#which you'd imagine to be a good thing but it's only making me spiral more bc. well. yeah
Blushing, Crushing, and Totally F*cked! Part II
This is the second part to my first fic! Here's the link to that: :)
Summary: Hazel and the reader grow much closer as friends through the club, and after the emotional bonding meeting, they think they might be ready to grow closer in other ways.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: fem reader (she/her pronouns used), swearing, sexual content (no explicit smut), making out, discussions of divorce, mental health, emotional topics, a bit of hurt/comfort, angsty because I got carried away, etc. Hazel is much less of a loser in this one, but she's just as cute. 18+
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Your younger popular self never would have imagined that you would be sitting in a circle with a bunch of losers who you punched in the face every day. Yet here you were, surrounded by violent losers, your favorite loser with a goofy smile on her face sitting to your left. Hazel looked over at you, making you remember how much you never would have expected that smile to make you so weak in the knees.
You still got butterflies thinking about the first time Hazel talked to you; a simple two-word compliment after your first spar made your heart flutter with giddy nerves. The interaction spurred you on enough to allow you to feel comfortable giving her friendly smiles. These quick greetings turned to light touches, then to bolder flirtatious statements, and eventually deep conversations that were cut off by school bells. You wondered when you'd finally gather the courage to discuss what you really wanted to tell her: you had been crushing on Hazel since the first day of eleventh grade. If only your classes were longer than 15 minutes.
"So, we know that the club has been a good way for us to feel empowered physically, but we also thought it could be a way for us to feel empowered emotionally," Josie kicked off the meeting on yet another unexpected note. You were grateful for the interruption in your spiraling thoughts.
The trauma-dumping session began, everyone adding their own little secrets and worries. You felt comforted by the supportive listening ears and voices around you. You had grown so close to these girls, so close that you ached hearing the tales of their pain. You felt your heart clench even more when Hazel timidly spoke up about her tense relationship with her mother.
"It's just been really good for me to get to know people who actually want to know me," she finished, eyes locking with yours before quickly fixing on her shoes.
"I just want to go back to Brittany for a second--" PJ began, but you didn't listen. You rested your hand on Hazel's knee, an offering of support, of friendship, or maybe something else. You completely tuned out the rest of the meeting when her own hand rested on yours. Her thumb stroked your wrist. Your whole body went stiff, but your hand felt like rippling water being held in hers.
"I think that's a good place to wrap up," PJ closed out the meeting, thanking everyone for their attendance as the rest of your friends filed out. You and Hazel didn't move, though. Your hand stayed on her knee, her thumb stayed gently gliding against the back of yours. Her sharp inhale was the only thing that got you to look up from the spot where you touched.
"Thank you," was all she said. You didn't have to ask why she was thankful, and she knew she didn't have to tell you. Something unspoken was always settled between your eyes as you stared.
"You're welcome." You removed your hand, not knowing if it had been there for too long or not long enough. "If you... If you ever want to keep talking about your mom or anything else that bothers you, I'm always here to listen." Hazel's gaze softened even more, which you didn't think was possible.
"Do you want to come over and talk more?" She said it so fast that even she seemed surprised by the question. "I mean-- only if you want to. We could watch a movie or I don't know. If it's stupid, I'm--"
"Yes," you assured her. "Let's go."
Her eyes widened like a cartoon character, so you began rising off of the gym floor to urge her on. "Oh-- okay. Great. Let's go."
The ride to Hazel's house was realistically no longer than 15 minutes. It felt like hours, though, with you using all of your energy to avoid staring at her ringed hands on the steering wheel. Your cheeks grew hot at the thought of what they would feel like on your bare skin. Your cheeks grew even hotter when you finally realized that Hazel had already parked the car and was watching you ogle her fingers.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked innocently.
"Nothing, sorry." You pushed the door open, waiting for her to lead you into her house.
One step in, you stifled a gasp. Hazel's home was almost as bright and beautiful as she was.
"Do you want to go up to my room? I can grab some snacks," she offered.
"Sure, sure." You followed her like a puppy as she led you through the breathtaking halls of her house. She gathered various food and DVDs before finally plopping down on her bed when you reached her room. You hovered in the doorway for a moment, unsure of where you were allowed to sit.
"Come here, you freak," she joked, patting the sheets next to her. You laughed as you tentatively sat at the edge of her bed. "I've had enough trauma-dumping for the day, so I'm thinking we should watch some Disney for a palette cleanser." You grinned like a little kid at the assortment of movies she had laid out before you. "Well?" she asked.
"Well, what?" you replied.
"Pick one." She looked up at you through her dark lashes. "The princess gets to pick the princess movie."
"Fuck off," you scoffed, shoving her playfully to prevent her from seeing how red your cheeks had gotten at the nickname. She simply raised her eyebrows, still waiting for your choice. "Fine." You pointed at the purple and yellow Tangled DVD case.
"Classic." She hopped off the bed and inserted the disc. When she rejoined you, you could have sworn she sat closer than she had originally. Don't think about it, you told yourself. You were just two friends who shared lingering glances and hand touches watching the most romantic princess movie known to man. That's all it was.
The movie was as wonderful as ever, if not more wonderful what with Hazel's poor renditions of all of the songs to entertain you. For the most part, you were able to sit comfortably beside each other. You were completely content to watch the screen, that is when you were able to ignore that you could feel her looking at you instead of the TV at times. It became impossible to ignore when the credits began rolling and you had no choice but to meet her eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked quietly.
She hesitated. "I didn't expect you to be so..."
"...not bitchy?" you finished her sentence.
She laughed, "Well, not exactly. I guess I just never would have guessed that you were so kind and supportive."
"Yeah, most people don't expect the popular cheerleader to be anything but a ditsy fucktoy for football players, I guess." You had meant it as a joke, but Hazel shot up in defense.
"That's not what I meant." She shook her head. "I think what I'm trying to say is that I never would have guessed that someone as cool and-- and beautiful as you would hang out with any one of us in the club."
"Honestly," you sighed. "I never would have guessed it either." You shared a laugh with Hazel, marveling at how sweet she sounded when she was happy.
"I'm really glad you joined the club," Hazel told you, suddenly seeming more shy. Her soft gaze melted your heart, yet somehow made you feel braver than ever before.
"You're the reason I love the club so much." You almost whispered it, so afraid of the reaction it would elicit. Hazel continued to look at you for so long that you considered changing the subject as a diversion from your confession. You were unable to speak, though, because Hazel quickly pressed her lips to yours.
The speed of the kiss shocked you at first, Hazel moving quickly as if she were afraid that you would run away. Your hands found her hair and she instantly relaxed, your lips melting together.
You didn't know that kissing could feel this good, this easy, this right. Despite never wanting to stop, you tugged on Hazel's hair to look at her gasping face.
"Are you okay?" she asked you, hands framing your face in concern.
"God, yes," you laughed. "I'm so good."
Your giggles were once again cut off by her lips. They chased yours with more urgency, so you slipped your tongue against hers. She moaned softly against your teeth, spurring on your ministrations until she detached herself from your mouth.
You almost protested at the lack of contact until you felt her wet lips trailing down your jaw and neck. You whined as she sucked and softly bit a sweet spot, reveling in the sound of her moaning at your own noises. Her hands snaked around your waist, slowly climbing up toward your breasts.
"Is this okay?" she breathed against your collarbone.
"Fuck, please." She let out a low chuckle at your begging, her laughter soon muffled against your skin as she slipped her head under your oversized shirt. You felt her breath dance across your tits, aching for her already. After one delicate kiss to your left nipple, moans filled your ears. Hazel emerged from beneath your clothes when you both realized that the sounds were coming from neither of you.
"Shit!" Hazel exclaimed. "I hate it when she does this." She collapsed onto the bed, breathless.
"Is... Is that your mom?"
"Yes," Hazel groaned from behind her hands. "She's very vocal."
"God, I'm sorry you have to hear that." The pair of you couldn't help but laugh at the obscene sounds from down the hall, clutching each other's arms in disbelief as they grew louder.
"I'm just sorry that we were interrupted," Hazel whispered against your hand before kissing your palm.
"I am, too," you agreed. "It's getting late, though. I should go." You nearly got teary-eyed when you saw the sadness on Hazel's face.
"Right," she said. "Let me take you home."
You found yourself wishing that you lived farther from Hazel when she pulled into your driveway after just a few minutes. You planted a quick kiss on her forehead before thanking her and walking to your front door.
"Wait!" you heard Hazel call your name through the rolled-down window. You bounced back over to her. "My mom's not going to be home this weekend. So, if you wanted to come over again, we could... you know..."
"...watch The Princess and the Frog next?" you joked.
Her infectious giggle sounded like Heaven. "You got it, princess." With one more soft kiss, she pulled away from your house.
The weekend couldn't come any sooner.
AHHHHH sorry I got so carried away with this but there will DEFINITELY be a smutty part three for all of you sluts. Let me know if you liked this one!
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a-killer-obsession · 6 days
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 10 - Terms and Conditions
Now that you're part of the crew, it's time to set some ground rules.
WC: 4k
Masterlist | AO3 | Chapter 1
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You sat sleepily in Heat's lap, well, not his lap really, more like the middle of his tail. It was coiled in a tight spiral, your rump sat firmly atop it, your back pressed against his warm chest and his warm arms around your center. His naturally hot body temperature soothed the aches you still had from yesterday, he was taking such good care of you, knowing how worn out you were from taking most of the crew. He graciously hadn't attempted to mount you, but he hovered close by, which was welcomed given his sweet doting and care you were very much in need of. Your joints ached from the positions you'd been in for such a long period of time and your pussy was raw and aching. You didn't speak more than needed and Killer had provided soft foods, knowing your jaw was stiff from all the pussy eating and cock sucking you'd done. You were happy though. You felt content, and finally safe and secure in your position here. Well, as safe as you could be, now that you were officially a pirate.
“Now then Mouse,” Kid grinned, “let's make things official, aye? We believe ya story now, or at least we're trying our best to. It's still hard to accept yer from another universe. But you've at least proven your usefulness to us, so ya can stay on the crew. How bout it, Mouse? Ya wanna join my crew?”
“Yes captain,” you smiled sleepily, “will my job here be as your… bed warmer?”
“Aye, you'll be our ship whore,” Kid smirked, “only for the four of us here though, unless we decide to give someone a night with ya as a reward. You good with that?”
“Yes captain, as long as my boundaries are respected,” you stated.
“Of course lass,” Kid replied, “Wire will draw up a contract for ya later. He's the most knowledgeable here, he'll make sure your boundaries are laid out for us. Everyone we let have you will be made clear of your conditions. You're still up for the four of us free using you, aye? It was your original offer. I did let you live, after all.”
“Within limits, yeah,” you responded, trying to not let your lust-addled brain distract you from an important conversation. Being free used by four big, strong, attractive, well endowed men? Ohhhh what a horror, the worst thing you could imagine. “I like what we've got going on. Will I be given a share of the loot like the others?”
“Of course lass,” Kid chuffed, “if anything you'll be paid better. You'll be saving us a great deal of money by servicing us instead of having to spend money on island whores. We'll give you your own room, for convenience. Everyone else shares but the four of us, but I'm not sure anyone is keen on losing sleep whenever we have need of ya. There's a lounge in the castle we barely use, we'll have it cleared out for ya. We're on our way back to Sabaody as we speak, you can go to the shops and get whatever you need to get set up once we dock. We'll back pay you for your time since ya started servicing us.”
“Thank you captain,” you replied gratefully. You didn't expect him to pay you for your time as a prisoner. “That's generous of you. I won't let you down.”
“You'll probably find your bed doesn't get much use, unless you're in need of a break,” Kid continued with a chuckle, “but it'll give you somewhere to keep your shit anyway.
“Speaking of resting,” you interjected, “I had a bit of an idea. In terms of the free-using. I was wondering if you'd make me a more long term wearable collar, something that won't irritate my skin, thin perhaps. With a tag that has your jolly roger. I thought maybe we could use it as a signal, if I'm not wearing the collar then I'm in need of rest.”
“EXCELLENT IDEA!” Kid roared, spooking you a little as he thumped his fist against the table, “I'll make ya a collar that'll make everyone jealous of ya!”
“Thank you, captain,” you smiled, nuzzling sleepily against Heat's bicep.
“Tired, Mouse?” Kid smirked.
“Mmm,” you mumbled, “I feel like I'm hungover from yesterday. Drunk on dick I guess. And pussy.”
Killer and Wire snorted while Kid made a boisterous laugh. “Before you fall asleep,” Killer jumped in, “is there anything we need to know for the immediate future?”
“Mmm,” you mumbled, trying to sit upright, to which Heat helped you, nuzzling his face against your back, “you need to get the ship coated before Ace's execution, cos after that the only coater I know will be busy.”
“Where do we find him?” Wire asked.
“You're all familiar with the coater already, in fact you met him the other day,” you alluded, “Silvers Rayleigh, he can coat the ship. You'll find him, or at least his wife, Shakky, in grove thirteen at Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. You unintentionally helped his friend rescue that mermaid by helping the Straw Hats escape, so he should be amenable to coating the ship.”
“He's the coater?” Kid exclaimed, “the fuck is the ‘Dark King’ doing coating ships?”
“Paying for his alcoholism, mostly,” you yawned, making the others snort laughs.
“Alright then Sleeping Beauty,” Kid laughed, before his smile fell to a more serious expression, “we don't have to worry about this whole execution shit, right?”
“There'll be a war, but your crew won't be involved,” you replied, “it'll all happen over at the marine base. You'll just see it on a screen on Sabaody.”
“Alright then,” Kid huffed, pleased and relieved with your answer. It was no secret that there was tension in the air regarding the execution and whether returning to Sabaody was even safe tight now. There were reports that Whitebeard was on the move to save Ace, and it made Kid uneasy, but he trusted your prediction, you hadn't let him down thus far. “Go get some rest then princess, we promise we'll behave till you're up to it. I'll have that collar for ya before your pussy is ready to get destroyed again.”
Kid winked as he stood and grabbed a boob as he passed by, making you squeal and slap his hand playfully as the captain chuckled. You started to stand as well, but Heat swung you onto his back to carry you, making you giggle as you grabbed his horns for support. “Giddy up!” You laughed. He pretended to buck you, which only made you giggle more, Killer shaking his head with a grin under his mask as Heat carried you out. He and Heat were in high spirits, overly relieved and happy that your story had been proven true and you got to stay. You'd promised Heat to do some sunbathing with him on top of the dinosaur skull while the sun was out, it was a good excuse for a nap and a cuddle really.
You hopped off Heat's back as he made it up, he was surprisingly fast and agile in this form. It'd made you curious as to why he didn't use this form more, to which he had told you that it ‘wasn't polite’ to go around in that form, whatever that meant. Maybe it was like how zoan fruit users usually stayed in their human form? Heat laid down first, making a pleased grunt as his head rested on the pillow he'd chucked up here earlier, his long tail stretching along the skull like an arrow pointed at the distant Sabaody that hovered on the horizon.
“I'm really glad you get to stay,” Heat hummed as you got comfy next to him, resting your head on his chest, tucked into the crook of his armpit.
“Yeah, me too,” you murmured back with a big yawn. Heat gave you a soft smile and a little squeeze before the yawn caught him too.
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“Alright, ready to get started?” Wire asked, tapping the tip of the feathered pen against the page in front of him, “I've made a list of kinks the crew like to indulge in. You just let me know which ones you're comfortable with. Ready?”
“Yup!” You smiled back sweetly, leaning forward and resting your face in your palm, your elbow against the table. It was just you and Wire in the navigation room, he didn't want you to have the pressure of the others watching you and potentially pressuring you into things you weren't comfortable with.
“First item - free use for the four commanders, under the circumstances that your collar is on. That much I know you're good with, but what about outside of that?” He asked.
“A big maybe,” you replied, “I'm a regular woman without the collar. If they can seduce me, sure. But I reserve the right to deny them without consequence.”
“Okay, seems reasonable,” he replied, the pen making scratching noises as he jotted it down, “I have a list of things you've already participated in, so I'll just run through them quickly so you can confirm them for the contract. Touching of all body parts, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, cunnilingus, blow jobs, deep throating, face fucking, use of strap on, cum on body including face and genitals and inclusive of female cum, cum in mouth, creampies. Threesome, degradation, praise, bathing together, face riding, both giving and receiving, those are the basics, yes to all of the above?”
