#whichever works honestly~
rat4women · 7 months
happy Valentine’s Day lovelies <3 consider this your official invitation to a nice, romantic date night, that ends with you tied to the bed, and yours truly dedicated to making you forget your own name <3!!
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 7 months
people who don't study history will simply never understand the joy of reading historian beef. there's nothing like it
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 181
“Hey. Hey Tuck. Tucker. Tuck look. Look.” 
Tucker looked over the edge of the screen lazily, the half interested words on his tongue dying as he let out a wheeze of laughter. “Oh my Ancient Sands, dude, how did you manage that?” 
Danny had, for the last near year, been trying to mix shapeshifting, thank you Amorpho, with duplication. Something he’d apparently succeeded in today, if the massive fuck-you hydra standing before him was any indication. The very pleased looking, well did it count as a hydra if it had wings too? 
“You need to show Sam. Oh my Sands we need to show Val too. And Wes. You did it dude!” He floated up to look at Danny, who did a little twirl to show off. He shook his head, flecks of gold and sand falling from his hair as he laughed. 
“Do you think,” Danny lost it in laughter as several other heads echoed his words, from whichever the main him was. “Holy ancients that’s great- do, do you think we can make a dragon club? Hydras are totally dragons right? Do you think we could pull a Tiamat?” 
He landed on a head, taking a selfie to add to the groupchat labeled Preparations. “Dude, we should, but let me send this to the others first… But I am so down.” 
They can, in fact apparently, pull a Tiamat- with a little help from Princess Dora, practice in front of Frostbite in case something goes wrong, and some advice from Pandora on controlling extra limbs. Honestly, who is going to want to mess with Amity when there’s a giant dragon? And hey, maybe they can break the barrier now! 
The heads for those wondering who I was thinking of for each lol And perhaps what they might all get ((1) Kwan, Pressurized Water) ((2) Wes, Sonic Blast) ((3) Sam, Poison Gas) ((4) Star, Plasma) ((5) Danny, Ice Breath) ((6) Paulina, Acid) ((7) Tucker, Electricity) ((8) Valerie, Fire Breath) ((9) Dash, Pressurized Wind)
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silly-writes · 1 year
Heather regretting her love of the game.
Request by @lorddamocles
“Might I ask what you think it would be like if Heather and male reader got together late in a a season? Also if you dont mind a double prompt (sorry fi you do mind), how Heather would react if she realized the reader was about to be voted off by the others in an attempt to retaliate against something she did and yet she knows she can't stop the reader from being eliminated and wishes they weren't going to be eliminated.”
Yes ofc I’ve got such a soft spot for Heather so I’m super excited to write this!! Going to be writing this for world tour since I believe that to be her peak season.
Getting to know Heather through challenges is a tricky thing, that’s for sure.
Even harder yet is trying to get her to trust you throughout the filming of world tour.
But you’re nothing if not persistent.
You spend a lot of time earn her trust during the down time of the show, the stuff that seemed so boring the camera crew fell asleep. Flights between continents, waiting for the plane to refuel. All of that.
If you didn’t know her, you might mistake her softness for hatred, but that was her competitive side talking.
She doesn’t trust you yet, she wants to make sure you’re not doing this to gain, and even after everything you do time and time again she’s never fully convinced.
I also think it would be hard to tell wether or not things were ever really official for the two of you, she’s not a “wear my heart of my sleeve” kind of person. Especially when it might cost her the win, worse yet a million dollars.
But there is definitely a tenderness there for you that she doesn’t harbor for anyone else, not even Alejandro.
He tries time and time again to vote you out, he tries to rally the whole team against you in any sneaky, conniving way he possibly can.
But all of his attempts seem to fall flat. You can read it plain as day, you simply just being is driving him insane.
Heather pretends not to notice but she’s not stupid, not even close. She sort of likes it, having all the guys gunning for her.
Unfortunately in the end it’s her wrong doings that affect you the most.
Through backstabbing and lying, and cheating, Heather gets through another challenge and wins safety.
The cast is not happy with her (not that they ever are) but know they can’t vote out her.
So in a last ditch effort to make Heather falter it’s you who’s taking the drop of shame tonight.
You take one final look as you hold your parachute in hand and for once Heather looks shocked, guilty even if you know where to look.
“I just want to say-“ you don’t get to finish the thought before Chris steps in between the two of you.
“Eh eh- sappy goodbyes are bad for ratings, Caphice?” And with one final chuckle you’re sent out of the plane.
Later that night Heather goes to the confessionals sighing as she sits down.
