living is giving people what they want: natural, trustworthy products that replace chemical-laden alternatives.
3. How much does it cost to join Young Living? You can join as an Independent Distributor as Customer if you purchase at least $50 a year. Or you can join as an Independent Distributor as Business if you enroll in the Essential Rewards program and order $100/month. For either option, you’ll need a starter kit, which costs $45 to $260, depending on the diffuser you choose.
4. Is Young Living a scam? No, Young Living is a legit company with legit products. You do need to be a smart consumer and do your own due diligence. We love essential oils as much as the next person, but you shouldn’t believe claims that they can heal medical conditions or replace drugs. You should also be aware that claims about purity are often exaggerated.
5. What is Young Living’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has Young Living been in business? Since 1993
7. What is Young Living’s revenue?  $1.52 billion
8. How many Young Living distributors are there? 1.5 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2018, Young Living was ordered to pay competitor doTERRA $1.8 million in legal fees and other costs related to a long-running lawsuit that Young Living lost in 2017. In the case, Young Living alleged that doTERRA founders violated their employment contracts and stole trade secrets. The judge ruled that Young Living pursued the lawsuit in bad faith. [1] In 2017, Young Living was sentenced for the Lacey Act and Endangered Species Act violations and paid $760,000 in fines, forfeiture, and community service. [2] Also in 2017, Truth in Advertising called them out for making misleading income claims. Most of the instances listed appear to be fixed. [3] In 2015, the Environmental Research Center filed a complaint claiming some of Young Living products contain lead. [4] In 2014, Young Living was slapped by the FDA for promoting some of their products as drugs. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Total Life Changes
So should you get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 16 surprising facts you should know about Young Living essential oils.
#16. The world’s “leading essential oil company”
Chances are you’ve seen someone with their products at some point, if you don’t own them yourself.
They’ve been around for a good while. Since 1993, to be exact, which is back before the essential oil craze even started. Back when Avon and Amway owned the MLM space.
And now, their sales for 2017 surpassed $1.52 billion, making them the largest essential oils company. They’re kind of a big deal.
#15. Huge market growth for essential oils
The market for essential oils has grown tremendously, and it’s only going to continue. Given that they’ve established themselves as market leaders, I don’t see this company losing ground anytime soon. [6]
#14. Global expansion
From a small Washington state farm to farms in Utah, France, the Middle East, and Ecuador, and they have offices in Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Singapore. Young Living now sells in over 100 countries. [7]
They also have a farm in British Columbia where they grow black spruce trees for various oils, called the “Northern Lights Farm,” for public visitation. [8]
They’ve also been doing some pretty rapid expansion of their executive team. [9]
#13. Replaced their entire executive team in 2013
Well, they call it expansion. It’s more like replacement.
In 2013 they wiped their entire executive team clean and started from scratch, claiming that not everyone had the same interest in the company or shared vision as Gary.
It sounds a little shady and makes you wonder about stability, but after they replaced the team they experienced a huge uptick in growth, over 27% in 2013.
#12. Pretty much one of two empires
The other big player in this game is doTERRA, who has experienced a similar growth pattern but at almost double the rate. Young Living might not be the essential oils giant for long.
DoTERRA is newer, (founded in only 2008), so they have the advantage of being able to take over the hotspot without having to reinvent themselves. But can they hold their own against the OG, or are they just a trend?
The two rivals have butted heads on more than one occasion, with both having filed lawsuits against one another for false advertising and false lab tests as well as imitation. The courts did decide that the two oils have different compositions and dropped the case. [10]
#11. Started as a brick and mortar with humble beginnings
Young Living was once just a tiny brick and mortar on a street corner with one small organic farm and distillery. The owner tapped into his own farmland in Utah and Idaho when he discovered a budding interest in natural living.
#10. Always reinventing themselves
To keep up with the competition, Young Living just announced 15 new and rebranded products as well as their first ever over the counter products – plant-based cough drops and pain relief cream. [11]
As long as they do more than rely on what has brought them success in the past, they should be able to hold onto their market share.