“Can we make an amendment for no cum near my eyes?” You asked him, “otherwise yes to everything else.”
“No cum near eyes, got it,” he wrote on the page, “the next set is things you've done that are on the more intense side. Gangbang, bukkake, self-wetting, humiliation, somnophilia, exhibitionism, bondage, pet play and master/servant dynamics, both as dominant and submissive. Amenable to all of those?”
“Somnophilia is the sleep one, yeah?” You queried.
“Aye,” Wire confirmed.
“Okay, yeah that's fine,” you confirmed, “but um… I don't want Heat watching me use the toilet anymore. And I'm not eating out of a bowl or shitting in a litterbox.”
“Noted,” Wire replied, scribbling that down, “you were fine with the self-wetting though? What about other watersports?”
“I've never tried but, I'm not not curious,” you replied unsurely, “the self-wetting was… enlightening.”
“I'll put it down as a maybe, for future experimentation. You can change your mind later if you want, same goes for anything on this list,” Wire assured you, “now for the requests. Anal fingering, mouth to ass, anal sex. Receiving and giving. Thoughts?”
“Yeah, those are fine. I've done a few on the giving end as well, but I guess that person wanted to keep it to himself,” you noted, “just uh… only receiving the whole way with proper lubrication. No spit as lube bullshit unless it's only fingers.”
“Got it,” Wire confirmed, “next up, use of toys such as dildos and vibrators, use of nipple clamps, impact play, with hands and equipment. Bondage such as shibari, cuffs, bed, wall and furniture mounted restraints. Sensory deprivation. Tickling. Forced orgasms. Edging. Thoughts?”
“No to the tickling, limited to impact play. I'm not a fan of pain,” you explained, “light smacking is fine, but you can cross off anything too painful, otherwise yes to everything else.”
“I'll cross off knife play and hook suspension,” Wire said as his pen ran a line through several items, “next set. Foot play, non-con roleplay, softcore roleplay such as maid, fisting, sex under the influence of alcohol and drugs, use of purpose built furniture such as breeding benches, double penetration, of separate holes and of multiple cocks in one hole.” Wire looked at you expectantly, his pen paused over the page.
“Uhh, no to fisting,” you ran through the list in your head trying to make sure you remembered everything, “um… yes to one in the ass, one in the cunt. Maybe to two in my cunt, I've never tried. Definitely no to two in my ass.”
“I think you could manage two in one,” Wire smirked, “as long as I wasn't one of them. You took me so well.”
“Mmm, I certainly want to try,” you hummed, “quit reminding me of your big beefy cock or I won't be able to concentrate.”
“We're almost done,” Wire snorted and shook his head, “anything else not on this contract, we'll ask first. You'll be paid the same split as Heat and I get. You'll use the colour system for safe words regardless of if your collar is on or not. Green when prompted to go ahead, orange if something needs to change or you need a break, red if you need to stop. No consequences will come from using the safe words so please don't be afraid to use them. By signing this you agree to remain up to date with your birth control unless an explicit agreement is made to impregnate you, you may expect that from Heat or Killer, Kid and I aren't the type to want babies. If an accident happens, Kid promises not to kick you off the ship. The rest of the crew will keep their hands off you unless you give them permission, otherwise a maximum of once a week we may choose to allow them a night with you as a reward. You won't allow anyone outside of this ship to touch you without permission from your captain. You will remain on this crew unless relieved of your contract by the captain. You'll also be given regular STI screening, as the four of us do, and all other crewmates will be required to use protection with you. Do you agree to all these terms?”
“Sounds good to me,” you hummed, openly ogling Wire's muscular torso, “you wanna fuck?”
“Sign here first,” he shuffled the page over to you and you quickly signed it, biting your lip as he stood and rounded the table. He loomed over you from behind your chair, running his hand up your neck until his hand was sweeping your chin up, forcing you to look at him. You pushed aside the page with its drying ink and sat on the edge of the table, spreading your legs for Wire to slot between them.
“What happened to having a sore cunt?” Wire mused, running his thumb over your lower lip, pressing against the soft flesh. He was all for fucking you, he'd been thinking a lot about your tight cunt and wanted to take his time with you. He worried though that you were ignoring your limits.
“Well you see there's this thing called ‘remembering how fucking big and hot your cock is’ and unfortunately I'm no good at disagreeing with my pussy, she wants what she wants,” you purred back up at him, peeking out your tongue to lick his digit before taking it in your mouth, humming as you sucked his thumb.
“You're so cute when you're being submissive,” Wire grinned, replacing his thumb with his pointer and middle finger and gagging you with them, “I have been wanting to get a taste of that pretty cunt of yours. No collar though,” he hummed, running his finger down your neck and tracing a trail of saliva over where the collar would sit, “so I have to ask, can I taste you, princess?”
“Please do,” you huffed, pulling your legs up so your feet rested on the table, showing off your flexibility as you sat back. You'd never properly redressed after waking up, still just wearing one of Heat's old shirts, large enough to fit as a baggy dress on you, your pussy exposed and inviting underneath. You tugged on the hem of the shirt to reveal yourself to Wire, who hummed appreciatively as he ran his thumb between your folds.
“Already wet for me,” Wire cooed as he knelt, “such a good girl.”
He kissed your thighs softly, making you giggle, before his teeth sunk into the soft flesh and the giggle turned to a moan. He nipped you a few more times before his tongue ran a fat stripe up your cunt, and your hand pushed away his hood to tug at his short hair. His tongue lapped against your pussy as he pulled your legs to rest over his shoulders, giving the occasional suck of your bud that made you whine. He was clearly enjoying himself as well, grunting against your cunt as his tongue bullied its way inside you, licking at your walls while his hand looped over your thigh to thumb your clit. You could feel his pointed sideburns against your thighs as he ate you out, his thumb making small, firm circles on your bud as his thick tongue wiggled inside you.
“Oh fuck that's good,” you moaned, laying back against the table, “just like that, fuck.”
His other hand weaselled up under his chin, the end of his middle finger toying with your asshole and spreading the slick and spit that had rolled down around the ring before sinking in. There was a spark of electricity in your clit as his finger pushed inside your ass, not quite finger fucking you, just toying with your hole for extra stimulation. It made that coil in your stomach pull tight, your back arching off the table as you fisted his hair, holding him tight against you. You could feel the coy grin he made against your cunt, and you made the mistake of looking down, immediately catching his eyes that were watching you carefully from between your legs. Those fucking eyes, they always did something to you, and you threw back your head with a groan, cumming on his tongue, his finger forced out of your ass by the contractions your orgasm made.
He gave you a few more greedy licks that made you shiver before he stood, making a show out of unfastening his pants and laying his thick erection against your stomach as his shorts and briefs pooled at his ankles. He rut his cock between your folds, getting his shaft coated in slick and spit and rubbing against your over-stimulated clit. “You're so pretty like this, blissed out with my cock laying against you,” he noted, “pull your shirt up, I wanna see your tits.”
You obediently did as he asked in your post orgasm daze, squishing and kneading your tits for his enjoyment. He groaned as you pulled at your own nipples, your hips rolling to grind against his shaft on their own accord. “You want it bad, huh? Cute little bunny, horny little thing,” Wire purred, putting more force into the rutting. He took himself in his hand and pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, pushing only the tip in and stretching you out. That on its own was enough to make you whine and try to shift to take more of him. “So greedy, trying to get more already. I'm gonna have fun taking my time with you,” he teased, pulling his tip out and sinking it back in over and over, making you whine at the emptiness each time he removed himself.
“Please!” You begged, “want it, want it so bad.”
“Yeah? You want this?” He asked, suddenly sinking himself in, to what he knew was your limit, before entirely leaving you empty again, his cock rubbing against your clit. “Use your words baby.”
“Want- want your fat cock,” you whimpered, “want it splitting me open. Wanna feel you filling me, please.”
“Such a good girl,” Wire cooed, bullying his cock back inside you, but not moving any further. You only said you wanted it inside you, you never said anything about moving. Wire was a master of restraint, any of the others would have already been fucking your brains out by now, while he enjoyed watching you writhe against the table as he warmed his cock. “That feel good, baby? You like keeping my cock nice and warm?”
“Y-yes,” you whined, “feels so full, hnng. Fuck me Wire, please, please please please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he toyed, before pulling out most of the way and slamming back in, prompting a scream from you at the sudden heavy thrust. He did it over and over, pulling out slowly, then pushing in hard and fast, driving you insane as you got enough stimulation to feel incredible but never enough to sustain the building orgasm, and you got the feeling that was purposeful. Wire was only doing exactly as you asked, he was testing you, teasing you to see how far you would go to beg for it. You reached between your legs to rub your clit, but he quickly grabbed your wrists and folded them against your chest, pinning you down.
“Please,” you begged, “more, please, wanna cum on your cock so bad.”
“How bad do you want it?” Wire teased, “what are you gonna give me in return?”
“Anything!” You cried, “please, anything, please fuck me harder!”
“You're gonna let me frost your face, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day,” Wire growled, “you're not washing it off till bedtime. Everyone's gonna see what a little slut you are.”
“Yes! Yes!” You whined, trying and failing to fight his hold to try and fuck yourself with his cock, “please, please, please.”
“Good girl,” Wire praised, before finally committing to a hard and fast pace that had you shrieking and seeing stars. Your pussy made obscene squelches as he fucked it, Wire making grunts and tightening his grip on your arms as he used you like a cock sleeve, loving the way your pussy was already fluttering around him, so desperate to cum, choking his cock like it was desperate for him to breed you. “You gonna squirt for me, bunny? Gonna make a mess?”
“Y-yes,” you moaned, unable to escape his hold as he started to overstimulate you, making you dizzy as you felt your orgasm rushing at you. “C-cumming!” You shouted before your thighs clamped around him and shook hard, cum dripping off the side of the table and on to the rug below, some of it drenching his abdomen. His cock never stopped pumping you, the wet sounds now increased tenfold with the added lubrication while you squealed and writhed before finally stilling with a heavy pant.
“Good whore,” Wire purred, “such a good girl.” You barely heard what he was saying, practically lifeless against the table, all you could do was whimper pathetically. Wire got close to his own peak and pulled out, climbing onto the table and straddling your chest. He pumped his cock over you, pleased by the half-lidded puppy dog eyes you were giving him, too weak and fucked out to do more than lick the end of his cock or feebly suck on the tip when he pushed it between your lips. “Close your eyes sweetheart,” he cooed. No sooner had you closed them did he grunt, and you heard his palm hit the table next to your face for support as the first hot spurts of cum hit your face, aimed mostly for your lips and cheek, some of it getting in your hair. It was a large load, and you could already feel it start to drip as he panted, rolling off you to lay on the table beside you, his legs hanging over the edge while yours were folded up, feet against the edge, knees together and still shaking.
“What do you say?” He teased.
“Th-thank you,” you whined.
“Good girl,” he huffed, before surprising you with his softness as he linked his hand with yours, “you're gonna do well here, and we're gonna take good care of you.”
“Mmm,” you replied sleepily, resting your eyes for a moment and enjoying his warm hand encompassing yours. Later you would go to dinner with Wire's cum still coating your face, sitting in his lap so it was clear to everyone who's cum it was. Everyone told you how pretty you looked, and promised they'd paint you too soon.
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[Next Chapter] - coming soon
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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Not me having delusional fantasies and living in my delulu era of being a housewife for a possessive guy...my sanity is messed up and I think I need help lol. But I'm a huge sucker for wearing those pink aprons and having mittens on my hands while my imaginary non existent husband nuzzles my neck...I really need help at this point...
By no means did Taesoo ever think there would be a time when he would end up falling in love with someone so much to the point that he would literally be willing to kidnap them to ensure they become his. Had anyone ever told him that fine day would come he would have just laughed in their face and would have ended up punching the lights out of them while mumbling something about how he doesn't see the need for love. The years pass by and he'd rather take this to the grave than ever admit it for crying out loud but he felt like he needed a companion in life. A strange feeling of emptiness would settle inside his heart whenever he'd stroll through the streets of Ansan and see people happy with their families, of course, he had his own brat of a student Hudson to consider a son, but what he needed was a partner. Someone to protect and someone to love and that's when he met you
He didn't really believe in the concept of love at first sight but there was something about you that just exuded charm, grace and innocence. You were much shorter than him and he couldn't help but he slightly amused how short you were compared to him, he could literally lift you by your arms like you were a child as his imposing large muscular frame towered over yours. The way you spoke, the way you smiled that beautiful smile of yours, he could feel his heart growing warm and his cheeks getting slightly flushed. His mind would start working in an overdrive and it doesn't really take that long for him to fall in love with you. You're a precious doll in his eyes, you remind him of an innocent little thing that needed his protection. His eyes wandered to your lips, wondering how soft those lips of yours were if he'd kissed them, what sort of cute noises you would be making solely for HIM and him alone while he kisses you and holds you in his strong arms and shields you from the outside world because you're way too precious for that
It won't matter how you've met him, the only ending you'll be having is being with him. He'll obviously ask Hudson to find out more about you to which he'd agree although he cannot help but detect slight amusement in his student's voice when he gets to know about his infatuation and obsession for you but all in all, he honestly doesn't really blame him. What's not there to love about you, he can't wait to have you all for himself, hidden away from the prying eyes of the other lecherous filthy men who dare to eye what's his with no shame whatsoever far away on his mountain in his cabin where it would be just the two of you. He's already imagining how blissful married life with you would be, how adorable you'd look going around the house and taking care of him and the house with your gentle loving personality that he fell in love with. He doesn't think his feelings for you are spiraling out of control, he just sees it as a way of keeping you safe from the dangers of the world. He'd know PLENTY about it because of all the nonsense that keeps happening around Ansan everyday and the things he's been through
It's not an easy change and transition for you when you find out that he's literally kidnapped you and laced your food with sleeping pills under the pretext of having dinner with him one night. Of course, part of him definitely feels bad that he had to slip sleeping pills in your food but his obsessive love for you and possessive tendencies overlap his sense of rationality and whatever logic he had in his mind was gone out of the window as his mind is filled with thoughts of how all this is for your own good and it's to keep you safe. He knows it'll take a while for you to adjust to your new life with him but he doesn't mind, take all the time you need. He's more than willing to be patient for you and since he treats you with gentlemanly chivalry and would rather bust an artery than hurt you physically or emotionally, it won't be long till you develop the Stockholm syndrome for him
By now you've grown accustomed and used to living with him and the two of you had a small private wedding where only trusted friends of his arrived for the occasion. Of course, he had to resist the urge to literally throttle Jaegyon Na by his neck when he saw him trying to use cheesy pick up lines on you with that stupid smirk of his. Even he got used to seeing you waddle around the cabin in that cute little pink apron hugging your body busying yourself with chores like cooking or other household activities. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into your neck and plants a few gentle loving kisses on your cheeks and lips telling you how much he loves you and holds you tightly in his possessive grasp, like he's worried you'd end up running off at any given second. It was so alluring and mesmerizing to watch you take care of the house, you were the reason he felt like his heart now had warmth. You were the reason his house was now a home with your elegant bright presence
You started getting a bit restless recently. You felt slightly guilty as you watched him come back with a somewhat tired expression at times and you felt like easing his burden and stress. A few days later, the two of you were seated at the table and having the dinner that you made. "My love...your culinary skills are amazing as always'' spoke Taesoo in a gentle tone with a soft smile on his face as he ate his food from his plate. He loved having whatever you made for him since it was made with your love and your delicate hands, what sort of husband would he be for you if he wouldn't eat his wife's cooking? You smiled but only briefly as your mind was occupied on asking him something that you were slightly apprehensive about and you had that distant and pensive look on your face, looking lost in thought. He instantly knew there was something on your mind, he could always read you like an open book and could decipher your every action and thought
"My dear, there is something on your mind...isn't there?" asked Taesoo as he surveyed your features with calculating eyes, trying to detect whether or not you'd tell him about your thoughts. His statement might have looked like it was a question but it was a formality with the hidden underlying implication for you to tell him about what was bothering you. You let out a sigh and looked at him and fiddled your thumbs nervously. "Taesoo...um...is it okay if I could get a job? Or could I resume my old job?' you asked him with a soft voice and looked at him with a hopeful expression, your heart racing in trepidation for his response, however all you were met with was a pin drop silence which filled you with a slight sense of dread. Taesoo immediately stopped eating and his smile vanished as his expression morphed into a stoic one as he looked at you with a calculated gaze. He always encouraged you to follow your hobbies and your passion but you getting a job was a slightly unexpected turn of events for him, a question he wasn't anticipating but was dreading this conversation with you early on beforehand as he rehearsed his answers for this exact moment
Looking at your soft and innocent and hopeful expression made his heart warm with affection for you but he had to be firm with you about this, as your husband, as your protector. You were his wife, he didn't want you out of your comfort zone and didn't like to entertain the thought of you being away from him for even a single second. He hated to be the one to crush that hope in your eyes but it was necessary, to keep you safe. He took your soft hand in his large rough calloused ones and traced gentle circles on the back of your hand to make it easier for you to handle his rejection of the idea you'd just proposed since the thought of other men being around you and looking at HIS wife with their lecherous gazes made him livid and the mere thought alone made him want to punch a hole into a wall
"My dear, you need not worry about getting a job and stressing yourself out about it. Your only concern is to look after the home and let me provide for you. I make enough for the both of us as it is, I don't see any reason for you to be burdened by a job'' he answered with a gentle yet firm look on his face. You pouted slightly at his response and you looked somewhat crestfallen, which he felt bad about. Your pout was adorable yet it stung his heart at the same time. "I know but...I feel somewhat useless just being at home and barely doing anything all day long, I'm not even doing anything useful and I feel bad seeing you work hard and coming back home all tired and sometimes beat up...I thought I could help out as well so you wouldn't need to worry about me being a burden for you'' you mumbled and averted your gaze from his eyes which narrowed as soon as the words left your mouth
Your words tugged at his heartstrings, yet his mind went back to the traditional role of wanting to be your protector and provider as your husband. Your words and thoughts moved him and touched him honestly, you were already precious enough and the last thing he needed was for you to bear burden on those shoulders of yours. He was slightly hurt you saw yourself a burden, he loved coming back home to you and wrapping you in his arms and feeling your soft touches and just being with you. He wished you could see how much his heart soared with affection and ecstasy whenever he'd come back home to you, making him feel like a true king indeed. However his features softened after a few moments when he saw you averting your eyes from his as he pulled you closer to him and made you sit on his lap and he cupped your cheek lovingly and caressed it and made you look at his eyes
"Hush my love, don't speak such nonsense again. You are by no means a burden for me, you are the reason my house feels like a home. Without you, this place would be an empty shell, like it used to before I met you. You mean everything to me, you are my darling wife...let me take care of you just like how you take care of me, you give me so much comfort and peace by being with me...do not fret about such things'' he answered as he continued to stroke your cheek affectionately with a tender loving look in his eyes reserved only for you, his dear wife who reigned over his heart. "I know...but I still feel like a useless housewife though, I feel like I'm barely doing anything'' you whispered with an insecure look in your eyes. Your insecure look cut through his heart like a knife, it pained him to see you be insecure of yourself and doubt yourself so much like this as he chuckled softly and brushed a few strands of hair from your face
"You do not need to worry about such things, you help me out so much with your love. I feel grateful to come back home to you everyday, where I can feel your soft gentle touches and your love for me. That's more than enough...I do not trust the world, I cannot let anything happen to you my love...society these days is dangerous and I will not risk your safety...I want you to be happy and relax, that's all. You're more than enough for me and by no means are you a useless housewife. You look so adorable with your little apron and mittens and the way you bustle around the kitchen cooking in those adorable dresses of yours...you keep the home running, my lovely little housewife...don't ever let me hear you call yourself useless again'' he replied with a soft yet firm tone and you nodded slowly which made him pleased
In the end, you were forced to give up the opinion of you having a job since there was no way he was going to stand for it but it was all for your safety after all. You were his lovely housewife, who provided him with so much love and comfort he could ever hope for and now that he had for you himself, he'd be damned to let you get away from him. Don't worry your pretty little head about anything and just let him provide for you, you're his darling little housewife after all...