“What was I supposed to do? Someone had to go, it wasn’t going to be me!” She bites her lip a little and then shakes her head “he was a distraction. Nothing more. Nothing less. I’m in it for the long run, for the million. Now if I could just get Alejandro the same way…”
She goes on without you, motivated as she is. But she’s a little stronger for knowing at least there’s someone on the outside rooting for her <3
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micamicster · 8 months
okay in the spirit of the previous post we are going to brute force me into sharing random scenes from fics that are either unfinished or never going to be finished! we are going to do this collaboratively (im fair and benevolent) but i don't want to give any information about said wips (im cruel and dictatorial) so this is going to be a blinded poll <3 vote here <3
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zangoonse · 1 month
oh i dont know if i should be laughing or mortified at the fact that we may have just had a fictive show up but then very quickly disbelieve himself out of existence??? hello?????
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randomwriteronline · 10 months
This body wasn't bad. He got used to it, by all means. It worked fine. It felt disgusting and utterly parasitic at times, and there had been nights when the noises inside him had kept him up until he'd finally collapsed. But he'd managed to get through it, because that's what stone does best: it perseveres, at the cost of eroding.
He wanted it off of himself.
He wanted it off of himself as violently and horribly and urgently as he could.
Not always - not always; sometimes he forgot about it and didn't even find it weird, when he was only among Glatorian and Agori and other likely mostly organic beings. But the moment he saw a Matoran he knew, and he tried to get closer, and they backed away from him fearfully, he felt the urge to dig into his stomach a deep enough cut to just cleave the meat off of himself with the ease and precision of a bandage against a pair of scissors.
Why did they run from him? Why did they keep him at arm's length? Why did they look at him with such fright? Why did they handle him so carefully? Why did they push him off?
Because this shell was too soft to handle their familiar jagged edges and ripped at the seams the moment he tightened his grip on them?
He wanted to cut it off.
What good was it, to be here, to be with everybody, if he could not hold them?
If he could not make his knuckles boom against Onua's, if he could not have Lewa wrap tight around his chest, if he could not press his head into Gali's shoulder, if he could not hug Tahu by the waist to drag him away? If he could not get a Kohlii ball to the chest without feeling his lungs instantly caving in, if he could not be a minute around the Turaga without immediately noticing the thousands of ways with which they held themselves back around him?
What good was it, to live like this?
He'd never needed this much care because he'd always been sturdy. Now he was malleable and weak and so easy to hurt, and it made his sternum burn without a reason.
He always held them as hard as he could.
Every single time. Without fail.
Maybe at first it had been unconsciously, because he still didn't know his own frailty.
Now he held them to be hurt.
The pain was a comfort. It gave a reason as to why his chest hurt, a tangible meaning behind that overwhelming ache.
They couldn't understand, and pried him off; and each time, without fail, he let go so they could calm down, and then hugged them just a tight again until the metal was piercing the flesh.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
He was a Toa.
Pohatu listened to yet another healer's scolding as she fixed new bandages on him, words entering and leaving his ears without their meaning making it through.
He was a Toa and he needed this disgusting suit of nerves and fat and muscle and skin off of himself.
A hand swatted away his fingers while he picked at his cuts.
Kopaka never liked when he did that.
He never liked when he got hurt.
Pohatu wrapped him in a hug, because that was all he wanted to do.
Kopaka was still a little colder than most, physically. His skin was lukewarm at best, at any hour, under any circumstance: that much hadn't changed from when he'd been made of mostly metal.
Another thing that had remained the same was that hugging him didn't hurt.
Something that had changed was that sometimes, he hugged back.
Sometimes he wrapped him in his arms and reclined gently on the cot, or against the wall, letting him lay against him.
Sometimes he brushed his hair, combing through it with his fingers, and wasn't annoyed when Pohatu curled a little more in his grasp, head on his chest, and slowly fell asleep in his hold.
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mirapteo · 1 year
Hiii~ I love your art so so much, the aesthetic and art style is just *chef’s kiss*
Just curious to know what table you use to draw and software? Also if you have any good tips about drawing ect.