#9. Mostly woman run
A lot of MLMs market themselves toward women and stay-at-home-moms, but they don’t all practice what they preach.
This MLM is one of the largest women-run businesses in Utah. Mary Young, the founder’s wife, is still an executive within the business, and about 90% of active sellers are women. Almost half the company’s C-level management team are women as well.
A spokesperson claims, “We’re role modeling women in executive-level positions. I think Utah County can ultimately lead out in shattering the glass ceiling.” [12]
#8. Developed their own standard for oils
Not all oils are created equal. In fact, most of the oils on the market are synthetic, especially if they’re cheap.
Young Living oils are so pure, they’ve even developed their own purity standard called the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard. They’re marketed as the purest oils on the market, never synthetic or diluted, 100% “seed to seal.” The company advocates often for industry purity.
#7. Founder is very passionate about the product
Founder Gary Young was in a nearly fatal accident that left him in a wheelchair and, tired of medications, he began to explore alternative medicine and healing. From that time, he developed products and advocated in the field of essential oils, even before most people knew what essential oils were.
May 12, 2018, Gary died following a stroke and other health problems. [13] Now, his legacy is being continued by a team as passionate about natural health as he was.
#6. Involved in sketchy dealings in the past
But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows with Gary Young.
He’s been involved in some questionable businesses in the past, including a Tijuana, Mexico, clinic in the 80s that ran cheap blood tests for Americans. One investigative journalist sent the clinic cat’s blood instead of human, and the scientists couldn’t tell the difference. [14]
#5. Huge variety of products blended with oils
From their original oils, such as lavender, orange, and peppermint, they’ve blended together an array of products from home living to nutritional supplements that include…
Home Products
Natural cleaning products
Healthy Cooking
Pet products
Family Health
Wellness Products
Weight Management
Joint & Mobility Assistance
Energy & Stamina
Antioxidant Support
Age-Based Nutrition
Beauty Products
Because of this, they have a product for just about anyone. If you have a problem you’re dealing with, a Young Living rep will almost definitely whip out a product they claim will help.
#4. Basic starter kit is relatively cheap
It’ll run you about $45, which is pretty cheap, and it includes a variety of samples. More expensive kits include full product.
#3. Member support is not always free
Most of the conferences, workshops, training kits, etc cost money, and representatives have complained that there is not a lot of online media and support offered up for free.
#2. Complicated compensation plan
There are a bunch of different ways to earn money. Whether or not you can earn a lot of money, though, is up in the air. Aside from profit on personal sales, you get…
Downline commission. You get 8% of the sales off your first level, 5% off your second, and 4% on the next three levels.
Fast start bonus. 25% commission for the first 3 months on every new recruit’s purchases.
Member starter kit bonus. $25 for each new distributor you sign up who buys the Premium Member Starter Kit.
Generation commission. If you hit “Silver”, you get an extra 2% on specific sales from your team, and when team members hit “Silver” themselves, you get 3%.
Diamond profit sharing pool. If you hit “Diamond”, you get shares of 0.5% of Young Living’s commissionable sales.
#1. There is evidence that some of their products are synthetic
There have been many claims as well as a good amount of evidence (a lot of it buried by Young Living) that suggest their oils aren’t 100% pure and that many of them are, in fact, adulterated. [15]
During lawsuits between Young Living and DoTERRA, Dr. Robert Papas of Purdue University found that both had oils that use synthetic materials. [16] The lawsuits were therefore dropped by the courts. [17]
It’s no secret that essential oils are hot right now, just look at the Google Trends. But is there really an income opportunity here?
Sure, you might have a few friends you could sell oils to. But after those warm leads expire, how will you continue to sell?
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/young-living/
0 notes
she-willnotfall · 6 years
The green guru: Danny Seo was born to save the Earth.