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miz-chase · 3 months
tw canon typical abuse/violence
I really do wish Bones gave the time to unpack Brennan and Booth's individual relationships with violence and how they intersect.
Brennan from the opening of the first episode, is violence first, always. I wonder where she learned that, as it seems she was defenseless while she was in foster care. More likely it was as a young adult in college, where she was finally free to make her own choices in her life. It's easy to imagine that she utilized those skills often on field-work trips. It would make sense if her school/work life was bouncing between 1) being the only woman at a field site in dangerous locations, and 2) being socially isolated in labs. If that's the case, it would make sense that she never really acclimatized to 'normal' life wrt to violence. In the States, you'd figure she'd have had some repercussions for doing things like breaking noses and wrists on an impulse.
God forbid there be police violence accountability in a copaganda show, but it would make an interesting story if Brennan attacking a suspect had real consequences, getting charges dropped, blowing the case no matter how good the evidence they had. How would she cope?
Meanwhile with Booth,
we know experienced violence at home from an early age. He shielded his brother from his father's beatings, which probably involved hitting back. Pops takes Jared and Booth away when they were "little kid(s)." Presumably that violence was subsumed by his football playing that gets him a scholarship to college, but he then spends the entirety of his 20s in some form of military or violent FBI circumstances. He goes from an army grunt boxer to a specially trained sniper, turning the emotional physicality of violence into something remote and dispassionate. These are the kills he truly regrets.
When we meet him as an FBI agent, he's a bully who will casually, indifferently shove suspects around, uses his physicality as a tool to maneuver anyone he likes. He also explicitly, morally hates killing. The series sees him grow out of (most of) this violence, to the point where he has a minor crisis over losing his temper with a guilty suspect.
Again, I wish we saw consequences for the casual violence, though his bullying suspects is in more in line with cop-standard-deniability injuries rather than Brennan literally breaking bones.
What I'm really interested in, though, is this contrast, where Booth uses violence as a dispassionate, even disliked, tool while Brennan acts all on impulse and always assumes she's right to do so. Booth can't stand to lose control, anything that comes from anger sends him into a spiral. We can contrast this with Brennan's embrace of impulsive violence, where she always feels she is justified (and the narrative usually agrees).
We know that from the beginning, Booth finds it "so hot" when she loses her temper and whacks a senator in the nose, but it also is the reason their partnership dissolved in the first place. It always seemed like a charged thing that, when Brennan hit him, he was quick to defend her. He was raised in a household that made excuses for violence, and it feels loaded that he continues to do that for Brennan over the seasons. It isn't until season 11 where he is like, hey babe, maybe don't.
"It is my job to make sure I don't lose my partner because she can't control her temper."
It's not that I think Brennan is abusive, not at all, but do I think that she's oblivious-to-careless about the kind of trigger that hitting Booth is. We rarely see them fight, but the angst in me wants more arguments like The Shot in the Dark. Arguments are a normal part of life as a couple. Brennan losing her temper and lashing out is in character. What would happen? how would they cope?
The flipside is, and this is the real angst, is if Booth ever actually lost his temper with her. If we use Signs in the Silence as our model, he goes right into a self-hatred spiral even with justified violence, just because it comes from a place of anger. If he got angry enough, he wouldn't even need to touch her to view it as a massive slip up. Because deep down he thinks he is his father, and if he ever gets angry with Brennan, then maybe he will hurt her. That faint possibility, the minute potential that he could ever hurt her? He would absolutely lose his shit. He'd be out of the house never to be found again. He would absolutely do the worst thing he could possibly do to hurt Brennan (abandon her) in order to protect her from the worst thing in his entire life (violence through anger).
I don't think I could ever write the fic, because it's just too damn angsty, but man, what a situation to put these specific characters in. It's both of their worst nightmares combined, no better way to hurt both of them at the same time.
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onyxsboxes · 3 months
I don't remember if you've already answered that question but your latest snipped had me thinking about Buck being far from his pack 🥲 So how would isolation from his pack affect him ? Would he still transform if he is alone ? Or does he consider Marge as pack so he still has someone from his pack with him ? Because whether in the Stalag or when he got back to England, he always had people from his pack with him but now back in the States, how does he deal with not having anyone from the 100th, not even Meatball around ? 🥺 Though I bet Bucky won't leave him alone for too long 😂 Have a nice day/evening and also welcome home from your work trip 😊❤️
Hi dear 😊,
I don't think I've talked about it, so let's do this now.
Buck being isolated from his pack is a big part of the plot of this fic. After spending so much time and energy making sure they were okay (or as okay as they could be in this environment), he suddenly finds himself alone with no one to take care of (which normally allows him to avoid focusing on how he feels).
During his years as a POW, he couldn't shift freely, and since shifting has always been his escape, he does it very often (too often, in fact) after his return.
Marge is part of the pack. They've been best friends for years and know each other inside out. She's been trying to get him to build a proper pack for years, but unfortunately their town wasn't high on potential pack members.
After Buck returns, he spirals because he can't make sure his pack members are okay. The only one present is Marge and so he becomes hyper-protective of her.
And while she's understanding, she also snaps from time to time when things go too far "Damn it, Cleven, I'm a full grown adult. I know you need to do this, but I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for years, and I was very good at it even when you were away. I can go to the mailbox by myself, it's on the property and not even 100m away. I don't need you following me closer than my shadow. You'd better stay in the house when I go or god help me…".
Being away from the 100th is difficult for him. He had looked after them for years, either as their superior or because they were part of his pack. This was the first time he'd had pack members so dependent on him.
Marge had always been independent, and while she allowed him to get a bit fussy, she put her foot down if he overdid it for no reason.
The 100th, and more importantly, his pow mates he's cared for and worried about all this time are absent and out of reach. He can't stop imagining all the horrible things that could happen to them, ranging from camp and war memories to "what if a car hit them and I didn't realize it".
For the sake of fic, Bucky is unfortunately going to be absent for a few weeks 😞. I'm not going to keep him away for too long because it wouldn't make sense for them here, but he has to be gone for a while.
I need time to build Buck's mindset. Gale's usually a rational person, but here he's going off into a tailspin. His emotions run wild, and with them his insecurities and suffering. I couldn't do that in just a few days.
But once Bucky's here (with Meatball), he'll aggressively cuddle him and make sure he remembers they're in this together. (Plus puppies piles for the four of them).
Thank you 🥰, I think I'll sleep, write and watch a bit of Kaamelott 😁😉
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Hi! First of all, your stories are giving me so much comfort, you have no idea! And I don't know if you are accepting requests or anything, but I was on a bus home today, daydreaming as I always do, and a story idea popped up, and I don't know, maybe you are willing to give it a try to write it. Anyway...
I was listening to Moncrieff's song Warm while commuting and it made me think of a reader (won't lie, I imagined myself ehehehe) and Joe - maybe they are friends but she feels more, and maybe she finds a silver lining in everything that bothers him, encourages him and Joe is not really if his feelings are there yet, but he is definitely thinking more about her in a certain way. So, the idea is that he is so stressed out, so many things are going on, and he is being pulled apart by the industry, colleagues, people around him, journalists, and he finds himself spiralling and then one day he calls her, despite the time difference and she answers, sleepy and whatnot, and that's when he realises that she is the one.
I found that Moncrieff song so nice and I don't know, listen to it if you'd like, and if you won't write it or anything, it's okay. I just had to get it off my chest..
omg more people need to do this, this song is BEAUTIFUL hope you like what I've done with your request <3 Wordcount: 1.3K
“Joe?” you answered, the thick of sleep in your voice clearly detectable over the phone.
“Hey,” Joe instantly regretted not checking what time it was in London before he called.
“My God, you better have a good excuse to call me at a quarter past six on a Friday morning.”
Earlier that evening, Joe had shut the door behind him and had let out a deep sigh. Homesick. He had really felt it then and recognized that the annoying negativity he’d been dragging around on his shoulders was a longing for home. He felt so far removed, now across the Atlantic in a city deeply impersonal to him and he wished he could will himself back into his flat in London.
London. Where he knew to find the exact spot of the bathroom light switch when he would reach for it in the dark of night. Where there were cups of strong builder’s tea just the way he liked it. Where there were after work drinks at pubs that would be filled to the brim with others who had the same idea when they walked out of their office buildings at 5. Where people responded to your “sorry” with their “sorry”. Where you were, right now.
Joe’s days in LA were complex, and his job involved many aspects he didn’t have any control over which started taking its toll on him. Especially now that he hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in a few days. On long days like this one, people would almost seem to handle him like he wasn’t a human being at all. They were all smiles and kind words, but the hours he’d have to work felt inhumane. They asked a lot from him. And that’s not to forget that when Joe would eventually find himself in the comfort and silence of the rented apartment, he’d be up late reading scripts, rehearsing lines, doing self-tapes and deep diving Wikipedia pages in research of characters he would audition for later in the week.
It left him frustrated, moody and snappy, which wasn’t Joe’s default setting, and he actively disliked this version of himself. It didn’t help that the days had started piling together and he’d let it build without mentioning it to anyone. He knew he had to when he’d taken a shower and het let the emotion hurt him in his throat rather than getting it out of his system by having a cry.
There only seemed one solution to his problem, besides actually cutting his trip short which he knew he couldn’t do, but he felt a little apprehensive. Should he bother you with this? You had bigger fish to fry at home – you didn’t need to listen to Joe complain about opportunities he’d been working towards for so many years. But he just wanted to hear your voice. He knew you’d at least be kind enough to make him feel better. Joe remembered how you’d celebrated his upcoming trip with him. The one he was on now. It felt entirely effusive, he’d been on many trips before for his career, but you knew this one would be different. “I know I’ve said it before, but I can feel it, Joe. I can feel it right here.” You pointed to where Joe thought your spleen was located. “I think this is where my conscience sits.” You laughed. “Trust me, you’re going to come back and not recognize this face, so let me pay for your beers tonight so you’ll at least owe me when you get back.” You’d dragged him along to a pub, pride shining out of your eyes at what Joe’s future held. Prouder of me than my own mother, Joe thought.
You and Joe had been friends for too long. You always joked that you crowbarred your way into his life and squeezed yourself in between Joe’s intrusive thoughts and insecurities. A heavy bench to perch yourself on, but your light could easily overtake that darkness within Joe’s mind. And he loved you for it, but it made meeting potential girlfriends so much more difficult, because none of them seemed to live up to what you brought him. They’d be so pretty, but then not as funny as you were. Or they’d be so funny, but they’d lack your soft care for him. Or they’d care so much, but would only listen to Joe and then not do anything to cheer him up. It was always something that didn’t feel right. You were hogging the seat on that bench in his mind that was reserved for a lover. And Joe knew it wasn’t smart, but he let you.
“Sorry,” Joe heard movement of duvet covers as you turned over in your bed. “It’s still Thursday here.” He chuckled through a wince.
A couple of seconds of silence followed, and Joe imagined you in the dark of your bedroom, tucked up in your bed with your phone pressed to your ear and your eyes still closed.
“How’s LA?” you asked, threateningly close to drifting off to sleep again.
“It’s great.” But then you heard it in Joe’s voice, he stitch of melancholy, and you forced your eyes open. Joe wasn’t doing okay.
“That bad?”
“No, really. It’s great! It’s just… it’s a lot.” Joe let his head fall back against the sofa he was sat on.
“Were you expecting it not to be?” Joe could hear the smile that played on your face. He was fine with you poking a little fun, knowing it would give way for bickering that held every potential to lighten his mood.
“You don’t really know what it’s like until you’re here. Until you’re in it.” He defended.
“You sound tired,” you observed. “Get some sleep, it’ll all feel better in the morning.” Your advice filled Joe’s chest with warmth. He knew you were right. “I’m so jealous I’m not there,” you noticed the rain hitting your bedroom windows hard. “It’s really pissing it down here at the moment.”
Joe closed his eyes. He’d love some rain right now, even if it was just to reflect his mood.
“You wouldn’t like it here. This place is heartless.” Joe didn’t exactly have the highest of expectations of LA before having visited, but the way homelessness and decay laid around the corner of the glamour and shine of Hollywood had left a bad taste in his mouth.