procreate on an ipad :3
tips for drawing uhhh i know ppl hate hearing this but ill try to explain it: its really just using a ton of references and just keep drawing and drawing. the more u draw w references the more ur training ur eyes to catch mistakes u wouldnt have noticed before. if i go back to a drawing i made like even just a couple months ago and was proud of, now i can pinpoint everything about it that looks off and keep that in mind when im drawing something new
also taking insp from other artists ofc to find ur own style. what i usually look for is how does this artist render like that? what brushes do they use? what colors do they choose to use (saturated, desaturated, warm, cool, etc.)? learning color theory is extremely important bc imo ppl can overlook the mistakes in ur art as long as ur colors look really nice and cohesive together
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delphiniumjoy · 2 years
So the first clair-sense I noticed when I started my practice was clairalience (psychic smelling), so here's the smells I associate with some deities based actually smelling them during interactions:
Hekate: honey, sandalwood, jasmine, sometimes incense smoky
Anubis: old parchment, dust/sand, slight wine notes
Aphrodite: cinnamon, chocolate, faint floral notes
Medusa: rosemary, vanilla, some sour mineral notes like old pennies or wet rocks
Loki: burning sugar, pepper
Disclaimer: this is UPG, personal experience, etc. I don't actively work with all of these deities, and I've had encounters with some others that haven't involved any scent association.
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sanchoyo · 1 year
very seriously considering launching an art patreon. Lmk if this is smth u guys would be into 🫣
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
FUCK. THE SONIC SPLATOON POST. I FORGOT ABOUT IT. my brain sucks so bad i got hung up on a minor logical inconsistency that i couldn’t resolve without compromising my vision so i just stopped making progress and my 3 day time limit was up so my interest drifted to. playing splatoon. and watching people play splatoon. which you’d think would make me more interested in talking about splatoon but it didn’t. and now i’ve got other things to spend my time on. whoopsies
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lokiiied · 1 year
telling off people on their phones on full brightness in the cinema is not enough i need the floor beneath their seats to open up and drop them into another screening room with everyone else who is on tiktok/has notifs on/facetiming/etc. so they can be with their own kind and not bothering me in my no-phone, engaged, cinematic, safe space, experience.
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alxclaremont · 2 months
i start my first day at work tomorrow and like. i don’t wanna
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heaven-said · 8 months
"Do your sins weigh heavily on your back, friend?" Lewey to Gabe
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✞ The archangel's gift of purity... was a blessing, and a curse. It made him struggle greatly to speak a lie, guilt strangling his tongue. Especially lie about a sin. But what does purity do when it feels that it is lying but it knows it is holy to be true, and that to feel that it is a lie may in itself be an act of heresy?
So you understand why the question caused the masked angel to pause with discomfort. But he raises his chin, defiantly. Any moment of thought has to be cast aside in the face of something clearly unholy, replaced with determination. " ... And what "sins" do you speak of, creature? " He scoffs, implying an answer but not quite giving one. " All that I do is the will of God. " Don't you know? Wrath is never a sin if its the wrath of God.
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lafemmemacabre · 3 months
I think part of the problem with even supposed "progressives" in the US who want to consider themselves anti-imperialist but still defend their soldiers, is that they seem to be under the impression that all their troops do in the global south is land there, kill the local combatants, maybe sometimes killing some civilians By Accident, get traumatized, then go back home.
That's not what American soldiers do in our parts of the world.
Again, Richard Ramírez, the infamous Nightstalker serial killer, was inspired by a relative of his who was a Vietnam veteran to commit his horrendous acts of violence, and honestly from what I recall, the individual murders he committed paled in comparison to the crimes against humanity his Vietnam vet role model told him about and showed him pictures of.
American soldiers come to our countries to rape, torture, maim, and commit genocide. They rape children. They rape mothers in front of their children and husbands, then kill them all after toying with those civilians like a cat playing with its prey. They do that to entire rural towns.
They take pictures with the agonizing prisoners they're torturing. Winking, thumbs up, and cackling.
They annihilate entire bloodlines.
They arm fascist factions within our countries, train them, and leave them in power, so that those factions can pick up with the work of terror they started once they're gone back to the US.
They trample children with their tanks. Intentionally. As a joke between them.
They dangle their American dollars, which are much heavier than any of our devalued currencies, on the faces of hungry orphans to solicit them for child sex work. Children who were orphaned by the comrades of these very same predators to begin with.
They intentionally destroy our lands, making sure nothing else will grow again, or at least nothing healthy and thriving will grow again.
Yes, even if when they come back home to the US these vets are "nice" and polite. Even if they would never do that to a fellow (white) American. That's because they see other (white) Americans as actual human beings, while those of us in the global south are at best NPCs, and at worst detestable vermin to be exterminated in whichever way is most entertaining to the genocider in question.
And honestly? You guys' own thought process isn't too different from theirs.
If you're happy to brush off what's done to our peoples, all in the name of maybe getting a minimum wage raise or whatever the fuck it is that Biden is falsely promising AGAIN; then you, too, see us as either NPCs or vile vermin. You're just too lazy to actually come and maim us like your troops do.
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stylinsuns · 1 year
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