IT WOULD BE EASY TO THINK DESIGNER DANNY SEO was destined to preach the gospel SEO Blog9T of green. After all, the 31-year-old eco-living guru was born on Earth Day, April 22,1977. But that wasn't actually in his parents' plan. "My mother had a closet full of furs, and my father was a doctor who advocated animal testing," says Seo. "I just started getting into environmental activism when I was little. I think my parents thought it was just a phase." Well, don't they always? Longbefore he started talking about nontoxic cleansers and solar-powered gadgets on CBS's The Early Show and in the pages of Country Home (where he's an editor at large), the out decorator from Reading, Pa., started proselytizing in his own backyard. When he turned 12, Seo told his conservative Korean-American family he wanted to use his birthday money (a whopping $23) to found the environmental and animal-rights advocacy group Earth 2000. With equal parts enthusiasm and naivete, the adolescent Seo organized an antiwhaling demonstration, provided vegetarian meals to people with AIDS, and rang up lawmakers to harangue them about pending environmental legislation. Earth 2000 blossomed from barely a dozen members at its start to 25,000 by the time Seo was 18--making it quite possibly the country's largest teen-focused nonprofit. "The goal," says Seo, "was to save the planet by the turn of the millennium. You know, nothing too ambitious." (For an eco-warrior, Seo has a wicked funny streak.) Despite the boy wonder's success at eco-activism, his path to enlightened living rooms was hardly direct. After graduating from high school with a D-minus grade point average--"schoolwork was not where my priorities were"--Seo scored a book deal with Random House to write a how-to guide for teen activists. The advance for Generation React gave Seo the financial freedom to move to Washington, D.C., and lobby for old-growth forests. But it didn't take long for him to grow disenchanted with life on the Hill. "In D.C. politics is its own end," he explains. "I wanted to reach people directly." Even with that conviction in place, the shift from lobbyist to lifestyle expert happened somewhat accidentally. "'Green style' was an oxymoron in the 1990s," he remembers. "But I'd find a great old sofa and hire someone to reupholster it with this beautiful Polish hemp fabric or buy organic cotton towels that were drab beige and custom-dye them the colors I wanted. It was crazy stuff." [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] A reporter for The Washington Post, on assignment in 1999 to profile Seo's activism, was so stunned by the greendesign sensibility of his apartment--and the all-organic vegetarian snacks he proffered-that she turned the piece into a lifestyle feature. The e-mails and calls came soon afterward. "The more consulting I was doing, the more I'd get asked to do. This whole world of stylish sustainability opened up," he explains. And how: By the time he turned 25, Seo had written four books, appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and been named one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World. SEO'S SCHEDULE HAS HIM ON THE ROAD MUCH OF THE YEAR, making it hard to carve out a social life. (He's mum on the subject of a boyfriend.) But when he's not consulting on the new eco-suites at the Hotel Monaco in New Orleans or emerald-hunting in Australia with Rosario Dawson, he bunks down in one of his two homes in Pennsylvania's affluent Bucks County: a cozy bungalow on the Delaware River and a midcentury-modern cabin in the forest (the ongoing renovation of which Seo blogs about in the Huffington Post column The Green House Effect.) "My style at home is modern country," he explains. "It's not gingham, plaid, and stencils, but it's comfortable. Everything has a handmade touch but very clean lines and is eclectic." And while it would be impossible for Seo not to practice what he preaches, he doesn't skimp on flair in the name of consciousness. So rather than use an eco-unfriendly cashmere blanket--high demand for cashmere has caused an increase in the goat population in China, which has turned grasslands into dust bowls and caused an upswing in pollution in Asia and across the Pacific to the western United States--he bought an armload of downy-soft alpaca scarves and had them stitched together as a bedspread. Being creative (and adorable) has put Seo on Hollywood's speed dial, though he's reluctant to dish about the stars who've turned to him for eco-advice, chiding me that "it turns into this whole gossip thing." Yet he clearly understands the benefits of celebrities going green: "If a movie star does something good, even a little