“You just say that because your heart’s in London.” You reasoned.
With you, Joe thought.
“How many days until you’re back?” you stifled a yawn, prompting Joe to do the same.
“Too many… like, eleven?” Joe wasn’t sure. “Maybe ten.”
And as you started getting ready to slowly ease yourself into your last day of work before the weekend, Joe started getting ready to finish his day and prepared himself for bed. It was almost as if you were there with him in LA, and simultaneously he was there with you in London.
You chatted about an issue at work as you both brushed your teeth – Joe could barely make out the words. Joe talked about an amazing restaurant he’d been to as you got dressed. The company he’d been in had ruined the experience, so next time, he said, he’d go there with you. You did your make-up as you offered Joe advice on how to find the silver linings, reminding him he was doing good things, great things for himself out there. Joe washed his face as he absorbed every bit of positivity from you that leaked through the speaker of his phone.
And when you opened the curtains in your living room, you could hear Joe close the curtains in his bedroom.
“Goodnight Joey, turn that big brain off, all right? Count to infinity if you must.”
“Have a good day at work,”
“Love you, sleep tight.” You tried your best to say it as a friend, but the butterflies in your stomach seeped through, just... slightly.
“Love you.” Joe tried his best to say it as more than a friend, hearing your butterflies and feeling his own in response.
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more-better-words · 8 months
You know how it is. You're going along, doing your little tasks, when all of the sudden, Trip Tucker and T'Pol start getting frisky in the dark recesses of your imagination, and the next thing you know, you've written 1100 words of surprisingly spicy fluff about it!
Just me?
One of the things T'Pol had always appreciated about Trip was his willingness to respect her boundaries. He might test them from time to time, but he never crossed them - at least not without her permission. And that meant that when they went out, he was always appropriate and above reproach. His hand might linger briefly on the small of her back or on her arm, but if he ever longed to walk holding her hand the way human couples did, he said nothing, and saved his touch for when they were alone.
It had become something of a game for her, in fact. The point, as he had so often told her, was to have fun, and she had discovered that this game was a great deal of fun - she would wear something he enjoyed seeing her in, which would quietly frustrate him as he kept his hands to himself in public, and when they got home, he would take his revenge.
Inevitably, his revenge was thoroughly pleasurable for both of them.
This time, she was certain she'd outdone herself. She was wearing a rose pink wrap style dress, made of a fine drapey satin; she knew its color and cut were highly flattering, and he had a weakness for soft, smooth fabrics. And the look in his eyes when he saw her, and every time she caught him looking throughout the evening - covetous and hungry - told her she'd been right.
"Have I mentioned how beautiful you are tonight?" he asked, more than once.
"You have, but thank you," she said, and she could see him mentally running his hands down her sides. He leaned close to her ear.
"Just you wait til I get you home," he murmured. She lifted a pleased eyebrow, and knew that she had won. The way he kissed her as soon as the apartment door closed behind them was the proof.
He nudged her into the living room, his mouth eager and insistent, his hands finally free to roam over her. The shamelessness of his desire for her never failed to excite her, the way he kissed her and touched her as if it were the only logical thing to do when presented with her presence. She could appreciate that. 
His right hand skimmed up her side, cupping her breast, while the other tugged at the waist tie of her dress with a confidence that said he'd been thinking about untying it all night. He was briefly dismayed by the interior buttons holding the bodice closed, and she wondered if she should help him, but with a crowing little "Ah HA!" he got them undone, reaching into her open dress to return his hands to her body, this time with no impediments. He had a weakness for soft fabrics, but he had an even greater weakness for her skin.
He dragged his lips from hers, kissing his way along her jaw and throat, shifting his stance slightly to focus his attention on her ear and the side of her neck, his hand returning to her breast, brushing her nipple with his thumb, his fingers sketching little circles on her skin. The sensation sent a storm of shivers through her and she couldn't help herself; she moaned softly.
He nipped gently at her earlobe, his voice soft. "Feel good?"
"Yes," she whispered, "but you know that."
"I like to hear you say it." Two fingers traced a lazy spiral outward from her nipple and back again; her eyes fluttered shut.
"It feels better than good."
He began to roll her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, slowly increasing the pressure. "Turns you on?"
"Yes." The word was almost more than she could manage.
"Tell me," he breathed in her ear. She inhaled, trying not to shudder and failing.
"It is extremely arousing. It-" He released his fingers, returning to the slow, caressing circles. She gasped softly. "It makes me want more."
"So if this hand went on a little field trip-" His hand slid down from her breast, down her belly, turning to slip into her panties, "you'd say…?"
She felt him smile against her ear. "Mmmm…the magic word."
His fingers hovered momentarily between her legs before sliding deeply and easily into the soft, slick folds of skin. He let out an appreciative little breath. "You weren't kiddin'," he murmured, slipping first one finger into her, and then another. She gritted her teeth to keep her voice steady.
"I do not engage in hyperbole," she said, with every scrap of willpower. She felt him smile again. 
"Not about this, you don't." He withdrew his fingers, but her disappointment only lasted an instant, because they began to stroke her, firm but gentle, teasing the most sensitive spots with his fingertips. He kissed her ear along its edge, his tongue toying with her earlobe. "Tell me," he whispered.
She wanted to. She wanted to tell him that every motion of his hand was bringing her closer, that her whole body was glass and about to shatter. But all her voice could manage was a hoarse, "Don't stop."
"I got you, baby," he whispered, quickening the movement of his fingers and tightening his other arm around her. She swayed, her knees going weak. Strange how some joints seemed to lose all their strength while others became suddenly immobile. Her back arched and her breath caught; she went slack in his arms, panting and suddenly intensely aware of his erection pressing against the side of her thigh. She turned her head to kiss him again, tugging at his lips with her own, working the fastener of his pants undone with one hand. "Don't stop," she whispered again. 
A little sound of approval rose in his throat; he pushed her gently towards the couch, careful but persistent. She slid off her underwear as he eased her onto the cushions, sinking into her without the slightest resistance. "God, T'Pol, yes," he groaned.
"Tell me," she whispered. He chuckled, his breath unsteady.
"I can't get enough of you," he murmured huskily. "I want you every time I look at you." He kissed her deeply, moving in and with her as if he longed for her even as he had her.
Her first orgasm had been a lightning strike; this one was a slow fire, building with every motion. "Trip," she gasped, "I-"
"You first," he panted.
The tension crested, reaching that unbearable, extraordinary summit before receding, leaving her senses tinged with euphoria. A moment later, Trip pressed into her hard one last time, collapsing against her, moaning her name. And then the blissful, winded silence. They were never closer than in this moment, and they both treasured it.
Finally, he lifted himself up onto his forearms, giving her a look of feigned sternness. "So I hope you've learned your lesson about wearin' that dress." She returned it gravely.
"Indeed. It is a mistake I will certainly make again."
He grinned. "Thats what I like to hear."
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kikithedeceiver · 10 months
For the Milgram ask game. How about question 2, 7, 12, 18, 21 for Mikoto :3
milgram character ask game !
Fine my next fav, Mikoto...and John because you can't really talk about one without the other.
Also disclaimer: I'm a singlet. Just saying in case I offend anyone and feel free to correct me on anything I say wrong. Last question sort of get personal as well, so adding a read more.
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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Can't really choose because:
Mikoto looked so damn at peace here since he's finally able to catch a break
The devastation John felt when he finally realised he screwed Mikoto over big time for what he thought was good for him still hurts me every time I see this scene
7. favorite relationships with another character if they weren't in milgram, the way you'd imagine or would like them to be?
I do have this whole ass AU living in my head where no one is a murderer and living a healthier life, but still coping with their trauma of what could have led them to murder. Also it's more Amane-centred but ANYWAYS.
In that AU, where Mikoto isn't working in an exploitative asf company, yet still enjoys his line of work and can support his fam, I can see him trying to hang out with the rest of the cast from Milgram. Just anytime when he's off work, he'll catch up with whoever wants to chat for a bit. He'll go out with anyone! Maybe with Mahiru as she chats away about what's happening in her life, with Fuuta to just let him vent and maybe watch him play some arcade/mobile games, with Kotoko to just chill. Oh, there's still the smoking group! Night out drinking (Mikoto just gets non-alcoholic drinks tho).
As for Mikoto with John, I guess he'd try to come to terms that he basically has a headmate living inside him, but still try to stay optimistic about it. He knows John is looking out for him (no murder in this AU here), and he's working on communicating better with him too. Mikoto tries contacting him by writing stuff in a journal, and after a while, John also writes back. He also leaves sticky notes around their home to remind Mikoto to take care of himself.
Also also, John is here to listen to whatever is upsetting Mikoto, which he refuses to show anyone. Only John knows, and he comforts him as best as he can. Making sure Mikoto is tucked in, doing the chores around their home as Mikoto rest, etc.
12. what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I really hope I'm not saying anything wrong here, but here goes...
It's mentioned a lot by fans already that they wished John wasn't the stereotypical bad alter that's always shown in media, but hey, he has layers and more personality than just assumed to be a cold, ruthless murderer, so we got that! I guess what I wish talked about more is how stress from work is a factor in why John committed the murder for Mikoto's sake. There are reasons behind why the murder happened, and honestly, I think it's the company Mikoto worked at that caused this whole thing to spiral out of control for them. Doesn't justify murder, but I can see why John did what he did when he believed what he did was to relieve Mikoto's stress, thus saving him.
18. which non-deco vocaloid songs do you think suit them?
I'm still thinking, but I think Lost One's Weeping fits Mikoto well. Mikoto tried so hard to do well and please everyone, but he is finally cracking since what he tried to pursue wasn't what he thought it would be, and now he's lost. However, I thought of The Servant of Evil fits John as well since he's willing to die for Mikoto if it meant no further harm would come to him.
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
...You're really asking me this.
In a sense, yes. It's very personal and I don't want to get into too much of it here, but I just want to protect whatever goodness I have in myself while continuing to exist. I want that part of me to be happy, that's all.
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quinloki · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 8: Unstable
You made it home safely, and the rest of the week progressed in a similar way. The only thing that bothered you was that after Monday you kept feeling like you were being watched. You couldn't find anything definitive, but there was a powerful sense of being stalked that itched at you randomly. You wrote it off as being stressed about the auction at first, but as things progressed for the preparations you were less and less stressed.
Despite the lessening stress, the strange sensation wasn't abating.
Practicing with Dandy was going well. Aside from the fact that you were spending a couple hours every day interacting with him. You were, at least, finding a decent area between Strictly Business and Mitigated Admiration.
You'd need to fawn over Doflamingo a little more, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so with Dandy. You knew him too well, and you absolutely weren't going to give him any ammunition to use against you down the road. As coworkers it was best to keep him at slightly more than arm's length.
Organizing the space, equipment, and laying out the plans and event timing went smoothly as well. The extra hands - provided by Sir Crocodile and managed by Buggy - were a huge weight off everyone's shoulders. Especially since they were all not just competent, but quiet as well. No zany quirks, no desire to be the center of attention. They were more like you and less like Buggy or Dandy, so they didn't stress Buggy out and they didn't create additional work.
But they weren't creative. They came to people with questions on everything, almost more akin to computers than people. Not that it was a bad thing, the lack of personal decision making might have been part of their contract for all you knew. They were extra hands, and extra eyes, but that was really it.
Alvida caught you glancing around on Friday when things were finally coming together.
"What's got you so twitchy, (Y/N)?" She asks, "Anything I can help with?"
"Ah, no. Everything's pretty much handled. The Auction's Wednesday, the VIP will be in Tuesday, and I'll sleep again sometime Thursday, I'm sure." You joke, stretching. "I just keep feeling like someone's watching me, it's been for the last few days, and I can't shake it."
Alvida's expression shifts. "Have you told him?" She asks, and you knew which him she meant.
You shake your head. "I thought it was stress at first, but as everything's been getting handled, it's not abating. There's no way it's related to him though, right? Not so soon."
"Whether it is or isn't, you should let him know. Even if it's just a creepy guest or something, I imagine he'd rather get control of it than have things spiral." Alvida looks around. "Go ahead now if you want to, I'll make sure no one sees the texts."
"I don't even know what he's going to do," you grumble, pulling out your phone.
"Honey, he's a successful businessman, he's probably got 'people'," she says, making quotes with her fingers. "He'll delegate or something and it'll put your mind at ease."
You: Idk how to say this other than to say it - I feel like I'm being watched. It's been going on since Monday. I thought it was stress, so I didn't say anything, but everything's set and I'm still feeling it. It's probably nothing, I don't even know what you could do, but I figure it is better to say something than not.
"There, sent." You look up at Alvida. "I don't know what good it'll do other than worry him, but it's done. The items show up Monday, will you be ready to help me with inventory?"
"Yeah, we're going to do the big cash out Sunday to free up available time and hands on Monday. There's even a private escort process set up to get it to the bank despite it all being closed that day." She explains.
Your phone buzzes before you can say anything more, and you pull it out to check the notification.
Suwani: May I come over tonight?
You stop, nearly dropping your phone. You're quite sure, because of the text you had sent beforehand, that he's not asking to come to your apartment for anything untoward, but the idea of him being in your apartment makes your face go red. Your fingers seem to move on their own as you reply.
You: I cannot promise my place is tidy, given my hours this week, but yes?
Suwani: I'll get your address, don't send it.
You blink at your phone for a moment, wondering how he'll be able to get your address in a couple hours' time. You realize he would have access to the employee records, easily enough. Shortly after that realization is the understanding that he's concerned someone has access to your texts.
"Alvida." You say shortly, getting her attention. You show her the texts. You can see her expression change before she goes over to her desk and pulls out a box. She opens it, points to your phone, and then motions for you to put it in the box. Once you do and she closes the lid you lean forward and practically hiss. "We think someone's tapped my phone?!"
"It certainly seems to be a possibility." Alvida admits. "Though in all fairness, it might be a matter of assuming more than expected."
You sigh, "Worst-case scenario would be a tapped phone, so operate under that assumption until proven otherwise."
"Right, like how we deal with pulling Strip Miners and Card Counters. You assume the worst, then investigate. Apologies for a misunderstanding, the marines when you're right."
"Okay, if I think of it that way, I can process it better." You say, relaxing visibly and sighing. "I really hope it's just coincidental timing."
Alvida seems ready to argue, but then stops and thinks about it for a moment. "Yeah, no, I can see that." She nods her head to the box. "Want it back now that we're done?"
"Yeah." You stop her after you answer. "You have a faraday box at your desk?"
"I do – I had a friend a long time ago who needed to throw off a dangerous ex. Bought the box because of that, and now I have it for random stuff like this. Girl's gotta have options." She gives you a wink. "It's also a good place to throw my phone when I'm tired of dealing with texts from Buggy."
"... I did not hear that." You say flatly, opening the box and pulling your phone back out.
Your side eye your phone randomly as the day continues, and even with the distraction weighing on your mind you end up heading home a little early. You wanted it to all turn out to be nothing, and at the same time you wanted it to be something. You wanted to be able to trust your instincts.
When you pulled into your apartment lot you spotted a familiar figure. You parked and waved to Crocodile as you got out of your car. His appearance was his "Suwani" mode, trying to look as lowkey as a hot guy can manage without giving off CEO or Warlord vibes. He looks down at you with a quiet smile as you approach, and tilts his head toward the apartments, prompting you to continue on without saying anything.
You want to comment how it feels like you're in a spy movie, but you don't want to break the silence. You lead the way to your apartment but stop short of the door.
Your key's in your hand, but there's a key in the door.
Crocodile puts a hand out and motions for you to stay in place. You almost protest, thinking that you can't let the company CEO go into a dangerous situation, before your brain reminds you that he's a Warlord. In the moment's pause you notice a weirdly shaped gun in his hand and realize he had a ranged-style taser on him.
He steps through the door and closes it behind him, which certainly answers the question of if you should follow him in or stay outside. You decide to move to the other side of the door, just in case someone comes running out of the apartment, you don't want them to run into you. You're not big enough, or skilled enough to block the exit, and there's no reason to even entertain the idea.
After a couple minutes the door opens and Crocodile steps out, a finger up to his lips before he pantomimes for you to hand over your phone. You do and he goes back into the apartment, leaving the door open for you to follow in behind him.
He goes into your kitchen, and you hear the oven door being opened. He places both of your phones in the oven, leaving it off and points toward your bedroom. It's the only other room that's closed off from the kitchen and living room, so you can understand why that's where you're going. You step inside, and he steps in behind you, closing the door.
"Was someone in my home?"
He sighs. "Not that I can tell. You'll need to walk through yourself and see if anything feels out of place. Nothing was tossed, and nothing looked out of place to me, but it would have to be overt for me to notice."
"Like a horsehead in the bed," you were being sarcastic because you were a little frazzled.
"I was expecting to find a crocodile of some variety." He admits evenly.
Your brain sputters. "... Alive?"
"Some... how often have you found a crocodile in someone else's home?"
"Today would've been the first, it's usually in a vehicle or business." He says, a small smile on his lips. "Young Lady, I have been Crocodile by name since I was born, and my early years were not pretty." He says, holding up his prosthetic and pointing to his prominent scar.
"Live crocodiles as messages. Like stationary doesn't exist." You shake your head, trying to shake off the discomfort of the situation. "I - I'll look around."
Crocodile grabs your arm and catches your gaze. "If this because of me, I will resolve it. I told you before I have the resources to keep you safe."
"If it's just some random weirdo?"
"Then I will not require my resources." He answers, and everything about him is so sure, so confident, that you honestly feel a little better.
You nod, smiling slightly and walk out of the room and through your house. Nothing looks or feels out of place, and you even open some of the drawers to make sure. You work your way through the small apartment and go back into the bedroom once you're satisfied. Crocodile is sitting at your computer desk, back to the desk, fiddling with something. When you close the door and approach, he holds out a simple cell phone toward you.
"If you're okay with it, I'd like to take your phone." He begins. "This does nothing except receive and send calls and texts. It's much harder to clone or piggyback on, and there's no GPS, but It'll let you stay in touch while I have my tech expert clear your phone."
You can't help but grin as you take the small flip phone. "I feel like I'm suddenly in a spy movie," you muse. "Ah, you can take the phone and do what you want, but I don't need it back. Alvida's been nagging me to buy something from this decade, so I'll take this as a sign to get a new one."
There was a quiet moment as you put the new phone in your pocket. "I can almost hear a whirring sound coming from you," you tease, looking over and trying to suppress the grin on your face.
"Mm." He grunts, but he's not looking directly at you.
You were already aware that when he wanted something he was direct about it. His tone and body language weren't difficult to decipher, and his confidence – well earned as it was – wasn't hard to pick up on either. Right now, however, he seemed to be almost bordering on awkward, and there was only one thing between you that wasn't something you'd talked about much.
"Are you trying to figure out how to buy me a new phone?"
The obvious flinch wasn't nearly as subtle as you had expected it to be. His cool demeanor evaporated with a sigh, and he put his head in his hand for a second before bringing it up and brushing it through his hair. A motion that, as far as you were concerned, was unfairly adorable.
"I'm not trying to imply you're unable to-."
"No, it's, um, adorable." You hide your face in your hands and you can feel your ears going pink. To think that you've called him adorable of all words. Out loud. With your own mouth.
There's a soft chuckle and you hear him get up from the desk chair. "That's certainly the first time someone's called me that."
"Sorry," you murmur, still mostly hiding behind your hands. You can see, and feel, that he's nearby and despite everything else you're keenly aware of him.
"I hadn't come over with the intent to do anything, Miss (Y/N), but if you continue to seduce me like this, I may have to change my plans."
"I'm not trying!" You say in a rushed panic.
You feel him lean down, and his words and breath are by your ear. "Then you're a dangerous woman, my little desert flower, if you do so this effortlessly."
You make a noise as a shiver runs down your spine. Peeking through your fingers and looking up, you meet the deep amber gold eyes focused on you. There's a knowing smirk pulling at his lips as he reaches up and gently pulls one of your hands away, a soft gasp escaping you before he kisses your cheek.
Moving your other hand away on your own, you turn toward him, lips brushing across his. Your eyes close and you realize that you haven't so much as touched him since your first date. You wonder idly how you could manage so long on your own and be okay, only to feel so needy right now.
He deepens the kiss, his warm fingers running along the line of your jaw. His thumb rests against your chin and you don't resist as the light pressure parts your lips and gives way to the tongue that follows. His pleasant hum pushes against you as his left-hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he cradles your head and threatens to devour the air from your lungs.
There's a hunger in his actions that makes you feel better about your own need as the kiss breaks enough for you to draw breath, and not a moment longer. His desire crashes into you again, and there's a tug at your clothes. It's not enough of one to remove them on your behalf, and the request is hardly questioning. It's more a declaration of his desires and a chance for you to push them aside if you need to.
You reach up to take your work jacket off, when a horn honk out in the parking lot causes you both to stop. After a second there's another honk and Crocodile makes an aggravated noise, before straightening up and taking a step back. Despite his efforts to keep himself composed, his displeasure is painfully clear, even as straightens his clothes and brushes a few errant strands of hair out of his face.
"My apologies. I'll have to speak with Mr. One about his punctuality." His apology is soft, but he practically bites the last word off in a growl.
"If he'd only been a minute or two later, I think it'd be worse." You admit.
There's an amused grin and soft grunt from him. "After the auction, I'd like to take you on a proper date."
"By proper I feel like you mean Baratie's." You tease, "I would be honored." You answer, before he has a chance to say anything different.
"The honor," he says smoothly, taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips. "Will be all mine, Miss (Y/N)."
Crocodile kisses your hand, and then puts a finger up to his lips as he leaves the bedroom and gathers both of your phones from inside the oven. He leaves without looking back, and you can understand why as you close the door behind him, letting out the frustrated sigh you'd been holding in since the first horn honk.
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
Hi! Absolutely love your school quiz (I got Life btw which is me to an absolute tee) and I just wanted to know if you'd consider publishing all the results since I'm a curious bean and want to know what the other school results are 😅
(link to quiz) (i recommend others take the quiz because this has spoilers for the answers)
hello anon,
I figured out how to log back into Uquiz because of this ask.
and hooo boy. some stats. first off: I made the quiz 2 years ago. god, i was 19. innocent, a darling, a babe in the woods. uncancelled, free.
Grand Total of quiz takers: 1,326! buncha nerds! many of them are myth wizards, apparently!
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Now here are your Answers for the Quiz!
“That which can be imagined, can be achieved.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Storm wizards, known as Diviners, are creative and strong willed, though easily distracted at times. They have a tendency to be dramatic, but that makes them even more fun as companions. They are electric, and powerful, and wonderful people. They are diverse in their interests, but all follow the same motto of achievement, of having a concrete object to show their progress as wizards.
“… with Persistence, Victory is assured.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Ice wizards, also known as thaumaturges, are intelligent. They can become perfectionists, and can be almost too self sacrificial in their role. They can be unyielding, not changing their ways in this deep need to be right. Their closed off and curt nature leads to an isolation. To melt the walls around an ice wizard's heart, to be let in to those deep emotions and memories, is something rare and to be cherished.
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Fire wizards, or Pyromancers, are passionate and wild, impulsive. They rush in on instinct as opposed to what logic would dictate. They are, down to their core, good. They are trying their best, even if it means they burn out. Their passion can manifest in a number of ways, many detrimental, but having a network of friends to anchor them can lead to a very powerful leader.
“Timor mortis conturbat me.” (The Fear of Death Confounds Me)- School Motto, Wizard101
Death wizards (necromancers), are morbid and fond of dark humor, as long as it doesn't make light of the tragedy of their school. They have a hard time connecting with other schools of wizards, because of their personality, but also the fundamental understanding of the Spiral that they cannot share.
“To control the Future, one must look to the Past.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Myth wizards, Conjurers, are very control driven. They are imaginative and have a deep investment in history, whether mythological or human, and they try to learn from the past as best they can, because the cyclical nature of time vexes them the most of any school. They can also have visions of the past, present, and future, through many different mediums, but most of all through dreams.
"As we have been Created, so must we Create."-School Motto, Wizard101
Life wizards, Theurgists, are kind people. Their magic derives from the body, keeping themself and others whole. They can be almost parental at times in their protectiveness, though they tend to feel helpless in the face of grave danger, only able to pick up the pieces and heal afterwards. When only around other life wizards, they can become vicious and competitive in their usefulness, a secret hierarchy few outsiders know of.
“Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dog.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Balance Wizards, Sorcerers, do not draw upon magic in the traditional sense of the other six main schools of Ravenwood. There is no internal or external draw, but from the magic itself, the elements of each school understood in such ways that they may become one whole.The most flexible of the schools, they meditate and try to understand many things other take for granted. This may lead to an almost condescending view of other wizards at times, for they are never willing to understand the balance of the Spiral.
“Your path is illuminated by the light Yet darkness lets the stars shine bright.” ~J.L.W. Brooks (School Motto)
Star wizards specialize in auras, enhancing their own magic in order to more effectively defeat their foe. While an accessory school in game, it is believed that they are prone to distraction, fond of glitter, and rather giggly at times. They can be vicious, can fight as well as the next wizard. They will fight until the end, until the last star dies out, and even they will not know when that is, and they will not stop.
“The strength of the Sun will show our inherent capacity for truth and transformation.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Sun Wizards are primarily leaders, an excellent figurehead and rallying point for others. Their magic is used to enhance their spells in battle, enchanting or mutating the inherent magic in the spell cards for just one encounter. These wizards do not crumble under pressure as others may, they are strong and inherently hold onto that strength in order to guide and pull their allies through to the other side of a difficult situation.
“The moon is a transformation that shows where change is necessary.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Moon Wizards use their magic to polymorph into other creatures or beings, changing their spell deck and statistics mid-battle. They must have a strong sense of self and grasp upon their own identity in order to continue to utilize these magics and remain who they were originally when they polymorph back. They have so many secrets they fear sharing, but when they do it is the ultimate form of their trust, and they bond with friends for life.
"It is unstable and difficult to control." Wizard101.com on Shadow magic.
Shadow wizards are few and far between. The backlash the magic inflicts upon its wizards is difficult and painful, but a fair way to rebalance the Spiral after using this reality bending, strange magic. Shadow wizards are capable of great things, but in that greatness, there is no indication whether it shall be for the good or the harm of the worlds and peoples of the Spiral.
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sir-sunawani · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 8: Unstable
You made it home safely, and the rest of the week progressed in a similar way. The only thing that bothered you was that after Monday you kept feeling like you were being watched. You couldn't find anything definitive, but there was a powerful sense of being stalked that itched at you randomly. You wrote it off as being stressed about the auction at first, but as things progressed for the preparations you were less and less stressed.
Despite the lessening stress, the strange sensation wasn't abating.
Practicing with Dandy was going well. Aside from the fact that you were spending a couple hours every day interacting with him. You were, at least, finding a decent area between Strictly Business and Mitigated Admiration.
You'd need to fawn over Doflamingo a little more, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so with Dandy. You knew him too well, and you absolutely weren't going to give him any ammunition to use against you down the road. As coworkers it was best to keep him at slightly more than arm's length.
Organizing the space, equipment, and laying out the plans and event timing went smoothly as well. The extra hands - provided by Sir Crocodile and managed by Buggy - were a huge weight off everyone's shoulders. Especially since they were all not just competent, but quiet as well. No zany quirks, no desire to be the center of attention. They were more like you and less like Buggy or Dandy, so they didn't stress Buggy out and they didn't create additional work.
But they weren't creative. They came to people with questions on everything, almost more akin to computers than people. Not that it was a bad thing, the lack of personal decision making might have been part of their contract for all you knew. They were extra hands, and extra eyes, but that was really it.
Alvida caught you glancing around on Friday when things were finally coming together.
"What's got you so twitchy, (Y/N)?" She asks, "Anything I can help with?"
"Ah, no. Everything's pretty much handled. The Auction's Wednesday, the VIP will be in Tuesday, and I'll sleep again sometime Thursday, I'm sure." You joke, stretching. "I just keep feeling like someone's watching me, it's been for the last few days, and I can't shake it."
Alvida's expression shifts. "Have you told him?" She asks, and you knew which him she meant.
You shake your head. "I thought it was stress at first, but as everything's been getting handled, it's not abating. There's no way it's related to him though, right? Not so soon."
"Whether it is or isn't, you should let him know. Even if it's just a creepy guest or something, I imagine he'd rather get control of it than have things spiral." Alvida looks around. "Go ahead now if you want to, I'll make sure no one sees the texts."
"I don't even know what he's going to do," you grumble, pulling out your phone.
"Honey, he's a successful businessman, he's probably got 'people'," she says, making quotes with her fingers. "He'll delegate or something and it'll put your mind at ease."
You: Idk how to say this other than to say it - I feel like I'm being watched. It's been going on since Monday. I thought it was stress, so I didn't say anything, but everything's set and I'm still feeling it. It's probably nothing, I don't even know what you could do, but I figure it is better to say something than not.
"There, sent." You look up at Alvida. "I don't know what good it'll do other than worry him, but it's done. The items show up Monday, will you be ready to help me with inventory?"
"Yeah, we're going to do the big cash out Sunday to free up available time and hands on Monday. There's even a private escort process set up to get it to the bank despite it all being closed that day." She explains.
Your phone buzzes before you can say anything more, and you pull it out to check the notification.
Suwani: May I come over tonight?
You stop, nearly dropping your phone. You're quite sure, because of the text you had sent beforehand, that he's not asking to come to your apartment for anything untoward, but the idea of him being in your apartment makes your face go red. Your fingers seem to move on their own as you reply.
You: I cannot promise my place is tidy, given my hours this week, but yes?
Suwani: I'll get your address, don't send it.
You blink at your phone for a moment, wondering how he'll be able to get your address in a couple hours' time. You realize he would have access to the employee records, easily enough. Shortly after that realization is the understanding that he's concerned someone has access to your texts.
"Alvida." You say shortly, getting her attention. You show her the texts. You can see her expression change before she goes over to her desk and pulls out a box. She opens it, points to your phone, and then motions for you to put it in the box. Once you do and she closes the lid you lean forward and practically hiss. "We think someone's tapped my phone?!"
"It certainly seems to be a possibility." Alvida admits. "Though in all fairness, it might be a matter of assuming more than expected."
You sigh, "Worst-case scenario would be a tapped phone, so operate under that assumption until proven otherwise."
"Right, like how we deal with pulling Strip Miners and Card Counters. You assume the worst, then investigate. Apologies for a misunderstanding, the marines when you're right."
"Okay, if I think of it that way, I can process it better." You say, relaxing visibly and sighing. "I really hope it's just coincidental timing."
Alvida seems ready to argue, but then stops and thinks about it for a moment. "Yeah, no, I can see that." She nods her head to the box. "Want it back now that we're done?"
"Yeah." You stop her after you answer. "You have a faraday box at your desk?"
"I do – I had a friend a long time ago who needed to throw off a dangerous ex. Bought the box because of that, and now I have it for random stuff like this. Girl's gotta have options." She gives you a wink. "It's also a good place to throw my phone when I'm tired of dealing with texts from Buggy."
"... I did not hear that." You say flatly, opening the box and pulling your phone back out.
Your side eye your phone randomly as the day continues, and even with the distraction weighing on your mind you end up heading home a little early. You wanted it to all turn out to be nothing, and at the same time you wanted it to be something. You wanted to be able to trust your instincts.
When you pulled into your apartment lot you spotted a familiar figure. You parked and waved to Crocodile as you got out of your car. His appearance was his "Suwani" mode, trying to look as lowkey as a hot guy can manage without giving off CEO or Warlord vibes. He looks down at you with a quiet smile as you approach, and tilts his head toward the apartments, prompting you to continue on without saying anything.
You want to comment how it feels like you're in a spy movie, but you don't want to break the silence. You lead the way to your apartment but stop short of the door.
Your key's in your hand, but there's a key in the door.
Crocodile puts a hand out and motions for you to stay in place. You almost protest, thinking that you can't let the company CEO go into a dangerous situation, before your brain reminds you that he's a Warlord. In the moment's pause you notice a weirdly shaped gun in his hand and realize he had a ranged-style taser on him.
He steps through the door and closes it behind him, which certainly answers the question of if you should follow him in or stay outside. You decide to move to the other side of the door, just in case someone comes running out of the apartment, you don't want them to run into you. You're not big enough, or skilled enough to block the exit, and there's no reason to even entertain the idea.