thing, they can draw a ton of media attention," he admits. "Something totally unsexy, like compressed hydrogen fuel for your car or water treatment systems for your house, winds up being written about in Us Weekly." So while the A-list is important to his cause, Seo continues to reach out to everyday consumers. In 2006, he published two successful entertaining guides, Simply Green Giving and Simply Green Parties, followed by the 2008 daily calendar, Do Just One Thing, which offers simple eco-friendly household tips like unplugging cell-phone chargers and turning old soup cans into makeupbrush organizers. He's just returned from Palm Springs, Calif., where he was taping a new edition of Red, Hot and Green, an environmental-design show for HGTV. But Seo wants to really educate the public, not just regurgitate the same old green advice. "I'm trying to take it to the next level," he says. "I'm Blog9T not going to tell people to use compact fluorescent light bulbs, because everyone knows that. But I might talk about what to do with the old nasty nylon carpet you're tearing out or how to recycle laminate countertops--things you can't just Google." Something of an eco-version of Martha Stewart (one of his idols), Seo has also started extending himself as a brand. He's partnered with mattress manufacturer Simmons on Natural Care by Danny Seo, a line of earth-friendly latex pillows and mattresses available at JCPenney, and his "Simply Green" stamp now appears on the department store's line of organic cotton bedding and bamboo blankets. "They've got all these really great colors and styles at all these different price points," he says, momentarily slipping into a sales pitch. But Seo isn't selling out. He's never apologized for promoting the good life. "I've always felt strongly about sustainability but, unlike a lot of activists, I also want to eat great food, wear cool clothes, and be surrounded by beautiful things," he says. What makes him different is that he's "worked hard to make it so you can do that and still be responsible." Now, that's something gays can get behind. Which gets me thinking: Is green the new pink? "I honestly don't think it's a gay-straight thing," says Seo. "What we're seeing is a total cultural shift. If you don't like it, you're still going to have to adapt to it. Eventually it becomes second nature for everybody." And that, to borrow a line from a certain domestic doyenne, is a good thing. IS IT REALLY EASY BEING GREEN? When you figure out how to do it, sure. Here are five of Danny's favorite green thumb rules. DON'T PANIC: With the wealth of green products flooding the market, it can be hard to figure out what's legitimately earth-friendly. But, Sea says, "companies are so scared of being accused of green-washing"--making phony environmental claims--"that they're really doing their due diligence." Of course, he adds, the greenest product is nothing at all. But what's life without duvet covers and gravy boats? DEFINE YOUR TERMS: "The use of the word organic is regulated by the Department of Agriculture--it has to have been grown without pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals," See explains. "So you can rest assured if you see that label, it's the real deal." If a product is made from postconsumer recycled materials, that means it comes from the sort of things we put out on the corner--newspapers, glass bottles, aluminum cans--that have been crushed or melted down and turned into something new. Just be wary of adjectives like biodegradable and ell-natural, which aren't regulated, says Sea. "Technically, even a polystyrene cup is biodegradable. It just takes 60,000 years." CARRY IT OFF: Use your own reusable bags when you shop. "We know to do that at the grocery store, but don't be afraid to bring one to a department store," Sea says. And there's a bag to fit every taste and budget: "You can get anything from a $1,000 reusable bag from Hermes to a 99-cent sack from Whole Foods." KEEP AN EYE ON THE ROAD: "A lot of people don't close the gas cap to their cars tightly enough," says the green guru. "Over time, the gas evaporates as you drive." If you click the cap three to five times to make sure it's secure, you'll improve your fuel efficiency 1% or 2% a year. BE A STAR: Sea says there are several government programs that help point consumers in the right direction, like Energy Star, which identifies energy-efficient electronics and appliances. Think of it as "a green kosher symbol." COPYRIGHT 2008 LPI Media No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder. Copyright 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
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