After a couple minutes the door opens and Crocodile steps out, a finger up to his lips before he pantomimes for you to hand over your phone. You do and he goes back into the apartment, leaving the door open for you to follow in behind him.
He goes into your kitchen, and you hear the oven door being opened. He places both of your phones in the oven, leaving it off and points toward your bedroom. It's the only other room that's closed off from the kitchen and living room, so you can understand why that's where you're going. You step inside, and he steps in behind you, closing the door.
"Was someone in my home?"
He sighs. "Not that I can tell. You'll need to walk through yourself and see if anything feels out of place. Nothing was tossed, and nothing looked out of place to me, but it would have to be overt for me to notice."
"Like a horsehead in the bed," you were being sarcastic because you were a little frazzled.
"I was expecting to find a crocodile of some variety." He admits evenly.
Your brain sputters. "... Alive?"
"Some... how often have you found a crocodile in someone else's home?"
"Today would've been the first, it's usually in a vehicle or business." He says, a small smile on his lips. "Young Lady, I have been Crocodile by name since I was born, and my early years were not pretty." He says, holding up his prosthetic and pointing to his prominent scar.
"Live crocodiles as messages. Like stationary doesn't exist." You shake your head, trying to shake off the discomfort of the situation. "I - I'll look around."
Crocodile grabs your arm and catches your gaze. "If this because of me, I will resolve it. I told you before I have the resources to keep you safe."
"If it's just some random weirdo?"
"Then I will not require my resources." He answers, and everything about him is so sure, so confident, that you honestly feel a little better.
You nod, smiling slightly and walk out of the room and through your house. Nothing looks or feels out of place, and you even open some of the drawers to make sure. You work your way through the small apartment and go back into the bedroom once you're satisfied. Crocodile is sitting at your computer desk, back to the desk, fiddling with something. When you close the door and approach, he holds out a simple cell phone toward you.
"If you're okay with it, I'd like to take your phone." He begins. "This does nothing except receive and send calls and texts. It's much harder to clone or piggyback on, and there's no GPS, but It'll let you stay in touch while I have my tech expert clear your phone."
You can't help but grin as you take the small flip phone. "I feel like I'm suddenly in a spy movie," you muse. "Ah, you can take the phone and do what you want, but I don't need it back. Alvida's been nagging me to buy something from this decade, so I'll take this as a sign to get a new one."
There was a quiet moment as you put the new phone in your pocket. "I can almost hear a whirring sound coming from you," you tease, looking over and trying to suppress the grin on your face.
"Mm." He grunts, but he's not looking directly at you.
You were already aware that when he wanted something he was direct about it. His tone and body language weren't difficult to decipher, and his confidence – well earned as it was – wasn't hard to pick up on either. Right now, however, he seemed to be almost bordering on awkward, and there was only one thing between you that wasn't something you'd talked about much.
"Are you trying to figure out how to buy me a new phone?"
The obvious flinch wasn't nearly as subtle as you had expected it to be. His cool demeanor evaporated with a sigh, and he put his head in his hand for a second before bringing it up and brushing it through his hair. A motion that, as far as you were concerned, was unfairly adorable.
"I'm not trying to imply you're unable to-."
"No, it's, um, adorable." You hide your face in your hands and you can feel your ears going pink. To think that you've called him adorable of all words. Out loud. With your own mouth.
There's a soft chuckle and you hear him get up from the desk chair. "That's certainly the first time someone's called me that."
"Sorry," you murmur, still mostly hiding behind your hands. You can see, and feel, that he's nearby and despite everything else you're keenly aware of him.
"I hadn't come over with the intent to do anything, Miss (Y/N), but if you continue to seduce me like this, I may have to change my plans."
"I'm not trying!" You say in a rushed panic.
You feel him lean down, and his words and breath are by your ear. "Then you're a dangerous woman, my little desert flower, if you do so this effortlessly."
You make a noise as a shiver runs down your spine. Peeking through your fingers and looking up, you meet the deep amber gold eyes focused on you. There's a knowing smirk pulling at his lips as he reaches up and gently pulls one of your hands away, a soft gasp escaping you before he kisses your cheek.
Moving your other hand away on your own, you turn toward him, lips brushing across his. Your eyes close and you realize that you haven't so much as touched him since your first date. You wonder idly how you could manage so long on your own and be okay, only to feel so needy right now.
He deepens the kiss, his warm fingers running along the line of your jaw. His thumb rests against your chin and you don't resist as the light pressure parts your lips and gives way to the tongue that follows. His pleasant hum pushes against you as his left-hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he cradles your head and threatens to devour the air from your lungs.
There's a hunger in his actions that makes you feel better about your own need as the kiss breaks enough for you to draw breath, and not a moment longer. His desire crashes into you again, and there's a tug at your clothes. It's not enough of one to remove them on your behalf, and the request is hardly questioning. It's more a declaration of his desires and a chance for you to push them aside if you need to.
You reach up to take your work jacket off, when a horn honk out in the parking lot causes you both to stop. After a second there's another honk and Crocodile makes an aggravated noise, before straightening up and taking a step back. Despite his efforts to keep himself composed, his displeasure is painfully clear, even as straightens his clothes and brushes a few errant strands of hair out of his face.
"My apologies. I'll have to speak with Mr. One about his punctuality." His apology is soft, but he practically bites the last word off in a growl.
"If he'd only been a minute or two later, I think it'd be worse." You admit.
There's an amused grin and soft grunt from him. "After the auction, I'd like to take you on a proper date."
"By proper I feel like you mean Baratie's." You tease, "I would be honored." You answer, before he has a chance to say anything different.
"The honor," he says smoothly, taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips. "Will be all mine, Miss (Y/N)."
Crocodile kisses your hand, and then puts a finger up to his lips as he leaves the bedroom and gathers both of your phones from inside the oven. He leaves without looking back, and you can understand why as you close the door behind him, letting out the frustrated sigh you'd been holding in since the first horn honk.
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fincalinde · 1 year
“don’t get me started on the xiyao ones” but what if i really want your annotated xiyao playlist, what then 🥺
Well indeed, what then?
OK, I'm not going to go crazy here but I will give a PHILDEL Xiyao playlist breakdown and I've added a couple of non-PHILDEL bonus songs at the bottom just for u
PHILDEL Xiyao playlist
Beside You
In my house on the hill There is room for you still When there's nothing but dark and sound I will be beside you When there's nothing but the long way round I will be beside you
This is a depressing postcanon one to me, mostly a lament.
Afraid of the Dark
Holding you close feels like a cut throat Losing blood, the weakness of falling in love
Literally named my gigantic fix-it after this one. It's really a fairly generic song about love making you vulnerable, and I don't know that it sums up canon Xiyao as much as it does the angle I was trying to work with weakness i.e. choosing my divergence point so that events progress in such a way that JGY does need to consider the ways in which loving LXC is a vulnerability.
When my home is defenceless The omens relentless, the Trojan Horse Keeps its course Your kindness preserves me Oh, unearthly through this maze You are my only grace
Absolutely a Temple song to me, almost them talking to each other and saying nearly the same things. That Trojan Horse (NHS) is going to destroy them both, after all.
Funeral Bell
Oh mother, I’m scared to die Where, where do my good deeds lie? Oh father, I’m scared to live Takes more than I’ve got to give
Still postcanon LXC to me, depressing!
Comfort Me
‘Cause I swear when you get there you’ll belong Sending up a flare to guide you on Siphoning the best times that we’ve known And spiralling their outlines in the snow
Early years Xiyao during the war, of course. Thrown together by chance and understanding and encouraging and respecting each other perfectly. Will you comfort me like someone you've chosen?
Oh Love
Oh love, believe me Nothing ever comes to us easy The river's never run up to meet me Gotta find your own way down And in this cruel storm Love you got my back like a foghorn Anything I lack can be reborn Anytime you come around But where do you turn to Wandering the streets that have spurned you Love, it's just that nobody's earned you But I will never let you down
I love this one as an uplifting Xiyao song and there's a reason I stole a line from it to title the final chapter of weakness. I just love this way of expressing it—love, it's just that nobody's earned you. Because it's true, and it's not just that they deserve each other in their lives but also that they've earned each other.
A Great Wave
The moon is shifting its shape I am under a great wave All the sea bearing down on me This is where I would stay to breathe But your love took me out of the water
Enough said? Both live lives under immense pressure and have learned to live that way, but they can breathe more freely together.
Through the years we've travelled you and me Through the seasons solar systems I've never kept such faithful company I always knew you'd go the distance
Faith in each other, and being there for each other! I imagine this as being LXC's perspective because he's the one who steadfastly and respectfully supports JGY in his goal of being recognised by his father.
There's a place I go A place I always stand alone And need no witness to my throne Here I say my piece And have no need to be believed The bridge I built will carry me Beyond the creatures of your sea
Here I win my day I make my kill upon the grave And need no hero to be saved Here the light still shines Despite the odds and all the time Despite the gods and their design
As I said in my other post, this is pure JGY. DESPITE THE GODS AND THEIR DESIGN
Special bonus non-PHILDEL just for u
Ava Max - Rumors
Let them talk, let them all speculate Let's get out of here, it's getting late, it's getting late They'll be jealous for sure when they see that I'm yours I like the wild side, I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid So who's gonna love you if it ain't me, baby? Who's gonna touch you if it ain't me, baby?
The during canon internal LXC monologue one. Pls imagine this playing over the teacups scene.
Digital Daggers - Still Here
Musing through memories Losing my grip in the gray Numbing the senses I feel you slipping away Fighting to hold on Clinging to just one more day Love turns to ashes With all that I wish I could say I'd die to be where you are I tried to be where you are
The depressing postcanon LXC one.
Eva Weel Skram - Bror
Bror Ingen veit Meir enn deg om frykt og håp og einsomheit Bror Sjå på meg Det finns ingen enkle svar for ein som deg
Brother No one knows More than you about fear and hope and loneliness Brother Look at me There are no simple answers for someone like you
The fix-it AU where they get to talk it out one.
Delara - Nå er det oss
Du har sett meg sånn jeg er Du tar meg for den jeg er Så takknemlig for at du er her
You have seen me as I am You take me for what I am So thankful that you're here
The generic one for fixes where they get to be together.
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dutchforstrangers · 1 year
... It's me. I was wondering if after all these years months you'd like to meet.
Long and personal post incoming, gotta get some things off of my chest. And due to the pregnancy and my maternity leave I have lots of time to overthink and reflect as I crawl my way back to here. No need to read, but if you do so, thank you for hearing me out (:
It's September 2023. Time to look back and reflect for a bit.
After September/October 2022, I kinda spiraled down and became less and less active in fandom. Mostly on Tumblr, but quickly on fanfiction-platforms and Discord as well. I distanced myself from far away friend, acquintances, as well as from closer friends. With that my focus shifted from everything online to everything offline. That shift was partially due to the whole "debacle" from September 2022 and all of its implications, but also because of the exciting things that started to unfold in my private life at the same time.
In November 2022 we (boyfriend and me) bought our first house together! And let me tell you that buying houses takes looooooots of focus and energy. At the same time, the Foundation I started earlier that year with a business partner and friend began to take off more and more and beside all of that I was working, teaching and dancing my ass off. I was met with the reality of life and the fast pace it was gaining, so I did the thing that felt right to do which was going with that flow.
Aside from that, music (Stray Kids - a Kpop band in particular) got me good and the fandom I found gave me consolation and -in a way- salvation from the aftermath of earlier said debacle. Sadly for Digimon-fandom and everything and everyone around and involved in it, that was when focusing on the online world slowly became too much for me. Resulting in fading myself more and more into the background.
In December 2022, we signed all the papers and moved out of our old apartment in the city I was born in. For the first time ever in my life I would be leaving my one and only hometown and it was bittersweet. On top of all that, I got crazy sick right before and during our move, as if my body was resetting itself and telling me this would indeed be the start of some sort of closure. A new path laid ahead!
I had a hard time listening to it though and I kept trying to find ways and come up with new ideas to get back to fandom in 2023 better than ever before. Looking back on that now, that only made me more tired, trying to hold on to the things I was used to instead of feeling confident enough to let go and make the changes I apparently needed...
In comes 2023.
January started with fireworks as usual. Little did I know that another bang would easily outdo the colorful spectacle rising the night's sky on New Year's Eve. Because one week later, I was holding a positive pregnancy test. For everyone who's good at counting, count the months and you'll know it's baby's due date any day now!
Pregnancy was a blessing to me, to us, since we had more trouble conceiving than luck over the past year and a bit. Apparently, the new house and my body resetting was exactly what I needed in my offline life, but in my online life as well. It sort of destroyed all of my ideas for the online-comeback I had been preparing in my head which I felt I was fine with quickly. What I was less okay with, was the way my now pregnant-body-energy was kinda disturbing my friendships, relationships and dynamics with the people I had met online over the course of time.
Interactions didn't stop, but I had a very hard time keeping up and so everything lessened, up till the point where I was -partially unaware- neglecting certain people I had built special bonds with. That has never been my intentions and it'll bug me forever...! But as life (and pregnancy) kept going full speed, I felt where my focus was needed most and so everything -especially me myself- shifted direction.
It wasn't easy for me, but I imagine how much harder it must have been for some of the (online) people around me. I'm well aware of that and believe me as I say I feel guilty and still rather heavy about it. In a way, that's super selfish of me, but again, it seemed as if shifting my focus was exactly what I needed.
I gave myself time and space to be in the moment and reality and that worked wonders for me. I enjoyed my growing belly a lot and all of the baby kick and shuffling inside of it. The idea of this little bundle of a human being leaving my body soon and thus physically leaving me alone by myself again is a sensation I can't really explain. All I know is that it'll be intense and very emotional for me.
The insights this whole overthinking and (inner) process brought me, however, will be worth it. I can feel the tingling of something bubbling.
The process and the focus on me, the here and now, my partner and life growing inside of me gave me the room to breathe again. And that in its turn showed me that the creativity and love for the fandom was never really gone! Though I realized it had become toxic to me, which was why I was experiencing the turmoil towards fandom the way I was experiencing it. I was only focusing on the things that made me sad and overcoming those things as a form of redemption, rather than on what made me return to fandom back in 2021.
When that insight suddenly hit me, I could feel the urge to return in a pace that suits me slooooowly flow back. Probably with ups and downs, but I'll take that.
Present day and to be honest I still feel hurt by what happened one year ago. Due to that, I will forever be anxious and cautious about returning to fandom and the different platforms with whatever form of creative output. Because let's be real, I did become fully shipping-demotivated, got unwantingly rid of my creative and writing-energy and got robbed from my fandom-appettite for a long while because of the fires I had to go through or tried to put down. And I haven't been able to heroically rise from the ashes the way I had imagined.
Instead I came out sad, burned out and confused. I felt bullied by the situation, certain happenings and people. At the same time I was and am still wondering whether people see me as the one who bullied... And that hurts as well, which is a burden I will always carry with me.
So it won't be easy to return and I have no idea in what time frame I will be able to do so. Especially because this once safe place got damaged by others and myself.
Don't get me wrong, I still think this is a safe place to a lot of people and I know it still is one for me as well. Cuz if it wasn't, I would've never written this down and posted this here, right? But how I see it now, is that I have to build that safe space up again., For myself and others, not just for others and what they think of me!
In the heat of hell, other things sparkled. And now a new flame will slow burn into my life soon. Maybe it'll rekindle some kind of my own online fandom-fire to mix with new sparks and breezes. To create a nice and welcoming (thunder)storm that none of us, and especially me, had seen coming.
We'll see.
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inventors-fair · 6 days
Flavor Mode Commentary: Choices
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We're talking about cards, right? We're talking about cards. We're talking about various choices in a card game and their possibilities thereafter.
But that's not usually how it works, is it. Modal spells are all about opportunity. There are the places where one mode will work better, and one where the mode works worse, and sometimes you can't even play one of the modes because the battlefield doesn't allow for it. There's sometimes a choice, but is there really? MTG is a goal-oriented game in the end. The goal is to win. Which choice is the right choice? Which choice gets you there faster? Which choices will be cut off?
It's so easy to imagine that the choices on our cards will always be available, but sometimes the choices get made for us. Perhaps the challenge this week was less about the specifics of the worlds and more about the notion that we have to believe in these choices being available at all. It's curious to think about, really, the distinction between what's reasonable and what would actually happen. There are no dice being rolled here. It's all up to you.
...I'm way too far behind for all of this. Anyway, Judge Picks here and there for the cards I wanna point out—there were way too many good cards this week and paring down was a nightmare. Read on.
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@corporalotherbear — Alleyway Mugging (JUDGE PICK)
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Your childhood memories or your life! Ha. Just kidding. Anyway, this card's absolutely nightmarish in limited but I don't mind it. Having an Eviscerate and Pilfer mode is pretty on-rate for common destruction spells these days. I have the feeling that quite a few cards end up getting relegated to Ravnica, but I don't want to jump to conclusions, so I do wanna know where you envisioned this card, if anywhere specific. What I like about this card is that in that old draft-quadrant-theory thing (sorry, no idea what it's called), this card's basically smack-dab in the middle and fulfills everything you want it to regardless of where you are positionally.
I think that the whole money-or-your-life trope is decently executed here, enough that I can give this a thumbs-up in the flavor department. Right now, I will say that it's somewhat bare-bones, but there's the question of whether or not my expectations are too high for this sort of thing. Still, compared to the specificity and polish that would potentially set it apart, I do want a little more past the base concept. OR, is this one of those things where the direct name and the common opening is designed to be more simplified to reach players on that level without spiraling into overdesigned and overwritten explanations? Hey, I dunno, don't ask me, I'm just an innocent mugger. I mean judge.
@helloijustreadyourpost — Stitcher's Judgement (JUDGE PICK)
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Great options here, and I think that the flavor is simplified enough that the execution feels like it's doing just what it wants to—one single masterpiece or extra corpse fodder. I like the scientist's gist here, and the stitchers of Innistrad don't get as good a reputation as they deserve. She's calculating, her zombies aren't decaying, she knows the difference between showing off and being pragmatic. I like that a lot! I think that the flavor text itself is pretty good; the only thing that came into my head was replacing "corpse" with "body," and editing to get some kind of 'everybody'/'every body' pun in there. You could make the argument that the stitchers don't have quite the same kind of bourgeoisie art standards that the vampires might have in terms of mood, y'know?
Five-mana reanimation is pretty on-rate for these effects, too, and I'm down for where you're going with it. There should be one big thing that you'd want to get back for this to be worth it, but stealing your opponent's creatures could be more than worth it depending on board state. It's really hard to argue against also having six damage worth of evasive bodies on board, though, and that's a tough argument to make. At this point in the game (and assuming that there's some graveyard shenanigans at hand b/c, well, zombies and Innistrad), having three cards to exile might not be so hard to get. Board flexibility is all situational as always. I think that the vibe and mechanics are solid, though, and I'm a fan.
@horsecrash — Wrong Way
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We're back to building a better Unsummon, heh—and that's not a dig, honest, it's just something that Magic's been doing on and off for a while. I think I'm down for the stretch of "last words" being associated with a disappearance instead of death, for the most part as well. Let's start with the mechanics, though, because I have the feeling that instant-speed unblockability might cause some small issues with inexperienced players attacking and then being surprised when their trick doesn't work after blocks. That said, I'd also love to see someone blow up an attacking creature just to get sniped by this card played in response on a different attacking creature before blocks have been declared. It's a really small issue with timing, though, and the flexibility saves it, IMO. It's not the strongest combat trick in the world but it's what Blue wants to do.
Part of that semi-weakness also makes it feel slightly less...specific in its flavor? Or at least, it's a card that meets the player on their level, and I've been looking at a lot of these modal cards recently and I can't help but want a little bit more and I'm not sure where or why. Maybe it's because the flavor text is something we've seen before from Boros/Dimir interactions. Maybe it's just the expectation doesn't have that same kind of tension between modes that makes the choice apparent? The divergence of a trap vs. an escape doesn't feel like there are any stakes to me, or at least that they're not super high, and that the weight of the choice itself is negligible compared to the gameplay where one or the other makes a strong difference. It's not a bad card by any means, and the flavor is right where it needs to be. For this contest, my brain's just looking for a different kind of heft, I think.
@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Urza's Choice
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I wish I could remember everything that happened with Urza and Mishra as much as I remembered pretty much everything else that's happened in MTG canon. That said, I know there was the whole Sylex thing, and then there was Urza's Ruinous Blast, etc. I think that with that in mind, this card's flavor is essentially a one-or-the-other when canonically everything got blown up, I think? I just skimmed the wiki, honestly, so I couldn't tell you one way or another.
That said, I feel that this card gets precedent'd mechanically and flavorfully by Urza's Ruinous Blast—i.e. what's been done has been done before with specificity. Four-mana boardwipes might be okay on the one-sided front with kindred support, so I understand where you might be coming from there. This card also feels like it's almost in the Alara era in terms of power level overall though. I guess I wouldn't really know what more it could do. Maybe this particular moment for this particular contest could've been better applied elsewhere considering precedent.
@la-femme-de-stardust — Peacegranter
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I'm going to get to the mechanical strength in a moment. I understand what the modes are trying to do here from a flavorful perspective: one is granting strength to vanquish a foe, and one is saving a creature from dying. I wish there was a little more context here, because there's that kinda-ironic twist of death being a mercy as seen by this war-cleric character, but that's a deep cut even for me. The flavor text is difficult to parse because of the passive voice, and digging out some interpretations is probably more difficult than it needs to be.
Still, in a Mardu-colored shell, I really liked the intended flavor of combat mechanics and how they flow into imagining how this character might be depicted. It doesn't have to be specifically the Mardo horde, and—oh man, what was the last tri-color nonsense that we had... Honestly, aside from Ikoria, the last one that I could reliably call to mind was Isshin from Kamigawa. I miss this archetype and I thoroughly enjoy it! Having white be the primary color makes both of these potential costs perfectly appropriate. Combat control ahoy. Marginally esoteric flavor skews awkward, but the card itself is pretty awesome.
@levelzeo — Beloved General
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I really don't think that this card needed flavor text, mate. And I mean that as a compliment, because I absolutely get the notion that this general leaves behind a variety of interpretable legacies dependent on the needs of the world at the time. One story shows her losing her corporeal body but gaining an incorporeal one, one shows the dedication of her strength, and one displays the revenge of the troops. All of that totally makes sense! Maybe "beloved" is a little bit of an awkward adjective, but that might just be one of my random vocab preferences for this context? It's certainly serviceable.
The mechanics are pretty neat too. Early-game allows you to increase the odds of this card going more aggressive, of course, but there's a non-zero chance that allowing her to die creates a spot of removal when you might need it, allowing you to attack into potentially unfavorable boards. At the very least, if you don't have any creatures, you get a flying body back and some card advantage. What I really like about these mechanics is that they scale up in usability the more creatures you have, and that's pretty smart. I think the first mode could just say "Exile it" instead of the full "from your graveyard," and the last one should be worded like Case of the Gateway Express. Aside from that, I really like how you thought about this card. Just drop the extra two lines at the end when you have this much text.
@melancholia-ennui — Lovers' Tragedy (JUDGE PICK)
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Long live Cataclysm effects. Or Divine Reckoning effects. Whichever works! I think that the setup to the modal choices is as important as the choices themselves for a lot of cards in this contest. The Romeo and Juliet backdrop would probably be most players' first point of entry to this card. Personally, that's a little strange to make two creatures "fall in love," but I don't think that gameplay and flavor need to match the board state to be good. Run Away Together is another kind of example, perhaps! Let's back up though, because I knew there was something I super loved with this card, and that's the choices' ultimate result.
Sacrificing those creatures might be the best option if you have something you're willing to throw away. When are the choices revealed? Probably at the same time, or maybe there needs to be a "then" there for showing that you're choosing first, I dunno. ANYWAY, the deciding factor of threats is definitely nail-biting. Sacrificing the chosen creatures incentivises your opponent to choose a small creature, but if they do, then you're probably gonna exile the rest instead. This card rigidly enforces parity, and I like that a lot. The lovers' death is tragic, but if they destroy everything to be alone, that itself is equally tragic. The fact that you as pseudo-storyteller are enforcing this choices hits on an emotion that I don't quite have the right words for. That's a good thing, a complex thing. Boardwipes, I feel, have a lot of flavor wiggle room, and you're delving into some interesting territory here. I'd clean up the first section to show how that timing would work best.
@nine-effing-hells — Lance the Boils
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Ha, gross. I almost feel a Lorwyn vibe from this card because of that one with the teeth, and the pseudo-grossout thing that fantasy tropes do sometimes, but as a gold card, this one's a curiosity to me. In a good way! A little flavor text might've helped this one, though. Or maybe AD. As it stands, the interpretations are nice but I want more context for the story of it all. It's a gross story of a medical nature—maybe. That's generous, I know. We don't see as much of this kind of humor in MTG these days and probably for the better. Stabbing pustules going either horrifically right or horrifically wrong is as nasty as it can get.
I guess the mechanics of it flow well too, depending on the archetypes and world. I wonder if there would be some incentive for removing counters from an opponent's creature? But that's thinking too far ahead; healing up is the intent of the second ability, and I totally feel that it would be a fine draft uncommon. I can't see this card coming close to replacing Lightning Helix in the kinds of decks that would play it, and that is 100% fine. It's designed for a specific environment and I'm down to play it in the aggro sideboard. Again, I understand everything that you're going for on this card, which is a massive plus. I think following that there was an opportunity to get into the inner-flavor-nitty-gritty that we missed here.
@real-aspen-hours — Stroke of Inspiration (JUDGE PICK)
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"Galvanatrix" is certainly a title. Or is that a name? I certainly don't see it referenced on any cards thus far; as either name or title, I'm struck. There's the possibility of this outcome working and I think that it's kinda funny, honestly. There are only two outcomes for this kind of experiment: death or half-ingenuity. I totally get it! There's a brutal physicality that's associated with the intended flavor and I like how that feeds into the gameplay. A manner of destruction happens either way, and at instant speed, too.
The gameplay of this card is both strong and simple. I think it was a good call that you can only play one of the cards exiled this way, to slightly mitigate the issue of power level. Otherwise, this card would be comparable to Light up the Stage but somehow even stronger. SERIOUSLY stronger. Wait, no, which one... Wrenn's Resolve, that's the other one, and the VOW one too. Those cards are competitively viable so changing the speed and adding removal.. I'm getting ahead of myself. The long and short is that I like this card a lot. I do wonder for poor Inna, what happened to the remainder of her nervous system...
@reaperfromtheabyss — Impassioned Guildseeker
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How does one determine what a guildless human looks like? I'm visualizing this card and the intent, and I feel that there's some wiggle room where I want to caution you away from the image in question. Right now I get the sense that the AD and the name are trying too hard to put a story of this particular character into the forefront where the decision is an action-packed moment of clarity, where it really doesn't have to be to bring Ravnica to life. I'm imagining a small cycle of common creatures that do just what you're after—two abilities that reference the guilds—and it's less climax and more like a side-bildungsroman, e.g. this individual isn't named as a "guildseeker" but just as a vagrant or vagabond, and there's flavor text that talks about Gruul and Rakdos as homes for unchecked violence.
What that leads into with the mechanics is a really interesting potential for a common cycle that I can envision right away. This character is torn between Gruul and Rakdos, and so maybe there's a white character that's torn between the naturalization of the Selesnya or the steadiness of the Boros, represented by either an ETB Naturalize or an ETB untapping of a creature. Y'know? You've got a potential cycle here, or pseudo-cycle, that hearkens back to the guild structure way back in the RTR or even RNC days, and it feels great to me. I don't think that this is the absolute best execution yet, but it's good for inspiration.
@sparkyyoungupstart — Monstrous Intervention
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This card could honestly have cost just WB and been fine, in my opinion. Temporary indestructible is fine but doesn't need more than one or two mana. Multicolored options are fine, too, and I don't hate the second ability, but you're getting rid of a creature for life and that's usually a terrible board prospect. Honestly, it's almost like a free Swords to Plowshares for your opponent even if you're in deep to the aristocrats archetype. As someone who loves the aristocrats archetype, it's usually not worth it. But that first mode is still something you wanna use more often than not, and I really like the potential.
Flavorfully as well the potential is awesome. My personal take is that an emdash would've served better than ellipses, but that's also pedantry. Vampire romance is quite the story beat here, and you know full well that this ain't an Innistrad story. I don't really know where it would take place, actually! I don't feel that MTG has fully embraced the sexy vampires as much as they should. Yeah, some of them are purportedly hot (if you're into that), but they don't seduce humans as much as they should. I'd be more sorry for this awkward commentary if the card didn't kinda introduce that trope! I really do like it the more I type about it. Mercy or love. Interesting how mercy can be its own kind of love, but not the other way around, not as much. Hm.
@tanknspank — Auspicious Harvest
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What a bleak (or wonderful) outcome. Deep in the food archetype, we have these cards that rely on sacrifice, and that leads to a card that would be either first-pickable or one that would run around the table ten thousand times. Free food sacrifice is one possibility but that would mean two creatures dying...and you know what, I wonder: what does that actually represent? The cost to "eat" Food, I mean. Is that exertion? Competition? Or just gameplay trumping flavor? Probably the latter. Mechanically, I feel that you want a lot of Food either way, so while I understand from your comments how the Famine means less competition for food in general (i.e. easier to consume b/c fewer people), there's an inherent disconnect between the two.
I think the problem with this route is that the card both wants and expects you to have more Food, and the flavor of Famine doesn't work at all if there's any food whatsoever. Incongruity is the bane of flavor parsing, and gameplay incongruity is the most frustrating of all. The attempt is a great modal representation, but I don't feel that it's quite captured here. Maybe Famine could have you force-sacrificing foods, and if you can't then you have a Mulch-like effect, representing the search for fertile land? I just feel that there are options that could've played out with both gameplay and flavor that could've worked in a more cohesive manner.
@wildcardgamez — Rigged Game
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I think that I like this card's flavor without the flavor text; it's perhaps too meta to Magic than it would be in-universe. But I would like to see what you might have in mind for how it would fit into a Magic plane because I like this card as a cute little draw/discard trap. The notion of a devious bargain going your way and your way only is pretty cool, and an interesting use of six-sided die. I don't have as much personal experience with the whole die-rolling mechanics, but having those be related to games still connects in a way that I feel doesn't have to be as precise as the flavor suggests. Again, this is long-winded and also positive. I'm down for how this card's mood and the in-game feelings work together! It may just be a bit heavy-handed.
The mechanics also work out in a way that I'm not quite convinced would work in any way other than situational ways. Like, if your opponent is hellbent, then the game's not really rigged, and if your life total is low enough that the crackback would be lethal, that's gonna hurt if you need the advantage still for whatever reason. When do you play this card? Hopefully, when either outcome is in your favor. And when would that be? This card feels like it would be better when you're already ahead, and you know what, that's fine sometimes. I'd have to see how it plays out, and I also have to admit that there's nothing inherently wrong with state-situational cards. Just gotta work out your devilish deals so that you don't get your legs caught in the rigging.
@xenobladexfan — Threat of Compleation
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Maybe I'm just Phyrexian'd out at the moment, because the actual notion of compleation is pretty well-done for me. Transformative effects are great, of course, and I think that this week showed a lot of people's interest in creature-type-changing effects in a great way. Where would this card find a home, I wonder? Oil counters and toxicity suggest an environment like ONE, but what does this card do for that kind of situation?
Just for brevity's sake, the modes are understandable for the story but I don't feel that they're doing anything particularly new or nuanced for the presented choice. Compleation vs. resistance has been tried and true throughout. Without any sense of specificity, I find myself wanting this card to give a less macroscopic notion that it's just not giving right now. The choices are broadly represented, and that's fine if you're going for it, but the idea isn't gripping me as much as a specific difference in a character's experience might. The flavor text more or less reenforces that sense of broad strokes. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but I'm looking for more of a foothold.
@yourrightfulking — Gruul Diplomacy (JUDGE PICK)
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Meat and eggs? We're eatin' well tonight. I think that with the modes, a three-mana Bite spell is probably marginal enough that everyone would be willing to play it. And everyone gets to eat, too! Within the Gruul clan, there's a sense of prosperity that not everyone gets to feel on the outside, and thank goodness for a feast to make that happen. I kinda like that, actually, even if that boar is probably going to be an attacker as well. While I'm not a fan of the specific phrasing "After all this time" in the FT, I like the notion that you're going for of nature's constancy.
Bold of you to assume that the Gruul would use utensils, but I digress—because as far as gold uncommons go, any Gruul player would be happy to have this card as a limited inclusion. Bite spells are always good, and tokens are most of the time pretty great, even if creatures have gotten a little better over time. Could this perhaps have been a trampling or vigilant Boar token? Maybe, but the life's flavorful enough (heh) that maybe you don't necessarily need much more. It's playable, it's easy to understand, and it's a callback that I think is worth the slight confusion for folks who don't know the cyclops in question. I like what folks have been doing with Ravnica for this contest. Makes me miss it.
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That's one week out of the way. Thanks for everyone's patience. @abelzumi
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booyouimcrazy · 1 year
Taking Space
It’s rare to feel this light. 
Today i came back to say goodbye properly, before I disappeared.  Over the last couple of days i’ve REALLY been in my thoughts about you. 
They have gone up, down, and every other direction imaginable. 
I just opened the door after Vignesh left as well, and as I did, i couldnt help but think I feel less sad now than I did before. Like the last few days have felt like absolute mammothian bullshit personally, cause of the thought of losing you.
I've put myself through all the possible thoughtframes.
It not being the right time. (Will it ever be? Battling myself for thinking I want there to be.)
You not wanting a relationship. (Will you ever? Could I change you? Battling myself to say I shouldnt be basing a future relationship on wanting to change you, that's apparently a red flag.)
Us being really good in a couple sense (Like, really though, we have a tendency of being really well behaved as a couple, it's only on the inside that we argue quite a bit.)
Seeing all these reels talk about setting expectations before hand(Which we didn't do. Because I always imagined I'd only date you, and FWBs wasn't even ever an option, until taper down/doomsday happened, and even then, it wasnt really clear.)
Me wanting to be a priority and the place you always wanted to come back to. (Your safe space. The place you want to come to to retire away and just chill for a bit.)
Me thinking I'll never make it back, because I'll never get over wanting to date you, and we cant get sexy if that's where I am, and I cant see your face if all i'll want to do is hold it & kiss it.
Really dragging a dagger through us by bringing it up again, almost like I was trying to make you feel worse, but I just needed to make sure I was telling you as much as I was thinking without making it an absolute blow to the gut.
I think I fell in love with you, because it's been insanely easy.
I've never had to think extra about sharing a single thing with you, it just comes out easy, it's like you have some weird kind of key to my mind.
And I guess that's just one of the loves i'll have in my life. Which I could never possibly be happy about.
For all the loyal puppy I call myself, I definitely made myself hella doomsy to see if it could get a rise out of you, unfortunately - which maybe shouldn't have been the route I took.
But my life has never felt nicer.
Having you around has been such a blessing,
I dont think I deserve you either, but all I've ever wanted is you.
I think the thing you've given me is actually the ability to be entirely myself, and just accepted it with absolute ease.
If it meant how good I was with words, the way I understand sarcasm and can play off it with you, or be cryptic, because mostly, you get it, those are some of the crutches I stand on.
But there's also all the times you kind of save me from going through an absolute self worth rage trigger spiral around my parents, Because somehow all I need is to talk about what im thinking, but I cant ever with my own family -
And the fact that you willingly will communicate and put yourself through trenches to know what someone's feeling, and how you can actively help them, but then also take the steps to change - it's mind-boggling that you would.
Especially for a me. I'm a nobody. You'd never even heard me on a phone call. Or seen me. Or even ever met me. And you gave me more than my own blood & family ever did. I think that's the hard part to accept, I guess. Is the fact that you were able to give me all the emotional bits I havent got from my family ever, and then also the sexting. LIKE, WTAF is that sexual chemistry. So, combine those together for someone whose never had either? And watch it be kryptonite. I guess that's why I've wanted to be in a relationship with you bad, Because it is SO EASY to do the hard bits with you around. But like i've said over & over at this point, I hope that this is just the sign for how glorious it'll be when someone is actually willing to give me time everyday, and doesnt live with the daily stress of needing to run a business. My life will truly never be the same, because I have never had quality interaction after quality interaction day after day like I have with you. LET'S NOT FORGET. your INSANE sense of humour, that gets me so good. But yeah, all those exact things are things I hope to one day enjoy again most thoroughly. You might fall in love with Hannah though. Weirdly, that's something my mind wants to predict. Is that Male Hannah and Hannah fall in love. I mean, if you do to her what you've done to me, I will likely have to stop talking to you for life, So either you fall in love with her, Or we just become a trio. But I cant wait to be your friend again, Because i know i will miss my bestfriend too much to not make it back. So everything in my power will work to internalise that I will never date you. And cant expect relationshippy things from you, because they will never be able to be met. I look forward to the day. LYMAX. thankyou for the best time in my life, I wouldnt know love without knowing you, And for that im immensely grateful.
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tipsydipsydo · 3 years
The laundry hamper [M]
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 2.2k 
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
AU: College AU!; Roommates2Lovers AU!; Friends2Lovers! AU
Warnings: Dirty Language + slight Dirty Talk; sweet and shy but naughty Jungkookie; Mentions of Masturbation in the shower; Scent/Smelling-Kink; Panty-Sniffing; Masturbation; slight Voyeurism; Teasing; Petnames; soft sub! Jungkook & dom! Reader undertones; Mentions of mutual Masturbation; Mentions of 69-Position 
Summary: Jungkook has a crush on you since you moved together for college but the poor boy is way too shy to confess his feelings to you... rather he would search through your laundry hamper to get a shirt which smells after your very personal scent and tries to calm his racing heart... and other nerves. He didn’t thought to get catched by the person who already stole his whole heart in the most embarrassing situation...
A/N: Happy first year friendship anniversary with my dearest @borathae​!! I love you to death my sweetheart and I thought today would be the perfect occasion to finally finish this Oneshot I started 10 months ago and waited to get finished until today on my IPad... especially because you  was the person who gave me the inspiration to write this idea... I hope you like it!! 
Status: halfway edited bc I was stressed I wouldn’t finish it on right time- 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He knows it's bad and that he shouldn't do it. Well... honestly, already before this thought, which is haunting him since two weeks, he wasn't any kind of "well mannered" anymore. ...before you apologized for taking so much space with your shower untensils in the shower basket and then decided, to take your Shampoo, Conditioner and Bodylotion to your room.
The thing you didn't know was that you took with this decision, Jungkook's one and only opportunity to properly jerk off, with you.
God, just when the poor boy thinks about it... the thought alone gives him a rosy-red blush all over his cheeks, which almost reachs his ears and leave him completely flustered and ashamed.
How to explain it... your quiet, adorably awkward and super shy roommate, who has a crush on you since two years (or even longer!) tend to use your hair shampoo as a little "fantasy kick". How could he resist the opportunity to smell something so familiar which reminds him of you, so close?
How he used it you ask yourself?
While he was showering, he sniffed on the opened lid of the shampoo bottle like a fucking dog in his rut and jerked off to the smell of English Wild Roses. Yeah, even Jungkook himself is absolutely sure that he reached a whole new level of freakiness. Who else jack themself off while sniffing on a damn hair shampoo bottle?!
Jungkook has simply a thing for scents... especially for everything that smells like you. Whenever something of you comes in contact with his nostrils, he immediately pops a boner.
Really, it's not funny anymore when you feel that your dick is going hard just from getting a whiff of your crush's parfum when they're passing by.
Anyway, not your parfum or shower utensils are giving Jungkook a problem now, it's much more your laundry hamper which suddenly developts a really strong seductive affect on him.
Both of you having a seperate laundry hamper in the shared bathroom and also a laudry bag in your room. It's easier to have these two opportunities to put your laundry than walking always with an arm full of dirty clothes through the whole apartement.
Especially when friends of the other person are over and a pair of Kook's boxer briefs or one of your bra's found their way to the floor, unnoticed. Okay, 'unnoticed' as long as one of your friends are yelling that there is dirty underwear in the hallway. Of course not without dropping some stupid and teasing comments.
Yeah, it's really better for Jungkook's and your own peace to have a laundry bag in your room and a laundry hamper in the bathroom. Even when Kookie wouldn't mind it at all to be the one who would've found your lingerie...
...and that's the point. Since this one incidence with your dessous, Jungkook is haunted by countless absolutely filthy and indecent thoughts. At first he was still able to control them and to shove them away into the last corner of his mind. But after you took your shower stuff with you to your room, these fantasies returned really, really fast and his interest in your laundry hamper grew endlessly.
It absolutely didn't help that he pretty aware of the fact that you showered just a half an hour ago.
You made yourself ready to go to the movies with some of your friends. That means, he would be completely alone for the next few hours with the clothes you've worn before and are now own your very personal scent. How the hell should he survive this silently for him screaming seduction?!
Okay, okay, even when he'd took something off your hamper... just as a hypothetisch thought... it would be definitely only something completely innocent, like a shirt or something else. Really, he just loves to smell your wonderful personal scent. It's calming his wild racing heart... and in some way his unsatisfied desires as well.
Once again he takes a glimpse through the slightly opened bathroom door into the hallway which leads to the front door. Everything is silent, he is indeed completely alone in the apartement.
Now or never. Maybe he should take one of your worn out T-Shirts you always wear for house chores and isn't one of your favourite piece of clothing anymore. Maybe then you wouldn't notice that's even gone... for a longer time.
He shouldn't debate any longer before he reverses his opinion and pull back... he would slap himself if he'd let such an opportunity slip through his fingers unused...
As soon as he opens the lid of your laundry hamper, all his 'good and pure resolutions' are thrown out of the next bathroom window. Hebshould have guessed it, he should have known it... that your underwear is the last thing you take of your body before showering. Well, in conclusion, your panties are the first piece of cloth which is greeting Jungkook's eyes.
He's gulping harshly. Fuck, his brain knows that what he's doing here is bad and dirty, that he shouldn't do it... but his body and especially his dick is literally screaming and begging him to reach out for exactly this piece of lingerie.
Those tiny little wheels starts turning in Jungkook's head when he scans through your latest outfit. He remembers which Sweater and Sweatpants you wore. How could he forget those cute socks with this adorable avocado print on them.
...but no Bra.
Fuck... Jungkook can't explain himself why he finds the thought of you, being so comfortable in your shared apartement and around him, that you decided to not wear a bra underneath and let your tits bounce around freely, so god damn attractive...
Before he even realized it, his greedy hand took your used panties already out of the laundry hamper and lets the soft fabric slip through his fingertips.
It's a plain black cotton panty with a lacey border which has a beautiful flower pattern. Others would say it's boring, unspectacular underwear but for Jungkook it's already beautiful and beyond belief sexy lingerie. To imagine that you walk casually around in those panties everyday... Jungkook feels how his dick is already leaking precum in his boxer briefs.
With every second he holds this pair of panties in his hands, his poor, needy cocks hardens even more in his grey sweats. He gulps again. He shouldn't do it... but your panties are tempting him and his short patience.
Before he can control what he's doing, his nose is already buried in this piece of cloth and takes a deep breath.
If his other hand wouldn't already disappeared beneath his waist band and squeezed the base of his cock, he would've already blown his load right here in his sweats.
He's panting, his breath fast and ragged, trying to take as much as possible of your intoxicating scent into his lungs when he yanks his sweatpants down to his knees and lays his hand in a firm grip around his red, swollen and angrily leaking cock. He's literally dripping, so it doesn't take long until his whole palm is lubed thoroughly with his own precum.
Jungkook's mind is clouded, he can't built any proper thought anymore, your delicious smell makes him salivating and he knows, he feels it in every fiber of his body, that he already got addicted to the smell of your panties... your pussy.
He can't believe that you smell so good, like that fucking good that he almost blew his load already in his pants. Untouched.
His mind is spiralling, dirty thoughts get exceeded by even more filthier ones, every secret and forbidden fantasies which he hold under control for so, so long are crashing down on him.
God, what would he do to be the lucky person who gets you on top of him, queening him, his whole face buried into your pussy, your juices smearing all over his chin and cheeks and getting a good whiff of your perfect cunt first hand. He would happily die between your legs, suffocated by your thighs which you would've squeeze so tightly around his head that it would literally crushed him. He would die as the happiest man in the whole universe.
To imagine how you'd whine, whimper and growl at him... praising him for doing so good, pleasuring you so well, tugging at his locks because you can barely handle the pleasure you receive from his tongue and lips...
His fist goes faster and faster, his wrist will hurt so bad in the exam tomorrow... but that's Jungkook tiniest problem right now, he needs to cum so fucking bad, his balls are already hard and tight, feeling like they would burst if he wouldn't cum and time soon.
"Tz, tz, tz... what do we have here? I didn't thought you'd be such a naughty boy as someone who's so sweet and shy, Jungkook... sniffing your roommates panties and jerking off to them...", you snicker and smirk, even though bis back is still facing you. The later flinchs noticeably and lets a surprised and equally terrified yelp out, almost jumping around to you.
He's trying to save to situation and his pride, throwing your panties back into your open laundry hamper and pulling his pants up as quick as possible.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I am so, so, so, so sorry, it will never happen again, I am so sorry that you have such a disgusting roommate like me, I am so sorry, I didn't knew you'd come back so early again- oh fuck... I am so sorry, I am a disaster", Jungkook chokes out in a trembling voice and glassy eyes, a tiny little sob leaves him as well. He is truly ashamed and mortified to death.
Your heart breaks when you look at him, he looks so sorry and embarrassed, he couldn't look at himself in the mirror again. Slowly you start to shake your head 'no'.
"Oh Jungkookie, I didn't mean to shame you... I... I just was a little surprised to catch you here in the bathroom... having a little fun time with yourself... I realized halfway to the cinema that I forgot my wallet and I came back to get it... then I saw you and just wanted to tease you a little bit... ah shit- I think I just messed the things up as well... okay okay, stupid question from a stupid person who has a big, fat crush on you since months, if not even years... wouldyoumindmetohelpyoutocum?", you ramble nervously, now are your cheeks equally beet-red.
Jungkook's eyes shoot up to your face, your red cheeks, your big, questioning eyes and your lip biting is sending a new rush of exitement down to his softening cock, making him harden all over again.
"W-What? ...what?? You- you too? I-I am crushing on you since we moved in together and now you're telling me that you- ...oh my god, yes... yes... yes please... please help me. I am so needy and horny right now and your pant- you always smelled so good and it's driving me crazy... I am so horny for you, Y/N."
Jungkook couldn't control his blabbering mouth anymore, everything is just blurting out of him with such a force like the Niagara Waterfall.
You sigh in relieve and a bright smile is forming on your lips as you walk over to your crush and lay both of your hands on his cute and round cheeks, so you can look each other into the eyes.
"Jungkook, I would like to ask you if you're comfortable with the thought of me kissing you before I will... devour you?"
Just to hear the two words 'devour you' out of your mouth made his knees almost buckle. His head is moving by itself, nodding vehemently. But to his confusion you're shaking your head no.
"Babyboy, I need your verbal confirmation. Consent is key, alright?", you say in a gently yet firm voice.
Oh God, you'll be his death... calling him 'Babyboy' alone made a whimper slips past his lips which is why you hum very appreciately.
"Oh God, yes, yes, yes... please... please kiss me and devour me, Mistress- ugh, s-sorry, I- I didn't mean to say that", Jungkook coughs out all flustered again, don't dare to look you in the face.
Such a good, perfect babyboy he is already for you.
"Don't be shy, Baby... I like the title you gave me. When you like it, you can continue to address me with 'Mistress'. ...what about we change our location to your or my bedroom? I'd love to let you smell and taste my pussy... not just through worn fabric. I would take great care of your aching cock... I saw how swollen, red and leaking it was already. What about you eat me out while I take your cock into my mouth and jerk you off with the panties I wear right now. Hm, sounds good?
Jungkook's head is already spinning again when your lips finally meet, your mouth and tongue already taking the control over him and devouring him.
Yes, you'll be definitely the death for him.
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